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Unfortunately, you drown.Where do you think it could be?The goat is not much for conversation."Ye best be careful, young Graham. The mystic protective spell of mine has weakened and departed."KQ1You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size.You're too busy right now to rub the ring.There is no reason to do that now.You had the dagger and lost it. Sorry.You already have it.As soon as you swallow the first bite, you have this strange shrinking feeling... It's true! You are now no bigger than a mouse!You need to be closer to the water if you want to swim.You drain the bucket of water to quench your thirst.You open your mouth while swimming and quench your thirst.With difficulty, you fill the bucket while swimming.Mmmm! There's nothing like a crisp, fresh carrot.VERSION 2.0FYou already have a carrot.You already ate the carrot.The goat quickly eats the carrot and disappears.Now is not a good time to try and eat the mushroom.You do not have a bowl.It is not nice to tease the goat.You are not carrying it.There is no reason to drop it.You are already swimming.The water is very deep here. Without aid, it is impossible to swim under the water for any length of time.You need to be in the water to try that.You need to be in water to swim.>You do not have any stew.The stew is chock full of vegetables and meat.You already have a full bowl of stew.The bowl fills with the delicious stew, but the woodcutters are unaware of it.After uttering that strange word, the bowl starts quivering and immediately fills up with a delicious, hot stew.It is very inconsiderate to eat in front of these poor, starving people. The pains of guilt set in on you.You eat every bite of the delicious stew.OK.You're welcome!You are dazzled by the countless supply of gold coins spilling from the magic chest. You quickly close the chest.You are already carrying an endless supply of gold coins in the magic chest.You open the chest and admire the gold coins for a moment. You then close the chest.There is no reason to throw the dagger.You don't want the dagger anymore.You hurl the dagger at the old goat... he tries to avoid the flying dagger, but your aim is true... as the dagger strikes, he slumps to the ground... dead.You don't have any way to kill the old goat.There is no goat here.You've already killed the goat.The old goat, trotting briskly, seems happy to be with you.Seeing how much the goat likes that carrot, eating it may be hazardous to your health.You have already opened the walnut.When you open the walnut, you discover the nut inside is pure gold!Ouch! It would be much easier if you opened the walnut first.Don't do that! This walnut is not edible since it is pure gold.The note reads, "Sometimes it is wise to think backwards."Mmmm! That Swiss cheese was as delicious as it looked.The word on the bottom of the bowl says "fill".Even a small portion of the stew is very appetizing.You throw one of your pebbles.This egg will be tough to crack.You play a lively, toe-tapping tune on the fiddle.You have already opened the pouch.Cautiously, you open the pouch and see many sparkling and flashing diamonds! Quickly, you close it again so as not to lose any.You try, but being invisible makes it impossible.You're going to be sorry!! These were magic beans!That is not a bad idea, but this is not a very suitable place to plant these beans. Why don't you try it elsewhere?The ring is already on your finger.You slip the beautiful ring on one of your fingers.I don't know why, but you drop the magic ring.Nothing happens.When the ring disappears, you reappear!When you rub the magic ring, you mysteriously disappear, except for your footprints.You rub the magic ring but the goat seems to have a strange effect on it.With disappointment, you see that nothing happens.The magic ring is still in your pocket. You can't rub it there.The spell to make you invisible has expired and you are once again visible to dangerous creatures, but, the ring has now disappeared.You will have to find it before you can get it.You do not have it._You are not wearing the ring.There is no need to rub the ring as you are already invisible.InfoHelp About KQFileSave Game Restore Game -------------------Restart Game Pause Quit GameInventory See Object Sound On/Off Action Swim =SpecialGraphics Mode Reset Joystick SpeedNormalFast Slow King's Quest was designed by Roberta Williams.Jump 0Duck -Joystick/Mouse 4wqj gggg gggggg  g gggggg g  g  g  g xpk ,G]{:Vi|:Y KING'S QUEST Help F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F5 saves your current game. F7 restores a saved game. F9 restarts the game. TAB shows the status screen. ESC activates the menus. 0 for jumping - for ducking = for swimmingCtrl-J sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R toggles graphics mode. F1 or HELP displays this message. ESC activates the menus. (see below) = for swimming (see below)Ctrl-J toggles joystick/mouse.Clicking the joystick button or the right mouse button also activates the menus.Double-clicking the joystick button or the right mouse button also initiates swimming.4'f BZp ,Aq )@sdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32set.scan.start() already active in logic %v18.%m25get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254,dvNN-vNvO$&NO#1vN]N vNvO NO1vNN vI HIe7v IIe e 7v II7v II      "-15ER^ixnew room: x: y: object number: var number: var value: object #: var %v73: %v72flag number: flag %v73 is setflag %v73 is not setWord not known: %m12%w1%m12%w2%m12%w3No response to input.4daa ac2edeeKU M F 'dAee -We, at Sierra, wish to thank you for playing King's Quest. We are very sorry that you did not succeed and hope you will fare better next time. Good luck.As you can no longer continue, I can only permit you to: Restore Game, Restart Game or Take Inventory. Sorry.We, at Sierra, wish to thank you for playing King's Quest. We are pleased to see that you are doing so well and hope that your score will keep improving.We, at Sierra, wish to thank you for playing King's Quest. We are delighted by your score and hope you are enjoying the game.As you will never get out of this cage alive, I can only permit you to: Restore Game, Restart Game or Take Inventory. Sorry.4 ]Fb z ?D^- , ee^- -c .. . -^ bM]^(LM@'LML2$)]#x xReOZ[ O S s^e+)]x xReOZ[ O S s^eD_22D^,$  )FNd^,4  e ^e  ^_] ,e_2]^ b^)(LMA LM__$d ?~7You splash around in the water for a while but seem to have forgotten how to swim. Unfortunately, you drown.Unfortunately, with the moat population swimming is not possible.You need to be in the water in order to swim.You are already swimming!The swift current does not allow for swimming.Thrashing around in the water has caused you to lose the magic ring and become visible again.It appears you have become normal size again.4   e e e e#CF:ee e M==e=el:ZeZe ZZZe Qs e "e """"e """"""e {/M/ae/ae caeaaacae Srerre :(ze(ze zzze Y{OSeOSeeOce SSSce ce ]:"Te"Te TTTe hd:e:e e e T:(Ke(Ke KKKe :AeAe e :AeAe e W:JeJe JJJe a:>Ye>Ye YYYe f:MeMe e q:MeMe e H:3e3e 333e j:ee e n:?le?le llle :OeOe e d:3$e3$e $$$e  ee!GVe Ge:eHe9e e.e+e-Xe, B189:;<=E"ppe$pe%pe&e*%+1"qqe'qe(qe)e*eeecc:ceeee"ee~eee e :e e e e A : : u   v ; w :      : : e ee.^wHPZ~>o 1Ke3Qh)EhYou see nothing special.You cannot get the "%w2". At least not now!There is no reason to do that.The "%w2" doesn't appeal just now.No. That would just waste time.You can try to go there.That would be inappropriate at this time.Hello."OK. "%w2"You will have to find him yourself.You will have to find her yourself.You will have to find it yourself.You need to be more specific.There is no "%w2" here.What do you wish to do with it???You have no container for water.You can't eat the mushroom if you don't have it!You do not have a carrot.You can't do that--at least not now!Not right now!There is nobody here but you!You can't do that.Just say what you wish to get.You get no response from the "%w2".I don't understand "%w1".I don't understand "%w2".I don't understand "%w3".There is no "%w2" here.Fill what?You do not have any stew.You will have to find it before you can get it.You do not have it.You have better things to do than to play all day.What would you like to climb?Well. Go look for it.This is a very beautiful tree.This is just a normal tree, but very pretty.You admire the beauty of the tree.This is a very nice looking rock.There is nothing extraordinary about this rock.This is your ordinary rock.There is no "%w2" here to look at.You need to be more specific.You do not have any water.There is no door here.The stream may not be safe to cross.4! ) '<=A =A% *M F = X (# } <% *M F = X (# ]=A% -M F = X +# = <2% -M F = X +# =d==& <=kO k# S E ((# kO kkO kK? U M F (+LX Y ))"( ^ )G N S  ) U M F (^B3D)!" 'e BG T B(^ BS O* *e KT $ %E (+^B Be+B(^ BThe goat does not mind getting its feet wet,but will not swim in the water. You should go back and lead the goat around the water.The goat, not being able to see you, wanders off.4.P&{eOe{e0ZYou are already climbing the beanstalk.You can't do that when you are invisible!It is a mighty beanstalk that stretches to the sky.4m  'm  ABAAC211 ABAABAC12 ABAAAC111111 ABAB11 ABAAB111 ABAAAAAAA111 5 AAAAqqqAA111 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA111 AAAAqqqAA11 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA111  AAAAC1 AAAAC1q1 AAAAC11 AAAAC1 AAAAC1q AAAAC1q4Jy ! svrrrrqqrqrsqqsqqq ! svrrrrqqrqrsqqsqqq ! svrrrrqqrqrsqqsq ! svrrrrqq ! svrrrr !  ! !4L wxwwAtqqAqqAxBBDAHD4  >rAA111AA1AA111AA111 >wAA111AA11AA111AA11 >uAA111AA11AA111AA114kQQQQsyryrysBxAqBxrsqAstAtqBqqtrqrAqqvAqCqqr4 H|Jz ABAqqvq ABAqqwq ABAqqwq ABAqqwr ABAqqvq ABAqqwq ABAqqwq ABAqqwrJ6m AAAAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqqqqqq AAAAqqq AAAqAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqqqqqJ8r AAAA AAAArq AAAArq AAAqAqqqq AAAA AAAArq AAAArq AAqAqAqqq4 Am >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq4+ !AAAAC1!AAAAC1!AAAAC!AAAAC14  eq ABAAAC111111ABABB231121ABABB22121$ABAC111111$ABAC111111ABABB2311214h  ABAAAC111111ABABB231121ABABB221214 _%}v2 AAAqqqqqqvqqqqqq AAqAqqqqqqr qqqq qqqqqqqAqAqAqrqqrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AqAqAqrqqqrqsr qq qqqqq AAAqqqqqqqqqAqrvqqqqqqqqqq qqqq AAqAqqrqqqqqqAAtq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AAAqqqqqqtArsqqqqqqqqqq AAAqqr q qqqq AAAqqqqqqq4o BAᄲ4  AAAAqqqAA11211 ABAA11211 AAAAqqqAA11211 ABAAA11211 4   AAAAqqqAA11211 AAAAqqqABAAB2122 ABAAA2221 ABABB2222111 ABABB112111 ABAAAC1111114 [  1111AAA  CAAAA CCCA AAAAqqqAA11111 4 \'07>F /BSbq /BSbq4- r:\ CEAqqA BEEqqA„ƒ CEAqqA BDAABqqA CEBqqA BEEqqA CEAqqA BDABqqA„4U AAA5aaE4bAE C   4P/OFAAAAAaAAaAAaAAcAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAgAAaqaAAaraAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAA AA AA AA AAAAAAAOFIts handle is beautifully carved; the blade is bronze and very sharp!4%OMA AA AA AA AA AaAA BbAA BaaAA BaaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA AaaAaAAbbaaAaAAaaaaaAAaababAAaabAAadAAbdaAAbaaCaAAbcaEaAAbcaEaAAbcaEaAAccaEaAAiaEaAAiaEaAAiaEaAAiaEaAAgaEaAAeaDbAAcaBbAA adAA a AA AOMYou admire the workmanship of the beautiful chest.4J(OMA AA AAAA!AA!!AA!!AA!!AA!AA!!AA !AA A!AA A!AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AB AAAA AAAB AAAB AAB AAAB AABAAABAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AOMThis is one of the tastiest looking carrots you have ever seen.4)OMA AA AA AA AA AA AAaaaAAbaaaAAaaabAAabcbAAgbAAakAAdccAAoAAAfAfAaAAAAaAaAbAcAbAAABcAcAbCAAaBbBbBaAAAAaCbBbBAABbBbCAA BaEAA E AA AA AA AA AOMYou proudly admire your gold walnut.4u+OEAAAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAdAAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAabAAaAAAOEYou take the key from your pocket and take a long look at it.4m(OOA AA AA AA AAy AAq AAv AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqAAsAAtAAtAAsAAtqAAsrAArrAAsr AArq AArAA AA AOOThere is a message written on the note.4^!OLA AA AA AA AA  AAAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAAAEAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAA AAAA aAAAB AaAAABaAaAaAAABaAhAaAAAAaAhAaAAAaAhBAAaAhAAAeAA AA AA AOLThe ring is gold with a breathtaking tiger's eye stone perched on top.4#!OEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!AA!!!AA""AA"#AAAA!AA!AA!AA#!AA!!!!AA!!!!!AA"!"AA !AA"AA! 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AA" AAAAAAAOEYou have a perfectly shaped four-leaf clover.4F"OHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAaBAAAAAAbAABBBAAc BAAc aBAAdbAAAmBAAkBAAiBAAfCAAEAAAAAAAAAOHYou notice a word on the bottom of the bowl.4g9"OHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAAa AAaarAAACaArCrAADAaAarAAAAccDaAABbqaBbBaaAAABArFbBAAaBbAbBraBAAAbAbBcrCBAAcFaBaABAAcIaBAAdbAAAmBAAkBAAiBAAfCAAEAAAAAAAAAOHThe bowl is full of a delicious looking stew.4nM#OJAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArsAAxAAAAqAAqAAqrAArqAAqrAAqAAqqAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqrAArqq AA t AAAAAAAAAOJThe bucket is old and weathered.4sR#OJAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArsAAxAAAAqAAqAAqrAArqAAqrAAqAAqqAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqrAArqq AA t AAAAAAAAAOJThe old bucket is full of water.4OKA AA AA AA AA AA a AA BAA BaAA AAbAAacAAAcBAADAA AAAAaAAb AAcA AABAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThe pebbles are worn smooth by the Raging River.4F%OJAAAAA c AA aBbAA aDaAAaEbAAaFaAAaDaAAaCaAAaBbAAbAcAA baAA bcAA baAA dbAA caAAaaAAbaAA bbAA bcAA acAA bbAA aaAA aaAA bbAAcaAAbbAAb aAAb aAAb bAAb cAAc bAAAAAAAOJThe sling was made by a fine craftsman.4"OIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOIThe diamonds, in the pouch, glisten beautifully in the light.4Z+%OJAAAAAAAAAAA aAA c AAd AAdB AAcB AAcBB AAaAFAACfAAAkAAlAAlAAnAAmAAAmAAAmAAAmAAAmAAAmAAAlBAAkBAAjBAAjBAAgCAABbEAAFAAAAAAAAAAAOJThe tattered pouch is made of a coarse canvas.4k:+OEAAAAAAAAA"AA!AA!r!AAqAA!"!AAqrqAAAAqqAAqqAAAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAtAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAqAAqAAAAAOEThe elegance of the sceptre is incomprehensible.4rJ+OIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaAAaAAaAAbAAabAAbbAAbbAAabAAbAAbAAbbbAAaabbAAabAAbAAaaAAcaAAaaAA aAA aAA aAA aAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJThe Swiss cheese looks fresh and moist.4H.OIAAAAAAAAA AAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAA a AAAAAAAAAOIAs you are holding the magic mirror, you look into it and see a vision of yourself with a crown on your head.4m*OHAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAaAAaAAaAAaAAbAAaAAaAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAcAAcAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAcAAcAAcAAAAAAAOHThe smooth golden egg shines brightly in the sunlight.4*OKA AA AA AA AAAAAAxAAsuAAsvAAzAAqxrAArxrAAs{AAu{AAvwAAvtvAAuqtuAAurruAAqsrqsqAAqstqsqAAurquAAutquAAvtuAAwtAA|rAA}AA|AArzAAqzAAuuAAtuAAxAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA AOKIt is made from titanium and edged with emeralds.41OHAAAAAAA C AAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAABBAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AACCAAAbAAbAAAAcAAcAAAAcAAcAAAAcAAcAAAAcAAcAAABbAAbBAAAaAAaAAAAaAAaAAAAaAAaAAAAaAAaAAAAeAAAAeAAAAeAAAAgAAABiBAAAkAAAAkAAAAkAAAAccAAAAccAAAAddAAAAiAAAAgAAABcBAA C AAAAAOHThe fiddle is fashioned from polished cherry wood.4*OMA AA AA AA AA AA D AA AcCAAhBAAdaaaBAAcaabAAAbbcbAAAhbAAAajAAAa AAAoAAAAffaAAAAaabcbAAAAccbAAAabbAAAAabbBAABbbAAA BaABAA E AA AA AA AA AOMIt seems to be a good, solid walnut.4"OHAAAAAAAAAAAAArAArAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArAAqAAAAAA sAA vAA sAA rAA qAA qAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHThis is a large, grey mushroom.4"OHAAAAAAAAAAAaa AAbb AAf AAd AA aAA bAA dAA cAA a AAbaAAb bAAb bAAc acAAcbgAA bfAAabeAAecAAd AAb AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOIThey look like plain, ordinary beans.4M (!AAAAAC1!AAAAAAC!AAAAAC1!AAAAAAC14~-Rw f      f . ) ' ) . .f4-  !   -  ! !  !      -! -!   ! !    -''!'' 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You can see alligators floating in the water.The water in the moat is not conducive to swimming.They are absolutely gorgeous!It is a very small, wooden barrel bridge.The alligators are swimming in the moat.There are alligators in this water. I don't think you want to try drinking it.You fill the bucket with the murky water from the moat.There is water nearby.You need to get closer to the water.King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers.The moats slippery sides prevent you from getting out.What! Are you crazy?You are standing outside a castle surrounded by an alligator filled moat.4 e?2bK g z ixAz>$VK !) %ix7//#:ka! ! !) k) k)a% y% I=%s6 D@ @ X# # #7%nz '<==%#eT T e ;K:4 eNe7ee eeee eee xe e 0 ee K ixyee!}* ixyJeee ixyeeK}E; ixy/ ;cIM6e  e7#Xt (lJe e QX5+ (lJ te \ X[ [e  ^LC ,LM -EL2M F^LKM _zLgM {LM 2nF 6L8MLL '<=L<M=   e MS S   =?e -e -e -$$ $ ? DKge<u :a-k5\}+rEc MHigh above the castle, the flags are waving in the wind.King Edward the Benevolent, the mighty ruler of Daventry, lives in this castle.You must enter the castle through the door, and the door is closed.It's your typical moat water: murky and smelly.You never know what might be in there!It is a rather small, wooden bridge.These alligators have protected the castle from many a trespasser.They pose as immovable guards for King Edward's castle, and have frightened off numerous intruders.These doors are strongly built to keep out unwanted visitors.You can't see them from here.As you kneel by the edge of the moat and see just how filthy the water is, your thirst strangely leaves you.Although you notice the water is unclean, you fill the bucket.You are not close enough to any water.You have no container for water.You have been to the castle once and you may not return until your quest is complete.You have been to the castle once since your quest and are not allowed to return again.Since the goat is with you, permission to enter the castle is denied.You cannot reach the door from here.The door is already closed.Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your struggles and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not want to let you go.They are absolutely gorgeous!King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers.The huge doors swing open slowly.The moats slippery sides prevent you from getting out.What! Are you crazy?Your knock echos within the castle. Unfortunately, no one answers.You are standing outside a castle surrounded by an alligator filled moat.4T?.KgAz> K !) >%v%vp!)p%z|Cr#>##e>XYL eE>%>>2eee%>e e %l>Z sr ve sr#:Qv>e   v!C#: 6Qv>e ?$)r%s#>e&&/EF>FEee>Fe>eE>e>e/>E ple\ E Ce>Ee.Kg,f#<dT?`There are numerous white birch trees reaching to the sky.After moving that rock once, even thinking about it should make you tired.There is no hole here.There is an intricately carved dagger in the hole.There is nothing in this hole but dirt.There is no dagger here.You are too far away to get the dagger.You reach into the hole and grasp the dagger, being careful not to cut yourself.This rock is far too heavy for you to carry.It will be very difficult to move the rock from here.You are much too far away to even attempt getting the rock.With a heave and a ho, you manage to move the rock... revealing a dark hole underneath it.This moving rock rolls downhill and you, unfortunately, are in the way.You see a large, grey rock.It is a large rock with a hole next to it.There is a rock in the distance.You could see it better if you picked it up.You do not have a dagger to look at.You are too far from the hole to see in it.You are in a forest clearing. There is a large rock here.4>?7eeKgAz>JB '<=$; 7P%K % '<=Mj x8< s=@LM@LL '<=L<M= Xt1## n(8 N9V /WeeXQ1 n(8 N9V /W te\ X[ [eB B K  ,KgeHHkYou kneel down and fill the bucket with the cool water.You drink of the clear lake water.You are not close enough to the water.This is a serene mountain lake.You have no container for water.These cattails are fuzzy and soft.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4!bb?(KgAz>6CP\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=`%'<==F%K=F %/Q/ '<=<%"/< %/Q/*) b^Z~EX#e  e -N D De8eXt### $TeeXQ# $T te\ X[ [e <L ^)]e -4 5; ^,L -DL M?LL '<=L<M=  DB B K  *Kge >dQThe lake's waters pour into the bucket.The clear water quenches your thirst.You are not close enough to the lake.You might try that at the lake.There is a small waterfall splashing nearby.This is a beautiful little lake.You have no container for water.The swift water pulls you down to your untimely demise.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.A rapidly flowing stream is pouring into this lake.43?+eeKgAz>/<)%-X#e  e O  D Dee T;qN fOq^ d_q ^L 3;LMD b7<LmMD OLsM S;aQLZMJ ajim bnis dtjy fzn| h}oLgMs fVj^ e_jb aciiLhMbLL '<=L<M= ^D ^)]eXt### L+eeXQ# L+ te\ X[ [e DB B K  )Kge @c#uThe bucket is soon filled with clear water.The water is clear and refreshing.You are not close enough to the lake.This is a beautiful little lake.You have no container for water.The swift water pulls you down to your untimely demise.The flowers are very beautiful.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.A rapidly moving stream is flowing out of this lake.4? ?.KgAz>>>}@ !)