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The answer is ''.Regis: Hi, I've a question for you.*: OK, It's ''. I'm pretty sure on that one.Regis: Phone a friend it will be.): I'll pick ''.It's '', I'm sure of it.Regis: Let's make a call.: I'm almost sure on this.Yeah, it's got be to ''.Regis: OK then,let's phone a friend.: Come on that's easy. It's ''. You didn't know that?Regis: I know the person to call.": I know this one.(Yeah, it's ''.Regis: Fine,let's phone a friend.: It sounds like it's ''.Yeah, my answer is ''.Regis: Phone a friend it will be.: I can help you with that.The correct answer is ''.Regis: I know the person to call.: Boy, I should know this.I'll have to go with ''.Regis: Phone a friend it is.: I have no idea about this,but I'll go with ''. Regis: Time to phone a friend.": I'm sorry Regis,I don't know, but I'll go with ''.Regis: Fine,let's phone a friend.: '' would be my guessbut I'm not confident on that one.Regis: Let's make that call.: The answer is ''.Oh, wait. 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blanchedWhere did the Exxon Valdez runaground in March of 1989?@Monterey BayPrince William SoundCape CodGulf of Mexico` Who or what was Big Bertha?@@a cometa World War I guna pro wrestling championa giant Muppet^Which of these is a commonly-known investment/account?CNNEMCIRAIRS^What kind of worker uses a "paddy1wagon"?@limo driverpolice officerrice farmerparamedic^ What is the name of RaggedyAnn's doll brother?@RedFrecklesRandyAndy XWhat Mexican holiday takes place)on May 5th?@Mexican Independence DaySanta Anna's BirthdayCinco de MayoChristmas-5In what restaurant can you ordera Grand Slam breakfast?@Denny'sMcDonald'sBurger KingHardee'sdWhich fast food chain used theadvertising slogan, 'Where's the4beef?'Wendy'sKentucky Fried ChickenBurger KingMcDonald'sW Which of the following candies is traditionally fruit-flavored?@M&M'sSkittlesReese's PiecesJunior MintsdHow many ships did Columbus setsail with on his initial voyage to"the New World?twothreefiveten\What disease is characterized by abody's inability to properlymetabolize glucose?influenzasepticemiadiabetesarthritisb From what language does theterm 'R.S.V.P.' originate?@RussianItalianPortugueseFrenchdWhat force causes an ice cream cone to fly off of a spinning merry-go-round?centrifugalvehiculargravitationaltorsal`Which of the following is a sports2award?@OscarEmmyNobelEspydWhich of these is another namefor a golf course?@pitchlinksstepssuite\Which of the following is a natural sugar found in most2fruits?necrosefructosebellicosepantiosebWhich of these is not one of thethree branches of the U.S.(government?judicialexecutiveparliamentarylegislative^According to the proverb,necessity is the mother of what?@inventionluckproblemsprocrastinationdWhat internet company goes bythe acronym AOL?@America Over LinesAmerica OnlineAmericans On LinksAmericans On LORdWhat is the name of the baby who appears in cartoons and comicstrips with Popeye the Sailor?Pun'kinLamikinsSuga'babySwee'peadA portrait that comicallyexaggerates a person's physicaltraits is called a what?landscapecaricaturestill lifeImpressionism`What animal is considered sacred1in India?@sheepcowchickendogbIf a business 'files under Chapter11' what is it doing?@declaring bankruptcyselling stockbuying a smaller companysuing the governmentdWhat term describes a tribe thathas no set homeland and wandersfrom place to place?nomadicpedanticschematiccatharticdWhat was the name of Huey Lewis'5band?@The NewsThe AttractionsThe Silver Bullet BandLouie and DeweydWhat is the name of the StarKist'tuna mascot?@CharlieSamAlMorris^Which of the following is not a TV(cartoon duo?@Chip and DaleBeavis and Butt-headSimon and GarfunkelTom and JerrydWhat is an alternate name for thefood dish 'Beijing duck'?@Shanghai duckPeking duckHong Kong duckBrooklyn duckdIn cooking, the term 'au gratin' issometimes used to describe a dishwith what topping?cheesefruitgravywhipped creambWhat Greek poet wrote 'The Iliad'and 'The Odyssey'?@SophoclesPlatoHomerSocratesbGirls of what religious community traditionally wear bonnets?@AmishSikhRoman CatholicChristian ScientistbStevie Wonder and Michael Jacksonhave both recorded duets withwhich former Beatle?Paul McCartneyJohn LennonGeorge HarrisonRingo Starr`In the movie 'Star Wars' what kindof creature is Chewbacca?@WoolieWoobieWookieeKlingonZWhat part of the human body doesa gastroenterologist examine?@brainskeletonstomachnoseb When it first appeared on theInternet, amazon.com sold only4what?bookscompact discscarsclothesdWhich of these is a government agency established to protect,investors?AAANBASECMADDb Who wrote 'A Tale of Two Cities'?@@Charles DickensNathaniel HawthorneWashington IrvingMark TwainbWhat city did the Beatlesoriginally call home?@LondonLeedsLiverpoolManchester`The majority of calcium in the human body is found where?@hairbloodbonesdigestive tractdIn the comic strip 'Peanuts' whatis Schroeder known for doing?@dancingplaying footballplaying the pianoflying an imaginary planeb What is the name of Mario'sbrother in the 'Super Mario' video2games?LouisLuigiLucianoZeldadWhat newspaper do Lois Lane andClark Kent work for?@The BugleThe Daily PlanetThe Metropolis TribuneThe New York Times\Which of these is referred to as a/'pigskin'?@footballbasketballhockey puckcatcher's mittbWhat singer appeared in the 1992baseball film 'A League of Their5Own'?BrandyMadonnaGarth BrooksWhitney HoustonbWhich of these television serieswas not set in the United States?@'Picket Fences''M*A*S*H''Northern Exposure''The Paper Chase'\ Which of these rivers flows"through France?@VolgaSeineMekongAlleghenybModern computer microchips are primarily composed of what/element?sodiumsiliconaluminumsilver`Which of these organizations isnot part of the U.S. government?@NAACPNASACIAFBI`What are the names of DonaldDuck's three nephews?@Quick, Quack, QuockAlvin, Simon, TheodoreRobbie, Chip, ErnieHuey, Dewey, Louie\Which of the following breakfastcereals is shaped like the letter;O?LifeCorn ChexCheeriosRaisin BrandWhat term is used to describe a%group of fish?@knotdrapeschoolgaggledWhat animated character has acrush on the Little Red-Haired7Girl?Richie RichCharlie BrownBugs BunnyJonny Quest^In the children's game, what color-is 'Rover'?@greenblackredbluebHow many periods are there in an ice hockey game?@onetwothreefour`Which of these is typically not"used as a spice?@dillthymehemlockmarjoram\In what country are policeofficers referred to as 'bobbies'?@IsraelGreeceEnglandFrancedWhat famous radio personalitywas also the voice of Shaggy onthe cartoon 'Scooby-Doo'?Rush LimbaughCasey KasemLarry KingHoward Stern`Elephant tusks are made of what.material?@coralivorybonecalciumdWhat country gave us thefashionable headgear called the3beret?SwitzerlandChinaMexicoFrancedWhat does an animal produce when)it lactates?@sweatwoolmilkmethanedWhat country does Bordeaux wine*come from?@FranceSpainAustraliaUnited StatesbWhich of the following beveragesis brewed from the leaves of a4plant?teacoffeeginger alewine`To create a tapestry, one must traditionally engage in what/activity?weavingsculptingbakingsingingd From whom does the LutheranChurch get its name?@Martin Luther King Jr.Martin LutherLuther VandrossLex Luthor^Backgammon is a how many-player4game?@twothreefoursix` What does a pH level measure?@@aciditydensitywavelengthhumiditydWhich of the following articles ofclothing has a hood?@parkakiltlederhosensarongb Which of these toys answers,questions?@Magic 8 BallBarbieFrisbeeSlinkydWhich of these painting tools has%bristles on it?@easelknifebrushpaletted A pita is a type of what?@@fresh fruitflat breadFrench tartfried bean dipdIn computer terminology, whatdoes the acronym 'ISP' stand for?@Individual Site PrivacyInvestment Stability PlanInternal Security PositionInternet Service Provider` What country is famous formaking wooden shoes?