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Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32set.scan.start() already active in logic %v18.%m25get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254 mgm $v---- =mj>?I-h?>I-?- >?- mk v.a.-e   v .7. 8v-v.$&-.# i -- v-- v-]- v--e e  v-- v-- v- .-e  v-v. -.-&.'mgm g-.--`-.v--U@JXfu*6IJKMONew room:X coordinate:Y coordinate:Object number:Flag number:New value:Current room = %v0Variable number:Variable %v45 = %v46Flag %v45 setFlag %v45 not setNew priority:Object %v46 is in room %v45.%v45|3/%v46|3Room %v0|3%v45|2 %o45You gottum, Taran.H Done.4DM; FW,;;;;;;; ; f;;;; ;$ Pe$st@You're too weak to continue. If only you had eaten something along the way...You can no longer continue, due to dehydration. Try drinking water occasionally next time.Your heart is broken. Hen Wen has revealed all to the Horned King, and Prydain is filled with evil.The green, slimy, moat water makes you choke and cough. You die an ugly death.You have allowed too many skeletons to escape the Horned King's castle.Oh no, Taran. The Horned King puts you in the Black Cauldron, and evil rules Prydain forever.The fall was just too far to survive.Ribbit. Ribbit.4}FK? H )K@($2KMu(LM@&&&')HK K)y(LMA$$ e$$; u yLMqOh, no! As the turbulent water pulls you under, your last thoughts are of your beautiful home, Caer Dallben.4 c c fn!OQPRLS'&'D+ j 4 N  H  _ E a f W D x d % " WXFGJTPU== ===4IT&[\YZ_`]^MFW(WWc=#eeeeehQWe hope you've enjoyed your visit to Prydain, and your success with "The Black Cauldron."You probably think you could have earned a higher score. Of course, there's an easy way to find out: play the game again.Don't forget, if you make different decisions, the game will be different. We hope you'll try again and again.Congratulations!! You've played a tremendous game!!You jumped in the cauldron causing it to explode. The Horned King's army of Cauldron-Born is now powerless.4{mjgg ggg g g gg g g g mjg gggg g g g ggggg Dg mjg )g*g+g ,g -g .gg g/ mk/`ew#A\z!Ae%FkyHELPKEYBOARD COMMANDSUse arrows or number keys to moveTaran.Press ESC to see the menus.Press ENTER to choose from a menu, orESC to return to the game.Some menu choices list a function key"shortcut" beside their name.Press any key to continue.Press + to make sound louder.Press - to make sound softer.JOYSTICK COMMANDSPoint joystick in desired directionto move Taran.Press top button to see the menus.Press other button to DO things.Press top button twice to LOOK.Press other button twice to USE theobject you made active earlier.Press the top button to choose from amenu, or the other button to returnto the game.MOUSE COMMANDSPut cursor where you want Taran togo, then press button.Press right button to use menus.Press mouse button in the window barto use menus.Press any key to return to game.4l<<azBb !()(C&X'*1A:3 A%O#K;4 %d#S48E< %d#Sz{'>??&>?#FMb b ;e ll<<azFME55 GNSz'>?>*?'+?(>?2==1>=>=0=8'?'+?(>?2==1>=>=0=55!'>?&>='=??'