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By Lilmuckers Part Three! ~Alessa: Pretty slow through the morning, guess thats why bars usually don't stay open all day. Gave me time to clean up and rest though. You need anything? Vort!! shakes his head sadly. "Nill" Vort!! adressed the rusty Hucast. "It's strapped on your back." Vort!! says pointing the the Chainsawd strapped to the other Hucasts back. Alessa glances at Nill. Alessa: Whoa, calm down there. There will be no fighting in here. You want to talk calmly, fine, you want to fight, there are plenty of dark alleys outside. Nill looks on his back and realizes the Demfchain Snarfjaw is in fact there. Tensions lower. Nill: "Well, um.. Vort killed Swils McGee!" Tensions raise. Vort to Alessa - Don't worry Alessa. We wont fight. His logic circuits got a little jumbled that's all. Happens everytime we get caught in the rain in the Forest. And I'll have a Carbonium Fluid. One for Nill too. He'll calm down in a sec. Vort to Nill - Yeah you got me there. I did. But let me buy you a drink and talk about it. Nill to Vort "You're buying? Mrs Vort must be out of town.." Vort to Nill - Yeah she's on a mission in the mines. Have you seen Alec or Big Brother lately? Kal Magnuson walks into the bar. He looks around, but doesn't see anyone that he knows personally...but isn't that Nill and Vort over there facing off? Uncle Alec has mentioned those two in passing....Kal makes his way over to them. Nill to Vort "Hey look. It's Kal Magnusson, the famous austrian action film star!" Alessa scratches her head and looks a little confused. Kal blinks for a second, then remembers-Alec always said Nill had been around for a long time...a lot of his memory files are corrupted and jumbled with others. Tentatively, he said "Ummm, hello. I was looking for Alec or Basho, but they're not here now...can I join you guys?" Nill to Kal. "Su..sure Mr. Magnusson! It's quite an honor. I loved your work in "Today is Yesterdays Death" and "Bright Lights, Big Explosion." Vort to Alessa - One of whatever the human is having. Vort to Kal - Come human. Join us in a salute to the Mantid Hive. Alessa realizes she hasn't gotten Vort's order yet and quickly serves his drinks to him blushing a little bit. Alessa: Sorry about the wait. Nill to Kal. "I also am a big fan of your work in "The Long Railgun Sleeps at Midnight" & "I You Dead 2" Basho walks into the bar, and takes a set in the back corner. He motions for a waitress. Basho to waitress: Please bring me a glass of water. Kal looks momentarily confused by Nill's statement, but gets very animated at the offer of a free drink. "Me? Join you guys? Sure!" He walks quickly to where they are standing at the bar. Suddenly he looks confused again. "Umm..what's good here? Alec never drinks when he comes in, so I don't know what to order...." Looking at the lengthy list, he sees something called an 'energon.' "Hey, this looks good," he says confidently,"I'll have a double of this!" Vort to Alessa - Thank you. And it's no problem. Vort to Basho - Samuri. Come and join our table. Alessa pokes Miyuki awake and then points at Basho. Alessa: Customer. Miyuki ducks her head an hurries over. Miyuki: Can I help you sir? Nill suddenly explodes! Alessa glances a Kal. Alessa: You sure you want that, bots take that stuff. I don't know what it would do to a human. Kal sees Basho and greets him. "Hey, thanks for the Guardian Armor! It's great...even though I can't use it yet..." Alessa watches pieces of Nill bounce all over the place. Alessa: He do that often? I'm hope someone is going to clean that up... Kal looks embarrassed. "Oh, for bots only, eh?" He looks at the menu again, and after fumbling for a moment sees a drink called "All your livers are belong to us." "What's this one? It looks ok...I'll try this!" Kal pauses for a moment, remembering the drink's name. "Uh, just make that one a single, please...I like my liver." Suddenly there is a loud explosion behind him. He looks backand sees....? "Vort," he asks,"did Nill just blow up??" Basho stands up, and walks towards Vort's table. He introduces himself. Basho to the others at the table: "Good day my name is Basho Haiku." Then he precedes to take a empty seat. Vort to All - Forgive Nill. His nanobots will put him back together shorty. Vort puts 50K on the