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C   I0D$B@4S@S"S"cXp @ 8A0@P$CI$I'7!BIR 4UAF DĔLIC$C$C2E#)?*)# ?D$C$BD?@?@!/KR/!/ҥR(_y!~!!"~a ~!!$@_(A@@~"a*~!! >"#"c$I(*Ҩϒ/  銚ڐ 8i|A8A"BT%DIYBX^~%$~E(~!"%BT5LT P>@ Y.$$C$C!"wUETUGTP ""1&aJ  >$C$C?"R>$zzJ""""c!$A$@@COĤO<" D +RI$H|@R%R)    !JDGDGI%1@*JJ(A". *̒͂ꂽXւC 鏑͊J܁B  liveredbeen  { 0A rway bridge (already % o& r0$ɂSłɌݒ bebuiltds S(Several people % of breaking the law. .l߂C@ ƂčiꂽB  was accusedhave been  wer u-I won't enterroom until it % cleaned2ׂ ܂ŁC͓~s properlywill Uv" is*I she last w back to hcory0ޏŌɕꍑ֋A GPONȏȂ^ilessan tyvGsmo& befov-9Jce af[=% since he went over to America in order to study English. 7ނpwԂ߂ AJɓnĂ QNɂȂB Two years are passedIt was tq&hav'!My moth% seree &̕ꂪŁCR]  hxbeen deaddiedis=He %& a good walk-?d such"long dista^,{Ȃɒ Ղ5KrȂwon'tmustneedca+The opera starts at seven. We % be late. *Iy͂VɎn܂B x߂߂needn'thaM't got to do must(It was only an informal py - you % E̋Cyȃp[eB[ CN͐ Kv%oy dress.did|wouled. ,;SoH%.over thi; she l^ill} in h!wentiesX=ޏRO΂zzO ?TnQOɈ koughmayca t,If you like, I % teach to play chess. 2C`FX ߂#܂B try tostart beginwill=I tried take our dog out ofr housbhe % goEOɘAoƿ CĂ#  ha might notwerewouldouT|newspaper % be deliv*d by 7 o'clock in the morning. Orwise I can't reqit befoileavS* ,fice\VߎNłɐV͔zB ĭ۩ Ǝd󩂯 {Cǂ,shc 3This a very important meeting. You % mis)t. 7͂ƂĂ؂ BoȂ B  must havehad not better oughtto should(7Mary doesn't dance much+w, but I k she % lo?A[́C܂ _XC }  w was used)% tB l find you well an@ppy! JâKFvقrs߁Cc̎莆 (t May I am afraidInkWill7% you speak about my husband in that disgusting way? =̕vɂ‚āC悭 炵 łˁB How would aydare  W| for4We % be too c%fule choice of our friends. 7FlI ߂ɒ_|Ƃcannotmay  ought will #He %proud~his far"ނeւɎvwRbetterwellby farhoweverKYou % come with us, since ysay have nothing better to do tonight. iꏏɗǂ Ȃ́B邷邱Ƃ y_) āC ͌6 B would   sh n't m as welldone>Jim % Even if 2n't practiced, he stGN= CWM͋ɊyɏƂKNC$y sh1 >Ddly.e_ e easidi-.upicnics􂭐ߓ BsNjbNӂ 0VC߂Ăt ȏア!! Ȃ)worstbest e^cMark: How isyr k coming along? Susan:   >&'sA?-%; ݃}[N u̎d̒q @Bv X)U+Տ +܂ȂS TBāCZ ZT8^ . ,́CC ŗ98f܂"Unn a rible'ndition. ! ~=!so badC#i k"] -e ifermGa{Lis. good be ee.!They have nothing to complain % *ނɂ́Csׂ ͉B about.for.by.with.\e questioT atfday's meetv is whether we should postpone  n till next mon[ ỈŘ_ X͌v܂ (Ω discussbe sed ! isFI'm sorry % you wai so long. trU wa:elayed ) rC_SMɒԑ҂ jd P$x߂&ł~that }kept makewhile{$I am glad % whenever you need me. =ȂKv鎞 ͂‚łC } `܂B to have helpedC^   ing of $He grew up % a y reliable man0ނ͑輸āCĂ Mߗl-bein ord?so thatas(This riis dangerou % {>July$̐zVɉĵ όswim iam beswum@nBSome Japanese youngsters do not feel that chopsticks are easy % I{̎҂ɂ́C͂ ł͐Hו‚܂ ƊĂlB to pc up food with it. .*th.;Students should tr late. "wx悤 ׂ  \be t  don' M"Wb G like3 ca$my party?" "I'd love % but I'm afraid I caM." ^ũp[eB[> @ ܂Bv uszꪁC.ӧ0in,',do,to,gAt tcorner !eppenedE acciden'a for years?|̊p㉽NԂ LɎc ̂Nwdremembd$  @If you are % r desire,must exerciseimagination. AN̖]݂‚ ȂCn͂𓭂既 ςB realized to  beingdMA: Didrent an apartm ? B: No. W one, but the plan fell through`FAp[g @~؂肽zaF&龂2 Cv悪܂SC*G shouldўhaveed we (To % matters worsit begto rai&߈ñƂ́C J~makebecomedogetz'She is very frugal, not to % stingy. 2ޏ́CP`Ƃ͌Ȃ ܂łCƂB tellremarksayspeak;I went all t{~way nsee my doctor, ~find him abs2=߂΂厡 fĂ炢ɍsC Ԕ* enoughabouonlyas!I'm % excitedeanyth *ڂxۂl̂ǂmuchhardlytoox#The window was % to see through. 9̑́CʂČ邱 łȂقljĂ B barely dirty enS notfo hard /JHe is sose that knows better= '% 'd& %*ނ͌ŁC ΂тveryso.all,n't % dogs out`2o*dȂ2 $h}high keep caner)ny5The wind was not % to prevent us from sky-diving. =́CX XJC_rOł قNj͂ȂB  so strong vy as  +His beard made him % older by ten ysЂ邽߂ɁC }POۂ VĂ߂lookedto  Heo&seq% the roomw"`ߓwƂ 炳\HSer~T into "x?The audience could not but % tperforma!ofianist. =ÓC̃sAjXg t^͂ ȂB  to admireding9re was h 4do %it until next morn%܂ ҂‚w{thataswith=He didg % weep when he heard his?grr's deathn9e̎̒m﹂ # to6My uncle was the only person % incar accident. 7f́C̎ ̂łB̐l B injured being hThe American consu is more and interestedfood that hno artificial*gais % to iRAJ҂ lHŶȂHi ֐S}ⵂ܂ addp havedx 0Hpalmost asleep when lheard hname % ;OĂ΂ꂽŖ荞ނƂ called.7. be P.}ed,MDeeply,The audience walked out of the ater, % .ÓCދ\ŁC ꂩoĂB looking bored.. pII was callintofice first, my name % at dlist. P̖OXg ԏɂ(ŏɃItBX Ă΂beputtholdma8LivI % in country, I seldom have visitorsĈƂcɂɏZ RɖK l!WwillAdou/All things % we cannot sayat it is wrong. =Ƃlɓ ƁC͂悭߂#  B askm,gone,wanted, consider *% Mr. Tanaka, have you seen him lately? (ce΁C ŋߔނ}x Taly of To t about!I wicome, %" VCb͍s \weather permits.kJbet_. -i<% that there is no law against}, it still immoral. EƂK @͂ɂĂC .IłB  ForgettingGran AsserThink 8As he was very tired, ly# one sofa with % ŁCڂ‚ă\t@[щ.heyes closed.  .ed/How can I feel relax? me like {? IN<ɂڂ ̂ɁC?l bNXd񂾂 your/tcTg  to @  SYou can use a large plastic bottle, % cut off, as a pot to grow young3nts in. ^̑ȃvX`bN ŕĈ'؂ Cc؂Ă锫 Ďg܂B  with iptopthe which whos^ isMT peacalks failed again, ?Qh sides % <er for 3ureGak͍ēxs Coߕ_  ̐C.blaming /  by_5y are very proud% stude{that colleg5ނ ẘw| }Ɏvpނ be~not nbe@The mother insisted on children % in $ park after d . Iq͈ÂȂĂ ŗV悤ɂC ̕e͋בֿ2B  not playing to haveed    7Doesn't Betty's  comin about % every night? NxeB̂ Nɓdb ĕ ⩂youwall8upthat for =p&If+go near a camel,risk % .N_ɋߏl݂ 댯w beebitten. isr3I don't mind leaving at six o'clock: % up early. =Uɏô͋C ȂB Nɂ͊(既I'm used to gettsI  &"was @I have a slight headache, so I % like goout>n/. 2ɂŁC OoOlookfeelwishmeanBAs the summer vacation n3s, 6 forward % my friendsU5ċx݂߂D_ Flɉ y*M t mee2 \  beI object % like that. $̂Ȉ󂯂 B to being treated E  edFIt is no % argu9about,Icause he will never changis mind?