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Pictures by Lecutus!! Music from Super Mario World!! Font from the Amiga!! Controls: Down/Up to Scroll Trough the Doc L/R to Select Music -------------------------------- ----------- SNDS Doc ----------- -------------------------------- Twisted Tales Of Spike Mc Fang Natax Software [8MB/USA/PAL] Hi there and welcome to the docs for T.T.T.O.S.M.F (pff), this really is a splendid Zelda styled snes game. The games starts with professor steam and young fang driving to fighter island, the place where young adventurers learn the way of the warrior, so young fang can be the ruler in the kingdom of dracuman. Camelia joins the two and explains that general von hesler's army of zombies has taken over the land of vladamas- co, and since both camelia's and spike's parents are missing camelia asks you to find your parents and together defeat von hesler's army. But since you have no refund on your training on fighter island you tell her to go, and that you will join her later after you have completed the training. Camelia is pissed and leaves for the land of vladamasco, leaving you with the professor who quickly leaves for batland, the professor will keep in touch with you via the cellular phone, he'll keep notice of the effords you make and let's you know when you have gaint another experience level, the higher the experience level, the easier it gets to slam the enemies who are dropped throughout the levels, but let's start with the train- ing on fighterisland, on the island Master Ching Cao Qiang (let's call him Clarence) will carry you through the training- schedule, first of all you have to jump over 15 rolling logs, jumping is done by pressing the "B" button of your controlpad, not a tough thing to do... Notice that you jump longer AND higher by keeping the "B" button down for a while. Next on schedule is the spin attack, which is done by shortly pressing the "Y" button, you have to hit 30 rocks with your cape by pressing the "Y" Button Notice that you will make a big spin, with big effect, when pressing the "Y" Button a few times after another, but this will cause dizzyness and when you are dizzy you are an easy victim for your enemies. Nect on schedule is the jump on the seechaw, which is quite easy just walk upward the screen, go stand on the left side of the seechaw and one of the puppins (they look like te statues that stand on easter-island) will walk towards you and jump on the other end of the seechaw, caus- ing you to jump and fly through the air, you will land on some kind of a pladform, walk upward the stairs, then right and your next task awaits, you will now learn to practice the hat toss, which is done by pressing the "Y" button, keep it down untill it starts floating above your hat, aim by pressing up/down/ left/right, then release the "Y" button to throw your hat. Your task in this training is to shoot 15 Balloon animals. Notice that when the hat is com- ing back towards you, you can turn it's direction by walking another way, this is very handy when enemies are following you, causing major damage to them, BTW. i have with this managed to hit 3 balloons in one throw. Once you have hit 15 balloon you can go to the next level, go right, then down, then right, walk over the bridge the bridge will break down, but don't worry, when you have fallen down you will land on a bundle of wood that is floating down the stream, while floating down, make sure you avoid beeing hit by the pihrana's by spin attacking them and jumping over them. Once you have gainted safe ground again you face your final training, you have to spar with the master (Clarence) and over- come his magic cane. Once you have defeated Clarence Magic cane he will reward you by giving you a box to store your trickcards in, a trick card is selected by pressing the "L" or "R" button, pressing the "A" button will cause the trick to work. While you were training general von Hesler has taken over the castle of Dracuman and Helena, one of von Heslers evil spirits, placed her daughter Felina in charge of the army. You will find yourself in a litle village (batland), this is the place where you can first save away game towards the cart- ridge... You can open the doors of the houses by pressing the "Y" button when standing next to the door, mostly the owners will open the door and give you info on what has happened, make sure you keep in mind what they are saying, it might be handy in a later stadium. In other houses you can buy po- tions for health or trickcards which are handy to have on hand. When you leave the village (up the screen that is) you will enter the castlegardens, in the garden you will find your first enemies, the killer cloves which are quite easy to kill. after you have dealt with the gloves, jump on the bridge towards the door, which you will find is closed and since you have no key you can't get in,hit the door and walk back on the bridge,the professor will call you and explain that he has given the key to sid,your pet (actually it is a lochness look- alike),sid is laying in the water to the left of you, walk towards the top of the screen, then left, make sure you hit all killer gloves since sid is afraid of them, since they stole the key for the door of the castle! Now walk to the right and kill the glove carrying the key of the door, you can now open the door by walking towards it, hit it and it will automatically open, you will now fing yourself in the entrance of the castle, kill the zombies with your hat and walk on, watch out for their killing breath! When you are at the end of the entrance you can go left and right, on the left side of the building is nothing special, when you go right you will find a stair that will take you up the castle. Here you can go left and right again, on the right seems to be nothing, left is your way on. You will walk on a few screens which are completely empty, then a guard apears who will kick you back, causing you to fly trough the wall on the right, making a new passway. After doing this you will find yourself able to save your game away to the cardridge. Go right and down inwards the castle again and defeat the filine fighters, truy not to get hit by their power sticks. Now go left and down, you will find another junction, going left and right, on the right are ground-hidden sprears and a centered flame-thrower, on the left you will go though a maze of wall placed spear and now you can choose to either open the door