==(&='*:1 e_ E== bsHen Wen does not like the water and is afraid to follow you. You should lead her around or she will be lost.You left poor Hen Wen behind. She will surely be captured by the Horned King's evil gwythaints.4 bb  AAA@ AAA@ e@A@@A )8YDA8)"AL*8l$)) c }X=CC R23CR&BCB A) NA)NAA) NAcA)N8YD #h MAW$;P$;BAY>Db c =)/I"c j })<Ae!l '>?&>?#jc j ) }NN8) A>Oh, nooooooo!Ouch!4  o3B"BEEDCBBAAa1111111B1bBBBBAB!BEEDCBBAA2b1111111111AAaaDAAABAAB!BEEDCBBAA2b111112111AAaaAABAAAAABB"BEEDCBBAAa211111BbCBAAAAAAAAB"BEEDCBBBA1111111111B1aABBBBAB!BEEDCBBAAb221111AAaaADAAABAAB!BEEDCBBAAb1122111AAaaAABAAAAABB"BEEDCBBAAb211111BaAaBAAAAAAAABY>"CDECAAAAAAAAAAac1111111AAaaAAAAAAAA"CDECAAAAAAAAAAab²111111111aAaaAAAAAAAAA"CDECAAAAAAAAAAaa1111111111AAAaAAAAAAA"CDECAAAAAAAAAAab²11111111aaAAAAAAA"CDECAAAAAAAAAAab±1111111AAAAAAAAAA"CDECAAAAAAAAAAaa11111111AAAaAAAAAAA"CDECAAAAAAAAAAab111111111A1AAAaAAAAA+@T"CDEEEEEECAc1111111AAaaAAAAAAAA"CDEEEEEECAb111111111AAaaAAAAAAAAA"CDEEEEEECAAc111111111AAaAAAAAAAA"CDEEEEEECAAc111111111AAaAAAAAA"CDEEEEEECAAc1111111AaaAAAAAAA"CDEEEEEECAAd11111111AAAaAAAAAAA"CDEEEEEECAac111111111AAAaAAAAAA4 = F BEEDCBBAA1 BEEDCBBAA² BEEDCBBAA BEEDCBBAA BEEDCBBAAf  CDECAAAAAAAAAA CDECAAAAAAAAAAN CDEEEEEECAA CDEEEEEECAA4 zP CDECAAAAAAAAA CDCAAAAAAAAAAA CBAAAAAAAAAAAAA CBAAAAAAAAAAAAA CBAAAAAAAAAAAAA CDCAAAAAAAAAAA4| ="CDDCAABBBAAb111112111AAaaAABAAAAABB"BEEDCBBAAb11112111AAaaAAAABAAAAABB"BEEDCBBAA1b111112111AAaaAAAABAAAAABBK#CCDBABAAAAAac311111AAaaAAAAAAA&CBAAAac311111AAaaAAAAAAAA!CDECAAAAAAAAAAaaa11111AAaaAAAAAAAA#CDEEFEEECAc311111AAaaAAAAAAA&CEEEEEEAAc311111AAaaAAAAAAAA!CDEEEEEECAAc311111AAaaAAAAAAAA47K $CDEEEEEECAAc2121A1a1A1AAAaAABAAAB $CEEEGGGGFE11A4A2AAAAAAAA $1211212E11G11G11GGGFEC $AAAAc35232AA22AA21BA11AA11AđA1ADAEGGEEC $AAAAAA11111111c113AAAAAAAAAABBFED $BBBBbbBBBB22221c1111AAAABADEDC $AACCCCCCc2cC2CC2CC2CCCCaBBBDD $CCEEECCAAad21312222BBBABAABBBB4 BEECBBBAAac112222ABBACCA A BEECBBBAAac112222ABBACCA A4h  n 8 !CDEEEEEECAAc2A2a1A2A1A2A1BA a A A A A B !CDEEEEEECAAc2212A1aAAaAAABAABAA !CDEEEEEECAAc21A2a2AAAaAAAABAAB !CDEEEEEECAAc2212A1aAAaAAABAABAA 3^ !CDEEEEEECAAc2A2a1A2A1A2A1BA a A A A A B !CDEEEEEECAAc222A2a1AAAaAAAABA A B !CDEEEEEECAA1c12121A1a1A1AAAaAABAAAB !CDEEEEEECAAc22A1a2A1A2A1AABaAAAAB !CDEEEEEECAAc2222A1aAAaAAAAAABAB !CDEEEEEECAA1c2121A1a1A1A1AAAaBAAAAB 0Y !CDEEEEEECAA1c12121A1a1A1AAAaAABAAAB !CDEEEEEECAAc222A2a1AAAaAAAABA A B !CDEEEEEECAAc2A2a1A2A1A2A1BA a A A A A B !CDEEEEEECAA1c2121A1a1A1A1AAAaBAAAAB !CDEEEEEECAAc2222A1aAAaAAAAAABAB !CDEEEEEECAAc22A1a2A1A2A1AABaAAAAB4 ZZv BEEDCBBAA ddbaAcaAbcbAbbBbaBceaCBcaC BEEDCBBAA ddbaAcaAbcbAbbBbaBceaCBcaC BEEDCBBAA ddbaAcaAbcCbbBbaCBcaC l CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbbabbaBBa CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbbaBBa CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbba CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbbaBBa4 ~ Bu AȑAAAAAAB ǑAAAAAA AȑAAABAAAAAA ǑAAAAAAAHABBAABAAAADBBAABAAAAD;AAAAAABAAAAAAABA4 , Xw 