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Quite frankly I have no idea why I bothered. I mean I still loveSonic games, and I'm super excited aboutthe new Sonic action figures coming out.But maybe not enough to actually bother talking about it much. I don't like the direction the games or the community have taken, though the games remained somewhat interested longer than the community, which is kindof sad(though many people would disagreewith me on the Dreamcast era front). The community as we know it was only really any good for the first few years,before Sonic Cult came along. When that happened, it introduced what I call the mean spirited Internet Tough Guy attitude to the community. Hurr we like kids games about hedgehogs, let's act like Gangstas. It was this ridiculous idea that poisoned the well and turned many once decent individuals into rabid Cultists. I haven't been happy with the Sonic community since the original Area51, SSRG, SWS2B, SFGHQ when they were all one tightly knit unit. When I look back at it, Sonic Classic was horrible, and the new S2B while probably about the best was still pretty meh especially forme since infamously I got banned for themost inane reason ever. I'm just wondering, like with the Sonic games, if something good is possible after it being so sucky for so long. The community has spent 2/3s of it's life being basically kind of crap now. It was only good from 1999-2002 and for a while again in 2003. I think no matterhow long it goes on though, it's worth finding what made that initial spark tick, and redevelop it into something new. It would make sense, to me, for SSRG to be that. I don't know if I really care about participating anymore, but I've always been someone to raise some fuss when things got particularly awful. I think Ijust want to see it through and achieve something worthwhile. But, you can only learn from past mistakes. So what sticks out in the history of thecommunity in particular, that we should avoid? "New SSRG Site Opens!" (#50) What if people don't like Retro? Isn't the biggest reason for this to give people an ALTERNATIVE? I don't get this. If you have a problem with another forum, generally, you're told to go and set up your own one because of PRIVATE PROPERTY and all thatnonsense. But then when you do, hey, whybother when an existing forum caters to it? Both statments seem like little more than a cop-out to me. There should always be multiple boards so people can pick the one they like best. As for the thread in general, it's nonsense. People from Retro don't have aright to criticise Jimbo given how terrible their own moderation is. The nexus of activity? Come on. It might be the only really active board right now aside from Cult, but it's a shadow of it's former self. The staff there have killed all the fun. In the IRC channel, they have a notice saying not to come upwith "retarded" theories at all. No matter what they say afterwards to contradict themselves, Retro is 100% technical, and most of the techies are incapable of theorising on their findings, it takes a different mind set.There are people out there who simply won't allow Jimbo to be successful. Not only do they enforce a particular way ofbeing on their forums, they don't seem to want any other forum to deviate from it either. They moderate people's personalities, which is shameful. They try to act all mature and dress everyoneup in suits - this is SONIC we're talking about. SONIC. It's no less pathetic than when Sonic Cult equated Sonic with Gangsta. Surely changing the name from S2B would indicate being more open and less elitist than the old S2B, whereas it's considerably more so? This doesn't make any sense. They talk about what they want the board to represent. What nonsense. That's not what boards are for. Why do people care that Jimbo was OMG WTF H4X? If an action is for a good end,which I'm sure it was given it's Jimbo and he's normally a decent guy, then it doesn't matter. Even if the Retro adminsgot where they are through "Honest" means, they are not honest people. Proof? This thread. It's hardly a "crossboard grudge" on our part because of that, it's theirs. In the past, Tweaker in specific has had the cheek to say to Jimbo "No offense, Jimbo, but you're a terrible admin." and they talk as if they're the ones giving "chances" to people, and not the other way around. This high and mighty attitude is completely unwarranted. If they were doing a better job, there would be more people on Retro and having more fun. Even drx's UNLIMITED BETA WORKS failed to stir up that much interest, because betas(especially ones with minor changes) are nothing without having a good community to enjoy them with. The people who come out of the woodwork for it will be gone again in a few weeks. Retro was never successful on it's own merits. The first Retro was basically a rename of Sonic Classic, a derivitive ofSonic 2 Beta, with Hot Dimmensions, a spin off of Sonic Classic, shoved in. This current one is just the same trick again, a rename of S2Beta. "Sonic Retro"does not exist outside of a personality mould the admins and mods want to enforce on people. If anything, it's just a parasite. Whereas SSRG is a real board with a reallineage. Hacking betas isn't what made people stay on Area51, etc., it was the awesome community and the fun you could have coming up with theories. While the technical side may one day run dry, the theory side will never. The problem is it's too easy to cast Sonic Secrets as immature so people who want to mould theSonic Scene into a cold, fake, empty vessel take advantage of this. Research is NOTHING without a good community to enjoy it with. And you can't create a good community by forcing personality archetypes on people. The Retroid's act on this board is nothing more than that. An act. In reality most of them are just kids trying to play grown ups, or else they wouldn't come here flinging candy coatedturds. This sums up Retro for me, a fakeplace. Not only is the idea of Retro a real forum a facade, so too is the way it's members act. The mods use and abusepeople as they see fit to make the placemore interesting and throw them away when they act outside of their boundaries. I hate that they talk as if they're intelligent, competent guys, because for the most part, they aren't. I might get flamed for this, but nothingmakes my blood boil than that. Substance is more important than style. What I have to say is more important than how I say it. People can claim style is important, but any vaguely intelligent person is capable of discerning, they just choose not to. It's sad because people in general tend to be sheep who follow whoever is in charge. This is how Cult happened, and it's how a lot of bad forums keep afloat. People don't care if a forum is a "good" forum or not, only how much it deviates from the norm. They fear SSRG because despite being a re-incarnation of an older forum, it still represents change and a shift in the balance in power. So I say let's do it, and get back to a point where we can talk about Sonic as if it was some crazy cartonny game abouta big blue hedgehog and not SERIOUS BUSINESS. "Interforum Community" Okay, I honestly think the way this happened was pretty ridiculous so I'm going to flat out say a few things. The Intercommunity forum was seperate from the rest of the forum as to keep any drama out of here. A few people whined about it, which is why it got canned. I think this is ridiculous, as it was a seperate subforum not impactingon the rest of the forum. The reason it was important is because the Sonic Secrets Scene has a tendancy to be dominated by a clique. At the moment, nobody can say anything about anything that goes down at Retro. It's one thing to say they should be able to do as they please, and another to say wehave no right to say anything about it. What i meant by it improving activity was not for people to come there and to spill over, it was for there to be at least somewhere showing that you don't have to accept whatever is the current dominant force in the fandom. If people find "Hey, SSRG are having pretty good discussion about the problems I had withretro", they are more likely to respect the forum. Until we start with what's wrong with the community, we can't fix it. HonestlyI had no vested interest in Retro. If I'm perfectly honest, I was going to post a leaving thread there, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. However I absolutely dispise what I call the "Internet Tough Guy" attitude, the clique mentality that dominates online communities and I want to see it dealth with for once. Regardless of whether I think Retro is guilty of these - if we can't discuss the possibility of this being so in the community, it's what will take over. Irrational people thriveon the absence of rational discussion. I propose the forum be put back, and if you're offended by the idea, just stay out of it. There's no reason for it to spill over in the other forum. I think we should all agree to this. There is noreason for anyone to leave because a forum you don't have to go to exists - my problem with Retro is that it impactsthe whole community, which it does, so how can you have a bigger problem with asub forum that's easier to avoid? it makes no sense. If you don't, then tell me why. Instead of just saying DRAMA IS ALWAYS BAD, actually tell me exactly how it negatively impacts the forum. We managedto keep it relatively unheated given thesubject matter, but it was removed anyway. As it is, I cannot think of anything more ethically offensive than the Retro admins in question not having to defend their actions when they have blatantly contradicted themselves. I'll make no secret of the fact that I want there to be a viable alternative for Retro to people. But realistically, is SSRG not going to be that at the current rate. Having SSRG as a place forpeople to come to voice their opinions on the community(it doesn't have to justbe Retro) is great for attracting peoplebecause it gives a great sense of freedom you do not have elsewhere in thecommunity. SSRG needs something to offerover Retro. Currently, honestly, it has nothing, other than it's not run by Tweaker and Scarred Sun, and most peopledon't (yet) understand exactly why theirway of doing things is wrong. I absolutely had no itent for that subforum to become a shitflinging fest, even if some (possibly deserved) accusations were being thrown around. We can do this maturely. If people are leaving over the forum, then that's not being mature in of itself. It's time forthe community to act like adults for once, even if we're talking about a kiddy game with cartoon hedgehogs in it.Banning discussion because it might be abit heated as far as I'm concerned is the polar opposite of "Mature". There's a horrible pessimistic attitude here that you can never resolve anything withdiscussion, which is the opposite of thetruth, because that's how everything in the real world gets resolved. A lot lessgets resolved by just ignoring a problemcompletely and sort of working hard at your own thing in the corner. There is no reason to get upset over theexistence of a seperate subforum. If youdon't like it, you can avoid it. Unfortunately it is very hard to ignore how the current state of Sonic Retro, Sonic Cult and the like affect the stateof the community as a whole. It was created as a neutral ground where peoplecould actually express their opinions freely for once. I can see no real justification for that forum not existing. You do not have to post in it. I do not believe it is impossible for this forum to be a success and for the other forums to learn some humility. Butit's not going to be achieved by ignoring the problem and being pessimistic as to what we can do. The internet is just a bunch of social relations, we can do what we want with it. "Retro's recent actions and how it partains to SSRG" (#96) Even people on your own forum who don't like me are calling shenanigans on you. Do you even realise people have read thelog? Or have you forgotten what actuallyhappened in it? It is not bullshit. You were presented with several clear ways in which you contradicted yourself. When cornered with these, you ran off claiming not to come back to the thread, yet now you're coming back to take pot shots. You were unable to defend your side of the argument yet insist on being part of it.For all intensive purposes, you have no case. The fact that you are consistantly insisting that you are not in the wrong while refusing to deal with is one of the most arrogant things I've ever seen.If the accusations are bullshit, then prove it. 1) Why did you claim ethical relativism with regards forums when you were anything but when you were pissed off atJimbo; 2) Why did x64 get a nonsense thread kept around in the members lounge then moved to the oldbie lounge whereas a similar one I made was trashed, right after you claimed there was no biased moderation; 3) Why was Pachuka allowed to spam offensive images whereas Hedgie and myself were somehow banned for "misconduct" 4) Why did you associate the bans with afundraiser when you knew the shitfest that would ensue, regardless of how muchyou claim the bans would have been set anyway. 