ɂċc_Ă ނCނ͌Sς w(کtimewhilerhelp:You aren't allowta#photographs, so % a cameraEʐ^_/͋ւ DŁCJ݃Xit'point ~thereedinV J3This a hospital. % that pets are not allowed. A͕a@Bybg ֎~Ă ܂łﱂ2 Need I say moreRegardless ofingIt goes withoutOne canb8My husbandn expert when it comK% Chinese foo.ӍC ̕v̓vto cook } forO  $Herothwas busy dinner(ޏie͗[H ɖZzoginq&What do you say % a cup of coffee? "R[q[ ݂ɂȂ܂񂩁B to take ing for about 4% is no tell how long their quarrel will last. 2ނ̂qԂǂꂭ OneThereHeThis5Linda was sixteen bhad trouble % twenty},_͂PU΂C iQOŒwpassedtsSHe couldn't % her to speak a wordhim all the way back?/boarding house. KޏhɋAr ƁCނ#Ɉꌾ Ă炦Ȃ+B letmakehaveget6As soon as you % ?painted,can goom.ǂhIci A|Wzfinishsdoupmanagpuf/Don't % to come and see me one of these days. 7̂ɕK ׎ɗ B mindstopfailsucceed2This book too expensive. I ca  buy it. &g̖{͍{ɂ͔廬saccountwantaffordintendxI human population goes on increasing atws prnt rate, social lif3s we now kit will e}`ssibl X=ȊŐl ΁CX ̎Љ눂!#Ȃݭ 邾sfinishndcegG up2We considered % but finally decd against it. =Xsl CŏIIȂ $Ɍ߂B to gogogoing about HIuld tell he was on%" read, because his book &up downKނPɓǂӂՂ? ̂ {t܂#炾 eiv pretend act}behaT car needs $̎Ԃ͏CU Kvo` repair.Med.be   .IWe didn't % to leave Mary out of the plan. It was simply an oversight. NX̓A[ v悩͂ B&͒PmeanforgetneglectseemEYou must remember % him allat y#know, when;;$nexRxނɉC mĂ邱ƂSs) boׂ#%  having toldNtell be &HeeB tried % onn ri? *BXP[g {ghWskated v q@7His mother has been % a drugstore for fiftyears. (̕ePTNǂ ocĂB takingmhavrunn7The post office is down street. You cannot % it9Xp͂̒ʂ Ƃ߂~킩 missavoidfaillose7Words % me to describeautylandscape}5i̔_ t֕\x Ȃdroplack0It % him right that he missede last train. *ނŏIԂɏxꂽ ̂͂CB causesgivesdoesser iTXearly nineteenth c~ury %xrapid industrial and agricul(al developmw8 of5 UnitStates?PXI߂ɁC AJłHƂƔ_ }ȔWsawbroushowgave&room % a f} viewlake&͌̕΂̌炵 ׂ fcommsoverse0looks8Most of the job is complete, but a fewings % done. I̎d̑唼ł Ă邪C܂Ȃ .B remainder to ber  have 5It yet % wher s plan will succeed or not,̌v ǂS muchpdo unfshed impossible  seenSMv % him a goodf;$ޏ͔̗ǂz lx낤rmakebeedogive7It's only a small house but it % my needs perfectly. C͂ق̏ȉƂ ȂCv SɖB repliesrespondsmeetsagrees3Honesty doesn't % under the current tax system&݂̐Őł͐҂ n{reward_qppayThis rule % several ways\̋Kߑɂ m\writesreads sta interpr.Will this much food % for a week's camping? Eꂾ̐H ΁CPTԂ̃Lv ɂ͏\6낤B  avrightdoenoughcontent;Our company %e cristhat hit  e0omy last year. 9XЂ͍NoϊE @̌c  rRveredexistedsurvived succeeded"Please % me a r?even . ӎɓdbĉ[*dcdropgYmake&"What's the matter with you?" s% &uǂ̂v ޏ͋lB  discussed. demonstrat declin mand 6This a very ,nge le.  do % of it? 0͂ƂĂȎ莆 łB܂feelgetgarmakenA: Japanese women in kios look  beautiful grace . B: Yes. K3 really% gm wel.k`u𒅂{̏ @@͑ϔDɌˁBv aC{悭O**(charmagreermblesuit'Such conduct does not % a gentleman. *̂ȍsׂ͐amɂ ӂȂB belongcomehavebeginBI'd better ieat that. Fried food usuallyn't % with meGHv gׂ'̑ ӂ‚礍.񂿾suitfitagreematch?W sort of curtains youink should % the carpet? ;aȎނ̃J[eybg ߎv܂goI can't % with you on that. 5̂ɊւȂ ӌ͂  B disagreehelpsupportreject>Onlyee member % against the proposed plans for trip;o[} Ăꂽšv _tolddspoke ed2Canplease % w ti  ves? 2'Ԃo 볂4܂teachtalk totellspeaQThere a lot of expressions used by English people when % about the wear. AVCɂ‚ĘbɁC CMXlp\ B talkingtellsay discungKI was % my f~at I would nbe allowed to goroad6self. 0ЂƂŊOɍs߂CƕɌꂿspokentoldedsaid5She'shsq%  inbunnew car5ޏ͕e V߂T ł!speakq-Did the newspaper % it was going to rain? "J~ VłĂB talksaywritetell(My fahr %pa`e shouldf campk. &̓Lv o悤ƒhf suggestedinvhdxedtold3I'm just a baker. I don't to be anythu else. C͒PɃpڠāC Ỏw " ̂argueclaimCShe is very intelligent. I % her to pass t*examination easily. 2ޏ͑ϓ廒̂ŁC eՂɒƎvB desirewishhopeexpectSI am not able, and I do%w abon world viewacquTd in childhoodI͗cɐgɂ‚ Ê߂ł ŵd,want,,offer,*Tvren % for4summer holidays&qXĂ̋x҂ ]%wged icipa 'edlongedqI % your success. &Ȃ邱Ƃ ]ł܂B hope infor am ing,I want this luggage % to my room at oncev,f̉וt̕ ^wx||to takenv s it difficultlive only on his pensionb`[Y͗TȐ ނŁC N Y# ʂthoughtknownovedFrom what I % of him, Jack was an agreeable person to know. KWbN̂Ƃ̒m Ăƌ΁Cl z̗lB remind recognizecallmemorZRichardd Tom admitted their mistake immediately. They % $mselves for being wrongʊ`[hƃg͉߂ ɔF߂āCԈ ɑĎϐ# confesseddeniedsaidblaHe accu me % a liarނDR‚ #w|beasRWhen I went to talk the manager, held me could only % ten minutes. Nxzlɘb sCނ% PO ԂȂ ƍB hearprovidesparesave7You'll % yourself a lot of tiif  take tar,kp{ zߖł뫂m?qobtaininduce@He spends a2u_hnfrom his business in reading7dȊO ~ׂēǏɔ$ escap b~Sklose2He said it didn't % whether we stayed o nt. Kނ͎Ƃǂ܂Ăߢ oݍsC ł卷͂Ȃƌ!B changematteraccountgo*Do you thinkat money really % to me? ,u{ ؂Ǝvu܂stroublesusconcernsbo}sIShe not %ing at home as s"had s sewwanted do-=ޏ/D ̂݉ )#mindcareobject8Didn't it ever % to them that y would be punished? 9Ƃ ͎v΂ ̂B happenenterstrikeoccurDIt suddenly % me e bomightwa away byves. P̓{[gg_ Ă̂ł W.ɍl leftthouucknoticedQCompupplies are Ny exsive in Japan. Evenis cable % 6,000 ye! T{Rs߃^[p i炂߃P"u6 UO~paidchargedowcost@The company % me ten dollars taking my bag to t2airport. GobO`ɉ^ ƂŁC̉ POhꂽB  demanded/of charg for impos romtook/inAI can't % $40 ( one b! Haveyou got a cheaper edition? AP̖{ɂS xȂBƈ łłprovideallowafdcost=Ohundred Nwill % .xpenses XtripU5j̗v1 }ׂׂJ邾 Cgivecovers[PYou have to % the costs of new system against benefits it will bring. VȂ͐V̐ɂ pƂꂪv ϓ_ŁCr@ ߂ ȂB weighpaycoverdis dCanada issecond-largest country inworld, % nearlylf  North American ContinentPJi_עEłQԖڂ LkAJ嗤 ̂قڔ̒nɋyũ 6 wneclg exclud ten 7I would lik % your kindness? future*l̐ezg^reZ^?nlyI would never % his honesty. 0ނłƂ ^Ȃ낤B searchaskinquirequPionNThe policeman came too late and found t&thief % room in disorderŘx@͓̂ xBD_߂łɓ Ďr炳 _Ľto goggoinggoMay I see you now? &ȂɉvFɍsaSwYcomeMhopenkHCOnlhospital) % for high blood pressure_>0͍߈Âێ) ߂ɕa@ɉ^΂ be trea: ed4Some students % their ies in favor of sports. *X|[cɂ܂ĊwƂ ӂwB ?idfailneglectlack`The careless words?e Prime Minister % to misunderstanding between6two countr9b̕sӂȔ ēԂɌ ꂽcameledbroughtww ZWhlwo h cannot agree about sSth,strong5ytG% to forcePʼnłȂ ߂C ͂ɑi邱 *yobjmsrearesleads'They led % that there was no danger. 