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Robin and Azeem/ at last reached/ the shores of/ England.&';* thanks for saving me from Nottingham's men. this is my land, they have no business here. you obviously don't know Nottingham! my father, john little, is now an outlaw, an outlaw for feeding his family!//i had better go, before they return.//bye Locksley. /Help me, Robin!//...can't hold out any longer! we are almost there./just over that hill lies the prettiest castle in all England./hot food, and a real bed./Azeem.... home!&';* /oh no!/Locksley castle.../in ruins!!!!! /there are evil forces in this land! /Father!!//where are you?the name/'Marian Dubois'/is engraved in the ring.(EE5G5GGGGGGE/victory! ,G(FJFFFrobin finds a sword and five bags of gold among the remains!'robin finds two bags of gold among the remains!'robin finds four bandages and two bags of gold among the remains!!'robin finds a chest key, two bags of gold, and some leather armor among the remains!'g/victory!//Fyou manage to defeat some of the celts...//but more can be seen rushing forward...you manage to defeat the guards...but not without casualties!/victory!JFRobin and his men are defeated!your health has been restored! more of the sheriff's men Robin! We are outnumbered!there is a woman in the left chamber who wishes to see you. &/quickly, Robin, take this dagger. I/i stole it from the Sheriff. it seemed very important to him.he called it the Druid's Dagger./I think there's something very special about it./be careful!/he's raising an army to go after you.I must flee before he finds me here!//be careful!&'&'&!0> /master Robin, is it you? /Duncan? /I thought you had abandoned us! /Duncan, my father.. /master Robin, you're here... It's a miracle. Are you deaf, Duncan... What happened to my father? /A miracle.../ A miracle.. you left him to hang like a common thief! why didn't you cut him down?// why? easy Robin... look at his eyes... /they took my eyes, Robin... /who?/who did this to you? Guy of Gisborne, with the Sheriff and his witch, mortianna looking on. /I will not rest until my father's avenged. your father's medallion, the symbol of Locksley, is yours now.//take it L/wear it with the honor your father did... It's not safe here./We had better go before Gisborne returns! Yes.//I must see Marian.!`!> 0/greetings Locksley, I am Mortianna!your mortal weapons cannot harm my guardian!there is only one weapon that can harm him, and you don't have it!it is I who protects the Sheriffyou shall never defeat me, and you shall never get near the sheriff so long as I live!/leave here, and don't ever try to return! Robin!/we can't fight this creature yet!/let's get out of here while we can!&'&'after a long horse chase you manage to elude the guards in sherwood forest if you are looking for the child marian, she is in the east chamberhow did you get past the guard?//we don't want any trouble here!' Q /hello Marian Q &thank you for Peter's ring, Robin. what is going on here Marian?//my father has been killed.../people are starving... &with king richard away fighting the crusades, the sheriff has taken over!the Sheriff is bound to look for you here. Head for Sherwood Forest. Rumors say many men live there, hiding from the Sheriff. Robin!//guards have stormed the castle! &/Guy and his men!take my saddle!/pretend to steal two horses and flee or they'll kill us all! Q&'! > &/You have no business here Locksley. &/go robin!* R' ,\(RS?T.U WUWYZZ$(g&' Robin, someone's here to see ya. /please.../you must help me, sir.A vile baron has kidnapped my fiance and is forcing her to marry him./Please rescue her! stopping a wedding may not be an easy thing to do.//do you have any proof of this? I have seen a letter, from the baron, in which he describes his evil plot!//it is upstairs in the baron's chambers, but is well guarded! Rumors are flyin' of a huge wild boar that's killin' nearby villagers and tearin' up their fields.Some of 'em came to beg our help.&' One of our woodsmen went south for a short errand and never returned. Folks say a well along the path is haunted. Haunted ?