66443322333344456878675644333A3B3B3AA4AA4AA4rBr4v5F5F5F6AAB7AB878675766555A4C4C4E4AqA4BqB4AqA4AqqA4qAAq4rAqAq5sBr5BsB5CqC6F7AAA7A7867566B4D3F3F3BB2BrC2BA3AqrqA3AvA3AA3qBBq4qBAr4rBrCr4sEs5sBt6w8786756B4E4F3AF3EB3BuB3AqsqA3AqA3AqA3AqsqA3AttA4ssA4AwA4AA4BB6A6AB7AB8D786757F6H66 6x5z4qy4w4u4s4t4qv4rx4|4vt5ts5ts5y6qq7778775 ^[6644332233334445687867564433333344445556787867576655544444444455567878675664433223333444568786756443333334444555678786757665554444444445556787867566443322333344456878675644333333444455567878675766555444444444555678786754 aagec4  T"f babbaccbAcefcccAa aabbcccdecabAc aabbccdeaAccdAcB babbaccbdedAaccdB aabbcaceeaceeBB aabbcccdbAbcacAB hu babbaacbaaccaaaaaaabaaebb babbaacaaabbccaaccaaaebb babbaacaaacbccaaaaaacaeb babbaacaabccaaaaaaabaaaebb babbaacaaacbccaaaaaacaeb babbaacaaabbccaaccaaaeb Q!g aabbegeageeb aabbfgaegeeb aacbgaeedeebb aabbfgaegeeb aabbegeageebb aabcgeaddeebb4?98I76BB55A A45 45A A45A A43B1I1B22AAAA121112AA13232323232323243435 44AA33AA232334k ` AAAABAAAABBABABAAAACadcbAAAAABAAAAAABBABAABadcbAABAADAAABAACABDAAAAadcbAAAACAAAABDAAADBCAABBdcb4l6$1efAafAbAAbAcbAbAcaBAbAaAaAcBaAAdAaAccaAdcbAbBdbBcCfBchBciBciBcaAgBcBhBcAhBdhBcaAfBcBfBedCebCHThis knapsack has been a favorite of yours for years.4! /a aa a  aaa a  a aa a aa a  Hen Wen just loves dried corn like this.421wv  This pot of gruel makes a tasty dish... if you're a pig.4](0??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:?7?1?11ca??db==bb;;bBAa;;AaB#BaB;;dB$eA;?2a=?3a<?4<=aab;;aab;;aea;:a2b4;9aa1b5a:9a26:9a1a6b:9b17a:9a1a7b99a17c99a17a99a1a5b199a2a5a2a9:ca3b29:cd2a::1ad2::a3a4b::4aaa;:?6:a?5;?5;b?4a???2??2??2??2??2??2??2??2??2??2??2??2??2This coil of rope is about 75 feet long.4YC  q1              q rC aA aA AA aA aA aA AA b C  The dagger is quite sharp; its blade glistens in the light.4NE bqqqqqqAaBahJewels glisten in the handle of your sword; you can feel the magic in your hand.4X1ab   q  qa a qaq aq qaqq aqq aqqq aaqqq baqqqq aqqqq qqqq qqqq qqqqa qqqq aqqqa qqqa aaq f qqq Fflewddur Fflam's harp can make beautiful music, in the hands of an artist.4 $ bdaAabAaA bA aA bA aA   a a b AbA Bc BcA cA dB aBThis lute makes soft, beautiful sounds when you strum its strings.4)                 ґ T S RRRS W           The bag contains a marvelous powder that King Eiddileg said would make you fly.44*          a a a a a aababbbdabaaaaaa a a b       These are the keys to the Horned King's dungeon.4=".    tq qqq qqrqq qqrqq qqrqq qqrqq qqrqq qqrqq qqrqq qqrqq rrqq qrqq qrqq qrqq qrqq rq r This tin cup is scratched and bent from many years in the dungeon.4=./      S Q BQ AAaa"Q AAbb!!S Baaa!!Q AAaa!!Q AAaa"Q B!Q ! !        