@RussiaThailandThe NetherlandsAustraliad How do you express 3/4 as a0decimal?@. In America, what is the mainingredient in pepperoni?@fishpepperwheatmeatb What important food crop isgrown in fields called paddies?@wheatryecornricedSomeonewouldmostlikelycontractsalmonellapoisoningfrom eatingwhichofthefollowing?carrotschickentofuricedWhat is the baseball term for a batter who substitutes for"another batter?switch hittershadow hitterclip hitterpinch hitterbWhat day of the week is sometimes called 'hump day'?@WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaybWhat colors are the two circlesin the MasterCard logo?@pink and orangeblue and greenblack and whitered and yellowdAccording to legend, if you givesomeone the 'evil eye' what are-you doing?cursing themblessing a childcounting moneypassing timedTo ward off bad luck, what domany people do to wood?@knock on itkiss itthank itscratch itdWhat is the name of the mountain where the mythological Greek-gods live?JupiterOlympusVesuviusValhalladWhat is the principal ingredient intraditional cole slaw?@lettucespinachcabbagechicorydWhat's unique about a skeleton7key?@It opens many locks.It's made of bone.It's extremely old.It hangs in a closet.`If you dial '411' on a telephone,who are you calling?@the policethe White Housedirectory assistanceMoviefone\Cheese is a necessary ingredientin which of these dishes?@sushifrench friesveal parmigianochicken pot pieb What kind of item is a ginsu?@@radioknifetoothbrushmartial arts weaponb Where is the Louvre museum?@@ParisLyonGenevaVichydWhat disease does a carcinogen3cause?@cancerinfluenzaemphysemaheart disease\What is the medical term for adoctor's identification of a0disease?hypnosisprognosistrichinosisdiagnosis`In what year did the GreatDepression begin?@1884192919531975dIf Christmas Day is on a Saturday,then the following New Year's Dayfalls on what day of the week?SundayMondayFridaySaturday` A flashing red traffic lightsignifies that a driver should do4what?stopspeed upproceed with cautionhonk the horn^According to the popular saying, what should you do 'when in3Rome'?watch your walletsee the Coliseumas the Romans dodon't drink the water`Inthemovie'AustinPowers:TheSpyWhoShaggedMe'whatisthenameofDr.Evil'sdiminutiveclone?Little BuddyMini-MeSmall FryDr. Evil Jr.\If a piece of music is in 'commontime' how many quarter notes arethere per measure?onefourfivetenbWhat term describes someone whodoes not believe in the existence2of God?hedonistdeistagnosticatheist` Which of these months has 315days?@MarchAprilJuneSeptember^What is the 7-Eleven company'strademarked name for itssuper-large sodas?Big SlurpBig GulpBig DrinkBig Sipd In what country did Pokemon-originate?@FranceHungaryJapanCanadabWhat fictional character claimsto be 'smarter than the average4bear'?Paddington BearFozzie BearSmokey BearYogi Bear\ What French city is home to afamous international film festival)each spring?CannesMarseilleDijonLyon`Which of the following is mostcommonly kept in a terrarium?@moneybooksiceplantsdWhat chemical do peoplefrequently use to bleach hair?@folic acidhydrogen peroxidesodium chloridenitrous oxideb What color is a ruby?@@redblackyellowbluebIn the classic song 'Take Me Outto the Ballgame' for whom do we 'root root root'?the umpirethe home teamthe bat boyMighty CaseybBywhatcollectivenamedoChristiansrefertoGodtheFather,GodtheSonandtheHolyGhost?the Triothe Troikathe Triumviratethe Trinityd How many eyes does a giraffe5have?@onetwothreefourdIn American football, how many points is a touchdown worth?@twothreesixsevenZ In Mister Rogers' theme song, what does he ask you to be?@his cookhis studenthis neighborall you can bebIn the television networkabbreviation 'ABC' what does the%'A' stand for?ArtisticAudioAmericanAdultdWhich of these sounds iscommonly associated with owls?@chirpbarkgrowlhootdIf someone has cataracts, whatpart of their body might need an,operation?earhandeyekneebWhat is the proper nautical use of,an anchor?@to catch large fishto calculate water depthto hold a ship in placeto damage other boats\ What is the chemical process wherein a solid is turned to aliquid via the application of heat?distillationphotosynthesisfreezingmelting ZWhich of these is a slang term)for 'police'?@fuzzshrinksbean countersaardvarksdWhat type of meat is on a traditional Reuben sandwich?@turkeybolognacorned beefpepperonibThe common term for someonewho has difficulty seeing objectsin the distance is what?farsightednearsightedhindsightedhypermetropic ZWhat professional sports team plays its home games in the)Alamodome?New York JetsDetroit TigersBoston BruinsSan Antonio SpursdWhat is the name of the Swedishcompany that specializes inaffordable furniture?GambroElectroluxSaabIKEAZIn baseball, how many balls make1a walk?@onetwothreefour`In bowling, how many pins mustyou knock down to get a strike?@zero81012Z In the phrase 'Y2K' what does 'K',stand for?@millenniumcomputer codecatastrophethousandbThe disco band ABBA comes from%what country?@NorwaySwedenSwitzerlandThe Netherlands^According to the children's nursery rhyme, what type ofocean did Columbus sail in 1492?calmblue windyreally bigbHow many quarts are there in a2gallon?@onetwothreefour` What color is Uncle Sam's goatee?@@brownblackwhitedishwater blondb What do you call a young cow?@@marelambkidcalfdHow many stars are on the#American flag?@13485051XWhich of these is not a position on an American football team?@quarterbacktight endstrikerfree safetyZHuffy, Schwinn and Raleigh are all!brands of what?@sportsweardishwasherscigarettesbicyclesdOn the TV show 'CHiPs' what was Officer Frank Poncherello's-nickname?FrankyPonchChipperHot Dogb What color is Pepto-Bismol liquid?@@pinkbluecleargreend According to legend, in whatcountry are you most likely tomeet a leprechaun?IrelandPolandGreenlandScotlanddA second-year college student isusually called a what?@sophomoreseniorfreshmanjunior`Which of these countries is not in1Europe?@ItalySpainGreeceIsraelXFor what purpose would you use1an awl?@to shoot ducksto polish floorsto make holes to weigh fruit` Which of these holidays is not attached to a specific date?@Independence DayNew Year's DayThanksgivingChristmasbWhat is the art of eleganthandwriting called?@calligraphyengravingdecoupagelithographydWhich of these organs comes in a6pair?@liverkidneystomachgallbladderdWhose profile can you see on thefront of dimes that are currently%in circulation?George WashingtonThomas JeffersonBenjamin FranklinFranklin Roosevelt <RJw+\9] Who is the star of the movie''Casablanca'?@Errol FlynnClark GableCary GrantHumphrey BogartbPeople are supposed to drive onthe left-hand side of the road in$which country?FranceItalyEnglandGermany`What is the colored part of the+eye called?@irispupilretinacochleaZWhat is the most popular monthfor weddings in America?@JanuaryMayAugustNovemberR How is the word 'ambulance'normally written on the front ofAmerican ambulances?in Frenchin reversein braillein gibberishdInthe1992animatedfilm'Aladdin'whatdevicedoestheherousetotravelfromplacetoplace?talking carwinged horsemagic carpethot air balloondWhich of these movies does not star Jim Carrey?@'Patch Adams''The Truman Show''Dumb and Dumber''The Mask'dWho is considered the owner of a'publicly held' company?@the CEOthe stockholdersthe presidentthe government`When daylight-saving time arrivesin the spring, how do most Americans turn their clocks?one hour forwardone hour backwardtwo hours forwardtwo hours backwardd Which of these animals lays eggs?@@cowgerbilfrogelephantdHow many keys are on a standard4piano?@205488100\Where would you typically find a2bailiff?@grocery storecourtroomfootball stadiumdoctor's officedWhat is actor Antonio Banderas'!native language?@SpanishRussianGermanFrenchd The phrase 'hospital corners'!refers to what?