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This month, I would like to review methods of exchanging info over the net.Kinda as a review and intro to warez. :) -Email: tried and true, email has been one of my preffered ways of sharing ideas, but most email services have a file size limit, so sending a zip of demos is out of the question.. -HTTP: again, one great way to exchange ideas and data, ppl can drop in at anytime to download your zips, and get your opinion on what products might be available and your suggestions as to whats cool. Problem here is that feedback is hard to get, and feedback you do get is often negeative or unreliable.. -FTP: some times file names and directory titles can be misleading, moreoften than not a file limit, ratio, or some other gimmic is used, and almost everything in the upload section is somezero length autoexec.bat piece of crap. Viruses abound on ftp servers. -IRC: hmm, well.. let me break it down by network, I'm only covering the nets I've used EFNET: Rather elitest, ppl here tend to be snobby. Not all of them mind you, butmost of the chan ops will kick you for asking a good question, and most fservs are ratioed Visit #n64, #emu UNDERNET: Most ppl here arn't intrested in talking much, which is good. Most pplgo on undernet to dl roms and mp3s. Asking for help or info will either get no response or an insult. Visit #roms, #romz DALNET: This is the place to go if you want to talk, just about everyone if helpful and willing to listen open mindedly to your opinion, visit just about any room you like. It is easy to find ppl with similar intrests on dalnet, so don't be afraid to ask or chat. HOTLINKS sages.ign.com the best cheat code ware house on the net, completely user supported cheats, info and reviews. pocket.ign.com great place to find the latest info and rumors on gb, ngp and other handhelds www.gamefaqs.com if you need a game walk thru, gamefaqs has it! www.emusanet.com hmm, a place like this wouldn't have roms of commercial games would it? heh heh, they have just about any system youwould want to emu here. www.cybiko.com Jeff at devrs.com tuned the entire gb dev scenersto these guys, they are making a little unit thats a hybrid between a gameboy pocket and a TI-xx scientific calc. Actually, this thing kinda reminds me of a PokeGear, cuz add ons will let it work as a radio, cellular modem and so on.. Random act of RANTING SECTION I find more and more often that ppl wanteverything given to them, wtf? I'm a vetran of the emu scene, i remember whengb emus for mac first came out, I remember sitting in class, playing legend of zelda on the school computers and nearly jumping out of my seat when Ihad beaten a boss. I can remember back when some jerk was trying to sell a snesemu as shareware, and I remember when snes9x (it had a number back then) firstimplemented transparancy effects, I evenremember when bloodlust software published the first emu to run super mario bros 3 flawlessly. Back then, ppl were happy to find a site with a handfull of roms for dl, now ppl want ALL 300 freaking games ever published for a system available for dl and want it organized by name, size and genre. WTF?? I'm meeting ppl on irc who want the fservers to have a complete list of available roms and emus and ALL the utils in one zip, and it had better not be bigger than 2 megs, or they'll bitch.Newbies, get the idea that vary few scene vets will want to hold your hand and walk you down the garden path to thebest roms for the system you want. Most vets worth mention have compiled faqs and tutorials to help you get started, but in this game, the training wheels come off quick, ok? Also, most of us whohave been in the scene longest are pretty well rounded, but most vets like to specialize in certain systems. IE: one guy, lets call him CAP, specializes in sega and sony gaming systems, while another guy, called PAC, might prefer handheld emulation. No one person I knowspreads themselves so thin as to specialize in even the major emus. Me, Iknow alot about emulation of macintosh ,apple 2gx, psx, genesis, nes, snes, gb/gbc, n64, some oldschool arcade, intellivision on pc and some gb/gbc on mac. I am an 'expert' only in a few of those areas (mostly nintendo :)) so if some one were to pop in and ask me aboutgenesis emus, i'd say try such and such emu, and warn them there are still some games that don't work. And if some jerk showed up asking about turbo graphics 16, I'd tell him to go research it himself. And thats the point of all this, to see if it CAN be done, so go out and do some research, check all the major search engines, go on irc and scanover every fserv in sight, logon to obscure ftp sites and try your luck there to. New EMUS for the color deprived Every one I know of in the gbemu scene like to use a certain emu to run his or her roms, most of us use Martin Korth's no$gmb, which is a good, solid emu with lots of nice features. But recently ppl have discovered that no$gmb can emulate gbc, but for a price, and that bugs em, I don't know why, full gbc emu can be gotten for five bucks if your not deving, so I don't see what the prob is,cept that the emu is called NO$, and nowit costs money, but thats the author's problem. I have searched far and wide (which means I used infoseek for about ten minutes :P) and I have located threeemulators for gbc that are free for use,the trick is in finding them.. -REW: Probably the most recognized emu in this review, good speed, reliable emuand some good features make rew well rounded, but rew also supports highcolorroms (hicolor lets the rom display two thousand