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You had better turn around and head for shore.This ocean is full of colorful fish.They are too difficult to catch.They don't understand you.The jar of storm brew slips from your fingers as you try to open it. In dismay, you watch it sink out of sight. It is gone forever."See that boy swimming here?" one colorful fish says to a friend. "He's really from the Kingdom of Daventry. "Do you think he's trying to swim back there?"States the second fish, "No, that's impossible. Daventry's too far! It's way across this ocean, and once there, he'd still have to climb a huge mountain range. He'd never make it this way."You listen with interest as two fish speak to each other. "There's that boy from Daventry," one states. "I wonder if he would like to return there?""I doubt it," responds the second fish. "I hear Daventry's going through some hard times; even worse than Llewdor. No, he wouldn't want to go there.""How are your smallfry doing in school?" one frolicking fish asks another.Answers the other, "Not well, I'm afraid. The school's much too crowded. They don't know if they're coming or going!""That boy ought to swim back to shore," you overhear one fish say to another. "I'm afraid he'll drown way out here.""Well, humans are pretty stupid creatures. They're always trying to defy Mother Nature," the second fish declares. "There's nothing you can do about it, anyway."You have reached the limits of your strength. You panic and start to struggle hopelessly."My, that was a tasty little bug."Exit edge = %v176 The sky is a clear, cloudless blue.You dip your head under the water, but see nothing. It's too deep, anyway.Shhhh. If you're quiet, maybe you can hear them.Gosh! You barely made a mouthful for that hungry shark!4e5?Pb b) .9L:d&9:#! ) = / % ##  eF cG  c n(܂%&# %&@, @/ F G  LK ,HH,LKH .Dark storm clouds begin to gather around until you are enveloped by them. You hear loud reports of thunderclaps and lightning flashes frighteningly close.4'Q4: .?܃34܄45܅5܆܃,6z07z"08zA09z`0:z0;zQ<z"Q=zAQ>z`Q?zQ@zrAz"rBzArCz`rDzrEzFz"GzAHz`Iz܄G$5$5$5$5>$ &}&$%$$%$%>%&}!)&%&6C#܅;z"0<zA0=z`09zQ:z"Q>z`Q?zQ8zr@zr6z5z܆9z0:z"0;zA08z`0?z"Q@zAQ7zQ=z"r6z`r<z"5zA)8%MMN;L;<P<=O=#܃ =eeg܃,6 !6 7 "@6 8 A_6 9 `~6: 6; 7!W< "7@W= A7_W> `7~W? 7W@ X!xA "X@xB AX_xC `X~xD XxE y!F "y@G Ay_H `y~I y܄E$'%&%$(%OV܅; "@66< A_67= `~689 7!W4: "7@W5> `7~W9? 7W:8 X!x3@ Xx;6 y!15 y=܆9 !6A: "@6B; A_6C8 `~6@? "7@WG@ A7_WH7 7W?= "X@xE6 `X~x>< "y@D5 Ay_=####&& >8&>     1 e"e$* .,,i$?gAnd so it shall be!The map looks blank there!F6 = teleport F8 = put map awayThe magic map's faded ink has brightened, but only in those places where you have been!%v221. The magic map's ink has faded away. So far, it isn't much help.4ewqmj gg $&%h&%$gg g $$ & %h&%$$$& %h&%$cg g gggg xpmk <Xh%;Qcw*AcWiz is home, after his nap.Wiz is in town.Wiz is home, before bed.Wiz is in nappy-poo land.Wiz will change in %v84:%v83|2.Last wiz temper was = %v129.Wiz status = %v128.You have %v110:%v109|2 without him to Wiz IS on screen.Wiz IS NOT on screen.%m8clean the kitchen.%m8dump his crap.%m8fix him din-din.%m8dust his office.%m8feed your chicks.%m21cleaning the kitchen.%m21dumping his crap.%m21fixing din-din.%m21dusting his office.%m21feeding your chicks.Your last chore was Make.wiz.come = %v123.This room's wiz.x/y is %v32/%v31.You've been in this room %v47 seconds.A Few Interesting Statistics aboutYOUR LITTLE WIZZERCurrent.status = %v44.4F(g$\\ \ \'\\\\\\!\$\+\1\2\3\6You are magic (to me).4g$_$_$_$_$_$\_$\\ \ _ $\ _ $_$_$\_$_$_$\_$_$_$_$_$_$_$_$_$\_$_ $\!_"$_#$\$\%\&\(\)\*\+_/$_0$\1\2\3\6?TS>54 OKSailing, sailing.4`Cg$ST\\\ \ \'\\\\!\$\%\&\(\)\*\+\1\2\3\6?> 33We be goin' mountain!4fpz )2;GScmy#,8ERbo~ +8AN\iu )/7;AFJP[flw}#.=CKYfny !*9AMY]l} -4;AGPY_gkw|incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4mRg\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\%\&\(\)\*\+\0\1\2\3? You got 'em, Porky.4'f BZp ,Aq )@sdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32set.scan.start() already active in logic %v18.%m25get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254)O.g#g#Dv.a.-e   8 v .7. 8v-,-v-v.$&-.# 2i *--DDv--Dv-]-v--e e 8v--v--v- .-e 8 v-v. -.e H        2-(.)mgm(gTS(gTSe gnm( gTS8a8_8^](\@JXfu%4BMtNew room:X coordinate:Y coordinate:Object number:Flag number:New value:Current room = %v0Variable number:Variable %v45 = %v46Flag %v45 setFlag %v45 not setNew priority:Object %v46 is in room %v45.%v45|3/%v46|3%v0|3He's sleeping.Coming, Dear!He's dead.He won't show up until you "do chore."Unknown word: "%m20%w1"%m20%w2"%m20%w3"%m20%w4"%m20%w5"%m20%w6"%m20%w7"%m20%w8"H Done.4ii  *w!O=PeQe eeee e eaa a aa aae    5 e *e  *e e\^*f f -3WuThe lush foliage of the forest has given way to the hardy plants of the shore. Sawgrass, bracken, and gnarled trees are all that grow here.The trees are bent and twisted by years of constant sea breezes.The sandy beach stretches north and south below steep, grassy cliffs.Your eyes sweep the vast ocean before you. Blue water stretches as far as you can see. Way in the distance it melts with the sky.You see seagulls flying overhead.The water looks inviting, but be careful if you go out there.The birds wheel and glide overhead.You fill your cup with ocean water.You need a cup for the water.You need to move closer.Drinking salt water will only make you sick.Your cup is already full of water.4.MS J))4o ,Ҵ“ĥÕҥ 4RK<,P;%BI,Y+5QK+.U$cJ$3P+%4R[-,3R[-EQJ,y 8lR5Nn`e&-Z@C6;1 N:B.L`T4NmafF<0.]aBFYe>>MPC=[Af<@C$;9:jZQD4.LQ"N+;P"#.JC9#0,ZQ#6=YSJ2:-[R#X7MYR#W>U/.Lic6=Y2R&KA4-KQ+#$Z.NjC&LI>YR$=;3-FMXDVK_YfEojt{mQp=B8/ ;u!*1+G{1+,;p )#+)##;S19!0L"#9", 9E2* ,aP K a2)2;q1Il!9}!*v9cn =JVp2+_1+] : :|5h:V+O6GE[\_rWtaXftlu{! +# c@)  ;Oɑ1I?N*J !9aiR@J@!%#!\OЪJM<**0)"@!19F0I$)W!1a1:b#1)xpY#@ g1%!!*Mf1NU0oayb }b b b b b b b jjjjjj}jyjujqimcoR*I tjKM"1NcNh1J , , ٙ)Q*0+12١A2" ",08:<@CEGGFuGrDlCiBfyy|z{PgMKKJQEQ@Jq#"%),06:>ADGFGHKNNOSW\^bjpxI>`N=B'(ٱѡ09RQ9P&'&#!%!($+%/#2$7">$D%H#O!R#Y"_b f"h!p"u$x!}#"$!"x) N5H>J7O6f9 gddmd@IK !I XPyLRTVXS|OT-N Q T U ;%%GTzqgaW G#E@#@)B6NNLULg8Oa$ ctd T|#pl PqaYsarZmijl` tYuatZlmqo pf sdvdyh |dd000000000,#,   P5) 88;:>7@9B6F7D:A=@@>@HL:  CAñQQS CòAÁQQS CAñQQS CAQQS CAQQS CAQQS :h SS SS SS SS SS SS4 VLX CAQQS CAQQS CA CA CA CA C CA C 4D 4B3AA2AD1AAAA1AA1AD2AA3B454=  d>ѱ11111ѱ111111Q11111ѱ1ѱ212ѱq1ѱQq11111ѱ11111Q1Q1111111111Q1QR11111QQQQ1111QQQ1122 |CAAѱӱAѱӱAӱA11CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA111CAAѱӱAѱӱ1ӱAA11CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA11CAAѱӱAѱӱ1ӱAA11CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA11 ~eLQӱQѱQAAQA11QӱQѱQѱӱAQAA11QӱQѱQѱӱAӱAQA11QӱQѱAQѱAӱӱQA11QӱQѱQѱӱAӱAQAA11QӱQѱQѱӱAAQA114&2: "CAѱӲA1111 "BBASSQQ111111 "1111111121AA "111111QQQQQQ111111AA "1111QQQQQQQQQQRAA "rr1111QQQQQӲ "qqqqqqs11s111111Q "AAQRQRQQQ1111rr41 Yk"rqqqqCqrArsrqAѱqӱqAѱqӱqAӱqAqqqqqr1q1rqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqqqqCqrArsrqAѱqӱqAѱqӱqAӱqAqqqqqr1q1rqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqqqqCqrArsrqAѱqqAѱqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqqqqqrrsrqqqqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqsqqqqqqqrtrrqqqqqqrqqqqqrqqqqsqqqqqqtrqrqrqrqrrqrqrqrqrqrqsqqqrqtrrqqqqrrqqqqqrrqqqsqsqqqrtrqrrqtrsrqrqssqrqtrrrqtqsqtqqrurqrrqtrqqtrtrtqqsurqrrqrqrqq4! kq"1111QQQQQQQQQQRAAACAACCCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQRACCAAAACCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCA4] $ &CAѱӱA11111111CA111111CA111111CA111111BA111111CA111111BA111111CA111111 QQSS11 ӱѱ4P Rѱ3Rѳ1ASQ4 9^;`          4 N&k fjjAAaAbAaAcaAaAbaAbaAcaAaaAaaa ebAaAbdAaAcfAaAbAaAbAbAbAbcaadaAaAbAaAcbAcAdAaAbAfAbAaAbcaacfeCDaAdjgAcbbgEaDDaeejgAcbbAACbACaAaAaABaBaAaAaDejgAcbb fjjAAaAbAaAcaAaAbaAbaAcaAaaAaaa4| 6bll 111ѱ111Q1111ѱ2ѱq11ѱ1111Q112 11QR111QQ1QQ112 s:"CAAѱAѱAӱ1"ӱ1ӱAA11"CAAѱAѱ1ӱA"ӱ1ӱAA111"CAAѱAѱ1ӱ1"ӱ1ӱAA111 k'"ӱQAA"QQѱӱQAA1"ӱQѱAӱ"QQѱAӱQA11"ӱQѱAӱA1"QQѱӱAQA114 Z -C"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ11111"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ1111111111"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ1111111111"ӱӱӲӲ111111111"ӲӲӲ111111"ӱӲӲӲ111111111111"ӱӲӲӲ11111111111"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ111111114X"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ11111"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ1111111111"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ11111111"CAӱӱӲӲ111111"CAӱӱӱ1111ұ1"CAӱӲӲӲ111111111"CAӱӱӱӲ111111111"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ111114t  MJl"CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA111CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA111111CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA1111CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA1111CAAѱӱAѱӱS1111CASAѱӱS1111SAѱӱS1111 1111 70"QӱQѱQѱӱӱAQA1"QӱQѱQѱӱӱAQA111111"QӱQѱQѱӱӱAQA1111"RQѱQѱӲAA1111"RQѱQѱԲAA11114R /CAAѱӲAAA11AѱӲAAA11AѱӲAAA11AѱӲAAA114E |QQQQQ111&ѱѱѱѱQQ11)ѱѱѱѱѱAQQQ@"CASQQ1S1AQQASSS111111'CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA111+CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA111""ӱ1Q1111111'ӱӱӱ1ӱӱAA111+ӱӱӱ1ӱӱAA1114u nb "AAGAAAѱӲA111"AѱӱAѱӱӱAA111 i8j.rqqqqqrqqqr.sqqqrqrqqqqqqqqqqrrqsrrrrtr.rqrqqqqqqqqqqqqrqqrqqqqrqqqrqqrr.rqrqqrrqrqqqqsssqqrsrw.qstqqsqrqqstqqrrqr.qsqrrsqqqrqrrq.. rF SѴQ SѴQSѴQSѴQSѴQSѴQ4 @{;rn$$aaqaqarar$aaqaqararaabbqqaqaqqaa‘$ baraasbsasbraaraaqqqa$ araqawauaqaaqab $ arbaxaaxa ara a$aauaavaaqsaaarbs qa$adaqbqcraarcqbsb aqabrb r ra qa q$ a b b a b qa qa qa q qa qa qb q qb bq aa $ b a a a $     $   4, | 6h qqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqq 0V qqqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqq *Lm qqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqq4&          qqqq q r q r r  q q q q q          The chicken feather is small and light, no more than a piece of fluff.4( rqqqrqqYou hold a small ball of black cat fur in your hand.4(            q q aq bq bqtbqrrqqc qqdrbqers qr                   The wad of dog hair is dirty-white and brown.47"           qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqbccccbaqqqqqbaaaaabbbaqqq aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccbbbbaaaaaacccccccbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaabbbaqqq qbccccbaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq            The dry, thin snake skin is extremely fragile.4&( hdjabqqrvaraaabaaq1ab2a2a29a121;111111111111111111111111x11~11~11xv111111~1111q{q1111ww11xs11rrw12qtq2?2?Within the glass jar, you see your white fish bone powder. It emits a faint, fishy smell.4V(            q r qrqvqqqsqqqqqrqyqqqsqqqqqqqrqyqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyqqqqqrqqqqqqqrzrqqqqqqqqqqrzrqqqrqqqqs        The little thimble is fashioned of bright gleaming silver.4U(            q r qrqvqqqsqqqqqrqyqqqsqqqqqqqrqyqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyqqqqqrqqqqqqrzrqqqqqqqqrzrqqqrqqqqs        The dew sparkles within the little silver thimble.4 It's difficult to look inside your own ears! But, as best you remember, the pieces of dough have tiny bits of feather, snake scales, and fur sticking out of them.4n'( qruqqrqqqrrqrqrrqrrrrqqqqqqqqThe eagle's tail feather makes you wonder what it would be like to soar among the clouds.4P( stqrqrrqqqqqqqrqrqqsqqqqqqqqrqqqsqqrThe fly wings are remarkably beautiful for having come from such a disagreeable insect.4z0( hdqjcqk}araaabaaq1ab2a2a29a121;11111111111111111111111111122?2?Inside the jar, you see the saffron, an orange-yellow, powdery substance.4 ( ccc71s11s11s11111111111112211111E12E21G11A1A1A1A1G11G11G11G12E27The little vial of rose petal essence has a delicate, sweet aroma.4C( bbaAaAaaEabEaaDbbBaAAaAbaABbAcBdAaAdabAccaAccbAccbAdcAbAdcbAdAgAdgAlAlAlAAkAbAhBAcBdAaABfAcABcBcBBbAcDLJFLooking inside the salt bag, you see the coarse grains of salt.4@( ÁǁāThe stone is smooth, round, and an unusual color, somewhat like that of amber.4f( 1#"1"1!""1"1A!#1A!"A!!1!A1A1!1""A!1!"2!!11!#1!11"$11#"#1!"!1!!!1"!!1!!!1"!1"#&!3#12$!1$1"!$!!3"!2%"!$!3"!1#1!!1#"1#!#1"11The dried sprig of mistletoe is a thick, greyish-green, with remnants of little berries still attached. It is not a pretty plant.4( !!!111!""""r!"!#!q"!#r!!"!"!2!"!2"1!r"rq"q"q!"!!!1"!!!!1!1!!!!!1!"q11"1"q111!1!q1!!!!q!!""1"q!q1!q!1qqq!!!"1!qq11!qr1qThe amber stone was a beautiful reddish-yellow, but it is now encrusted with salt and mistletoe powder.4K( hdjabqqrvaraaabaaq1ab2a2a29a121;1111111111111111111qr1rq1qq111111111111111111122?2?The nightshade juice sloshes around inside the glass jar.4H ( 12d2g2#aa2#&1&!a#1#!d"1"bd$eca"!fbd"!gbe"1!hbf"!hbf"!iag"1!iag"1!fah"!hh"!hg$gf!!fab""b##The three acorns are dried and brittle.4y " qfctbbgrcdesgqhasfrkaadseshahqiaabdaoadakaaqfaagaareaaaabsaabfaiqhq This is a plain leather pouch, useful for storing liquid or dry ingredients. Right now, it is empty.4#( aabbbcaaabbaqbdqfhaareacsbajjaqbscasbrcqaqgqbaqbqfaarhqaqjajakqahbajabccqaddaafaaaccqaddajhaaaaThe leather pouch is securely tied, and filled with the coarse, brown sleep powder you so proudly manufactured.4W( qqabc}arabaaaq1a2a229121;11111111111111111111artq11bsfsa11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o12m2?2?The glass jar of mandrake root powder has an earthy, bitter smell to it.4B( hcqibqcaa{raaabq1ab2a2292191111111111rqrq11qss11111111111111111111111111111111122?=A strong, fishy smell emanates from the glass jar.4( eaidgaiadaeabcbabddafgbnedadfqdbadaaqjdbqaabjqcafargrsabsuThe only resemblance to a real cookie is its flat, round shape. It is hard, and has cat hair sticking out of it. Definitely non-appetizing!4(            w}rvavsbaasraarqaaaqqaaqaaaaaaaaaaaa    The warm porridge is in a pretty blue ceramic bowl. Its aroma wafts up to, and tantalizes, your nose.4(            w}rvavsbaasraarqaaaqqaaqaaaaaaaaaaaa    You were careful when you crumbled the cat cookie in the porridge... it looks just like a plain bowl of porridge!48(      r qwrrqqqqrrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrss}{{w     The metal cup has ocean water in it.4( befdaebThe spoonful of mud has already dried.4j-   e ikie112211125211111111111111111111111qq11ss11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}12{23y3=9  The cream-colored toadstool powder is finely textured and nearly odorless.4X-   591r8151111r3151221r212521111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111171331111332916  It's just an empty jar. You could put something inside it.4^S-   e ikif111221q11252111111111111111111111aa11bc11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi13g32916   The dirty-brown storm brew sloshes around in the half-filled glass jar.4(            b cqb bqc t bqa1a 1r1 22 11 22 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 22 6 6           Toad spittle is unpleasant stuff (to say the least).4[P-   e ikif111221q112r5s21rw11v111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111332916   There's nothing very interesting about this jar of whitish, thick lard.4(         bacadabbabbabbddbra ra sb sa s s s sssssstr        The knife is big enough (and sharp enough) to carve a large roast.4(         ! ! !1 2!! 2! !2 !3! 3 21! !4! 12! !4 21! 3 3! !2 !1! 1 q! ! qq  q q          The greenish-gray cactus is small, plump and fleshy.4[P-   e ikif111221q112521qq11rs11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry13w32916   The jar of invisibility ointment is nearly full of a thick, oily substance.4!(                   bcccb         The magic wand is cool and smooth to the touch, and creamy-white in color. You think it might be fashioned from ivory.4(         acaaaaa b ba ae ac a aa aa aba aab ba b a           The small brass key is brightly polished.4( ccc71s11s11s11111111111112211111E12E21G11A1A1A1A1G11G11G11G12E27The little vial of magic essence has a delicate, sweet aroma.4+(            1221     The clay bowl has been your favorite bowl for years.4( This is a wooden kitchen spoon.4>(      r qw{}sswqwqrrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrss}{{w     This is just a simple metal cup with a handle.4( dcrcbvbaruaarrtaaqruabsvbasruaarrvaaqrwaasxaa|aa|aawqraavqsabtqqqbauqraatqsaaxbbvbcrcadbbbbbbbbbbbaThe mirror is set in a round, oak frame with a long handle. You peer into it, and see your rather dirty, but handsome, face.4VK(        qlqqlqjqlqkqkalqadeqaaqedaafdqaqaaaaaqaaqaa qaqeacqaaqdbqaagdqqaqlqaaqjqaalqqaqkqqlqqqjqqlqkqql         The purse is made of a very soft, smooth leather. It formerly held your gold coins.4YN(        qlqqlqjqlqkqkalqadeqaaqedaafdqaqaaaaaqaaqaa qaqeacqaaqdbqaagdqqaqlqaaqjqaalqqaqkqqlqqqjqqlqkqql         You eagerly peek inside the soft leather coin purse and discover it contains some shiny gold coins. You may want to count them.4eimojbibgagaghahahahagafadacbfMmmmmmm! You love the smell of freshly baked bread.4d(             "#!!!q !q AqAECQ!ABDR!AH!QJQRKS!KQ"QQKR!RK!Q!QJQRRGQAS"QQFRR!TRG!R!QQCAQARRARQ R           The fruit consists of an apple and some grapes. They look sweet, fresh, and juicy.4^(             CbBBb BAb BAbBAAbAACdAADdAABdAAAdAAAcAAAb AAAa AAAa ABAa ADa Da             This is a leftover mutton chop that the old wizard hadn't finished. It still looks appetizing, though.4M( bc b b c c b b b qa r r r qs srvsqvrtvrtuxuruvxvx~vw ~ } } ~ } } | { z y xwtq   The shovel seems to be quite average, with an iron scoop and a long wooden handle.42uj(          BBDbBBbbaBbfcgAeDBaEEDBBBDCaACBAaaAFDqaaAAbDCqaaAAbbAAbbaAAbbAAbbbaAAbbAAbbbaAAbbAAbbbaAbbAAbbbAbbAAbbaBAbbAAbbDbbAAbDBbAAaD CaD BA        The small wooden chest was buried so long that its wood is slightly warped, and its brass is tarnished and rusty. Inside, are precious gems, gold and silver ingots, pearls, and gold coins.44  ap "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqґqґ‘ґђґq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqҒqґbґaqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqqabґaqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqҒqґaґaђёqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqҁqqabaёёqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAсqqqqqqaqbaђђёёqq4@  X &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAABBBAAACACACqADADACqC &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAAqAAqAABBBBBAAAAAABCBCBqDBDADAqCBB &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAABAAAAABDqBqBABqCCDE &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAqqAABBAAAAAAqCBCBCBqCACACC &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAqqqABAABBAAABABABBqBCACACqAC4 @LCy 񱑲񱕱񱑱񲑱񓲔󱓱񑱚򱚱  񑴑񳓲񑱑󱑲                4  OD "ӒҒrrtqqrqab±1111Ѳ1ұq "ӒҒrrtqqrqab12221qq "ӒҒrrtqqrqab1122221q1q "ӒҒrrtqqrqab1Ѳѱq1q "ӒҒrrtqqrqab12ѱ2ѱ231q11q "ӒҒrrtqqrqab21Ѳ2Ѳ2ѱ11ѱ1qq4 lA$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaAAab1ر1ررѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaAab1ر1ررѱرѱ1qq$ ӓӑqAAqqqqrrsbqaqaAAر1رررѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaAA1رررѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaA1ұӱرѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaA1ررѱرѱ1qq4~ z0AAAAArqqqaaqrrqqaqqqqcqdaiAAAAr Aqdbabacfaadfaabfaabkaana"/AAAAAArqqqaqaaqqqqrqrqqqqaqqqqqaq7qcq7daiGABABABAr A1qa1dabaabbacfaagbdfaagbfaagqbqkaafqodqaq%5qAAAAarAArsrtrtaqtqsqaqsqqsrqsrqsrsqsrrsqrrassqrrssqrrsrqrrsqrrrsqrrrsqrqsrqsqsr7qrqrqqrq7qdqaabaGrkBABABAA1A r1aqadaabb bbgaahcagaahdqgaahbqbqfaamqocb%5qAAAAarAArsrtrtaqtqsqaqsqqsrqsrqsrsqsrrsqrrassqrrssqrrsrqrrsqrrrsqrrrsqrqsrqsqsr7qrqrqqrq7qdqaabaGrkBABABAA1A r1aqadaabb bbgaahcagaahdqgaahbqbqfaamqog4  4  .55555555555B5A45666B6A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5CA5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6A.44444444444B4A34555B5A4A44AA3AA3AA3A4A55A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6A02222726262512422222112B2A12333A3222A3A3A3A3A3A4A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6534g022321A21B2121B21A2A2A222123333222A3A3A3A3A3A4A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6534g+77777777777B7A6555A5A5A5A5A5A25A15A5A2A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6A4 i8j.rqqqqqrqqqr.sqqqrqrqqqqqqqqqqrrqsrrrrtr.rqrqqqqqqqqqqqqrqqrqqqqrqqqrqqrr.rqrqqrrqrqqqqsssqqrsrw.qstqqsqrqqstqqrrqr.qsqrrsqqqrqrrq..4m oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo4 Bw W 71777776655555 71777776655553111 717777766555312113 7177777665522111125 7177777665522111314 717777766551322313 717777766552222223 7177777665555131 414  4 p '8AR &4E 8* ! !"