-b#%2P#eS  I? @T   c d eeeT e$  d  e Kgy $O"Gentle Sir Graham, I am your fairy godmother. Your quest is indeed noble. My small part to aid you can be no bigger than this magic spell, protective but for a little while."It is impossible to acquire a fairy godmother.She is your fairy godmother.There is no fairy here."I will be watching over you, Sir Graham."There is no need to say, or do, anything.4 g?)CKAo o b > ! ) % _a# T Az>P J'<==}%K)C#K c    ;eK;;e;e ;e<;e; Jee~;e C 6;e C16;'Je $ ) ># bO be ^ C FA4;e; Jee; Jee$ o A;e;e Jee ee e?eeE FJV~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;$MFe ^ M uee JOMKOC==;;='F2 e K$ )CeeJM =e MOs~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;Fe ^ M ue=;==;F2eeOM=e   jBkBcMc-Xu&Cm8There is no reason to jump or duck here.The goat is wandering this way and that.There is no goat in the immediate area.It is rather high. Probably the only way to get in is through the gate.It is high enough to keep the old goat from jumping over it.You can't carry a goat very far.What do you want to feed the old goat?That is not something the old goat wants to eat.You do not have the carrot.Goats love carrots! The old goat quickly devours yours.From here it will be difficult to do such a terrible thing.You have no way to accomplish such a terrible deed.You hurl the dagger at the old goat... he tries to avoid the flying dagger, but your aim is true... as the dagger strikes, he slumps to the ground... dead.When you tempt the old goat with the carrot, he starts to follow you.Since you are invisible, everything you own is invisible. The goat cannot see the carrot.The old goat shows some interest in the carrot.The goat is following you.The goat will not let you catch him.You cannot do that from outside the fence.There is no gate right here.The fence is too high for you to jump over.There should be a gate around here somewhere.Are you kidding? The goat would never let you!The old goat refuses to listen to you.You can try, but be careful.The goat refuses to listen to your words.Lying lifeless on the ground you see a useless dead goat.You do not want to carry around a dead goat.You are too far away.You get no response from the goat.You see a grey billy goat inside the pen.This looks like an area in which to keep animals.4 ?)!)X>CKAo o b  ! ) Y % +a# T Az>8z N%# N%+#:K)C'<=<.%.#K c    , J , J ,  , ? Ne e?' 7 Q+N eeNe?FNK+ !K'<==e*e;Q NeNKe+e ;e K;;e&;e  ;e!<;e; Je e~;e C 6;eC16;'Je$ ) ># bO be^ C FA4;e ; Jee; Jee$ o A;e";e#e  e(e)eE FJV~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;$MFe^ M ue$e JOMKOC==;;='F2 e K$ )Ce%e$JM =eMOs~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;Fe^ M ue$=;==;F2e%e$OM=e!K $  e'oNKAJ o  +X.mIpT"h:e6`$LvThere is no reason to jump or duck here.It's not nice to tease the goat. You're not leaving without him.The gate is already open.The gate is already closed.The gate is rather heavy, but you manage to open it.You find the gate is much easier to close than it was to open.You cannot reach the gate from here.The gate is closed.The gate is open.The goat is pacing to and fro.There is no goat here.It is high enough to keep animals inside.It would be rather difficult to carry this goat.The old goat is already following you.What do you want to feed the old goat?You have nothing the old goat wants to eat.You do not have a carrot.Goats love carrots! The goat quickly devours yours.From here it will be very difficult to do such a terrible thing.You have no way to accomplish this terrible deed.You hurl the dagger at the old goat... he tries to avoid the flying dagger, but your aim is true... as the dagger strikes, he slumps to the ground... dead.When you tempt the old goat with the carrot, he starts to follow you.Since you are invisible, everything you own is invisible. The goat cannot see the carrot.The old goat's on the other side of the fence!The goat is following you already.The goat will not let you catch him.You cannot do that from outside the fence.The fence is too high for you to jump over.Why would you want to do that? There is a gate.Are you kidding? The goat would never let you!The old goat refuses to listen to you.You can try, but be careful.The goat refuses to listen to your words.Lying lifeless on the ground you see a dead goat.You do not want to carry around a dead goat.You are too far away.The goat shows some interest in the carrot.You get no response from the goat.It seems the old goat has wandered off.You see a grey billy goat inside the pen.This looks like an area in which to keep animals.You will have to move out of the way so the gate can close all the way.There is no need to close the gate now.4D?.bbKgAz>kQJ!)%B`C6 /%H!)X%%x6 //%!)XC%+6 //1 ))J %&6 XQ&) b^#:#:#F#e0Q e2QX e1KOZ dKPKjjj'$))J%'# 6 XQ' je!e"K""jj>"'$)H%&6 X/;$F# cI;Ge4"">"e#"">"e jj  j  e% dK2jjj">"eKOr dKhe&je'"e(">"e)je*je+e,je-O< dK2"jjj>"e.J'<==$)%0o#8Y =1<#<,'<==`R<=`e8 c   $ 1* $%&}6 X#Q&e/e$ cQ""e ""eOQ"" mGeeQ" mGe e e%""j mGee#" mGee :: ::A""jj ", > KGc e mGjje mG je mGee mGeee7CeC mGeC mGkee6$e5 );$#F Q\ X[ [ \ e ;$ e$"j"je9%j _ &t1S.[s+P'OtCq9b + |  / b ) k The rope is securely fastened to the well.You cut a piece of rope and it falls into the well.With the rope cut, you are able to take the bucket.The bucket and rope are now at the bottom of the well.You have no way to cut the rope.You are not close enough to even try.You will need longer arms to cut that rope from here.The old bucket is securely fastened to a strong rope.There is no bucket here.The bucket is already gone.The well is deep and dark. But you can see the sky's reflection on the water.It is large, old and weathered. It has served the kingdom for many years.The old bucket holds a full load of water.It is thick and firmly attached. It could easily carry heavy weights.You need to be closer to do that.This well is one of the most ancient sites in the entire kingdom. History and mystery seem to echo from its every stone.From this distance it is difficult to see.The old bucket is already at the bottom of the well.The old bucket disappears into the darkness.The bucket is not here.The bucket is already at the top of the well.The old bucket emerges from the depths of the well.You will find that very difficult to do from here.The rope has already been lowered.The rope descends into the darkness.The old bucket vanishes into the depths of the well.The rope is already at the top of the well.The old bucket is already at the top of the well.The rope emerges from the well.You can't raise the rope from here!The old bucket is lifted from the well.You are not close enough to do that.The sides of this well are too slippery to climb down.The rope does not go down the well very far.The old bucket is at the bottom of the well.What a mistake you made! This well is too deep to jump into.The knots on the rope are too tight to untie.The goat sure doesn't want to climb the rope.The goat sure doesn`t want to climb down the well with you.The goat refuses to do down the well.That bucket isn't big enough for you and that big goat!The goat refuses to enter the dark well.The goat refuses to go down into the dark well.The goat doesn`t want to slide down the rope.The goat is afraid of heights and refuses to jump down the well.You can't do that when you are invisible!Carefully... Oh no! The sides were too slippery... you've fallen into the well!They raise their colorful faces to the sun.Somebody has cut the rope; there's no way for you to get the bucket to the well's bottom.All the water is at the bottom of the well.Sorry, all the water is at the bottom of the well.After you are in the old bucket, your weight causes it to slowly descend.The long piece of rope falls to the bottom of the well.There is no useful rope left to cut.There is no useful rope to get.You should be more careful the next time you try climbing ropes.There is not enough rope left to lower.4An?.KgAz>S>>O `b!)FFZ) b^#FF( %D c#KeS KT ee  e >e6e4 e e = I eT ,O eT f eT e$)`G b ?  $?, Kg e4t"1GLook out for that wolf -- he can run very fast! Don't let him catch you!You are very fortunate that your protective spell is still working.Fortunately, you are invisible and the wolf can't see you.The wolf sees that menacing goat by your side and decides to keep his distance.You, fortunately, have the magic shield which will protect you.Yes, it's a wolf and it's very fast. Now do something!You don't have time to do that right now!It seems the wolf caught up with you and is discussing dinner arrangements.Are you crazy?There's no wolf here.Now that the goat is gone, you'll have to take care of yourself!The wolf is in no mood for conversion.4hU?(bbKgAz>Z?(igh)iX%T)6 QT %T#e   c  Y8M)g bnec  c  )hI  b)N ф  -}ee  8Oe-Ke" Ue? $8IZee Kg r6y #)This is a very pretty maple tree.This is a very large oak tree with branches stretching to the sky.You can't climb a tree here!This tree is too hard to climb.You can't do that when you're invisible.The old goat is afraid of heights and refuses to climb the tree.OKOUCH!There is a very large oak tree here with branches stretching to the sky.4k7?.KgAz>A) b^#e @y eeee W6A OBL BM[ .\t u  0M=eM=e M v\u uM=eM=eM c=e Kg OkGyThis is a well-tended carrot patch. The carrots look tempting to a hungry traveler.This is a relatively low, rustic stone fence which runs along the left and rear sides of the garden.There is no reason to climb the fence.You can go around the fence.There are many large, plump carrots in the garden.You pluck a plump, orange carrot from the ground.The carrots are buried in the ground. You must get closer to see them.You must be in the carrot patch to pick a carrot.You do not have a carrot to eat.You see an old stone wall surrounding a well kept garden.4_7?.KgAz>rG) b^#e @y eeee 9aN Ouf g  0M=eM=e M v\u uM=eM=eM c=e  Kg $].jThis is a neat little carrot patch. The plump carrots look tempting.There is no reason to climb the fence.You can go around the fence.It is a relatively low, native stone and masonry fence to the right and rear of a garden.There are many large, plump carrots in the garden.You pluck a delicious looking carrot from the fertile soil.They are buried in the ground. You must get closer to see them.You cannot do that from here.You do not have a carrot to eat.You see an old stone wall surrounding a well kept garden.4Hr?8eeKgAz>m'<==o%y '<=<2%;%mB X%XX# e" gg{ `:l "WDa X%a eXt>##, @jte sie @jt sieXQ> @jt te\ X[ [ sie @jt sie^N L ]NplLTMo V7bMLGMj (FLMWLL '<=L<M= ^LL YmoyLYMt PzmLFM F]L9MLL '<=L<M= B B K  Kget8"You carefully fill the bucket with water.You have to scoop the water with your hands, but you manage to satisfy your thirst.That's a dangerous proposition from here.This is a clear mountain lake with some steep cliffs surrounding it.You are not close enough to the water.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4?.KgAz>ee>>UR!)