,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SEGA GENESIS (C) 2006 EVERMIND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!!! Best wishes! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!!! Best wishes! GM 00000000-00JD  JUE JfJy fKLL)g #|SEGA/0p,@Nfr8GQ(624ft%Q424-Q((v&Q(x&Qz]Q4LF'`n?0,T+@'!&wGOV6@Jy>|F#Ap0U@fNtNsRNsRNs 9 Jfr㨀# /<@-/9 a@POR# Nu /jD"/j D /aJ/jDNu /jD"/j D /a`J/jDNu /jD"/jDaX J/jDNu /"/a>Nu /"/aNu /"/a" Nu$C4&HCH@ЃH@B@Ђ& NuJf <"Nu$Cbg "B& NupB& Nu fB& Nu bH@B2B@H@& Nu b$$BBHBB6HC4"BAHAB0Ѓ& NutBd Ԃҁjbf" & NuEvermind Development http://www.genny4ever.net Tototek Multimedia http://www.tototek.com MultiBoot V1.0 Unknown Bios B-RAM Std-ROM Invalid Japanese American European All Sheet : 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Sheet - 00 - General Informations This cartridge has been designed by Tototek Multimedia under Evermind Development assistance. The software has beed designed by Evermind Development. This product is devised for use with standard Megadrive/Genesis models. Please visit the Tototek Store: http://www.tototek.com Sheet - 01 - Purposes of the Cartridge This cartridge can be used for various purposes like: - Booting standard ROMS. - Booting SegaCD/MegaCD bioses. - Archiving of SegaCD/MegaCD internal Backup RAM. - Active/passive booting using the priority switch. - Active development features using the Link Cable*. - And more! * Product sold separately Sheet - 02 - Boot Software Manual 1/6 Here are the joypad controls, always use only one joypad at once: - "Up/Down/Left/Right" : Chose - "ButtonB" : Cancel - "ButtonC/Start" : Select - "ButtonA+ButtonC" : Confirm - "ButtonA+ButtonC+Start" : Force* * Used to force unsure operations. Sheet - 03 - Boot Software Manual 2/6 This software can perform various operations ranked in 3 menues: - "Boot Operations" menu. Used to boot on a selected slot. - "Data Operations" menu. Used to manage the slots content. - "Misc Operations" menu. For other available operations. Sheet - 04 - Boot Software Manual 3/6 More about "Boot Operations". You can basicaly boot on every slot using the select and force commands. However, you'll get good results only booting on: - Std-ROMS*. - Bioses. Once booted on, you cannot go back. To recover the select menu, you need to power ON/OFF the whole system. * Note that the slot 0 always contains the MultiBoot Cartridge software. Sheet - 05 - Boot Software Manual 4/6 More about "Data Operations". These operations are divided in three steps: - Select device from*. - Select destination device**. - Confirm. * In the case of "Flash" select, you'll have to chose a slot. In the case of "Computer" select, a "Open file" box should popup on computer side. **Same as * but computer should here popup a "Save file" box. Sheet - 06 - Boot Software Manual 5/6 Note that the devices availables are: - Sega/MegaCD internal save ram. - One slot of the cartridge*. - Remote computer**. * You can here select any kind of slot but remember that slot 0 contains the MultiBoot cart software. **Require the link cable pluggued in player2 joypad port. Also require the computer software to be running. Sheet - 07 - Boot Software Manual 6/6 More about "Misc Operations". These operations allow the user to: - Erase all the Slots*. - Erase all exept the slot 0. - Check if Sega/MegaCD here. * If performing this operation, you'll need to use the recovery disc to reload the slot 0 software. If you don't have Sega/MegaCD, be sure to keep the system ON in order to reload the Slot 0 software using the link cable. Sheet - 08 - Troubles This product is sold with a utility disc which contains: - Sega/MegaCD recovery software. This software should be used only if your Multiboot cartridge becomes unuseable, after: - Unlucky overwrite of slot 0 during a "Data Operations". - Bad "Slot 0" upgrade using the link cable. - Flash internal problem. To use the recovery disc, you need to turn off the priority switch. Sheet - 09 - Special Thanks Here are the people that helped directly/indirectly for this project. - Kaneda - Steve Snake - Mask Of Destiny - Paul Lee Big thanks to you too! And remember, Genny 4 Ever ! http://www.tototek.com http://www.genny4ever.net Multi Boot Rom EverMind2005.MAR JUERoad Blasters (C)SEGA 1991.OCT J THOMASTANKENGINE (C)T100 1993.MAY J MEGA-CD BOOT ROM (C)SEGA 1992.OCT E MEGA-CD BOOT ROM (C)SEGA 1991.NOV J BACKUPRAM (C)SEGA 1991.NOV J Dw  U    ww ww ww www#wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|wwwAwwwwww~wwwwwwwwwwww0AqPtHww ww0ww"wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww||wQw!wupqAp#"!$Jwwwww*1pwwXwwwRwwwwwwwwwwww1uB!1%wu1wwwww'wwwWwwwwwwwPQps |#wqws 13 B#1Pwww @ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww\ww7wApwwww|wwwtwwwwwwwwwqwwAww1w pwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwuwwwrwwwQtr qP1 !Dw!w|wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww\wwwwww2wwqwwwww|w|3wwqwwww@wwtwwtwwuX"""^ww*HPDDDDDDDDD1@q@wwA|wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|wwpwwwQwwtwwqwwAww1P QAqqqqq@Atq1sGwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww!wwuwwr wwAwwwswQ@s!@ HwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwS@wwwwPD! ! !! q0! p330D!A"0CP4pp0A0Q <0Ap C@ >A@q P341111"*P1 1G3G    2p@ ww|wwww%wwpAWwR51w wwtwww!wA!w01(!C (<@AAAA! ! 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