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It will be counted as a Knock Out (This Discard is not a Pok`mon Power) will draw Prize(s). drew Prize(s). placed a .Unable to select.Grass Fire Water Lightning Fighting PsychicBenchKnock Out20 damage to Self due to Confusion.Choose the Energy card you wish to discard.The Active Pok`mon was Knocked Out. Please choose the next Pok`mon.Press START When you are ready.You play first.You play second.Transmission Error. Start again from the beginning.Choose the card you wish to examine.Transmitting data...Waiting... Hand ExamineSelecting Bench Pok`mon... Hand Examine Back Retreated to the Bench. 's Retreat was unsuccessful. will use the Pok`mon Power .Finished the Turn without Attacking. 's Turn.Attached to . evolved into .Placed on the Bench. was placed in the Arena. shuffles the Deck.Since this is just practice, Do not shuffle the Deck.Each player will shuffle the opponent's Deck.Each player will draw 7 cards. drew 7 cards. 's deck has cards.Choose a Basic Pok`mon to place in the Arena.There are no Basic Pok`mon in 's hand.Neither player has any Basic Pok`mon in his or her hand.Return the cards to the Deck and draw again.You may choose up to 5 Basic Pok`mon to place on the Bench.Please choose an Active Pok`mon.Choose your Bench Pok`mon.You drew .You cannot select this card.Placing the Prizes...Please place Prizes.If heads,  plays first.A coin will be tossed to decide who plays first.Decision...The Duel with was a Draw!You won the Duel with !You lost the Duel with ...Start a Sudden-Death Match for 1 Prize!Prizes Left Active Pok`mon Cards in DeckNoneYesCards took all the Prizes!There are no Pok`mon in 's Play Area! was Knocked Out! have Pok`mon Power.Unable to us Pok`mon Power due to the effect of Toxic Gas. Play Check Play Check Select Check1 B  is thinking.ppppppppppSelect a computer opponent.Number of PrizesRandom 1Random 2Random 3Random 4Training COMPlayer 1Player 2Left to RightRight to LeftSTART: Change A: Execute B: EndOther Poison Sleep Payalysis Confusion Double Poison Clear Foul Gas Opponent's Hand Discard from Hand Select Deck Select Discard From Hand to Deck Take Prize Change Player Shuffle Deck Discard Bench Change CardWIN GAME LOSE GAME DRAW GAME CHANGE CASE PAUSE MODE CHANGE COMPUTER OPPONENT CHANGE PLAYER 2 TO COM FLIP 20 SAVE NOW LOAD FILESave FileLoad File ` Last Saved FilePause Mode is ON Press SELECT to PausePause Mode is OFFComputer Mode is OFFComputer Mode is ON Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon  Pok`mon Trainer Card Energy CardCard ListTest Coin FlipEnd without Prizes?Reset Back Up RAM?Your Data was destroyed somehow. The game cannot be continued in its present condition. Please restart the game after the Data is reset.No cards in hand.The Discard Pile has no cards.Player's Discard Pile 's Hand 's Play Area 's DeckPlease select Hand.Please select Card.There are no Pok`mon with Damage Counters.There are no Damage Counters.No Energy cards are attached to the opponent's Active Pok`mon.There are no Energy cards in the the Discard Pile.There are no Basic Energy cards in the Discard Pile.There are no cards left in the Deck.There is no space on the Bench.There are no Pok`mon capable of Evolving.You cannot Evolve a Pok`mon in the same turn it was placed.Not affected by Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, or Confusion.Not enough cards in Hand.No Pok`mon on the Bench.There are no Pok`mon in the Discard Pile.Conditions for evolving to Stage 2 not fulfilled.There are no cards in Hand that you can change.There are no cards in the Discard Pile.There are no Stage 1 Pok`mon in the Play Area.No Energy cards are attached to Pok`mon in your Play Area.No Energy cards attached to Pok`mon in your opponent's Play Area. Energy cards are required to Retreat.Not enough Energy cards.Not enough Fire Energy.Not enough Psychic Energy.Not enough Water Energy.There are no Trainer Cards in the Discard Pile.No Attacks may be choosen.You did not receive an Attack to Mirror Move.This attack cannot be used twice.No Weakness.No Resistance.Only once per turn.Cannot use due to Sleep, Paralysis, or Confusion.Cannot be used in the turn in which it was played.There is no Energy card attached.No Grass Energy.Cannot use since there's only 1 Pok`mon.Cannot use because it will be Knocked Out.Can only be used on the Bench.There are no Pok`mon on the Bench.Opponent is not AsleepUnable to use due to the effects of Toxic Gas.A Transmission Error occured.Back Up is broken.Error No. 02: Printer is not connected.Error No. 01: Batteries have lost their charge.Error No. 03: Printer paper is jammed.Error No. 02: Check cable or printer switch.Error No. 04: Printer Packet Error.Printing was interrupted.Card Pop! cannot be played with the Game Boy. Please use a Game Boy Color.Sand-attack check! If Tails, Attack is unsuccessful.Smokescreen check! If Tails, Attack is unsuccessful.Paralysis check! If Heads, opponent is Paralyzed.Sleep check! If Heads, opponent becomes Asleep.Poison check! If Heads, opponent is Poisoned.Confusion check! If Heads, opponent becomes Confused.Venom Powder check! If Heads, opponent is Poisoned & Confused.If Tails, your Pok`mon becomes Confused.Damage check! If Tails, no damage!!!If Heads, Draw 1 card from Deck!Flip until Tails appears. 10 damage for each Heads!!!If Heads, + 10 damage! If Tails, +10 damage to yourself!10 damage to opponent's Bench if Heads, damage to yours if Tails.If Heads, change opponent's Active Pok`mon.If Heads, Heal is successful.If Tails, damage to yourself, too.Success check!!! If Heads, Attack is successful!Trainer card success check! If Heads, you're successful!Card check! If Heads, 8 cards! If Tails, 1 card!If Heads, you will not receive damage during opponent's next turn!Damage checkDamage check! If Heads, + damage!!Damage check! If Heads, x damage!!Acid check! If Heads, unable to Retreat during next turn.Transparency check! If Heads, do not receive opponent's Attack!Confusion check, If Tails, damage to yourself!Confusion check! If Tails, unable to Retreat. 's Sleep check.Opponent is Poisoned if Heads, and Confused if Tails.If Heads, do not receive damage or effect of opponent's next Attack!If Heads, opponent cannot Attack next turn!Attack unsuccessful.Unable to Retreat due to the effects of Acid.Unable to use a Trainer card due to the effects of Headache.Unable to Attack due to the effects of Tail wag.Unable to Attack due to the effects of Leer.Unable to Attack due to the effects of Bone attack.Unable to use this Attack due to the effects of Amnesia. was Knocked Out due to the effects of Destiny Bond. receives damage due to the effects of Strikes Back.Unable to evolve due to the effects of Prehistoric Power.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Fly.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Barrier.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Agility.Unable to use this Attack due to the effects of N Shield.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of N Shield.No damage or effect on next Attack due to the effects of Transparency metamorphs to .Select a Pok`mon on the Bench to switch with the Active Pok`mon.Select a Pok`mon to place in the Arena. is selecting a Pok`mon to place in the Arena.Choose the Weakness you wish to change with Conversion 1.Choose the Resistance you wish to change with Conversion 2.Choose the Pok`mon whose color you wish to change with Color change.Changed the Weakness of  to .Changed the Resistance of  to .Changed the color of  to .Draw 1 card from the Deck.Draw card(s) from the Deck.Cannot draw a card because there are no cards in the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon on the Bench to give damage to.Choose up to 3 Pok`mon on the Bench to give damage to.Choose 1 Basic Energy card from the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon to attach the Energy card to.Choose and Discard 1 Fire Energy card.Choose and Discard 2 Fire Energy cards.Discard from opponent's Deck as many Fire Energy cards as were discarded.Choose and Discard 2 Energy cards.Choose a Krabby from the Deck.Choose and Discard an Energy card from the opponent's Active Pok`mon.Choose the Attack the opponent will not be able to use on the next turn.Choose a Basic Fighting Pok`mon from the Deck.Choose an Oddish from the Deck.Choose an OddishChoose a Krabby.Choose a Basic Energy card.Choose a Nidoran% or a Nidoran$ from the Deck.Choose a Nidoran% or a Nidoran$.Choose a Basic Fighting Pok`monProcedure for Energy Transfer: 1. Choose the Pok`mon to move Grass Energy from. Press the A Button. 