!$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? ?3041;:98765544221/ -.//001234 543210/.-, +,-./01123456789:;<<<=>??87654321///0122232334555432000123456779:;;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&&&'(*+,./01?4L29@ ?,-?-?*4`<CJ?-# ?? 4P : : : : : : :::::::: < < < < < < <<<<<<<c '4`<CJ?-# ?? 4??????4B%,?=?? ? ?4K><:8 5678:<>??<:864 3468:<=>6?64[FMT'>'?'4V(/697579???4L(/6<:864???4d';MIJH'L!MFEED I''SMZITZ]bg g;P PpT Q MO S4<kM KJ IH HHJNM ZW US Q PQUNZ tnk gb `bkOt4<fSMMPQRMM/MMMM.MM4e_ac#[Z@#[Z@[Z [Z [ Z4_%YbeFF- L~L LmgmMdc` ,,0/,,&9:, ,Z) //#'() (% & P  (  (     R0  } ~ ddD |  L  c` e gMx e  +e f  }  }    }  }   }   } } }$r$ i&%h&%$w, ,,bMx0,,#00dc)e ecR(*)+FG$F#G xOx - L/Smo6k4Kwss<stt<tuuuvwiTSTS<nmnm<popo<op, { .,Z[,7676<67* ,,G1G,~,}e Plklk<5454<45$>>5> M5> M5LKLK<KLG    f e)'eeq,'e+'+'+'+'ee ee ' '~~ Lqp zi'i'eF 888e8e}}}e}e^^\e#,e G #G G G<~  G e ^e- Ge-,.8Ge 8.r8.r ' Ge-,#8Ge! 8#r8#r ' Ge- 6Ge-1NuNuG0 $Ge-GYG GG Ge e-LK"G aavavamavmamavm^^$ aw~aw~aaw~mawawaw~m^^& axax~ax~m^^'  )ababba^^% a^^% aa .e Z,[   e m e   f g f g h pi j k sl .m #n no rp 'rr q r t s vu v ww~wy z { | } k}   ~ bb z~x~ m<m  zyy O !c " $ %II &6 (e )b +++ 0($(( /($((<( <w ~)~x 1^ 2_ 3` 4 51$$1$l$l1]: 1  2  |  }  3 eB  * ~ *^. .Mw)/$L$ #Iyy yFf^ ,* vuts ~p",)RRRRRRR++F #/G #!$ P,,,,. . % &=76,;<=N #;<=,UNYD>8 # $ % &=<; .,e$L$G , xL;P{nm{_{$ %${W{{jj ,jj'()4mjc,,,},~1 .6 % &X=C,,}) #G,,~)G GeSG IG.e; .L8F*"wM')'+<J%G # ,I(J)WG ,K .GLKGG.eI(J)YGG.e ,Z[8e G+G.e"eg,Z[6 % &e G9G76w6R9:=a, ,~ek, ,}ema a76]]^'epZ[, #G5G.,e!AC^$eS 1^$Z[8e GG, 1Z[76e GG.er8 8098=C8DHF8  "8NWW ,ZeZw .b PZ[Mw!)6C%(%%&%)/#$L$I!c)2$$#.Z# rZ$ rZ*[Z14CC 76 1e+,,,  i'e" ane8 $aeN a~eP^ 1a^e ^1 2a_e ^2 3a`e ^3 ae ^ aeN^ aeN^ ae` apap~eN 1 !d^d^ce= 2 !d_d_ce< 3 !d`d`ce; aOeN azyeG areV^ 'arareV^'  *a5aa *eI eN^\* a aeN^\* aeN^ aaaeZ^\ e3 e4  e3 e4 e4 e4 pe4 e3 e3 .e4 #e3 ne3 e3 e3 ve4 e3 e3 <e4 e3 we4 e3 e4 e3e4  e4 e3 be3 x~e4 me3 zye4 ye3 Oe3 !ce3 "e3 %II:I:IeR &6e: (ee3 )be3 *e3 ++eU 0 /(e3 1^e3 2_e3 3`e3 4e3 5e3  e3 s<s<s^ee 'e\^ 04//(/e]'e^ (8ee9 m$mlumed *8eK 4''eE <^\*eT(-.eH, eO)))))))e)'e'eQ'*,$f$'.0$f$&'e1'e6'eLa'eC'e2*'ec8'ee- '*+R ! - v  $-6:Dk0CM^pCV\s1=>Ro%/Nz%Cijk+_ C X & ? @ ^ _ ` l ~   l %m10%w1?%m10%w2?%m10%w3?%m10%w4?%m10%w5?%m10%w6?%m10%w7?%m10%w8?Ok.What's a King's Quest III Ver 1.01 11/8/86 The help screen won't work here. Try again elsewhere.Thanks for playing King's Quest III... next time, be more careful!Since you're dead... all you can do is restore a saved game or start over.Ick! You're slimy!Al & Bob.%v118 days, %m18%v117 hours, %m19%v116 minutes and %v115 seconds.Your magic spell is wearing off!No response to input.The stone won't work here.You purr contentedly, enjoying your new life as a cat!You've broken the spell of invisibility.You might need it."Hi."You can't do that now."You're welcome."Obviously, you were raised by a naughty wizard!%v117:%v116|2:%v115|2 If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all.Shhhh. (You're flying!)Buzzzzzz.They're not hungry.The porridge conceals the crumbled cookie; it still looks as appetizing as ever.Oops. Bad move!Ok, some cat hair sticks to your teeth.Mandrake root powder might be a little poisonous!"This tastes pretty good," you think. You'd eat more, but you're too busy dying.Funny, no response.It doesn't look interesting.You see nothing special.It's just as it appears.How can you do that?It's of no use.You don't need it.There's no reason to take it.Just walk there.You're not that cruel.%m53?%m53 %w3?What would you do with the %w2How can you use that which you do not have?You can eat the %m9 It tastes bitter!You don't need to put the %w2 in the bowl.Nothing here fits your key.%m55mutton without carving it.%m55fruit without cutting it.%m55bread without slicing it.Mmmm! Mama Bear makes great porridge!%m68 that requires a spoon.%m68.Once you tasted it, you wouldn't want it!You have no foodYou can't dig here.They don't want it.The thought turns your stomach!Where!?Your cup is empty.Perhaps your magic would be more effective outside.There is no need to put it in the cup.You have no need to take it.%v0|3%m9 It tastes terrible!You ARE swimming.%m78 You spit it out, spilling the rest on the ground.The shrubbery is nice, but you have better things to do.%m9 Nothing happens.Ok, but this place does not meet the spell's requirements.The cup is now empty.You look cute.%m9 You decide it smells better than it tastes!%m9 Ummmm, not bad.You missed!You have %v63 gold coins.You can't buy that here.You eat a few grains of salt.Is it lost?The jar is empty.As you remove the dough from your ears, it crumbles into dust and is lost!There's not enough room to fly in here.The urge to fly and soar has left%m110The impulse to buzz around has vanished. You feel yourself growing bigger%m110, so you head for what you hope is a safe place to land.Your magic essence is all gone."'Bye."Fastest%m118Fast%m118Normal%m118Slow%m118 speed.4! *89^: cd>eyh3$$(i b$$ }   }  !CX)%g#, 00%&&9:/#hb1i )+f) U/F& $L$# ccmc)% e ee e e.  ce  z'!e#& e _pe $\ e% % " e e e (e )( zz z' .E'9 *xn&R(&Ez' *s &R(&Ez N .e''QWz' QWz''QWz'QUz'M' ' .Ne-,cm!GF/DfD cmg | eeP e||Q?e|QXe|QXe|QUe|| )/F ,}((/hbi8W|DE@lAYou have entered the musty tower of the old wizard's house. A polished brass telescope is directed out a window. From here, Manannan spies upon the poor occupants of Llewdor.You see nothing on the dusty floor but a dead fly.Manannan has the brass telescope pointed out a window. It is well polished. He uses the telescope to keep tabs on the citizenry of Llewdor.You put your eye to the glass. It amazes you how near everything seems. You can even see squirrels climbing faraway trees. No wonder the wizard knows all activities in Llewdor.There are narrow, steep stairs leading downwards.You hope Manannan doesn't notice the floor needs sweeping.You pick up the dead fly and drop it into your hand. Disgustedly, you look at it. "I don't want to carry around a dead fly," you think. Picking off its wings, you throw the rest away.You already took it.The old white-bearded wizard is peering through his telescope. He hasn't noticed you.The wizard wouldn't like that.The big brass telescope is much too heavy for you to carry.You push and pull on the heavy brass telescope, but in vain. It's just too heavy for you.You see Manannan spying on the poor citizens of Llewdor. He grunts, clicks his tongue, and mutters to himself. He is spying so intensely, he hasn't noticed you."Those little devils! What are they doing?""They are going to regret this!""Very good, my little pets. You're doing well these days.""I can't believe they would do this! They know my rules!""Well, I can see those wretches need my attention down there!""Tsk, tsk. What a shame. And they seemed so obedient at first."You are not close enough.4` O*89T: dRexhi bbb u}'$$ bi }Z!%)#:!%3F)6XC=#$!%ds)Z6L$ 1$0$/#:!CX%?{)/L$6#:!CX%k)/L$#:, 00%)&9:Y/#hb'i ,)/F& # c $ , _p :F Mx[  fu lp K E  eVe)++e3$$ee-ee/- ee 9-9-9---&&-e4e 4e*/4e ee ;C0C0CCC;e 3C e)e C3VC3V33C3V$V3$C3$3V$3C$V$C$3P d,5  de&,e$e'e 2 ee 22$?$?2$2?$2%e  d ;/I 62>'%*'%@'%*2e e\622@2*2e e2?22??e ;1$0$K*02*;2*2*0202;2202)e  &e\&e\ \$""e eeUUeeUUe e!eUUe e#e.<U<e<UUeUe  A(e)(((( e r Ew' .;$C ()%RR%)E nm &zR(&EeR(ERE#D x . :+M;I) + \+e%e"K :N+M;I) \ e e"K :Ncm(! GIc) F/- TSS 2$$  ewM .F)/&uf/eg)%$L$T{ wM .gF)/&u/e)%$L$T#!)/$L$C6%%MG#Ic)$$ c b xN .$hr$Z)iS4$*$3$$+$+,$2$0$'(&&QuQ&(Q#RFGhbi,}($(4* VKG#W >7. X6 X =  m  , i : V W You look at Manannan's elegant bed chamber. You see fine furnishings from a regal bed to a beautifully carved closet. You can't help but compare this handsome room to your own meager cubicle.The closet is fashioned of ornately carved mahogany.You see voluminous velvet robes, satin slippers, peaked hats, and soft linen gowns.Imperfections in the glass make your reflection wavy; nevertheless, your rags show up all too clearly. But, though in rags, your face is handsome and your body strong.You run a hand along the top of the closet. Suddenly, you touch something metallic. Grabbing it, you discover... a small brass key! What could it unlock?You feel along the top of the closet. Your hand comes back dusty.Heavy velvet curtains drape the regal mahogany bed.Dropping to your hands and knees, you peer under the bed. There is absolutely nothing there.The elegant dresser is made of mahogany. Its drawers are graced by beautiful gold knobs.There is nothing exciting on top of the dresser.%m34 Suddenly, your eye falls on something that does... a vial labeled "Rose Petal Essence," which you eagerly take.%m2 There may be something metallic on top of it.A beautiful rug adorns the floor. Its thick wool is woven into a colorful design.You lift up the rug in several places and look under it. Sad to say, all you see is the dust you swept under there yesterday.Ok.You hurriedly return the key to the top of the closet.Manannan's bedroom window is always open. He likes fresh air.As comfortable as the bed looks, you have no interest in lying on the hateful wizard's bed.Manannan is asleep on his great bed. His snores are so loud they rumble off the walls. Be quiet; you wouldn't want to disturb him.You speak softly to the sleeping wizard. "Hhrrummph!" he grumbles sleepily, thumbing his nose as if at a fly. But, soon the snoring resumes again.This time your words awaken Manannan. A grumpy look comes to his face. "Don't you have anything better to do, boy, than to come in MY bed chamber and wake me from my peaceful repose?"You try to be quiet, but an unfortunate squeak wakes Manannan. He turns in his bed, then sits up, staring angrily at you. "You know you're to stay out of my things," he growls. "I've no choice but to punish you for this."The back of your hair looks cute.Wrinkling your nose in disgust, you throw the smelly contents of the chamber pot out the open window. What a way to make a living!You already have it.The beveled mirror appears wavy because of imperfections in the glass. %m41You're startled to discover an ancient parchment scroll. Its ink has faded, but it seems to be a map. Taking this treasure, you leave everything else exactly as it was.Manannan's chamber pot is on the floor beside his bed.You tug at the rug for quite a while... before realizing you're standing on it!and wish you hadn't!!You are not close enough.A feeling of great relief spreads over you.You find baubles and trinkets which do not interest you.You look inside Manannan's chamber pot...Quietly opening the drawer below the closet, you discover...In the vanity drawer are many uninteresting items, although the wizard's hand mirror may come in handy. You grab it, then close the drawer.You bang the drawer against your shins repeatedly. (Try backing up!)nothing that interests you.There is a small drawer in the front of the mahogany vanity.The carpet is too big and heavy to carry around.4*89+: }dHevh,$$i b }, ., 00S 8(Z)= (()x- ()6())(9):&(),#); L;< P<j / 0 .Z&9:YD/#, /hbiH e!!!e?e!, N # $ % &e,}3(T(i &Z5v x24 hbi?@ABwxThis hallway is on the second level of the old wizard's house. There are two stairways here. One goes up and the other leads down. An open doorway is to the north.There are two sets of stairs here. The stairway leading upward is steep and narrow. The stairway going down is wider, but rather creaky.There is a doorway leading into a room to the north.Suddenly, you feel squishy and slimy, with an awful weight on your back. Your tentacled eyes swivel around to see your shell. OH, NO! He's turned you into a snail!4*89n:d4eh b!, 00 (&()&9:, / 0 .Z, )&9:/# /h # T^ (M ,% 8' 8' 8' 8' 8p~' 8' 8'8' 8s'e& 8.' 8#' 8n' 8r' 8' 8' 8' 8'8' 8v' 8' 8<'8' 8'8~' 8w~'8w'8' 8' 8'8'  8'   8k'  8 '8' 8' 8x~' 8m' 8'8m' 8zy'8y' 8O' !8c'! "8'" $8'$ %8I'8I'% &86'& (8e'( )8b') *8'* +8+'+ 0 /8('8'8' 00 // 18^'1 28_'2 38`'3 68'8'6  z'{ ' ' ' ' p~' ' '' .' #' n' r' ' ' ' '' v' ' <'' '~' w~'w'' ' ''  '   k  '' ' x~' m' 'm' zy'y' O' !c'! "'" $'$ %I'I'% &6'& (e'( )b') *'* ++'+ 0 /(''' 00 // 1^'1 2_'2 3`'3 6''6  z'\R,B&--&--&-' ze  =e  >=/= 4Me eeeeC2eeC0C0C20202eeC$C2$23$3ee ++ee + $?e ee? ee? eeA?AA? ee? ee%B?B?B$?e eeB"B$"ee-ee/-e z'9-&-9-&&----e, z'8D'e z'D'e z' zz z'w . #' Xxs'Qoz'Qoz'1;L;M6)w1$0$Kz )!+/Iz' M #'M # ) {/x, ',e veeT$ e" v`@a` v7ve] ]e qve e;$ae$%e#`$ va v77# v$a`$7e' #1$0$Kz'' '' )v/Iz #' *'x .8 #N,)+o;L; e,# #Ic) / #F! # $ % & .e{ { .eYX,}  /E+h& Ntg AaBp;   '  9 : Q This is your own pitiful bed chamber. Compared to Manannan's fine room, yours is almost a cell. The bed is hard and uncomfortable with only a threadbare blanket and a small, flat pillow. The other furnishings are junk. But, as poor as it is, it's your own haven, as the wizard never enters it.You are not close enough.The bed is nothing more than a cot, hard and cold, and is difficult to sleep on. Your pillow is small, flat, and made of old rags.You lean down and poke your head under the bed. You see nothing but cobwebs and dust.You bend down and peek under the bed. Your possessions are still safely hidden.Your dresser is a piece of junk. It's full of nicks and scratches, and one drawer is completely missing.There is nothing you want there.You hear a CLICK at the bedroom door. The old wizard has decided to free you by magically unlocking your door.You have nothing of any interest in your dresser drawer.You look into the cracked mirror hanging on the wall. Your reflection shows a tall, handsome lad dressed in dirty rags.There's nothing under the bed.You have always admired this lovely tapestry. It adds one of the few bright spots to this dreary house.You lift the bottom of the tapestry and peer behind it. The wall is filled with cracks. You can see why Manannan would hang a tapestry here. (There are also dozens of charcoal- scribbled drawings, diagrams, maps, and notes to programmers, with the legend "King's Quest IV," but you're uninterested in this, since you presently have your hands full with "King's Quest III.") You lower the tapestry and smooth out the wrinkles.You twist the door knob on the bedroom door, but to your frustration, find it locked.The door is already open.The door is already closed.You start to close the door, but, so as not to arouse the wizard's suspicions, you leave it open.You don't have a key that unlocks this door. It seems you are at the mercy of the miserable old wizard.The door is not locked. It's not even closed!You have nothing with which to pick a lock.How can you see it through your bedroom wall?You throw your body against the locked door, but in vain. The door is too strong for you to break.That would do you no good. The wizard anticipated your escape and placed iron bars outside your window.You get on your hands and knees and quickly shove all your possessions under the bed. They will be safe from the wizard's sharp eyes there.Dropping to your knees, you reach under the bed and retrieve all of your possessions.You lie down on your hard bed, stretch, then curl up, trying hard to get comfortable. Your thin blanket and small pillow do not help much.Shhhh! You're trying to sleep.You gratefully rise from your hard old bed, stretching your aching muscles.The door is closed.You suddenly find yourself in your own little room. You notice that the door is closed.You might try that over there in your bedroom, but not here in the hall.Obviously, you have nothing to hide, Gwydion!The hallway is uninteresting, except for the tapestry on the wall.You get on your hands and knees and shove it under the bed. It will be safe from the wizard's sharp eyes there.Dropping to your knees, you reach under the bed and retrieve it.You drop down, reach under the bed, and then realize you've never put it there!The door is wide open.You consider removing the dough pieces from your ears, but decide they are too fragile. You carefully comb your scraggly hair over them so the wizard cannot detect them.4} *89X: Fd}eh \]*$$i bĂ$$ } }!XC%)\/6$L$#F:!XC%_)]6F$L$_ 1$0$/#:!=XC%{)F$L$_/1$0$#:!XC%)6#:, 00% %k}+N%`&9:/#b7ei,f 0u)$L$/F6 XZ@& # ch c)"%  '# q}y' $}C''# eXXeeFe;FF0Fe$F$3F$3$F3F33'e cee2e26226??6$2$26$26$2?$?2$?22?22?62626?6$2&'e &e e , % %8I28I>28I>8I>28I2 'e &e e ,02;222;2;02e .LNNNL'e zGeH'eeHHGHuGHG_e_e e$%H>H'ec_,8H>8H>G%H>%H>G8H>G'e,J_eeJ_eeKKK_ee%J%J;'e.__,_ __ _, cm)(+%;_ _I)_ _K) '_e_ee#e!:+;I)Mw7 e_%' %e e e\%^ ^K :eNx+;Mw_I)_K)_e_eNx_6:_ ZX~p6 ;Z@[cm| | ee- e||Q3e| ޓ0u$L$)6 GBFmu_e { -  z zz zE #w .&;$'PQC%(R%QEz mnQ(z) +-?%R%)Ez !+- +-Q(z ).R(QEzRP)Ezx . #),D#: ^}f~,_ ^j,_ ,}(\(ihbic ;}cm{!M # b ) .;}6  ;}$\ J8(R{kcD $ Manannan is very private with his study, and doesn't like you poking around. The huge oak desk is covered with his writing implements. An oak cabinet is in the corner. There is a chart on the rear wall. The bookshelves are filled with books on every subject; the wizard fancies himself to be quite a scholar.You already have it.You are not close enough.The massive desk is made from oak. The wizard does all of his reading, writing, and calculating here.The desk is covered with the wizard's writing implements: quill pens, jars of oak bark ink, and parchment paper. Manannan is a prolific writer, recording his many ideas and formulas.You open the large desk's only drawer; but, you see nothing interesting. Before you're caught, you close it.The oak cabinet has a brass handle on its door. Your feather duster is lying on its top.The chart has no meaning to you.There is just your feather duster on the cabinet.You try to turn the handle, but, unfortunately, the door is locked.Inside, you find the wizard's magic wand.You unlock the oaken cabinet using the brass key.You find it is empty.Carefully examining the bookshelf, you notice a glint of metal behind one huge volume.So many books line the bookshelf, you wonder when Manannan has time to read them all. Titles cover many subjects: from "Ancient Arabic Mythology," to "A Study of the Heavens," to "The Philosophies of Socrates."After closing the door, you carefully relock it.You glance at the titles of the books, but do not see any that interest you. Wait... was that a glint of metal behind one large book?You glance at the books, but see no others that interest you.You push the large book aside, revealing a metal lever attached to the back of the bookshelf.You move the big book back where you found it so it again conceals the metal lever.Don't you remember... you emptied it yesterday.The metal lever is attached to the back of the bookshelf.You look closely at the floor, but do not see any signs of one.Peering into the dark, frightening trapdoor, you see treacherous stone steps.You take it with you, knowing it could mean death if he finds it missing.You look everywhere in the room, but do not see a lever.