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ACEH J@L`NPS`U`WW Z`\^``ce@hjl oq`tv`y{@~@@@@@@ @  @@ "$&@(*+-@/`13579:`<@>@@`BDFHJLN@QSU X@Z`\^``cehh`jln qs@vx@{ @` ``@`!#$&@()+@-/0 3 5@7 9 ;=>@BE G I@K@MOOQ T@VXZ\^a`ceg@j`lnqsv`x@ ` `@`!#%`' )*`,./13579:@< >?BDFHJKMP R@TVXZ\^ a`aceh j@lnp@s   @` #$%' )*@,-`/`135`7@9 ;<>`@BDFH`J`L@NOPRUW Y [@] _aceh j@lnp@@@@@@   @@@" #%&`()+-.@0@2@4 689;`=>?ACEG`I@K MNQ S@U@W@Y`[`]`_a@cc f@h`j`l:!gwXB͢A 8{@{X)fE~Y17@ 6 x V ' ^ J | "c|)w[S^?i1rQ!Q[,aL_ #.8BR]1g/_Pe' X c '!b!!;"l"""#O####$;$n$$$%9%O%%%%&<&y&&&2't'''('(W((( )5)s)))))!*C***+(+E+l+++,,W,,,---C-e-}---...H.|..../'/U/w//// 0=0j000181U1{1111)2h2222373S3n33333,4g44445&5?5W5s55556G6l66667>7q7777858V8u8888Grrr! Emily is mynext opponent...Grrr! My brother isthe only one who canbeat me...Both Union playerslost in the firstround...I can't show my faceto the fans whorooted for me..Kevin is my nextopponent. It doesn'tmatter.The Factory playerswill win and dominatethe upper brackets!I may have lost, butEmpire still hasSpike.Spike will uphold thehonor of the Empireteam!So Emily is youropponent in thesemi-finals?So she's anotherAcademy player...Don't worry about it.I lost my first match,but you went frombeing unseeded toplaying in the semi-finals. Guess thepressure got to me.Ahh! I can't believeI lost to  inthe first round...I'm going workextra hard and comeback next year..........You're my opponentin the semi-finals,.If we both play toour limits, it shouldbe an awesome match!I never I thought I'dlose... But I'll havemy revenge!So I play Kevin, huh?It doesn't matter.I'll win, of course.Grrr! Emily was good.I'm gonna go wild andbeat her next year!Both Union playerslost in the firstround...I can't face thefans who cheeredfor me...A. Coz is the onlyFactory player left,but he'll win!What a shame... Ithought for sure thatSpike would win...Your opponent in thefinals is A. Coz.Don't think aboutwinning. Just relaxand focus on playing.I lost my first match,but you went frombeing unseeded toplaying in the finals,. Guess thepressure got to me.Ahh! I can't believe Ilost to  inthe first round...I'm going to workextra hard and comeback next year!.........So you're my opponent?You had a huge upsetover Emily.But no matter who myopponent is, I won'tlose.Don't worry about theoutcome, .Just do your best!I never I thought I'dlose... But I'll havemy revenge!Grrr! Emily was good.I'm gonna go wild andbeat her next year!Both Union playerslost in the firstround...I can't face thefans who cheeredfor me...A. Coz is the onlyFactory player left,But he'll win!What a shame... Ithought for sure thatSpike would win...You two play Union inthe first Group Amatch. Do it, !It's a good thing youtwo play Union first.Empire is pretty good,and Factory's Cozbrothers are tough.I'm Spike, fromEmpire's seeded team.You play Union in thesemi-finals... Iwonder who'll win!If you win, you'llplay our doublesteam!I'm Sammie. I play youin the first round.You made the Academy'straveling team rightafter starting doubles?If you just started,you should haveweaknesses.If we can find them...We'll beat you.What, you're beingtight-lipped 'causeI play against you?Well, we're not gonnagive you a victory inyour first match!I'm Sean. We're in theA Group, so it doesn'tmatter to us yetBut don't you wantEmpire to win the firstmatch in the B Group?Those Costellos areso freaky.And besides... I betthe Empire Team wouldbe easier to beat!But those Costellobrothers are sofreaky!B. Coz, my youngerbrother, was born tofight.You'll see our truemight when we step ontothe court!Grrr! I'm B. Coz ofthe Factory team! Isit time to play yet?Grrr! Good! Soon I canunleash my fightinginstincts!RRRRRR! I can'twait any longer.I wanna play NOW!We play the Costellosin our first match. Ihave a bad feeling...I'm Edgar. Just whoare these guys thatwe play first?That younger brother is wild... Or morelike a wild animal!You play the Empireteam in the semi-finals, .You play Empire next.Watch how they play,then respond with somefierce teamwork!We lost in thefirst round...Do you think we canmake the semi-finalsnext time?Thanks for cheeringme up. We'll win theIsland Open next year!You say you won'tlose to us next time,either? Fine! We'lljust get the groupingsfixed so that we won'thave to play you!The Union team lostin the firstround, but...Maybe it's better tolose now than haveto face the Costellos.But don't tell anyone!I can't face my fans!I'm Spike, from Empire'sseeded team.It looks like we playyou in the semi-finals. Heh, heh!I can't wait!Listen here! Maybe theEmpire team can lendyou some courage!We'll show you thetrue power of theCostellos!Bring on mightieropponents!Grrr! I'm Factory'sB. Coz...Is... Is it time?Grrr! I can't wait!I'll shred myopponent to bits!ARRRR! Hurry up! I'mjust itchin' to treatinto my opponent!My gut was right. TheCostellos were morethan we could handle.The Costellos playlike wild animals ona hunt...Actually, they wereworse! More likemonsters!You play the Costellosin the finals.Relax. Just don't befooled by A. Coz'stricky shot.B. Coz hits a powerfulstroke. Try not to hitto him, ..........We've blemished apage in Empire'shistory book...But we'll write anew chapter at thenext Island Open!I thought Spike andElden would win outin the A Group...Har, har! It doesn'tmatter! The Costelloslose to no one!Grrrrrr!Is... Is the next onethe final?Grrr! I can't wait!Whoever it is, I'mgonna take 'em down!ARRRRR! Good! I canstill unleash thebeast inside me!We lost in the firstround...Do you think we canmake the semi-finalsnext time?Thanks for cheeringme up. We'll win theIsland Open next year!You say you won'tlose to us next time,either? Fine! We'lljust get the groupingsfixed so we won'thave to play you!The Union team lostin the firstround, but...Maybe losing now isbetter than havingto face the Costellos.But don't tell anyone!I can't face my fans!Spike and Elden lost,too. Not even in myworst nightmare...did I ever think thatthis could happen.Kevin and Emily evenlost to the Cozbrothers...The Costellos aren'twild... They'rewild animals!You did it, !You made it to thesecond round!It's your first timehere, but you stillmade Round Two!Nice job, .You looked great outthere in Round One.There's time before, sotake a short walk.You did it, !You made it to thesemi-finals!It's your first timehere, but you stillmade the semi-finals!Nice job, .You looked great outthere in Round Two.There's time beforethe semi-finals, sotake a short walk.You did it, !I lost in the semi-finals, but you madeit all the way tothe finals.It's your first timehere, but you stillmade the finals! Wow!You've gotten reallygood, . Youwere awesome!There's time beforethe finals, so takea short walk.! We did it!We're in thesemi-finals!You both did super!Now it's on to thesemi-finals.Nice work,  & ! You twowere great!We did it, !We're going to thesemi-finals!You both did super!Now it's on to thesemi-finals.Nice work, & ! You twowere superb!! WE DID IT!We made it all the wayto the FINALS!!!You both did super!We lost to theCostellos...But you went all theway to the finals!Wow! ! ! Beating theEmpire team is huge!We did it, !We're going to theF I N A L S ! ! !You both did super!We lost to theCostellos...But you went all theway to the finals!Wow! ! ! Beating theEmpire team is huge!Thank you for yourpatience. We'll nowbegin .Players playing in, pleaseenter the court.Please follow me.Round OneRound Twothe semi-finalsthe finalsRound OneRound Onethe semi-finalsthe finalsSince ended, we'll take ashort break.Gather here beforethe start of.You did it, !Congratulations!You really saved theAcademy's reputation.You can take yourprecious reputation...and shove it!Are you trying tosay something aboutthe Academy?!?That's exactly whatI'm doing! I meant todo it when I beat you!I never thought theAcademy had someonethat...good.Welcome to theaward ceremony.Will the winnersplease advance tothe podium. is all that'sleft... I'm gonnadestroy you.I'm gonna destroy theAcademy's reputation atthe next Island Open!Wrong! The next IslandOpen is my chance torepay my debt!Got that, ?Now everyone has theirsights on you!Starting tomorrow, I'mgonna have my sightson you, too...You're the best,.Awesome, !You won the IslandOpen! Congratulations!Some unknown winning itall... It's too much!The Academy is hot,as usual!I lost to you, but Ikept my seed... I'llbe back next year.I can accept anAcademy player asthe champion!.........ARGHH! I can'taccept this!I lost my seedbecause YOU ended upin my group!If I had only knownyou were that good, Inever would have lost!I won't let this happennext year! Rememberthat!Thank you for such anexciting match! I hada great time.There were a lot ofinterestingcharacters here...If tennis is this muchfun, you should do thisevery month. beat me...And you beat mybrother!Grrr! I'm gonna geteven wilder, so I candestroy you next year!Will the winnersplease proceed tothe podiums.Now for a few wordsfrom the tournamentchairman...This has been a trulyexciting year for theIsland Open.It has proven to be...more dramatic than Icould have hoped,with many seededplayers falling tounseeded ones!Who thought unseededplayers would make thefinals so dramatic?Thank you players! Ilook forward to seeingyou all next year!And now, thetrophies!Thank you, ...You were outstanding.I understand yourfeelings,Headmaster...But next year will be predictable...I will win.Oh! I can't wait.Thank you, A. Costello.You brothers reallyadded to the drama.Har! You like dramaonly as long as theAcademy wins, right?Well, there'll bedrama next year...When Factory wins!I'm already excited!Thank you, .You played very well.Congratulations.Let's offer a round ofapplause to ,this year's winner!Way to go, !Congratulations!Congratulations,! You did it!We saved the Academy'sreputation! But itwas sure tough!We really saved theAcademy's reputation!What a challenge!You can take yourprecious reputation...and shove it!Grrr! It means nothingin the wild! Survivalof the fittest!In the wild...? Whatare you talking about?That makes no sense!In the wild...? Whatare you talking about?That makes no sense!To lose is to die...Our doubles team...It's like we're dead.Yeah! Dead...You survived.I never thought theAcademy had someonethat...good.Welcome to theaward ceremony!Will the winnersplease advance tothe podium.You two are good.I'll admit that...But remember this.We're gonna ruin theAcademy's reputation atthe next Island Open!We're going to comeback from the deadto beat you!Sorry! We're gonnastrike again nextyear!You couldn't do itthis year, and youwon't do it next year!What a bunch of sorelosers!I've never seen suchsore losers!Let's really give itto 'em next time!Let's really showthem next year!Let's go, .Everyone's waiting.Let's go, .Everyone's waiting.I thought theCostellos would windoubles, but you did!I'm amazed you couldbeat them...Thanks for avengingmy loss.But my team is goingto be back next year!That Costello team isso freaky...I'm glad you won..........ARGHH! I can'taccept this!I was sure I'd makeit to the finals!Something like thiscan't happen beforethe semi-finals!I won't let this happennext year! Rememberthat!I can't wait to seeyou get your trophy.And now, thetrophies!Thank you, A. and B.Costello. You twoadded to the drama.Har! You like dramaonly as long as theAcademy wins, right?Grrr! We're dead!We don't need anyparting words!Well, there'll bedrama next year...when Factory wins!Grrr! We're gonnadestroy themnext time!I'm already excited!That was some greatteamwork, .Thank you,Headmaster!Thank you, .You played very well.Congratulations.This year's championsare & !Let's offer up around of applause forthe winning team!Service Ace!You get a point.Double Fault!You failed.You didn't hit itthrough the poles,so you failed.I returned it, soyou failed.I touched it, soyou failed.I returned the servebefore it bounced, soyou get a point.Service Ace!I get a point.Double fault...I fail.I didn't hit itthrough the poles,so I fail.You returned theball, so I fail.You touched the ball,so I fail.You returned the servebefore it bounced, soI get a point.Nice serve!You get a point.Double fault!You failed.You didn't hit itthrough the poles,so you fail.You didn't hit thetarget area, so youfail.You didn't use topspinto bounce it out ofbounds, so you fail.You didn't apply sliceto bounce it out ofbounds, so you fail.You didn't serve withnice timing, so youfail.Nice Volley!You get a point.Nice Smash!You get a point.Way to play the net!You get a point.I didn't return theball, so you get apoint.I didn't lob the ball,so you get a point.Double fault!You failed.You didn't return theball before itbounced, so you fail.You didn't hit from infront of the serviceline, so you fail.You didn't hit asmash, so you fail.You didn't score,so you fail.I returned the servebefore it bounced,so you get a point.You didn't volley theball, so you fail.You didn't play thenet, so you fail.Nice Volley!I get a point.Nice Smash!I get a point.Way to play the net!I get a point.You didn't return it, so I get a point.You didn't hit a lob,so I get a point.Double fault...I fail.I didn't return itbefore it bounced, soI fail.I didn't hit from infront of the serviceline, so I fail.I didn't hit a smash,so I fail.I didn't score, so Ifail.You returned the servebefore it bounced,so I get a point.I didn't volley the ball,so I fail.I didn't play the net,so I fail.Nice volley!You did it.Nice smash!You did it.Nice drop shot!You did it.I didn't return it,so you succeed.I didn't hit a lob,so you succeed.Double Fault!You fail.You didn't return itbefore it bounced, soyou fail.You didn't hit from infront of the serviceline, so you fail.You didn't hit asmash, so you fail.You didn't hit asmash winner, soyou fail.You didn't hit thetarget area, so youfail.You didn't hit a dropshot, so you fail.You didn't volley, soyou fail.You didn't hit a long,deep serve, so youfail.You didn't score withyour drop shot, soyou fail.Nice lob!You get a point.Nice return!You get a point.You didn't return myserve, so you fail.You didn't return myserve with a lob,so you fail.I didn't return theball, so you geta point.Double fault...You get a point.I played the net,so you fail.I volleyed, so youfail.I hit a smash, so youfail.I didn't hit from infront of the serviceline... Your point.You returned my servebefore it bounced, soyou fail.>H{>H{!@#^#V!B  ( * ɯ(,{{-\u5Tm&Sl D]([r/K3CScv )8J\n  8K^q " 7 N e |  2 K _ s  _  q A X t9@U8m S%xL\=.\bP>$yn]T -!!!"c"""/#U###!$G$$$%9%%%?&&&E'''M(( )W))*a**+h+++3,,,1---/.../u//:001j111c222n33-4n44A555666%7j77(8M888Your lob didn't reachmy court, so youfail.You didn't return it tomy court, so youfail.Nice lob!I get a point.Nice return!I get a point.I didn't return yourserve, so I fail.I didn't return yourserve with a lob,so I fail.You didn't return theball, so I get apoint.Double fault!I get a point.You played the net,so I fail.You volleyed, so Ifail.You hit a smash, soI fail.You didn't hit from infront of the serviceline... My point.I returned your servebefore it bounced,so I fail.My lob didn't reachyour court, so I fail.I didn't return it toyour court, so I fail.Nice return!You did it.Nice lob!You did it.You didn't return it,so you fail.You didn't hit thetarget area, so youfail.You didn't hit alob, so you fail.Double fault!You pass.You returned the servebefore it bounced,so you fail.Nice stroke!Your point.You didn't return itto my court, so...My point!I didn't return it.Your point.Your ball didn't landpast my service line.My point!You moved past theservice line.My point!Double fault!My point!You returned my servebefore it bounced.My point!Nice Stroke!My point!I didn't return theto your court.Your point.You didn't return it.My point!My return didn't landpast your serviceline. Your point.I played the net fromthe service line.Your point.Double fault...Your point.I returned your servebefore it bounced.Your point.There is no messagefor this case.1-Set Match (2 Gms/Set)1-Set Match (6 Gms/Set)3-Set Match (2 Gms/Set)3-Set Match (6 Gms/Set)5-Set Match (2 Gms/Set)5-Set Match (6 Gms/Set)Service Match 1Service Match 2Service Match 3Service Practice 1Service Practice 2Service Practice 3Net Game Match 1Net Game Match 2Net Game Match 3Net Game Practice 1Net Game Practice 2Net Game Practice 3Stroke Match 1Stroke Match 2Stroke Match 3Stroke Practice 1Stroke Practice 2Stroke Practice 3The Machine: Level 1The Machine: Level 2The Machine: Level 3The Machine: Level 4The Wall: Level 1The Wall: Level 2The Wall: Level 3The Wall: Level 4Machine: Master LevelThe Wall: Master Level Boo Blast: Level 1Boo Blast: Level 2Boo Blast: Level 3Shooting Star: Level 1Shooting Star: Level 2Shooting Star: Level 3Perfect Shot: Level 1Perfect Shot: Level 2Perfect Shot: Level 3Target Shot: Level 1Target Shot: Level 2Target Shot: Level 3Fruit Fantasy: Level 1Fruit Fantasy: Level 2Fruit Fantasy: Level 3Banana Bunch: Level 1Banana Bunch: Level 2Banana Bunch: Level 3Treasure Box: Level 1Treasure Box: Level 2Treasure Box: Level 3Medallion Match: Level 1Medallion Match: Level 2Medallion Match: Level 3Two-on-One: Level 1Two-on-One: Level 2Two-on-One: Level 3The first player towin two games, winsthe set and the match.The first player towin six games, wins theset and the match.The first player towin two games winsthe set. The first towin two sets wins thematch.The first player towin six games winsthe set.The first to win twosets wins the match.The first player towin two games winsthe set.The first to win threesets wins the match.The first player towin six games winsthe set.The first to win threesets wins the match.Sets must be won byat least two games. Ina two-game tie,a seven-point tiebreakerwill be played.Sets must be won byat least two games. Incase of a six-game tie,a seven point tiebreakerwill be played.Serve an ace to get apoint. Continueserving until oneplayer wins or eachhas served four times.Serve an ace to get apoint. Continueserving until oneplayer wins or eachhas served four times.Serve an ace to get apoint. Score twopoints more thanthe other player towin.Serve the ball intothe target area fromall four servicepositions.Apply spin to all fourof your serves sothat the ball bouncesout of bounds afterhitting the target area.Serve the ball fromall four service posi-tions, hitting it be-tween the poles andinto the target area,Serve the ball andvolley the return toget a point. Servefour times or untila player wins.Smash the receiver'slob and score to geta point. Score twopoints more than theother player to win.Return the receiver'sshot while playing thenet to get a point. Scoretwo points more thanthe other player to win.Volley the receiver'sreturn into the targetarea from in front ofyour service line.Serve to the targetarea, then smash thereceiver's return.Serve to the target area,then score with a dropshot from in front ofyour service line toget a point.Hit each shot beyondyour opponent'sservice line. If youdon't, you fail.Return each serve witha lob. If the servercan return the lob witha volley or smash,you fail.Break each of the fourserves. If the servercan play the net andreturn the ball,you fail.Return each serve intothe target area.Return each serve bylobbing it into thetarget area.Return each serve intothe target area.Return all fifteenballs shot by thetennis machine.Return all thirtyballs shot by thetennis machine.Return all sixtyballs shot by thetennis machine.Return all onehundred balls shot bythe tennis machine.Maintain your rally bybouncing the balloff of the wallfifty times.Maintain your rally bybouncing the balloff of the wallfifty times.Maintain your rally bybouncing the balloff of the wallfifty times.Maintain your rally bybouncing the balloff of the wallfifty times.Return as many of theballs shot by thetennis machine asyou can withoutmissing.Maintain your rallyfor as long as youcan by bouncing theball off of the wall.The first player toscore two more pointsthan the other wins.Score a point byhitting Boo as youcontinue your rallywith Luigi.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits Boo.Score a point byhitting Boo as youcontinue your rallywith Luigi.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits Boo.Score a point byhitting Boo as youcontinue your rallywith Luigi.