@bed sheetspaintlandscapingscissorsdWhat's the popular name of the breakfast meal consisting ofsausages wrapped in pancakes?ducks in a pondpigs in a blanketcows in a pasturedogs in the ovenbHow many innings are there in aregular Major League Baseball4game?seveneightnineten`In soccer, which player is allowed to use his or her hands in the&field of play?midfieldercentersweepergoalkeeperd What is the final word of thePledge of Allegiance?@Americastandsindivisibleall\ What topic does Spin magazine!primarily cover?@politicswashing machinesbooksmusic^ What are the dimensions of a 'letter size' piece of paper?@3 1/2 x 5 inches5 x 10 inches8 1/2 x 11 inches11 x 17 inchesdWhich of these animals shares itsname with a luxury car?@yakgazelleslothjaguarbWhich of these is not found in aSnickers candy bar?@almondschocolatenougatcaramel\What is another way of writing-'six feet'?@6'6!6''6#`AccordingtotheAmericanKennel Club,whatisthemostpopularbreedofdogintheU.S.asof1999?PoodleBeagleGerman shepherdLabrador retrieverZWhich of these colors is a shade0of blue?@ochreperiwinklemauveecruV What does the 'ROM' in CD-ROM,stand for?@Really Obscure MemoryRun-Other MemoryRandom Object MemoryRead-Only Memory\ By what name is Bob Keeshan%better known?@Bozo the ClownPee Wee HermanCaptain KangarooBuffalo BobLWhich brand of cat food claimsit's so tasty that 'cats ask for it.by name'?Fancy FeastCat ChowMeow Mix9-Lives X How long is Hanukkah?@@one dayfive dayseight daystwo weeks^ Which of these is made from(cacao seeds?@marzipansoy saucechocolateanchoviesNWhat does it mean to work 'pro4bono'?@work overtimework without paywork as your own bossnot work at all`What term is used to describe a"group of geese?@gaggleganggandergristZ What term describes a wordcreated by rearranging theletters of another word?onomatopoeiamalapropismanagramantonym R On what body part should youwear a babushka?@headhandsfootlegs\ Which of these games is notplayed with cards?@baccaratrummycrapssolitaire ZHow are actors Charlie Sheen andEmilio Estevez related?@They're cousins.They're brothers.They're father and son.They're uncle and nephew.ZAfter Prince Charles, who is nextin line to be the king of England?@Prince WilliamPrince AndrewPrince EdwardFresh PrinceP What high school does the gang from the 'Archie' comic strip1attend?Ridgemont HighRiverdale HighRumson HighRiker's Island High VWhich of these words is an1adverb?@hurriedfastspeedyquicklyX In the famous baseball poem'Casey at the Bat' Casey playsfor the team from what town?StormfieldFog CityMudvilleWaterlogX In traditional English puppet shows, who is married to the character Punch?DebbieVictoriaJudyBarbaraT In the film 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' who plays Mr. Ripley?@Jude LawMatt DamonDustin HoffmanBen Affleck L How many ounces are in a pound?@@4121632V Which of these is not the name ofone of rock musician Frank Zappa's/children?DweezilAhmetMoon UnitLumpy Gravy\What are the Smothers Brothers'(first names?@Frank and BillTom and DickDave and GeorgeEd and PeteV What sporting event is heldannually on Memorial Day.weekend?IditarodKentucky DerbyIndianapolis 500Super BowlVWhich of these measurements isequal to one square foot?@50 square inches77 square inches100 square inches144 square inches\What automobile company makes*the Sonata?@ToyotaHondaSubaruHyundai JOn what continent can you findtigers in the wild?@AfricaAsiaEuropeSouth AmericaDTomakeaninternationaltelephonecallfromwithintheU.S.,whatarethefirstnumbersyoushoulddial?011101888911\Who wrote musicals with Oscar#Hammerstein II?@Richard RodgersRogers HornsbyGilbert O' SullivanGeorge Rogers ClarkR Which of these is not a spice?@@dillaniseedcucumbercayenne TWhich of these Australian birds is most closely related to the0ostrich?puffinkookaburracockatooemuXWhich of these is not a type of/primate?@baboonmarmotorangutanchimpanzeeZPop icon Tiny Tim was famous forplaying what musical instrument?@ukulelekazooaccordionfiddleTIn the Arthurian legend, who ismarried to Guinevere?@MerlinKing ArthurLancelotCamelotL Which of these foods is nottraditionally considered kosher?@citrus fruitsbarleychickenshellfish TWhich of these snakes is,poisonous?@anacondaboa constrictorcopperheadpythonTWhat type of substance is%'terra-cotta'?@metalceramicwoodglass^ Which of these is not a 'lock'function on a standard desktopcomputer keyboard?print locknumber lockscroll lockcaps lock^Which of these words means 'yes'-in French?@quiouijaokey-dokeyZ In what forest did Robin Hood7live?@Black ForestPetrified ForestNottingham ForestSherwood ForestRIn the novel 'The Adventures ofTom Sawyer' what is the name ofTom's sweetheart?Polly FinnBecky ThatcherNancy DrewEmma BovaryVWhich of these countries was nota member of the Axis allianceduring World War II?GermanyItalySpainJapan PWhich of the following is aboutthe Watergate scandal?@'All the King's Men''All the Pretty Horses''All the President's Men''All the Right Moves' VWhich of these rocks will float in2water?@granitelimestoneshalepumice TWhat company makes Oreo0cookies?@General MillsNabiscoKeeblerKraftZWhat is the last book of the New*Testament?@RevelationJudgesRuthJohn\In what decade was the Hula-Hoop.invented?@1890s1920s1950s1970s PWhich of these Democrats lost toRonald Reagan in the 1984presidential elections?Michael DukakisWalter MondaleGary HartJimmy Carter <Which of these words is spelled,correctly?@decieveforiegnhygienewierd < What is the capital of North1Dakota?@BismarckFargoSioux FallsPierre>In 1909, Frederick Cook claimedto be the first explorer to reach$what location?Mount EverestBermuda TriangleAtlantisNorth Pole TWhich character on the TV show'Friends' is a chef?@JoeyMonicaRossRachelZWhich of these pastas is spiral1shaped?@fettuccinerigatonitortellinirotiniR Which of these popular gamesrelies on bluffing?@OutburstBalderdashPictionaryScattergories^ Which of these are not legumes?@@beanspeasradishespeanutsTWhich of these is a member of thecucumber family?@green pepperwatermelonpotatogreen beanV What letters are on the '3'button of a touch-tone,telephone?ABCDEFGHIWXYX WhenFDRcarried42statesinthepresidentialelectionof1932,how manystatesdidhenotcarry?sixseveneighttenHWho is the twin sister of 'Dear Abby' columnist Abigail Van3Buren?Martha StewartDr. Ruth WestheimerAnn LandersMiss Manners\The dance known as the 'fandango'is of what origin?@AustralianAfricanNative AmericanSpanishRWhich of these people was buriedin the Valley of the Kings?@Louis XIVElvis PresleyJulius CaesarKing TutXIn the Jimmy Buffet song'Margaritaville' what is the singer%searching for?a limea shaker of salthis car keysthe bartenderX What metal device is used bypolice to immobilize the wheels ofrepeat parking offenders?Brooklyn clampDenver bootLoJackThe Club\What is the national animal of,Australia?@koalakangarooplatypusalligator TIn mobster lingo, if you 'sing like a canary' what are you doing?@impersonating Sinatratalking to the copskilling an enemybetting on horsesX What sport is featured in the1996 movie 'Kingpin'?@wrestlinggolfchessbowling\What are the plastic boxes thathold compact discs called?@frame casesjewel casesslip caseswafer boxes\Which of these foods couldcontain small amounts ofnaturally occurring opium?chocolate trufflespoppy seed bagelscarbonated sodasesame chicken\At what age can someone firstattend an R-rated movie withoutan accompanying adult?15171821J In which of these sports docompetitors use a 'funny car'?@supercrossdogsleddinggymnasticsdrag racingZ Each year in pro baseball, theplayer voted as the best fielderat his position wins what?a brand new carthe Gold Glovethe Silver Batthe Brass BaseballTWhich of these places is knownfor art auctions?@Shelby'sNickleby'sGatsby'sSotheby's^According to a popular slogan, what state should people not)'mess with'?New YorkTexasMontanaRhode IslandVWhat country is the rock group U24from?@EnglandIrelandBelgiumGermany TWhich of these is commonly usedto treat allergies?@antimatteranticoagulantsantisepticsantihistaminesZ What animal is used to make lard?