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DD<?1aAADD~0 8<DD? 8???CFDD>@@ !#""xxx#? GD@Gx||~~??!@w?<<??=<<<@??<<<<qq;AAAAL0 ??Dpp {?DDDD?@""""xxxx88qqD@@@p{{yy880 < |8@                            pxxy"""pppxxx???<<8<|~ 9=??H@D@@߁b@ACނ0 AA""&? sB"""bpxxxxxx????=!#""""@yxy <<<<? }yyyy#" #" xp<<???<<<<| 0 |@>><B@~1?A >pp{y88  |xxx?@χ?""? ww<<y 8<<$ pp0000|````00000x0000|````x0xxx````xyp````x ||x00| x8``800`000x008| x``800`00`|xx``8xyp``8|| xxxx`````````````80000000000xxxx`````````````800x0000000|xx``````8xxxxx0000000xx|x` x |||| xxx```x`````xx``x00x``x|x x0 x````8 ||````8|x````8x0000` ````8 ||| xxx`0 x0000000xx`````xx`````xxx0xx`8|x`8x @@Introduction - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@ Welcome to SH0CK, the first independent underground magazine ever to be @@released on a console system. @@ @@ This Issue (No.1) is more of a preview version, where most of the material @@is taken from other textfiles released. Also alot of material is taken from @@various console paper magazines, but in the future we hope to have our own @@experts who knows alot about different subjects. @@ Read on here as we will guide you through some bytes of text concerning @@SH0CK, where it originally started, and what might become of it in the future. @@The History: @@It all started back in 1991, when 2 dutch guys from Censor (Mirage & Skater) got @@the idea of converting their paper-mag "SH0CK" to a disk-mag for the C64. @@There were some disk-mags out on the C64 already, but in general the quality @@was poor, and the objectivity of the editors was doubtfull. @@ SH0CK (disk-mag) was born, code and grafix by Mirage, levelpack and @@NTSC fix by Psycho and music made by Maniacs of Noise. @@ It fast gained alot of popularity for several reasons. Mainly, SH0CK was NOT @@bound to just Censor, but the main editors were from various groups like @@CENSOR + IKARI + LEGEND + more.... This made the objectivity of SH0CK to be @@honest and by using people as writers for what they had alot of knowledge in, @@no matter in which group they were, the quality of the text was really high. @@This policy to be a mag FOR the people, BY the people, will ofcourse also count @@for this console version of SH0CK. @@The main editors (refered to as "The SH0CK STAFF") that have been involved in @@this very first SH0CK have been: GEGGIN, PSYCHO + SHREDDER from Censor. @@(I, Geggin, have done all the slavery work + 80% of all text in this issue! ARGH!!) @@That is far too few to be able to make an interessting magazine, which gives you @@detailed information about all the systems that are available nowadays, so if @@you feel you can contribute with your noble cunning in something, don't hesitate @@to get in touch with us and we'll talk about it. Mabey you even have something @@to come with, without knowing about it? @@ Mabey you are just good at playing games? No problem! We might need you as a @@game reviewer. @@ Mabey your cousins best friends dad works on a big software company? Can @@you get any "inside" news for us then? GREAT! @@ Or mabey you are one of those, spending 25 hours a day on the phone/modem, @@talking to underground groups, knowing always what's going on in the "scene"? @@Who joined which, and when? Share the news/rumours with the SH0CK readers. @@ Wanted very much! Inside unofficial info about whats going on with the new cool @@systems, the 3DO, Jaguar or mabey a new system, not going to be pressreleased @@for yet some weeks. Errhmm? @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@GET IN TOUCH WITH US!!! @@That brings us to another thing.... How do you get in touch with us?? @@ @@Well, for the readers who don't own a modem, there's actually only one way to @@do it, and that is by mail. Just write down some text, votes or whatever and @@send it to: @@@@@@@@@@@@CENSOR @@@@@@@@@@@@Box 6050 @@@@@@@@@@@@151 06 S|dert}lje @@@@@@@@@@@@SWEDEN @@@@@@@@@@ @@@* And mark the letter "SH0CK", otherwise we take it as a letter to CENSOR * @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(YES! There is a difference) @@Modem users will hopefully be able to reach us at "SH0CK SUPPORTING BBS's". @@This is something that we need support with from the SysOps of major console @@boards. @@So, a SysOp might ask, what does it mean to be a SH0CK SUPPORTING BBS? @@Well, if you feel like it, you can be a part of making SH0CK even better. It @@does not matter for which group you run the board, but you have to be @@honest though. Turn page and I'll explain more. @@ @@PS. We will also try to organise something for the major networks around in the @@ future (like INTERNET, USENET and more.....). @@Ok, I want my board to support SH0CK, what do I do? @@ @@Simple, you just need to have... @@1. A SH0CK conference where people can talk about SHOCK, get in touch with @@ the SH0CK STAFF and upload textfiles. @@2. A vote door for the users to vote for the charts. @@ @@Sounds fair, but what do I gain? @@1. If SH0CK becomes popular, you will get alot of happy users, knowing that @@ on their favourite board they can get in touch SH0CK, vote and come with @@ opinions, ideas and texts. @@2. You will also get a free BBS add in the SH0CK advertisements section. @@The only SH0CK SUPPORING BBS so far is: Wet Dreams @@But we sure would like to add some more boards to that list. @@Anyways, read the rest of SH0CK now and remember, if there's something you @@don't like, you want changed, removed, added, or simply if you like it all @@as it is now, LET US KNOW!! It's hard to improve something if we don't know @@what the readers want it to be. @@@@@@....retched by Geggin!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Now press "SELECT" for menu @@News and Rumours - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@Nowadays things moves quickly in the business, and in this subject we will @@try to follow up what is being rumoured or revealed in the market. @@ @@We will also try to give you short info on whats happening in the underground @@scene, what's up with the boards and which guys/groups that does what. @@ @@In this issue, most of the info is taken from various paper-mags and most of @@the "news" can probably be considered as old. However, in the future we hope @@that YOU want to help us, if you have knowledge about real HOT stuff. @@HET @@--- @@Nintendo owned Bandai report that a new portable SNES will be sold under @@the name Home Entertainment Terminal (HET). This portable (hmm, well, @@movable...) wonder has a builtin 4 inch LCD-screen, SNES and TV-tuner. @@Price and releasedate have not been announced yet. @@ @@Street Fighter II on a cineplex odeon cinema near you! @@---------------------------------------------- @@You like SFII but have extremely bad eyesight!? Nintendo of Canada can offer @@a solution with their "Super NES Mega Screen Meltdown"! Behind this fancy @@name hides a concept that will allow you, for a small fee, to play SFII on @@a large cinema screen. In conjunction with the cinema's surround sound, it'll @@be an experience out of the ordinary. This system is at present time only @@available in Toronto, Canada. @@ @@Are you tired of your old Ray-Ban? @@------------------------------- @@Virtual Vision gives the answer to all ambivilent neurotics who goes through @@deep inner crises everytime their eyes have to leave the TV screeen to @@experience some of that boring thing called reallity. VV's new portable @@"TV-glasses" is a gizmo that allows you to watch your favourite soap opera on @@a TV screen that appears to "float" in the air. You can connect your video @@camera, and watch what you are filming, in a similar way, and ofcourse you can @@connect your console too. It supports "split-vision", so with Bandai's HET unit @@you can lay on the beach playing SNES and watch the surrounding beach-babes @@all at the same time. @@ @@CD-I lays their hand on stars @@------------------------- @@Philips have managed to get the licence for some of the famous Nintedo @@characters, to their CD-I system. They are currently working on CD-I games @@with Link, Gannon and princess Zelda. Two sure titles will be "Zelda and the @@forest of evil" and "Zelda and the wand of Gamelon". @@ @@ @@The following "news" are taken from the great "Console News", made @@by Caffeine/Parsec. I hope Caffeine don't mind me including some of his @@work in here, considering all those console freaks who don't own a modem. @@ @@ @@Project Reality - Nintendo and Silicon Graphics Co-Operation @@----------------------------------------------------- @@ Nintendo and Silicon Graphics Inc. signed an agreement that they will be @@working on a 64-bit Nintendo machine now labeled as PROJECT REALITY. This @@super machine, should it see the light of day, is the first application of @@Reality Immersion Technology (RIT). RIT is a new generation of video games @@that allows players to enter a real time, three dimensional world using @@virtual reality peripherals. @@ The system will first hit the arcades in 1994, and then the home market @@later in 1995. The target price is set at $250 USD. What do you get for @@that amount of money? A clock speed of 100MHz, more than 100,000 polygons @@generated per