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits Boo.Earn one point byhitting the ball orseven points bysmashing it throughthe star.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits the star.Earn one point byhitting the ball orseven points bysmashing it throughthe star.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits the star.Earn one point byhitting the ball orseven points bysmashing it throughthe star.Hit a panel to reveala star and get apoint.Hit a panel to reveala star and get apoint.Hit a panel to reveala star and get apoint.After revealing allthe stars, the panelsflip over, so you cando it again.Return the balls intothe target area to geta point. Get a bonusby hitting the shotshown.Flat Shot: 3 PtsStrong Topspin: 3 PtsStrong Slice: 3 PtsSmash: 5 PtsLob: 5 PtsDrop Shot: 5 PtsThe bonus points dependon the type of shot.Return the balls intothe target area to geta point. Get a bonusby hitting the shotshown.Flat Shot: 3 PtsStrong Topspin: 3 PtsStrong Slice: 3 PtsSmash: 5 PtsLob: 5 PtsDrop Shot: 5 PtsThe bonus points dependon the type of shot.Return the balls intothe target area to geta point. Get a bonusby hitting the shotshown.Flat Shot: 3 PtsStrong Topspin: 3 PtsStrong Slice: 3 PtsSmash: 5 PtsLob: 5 PtsDrop Shot: 5 PtsThe bonus points dependon the type of shot.Earn points each timeyou hit a fruit target.Banana: 1 PtApple: 3 PtsMelon: 5 PtsEarn points each timeyou hit a fruit target.Banana: 1 PtApple: 3 PtsMelon: 5 PtsEarn points each timeyou hit a fruit target.Banana: 1 PtApple: 3 PtsMelon: 5 PtsScore points eachtime you hit a bananatarget.1 Banana: 1 Pt3 Bananas: 3 PtsScore points eachtime you hit a bananatarget.1 Banana: 1 Pt3 Bananas: 3 PtsScore points eachtime you hit a bananatarget.1 Banana: 1 point3 Bananas: 3 PtsGet a point for eachtime you returnWaluigi's shot. Earnbonus points forhitting treasure.1 Coin: 5 Pts3 Coins: 10 PtsCoin Sack: 50 PtsChest: 100 PtsThe points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits treasure.If you miss the targetarea, your game ends--unless you manage tohit treasure.Get a point for eachtime you returnWaluigi's shot. Earnbonus points forhitting treasure.1 Coin: 5 Pts3 Coins: 10 PtsCoin Sack: 50 PtsChest: 100 PtsThe points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits treasure.If you miss the targetarea, your game ends--unless you manage tohit treasure.Get a point for eachtime you returnWaluigi's shot. Earnbonus points forhitting treasure.1 Coin: 5 Pts3 Coins: 10 PtsCoin Sack: 50 PtsChest: 100 PtsThe points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits treasure.If you miss the targetarea, your game ends--unless you manage tohit treasure.Return each of Luigi'sshots and try to clearas many "L" medallionsas you can in theprocess.1st: 1 Pt2nd: 5 Pts3rd: 30 Pts4th: 70 Pts5th: 150 Pts6th: 250 PtsHit as many as youcan in one shot!Or hit a smash todouble your points!Return each of Luigi'sshots and try to clearas many "L" medallionsas you can in theprocess.1st: 1 Pt2nd: 5 Pts3rd: 30 Pts4th: 70 Pts5th: 150 Pts6th: 250 PtsHit as many as youcan in one shot!Or hit a smash todouble your points!Return each of Luigi'sshots and try to clearas many "L" medallionsas you can in theprocess.1st: 1 Pt2nd: 5 Pts3rd: 30 Pts4th: 70 Pts5th: 150 Pts6th: 250 PtsHit as many as youcan in one shot!Or hit a smash todouble your points!The rules are the sameas a regular, 1-setmatch of six games.But you have to playagainst two opponents.Win six games beforeyour opponents do towin the match.Since you have to winby two, a seven-pointtiebreaker will beplayed if there isa six-game tie.The rules are the sameas a regular, 3-setsmatch of six games.But you have to playagainst two opponents.Win two sets beforeyour opponents do towin the match.Since you have to winby two, a seven-pointtiebreaker will beplayed if there isa six-game tie.The rules are the sameas a regular, 5-setsmatch of six games.But you have to playagainst two opponents.Win three sets beforeyour opponents do towin the match.Since you have to winby two, a seven-pointtiebreaker will beplayed if there isa six-game tie.Boo Blast: Level 1Score a point byhitting Boo as youcontinue your rallywith Luigi.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits Boo. Thegame ends ifyour rally ends.Your goal is 30 points.Mario,please work with Luigito score some points!Boo Blast: Level 2Score a point byhitting Boo as youcontinue your rallywith Luigi.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits Boo. Thegame ends ifyour rally ends.Your goal is 60 points.Mario,please work with Luigito score some points!Boo Blast: Level 3Score a point byhitting Boo as youcontinue your rallywith Luigi.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits Boo. Thegame ends ifyour rally ends.The high score is points.Mario,Good luck trying tobreak the record.Mario,Try to break yourown record!Shooting Star: Level 1Hit the star to getone point, or smashthe star to get sevenpoints.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits the star.Your goal is 30 points.Luigi,Be sure to aimcarefully so you canget lots of points.Shooting Star: Level 2Hit the star to getone point, or smashthe star to get sevenpoints.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits the star.Your goal is 60 points.Luigi,Be sure to aimcarefully so you canget lots of points.Shooting Star: Level 3Hit the star to getone point, or smashthe star to get sevenpoints.The points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits the star.The high score is points.Luigi, Be sure to aimcarefully so you canget lots of points.Luigi,Try to break yourown record!Perfect Shot: Level 1Hit a panel to reveala star and get apoint. Your game endswhen your rally ends.Your goal is 21 points.Peach,You'll have to playa perfect game toreveal all the stars.Perfect Shot: Level 2Hit a panel to reveala star and get apoint. Your game endswhen your rally ends.Your goal is 21 points.Peach,You'll have to playa perfect game toreveal all the stars.Perfect Shot: Level 3Hit a panel to reveala star and get apoint. Your game endswhen your rally ends.After you hit all thepanels, they flip overagain, and you cancontinue your rally.Your game ends whenyour rally ends.The high score is points.Peach,Perfect your shot forthe perfect score.Peach,Try to break yourown record!Target Shot: Level 1Return the ballsinto the target areafor a point.Get a bonusby hitting the shotshown.Flat Shot: 3 PtsStrong Topspin: 3 PtsStrong Slice: 3 PtsSmash: 5 PtsLob: 5 PtsDrop Shot: 5 PtsThe bonus pointsdepend onthe type of shot.If you don't hitthe target, yourgame ends.Your goal is 30 points.Baby Mario,Hit well...Hit the target.Target Shot: Level 2Return the ballsinto the target areafor a point.Get a bonusby hitting the shotshown.Flat Shot: 3 PtsStrong Topspin: 3 PtsStrong Slice: 3 PtsSmash: 5 PtsLob: 5 PtsDrop Shot: 5 PtsThe bonus pointsdepend onthe type of shot.If you don't hitthe target, yourgame ends.Your goalis 60 points.Baby Mario,Hit well...Hit the target.Target Shot: Level 3Return the ballsinto the target areafor a point.Get a bonusby hitting the shotshown.Flat Shot: 3 PtsStrong Topspin: 3 PtsStrong Slice: 3 PtsSmash: 5 PtsLob: 5 PtsDrop Shot: 5 PtsThe bonus pointsdepend onthe type of shot.If you don't hitthe target, yourgame ends.The high score is points.Baby Mario,Use your little limbsto get a high score!Baby Mario,Try to breakyour own record!Fruit Fantasy: Level 1Earn points each timeyou hit a fruit.Banana: 1 PtApple: 3 PtsMelon: 5 PtsYour goal is 50 Pts.Yoshi,Get as much tastyfruit as you can.Fruit Fantasy: Level 2Earn points each timeyou hit a fruit.Banana: 1 PtApple: 3 PtsMelon: 5 PtsYour goal is100 points.Yoshi,Get as much tastyfruit as you can.Fruit Fantasy: Level 3Earn points each timeyou hit a fruit.Banana: 1 PtApple: 3 PtsMelon: 5 PtsThe high score is points.Yoshi,May all yourendeavorsbear fruit--anda high score!Yoshi,Try to breakyour own record!Banana Bunch: Level 1Score points eachtime you hit a banana.1 Banana: 1 Pt3 Bananas: 3 PtsYour game ends if youdon't return the ball.Your goal is30 points.Donkey Kong,Stay focused...Don't go bananas.>'{>'{!@#^#V!A  ( * ɯ(,@ FKRU^aGd"flnrAA&@AAAA]x%]x c]x@t]x%]x@@\]x @a]x @ @&]x@0]x@:]xb]x #]x@%]x%]xc]x@t]x%]x @b]x @a]x ` @&]x@0]x@:]x\]x #]x@% x(!@   &.~ >4 ;E>??" >??" .ͤC> > > > >@. >Vx>" >Vx>??" >" >" >. >$ >$ > >??" >" >" >. >$ > $ > >, >$ > >, >$ > >. > $ > $ > >PVx> $ > @$ > >, > $ > >, >. >4 >6 >2Vx>. >. >@ @ " &W>  MD,> 4 > . > 4 8   : > >2Vx>> > > > >$ > >@. >Vx>" >Vx>??" >" >" >. >$ >$ > >. >, >$ > >, >. >" >$ >$ > >$ >$ > >4 >6 >4 >6 >@" > $ >@ $ > >Vx>. > $ > >2Vx> $ > $ > >Vx>, > $ > >, >. >4 >6 >Vx> 4 >4 >6 >Vx>. >. >. >@ ` " {CEMXW> MD,>4 > >` " >@. 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CozKevinNot usedNot usedLuigiDKBaby M.MarioWaluigiYoshiBowserWarioPeachRanker 32Ranker 33Ranker 34Ranker 35Ranker 36Ranker 37Ranker 38Ranker 39Ranker 40Ranker 41Ranker 42Ranker 43Ranker 44Ranker 45Ranker 46Ranker 47KevinEmilyMarkEllisFrankEdgarSinglesDoublesGrassHardClayPracticeTrainingCenter CourtCompositeMarioPeachYoshiBowserWarioWaluigiTraining 2ExtraExtra1 Set of 2 Games3 Sets of 2 Games5 Sets of 2 Games1 Set of 6 Games3 Sets of 6 Games5 Sets of 6 GamesOne PlayerLinked PlayChoose the number of games and sets.Choose your character.Choose your opponent.Choose a court.Choose singles or doubles.Stand byActionContinue game?Saved game willbe erased. OK?Begin New GamePick a CharacterSTART: Change HandsChoose PartnerEnter NameIs this correct?YesNoCreate CharacterPlay for PracticePlay Mini-GamesLink for 2-PlayerReview Char. DataStudy VocabularyErase Saved DataCan't choose this yet!Singles or DoublesNumber of GamesNumber of SetsOne-on-OneTwo-on-Two1 Set of 2 Games1 Set of 6 GamesOne-Set MatchThree-Set MatchFive-Set MatchYour CharacterYour PartnerOpponent's Char.Opponent's PartnerPlease WaitOppt. is ChoosingPlease WaitCPU DifficultySTART: Right-HandedSTART: Left-HandedSTART: Change HandsType: PowerType: TechniqueType: All-AroundType: TrickyType: SpeedType: ???SinglesOne-on-OneDoublesTwo-on-TwoLink for N64 DataCharacter DataCleared Mini-GamesN64 Tnmt. Results Exhibition ResultsRing Shot ResultsSlowNormalFastFastestWeakNormalStrongStrongestCan't choose yet!Boo BlastShooting StarPerfect ShotTarget ShotFruit FantasyBanana BunchTreasure BoxMedallion MatchTwo-on-OneCan't play yet!Mario Type: All-AroundWaluigi Type: TechniqueYoshi Type: SpeedBowser Type: PowerWario Type: PowerPeach Type: TechniqueClear this first.It's a bit harder!Be a star!Can't play yet!StatusN64 Tennis DataNo Data in FileMario Char. DataExhibition DataMini-Game DataErase N64 DataErase All DataNo Data in FileN64 Tnmt. DataN64 Exhib. DataN64 Ring Shot DataChar./Ptnr. DataCleared Chlg. DataN64 Character DataInc.-Ability ItemsAll saved datawill be erased!All N64 datawill be erased!Erase allErase N64data? OK?Current gamewill be erased!Erase this dataChoose RacketChoose ShoesPlay AlonePlay with PartnerThis is a rackettest.Normal RacketLarge RacketSmall RacketIron RacketGold RacketSilver RacketDrive Racket???Your original racket.Increases control.Lowers power and spin.Increases power andspin. Lowers controlA heavy trainingracket.A gorgeous, shiny,golden racket.A stylish silver-colored racket.A racket thatincreases topspin.Normal ShoesIron ShoesLight ShoesYour original shoes.Training shoes thatmake you run slowly.Shoes that let you runquickly but also slip.Serve -2Serve -1Serve +1Serve +2Stroke -2Stroke -1Stroke +1Stroke +2Volley -2Volley -1Volley +1Volley +2Volley +3Spin -2Spin -1Spin +1Spin +2Height -2Height -1Height +1Height +2Reach -2Reach -1Reach +1Reach +2Reaction -2Reaction -1Reaction +1Reaction +2Angle -2Angle -1Angle +1Angle +2Speed -2Speed -1Speed +1Speed +2Dash -2Dash -1Dash +1Dash +2Top spin +3Control +1Control -2Get 1.5x the EXP Pts.Doesn't affect status.Waiting for otherplayer to choose.Please waitOther player isn'tready. Returningto Main MenuYou are improperlylinked. Returningto Main MenuCheck Game Linkcable connection.Male Combo Female ComboVictory DefeatRival 1 Rival 2Rival 3 Rival 4Rival 5 Rival 6Rival 7 Rival 8Rival 9 Rival 10Rival 11 Rival 12This isa test of thetext display system. SceneLevel UpPalletteFlagsYou got EXP Pts!Erase this data?Data erased.File 1File 2File 3Data erased.Check rules.Review controls.Change options.Save or quit game.Change camera.Turn music ON or OFF.Use standard view.View from behind char.Turn music ON.Turn music OFF.Return to game.Save. Go to Main Menu.Quit. Go to Main Menu.Select new level.Try mini-game again.Try practice again.Try machine again.Try practice again.Try game again.Quit game.Quit match.Quit practice.Quit machine.Quit practice.+ Control Pad: MoveA Button: TopspinB Button: Slice (Press twice forpower shots)SELECT: Cancel chargeSTART: Pause MenuSET GAME POINTTOTALSCORETARGETHIGHYou failed...Error Code You did it!Mini-Game Char. and item data.Check game progress.Adjust sound and msgs.Save or quit game.Change message speed.Turn music ON or OFF.Slow message speed.Normal message speed.Fast message speed.Turn music ON.Turn music OFF.Save. Go to Main Menu.Return to Main Menu.Continue game.Char. and ptnr. data.Racket and shoes.Save progress?Return to Main Menu?Return theserve afterit bounces.Only the receivingplayer mayreturn the ball.m_court02m_court03m_court04chrmkbk1m_court05gb_03rta_01rta_soto01oretesth_19Main MenuDevelopmentSmall Char. TestTestTest 2Academy Main Bldg.Academy WingCourtyardRestaurant PlazaDorm EntranceDorm RoomJunior Class CourtJunior Class CourtRestaurantCafeteriaTraining CourtSenior Class CourtTraining CenterTennis Machine RoomWall Practice RoomAcademy EntranceTournament CourtyardCourt #1Court #2Center CourtTournamentAwards CeremonyIsland SkySpecial CourtPeach's CastleEnd1 Main BldgEnd Restaurant Ent.End3 Dorm Ent.End4 Jr. CourtEnd 5 Service AceEnd7 Training Ctr.End8 Sr. CourtEnd10 Varsity CourtEnd11 Training CourtEnd12 Principal's OfficeEnd16 Before FinalsEnd17 Award CeremonyYou're , right?Are you ?You're right on time.Impressive.I'm . I teachtennis here at theRoyal Tennis Academy.But...are you OK?Did something happen?Did you hit your head?We just watered thegrounds. It must beslippery. Are you OK?Oh, really...So you're OK?Then let me show youaround the Academy.Follow me.Then we'll wait untilyou feel better.I see you'reall better.I'll show you aroundthe Academy. Follow me.Oh, Coach !Who's this?The new student?We're about to take atour of the Academy.This is .Take good careof him, OK?This is .Take good careof her, OK?Nice to meet you,.It's very rare for astudent to enter theAcademy mid-term.That's how promisingwe think  is.I can't wait tosee you play.The Academy isvery demanding,so good luck!Hi, .The Royal Tennis Acad-emy trains students tobecome top players.If you want to improveyour tennis game, thisAcademy is ideal.Now that you're astudent, you can focuson reaching the top.When I watch you kids,I remember my ownyouth.I was pretty reckless,too, back in my day.Your senior classcoach is , right?Go train with her.Academy studentsplay very highlevel tennis.Our Seniors wouldbe Varsity levelanywhere else.If you play tennis atthe Academy, you haveto shoot for varsity.The Headmaster cameback all of a sudden.Now I have to work.Did the Headmasterreturn because of theIsland Open?The Headmaster lockedhimself in his roomto arrange his papers.Please don'tinterrupt hiswork, .Who might that be?I don't know who youare, but I'm very busy.Please come back later.It's locked.Do you think theAcademy will winthis Island Open, too?With  and entering, there's noneed to worry.The competition isso good that wemay not win.If the Academy loses,the Headmaster willbe in a bad mood...Once the IslandOpen is over, the cupwill come back to theHeadmaster's office.I've never consideredany other possibility.How's the IslandOpen going?I have to finish thispaperwork. The Head-master's coming soon!The Island Open isover and the cup isback in theHeadmaster's office.He is extremelypleased.What happened at theIsland Open again?I can't seem toremember anythinglately.Service AceMain Hall, 2nd FloorAll the Academy'srecords are onthe computer.Let's see......You're stillin the juniorclass, right?I see you're in thesenior class now.You're grades are OK.You're on the varsityteam! You've beenworking very hard!You're part of thetraveling team.You're the IslandOpen champion,aren't you?Let's see...'s team...You've made thejunior class indoubles.You've made the seniorclass in doubleswith good marks.You made varsity.You two have workedvery hard.You're on thetraveling team.Well, you're theIsland Openchampions.We've finalized ourIsland Open entrantsjust in time.That's right! They'llbe holding theIsland Open soon!The preparations areall complete. Therest is up to you.This year, I'mdefinitely going to winthe Island Open!The Island Open...Since I lost, we won'thave a doubles entry.But there's stillsingles, Mark!You were beaten...That's a promisingstudent! Be happy!By the way...Where's ,our newestteam member?We've met timesbefore, haven't we,?Congratulations onmaking the team.I hope you do wellin the Island Open.When do we leavefor the tournament,Headmaster?If it's OK with allof you, we couldleave tomorrow.What do you think,?That's a problem.There's no time leftbefore the tournament., what'swrong? Wasn't thisyour goal all along?If you play as wellas you have been,you'll do fine.Just think of itas more practice...You can do it, right?Good! We're ready.We'll leavetomorrow morning.Now then, we'reall ready, right?Hey! Play for me, too!OK, everyone.Let's go.The morning ofdeparture......And  and theothers arrived atthe Island Open.Actually, , Imust talk to youabout something.! !I must discusssomething with you., do you knowabout , the greatestplayer of all time?, have you twoheard of , thegreatest player ever?I suppose not, since's never playedin the Island Open.Many say that is the greatest playerever. His name islegendary.I suppose all tennisplayers have heardhis name at leastonce.  is said tobe so good, none canmatch him. himself hascontacted me with aninvitation for you. himself hascontacted me with aninvitation for you two.It seems he likesyour fierce styleof play, .He seems to like thespirit you two showedat the Island Open.Receiving an invitationfrom this legendaryplayer is an honor.A face-to-facemeeting between theIsland Open championand the legendary... Isn't itamazing?Will you accept thisinvitation from ,?Really...? But a chancelike this won't comeagain, .Won't you meet with, the greatestplayer of all time?They'll meet you out-side the gates, sogo meet them there., did you gomeet , thegreatest player ever?, did youtwo go meet thelegendary ?They should be waitingoutside the gates,so go meet them.You're back already?Then you're a legendyourself now.It must have beenspectacular.Just once I'd like tomeet the greatest playerof all time, myself.This court is thefavorite of allAcademy students.Because only the bestplayers are allowedto play here.You could even sayit's almost as muchof a symbol of theAcademy as theMain Hall, itself.With its spectatorseating, we could holda tournament anytime.From the garden...a view of ourTraining Center...Isn't it agreat campus?If you want to playhere, then earn a spoton the varsity squad.That's it for thisarea. I'll show youwhat's up ahead.! Not manyplayers on the varsitycourt, are there?The Academy's centercourt is everyone'sfavorite.That'd be cool ifyou could play heresoon, too.! ! Notmany players on thevarsity court, huh?The Academy's centercourt is everyone'sfavorite.That'd be cool ifyou two could playhere soon, too.Varsity members do alot of coaching, sothey're never here., the coach here,is the varsity squadchampion. ranks next,then  , and finallyme.Varsity's top threeare all pros, sothey're hard to beat.But... as fourth ranked,you might be able tobeat them sometime.Varsity's top threeare all pros, sothey're hard to beat.But... as fourth ranked,I might be able tobeat them sometime.The varsity membersare all talented, butif you think about it,they have to be torepresent theAcademy., the coach here,and , the seniorclass coach, are thevarsity doubles champs. and I ranksecond after them.Maybe you two canjoin the varsity squadsomeday.If you do, I'll behappy to be yourpractice partner.I'm ranked fourth, butI'm not the worston the team.If you want proof,you can challenge meanytime.Was it skill or luckthat put you on thevarsity squad?If you say skill,then prove it. Willyou take my challenge?You're lame ifyou're going to hideafter hearing that.Show me the skillsof a fifth-rankedvarsity squad member.Varsity's travelingteam members representthe Academy.Varsity's top fourmake up thetraveling team.They're chosen throughan open tournament.So, performance inmatches affects rankmore than ability does.So you've madevarsity, .Do you want tochallenge a travelingteam member?Not just yet, huh?Let me know wheneveryou're ready.Once you beat thefourth-ranked player,you can join thetraveling team andenter tournaments!The rules are the sameas usual, so I won'texplain them again.Are you ready?All right, then!Let's get started!What's up, ?Do you want to callit off?OK, we'll call it off.Just tell me wheneveryou're ready.We can call it off ifyou want. Do youwant to?OK! Let's begin!OK, we'll call it off.Just tell me wheneveryou're ready.You win, .Starting today, you'llrepresent the Academy.Congratulations,.You did it, !You beat a travelingteam member! Cool!You did it, !You beat a travelingteam member!!!Making the travelingteam so quickly--I can't stand it!From now on, you're...one of us--thetraveling team.