Gwystyl gave you this magic word, but couldn't tell you where to use it.4f'7             eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa g a a a a a a a a             This mirror shows a person's inner self, instead of his looks.4D#)jjbEcqkreBdrkrbFbrjrkrAqbAzbAzbAzbAzbAzbAzbAkkYou have a magic Book of Knowledge; now you know almost everything, but you miss your friend, Gurgi.4z#.aabaaaababbbaabaabicaaamldaacccaaaaaaaaaobbabbbiThis Pot Of Gold has made you the wealthest man in Prydain; but you miss your friend, Gurgi.4{6OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHMGHFFGHDDGHBBGHGHGHGHGH򱔱GH񱑱GHGHGHGH񱑴GH񱑴GH񲑳GH񳒱GH1GH1GI1HI1GI1HJ1HJ1IJ1IK1JK1JL1KL1KM1LM1LN1MN1MONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOThis Hero Shield has made you the greatest warrior in all Prydain; but, you always wonder if you could have done more.4k?_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X[[[[ZqZZqZYrYYqYYqYYrYYYZrZYrYXqXXXWqqWWrWWWWqWWqWWWVqVWWWWWWWWWWWQWWQQWWRRWXQQXZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYXXXX_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_XThis Suit of Armor has made you invincible in battle; but, could you have accomplished more without it?4 "*fiklgbfbdadadaeaeaeadacaacbbgaaaaaYou have over half of the loaf of bread left.4$2dgijdbcacabacacacacacbfaabaaaaYou have a little bread left.4 ZZv BEEDCBBAA ddbaAcaAbcbAbbBbaBceaCBcaC BEEDCBBAA ddbaAcaAbcbAbbBbaBceaCBcaC BEEDCBBAA ddbaAcaAbcCbbBbaBBcaC l CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbbabbaBBa CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbbaBBa CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbba CDECAAAAAAAAAAabbbaAabbbaBBa4???0 U  ,4E 8* ! !"!$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? ?304=???4j>c '4t???    4x  W?W?W4*?'?$?!?????N !%)-159= ?>'???*'$!  43 > ? ?4UF$I$HHF$F$I$H$FHG$H$H$JiIIHBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBBBCCDDDCCBBBPXҐXҐXҐXҍXXߓ^c4; F E E DDC C DC$B$B F E E DDC C DC B CD$C B B B BC B B B B B CCDCB$CCB B B B BC B B B B B CCDCBCC$CoCFFGHIF$F$HFFGH$IHE$EFE$F$DDCEF C D D E F H G F$FFF$DEF$F$G D D E EoJHIJKMI$H$MHIJK$MKG$FTQ$S$WWQMJ$S$Q$MMO$WQQQ$M$S$QoM4$HE$FiHHHF$FHI$I F E E DDC C DC$B$B F E E DDCCCCCHG$HiQQHM$MHS$SFFGHIF C C D D$HFFGHHHHFlbibbHg$gHg$gHIJKMI$H$MHIJKKKKJ4}$H$C$D$HfDD$HfEE$GDD$H$C$D$HfDD$GfDD$FCq`SMIHFHIIIJMS`gd]XSNLIGHIIJLMPSq`SMIHFHIIIJMS`gbTQMHFFF Z O J G E C B AKAqӐqӐqӐqӐqӐqӐtѓg4b  %+o=>?@ABC%DC%EFG HI%J KLMNOP QSTU VW!X"Y%Zk//C0fn*n Gb <O cc` '&'4n  X X }            ' & ~ dc ve9ue:e; f }  |* +  |=== +  |+ cc w c` e8x e8 Ee.i+ Z  Z    Z   Z  ! 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Watch out for those low-hanging branches.4&@?Glt ɂ==}r bUb#rt- J]e e #eeW3 J]&  e \e e < U Ucc e ert@a0[You are at the edge of the Dark Forest. Beware!The forest is a beautiful sight.You discover a musical lute inside a hole in this tree. (You could always take the lute and run.)You take the lute and realize that it is slightly out of tune.After a brief tuning, the lute sounds better.This is the tree where you found the lute.For an Assistant Pig-Keeper, you make beautiful music.4en?J;9==Xh lt _==}r &&&&'#h%trN _eerthFYou enjoy walking through the peaceful meadows of Caer Dallben.The large trees seem to welcome you. Many swinging vines hang from the branches.46h?