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I've been turnin' clumsy oafs like you into Surfer Dudes and Reef Chicks since I was just a ripple in the pond! Stick with me and we'll make some waves!Yes! I knew you could do it, ~!Look. Just keep trying and you're sure to get it.Back for some lessons?Dude! You've improved tenfold! Ah/j@A -B $B KB aB Ny CoachHi ~! The trick to Street Luge is speed! Get going and don't stop for anything or anyone! Try it now, or read my signpost for instructions.Very nice!Did you forget to go fast? Try again!Back for another go?You've gotten good! Go take on some real competitors, ~! B| k@B kC C C C Ny CoachHey babe. If you want to join the In-Line Skaters, you need to complete this course first! Duck the bars, grind the rails, and pick up all six Flags! Get going!That's it! You're ret-2 go!Not too easy, huh? Remember to duck the bars or you'll lose your head!Hey babe. Always time for practice!Right on! (D~k@.D D D lE E Ny CoachSkyboards are my specialty! Here on the island we've got easy access to beach hopper planes... perfect for quick drops any time day or night! You've gotta try it!That's it! You did it!Nope! You need to try some tricks, ~! Get some arrows, then hold down the B Button while you tap the directions in. It's simple!Practice time again? OK!Whew!! That was exhilarating! E|l@E ]F jF F F Ny CoachHey ~. Skateboards are my bag. To qualify for this event you'll need lots of air and lots of points. Grab your board and give it a shot!You did it!Look dude. When all else fails, read the directions! They're on the sign next to me!I knew you'd be back!Now you're just showing off! GhFj@#G .^G G H H Ny CindiNobody but nobody can match my speed! I didn't fall once!Unbelievable! You beat me by a fraction! Guess you earned these!Hah! You're way too slow! Practice on some of the other slowpokes before challenging me again!Back for more?Light-speed! FH~Fj@LH @fH sH H H Ny BobbyDude! It's over for you!Aww! Hosed!You need more practice! Challenge someone easier!Look dude. Enough is enough.Again with the losing! I|Fj@ I 0I kI I I Ny GregPhaw! You can't beat the likes of me!You broke my record! I'm so ashamed. Here, take my Medal.The trick is to look in the trees! Master the Double-Jump and get up there!Yes! A chance to regain my title!Blast! J(} Fj@J 5J J J J Ny PeteyI'm the master of Flag collecting!I thought I was the only one who could pull that off! Here, you earned it!Too hard for you, eh? Have you challenged Greg yet? He only got 4 Flags!Now? But I ache all over from last time!Wimpy loser! +K| Fj@2K 7dK K K K Ny MarshaAre you going to challenge me dressed like that?It's okay that you beat me. I'm just here for the clothes!Want to know my secret? I draw my passion from fashion!Give me a sec to fix my hair!Fine! Be that way. 4L} Fj@8L UL sL L L Ny JanHey ~. Wanna try your luck?Not bad! You got real stuff!That's ok. We'll try more later.Shall we go again?You're so skillful! LhFj@L *M 4M TM M Ny AliceIt's not easy being the best. Everyone wants a piece of you!Upstart!Sigh...it's lonely at the top.Are you here to laugh in my face? Can't you see I'm humiliated?Oh the shame! M~Fj@M X$N =N N N Ny GuntherMy score is unbreakable! You'd need to be impossibly fast at spins to beat me!Got me! Medals for you!You're no match for my skill! Challenge some of the beginners 'till you get better!What funny face? I can't help the way I look! BWAAAAAAH!!BWAAAAAAAH! O~ Fj@O sO O O +P Ny GoonI am the Bone-Head's Goon! You can tell because I wear sun glasses and am tough to beat! Now come to mama!Rats! Now I'll never become a member of the Bone-Head gang!Yes! You can't beat the Goon Squad! I know your every weakness!You'd like to try again? Well,OK. But don't tell anyone.Gracious! ^P(}Fj@eP  pP P Q +Q Ny B-HeadBone-Heads rule! We're gonna win this tournament! How do I know? Ha! I'll never tell!What? You beat me out? Drat! Here's your lousy Medals.Ha! Creamed ya!Bone-Heads will triumph! You'll see!Someone avenge me! gQh4k@mQ Q Q 7R KR Ny JenniXtreme this, Xtreme that. Buzzwords make me want to toss my cookies.I lost? I wonder how this will affect my virtual-web cyber-net E-Score?Ha! You are an interactive Hi-definition real-time loser!A rematch? Snazzy!I'll make a comeback! You'll see! R|4k@R R S 0S ZS Ny WadeWhen I jump out of a plane it's like entering a brave new world!When I lose it's like reliving a boring old reality.Proof that I am the master!Leave me alone! Go buy some comics, kid.Ah, the madness has a sequel! Sh4k@S S S T /T Ny ErinHidey-Hidey Ho!So now I have to give you my Medal? Gasp!Whee! I keep my Medal! Nyaa nyaa!Don't sneak up like that! You scared me!