>͒}>͒}!@#^#V!dD  ( * ɯ(,{{7PeLNp:(w2D(Rs>bL  o D 0 X B-U :zFU2sMzGzKgsy7Vn0KVcr~dFCAz /cz&;Pey 0ARg{  " 2 ? L Y f u !!/!C!R!c!u!y!|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""'"7"H"O"Q"Y"n""""""" #]###$:$x$$$,%;%a%%% &L&&&&8'v'''T(((;)q))F****+9+}+++1,a,,, -L-l----.+.a.|.... /A/a/}////0C0j000001>1J1S1Z1a1h1q1w1112F2{222&3_3334(445t55O66)7778Let's work hard torepresent the Academywell, OK, ?Give it allyou've got!Yeah! Do your best!Are you trying for thedoubles travelingteam?There are only twodoubles pairs on thetraveling team.So to make the team,you have to beat us. and  arethe top-ranked pair.We're second.Too bad you two can'tbeat us yet.Think you can beat meand  after beating and ?You should just giveup making the doublestraveling team.We have to beat 's team to makethe traveling team.It's impossible. Weshould give up.If you still want totry, how about apractice match?Yeah, that's best.You're smart.You have to tryyour hand at theimpossible sometimes.OK, you can try me.They're too good! I'llnever make the doublestraveling team.I'll never make thedoubles travelingteam. I've accepted it. and I are numberone on the doublestraveling team.If you can beat  ,you'll make the team.Do you want to try?Not just yet, huh?Let me know wheneveryou feel up to it. 's team is seededin the Island Open,but give it a shot.The rules are the sameas usual, so I won'texplain them again.Are you ready?All right, then!Let's get started!What's up, ?Do you want to callit off?OK, we'll call it off.Just tell me wheneveryou're ready.We can call it off ifyou want. Do youwant to?OK! Let's begin!OK, we'll call it off.Just tell me wheneveryou're ready.You beat us, .We'll be good sportsand concede it.Starting today...You're on the doublestraveling team.We did it!But...is thisfor real?Hey, ...Pinch me!Yeah! We...It's like a dreamcome true!Hey, ...Pinch me!Am I awake?You lost,  .I never thought thatwe'd actually lose.From today, you'remembers of the doublestraveling team.Let's work hard torepresent the Academywell, OK, ?We have to dothe best we can!Yeah! Let's give itall we've got!As you can see...No one from the varsityteam is here.The traveling teamwent to the IslandOpen. Only the coachesare here. So, thevarsity courts areclosed for business.We're singles seeds.We'll do our best, sodon't worry!We're rooting foryou, so give it allyou've got!!You're the varsityteam champ now!The rankings changedbased on the resultsof the Island Open.But I'll win the nextIsland Open andreclaim my rank!With ,  and as tough as theyare, making the teamis hard... But I'm goingto practice even moreso I can be like you.I thought that somedayI'd be able to beatthe fourth team member.But now, the varsityteam is an eventougher challenge.They say effectivetraining is important.And after seeingyou, , Ireally believe it.The traveling team ispure talent, but you'rethe team champion.I guess your efforthas paid off. I'm goingto keep at it, too!! You two arethe varsity champsnow!The rankings changedbased on the IslandOpen standings.But I'll win the nextIsland Open andreclaim my rank!I can accept yourranking. I mean, youreally practiced hard!Is your game basedon luck, or on skill?You played to yourlimits, so I think itwas luck at first. Butluck can run out.I'm really impressedby your mental focus.Positive thinking likethat is unbeatable inthe world of fighting.At first, we thoughtwe'd never make thetraveling team.But after seeing you,we know we can do itif we try hard enough.Up that way isthe junior classcourt.That's where you'llstart your training,.And over that way isthe senior classcourt.You can play thereonce you've clearedthe junior class.Now then...Come this wayfor a minute.This is therestaurant...The Service Ace.Everyone comes hereto relax after a hardworkout. It's great.Hey! !Oh! It's  and Kevin!Where have you been?We've been tryingto find you.Oh, I'm sorry.Don't worry aboutit, ...He's , theAcademy's neweststudent.She's , theAcademy's neweststudent.Oh! We'll be helpingyou starting tomorrow.I'm Coach  .Nice to meet you.And I'm Coach Kevin.Work hard, play hard--that's the key.I can't wait to seehow you do. Good luck!We'll be in the cafe,, so drop bylater.They're coaches, butthey're also students...Varsity members.Just like me,of course.Let's go, .The sign says:"To the dormitory"The sign says:"To the SeniorClass Court"The sign says:"To the JuniorClass Court"The sign says:"To the Training Court"That's it, .This is the dormitoryfor Academy students.Wait here a second.I'm back!Hee, hee. You'rewondering who sheis, aren't you?She's your roommate.I'm .Nice to meet you.She's in the seniorclass--one aboveyou.Everyone starts outin the junior classwhen they first arrive. started in the junior class andworked her way up.You'll do OK if youjust try your best,don't you think?That's the spirit!This should be fun,.Oh, no! No confidence?You don't have to bemodest, you know.Oh, you two willget along fine,won't you?You're partners, too,so you be nice toeach other.She means doubles partners. Now I canfinally play doubles.Well, that's it forme--I'm going now.The work startstomorrow, so take iteasy today.Hee, hee. You'rewondering who heis, aren't you?He's your roommate.I'm .Nice to meet you.He's in the seniorclass--one aboveyou.Everyone starts outin the junior classwhen they first arrive. started in the junior class andworked his way up.You'll do OK if youjust try your best,don't you think?Yeah, that's thespirit!No confidence?Ha, ha, ha!Don't be so modest!You two should getalong fine.You're partners, too,so be nice to eachother.Yep, doubles partners.Now that your here, Ican finally play doubles.Is this OK?Copy?Erase?Erase it? Really?was erased.Continue?Practice alone.Practice tennis on your own.Choose your character.Is this correct?Please enter a name.Change the hand your character uses.Change your character's color.Enter your birth place.Enter the year you were born.Enter the month you were born.Enter the day you were born.Choose male or female.Which character is your partner?No N64 data was found.Level UpStatusTrophiesSaved DataMini-Game FlagsSaved DataSpeak EventTrigger EventExit EventEntrance EventSearch EventJunior-S Rank 4Junior-S Rank 3Junior-S Rank 2Junior-S Rank 1Senior-S Rank 4Senior-S Rank 3Senior-S Rank 2Senior-S Rank 1Varsity-S Rank 4Junior-S PracticeSenior-S PracticeVarsity-S PracticeOpen-S 1st RndOpen-S 2nd RndOpen-S SemisOpen-S FinalsMario-S HardMario-S IntenseMario-S MAXJunior-D Rank 4Junior-D Rank 3Junior-D Rank 2Junior-D Rank 1Senior-D Rank 4Senior-D Rank 3Senior-D Rank 2Senior-D Rank 1Varsity-D Rank 2Varsity-D PracticeOpen-D Rnd 1Open-D SemisOpen-D FinalsMario-D HardMario-D IntenseMario-D MAXService Match 1Service Match 2Service Match 3Service Match 1Service Practice 2Service Practice 3Net Game Match 1Net Game Match 2Net Game Match 3Net Game Practice 1Net Game Practice 2Net Game Practice 3Stroke Match 1Stroke Match 2Stroke Match 3Stroke Practice 1Stroke Practice 2Stroke Practice 3Machine Lvl 1Machine Lvl 2Machine Lvl 3Machine Lvl 4Wall Lvl 1Wall Lvl 2Wall Lvl 3Wall Lvl 4Machine Master LvlWall Master Lvl64 Mini Lvl 164 Mini Lvl 264 Mini Lvl 364 Mini Lvl 464 Mini Lvl 564 Mini Lvl 6Mario LuigiPeachBaby MarioYoshiDonkey KongWarioWaluigiBowserLevel OneLevel TwoLevel 3Character DataMini-GamesMessage MusicQuitMusic ON3-D Screen ONSave your progress?OK to go back tothe menu?OK to quit thistournament?OK to quit thismatch?Star CourtMario Singles Chlng.Mario Doubles Chlng.Junior Singles ChampJunior Doubles ChampSenior Singles ChampSenior Doubles ChampSingles Trvlng.TeamDoubles Trvlng. TeamIsland Open SinglesIsland Open DoublesService Match 1Service Match 2Service Match 3Service Practice 1Service Practice 2Service Practice 3Net Play Match 1Net Play Match 2Net Play Match 3Net Play Practice 1 Net Play Practice 2Net Play Practice 3Stroke Match 1Stroke Match 2Stroke Match 3Stroke Practice 1Stroke Practice 2Stroke Practice 3Machine Level 1Machine Level 2Machine Level 3Machine Level 4Wall Level 1Wall Level 2Wall Level 3Wall Level 4Machine MasterWall MasterCalculating EXP Pts forAnd forMario Tennis for N64.Exhibition Mode.Linked Play.the ranking match.the Mini-Game.the Island Openthe practice matchthe exhibition matchwinning the trophy.Continue game?Your saved game will be lost. OK?YesNoVsTennis AcademyIsland OpenJunior ClassSenior ClassVarsity SquadRank MatchTournamentRound Practice MatchSetsGames-LVFinalsSemi-FinalsEXP PtsExhibitionMario ChallengeMario ExhibitionYesNoLevel Transferring EXP Ptsfrom Mario Tennis N64.EXP Pts to next level:Level Gained!You moved up a level!This is the top level!Are you ready?Then let me explainhow things work hereat the Academy.Not yet? OK, firstI'll explain what'llhappen from now on.The Academy doesn'tset any kind ofpractice schedule.You choose your ownlessons and when youwant to train.If you want to work onlobs or volleys, justgo see that coach. showed youeverything yesterday,right?OK, then just go rightup to the coacheslike she explained.You forgot already?Just ask the coacheson the practice courts.And do the same whenyou want to play amatch.Classes are based onability, so the match-ups are pretty fair.Any questions?Then you're ready tohit the courts!Then you'd better getready for your firstday of training!OK, let's both putin a good day ofpractice.We're playing doublestoday, so let's backeach other up. OK?We're in the juniorclass, so let's headfor the junior court.We're in the seniorclass, so let's headfor the senior court.We're on the varsityteam, so let's headfor the varsity court.OK, let's both putin a good day ofpractice.It's doubles for ustoday, so let's covereach other well!We're in the juniorclass, so let's getto the junior court.We're in the seniorclass, so let's getto the senior court.We're on the varsityteam, so let's getto the varsity court.Shouldn't you be atthe Island Open....?Oh, you came backbecause you forgotyour lucky socks!Shouldn't we be atthe Island OpenDoubles Tournament?That's right! We cameback to get yourlucky socks!Hurry up and get themso we can get backto the tournament.If you have every-thing, let's head backto the tournament.Then let's go withoutforgetting anythingthis time.Shouldn't you be atthe Island Open...?Oh, you came backbecause you forgotyour lucky socks!Aren't we supposed tobe at the Island OpenDoubles Tournament?That's right! We cameback to get yourlucky socks!Hurry up and grab 'emso we can get backto the tournament.Hurry up, !We have to get backto the tournament.Then let's go withoutforgetting anythingthis time.Are you ready,?Then I'll tell youhow things work hereat the Academy.Not yet, huh? ThenI'll tell you how thingswill work from now on.The Academy doesn'tset any kind ofpractice schedule.You choose what topractice and how longto practice it.If you want to practicelobs or volleys, justgo see that coach.You understoodeverything showed you, right?So just go ask thecoaches directly likeshe said.You already forgot? Justgo see the coaches atthe practice courts.And do the samewhen you want toplay a match.Classes are based onability, so the match-ups are pretty fair.Did you wanna askme something?Then get ready fora hard day oftraining!Then it's timeto train!Welcome back, .I'm all worn out againtoday.We're back, .Whew, I'm tired.Are you all donepracticing forthe day?Then be sure to keepa record of what youdid today.Do you have anyquestions?Are you all done fortoday?Oh, , you'reback! You must bepretty beat.Boy, I'm pretty beattoday, .Are you donepracticingfor the day?Then be sure to keepa record of whatyou did today.Did you wanna ask mesomething?Are you all donefor today?You wanna playdoubles today?Right on! The teamis on its way!Then go do yourdrills, partner!What? You wanna playsingles all of asudden?I see...Then I guess we'll trainon our own today.Right on! Let's hitthe courts, then!Do you want to playdoubles today?OK! Then we're off,partner!Then good luck withyour singles drills!Did you decide toplay singles?That's fine. Goodluck with yourdrills.Then let's go dosome drills.Purrr-myahPurrrrrRawr!MeeowMeow?Meow!!!MyahMyow, meow, myawmeow, myah, meowOh, no! I totallyforgot to tell yousomething important!The traveling team ismeeting in theHeadmaster's office.Hurry, ! Youhave to go to theHeadmaster's office!Hurry, ! Wehave to go to theHeadmaster's office!Oh, shoot! I forgot totell you somethingimportant!The traveling team ismeeting in theheadmaster's office.Hurry, ! Yougotta get over to theHeadmaster's office!Hurry, ! Wegotta get over to theHeadmaster's office!Moving UpDoublesJunior ClassSenior ClassVarsityMoving UpDoublesJunior ClassSenior ClassVarsityTraveling TeamMoving UpDoublesJunior ClassSenior ClassVarsityTraveling TeamAnything else?First, raise yourranking and becomethe class champ.Then you can move upto the next level.You're varsity now,, and that'sthe highest class.You should try to makethe traveling team andgo to the Island Open.You made the travelingteam, . You'reone of the best!Now, just focus onentering and winningthe Island Open.You won the IslandOpen, , soyou're varsity champ!Now just keeppracticing so you candefend your title.When we pair up, wecan play doublestennis.But since we're juststarting, we're stillin the junior class.We've gotten our gametogether and moved upto the senior class.If we keep it up, wemight even makevarsity!We've already madevarsity, .We're really on fire!Now we have to winour way onto thetraveling team!We did it! We madethe traveling team!Now we have to focuson representing theAcademy in the IslandOpen. Let's win it!I can't believe wewon the Island Open,.We're the bestdoubles team at theAcademy!Everyone starts inthe junior class whenthey enter theAcademy. If you moveup in the classrankings and becomeclass champ, you canenter the nextclass.It's the lowest classhere at the RoyalTennis Academy.Once you move up,though, you'll neverdrop back down.>{>{!@#^#V!B  ( * ɯ(,zzp8{gS:~Kk  x # ' d P w 5o6c ,`4I?l.g\+U2kJjW?/] G Aw= !!!!"""#H###$>$$)%a%%&_&& 'e'''8(P(()C))*9***Z+++!,,,-v--.U.. /H///0000^112223L334q4415s55+6667*777,888In terms of skill,the senior class isabout average.You're still in thejunior class, so focuson moving up.The senior class isthe second highestin the Academy.Everyone at the topis very talented, soit's hard to move up.The senior class isthe second highestin the Academy.The varsity squad isfull of the Academy'sbest players.Varsity members evenparticipate inoutside tournaments.The varsity squad isfull of the Academy'sbest players.The traveling teamrepresents the Academyin competitions.You have to trainvery hard to becomea member.The traveling teamrepresents the Academyin competitions.The team members arethe greatest symbolsof the Academy.The Island Opendetermines the top-ranked tennis player.Is thereanything else?First you raise yourranking and becomethe class champ.Once you become classchamp, you can moveup to the next level.You're varsity, soyou're in theAcademy's highest class.Now try to make thetraveling team andgo the Island Open.Making the travelingteam means you'reone of the best.All that's left foryou is to enter andwin the Island Open.Winning the IslandOpen makes you thevarsity champ.Keep practicing, sinceeveryone has settheir sights on you.We can play doublesmatches when we go tothe court together.We're just gettingstarted, so we're inthe junior class.We've worked out thekinks in our game andmade the senior class.At this rate,we'll make varsityin no time!We're doing great!We've already made thevarsity's doubles squad.Now we can finallytry to make thetraveling team!We're on thetraveling team.Now we have to focuson representing theAcademy in the IslandOpen. Let's win it!Wow! We won theIsland Open!Let's stay the bestdoubles team at theAcademy!You have to start fromthe junior class whenyou enter the Academy.Once you become classchamp, you'll move upto the next class.The junior class isthe lowest one atthe Academy.Once you move up,you'll never dropback down again.The senior class isabout average inskill level.That's the class youwant to work yourway into.The senior classis the Academy'smid-level class.Its top players arereally good, so movingup is pretty hard.The senior classis the Academy'smid-level class.The Academy's bestplayers are all onthe varsity squad.Varsity members caneven enter tournamentsoutside the Academy.The Academy's bestplayers are all onthe varsity squad.The Academy isrepresented by itstraveling team.It takes a lot ofhard work to makethe traveling team.The Academy isrepresented by itstraveling team.The team members arethe Academy's greatestsymbols.The top-ranked tennisplayer is determinedat the Island Open.You have to raiseyour ranking to makethe senior class.Do you want to play ajunior-classranking match?Work on your skillsand try to move upquickly.You all should beaiming to beat thevarsity squad members.You don't havea ranking yet,so you have tochallenge the fourth-ranked player first.You're ranked fourth,so try your luckagainst number three.You're third now, soyour next match isagainst number two.You're second, soit's time to challengethe class champ.If you win, thenyou'll become champ,and you can move upto the senior class.Good luck, .The match is threesets of six games.The first to wintwo sets wins thematch. OK?Good. Shall we getstarted right away?Then let's get going!What? You decided notto play after all?I see. Well, comeplay after you'vepracticed some more.If you're nervouswe call it off.Should we?Then let's get going!I see. Well, comeplay after you'vepracticed some more.I'm ranked fourth inthe class. You want tochallenge me, right?OK. It'll be fun.Let's go at it.I admit that you'regood, but you won'tclimb so easily.I guess it's my jobto teach you that.So, , you'vefinally come tochallenge me.Fine then, .It's time to showme what you've got.The junior class champhas to accept any andall challenges!Of course, I'll bemore than happy toaccept yours!Good! Then shall weget started?I lost...Now you'reranked fourth in theclass, .Nice work, .By winning, you rankin at number four.Nice work, .By winning, you moveup to number three.Nice work, .By winning, you moveup to number two.You won, .You're a senior-classplayer now.Congratulations,!You beat the classchamp and qualifiedfor the senior class.I give you thischampion medal--thesymbol of a champion. accepted themedal.Go to the senior classcourts and show thatmedal to a coach.Then you can startplaying right away.Don't worry about me.Players who move upnever drop back down.You won, .You're a senior-classplayer now.Don't worry about me.Players who move upnever drop back down.Heh, heh. Your nextopponent is me--thejunior class champ.If you beat me, youmove up to the seniorclass. Can you do it?I'm ranked top in thejunior class, and I'min the senior class.But even the top-ranked junior doesn'thave a senior ranking.Hmph! You beat me...Now I'm back to third.Well, back to work.Hey, new third-ranker!Are you after mynumber-two