@@pigcowsnakechickenDWhat is Delta Burke's character's job on the sitcom 'Designing0Women'?fashion designergraphic designerinterior designerwebsite designerHIncluding the bottom, how many sides are on a square-based/pyramid?threefourfivesixDWhich of these is a U.S. jet%fighter plane?@A-1B-4C-12F-15XWhat was Richard Nixon's middle4name?@MichaelMilhousMortimerMatthew[What kind of flying contraption is featured in the movie 'ChittyChitty Bang Bang'?boatcartruckbikeZWhich of these is not a traditional+Greek dish?@sukiyakisouvlakimoussakafinikia\In what sport do you find 'steel$cage' matches?@boxingfencingpro wrestlingcollege basketballVWhich of these rock guitaristsdesigned a colorful line of men's.neckties?Eric ClaptonJerry GarciaJeff BeckKeith RichardsRA triptych is a work of art thatis painted on how many panels?@twothreefiveeightX In the 1960s 'Batman' TV series, who was not a guest villain?@The MinstrelThe ArcherThe BookwormThe Squeegee GuyZWhat is the official language of The Netherlands?@DanishSwedishGermanDutch RWhat is produced during"photosynthesis?@hydrogennylonoxygen light\Whichofthesetelevisionprogramsdidnotfeaturecharactersintroducedon'HappyDays'?'Mork & Mindy''Perfect Strangers''Joanie Loves Chachi''Laverne & Shirley'TWhat children's storybookcharacter believes that the sky is1falling?Chicken LittleCurious GeorgeJack SpratTom Thumb\What is the normal playback speed of a 12'' long-playing record?@12 1/2 rpm33 1/3 rpm45 rpm100 rpmVWhat car company oncemanufactured and sold the 'Datsun' line of automobiles?NissanMazdaToyotaDaihatsuJ What is the name for the thinboard used to mix colors while/painting?pestleeaselshoepalette\In computer terminology, whatdoes the acronym 'FTP' stand for?@file transfer protocolfull time portalfull text processorfree to print\Which of these is not a style of5shoe?@ginghambroganespadrilledocksiderT  The British dish 'bangers andmash' is made up of sausage and4what?eggsbaconliverpotatoes ZIn the story 'Jack and theBeanstalk' what does Jack tradeto get the magic beans?a cowa hata harpa goosePWho is the creator of the comicstrip 'The Far Side'?@Jim DavisGary LarsonGarry TrudeauCharles Schulz^ Which of these men has never been a head coach in the NFL?@Dick VermeilBill ParcellsChuck NollPat RileyVHow many digits are in a standardVisa credit card number?@12151620 LWhich of these is not aningredient in Yorkshire pudding?@eggsmilkchocolatemeat drippingsRWho was the first U.S. president to resign from that office?@Martin Van BurenAndrew JacksonAndrew JohnsonRichard Nixon @ What article of clothing bestdescribes a 'pashmina'?@shoespantsscarfunderwear\How many axles does a standard automobile have?@onetwofoureightL Which famed modeling agencyshares its name with a top U.S.*automaker?Ford ChevroletChryslerSaturn\On a set of jumper cables, what color designates the negative+connector?blackredorangeblueR The Strauss family of composerspopularized what dance?@waltztangofox-trotsquare danceZ What team has won the most&World Series?@Chicago CubsLos Angeles DodgersNew York YankeesSan Francisco GiantsX In British currency, how manypence make a pound?@101005001000PWhat color is cartoon characterMarge Simpson's hair?@yellowpurplebluebrownXThe TV show 'House of Style' airson what network?@E!WBMTVHome Shopping NetworkX Which of these refers to an alcoholic drink laced with a$knockout drug?ZombieKamikazeMickey FinnMolotov cocktailVWhat cartoon character traveledin a time machine with Mr./Peabody?RockyJonny QuestUnderdogSherman P In what city is TV's 'The MaryTyler Moore Show' set?@DallasChicagoNew YorkMinneapolisTA knish is traditionally stuffedwith what filling?@potatocreamed cornlemon custardraspberry jellyL What character did Woody replaceon the TV show 'Cheers'?@CoachDianeNormFrasier\Who is the star of the TV show 'Everybody Loves Raymond'?@Ray LiottaRay RomanoRay Parker Jr.Sugar Ray Leonard VFor a man and woman on a date,'dutch treat' means what?@The man pays.The woman pays.The Dutch pay.Each pays their own way.NIn the card game blackjack, howmuch are a queen and a king worth-together?11152021^ What is a Dutch oven?@@a toaster ovena microwavea kettle pota saunaNHow much does Peanuts characterLucy charge for her psychiatric2advice?5 cents10 cents75 cents$1.25Rqt!Hv- > reWhich of these songs was a Top 10 hit for the rock band The3Police?'Radio Ga-Ga''Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da''De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da''In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida'TWhat mathematical term is used to describe the average of aseries of numbers?medianmodemajoritymeanRIn the United States, what is thefirst day of spring?@February 21March 21April 21May 21JWhich of these magazines does notfocus on natural science?@Tiger BeatOutsideNational GeographicSmithsonianZWith what would you use a"wah-wah pedal?@bicyclestock carelectric guitarbaby` Who is the career hit leaderamong players never elected toBaseball's Hall of Fame?Steve GarveyJim RicePete RoseKen Griffey Jr.P  What is the name of HowardStern's female on-air sidekick?@Allison NorrisJackie ReesesJackie MartlingRobin Quivers^If you work as a 'dolly grip' whatbusiness are you in?@sheep farmingfilm productionconstructionmovingX The sport of judo comes fromwhat Asian country?@JapanVietnamLaosPhilippinesN Which of these foods could you&catch at sea?@shallotstollenscallopscone Z How is 4:00 p.m. expressed in%military time?@160000404004:00`Who is the mythological Romangoddess of flowers?@DianaEchoFloraNiobeVWhat term describes the passingof genetic traits from onegeneration to the next?heredityheresyhomogeneityhemoglobin\ Which of these is not a Hindu4deity?@ShivaVishnuSanskritBrahmaVWhen driving, which of thefollowing gestures means 'left4turn'?arm bent upwardsthumbs upclosed fistarm straight outLWho was the first First Lady torun for political office?@Hillary ClintonRosalynn CarterBess TrumanEleanor RooseveltD What is another name for the)camelopard?@circusgiraffecantaloupeoasisP What city's residents are knownas 'Knickerbockers'?@BostonPhiladelphiaNew York CityLondon>Who is the shortest man to everwin an NBA slam dunk(competition?Anthony 'Spud' WebbMichael 'Air' JordanTyrone 'Muggsy' BoguesJulius 'Dr. J' Erving> What is the approximate speed of5light?@165 miles per hour122,000 miles per hour186,000 miles per second293,000 miles per secondNWhich of these vitamins was thefirst to be named?@Vitamin AVitamin B-12Vitamin EVitameatavegimenPWhatisthenameoftheNewtonian lawthatstates,'Anobjectinmotiontendstostayinmotion'?Law of InertiaLaw of ThermodynamicsLaw of RelativityLaw of GravitationNWhat city is known as 'the rubbercapital of the world'?@Omaha, NebraskaRockford, IllinoisGrand Rapids, MichiganAkron, OhioLWhat kind of animal is cartoon character Tennessee Tuxedo?@catskunkwalruspenguinHWho was the English king at thetime of the American Revolution?@Charles IJames IEdward IIIGeorge IIIJWhat is the name of the femalecharacter played by comedian FlipWilson on his 1970s TV show?Miss JackieElizabeth SanfordGeraldine JonesGladys KnightHBy what nickname is the FederalNational Mortgage Association2known?MortyFEMAFreddie MacFannie MaeL Whatnativeempirecontrolled largeareasofSouthAfricanterritoryduringthe19thcentury?HutuZuluAztecMasaiHDuring what war did Francis Scott Key write the words to 'TheStar-Spangled Banner'?American RevolutionWar of 1812Civil WarWorld War I";The film 'Stand By Me' is based ona novel by what author?@Anne ProulxStephen KingDean KoontzFrank McCourt D In what state is the 1999 movie$'Magnolia' set?@CaliforniaSouth CarolinaGeorgiaTexasD Where are fireworks first knownto have been developed?@ItalyChinaGreat BritainGreece< What nationality was Karl Marx?@@RussianGermanDanishEnglish*6What condition is caused bymalfunctioning sebaceous glands?