~! You pounded me! kT~4k@qT T U RU |U Ny RobooHey! How's it goin'? If you're going to beat my Max Combo, you'll need to steer clear of those birdbrains!Rats! Next time I'll fix you're wagon!You need to practice your combos some more! Jenni, she's more you're speed!Rematch now? Are you sure it won't rain?Know why I lost? Lightning! U(} 4k@U V kV V V Ny A.J.Xtreme Cola tried to pay me to endorse their lousy products, but I refused!I may be a loser, but with Xtreme Cola's "Crash for Cash" game, you could be a winner!Thanks to the cool refreshing taste of Xtreme Cola, I'm an "Xtreme Winner"!This rematch is brought to you by Xtreme Cola!Buy some Xtreme Cola Xtremely soon! 5Wh4k@=W W W W W Ny KathrynHey kid! If you couldn't beat A.J., don't expect to beat me! I got all 6 of the Flags!I'm so sure!Yeah! Take that, ~!Do you ever quit?Whatever. W|4k@X TX X X Y Ny AdamIf one more kid hits me up for my Xtreme Trading cards, I'm just gonna lose it.Where's my rare Guppi hologram card?! You made me lose my card!You couldn't beat my score! Now beat it!I can't challenge you now! I've got to find my priceless Guppi Card!Man that's obnoxious! DYh4k@LY  Y Y Z (Z Ny JessicaI can't believe I'm going skyboarding in these clothes. How embarrassing!Well what did you expect? Take my Medals, please!Keep a Twitchy Shake at the ready at all times! Be defensive!What? I thought we were done!OK, Fine! I'm not a skyboarder! I'm just dating one! Z|4k@Z Z Z ([ ][ Ny GoonHah! A beginner like you is nothing to me! Make way for the Goon Squad!Beaten by a beginner!? I'm pathetic!You see? You need more practice, sloppy kid!Oh great. You're here to beat me again, aren't you?Stop it! [|4k@[  [ T\ {\ \ Ny B-HeadWhat? You didn't know that girls could become members of the Bone-Head Gang? ~! You insult me!Just couldn't cut the mustard! The other Bone-Heads will be so disappointed! Grrr. Take 'em!My score still prevails! Take a hike!Back again? Oh, very well.I hope you're satisfied! \} Tm@ \ #"] M] ] ] Ny SuzyMy skin is so white and pasty! I can't stand to be seen like this!Not only did I lose, I got a bad sunburn!I win! Now go get me some ointment before my skin starts peeling!Did you bring me some tanning lotion?Burned again! ]hTm@ ] !^ R^ ^ ^ Ny CynthiaI love to surf, but I keep losing things!You beat me! Now I have lost my Medals as well!I won the challenge, but I lost my hair scrunchie!I didn't find my hair scrunchie, but all my missing bathing suits washed ashore!Lost again! _} Tm@ _ 2A_ b_ _ _ Ny MarthaI'm the worst surfer on this entire island.Yeah, I knew it. Take my Medal.What!? Hey! I'm not the worst after all!I think I'm starting to improve! Let's see!Nope! I still stink. _(} Tm@ _ -X/` b` ` ` Ny CornyWhew! You're my 88th challenger today! I'm beat!They all wore me down so you could finish me off!Another one down! Who's next?Another rematch? Why does everyone keep on me?Ugh! `hTm@ ` -(a Ta na a Ny MeloniI have an amazing figure, yet all I eat is snacks! I'm so lucky!How depressing! I'm hitting the snack bar.Hah! Now for some pizza!Still thin as a rail!Lost! a} Tm@ a #a Cb b b Ny VickiI love marine life! I could watch this little guy all day long!Here's my Medals. They're wet 'cause I found them in this turtle tank.Gotcha! Maybe I'm too advanced for you. Did you try Meloni? She only picked up 4 Flags you know.Back again? Check out the turtle! I think he moved!Later! c~Tm@ c (p6c Wc tc yc Ny VilpooHello? What!? Got water in my ears!Whew I'm beat! Let me sit down!Hooo-ey! You can't beat me!Hi!See ya! c| Tm@ c #c d ,d Ad Ny BeckyHello ~! Let's see what you're made of!Huh! I thought you were better than that!Gee ~! I have all new respect for you!Yes! Let's rematch!Back to the ol' drawing board! d|Tm@ d (d d #e He Ny GoonRight now I'm just a Goon, but some day I'll be a full-fledged Bone-Head!Uhhh. Still a lowly Goon.I won! I see a shiny white mask in my future!Let's rematch. I need the practice.Lost again! }e(}Tm@ e #f ?f ]f f Ny B-HeadSo, ~. You're snooping around Bone-Head turf. I'm warning you. Walk away now! There are things about us you do not want to know!You openly defied me! I'm telling the rest of the gang!Let that be a lesson to you!What's done is done! Losing to me now will just make me angry!Unthinkable! f} l@f @g g g g Ny MarinaWelcome to my pontoon! I sailed here from the mainland all alone just to challenge someone like you!Here's my Medal. A quick rest, then I'm setting sail for Paris!You lost, but don't feel bad!Want to go sailing together later?Don't forget me! g~l@h .8h h h h Ny BrentHey, check out this cool board! Isn't it awesome!?OK, I admit it. I took someone's board from the lodge. I'll go return it.Man! I'm way too fast for a beginner like you! Try beating Marina!Did I return the board I took? I was about to!See ya! (i~l@/i pzi i i i Ny PatrikAhhh! The air is clean and the sea is salty! What a change from the city!You've beaten me fairly! This Medal belongs to you now!Couldn't beat my score? That's ok, ~!Back for another go 'round?C'ya! &jhl@,j (#j j k *k Ny GatesListen up. My secret is to spend lots of time in the half-pipe. A few 1080 flips and hand plants is all it takes!Yup, you bested my score, ~! Here's your reward.You didn't make it! Could you add some grinds