second, a processing speed that exceeds 100 Million of @@Instructions Per Second (MIPS), and real time anti-aliased 3D texture @@mapping for super high resolution graphics on HDTV. @@ What role does Silicon Graphics Inc. play in all this? They are the @@people who designed the special chips used to create Tyranosaurus Rex and @@your friendly neighbourhood Brontosaurus in Jurrasic Park. They took great @@pains to 'scale-down' the chips so they were suitable and affordable for @@home use. @@ While you're reading this, you're probably saying "wow, this is great" @@or "damn I have to go get $250!" My word of advice: DONT PLAN ON IT. @@Nintendo said their CD unit would be out by Christmas of 1993, and I @@haven't heard a WORD about it. If Nintendo can't design a simple CD-ROM for @@their SNES, how can they POSSIBLY design a 64-bit unit? Never mind the fact @@that they are shrinking $100,000 in hardware down to $250!! Also, Nintendo @@just happen to FORGET to mention the fact that HDTV is *NOT* available yet, @@and probably won't be by 1995! @@ It seems that Nintendo is full of #### about their promises to the @@console community. When Sega introduced their Sega/Mega-CD, Nintendo said @@"watch out for us, we'll have 32bit CD and 16Bit CD quality sound!" Did we @@see anything? NO. Now, with the Jaguar and the 3DO (my personal @@favourite!), Nintendo is again saying "don't worry, we'll match it!" I @@wouldn't hold my breath. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@Ok, that's it for this time... @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@The Consol Charts Page 1/11 @@These charts where compiled by Shredder during the last months, and hopefully @@they bring a clear picture of todays scene, whos hot, and whos not... @@ @@These charts origin in a questionaire that was sent out some time ago, and @@everyone has had their chance to vote. If you feel that the charts are unfair, @@bizarr or even insulting, make sure to vote yourself next time. @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@YOU MAKE THE CHARTS!! @@ @@The Consol Charts Page 2/11 @@Some of the charts are a bit "out of date" (for example BASELINE, which @@does no longer exist). Continue reading and at the end, you'll see how @@you can vote and what to vote for. @@ @@Best SNES releasing group - 1> Paradox 2> Anthrox 3> Censor @@ @@Best SEGA releasing group - 1> Censor 2> Paradox 3> Premiere @@ @@Most liked ALL TIME group - 1> Magical 2> Paradox 3> Anthrox @@The Consol Charts Page 3/11 @@Best SNES demo - 1> ATX X-mas demo 2> Magical 1st Try 3> ATX Raider @@ @@Best SEGA demo - 1> Censor Sonic & Tails @@ @@Best SNES coder - 1> The White Knight 2> Geggin 3> Pothead / Gaston @@ @@Best SEGA coder - 1> Psycho 2> Jarre @@ @@Best trainer/patcher group - 1> Elitendo 2> Baseline 3> Censor @@The Consol Charts Page 4/11 @@Favorite 5 BBS's (in ALPHEBETICAL order (not to piss anyone off)) @@ @@-> Land of Confusion : ?? @@-> Mirage : ?? @@-> Road to Nowhere : Fairlight WHQ @@-> The Ghetto : The Lynch Mob WHQ @@-> Wet Dreams : Censor WHQ @@ @@ @@The Consol Charts Page 5/11 @@Top 10 cool sysops/actives in the scene (in ALPHEBETICAL order) @@ @@-> Andeveron -> Shredder @@-> Chaos/VISA -> Slapshot @@-> Laviathon -> Warduke @@-> Picard / Kirk @@-> Problem Child @@-> Sigma Seven @@-> The Legend @@The Consol Charts Page 6/11 @@Top 5 LAMERS in the scene (Remember YOU voted, we stand totally objective!) @@ @@-> 2Tuff @@-> GhettoBoy @@-> Zool @@-> Maximillion @@-> Toyax @@ @@ Now, Let's Get Ready For The Consol GAME Charts... @@The Consol Charts Page 7/11 @@There have been numourous AWESOME releases, and amazing enough to believe, @@some agree on the ulimate games! Here is what I have gathered from those of @@you kind enough to fill out the first questionaire. @@ @@ Let's begin by looking into the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom department. @@This is what we get. The most liked game as many of you would guess is @@(drum roll..) Super Empire Strikes Back, by a long run. Coming in right behind it, @@is Street Fighter II Turbo Edition (I guess nobody ever gets sick of it!) @@And for third we have a tie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters, @@The Consol Charts Page 8/11 @@and Mortal Kombat (did I hear somebody say NO BLOOD!?!). Honourable Mention: @@Sky Blazer, NHLPA '94, Top Gear II, Rock and Roll Racing, Cool Spot, Mr. Nuts @@(if it ever worked!), ZombiesAte my Neighbors, and StarFox. @@ @@Now it is time to move to the next level and see what's up with the Sega. @@Placing first is the most incredible Aladdin (talk about animation!). An ass hiar @@behind came Gunstar Heroes, coded by the better half of Konami (Treasure), @@followed by Rocket Knight Adv.(which I personally loved). Honourable Mention: @@NHLPA '94, Mortal Kombat, LandStalker, Street Fighter II Special Champion @@The Consol Charts Page 9/11 @@Edition, FlashBack, and Cool Spot. All of them great games, I am a bit surprised @@that the Sega is hanging (maybe surpassing?) the SNES in game quality. @@Something to think about! @@ @@ Until next time, I remain.... @@ hmm... Oh yeah, Shredder! @@ @@ @@That's it for this time, but turn page and read about how to vote. @@Contact us, one way or the other (read "Introducion") and vote for the following: @@ @@Favourite 3 SNES releasing group's (Ranked form 1 to 3 (1=Best)) @@Favourite 3 SEGA releasing group's (Ranked form 1 to 3 (1=Best)) @@Favourite Trainer/Patcher group - Top 5 lamers @@Favourite SNES demo - Favourite SEGA demo @@Favourite SNES coder - Favourite SEGA coder @@Favourite 5 BBS's - Favourite 5 Sysops @@Favourite 3 SNES games (Ranked form 1 to 3 (1=Best)) @@Favourite 3 SEGA games (Ranked form 1 to 3 (1=Best)) @@Favourite 3 Software Companies @@ @@Quite much, yeah, I know. @@ @@Once again, YOU make the charts. Almost every magazine get complains about @@their charts, people who claims they are unfair and wrong. We take no @@resonsibility what the charts might look like, it is totally up to you. @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ok, enough of this now........ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@The Consol Releases OCT - DEC '93 Page 1/15 @@These releases where compiled by Psycho & Geggin during the last month, and @@hopefully this will enlight you on whats on the way to your machine... @@ @@Contents... @@Releases For The Super Nintendo, Page 2-9 (73 Games, Released!) @@Releases For The Sega MegaDrive, Page 10-14 (49 Games, Released!) @@ @@Now, Lets Enter The Cyberspace, To Check Out The Latest Titles For The Ohhhh @@So Popular SNES... @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Virutal Soccer Human   40% @@Alien vs Predator   Activision  US Final  80% @@Utopia  Jaleco   50% @@Super Chase Hq Taito   40% @@Super Empire Strikes Back  Lucas Art   90% @@T.M.N.T. - Tournament Fighting Konami   80% @@Wing Commander- Secret Missions Mindscape  US Final  50% @@Catain America  Mindscape  US Final  40% @@Zool  Gremlin Grafix   50% @@Out To Lunch  Mindscape   45% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@The 7th Saga  Enix  FIG   70% @@Nhl Pa 94  Electronic Arts   98% @@Thomas The Tank Engine Software Creations   10% @@Rocky Rodent  Irem  US Final  70% @@Super Magic Boy  JVC   50% @@NBA Showdown Electronic Arts   60% @@The Incredible Crash Dummies Ljn Ltd.  40% @@Legends Of The Ring  Electro Brain  US Final  70% @@Plok  TradeWest US Final 50% @@Kevin KeeGans Player Manager  Anco   30% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Top Gear II  Kemco   90% @@Aero The Acrobat  Sunsoft  90% @@Ren & Stimpy  THQ   40% @@Super Bomberman  Hudson Soft  FIG   70% @@Family Feud  Gametek   60% @@Pac Attack  Namco   30% @@Aquatic Games  Seika  US Final  50% @@Secret Of Mana SquareSoft  FIG   80% @@Kendo Rage  Seta   40% @@Last Action Hero  Sony    10% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Sensible Soccer  Sony   90% @@Art Of Fighting  Kac FIG  80% @@Aladdin  Capcom   90% @@Sunset Riders  Konami   90% @@Riddick Bowe Boxing Extreme   80% @@Pink Panter Goes To Hollywood  Tecmagik   50% @@F1 Pole Position  UBI Soft   30% @@Dracula  Sony  US Final 30% @@Metal Marines  Namco   80% @@Cliffhanger  Sony   10% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@NFL MVP Football Capcom   50% @@Sim Ant Maxis  US Final  40% @@Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions SunSoft   70% @@Football Fury  Sammy  40% @@Terminator II - The Movie Ljn Ltd.  30% @@We're Back   Hi Tech   50% @@R-Type III  Irem   80% @@Mega Lo Mania  Imagineer   80% @@Dr. Franken  Elite  60% @@BattleToads vs Double Dragon  TradeWest  50% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Silly Putty  Varie Corp.   50% @@Tecmo Super Bowl  Tecmo  US Final  50% @@Aladdin  Capcom  US Final  90% @@Champion Chip Pool  Mindscape   50% @@Super Empire Strikes Back  Lucas Art  US Final  90% @@Jurrasic Park  Ocean  US Final  90% @@Wicked 18 T&E Soft   30% @@Paladin's Quest   Enix   70% @@John Madden Football 94 Electronic Arts  FIG   40% @@Flashback  Sony   FIG   90% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Actraiser II  Enix  US Final  80% @@Super BattleShip  Mindscape   40% @@Wizard Of OZ  Seta   50% @@Monday Night Football  Data East  50% @@Bio Metal  Activision  US Final  70% @@Clayfighters  Interplay  FIG   80% @@Beethoven's 2nd  Hi Tech   20% @@NHL Stanley Cup Hockey  Nintendo   60% @@Robocop vs Terminator   Virgin   60% @@Chester Cheetah II  Kaneko   30% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Lamborghini American Challenge  Titus   75% @@Ardy LightFoot  Ascii  US Final  40% @@Soldiers Of Fortune  Spectrum Holobyte  FIG   40% @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ And now over to the everlasting quality entertainment machine, SEGA... @@ (That's Psycho's personal opinion, we others know that SNES rules, right) @@ Oh, YEAH, Press Your Favourite key To Procede @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Hook  Sony   60% @@Mig 29  Domark   60% @@T.M.N.T. - Tournament Fighting Konami   70% @@Awesome Possum  Tengen  40% @@Land Stalker  Sega  US Final  90% @@Ultimate Soccer  Sega   40% @@Gunstar Heroes Treasure  US Final  80% @@Mazin Wars  Sega  US Final  60% @@Rocky & Bullwinkle  Absolute   30% @@Sonic Spinnball  Sony   90% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Dashin' Desperadoes  Data East  80% @@Dr. Robotnics Mean B.M.   