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What did you eat?HHׂ́Hstuffilߍށj ֒ƃ[ ӂ\Bstuffed D݂̂悤ɁAȁA ̂lߍ񂾏ԁBI can't take another bite.Hׂ܂BHave some more.HI can't take another bite.Hׂ܂Banother bite͂ ݁BuށvHׂ ƂӖɂȂBI had a big lunch.ɂՂHׂ܂BI had a big lunch.͂ՂHׂ񂾁BWhat did you eat?Hׂ́HbigŁuՂv\ B̕\͂Ƃǂ ƐHו߂ꂽ ƂɎgƌʓIBYou eat like a bird.Ȃ͏HłˁBYou eat like a bird.݂͏HˁBI'm not feeling well today.͂܂C悭 āB҂̂ɂ HׂȂ悤ȐlɁA 炩ɌtB 悤Ɍ̂͂܂ BI have a sweet tooth.͊Ó}łBDo you like chocolate?`R[g͍Dł HYes. I have a sweet tooth.BÓ}łBhave a sweet tooth ŁAuÓ}vBaY 悤ӁBI want something to drink first.܂ݕق łBI want something to drink first.܂ݕق łBWhat shall I bring you?܂傤BH̑Öݕ́A mixed drink (cocktailȂ)A wine,sherryiVF [jȂǂقƂǁB ݌yAH~UBFor starters,I'll have a cocktail.܂JNe炢 傤BFor starters, I'll have a cocktail.܂JNe炨BWhat kind would you like?͂A낵ł HH̑Öݕ́A mixed drink (cocktailȂ)A wine,sherryiVF [jȂǂقƂǁB ݌yAH~UBWould you care for an after-dinner drink?Hɉ݂܂HWould you care for an after-dinner drink?HɉނHI'll have some brandy.ufB[炨 ȁBdrink͎ނB ̂悤ȂƂɎނ R[q[ɂl BI've never had it before.͐HׂƂ BWould you like to try the stuffed lobster?uX^[̋lߕ͂ łHI've never had it before. What's it like?HׂƂȂłˁB ǂȗłHHוݕOɎ ƂȂƂɌ ܂蕶BI've never had anything more delicious.Ȃ̂͐H Ƃ܂BHow do you like it?łHI've never had anything more delicious.Ȃɂ̂͐H ׂƂȂȁBŏ㋉̂قߌtB悻 Ƃɏ҂ꂽƂ́A Ђ̂悤ɌBCould you substitute the bread with rice?p̑ɃCX 炦܂HCould you substitute the bread with rice?p̑ɃCX 炦܂񂩁HNo problem, ma'am.܂܂Bsubstitutecwith( for)āA X[vT_ɑウA R[q[ɑウĂ 炢Ȃǂ낢뗊 BYour portions are small.ʂȂłˁBHow is the food?͂łHGreat,but your portions are small,aren't they?̂łAʂ ȂłˁByour portions ́AXg̏oH ̗ʂBCould I have another of the same?Pt̂肢 ܂BCould I have another of the same?Pt̂肢 ܂BRight away,sir.ɂ܂BCould Ic?͂Ă˂ Ȉ˗ƂɎgB anotherone more ƁBJust one serving,please.PtłłBJust one serving,please.PtłłBAll rght,sir.܂܂Bwaiterhostess 蕪ĂƂɁA ̂悤Ɏ̐Hׂ ʂāA܂MɎc Ȃ悤ɂBDo you charge for refills?͗LłHDo you charge for refills?͗LłHNo,they are free.AłB{ł悭 ANOTHER CUP SERVICE͊Sɂ܂ Bu薳v͂P X̂悤a free refillƂBchargéuۂA v̂ƁBCan I get a free refill of coffee?R[q[͖ł ł܂HCan I get a free refill of coffee?R[q[͖ł ł܂HYes sure can.łƂB{ł悭 ANOTHER CUP SERVICE͊Sɂ܂ Bu薳v͂P X̂悤a free refillƂBchargéuۂA v̂ƁBIs there anything I can do?`܂傤 HIs there anything I can do?`܂傤 HYes,please clean the table.Ae[uЂÂāBIs there anything I can do for you? ̂悤ɂɂĂ˂ ƂłBAm I supposed to do it?邱ƂɂȂĂ HAm I supposed to do it?ȂĂ͂܂ HOh,yes.AłBsupposed tocg musthave to, should̂悤ȋ`\ tg킸Ɂuc ɂȂĂv\B You are supposedto do it.u邱 ƂɂȂĂv̂悤 ڂɖ߂ȂƂ Ȃǂ֗BLet's all share the work.݂ȂŎ蕪Ă 傤BLet's all share the work.݂ȂŎ蕪Ă낤BO.K.BLet'ŝƂall u݂ȂŁv\ ĂBCan you tell me how to do it?ǂ邩Ă炦 HCan you tell me how to do it?ǂ邩Ă炦 HSure.Btell me howuǂ̂ ɂ邩ڂbĂ vCan youc? Could youc?قǂ͂ ˂Ȉ˗̕\ł͂ BShall I set the table?Hׂ܂傤HShall I set the table?Hׂ܂傤HWill you please?肢łHe[uɃiCtAtH[ NAMivLȂǂ Ƃ낦邱Ƃset the tableƌBI'll do the dishes.H􂢂܂BI'll do the dishes.H􂢂܂BThanks.肪ƂBdo the disheśuM 􂤁AH􂢁vƂ pIȌBDo you sort the paper trash from the rest?S~Ƃق̃S~𕪂 ̂łHDo you sort the paper trash from the rest?S~Ƃق̃S~𕪂 ́HOh,yes.We've got to do that.AłBuRȂS~v non-combustiblesA uS~vpaper trashƂ BS~garbage kitchen garbageBCan I put this in the washing machine?@ɓĂ łHCan I put this in the washing machine?A@ɓĂ HNo,it should be handwashed.߂A􂢂ȂBHow should I dry them?ǂ̂悤Ɋ̂łHHow should I dry them?ɂ͂ǂ́HJust hang them outside.ĂɊBHow should Ic? uǂ̂悤Ɂc悢 ̂HvƂ\ BShall I water the plants?A؂ɐ܂傤 HShall I water the plants?A؂ɐ܂傤 HBy all means!AЂ肢Bwateriĵ܂ uv\̂ŕ ACɐ ̂́ARÔ悤run the water in the tubӂ‚BI'll run the water in the tub.Cɐ܂傤BI'll run the water in the tub.Cɐ܂傤BThank you,but don't make it too hot.肪ƂB܂M ȂłˁBwateriĵ܂ uv\̂ŕ ACɐ ̂́ARÔ悤run the water in the tubӂ‚BShall I vacuum the floor?ɑ|@܂傤 HShall I vacuum the floor?ɑ|@܂傤 HThank you,but that's not necessary.肪ƂBł̕Kv ͂܂BQXwaterƓp@B vacuum cleaneri| @jvacuumu^ |@ő|v̈Ӗ ɂȂBI'll do some chores around the house.Ǝ`܂BI'll do some chores around the house.Ǝ`܂BThat'd help a lot.͏BƎȂ̎Gp choresƌA` gBI've looked all over.炶イT܂BDid you look in the kitchen?䏊܂HYes,I've looked all over.A炶イT łBlook͂̂悤ɈӎI ɖڂČ\A see͒PɖڂɓA ̂łƂ ɁAӖgႤBIt must be somewhere.ǂɂ͂łBI've lost my key.JMȂBLook around.It must be somewhere.TāBǂɂ͂ Błmust́Au` Ȃ΂ȂȂvł͂ Au`ɂȂv ӖBHow do you want this cooked?͂ǂӂɗ ܂傤HHow do you want this cooked?͂ǂӂɗ HLet's just fry it.ŗg悤BHow do you want this cut?iǂ ؂܂傤HjAHow do you want this prepared?ỉ 炦͂ǂ܂傤Hĵ悤ɁA낢 p邱ƂłBPeel the potatoes.WKC̔ނĂ BPeel the potatoes.WKC̔ނāBSure.Where's the peeler?Bނ͂ǂHpeel͂ŗ̔ނ gBChop it up.݂؂ɂĂBWhat do I do to this garlic?̃jjN͂ǂ悤 HChop it up.݂؂ɂāBu؂肫ށA؂v \choṕA؂ \BDice this up.̖ڂɍłBDice this up.A̖ڂɍł BSure.Bdicedieij ̕ŁAʂ Q‚PgƂĎg߁A ̂悤ɌBł ؂̖ڂɂ ƁBuṕuSɐ؂Ă܂vƂӖ oBRVRWup ́uSɐ؂Ă܂v ƂӖoBSprinkle flour on it.܂ԂĂBWhat can I do now?AHSprinkle flour on it.܂ԂĂBsprinkle͖hАݔ XvN[łȂ ̌tBAAA ǂ낢Ȃ̂U肩 A΂܂̃C[W BAdd a pinch of salt.ЂƂ‚܂ݓĂ BHow does it taste?͂ǂłHAdd a pinch of salt.ЂƂ‚܂ݓĂ Bpinchu‚˂v̂ ƂȂ̂ŁAЂƂ‚܂ ̃C[W킭B₱ 傤Û putƌ̂ӂ‚A shaker̒ɓĂ΁AShake some salt/peppercƂ BPut some pepper on it.傤Xӂ肩 BDoes it taste all right?͂łHWell,put some pepper on it.łˁB傤 Xӂ肩ĂBpinchu‚˂v̂ ƂȂ̂ŁAЂƂ‚܂ ̃C[W킭B₱ 傤Û putƌ̂ӂ‚A shaker̒ɓĂ΁AShake some salt/peppercƂ BIs this fire too high?ł͉΂͋܂ HIs this fire too high?ł͉΂͋܂ HNo,it's just right.A傤ǂł BΉɂ‚Ă͊pI \ŁAhigh flame i΁jAlow flame i΁jAlower(turn up)the flameu i΁jɂvȂǂ̌BLower the flame.ΉキĂBLower the flame.ΉキāBSure.BΉɂ‚Ă͊pI \ŁAhigh flame i΁jAlow flame i΁jAlower(turn up)the flameu i΁jɂvȂǂ̌BJust roast it lightly.y΂łԂĂBWhat do we do with this?͂ǂ́HJust roast it lightly.y[XgāBroast́u΂łԂv ƁBFry it until it's nice and brown.