//Ha!/more of the Sheriff's work I suspect./we'll get to the bottom of this... Good luck!&' Robin, Marian needs to see you immediately.She said to meet her in a small castle south of here. It's a foolish idea, but if yer goin', here's a disguise for ya.&' /things are going well in camp, Robin.our camp is growing, but the men are not experienced in the art of fighting!/they need a trainer I've heard of a hermit nearby who's a master of any weapon! let's pay him a visit. perhaps we can convince him to join us. W 8i>&?>g Locksley! Urgent news has reached us since you left!the Sheriff's tax wagons are rollin' through Sherwood. Loaded with gold he has stolen from his people! We can use the money more than the Sheriff! /we shall take it back!, 5G&' thank goodness you have returned in time Robin!//a flu has spread through our camp, the men are all ill! what can be done for them? I know of a mystical pond, whose water it is said can cleanse away all forms of sicknessthe journey is a dangerous one. I have heard stories of strange creatures who live within its water! we have no choice.//we must leave at once!&' Z /welcome back Robin.with this healing water, the camp should be strong again very soon!more rumors of the Sheriff's evil deeds have reached our camp.seems that a wicked Baron and his army are lootin' and killin' as they go. A bunch o' 'em are headin' fer a small village. We gotta stop 'em before they wipe out the village.i&' I've been told that the Sheriff's going to hang ten of our men at noon today, unless you surrender. now is the time for a final battle!//to free our friends and get rid of the Sheriff! we ain't doin' nobody no good here, let's get this over with. we must move quickly!/they will come after us!&';* /well, this is our camp.//Hidden deep in Sherwood. /Camp?//a clearing in some trees?? Yep, beyond Sherwood's leaves we're outlaws, but here we're kings! /Kings? Ha! /If you expect to hold out here, you'd better build some sort of a camp!&';&'&'&'$&'* I think that's all the guards! 0/we meet again, Locksley.//this time, you will not escape/you want the sheriff?/he is behind me,//all you have to do, is get by me!//ha ha ha ha! 0/Noooo!0 Welcome home, Locksley./I'm Guy of Gisborne, the Sheriff's cousin.I'm so glad you came to me!//you saved me the trouble of finding you!//...kill him, men. /We shall meet again, Locksley!//you will pay... this is our last meeting Locksley!//you have disrupted my plans for the last time peasant!you interrupted my wedding, and caused me great embarrassment...you stole my money from the tax carts I was sending to the Sheriff...and now you invade the village I am looting!/this is more than any man can tolerate! /please, you flatter me./lets finish it now...&  bu//the baron is defeated!& '&' /from here, we ride. you must have invitations to attend the baron's wedding! Be gone, strangers./None of you swine are permitted in the castle!  a a/Be gone, strangers.//Marian Dubois cannot help you./greetings Locksley.//you may enter.&'!"g guards!//Robin Hood is attacking the castle! Whew!//Lets storm the castle, before reinforcements arrive! Now, my friend, it is time for the final battle. /looks like we got here just in time! /they're right behind us. we must ride or die! we can lose them in the forest...//if we make it there!&';*//Prepare to die!you drink from the flask, and feel your body being replenished! /they say Sherwood is haunted, master. either we take our chances with ghosts, or become ghosts ourselves.fills the flask with the healing water...&'&' well, well. A rich man has come to visit us!/welcome to 'john little' forest! I have no money for the likes of you! then I suppose that gold medallion around your neck is worthless? It was my father's. It is sacred to me. sacred to us too, mush. that there'll feed us for a bloomin' month!/since ya won't pay a toll, ya hafta fight your way across our bridge.eg watch out, dad. he walloped the Sheriff's men. is that so? I'm gonna enjoy this!&  lg seems I've made it past the gate, John little. Or should I call you 'Little John'?