bar. Vort to Alessa - For the mess. Vort to Basho - Hail Samuri. I saw your female human again. And I told her you were looking for her. Alessa: A single huh? Death in a cup lite... Begins mixing it up, flipping the bottles around in the process. A few moments later... Alessa: Here you go. Slides the drink down the bar to Kal. Alessa nods to Vort. Alessa: Thank you, could use more responsible people like you around here. Kal looks at the bubbling, frothing mix, and has second thoughts about drinking it...but he doesn't want to look like a wuss in front of his uncle's friends. So he screws up in his courage and takes a long draught... ...and propmptly coughs much of it back up. Kal continues to cough for the next few minutes, before he can finally say,"Uh...smooth, very smooth. Thanks." Determined to nurse the rest of the drink (and nurse his burning throat as well!), he wanders away from the bar and back to Vort's table. He wonders if any intersting stories will be told..Alec always said the most amazing thing about this bar was the stories you heard and the people you met... Hylozoist enters the bar, gives his customary nod to his coworkers, then notices he unexpectedly kicks a piece of metal. He looks around the floor. Metal everywhere...He picks up his broom and sweeps it all together. He also gives a nod to the regulars and sits down directly at the bar, smiling at Alessa. Vort steps on Nill's internal music box. "There" Vort says. "that should take the nano bots a while to repair". Basho to Vort: "Thank you for this information you may have any price you name. Please continue to look for her, and leave any information at this bar." Basho to Kal: "You are welcome. I no longer needed the armor." Basho apologizes to every and says that he must leave. He then exits the bar. Alessa nods and smiles to Hylo. Alessa: Thanks hun. Turns to Vort. Alessa: Thats quite the umm...companion you have there... Ever think of taking him into the shop? Kal looks down at the crushed music box, and then back at Vort. He seems on the verg of asking a question, but sees the size of the HUcast and decides against it. He takes another sip of his drink, coughing only a bit this time, and removes a sketch pad from one of the pouches on his belt. Looking around at the filling bar, he begins to draw. Vort to Alessa - Yeah. But he has character. That's hard to find these days. Vort hands Alessa a small chip - Could you give this to the samuri the next time he is in. I think he will greatly want the info contained within. Vort to Kal - Try the Rappy Juice. Humans seem to love it. Hylozoist waves goodbye to Basho. Hylozoist: Take care, kid. Hylozoist looks around at the crowd. He orders a Triple Atomizer (Mainly Star, some moon, and plenty of sol, with a twist of lime) and talks with Alessa. Hylozoist: No problem. So, anything happen today? As the Nanobots work on Nill, his legendary chainsaw, the Demfchain Snarfjaw lies under the table... Yorkie the thief strolls into the bar and sits at a table in the corner. Glancing back towards he group, he notices the Demfchain Snarfjaw on the floor. Kal grins at Vort's words. "I don't think I should try anymore drinks today." Putting the sketch pad to the side he states simply,"this drink is already too much. If I tried another one...I'd probably end up just like Nill." Alessa places the chip safely in a box under the counter. Alessa: Certainly. Begins fixing up Hylo's order. Well, certainly gotten interesting lately with exploding bots and all. The samurai kid there still hasn't had much luck though... Finishes up Hylo's order and hands it to him. Alessa: Here you go, for sweeping up the floor. Yorkie walks over and pretends to laugh at Kal's joke, which stuns everyone because it wasn't funny. Yorkie uses this moment to snatch the Demfchain Snarfjaw from under the table and runs out the door! Vort to Kal - Well you must have one toast with me. And I don't think you can handle another of the one you have. Alessa: Hmm...hey Vort, where'd your pal's weapon go? Hylozoist takes a swig of the mixture. Hylozoist: Thanks dear, you always make it the way I like it. Sounds pretty good, maybe I can help that guy sometime. Hylozoist spots Kal, the newphew of his friend Alec. He looks at him coughing and trying to draw and decides to go and bug him and his party