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Sorry for the delay and the @@long period of time between issues, but many members of the SH0CK team were @@effected by season, and therfore had no time, and were not availiable to get @@things together and rolling on this issue! @@ @@ Well now here it is! SH0CK - "The Original Console Mag" Issue 2 sits @@before your eyes! Fully included in this issue are many of the topics, and @@issues concerned in the first SH0CK installment. The magazine has gone @@under some small changes since the latest issue, but it will be much more @@improved till the next one, and we here at CENSOR hope you like and enjoy what @@is now presented to you! @@ @@ I would like to credit the SH0CK team now, after many countless hours @@went into this issue. Geggin, Psycho, Shredder, Alfatech, Micro Max, @@Sir Jinx, Problem Child, Delta, and [-sTYLe!-] make up the Censor team, and @@piece by piece put this issue of SH0CK together! @@ @@ As to the Console charts, the original SH0CK charts never rated games @@like the Console World, so again in this issue, games are not rated, just @@listed for the user to see a monthly summary of the months releases group by @@group. The news section of this month has different articles from various @@pieces of material found all over the world! Some are written, and some are @@borrowed. This is stated, and if you have read it, just think as it for the @@people who don't have modems, and added into this issue for the users! @@(What?!.?!.?!. I have no idea what he said) ... Anyhow, moving on i would @@like to invite any persons interested in writing for the SH0CK to contact @@any CENSOR member, and you will be notified as to what to do! I hope to see @@a little more response from people than we did since the last issue, so if @@you got talent, and can write or have anything to offer, GET IN CONTACT WITH @@US NOW!!! @@ @@ SH0CK with the help of the Users, Bbs's, and the staff it self, will @@hopefully continue to be released on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. This is @@always depending on the support of the above, and the availablity of the main @@STAFF! (busy busy busy people...). But as a non-commercial program, @@sometimes things get tight, with conflincs in schedules, etc... things get @@pushed back, and time ticks on and on.. making the mag older by the minute. @@(...The last plea for people to help out!!!) @@ Censor would like to thank Caffeine for his support and help towards @@this issue. He is the one responsible for the Console News which the scene @@see's on a monthly basis. There are some industry articles contained in this @@SH0CK which were seen in Console News. Also some topics might be the same @@as some which may have been in Console News due to the nature of products. @@Well that is all I have to say for now, maybe something else will hit @@me later on, and I will speak about it at that time!!! @@Greetings to: Pyscho, Geggin, Alfatech, Micro Max, Shredder, Sir Jinx, @@ [-sTYLe!-], Problem Child, -TRiAXAL!-, Fallen Angel, Big Ballz, @@ Keyboard Kid, Warduke, Liquid Nitro, Frosty, Ice Cube, TWK/PAN, @@ Radio Active, Dragon Avenger, Wing Leader, Cityhunter, Hydro, @@ Night Assassin, Slapshot, Kirk, Caffeine, Pappilon, ViViD & BM, @@ and The Entire Elitendo, and Premiere Crews! @@ ..And anyone else I know & Forgot & Sorry... Talk to you Soon! @@ @@ Signed - DELTA @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ ...For now, all of us here at CENSOR hope you enjoy this new edition @@of SH0CK! - "The Original Console Magazine!" @@ @@ @@ Enjoy... @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@News 'N' Rumours - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@ @@Ok, long time since the latest issue, and we should have ALOT to write @@here if we wanted to cover up all that has happened since then. @@ @@However, we have sorted out some news that might be of value for some, but @@as you probably can figure out by yourself, some of the news are old for @@people in the scene.... @@ @@So, if you have heard it before, think about the poor ones without modems. @@Some news about the PROJECT REALITY (PR) from Nintendo & SGI @@-------------------------------------------------------- @@ About a month ago, Nintendo of america announced that games for the @@upcoming 64-bit Project Reality system would utilize a new generation of @@super ROM (Read Only Memory) chips with mega memory. The minimum memory @@configuration on Project Reality games will be 100 megabits, which is about @@five times the size of today's biggest Super Nintendo Entertainment System @@games. Since much of video game graphics make use of character based memory @@with a compression ratio of about 50 to 1 over conventional data storage, @@this 100 megabits represents a huge memory storehouse for the new generation @@of graphically intensive games. @@ The decision to use megachips rather than CD-ROM came down to the need for @@access speed. To generate realistic, quick moving graphic applications like @@flight sims and other 3-D environments, you need almost instant access to @@a huge data base. CD-ROMs have the huge data base necessary, but their data @@retrieval or access times are at least one to two million times slower than @@the new chips. CD-ROM is great for some applications like encyclopedias @@where speed isn't a factor and Nintendo may offer a CD-ROM accessory at some @@future time for the Project Reality control deck. But so far at least, no one @@has come up with a CD-ROM game that really provides anything that is both @@unique and fun, and CD-ROMs are an extremely expensive delivery device, @@especially when you consider the return. Sega's announced Saturn, only a @@32-big system, will cost about twice as much as Nintendo's vastly more @@powerful system in large part because it has a CD-ROM drive. @@ According to Nintendo, Project Reality titles are already being produced! @@Although Nintendo has not given out any development licenses, it is said @@that Project Reality is being based on a CI architecture. This will allow @@programmers to hop right into production (EGM). @@ @@ The Project Reality system also has stereo sound built in. While this may @@not be a major breakthrough, Nintendo has added expansion ports that will @@allow users to connect their PR device to Dolby Surround Sound, SR5, and a @@host of other '3D sound' systems. @@ @@ Although $250 is a bit steep for a video game system, Nintendo has @@repeatedly stated that their PR system uses efficient chip configurations @@utilizing the SGI chips, which were used in the production of the 'Jurassic @@Park' movie. Although these chips are over $50,000, Nintendo assures that @@the PR unit will cost $250. How they'll do it might be the world's 10th @@wonder. @@ @@ The debut for Project Reality is not too far away. The arcade version @@will be out this year (1994) and a toned down (aka less expensive) home @@version will be out in 1995. I hope that PR is everything Nintendo claims @@it to be. @@Nintendo & Williams !! @@------------------ @@ It's time to get excited! Its time to get hungry! Why? Because @@Nintendo has teamed up with Williams, the masters of the video arcade with @@hits like NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat, and in a joint venture company called @@Williams/Nintendo Inc. the giants will create a revolution in video games for @@Project Reality. Think that's big? That's only half of it. The creative @@wizards at Rare Ltd. have also signed on, and they're deep in development on @@Killer Instinct, a fantastic fighting game that will graphically blow away @@everything that has come before for either arcades or home game systems. All @@three companies have been working with Silicon Graphics, whose advanced @@graphics processing hardware lies at the heart of the 64-bit Project Reality @@arcade and home systems. Okay, so what does all this mean? First off, Project @@Reality is REALITY!! When Neil Nicastro, president of Williams, calls Project @@Reality, "The best video game technology in the world," He's not talking @@about an idea that's still out in deep space. It's just around the corner! By @@the end of the year it will be down the street in your arcade. Next year, @@you'll have the equivalent of an $8,000 graphics workstation dedicated to @@games playing on your tube for less than $250. As for games, it means that @@the creative braintrust of Williams, Nintendo and Rare will produce exclusive @@games for the 64-Bit system. With a lineup of hits including Mortal Kombat, @@Battletoads, and Super Metroid under their belts, it's enough to make even a @@hedgehog salivate. @@ Joel Hochberg, president of Rare Coin-It Toys & Games Inc., told us, @@"there is nothing like Project Reality and I doubt that there will be @@anything like it for a long time. It's really quite simply. Project Reality @@represents the most powerful video game technology in the world." What makes @@Rare the perfect developer for Killer Instinct and other Project Reality @@games is that they have been working on cutting edge technologies for years. @@"Several years ago we asked ourselves where the next level of video games @@would take us," said Hockbert. "We knew that advanced coin-ups would push the @@limits, so we developed new tools and methods to meet the technical demands. @@With Project Reality, we'll not only replicate coin-op play and graphics on @@your home TV, we'll go beyond." @@ What this player finds most exciting about Project Reality is the @@incredible enthusiasm from developers. They know what this technology can do. @@Only on this system will they be able to create new worlds with such graphic @@intensity that to compare them to current games would be like comparing a @@horse-drawn carriage to the starship Enterprise. The momentum is picking up. @@More announcements on Project Reality, and shots of Killer