9ނɂĎ͊댯 ߂ƐMC B  me believing toe my (e=You hav,en dollars. spend two. How many do y1% APOh߂Q gƂBc͉*left? remained?staykept?37 sle pip]nzallFe houses withKtC;̂P{̃pCvރ ủƒɐ  preserves dHThe first thing he did was to % his shoelaces and take s off. *ŏɁCނ͌CЂق wE B unlockpackuntie bindIJapan h% oilserefore walmo_e6rely depend on imports={͐ΖƂǂ ̂ڊSɗAɈˑ a littlefew small/T{year w?rainy days in August(NuW͉J̓ uu anyGShe didn't have %fficulty finding out the answer toproblem. =ޏ̖͂̉𓚂 ‚ô܂J ȂB somemostmuchmany2There wquite a % intstu thssee(SȂvׂނi낢 ̂rnumberofewRs popularity ofce telephone$s ledr% peopl,letsse daysAdbyŁC ߂ł͎莆l ,hardlyal"erleastWHeavy industr s moving the direction of more automated machines and % manpower. ^dHƂ̕ł́CI[g Vꂽ@B ₵ĐlȂ ɐiIB mybiggerlessfew We sufferfrom % troub#0Ղ_ ߂ƂɔYi i a great ly    ?  TA % number6 Japa&e holidaymakers )e to be fouBrNew ZealQlast summQCN̉āC̓{l syqj[Wh Ōlarge<muchlot0She works hard in toffice for a % salary. =ޏ͈ 炸̉Ђň B smallfewlittlecheapGIn spit{ utra, I managed to getairportimeAʗ C͂ǂ` ԓԒvylightmuch=They are so %a{s diul tell which  Iݔ"͂ 悭 ̂ŁCȂ̿ ʂ#samekelyanearlyBThe discussion the villagers had on  environment was quite % 5̐lR‹ ւĘbc_͔M B alive.ly.ding.9Most` creatures isea are affected by pollut.CɏZ唼͉ ɂ鈫e izable\Harris lasten %ound 9:30 p.m., so we4ink 92 kRedmetime afteratdn\͍ɌX 綑Ĵm F߂HCނ͂ ȍ~ɎE!ƎvosG4Mrs. White loves to watch the face of her % baby. ?zCgvl͖Ă ԂV̊̂ DłB asleeping pt'This problem io simple, so it % 7͊Pq c_l Ȃ~does hardly worthy discuss.i .?W jA: Look at[old coin youTve fe_B: Itoks rar,, but I don't know wheo's muchA`FՂɂ @@AӃRɓĂ/Ȃ.߂aKׂ8悤w2ǂlłn*4ǂ߂܂߂ excellentvalua\useful5She is rather % at tennis. ޏ͂ȂejX B shortpoorlowsmallIf people become sleepy when hy read good books, itwnot3ause ( are to make{< effs, but ,T do @know hto 5itʄ߂{ގ ̂́Cl w͂6^##ł āC悤) *&(6  ł0eagercertainunlikely unwillingNHa very % writer.  always ?- about journoplanetPނ͑ϑzx ƂǢ‚̘f Fs]-ď ? imaginable  tive  ry ed JAll the events described inis story are % They didn't really happen. ^̒̕ 邷 ̏o͉ˋ ̂Bɂ͋NF 7! imagine.  able. es. ry.,It was ve% of him toject b5ނdG ۂ 󌫖sensibly e  tive eIS 's too % Sv\es whenpr anyone speak( herya loud voicVT[߂Â₷ iŁCN(吺 ޏɓ{ז}I‚׋܂strong.capN h. .>I foolishly interpreted the idiom according to its % sense. ?͋ɂ ̊p𕶎ʂ ʼn܂B liuary  lly te0I am very %r what I saio her yes.day_;ޏɌo_w xƂւ ߂ reg/  able ful,The wea*r seemed % =t flight0VC̓eXgs1 D̂悤Ɏvfavored te  HThe Johnsons are very % people. !y love to give parties*often. IW\Ƃ͂ւ ЌIŁCpɂɃp[eB [ĴDB sociable^ llly ety3Her debut was the biggest % eventseaޏ߂Eɓo ̎?! Eő̏o\ isteHe maintat a count4which haconomic system muhaja democratic polial(`Љ`̌oϑ̐{ ~͖Ȑ "Ȃς ނ͎咣>mk#You should be % to your parents. (eɑ΂Čhӂ\Ȃ ΂ B  respected w ful ing ve+The ults of the earch were quit .̒̌͏\ ﭂ conted. satisfactory.. i"/ain keptbaseball team % yesterday0Jmw`[ ͍numbstupidlazyidle;We may not win tomorrow. It's hard to four % games. ;ĂȂ BɂSA!̂ "  succession ve ful 3It is % that you shouldve &h a good friend7p߂΂wF ׂN͍K happily fortunatey ly?%comethe office an r earlier>usualZ?93P ow/ł Is it pou-bler^aAre,\,$cap '1hSuperman, almost invulnerable and % fly through thir, is la6survivor of planet Krypton. ^X[p}́CقƂ sgŋԂ ł邪CNvg Ō̐%B  ability tocantocapo KTchimpanzee is an intelligent creature, % solving s[4lroGmsA`pW[͊PȖ ȂĪ mIȓenpossi CA[y grow old, y peo become % look after3mselve=V߂ɂ 搜m̖ʓ| &Ȃl͑ difficultu necessaryhardEeBetty enjoyed her summer vacation this August because she took % trip to Europe withIfriends. gxeB[͍N̂Wċx ݂yB Ƃ ޏ͗Fl [bpւPOԂ̗ ;? a ten-days     CWe got up at four in tmorning. We had make a very % startLߎ~͌OSN BȂ葁߂̎ɏo Ȃ߂0 soonslowearlylate5Whenez I see Mr. Smd,nk Prof. JohnsonEX~XZ SwW\ vvo of ter   ~.It will be % autumn when you get to London. 9Ȃhɒ ɂ͔ӏH#Ă邾B latest lyst+The temperature today rose as % 30@C.CC͐ێROx ܂ł㏸uhightallhotmuch.pprice of books is ting % these ss${̒li߂オ imore expensivexeraffordablechea There w% at the assembly. "̏Wɑ̐lX oȂB a gre=many people present $ )  87Iink you have % number.is is 0473-72-4111GԍԈႦĂƎv ܂B͂OSVR| Q|P' badwrong diff?ntstrangeBI phoned Mary, butlinjas % So Id to call again lat R̓A[ɓdbo  ̂Ō Ȃ ?(busy.full.off.taken.(Are theany good films %is week? &T͂悢f悪f Ă܂B onbyabout of)Peoplbfsaying thatx crisis iq "lX͊@͋ƌfbbelow.cve.r.upon.VWithtyour % help, I sld have failed in my attempo crossPacific Ocean. P߂̋Mdȉ ȂC̑m f݂̎s% 낿& invaluablevainid eless\When you write  r name, have to start not with a small letter but  % . EOɂ͏ ͂Ȃđ#n߾ B largegrandcapitaleat.He could me because of his % illness&daĈ߂ l}nranxiousheavybigser&rWaY-ngsi`man. bL]ȎƉ Z promig2g sseddeclE vot8Oh dear, I have a % tire. I must put somir in it. 5CpNB ^CɋCȂ ߂punkflatshallowAI wishwere % enough torventhing and mak fortun 7gɂ𔭖ЂƍY ҂قǓ߂΂ ߂strongsmartviRoushappy/Noather was % keep him indoorsƂǂȓV ނ͉Ƃ̒/ sevrpict5There is a very % rule forbidding smok in bed. ,xbhł̃^oRւ KB hardheavystrictong7It{no laughdmatterd= situation( % A΂͂܂ȂmԂ͔ @y[2sePe.ange.erious.Come and see me when5 % (ŝɂ^ u ɗit will> convenient of you.i{ ard 5.M.;The soup is terribly % You put far too much pepper in it. 2̃X[v͂ЂǂhB RVEꂷtasty.strong.thick.hot.-It's difficultw find a well-paid % job. 0Igٗpŋ̂悢d ‚߂͓hopefulenal manent depend 9Our dog % for y weeks, bthe - s;came ba AώTԂ ssɂȂĂ%C }ɋA has missedn wing to2Does your mother live in a distant or % town? AȂ̂ꂳ͉ Ƃ Z$ł܂B bynearlbyclose5Don't think that e taxare too % Japa&{͐ŋde ӎvt~vstrictbig expensheavy@He met with a traffic accideand had  escape from death. 7ނ͌ʎ̂ɑ$C 낤Ď9čς narrow dangerousbadiWhen fruit is still not ready to eat, Japanese say, "I- ^aoi^," while English peopl) ) %" b{łʕHׂ ȂԂ̎Ɂu vƌp> h@D!B pale.blue.yellow.green.BThe inheritance came out of t % as a stroke good fortune. 7̈Y͎v K^ƂēˑRĂ ack/te'You are % to any book my libraryz&ւ̖{zRɎg f*iwelcomef available convenientaThe station clock is not as % it should be; !usually between one and two minutes fast. N̉w̎v͊҂ قǐmł͂B P`Qi.certainsurestrictaccurateOIf drinksy moreer, I don't th''ll % to play6fternoonEr[ ߌɃv[ "Ƃͫ~͂Ǝvsuitablefitpossi cappJohn lookedHsounded excepnunhappy. Nzthatwun for him/; ?&seldom % W͓ʂgۂ^B ٢2ނ&Ђ  \@ A 0 unworthy. otherwise.t gh.(If you buy this, I will givea % ,𔃂Ă PTl܂B fifteen percent of discount.R s 9 V~EThe rr carries a great am"H wat and is % in many places. R̐͑w ^ C앝}C Ԃ!낪  wide miles seal & w,8WhI boughte book tyeargo, it just co % APONO{_ н= PhTO Zgone>a halvolls.M ..-r.I've been waiting for % PԔ҂ B hours and halves.an .af. ;You sldn'tve bothered, Mrs. Owens; you're % to me. XI[GXCȂ C‚ ̂ɁB߂*Ƃɐe؂$very much kind too *,Bill % breakfast at sevain mornh$r_dHsV܂ hahlways is+F #-'You're late. The meeting finished % *xˁBc͂RO OɏIB thirty minutes before.since . -ago.2 +0I recognizhim at oT, as I had seen % Iɔނ B ̂ޑOɉ Ż 炾ward..$It wso dark ththey coulD 7Xo\̂ŁCy _lj}  hyly .  .  .  >It was so cold this afternoonat % anybody went swimming. Ǎߌ͂ƂĂ ̂łǒNj s_ $B hardlyalmostall +% my recordszre imported from Germ7̎̃R[h hCcjA߂ } Av vj M B %  i,mert of seasonal cyclewarm andQNZg ׂ3 ̋GӊBV?!everyw} else no e I % have fruit for breakfast. "͂ĂHɉʕ ׂB almostly reHe was % run over by a car. (ނ͊낤Ԃg˂ Ƃa dangerouslyriskily doubtfullynearly."Hmthe bellsg?" "No, it hasn't  %" =ux͖܂Bv uC @﹂$until.al}0dy.sl.yet.8"Has the movie started yet?" "Yes, it hw%% ." Auf͂n܂ BvuCł! Ă&! stilllalreadybeen;I've told him several times but % doesn't undernd. ;͔ނɉxb낪 zς SBno long*Hayouz ? Canada in r life?_jY獡 ł̊Ԃ Ji_֍s Ƃ <7 d.I don't like cats and my brother does!, % &̓lR߁C ZB ei>.also.ntoo.&He always stin bed % as hn. 0ނdYłx Ńxbh̒%vas late soly ly,I'm going toopsr %  that agai=ޏɓx ȂƂﳂ ݤ _neveronceyet7The money will be divided % between t%two of m. 0͔̂ނlŕ łB sharplyevenlycomyflatly*He reach{home % fore five o'clock}s͂TOɉɂ‚ ktimely mHntarily~orgsoon>ir child Da always had a_dB story at 7 ~ % V̎q⠂ fCBbgV ɐQ/b ĂVG .right.jus 6.6I was so nervous that % awake half the night. I͂ƂĂ_oɂȂ ̂ŁC̔ ڂo:)B wideinallopen1I %nted to tell him how much I missMaryCA[[Ȃǂ Ɏ₵̂ނ jb\badlyasww%%mdid not like }, butw(do. 7\̂]D_`ǍsFirstlyAt f  of Forw timeFWhat we should remember % is t Englishnot our moth%tongue. G܂ɊoĂȂ Ƃpꂪ ꍑ B  firsef allfoehe time  r lastCT&, second, and=ird prizes wenEo Tom, Bill#John % ?ꓙ܁CO gCrC Wn?spectively.fulwith . o ab-Philosophye % as you imagine itl5Nw͂:z GقǓȖ]`a so difficult subj aH,,a>The waiters % we didn't like to complain about t3meal. \EFC^[ ƂĂl̂ŁC  ͐H_)Ŕނ 4Ȃ6B such a nicsan{at o&a  9Professor Brown absent and hadafnoon % 9u瓋s ڌߌxۂ5.off on./His salary % w it seven yeargoh*̋fVNOxQ{ f by double   f cXHe took an elevator from his fifteenth-floor offic1 thp  twelve s=ies % C͂PTK̎ QK̍ŏ܂ Gx[^[ɏB over.beyond.high.ab.DIn case of emergency, leabuilding as quickly possible %& I펞ɂߕwȂ ΁Cł邾 ƔĂbut ozrwiinstructed.if?$.unless66so66_wkforward % joba n,t watchmbecauat g"him a chanbe alone. sx dЂƂ @^ς ̂Łﻂ̑̓_8 먂&(ȂS yuCpsantun( ;2?8It's too late go out now. % i starting rain. 9oɂ͒x C̏J~ B  Therefore, At least,Besides, All the same,PThis computer is powerful, efficient, and Gyuuse iexpensiv ẼRs[^[͋ gҢ:̂wHver,Wher or6Despitlthough,] buildEdid ) pass a fire inspectio\%wibe closed _. rest of! year_\n͉΍ ʂ݂PN c̊Ԃ͕邱  ł낤Y  Nzless None~ Since%A: Nice day. B: Yes. Bit cold, % C`uVCłˁBv awC @@2,though.despite. in o al@Books thaan be enjoyed by young and % are rather r 5lNz l y߂{Ȃ B eiG invariablyalike rectively@You were late for work. Wenot3 disappointwZ ?N͎dɒx]~L 炸!#ݖ] a fewa little@The children are playing % q͏ŗVł B  upstairs. .up. at LUntil recently thbeople ofat country lived in % same way as before. =ŋ߂̍̐lX͐ ƂǓ悤ɕ Ă~ muchmost =I'm a professor, or % ansociat; to exact5͋?t{CƐmɌ ݏ&nrarevenyetUSkillful communication includes the ability to use words symbol0lly as well % iʂ茾tg\͂ łȂCےI% pׂ( R~jP[VɊ܂ B  er.loose timid ~dividu N% a tough, unemoal man, prime minisU is act= quh sensitive. `b͊Ŋ ȂlƑzC͔0_oׂ]82ł Supporon  e ngfWhen a andowo marry, % us{havebe big adjustments betweG ir two pers"esXӂ‚Cj ɂC̐i̊ޑ傫Ȓ箂 %weyyitreE>A: May I use a pencil and some paper? B: All right. Here % T`uMĂ @@łBv auB"ǂ* you have. ar  may.6% with the wi rain,  game was spoiled. *J畗 䖳ɂȂHowWhatWhyWhich2Its suddenly got cold,n't it4Yes, but it's been unusual6warmf far. Trest ofter is expecteo be % xFˑReF뤂C܂ُɒg4~ c̊́CAƓl낤!itcn.now. A.&+She is not so young as % $ޏ͌قǎۂɂ ȂB sCw4looked. ? s at.ked .1Thyon prettier, but it cost that &. 9̕ꂢC ̂Q{̒li two times bkerYn much twice "4Tpopulation of ItalyIabo%  Japan*C^A̐ĺC ̖halfrlarg{ less+(-7Although she doesn't know her job, earns % I do. C͎̎d킩 ĂC% قړB nXly as much }morethan CTdistance from tth to$e moon is about equivalent %1 ;n猎܂ł̋́C ̒âQO{ %p'sameter of twdimes.% 6r."  2# F#DJeff and Jenny saved %.y couldvisit.ir uncle in HawaiiVWFtj[nC̏fK ߁C=罂! 𒙂߂0monea lot%#possib2>!(This pen as good % I have used. 9̃yCg ɂC ₷B longeveranythough-He wj soldierxo% s!ldere gun;ϔy܂ŏet lߒNʗE m ZbrΪa a  wSIt not so % what1man wears &thy he  itat mark gentle6Ea}ł낯 גĂ镨['ȂOyoftenmuchW_5The ten-year-old boy cannot so % as sign his name. ;̂PO΂̒j̎q́C ̖OƂ łȂB muchlonggoodfar!He departed % saying -bys$ނGQ o\withou<g as  tofor /.man who stops ln)%dead*w߂l񂾂RsoonRHe said he would lend me tmoney if I needed it, an/as o% his word. AKvȂ Ɣނ͌ĂC 񑩂B bettersimilargoodharshB% 1100 people live on each squarile of linat countryCɂ́CP}Cl 罂OOl lXZł So muuas As many MW"]fwd f mistake3 nes$TsZT‚̊Ԉ~d 6o ab lik'b  atVLike % many stars among the leavend branches,street lamps shed ir light. P܂ŁC؂̗t}̊Ԃ ̐̂悤 ɁCX B sosomeverytooThe girlre as busy % "̏̎q́CƂĂ ZTdogs.ants.parro bees.,S^went % to sayat wda swindler(kcނ̓yetC t܂Ō so far ljas  ADo you know that Japan once produced more silk #n % country? K{͂‚đ̂ǂ̍ ̌Y Ƃm܂B otheran any  different"%pleasanttraveling. sقNJywr ȂdA^{0 is  Not all {Any &;At % time in my life h| I been busi\I am today(̐lōݖZ @vBno someEAs a statesman, Churchill was more successful than % I ever knew. =ƂƂāC`[ mĂN ﬌.B anyoneno [y achPIn{ose days artistsnted, % else, to expr personal emotionsAC|ߏpC l \ whichsome thing 2The next train wZbe % crowdedg-s C.