񂪂肷܂ŗgĂ BHow do I cook it?͂ǂ̂悤ɗ ́HFry it until it's nice and brown.񂪂肷܂ŗgāBfrýA{ꂻ̂܂܂ utCɂvƁB frýAɂdeep fryƌBuĂՂv fried fish and vagetablesBCook it over a high flame.΂ŎςĂBHow do I cook this?͂ǂ́HCook it over a high flame.΂ŎςĂBMake sure it's well cooked.\΂ʂ悤ɂĂ BMake sure it's well cooked.\΂ʂ悤ɂāBAll right.BuƁcȂv ƂMake surec Be surecƌA surêƂɂ낢 tčL͂ɎgB ߂̕\ł͂ȂAɂĂ͍Ԃ ȂBJust microwave it.dqWʼn߂Ă BHow do you prepare this?͂ǂ́HJust microwave it.dqWʼn߂邾BdqWmicrowave ovenƌBStir it very well.悭܂ĂBWhat do I do next?ꂩǂ́HStir it very well.悭܂āBstiri܂j́A HiȊÔ̂ɑ΂Ă 悭g錾tBWhat sort of ingredients did you use?ǂȍޗĝł HHere,try these.قAHׂĂ݂āBWhat sort of ingredients did you use?ǂȍޗ‚́Hingredientsuޗv ́AȂȂt̂悤 Aɂ͌Ȃ tBDip them in batter and fry them.‚ėgĂ BHow do you cook the vegetables?؂͂ǂ̂悤ɗ ́HDip them in batter and fry them.‚ėgĂ BĂՂ̂ batterBbutterio ^[jƊԈႦȂ悤 ӁBThis doesn't have much flavor.ЂƂ‚łBThis doesn't have much flavor.ЂƂ‚łˁBMaybe some garlic salt would help.K[bN\g Ƃ悭Ȃ܂Btaste͎ۂɎŐH ׂĂ݂Ă킩閡̂Ƃ AflavoŕA̖ ƍ̂ƁBTurn on the lights.dC‚ĂBIt's getting dark.ÂȂĂˁBIt sure is.Turn on the lights.قƂBdC‚āBd@BȂǂ‚A _̈ӖłƂ 悭ĝturn onŁA΂Ɂuv turn offłBThis light's burned out.̓d͐؂Ă܂BThis light's burned out.̓dA؂ĂBWill you change the bulb?dւĂHd̃tBgĂ ؂ꂽƂ̕\BWhy are all the lights out?ȂdCSĂ ̂łHWhy are all the lights out?ȂdCSĂ ́HGee,I have no idea.ڂ܂킩ȂBoni‚Ăjout iĂjŁA PɓdCȂǂ‚ 邩Ȃ\ łBThere's a blackout.dłBWhat's happening?ǂ́HThere's a blackout.dB{łblackouti dj͂قƂǂȂA nP[Ȃǂ AJł͂Ȃ肠A \KvɂȂBThere is a short.V[gĂ܂BThere's a short.V[gĂˁBNo,it's probably only a fuse.AԂq[Y BThe circuit breaker is down.u[J[܂BThe circuit breaker is down.u[J[ĂBSwitch it back on.AƂɖ߂āB{ƔzɂĂB breakerɊւẮA {ł͒PɃu[J[ Apłcircuit breakerƁAƉ Hɓ̂ӁBHow do you set the temperature?x͂ǂ̂悤ɐݒ肷 ̂łHHow do you set the temperature?x͂ǂ̂悤ɐݒ肷 ́HJust turn this knob right here.̃mu񂷂ł łB@̎舵Ɍ uݒvƌtɂ setgBDoes this shaver run on batteries?̃VF[o[͓dr HDoes this shaver run on batteries?̃VF[o[͓drHNo,you have to recharge it.A[dȂ񂾁Brun ońu𗬂v ł͂ȂAu`ō쓮v \Bshaver̂悤 ÓAɂ͓ɋC ‚BWill you turn up the TV?er̉傫Ă ܂񂩁HWill you turn up the TV?er̉傫Ă HCan't you hear it?Ȃ́Hturn upiグj ɑ΂āAuv turn downBHow can I record this on the VCR?̃rfI͂ǂ̂悤ɘ^ 悷̂łHHow can I record this on the VCR?ǂĘ^悷́HJust push the RECORD button.u^v{^΂ 񂾂Brecordc on čt ւāA낢 ̂u^vƂ \BThis dryer doesn't work.̃hC[͓܂ BIs anything wrong?ǂ́HThis dryer doesn't work.̃hC[͓Ȃ 񂾁B{̌ꏇƎĂČ ₷\Bdryer 낢ȊŒu ĎgBIt's not switched on.XCb`Ă܂BThis is out of order.͌̏łBNo,it's not switched on.AXCb`Ă Ȃ񂾂BIt's not turned on. ƂBturned on switched onon YȂ悤ɒӂBIt's not plugged in.RZg͂Ă BThis doesn't work.AȂBIt's not plugged in.RZg͂Ă BRZgɃvO͂ 邱Ƃplug inƌA ΂ɂʂ邱Ƃ plug outƂBR ZĝƂwall outlet,powe outletƌBI can hear a beep.s[s[ƂĂ ܂BI can hear a beep.s[s[ĂBDon't worry.It's OK.SzȂB傤Ԃ Bbeeṕus[s[Ƃ vB|Pbgx beeperƌBThe red light is flickering.Ԃv_łĂ BThe red light is flickering.Ԃv_łĂBThere may be trouble.guȂBflickeŕu܂A ‚vBDo I insert this in here?ɍނ̂ HDo I insert this in here?ɍނ́HThat's right.̂ƂBUTpluglA iinsertƂ ނƂӖBTurn it back on.܂‚ĂBI turned off the air conditioner.[BOh,no.Turn it back on.߂Bx‚āBturn it oni Ȃjback āAxꂽXCb` Ȃǂ܂‚悤Ɍ \BIs it under warranty?܂ۏ؊ԒłHIs it under warranty?܂ۏ؊ԒHI think so.ƎvǁBwarrantyuiۏ؁v A܂LHƂ ɂunder‚ĕ BI can't figure this out.̓Tbp킩܂ BI can't figure this out.̓Tbp킩ȂBDon't you have a manual?}jA͂Ȃ́Hfigure out́u vƂӖŁA ЂςɎg邭 \BI know nothing about the mechanics.@Bɂ͎アłBCan you work it out?AȂƂł܂ HNo,I know nothing about the mechanics.A@Bɂ͎アłBmechanicśAu@\A dg݁v̈ӖB uCHv̈Ӗł悭 gBDo you deal in this line of goods?̎̕i舵 ܂HDo you deal in this line of goods?̎̕i舵 ܂HWe sure do.͂AĂ܂Bthis line of goods ́AV[Y̐i Bdeal inćuc 舵Ac̏vBDo you have designer name brands?uhĂ܂ HDo you have designer name brands?uhĂ܂ HYes,we do.͂AĂ܂B{l̑Dȁuu h́v͐ɂ͒ ̂悤ɌAP designer clothes,designer items.ł悢BWhen will you have more stock?ׂ͂‚łHWhen will you have more stock?ׂ͂‚łHNext week.T܂BWe're out of stock. ii؂łjȂǂƌ ꂽƂÂ悤ɂ ˂Ƃ悢BIs this all you carry?Ă̂͂ꂾ HIs this all you carry?Ă̂͂ꂾHFor now,yes.̂Ƃ͂łBcarry͂VRdeal in ƂقړӖBu^ԁv ł͂ȂȀꍇ́uu Ăv̂ƁBIs it user-friendly?g₷łHThis is our latest model.ꂪЂ̍ŐVf BIs it user-friendly?g₷łHRs[^[ŮԂ ́u[U[th[v Ƃ{ꂪłɒ蒅 ĂBIt's a perfect fit.҂荇܂BHow is it?łHIt's a perfect fit.҂łˁBHow does it fit? i܂HjȂǂƂ ɑ΂ZēIm ȓBWould you hold this item for me?̕iĂĂ ܂HWould you hold this item for me?̕iĂĂ HSure.May I have your name?͂BOǂBDo you do alterations?TCYł܂HDo you do alterations?TCYł܂HSorry,we don't.\ȂłA ܂BalterationsiύXj Ƃ́Aߕɂ‚Č TCŶƁBHow long is the warranty good for?ۏ؊Ԃ͂ǂꂭ炢ł HHow long is the warranty good for?ۏ؊Ԃ͂ǂꂭ炢ł H10 months.POłBWPgood foriLj ͐IȌtg΂W QvalidłBۏ ł͂ȂAؕA `⎑i̗LԂȂǁA SʓIɎgBIt's valid for one year.PNԗLłBHow long is it valid?ǂ̂炢LłHIt's valid for one year.PNԗLłBWPgood foriLj ͐IȌtg΂W QvalidłBۏ ł͂ȂAؕA `⎑i̗LԂȂǁA SʓIɎgBCan you wrap them separately?ʁXɕł炦܂ HCan you wrap them separately?ʁXɕł炦܂ HCertainly.܂܂Biłwrap͕ counterȂǂ Ă炢A B{̂悤ɎŎg ̂܂łĂ˂ɕ Ă炤Ƃ͂܂Bv[gAi ĂĎłꂢ wrapping paperŕ 邱ƂBgift Ƃtpresent ZČ₷߁A悭gBPlease gift-wrap it.pɕłBPlease gift-wrap it.pɕłBSure.܂܂Biłwrap͕ counterȂǂ Ă炢A B{̂悤ɎŎg ̂܂łĂ˂ɕ Ă炤Ƃ͂܂Bv[gAi ĂĎłꂢ wrapping paperŕ 邱ƂBgift Ƃtpresent ZČ₷߁A悭gBI'll give you a lift.悹Ă܂傤BI'll give you a lift to the station.w܂ŏ悹Ă܂傤BOh,how nice! Thank you.킠AꂵI肪 Bgive you a lifti Ăj́Aق give you a rideƂ AƂɂ\BCan I get a ride with you?ɏ悹Ă܂ HCan I get a ride with you?悹Ă炦܂HOh,sure.łBgive you a lifti Ăj́Aق give you a rideƂ AƂɂ\BCan you pick me up?}ɗĂ炦܂HCan you pick me up?}ɗĂHSure.At the usual place?B‚̏ˁBpick uṕAVbs OȂ珤i𔃂ƁA ł͐l}ď悹Ă ƂłBpickup Ԃɏ悹l̖OȂǂ BHop in!āIHop in!āBThanks.肪ƂBzbvAXebvAW vhopŁuяāv Ƃ̂錾tBHow many people can it seat?̎Ԃ͉lłHHow many people can it seat?̎Ԃ͉lHA maximum of 6 people.őUl܂ŏ܂Bit͎ԂAꂪ How manyulvseat u点v邩Ƃ {ł͂Ƃ킩 \BWhat's the gas mileage?R͂ǂꂭ炢łHWhat's the gas mileage?R͂ǂꂭ炢łHIt gets 14 miles per gallon.PKłPS}CłBuRviPKQ DQbg̑s ̂Ɓj́Agas mileage,fuel mileage,܂͒P mileageƌBBuckle up.V[gxg‚߂Ă BAll set? Buckle up!o邼BV[gxg ‚߂āBO.K.I[P[Bbuckle̓xg̗߂ ˂̃obN̂ƂŁA Sxgisafety beltł͂Ȃseat beltƌjp`b ߂邱ƁBAs@łFASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT̕\g ĂBYour door isn't shut.hAɂȂĂ܂BYour door isn't shut.hAɂȂĂBOh,O.K.A킩BɁuhAvɓ ʂȌt͂ȂÂ悤 ɌBBack up a little.obNĂBBack up a little.obNāBHow is this?łǂȁHback uṕuɐi ށvBback,back {̂悤Ɍ킸 up‚̂YȂ 悤ɂBYou've got a dent here.ɂւ݂łĂ BYou've got a dent here.ɂւ݂łĂBYeah,I hit a lamp post.AdɂԂ‚񂾁Bdent́ułĂł ڂ݁Aւ݁vBThe battery's dead.obe[オĂ ܂BWhat happened?ǂ́HThe battery's dead.obe[オĂ ܂Bdead͋@Bɂ‚Č Ƃ́AvɁu ȂvƁBSomething's wrong with the engine.GW̒q ̂łBSomething's wrong with the engine.GW̒qBDo you know what it is?ǂ킩H͂ƌ͂킩 Aςƌ\ ŁAthe engineق ̂낢Ȃ̂ɒu BThe engine stalled.GXgłBWhat's wrong?ǂ́HThe engine stalled.GXgB܂ǂ{ł̓GXg ȂǍlȂAԌ ̂ȂAJł̓{{ ̎ԂAGXg BI have to take it to the garage.CɏoȂĂ͂Ȃ BCan you fix it?HNo,I have to take it to the garage.ACɏoȂBgarage͎ԌɂłȂ CḦӖŎgB take it to the garage͂‚܂AuC Ă炤ƁvBThere's too much wind back here.̐Ȃ͕܂BThere's too much wind back here.̐Ȃ͕BSorry,I'll close the windows.߂B‚߂Bback heréu ̐Ȃł́vBCan you turn down the air conditioning a bit?ƃN[[キ Ă܂HCan you turn down the air conditioning a bit?ƃN[[キ ĂHSure.How's this?BłǂHYou're speeding.Xs[h̏ołBYou're speeding.Xs[hoBOh,sorry.I'll slow down.A܂BXs[h ƂB̂̃YǒB x@ɂ‚܂ speeding ticketiX s[hᔽ̔j؂ BI've been doing 55.TT}CőĂ ܂BHow fast have you been driving?ǂ̂炢̃Xs[hʼn^ ]ẮHI've been doing 55.TT}CőĂ BI've been running at the speed of 55 miles per hour. \BStep on it.ƃXs[hoāBStep on it.ƃXs[hoāBSure thing! Let's go!ƂIIANZ iacceleratorj́A ʏgas pedalŒʂ AԂɏĂ΂ 悤itł킩BHit the brakes!u[LIHit the brakes!u[LIToo late!xIbrakesɂȂĂ ̂ɒځBS‚̃^C brake邩ł BYou're swerving.֍sĂ܂BYou're swerving.֍sĂ܂BOh,I'm sorry.A͂ȂBHLԂQ^o AJł́AhCo[ lƘb̂ɂ Ęb߂ɁA킫 ^]A swerving邱ƂBDon't make such sharp turns.}nhȂł BDon't make such sharp turns.ȋ}nhȂŁBSorry about that.߂BLet's pass this car.̎ԂǂBWe've got to hurry.}ȂBO.K.Let's pass this car.悵A̎ԂǂBuǂzvpassŊ PɌBThis is a no-passing zone.͒ǂz֎~łBI want to pass that truck.̃gbNǂz ȁBNo,this is a nopassing zone.߁A͒ǂz֎~ BuǂzvpassŊ PɌBWe're running out of gas.K\؂ꂻłBWe're running out of gas.K\؂ꂻBO.K.We'll go to a gas station.AK\X^h sBrun out ofi`؂ jƂ֗ȊpI tŁAK\ł ԁAA܂Ƃ ̔Eς̌EiE ̏j؂ꂩĂȂǂƁALgBFill it up.^ɂĂBHow much do you want?ǂ̂炢܂HFill it up.^ɂĂBgas stationiK\ X^hjł̌܂蕶 Bfill upu ɂvit͂ gas tank̂ƁBI've got a flat tire.^CpNĂ܂BI've got a flat tire.^CpNĂ BO.K.I'll change it in a minute.͂AɌ܂Bʂ́ApunctureȂ Ƃ傰Ȍt͎g ɁA^CiۂȂj Ȃ(I got a flat.)ƌBI must have missed the road sign.HWƂ悤 łBI must have missed the road sign.HWƂ悤 BLet's get off at the next exit.̏oŏo܂傤BlandmarkiڈɂȂ ́j́A傫ȓƂA XȂǂ‚₷A ēɎĝ̂ƁBAre there any landmarks?ڈ͂܂HAre there any landmarks?ڈ͂܂HThere's a huge billboard at the exit.oɑ傫ȊŔ‚ BlandmarkiڈɂȂ ́j́A傫ȓƂA XȂǂ‚₷A ēɎĝ̂ƁBI have no idea where I'm going.ǂ𑖂Ă̂킩 ܂BI have no idea where I'm going.ǂ𑖂Ă̂킩 ȂȂBNeither do I.ɂTbpłBPPŚu悭mȂv have no ideaɁu 𑖂Ă邩vƂ 𑱂́BƓ ҂PPT̂悤 highway mapĂ낤ƒĂBI'll look on the map for you.n}Ă܂傤BGee! Where are we?A͂ǂHI'll look on the map for you.n}ĂBPPŚu悭mȂv have no ideaɁu 𑖂Ă邩vƂ 𑱂́BƓ ҂PPT̂悤 highway mapĂ낤ƒĂBI've made a wrong turn.pȂĂ܂ ܂BI've made a wrong turn.ȂĂ ܂ȁBOh,not again!܂HIt's a one-way street.͈ʍsłBCan we go in there?͓̓̂ȁHNo,it's a one-way street.A͈ʍsBAJ̊Xone-way street̂ŁAȂ ȂړInɒȂ BIt was somewhere around here.m̂łBIt was somewhere around here.m̂肾 BDon't you know for sure?͂mȂ́HȑOAړInɗƂ ̂OƂȂ Bsomewhere around heréuǂ ̂vBLet's pull over and get directions.~߂ē𕷂܂傤BLet's pull over and get directions.~߂ē𕷂BO.K.Let's go to that motel.ႠÃ[e sĂ݂悤Bpull oveŕuԂ A~߂vB directionśuv ̂ƁBCan I make a U-turn here?łt^[ł܂ HCan I make a U-turn here?łt^[ł́HSure,go ahead.AāBU-turn̂ƂɁA right turniE܁jA left turni܁j āA\BThere're no parking spaces.ԃXy[X܂BLet's stop around here.̕ӂɎ~߂悤BYeah,but there're no parking spaces.AłԃXy[X ȂBParking is not allowed here.ɂ͒ԂĂ͂ BParking is not allowed here.ɒԂĂ͂Ȃ łBOh,I didn't know that.͒mȂB̂悤ɒԂ͋ ܂ƂĂ˂Ɍ ΁AYou can't park here.̂悤ȃJĥ ŒȂłށBSomeone is double-parked.NdԂĂ܂BHey,what's wrong?Aǂ񂾂HSomeone is double-parked.NdԂĂ Bdouble-parkid ԁĵ܂܎gāA Someone double-parkd.Ƃ͂ ȂŎ󂯐gɂĂ邱 ƂɒӂBu@ԁv́Aillegal parking.I was delayed by traffic.a؂̂ŒxĂ܂ ܂BWe were getting worried.SzĂƂłBI'm sorry.I was delayed by traffic.߂ȂBa؂̂ ŒxĂ܂āBSɌ΁AI was delayed by a traffic jam.A trafficŏ\ua ؁v̈ӖoBI've been feeling blue lately.̂C܂BHow are you?͂ǂHI've been feeling blue lately.̂CȂāBbluéAȂƂȂC ނƂ\BI've beencclatelyŁA ûƂ뉽Ɓv \BI'm all tired out.ꂫĂ܂܂BWill you do it?ĂHI can't.I'm all tired out.BꂫĂ ܂Ă߂ȁBtiredłuꂽv ̈ӖAout ‚邱ƂŁAuт ʂĂAN^N^vɂ҂ ̕\BI have a stuffy nose.@‚܂Ă܂I have a stuffy nose.@‚܂BDo you have a cold?J[Ȃ́H@‚܂ꍇ̕\B u@~܂Ȃv́A runny nose.Feels like I have the flu.CtGUɂ 悤łBWhat's wrong?ǂ́HFeels like I have the flu.CtGUɂ ݂Bthe flua cold,a feverƒuāA u`̂悤vƌa ̕\BTake me to the nearest hospital.ԋ߂̕a@ɘA ĂBDo you need any help?`܂傤 HYes,take me to the nearest hospital.Aԋ߂̕a@ɘA ĂĂBCall an ambulance.~}ԂĂłBWhat's the matter?ǂ܂HCall an ambulance.~}ԂĂłB~}x̐i񂾃A Jł́Aambulance paramedicƂ~} Ð̈t肱 B̂߁Â} ł闦BI got hurt in an accident.ʎ̂ł܂BWhat's the matter?ǂ܂HI got hurt in an accident.ʎ̂ł܂Bget hurtij ͎́uꂽv ƂŁAł Ƃ́AI hurt myself.ƌBI feel dizzy.߂܂܂BHow do you feel?C͂ǂłHI feel dizzy.߂܂܂Bdizzy͕n̏ǏB ł߂܂Ƃ gBI'm nauseated.fC܂BWhat's wrong?ǂ܂HI'm nauseated.fC܂BƊȒPI feel sick.ƌĂӖ ʂBI have a pain right here.ɂ݂܂BWhere does it hurt?ǂɂ́HI have a pain right here.ɂ݂܂Bɂ݂̎ނdulli݂ ɂ݁jsharpi肫 ɂށjȂǂ̌ Bɂޏꏊ̂́A in my stomachin gAt킩Ȃ΂PRŜ悤 right hereƎw΂ BI have a dull pain in my stomach.݂ɓݒɂ܂BI have a dull pain in my stomach.݂ɓݒɂ܂BHow long have you had it?‚łHɂ݂̎ނdulli݂ ɂ݁jsharpi肫 ɂށjȂǂ̌ Bɂޏꏊ̂́A in my stomachin gAt킩Ȃ΂PRŜ悤 right hereƎw΂ BI have a splitting headache.YLYL܂BHow are you feeling?C͂ǂłHI have a splitting headache.YLYL܂Bsplitting headache ͓{́u ɒɂvƂȕ\ BWhat's your blood type?t^͉łHWhat's your blood type?t^͉łHI think I'm type A.`^Ǝv܂Bӂ‚{ł́A`AaA `aAn^ɂ镪ނ ȂAAJł͂q q̗L positiveiRh factorjnegativeiRh factorȂjʂ ĂBI'm O positive.n^̂qvXłBI'm O positive.n^̂qvXłBI'm B negative.͂a^̂q}CiX Bӂ‚{ł́A`AaA `aAn^ɂ镪ނ ȂAAJł͂q q̗L positiveiRh factorjnegativeiRh factorȂjʂ ĂBI weigh 140 pounds.̏d͂PSO|hłBHow much do you weigh?̏d͂ǂ̂炢łHI weigh 140 pounds.PSO|hłB1L͖2.2|hB| hłςɌ ͖Q{΂悢BI've lost weight.̏d܂BI've lost weight.̏d܂BOh,how much?ǂ̂炢HPRXŁu`̑̏dv Ɏgꂽweigh́A ȕdv̂̂ weightBI have a chronic illness.a܂BI have a chronic illness.âłBOh,I'm sorry.͑ςłˁBI have a heart problem.Sɖ肪̂łBI have a heart problem.Sɖ肪āBThat's too bad.܂AC̓łɁBI have high blood pressure.ǂłBI have high blood pressure.ǂȂłBGee,that's too bad.A͑ςłˁBhigh blood pressure̔΂́A low blood pressure iጌǁjBMy bad tooth is hurting.ɂ݂܂BWhat's the matter?ǂ܂HMy bad tooth is hurting.ɂāBuvdecayed toothƌ ɊȒPbad tooth Bthrobbingi ł‚悤Ȓɂ݁j͓ɂ gBis hurting(throbbing)ƁAɂ ݂Ă邱Ƃ ĂBMy tooth is throbbing.YLYLɂ݂܂BDo you have a toothache?ɂ́HYeah,my tooth is throbbing.AYLYLɂނ񂾁Buvdecayed toothƌ ɊȒPbad tooth Bthrobbingi ł‚悤Ȓɂ݁j͓ɂ gBis hurting(throbbing)ƁAɂ ݂Ă邱Ƃ ĂBIt's painful to eat.ɂĐHׂ܂BHow bad does it hurt?ǂ̂炢ɂނ́HIt's painful to eat.ɂĐHׂ܂B̂ǂ̒ɂ݂\ ̕\Aeat̂Ƃ A낢댾 ΁Auɂā`łȂv 낢\BCan I have a pain-killer?ɂݎ~߂炦܂ HCan I have a pain-killer?ɂݎ~߂炦܂ HI'll give you an injection.˂Ă܂傤Bpain-killeŕuɂ ~߁v̖⒍˂ŁAA J̕a@ł́A҂̏ Ė򉮂֍s ȂƖ͏oȂBIt started to hurt last night.䂤ׂɂݎn߂܂BWhen did it start to hurt?‚ɂݎn߂́HIt started to hurt last night.ӂɂݎn߂łBI'm allergic to fish.ɃAM[܂BAre you allergic to any food?HוɃAM[ ܂HYes,I'm allergic to fish.͂AɃAM[ ܂Ballergy邩͖ A˂O ɕK邪Adv ƂȂ̂ŁA猾 悤ɂĂBuA M[v́AIhave allergies.̂ havegAbe allergicƕ\B u`ɑ΂āv͒Pto ŕ\A͂ ȂƂcertaincƌBI'm allergic to certain medicines.ɃAM[܂BI'm allergic to certain medicines.ɃAM[܂BDo you know what they are?ǂȖ̂łHallergy邩͖ A˂O ɕK邪Adv ƂȂ̂ŁA猾 悤ɂĂBuA M[v́AIhave allergies.̂ havegAbe allergicƕ\B u`ɑ΂āv͒Pto ŕ\A͂ ȂƂcertaincƌBShould I watch my diet?Hוɒӂق ł傤HShould I watch my diet?Hוɒӂق ł傤HYes,that's important.A͑؂łBdiet͂ƂƂ₹邽 ߂΂ł͂ȂAN ۂ‚߁A܂alp̓ ʂȐHÖ@̂ƂłBIs it anything serious?dǂȂ̂łHIs it anything serious?dǂȂłHOh no,it's nothing.AƂȂłBIs anything wrong? [ȏԂƍlĂ ƂɎgBDo I have to stay in the hospital?@ȂĂ͂Ȃ܂ HDo I have to stay in the hospital?@ȂĂ͂Ȃ܂ HNo,that's not necessary.A̕Kv͂ Bu@v hospitalizê悤 ނtg킸A PɁistay in hospitalja@ɑ؍ ƌ΂悢BDo I need an operation?pKvȂ̂łHDo I need an operation?pKvȂłHWell,we'll have to wait and see.ƗlqĂ݂ 傤BWhat's wrong with you?ǂ܂HWhat's wrong with you?ǂ܂HI'm feeling a little bad.ƋC񂾁B͖炩ɋ̈ Ȑlւ̎BWhat's wrongcWhat's the mattercƌĂ悢B PTUł͒ړI What's wrong?Ƃ͕ɁA̂ mF\ɂȂĂB ₳̊錾t łBIs anything wrong with you?ǂ܂HIs anything wrong with you?ǂ܂HOh,I just have a slight headache.ƓɂłB͖炩ɋ̈ Ȑlւ̎BWhat's wrongcWhat's the mattercƌĂ悢B PTUł͒ړI What's wrong?Ƃ͕ɁA̂ mF\ɂȂĂB ₳̊錾t łBI've gained weight.Ă܂܂BI've gained weight.BYou have to watch out.C‚ȂˁBȕdvweight܂ފ pIȕ\BA₹ gain weight,lose weightƌBɑ āułɑ̏dI[ o[ĂvPTWoverweightŁA lɁAɂ͂ 񂵂Ȍ Ƃ悢BYou are fat.͎BYou are overweight for your height.ŵɂ͑̏d ˁBYou are overweight for your height.ŵɂ͑̏d ȂBOh,shut up!߂ĂIȕdvweight܂ފ pIȕ\BA₹ gain weight,lose weightƌBɑ āułɑ̏dI[ o[ĂvPTWoverweightŁA lɁAɂ͂ 񂵂Ȍ Ƃ悢BYou are fat.͎BI'm on a diet.HĂ܂BLet's order some pizza.sU𒍕悤BI don't want any.I'm on a diet.͂ȂB_CGbg B₹邽߁A邢͌N î߁u_CGbg vgo on a diet, u_CGbgv́Abe on a dietƂ̂ ‚BI'm watching my calories.J[̎肷ɒ Ă܂BWhy don't you eat?ȂHׂȂ́BI'm watching my calories.J[̎肷ɒ Ă񂾁BI'm watchingćA ucɒӂĂvƂ \ŁAcalories ɁAwaistline i܂jAblood pressureijȂ̌tւĎgBDo you have any vegetarian dishes?ؐH͂܂HDo you have any vegetarian dishes?ؐH͂܂HYes,that's our specialty.͂A͍ؐHX BvegetariańuؐH́A ؐH`ҁvBI quit smoking.^oR߂܂BI quit smoking.^oR߂܂BOh,that's great.悩ˁBquitcingŁucX gbvv\B quitiSɂ߂j ΂āu炷AȂ vcut down onB ÂȂǂ󂯂ɁA΂ƈӎu̗͂ quitƂcold turkeyƌB ́AЂǂłȂǂ ߂ƂɌĎgBWhy don't you cut down on your drinking?̗ʂ炵ǂ łHWhy don't you cut down on your drinking?炵HYeah,it's on my mind all the time.A‚lĂ łǂˁBquitcingŁucX gbvv\B quitiSɂ߂j ΂āu炷AȂ vcut down onB ÂȂǂ󂯂ɁAςƈӎu̗͂ quitƂcold turkeyƌB ́AЂǂłȂǂ ߂ƂɌĎgBI quit cold turkey.ς߂܂BHow did you quit smoking?ǂċ։́HI quit cold turkey.ꂢς߂񂾁BquitcingŁucX gbvv\B quitiSɂ߂j ΂āu炷AȂ vcut down onB ÂȂǂ󂯂ɁAςƈӎu̗͂ quitƂcold turkeyƌB ́AЂǂłȂǂ ߂ƂɌĎgBI may be coming down with a cold.J[Ă܂BI may be coming down with a cold.J[ĂBTake a hot bath and go to bed.Cɓċx݂ BNԂɂȂ肩 Ă悤ȂƂɁA be coming down withcƌBIt gave me a headache.œɂ̂łBDid you watch TV all evening?[͂ƃer ́HYeah,it gave me a headache.Aœɂ񂾁Bit͂܂܂ŘbĂ ̎Au ɂ̌łvƌ ĂBI'm on medication.ł܂BLet's get a beer.r[łPt݂ɍs BI can't.I'm on medication.߂Ȃ񂾁Bł 邩Bdrugŝ̖\ ɑ΂āAon medicatiońA medicinei҂̏ jŎÂĂ鎞 ̌BȒPI'mtaking medicine forcƂAc̕ ɕaBMy back hurts every morning.wɂ݂܂BMy back hurts every morning.wɂނ񂾁BYou should get yourself a very hard mattress.Ȃ茘}bgX ƂBbedɖlɑiB {lɌ肪̂ ΂āAml͔w̒ ݁iback pain, backachejil BYou should get some fresh air.VNȋCzƂ BI'm feeling bad.CBYou should get some fresh air.VNȋCzƂBI'm going out for a walk.ƎUɍsĂ BI'm going out for a walk.ƎUɍsĂ BI'm coming with you.sBPut sunscreen on when you go out.Oo͓̎Ă~߃N [hȂBPut sunscreen on when you go out.Oo͓̎Ă~߃N [hāBWhere can I find some?ǂɂ́Hput ońu𒅂v gBI got sunburned.Ăăqq܂BI got sunburned.ĂŃqq܂BHere,put on this lotion.قÃ[V ȂBԂȂăqq ɂȂƁA͂ suntaniF̌NI Ăjł͂ȂAΏ iburnjA‚܂ sunburnłBI love sun-bathing.DłBI love sun-bathing.DłBSo do I.ڂBsun-bathinǵAu vƁAꏇ{ Ŋo₷BDon't lie in the sun too long.܂蒷ԁA ͂܂BDon't lie in the sun too long.܂蒷ԁA Ă͂܂BBut I love the sun!łɓ̑D 񂾁IWhat's best for a hangover?ɂ͉Ԍ ܂HWhat's best for a hangover?ɂ͉Ԍ ܂HDrink some tomato juice.g}gW[XނƂ Bhangoverij ̂ƂɕaĈ̕s Ɋւ錾tĂ ȎBI've got a bruise.ƒAUłĂ܂܂ BDid you fall?񂾂́HYes,and I've got a bruise.AՃAU Ă܂BApply a cold pack.⎼zȂBI've bruised my knee.ЂɐƒAU‚Ă ܂BApply a cold pack.⎼zȂBPƂbruise ijłȂǂ 蓖āBPut a cold pack on it.ł悢BI fell and scratched my knee.łЂނ BI fell and scratched my knee.łЂނ BWash it with this disinfectant.̎Eۍ܂Ő􂢗Ă Bscratch͂̂قA Ȃǂu{{v ӖłgBIt's a protection against hay fever.ԕǂ̗\hłBWhy are you wearing that mask?Ȃ}XNẮHIt's a protection against hay fever.ԕǂ̗\hBuԕǁvpolleni jallergyƂA pĂȂǂłɂ悭ɂ Ǐhay feveri͂ njȂǂ̃AM[ Bu\hvprotection forł Ȃagainsti`ɑ΂ jgBI need a haircut.؂ȂẮBI need a haircut.؂ȂẮBYou're right.ˁBhaircut͒j́uUv ƂA hairstyleiwAX^ CjA茾₷ hairdoi^j悭 gBhairstyleقiȌBI want to change my hairstyle.wAX^Cς łBI want to change my hairstyle.wAX^Cς ǁBIs there any particular style you like?ɂDȔ^ Hhaircut͒j́uUv ƂA hairstyleiwAX^ CjA茾₷ hairdoi^j悭 gBhairstyleقiȌBI want to try a short bob.V[gJbgɂĂ BI want to try a short bob.V[gJbgɂĂ BHow short do you want it?ǂ̂炢Z܂傤 Hbob̓V[gw ŁAshort bobƂBJust a shampoo and set,please.Vv[ƃZbg 肢܂BWhat would you like today?傤͂ǂ܂傤 HJust a shampoo and set,please.Vv[ƃZbg 肢܂Ba shampoo and set ́A߂ΕʁXɂĂ B̂Ƃ́AI just want a shampoo.Ƃ I shampood it already.I justneed a set.ƌBI just want a trim.S̓IɒZĂBWhat would you like today?傤͂ 傤HI just want a trim.S̓IɒZĂBtrim͒Z荞ނƁB `͕ςɐLт ؂Ă炤̕\BI want my ears covered.B悤ɂĂ BHow long would you like it?͂ǂ̂炢ɂ 傤HI want my ears covered.B邭炢 Btrimhaircut̂Ƃ ̔̒̎wBJust trim the ends.yѐ낦Ă BHow would you like your hair done?ǂ̂悤Ȕ^ɂ܂ HJust trim the ends.yѐ낦Ă Btrim̓IɌ ́BPart my hair on the right.E番ĂBPart my hair on the right.E番ĂBAll right.킩܂Bpart́AuꕔAv ̂قÂ悤Ɂu v̈ӖBuE v́Aon the right ƌ̂ɒӁBTake more off the sides.̖тƌ炵 BHow is this?łǂłHTake more off the sides.̖тƌ炵 Btake offi菜j ͂ł͊荞ނ̂ƁBI want my hair permed.p[}ĂBI want my hair permed.p[}ĂBAll right.킩܂Bp[}ipermanentj́A ʏAZp[ipermj ƌBI need to cover the gray.ڗȂ łBI need to cover the gray.ڗȂ łBYes,especially around the forehead.Ɋz̉łˁBthe graygray hairŝƁBƂ ̐F̖邢lɂƂ Ĕ͂ނAgray iDFjɂȂĂ悤 Ɍ炵AwhitehairƂ͂قƂnj BYou can have it for free.ł܂BYou can have it for free.AłBThank you.肪ƂBIt's free.Take it. ̂悤Ȃ ׂƁAĂ˂BThey are free of charge.łBDo they cost anything?ÁHNo,they are free of charge.AłBӂ‚́A ̂uvɂȂƂ \ŁAPIt's free. ƌAƂ \BI can't afford it.̂Ƃ͂܂BIt's $150.PTOhłBI can't afford it.Ȃ̂Ƃ͂Ȃ ˁB@Iɐ_IȂƂ ‚ĂgBI'm flat broke.񂺂񂨋܂BYou want to go shopping?ɍsHI'm flat broke.XbJJBbrokeŁu vAflat‚ ĂBHow much do I owe you?略΂̂ł HHow much do I owe you?略΂́HIt's just $19.00.傤ǂPXhłBۂɐlɎ؋Ă ɂAVbsÔ ɁułHv Ƃɂ܂ ̕gBWill you lend me some money?݂Ă܂ HWill you lend me some money?݂ĂHI can't.I'm broke.B񂺂ȂBCan you return the money I loaned you?݂ԂĂ BCan you return the money I loaned you?݂ԂĂ BO.K.킩Bloan͋s̃[ ł͂ȂAl݂̋̑ ؂ɂAЂςɎgBNow we're even.ő݂؂ȂłBHere's your money.͂Â݂BThanks.Now we're even.ǂˁBő݂؂ ȂBeveńúA݂ Ȃv\BDo you accept credit cards?NWbgJ[hł HDo you accept credit cards?NWbgJ[hł HWe certainly do.AłBƂɓXCash or charge?icash Acharge̓NWb gJ[hł̎x̂Ɓj Ƃ˂邱ƂBCan I pay by check?x͏؎łł HCan I pay by check?x͏؎łł HThat's quite all right.A\łBƂɓXCash or charge?icash Acharge̓NWb gJ[hł̎x̂Ɓj Ƃ˂邱ƂBHow much is it a pound?P|hłHHow much is it a pound?P|hłHIt's $1.50 a pound.P|hłPhTOZ głB|h̒P ˂邽߂̎ŁAa poundper pound Aâق ₷BCan you give me a better price?荠ȒliɂȂ ܂񂩁HCan you give me a better price?荠ȒliɂȂ ܂񂩁HWellcłˁcCan you give me a discount?܂Ă炦܂񂩁HCan you give me a discount?܂Ă炦܂񂩁HWe don't give discounts at all.l͈؂Ă܂ BCan you make it $30.00?ROhɂĂ炦܂ 񂩁HCan you make it $30.00?ROhɂĂ炦܂ 񂩁HThat would be a bit too difficult.ƂނłˁBCan you make itc? make itcŁucɂ vƌ̂ɒځB ucv̂Ƃɒli ւāAl̕\ łBI'll take it if you can discount it.lĂꂽ甃 BI'll take it if you can@discount it.lĂꂽ甃 BAll right.킩܂BtakeA buyƌĂ悢BI can't pay more than that.ȏ͕܂BI can't pay more than that.ȏ͕܂BO.K.How about $190?ł́APXOhł łHThat's my final price.ȏ͂܂܂BCan you make it a little cheaper?܂܂ HNo,that's my final price.ȏ܂܂BThat's my best price.That's my last price.ƌ ƂłBThis is as far as I can go.ꂪxłBHow about another 20%?ƂQ܂ĂȂHSorry,this is as far as I can go.\󂠂܂񂪁A xłB͔قق Ag\B܂ as far asc͂Ƃ uc܂ŁvƂ\ tȂ̂ŁAŌgo ‚ĂBYou've shortchanged me.‚肪܂BHere's your change.͂A‚łBOh,I think you've shortchanged me.A‚肪܂ BshortchangéA Ɣ߂̂ 錾tȂ̂ŁAۂɂ I'm afraidI thinkȂǂ‚Č ƂĂ˂BYou've miscalculated it.vZ܂Ă܂BYou've miscalculated it.vZ܂Ă܂BHave I?łHThis bill hasn't been paid.̐ɂȂ Ă܂BThis bill hasn't been paid.̐ɂȂ Ă܂BYes,it has.I have the receipt.܂B̎ ܂BYou haven't paid this bill.ƒړI ȂƂAbill ̎x̂N ȂƂÂ悤 BShow me the breakdown.̓Ă BShow me the breakdown.̓Ă BThis is the charge and that is tax.ꂪŁAꂪŋ łBIs there tax on it?ŋ܂HIs there tax on it?ŋ܂HYes,there's an 8% sales tax.͂AW̔ł ܂Btax͘blP‚ ŋƂčlĂꍇ a tax,the taxƌ Aŋ𐧓xƂĂ 炦ĂƂɂ͊ ‚ȂBFincluding tax iō݂Łj,free of taxiƐŁjBTax is included.ō݂̂liłBTax is included.ō݂̂liłBI see.킩܂Btax͘blP‚ ŋƂčlĂꍇ a tax,the taxƌ Aŋ𐧓xƂĂ 炦ĂƂɂ͊ ‚ȂBFincluding tax iō݂Łj,free of taxiƐŁjBI want to make a down payment.Ă̂ BI want to make a down payment.ĂBSure.͂Bdown paymentij ͏iholdi ĵƂɌʓIBI want to pay in advance.Oɂ̂łBI want to pay in advance.OɂBThank you.肪Ƃ܂BMake it C.O.D.ɂĂBMake it C.O.D.ɂĂBAll right.܂܂BC.O.D.iCOD, c.o.d.jcash on deliveryuv \P‚̏nBu vƂBTake it out of this.ꂩĂBWould you like to pay now?xɂȂ܂HYes,take it out of this.AꂩĂ B萔ifee,chargej Ȃǂ‚̒獷 Ă炢Ƃ̕\ It's not worth it.ȉl͂܂BIt's not worth it.ȉl͂܂ˁBYes,I know.AłˁBuȉlȂvɓ \Bit́Az ‚ĂA܂uȂ w͂ĈӖȂł v\߂ɁAۂ \Ƃɂg܂蕶BI managed to break even.ȂƂ̎Z͂Ƃ ܂BHow are you doing?łHI managed to break even.ȂƂ̎Z͂Ƃ ܂BmanagéuȂƂ 肷vƂjA X̌tBbreak even ́uȂɂvƁB break-even point́A oϗpŁuv_vBDeposit it into my account.̌ɓĂ BHow shall I send the money?͂ǂ̂悤ɑ 傤HDeposit it into my account.̌ɓĂ Bs֌W̕\ṕA ܂肫̂A depositiAa ĵPB account́uavBI want to make a bank transfer.̂łBI want to make a bank transfer.̂łBCertainly.܂܂BWhat's the balance?c͂ǂꂾ܂ HWhat's the balance?c͂ǂꂾ܂ HHold on for a minute.Ƃ҂BbalancéAsrW lXł́ucv̂ƁBI want to exchange some money.𗼑ւ̂ł BHow can I help you,sir?Ⴂ܂BI want to exchange some money.𗼑ւłBւƂĂ exchangeĝ́A قȂʉ݂ւƂ ̕\B̓IɌƂ I want to exchange U.S.dollars into Japanese yen.iăh {~ɗւj ƁAsome money̑ ɒʉ݂̎ނBGive me 4 ones and the rest in change.PhDSƁAƂ͍d ݂ɂĂBGive me 4 ones and the rest in change.PhDSƁAƂ͍d ݂ɂĂBAll right,ma'am.܂܂BւƂĂ exchangeĝ́A قȂʉ݂ւƂ ̕\B̓IɌƂ I want to exchange U.S.dollars into Japanese yen.iăh {~ɗւj ƁAsome money̑ ɒʉ݂̎ނB ones=one-dollarbills/notes.ւ̍ Ȃǂ́Aȗ Bchange͂ ́u‚vłȂuKv ̂ƁBI want to cash a check.؎ɂ̂ BI want to cash a check.؎ɂ BCertainly.܂܂Bcashuv gcash a check قAcash a traveler's check 悤ȕ\BI want to open a savings account.ʗaJ łBCan I help you?Ⴂ܂BYes,I want to open a savings account.ʗaJ łBFirst fill out this form.܂̏ނɏ BI want to take out some money.Ƃo ̂łBFirst fill out this form.܂̏ނɏ Bfill out́A󗓂̂ 񂠂鏑ނȂǂɏ fill in̕ČB writéA^ȃy[W ɏƂjAX BWhich carries the highest interest rate?ԗ̂͂ǂ HWhich carries the highest interest rate?ԗ̂̂͂ǂ HLong-term government bonds.‚łBI want to withdraw some money.낵̂łBI want to withdraw some money.낵łBFill in this form first.܂̗pɏ Bwithdraw͈oA 낷ƂŁÂقA ŋuV viwithdraw taxes out of one's salaryjƂꍇɂgBIs there a separate service charge?萔͕ʂłHIs there a separate service charge?萔͕ʂłHNo,it's included.A܂܂Ă܂BserviceƂ́u T[rXvł͂ȂA ̋ƖĂ炤 ƂŁAchargefeeȂ ̎萔̂ӂ łBI work part time.p[gœĂ܂BDo you work full time?Ȃ͐ЈłHNo,I work part time.Ap[gœĂ ܂BЈƂēƂ́A work full timeƌ BHow much is the hourly wage?͂łHHow much is the hourly wage?͂łHIt's $15.00PThłBŒ苋salary.Is that net pay?͎złHIs that net pay?͎złHYes,it is.͂AłBnet payƂafter taxesiňj̎ ۂɎ󂯂ƂẑƂŁA take-home take-home payƂ BDo I get a transportation allowance?ʔ͂炦܂HDo I get a transportation allowance?ʔ͂炦܂HOh yes,you do.͂Ao܂Ballowancéu蓖vB transportaion allowancéAuʔv itransportion costjƂuʋ 蓖vɋ߂BDo I get any fringe benefits?蓖͂‚܂HDo I get any fringe benefits?蓖͂‚܂HOf course you do.łBfringe benefitśA xɁAی̂悤ȐK ȊO̓T̂ƁBIs there a housing allowance?Z蓖‚܂HIs there a housing allowance?Z蓖‚܂HOh yes,there sure is.AłBQRTallowanceƓ 悤ɁAallowance Oɂ낢ȖO‚ 邱ƂłBhouse allowancełȂ housingƌ̂ɒӁBWhat's leftover from yesterday?̂cd͂ ܂HWhat's leftover from yesterday?̂cd͂ ܂HNothing.܂BP̎d̂͂߂̑ł 킹ȂǂŌ\B leftoveŕuc v̈ӖBfrom yesterdayúv ƌ邱ƂɒӁBIs there any rush work to be done?}̎d͂܂HIs there any rush work to be done?}̎d͂܂HI don't think so.ȂƎv܂BP̎d̂͂߂̑ł 킹ȂǂŌ\B leftoveŕuc v̈ӖBfrom yesterdayúv ƌ邱ƂɒӁBWhen is it due?̔[͂‚łHWhen is it due?̔[͂‚łHIt's due tomorrow!łId̔[A܂͏h ̊Ȃǂ‚ \ŁAɂЂς ɎgBߐ؂due dayƌBLet's get down to business.dɂ܂傤BLet's get down to business.dɂ܂傤BBy all means.܂傤Bbussiness͕KA d̂̂Ȃ 悭Au܌Ē̂ Ɓvł悢BAsk her to do it.ޏɂĂĂ BAsk her to do it.ޏɂĂĂ BSure.͂BWill you take charge?݂SĂ܂ HWill you take charge?݂SĂHSure.킩܂BchargéA̘b ́uv̂ƂA ł́uēAӔCv̈ Btake charge uCɓvBI'm a little behind in my work.ƎdxĂ BHow are you doing?ǂȂHI'm a little behind in my work.ƎdxĂāBI am late in my work.Ƃ͌ȂBDon't take too long.܂莞ԂȂł BDon't take too long.܂莞ԂȂŁBO.K., I'll come in a minute.킩BɍsBI'll get to it in a minute.ɂ܂BWill you fix it?AĂHSure.I'll get to it in a minute.BɂBget to it́un߂A 肩vƂӖBI'll work it out.ȂƂ܂BI'll work it out.ȂƂ܂BThank you.肪ƂBwork out́Au vƂAud ܂vƂӖBWhat's the hurry?ȂɂĂĂ ̂łHHey! What's the hurry?݁AȂɂ Ă񂾂HI'm running late.xĂ񂾁BWe are understaffed.l肪܂BWe are understaffed.l肪܂ˁBI know.킩Ă܂B΂́ul肪]Ă܂v We are overstuffed.Can we hire some temps?hЈقĂ炦 񂩁HCan we hire some temps?hЈقĂ炦 񂩁HI'll think about it.lĂ݂悤BtempśAtemporary workers̏ȗBBrief me on your progress.isȒPɐ ĂBBrief me on your progress.isȒPɐ ĂBSure.͂Bbrief́uƘbA v_Zɘbv̈Ӗ ŁAon̂Ƃyour schedule,your plan ̂悤Ȍtւ gBȒPɕiɕ񍐂邱Ƃ briefinguu[tB OvƌBWhen can you get this done?͂Ždオ܂ HWhen can you get this done?͂Ždオ́HThis afternoon.傤̌ߌゾˁBget this done finish this uṕA ǂuddグv \BI want to get this done.Ƃ BI want to finish this up.IĂ܂ łBAren't you going home?܂AAȂ̂HNo,I want to finish this up.AIĂ܂ ̂ŁBget this done finish this uṕA ǂuddグv \BI want to get this done.Ƃ BLet's call it a day.낻Iɂ܂ BLet's call it a day.낻Iɂ悤BSure.BułP̎dI ɂ悤v̊p\B 钆l͂ āA[A Let's call it a night.ƌBI'm through for the day.傤͂ŏIłBI'm through for the day.傤͂ŏI܂BO.K.see you tomorrow.ꂶA܂Bfor the dayfor todaŷƁBthrough ͑ΐl֌WłpāA I'm through with him.iނƂ͏Ij ̂悤ɂBHow can I get in touch with him?ނɘAɂ͂ǂ ΂łHHow can I get in touch with him?ނɂ͂ǂΘA ́HJust keep calling.xdb邱Ƃ BuAvɓ cantactƂt 邪Aget in touch witĥقDŎg ĂBIs it possible to reach him by phone?ނɓdbŘAł܂ HIs it possible to reach him by phone?ނɓdbŘAł܂ HYes.Here's his number.ł܂Bꂪԍ Breach͂ꏊɒA ͂̂ƂÂ悤 ɐlƂ̘Aɂ‚Ăg BQTU₩ BDid he say when he'd be back?ނ͂–߂ƌĂ HDid he say when he'd be back?–߂ƌĂ܂ HNo,he didn't.AĂ܂ łBhe'd = he wouldWhen do you think he'll be back?ނ͉ɖ߂Ǝv܂ HWhen do you think he'll be back?ɖ߂Ǝv܂HHe should be back shortly.߂ł傤BWhenido you thinkj he'll be back?Ƃ ӂɍlBTell her I called.ޏɁAdb Ɠ`ĂBTell her I called.dbƓ` ĂBSure.͂BTell her I called. ́Ab肪 ꍇAQUP Tell her it's John. ͕Ks݂Ƃ͌ ̂ɒӁBTell her it's John.ޏɁAWƓ` ĂBAnd who is this?ǂlłHTell her it's John.WƓ`Ă BTell her I called. ́Ab肪 ꍇAQUP Tell her it's John. ͕Ks݂Ƃ͌ ̂ɒӁBAsk her to call me at home.ޏɁA̎ɓdb 悤ɓ`ĂBAsk her to call me at home.ɓdb悤ɓ` ĂBAll right.킩܂Buɓdbv call my homeł͂ȂA uɂ鎄ɓdbv ƁAcall me at homeƌƂɒ ӁBWill it be long?܂HWill it be long?܂HI don't think so.͎v܂񂪁BႦΘb肪c łƌꂽꍇ̕\ BDo you know how long it'll be?ǂ̂炢邩킩 ܂HDo you know how long it'll be?ǂ̂炢邩킩 ܂HIt won't be too long.Ȃɂ܂BႦΘb肪c łƌꂽꍇ̕\ BIs shouldn't be too long.Ȃɒ͂Ȃ͂ BIt shouldn't be too long.Ȃɒ͂Ȃ͂ BO.K., I'll wait.A҂܂BIt won't be too long.Ƃ邪A shouldɂu`̂͂v ̊AuȂ ܂vƂȂBI can't get through.db‚Ȃ܂BWhat's wrong?ǂ́HI can't get through.db‚ȂȂ񂾁BI have Ron on the line.dbɏo܂BI have Ron on the line.dbɏo܂BThank you.肪ƂBluĎgBWho should I say is calling?ǂȂƂ` 傤HWho should I say is calling?ǂȂƂ` 傤HTell him it's his father.eƓ`ĂB̖O˂Ƃ Ă˂ȌBWho (should I say) is calling?ƍlBI probably sound different.ĕ̂ 傤BIs this really Thomas?قƂɃg[}XHYes,it is.I probably sound different.Bĕ 悤ˁB񂱂pāA You sound defferent.uȂ ĕ܂v ƓdbŌƂłBI'm having trouble hearing you.悭܂BI'm having trouble hearing you.悭܂BMe too.BȒPI can't hear you well.ƌĂ ÂقĂ ˂ȊBI'll hang up and call you back.x؂Ă炩 BWe seem to have a bad connection.Ȃ񂾂dbςłˁBI'll hang up and call you back.x؂Ă炩 BI'm trying to reach 122-3344.PQQ̂RRSSɂ ̂łBWhat number are you trying to reach?ԂɂĂ ̂łHI'm trying to reach 122-3344.PQQ̂RRSSɂ łBIy[^ɘbƂ̕\ BI'm calling 122-3344.łA I'm trying to reachcŁAuc悤 ƂĂvƂjAX\B܂d bƂ́ucɂ Ăłvɂg BWhat number did you dial?Ԃɂ܂HWhat number did you dial?Ԃɂ̂łHI dialed 188-5555.PWŴTTTTłBdialcall͂܂ 悤ɎgBWho did you want to talk to?ǂȂɂꂽ̂ł HWho did you want to talk to?ǂȂɂꂽ̂ł HI want to talk to my son.qɂĂ񂾂BItBXȂǂɂĂ db̓BQVT WagnerƂlQl アƂ̊mF̎dBWhich Wagner do you want to talk to?ǂ̃Oi[ɂ łHWhich Wagner do you want to talk to?ǂ̃Oi[ɂ łHKaren Wagner,please.JEOi[łBItBXȂǂɂĂ db̓BQVT WagnerƂlQl アƂ̊mF̎dBCan someone else help you?ق̎҂ł낵ł HCan someone else help you?ق̎҂ł낵ł HYes,let me talk to his boss.Ai̕肢 ܂BWe don't have any "Genas" working here.W[iƂ҂͂ł Ă܂񂪁BWe don't have any "Genas" working here.W[iƂ҂͂ł Ă܂񂪁BReally?łHWho in sales do you want to talk to?cƂ̒NɂłHWho in sales do you want to talk to?cƂ̒NɂłHAnybody in charge of credit.NWbgW̐lȂN ܂܂BЂɂĂdb ́Â悤ɕ𖾂 ɂĘbƂBShall I have him call you?ނɓdb܂傤HShall I have him call you?ނɓdb܂傤HWill you please?肢܂Bhave himciނɁc ܂傤j͓db̂ Ălŝ݂Ƃ ɂ悭\B̂悤 ȌłAɂȂ ȂBWho's on the line?db̑͒NłHWho's on the line?db̑͒NłHIt's Mark.}[NłBI was hoping to hear from you.db҂Ă܂ BI was hoping to hear from you.db҂Ă܂ BOh,you were?AłHhear from͎莆ɂ悭 g\Adbɂg BI've been trying to get ahold of you.xdb܂BI've been trying to get ahold of you.xdbłBSorry,I've been out.߂BƂłĂ ̂ŁBget ahold ofću ܂AƂ炦v get in touch with cƓBAA Jlɂholdahold lBI hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.זłȂ΂̂ BI hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.זłȂ΂ BYou didn't.܂܂Bcatch́uƂ炦v Aɂ͂ȂȂB at a bad timéu ԁvł͂Ȃus ԁvBI called to see if you're OK.ǂĂ邩ȂƎv Ɠdb܂BI called to see if you're OK.ǂĂ邩ȂƎv Ɠdb񂾁BI'm really fine,thank you.傤ԂB肪 ƂBto seeƌĂ Ƃł͂ȂAdbŊm ƂƁBSorry for not getting back to you sooner.ƑȂ ݂܂BSorry for not getting back to you sooner.ƑȂ ݂܂BThat's O.K.łBgatting back to youiAj calling back̂ƁBI got cut off.؂Ă܂܂BWhat happened?ǂ́HI got cut off.؂Ă܂܂Bdb؂Ă܂Ƃ ȂǁA炪؂ ihang upĵł͂ ƂÂ悤ɑ ɌKvBThe phone went dead.dbsʂɂȂ܂BThe phone went dead.dbsʂɂȂ܂BOh,really?A{HThe phone is dead. ́Abēdb ̏ႵĂ̂m ɌAThe phone went dead.͂Ă rŕȂȂƂɌ\B telephone͉bł͂ ƂphoneƒZBBob called while you were out.OoɃ{udb ܂BDid I get any calls?ȂɂdbHBob called while you were out.OoɃ{udb ܂BI didn't order this.꒍Ă܂BI didn't order this.꒍Ă܂BOh,I'm sorry.A݂܂BXgȂǂŒ ĂłĂƂ̍R čtB{ĺu܂A vƉ䖝Ȃ A낢ȏʂɎg \Ȃ̂ŁAoĂBThis isn't what I ordered.͒̂ł͂ ܂BThis isn't what I ordered.͒̂ł͂ ܂񂪁BOh,I'm terribly sorry,sir.ϐ\󂲂܂BXgȂǂŒ ĂłĂƂ̍R čtB{ĺu܂A vƉ䖝Ȃ A낢ȏʂɎg \Ȃ̂ŁAoĂBThis isn't cooked enough.͉΂ʂĂ܂BThis isn't cooked enough.͉΂ʂĂ܂BOh,I'm terribly sorry.ϐ\󂲂܂Bɓł́A΂ʂ ĂȂƐHł̊댯 BThere's something in my food.̒ɉĂ BWhat's the matter,sir?qlAǂ܂HThere's something in my food.̒ɉĂ 񂾁BႦΓĂ̂ тȂǁA͂茾Ƒe ɂȂꍇA somethingƌ 炰BThis item is defective.̕i͉Ă܂BThis item is defective.̕i͉Ă܂BLet's have a look.Ă݂܂傤B炩Ȍׂdefect ûׂv defectiveŕ\BMy car bumped into something.ԂɏՓ˂܂BMy car bumped into something.ԂɏՓ˂BAre you all right?傤ԂłHbumped͌yԂ‚鎖 ́BԂ‚ɂg Bɑ΂āAQXT slaḿuo^ƂԂ vAQXUcrash ́uՓ˂vƁACpNgȂ BŁu̎Ԃv ƌĂu̒jv ȂĂ̂ɒӁB Athat carł A^]҂͂肳邽߂ɌĂBSomebody slammed into my car from behind.Ǔ˂܂BWhat happened?ǂ́HSomebody slammed into my car from behind.Ǔ˂ꂽBbumped͌yԂ‚鎖 ́BԂ‚ɂg Bɑ΂āAQXT slaḿuo^ƂԂ vAQXUcrash ́uՓ˂vƁACpNgȂ BŁu̎Ԃv ƌĂu̒jv ȂĂ̂ɒӁB Athat carł A^]҂͂肳邽߂ɌĂBThat guy crashed into my car.̎Ԃ˂ł܂ BThat guy crashed into my car.̎Ԃ˂ł BAre you all right?傤ԂłHbumped͌yԂ‚鎖 ́BԂ‚ɂg Bɑ΂āAQXT slaḿuo^ƂԂ vAQXUcrash ́uՓ˂vƁACpNgȂ BŁu̎Ԃv ƌĂu̒jv ȂĂ̂ɒӁB Athat carł A^]҂͂肳邽߂ɌĂBHe rammed into the side of my car.̎Ԃ˂ ܂BHow did it happen?ǂ܂HHe rammed into the side of my car.̎Ԃ˂ 񂾁Brammed into the side of my caŕA {́u񂹁vł͂ AԂ̉ɂԂ‚Ă Ƃ\BHe changed lanes without warning.ȂiHύXĂ ܂BHe changed lanes without warning.ȂiHύXĂ 񂾁BSo it was his fault?‚܂葊肪̂łˁBShe ran the red light.ޏԐM𖳎 łBAre you all right?傤ԂłHShe ran the red light.ޏԐM𖳎 łBuvignored łȂAPred light iԐMjőƂ PȌBHe was driving drunk.ނ͈^]Ă܂ BHe was driving drunk.ނ͈^]Ă BThat's awful.͂ЂǂBu^]vdrunk drivingŁAu^] vdrive drunkƁAꏇtɂ BI saw a hit and run.Ђڌ܂BI saw a hit and run.Ђڌ܂BDid you tell the police?x@ɘA܂Hhit and run͂P‚ ܂Ƃ܂nŁuЂ v̂ƁBMy pocket was picked.Xɂ܂BMy pocket was picked.XɂꂽBWhere?ǂŁHuXvpickpocket ƌBI was mugged walking down the street.ĂďP܂ BI was mugged walking down the street.ĂďPꂽBWere you hurt?