Instinct and other @@games in development will be soon be released! @@Super Game Boy @@-------------- @@Are you fed up with playing black and white GameBoy games? @@Are you sick of looking at a tiny screen? @@ @@Well, don't get your pants in an uproar, but guess what Nintendo is doing? @@Go on, guess... I'll wait. @@ @@Give up? How about a cartridge that plays GameBoy games on your SNES? Wow! @@But wait, what about colours? GameBoy games only have four shades of grey, @@or?.... Well, future GB games will contain certain registers that, when @@connected to the Super Game Boy, will display up to 256 colours. When @@connected to normal Game Boys, they will be normal grey colours. Also, the @@Super Game Boy will give you stereo sound! @@ @@PRICE@ : $59.99 ( US-Dollars ) @@RELEASE : June 6 1994 @@Sega TV-Channel! @@---------------- @@ Sega has been promising it and they finally will deliver their TV @@Channel! Users can play up to 50 games per month, including previews. The @@channel will also have special game tips, Sega news, contests, and @@promotions. Sega and other companies will also be producing games @@specifically for the TV-Channel users. @@ @@ While some people may think using a modem on a video game machine would @@be next-to-impossible, Sega has created an graphical interface complete @@with on-screen menus and icons. Just select a game title and in a few @@minutes the game will be downloaded to a special TV-Channel cartridge. @@[**NOTE** Sega will probably be putting some sort of anti-SMD protection in @@the cartridge and the Channel software.] In addition to the download, you @@will not be bored by a cps rate or anything. Instead, news will be @@presented to you while you wait. @@ @@ The Sega Channel requires two 2MHz non-contiguous channels to deliver @@the programming. Whether the Channel is a success or not, the video game @@industry will be changed. This is the second attempt (there was a 3rd party @@'Telemodem' device for SNES and Genesis, to allow gamers to use @@modems. Maybe in the future you could run a BBS on your console. Who knows! @@SEGA's 32X ! @@------------ @@ On March 14th, Sega announced it will be allowing Genesis users to @@upgrade their Genesis systems to the new Genesis Super 32X. The Super 32X @@is supposed to give Sega owners a gimpse of what's to come in the SATURN. @@ @@ The 32X is already on shelves (I've seen it at a local electronics store). @@It can be used as a Genesis, a Sega-CD, and/or a portable CD-player. On the @@inside, the 32X uses the SATURN's Hitachi SH2 RISC chips. The 32X also has a @@VDP, or Video Digital Processor chip. This gives the 32X faster processing @@speed, more colours and higher colour definition, texture mapping, faster @@scaling and rotation, improved polygon graphics, true 3-D perspective, @@software motion video, and CD quality sound. Looks like it will be worth it, @@if decent games are produced that are 32X specific. If not, the 32X will @@function as a normal Sega-CD or Genesis. @@ @@ The 32X can display up to 32,000 colours (with special video cables) and @@improves on the Sega-CD's colour pallette and graphics. As for games, Sega @@currently has over 30 titles 'under development' but will not release any @@names. Sega hoped to have a number of titles ready for the world-wide 32X @@introduction, which has already passed. I personally haven't seen a single @@32X specific game. @@ @@ Although Sega wants to show users what the SATURN will bring, it is @@unclear whether the 32X will be compatible with the SATURN. If not, then @@why introduce it? If so, then the SATURN would have to be downward @@compatible, since the cost of a SATURN is definately higher than that of a @@32X. With the 32X in the stores now, Sega might go against the idea of a @@cartridge port on the SATURN and just include the CD/ROM. This would make @@the SATURN incompatible with any and all Genesis cartridges, which would @@probably mean Genesis owners would have to upgrade their systems to a 32X. @@ @@ Sega is also unclear about whether or not Japanese titles will work on @@the 32X. The price of 32X games are rumoured to be around the same price as @@a Genesis cartridge, which would be nice. Virtua Fighters *MIGHT* be the @@included game with the 32X but who knows... @@SEGA's Saturn ! @@-------------- @@ Sega's SATURN is in the USA. Well, actually it's in Las Vegas, at last @@month's CES show. The SATURN has two 32bit RISC chips (Hitachi) as the main @@CPUs. Each RISC chip runs 25MIPS, 28.7MHz, has a 4k cache, onboard 32bit @@DSP processing, and more than 450,000 transistors. Wow. All this for a @@video game machine. The processors enable the SATURN to process over @@900,000 polygons per second. In addition to the processor, seven other @@graphic and audio chips are used. All the chips and processors are linked @@via simultaneous parallel processing and can reach 800MIPS. Fast? Just a @@bit. @@ The SATURN is the first home system to use synchronous DRAM. This means @@higher performance and faster RAM access. Oh, by the way, did I mention the @@SATURN has around 36megabits (4.5megabytes) of RAM to use just for the @@sound, CD/ROM buffer, and other tasks? @@ @@ Speaking of the CD/ROM, the SATURN's drive is double speed and has its @@own RISC chip (again, from Hitachi). Sega has plans to, like Commodore, @@release a MPEG compression device for viewing video CDs. @@ @@ The SATURN games are very impressive. Unfortunately, the price for this @@machine is rumoured to be QUITE high (equal to if not more than a 3DO). @@Games are rumoured to cost anywhere from $50 up to $100. @@SEGA reaches the skies with MEGA JET ! @@----------------------------------- @@ Sega of Japan is trying out something new on the Japanese airlines. It's @@called the MEGA JET. Basically, it's a portable Genesis. @@ @@ About as big as a GameGear, the MEGA JET can be connected to the Japanese @@Airlines (JAL), which will have built-in TVs for playing games. The price @@of the MEGA JET (excluding a plane ticket heh heh) is about 15,000 yen, or @@$130. In the MEGA JET package, you get a mono DIN cord (3.5 meters long) @@and an AC adaptor. @@ @@ The top of the MEGA JET is where you insert the cartridge. The controller @@is not the normal 3-button pad but a 6-button pad. Sounds great right? @@Well, the MEGA JET is NOT compatible with the Mega CD/CD2, the Mega Modem, @@or any cordless joysticks. Fortunately, it takes up way less space than the @@MegaDrive. Unfortunately, you cannot use batteries with it. @@ @@ Will the MEGA JET land in the USA? I doubt it. The CD-X will be here, @@though. @@Jaguar Peripherals @@----------------- @@ Be ready for a FLOOD of games (quality 64bit games, I might add) when @@June rolls around. June will be, according to ATARI, the Nationwide Jaguar @@release. The CD/ROM could be ( NOTE: could be ) ready by then. @@ @@ The JAGUAR CD/ROM, although unreleased, has a few games being produced @@for it (already!) including Readysoft's DRAGON'S LAIR II. @@The TXE 32Bit System @@------------------- @@ Due to make its appearance sometime shortly, a Taiwan hardware company @@will attempt to enter the 32bit video game market with it's system, the @@TXE. The hardware for the TXE has been designed by MSU, which conincidently @@employs John Mathiason, who aided Atari in the creation of the JAGUAR. @@ The TXE is the predecessor of the never-released KONIX multi-game @@system. It is CD-based, and has a sleek design which, in my opinion, looks @@like a CD-changer. The TXE contains a 25MHz 80386 processor (same found on @@those horrible IBM machines, if u could call them machines. More like oversized @@PONG games), a 32bit 'Slipstream' RISC microprocessor, and numerous hardware @@effects. These effects are texture mapping, Gourad shading, rotation, and scaling. @@COMPLETE TXE SPECS: @@ @@CPU @@@@@@: 25MHz 80386 @@Graphics Processor @: 32bit Slipstream ASIC @@Memory @@@@@: 8mbit RAM - Direct Memory Access From The CD/ROM @@Resolution @@@@@: 256x200 @@Colours @@@@@: 256 on screen at once from a pallete of 65,536 @@Animation @@@@: 96 million pixels per second - 4 Hardware planes @@Sound @@@@@: DSP (25MIPS) @@Availability @@@@ @: Autumn '94 in Japan and Europe. @@ @@@ Unsure whether they plan to bring it to the USA. @@Cost @@@@@: $399 @@SEGA'S MODULAR FX CHIP/CART @@---------------------------- @@ Sources at Sega have informed that they are going to be bringing out @@a new 'modular' cartridge this June. This new cartridge will be done in @@order to reduce the 'sticker shock' that is typical of cartridges that @@contain special effects chips. In this instance, the new modular cart will @@be used specifically for Sega's new line of SVP (Sega's version of @@Nintendo's FX chip) games. @@ An example of 'sticker shock' is $99.95 suggested retail price of their @@heavy memory plus SVP chip game - Virtua Racing. @@ What the consumer will do is purchase a mini-cartridge for $40. This @@mini-cart will contain Sega's SVP chip. As new SVP chip games become @@available, players will only have to purchase the new 'plug-in' game @@cartridges. @@ These 'plug-in' cartridges will then be inserted into the previously purchased @@SVP mini-cartridge and the combined unit will then plug into the Genesis. @@ Note: Virtua Racing, since it is coming out this spring, will not be made @@in a mini-cart format. @@ The obvios advantage is that game players will only have to purchase the @@SVP chip cart onces. Instead of SVP carts costing about $100 for every game, @@the cost will be reduced to about $50. A Secondary advantage is that you'll @@quickly see tons of SVP games. Since Sega's third-party licenses will not @@have to absorb the heavy cost of the specialty chip, they all are eager to @@start producing polygon games. @@ @@Ok, that's it for this issue..... @@ @@If YOU by any chance, would stumble over some information of some kind, but @@are too lazy to write something down yourself, get in touch with us and @@we'll be happy to put the info here. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@The Consol Releases of April'94 @@Presenting your SNES & SEGA game listings group by group for April 1994! @@ @@Listed are the Game titles, with manufactuer, along with the according @@filename's & date released. Size and Language are also listed. This month @@saw 32 SNES releases from 9 different groups, and 11 SEGA releases from @@6 different groups. @@ * Specific Note that games are not rated, just listed! Here we go... @@ @@First off is the SNES-releases.............. @@GROUP: * ANTHROX * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@ATX-KODE.LHA  KING OF THE DRAGONS  CAPCOM @@@ 2nd 16MB ENG @@ATX-ROKB.LHA  ROKUNDENASI BLUES  @@@ 12th  12MB JAP @@ATX-PAT.LHA PATLABOR  BEC @@@ 20th 12MB JAP @@ATX-DKIN.LHA DARK KINGDOM TELENET TELENET@@@ 29th 12MB JAP @@GROUP: * BIG BALLZ * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@BB-YAKU.LZH  SUPER YAKUMA @@@@@@@@@@@@ 1st@  4MB JAP @@BB-FORT.LZH  FORTUNE QUEST @ @ 28th 8MB JAP @@BB-SPMJ.LZH  SUPERPACHISLOTMAHJ. @ 28th 8MB JAP @@BB-TAM.LZH  TAMORI JAP GAME SHOW @ 28th 8MB JAP @@BB-VEGAS.LZH  DYNAMITE THE L. VEGAS @ 30th 8MB JAP @@GROUP: * CENSOR * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@CEN-ROCK.LZH  ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE  VIACOM@@@@@ 27th 12MB ENG @@CEN-LOST.LZH  JOE & MAC 2:IN TROPICS DATA EAST@@ 28th 8MB ENG @@CEN-ULT6.LZH  ULT. 6: FALSE PROPHET FCI @@@@@@@ 29th 8MB ENG @@GROUP: * DYNAMIX * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@DNX-SOS.LHA  S.O.S.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VIC TOKAI@@@22nd 8MB ENG @@GROUP: * GERMAN CONSOLES SYNDICATE * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@GCS-SUIG.LZH  SUPERIGO@@@@@@@@@@@ NAXAT@@@@@  12th 4MB JAP @@GROUP: * LAMEKIDS * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@LMK-KOU.LHA  KOURYUUKI@@@@@@@@@@ KOEI@@@@@@@ 1st 12MBJAP @@GROUP: * PARADOX * Page 1 @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PDX-INDY.LZH@ SUPER INDY CHAMP@@@@ FORUM@@@@@ @1st@ 8MB JAP @@PDX-TBCH.LZH  THE BLADE CHASER@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 8th@ 16MB JAP @@PDX-COTT.LZH@ COTTON@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 19th  16MB JAP @@PDX-GP3.LZH@  F-1 GRAND PRIX 3@@@@@ CO SYS LTD@  21st 16MB JAP @@PDX-HBF.LZH@  HOT BLOOD FIGHTER@@@ TECHNOS@@@ 25th16MB JAP @@PDX-BOM2.LZH  SUPER BOMBERMAN 2@@ HUDSON@@@@ 25th 8MB JAP @@GROUP: * PARADOX * Page 2 @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PDX-RAN3.LZH  RANMA 1/2 3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@25th20MB JAP @@PDX-FUNK.LZH  FUNKY DOG@@@@@@@@@@ TAKARA@@@@ 28th 4MB JAP @@GROUP: * PREMIERE * Page 1 @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PR-GOAL2.LZH SUPER GOAL 2@@@@@@@ JALECO@@@@ 7th 4MB ENG @@PR-STREK.LZH STAR TREK:T.N.G@@@@@@ SPECTRUM H.  12th 16MB ENG @@PR-RSDOG.LZH REN & STIMPY:FIRE DOGS T*HQ@@@@@@ 20th 4MB ENG @@PR-ROUND.LZH KNIGHTS O/T ROUND TAB CAPCOM@@@@ 21st 12MB ENG @@PR-EYEOB.LZH EYE OF THE BEHOLDER  CAPCOM@@@@ 21st 8MB ENG @@PR-WHEEL.LZH WHEEL OF FORTUNE DLX GAMETEK@@@ 22nd 4MB ENG @@GROUP: * PREMIERE * Page 2 @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PR-FATAL.LZH FATAL FURY II@@@@@@@  TAKARA@@@@  23rd20MBENG @@PR-DEATH.LZH LIBERTY OR DEATH@@@@ KOEI@@@@ 28th 8MB ENG @@GROUP: * SABOTAGE * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@SBT-PBAL.LHA  PINBALL DREAMS (+1) GAMETEK@@@ 28th 8MB ENG @@ @@ @@Well, quite some releases there.... @@ @@Anyways... let's move over to Psychos little favorite... @@ @@ The SEGA GENESIS/MEGADRIVE.... @@ @@ @@GROUP: * DYNAMIX * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@DNX-DRIB.LZH@ DOUBLE DRIBBLE@@@@@ KONAMI@@@@@28th16MB ENG @@GROUP: * MYSTIC * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@MST-PALA.LZH  CAESAR'S PALACE  T-70@@@@@@ 28th 4MB ENG @@GROUP: * PARADOX * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PDX-GHST.LZH  GHOSTHUNTER@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 14th 4MB JAP @@PDX-TANT.LZH TANTO-R@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 15th 16MB JAP @@GROUP: * PREMIERE * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PR-CPOOL.LZH  CHAMPIONSHIP POOL @ MINDSCAPE@@ 5th 8MB ENG @@PR-JEOPD.LZH  JEOPARDY DELUXE @ GAMETEK@@@ 14th 4MB ENG @@PR-RBI94.LZH@ R.B.I BASEBALL 94 @  TENGEN@@@@ 28th 16MB ENG @@PR-FEUD.LZH @ FAMILY FEUD @@@  GAMETEK@@@ 28th 4MB ENG @@PR-JEOPS.LZH  JEOPARDY SPORTS ED.  GAMETEK@@@ 29th 4MB ENG @@GROUP: * SCOOPEX * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@SCX-THOR.LZH  THE STORY OF THOR  SEGA@@@@@@ 30th13MB JAP @@GROUP: * OTHER * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@ZOOL.LZH@@@@ - ZOOL - US FINAL  GAMETEK@@@ 7th 8MB ENG @@ @@Sob.... No more games... ?? @@ @@Hehe, I think this months releases could be enough for a genuine player, @@but ofcourse the "spring-releases" are not close to as many as the @@"just-before-christmas-games". Hopefully, some games worth playing WILL @@actally come out during the summer.... @@ @@Read the "UPCOMING RELEASES" and warm up your thumbs for the summer games. @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@The Japaneese Scene of April'94 @@Here is the Jap Scene game listings group by group for April 1994! Listed @@are the Game titles, with manufactuer, along with the according filename's & @@date released. Size & Language are also listed. This month saw 18 Snes/Jap @@releases from 5 different groups. With Romkids dominating the Jap game scene @@for many month's now as they have dropped from the scene, again this month @@showed that jap games are up for grabs for all groups. No one seems to have @@monopolized the jap market quite yet. Playable and unplayable games still @@linger in the minds of some group members, as some do not wish to be @@associated with Non-playable releases. @@These games were all listed in the big SNES listings, but here are all the jap @@games separated from the rest. Here we go... @@ @@GROUP: * ANTHROX * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@ATX-ROKB.LHA  ROKUNDENASI BLUES @@@@@@@@@@@ 12th 12MB JAP @@ATX-PAT.LHA@  PATLABOR @@@@@@@@  BEC @@@@@@@20th12MB JAP @@ATX-DKIN.LHA DARK KINGDOM TELENET TELENET@@@ 29th12MB JAP @@GROUP: * BIG BALLZ * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@BB-YAKU.LZH  SUPER YAKUMA @@@@@@@@@@@@ 1st@  4MB JAP @@BB-FORT.LZH  FORTUNE QUEST @ @ 28th 8MB JAP @@BB-SPMJ.LZH  SUPERPACHISLOTMAHJ. @ 28th 8MB JAP @@BB-TAM.LZH  TAMORI JAP GAME SHOW @ 28th 8MB JAP @@BB-VEGAS.LZH  DYNAMITE THE L. VEGAS @ 30th 8MB JAP @@GROUP: * GERMAN CONSOLES SYNDICATE * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@GCS-SUIG.LZH  SUPERIGO@@@@@@@@@@@ NAXAT@@@@@  12th 4MB JAP @@GROUP: * LAMEKIDS * @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@LMK-KOU.LHA  KOURYUUKI@@@@@@@@@@ KOEI@@@@@@@ 1st 12MBJAP @@GROUP: * PARADOX * Page 1 @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PDX-INDY.LZH@ SUPER INDY CHAMP@@@@ FORUM@@@@@ @1st@ 8MB JAP @@PDX-TBCH.LZH  THE BLADE CHASER@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 8th@ 16MB JAP @@PDX-COTT.LZH@ COTTON@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 19th  16MB JAP @@PDX-GP3.LZH@  F-1 GRAND PRIX 3@@@@@ CO SYS LTD@  21st 16MB JAP @@PDX-HBF.LZH@  HOT BLOOD FIGHTER@@@ TECHNOS@@@ 25th16MB JAP @@PDX-BOM2.LZH  SUPER BOMBERMAN 2@@ HUDSON@@@@ 25th 8MB JAP @@GROUP: * PARADOX * Page 2 @@Filename  Game @  Company @@@  Date Size Lang. @@PDX-RAN3.LZH  RANMA 1/2 3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@25th20MB JAP @@PDX-FUNK.LZH  FUNKY DOG@@@@@@@@@@ TAKARA@@@@ 28th 4MB JAP @@ @@ @@That rounds up the Japaneese Games for April, but there will most @@likely be a bunch of them released in May too. @@ @@(If you then consider that good or bad, it's up to you....) @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@The Consol Trainers of April'94 @@Presenting the trainer listings group by group for April 1994! @@Listed are game titles, along with filenames/date released & number of [+'s] @@trained. With the few games released this month, not many trainers were @@released on a whole. But I'm sure that the ones that were done, helped many @@gamers all over the world. We'd like to greet all the coders in the scene @@that make the trainers many of us use everyday. @@ @@With that, here we go... @@GROUP: * ANTHROX * @@Filename  Game @  # of Trainers  Date Format  @@ATX-ROCK.LHA  ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE  +2@@@@@@@@27th [SNES/BSL] @@ATX-J&M3.LHA  JOE AND MAC ][@@@@@@  +3@@@@@@@@28th [SNES/BSL] @@GROUP: * CYBER FORCE * @@Filename  Game @  # of Trainers  Date Format  @@CF-JM2TR.LZH  JOE AND MAC ][@@@@@@  +5@@@@@@@@29th [SNES/iPS] @@GROUP: * ELITENDO * @@Filename  Game @  # of Trainers  Date Format  @@BLADE@3T.LZH  THE BLADE CHASER  +3@@@@@@@@ 8th [SNES/iPS] @@COTON@4T.LZH  COTTON@@@@@@@ @@ +4@@@@@@@@ 19th [SNES/iPS] @@RSFDG@3T.LZH  REN & STIMPYFIRE DOGS +3@@@@@@@@ 21st [SNES/iPS] @@KNIGHT5T.LZH KN. O/T ROUND TABLE +5@@@@@@@@22nd [SNES/iPS] @@ROCKO@3T.LZH  ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE  +3@@@@@@@@28th [SNES/iPS] @@GROUP: * LEGEND * @@Filename  Game @  # of Trainers  Date Format  @@STTNGTRN.LHA@ STAR TREK:T.N.G.