2. Choose the Pok`mon to move the energy to and press the A Button. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 4. Press the B Button to end.Choose a Bellsprout from the Deck.Choose a Bellsprout.Choose a Pok`mon to remove the Damage counter from.Procedure for Curse: 1. Choose a Pok`mon to move the Damage counter from and press the A Button. 2. Choose a Pok`mon to move the Damage counter to and press the A Button. 3. Press the B Button to cancel.Choose 2 Energy cards from the Discard Pileto attach to a Pok`mon.Choose 2 Energy cards from the Discard Pile for your Hand.Choose an Energy card.Procedure for Prophecy: 1. Choose either your Deck or your opponent's Deck 2. Choose the cards you wish to place on top and press the A Button. 3. Select Yes after you choose the 3 cards and their order. 4. Press the B Button to cancel.Choose the order of the cards.Procedure for Damage Swap: 1. Choose a Pok`mon to move a Damage counter from and press the A Button. 2. Choose a Pok`mon to move the Damage counter to and press the A Button. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 4. Press the B Button to end. 5. You cannot move the counter if it will Knock Out the Pok`mon.Procedure for Devolution Beam. 1. Choose either a Pok`mon in your Play Area or your opponent's Play Area and press the A Button. 2. Choose the Pok`mon to Devolve and press the A Button. 3. Press the B Button to cancel.Procedure for Strange Behavior: 1. Choose the Pok`mon with the Damage counters to move to Slowbro and press the A Button. 2. Repeat step 1 as many times as you wish to move the counters. 3. Press the B Button to end. 4. You cannot move the damage if Slowbro will be Knocked Out.Choose the opponent's Attack to be used with Metronome.There is no in the Deck.Would you like to check the Deck?Please select the Deck: Yours Opponent'sPlease select the Play Area: Yours Opponent'sNidoran$ Nidoran%OddishBellsproutKrabbyFighting Pok`monBasic EnergyPeek was used to look at the in your Hand.Card Peek was used on and all attached cards were returned to the Hand. was chosen for the effect of Amnesia.A Basic Pok`mon was placed on each Bench. 's was unsuccessful.There was no effect from .The Energy card from 's Play Area was moved. drew Fire Energy from the Hand.The Pok`mon cards in 's Hand and Deck were shuffledRemove Damage counter each time the A Button is pressed. B Button quits.Choose a Pok`mon to remove the Damage counter from.Choose the card to Discard from the Hand.Choose a Pok`mon to remove Energy from and choose the Energy.Choose 2 Basic Energy cards from the Discard Pile.Choose a Pok`mon and press the A Button to remove Damage counters.Choose 2 cards from the Hand to Discard.Choose 2 cards from the Hand to return to the Deck.Choose a card to place in the Hand.Choose a Pok`mon to attach Defender to.You can draw up to cards. A to Draw, B to End.Choose a Pok`mon to return to the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon to place in play.Choose a Basic Pok`mon to Evolve.Choose a Pok`mon to Scoop Up.Choose a card from your Hand to Switch.Choose a card to Switch.Choose a Basic or Evolution Pok`mon card from the Deck.Choose a Pok`mon card.Rearrange the 5 cards at the top of the Deck.Please check the opponent's Hand.Evolution card was chosen.Choose a Basic Pok`mon to place on the Bench.Choose an Evolution card and press the A Button to Devolve 1.Choose a Pok`mon in your Area, then a Pok`mon in your opponent's.Choose up to 4 from the Discard Pile.Choose a Pok`mon to switch with the Active Pok`mon. and all attached cards were returned to the Deck. was returned from the Arena to the Hand. was returned from the Bench to the Hand. was returned to the Deck. was placed in the Hand.The card you receivedYou received these cards:Choose the card to put back.Choose the card to Discard.Discarded cards from 's Deck.Discarded from the Hand.None came! came to the Bench! has no cards in Hand! healed damage! devolved to !There was no Fire Energy.You can select more cards. Quit?There was no effect!There was no effect from ToxicThere was no effect from Poison.There was no effect from Sleep.There was no effect from Paralysis.There was no effect from Confusion.There was no effet from Poison, Confusion.Exchanged the cards in 's Hand.Battle CenterPrizes cardsChoose the number of Prizes.Please wait... Deciding the number of Prizes...Begin a -Prize Duel with .Are you both ready to Card Pop! ?The Pop! wasn't successful. Please try again.You cannot Card Pop! with a friend you previously Popped! with.Position the Game Boy Colors and press the A Button.Received through Card Pop! received a ! received a Promotional card ! received the Legendary card ! received a Promotinal card Flyin' Pikachu! received a Promotional card Surfin' Pikachu!Received a Flareon!!! Looked at the card list!Now printing. Please wait...Booster PackWould you like to try again?Sent to .Received from .Sending a card...Move the Game Boys close and press the A Button.Receiving a card...Move the Game Boys close together.Sending a Deck Configuration... Position the Game Boys and press A.Receiving Deck configuration... Position the Game Boys and press A.Card transfer wasn't successful.Card transfer wasn't successfulDeck configuration transfer wasn't successfulDeck configuration transfer wasn't successful.Now printing...Dr. MasonDraw 7 cards, and get ready for the battle! Choose your Active Pok`mon. You can only choose Basic Pok`mon as your Active Pok`mon, so you can choose either Goldeen or Staryu. For our practice duel, choose Goldeen.Choose Goldeen for this practice duel, OK?Next, put your Pok`mon on your Bench. You can switch Benched Pok`mon with your Active Pok`mon. Again, only Basic Pok`mon can be placed on your Bench. Choose Staryu from your hand and put it there.Choose Staryu for this practice duel, OK?When you have no Pok`mon to put on your Bench, press the B Button to finish.1. Choose Hand from the Menu. Select a Water Energy card.2. Attach a Water Energy card to your Active Pok`mon, Goldeen.3. Choose Attack from the Menu and select Horn Attack.1. Evolve Goldeen by attaching Seaking to it.2. Attach a Psychic Energy card to the evolved Seaking.3. Choose Attack and select Waterfall to attack your opponent.1. Attach a Water Energy card to your Benched Staryu.2. Choose Attack and attack your opponent with Horn Attack.1. Take Drowzee from your hand and put it on your Bench.2. Attach a Water Energy card to your Benched Drowzee.3. Choose Seaking and attack your opponent with Waterfall.1. Choose a Water Energy card from your hand and attach it to Staryu.2. Choose Staryu and attack your opponent with Slap.1. Choose the Potion card in your hand to recover Staryu's HP.2. Attach a Water Energy card to Staryu.3. Choose Staryu and attack your opponent with Slap.1. Evolve Staryu by attaching Starmie to it.2. Select the evolved Starmie and attack your opponent with Star Freeze.1. Select Starmie and attack your opponent with Star Freeze.2. You Knocked Machop Out. Now you can draw a Prize.1. Your Seaking was Knocked Out. Choose your Benched Staryu and press the A Button to set it as your Active Pok`mon.2. You can check Pok`mon data by pressing SELECT.To use the attack command, you need to attach Energy cards to your Pok`mon. Choose Cards from the Menu, and select a Water Energy card.Next, choose your Active Pok`mon, Goldeen, and press the A Button. Then the Water Energy card will be attached to Goldeen.Finally, attack your opponent by selecting an attack command. Choose Attack from the Menu, and select Horn Attack.Your Goldeen's gonna get Knocked Out. Let's evolve it! Choose Seaking from your hand and attach it to Goldeen to Evolve it. Its HP increases from 40 to 70.Your Seaking doesn't have enough Energy to use Waterfall. You need to attach a Psychic Energy card to Seaking.  