which included a pile of metal and a large HUcast, which he seemed to recognize. Hylozoist: Hey guys, mind if I sit down with you? The nanobots rebuild Nill's head. "Wh.eheh.ehee.ztttt. Whersmy...zztt. Wheres my friggin chainsawd?!!" it exclaims. ~Vort shakes head at the stupidity of humans. Reaches down into the bits of metal and pulls out Nills Internal receiver. "Activate code massacre and return." he calmly states into the device. Then he throws the device back into the pile of metal. "Humans shouldn't try to steal intelligent swords that are bonded with their master. Vort to Hylo - Welcome to join. As long as you don't mind having a toast to the Mantid Hive. Hearing a familiar voice, Kal looks up . It's Hylozoist, the famous Mag Doctor! "Sure! You can join us!" he states perhaps a little too enthusiastically. Kal looks at the drink accusingly. It's already making its effects known..he pushes the rest of the cup away. "Thanks for the advice on the mags Doc. I tried to follow it..but I got a Bhirava instead of the Apsaras I wanted. Ah well.." Suddenly a strange man steals Nill's Demfchain Snarfjaw! "Stop thief!" Kal yelled as he rose aand drew his sidearm. A scream is heard from outside the bar. Yorkie's mangled body re-enters the bar, the Demfchain Snarfjaw impaled through his body. He collapses onto the floor with a satisfying splat. Nill's head bounces over to the chainsawd. "Baby!" he wispers. Kal blinks at the explosion outside the bar, then reholsters the varista. He's glad Vort took care of this one...he wouldn't have trusted his aim much after having had that blasted drink... Kal quietly wishes he could hold his liquor. Hylozoist sits down with glass in hand, and looks at Vort then at Kal. Hylozoist: No problem, Vort. I'll toast to nearly anything. And Kal, ahh, see there, kid, you got the wrong section ID. Get a redria, yellowboze, skyly, purplenum or viridia to feed it for you. Alessa looks at Yorkie. Alessa: Effective, messy, but effective... Vort Rises - It's time for the toast! Raising his glass high Vort's voice booms through amplified voice units - To The Mantid Hive. No One Can Stop Their Advance! The doctor looks at the mess that once was Yorkie, and takes it back outside. "Messes don't really belong in here." "Ahh, got it Doc. Thanks for the advice." Kal suddenly looks back at the sketchpad, as if he'd forgotten about it. He picks up his stylus and tries to resume his drawing, but the effects of "All your livers are belong to us" is too powerful...sighing, he puts the pad back into his pouch. "So guys," he says, addressing Vort and Hylo,"gotten into any mischief lately?" Kal looks down at Nill's head, which is snuggling next to the bloody chainsaw. Quite a disturbibg scene, that... Hylo quickly jumps back toVort's table. He raises his glass in a toast, then clinks it with everyone's and takes a long swig. Nill's hand is reformed and promptly picks up a drink for the toast. Kal considers toasting, but is afraid to drink...he resolves merely to give a roasing "Hear, hear," to the sentiments. "Er.." He paused for a second," just what is this Mantid hive, anyway?" Hylozoist thinks for a second. He turns to Kal. Hylozoist: Mischief? If you count doing two 'fun runs' through the ruins and raising mags on Pioneer 2 mischief. Eventually Nill is reformed thanks to nanotechnology. He looks brand new! There's no more rust! He walks over and claims his Demfchain Snarfjawd. Nill to Vort: "See you tonight for the big event" Nill to everyone: "Nice place." Leaves meseta on the table to cover the two messes he made. By the time he reaches the door, rust has started to grow on him again. Nill exits. Kal grins. "Sounds like mischief to me! Even if I can't survive in the ruins just yet...uncle Alec says I should wait till I'm stronger." Alessa: Whoa, that was fast... Reminds me of that space rust stuff I heard about a while back... "Goodbye Nill! I'll tell Alec I saw you...explode...hmmm..." On second thought, Kal reflects, maybe Alec won't hear about any of this... Vort to Nill - Farewell. Vort to Kal - Mantid Hive. That is a long story. One of tradegy, , hardship, loss.... all for a dream. Vort Gazes towards the roof. Hylozoist looks at the pile he swept up get slowly rebuilt into a HUcast then proceed to leave the bar, while noticing how quickly that android