/;9==Xh lt _==}r %@3#h%btrN neerth w5Caer Dallben is certainly an enchanting place.You are at the fence, but you can't go over, under or through it.4a?(lt _''+&G &*&* &S&S&&'#Xtel 'n et ' l e l b ;e bYou are at the base of the Eagle Mountains. Climbing them looks like quite a challenge.You made it up the rocks, but without Hen Wen. She's sure to be caught by the gwythaints now!Hen Wen may be an oracular pig, but she can't climb rocks like these!You made it!4bY~e ??lt ΂==}r !)%,c6 '>??_?_' >i>i~>?J)CQRv&>?##ete ~ E-_ %`Q Qp 5O` PU e Qsw Qc E\f} OR Sm_ <}s i Xrte \x@The forest here is dense. The river is difficult to cross because it is filled with turbulent rapids.Look out! The powerful rapids of the river pull you down. Better not try to cross here, if you ever pass this way again.The rapids are turbulent and treacherous. This is not a good place to dive in.There is nothing else here.4#Kqb~e ?Hlt _==}r !)q%"6 ~%)CQ+ '>?>q>q&>?##etre  Q5 ~ {me c }6 7P Qc Xrte eHere, all seems relatively peaceful. The forest to the west, however, is dark and frightening.The river rapids roar. There is a strong undercurrent. It would be difficult to keep your head above the water.4"K ?Gl t _[nb!%d)[#T!=%6)n#!%w)X/#:Cp&'= &'yQ|= 'T'K'x'T'x&&'#JbcJte# s} ;eI WE=W= W2Jc=e jx Xt=   This is the cottage of Dallben, the ancient wizard of Prydain. You have lived here as long as you can remember, serving as Assistant Pig-Keeper of Caer Dallben.Honk. Honk! Honk!!You open the door.4?Gl (t 8([\])cb b!!! !!)) ))[)\// %`% Y%Z%%c_ [ e. aw8ee \mee | _l> ;Iee  \e$  ;K  Wa I eE== e i8b c}X< <*e^)c < <*e^))M  8 :8Cq<D2M e WaC XYY de E== fc=e2E== Gtrf h Y)]MS < h YN)\T )Me j )\T! h Y j)OiN jc j :# :e)(N :CXQ^=O= e QZ eQ>?(>? $tw(Iy.\VKYou enjoy tending the animals of Caer Dallben, but in your dreams you long to be more than just an Assistant Pig-Keeper. You know you would be a Great Hero, if only given the chance.You open the door of the shed and discover some dried corn.You reach into the shed and pick up the corn.You feed the gruel to your hungry pig, Hen Wen.You feed the corn to your hungry pig, Hen Wen."Hi, Hen Wen," you say. "You are my favorite pig."Honk. Honk! Honk!!Hen Wen certainly enjoys eating.Oh! Hen Wen is trotting away.Ooooow! The goat thinks you want to play tag.You open the door to Dallben's shed.You seem to have run into a fence you can't go through, over or under. Your way to the east is blocked.You open the gate and notice it has fallen off its hinges. You'll have to fix it someday when you have time."Hello, Hen Wen," you say, "how's my favorite pig?"This is Hen Wen's house. She looks hungry.This shed is attached to Dallben's cottage.You don't have time to fix the broken gate right now.You're beside Hen Wen's house, but she is not home.(Perhaps she's going to Dallben's cottage.)4WP?