means any Energy card. Now you can use Waterfall. Keep the Water Energy card for other Pok`mon.Now let's attack your opponent with Seaking's Waterfall!Seaking's got enough Energy, so you don't need to attach any more. Attach Energy cards to your Benched Pok`mon to get them ready for battle. Attach a Water Energy card to your Benched Staryu.Next, select the attack command. Machop has 10 HP left. Seaking's Horn Attack will be enough to Knock out Machop. Now, choose Seaking's Horn Attack.Now Machop's HP is 0 and it is Knocked Out. When you Knock Out the Defending Pok`mon, you can pick up a Prize.When all your Pok`mon are Knocked Out and there are no Pok`mon on your Bench, you lose the game. Put Drowzee, the Basic Pok`mon you just drew, on your Bench.Attach a Water Energy card to Drowzee to get it ready to attack.Choose your Active Seaking and attack your opponent with Waterfall.Staryu evolves into Starmie! Let's get Staryu ready to use Starmie's attack command when it evolves to Starmie. Choose the Water Energy card from your hand and attach it to Staryu.Attack your opponent with Staryu's Slap.Now, recover Staryu with a Trainer card. Choose Potion from your hand.Now let's get ready to evolve it to Starmie. Also, attach a Water Energy card to Staryu.Attack your opponent with Staryu's Slap to end your turn.Now you have finally drawn a Starmie card! Choose Starmie from your hand and use it to evolve Staryu.You've already attached enough Energy to use Star Freeze. Attack your opponent with Starmie's Star Freeze.Now Machop has only 10 HP left. Let's finish the battle! Attack with Starmie's Star Freeze. You've Knocked Out your opponent! Pick up the last Prize.  is the winner!Choose a Benched Pok`mon to replace your Knocked Out Pok`mon. You now have Drowzee and Staryu on your Bench. Choose Staryu as the Active Pok`mon for this practice duel.Here, press SELECT to check Pok`mon data. It is important to know your cards and the status of your Pok`mon.Select Staryu for this practice, OK?Now, let's play the game!Do you need to practice again?This is Practice Mode, so please follow my guidance. Do it again. 's turn  Replace due to Knockout DummyPractice PlayerSam's PracticeCharmander & FriendsCharmander extraSquirtle & FriendsSquirtle extraBulbasaur & FriendsBulbasaur extraFirst-StrikeRock CrusherGo Go Rain DanceZapping SelfdestructFlower PowerStrange PsyshockWonders of ScienceFire ChargeLegendary MoltresLegendary ZapdosLegendary ArticunoLegendary DragoniteI'm Ronald!Powerful RonaldInvincible RonaldLegendary RonaldWaterfront Pok`monLonely FriendsSound of the WavesAngerFlamethrowerReshuffleExcavationBlistering Pok`monHard Pok`monEtceteraFlower GardenKaleidoscopeMuscles for BrainsHeated BattleLove to BattlePikachuBoom Boom SelfdestructPower GeneratorGhostNap TimeStrange PowerFlyin' Pok`monLovely NidoranPoisonImakuni?Lightning & FireWater & FightingGrass & PsychicRetreat CostBF8C27pC>pD??4ABF8C27pC>p;>F4Az{Your Discard PileOpponent's Discard PileDeck+7>% %012EndWhat is your name?ppp p%p*p/p4p7 ppp!p&p+p0p5p8 ppp"p'p,p1p6p9 ppp#p(p-p2pp?p@pA BpCpDpEpFpGpHpIpn op]pjpkpwp`papbpc dpepfpgphpipppp ppppppppppppppppp0p1p2p3p4p5p6p7p8 9p:p;pp?p@pA BpCpDpEpFpGpHpIpn op]pjpkpzp`papbpc dpepfpgphpipppppp pppppppppppppppppNew deckPlease select deck.Modify deckChange nameSelect deckCancelas was chosen as the dueling deck!awbwcwdwThere is no Deck here!ConfirmDismantleModifySaveNameThere is only 1 Deck, so this Deck cannot be dismantled.There are no Basic Pok`mon in this Deck!You must include a Basic Pok`mon in the Deck!This isn't a 60-card deck!The Deck must include 60 cards!Return to original configuration?Save this Deck?Quit modifying the Deck?Dismantle this Deck?No cards chosen.Your Pok`monYour Discard PileYour HandTo Your Play AreaOpponent's Pok`monOpponent's Discard PileOpponent HandTo Opponent's Play Area 's Play AreaYour Play AreaOpp. Play AreaIn Play AreaGlossaryWhich card would you like to see?Please choose a Prize.Hand 's Hand 's Discard PileppppppppppppppppppBooster Pack1. Colosseum2. Evolution3. Mystery4. Laboratory5. Promotional CardView which Card File?kkkkkkkkkk's Cardskkkkkkkkkkkkkk Deck Save Machine Save a DeckDelete a DeckBuild a DeckChoose a Deck to Save.You may only Save 60 Decks. Please Delete a Deck first.forSaved the configuration for  ! No Deck is saved.Please choose a Deck configuration to delete.Do you really wish to delete?Deleted the configuration for  .You may only carry 4 Decks!Choose a deck to dismantle.Dismantled  .Please choose the Deck you wish to Build.This Deck can only be built if you dismantle another Deck.You do not own all cards needed to build this Deck.Built These cards are needed to build this Deck:Dismantle these Decks?Dismantled the Deck.OK if this file is deleted?Read the InstructionsPrint this card? Yes NoPlease choose a Deck configuration to print.Print this Deck?Print the card list? Yes NoPok`mon Cards Deck Configuration Card List Print Quality Quit PrintWhat would you like to print?Please set the contrast: Light 1 2 3 4 5 DarkPlease make sure to turn the Game Boy Printer OFF.Procedures for sending cards:1. Choose the card you wish to send. Press left/right to choose more. 2. Choose all the cards. Then press the B Button to open the menu. 3. Choose Send to finish the process.Please read the procedures for sending cards.SendCard receivedCard to sendSend these cards?Received these cards from !Please choose a Deck configuration to send.Please choose a Save Slot.Receive configuration.Received a deck configuration from ! Fighting Machine  Rock Machine  Water Machine  Lightning Machine  Grass Machine  Psychic Machine  Science Machine  Fire Machine  Auto Machine  Legendary Machine All Fighting Pok`monBench AttackBattle ContestHeated BattleFirst-StrikeSqueaking MouseGreat QuakeBone AttackExcavationRock CrusherBlue WaterOn the BeachParalyze!Energy RemovalRain DancerCute Pok`monPok`mon FluteYellow FlashElectric ShockZapping SelfdestructInsect CollectionJungleFlower GardenKaleidoscopeFlower PowerPsychic PowerDream Eater HaunterScavenging SlowbroStrange PowerStrange PsyshockLovely NidoranScience CorpsFlyin' Pok`monPoisonWonders of ScienceReplace 'Em AllChari-SaurTraffic LightFire Pok`monFire ChargeCharmander & FriendsSquirtle & FriendsBulbasaur & FriendsPsychic MachampWater BeetleLegendary MoltresLegendary ZapdosLegendary ArticunoLegendary DragoniteMysterious Pok`monA Deck of Fighting Pok`mon: Feel their Fighting power!A Deck of Pok`mon that can attack the Bench.A Deck which uses Fighting Attacks such as Slash and Punch.A powerful Deck with both Fire and Fighting Pok`mon.A Deck for fast and furious attacks.A Deck made of Mouse Pok`mon. Uses PlusPower to Power up!Use Dugtrio's Earthquake to cause great damage.A Deck of Cubone and Marowak - A call for help.A Deck which creates Pok`mon by evolving Mysterious Fossils.A Deck of Rock Pok`mon. It's Strong against Lightning Pok`mon.A Deck of Water Pok`mon: Their Blue Horror washes over enemies.A well balanced Deck of Sandshrew and Water Pok`mon!Paralyze the opponent's Pok`mon: Stop 'em and drop 'em!Uses Whirlpool and Hyper Beam to remove opponents' Energy cards.Use Rain Dance to attach Water Energy for powerful Attacks!A Deck of cute Pok`mon such as Pikachu and Eevee.Use the Pok`mon Flute to revive opponents' Pok`mon and Attack!A deck of Pok`mon that use Lightning Energy to zap opponents.A Deck which Shocks and Paralyzes opponents