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It's your NES calling you. C'mon, take it out of storage and turn it on. It's been years; why have you given up on your faithful grey box? Load in some Mario. Some Contra. Some Mega Man!!! Do it! DO IT!!! Your NES is still alive in '99! Welcome to a C-64-style intro called "Stars" on the NES. It doesn't do much, no 3-D vectors or scaling or FMV, or nothin'. But it does hearken back to those heady 8-bit days of 10 to 15 years ago, when we were all just kids trying to hit the minus world or save the princess. I didn't even know anything about software or programming back then. All I could do was punch some BASIC programs into my TRS-80. :-P I've come quite a way from that point, and I'm glad it all happened the way it did. This demo was created and programmed by me, Chris Covell, at the end of June 1999 A.D. I used my C= Amiga 1200 for primary programming, assembling, and testing; and I used my Mac and PC for secondary graphics programming and testing. This demo has been tested on a real NES using an EEPROM-programmer connected to my PC, so rest assured that it works on the real thing (looks nice too!) Why did I do this? I don't know! If somebody asks me why the Hell I bother with the crusty old 8-bit machines, I just tell them: memories. It's like the TV shows or music that you grew up with. They're just there, and when you watch them or listen to them, they bring back a flood of memories of those times. When I play a game that I used to play in my childhood, I gain a sense of completion knowing how and why the programmers made the game the way they did. Credits: Code & Gfx by Chris C. (CMC) Music was written by Kodaka et al. over at Sunsoft, and is taken from the game "Journey to Silius" for the NES. Sorry, but I have NO musical talent, even though I absolutely looooove listening to all kinds of music. Hey, I really wanted to have an NES version of Martin Galway's "Comic Bakery" song as BGM in my intro. If anybody feels inclined to make it up for me, please make it < 16k in size and have it start at $8000 with easy entry-points. I really would be eternally grateful. If you like this demo at all, make sure you visit my homepage on the Web. I'm usually at but if that doesn't work, try e-mailing me ( Ok, since I still have plenty of space, let me go on with the standard greets: Hi, to my best pal Simon, and to Hunter, J.C., Jaime, Janet, Rich, Ted, Farshad, Denise, and little Ethan. Hi, to my family, all the people on the Internet whom I've met, all the people on the NES and NESDev lists. I would like to say thanks to my friends for not deserting me, no thanks to Nintendo for deserting the NES. SPECIAL thanks and greetings go to: Mark K., Loopy, Bananmos, Kevin H., Matt C., Memblers, Marat F., and the rest. Don't feel bad if you're not in this list. Mail me and I'll say hi to you too. (Man, don't scrollers always make it seem that one has more friends than one actually has?) :-) This text will wrap soon. Press "Start" to change songs. Oh, and one more thing: The NES IS a star in 1999!!Hello, all you hackers!`) 8 `   `@ʎ@@j*``` `(9+!$HHHe e   h   I    ?             E    @ hhh(@@" 0(pTP   > TE   Q;;s   *# +> *#(  +p@pp |p@p``  |D|hdp@pp (t( P*@>EAAAssô  P(!**=>ȅ * ( $$$$$$$$~$~$$$$~$~$$( <( <bd&Fbd&F0HH0JD:0HH0JD:   *>**>*>>~~ @ @N<N<0`00`0~~~~p  pp  p@<|>@<|| | BBBF:BBBF:BBB$BBB$AIII6AIII6B$$BB$$BBBF:<BBF:<~ ~~ ~  pppp0I0I3333_? ^?//?@???׫ժW?ժիUt~~~~UUUW?WUq_q}]_/}*EQ*EUUUU_UU1>^}y?__z{=~?}~}UU*U```*?;? WԪTTP?*U?`` `@_UU _ݺ]tbUT@?R+UUU*U?/UUUUP@P?SSS!S_ժUժUUTD@WW }UT@@:?|@`?? ?{8|~<<|||<<>>>??9{_LJ?90`p@``p|@x`|pppP@ |Ddd|8888$$$$<<8|8T88T<<<~~<<<<<~~~~@@@*?@T |@ @((8$$$$DD8|8$BB$<<$BB$<~~<($$<<T88T<~~<~~~~