@@@@@  +15@@@@@@@@23rd [SNES/iPS] @@ @@* NOTE: @@ @@There were some +1's floating around by various groups and people, @@and they are left out of this listing. Also PAL, Header and SlowROM fixes @@are left out, as in the scene today, almost anybody with half a @@brain could make their own.! (The utilities are out there to make @@them, not like old days when making SlowROM fixes was manual. Not by @@using other peoples utilities to make your releases.) @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@32 & 64 Bit Machines - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@ @@Welcome to the 32/64 bit section of SH0CK. Here we will talk about the @@32/64 bit systems that are already out, and what kind of software we can @@expect to see in the future. @@If you want to read "news" about coming 32/64 bit systems, read the NEWS @@section. @@ @@First, we start with a "3DO vs JAGUAR" text, written by SHREDDER. @@ @@ 3DO vs. JAGUAR @@ @@ After owning a Panasonic REAL 3d0 since its release in the US, @@I recently got my hands on Atari's new hot product, the 64-bit Jaguar. @@Therefor I find myself capable of making a true comparison between the @@two next generation systems, based on first generation games. There @@is no bias, because I own both systems, almost all the games for each, @@I am just going to review each system alone, the games available for @@them, and then compare them to find the real winner! @@ I bought the Panasonic REAL 3DO player shortly after it was @@introduced to the US market. It came packed with Crash and Burn, a @@battle racing type game made by Crystal Dynamics. The graphics and @@gameplay of this game REALLY showed off what the system is capable @@of, I mean smooth texture mapping of the track and backrounds, cool CD @@sound (although nothing special), responsive gameplay that made this @@an addictive, exciting and fun to watch game. I was very impressed @@with my system. However after I finished Crash and Burn, what was I @@to play??? Well, I got desperate and bought Stellar 7 - Draxon's @@Revenge. It has cool graphics, and overall is better than the PC @@version, BUT it is still the same old Stellar 7, VERY boring and @@difficult gameplay. In my book, it was not a winner. Next in line @@came Don Bleuth's animated Dragon's Lair. It is nearly identical in @@quality to the 10 year old arcade, BUT not totally identical, as some @@levels are missing. well this is a fun game, especially if you have @@to learn from scratch like I did... It provided many hours of @@entertainment, and a good game to pass time while waiting for another @@quality 3d0 release, and I got it. Monster Manor was Electronic Art's @@debut into the 3d0, and it is cool! It is a Wolfenstein style first @@person blow-em-away style game, but instead of killing humans, you @@are killing digitized claymated monsters, and cool morphing deformed @@floating heads! I'll say one thing, this is not a game to play when @@alone at home with the lights off, because the music and sound effects @@on most of the levels are enough to scare you outta your socks! @@Unfortunately, the ceiling and floors are black (unlike the awesome @@PC game DOOM), but the scaling to the walls is amazing, and it moves @@fast. The variation in the enemies is not that great, but it is a @@HUGE game, and very addictive, I am still trying to beat it! Next I @@took a look at Night Trap and Mad Dog Macree. Night Trap is the same @@game as for the Sega CD except it looks ALOT better. It is fun until @@you beat it, but then it makes a nice paperweight. I won't say @@anything about Mad Dog Macree, it makes too good a paper weight before @@you take it out of the box, trust me, it SUXX! Last but not least @@(the best actually) comes the amazing, trend-setting, mind-blowing, @@TOTAL ECLIPSE. This is an unforgetable experience. It takes a bit of @@time to get used to the sensitive controls, but once you do, time to @@take of. It is like playing Star Fox, with rendered backrounds, @@objects, and enemies that you interact with. It has cool power-ups. @@You pilot a space ship, and as usual you are the terrin's last hope. @@The bosses are huge, and they take a lot of metal to kill! The @@animations of the bosses are incredible, especially the level 2 boss. @@This is the best creation of a video game ever seen to the eye, and it @@is brought by the ones who made the pack-in, Crash and Burn. Crystal @@Dynamics kicks ass! After playing Total Eclipse, my faith in the @@system has been totally re-instated. NOTHING compares to it! I am @@now eagerly awaiting the upcoming EA sports titles, incuding Madden @@Football, NHL Hockey, and Road Rash. Other titles to look for include @@Shockwave, the awesome simulation from EA, along with Star Trek - NG, @@and Jurrasic Park, both interactive movies. Recent news is that @@Capcom will be making Street Fighter II Legends, once CD with Street @@Fighter II, SF2 Champion Edition, SF2 Turbo, and Super SF2, and it is @@due out this fall, can't wait! there are too many titles to name, @@since 3d0 has about 500 3rd party developers working for it (at least @@that is what Trip says). So much for the 3d0, lets move onto the @@Jaguar! @@ I will begin by telling my personal story of the Jaguar. @@Because I buy all video games, I NEEDED a Jaguar and as many of you @@know, they are not easy to find at this time, so I called all over @@looking and I finally found one. Throughout my search, I had many @@recommendations saying DON'T BUY IT, but I had to have it, so I bought @@it. I waited by my door for the Fed-Ex man to bring me my new valued @@package, and I waited all day, and it ended up that because of bad @@weather, I would have to wait another day! Shit it sucked! But that @@just made me want it more, and I finally got it. I ripped open the @@package stuck in CyberMorph, hooked up the wires, turned it on and @@what do I get??? a black screen. Now I was really pissed! After @@pulling the cartridge in and out like 5 times, it finally came up. @@Pretty cool intro, a red JAGUAR comes scaling up to the screen, as @@you hear the purr of the cat. Pretty cool, then comes a cube with a @@digitized picture of the cat on all sides, rotating and all, very @@impressive! Well the first time I saw CyberMorph, I about started @@laughing, because I had just finished playing Total Eclipse. But then @@after playing for awhile, this 5 megabit cart actually became very fun @@to play... but then after several hours, it became a bit boring. The @@point is to fly around, shoot enemies, and collect pods and special @@weapons. One REALLY cool effect with this game is there is no @@limited playing field, you can fly WHEREEVER you little heart desires. @@The mountains and ground effects are all nicely raytraced and @@rendered, but NOTHING like in Total Eclipse. To be honest with you, @@StarFox is probably a better game, not in graphics, but in overall @@fun. The bosses are nothing too special, but they are pretty cool I @@guess. Basically, the fact that this game is even used in the same @@sentence as Total Eclipse almost makes me ill. It is a good game, i @@will give it that. Against my will (I couldn't help it!) I went to the @@local Electronics Boutique and bought Trever McFur in Crescent Galaxy @@and Raiden. Well i will begin with Raiden, I have never played the @@arcade, but I assume it is very similar, but nothing that requires @@64-bit! It could be done on the SNES or Sega. It is a good shooter @@though, and playing with 2 people makes it much more fun, especially @@when there are tons of on-screen enemies, with NO slowdown! OK next up @@is Crescent Galaxy. This game is just TOO damn hard! The bosses are @@some of the coolest I had EVER seen, but it is plagued with the same @@problem as CyberMorph, there is NO backround music! all you hear is @@explosions and your ship firing! The levels seem a bit too long @@without any variation, all you do is shoot TONS of on-screen enemies, @@and it gets a bit monotomous... I like the characters, therefore I @@make myself play it! All the enemies are 3D and raytraced and look @@REALLY cool. If they would have spent a little more time on this one, @@it surely could have been a winner! It has alot of cool weapons, too @@bad it is a pain in th ass to reach down to the lower buttons and @@switch power-ups! That is it for the Jaguar, now lets compare! @@ @@WHICH ONE IS BETTER??? @@ @@ Well it is a bit hard to tell which one will be more @@succesful, but right off the bat, right now the 3d0 slaughters the @@Jaguar, anybody with a decent set of eyes can see that. But when the @@Jaguar CD comes out, it will make a major impact on the comparison. @@The Jaguar is a sleeker looking system, the 3d0 is pretty much just a @@black box with a CD tray on the front! I like both of the @@controllers, but if I had to choose one to like better, it would be on @@the Jaguar. The controller brings back the days of Intellivision and @@Colecovision, with the numeric pads under that actual joypad. However @@the 3d0 joypad has a LONG ass cable, so it is nice to be able to sit @@back and play without the joypad coming unplugged! As far as the @@pack-in's, I think the 3d0 has more success, because Crash and Burn @@shows off more of the 3d0's capabilties than Cybermorph does the @@Jaguar's. Right now I am saying the 3d0 is MUCH better. There is not @@much software for either of the systems now, so there is really no way @@of telling which will be better in the long run. I think in order to @@compete, the Jaguar needs a CD (you never know, Aliens vs. Predator @@looks mighty fine!). So far, the Jaguar hasn't shown any 64-bit power @@(not even 32-bit power at that), but seems more like a 16bit system. So @@if all these cartridge games coming out are smaller than 16mb, where @@is the Jaguar copier??? that is my main question! I am not trying to @@rail on the Atari, I am very excited to see its future, and I think @@it will do fine, but to this point, there is really no comparison @@between the two systems. Over and out.... @@ @@ Shredder!