Sega   90% @@Aladdin  Virgin  US Final  90% @@Pink Panter Goes To Hollywood  Tecmagik   50% @@Aero The Acrobat  SunSoft   80% @@Wimbledon Tennis Sega   50% @@Gunship  US Gold   50% @@Ren & Stimpy  Sega   40% @@Splatter House III  Namco  US Final  80% @@Rolling Thunder III  Namco   20% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Pirates Gold  MicroProse   80% @@Asterix  Sony   50% @@Addams Family  Ocean   65% @@FiFA International Soc. Electronic Arts   90% @@Lotus II Recs   Electronic Arts   70% @@Sensible Soccer  Sony   95% @@Snake'n'Roll  Rare Software   50% @@WWF Royal Rumble  Acclaim   55% @@Legends Of The Ring  Electro Brain   45% @@Fantastic Dizzy  Code Masters   40% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@F1  Domark   75% @@Tecmo Super Bowl  Tecmo   40% @@Socket  Vic Tokai   50% @@Dracula  Sony   50% @@Puggsy Psygnosis   85% @@Joe Montana NFL 94  Sega Sports  70% @@Best Of The Best   Loricel  40% @@John Maddens NFL 94 Electronic Arts   70% @@Lethal Enforcers Konami   90% @@Cliffhanger  Sony   10% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@BattleToads vs Double Dragon  TradeWest  35% @@Stimpys Invention  Sega   30% @@Eternal Champions  Sega   85% @@The Lost Vikings  Virgin   90% @@F15 Strike Eagle II MicroProse   90% @@ToeJam & Earl II Sega   60% @@Greatest HeavyWeights  Sega Sports  90% @@Barey's Hide'n'Seek  Sega   01% @@Wiz & Liz  Psygnosis   75% @@ @@The Consol Releases OCT - DEC '93 Page 15/15 @@Phuuu, plenty of games to fill even the most bizzar gamers needs... @@ @@That's Life in the Fast Lane... @@ @@ Next time we will presents new releases for the other systems around too.... @@ @@ Until then...... @@ @@@@@@....retched by Geggin!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Now press "SELECT" for menu @@The Japanese Scene OCT - DEC '93 Page 1/6 @@Yeah... Let's enlight your ways deep down the bad ass jap releases... @@Some thinks this is the lowest shit that can be pumped out on the software @@market, and if you belong to them hit 'select' now... @@ @@Releases For The Super Nintendo, Page 2-5 (34 Games, Released!) @@Releases For The Sega MegaDrive, Page 6 (3 Games, Released!) @@ @@Now, Lets Enter The Cyberspace, To Check Out The Latest Titles For The Ohhhh @@So Popular SNES... @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Super 3D Baseball  Jaleco  DSP  40% @@Super Ang Toyble  Naxat Soft   10% @@Winning Post  Koei  FIG   10% @@Kazensoylphid  King   10% @@Miracle Girls  Takata  FIG   30% @@Shooting Macros  Zamuse  FIG   60% @@Super Chinese World II  Culture Brain   10% @@Actraiser II  Enix  FIG   60% @@Pachinko Monogatar Kaze   10% @@Classic Road Victor Entertain.   10% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Majang II  Nichibutsu   10% @@Paroyakyunews Jit.  Epoch  FIG   10% @@Soccer Kid  Krisalis   50% @@Aquattin  Tecmo   10% @@Little Magic Altron   40% @@Furinkazan Pony Canyon   10% @@Mask Heroes  Bandai   60% @@Solstice II  Sony    20% @@Battle Master  Toshiba Emi   65% @@Wakataka Ohzumou  Imagineer   30% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Super Uno  Tomy   10% @@YS 4 - Mask Of Sun Tonkihouse  10% @@Super Pinball  Meldac   80% @@U-Jin Janjyugakuen Varie   10% @@Pachisuro Lovestory  Coconuts Japan   10% @@Fatal Fury II  SNK  FIG   80% @@Super Cup Soccer  Jaleco   30% @@Accelebrid Tomy   50% @@Aretha  Yanoman   10% @@Dynamic Stadium  Sammy  35% @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Yadamon Tokuma Soft   10% @@Virutal Boxing SOFEL   40% @@Gaia Gensouki  Enix  FIG   10% @@PachiSlot Hissho  Sammy  10% @@ @@Yeah, Oh Yeah... @@ @@ And now over to the everlasting quality entertainment machine, SEGA... @@ (That's Psycho's personal opinion, we others know that SNES rules, right) @@ Oh, YEAH, Press Your Favourite key To Procede @@Game  Company  Note   Quality @@Columns III  Sega   85% @@Panzer Sega   10% @@Mayhong Champions Game Arts   10% @@ @@ YES, 3 GAMES ONLY, ENUFF FOR ME... @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@The Spotlight - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hi and welcome to the "SPOTLIGHT" @@ @@ Here we will put a specific subject in the "spotlight", making it as @@deep going as possible. It could be about just anything that we feel should @@be cleared out, trying to give you information about both sides of the story in @@an objective way or similar. Coming issues will for example have deep going @@reports about the 3DO, Jaguar, Saturn and the Nintendo+Sillicon Graphics @@64-Bit machine, when we feel we have enough material about theese systems. @@ @@ @@ However, in this issue, we give you a well written story about the history @@of the console business up to date. The text is a modified summary of a @@textfile written by Jer Horwitz/Renegade Technologies Unlimited. @@ @@ If you have any suggestions about what we should "spotlight" in the coming @@issues, please do tell us so. @@ @@ Anyways, turn page now and read a VERY interesting file about how the @@business of console systems have developed during the latest decade, and what @@we might excpect in the near future. @@ @@Renegade Technologies Unlimited Presents: @@A Consumer's Guide to The Video Game Industry, September 1993. @@by Jer Horwitz @@ @@ Within the last year, six major video game hardware companies have @@announced plans for "revolutionary" game systems; systems which will utilize @@high-performance silicon to deliver "visual and auditory experiences never @@seen outside of arcades". In a world where consumers automatically equate @@higher numbers with greater power -- where 16-bit home game systems and @@32-bit arcade hardware are the norm, gamers went ballistic when Atari and @@Nintendo detailed their intentions to bring "64-bit gaming" into homes at an @@affordable price. NEC, Sega and 3DO have also been waiting in the wings with @@enhanced 32- bit home hardware, and SNK has been selling their expensive @@"24-bit quality" game system for two years. The numbers and unfamiliar names @@are confusing to most people. @@ The industry should never forget that the most important player in this huge @@video game is the consumer, whose wallet is about to be emptied at the cash @@registers of major retail outlets everywhere. Atari's Jaguar will sell for $200, @@the 3DO for somewhere between $600-800, and the proposed Nintendo system @@with Silicon Graphics' hardware is targeted for $250. The purchase of ONE of @@these systems might have been fathomable had it not been for the high costs of @@the "old" hardware from these companies; Sega's $300 Genesis with CD-ROM, @@NEC's $300 TurboDuo with CD-ROM, Nintendo's $100 SNES, and the $500 SNK @@Neo-Geo. @@ The gaming industry is within a dangerous but wonderful state of @@competitive flux; six companies shall soon compete to deliver the most @@impressive graphics and sounds at the lowest costs, unfortunately outdating @@their old hardware at the same moment it is selling best. The consumer is in a @@lose-win situation -- he or she loses because no one can easily establish a @@standard with six incompatible products; therefore, the consumer can never @@purchase one piece of hardware and play all of the terrific games available. @@He or she wins since there will be more products to meet different types of @@consumer demands, something will be affordable for every type of consumer @@and there won't be any shortage of new games or hardware in the near future. @@ @@ @@ It is the ultimate goal of this discussion to take the average @@impressionable consumer and convert him or her into a cynic; we get nowhere @@as a society without educated decisions, even when the decision involves @@purchasing a "toy". Through the recollection of past experiences with many of @@the companies involved in this discussion, we can better guess what their @@future behaviors will be. Additionally, this study will attempt to predict the @@future by looking at the 'vague specifics' the public has been privy to, @@sifting through the