5) Why was Hedgie banned when he clearedhis posts with you? I'm sure I'm missing something. (QUOTE) you just weren't able to take a joke that I eventually went and talked to x64about making, which led to him trolling you more. This "joke"? [03:22] <+x64> you have such a manly voice for a 'woman'. [03:23] <+x64> not doing anything about your GID? [03:23] <+x64> mommy can't afford the op? [03:23] <+x64> Ill do it [03:23] <+x64> i have plastic cutlery [03:23] <+x64> and scotch tape [03:23] <+x64> ill make a clit out of the string shit in bananas [03:23] <+x64> ill turn your frown upside down (and your dick inside out) [03:23] <+x64> all you gotta bring is some #3 sewing thread [03:23] <+x64> preferably skin colored. [03:23] <+x64> like your cock. I'd like to ask any of the SSRG mods browsing this forum; do you honestly think this is an acceptable comment? Andwhere the line between "Joke" and "Bullying" is drawn? Or do you mean the hilarious joke where the same faggot I told you was trouble messed up your forum? x64 should not have been unbanned and should have been suspended for making these comments. Ironically if you'd havedone something about x64 over this you probably wouldn't have the mess you havenow. If you wanted to avoid subjecting me to x64's trolling, you would have suspended him. Conveniently you're able to ban him now when he does something that actually upsets YOU. I'm going to repost this comment for you, because it's true. (QUOTE) "The thread in the oldbie lounge basically consisted of Chimpo dangling the pending bans over the heads of Wetflame and Chaos Hedgie. Not surprisingly, Wetflame comes in and starts getting all upset and defensive, Pachuka comes in and goes "HA HA SHUT UPYOU STUPID TRANNY!!" and everyone goes "oh pachuka u so funny" and then Wetflame is banned. What a stupid and unnecessary circle jerk. KILL THE PIG, CUT HER THROAT, SPILL HER BLOOD, etc." There was no excuse for what happened inthe oldbie lounge, even if I spotted thetrap before I sprung it. This is not product conduct for an administration staff, anywhere, ever. if you had any integrity of humilty you'd be ashamed. You let x64 run aroundwithout a leash, it bit you in the ass, and yet you're still claiming moral superiority for banning someone over pointing out what a malign individual hewas. If you want to post in this forum, actually reply to what people are sayingto you and debunk accusations instead ofcalling them "bullshit". If you were in the right, this would be very easy for you. After all, I have no vested interested in Retro, but you run the place and are doing a terrible job at being a positive example. It's very possible for this discussion to be civilbut your posts are insulting and demeaning to anyone putting in the effort to make a proper argument. Like I said to Pachuka and Tongara, thisthread is for serious discussion, not taking pot shots when you feel like it. If you can't mount a proper defense for your actions at retro and why you deserve to be a community head, then youshouldn't be coming here. You complain about the existence of the forum then doyour best to drag down it's quality. m "The history of the community" (#5) There's no way in hell I'm going to readall that shit when you used to spend half of your time making fun of my "walls of text". That in of itself is pretty hypocritical. It's far longer andfull of shit than anything I've ever written. I only make lengthy posts because I try to catch someone out from all angles. You're just rambling. I've no idea why Internet Tough Guys think the "You're nothing. You're shit. You'reworse than nothing. You're nothing-shit." impresses anyone. It looks ridiculous, like you're desperate.I did manage to pick out a criticism into the lack of creativity of my "Insults", which is ironic since your entire post is just generic and fairly predictable ITG rhetoric stretched out to painful lengths. I don't think I'm one of the only peoplein the community somehow to describe youas an "evil" person, or even to say you're the first person they'd encountered that they considered truly "evil". It's not a word people use much anymore. You've always had a malicious, malign, manipulative streak along with many other delicious m words. The fact that you're taking any kind of stance ofthe correctness of scene history and your effect is absurd since there is no way an active sociopath can have such a strong hold over a community for so longwithout a huge negative effect. I'm unsure there's much more I can say about PACHUKA in particular at the moment. The internet has provided a ground where acts of pure malice are respected instead of looked down upon asbad or immature. Given PACHUKA is the guy that set the precedent for this in the Sonic community, it is why we're getting guys like Scarred Sun and Tweaker acting the way they do. They can do it and look cool, instead ofjerks. So no, PACHUKA is wrong, it is mostly him and his friends' fault the communityis fucked. He's just angry because he's not relevant anymore, and the likes of Tweaker is replacing him. (QUOTE) This is A community in the online Sonic Scene. Please don't refer to every site as THE community. And considering Sonic Cult started in 1999 (see: 10 years ago), your logic is bad. Your outlook onthe scene is retarded. You're WAY too tl;dr over a blue hedgehog. But you're a horrible person too, and I mean it. You've tried to kick me when I was down several times to this date. You're basically a very bad person. People should start caring if people arecomplete sociopaths. The reason Retro went down was because x64 was a sociopath, admitted to being one, and nobody gave a fuck. On the internet it is often obvious to see what you're saying as having a negative impact - it's just that the same level of social pressure isn't there. That's why I think in some ways it's a good measure of a person, not from the level of aggression obviously, but from the vicious "tone" you get frompeople like Tongara, Sonic Kid constantly. Pachuka is a dangerous person, x64 was a dangerous person, and you'd probably be a dangerous person if you have any power. Once you log onto a forum, going LOL INTERNETS and refusing to have any kind of basic respect is notgoing to create a sustainable community.At best you'll get something like Sonic Cult was, and that was horrible. Also, people didn't come to Sonic Cult until A51 went down around 2002. The site only existed as a minor entity until Pachuka took advantage of a situation he pretty much created. Sonic Cult as the community dominant entity did not exist until late 2002 or so. So you're wrong. But if you were right, youwould have made an actual argument anyway instead of HURR YOU'RE WRONG I'M RIGHT. r "Retro's recent actions and how it partains to SSRG" (#55) (QUOTE) How many times have you said ironic in the last 3 seconds, again? What people are failing to notice--and what snkenjoi keeps trying to point out--is that the two members were going to be banned anyway. But you wouldn't have gotten that much money that fast anyway. Durr. (QUOTE) We just happened to take advantage of the fact that Chimpo was offering money for it (and other people subsequently jumped this wagon), "Take Advantage" is the key word here. Just like you "take advantage" of me to spice the place up then kick me out again when it's too much trouble. Use and abuse. (QUOTE) and now I'm going to help my family in atough financial situation. Don't like it? Tough shit for you--you were gettingbanned anyway. But I think you'll find that bribery is far from the actual incentive for the banning, albeit a hilarious thing to see fronted as the bulk of the argument by so many people. You're focusing way too much on this. The problem is the bans were shitty to begin with, you were covering up for your mistakes, and the fact you profiteered off them only makes it worse. Again, "Bribery" in of itself is a tounge in cheek remark. You used it asa fundraising incentive which sets all kinds of horrible ethical precedents. This is actually worse than taking a bribe in many ways. "Bribe" implies shady behaviour, whereas what you did isglorifying and celebrating unethical behaviour. Also I very much doubt the bans weren't further finalised by the presence of themoolah. So what Rampkorv said holds true. You are no longer a not-for-profitorganisation. (QUOTE) Also, I like the constant claims of "taking power too far"... ignoring that the basis on which you claim such a thing is already null and void, I don't recall there being an administrator's manual to managing power. And since "morals" are entirely subjective, as is any concept of "right" and "wrong"... well, there really isn't a case here. Just an attempt to take one subjective viewpoint and impose it as objective. :) Oh how convenient. Morals are relativistic, therefore you can do as you please. Or maybe you're just an unbelievably bad admin? You can't imply pushing one subjective viewpoint as fact is "wrong" if there isno "wrong" to begin with. It is entirelypossible to reason certain actions as unethical. You've just been hanging out with x64 too much. How about the idea that you're forcing subjectivity as a fact? That actually works better, logically. At the end of the day - you allowed people to get hurt. You could have done something about it, but you refused to. Moreover when you got tired of being reminded of it, you took it on yourself to cause uncessarily negative utility tothat person and another person in addition. I would say the ethical implications of this are pretty blatant. If your ethicalsystem isn't based off hurting and helping but instead off circlejerk bullshit, then I would say you fail as an admin and as a human being. It's very convenient that under your system, there is no such thing as a "bad" Administrator. Ironic then, that you've said countless times in so many words, that QJimbo is a bad administrator. I suppose subjective ethics only apply when it's you under fire. 4 "Retro's recent actions and how it partains to SSRG" (#57) Also, subjective ethics have no place inthe running of an online community, before we even get into the validity of the rules set, if we judge it relative to the idea of a "community", we do needto have some consistent standards, common ground/protocol for social relations that are easily adaptive. Those standards were not consistant due to the unequal treatment between Pachuka/x64 and myself/Chaos Hedgie. They were based on ideas alien to the idea of a "community" because they inherently promote division between people that is not for the purpose of adaption or forming stronger relations that are based on sound principles, but instead based on the idea of ejecting unpopular members - this is defined as a"clique" and not a community. Therefore by the "subjective" measure ofcommunity, Sonic Retro is a poor one. You can certainly argue about what is the best set of ethics to hold, but you can argue about string theory too. It doesn't necessarily mean it's "subjective". Morals may be subjective, but ethics is more like the best way to treat people. It's only vaguely subjective at best because how people are affected by another's actions and the precdent set by a particular set of actions as well as further consequences(the tiers of Utilitarianism) are fairly objective. There is zero practicality to subjectiveethics anyway, since it's just another escape route for you. It's not falsifiable, so it's no better a response than "Goddidit" to every unexplained scientific mystery. You're not going to beat me on philosophy Tweaker. Don't even try, you've already caught yourself out. EvenHedgie whom you consider an idiot caughtyou out on this. h "Retro's recent actions and how it partains to SSRG" (#59) Also, I'd like to see Tweaker pull SUBJECTIVE ETHICS if Retro was hacked and he spent all the banmoney on penis extensions. I imagine he'd be pretty upset. Too bad all the script kiddies seem to be on his side. Who wudda thought. (QUOTE) Tweaker can consider me an idiot all he once, but just because you know how to program a game does not make you smarterthan everyone else. I get this feeling from some Culters sometimes(remember Tweaker is originallya Cultfag) as well as some of the more obnoxious oldbies. I probably understand quantum theory better than most people here(which isnt'saying much) and could actually explain the 11 dimensions of M Theory, it doesn't mean I win the argument. I just read some shit online. There's always been elitism in the community. I'd like to see SSRG take measures against this. (QUOTE) What does he do, exactly? Is he like Wetflame? He's a blackman who thinkshis opinion matters so yeah like Wetflame except for the black part I'm all for making a Wetflame collection as well BAN JAYEXTEE You know, at no point in this log do I see confirmation I was going to be banned anyway. Maybe with Hedgie, but then SS also pretty much confirmed he was banned because he "Messed up" her reply to the Jacko thread. Hedgie's ban seemed fairly certain at the start of the log, but mine wasn't even mentioned until the idea of a fund came up. I do see some less than subtle racism though,whether "humorously" intended or no. I don't get how Tweaker thinks what he says on this forum somehow makes what was said in the log not exist. Just about everyone in this conversation is an awful person. Tweaker is already a proven liar anyway.He said there was no biased moderation, yet he trashed a thread I made that was thematically identical to an x64 thread which sat in the members lounge for a while before migrating to the oldbie lounge. Not once has he actually dealth with this point or proved me wrong. In fact half the reason I was banned was probably to cover up shit like this. But I guess "Hypocrisy" isn't one of the"subjective ethics" he holds. The whole source of this drama is Tweaker being a hypocrite to begin with. Just like he said himself "Do as I say, not as I do." Also, the log proves my other point(Tweaker using and abusing me): (QUOTE) Everything wetflame ever postsis pure VALUE. * SNN is now known as SleepNN I DON'T WANT TO SEE WETFLAME COME BACK NEXT MONTH AND TELL ME I HAVE TO PAY "RENT" NAMROOD: When he's not trolling and being a bitch, yes Jay, please die. that's why I like him around generally This whole thing is unbelievable. Back when Tweaker let those x64 comments passed I couldn't imagine it getting much more unbelievable, but they managedit. "Retro's recent actions and how it partains to SSRG" (#42) (QUOTE) If I must, I should not that, on the record, this is more or less the only administrative action taken that none ofus can be bothered to say anything about. And that's because we've said more than enough in dealing with both ofthe parties involved; we've offered compromise after compromise and led to resolution after resolution, all for it all to be entirely in vain like a week later. All of our reasonable, ethical treatmentof both the members who were banned at Sonic Retro earlier today has led to nothing more than gigantic clusterfucks like this whenever something happens that they don't like. And that's why I'mglad that we don't have to deal with it anymore--this forum does. And unlike every other person who jumps in a topic and makes a post like this, this really is all I have to say on the subject. Any attempt to refute what was just stated as the truth will be entirely in vain, because nobody you're actually trying to get through to will be listening. Tweaker, there was no "More than enough". The whole drama started due to your bias towards someone is basically asociopath make strong trans/homophobic remarks you refused to deal with repeatedly to any satisfactory degree. Not only that, but you accused me of focusing on this one point when you werethrowing out additional reasons consistantly. By the way, you never did retract that statement. You just banned me instead since I proved you wrong. You were the one who's behaviour was suspect. The difference is that you run a website so have power that can go to your head. Nobody except the same retards that donated to your dodgy fund was complaining about the "Ethical treatement". It was the unethical treatement that I had a problem with. Also, you banned Hedgie despite the factthat he made a lot of effort to improve himself, so you have no right to bitch in this regard. I was glad this whole situation happenedto prove my point about you. I'm not stupid, I could spot from a mile a way it was a set up and I'm pretty sure I said that to Rage. Does nothing strike you WRONG about setting a trap for someone, especially