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Pimpin Extasy by Googie (Little Nemo - The Dream Master Hack) (Little Nemo - The Dream Master Hack)

  •  (359)
  • Platformer
  • 1989
  • US title: Little Nemo - The Dream Master
  • Japanese title: Nemo - Pajama Hero
  • Alternate titles: Pokemon Silver
  • Publisher/Maker: TMS / Capcom
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Pimpin Extasy by Googie (Little Nemo - The Dream Master Hack) (Little Nemo - The Dream Master Hack)
In Little Nemo: The Dream Master, the player controls Nemo, as he proceeds through 2D levels. In each level, Nemo must collect a specific number of keys, which are generally scattered throughout the rather large levels. The number of keys needed to beat each level is not indicated to the player until reaching the exit at the end of the level, which has a corresponding number of locks. The player must proceed through each level, typically left to right but also up and down, searching for keys. What makes the game unique is that throughout each level the player encounters several animals, which, after being fed, will allow Nemo to use their powers. Using the powers of some these animals is necessary, while others simply make things a little easier.

Бродилка про парня, который очень любит спать, а во сне ему видятся замечательные вещи. Вид сбоку, парень в пижаме бегает и кидается конфетами. Накормив ими определенное животное, паренек влезает в шкуру этого животного и приобретает его способности. Крот может рыть землю, лягушка - высоко прыгать, пчела - летать. Превращение просто необходимо для дальнейшего продвижения по уровням, которые всегда бывают разными. Есть даже езда на поезде.

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