%m22 You cannot take it.A trapdoor opens, revealing steep stone steps leading into darkness.The trapdoor groans shut, disappearing into the floorboards.The wizard wouldn't appreciate that.You carefully replace the magic wand exactly as you found it.Caught in the act! You can see his rage building as the wizard's face turns red behind his white beard and his eyes bulge alarmingly. He roars at you, "You know you're not allowed to sneak around in my private study!"Before you replace the book, you'd better shut the trapdoor.The wizard is writing at his desk. He looks up from his work, and greets you with a scowl. "Boy, you know I don't like you to enter my private study, especially when I'm writing," he growls. "Leave now, or I'll make you leave!"You don't want the old wizard to grow suspicious of your activities.There may be something metallic behind that large book.4Jn*89M: idFe{h@  ,kbbbb'$$i b }!%?w)/FX#: !!%>\)/F#: )!%A])/F#: 3!%}i)/F#: 1!%p)/F#: 2!%z)/F#: (!% J)/F#:, 00%h&9:hbi, # / 0Z .)%HN/#, / o|'# 7{F' {6''s,e= ^, e> I ePPee$Fbe 1 2 3eN 1 2e? 1 3e0 2 3e! 1e  2e 3e/FeGG (eeUeWWe !e )eXeYYee?Z[e\e;XXe UUe!YeWWe"\e#D]F]F]D]F]FD] 1 2 3e- ^^F^F __F_F ``F``F`` bbWbW% )e-'e: e,\);$ccWcW% !e-'e: e.\!;$eGeGe% (e-'e: e0\(;$8QPQeRTPTPRTSTTSTPe.NfNNNffNfNfNNNNff>'e:1;$ .Z$xy'NO, ) # nm7 1' e9 e&\1;$ e- 7 2' e9 e(\2;$ e- 1 3' e9 e*\3;$ e- , H-[XCQ@}NT ! UM+ ! .YD) #U,#!x $ % &,Me6;L;,  # #,{5 {XC6,w) %&(%& #;L;&Ec)R(&E ,)#8Mw # -1 ,x . # dN) # e ? @ A B V G H I d y $ ; U This is the kitchen of the wizard's house. Other than your own bed chamber, this is the only place in the house that you feel you can call "your own." The wizard rarely enters the kitchen. On cold days, the fireplace is a cozy place to sit.Near the fireplace is a crude broom made of straw.As it is now summer, the need to light a fire and cook hot food was diminished. The fireplace is, at the moment, not burning.There is no need for you to start a fire in the fireplace, as it is now summer and warm outside.You use the heavy oak table when you prepare food for the wizard.%m11%m7,%m8, and%m9%m12. a loaf of bread some fruit a mutton chop%m11%m7%m12.Right now, there is on the table%m11%m8%m12.%m11%m9%m12.%m11%m7 and%m8%m12.%m11%m7 and%m9%m12.%m11%m8 and%m9%m12.%m19 One useful item that catches your eye is the clay bowl you use for all of your mixing.The kitchen shelf holds many ingredients and kitchen implements for cooking.There are pots, pans, and skillets hanging on the wall beside the fireplace.There is an iron rack hanging on the wall by the fireplace.Your trusty knife%m24Your wooden serving spoon%m24 is hanging on the rack.It's clean under there.There are large baskets hanging from the ceiling beam, and smaller baskets on the kitchen shelves.Looking at the butter churn makes your muscles ache as you remember the long hours churning cream to make butter. Otherwise, you have no interest in it.There are pots, pans, baskets, and drying herbs and spices hanging here.You can think of no use for baskets right now.You are not in the mood for cooking at the moment, so the pots do not interest you.The iron rack is securely attached to the wall. You cannot remove it no matter how hard you try.You have no use for these particular herbs and spices.The barrels only contain foodstuffs. They are too huge to move.You take the loaf of bread and carry it with you.You take the fruit and carry it with you.You take the mutton chop and carry it with you.You take the wooden spoon from the iron rack and keep it with you.You already have it.You take the carving knife from the iron rack and keep it with you.You retrieve the clay bowl from the kitchen shelf and take it with you.Using your fingers?You feel the blood rushing to your head as you realize that you are upside-down. Straining to look up, you notice your feet have been magically attached to a kitchen rafter. You struggle, but can't release yourself. What a vexing situation!You aren't near the table.You're too far away.There are many hanging here. %m35You feel dizzy and nauseated at the sudden changes in body position. It's at least some consolation to find yourself on the floor again..won taht od t'nac uoYYou're too busy sweeping.It's just your old, oaken bucket.4w*( * # $ . 0i xTnm*89`: '\dQe{hY , . # $ % &b$b;'$$$i b }}!C%VT)#!C%rU)/#, 00O 6(_).6 (a)y& ()" (_)(9):&(),&9: 0, / 0Z)%a;<=M/#, /hbi,e  e!e?e$?$?$?$? Vme"e????eSSSe SSuSSe "  X6 8Y -W>k N*+- ܂$,$,V! .xM # ez  $L$L${$ { .,xN #)d  z$L$L$e c$,}3 ]tnv  ]*m,,e"hbi  6X^This is the main entry room of the wizard's house. The front door is to the south, creaky stairs go upstairs, and doorways lead north and east.Pant, pant, pant, pant, pant!!Boy, do you hate these little sessions. But, "No pain, no magic."The stairway leading upward has wide steps. Several of them are very creaky, though. You always try to avoid them when going up or down these stairs.The three doors lead outside, to the north, and to the east.You open the front door of the house and go outside.You can't reach the door from there!The front door is already closed.Whew!There are two candles attached to the wall to light your way up the dim staircase.The candles are firmly attached to the wall. Try as you might, you cannot get them free.4)\ S*89x: deh. b i}$$ bi }"b!XC%Zy)6 F!=%KQ6 )/#!=%[Q6 )/#!=%\K6 )/#!=%NK6 )/# *!XC%H{)6 #:0, %%hy&9:/#hb#ijC)%Zw [/F# cc) %ZPwe[ eF e *e *e;F0FF; *ee/Fehhehhhu<h<he STe ?e FF( *e >~Pe \*;$e$e!)e"e#gFgggFgg3e()|)()(e. z' &FF&,  , ee 1a^a]a]F1 2a_a]a]F2 3a`a]a]F3bcmi(i(i(i(_(^(`(_(^(`(e(je  e )()(4 e (j e e)[{  i(i](i(]8]F8]F8]F(8]F(i](i(] 1 2 3  e| 1 2 3  1 1 2 3  2 1 2 3  3 1 2 3   1 2 3  e 1Ii^(i(^8^F8^F(i^(i(^1^1 2Ii_(i(_8_F8_F(i_(i(_2_2 3Ii`(i(`8`F8`F(i`(i(`3`3  i(i(8F8F8F(8F(i(ik(i(k8kF8kF8kF(8kF(ik(i(k i(i(8F8F8F(8F(i(ik(i(k8kF8kF8kF(8kF(ik(i(ki(i(8F8F(i(i(kcm K~iexje1^1/2^2/3^3/^/^/ # .M e$L$ nmI /F-7 e# . e|2ee$gF|d|3|e 2$$ ee e|wM|3'bc)$!)6/$L$CM%W~#Ie|4'$  TS[! ) t% Z# Q s)|5$|6e$T D t c .||e%F$!)6/$L$CM%W~#Iec)|f$|g$ c [h .| |Nx-  zz z''%&E'O .,))(2(s%s-)')'&(Q%*%sR%&Ez' &R%&Ez'QZz', Zv)"/ #N'e'e.)|)()(e z', X2^2/1^1/3^3/^/ ^/# . #M$L$, -I@$ e')'+6[{G$L$ ,/FN # , .e,  #I / #,   ) # $Z;L;, .,} ensx hbic [cm7$ J7TQ8CGP, T i d  a This is where Manannan eats his meals. You, of course, are not supposed to eat here. YOU eat in the kitchen. There is a pine table and benches large enough to seat at least ten people; but the wizard has never HAD any guests for dinner.He seems to be quite hungry.The large dining table is made of pine planking. Matching benches run its length on both sides. The table is big enough to seat at least ten people.There is nothing on the dining table. You keep it very clean as Manannan will not eat on a dirty table.You bend over and peer under the table. You see nothing but a few crumbs left over from one of Manannan's meals.You take a well deserved moment's rest. But, you wonder if you have time to be sitting here?Mmmmmm! You needed that.You scrutinize the moosehead very carefully. But, you see it is nothing but an old head. You do feel sorry for the poor thing, though.The moosehead is securely fastened to the wall. You cannot remove it.Flickering candles from the wrought iron lamp light the room.There are two doorways here. One leads to the kitchen, the other to the entry hall.Manannan is impatiently waiting for his food! His stomach rumbles as he drums his gnarled fingers on the table. You'd better feed him quickly, or dire consequences may result.Manannan is out of sorts right now. "Don't jabber at me, boy! Bring me my food, NOW!" he bellows.After speaking to the grouchy wizard again, he narrows his bushy-white eyebrows and looks at you with ill-temper. "You're awfully thick-headed, aren't you?" he snarls. "It seems you need to be taught a lesson or two about OBEYING!"You are carrying more than one type of food. Which would you like to give the wizard?You place the food on the dining table before the hungry wizard. Ravenously, he devours every bit of it.Evidently, Manannan has important things on his mind.It's obvious the wizard enjoyed his meal as he lets out a satisfied belch. He rises and leaves without so much as a "Thank you!"You have no food to give the wizard.Oh, Manannan is here! You wonder what mood he's in, as you never know from one minute to the next what he will do. To your relief, he is preoccupied. He's muttering mumbo-jumbos you don't understand.There is a little metal cup on the table.You pick up the little tin cup and carry it with you.You're too far away.He doesn't seem to be hungry right now.Manannan wouldn't like that.You're too far from the table.Finish chewing first.You are standing.You already took it.You fooled him! Manannan didn't realize the porridge was tainted, and ate the whole bowl!You purr contentedly. You will enjoy your new life as a cat!He's too busy to reply.Manannan will never annoy anyone again.Manannan seems unusually quiet, don't you think!You'd better get on with your quest. Manannan is no longer a bother to anyone!Congratulations! Manannan will never again enslave you or the people of Llewdor!! At last, you are free!4*8?!9: dzehg", 0006 %k#N,+ %Y&9:/#Yght@  \za rI~c6 8 je!!!eK5KeKe$Ke'!'!'!e Zdt,E $$ $  ) e e,}"(J(8 (h(v8hg\zYou are on a flight of steep underground stone steps. They curve downward toward a dim light. The open trapdoor is above you.The steps are made of narrow, rough stones, crudely constructed.The trapdoor from the wizard's study is open.You reach up and grab the trapdoor intending to close it. It won't move from this side. You'll just have to leave it open.The trapdoor is already open.Climb them yourself.OH, OH!! That darn cat really did it to you this time! Tripping over the cat, you fall to your death."You look mighty funny falling down those stairs, Gwydion," he snickers.4!$*8?(9::| 6eh# bbXzXRzX{zXbzXd X!=XC%1:)#!=XC%s!)#, 00+Di '%hN- i*i,j-j%4%96 #M .#> 7,#'%(* %) XQ+ #6c)# X %'%*,&9: 0/#h #7  X Y 6 #'4 '6%8 \w' :Z`m'' HMHHeEeFeG'[HHHHH$HH$HH%H%H$HHe %HHMH$H$HHfy%HHMH$H$HHfz%HHMH$H$HHf{%HHMH$H$HHf|%HHMH$H$HHf}%HHMH$H$HHf~%HHMH$H$HHf%H'H'MH'%HH'$HH'$H'MH'e ee"eF;FF; M_xee /Fe !!ee eoeAoeHeSeGeHe.$He,HeeAeDoo$oluololoeqeeSSuSSe p~~p vv w~w~ww nn~ zyzy x~x Sem~GmGmGm~~G~G.'e!     e ep~mp~mppmpppGmpGpmGmGmpGp~GpmG'e vGvGGmGvGmvGmvmvGvmGvmG'e w~w~Gw~Gw~mGw~mGmw~Gmw~Gww~w~Gw~Gw~mGw~mGmwmw~mw~Gmw~G'e nnGnGnmGnmGmnGmnGmnmnGmnG'e x~xx~Gmx~Gx~Gmx~Gmx~mx~Gx~mGx~mG'e myGyzyyGyGzyzyGzyGmzyGmzyGmzyzymGzymGmzyGmzyGzymG'e {{F{uFe'{{F{'e/e){'ee*}{8{'ee2||F|uF||F|uFe(||'ee-S|S|S#'ekle8e0l8|8;||;|8|8;|8|8;||;|8|8;|'ee||F|||F|"'e/e+kle3e5|'ee1 'e/kle6e5-kle7"  e\ eCe"  e\ eCe"  e!\ eCe" e\  eCe"  e%\ eCe"  e#\ eCe' %) XQ+ #6c)) , ) #F ,)#M$O$d, -(x . # dN,)$O$ %Y8 ,c-1& ,Gi&D9D=DjfDD<$L$,},(.(K  fe+hHA>tk-Kdy&w g 4 Q x    EUc 6T!G\CWhere?Not being an experienced sorcerer, most spells in this book are too complicated for you to understand.You remove the jar You look in awe around this torch-lit underground room. It appears to be a laboratory... a "wizard's" laboratory.%m50 Now is not the proper time.The shelves also hold skeletons of small animals and birds, some human skulls and bones, and other odd instruments, whose use you do not know. %m8 %m7The narrow stone steps lead up to the wizard's study.Against the earth wall is a massive oak table with a spacious worktop.%m8 Atop the oak table are a large leather-bound book, a mortar and pestle, a little brazier holding charcoal, and a flint, plus measuring cups, beakers, flasks, and stirrers.You can't reach the book from here.You lean down and peek under the table. You see nothing but an earthen floor. from the laboratory shelf and carry it with you.The flint%m52The burning torches throw flickering shadows across the walls, making the room even more ominous.The torches are firmly attached to the earthen wall. You cannot loosen them.You curiously gaze at the strange jars of ingredients, the animal and human bones, and other odd implements which line the rows of shelves. You see jars of ingredients resting on labeled shelves... shelves bearing such ghastly names as "Powdered Fish Bone," "Nightshade Juice," "Mandrake Root Powder," "Saffron," "Toad Spittle," and "Toadstool Powder."You can't reach it from here.%m3labeled "Saffron"%m12You already took it.The wizard's desk is curiously empty. You have no further interest in it.You have no flask.Manannan would be very suspicious if he were to discover %m32" missing.There is much equipment here: a mortar and pestle, a charcoal brazier and flint, measuring cups, beakers, flasks, stirrers, and many jars and vials of strange ingredients.The charcoal%m52The flint is used for lighting the brazier.The torches will not help you.There are many jars of ingredients on the laboratory shelves. Which do you want?You already have all the jars of ingredients you are likely to need. You have no interest in any other.%m3labeled "Powdered Fish Bone"%m12With trembling hands you turn the pages of %m32," and prepare to follow its instructions precisely.%m3of "Nightshade Juice"%m12"The Sorcery of Old%m3labeled "Mandrake Root Powder"%m12Against the earthen walls there are rows of shelves holding numerous jars which contain strange, unknown ingredients.%m3of "Toadstool Powder"%m12There is no need for you to carry the %m3labeled "Toad Spittle"%m12 around with you. It will remain on the table for you to use as you wish.%m36mortar and pestle%m38%m36charcoal brazier%m38The mortar is a bowl-shaped implement made of stone. The pestle is a rounded stone that fits into the mortar. The mortar and pestle are used for grinding things into a powder. They are resting on the oak table.What would you do with the mortar and pestle?Resting on the table is a small metal brazier. It holds charcoal and is used for heating or cooking things.It's already open.What would you do with the brazier?The wizard would notice if the book were closed.You are not close enough.You fill the brazier with charcoal from the small supply Manannan keeps here and strike the flint on it. Soon, the brazier burns hotly.The charcoalYou consider doing that, but then realize it wouldn't work.%m54 You could heat things quickly with the brazier, right now. belongs here. You have no need for it elsewhere.%m66stone cold.%m66very hot!The brazier has burned all the charcoal, and is now cool.It is already burning.You're all ears now, Gwydion!Oooooooh, Gwydion! What big eyes you have!!It appears that stone has a flaw.Night-night, Gwydion.That was a-mew-sing, Gwydion.There's no silver lining in this cloud, Gwydion.Gwydion! Oh, Gwydion!! (What Gwydion? Where??)You have no need for it.There are many measuring, stirring, and mixing implements on the laboratory table.The charcoal in the metal brazier is You already have it.You must open %m32" to the proper page to read the instructions for a magic spell.Covered with gold trimmings, the old book's leather cover is cracked and worn, its pages yellowed and brittle. The title, however, is clear: %m32."You eagerly thumb through page after page of what you assume to be magic formulas. The ink of the old handwriting is faint, and barely readable.Most of the formulas are indecipherable, but a few are in a language you know. You treat the old book with great care as you can tell it contains recipes for some very old and powerful magic spells. Your hands shake as you realize this book could be the key to your escape from the evil Manannan.You consider taking it, but decide there is no need to carry it%m384[*89 :\ E?1g "0""%3 %N&9:/# %geeeeQ'Qe e'm! <N '(()6' ; <D'6' OW'6' Y5d'6' /KHP .Q8X'6' 6A;J '(()6' @G '6(()' >TsY'6' 6W> ' (()6' M_' 6' A{ A' 6 '  ' (()6 ' 1' 6 ' 1? '(()6 ' AxJ'6"g)JThe winding path spirals steeply down the mountainside. It leads from the wizard's house at the top, to the forests of Llewdor below.The sky is darker near the top of the mountain as there are dark, swirling clouds surrounding its summit.Dark clouds surround the mountain peak, adding a cold and sinister feeling.The lone mountain, with its steep path, rises from the forests of Llewdor to a cloud-encircled peak.The foliage is very scant on this steep mountainside.It is very difficult to see the wizard's house from this viewpoint.4|LKHW*89l:yehg"?]$ $x$$ !#$ $%$ &'$ (+ ` !%&)`+/#:!XC%\)`+/6 #:!%{{)#T!!%x)#T,!)+/6 %arCX, 00 %'!%9&9:/#Yh "g' /'- Webj' ]td' QtW'eeQ'Qeee''ee """ e ?? e ?? ? ?e $?$? '. .;Iee ee)ee Eee$$!''e  e z\ePeDE$$ '$E$$ '$e .)e88 %%%# ee \ e))i)i))i)ii)i))i)i'eeae ii)i)~~)~)ii)i)eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW'e J.e? .M_h #)+$L$SS C nm-< )N # .L;  $ DDWQ / #I #/#I&C@A]c%ot&B ${C@A%&B$  M ) M )DUM)!)TUM),)T-,/fzq z?;I)X .'T}`} '`}T} EREzREzYKz . . !) 6"6"g" .)< &#&#! hg!+f XamDvN|dxC j KLz ^T 7  Not now!The lone mountain rises from the forests of Llewdor to this cloud-encircled peak. Here is the somber house of Manannan, where you and he reside.The treacherous path is the only route down the mountain. If you are contemplating taking it, you should be very cautious.The foliage is very scant on this steep mountainside.The sky is dark here due to the swirling clouds surrounding this summit.Dark clouds surround this peak adding a cold, sinister feeling to this lonely mountain.The mountain is too steep to climb. Use the path.The ground is hard and rocky on this lonely mountaintop.This is the gloomy home of Manannan, the evil wizard who is your master.You can't reach it from here.The door of the wizard's house is closed at the moment.Why don't you just open it; you DO live here.Your arms are not long enough to reach it from here.A couple of chickens strut about their chicken coop. As all chickens do, they peck, scratch, and cluck. The poor things; they will end up as the old wizard's dinner one day. %m25The gate is closed.Shhh. If you're quiet, perhaps you'll hear them.You cannot reach the chickens.The little varmint scoots out of reach.Gotcha! You've managed to catch a chicken. But, what are you going to do with it?The chicken flies out of your grasp, and again struts around the coop.You have to catch a chicken first.Tucking the chicken firmly under one arm, you gently pluck a small feather, then let it go.The chicken struggles in your arms, trying to peck you. Apparently, it doesn't enjoy being held.You already took a chicken feather.There is a bag of chicken feed behind the fence, beside the chicken coop.The bag behind the fence is full of chicken feed.You only need the chicken feed if you want to feed the chickens.What's wrong with the chicken you're holding?The chickens pay no attention to you.You never were very good at doing that. You'd really rather not.Sorry, Colonel; they're not even dead yet!"The poor boy," clucks one of the speckled hens. "He thinks his name is Gwydion.""Wouldn't he be surprised to find out he's a prince!" replies the other hen."Yes," cackles the first hen. "He's really Prince Alexander."You hear one chicken say to the other, "I feel so sorry for the boy. The old wizard treats him miserably.""Yes, dear," replies the other one, "but YOU ought to worry about your own neck. Look at the situation WE'RE in.""Remember Gertrude," one of the chickens reminisces. "Remember how one day the old wizard came out and got her.""Oh, I know," clucks the other. "It was horrible! I hear she ended up in his stew. I can't bear to think about it!" You overhear one of the hens speaking to the other, "Whatever happened to your last batch of chicks, my dear?"Answers the other, "My poor babies were doing so well! I was just teaching them the proper methods of scratching when that old rascal came out and took them away!""Where do you think he took them?" wondered the first hen."I hate to think," the distraught mother hen replies. "I just heard them peeping as they were carried off."4/W)? . "ijhg xfb#$$fe .