spot?Ooh, I can't wait...But I won't give itto you that easily.Ooh, you're so modest.Well, if you want amatch, I'll play you.I'm sure you knowthis, but I'll say itanyway...A set's six games, butif you don't win bytwo, it goes to seven.You were definitelygood. It's my loss,.But I'll show you howgood I can be. I'llbeat you someday!I guess you tookthe fourth-rankedspot, huh?I'm you're nextopponent, but do youthink you can win?Tiebreakers are theworst, don'cha think?If you wanna avoida tiebreaker, you haveto win by two games.The first player toscore seven pointswins a tiebreaker.Players alternateserving twoconsecutive points, somake sure you winpoints on yourown serves.I'm so mad I lost toyou... Now my rankinghas dropped.I'm ranked fourth inthe junior class.You'll have to go throughme if you want torank in.I want to practicebefore my rankingmatch.Will you play apractice match withme?Not right now...?Let's play laterthen, OK?You're really goingto play me?You don't wantto play now?...You're mean.You have to raise yourranking before movingon to the next class.Even if you challengeme to a practicematch I won't play.I have blisters fromtoo much practice. Ican't hold my racket!Scoring in tennisis so romantic,don'cha think?First it's 15-love,then it's 30-love.It's so dreamy. But...Once both sides score,the love is gone...I guess love intennis, is allone-sided...You don't think so?The first point iscalled 15-love.It's like first love atage 15. No othersport scores like that.You made the rankings?Dang! I thought I'ddo it before you...All of the Academy'sstudents aresupposedly gifted.It's not unusual forsomeone like youto rank-in.How can a new studentlike you rank in whenI'm still unranked?I'm practicing sohard I've got blisters!...It's so unfair!Oh, I see you filledyour heart with loveand made the rankings.Does this mean thatlove has lifted youhigher?Did you come to playa doubles rankingmatch?With fewer doublesteams, it's easier tomake the rankings.You two are stillunranked, so you haveto play number three.You're ranked third,so number two is upnext for you.You're number two, soyou have to play thejunior class champs.If you win, you becomethe champs and enterthe senior class.Doubles tennis isdifferent fromsingles.Let me teach you whatmakes it so hard.No matter how goodyou are, we won'tlose to a young team.Our teamwork willdefinitely win out!I won't hand over thejunior class doubleschampionship!That's right. Thedoubles championshipis our pride and joy!Aww... We lost...I'm so disappointed,but what can we do?You're good.Nice work, .By winning, you rankin at number three.Nice work, .By winning, you moveup to number two.You two may have wonhere in the juniorclass...But we'll beat you forsure in the seniorclass.I'm hoping to makethe next level indoubles, too...So I can't standlosing in thejunior class.We're the doubleschamps--best in thejunior class.If you want to get tothe senior class, youhave to go through us.I've been practicingmy singles games andneglecting my doublespractice. I'm the onlyreason we lost.Being the doublesclass champs is asource of pride.So you see...There's no way we'regonna lose to you.Tiebreakers reallyare the worst,don'cha think?If you wanna avoida tiebreaker, you haveto win by two games.The first player toscore seven pointswins a tiebreaker.Players alternateserving twoconsecutive points, somake sure you winpoints on yourown serves.Did we lose....?Just as we were aboutto be ranked in thesenior class, we lost.It looks like anutter defeat forthe champs. , .This win puts you inthe senior class.I give you thechampion medal--thesymbol of champions. & accepted the medal.Go to the senior classcourts and show thatmedal to a coach.Then you can startplaying right away.It's not that Iunderestimate you, butI'm shocked I lost.Congrats on making therankings. It's thefirst change in awhile. We're next. Ican't wait to see howgood you are.I'm sure you knowthis, but I'll say itanyway... A set's sixgames, but if youdon't win by two, itgoes to seven.Losing to you setback my dream ofbeing junior champ.We're going to bedoubles champs, so wewon't lose to anyone.The tough thing aboutdoubles is the hard-core play it demands.If you can't volleywell, then maybedoubles isn't for you.Hmm... Losing to youmeans we drop out ofthe doubles rankings.Our only ranking inthe junior class is indoubles, so there's noway we'll lose. If wedo, we'll drop out!We lost... And we'reout of the rankingsnow... I'm so sad.I'm only ranked injunior class doubles.If I lose thatranking,I'll betotally depressed.Sorry. My partner'shands are blistered,so we can't play.If it's doubles, Ican play even ifmy hands hurt.Do you want to playus in a doublesmatch?Oh, that's too bad.We should definitelyplay sometime.Right on!Are you sure?You don't want to?Fine, but we shoulddefinitely play later.You made the rankingseven though you juststarted...?When my blisters goaway, I'm gonna makethe rankings, too!You two showed realteamwork. I think youcan get even better.Even though you madethe senior class,you're still defendingchamp. Don't forgetit. A champ has toaccept any challenges.You're the champ, andI'm second again.Somehow it's not fair.Before I even knewit...Senior class.What a fast rise!You became champ andraised your rank, butI don't get mine back.An unranked playercan't get the fourthspot without playing.Tournaments decide thefourth spot, so Istill have a shot.Doubles tennis seemsto suit me better,so no matter how highyou climb in singles,I won't care.You improved quickly.That's the key tomoving up.Should someone who'sweak like me use adouble-handed stroke?You two are anamazing combination!You reminded me ofthe importance ofteamwork.At your pace, you'llbe challenging theseniors right away.I'm gonna change myattitude and reallyfocus on doubles!You're good, too, butyour partner's great.I'm not a sore loser!Thanks to you beatingthe champs, I movedup in the rankings.I'm playing a rankingmatch against anotherunranked team.But they'll be apiece of cake!I have a match soon...for my spot at numberthree.But I don't have anyconfidence now. Iwonder if I can win.Oh, man! I have torisk my rank in amatch.I can't even grip myracket... I wonder ifif I can postpone...You two just pairedup, but you're alreadychamps... Amazing!Since you moved uptwo classes, thechampionship is open.There's gonna be atournament for thejunior championship.Since you moved up aclass, now's my chanceto become champ!Even though I lost thechampionship match,I'm still second.Everyone has a shotat the championshipmatch.Thanks to you, I tookthe fourth spot lasttime.If I can seize thischance, maybe I canbecome champ.You're finally aimingfor the travelingteam, huh, ?That would be greatif you could enterthe Island Open!How did you manage tomove up the way youdid?Everyone's sayingyour rise is becauseof your talent.The class champranking returns tothe class when thechamp moves up twoclasses. So yours isopen now.The junior-classchampionship is open,so there's going tobe a tournament. Butwe're seniors, so itdoesn't matter to us.The junior class is onfire now that you'veceded your title.When you two took thechampionship, we allgot depressed.We all knew it wouldbe impossible to winit back from you.We're closest to thejunior class championranking. We can do it!Three teams areplaying for the juniorclass championship!I wonder when theranking tournamentwill be. I can't wait.After you two left therankings, we ranked ineasily!All the junior classdoubles members left,so we moved to third.Moving up regardlessof skill is likeriding an escalator.Don't worry! Youvarsity members can goto the Island Open.Those of us whostay behind willguard the Academy!Everyone used to goto the Island Opento support the team.The Island Openalways reminds meof when I was little.If it weren't forthose experiences, Inever would havepicked up tennis.You have to win at theIsland Open for thehonor of the Academy.Our Academy competeswith Empire for honorat the Island Open.This time, Empire's should face .Why can't we go tothe Island Open thistime, too?I want to cheereveryone on!You don't hear muchabout the Union andFactory teams at theIsland Open, butthey're actuallypretty good.You remember mesaying I'd buy youlunch if you won?Duh! I was talkingabout the doublestournament!Whew! That's good.I'm glad you'recool.,  and  are all seededplayers.Getting seeded inthe Island Open wouldbe so cool...Entering the IslandOpen is an honor fordoubles teams, too.They'll have a chanceto play on thatcenter court.Too bad my partnerisn't a travelingteam member.Victory is important,but it's not allthat's important.Think about how youand your partnerwork together.In doubles, the serverhas to trust hispartner to play thenet. That's the idealcombination.Island Open entrantsare pretty good,aren't they?>ͷz>ͷz!@#^#V!zA  ( * ɯ(,zzn1b$^MJY M# = ]  % 6 j  G t  D p A!|97]"As H@e!KXBf1b t <y-g'k R !!`!!!!,"I""6## $=$r$$$_%%5&&&P'''(+([(((( )/)T))))$*h****+V++++1,,,-l-- .m...d// 0u00j1122A3|333/4T4w44445=5v555&6f667778o888Thinking your opponentis better than youhelps you playmodestly. Playingmodestly is importantin matches.Not taking opponentsseriously can causeyou to lose matches.The Island Open offersexperiences that can'tbe had at the Academy.It's an honor just torepresent the Academyin a tournament.If you win the IslandOpen, I'll buy youlunch!You remember mesaying I'd buy youlunch if you won?I'll stand by my word.I'll get you anythingat the Service Ace!I was just trying toget you pumped forthe tournament!The Island Open Trophyhas been in theHeadmaster's office along time. I hope wecan win it again thistime around.The junior class willproduce the nextIsland Open champ.I wanted to see theIsland Open, too.Thanks to you, I candream of enteringthe Island Open.I'm going to challengeranked players justlike you did.I guess Empire wasn'tthat good this year.I mean, they didn'teven make the finals.I couldn't go to theIsland Open, but I wasrooting for you!Factory tried reallyhard in the IslandOpen this year.But aren't thoseCostellos weird?You remember mesaying I'd buy youlunch if you won?Duh! I was talkingabout the doublestournament!Whew! That's good.I'm glad you'recool.Winning the tournamentwhen you went inunseeded is amazing!What did you think ofthe center court atthe Island Open?It must have feltlike you'd goneto heaven!When you made thetraveling team, Iwished you were mypartner... But yourpartner is the onlyreason you made it.Lately our doublesgame has reallycaught on.We've learned a lotfrom you two.Doubles is all abouttrusting your partner.You taught me that.Were the Island Openentrants any good?See! It's that kindof attitude that gotyou where you are.Well! I guess Inever should haveasked!The Island Open is anexperience you can'tget anywhere else.I want to representthe Academy in atournament, too.The Island Open trophyis in the Headmaster'soffice. Isn't it nice?You remember mesaying I'd buy youlunch if you won?I'll stand by my word.I'll get you anythingat the Service Ace!I was just trying toget you pumped forthe tournament!This is a self-servicecafeteria. So eat toyour heart's content.Don't overeat justbecause it's free.Eat prudently, oryou'll get sick toyour stomach.What should I eattoday?Hmm... A sandwich...Or pizza?Everything looks sotasty, I want to tryit all!What are you eating?Oh, ho! You can thinkabout it as longas you like.I'll have fruit fordessert... And maybea little cake.Oh, I'm sorry...Go right ahead.Hah... A cup of coffeeafter eating isthe best...If you just wantsomething to drink,you can go upstairs.The hamburg steak isso delicious. Itotally recommend it.Aren't you the newkid in the juniorclass?We're in the sameclass, so we'recompeting to move up.Oh, you've been atthe Academy for awhile?Aren't you two inthe junior class?We're in the sameclass, so we'recompeting to move up.Really...? Thenyou've already madethe senior class?Today I have to winmy singles match...I'm gonna move up!Today I have to winmy doubles match...I'm gonna move up!The coaches say thatto be a top player,you even have towatch what you eat.Protein builds muscle,so eat up!Tennis is an intensebattle. To win takesgreat strength.Protein-rich foods andhard training give youthe muscles you need.You shouldn't eatoily foods.The more fat you haveon your bones, theslower you'll move.It's natural for asportsman like myself towatch his diet.You can eat dessertafter training--justnot too much.I doubt you know this,but you gotta playsmart in the seniorclass. You gotta knowwhere your opponentwill hit the ball.Cooperation andformations are thekey to doubles.One person can't coverthe whole doublescourt.Varsity players hitreally fast balls.If you don't havearm strength, yourracket will snap back.I had a hard timeat first since boys andgirls play together.The boys hit fastballs but I canreturn them now.We're doubles partnerseven though I'm in thesenior class and she'son the varsity squad.Singles rank doesn'tmatter in doubles.We cooperate a lotin doubles play.Having her as mypartner makeseverything easier.The varsity squad isfull of fiercecompetitors.They all want to moveup and enter thetournaments.Everyone at theAcademy thinks theycan make the pros.That dream is whatkeeps us trainingso hard.====================================================================================================You're a senior now,, so you haveto eat a lot.! !You seniors have toeat a lot.You be sure to getall your vitaminsand minerals!Well, what'll it be?Somehow high-caloriefoods look thetastiest.But that kind offood is alwaystoo fatty.Today's special istofu steak.Eat lots of freshsalad, too!I have a match later,so I'd better eatlight...Oh! I'm sorry...Go ahead.I have a ranking matchnext, so I'll plan mygame over coffee!Doubles requires a lotmore planning thana singles match.I'm jealous! You wentfrom the junior tothe senior class.I'm jealous! You twowent from the juniorto the senior class.You just entered, butyou've already madethe senior class?But our junior classis pretty high level...I'm gonna do it, too!Don't be so modest...Having you aroundencourages me.Are you already inthe senior class?But our junior classis pretty high level...I'm gonna do it, too!Don't be so modest...I love hearinghow you moved up.I hope my ranking-gamelosing streak endssoon. I'm desperate!Have you been tothe Training Centeryet?It's nice... Trainingthere will help mebecome a top player.Really...? That's awaste. The tennismachine there is onthe cutting edge ofsports technology.If you made the seniorclass, your strengthmust be great!You'll have to push iteven harder fromnow on.I bet your strengthis great now!But you'll have topush it even harderfrom now on.You have to fix yourweaknesses to movehigher. Tennis requiresall-around ability.Think... Do you buildyour strengths or fixyour weaknesses?It's not good to eatuntil you're full.Eighty percent is OK!You have to playaggressively in thesenior class.When the chance comes,you have to move upand attack the net.You have to playstrategically indoubles tennis.When the chance comes,the forward playermust attack the net.Topspin and slice...Master them for aneffective attack.Don't you want tohit the ball hardat first?But then youropponent gets used toit.Sometimes you have tobe willing to easeup on the ball.Wow... It takescourage to go easyon the ball.You made the seniorclass? Well, you haveto play betteragainst betteropponents.You made thesenior classdoubles rankings?Well, you'll have toplay better againststronger opponents.So, you moved up tothe senior class?Wow! You're reallygiving it allyou've got!So, your team moved upto the senior class?It looks like you'llbe playing my teamsoon. I can't wait.Higher-level matchesare all about readingyour opponent.When a slice comes infrom the right side tothe corner, it's hardto return. So is a topspinball that comes fromthe left to the corner.====================================================================================================I don't have to tellyou how things work.Eat up!A well-balanced dietgave you your well-proportioned body.Oh! It's ,from varsity...I don't know what toget, so why don'tyou go first?It takes me a while,so you go aheadof me.Too bad the healthyfood doesn't tastethe best...Since I have to eat alot, maybe I'll getwhat I like...Um... I still can'tdecide, so goahead.Varsity, huh, ?You're doing great!To make the travelingteam, you gotta eat alot and build stamina.! !Nice work! You madedoubles varsity?To make the travelingteam, you gotta eat alot and build stamina.Oh, no! They sold outof fruit parfait!C'mon! Make some more!I'm sorryI snapped...I'm waiting forparfait, so go ahead.My ranking... (sniff!)It fell... (sniff!)I must keep my doublesranking (sniff!). Oh,the pressure!You made varsity,didn't you? I'mso jealous.You made varsitydoubles, didn't you?I'm so jealous!You rose so high!What's your secret...Heart?Yeah, I guess...If you don't haveheart, you can't win.But everyone workson their technique.I guess it's talent...Hee, hee. I moved up,too. Let's keepat it!Have you been tothe Training Centeryet?I thought so. Yougotta use it to getwhere you are.What? Even thoughyou're in varsity, youstill haven't gone?You two stillhaven't gone?Varsity matchesrequire stamina,technique and all-around ability. You'dbetter strengthen anyweaknesses you have.If you hit a wall invarsity matches, go tothe Training Center.The tennis machinewill help you polishyour skills.Everyone on thevarsity squad ismy rival.To get on the team,I have to be the oneto raise my play level.I have to beat Mark'steam to make thetraveling team.I have to studydoubles play if I wantto win.Traveling teammembers can enterthe Island Open.I wonder how it feelsto make the travelingteam...When do you returna topspin witha slice?Only talented playersknow how it feels towin with a weak shot.When you move up, thecompetition just getstougher. But you'recompeting for thetraveling team, so Iguess you can take it.When you move up indoubles, the competitiongets tougher. Butyou two are aimingfor the traveling team,so you must be good.Rumor has it you'repretty good.But the morecompetition I have,the better I play.Now that you've madedoubles varsity, Ihave more competition.But the morecompetition I have,the better I play.What did he ask?I can't tell you.You're varsity now,so you guys are rivals.What did he ask?I can't tell you.You two are varsitynow, so that makes yourivals.Once you make varsity,play a lot of matchesto improve quickly.Is it OK for you to behere even though theIsland Open started?I wonder what it'slike on the IslandOpen island?...?What about theIsland Open?I see... You'realready back becauseyou lost.You played hard.Don't bedisappointed...What? & ? Butthe Island Open...?I see... You'realready back becauseyou lost.You two played hard.Don't bedisappointed...The Island Openhas alreadybegun! and  willwin it for us again!With the coaches allat the Island Open...practice is easy.Oh! The varsitysquad!But you aren'tcoaches, so it'sOK.Those who haven't madethe traveling teamare all depressedduring theIsland Open.The Island Open is allthe Academy is talkingabout... How boring.Making the travelingteam puts you in theIsland Open, right?You're so lucky.I'm jealous.You two are so lucky.I'm jealous.Don't go out ofyour way just tobe modest...They say you needboth skill and luck towin the tournament.They say it's best toassume you'll lose...It's less pressure.I don't see youin here much...When do you eat?I don't see you twoin here much...When do you eat?Wanna hear aboutwhen I entered theIsland Open?The center court wasabsolutely amazing!That final match wasthe high point of mylife.It's been a long timesince Kevin and theothers bumped me out.In matches, if there'ssomething to gain...there's somethingto lose.I couldn't enter theIsland Open since Ididn't make the team.So play hard...for me!I couldn't enter theIsland Open since Ididn't make the team.So play hard forme... Both of you!Everyone wants toenter the Island Open.That's a given!In the Island Open,the entrants allpush their limits.You really haveto find your zoneto win.Do you know whata "zone" is?Yeah, no matter howfast the ball moves,it looks like it'sfloating in midairwhen you're in a zone.All you see is theball. You tune outeverything else.Being a zone iswhen you automaticallyreact to the ball.Tennis gets easieronce you can see theball frozen in midair.Maybe I'll tryusing the largeracket...Large rackets produceless spin and powerbut greater control.Maybe I'll go tothe Repair Counter,too...Maybe they'll haveshoes and a racket thatsuit me better.I think I'll switchto a small racket andchange my game around.With a smaller racket,you have less controlbut more power!Obviously your racketis important intennis, but so areshoes. Light Shoesgive you greater speedand acceleration.If you still want toimprove after makingthe traveling team,use the Iron Racketand shoes to makeyourself work harder.Have you been tothe Repair Counter?When you move up tohigher classes, youcan choose the racketand shoes that suityou best. But youalready knew that!Wearing Iron Shoes andusing an Iron Racketis really hard.Once you're free fromtheir limits, thedifference is amazing!The shoes and racketsat the Repair Counterwill help me improve.Hi, ! Eat up soyou'll have energy forvarsity practice!I want everyone tohave a well-balanceddiet--like theIsland Open champ!I always try towatch my caloriecount when I eat...But when I see allthis food...I can't help it!I'm just gonna eatwhat looks good!Today's special isfish meuniere.Eat some salad! Ithas the vitamins youneed!I'll have some cake,too. I'll just do abit more aerobics...Oh! I'm sorry.Go right ahead.I'm working out mystrategy for thenext Island Open!Should I work onsingles or doubles?...It's a toss-up!You won the IslandOpen your firsttime there, right?Can't you tell me thesecret to winningthe tournament?They say to assumeyou'll lose, but withthat attitude, I will!Do you think I can belike you if I go tothe Training Center?Will going to theTraining Center makeme as good as you two?They say that if youwin the Island Open,you get to play thelegendary player,Mario. But I thinkthat's just a rumor.Every year when theIsland Open champ isannounced, you alwayshear the same story...About ... But noone's ever met him.I think you just letyour momentum carryyou. That's all.I think you two justlet your momentumcarry you. That's all.Winning the IslandOpen is like adream come true.But I'd be happywith just entering.A player with abold, yet refined gameis really tough.You just won 'causeyou found yourzone, right?You two just won'cause you foundyour zone, right?