@bad breathshinglesacnecarpal tunnel syndrome LIn the famous ballet 'TheNutcracker' who does the hero1defeat?Sugar Plum FairyRat KingSnow QueenMarzipanFWhich one of these World War II leaders was not at the Yalta)Conference?StalinMussoliniChurchillRooseveltB Which of these performers madeher film debut in Spike Lee's 'Do!the Right Thing'?Jennifer LopezRosie PerezPaula AbdulTisha CampbellF Which of these dishes is madefrom pig intestines?@haggischitlinsgritschop sueyDWhich of these college footballprograms has produced the mostHeisman Trophy winners?Notre DameUSCOklahomaMichigan@ On which part of a car would youfind the 'caliper'?@batteryengineradiatorbrakesLWhich of these is not a type of5rock?@metamorphicsedimentaryigneousdeciduousNPaper will burn at approximatelywhat temperature, in Fahrenheit?@98.6 degrees212.5 degrees398.5 degrees451 degreesNHow many $100 bills does it take to equal one million dollars?@one thousandfive thousandten thousandone hundred thousand>What is the last letter of the"Greek alphabet?@omicronomegaupsilonzetaD  Which of these is a fish?@@sea horsesea cowsea snakesea lion> Which of these companies is notan online stock brokerage?@E*TradeEDigitalDatek OnlineDLJ DirectB What were the first names of theearly American explorers Lewis,and Clark?Morgan and MasonMeriwether and WilliamCabot and JosephMeredith and George FWhat is the technical term forsomeone who studies fish?@entomologistichthyologistmarinologistherpetologistHInhorseracing,whatisthetermforawageronthe1st,2ndand3rdplacefinishersinaspecificrace?triple actiontrifectaexactatriple crownN What is the largest animal ever to live on Earth?@blue whalegiant squidwoolly mammothTyrannosaurusBWhat is the largest city in'Pennsylvania?@PhiladelphiaStewartsvilleHarrisburgPittsburghFWhat U.S. president is mentionedby name in the opening theme song of TV's 'All in the Family'?Calvin CoolidgeHarry TrumanHerbert HooverRichard Nixon DWhat popular toy is featured inthe film 'The Hudsucker Proxy'?@Beanie BabiesHula HoopLincoln LogsLite BriteDWhat country was once ruled by/shoguns?@ChinaJapanNorth KoreaTaiwanLWhich of these countries does notparticipate in NAFTA?@United StatesCanadaMexicoGuatemalaHWhat kind of animal is a,peregrine?@moosecatbirdfish PWhat biological process replicates5DNA?@moltingmitosisdiffusionperistalsisH What exercise apparatus is usedduring a 'Spinning' class?@stationary bicycletreadmillrowing machinebarbellsJ Which of these items is useful forremoving ink stains?@baking sodanail polishhair spraybutter@In golf, what is one stroke over+par called?@eaglebogeydormybirdieHWhat do you call threeconsecutive strikes in bowling?@yahtzeemulliganturkeyaceDWhich of these is an Italian design5firm?@EscadaFendiGhostMainbocherFAccording to the title of apopular children's TV show, whatcolor is Bear's big house?redgreenpurpleblue 8What was the birth name of civilrights leader Malcolm X?@Michael BrownMalcolm LittleMalcolm LincolnMichael LloydB What was the name of the first nuclear-powered submarine?@NautilusNeptuneNordenfelt IIINicholasF What is the proletariat?@@the homelessthe royaltythe upper classthe working class FWhich of these is a type ofartwork consisting of pieces ofwood inlaid in geometric patterns?marquetryparquetryharquetrysharquetryDWhich of these foods is poisonous0to dogs?@peanut butterbananaschocolateolives FHow long is the time on an NBA*shot clock?@18 seconds24 seconds30 seconds35 seconds BWhich of these candy bars was named for a baseball player?@Baby RuthClark BarReggie BarButterfinger:$Which of these words is a synonym for 'perambulate'?@kissshoutstrollheal D In a game with no wild cards,what is the highest possible poker5hand?straight flushroyal flushfull housefour of a kindJCheddar cheese got its name froma village in what country?@EnglandFranceSwitzerlandDenmark8What is the name of the SouthAfrican political party that washeaded by Nelson Mandela?African National CongressSouth African DemocratsInkatha Freedom PartyAryan National AssemblyPWhat New Age musician released a1998 album titled 'King of the Pan3Flute'?ZamfirYanniVangelisKenny G@  What does the Latin phrase 'epluribus unum' mean?@What a crazy life.In God we trust.from many, onefor the greater goodH What is the name of the fruitthat is half tangerine and half*grapefruit?graperinetangefruittangelokumquatN In what city would you find peoplestudying art and design at theFashion Institute of Technology? ParisNew YorkLos AngelesMelbourneLWhich of these would you mostcommonly find in a sconce?@candlefoodbirdsbooksLThe term 'chili con carne' refersto chili with what?@beansmeatcheesechili peppersN What kind of angle is formedwhere two perpendicular lines4meet?obtuseacuterightinvisiblePWhich of the following is not a flavor of Ben & Jerry's Ice2Cream?Wavy GravyBovinity DivinityCutie PatootieChubby Hubby >  In the original 'Get Smart' TVseries, what is agent MaxwellSmart's code name?Agent 86Agent 99LarrabeeThe ChiefF Which of these stores is notowned by Gap, Inc.?@GapBanana RepublicOld NavyJ. CrewJ Which of these horror films spawned the most sequels?@'Scream''Jaws''Halloween''Friday the 13th'LWho originally proposed the ideaof daylight-saving time?@Benjamin FranklinHenry David ThoreauGalileoAlbert EinsteinFWhat is the square root of 81/squared?@92781729FWhich of the following is not in1Nevada?@Liberace MuseumPikes PeakLake MeadHoover Dam H What former 'Today' showpersonality played a neighbor onthe TV sitcom 'The Hogan Family'?Jane PauleyWillard ScottDeborah NorvilleJoe Garagiola@What city's airport uses the code6ORD?@ChicagoOrlandoNew York CityPortland< What is the name of the POWcamp where 'Hogan's Heroes' are6held?Stalag 13Alcatraz 17Devil's IslandLeavenworthLWhat disease is sometimesreferred to as the 'royal/disease'?ricketsmeasleshemophiliatuberculosisLThe process of drilling holes inthe skull is called what?@bifurcationtrepanationaeronomyskullduggeryD In what year did the United Stateslast win an Olympic gold medal inmen's ice hockey?19761980198419888Who was not one of theCartwright sons on the TV series-'Bonanza'?AdamLittle JoeHossBen. If you are truly afraid of thedark, what do you suffer from?@hypnophobiacryptophobiahadephobianyctophobia < The Apple iMac computer isavailable in all of the followingcolors except which?TangerineStrawberryKiwiGrape 8 Which company holds an annualself-named 'Bake-Off'?@Betty CrockerDuncan HinesPillsburyKeebler.2 What people ruled the AndesMountains until they wereconquered by the Spanish in 1532?PuebloAztecIncaApache(8Where is Ghirardelli Square0located?@MilanRomeWashington D.C.San Francisco @ What is called a 'lorry' in Britain?@@a toastera trucka babysitteran elevator>"During which war did U.S. troopsfight the Battle of New Orleans?@American RevolutionCivil WarMexican WarWar of 1812> What is a balalaika?@@musical instrumentRussian peasanttype of hatbreed of shark:  Which of these is not one of"Aesop's fables?@'The Dog and the Squirrel''The Hare and the Tortoise''The Eagle and the Beetle''The Ox and the Frogs'#In which of the following bandsdid Jimmy Page not play guitar?@Bad CompanyThe FirmLed ZeppelinThe Yardbirds0& Which of the following requiresthe use of at least two needles?@macramebraidingcrochetinghand knitting&<What animal represents the year2000 on the Chinese calendar?@dragonrabbittigermonkey: Which Pope immediately preceded)John Paul II?@John XXIIIPaul VIJohn Paul IHank II>What kind of car did BurtReynolds drive in the movie'Smokey and the Bandit'?LamborghiniCamaroCorvetteTrans Am" 8Who is the patron saint of0animals?@St. Isidore of SevilleSt. Anthony of PaduaSt. Francis of AssisiSt. Joan of Arc DWhere did Lewis and Clark begintheir famous expedition in 1804?@SeattleSt. LouisNew OrleansWashington, D.C. @What is your astrological sign if you were born on Halloween?@ScorpioCapricornLibraCancerBHow is the Arabic numeral for '2'/written?