|eS|S|Skle e l||F|e klee|e|klee&88 -kle xd  ec#  egme fy  fz  f{  f|  f}  f~  f  / geg  xfehgfr . f8|8;||;|8|8;|e &b  1H UEUYou know you must work with the utmost care. Every step is critical; each must be done in the proper way, in the proper sequence. You tremble in anticipation.You scratch your head at the confusing old book, and turn away in puzzlement.A strange feeling comes over you. You wonder if you could have made a mistake!A mysterious music fills the laboratory!The mysterious music stops. What could this mean?Successfully completing the spell, you again look at the wizard's laboratory.]What would you do with the brazier?It is already burning.Making sure there is fresh charcoal in the brazier (there is a small supply here), you light it with the flint. Soon, the brazier is hot.The brazier has burned all the charcoal, and is now cool.For a moment you consider doing that, but then realize it wouldn't work.The small brazier is made of metal shaped into a bowl, with four small legs. It is filled with charcoal and topped with a metal grill. It is used for heating or cooking things.%m17 You could heat things quickly with the brazier right now.%m18stone cold.The charcoal belongs in the brazier. You have no need for it anywhere else.%m18very hot!The charcoal in the metal brazier is 45?wq * bb<=>@A/.cz>;z>Kz>W  )A+/%zM$L$ #!C)>+6!C)>+6!C)>+6!C)>+6!)A/%]!)>+-!!)>+-C6! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 !)>+-C6!)>+-C6 . .c  -   g gg =(i $$$$ z@p#I)# #I:$$g g gg g g g g g g !g)g *. $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&/#I $  $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&#/I $  $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&/#I $  $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&/#I $ $2$$ %Zx#Q6Td $%6F% 6F% 6F% 6F% 6F% 6F%6F%6F## # # # # ##Q6Q TQ TFQ TnQ 6nQ nQFQ $$ $ $ $ $ $$)<+%&PQ)<+%&ZQ()<+%&\Q+)=+%&VQ )=+%&VQ!-&%&E#R%QE/ $/I) #I  #/*OVWy-:BAdventure Game Development System(C) 1986 by Sierra On-Line, Inc.Viewmaster:Dale CarlsonQuality Assurance:Larry WeissenbornBob BallewAndrea MonsalveRuss TruelovePackaging and Documentation:Annette ChildsGreg SteffenGaffer:Ken Williams4` w * . `b$"$$$!%&)`+/$L$#:!XC%\)`+/6 #:!%{{)#T!!%x)#T, !%&)+$L$)+F%Rm#cUM)!)TUM),)T-2/ //2  %%;I:#QAe %2 #QRQP #F*% n2 +GQ& $;K :2 F+/2 G #Q'% #F;I-e eFcQ !Gwydion is a lonely lad of seventeen who has lived for as long as he can remember with an evil and cruel wizard, by the name of Manannan. Gwydion gazes upon the countryside of Llewdor with longing, wishing he were free to leave. But, alas, such is not the case.Manannan treats the poor boy like his slave; ordering him about, constantly threatening him, and refusing to ever let him leave the premises. Often, Gwydion wonders who he really is, and how he came to live with the old wizard. But, Manannan offers no help in that area.Suddenly, the front door opens and out stalks Manannan, the wizard! "GWYDION!!" he shouts harshly.Oh, oh! Gwydion rushes to his side, afraid he may be in trouble. "Why are you not WORKING, boy?" the wizard sneers. Gwydion mumbles a faint reply. "The kitchen floor is FILTHY!" Manannan grumbles. "Go sweep it. NOW!!" Turning on his heel, the wizard re-enters the house, slamming the door behind him.Such is the story of young Gwydion's life to this point. What's a poor boy to do? Oh, well. In resignation, Gwydion obediently follows Manannan into the house.4io ~ *p *w  ~qmlr`=<;y;y<y= y?yAyCyDy>y@yB y@yBy yyy y yy yy.y y/yy-y,0y1y2y3 y4y5y6y6y7y8 y8y9y0y y _]KQ340 'b "$$etb<b ! ) / & de# M $L $ t @ B  tB"B$"e5""5"LKe ee$" eete) e$f$e X6E $$  eec )  $f$e e Xe X,.HE $$ ee-$$ e X .$ )N #e8e  %%%%%%1e %\c )e e $f$ e tGG F   U M F ) / $L $  # .)<# Xe t ) $L $G N T 8m ]h{"V -H^qYou don't need to break windows. Use the front door.That detestable pet of Manannan's is a constant annoyance.The thought of doing anything nice to that obscene ball of fur makes you sick.You're too far away.The despicable cat slips away from your grasp with a fierce scratch to your arm.A horribly intense thunderstorm is raging outside.Good idea, but how? As much as you'd love to, you haven't the heart.Nimbly, you grab the nasty cat by the scruff of its neck, avoiding its needle-sharp claws. Now that you have it, what are you going to do with it?You don't have it.The detestable cat leaps from your arms, snarling and screeching!You don't have the cat."Screeeeeeeeeeeeech!!!!!!!!"(heh, heh, heh)"Get lost, Gwydion, you creep!"%m5 As he does so he snickers, "Ha, ha! Missed me!"The cat's only response is an arched back and a hiss.The cat stares at you with cold eyes, his tail twitching slightly.Manannan's pet totally ignores you as you speak to him.You manage to pluck some fur before he viciously scratches, and leaps from your arms. With grim satisfaction, you survey your wounds. "Stupid cat," you scoff, "whether you know it or not, you just helped me."You can see most of the countryside of Llewdor from this vantage point.What window?These windows do not open."Ha, ha! Missed me!!""HEY! That hurt!!""Ow! I'll get you for that, Gwydion!""Wait till I catch you on the steps, you creep!""The next scratch is gonna be on your jug'lar, Chicken Boy!!"4 (kbb!! e mgmc((e(e((a(e((e((((e)(c.'  kk,1,GGe {{ ~-e $f$b en{PnTT$$f${ e{{ .E$$ #e e e {{ q-@/i/}.  }}  2$$   WwM .fc))& $P$L$$($$$ ++)/$L$C6& MGI#/F# cxN .$< ) $$$f$ wM . c' & )/#GIc)$xN .$h344v9:;Ica"ghManannan appears older than old. His long, white beard straggles thinly past his waist, his skin resembles old parchment paper, and his hands are gnarled and twisted. But, don't be fooled! The old wizard is smart and powerful, and his magic is formidable.Your own death would result from that! He's too powerful for you.Ugh!! You don't want to do THAT, do you!?Do you really think you can catch a wizard?How can you without proper materials? Besides, you have to get up pretty early to out-spell this old wizard.Wiz in %v125."Out of my way, Gwydion!""I mean it, boy... stay away from me!""Gwydion, let this be a lesson to you!""Attempt to use magic around me, will you?!"Manannan is bothered by your interruption. "Gwydion, I've many things on my mind. Get to work, or I'll find you something to do."With annoyance, Manannan looks your way, "Don't bother me, boy. I've got important things to think about.""Shoo, boy! I don't want to be bothered!""Your kitchen is filthy! Go clean it, now!""Gwydion, my chamber pot needs servicing. Go empty it, immediately!""My office is dusty. Clean it at once!""You've been neglecting my chickens again, Gwydion. Feed them, and quickly!!""When I assign a chore, I want it done immediately!""You aren't to be in this room without my express permission!" Manannan says gruffly. "Go find something to do.""Instead of fooling around in here, you should have finished that chore I assigned to you earlier!"Oh, oh. It's him, again!You feel Manannan's cold gaze is quite unnerving.4@ xg8e8e 8.e8.e 8e$  (e    &   8e6  e'   xge   8e 8e 8e8e8e% e (e ^e g x8bp8pe8bp8bpe8bpe  (e e^g x8e8e8e e^\eg xssessege x sss%sge x 8s8s8s8s88sg e xg :I:I %eg e x\ xhg xwmrhrs ! xhrs xhrs xhrs xmhrrxhx  (e ^eg x ee e ^e g x e ^e g x$g$$ xgxi&jS<=> 'GHIxOPgz=?ABThe eagle feather is too big for this particular recipe. It won't work.You place the soft, downy chicken feather in your clay mixing bowl.feather of fowl and bone of fish,molded together in this dish,give me wisdom to understandcreatures of air, sea and land.You put the tuft of cat hair in the clay bowl.You put the tuft of dog hair in the clay bowl.You put the dried snake skin in the clay bowl.You can't do that.You have two feathers. Which do you mean?You pour a spoonful of fish bone powder into the clay bowl.It is difficult to use that which you do not have.You pour the thimbleful of dew into the clay bowl.You knead the ingredients in the clay bowl with your hands. It turns into a stiff, dough-like substance.You grasp the doughy mixture in the bowl and divide it into two pieces.Which tuft of fur?You VERY gently place the two pieces of dough in your ears and pull your hair down over them. You prepare to recite the magical incantation.You wave the magic wand over your dough-filled ears.] What snake skin?4a xg8nr8ntr8ntr8nt8nr8nt e^ eg xg:I:I %eeg^ \' xxhg xwmr hrs  xhrs $ xhrs ! xhrs % xmhr r xhx$g$$xgxi&j hI=cdfIt is difficult to use that which you do not have.You carefully sprinkle the precious saffron into the vial of rose petal essence.You wave the magic wand over the vial of rose petal essence.oh winged spirits, set me freeof earthly bindings, just like thee.in this essence, behold the mightto grant the precious gift of flight. ]4w xg8b8{<{}{8b{<b{8b{}b{g  }{ e^eg xes{s{ e eg xeg e xg :I:I %eeg x^\xhg xwmrhr s  xhr s xhr s# xhr s xmhrrxhx e ^ eg x$g$$xgxi&jf$OP+ )abdYou cannot use that which you do not have.You place a spoonful of coarse salt grains in the mortar. Then, using the stone pestle, you grind the salt until it is very fine.Placing the dried sprig of mistletoe in the stone mortar, you crush it with the pestle.Soon, you have a crushed mixture of salt and mistletoe in the mortar. You remove the pestle and lay it aside.You place the beautiful amber stone in the stone mortar.Very carefully, so as not to miss a single spot, you rub the amber stone around in the mixture of ground salt and mistletoe. When you have finished, you remove the amber stone and discard the remaining powder.Smack!with this kiss, I thee impart,power most dear to my heart.take me now from this place hither,to another place far thither.You wave the magic wand over the encrusted amber stone.] 4 i xg}{}{ eg e ^ x 8~e<~e (ege x 8ve8ve8ve8ve8ve8ve<e<ve<ve<ve<ve<ve eg e e ^ x sbbsbsge x s|s0|s|e|e|e0|8e|8e0|8e|8e|1 (e%ekleg ee x sFsFg e xg ~g e 8~<~ eg e x^\ :I:I %e^ge x^ xhg xwmrhrs  xhrs# xhrs xhrs xmhrrxhx$g$$ xgxi&jR6b whQv8q1How can you use that which you do not have?acorn powder ground so fine,nightshade juice, like bitter wine,silently in darkness you creep,to bring a soporific sleep. ]You pass the magic wand over the table.Putting the dried acorns into the stone mortar, you use the pestle to grind them into a rough acorn powder.Turning the heavy stone mortar upside down, you carefully pour the acorn powder into the bowl, then return the mortar to the table.You very carefully pour a cupful of nightshade juice into the clay bowl so as to not to spill a single drop.There is now an ugly, brown, mealy, liquid mixture in the bowl.You pour the contents of the cup into the bowl.You gently stir the unappetizing liquid.You gingerly place the clay bowl of ugly brown liquid on the charcoal brazier.How you wish you had lit the burner!Soon, the hot brazier brings the mixture to a bubble, then a boil, releasing a bitter smelling steam.You let it boil until the nightshade juice is nearly gone, then remove it from the brazier.You pour the bowl's contents onto the oaken table, then spread the hot sticky mixture over the table top. In a few minutes, it has dried to a very crumbly, coarse sleeping powder.You untie the small leather pouch, scoop the powder from the table, and place it within. You now have a pouch full of sleep powder.You try to pick up the sleep powder and drop it all over the laboratory floor, where it mixes into the dirt. How you wish you had brought a pouch in which to carry it!You don't have a bowl.You must grind the acorns first.4e0b xg8w~e<w~e  (e e^g x8e  (e ^eg x8be  (ee ^\g xsbsbge x 8sF<sFge x ssssg e xg :I:I %eg e x\ xhg xwmr hrs  xhrs  xhrs  xhrs  xmhr r xhx$g$$ xgxi'j2 LM~*,.jNHow can you use that which you do not have?You pour the mandrake root powder into the bowl.mandrake root and hair of cat,mix oil of fish and give a pat,a feline from the one who eatsthis appetizing magic treat.You put the ball of cat hair in the mixing bowl. ]You pour the fish oil into the bowl and keep the empty jar.You mix the ingredients together. The mixture turns into an oily, disagreeable dough with cat hairs sticking out of it.Scrunching your nose in distaste, you grab the oily dough from the clay bowl and put it on the oaken table.Pushing the palm of your hand on the oily dough, you flatten it until it is in the shape of a cookie. After a bit, the cookie hardens.You wave the magic wand over the cookie, then take it from the table, and carry it with you.4 xg8 e8 e8 e< e< e< e8e8e8e<e<e<e ( e^\*e g xe| |e |e 0||e| |e ||e|e|e0|kle e g x8be8e8ebebee8be 8e be e be8bee ee ^\)g x8x~8x~e8x~ e e ^g x eg e xg :I:I %e eg x<em<m8em8m eg e x\^ xhg xwmrhrs   xhrs  xhrs xhrs xmhrrxhx$g$$ xgxi'jY"NPRs~?How can you use that which you do not have? ]elements from the earth and sea,combine to set the heavens free.when i stir this magic brew,great god thor, i call on you.Carefully, you pour the cup of ocean water into the mixing bowl.You place the clay bowl of ocean water on top of the little charcoal brazier. To your consternation, you discover that the brazier is unlit, and stone cold.Being cautious not to burn yourself, you gently place the bowl of ocean water on the hot charcoal brazier. You watch as the salt water slowly warms, then begins to steam. You remove it just before it boils.Adding a spoonful of mud to the hot ocean water, you slowly stir the mixture. The mud turns the water a cloudy brown.You put just a pinch of toadstool powder in the bowl of hot, brown liquid.Leaning over the hot brew, you forcefully blow your longest breath of air into the bowl, whirling the brew around and around.You wave the magic wand over the bowl of hot, brown liquid.Waiting until the liquid has cooled, you carefully pour the storm brew into an empty glass jar.4A xgdcd$c " !e e g xbbbb "e e ^"g x8be8be8e<be<be<e (e eg x8Oe8Oe8Oe8Oe ee ^ \#g x88zye88zy8zye8zye8zy e e^g xsbsbebbbsbbe eg xg:I:I %e eg x8m8<m8>m8<Omg e^#\$ xxhg xwmrhrs  xhrs" xhrs" xhrs xmhrrxhx$g$$ xgxi'j&RTVs6How can you use that which you do not have? ]cactus plant and horny toad,i now start down a dangerous road.combine with fire and mist to makeme disappear without a trace.Using your kitchen carving knife, you cut a gash in the small cactus. Juice begins to drip.Grabbing one of the measuring spoons from the oaken table, you grasp the slit cactus in your hand, and squeeze it until you have a spoonful of cactus juice. The small cactus is quite devoid of liquid now, so you toss it away.You scrape the lard into the mixing bowl, and keep the now-empty jar nearby to store your finished formula.You carefully add the spoonful of cactus juice to the bowl.You cautiously pour the two drops of toad spittle into the bowl.Using one of the stirrers lying on the table, you mix the lard, cactus juice, and toad spittle until it is smooth and blended.You wave the magic wand.You scoop the invisibility ointment out of the clay bowl and return it to the lard jar.4"d"*5h}*}n"d/H2H=a=<#%BAa`Pi`kj\N.lLɻ048:;:9741./368|v+;f;;b9b8a0Py#!~%"MQ k 2[9l2G2=/x~+SN+'2;*#M#MRR#t#cXc"\g"D:"G>"NNQe,eyhziyi,R+Q,QcNbN,NiNxQxQhNi<]+9Vv0s1k2kuowtzv|v1c2S3ScShSsctc3LbL3>2>tLsLi)5)0,1727R7`e7p)6)a)|+z.x.,8-=-M.R.d-j-s,jyo{tvdxRwMw>x8y+)4M5)'**'Oq:HgBbP?7,G,Y-m, IcVdVgIhHfHdLf1.8b7w(?.KuSujg6GYh.9 2;6 =9@ =B@LBME MGMRYR[ R^R`h qencja f ^Ju1t2m3mtswuyuzsxlubrTqThTc4K4bKiKq?r*1+2.2535M5\i*y):*z+y-x6u6DAsHrXr_slnp26d *h4?hHUhYbhnhuYj=@$\f% !_hZjA) ]mrg*ofsv qtUm!\^Cg )Dq0g.v-u,f/g0eAfCnUo]\okW_g1q2c3m2m\apj /k@kWl`prn4j ?RCSFPJQUSYT]S`TbTnRB9uJbL[NULJLDM?L*749?9E8J9U8\7V;U:J=??4A3F?DJDUC]BbCnBqAuBu8n9b:^:b7/_4I4=+8C;V9Y8a9q5qFs\ZHCIF\YZ1g9%+F<"Ze"ez+u#M$)R$R*M*O,:,Yg,y'*MR*yO Q Q%U)Jiabl$QR!J$)%3QO*)M)0P-P0PAPU{0yFz[{byg{vPOf1&h?fT&gi@,@L-U,A_,04{8>{m/8>u*7Cj5`|$Xc}d`^}W[31672(0&.&( 1'/&,&!!-2+813/:653>6F4K1U*n5].v136D-3/:.X3k*a0s*q,x?3KK?hErIiF4?BK[@rK5?TGdG4K:Z4TCb_XrT4bQTlWrb3TRbsbDT`]s[3b@o3l>u_s2lMunu7l`txuKlsubpvp2uJs2%'/-&! 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It is delicate and could easily crumble.The parched sands of the desert seem to reach forever westward. You notice a dried snake skin lying on the hot ground.It is an old, dried snakeskin.The flora in this hot, dry desert is scant. The only plants that grow are cactus, thorny shrubs, and an occasional stunted tree.All of the cactus around here are too prickly to be touched. You could wind up with a handful of thorns.The sky in this desert is a cloudless, deep, deep blue. The sun is very bright and very hot in this beautiful, blue sky.You're not close enough.The parched sands of the desert seem to reach forever westward.4z*8 7?< Y9:or0@ (( $))m)m)))))&()/#or [ P [ro  45*8 g9:U 8?4onr,#b!%e=)+XC6#!%gv)+/6XC#!%`~)+6XC$L$#!%)+6XC#0w ')g)l)l)r)y)y)9)=)=$)P)U)U)~)))), .wM)# # &()/#nor K X:s ;0X: cErJ \=kE @2^> }t K Z ]L gM Z K kJK pZta s_wa tb~j |kn os tx y{ |~ ~  )J K K #dBerQeebbaaaaaae-x . # dN,),cno l H#The flowers are pretty, but otherwise uninteresting to you.The many beautiful trees bring a sense of peace to this forest. You see an impassable mountain to the South.That's the mountain upon which you live, Gwydion.There is a rushing stream flowing through the forest floor.Up here, the stream is nearly imperceptible, but it widens to the south.4 3LK$HW*8 9?49*:|DsBCon!%()$L$C6#s zDSOzDSO!)B%W=$L$60a $)P)U)U)~)))) )E)X)X (8(8$(\)V&()/#no # 0= Z K #J K_ #}7 Z K K Z LXr` GGeeQe edBBcdceseesee e !ccccc $$_!$ee ,.s  ,s UkU d-    .EMw#QW0ܗ%%(%&>R%&E$L$)C%&(%&/I$)B%&(%&GZS5_FYUNT ,eMw#QW0ܗ%$f%(%&>R%&Ege QW>hiZS5_FYUNT ,%(&)%& %&,Y `s +%X46#s. <&ON ރ sQO+ P&xN sQb+-67 ܃w6 .GzDSO%Q#&$$$$%&%&%& %&$Q#(b $$$$%&%&%& %&Q2#QZP)/$L$Ic )$Q#$$$$~#Q#$$$$zDSO~## no $b";L /0YThere is an opening in the side of the hill which is covered by a huge spider web. Inside, it is as black as pitch.The cave opens ominously into the side of the hill.It's the largest web you've ever seen! You can't help but wonder about the spider which could create such a web.You inspect the entrance of the cave, but can see nothing from this distance.You need to be closer.You can see nothing inside but darkness.A stream flows by a huge, dark cave.You throw the knife at the web. Your aim is true, and the deadly blade speeds toward the web.Your knife passes between the strands and clatters harmlessly inside the dark confines of the cave.It's a nice tree, but totally uninteresting.Don't you know? Spiders LOVE flies! Yum. Yum!The spider web has been torn apart.As you touch the sticky web, a giant spider drops down from her lair in the tree above. You attempt to escape, but her sticky web holds you fast!You swoop close to the spider-web and find the huge spider guarding the entrance. Taking her in your beak, you vow to get rid of her once and for all!Not now!4*8 :?@ 9:fpxq0(+(Y,(u(}, (5(1(D(1,({(, ( )))&()/#$p c o xq |Y Z  Y ZG (b:e %&(%& ;dFg %&(%& G`PiNt 2<%H%)pxq(4\*8 ;?8 oZ$$ 9:K$ 9Z:9 :Fv/#vv  4*8 ?4 Ae$$ 9P:K$ 9:K9#:onr!C%5R)6#0")))))&()/#nor' K )(XN )Nfk fX Z K 9=>P ?2F? ehki wq~ r2eQeeno1iThe soft grass soothes your aching feet.A beautiful stream ripples through these stately trees.There seems to be a cave in a hill to the north, but you are too far away to see it clearly.4*8 ? $$ 9d:S$ 9f:9:Ypnxq!%3z)6C#0g(y, ()W,()x8(E(Z(4, ((,(~&()(F?>?J/#$p c o nxq(F?