>z>z!@#^#V!A  ( * ɯ(,C{K{@q<2>D6-J4&h x  K K 4 k JAr\N+(=gOKW k=6n-$6S*k#T Q %!K!!!!"C"t""""7#n###A$$$%M%%&m&&'H'''l(()W))) *=*u**3++,:,, --- .p..2/p///G0001111\223R33444"4&434?4H4Q4W4\4l4|4444444444455"5:5\5t555556"626L6Z6i6w66666667777(7,727=7J7X7d7m7v777777777777888#808:8C8L8W8\8g8r88888888888888Yeah, when you're ina zone, you can playbeyond your ability.Wow! Then I'd hateto see you find yourzone...I guess practicereally does makeperfect...If you become champbut still want toimprove, use the IronShoes and Racket toforce yourself towork harder!Have you gotten usedto life at theAcademy?With as yourroommate, I knewyou'd do OK.Now just keeppracticing so you canmake the senior class.Yeah...I guess ittakes a while to getused to the place. is my student,so I decided tomake you two partners.How's your partner, ?Great, .I can't wait to seeyou play doubles. Youwill be a great team. is my student.That's why I madeyou two partners.How's your partner, ?Perfect, .I prefer baselineplay. The key tostopping youropponent from playingthe net is tohit the ball hard.She's the senior champ.She hits a lot harderthan you'd expect.You can hit theball harder with adouble-handed stroke,but a single-handedstroke has betterdefensive range.The slice is my oneweakness. It's keepingme at number four.I see. When you'rewaiting for a serve,move your feet to setyour rhythm. That'llhelp you hunt down theserve.Late reactions resultin service aces, butby using your feet tomatch your rhythm toyour opponent's toss,you can get any serve.We're the worst inin the senior class...But we want to practiceso we can make therankings.Keep off the court ifpeople are playing.You could get hurt!I want to be an all-powerful player. Thesingle-handed strokegives me greaterdefensive range than adouble-handed stroke.I want to be an all-powerful player. Thesingle-handed strokegives me greaterdefensive range than adouble-handed stroke.See my partner? Shecan hit a lot harderthan you'd think.The slice is myweakness. I need tomaster it.Everyone says I hitas hard as the boys.But I'm not playinglike that in myvarsity-level matches.So you finally earnedthe right to challengeme.I'll take youon anytime.It's not like I'm bad.The senior class champis just too good.Think the effort thatmade you number threecan carry you higher?I was naive, too.I'll show you how hardmoving up really is.I won't give up myranking! I'm gonnabeat the class champ!My serve and volleywere fine...But I still lost!I don't really likethe second rankedsenior.He's all right attennis, but he's soconceited.You're number four,so I'm next for you.Make it a good match!That was great,. Now you'renumber three...At this rate, you'llbeat number twoeasily!Thanks, .I'm relieved now thatyou beat number two.I bet you wanna makethe senior class, butit's not so easy.The skill that got youto the senior class isfor real. You're good.You want to makethe senior rankings,but I'll be first todo that. So, do youwanna see what senior-level tennis is like?Hoo, hoo. Ichallenged you, butyou refused... Wimp!You're not afraid?Are you sure you canhandle me?Oh...you are scared.Then maybe we canplay next time...Moving left and rightacross the center lineis good, basic defense.I hate players who hitto one side then theother to tire you anddisrupt your rhythm.Good players attackthe ball, notopponents.Dashing to the net aftera good serve is easiersaid than done.Now that you're inthe senior class, too,I feel more confident.Let's keep at it andtry to make therankings.Let's keep at it andtry to make therankings.Hey, new kid! You madethe rankings beforeme. Way to jump ahead!You sure showed thoserankers, and quick!Way to go! You madethe rankings! You'rereally something else.You're such anaggressive player.That's why you madethe rankings soquickly.You made the seniorclass rankingsbefore me.But I'm happy tohave a rankedpartner.Hey! You beat me tothe senior classrankings.I'm going to keepworking, too!This match is yourticket to thevarsity squad.I'd like to let youwin... But that's nothow you learn. Sorry!You've got some nervechallenging me...I'll hit you so hard,you won't think ofchallenging me again!OK, so you have someskills. But moving upwon't be that easy.Looks like it's up tome to teach you thatlesson.So you made the seniorclass? And in such ashort time!Want to play forthe next spot?Want to play a rankingmatch for the nextspot?Yeah, maybe youshould practice atthis level first.Really? Just tell mewhen you thinkyou're ready.You're unranked soplay the fourth-ranked player first.You're ranked fourth,so you'll play numberthree next.You're ranked third,so you'll play numbertwo next.You're ranked second,so now you'll play thesenior class champIf you win this match,you're on the varsitysquad. Good luck!This is a three-setmatch, and there aresix games per set.You have to win by twosets. Are you ready?Then shall we start?OK, take the court.What's wrong? Doyou want to callit off?Yeah, maybe you shouldpractice at this levelfirst.You're calling it off?OK. Just let me knowwhen you're ready.You're pretty good.The number four spotis yours, .You win, . Nowyou're ranked fourthin the senior class.You win, .Now you're ranked thirdin the senior class.You win, . Nowyou're ranked secondin the senior class.I lost? How were youable to handle my hardstroke...?Congratulations,!You finally madevarsity, and you'resenior class champ.Take this medal,the symbol of theclass champion. tookthe medal.I never thought you'dreach my level soquickly...Losing to you was...dramatic. You'll winat the varsity level.We're the senior classdoubles champs.I know we won't losein a volley match.It's great that a newteam made it tonumber two.But taking the seniorclass championshipwon't be so easy.I'm the doubles champ.I won't relinquish mychampionship ranking.You moved up tonumber two quickly,didn't you?Too bad you won'tmake it to seniorclass champ.Was it hard to makethe senior class insuch a short time?Yeah, I knowwhat you mean.You must not feel pain.You and seemmade for each other.You must not feel pain.You and seemmade for each other.The levels are muchdifferent betweenjunior and seniorplayers. I made it tothe senior class, butnow I'm floundering.I knew we'd have toface each other onceyou made the rankings.Victory is a thing ofchance, but I'm giving itall I've got.We'll show you theexperience seniorclass teams have.It was a thrillinggame, but in the end,we lost.We should have beatyou with our seniorclass experience.But that experiencedidn't help us at all.So, you're the latestteam to make thesenior rankings...Well, I won't justhand over my seniorclass doubles ranking.I lost my one and onlydoubles ranking... NowI have to start over.My third rank in thesenior class is mypride and joy.My ranking...My pride and joy...It's gone...Neither of us has madethe senior classdoubles rankings, huh?Well, how about anon-rankingpractice match?Oh... Oh, well.But let's definitelyplay sometime.You'll play apractice match?Huh? No? Now why'dyou have to letme down like that?OK! Let's do it!I haven't practicedenough, so I don'tdo well in matches.I need moreexperience so I won'tcrack under pressure.You made the rankingseven though youentered the seniorclass after me.Why am I alwaysunranked...?The ranked teams boastgood teamwork. That'sthe key to winning.Nice job making thesenior class. You twomake great partners,just like I thoughtyou would. So, areready to move up?Ready to try for aneven higher spot?It might be goodto come back afteryou train a little.Your first rankingmatch will be againstthe number-three team.You two are third, soyou'll play thenumber-two team next.You two are second, soyou'll play thesenior class champsnext. If you win thismatch, you'll makevarsity... Good luck!You already knowthe rules.So... Are you ready?Are you ready to playfor the senior classchampionship?OK! Let thegames begin!What's wrong? Do youwant to call it off?Oh, OK...We can call it off.So you will play...OK! Let's getstarted!You're challenging memore quickly thanI expected.If you haven'ttrained enough, youwon't beat us., your team isan awesomecombination!Look at the teamswe've beaten. Our rankmeans something!We'll show you howgood the senior classdoubles teams are.We won't give ourranking to anyone.Nice job, .Your team won! Nowyou're ranked third.Nice job, .Your team won! Nowyou're ranked second.Hoo... We lost...They said our netplay was top class,but it was outdone...The champs' teamworkwas unbeatable...But you beat them!As the new champions, & move up to varsity!As the new champions, & move up to varsity!Great job, !I give you this medal,the champion's symbol. acceptedthe medal.Go to the varsitycourt. From now on,your team is my rival!Now I'm lookingforward to playingagainst your team.We'll play you twoagain on the varsitycourts... And win!We may have lost insenior class doubles,but we'll win yet!You can't play me,even if you makevarsity.First you haveto make thetraveling team. already...made varsity?But making thetraveling teamis really hard.Your progress has beenamazing... You'll makethe traveling team.Only four players makethe singles travelingteam. It's that hard.I hate to admit it,but true talent mayoutdo experience.Varsity rankings arebased on the resultsof an open tournament.The lowest player inthe tournament takesthe fourth spot.Traveling team membersrepresent the Academyin tournaments.You never hear aboutcheap play invarsity matches.They pay closeattention toeverything they do.Singles matches arevery important...But let's work onour doubles game,too, OK, ?Singles matches arevery important...But let's focus onour doubles game.All right, ?! !Amazing! You madedoubles varsity!If we don't beat you,we won't make varsity.But you two areformidable opponents.Try harder, you two!If you make thetraveling team, thetop senior rankingwill open up!You beat the champs,so now's my chanceto make the rankings.At the very least, Ihave to get my oldranking back.You stole my ranking,then you gave me thechance to re-earn it.I think I'm grateful,but I'm also mad.You two taught me thatdoubles tennis is wonor lost on net play.Grab this chance toenter the tournamentand play your best. has gone to theIsland Open, so I'mcoaching now.Coaching like thisis such a refreshingchange.It's weird not having as my coach.I really hope wins the Island Open.'s our idol, sowe're rooting for her.GO !I think  's socool and groovy...I hope you win,  .Everyone roots for hisor her favorite playerin the Island Open.Mark, Emily and Kevinaren't geniuses onthe court. They gotto where they are bypracticing with IronShoes and Rackets.I wonder what racketsthey're using in theIsland Open?Maybe Large Rackets...But probably not anybasic ones.I don't care who theothers root for... I'mrooting for you!'Cause I'm alwaysrooting for !Who cares who theothers root for? I'mrooting for !Winning the IslandOpen doesn't have tobe just a dream foryou.  and are sure to win, butdon't give up hope!We just played youthe other day.To think you'realready going to theIsland Open... Weird.You're better thanwe are. You don't evenhave to say why...In a tight spot, youcommunicate and hangtight for your chance.You're better thananyone... Go intomatches believing that.No matter what thescore, never give upuntil the game's over.Always attack theweaker player of anopposing doubles team.That's how you breakup their teamwork.I'm so jealous youand got toenter the IslandOpen. I mean, she'sthe same level asme in singles.I'm so jealous youand got toenter the IslandOpen. He's no betterthan me insingles.You're rise has becomesuch a drama--it'sinspired everyone.I think really is thebest coach.I thought  wouldwin the Island Open...Oops! ...But I'm gladyou won, .Our idol, , suredid well. I hope shewins next time....But I wish I couldsay I did well, too.You won this time, soI'm going to focus onthe next Island Open.What type of play winsmatches? C'mon, tellme!You got as good asyou are 'cause youworked so hard.Masters are theproducts of theirefforts.I wonder what racketwas used most bytournament entrants.Maybe I'll startusing that racket,too.I'm so glad mypartner is theIsland Open champ., I'm lucky tohave the Island Openchamp as my partner!Everyone has his ownpersonal goals thathe's working hardtoward. And it's allthanks to what you'vedone.We just played youtwo the other day.To think you'rethe Island Openchamps... Weird.Can't you two give meany pointers?I'm sure the champsmust have some goodadvice they can share.You won because youbelieve in andencourage each other.No matter what thescore, never give upuntil the game's over.For some reason, theyalways hit to mypartner in doublesmatches. I guess ifthe team isn't strong,you won't win.Change colorHALTStand byRunVictory poseDefeat poseForehandBackhandSmashJumpForehand volleyBackhand volleySmash volleyJump volleyForehand (charge)Backhand (charge)Smash (charge)Serve (wait)Serve whirlwindJumpSPECIAL1SPECIAL2SPECIAL3SetContinueSinglesDoublesMini-GameRanking MatchJunior ClassSenior ClassVarsityServiceNet PlayStrokePracticeRank 4Rank 3Rank 2Rank 1PracticeRank 4Rank 3Rank 2Rank 1PracticeRank 4ServiceNet PlayStrokePracticeRank 3Rank 2Rank 1PracticeRank 3Rank 2Rank 1PracticeRank 2Choose singlesor doublesChoose a modeChoose a classChoose a gameChoose anopponentChoose to setor hand overclear status.tennis termstennis rulestennis equipmenttennis techniquestennis facilitiesindextennis dictionaryAceAdvantageAllAlleyAngle ShotAngle VolleyApproach ShotBack PlayerBackhandBaselineBig ServerBody ShotBreak (Service)Break PointCallChance BallClay CourtComposition CourtCourt ChangeCrosscourt ShotDeuceDouble FaultDown the LineDrop ShotFaultFifteen (15)Flat ShotFootworkForehandForty (40)GameGame CountGame PointGame-Set CountGrass CourtGripGround SmashGround VolleyGround StrokeHalf-VolleyHard CourtHolding ServeLetLobLove (0)Love GameMatch>S{>S{!@#^#V!BB  ( * ɯ(,){1{ %5@NYbox~$-;AGR[bjt8/d. VHB{$ ] 0 n T  W ? j @ DY>_+T&dEm#za,`*2^> Q.k<k' j !Q!!!"R"""#?#|##~$$*%% &&&'B''''k(()V))***,++++c,,,`--).o../L//0?0p00!1B1u11%2m223J333>4444555c555#6a66717U7777j88Match PointNetNet PlayOn The LineOne-Up/One-BackOpen CourtOut of BoundsOver CourtOver NetPassing ShotPoachingPointRallyReady PositionReceiveReceiverReturn WinnerRunning ShotServe And VolleyServerServiceService AceService CourtsService LineService ReturnSetSet CountSidelineSingle-HandedSliceSmashSplit StepStraightStrokeSurfaceTake BackTennis CourtThirty (30)TiebreakerTopspinTossTwo-HandedTwo-UpUp PlayerVolleyVolley VolleyWatchWinning ShotA shot that youropponent cannot hit.There are serviceaces, and smashaces.The term for one pointbeyond deuce.Score one more pointafter advantage to winthe game.The term used when thenumber of games, setsor points is equal.For example, 30-30 is"thirty all."The area between thesingles and doublessidelines.A shot with a sharperangle than acrosscourt shot.A volley hit on acrosscourt angle.A shot used to set upa point-winning shot.The player in therear position ina doubles match.This position returnsthe ball, rallies andcreates point chances.Hitting the ball fromyour non-dominateside.For righties, hittingfrom the left, forlefties, the opposite.The lines at eitherend of the court.A player who stays inthis area is called abaseline player.A player with astrong serve.A shot that lookslike it will hitthe player's body.Also the return of aball that is close tothe player's body.Winning a gamewhile receiving.The point that breaksan opponent's serve.Announcing the scoreor other informationduring play.A slow, shallow shotthat is easy to hitand score off of.A court coveredwith hard clay.This red court hasa slow ball speedand a weak bounce.A court covered withartificial turf.This court has avery high ball speedand a normal bounce.Switching sidesafter uneven-numberedgames in a set.A basic shot madeacross the courtat an angle.Also called a crossshot or cross ball.The term for a scoreof 40-40. A playermust score two pointsin a row after deuceto win the game.Missing a serve twicein a row. The receivergets a point.A straight shot thattravels down one ofthe sidelines.A shot that barelydrops over the net.Most effective whenyour opponent isaway from the net.Missing a serve.If you miss twice ina row, the receivergets a point.The term for thefirst point a playerscores in a game.A ball hit with nospin. It travelsfast and straight.The way a playermoves his feet.Hitting the ball onthe same side as theplayer's racket hand.The term for thethird point a playerscores in a game.One unit in a set.Score at least fourpoints to win a game.The number of gamesthe players or teamshave won.The final pointneeded to win agame.The number ofgames requiredto win a set.A court covered withnatural grass.This green court has ahigh ball speed anda weak bounce.The handle of theracket or how theplayer holds it.A smash hit after theball has bounced.A volley made afterthe ball bounces offthe court surface.A shot played afterthe ball has bounced.Hitting a ball thatis still on its wayup after bouncing.A concrete courtcovered with rubber.It has a normalball speed andstrong bounce.Winning a gamewhile serving.The term used whenplay is halted ormust be done over.A common let is aserve hitting the netbefore landing in.A high shot hit overthe opponent's head.The term for havingscored no points in agame.A game in which oneplayer wins, while theother does not score.A tennis competitionmade up of games andsets.The point whichdecides the winnerof the match.The mesh materialthat divides thecourt in half.Also a term usedwhen the ball hitsthe top of the net.Playing closeto the net.A ball that lands on asideline or baseline.It is consideredto be in bounds.A doubles formationused to defend thecourt.Players divide thecourt into the fore-and backcourts.The rear player is incharge of offensiveattacks.The area on the courtoutside the area theplayer is defending.Also called openspace.When the ball is hitoutside the boundariesof the court.Hitting the ball outof bounds beyond theopponent's baseline.Letting the racketcross the net beforehitting the ball.A shot that an oppo-nent near the net isunable to hit.Stealing a shot bystepping in front ofa partner in doubles.Also used to surpriseopponents.The smallest scoringunit in tennis.A player must scorefour points to win agame.Hitting the ballback and forth.A player's stancewhile waiting forthe ball.Returning theopponent's serve.Also called aservice return.The player receivingthe serve.A service return thatthe server cannot hit.The receiverscores a point.Hitting the ballwhile running.A popular strategyin which the serverdashes to the netafter serving andvolleys the return.The player whobegins play fora point.The shot that beginsplay for a point. Alsocalled a serve.A serve thatimmediately winsa point.The four adjoiningareas the serverserves into.The server serves intothe box diagonallyacross from him.The line parallel toand between the base-line and the net.Hitting the opponent'sserve back across thenet.Also called receive.A group of gameswithin a match.In a two-game set,the first to win twogames wins the set.But if the game countis 2-2, a tiebreakermust be played.The number of setswon by each player.The lines that runlengthwise along bothsides of the court.A ball that lands out-side of either lineis called side-out.Holding the racketwith one hand whenhitting the ball.A ball hit with areverse spin.The ball comes in lowand stays low afterit bounces.A powerful overheadstroke used forreturning a weak shot.Standing with feetapart and rockingslightly in order toreact quickly to thenext ball.Hitting the ballin a direct linedown the court.Also called astraight ball.Hitting the ball. Alsocalled a groundstroke.The top layer ofthe court. Surfacematerials includenatural grass orrubber or clayover concrete.Pulling the racketback in preparationfor a stroke.The place where youplay tennis, silly!There are hard, grass,clay and compositioncourts.The term for thesecond point a playerscores in a game.A game played todetermine the winnerof a set when thegame count is tied.A player must scoreseven points and winby at least two towin the tiebreaker.A ball that spinsforward when hit.It comes in highand bounces up atthe opponent.Throwing the ball inthe air in preparationfor a serve.Holding the racketwith two hands whenhitting the ball.A doubles formationused to defend thecourt.Players line upnext to each other,parallel to the net.The player in theforward positionin a doubles game.This player smashesand volleys weakshots.Returning the ballfrom close to the netbefore it bounces.When both players hitconsecutive volleys.Waiting to see if theball will go out ofbounds.A shot that scores apoint.