@Ylt Ȃ==}r %WA  %#tr Uee rt rTo the north you see the treacherous Eagle Mountains. You worry about the evil Horned King who lives there.Even the trees snarl and cast evil shadows at you.40}?9lt _==}r I!)I%Dx6  =L=/1=0= #: % %8#tr 5gT eee=4 5gT' e  ;e\ Ie :rt  |X>You look at the tree and see a dagger holding up a "NO TRESPASSING" sign.You carefully remove the sharp dagger from the tree.This is a frightening forest, with wicked trees. The winds from the evil land of the Horned King blow strongly here.The "NO TRESPASSING" sign is lying at the base of the tree.You have no use for a "NO TRESPASSING" sign, so you leave it.4?5rb!)r%\6M # 'R'@ '' 'o &'o '~lt _e ` E TOb! % =v) OM =L =# ! % P) T/ =L =6 !)MF%.61-b&'S)CQJ&&'#te:~+ 4n L%\CK   p , GV uNee6 e e eeee6+  ee\   ee\ 9 e \ 6 e \ 6 6 $$  c=G K Yf  )QL +MF! dc= # I : F  eQ dP T M $ #6R /#eM  e/<eM  /<e $ ;D Q: : $MF )1,6P /#eMe/<eM/<e$ ;Q> : \ $e#=,==e'e e ;))-=O=%7#8G;NATc= e e :6#c Q P Q dP 8 XNW z:d  Xet 'P ) :C-`):bi  % K u This lake makes a beautiful setting for a pleasant afternoon. But, can you afford to spend an afternoon here?You always miss your friend, Gurgi, and wonder if you could have done better in your quest."Well, young Taran, things are not working out as you expected, are they?" cackle the witches. "Being a Great Hero is not all it's cracked up to be! Since you won't be using it, we've decided we want our cauldron back.""Of course, we'll not steal it; we'll trade for it. Taran, we offer you this wonderous book, containing all the knowledge in the universe. Trade the cauldron for this and you'll be the wisest man in all Prydain."You take the book of knowledge, and become the wisest man in all Prydain. For the rest of your life, you wonder if you made the right choice."It's your choice, Assistant Pig-Keeper. We won't wait all day, though.""If you don't want that, how about this: the pot of gold from the end of the rainbow. If you take this treasure, you will be the richest person in all Prydain!"You take the pot of gold, and become the richest man in all Prydain. You live out the rest of your life in luxury, but discover that money is not the ultimate answer to happiness."You drive a hard bargain, Pig Boy. Here is our final offer. Give us the cauldron and we'll give you back your friend, Gurgi."You hold Gurgi in your arms, and long for the simpler days as an Assistant Pig-Keeper. You miss Gurgi, and as the tears well up in your eyes...Wait! What's this?!"Gurgi! You're alive!!" you exclaim.Gurgi says, "Hello, Master. Surely you have some munchings and crunchings for an old friend?""Of course, we'll not just take it -- we'll trade for it. Taran, we offer you this magnificent warrior's shield. With it you could be the most courageous fighter in all Prydain."You take the warrior's shield, and become the bravest warrior in all Prydain. But you wonder if you might have done better with your life."If you don't want that, how about this: a magic suit of impenetrable armor. It will protect you from all mortal weapons and you'll live to a ripe old age!"You take the magical suit of armor, and live to be an old, old man. But you wonder if