>?J K T^ 5k>l R|U S|U /mDv ]fon K i- K Ge Z i$t | Z ?V ?Xeeaa a aa aaaaaaaee% 2:Ob %& (%& cCm)n()p(Dnxq(W{The sandy beach is bordered by grass. A stream cuts through the grass and sand to complete its journey to the sea.There is water everywhere around here.The water in this inter-tidal zone is very brackish. It's not suitable for much of anything.4^*8 @?8 "o{$$ 9_:L$ 9:n9:z "v0, )P)U)U )[)c)c&()/# "!%(V)/#:v{ e "e "_eE$$e e\";$v  JdOk.You notice an unusual little cactus beside that large rock.You are not close enough.If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all.4 "*8 A?8$$ 9:F$ 9E:9:R, . b!N$$ s%& z b #bo0#e# 0(q)%K,/(\((|)$6 X=E&|R(&Ec)=X()9+-6 &()/#os,XC= Hj c Ry sw eQQe 5ZHe'Q ee.Qe D.p% .88Q%QQ8Q%%$ e DD Q eeQ e e/Qe /Qe !e  e \e e,X,)N)w +6 +6 -u1 .8Y),N3@@ +&|+&s(&._ .)d)F z; %,)) #3@@&s&|.ER(&E= %Y>8 ,N # .)#wM,  .  )wMF ,-x . # dN,)Y,c-   ރw . #)~ &ER(&EQrM)!+/$L$I #(fD p p  #K)x .L; #Nos,%,q qe#(u"].JGyThe beautiful trees of the forest to the east grow sparse as they reach the edge of the great desert to the west. You do notice one particularly large oak tree. "What a fine oak," you think.You look up into the towering oak tree. You can only see large, spreading branches and thick leaves. Looking down, you see a small hole between the tree's large roots.You try to climb the huge oak tree, but cannot find a good hand hold. You slip back, and all you gain for your efforts are splinters.You lie down on the ground and look into the small hole. It is too dark inside to see anything.%m6You feel around inside the hollow tree and discover a rope, stretching up into the tree. You pull it and (to your amazement) a rope ladder falls from the branches above.You lie down on the ground and reach into the small hole. %m6You feel around for the rope, but when you pull it, nothing happens. The ladder stays in place.The rope ladder stretches up into the branches.The ladder is attached to the oak tree. You cannot remove it.There's nothing of interest here, just some acorns scattered around this old oak tree.The acorns surround the old oak tree, and crunch under your step.You pick and poke among the fallen acorns, looking for dried ones. You eventually find three dried acorns, and take them with you.You pick and poke among the fallen acorns looking for dried ones. You don't find any; these are all newly fallen.There are no climbable trees nearby.What ladder?You need to be closer.In your insect form, you fit easily through the hole in the tree.You are much too big to fit into that small hole.The flowers are pretty, but otherwise uninteresting to you.48*8 B?8 |$$ 9:L$ 9J:89:oN$$ s0, ((F(> )))&()/#osZe;ee''eos 5uKThe soft grass soothes your aching feet.The many beautiful trees bring a sense of peace to this forest.A lone mountain rises sharply from the forest floor, its jagged peak encircled by dark clouds. A treacherous path winds its way up the steep mountainside. You, and the wizard Manannan, live at the top of the peak.The dangerous, winding path leads up the side of the dark mountain.You need to be closer to the mountain for that.4G &8LK'(HW*8 C?8 d$$ 9u:d9: ^ozp%zRG !)^+/6%uQ#:!)^+/6 FC%K#!=6)+$L$% #'( 00h'(P)G1$0$K((w)T;1$0$;K )9)=)= )[)[(Z)B&()/#o bTl[ T[ Tnc{ &5 % mT` Pj`n6 8 orv,,&w(&' @{R' D|F' lS~V' ', sL~R DtI () e Y <|VXe  eeQee?e >ee/ ee""" ee$"B"e ???''e e $?$?$?)'e   '$?e $?$?$?'e e  ???*'e  '?e ???'e e   6 ;I :8 6 ;K :8 GI F GK F', ', ') # %wN%%)ER%)E,$o'(&?e@,SyYou have entered a quaint, seaside town. Smoke curls lazily from the houses and shops overlooking the ocean. A pier stretches out into the bay. Near the pier, you notice a store and a tavern.The store is on the south side of the pier.The tavern is on the north side of the pier.%m5 There is a ship tied to the dock.The pier is made of rough, but sturdy, timbers, and stretches out into the bay.Waves lap gently against the pilings. But, there is nothing else interesting down there.The old, rusted anchor is much too heavy to move.You peer into the window, but cannot make out any details of the dim interior.If you want to enter, why not try the door?Ouch!The door is already open.You are not close enough.You don't have to knock, just open the door and go in.It's just a door; it opens and closes.Wouldn't it help to be near a window?The soft grass of the forest has been replaced by the coarse grass of the seashore.The door is already closed.The trees are not as large, being so near the coast.4x8 D?F97:i Ipx *bb $>$}$$$$px!=XC%g)+/6 #!=XC%)+/6 #$L$$L$ ,6 0'() ,%8MX (&()3 , )%,)%=,(6(6&()$,)r)r)\)\&() 6 K-,)r)r)\)\&() 6 ,  ,) 6 0&9: //#!, ), 6 , Y$qXY>5444>eF ,,D.; .,cX) N)d6$&R(&$)s6$&R(&$, . 88 #), c , w  X6)+-$O$, #,9)w.6 ,)+$O$Y).8,)$O$+ .P =D #)X,6 (D #X ), )6 8(= #),Y8 , (VAXXYj>ee""&&">ee e epxK, E0;iA large ship is tied to the dock.What ship?There does not seem to be any way to do that.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.With a sinking feeling, you notice that the large ship is no longer tied to the pier. It looks like you missed the boat!4b*8 E?8 od$$ 9:}$ 9P:P9!:zv0/#vv  4*8 F?8 W$$ 9:F$ 9L:U9:moN$$ s0 )u)z)u&()/#Cos [ b [os 4d JLK)HW*8 G?7$$ 9 :I9:So_ $$2$d$$ݖ$$.),*F```2PRTb"!!!CCCdPRT #bbb"b !!!CCCݖPRVS #bbb !!CCFP #bbb !C!)_/$L$XC6 %Mm#:!)+/$L$=X%l #, 00K)*(I)v )\)a)\)F)J)F)))&()/#FwF ݖ)V%($L$@#2d6M)P)R)T22 dd%#+Qo2dc"' ^_'' FlTv' Ts`} aboy'.%e(eee)re(8e,%c )ec )ec )eee e!'eݖeeݖee e""'ee?? e'e e'e6'e) e e^\e g g.???  ?-'e  e"e#e$e%e& Mw;I.$?%%?%?%?J%J?%'e2  eݖ'ܖ 'ܗ x)VUM-$ 'ݖ e  ;I :j2  ;K : ܃w .3M%K|+#QT|4%K|+#Qj|Q_|5%K|+#Qj|Qj|% 6Q7Q8Q9$:$;$d G )P+/6 CX%Jn#e eMQ%+#Qj|fQj|%+#Qj|%gQK|hQK})iQK~)j kQKxl$QKxm$QKxn$ d ܗc )e M)RS ܘ%M)S/I)) c)6C&ER(&Eܙ $,;I )P+/6 CX%Jn#F%/$L$Gc )$$L$)P+/F) #6XQVc))#M, $ ݖ,xN .-x . # 8dN,)Y,cc"o) (\ R'd}[b&H~pW = U There are lovely flowers growing in this well-tended garden. Their sweet scent and beautiful colors delight you.%m1 To your surprise, you see a bear, wearing a dress, working in the garden. It must be Mama Bear!You carefully peek into the pretty flowers of the flower garden. Drops of glistening dew have gathered within their soft petals.This is the comfortable home of the Three Bears. A well-tended flower garden grows out front.You peer through the window, but the inside is dimly lit and you cannot make out any details.You need to move closer.The heavy wooden door is closed.You see three fully-clothed bears!You wouldn't want to spoil the lovely flower bed by picking one!Mama Bear growls at you as you near the flower bed. Better stay away from it... and HER!Oh, dear! You have annoyed Mama Bear by trampling her precious flowers."AND STAY OUT!!!"Holding the silver thimble beneath a dew-filled flower, you gently tip the flower so its dew runs into the thimble. You move from flower to flower, repeating the process until your thimble is brimming with dew.You must have a thimble in order to get a thimbleful of dew.Your thimble is already full of dew.What's this? Three clothed bears?? You hear Papa Bear exclaim, "What a beautiful day for a stroll through the forest."There are three fully-clothed bears coming! You hear Mama Bear say, "Thank you, Dear. That was a lovely walk."Evidently, they don't hear you."SCRAM!!" growls Papa Bear. "We're not interested!"He doesn't seem happy to see you.The cottage is too dimly lit to make out any details.You see a lone mountain peak in the distance. Dark clouds swirl around its summit.The dew is beautiful.Your cordial greeting annoys the bear, and she growls back, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrreetings yourrrrrrrrrrself, young man. Stay out of my garden!"Again, you speak to the bear. "Grrrrrrrrrrr!" she growls menacingly. "We don't take to strangers here. Go away!"Insistently, you talk to the bear yet again. She ignores you, but you hear a constant low growl from deep within her.It is utterly impossible for you to catch a big bear.How could you hurt a big bear? You couldn't.A strange idea.You rap lightly on the door of the charming house.No reply.You knock again, louder.Again, there is no response.Perhaps no one is home?Where?4X *8 H?7 X$$ 9:n$ 99:B9j: orpg" ?>> z/ !)?%\C6 #:03(v) (v(v (d(d&()/#!)$L$=%l+/#!)L$=%z+#$p c o gr mz r  eQ e eQe ee//ee Q'Q$e e ;$\e >ee >ee   e e ee"''e'Q'Qe,89'' ' ' ' ' '7'(((()!>5444p%, ((ngo$Lz'8ZYou see a small seaside village up the coast to the north. Smoke rises lazily from chimneys and mingles with the ocean air.One of the trees has a light-green colored plant growing upon it. On closer inspection, you see that it's mistletoe.The mistletoe hangs from the branches of the tree. There are a few dried sprigs mingled with the green mistletoe.You search among the hanging mistletoe until you find a sprig that has dried. You break it off, and carry it with you.You are not close enough.There is a three-masted ship docked at the pier. By her sturdy lines and broad beam, you guess it to be a merchant vessel, trading goods in the town.Where?%m9 You see a vessel tied up there now!A pier extends from the village and out into the bay. It is built of heavy timbers to withstand winter storms.You give yourself a big smack. (Is this fun?)The trees are not as large, being so near the coast.You look out over the vast, blue-gray ocean. You wonder what lands and people reside across it. If only you could know!You are standing atop a bluff overlooking the ocean, and see a village to the north. %m14 The trees here are stunted and twisted by strong ocean winds.The soft grass of the forest has been replaced by the coarse grass of the seashore.There is no need to climb this tree.You see seagulls flying overhead.You look through the remaining mistletoe, but find none that is dry.49X*8 I?J n$$ 98:9:wpxq , >> zh. !%L)+/6=$L$#!%Y)+6=$L$#0,w . #X=(+)!Q+y-(<(z)() ())(M,(p), ()KL ()J)&()/#$p c o xq w~^ |_p }q  ^ _p q;> e ee e )&%(%&, ,F>5444pxq .jThere is a ship docked at the pier.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.The cliffs are very steep.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.4;8?A Z9:E* , </#B$@C$$%p&A{C@A%&B$C@$$%V&A{C@A%&BA@CA%Zn&{C@A%&BAx%Z&{C@A%&BC $$! !)&L&=d%&&%&+#B $$@A&,C{C@A&Be eaaaa  e^e*e ee -<%, N # .w)/$L$I .)d%F ,, vv   G;$$ ($$ $$$ #8?oYou look around and see no familiar landmarks. A tight knot of fear begins to form in your stomach as you realize you don't know how to get out of this desert.Drinking the salty ocean water intensifies your thirst.You have no water. Your desperate mind must be playing tricks on you.You are getting very hot and tired. You'd better find your way out of this desert soon.You can't take the relentless sun anymore, and collapse from heat stroke. Miserably, you die in this dreadful desert.The mountain to the north seems to float on the horizon.The snake scurries around without noticing you.That is not a wise idea. The snake is probably dangerous.What snake?You have entered a great desert.You see buzzards circling high above you.The hot ground is parched and dry.4^(*9B: 0%D #/# eGeneG$ ,You have flown through the hole at the base of the tree and are now inside the hollow trunk. You see a rope leading up into a small hole above you. This area is cramped and confining, even for a fly.You hope you'll be able to fit inside the tree in your normal form.Obviously, your hopes were ill-founded. Too late, you realize you are inside a tree, and... the results are too gruesome to discuss.4 *+,-b%  k9F: "0%H/#!)++-%@R$L$6   # N+w!%Cf),$L$+6 # ec%-.  /# I GF + %$L$+ G %)-+/I  +/I % +/I G+/I ),G$L$+  % > /% \  F+1$0$  $$,$x)) ee ee ee BBe 55e !c\!e &NC [The Oracle remains silent for a long time. Finally, you hear a hollow voice that seems to come from far away, "I've been waiting for you a long time, Gwydion. I have sorrowful news for you.""Years ago, a terrible three-headed dragon invaded Daventry, and keeps the people in a state of terror. This monster requires, once a year, the sacrifice of a young maiden.""Sadly, your own sister, Princess Rosella, is the chosen one this year. Time is running out for her, your parents, and Daventry."Silence again...then, "Behold the crystal ball!" Within the ball, the medley of colors swirl together to form a vision of a dragon with three hideous heads. Then, the image changes to reveal a beautiful blond girl, crying. Your heart goes out to her."You, Gwydion," the hollow voice continues, "are the only one who can save them. But, you must hurry! I have something to give you...a small stone of amber. Use it wisely, my friend."The Oracle grows silent again, and seems to fall into a deep sleep. You attempt to thank the Oracle, but the Oracle does not respond.You have entered the cave of the Oracle, whose image shimmers indistinctly above a crystal ball.The Oracle is in a deep state of meditation. You are not heard.The Oracle`s image is vague and indistinct, and seems to shimmer slightly as he (she, it?) hovers over a large crystal ball. The Oracle gazes intently into it.The clear, polished ball of crystal rests upon a stone dais. Within it, you see a kaleidoscope of bright colors and flashing lights, occasionally blurred by dark, ominous shadows.That is impossible. No mere mortal may touch the mystic ball.You see the green countryside of Llewdor out the opening of the cave.You can't get an oracle!The Oracle appears to be deep in meditation.DELETEDELETEThe Oracle is in a deep state of meditation. You are not heard.You have entered the cave of the Oracle. You are almost afraid to speak.4 . " 9]:X *bb, 0 /0K&.N%Sn!)XC%Fq$L$#SN,%])+-Y&$$, 0 /,%])+-/#!, X,)+-' Yn[t' FbIr',')+-(\()N,,'.)(V(),,  MUF ,c) 6&$R(&$, $ GGe  Qe ? ?ee?e"ee'Q'Q'Qeee e e ',& RnD`You are standing outside a shack that has been built in the branches of the spreading oak tree. A rope ladder leads down toward the ground.There seems to be somebody moving around inside the treehouse.You can see very little of the interior from out here. But there seems to be a figure sleeping in a chair.The doorway of the treehouse is only a rough opening in the planks.There is no window, only a hole cut in the side.The rope ladder drops down through the leaves of the huge tree toward the ground below.The tree looks very difficult to climb around on, but you can try if you wish.The thick leaves of the oak tree allow only rare glimpses of the sky above.The thick leaves and massive branches obscure the ground below.You can see someone moving about, but can not make out details from here.You see no one else around.It's hard to tell without entering.On second thought, you decide not to make a storm. You remember how dangerous it is to be in a tree during a storm.4 Bb! -9W: " *0)%YN,)%Kl+/$L$#:!,)%Y$L$w )$ L$6 %0# 0!)6%!L)L%Ny#F+>A!)%:+/F#!)%++/F#!)%4+/F#D$$3!)%)+/6 FC#!)%4+/6F#/#bcbcbc>5444' (I' 8|r'-.  F+ !ee2 GQ1} GQ1 F  GQ1} GQM}FQMyx$]$1%2&&&%&&0&$1%2&&&%&0&$1%2&&&%&0&8$1%2&&&%&0&$1%2&&&%&0& !F,,N*+- .,,3* . -$$$!,-, e 33f3 ??? 0^0\/ 0?  `gFgFe,e-$$f$e.Fe1$f$$f$e 5""?5e $"e5:!!e !ee=e=e/=ee/Gmee6e0&))e)e-e!e? e3 e4aIe<'3e$?x ,,eee%))e")e)9'545 55 3ei'i('<e1 ^0?$$$ Oe  /^/e*e!V))e#)e) ee+e&e (?(K63ne, ;Ms!f>%Uc M N m bx P~$?YlaOne of the rowdy seamen yells to the barmaid, "Wench! Come o'er here with more rum!"Bottles of rum and wine sit atop shelves behind the bar.%m2 A pretty barmaid stands there.%m2 A loud group of seafaring men are drinking rum at the table. They are swapping yarns about past voyages. You overhear as they speak of setting sail today for a distant land across the ocean.%m2 Two surly-looking characters are drinking ale at the table. Looking closer, you see that they are the bandits from the forest!"There ya go, boys. Now, drink up an' behave yer selves.There is nobody here except you and the barmaid.The sailors have obviously been drinking heavily for some time, and are very loud and rowdy!The two ruffians at the table see you looking at them, and glare back at you menacingly. It's the bandits from the forest!The buxom barmaid has an air of hardened determination. You get the feeling that she doesn't take any guff from anybody.You overhear snatches of the two bandits' conversation, "...squirmed jist like a pig. An' that rope ya rigged inside o' that big oak tree works great! Now nobody'll 'ere find ar' hideout. Why, I'll bet even that wizard..."You see the buildings of the village, and the ocean beyond.Surely, you jest!It is a little pot-bellied woodstove.The bar is a rough-hewn slab of oak.A tattered, faded tapestry hangs next to a pair of rusty swords.The decorations are firmly attached to the wall, and will not come off.You lift a corner of the tapestry, and see the dirty wall behind it.She tosses her head, and replies, "What'll it be fer ya, sir? A good pull o' ale, or'd ya rather a dram o' rum? My, aren't ye the han'some one!"The barmaid retorts, "Go on, ya deadbeat. Drinks cost money, ya know!"The barmaid hands you a glass, and the potent liquid burns as it slides down your parched throat. It hits bottom, and you suddenly feel a bit woozy.That one tasted even better than the last. Just one more sounds like a good idea.There is nobody here except the pretty barmaid.Talk to whom?The sailors just ignore you.One of the ugly rogues scowls at you as he says, "Beat it, kid!""I'll be right with ya sir," the barmaid says, winking.The sailors peer at you through bleary eyes, and continue swilling their rum. One, who looks like the captain, pauses, and drunkenly slurs, "Aye, me bucko, be ya wantin' passage on me ship? Whatcha runnin' from? Aw, s'no matter, 's long as ya got gold. Lets me see how much ya got!"The drunken sea captain looks angry as he asks again, " Don't ignore me laddie! I asked ya how much gold ya got fer passage on me ship?""Too late bucko," the sea captain slurs. "I ain' in'ersted in ya no more. Go pester some'un else."As you bring out the purse, the captain snatches it from your hand and says,%m31 "Aye lad, I sees ya do have a wee bit 'o gold. It's less'n me reg'lar fare, but I'll gives ya passage anyways. We'll be waitin' fer ya at the wharf, but not fer long." The captain and his men down their rum in one long draught, then leave the tavern."Ya little cheat! Ya've got not a farthing! Ya was tryin' t' weasel aboard me ship!! Go on with ya, git outta me sight!"%m36 "What can I do fer ya sir? Can I get ya somethin'? I can't spend much time with ya, 'cause I gotta handle these seafarin' scoundrels that come inta town t'day."%m36 Without taking her eyes off the two men, she says, "I'll be happy to take yer order, but be quick 'bout it 'cause those two are keepin' me hoppin'.""Keep yer shirts on, ya ornery buzzards," the barmaid yells. "I'll be there quick enough!"You are too far away.The two scroungy thieves are dirty and unkempt, and their clothes are smelly. Cruelty darkens their faces. These look like good people to avoid.You signal the barmaid, "I'd like to buy these two gentlemen a round."%m39 When she brings the drinks, you discover that you only have one coin. With a look of scorn, she takes your last coin and leaves one drink for the two oafs to fight over.%m39 If ya says so, sir," she replies. "That'll be two gold, if ya please." The bandits down the drinks with nary a thank you.%m31 %m33The bandits are pointedly ignoring you. Don't press your luck.You don't have time to be sitting around in taverns.Your presence would not be appreciated.Kegs of ale line the wall.You need to buy it first."Watch it, fella!"A table, devoid of customers, rests against the wall.One of the surly-looking characters yells to the barmaid, "Wench! Come o'er here with more ale!""Right ya go, sir." says the pretty barmaid. "This round's on you!" "It'll be one gold coin.""Right ya go, sir." says the pretty barmaid. "The next round's on you!" "That'll be one gold coin."The window does not open.Bottles of rum and wine sit atop shelves behind the bar. Kegs of ale line the wall.4 * B9B:U0* (0)D(C)&()/#!)