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By Lilmuckers Part Four! ~"Dang a good mark and a challenge lost at once....oh well Mildain, Guildus you guys still up for a game?" waves goodbye to Ruz and Tym Alliah brings Mildain and Guildus's orders to them. Mildain: Sorry, no, I'm not interested... Guildus: I would, but my bourbon just got here, and I've been dying for a drink all day. Mildain: But Guildus... you already drank some beer before we even headed here. Guildus: So?! That doesn't mean I got my fill! Guildus laughs heartily, and the two eat their food. Nozomi is in the kitchen, singing out of habit as she prepares food for all the hungry patrons. She feels a bit adventurous tonight, and decides to try some more exotic dishes, such as Spicy BBQ Rappy, Booma ribs, Nar Lily salad, and Pofuilly Slime pudding. The door opens and as it does Mays Marica eeps and darts behind her. May sighs notacably "Uncle Arty it wasnt my fault" The HUmar in the door replys "Enough of your excuses, you need more combat drills come with me NOW!!" May apologizes to Mildain and Guildus "I'll be back later" a side long glance at Artanis "I hope" and she dejecticly walks to the door. "Stop being overly melodramatic May and you need to apologize to Prime" and the door swings shut Kitsune: ::Pushes the door to the bar open with a small yawn,exhausted from a full days searching the Ruins.He streaches a moment before taking his usual seat at the bar,a brand-new double-saber set aside him:: Kitsune: ::Yawns a bit,waking up from a small nap and blinking as he discovers the bar empty.He slips quietly out the door,mumbling about needed rest:: Hylo, bringing in several books, sets them down at the counter and proceeds to put on his apron. Miyuki smiles from her seat, while Alliah nods from the corner, playing pool by herself. Hylozoist thought to himself. Almost all alone again. What an eerily quiet night. Although, he thought, it was good to hear the sounds of sleep echoing around. Hylozoist buries his nose in a book. JSF entered the bar, ordered a drink, and finded a spot to sit down. He looked at the time... The bar is gonna close soon... After gulping down the rest of his drink, JSF left the place seeking new adventures. Hylozoist barely looked up from his book while Miyuki and Alliah served the customer. As JSF didn't ask for him, he didn't bother to look out from reading aside from mixing a few drinks and handling the change. Hylo returns to his reading, making a few liner notes in the margins. There is a small movement in the corner of the inn - a small, inconspicous pile of blankets, which had scarcely drawn any attention, moves a little, apparently of its own accord. It makes a small sound... "Ohhhh..." Miyuki looks out of the corner of her glasses and sees a little movement coming from the corner. Miyuki: Are you ok? Do you need any help? The pile of blankets shifts a little, to reveal a small, petite face, with a pair of blue triangular markings running from cheek to jawbone on each side. Aefira blinks muzzily, and looks around. "Ohhh, my head..." Miyuki calls over to Hylozoist. Miyuki: Oh, Aefira! Glad to see you've awakened. Hey Hylo, can you help me with this one? Hylozoist: Hangover eh? Hate to say it, but there still isn't any total cure for it. Maybe a bit of coffee will help. *Takes a pot of coffee and pours a cup for Aefira, and walks over to her* It's on me. Alliah walks over to the little awakening party. Alliah: Next time, think before you drink. Aefira, right? *Kneels down with Aefira* You've got to handle everything as a fellow newman, you know. We should be made of tough stuff. *Helps steady her up with Hylo and Miyuki, and sets her on a seat* There you go. Hylozoist, satifisfied Aefira was in good hands, started to pack up to leave. Hylo to Alessa in the lounge: Whenever you're ready, come back out here. I've got to run, have to do some long experiments tomorrow. But as always, I'll be back. Hylo waves to Aefira, who is still a bit fuzzy, and to Alliah and Miyuki, then departs the bar. Aefira takes the steaming cup from Hylozoist gratefully and sips from it. She wrinkles up her nose at the bitter taste, but as her headache lessens slowly she smiles in relief. "That seems to help. Kansha shimasu." She looks around as the world slowly swims back into focus around her. "No one here... thankfully its quiet." She smiles to herself, thinking back to an encounter with a rather... forceful HUnewearl earlier. Thinking through what happened until the end, she makes a mental note to herself. "I'll never drink something that has to be finished before it dissolves the cup again." Taking the blankets and putting them neatly in a corner (who knows who else may drink that... *shudder*), Aefira stands up a trifle unsteadily, she walks towards Hylozoist and sits down near him. "I haven't introduced myself, but you know my name already... I'm