or jump the trampoline, behind the door is a small,empty (?) room, but from there you can see one of the enemies, metal muncher, running around in his metal-armour. Jump on the trampoline and you will mishit it, but don't be afraid when you fall into the water, sid will help you and put you back on place, the other side of the screen with the trampoline. Walk up the door and go right then up and right, truy to avoid the flying arrows. Here is the armoured enemy truy to avoid hitting his fluying box -missles and don't let him jump on you. Continue your way in the castle, once you have reached the wooden barriers, take care not to fall of, walk downwards and left, keep left until max, then down the stairs, here you can go up the other stairs or open the door, which is locked. go up the stairs and go over the wooden barriers, kill the big tarantula who is guarding the key of the locked door (using your bat-trackcard is useful here). Once you have killed the tarantula he will leave you the key on his web, the key will fall down on the floor below you walk all the way back, pick up the key and go back to the door, which you can now open with your key, go up and right, you will now find yourself in a hallway, go quickly to the right and jump over the waving carped, kill the Filine fighters who are causing the carpet to wave, you can now choose between 3 gateways, the left and middle will take you to a room with another metal- armoured guard, pay no attention to him, he is of no use, go through the right hallway and you will find yourself in another hallway, with 3 ways out The most left exit is only a room with an armoured guard. First go to the little room which is behind the most right- handed door, watch the chainsaws and pick up the key, now go to the door in the middle (the one next to the most right door) and open the door in this room with the key you just picked up. Walk through the door and watch out for the lurking wind which truys to suck you straight into the flame throwers. walk pass the flame thrower, and guess who is there, it is your mother, she is held captive in one of the dungeons, and she explains what your enemy will be like , an athletic level 4 fighter. Collect the trick card your mother gave you and continue your way, after some time you will find a junction going left and up the way up is a by- pass,use this if you don't want to get hit by the chainsaw that is running around, after this go left and up, make sure you save away your game at the puppin standing on the top right (stand next to it, hit the "Y" button, then the "A" button to confirm your save. Go left and up the stairs, then the first right, in this room you will find the key that you need to open the door to get to felina, the queen of the feline fighters. Watch out fighting her, when you think you have her down she will replanish herself, truy to keep distance by throwing your hat at her. Once you have allmost defeated her she will surrender and give you a token, when you grap the token a trap will fall over you, but don't worry, the son of general von Hesler named Rudy will set you free and explains he is on your side. He explains that he needs your help to prove that general von Hesler is innocent and is kept in trance by a creature, your mother joins you telleing you that you must continue your journey to von Hesler's castle. Meanwhile von hesler is angry and asks Helena what has happen- ed, she explains that she should not have placed her daughter in command of the castle, and that Croc is guarding the Kalala Desert. With Rudy you return to the Bat- village, the professor awaits you and explains that camelia is very sick, he asks you to visit her in order to let her regain her strenght. In the village you can now buy some more trickcards (i prefered the ones with the tomatoe-power) and after that you join up with the professor to drive to rat- ville,but during the trip a rock falls on the car, which is badly damaged, you continue your jour- ney on foot, leaving the profes- sor and the balloon animals with the wreck. Fight the desert gloves and keep on going left, then up, then left then up again and keep left ,all of a sudden you will be at- tacked by flying arrows, don't worry they are on your sight they come from the people of rat ville, the people that have send you the letter to join them, you will meet their leader, Helious Bain. Helious takes you to Camelia, in order to rescue her you must bring her the water of the kalala desert, which is in the pyramid to the north guarded by Croc. In the house of Helious is a to- matoe plant, go there and reload your energy. When you leave the house, go left and jump on the tiles in the air, i suggest you walk on them fast, this way you will notice the least of the ghost who truy to push you of the tiles. Jump on all the tiles, keep going upward untill you see the last octopus, he is coloured red, when you take a good look you can see in the background the pyramid where the water is, jump on the red octopus and when he falls apart, let yourself fall down. Once you have reached the ground you van save away the game again You will see 2 doors, the left is a gambling machine which i always find a waste of money since they rarely give you a card,you better spend your money behind the right door, this is a shop. Now go up the screen and keep up untill you are in the pyramid, here you will find Croc, defend- ing the root of the pyramid hol- ding the water. Croc is slow, but watch out, he is a level 7 fighter and also replenishes when you allmost have him. Once you have killed Croc he tells you that you have to go up the desert root to get the water ,notice that his shield keeps running around,i killed it, but i don't know it's exact purpose. Go up and walk 360 degrees around the roots and go up the stair, you are now 1 floor higher, at the underside of this floor is a chamber, this one is filled with enemies that are an easy target for collecting some major money and powerups, also notice the little plant below, keep hitting it and it will give you money, be aware that once you have hit him 10 or more times he will puke insects that hit you instead of money. Go to the upper right section of this level, take the stairs, and again you are one floor higher, be aware of the wrap warriors (they are more like cat-mummies to me), they are level 7 fighters too. Go 2 levels up, then go outside and walk to the top of the pyramid, here you will find the top of the