with its Attacks.Selfdestruct causes great damage - even to the opponent's Bench.A Deck made of Insect Pok`mon Go Bug Power!A Deck of Grass Pok`mon: There are many dangers in the Jungle.A Deck of Flower Pok`mon: Beautiful but DangerousUses Venomoth's Pok`mon Power to change the opponent's Weakness.A powerful Big Eggsplosion and Energy Transfer combo!Use the Psychic power of the Psychic Pok`mon to Attack!Uses Haunter's Dream Eater to cause great damage!Continually draw Trainer Cards from the Discard Pile!Confuse opponents with mysterious power!Use Alakazam's Damage Swap to move damage counters!Uses Nidoqueen's Boyfriends to cause great damage to the opponent.The march of the Science Corps! Attack with the power of science!Pok`mon with feathers flock together! Retreating is easy!A Deck that uses Poison to slowly Knock Out the opponent.Block Pok`mon Powers with Muk and attack with Mewtwo!A Deck that shuffles the opponent's cardsAttack with Charizard - with just a few Fire Energy cards!Pok`mon that can Attack with Fire, Water or Lightning Energy!With Fire Pok`mon like Charizard, Rapidash and Magmar, it's hot!Desperate attacks Damage your opponent and you!A Fire, Grass and Water Deck: Charmander, Pinsir and SeelA Water, Fire, and Lightning Deck: Squirtle, Charmander and PikachuA Grass, Lightning and Psychic Deck: Bulbasaur, Pikachu and AbraMachamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan Gengar and Alakazam are furious!An Evolution Deck with Weedle, Nidoran$ and Bellsprout.Gather Fire Energy with the Legendary Moltres!Zap opponents with the Legandary Zapdos!Paralyze opponents with the Legendary Articuno!Heal your Pok`mon with the Legendary Dragonite!A very special Deck made of very rare Pok`mon cards!Pok`mon Card GlossaryDeck Active Pok`mon Discard Pile Bench Pok`mon Hand Prizes Arena Damage Counter Bench To next page Energy Card Pok`mon Power Trainer Card Weakness Basic Pok`mon Resistance Evolution Card Retreat Attack To previous pageChoose a word and press the A button.About the DeckAbout the Discard PileAbout the HandAbout the ArenaAbout the BenchAbout the Active Pok`monAbout Bench Pok`monAbout PrizesAbout Damage CountersAbout Energy CardsAbout Trainer CardsAbout Basic Pok`monAbout Evolution CardsAbout AttackingAbout Pok`mon PowerAbout WeaknessAbout ResistanceAbout RetreatingThe Deck is the pile of cards you will be drawing from. At the beginning of your turn, you will draw 1 card from your Deck. If there are no cards to draw from the Deck, you lose the game.The pile in which you place used cards is called the Discard Pile. You can look at both yours and your opponent's Discard Pile with the Check command.The cards held by each player are called a Hand. There is no restriction to the number of cards in the Hand. You may even have 10 or 20 cards in your Hand.The place where the Pok`mon that is actively fighting is placed is called the Arena. The game proceeds by using the Active Pok`mon in the Arena.The Bench is where your Pok`mon that are in play but aren't actively fighting sit. They're ready to come out and fight if the Active Pok`mon retreats or is Knocked Out. You can have up to 5 Pok`mon on the Bench.The Active Pok`mon is the Pok`mon that is in the Arena. Only Active Pok`mon can attack.The Pok`mon that are in play but aren't actively fighting are called Bench Pok`mon. They're ready to come out and fight if the Active Pok`mon retreats or is Knocked Out. If the Active Pok`mon is Knocked Out and you don't have a Bench Pok`mon, you lose the game.Prizes are the cards placed to count the number of the opponent's Pok`mon you Knocked Out. Every time one of your opponent's Pok`mon is Knocked Out, you take 1 of your Prizes into your Hand. When you take all of your Prizes, you win the game.A Damage Counter represents the amount of damage a certain Pok`mon has taken. 1 Damage Counter represents 10 HP of damage. If a Pok`mon with an HP of 30 has 3 Damage Counters, it has received 30 HP of damage, and its remaining HP is 0.Energy Cards are cards that power your Pok`mon, making them able to Attack. There are 7 types of Energy Cards [ Grass] [ Fire] [ Water] [ Lightning] [ Psychic] [ Fighting] and [ Double Colorless] You may only play 1 Energy Card from your Hand per turn.Trainer Cards are support cards. There are many Trainer Cards with different effects. Trainer Cards are played during your turn by following the instructions on the card and then discarding it. You may use as many Trainer Cards as you like.Basic Pok`mon are cards that can be played directly from your hand into the play area. Basic Pok`mon act as the base for Evolution Cards. Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur are examples of Basic Pok`mon.Evolution Cards are cards you play on top of a Basic Pok`mon card (or sometimes on top of another Evolution Card) to make it stronger. There are Stage 1 and Stage 2 Evolution Cards. If you do not have a Basic Pok`mon in the Play Area, you cannot place the Stage 1 Evolution Card, and if you do not have a Stage 1 Evolution Card in the Play Area, you cannot place the Stage 2 Evolution Card.By choosing Attack, your Pok`mon will fight your opponent's Pok`mon. Your Pok`mon require Energy in order to Attack. The amount of Energy required differs according to the Attack. The Active Pok`mon is the only Pok`mon that can Attack.Unlike Attacks, Pok`mon Power can be used by Active or Benched Pok`mon. Some Pok`mon Power are effective by just placing the Pok`mon in the Play Area, but for some you must choose the command, PKMN Power.Some Pok`mon have a Weakness. If a Pok`mon has a Weakness, it takes double damage when attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type.Some Pok`mon have Resistance. If a Pok`mon has Resistance, it takes 30 less damage whenever attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type.By choosing Retreat, you can switch the Active Pok`mon with a Pok`mon on your Bench. Energy is required to Retreat your Active Pok`mon. The amount of Energy required to Retreat differs for each Pok`mon. To Retreat, you must discard Energy equal to the Retreat Cost of the retreating Pok`mon.Modify Deck Card List Album List Deck Save Machine Printing Menu Auto Deck Machine Gift Center Name InputFighting Machine Rock Machine Water Machine Lightning Machine Grass Machine Psychic Machine Science Machine Fire Machine Auto Machine Legendary MachineSend a Card Receive a Card Give Deck Instructions Receive Deck InstructionsLecture DuelFirst Strike Deck  Mason Laboratory  ISHIHARA's House  Fighting Club  Rock Club  Water Club  Lightning Club  Grass Club  Psychic Club  Science Club  Fire Club  Challenge Hall  Pok`mon Dome  ??'s House Mason LaboratoryMr Ishihara's HouseFightingRockWaterLightningGrassPsychicScienceFireChallenge HallPok`mon Dome??'s HouseStatus Diary Deck Card Config ExitStatus Diary Deck Card Config Debug CloseName Album mPlay time ^ 's diaryMaster Medals Won Would you like to keep a diary? wrote in the diary.Nothing was recorded in the diary.Master Medals Change SettingsMessage Speed Slow 1 2 3 4 5 FastDuel Animation Show All Skip Some None Exit SettingsDuel [ ] SELECT [ ] Receive many cards To Pok`mon Dome 1 To Pok`mon Dome 2Normal DuelSkipNormalFreeze ScreenCard Album Read Mail Glossary Print Shut Down turned the PC on! turned the PC off!Send Card Receive Card Send Deck Configuration Receive Deck Configuration ExitSend CardReceive CardSend Deck ConfigurationReceive Deck Configuration Mail Which mail would you like to read?Mail 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415pppppMail 1Mail 2Mail 3Mail 4Mail 5Mail 6Mail 7Mail 8Mail 9Mail 10Mail 11Mail 12Mail 13Mail 14Mail 15NEW GAMECARD POP! CONTINUE FROM DIARY NEW GAMECARD POP! CONTINUE FROM DIARY New Game CONTINUE DUELWhen you CARD POP! with a friend, you will each receive a new card! Master Medals Won   Album m Play time ^Start a New Game. The Game will continue from the point in the duel at which the