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NKoldman shows us theerror of someone else's ways and what wecan to do solve the problem while kicking up our performance a notch or two in the process. But first, I would personally like to bring up some issues with these missing files. These files turned up missing after installations as far back as Windows 95. That makes four new operating systems they are missing in, not including new builds. One could at first assume a mistake by Microsoft on these files being left out after the installation process. But after four plus times, one has to assume an ulterior motive might be in place. For example, lets say a large business calls out a MCSE to check some minor problems, etc. While there, they installthe missing drivers, and viol! They cannow impress the business with a touch ofextra smoothness and speed from their handy work. The business definitely thinks they got their money's worth and everyone walks away happy......or not. How happy would these same businesses beif they knew that these files may have been purposely left out for that very reason? One would think after so many tries, Microsoft could fix this problem......if they wanted. Maybe this is within Microsoft's rights to do as they please with their own OS. Maybe this is the same reason Microsoft is currently in court after being found guilty of monopolizing and bullying the market. No one can be for sure, but I would definitely like to hear from Microsoft and you the readers on this issue. Please click here to go to this topic inour FORUMS and express yourself:) Now on with the article and many thanks to NKoldman: This is to let you all know Microsoft has done it again to us. There have already been several sites that have posted that in Windows 95 & Windows 98, several driver files needed from CD-ROM are not loaded on installing the OS. Andthey did it to us again on Windows ME. It seems they do not want your system torun to its max potential unless you pay high bucks to have a M.C.S.E. come out and "fix" your system. At no fault to local computer builders, this is one thing Microsoft does not readily tell the builders about nor the users. But itamazes me that large company's like Acer, Dell, Compaq, IBM, Gateway, H/P, etc., with all there high paid engineers, techs and direct lines to Microsoft, do not normally install thesefiles for their end users. You will findin all three operating systems, that after you fix your drivers as discussed in this article, you will see a faster and smoother running system from boot upto opening apps and even defragging yoursystem. In Windows 98 it is so slow it sucks! There will be a little increase in defrag speed in Windows 98, enough that if you have sat there and watched it waiting you, will see it run faster after the fix than it did before the fix. All systems are different so this is a general discussion and no guarantees or promises but you will lovethe difference you see after you fix youdrivers and reboot. I have found by helping 20 people across the US, that sofar on Windows ME, these drivers are always missing. And that all have seen an increase in performance and smoothness in all operations. Here is the list: configmg.vxd ios.vxd ntkern.vxd vcomm.vxd vdd.vxd vdmad.vxd vmouse.vxd vflatd.vxd And some cases depending on your system and motherboard: vpowerd.vxd The steps we are about to discuss will apply to all 3OS's (95, 98 & ME), the only difference is the location on the cd-rom as in which .cab files are holding the needed drivers. For the purpose of time and space I will list the location of the files needed in 98SE and ME only. In 98SE you will find the drivers needed inwin_53.cab and win_54.cab (only 2 of thedrivers needed will be normally in 53.).In ME they are all in win_20.cab on boththe retail and the upgrade disk. So letsget to it and fix your needed drivers. 1) You first click on start, then scrollup to settings and click on control panel. Inside the control panel you willwant to scroll over or down to system and double click it, opening up System Properties as in the picture below: 2) The next step is to click on the Device Manger Tab: 3) Next step will be to scroll down to the mouse and click the + and highlight the PS/2 Compatible Mouse Port (used as our example of the files needed): 4) Next click on Properties and you willsee PS/2 Compatible Mouse Port Properties: 5) Next click on the Driver tab: 6) Next click on Driver Files Details: Ok this where you want to pay attention if you look at the picture above you will see the highlighted driver C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VMM32VXD.(vmouse.vxd) The (......) around the driver is telling you that windows is looking for that driver and can not find it so it isusing a default driver instead of the one windows is wanting .This in turn canslow your system down and cause errors in some apps and functions of your system. So we need to fix this and I will show you how I suggest you go through each and every device in your Device Manger and see which drivers are missing for your system and install the ones you need not the ones on a default list that I could give you. In some strange cases you may need a driver I have not run across a user needing depending on the devices and your motherboard you have. There are so many different configurations out there it would be hard for me sitting here to seewhat your systems needs. 7) Insert you Windows disk in your CD-ROM drive or go to where the Manufacturer has stored them on your hard drive. Open up your OSdirectory, in this case win9x dir (couldbe in win98 for Windows 98): 8) Scroll over to the cab file needed, in ME it is win_20.cab and double click it. OK, before I forget, you may need toset your system to view all files and system files to be able to go on from this point. In Windows Explorer you havetwo ways to do this. First would be click on view then click on Folder Options or go to Tools then click FolderOptions and click on the view tab. Then add or remove the checks as needed to enable you to view your files completely. Here is a example as it is in ME: Now that you can see all the system files, we can open the cab file needed: 9) Scroll over until you find the vmouse.vxd file (or the driver you need if installing a different one) and highlight it. 10) The next thing to do is to Extract the needed driver to two different locations, so we will right click on thedriver needed and click on extract: 11) The first place to extract the driver to is your system dir. By clicking on the + by windows, scrolling down to the system directory and clicking on it, you will see the folder open: Next click OK and it is done. You have extracted the driver to the System directory. 12) Now we need to extract the same driver again, but this time we click on the + on windows then click on the + by system and we click on the VMM32 directory and it will open the folder and as it did with the system folder: Click ok here and the driver is then installed in both directories and is ready after a reboot to be used by Windows. Those of you using a USB mouse may not need the vmouse driver as I usedin this example. Once this is done correctly, you can go back to your PS/2 Compatible Mouse Port Driver File Details and you will see this: Look, no (......)! As you see the ( ) are gone which means windows has found its long lost driver :) As I have statedyou should go through your own device manager and write down the needed drivers that your system is missing. Install the drivers needed in both of the same directories and Enjoy <<g Istz?  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