% L @ULMT aXv_LaMhLL '<=L<M= ^,L wV_LxMhLL '<=L<M= Xt### QWeeXQ# QW te\ X[ [eB B K Kge&eCq2kDsWandering on the banks of the lake, you see a cute little elf.The cold water gushes into the old bucket.There is nothing to compare with that refreshing taste.You are not close enough to the water.There is a very pretty lake nearby with a small little elf running along its shore.This is a small elf. He looks very friendly.There's no elf here.The elf, impressed by your friendliness, gives you a magic ring. "Kind person, know that once, only once, this ring will make you invisible," he says and then disappears.The elf has left since you were not very cordial to him.I'm surprised at you! That is very impolite!Nothing happens.You have no container for water.This is a clear mountain lake with some steep cliffs surrounding it.There is a clear mountain lake and some trees here.Silly! You can't get close enough to do that.You are too far away.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4?i?)KgAz>!)6%e\bB%fbBB /#CX:BB /#DY:#CeCe Z]}ree Z]}re e Z]}ree Z]}rLFHKKeTGKDIe Z]}rTGKeIIKIKKK*BeBeBeBU UDBeBe BBeBFHe BFHeBFH ;cIBBBeB;KB CX: DY:T$GKeIeDe  Z]}re e c]r^BKgK.i4b~CyThe mountain is much too steep and rocky for you to climb.It is a huge wooden door built right into the bottom of a small mountain! It has a large keyhole.How do you want to use the key?You can't fool me! You don't have a key.The door is already unlocked.Using the gold key, you unlock the huge door.You can't unlock the door without a key.The door is already locked.You lock the massive door with the heavy gold key.You need a key to do that.This massive door is securely locked.Through the keyhole you can dimly see a staircase. It looks like it might go up into the mountain.You strike the door with all your might! To no avail.Don't be afraid. Get close enough for a good look.It will be difficult to do that from here.There aren't many keyholes in the ground here.There seems to be a door built into the mountainside.There is no need to unlock an already open door.You need to close the door before you can lock it.The door is already open.The door is already closed.The only response you get is the echo of your pounding.4a?5eeKgAz>{@'<=<2% 6%z6  K%%%xX# eeee dms Xt### (ee^,L ddsLdMLL '<=L<M= XQ# ( te\ X[ [eB B K  Kge{@f )You fill up your bucket with sparkling water.The clear water quenches your thirst.You are not close enough to the water.You have no container for water.It looks as though there were beavers around here at one time.This is a small alpine lake.There are no beavers here now.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4Mjd?.KgAz>ng>>QO [b!)=X6+FFZY#FF5F %P0# cKeSKT eOT e j  I eT WO eT Hf eT 9 e *e $)[X='<==x=2<6R<= b Q Q S"' !!PH  $ ue<ue6ue  ue ue  ;OeOeeO MfLf)K bI bNgLg)P Kg&u+n !Iy LIt's a witch swooping through the sky... She's trying to catch you! Look out!There is a witch in the area, but since you have that menacing goat with you, she will keep her distance.There is a witch in the area, but with the shield no harm will come to you.Jumping here would put you in even greater danger from that witch!Your protection is gone and you best look out for the witch!With the goat now dead, you are fair game for the witch.This is not your friendly-type witch.There's no witch here.There is no way to kill a flying witch!The wicked witch is not interested in chitchat.Are you kidding?The witch swoops down, grabs you by the neck, and carries you off to a fate worse than death.The witch missed you, this time.The witch can feel your protective spell and bids a hasty retreat.Lucky for you that you are invisible, the witch can't find you.There is no way you can now.There is no reason to jump now.Oh NO!! She's back!!!41DEbb?)KgAz>P\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=>}O Y!)6FFZ2%SP\#%'deeNe`e` e=eOe=&dee  cd  )rn ? GYO  FF% %#DE#KeTKe T DDEEDDET 'hiisjVjT  $EG'de' !!GG#e!6 $)Y ='<==P=F<6R<= b veL }HWeeDve6vevve veyz P ^^e c \PO2{% 4Lga$)J %GM6#QGMe P {e N l@'<=<2% 2%t2ZNqX# ee/e" ELg h`{x |`i xj}o ^DL lXn ho}xLrMf V}jLIMLL '<=L<M= Xt+## (m n7eeXQ+ (m n7 te\ X[ [eB B K  Kgeg@eThe clear mountain water pours into the bucket.Ahhh! That water sure hit the spot!You are not close enough to the water.You have no container for water.You see the mountains and trees reflected in the mirror-like water.These cattails look soft and fuzzy.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4@?.KgAz>KV !)%5 #:#W)J  MveeeE>J5V WeeV>e\ V W;$e KgAptThere is a small patch of clover under the tree.Off in the distance you see a patch of clover.You already have the only four-leaf clover here.The clover is soft, yet you sense a strange strength in it.You really don't want any of the three-leaf clovers.You had, and lost, the only four-leaf clover around. You really don't want a three-leaf clover.There is a clover patch in this meadow.4 eMKgee D!)%"6Y bb  '<==S=e%d# c     GD]YXX Swe6;C e^ C FGCe(.ej (en (lel (Ze  Oc#Oe#eKH E  )ge  LQ )bC X M'<=`R <=`E >>e  K$ ' <==R <=` $ K7w NUxee 6w* NUxCe NUxCe NUxe  w NUxee C# NUxe^ C F e^ C FGCew NUxe exw NUxe ePwe!(.(w.(.wej:((w(w NUxe ^ j k e q:((w(w NUxe ^ q r e n:(l(wl(lw NUxe ^ n o e (Z(wZ(Zwel:(Z(wZ(Zw NUxe ^ l m e  e Q$< $  @TFZ ^LL @6bXLNMU c7XLtMS 6YLMTLL '<=L<M=  eXt### .feeXQ .feeNeNe"eeY DK K ( Kge#H9pHc F Hp-MQ25_As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears.It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely. You should move aside and let the goat take care of this nasty troll.This is the ugliest, meanest troll I have ever seen.This troll is a real fighter. Better not even try it.Fortunately for you, you have nothing to kill the troll with.The troll demands a treasure for passage across his bridge.You throw the dagger and the old -- but quick -- troll catches it. Now what are your plans?How do you use the dagger?You push the troll as hard as you can but he doesn't budge an inch.The troll has a heart of stone.The troll appears to be upset about your attempt to cross his bridge.If you want to try that, you should get a little closer.Trolls have bad hearing, so you will have to get closer.You throw, and lose the dagger.You certainly cannot do that from here.The troll cannot hear you from there.There is no troll around here.What type of treasure would you like to give the old troll?You have no treasure to give the troll.You can't give it if you don't have it.The troll doesn't want just a plain walnut.Why? To what?The steep embankment prevents you from doing that.You are not close enough to the river.This is an old, rickety bridge.The stream appears placid enough, but appearances can be deceiving.There is a green meadow on the other side of the river.This placid looking stream is actually quite dangerous... the current is stronger than it looks. You can't keep your head above water.The troll greedily grabs the treasure and disappears under the bridge.The goat butts the troll right off the bridge, never to be seen in these parts again.You throw the dagger and it lands in the river, lost for all time.OKYou could never win a fight with a troll.You glance under the old bridge, but see nothing unusual.As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears. Even though you are invisible, he will not let you cross his bridge.4??.KgAz>nnee D) b^X#&& BeeeeeQX## __ee e D'KgeAWThis placid looking stream is actually quite dangerous.... the current is stronger than it looks. You can't keep your head above water.The bank is too steep to allow access to the river's edge.You are not close enough to the river.The stream appears placid enough, but appearances can be deceiving.It is old and rotted.There is an attractive meadow dotted with trees.It is just a hole in an empty, old stump.You are not close enough.4_"?.KgAz>k#e&Kg8What are you doing that for? There's nothing here.4Zz?.Q>>}QQKgAz>f!)/X%-bYA%0'<==^%%) b^#:#eueWW Bx\eeW Bx\ee iee xncce xn[QQ$ce ceQ$ce ce (F*e e;cI (Fe Ae je e jeeec _ee %Kg,_%0Y3:dYou must be getting nervous! I see no witch here!The windows are made from translucent, hardened sugar. It's difficult to see through them.The windows are hard to break.You can't see much from here.You would have to get closer to the windows.This is the sweetest little gingerbread house you ever saw. The walls are cake, the roof is frosting, the chimney looks delicious, and the candy path and cookie fence are unbearably tempting!Yum! The house tastes even better than it looks!As you begin to eat the house, a squeaky voice from somewhere says, "Nibble, nibble, little mouse. Who is nibbling at my house?"The house looks tempting, but you need to get closer.The goat is suspicious of this witch's house and refuses to go in.The door is already closed.You will have to move closer to do that.The door is made from graham crackers held together with chocolate drop nails.You don't need to do that; opening the door would suffice.The door is around the corner.It is made of delicious chocolate chip cookies!Yummy!There is no answer from inside the house.The path leads to the door.The path is around the corner.You are near a little gingerbread house in a forest clearing.4gKgAz>PB O) b>> O tbb!) FFZ# c  FF&%( c#KeSKT ee &:eCK e C F^$:e :e D I e T 3Oe &f eT  M)tIe  )GT $  $   eN,$Kg |#=2kBe careful! Nearby is a sorcerer. His mystical powers can leave you immobilized and helpless!The magic shield will protect you from this dangerous sorcerer.You're so afraid of the sorcerer that your knees are locked.This sorcerer exudes mystery and danger.There's no sorcerer here.The sorcerer casts a spell, freezing you to the spot. I hope no dangerous creatures drop by!The sorcerer's spell has expired; now you can move again. Whew!You are immobilized! You can't jump or duck now!OK. But you just lost your dagger.The sorcerer only speaks in the language of the Mystics.This sorcerer's magic is no match for your fairy godmother's.The sorcerer sees the goat and decides to leave.Being invisible has protected you from this sorcerer.4$b?2KgAz>OD#l Ze pbelNZ pbeeZ)e pbe  \e  Keeee #Kg 5t0WThe tree is loaded with walnuts.There is a large walnut tree surrounded by several pine trees.You already have one walnut, let's not be greedy.These are some of the finest walnuts you have ever seen.You look around and decide these plain walnuts won't do. You want a gold walnut!You pluck a nice walnut from the tree.They are very small and hard to see from here.The walnuts are over by the walnut tree.If you've seen one pine tree, you've seen them all.4bb?2KgAz>'`P\T \rghJihb F)J%@3Q@36F/=6)i'<=e!'<=<%)8 '<=`\!)%PhC#: DX#e ee  e ^LL S'<L`M8 R=lLmMP =lLMSLL '<=L<M= X### M'eeXQ! M'e\ X[ [eT8]e]\e \ DSm|e;$ ] \\ e T]\e]\e /!