power was turned OFF.Saved data already exists. If you continue, you will lose all the cards you have collected.OK to delete the data?All data was deleted.Data exists from when the power was turned OFF during a duel. Choose CONTINUE DUEL on the Main Menu to continue the duel. If you continue now, the heading, CONTINUE DUEL, will be deleted, and the game will start from the point when you last wrote in the Diary. Would you like to continue the Game from the point saved inCONTINUE FROM DIARY?You can access Card Pop! only with two Game Boy Colors. Please play using a Game Boy Color. is crazy about Pok`mon and Pok`mon card collecting! One day, heard a rumor: "The Legendary Pok`mon Cards... the extremely rare and powerful cards held by Pok`mon Trading Card Game's greatest players... The Grand Masters are searching for one to inherit the legend!" Dreaming of inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards, visits the Pok`mon card researcher, Dr. Mason...POWER ON DUEL MODE CONTINUE FROM DIARY CGB TEST SGB FRAME STANDARD BG CHARACTER LOOK AT SPR V EFFECT CREATE BOOSTER PACK CREDITS QUITNORMAL DUEL SKIPCOLOSSEUM EVOLUTION MYSTERY LABORATORY Energy1 2 3 4 5 6 71 2 3 4 5 61 2 3 4 51 2 3 4A TIME TO (Change with Start) A+B: Stop Animation Select: ExitLeftRightSPR_WIN Prizes Duel LOSE with ( ) Use 's Deck received a Booster Pack: ....And another Booster Pack: . checked the cards in the Booster Pack!!Substitute screen for receiving cards. Won the Medal!Substitute screen for sending cards by Link cable.Substitute screen for receiving cards by Link cable.Substitute screen for sending a Deck design.Substitute screen for receiving a Deck design.????Ending Screen THE ENDWas the data transfer successful?(Person transferring data to)(Name of Deck transferring)  DeckFighting Club MemberRock Club MemberWater Club MemberLightning Club MemberGrass Club MemberPsychic Club MemberScience Club MemberFire Club MemberFighting Club MasterRock Club MasterWater Club MasterLightning Club MasterGrass Club MasterPsychic Club MasterScience Club MasterFire Club MasterCOLOSSEUMEVOLUTIONMYSTERYLABORATORYDr. MasonRonaldISHIHARAImakuni?CLERKSamTECHCLERKChrisMichaelJessicaMitchMatthewRyanAndrewGeneSaraAmandaJoshuaAmyJenniferNicholasBrandonIsaacBrittanyKristinHeatherNikkiRobertDanielStephanieMurrayJosephDavidErikRickJohnAdamJonathanKenCOURTNEYSteveJackRodManWomanCHAPGALLassPappyLadHOSTSpecsButchHoodChampManiaGrannyGuideAaron60 MEWTWO 8 MEW 34 ARCANINE16 PIKACHU13 SURFING PIKACHU20 ELECTABUZZ9 SLOWPOKE12 JIGGLYPUFF68 ZAPDOS37 MOLTRES37 ARTICUNO41 DRAGONITESuper Energy Retrieval12 FLYING PIKACHULightning & Fire DeckWater & Fighting DeckGrass & Psychic DeckPlease select the Deck you wish to Duel against.CHARMANDER & Friends DeckSQUIRTLE & Friends DeckBULBASAUR & Friends DeckPlease select the Deck you want.Hi, . How can I help you?Normal Duel Practice Rules NothingEnergy Attacking Retreating Evolving Pok`mon Using Pok`mon Power Ending Your Turn Win or Loss of a Duel Nothing to Ask , It's me, Doctor Mason. Are you getting the hang of the Pok`mon Trading Card Game? I have some information for you about Booster Packs. If you want to collect the same cards, duel the same person many times to get a particular Booster Pack! By doing so, you will be able to collect the same cards, making it easier for you to build your Deck. Another method for collecting cards is to use CARD POP! When you and a friend use CARD POP!, you will each receive a new card! Once you POP! with a certain friend, you won't be able to POP! with that friend again, so find many friends who own the Pok`mon Trading Card Game for Game Boy, and CARD POP! with them to get new cards! Oh, here's something for you...I'll be sending you useful information by e-mail. I'll also attach a Booster Pack for you, so check your mail often. Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;) , It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information for you about Mitch's deck - he's the Master of the Fighting Club. His First-Strike Deck is built for a quick attack, but it's weak against Psychic Pok`mon! I suggest you duel him using the Deck from the Psychic Medal Deck Machine. Here's a Booster Pack for you... , I know you can do it! Go win the Fighting Medal! Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;) , It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information about Gene's deck - he's the Master of the Rock Club. His Rock Crusher Deck is extremely strong against Lightning Pok`mon, but it's weak against Grass Pok`mon! I suggest you study the Deck from the Grass Medal Deck Machine. Oh! Before I forget... Here's a Booster Pack for you! ! Go defeat Gene, the Master of the Rock Club! Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;) , It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information for you about Amy's deck - she's the Master of the Water Club. Her deck uses Rain Dance - Blastoise's Pok`mon Power. This deck allows her to keep attaching Water Energy to her Water Pok`mon to power them up. Her deck's weakness is Lightning Pok`mon! I suggest you duel her using the deck from the Psychic Medal Deck Machine. Here's a Booster Pack for you. ! Keep at it, and don't give up! Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;)How's it going, ? It's me, Doctor Mason. I have some information for you about Isaac's deck - he's the Master of the Lightning Club. His deck is a Selfdestruct deck! He uses Selfdestruct for maximum damage! Watch the number of Energy cards on his Pok`mon and look out for Selfdestruct. I would suggest using Fighting Pok`mon such as Cubone and Rhyhorn to counter Isaac's deck. The Cubone & Marowak Deck from the Rock Medal Deck Machine is probably your best bet. I hope you find many Fighting Pok`mon in this Booster Pack!Did you find the Pok`mon you were looking for in the Booster Pack? Mason Laboratory Doctor Mason ;)It's me, Doctor Mason. Have you won many Master Medals? I have some information for you about Nikki's deck - she's the Master of the Grass Club. You must be wary of Exeggutor's Big Eggsplosion with Nikki's deck. Use your Fire Pok`mon to knock out Exeggute and Exeggutor at an early stage! I suggest you study the Deck from the Fire Medal Deck Machine. I'll give you a Booster Pack that should contain a lot of Fire Pok`mon.Did it have a lot of Fire Pok`mon (the weakness of Grass Pok`mon)? Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)Are you getting any closer to inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards? Murray of the Psychic Club - I have some information on his deck! It seems to be a deck that uses Alakazam's Damage Swap! It will be difficult to defeat his deck of Psychic Pok`mon. Psychic Pok`mon are tricky since their weakness is Psychic Pok`mon! Try to defeat him before his Pok`mon evolves into Alakazam. Murray is a tough opponent... Here, take this!Fight to the end,  , and don't give up! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason. How are you doing, ? I have some information for you about Rick's deck - he's the Master of the Science Club. His deck uses Muk's Toxic Gas to prevent your Pok`mon from using Pok`mon Power! Avoid using a deck that relies on Pok`mon Power to attack. His deck's weakness is Psychic Pok`mon! Collect Psychic Pok`mon to duel his deck! I suggest you study the deck from the Psychic Medal Deck Machine. Hopefully, it will be of some assistance...Win all 8 Master Medals,  ! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason. Have you collected many cards? I have some information about Ken's deck - he's the Master of the Fire Club. His deck consists of Fire Pok`mon and Colorless Pok`mon! Pit a Water Pok`mon against the Fire Pok`mon and a Fighting Pok`mon against the Colorless Pok`mon. Study the decks from the Water and Fighting Medal Deck Machines! Here's a gift for you! It's a MYSTERY Booster Pack!Look closely at the cards you just received. You should be able to come up with a winning strategy! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason. It looks like you've won quite a few medals. Want to try building your own deck? Start by changing some of the cards in your present deck. Keep changing a few cards at a time, and eventually you'll have your own unique deck! It's not that difficult. Give it a try! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. Here's a deal - this time, you get 2 Booster Packs!Did you try building your own deck? This time, I'll give you tips on the types and number of cards you should include in your deck. If you have 3 of a Basic Pok`mon card, you'll want 2 of its Stage 1 and 1 of its Stage 2 Pok`mon. If you follow this rule, your deck will be well balanced. You should have about 14 Basic Pok`mon and anywhere between 20 and 26 Energy Cards in your deck. The type of Energy Cards will depend on the type of Pok`mon you have in your deck. You might want to look at the decks in the Deck Machine for hints. Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. This time, I'm sending 2 Booster Packs again! , It's me, Dr. Mason. You're finally going to be dueling a Grand Master... Grand Master COURTNEY uses the Legendary Moltres, so her deck should be made up of Fire Pok`mon. Be sure to use Water Pok`mon, since Water Pok`mon are the weakness of Fire Pok`mon. Other than that, just watch how your opponent plays, and choose your strategy accordingly. Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. You're almost there. Keep up the good work! , It's me, Dr. Mason! Grand Master Steve uses the Legendary ZAPDOS. The Legendary ZAPDOS's Peal of Thunder and Big Thunder randomly choose a target, so you never know which Pok`mon will receive damage. Be sure to look after, not only your Active Pok`mon, but also the Pok`mon on your Bench. His deck should be made up mostly of Lightning Pok`mon, so duel him using your Fighting Pok`mon. Defeat the Grand Masters,  !!! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. 3 more to go!It's me, Dr. Mason! 2 more Grand Masters to go! Grand Master Jack uses the Legendary Articuno. He will use the Legendary Articuno's QuickFreeze to paralyze your Pok`mon. Also, be wary of his other Articuno's Freeze Dry. His deck should be mostly Water Pok`mon, so it will be weak against Lightning Pok`mon! Go get 'em, ! You're almost there! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;)It's me, Dr. Mason! The final duel is here! I have some information on Rod, the leader of the Grand Masters. Rod uses the Legendary Dragonite. The longer the duel takes, the greater the advantages for his deck. His workhorse will be his Evolution Pok`mon, so defeat them while they are still in their Basic stage! Follow the simple strategy of striking early. This is the final test in inheriting the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! Go, ! Be a part of the legend! Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. This is my final gift for you.You have already received the attached Booster Pack."Pok`mon Trading Cards 101"This message is not in yet!Hello! Welcome to the Water Club! This is a Club devoted to Water Pok`mon. There are many different types of Water Pok`mon, so it's fun just to collect them.We don't use Fire Pok`mon cards here at the Water Club. I have this rare Arcanine, but I prefer Lapras. If you own a Lapras, would you mind trading it for my Arcanine?Hi! We meet again! Have you decided to trade your Lapras for my rare Arcanine?Would you like to trade?Aw, you're not going to trade with me? Well, that's too bad... But if you change your mind, come look for me.Hey! What are you trying to pull? You don't have a Lapras!?! Come see me when you get a Lapras.OK! Let's trade your Lapras for my Arcanine... Oh! I see your Lapras is included in your deck. I'd feel guilty taking a card from your deck. Maybe next time. OK then, let's trade your Lapras for my Arcanine. traded a Lapras for an Arcanine!Thanks, ! I'll take good care of this Lapras.Hey! You're the one who gave me your Lapras! I'm taking good care of your Lapras.Do you know Imakuni?? He's a suspicious-looking guy dressed all in black! You'll find him dancing away in the lounge at one of the Clubs! He stands out, so it shouldn't be too hard to identify him. But maybe you shouldn't go near him!Look! That's Imakuni? over there! Doesn't he look strange? You'll find him even stranger when you talk to him.What a strange guy Imakuni? is! Have you found him yet? It's rumored that he has really rare cards! He's really strange, but you might want to duel him.All Amy, the Master of this Club, does lately is sleep. She's bored because she doesn't have anybody to duel.Sara and Amanda of the Water Club are twins. No wonder they look so much alike!It feels so good to swim in the pool! Do you want to take a swim? Or would you rather duel?Would you like to duel Sara?No? Then maybe I'll go for a dip.There will be 2 Prizes. The duel will be 1 match. OK, let's start!Uh-oh! I guess I lost... Maybe I shouldn't have been swimming so much.I guess I have to practice more to improve my Pok`mon card game.It might look like all I can do is swim, but I play a pretty mean game of Pok`mon Trading Cards! Do you want to join the Water Club?Doesn't it feel good to relax by the pool? Isn't it wonderful to duel in a place like this?Would you like to duel Amanda?Why... How boring!OK, we'll play with 3 Prizes. It'll be a 1-match duel!Oops, I lost! Now I'm in trouble!Losing kind of destroys the atmosphere of the place.Winning in such nice surroundings makes it all the more pleasurable!Hey! Stop! This is a restricted area! Amy, the Club Master, is resting!The person resting over there is Amy, the Club Master. If you wish to duel Amy, go defeat Sara and Amanda first. Then I will test your skill, and if by chance you should win, I will introduce you to Amy, the Club Master!What? You defeated Sara and Amanda?You must be pretty good if you defeated Sara and Amanda... As promised, I'll test your skills. If you win, I will introduce you to Amy...You wish to duel against me?Would you like to duel Joshua?You don't want to duel? Are you afraid you won't be able to defeat me? The only way you will be able to meet Amy is by going through me!You don't want to duel? Are you afraid you won't be able to defeat me? That's understandable since I'm very good!OK, this will be a 1-match duel with 4 Prizes!How's that! I win! I'm sorry, but unless you defeat me, I can't let you meet Amy.How's that! I win! Too bad for you, but I'm the second best player after Amy!What!?! How could I lose?What!?! How could I lose again?Well, since I promised... I'll introduce you to Amy.How could this be? It must be luck! Yeah, that's what it was!Don't think you're that good just because you defeated me. We still have Amy here at the Water Club.Amy! Please wake up!!Huh? What's going on? I was enjoying my little nap...Well, um... (psst, psst, psst)What? You lost? How could you!?!Was it ? I will be your next opponent. I, Amy, the Master of the Water Club!Aren't you ? So you decided you want to duel me?Would you like to duel Amy?No? How boring! I was looking forward to a game of Pok`mon Trading Cards. Well, come see me again!OK! A 1-Match Duel with 6 Prizes! Let's do it!Oh, no! I lost!?!Well, since I lost, you can have this Water Medal. This should get you a step closer to inheriting the Legendary Cards!Here, you can also have these! They should come in handy!Come see me again! I'd like to duel you again sometime!Hah! I'm the best! Come see me again sometime! I'd like another duel!Hi, . Nice to see you again!!! Did you come to play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game?OK, same rules as before! A 1-match duel with 6 Prizes!Hello. Welcome to the Fighting Club! Here at this Club, we duel using Fighting Pok`mon. No dirty dueling is allowed! Only nice, clean duels are allowed in this Club.I see you play