someone with a form of autism? I can't believe that. Trying to extract WALL OF TEXT from me. Moreover than that, it's not so much to do with being an aspie, I make those walls of text because unlike you, I havea great respect for rational discourse and debate and try my best to cover as many points as I can. I have principles and a sense of honour in that regard youor SS will never understand because you have none. However, I must admit that this post aggrivated me a little in one way. You let Pachuka have the run of the Oldbie Lounge and institutionalised transphobiareally has become a part of Retro. Banning Hedgie and me before dealing with that is pure insanity and nothing you can say will change that. Trying to save face after that takes a kind of arrogance and level of concious malice Ican't imagine, but both you and Scarred Sun are very close to Pachuka level in my book now. As far as I'm concerned, you are a bad person and take pride in it. You should not be part of this community until you learn some humility. You seem to forget that I was the one giving you a chance. I have the ability to stimulate activityand oftentimes intellectual discussion if I so choose to use it. Repeatedly, you have used and abused me for that, and then banned me when you were done with me. This is the third time now. Suffice to say, I'm not impressed. This is disgusting behaviour on any level. I gave you every chance to quench my general unruliness towards the end, and you only became more arrogant. What makes me really angry though is that this money is going to your family in a time of difficulty. You'd think that in a recession, a time of need, people would pull together and sort out our differences and use our common decency to support each other. But no, you had to sink to dirty tricks and profiteering off the darker, more malevolent side of the internet. It's a shame she probably won't understand exactly why, but you're providing for your mother with dirty money. This whole fiasco has just been a fantastic demonstration of human greed and corruption as well as the inherent flaws of internet communities with our current limited definition of "private property". Also Rampkorv pointed out something interesting - If money can buy influence inthe organization, it's not non-profit So that's one fundamental reason why that is wrong { "Retro's recent actions and how it partains to SSRG" (#34) (QUOTE) Right. Nice empathy - I'm sort of seeingnow how I make a point and you dismiss it and continue with what you were saying. What. Are you trying to catch me out here. Those two things you quoted don't contradict, that was the point of my post. Whether or not I'm upset or something doesn't make me right. (QUOTE) I'm making an effort to try and understand how you are feeling and why, and what factors lead you to this so we can resolve your problem, No you're not. If you're going to piss around please at least be honest. (QUOTE) it seems that the only way this could end is if I agree with you, but you are not considering the possiblity of agreeing with me That's because you're presenting an irrational point of view. Also, this could end with you walking away, so you're incorrect. (QUOTE) I've responded to more or less every thing you've levelled my way, and you still haven't addressed at least a postsworth of mine Responding to it doesn't mean you've hadanything to say. I have in turn dealth with as much of your posts as I can. Youdidn't find that satisfactory. There is not a lot I can do here. (QUOTE) For all your rightousness, your demand that I don't use specific words around you, that I treat you with respect, I'm getting a very real sense that you consider me an idiot and resent having to spell out your logically sound arguments to me. This is rubbish. You came into this argument like a raging lunatic and now you're trying to dictate the terms of it. (QUOTE) All this assumes that Right and Wrong aren't subjective terms that differ fromperson to person anyway Yes it does. I'm trying to make it clearI'm not interested in arguing otherwise. (QUOTE) on top of all of this you're inflicting your own personal values of right and wrong on everyone. If transphobic spam and getting donations for banning people for questioning you aren't a valid case of "wrong" then I'm unsure what the point in any ethical system is. I don't care if this makes me intolerant of your opinion. (QUOTE) Please can you give it a rest now? You're kicking a dead horse. A dead horse with me inside it. I wish I fucking had paid for that useless dude to be banned now, lord knows, at least then I'd deserve to have to write and read essay after essay. No. If you don't like it, go away. All you're saying is that Retro is ownedby Tweaker and Scarred Sun. So what? We already know that. I don't think that should entitle them to use their site tohurt people and a community in general. If you disagree, fine, but present something a bit better than you have done already. (QUOTE) "We're gonna ban x person anyway, lets get some money out of it, it'll be funny" Your statement was incorrect. They were using the ban to get money. I don't see what's so honest about this. They said give us money and we'll ban these guys. Do you really think they'd get so much in a normal donation drive? G "Hello there" (#21) SeanieB, it's rude and arrogant to leak even portions of AIM convos like that. You can sum out what he said without having to quote it back at him like he wouldn't remember; why are you being patronising like that? And as far as I understood, you orignally posted an ENTIRE uneditted convo, why did you do this? That's ridiculous and you can't just look like you're in the right just because it's "Tweaker". That's not an excuse, he's still a human being who deserves some respect and not to have his convos flung around willy-nilly. It's unnecessary so there's no excuse. Even if Tweaker is not correct to attacksomeone just for introducing himself, that still doesn't mean he's "just beingchildish" - it's possible he has a very good reason for doing so. You're only going to encourage him by making him feel like the victim, and suggest Ninekomay be in the right. Don' t judge thingspurely on people being aggressive - sometimes there is call for it, it does not affect the reasoning that may back their accusations. Tweaker, you shouldn't have attacked someone just for introducing themselves.That's silly. I've had to learn not to do that with people, haven't I? You'd throw a fit on Retro if I did that, I have to wait until the people attack me again to look justified. If Nineko is somuch trouble, can't you just wait until he does something before you call him out on it? That's what got me into trouble on some forums years ago, even if I was right most of the time with my accusations, it doesn't mean I was rightto attack them in that manner, if only for my own sake. Nineko, you should apologise to Tweaker instead of acting all smilie and Moe~ and like everything's okay. It's kind offake and if you want to get on, apologise to Tweaker so he won't have these outbursts. It even sounds like you're making a bit of a joke of it. Megamix was an AWFUL lot of hardwork forTweaker, and he's trying his best to be less of an ass so he won't just be yet another guy who acts like a dick but is respected for technical achievement. Telling Tweaker what's done is done is only going to make him feel aggrivated because someone(two people now) treated him like crap and he can't do anything about it. People do this in the community all the time because they knowthere'll be no retribution if you're just treating one or two people with no respect. I know how that feels, and it'sunfair. Even if he's wrong to bring it up here, "What's done is done" applies to this thread too.  "Dust Hill Zone" (#4) (QUOTE) other than logical reasoning; which, while reasonable sounding, is still not technically evidence It is, this is the problem with the retro way of doing things. Something canbe proved, or at least made very likely either through physical evidence or reasoning. For instance, Mary rides a bike. Due to some recent trend, the majority of people who ride bikes, wear vests. The presumption would be that Mary wearsa vest, because it is probalistically the most likely case. The only information we have is that P of a Biker wearing a vest is greater than 0.5 We can't prove it, unless we undress Mary which isn't a practical thing to do. We can't prove much about the Dust Hill mix up - magazines and interviews are unreliable for a myriad of different reasons. But we can make probabilistic assumptions. The fact is that the naming issue in Sonic 2 Beta stinks. We don't know WHY Dust Hill Zone ended up being attached to the Cave instead of the Desert, but if it's intended, we still have that problem, it doesn't really solve anything. Even if it fits Mystic Caves on some level it seems odd that a name that seems to be much more suited to an older level would be attached to it. Also; does the level select even prove anything? How do you know there wasn't atemporary level select that was removed due to changing around the names? Again,technical guys only think in terms of data, not the development process. The rom itself isn't the be all and end all - levels and level selects would have been designed separately to the rom, then implemented(which is why most of the lost levels probably do exist in a more complete form on some SEGA exec's PC somewhere). If Mystic Caves was in a beta before the Dust Hill Zone name appeared, that doesn't prove much as Dust Hill would have already been in thelevel select designs they'd made separate to the rom but hadn't implemented. It's still possible for it to get overwritten. The sloppy left overdata makes everyone think everything wasdeveloped as a monolith- this ended in the 80s. They were rushed for time towards the end, rushed levels in and out without making proper backups, whichis why it happened. Acknowledging that it's at least equallyprobable Dust Hill was the intended nameis the only logical name. Dust Hill was a Desert. Dust Hill also had a section where it turned into a snow level. Dust resembles both snow and sand. Thereare not really any other words that describe both. Therefore, the only "obvious" name for the level would involve the word "Dust". Not to mention a lot of cowboy movies had "Dust" in the title; and this is a western desert. Not to mention we also know there was a "rock" zone attached to Dust Hill - given Mystic Cave is very much a rock zone, and also a mine(think of all the classic cowboy movies where they find a mine in the desert) there may be a relation. Again, we can't prove it, but for each "Maybe", the probability is altered. There are pieces of a puzzle. The problem with Tweaker reasoning is that it pushes for the simplest, most straightforward solution, but unfortunately disregards the "fuzzy" element to do so. The problem is most people aren't good at reasoning, probability, at least whenit becomes fuzzy. Creationism is an excellent example of this, because thereare some unknowns in evolution, let's disregard it for a more straightforward theory that "seems" to have some evidence but is far less logical to presume off the bat. We don't know the exact reasons for anything, or even if the information we do have from people like Craig Stitt, etc. is reliable. That's why we have to use fuzzy reasoning. Technical evidence is often useless without context. This is one of the reasons why Jimbo wants to bring back "Sonic Secrets", incidentally. "More Fuckin' Trolling!" (#11) (QUOTE) Yay, Wetflame's here! Can't have a partywithout Rosie! :DDDDD From the tone of that post, 10c says you're already bitching to the admins toget me banned. Are you? Be honest? You've blocked me on every medium possible and hide behind your lackies insonic retro. You hide and scamper away from having to explain yourself like a little child. You talk big as if you're in the right yet NEVER justify why. You have never once offered a logically coherent explanation for your action, lied about your reasons for banning me to begin with, and even went to the extent of making fun of the idea that you should actually have to explain yourself. Not to mention how much of a hard-on you seem to get saying "RETRO ISNOT A DEMOCRACY". Even Pachuka gave better reasons for you. You warned someone here for "general faggotry"? "Faggotry" is the first word that comes to mind when I think of "Tweaker". That and "Meth Head", since that's what "Tweaker" means, and it would explain most of your decisions as an admin. All you can say is LOL WETFLAME whereas I actually have valid criticisms of you asa community overlord. (QUOTE) .. you think fake posting as someone else to force them out is something to be supported? At the time Tweaker was a dick, yes, but the method used here was worse. Tweaker is STILL a dick. He's one of themost immature overlords we've had, moreso than someone like Saz. And personally I think it's hilarious he gotimpersonated and he deserves everything he gets until he learns his place, whichat this rate he won't. People like me are mistreated for being "trolls" but ultimately you can just stay out of my threads. You can't stay out of Tweaker'sfaggotry - not only did he ruin S2B, he's admitted to doing the same to SSRG - look at the last quote. He kept talking on Retro about giving mechances when in reality he was the one on shaky ground - I was never banned "fairly" from S2B. He's an egomaniac, a liar, and a child. And I can say that base don what he's said here *alone* so it's not even a cross board grudge. (QUOTE) I've already covered this. Unfortunately, looking back a lot of thestuff looks immature, because in essenseit was. It was the beginning steps of the community. But, everything evolves and changes, and I'd prefer to follow along with it than being forced into thepast. It's no coincidence that the beginning of the community was the only time people really got on and had fun. It doesn't matter if they're immature - so is Sonic. It's fun, like Sonic games. (QUOTE) Words words words. :U True words. You have to acknowledge them, since that's what Retro is. (QUOTE) .. excuse me? People are having fun, otherwise the board itself would be empty. What's your reasoning for that? People certainly have (QUOTE) You yourself don't want to give retro a chance, but again that's an opinion of yours and not one I think I want or can change. I DID give it a chance, I joined up, posted, contributed, and I gave Tweaker a chance, as did Jimbo, Shade, and a fewothers. Tweaker, Scarred Bun and Co. blew that chance magnificently, yet still talk about me and Jimbo as if we're the ones that need "chances". I'm sick of giving those sociopaths chances. Let's build something differentso we don't have to put up with their twisted ethics. (QUOTE) .. where do I start with this. Of courseit's a renamed S2Beta. The Sonic Retro forums are literally a skinned S2Beta forum. The same posts, the same user accounts, the same everything. That was the point. Then it's not sucessful on it's own merits. The original Wiki was a direct Sonic Classic spin-off in of itself. SClassic users editted it. (QUOTE) Jim did a personal injustice to Tweaker in the methods he used to push Tweaker out of s2b at the time. It's obvious that he won't give him a chance, thinks he's a bad admin etc. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, dear. Tweaker did a personal injustice to Jimbo far greater to that, and also to me. He also does a personal injustice toevery member of the community that doesn't want to act like a boring faggot. (QUOTE) .. ha ha ha. I don't even have to respond to this. The fucking server admins denied global access to the forums because of so much activity to dowith the prototypes, which says just about everything to do with "not much interest." Do research on this before you say anything I did. Like I said, people are there SOLELY for the betas and will be gone ina few weeks. It didn't make the forum itself near as active as it should have.It should attract people to the forum, but the fact is the forum is so poor that people subconciously stay in the beta-related thread. And fuck, EVERYONE should have come back for an event like that. But people just don't like the Sonic community anymore because of what people like the Retro staff have done with it. (QUOTE) You judge a community based on a few people. Lots of famous people in historydid that too. Lots of people at Retro dothat. Quite frankly, you're as bad as the people you wish to complain about. Why am I? I'm judging the staff for enforcing it, rather than the people that go there. I KNOW what Tweaker and Scarred Bun are like. ] "More Fuckin' Trolling!" (#17) (QUOTE) EDIT: The sad part about all this drama,is that we're all fighting in a community centered about a fucking anthropomorphic hedgehog. To add my two cents, if the mods quit being too damn uptight and elite and hypocritical (Hey there Upthorn and Tweaker), and if people who get banned quit fucking bitching about it if they deserve it (Sup Wetflame) Uh, I didn't get banned because I deserved it. I was banned for creating the Dustin Hill image and pointing out the exact same you did, that Tweaker is uptight, elite, hypocritical. It was then he decided to claim that I just couldn't function on the forum, which isan outright lie, he couldn't come to that conclusion given I hadn't POSTED anything on the forum between having a 3day ban and a permanent one. I'm going to keep drilling this point in because he has the nerve to keep attacking Jimbowhen he's a dishonest creep himself. Notonly that, he literally used me. He wanted to make the place for interestingfor a few days, and was all WETFLAME IS SAVING RETRO. Then when he was done, he banned me. He used me for my mischievousnature and threw me away. You don't do that. Of all the nasty things that have been done, that's the one that stands out in my mind as the only one that's really impacted me on a personal level. It was a rotten, horrid thing to do and I won't forget it for a long time. Don't judge me by shit I did back in 2003, please. Overlard did it in the IRCchan and it pissed me off then too. Out of interest, I've never been banned fairly from S2B(the first time was for ajoke post too, the second was due to Tweaker faggotry, most of the time I just get banned because OH IT'S WETFLAMETIME FOR THE BAN OH WETFLAME YOU GOT BANNED AGAIN AFTER US GIVING YOU A CHANCE HOW COULD YOU). Also, I've never been banned from SSRG. You're trying to make everyone involved look at fault. It's "common man's wisdom" to presume that the answer almost always lies in between. This is alie, as there's no inherent reason for it to be that way; this is the middle ground logical fallacy. All this drama is the fault of you-know-who. There aren't plenty of other alternatives. The only active forum currently is Retro and even that won't be very active at all when people realise the betas don't have that much new stuff in them. (QUOTE) It's the internet, serious fucking business. But this is exactly my argument. Tweakeris the one that MADE everything serious business. If you read my thread you'd know I'm all for actually having fun. Your entire post, no offense, is just copypasta of some other "Serious Busisness" posts. Internet doesn't have to mean "laid back"(protip - when peoplesay "laid back" they mean apathetic), sometimes there IS a reason to get serious about things - but my point is that getting serious about Sonic the Hedgehog games themselves is ridiculous,especially when the problem isn't just being "serious", it's saying exactly what people can and can't say about them. _ "PM system" (#9) Wow, what the fuck. It's like there's a role reversal between Tweaker and Jimbo.At one point Tweaker was the rash, authoritarian one, and now it's all Jimbo. (QUOTE) I have every right. This is my server. You are a guest here. That is a technical right, not an ethical right. If you want to be a sociopath abusing your rights, sure. If you want to be someone deserving of any respect in this community, no. If I hit someone over the head with my "private property", an oak handled umbrella for example, and knock them into a coma justbecause they touched it, it's not justified. (QUOTE) Even if a member complains about it and I decide to investigate? What was the member's complaint? Since you do not much respect the privacy of PMs, you may as well post it here for usto see. (QUOTE) Private until there is due cause. Circular reasoning since you decide the due cause. (QUOTE) It's spam, simple as that, and it's essentially all you've been using the system for. It wasn't just one PM either, it's at least 4. See above. Also, I don't buy the excuse that he was using PMs for reasons that go against the board's interests. For example when I used to be very opposed to the likes of Sonic Cult, I would use the irc channel and boards to contact people who may have felt the same. If people feel that iffy about your board, it's possible there's a reason and stamping down on it only gives them morereason. (QUOTE) You cannot compare friendly banter between a couple of oldbies over PM to what you're doing; unsolicited messaging. How the fuck do you define "Unsolicited"? They're not freakin' celebrities. (QUOTE) Tweaker, I would rather have discussed this with you over instant messenger, however it seems it's turning into a circus. Why didn't you discuss it with him before removing his fucking PM access? Answer me this. You knew he'd get pissedoff. This is just a childish game at this stage. (QUOTE) You could argue that I have nothing to fear if they like this place, and to an extent that is true, but even in that case, I can't just let you continue recruiting and hassling members, it's just not what the PM system on here is for. What's it for, then? A "Read the fucking stickie" Seriously, some people are coming in here without the faintest idea we already had the argument about the existence of this forum. Coming in here fresh from Retro bitching about how it shouldn't exist is ridiculous. If you disagree with the views expressed in this forum, you are entitled to argue too or express opinions even completely unrelated to SSRG or Retro. This place is intended to be a neutral ground where people can actually have some degree of freedom of speech unlike certain other boards. The fact that people deem this "Useless" is sickening and a testament to how unfortunately easy people can be manipulated even against their own best self interests. Seriously, you're bitching that the existence of this forum was decided on rational debate rather than popular opinion or LOL DRAMA IS ALWAYS BAD. Thisis insane. Nearly all the people taking issue with the forum post one line replies, because obviously WALL OF TEXT is automatically full of shit and can never contain actual reasoning why this forum exists. If you don't like the forum, convince people with your logic and reasoning you were gifted with and try to get them to see your point. This forum may have started up with a degree of "an agenda" but unlike Retro nobody is making themselves infallible. If you don't like the forum, you can leave. The larger sites have had and continue to have a larger sociological on the community which is a cause for concern. SSRG in of itself is not as active as Retro so is not yet a true alternative. Because people of low moralfibre have a monopoly on active scene discussion, this is a problem for some of us. You disgree? You can say so. There is no reason to bitch about this forum when people who agree with you areflooding it anyway. If you think if we don't like Retro, just stay away, do thesame here with yourself. Some of us cannot participate in major scene discussion. Given you want this forum closed anyway you don't have much of a right to complain. Just don't be a faggot and HAHAHAHAAHA in people's faces because I'm not going to do that either and obviously there will be effort to ensure that sheer numbers do not influence things too heavily. I "Thee Internets" Oh man, I'm pretty angry at the moment with a run in the EsperNet OPs. The whole approach people have to the internet is completely wrong. It's almost the exact same problem with piracy, trying to apply real world definitions where they don't make sense anymore. I've always been pretty anti-authoritarian with regards the internet, and let me explain my reasoning - There is no such thing as a "private" forum online once you open it up and it has a wide community. By doing this, it is inclusive, not exclusive. But that takes a lot more explaining - I'll appeal to a much more basic level here. Regardless of whether someone has a "right" to do something, it doesn't makethem right. Something "right" should have something resembling an overall positive benefit. If a ban is applied where it's unncessary, that person, and that person's friends, experience a (relatively) strong negative utility value, just so the OPs can experience a very minor positive one. People seem to like to push the idea that there's no such thing as a bad OP or power tripper nowadays, which is disgusting. You can always hold someone to a higher standard. OPs don't HAVE to power trip. There are a rare few that don't - so they can be held to that standard. Because of that, we can make judgement calls, and say what they do is"Wrong". The biggest problem online is that we donot hold communication to a standard, and when we do, it's the wrong ones, we judge on aggression or lack thereof instead of logical merit. The only way to "police" the internet is to start giving a shit if someone is a complete bastard. Bad admins/OPs should be prettymuch demonised. People don't HAVE to take that thing. Because of the difficulty in actually setting a place up in terms of sheer luck of success, itis not practial to go and set up your own everything. If people are lucky enough to run a successful server/network, they should show some amount of responsibility. Without members, even the ones you don't like, you'd be nothing. If the troublesome ones weren't there, you wouldn't have anyone to assert you power over. But youdon't need to be such a dick while doingso. People that define ethics by legality anyway really shouldn't have a hand in running much. "Gay Marriage" (#207) (QUOTE) Do as I say-not as I do. Can't believe I missed this. Jesus christ Tweaker. I've lost patience with this entire forum. (QUOTE) See, this is just as intolerant as homophobia. I'm sorry, but thats just disrespectful to anyone who has beliefs of any kind. Yes, I understand most "homophobes" are rooted in religion, butnot all religious people are homophobic.I know quite a few people who believe inreligion, but support gay rights. I, while not subscribing to anyone religion, do believe in God, no matter how often I joke about it. I question it, yes, but I have my faith. But you also know by now that I firmly believe in equal rights for homosexuals. I understand you've had some sort of epiphany, but that doesn't allow you to be a complete dick about what other people believe in. This is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. That's like if someone says "God exists" that's disrespectful to anyone who doesn't believe god exists. This happens all the time. And actually,it's not even on the same level, since there's not really much evidence god DOES actually exist. From a scientific standpoint, it's more correct to say. Arguing that a god does exist past a vague possibility could be considered disrespectful to people who spend their lives actively researching the universe and how it works. With gay people, we don't have to "prove" they are gay, and science has found they're more likely simply "that way" for whatever reason, and there's nothing really harmful about it, not if you have safe sex anyway(and again there's more to homosexuality than "sex". (QUOTE) You said something you deserved to be bash for. Double standards. If you are gonna look down AiS!ck, prepared to be look down on for similarly ignorant comments. I'm absolutely tired of this. People tryso desperately to make both sides look "equally" as bad. I am absolutely sick of this. American Liberals, Conservatives, Centrists Libertarians are all very guilty of this. I guess it's just an obnoxiously "American" attidue. It has no place in logic, in fact it's very close to invoking a logical fallacy called the "Middle Ground" fallacy. I like how Chaos Hedgie said something deserving to be bashed for, yet A!Sick didn't say something that made her worthy of being corrected. Talk about fucking double standards. Nobody(except maybe Hedgie in some of the more recent posts) was "tearing into" A!Sick yet youbitch about Chaos Hedgie for telling porkies about what she said. (QUOTE) You have pretty much summed up everything I would have said regarding Christians. Some people like to stereotype. Just because you're against homosexuality doesn't mean you have a problem with that person. I wish some people could understand that. No saxman, what you need to understand is that "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is a cop out argument, and if you hate the entire way a human being loves otherhuman beings, then on some level, you must hate the person too. Homosexuality is not just an "act". Calling it a sin and saying you hate it and backing it upwith BAWWW IT'S MAH BELIEF is immensely disrespectful in of itself. Everyone understands that argument. People like to act like both sides are being "Misunderstood" when in reality weunderstand the "Christians" quite well. "Quick Sex Change" what the fuck. And you know, many conservatives probably dobelieve it. See, saxman, it's only conservatives forthe most part that come up with shit that flies in the face