into your routine?Hi ~! How's it going?Medic! Zk|l@_k k k l @l Ny JohnHow can so many athletes think they're the best? We can't all be!You beat me with your superior skill! Keep striving to win!Don't worry. I won't let it go to my head!Let's try again. Steel sharpens steel, as they say!You're still sharp! }l~l@l l l Gm qm Ny MichaelMy muscles are like cords of steel! Submit!Better start pumpin' the iron again. Take my Medals.Hah! Another flabby challenger lies in ruins! John's only found 4 Flags. Challenge him first!Now? But I ache all over from last time!Lost again! m(} l@m m n n #n Ny LavarHAH! I rule this entire island!I lost? OK, so I rule this raft. Take this and scram.Another win!Man, not again!If I recalibrate my stance and put more power to the bearing array... That might just work!! n| l@n n o Fo o Ny DeniseThey call me the grind queen because I can grind on anything!My reign is over! Take the Medals!Yes! Rails, benches, picnic tables! I must grind!Again? Ok, but I've got a photo shoot in a few minutes!~, you're awesome! o|l@o Xo :p rp p Ny GoonThis raft is only big enough for the two of us, ~!The Bone-Head gang and their mighty Goon Squad will still prevail...Now you know what it's like to lose to the Goon Squad!Did you come back to rub it in?Isn't there someone with Medals you can bother? p|l@p @oq q q 1r Ny B-HeadBone-Heads rule the sky! Bone-Heads rule the sea! And I, the "Beautiful Bonehead of the Beach" will rule this island! HA!!You defeated me, but other Bone-Heads will rise to take my place!You see? Even the stars themselves will one day belong to the Bone-Heads!~ has returned again? This is like a bad TV drama!There! Now get lost! orhi@vr r r s 6s Ny GretelPads, Helmets, and wrist guards. Without 'em, you're street-meat.I lost, but I'll live to race again!Yes! Safety first, victory second. That's my motto.Get some pads you reckless teen!Don't tease me 'cause I lost! Grow up, Skipper! s} i@s 2s s t /t Ny HannahDrinking Twitchy Shakes is the key to super speeds!Whooo! I'd better find a restroom!Hah! Trusty Twitchies, go go go!Yup! I'm thirsty for action!You almost took a nasty spill!! xthi@~t  t u *u Iu Ny NanciI just spent 36 hours in a bus from Wisconsin! Let's go!I lost? That means I have to catch the next bus for home! How dreadful!Hah! That made the whole trip worth it!Hurry it up. My cows miss me.Defeated again! uhi@u  v 7v v v Ny BonBonSpeed is great, but a real Street Luger can also steer through point gates! You'll need to if you want to get my Medals!Wow, ~! That's some real control you've got there!You're not ready for the likes of me! Try Nanci. She might be a better match for a beginner like you!Yup, we've just been sitting around talking about you, ~.You did it again! Hear that everybody? )w|i@.w Iw lw w w Ny JoeyWhat do you want from me?It's not over! Not now, not ever!I guess you wanted a thrashin'!We have unfinished business.Defeated again! whi@w *x Rx x x Ny FishHave you seen the Skull-Heads? They're ruining the whole event!Go show those Skull-Heads what's what!I triumphed! Are you sure you're up to my skill level? Make sure you beat Joey first!I'll help you practice! Let's go again!Your skill is improving with every race! $y~i@)y  Xy y y y Ny DionDid you ever bail into a barrel? That smarts!Barrels to the left of me! Barrels to the right of me! The horror!No barrel gets the best of me!Barrels or not, I must again face my fears!You barely won! "zhi@)z 2 mz z z z Ny AgathaOh, hi ~! It's me Agatha from school, remember? From the pep team?Do a cheer with me! "Who's the best luger? Oh! Oh! It's ~!"Hooray! Hooray! Agatha wins! ~ loses!Do you need to be pepped up again?Let's do another cheer! "1, 2, 3, 4! ~, ~, wins some more!" Yaaaay! b{~ i@g{  { | )| <| Ny GoonI've been watching you, ~. You don't have what it takes to beat me at the Street Luge!Hmmm... I'll be keeping my eye on you. Take your Medals and go.You see? Studying your opponent is key!I'm watching you!Defeated again! u|(}i@|| 7| 1} } ~ Ny B-HeadHuh? How did I earn my Medals? Who did I defeat? Err...I don't have time to answer that! Challenge me or leave!How did you beat my scores!? Especially since I just made them up!What's my secret for getting such high scores? Let's just say it's all about who you know! Ha!(click!)Hello? Yes sir! I swapped my name for hers on the scoreboard! I've got to hang up now, someone's here! (click!)You better not have heard anything!! X~hk@]~ ~ ~ ~  Ny AllyHi! I'm donating my winnings to help hairless kittens!How could you? May bald cats unite against you!Wheee! Another kitty can look pretty!You want to battle me as a fund-raiser?Lost again!HJ9BL HMLBO HP(iUgg! That smells!!(@P~ k@,@! @!@!A!