root, you explain the top of the root that you want the water, but he explains you will have to take it by force, root is a level 8 fighter. Once you have defeated root he promises to give all the water back to the desert and return to the jungle. The next stage is the kingdom of vampra, von Hesler has placed freezer there to stop you. You first give the water to camelia who is getting in a better condition, while you rest at Helion's place the professor drives by in his new car. The car leaves for an newly discovered tunnel towards the land of vampra, rudy who just missed the car walks behind them ,when they all arive rudy starts arguing why they left him. You leave for the village, where you can buy resources and final- ly save away your game again! Make sure to buy a trickcard called "chicken soup", you will need this to concurer the freezer. Once you have your resources, left for the east and walk over the bridge, do you see the cute bunnies walking around, kill them as fast as you can, they are Python bunnies(level 5 figh- ters), jumping towards your, biting in your neck! (i wonder if the programmer ever watched monthy python). Walk through the screens, i tried avoiding contact with the enemy as much as possible be- cause most enemies are level 8 or higher in this section, watch out for the ape, don't get to close to him or he'll turn red and chase you! When you walk on you will notice a pressure switch conncted to a piece of rock, go stand on the rock and turn the switch, it will work like an elevator. Once you have lowered the rock you can see a hole in the rocks on the top of the screen, walk into the hole and you will find yourself in a dungeon. Walk up the dungeon and go left, in the top-left screen you will find a strange man who explains to you about the freezer and his strange weakness for chicknoodle soup, he also explains that the freezer is a level 11 fighter. truy to walk on, and you will see that the strange man turns out to be a woman, it looks like she is some kind of a liberator, but continue your trip, go left and when you get out of the dungeon you will find yourself again able to save away your game. Go left and walk into the icepa- lace, watch out for the snowmen (level 8 fighters). The icepalace is the home of the freezer, your fight awaits. Best thing i found to do is: when the fight starts, quickly walk up the screen, use the 3 bowls of soup trick which is in your trickcardbox (you bought it in the village), now you can start killing his energy, hope you have the time, it will take you quite a while, once you have stripped his energy down 1 or 2 nuggets he will simply walk away saying you are no match to him and if you need him, he can be found at the other end of the palace. Walk through the palace, avoid killing enemies as much as possible, a fast run is way better for your health. Walk to the other side of the palace, there you can save away your game again, now there seems to be no exit, but to the right of your are 4 holes in the ground, each one has a differened exit, the northern will just take you some place back in the palace, when you jump in the western hole you will land next to a big bowl of soup, you can get your trickcard of soup there. The eastrern hole will take you to the next combatplace with the freezer. Again first go up the screen and throw 3 bowls of soup, then de- feat the freezer, hitting him without throwing the bowls will cause no damage to him. With the freezer beeing defeated the icepalace begins to melt. With the defeation of freezer there are only 2 enemies left, von Hesler and Hydra. The professor has prepared an airship for you take travel to the castle of king vampire, be- fore you step in, make sure to seplennish your reserves, when you have a high experience level ,buy tomato cans instead of tomatoes,they are more expensive but fill up your energylevel to the max. Unfortunally on your air-travel to von Heslers castle the engine starts to burn and the airship crashes, while crashing camelia falls and drops out of the boat, you start looking for her in the jungle of Mazes. Make sure to save away your game before you start the search. Now keep looking for notes and watch for clues to find the right way. this the route i took: 1st junction right, then up and right and down, this is the place where i found Camelia. Camelia explains about how to find the exit, when you hear a good sound you have gone the right way, if not you have taken the wrong one, and you should start over, just like a code breaker. truy this code: right,right,up,left,down,left,up Now comes an odd looking enemy called moray (level 12 fighter) who is truying to keep you from going to the castle, kill him, but keep in mind that he will replenish when he is allmost gone, again keep distance and look out for his special eye- trick. Make sure to run away fast once you have him, he will explode and sparks will be flying around truying to take away your energy Now truy this code: left,up,right,up,up. Now simply walk up the screen and you will find yourself before the entrance of von Hesler's Castle. There you find Hydra, who was the stranger in the cave that told you how to defeat the freezer, she wants to rule vladamasco, but Hydra thinks she would be better at it. Once you have defeated Hydra she explains that all the islands can only be free once von hesler is defeated, rudy says his father is innocent and that an evil force has taken over the body of his father. Once you have found rudys father ,his father wants to defeat rudy and you in the name of Owasa. Once you have defeated rudy's father a ghost escapes from his body, which transformes into it's own form, the toughest to beat enemy, a level 15 fighter! The ghost escapes again from the body and now flies out of the castle, hypnotising camelia and taking over her body, but some- way camelia manages to get rid of the ghost. The three of them promise to rule together over the islands, then the end sequence starts, I won't explain how it looks like because with this documen- try you can find it out yourself ,i hope you enjoy the game as much as i did, Lecutus. If you got any questions on this documentry feel free to give me a call, the console hq bbs numba is stated in this textfile. /\ ____ /\ ____ /\ ____ /__\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \ / \/ \/ \/ Northern [L]ight +31-1882-1881! [L]egend Consoles HQ ____ /\ ____ /\ ____ /\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \/ \/ \/