of reality to this epic degree. I have no idea why anyone would consider conservatives worth listening to at this point. Even if it's mostly a few "extremists" sayignthis when you get into an argument with the vast majority of conservatives, theystill lean towards the same sheer illogic. Like you and your bullshit not allowing Nayr or me to pick "Female" on your "Freedom" SHack. This isn't an "Opinion" it's just arrogant bullshit. "This is just unbelievable" (#9) (QUOTE) You called me a fagot out of nowhere. I wasn't even talking in #retro at the time. You're allowed to provoke me and then cry when I lash about you? If you honestly don't want to hear me talk, then /ignore me. I don't understand why you would go around calling people faggots and not expect them to say something bad about you. You kicked me out of the Skype out of nowhere. You claim this happens all the time. so does people radomly calling each other faggots oer IRC. This does not warrant poking at sensitive information. We went through this. I discovered you're an internet tough guy with no critical thinking ability that falls back on the same internet tough guy defenses. Honestly, the last thing I want is a bigshitfest. I have a migraine right now and I'm about 2 seconds away from havinga panic attack, not to mention being very physically ill at the moment. But this is just pure insanity. (QUOTE) Right, Tweaker isn't here on your fucking instant call. Maybe people should realise what a dick you have beenand still seem to be! The behavior of someone retaliating to what YOU started is NOT a bannable offense, even if you don't like that. Also, ridiculing him over the way he types? May as well ridicule you over your "gender confusion", as you seem to want to ridicule something a person can't help. Wow, that's fucking unbelievable. He's setting out to build himself up a tough guy persona, of course I'm going to pokefun at things like that. How the hell isthe way someone types the same as genderissues? You want me to take your shit seriously and you say things like this? Tweaker WAS there at the time. He saw ithappen, I pointed it out to him, he did nothing. I'm sorry but a kick TWO FUCKING HOURS after wrestling with him and him being an unreasonable sod is notenough. Someone ike x64 has no interest in being a decent, rational person and has no place in this community until he learns to not be such a pretentious little cunt. (QUOTE) Since you seemed to have started this whole shit, you only have yourself to blame. Also, I'm sure this "friendly" chat you had wasn't much more than you complaining. Excuse me, I DIDN'T start the whole shit. I'm not going to call you a "Transphobe". It is much deeper than that. To anyone who's familiar with these kind of issues which should be msot people on retro by now, transgenderissues are one of the most sensitive things you can poke fun at. Transsexualshave a vastly higher suicide rate than the average person and are notoriously instable. You know this, x64 knows this.You just don't care. My complaint is that any community worth it's salt wouldkeep out sociopaths. People bitch that someone like me isn't "compatible" with forums like this, I have no fucking ideahow someone with no ethics or empathy ismeant to figure into a fairly tightly nit online community. You are trying to get one up on someone who's been kicked while they're down. This is indicative of a complete lack ofethics, conscience or empathy. There is no reason for anyone to respect you and especially not your bullshit argument. You cannot paint me as the worse person in this because I would not do somethinglike this without feeling really fuckingbad soon afterwards. I have ethics, a conscience and some basic respect for people. I am by definition a better person online than you or x64 is becauseI have more solid values. You are a vicious little wretch, just like x64. And I will make no apologies for this. I know this is going to give you more ammo to tear into me, but this just proves my point. You're a disgusting little shit and no decent human being would act like x64 did, or you did. I have every right to be fuming because Sonic Retro has a problem with people who by definition are going to cause a lot more hurt than I ever could, and is doing nothing about them. This is just Sonic Cult all over again. At least Pachuka & Co. seem to keep to themselvessomewhat these days, but some people still seem to think they're above commondecency. z "Gay Marriage" (#207) (QUOTE) Hey lay off AiS!ck. Just because he has an opinion doesn't mean he has to be ridiculed. (QUOTE) I doubt she's coming back. It's a pity, she seemed nice enough. There's too much "group think" here. It'd be nice if we didn't gang up and scare off people who think differently. You can't have lively and interesting debates if we all think the same. Argh, I hate this talk more than anything and I expected more from eggfanespecially. Arguing with a homophobe is not an "interesting debate" and never will be. If a racist came along spoutingsit, there would be a more unified frontagainst it, but sine homophobes can pullthe whole LOVE THE SINNER HATE THE SIN(Yes, because hating a form of LOVE makes you a fantastic person) they can say all kinds of nonsense. I love to argue with my friends in real life about other matters where there is intellect on both sides. We don't agree about quite a few of things, and it leads to lengthy and interesting discussions where both of us understand the other better. Contrary to popular belief, proper arguments do matter and are useful. I have never once seen an interesting debate over homosexuality come out in this manner, ever, because there is nothing interesting on the opposing viewpoint. It is a position born out of pure ignorance. It's not an issue of thinking differently so much as not thinking at all. Opposing viewpoints arenot automatically as valid as one another. It's unfortunate because it's often the fault of the culture rather than the individual, but you can't baby people for having atrociously discriminative viewpoints. We can of course sit down with the person and try and understand why they feel that way. but the problem is that it almost always comes back to "My Religious Text Says So" "It's Just Wrong". Any other arguments are usually corruptions of science or evolution thatmake no more logical sense, just look more impressive. People are entitled to think whatever they want, but with things such as this,they're not thinking for themselves to begin with, and certainly not logically.It's being lazy of thought. Aside from being discriminative, it makes me so angry because it's unfair onpeople who actually spend their lives doing real research, or even putting theeffort into creating good arguments, that people can pompously stand up and say "Me too" when they haven't done nearthe same amount of work or reasoning to deserve equal footing. If you can go away and do real, non biased research, away from loonies like NARTH and find that homosexuality may be quite harmful?Go and do that instead, and someone might take you seriously. But it still won't justify a lot of the hatred. There are some fascinating arguments to have about human sexuality on real, scientific or even philosophical terms. Where homosexuality actually comes from for example, people won't agree on, how big a factor genetics play, how it playsa roll in evolution. When you start introducing Conservatism into these discussions however, that's when everyone goes silly since you're pushingsimplistic social standards to the same level as science - they are working froma weighted, biased viewpoint that makes no sense to begin with. These are not real discussions! It's just pandering touber-conservatives. Opinions that are well reasoned and backed with some degree of intellect, great. Even if I don't agree with them, of course I want to hear them. Opinions that are "I DON'T BELIEVE IN THEIR LIFESTYLE" are just pure nonsense and you know it. Unfortunately online, this is what most arguments end up being, which is why both sides come off as "forcing" their opinion. I do not wish AiS!ck to have to leave because she said something stupid, but she needs to learn the world isn't just about "opposing viewpoints" people pull out of their ass, and you guys aren't helping.  "Left 4 Dead 2" (#59) (QUOTE) Its a non-issue. To put things in perspective there are still dedicated servers for the original Half-Life's addons. I guarantee there will still be more than enough places to play Left 4 Dead. It's not going anywhere. It isn't a "non issue". People are blatantly loosing faith in Valve, and especially in L4D and have been doing soeven since before the L4D2 announcement.If you bothered to actually read the thread, one guy couldn't even find anyone to play Survival with. (QUOTE) Also the fact is the game isn't as new as it was, so I'm sure the initial demand for servers is less anyway. Except there was a spike in droppage at both after the disappointing DLC was released, and after the L4D2 announcement. (QUOTE) Besides that, even if every single person who is canceling their dedicated server for Left 4 Dead (which is very likely exaggerated) are people who feel burned by this announcement, the problemis still the portion of the community who is over reacting to nothing, and notValve! I addresses that in a point that you flat out ignored - (QUOTE) Regardless of Valve's promises, people are loosing confidence in them and that's their own fault for playing this poorly. People should not attract their detractors during a PR disaster. It's Valve's job to look good, not the fans' job to trust them. If people are loosing trust in Valve, that's Valve's fault. You can't blame the fans for Valve's poor PR. This kind of stance aggrivates me because it takesthe mindless, consumeristic corruption of capitalism to a new extreme. Valve should have to suffer if they fuck up somehow, and nobody should say "Well actually that's NOT a fuck up, the CUSTOMERS are at fault", because that's not how it works. Valve have to look outfor Valve, and it is their fault that they refused to support L4D1 as promisedand instead let Turtle Rock go off and build a sequel with the time they shouldhave been spending on the updates we essentially paid for. Nobody should apologise for corporations. Part of their job is that they try to look good to the consumer, even if the fanbase overreacts, something causes that reaction. If the fans are being "unfair" to Valve - this is a seperate issue. The thing isthat there are people in Valve who are paid a handsome sum to try and reason with irrational people. If they're gettig paid and they're not doing their job - and making promises they don't deliver on - obviously it's not illegal(though in certain cases in more left leaning countries "promises" would be) but the idea is that the market sorts itself out when this happens, consumers lose confidence. Unfortunatelypartially thanks to the internet people like to get one up on "whiners" and unfortunately this means there is rarelya unified stance against poor business practice anymore - it's counter culturalto complain against things. This is why it's such a sensitive issue - it's not "just a game" but representative of a very dangerous mentality that's causing a lot of damageto the world right now, and most likely got us into this recession. (QUOTE) Though I am becoming more and more convinced I should make a Left 4 Dead 2 day zero purchaser movement. This is just flat out trolling. I do notbelieve anyone much on the "anti-boycott" side is open minded to opposing reasoning in the slightest, it comes off as a reactionary right wing mentality; the "whiners" have one position so let's take the opposite and rub it in their faces, even if it makes us look consumerist as hell. The "Whiners" aren't out to "stick it" to anyone, they're just upset that Valve would shoot both the community and possibly themselves in the foot like this. Becoming more and more convinced when more valid reasoning is being presented to you is completely contrary to reason. Q "The Internet" (#4) (QUOTE) For the record, kids don't choose to be sociopaths, and most kids don't even know what one is. It's a mental thing. If you're a sociopath, there's somethingwrong with you. It's not just something that anyone decides to be or not to be. They don't choose to be sociopath, but the thing is at it's essence sociopathy is defined like this - a person, as a psychopathic personality,whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility orsocial conscience. It doesn't "Need" to have a medical cause. That right there is how more and more people on the internet are acting, and they're proud of it. The symptoms can still be displayed. I can explain how this is sociopathy even when they seem to show some basic ethics such as murder/theft is bad etc. It's the same reason the ARE sociopaths to begin with - social standards. Only the really really big ones make it through, and then not always - this is because the people do not have the capability to reason ethics for themselves. Because of that it becomes abig issue of social pressure, only the things that leave them totally high and dry as human beings are kept, and anything else they can get away with is discarded from the big list of no-nos. Now this is a problem in general, it's just that the internet is amplifying it - even people who mostly stick to religion or law for their ethics tend toget a bad feeling about certain things. Increasingly people on the internet are not showing any trace of this general sense. Not only that, whatever ethics are left over are pretty shaky, some people often try to drive others to suicide "For the Lulz". The fact is that if they're not born with a medical condition that predisposes them to it, where is it coming from? It's coming from the fact that not only do assholes exist, but people are told to worship them. Sites like Sonic Cult were the beginning of all this - the internet was not always like this, so why does it have to continue to be? Just because it's bigger? I don't buy it. The fact is that certain big players setthe mould for how you act on the internet. This is why I've always been greatly opposed to sites like ED even long before they dug up crap on yours truly. (QUOTE) The good thing about the internet, at least, is that you can always try and find some place that isn't going to be full of assholes. Hah, good luck. ^ "Inaugration of Obama" (#69) (QUOTE) We've perverted and twisted his dream. He wanted people to look eye to eye and just stop caring what the hell race theywere, however we elected and are now celebrating a man who became president on his skin color? Sorry, but this is where I draw the line. People who think racial discrimination is the same thing as paying any heed towards race whatsoever, are dumbfucks who's opinions are poorly reasoned. Moreoften than