&A!Ny CoyBelieve it or not, this is still an active volcano! Didn't anyone check into this!?Of course I lost! Factor liquid hot magma into my score!Let's be fair. I only won because you got hit by a smoldering boulder.You're trying again? Be my guest!You're braver that I am!!hA} k@nA! A!A!B!4B!Ny DaisyYou want to challenge me? And you said your name was ~ey? Oh just plain ~.Wow ~ey! You wiped me out of the league! Here's my Medal!Got you! You can always try again!Hi... er, ~ey, wasn't it?I Blew it!!hB(} k@oB!B!B!B!LC!Ny RoscoeI bet all the judges are guys! All the single girls keep winning!What!? This game cheats!I won? Must be 'cause of someone I know!OK, I admit it. The girls are just more skilled than I am. There, are you happy now?I blew it!!CP~ k@C!C!C!D!$D!Ny HoggyGreetings mammal! Let's battle for dominance!His pride damaged, the injured mongrel slinks away...Yeah! Weed you out!Oh no! Here's comes the predator!I'm at the bottom of the food chain again!!xD(} k@~D!D!D!D!D!Ny VanceI'm cruisin' for a bruisin'!Dude! Keep on truckin'!Yes! In your face!Go for it!Now I'm upset!! Ehk@E! >E!bE!E!E!Ny FloWell, out of the frying pan, into the fire!Give you my Medal!? Kiss my grits!You gotta have sizzle if you want to win, kid!Look who's back!Would you give me a chance?!E(} k@E! @F!lF!F!F!Ny MelvinWhat kind of idiot pilot drops kids into a volcano! That's Xtremely dangerous!Glad that was you, not me! Take my Medals!Whoo! I can feel the heat off you from here!Cooled off yet?I blew it!!F|k@F!QG!G!G!G!Ny GoonI'm supposed to be guarding the Bone-Head in this area, but she went swimming and I haven't seen her since!If you see her, tell Miss Bone-Head I'm waiting up here, will ya?Hah! You're all wet!You climbed all the way back up here just to rematch me? I'm touched!Don't visit me again some time!!:H|k@AH! H!H!H! I!Ny B-HeadHave you seen my Goon? We got separated! No matter! On with the challenge!Here, take my Medals! I just miss my Goon!I beat you like an old rug!You saw my Goon at the top of this mountain? Thanks!Beat me again! A quick rest, then I'm off to find my dear, sweet Goon!!|Ihj@I!7I!I!I!J!Ny CarrieHave you ever tried Xtreme Cola? Stuff tastes like sweat socks!Trashed!Yeah! Take that!Give me a sec to regain my energy...Got me!!7Jhj@=J!.mJ!J!J!J!Ny SelmaThis track is cool! I saw monkeys in the wild!I lost because I was distracted! Dirty apes!You lost, but at least you got to see monkeys anyway.Not again! It's a madhouse! A madhouse!I lose again!!2K~j@8K! dRK!\K!fK!xK!Ny EthanI'M AN AGRESSIVE SKATER!TOASTED!ALRIGHT!SO! BACK AGAIN!?Toasted again!!KP~ j@K!(#5L!AL!^L!sL!Ny FordRollerskating is just like dancing, 'cept you wear pads and fall down a lot. Plus there's no music. Or punch bowl. Never mind.Not right!How do you like them moves?Yeah! Let's boogie!Whoa!!L| j@L!L!L!M!M!Ny RileyHey baby! It's cool to be a roller-bunny!Aww, couldn't quite getcha!Whee-hoo! Won again!Right on, lets roll!Lost again!!QM|j@XM!oM!M!M!M!Ny HamillYou and me! Let's go!Ooh! Nicely done!You're holding back!Back for more, eh?Beat me up!!Mhj@M!|ON!rN!N!N!Ny PeytonIs this a televised event!? I feel the eyes of millions of people staring at me from behind a screen!AWWW! Defeated on the big screen!You couldn't beat my score and everyone saw it!Are we still on TV? I hope I don't come out all pixel-y!Lost my focus!!O~j@O!LeO!nO!O!O!Ny EdI am Xtreme Ed! I am mighty! No man can hope to defeat my brilliant scores!Curses!Of course I won!I am Xtreme Ed! You defeated me before (sniff), but never again!Ooooh! Pain!!O|j@O!d6P!oP!P!P!Ny GoonGoons like me have got the edge! We will be invincible!Such gusto! Amazing how you stand up to face the enemy!Sorry dude. It's a do or die situation.Yes! The Xtreme Sports tournament is the ultimate battlefield!My level of commitment is nothing compared to yours! Go on ahead and win!!KQ(}j@RQ!@{Q!Q!Q! R!Ny B-HeadHello! I admit it! I'm a total cheater!You won? No matter! I'll just get some more Medals from my boss! Ha Ha Ha!I'll win because I'm not afraid to cheat!My boss said I'm all washed up! Leave me be!Man! I only cheated myself!!eR(} i@kR!7R!R!R!R!Ny PonchLuge is the fastest sport of them all!I'm a total luger!Faster and faster and faster!What? Again?What!? Another thrashing!!S| i@S!.QS!_S!S!S!Ny DanelleI'm even faster than the rest! Try to beat this!Stinky luck!See what I mean? Twitchy Shakes for strength and speed!Let's rematch!Outstanding!!S} i@S!DT!eT!T!T!Ny BritneyHello ~. This track is very tough to score points on! Keep your eyes peeled for point gates!You did it. Here's my Medal, ~!If you can't beat me, you'll have a hard time later! Keep at it!Good idea. Let's practice.Terrific!!Thi@T! QU!