rusted. Hylozoist: Bye, uh, guy, see you around. Hylozoist turns back to Kal and looks at him agreeably. Hylozoist: Your uncle Alec is right. I had to teach my niece for a long time before she started to roam around the ruins, but she was a precocious one anyway. Swils McGee pops his head into the bar. "Mantid Hive sucks! Nyaahhhhhh!" Then he runs away. Kal looks at Vort. "Sounds like an interesting story..hey what did Nill mean by 'big event'?" Vort to everyone - I thought I killed him. Vort to Nill - Yes...... A story. Remind me sometime and I'll tell it to you. And tonight Nill, Kkaos, Ruzhtee and myself are going to stamp out a nest deep in the ruins. Stephen King walks into the bar, sits down at a table, listens to the conversation, and starts taking notes. Kal looks suitably impressed. "Wow...I've heard of you guys! A team of black HUcasts...except for the rusty one that just left." Glancing back at Hylo he says," I don't think I've met your niece yet. Does she raise mags as well?" Kal looks at the time and panics! He has to leave in just a few more minutes...he orders some food to go from one of the waitresses. Hylozoist would love to stay for the story, but once again realizes the time as he looks at his watch. Hylozoist: Oh my time to go again! He takes a big swig of the drink to finish it, busses it to the sink himself, then proceeds to run ou ~Euryale: "I've heard rumors of Shino-Class being susceptable to falling into dangerously obsessive behavior patterns, to the point of ceasing to function. Shino-001 herself was said to have disappeared into the Falz ruins never to return. As a Shino class myself, I am concerned about this and would like to prevent this condition if possible." Panta: "Does anyone know about this do you think?" Ruzinus: "BBQ rappy? hmm do you serve booma burgers and that new soda made from the slicers on a Grass Assassin? It sounds good, they call it grassassoda. If you do I'll have some of that. Alessa: Hmm...you can put up a notice if you want. My boss is a pretty good tech, she's not in right now though. Is she showing any signs of that kind of behavior? Euryale: "Ironically, I wonder if my concern about this subject may not itself be a symptom of this condition, as I think about it almost constantly. That's why I've asked Panta here to accompany me while I investigate this. Panta: "I'm supposed to keep big sister here out of trouble if she starts obsessing about things." Panta gets out payment for the meal. Panta: "Thanks for letting us do this. We'll try to check back later to see if there are any leads." Euryale: "I appreciate it" Euryale begins drafting her notice. Alessa nod to Ruzinus. Alessa: I'll see what I can do... Alessa: Not a problem really. I'll tell you if I find out anything. Ruzinus: "Thank you, and I couldn't help but hear what the RAcaseal was saying, tell her I might know something. Alessa looks around to see if the RAcaseal is still in the bar. Panta sticks a small poster next to the pay phone ***** To Fallen Dreams Patrons Euryale and Panta are seeking information on possible design flaws of Shino class RAcaseals. Any help appreciated. Will check back later. ***** Panta: "Thanks for your help! Bye!" Euryale: "The meal was excellent" Panta and Euryale leave Alessa: I'm sorry, seems she left... Oh, I'll leave a message then. *takes out a pad an pen, scribbles furiously, rips off a piece and hands it to Alessa* It says on the paper: A friend of mine used to work in the hunters guild. She says that 1 day the original Shino model made a request for some help finding her master Zoke. When the hunter returned he told the guild what happened, it seems that when they found The great sword zoke, he was almost dead but he told shino that we shouldn't be at this planet, and that she should leave him. However she just stayed there by him and that the hunter leave. However, it also seems that this original Shino model was actually an older model with an upgraded outside. I also hear that zoke had a son named Kitsune, he might know some more. But it seems that you may want to keep from having a master, as that is what the original Shino was obsesses with. - Ruzinus "Boy this place sure is empty..." he says after he hands Alessa the note, it'd be nice if something would happen. Ruzinus: "Oh well, tell hylo that I had