not these people moan about political correctness failing to realisethe irony in the fact that their campaign to ignore race completely is the ultimate form of political correctness. Problems do not get better if you ignorethem. If MLK's dream came true - you would NEVER be able to celebrate it under yourlogic. Why? Because it would be drawing attention to the fact that there are black people and white people! It would automatically be contradictary, but I don't think you've thought this through at all, just looking for cheap shots. Ignoring wads of history in an attempt to be "progressive"(if you're conservative why even bother? you'll just fail at it). Discarding informationis a good thing! Heck Martin Luther Kingwas in the wrong for drawing attention to the fact that black people and white people were segregated. He should have just said "Let's everyone be equal", went off stage, and left it at that. Youcan claim things aren't as bad nowadays,but where you do draw the line exactly? I would argue ignoring race at any stageis obfuscating reality. The path to equality is not bought by ignoring difference, but accepting it. Ultimately what Martin Luther King did was make a lot of noise, and this is more noise, and it's a good thing. This is what stooges like Dimensionwarped don't get - having a black president canbe good in of itself because it sends a positive message - unless of course you "pervert" it which is what Shadix is doing here. MLK wanted race "not to matter" in one sense. Obama, and the people behind him do too. But you have to do things to GETto that place, and this is one of them. The first black president is a huge step. This is barely any different to what Obama did. I just can't wrap my head around why you don't realise this. I think the problem is that since he's just elected, and is talking about his own election, which is about one BLACK guy, so I can see how to a stupid personit would seem like that. It's fucking stupidity and you should beashamed. Conservatives just don't like dealing with the underdog's problems which is why their solution to racism isto ignore it. I'm sick of this enforced laziness and apathy. I think both Martin Luther King and I want a future where black kids and whitekids can sit down to dinner together, not faceless entity A and nameless entity B. Diversity is good. Racism won't go away if you ignore it, but a lot of the cultural nuances just might, since they are so based on people recognising them. "Is Nigger Acceptable?" (#122) (QUOTE) A colorblind society operates on a person-to-person basis. By automaticallytreating people differently based on their culture, you are going further from being colorbllind. The effect of the culture on the person in the world is an acceptable means of judgement. Are we to assume that being part of the same race/culture has the same effect oneveryone? By disregarding an important part of what makes up a person, you're not treating people on a person to person basis. It's irrelevant if race/culture has an effect on anyone. We can't know this, since you want us to throw away this information completely. Therefore, you know less about the individual by disregarding their race. Because people do not act the same way within their culture, you are not only ignoring background, but where their personal decisions may take root. (QUOTE) Lol whut? I'm judging them by not assuming they are different based only on their ethnic background? This doesn'tcompute in even the worst senses of logic. You basically just said that ignoring race is racist. In fact, thats exactly what you said. This is the fucking problem. You reduce everything I say to a stupidly simple level. If you're not intelligent enough to lay off the strawmen, then leave the thread. You have no idea what "Logic" even means. Throwing everyone in the same "minority"bag and ignore differing cultural backgrounds is prejudging them by the standards of other minorities. I'm goingby the actual definiton of prejudice, not the bullshit weighted version you'reusing. (QUOTE) No no, coming from different backgroundsis irrelevant. Thats cultural. Culture isn't just the country you're coming from. Goddamn. Different races will always have some different culturalaspects and definitely culutral history. (QUOTE) Labels aren't realities Wet Flame. If you believe that, why can't you realise "Minority" is in of itself an invented label? And sure labels are reality to an extent. Without any labels, you wouldn'tbe able to define or understand anything. It's the dipshit feel good faux-progressive attitude you're so enamoured with that's preventing you from realising this. (QUOTE) First, you lose points for assuming I don't know anything about Irish culture.Since I have direct Irish descendents onboth sides of my family within 3 generations, my parents made a point of teaching me Irish culture and history, so I'm actually rather well in tune withthat. Second, it is still racist to consider people differently on race. No, it isn't. Quit making unbacked statements. If I fucking say "Gee black guys sure have dark skin", that's not fucking racist. But under your logic, itwould be, since I'm not considering the same as everyone else. (QUOTE) America is called a melting pot. The idea is that culture is boiled down in exchange for individuality. Every American picks up from every culture poured into the melting pot. We all havesplashes of Asian, African, European, Middle Eastern, Roman, etc. instilled inus because of the constant free exchangeof ideas and ideals. Your melting pot is nothing more than homogeny and bastardisation, and "culture" does not immediately conflict individuality. Given you've spent some time in europe, I'm surprised you didn'tpick this up. Culture only negates individuality when it's aggressively pushed on people, which is true of americanised "culture". Someone's culture is a part of who the are. By removing a part of what makes them up, you're making them less individual, not more. Just because something isn't a personal choice doesn't mean it isn't a part of who you are. I hate this uber-PC bullshit. It remindsme of being in a transsexual chat room and they didn't like anyone even saying transsexual, because all women have different needs, and transsexuals are just another type of woman with different needs. I facepalmed so hard. Even if it's an aspect you may not be fond of. You don't have to tell anyone about it, unlike your crappy beliefs on the matter I remember you expressing some time ago, but it's still part of your personal history that shapes you into the individual you are. You should never try to forget it completely. Ignoring anything is throwing away important information, which is anti-intellectualism. Without d how knowing someone's culture, not only can you not understand their background, butyou can't understand how or why they will react to it on a personal level. Culture can, again, be more individualistic than you think. (QUOTE) I think I'll ignore that. I'm not getting into another pissing match with you. I greatly prefer to let you drown yourself with your inflammatory pseudo-arguing. Psuedo-arguing? Read your own goddamn posts. You're just rehashing the same point whereas I'm being more or less fairly dynamic. Just like the last argument, you're insisting I'm a racist with no real evidence to back your points. (QUOTE) Second, it is still racist to consider people differently on race. Back this the fuck up. This thread is about black culture, not someone simply having dark skin. You can't pretend it doesn't exist, and think that will make it better. It's childish. (QUOTE) Hell, if I didn't know how much hell it would inevitably cause, I'd have been tempted to lock this topic a page or twoback, right about just after the positive discrimination poster. Really, after that, there's not a lot to be said. God I would have hated you forever for that. There's plenty to be said, just not necessarily things you agree with. Ignoring cultural and racial differencesdoes not promote equality. It only turnsa blind eye to the issues that cause theinequality to begin with. If my "Opponents" were correct, they would at least have dealth with the example of disabled people. Treating all people "equally" to solve racism is like treating all patients equally to cure their ailments. "Is Nigger Acceptable?" (#111) (QUOTE) First of all, saying you can't treat allminorities as if they're the same thing is racism by definition. No it isn't. Bloody Hell. "Minority" is an abritary definition to begin with. Treating ANY grouping of people or two groups of people as if they're same for the sake of it is prejudice, not the other way around. You're pre-judging them. The fact is that by definition the people classed as minorities come from wildly different backgrounds and thus cannot be treated the same. There has tobe some underlying cause if one minorityis more "troublesome" than another. The grouping of them all together as "minorities" is an invented concept. (QUOTE) The Irish and the Chinese weren't labeled as slaves, Therefore it's not the same thing! Proving my point. ANY difference even inpublic perception is enough to show all minorities are not coming from the same place, This is just an idiotic, simplistic feelgood, armchair sociologist definition ofracism. The last thread you pulled this in was beyond shameful, you were determined to pin the "Racist" label on me and showed no argument even worth considering. (QUOTE) More to the point, African Americans have "had the opportunity to work themselves up" since the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863... almost 150 yearsnow, spanning over 9 generations. It's safe to say that no slaves survive todayand few African Americans alive today have had grandparents who were slaves. That was enough time for every other immigrant culture to build itself out ofthe ghetto. If you knew anything about Irish culture, you'd know we've had troubles .Or hell, look at the middle east. Many of those countries are the way they are partially out of reaction to a few western world leaders. It doesn't mean any one of those alternate cultures are "lazy", but there is some factor there that's causing the aggrivation. It is NOT racist to consider them differently. The basic difference between my point ofview and yours is that you do not affordsuch understanding, because it would be considering specific circumstances, which would be considering one group of people different to another This is just anti-intellectual hogwash. (QUOTE) Is saying that every single black personthat underachieves is at fault for that ludicrous? Yes. Certainly. However, since this is a generational problem, wehave to change the statement. The real question is who is responsible. In most cases, it's ghetto parental structure that is at fault. A parent who doesn't work is less likely to inspire their child to work. A parent who walks out onhis children is going to cause similar tension in the next generation. At the core of the majority of black underachievers, either that underachiever or some of his progeny is primarily at fault? Is that a ludicrous statement? I doubt that. The reason Ghetto-isation occurs in thisday and age is that white people market minorities. You got a gay guy? He'll decorate your house for you. Got a chinese guy? He'll teach you some crazy herbal relaxation technique or martial arts. Got a black guy? He grew up in theghetto and will pop a cap in your ass. So yes, it is, at the end of the day, down to racism from the majority. Just because they're not longer slaves doesn't mean no persecution occurs. It'sjust that since public perception of theblack man is worse than that of other minorities, it becomes true in this information rich day and age. (QUOTE) By making a distinction of minorities, you are supporting the concept of racism. People are people. That's fucking retarded. All you're doing is stripping away information usedto understand people, which is anti-intellectual. By making a distinction of minorities, you are recognising the "Minority" label is an invented one . Cultures ARE different. Ignoring this fact gets you fucking nowhere. Hell half the world's problems are down to ignorant ass americans like you not taking into account other cultures. (QUOTE) This ideal is not yet the case- but unequal treatment drives us further still from it. Would you care to make an argument to back this instead of making an unbacked statement? c "Megaman 9 is wonderful game" It really is. I just downloaded the demooff Xbox live, and it's awful. And what's worse is I know exactly what's going on here. The thing is that Megman 9 has awful gameplay. But unlike most modern games, it takes that awful gameplay and makes it systematic and seemingly constant. When people think of OLDSCHOOL MEGAMAN GAMES they think of crazy difficulty. They think of doing the same thing over and over until they get past it and yay it's good. The actual game design is terrible, it's not cleverly designed to be challenging. All they do is take two rather simple things that are hard to both follow at the same time, make them somewhat confusing, and then watch people jump into pits. People are bad atfollowing two things at once. Normally Iwouldn't be that bad at it at all, but this game creates such a confusing atmosphere. The thing is that ANYTHING remotely enjoyable about Megaman 9 is entirely inyour head. It is you setting up your ownpersonal goals to overcome. The game provides little to no enjoyment as it's just annoying control with overly simplistic gameplay. Let's break down concrete man's stage. First, you're faced with a shit ton of birds dropping a rocks on you, that thenfragment and the fragments of course hurt you. Then on TOP of that you're faced with these spinny things coming out pits that have very confusing movement. What's worse is that when you hit them, you get sucked back into the pits. This makes no sense. 