SEGA GENESIS (C)XXX 1999 MAYGYMTEST DITTO XX 00000001-02iiJD JUE NqNqNsRNsGYMTEST ALPHA 2(1999) Flavio the Genny h4x0r d00dDo *NOT* e-mail me, unless you got aVERY well-paid job for me. :)This unbelievably useful program dwellsin Eidolon's GYM archive at /B GYMTEST.BIN+gymfile.GYM file.BINThen run file.BIN on yer fave emu.Append a 4 to the end of the file tomake the tune loop forever.Now go make GYMs and don't bother me. :)$$$~$~$||| F``r   T8|8T| | @8DD80|| 0@|<|||| @||||~| @@ |||||((D|||||88|ƪ¢|||~||||D(ƂD((DD( @p@@@@@p@ (D~ |~~||~~|| |~||쒒||~~|||8 |DD(lD8D~|0@   2La0S@v)))))))),QNu<<J=BNuA2<aQNua`0a`4a`8a>`Ta:`Xa6`\4|?|@=B4Z|=BNuQNu2<Ȁa62<a.F K a`apQaag: eNu g$A@ gfB``Ag`