{U!U!U!Ny DeeTwitchy Shakes taste way better than Xtreme Cola. Should've called it Twitchy Island!Man. I could sure use a shake right now.Whoopie!Ahhh! I'm refreshed! Let's go!Please! No more!!U~i@U!i!Ny AndrewYour challenge is unwarranted! I will make you see reason!Gasp! I am a picture of pure folly!Skill!? Undeniable proof of your lack thereof!Please beat me again. I am monument to wallowing nonsense.A well-deserved thrashing.!i|j@i!i!i!Hj!ij!Ny VoldiFlags are fun to collect! I can't do tricks, so it's fun for me!Hey, you're good at this!You have to double jump off the rocky peak! Drink a Twitchy Shake during an air spin! You'll see!Hey! Back for more flag action?Got 'em!!jhj@j!j!j!k!"k!Ny ReidaI've been walking this path all day! Where does it end?Down but not out!I got you! Now how do I get out of here?I'm lost!Turn at the monster pillar? Thanks!!okhj@vk!Xk!k!k!l!Ny PamelaSeaweed Bridge is my favorite track! That's why I hang here.Got me good. Here's the Medals for ya!Try me later, 'gator!What's haps?Bye bye.!3l~ j@8l!hl!l!l!l!Ny GoonI get my kicks from trashing newbies like you!Yeah, yeah. You won. Take 'em and scram!Did I make that clear enough? Beat it!Don't know when to stay down, do you?OK, OK, you win.!m(}j@"m!m!m!n!6n!Ny B-Head~, right? Yeah, I heard about you borrowing Medals from the Bone-Head's secret stash! I'm here to end it!You won these Medals, but you'll never find my reserves! Who'd think to look near four boring whirlpools?Yes! I'm your superior!Did you find my Medals in the sand?Leave me to sulk!!qn~m@ xn!n!"o!Lo!o!Ny RonaldCreepers! You scared me! I was daydreaming that I was going out with the sign-in girl. She's hot!Beaten again! Whoopee! Now I can go back and sign in as someone else!Soon my sweet! Soon we will be together!Did you see her? Huh? The sign-in girl, who else!?Say hi to her for me!!o| m@ o!o!p!>p!]p!Ny AnjiI practiced hard all year! Now I'm ready to rumble!But...But I just got here!My hard work paid off! Try again loser!Haven't you beaten me enough?Groan!!p} m@ p!7p!p!q!'q!Ny LoisOh please! You're hardly worthy of my talents!No Way! Lost to a country bumpkin!Ha! You're small potatoes, kid!Can't you bother someone else?Sheesh!!Xq~m@ ^q!-Xq!q!q!q!Ny ClarkBeware! I gain power from the Earth's yellow sun!Can't win... too... powerful!Vanquished you!I knew we'd meet again!Must... fight... back...!!rhm@ "r!#=r!]r!r!r!Ny LanaThere's sharks out there!You escaped their toothy grin!You fell victim to the tuna of the sea!Watch out for those chompers!You live dangerously!!r| m@ r!s!Gs!}s!s!Ny TessaDon't you think this referee is kind of cute?How could they think you did better than me?Of course I won! I've got the ref in my back pocket!The ref and I are now engaged to be married!Bye! We'll send you an invitation!!s} m@ s!#L,t!Nt!ft!mt!Ny ConnieSurfer girl? Surfer girl? I'm a grown woman!Great match! Here's my treasure!Victorious day! I won!Hi ~!Later.!t~m@ t!@t!u!@u!Xu!Ny JimmyGee you're cool! Can I get a picture with you after?I Lost!!? (whoops!) Aw man! You made me smash my brand new camera!Cool! I'm moving up in the world!Can't you leave me be?Don't pity me!!u~ m@ u!-pu!u!v!2v!Ny GoonHow did I ever get stranded with this bikini-clad Amazon?I lost my Medals! What a bust!I beat you! Back to the ocean, mud-puppy!Oh no, not you again!Get off my land!!lv(}m@ sv!#Lv!v!w!>w!Ny B-HeadYou've stirred up our plans quite a bit, ~. But it ends here!Huh! You beat me...maybe you can go all the way to the top!Now stay put! Your wins are at an end!You've made me reconsider my actions.Go now! Make things right!!whci@w!2w!w!x!6x!Ny WoolieDidn't it feel great to get past a referee? I felt like a caged animal before!You won! Here's my Medal!You tried your best! That's OK!Hi! I'll accept your challenge!Lost again!!kx~ci@qx!-x!x!x!y!Ny FrankSee this cave? I'm afraid to go inside! I hate being left in the dark!You know no fear! Take my Medals!Challenge someone else!Let's go!Lost again!!5y~ci@;y! zy!y!y!y!Ny OllieThere's a guy across the way making faces at me! What a jerk!You only won because I was distracted!I beat you!That guy on the other cliff is still acting wierd! Go get him!Lost again!!$z|ci@+z!pz!z!z!z!Ny LesterThis track has lots of choices in it! There seems to be more points on the left side, don't you think?You did great! Here's my Medals!It's hard, isn't it?Hey again.See ya!!{(} ci@ {!H{!r{!{!{!Ny MiltLet's see. You're ~? I'm Milt. Let me jot you down first!Hey! I wasn't watching! That's not fair!I'm sorry... What was your name again?I remember! You're ~!Got me again!!{hci@{! |!b|!r|!~|!Ny MaryHey. I just beat nine old men, and you're next!You're on to bigger and better things! Use my Medals to get there!Try harder, ~!You again!Lost again!!|hci@|!7|!|!}!+}!Ny MarcoPrepare to be trashed by GRRRL POWER, ~!Ran out of steam!Yaaah!! That felt great!Go away! I'm still angry!Now I'm really mad!!!i}hci@p}!}!}! ~!/~!Ny BonnieYou! Are you gonna just stand there or challenge me? Time's a wastin'!Yes! That's the winning spirit!You'll never be a winner at this rate! Try harder!Not now, can't you see I'm busy?Lost again!!d~|ci@i~! ~!~!~!!Ny GoonThe soothing sound of water helps me stay focused!My rage is building! I must sit still and be calm!I beat you because I was focused!I must prepare my mind to win!Broke my concentration!"