@2IIIii0 According to the USDA, which food group should you eat themost servings of per day?vegetablesdairymeatsbreads>$What actress starred on'Charlie's Angels' for the show's+entire run?Cheryl LaddFarrah FawcettJaclyn SmithKate Jackson4Whom did Billie Jean King defeat inthe famous 'Battle of the Sexes'&tennis match?Jimmy ConnorsPete SamprasJohn McEnroeBobby Riggs 2Who was president of the United States when Bill Clinton was5born?Herbert HooverHarry S. TrumanFranklin RooseveltDwight Eisenhower>What corporation was founded bya candlemaker and a soapmaker?@Simon & SchusterProcter & GambleJohnson & JohnsonSmith & Wesson>"Who was the first American in3space?@John GlennBuzz AldrinAlan ShepardNeil Armstrong, A student who earns a J.D. can begin his or her career as a4what?lawyerbricklayerdoctoraccountantB What is the more common name for the disease 'pertussis'?@whooping coughtennis elbowblack lungGerman measles< How many ribs are there in the)human body?@18243042*8If you have a 'sawbuck' how muchmoney do you have?@$1$5$10$20( In what war did Joan of Arc4fight?@Hundred Years' WarFranco-Prussian WarFrench RevolutionFrench and Indian War6 " What is varicella?@@a fancy pastaa type of operathe chicken pox virusancient Roman poetry <An airplane's black box is usually)what color?@blackwhiteorangepurple*:What company makes perfumescalled 'Beautiful' and 'Pleasures'?@Estee LauderRalph LaurenElizabeth ArdenCalvin Klein2 Who were the Know-Nothings?@@a '60's comedy troupecomputer designersa political partya spy ringBWho sang lead vocals for the band Big Brother and the Holding.Company?Grace SlickJanis JoplinMama CassKaren CarpenterBOn average, what length of timepasses between high tides?@3 hours, 25 minutes6 hours, 25 minutes12 hours, 25 minutes24 hours, 25 minutes4(Which of these is not a breed of7cat?@PersianTurkish AngoraBichon FriseMaine Coon:$On TV's 'Seinfeld' what type of doctor did Mr. Costanza go towhen he sat on 'fusilli Jerry'?ophthalmologistcardiologistneurologistproctologist 0The 'Arkansas toothpick' is betterknown by what name?@Scottie Pippenspare ribpinkie fingerBowie knife>What does the Yiddish word"'meshuga' mean?@crazysacredstingysweetDHow long is a single term in the*U.S. Senate?@two yearsfour yearssix yearseight years 8In what decade did Israel becomean independent state?@1920s 1940s1950s1960s($What sport is known as 'The Sport.of Kings'?@poloarcheryyachtinghorse racing4(}Which of these is not one of theofficial languages of the United0Nations?JapaneseEnglishRussianSpanish8 Which 'Rocky' film features Mr. T?@@'Rocky II''Rocky III''Rocky IV''Rocky V'>In ice hockey, which of thefollowing is not a penalty?@hookingchargingcarvingbutt-ending,(Which one of these world leaderswas assassinated?@Indira GandhiFerdinand MarcosGolda MeirNeville Chamberlain8  If you are watching a Shavianplay, who is the author?@ShakespeareAeschylusGeorge Bernard ShawAnton Chekhov <What place is named in the titleof the 1979 live album by rocklegends Cheap Trick?BudapestBudokanBhutanBritain0,At the equator, how fast is theearth's surface turning?@about 100 miles per hourabout 500 miles per hourabout 1000 miles per hourabout 2000 miles per hour <What pro wrestler grapples withSylvester Stallone in the movie-'Rocky III'?Dolph LundgrenHulk HoganAndre the GiantThe Iron Sheik< Excluding wisdom teeth, how many adult teeth do humans have?@2832354040What is the technical term forthe offspring of a female donkeyand a male horse?burrodorsehinnyhonkerV What was the title of Beethoven'sonly completed opera?@'Faust''The Silence''Immortal Beloved''Fidelio'BOntheTVshow'HillStreetBlues'whatisJoyceDavenport'snicknameforCaptainFrankFurillo?Furry MonsterPizza ManSnookumsBaby Cakes< John D. Rockefeller made hisfortune in what industry?@automobileoilsteelrailroad8 Who were the Chicago Seven?@@war protestersbluegrass musiciansbank robbersmobsters6(According to a famous line fromthe existentialist play 'No Exit''what is hell?oneselfother peoplelittle made largehued in green and blue&: Who was Charlie McCarthy?@@a U.S. senatora Chicago gangstera famous baseball pitchera wooden dummy@Which American colony, known forits religious tolerance, did RogerWilliams found in 1636?MassachusettsRhode IslandVirginiaVermont"(What was the name of the 1999art exhibit that sparked anational debate about censorship?'Sticks & Stones''Pulsation''Black & White''Sensation' 6Gerry Adams is the president ofwhat organization?@GreenpeaceNASCARSinn FeinPLO :What liqueur is used to make aPink Lady cocktail pink?@grenadineschnappstriple secpernod&$ Which of these fashion designerswas born in the United States?@Laura AshleyHelmut LangDonna KaranChristian DiorDWhat is the capital of New0Zealand?@SydneyWellingtonAucklandMelbourneNWhat football player was knownas 'The Galloping Ghost'?@Jim ThorpeDick ButkusRed GrangeGeorge Halas4Into what body of water does theRhone River flow?@Atlantic OceanCaspian SeaNorth SeaMediterranean Sea 0What's the third letter of the"Greek alphabet?@deltagammaphitheta*2What is the nickname of Florida'scontroversial death row electric4chair?Old YellerOld GeezerOld SmokyOld SparkyDWhich of these is not a type of(chili pepper?@habanerocheyennejalaperoguajillo 0*If you are 'riding fakie' inside a'half pipe' what are you probably4doing?skiingbikingsnowboardingsurfing8 What famous folksinger foundedthe Institute for the Study ofNon-Violence in 1965?Bob DylanWoody GuthrieJoan BaezPeter Yarrow &, What is New Mexico's nickname?@@'The Desert State''Gateway to Paradise''Land of Enchantment''The Garden State'" 0According to the Mother Goosenursery rhyme, which child is full1of woe?Monday's childWednesday's childThursday's childSaturday's child*Mohair is made from the fleece of'what animal?@camelllamagoatmole6 What is the oldest permanentEuropean settlement in the United1States?St. Augustine, FloridaPlymouth, MassachusettsNewport News, VirginiaCharlotte, North Carolina.0 If you ask for 'gai' at a Thairestaurant, what will you get?@shrimpchickenbeefpork *  What new token was recently added to the Monopoly board4game?piggybanksack of moneyglobetelephone  Who composed the 'Moonlight0Sonata'?@MozartHandelBachBeethoven:Which actress played apointy-eared Vulcan in the movie'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'?Whoopi GoldbergJennifer GreyKirstie AlleyHelen Hunt :What tea is known for its distinctive bergamot flavor?@Earl GreyDarjeelingEnglish BreakfastPrince of Wales2&  When it comes to measuring horses, how long is a 'hand'?@four inchesseven inchesten inchestwo feet6Which of these actors didone-handed push-ups on stage at the 1992 Academy Awards?Sylvester StalloneJack NicholsonJack PalanceMarisa Tomei ( In the sci-fi movie 'FantasticVoyage' where do the voyagers2travel?through outer spacethrough a human bodyto the ocean floorto the center of the earth8$In what U.S. city can you find theBasketball Hall of Fame?@Canton, OhioCooperstown, New YorkSpringfield, MassachusettsLawrence, Kansas,In 1926, the HarlemGlobetrotters basketball teamwas formed in what city?BostonPhiladelphiaChicagoNew York CityJWhich of these is not one of the four basic forces in nature?@electromagneticgravitationalnuclearcentrifugal> In what sport do athletes compete for the Walker Cup?@crickettennissquashgolf ,Which of these household petsshould be vaccinated for*parvovirus?hamstercatdogbird What are the names of the twoprimary M&M's spokes-candies?@Peanut and PlainRed and YellowMort and MartyThey don't have names.( What is your hallux?@@earlobetongueeyelidbig toe<  Which of these sentences is written in the subjunctive?@I am not your man.I wish I were your man.Wherefore art your man?Your man is where? 4 What substance was used forblood in the famous shower scenefrom the movie 'Psycho'?tomato juicered winechocolate syrupketchup2 How many states were in theConfederate States of America?@11131622.2According to folklore, the'jackalope' is an antlered version"of what animal?chickenrabbitmoosesnake(Which of these names has neverbelonged to a Pope?@LeoLandoLinusLawrenceF As of 1999, which state has themost Girl Scouts?