%Ok#Y*$$*!6 )U/C%co#:!6 )U/C%No#:!6 )U/C%Yv#:!)++$L$/%U#: Mc _vp ?xI* HxV Wxl  Oc/Fe! eTPe$"e5""?5e!e8 e"e# eeeeggg;e e  d Feeeeee eeaeaea=e 0eee ;$\^eee>e 1eee;$\e-   2$$ s Ew .) %MR%)E &R(&E %UR%)E $;/I)GFe Ie$ +%U#e!M')+/6h{ #$L$If #Fge h #Ki )+d|M)+/6GPjq'uYou are in the charming home of the Three Bears. Mama Bear certainly does keep her house nice and cozy.The large wooden table is clean and polished.There is a cheery fire crackling in the fireplace, even though it's summer.You see the forest and Mama Bear's flower garden outside.A rustic wooden stairway leads to the second floor.There is only a splintered pile of wood that was once a small chair.The medium-sized chair looks very soft and comfortable.The wooden chair is very large, and solidly built. It must be Papa Bear's.You can't reach it from here.This chair feels just right.You sink deeply into the overstuffed chair... too deeply! This chair is much too soft.You feel very small and uncomfortable in this big chair. This chair is much too hard.You taste the porridge and decide that this bowl of porridge is This bowl of porridge is %m13much too hot.%m13much too cold.%m13just right! You take another bite, then another, and another. Before you realize it, you have downed the entire bowl.You ate it all.You're not close enough.%m14much too hot.%m14much too cold.%m14just right! So, you take it with you.There are only two bowls on the table; one is too hot, and the other too cold.%m6 You can't sit on that!The cute little wooden chair looks sturdily built.There are two bowls of porridge on the table. One is too hot, and the other is too cold.There are three bowls of porridge on the table. You are surprised that bears eat porridge. You always thought they ate honey and berries.%m2 %m27%m2 %m28The window does not open.Where?You drop to your hands and knees and look under the pine table. You see nothing but a clean floor.The chairs are arranged in a cozy conversational grouping around the dining table.It appears however, that a previous conversation may have gotten out of hand.Oh, oh!4" z :s9D:z "bb  *0%3t+, ) 0&9: //#!)%``+/$L$#:!P)P%1t+/,;' ^men  V|' "6' Ulo'-,e,4&---e',&-9-9-5-&--g--]'eQ .') /6,N'de/+ ' e+ ' Wke+ -,\%'e'e' $L$ew)'')8, . # ,  c #/I  #-  w .#Q7n Q_n + ܗ%XC) #Q7n,'%&%&%&9$7$ +F) c6$L$Q0 , .x: eel-$'e'e'e'e$3$$C3"e ;Ie3C3"e ;Ke/-'ee, e eee\@e33&e e e e eCe,)g<rs Dfz Jc~<;You jump onto the medium-sized bed and sink deep into its fluffy depths.You flop onto the biggest (and hardest) bed!You lie upon the smallest bed, and snuggle down into the pillow.There is nothing of interest under the bed.You open the drawer, take the thimble, and close the drawer in one fluid movement.You open the drawer, and among the clothes, you see a pretty silver thimble.You pick up the thimble and carry it with you.The drawer is already closed.You see a few bear-sized clothes and a silver thimble.You see a few bear-sized clothes.It is already open.You have already taken it!You open the drawer and see some bear-sized clothes.You are in the Bear family's cozy bedroom. You see three beds and a chest of drawers.A dresser sits in the corner of the room.You need to move closer.This bed is MUCH too hard!Shhhh! You'll wake yourself up.Oh No! Papa Bear has found you sleeping in Baby Bear's bed! You are in for it now!The drawers are shut.Ahhhh! This bed is just right. You've fallen asleep.Good idea. You've got too much to do to be lying around in a strange bed.I'm not asleep, are you?This bed is MUCH too soft!They wouldn't fit you.This is a big, old bed. It must be Papa Bear's.This looks like a nice, soft bed. Maybe it's Mama Bear's.This bed looks just the right size for you.4$K>$$$$ *?H8 O9w:dpxbb b!=XC%)+/6 #!=XC%%)+/6 #!=XC%D)+/6 #!=XC%f)+/6 #!=XC%)+/6 #$L$$L$$L$$L$$L$>|!)6 %Z/CF#:!)/O%I%U6 F#:O7 2d !)%6F6 F+#:! ) = % .# Q A.,6 0G'(),6 )r)r)\)\&(),  8 #)YX&(), )6 0&9: //#$p>5444>eF , G%M,. . -.   >9 Q /9  eF :   e e  M6 ;$L$I e;I);GcQ#F  e .M!, 6 ,F.= . ,cX) N)U6$&R(&$)s6$&R(&$, . 8Y #), c ,  )Y8X6.-E$$ e , ;G)XCS .,'%&%(F $GR(&$,G. FUM6 . M'()'%&&)&X%&w)/$L$6I,2 )%F ,>ee>&" Oee e))Q>He9Oe.e e e ee>Oeee eOeepx .eL 8Zem/m Ec";MA large ship is tied to the dock.What ship?There is no way to do that.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.Sounds like a good idea. Just walk across the gang plank.The life of a seaman has definitely taken its toll on this grizzled old sea dog. His skin is brown and cracked from years in the salty air, his voice rasps from too many smokes and too much rum, and he stoops from countless swabbings of countless decks. His clothes are none too clean, either.The old seaman draws his sharp cutlass, runs you clean through, and you drop to the dock... dead.You hear one of the sailors shout down to you, "Get yer self aboard, laddie. We be sailin' on th' tide, wi' or wi'out ye."From the deck of the ship you hear, "Are ye deaf, or just daft, boyo? I said come aboard a'fore we leave ye here."You have a sneaking suspicion that you have made a big mistake. These are pirates!You politely speak to the old sailor on the dock. In response, he growls, "Quit yer yammerin', boy. I ain't got no time fer ya. I gotta keep trespassers away from this here jolly-boat. Scram!"Insistently, you speak to the old salt again. He seems displeased as he snarls, "I'm warnin' ya, boy. I gots a tricky sword hand. Better go away afore I cain't stop meself!""That's it!" he shouts. "I warned ya to quit hangin' aroun'."As the gangplank is drawn in you hear the Captain shout to his men, "Take 'is things an put 'im in the 'old until I figures out what ta do with 'im."%m14 You notice the captain looking at you and laughing with one of the crew, and you decide they are as happy to be starting this voyage as you are.%m14 You have this dreadful feeling that you've missed something important as you walk down the now-deserted pier."You'd bet'er get aboard boy, or we'll sail without ya.""Ya better skedaddle, sonny!""Climb aboard, laddie! We won't be awaiting all day for ye."The Captain and his crew are waiting for you to come aboard.There is nobody here but you.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.You're no match for him.Surely, you jest?You had better stop talking, and run for your life.With a sinking feeling, you notice that the large ship is no longer tied to the pier. It looks like you missed the boat!Nobody can hear you!42$L>$$$$9B:d m8?Hbb  *px!=XC% )+/6 #!=XC%')+/6 #!=XC%>)+/6 #!=XC%S)+/6 #$L$$L$$L$$L$,60A'(),6)r)r)\)\&(), 8)iXY&(), )6 0&9: //#$px>5444>eF ,!, )6,, 8)XY,^.U .c,X) )W6$&R(&$)r6$&R(&$ j[q6 $&)&&R(&$, . 8Y #), c ,  )YXZ>ee&">ee e epxK30;WA large ship is tied to the dock.What ship?There is no way to do that.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.With a sinking feeling, you notice that the large ship is no longer tied to the pier. It looks like you missed the boat!4+.$&))eebb5 e *Ze  )ee\^)n neaaaaaa Kee VWa=ZwThere is a rushing stream flowing through the forest floor.Clear water flows over and around the rocks of the stream. Wet mud lines its banks.The thought of carrying around a handful of mud doesn't appeal to you.With the wooden spoon you kneel and scoop a spoonful of wet mud from the stream's bank. You carry it with you.You only need one spoonful of mud.You have no need to carry around the stream water. If you are thirsty then just get a drink.Cupping your hands, you bring the refreshing water to your lips and drink deeply. Aaahhhh!!You are already carrying it.There is no mud around here.You need to move closer.You need a spoon to get mud.4lK$$,,  $  4! ) 4= C 6 F ! ) 4= C 6 F  + + % t3% ]2 + + % q% "r+ + % Y:% g6+ + % :A% GY$ $x$$ $ $ $   3! ) 3= C 6 F ! ) 3= C 6 F  + + % % t + + % v% z+ + % ")% ;+ + % 2v% Jk$ $x$$  $$ %'$ ()$ *, # #  .eQQe*eeee'Q'Qee  e e  e e  e e  e e  Ee Ee[eee G F , G F ,-,/f, Z04uHhLz4M) O  l > . The soft grass soothes your aching feet.The many beautiful trees bring a sense of peace to this forest.If you look way off to the west, you can see the desert.This is the wrong time of the year for wildflowers.%m1The clear, blue sky is brilliant with an occasional white cloud.There are no flowers in this area.You see no suitable trees for climbing.If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all.You see two pretty birds looking at you.You see two squirrels chattering to each other.They're too difficult to catch.You don't see any right now.Maybe if you're quiet, you'll hear them.All of the cactus around here are too prickly to be touched. You could wind up with a handful of thorns.Where?It is a handsome example of the species, but not one you'd care to handle. Look at those thorns!You listen with great interest as one little bird chirps to the other, "Notice that boy down there? He's got a sister he doesn't even know. A TWIN sister."Answers the second bird, "How sad. I don't know what I'd do without all my brothers and sisters. I'd be so alone.""I know what you mean," agrees the first.Your ears perk up as you hear one twittering bird say to her friend, "Do you think that young man looks anything like his twin sister in Daventry?""I don't know, but I hear her beauty is legendary," chirps the other bird."Well, he ain't exactly chopped liver, either," the first little bird states."I'm getting so frustrated!" one little bird twitters to the other. "No matter how early I get up, I just can't seem to ever catch that darn worm!!""Poor dear," says her friend. "I know you can do it. You can't let a dumb worm outsmart you!""Hah!" the first bird laments. "That's easy for you to say. I bet you've never even tried!"You hear one of the birds speak to the other, "See that young fellow over there? When that old wizard, Manannan, kidnapped him, I heard tell his real parents were heartbroken over his loss.""I would think so!" chirped the other bird. "I'd sure miss my brood if they disappeared!"You notice one squirrel chattering to the other squirrel, "See that young man over there?""Yes, what about him?" the second one inquires."Poor thing, he doesn't even know who his parents are," says the first squirrel.Asks the other, "Well, who are they?""He's really a prince. His parents are King Graham and Queen Valanice of Daventry," replies the first."That boy over there lives with the terrible wizard," one scampering squirrel remarks to its companion."How awful for him," says the other squirrel. "I wonder how he can stand it."Comments the first, "I bet he can't. He ought to learn magic. He's got to fight fire with fire."Chatters one gray squirrel to the other, "Manannan's terrorizing the countryside again. I'm afraid for my life.""I know how you feel," replies the second. "I understand he's fond of squirrel tails."You overhear the squirrels chattering. "Have you got your winter's supply of nuts gathered?" one inquires."Not quite yet," answers the other. "Do you?""Oh sure," states the first squirrel. "Ages ago. You'd better get to it, I'd say."4j.1 # #*,,, #, eBThe water looks inviting, but be careful if you go out there.4a$r $9 $$&! ) X = 6 % ! 9) 9X = C 6 -  # Q $$  $ ' %&%9 & %&# $R 9:$8 / F . ee.&E $$e e $ \ e.. e . ee)). ee e&4HLfOk, it's a feather.What feather?You can't reach it.Ok.You see a majestic eagle.I don't see a bird. Do you?Funny, no response.There is a feather on the ground.4Dt.#bb!!))D$$ %qQS %[Qs[$$ %6Q@ %2=Q>ID$$ %opQ^p %DQrD$$ %*DQ6D %iQ7iD$$ %Q %"\QB\$$ %yaQda % {Q0{G$$ %yQa %B[You are too far away for her to see it.Medusa is now just a stone statue, perfectly harmless.Good idea! But, how can you do that?Apparently, Medusa doesn't speak. The only sounds that emit from her mouth are terrible grunts and groans.The statue is much too heavy to carry.Averting your eyes, you aim the wizard's hand mirror at Medusa's face. A scream pierces the air as she beholds her own hideous reflection... then... nothing. You dare to look. Medusa has turned herself to stone!Even as a statue, Medusa is indescribably ugly.You need to move closer.The most hideous-looking being has made its appearance! It's Medusa!Your eyes fall upon a face so hideous, so gruesome, that the horror of it is beyond description. People who look upon the face of Medusa, with her hair of writhing, live snakes, turn instantly to stone. Suddenly, your body feels cold and stiffens hard as a rock. You make a nice statue, Gwydion.Oh no! Medusa's touch is like ice! A cold chill shivers down your spine, turning to a stiffness that soon hardens your body like a rock. You are now nothing but a statue.4 $ $ :! ) : %F&& %&# ! ) : %F&& %&#  $ $\$$ $ $ $$ ;! ) ; %F&& %&# T *eeQeQepeeeee e 'Qe 2e)e Eee e  ) :T G ! U M F !c ) :T G ! U M F !c-,/f- $  $  $ L 2H FGg*XI # You find yourself at the edge of a great desert, stretching as far as the eye can see to the west.The flora in this hot, dry desert is scant. The only plants that grow are cactus, thorny shrubs, and an occasional stunted tree.Trees are practically non-existent in this dry desert. The few trees that do survive are stunted and dry-looking.They are just some old uninteresting bones.Occasionally, after a rare rain, flowers spring up everywhere in this great desert. There are no flowers now, as it has not rained for a long time.The hot, dry sands of the desert reach seemingly forever to the west. It is a parched land.All of the cactus around here are too prickly to be touched. You could wind up with a handful of thorns.They're just lizards, scurrying across the desert floor.The sky in this desert is a cloudless, deep, deep blue. Overhead, the sun is very bright and very hot.There are no wildflowers to pick here.The few, scanty trees in this desert are not suitable for climbing.The little lizards are much too quick for you.Any experienced traveller knows better than to mess with snakes!You overhear one of the scaly lizards say to the other, "There's that boy, Gwydion. You know how he came to be here in Llewdor, don't you?""No, I haven't heard that story," replies the other lizard. "How did he get here?""Well," began the other one, "When he was a baby, he was stolen from his cradle one night by that awful wizard, Manannan, who brought him here and raised him. I hear he treats the boy terribly.""That's too bad," comments the second lizard.Says one lizard to the other, "I wish I could do something for the poor boy. He seems so lost and confused.""I agree. What do you think he is doing here, anyway?" questions the second lizard."I would guess that he's probably trying to run away from the wizard," states the first one. "I hate to think what will happen to him if Manannan finds him.""How do you get cactus stickers out of your tail?" you hear one scaly lizard say to the other. "I nearly had a brush with disaster this morning.""That's terrible," says the second lizard. "I know how much they hurt. Best thing is--rub your tail against a rough rock. The stickers should come right out, and possibly your tail with it."They can't understand you.Maybe if you're quiet, you'll hear them.4/eeQeeee e 'Qe SzThe soft, loamy soil of the forest here gives way to the sands of the great desert stretching off to the west.The flowers are pretty, but otherwise uninteresting to you.The trees here cast a refreshing shade.There are no flowers in this area.The clear, blue sky is brilliant with an occasional white cloud.There are no wildflowers to pick here.None of these trees are suitable for climbing.4d;<""#!#'#:#$%%$%' ()('"$$ %A$C%F-L/L0K+G+E5J8K9I7G,@-?0@4B5A1>,<(=$;@nDp2QJWU1Q+(BFmLo`T]VIkN=$9HdKf?CIi.@ & C_?l?_=P>J@FCIDKEUDaEkAIBPA[Bk>K=P>V?]j)?dBgAcA_AYBVBQBLAJ@EDGFIGNHTHYG^GbEXESDND_DdEiD^@FSYP5 v[_809$  7+*6%M0M( yytnvy~ {"t!p #}$w$t%w*QS9`M ""1`VJ dNlPpRzT1$AAI80"a< 9TYP)AJI2bPQP!5;Fo@sB}CD 96$4H5}34!54222}1>2$23400$0790LO0|//0/0}JvLqMMw`yi|m~ijtyy| 052Y[Ix5u(r#o$m(j$fdb$9~~~?NM1`cuNwQw]yg{j}j}xxwustlrerVsOtM}nymwfuVtNs`ugvnyr}sPOGUSK9- "DQZ]^ZXSH !::&$!).#1[J5$T]K381BN1! 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You barely made a mouthful for that hungry shark!A prowling shark waits offshore.You've got to be kidding?!The pirate ship is anchored just offshore. You'd best be on your way.The pirate's ship is nowhere in sight!You are on a small beach to the south of a looming mountain range.To the north, a mountain range beckons.Yep. It's sandy here.You see no trees.You have no way of killing a shark.He doesn't understand you.4b& pxl?F8 69:J*0*03(r&()2(&()/#!8)8%@#T>( !)%PxA1,TS#$pxlc&eee )eee)e'Qe  eeQe e!,1TS e .e .)/IF ) , ., ,# . .$M #, )/$L$I $ ,e,,  S  T?W$$$$$V$$$$$V$ , ,) #,,),,), v T, ) #pxl', ,)4 #> (L320, ,)4"_"{Not again! One of the nasty pirates is here on the beach, and he would like to capture you. You'd better run!Gosh! You barely made a mouthful for that hungry shark!You've got to be kidding.A prowling shark waits offshore.He can't understand you.You are on a small beach to the south of a looming mountain range.To the north, a mountain range beckons.Yep. It's sandy here.You have no way of killing a shark.You have better things to do than to try to climb this tree.A lone palm tree graces this beach.How could you! You let yourself get caught again! Well, it's curtains for you this time.He doesn't understand you.A nasty pirate is here!"Arrr! I'm gonna git ya laddie!"You're no match for him!4{*89:` g0O1 ((73*)7)/)/)`)^)^)W)T)W(9):&()/#g;eeQeee'Q'Qe 4"e')> '"x(P '"O'"W,))g13<fYou are at the foot of a high, snowy mountain range. A cliff looms before you with a tricky path winding its way up the steep face.The narrow path winding up the steep cliff looks precarious and confusing. "Must I climb this?" you wonder.The shrubbery is scant here, growing only between boulders.The ground is strewn with large boulders.You look upward and see the mountain range looming toward the beautiful blue sky.There are no climbable trees here.Not here.4#u*8 89:n?" g"i0B1 ((*2 )0)04 (E)$(9):&()/#g;eeQeee'Q'Qe 4"e'"f ^Ar'" &G>'"` H&Y2'"G KFX'"c GGnW'"j oBwK'"s(w()! xBK'"u Z% Vz5 '"j(a(a()6!g142`You are at the foot of a high, snowy mountain range. A cliff looms before you with a tricky path winding its way up the steep face.There is a narrow path winding up the steep cliff.The shrubbery is scant here.The ground is strewn with large boulders.You look upward and see the mountain range looming toward the beautiful blue sky.There are no climbable trees here.Not here.4i*8 992:]?#g"085)R)R)Z)Z3 (*)(9):&()/#g;eeQeee'Q'Qee'" 0j'"6!M 7TZ#'6!(L '(L() '6 !(! (!()"g35< [ The snow-capped mountains advance forever upward. A narrow path skims along the top of a precipitous ridge. As you look down, you see the steep cliff below you.The thin path runs along the top of a steep ridge. You must be very careful as one wrong step will mean death!A forest begins, with tall evergreen trees and low bushes.The ground goes... way up, or way down. Better be careful.You look upward and see the mountain range looming toward the beautiful blue sky.There are no climbable trees here.There are few flowers among the tall evergreens.4*8 :9o:-?#g"!)+%,16C$L$#!)+%:`6C#!)+/%Au6C#!)