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It must represent the size in bytes of one element in pData.pTileSystem->pTileInfo->pRefCount[RamTileNo] > 0src/helTile.text.iwram.cTileNo is not allocated (loaded to Vram) and cannot be freed therefore.pTileSystem->pTileInfo->SlotCounter < pTileSystem->pTileInfo->NumTilesRamNot enough tileslots in ram allocated. All available tileslots are already used. Try to increase NumTilesRam in hel_TileCreate and resize pBufferB to 'newsize*3'.pPaletteA != NULLsrc/helPalBg.cpPaletteA must not be NULLADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(pPaletteA)pPaletteA must be halfword-alignedpPaletteB != NULLpPaletteB must not be NULLADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(pPaletteB)pPaletteB must be halfword-alignedWeight<32Weight must not be greater than 31PaletteBank<16PaletteBank must not be greater than 15pDest != NULLpOut must not be NULLADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(pDest)pDest must be halfword-alignedpDest must not be NULLPaletteBank < 16SourceData != NULLSourceData must not be NULLADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(SourceData)SourceData must be halfword-alignedNumColors != 0NumColors must not be 0Index < 256Index must not be greater than 255Count <= 256Count must not be greater than 256(Index+Count) <= 256You cannot clear more than 256 colors(PaletteBank < 16)PaletteBank must between 0..15Index < 255Index must not be greater than 254Count must not be greater than 255PaletteBank must not between 0..15src/helPalObj.cNULL != SourceDatapPalette must not be NULLCount < 256(Index+Count) < 256HANDLE_ISVALID(Handle)src/helObj.cInvalid Object Handle specified. Handle must not be greater than 127.__hel_ObjExists(Handle)Object with the specified Handle does not exist..PaletteBank <= 15Handle != TargetHandleCannot change Z-Order of the same objectHANDLE_ISVALID(TargetHandle)__hel_ObjExists(TargetHandle)Cannot change z-order of the same objectpSrc != NULLpSrc must not be NULLADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(pSrc)Source address must be halfword aligned, because graphics get copied to vram using 16bit dma transfers.Value <= 1Value must be true or falseValue < 2Value must not be greater than 1.RotNo < 32RotNo must not be greater than 32.__hel_ObjIsRotScale(Handle)Handle has no Rotation/Scaling Attribute enabled.You must call hel_ObjSetRotScale before hel_ObjSelectRotScale.Mode <= 2Mode must not be greater than 2Prio < 4Prio must between 0..3HFlip <= 1HFlip must be true or false.VFlip <= 1VFlip must be true or falseHSize < 16HSize must beween 0..15VSize < 16VSize must beween 0..15Value must not be true or falseShow <= 1Show must be TRUE or FALSE.pDest must not be NULL.(u32)pDest < MEM_ROM0pDest cannot be located in ROM, store it in EWRAM instead.Flags == 0Flags must be 0 (zero) at this time.ADDR_WORDALIGNED(pDest)pDest must be word-aligned. Add ATTR_ALIGNED(4) to buffer declaration.pSource != NULLpSource must not be NULL.ADDR_WORDALIGNED(pSource)pSource must be word-aligned. Add ATTR_ALIGNED(4) to buffer declaration.pBuffer must not be located in ROM. Store the buffer in EWRAM.(__hel_ObjAllocMap[Slot] & 0x00ff)!=0src/helObj.text.iwram.cBlock unused. Allocate first, then realloc!(__hel_ObjAllocMap[Slot] >> 8) != 0No blocks allocatedsrc/helDma.c(((u32)pDest) & 3) == 0destination address must be multiple 4SizeIn32BitWords != 0SizeIn32BitWords must not be 0SizeIn16BitWords > 0SizeIn16BitWords must not be zero!Destination address must be halfword aligned when using 16bit dma transfers.Source address must be halfword aligned when using 16bit dma transfers.(((u32)pDest) & 1) == 0destination address must be multiple 2SizeIn16BitWords != 0SizeIn16BitWords must not be 0SizeInBytes != 0SizeInBytes must not be 0SizeIn32BitWords > 0SizeIn32BitWords must not be zero!Destination address must be word aligned when using 32bit dma transfers.ADDR_WORDALIGNED(pSrc)Source address must be word aligned when using 32bit dma transfers.InterruptType <= 13src/helInt.cInterruptType must not be greater than 13.You have the CART Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the KEY Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the DMA3 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the DMA2 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the DMA1 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the DMA0 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the SIO Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the TIM3 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the TIM2 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the TIM1 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the TIM0 Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the VCNT Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the HBL Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.You have the VBL Interrupt turned on, but not set to a function.BgNo < 4src/helBg.cBgNo must not be greater than 3Prio must not be greater than 3BgNo must between 0..3Value must be 0 or 1HSize must between 0..15VSize must between 0..15Mode <= 5Mode must be between 0..5src/helSys.cValue must be FALSE or TRUEsrc/helSwi.cSource address must be word aligned, multiple 4byte.ADDR_WORDALIGNED(pDst)Destination address must be word aligned, multiple 4byte.