technical jargon and getting down to the actual systems' @@performance. @@ @@ @@ @@PAST LESSONS I: Company Histories @@ @@ Although a book could be written on the topic, the concise history of @@the modern video game industry can be detailed reasonably in a few short @@pages. Without thoroughly covering every single company ever to produce a @@game system (sorry, Vectrex fans!), this report can still touch on all of the @@important points. The first popular dedicated home game system was produced @@by Atari -- the 2600, a primitive but entertaining 8-bit toy. Atari had virtually @@no competition for several years, and they released a series of relatively @@inexpensive cartridge games at a reasonable profit. The next generation of @@8-bit game systems (released by Coleco, Intellivision, Atari and several other @@companies) was confusing for consumers - Atari's games wouldn't play on an @@Intellivision, and vice versa. At a time when video game sales were hardly @@competing with other toy sales, the market was flooded and stores rapidly @@dropped prices to move inventory. The result was the "crash of 1984," still @@remembered by game industry old-timers as the lowest point in home video game @@history. Many large chains, such as Kay Bee Toys, still have small stocks of @@Atari and Intellivision games from this time period varying in price from $1 to $5. @@ The rebirth of the industry began with Nintendo, a popular arcade game @@manufacturer. Building market dominance in Japan, Nintendo Co. Ltd. opened an @@American subsidiary and eventually translated their Mario Brothers and Donkey @@Kong arcade titles for use on their 8-bit American Nintendo Entertainment @@System (NES). Nintendo's system gained popularity in the United States, @@outselling by 8 or 9:1 the only other 8-bit competitors, one (the Master System) @@manufactured by popular arcade game designer Sega and the other (the XE) @@by Atari, which had been purchased by former Commodore head-honcho @@Jack Tramiel. @@ The Nintendo, Sega and Atari hardware, while termed 8-Bit (because of @@the system's "heart"; Nintendo and Atari used Motorola's 6502 microprocessor @@and Sega used a Z-80 chip), relied on additional graphics processors to @@produce the complex images placed on screen. NEC of Japan released a new game @@system in 1987, which featured an exceptionally powerful visual co-processor @@(PPU) capable of graphics comparable to some of the better arcade hardware @@released at the same time. NEC's PC Engine, as it was called in Japan, @@utilized the weak 8-bit Motorola 6502 for only minor tasks and instead relied @@on the PPU to do most of the difficult processing. @@ A turning point in the industry came with Sega's introduction of the @@first 16-bit dedicated video game system in Japan, late 1988's Sega Mega @@Drive. Rather than using an inexpensive CPU and additional PPUs, the Sega @@design team chose the Motorola 68000 (a true 16-bit chip) as its primary @@processor and added the older Z-80 (found in Master Systems) to handle smaller @@processes. The Z-80 also allowed the Mega Drive to run Sega Master System @@software. The Mega Drive had extreme difficulty competing with NEC's PC Engine @@in Japan for reasons explained below, but came to America one year later as @@the Genesis. @@ @@ @@ @@PAST LESSONS II: The Arcade and Eastern Connections @@ @@ The market for video games had evolved significantly from the late @@1970's and early 1980's. By 1985, consumers were demanding that more and more @@arcade games find their way onto the home consoles. Atari, Nintendo, Sega and @@Coleco (when it was viable) originally competed for the rights to reproduce @@arcade games written by other companies. Later, the same arcade companies @@opted to program the home translations themselves, and the now famous Capcom, @@Konami and Taito were among the first to take this route. They became known as @@"third party developers". @@ Of the three home hardware firms, only Sega retained an active arcade @@division. Nintendo virtually stopped developing arcade hardware in favor of @@home software. Atari Games (the arcade game manufacturer) was not bound by @@any promises to Atari Corporation (the home game vendor), and thus even Atari @@arcade games were available to Nintendo owners. Therefore, Sega SHOULD have @@had a strong software base in that their arcade games would be in high demand @@for home play. That never quite helped them with the Master System, as the @@home translations were often poor and unable to compete with all of the @@companies developing for Nintendo's system. @@ The NES was successful in Japan and the U.S. because of heavy support @@from more than a hundred third party companies, many of which had signed @@exclusive agreements which prevented them from releasing their games for @@competing game systems. NEC was able to get some popular titles, and as @@curious and humorous as it is, quite a few Sega arcade games wound up as PC @@Engine software. Sega's Mega Drive was competing with two systems which seemed @@to have every popular title, even including many of Sega's hottest arcade @@properties. @@ @@[Notably, following each company's release of a new system, they make a claim @@that they will "fully support" their old hardware and subsequently watch it @@die by asphyxiation (lack of new software).] @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@PAST LESSONS III: Modern Day Marketing, American Style @@ @@ Sega, in the most brilliant marketing ploy seen thus far in the international @@video game market, released the Genesis system (which was reasonably @@advanced for its time) in 1989 for direct competition with the ancient NES. @@Positioning the Genesis as a cooler, more powerful entertainment device, Sega @@quickly amassed a group of devoted followers who began to mock the Mario Bros. @@and all of Nintendo's very playable titles. Sega, which had been infamous for @@releasing poor-playing but visually impressive games for the Master System (with @@only a handful of notable exceptions), launched some very entertaining titles with @@the Genesis and won the dollars of everyone who had waited so long for quality @@home versions of their arcade games. They made it cool to hate Nintendo. @@ Although NEC released their PC Engine in America as the TurboGrafx-16, @@the Genesis quickly overtook it and eventually forced the TG-16's price down @@to 1/4 of the initial suggested retail. This was as much a result of Sega's @@marketing as their sudden (post-Master System) ability to reasonably translate @@their own popular arcade games. During the months of conflict with NEC, Sega @@wrested many of Nintendo's third party developers away, refused to allow any @@NEC-translated Sega title to appear in the United States, and assembled teams @@of Sega employees to develop "cool" alternatives to Nintendo titles. The @@Genesis was set to enter the toughest competitive phase yet: The battle @@against Nintendo's new super-system. @@ @@ @@PAST LESSONS: An Important Aside @@ @@ Note that before Sega and NEC released their new $200 systems in @@America, Nintendo had launched a portable "3-greytone screen" game system @@called the Game Boy, which has been supported by frequent software releases @@by all of Nintendo's third party developers. Atari released a superior @@competitor, the Lynx, with a color display and better graphics chips, but @@failed to support it with the necessary software and third party companies @@(perhaps 4 companies developed Lynx games). Sega's Game Gear, which came out @@sometime after Atari and Nintendo's systems, had the internal components of a @@Master System and a reasonably mediocre line-up of games, released sparsely. @@The Game Gear, again, was marketed as "cooler" than the Game Boy but hasn't @@enjoyed as wide-spread success worldwide as Nintendo's product. NEC later @@released a fully portable version of their TurboGrafx-16, which was quite @@expensive and short in supply when it was highest in demand. It is no longer @@considered a competitor to any of the other portable systems. @@ @@PAST LESSONS III Continued: @@ @@ When Nintendo finally launched their 16-bit Super Famicom (known by the @@rest of the world as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System) in Japan, it @@quickly outsold all the competition and was on back-order prior to and for @@months following release. It included several custom graphic and sound @@processors, enabling it to pull off some impressive visual effects and music @@with the digital clarity of an expensive synthesizer. The Super Famicom became @@popular in Japan primarily because of Nintendo's unblemished reputation for @@quality software and the large number of third-party companies scheduled to @@develop games for it. The system had little software at launch and for some @@months following, but still sold very well solely based on the Nintendo brand name. @@ SNK, a former Nintendo licensee and successful arcade game manufacturer, @@decided to market their own game system but do so with an entirely new @@premise. They manufactured a "24-bit" arcade machine which used inter- @@changable cartridges, somewhat