+%_ QdjXB  6 QdU6 QJ`(T S j`u. pnxo<68 *BhYou have reached the summit, but still the snowy mountains continue relentlessly forward. What is this? A cave with a snowy path leading to it! Hmmmmm. What could it all mean?A narrow path forges its way through the snowdrifts, and another leads into a large cave! Nervously, you look around.The snowy cave is very large with thick icicles hanging from its entrance. It's very dark inside.The ground is completely covered with cold, white snow.The deep-blue sky contrasts sharply with the brilliant white mountain peaks. You must admit, even while shivering, it is a beautiful sight.White snow blankets everything here in the upper reaches of the great mountains. It's beautiful, but it is VERY cold.Wheee!Plants and trees are scarce in the snowy reaches of these mountains.43;*8 =9,:?rg"7 u 0&9%(,,) 7%Y/#g u6 +%eeQeee'Q'Qe(e(e eee! , 'Y(r '(r()E) '65 i '6 "6'( '(()(/'%&&o86 S Ygu,,G7>e )9$u~ You have made the very top of the snowy mountain range. The snow path ends here at a cliff. Far in the distance, you can see a vast green valley. "Could it be Daventry?" you wonder. Your excitement mounts.The snow path leads to the edge of a very steep precipice. You look about, but see that there is no place to go but straight down.Plants and trees are scarce in the snowy reaches of these mountains.The ground is completely covered with cold, white snow.The deep-blue sky contrasts sharply with the brilliant white mountain peaks. You must admit, even while shivering, it is a beautiful sight.There are no trees here.White snow blankets everything here in the upper reaches of the great mountains. It's beautiful, but it is VERY cold.Wheee!Bravely, you grasp the ice laden rocks, and attempt to scale the nearly vertical wall. Be careful, Gwydion!That must be Daventry!"But why is Half Dome here?" you wonder."But, of course," you think, "it's a Sierra game!"4h*8 >9,:>?" g"03 .8N)(<%1#%b# :)%/#g, e eeQeee'Q'Qee(e(e'R  -# {+/ Wk  IVP^ v 3&9 Mk *1.: n'v. STZc KV ' %1&;  XY #3$9$%}+ e {+|, $%"6 Z[ $%  $%\ OVP^ $%  $%NZ +3(*() ,8) ,)66G,Ge  6 ^GG^ eGG^ e .g e,) eFg g g g g gg .(<8:  40jv:nThis is a very steep (and dangerous) cliff! Numerous caves honeycomb its face. You could get lost in the caves, IF you survive the cliff.A narrow path continues onward.There are no plants on this rocky cliff.The ground is far below you. Be careful!The cliff face before you towers into the deep, blue sky.What trees?Unable to grasp the ice pack,%m22Your assessment was correct!%v40/%v41, Area=%v220 Boy, are these caves dark! SS WW The caverns in this mountain form a labyrinth of amazing complexity.The snow here has formed an icepack so hard it is impossible to gain a handhold.Not now!Removing your hands from the sheer rock wall to rub the magic stone,%m22 you quickly assess your chances of surviving a 700-foot fall.As you reach for your fly wings, a sharp gust of wind blows them from your grasp.You watch as your feather floats up, up and away on a sudden blast of frigid air.You congratulate yourself on succesfully eluding the abominable snowman.4]J*8 ?9<:o?g"09% ;%/#geeQeee'Q'Qee'<)t '6, '6  ~ '6 '6g,, G9;kYou carefully make your way down the eastern side of these mountains. The path travels along the top of a narrow ridge. Looking back, you see the snowy peaks through which you so recently journeyed. Whew! You wipe your brow as you feel the worst is now behind you.You are walking along a steep ridgetop on a treacherous path. One wrong step could mean instant death. Be careful!You see numerous evergreen trees and bushes. The forest is very tranquil.The ground is covered with a crunchy carpet of pine needles.Looking back, you see snow-capped peaks thrusting their way upward toward an azure sky.There are no climbable trees here.You see no flowers around here.4?<*8 @9:~?g"0 :%1/#geeQeee'Q'Qee'A! %,3 '3l@ l=G '66 ZO^ '(Z()'g=:lYou carefully make your way down the eastern side of these mountains. The path travels along the top of a narrow ridge. Looking back, you see the snowy peaks through which you so recently journeyed. Whew! You wipe your brow as you feel the worst is now behind you.You are trekking along a steep ridgetop on a treacherous path. One wrong step could mean instant death. Be careful!You see numerous evergreen trees and bushes. The forest is very tranquil.The ground is covered with a crunchy carpet of pine needles.Looking back, you see snow-capped peaks thrusting their way upward toward an azure sky.There are no climbable trees here.You see no flowers around here.4Z*89>:z? "$$$u $ 1z1zz1J z1S z1Wx 10 7%Y/#7u+6%R%%u+8YS Neppe555eP Q+X3  6Q|Q Y8S GG.eeu7$c\hThis cave is disgusting! It reeks of rotting flesh. Half-chewed bones of numerous creatures are scattered everywhere. Your skin creeps as you look at the sight before you. This is definitely not a good place to be!You have absolutely no interest in these horrible bones! Your only interest is in getting OUT OF THERE!The cold snow sparkles on the mountaintop as you glance out of the cave. It would be better to be OUT there than IN here.Horrors! You have just entered the awful cave of the Abominable Snowman, and to your extreme bad luck he happens to be home!No message.You can't do that now.The mountain air is too thin to support insect flight.4-Fz9:{8# *bb0('();%g(>%lOD(&()/#ww5 5$I$5$$.E .,c XC9$7$) V xG&^%e$6 %(&$R%&$^d . $ ,e Ge ,c)# #- #)YD8.,$L$cwee0e"0''"&0"e Qeeee!e'Qe "0'"e ,v;D>D T|,lYou look upward and view the mountain range you so arduously crossed. Well, you made it to Daventry! But, what is this? It looks like a cave leading deep into the mountain. You see evidence that a door once covered this cave entrance. Huge boulders lie scattered about, apparently from tumbling down the mountain.You gaze into the cave-like entrance. You see nothing but crumbly stone steps leading upward.A deep chasm has split the earth on this side of the mountain. You wonder if an earthquake had once struck Daventry and caused the destruction you see before you. You see nothing of interest across it.A once green woodland spreads out before you. Now though, many trees and bushes have been cruelly charred.The ground is strewn with large boulders. A deep chasm cuts into it.You see a mysterious cloud cover straight above you in the sky.You see no flowers about.The stone steps within the cave entrance look mighty crumbly. Curiously, they lead straight up into the mountain!There are no climbable trees around.You successfully fall for twenty meters before you hit the bottom. You get a 4.1 from the Russian judge.Whoops, you slipped!The chasm is much too wide to jump across, and too treacherous to climb.4R8 6 "9: *bb0=N%?%u+/#ww.( .w X9$7$) c$L$%(&$R%&$ .$ ,ewe!!!ee55e)(?= (This cave is merely the entrance to crumbly stone steps that lead upward into the depths of the mountain. Pebbles and little rocks lie scattered upon the cave floor.The stone steps go up into the very depths of this mountain. Not only are they crumbly, but they are also very steep!Little stones and pebbles from the steps have fallen and lie scattered around the cave floor.You see the charred trees of Daventry outside the cave.Watch out for that first step. It's a dilly.4O`8 7 "9\: *b0>%\@%-', ) 0&9: //#ww.% .w X) c$L$%(&$6R%&$ . $ ,ewe!!!e>@N ;<Crumbled stone steps go upward into the depths of this mountain. To your amazement, you see light coming down from above. Looking down, you see the stairs steeply descending below you.The stone steps go up into the very depths of this mountain. Not only are they crumbly, but they are also very steep!Darn those steps!48R 88 "9: *b0C%[?%/#%Xww QNX Q.( .w X9$7$) c$L$%(&$R%&$ $ ,e .we!!!e55e?C VFinally, the top of the cave! You notice bright light streaming in from outside the cave. Looking down, you see the crumbly stone steps precariously descending into the bowels of the mountain.You gaze nervously down the steep stone steps leading into the pit of the mountain. Swallowing hard, you realize how dangerous they are.It's very bright outside. You think you see clouds.No fair taking short cuts!4I= 98?%9:Zw *b0/#w, "e$c-de ,wGG^6eeQ'QeeeBO_Looking around, you see clouds surrounding this small bit of land like a white, cottony sea. Charred stumps of trees spoil the scene.All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!The ground is moist from the constant presence of clouds, but yet the trees are burnt and blackened.The sky is blue and cloudless above this strange cloud land.You have skillfully detected the boundaries of cloud land. The rest of your quest will go quickly......downward!As you unroll the delicate map, it crumbles in the intense heat!4 M; :8?79:ebbbb ! ) 6 = C / % #F # .0!6=XC).+$L$%4@/#!6=XC).+$L$%C#!6=XC).+$L$%k4# /! ) /+ - 6 C = X $L $! ) /+ - 6 C = X $L $ $$$$ww *'()0=)jC(A(&(),1w($R()$ /#G G761 76(6(!,  > M- (P%% UQ  ::;/I::;2$1AG$AKI ::;/I2$$)$0$ % S/ # cG Q :2$$$0$ % vP/ # G c;2 $$ $ U ;2 $$9$ U ;+ .)/ #$L$I, )K/GI MF #F$ $ ;;;F ,FwGG^6eG wM .G$ $ $X)0+)0+)0+$$$:: F :::G c'c n ܂/s% (& %&@, @/ F ;;;-8 ./ e :::666$$$$$$$$ 76;;N-e e cc--c !e eee-ee)-e e Qee'Q'Qeee,)/ec$-e$ $ ;;;$ F ,CA>.2? &^$The dragon has laid waste to this area. The earth is scorched and all the trees and plants are charred.The dragon's green scaly body is huge! Its three ugly heads blow flame and smoke, while its necks twist and writhe. Ugh!! The sight of it makes you shiver.The dragon lies dead upon the ground. He was no match for the fury of your magical storm!A huge, fire-breathing dragon is here and it has SEEN you! Hypnotized by it's baleful glare, you stand frozen in your tracks!! What a way to go; ending up as a dragon's barbeque!The dragon notices Princess Rosella being untied, and blasts you both with a long, licking tongue of flame.That was a mistake; now he knows you're here!It seems that you have confused being invisible......with being weightless.Bolts of lightning strike the huge dragon. He howls in pain and falls to the ground... dead.Shhh!!! The dragon will hear you!This dragon is dead.And just how do you propose to do that?That would be overkill.All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!There are no climbable trees around.The sky is blue and cloudless above this strange cloud land.The ground is moist from the constant presence of clouds, but yet the trees are burnt and blackened.You don't have a knife.Your little knife would barely nick that big dragon!Do you really think that is necessary?As you unroll the delicate map, it crumbles in the intense heat!4GA8?79:Zb*0 @%{f/#%iww Qi; ;ewGG^6e ,)!e c$-e ,eQ'Qeeeee'ee @B pi3S/Looking around, you see clouds surrounding this small bit of land like a white, cottony sea. Charred stumps of trees spoil the scene.All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!The ground is moist from the constant presence of clouds, but yet the trees are burnt and blackened.The sky is blue and cloudless above this strange cloud land.This is a very strange cloud land. There is just a bit of land dotted with charred trees encircled by a sea of white, fluffy clouds. This gives you the odd feeling of floating upon a cottony ocean. A cave entrance leads into a steep mountainside.The mountain rises steeply from this bizarre cloud land. A cave goes into its depths.The mountain is unclimbable as it is much too steep and rocky.It feels strangely hot up here.The cave leads deep into the steep mountainside. Within, crumbly stone steps lead downward to murky depths.This mystical cloud land may never cease to amaze you, but......it has ceased to support you! Enjoy the trip.As you unroll the delicate map, it crumbles in the intense heat!48E?08 <9c:Yb *0 E%I7/#Xwww!X.( .w X9$7$) $L$%(&$R%&$c $ ,e .eQeeee'Qe$$'$e0e0e ''0""0e "0''"&0"e E=  Wx4YNThe countryside of Daventry looks as if it had once been beautiful. But now, trees are charred, a chasm splits the earth, and wildflowers no longer grow. Nearby is an old, broken-down well that someone has filled with rocks. It's useless now.Some plants and trees around Daventry have been burnt black and leafless.Wildflowers no longer grow here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but grass.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.There are no good climbing trees that you can see.The old well has been filled with rocks. It's useless. Like everything else in Daventry, the well gives a feeling of futileness.A deep chasm splits the earth. Possibly, an earthquake ripped through Daventry at one time. Looking across the chasm, you see nothing but more charred countryside.A stone wall travels to the north and south. You see if you can climb it, but find it too high. There is nothing of any interest on the other side of the wall, anyway.%m9The chasm is much too wide to jump across, and too treacherous to climb.The treacherous chasm has claimed another victim.4ou8?-92:d?@b *0 G%%N/#ww+!F)FCX$L$6 +%Qh#N/Iw =!G+-MizFQh $L$Q(|e+-Q"= $ c  ee0'""0'0(Pee""e??$?e%e&& e e  e e ).e #eeeee'Q'QeQeeee e eGD/ 4Z$,d=  ( r  You stare at the run-down shack. Upon the porch, a withered gnome rocks in a creaky old rocking chair, whistling a merry tune. The shack leans heavily to one side and you wonder why it doesn't fall.You stare at the run-down shack. It leans heavily to one side. You wonder why it doesn't fall.A stone wall travels to the north and south. You try to go over it, but find it too high. There is nothing of any interest on the other side of it, anyway.The ramshackle wooden fence runs to the north and south. You try to go over it, but find it too high. There is nothing of any interest on the other side of it, anyway.It is a little too high to climb.You can't see anything through the window.The door is locked. The gnome is wary of thieves.In the distance, you notice a castle. Your excitement mounts as you realize it is your home. Your parents, King Graham and Queen Valanice, whom you do not remember, reside there.There is nothing on the porch but the rocking chair (which isn't rocking).A wizened old gnome rocks in a creaky rocking chair on the front porch of his rickety shack. He whistles a merry tune.The last time you saw him he was headed north.This gnome looks to be at least a hundred years old. He's stooped with age, and his face is as withered as an old prune. Grey, wispy hair tops his head, and gnarled hands clutch the chair. As old as he looks, however, his twinkling eyes suggest a youthful mischievousness as he whistles a merry tune.You'll have to talk extra loud because he's not here.You speak directly to the old gnome. He chuckles softly to himself, then replies, "It's about time you got here, lad... I mean, Prince Alexander. Welcome home! Heaven knows, we need you. Daventry's been suffering for years now, since that despicable dragon came."The old gnome narrows his eyes to slits and leans forward in his chair. "That monster demanded the sacrifice of your poor sister, Princess Rosella, and I'm afraid time is running out. Your parents, the King and Queen, are suffering such grief they have locked themselves in yon castle and refuse to see anyone."Staring intently at you, the gnome goes on, "It's up to you, Alexander. Your country and family need you. It's written in the wind." The wizened gnome relaxes and settles back in his chair. He begins whistling again."You must hurry, Prince Alexander," the old gnome urges. "Time is a-wasting. Go save us."The gnome now chooses to ignore you. He whistles and rocks in his creaky chair."Oh YIPPEE! You did it, your majesty!! The gnome squeals in delight. "I KNEW you could save us all. King Graham and Queen Valanice will be overjoyed to see you two." He claps his gnarled hands. "I must run ahead to announce your arrival!" The gnome spryly scampers toward the castle.There are no climbable trees around.Some plants and trees around Daventry have been burnt black and leafless.Wildflowers no longer grow here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but grass.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.He belongs to himself.4db b$F$$?P .9L:dw*!b)b=/$L$%?c#!)=C/%Pb6#I! ) = / % ## /G &%(%&'%&&$% ,$$ /IF cG  (܂%&# %&@, @/ F c nDark storm clouds gather until you are completely enveloped. You hear the loud reports of thunderclaps, and lightning flashes frighteningly close.It seems that your storm has backfired.4,99:8 ?!a)a%hx//#:!)=%%"$L$#*0 E%Y/#ww Qnxew' fwy~'w%ee?%?ee)'e $?'ee ??'ee ?'ee B?'ee e e '""0'0e Qee'Q'QeeeHE iytzI& oR#euiYou gaze sadly at the deteriorated castle. It's obvious that it was once proud and beautiful. But now, its banners are torn, its stones and statue work crumbling, and the moat has been drained. It's as if no one cares anymore.The castle doors are wide open to welcome home a long-missing son, and a much-loved daughter. Atop the castle, the banners proudly wave. The heavy feeling of oppression is gone; hope has at last returned to Daventry!The massive wooden doors of the castle are closed.%m2The huge doors of the castle are bolted shut. Try as you might, you cannot open them.You rap loudly upon the massive wooden doors of the castle. Hollowly, emptily, the sound reverberates within. No one answers.You obviously do not have the key to this castle.Your body is no match for these huge wooden doors.Sadly, the torn banners of the shabby castle fly at half staff.The worn banners atop the crumbling castle proudly wave.The moat is too wide and too deep to cross. There is nothing of interest there, anyway.And just how do you intend to do that from where you're standing.No one answers.A once green woodland spreads out before you. Now, its many trees and bushes are cruelly charred.You see no flowers about.There are no climbable trees around.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but green grass.42W9Z:8 @!)=%%"#*0 G%/#www%eee e '""0'e Qee'Q'QeeeGE&_`aUYou gaze sadly at the shabby castle. It's obvious that it was once a proud and beautiful place. But now, its banners are torn, its stones and statue work are crumbling, and the moat has been drained. It's as if no one cares anymore.Atop the castle, the banners are proudly waving. The heavy feeling of oppression is gone; hope has at last returned to Daventry!Sadly, the torn banners of the shabby castle are flying at half-mast.The worn banners atop the crumbling castle proudly wave.The moat is too wide to cross. There is nothing of interest there, anyway.A once green woodland spreads out before you. Now, its many trees and bushes are cruelly charred.You see no flowers about.There are no climbable trees around.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but green grass.4?\*9L: "0 G%L , ) 0&9: //#wwQGxwQx %eSe?eGJJXYou and Princess Rosella have entered a hallway of the dilapidated castle. Cracks mar the walls and dusty floor. Cobwebs drape an overhanging lamp. Sadly, your sister remarks, "Alexander, I wish you could have seen it in better days. It wasn't always like this, you know."Cobwebs have not been cleaned from the overhanging chandelier.The doors of this castle are wide open.4 ?"wbIGHIME)%z#QRz)!%m)I+C#QRm!%&[)G+/FXC#!%*U)H+/F#XC!%?6)+/F$L$#:!%Y)+-/XC#: w-   ee GGGGQ-UQB]Q2gQ?gGQ5] GGGGQ?]Q9]Q6gQ45'%&#%c e e c'xUNothing like a little salt air to perk up a boy's spirits. All things being equal, you might have enjoyed this ocean voyage......however, you have found your accommodations to be slightly less than satisfactory.4O89D: ptbbb!%&&%&)/6#I!%&&%&)/6#I!%~&&%&)+/6#I!%~&&%&)/+6#I)%Y!6#&L&!%@*)6&L& *6+-0,%D,) 0&9: /,/#$>$ptc %&%&/I%&%&/I%~&%&/I%~&%&/I!,),6+-)P,w,M/#cGI , ,c.) QD $ ,eee* >e>e>e>  eee e e e e>e e p,,->0RQ,PC Y&V/Whoops! You've unsuccessfully defied the law of gravity.Looking down from this height makes you dizzy and you almost fall. Holding tight, you look up and notice a crow's nest at the top of the mast.The rope ladder looks flimsy. A careless step might be fatal!You scan the horizon. You see land to the east.The ocean seems to be endless. In every direction, you see nothing but deep, blue water.The ship has anchored just offshore of a small beach. Further north, in the distance, looms a mountain range.The ship's mast dominates your view. Though sturdy, the pitching of the vessel causes it to sway to and fro.%m9A crow's nest perches atop the mast you are climbing. Curiously, you gaze up at it. But, from this vantage point, you cannot see into it.You hear loud snoring coming from inside the crow's nest. The keen-eyed lookout has fallen asleep on the job.At the moment, you can see no pirates.The sky is cloudless. Some shore birds can be seen far to the east.The sky is cloudless. Some shore birds are wheeling overhead.A burly pirate has noticed you from inside the crow's nest! Before you can react, he yells, "Yer dead meat, Bucko!" and slashes at you with his sword. He misses, but you lose your balance. Down you tumble... to your untimely death.An ominous jolly-roger blows in the breeze.4t "9k: F8bb)*0N)x%x%V}'()):/#,):!)+$L$6%$(&$))c,S F# c/I Ft!, FUMGS . FUM e Ueee!eUeeFe/FeggFgFge ?5?e P 2fHO}This is the galley of the pirate ship. A large iron stove dominates one wall. Pots, pans, and barrels surround it. There is a long dining table at the other end of the room.The ship's cook is fast asleep in the evening meal. His snores are so loud they seem to rattle the walls.Get out of here before the ship's cook cuts you up!It's just an old wood stove used for cooking. Nothing special about it.The pots and pans are used for cooking the pirate's meals.The barrel seems to be full of rum, but you have better things to do at the moment than drink.The wooden dining table is not too clean. The remains of many meals are lodged between the oaken planks. Its top is deeply gouged and stained.It's obvious the pirate's eating habits are less than desirable. You see nothing but crumbs and stains under the table.You have better things to do than sit around.The sight of the rolling swells make you a little queasy. To your relief, you see no pirates coming."What d'ya think yer up ta, boy!?"%m24<8 "9i:| Wtpt #*bb,!=XN%q%q6)+-,7)&9:Q%ON)%0%Iu, ) 0&9: //#$>$ppt, +- . , qs,) .c))( (ކ (ކ$R$ޑ^ Yd),f~D)#ic, #-cd #m~)Y8., qsY,3 ,.Y>8)nu,,N=X6)+-q,c,) X6&%R(&%eeee??e &  """ &"""e>e e * >e>e >e >  e e p,,->0RQ,N,SQ, DgIs %z-O$S Y5 oU+Darn that flimsy ladder!This is the upper deck of the pirate ship. A ladder leads to the lower deck.The solid mast is swaying slightly. A rope ladder leads up into the rigging.The rope ladder looks flimsy. A careless step might be fatal!The hatchway leads below decks. The bright sun affords little illumination of what may lie below.The doorways at the stern give way to darkness.The railing is too high for you to get over.You scan the horizon. You see land to the east.The ocean seems to be endless. In every direction, you see nothing but deep, blue water.The ship has anchored just offshore of a small beach. Further north, in the distance, looms a mountain range.At the moment, you see no pirates.The sky is a deep, cloudless blue. You see sea birds high above you.Shore birds can be seen in the cloudless sky.4bbbpt "89%:} _!)%1r+$L$ #F)$.$$ $ %1pS$ %#c *X0%, ) 0&9: //#$>$pt!,X c/I F!, FUMe XGS)r- #c, S UMF.e U,.MMFUc, . Yyr plt!%&(%&(%&$R(&$6-0 Q:v &%(%&)6$R()$-C0) 6&$R(&$T,$ $ .T,>0eeee* >e>e>e >  e ee e  &  """ &"""e p,,>0P Feb.fFThe nasty pirate growls, "I gotcha, boy!"The lower deck has no railing.The forward mast is slightly shorter than the others.The wooden ladder leads to the upper deck at the stern of the vessel.The hold is open to the elements.The sky is a deep, clear blue. You see birds high above you. The ocean seems to go on forever.The sky is a deep, clear blue. Sea gulls wing nearby. To the east you see what might be land.This pirate is fast asleep. If people look more innocent when asleep, it certainly wasn't true with this one!You'd better run!! That uncouth character is after you!Just walk off the side. I hope you know how to swim!The sky is a deep, clear blue. Sea gulls wing nearby. The ship is anchored in a small bay. Further north, a mountain range looms.You don't see any pirates at the moment.The pirate is so terrified by your display of magic that he cannot move!489T:D pt>.!)+%:C$L$#!)+%$L$C#*d .wzPB  zWF  bb)+6%NDCX#!)+6%@H#Z$!8)8%+-T#,6 0%WD,) 0&9: /6 /#$>$pM>$$t!,6  eQee*0  0>e>e >e >  e  &  """ &"""e,,>0P,8S C<^You are standing at the aft end of the ship.The sky is cloudless. Some sea birds can be seen in the far distance.The sky is cloudless. Some shore birds are wheeling overhead. It appears that the ship is near land!The deep, blue ocean stretches out to the horizon. There is no land in sight.As you sink beneath the waves you hear the crew rooting for the shark!Now you've gone and done it!You endeavor to climb over the railing, but change your mind as you feel it might be unsafe!The ocean is calm and untroubled. Sea gulls wing nearby. To the east you see what might be land.The ocean is calm and untroubled. Sea gulls wing nearby. The ship is anchored in a small bay. Further north, a mountain range looms.4!Ybbbbtt "9:s 8!)X%&F//#:>z!)$L$%D6+L)X$R$.$$)%EuB (% $#: #*,',=XP%7%6 )+-;)'()T)))n&()R%}P%x7) , )&9: 0 //#t c/I F(Z-  '%&%     , ew. ;Q(c QEu )EuBGBF M)GS  eexU, %&|,! ,%&,#,c) } #6 QܑU}F,',.Y>8)NN=X6 ),+-eeee/-e->eee--eeee5ee:D'YeMe AE$$e1) e$$7a$`$$eF3F ?pSxe ee e$$l$l$#eE$$e ;/Ill1e%E$$e ;/K :9---9-9-e e ggee ??ee"5"ee,)2P,)U rRT) cXR(&%ܑB8 ܃,c)# #-߃ #)Y8.,c 8`PY{H69 S| < e You can't see that very well from here.This must be the Captain's cabin. He seems to be a bit more tidy than his mates, as the room is clean and orderly. Against one wall rests his bunk with a large chest at its foot. Across the room is his desk with a chart tacked to the wall.You look curiously around. Out a porthole you see the swell of the ocean. A device for turning the ship's rudder sets in the floor. A rope ladder extends up through an opening in the ceiling.You peer into the dark opening. It's impossible to make out any details.You can't see anything from here.The Captain's bunk has been very neatly made. You look it over carefully, but find nothing of interest.The rope ladder is still there.You see the rise and fall of the ocean as you gaze out the porthole.The chest at the foot of the Captain's bunk is closed.How do you propose to do that from where you're standing?You gaze with interest at the Captain's desk. The desk top is very neat, holding only writing implements. Curiously, you open a drawer or two. There is nothing of interest among the charts and logbooks. Quickly, you close them again.You stare at the chart tacked to the wall. It traces the route the ship is now sailing. It leaves Llewdor, crossing a wide ocean, and arriving at the foot of a mountain range. An "X" has been marked at the arrival point.You really have better things to do than lie around. It would be wise to get out of there.You really have better things to do than sit around. It would be wise to get out of there.Through one doorway, you see the rope ladder snaking its way down into the cargo hold. Out the other, you see nothing but the endless ocean.The Captain doesn't want you snooping in his quarters. You're in trouble now!You look in the chest and find nothing."Yer more trouble than yer worth!" the Captain thunders. "'Tis the plank fer ya now!""I'll not tolerate ya snoopin' around me quarters!" the Captain thunders. "If I ketch ya in here again ya'll walk the plank!"You've found all of your missing possessions! You take them with you.The open chest bears closer examination.The chest is already open.The chest is already closed.Adding insult to injury, all of your belongings have been taken from you again.You look out the window and see the bright, blue ocean.You see nothing you haven't seen before.The captain is snoring peacefully in his bunk.4P! "89: bbb 4lt 4! ) F X % # :  *,):0C,'()T)))r&(), .6 XC%4KQ4c, ) 0&9: //#! )6+$L$%_#:>2)$$. %2&%)#$. F%N(Xt c/I /FE$.$2 #G ec.!, eFUM  . GS F .e U )4 , 4l$e ee e e 4ee/e 4ee?5??e e ---ee9---9-eeSE&c:VdThis is where your average pirate sleeps. Actually, these bunks don't look much more comfortable than your own miserable cot used to be and the space is just as cramped.You have found yourself below the lower deck. They keep the ship's lifeboat stored here. There are open doorways at either end of the compartment.You scrutinize the boat inside and out, but find it to be empty and uninteresting.Rows of hard bunks line the walls of the crew's quarters. They don't look very inviting to lie upon. You can't imagine the pirates would get a good night's sleep down here in the cramped bow of the ship.The beds look incredibly hard and uncomfortable. No, thank you.You already have the shovel.The pirate growls, "What ar' ya doin' snoopin' around me digs, laddie. I gotcha' now, boy!You can't see it from here.You'd better leave before the pirate catches you.You don't see anyone else in the area.A pirate is fast asleep in his bunk.You stare out the open doorway and see the wooden lifeboat.You peer through the doorway and see rows of bunks. It must be the crew's quarters.Oh no! One of the crew has spotted you! You'd better run.%m2 There is a shovel lying by the lifeboat.%m3 There is a shovel lying by the lifeboat.Poofing in.Your magical transformation has frozen the pirate in his tracks.41 "MT9<: U8bmmt$% *,) %g!, )%n+-,0y'()MQ RS7"a `N+&9:V)%%., 0&9:) //# e,) ,,.c .'())xX6 $R()$ d )h} ,,lv^1wXC.N)+&|R(&ܑ ,6 YDxmtee&'5e ,e,e,,eV, S a9^_`You are in the dank cargo hold of the pirate ship. With caution, you look around the dim surroundings. Mostly, you see stacks of wooden crates. Looking upward, you notice a rope ladder dangling partway through an opening in the hold ceiling. The ladder is directly over the largest crate.You see the opening for the cargo hold high above you. A thin rope ladder hangs halfway down.Good idea! How?The ladder is just out of reach.The ladder is sagging under your weight.The ladder is far above you.Adding insult to injury, all of your belongings have been taken from you again!4 8 "9x: 6tmm$%*0% &%)/#$$; !)$O$&%&%&T#!)$O$&%&%&T#tm-E$ ${$$   $  $ $ $  x%eZZe eeEe) ee ee e e&'5eU 6 0; nMu8{[@R You look warily around the dark, dank cargo hold. There seems to be nothing but stacks of wooden crates piled around.Shhhh. If you're quiet, maybe you can hear them.You see an open grating far above you. Too bad you can't reach it.Good idea! How?What mice?A couple of little gray mice scurry to and fro on the floor of the hold.The little mice totally ignore your attempted conversation.The mice move much too quickly for you to ever catch.How cruel!! You wouldn't want to do that!"Do you know where the pirates are taking us?" one gray mouse asks the other."I heard them talking about a buried treasure chest," the other mouse answers. "I think it's buried on a beach, and they're going to dig it up.""Oh, I remember!" squeaks the first mouse. "Remember when they first buried the treasure? It was on a small beach, and behind the beach was a high mountain range. I remember hearing one pirate say that nobody has ever crossed those mountains alive.""You know the pirate's buried treasure?" you hear one of the mice say to the other."What about it?" asks the second mouse.Says the first, "Well, I just heard the captain talking about it with one of his men. He said it was buried... now let me see if I can remember. Oh, yeah! He said it was buried near a lone palm tree. From the palm, you walk five paces to the east and then start digging.""Too bad we can't do anything about it," muses the other mouse."What do you think the pirates will do with the boy they shang-hai'd," a little gray mouse squeaks to a companion."They'll probably make him a cabin boy," answered the other mouse."What happened to the last cabin boy they had?""Didn't you hear? They fed him to the sharks just for sport."You listen as two mice talk to each other. One says, "I heard the pirates talking about bringing a CAT on board!""No! Don't scare me like that!" exclaimed the other mouse.Retorts the first, "I mean it! They said there's getting to be too many mice on this ship. We need to call a "mouse counsel" and decide what to do about this situation!""It's getting so musty and damp down here, don't you think?" you hear one gray mouse ask the other."That's water seeping through the hull," explains the second mouse. "But, I agree with you, it is getting uncomfortable. Why, I have a hard time keeping mildew off my nest!""Yes, but it is safer down here," returns the first. "I guess we gotta take the bad with the good."4# 01!)/6=X  4e$eE  e \4 $  1 01e 4e0 xQeu1 CKveb,eU.e J 7R8S 5 0P?X + + +-'& )/ #$L$I/#F/I2$$ $0$/I@  \5%%3@A4C {C@A $$L$) # 2Gd'[It's just an ordinary shovel.You already have it.You can't get it from there.You have uncovered a small chest. You remove it from the hole and open it. Inside you find precious gems and ingots of gold and silver. You close the chest and take it and its contents with you.You dig and dig, but unfortunately... find nothing.You dig in the sand with your bare hands, but to no avail.You're too close to the ocean to dig. The hole would fill in too quickly.Now is not the time to think about digging a hole!4% V:!)&#,w'())()N,8Yx,[w $XCQ}QZ8&R(& $YD,8xG e G 45> . w-&+e eeeF ,#&Ueee e$#$#e##5,e(e E$$ $)%,e8#8#8#8#8#9e,()3$)$(()&#,%#e #$#$#e#'#'#e """"""Q,"C #)$/I0 # $)+-$($Qn^8X $n^,""#""#"#"#,N ]<X)$/Qnz2$$# $$) $($6  ,6 Y,PE$$B>N)$/I #9$7$X '%&%& $)&%&# #,N,e,eN)$/ #IK H) # (r4.V$F|The crates are sealed tightly. You can't open them no matter what you do.You try to jump up on the large crates, but they are too tall!You're not close enough.All of the crates are nailed shut. You have no means of opening them.You're not carrying a box, are you?You notice many crates and boxes in the cargo hold. One, in particular, captures your attention, for it lies directly under the dangling rope ladder!%m6 There is also a smaller crate here.Large wooden crates are stacked along one wall of the hold.%m8 There is also a smaller crate here.All of the large crates are too heavy to move.Why don't you try jumping.As your sleep spell takes effect, a silence suddenly descends over the ship."Wait a second...""Who's steering the ship?" you ask.Unfortunately, there is no reply.You can't jump while you are carrying a crate around.Now is not the time to be jumping.You can't do that... at least not now!With no one to steer the ship, you are doomed to drift at sea forever.4?*M M>e>e->eF ,?You hear one of the pirates shout, "Land ho, Captain!"You hear the first mate shout, "Drop anchor, an' prepare ta go ashore!"You hear the sounds of the ship setting sail. With a grim sense of foreboding, you realize that you are doomed to the life of a cabin boy.4F%&()*!XC)($O$> cZ-e)-e --e --e ---e -  #<e,! NGS Y "$L$O$.1 MUFe$)*NG,eX< $e ,R$$e ,eeX6UR$f$6F .wX))/M # $3$$ ++( %(%%%) ++()/ //$//B e Tpm What is this thing? OH, NO! It's the abominable snowman!!The abominable snowman seems quite confused by this! He stares in amazement, then heads back to his cave.The terrible, hairy creature grabs you with bone-crushing force! You resist, but it is no use.He carries you away to his cave, where you meet an early (and unspeakable) demise.The despicable creature grabs you roughly around the neck and... and... it's too horrible to describe! Suffice it to say, you are quite dead.The hairy creature is huge and monstrous!! It advances toward you menacingly. Don't just stand there, RUN!!!You attempt to speak to the hairy monster, but are cut off by a ferocious ROOAAARRRRR!!Now THAT'S the most ridiculous thing I've EVER hoid!!Get serious!!Sure. Right. Uh huh.4X W!Ib!JK%l)J$L$3)I'%&&&&%&S#E=eGeG,UMF<3E$$e  eedc!)I$L$SeE$$ GSF))%e e f eee  e e: e eee ,iR@q Bashfully, you introduce yourself to your long-lost sister. "How can I be sure you're really my brother?" Princess Rosella wonders. "I know! My mother always said that Alexander had a cute birthmark on his bottom. Let me see if you have it." Embarrassed, you reveal your cute birthmark. "Oh Alexander!" she cries,"You really ARE back! Mum and Dad will be SOOOOO happy!"You ask Rosella about your parents. "Mum and Dad were heart-broken when you disappeared as a baby," she explains. "Dad searched EVERYWHERE for you. Obviously, he never found you." Pausing, she looks at you questioningly. "By the way, where HAVE you been?" You explain that you have been living with an evil wizard in the land of Llewdor, and that you turned him into a cat by using magic. "How awful for you!" she exclaims. "Well, I'm so glad you're back!!"You ask Princess Rosella to tell you about Daventry. She replies, "Hard times hit Daventry right after you were kidnapped. Dad and Mum tried, but it was like they had lost their will." Clenching her fist, Rosella continues. "We were down on our guard, and the terrible dragon came. We all thought it was the end.""I was scared, you know," your sister answers. "But, I DID want to be brave. I was hoping my sacrifice might somehow help." She brightens a bit. "Maybe, it did. Because of me, YOU came. Now, we're together again, and together we can put Daventry right!"You comment upon the spoiled scenery of Daventry. Princess Rosella looks disgusted as she replies, "The dragon did all that. He burnt our countryside, and we were all terrified to even come out of our houses. You don't remember, but it used to be very beautiful."You and Princess Rosella engage in idle pleasantries. You discover that your sister is not only beautiful, but very strong-willed and brave. You admire that in a woman.This is no time for magic. Take Princess Rosella home.She's already with you.What manner of monster are you?You plant a brotherly kiss upon Princess Rosella's soft cheek.WATCH IT, FELLA!!She can't hear you. She's too busy screaming!"Help me!! Untie me!!" Princess Rosella screams."There's home!" your sister cries in delight. "Mum and Dad will be SOOOOOO happy!!"You are not close enough to her.You rapidly untie Princess Rosella from the wooden pole. She looks bewildered as to who her benefactor may be. "I'm your long-lost brother, Prince Alexander," you proudly exclaim. The girl looks doubtful.You've already untied her."I'll explain it all later," you continue, realizing that now is not the time for this. "Just follow me. Let's go meet the folks!" With mixed emotions, the girl agrees to follow you.Princess Rosella is gorgeous! Why, you'd be interested in her if she weren't your own sister! Her hair is long, silky, and golden. Her eyes are as blue as the bluest sky. Her skin is creamy white. And her BODY... well!! Embarrassed, you clear your throat and avert your eyes.The girl is securely tied to the stake.Not now!4:;@yIvIoOjU`^]aVjVlWq]va~hs{qmxbo^l^i`ej\wQzPKJBABA/{..>  ().45.554739*;10"-%!$    !$"%* !<0 *0@ 181;#< !   1@@11@- :-C-C.L.L-S-S.`._0z.^FD-LT-IAC`/b"d!d h#k%k(n)o'v)y*|-(-,(-i"movxz~~#&#&! &"A+S9:Q2~     ~A 0 g b87 "#!!6>E H,W+d+,,   ruxz $ v o$l% j" nt &$) "$))!y}yy'|+}'u'')1)7'9&.%5$9!:21)(*-".2-8,8+/34.4622,  3`9@.(#+$+ $+"$+"a"!!!"" AN2  6 %*4A!! ! !! 1@@11@58Ylhxn>A}J pRe]^uZh`rd{ye]pTxLG=@<...c/l(p(]Xu_hh{|sRMCDGQjp769};v@mAeH]JXPM\QaNdKoNwU~VZcbgsuz;|=xAqCnBhHdJ_L[P\RXURYQ\R_UbScOgMnOuUzX}WX\ehehnvy~rbZxUsSlUerHzG;9(( (41136A|UzXz`yetllobxa{`\E?9// 0149;<A@=960-,)- -.!+?JN~V|YuXr[n`kgdlar_s]rZsSrNqMwB51/0zM47s'S&M$J#N!I MKPS!T'S #*$>$I &!H"Q      !%"!)% #  .  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