an interesting idea about mags, he might be interested in" Ruzinus makes for the door to leave. Ruzinus slaps his head, and runs back to the bar. "I almost forgot, how much did that food cost?" Alessa: Lets see...800 meseta. Hylozoist, weary after a day at the central hospital, trudges back in. He gives a nod to Miyuki and Alliah, Miyuki almost falling saying hi and Alliah giving a more mellow greeting. Noticing that Alessa is taking a break, he decides the take the apron (a manly apron, mind you) to be ready to take orders. Hylozoist decides to ask the two idle waitresses of the days' events. They begin to talk about it, and Hylo listens intently, although they give him a horrible stare as they notice his eyes start to wander off their faces. Ruzinus walks in and seeing hylo rushes over "I've been looking for you, doctor." Hylozoist, lost in thought, quickly woke up. Alliah and Miyuki greeted Ruz, and being naturally bouncy, jiggled a tad. Her hair flopped back in front of her face and she blew it out of her face, with little results, although at least her glasses stayed in place. Hylozoist: Hey Ruzinus, long time no see. What can I get you today? Ruzinus: "Ummmm..... well, its a bit interesting, see my varaha? It looks like wings because it matches my color patterns, when I spin and such it even moves with me! So I thought that just maybe, since you are a mag doctor and all, if you could somehow possibly join us so that my mag becomes my wings?" he asks hopefull that he can make him and varaha literally inseperable as 1. Hylozoist thinks for a second. Hylozoist: Are you insane, man? I'm no mad scientist, I can only do practical things. What you're asking me to do is simply and totally against nature. You're asking me to sow on, lets say, a rappy onto a booma. That simply isn't possible. Sorry if I seem so offended, it's just that you have no concept of mags. Ruzinus: "But it's wings man! Me and varaha always dream of flying together! It was even his idea! I think varaha has a good sense of mags! Right varaha!" *Varaha seems to nod* The door flys open as a smallish FOnewearl in red with pigtails and a bandanna comes rushing in the door "We should be safe enough here for the time being" she says to her Marica mag, the mag seems to stare at her for a moment "WHAT its not my fault...I DID NOT! cut off Primes arm it was the Delsaber!..mumble..I'm just gonna stay till Uncle Arty calms down a little, geez are you my mother or something" May turns and notices the activity in the bar and quietly makes her way to the bar "uh... ma'am could I have some tea please" takes a seat at bar and talks in whispers to her mag "Oh fine, another idea down the drain, why do I even bother having ideas? Gimme a booma burger and some grassassoda, I like that stuff, here I'll pay in advance." says Ruzinus, then he drops 1000 meseta on the counter. Ruzinus to May: "Hi what happened?" he asks, turning toward her. "IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!" she snaps defensively"It was dark there were lots of Delsabers, besides i cant miss I have the Agoto" pats her katanna "the REAL! one" her mag seems to shrug although its physically impossible "I hit the Delsaber it was him who cut Primes arm off..anyway the Mechanic says its not that bad just a simple patch job..nothing to get worried over" hugs her mag to her Alliah takes down Ruzinus' order and Miyuki goes up to the little FOnewearl. "Can I help you, miss?" Ruzinus to hylo: "Thank you" Ruzinus to May: "Ok, ok, it's not your fault, I got that much, but I was just asking what happened.... So a delsaber cut off your robo friend arms and now your uncle is mad? "oh..yes just some tea please" seems to purk up a little now that she got the story out of her system "Sorry for being so defensive Ruzinus...it just was not my fault" pets her mag reassuringly "Yeah thats the jist of it but I got away and now I'm just gonna wait for Uncle Arty to calm down alittle...so whats goin on around here" Mildain walks into the bar slowly, Durandal hanging at his side. He takes a seat at a table and looks the menu over. Guildus comes in not too long after, and takes a seat across from Mildain. Ruzinus to May: Oh not much, just the mag doctor over here won't make my varaha my wings so we can fly together. I hope your uncle calms down a