@CaliforniaIllinoisNew YorkPennsylvania.What part of the world was onceknown as Cathay?@ChinaIndiaIranIndonesia&According to the Bible, Moses andAaron had a sister named what?@JochebedRuthLeahMiriam6 What is the traditional 20thwedding anniversary gift?@paperleatherchinasilver .Who co-founded Microsoft with+Bill Gates?@Steve JobsSteve WozniakPaul WilliamsPaul Allen".What color is the masthead ofUSA Today's 'Life' section?@greenpurpleredblue,What are fans of the TV show'Mystery Science Theater 3000'-known as?MysteriansMiSTies'Bot BrigadeGizmonics<What is the birthstone for themonth of January?@topazgarnetopaldiamond 8 If a ring has the number 925stamped into it, it is most likelymade of what material? platinumgoldsteelsilver$2In what country did Magic Johnson play professional basketballduring the 1999 season?United StatesSwedenIsraelTurkey ,Before he went into coaching, PhilJackson played for which of thefollowing NBA teams?Boston CelticsLos Angeles LakersNew York KnicksPhiladelphia 76ers *(How many men has actressElizabeth Taylor been divorced4from?fivesixseveneight. What is the oldest continuouslyrun sporting event in the United1States?Westminster Dog ShowBoston MarathonKentucky DerbyIndianapolis 500* Which of these is not a fabric?@@VelveteenCelotexSeersuckerTencel4 According to a Yale Universitystudy, what smell is the mostrecognizable to American adults?tunalaundrypopcorncoffee2,What is the correct spelling ofNew Mexico's largest city?@AlbuqerqueAlbuquerqueAlbequerqueSanta Fe& What is considered the proper wayto address a duke?@'Your Majesty''Your Eminence''Your Excellency''Your Grace',The first commercial radio stationwas located in what city?@ChicagoAustinPittsburghCleveland$ Who wrote the lyrics of the FrankSinatra anthem 'My Way'?@Frank SinatraKris KristoffersonCarole KingPaul AnkaFWhat was the original name of theApple Macintosh XL computer?@Lisa 2Mac DaddyGranny SmithOrange XL 0What children's TV character is known as 'Da Niao' in China?@BarneyBig BirdMickey MouseTinky Winky 6 What Native American tribe didchief Crazy Horse lead?@ApacheComancheSiouxIroquois 2WhatisthenameofthecharacterplayedbyWoodyAlleninthe1967JamesBondfilm'CasinoRoyale'?Dr. EvilQLittle Jimmy BondM0In the novel 'Around the World in80 Days' Phileas Fogg's faithfulvalet is named what?Sancho PanzaPassepartoutRenfieldSavoir Faire (*Who led the 1831 slave insurrection in Southampton,/Virginia?John BrownDred ScottNat TurnerHarriet Tubman&.In an adult human, how long is the"large intestine?@one footfive feettwelve feettwenty feet>Which of the boys on the TV show 'My Three Sons' is adopted?@MikeErnieChipRobbie , In 1960, Nazi official AdolphEichmann was finally captured in%what country?BrazilEast GermanyArgentinaParaguay2 Which of these famous baseball figures was once acquitted atcourt-martial for insubordination?Abner DoubledayTy CobbJackie RobinsonBilly Martin4What literary work is the sourceof the quote 'Abandon every hope,all you who enter here'?'Paradise Lost''The Wizard of Oz''The Divine Comedy''Beowulf'.'Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to riseabove' is a line from what film?'Citizen Kane''The African Queen''The Deer Hunter''Adam's Rib'" Which of these is not a city in thestate of New York?@PerskippityKerhonksonSchenectadyLackawanna0Who was the WNBA's MostValuable Player of 1999?@Rebecca LoboSheryl SwoopesLisa LeslieYolanda GriffithIn 1986, Libyan leader MuammarQaddafi drew a so-called 'Line ofDeath' over what body of water?Gulf of SidraGulf of OmanRed SeaPersian Gulf& In the film 'Easy Rider' whatemblem is on the back of PeterFonda's leather jacket?peace symbolAmerican flagtwo white dovesHarley-Davidson logo8" Who is an archenemy of the cartoon superhero Underdog?@OverCatMuttleyMr. WhoopieDick Dastardly,The American patriot Paul Reverewas named for his father, whoseoriginal name was what?John Paul ReverePaul SilverApollos RivoirePaolo Reverini0  Which of these states is not thebirthplace of a U.S. president?@New JerseyNebraskaKansasCalifornia ,(Which of these people was notalive in the 20th century?@Mark TwainThomas EdisonSigmund FreudUlysses S. Grant4Inthe1976remakeoftheclassic film'KingKong'whatNewYorklandmarkdoesthegiantapeclimb?Statue of LibertyEmpire State BuildingWorld Trade CenterChrysler Building $Which of the Three Stooges wasnot related to the others?@MoeLarryCurlyShemp8According to Greek mythology,who was Apollo's twin sister?@AphroditeArtemisVenusAthena.Which of the following words doesnot appear in the Lewis Carrollpoem 'Jabberwocky'?brilligbandersnatchwabegrelp  Ada Lovelace is credited withbeing the first person to have*made what?a computer programa soufflea brassierea mystery novel2 &Who kills Tony at the end of thefilm 'West Side Story'?@RiffChinoBernardoHe kills himself."Astronaut John Glenn served as apilot in what branch of the/military?Army Air ForceMarines Navy " Thefirstsoundrecordingtobemadeandreproducedwasarecitationofwhatnurseryrhyme?'Humpty Dumpty''Mary Had a Little Lamb''Jack Be Nimble''Home, Sweet Home'( Where is the Frank LloydWright-designed house known as%Falling Water?ConnecticutPennsylvaniaIllinoisNew York(Who was the mother of the Greek.god Zeus?@GaiaPhoebeRheaHera. Who was on the $500 bill?@@Calvin CoolidgeAndrew JacksonAaron BurrWilliam McKinley& 0 What was the first Americancollege to become coeducational?@Oberlin CollegeDartmouth CollegeGrinnell CollegeAntioch College&2From 1971 to 1997, theDemocratic Republic of Congo was"known as what?ZaireAngolaRhodesiaBelgian Congo* Who was the longest-reigningmonarch in French history?@Louis XIIILouis XIVLouis XVLouis XVI(On Valentine's Day 2000, NASA'sNEAR spacecraft began a yearlongorbit of what asteroid?ErosCupidAphroditeVenus&" How many spikes are on theStatue of Liberty's crown?@fivesevenninethirteen 2What recording artist claims thatsportscaster Marv Albert was a major influence on his sound?David Lee RothMeat LoafAxl RoseChuck D&What was the name of the firstship to sail around the world?@TritonVictoriaMagellanElizabeth II& What is the singular form of the#word 'graffiti'?@graffitagraffitemgraffitograffitus$&Whatisthemeaningof'Betelgeuse'thenameofthebrighteststarintheconstellationOrion?blossom on a shieldeye of the archerthe lion's manearmpit of the giant> What do the initials 'E. E.' in poetE. E. Cummings' name stand for?@Edward EstlinEdmund EarlErnest EakinsEugene Evan What rank entitles a general in the U.S. Army to wear three3stars?brigadier generalcorporal generallieutenant generalmajor general( Which of these plants is the national emblem of Scotland?@ivythistleroselinden8  Which of these is not one ofsuperhero Captain Marvel's/abilities?the power of Apollothe strength of Herculesthe courage of Achillesthe wisdom of Solomon0In 1978, who became the youngestjockey ever to win horse racing's&triple crown?Jerry BaileySteve CauthenWillie ShoemakerPasquale Devito 8In Greek mythology, what is thename of Zeus' father?@ApolloCronusPrometheusHercules<What was Ludwig Van Beethoven's"final symphony?@NinthTenthEleventhTwelfth$ Which of these evangelists is acousin of rocker Jerry Lee Lewis?@Billy GrahamOral RobertsJerry FalwellJimmy Swaggart, Where was the chicken first%domesticated?@FranceIndiaPeruZaire " Phoebe, Dione and Helene aremoons of what planet?@JupiterSaturnNeptunePluto0"When it's noon in New York duringdaylight-saving time, what time is%it in Honolulu?6:00 a.m.6:30 a.m.7:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.6 Which of these Hemingwaycharacters is a newspaperman?@Jake BarnesRogelio GomezFrederic HenryJohn MacWalsey0Where did jazz great Sun Ra claim'he was born?