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Pictures by Lecutus!! Music from Super Mario World!! Font from the Amiga!! Controls: Down/Up to Scroll Trough the Doc L/R to Select Music -------------------------------- ----------- SNDS Doc ----------- -------------------------------- The Incredible Hulk US GOLD [16MB/USA] Finally another conversion of a marvel comics hero, the hulk is here! Once you start the game you see how the hulk makes his marcable transformation from man to hulk, the game awaits. LEVEL 1 Go down the first sewer to pick up a medicinal pil, these pills can be used to let you transform from hulk to man. Go on right , jump on the telephonebox and then the roof of the house to pick up a Time bonus. Go right and up (the water will instandly kill you), on the topleft is a small entrance, use your pil here and crawl through the passage, here you will find another time bonus and a gun. Go right and down, take the lower tunnel, then go right and up. Take the second sewer, go right and down, here you will find a big enemy, kill him with ease. Go right and down the sewer,then right and up the elevator, here is another enemy, rhino, once you have defeated him you leave the construction site for a more restfull place to stay, but in the jungle your plan falls apart as you fall into a tyran trap, here level 2 starts. LEVEL 2 Go right and up, smash the greekvase and pick up the energypills it lets free. Now go left and up, on the right you will notice a wall you can't get through, in order to open it, smash the stonehead on the left of the screen untill it starts screaming, the wall will now fall apart. Go right transform to human and crawl underneeth the firststair and pick up all the bonuses in the next screen. Go left and up and right there smash the wall and it will fall apart, hit the stonehead untill it starts screaming, this will create a bridge on the top of the level, now go left and up and right,up and left to walk over this bridge. Go up and right, then smash the stonehead on the right, this will open an exit in the bottom of the floor on the left of you. go right and then all the way up, jump on the rockwall on the left and keep walking left (you will be walking out of the screen), you will fall down and stand next to the wall, start smashing the wall for extra medicinal pills and time bonuses. go right and keep up again, here you will find another wall, smash it , behind it on the right is another stonehead, smash it and the exit below will open. go left, then right and down, kill the guard and go up and left to pick up the heart bonus, now go right. Go down,right,up,left,up,right. keep going right untill you have passed the brijcks of rocks (1,2,3,3), then go up the stair and hit the stonehead. Go downward and crawl through the narrow passage. Go up untill you see a 3 way split, i took the middle one which seemed to be fairly easy, keep up and finally go left. Hit the wall and pick up the bonuses. Hit the stonehead on the wall and 2 bricks ahead of you will disappear, jump over the other 2 bricks, make sure you don't hit the other stonehead on the other side of the 2 bricks, it will only start firing on you. Neither hit the stonehead on the other 4 bricks, it will cause the floor to break up. Go right(back) and jump on the right of the screen, as you will see another stonehead is there, hit that one instead and 2 more bricks will disappear. Jump over the 2 small walls and hit the left stonehead, the right one will only start firing at you. Go up and right and hit the stonehead on the wall creating another stair on the left of the level. Go right and up, here you will find another enemy, whcih is the same as the 1st enemy you met in the first level, once he sits down leave him and go right, and up, above to the left is a open place, jump towards it and some stairs will apear in the air, jump on them and go left where you must hit another stonehead in order to open the exit, go back to the open space. Keep right, go down then left. Once you have gone down again, hit the wall on the left and a cabinet will apear with walls, hit them for extra bonuses. Go right, untill you see a stonehead above the hallway, kill it in order to open the exit. Go rght and up, here you will find another end of level enemy , debrus kill him. Level 3 Go right and keep right, truy to avoid hits with the powergrids o nthe floor they will consume considerable amounts of energy. Go up the elevator, then right up and left up the other elevator, then right. Go up the rotating stairs to collect some bonuses, then go right and down the eleavtors. Go right, and up, pull the power switch on the top left of the screen in order to open the door beneath you. Go right, down the elevator and right, pull the powerswitch on the bottom right of the screen and go up. Go up the elevator and then right up the other elevator and push the powerswitch, go down, left and up the other elevators. After some elevators you must choose bewteeen the left and the right elevator, take the right one in order to open the exit on the left elevator. Go left and up, now you will again meet the first level 1 enemy, smack him again untill he sits down, i guess they pulled this guy in to take away some of your energy in the levels. go left, then down and left again, truy to keep the way up in order to disable the powerswitch on the top left, return down left. Transform to human and crawl in the tunnel buttom left in order to get some bonuses. Go up and left and up, keep left. Now you will find another end of level boss, each time you seem to have him he will replennish, go right and destroy him again. Once you have defeated him you will be transported to a total new world, level 4. Level 4 Go right,down,left,down,right, down,left, make sure you hit the red drip at the ceiling in order to make a bridge over a hole in the ground. Go left and up, keep left and kick the wall while going left. Go left and up, once you are up, you have to hit the blood drop hanging on the top-left, so that the wall on the right will disappear, keep going left and up, make sure you hit the blood drip hanging on the ceiling. Once you have reached the top, go right and walk over the bridge, once you have passed it, hit the blood drip on the top of the ceiling to create a bridge to the other side of the lake. Walk through the nasty tentacles and keep going right, where you will find our beloved level one enemy. Once you have him sitting again, go right and up, then smash the blood drip on the top-left of the screen, then go right. Go right,up,left,up,right,up and hit the blood drip on the top right of the ceiling. Go right and kill the 2 blood drops below the surface, then go right, here you will find the end of level enemy. Kill the brain is done easiest from the back of the brain, this way you can not get hit by the energy pulses it shoots. Level 5 You will now find that you are back in the fortress of the leader, go right,up,left,up, right,up,left,up,left, go on your route and avoid getting hit by the moving obstacles. Go right and hit the power switch on the right of the screen. Continue your way, but be aware, the more tricky part of the level is coming up, make sure you have your timing in tip top shape when you jump on the rolling stairs. Go up and right, now jump on the vertical rolling stairs , but watch out underneeth the lowest stair is a energyfield, i found ou that once oyu are falling down you better keep pressing left so that you won't fall into the energy field but land next to it. Take the second rolling stairs and go up and right. Here you will find the level one fighter once again, defeat him untill he sits down. Go left, then up and right. Here you will find the final enemy, he seems to be unvonerable to you, but it is real easy to kill him, just bent and givew him a upper cut, he'll just fly straight into the canyon. With the defeation of the leader the self-destruct sequence initiates, the hulk can barely escape it's big blow. I hope you enjoy the game as much as i did, Lecutus. If you got any questions on this documentry feel free to give me a call, the console hq bbs numba is stated in this textfile. /\ ____ /\ ____ /\ ____ /__\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \ / \/ \/ \/ Northern [L]ight +31-1882-1881! [L]egend Consoles HQ ____ /\ ____ /\ ____ /\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \/ \/ \/ Some fast greets to: Paradox, Elitendo,Mystic,Caligula,Censor, Illusion,Anthrox,Cyberforce, Fairlight and all others...