/Ha ha ha ha I yield!//Best sword work I've seen in a long time, LocksleyI recognize your medallion./Come to our camp to meet the rest of the boys.Perhaps ya might wanna join us, against the Sheriff? /yes./but to lead you...&''&';* Zg>1&.N Whew!/This is hard work./but soon we will have a campwe think it is best to build tree huts. they are easier to defend against attackthese huts are looking pretty good! we hafta go, Robin./they've done us in./we gotta hide and regroup after they've gone./then we'll figger our next move. our dead cry out for revenge!/the Sheriff must pay for this. the buggers set fire to the trees! they're tryin' to roast us alive. /we will retreat, for now. /that was a battle we could never have won! /how did we do? /most of us made it out safely, but they took a few of us prisoner. we must return to our camp, and plan our next action& '&'&'////later that same day,//another wedding is about to take place... /hello young man.the rule of england has fallen since king richard left to fight the crusades.a wicked tyrant, Sheriff Nottingham, is ruling the land with an iron fist.he steals all we have, and burns any villages which oppose him.no one has been able to stop him. the Sheriff is to wed Maid Marian today, much against her will, I'm told./Argh! Folks here just need a spark and then they'll explode against the Sheriff. We hate the Sheriff, but what can we do about it? Those are the poor blokes the Sheriff is gonna hang today!//poor sobs! looks like we're just in time to stop the hanging!&';* it's Robin Hood!//call out the guards!!//seize him! /they've recognized us! /the gate has closed behind us! /this place has an evil smell. /we must find Marian quickly!&';* don't hurt me!//the Sheriff is at the rear of the castle.'/Robin Hood was mortally injured!) do you mind, Locksley?/we have just been married! well, I have come to deliver your divorce! being stupid seems to run in your family, Locksley. and being dead will soon run in your family... // Touche...&  A / gasp.../ curse you, Locksley...  my vow is fulfilled, father.//now you may rest. &A long nightmare has ended, and a new life is before us. /and now... father is joined by his dead son!)/The credits list reads...Converted to the Gameboy and fully recoded by// Andy Rogers// What a hero!//All graphics and artwork were expertly redrawn in glorious greys by...// Jon Baker/Thrill to the sound of Music and FX by//David WhittakerProject coordinator was//jeffrey the barak/////...and they lived happily ever after. //#the end& uC CRobin leaves his camp (+DCDCgDKDDDDDЧ( Oй gɯg! *fo}|! *fo}|> Robin cannot leave camp yet!to meet with marianto hunt down the giant boarto search for the missing woodsmanto stop the baron's marriageto find a weapons masterto rob the tax carts.to find the mystical healing watersto save the village from the baronfor the final showdown with the sheriffyou cannot fill the flask yet!//the water is poisonous while the monsters swim in the pond! /my poor father.../at least I can give you a decent burial.Duncan and Azeem help Robin in the sad task of burying his father. /Druids!/I can smell 'em! bloomin!//i thought they'd never stop coming! Hey! Wattaya doin' here?/Ya got no bizness in th' Sheriff's castle.Guards!//Seize them! /here we go again... G /I bid you greeting sir.//I am Robin of Locksley, and I would like to recruit your services as a trainer. /I'll train your men only if you defeat me in battle. will you challenge me?GxGthen don't waste anymore of my time!&   |H% GI will train you//return when you can pay my two hundred gold piece fee./you are a great swordsman, Robin!my fee is two hundred gold pieces//I'll set out for your camp right away.1&'&'/you are indeed in need of training, but you must prove yourself worthy!)  )Ithese sinners are attempting to steal these carts of gold, food, and medical supplies!Thank you, Robin Hood, for freeing me.I shall join you and tend to the spiritual welfare of your men. these carts may be the payments from the Sheriff to his barons.