you might have accomplished more with your empty life."You drive a hard bargain, Pig Boy. Here is our final offer. Give us the cauldron and you'll have your magic sword back."You once again hold your special sword in your hand. Now immortal, you live to a ripe old age, fight many battles, and, thanks to the sword, always emerge victorious.Bards sing of your victories, and your wisdom as a ruler is known throughout the world. The people of Prydain admire you and sing of your triumphs.The book looks as if it could hold all the knowledge in the world.The pot of gold is tempting indeed.Your dear friend is back.The shield would protect you forever.The suit of armor does look impenetrable.Your old friend Dyrnwyn is back at last.You lift the lifeless body of your friend into your arms.The evil Black Cauldron is floating in the middle of the formerly peaceful lake.4A?0lt Ȃ==}r e3i3!)iM%BY#X %'D'U'U''' )&'{' ' ) ''&&'#tre* 5FZj3e CQ RYee3 5FZj \$ 3e (B Pn  u yv yLM y DU xx  Xert  )NvThe lake is calm and peaceful.The trees sway gently in the breeze.Look! There's your missing water flask.You reach over and pick up your water flask.4Kd_?<lt _==}r  ) ''% #tr e 5}DeL ee.% 5}DL  L\e e $w:| e. { B|p qz |ay hS` NAzR e q p >} Kst e_| A^ Xrt  b+This bridge marks the boundary of Caer Dallben. You wonder what the future holds.The solid fence blocks your way east. The footbridge, over the shallow stream, will keep your feet dry.Your feet are wet from walking through the shallow stream.There is a wallet beneath the bridge.Reaching under the foot- bridge, you take the wallet and look inside. It is filled with food.The water is too shallow to swim here.This is the bridge where you found the food wallet.4c?2lt  lg%& '>?>2%13g6#tlge   =^Ieeg!!G H E=TKle  <*Lle  8J M Df s} Oc DL Iv g  BM  Ub   >?(>? >?(>? G }X)M/ILk3 G } N)Li >?(>? >?(>?gYG @KQT Y) /@ULlIM }e $;Gg D eltg  eg  e?KThe swamp to the southwest seems impossible to cross. The land is unstable and soggy. The trees here are old, gnarled, and bewildering.Trekking through this mud is difficult. You might be able to jump to one of those rocks.Oh, no!! The log sank from your weight and you're stuck in the bog. Your quest has ended.Sure it's fun to jump up and down, but you must continue your quest.Great. You made it!!There is no need for you to fly away in that direction.You can not try to cross the swamp with Hen Wen. She would surely be caught by an evil gwythaint.4 s?2llt ʂ==}r %'>??%%g6#lrtge eg rltg  eg  egYou are at the northeast corner of Morva Marsh. It's a dismal, gloomy swamp with dangerous bogs.There is no need for you to fly away in that direction.4eblt _A%Xe %&e p%g'>??%%#te t a*c  T`\a( (AThere is a path leading deep into the forest, but it's overgrown with briar bushes. It seems to be impassable, but it might be worth exploring.4z?:F23b b! % 2=O =L =) = # Q ?>^%T#h%22tr Ne rthCListening to the south, you are sure you hear a roaring sound.4 0 KK K N!)6 %(sLjl' U E PV5b !)VM%xx#:Z