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It will be counted as a Knock Out (This Discard is not a Pok`mon Power) will draw Prize(s). drew Prize(s). placed a .Unable to select.Grass Fire Water Lightning Fighting Psychic BenchKnock Out20 damage to Self due to Confusion.Choose the Energy card you wish to discard.The Active Pok`mon was Knocked Out. Please choose the next Pok`mon.Press START When you are ready.You play first.You play second.Transmission Error. Start again from the beginning.Choose the card you wish to examine.Transmitting data...Waiting... Hand ExamineSelecting Bench Pok`mon... Hand Examine Back Retreated to the Bench. 's Retreat was unsuccessful. will use the Pok`mon Power .Finished the Turn without Attacking. 's Turn.Attached to . evolved into .Placed on the Bench. was placed in the Arena. shuffles the Deck.Since this is just practice, Do not shuffle the Deck.Each player will shuffle the opponent's Deck.Each player will draw 7 cards. drew 7 cards. 's deck has cards.Choose a Basic Pok`mon to place in the Arena.There are no Basic Pok`mon in 's hand.Neither player has any Basic Pok`mon in his or her hand.Return the cards to the Deck and draw again.You may choose up to 5 Basic Pok`mon to place on the Bench.Please choose an Active Pok`mon.Choose your Bench Pok`mon.You drew .You cannot select this card.Placing the Prizes...Please place Prizes.If heads,  plays first.A coin will be tossed to decide who plays first.Decision...The Duel with was a Draw!You won the Duel with !You lost the Duel with ...Start a Sudden-Death Match for 1 Prize!Prizes Left Active Pok`mon Cards in DeckNoneYesCards took all the Prizes!There are no Pok`mon in 's Play Area! was Knocked Out! have Pok`mon Power.Unable to us Pok`mon Power due to the effect of Toxic Gas. Play Check Play Check Select Check1 B  is thinking.ppppppppppSelect a computer opponent.Number of PrizesRandom 1Random 2Random 3Random 4Training COMPlayer 1Player 2Left to RightRight to LeftSTART: Change A: Execute B: EndOther Poison Sleep Payalysis Confusion Double Poison Clear Foul Gas Opponent's Hand Discard from Hand Select Deck Select Discard From Hand to Deck Take Prize Change Player Shuffle Deck Discard Bench Change CardWIN GAME LOSE GAME DRAW GAME CHANGE CASE PAUSE MODE CHANGE COMPUTER OPPONENT CHANGE PLAYER 2 TO COM FLIP 20 SAVE NOW LOAD FILESave FileLoad File ` Last Saved FilePause Mode is ON Press SELECT to PausePause Mode is OFFComputer Mode is OFFComputer Mode is ON Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon Trainer Card Energy CardCard ListTest Coin FlipEnd without Prizes?Reset Back Up RAM?Your Data was destroyed somehow. The game cannot be continued in its present condition. Please restart the game after the Data is reset.No cards in hand.The Discard Pile has no cards.Player's Discard Pile 's Hand 's Play Area 's DeckPlease select Hand.Please select Card.There are no Pok`mon with Damage Counters.There are no Damage Counters.No Energy cards are attached to the opponent's Active Pok`mon.There are no Energy cards in the the Discard Pile.There are no Basic Energy cards in the Discard Pile.There are no cards left in the Deck.There is no space on the Bench.There are no Pok`mon capable of Evolving.You cannot Evolve a Pok`mon in the same turn it was placed.Not affected by Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, or Confusion.Not enough cards in Hand.No Pok`mon on the Bench.There are no Pok`mon in the Discard Pile.Conditions for evolving to Stage 2 not fulfilled.There are no cards in Hand that you can change.There are no cards in the Discard Pile.There are no Stage 1 Pok`mon in the Play Area.No Energy cards are attached to Pok`mon in your Play Area.No Energy cards attached to Pok`mon in your opponent's Play Area. Energy cards are required to Retreat.Not enough Energy cards.Not enough Fire Energy.Not enough Psychic Energy.Not enough Water Energy.There are no Trainer Cards in the Discard Pile.No Attacks may be choosen.You did not receive an Attack to Mirror Move.This attack cannot be used twice.No Weakness.No Resistance.Only once per turn.Cannot use due to Sleep, Paralysis, or Confusion.Cannot be used in the turn in which it was played.There is no Energy card attached.No Grass Energy.Cannot use since there's only 1 Pok`mon.Cannot use because it will be Knocked Out.Can only be used on the Bench.There are no Pok`mon on the Bench.Opponent is not AsleepUnable to use due to the effects of Toxic Gas.A Transmission Error occured.Back Up is broken.Error No. 02: Printer is not connected.Error No. 01: Batteries have lost their charge.Error No. 03: Printer paper is jammed.Error No. 02: Check cable or printer switch.Error No. 04: Printer Packet Error.Printing was interrupted.Card Pop! cannot be played with the Game Boy. Please use a Game Boy Color.Sand-attack check! If Tails, Attack is unsuccessful.Smokescreen check! If Tails, Attack is unsuccessful.Paralysis check! If Heads, opponent is Paralyzed.Sleep check! If Heads, opponent becomes Asleep.Poison check! If Heads, opponent is Poisoned.Confusion check! If Heads, opponent becomes Confused.Venom Powder check! If Heads, opponent is Poisoned & Confused.If Tails, your Pok`mon becomes Confused.Damage check! If Tails, no damage!!!If Heads, Draw 1 card from Deck!Flip until Tails appears. 10 damage for each Heads!!!If Heads, + 10 damage! If Tails, +10 damage to yourself!10 damage to opponent's Bench if Heads, damage to yours if Tails.If Heads, change opponent's Active Pok`mon.If Heads, Heal is successful.If Tails, damage to yourself, too.Success check!!! If Heads, Attack is successful!Trainer card success check! If Heads, you're successful!Card check! If Heads, 8 cards! If Tails, 1 card!If Heads, you will not receive damage during opponent's next turn!Damage checkDamage check! If Heads, + damage!!Damage check! If Heads, x damage!!Acid check! If Heads, unable to Retreat during next turn.Transparency check! If Heads, do not receive opponent's Attack!Confusion check, If Tails, damage to yourself!Confusion check! If Tails, unable to Retreat. 's Sleep check.Opponent is Poisoned if Heads, and Confused if Tails.If Heads, do not receive damage or effect of opponent's next Attack!If Heads, opponent cannot Attack next turn!Attack unsuccessful.Unable to Retreat due to the effects of Acid.Unable to use a Trainer card due to the effects of Headache.Unable to Attack due to the effects of Tail wag.Unable to Attack due to the effects of Leer.Unable to Attack due to the effects of Bone attack.Unable to use this Attack due to the effects of Amnesia. was Knocked Out due to the effects of Destiny Bond. receives damage due to the effects of Strikes Back.Unable to evolve due to the effects of Prehistoric Power.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Fly.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Barrier.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Agility.Unable to use this Attack due to the effects of N Shield.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of N Shield.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Transparency metamorphs to .Select a Pok`mon on the Bench to switch with the Active Pok`mon.Select a Pok`mon to place in the Arena. is selecting a Pok`mon to place in the Arena.Choose the Weakness you wish to change with Conversion 1.Choose the Resistance you wish to change with Conversion 2.Choose the Pok`mon whose color you wish to change with Color change.Changed the Weakness of  to .Changed the Resistance of  to .Changed the color of  to .Draw 1 card from the Deck.Draw card(s) from the Deck.Cannot draw a card because there are no cards in the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon on the Bench to give damage to.Choose up to 3 Pok`mon on the Bench to give damage to.Choose 1 Basic Energy card from the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon to attach the Energy card to.Choose and Discard 1 Fire Energy card.Choose and Discard 2 Fire Energy cards.Discard from opponent's Deck as many Fire Energy cards as were discarded.Choose and Discard 2 Energy cards.Choose a Krabby from the Deck.Choose and Discard an Energy card from the opponent's Active Pok`mon.Choose the Attack the opponent will not be able to use on the next turn.Choose a Basic Fighting Pok`mon from the Deck.Choose an Oddish from the Deck.Choose an OddishChoose a Krabby.Choose a Basic Energy card.Choose a Nidoran% or a Nidoran$ from the Deck.Choose a Nidoran% or a Nidoran$.Choose a Basic Fighting Pok`monProcedure for Energy Transfer: 1. Choose the Pok`mon to move Grass Energy from. Press the A Button. 2. Choose the Pok`mon to move the energy to and press the A Button. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 4. Press the B Button to end.Choose a Bellsprout from the Deck.Choose a Bellsprout.Choose a Pok`mon to remove the Damage counter from.Procedure for Curse: 1. Choose a Pok`mon to move the Damage counter from and press the A Button. 2. Choose a Pok`mon to move the Damage counter to and press the A Button. 3. Press the B Button to cancel.Choose 2 Energy cards from the Discard Pileto attach to a Pok`mon.Choose 2 Energy cards from the Discard Pile for your Hand.Choose an Energy card.Procedure for Prophecy: 1. Choose either your Deck or your opponent's Deck 2. Choose the cards you wish to place on top and press the A Button. 3. Select Yes after you choose the 3 cards and their order. 4. Press the B Button to cancel.Choose the order of the cards.Procedure for Damage Swap: 1. Choose a Pok`mon to move a Damage counter from and press the A Button. 2. Choose a Pok`mon to move the Damage counter to and press the A Button. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 4. Press the B Button to end. 5. You cannot move the counter if it will Knock Out the Pok`mon.Procedure for Devolution Beam. 1. Choose either a Pok`mon in your Play Area or your opponent's Play Area and press the A Button. 2. Choose the Pok`mon to Devolve and press the A Button. 3. Press the B Button to cancel.Procedure for Strange Behavior: 1. Choose the Pok`mon with the Damage counters to move to Slowbro and press the A Button. 2. Repeat step 1 as many times as you wish to move the counters. 3. Press the B Button to end. 4. You cannot move the damage if Slowbro will be Knocked Out.Choose the opponent's Attack to be used with Metronome.There is no in the Deck.Would you like to check the Deck?Please select the Deck: Yours Opponent'sPlease select the Play Area: Yours Opponent'sNidoran$ Nidoran%OddishBellsproutKrabbyFighting Pok`monBasic EnergyPeek was used to look at the in your Hand.Card Peek was used on and all attached cards were returned to the Hand. was chosen for the effect of Amnesia.A Basic Pok`mon was placed on each Bench. 's was unsuccessful.There was no effect from .The Energy card from 's Play Area was moved. drew Fire Energy from the Hand.The Pok`mon cards in 's Hand and Deck were shuffledRemove Damage counter each time the A Button is pressed. B Button quits.Choose a Pok`mon to remove the Damage counter from.Choose the card to Discard from the Hand.Choose a Pok`mon to remove Energy from and choose the Energy.Choose 2 Basic Energy cards from the Discard Pile.Choose a Pok`mon and press the A Button to remove Damage counters.Choose 2 cards from the Hand to Discard.Choose 2 cards from the Hand to return to the Deck.Choose a card to place in the Hand.Choose a Pok`mon to attach Defender to.You can draw up to cards. A to Draw, B to End.Choose a Pok`mon to return to the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon to place in play.Choose a Basic Pok`mon to Evolve.Choose a Pok`mon to Scoop Up.Choose a card from your Hand to Switch.Choose a card to Switch.Choose a Basic or Evolution Pok`mon card from the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon card.Rearrange the 5 cards at the top of the Deck.Please check the opponent's Hand.Evolution card was chosen.Choose a Basic Pok`mon to place on the Bench.Choose an Evolution card and press the A Button to Devolve 1.Choose a Pok`mon in your Area, then a Pok`mon in your opponent's.Choose up to 4 from the Discard Pile.Choose a Pok`mon to switch with the Active Pok`mon. and all attached cards were returned to the Deck. was returned from the Arena to the Hand. was returned from the Bench to the Hand. was returned to the Deck. was placed in the Hand.The card you receivedYou received these cards:Choose the card to put back.Choose the card to Discard.Discarded cards from 's Deck.Discarded from the Hand.None came! came to the Bench! has no cards in Hand! healed damage! devolved to !There was no Fire Energy.You can select more cards. Quit?There was no effect!There was no effect from ToxicThere was no effect from Poison.There was no effect from Sleep.There was no effect from Paralysis.There was no effect from Confusion.There was no effet from Poison, Confusion.Exchanged the cards in 's Hand.Battle CenterPrizes cardsChoose the number of Prizes.Please wait... Deciding the number of Prizes...Begin a -Prize Duel with .Are you both ready to Card Pop! ?The Pop! wasn't successful. Please try again.You cannot Card Pop! with a friend you previously Popped! with.Position the Game Boy Colors and press the A Button.Received through Card Pop! received a ! received a Promotional card ! received the Legendary card ! received a Promotinal card Flyin' Pikachu! received a Promotional card Surfin' Pikachu!Received a Flareon!!! Looked at the card list!Now printing. Please wait...Booster PackWould you like to try again?Sent to .Received from .Sending a card...Move the Game Boys close and press the A Button.Receiving a card...Move the Game Boys close together.Sending a Deck Configuration... Position the Game Boys and press A.Receiving Deck configuration... Position the Game Boys and press A.Card transfer wasn't successful.Card transfer wasn't successfulDeck configuration transfer wasn't successfulDeck configuration transfer wasn't successful.Now printing...Dr. MasonDraw 7 cards, and get ready for the battle! Choose your Active Pok`mon. You can only choose Basic Pok`mon as your Active Pok`mon, so you can choose either Goldeen or Staryu. For our practice duel, choose Goldeen.Choose Goldeen for this practice duel, OK?Next, put your Pok`mon on your Bench. You can switch Benched Pok`mon with your Active Pok`mon. Again, only Basic Pok`mon can be placed on your Bench. Choose Staryu from your hand and put it there.Choose Staryu for this practice duel, OK?When you have no Pok`mon to put on your Bench, press the B Button to finish.1. Choose Hand from the Menu. Select a Water Energy card.2. Attach a Water Energy card to your Active Pok`mon, Goldeen.3. Choose Attack from the Menu and select Horn Attack.1. Evolve Goldeen by attaching Seaking to it.2. Attach a Psychic Energy card to the evolved Seaking.3. Choose Attack and select Waterfall to attack your opponent.1. Attach a Water Energy card to your Benched Staryu.2. Choose Attack and attack your opponent with Horn Attack.1. Take Drowzee from your hand and put it on your Bench.2. Attach a Water Energy card to your Benched Drowzee.3. Choose Seaking and attack your opponent with Waterfall.1. Choose a Water Energy card from your hand and attach it to Staryu.2. Choose Staryu and attack your opponent with Slap.1. Choose the Potion card in your hand to recover Staryu's HP.2. Attach a Water Energy card to Staryu.3. Choose Staryu and attack your opponent with Slap.1. Evolve Staryu by attaching Starmie to it.2. Select the evolved Starmie and attack your opponent with Star Freeze.1. Select Starmie and attack your opponent with Star Freeze.2. You Knocked Machop Out. Now you can draw a Prize.1. Your Seaking was Knocked Out. Choose your Benched Staryu and press the A Button to set it as your Active Pok`mon.2. You can check Pok`mon data by pressing SELECT.To use the attack command, you need to attach Energy cards to your Pok`mon. Choose Cards from the Menu, and select a Water Energy card.Next, choose your Active Pok`mon, Goldeen, and press the A Button. Then the Water Energy card will be attached to Goldeen.Finally, attack your opponent by selecting an attack command. Choose Attack from the Menu, and select Horn Attack.Your Goldeen's gonna get Knocked Out. Let's evolve it! Choose Seaking from your hand and attach it to Goldeen to Evolve it. Its HP increases from 40 to 70.Your Seaking doesn't have enough Energy to use Waterfall. You need to attach a Psychic Energy card to Seaking.  means any Energy card. Now you can use Waterfall. Keep the Water Energy card for other Pok`mon.Now let's attack your opponent with Seaking's Waterfall!Seaking's got enough Energy, so you don't need to attach any more. Attach Energy cards to your Benched Pok`mon to get them ready for battle. Attach a Water Energy card to your Benched Staryu.Next, select the attack command. Machop has 10 HP left. Seaking's Horn Attack will be enough to Knock out Machop. Now, choose Seaking's Horn Attack.Now Machop's HP is 0 and it is Knocked Out. When you Knock Out the Defending Pok`mon, you can pick up a Prize.When all your Pok`mon are Knocked Out and there are no Pok`mon on your Bench, you lose the game. Put Drowzee, the Basic Pok`mon you just drew, on your Bench.Attach a Water Energy card to Drowzee to get it ready to attack.Choose your Active Seaking and attack your opponent with Waterfall.Staryu evolves into Starmie! Let's get Staryu ready to use Starmie's attack command when it evolves to Starmie. Choose the Water Energy card from your hand and attach it to Staryu.Attack your opponent with Staryu's Slap.Now, recover Staryu with a Trainer card. Choose Potion from your hand.Now let's get ready to evolve it to Starmie. Also, attach a Water Energy card to Staryu.Attack your opponent with Staryu's Slap to end your turn.Now you have finally drawn a Starmie card! Choose Starmie from your hand and use it to evolve Staryu.You've already attached enough Energy to use Star Freeze. Attack your opponent with Starmie's Star Freeze.Now Machop has only 10 HP left. Let's finish the battle! Attack with Starmie's Star Freeze. You've Knocked Out your opponent! Pick up the last Prize.  is the winner!Choose a Benched Pok`mon to replace your Knocked Out Pok`mon. You now have Drowzee and Staryu on your Bench. Choose Staryu as the Active Pok`mon for this practice duel.Here, press SELECT to check Pok`mon data. It is important to know your cards and the status of your Pok`mon.Select Staryu for this practice, OK?Now, let's play the game!Do you need to practice again?This is Practice Mode, so please follow my guidance. Do it again. 's turn  Replace due to Knockout DummyPractice PlayerSam's PracticeCharmander & FriendsCharmander extraSquirtle & FriendsSquirtle extraBulbasaur & FriendsBulbasaur extraFirst-StrikeRock CrusherGo Go Rain DanceZapping SelfdestructFlower PowerStrange PsyshockWonders of ScienceFire ChargeLegendary MoltresLegendary ZapdosLegendary ArticunoLegendary DragoniteI'm Ronald!Powerful RonaldInvincible RonaldLegendary RonaldWaterfront Pok`monLonely FriendsSound of the WavesAngerFlamethrowerReshuffleExcavationBlistering Pok`monHard Pok`monEtceteraFlower GardenKaleidoscopeMuscles for BrainsHeated BattleLove to BattlePikachuBoom Boom SelfdestructPower GeneratorGhostNap TimeStrange PowerFlyin' Pok`monLovely NidoranPoisonImakuni?Lightning & FireWater & FightingGrass & PsychicRetreat CostBF8C27pC>pD??4ABF8C27pC>p;>F4Az{Your Discard PileOpponent's Discard PileDeck+7>% %012EndWhat is your name?ppp p%p*p/p4p7 ppp!p&p+p0p5p8 ppp"p'p,p1p6p9 ppp#p(p-p2pp?p@pA BpCpDpEpFpGpHpIpn op]pjpkpwp`papbpc dpepfpgphpipppp ppppppppppppppppp0p1p2p3p4p5p6p7p8 9p:p;pp?p@pA BpCpDpEpFpGpHpIpn op]pjpkpzp`papbpc dpepfpgphpipppppp pppppppppppppppppNew deckPlease select deck.Modify deckChange nameSelect deckCancelas was chosen as the dueling deck!awbwcwdwThere is no Deck here!ConfirmDismantleModifySaveNameThere is only 1 Deck, so this Deck cannot be dismantled.There are no Basic Pok`mon in this Deck!You must include a Basic Pok`mon in the Deck!This isn't a 60-card deck!The Deck must include 60 cards!Return to original configuration?Save this Deck?Quit modifying the Deck?Dismantle this Deck?No cards chosen.Your Pok`monYour Discard PileYour HandTo Your Play AreaOpponent's Pok`monOpponent's Discard PileOpponent HandTo Opponent's Play Area 's Play AreaYour Play AreaOpp. Play AreaIn Play AreaGlossaryWhich card would you like to see?Please choose a Prize.Hand 's Hand 's Discard PileppppppppppppppppppBooster Pack1. Colosseum2. Evolution3. Mystery4. Laboratory5. Promotional CardView which Card File?kkkkkkkkkk's Cardskkkkkkkkkkkkkk Deck Save Machine Save a DeckDelete a DeckBuild a DeckChoose a Deck to Save.You may only Save 60 Decks. Please Delete a Deck first.forSaved the configuration for  ! No Deck is saved.Please choose a Deck configuration to delete.Do you really wish to delete?Deleted the configuration for  .You may only carry 4 Decks!Choose a deck to dismantle.Dismantled  .Please choose the Deck you wish to Build.This Deck can only be built if you dismantle another Deck.You do not own all cards needed to build this Deck.Built These cards are needed to build this Deck:Dismantle these Decks?Dismantled the Deck.OK if this file is deleted?Read the InstructionsPrint this card? Yes NoPlease choose a Deck configuration to print.Print this Deck?Print the card list? Yes NoPok`mon Cards Deck Configuration Card List Print Quality Quit PrintWhat would you like to print?Please set the contrast: Light 1 2 3 4 5 DarkPlease make sure to turn the Game Boy Printer OFF.Procedures for sending cards:1. Choose the card you wish to send. Press left/right to choose more. 2. Choose all the cards. Then press the B Button to open the menu. 3. Choose Send to finish the process.Please read the procedures for sending cards.SendCard receivedCard to sendSend these cards?Received these cards from !Please choose a Deck configuration to send.Please choose a Save Slot.Receive configuration.Received a deck configuration from ! Fighting Machine  Rock Machine  Water Machine  Lightning Machine  Grass Machine  Psychic Machine  Science Machine  Fire Machine  Auto Machine  Legendary Machine All Fighting Pok`monBench AttackBattle ContestHeated BattleFirst-StrikeSqueaking MouseGreat QuakeBone AttackExcavationRock CrusherBlue WaterOn the BeachParalyze!Energy RemovalRain DancerCute Pok`monPok`mon FluteYellow FlashElectric ShockZapping SelfdestructInsect CollectionJungleFlower GardenKaleidoscopeFlower PowerPsychic PowerDream Eater HaunterScavenging SlowbroStrange PowerStrange PsyshockLovely NidoranScience CorpsFlyin' Pok`monPoisonWonders of ScienceReplace 'Em AllChari-SaurTraffic LightFire Pok`monFire ChargeCharmander & FriendsSquirtle & FriendsBulbasaur & FriendsPsychic MachampWater BeetleLegendary MoltresLegendary ZapdosLegendary ArticunoLegendary DragoniteMysterious Pok`monA Deck