/CeNSoR @@ @@ @@PS- I am sure I am going to start an argument here, if you feel you @@must dispute me on what I have to say, you can find me at the 3d0/Jag @@conference on my board (Wet Dreams) or the jag/3d0 conference on LOC. @@Ok, thanks for the letter Shredder.... @@ @@I (Geggin) just wanna take the chance to put in some parts from a @@textfile by Rob Rusbasan, where he (like Shredder) compares the two @@systems and clear out some frequently asked questions and arguments @@about the both systems. (3DO & Jaguar that is...) @@ @@ @@The text is from the end of 93 and some prices etc, might have been @@changed a bit. However, I think many of his points are very good, and @@I hope You will be satisfied anyways.... @@ @@"The Jaguar is 64-bits! The 3DO is 32-bits! The Jaguar is twice as @@good at less than one-third of the price!" @@ @@This argument uses very simplistic logic that quickly falls apart. @@First, the Jaguar is not automatically better because it is "64-bits". @@The Jaguar and 3DO both have very complicated architectures involving @@many processors. It would take, at bare minimum, a thorough @@understanding of the specifications of both machines and some @@programming experience on each to accurately compare them. The only @@fair statement that can be made at this point is that they are both @@in the same league, and they are both much more powerful than current @@systems. @@To answer the second part, the Jaguar does NOT come with a CD-ROM @@drive. It is perfectly valid to say you do not desire one for your @@video game system, but that does not make the two systems equivalent @@for everyone else, so it is not a fair basis for comparison. @@ @@Furthermore, the Jaguar's prices has reportedly slipped up to $250, @@and the CD-ROMs price has been quoted as being anywhere from $200 to @@$300. Since the 3DO is supposed to drop in price by at least $50 @@before Christmas, by the time all three components are available for @@purchase, the only fair comparision "COULD" look something like @@$650 (3DO) vs. $250 (Jaguar) + $300 (CD-ROM) = $550. Furthermore, @@the Jaguar will not offer the SVHS output that comes with the 3DO, @@but it will be offered at an additional charge, so if you want that @@the price difference will be even less. @@ @@----- @@"Even if I want a system with a CD-ROM, I can at least buy the Jaguar @@system in two parts. If I'm happy with the cartridge version, I @@save myself some money. If not, I can buy the CD-ROM months later, @@when my wallet has recovered from the initial purchase." @@ @@Those are all valid points, but be aware that past experience has @@shown the software manufacturers shoot for the lowest common @@denominator. Commodore 128 owners had to put up with Commodore @@64 software because their 128s could run it. Sega CD owners have @@watched in frustration as most of the hot games came out for the @@Genesis only or were ported to the CD without taking advantage of @@its added features. Unless a game could be done only for the CD, @@companies figured it was pointless to freeze out the rest of the @@Genesis owners by making it a CD game. @@ @@The Jaguar CD-ROM installed base will always be smaller than the @@Jaguar installed base. If you enjoy the type of game that takes @@massive amounts of memory, be aware that many game companies may @@choose to concentrate on the bigger Jaguar (without CD) population. @@ @@I am not saying the Jaguar CD-ROM drive will flop. I am just @@pointing out that there is definitely a down side to it coming @@separately. @@ @@----- @@"I saw the two systems on CBS the other day, and the 3DO ruled! In @@comparison, the Jaguar games looked flat, dull, and only slightly @@better than SNES games!" @@ @@First, this again demonstrates that counting the bits is not a valid @@way of measuring game quality, since, according to many people, the @@current Jaguar games didn't look as good as the 3DO games. The @@situation will definitely improve for the Jaguar, but the CBS demo @@proves that you can't throw all of the other important factors in @@the equation (programming skill, time in development, overall system @@architectures, ease of programming for that architecture, etc.), @@just focus on the number of bits, and decide which system will have @@better games. That's ludicrous! @@ @@Second, and more importantly, the 3DO games are further along in @@development (and, in the case of Crash 'N Burn, have actually been @@released). The Jaguar games will surely improve. Even if they don't, @@better games may come out shortly. In other words, this batch of @@prerelease games isn't the whole story of the Jaguar. @@Once again, like the price comparison, you are comparing apples to @@oranges. If that's all you can do, that's fine, but don't expect @@the results of these comparisons to be too meaningful. @@ @@----- @@"The 3DO is more like the CD-I. It is not a game machine. It is @@not meant for game players. I hate the "multimedia" crap, and I'm @@glad that the Jaguar won't have any!" @@ @@First, the 3DO is being pushed very heavily as a game machine. There @@are many, many games scheduled for release. What difference does it @@make if multimedia and educational titles are released as well? If @@you don't want them, nobody is forcing you to buy them. @@ @@If, one year from now, the Jaguar has 100 titles, all games, and the @@3DO has 100 games and 200 other titles, will the Jaguar somehow have @@"more" games because the 3DO library is only 33% games? No -- they @@will each have 100 games, and that is the ONLY number that counts if @@you are comparing them as game machines. @@ @@Furthermore, not only is the Jaguar being called a multimedia machine @@by Atari, but some of the very same titles ("Multimedia Beethoven") @@are said to be coming out for its CD-ROM unit. @@ @@"All of this is moot. The machines are aiming at two different markets." @@ @@While there is some truth to that, they are most definitely both aiming @@for the hardcore gamers. The "Jaguar vs. 3DO" flamewar proves that @@the same set of people are obviously considering both machines. @@ @@----- @@"The Jaguar and/or the 3DO will play MPEG-2 movies." @@ @@From what I can tell, this is flat-out wrong. There is a new CD movie @@standard being pushed by Philips, Paramount, and others. It will be @@supported by both the 3DO and the Jaguar, and it uses the MPEG-1 format. @@There are many reasons to doubt the MPEG-2 claim. Most importantly, @@the running times given are not possible to achieve with standard @@CDs (double density ones, yes, but not normal ones). More importantly, @@the MPEG-2 standard has NOT BEEN FINALIZED. Anyone claiming they will @@implement a spec in a machine coming out very soon when that spec has @@not been frozen should not be taken at their word. @@ @@----- @@"The 3DO/Jaguar has built-in cable connectors/modem, but the Jaguar/3DO @@does not." @@ @@Wrong. The modem and cable connectivity features do not come with @@the Jaguar or the Panasonic 3DO. Future 3DOs may have either or both @@of those features built-in, but let's not flame about it just yet. @@ @@----- @@Trip Hawkins is an idiot! / The Tramiels are lying SOBs! @@ @@Errr...what's your point? @@ @@For some reason, Hawkins has turned people off. Others think the @@Tramiels have a history of breaking promises. Let's just see what @@comes out, and judge it on its own merits. Comparing the 3DO to @@the Jaguar is difficult enough without psychoanalyzing their backers. @@"Atari has IBM behind them!" @@ @@Sorry, but Atari accepted bids from many companies interested in @@building the Jaguar for them. IBM submitted the lowest bid. Period. @@While IBM will probably do everything they can to put out a quality @@product, they are not consulting with Atari on it, nor have they @@endorsed the Jaguar. @@ @@----- @@"Atari has Time Warner behind them!" @@ @@Yes, but Time Warner also owns a chunk of 3DO and in fact was one of @@the founding companies. It's amazing how often people forget that @@fact. Time Warner asked Atari to put some features into the Jaguar @@and sold them some video clips, and they are an interested stock @@holder. They also hold stock in 3DO and were actively involved in @@its development. In summary, Time Warner is hedging their bets; they @@stand to win either way. @@"I hear that: @@ A) the Jaguar is hard to program and developers are giving up. @@ B) the 3DO development kit is hard to work with and developers are giving up. @@ C) some of Atari's licensee said to be working on games @@ have in fact not even received Jaguars yet. @@ D) many 3DO development kits are going unused because the licensees want to @@ see what happens before committing resources. @@ E) Etc, etc......" @@ @@That's nice, but if you know which of these rumors to believe and @@which to discount, you must know something I don't. Please give us some @@info in this matter. @@Phew, that's that..... @@ @@Ok, before ending this subject I (still Geggin) would like to give you a @@personal opinion about all these new systems. As I am a programmer, and have @@been for the latest decade, I am ofcourse impressed of the hardware and @@speed of these new machines. As soon as you have heard about the GREAT @@specs of a machine, it takes a month or so, and an ever better machine is @@planned, this time with a 128-bit CPU, 512 CoProcessors and running on @@100 GIGA-Hertz or something.... Every major company wants to compete @@and they are all doing their best to make the "MACHINE OF THE CENTURY". @@ @@However! As this is mainly GAME systems, the bottom line must ofcourse @@be the amount of software. A machine like above, a "128-bit CPU, @@512 CoProcessors and running on 100 GIGA-Hertz or something...." - console @@for $400, WILL FLOP if there is not enough good software for it. I mean, @@it's OBVIOUS, isn't it?? It's a bit scary to see how this fact often is @@forgotten when people talk about how "awesome" a machine is. Everyone is so @@freaked about the amount of bits, sprites, colors and texturemapping that @@the actual amount of good games for the systems is left out. @@Let's face it, a machine is NOTHING without software (obvious?) and the @@things that should be pointed out when a debate comes up is "how many @@sofware companies make games for the machine?", "how many games are @@planned to be released, and when", "what's the quality of the games". @@ @@Now I can hear some dudes moaning and call me names, but I can give