//We can use the money more than the barons.$$!&'&'! /we meet again, Locksley...take a good look at the sword which I will chop you down with! /my father's sword! your father died a coward, cursing your name and squealing like a stuck pig! /that's a lie! /it was I who strung his corpse to the castle wall!/my pleasure will be in doing the same to you!&  K/Guy of Gisborne is defeated! K /join your father, Locksley...)!P>/// Programming by/ andy rogers/// Graphics by/ Jon baker/// Sound by/ David whittaker it is now my pleasure to marry Robin of Locksley and Marian Dubois...if there is any man who has reason why these two should not be joined...//Hold! I speak. //Who interrupts my wedding? R//Your King.I cannot allow this wedding to go forward.../...without giving away the bride. //we are deeply honored, your majesty. //...I now pronounce you husband and wife.//You may kiss the bride.////// Virgin Games// Presents7NKNcNwNNNNNNNO"O5ODOQOgOOOOOOOin sherwood forest.inside locksley castle.near hadrians wall.inside the dark catacomb.in the town square.in dubois manor.in the baron's castle.in an arab prison.in the castle.in a small castle.upstairs in the baron's castle.in a damp dungeon.in an old hut.at his camp.outside dubois manor.outside locksley castle.outside the baron's castle.outside a small castle.inside the boar's lair.deep within a musky well.in a small village.in a room.bbbbc*coccccdd7dDdQdhdeee/e:eeeeeeeeef'fVfgfffgfggg8h\h\h\h{hhiGiiii&k&k&kkkElllm@@AAAB[CkDD(EEEGGH5HoHHI MNOOROOQ[,\I]m]m]^^^^_``aaPaaaaapbbc&cjccdghhNhh8i8i8iikmmmnnoboopqqrrrrr=sGsssttYtZtt!u@ABSRR5SDSRRLS]ShSuSS5SSSSSRRSSTRRRT.TBTR^TRRRlTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSTRRRRTRRRRobin Hood Azeem Little John Friar Tuck Will Scarlett Duncan Peter a blast a rat a rat a bat a horse a peasant a wild boar a giant boar a arrow speeding a venomous snake a tired old man a guard Wulf a wolf guy of gisborne the Baron the Sheriff the gatekeeper the bishop the executioner someone about to be hanged Marian a servant a horrible water monster a skeleton guardian a couple about to be wed the evil mortianna the weapons master the body of Robin's father some remains a shield tossed from our hand a stranger, chained to the wall UU5UIUWUkU|UUUUUUUVV.V| > OEıEy Oeıeɯ/SO  J(F GS_ ( xG00,{( xG8x(8 8  0x _>W!A*foz Px\O!C*fo<<}?8" O 9怱 _>W!A*fo}A|B!A*fo x\OP x\0O!C*foE( F*>8<_>W<<}@8:!C*fo<<y8#y@o&E( F*8 @0>@F))}C|D!A*fo<<~_W}o|gͧ }800}X8x0ɯ0UO 3y ,y y0 =e( 1y0(y ( e0 x( eįfe0 8>J(FGU_ ( xG00,{( xG8x(8 8  0x_>W!a*foz Px\O!c*fo<<}?8"O 9怱_>W!a*fo}a|b!a*fo x\OP x\0O!c*foe f*>8<_>W<<}@86!c*fo<<y8y@o&e f*8 @0>@f))}c|d))|o&+_,W~ȴȴ!'*fo|e])Ч ##}'|(#~+)e( )=)~ e](3(+(#U`=o&)]*fo}'|(#~+)!a*foA_BW}o|g| (y]]]] ^]]͇$}!a*foA_BW}o|g|(y | y???-`=o&r^~. /Чͧ!(!PA_BW|'|'}|!xC_DW|'|'}|>>!`H$e80!*fo }|> $"^ eįf.0.0Чͧ! !Pa_bW|'|'}|!xc_dW|'|'}|>>!@H$E80!*fo }|> $"^ EįF-0-Ї!@-Ч(!`(ɯSU<_'>W###*fo]Ts#r::_W}o|g>]bbcZaabbbbb=cXcZcc`cccccccccccakacd#da`ueb/dTd`edvddddddddddddddddddddddIeUeeeeQbde/e1eBeC92#8U<7?<96K,Us / !!d(?-(;%( 7UR&TZ'S*[$(*,) &!T)ZA;; pJ]867( )#J3 ,&,)(<!'4!$U-(( (&%!)R( TU#VU (E!#$.*',]",y -z.z/z 'a:cc0(+()g#$ " j#$ +m6 n$ o# p q r| sssssssssssssss"L&M&()( !x / '!~~$# $    %% !c $UNf~}o|g<<<<<}G8O9(8 ( xGNfywx(!= ???o& ͕>1,>, jjjj?jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjj    j         !"#$%&$!"#$!"#$jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj' () jjjjjjjjj*+ ,-jjjjjjjj./0 1jjjjjjjj2345jjjjjjjj6789:jjjjjjjj;<=>?jjjjjjjj@AB5jjjjjjjjj.>Cjjjjjjjj@AD9Ejjjjjjjjj4FCjjjjjjjj2G>EjjjjjjjHIJK9LjjjjjjjIM>5jjjjjjjNO:jjjjjjjPQ9Ejjjjjjj234>Ljjjjjjj6785jjjjjjj;<=9:jjjjjjj@AB>?jjjjjjj?jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj     j jjS    W      [ "]^]^]^jj_````ajjHI_``jjjbI_`a$!"#jjjj.cN>:jjjjjjjjPdQ9?jjjjjjjj2349jjjjjjjjj678>Cjjjjjjjj;<=>Ejjjjjjjj@AB9Ljjjjjjjj234>Ejjjjj R78OLjjjj  R=O5jjjjS TUOV WeXYZV [X\V "]^]^]^jj_````ajjHI_``jjjbI_`a$!"#jjjj.cN>:jjjjjjjjPdQ9?jjjjjjjj2349jjjjjjjjj678>Cjjjjjjjj;<=>Ejjjjjjjj@AB9Ljjjjjjjj234>Ejjjjj R78OLjjjj  R=O5jjjjS TUOV WeXYZV [X\V %&$!"#$jjjj%&$!"