̓d ق G낤a littlelasmuchShe is % than beautiful. $ޏ͔ B  more prettyier kYou a% to gain weight in summ9wintbecause y;tend 9lor appetite whe6t hotZ~Ă̏̕d ”\C 珋͐H~.݂炾 less unlikely | very 5Sciencnfar % a collection of facts and methods. 0ȊẃCPƕ@_ ̏Wςł͌ {Gas down from away 7The population of San Francisco is % thatTokyo. ;TtVXR̐l ́C̂PO PȉB lessO one tenthan rof !&hs$My camera% better 'yours,̃J͂Ȃ肸ƂveryfurthermoremuchLIt was always difficult to uuni;sity, but it ~harder% nowEwɓs1A Cﻍ ܂ł?#onceewanyn $This wine % to that in flavor. ,C߂ ĂB worsemoreinferiorbetterHfpapero sup % *ނ̘_̕eDcm. n e.e. Hten yearoenm youG"rlȂ߂iPO NゾjoverabZtoj(Jack is taller than I % three inches. ,WbN̕ڂ RC`wB withinbyfor,I prefer staying at homeojgofish>k [ɍseƂ_elseto\butFNo one ine class arrived ate school gate % tea_rz=搶rxčZɒ lC̃NX Ȃlatter more elyrWhich is % of the two? *‚̂ł炪li łB 8 most expensivemore" on )T&Bob rowed 9boat, % got. ;{u̓{[g߂ قǁC far away    '/He talked a lot butCy lihim % for iIނ͂RR#% ƂCߓ all  better fubyqAlthough intonation is seldom tat in some language courses, is % important for mmunicPng accurately. {Cgl[Vő Ȃے 邾ǁCłD E͐mɈӎv `K߂ɂdvB  none thess all more much %wo2He knows little of maic%^cistr2ނ͉w͌ح قƂǒm sti as we as noan#kIt w'about a mitobase of h1, and frott it looked ssible Bwalk up runyû˖P} B% ́Cēo8> Cs ”\ - p orm0You are no % at remembering ths than I am. N͂ڂƓlCo B soonerbettermistakemore5Fl able to operatefis mac_teshe is_t*ṕCt̋@B 𑀍ł~verymmuchfar cupM milk,9a ar.There isn't % I can do to help, I'm afraid. 5cOȂ玄 ł邱Ƃ͂܂# vB a littlemanymuchvery few;She's good at tennis, but s no of a swimmer;ޏ̓ejX}wւ 肾։j /skillful}better11/16 reas % PU|ṔDǂQeleven sixteenth. s. .5thu-Be sure to remember % at the next station. .̉wŗԂ芷 ̂ɖYȁB to chang~arainsing!a"My TV set is'most 15 years old, but still h^a good % 5er قڂPTNȂ邪C ׎G悢messagscene.picturphoto.GIt is difficult for any person to ge#nside a $ure tha9 not % EǂȐlłg Ȃ̂z Ƃ͓B one of hown.  self.#m.FMr. White_h=st; I mean ""e broad %c  word. GzCg͐B LӖŁuvľviewsenserange8a1Watchingfootball gamn televisipwas % ?er;̃tbg{[ ̎ϐA D납fun.s.a ny. .,It is a pity that Mary has no % of humor. .A[[A ZXȂ͎̂cOB heartsensemind consciousnessIInse advanceurse, students must take objective testt monthly % E㋉RX̊w͌P ԊuŋqσeXg ~ dist.length.gaps. intervals.cps or t5ꪗk-} ݂Gׂ͂Kidea ort differe problemNCatherine had no % of spending  rest of * life workas a wait"s. ELT͎c̐l EFCgXƂĉ߂ ‚(͂ȂB mindpurpose intentionmeanwx:Isre any % your como Tokyo again+is year? &N邱 ܂accidxchancetimeevMBecause Mary8 refd ioffer, John w!W% enjoy Sweekb4TW0A[\o fꂽ̂ŁCTMy_AAC> Cfeel senseemo|Bmood>We'd better hurry. There's a % to Uncle Timothy's patience. C}߂B eBV[ x邩2borderlimit ttomtop&It did not take % realize that0𗝉Yi܂ Ԃ.jlrcarelongeasyplace8 rich merchant adopted tboy and made him_s 0̏lp̎q {ɂĐՎ΂ h.hiveir.6Americans eat lots of wh, oats, rye, and other % =AJl͏E I[g C 𑽂HׂB  vegetables.grains.fruit.citrus.IWordsworth's line,"The child is fawto  man," example % CuOŽq̍S܂ŁvƂ YX̎̈s ͋t Ⴞparadox. hyp sis. mphor.satire.9He picked up a butterfly between h%Q forefinger. (ނ͐ewƐl Œ thumbwristarmnail@A % is one of the five movable parts at end of each foot. E̎wƂ͗ [ ܂‚̓# ł镔łB heellegtoefingerYTtwordWrntip my % but I don't quite know how to pwha#wantwsayi܂Ōto 邪C͎?ǂqׂݢ ɩ=ۂ Ȃtongue,nose,,chin,!Tom has % forvdernuint( g͌GKbaan eyesye@sJThe children were all % as their far carefully unwrapped! parcel. EeTdɂ ̂q͖M 悿$ČĂB feeteyeshandshead+Youn borrow an umbrella if you ne PKv؂ ܂`any.some.this.one.+S gave me a lovely watch, but I losta;͑fGȎvꂽ C͂ w܂itsBThis rose does not smell so sweet as % I bought the or day. 9̃ỏԂ ̂قNJÂȂB suchitwhich[neATearthquake wasvbiggest %at we had ever experienced2̒nkXoߌx ōőof~soall.We  consid % wrong to cheat in exams_rEFCn JjOn͊Ԉ s߂ƍlw ܂itsinIt was this hospital %& $挎K̂ ̕a@B that IEborn.whichvisited last month.%where,investigao#bye police.Sfir:et 6.'Wi:t % you reallyOnt to say? 0{Ɍ߂ Ƃ łqhoww7n't Mary wemmuseum wi He % Iނꏏɔpقɍst BA[}x H"!XƂdidgo any.xone else.on.Sue.3% to it that such a ing does not happen again. 2̂悤ȂƂxƋN wɂ B MindDoSeeWatch?% uin August, 1984, my work obliged me goOkinawa?PXWSNWC dłbɍs  Hwas I{ed I T?RScholarsrethe variety of wildlife i?wadays lessn frusbeV쐶̎ނ߂ȑOKՌYâ ^Ŋẅӌv s&ityonesthose5"I don't know % to consult with. "Nk߂̂ ȂB whomatenre%%^ you think of e new teac$? $VZ搶߂`Ăǂ v ܂bWhichWh atJane lent me % last week0WF[͐Tɔޏ ̖{}ӭꂽd a book 2 as s I can't stand % any longer. ;ȏނ߂悤 ȕsȑԓxɂ܂ ȂB his that nasty attitude  of*/ G4{*"It'/ice if a child have % 0q̕Ă ΂͂a roomd.only. mself ,wn.>Theyd games, magood friendvenjoye~ very much_}0q͎CFl CɊy񂿾time theves reHe was patience % ނ͂ւEϋ B all.at itself.him (If you don't believe me, go and see % 0̂ƂMprȂ Ōɍs݂z a frd. _crVaning. forur it through.3How lonely}helpless shust feel lef % R܂ɂ āCޏ ƂǓƂ ͂ƊɈႢ ?work no play! by hew! tore!over p1ld!?As I was invited to the party, I % myself with pleasure. C̓p[eB[ɏ҂ ̂ŁCꂵ YقǂB foroverbesideat!I burst out laughing % { {v킸΂O Xagainst in sp of regardlesszgetto]abl@This year's fashions are quA different from %E last 4,Ñt@bV Ƃ߂ႿthoseotroneeseMpThe only system I know which will help you remember whathave ard the lecture is % of keeping notes. i̒mĂ@ŁC u`ŕƂo ̂𗧂—B6 , łB t  manner some sortnChanges taken plac_n3y areasnational life, especially +%lated to hous and employmentȆՕɏZƌٗpɊւ ω݋N^sei oseFHr}left a d{ impress.  