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Nigger Tennis (Tennis Hack) (Tennis Hack) Overdump 1

  •  (359)
  • Tennis
  • 1983
  • US title: Tennis
  • Publisher/Maker: Nintendo
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Nigger Tennis (Tennis Hack) (Tennis Hack) Overdump 1
Tennis is a video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985. The concept of the game is very basic in that the player controls one person faced against an opponent CPU player. This game uses the same scoring system as "real-life" tennis. The game also features a doubles (2-player) option. The opponent CPU player can be set at 5 difficulties.

Простенький, непритязательный, но от этого не менее замечательный теннис. Графика и звук здесь не важны. Важен процесс.

On other platforms: Nigger Tennis (Tennis Hack)