#Kge =#Ek&You notice an enchanting meadow.The river is dangerous and powerful. There is a delta of pebbles on its edge.Your pockets cannot hold any more pebbles.As you fill the bucket, the river almost rips it from your grasp.You drink deeply of the cold river water.The pebbles are round and smooth.You must venture closer to the river.You grab a handful of pebbles.The only pebbles worth getting are already gone.From here it looks like an ordinary delta of pebbles.You are not close enough to the pebbles to get them.Your swimming attempt proved fatal! The raging current drags you under... you are lost....There are many smooth pebbles next to the river.4?,bbKgAz>nP#\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=>UOo!)o bbFFZP#\# c    cd  )rn ?FF&%O c#KeSKT ee  :e6:e6:e ::e I eT O eT d d e^ ~ }Jf f g^ ~ }J{h h i^ ~ }Jcj j k^Ql l m^?n n o^-H H p^q q r^ eT eT $  yz P# ^^e c \P#O4{' 4Lga$X)J %GM6#QGMe P# {e P Vw $*XThere is a small dwarf close by. It would be a good idea to be careful.That little dwarf caught you by surprise. Is your treasure still OK?The quick, little dwarf came by to see what you had -- nothing interested him.Dwarfs are quick, little guys who will try to take your treasure.There is no dwarf here.He's too quick for you to catch.No time to talk to him. He's in too much of a hurry!It's a good thing you are protected by a spell. That little dwarf likes to steal treasures.The beans immediately sprout roots that reach deep into the fertile soil... leaves unfold themselves to the warm, loving sun... a rumbling is felt... and a mighty beanstalk now stretches up into the sky!You can't reach the beanstalk from here.There is no beanstalk here to climb.Ouch!The dwarf sees the goat and decides to leave.Being invisible has protected you from the dwarf.4<?*KgAz>8SNR)<%nQX#xXY )e x && Z|je K}me e`& Z|jeex#&& K}meex&&e % K}mee% K}mee% 2Peee owN-#%Kg[Zv\XWhen looking in this small hole, you see a faint green glow.You would need to be much smaller to fit through that hole.This rock is firmly stuck in the ground.Although you are very strong and healthy, this rock is too much even for you.Very cautiously, you reach into the hole, and to your dismay, find nothing.You'll have to move closer.The ancient, mossy rock has seen many winters. There is a small hole at its base.From here it looks like a typical, large rock.There are several pretty trees in the area and a few rocks. One rock has a small hole in its base.You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size. You can't get out of the small cave!One rock has a small hole in its base.Go ahead. Walk right in.You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size.You notice a hole in the base of a large moss covered rock.4o?7eeKgAz>=,'<=$TP&\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=>&e  K$ ' <=<=G=R <=` $ K(w (dZee6w* (dZCe (dZCe (dZe w (dZe eC# (dZe ^ C F e^ C FGCe w (dZe exwe Pwe(.(w.(.wej:((w(w (dZe^ j k eq:((w(w (dZe^ q r en:(l(wl(lw (dZe^ n o e(Z(wZ(Zwel:(Z(wZ(Zw (dZe^ l m e QH $  ,D: HTHW ^<L S^L"M (H<L+M7LL '<=L<M=  eXt### (ZeeXQ (ZeeNeNeeY DK K *&(Kge:Ww[F.ZHAs you approach the bridge, a mean, ugly troll appears and refuses to let you cross his bridge.It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely. You should move aside and let the goat take care of this nasty troll.Caution and steep banks advise against getting water here.You are too far from the river.The wooden bridge is old and weather beaten.The stream may not be safe to cross.Do you really think you can do that?Fortunately for you, you have no way to do that.The troll demands a treasure for passage across his bridge.You throw the dagger and the quick old troll catches it.How?You push the troll as hard as you can; he won't budge.Trools have no sympathy.There may be something trollish around, but you're not close enough to do anything about it.You throw the dagger and it lands in the stream, lost forever.I don't see a troll.Is there a troll?To what?What precious treasure would you like to give to the old troll?If you don't have it, how can you give it to the troll?The troll doesn't want just a plain walnut.The troll grabs the treasure and vanishes.It seems to me that by now you would have learned to be more careful. You are stuck in the mud at the bottom of this river and sinking fast.This is the ugliest, meanest troll I have ever seen.The goat butts the troll right off the bridge, never to be seen in these parts again.You could never win a fight with a troll.You glance under the old bridge, but see nothing unusual.As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears. Even though you are invisible, he will not let you cross his bridge.4 ?*eeXS)!)%"hYT!)%'vC!)%'vCSU !)%'vSU !)%'vS# #:#: D#ee E>* :>2ee , :>2 eje b:>PeLeD6:e 5TeTTeT TeT3$  # :SeTTTTxeTT xeeTzT(x$  # :SeTK:eDEFzF(eezFee ;$ \UDEGKG(ee KGee ;$ T\U zeT Ke e^,L ""CLM6LL '<=L<M= Xt##eXQe)'!e8qC#DZ A\u#xYou see a crotchety old gnome pacing around his lean-to.That is very close but not quite right!You have the right idea, but your thinking is just a little bit off.That's right!!! You've guessed it!! Here are some magic beans for your outstanding accomplishment!The old gnome tells you he has something that may be very useful to you. Your task is to guess his name in three guesses and his gift will be yours. Good luck! What is your first guess?You still haven't guessed my name!The gnome is old and bent under the weight of years, but a playful wisdom still brightens his eyes.They look like beans. Interesting.It is a heavy, gold, skeleton key.It would be unwise to kill a gnome.Being careful that you get every one of them, you place the beans in your pocket.It is heavy and cold.The gnome can't hear you from there.You should get a little closer.There are no beans here.The key to your problems is elsewhere.There is no gnome here.That's too far away.Where did you get that idea? That's not even close!You know that's not right!What is your next guess?You didn't guess the gnome's name, but he left you a gold key anyway. Better luck next time!There is no place to safely get a drink.There is no place to safely get water.You slip down the bank into the river far below. Your cries for help are not heard.The gnome's lean-to doesn't look very sturdy.What do you think I am, a car? This also won't get you a raise. Nice try.4 %6?*Kgee DA!)A%_Y bb #  c !! ! Tu|YXX Swe6;C e^ C FGCe (.ej (en (lel (Ze  Oc#OeeKE  bZe  LQ b_C Qd|Q d|E >>e  K$ ' <==PR <=` Q P $ K(w NZee6w* NZCe NZCe NZe w NZe eC# NZe ^ C F e^ C FGCe w NZe exwePwe(.(w.(.wej:((w(w NZe^ j k eq:((w(w NZe^ q r en:(l(wl(lw NZe^ n o e(Z(wZ(Zwel:(Z(wZ(Zw NZe^ l m e e Qc $ ^LL |fLM E0L M 1c[L1MLL '<=L<M=  eXt### TeeXQ TeeNeNeeY DK K *0(eKg<T&R05x AUW>As you approach the bridge, a mean, ugly troll appears. He will not let you cross his bridge.The old goat seeing the troll, the archenemy of all goats, charges the troll and butts him into oblivion! The bridge is now yours.This bridge is the only way to cross the river here.The river runs swiftly between steep banks.Don't do it! The bank is steep, muddy, and dangerous.You can't reach the river from here.This troll is big, strong, and mean-looking. Don't mess with this troll!It's just about impossible to kill a troll.It's lucky you don`t have any way to try that!He demands a treasure for passage across his bridge.The dagger sings through the air... to a perfect catch by the troll. "Nice dagger, but it ain't no treasure!" he growls.How?You try very hard to push the ugly troll, but you can't budge him.Trolls have no sympathy.He isn't there! Try the bridge.You throw the dagger and it falls into the flowing stream.Good news: no troll.To what?What priceless treasure are you giving the old troll?You don't have any.The troll doesn't want just a plain walnut.You would have to throw it from here!Grasping the precious treasure in a dirt-covered paw, the troll disappears under the bridge.You have slipped down the muddy bank and lodged in the river's bed. Good knight.It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely. You should move aside and let the goat take care of this nasty troll.OKYou could never win a fight with a troll.You glance under the old bridge, but see nothing unusual.As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears. Even though you are invisible, he will not let you cross his bridge.4|?2eeKgAz>W'<=i:%y/X# ee. `Rsc dlsx qC Zyp C Zk ^VL sh}o qp|w dxz~ dv dsLdMy 7LM{LL '<=L<M= X##eXQe\ X[ [B B K ,*&Kge 7hThe crystal clear water fills up the bucket.It tastes very refreshing to a thirsty wanderer.The clear blue lake is surrounded by a pretty meadow.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4u>?)KgAz>@%) b^O%v{#UeVeeeGUU s=ee V =PXvee GV =PXve e  doee & doee : doe e ~wO-+%Kg \yH#sIt is an ancient, rusty water pump. It probably doesn't even work.The rusty pump doesn't work.The handle has been broken and repaired. The head shows the signs of many sharpenings.It was made from rough, hand-hewn logs long ago. Lately, the upkeep has faltered. There are even holes in the roof.The old axe is tightly wedged in the tree stump. You cannot remove it no matter what you do.Upon closer inspection you realize this poor cabin doesn't even have a door.The trees were cut from these stumps years ago.When you look in the doorway, you see a poor, starving woodcutter and his wife.You are not close enough.How are you going to use the ax when you can't even get it out of this stump?Perhaps you should go inside the house for a better look.4 "?+KgAz>MS#ee :  w-ee : w-e eWW w-eeW w-eeW w-ee.,$Kg O~8RzThis old cottage is sagging and in great need of repair.The trees were cut from these stumps long ago.When you look in the window, you see a poor, starving woodcutter and his wife.There isn't a glass pane in this window.You could get a much better view if you were a little bit closer.You are not close enough.You should really try to find the door.You need to go inside to do that.You can't do that now.Perhaps you should go inside the house for a better look.4\(VKgAz>>bO^_!) FFZ#FF, %(3  c#KeSKT ee ' :e C e C F^K O eT <I eT -f eT x eT   M$)^$   e'<=$)_)&<=&<=##MF ?}:e 6:e e 4:e e Vree :eCe </-#Kg1(8i6Ms8Watch out!!! There is an ogre nearby! He will crush you in his strong arms if he catches you.You are very fortunate that your protective spell is still working.With the magic shield, no harm will come to you.Fortunately, you are invisible and the ogre can't see you.The ogre's vision is not keen enough to see you.The ogre can see you now!The dagger is of little use against such a mean creature. I would save it if I were you.OK. You drop the dagger.That is a ferocious looking beast. Please keep your distance!There is no ogre here.Ogres are practically indestructible.At one time these were very pretty trees.Do you really want to try that?The delightful wild flowers brighten up your day.Their perfume is joyful, sweet, and light.Ogres don't talk, they growl!You were warned to be careful around this fierce creature! Maybe next time you will be able to elude the beast.Lucky for you that ogres are afraid of goats. This one decides to leave you alone.You need to be a little closer to smell the flowers.4kKgAz>eey<T!)T%TP " Mp%G q% # DX# ee%e $o paee {y aey#ea {eeya( $o pae @=reee ( $o pae @=reeea3 $o pae JF^Z$e y {\e e yee^L (>QLMQ R%tLM_ %RJZL<Mh @[htLJMt %udLFMu Do euLfMLL '<=L<M= XtC##1 ( o pX 'c $(JL .MeX DYee XQC ( o pX 'c $(JL .MeX DY te \ X[ [e 0."Kge*jNx4oThis is sad. You are not the first to fail your quest in the Raging River... I hope you may be the last.This is the wild Raging River filled with boulders and rapids.It would be dangerous to try and jump across the river on the boulders.The land across the river looks enchanting. You wonder how you can get there.The mushroom is on the far side of the river.This mushroom is large and aromatic.There is a large mushroom growing in the ground close by.You reach down and pick a fat mushroom.You see the familiar side of the Raging River.The colorful mushroom is in the distance.You need to get closer to do that.The river is so swift it is a battle to fill the bucket.The water from this swift river is cold and sweet.You see King Edward's castle on the horizon.There is a large mushroom in the meadow next to the river.There is nothing of interest around you.This lovely meadow is split by the Raging River.There is no mushroom here.You already have it.4)6bbYighP)Y!)%2Qd266#& $%l5)i b%d0##Q0Qlk c $d  8)gnec  c)hI ) b && 7idee _F 6'<==#`R<=`c  _$I/!sOnIn the depths of the large hole you seem to sense a faint, green glow.Don't be afraid... get closer.OUCH4cBFG6%xG5Ubb!)5%Z#F#JFG e':e=%FF GGFFGF;)Oe<Z[ O^ SX'ded<eX QCRQ2ne Q2n  _+MF_)$)b%(Z#GX L Q7_ee$)U#Ieeees)eie _GCXQ(Z $%U)#$Mwce9 PCk   PVq$J~eOJeeOeOeOJ3 '<=<$M)G/&<=L#I b IOJ3 '<=<$M)G/&<=L#I b e7 <~JeJe ~e }e:<~JZ <  }mjg g !g"g#g$g%g&g'g(g )g *g +g ,g -g.g/g0g1g2g6 6e e e e e6ee8eeee;2  b'<=<$+)&<=L#Ne FG K  kI6= |xR)S3`M =]9dN / B g  E l  % F ] $ D s Even as you are reaching for your medevial flamethrower, the King's agents descend upon you. You are taken away to be torched at dawn.King Edward the Benevolent is a very wise, but elderly monarch. His frail body is almost lost in the large throne.The King's throne is made of solid gold, accented with rubies. It will be yours if you complete your quest.When you bow to King Edward, his pleased smile warms you.The King, though very ill, seems happy to see you.It is proper to stand directly in front of, and a few paces back from King Edward when addressing His Eminence.You bow, but you are the only one who knows it.Go, Sir Graham! Go and bring me back these treasures!Welcome back from your quest, Sir Graham.Why, Sir Graham, have you failed me and returned without accomplishing your task? Go, and complete your quest!!Before exposing your flamethrower, you decide the King is just beyond the range of your obsolete flamethrower.You are not close enough to see him clearly.King Edward the Benevolent is sitting on the throne, waiting for you.It would show more respect if you were closer and in front of King Edward.He bids you to approach so he can hear you.The King is walking towards you to commend you.Your heart also aches with pain as you watch the King.The King is lying motionless on the ground.You are the only King here!That's not a bad idea, but the custom in Daventry is to bow.To kill King Edward would mean immediate execution!The throne is already occupied.You will have to do that yourself.This huge, tapestried room echoes every sound.You move aside as the King steps from his throne.As you approach the throne, the King himself rises to commend you for a job well done."Oh!... Oh!!" the King proclaims in pain!From the seemingly lifeless King you hear these words: "Well done, Sir Graham. You have been a good and faithful servant. Your reward is well deserved. My kingdom is now yours."With those words, King Edward the Benevolent dies.The experiences of your quest will be invaluable to you as you begin your reign as King of Daventry!!As you are leaving, your agents remind you that you must remain here now, where it is safe.When you speak to King Edward,he sighs and says,"Sir Graham, I am an old man. I fear my end is near. I have chosen you to prove yourself worthy of the throne.As you know, our kingdom is weak and poor. I have knowledge of the existence of three things that would make our kingdom wealthy and strong.Somewhere within our kingdom, there is a magic mirror that tells the future. There is a magic shield that will protect the bearer from mortal harm. Finally, there is a magic chest that is always filled with gold coins.Go, Sir Graham! Go and bring me back these treasures.If you succeed, you will inherit the throne."Press any key to continue.There is no need to bow again.Your concern for the old king won't allow you to move. Thank you for playing King's Quest from Ken and Roberta Williams Sol Ackerman Chris Iden Jeff Stephenson Mark Crowe Bob Ballew Mikel Knight Susan Lee Russ Truelove Larry Weissenborn The king cannot talk right now.That is no way to try and address King Edward.The spell to make you invisible has expired and you are once again visible.That man is the King.4r-5 '<=<&<=7 '<==&<=#QeMe 5 7TThe light from the oil lamp is rather dim in the dark interior of the castle.The long marble hall has a cold, dreary feeling.4!?F6%OG%K#QMe ReReReMe6  ZxThe light from the oil lamp is rather dim in the dark interior of the castle.There is nobody in the armor.This is the armor of one of King Edward's knights from years ago.The armor is firmly mounted to the wall.The long marble hall has a cold, dreary feeling.4'Fbi  '!)'%FU66%#Y#:# e1ssenlenleE>Esselel>;$ n\ ee j9  X)ie '<==`cR<=` j9!  X6)ie '<==`cR<=` j9+!  X6)ie '<==`cR<=` >l?There is a rather large bird's nest here.There is a pure golden egg lying in the nest!The nest is empty.The golden egg is smooth and shiny.You already have the golden egg from the nest.There is no egg here to get.The golden egg is so heavy you almost drop it.You can't get the egg from here!Apparently you lost your grip while climbing this tree and you fall to the hard earth below.4y0[)[%y?y@yAyCyD y y y y y yy,y=y-y0y1y2y3 y5y7y9 c8 !"#$$h$% ""$ !# #ig 8idy yyyyyy4EVgx"3DUfwDesigned and Written by: Roberta Williams Orig. Version by Charles Tingley Ken MacNeill Chris Iden Graphics by: Doug MacNeill Greg Rowland New Version by: Jeff Stephenson Sol Ackerman Chris Iden Thanks to: Linda Ackerman Mark Crowe Robert Heitman Scott Murphy (c) copyright SIERRA On-Line Inc. 1987Press any key to continue.4   "0)"* 91*J: K0:S+ I2!  )! ;,- ,+?,+), )  ""! 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You find it impossible... to swim any longer. You sink to the bottom... of the well....The rope is out of reach.You cannot climb the sides of the well. They are too steep and slippery.When you look upwards, you see the top of the well far, far above.Although you can only see the bottom of the bucket, it looks like a very nice bucket.The bucket is not here.How are you going to get the bucket?This is murky well water.The water does not taste as good as you expected.In the midst of your activities, you fill the bucket with well water.The knot is tied very tightly.The rope is secured to the well with a very tight knot.The thick rope resists your efforts.You have nothing to cut the rope with.Just before slitting the rope, you realize that it is not a very wise move at this time.There is no reason to cut the rope.You reach up out of the well water and cut the thick rope that holds the bucket.You have other things to think about right now.The rope is out of reach.A person in your position is in no position to raise or lower anything.I don't think that getting in the bucket right now will do you very much good.You need to be closer to the water to drink.There is no way for you to get water now.Now is not the time to try diving.It is a very long, sturdy rope.4SC3%X%K?!)?%X#YKX#K K eK<Le%e%e%e%e beK Le&% Pe QKe e 3  Sb<When the goat saw how dark it was in here, it decided not to stay around.It is empty except for a huge boulder opposite the opening.It is a rather large, vacant cave.It is a huge piece of granite.It is far too heavy to carry around.It is impossible for you to move a boulder this large.It took millenniums for these stalagmites and stalactites to form.Looking out the cave opening, you are able to admire the beautiful scenery outside.It leads to another portion of the cave.It is on the far side of the cave.There is nothing of interest on top of the boulder.47"K=K !=Rbb#4) b^% 2%  !)"%&l#:K!)#X%#FK<!)#X%#F!Kz=(K)!%(xO#YS#'<=<X<KXYK cK3cdK )Rfe'e& ?$KeKeKeL:KeKeKeKeKeKeKeKe KeKKe(bbe %e %%e K,&&e  eK#&& Kee K eC Ge6*KeKeK i`ee$Q""e Q^ X X^ [d $ed$Ke h;Q$KeKKe$&KeKK;$ d \eJ h;$e$eX-KeKe i`KFC Ce ^X Xe!^ [ i`KnX Xe"^+ [Q(KC"X Ce#^$)=O#MFK GI X FQ $4 2(G R/|-F Nw16k Yr'Mf,P ) The ferocious fire-breathing dragon is protecting the magic mirror.There is a dead dragon, a large boulder, and a seemingly ordinary mirror in the cave.There is a large granite boulder and a magic mirror!! in the cave.A green, scaly dragon breathing hot fire and smoke is protecting the mirror.In this large cavern, there is a slimy dead dragon, an opening on one side, and a large boulder in the other.The cavern is empty, save for a couple of openings on either side.There is no dragon here.This ferocious, fire-breathing dragon with sharp, green scales and a long tail is protecting the magic mirror. Watch out for the flames!You see the once powerful dragon lying lifeless before you.It took millenniums for these stalagmites and stalactites to form.This boulder is a huge chunk of granite.This boulder is far too heavy to move.A strange watery light issues from the hole.The mere thought of retrieving the dagger repulses you.The hole seems to lead further into the cave.How?This dragon had only one life and you have taken it.With that dragon here? No way!This dragon does not respond to reason.You throw your bucket on the cavern floor.The dragon is protecting the magic mirror.The magic mirror is framed with ornate mahogany wood, polished to a high sheen.There is no mirror here.Carefully, you pick up the magic mirror.I do not think that you can get close enough to the magic mirror with the dragon here.You could get a much better view if you were closer.You are not close enough to reach it.You don't have a dagger.You don't have any water.You have nothing with which to douse a dragon.You can't do that from here.!The dagger sings through the air, but falls short of the dragon. You should have been closer.You throw your water, but to no avail. It lands on the floor and is quickly absorbed.The water hits the dragon squarely in the mouth, extinguishing its roaring flames. No fire! How mortified and embarrassed the dragon is! Moving a huge boulder in leaving, the dragon creeps off to sulk.Nervously, you throw the dagger at the dragon and strike it in the heart. Death for the dragon is instant.How do you wish to accomplish that?You are too busy looking around to even think about that.You should know about these fire-breathing dragons! Maybe next time you will be a little more careful!Your shield melted from the intensity of the dragon's flames! You should know about these fire-breathing dragons! Maybe next time you will be a little more careful!I think you found the dragon!4Cs=I)Ir 1%K%&t3  DEQX X\[ [#O^e S O sZ[DD EEDDE# )reX'<==QA=   ?ekekeje& KAeefefe o  31 y)Not even you can hold your breath forever. The well bottom has become your eternal resting place.This looks like typical well water.It looks like this bottle has been here for a very long time.This is just an old, junky bottle. You don't want it.You are at the bottom of the well. Through the plants you spy what seems to be a hole in the side of the well.It is very difficult to tell where the hole might lead.You are too far away to see clearly.The rusty old can has been here awhile.You have no use for this old can.Thrashing around in the water has caused you to lose the magic ring and become visible again.4%=bi9'<==%# S) O)iG b97'<==(`R<=` T _F'<=97= `R<=`c  $ de ?e e9 ^H@2You should know you can't walk on clouds.You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.These flowers look different than any you have ever seen before.4N=bi#+X O)iG b97'<==`R<=`c  $ de ? e e:8<8You'll have to keep yourself out of the clouds!You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.These are very unusual looking trees.4 =irbbb b!af!)fh%!)