similar to Capcom's older CPS arcade hardware. @@When designing that arcade machine, they used components which would lend @@themselves easily to a compact and affordable home system package. After @@debuting four arcade titles (easily comparable to the better arcade games @@of that time, especially those with outstanding graphics and sounds), SNK @@released their home unit with the EXACT ARCADE GAMES in plastic cartridges @@roughly the size of video tapes. The games sold for $200 each and the system @@for $550,.retaining every feature of the arcade games. SNK was able to find a @@market for these units with wealthier gamers but missed broad-based appeal @@for several reasons. First, the games were far too easy; they included @@the option to continue endlessly until you won the game. Second, the system @@and games were too expensive for the average gamer, especially given the @@fact that the game could be seen from beginning to end in less time than @@a rental video tape. Third (but not last by any means), no rental market @@ever developed, forcing gamers to either buy the game or play it for a @@quarter a play in the arcade. The system has sold better in resales than @@in store-shelf purchases, and while SNK still manufactures software for @@the system, they do so in low quantities and occasionally not enough to @@fill the demand of anyone except for true enthusiasts. @@ @@ Because of a Sega initiative, the American release of the SNES was not @@so successful. Sega's brand new mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog, had been hyped in @@the American video game press and promoted heavily by Sega as the sole real @@alternative to Mario; "faster" and "cooler" and pushing the hardware to its @@limits. Thus, when Super Mario Brothers 4 was released with the SNES, many @@Genesis players simply snickered at the game's lack of spunk and 'coolness' @@although it had unparalleled length and depth (and arguably is still near @@the top of that list). Sonic was a faster and shorter game, less difficult and @@diverse, yet Sega's promotional team worked wonders and sold it in high @@volume. The initial software offerings from Nintendo were terrific, as were a @@few of the third party games, but Sega had anticipated their release schedule @@and countered with better-marketed competitive software. Early difficulty in @@programming the SNES left certain companies releasing sluggish but colorful @@games that might have appeared as easily on the original NES system. (Some @@software, however, was highly advanced over Sega's games and arcade- @@comparable.) Because of their haste to get new software to market, Nintendo @@lowered their quality standards for software and their former limit on how many @@games a company could release per year. As a result, the bad third-party SNES @@games were horrific, and although Sega's average game was not much better, @@the media seized the opportunity to beat up the formerly monopolistic Nintendo @@for their past corporate boorishness and litigious behaviors. (The media also @@rallied in Sega's corner, partially affected by their marketing strategies and @@influenced by their interest in securing "sneak peeks" at new Sega software. @@Nintendo always saved their debuts for their own magazine, Nintendo Power.) @@ Nintendo countered Sega's offensive with price reductions, which were @@matched by Sega each time. Each time Nintendo developed a new peripheral (a @@light gun or a mouse), Sega was ready with their version in six months or so. @@Nintendo's third-party companies kept hammering away at developing quality @@software, but several of the companies formerly "committed to only-Nintendo @@development" decided that they were going to develop games for both video @@game giants. Only two key arcade companies refused to defect; Konami, the @@manufacturer of the famous Castlevania and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, @@and Capcom, the developer of multiple "number one" arcade games including @@Street Fighter 2. Although Capcom had been licensing older successful arcade @@games to Sega and NEC for years, they only did so at the point when the games @@were perceived as unable to affect Nintendo sales. The most popular arcade @@games, at this point, were being equally distributed between Nintendo and @@Sega, so Sega's earlier start and subsequent marketing strategies kept the @@number of Genesis systems sold higher than Super NESes. @@ In 1992, Sega released a $300 CD-ROM attachment for the Genesis, @@enabling it to play games with graphic special effects similar to the SNES. @@The peripheral sold reasonably well, but many consumers (not close to a @@majority, however) returned their units because of a lack of quality software. @@Their Japanese Mega Drive and CD sales have been exceptionally low. Nintendo's @@release of a $10 microchip (which would be included in cartridges) at roughly @@the same time enabled the SNES to produce even better visual effects without @@speed problems of any sort. In a devious move, Nintendo issued a press release @@when the Sega-CD was first shown, announcing plans for a SNES-CD system to @@be released shortly thereafter. When the Sega-CD was officially set to sell last @@Christmas, Nintendo announced that their CD-ROM would have special 32-bit @@graphics chips and other nifty features. Since that time, many industry @@insiders have claimed that Nintendo's press releases were without truth, and @@that they were simply engineered to take the steam away from Sega's product @@rollout. [There was some evidence of this assertion from Nintendo third- @@party companies in the recent past.] The Sega-CD has sold reasonably well, @@with quite a bit of interesting software in production as of late, but hasn't @@substantially injured Nintendo's system sales. @@ Konami eventually opted to release games for Sega (and also for NEC in @@Japan only), unveiling one direct arcade translation and one arcade adaptation @@for the Genesis and hinting broadly that games like Castlevania would find @@their way to the Genesis eventually. Capcom, however, saved (arguably) the @@most popular arcade game in history, Street Fighter 2, for SNES release only, @@bolstering SNES sales significantly and singlehandedly. After nine months of @@keeping Street Fighter 2 exclusive to Nintendo, Capcom announced that they @@were going to develop a version for the Genesis, as well. @@ One of the other huge third-party developers had taken another route @@altogether. Electronic Arts, a huge computer software vendor, began to produce @@Genesis software early in the system's American release by translating their @@successful computer disk games into Sega cartridges. EA hardly bothered with @@the arcade game translations other companies fought for; instead, they lured @@computer-game developers to do the programming work, converting some of the @@better IBM PC and Amiga titles and then distributing them under the Electronic @@Arts name. They also released some extremely successful original sports @@simulations, which (in the minds of many) outclassed the arcade-style @@sports games released by Sega at the same times. EA expanded their software @@line to the Super NES shortly after its release, starting with some arguably @@horrible translations of their Genesis sports games. It was during this time @@that Electronic Arts amassed the huge group of programmers and quality game- @@system reputation they needed to parley their success into The 3DO Company @@(which was founded by the founder of EA, Trip Hawkins). Many of the highly @@anticipated 3DO titles are sequels to Electronic Arts' Genesis games, @@including John Madden Football, Road Rash and PGA Tour Golf. Electronic Arts' @@success with the Genesis and SNES markets from a business standpoint would @@seem to indicate that The 3DO Company will have very good software backing. @@ Which leaves us at today. Nintendo's hardware, somewhat more powerful @@but perceived as "uncool" by teenagers inundated with Sega advertising, sells @@for $99 with one controller and the necessary cables. Sega's hardware, less @@visually and sonically impressive on the average, still rides the "cool" wave @@but is becoming the NES of the 1990s -- outgunned aesthetically but carrying @@an impressive software library under its belt. (The Genesis also sells for $99 @@with similar pack-ins.) Years before any other company had announced a 32-bit @@game system, rumors abounded that Sega had a new game system waiting in the @@wings to leapfrog the Genesis, which has been encumbered for a long time by its @@inability to display many colors on screen at once. Following 3DO's public @@demonstrations, Sega began to admit officially that it was waiting for the @@price of the microchips to drop before releasing their "Saturn" system, @@providing the first clue that they are not ready to match their $350 Genesis + @@CD combination head to head with 3DO's hardware. -End of text- @@Hopefully this information has enlightened you in some questions, and now @@whith your knowledge about the past, there might be easier to guess what's @@going to happen in the future. @@Will 3DO be the one to rule? Can Atari follow up their Jaguar with good @@third party devlopers? What about the Saturn? Will Nintedo+SG's machine come @@too late, when other 32 & 64 -bit machines are already standard? @@Continue reading SH0CK in the future, and the questions will be cleared up! @@ @@@@@@....retched by Geggin!