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZYou can't do justweight training...If you build too muchmuscle, your speedwill drop...We don't have thesame power thatboys do.I want to boost mypower at least alittle!I'm training so I'llbe able to outlastand out-hit opponents.Occasional machinetraining helps,don't you think?One, two, one, two...Rhythm training reallyimproves your game.Hoo, hah, Hoo, hah!You burn more fatif you breathe whileyou dance!You should dance withus--unless you hatedancing.It's really fun.Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...Tennis is all aboutrunning. You'd betterrun, too!I've been so lazy,I've put on fat. Timeto burn it off...We coaches can reallyfeel a lot stress.I run to helprelieve thepressure!Lifting heavy weightscan actually negativelyimpact your training.I'm thinking of uppingmy weights... But tohow many pounds?I'm trying to buildmuscle evenly onmy legs.Running really helpsbuild endurance.And this trainingadds agility!Aerobic dancing helpsbuild muscleelasticity, you know.It's so much easierto dance when I'mwearing a headband.Aerobics is such goodtraining. How come morepeople don't do it?Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...I always do a cool-down run afterplaying. It keepsmy muscles fromtightening up.Hohh! ...tired...I'm so outta shape...It's painful!Since I can't make thetraveling team, maybeI'll become a coach...You're on varsity,so maybe you shouldn'tdo the bench press.You're both varsity,so maybe you shouldn'tdo the bench press.Once you make varsity,you should focus onbuilding experience.At the varsity level,tennis is a footrace.How are your legs?At the varsity level,tennis is a footrace.How are your legs?Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...I've almost reachedmy goal for the day.Aerobics is prettyfun! Hey! Why don'tjoin us?I haven't been doingthis long, but I'malready so sweaty!I get kind of self-conscious when Idance. Am I in rhythm?Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...While I was running,you made varsity?Fine! I'll run somemore and challenge youwhen my stamina's up.Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...While I was running,you two made varsity?Fine! I'll run somemore and challenge youwhen my stamina's up.Hey, I've even madevarsity.Making thetraveling team isthe real challenge.You can shoot for thetraveling team ifyou want.Maybe I'll be aprofessional-levelcoach!You two can shoot forthe traveling teamif you want.Maybe I'll be aprofessional-levelcoach!You made the travelingteam, so you don'thave to do weighttraining. Train whileyou practice, with theIron Shoes and Racket!There are other waysto train now besideslifting weights.You can even go to theRepair Counter anduse their equipment.The seniors all go tothe Repair Counter,but I'm fine here.Leg strength is reallyimportant in sports,don't you think?Leg strength is reallyimportant in sports,wouldn't you say?Once I starttraining, I'm afraidto take a break.Do you knowwhat I mean?Once I starttraining, I'm afraidto take a break.Do you two knowwhat I mean?Am I off tempo?I'm wearing IronShoes, so I can't moveto my normal beat.But once I take 'emoff, my body will feellight as a feather.Really? I'm wearingIron Shoes, but maybeI got used to them.Don't wear Iron Shoeswhen you're doingaerobics.If I see you dancingout of rhythm,I getout ofrhythm, too.That guy dancing overthere can really move....Who is he?Keep an eye on theFactory Team playersat the Island Open.The Costello twinsare supposed to bepretty good.All the Island Openentrants are good.You almost have tokeep an eye oneveryone.If those twins form adoubles team, they'llbe overpowering.No one works as welltogether as a coupleof twins.The Headmaster willreturn after theIsland Open.I'm so happy when Iget to see himeveryday...Hey, Island OpenChamp! I'll win if itcomes down to muscle!Hey, look at me!Don't you like mymuscle tone?It's all thanks tomy regimentedworkout!Look at my legs!Sports are all aboutthe lower body.How much longer shouldI continue training?Even I don't know.I was wearing IronShoes until now.But after taking themoff, my feet are solight, I can't dance!When there's someonewho's got no rhythm,it throws me off, too.Some people look atme like I'm dancingweird. How rude!Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...While I was running,you became champion?Fine. I'll run moreand challenge you whenI have more stamina.Hoo, hah, hoo, hah...While I was running,you two became champs?Fine. I'll run moreand challenge you whenI have more stamina.You're number one onthe traveling teamnow.I want you tocoach me.You two are the numberone doubles teamnow.I want you tocoach me.Now that the IslandOpen is over, thingsare back to normal.The Headmaster's back,so I'm gonna tryto become a coach!Did you come to dosome wall practice?The Wall Practice Roomis really goodtraining. Good luck!The Wall Practice Roomisn't for everyone.There isn't any wallpractice as hard asthe Academy's.Those moving panelsare such a pain!I wonder... Am Ithinking too much bytrying to avoid them?On Level One, thepanels face tothe sides.If the ball hits apanel, it gets knockedaway.For Level One, youhave to hit the ballagainst the wall fiftytimes. But you stillhave to abide by therules of tennis.You have to startfrom Level One.Do you want to try?Then you can go intothe court.Do you think wallpractice isonly for beginners?Everyone looks down onthe Academy's wallpractice before theytry it. But after onetry, everyone'sattitude changes.The Academy's wallpractice is not whatyou'd expect.Your game is oversince the ball hitthe net.Do you want totry again?Your game is oversince the ball wentout of bounds.Do you want totry again?Your game is oversince the ballbounced twice.Do you want totry again?Your game is oversince the ballhit you.Do you want totry again?Your game is oversince the ball hitthe net.Your score is consecutive hits.Try again?Your game is oversince the ball wentout of bounds.Do you want totry again?Your game is oversince the ballbounced twice.Do you want totry again?Your game is oversince the ballhit you.Do you want totry again?Your game is over.Please exit the court.Nice work, .You cleared thefirst level.Nice work, .You cleared thesecond level.Nice work, .You cleared thethird level.Nice work, .You cleared thefourth level.Anyone can clear LevelOne wall practice.But the later levels...Level Two wall practiceis unbelievably hard.Just try it.The two sets of panelson Level Two knock theball up and down.You have to payattention to both thetop and bottom panels.You have to hit theball fifty times onLevel Two, too.If you can do that andabide by the rules oftennis, you'll clear it.Next, you must tryLevel Two. Do youwant to try?Then you can enterthe court.Do you want to tryan easier level?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.Level Two has twopanels, so it isquite difficult.Are you going to tryLevel Three wall tennisnow?There are still twopanels, but now theyrotate and hit theball in differentdirections. Don't thinkit's easy.There are still onlytwo panels, but it's alot harder.When the panels rotate,it's just that muchharder.You're up to LevelThree? Now the panelsrotate.>9{>9{!@#^#V! B  ( * ɯ(,~~:h>gYCv,KtK~fU&O1 P y J  @ } ' H b G {Q0z=q-^q)=w1b7uw!#%')2468JLNPRTVXZ\^`bwy{}   "579;JLNPRTVXZ\^`btvxz%'79IK\^rt   )+-/BDUWhj|~  !#%')+-/13HUWY[lnprtvxz|~ .0ACEGIKMOQSUWYikmo!#%'3579GI[]_acegikmoqs{')+9;IKMOQSUWY[]_qsuw   1 3 5 7 9 ; = ? A C E G I U W Y [ k m ! ! !!!!&!(!*!>!@!B!D!F!H!J!!!!"H""""r###R$$%%%%p&&&('j''(((7)p))**+p++$,],,-w--i..D//30c000E1o111j223833333 4B4444,5j5556[6}666.7k7778D8888Now the two panelshit the ball indifferent directions.When the panelsrotate, their colorschange.You have to hit theball fifty times onLevel Three, too.If you can do that andabide by the rules oftennis, you'll clear it.Next, you must clearLevel Three. Do youwant to try?Then you may enterthe court.Do you want topractice an easierlevel?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.On Level Three, thepanels rotate.It's very difficult.Are you going toattempt the finalwall practice level?Level Four has threesets of panels for avarsity-level challenge.Yeah, just forgetabout it.Three sets of panelscover the wall.No one can go upagainst it and win!Three sets of panelsmoving around the wall....That's Level Four.Add Level One's panelto Level Three's...That's Level Four.Up, down, left andright... Yourhead just swims!You have to hit theball fifty times onLevel Three, too.If you can do that andabide by the rules oftennis, you'll clear it.Next, you must clearLevel Four. Do youwant to try?Then you may enterthe court.Do you want topractice an easierlevel?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.Level Four has threesets of panels.It's intense. I'm amazed!You're the first toever complete wallpractice. This recordwill go down inhistory!... You clearedLevel Four? You're unstoppable!Everyone said thatnobody could beatLevel Four...Apparently there'sa Master Levelbeyond Level Four...There's a wallpractice level aboveLevel Four that noone has tried. You tryto return the ball asmany times as you can.Will you try theMaster Level ofwall practice?The highest score onthis level is 50, sotry to beat it.Well, you may enterthe court.Do you want topractice an easierlevel?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.The Master Levelcounts how many timesyou return the ball.Your consecutive-hitrecord is .Do you want totry to break it?The record for thislevel is ,so try to break it.OK, you mayenter the court.Do you want topractice an easierlevel?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.Only you can breakyour own record.That's our opinion.Wall Master !Your recordwill stand forever!It can't be broken,but will you try theMaster Level anyway?Then you mayenter the court.Do you want topractice an easierlevel?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.Wall Master !Your recordwill stand forever!Your score is consecutive hits.Nice work, .It's a new record!Do you want to breakyour record?Your score is9999 consecutive hits.The wall can't countany higher!Congratulations,. You're theWall Master.Do you want totry the Master Levelagain?Wall Master !Your record isamazing!Only a super athletecould outdo themachine!Unbelievable, .Becoming Wall Masteris almost impossible!Your tennis prowesshas even outpacedtechnology!Try Level Onewall practice?Try Level Twowall practice?Try Level Threewall practice?Try Level Fourwall practice?You haven't clearedthis level.Try the samelevel again?Did you bump intothe Headmaster?Uh-huh. So thatwas you.I was afraid you'dbumped your head, butI see you're all right.That's odd... Itlooked just like you,but I guess it wasn't...You just formed adoubles team, right?Uh-huh. You're bothstill pretty reserved,so I thought so.Really?I can usually spot'em pretty easily...You're the Academy'snew student,aren't you?If you got in here,you must be good attennis.Don't you think"Royal Tennis Academy"is a great name?I came here becauseI liked the nameso much.The Academy has"royal" in it's name,right?It's because a kingfounded it long ago.You know... Royalty.Have you heard aboutthe greatest tennisplayer of all time?His name...is Mario.But it's just a story.I'm gonna go from thejunior class to thesenior class, and thento varsity. And like,someday, I'm gonna gopro. That's my dream.Ah...the Island Open.Everyone wants towin that tournament.Have you metthe Headmaster?When I was sitting inthe sun...I saw himdance before my eyes.Does he know Iskipped my lesson?I saw him not toolong ago, but heseemed busy...He's almost neverhere, so I was reallyhappy to meet him.The Headmaster alwaysreturns whensomething is about tohappen. The last timewas when they builtthe Training Center.I'm so glad theHeadmaster looked hisusual happy self.Have you already beento the Island Open?That place is amazing!I've only seenpictures, but still!What? You're on thetraveling team, butyou still haven'tgone? If you'll letme, I'll go in yourplace!I wonder how ourHeadmaster will be atthe Island Open.He's the tournamentchairman. I wonder ifhe's gotten pompous.The Island Open trophywas originally donatedby our Headmaster.It's so nice to lieout in the sun.Don'cha think?What does one have todo to be a successfultennis player..?If you can win theIsland Open, then mydream isn't impossible...But first, I guessI have to make thetraveling team, huh?Well, that's done...Oh, my goodness!I'm late!I'd better hurry!My documents...Where are they?Ah! There they are!Oh, this is terrible...You... Are you OK?Are you all right?I'm terribly sorry...I was in such a rush,I didn't see you.Can you forgive me?Don't say such athing... Please, find itin your heart.Oh, thank you.Oh dear! Are youwearing an Academybadge?That's right! The newstudent is to arrivetoday!Are you... ?Really? Well, I hopeto see you on thevarsity team soon!Oh, my! This won't do!Now I'm completelylate.Um, I must be going,so I mustexcuse myself.Students aren'tallowed off campusduring trainingwithout permission.Some students used toskip their lessons.Good luck at theIsland Open! I'mrooting for you!The Headmaster told meto let the IslandOpen champ through. MARIO TENNIS STAFF Subscript & Lead Game Designers Hiroyuki Takahashi Shugo Takahashi Director Shugo Takahashi Programming Director Kenji Numaya Sound Director Masaaki Uno Assistant Producer Yusuke Sugimoto Assistant Director Ayumu Shindo Game Design Staff Yusuke Sugimoto Ayumu Shindo Kentaro Sakoh Shuji Shimizu Programming Staff Yutaka Yamamoto Takeshi Nohara Akiko Sato Kaoru Shimada Norio Shimizu Yasushi Kazawa Hiroyuki Ichikawa Yasuhiro Taguchi Original Characters Shigeru Miyamoto Hiroji Kiyotake Sin Yamanouchi Mitsuru Fukumoto Graphics Mitsuru Fukumoto Masashi Mikami Akihito Kimura Kaori Matsunaga Hidetoshi Sakamoto Masayuki Hashimoto Original Music Composers Kazumi Totaka Kozue Ishikawa Yukio Kaneoka Music Composition & Arrangement Motoi Sakuraba Sound Effects & Sound Operator Hiroyuki Hamada Supervisors Shigeru Miyamoto Takashi Tezuka Koji Kondo Haruki Kodera Toru Takamatsu Graphic Support Yoichi Kotabe Masanori Sato Artwork Staff Ryuji Hagino Yoshitaka Nishikawa Motoki Fujita Aya Takano Coordinator Masaaki Uno Toshiharu Izuno English Translation Bill Trinen Tim O'Leary Localization Michelle Powers Localization Management Jeff Miller Leslie Swan Special Thanks to Super Mario Club staff NOA Product Testing Minoru Arakawa Manabu "Mike" Fukuda Kazuhiro Matsumoto Atsushi Okada Kenichi Nishida Produced By Shinji Hatano Hiroyuki Takahashi Shugo Takahashi Executive Producer Hiroshi Yamauchi Created By CAMELOT Co.,Ltd. NINTENDO Co.,Ltd. #See that coach overthere? That's thetechnique coach.You can talk to thatcoach anytime for serveand volley training.And this coach...teaches the lobshot.There are plenty ofother coaches likethem.Isn't this the bestplace to learntennis?You can explore onyour own to see whatelse we have.Service aces winmatches, so I want toimprove my serve.First you gotta tossthe ball well. Thatsets up a good serve.A good first serve ishit hard and barelypast the service line.If you often fault,serve a slice towardthe sideline.At the senior level,you'll use your serveto carry your game.A serve that's hit tothe corner and bouncesout is mighty weapon!When serving to theleft corner, hit atopspin serve.For the right corner,serve a slice.A serve hit fromcenter court tocenter court is called"down-the-line."Angled serves give youmore court to use, butthey're easier toreturn. Down-the-lineis hard to serve butalso hard to return.Most players try tohit their first servedown the line.If they fault, thenthey try a cross-court serve.Good net playdetermines who winsa tennis match.Do you know why youshouldn't run tooclose to the net?That's right, timingyour move to the netis most important.You wouldn't want tomiss a weak returnshot by an opponent!Rushing the netleaves you vulnerableto passing shots.Watch for lobs whenyou play the net andbe ready to step back.Good net play pres-sures your opponentand forces mistakes.Net play isn't justvolleying. You have touse smash shots, too.A weak lob shot isyour chance for asmash.A serve-and-volleyattack isn't enough tobeat top players.You have to mix othertechniques into yournet play, too.The volley and smashtechniques used in netplay are both powerfulshots, but hitting aweak drop shot canbe effective, too.Don't you think it'shard to hit a dropball?Actually, drop shotsare easy. Just hit aweak slice on yourvolley so it barelyclears the net anddrops down. See, easy!Drop shots areespecially effectiveagainst body shots.Improving your strokeis the most basic ofthe basics.You can't win amatch withouta solid stroke.You have to hit withplenty of topspin fora powerful stroke.When the game becomesa rally, don't rushyourself.Alternate your shotsleft and right as youwait for your chance.If you don't get the ace,you have to playa stroke match.Want me to teach youan advantageous secretto the rally?Hit the ball deep andpin your opponentagainst the baseline.Power up and swingas you move forwardto do it.Taking position onthe center line letsyou control the game.If the server takesthe net, it's troublefor the receiver.In that case, it'sbest to use a lob toforce her back.You always have tohit a lob deep intothe other court.A lob hit to the frontyour