Aefira! Whats your name? And why are you wearing that apron?" Miyuki, hearing that, turns away to hide her smile. Alessa walks out of the lounge. Alessa: Looks like I came back just in time to clean up after everyone... Sighs. Aefira looks up at Alliah, and smiles. "Thanks, i'll try. Can you tell me why that person," She points to the departing Hylozoist, "was wearing an apron?" As Alessa walks in, Aefira looks at her accusingly. "You gave me that! How long was I... wasted?" Alessa smirks. Alessa: I warned you. I'd say you were out for at least 24 hours, maybe a little more. Next time start with something a bit weaker. Without waiting for Alessa to reply, Aefira continues, a hint of a smile coming to the corners of her eyes, and her mouth. "I may like to try that again someday. Its an experience..." Waving, she walks out of Fallen Dreams. "I'm going down to the Ruins to look for Xephy now. (pauses) Its not as if i'm very worried about him or anything. (more loudly, but with a strange tone in her usual lilt) I'll find him and STRANGLE his cultured neck if its the last thing I do." Warlord walks into the bar, looks around and takes in the faces. As he walks he stumbles on the corner of a chair, then makes himself comfortable at the bar....seems to drift off into deep thought.... Alessa get Miyuki's attention and then points over to Warlord. Miyuki nods to her and then walks over to him. Miyuki: Can I help you sir? "Um...yes ma'am...could you recommend some strong, yet nice tasting drinks...thank you in advance for your service..." Warlord stops slouching and sits like a gentleman should, he brushes back his blonde marine cut, and checks to make sure his H&S25 Justices are holstered and have the safety on... Miyuki: Hmm..I suppose you don't want the special then since its supposed to taste good... Lets see... Warlord: Excuse me miss, but I think I would like to try your special...is that ok with you? Miyuki's face pales a bit. Miyuki: Erm...ok... The last person who had that was passed out here for a day though... Miyuki to Alessa: He wants a quick death... Alessa smirks and nods and begins mixing it up. Warlord sits back in his chair and watches as she mixes the drink, he is amazed at how complex this drink turns out to be..... Alessa eyes the cup, hoping it won't dissolve before he drinks it. Puts it on a tray and give it to Miyuki. Alessa: Quicky now. Thinks to herself, I need to mix some of that up for next time Hylo cleans the bathrooms... Miyuki carries the drink over to Warlord's table and set it down. Miyuki: There you go sir. Kitsune: ::The soft thuds of his boots announce his entrance as he makes his way once more into the bar,a casual stride to the bar takes him to his usual seat::Morning,everyone. Alessa glances at Kitsune as he enters. Alessa: Oh, look who's back. Miyuki beams at Kisune. Miyuki: Morning! Warlord glances over at Kitsune as he picks up the drink and starts to chug as fast as he can..... Warlord: Hello sir, how are you? Kitsune: ::He smiles happily at Miyuki and nods to her,before glancing up at Alessa,his smile fading::Is..something the matter? Kitsune: ::Nods to Warlord::Good,good. Alessa: No...actually you are a pretty good customer and all since you eat about three meals every time you come in here. Vort walks into the bar. The large hucast goes to his regular table and slumps into a chair. One metallic hands motions for the waitress, but his robotic eyes never leave the table. Kitsune: ::Claps his hands together,grinning:: Speaking of that..Think I could get my usual? Miyuki give Vort a big smile. Miyuki: Hi! How can I help you today? Alessa nod to Kitsuneand then yells into the kitchen. Alessa: One Kitsune! Vort to Miyuki - The usual. Vort leans back into the chair placing it against the nearby wall. Then with casual ease, unseaths the large sword strapped to his back and props it against the wall beside him. Miyuki: Right away. Scampers off to prepare Vort's order. Kitsune: ::Laughs a bit,hearing her call back to the kitchen.He rubs the back of his neck a moment in embarassment before folding his arms on the bar::'Gotta keep up your strength,you know? Warlord gets up from his seat at the bar, and walks across the bar, then stops at Vorts table.. Warlord to Vort: May I sit down? With the waitress gone, Vort opens his left hand. Suddenly he is holding a holographic picture of a human woman. She is smiling at someone, and seems to be dressed in a wedding gown. Vort studies the picture with great interest. Alessa to Vort: That kid hasn't come back yet, so I haven't been able to give him that chip you gave me... Miyuki bounces back over to Vort's table with his order and sets it down. Miyuki: Here you go. Vort suddenly realizing that someone is speaking with him makes a sudden gesture, and the picture is gone. Vort to Warlord - Have a seat. As long as you can toast to the Mantid Hive. END OF SECTION 1