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Now press "SELECT" for menu @@ Reviews - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@So... you are a game freak??? @@ @@Hehe, ok... Well, in this issue there are not too many game reviews because @@we (I) are not exactly the kinda people that spend all our spare time, trying @@to reach the end-sequence of all tons of games that comes out nowadays. @@ @@Therefore we need YOU! Follow the "outline" we use in these few reviews, and @@send your review in a standard ASCII file to us, and who knows!? We might use @@YOUR review in coming issues !! @@ @@ Game Name : Flashback @@@@@@@@ Type : Platform  Players : 1 @@@@@@@ @@ Company  : SONY-Delph. & US Gold  Size : 16 MBit @ Extra : HighROM @ @@ System @ : SNES @@@@@@ @@ Released by: Premiere @@@@@ Graphics: Sound: Playability: @@ Review by : Geggin/Censor @@@ @  90%  40% @  95% @@ @@It was with high expectation I started up Flashback on my SNES. "Is this game @@really as awesome as everyone says?", I thought. I don't have a Mega Drive and @@I never cared to get the Amiga version. However, I just love "Out of this World", @@and as this was supposed to be something like it, I couldn't be anything else than @@curious. @ After watching a GREAT intro sequence I started the game and YES! @Flashback is a platform type of game with good background graphics and awesome @object animations. It includes short "movie" sequences when you for instance pick @up an object, use objects or similar. The animations of the "hero" (named Conrad) @are extremely well done, and the concept of the game is also very good. @There is not much sound in the game, but about the sound that is there, I don't @have much to say, it's simply average. @ In the beginning it can be quite hard to make Conrad do the moves you want him @to, but after a while you don't think about it. You just get into the game, moving @around Conrad in an adventure that gets better and better. The "movie" sequences @in the game really gives Flashback something extra, and once you have started to @get somewhere in the game, it's hard to quit. If you don't have Flashback, GET IT! @@ @@ Game Name : Aladdin @@@@@@@@ Type : Platform  Players : 1 @@@@@@@@@ @@ Company  : Virgin & Disney Soft @@ Size : 16 MBit  Extra : @@@  @@ @ @@ System @ : Sega Genesis/M. Drive  @@ Released by: Anthrox @@@@@@@ Graphics: Sound: Playability: @@ Review by : Psycho ...(C E N S O R)... @  99%  50% @  80% @@ @@Since i had some really high expectations when i first saw this game came out, @@but when i loaded it up, and first saw the cool intro, and then at the first @@level i was completly stunned, this game is a reall showoff in animated grafix. @@It really shows, that virgin got professional help from Disney Software, even @@if the gameplay dosn't really live up to make this the unbeatable platfrom game @@it sure comes close, but i still think sonic 1 & 2 still holds it back with some @@yards... the sound is not that great either, ofcoz it's not to many games that got @@music that beats other systems avalible today. but with this game, they really @@pushed the sega to limits that we even havent seen on the snes yet... @@This is THE game of the year i would say, and it's perfekt as a X-Mas Present if @@you know someone without a backup unit... one thing is for sure, that it keept me @@hooked for dayz, untill i finally beat it... @@ @@So, if you havent seen this masterpice, do yourself a favour, and get it before @@it gets you... @@ @@ We All KNOW, SEGA RULES! @@ @@..........SEGA RULES???? Yeah! And monkeys might fly out of my but!! (old?) @@ @@ @@Okidokie, this is unfortunately the end of the reviews for this time. And @@there won't be much more in the following issues, unless you help us. @@WE do not play so much, so we really need some help with this one. @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Interview - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@Nowadays, when the society is ruled by egocentric people who cares about @@noone else but themselves, it might be a strange idea to have an interview @@section in SH0CK. I mean, noone actually cares what the interviewed victim @@really thinks about this and that.....OR? @@Anyways, we feel that it could be quite nice to interview some pretty famous @@people in the console business. If you have any suggestions about someone @@that we should interview, contact us. @@In this first issue however, as we haven't interviewed anyone, we have made a @@kind of "interview" about the one behind SH0CK. Yes, me.. Geggin..... @@Interviewed victim data: @@Handle @ @: Geggin @@Group @@: Censor @@Real Name : Peter @@Looks @@ : Half-long blond hair, blue eyes, aprox. 185 cm long @@Lives @@@: Gothenburg, on the west-coast of Sweden @@Age @@@@@: 21 (Born 1972) @@ @@SH0CK:> Tell us something about yourself @@Geggin:> Well, I guess I'm a kinda normal swede who is currently without @@@@@@@@@a job. I have a girlfriend, and my biggest hobbies (can you guess?) @@@@@@@@@is computers, friends and to party. @@SH0CK:> How long have you been dealing with computers? @@Geggin:> Gosh! I guess it started back in 1980-81, when I used to play @@@@@@@@@games on an ABC-80 at my dads work. In 1982 I got a VIC-20 and @@@@@@@@@finally, in 1985 I got a Commodore 64. In the beginning I only used @@@@@@@@@it for gameplaying, but after a while I started to learn BASIC and @@@@@@@@@made small text-adventure games. I also started peeking at ML, but @@@@@@@@@it took some time before I started to code ML for real. In '88 I got @@@@@@@@@an Amiga, but never cared to learn the 68000. Up to august '92, when @@@@@@@@@I started coding on the SNES, I have been more or less active in the @@@@@@@@@C64 scene (which by the way is STILL alive). @@SH0CK:> What about YOU and CENSOR? @@Geggin:> After being around in loadza groups, Censor asked me, at a party @@@@@@@@@in Sweden 1989, if I wanted to join. We were all heavily drunk, and @@@@@@@@@soon Censor was thrown out. I however never joined at that time, but @@@@@@@@@in 1990, at a party in Denmark (also under drunkness) I finally joined. @@@@@@@@@The thing about the swedish guys in Censor is that we all know eachother @@@@@@@@@VERY well. It's more like a bunch of friends, who happens to have a group @@@@@@@@@together. @@ @@SH0CK:> When did you first get in contact with consoles? @@Geggin:> I have an old "Pong console" from the seveties, but I have @@@@@@@@@played around with friends' NES and SEGA's for a long time. The @@@@@@@@@first one I bought however, was a SNES and I got it together with @@@@@@@@@a Magicom in august '92. @@ @@SH0CK:> What do you do for the moment? @@Geggin:> Well, I'm trying to get a job, and in the scene I code some @@@@@@@@@stuff for Censor. I also call around a bit, but that is not TOO @@@@@@@@@much. Up to now, I have been working on getting SH0CK done, and @@@@@@@@@I hope you all like it. @@ @@SH0CK:> What about the future? @@Geggin:> Hmm, I don't know. I hope to fullfill my old "boy-dream" of being @@@@@@@@@a game programmer, one day. @@Here comes some fast short questions: @@ @@SH0CK:> Favourite food? @@Geggin:> Pizza, all kinds of pasta. @@SH0CK:> Favourite drink? @@Geggin:> Milk and Beer (Tuborg, what else?) @@SH0CK:> Favourite music? @@Geggin:> All kinds of metal... Pantera, Anthrax, "Seatle Grunch".... more... @@SH0CK:> Favourite movies? @@Geggin:> Splatter things... I love C.Barker, G.A.Romero, D.Argento, S.Raimi... @@ @@ @@SH0CK:> Anything else you want to finnish off with? @@Geggin:> Yeah, I like to say something to all those people who dedicates their @@@@@@@@@whole life to computers/consoles. Take a look outside dudes, and you'll @@@@@@@@@notice that there is a life out there. One of the main reasons that @@@@@@@@@SH0CK came so delayed as it did, was because I rather spent my time @@@@@@@@@with my girlfriend and my friends, just enjoying our youth with totally @@@@@@@@@awesome parties and stuff like that. I have met alot of "scene" people @@@@@@@@@who actually cares more about their "scene" handle and their "group" @@@@@@@@@than their real life, and this really makes me wonder. @@@@@@@@@Fast greets to all those who takes this computer/console thing more @@@@@@@@@like a funny hobby. (Also one thing about this raggin' and slaggin' at @@@@@@@@@other people/groups, it is PATHETIC!) @@ @@Ok, that was that about that..(?) @@ @@Again, if you have any suggestions of which guys we should interview, @@contact us. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Ask Dr. Ruth - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@Questions, questions, questions...... @@ @@Yes, honourable audience. Here you can ask us ANYTHING you like. @@ @@I'm stuck in Soulblazer, what do I do? How do I put objects on the screen, @@when coding the SNES? I have problems getting my girlfriend to an orgasm, @@what do I do wrong? What can I do to help the people of former Jugoslavia? @@ @@......ask.....ask.......ask......ask.....ask.......ask........ask.... WE WILL ANSWER!!!! @@ @@ @@Anyways, in this issue we have just put up some "own made" questions about @@things that we think people wants to know about. If you have a problem, let @@us solve it, we will find the answer one way or another..... @@ @@ @@ @@ Turn page to read the "questions" and aswers...... @@ @@ @@ @@I've been thinking of buying a 3DO, but I don't know much about it. I don't wanna @@know any hardware things, since I don't know what all that stuff means anyway. @@I just wanna know about games and that sort of things. @@------------------------------------------------------------------- @@This is one piece of hardware that cannot be beat. The intro disk that comes @@with it is hours worth of entertainment. It is full of previews, cartoons, @@games, demos, and all sorts of interesting shit, and then to mention Crash & @@Burn! Graphics from heavin, it makes the SNES and Sega look obsolete, and it @@plays great, and FAST! As of now, the only drawback is the lack of software, @@but over 30 titles are promised by Christmas, and Total Eclipse is one to wait @@for! 24 frames per second of awesome space combat. This is one capable @@system, and has alot of potential, especailly with Electronic Arts behind it, with @@Madden 3DO, Road Rash, PGA Golf, and many more on the way. The only thing @@that I was dissapointed with was the fact that it has no RGB hookup (I know all @@you PAL users are pissed!), but I am sure that Redmond cables will have a cable @@ready for it (since they make cables for everything else). However it does @@support composite A/V jacks, and S-video. If you can handle the heavy price @@tag, pick one up today. If you can't, wait 'till the Sanyo and AT&T 3DO's come out @@and pick it up at a much-discounted price (compared to todays $699US). @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ .............answer by 3DO expert, SHREDDER @@ @@ @@ @@Just to please the readers who don't own a modem, and to fill this first issue @@up a little, I have taken some questions and answers from an issue of @@"Console-FAQ". This textfile was written by several different people and @@I hope the authors don't mind me using their work. @@ @@ @@Please tell me about those 100 games in 1 cartridges. @@--------------------------------------------- @@Most of them are bootlegs, made in Hong Kong or South Korea. I've heard of @@some for Nintendo, Gameboy, and Game Gear, as well as Mega Drive/Genesis ones @@with 4-8 games. There might be such things for PC Engine. (If you have one, @@tell me. I'd probably want to buy it. :-)) They often have some early, lower- @@quality games and some games which vary only by small details like background @@color. They also tend to be expensive (though people sometimes try selling @@used ones at prices which are out of hand, even after considering this). If @@you really want one, you will probably have to go to Asia or buy one used. @@There are a number of legal 4-in-1 Nintendo cartridges, and there is at least @@one (legal) 52 games in 1 cartridge for Nintendo advertised in a US magazine. @@There is supposedly an upcoming Genesis cartridge with many games, about @@which I know little. There's also the 4-game Super Mario All-Stars. @@ @@ @@ @@What is the relationship between Tengen and Atari Games? @@-------------------------------------------------- @@They are two branches of the same company; however, both are separate from the @@Atari which makes the Lynx. (Even though many Lynx games are licensed from @@Atari Games.) @@ @@What happened to that version of Tetris they're not making any more? @@------------------------------------------------------------ @@It was the Tengen Tetris for NES. Tengen didn't have the proper US rights, and @@was forced in court by Nintendo to stop making and to recall it. (This was @@separate from lawsuit threats over Tengen's attempt to work around the lockout @@chip.) A Tetris for the Mega Drive in Japan was never legal to begin with. @@What are the differences between a "new" and "old" Genesis or Mega Drive? @@----------------------------------------------------------------- @@Machines made after about October 1991 are "new" machines. They won't play @@certain old third party US games: Ishido, Budokan, Populous, and Onslaught, @@or certain pirated Asian cartridges, though you can get around this problem @@with a Game Genie or Game Action Replay. It doesn't matter whether the new @@machine is a Mega Drive or a Genesis, and the change has no effect on the @@ability to play Japanese games. (If the machine says "produced by or under @@license to Sega" when turned on, it's a "new" machine.) @@The specific cause of the difference is that the new machines scan the ROM for @@the text "SEGA" in locations $100-103, and won't run if it's absent. @@The change between "old" and "new" came around the same time that the pack-in @@game was changed from Altered Beast to Sonic the Hedgehog. This isn't a @@reliable way to tell the difference, but every so often you still hear people @@refer to the "Altered Beast" and "Sonic" versions, which isn't quite right. @@ @@ @@Ok, sorry for this "poor" material from our side, but it's hard to answer @@questions, when we don't have any, right. @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Letters - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@This is for people who wants to contibute to SH0CK with more than votes, @@news, reviews, opinions, questions or whatever. @@ @@Write us some kind of a letter and we will incude it in here. It could be @@about almost anything, so start typing. Mabey you have a big problem, that @@needs more than a short answer in the "Ask Dr.Ruth" section. Mabey you @@have some kind of information to share, who knows? Or, mabey you just want @@to say YOUR opinion on what's going on in the console business. @@LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! @@In this issue we actually HAVE a letter (woow!). It is a review of the @@recently US released JAGUAR, and it was sent in by -PAN- of ANTHROX. @@So, read on, and let him share the experience of buying a Jaguar, with you. @@ @@ @@You've probably read a dozen text files about the Atari Jaguar system @@already and most seem to have been by people who've downloaded text files, or @@have just re-written magazine articles. @@ @@Since I live in New York I had the opportunity to pick one up and see for @@myself what the machine was capable of doing. @@Firstly, the price: $240 @@this included: @@Atari Jaguar console @@1 Joypad @@1 Game Cartridge (Cybermorph) @@1 RF modulator @@1 Power Supply @@ @@I was disappointed to see there was no cable to hook it up to @@my monitor, but nonetheless I had to check it out! Off to the TV! @@ @@Hook up was easy, just like every other game system. Within a minute @@I had everything connected! @@ @@The free game cart called Cybermorph is a Star Fox type of shooter. @@The actual game cart is roughly the size of a Sega Genesis cart, but there's @@a difference in the weight! @@ @@Turning the console on I was surprised to hear the Jaguar title intro. @@ @@There was a roar of a jaguar with the logo zooming in. @@The zooming wasn't like Mode 7 on the SNES. @@It was too perfect! No jagged lines at all! @@After that, letters spelling out ATARI came down with a @@little nostalgic video game tune. @@(listen to the pac man, donkey kong, and dig dug's beeps and boops and you'll @@know what I mean!) @@When that is finished a rotating cube appears, each side @@containing a picture of a jaguar. @@ @@Pressing a button starts the game, and as soon as it does you are greeted @@with some VERY impressive sound! It's not like SNES or Genesis! This is CD @@quality on a cart!! @@ @@The title screen has a morphing logo which I don't think is an animation! @@Reason: Two vector ships move to the center of the screen and then morph @@into the CYBERMORPH logo. @@ @@Holding the Joypad in my hand was actually COMFORTABLE. There's plenty to @@grab and the design is made to be very responsive, which it is! @@ @@The joypad itself is a standard 8 way directional with 3 buttons marked @@A, B, C. Two other buttons, which look like the start button on SNES @@and SEGA pads, are marked PAUSE and OPTION. They are between the directional @@and the three buttons. @@Beneath this is a 12 button keypad. Without the game overlay on, the numbers @@are fashioned like a touch tone fone, including the * and # keys. @@The joypad connector is 12 pins, meanwhile the female connector on the Jaguar @@can accept up to 15 pins. @@The game overlay is like that on the ancient Intellivision. Each game came @@with a plastic overlay that slipped onto the joy controller. @@Now you don't have to remember which button to press to do a special @@function! You can just see it for yourself. @@ @@Starting the game off I thought it would be shit. Seriously, Star Fox sucked. @@I bought it so I should know! As soon as I started playing I was completely @@enthralled! The hills and mountains, which were light sourced polygons, @@moved perfectly smooth. The action