plus (2000+) color at once) which alot of roms are using, including some commmercial games. Hicolor is basically the only thing that set rew apart from most emus. -Gamelad: This is a new emu, and it looks good so far. This emu looks like its out to replace no$ cuz it has a debugger, tile map and other features that are ment as dev helps. This is one to keep your eyes on, my only gripe is that its a bit slow. -YAME: This emu is right now my favorite, it doesn't have hicolor support, and it's difficult to configureyour gamepad for it, but it has a nice solid emu with good sound for a windows based emu and on top of that, it runs ata good clip, so it's speed it stable. This emu is alittle unusual since it also emulates TG-16 and nes games but I don't use it for either, besides, gb emuruns wonderfully. :) Pokemon, will it be the end of us all? I dunno, alot of ppl are surfing as we speak, looking for copies of pokemon gold and silver for their system. This game seems almost too popular, even i got sucked in by the hype, but this gamehas a bad habit of living up to Big N's hype. :) Well, this christmas season many ppl will run out of their houses, dash to the nearest department store andbuy their kid a copy of pokemon AGAIN and not give it a second thought. Now, I'm 20, I know what I like. But I recently met a little kid whos mother went out, bought him a gbc, a copy each of pokemon red and blue, then got him a n64 and pokemon stadium.. now wait up, let see, a gb costs 80 bucks, 30 each for the games, the 64 costs 120 and stadium cost 50. So this lady spent nearly 300 dollars on her kid, the poor kid can't even READ yet. On top of this,ppl are going and buying stacks of pokemon cards too, this is starting to get expensive. Now don't get me wrong, Ilove the game, but some of the game's puzzles keep ME up at night, I'm wondering whats happening to these poor kids. It seems to me that ppl will buy anything to keep their child happy, evento the point of getting the kid that 'brand new toy every one wants', but might neglect to ask if the child even has a remote intrest in the product. Is it just me or are ppl getting dumber (look whos talking huh? i spell people as ppl), it just seems that more and more parents are setting their kids in front of a tv, console game or computer screen or that new toy, and think everything is fine.. any one else see the error in that logic? Alot of ppl critize big N for captializing off all this so much, but big N has real ppl working for them, and those ppl have to spend the money they make from us somewhere, perhaps it's time to get little satoshi a tickle me elmo? :) My point is that pokemon, no matter how good the game is, is a perfect example of society's ignorance. It's sad really,that there are more kids out there, theycan't read, they can't write, they can barely say 'pikachu', but they have every copy of pokemon and every other product with a pokemon label on it. :P Game review section -Bust A Move Millenium: Well, all you BAM fans have something to be happy about! Bust A Move is back and those cute little bobble dragons are back! Bust A Move Millenium has the same old game play no one can get tired of :) This time there are some new characters and new animations for existing characters. BAM Millenium is GBC only, uses Hicolor and has some new high energy music along with a little green kitty that looks like a cross between a Meowth and that green Telebubbie! -MegaMan eXtreme: You want a real surprise?? This game Works WELL on a NORMAL gameboy (or as I like to call it,Classic Gameboy or CGB for short). This game does not have super gameboy compatiblity but looks great on gbc! Youbegin the game with the booster which can be controlled using either the startbutton (select pauses and lets you choose your weapon) or by pressing forward twice on the control pad (just like the snes!) OR by pressing Down and Jump (just like sliding in the original games). It sports a new story line and the cut scenes look impressive especially for a gb game. Capcom really out did themselves on this one folks, i recommend MMeX very much! -Pokemon Gold: Ok, who wants this one? What can i say? this game rocks as always, pokemon fever is in season and this time it might win over a few of those who hated the first game. This game is set three years after the original, ash is reffered as Red and gary is called Blue, and you get to fight them both! Our new hero has a new rival too, a kid (a boy i'm told) with long red hair, who ends up being less ofa nusance then gary was in the first game. A new timer function was built into the cart to keep up with real time,so if your playing the game at night, the game reflects that by using darker colors and allowing you to capture 'night time only' pokemon. This game's world is twice as large as the original,and you now have 16 gym leaders and a new elite four to beat. If that wern't bad enough, you have 250 pokemon to catch.. AHHHHHH! Well kiddies, Wasn't that fun?. Next month i promise MORE good stuff, a Q&A section is in the works. Next month I'llflame all us vets out there for not helping out newbies.. hmmmm, maybe not. :) You can contact me thru armored@hotmail.com, keep in mind that I'm not gonna answer many emails directly, just the ones with good q's. Again, thanks to Pat Crowe for his work on Gb book. &jj?A(j#j̫j.gijb\.gq,QC(jtj.FAT32C:\A̯jjDNjgA Bj&llĭjBjl lj̯jjdBN̯jj TjfBN̯jj@ Bj ̯jཱྀEvfo\j` b\\jtBjzD|jAl NĎjA `X:F v䎊rr:dr&vMOD"pjyDjZAN̯jjN|jDAN .̯jl7$j/C .`X0jj|yDjAhN̯jjdhN̯j . .jA .\N$M .Vq5l `XcFaA `X jj C:\My Documents\nov2000.gb,tjAl4$j jqA4$j4jDA4j /C j `Xj