opponent's courtcan be smashed back.A high, deep lob isa server's worstnightmare.If you can masterthat, you can letthem take the net!It's tough to breakthe service againsttop players.To do so, you reallyhave master yourstroke techniques.You have to putpressure on the serverand force a mistake.Use a combination oflobs and passingshots to do it.The aim of a passingshot is to return across-court serve witha straight return.Aim down the line andsee what you can do!A passing shot issimilar to a down-the-line shot.Do you know what I'mtalking about?Returning a strongserve makes a passingshot that muchstronger. Predicting aserve's path isvery important fora passing shot.A strong ball hit theshortest possibledistance is difficultto return. Read youropponent's serve...A return winner ishis biggest fear.Whoosh! Whoosh!I'm practicing tostrengthen my swing.Whoosh! Whoosh!Don't I have afast swing?I thought so!I can swing fasterthan anybody!You think this isslow? Then show mewhat you can do!Pah! Is that it?I'm much faster thanthat! Hah-hah-hah! wanted toswing so badlyjust now!Press the A Button asmany times as you canin 10 seconds toswing. Go, !In ten seconds, did practice swings!People are beautifulwhen they try theirhardest!Did I startle you?I'm no monster,I'm a water sprite!You tried very hard.You have impressed me.I like peoplewho try hard,so I want to giveyou this Gold Racketas a present. Pleaseaccept it.You tried very hard.You have impressed me.I like peoplewho try hard,so I want to giveyou this Silver Racketas a present. Pleaseaccept it. received theGold Racket! received theSilver Racket!I'll send your racketback to the RepairCounter.If you decide to useit again, go pick itup there.Good luck, .I'll always be watch-ing you from afar!You failed...WGlcll It's a tie...You did it!Within the tenniscourt there arefour service courts.For this drill, eachservice court has asmaller target area.I want you to servediagonally into thetarget areas.Serve from all fourpositions and try tohit each target area.Within the tenniscourt there arefour service courts.For this drill, eachservice court has asmaller target area.I want you to servediagonally into thetarget areas.And do it so the ballbounces out of boundsfrom the corner.So serve to the rightwith topspin and tothe left with slice.So serve to the leftwith topspin and tothe right with slice.Try to hit allfour target areas.Within the tenniscourt there arefour service courts.For this drill, eachservice court has asmaller target area.Serve the ball throughthe poles and intothe target areas.I want you to servethe ball down theline with nice timing.After serving, run tothe service line.Aim for the oppositeside of the court fromthe receiver.If you can do thisfrom all fourpositions, you pass.Serve the ball deep tothe target area in thethe service court.After serving, runto the service line atthe center of the court.I'll return a lob, soI want you tosmash it.If you can do thisfrom all fourpositions, you pass.Serve the ball deep tothe target area in thethe service court.>~>~!@#^#V!E  ( * ɯ(,{&{C)Z8lK&cG=f Jp?y T  O 5 o + o ]Ri9w "`1HV7q*b`^q$\!eH[Os i+I}T, !9!a!!!!("]"""/###4$e$$$:%{%%%%N&b&u&&'&'9'q' ((T(z((((/)))))m*****!+Z+++R,,,,*-@----.m....W////+0B0i0001?1e11172r223t333 4_4v445-5r55556K6666j77#88After serving, runto the service line atthe center of the court.Hit my return shot soit drops into my courtjust past the net.If you can do thisfrom all fourpositions, you pass.First of all, youhave to returnthe serve...But I want you to hitit to the target areaon the server's side.Try to return theserve from allfour positions!First of all, youhave to returnthe server's serve...But you have to hit alob to the target areaon the server's side.Try to return a lobfrom all fourpositions!First of all, youhave to returnthe server's serve...Quickly return thecross-court servedown the line.Try to return straightdown the line from allfour positions!ServiceNetStrokeSampleService 1Service 2Service 3Net 1Net 2Net 3Stroke 1Stroke 2Stroke 3You're still in thejunior class. Needsome serve practice?You have to improveyour serve to makethe senior class.I'll teach you thebasics you'll need forjunior class play.Are you ready to trysome serve practice?Practice here a bit,then come see me whenyou're ready.Then let's go to it...Let me explain howthis drill works.First off, you have tobe able to serveaccurately.Here for servepractice?At the very least,you have to masterthe serve.I'll teach you thebasics. If you can dothese, you pass.Are you ready to trysome serve practice?Practice here a bit,then come see me whenyou're ready.Then let's go to it...Let me explain howthis drill works.Look, you have to beable to hit anaccurate serve.You did it!You cleared all four!You've passed thejunior-level drill.You've passed thebeginner-level drill.But don't stoppracticing now thatyou've passed.You have to practiceharder to make it inthe next class.Come back after youmake the senior classin singles.You'll get your nextlesson next time youcome to this court.Come back if youneed more practice.Want to learnintermediate servetechniques?You have to learn theright techniques towin at higher levels.You need to learnserve skills that cancarry you through theintermediate level.Are you ready?Practice here a bit,then come see mewhen you're ready.Then let's go to it...Let me explain howthis drill works.I want you to masterserves that bounce outof bounds.You did it!You cleared allfour serves.If you can hit that,you've passed thesenior-class level.But don't stoppracticing now thatyou've passed.You have to practiceharder to make it inthe next class.You did it!You cleared allfour serves.If you can hit that,you've passedyour level.But don't stoppracticing now thatyou've passed.You have to practiceharder to make it inthe next level.Come back after youmake the singlesvarsity team.Do you want topractice serving acesto top-level players?In top-level matches,you need a serve thatscores points.Trying to serve an aceis risky for theserver, so you have toavoid the risks. Now,are you ready to trydown-the-line?That's fine as longas you plan onpracticing here.Then let's go...Now, let me tell youhow this drill works.Serving from thecenter of the court tothe center iscalled"down-the-line."You made allfour servesdown the line.That's it! There'snothing left for meto teach you.You're serve isalready top class.Now hone your serve onyour own to make itunstoppable!I have nothing else toteach you. Your serveis already top class!You missed everyone!Are you even trying?...Why don't you comeback when you're readyto get serious.So you are trying?Then...Do you wantto try again?OK! Let's do it.Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.Double faults, huh?You're too far off...Don't you think?Keeping the service isthe key to winning.You'd better practiceyour serve. Or do youwant to try this drillagain right now?OK. If you know it,there's still hope.Want to try again?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.Missing such a bigtarget is a bad sign.Ready to try again?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.You have to hit thetarget at your level.Ready to try again?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.You're not puttingspin on the ball. Doyou want to try again?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.You cleared the leftcorner but not theright. Can you do it?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.You cleared the rightcorner but not theleft. Can you do it?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.You have to servedown the line withnice, fast timing.Otherwise, you'revulnerable to apassing shot.Want to try again?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.You have to servedown the line from thecenter of the court.Do you want totry it again?Good! Give it a shot!Yeah... Maybe youshould practice firstand try again later.Are you here forjunior class netgame practice?You'll have troubleif you don't practiceyour net game.I wonder if you canlearn to play thenet...I can watch you.Do you want to try?That's fine if you'lltry after working onit a little more.Let's do it, then.This is the drill...You have to be ableto play at least abasic net game.The serve and volleyis the basic net gametechnique. Can you do it?Hi! Are you hereto practice yournet game?You'll have troubleif you don't practiceyour net game.I wonder if youcan play a solidnet game...I can watch you.Do you want to try?That's fine if you'lltry after working onit a little more.Let's do it, then.This is the drill...You have to master thebasic net game toimprove your skill.Let's do it, then.You faulted every time.You're not ready! Workon your serve first.Want to try again?Let's do it, then!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.The net game requiresa consistent serve.Yours needs practice.Want to try again?Then let's do it!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You missed a lot ofvolleys. You're slowcoming off the serve.Move quickly afterthe serve! Are youready to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.Well, you can volley,but you have to hit itto the opposite side.When you come intocontact with the ball,turn your racket inthe direction you'reaiming.Want to try?OK! From the top!Try again after youpractice yourracket control.Oh! Almost...You'll do it nexttime. Are you ready?OK! From the top!Oh, but you're almostthere... Let me knowwhen you're ready.You did it on allfour volleys!You cleared thejunior-leveltraining, .Come back when youmake the seniorclass in singles.Until then, keeplearning more volleytechniques!You cleared thebeginner level,.I'll have anintermediate lessonfor you next time.Until then, keeplearning more volleytechniques!Come try againafter you makethe senior class.You've learned thevolley, so now I haveanother technique youneed to learn.Are you ready?You don't have to doit now. Anytime isfine.Taking the net on theserve is advantageous,but don't getcareless. You have tobe able to hit a smashwhen the time comes.Isn't it pretty hard?So confident!You'd better take itseriously, or you'llrun into troublelater. But you can tryit anytime.The key to the netgame is to quicklymove to where the ballwill land. If it's alow lob, finish itwith a smash.Want to try?You don't have to doit now. Come backanytime!OK! The rules forthis smash drillgo like this...The chance for a smashwill come once youcontrol the net.So your basic net gamemovement has to leadyou into the smash.First, serve the balldeep, then runtoward the net.I'll return a lob,so you smash it.You didn't hit thesmash from all foursides. To hit thesmash, you have tobe able to judge whereyou can hit it from.Ready to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You missed a lot ofsmashes. You're alittle slow coming offthe serve. After youserve, move quickly soyou're ready for thesmash. Think youcan do it?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You hit some reallyexcellent smashes.You cleared thesenior-level drill,.Come back for morewhen you makesingles varsity.Until then, keeplearning more netgame techniques!You cleared theintermediate-leveldrill, .I'll have anadvanced lessonfor you next time.Until then, keeplearning more netgame techniques!Come back when youmake singles varsity.Variety in your gameis a requirementagainst top-classplayers. Want atechnique that givesyou some variety?You don't have to doit now. You can comeback anytime.Just hitting volleysand smashes won'tcut it at thetop level. But a weakshot should throw offan opponent, right?You'll learn thehard waysomeday.Changing ball speedand spin can beextremely effective.I'm talking about thedrop shot.Want to learn it?Then come learn itwhen you decide youneed it.OK! Let's do it!This is thedrop shot drill...You must hit thelong serve to takecontrol of the net.Serve the ball deep,then run to the net.Then, when the returncomes, hit a drop shotjust over the net.The net game requiresa consistent serve.Yours needs practice.Want to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You're not serving deep,from corner to corner.That's why it's hard.Serve deep so you canforce a shorterreturn.Ready to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You couldn't hit dropshots from all foursides.You have to learn theright timing for dropshots.Ready to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You're missing thedrop shots becauseyou're coming off theserve slowly and notserving deep enough.Move quickly after theserve. Ready to tryagain?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You hit some reallynice drop shots!Well, there's nothingmore this coach canteach you!You really gave ityour all, .From here on out,you're on yourown.I have nothing elseto teach you. You'reon your own!You couldn't hit thesmash from all foursides.You have to learn tojudge where you canhit the smash from.Ready to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.You couldn't hit thedrop shot from allfour sides.You have to learn theright timing forhitting a drop shot.Ready to try again?OK! From the top!Practice runningafter you serve,then come try again.Are you here forjunior class returnpractice?Are you here topractice your return?You're not...?Well, you're here, soyou might as well.The more matches youplay, the more you'llimprove.That's my philosophy.Do you want to trymy drill?Don't be afraid topractice your return.Be confident!Good. Trying gives youthe chance to learnyour strengths.Now here's whatyou'll do...You have to be able toreturn a deep servewith a deep stroke.Those serves weretough, but your returnhas to land in bounds.Shall we try again?Well, it may be betterto practice my adviceand try again later.Right on! Once more!You're return accuracyisn't very good.I'm not sure you'reready to aim attargets.Want to try again?Well, it may be betterto practice my adviceand try again later.Want to try again?The serves were tough,but you shouldn't missthe target every time.You need to practiceyour stroke more.Shall we try again?Well, it may be betterto practice my adviceand try again later.Right on! Once more!A slow reaction to theserve is causing yourinconsistent return.Read the serve, thenreact right away.Shall we try again?Well, it may be betterto practice my adviceand try again later.Right on! Once more!You're on the vergeof completing it...Want to try again?I see. Maybe it isbetter to take a breakand try again later.Right on! Keep at it!Hey! You returned allfour perfectly!You've passed theservice return drill,.When you make seniorclass singles, comeback for more.I'll give you anotherlesson the next timeyou come.Hurry and make seniorclass singles so youcan come back.Come back if you needmore practice.So you want to learnsome new techniques?You don't? Really? Butthis one will reallyimprove your game.If a server rushed thenet, a good receivercan force him back.Would you like tolearn how to do that?I won't make you, butpracticing it wouldhelp your game.A lob shot over theserver's head worksbest.It's dangerous if youdon't hit it deep intoyour opponent's court.This drill will teachyou to hit a long,high lob.You're not evenhitting lobs!A lob is a shot withslice applied to it.Want to try again?OK. That's fine aslong as you come backand try again later.Right on! Keep at it!If the server volleysthe ball, it's becauseyou didn't hit a lob.Want to try again?OK. That's fine aslong as you come backand try again later.Right on! Keep at it!I can hit the smashbecause you're hittingshort lobs. Hit a long,high ones.Want to try again?OK. That's fine aslong as you come backand try again later.Right on! Keep at it!You're hitting lobs,but you need bettercontrol.Want to try again?OK. That's fine aslong as you come backand try again later.Right on! Keep at it!You hit all fourshots correctly.Nice work!You've passed thelob shot drill,.You've added alittle variationto your game.Keep perfecting yourlob shot until mynext lesson.You want to takemy advanced lesson,right?What? You don't...But this techniqueis killer!With this technique,even a passivereceiver can try for areturn winner. It'shard to do, but it'sworth the effort.Are you ready to try?I won't make you, butpracticing it wouldhelp your game.Use a straight returnagainst a cross-courtserve for the passingshot. This requiresthe perfect return toa powerful shot.This is similar tohitting down the line,so it's pretty risky.But if you can pull itoff, there's nobetter return.I know aiming is hard,but all your shotswent out of bounds!You have to controlthe return if you wantto improve your game.>.{>.{!@#^#V!B  ( * ɯ(,GDtneNlcDt{@@b{@ͥ@QxW{@ͥ@(Qy_xW{@ͥ@hQ{_{@ͥ@HQ!@o0$~Gy(xWzW!@o0$~Gy(x_{_ QxW)Qy_xWiQ{_IQW_ g(<0x=8Io(=0x=80w(=0y=8(<0y=8˺ ˻ >W_g(<0x=8Io(=0x=80w(=0y=8(<0y=8˺ ˻ >W_( (K(g| dg(<0x=8}o(=0x=8dw(=0y=8K(<0y=82G(_G $_xO(bGx ˺ ˻ >W_( (K(g| dg(<0x=8{o(=0x=8bw(=0y=8I(<0y=80G(G $_xO(bGx ˺ ˻ >G(Gˀ:G(G~y8zy8"zw>p@" p>p>@" p9~(/#~( bk G~x w#{ bkT]MD]Ti`KBri`fD *(pD!@080G>pxF F>!Ej>!Djv.ͤ OG A(fF1& G O _ ͤ8b ͤ8>ɯ(FF>!Ej>!Djv2.    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Earnbonus points forhitting treasure.1 Coin: 5 Pts3 Coins: 10 PtsCoin Sack: 50 PtsChest: 100 PtsThe points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits treasure.If you miss the targetarea, your gameends--unlessyou manage tohit treasure.Your goal is200 points.Wario,it's your favoritepasttime--collecting treasure!Treasure Box: Level 2Get a point for eachtime you returnWaluigi's shot. Earnbonus points forhitting treasure.1 Coin: 5 Pts3 Coins: 10 PtsCoin Sack: 50 PtsChest: 100 PtsThe points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits treasure.If you miss the targetarea, your gameends--unlessyou manage tohit treasure.Your goal is300 points.Wario,it's your favoritepasttime--collecting treasure!Treasure Box: Level 3Get a point for eachtime you returnWaluigi's shot. Earnbonus points forhitting treasure.1 Coin: 5 Pts3 Coins: 10 PtsCoin Sack: 50 PtsChest: 100 PtsThe points earneddouble for eachconsecutive strokethat hits treasure.If you miss the targetarea, your gameends--unlessyou manage tohit treasure.The high score is points.Wario,Grab as much treasureas you can to breakthe high score!Wario,Try to breakyour own record!Medallion Match: Lv 1Return each of Luigi'sshots and try to clearas many "L"medallionsas you can witheach shot.1st: 1 Pt2nd: 5 Pts3rd: 30 Pts4th: 70 Pts5th: 150 Pts6th: 250 PtsHit many medallionswith one ball toget the most points.Double your pointswith smash shots.Your game ends if youdon't return the ball.Your goal is100 points.Waluigi,Don't let that goody-two-shoes Luigi win.Medallion Match: Lv 2Return each of Luigi'sshots and try to clearas many "L"medallionsas you can witheach shot.1st: 1 Pt2nd: 5 Pts3rd: 30 Pts4th: 70 Pts5th: 150 Pts6th: 250 PtsHit many medallionswith one ball toget the most points.Double your pointswith smash shots.Your game ends if youdon't return the ball.Your goal is300 points.Waluigi,Don't let that goody-two-shoes Luigi win.Medallion Match: Lv 3Return each of Luigi'sshots and try to clearas many "L"medallionsas you can witheach shot.1st: 1 Pt2nd: 5 Pts3rd: 30 Pts4th: 70 Pts5th: 150 Pts6th: 250 PtsHit many medallionswith one ball toget the most points.Double your pointswith smash shots.The high score is points.Waluigi,Do whatever it takesto L-evate yourscore!Waluigi,Try to breakyour own record!Two-on-One: Level 1The rules are the sameas a regular, 1-setmatch of six games.But you have to playagainst twoopponents.Win six games beforeyour opponents do towin the match.Since you have to winby two, a seven-pointtiebreaker will beplayed if there isa six-game tie.Bowser,Don't let those slyguys fool you.Two-on-One: Level 2The rules are the sameas a regular, 3-setmatch of six games.But you have to playagainst twoopponents.Win two sets beforeyour opponents do towin the match.Since you have to winby two, a seven-pointtiebreaker will beplayed if there isa six-game tie.Bowser,Don't let those slyguys fool you.Two-on-One: Level 3The rules are the sameas a regular, 5-setmatch of six games.But you have to playagainst twoopponents.Win three sets beforeyour opponents do towin the match.Since you have to winby two, a seven-pointtiebreaker will beplayed if