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King of Kings, The (Wisdom Tree) (Wisdom Tree) Overdump 1 Version 1.3

  •  (359)
  • Religion
  • 1991
  • US title: King of Kings - Early Years, The
  • Publisher/Maker: Wisdom Three
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King of Kings, The (Wisdom Tree) (Wisdom Tree) Overdump 1 Version 1.3
This cartridge contains three adventures. Your life meter is displayed as scrolls and when you are hit, you lose a half a scroll. When all the scrolls are gone, your game is over. You can collect additional scrolls in the game but to get the scroll, you will need to correctly answer a Biblical question. In The Wise Men, you are the camel taking the wise men to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus. Along the way, in addition to scrolls, you can gather gold, frankincense and myrrh for points. You can run and jump and spit water balls at your enemies. You can also collect fruits that can be used against enemies. Fruits are more powerful than water balls and some enemies can only be destroyed with fruits. In Flight to Egypt, you are the donkey carrying Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus away from Bethlehem to Egypt to escape Herod's wrath. You will have to run from, jump over or kick enemies and/or obstacles. In Jesus and the Temple, you are Joseph and Mary, searching for young Jesus, who has become separated from you after you have left from the feast of the Passover. You must run from or through and jump over enemies and obstacles within a time limit. If the timer runs out on any level before you finish, you will have to restart.

Игра на библейские мотивы. Вид сбоку. Имеется три разных сценария игры. Первая - езда на верблюде, вторая - на осле, третья - пешком. В течение уровня будут попадаться свитки с вопросами. К каждому вопросу три ответа. Вопросы все, соответственно, по библии.

On other platforms: King of Kings, The (Wisdom Tree)