#$jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfjjjjjjjjjH  ghjjjjjjjjfijjjjjjj@DWjjjjjjj.4``jjjjjjj@AA``ajjjjjjjj``ajjjjjjjjj@``!jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj' () jjjjjjjjj*+ ,-jjjjjjjj./0 1jjjjjjjjj34>Ejjjjjjjj23>Ejjjjjj R7>Ejjjjj UOEjjj WXYV W[X\V jjjj_``jjjjHI_`jjjjjjjj*N>Ejjjjjjjjj.cQ>EjjjjjjjjjP>Ejjjjjjjjj23>Ejjjjjjjjj67>Ejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjk  !"#$%$&!'()*+,%-./012&!3&4)5+ !6789:;98/?@AB89:CD=A:9:;9:E0=FGH8IJ8KJ8LMNOMPQRSTUV$%WXYYZ"[)*\]\^QR_`abcWde fdghijk`lY  mniogig_paqrs mtuvYkilYwixrs yRzaz{a|}~a  PRziag`ig mnixidkWlYiSTV1{=$9:  012 88Jwi8:WXY_`a`d&!              .+h$($P1!0cpD @q>j.0A # 9PPPT!mU@\ P = TeeU @P@P&D8E   X  `(! p`@( `#(DP&D8EP@  0  0K!`X `(A0p"@@` @ @@P@Z"H 0/  H0 \  B :@G!`p03T H2,r ! 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Looks like you might be swimming across!sees no one to speak with.sees nothing to take.Frantically, you saddle up a horse, and leap on.is /he sees nothing of interest.you can't take ,is /you see nearby.grasps ,sees +finds a hidden , d/weighs e dunit.dunits. d d/It can dopoints of damage!d d d/It can absorb/hit points!dgg!g5/you can't eat ,/Nothing happens.eats ,,reads...//Inform the Sheriff that we are punishing any villagers who help Robin. Quiet englishman, or your turn will be twice as long!drops ,cannot carry ,unlocks the door with ,/has joined Robin's Band 4f&'cdiscovers a hidden passage!can't wear ,unlocks the chest with the chest key, and finds +within.unlocks the chest with the chest key, and finds nothing within./the door is locked.//robin hood: prince of thieves,=//characters and all related indicia are trademarks of morgan creek productions inc. /? 1991,1992//licensed by nintendo? 1991,1992 morgan creek productions inc. //? 1991,1992 virgin games, inc.//all rights reserved.//licensed to mindscape int.//a b.i.t.s. production./advances to next level!/you bandage your wounds...has left Robin's Band /looks like we found our missing woodsmen! I think we should explore this well further.//we must find a way down!,reads...//let this be a warning//....Mortianna. //free at last! /not unless we get out of here!! /lead the way, I'll try to keep up.! jerusalem,/ 1194 A.D.//third year of the/ third crusade. /free me and I'll show you the way out. /why should I trust you? /If you don't, we are all dead men./well ?rjk/thank you, my friend.//I am azeem!there is a secret passage under the floor at the southeast corner!/i also hid a door key nearby!9!/then we shall die together!,reads...//'my noble sheriff//i have selected a rich bride to marry. once wed, i will have her fortune!'//signed the baron Robin!//i hear some noises to the north!& our escape lies just to the north! /oh no!/they're surrounding us! /fight for your lives!! /Prepare to die, infidel!&  lvictory!//your foe is defeated!#/Robin Hood was mortally injured!)climbs down the dark well...&',requires both hands to use!you feel a surge of energy rushing into your body!@uuu v`vvwwxPxxy@yyyzzz{@{p{{{|||0}}}~P~@0AJ@I`HFE E@AcHdeheefgghhHkijj~~@p`BbPJlq(w]aceQffgi1loQq1rr1u!w!z1{r   !"#$%&'()*  #"!   %$('&*)+,-./0123.4567.89:;<=.>9 * +  , -  .  /  0  1  2 3  5@@   6  @@  7@@   4   @ @ @@                8@ @ 9 :; <  =       !"#$%&'()*+(),*+()-*+().*+()/*+()0*+123456789:;<9:;=9:;>9:;?9:;@9A;BCDEFGHIJKLMNKLMNOKLMNPKLMNQKLMNRKLMNSTUVWTXYZ[X\][X^\][X_\][X\][X`\][Xab]$cde$fg'$hijklhijmlhijnlhijolhijplhijqrst5uv8wxyz{wxyz|wxyz}wxyz~wxyzwxyz =          !"#$%&'()*+(),*+()-*+().*+()/*+()0*+123456789:;<9:;=9:;>9:;?9:;@9A;BCDEFGHIJKLMNKLMNOKLMNPKLMNQKLMNRKLMNSTUVWTXYZ[X\][X^\][X_\][X\][X`\][Xab]$cde$fg'$hijklhijmlhijnlhijolhijplhijqrst5uv8wxyz{wxyz|wxyz}wxyz~wxyzwxyz ?|    !"#$%&'()* $#'&%*)(+,-./01233456789:;<=>?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy         "! $#'&%*)(#$%&'()* ,+433210/.-8765<;:9@?>=  CBAFED IHGNMLKJRQPOVUTSYXW [Z_^]\cba`fed ghjinmlkrqpoutsxwvy @U    !"#$%&'()*+,-./01223456789:;< =>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ       "! $# '&%,+*)(32210/.-654987<;:  ?>=BA@ CFEDJIHGNMLKQPO AU   ! 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