all around was smooth. @@The control was even smooth. No way could you compare @@this game with Star Fox! The game play is much different. It's a virtual @@world, you can turn where you want! Star Fox only allows you to go forward! @@Crashing into a mountain brings up a womans face which is green and appears @@to be your holographic assisstant. With clear and understandable speech @@she asks, "Where did you learn to fly?" @@The basic idea of the game is to hunt for small diamond shaped "pods" and @@then find the exit. There are many different enemies and each @@planet has it's own enemies for you to fight. @@ @@Other options during the game are selecting the view point. You can have @@a "behind the ship" view, a cockpit view, a view from behind, a view from left, @@and a view from right (which looks like Horizontal shootem-ups!) @@ @@The game is visually impressive, but as a game itself lacks @@much fun since you all you do is dodge bullets, shoot, and pick up pods. @@But this is only the first game. With what I've seen I can't wait for @@Checkered Flag, or Raiden, or Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy. @@ @@TV doesn't do the Jaguar justice. Although the Jaguar does support composite @@video and S-VHS, the required cable hook ups are not packaged along with the @@system. You may, however, order the cable(s) from Atari by calling @@1-800-GO-ATARI, which is exactly what I will do! @@ @@As for the console itself... @@It looks very nice, probably the nicest looking system around. Closely @@resembles the newer Genesis machines. @@It's dark grey, and has a nice red Jaguar logo printed on the left side. @@One thing different from the other systems: @@There's no RESET button. In the game supplied you press * and # together @@to bring you back to the game's title screen. @@ @@The top of the console is molded in a spherical shape. I suppose it's to rest @@its up-coming CD-Rom on. @@ @@The back of it has ports for DSP, Video and RF video. @@And of course the standard Ch.4-Ch.3 switch. @@ @@As for specs, who knows?! none of the manuals included mention them. @@The Jaguar box only mentions 16.8 million colors, 16 bit sound, 64-bit RISC @@chips, and Digital Interface Port (capable of supporting emerging video @@standards, as it says... HDTV?) Not to mention Made in USA by IBM! @@ @@Opening the Jaguar you will find the Tom and Jerry chipset, along with @@a square 68000 processor running at 16 mhz. The entire circuit board @@is slightly bigger than that of the SNES circuit board! @@ @@Inside the Cybermorph cart there are 4 ROM chips, which appear to be @@EPROMS! Unfortunately the size of the chips in megabits is unknown.. @@There is also a small chip there, which could be a lockout chip. @@ @@The most interesting thing about the whole system could be the numerous legal @@text shit which appears on the box next to the seal (which covers the flaps, @@you must rip the seal off to open the box. The seal is a holographic laser @@sticker showing a jaguar and a Jaguar logo). @@The text also appears on a sealed plastic bag which the game is in. @@ @@The text says in part: @@ @@You may not: @@ @@ (i) make backup copies of the Products or parts thereof; @@ (ii) rent or lease the Products or parts thereof; @@ (iii) copy, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, or make @@ derivitive works of the Products or parts thereof. @@ @@Basically it says: @@YOU MAY NOT MAKE COPIERS OR GAME GENIES FOR THIS MACHINE! @@ @@ @@But hey.. I see the text to be the same as those private system password texts @@on boards saying the sysop isn't responsible for anyone's actions. @@Just typing YES doesn't mean the sysop can't get busted. @@Galoob won it's reverse engineering case against Nintendo. @@And everyone's allowed at least one backup copy as far as I know. @@ @@FFE has no plans for a copier yet... @@Oh well! At least I can still buy games (yech!) @@ @@Seems like someone else, who I won't mention here, talked shit @@about this system and proclaiming 3DO as the best machine to get. @@At the end of the textfile he also gives his number so you can buy @@a 3DO from him. @@Nice? But I'm not in retail. I call them as I see them. And from what I've @@seen with 3DO, it's not that great. Scaling is choppy like SNES @@Mode 7, and of course a game will look nice graphically with a CD-Rom. @@Even CDI looks good with all that animation, but I don't say it will @@be the video game leader. @@The Jaguar is an impressive system, just as 3DO is. @@But with 3DO's $700 price tag I'd rather sit with a $240 Jaguar. @@A CD-Rom system will be released early next year. Buy the Jaguar now, @@save some bucks and then get the CD-Rom. / -Pan- of Anthrox @@ @@ @@Ok, that was that. It seems like we have yet another letter, from someone @@(god knows who he is) who wonders somethings about the SMC-DOS. @@ @@My Problem..... by Geggin/Censor @@ @@Ok, hi there SH0CK readers. @@ @@For about 1 1/2 years, I bought myself a SMC. It was the old version with @@the pre-historic DOS that could not even load splitted files. However, as @@time passed by, I upgraded my DOS and later on I even made it to work with @@HighROM games (FIG that is! (Thanx Aragorn!! (It is still a SlowROM machine @@though))). What I now wonder is if there's any SMC-DOS freak out there @@(did anyone hear me say JSI?) that knows if it is possible to use my SMC @@to copy MS-DOS files? I know about the header, but since the DOS is MS-DOS @@compatible, I just wondered if it's possible to actually use it to copy. @@If not, can anyone fix so that I can copy SMD files on my SMC?? The only @@thing different is the first header byte, right? (The file-size lowbyte @@(SMD is half the SMC)) So that should not be hard to fix, or? Oh, gosh, I @@really feel a bit lame when talking about the SMC. I know ALOT about the @@SNES. but I haven't taken the time to learn about the actual SMC. @@Anyways, I hope there is atleast one friendly soul out there with the skills @@to match my problem. Try to contact me if you come up with a solution. @@ @@............signed Geggin/Censor @@ @@ @@ @@Baaaah! Wasn't that a stupid letter or what. It's hard to keep track of @@all those lamers who write in letters to SH0CK. I'm sure you can do better @@than who ever it was that wrote that last letter. Come on, prove it to me. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Advertisments - SH0CK Issue No.1 @@ Well, well..... @@ @@ It seems that nowadays it's impossible to read a mag, watch TV or take @@ part of any kind of other media, without getting brainwashed by all this @@ COMMERCIAL!! @@ @@ SH0CK is no different, so here we give you a complement to all shampoo, @@ dipers, toothpaste and god knows what...... @@ @@@@@@@@@@*C*E*N*S*O*R* *W*O*R*L*D* *H*E*A*D*Q*U*A*R*T*E*R*S* @@SYSOPS: @@Shredder@@@@@@@@@@@Super Nintendo/Famicom @@Psycho@@@@@@@@ @@@ * W E T  D R E A M S * @@  Genesis/MegaDrive @@Dave!/Abandon@@@@@@@@PC-Engine & TurboGrafx @@Sigma Seven!@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ Neo Geo & Hand Helds @@Chaos/VISA@@@@@ @@@@@ @@THe BuzZ@@ USR 16.8 Dual Standard (9600+ only) @@@@@@@@ 750 MEGZ ONLINE!! Running PC-Express @@@@@@@@ Tons of old files too! @@@@@@@@ 314-YOU WISH - NODE 1 NUP: XXXXX (find out yourself) @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Register for SASM !!! @@ @@ SASM is a cool Amiga 68000/030 one-pass macro assembler using OS 2.0 or@  @@ higher. It supports includes, macros, conditionally assembly and much more.@ @@ @@ It's very fast and it is supposed to become a standart Amiga SNES assembler.@  @@ It is pure assembly code for maximum speed.@@@@@@@@@Florian W. Sauer@@@@@ @@ To register and get free updates + a binded@@@ @@@@@Hachumerstr. 48@@@@@ @@ TeX manual, send $50 (Geggin: It's WELL worth@@@@@@@31167 Bockenem 1@@@@  @@ the money) to this address:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Germany@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@PS. SASM is AWESOME!! SH0CK was made using SASM, and all I can say is that if @@@@ you are a coder, and don't have SASM. REGISTER NOW!! //Geggin of Censor @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SH0CK NEEDS SUPPORT !!!!!  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@To be able to make SH0CK as good as possible, we need help and support !! @@ @@* Do you think you can contribute with interesting text? @@* Are you something like an expert in a special topic? @@* Do you want your board to support SH0CK? @@* You might be good at something that does not have anything to do with @@ console systems? Video reviews, or something like that, could be cool!? @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@GET IN TOUCH WITH US!!! @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SPACE FOR RENT  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....retched by Geggin! @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu LL>LLLLL L "# ! ܁4k$ e$$˅ $1ȷ2ȷ31ȷ1ȷ1ȷ1 ȷ1!"# S$14$10f 8 i#ii  ȷ!"#eȷeHȷHȷhh$144 $LLn0 Ii eJH"8HJIi 0H ܁h0JIi he"0 ܁`0 ܁`@!A!C!@!@!@!k ܁kڮ@!A!@!Lڮ@!A!B!@!@!@!kڮ@!A!B!@!@!@!k@!@!A!@!@!`@!@!0"B!@!@! B!@!@!B!@!@!B!@! @!@!0`0˅  @! 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