%$4DMhDBMV!)$%[GS  V!)B%[GS  V!)M%Iq/FO!!)%%Kr#V!)M%Iq/FO!##VV  cYO  eTHf  eT7I  eT&fOIVV  )reT ? O)iG bc$  e ?6VeVeVeVeVeVe *VVeVVeVVeh eh~jVee EFV%Fe $)DM#e h \JVE>V>e $e h \JVaEGGYY]e ]Ge ]OVG 'de&de$#cIe ]^ ]OVG 'de&de$#cIe ]^ ]OVVe]VVe* $)&de#$)MO!#I'<=&<=#V $)&de#$)MO!#IVCG C^e6.VeVeVVeVVeXeV " M$)4O!#V eVV c   ?7VVVV;9= B<,U{([0C} G!NrYou are fortunate that you have the magic shield or this giant would cause problems for you.The giant cannot see you since you are invisible.The fairy godmother's spell is protecting you.The giant is enormous! He does look rather stupid, though.The enormous giant has been carrying that heavy chest for longer than he can remember.The huge giant has fallen asleep and is now snoring loudly.The magic chest appears to have been fashioned from ebony and rimmed on the edges with gold.The giant is protecting the magic chest.There is no chest around here to get.Very carefully, you slip the magic chest from the sleeping giant's arms.There is no way you can get the chest from here!It's easy to take a magic chest from a dead giant.You need some kind of small rock to use the sling.You put the pebble in the sling, take careful aim, and luckily hit the giant in the forehead! He falls down dead.Not when you're invisible!It would be rather cowardly of you to kill a giant while he is asleep!You have no sling!I don't believe it! How could you miss something so big?You have no dagger!How?There is no reason to kill the giant.You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.The giant has been slain by a little pebble to the forehead.Be a little more careful next time. This giant is mean!You know you can't walk on clouds.The giant is in no mood for talking.It is not a good idea to wake a sleeping giant.A dead giant does not have a lot to say.What luck! The huge giant fell fast asleep!The giant is sleeping with a chest.The giant lies dead on the ground and there is a chest beside him.The giant is to close for the slingshot to be effective. I would suggest you RUN!40=bi>'<=<%E%tn#LeCeCeXe ee_ T _FcQ S O)iG bc$ $  e ? ^xE: '<=<>EiKuThe dark cave burrows its way into a steep mountain.The mountain is too steep to climb.You are near the top of a very high mountain. It steeply descends toward a valley floor.You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives here.Oops, you've missed the edge and fallen through the clouds.These are the most unusual looking trees.These are unusual looking flowers.4G b?-#Xe e _F'<=97=`cR<=` $  e ?9=VYou are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.You should know that it is not possible to walk on clouds!This is very strange vegetation.4R b?<#Xe e _F'<=97=`cR<=` $  e ?:><VYou are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.Oops! You've missed the edge and fallen through the clouds.This is very strange vegetation.4- ?-b#Xe  Veee && udu`eeeY aee`Y uduee `$Y udue ` a\e  _F'<=97=`R<=`c $  e $ ?;= @lyeIts trunk has a large hole in the base.You notice a sling in the hole in the tree.It is empty.This sling is made of very stretchy leather.You reach into the hole and pull out the leather sling.You can't see into the hole from here.Why? What sling?You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.You've fallen through the clouds! Cloud walking is for the birds.These are strange looking trees.You need to be closer to try.4F=ib8%m#) O)iG b'<=97=`cR<=` $  e$ ?e8kSo you're walking on clouds, huh? Unfortunately, that's an impossible task that cost you your life!You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.4#Rbbb*!)*%v6W(!)(%!L/FW(!)(%!L/F)!))%)=6W(!)(%!L/FW(!)(%!L/F)!))%)=6Pigh)iX%P- b QPTQ%1IQPOQ>> +!)+QIO +!)+%x#:#W#XY#IeOe>#S e  cK K e<Q ue;P!c ! d " Y)gne9  bc   c  )hIe!  b)!d! e$ e _F ?,E"" Me  e $%PP#N   e%1#c  i Qx eV iT> XS E"" i Me  e PPN  ueEFF&u6u$eQ  Fu6ue&ee e   dT.$ue&6ue7ueQ ue: ue=e=ee8e? Y7dee WeWeWWee9WWeWGIWWwGIWP Pe*WWeWKWWK$WW#W$\ eWWWe WWeWeWe Y7d?eeeeeeex # Xje e#0Pee Xje!e" X(e$e' X(e%e( iXGe@g e*e)]e+]e, iX<e"ge-]e.]e.W sXle/e0A re1e4 r;$ \e2e5 '8@ h,Q #u-zY(Jg* X u 8 [  6 c  0 t  d j jAs the wicked witch flew over her house, she dropped you... into her cage! If you can't get out, you may become the secret ingredient in this witches' brew!Surprise! Surprise! The wicked witch is home and now she's after you!Be thankful that you have a protective spell or the witch may have stuck around to try and catch you!This is not a good place to give up your protection!There is no reason to jump or duck here.Off in the distance you hear a high, squeaky voice say, "I can smell someone tasty in my house."The witch mutters, "I am going to get my oven ready to cook someone for dinner (yum)."The witch mumbles, "After I get the oven nice and hot, I will be ready to have someone for dinner (giggle)."The witch mutters, "The oven is heating up nicely. I wonder who will be my dinner guest!"The witch says, "My oven is now the perfect temperature. It is time to invite someone for dinner (cackle, cackle)!"Rats! She has cast some spell to keep you from escaping!. The witch remarks, "Oh, how nice of you to come for dinner (cackle, cackle)"She pokes and pinches you, then states, "This one is too scrawny, so it's into the cage until you fatten up (smack, yum)!"With a flash, you hear her joyously exclaim, "This has made me feel like flying!"Courageously, you manage to push the witch into the oven where she flashes and melts away into a harmless blob. Congratulations!Try as you will to escape, your labor will be in vain.It is fastened with a very strong lock. There is no way for you to open it.This ugly old witch is one of the most hideous sights you have ever seen. I would never trust her.There is no witch here.There is nothing but a bare shelf here.Sitting on the shelf is a delicious piece of Swiss cheese.The cabinet on the wall is rather plain and simple.It is already open.It is already closed.You pluck the Swiss cheese from the shelf.I don't see any here.You need to be a little closer for a good look.You need to be closer to do that.You cannot see it from here.This cage will be your new home for the rest of your life.You look for a way to escape, but there is none.It is an old wood stove, and very hot. The fire must have been burning for some time.It is made from rusty, but strong, iron bars.You cannot see it from here.You may have seen one in the other room, but I am not sure.The oven is very, very hot. Someone must have just put some wood in it.You open the door and see a roaring fire burning in the oven.You are in no position to do that!You are not close enough to touch it.From here it would be rather difficult to open the oven.There is a note lying on top of it.It is just a plain, wooden bedside table.The witch's bed looks hard and uncomfortable.You wouldn't want to sleep on a witch's bed.That is the table where she eats her (gulp) food.The bed is not here.You see the forest outside.There is little to see from here.It is written in a familiar language.You grab the note from the table.The note was here at one time, but now you can`t seem to locate it.Your eyes are not sharp enough to see it from here.You cannot reach it from here.You don't have the note.If I were you, I wouldn't try it! This witch is mean!The little house is surprisingly neat considering a wicked witch lives here.OUCH!There is no witch here...RIGHT NOW!!The witch is dead.As soon as you entered the house the goat ran away.Now is not a good time to try and start a conversation!Be thankful that you are invisible or the witch may have stuck around to try and catch you!You need to be more specific.It looks like an ordinary bedroom.4c.ib?-%C %.+Q/#K K e_e- O)iG b'<=97=`R<=`c e$ ?C HyThe old goat is afraid of the dark and decides to stay outside.The stairs go up into the heart of the mountain.Oops! Those stairs are pretty slippery, aren't they?47ib?(B % +Q D %x)+Qw*#_e/ O)iG b'<=97e=`R<=`c $ ?D BX0The stairs are moss-covered and slippery.Darn! You slipped on the steep stairs.4jib>>Cbos!)o Y=FF-?(C %^+Q_E %+)+Q,*# c  FF S%`%# QEG  S _e: ee : ee> XG b'<=97O)ie===`R<=`c $ ?GG  G  G UXI e)s IO e )s Id d e^ ~ }Jf f g^ ~ }Jh h i^ ~ }Jgj j k^Ul l m^Cn n o^1H H p^q q r^ )s eI )s eI$E C +6m>\The stairs seem to go on forever.This is a shy little dwarf. He is too quick to catch.Look out! You are too close to the edge! Oh, oh, you fell!That little dwarf caught you by surprise. Is your treasure still OK?The quick, little dwarf came by to see what you had-- nothing interested him.There is nobody here but you.It's a good thing you are protected by a spell. That little dwarf likes to steal treasures.The dwarf is not here for idle conversion.Being invisible has protected you, and your treasures, from the dwarf.4,ib;%aD %+Q#_e&e/ O)iG b'<=97e=`R<=`c $ ? ; DCThe stairs descend into the lower reaches of the mountain.You can see sky, light, and smell clouds through the opening.Oh dear! With a slip of the foot, you fall head over heels down the long stairway.4')kiJbG )J%E(QE(G))i'<=e'<= $)iEThe leprechauns' magic powers detect your unseen presence.The leprechauns do not like your invasion of their territory. They may not let you get any further.The leprechauns revere the power of the fourleaf clover. With it in your possession they will leave you absolutely alone.Leprechauns love fiddle music! Have you ever seen such frenzied dancing?Totally involved in the music, they dance right out of the room.The leprechaun catches you and holds you with his small, but strong arms. I don't think the leprechaun will ever let go.You are in the antechamber of the Hall of the Leprechaun King. There are leprechauns in the room with you.You are in the antechamber of the Hall of the Leprechaun King.I can think of no good reason to close the door.They are tiny people dressed all in green.I would not try talking to the leprechauns. You might say the wrong thing.You would not get all of them before they got you.There are not any leprechauns here.You are already playing the fiddle.4?:L%WCN% _10b/OQ6PzO^zOxzOj zOzOoNzO9HzO-MzO$XzO zO !)6%yb6 X# !)/%8lW STX# !)1%# !)0%sj## c  WY Pn e X nb e X$$)Q%su+#Q!r!)0%sj#e QU  $ e eM _FMF ?eee'eW0e e6eW e" em*e e e  e e L>e#e&e$ e%_ 8 <e efeeN yvee) yv$ee f\Jeqe e!x gdO#e $ qe\ee gde L N' P\8[?ae-zMjx a You find playing the fiddle here very fun, but the dance floor is in the other room.You play a little tune on the fiddle to amuse yourself.It is very difficult to play a fiddle if you do not have one.This is a rather simple stone throne, compared to King Edward's.The little green men do not seem to be noticing you; perhaps because of the fourleaf clover.I would not try talking to the leprechauns. You might say the wrong thing.You would not get all of them before they got you.There aren't any leprechauns here.The King of the leprechauns is sitting on the stone throne. The magic shield is next to the throne.The King of the leprechauns is sitting on the stone throne.The King is leaving.The King of the leprechauns is no longer here.The stairs go up a narrow tunnel.To see the stairs, you have to get closer.The leprechaun King ignores your words.I hope you can escape from the leprechauns, but it doesn't look good for you.The leprechaun, with much support from his peers, catches you and refuses to let go. I think you will be here for a long, long time.The King's magic prevents you from getting close enough to harm him.After his followers have danced away, the King of the leprechauns realizes he can lead best by following, and leaves, forgetting his beautiful sceptre.The shield is already in your pocket.I think there might have been a shield here once, but someone has since taken it.The shield is no longer here.It is made of titanium and is rimmed with jewels.As inconspicuously as possible, you add the shield to what you are carrying.You take the magic shield and carefully put it in your pocket.You need to get closer to see it clearly.You must be closer to do that.The sceptre is fashioned from gold and silver, and accented with emeralds.I see no sceptre right here.I see no sceptre to get around here.Eagerly, you pick up the sceptre.I see no sceptre in the vicinity.There is no sceptre in sight to get.The leprechauns seem irritated by your invasion of their territory. I would be real careful about what I say and do right now!This is the throne room of the leprechaun King.This is the throne room of the leprechaun King. There is a shield and a sceptre near the throne.This is the throne room of the leprechaun King. There is a shield next to the throne.This is the throne room of the leprechaun King. There is a sceptre next to the throne.The King of the leprechauns is sitting on the stone throne.4O5$)<%QM %Q{#{ Fe ?xXYRx K R xe ?)e x_e&&e&& xeeLeM $LRlYou feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size. You can't get out of the small cave!The stairs are very steep and narrow.The small hole leads to the outside world.You are much too big to fit through that small hole.You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size.Go ahead. Walk right in.This is a small cave with stairs on one side and a very small hole on the other side.You seem to be stuck in these underground caverns. As you have no way of leaving, it looks like you'll spend the rest of your life here.4s9:bbYS! 2!)2%!)9%-tF!):%YsF##F#Y)Y)S%Dh6#:,%q#K K e-eee&[e:eeeegeYe/Ye0 :e  G e e  G  F F FF|:||e 6:66Pe  GGeeeeWeWe GG(Se GGSejnlq (.ejnlq (.ej((3e GG j^n(le GG n^l(Ze GG l^q(e GG q^M(=e GG M^(ze GG ^YY^(S(S:(:S(S(SSg* Y^ %Dh6)#e GGY(S(S:(:S(S(SSg((:(:((g, Y^ %Dh6)S#e  GGcYeeY@S*$)S#e!Y   GGe$q xe%e) xe(e+1e& x $ e'\ xe*X _F 6'<==`R<=`c $e, ?e.,0 b :t3QoCA}\% U 0 W }  Q Y You dare not jump here or you would go through the floor!The cottage is run-down and sparsely furnished. The only nice possession seems to be a fiddle in the corner.The cottage is run-down and sparsely furnished.This family is so poor, they can't even repair the floor.This is the woodcutter's fiddle.The woodcutter is thin and dressed in rags.The woodcutter's wife is skinny and poorly dressed.The woodcutter and his wife are sitting at the old oak table."Welcome to my humble abode."She replies, "I'd like to offer you something, but we do not even have food for ourselves.""Make yourself at home in our humble home."That would be very nice. How do you want to help them?What an abominable idea! You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing!It is closed, but in this house, all the cabinets are bare.The cabinet is all but bare.The beautiful scenery outside is in contrast to the dreariness inside.You should have more sympathy for these poor folks!You have given the bowl to these poor people and it is now theirs. You have no right to take it back.The woodcutters admire the bowl as it sits on their table.What treasure do you wish to donate to them?The woodcutter and his wife very gratefully accept the treasure. "This will help us for awhile," says the woodcutter.This is a nice thought, but unfortunately you have nothing to give these poor people.The woodcutter and his wife kindly accept your gift of food. They offer a heartfelt "Thank you."Puzzled, the couple wonders why you have given them a bowl.The woodcutter family is very grateful that you have given them a bowl of stew. Now they will have at least one last meal. As a token of their gratitude, they offer their last earthly possession, the woodcutter's fiddle.Eat stew from an empty bowl? The woodcutters are beginning to question your authenticity.The stew looks delicious, but it is no longer yours. Now you will have to do without.The couple is amazed and delighted as the bowl miraculously fills with a bubbling stew. As a token of their gratitude, they offer their last earthly possession, the woodcutter's fiddle.The couple does not understand.The fiddle is a beautiful instrument made of polished wood.You cannot take their last precious possession!The polished wood feels like satin -- it seems to still vibrate from the last song it played.What a terrible suggestion! These people are poor and starving and you want to steal one of their last earthly possessions.You cannot see it very well from here.You are not close enough to reach it.I doubt that you will get away with it, but you will have to get closer to try.These poor people can't even afford to repair the floor! Sorry about that.As soon as you entered the house the old goat ran away."Hello"There is an empty bowl sitting on the old oak table.There is a bowl of stew sitting on the old oak table.4B#ĥ2$#"ML;@;I012:)02@3A2$.L=O ̽λ>> 6u.LAy!!+4b"1!p`1L< 3p$"#% F@LJSb]fRNTZV9h57tC985/iqatrewn9S I?=:8:w?p@j?bDNDG:e?AB=C?AC EH[Y X8XSX]Ye[lX.XZ\!*0C821 C"EE   =s?&A hqW(nsu= 2< TdV F @?#>+ [f\cALJ;=w>Ck1J- Z} ed<>Z<0,- C6 k`N]djqx(])X(O&A&9)1+7c4Y1T.M-C/=141)01BbETDIF>C4D"MYQFM8K+KdYfPb?b(f#gfjYlPp=t7u3r*p$om^pVsTwI|G4+tbxV}L|acUNJF=)jcaRGA0s d gr l ~y < WQj= 8- z {ol$`%\*a=eQYiZncdzy-$"8BCCFHC:4458MkTnXn_k^iXhQhMj{GzF e$_C(`,K0b4T8dL[JPYTMXY\G`ZdG{  YY..4CKj  % ~9 :/?M/><gCdf`og8fc` ] ZX=<;950+'&x0&577.504=5F2F1=.6/21,/&yL{@|=BGK}PyMda +iKb}I33T_~}VgV Z\ x&b |s tgL.pm k e ] Z TIndXE@;5kaTQI F? 4 3"#h#a\U KC>8/&!#%(zoc[VE72%VDoj_VL=.@, )^2'Ne U L IPKI"J#D?2e2^/X1T/L-I+B(>%<%2%**.;b;\8W;J;C9654GHXMMLBI:H2I,N(LP V_TRPMP>S9V `baP`I\E[?_2_(]`lWnJnElAn-qrctVvPt9u6y5z.x({!y{k|b|\URLB=7-!~j`\VOE?uqeXR,ze uoK  (H |zu:  =< +)g8 -,*gC%! f=fbfl ek xzz ~~ ~}tom%h3f7g?bHfXf[bacmbqeuevh{lkpy &%l*m3k3j%k)mk-al`o`phtnrppllbllmcfOeTKeGRCc?R;d7gT3g/`0S+g+['^h#]k\mZnq[ }~  3k5g%l$i&&46%"b!g!j!o!r"w#z$~%%%&(*-/2479=@ABEHKNQUY]`eilnptttu|uxurwm{id_Z~T}QzMxIuDsAr \U)-3M-*4O0;mDxQx]tRoEnEwaAŵ<= 44;5;@  B9816,7 <=Aj>_?XDQELMIsG]IYKGGBF;B1C,Gb^dQ_A]/^'c`YVZIY@V:ZX?A5d7p;|{T't`l{Vy/^e\{m\|mlalNNJHH{FvOORURKvOaPNRV[]~_fW_^`axYc_bbeyiqka 21n4_269Y5::u9i8==u?i;A@wBn@e -,v0a-04i.34p7, Y"%J13/;9@D .+<10 K'=I13-4A@AfIlIG4PBTIU I__^ .aTfbh bv :v -%f{ 7>?I9>>J:@?JCB?J?9@4ZKZ7ZJ^AZKW@ZJWIp1n p0t$q2s(p2l*p0w.w&T+74  mU d13 #" JJ002"20@< :)@I 'P=2Ĥ.^ :)#;"",@2"e  #D4[2<:0 12:)!@0,+!)*)2 IJJRR ,  :01!"3 1";*9";!Y1@CRLJ)g 22<::J@110)/ 11"D*: 2923B4IABBB,*h1ZBAC4  :e YR[K\D^?]4`%^ . bO_G`@gLeDg@f:e3d%c c:hRd: a2 bwlb$3%.I(AP#b1.i%EBj&""K51;$$&(%Q'#n|7.=+ 1 B!äI!-=K:JAf;9-O g@X1:I=K9j@QP1PWQ`9P)Z`CQRj eIiQdb@Z9Y9JJIJIQABA1B0ZIZYYY@Rcba00F fԕ64]"](~, +)1'j+*h l8888Z%0 FCq;q8x5}7};q;2;$;$6+4272;0S8S:V>X@X@UDTLSLOEM8M0P0S)#&:)K*-$6$121274#4%  &%22.-//,  4-/#1"$%1,*2, !,:+ 04)$!+ q\#YAYAc''2C0"E6  K5  7%$;0[1+A 3C.Q9,}ɳɢ"9 c "}3I" \"!0+! qÕ1YPA@ \ʢ#e;k%BY:!!9^,г3JA91I) PijbajIL&A0\&1)%+:91"!+0";93L9+0#+9"&>^9nPAA@Ii!?,1"%" h^g^m s%S3&000@PSRÒC"12CR$`QB#PBC`SBbm  {u% y{Y[ %)oYq*r(|=TIG/W9 j` L*_)P#4BN6E#;7K]"2'UUK$#$N> !&3d[-/< [^9,9-=,}c/ *yz;9>k/:O\,;:@0>"/..-,xq+*+giG\  o _ 6GVijFo I OgM_NTMaMiJfIVH^HfGaGgEbC^CXBZBaEfChAb@h?c>i;_>T;^=i:j7a:l5l1`5i9m[mYW[m`Q[m^ncW^nbnf[dmdldeece`ek2hnj`hllmn`lkrdmkqjml45lNkNnanlmolel\hNjIfBh:kX!4+)2: 3*)!$)" ,:12$-*1:!A#,*#;0A2,*0#+!* 2* #,;0$9 $=0 93 ))03-)0%<[:$- *0#  ,*)))*1!+ 0 ); 0 *0;,,A1"+I2$%,* +:09":) &+9 + "2*M#"-9, 1 4!I+2!44A=9) 2I,:++ f* /i":*) +&%- .< \6; #::   g;n7 X%%$C:*:<- :  d791;JRER;I1#&:;;:0BK2$"?,0-+9 "1&+* .*0!#C)**7*IY01A!!*552)@JAL0Y0Rs59:)!2*:I/22P);:@)($:#4!II9$=J * #++1u;1$=+12*90"+ !\d _g jF(0,G- 0V b o$P   E3 ;y d.&/<)S+|+( zfJI"12K=13-,22LF53.AN b<_6.9: :9@C:C-;:2 d >N9B45/JA5<9$.P2#J2E@VOWM3~F1B<(*<:** H o3k+g" U ondeUxg 9^'dKRfxt^o~{ p~x}{} KSLD 4@D|C|;|3xHx7II GF~U::{>|S{ItQj?jVhwr Jhh# f;&gf(b)>@!XD!XH!XL!XP!XT!XX!X\!X`!Xo "fd n cb& llXaXc[fXXqqqnnzmzmlflfqm>58AKRWXWSyJvCv=w8y6}5=TaTaH?H=Tc[fl>>&&mm4O8<{@w@wDsHoIMlPhTdX`\\`XdThPlrHtDx@|<840)%!3{7w;s?oCkGgINdO`S\WX[T_PcLgHkEq@sOQDX5&#\P 53_/'x%$|$$$%#0 ~"%/(~-~%$().JoMllPrI0)/--884  $(,{0w4s:o;k?gCcG_K[OWSSWO[K^]K_GcCg@g?jt4w0{,(($   #{'w+s/o39g:c>_B[FWJSNORKVGZC^?b;f7r0r,v(z$~   ;   /.,K+)32091#У9p  / . ,,19+=;-K:,1$#!Ô |%5%29:<zk@u6T.iIDd. #i.x2f>TD_L?Y2h1wz)  x$c!V!#&Z@D:_#E;$!Q1KH"T05`]5#qp%3xD9f   $(#{,{'w0w+s3s/o?g:cCc>_G_B[K[FWOWJSSSNOWORK[KVG_GZCcC^?g?b;w/r,{+v('z$#~  '+) @u{54x9oj@t54D$4$B5"14C'&%<$  +&434:2C335.#$3C##"#32023$+!@@%:12"$#4+ 2#*"%aeimquy|}X\`dhllptx||~ztvrpnljhfdb`XZVTRPNHJFDB@><:8642320.,*$&$"  zv}runjqfmbi^eZaVYRNUJQFMIB=E9A5=19-5)1%-!)!    | *1#e9 0232#̿ -S)2&& /I;L$0˹$& ,*HJPNYRXZaVuntv }r!    -+I@$"  X1D!3 8:4S=VQoVnjfe }rJ9o@C32Cc,U'"4'$\fJ}AK=MO$"aZ#u:&‘O#KN%&59=a\e`idmhqlupyt}x}{\X}zvpnujljqfhfmbdbi^eZa]trvpXVZTTRYNPNUJQFNIHFIEDBI=@=E9<9A585=1419-0-5),)1%-!*$  #!    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