͂܂ł Hmugging͘Hł̋ ŁAAĴ悤Ȕƍ ̑ł͓풃юB muggeruvBSomebody hit my head from behind.납瓪܂BSomebody hit my head from behind.납瓪܂BDid you see who it was?܂Hƍ߂̑AJł́A eȂǂɂ́A ނI didn't see your face.u͌ Ƃɂv ĊɋoقSƌĂ BSomeone broke into my house.ɓ܂BSomeone broke into my house.ɓ܂BWhat did they steal?ǂȕ𓐂܂ꂽł Hbreak intoću JēvBA gas leak caused a fire.KXꂩ΂̂ BWhat happened?ǂ́HA gas leak caused a fire.KXꂩ΂ BIt's your fault.Ȃ̂łBIt's your fault.Ȃ̂łBIs it?Ȃ́Hfault́Aɂ \mistake ͂Au`̂ł vƐӔĈɎg \BAAJ ǂł́AӔCƂƂ́A𕉂Ƃ Ӗ̂ŁAȒPɐӔC F߂邱Ƃ͂ȂBI wish you'd be more careful.ӂĂBI wish you'd be more careful.ӂĂBSorry about that.݂܂łBɂ̂ڂꂽA ƎԂyԂ‚ ꂽ悤ȂƂɌu C‚Ă ƁvƔ߂tBI want to file a complaint.\Ă̂ł BI want to file a complaint.\Ă̂ł BWhat about?ǂ̂悤ȂƂł傤 Hu\Ăv̌ ܂蕶傾AAX ЂȂǂɑ΂ĐɌ ƂɎgtłBI would like to exchange this.ւĂ炢 ̂łBI would like to exchange this.ւĂ炢 ̂łBDo you have the receipt?̎͂łHCan you remove this stain?̃V~͎܂HCan you remove this stain?̃V~͎܂HNo problem.傤ԂłBV~istainj͈ߗނ gAɂłV~ blotchesƌBPlease pay the repair cost.C̔p𕥂Ă BPlease pay the repair cost.C𕥂Ă炢BAll right.킩܂BԂԂ‚ꂽȂǁA ̂󂳂ꂽƂɌN [̕\BI want my money back.𕥂߂Ă炢 ̂łBWhat's wrong with this?ǂ܂HIt's broken and I want my money back.Ă̂ŁA ߂Ă炢B܂oX̐ؕ Ă܂Ȃǂ̏ꍇ Ɍ\BAJł {ɔׂƁAS̓I X̑Ȃ荂ԂŁA Ȃ苭炢ɎȎȂƂĂȂBYou should pay for the damages.QُĂBYou should pay for the damages.QُĂBWhy me?ȂH̐ӔCdamagei QjނƂ̕\ Bpay foŕu`̎x AvBPut yourself in my shoes.̗ɂȂĂ BPut yourself in my shoes.̗ɂȂĂ BO.K.킩܂BWhat do you want me to do?ɂǂƌ ̂łHWhat are you going to do about this?ǂĂ HWhat do you want me to do?ɂǂƌ łHgûƂ͊I ȂĂ邱ƂA ̂悤Ɍ΋̓I ΍ɂ‚đɍl BI'll pay for the damages.Qɂ‚Ăُ͕܂BI'll pay for the damages.Qُ͎܂BI appreciate it.͂肪BYou don't have to get angry about it.Ȃɂ{邱Ƃ͂Ȃ 傤BYou don't have to get angry about it.Ȃɂ{邱Ƃ͂Ȃ 傤BWhat do you mean?͂ǂƁHgûƂ́AׂāA Ƃ̏󋵂ɂ̂ŁA ̏ꍇɂ͂΂ ƂȂǂȂ̂ ܂łȂƁBPlease lower your voice.𒣂グȂł BPlease lower your voice.𒣂グȂł BYeah,you too.ȂˁB‚肪𒣂グ ƂÂ悤ɂȂ BȂ̂ŐÂɂĂ Ƃ̘b Ƃɂpł\BI didn't do anything wrong.͉Ƃ͂Ă ܂BI didn't do anything wrong.͉Ƃ͂Ă BAre you sure about that?mˁHƂ߂Ăɔ Ȃ΂̂悤ɓX ƁBƎv ̂ɁAI'm afraid I didn't do such a thing.iȂƂȂƎv܂ĵ悤 ɎM̂Ȃ ƁAđɂ‚ ܂邱ƂBI can't believe you said that.ȂȂƂ ȂĐM܂BI can't believe you said that.݂ȂƂ ĐMȂBOh? Why not?ւAHDon't talk to me that way.ɂȌȂ BDon't talk to me that way.ɂȌȂŁBOh,why not?ւAȂˁHthat waýû悤 ȘbŁvB݂̑ ̌BThat was an insult.͐l𕎐J łBThat was an insult.͐l𕎐J łBSo what?牽Č񂾁HI can't stand that kind of language.̂悤Ȍtɂ͉䖝 ł܂BI can't stand that kind of language.̂悤Ȍtɂ͉䖝 ł܂BSorry.I take it back.BBȒPyour sayingƌ킸 languageƌ̂́A insultiJAýj ܂񂾁utÂv̂ ƂĂ邽߁BYou're not being reasonable.Ȃ̌Ƃ͋؂ ܂BYou're not being reasonable.Ȃ̌Ƃ͋؂ ܂BNeither are you.݂āBnot beinǵu܂̂ Ȃ́vƌ_̑ ̂ƂĂB You are not reasonable.ƌƁA uȂ͂‚vƂƂɂȂBYou have no right.Ȃɂ̌͂ BYou have no right.݂ɂ̌͂ȂBWho cares!m񂩁ÎƂto docƑ āuc錠͂Ȃv ƁÂƂ錠 ̂ȂƂƂ BThat's against the law.͖@ᔽłBThat's against the law.͖@ᔽłBOh,Ok.I won't do it.킩B߂ƂBillegalu@ȁvA against the lawƂ pIȕ\̂ق gBThis conversation is finished.̘b͏IłBThis conversation is finished.̘b͏IłBOh,no,it isn't.A܂B͂܂̕\ł BLet's go to the police.x@֍sĘb悤BLet's go to the police.x@֍sĘb悤BSure.Why not?AƂB‚UA炩 @Ǝv邱Ƃ𑊎 茾肵ꍇ A\́A case by casełBI'll see you in court.Ȃ@Ō‚ 悤BI'll see you in court.Ȃ@Ō‚ 悤BWait a minute!Ƒ҂ĂIsee you in court uٔʼn܂傤vB AJĺA\ A{ll ƊȒPɎgBI want to sue him.ނîłBI want to sue him.ނiłBOn what charges?Ȃ̍߂ŁHI'm not carrying any money.͎Ă܂BGive me your wallet!TCtoII'm not carrying any money.͎ĂȂ񂾁BeȂǂłǂ悤 ً}̏ꍇ́ARcȂǂ ȂBA̗v ođh A؂蔲邵ȂBO.K! Don't shoot!킩IȂł IFreeze!ȁIO.K! Don't shoot!킩IȂł Ixel Freeze!ƌꍇ uƌ‚Iv̂ƁB قẮA ɂO.K.! Don't shoot!ƋԂق悢B `p0000``````````0000``00  00`` 00````00  <08080  `00<080ÂAA'';8{  EbB  @@`@HdDƄF40?><_GgD:8A 0 `p` P@  ~+"3"SRmL&@@`@ 0 88\DÂCB% ( 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 0 0 p0(`( 0 0 4$6$ @@ 00,(( 0 0 4$6$ @@!!11 -)‚A !`@ AAbBJ@@p0̌||||8888<<||``||<<||<<,,llLL ||<<|| 00000000888888||~~||ܛ[[UU}}mmmmmmmmmm۷**{{cc{{__>>@@``ppxx|||xxpp``@@@__[UM~ G$$@D! $|`"B~~MU[__@  `AFCB0~@__[UM~ L$ @ ` ~~MU[__@A 0  @ ~@__[UM~JRR\T _IIJEDDA_JKh~AMU[__@_B]ITQ\T\L 2DDQ@ JQQaF@@~AAA@____Ow !PO_(">"_BDDRQQ~wO____@JJJ  G A~2@__[UM2|| @@H~MU[__@| HPTH~@__[UM~? $R @ JOO@H~~MU[__@ 1aBOBb~@__[UM@?  pPT~MU[__@  P P~@__[UM~0 @ H  @@@@~~MU[__@ @@ ~@__[UM~">  ~~MU[__@**?0~@__[UM~(PH@@@ " @P~~MU[__@(  1@@HH8PP~@__[UM~   ~~MU[__@ @@  @x~@___UM~A@HH9(+8(@@$&#`@ ~MU___@ 0 1HHk8 0"BBB`~!!  e ř   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFG=@90'OXXx`y8y? ?? ? `?=;;; YLc0<1pa<cpq2<<||<<PBB~~HH||HH}}8((DD0$$[K88000 "" $$ ??""??""?? 8` gL?<x8`2 <'>.Oa`9Ldt8"x;[C==&$>>$$$$??$$АʎHHJJ||TTTT||<(Le%||PPTTT"" r2 p`<D!#@12&. @ 17)t|< @f8f?9p`p rsu n4  X4          X 4 X 4  X 4 X4 X4 X 4  X 4 X4                                        X4  XX4          X4                                              X$ 4  XX@4                        @4                                    XQ@u4"uDwxy f$@4p 4 @4p 4 @4 @  @4p 4 @4p 4 @4 @ X@ 4 @ X @ 4 @ X @X @ 4X@ 4 @ X @ 4 @ X @X @ 4X @ 4 p@p@X 4  X 4          @ XXXp@ 4 @ X @ 4 @ X @X @ 4X@4X$@p4@p4@4@X@ p4@p4@4@X@4@ X@4@ X@ X@X@4@ X@4@ X@ X@X4  X4  X4 X4 X4  X4  X4 X4 X4 XL4 L4 L4 L4     4    XX4 X4     X@@ 4@ X@4@ X@ X@X 4 X $@ p4 @ p4 @ X@@ p4 @ p4 @ X@X@ X@X@ X@ X@X @ X@ X@ X@ X@ X@X X @ 4 X@@p@X 4  X 4          @ XXX@ X@ X@ X@ X@ X@X X@4XQ4yyyyyyyzBz{| ~ k@ X @ X @ 4 @ X@ X @ X @ 4 @ X@ X@ X@ 4 @ X @ 4 @ X@ X @ X @ 4 @ X@ X @ X @ 4 @ X@X@X@X@4@ X @X@X@X@4@ X @  4 @ X @ 4 @ X X@X@X@4@X@X@X@4@X@ X @ X @ 4@X@4@X@X@X@4@X@X@X@4@X@ X @ X @ X @ 4@ X @ X @ X @ X @ 4@ X @4@X@4@XX$ @X@X@ X@X@X@ X@ X@X@ X@ X@X@X@ X@X@X@ X@X @X @X @X@X @X @X @XX@ X@ XXQ4~!/~ f$4  @     p4 @.X.X. 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