of Fighting Pok`mon: Feel their Fighting power!A Deck of Pok`mon that can attack the Bench.A Deck which uses Fighting Attacks such as Slash and Punch.A powerful Deck with both Fire and Fighting Pok`mon.A Deck for fast and furious attacks.A Deck made of Mouse Pok`mon. Uses PlusPower to Power up!Use Dugtrio's Earthquake to cause great damage.A Deck of Cubone and Marowak - A call for help.A Deck which creates Pok`mon by evolving Mysterious Fossils.A Deck of Rock Pok`mon. It's Strong against Lightning Pok`mon.A Deck of Water Pok`mon: Their Blue Horror washes over enemies.A well balanced Deck of Sandshrew and Water Pok`mon!Paralyze the opponent's Pok`mon: Stop 'em and drop 'em!Uses Whirlpool and Hyper Beam to remove opponents' Energy cards.Use Rain Dance to attach Water Energy for powerful Attacks!A Deck of cute Pok`mon such as Pikachu and Eevee.Use the Pok`mon Flute to revive opponents' Pok`mon and Attack!A deck of Pok`mon that use Lightning Energy to zap opponents.A Deck which Shocks and Paralyzes opponents with its Attacks.Selfdestruct causes great damage - even to the opponent's Bench.A Deck made of Insect Pok`mon Go Bug Power!A Deck of Grass Pok`mon: There are many dangers in the Jungle.A Deck of Flower Pok`mon: Beautiful but DangerousUses Venomoth's Pok`mon Power to change the opponent's Weakness.A powerful Big Eggsplosion and Energy Transfer combo!Use the Psychic power of the Psychic Pok`mon to Attack!Uses Haunter's Dream Eater to cause great damage!Continually draw Trainer Cards from the Discard Pile!Confuse opponents with mysterious power!Use Alakazam's Damage Swap to move damage counters!Uses Nidoqueen's Boyfriends to cause great damage to the opponent.The march of the Science Corps! Attack with the power of science!Pok`mon with feathers flock together! Retreating is easy!A Deck that uses Poison to slowly Knock Out the opponent.Block Pok`mon Powers with Muk and attack with Mewtwo!A Deck that shuffles the opponent's cardsAttack with Charizard - with just a few Fire Energy cards!Pok`mon that can Attack with Fire, Water or Lightning Energy!With Fire Pok`mon like Charizard, Rapidash and Magmar, it's hot!Desperate attacks Damage your opponent and you!A Fire, Grass and Water Deck: Charmander, Pinsir and SeelA Water, Fire, and Lightning Deck: Squirtle, Charmander and PikachuA Grass, Lightning and Psychic Deck: Bulbasaur, Pikachu and AbraMachamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan Gengar and Alakazam are furious!An Evolution Deck with Weedle, Nidoran$ and Bellsprout.Gather Fire Energy with the Legendary Moltres!Zap opponents with the Legandary Zapdos!Paralyze opponents with the Legendary Articuno!Heal your Pok`mon with the Legendary Dragonite!A very special Deck made of very rare Pok`mon cards!Pok`mon Card GlossaryDeck Active Pok`mon Discard Pile Bench Pok`mon Hand Prizes Arena Damage Counter Bench To next page Energy Card Pok`mon Power Trainer Card Weakness Basic Pok`mon Resistance Evolution Card Retreat Attack To previous pageChoose a word and press the A button.About the DeckAbout the Discard PileAbout the HandAbout the ArenaAbout the BenchAbout the Active Pok`monAbout Bench Pok`monAbout PrizesAbout Damage CountersAbout Energy CardsAbout Trainer CardsAbout Basic Pok`monAbout Evolution CardsAbout AttackingAbout Pok`mon PowerAbout WeaknessAbout ResistanceAbout RetreatingThe Deck is the pile of cards you will be drawing from. At the beginning of your turn, you will draw 1 card from your Deck. If there are no cards to draw from the Deck, you lose the game.The pile in which you place used cards is called the Discard Pile. You can look at both yours and your opponent's Discard Pile with the Check command.The cards held by each player are called a Hand. There is no restriction to the number of cards in the Hand. You may even have 10 or 20 cards in your Hand.The place where the Pok`mon that is actively fighting is placed is called the Arena. The game proceeds by using the Active Pok`mon in the Arena.The Bench is where your Pok`mon that are in play but aren't actively fighting sit. They're ready to come out and fight if the Active Pok`mon retreats or is Knocked Out. You can have up to 5 Pok`mon on the Bench.The Active Pok`mon is the Pok`mon that is in the Arena. Only Active Pok`mon can attack.The Pok`mon that are in play but aren't actively fighting are called Bench Pok`mon. They're ready to come out and fight if the Active Pok`mon retreats or is Knocked Out. If the Active Pok`mon is Knocked Out and you don't have a Bench Pok`mon, you lose the game.Prizes are the cards placed to count the number of the opponent's Pok`mon you Knocked Out. Every time one of your opponent's Pok`mon is Knocked Out, you take 1 of your Prizes into your Hand. When you take all of your Prizes, you win the game.A Damage Counter represents the amount of damage a certain Pok`mon has taken. 1 Damage Counter represents 10 HP of damage. If a Pok`mon with an HP of 30 has 3 Damage Counters, it has received 30 HP of damage, and its remaining HP is 0.Energy Cards are cards that power your Pok`mon, making them able to Attack. There are 7 types of Energy Cards [ Grass] [ Fire] [ Water] [ Lightning] [ Psychic] [ Fighting] and [ Double Colorless] You may only play 1 Energy Card from your Hand per turn.Trainer Cards are support cards. There are many Trainer Cards with different effects. Trainer Cards are played during your turn by following the instructions on the card and then discarding it. You may use as many Trainer Cards as you like.Basic Pok`mon are cards that can be played directly from your hand into the play area. Basic Pok`mon act as the base for Evolution Cards. Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur are examples of Basic Pok`mon.Evolution Cards are cards you play on top of a Basic Pok`mon card (or sometimes on top of another Evolution Card) to make it stronger. There are Stage 1 and Stage 2 Evolution Cards. If you do not have a Basic Pok`mon in the Play Area, you cannot place the Stage 1 Evolution Card, and if you do not have a Stage 1 Evolution Card in the Play Area, you cannot place the Stage 2 Evolution Card.By choosing Attack, your Pok`mon will fight your opponent's Pok`mon. Your Pok`mon require Energy in order to Attack. The amount of Energy required differs according to the Attack. The Active Pok`mon is the only Pok`mon that can Attack.Unlike Attacks, Pok`mon Power can be used by Active or Benched Pok`mon. Some Pok`mon Power are effective by just placing the Pok`mon in the Play Area, but for some you must choose the command, PKMN Power.Some Pok`mon have a Weakness. If a Pok`mon has a Weakness, it takes double damage when attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type.Some Pok`mon have Resistance. If a Pok`mon has Resistance, it takes 30 less damage whenever attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type.By choosing Retreat, you can switch the Active Pok`mon with a Pok`mon on your Bench. Energy is required to Retreat your Active Pok`mon. The amount of Energy required to Retreat differs for each Pok`mon. To Retreat, you must discard Energy equal to the Retreat Cost of the retreating Pok`mon.Modify Deck Card List Album List Deck Save Machine Printing Menu Auto Deck Machine Gift Center Name InputFighting Machine Rock Machine Water Machine Lightning Machine Grass Machine Psychic Machine Science Machine Fire Machine Auto Machine Legendary MachineSend a Card Receive a Card Give Deck Instructions Receive Deck InstructionsLecture DuelFirst Strike Deck  Mason Laboratory  ISHIHARA's House  Fighting Club  Rock Club  Water Club  Lightning Club  Grass Club  Psychic Club  Science Club  Fire Club  Challenge Hall  Pok`mon Dome  ??'s House Mason LaboratoryMr Ishihara's HouseFightingRockWaterLightningGrassPsychicScienceFireChallenge HallPok`mon Dome??'s HouseStatus Diary Deck Card Config ExitStatus Diary Deck Card Config Debug CloseName Album mPlay time ^ 's diaryMaster Medals Won Would you like to keep a diary? wrote in the diary.Nothing was recorded in the diary.Master Medals Change SettingsMessage Speed Slow 1 2 3 4 5 FastDuel Animation Show All Skip Some None Exit SettingsDuel [ ] SELECT [ ] Receive many cards To Pok`mon Dome 1 To Pok`mon Dome 2Normal DuelSkipNormalFreeze ScreenCard Album Read Mail Glossary Print Shut Down turned the PC on! turned the PC off!Send Card Receive Card Send Deck Configuration Receive Deck Configuration ExitSend CardReceive CardSend Deck ConfigurationReceive Deck Configuration Mail Which mail would you like to read?Mail 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415pppppMail 1Mail 2Mail 3Mail 4Mail 5Mail 6Mail 7Mail 8Mail 9Mail 10Mail 11Mail 12Mail 13Mail 14Mail 15NEW GAMECARD POP! CONTINUE FROM DIARY NEW GAMECARD POP! CONTINUE FROM DIARY New Game CONTINUE DUELWhen you CARD POP! with a friend, you will each receive a new card! Master Medals Won   Album m Play time ^Start a New Game. The Game will continue from the point in the duel at which the power was turned OFF.Saved data already exists. If you continue, you will lose all the cards you have collected.OK to delete the data?All data was deleted.Data exists from when the power was turned OFF during a duel. Choose CONTINUE DUEL on the Main Menu to continue the duel. If you continue now, the heading, CONTINUE DUEL, will be deleted, and the game will start from the point when you last wrote in the Diary. Would you like to continue the Game from the point saved inCONTINUE FROM DIARY?You can access Card Pop! only with two Game Boy Colors. Please play using a Game Boy Color. is crazy about Pok`mon and Pok`mon card collecting! One day, heard a rumor: "The Legendary Pok`mon Cards... the extremely rare and powerful cards held by Pok`mon Trading Card Game's greatest players... The Grand Masters are searching for one to inherit the legend!" Dreaming of inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards, visits the Pok`mon card researcher, Dr. Mason...POWER ON DUEL MODE CONTINUE FROM DIARY CGB TEST SGB FRAME STANDARD BG CHARACTER LOOK AT SPR V EFFECT CREATE BOOSTER PACK CREDITS QUITNORMAL DUEL SKIPCOLOSSEUM EVOLUTION MYSTERY LABORATORY Energy1 2 3 4 5 6 71 2 3 4 5 61 2 3 4 51 2 3 4A TIME TO (Change with Start) A+B: Stop Animation Select: ExitLeftRightSPR_WIN Prizes Duel LOSE with ( ) Use 's Deck received a Booster Pack: ....And another Booster Pack: . checked the cards in the Booster Pack!!Substitute screen for receiving cards. Won the Medal!Substitute screen for sending cards by Link cable.Substitute screen for receiving cards by Link cable.Substitute screen for sending a Deck design.Substitute screen for receiving a Deck design.????Ending Screen THE ENDWas the data transfer successful?(Person transferring data to)(Name of Deck transferring)  DeckFighting Club MemberRock Club MemberWater Club MemberLightning Club MemberGrass Club MemberPsychic Club MemberScience Club MemberFire Club MemberFighting Club MasterRock Club MasterWater Club MasterLightning Club MasterGrass Club MasterPsychic Club MasterScience Club MasterFire Club MasterCOLOSSEUMEVOLUTIONMYSTERYLABORATORYDr. MasonRonaldISHIHARAImakuni?CLERKSamTECHCLERKChrisMichaelJessicaMitchMatthewRyanAndrewGeneSaraAmandaJoshuaAmyJenniferNicholasBrandonIsaacBrittanyKristinHeatherNikkiRobertDanielStephanieMurrayJosephDavidErikRickJohnAdamJonathanKenCOURTNEYSteveJackRodManWomanCHAPGALLassPappyLadHOSTSpecsButchHoodChampManiaGrannyGuideAaron60 MEWTWO 8 MEW 34 ARCANINE16 PIKACHU13 SURFING PIKACHU20 ELECTABUZZ9 SLOWPOKE12 JIGGLYPUFF68 ZAPDOS37 MOLTRES37 ARTICUNO41 DRAGONITESuper Energy Retrieval12 FLYING PIKACHULightning & Fire DeckWater & Fighting DeckGrass & Psychic DeckPlease select the Deck you wish to Duel against.CHARMANDER & Friends DeckSQUIRTLE & Friends DeckBULBASAUR & Friends DeckPlease select the Deck you want.Hi, . How can I help you?Normal Duel Practice Rules NothingEnergy Attacking Retreating Evolving Pok`mon Using Pok`mon Power Ending Your Turn Win or Loss of a Duel Nothing to Ask , It's me, Doctor Mason. Are you getting the hang of the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? I have some information for you about Booster Packs. If you want to collect the same cards, duel the same person many times to get a particular Booster Pack! By doing so, you will be able to collect the same cards, making it easier for you to build your Deck. Another method for collecting cards is to use CARD POP! When you and a friend use CARD POP!, you will each receive a new card! Once you POP! with a certain friend, you won't be able to POP! with that friend again, so find many friends who own the Pok`mon Trading Card Game for Game Boy, and CARD POP! with them to get new cards! Oh, here's something for you...I'll be sending you useful information by e-mail. I'll also attach a Booster Pack for you, so check your mail often. Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;) , It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information for you about Mitch's deck - he's the Master of the Fighting Club. His First-Strike Deck is built for a quick attack, but it's weak against Psychic Pok`mon! I suggest you duel him using the Deck from the Psychic Medal Deck Machine. Here's a Booster Pack for you... , I know you can do it! Go win the Fighting Medal! Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;) , It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information about Gene's deck - he's the Master of the Rock Club. His Rock Crusher Deck is extremely strong against Lightning Pok`mon, but it's weak against Grass Pok`mon! I suggest you study the Deck from the Grass Medal Deck Machine. Oh! Before I forget... Here's a Booster Pack for you! ! Go defeat Gene, the Master of the Rock Club! Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;) , It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information for you about Amy's deck - she's the Master of the Water Club. Her deck uses Rain Dance - Blastoise's Pok`mon Power. This deck allows her to keep attaching Water Energy to her Water Pok`mon to power them up. Her deck's weakness is Lightning Pok`mon! I suggest you duel her using the deck from the Psychic Medal Deck Machine. Here's a Booster Pack for you. ! Keep at it, and don't give up! Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;)How's it going, ? It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information for you about Isaac's deck - he's the Master of the Lightning Club. His deck is a Selfdestruct deck! He uses Selfdestruct for maximum damage! Watch the number of Energy cards on his Pok`mon and look out for Selfdestruct. I would suggest using Fighting Pok`mon such as Cubone and Rhyhorn to counter Isaac's deck. The Cubone & Marowak Deck from the Rock Medal Deck Machine is probably your best bet. I hope you find many Fighting Pok`mon in this Booster Pack!Did you find the Pok`mon you were looking for in the Booster Pack? Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;)It's me, Doctor Mason. Have you won many Master Medals? I have some information for you about Nikki's deck - she's the Master of the Grass Club. You must be wary of Exeggutor's Big Eggsplosion with Nikki's deck. Use your Fire Pok`mon to knock out Exeggute and Exeggutor at an early stage! I suggest you study the Deck from the Fire Medal Deck Machine. I'll give you a Booster Pack that should contain a lot of Fire Pok`mon.Did it have a lot of Fire Pok`mon (the weakness of Grass Pok`mon)? Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)Are you getting any closer to inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards? Murray of the Psychic Club - I have some information on his deck! It seems to be a deck that uses Alakazam's Damage Swap! It will be difficult to defeat his deck of Psychic Pok`mon. Psychic Pok`mon are tricky since their weakness is Psychic Pok`mon! Try to defeat him before his Pok`mon evolves into Alakazam. Murray is a tough opponent... Here, take this!Fight to the end,  , and don't give up! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason. How are you doing, ? I have some information for you about Rick's deck - he's the Master of the Science Club. His deck uses Muk's Toxic Gas to prevent your Pok`mon from using Pok`mon Power! Avoid using a deck that relies on Pok`mon Power to attack. His deck's weakness is Psychic Pok`mon! Collect Psychic Pok`mon to duel his deck! I suggest you study the deck from the Psychic Medal Deck Machine. Hopefully, it will be of some assistance...Win all 8 Master Medals,  ! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason. Have you collected many cards? I have some information about Ken's deck - he's the Master of the Fire Club. His deck consists of Fire Pok`mon and Colorless Pok`mon! Pit a Water Pok`mon against the Fire Pok`mon and a Fighting Pok`mon against the Colorless Pok`mon. Study the decks from the Water and Fighting Medal Deck Machines! Here's a gift for you! It's a MYSTERY Booster Pack!Look closely at the cards you just received. You should be able to come up with a winning strategy! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason. It looks like you've won quite a few medals. Want to try building your own deck? Start by changing some of the cards in your present deck. Keep changing a few cards at a time, and eventually you'll have your own unique deck! It's not that difficult. Give it a try! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. Here's a deal - this time, you get 2 Booster Packs!Did you try building your own deck? This time, I'll give you tips on the types and number of cards you should include in your deck. If you have 3 of a Basic Pok`mon card, you'll want 2 of its Stage 1 and 1 of its Stage 2 Pok`mon. If you follow this rule, your deck will be well balanced. You should have about 14 Basic Pok`mon and anywhere between 20 and 26 Energy Cards in your deck. The type of Energy Cards will depend on the type of Pok`mon you have in your deck. You might want to look at the decks in the Deck Machine for hints. Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. This time, I'm sending 2 Booster Packs again! , It's me, Dr. Mason. You're finally going to be dueling a Grand Master... Grand Master COURTNEY uses the Legendary Moltres, so her deck should be made up of Fire Pok`mon. Be sure to use Water Pok`mon, since Water Pok`mon are the weakness of Fire Pok`mon. Other than that, just watch how your opponent plays, and choose your strategy accordingly. Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. You're almost there. Keep up the good work! , It's me, Dr. Mason! Grand Master Steve uses the Legendary ZAPDOS. The Legendary ZAPDOS's Peal of Thunder and Big Thunder randomly choose a target, so you never know which Pok`mon will receive damage. Be sure to look after, not only your Active Pok`mon, but also the Pok`mon on your Bench. His deck should be made up mostly of Lightning Pok`mon, so duel him using your Fighting Pok`mon. Defeat the Grand Masters,  !!! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. 3 more to go!It's me, Dr. Mason! 2 more Grand Masters to go! Grand Master Jack uses the Legendary Articuno. He will use the Legendary Articuno's QuickFreeze to paralyze your Pok`mon. Also, be wary of his other Articuno's Freeze Dry. His deck should be mostly Water Pok`mon, so it will be weak against Lightning Pok`mon! Go get 'em, ! You're almost there! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason! The final duel is here! I have some information on Rod, the leader of the Grand Masters. Rod uses the Legendary Dragonite. The longer the duel takes, the greater the advantages for his deck. His workhorse will be his Evolution Pok`mon, so defeat them while they are still in their Basic stage! Follow the simple strategy of striking early. This is the final test in inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Go, ! Be a part of the legend! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. This is my final gift for you.You have already received the attached Booster Pack."Pok`mon Trading Cards 101"This message is not in yet!Hello! Welcome to the Water Club! This is a Club devoted to Water Pok`mon. There are many different types of Water Pok`mon, so it's fun just to collect them.We don't use Fire Pok`mon cards here at the Water Club. I have this rare Arcanine, but I prefer Lapras. If you own a Lapras, would you mind trading it for my Arcanine?Hi! We meet again! Have you decided to trade your Lapras for my rare Arcanine?Would you like to trade?Aw, you're not going to trade with me? Well, that's too bad... But if you change your mind, come look for me.Hey! What are you trying to pull? You don't have a Lapras!?! Come see me when you get a Lapras.OK! Let's trade your Lapras for my Arcanine... Oh! I see your Lapras is included in your deck. I'd feel guilty taking a card from your deck. Maybe next time. OK then, let's trade your Lapras for my Arcanine. traded a Lapras for an Arcanine!Thanks, ! I'll take good care of this Lapras.Hey! You're the one who gave me your Lapras! I'm taking good care of your Lapras.Do you know Imakuni?? He's a suspicious-looking guy dressed all in black! You'll find him dancing away in the lounge at one of the Clubs! He stands out, so it shouldn't be too hard to identify him. But maybe you shouldn't go near him!Look! That's Imakuni? over there! Doesn't he look strange? You'll find him even stranger when you talk to him.What a strange guy Imakuni? is! Have you found him yet? It's rumored that he has really rare cards! He's really strange, but you might want to duel him.All Amy, the Master of this Club, does lately is sleep. She's bored because she doesn't have anybody to duel.Sara and Amanda of the Water Club are twins. No wonder they look so much alike!It feels so good to swim in the pool! Do you want to take a swim? Or would you rather duel?Would you like to duel Sara?No? Then maybe I'll go for a dip.There will be 2 Prizes. The duel will be 1 match. OK, let's start!Uh-oh! I guess I lost... Maybe I shouldn't have been swimming so much.I guess I have to practice more to improve my Pok`mon card game.It might look like all I can do is swim, but I play a pretty mean game of Pok`mon Trading Cards! Do you want to join the Water Club?Doesn't it feel good to relax by the pool? Isn't it wonderful to duel in a place like this?Would you like to duel Amanda?Why... How boring!OK, we'll play with 3 Prizes. It'll be a 1-match duel!Oops, I lost! Now I'm in trouble!Losing kind of destroys the atmosphere of the place.Winning in such nice surroundings makes it all the more pleasurable!Hey! Stop! This is a restricted area! Amy, the Club Master, is resting!The person resting over there is Amy, the Club Master. If you wish to duel Amy, go defeat Sara and Amanda first. Then I will test your skill, and if by chance you should win, I will introduce you to Amy, the Club Master!What? You defeated Sara and Amanda?You must be pretty good if you defeated Sara and Amanda... As promised, I'll test your skills. If you win, I will introduce you to Amy...You wish to duel against me?Would you like to duel Joshua?You don't want to duel? Are you afraid you won't be able to defeat me? The only way you will be able to meet Amy is by going through me!You don't want to duel? Are you afraid you won't be able to defeat me? That's understandable since I'm very good!OK, this will be a 1-match duel with 4 Prizes!How's that! I win! I'm sorry, but unless you defeat me, I can't let you meet Amy.How's that! I win! Too bad for you, but I'm the second best player after Amy!What!?! How could I lose?What!?! How could I lose again?Well, since I promised... I'll introduce you to Amy.How could this be? It must be luck! Yeah, that's what it was!Don't think you're that good just because you defeated me. We still have Amy here at the Water Club.Amy! Please wake up!!Huh? What's going on? I was enjoying my little nap...Well, um... (psst, psst, psst)What? You lost? How could you!?!Was it ? I will be your next opponent. I, Amy, the Master of the Water Club!Aren't you ? So you decided you want to duel me?Would you like to duel Amy?No? How boring! I was looking forward to a game of Pok`mon Trading Cards. Well, come see me again!OK! A 1-Match Duel with 6 Prizes! Let's do it!Oh, no! I lost!?!Well, since I lost, you can have this Water Medal. This should get you a step closer to inheriting the Legendary Cards!Here, you can also have these! They should come in handy!Come see me again! I'd like to duel you again sometime!Hah! I'm the best! Come see me again sometime! I'd like another duel!Hi, . Nice to see you again!!! Did you come to play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game?OK, same rules as before! A 1-match duel with 6 Prizes!Hello. Welcome to the Fighting Club! Here at this Club, we duel using Fighting Pok`mon. No dirty dueling is allowed! Only nice, clean duels are allowed in this Club.I see you play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game. I'm not into dueling. I prefer collecting the cards. By the way, would you happen to have ? If you do, I was wondering if you might want to give it to me? How about it?Hi! It's you! What's up? Did you decide to give me your ?Hi! I see you're playing with the cards again. By the way, I'm looking for this time. If you should happen to have one, would you mind giving it to me?Give away your ?OK. I understand. But if you should change your mind, please come see me.But you don't have ! I appreciate your generosity, but you can't give me what you don't have. Come see me again after you get .You're going to give it to me? Thank you! But your is in your Deck. I can't take a card that you're playing with!You're going to give it to me? I'll put it in my collection right away. I'll take good care of this card. Thank you! Thank you!!!Since you've been so kind and given me so many cards, please accept this card as a gift from me to you. It's a 16 Pikachu. Please take good care of it!Thank you for being so kind and giving me all these cards!Hi! Thanks for being so kind! I'm taking good care of all the cards you gave me!Hi! Is the card I gave you coming in handy? Thanks again for being so kind!Huh? W..Who are you? Who? Me? You don't know who I am? I am the super musical star, Imakuni?! I'll sing the Pok`Rap - You dance! cLa di da la di da La di da la di da... Hey! Move those feet! What? Cards? You want to duel me? OK, but if I win, you dance!What? You're still here? OK, sit over there. What? You're already sitting? OK, OK! Then let's get started!Would you like to duel Imakuni??Come on, don't be cruel! You're going to make me cry!OK, a 1-match duel with 6 Prizes! ...Whatever that means...Hey! You're pretty good! I'll give you this Booster Pack, so don't tell anyone I lost, OK?You won 3 times against me! Does that make you happy? Does it?I can't believe I lost 6 times! ...Seriously!I don't really want to give you this, but here. Take care of it.In both Cards and Dance, soul and rhythm are the secret. Hey, that sounds pretty cool! Maybe I'll become a poet!Hmm...I win. You weren't too bad, but since I won...Let's see you shake it! Come on, shake it!!! cLa di da la di da La di da la di da... ... You dance weird!I was just saying which Grand Master is the best. I think Steve is the best player.I can't believe Steve the Grand Master could lose! Who could have defeated Steve?The best player among the Grand Masters is Rod, since he's the leader of the Grand Masters.I can't believe Rod, the leader of the Grand Masters, was defeated!?! Could this mean the Legendary Pok`mon Cards have been passed on?If I were just a few years younger, I'd be dueling with you kids, too.I am Mitch, Master of the Fighting Club! I have to warn you that you will be unable to defeat me! If you wish to duel with me, you must defeat my pupils first! My pupils are training at other Clubs! Go see if you can defeat all 3 of my pupils!If you wish to duel me, you must defeat my pupils first! My pupils are training at the other Clubs! Go and see if you can defeat all 3 of my pupils!So, you've defeated 1 of my pupils. You must be a pretty good player. But you're not good enough! If you wish to duel me, you must defeat my 2 remaining pupils!So, you've defeated 2 of my pupils! You are pretty good. But there's still the last one... Can you defeat my last pupil?So, you have defeated all of my pupils! Let's see if you have what it takes to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! OK! Are you ready?Would you like to Duel Mitch?What? Are you getting cold feet? Come see me again when you finally work up enough nerves!Come on! Show me what you've got! We'll play with 6 Prizes!Wonderful! Great Match! You're very good. Here, take this. It's the Fighting Medal! You'll find the secret to the Decks of this Club encrypted in it.Here, take this, too. It's a LABORATORY Booster Pack.I hope to duel someone like you again someday!You may have been able to defeat my pupils, but you still are not experienced enough to defeat me! Come back after you've trained more!You wish to duel the Fighting Club Master again?Oh, OK. I'd like to duel again, though.As before, we'll play with 6 Prizes. Come show me what you've got!Another utter defeat! Here, take this!I'd like to duel someone like you again!You must train harder! I'll be waiting!I lost to you before at the Rock Club, but not this time! I'm going to train to become an even better player! But before I can start my training again, I must defeat you first!I'm going to train to become an even better player! But before I can start my training again, I must defeat you first!Would you like to duel Chris?You're just going to turn and run!?! You chicken!A 1-match duel with 4 prizes! Let's do it!No! I lost again! I can't start training, yet!Shoot! I'm going to become a better player!Yeah! I won! I've gotten pretty good, haven't I? I think I'll start training again.I've been training since I lost to you at the Grass Club. How about a rematch?Would you like to duel Michael?OK. But do duel me again sometime.OK, a 1-match duel with 4 prizes! Let's do it!I guess I need to train more...Duel me again another time. See ya!I guess my training has paid off! Duel me again sometime. See ya!Training is so boring... Why anyone would want to? Hey, it's you! Do you want to duel me again?Would you like to duel Jessica?Well, OK. I'm busy anyway!OK! A 1-match duel with 4 prizes! Let's go to it!Oops! I lost... Here! You can have this!Don't talk to me, I'm busy!Hey, I won! Could this also be due to my natural ability? Well, I hope I see you around!What is a deck?A deck is the set of Pok`mon cards used in duels. A deck consists of 60 cards. Only 4 of the same card are allowed in a deck. Create your own deck to play the game. These are the basic rules of the Pok`mon Trading Card Game.Cards, Vol. 1: Pok`mon CardsThere are 2 types of Pok`mon cards in the Pok`mon Trading Card Game: Basic Pok`mon and Evolution Pok`mon. Only Basic Pok`mon may be placed directly on the Bench. There are 2 types of Evolution Pok`mon cards: Stage 1 and Stage 2. Play Stage 1 Pok`mon on top of Basic Pok`mon, and Stage 2 Pok`mon on top of Stage 1 Pok`mon.Cards, Vol. 2: Energy CardsAttach Energy cards to your Pok`mon to give them the energy they need to attack. Choose an Energy card from your hand and attach it to a Pok`mon. You may attach only one Energy card per turn.Cards, Vol. 3: Trainer CardsTrainer cards are one-shot cards that can be used once and are then discarded. You can play as many Trainer cards as you like during your turn.Win or Loss of a Match, Vol. 1When a Pok`mon loses all of its HP, the Pok`mon is knocked out. Place it and all attached Energy cards in the discard pile. Each time you knock out 1 of your opponent's Pok`mon, you draw 1 of your prize cards and place it in your hand. When you've taken all of your prizes, you win the game.Win or Loss of a Match, Vol. 2You also win if your opponent's deck is out of cards at the start of your opponent's turn. Be careful not to run out of cards!Win or Loss of a Match, Vol. 3You also win if your opponent has no Pok`mon left on the bench after you have knocked out his or her active Pok`mon. Be sure to keep enough Pok`mon on your bench.CombosYou can create powerful combos by combining the abilities of 2 cards. Pok`mon Powers and Trainer Cards are useful in creating combos! Find card combinations that will create your own powerful combos.Energy TransWhat if you place Exeggutor in the arena, but you don't have any Energy cards? In this case, use Venusaur's Energy Trans to transfer Grass Energy and use Big Eggsplosion! If you attach 8 Energy cards, you can give your opponent up to 160 damage.Toxic GasMuk's Toxic Gas is very powerful! It can block all Pok`mon Powers! But be careful because it also blocks your own Pok`mon's Powers!Rain DanceBlastoise's Pok`mon Power, Rain Dance, is a great boon for your Water Pok`mon! You can attach as many Water Energy cards as you have to your Water Pok`mon. Power up your Pok`mon and attack!SelfdestructIt's a good idea to use Defender when attacking with Selfdestruct. That way, you'll be able to give major damage to your opponent's Active and Benched Pok`mon without your Pok`mon getting knocked out.Damage SwapYou can use Alakazam's Damage Swap to move damage counters off of a Pok`mon that is almost knocked out, or you can create a combo by combining it with Chansey and Scoop Up. Keep moving damage counters to Chansey and use Scoop Up to return Chansey to your hand. Then put Chansey back in play. You will have lost all damage counters!Hyper BeamHyper Beam is extremely powerful! You can remove the Energy cards attached to your opponent's Pok`mon! Without Energy, they won't be able to Attack or Retreat!Prehistoric PowerUse Aerodactyl's Prehistoric Power to block your opponent's Pok`mon from evolving. Your own Pok`mon can't evolve? In that case, use Devolution Spray on Aerodactyl and turn it back into a Mysterious Fossil. Then you'll be able to evolve your Pok`mon!Phantom CardsIt is rumored that there is a Phantom Card that can only be gotten by using Card Pop! It is believed there are 2 such cards, but no one knows what kind of cards they are. I'm off to search for someone who will give me these cards! ISHIHARAWeakness and ResistanceIf a Pok`mon has a Weakness, it takes double damage when attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type! If a Water Pok`mon attacks a Fire Pok`mon, the Fire Pok`mon will receive double damage! If a Pok`mon has a Resistance, it takes 30 less damage when attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type. If an Attack gives a damage of 30, the Pok`mon will not receive damage! Beware of the Weaknesses and Resistances of your Pok`mon!Drawing Desired CardsThe Trainer card, Computer Search, is useful when you want to draw a certain card! Item Finder and Pok` Ball will also help!RetreatingRetreating your Active Pok`mon to the Bench is a good strategy in certain situations! Retreating a Pok`mon requires Energy cards. Dodrio's Retreat Aid decreases the number of Energy cards required to retreat. If you retreat right away, your Pok`mon won't get knocked out!Fighting Pok`monFighting Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Lightning Pok`mon. Weak against Psychic Pok`mon. Require Fighting Energy cards to Attack.Fighting Pok`mon and CombosIt is difficult to create combos with a Fighting Pok`mon, since not many Fighting Pok`mon have Pok`mon Power. However, their strong attacks make up for this.Double Colorless EnergyDouble Colorless Energy is a very useful card. By using this single card, you are able to attach 2 Energies at once. But be careful because the energy is colorless.Rock Pok`monRock Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Lightning Pok`mon. Weak against Grass Pok`mon. Require Fighting Energy cards to Attack.Winning with Fighting Pok`monFighting Pok`mon will have a hard time against Stage 2 Pok`mon, as many Stage 2 Pok`mon are resistant to Fighting Pok`mon. Try to knock out your opponent's Pok`mon before they evolve.Basic Pok`monBasic Pok`mon are a must in the Pok`mon Trading Card Game! Basic Pok`mon are the only Pok`mon you can put directly from your hand into the play area. Stage 1 and Stage 2 Evolution cards can only be used on Basic Pok`mon. Make sure you have enough Basic Pok`mon in your deck!Water Pok`monWater Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Fire Pok`mon. Weak against Lightning Pok`mon. Some cards are weak against Grass Pok`mon. Require Water Energy cards to attack.Water Pok`mon AttacksWater Gun and Hydro Pump are attacks which have variable damage. The more Water Energy you attach, the more powerful the attack is! The attack can do up to 20 more damage in this way.ParalyzeWhen a Pok`mon is paralyzed, it is unable to do anything. It cannot retreat, attack or use Pok`mon Power, but the player may use any cards in his or her hand. Paralysis lasts until the end of the paralyzed player's turn. Paralysis can be healed with Full Heal and Evolution cards.Lightning Pok`monLightning Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Water Pok`mon. Weak against Fighting Pok`mon. Require Lightning Energy cards to attack.Energy CardsThere are 6 Basic Energy cards: Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Fighting and Psychic! There is also the Double Colorless Energy card. You may include as many Energy cards as you like in your deck, but you may only include 4 Double Colorless Energy cards.Card Pop!When you and a friend Card Pop!, you will each receive a new card. After you Pop! with a friend, you won't be able to Pop! with the same friend for a while. You always get the same card when you Pop! with the same friend, so Pop! with many friends to get different cards!Grass Pok`monGrass Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Rock Pok`mon. Weak against Fire Pok`mon. Some Water Pok`mon are weak against Grass Pok`mon. Require Grass Energy cards to attack.PoisonWhen your Pok`mon is poisoned, it will continue to lose HP. The poisoned Pok`mon will lose 10 HP at the end of each player's turn. To heal a Poisoned Pok`mon, you may retreat it to the Bench or use the Trainer Card, Full Heal. Evolving or Devolving the Pok`mon are other ways of healing it.Grass Pok`mon & Pok`mon BreederMany Grass Pok`mon are capable of evolving to Stage 2 Pok`mon. Use the Trainer Card, Pok`mon Breeder, to evolve Pok`mon quickly. You'll be able to use powerful attacks early in the game.Psychic Pok`monPsychic Pok`mon Characteristics: Weak against Psychic Pok`mon. Some Colorless Pok`mon are strong against Psychic Pok`mon. Require Psychic Energy cards to attack.SleepWhen a Pok`mon is asleep, it is unable to do anything. It cannot attack, retreat or use Pok`mon Power. A coin will be flipped at the end of each player's turn. If the coin comes up heads, the Pok`mon will wake up. If it's tails, the Pok`mon remains asleep. Use Full Heal to wake it up!Pok`mon PowerSome Pok`mon have special abilities called Pok`mon Power. They are very powerful abilities! They can be used before attacking, even if the Pok`mon with the Pok`mon Power is still on the Bench. There are many different Pok`mon Powers, so check your cards!Science Club Pok`monCharacteristics of Pok`mon used in the Science Club: Strong against Rock Pok`mon. Weak against Psychic Pok`mon. Many cards have attacks with poison and sleep effects. Require Grass Energy cards to attack.ConfusionIt's big trouble if your Pok`mon gets Confused! When a Confused Pok`mon tries to attack, you must flip a coin! If it's heads, the attack is successful, but if it's tails, the Pok`mon will attack itself for 20 damage!Useful ButtonsWhile pressing the B Button, use the + Control Pad to view your own or your opponent's Play Area or Discard Pile! B + Down = Your Play Area B + Left = Your Discard Pile B + Up = Opponent's Play Area B + Right = Opponent's Discard Pile Remember these handy functions!Fire Pok`monFire Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Grass Pok`mon. Weak against Water Pok`mon. Some Grass Pok`mon are not weak against Fire Pok`mon. Require Fire Energy cards to attack.Fire Pok`mon AttacksMany Fire Pok`mon attacks require that an Energy card be removed. Be sure to include many Energy cards in decks with Fire Pok`mon. It might be wise to also include Energy Retrieval in your deck.Original Game Boy CardsThe Pok`mon Trading Card Game for Game Boy includes many original cards, like the 14 Meowth with the Cat Punch attack. There are many new cards, so go search them out!Colorless Pok`monColorless Pok`mon are very easy to use. They can attack with any type of Energy card, so you can include them in any type of deck. There are many Colorless Pok`mon, so check them all out!Dragon Pok`monColorless Dragon Pok`mon cards have resistance to Psychic Pok`mon and have no weaknesses. They can attack with any type of Energy card - they are truly worthy of the name "dragon!"Bird Pok`monColorless Bird Pok`mon cards have resistance to Fighting Pok`mon but are weak against Lightning Pok`mon. They can attack with any type of Energy card. They can retreat easily, since they are flying.Legendary Pok`mon Cards, Vol. 1The first of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards is 37 Moltres. With Firegiver, you can place Fire Energy cards in your hand! Also, Dive Bomb is a powerful attack! Grand Master Courtney, the Fire Queen, owns this card!Legendary Pok`mon Cards, Vol. 2The second Legendary Pok`mon Card is 68 Zapdos. With Peal of Thunder, just putting this card on the bench causes damage! Also, Big Thunder is a powerful attack! The Thunder Grand Master, Steve, owns this card!Legendary Pok`mon Cards, Vol. 3The third Legendary Pok`mon Card is 37 Articuno. Its Quickfreeze will paralyze opponents' Pok`mon when the card is put in play! Also, Ice Breath is a powerful Attack! Grand Master Jack, the Ice-man, owns this card!Legendary Pok`mon Cards, Vol. 4The fourth Legendary Pok`mon Card is 41 Dragonite. Its Healing Wind will heal damage done to Pok`mon when this card is played! Also, Slam is a powerful attack! Rod, Leader of the Grand Masters, owns this card!The Grand MastersCourtney, Steve, Jack and Rod - the 4 Grand Masters who defend the Legendary Pok`mon Cards - are all master players of the Pok`mon Trading Card Game!Master MedalsThere are a total of 8 Master Medals owned by the Club Masters. It is said that the secret of their Club's deck is encrypted in the Master Medals. Some say the medals were a gift from the Grand Masters.Plate of Legends"Those in search of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards... Defeat the Masters of the 8 Clubs and attain the 8 Medals. Once attained, defeat the Grand Master here at Pok`mon Dome... Then you shall inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards."Mysterious VoiceGreetings! Welcome to the Challenge Hall! The Challenge Cup will begin soon. If you win the Challenge Cup, you will receive a Promotional Card! Please join us for this competition.Greetings! Welcome to the Challenge Hall! This is where the the Challenge Cup is held. The Challenge Cup may start at any time, so please visit the Challenge Hall often.Greetings! Welcome to the Challenge Hall! Defeat 3 opponents here, and you shall be presented with a wonderful gift! Please join in the competition!Most unfortunate, . Once you enter, you won't be able to re-enter for some time. Please try again another day.Congratulations, ! You received a card! Please join us for the next Challenge Cup, too.I won't lose to any whipper-snapper! I'm going to win this Challenge Cup!I work at the Challenge Cup as the HOST. I can't wait to get up on stage!The time has come to see if all my training has paid off! I'm going to win the Challenge Cup and become a Grand Master!Hey now! It's the Challenge Cup! Hey now! Gonna give it a try! Hey now! Gonna beat 3 people! Hey now! Watch me win the prize!I'm good enough to compete in the Challenge Cup! Girls are just as good at the Pok`mon Trading Card Game as boys!What's that? Oh! The Challenge Cup isn't being held right now. Me? I'm waiting for the Challenge Cup to begin.Hi, . Are you competing, too?I'm the one who's going to defeat 3 opponents! The prize, 60 Mewtwo, belongs to me! You just sit tight and watch me win! See Ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hey, it's - the loser of the Challenge Cup!What? You're asking if I won? I lost to the third opponent! I just lost my concentration. But I'll win the next Challenge Cup! Of course I'll puverize you! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hey , too bad you're too late!The Challenge Cup is over! I defeated 3 opponents and won the prize - 60 Mewtwo! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hi, . What are you doing here?The Challenge Cup is over! I defeated 3 opponents and won the prize - 60 Mewtwo! I guess you could try entering the next Challenge Cup, but you won't have a chance since I'll win that one, too! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hey, . We meet again.No matter who enters the Challenge Cup, I'll be the winner! 8 Mew, this Cup's prize, will belong to me! Why don't you just give up and go home! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hey, it's - the loser of the Challenge Cup!That was a close one for me! I lost to the third opponent! But I'll win the next Challenge Cup! And of course, I'll pulverize you! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha!Hey, isn't that ? Late as always!The Challenge Cup is already over! What? Who won? Who do you expect!?! Me, of course! The prize belongs to me! 8 Mew! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hey, ! What are you doing here?The Challenge Cup is over already! Too bad you couldn't enter! The prize belongs to me! 8 Mew! You really should enter the next Challenge Cup! But then again, why bother, since I'll also win that one, too! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!We do not accept entrants at this reception area. Please go to the reception area to the left.You can't go past this point! It's restricted!The last Challenge Cup was a blast! The prize was really cool too! Challenge Cups are the best! I wonder when the next one will be?The Challenge Cup is held here, at the Challenge Hall. We're still preparing for the next Challenge Cup. Please visit us another time.Someone who entered a Challenge Cup once cannot re-enter the same Challenge Cup again. Please wait for the next Challenge Cup.Someone who entered a Challenge Cup once cannot re-enter for a while. Please visit us another time.The first Challenge Cup is now underway! Defeat 3 opponents to win the wonderful prize of 60 Mewtwo!The second Challenge Cup is now under way! Defeat 3 opponents to win the wonderful prize of 8 Mew!The Challenge Cup is now underway! Defeat 3 opponents to win a fabulous prize!The game will be a 1-match duel with 4 prizes! We are now accepting entrants here. Wouldn't you like to enter?Will you enter?Oh, that's too bad. Please do visit us again.Then please proceed to the stage!Well, things are heating up here at the Challenge Cup!Presently, is still a contender! is the new challenger!There will be 4 Prizes! OK!! Let the duel begin!The winner is !!  has defeated 2 opponents! Just 1 more opponent to go before winning the prize!Too bad, . Have a safe trip home!The Winner is !!!  has defeated 1 opponent! 2 more opponents to go before winning the prize!How unfortunate! Unable to defeat the last opponent! It was close, but was defeated by the third opponent!You see! I'm the better player? Two more opponents to go to win the Challenge Cup!!Ha ha ha! How about that!?! I win!! 2 more opponents to go and the 8 Mew belongs to me!Congratulations! The Winner is !  has defeated 1 opponent!!!Way to go, ! That's 2 wins!!! One more opponent to go before winning the Challenge Cup!Most unfortunate, . Have a safe trip home!Let's meet our next challenger!Our new challenger is...  !The third opponent is  !Hey, ! I'm not gonna lose to you! 60 Mewtwo belongs to me!!! ! I'm going to defeat you! 8 Mew belongs to me!!!With that, let the third match begin!Are your decks ready?Prepare your deck?Well then, ! Let the second match begin!Well, , let the third, and final, match begin!Now then, please make your preparations!Congratulations! You've defeated 3 opponents!Most unfortunate, . Do try again in the next Challenge Cup.That was luck! But a loss is a loss...Shoot! I got a bad deal! ! I won't lose next time! ! I'll win next time!The Winner of this Challenge Cup is  !!! , your prize is !Congratulations,  !!!Hi, . What are you doing here?Yes! The Legendary Pok`mon Cards will be inherited here at Pok`mon Dome! Of course, I, Ronald, will inherit the cards! Hey, did you collect the Medals?Duh! That's pretty obvious! There's no way you could collect them all! Why don't you just give up? See ya!Hey, ! You only have Medals! I've already collected ! Why don't you just give up? See ya!What!?! You don't have any!?! It's about time you got the hint: Give it up, already! See ya!Only those who have won all 8 Master Medals may enter the Grand Hall. You have not won all the Master Medals. Leave this place!Only those who have won all 8 Master Medals may enter the Grand Hall. You have won all 8 Master Medals! Enter the Grand Hall!Congratulations! My Legendary Card belongs to you! Please take good care of this card!You're very good, . Please take care of my card.Congratulations! You're the Champ! My Zapdos card belongs to you!Congratulations! You're the Champ! Please treasure my Zapdos card!Please build a powerful Deck around my card!You've really improved your game,  . Use my card to make it better!You played a wonderful match! The Legendary Cards seem pleased to be passed on to you  . Hurry and go through to the Hall of Honor!You played a wonderful match! The Legendary Cards seem pleased to be passed on to you. , That is not the way to the Hall of Honor. Hurry,  ! Go through to the Hall of Honor! , if you leave the Grand Hall, you must defeat each of us again to enter the Hall of Honor.Exit the Grand Hall?Possessor of all 8 Master Medals... Enter the Dueling Stage... However, you will be unable to turn back.Enter the Dueling Stage?Then leave the Grand Hall!In that case... Enter the Dueling Stage.Welcome to Pok`mon Dome!Welcome back, brave challenger!I am Rod, Leader of the Grand Masters, and this is Grand Master Courtney, the Fire Queen.Grand Master of Lightning, Thunder Steve!Grand Master of Ice, Gentlemanly Jack.We are the 4 Grand Masters who guard the Legendary Pok`mon Cards. If you can defeat all of us, then you will have earned the right to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!We are the Grand Masters who guard the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! We will accept your challenge as many times as will take for you to inherit all 4 of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!We are the Grand Masters who guard the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Challenge us as many times as you wish! , take your place at the table.Your first opponent shall be Courtney!First, you must duel Courtney!Hm-hmmm...I, Courtney, the Fire Queen, shall be your first opponent! We shall see if you can take the heat. A 6-prizes match! Hm-hmm-hmm...Let's go to it!Let's see if you can take the heat! There will be 6 Prizes. Hm-hmm-hmm...Let's go to it!Hm-hmm-hmm... I W I N ! Come back when you've gotten a little better. I can't give a Legendary Pok`mon Card to someone who plays like that!Hm-hmm-hmm...I W I N ! The Legendary Pok`mon Cards deserve better than that!I'm sorry, but you have to leave. Well, take care...Hmm-hmm-hmm...I lose. But that's no suprise, seeing as how you've come this far. Your next opponent is waiting for you!Hmm-hmm-hmm...I lose. I find you worthy of inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!Very good, ! Your second opponent is Steve! ! Next, you must duel Steve!I, Thunder Steve, am your next opponent. Hey! Do you want the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!?! Then you must defeat me first!Hey, ! Come battle Steve!Is your Deck ready,  ?Prepare for the Duel?All right then! Let's begin the Duel!6 Prizes! Ready? Set! Go!You lose! You still have a long way to go, but don't give up! Challenge me again!You Lose! You still have a long way to go! But don't give up! Challenge me again!You're the Winner! You're the Greatest! With that skill, I feel we can give you the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!You're the Winner! You're the Greatest!Very good, . Your next opponent is Jack!That's great, ! Jack is your next opponent!I, Jack, am your third opponent. You shall not be able to defeat my splendid deck! Come! I shall prove it to you!I shall duel you with my splendid deck! I shan't lose this time! , have you readied your deck?Prepare for the duel?Very well then! Let us begin the duel!Shall we start? There will be 6 Prizes!What did I tell you? There was absolutely no way you could have defeated my splendid deck!What did I tell you? There was no way you could have defeated my splendid deck!I simply can't believe my splendid deck could lose... It is a mortifying thought, but it appears you are better than I. Very well! Now on to your final test...I simply can't believe my splendid deck could lose... It would appear that you are a true Master...Spectacular dueling! I, Rod, will be your next opponent!Splendid, as usual! I will be your next opponent!This is your final duel! Show me what you're made of!If you win this Duel, I will allow you to duel Ronald!This is your final duel! Show me what you're made of!Is your Deck ready,  ?Prepare for the Duel?Then let's begin the final duel - a 1-match duel for 6 Prizes!!!A 1-match duel for 6 prizes!!That was close, but you came up a little short.I'm sorry, but I cannot pass the the Legendary Pok`mon Cards to you. Continue training and try again. Until then!Continue training and try again. Until then!Wha-what on earth? Even I, Rod, have been defeated?!? Wonderful! This is wonderful!! Congratulations, . You have proven yourself worthy enough to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!!! Except...Congratulations, ! You're a master duelist!!! But...We have a problem... There is another who has defeated us... You must duel him...You must duel Ronald again.Congratulations, ! You're a master duelist!Even I, Rod, am no longer any match for you. Please, enter the Hall of Honor!Yeah! That's right! It's me!!! Ronald!!! I have already inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!No, Ronald! That cannot be allowed! He, too, has earned the right to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Ronald! ! You two must duel to determine who will inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards. So say the Rules!Alright, Rod!Yeah! That's right! It's me!!! Ronald!!! I'll take your challenge,  !Is your Deck ready,  ?Prepare for the Duel?OK, Then let's begin this ultimate duel!I was here first! The Legendary Pok`mon Cards belong to me! I'll make it all too clear to you,  !It's a 1-match duel with 6-prizes! Let it begin!Now do you know who the better player is!?! The Legendary Pok`mon Cards belong to me! If you still won't give up, I'll take you on again... But first, you'll have to defeat all 4 of the Grand Masters again!No!!! How...? How could I lose!?!I'm sorry, but the Legendary Pok`mon Cards have chosen .The Legendary Pok`mon Cards vanished from Ronald's Deck!No! My...My Legendary Pok`mon Cards! No...! Noooooo!!!Congratulations, ! You are a Card Master worthy of inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! The Legendary Pok`mon Cards recognize you as a true Master!Now go through to the Hall of Honor to receive the Legendary Cards!The Legendary Auto Deck Machine has been turned on!Would you like to build a Deck?The Legendary Auto Deck Machine has been turned off!The 4 Legendary Pok`mon Cards float, glowing in the air!The Legendary Pok`mon Cards speak to you... "You who have inherited us... Great Card Master! Our Master must not forget: Inheriting us does not make you a Pok`mon Card Master! A true Pok`mon Card Master is one who has the skill to use the abilities of the different cards and the courage to duel powerful opponents. And most of all, the ability to love the Pok`mon Trading Card Game no matter what - win or lose! A new journey has just begun..."One of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards floats, glowing in the air!A Legendary Pok`mon Card floats, glowing in the air!The Legendary Pok`mon Cards speak to you... "You who have inherited us... Great Card Master! There are no cards left for us to give you, but do not forget: Inheriting us does not make you a Pok`mon Card Master! A true Pok`mon Card Master is one who has the skill to use the abilities of the different cards and the courage to duel powerful opponents. And above all, the ability to love the Pok`mon Trading Card Game no matter what - win or lose! A new journey has just begun..."It's the Challenge Machine, created by Dr. Mason!The 8 Club Masters each own a Master Medal. The secret of each Club's deck is encrypted in its Master Medal. Once you get a Master Medal, go to the computer room in back. You can place the Medals in the Auto Deck Machines to create different Decks!You finally inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Did you see the Legendary Auto Deck Machine? It is rumored that it's in the Hall of Honor at Pok`mon Dome. It supposedly holds the secret to a very powerful deck!Excuse me, but you don't seem to have many Energy cards. Building a deck must be difficult with so few Energy cards. Here, take these! received some Energy cards!Goodbye! Take care!Are you also hoping to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards? If you want the Legendary Cards, you must defeat the Grand Masters. To duel the Grand Masters, you must first get the Master Medals. The 8 Masters of the Card Clubs each have a Master Medal. Go to Pok`mon Dome if you want to learn more about the Legendary Cards.You finally inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Amazing! Congratulations, !!!When you defeat a Club Member, you'll receive a Booster Pack. Each Booster Pack has 10 cards. The cards differ depending on the Booster Pack you receive. The type of Booster Pack differs depending on who you duel, so choose your opponents well.Congratulations on inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards,  ! Now you should try dueling different people using the cards you inherited. I'm sure you'll have a good time!I'm sure you already know, but there are 8 Clubs: the Fighting, Water, Lightning, Grass, Psychic, Fire, Rock and Science Clubs! The different Clubs use cards that are specific to that Club.Amazing! You beat the 8 Club Masters! And you even defeated the 4 Grand Masters! Amazing!To save your game, press START and choose Diary from the Menu. You can do all sorts of stuff with that PC over there. You can read e-mail from Dr. Mason on that PC, too!This is the Challenge Machine created by Dr. Mason! The Challenge Machine is a Pok`mon Card Dueling Machine. The rules of the game are simple: choose 1 deck with which you must duel 5 computer opponents! If you can defeat the 5 opponents, you win! You can also play to extend your winning streak! Build a deck and give it a try, !OK, let's start using the practice Deck. Listen and follow Dr. Mason's instructions.Practice with Sam?You should practice again if there is anything you don't understand.OK, a 2-Prize duel using the practice deck!Would you like to duel Sam?Come see me any time. The basics are very important!You're getting the hang of it!Keep this up, and you should be able to win some duels!You need to practice more. If you think things through, you should be able to win. Why don't you practice a little more?So, have you learned how to play the game? I hope you enjoy playing the Pok`mon Trading Card Game!What do you want to ask about?In order to do anything, Pok`mon must have Energy cards. If no Energy cards are attached, the Pok`mon will not be able to attack or retreat. There are 7 types of Energy cards: Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting and Colorless. The type of Energy required depends on the Pok`mon. Be sure to learn which Pok`mon require which type of Energy!Pok`mon damage defending Pok`mon by attacking. Pok`mon need Energy cards in order to attack. For example, the energy required for Seaking's Waterfall is .  stands for 1 Water Energy card and another Energy card of any type. The energy required differs according to the attack.To switch your Active Pok`mon with a Bench Pok`mon, choose the Retreat command. If the Active Pok`mon is in danger, move it back to your Bench. Energy is required in order to Retreat. The number of Energy cards required varies, depending on the Pok`mon.There are 3 types of Pok`mon cards: Basic Pok`mon, Stage 1 Pok`mon and Stage 2 Pok`mon. Squirtle is a Basic, Wartortle a Stage 1 and Blastoise a Stage 2 Pok`mon. Basic Pok`mon are the only cards that can be put directly into play. A Basic Pok`mon in play can be evolved to a Stage 1 Pok`mon. A Stage 1 Pok`mon in the Play Area can then be evolved to a Stage 2 Pok`mon. Therefore, Squirtle is needed in order to play Wartortle, and Wartortle is needed in order to play Blastoise.Some Pok`mon have special abilities called Pok`mon Powers. Some Pok`mon Powers are used as soon as the Pok`mon is played, while others must be used by choosing the PKMN Power command. There are many different Pok`mon Powers, so read each card's text carefully.Your Turn ends after you Attack. If you do not have enough energy to attack, or if your Active Pok`mon cannot move due to Paralysis or Sleep, you can end your turn by choosing the DONE command. This will cause your turn to end and your opponent's turn to begin. You should choose DONE if you are unable to do anything.Generally, the win or loss of a duel is decided by prizes. Prizes are cards that you may draw when you knock out one of your opponent's Pok`mon. You win if you Knock Out as many of your opponent's Pok`mon as there are Prizes to be drawn. You will lose the duel if you have no cards in your deck at the start of your turn or if there are no Pok`mon in your Play Area, so be careful!Gathering information is important if you wish to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Listen to what people have to say and read the books on the bookshelves. If I have any information, I'll send you an e-mail, so check the PC every so often to read your mail!First, learning how to use your deck is very important. Duel against many people to check your Deck's performance. The Auto Deck Machines are handy when you want to rebuild your deck. If you have the required cards, it will automatically build a Deck for you. Collect new cards to build new decks!Are you getting the hang of the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? How about building a deck yourself? It's a great feeling to win with a deck you built on your own.So, did you build your own Deck? The strength or weakness of your deck depends only on how you play! In other words, it all depends on the skill of the player! You must become a skilled Card Master!Congratulations, ! I hear you have inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! The strength of a Deck does not depend on any single card, But on how skillfully you are able to use that card. The power of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards depends on you! You must become a skilled Card Master!That's right! Did you try the Challenge Machine I built? See how far you can get with 1 Deck! Computer opponent data is based on opponents you have already played against. I hope you enjoy the product of my scientific genius!Oh! Why the rush, ? What? You want to learn how to play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? So you, too, finally want to start playing the card game. Well, dueling is more fun than just collecting cards! First, you should try playing with a Practice Deck. Here, I'll give you this Deck. And now you need an opponent... Hey, Sam! Play with him for a while!Yes, Dr. Mason. Hello, .OK! Let's give it a try!Hey! ! Hurry and come here!First, ask Sam the basics of the game.OK, . What do you want to ask about?Is that all?They say that actions speak louder than words, so let's play a game. Since this is your first time, just try to learn the basic steps. I'll be coaching you, so follow my advice. If you don't do as I say, we won't be able to proceed. It might be easier if you read the Pok`mon Trading Card Game Instruction Booklet while we play. OK then, let's start your practice game!Basically, this is how the Pok`mon Trading Card Game is played: It's a game in which you try to knock out as many of your opponent's Pok`mon as there are prizes. That's the gist of it...Would you like to practice again?OK. Then let's begin another practice game!OK, but if there's anything you don't understand, it's a good idea to practice again.If you don't understand something, talk to Sam. It might be helpful to Practice again, too. This time was just practice, so I had you follow everything I said, but there are other styles of play, so try them out by choosing Normal Duel.Now then, let's build your deck. Did you bring your cards? handed his cards to Dr. Mason.Hmm...let me add some of my own cards to yours! Now, , what kind of Deck do you want?A ?OK, a ! Here are the remaining cards! received a !  received 30 cards!You should duel with many different people. Why don't you go to one of the Card Clubs. There are many people playing at the Clubs. Collect new cards and try building a new Deck!Isn't the Auto Deck Machine great? As long as you have the necessary cards, this machine will automatically build a Deck for you!Congratulations on inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! But that's not all there is to this game! Were you able to build all the Decks here in this Auto Deck Machine? There are as many duels as there are decks to duel with! Keep dueling with Pok`mon Trading Cards!This machine is the Deck Save Machine. You can save the configurations of your modified decks in this machine. Once you save a deck, this machine can rebuild it for you any time, as long as you have the necessary cards. When you build a great deck, you should save it here.Congratulations on inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!!! Please save your deck in this Deck Save Machine - the Deck with the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!!!You need a Medal to activate a deactivated Auto Deck Machine - the Master Medals owned by the Club Masters! Place the Medals here after you win them. Then you'll be able to build new decks!!! , thanks to you, all the Auto Deck Machines have been activated!Ho-ho! Won't you duel me to test your deck? If you win, I'll give you a Booster Pack - but it only contains Energy cards.Would you like to duel Aaron?It's important to know how your Deck performs.Ho-ho! Please choose the deck you wish to duel against.Is it ?Ho-ho! OK, let's start a 4-prize match!Ho-ho! You win! Here you go, as promised!Ho-ho! How about it? Did you get a feel for your Deck? Ho-ho! Come again. I'll be glad to Duel you any time.It's an Auto Deck Machine.Would you like to build a Deck?It's a Medal Auto Deck Machine.It isn't working since the Medal is not inserted.Insert the Medal?The Auto Deck Machine has been activated!Would you like to build a Deck?It's a Deck Save Machine.Use the Deck Save Machine?Greetings! Welcome to the Lightning Club! At this club, we use decks made up mostly of Lightning Pok`mon. Would you like to get charged up with us?Hey! Kid! I've got a 20 Electabuzz, but what I really want is a 35 Electabuzz! Hey! Kid! Do you have a 35 Electabuzz?Hey! Kid! We meet again! Do you have a 35 Electabuzz? Come on! Trade it for my 20 Electabuzz!Trade your 35 Electabuzz?Whoa! Bummer! What a drag! Really uncool, kid! See ya, kid!Hey, kid! It's not cool to lie! You don't own a 35 Electabuzz! You could get hurt lying to me, kid!You're gonna trade me your 35 Electabuzz? Way cool!...Hey! Wait, kid! That card's in your Deck! It isn't cool to take that card! You take good care of that card! That's what's best for that Electabuzz!You're gonna trade me your 35 Electabuzz? Way cool, kid! OK, I'll trade you my 20 Electabuzz for it!Whoa! Thanks! You're too cool, kid!Whoa! Cool, kid! Thanks for that 35 Electabuzz! My 20 Electabuzz is a cool card! Charge it up with Electabuzz!I wonder if the Legendary Cards are pretty? If they're sparkly, I'll be really happy.Hey! You charged up!?! You playin' the Pok`mon Trading Card Game!?! Yeah! Gotta be a Grand Master!Hey! ! You beat the Grand Masters? Cool! Got all the Legendary Pok`mon Cards? Yeah! Gotta Catch 'Em All!