bit. "oh..well my Uncle has Vahara to and they are so cute" looks excitedly at Ruzinus mags "they look great..uh why would you want to attach them to you wouldn;t that be kinda akward" glances at Hylo the mag doctor "I think hes right about not doin that" pets her Marica "mags like to roam free at least thats what Marica here always tells me" Yea but varaha says he wants to fly, have us fly as one together! I've had him as long as I can remember and he just stays behind me moving with me anyway! We're best of buds! What you fail to understand, my young friend, is that with Varaha on your back you truly fly, in a sense. He talks to varaha. Hylozoist: And you, you should know better. You already have the power. Hylozoist hears the bar doors open. He points his head in that direction and looks at Ekstasis, a slight FOmarl with black hair, who seems to be giving Hylo a mean look. Hylozoist: Uh oh...Eks is calling. Well, I must be going. Ta ta! Hylozoist takes off the apron and steps out of the bar with Eks. Ruzinus:"I think I get it, can I have access to the roof? I have an idea!" "I guess to each his own" pets the Vahara affectionally, looks questioningly at Ruzinus "I dont think thats such a good idea" the Marica bobs in agreement Ruzinus:"I don't think I can get to the roof" He then jumps up on the bar, holds on half of varaha outstretched in each hand, he jumps off and for a moment he is flying, shimmering silver from the lights, he glides about halfway to the floor somehow and then the magical moment ends as suddenly as it began, with him falling flat on his face! "OW!, That smarts!" He gets and apologizes to May: "Sorry about that, guess I got carried away, but it was kinda cool" he says with a smile. Miyuki notices Varaha casting invincibility on Ruzinus right before the fall so no big boo-boos would happen, and she smiles. giggles amusedly "Thats ok you just had me worried for a minute" pets the Vahara and thanks them for there quick action "thats to bad it didnt work...I guess" looks around the bar and notices the pool table, her eyes light up and she looks around and ask aloud "anybody want a game" Ruzinus:"Varaha's nice like that! :) The exhilaration from preparing to attempt flight mustave charged its pb. Too bad it only has 2, farlla and ella." However when he said that he accidently triggered Farlla. "OOPS!, I hope this doesn't do to much damage!" Ruzinus yells as the pb starts. Luckily this bar was 100% pb resistance sprayed. Ruzinus to May: Sure but I'm not that good. "Thats ok I guess we wont play for mesta then" smiles cutely "I wouldn't want to clean you out" begins setting up the table gettin the balls racked and such A FOmarl named Tymora walks into the bar, she is dressed in a purple outfit. Ty to Ruz: Hey ruz, what's goin on? Ruz to Ty: I'm about to get whupped in pool. Ty to Ruz: Haha, you do suck! I'll mop up the pool table for you! At that she pulls a nice pool cue out of a pocket way too small to hold it. Ty to May: C'mon little girl, let's play! Ruz to both: Hey! I'm still playing too! Then Ruzinus notices Mildain and Gildius sitting at another table. "Hey you 2 guys wanna play too?" "OH now your bringing in a ringer" the Marica seems to chuckle May the snaps her fingers and a well cared for wooden old style pool-que appears in her hand "Now this should be interesting, lets say 100 mesta a ball" produces a coin from nowhere and says "shell we flip for break" May the smiles and thinks 'this should be fun' Tymora leaps to the challange, but Ruz backs off, saying I think I'd rather play Tic Tac Toe.... he grabs a piece of paper and makes a board and the 1st move, wondering if May will play 2 games at once. [ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ] [ ][ ][ ] Alliah comes up to Mildain and Guildus. Alliah: What would you two like? Mildain: I'll have the Hildebear steak, well done, and a beer. Guildus: I'd like some grilled rappy, and to drink, bourbon. "I think I can handle two games at once" May and Tymora get into the pool game and May makes her first move in tic-tac-toe [o][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ] Mildain: Oh, sorry, I'm so hungry that I can't wait to get my meal. Guildus: Pool? Sure, sounds good. Ruzinus and Tymora both suddenly look at their watches and exclaim "OMG! We gtg!" And rush out the door!