ind% re};ނ߂sɏoςlX̐Sɐ[ۂ c eywho m/She is a lady and expects to be treated as % Cޏ͋MwlłC ̂悤ƂĈ 邿ƎvĂB such.that.it.she.(You must helpr, % immedily. 7vȂo g_~߂xit_{zsoLScience not primarily interesin the value or worth of thingsIȊw ꎩ ̉llł͊ {I ֐Sitselfseenknown6"Do you think we'll have goodather?" "I hope %" 7u悢VCɂȂv @Bv $for.to.sit.4Jim: Is Mary coming today? Sue % She is sick. aWFA[͍ X[F&ޏ͕ał;"suppose  not.don't ȳ . 2V%#urist naturally wants see as much 7sible ofe untry ~ visitVsǂߐlC ӂ‚͖K  ?(SomeA lotFewAnyI% students in this university don't even know how to talk teach+. Ȇẘw̒ɂ͋ tɑ΂̂ mȂ҂B AnySome of/"H|about % more coffee?" "Yes,ank you." ?uR[q[d @Bv uCs܂fewsamuch0He leftjfice withsaying a word$% .ނ͒N ꌾ_ ʼnЂow|one.no }I know a woman % first and la names are the s as mine. (Ɠ̏l mĂB whatwhose? ich.He mentioned a book % I can't remember o9õ^Cg vo{ɂzy with title in #ofO #MWho % hread Shakespe"'s beautiful poems forgetbir fascina? RV߃FNXsA̔@ǂ񂾂Ƃ̂lŁC N͂Y 񂤂_nomts|5He is not the man % was when I first knew him. .ނ́C߂ĉ 悤!͂ȂB whichwhomatt(Sh}such a girl % you imagineo2ޏ_NPzĂ o̎qsbutastnKRemember % I've jutold o. It'll be very~portantgrow upVߌƂo ӂl " t/Ă= 09% seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult. Gŏ͂₳ C͓n킩"6悭B WhatWhichT ItQPoor planning may resy in choos a job % you will not truly successfulZv̗ĕs\Ȃ ΁C肤Ȃ dIɏI _,낤utwuof 6whomXThe conditioQ% these fine works were created usually a most kindտÎ緂oi n󋵂Cʏ čȂ6 under HThis the magazine I % $́CȂ b{łB spoke to you about. .   * % hav8do now. *NuuȂ~ ̂whichthatallonly(% last night wasn't very comfortablej.ӐQxbha Sn悭ynThe bed in3slept$ +6@My friend % I supposed would pass the examination has failed. 5ɒʂ vĂFĺC B of whom_ asThere asome tools %% ,̎deՂɂ l] easily withfich to do job. ":.;'! w.K fireme3d trouble gettingW Tstreet %houses won @e=hmLɂd Ƃ~ ̂ ꘟJqmhowthatwbWStratford-upon- Avon, % is on the river is famous as Shakespeare's birthplace. mGC{قƂ XgbtH[hA| 6́C VFN2sAa̒n ėLRB aswhereichwhat6New York cityI have long wanted to visit}7jN͎ KꂽƎv ss ^|whos&Th reasVpdid v ]Cނﻂ彗R _tOTcymEThe enemy was within about twenty paces of % we had been sitting. AǴCXĂ 납ߕĖQO ȓ̏(B what tplr~qwhereich5Pat is very talkative. This % I don't like him=pbgׂ BꂪCނ ȗߗR t{whybecauseUA largroportion % English-speak people[tch on TV iLAmerica9riginEpꌗ̐lFer ̂̑唼gAJ ōŽ!@3He said he couldn't speak Russian, % was untrue. 7ނ̓VA͘bȂ C B whyhowwhatwhich8^ a foreignerr they perceived from hi(ccent=̃ANZg既 ɂ { ~OlsobecauseasBWere I wealthy, I'm not, I w! still go tork every dayG͋/ƂĂdɍs܂낤le-L% of a novelist, he has the ability to makcute observations of people. CƂɊ邱Ƃ Cނɂ͐lԂsώ@ \͂B ViewingJudgAs may be expecteda v(point4There is one % knowat }earth# round&nۂmȂ l asGbutwho+Tom "a lotfriends,ny{&m %&gރF^ȇ͊wZ Z*wqt school with.;m.toger%7%.%He is % called a self-made man. "ނ͂鎩͂ŏo lB whichwhattwho7Never forget  you owes are to r p ntsqĚN̂͗e ߂ ĖYꂾȂyere9I wasuldzgo not onbuy bus, % I foll_dkboXōs ݂Ɍ"߂ŁC (̒ɏ]thoughhX 9 adviceconsequ` ly'I may have to work, % I'll call you. K͎dȂ }܂C ̏ꍇɂ͂db!܂B  for whichwhereby e inse>Everybody pitied ( and g % little money thedGNޏC Ȃ玝 ׂ~2 whatwhose6ProfessGreen is not satisf withthings are,O[́C ԑ&{rt}|N% will be welcome. l͒Nł} B Whoever that can Os o8Ipied in my notebook % hr on@e blackboard.ނ‚ɏƂ͉ Cm[gɎw{xhoww, 'Wmelect % } beli" is worthy. .h M&Iтg>g thosehoofm+% happens you may rely on my friendship. 7NƁC̗F M\ łB Whenever at WhoHow_sport or outdoor activityenjoy, there's probabsomew in Britatg offers it\ȂX|[c≮O yނɂC pߍ ͂_ϭꂪ ꏯ r5I wantpicture % w Ive to do getV|̊Gɓ邽 ɁCȂ .D E~ no wondso and all matterB% you go, have to remember that"r credit card is usable. X֍sƂ ÑNWbgJ[h͎g Ղ"(ߊoĂ ȂꂯB  WhicheverHowWher at 8I'd rata room of my own, small it may b,_gɏ߂C ̕no matt{w{how?n if&She paints y dm% busy soisy(ޏZ G`u Zthough in spitebut  O0Reading is to the mind % food  body. .ǏƐS̊֌ẂCH ƓB whathowifwhich1TOday was rainy, at worse,tunder. ?͉̓J~ĂC ɈƂ &ނso}su,ill come % you realize it$N 邾ӂg]en`btI wish that when I was eighteen,had known somebody like I am  at fifty-three, an older personobthFrd-wsdom % Bcouldve gone for advice. PW̎CT݂R ̂悤lC ‚܂菕߂ɍs v߂2J ēpmN ̐ly齂0lKB to0om  ich\Unstanding is penetrat Uledge grows frtheory, pract T'umilityEƂ́C_CHC ߂琬䂭s FƱ}6ł  w@W can you do to makose immature boys % 3y sh be? Ii̖nȏNGςׂpɂ ?N͉w}ł[Uhow@~The hospital has two spare beds on t#second floor, % ?,"en useor years. You ? welcome to# eiHrPe ofTm. {a@̂QK͗\xb hQ‚܂C NԂg (B(' C멗R`,B nf which both all  2From % y k, I would say that  failed0̊ӫ āC ՔsقEo pointw_ZwayD% your trust inability, a winev pletelyV̔\͂MyȂ #HzΊSׂ wm͌W 5 Placed If p ing6George was good at arithmetic, % he never got an A. 7W[W͎Zӂ ǁC`Ƃb B thenandyeton  contraryLPoor woman! She doesn't have|y friends % relatives to take care ofrK킢ȐlBޏ~CĂFlg>oreern ?F minutes earlier6 wouldcaught last in,dT΁C IdԂ׏=butsoQEnergy needs are not going to decrease, %  e/sources w) in). VGlM[̃j[Y͌ Ȃł낤C ܂0͑ ,B ornbutthough/What he says is bd on supposition,  % Kނ̔́CɊ wmqCɓ  on fact.all.a fewbit.$Excuse m= can I the phone? .񂪁Cdb guandhowever ^E% there is a difficulty in  plan quite understandable to me. ?̌v悪ł ́Cɂ\ (B That TforeW_evergPhysical yrnt tests determine % appl'nts will be admittedto one of military servicesE̗͌ƒm\ u҂R婂ǂtunlesswheahownEy man'ork, % eratuor mu archcanything else,lways a portraithimselfq^l̍oꂪߊw y z . CɎg ۂT.  itwhichnor w+,The reason I came late was % I overslept. (xꂽŔCQ߂ łB aswhichwhythat=I know nothing about Mr. Brown % ( hives next doo# ?uEɂĂ͗ Zw邱Ƃ m߂withsexc wludelseis pise taus  bW. % my sisterdisappoeed, } facedn't sl itȍf́C CɘAsʖ j8͎] $*C\ɂ o󂳂IfHnEvengaDon't just sit around waiting for someone to help you. Nobody is go)  %ask. gȂN ̂҂!