the Pok`mon Trading Card Game. I'm not into dueling. I prefer collecting the cards. By the way, would you happen to have ? If you do, I was wondering if you might want to give it to me? How about it?Hi! It's you! What's up? Did you decide to give me your ?Hi! I see you're playing with the cards again. By the way, I'm looking for this time. If you should happen to have one, would you mind giving it to me?Give away your ?OK. I understand. But if you should change your mind, please come see me.But you don't have ! I appreciate your generosity, but you can't give me what you don't have. Come see me again after you get .You're going to give it to me? Thank you! But your is in your Deck. I can't take a card that you're playing with!You're going to give it to me? I'll put it in my collection right away. I'll take good care of this card. Thank you! Thank you!!!Since you've been so kind and given me so many cards, please accept this card as a gift from me to you. It's a 16 Pikachu. Please take good care of it!Thank you for being so kind and giving me all these cards!Hi! Thanks for being so kind! I'm taking good care of all the cards you gave me!Hi! Is the card I gave you coming in handy? Thanks again for being so kind!Huh? W..Who are you? Who? Me? You don't know who I am? I am the super musical star, Imakuni?! I'll sing the Pok`Rap - You dance! cLa di da la di da La di da la di da... Hey! Move those feet! What? Cards? You want to duel me? OK, but if I win, you dance!What? You're still here? OK, sit over there. What? You're already sitting? OK, OK! Then let's get started!Would you like to duel Imakuni??Come on, don't be cruel! You're going to make me cry!OK, a 1-match duel with 6 Prizes! ...Whatever that means...Hey! You're pretty good! I'll give you this Booster Pack, so don't tell anyone I lost, OK?You won 3 times against me! Does that make you happy? Does it?I can't believe I lost 6 times! ...Seriously!I don't really want to give you this, but here. Take care of it.In both Cards and Dance, soul and rhythm are the secret. Hey, that sounds pretty cool! Maybe I'll become a poet!Hmm...I win. You weren't too bad, but since I won...Let's see you shake it! Come on, shake it!!! cLa di da la di da La di da la di da... ... You dance weird!I was just saying which Grand Master is the best. I think Steve is the best player.I can't believe Steve the Grand Master could lose! Who could have defeated Steve?The best player among the Grand Masters is Rod, since he's the leader of the Grand Masters.I can't believe Rod, the leader of the Grand Masters, was defeated!?! Could this mean the Legendary Pok`mon Cards have been passed on?If I were just a few years younger, I'd be dueling with you kids, too.I am Mitch, Master of the Fighting Club! I have to warn you that you will be unable to defeat me! If you wish to duel with me, you must defeat my pupils first! My pupils are training at other Clubs! Go see if you can defeat all 3 of my pupils!If you wish to duel me, you must defeat my pupils first! My pupils are training at the other Clubs! Go and see if you can defeat all 3 of my pupils!So, you've defeated 1 of my pupils. You must be a pretty good player. But you're not good enough! If you wish to duel me, you must defeat my 2 remaining pupils!So, you've defeated 2 of my pupils! You are pretty good. But there's still the last one... Can you defeat my last pupil?So, you have defeated all of my pupils! Let's see if you have what it takes to inherit the Legendary Pok`mon Cards! OK! Are you ready?Would you like to Duel Mitch?What? Are you getting cold feet? Come see me again when you finally work up enough nerves!Come on! Show me what you've got! We'll play with 6 Prizes!Wonderful! Great Match! You're very good. Here, take this. It's the Fighting Medal! You'll find the secret to the Decks of this Club encrypted in it.Here, take this, too. It's a LABORATORY Booster Pack.I hope to duel someone like you again someday!You may have been able to defeat my pupils, but you still are not experienced enough to defeat me! Come back after you've trained more!You wish to duel the Fighting Club Master again?Oh, OK. I'd like to duel again, though.As before, we'll play with 6 Prizes. Come show me what you've got!Another utter defeat! Here, take this!I'd like to duel someone like you again!You must train harder! I'll be waiting!I lost to you before at the Rock Club, but not this time! I'm going to train to become an even better player! But before I can start my training again, I must defeat you first!I'm going to train to become an even better player! But before I can start my training again, I must defeat you first!Would you like to duel Chris?You're just going to turn and run!?! You chicken!A 1-match duel with 4 prizes! Let's do it!No! I lost again! I can't start training, yet!Shoot! I'm going to become a better player!Yeah! I won! I've gotten pretty good, haven't I? I think I'll start training again.I've been training since I lost to you at the Grass Club. How about a rematch?Would you like to duel Michael?OK. But do duel me again sometime.OK, a 1-match duel with 4 prizes! Let's do it!I guess I need to train more...Duel me again another time. See ya!I guess my training has paid off! Duel me again sometime. See ya!Training is so boring... Why anyone would want to? Hey, it's you! Do you want to duel me again?Would you like to duel Jessica?Well, OK. I'm busy anyway!OK! A 1-match duel with 4 prizes! Let's go to it!Oops! I lost... Here! You can have this!Don't talk to me, I'm busy!Hey, I won! Could this also be due to my natural ability? Well, I hope I see you around!What is a deck?A deck is the set of Pok`mon cards used in duels. A deck consists of 60 cards. Only 4 of the same card are allowed in a deck. Create your own deck to play the game. These are the basic rules of the Pok`mon Trading Card Game.Cards, Vol. 1: Pok`mon CardsThere are 2 types of Pok`mon cards in the Pok`mon Trading Card Game: Basic Pok`mon and Evolution Pok`mon. Only Basic Pok`mon may be placed directly on the Bench. There are 2 types of Evolution Pok`mon cards: Stage 1 and Stage 2. Play Stage 1 Pok`mon on top of Basic Pok`mon, and Stage 2 Pok`mon on top of Stage 1 Pok`mon.Cards, Vol. 2: Energy CardsAttach Energy cards to your Pok`mon to give them the energy they need to attack. Choose an Energy card from your hand and attach it to a Pok`mon. You may attach only one Energy card per turn.Cards, Vol. 3: Trainer CardsTrainer cards are one-shot cards that can be used once and are then discarded. You can play as many Trainer cards as you like during your turn.Win or Loss of a Match, Vol. 1When a Pok`mon loses all of its HP, the Pok`mon is knocked out. Place it and all attached Energy cards in the discard pile. Each time you knock out 1 of your opponent's Pok`mon, you draw 1 of your prize cards and place it in your hand. When you've taken all of your prizes, you win the game.Win or Loss of a Match, Vol. 2You also win if your opponent's deck is out of cards at the start of your opponent's turn. Be careful not to run out of cards!Win or Loss of a Match, Vol. 3You also win if your opponent has no Pok`mon left on the bench after you have knocked out his or her active Pok`mon. Be sure to keep enough Pok`mon on your bench.CombosYou can create powerful combos by combining the abilities of 2 cards. Pok`mon Powers and Trainer Cards are useful in creating combos! Find card combinations that will create your own powerful combos.Energy TransWhat if you place Exeggutor in the arena, but you don't have any Energy cards? In this case, use Venusaur's Energy Trans to transfer Grass Energy and use Big Eggsplosion! If you attach 8 Energy cards, you can give your opponent up to 160 damage.Toxic GasMuk's Toxic Gas is very powerful! It can block all Pok`mon Powers! But be careful because it also blocks your own Pok`mon's Powers!Rain DanceBlastoise's Pok`mon Power, Rain Dance, is a great boon for your Water