(@|ci@/@"7@"@"A"A"Ny B-HeadThe Bone-Heads are pulling into the lead! I've got friends gaining positions further on ahead! You're history!Your victory won't make a difference in the long run!You see? Another victory for the Bone-Heads!I'm ready for you!Bug someone else!"SAh[k@ZA"A"A"A"A"Ny StellaThis area's creepy! A fog seems to settle in at higher elevations!That lousy fog! Here's my Medal!Didn't the fog confuse you?But it hasn't cleared up yet!Foiled again!"3B~[k@8B"B"B"B"C"Ny MerkI am the true skyboard champion! See how I achieve combos never before dreamed of!How did you do it? I submit to you, champ!Oh-HO! No one beats my superior trick combos!Please, teach me to become a champion again!Lost!"DCh[k@IC" zC"C"C"C"Ny LunaAre you ~? How are you enjoying the tournament?I lost to you with barely a fight! Take my Medal!I was just lucky.Hello.You lucky ~!"C~[k@D"pD"%D"GD"aD"Ny OrionBring it on, baby!Stone cold!That's right! Who's your daddy!?Yeah! Let's break it up!Lost again!"D~[k@D"D"D"D"D"Ny HurkYou! Me! Let's go!No! I've lost my edge!Yes! Yes! You lose!Back again?Awwwwww, rats!"!E| [k@(E"7E"VE"vE"E"Ny AthenaReady freddy!How'd you get so good? Mercy!That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!Look at you!No problem!"Eh[k@E" E"F"GF"kF"Ny CassieI got a bat in my hair! Ick!Here! Take my winnings! I need to wash my hair out!I saw the bats distracting you from way down here!Heard they solved the bat problem!Bats still around? Must have been a rumor!"F} [k@F" G"-G"mG"G"Ny VenusI was about to pull off a giant combo when a bat hit me! Can you believe that!?OOH! That lousy bat!!I would have won by even more if not for those winged rodents!I wouldn't rematch me if I were you!Lost again!"G~ [k@G" "H"QH"mH"H"Ny GoonThere have been a lot of new Goons joining lately! I wonder if there are any spies?Don't become a Goon if you have guilt issues!I beat the tar out of you!This is my corner! Go home!Stop repeatedly defeating me!"H(}[k@H"puI"I"I"J"Ny B-HeadThis is truly the top of the world! From here I can see the foolish athletes at their games, never knowing the true reason for this tournament! But I know!You can have my Medals, but I will never reveal the sinister plot behind this simple sporting event!You will never learn the secret!I can't tell you any more!My lips are still sealed!"\J(} k@bJ" J"J"J"J"Ny TylerHave you been up there yet? Those humming birds drive me nuts!Ugh! Hate those lousy birds!Yeah! Take that!Show those spazzy little birds what's what!Lost again!"4K|k@9K"K"L"SL"L"Ny GillI've been marooned on this island for 10 years! My shipmates and I spent our days building skyboards out of bamboo shoots! Skyboarding was the only way to keep sane!Why didn't we use the plane to fly home? Never thought of it!I won! And someday I'll get off this crazy island!I've decided to stay on this island and raise a family with Anne!I'll be here if you need me!"Lhk@L" 9M"KM"^M"nM"Ny AnneWatch for falling rocks! They start falling right after you pass the observation deck!I got flattened!Boweled you over!Ready to rock?Lost by a landslide!"M(} k@M"N"BN"UN"_N"Ny HowellI tried to knock away the little birdies, but they just run off like cowards!How did you survive the swarm of nasty pests? You earned this!I won! Good show!Hey bud!I'll be here!"Nhk@N"N"N"=O"bO"Ny GingerHave you ever gotten a perfect 1K landing? It's fabulous!Keep working at that perfect 1000!When I see the ground rushing up to meet me it's such a thrill!Look! It's ~, come to challenge me!Lost again!"Ohk@O"O"P";P"SP"Ny JeaneteLet's go! My feet are freezing on this cold stone!You won! Now to give my freezing feet a chance to warm up!I defended my score and came out a winner!Now my rear is frozen!Tell someone to thaw me out!"P~k@P" P"P"Q"-Q"Ny DanHey partner! Want to challenge a real pro?Oh... I didn't know what a pro was until I met you!I guess that makes me the best!Hey partner!Whoa Nellie!"cQ~k@gQ" Q"Q"Q"R"Ny TomYou're a busy little one! I see you running about all the time!I knew you'd get up here and beat me!Don't try again! I need my Medals!Yeah, what is it?Is that so?";R~ k@@R" R"R"S"S"Ny GoonI have the name of every Goon you beat! We hang together to stop punks like you from winning!Groan! Guess you can add me to the loser list!That was a message from all the Goons you defeated!Please pity me!Not again!"IS(}k@PS" S"3T"XT"T"Ny B-HeadThe sun will be setting soon, ~. When that happens, the contest will be over and one Bone-Head will be famous! That Bone-Head will be me!!But... They promised me fame if I would work for them! Now I have nothing but guilt!!Yes! Fame and fortune will be mine!Another chance to win? Yes, I'm into it!How humiliating!"T~,m@ T"T"U"CU"]U"Ny AlanWhat lies beneath the inky depths? Whoo-hoo-hoo! Scary!Here's your winnings!Try again! There's no point in quitting so soon!Let's practice together!I'm finished!"U} ,m@ U"U"V"V"VV"Ny MimiWhy am I in this boat? I'm taking my Medals and leaving!Oh! You would beat me before I could get away!Now leave me alone!Uhh... It's against the rules to refuse a rematch, isn't it?There! You're done!"V~,m@ V"-V"V"V"/W"Ny ShawnWhat is my secret power? Pure adrenaline!Next time I'll surf the web!Yes! I rule!I'll accept your challenge, but I can't promise you anything!Whaaah!"