Ferias Frustradas do Pica-Pau BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information
Ferias Frustradas do Pica-Pau BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information
Простенькая бразильская платформенная игра про дятла Woody по мотивам диснеевских мультиков. Бегаем, прыгаем, собираем призы и долбим клювом различных зверушек.
Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game.32X gameVerified good dumpMultilanguage; 6 of languages (selectable by a menu)
Non-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information
Non-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information - #2
Простенькая бразильская платформенная игра про дятла Woody по мотивам диснеевских мультиков. Бегаем, прыгаем, собираем призы и долбим клювом различных зверушек.
Ferias Frustradas do Pica-Pau BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information
Ferias Frustradas do Pica-Pau BrazilNon-USA (GoodGen v0.999.7 only) - This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non-US machine.Hacked internal cartridge infoHacked internal cartridge information