9 times out of ten I'm on the right side of them, soI'm getting somehow sucked back through them and hurled into the pit. This is aritificlally created difficulty, which is bullshit. And then elephants. It does3 mini bossess in row that are very hardto dodge in some cases. Yes, if you sat down and anaylsed it would probably be easy. But it's not going to happen. So you do it over and over. The level designer here does not understand how the classic megaman gameswork. First off, these kind of sections,you'd only get later into a level. The three miniboss thing was ludicrous. The fact is while they have a reputation forbeing difficult, they were never this difficult nor this frustrating. Most importantly, after I'd done a sequence 4or 5 times in the classic Megaman games,I could easily get through without taking damage. This is the first Megamangame(except for maybe the original Megaman Zero) where this has not been sofor me. It's interesting becaue I finally tried out Sonic '06 and it had many of the same problems. That gets a shit review, Megaman 9 gets great reviews(of course if you review a HARD GAME low it's because you're a pussy, anyone else sickof this automatic defense for hard games?). But the fact is, you could havethe exact same approach to Sonic 06 as Megaman 9 in some regards - make a game of it. If you get flung off into a pit, it's not the game's fault for being confusing, it's YOUR FAULT. I can't wait until they put some real Megaman games up on Xbox Live arcade. It's a terrible game with terrible controls and it's sickening how much mone Capcom are going to make off this given it cost next to nothing to make(keep in mind the themes+packs all add up). All it does is spam difficult enemies of conflicting behaviour at you over and over. That's not a video game, it's an endurance test. "New Dust Hill sightings" (#70) (QUOTE) Uh... let's see, early concept art that showed the level's name was "Desert Zone" Desert Zone was the generic name for a conceptual level. "Rock Zone" wouldn't have been the actual name too. Quite frankly, fuck you Iceknight and your shitty mind games for convincing people otherwise. (QUOTE) Brenda Ross, who did the level art for the level, stating that it was never called Dust Hill Uhhh no. This is false. When people wentback and said "Hey was this just called Dust Hill because people brought it up" she said maybe.. That doesn't mean anything one or way or the other, but leans more towards Dust Hill than away. (QUOTE) Every magazine and Beta build using DustHill as a name for Mystic Cave... Every beta uses the Tails 1up icon in HPZ. That doesn't mean anything. They were just too Quite frankly you were a vocal opponent of this shit before but now I can feel you getting all cosy in the safety of mainstream opinion. This makes me sick. (QUOTE) Was the dessert level ever associated with time travel? IIRC, Desert Zone was associated with Rock Zone. Apart from Hidden Palace, Mystic Caves fits that description pretty well. There's probably a pattern here, if people weren't so retardedly anti-theorising. (QUOTE) If zones weren't done, they weren't put in. Think of Genocide City, Sky Chase, and Death Egg of the Simon Wai beta. They would have left the slot empty in this case. Um, Wood Zone wasn't exactly "done" whenit was put in either, it was bunged in just to show off a level concept. Obviously, Dust Hill was either in a SIDE build or they wanted to do more tweaking to the concept/art before they put it in, and ended up scrapping it. (QUOTE) the evidence these days have made a pretty darn convincing case that Dust Hill was in fact the original name for Mystic Cave. I think it's a safe assumption that Dust Hill = Mystic Cave. What evidence "These days"? The only NEWevidence we've got is Tweaker's new betawe haven't even seen yet, and that stilldoesn't really explain anything. (QUOTE) and the way I see it is with the conceptart showing the concept name for the desert level and magazine article after magazine article using "Dust Hill" in reference to Mystic Cave, and the fact that there's absolutely no reference to be found for that name in relation to the desert level, those are good reasonsto shove the old Dust Hill desert idea to the side. No they aren't. Dust Hill ws a stage contaning both SAND sections and SNOW sections. The only way you could create a genus would be a word like "Dust". It's the fact that the name fits the stage just too well. Why would they use a name that fit a past level much better? It makes no sense, it'll only confuse people internally. "Dust Hill" "Oh you mean that desert level?" If this place wasn't so retarded when itcomes to reasoning they'd see that. I've brought this up 5 times already. (QUOTE) Mystic Cave did not have a name at this point. However, in a later prototype-theWai beta-it does. Dust Hill Zone. That'sall we can reasonably go on, as it was assigned specifically to this slot and nothing else. It was referred to as DustHill in various magazines. Sonique, I spent half of my posts earlier dealing with this very point andwhy it's show. Are you really that goddamn dim? It's irrelevant. If Mystic Caves replaced Dust Hill in the game's level order NOT IN THE PHYSICAL ROMS ITSELF and they hadn't come up with a new name,then this makes some level of sense. (QUOTE) Bad memory? BS? Or AMAZING MISSING INFORMATIONS? I mean the Area51 BOARD. (QUOTE) Wetflame - if you'd ever written any software, you'd see why Tweaker's right about this. I have, and I do. No I haven't and that's exactly the thing. It's because I know how software tends to be built in the industry that Iknow this. I have no idea why you personally use a different method and NEVER use side builds but either way you're all being faggots about this. (QUOTE) No? This question is much more relevant. No it isn't, since we can actually have a complete theory with one line of questioning, but not yours. (QUOTE) Neo Green Hill accurately describes Emerald Hill, yet it's not its real name. We don't know if Neo Green Hill wasn't the intended name for Emerald Hill at some point. The earliest beta we have has both Green Hill and Emerald Hill, IIRC. Neo Green Hill is also a generic name. I like how you ignore the fact that Dust Hill is a very specific thing that describes both Snow and Sand. The level of "coincidence" is much bigger than with Neo Green Hill. Have we even ever had an indoor Hill level? The style of the Desert level is much closer to a generic "Hill" level. This is getting aggrivating because nobody's actually dealing with my points, only saying TWEAKER WAS RIGHT YOU KNOW. "New Dust Hill sightings" (#52) (QUOTE) Let me state it again-the Desert level could never have been called Dust Hill because Mystic Cave was in the game before there was ever any suggestions that the Desert level could have been inthe game at any point in time. Uhh, what? We have no idea when exactly the "Desert Level" was planned to be putin. When it was actually put in the ROM was meaningless. They can still develop the art and level design seperate of themain build, which we know is what happened with DHZ anyway since it was most likely never in a proto build. (QUOTE) There is a Sonic 2 prototype that existswhich is extremely similar to the Nick Arcade build, the prime difference beingthat MCZ is in the game and playable. This is before a level select was updated with the actual Sonic 2 level names (at this point it was still Sonic 1 names), and certainly before any levelslots that could have contained the Desert level were available. First off, this presumes that all the Sonic 2 builds were 100% linear, with nothrow-away prototypes or side builds. Secondly I'm not talking about the levelslots IN THE GAME, but the "this is the 7th level" kind of level slots. If Mystic Cave took Dust Hill's place in the intended level order, it would overwrite it's SLOT in the game development that occurs outside of the ROM. Again, you're incapable of understandingthis, so I'm not sure how to put it to you. Also, NOTHING here proves that Dust Hillwasn't the name of the Desert level. Allit shows is that the name was used "in some capacity" for Mystic Caves which weknow anyway. The actual INTENDED level name, you cannot, and have not proven, that it was written down. Again, my original assertion that Mystic Caves simply took Dust Hill Zone's place in "Being a level" makes sense - if they already had the title cards in, etc., they'd shove them in a later game. Also, nothing with your argument addresses the illogical assignment of the name "Dust Hill" to a level which isneither obviously dusty nor a hill. Nothing. (QUOTE) But the most important factor in this argument is that the Desert level has never been called Dust Hill in any capacity ever, except by the fans! This is exactly it. Long before you camealong, we had reasons for believing this. Which is why it would be interesting to look back on 2001 archives of Area51. (QUOTE) Denying technical evidence in favor of your own reasoning is not logical-it's stupid. But the TECHNICAL EVIDENCE doesn't explain anything! Plus you have no "Technical Evidence" that the Desert Level wasn't called Dust Hill. For all you know Dust Hill was a cool name and they kept it and assigned it at random. You are ignoring the ENTIRE GAME CREATION PROCESS outside of the rom and think my argument is stupid? You have noclue. Not once, ever, EVER have you made reference to anything outside of the actual ROM itself yet you still act as if you have a clue as to how the game was made. It's obvious to me from this evidence you have zero competency with regards anything outside of rom hacking. The fact is any argument you make is useless because you are unable to grasp the actual concept of creating a game. Even if you were right about dust hill, it would be for the wrong reasons. "Technical Evidence" is open to interpretation. We still don't have any actual EXPLANATION for what's going on. Technical evidence is just numbers on a screen. it doesn't necessarily "Prove" anything because we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. (QUOTE) But when we have so many factors that suggest that Dust Hill was not the name of the Desert level, then that is the logical conclusion to make. No you don't! You don't have a single one. (QUOTE) Are you trying to say they had Mystic Cave in, scrapped it to put the desert level into the game, gave it a name on the level select, and then just put Mystic Cave back in the level slot again? Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds? Jesus christ how thick are you? I just explained EXACTLY what they meant and NONE of it involved putting the game is.You accuse me of ignoring your post whenthis is flat out, 100% evidence you ignored mine. (QUOTE) Actually, the simplest explanation s simply that MCZ overwrote DHZ's slot or position in level order, and the title cards had already been drawn up outside of the game(really, this proves the ignorance of some people here - since they work exclusive on one monolith of aROM, they presume that's how it was developed, NOWHERE did I see you address this in your post, at all, so you couldn't just have "Misinterpreted" it, you ignored it. The points are 1) What happens in the ROM isn't everything. If the Titlecards were done by one person, working from an older level select, then coming back a month or two later, the titles would show up the older names. At some point they had intended to put Dust Hill Zone in - why bother developing the level otherwise? 2) Games are not necessarily developed linerally. Sometimes, multiple throw away betas are made to test different avenues. If you knew anything about Software Development, you'd know this. Ihaven't seen you address this point ANYWHERE. The Nick Arcade beta was most likely one of these in some capacity - as it was built for the show, and Tails was disabled. 3) You still have not proved Dust Hill was not the name of the level. Even if my earlier theory about filling the level's position is incorrect, it could simply have been re-used at random, for any number of reasons. 4) Technical evidence does not supercedelogic which is the whole problem with your way of thinking. Technical evidenceis open to interpretation, whereas it ispossible to point out an objective logical flaw in someone's argument that is not open to interpretation. I don't get it. Like I said I was the one who originally found out about the Hidden Palace monitor. To me it was immediately obvious what may or may not be happening because I REASONED what washappening, or THEORISED if you want to put it that way. It must have taken you a lot longer since you don't seem to like thinking that way. I've dealth withenough "Technical Evidence" myself, as Isaid, long before you were an active member. I may not have those skills anymore, but I still know enough to knowthat it's all ultimately just a bunch ofnumbers that can be interpreted different ways. We have NO IDEA what went on behind the scenes, if we can't make a logical argument. If we CAN, thenwe might find that something could likely only have occured one way - and that SUPERCEDES technical evidence, as it doesn't actually "contradict" what's objectively observable in the rom - onlyyour subjective interpretation. Learn how the software development process works, then come back to me. Andstop ignoring important points like Hidden Palace's music and level select icon being inserted long after the levelwas finished - this proves that there isa somewhat odd order of how they work onthings, procrastinating for months at a times(meaning the same can happen with the title cards, as the Hidden Palace music and Icon are also "time delayed"). "Sonic 2 and the Lost Levels" (QUOTE) All we have to assign to the Dust Hill name to is Mystic Cave, since that's theonly conclusion we have sound evidence to support. Brenda Ross' testimony is not credible BECAUSE of the various evidence that contradicts her affirmation. It's absolutely pointless to try and argue otherwise unless you have definitive evidence to back up yourstatement. No, it's not pointless at all. We have aname, that doesn't fit a level in the slightest, If you use LOGIC as it partains to the human thought process(asmuch as it can be), it's reasonably obvious that Dust Hill was probably the name of the Desert Level. You can't justlook for evidence "in the ROM". Imagine this scenario. New level, Dust Hill, gets added to the ROM. Oh shit, we're probably not going to go with thislevel right now, here's another one I think will work better. Dust Hill does not fit Mystic Caves zone. In the slightest. No matter how much people claim Sonic has ridiculous level names, almost all of them thematically fit. Scrap Brain? An excellent name for a base of a guy that builds ROBOTS. Gimmick Hill? An excellent name for a bit ol' hill with funny bits of technology on it. Developing games is a chaotic, hectic process. It's not systematic and orderly- I'm surprised none of the ROM hackers realise this. I'm sorry, but everyone's been somehow mentally conditioned by a conceptual hiccup one or two researchers had. NOTHING new was revealed other than magazines who had our protos so would have drawn the same conclusions without thinking about it, so nothing new, sincewe mostly believed "Dust Hill" was the name of the stage. Let's look at it this way. It's no less ridiculous than if "Chemical Plant" had been scrapped an overwritten, with, say,Metropolis Zone. If we had photos of a Chemical Plant Zone, and then someone comes along and says "Oh, we must take the more literal name of "Toxic Zone", and here's some very early art that sortof refers to a similiar level as that, I'm not sure since it's in japanese", that'd be retarded. It's pretty obvious that it was a placeholder for an older level. This is probably why there's no trace ofDust Hill Zone in our betas. That was probably the level slot for it, and the art got ENTIRELY replaced. In fact, there could well be more stages in earlier/later betas. If you overwrite the levels exactly and completely with new graphics and new code, there may be no identifiable changes. Moreso, if all the code/enemies were re-used in other levels, there may be no traces at all. We also don't know if they always used the same method for removing levels - back in the 90s, there were poor and ever changing standards for software development. Some methods of software development also involve developing two seperate prototypes, so it's not just Version 0.1 to 0.9, but there could alsobe a 0.5b, etc., and they pick the best of the two. If there was a level they were unsure of, like Genocide City, it probably would have never made it into the main line of builds. You can't thinkof it as an entirely linear process. After all, it's still likely Sonic CD was based off an early version of Sonic 2(There doesn't need to be any communication between the teams for this- they just give them the latest build of Sonic 2 to work on rather than Sonic 1). If you want to try a level out; you takethe game as is; shove the level design and graphics in there, and send copies of the build off to the many testers. Ifthey like it; it stays. If they don't, you just go back to the earlier build. That's the cleanest way of doing it but unfortunately makes it unlikely we'll ever see those levels. Wood Zone, Hidden Palace Zone, etc., however, were cut due to time(and rom size). Note that it seems how there are *no levels* in earlier builds that were scrapped until the Final Build. This supports my theory quite well. If not, then the complete overwrite theory is what stands. They were obviously rather stuck, conceptually, with what to do(I know thefeeling) and didn't have time to come back to them at the end and finish them after procrastinating. Levels that were cut due to being "Unsuitable" or the testers/management/previewer they sent acopy to for the purpose of trying out this level not liking it, we'll never see in a mainline beta. What you need tofind are the testers - but more than likely most wouldn't have bothered to try and steal one that wasn't a major beta. IMO, it's unlikely that they bothered toget Brenda to do the art and never bothered trying it in "a" ROM at all. All we have are betas that were sent outto magazines and TV shows. There may be other betas out there. This is why the drx beta is so boring tome - compared to what we could have got,it's just a mix of Sonic 1 and our own beta. Dust Hill can only be described that waysince it was a stage that had two kinds of "dust" - Snow and Sand. It fits it ridiculously perfectly to the point thateven if we never heard that name, it would be the most logical name to give it. It's just a case of 1) People taking things too literally and only understanding how the ROM as-is, not thedevelopment process works, and 2) Peoplethink they're more clever for being more"Mundane". Now, Dust Hill Zone may very well be in an earlier, mainline beta. Why is this? Because it was overwritten. Note that they talk of a level that changes palettes half way through - no doubt thelevel's gimmicks were causing issues andit wasn't interesting enough without them. That, or they made the slot for DHZ because they liked the name at least, but weren't sure about the specific implementation of the level. Hidden Palace could have been near finished in a side beta, but, again, thetesters may have found it too glitchy - back to the version where it ends at thetube breaker(incidentally - sprites you "break open" like that in Sonic games were almost ALL square at that point, soeither Craig Stitt's memory is fuzzy or it's possible it may be a clue as to whyit wasn't finished past that point). Genocide City could have been near finished, put it into the rom, and immediately rolled back after people found the concept too inane. Sonic CD could even have had some of these lost levels - think about it - even if there was no communication - the game still had to use Sonic 1 as a base for the engine or at least sprites - so they'd probably use the "Latest version" or could have even ended up with one of these side builds, intended to be more suitable as a base for spin-off games. It's impossible to prove otherwise - because we don't know how different the first builds of Sonic 2 were. The game could have been entirely scrapped and restarted. Throw away prototyping, whilenot as popular back then, still happened. Sonic CD is structured differently to Sonic 2, also - any left overs in Sonic 2 from Sonic 1 in CD are pretty meaningless - since obviously it shows they "can" get rid of some leftovers if they put their minds to it.Again, no need for communication - Sega just grab the beta from Sonic Team/STI'shands and give it to the CD dev team. Remember, that things like the Spin Dashwere probably coded multiple times in early versions of Sonic. I'm making a game with a gimmick move of telekinesis,and I've had two very different versionsoperated by the keys and mouse. I went with the mouse. I also make sure to keepplenty of earlier versions so I can rollback -who wouldn't? And why keep them ifyou never roll back. I just thought I'd have to point out these general misconceptions as I feel that pessimism has become far too popular here and is probably why the place isn't more active. It's still possible we'll find Dust Hill, Genocide City, perhaps a more finished Wood Zone in alternate builds rather than later/earlier builds. Very unlikely, butyou never know. We haven't really talkedwith anyone involved in the coding and overall development all that much. We'd really need to ask Yuji Naka himself as he was the head programmer. Some day, wemight get to do that. What we need to do is all try and becomeinvolved in the games industry so we canactually get to talk to him one on one. He's not going to have time for random fans who don't even like him all that much. The lost levels are almost definitely out there. Please don't loose hope. I'vecontinually said it's UNLIKELY but it doesn't necessarily have to be. We can'tjust have one guy looking for the betas,and not just because it's bad for egotism and whatnot. There will be more cool stuff we may not have seen from ALLof the Sonic games, not just Sonic 2, ifmy theory is right. There could be wholecool levels we've never seen. Don't give up, guys. But at the same time - remember - Prototypes aren't inherently interesting. Sonic 2's lost levels, Sonic CD's R2, and Area51's Sonic Adventure page really glorified the idea of a "beta". Don't be excited about a beta just for the sake of it, ordisappointed when it contains nothing new. What matters is what's in it - and in my view, while prototypes are generally just poorer versions of the final product - what we're looking for is still out there. Don't let the mundanity get you down. Talking with Tweaker I think I have answers to a lot of the inevitable questions. I've tried to include some, but I think I can tackle almost everything on the subject of Sonic 2/CD Lost levels if you give me a chance. Let's get fackin'! Z "Gay President Candidate?" (#67) (QUOTE) Bullshit Wetflame. It's no different than someone preferring the white guy orthe straight guy. Or just plain the guy over the woman. The minute you make yourpreference based solely on an issue the candidate has no control over, you've made a bigoted choice. That's horeshit. Someone with a severe mental disability probably would not make a good president either, and that'ssomething they have no control over. Is that a bigoted choice? No, because there's a REASON for me not voting for them, so it's not bigotry. Similarly I have a REASON I'd vote for a gay president, because I believe that havingsomeone in power who had little chance of being in power has a positve impact and gives people hope, something you will never fucking understand If I recall correctly you turned out to be pretty damn bigoted about trans issues back when I was on SFGHQ so I wouldn't trust your definition of "Bigoted chocie". (QUOTE) Also, it's not a big deal if there is never a gay president. Who sits in the chair of the oval office and real-world equality have jack and squat to do with one another. I'm sorry but you're beyond saving and Ihave 0 respect for you. It's not bigotry if a gay president NEVER gets elected, but it would be if one was. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. And no, that's not a strawman. If a gay president never gets elected, the probability of homophobia not being a factor in that is practically nil. In that equation, homosexuality being an issue cancels out on both sides. So it's okay for people to vote on homophobia but not to stand up for the little guy. Either that or you are incredibly naive. You are NOT being progressive here. Hellyou're not even paying attention to a damn thing I'm saying. (QUOTE) Voting for a president based on something trivial like this just goes toshow how fucked up our average voting demographic is, and how fucked up it hasbeen based around this whole election. Sure many people supported Obama based on his principles and whatnot, but I can't believe the number of people who voted for Obama sheerly because of his skin color alone. It's like voting for a woman for president because you are a woman, and not for your own ideology. Your stances should choose your position, not something trivial like this. TL;DR: Voting based on a single facet isa perversion and complete undermining ofthe entire purpose of politics. Gee, just what we need, another retardedreply that ignores the arguments that were just made. ` "Man Accused of Murder..." (#27) (QUOTE) ... give him the chair? Seriously, someone breaks into his home, he goes todefend his home, and when he DOES defendhis home, you wanna give him the chair? Think about that. If the teens hadn't broken in in the first place, which theyKNEW better than to do, then this WOULD NOT have happened. That's ignoring the question of whether the punishment fits the crime. I know not to steal a bar of chocolate from a shop, but if I do, does that mean I deserve any given punishment? If you want to defend yourself, learn martial arts, or how to use a weapon non-lethally. Your reasoning is ridiculous, but it's what you were raised on, so you've probably never questioning it. (QUOTE) There's a difference between four ARMED men stealing money and four teenage boysstealing snacks. As the article said, the boys were unarmed, and I'm sure the man in question for murdering one of them knew that. He DID have them held down at gun point. I don't believe he had the right to shoot one of the boys -he had the right to call the police to take care of them though. Yes. This is no excuse. I'm fucking disgusted at everyone in this thread who thinks it's justified. You're batshit insane right wing nutjobs, and I'm not saying that to troll. Jesus. It's not an opinion - it's a FACT thta your reasoning makes no sense. You are invoking the logical fallacy of appeal to force. You cannot say any given punishment fits the crime, it is not logical. It's nice to know saxman and even a few britfags here are a irredeemably sick, perverted vengence filled subhuman little shits who think it's their divineright to shoot someone you've already forced to their needs and made beg. There is no way in hell that the crime of breaking in to someone's house unarmed compares to the crime of pushingsomeone to their knees and shooting themin the head. You're all selfish little twats who only care about your "Rights" and not the logic beind them. You couldn't grasp the concept of utility ifit shot you in the back of your head. I bet some of you would even rape the corpse. I mean who the fuck is going to find out? And it's your GOD GIVEN RIGHT to do what you like to some poor soul who makes a stupid mistake. (QUOTE) But, like I said, I never trust the words of criminals, no matter how convincing. You're a stupid faggot. There isn't a binary distintion between "Criminal" and"innocent". EVERYONE is guilty of something, these kids were just unlucky.They are not part of some seedy criminalunderbelly, they're just normal kids whodid something stupid. I guarantee you either you or most people here have at some point illegally aquired software, music or video. That makes a "criminal" too if you stick to shitty binary definitions. W "New Dust Hill sightings" (#74) I can actually provide several complete models that explain everything that happened. 1) The levels were conceptualised for Sonic 2. One of them, a "Desert Level" had some concepts drawn up. 2) They decided that the desert level should have a section where it instead turns into snow, with christmas trees instead of cactii. The only logical nameto give this would involve the word "Dust", describing two types of particlehere, sand and snow. Sand can be mistaken for dust, and snow is refered to as "dust" by Snowboarders. 3) The concept was given to an artist, Brenda Ross, who did some art, mock up. 4) The artist goes off and does the title cards, to test the title card system and have an idea of what it wouldlook like. 5) Another stage, a cave level, was drawn up, probably based off the "Rock Zone". The level is currently nameless. Because of the uniquness of Mystic Cave - having several gimmicks, no one name describes it that well. 6) They decide to go with the cave levelidea over the desert level idea. 7) The level select cards are at some point implemented. They are not updated,since this is an internal test beta and it's really quite pointless doing so. The same goes for the level select - we don't know if they were ever meant to SEE the level select to begin with. Mystic Caves remains as Dust Hill because: A) There is no need to update the title cards until the final, B) There is no need to update the name in the level select until they've decided on one. The coincidence level of having a name called Dust Hill and a level who's only common theme was the presence of Dust(how else do you tie a desert and snowfield together, please come backto me on this) Neo Green Hill Zone wasn't renamed into Aquatic Ruin until around the same time Dust Hill became Mystic Cave. The fact is it's likely that the level select wasnever really intended to be seen by the public, or taken too seriously by previewers. You can't use something thatwe were not meant to see, and thus wasn't held up to any real standards, asyour stone cold hard evidence. This requires some presumptions but no logcial jumps. (QUOTE) I always called it the desert zone or desert level What you claimed is that she outright said it was never called Dust Hill. Sonique lied and you're talking through your ass. Given that's what she CALLED it, she wasprobably never given an official title for it. w9*@pzrr" ʄR!1 Q*04)0;C!  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