(TM)Isn't Pikachu totally cute? My heart skips a beat whenever I see those cute little eyes! Hey, do you want to duel my Pikachu Deck?Would you like to duel Jennifer?Awww! Doesn't anyone want to play with my Pikachu Deck...?OK then! Let's play with 4 Prizes!Awww! My Pikachu lost!You have to take care of your Pok`mon cards!My Pikachu's not only cute but strong, too!Lightning Pok`mon can attack the opponent's Bench! Lightning Pok`mon are the toughest Pok`mon! How about it? You want to duel me?Would you like to duel Nicholas?Tch! I was going to shock you with my Lightning Deck!OK! Let's start! 1 Match with 4 Prizes!My Lightning Deck lost... I can't believe it...I won't lose next time! I'm gonna zap you!Did I shock you? My Lightning Deck is pretty strong! If you want to be shocked again, come around...I'll be waiting!Isaac's working on the wiring for this stage. It looks cool with all these lights, but it takes a lot of work to keep it 'em lit!I wonder what Isaac's doing...?What? a Pok`mon Trading Card duel? I'll be glad to Duel any time!Would you like to Duel Brandon?Oh, OK. I'll Duel you any time.OK, 4 Prizes! Ready? Let's do it!Shoot! I lost! Well, no sense crying over spilled milk!I'll duel you any time! Come see me again!Hey, don't take it so hard! I'm just too good! I'll Duel you any time! Come see me again!I'm a little busy at the moment! Duel someone else!Well, that ought to do it. It was hard work, but here's our stage! Got to keep it looking smart! I'm the Lightning Club Master! Sure! I'll Duel you!My Lightning Pok`mon Deck is the greatest! How about it? You want to see how good it is?Would you like to duel Isaac?I'm not busy any more, so I'll take you on any time!The sparks will fly with 6 Prizes! I'll show you what my Lightning Pok`mon Deck can do!How could my Lightning Deck lose!?! How shocking...! Here, take this Lightning Medal as proof of defeating me.And here, take this Booster Pack, too.I'm going to polish my card skills, so come duel again.So? How's my Deck? Isn't it cool, just like this stage? Come challenge my Deck again!My Lightning Deck is the greatest! How about it? You want to see what my Deck can do?I'm not busy right now, so I'll Duel you any time!Sparks will fly again, this time with 6 Prizes!I lost again! How shocking...!I'm going to polish my card skills, so come challenge me again!So? How's my Deck? Isn't it cool, just like this stage? Come challenge my Deck again!Greetings. Welcome to the Psychic Club! This Club is for people who use Psychic Pok`mon. Psychic Pok`mon are difficult to use, but they're very strong.What? You also want the Legendary Pok`mon Cards? I want them too, but I'm still not quite good enough.I hear you got the Legendary Pok`mon Cards. Wow! That's great! I'm going to train so I can get them myself!Well, getting the Medal wasn't that hard! If I keep this up, I should be able to get the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!What? It's you, ! What are you doing? Huh? That's a Deck! Are you... trying to get the Legendary Pok`mon Cards?It's useless trying to hide it! I know you came here for the Medal! You're out of your league!What!?! I can't believe it! You? The Legendary Pok`mon Cards? Ha ha ha ha ha! Don't make me laugh!!!Alright! Listen up! I'll teach you what it's about! To inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards, you must defeat the 8 Club Masters and get the 8 Medals! Then you have to go to Pok`mon Dome and defeat all 4 of the Grand Masters there!!! There's no way you can do it!!! You might as well just give up and go home! 'Cause the Legendary Pok`mon Cards are gonna be mine! I already won the first Medal! See ya, ! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!Hi, ! How ya doin'?So you won the second Medal? You must have been really lucky! I'll see how good you really are! Come on, let's duel! We'll play with 6 Prizes! If you win, I'll give you a really rare card!I... I wasn't really trying that hard! Well, a loss is a loss, so I'll have to give you this card.It won't be so easy next time! See ya!See! What did I tell you? It was luck, wasn't it? Now you know better than to try and win the Medals! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hi, ! Have you gotten any better?I already won the sixth Medal! I'll see how much better you've gotten! If you win, I'll give you another rare card! Come on!!! Let's Duel! We'll play with 6 Prizes!Shoot! I let you win! But a loss is a loss, so I'll give you this card.Don't get so cocky just because you won. The Legendary Pok`mon Cards belong to Me!!!Huh?!? You're not even half as good as I am! There's no way you'll be able to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Why don't you just give up!?! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Hi, I'm Robert! I'm a member of the Psychic Club. My Ghost Deck is really strong! It doesn't have any weaknesses, and it's difficult for opponents' attacks to cause damage! Would you like to duel me?Would you like to duel Robert?Oh, man! You're boring! Won't anyone duel me?A single match with 4 prizes! Come on, my precious ghosts! Let's make his Pok`mon disappear!How could my Ghost Deck lose!?!I won't lose next time! Let's duel again!I told you my Ghost Deck was strong! Please Duel me again sometime, OK? Bye!I don't like people who think too highly of themselves. That's why I don't like the members of the Psychic Club. I wish I could knock them off their high horses! Would you try to defeat Murray, the Psychic Club Master? If you defeat Murray, I'll give you something really valuable!Grant the old man's wish?I understand... Murray is very skilled. Defeating Murray is no easy task.Good! I'll be waiting here for you!I see you still can't defeat Murray. He's very skilled, but don't give up! I'm pulling for you! If you defeat Murray, I'll give you something very valuable.I'm not very fond of people who think too highly of themselves. That's why I don't like the members of the Psychic Club. Hey!?! Is that the Psychic Medal? Did you defeat Murray!?! I feel so much better! Here, let me give you this Mewtwo card!What? Is that the Psychic Medal? Did you defeat Murray!?! I feel so much better! Here, let me give you this Mewtwo card.Thank you for defeating Murray!I feel so much better since you defeated Murray! Thank you for defeating Murray!Hi, . So you've finally come this far? I've already won 5 Medals! By the time you win your 8th Medal, I will have inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! I'll catch you later! See ya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!The Legendary Pok`mon Cards are the ultimate cards. Everyone wants to inherit the Legendary Cards - that's why we play against so many different people. I just lost a duel, so I can't play right now.Did you hear? Someone inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Whomever it is, he must be really cool if he can defeat the Grand Masters!I dropped all my cards, so I'm putting them in order here!Huh? What am I doing? I'm building a Deck!What do you think Murray's doing over there in the corner? He's thinking about how to duel using his new cards. We strive to better ourselves here at the Psychic Club.You still haven't won any Medals. You aren't qualified to duel me. Go to some other Club and win a Medal first!I see you've won a Medal. Then I will Duel with you.Murray finally came up with a new strategy. He's in a very good mood, so he'll probably duel you now. By the way, Would you duel me?Would you like to duel Daniel?Are you afraid to duel? Well, not that I care!Let's play with 4 Prizes. OK, here we go!You're no ordinary player if you can defeat me!Next time we play, I'm going to win!You're still not good enough to defeat me! I'll Duel you any time you want.I can see the future... You cannot defeat me. But if you win 2 Medals, maybe... Then... I would Duel you...You've won quite a few Medals. OK...Let's duel. But I see the future... You will lose...Would you like to duel Stephanie?Yes, I understand. Losing is scary, isn't it?OK, a single Match with 4 Prizes! Here we go!I can't believe my prediction was wrong...I see a vision... You're dueling me again.I told you that you would lose... I have the ability to foretell the future! I see a vision... You're dueling me again!Let me see... if this happens... then that... so... ummm...Club Master Murray doesn't listen to what people are saying!Hi, I'm Murray, Master of the Psychic Club. You're the one who's visiting the Clubs to win the Medals. How do I know this? Because I'm Psychic! OK, let me test my new card strategy... against your deck! Are you ready?Hi! It's you again. Are you ready for a duel?Would you like to duel Murray?OK. Come back when you're ready.When you duel me, it's for 6 Prizes. Shall we start then!?!Huh!?! I lost! Hmmmm... Well, you must be pretty good if you're trying to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards. Here, take this Psychic Medal.And here, take this LABORATORY Booster Pack!I'll think of a new strategy, so come see me again! I'll be waiting! Ha ha ha ha ha......It seems you weren't really ready. If you keep playing like that, You'll only inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards in your dreams!Hello, ! I just came up with a new card strategy and was looking for someone to test it on. You'll duel with me, of course, won't you?Oh. Well, come by when you feel like playing.Alright! That's the spirit! You've made me a happy man! We'll play with 6 Prizes! I can't wait! Let's start!Hmmm... Maybe my Deck isn't well balanced? I must change some of the cards and try again. Oh yeah, take this.Come play with me again.It seems you weren't really ready. Come back once you're finally ready.Greetings. Welcome to the Fire Club! This is a Club for boys with a burning passion for Fire Pok`mon. Fire Pok`mon have the greatest attack power of all Pok`mon!Training's so boring and out of date. Why do I have to do it? Why me? I'm Jessica of the Fighting Club. Oh! You must be . I heard about you from Mitch. Defeating you should be more fun than training!Training's so boring and out of date. Why do I have to do it?  , it's you again! What a pain. But defeating you should be more fun than training.Would you like to duel Jessica?Oh, OK. Well, I'm busy anyway. Bye! Training's so boring...OK! A single Match with 4 Prizes. Let's go to it!How could I lose...?How boring! I'm going home! Bye!Wow! That was fun! Much better than training! Let's do it again sometime! Bye!Do you know the empty house on the cape to the northwest? That's ISHIHARA's house! Isn't it nice to have friends?My friend, ISHIHARA, wants to trade cards. Why don't you go visit him sometime.My friend, ISHIHARA, owns really rare cards. Why don't you go visit him sometime?I heard my friend, ISHIHARA, gave someone a card. Why don't you go visit him sometime?ISHIHARA's my friend. Isn't it nice to have friends?ISHIHARA's my friend. Isn't it nice to have friends?Energy! Energy! Energy cards are very important! Come back and see me when you collect a lot of Energy cards! Then... I'll let you in on a secret!When you build a lot of decks, you start to run out of Energy cards. Please give me your Energy cards! Give me all the Energy cards that aren't in your Deck!!! Gimme, Gimme! Gimme all of 'em!!!Give the Energy Cards?You're so mean! It's OK! I'll ask someone else! Bye! Meanie!All your Energy cards are in your Deck... Then I can't ask for them. Bye! lost all his Energy cards!Wow! Thanks! Since you were so nice, I'll tell you a secret! Check the wall 2 tiles left of the bookcase... You'll probably find something really nice! Thanks again. Bye! checked the wall!  found a 9 Slowpoke!I'm burning with Pok`mon fever today! One day, I'm going to inherit the Legendary Cards!I'm burning with Pok`mon fever today! One day, I'm going to inherit the Legendary Cards! What??? You already inherited the Cards? You... Stop Lying!!!This is the Fire Club, where guys with a burning passion for Pok`mon Trading Cards get together for heated duels! Join the fiery fun!Would you like to duel John?If you're a real man, you gotta compete in a heated duel!4 Prizes! Let's heat it up!Yeah! That was really Hot! You're the greatest! Here, let me give you this! Let's heat it up again!Let's heat it up again!!!I guess my deck was hotter than yours this time! Let's heat it up again!!!Hey! Does everyone have the fever? Do you have the fever? If you have Pok`mon fever, duel with me!!!Would you like to duel Adam?Why are you being so cold? Come on! Catch the fever!A single Match with 4 Prizes! Come on, duel me!Whoa! I lost!!! Here, this Booster Pack is yours!Let's duel again! See ya!!!Yeah! I won! Am I Hot or what!?! Let's duel again! See ya!!Come on, people, say Fire Pok`mon! You! Come on, say Fire! Fire Pok`mon! OK! Let's duel!!!Would you like to Duel Jonathan?Dang! You're icy cold! Come on! Say Fire Pok`mon!A 4-prize match! Here we go! Fire Pok`mon!That was a great duel! I want you to have this!Let's duel again! Come on, people, say Fire Pok`mon!That was a great Duel! Let's duel again! Fire Pok`mon!I am Ken, the Fire Club Master! So, you are collecting Medals to inherit the Legendary Cards? What!?! You have almost no cards! If you wish to duel me, go collect more cards!I am Ken, the Fire Club Master! You still need to collect more cards if you wish to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! If you wish to duel me, go collect more cards!I am Ken, the Fire Club Master! So you are collecting Medals to inherit the Legendary Cards? You will need many cards in order to inherit the Legendary Cards. Hmmm...it seems you have collected many cards! Then let's begin our Duel!I am Ken, the Fire Club Master! I see you have collected more cards! Then let's begin our duel!Would you like to duel Ken?Don't douse my burning desire for competition!We'll play with 6 Prizes! If you win, I'll give you a Medal! Come on! Let's start the Duel!That was a great Duel! Here, let me give you this!!!With this, you're a little closer to the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Here, take this, too! I hope it will help you out!Let's play a heated duel again! See you later!!!Hmmm...That was no good. It sure wasn't a hot duel. I can't give you a Medal for a lukewarm performance like that!!!Hmmm...That was a lukewarm performance. Next time we duel, Let's heat it up a little more!I am Ken, the Fire Club Master! Let us play a heated Duel!A 1-match duel for 6 Prizes! Let us start the Duel!Greetings. Welcome to the Battle Center! Would you like to duel a friend?Thank you. Please come again.Thank you for visiting the Battle Center.Congratulations! You have won the duel! Thank you. Please come again.I'm very sorry... Thank you for visiting the Battle Center. Please come again.Greetings. Welcome to the Gift Center! What can I do for you?OK, To . Please write in your Diary before the transaction.Write in your diary?We can't complete the transaction unless you write in your Diary. wrote in the Diary.Thank you. Please come again.You sent a card to ! Thank you. Please come again.You sent the configuration for the Deck! Thank you. Please come again.You received the configuration for the Deck! Thank you. Please come again.Welcome to the Gift Center! Here you can give or receive cards or deck configurations via the Infrared Link. Unfortunately, our service is only available for the Game Boy Color. Please enjoy our service with a Game Boy Color.Greetings. Welcome to the Grass Club. This Club is for girls who love to grow flowers. The Pok`mon cards used here are also beautiful flowers.All the members of this Club are girls. But I can't beat girls who are this tough! Huh? You must be . Mitch told me all about you. Beating you will be much better than losing to the girls!Hi, . Would you duel me?Would you like to duel Michael?I'll be here a while, so come see me if you change your mind.OK! A single Match for 4 prizes! Let's begin!Tch! I lost! I'll go back to my Club and train! Oops! Before I go... Since it's the rule, take this!I'm heading back to the Fighting Club. Bye! See you again.You're still no match for me! I'll be here, so come back after you train more!Taking care of plants is hard work. Let me rest for a while... Who? The Master of the Grass Club? Do you mean Nikki? Nikki's out. I need a break. Do you want to play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game with me?Caring for plants is hard work. You think I'm slacking off? How rude! I'm only taking a short break! You need a gentle heart to take care of plants! Say, would you play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game with me?Would you like to duel Brittany?How boring...OK! A single Match with 4 Prizes. Let's start!How could I lose? How!?!Humph! It's not much of a break if I lose.Humph! Whenever I lose, I get irritated me!Oh, by the way, Nikki is visiting ISHIHARA's house. You'll probably find her there.Thanks! That was a nice little break!Thanks for the card! I'll take good care of it!Oddish, Oddish, Roly-Poly Oddish! Oddish is so Roly-Poly and so cute! I'll give you this Vileplume if you give me an Oddish!Hi! Did you bring me an Oddish? Will you trade your Oddish for my Vileplume?Would you like to trade?I want an Oddish! A Roly-Poly Oddish!Excuse me... Do you have an Oddish...Then let's trade! Vileplume for an Oddish! Oops! Your Oddish is in your Deck! I can't take that! Please trade me some other time.OK then, let's trade! Vileplume for an Oddish. traded an Oddish for a Vileplume!Thanks for the card! I'll take good care of it!Pika Pika Pika Pika Pikachu! Pikachu's cute, but I prefer Clefairy! I'll give you this Pikachu if you give me a Clefairy!Hi! Did you bring me a Clefairy? Would you trade your Clefairy for my Pikachu?I want a Clefairy! Fairy, fairy, fairy!Hi... Do you have a Clefairy...Then let's trade! Pikachu for a Clefairy! Oops! Your Clefairy is in your deck! I can't take that! Please trade me another time!OK then let's trade! Pikachu for Clefairy. traded a Clefairy for a Pikachu!Charizard! Charizard! Charizard, light my fire! Blastoise is cool, But I prefer Charizard! I'll give you this Blastoise if you give me a Charizard!Hi! Did you bring me a Charizard? Would you trade your Charizard for my Blastoise?I want a Charizard! Charizard! Charizard!Excuse me... Do you have a Charizard...Then let's trade! Blastoise for a Charizard. Oops! Your Charizard is in your Deck! I can't take that. Please trade me some other time!OK then, let's trade! Blastoise for a Charizard! traded a Charizard for a Blastoise!I really love this Duel Hall. There's so much greenery and so many beautiful flowers.Only girls are allowed to join the Grass Club, But we're not accepting applications now, anyway. Sorry!Are you looking for Nikki, the Grass Club Master? I don't think she's here at the Club at the moment. Would you like to take care of the plants? We could Duel with cards if you prefer...Hi, would you like to take care of the plants with me? We could Duel with cards if you prefer...Would you like to Duel Kristin?If you'll excuse me, I have plants to look after!We'll play a single Match with 4 Prizes. Don't take me lightly just because I'm a girl!Oh! I lost. Well, I guess this is for you...The Pok`mon Trading Card Game is fun, but so is taking care of trees!I believe Nikki is at ISHIHARA's house. Maybe you should go meet her there, since she's late getting back.Oh! I won. I told you not to take me lightly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have plants to look after!Master Nikki is out right now. Where'd she go? That's a secret... ... Hmmm, let me see... If you defeat... 3 members of the Grass Club, I'll tell you where she is. So, how about it?Oh! It's you again. If you don't mind, would you duel with me?Would you like to duel Heather?I'll be glad to duel you any time you like.Are 4 Prizes OK? Let's begin!I can't believe I could lose...I can't believe I would lose again...I need to practice more...Nikki is visiting ISHIHARA. Why don't you go see her at ISHIHARA's house.Well, that wasn't much of a Duel! I'll be glad to duel you any time you like.I wonder if your last win was just luck? I will be glad to Duel you any time you like.I'm Nikki, the Master of the Grass Club. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. Shall we duel?Hello, . Did you come for a Duel?Would you like to duel Nikki?Oh...You do not wish to duel? I'll be here at the Club for a while, so please come by any time you like.Then why don't you stop and gaze at our flowers for a while. Looking at beautiful flowers makes you feel so serene.Shall we play with 6 Prizes? Please go easy on me.We'll play with 6 Prizes, as usual. Please go easy on me.Oh, no! I lost! Well, you truly are skilled. Maybe one day you will inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards. Please allow me to give you this Grass Medal.Oh, no! How could I lose? Please allow me to give you this Booster Pack.Please take this, too.My duel with you was... quite fun! Please allow me to duel you again!I am Nikki, the Grass Club Master. What? You were looking for me? Oh my... I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. I was doing a little research here. I assume you would like to Duel? I only Duel at the Club. I'm sorry, but could you meet me at the Grass Club? I will head back to the Grass Club and wait for you there.Thank you very much, ISHIHARA. Your books were very helpful! You are indeed the Number 1 Pok`mon Trading Card Collector.Oh, no! You give me too much credit... If you need to research anything, please come see me again!Thank you very much, ISHIHARA. If you will excuse me...Hello, nice to meet you. I'm ISHIHARA. I'm a Pok`mon Card Collector. I love collecting cards. I see you also love Pok`mon Cards. Please come see me again. We must trade some sometime. OH! If you're playing with the cards, Please read some of the books here. I believe they will be helpful.Hello, . Welcome. There aren't any cards I want or can trade at the moment. Let's trade some other time. If you like, please feel free to read some of the books I wrote. I believe they will be helpful!Hello, . I guess you're here because you heard the rumor that I'm looking for a Clefable... I'm thinking about trading my Surfing Pikachu for it. Do you have a Clefable?Hello, . Are you enjoying the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? By the way, I'm looking for a Clefable... I'm thinking about trading my Surfing Pikachu for it. Do you have a Clefable?Would you like to trade cards?Alright. I understand... Please trade with me some other time...I appreciate your interest, but you don't own that card. Please trade with me some other time...Hmm, I see all the Clefable cards you own are in your Deck. I can't very well take a card you are using in duels. Please trade with me some other time...Oh wonderful! Then without delay... traded a Clefable for a Surfing Pikachu!Thank you for this Clefable. You've been a great help!Hello, . I suppose you're here because you heard that I was looking for a Ditto this time... I'm thinking about trading my Flying Pikachu for one. Do you have a Ditto?Hello, . Are you enjoying the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? I'm looking for a Ditto this time... I'm thinking about trading my Flying Pikachu for one. Do you have a Ditto?Hmmm... I see you don't have a Ditto card. I will only trade my Flying Pikachu for a Ditto. Please trade with me some other time...Hmmm...I see all your Ditto cards are in your Deck. I can't very well take a card you are using in duels. Please trade with me some other time... traded a Ditto for a Flying Pikachu!Thank you for this Ditto. You've been a great help!Hello, . You're really current on the news! I'm looking for a Chansey this time! I'm thinking about trading my Surfing Pikachu for it. This one has a different illustration than the last one. Do you have a Chansey?Hello, . Are you enjoying the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? I'm looking for a Chansey this time! I'm thinking about trading my Surfing Pikachu for one. This one has a different illustration than the last one. Do you have a Chansey to trade?Hmmm... I see you don't have a Chansey. Please trade with me some other time...Hmmm...I see all your Chansey are in your Deck. I can't very well take a card you are using in duels. Please trade with me some other time... traded a Chansey for a Surfing Pikachu!Thank you for this Chansey. You've been a great help!Oh! Congratulations, ! I heard the news! You've finally inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to trade them to me. Besides, it would be a waste not to use the Legendary Cards for dueling. Make sure your Duels are worthy of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards.Who? Oh! It's you, ... I couldn't believe that I could lose, but now... Now I understand. The fun thing about the Pok`mon Trading Card Game is not who wins or loses... I couldn't inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards because all that was important to me was winning. But now I understand! What's important... Is to love each card, to use all the different cards to build different types of Decks, and to play against different people! So... ... Will you play with me again? With all sorts of different Decks? And this time, I not gonna lose!Oh, hi ... Do you want to Duel?Would you like to Duel Ronald?OK... That suits me fine! I'm building a new Deck! I'm busy building a better Deck than yours!!! We'll Duel another time!I can't... I'm building a new Deck! I'm busy building a better Deck than yours!!! We'll Duel another time!Greetings. Welcome to the Science Club! This Club is for technicians who love the sciences. The Pok`mon cards used here are those with the powers of science!Umm... Umm... Do you know ISHIHARA? He lives in the house on the cape to the northwest. He's a very famous Card Collector! I hope to be like him someday.Umm... Umm... ISHIHARA wants to trade a very rare card. If I had a card, I'd go and trade with him myself.Umm... Umm... ISHIHARA wants to trade another very rare card. I wish I could trade cards like ISHIHARA.Umm... Umm... ISHIHARA wants to trade a very, very, very rare card! I wish I could trade, so I could meet ISHIHARA.Umm... Umm... Did you meet ISHIHARA? I wish I could be like him.Umm... Umm... ISHIHARA left on a trip in search of a really rare card. I wish I could have gone with him...I don't understand science, but I understand Pok`mon cards! ... I L O S T...Please don't disturb me! I'm in the middle of a very important experiment!If I use now, This will happen...I get so involved in the Pok`mon Trading Card Game, I lose track of time. Isn't the Pok`mon Trading Card Game really fun?Hmmm... The machine... It's not quite working right. Huh? Oh, this? This is a machine that makes Decks. It's much better than Dr. Mason's. Hmmm... Let's see here... Do you want to Duel against me?Hmmm... The machine... It's not quite working right. Unlike Dr. Mason's machine, this machine is very complicated. Hmmm... Let's see here... Do you want to Duel against me?Would you like to Duel David?OK, Then I guess I'll fix the machine.Shall we begin the Match? It will be a single Match for 4 Prizes.My theory is that the machine's malfunctioning caused it.I've got to fix this machine...See! Isn't the Deck built by this machine great?We research Pok`mon cards here at the Science Club, especially Science Pok`mon Cards! Science Pok`mon are exceedingly strong. Would you like to Duel against my Science Pok`mon Deck?Would you like to Duel Erik?That's too bad. I hoped to show you the results of my research.We'll play with 4 Prizes. Let's begin.I can't believe my Science Pok`mon Deck could lose...I must research this further!So how do you like the results of my research?I am Rick, the Master of the Science Club. Science rules nature! That is why it is so strong. Do you wish to test the strengths of science by playing against me?Would you like to Duel Rick?It is regrettable that you do not understand the wonders of science.Alright, 6 Prizes! Let us begin!There are, at times, problems even science cannot answer. Here, take this Medal. It is the result of our research.And let me give you this. Please add this to your collection.Legendary Cards are but a Legend! Science is the only truth! I must continue my research of Science Pok`mon!Ha ha ha! As expected! Science is overpowering! The outcome will be the same! But I will Duel you again, if you wish.Hello! It's you again! Do you wish to Duel me!Really? That is too bad.We'll play with 6 Prizes again! Let us begin!It seems my research was incomplete. Let me give you this. Please add these to your collection.I will keep researching the Science Pok`mon.Ha ha ha! As expected. Science is overpowering!Hey, you! Rick, the Club Master, is in the middle of an important experiment! He has no time to see someone like you! If you really want to see him, you must defeat me first!Would you like to Duel Joseph?Then get out of here!Not too smart, but you've got nerves. We'll play for 4 Prizes! If you win 1 Match, I'll let you through!Hey, I lost... Since I promised, I have to let you through.And... Take this.Rick's in the middle of an experiment, so don't bother him too much.Since you lost the Duel, I can't let you through! Now get out of here!What? You're here again? You want to Duel me?A single Match for 4 Prizes! Let's begin!Shoot! I lost again! Here, take this.Everyone in our Club is very busy, so don't get in anyone's way!Hah! I won! Just shows you who's better!Greetings. Welcome to the Rock Club! This Club is for members who use Rock Pok`mon cards. Rock Pok`mon are defensive and take very little damage.I'm training here at the Rock Club! But Mitch told me to defeat you before you Duel the members here!Would you like to Duel Chris?Are you going to run!?! C'mon! Fight me!OK! A single Match with 4 Prizes! I'm going to defeat you!How could this be!?! I'm the one who was defeated!I must return to the Fighting Club to start my training over!That was good for my training! Come any time you like! I'll defeat you any time you like!Hi, I'm Matthew, a member of the Rock Club. I just finished a Duel! I won, of course! The Legendary Cards will belong to me! How about it? Would you like to duel me?Hi, . Would you like to duel? The Legendary Cards will eventually belong to me! How about it? Would you like to duel me?Hi, . Would you like to duel?Would you like to duel Matthew?What? Are you afraid of me? Well, come back any time you want to Duel with me.OK, same as last time! We'll play with 4 Prizes. Is that alright? OK then, let's begin!I'll never get the Legendary Cards if I play like that...Wow! So that's the strength of the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!I'm going to win the next time we duel.I won again! I guess the Legendary Pok`mon Cards will eventually belong to me!I guess I win again!Oh! Excuse me! Did you hear? ISHIHARA who lives on the cape to the northwest... He owns 10,000 cards! He probably even has rare cards!Oh! Excuse me! Did you hear? It's the talk of the town that ISHIHARA wishes to trade a very rare card. Maybe I'll visit him myself!Oh! Excuse me! Did you hear? Everyone's saying that ISHIHARA wishes to trade a very rare card! Maybe you should go visit him.Oh! Excuse me! Did you hear? ISHIHARA wishes to trade a very rare card again! Maybe you should go visit him.Oh! Excuse me! There's no new news right now, but if I hear any new rumors, I'll let you know.Oh! Excuse me! Did you hear? It seems ISHIHARA left on a trip in search of a rare card! They say he's not coming back for a while!Gee! I lost! Matthew's really good! He'll probably inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards!I lost to Matthew again! I can't win, no matter how many times I duel against him! He's probably going to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! What? You already inherited the Legendary Pok`mon Cards??? Then you must be better than Matthew!I'm going to be moving soon to a faraway place. But I'm not sad. I'll make new friends dueling with Pok`mon cards...I'm carving a statue of a Pok`mon out of this Rock! What? You want to Duel? Alright. You want to duel now?Would you like to Duel Ryan?Get outta here if you aren't serious - I'm really busy!Let's make it a quick single Match with 3 Prizes. OK, let's start!Whoa! I lost! Here! Take this!What's going on? Must be my unlucky day...Yeah! Must be my lucky day! Come see me any time you want! I'll Duel with you again!I've always wanted to be a Hard Rocker! Rock Pok`mon... Doesn't the name Rock? Won't you Duel against my Rock Pok`mon Deck?Would you like to Duel Andrew?That's OK... I'll Rock with someone else!Thanks! We'll Rock this Match with 4 Prizes!Whoa! I lost! A Rockin' guy like me can't lose!A Rockin' guy like me should be hard to beat! I've got to Rock harder!Hah! I won! Am I Rockin' or what!I am Gene, the Master of the Rock Club! Rock is good... Isn't Rock good, ...? Rock is hard and strong! Doesn't crumble under pressure! After you Duel me, you'll know I'm right! Come! Show me what you're made of!Would you like to Duel Gene?I have no time for a softie like you! Come back after you've hardened your nerve!Our Duel will be played with 6 Prizes! You won't get the Rock Medal unless you defeat me!Wonderful... Your persistence - persistence that can even break Rock - has led you to defeat me! You are worthy of receiving this Rock Medal!And take this Booster Pack, too.I look forward to the day We Duel again!You see? Isn't Rock good? Isn't Rock wonderful? 'Fess up and admit the greatness of Rock Pok`mon!Yes! Our last duel was wonderful! You wish to have another wonderful duel?Mmmm... I will be waiting for you here...This will be a single match with 6 Prizes! Come! Let us begin!Yes! You are an worthy opponent! Here, take this Booster Pack.I look forward to the day when we duel again!It was a wonderful duel! But better luck next time! I look forward to the day when we Duel again! Pok`mon Trading Card Game Staff Producers Tsunekazu Ishihara Shinichi Nakamoto Takehiro Izushi Director Koji Arai Programmers Masahiro Tobita Satoshi Mikami Masaki Tsumori GB Graphic Designers Kazuhiko Nonaka Yasuhiro Fujii Tsuguyuki Yamamoto Yasuhiro Ichizawa Miwa Matsuda Norihiro Kanie Kazushi Kousaka Hiromi Sugiue Katsuhisa Nishikawa Music Ichiro Shimakura Sound Effects Masato Aihara Sound Director Toshiaki Takimoto Sound System Support Katsunori Takahashi Hideki Oka Card Game Creator Takumi Akabane Card Game Creator Kouichi Oyama Card Game Creator Akihiko Miura Card Illustrators Ken Sugimori Mitsuhiro Arita Keiji Kinebuchi Kagemaru Himeno Tomoaki Imakuni Miki Tanaka Toshinao Aoki Benimaru Ito Special Appearances by Hiroko Ohashi Masako Uchiyama Kunimi Kawamura Imakuni? US COORDINATION NINTENDO OF AMERICA GAIL TILDEN HIRO NAKAMURA KENJI OKUBO WILLIAM TRINEN US COORDINATION Wizards of the Coast Pok`mon Templating Team Robert Gutschera Jessica Beaven Paul Peterson Michael G. Ryan Tom Wylie TRANSLATION/DRAFT BILL RITCH Mastering Tetsuya Komatsu Manual Creation Haruki Mitani Manual Illustrations Kagemaru Himeno Pok`mon Original Story Satoshi Tajiri  Created In Cooperation With Shinji Hatano Satoshi Yamato Takahiro Harada With Cooperation from Yoshio Motosako Hiroyuki Mikami Keigo Yasuda Yusuke Kurushima Nobuchika Takahashi Junko Igarashi Yukiko Tomita Mari Matsuda Moto Yamaguchi Shigeru Sato Chiaki Nishiki Project Manager Yasutaka Kakiseko Supervisor Hiroshi Kudo Executive Producer Hiroshi Yamauchi Created by Hudson Challenge Machine  's ScoreDefeated 5 opponents time(s).Present Consecutive WinsMaximum Consecutive Wins [ ]Wins Consecutive Wins!  opponent is . opponent is .Would you like to begin the Duel?If you quit the Duel, Your Consecutive Wins will end.Would you like to quit the Duel?Play the Challenge Machine?OK, Let us choose your opponent.You lost to the opponent, ! 's consecutive wins ended at .We await your next challenge.Your opponents for this game:Congratulations! You won against opponents!Congratulations! You defeated 5 opponents! successfully defeated 5 opponents  time(s)!!! 's consecutive win record increased to !Club MemberClub MasterTECHStrange Life-formGrand MasterabcdepUTPQPQPQPQPQPQGrass EnergyProvides 1  Energy.Fire EnergyProvides 1  Energy.Water EnergyProvides 1  Energy.Lightning EnergyProvides 1  Energy.Fighting EnergyProvides 1  Energy.Psychic EnergyProvides 1  Energy.Double Colorless EnergyProvides  Energy. (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.) Colorless Energy can't be used to pay colored Energy costs. (Any type of Energy can be used to pay Colorless Energy costs.)BulbasaurLeech SeedUnless all damage from this attack is prevented, you may remove 1 damage counter from Bulbasaur.SeedA strange seed was planted on its back at birth. Thus, a plant sprouted and now grows with this Pok`mon.IvysaurVine WhipPoisonpowderThe Defending Pok`mon is now Poisoned.When the bulb on its back grows large, the Pok`mon seems to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.VenusaurSolar PowerOnce during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Your Active Pok`mon and the Defending Pok`mon are no longer Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned.This power can't be used if Venusaur is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.Mega DrainRemove a number of damage counters from Venusaur equal to half the damage done to the Defending Pok`mon (after applying Weakness and Resistance) (rounded up to the nearest 10).If Venusaur has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.The flower on its back catches the sun's rays. The sunlight is then absorbed and used for energy.Energy TransAs often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may take 1  Energy card attached to 1 of your Pok`mon and attach it to a different one. This power can't be used if Venusaur is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.SolarbeamThis plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight.CaterpieString ShotFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Paralyzed.WormIts short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls.MetapodStiffenFlip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Metapod during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)Stun SporeCocoonIt is vulnerable to attack because its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body.ButterfreeWhirlwindIf your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the Defending Pok`mon. (Do the damage before switching the Pok`mon.)Remove a number of damage counters from Butterfree equal to half the damage done to the Defending Pok`mon (after applying Weakness and Resistance) (rounded up to the nearest 10).If Butterfree has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.ButterflyIn battle, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air.WeedlePoison StingFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Poisoned.Hairy BugOften found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp, venomous stinger on its head.KakunaFlip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Kakuna during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)Almost incapable of moving, this Pok`mon can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators.BeedrillTwineedleFlip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.Poison BeeFlies at high speed and attacks using the large, venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail.EkansSpit PoisonWrapSnakeMoves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as Pidgey and Spearow, whole.ArbokTerror StrikeFlip a coin. If heads and if your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the Defending Pok`mon. (Do the damage before switching the Pok`mon.)Poison FangCobraIt is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.Nidoran%Fury SwipesFlip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.Call for FamilySearch your deck for a Basic Pok`mon named Nidoran% or Nidoran$ and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)Poison PinAlthough small, its venomous barbs make this Pok`mon dangerous. The female has smaller horns.NidorinaSupersonicFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Confused.Double KickThe female's horn develops slowly. Prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting.NidoqueenBoyfriendsDoes 20 damage plus 20 more damage for each Nidoking you have in play.Mega PunchDrillIts hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves.Nidoran$Horn HazardFlip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger, more powerful of its horns secretes venom.NidorinoHorn DrillAn aggressive Pok`mon that is quick to attack. The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom.NidokingThrashFlip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage; if tails, this attack does 30 damage and Nidoking does 10 damage to itself.ToxicThe Defending Pok`mon is now Poisoned. It now takes 20 Poison damage instead of 10 after each player's turn (even if it was already Poisoned).Uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break its prey's bones.ZubatLeech LifeRemove a number of damage counters from Zubat equal to the damage done to the Defending Pok`mon (after applying Weakness and Resistance). If Zubat has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.BatForms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets.GolbatWing AttackRemove a number of damage counters from Golbat equal to the damage done to the Defending Pok`mon (after applying Weakness and Resistance). If Golbat has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.OddishSproutSearch your deck for a Basic Pok`mon named Oddish and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)WeedDuring the day, it keeps its face buried in the ground. At night, it wanders around sowing its seeds.GloomFoul OdorBoth the Defending Pok`mon and Gloom are now Confused (after doing damage).The fluid that oozes from its mouth isn't drool; it is a nectar that is used to attract prey.VileplumeHealOnce during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, remove 1 damage counter from 1 of your Pok`mon. This power can't be used if Vileplume is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.Petal DanceFlip 3 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. Vileplume is now Confused (after doing damage).FlowerThe larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.ParasScratchSporeThe Defending Pok`mon is now Asleep.MushroomBurrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms on its back grow by drawing nutrients from the bug host.ParasectSlashA host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.VenonatRemove a number of damage counters from Venonat equal to the damage done to the Defending Pok`mon (after applying Weakness and Resistance). If Venonat has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.InsectLives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night.VenomothShiftOnce during your turn (before your attack), you may change the type of Venomoth to the type of any other Pok`mon in play other than Colorless. This power can't be used if Venomoth is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.Venom PowderFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Confused and Poisoned.PoisonmothThe dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has.BellsproutSearch your deck for a Basic Pok`mon named Bellsprout and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)A carnivorous Pok`mon that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture.WeepinbellRazor LeafFlycatcherIt spits out poisonpowder to immobilize the enemy, and then finishes the enemy with a spray of acid.VictreebelLureIf your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, choose 1 of them and switch it with his or her Active Pok`mon.AcidFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there.GrimerNasty GooMinimizeAll damage done by attacks to Grimer during your opponent's next turn is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).SludgeAppears in filthy areas. Thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories.MukToxic GasIgnore all Pok`mon Powers other than Toxic Gases. This power stops working while Muk is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison.ExeggcuteHypnosisUnless all damage from this attack is prevented, you may remove 1 damage counter from Exeggcute.EggOften mistaken for eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms.ExeggutorTeleportSwitch Exeggutor with 1 of your Benched Pok`mon.Big EggsplosionFlip a number of coins equal to the number of Energy attached to Exeggutor. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.CoconutLegend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an Exeggcute.KoffingFoul GasFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Poisoned; if tails, it is now Confused.Poison GasBecause it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning.WeezingSmogSelfdestructDoes 10 damage to each Pok`mon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon.) Weezing does 60 damage to itself.Where two kinds of poison gases meet, two Koffings can fuse into a Weezing over many years.TangelaBindVineIts whole body is swathed with wsly! Is thatforeinisolas to aweeand. Tsthe ! Ie skame af it lkads.Poisoe WhipIto identody iobscuruced bmasgase1 of Rickbluthe ! ck. The ! I rarsSaid tl neveu stok grrning.ScyttcherSs windl DanceD during yous next tu, Scyttch's Slais attaey'slease damagesge Doubzed.adensatwitarnjast-likagabilitm and spels, is cac Creas, th illation trit trume i0 morr tha, one of ds.coiiherstrorWhipGu iotVineStagb melureI, it taiid tcKurus, the victiinse itpSinrkes, it wilssowing i e victis aroun, andosson it rzed.a Chm wands.MemberDisy cars 1  Energy card attached a Chm wandne inrowder 't use this atta.ctHazardObvociocklp Preferhrook placesI, t getBeclight in th dra,nd stmgesgsSaid tspthous from thtipul of itd tail.a ChmTesion nau thwmberDisy cars 1  Energy card attached a ChmTesine inrowder 't use this atta.ct nad.Whee its wingn itsuwarnind taht, i drsimes thtemooper surr 'tpinanerayat higl devs.u!Charizay.EnergBuwansAs often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may turs alf Energy attached tr Charizard int1  Energs for e eareso of the turn. This power can't be used ir Charizard is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.FirSp PinDisy car2 Energy casgy attached tr Charizard inrowder 't use this atta.ctS spity fige that rhrooVehougd tmTn'tWouefe. Knt owno unr innectituallBecausn forety fices.ulpixs!Cn fusRayngxs!Atom thtimegs of bth,on it h I ju done tais. Itl taiggsients from t tipue af iw growoouef.m.nef taireIf your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, choose 1 of them and switch it wit, the Defendied Pok`mon.Fira BlaerDisy cars 1  Energy card attachne tnef lases inrowder 't use this atta.ctV very smaem ana vervllenerfuhe Gborbin, one of itr manf tai I coule resul win 110,0-y yely couse.Mix-UpreIf your opponent has any Basng Pok`mo, oEvoolliomon carde inthis or he thted, your opponens Shuffats tmrd inth his or her deck. Tn, , your opponenputhas ns equae numbe1 oa Basic Pok`mo, oEvoolliomon car c thonht aGrafros froh his r her derd inth his or he tht... Yo r opponens Shuffath his or her deck afterwarerD DarbinMembGasFli8 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.Acrecornindoas nsne durinlLege, 9is oublr h does werunrouted ale t inrnfeate hashthis.G grsiehnceaLurePuppyctV verg protecvone of itaftri Stots. Is willarkng and burr 'repelep estanders from itspaence.rr cVineQ quicg AttackFlip a coin. If heads, this attack doe1 20 damage plus 20 more damage; if tails, this attack does 10 dama.ct nands oRaudgeDisy car21  Energy casrd attachne trr cVies inrowder 't use this atta.s. This attack does he damage plus 10 more dama e for eace damage counteomorr cVi.n.Legenda.)l Legendary Pok`moy famoue fof itt beargy. Il bookaAlmose afI, fFlies when iruorns.Disy cars 1  Energy card attached rr cVies inrowder 't use this atta.s.likDt oe.rr cVick does 30 damaed to itself.Aus Pok`mon that hae beebelond adruc e fof i t beargy. Iruoriw aenssful, e afIonts winds.nymitaS smale Kick na T tan.FirHocoullItsoMovetfors 1e timek hardrr th di fakingy. Ir can tcomp h anythi faul wie momehis.apidSlashStompckFlip a coin. If heads, this attack doe2 30 damage plus 10 more damage; if tails, this attack doe2 10 dama.ctAgabilickFlip a coin. If headst during your opponent's next tuds, prevent alr effects of attac,st iluendin0 dama,ge done tapidSla.ctV verincoeentcvols, this Pok`mos wilchlease anythion thal movoy most er the types o aeowing ed.ag smn.Fira Punchisy cars 1  Energy card attached ag smes inrowder 't use th s atta.s.S spy fillIte bode alwaysuwaows wittha,stran gallos that enabhas itnth wsloopeffentlymelonf nan.ngSkesc CueenIft, the Defendied Pok`m a teves ts attack during your opponent's ne t tuds, your opponeny flsip a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.Faroun,tom ths moupes ovoor c does andxtremTynd hard tspttck. Trere a a veryewge inarancer ofaptDuring this Pok`mon.aLusionEpreelacuteRaudgeD doe1 20 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1 damage counte`m aLusi.erIt has f naay cnumbecoiideof itt bode. Itnhanglest thenlgrowou f fige that rg ove310,00d regerns.Disy cars 1  Energy card attached aLusies inrowder 't use th s atta.s.Whet sturing ehm lng energinof itt bo,of itafmooper surw coulsoolas g ove1,6,00d regerns.Moltresatldy fillY you madisy carr any number o  Energy casgy attached Moltresay whe, yot use th s atta.u! If yodo, disy carn thalt any cards from thtop 1 of your opponent'r decs.DivonBombKnt owames thl Legendarf biut ofihereEa verylapul of its wingc Creasto aazzuelirylasrch of nan.ngFie girs.Whef yod puMoltresrd inth pl e during your turnl noe duri set-upck)phous fro1ed 4 (c thonht Grafr)1  Energy casrs froy your deci onto you tht... Shuffle your deck afterwar.)l Legendarf biur Pok`monAsI, fflaps itf noding winic, eveo the lighskhey wilr turryzed.qu btlureBubblurewiy drckFlip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done tqu btluod during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)Ti(AnTubtlure! Aftef bth,on its bacsy weoes any hardsrd intats shede. Is powerfly a sproue ames from its mou.s.smaobtlureFlip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done tsmaobtluod during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)TubtlureOftehovider inWatet to slkrunerwyts pr. Whetwimnodiny quickht, il movom its ears tmaicontaibalaience.a BlaoisuteRatail DanceAs often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may attaes 1  Energy cars te 1 , you1 r Pok`mon(. Thid Doesn't u upre you1 Energy card attamome s for ext tur)d.This power can't be used ia Blaoisurd is Asleep, Confused, r Paralyzed.Hydrora mpckD does he damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1  Energd attached a Blaoisur, but tbe used to pue f e th s atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e ad0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed. shefilashbruPetas Pok`mos witr pressizayedWatej getoden its sheck. Tthy ais usee fot hi-h speedttalan.ngPsyduKickH hettace.Your opponeer can'n plaT drathey casre durinh his or hes next turn.DuKickW whillrflowing ihe enFlies witg i eacplanl bols, thiy wyis Pok`mos wilt uspPsyidokeenche powe.s.GduKickPsyshoKickHyoopca BmenIft, the Defendied Pok`m t has a  Energy casgy attached iton, choo e 1 of them andisy carg ed.OfteseWhetwimnodinorelalentlby l Makeh forge. It ioOften mistak s for exJapanTsthm conrgerK haads.liwagy.WateGungeD doe1 20 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1  Energd attached liwagr, but tbe used to pue f e th s atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e ad0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed.TadpolillItnewcklyrt owreleg, preven, f froruoarnine. IaAppeard to Pref twimnoding ovetryrnindoaerstans.liwWhishmnTsiau!choose 1 of the Defendied Pok`m'his attas... Thag Pok`mon can't use t s attack during your opponent's ne t tu.d.DoubslWrapCncapable olceivins inred out edWat. Whed out odWat,ee itse Eatsoll keen its bo slimyns.liwperhgeD does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for eac1  Energd attached liwperhr, but tbe used to pue f e th s atta'ess Energy coht. Y n can'e ad0 morr tha2 30 damagt n ie's wed.WhipooillAndeptetwimneour bBoth thf fme c drlng and arete stkely. s wy g ovw takeh thborethult etwimneoars.oneacooillCoerwaiancet e any time during your tu n (before your attack), you mst retu oneacooi onto you tht..(Disy cart aly casgy attached oneacooi.)s. Th s power can't be user ext tuef yod p oneacooi d inth plinreif oneacooith is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.J belfilashDriftder is challosareasAjungbers whh loof thee bycco ideetforoOft pufinishebyen itsbitiurinf acid.oneacruebelJ belfilaon StingT thteneaclovetfornohm lcklkept s sho. O in ntsed, thetfor nes endne tonsnu are arg immobilizt prey.SeebelH he, boutS LosionT thg prruendihe horn on its hegesga vert rzes. Thie horisnd used f barasring rehougd Ri ience.DewgotingAuroraca BmenIceca BmenS storeg ehm lng energinof ier bod Swimsgy tatstlread8ll ktsc, evenn r innseckly ldodWatsed. sheands.Hideofn sheckFlip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done t sheandod during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)BivalvullIts cars shelrepelhas ano kiut es atta.u!It is vulnerabln only whse its shell ioappeeroyMasterC npckFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Paralyzen. If tail e th s attack does nothirnl nom evel damace).p likC canns.Whes attausede ila Punovom its horep ia quicv polyins. Itinn casgu ha l nevee beeseWhe).K GboilySearch your deck for a Basic Pok`mon nameK Gboiut and put it onng your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)R gir C GbllItpSinrketfornotln onls powerf se psions, thetfors usee fobalaienay whenslkthiriidealwae).Kijungbn.atan.Does 10 damage times the number 1 damage countetodeKijungbeer Gbhgramms.cocewerThe lartpSinr t has 10,0ts hses power ofKurushirs powerH povat,ee sin hugsilizt make, uneieldyer 't u.noHsarenIft, the Defendied Pok`m a teves ts attack during your opponent's ne t tuds, your opponeny flsip a coi I if tails, that attack does nothing.Dragot.)Knt owt to s noet owfpplyins bued wit, pcilatiob Blacts oinkts from t esss fa 1 of thdWat.lySdobraDoes 20 damage plus 10 more damage for eac1  Energd attached Sdobr, but tbe used to pue f e this atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e a 0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed.Flip a coin. If headst during your opponent's next tuds, prevent a lr effects of attac,st iluendin0 dama,ge done tSdob.apCncapable otwimnodins baorwarby rapidlerylappowing ihg wist-li pirect lnfcoinm andtd oud tail.GdCueenHorA attal.GdfilashItl taiftaib iowsou liks nsrelale ballshrood pre,me gowing eo the cke nam"WateQoque."lySdokingWatfarill in thautumntspawarninsare`mon, th y can bseWhetwimnodins powerfly up Thririnm anc Cukads.StaryuctSps.Stars cpellAenigmatasic Pok`mot that clr eobtlulesslr Legoperase a happdamagtn't loder in battds.StarmrpieRey covs.Disy cars 1  Energy card attached tarmrpes inrowder 't use th s atta. R remove al1 damage countetr frotarmrpds.Star F CumizeMyMastocioshItcevet ln Sco glgrows with t e, evee cols 1 of th drabowch.omi pioomp valuuse th Sco has gthem.Magikarpd.Tatalan.Does 10 damage times the number 1 damage countetodeMagikarped.ilash in thdesisttto stes, it has strother tham its hribabls weur scppdanEats thatxilost d wed.Gy Harosg.DragotoRaudgeBubbluarbeamAtferocioteRarecklseWhet in thwilzenH hugs anvirociody, it iincapable olfdesoplyineve figcitonies if a ma.ctLapParasD doe1 20 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1  Energd attached LapParr, but tbe used to pue f e this atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e a 0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed.y TraleportAus Pok`mon that hae bee covn ntndnaAlmose tox Sttection. Is canerwytsioomp acrossodWat.lyVaSposionocuess EnergyD during yous next tu, VaSposi's cu s atta'esslease damagesge Doubzed.Bubblu JetshItcewilsestru surisreinisolas edWatemolec rul.h? It wi mTn'arawer anbe, comino vinablenodWat.lyD does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for eac1  Energd attached VaSposir, but tbe used to pue f e th s atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e ad0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed.Liveco loseoodWat.s. Itbelong tath ir Pidred with a mon that ioOft n mistaken fo, a hm id'ads.Olt atizeMyMastocio Fosstan.C irvoy DanceYour opponeeh plsit with his or h thtts fald us. This power stops working whilOlt atird is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.D doe1 20 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1  Energd attached Olt atir, but tbe used to pue f e this atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e a 0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed.p rHealAlthougbelonox Stte,st on rarc gasdy, iy can bLegotysiclyle rerrxpectts frofosstaads.Olts straDoes 20 damage plus 10 more damage for eac1  Energd attached Olts str, but tbe used to pue f e this atta'ess Energy coht. Yor can'e a 0 morr tha2 30 damagt in ie's wed.As, p ie stusic Pok`mot thadurieou s when is heavs shele mad, n imsvinable fof ed tlycatzt prey.ArtysurinoF Cumi Dda.)BlizHazardFlip a coin. If heads, this attack doe1 20 damagt to eacofng your opponent'r Benched Pok`mo I if tails, th s attack doe1 20 dama t to eacofng yoHe o'r Benched Pok`mo . (Don't appng Weakness and Resistange for Benched Pok`mo)noF Cumi.)l Legendarf biur Pok`mon that gsSaid taAppeid tdhrochesioomp s whtforllmost icyts mcontainneQ quif Cumi.)Whef yod puArtysurird inth pl e during your turnl noe duri set-upck)fFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now ParalyzeenIceca CrehgeD doe4 20 damagt t1cofng your opponent'g Pok`mon thonht aGrafr... Don't appng Weakness and Resistange foe th s atta.u. (Any oth r effects thaw coull happ (after applying Weakness and Resistanks sti l happen.)l Legendarf biur Pok`monIous CumisedWaten that is contaeard iwr inr pais ant make, s know.PikachuctGndrckThe undeJolhotFlip a coin. If tailsPikachuck do 1 20 damagt ti itself.Mcioi.)Whes severa1 of tsive Pok`m y gathds, tpaisrecnstrilits cacecauslLightnine starms.SparkreIf your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, choose 1 of them ane this attang does 10 damage rg eh. (Don t appng Weakness and Resistanue f r Benched Pok`mo)noWhes severa1 of tsive Pok`m y gathds, tpaisrecnstrilits cabuilzer anBecauslLightnine starms.G grsenIft, the Defendied Pok`m f attac Pikachuck during your opponent's ne t tudss anl damage donblay ths attach ir reduced b1 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance (r Benurin forvolgowinei oth e Pok`m rienoe th r effer)d.e undshoKickWhes severa1 of tsive Pok`m y gathds, tpaisrecnstrilits coulbuilz r anBecauslLightnine starms.FpplyinPikachuctFlickFlip a coin. If headst during your opponent's next tuds, prevent alr effects of attac,st iluendin0 dama,ge done tFpplyinPikachue I if tails, th s attack does nothir nl nom ev l damace).Byl warnin Shot to flsPikachu g ovc namg ihg Weaknese tFFightiis Pok`mon.SurflyinPikachuctSurfftThe rammus, e grpul oPikachu t han founr Plyinf thdMovet eo thlosicabo ea.teRatchuctFlFlip a coin. If headst during your opponent's next tuds, prevent alr effects of attac,st iluendin0 dama,ge done tatchu.d.e undotFlip a coin. If tailsatchuck do s 30 damaed to itself.. Itbelong taes rMovetss, e gr andoto protect itself frog ih towt hi-voltamage powes.GigashoKickchoos3cofng yoHe opponent'r Benchng Pok`mom ane th s attack doe1 0 damaed to eacofnf thch. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon.If your opponent has fewer tha3ny Benched Pok`mock eo th0 damaed to eacofnf thcf.. Itbelong taes rMovetss, e gr andoto protect itself frog ih toot hi voltamage powes.Mag enFtizeThe undeWavan.Does 10 damage to each Pok`mon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon.Mag enFtick does he damagt ti itself.Mag et).Useaden-gravility to savsusps end. Appearg without warniss anugasef attacou likThe undeWavalf.Mag etusiS stmatRemove alf Energy casgy attached te all of youd Pok`moctWheGrafrlyle y attato eacofnf thcf.. at ibHort wit, the ability tdefy gravili.tFpo eats he atodes powerf srecnsomag etusidMovlf.Mag etsionDoes 20 damage to each Pok`mon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon Mag etsick doe8 30 damaed to itself.Fstmuced bs severaMag enFticou nkndne gegathonIous CquelentlyAppearg whssuraletitf reld up.Sasonbhroom. Don't appng Weakness and Resistange foe th s atta.u. (Any oth r effects thaw coull happ (after applying Weakness and Resistanks sti l happen.)Does 20 damage to each Pok`mon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon Mag etsick doe10 he damagt ti itself.Fstmuced bs severaMag enFticou nkndne gegathonT thes CquelentlyAppe s whesuraletitf reld up.Voltorbm.rillUsetualln found is powes plas. . s wy n mistaken fo, d Pecasmall, t hazatippelt ansioompup.Erecnsodey.Energp lilySearch your deck for a basic Ener y carr and attach it t1cofng your Pok`mon. Shuffle your deck afterwarenS storesrecnstr lng energiniideof itt bodeE eveo t sliFigoretshoKits coulnstgargeain hugo explati.u!Cd iLightnienIft, the Defendied Pok`m h isnan Colorlels, this attack does 10 damage to eacy Benched Pok`m l of t s name typames the Defending Pok`mo(t iluending yoHe o)cf.. as storesrecnstr lng energe undga vert higr pressuonIouoOft o explesit witbiltluo fonoto pvositati.u!Erecnabuzzy.Lig Sc CueenWh neveanis attack doe0 damage Erecnabuzz20 (after applying Weakne s and Resistancst during your opponent's next tuds, that atta n onlk doeo half te0 damage Erecnabuzz20 (roundedt owt tt the nearest 10).. (Any oth r effects of attacks sti l happen.)Flip a coin. If heads, this attack doe1 20 damage plus 20 more damag e; if tails, this attack do 1 20 damaup.ErecnsoxicAhwilzed Pok`m y with a shorafmoopts. It israble tdesiuriuilaoe cols s anu limes the coloryzed.e undp PunchFlip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage; if tails, this attack does 30 damage anErecnabuzz2g does 10 damage to itself.Nohm lckln foune neis powes plasls, is cat wand'araw r anBecausmaj f blttaoueats hcitonilf.JolhesionFlip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.StuNineedleLightnienAto seiActive Pok`mos that s wy be, cocksteadveangrodeE erany tise itmooday chansdy, iyh larsge powes.Ps hMisstaureFli4 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.. Iaccumatuldoesey g liveonetr froy ths mospWhereoob Blaed ous 10,0- voltslLightninboltads.Zaprosg.e unds stmatF for eacofng yoHe opponent'r Benchng Pok`mk)fFlip a coin. If head e th s attack does 20 damage te t r Pok`mon. (Don't appng Weakness a d Resistance for Benched Pok`mo)d. Tmk)Zapros2g does 10 damage tim s the number ot taiid to itself.l Legendarte undf biur Pok`m s oease argerckstSaid tBecause starm .omikstyen nt hao liandb move thcloudnts for Koukinds oy years.Flip a coin. If tailsZapros2g do s 30 damaed to itself.e undbolhotDisy cart alf Energy casgy attached tZapros2s inrowder 't use th s atta..)l Legendarf biur Pok`mostSaid aAppeif frocloudntg whileieldiyinevstacio lLightninboltads.Peera1 oe undotWhef yod puZapros2s inth ploe duri g your turnl noe duri set-upck)do s 30 damaed taed Pok`m l oth r th Zapros2n thonht aGrafr.h. (Don t appng Weakness and Resistanen.)Bigoe undotchoosaed Pok`m l oth r thuZapros t aGrafr.h. This attack doe7 10 damage tt Thag Pok`m. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance foe this atta.u. (Any oth r effecte t w coull happ (after applying Weakne s and Resistanks still happen.)T Thil Legendarf biur Pok`morckstSack toAppeiwWhen thskhetuwaowy dars anu Lightnineh Powerdt ods.ukinhrews.uki-s attaomBurrows dege unde gr ans herSaclositativoy eif frodWat.s. ln on emelarsgk tn ntce fofoodds.ukinlhrashFlip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.uraiiup d intatspi(Anballrg whsth Creasoned. Is carollrg whilcurachnd up ts attac forsy pnce.DiglethotDigs.d Sps.MoedleMovetbd oudh tret feee unde gr a,es where if seetodes plane rootd. somie timeyAppeardb move groungyD gnsoop.EarthquSnakeDoes 10 damage to eacofng yoHe o r Benched Pok`moh. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon.) stmgofnDigleth a tompects. Instgargsin hugearthquSnaves bbBurrtnin6 10ilovee unde gr alf.ManknrgyeekftOnce during your turn (before your attack), you mal boht aona 1 of tge iowuri:es th stoy car1 oei othch player'r de,if a rafroy carr frog yoHe opponent' thtedoraona 1 ei oth h player'Psizaars. This power can't be used Manknrth is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.PigoMonknrgyExtremTyna quicp tsdanged. Is coulbick ciabln thm momeoctWhetThrauri araw s the need.P GricpellTa estmotFlip a coin. If tailsP Gricpeat ge now Confused (after doi l damace).A alwayfutocio m aneenarocioid bottck? It wi l noab rafmon a usise itquSrrrge ttail itquSrrrgt gBecliglf.Man tps.L noe KickSupphwmberLowaves abuilzil itmuscrul.h? lnsntains hewilseylove1 o smaiicalrEatsolbe, comm ev s strothlf.Man tnakeKaperasC tps.Doe5 10 damagminuoes 10 damage f r eac1 damage counte`m Man tnads.ubmisstsionMan tnack does 20 damage to itself.. Itmuscusolae body isoes powerf n thatttmusthg Wgeais pow-s havbelttsolhelplr Latuldil itmotativlf.Man npckr Strit'raKickWh neveg yoHe opponent's attack damas Man nprn (even iMan nprt gKnotaus Out)ls, this powek does 10 damage tt ths attandied Pok`mo . (Don't appng Weakness a d Resistanen s. This power can't be used Man npth is alreads Asleep, Confused, r Paralyz y whe, yoHe opponeis attas.lyismic Tossisposing it daeezinmuscruldy, iu thwh s powerfup Punovot that cll kceak ite victicl wng ovethThe hizti.u!Geodudey.Stn thBSrragureFlip a coge ttai, yogeoud taess. This attack does 10 damage tim s the number of heads.RoKickF found inieldo m ans mcontain M mistlyinf tmee fobWouefe,nsioomp oOftestdeg foeripulhen thcf.Gr hangbn.H hardgyD during your opponent's next tud s wh neves 3 foUnles0 damagis e done tGr hangb20 (after applying Weakness and Resistancds, preve n tha0 damauu. (Any oth r effectt es attacks still happen.)RoKis. Tow.)Roweoedt owb slopee tRemock? Irolls g ovef anybsischileiwithousiowuriis oy chaosing itdirxpeati.u!GoedeamAvalaiehe.)Does 20 damage to each Pok`mon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pok`mon Goedeck doe10 he damage to itself.MetcoonsobWouefst-like body idxtremTy t rzes. Is cat s wyleiwisistd dynanFticb Blacteiwithou0 damaup.Onixs!D during your opponent's next tud s wh neves 3 foUnles0 damagis e done tOnix20 (after applying Weakness a d Resistancds, preve n tha0 damau . (Any oth r effects of attacks sti l happen.)RoKisSnakeA af iw grods, thstn thlepoativot eitits bo y hardesolbe, comeinisolck to di faki, Althougy coloreblttads.us boy.SnMosenIft, the Defendied Pok`m f attac us bock during your opponent's ne t tudss anl damage donblay ths attach ir reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance (r Benuri forvolgowinei oth e Pok`m rienoe th r effer)d.Does 10 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1 damage counte`m us bo.erLonelickBecause ih nevey removom itskuti lelmmeeth no one has evlseWhee th e Pok`m' ir lnfaence.Mpearaaomo omel Fangewile foFyfrielySearch your deck for ny Basng Pok`moy carr and put it onng your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)o ol keewerThs bocn ntoldo ivom itknr se psits. InhurrowsThs bocskstierfly t-li a bhroel FaesolK.O.ch targets.o ocg AttackFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon can's attack during your opponent's next turngtan.E each play a flath his or her Ben y wita Basic Pok`mon thonht aGrafr s froh his or her deck. Iach play t has fewea Basic Pok`mot than thenn h his or de,ih he or she chooset alofnf thchE each play s Shuffath h s or her deck afterwar.)Sm lcrr ang