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Good luck! ) 8)')-7)2)" ) )- )687777b777777777BCBCBCRSRSRS777777BCbPRS7c7bBCBCRSRS777BCcRSPbcP7P7a7a777Pa7aPPa7BC7aRSPa7aaaBCBC77RSRSaa7a7a77aPab77a7PPPa77a77baaaac7aaPa7Pa777aaaaaaa7a77aaPaa7a7BCaaRSPa7a77aac77aaa7aaPBC77aaRSP7aa77777BCc7RS77777BCRS7c77baa7a7a7a777c777aaaaaa7aa7``aabaaaa7BC7RS7777a7cPcac7aBC7cbRSbbPcP7BCRSBCbRSccBCbRSBC7bRSPc7bc77777a7777P7c7ac7aaa77`7a7a7a777777777777777b7777c77BCRSa77a7aaaaa7acaaa7caBCaRSaaa7aaaaaa`7a77a7aaPaa`a7acaaPa7aPa7aBCa7RSaac7BCPRS7`BCBCb`RSRS7ccBCbRSaaBCRSaaPBCabRS7BCc7RSb7BCBCRScRScBCRScP7bcbPacacc77777a7P7aa7c77P7c7bBC77PRS7Pc777ccPbbPPb7b7BCBCRSRS777aaaaaa77aabaa7aaP77b7b7777b7777777c777c777777WX4  {``H -ڽ h -ڽ  -ڽ " #`󩙅ׅ bک`8)g bک<`I Rܩ Rܩb`8)g bک`X)g bک`Ѕ ߩǍ`X)g bک(`0 -ک -کЅ -ک3`0 -ک -کЅ -ک|`0 -ک -کЅ -کō` @ ߩ!` ܽ "#`0 ߩ0`Ѕ ܽ S`p ܽ v`0 ߩ` ܽ  `hY bکۍ`Y bک`hY bک!`Y bکD`h Rܩ Rܩ j`h Rܩ Rܩ`򩀅 ߩ`0 ߩH΍`򩀅 ߩ`8 -ڽ h -ڽ  -ڽ "#X`z;y<r`z:y;`zIyJ`zHyI`zWyXڍ`zVyW`{5y4`{6y5(`{GyFB`{HyG\`0 ߩ Ѕ ߩ`` ߩЅ ܩ`򩀅 ߩӍ` 򩀅 ߩ`0 -کЅ -ک (` ܩC`0 ܩ^` ܩy`@ ܩ`{1y0`{2y1ȍ`{CyB`{DyC`{UyT`{VyU0`H Rܩz>y?{gyf_`z=y>y`zLyM`zKyL`zZy[ Ǎ`{7y6`{8y7`{IyH`{JyI/`zzy{I`zyyzc`zy}`zy``{QyP`{RyQۍ`{cyb`{dyc`0)W bک{uytzyF`zy``zyz`zy`zvyw`zuyvȍ`zy`zy`zy`zLyM0`z[y\J`zZy[d`ziyj~``{Ay@`{ByA`{SyR܍`{TyS`{eyd`{CyBzNyO4`{TySz]y^X`{UyTz\y]|`{fye`{HyGz[y\`{IyHzZy[ލ`{ZyYziyj `{2y1zMyN&`{CyBz\y]J`{DyCz[y\{"y!z=y>`{UyTzjyk{3y2zLyM`{VyUziyj{4y3zKyL{yz-y.`{gyfzxyy{EyDzZy[{#y"z<y=R`{hygzwyx{FyEzYyZ{$y#z;y<{yzy`{yyxzy{WyVzhyi{5y4zJyK{yz,y-`{zyyzy{XyWzgyh{6y5zIyJ{yz+y,r`{yzy{iyhzvyw{GyFzXyY{%y$z:y;ҍ`{yzy{jyizuyv{HyGzWyX{&y%z9y:2`{yzy{{yzzy{YyXzfyg{7y6zHyI`{|y{zy{ZyYzeyf{8y7zGyHލ`{yzy{kyjztyu{IyHzVyW*`{lykzsyt{JyIzUyVb`{}y|zy{[yZzdye`{\y[zcyd`{mylzrysҍ``0 bک`򩀅 ߩ`0 LEVEL 2 Good job, pilot Toliv. Now you to need to travel through a series of narrow cave passages to reach the core of the of the enemy's base. Beware, the caves are well guarded. Be prepared for anything! -=0"  -68                                                                                           hhhhi hjh i i i hhmhh i ihh i hhi hhjhh i ii i jhh i i jhjhhjhj iiii jhjhhjhj iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii jhjjhj   hhhjjhhh   jhhhhhhj   jhhhi ii ii ii jhhjjhh i i ijkhhj ii ii jj i i i jjhhhj ii ii il hhmhhhhjhh                      hh   il ii   kh        kh  i i   hh   i i  hh    i i   kh   i i  hh    i i      i l  hh    i i   kh   i i   hh hh                                                                                     hkhh            hhkh                                                                                                                                                                                    0 WRAITH v0.5 Design, Graphics, Sound, Programming by Tom Livak _ 2005 Tom Livak All