Ă .B N~CA @A_X,unlesswithoutelsewhat8I'll be surprised an accident. He driveso fastĝɑ혂r yC͋}낤s84ݤ "t Ԃ̉^]̓Xs[h ̏o߂. Tom doeshave ifhas# .CThisod tes terrible! I could+eat it I were starv N̐Hߕ{Ђǂߖ ByRł C4˂ +becauseaf only wheneven ifo " it more and  `^&ɁC erCɊ 뤂,Ƣ+ ,ʂ䂭osoo0p{at2QIt was not % I away from home that I realized how muchw.lovmy parents. AƂĂ͂߂āC eɈ# B untilasduringifKMr. Smith grew colder and  % finally he gup!left troomEX~X́CyCoɗᅬĕowhenever&n]Hanako hardly ! goes outy more, n wfriends, % she's mardhas two kid`gԎq͍ ēl̎qẐŁC FƂł^2 Oʩ& Ȃin casen!unless #soon asLA book is not always a good just % it% written by a famous er. VLȍƂɂď ? ̖{ K,킯 ł͂ȂB sincebecausethoughforIt walong while %! 5ޏڂ̂Y𗝉 ܂Œ# jbeWe she underst me.af.tildidG!an!unless ;.7% he heard tfire bell,w ru0d out of roomf?ނ΍ЂmQx 𕿷Ƃɕt яof TNmoment To\minute In an int No soonerB% the first page ofbook when I became tired reading it. G̖{̂Py[Wǂނ ȂɁC ɖO߂#B I hardlyd eHI (?CNo soonerwe got upon deck % a nativaveloud shout. =b‚o Ɍn̐l o;thaotreMS%alyd _swas told. Tv w*n't- made mistakesyVޏ͌ƂXjԈ,낳 (#,sowichasDIf you pronounce it % I taught_,'ll always get it correct. CƂɂ ΁Cɐł邾B  as the d}samewhen#In 1939, % everybody wanted&r?PXSN̎ƓlɁC RXɂ́CN ]񂿾 such 1914, k in  like#BI wonder if wre able to sehose who  cl us % TA͔&g߂Ȑl w(Ɍy AkCI͎vRtre.  is.hy really.f;So % as I am concerned, you may leave whenever like. ?ɊC N͂‚łDȎ ̏悢B manymuchfarlong8Yx borrow my bicycle, % are cful with itA{ɋChꂳ ΁C̎]Ԃ $! whilen ifiA: Does Jack live in the suburbs orcent.of ity? B: % I know, ~Ds near5̍`FWbS̒̍x @@OZw$Ƃ񒆐S$B aFm~ނ͒$s3̋1X= & As  A-  'He walked on tiptoe lest he %ard. &ނ͕Ȃ ‚ŕB beis notiswa ELet's take an expresrain % we can get there 20 minutes {lier9vQOɒ }sԂɏ 傤whilesuch asso thatorderYMary didn'tno at night on r ow something terrible would happen to hZA[͉ۂ ƂN _ŁCly 멂m for f*despite e factuns8/Let's get going now in case the bus % early. 2oXoƂȂ o߂傤B  will leave won't doess}Kinesics,study of body language, is so new as a science % its authoritiesn be counted onYfers[one hand{ߊwפ̂ǧ ̊wC) ĔɐV  ŁČ҂͕Ў̎w.A(asthatunlesssiOPollutihas reach% propors 7 we are bly able to cope with7͂ ǍLw manysosuchgt(aWhen she saw all her childrafe at home,  delight was % th? could nopeak a word. m̎qSƂ ̂mƂCޏ ̊͑ςӂ%#Ctߏo  B sogreatsuch very m FI don't mind lending youe money % pay it back within a yearIPNȓɕԂ Cɂ݂ &既܂whichsupposedprovidedwhewrOYcan borrow two bookOzqtion2br:m  a week7PT @ Q{؂W atonbyT:% was Linda's disappointment that she burst o tears. A_̔߂͑ς ̂ŁCޏ͂ Ƌߏo0B ThisSuchItSo;Living % I do so remote from town,rarely meet peoplewNqƂ蒬ꂽuɏZł lɉ âifwhileereasGI taped the artist's speech % my stud;s could l$en 8it later;̐ߓkqŕ ɁC!͂̌|pƂ b^;chin casesoALiterature % we understand it should be in)esting to anyone. AĂ ȕw͒Nɂ߂ &&͂B whichthataswPThey say Bob has been ar~ed. % true or not, I will ll/ his frien/ Z{uߕƌ B߂{ł Ȃ C͔ނ Fl$߂HaveMakeLetBe1You canZa bicycld the Vr adp. *̓XŎԂ ] ؂YptobyatwithI% the last war, coffee has been getting more popular with8 English. C̊Ԃ푈ȗC R[q[͉plɂ lCł߂B OverSinceDuryAsH% four years in Greece, Taro longed"rfamilisights of KyotoEMVxSN߂߂Y͋ŝ悭m iv?AfterBy9If we take an express,'llD home seven o'clock,}sɏ΁CV 6Ƃɒ6낤!byinuntil;We shall go on studying this book % e end of  year. $N܂̖{ǂݑ 邾B bytillsincefor/That bus wizet her to Osaka % five hoursi0oXɏ\Ɣޏ TԂőɒ녂uwithatinrVTheavy rainf has caused veable prices rise daily % last two month;Ĵ߁C؂̒li Q̊ԓX ĂЂ=I went back to my hometown for the first time % ten years. $͂PONԂɌ̋̒ ɋAB inofduringbeYeA% a cold night in February I had an unexpected visit from him}.Q̊C̎v KOnInAtTo?% noonog begao disapp,d sun brokerough. *Cn߁C zoyOveruAgainstTowardBFPlease write in ink, and don't forget to" % every other line. 5CNŏCKPs ɂ悤 ĉ B fromonatinThe sun rises % d tcz͓珸Ato9?under,Has born a smallwn %P ThamesR0ނeŶقƂ 鏬Ȓɐ܂ꂽoofron4It takes only a few hours to f % the Atlantic. ;吼ms@ʼnf ̂ɂق̐Ԃ B acrossthroughpastalong7Life changes constsly. C will always be % us?l₦߉B  Ƃ́CɎƋ withdoingbesides happen#Mr. M{er walkedforest&~[͂X ʂjwamover*My brother's an authority % philosophy. Z͓Nw ЂB onatwithtoGOur Prime Minister made a s[t speech in America %|ins,prep9䂪̎񑊂́CAJ ŒʖʂĒZ throughbetweenfromin7We danced  music of at famous band for hours?C Lȃoh̉yɍ ėxׂbyof\This chimney % brick. ̉˂̓K B  making by build of tmadeWater turns % ice at 32@F.  ؎RQxXɂdupoffoutintoM% all the magazines onshelf, re was onem very Dst}=ÎׂĂ̎G̒ɁC }낢 ByAmongBetweenFromGThe proposal was d ped because seven people out of tvot&% it. 9̒Ă͂POlVl [̂Ŕ B againstfor contrary toinCIt is more difficult swim % tstream thanwith 7kɏ]j tm} down}Vin/Thcitythree hundrfeet % sea l;l$͊C ROOtB[gɂoaboveuponbeyond'0% our surprise, she has gone to Brazil al. ? ɁC ޏ͈lŃuW sĂB InForWithTo That girl % white is a nursr"߂n̏i ŌwłUoninofwWDo youve any my`? oFHoverJGtol?Tonight the stars ar hining out brilliantly % a black sky. 9́CÂwiɂ āCƋP B againsttoaroundtowards0He boua new camera % twenty thousand yen$ނ͂Q~ŐVJ ߂rforinbywith&% you mov furnitu?/? &߂SĉƋ𓮂̂ł_HowWhyWhereWhat8+These kinds of books are % little value. *ނ̖{́C قƂljlȂB withouthavingof,This problem is too difficult. It's % mq,q̖߂^ڂ̎ɕsbesidehbelow yond Japanp % the east C+akВ̓߂monforto#Singapore is % the south of Asia. $VK|[̓AWA 암ɂB infortoon<% you and me, John's idea doesn't appeal to" very much. ?̘b߁Cs ̍l͂ڂ{}܂ sȂAmongBetweenBothEirFTpopulation in?city rose 15,000 last year 2.5 mill5_=̓ss̐l NPTOl{ QߐlȂwin(bywat% respect` these letters,  -7his$burnm;̎莆ɊւāĈ͔Rς v2ƂWByOnWASeveral memb preferr?olution and spoke in % itߐl̃o[̌ cĂxC^ D~1opin_ opposijbenefitfavorv+She sat still for % of waking t baby. 2ޏ͐ԂVNȂ 悤ɂߍĂB  Apurposefeartrkea rest.Hucceeded in  % many difficulties*͑̂Ƃ ɐ}wayshap{acecause+Tlan was a good onu from its co 7̌v́Cp̓_ ĂCꂽ ?