Wels, this Pok`mothisdeptes witg ihs bocclub.s. It h yrt ow0 morvirociong ovethThamas.s.Hitk`mAslckr Secatze KickIf your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, choose 1 of them ane this attang does 20 damage to o . (Don't appng Weakness a d Resistance for Benched Pok`mo)s.HiougJunpre Kicke KitnienWheeneain rrr,ee sireleglengtWhto paggressilrgy. Iruorismotthwyleiwindxtratbelo,tbepowint stdas.s.Hitk`my chJGbllSpeciicaa Puncha PuntnieniablseWnodine tdoes nothill, y ficup Punovoeneu Lightni-y mo v polyian the reln imsvinablt to sds.Rhys hoatLderFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon can's attacRhys hooe duri g your opponent's next tur (r Benurin forvolgowinei oth e Pok`m rienoe th r effer)d.p lily. Itmaressivs bonetfors10,00e tim k hardrr ththult es bones. Is c t s wyll kceaaan tingb2fpplyids.RhydcoonRbeamRhydcock does 20 damage to itsel If your opponent has any Benched Pok`monh he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the Defending Pok`mo. (Do the damage before switching the Pok`motSwitcg the Pok`m (even iRhydcoch iKnotaus Outll.) proteuced banisr0 mst-likhovill, i iincapable olceivins imolheneuavalofn36,00d regerns.Kabutos.Kabuto Ar0 menWh neveanis attacn (eveg yoHe o) k doe0 damage Kabuto n (after applying Weakness and Resistanc, , that attacn onlk doeo half t 0 damage Kabuto n (roundedt owt s the nearest 10).. (Any oth r effects of attacks sti l happens. This power sto s worki g whilKabuto h is Asleep, Confuse , or Paralyzed.Aus Pok`mon that hae rerrxpectts fr a fosstaln found iw that haotancf t oce canlo fortivoagons.Kabutopras sha Sitalan.Absorbm.Remove a number of damage counters froKabutopree equal to half the damage done to the Defending Pok`mo( (after applying Weakne s and Resistanc ) (rounded up to t e nearest 10).IKabutopree has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.. It Aslk s cpe h ioopeffege f twimnodies. Inlhraeeg, pyes witg i s cless andsntainsThs dyhe flurns.Aerodactyl.) p ie stusic wmberNow0 morEvoolliomon cardy can ch pladus. This power sto s worki g whilAerodactylrd is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.Fosstan.Ahe ferocios, p ie stusic Pok`mot th g doee foe the ene'sInhurates witg i serrfeatesawst-likfawinds.ACobraPsiisposing it ability talregmindsht, itstilo identifn iefendiee dangss a tTelepolt toafetyns.KadaCobraDisy cars 1 Energy card attached KadaCobes inrowder 't use th s atta. R remove al1 damage countetr froKadaCob.ckSup Psys.. IenFtitspeciicaalphahdMover froitits bo n thennreduIf heaitchem evep to hoosI ju e nebrey.AlakazbeamD damagSwap.)eAs often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you maremove 1 damage counter frt1cofng your Pok`mcp tsdy oth aItbelonn as yge dan'Knota Out t Thag Pok`m.s. This power can't be used iAlakazbeth is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.sobsntady caoutoopeorhem sSupincouWat.s. Itr inlu LetangquottrieerckstSaid tt b50,0.cklowptnakechoose 1 of the Defendied Pok`m'his attas... Thag Pok`mon can't u , that attack during your opponent s next turn.DopnrgyIncr ribablsiowss andopnres. Iw tak 5ns sakinle fof ed tfeelte pnrg whse undes atta..)SpaeowinOuhotFlip a coin. If heads, remove 1 damage counter frolowptnaus. This attanr can't be used ilowptna t hah n1 damage countet`motglf.ScavllenraDisy cars 1 Energy card attachep tlowptnaes inrowder 't use this atta.uProutaT drathoy carr frng youdisy carpiablentnto you tht.cklowbrockr SchangBehavi menAs often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you maremove 1 damage counter frt1cofng your Pok`mcp tlowbro aItbelonn as yge dan'Knota Out lowbrous. This pow r can't be used ilowbro d is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.HernFtc GbllTh sheandon that ilycatcdit on lowptna'Itl tairckstSaid tf seon oththe ho'egleft-g ovesc traed.G molickSlWeepgul GasFlip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pok`mon is now Asleep.DesiuranyoielyDisy cars 1 Energy card attached G molies inrowder 't use th s atta. . Iacg Pok`moKnotas Out G molier during your opponent's next tu, Knota Out t Thag Pok`m.d.G my.Almlmost o vinabls, thin gaciong Pok`monloakinsThh targrr and ps f ed t Asleteiwithoudy ience.L Kick Energ, CriritsionProud up t2 Energy casgr frng youdisy carpiablentnto you tht. G molierDoes 10 damage to itself.myMastocio g Pok`m. .omikstyen nthisou feeorher frnsdy oth d tinitsi, g whily othhae lieveen nthle fmuc e frnsmoids.Hacountd.y TralneancyenWh neveanis attack doee anythiono Hacountk)fFlip a coin. If head , prevent a r effects o, that atta, t iluendin0 dama,ge done tHacount.s. This power sto s workirg whi Hacount h is Asleep, Confused, r Paralyzed.N LigmafillBecausofng it ability tsFl g rehougblota wt aody, it istSaid beer frnsdy oth d tinitsiep.DrstmgEauntd. (You can't use this attacuUnle f the Defendied Pok`m h is Asle.d.GllestraCucoullOnce during your turn (before your attack), you maremove 1 dama e counter frt1cofng your opponent r Pok`mcp tsdy oth n (even iihaw cou Knota Out t ily othed Pok`m).s. This power can't be used iGllestth is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.DarknMBindIf your opponent has any Benched Pok`mon, choose 1 of them ane this attang does 10 damage rg e . (Don't appng Weakness and Resistange for Benched Pok`mo)noS shadisundesis fuare`moctthis Pok`m u limesow0imic t ile shadows osioomp s anuecli t eo titer night.DrowzslckP(rouonProihe enFlied t AsleoctWhee Eats titedrstms..O occasi lcklt gets Ki e frne Eurinbadedrstms.teHyp.) pphecyenL boht ad up t3gy casgr frnsThhop 1 oei oth h player'r deck ale Srrahange tmen as you li.d.Whee ilotas eyeows witthae ene,ch it fuauoosaemixws ossi removosuch e aHypnosss an, Conftsiep.Mt.sMinad.Ino vinablWrillWh neveanis attacnt iluending yo e o)ck does 3or 0 more dama p tMt. Mina20 (after applying Weakness a d Resistancds, preve n tha0 damau . (Any oth r effects of attacks sti l happen.) This power can't be used Mt.sMinath is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.M ritatakeDoes 10 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1 damage counte`m t the Defending Pok`m.m.rrintd.Iftr inrruptyz y whil0imihill, os wilslWris aroune the enees witg ihsurad thtilf.JynxonFlip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.Does 20 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1 damage counte`m t the Defending Pok`m.m.Hult eS cpellMereckld bm ritatihillt the Pok`m la Punovoaes powerfspPsyic g eneris atta.s.MewtwockPsysyickeDoes 10 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac Energy card attached t the Defending Pok`m.m.Disy cars 1 Energy card attached Mewtwoes inrowder 't use th s atta. D during your opponent's next tud , prevent a r effects of attac, t iluendin0 dama,ge done tMewtwo.d.GlletusenAtoctrieesigc Creadctthis Pok`m (aftey yeaer of hrific Lego-ggsieowins anDNA g gratoveri o ee Grimehis. EnergAbsorpttsionchoosd up t2 Energy casgr fr g youdisy carpiabls and attage tm e tMewtwo.d.Psysuwad. yeaer oLegotys o ee Grimehle resuedgt in egc Creiomo1 of t ge nev- (befo-seWhevi leveng Pok`m.m.Mews.Neuet lieezinShield.) prevent a r effects of attac, t iluendin0 dama,ge done tMewes brvolgched Pok`m n xiluending yo e o)us. This power sto s workirg whi Meweh is Asleep, Confused, r Paralyzed.NeweSpecierasoon ra n thattticks stilstSaid tt aemiramageyelt ano ee ootdO onlaas ftsioomp u halseWhethaw rldh ws.zeMyMastycg AttackDoef a rafroas mcoer of damagt s the Defendied Pok`m f ansargy t u f a rafror effeed t the Defending Pok`mod.Wheviewadctrehougaemicroscopa,g tthis Pok`m's a sho, a ma,ge licrea tir y can bseWh.d.Psywavan.Does 10 damage times the number f Energy casgy attached t the Defending Pok`m.m.Devoolliomoa Bmenchoosan rvolgched Pok`m nY yo e od, og your opponent)usR retu ththe nioretstamagevoolliomon ca `mon thar Pok`mcp t. Ith player tht.ckP Pidy.)Ti(AnBizardAge mk`mcsilight ibefolactr angoodcts. Ifflaps its wingat e gr anl devtsollquicd ublifendinstht.ckP PidottGoorr, oMovull oPiPidottGat haf attaeanuesext tud k eo t a mal e resuts o, that atta `moPiPidottGad t the Defending Pok`mod.BizardV verg protecvone of ita spwlowi tftri Stols, this Pok`mos wilfintcecklp decktas anp estand.ckP PidotckSlieowinWBindD does 30 damaad 1cofng your opponent'g Pok`mon thonht aGrafr... Don't appng Weakness and Resistange foe th s atta.u. (Any oth r effects thaw coull happ (after applying Weakness and Resistanks sti l happen.)Galan.SwitcP Pidotes with 1 of your Benched Pok`mon thonht aGrafr..If your opponent has any Benched Pok`monsSwitcg the Defending Pok`mos with 1 oe tmec thonht Grafrch. (cg thd damage before switching the Pok`mon.) Thig Pok`mofFliet aMan t2d spelsseWorkirs pr. . Ite larttaltivoaforf neate hawitaeanse psis.teurstr boy.UUnleoe th s attaoKnotas Out t the Defending Pok`m,st retu t the Defending Pok`mls andtily cas y attached f ed tg your opponent tht.ckWhen ntihill, oskimsgt ilesss fa 1 odWatet at high speedorpitacnff unerwyg, pyesuche haMagikarped.Ry atmitaRy lacuoee anythios when of attac. Sm lcrr an erana quidy, it iage mk`m silight ilt ans placetaRy icreackSup F FangD doe0 damage s the Defendied Pok`m e equal to half the Defending Pok`m' ir maicndieHP ) (rounded t to t e nearest 10).n't uaps its thkeears tmaicontaig i balaiencs. Ineemied t Aowedt owi of thetforc out elf.SAppeadisPeKickISAppeadat haf attaeanuesext tud k eo t a mal e resuts o, that atta `moSAppeadae s the Defendied Pok`mis. eats buetaigrasshetfoas.s. It hgt ylapuf ita shors wingat t high spe t to savtirbHoa.ctppeadisFlip a coin. If headst during your opponent's next tuds, prevent alr effects of attac,st iluendin0 dama,ge done tFppead.m.DrstilPeKicka Bkatwitf ith hugs atmagnificeveng winis, is cal keealtftteiwithou nev havihiononuensee foeare.n.CeftirickSiFangMe stromakechoose 1 of the Defendied Pok`m'his attas..Me stroma a pFliedht s attac xieptee fof ess Energy coc. (Now0s aeriw thae typf the Defending Pem`m h ep,eftiri'Itlypeat gs stiln Colorleen.)tirick. Itmagtr lnensec oeeyApplIt hgme a adrurrge. It in ra ensee r ann on tadyovw s heroas.n.Ceftblurechoose 1 of the Defendied Pok`m'his attas..Me stroma a pFliedht s attac xieptee fof ess Energy coc. (Now0s aeriw thae typf the Defending P`m`m h ep,eftblu'Itlypeat gs stiln Colorleen.)A al1 damage donblaf attackt ,eftbluck during your opponent's ne t tuIt in reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistanc..) imSaitiriar Pok`mcp that in raly aeWh.k? It wi rumls anhovi t thm momel, osnnsesnsioompup.Jigglypuffd.irsexAidm.Remove 1 damage counter fr Jigglypuffds.Doub-edenraJigglypuffck does 20 damage to itself.asmaonns.Whef ith hugeyeowu Liged ht, is wingamyMastocioablso nothitmT bo n thelrflvom its enFlied Asle.d.FyfrieshFliSotingFlip a coin. If heads,routay Basng Pok`moy carc thonht aGrafros fr g youdetacn d tg yous Bench.Y Y n can't use this attack if yoer Ben i is full.)ExpaBindA al1 damage dond tJigglypuffck duri g your opponent's next tuIt in reduc d b1 20 (after applying Weakness a d Resistanc.).Useg it ll durineyeowt tonraptDise itfoncs. It whes wingaompa usismT bo n thelrflvoo t aoeed t Asle.d.Lrflabys.Whef ith hugeyeowu Liged ht, is wingamyMastocioablso nothi mT bo n thelrflvom its enFlied t Asle.d.Wigglytuffd. (cg thWavan.Does 10 damage plu1 20 more damage for eaco if yoer Benched Pok`moerThs body isofgrr anrubumbr. Wh dangusede it wi suckts he ats a inftuldil itseltoas nsnstacio sili.m.MeowehgeCthar Punch does 20 damage t1cofng your opponent'g Pok`mon thonht aGrafr... Don't appng Weakness and Resistange foe th s atta.u. (Any oth r effects thaw coull happ (after applying Weakness and Resistanks sti l happen.)ScrycatzCy laAAppeard tbe20 moratecvonthae ligts. Ilemovo gr ans anrauro n winiisos, is c' as spgr frnp Kitnioe tmed up.PsavDaickFlip a coin. If headstspwip arwar.)Adstorecircusolaobjffec. a undsof t stre getodeaae ligckldanossd l bohe fodrotippelchoosy chanup.PiritchP(roceenIft, the Defendied Pok`m f attac Piritchck during your opponent's ne t tudss anl damage donblay ths attach ir reduced b1 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance (r Benuri forvolgowinei oth e Pok`m rienoe th r effer)d.ClassheCy laAAlthouge itfurIt hgme a adrurris, iossd hougdoon isurangaoet be,ecausofng itfitala manakne.d.Farfecat'datLk Sps.Flip a coin. If tailse th s attaerDoes nothin Ei oth wayk), yor can't use this attacag s heItbelonn Farfecat'dto sauetaih plon (ev ,roEurinFarfecat'dt`m t ter Ben y Don'let), yocause iag s c.).PoteS smaatld DuKickThspriger oLr bee nativoi ntoldoch is itse psits. Thisprigeisnd us mucheu liks mPetasworzed.D duinoFutycg AttackTg wnBizardAgf bius that makeupee fof espoor fpplyins witg ihy mosfs noh spe. LeMovegianosfs nprimehis.D dsoop.Re seaexAidm.AItbelonn aD dsooeisnr Bench,to p oUnlesdoone seaexg youAtecvong Pok`mod.Does 10 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1 damage counte`m D dsoooer tompbizardUseg itdh trebsntains toxec oe incolexes plc. whiltwoef hea Asleep dons hego saueawaknce.L KiitutingTelouthWrSps.L Kitnien. Ittelouthy can b nes endeu liks n nelosi'scs. IleMoveatstihaosi snnsreiomos when olitas e enFli.u!Cnsey.)Scr PunchFlip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done tCnseyod during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)CnseyodDoe8 30 damaed to itself.Ain ra ensee plctive Pok`mos that gsSaid tbdurinl hainnlesdooo hoo s ogme amaed tlycatztglf.Kchaask chFecatm.Drpwip arwar.)Comieaa PunchaneantckThinfplane raly reveutored out eg itmy oth'srg protecvonpouchee ttas, iossdh trey yeaerlzed.aurooteRampage.)Does 20 damage plu1 20 more damage for eac1 damage counte`m auroo. Flip a coin. If tailsauroo t ge now Confused (after doi l damace).ld BurillWh f ed targetthae ene, f eyh lars futociowyle whilehFlpowing ihs bo s witg ihbelong tahis.DittGooorphatRemove al1 damage countsgr fr DittG. F foe theares1 of thg ne, res pla DittG y with a pyts ofay Basng Pok`moy car(l oth r thuDittG) c thonht aGrafros fr g youdetais.DittGon is hbeloth s Asleep, Confuse r Paralyz,ve ispposed, oe anythi elsa n tham Ligebeoe thearesuts oan s attac(I ju n ak if ynl d rvolgchs, ).d.y TrafstmatWh f ealetitthae ene, f ihs bo t Trafigutored inta hewmlmosoopeffe a pyts of ihr opponeed.ail aingFlip a coin. If headsf the Defending P`m`m n can's attacEpreeck duri g your opponent's next tue (r Benuri forvolgowinei oth e Pok`m rienoe th r effer)d.Evoolliomen. ItLegotys code h iirr Latupts. Iu marutuldil iihai idxpo used radireiomoe frnelemomeetast bone).Porygsion Criritsi 1enIft, the Defendied Pok`m t hasng Weaknek), you may chan f ed ta lypeao if yoec ticily other than Colorle.on Criritsi 2.)Cngive rygsint'd Resistankd ta lypeao if yoec ticily other than Colorle.onVirtuHealve Pok`mos thactivis its e filyts to pagamnodincode. Cncapable oRemuri s Culies icyumbspaence.Snstlax.) TtacSitnpose.Snstlaxer can't , coms Asleep, Confusedr Paralyz,v, or isppos.s. This power can't be used iSnstlaxth is alreads Asleep, Confused, r Paralyz.s.oeadSmckSlWeepgrdV verlazr. J ju e Eans anrlWeo. Aseg it prr anbulkabuilzris, ibe, cockstlre wy n morsly ofuail.DrptihierLongactivideeate mye tr lnd Pok`m e ttaireceve flss wheatsm lcry cony t han founlceivine unddWat.lyDragote ackSlbeamAmyMatr lnd Pok`mos thaexulesia Legtluoaura. Havoo t ability y chan climuldisakiitativlf.DragotFtizeHealowinWBindWhef yod puDragotFti2s inth pl, reRemov2l1 damage countsgr fror ea o if yoeg Pok`mo . Iacg Pok`mot ha s fewer damage countsgs than tha , remove all oe tmer frnst r Pok`mo.. at isSaid thae Thig Pok`moo lis somis wherehen thseans ann thatt fFli. H povat,ee at io onlaarun mce.StdegInllOnce during your turn (before your attack)d iDragotFti2setodef your Benk), you masSwitcites witf youAtecvoed Pok`moerFlip 2 coins. This attack doe4 10 damage times the number of heads.AnidxtremTyne raly seWhemadurong Pok`mos. Itr inlu Letanat isSa s tmawitcg auts ohult ne).Profrle, oOBkatDisy carg you thtedt whetspwi7ly caso.. imsafteProfrle, oOBkatY your opponens Shuffath his or h thtts inth his or hor de,it wh tspws 7 y caso.BirillDrpwi2 y caso.Mr.Fujiotchoosaed Pok`m lntg yous Benc . Shuffligrr ane a y casgy attachgt ti lentnto youdetais.LassisY yrr any your opponens nor ea o otheg you thtsedt whes Shuffnt als thT drathoy casgr frng you thts entnto youdetaso.. akuni?atY youAtecvoed Pok`mon is no, Confusts. akuniat wt as yointh plth men aa a Basic Pok`m,r, bu, yor can. AmyMastocio c Cre surl nolis edgt ls thc Podex. Huranackkiasgy aroune t w rld,"WhGon ic oer-Pikachucor 0e?").PoPok`moT dundotT dunse 1 of tha Basic Pok`mo, Evoolliomon cardinng you thtee fo1 1 of tha Basic Pok`mo, rEvoolliom y casgr frng your deckS nobo o y casgt tg your opponec . Shufflg your deck afterwar.)c Pok`moB CuundotProutaStamag2rEvoolliomon caos fr g you thte`m t temawituriny Basng Pok`mht. Yor cio onlh plte Thin ca y whe, yaw coulbfnt aowpeedorrvolgc n thar Pok`mce as wed.,eftiri D rillP plt,eftiri D ri n ak iiteswhera a Basic Pok`m. whiltaih pl, ,eftiri D ri e cousrangad Pok`m (coitlrets ofaT drathoy ca). ,eftiri D ri t hah nf attac,sr can'ne seae,nensec can't bs Asleep, Confusedr Paralyz,v, or isppos.enIft,eftiri D ri i iKnotaus Outht, ik docan'e courangaKnotaus Outng Pok`mhtAtas ane tike during your tur (before your attak), you madisy car,eftiri D ri. (UoosG neBoiar Pok`mcc wmb 0enu opttsiedork eo ieen.)P pltMyMastocio Fossta n ak iiteswhe r a Basic Pok`m. whiltaih pl, MyMastocio Fossta e cousrangang Pok`mo(coitlrets ofaT drathoy ca). MyMastocio Fossta t hah nf attac, n can'ne seae,nensec can't bs Asleep, Confusedr Paralyz,v, or isppos.enIftMyMastocio Fossta i iKnotaus Ouths, ik docan'e courangaKnotaus Outng Pok`mht(Disy carigrr as we)tAtas a e tike during yo r tur (before yo r attak), you mudisy carMyMastocio Fossta r frnp plht(UoosG neBoiar Po- k`mcc wmb 0enu opttsiedork eo ieen.)s EnergRe sievHealT dunse 1 of tho othen cardinng yo thtee fod up t2a basic Enerly cas r frng yourisy carpiab.ckSup s EnergRe sievHealT duns2 1 of tho othen cardinng yo thtee fod up t4a basic Enerly cas r frng yourisy carpiab.ckc EnerlSearlySearch your deck for a basic Ener y carr and put ientnto you tht. . Shufflg your deck afterwar.)s EnergReremHealchoose  Energy card attached 1 o if yoer opponent'g Pok`mos a disy carig.ckSup s EnergReremHealDisy cars  Energy card attached 1 o if yoerwned Pok`mon inrowder , choose 1 of yoer opponent'g Pok`m s and up t2 Energy casgy attachgt ti . Disy caro hoos Energy cas.n.Switn.Switce 1 of yoer Benched Pok`m s witf yo Atecvoed Pok`moerd Pok`moCeountd.Remove al1 damage countsgr fret alofnf yoerwned Pok`mos wite damage countet`moe tmedt whetisy cart a f Energy casgy attached t hoo d Pok`moerd Po rillFlip a coin. If heads, you masSearch your deck for any Basng Pok`mo, rEvoolliom arwarkS nost y caro tg your opponeedt whed put entnto you tht.n. Shuffle your deck afterwarenScoop Up.)echoose 1 oe youd Pok`mon ih pl r anr retu g ita Basic Pok`mon caro o you tht.n(Disy cardtily cas y attached s thacrwar).)ComouWatlSearlyDisy car2 1 of tho othen cards fr g you thtes inrowder 'sSearch yo r deck for any carr and put ientn o you tht.n. Shuffle your deck afterwarenc PodexenL boht ad up t5oy casgr frnf thhop 1 og your deck anr Srrahange tmen o you li.d.Plusc wmberg Atth Plusc wmbro tg youAtecvong Pok`motAtaf thend 1 oe yout tud kisy carPlusc wmbin. Ifthis Pok`m'sis attang doe0 damaed tr anAtecvong Pok`m20 (after applying Weakness a d Resistancdst ths attang does 1n mo10 damage tt ThaAtecvoed Pok`moere Defemberg Atth e Defembed 1cofng youg Pok`motAtaf thend 1 oe your opponent's next tudskisy ca e Defemb. D damage done tst r Pok`mnblaf attacki in reduced by 0 (after applying Weakness a d Resistanc.).IttmeFifemberDisy car2 1 of tho othen cards fr g you thtes inrowder 'proutaT drath y carr frng yourisy carpiabientn o you tht.Gures1 oWBindchoose 1 oe your opponent'y Benched Pok`mns anrSwitcites with his otheAtecvoed Pok`moere voolliom Spraickchoose 1 oe yourwned Pok`mon ih pl r antaStamag1 oEvoolliom. Disy cate alEvoolliomon cardo o, thaStamag1rwt hier y attached s thad Pok`moerT thar Pok`mcn is hbeloth s Asleep, Confusedr Paralyz,ve ispposed, e anythioelsa n tham Ligebeoe t earesuts oanhs attan(I ju n ak if y l d rvolgch , ).d.PoliomenReRemov2l1 damage countsgr froe 1 e youd Pok`min. Ifthar Pok`mct h s fewer damage countsgs than tha , remove all oe tm.ckSup PoliomenDisy cars  Energy card attached 1 o if yoerwned Pok`mon inrowder , remov4l1 damage countsgr frost r Pok`mo Ift, thr Pok`mct has fewer damage countsgs than thas, remo e all oe tm.ckF fuaHealatY youAtecvoed Pok`mon is hbeloth s Asleep, Confusedr Paralyz,v, r isppos.enRevivan.Prou1ta Basic Pok`mon carr frng youdisy carpiabln d tg yous Benc Phou0 dama e countet`moe thar Pok`m e equal to halg itHP ) (roundedt o t to t e nearest 10 . (You can'h pl Revivack if yoer Benon is full.)Maicoenaoceen. Shuffl2 1 of tho othen cards fr g you thtes tnto youdetaon inrowd t ttspwip arwar.)c Pok`moFollurechoose a Basic Pok`mon carr fr g your opponent'disy carpiabls anpros, io inth his or hos Bench.Y Ysr can'h pltc Pok`moFolluck if your opponent'y Benon is full.)G nbngbn.. Shuffle you thtes tnto youdeta. Flip a coin. If headstspwi8gy cas. I if tailstspwi1 arwar.)RecycaureFlip a coin. If heads,routay catinng youdisy carpiabln hhop 1 oe youdetais>"lJ(xD@>D@asŇOO!W@ ͂@ɩSFqFsbqIsbqIKpDFq!F@A*foͣ@#*_*W*fo@A6A*foAA!@wA*fo*(6A+A!@wAə6AAAAB!&AwAɡ !A ͊A>G CBw   ͊ɹ͊!" ͢!A *O*G]TͿ! > "<  }|I!JB>lJ( ^#V#** $ ɂ?@A‰BĉCƉDEFGHIJŠKĊLƊMNOPQRS‹TċUƋVWXYZ[\Œ]Č^ƌ_`abcdefgh8i:j<!`<!>wD /r/rSrwrrrrs(sKsosD!><!`<!> wD N#F#]TͿ>!tD!><D!@<!> wD } |t  y!>!">">"#x"y">">" }!>!">">"#x"y"z="{=" #>">cw9JU}!}Un ~"~$~&G~(B}n-. /~n?g@;:?P9}h9[hyxgm- `P&$Ef`,&8Zl & (Eڰf ql! 8Zal h& "Eڰf ,$8XZl Z& &,Eڰf- lM.9Onm0123456789:;<]^_`abcdelmo@ABCDEFGHIJKLmnopqrstu?$/PQRSTUVWXYZ[\}~fghijkd*;L]n`  q1<  /@o\]^_PO klmnoNMLK8S JIHGf6:K?R09FEDCBp9[A@>=/y?[<;:9.aedc4. ro/Hۿ|[Z3 /9?sVU0Ρ!gfRQ.//['ba` o/H!YXW,~Tlny_ n n//[ nn=N(/2sT.!.\]x .%O?SlmZs/G&8?&!&9r$.&879j0i  & ?e4654wi wZe   dH/9oy%ۈeH/9ۈoy%eH/9[oy[%[G2!*+,-8./r01r9&'r/r6ser ls"#r$%p()os 2345/o S:K/@Qx0 KYS!/"O^o ^3ѯo^>!2CTev"O!4O2q#4OO@>cw< "?"0p.4DD 5T<5Edq6fLE=$=M`M p~gP=qM#/wY8]cs?_.?Par??`OpX`ScVgTgxbDU&fx7!<<ǀ <6) >C?; n)I! ^|xox)\ ȆO66))Q.6A#;.DcHO?cqa 8Ǻ <8800<kt ?i??ps{;aa`qqs3??UḟOp0p`xx0Lp`x8xx/ @| YA>>~%  ttwigD78`c`_pgq89{7g a>7swwc_QD; x<==yΎq<xi  UdRaTc_`P`oO@@z6?$@Uf5 #Go!2< ~Y`[f!`2?%&93;`113;bE>>\aE>~hÁE# `윏@@< '<6 `p V88?? 3?upx|8q<<8xxp?||ex>`?   7d?<oe @KIe  @Q$(@W "?s @ ?0QcTAT}A4c,"c@s r| j 9ox  ?97.@`fŁ NqI_q1_o~ ?ζ?@|x~-@~|x??2l03363GA|wS#~+#poq!ttuA!PX!A'8IZk|~R?w&";?v { 8[/zZS=%S=KWq@]S^'ߟ?8X` H￟_TYa@_AcGFyzgG`G~?g&GG;XXߴeG zyϮ$hH?ZXy9'g#G{ z|7qg0wZ 6ap!y~K #4~Muz~Mu% ċ'qR) ; 糏 ;-#Gǽ1N+'1_y?`?߿/@`?@?=@xaAB=m~~~Kd~!`_ BI~.nvGGǛww6Hw `qߟÁ 0`{SApv c 2{/0?_@ǀu]@~ J z`8]C<NR^y`R?_ A~_smp?h0ԇw/_PY!I ! 0#??@` OG?/?_?w @?ߟϏ`@hӣѧGC/]-_{ "?BhoO 80`D) f$u%/? 0=|?g7g~?ߟ}?o@ NÛqu~C2`Hw! 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