.6P  S N4 $00SLL&4Q490  @R&49Q48%Q%4Q4%>         X                t       H t     P@lp3PP>Ⱐ P* Z㠳ZZ3>Ⱐ PER%R@ PR%R  @B$B @DB$B  ( H(   ) I )  px'x pGx'x  `h&h `Fh&h3(@,Pbrᲂᶒ4P$, $", (",   X%, $", (",   `(",   h(",   p(",   x (",  `(",   14<P㔰 B @P   Q\L Bt'/v/o'oqP q cB ~}_)> Welcome to RSdemo by Stephen Stair (aka sgstair)... This little demo allows the user to play around with the rotation and scaling paramaters, just to get a feel for them or something =)... Well, for those who are watching, the controls are: L by itself pauses the scrollie, R by itself speeds it up, and L+R together restart the scrollie ... The Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons move the 'Starting point of BG data' (integer portion only) ... L and R modify *dx* when you hold *A*, L and R modify *dy* when you hold *B*, They modify dmx when you hold *Start* and they modify *dmy* when you hold *Select* If you like this tool/demo and/or it helps you to Understand how the Rotation/Scaling features work, send me an email at < sgstair@hotmail.com > or visit me on the web at < http://gbdev.8k.com > =) I can also be reached on ICQ ( 13466433 ) and on IRC most of the time... I'm sgstair on EFnet, and I can usually be found in #gbadev. For more information on GBA development, visit www.gbadev.org, or www.devrs.com/gba ... They're some of the best gba development sites I know of... Well, that's about all I have to say... I guess I'll loop now =)