Rights Reserved 0 LICENSE This game is freeware. You may distribute verbatim copies freely, provided that it is accompanied by the unmodified readme file that came with it. You may not sell or modify the software without written permission from the author. The software is provided 'as is', without warranty, and the author will not be held responsible for any use or misuse of the software. _ 2005 Tom Livak All Rights Reserved 0 STORY In the distant future, mankind is at war with Carcossians. The war has lasted for generations, but the Carcossians' superior forces and firepower have begun to wear on the determined earth forces. The tide of war is turning, and something must be done, or mankind will be lost. But there is hope. A new device, dubbed the Wraith engine, allows a ship to be cloaked in a subspace field, allowing it to pass through solid matter unharmed. 0 STORY So far the device can only work on a small ship and for limited period of time. Earth forces believe that a small vessel fitted with the wraith engine may be able to break through Carcossian defenses to perform a tactial strike against one of their bases. As Toliv Pisan, one of Earth's top pilots, you have been chosen to pilot one of the Wraith ships and attempt a solo strike against a heavily guarded Carcossian base. 0 GAMEPLAY Control your ship using the directional pad. Fire using the B button, and cloak using the A button. While cloaked you cannot be harmed, but you can only remained cloaked as long as you have energy. Your ship is also equipped with high grade plasma bombs. Normally a small ship like the one you'll be piloting wouldn't be able to escape the blast radius after launching one. However the Wraith engine will allow you to use a bomb and remain unscathed. To use a bomb, cloak and press the B button. 0" " "  POWER UPS Replenishes cloaking energy Reduces energy use Protects you from one hit Gives you another plasma bomb Gives you wide shot Doubles your speed Gives you another life 33333330 You Win !! ( future versions will ) ( have more levels and ) ( a cool ending screen ) 0 GAME OVER xة    k R׍XLƩ    @i*Ln   @*Ln   @-*Ln@   r ũ r ũ؅驘 rL  SčJKL 4ͩ 5 P߭  eѩ  (穨 ` =ũͅ A iii i)֩?Ѕ g @ ťВ8 fŭ `L­ JJJJei 4` ҭ [-% [-e& J dčLéčЍ4)((JJ'`NJ-MO 8  [ ̩$č`HHH eѩ@ hé$Sč ]hhh@HHH$ hhhh@H%  H')'Km%%) čhh@H ?  HH   "     ōhhh@H ?  ੂJh@lI``` ??__`֍ō` ҩ@% & ]8 @   5ԩ5Ǎ(NDž ,̩%&  I-)$ i)) 8))_ ťLHLL 驀 r˩$驄 r˩H驈 r˩l驌 r˩驐 r˩驔 rL Hԥi `Lƥ  @ ک@0-=20 Easy Normal Hard About _ 2005 Tom Livak All Rights Reserved UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  5ԩ%&čˍ( ,̩  I- `  [ө@ @` ˩H A ͥiii ih8٥ g ?`ȩȩȩii?   i i   ` `JJ 8`` ` `) ) ) ) ` `)? I !@ `)JJJJJJȹ)JJJJi)JJȹ)Ȋ)88л`l                                   ! 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