NES This is a test for | Stars proper mid-scanline | Below PPU write emulation | Denote | Errors This first area | ****** toggles D3 of $2001 | ****** to toggle background | ****** rendering at the | ****** appropriate times | ****** and locations. | ****** This second area | ****** toggles D4 of $2000 | ****** to toggle the address | ****** of the background | ****** pattern table at the | ****** proper locations. | ****** This third area uses | ****** $2005/$2006 to update | ****** the VRAM address at | ****** the proper locations. | ****** Lxآ       iiɄ ?   0   @@   L      @80 I I HiUhۢ ꩐0 I I HiUh٢ U    )    e@ffffffffffffff>`<>`<|bf bf 0fFf<00`0`0~~~p p  pf>``|``|ff|<`<```<>>ff>f>ff>|``|``|fff88<<``l``lxlf88<ffkc|f|fffff>ff>|f|f```>`>`<|~~ffffff>fffff<ckck>6f<f< x~ ~ 0~ 0 0 0 0 06l6l