you @@an historic example, and that's about the LYNX. @@When the LYNX came, it was superior in harware compared to the two other @@major handhelds (GameBoy & GameGear), and that was with an afforable @@price. I actually bought me one and I was satisfied with it at first. @@The LYNX had good hardware, it felt comfortable in your hands, etc, etc, @@but it had one BIG disadvantage, compared to the much better-selling @@GameBoy. It had VERY little support from third party developers and the @@fact that GameBoy had more gamesupport made the custumers choice easy. @@ @@Therefore, the gamesupport is a fact that should be taken serious when @@talking about how "GREAT" these new machines are.... @@ @@Ok, enough now... @@ @@ @@This subject might be a bit monotonous for a while, since there are not @@so many 32/64 bit systems out yet. However, as many systems are planned @@for release, we'll do our best to cover up them all @@ @@ ......... The SH0CK staff @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Reviews - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@So... you are a game freak??? @@ @@Hehe, ok... Well, in this issue there are not too many game reviews because @@we (I) are not exactly the kinda people that spend all our spare time, trying @@to reach the end-sequence of all tons of games that comes out nowadays. @@ @@Therefore we need YOU! Follow the "outline" we use in these few reviews, and @@send your review in a standard ASCII file to us, and who knows!? We might use @@YOUR review in coming issues !! @@ @@ Game Name : Joe & Mac 2 @@@@@@ Type : Platf./Adv. Players : 2 @@@@@@ @@ Company  : Data East  Size : 8 MBit @ Extra : --- @ @@ System @ : SNES @@@@@@ @@ Released by: Censor @@@@@ Graphics: Sound: Playability: @@ Review by : * Unknown *  @@@ @  90%  90% @  80% @@ @@ Joe & Mac II: Lost in the Tropics is brought to us by Data East. It @@was made by the original makers of the Joe & Mac Series. This is the sequal, @@and is a great improvment on the first version on Snes. The game has good @@animations, and stereo sounds. The player can control either Joe or Mac. One @@or two players simultaniously is good action. This action/adverture game has @@some new twists from the original platform game. Player can now buy items and @@go into different villiages and talk to people. The player control is very @@good for the platform parts of the game, with smooth scrolling graphics. @@Besides the 1 or 2 player functions, there is also a password option, where @@the player can continue from a previous journey. Joe & Mac can also pick up @@power up items along the way, to improve the character and defeat enemies @@more easily. There are a total of 18 levels in this adventure. @@ I liked this game, it is definatly one of the better action games on @@the Snes. Graphics and sound play a big factor in the adventure, and the @@addition of buying items, is a great feature to an already cool platform @@game. You can play 2 players at the same time, which is good for friends to @@team up together for added fun. Overall good game. @@ @@ Game Name : Crash & Burn @@@@@@ Type : Driving  Players : 1 @@@@@@@@@ @@ Company  : Crystal Dynamics @@ Size : CD-ROM Extra : ---@@  @@ @ @@ System @ : 3DO @@ Released by: ---  @@@@@@@ Graphics: Sound: Playability: @@ Review by : Shredder @@@@   @  100%  94% @  90% @@ @@ Lets take a look into what Crystal Dynamics has to offer for the @@new and incredible 32 bit system on the market, the 3DO. Crash & Burn is a @@game that has been in the works for quite a while now, and it was the only @@REAL game released at the time of the system, therefor it came as the @@pack-in with the 3DO, which was an excellent move. @@ When you begin the game (if you can ever get away from the @@awesome demo), you have two modes of play, Ralley and Tournement (which @@uses the saveRAM inside the system. Ralley is just instant action, where @@the tournament is very addictive and time consuming (AND HARD!) @@ To be honest with you, there is no way of really describing the @@graphics displayed in this game, they have to be seen to be believed. Even @@the intro is absolutely incredible, better than anything ever seen at home. @@It plays very fast, and is not at all jerky, the 3DO has plenty large of an @@engine to power a game like this. The track, the scenery and the sky are @@just incredible. The sound is good, nothing TOO impressive, but it is CD @@sound, and uses real voice, of the real actors in the game. Well now you @@say, if something looks this great, it probably plays like shit. WRONG. @@This game plays excellent. It has an excellent mix of driving and @@battling, to make the gameplay fast, VERY STRESSFUL, and a quite a bit of @@strategy is needed in the later levels (which surprised me). @@ This game has alot to offer. Some of the coolest visuals ever @@seen to the eye are packed in this one, including the black market salesman @@(anybody who has played the game knows what I mean), and there is even a @@tongue wetting preview of Total Eclipse. All mixed with addictive, @@exciting, and STRESSFUL gameplay makes this one a true winner. The 3DO is @@the far most capable system to date. That is all for now, but we'll be @@back with a review for Total Eclipse next issue! @@ @@Sorry, sorry... But that's about it! @@ @@We need genuine, hardcore gameplayers to help us with the reviews! @@ @@If you know you are up to the task, don't hesitate to get in touch @@with us....... @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Upcoming Attractions - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@ @@Now it's time to check out what kinda software that's coming @@for YOUR favorite system. @@ @@Ofcourse it's hard to keep "updated" when more and more games are @@being released every day in the "pirate scene". @@ @@However, I hope MOST of the listed games haven't hit the boards yet! @@ @@ Upcoming Attraction for Super Nintedo Entertainment System / Super Famicom @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@A.S.P  Seta @@@@@@@@ @@Adam's Family Values  Ocean @@@@@@@ @@Aero Fighters Mc 'O River @@@@@@  @@Aero the Acro-Bat 2 Sunsoft @@@@@@@ @@Barkley! Shut-Up & Jam  Accolade @@@@@@  @@Beast Ball  Spectrum Holobyte @@@@ @@Beauty & the Beast  Hudson Soft @@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Bebe's Kids Mandigo @@@@@@@ @@Blackthorn  Interplay @@@@@@@ @@Brainlord Enix @@@@@@@@ @@Breath Of Fire  Square @@@@@@@ @@Bubsy 2 Accolade @@@@@@  @@Buckaroos THQ @@@@@@@@ @@Champions World Class Soccer Acclaim @@@@@@@ @@Citadel Data East @@@@@@  @@Clay Fighter 2  Interplay @@@@@@@ @@Code of the Dragon  Tradewest @@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Crazy Chase Kemco @@@@@@@ @@Cyberslider  Bullet-Proof-Soft  @@Eek the Cat  Ocean @@@@@@@ @@Exosquad  Playmates @@@@@@  @@Final Fnatasy III  Square @@@@@@@ @@Fire Striker  DTMC @@@@@@@  @@First Queen  Culture Brain @@@@@@ @@Freeway Flyboys  Seika @@@@@@@@ @@Fun 'N' Games  Tradewest @@@@@@ @@Gaia  Enix @@@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Galactic Defenders  Culture Brain @@@@@@ @@Gordo #106  DTMC @@@@@@@  @@GP-1 Part 2  Atlus @@@@@@@@ @@Hardball 3  Accolade @@@@@@  @@Harley Davidson Tour Matchbox @@@@@@  @@Home improvement  Absolute @@@@@@@ @@Hurricanes  U.S.Gold @@@@@@@  @@Impossible Mission 2025  Microprose @@@@@@ @@In the Hunt Irem @@@@@@@@  @@Itchy & Scratchy Acclaim @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Jaguar XJ220  JVC @@@@@@@@ @@Jammit!  Virgin @@@@@@@@ @@Jeopardy Sports  Gametek @@@@@@  @@King Arthur  Enix @@@@@@@@ @@King of the Monsters 2  Takara @@@@@@@ @@Kung Fu: Legend  Sunsoft @@@@@@@ @@Legend  Seika @@@@@@@@ @@Lemmings 2: Tribes Psygnosis @@@@@@ @@Lester the Unlikely 2  DTMC @@@@@@@  @@Lost Mission  Vic Tokai @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Mario Andretti Racing Electro Brain @@@@@@ @@Maximum Carnage  LJN @@@@@@@@ @@Mighty Max  Ocean @@@@@@@ @@MLBPA Baseball  Temco @@@@@@@ @@Monster Truck Wars Acclaim @@@@@@@ @@Moto X  Trimark @@@@@@@ @@Mystical Ninja 2 Konami @@@@@@@ @@Natsume Championship Wrestling  Natsume @@@@@@  @@Obitus  Bullet-Proof-Soft  @@Ogre Battle Imagineer @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Operation Europe  Koei @@@@@@@@ @@Packy and Marbn  Raya Systems @@@@@ @@Parodius  Konami @@@@@@@ @@Pirates of Dark Water  Sunsoft @@@@@@@ @@Pocky & Rocky 2 Natsume @@@@@@  @@Popeye  American Technos @@@@ @@Power Instinct  Atlus @@@@@@@@ @@Powerful Pro Baseball  Konami @@@@@@@ @@Prehistorik Man  Titus @@@@@@@@ @@Radical Rex Activision @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Releif Pitcher  Left Field @@@@@@@  @@Rex Ronan  Raya Systems @@@@@ @@Rise of the Robots  Absolute @@@@@@@ @@Sat. Night Slam Masters  Capcom @@@@@@@ @@Sd Golden Fighter  Culture Brain @@@@@@ @@Soccer Kid  Ocean @@@@@@@ @@Soccer Shootout Capcom @@@@@@@ @@Sound Fantasy Nintendo @@@@@@@ @@Space Ace  Absolute @@@@@@@ @@Spectre Gametek @@@@@@  @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Speedy Gonzales Sunsoft @@@@@@@ @@Spike Mcfang  Bullet-Proof-Soft  @@Star Fleet Academy Interplay @@@@@@@ @@Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Playmates @@@@@@  @@Steven Seagal Tecmajik @@@@@@@ @@Stunt Trax F/X  Nintendo @@@@@@@ @@Super Bomberman 2  Hudson Soft @@@@@@ @@Super Drakkhen  Ocean @@@@@@@ @@Super Godzilla  Toho @@@@@@@@ @@Super Hockey '94  Culture Brain @@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Super Jam  American Sammy @@@@ @@Super Sonic Aerobiz  Koei @@@@@@@@ @@Super Turrican 2 Seika @@@@@@@@ @@The Death OF Superman  Sunsoft @@@@@@@ @@The Jetsons  Taito @@@@@@@@ @@The Shadow  Ocean @@@@@@@ @@Time Killers  Malibu Entertainment@@@@ @@Transformers Gen 2  Takara @@@@@@@ @@Troy Aikman Tradewest @@@@@@ @@Twisted Tales of Spike Mcfang Bullet-Proof-Soft  @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Ultima: The Black Gate  FCi @@@@@@@@  @@Undercover Cops Irem @@@@@@@@  @@Virtual Bart  Acclaim @@@@@@@ @@Warriors of Rome III Extreme @@@@@@@ @@WCW Super Brawl  FCi @@@@@@@@  @@Wheel of Fortune Deluxe  Gametek @@@@@@  @@Wild Snake  Bullet-Proof-Soft  @@Winter Extream  Electro Brain @@@@@@ @@World Class Rugby Imagineer @@@@@@@ @@World Cup USA 94  U.S.Gold @@@@@@@  @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Zooball  American Technos @@@@ @@ @@That's it about the SNES.... @@ @@Now let's quickly move over to the next machine... @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Upcoming Attraction for Sega MegaDrive / Sega Genesis @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Akira THQ @@@@@@@@  @@Battletech  Extreme @@@@@@  @@Beavis & Butt-Head Viacom @@@@@@@ @@Beethoven  Hi-Tech Experssions @@@ @@Bills' Tomato Castle  Psygnosis @@@@@@ @@Champions World Class Soccer Flying Edge @@@@@@ @@ClayFighter  Interplay @@@@@@@  @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Demolition Man Virgin @@@@@@@@ @@Dick Vitale's Awsome Baby  Tengen @@@@@@@ @@Exosquad  Playmates @@@@@@  @@Fatal Fury 2  Takara @@@@@@@ @@Frantic antics Hi-Tech  @@Happily Ever After  American Softworks  @@Hurricanes  U.S.Gold @@@@@@@  @@Impossible Mission 2025  Microprose @@@@@@  @@Incredible Hulk  U.S.Gold @@@@@@@  @@Interplanetary Lizards Tengen @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Itchy & Scratchy Arena @@Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition  Gametek @@@@@@@ @@King Fu: Legend Continues Sunsoft @@@@@@@  @@King of the Monsters 2  Takara @@@@@@@ @@Magical Quest Capcom @@Magician's Castle Psygnosis @@@@@@ @@Mario Andretti Racing Electronic Arts @@@@@ @@Marko's Magic Soccer  Domark @@Maximum Carnage  Flying Edge @@@@@@ @@Monster Truck Wares  Arena @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Operation Europe  Koei @@@@@@@@   @@Pirates Of Dark Water Sunsoft @@@@@@@ @@Popeye The Sailor  American Technos  @@Rainboy Islands  Taito @@@@@@@@ @@Rise of the Robots  JVC @@@@@@@@ @@Risk  Parker Brothers @@@@ @@Sid & Al's Incredible Toons Dynamix @@@@@@@  @@Skeleton Crew  Core  @@Socks the Cat  Kaneko @@@@@@@  @@Star Quest  Namco @@@@@@@ @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Star Trek: Deep Space Ninte  Playmates @@@@@@  @@Steven Seagal Tecmagik @@@@@@  @@Superbike Challenge Domark @@@@@@@ @@Time Trax  THQ @@@@@@@@  @@Tin Head  Spectrum Holobyte@@@@ @@Top Gear II Vic Tokai @@@@@@@ @@Virtual Bart  Flying Edge @@@@@@ @@Wing Commander II  Electronic Arts @@@@@ @@World Cup USA '94  U.S.Gold @@@@@@@  @@World Heroes  Sega @@@@@@@  @@GAME @@@@ COMPANY @@@@@@ @@Wrath of the Gods  Virgin @@@@@@@@ @@ @@Sorry, but that's about it for this issue..... @@ @@In coming issues, however, we will list coming games for more systems. @@ @@Systems like: 3DO - Jaguar - HandHelds (mabey) - NeoGeo ..etc... @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Spotlight - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@ Nowadays you kinda get the feeling that you are "drowning" in new @@hot "interactive-multimedia-machines", when new CD-based machines are @@being widely released. @@ Well, the following article might give you a better perspective about @@what's actually coming, and what it actually can do. I guess most of the @@so called "elite" guys out there knows most of this, but for the ones who @@don't, this can be a hint what to look for in the future. @@ @@This article was written by Keyboard Kid. - Thanx man.... @@ You can think of interactive multimedia players as the Swiss Army knives @@of the electronic world, or as computers for your TV and stereo system. They @@combine a CD player and computer in one box that looks much like a normal CD @@player. You hook them up to your TV and stereo system. @@ @@ If you believe the hype, the systems will teach you to golf or play music, @@and play CD-quality music, movies and even photos. They'll connect you with @@that fabled data superhighway and interactive TV shows. They'll put entire @@encyclopedias and other vast databases at your fingertips, hook you up by @@modem to the bank, the news wire, the weather office. And - just as an added @@treat, mind you - they allow you to play full-motion video computer games @@that blow away 8 or 16bit Sega or Nintendo games. @@ With optional full motion video adapters, these systems can play CD games @@that run as smoothly as motion pictures. There's none of the jerky, halting @@action sometimes experienced on 16-bit CD game units like the Sega CD. The @@sense of depth and three-dimensional effects are all much more believable. @@It's like jumping out of a crude cartoon and into the midst of a movie in @@progress - a movie that you control. Games for these systems often feature @@more than 100 full-motion movie sequences featuring real actors, and you @@decide how the plot unfolds. @@PHILIPS COMPACT-DISC INTERACTIVE (CD-I): @@----------------------------------------- @@ @@The CD-I unit looks like a VCR and has remote controller that any couch @@potato will feel instantly and intuitively comfortable with. @@ @@ Selling for 699$, (can.) the CD-I is powered by a 15 MHz 68070 processor @@(comparable to the processing power of last year's PCs) and plays CD-I @@software, audio CDs, CD+Gs (audio CDs with encoded graphics) and Photo CDs. @@ @@ It will also play Video CD movies and full-motion videogames - if you @@purchase an MPEG (Motion Pictures Experts Group) digital videa module that @@slides into the back on the console. This allows movies to play at a crisp @@30 frames per second - the same rate used on TV. Resolution is similar to @@VHS videocassette, but there's no noise or snow. Right now, Paramount is the @@only studio offereing CD-I movies. About 20 titles are available, at $35 a @@pop. (The one CD-I movie I tested, The Hunt For Red October, would not play @@on the test unit supplied by Philips. Yet the same CD movie played perfectly @@in the rival Commodore CD32 unit.) @@ @@ Philips is scrambling to bring a good choice of games to the system, many @@of which, thanks to the MPEG module, run impressive full-motion video that @@16-bit Sega CD unit cannot hope to match. Titles include The Seventh Guest, @@Microcosm and Voyeur, educational sports games like A Day At The Races @@(which teaches the ins and outs of a day at the track) and even interactive @@music videa like Todd Rundgren's No World Order. @@ @@ Non-game software CD-I includes a U.S. Atlas; rock, classical and jazz @@guitar lessons; art museum programs; photography lessons; a tour of U.S. @@national parks, and programs for everyone from coin- and stamp-collectors to @@gourmet cooks and sailing enthusiasts. The average price is around $40. @@ @@ Verdict: An affordable, easy-to-use, all-round unit that may not recover @@from its late scramble for games support. The movie feature is nice (if it @@works), but the discs are pricey and the selection is limited. @@ @@COMMODORE AMIGA CD32: @@---------------------- @@ @@Commodore's CD32 looks very much like a Sega Genesis unit, complete with two @@11-button hand-held plug-in controllers that are obviously geared to hot @@gaming action. The CD32 uses the same processor and graphics chips found in @@Commodore's Amiga 1200 computer. It has a 14MHz 68EC020 Motorola processor, @@two megabytes of 32-bit RAM, a double-speed CD-ROM drive for faster access @@time, and can display 256,000 colors on-screen from a palette of 16.8 million @@colors. @@ @@ With its optional MPEG module, it can play video CD movies (even Philips @@CD-I movies - I checked) and full-motion video games like Microcosm (in which @@you take a 3D roller-coaster ride through the human circulatory system and @@blast nasty virues). CD32 plays most of the software titles issued for the @@previous-generation CDTV, including popular games like Lemmings. Some of the @@new games like Pinball Fantasies are a howl. More than 50 games are @@available or in development and - with 150 software companies as licenses - @@many more are on the way. @@ @@ Priced at 529$ in Canada, plus another 340$ or so for the movie module, it @@is slightly cheaper than its multimedia rivals. Educational software @@includes such titles as the Guiness Disc of Records and children's talking @@books. @@ Verdict: The CD32 is a slick game machine. Its lower price (compared to @@3DO or CD-I) may help it in the short term. It's definitely a better system @@than Sega CD - with faster, sharper graphics and the advantage of smooth @@full-motion video when the MPEG module is installed - but the big question @@will be whether this system can survive next year's launch of the new, @@lower-priced 64-bit Nintendo and Sega systems. A large software catalog will @@be crucial to its success. @@3DO INTERACTIVE MULTIPLAYER: @@----------------------------- @@ @@When it was announced a year and a half ago, the 3DO system received all @@kinds of hype. But delays in getting 3DO have raised skepticism about the @@system. @@ @@ Panasonic's 3DO player hit U.S. store shelves in October, and although @@not yet officially released in Canada, can still be found in some Canadian @@stores for around 1,000$. Its official Canadian launch was orginally @@scheduled for late April, but has now been put on hold. @@ @@ 3DO's hardware specs are impressive, and the system is generating @@excitement and anticipation among serious gamers. It feature a fast 32-bit @@RISC ("Reduced Instruction Set Computing" - the same type of processor used @@in high-end engineering workstations) processor but 3DO wont say how fast @@it is. The system also features a double-speed CD-ROM drive, plus tons of @@built-in animating and texture-mapping hardware which allows software @@developers to create the truest 3-D effects yet seen in games. 