`W| ,m@ fW"(XW"W"W"W"Ny KarenThis area's called Titan's Wall because the waves are huge!OK, you win. Take my Medals.You were stomped flat by the mighty titan!Back for more?You won again!"5Xh,m@ ;X"#sX"X"X"Y"Ny LillyI'm not really participating. I just tend the flowers!Of course I lost! You challenged a florist!I beat you!? Weird! Maybe you should become a gardener instead!My posies are bright and beautiful!Back to tending my garden!"JY| ,m@ PY"Y"Z"Z"n"2 n"n"n"n"Ny CoryWant to know a good trick? Hold right when you hit a ramp. You'll get a cool speed-boost!See what I mean?Did you try to boost your speed?Hey buddy!Nicely done!"o|el@o"Jo"mo"o"o"Ny WillyYou are in a twisty maze of passageways, all alike!Wasn't that an awesome adventure?I beat you at your own game!Isn't this a colossal cave?You got me alright!"o~ el@o"#pWp"p"p"p"Ny GoonWhen I first got here, this cave was full of ancient sculptures and wonderous artifacts! Where did they go?Maybe this cave is cursed! How can stone carvings vanish without a trace?First chance I can, I'm leaving!I'm too scared to leave this cursed cave!What if the carvings reappear!?"8q(}el@?q"-Xq"q"r"7r"Ny B-HeadMy Goon is imagining things! This cave was empty when we arrived! Ignore her!Your business here is done. Take your winnings and leave!Anyone who thinks they saw ancient artifacts here is crazy or a liar!Have you seen any magical totems? Ha!Clear out of this place!"yrhl@r"7r"r"r" s"Ny ShirleyThis place is crazy! What were they trying to build in this cavern anyway?Lost my cool!You're lazy!Back again? I'll show you up!Beaten in front of everyone!"Os(} l@Ts"2rs"s"s"s"Ny FredI found a secret in the sky!Did you find my secret perch?Take that!My secret? Oh yeah! I found steel girders above the half-pipe!Did you make it up there?" thl@'t"-@t"t"t"t"Ny VioletAt the top of the girders, there's a half-pipe made of steel! You can use it to get to different levels!What a wild ride! Here you go!You've got to learn the quickest routes in and out!Let's rematch, friend!Lost again!"3u~l@7u"('zu"u"u"u"Ny TimLosing momentum on a grind is the worst! I fell from way up high!I'm still shaky from the fall!I won, but my body aches all over!I've made a full recovery! Let's battle!Ohh! Agony!"v~l@"v"-Xv"v"v"v"Ny MarkFireman? No! Why does everyone think I'm a fireman!?I admit it. I'm just now learning to dress myself.I got you good!Hah! Now I'm all fired up!I'm burnt out!"v| l@v"$w"*w"Yw"sw"Ny ShannonAre you ~? I'm signed in right above you!AWW!I'm one step ahead of you from the beginning!When did I lose my edge?No good!"whl@w"Xw"3x"Fx"x"Ny CagneyI could hit a brick wall and survive with full pads like these!My bulky gear slowed me down, but at least I can walk away unharmed!I gave it my all!You still aren't wearing pads! I'm surprised you're alive!Get some safety gear!"x} l@x"(#x"=y"\y"y"Ny LacyWhy do I skate in a bikini? Cagney stole my gear!!Next time try competing in your swimsuit and see how well you do!Now I want my equipment back!I'm covered with road-rash! My prom photos will look dreadful!Rotten luck!"y|l@y"@,z"Hz"Vz"vz"Ny GoonHey friend. You've got a lot of Medals there. How 'bout I take them off your hands?Uhh. I underestimated you.Heh heh heh!I apologize for my behavior...Lost again!"z(}l@z"'-{"@{"n{"{"Ny B-HeadHere's ~, the last to sign in. You've been lagging since the tournament began. What makes you think you can catch up now?You'll never win!Hahahaha! Go back to the snack bar, amateur!~. Just the sound of your name disgusts me!Beaten again!"{~pj@{"7|"X|"|"|"Ny D.J.There are secret passages in these old caves! Keep a look out!Did you discover my secret route? I found it during my warm-up!I found an underground passage with hi-scoring grinds!Everyone I ask uses a different path through these caves!Lost again!"}hpj@}" >}"S}"`}"}"Ny KatieI found a hole in the bridge leading to a secret area!What a creepy ride!I beat you!Are you going to explore some more?See you later!"}~pj@}"L~"G~"g~"~"Ny ScrachyIsn't this a creepy track? The bird heads might be part of an ancient eagle empire!Maybe they were ruled by an eagle dictator!Hah! Good triumphs over eagle!No! I won't face the Bird-heads again!Harsh!"~| i@~"~"~"~""Ny ChrissyI'm going to wipe you out!!No way!Yeah baby!Let's go!No! It's all over!Take on the next Trainer!#(@|pj@,@#%i@#@#@#@#Ny LouI can't seem to cross this pool! The current is too strong!Take my Medals! And tell me if you find a way across!Next time challenge someone else!Back again? Did you cross the pool?Lost again!#A(} pj@#A#pA#A#A#A#Ny LarryJust when I find my Flag, I slide down a mossy slope! It's driving me nuts!You must have found the Flags! Good for you!I owe it all to my superior mind!Back again? Try to find all the secret paths!Yup! You got me!