there isa six-game tie.Bowser,Don't let those slyguys fool you.Let's both put in agood day of practice.Do you have anyquestions?Do you want to playdoubles today?OK! Then we're off,partner!Then good luck withyour singles drills!We're playing doublestoday. Let's be sureto back each other up.We're in the seniorclass, so let's headfor the senior court.Do you have anyquestions?Did you decide toplay singles tennis?That's fine. Goodluck with yourdrills.Then let's go dosome drills.Hi, .I'm all worn out againtoday.Are you all donepracticing forthe day?Then be sure to keepa record of what youdid today.Do you have anyquestions?Did you decide toplay doubles tennis?OK! Then we're off,partner!OK. See you later!Hi, .I'm all worn out againtoday.Are you all donepracticing forthe day?Then be sure to keepa record of what youdid today.Do you have anyquestions?Did you decide toplay singles?That's fine. Goodluck with yourdrills.Then let's go dosome drills.Princess Peach!, the IslandOpen champion hasarrived!Welcome to  World,.We all offer ourheartfelt greetings.You played incrediblywell at the IslandOpen.That is why we decidedto invite you toMario World!I hope you'll enjoyyour time with ustoday.What are you-asaying? Me no come-ahere for good time!Yesss!Thasss-a riiight!We started playingtennis so we coulddefeat Mario!But we haven't evencome close tobeating him...So didn't this IslandOpen Champ come tobeat Mario for us!?!Hey! That's-a toomuch-a, !The champ just finisheda tough tournament andcome a-here to relax!WHHHAAAT!?!Oh, stop it, everyone.We don't want toimpose on .We-a won't be a-happyuntil de Island-a OpenChamp a-plays a-Mario!Yesss!Thasss-a riiight!I see. Then we shallask !If  says it'sOK, they can play.All right?Okey-dokey!Then let's-a ask-a!? Would youlike to play  inan exhibition match?No! That's no good!, you WILLplay , won't you!Stop it, ! doesn't wantto.But actually, I'minterested in seeing play, myself.If you do decide youwant to play , justtell me. said yes!Thanks, !Now I can finally see fall in defeat!Bwah, hah, hah!Then we shall move ourparty to my specialcourt.Please come this way,.Princess Peach! & ,the Doubles Champions,have arrived!Welcome to Mario World, & .We all offer ourheartfelt greetings.You both playedincredibly well atthe Island Open.That is why we decidedto invite you toMario World!I hope you'll enjoyyour time with ustoday.What are you-asaying? Me no come-ahere for good time!Yesss!Thasss-a riiight!We started playingtennis so we coulddefeat Mario!But we haven't evencome close to beatinghim in singles...let alone in doubles!I think it's becausemy partner Boo isso bad.Ee, he, he, he, hee!So didn't the IslandOpen Champs come tobeat Mario for us?!?Hey! That's-a toomuch-a, !They-a just finish detough tournament andcome a-here to relax!WHHHAAAT!?!Oh, stop it, everyone.We don't want toimpose on them.We-a won't be a-happyuntil de Island-a OpenChamps a-play a-Mario!Yesss!Thasss-a riiight!I see. Then we shallask !If  says it'sOK, they can play.All right?Okey-dokey!Then let's-a ask-a!? ?Will you play and I in doubles?No! That's no good!, ,you WILL play !Stop it, ! & don't want to!But I would like tosee  & play, too.If you do decide youwant to play , justtell me.They said yes!Thanks, !Thanks, !Now I can finally see fall in defeat!Bwah, hah, hah!Then we shall move ourparty to my specialcourt., .Please come this way.Will you play  inan exhibition match?If you decide youwant to play , justtell me.I wonder how hard should play...Now we shall move ourparty to my specialcourt.Please come thisway, .HardIntenseMAXWill you play and me in a doublesexhibition match?If you do decideyou want to play us,just tell me.I wonder how hard weshould play...Now we shall move ourparty to my specialcourt. , ...Please come this way.Mama mia!Welcome, .You sure are anaggressive player.You truly are anincredible player!Welcome, .Welcome, .You two combine forsome aggressive play.I have never seenteamwork as good asyours! You're amazing!You-a work-a so hard!My-a brother is-ade same way.You-a must-a be goodif-a you can beat-ame brother.You two-a must-a relyon-a each other alot-a, yeah?Me brother and-a deprincess are desame-a way.You-a must-a be goodif-a you can beat-a mebrother and Peach.Yoshi!Goo-goo, ga-gaspaghettiOo-hoo, Oo-hoo!Ee, he, he, he, heeBwah, hah, hah!I can't wait to seeyou destroy !Bwah, hah, hah!You got to  before Icould. Nice work!Bwah, hah! I can't waitto see you destroy and Peach!Bwah, hah, hah!You got to  before Icould. Nice work!You-a no champ-a to meuntil-a you beat-a.Oh! You-a good,! You-a realchamp-a now!I say you-a no champsuntil-a you beat-a and Peach.Oh! You two-a good!You-a real champsnow!Whyyy don't youbeat-a Maaario? Idon't-a understaaand!What a surpriiise!You reeeally stompedMaaario!Whyyy don't you beat-aMaaario and Peach? Idon't-a understaaand!What a surpriiise!You reeeally stompedMaaario and Peach!Everyone in MarioWorld loves tennis.It's all the rage!You can go that wayto return to theworld below.Then let the matchbetween  and begin.Let the doubles matchbetween , Peach, ,&  begin! MARIO TENNIS STAFFSubscript & Lead Game Designers Hiroyuki Takahashi Shugo TakahashiDirector Shugo TakahashiProgramming Director Kenji NumayaSound Director Masaaki UnoAssistant Producer Yusuke SugimotoAssistant Director Ayumu ShindoGame Design Staff Yusuke Sugimoto Ayumu Shindo Kentaro Sakoh Shuji ShimizuProgramming Staff Yutaka Yamamoto Takeshi Nohara Akiko Sato Kaoru Shimada Norio Shimizu Yasushi Kazawa Hiroyuki Ichikawa Yasuhiro TaguchiOriginal Characters Shigeru Miyamoto Hiroji Kiyotake Sin Yamanouchi Mitsuru FukumotoGraphics Mitsuru Fukumoto Masashi Mikami Akihito Kimura Kaori Matsunaga Hidetoshi Sakamoto Masayuki HashimotoOriginal Music Composer Kazumi Totaka Kozue Ishikawa Yukio KaneokaMusic Composition & Arrangement Motoi SakurabaSound Effects & Sound Operator Hiroyuki HamadaSupervisor Shigeru Miyamoto Takashi Tezuka Koji Kondo Haruki Kodera Toru TakamatsuGraphic Support Yoichi Kotabe Masanori SatoArtwork Staff Ryuji Hagino Yoshitaka Nishikawa Motoki Fujita Aya TakanoCoordinator Masaaki Uno Toshiharu IzunoEnglish Translation Bill Trinen Tim O'Leary Localization Michelle Powers Localization Management Jeff Miller Leslie SwanSpecial Thanks to Super Mario Club staff NOA Product Testing Minoru Arakawa Manabu "Mike" Fukuda Kazuhiro Matsumoto Atsushi Okada Kenichi Nishida Produced By Shinji Hatano Hiroyuki Takahashi Shugo TakahashiExecutive Producer Hiroshi YamauchiCreated By CAMELOT Co.,Ltd. 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Keep at it!I know it's tough toaim, but you're stilltoo far off.You have to controlthe return if you wantto improve your game.Want to try again?Yeah, maybe you shouldquit for a while andtry again later.Right on! Keep at it!Well, you're returningthe ball, but thatdoesn't make it apassing shot. You haveto hit it quickly downthe sideline.Ready to try again?Yeah, maybe you shouldquit for a while andtry again later.Right on! Keep at it!You still don't havea consistent coursefor your passing shot.You have to aim yourreturn down thesideline.Want to try again?Yeah, maybe you shouldquit for a while andtry again later.Right on! Once more!Yeah! You made allfour passing shots!You've cleared thepassing shotdrill, .That was the lastthing I had to teachyou.With those skills as abase, I can't wait tosee how you do!With those skills asa base, I can't waitto how you do!Do you have a goodserve?Hyuh, huh! Your servestinks. You'll neverbe any good.I've got a good serve,too. Want to see whoseis better?You won't play me?What are you...chicken? Bok! Bok!Oh! You're prettybrave to take me on!We'll take turnsserving to eachother's service court.It's simple. Whoevergets the most serviceaces wins.If no one wins, we'llchange positions andcontinue serving.OK. Let's startthis thing.Not bad! We're tied sofar. I wanna keep itup 'til I win.But what about you?You wanna keep going?Hyuh, huh! Really?Then let's go!Oh, OK. Then I guesswe'll call it a tie...for now.OK! Let's getgoing then.Come back when youthink you're ready.Your singles level isstill the juniorclass, right? Hah!You can't beat me. Doyou still want to try?I guess my serve isbetter than yours,huh? Come back afteryou practice up. Ordo you want to tryagain right now?Rrrrr! I can't lose!This is unacceptable!I'm gonna go polish myserve then come backand win!Did your serve getbetter?You haven't practicedsince you beat me?Then you won't win!Well, since you beatme, I've practiced alot. You ready?You won't play me?What are you...chicken? Bok! Bok!Thanks for giving mea rematch...but you'llregret it!We'll take turnsserving, just likelast time.But it's no fun doingthe same thing twice,so this time...Make the ball passover the center line*after* it goes overthe net. The centerline's the line downthe middle, y'know.Hit the ball betweenthe poles and score aservice ace to succeed.If we're tied, we'llchange positions andcontinue serving.OK, let's get thisthing going!Hyuh, huh! Now I'vegotten my revenge!Well, do you want totry me again?I lost again...Remember this... Next time,I'm gonnawhup ya!I've been waiting foryou, . I won'tlose. C'mon!And I practiced hardjust so I could beatyou! You're mean!We'll play a servicematch under specialAcademy rules.If you're ready,we can start...You're not ready? Ordon't you want toplay? You're mean...Hyuh, huh! You'reconfident now, butyou'll be crying soon!We'll alternate servesand try to scoreservice aces.The first person toscore two more pointsthan the other wins.We'll keep changingpositions untilsomeone wins.OK. Let's start.All right! I beat this time!Well, do you wantto try me again?Aww, I lost... beat me.There's no way I'mever gonna beat...Are you good atthe net game?If you can't play thenet, you're relying onpowerful strokes only.But you can't win indoubles without a netgame!You want to competeto see who's betterat the net?What? Why not?I bet you reallyaren't that good.OK! It'll be a serve-and-volley match. Doyou know the rules?A lot of players do itwhen serving. First,you serve the ball...Then you try to volleythe return and takethe point. Of course,if the receiver can'treturn the ball, theserver gets the point.If you hit the ballfrom behind theservice line or failto return a volley,you fail to completethat serve and volley.If we stay tied, we'llchange positions andcontinue serving.Yeah! Then let'sget started!At this point, we'retied. Do you want tokeep going?Well, if you want tokeep playing,then so do I!Yeah, let's quit.So, we tied!If you want to play,then we've got amatch!Well, I'll be aroundhere, so come see mewhen you want a match!I can't lose a volleymatch to a juniorclass singles player!Do you want toplay again?Looks like I'm betterthan you at volleying.Come back after youpractice up... Or willyou try again rightnow?What?!? I lost to ajunior classsingles player?I'm going to goback to my netgame drills.What!?! I lost avolley matchto you?I'm going to goback to my netgame drills.I lost the volleymatch, but I can out-smash you any day!Why don't we try asmash match, next?What? Your smashisn't as good asyour volley?OK! It's a match!This is a specialAcademy-rulessmash match.After serving, run tothe net and hit asmash winner.The receiver has toreturn a lob, or theserver gets a point.The first player toscore two more pointsthan the other wins.Are you ready?What? You heard therules, so now you'reafraid to play...?Yeah! Then let'sgo to it!It looks like I cando the smash betterthan you.You can come back andchallenge me anytimeyou're ready.Or do you wantto challenge meright now?No way! I lost thesmash match, too?!?I won't give up!I'm definitely gonnabeat you!Yeah, you beat me inthe volley and smashmatches.But I've learned thedrop shot, so I'mready! Are you?What? You won't acceptmy challenge...?That's cheap!OK! It's a match!It's Academy rules, asusual, and the serverplays the net.After serving, runpast the service line,toward the net.The receiver mustscore from behind theservice line, or theserver gets a point.The server also gets apoint if the receivercan't return the ball.The first player toscore two more pointsthan the other wins.Are you ready?What? You heard therules, so now you'reafraid to play...?Yeah! Let's start!I guess my overallnet game is betterthan yours.You can come back andchallenge me anytimeyou're ready.Or do you wantto challenge meright now?AHHHH! I lost AGAIN!Even my overall netgame can't cut it.I give up, .I won't challengeyou again.I'm confident I canbeat anybody in astroke match.Do you want totake me on?Hmph!?! You won'tplay me...? Fine!Whatever...Oh! You do? You mustthink you've got agood stroke, too.Good! Then shallwe get started?Huh? You won't playme after all?That's lame...OK! Academy rules!We'll take turnsserving.It'll be fairer thatway since this isa stroke match.If you don't hit theball past the serviceline, I get a point.Uh, except on theserve, of course.Oh, and there's nogoing past theservice line, either.Got it? Thenlet's play.We've been prettyeven so far...Can we keep going?Well, if you're upfor it, so am I!Oh, well... Hey! Let'sboth practice ourstrokes for next time!If you're up for it,I'm up for it!Ah, ha, ha! I'mready for youanytime!I won't lose a strokematch to a juniorclass singles player!...Do you think youcan beat me?Oh, I guess I ambetter! Come backafter you improve.Or do you want totry again?I can't believe I lostto a junior classsingles player...Lame! I guess mystroke wasn't thatgreat after all...I'm going on ajourney to find mystroke...I lost a strokematch to you...?Lame! I guess mystroke wasn't thatgreat after all...I'm going on ajourney to find mystroke...You beat me in thestroke match.But do you think youcan beat me in alob match?Hmph!?! You won'tplay me...? Fine!Whatever...Oh! You do? You mustthink you've got agood lob, too.Good! Then shallwe get started?Huh? You won't playme after all?That's lame...OK! Academy rules!We'll take turnsserving.We'll compete to seewho can return betterlobs.The server plays thenet but loses if theball gets returned.The first player toscore two more pointsthan the other wins.Got it? Thenlet's play.We've been prettyeven so far...Can we keep going?Well, if you're upfor it, so am I!Oh, well... Hey! Let'sboth practice ourstrokes for next time!I guess my lob isbetter. Come backafter you improve.Or do you want totry again?I can't believeI lost the lobmatch, too...Lame! I guess mylob wasn't thatgreat either...I'm going on anotherjourney. I'll be back!You beat me in the lobmatch, too. So what?I'll never surrender!Will you accept mynext challenge?Hmph!?! You won'tplay me...? but Ipracticed sooo much!Oh! You will? Don'tunderestimate me!This time it'san all-aroundreturn match!Too scary?Ready to play?Huh? Really?That's so lame...OK! Academy rules!We'll take turnsserving, like before.We'll see whichreceiver can do abetter job of forcingthe server awayfrom the net.After serving, theserver has to runto the net.If the serverfails to playthe net,the receiver getsa point.The first player toscore two more pointsthan the other wins.Got it? Thenlet's play.We've been prettyeven so far...Can we keep going?Well, if you're upfor it, so am I!Oh, well... Hey! Let'sboth practice ourstrokes for next time!Yeah! I win! I'llplay you in areturn match anytime!Or do you want toplay again rightnow?That's it.I can't beat you.If I still can't winafter practicingthat hard...Then I give up.I'll never challengeyou again.This tennis machine isthe latest in sportstechnology.You're an all-star ifyou can return 100balls in a row!A perfect playershould be able toreturn all the balls.Want to try?It's a good idea tostay away from it ifyou're not ready.Weaker players caneasily injurethemselves.You're a beginner,so you can start byreturning 15 balls.Please step intothe machine court.Balls will be firedfrom the nozzle,so watch the light!Your goal was15 balls.You returned .Your goal was15 balls.You returned them all.Good job, !You've completed LevelOne. Next is Level Two.Anyone can clear LevelOne. It gets harderfrom here on out.Was the tennis machineeasier than you thoughtit would be?Heh, heh. That's notit's highest setting.See if you can saythe same thing aftertrying Level Four.The machine is justwarming up. The nextlevel should be fun.You have to return30 balls at thenext level.Are you ready forLevel Two?Even if you're donefor today, do try itsome other time.Then please enterthe machine court.Your goal was30 balls.You returned them all.Good job, !You cleared Level Two.Next is Level Three.Your goal was30 balls.You returned .That was some nicework you did toclear Level Two.It gets a lot harderwith Level Three,though.Completing Level Twomust have strengthenedyour stroke.At Level Three, youmust return 60 balls.Do you want to try?Level Three is hard,so you need to be ingood shape to try it.Then please enterthe machine court.Your goal was60 balls.You returned them all.Good job, !You cleared Level Three.Next is Level Four.Your goal was60 balls.You returned .You worked very hardto clear Level Three.Even if you can't clearthe last level, youwon't be ridiculed.Clearing Level Threeputs you on par withthe varsity members...For Level Four, youmust return 100 balls.Do you want to try?This is the finallevel, so you must bein top condition.Then please enter themachine court.Your goal was100 balls.You returned them all.You're one of the onlyplayers in Academyhistory to get so far!You can now try ourExpert System!Your goal was100 balls.You returned .You completed it!You can now playthe Expert System!We've just completedthe Expert System.It selects its shotbased on the player'sreturn. It's trulystate of the art!Will you challengethe greatest tennismachine ever?This Expert Systemincreases indifficulty as youplay. The more ballsyou return, the more itwill challenge you.The best record is100 balls. Beat thatto set a new record.Well, please enterthe machine court....3, ...2, ...1,Ignition!Blast off!You returned balls.You returned balls.Congratulations!You set a new record,!Setting a new recordis very impressive,.I don't think anyonewill be able tobreak it.You broke the ExpertSystem record!That makes you thebest machine playerat the Academy.Your consecutivereturns is the record.Do you want totry to breakyour own record?We think that you'rethe only one who canbreak your record.The current record is balls. Beat thatto break the record.Please enter themachine court.You returned 9999consecutive balls.The machine can'tcount any higher!! As of today,you're the MachineMaster!Your abilities haveexceeded even ourexpectations!A player has actuallyoutdone the machine...You're like John Henry!Machine Master, your recordwill stand forever!The record can't bebroken, but will youplay again anyway?Machine Master, your recordwill stand forever!Then please enter themachine court.Your goal was balls.You returned .Want to try again?Your game is over.Please leave the court.You returned balls.Want to try again?Do you want topractice a levelyou've cleared?Stand on a sign andpress the A Button toplay that level.Practice atLevel ?You haven't clearedthis level.Go to the RepairCounter to trydifferent equipment.A racket and a pair ofshoes that suit yourgoals can help a lot.Step right up to theRepair Counter tochange equipment!Are you still inthe junior class?Sorry, but the RepairCounter is only forseniors and above.The Repair Counteris for seniors andabove.Step right up to theRepair Counter toexchange equipment!You're a juniorclass singlesplayer?Sorry, but you can'tuse the RepairCounter yet.The Repair Counter isonly for senior classsingles and above.Step right up to theRepair Counter toexchange equipment!You're a senior now,, so can I dosomething for you?You can use onlyNormal Shoes--untilyou make varsity.Step right up to theRepair Counter toexchange equipment!Can I do somethingfor you?Come back anytime youneed something fromthe Repair Counter!What can I do for you?Change RacketsChange ShoesNothingWhat racket doyou want to use?What shoes do youwant to wear? equipped. changed into.Well, I hope the improvesyour game.>{>{!@#^#V!A  ( * ɯ(,@F1MSQZ`qgn@0F@0@0A0B0B0B0B0B0C0D0E,??7 :/<'8<(8xȰ@GO~/8?'9/ `d80h/   @ @  ? ?@@ ??'|Ox_//`P

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