3DO claims to @@offer performance 50 times greater than existing 16-bit videogame systems @@like Nintendo's Super NES, Sega Genesis or TTI Duo. @@ @@ While 16-bit systems process graphics at 1 million pixels per second and @@32-bit systems average 3 million pixels per second, 3DO says it can process @@an average of 64 million pixels per second and deliver "millions of @@simultaneous colors." Running video decompression software, 3DO's 32-bit @@processor can punch out full-motion video CD games at 24 frames per second - @@exactly the same speed as motion pictures. But it's blurry compared to @@Philips' and Commodore's MPEG systems. Although some of the games look a @@little flat, others like Escape from Monster Manor from Electronics Arts - @@show that this system has a lot of promise. @@ @@ An MPEG digital video module, promised for this spring, will juice the @@action to a crisp 30 frames per second, delivering VHS quality. (Since the @@module wasn't ready, I couldn't try this out first-hand). 3DO has an @@agreement with Time Warner to develop the unit as a TV set-top box when (and @@if) interactive TV becomes a household phenomenon. More than 500 companies @@have signed on to develop software for 3DO, and more than 220 titles are in @@development, with as many as 100 due for release this year. Not all of them @@are games. Educational titles include The San Diego Zoo Presents The @@Animals, talking books, educational kids' games and Software Toolworks' 20th @@Century Video Alamanac. @@OTHER SYSTEMS: @@--------------- @@There are other players besides CD-I, CD32 and 3DO in the multimedia @@sweepstakes. I wasn't able to get my hands on these other systems; but @@here's a look at what they're doing. @@ @@Pioneer Laseractive: @@--------------------- @@Pioneer LaserActive player has a quadruple-speed CD drive, and uses special, @@oversized LaserActive discs that can store 60 minutes of digital audio and @@regular analog video - over and above the usual 580 MB CD space. This frees @@up hugh chunks of space for developers to create highly involving games and @@educational programs. The system plays LaserDisc movies, CD movies, audio @@and Photo CDs. And with three add-on control packs, it does even more. @@ @@ The first plays NEC and TTI games (for TurboGrafx-16 and TurboDuo) plus @@special eight- and 12-inch LaserActive game discs (only three titles are @@known to man as of press time). The second plays Sega Discs, plus the @@special LaserActive discs. The third turns the console into a karaoke unit. @@ @@ But before you start warming up your rendition of "Tie A Yellow Ribbon," @@check the sticker price. It will retail for about 2000$ (including one game @@pack) when it ships this summer. An additional game pack will cost 800$, and @@the karaoke pack will sell for 500$. Do i hear 3300$ for the complete @@system? Going once. Going twice. Going three times.. Going nowhere at @@that price. @@ @@Atari Jaguar: @@------------- @@The Atari Jaguar is selling for around 200$ US. The cart-based game unit @@will have a CD-ROM attachment around mid-year. Software developers have been @@a trifle slow to support the Atari CD unit. The Jaguar has many other @@multimedia possilities, including a 32-bit expansion port that can connect to @@cable or telephone networks. @@ @@ The existing cart games I've glimpsed are sharp and bright if pretty much @@the same ol'hop'n'bop fare. This is a console with some teech, but if the @@Jaguar hopes to claw its way back into the gaming mainstream, it had better @@have some spectacular games in the kitty. I can't really pass judgment on @@this machine until the CD-ROM peripheral and supporting games have roared to @@life later this year. @@Coming Soon to a TV Near You: @@------------------------------ @@NEC is slated to unleash a new NEC FX "Iron Man" system in Japan later this @@year. Reported specs say this 32-bit RISC system will be able to display @@16.8 million colors and deliver 30 frames-per-second full-motion video. It @@will reportedly not be compatible with existing PC Engine or Duo software. @@Sony of Japan has also announced a 32-Bit game system, code named the PS-X, @@expected late this year in Japan. The buzz has it that this will be a @@CD-ROM-only system powered by a main 32-bit RISC CPU, plus secondary @@processors. It is said to promise "more RAM than 3DO." 16.8 million colors @@and an ability to decompress full-frame video video at 60 frames per second. @@ @@ Sega is hinting at a new 64-bit Saturn CD-ROM system coming soon, but @@Nintendo is set to counter-attack next year with its own super 64-bit system, @@tentatively known as "Project Reality." Nintendo has decided to ignore CD-ROM @@technology and bring out a game system using a mega-memory cartridge format @@that can store 100 megabits of memory; 10 to 15 times more than existing @@Nintendo 16-bit games. Nintendo says its new mega-cart will offer much @@greater speed than the CD-ROM games. @@FINAL VERDICT: @@--------------- @@3DO has the definite edge among existing systems and may be one multimedia @@system that is both a serious all-around unit and a killer games system. @@Games are an essential ingredient in the survival of any multimedia system, @@which as they now stand, do nothing more than play games, software, audio @@discs and a handful of movies. @@ @@ 3DO is hot now, but can it withstand assaults from Sega and Nintendo when @@they lash back with inexpensive 64-bit CD-ROM system next year? @@ @@- Typed By: Keyboard Kid @@ @@Did you get any wiser?? @@ @@ @@If you have any suggestions of what to "spotlight" in the future, @@be sure to get in touch with any Censor dude.... @@ @@Or mabey you want to write something yourself..? @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@Advertisments - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@ Well, well..... @@ @@ It seems that nowadays it's impossible to read a mag, watch TV or take @@ part of any kind of other media, without getting brainwashed by all this @@ COMMERCIAL!! @@ @@ SH0CK is no different, so here we give you a complement to all shampoo, @@ dipers, toothpaste and god knows what...... @@ @@@@@@@@@@*C*E*N*S*O*R* *W*O*R*L*D* *H*E*A*D*Q*U*A*R*T*E*R*S* @@SYSOPS: @@Shredder@@@@@@@@@@@Super Nintendo/Famicom @@Psycho@@@@@@@@ @@@ * W E T  D R E A M S * @@  Genesis/MegaDrive @@Dave!/Abandon@@@@@@@@PC-Engine & TurboGrafx @@Sigma Seven!@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ Neo Geo & Hand Helds @@Chaos/VISA@@@@@ @@@@@ 3DO & Jaguar @@THe BuzZ@@ USR 16.8 Dual Standard (9600+ only) @@@@@@@@ 750 MEGZ ONLINE!! Running PC-Express @@@@@@@@ Tons of old files too! @@@@@@@@ 314-YOU WISH - NODE 1 NUP: XXXXX (find out yourself) @@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@  C E N S O R C A N A D I A N H E A D Q U A R T E R S  @@@@@ @@@@@ +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ @@@@@   * N U C L E A R * A S S A U L T * @@@@@ +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ @@@@@ NUCLEAR ASSAULT - 100% CONSOLE - 16.8 DUAL STANDARD  @@@@@  SYSOPS: DELTA / LIQUID NITRO / -TRIAXAL!- / NIGHT ASSASSIN  @@@@@ 4 1 6 - # # # - # # # # -*- ALL PRIVATE SYSTEM  @@@@@  ! CONTACT DELTA FOR NUMBER & NUP !   @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Register for SASM !!! @@ @@ SASM is a cool Amiga 68000/030 one-pass macro assembler using OS 2.0 or@  @@ higher. It supports includes, macros, conditionally assembly and much more.@ @@ @@ It's very fast and it is supposed to become a standart Amiga SNES assembler.@  @@ It is pure assembly code for maximum speed.@@@@@@@@@Florian W. Sauer@@@@@ @@ To register and get free updates + a binded@@@ @@@@@Hachumerstr. 48@@@@@ @@ TeX manual, send $50 (Geggin: It's WELL worth@@@@@@@31167 Bockenem 1@@@@  @@ the money) to this address:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Germany@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@PS. SASM is AWESOME!! SH0CK was made using SASM, and all I can say is that if @@@@ you are a coder, and don't have SASM. REGISTER NOW!! //Geggin of Censor @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SH0CK NEEDS SUPPORT !!!!!  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@To be able to make SH0CK as good as possible, we need help and support !! @@ @@* Do you think you can contribute with interesting text? @@* Are you something like an expert in a special topic? @@* Do you want your board to support SH0CK? @@* You might be good at something that does not have anything to do with @@ console systems? Video reviews, or something like that, could be cool!? @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@GET IN TOUCH WITH US!!! @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SPACE FOR RENT  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu @@...Last Word - SH0CK Issue No.2 @@Hmm, not much to say, but... That's all for this Issue #2 of SH0CK. Hope you @@enjoyed it, and be sure to grab next month's issue, which will be totally @@redone with new graphics, music, and texts! Again, anyone wishing to write @@anything for SH0CK, contact a Censor Member A.S.A.P and get your articles, @@and reviews etc. delivered to us before it's too late! Would like to greet @@once again, all the groups in the console scene, and keep on putting out the @@titles! Well it's been fun, tiring, so we'll see you next month! Peace @@ @@-DELTA! @@Hmm, I don't think I have soo much to say either.... @@ @@Just a BIG "I'm sorry" for the ones that liked issue #1 and had to wait @@this long for issue #2. I have been MEGA-BUSY these latest months, but @@I will make a new SNES version of SH0CK in the future. The version you @@are looking at now was originally made to be a C-64 conversion. @@So, the theme for issue #3 will be "NO MORE 64 LOOK-A-LIKE"!! Hehe.. @@ @@- GEGGIN! @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Press "SELECT" for menu LL>LLLLL L "# ! ܁4k$ e$$˅ $1ȷ2ȷ31ȷ1ȷ1ȷ1 ȷ1!"# S$14$10f 8 i#ii  ȷ!"#eȷeHȷHȷhh$144 $LLn0 Ii eJH"8HJIi 0H ܁h0JIi he"0 ܁`0 ܁`@!A!C!@!@!@!k ܁kڮ@!A!@!Lڮ@!A!B!@!@!@!kڮ@!A!B!@!@!@!k@!@!A!@!@!`@!@!0"B!@!@! B!@!@!B!@!@!B!@! @!@!0`0˅  @! 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