#*B| pj@0B#.YB#~B#B#B#Ny EllieI think I saw a sasquatch in this cave!I guess it was just my imagination.Fear gives me extra speed!I saw it again! Sasquatch!I can't believe I was afraid of a sasquatch! It was clearly a yeti!##C} pj@'C# XC#C#C#C#Ny MaeThis dank cavern is cool to skate in! Just don't tell people we're competing for Medals in here, or we might get in trouble!Oh no! I'm out!Did I egg you on too much?Let's go again!Defeated utterly!#Dhpj@%D#7'_D#D#D#D#Ny SoyounHow do I stay so thin? Easy! I skate each and every day!I lost my Medals, but I keep my trim waistline!You need to burn off some of those extra calories!Look at you! You're toning up your muscles nicely!Keep exercising!#2E|pj@7E#@|E#E#E#E#Ny GoonI think you've survived on mere luck so far! You won't get past me!You've won again!? Who are you!?You couldn't last forever! Give up and go home!Back for more pummeling? Fine by me!Mercy me!#(F|pj@/F#pF#;G#uG#G#Ny B-HeadYou saw strange relics here in Forbidden Caverns? I think you should forget you ever laid eyes on them and get back to the tournament!Yes, you beat me! Take your Medals and forget about the relics! This is a sporting competition after all, not an archaeology site!I creamed ya! Don't let the slab hit you on the way out!For your sake, I hope you've changed your tune!Scram!#Ghi@G#2 H#H#FH#ZH#Ny PeggyIs it hot in here, or is it just me? Tee hee!You've got sizzle!Gotta burn rubber if you want to win!Back for practice?Loser!#Hhi@H#.H#H#I#-I#Ny LauraThis cavern runs down into the heart of that steamy volcano! My shoes nearly melted!You've ignited my fury!Ha! You're luke warm!Let's heat things up!You make me boil!#hI|i@lI# I#I#I#I#Ny ChiLet's go! I want to win and become world famous!I'm a miserable nobody!Fame and fortune here I come!You're back!Remember me when you're famous!#-J~i@4J# tJ#J#J#J#Ny EgbertI've seen you race before! I was the kid throwing eggs at you!Rotten luck!Yeah! Egg in your face!You're back?You scrambled me!#Jhi@J# K#6K#HK#{K#Ny HoneyMy friends call me Honey 'cuz I'm so sweet!You beat me? How fun for you!I won? So sorry!I'm glad you came back to visit me! I missed you!Lousy rotten jerk!#K} i@K#2L#L#0L#\L#Ny CeliaHey, you're ~! You beat an entire slew of Lugers at Pirate's Lagoon!Wow! I was beat by ~!I beat ~ the pirate!I'm about to be rematched by the mighty ~!A fine win by ~!#L(} i@L#0|L#L#M#+M#Ny PunYou wouldn't know by looking at me, but I'm over 40!You young whippersnapper!Wisdom triumphs over youth!My young friend! What brings you?Lousy wisenheimer!#gM~ i@lM#M#M#M#N#Ny GoonThe molten lava runs fast and furious, like a Luging Goon!Awwww... I'm as bad as my poetry!Victory smells sweet like a luging Goon!Want to rematch a goony luger?Tragic as a luging Goon!#WN(}i@^N#0 N#N#O#O#Ny B-HeadI can't stand being a Bone-Head! I have to win just to keep from getting framed for crimes I didn't commit!It felt good to tell someone that!Winning just buries me deeper in lies!They make you a Goon, then encourage you to cheat! Once you do, you're promoted to a Bone-Head! Then you're stuck working for... THEM!Thanks for beating me! Now I'm out from under their control!HJOBL#HMPBO#HP(iIs it time for me to turn over yet?HJ0PBL#HM\PBO#HP(jLooks like it dug up a Medal! What a deal!Nope! Nothing more here!HJPBL#HMPBO#HP(iThis sunbathing spot is called "Bikini Island"! What's up with that?HJPBL#HM QBO#HP(iIt's a scuttling crab! Careful!HJ#QBL#HMrQBO#HP(iOur boyfriends are competing in the tournament, but we're just here to relax!HJQBL#HMQBO#HP(j~ found a Medal!Nope! Nothing more here!HJQBL#HM RBO#HP(iWhy don't you lay out with us? It's too hot for silly games!HJ"RBL#HM`RBO#HP(iDo we require medical attention? We're sunbathing, you geek!HJxRBL#HMRBO#HP(iPhew! That stinks!HJRBL#HMRBO#HP(iCareful! You'll kick sand on me!HJRBL#HMSBO#HP(jAnother crate? This one contains a Medal, free for nothing!Nope! Nothing more here!HJKSBL#HMsSBO#HP(iYou have a bucket of water, don't you?HJSBL#HMSBO#HP(iHeading to the lodge? Ride the rapids at your own risk!HJSBL#HMSBO#HP(iAww! What a cute crab!HJ TBL#HM0TBO#HP(iPlease do not feed the sea turtle!HJHTBL#HMTBO#HP(oThis is the Message Center! Want to check your messages?HJTBL#HMTBO#HP(iA free ice cold can of Xtreme Cola! Tastes yucky!HJTBL#HMUBO#HP(iCool! A crab with sharp pincers!HJUBL#HMKUBO#HP(jIs something hidden here? It's two Medals!Nope! Nothing more here!HJ{UBL#HMUBO#HP(iWhat? Once she's warmed up I'm headin' fer the volcano! Where else?HJUBL#HMVBO#HP(jWhat's this? A Medal was hidden inside!Nope! Nothing more here!HJ1VBL#HMRVBO#HP(j~ found 3 Medals! What a stash!Nope! Nothing more here!HJVBL#HMVBO#HP(iDoom and gloom to all those who trespass on this island!HJVBL#HMVBO#HP(j~ uncovered 3 Medals! Very observant!Nope! Nothing more here!HJ+WBL#HMHWBO#HP(iNo! Talk to the other head!HJ`WBL#HMWBO#HP(iDoom and gloom to all those who steal from this sacred place!HJWBL#HMWBO#HP(jWhat's this? ~ found a Medal in this canister!Nope! Nothing more here!HJXBL#HM