@AtlantisMount OlympusSaturnin a saxophone  The correct order of Prince$Charles' names@CharlesPhilipArthurGeorgeThe order in which these ruraltowns first appeared on television@MayberryHootervilleCabot CoveTwin PeaksThe order of these states, from smallest to largest in area@Rhode IslandAlabamaIdahoTexas The order of these fractions,from smallest to largest@1/102/74/93/5The order of these famous city streets, from east to west@Wall StreetBeale StreetLas Vegas BoulevardRodeo DriveThe order in which thesemagazines were first published@Saturday Evening PostPopular ScienceRolling StoneSassyXqrqThe order of these inventions,from oldest to newest@roller skatesmodern chewing gumice cream coneparking meterTheorderoftheseholidaymascotsastheirrespectiveholidaysarecelebratedduringtheyearCupidLeprechaunEaster BunnySanta Claus The order of these animals bynumber of toes, from least to7mostSnakeCamelThree-toed slothHumanThe order of these articles of clothing, from head to foot@ClochePonchoGauchosEspadrille The order in which these CubScout badges are earned@BobcatWolfBearWebelosTheorderofthesecollegemascotsaccordingtowheretheirschoolislocated,fromwesttoeastSun DevilsCornhuskersBuckeyesNittany Lions The order in which these NFLteams first won a Super Bowl@Green Bay PackersMiami DolphinsSan Francisco 49ersDenver BroncosThe order in which these films&were released@"Above the Law""Hard To Kill""Out for Justice""Under Siege" The order in which these StarWars films are supposed to take6place"The Phantom Menace""A New Hope""The Empire Strikes Back""Return of the Jedi"The order in which these famouscomposers were born@HandelMozartChopinStravinskyThe order of the colors of theOlympic flag, from left to right@BlueYellowBlackGreenThe order in which these countriesrang in the year 2000, from first3to lastAustraliaEgyptSpainUnited StatesThe order in which these Roman$emperors ruled@CaligulaNeroHadrianConstantine IThe order of these old Britishcoins, from the least in value to(the greatestFarthingSixpenceShillingCrownThe order in which these instructions are given in the"Hokey Pokey" songPut your left foot in.Put your left foot out.Shake it all about.Do the Hokey Pokey.The chronological order in which these religious figures lived@MosesConfuciusJesusMohammedThe order in which these songsappear in the movie "Grease," from#beginning to end"Summer Nights""Greased Lightnin'""Born to Hand Jive""We Go Together"Thenumericalorderoftheproductsofthesemathematicalequationsfromsmallesttolargest4 X 69 X 38 X 45 X 7The chronological order in which these Civil War battles were4foughtShilohAntietamGettysburgChickamaugaThe order in which these literaryevents typically occur in a novel,from beginning to endexpositionrising actionclimaxdenouementAccording to the children's song,the order in which the old ladyswallowed these thingsflybirdcathorseThe chronological order of thesestages of human evolution@AustralopithecusHomo habilisHomo erectusHomo sapiensThe order in which these placesare named in the chorus of "ThisLand Is Your Land"CaliforniaNew York islandRedwood forestGulf Stream waters The order of these parts of astandard business letter, from&top to bottomletterheadinside addressbody textsignatureThe order in which these movies&were released@"Alien""Aliens""Alien 3""Alien: Resurrection" The order in which these rap artists released their first3albumsGrandmaster FlashRun-D.M.C.Public EnemyThe Wu-Tang ClanThe order in which these bookswere first published@"Anne of Green Gables""Anne of Avonlea""Anne of the Island""Anne of Windy Poplars"The order of these lakes, from(east to west@Lake PlacidLake ErieLake MichiganLake Tahoe The order in which these hit records were first released@"Heartbreak Hotel""Jailhouse Rock""Return To Sender""Suspicious Minds"Theorderinwhichthesethingsarementionedinthechorusofthesong"YouDon'tMessAroundwithJim"Superman's capethe windLone Ranger's maskJimThe order in which these thingswere created by God, according tothe Old TestamentseassunfishmanThe order in which these writers-were born@Tom StoppardSamuel BeckettW. Somerset MaughamRobert Louis StevensonThe order in which thesecelebrities were born@Ben HoganBen VereenBen StillerBen AffleckThe order in which these famous people were born@Martha WashingtonMartha GrahamMartha StewartMartha Plimpton TheorderofthesecharactersfromtheHBOseries"TheSopranos,"fromoldesttoyoungestLiviaTonyMeadowTony Jr. The order in which these TVmedical dramas first aired@"Marcus Welby, M.D.""Quincy, M.E.""ER""City of Angels"The order in which these videogame systems first appeared on+the marketColecoVisionSuper NintendoJaguarSega DreamcastThe order in which thesetelevision programs first aired@"American Bandstand""Soul Train""Dance Fever""Dance Party USA"The order in which these wordsappear in the title of a classic(Motown songSomedayWe'llBeTogetherUsing their nicknames, the orderof these U.S. cities from east to7westBig AppleBig EasyBig DBagdad by the BayThe order in which these phrasesfirst appear in the song "Amazing5Grace"I once was lostbut now am foundwas blindbut now I see            !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?                 !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?              !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?               !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?             !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?          !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?          !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?          !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?    !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>? 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Alright maybe it wasn't luck,but there's only one way+to find out.Play another game O.K.See you next time.2CREDITSEurocom Entertainment Software7Code-Mat Sneap,Paul Bates#Additional Code'Kev Grantham*Dave Looker1Graphics1Ulf Dahl&Hans Johansen8Q.A."Michael Robinson#Richard Nicholls.Paragon 56Music#Jakob Kaufmann*Replay CodeStephane Hockenhull$Music Producer*Paul Bragiel9THQ VP of Product Development'Mike RubinelliExecutive Producer(Scott Krager0Producer,Jon Osborn-Sr. Tester-Tom Reyes2Testers(Shane Conley%Aldo Rodriguez%Kamran AhmadBuena Vista Interactive0Producer"Mary Jo LaRocheAssistant Producer)Eric BurgessBusiness Account ManagerHeather Fuscellaro Director, Production, Console*Dan WintersValleycrest ProductionsSupervising Producer,Ann Miller2Writers+Matt Apfel'John Chaneski,Sandy Edry,Paul Fourie-Ari Yolkut%Karen Williams*Researchers+Ben Mclean*Katie Felton!Emmett Williams'Frank LaBella-Cathy Riva)Tara Warren'Ellen Ripstein&Special ThanksBuena Vista Television%Michael Davies$Jellyvision, Inc.)Laura Kampo-Pat Larkin"Pamela Weisberg''Who Wants To Be A Millionaire''game conceived and created by-Paul Smith$Copyright 2000Valleycrest ProductionsMusic based on original score by%Keith StrachanMatthew StrachanHosted by: Regis Philbinc !5sZns:w BoVb6o-90FRpFR_8o9J4^vnc L1U(%1IZ,5c=9@"Cc,LQ#,lMg=kQ!#9AlQ9=9Q,KMI8pp 8 !w 08`p^fqt;9?w?3xT/:v9qA~@  $0` @p08  8pp8(x?p|y+h;+A? /0p0r]g@P8^ (=g;nq6{6y߮=NpV _mY6n#>/s?W<_i0`0@ @b7}+N0${Z%+673aow  _9e׸Df@ߞߋ l{ {a`ph0sOgE0Us0ǧC8 ~FlA}[#{ 9\??'o)W8cx_2~9'bO &xc09<:xD;|0 w>|D` >8 J?Fρ?Cq_]qw0/ 88lx 3' 0&N>?|?x?&xpe ytxU#{<Itt:7;;:E6dccD?n;LS1~{x|< p u-,B Gg .`?p? `"sG 7J"݁00I_ px}` p5r ]ex5xZ<~.Y }^~?tpb?#_?6?vz2p=Ur5_]Z99(~پ# uC~*PT@8Q8QQPj @@  @GV[X`%H}WJjt 3sR@ A SgF L@;l;L    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?           !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?           !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?           !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?           !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?           !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?      !1Fwc=a  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJc  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?̜̜̜̜̜H3}&ݻǟ7 39̝̝̝̜͜|gf۽̓Ǐ߻ݽٿߝ߿ٻٻٻٻٻٻٻۻ˟ΟߎΎ̎ΌH0 <88x181;?!ws7{7;s;sy=9 ޼0808||}|u80808s={sϜ·;;7{7!{7{7s7w';s;s;s;s9sy?<=I>0993;=ݛǁÝC@/v9 p0`0` pv9/^[omX\;33y9s;?!0a!>0`0`0`𘰘07?  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