Pok`mon! You can attach as many Water Energy cards as you have to your Water Pok`mon. Power up your Pok`mon and attack!SelfdestructIt's a good idea to use Defender when attacking with Selfdestruct. That way, you'll be able to give major damage to your opponent's Active and Benched Pok`mon without your Pok`mon getting knocked out.Damage SwapYou can use Alakazam's Damage Swap to move damage counters off of a Pok`mon that is almost knocked out, or you can create a combo by combining it with Chansey and Scoop Up. Keep moving damage counters to Chansey and use Scoop Up to return Chansey to your hand. Then put Chansey back in play. You will have lost all damage counters!Hyper BeamHyper Beam is extremely powerful! You can remove the Energy cards attached to your opponent's Pok`mon! Without Energy, they won't be able to Attack or Retreat!Prehistoric PowerUse Aerodactyl's Prehistoric Power to block your opponent's Pok`mon from evolving. Your own Pok`mon can't evolve? In that case, use Devolution Spray on Aerodactyl and turn it back into a Mysterious Fossil. Then you'll be able to evolve your Pok`mon!Phantom CardsIt is rumored that there is a Phantom Card that can only be gotten by using Card Pop! It is believed there are 2 such cards, but no one knows what kind of cards they are. I'm off to search for someone who will give me these cards! ISHIHARAWeakness and ResistanceIf a Pok`mon has a Weakness, it takes double damage when attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type! If a Water Pok`mon attacks a Fire Pok`mon, the Fire Pok`mon will receive double damage! If a Pok`mon has a Resistance, it takes 30 less damage when attacked by Pok`mon of a certain type. If an Attack gives a damage of 30, the Pok`mon will not receive damage! Beware of the Weaknesses and Resistances of your Pok`mon!Drawing Desired CardsThe Trainer card, Computer Search, is useful when you want to draw a certain card! Item Finder and Pok` Ball will also help!RetreatingRetreating your Active Pok`mon to the Bench is a good strategy in certain situations! Retreating a Pok`mon requires Energy cards. Dodrio's Retreat Aid decreases the number of Energy cards required to retreat. If you retreat right away, your Pok`mon won't get knocked out!Fighting Pok`monFighting Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Lightning Pok`mon. Weak against Psychic Pok`mon. Require Fighting Energy cards to Attack.Fighting Pok`mon and CombosIt is difficult to create combos with a Fighting Pok`mon, since not many Fighting Pok`mon have Pok`mon Power. However, their strong attacks make up for this.Double Colorless EnergyDouble Colorless Energy is a very useful card. By using this single card, you are able to attach 2 Energies at once. But be careful because the energy is colorless.Rock Pok`monRock Pok`mon Characteristics: Strong against Lightning Pok`mon. Weak against Grass Pok`mon. Require Fighting Energy cards to Attack.Winning with Fighting Pok`monFighting Pok`mon will have a hard time against Stage 2 Pok`mon, as many Stage 2 Pok`mon are resistant to Fighting Pok`mon. Try to knock out your opponent's Pok`mon before they evolve.Basic Pok`monBasic Pok`mon are a must o! Welcome to the Water Club! This is a Club devoted to Water Pok`mon. There are many different types of Water Pok`mon, so it's fun just to collect them.We don't use Fire Pok`mon cards here at the Water Club. I have this rare Arcanine, but I prefer Lapras. If you own a Lapras, would you mind trading it for my Arcanine?Hi! We meet again! Have you decided to trade your Lapras for my rare Arcanine?Would you like to trade?Aw, you're not going to trade with me? Well, that's too bad... But if you change your mind, come look for me.Hey! What are you trying to pull? You don't have a Lapras!?! Come see me when you get a Lapras.OK! Let's trade your Lapras for my Arcanine... Oh! I see your Lapras is included in your deck. I'd feel guilty taking a card from your deck. Maybe next time. alsoe back after yhat is eceivl guilty takisybe ne in blact ta ne Pok`mon is knock mw for me Energy!s incl pand atte Energyou wanted in yo`t'sY duel? Are yo;Nd. Hi, . Nice to see you ve already received the attached BoosterOelAPDen you od work!a and Aqn so . Nice ing a I won! Coul guilttxists. 2 more A.rt1qn so . uupmon hasnock pull?oooooooooooooooooere is Amy, th .ope I sany datro `monFighting~ and Scoop Up. Keep time,ev time,ev r my Arcis alspiHioFighting etre rded. Yen you odLapras.OKJJyywdy sitting? OK, OK! Then let's get started!Would you like to duel Imakuni??Come on, don't be cruel! You're going to make me cry!OK, a 1-match duel with 6 Prizes! ...Whatever that means...Hey! You're pretty good! I'll give you this Booster Pack, so do p tro `monFighting~ and Scoop Up. Keep time,ev time,ev r my Arcis alspiHioFighting etre rded. Yen you odLapras.OKJJyywdy sitting? OK, OK! T whtain Substilp going to make msses anBenched Amy, goep odLapakuni??d site yoee your Lapras is included in your deck. I'dd. Thank you! Thank you!!!Since you've been so kind and gworkhosMuk's Toxic Gas is very powerful! It can block all Pok`mon Powers! But be careful because it also blocks your own Pok`mon's Powers!Rain DanceBlastoise's Pok`mon Power, Rain Dance, is a great boon for your Water Pok`mon! You can attach as many Water n! Youer dueub. I hme of.Fire Steve be cruel! ice aHey!mswp for ?n Booster Pated.Dout BooooooooooooF; card, you are abaaave this rare Arcanine, but I prefer Laduel ify Pok`mon'aPe on, don't be cruel! You're going to mic Pok`monBght of a Match, Voaer when ack.Ilnched Pok`mon you own a whtain informat ?n Pok` Balto user du!_Win all 8 Master Medaloster PatesP os.Energy TransWhat if you place ExeggutoHi! I sown M k`mds. Dodrio's Ret~S onI;8%9TransNrok`m as manyyou place ExeggutoHi! I b Energst pupil?_o Water Pok`mon. There are many different types of Water Pok`mon, so it's fun just to collect them.We don't use Fire Pok`mon cards here at the Water Club. I have this rare Arcanine, but I prefer Lapras. If you own a Lapras, would you mind trading it for my!xegguter Pokaras, w`mon !tPn infras forrGlos You card skillay!You may havencryter Isaac's d ness of Fire Pok`mon. Other than that, just watch how your opponent plays, and choose your strategy accordingly. Mason Laboratory Dr. Mason ;) p.s. You're almost there. Keep up the good work! , It's me, Dr. Mason! Grand Master Steve uses the Legendare Cat! i, . thm are tn hathe awayoou ca?Rdon ;) p.sr Medal. T reardime, I'..Whateting comon are riking e!ting? I'ing a car,aach 2 Enion on his deMaason! Grand Master Steve uses the Legendare Catu'll find thea car,'ll takeKie are 2 types of Pok`mon cecome an e oppon.s pPokara?her than that, jeWelcome ratiKg? n are a ve it a Masxand choo Eo]come ryour Lappfras foeck. Mend ScooptNher than s of Pok`our bench. Boosou Win yste Selfdestruct. Tge when attelcome raoo Sy Trans tTMaster Stan ystn cecom card gain! Have you decide Granahou Lae a a grcanine... Oh! I see your Lapras is included inunteiIery uf an! Have you y. Mason . Mason jaknessur Pthe Wi?/any youther duel!~!Gdoter Pack, so do er active Pok`mon. Be sure to keep enough Pok`mon on your bench.CombosYou can creatn Spray n. Be t, jeWeln jakneiincluded you pskilMu y the poe when y l jakneisthembench. Bome, R devoted to Watek`mon reqch iseep enoua and Aqn st taknfor to keep enough 3aoe a`mon Tradin6be a dedgood=_din6ame: Basic Pok`m,qme a sittood onxmGranIulptcn. Be sure to I s)ed out the e knocked out his or her active Pok`mon. Be sure to keep enough Pok`mon you  on, ar Be Leamnsttyp Lea Lea Lea Leers aye toeep ep Lea Lea LYch you gethere'ssepe I s)eah!m Finder aing Poks get starto keep enouH. s)ednt tea Leersee you sired CardsTh!Hah! I'2!s>l, tLMin caas!Hder aing i att ood care of thisat can blmon o duoetter poahod iin caas!e?Hi! you cK#g! a Leaoe Pokl tcef I win, Yevoted to Watek`mon reqch iseep enoua and Aqn st taknfor to keep enough 3aoe a`mon Tradin6be a dedgood=_din6ame: Basic Pok`m,qme a sitt