(LengthInWords&7)==0LengthInWords must be multiple of 8.pDst != NULLpDst must not be NULLpSrc must be word aligned (4-Byte boundary)ADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(pDst)pDst must be halfword aligned (2-Byte boundary)CompressionType < (sizeof(__helSwiDecompressJumpTable)/sizeof(PDecompressFunc))Specified CompressionType not supported yetpPaletteMemory != NULLsrc/helPal.cpPaletteMemory must not be NULLADDR_HALFWORDALIGNED(pPaletteMemory)pPaletteMemory is not halfword alignedIntensity <= 16src/helFx.cIntensity must between 0..16.SourceIntensity <= 16SourceIntensity must between 0..16.TargetIntensity <= 16TargetIntensity must between 0..16.SourceLayer <= FX_LAYER_ALLSourceLayer value seems to be wrong.TargetLayer <= FX_LAYER_ALLTargetLayer value seems to be wrong.FxMode < 4FxMode must not be greater than 3.F_DISCNT_BGMODE_GET >= 3src/helBmp.cWorks only in mode 3, 4 and 5F_DISCNT_BGMODE_GET >= 4Only in mode 4 and 5 is a backbuffer available.This function works only in mode 3, 4 and 5pSrc must be halfword alignedtext.cYou cannot use Drawtext in BGMode 3-5F_DISCNT_BGMODE_GET<3ham_InitText: you can only run the HAM text system in BGMode 0-2(F_DISCNT_BGMODE_GET<3)ham_InitText: in this BGMode, the bgno doesnt exist! try a different bgno(ham_GetBgType(bgno)!=0xFF)v%d.%d MULTIBOOTham_InitBg: You need to set up the map and tile info (.mi and .ti) before running initbg!bg.cham_bg[bgno].ti!=0 && ham_bg[bgno].mi!=0!(ham_bg[bgno].mi->map_rot==1 && ham_bg[bgno].ti->col_mode==0)ham_InitBg: You cannot set a rotation map and 16 color tile sets in the GBA! use 256col.ham_GetBgRotType: you can only run this in BGMode 0-2Reached EmptyInt!!! This means you have an INT on, but not set to a functionint.cAssertion failed:In File: At Line: Message:Press any key to ignore, but remember thatVMode and VRam recovery is unlikelyham_InitMapSet: Invalid input for map_rottile.c!(map_rot>1)ham_InitMapSet:Invalid input for map_size!(map_size>3)ham_InitMapSet: the Map you want to load is bigger than map_size/map_rot specified. STOP!size_map_u16>=size_u16ham_InsertMapFragment:You cannot combine a rot map with a non rot map.mfi->map_rot==ham_bg[bgno].mi->map_rotham_InitMapEmptySet: Invalid input for map_rotham_InitMapEmptySet:Invalid input for map_sizeham_CreateObj: y cannot be greater than 255obj.cy<256ham_CreateObj: x cannot be greater than 512x<512ham_CreateObj: obj_shape cannot be greater than 3obj_shape<3ham_CreateObj: obj_size cannot be greater than 4obj_size<4ham_CreateObj: obj_mode can only be 0 - 2obj_mode<3ham_CreateObj: col_mode can only be 0 or 1col_mode<2ham_CreateObj: mosaic can only be 0 or 1mosaic<2ham_CreateObj: hflip can only be 0 or 1hflip<2ham_CreateObj: vflip can only be 0 or 1vflip<2ham_CreateObj: prio can only be 0-3prio<4ham_CreateObj: all your OAM entries seem to be taken already!entryno<128ham_SetObjBefore: The obj you want to move to is not existantham_obj[objno_target].taken==1ham_SetObjBefore: The obj you want to move from is not existantham_obj[objno].taken==1ham_SetObjBefore:You cannot put an object in front of itselfobjno!=objno_targetham_CloneObj: y cannot be greater than 255ham_CloneObj: x cannot be greater than 512ham_CloneObj: all your OAM entries seem to be taken already!win.cham_CreateWin: turned_on_for has an illegal input valueinside_on_for<32ham_CreateWin: winno has an illegal input valuewinno<3ham_malloc : Memory full.memory.cHAM SRAM manager: no space available for request! Deallocate first.SRAM manager: Out of bounds! Mem-Manager Data corrupt!i<512ham_MemAllocObj Exceeded OAM Memory usage, deallocate first!i+cnt<1025ham_deallocmemobj OAM GFX block already deleted / was never allocatedham_memobj_refcnt[first_block]>0ham_deallocmemobj fatal, mail mei<1023ham_MemAllocVram BG mem full, deallocate first!((i+cnt)<32)Out of bounds, something is wrong with your deallocation, make sure allocation was correcti<320123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:ttInfNaN(null)0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdefbug in vfprintf: bad baseInfinityCISO-8859-1#2O@-#0(%"0 @        |BS0000)@-/@000)@i/`O- P@T$` 0M@ N@` UZ 0eN`p Բ 0/`QPpH U! U U   0/`p   0/`p 0/`Pp$ P@ 0/P @  0@/ 0/  0 /0`SpЍO/ 0U e@` L 0`P/pWp U! 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