{apartfarafhGrNew evidence in % of the existan ancient village at ' foot"Mt. Asama has rec,ly been published. RԎR̂ӂƂɌÑ̑ x V؋Cŋߌ\ ꂽB placehelpreliefsupportrTine statu Hachiko, a faithful dog, #nds %middle busy squar)fron Shibuya S_ionKn`淂߂ ́CaJ׉wOɂ ȍL̐^oninatamongESome writerskve usedm 'ciiz' w culture7d̑Łuv tg҂;crary acts ctAd% his good education, Taro knew little about Japabecause he left  whenwas very young. ohȋ󂯂Ă ߂炸Cc ɓ{ꂽ̂ŁC Y߂̂͂ ǒmEȂB With all In place of Along w Instead%S unhappy %:r wealth0́CY sKonfromtofor\We should admit that tfe are stiumanyings whodworcannoty expressed % moneyK̉lł\ i悤ȕ2>CF ׂ i5art  terms+ exchange|favorRCar manufacturing is carried out by computer-programmed robots % hu@ workers. VÝClԂ ɃRs[^[ {bgɂ ȂĂB  by way of in spite plac  opposition to3She4s able go college % the scholarship(ŵŁCޏ wɍs thanksY accord@ into8HJide~were far % Y w awhich lived;ނ̍l?  ׎II͂ɐ񂶟 &advance teaddeneeKOur company does not discriminate but employs people % their sex or race. ?Ђ́CʁElɊ WȂCuٗp ܂B  regardless of in fav`of according to because`A "red-letter day" wa>riglly a ho on which a church festival took pl % a saint. TuՓvقC lɌhӂ\ċ Ղ肪s_ȓ mspite honn ffea MIt's redark outside, so my husband will walk with you %  bus stopNO͖{ 玄̕voX 먑0 atntoby f as?She studied hard with a % to becomingteacher of Japanese. 5ޏ́C{̐搶ɂ 邽߂ꏊ׋ B hopemeansviewpurposeI% case gfire, break this window and go ne emergency stair?;̏ꍇ?̃K XĔKi Ȃ߂ForInAtOn5Accordo%snewspapers, will be re today*V{΁Cނ͍ }ɗ!pfpto~by=>I have done the best I could to help you. The r~ is %  =ڂN邽߂C őPsB *ӔCup fortoon againstsslandlady asked Kitty- leher apartmenmmediately, 8 sAwas quite at a los w;e?!move. dl̓LeBɂA p[go悤ɗ Cޏ͂ǂz ΂̂rK farso muchtoAI'm goingtch in a bit of  background % introduction}7ЉxŁCo Pb?Ǝv ܂ accord|withpect becauset byYy  %- was happy over the victory. .I肾łȂR[` ̏ɐꂽB 'Not onlyI players but alsocoachEi ru or 3T as well0Both 2and% I am mistakenNڂԈ Neyou norY{Wheqor  x:rofessor knowat she,= I, % Japanese=ƓlCޏ{l 邱ƂCp m_amareisbe0%Two thirds of e work % finished. $̎d̂RQI B isaredidwillThere ~ 600 mion telephones ins sld, used by 20 percent !'s populatF. % found in nine ctries, aTokyo ali has more |yan]holejAfrica𙐢Eɂ͂U̓db C̑l O ̐lɎg킟6 ׂS5RQXύ[KŃAtJS ̂{ eThree-quarterm is B&8S?No lesy. fivLtred dolla. % needforRprojectJ&vNTOOh Kv"9wasw 3.Make sure thate sick % properly attended. .alKȊŌ󂯂 悤ɂȂB are will havehasis8Five kilometers % a long way if people5 to walk. 5^nƂ΁CTL͒ waswere:Statistics % {required course for majors in econom?-.vw͌o̐U҂ ͕KC̉Ȗڂ|is beingx  eThe poet and scholar % dead. (lł܂w ߂B are have beenisam_English % hardy people^CMXK䖝 TvT a toXis a[+My teacheradviser, Mrs. Yamakawa, %" I̋tAhoC U[R삳́C ƂS̉򂩂very warm-heartedrsons..@[,BJoe is one of those people who % the sound" ir own voice. 9W[́C̐̋ CɓĂlԂ lB loves ingedIThe numberstudentscame up with sox answ)rsmall&炩̉𓚂ow ͐Ȃwas have beenQeberIn America a  par % a'yd worried about guns easily fO intoM h0s>|ZchildS\AJł͂eq ̎Y₷[Ƃɕ ߗl܂Szz #;2wGisis .Extra police % to the scene of trouble. ,xɁC ւƔhꂽB  were sentwas h beenh% grazing invfieldt쌴ő͂ł d Cattles l A c pA herd^c$as C!/8We'd likehear some mo}ideas%is m;er? Cl𕷂bɂĂ~ ǂ.܂How do you`nkWhatspeakD ay any[''sr opinion-% do you think the population of Osaka is? (̐l͂ǂ̂炢 ƎvB How many uch  large %% arez to tal|o me likenatq=cɂû iCN͉l ‚WhoWhen[ ywA"%oesfe bus leave?" "It will start in a feinutes.#JuoX @ôv ,Q`Rŏo$3&hastilysoonf rapidlyQWe know thate museum opens at nine o'clock, but we don't9% it is 2. `͂̔قX ɊĴ͒mĂ܂ C뭂' 0B by when up to wimehlate9Do you % ineve[g s will begin? 0ԑg͗[ ݎn邩 fastearlyquickrapidly7"% 'rlo?" "Becak I got lost o way." CukȂɒxꂽ @Bvurœ0󂾂!,WhyWdsay Habout comez/Why on % did you sell  r newly-built house? 2ǂČ ̉Ƃ#񂾂B placeearthreasonground3"% about going a hike?" "That'sgood idea." ?unCLOɍs܂ @Bvulł緂WhichHowWhenDo have anyn % "cL•i qRwD does the bank cloH2 s ?F!% is the writer of thnovel? $̏̍҂͒N v܂B Do youJink whomm W d= =It |a pityat nobody was saved inaccident, % it.̎̂Ȃ ͎̂cOVdoesisn't 7Talmost never studiedile he at college =g͑wCقƂ ?+׋ Vhe?did   2Let's go for a walk, % Uɍs܂񂩁B  will you? sha~ we?do don't &Y me take a look at thphotof ̎ʐ^fĂ譂p qUg_{e s(Mary scarcely seems to e meu;A[͂q̂Ƃ ߂NjCɂȂ  does not she? ? ?   @Bus fares  going up % so I'll have to cycl the office. ToXėɒlオ ̂CEŎ] ԂōsȂĂ B afterk next month,  ,"1,< ,?I hea(a[3 weparty for Mr. Anderson will be4ld %" NA_[\ɑ ʂꃿpeB[ S QPΗjɊJ fTuesday, April21st.in"7 @7 ".My bro:r was born % &̌ZPXVONR ݐꂽ1970, March. , .i 0@.QIt's % today that we ought to take advantage of it by doing someth 1tside. AƂĂ΂炵Ȃ COʼn߂ĂVC p0ׂB so beautiful a such nicea fineatherO5a7'"She hasen $e before, and % =ޏ͈ȑOɗ C܂ }vm I. have I did !You sa swas ki}$% 2e؂ƌN͌ۂ݂}!do you. are._is.isj.7My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and % =̍Ȃ͂ӂ‚R[q[ ȂC- B  I do neither. .  I 0I.QNot until # end of nineteenth cury, % becom sciific di pl1.ʂPXI CA|Ȋẅ̗ _(plant breeding haddid &ve (%Undno circumstances %locked.ăhAɌ\ łt|omus<+door be leftle @*M.9Younger people today are very casual with each oth-% G}i[Ƃ_ɂȂƁC ҂͂# *Ă΂B when Yy come to manners.jits =8it.3is".!Hfa, %# o seventy. 0ނ̂͂VO΂ z_悤׌heAems like,lookM , (,CJohn didn't go party, and Mary! ei. Tha, %3 yW̓p[eBɍs dCAރs B‚܂C т M2#ق/ hneDwBik ge! ofm+.& "`'"nJ JTThe Tigers lost tfirst game ofdoubleheader, but didn't4e % _& 2s. T^CK[X _uwb_[̑P ƂC ł͂ȂB eifrallboth n/We cannot % see~star w$naked eye.{]K̐ | necessarilyhardlyscarcelyhelp5I cha= ar y  juRgood enoughI0,Ă ~w i _by someans satisfactory. i *I).  7no`y.AOn % account should you leave the door unlocked whilriving. =^]ĂԁCKhA b߃N B somenoeverygood5uCR[q[ Bv  certainlyc\mifi% if she should know this? *ޏƂm Ȃ邾낤B HowWhoWhichWhat end d .# g  ߤ&v4ށH }Q_ Q@0@mvwRA mXwG_ @.AU~ H?Al!8EwpV}$޴-Pv_ ҿIIp* R~@Q` 0~ B AT`IB}%`s_I ꀿAYDuW?_# ~C߄`}Gݞ )g׿ w]R 뜵p}Dv} LJ׿ @_Eo@יπ ~<u}pހ(GA imm@~  ["{ ~zA~l}{1@_@7$Bz@Xw J(Qި?@0P},!E?`D \SCQ;0@x@0yQ_W`?) 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