Duke Nukem 3D BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #2
Duke Nukem 3D BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #2
This is time to kick ass and chew bubble gun!! on the sega genesis!!
Всем известная трёхмерная стрелялка, перенесённая с РС.
Non-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information
Non-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #2
Non-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #3
This is time to kick ass and chew bubble gun!! on the sega genesis!!
Всем известная трёхмерная стрелялка, перенесённая с РС.
Duke Nukem 3D BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #2
Duke Nukem 3D BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #2