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F F ,cR8777 o! ) o% w6 C L 4# ^) % m% z4z^Z,O4 zZ % p% |' E) E$() ('e+ e+ # + ,# ? @ B$) $% k4 zS 6 6 C 'N?/ / %s# #?/ 4# / CF) F#C&q) q,cF) Fs) s. W/ # W/ @4# p 44e  f "   n  mz { - 4 !'OOm!!m"m mAm`,`m,`,`,AmAmAu ,m  ,c  ,  ,   " 'd?9 we'e@.ee 7J!e+ # + / %s+# # '? q3?e' wee+ + / $# 'T$Q  e  $/ W .R/ %# W e Q+W^^mmP q t434m4 ie'=?re,' /  ?ce+ # + / # c ?'u.ef@reXW")e/  # W")/ # e c @ eez4z34H?re6'e+ e+ + 'e/ # $ c ?WD@re2 fW$ W $/ Wc @ ee'^mtm>m3,c ee, ee ,cS4y41y4ym  r\ t --4-$4-4$4-m  s_ tSy1yym3,e&  r\ t; ;YZYa---$-.$..m-m$,e  s aYY_ t'($$%$1$S$ t<Pf/ S[b3ZG}The%s2door is open.The%s2door is closed.You arms are not that long.The back seat is reserved for prisoners and you have none!Do you plan to crawl through the window?"Oh, no! I left my door open!"You don't have the keys for this vehicle.The Department frowns on dumping suspects from cars at high speed. Try closing the rear door!Nothing of interest is happening in that direction.You've already spent ten years on a foot beat. That should be enough walking for anyone!Are you planning to release this criminal? This is neither the time nor place to remove your prisoner from the car.Taking a suspect into the station is strictly prohibited.Close your back door.You will never be a passenger in this car.There's nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. You've got to face this guy. front back Just because this guy is a crook, there's no need to slam the door on his head.Closing the door on your suspect's head could blow the bust.c dYou notice a nightstick in a holder on the driver's door panel.Good move! Your wallet is on the seat.Why do you always get the car that needs cleaning!?It's not here.You wouldn't want to leave your wallet here!Since your suspect can't go through you, you might consider moving out of the way!You won't be going anywhere without keys!It's seems there's a job you've left unfinished here.You don't need to do that.4f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254) Q8imgm8$g&g& 87mjg h mk8vae  "8 i mgm "Q ejev7 "e8 "`vvv$&#8v "8v]ggv "e e jgvigvddv e jd vv e "8mgm g ` %vw6@N\kx")8OcdrsuNew room:X coordinate:Y coordinate:Object number:Flag number:New value:Current room = %v0Variable number:Variable %v164 = %v165Flag %v164 setFlag %v164 not setYou gottum, Sonny!Object %v165 is in room %v164.%v164|3/%v165|3Rm %v0%v164|2 %o164Number Name of Object%v8/4K memory left.New priority:H 4upm8iio w!'xy  " $ l  f  4wqmj g ggggg333gg 33g 3g g  33g  3g g  33g 3g3g3g3gggggg ggg xpmk f>KPk%<JgBi POLICE QUESTHelp F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F4 goes in/out of car; to/from map. F5 saves your current game. F6 loads%m26 F7 restores a saved game. F8 draws%m26 F9 restarts the game.F10 fires%m26TAB shows the status screen.ESC displays the menus.Ctrl-J sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R toggles RGB monitor modes. F1 or HELP displays this message. F6%m25normal%m29-1).Ctrl-J sets up your joystick/mouse.For a Hint Book, call (209) 683-6858. F4, F6, F8, F10 vary throughout game.F10%m25fastest%m29-3).F10 swings your PR-24.F10 turns the shower off and on. drive car your weapon. F8%m25faster%m29-2).Ctrl-D radios Dispatch. speed (CodeESC displays the menus, as does the joystick button or the right mouse button.4   )48>EKS\ep|!*5>IR]fqz+8GWcr)3=FQ\cqy $-=P]n} #09@P_lqz$-8GWfo}     & , 4 8 D I T ] b r } incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.onWaterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn44bb be*xe/  e1e %w8ies 8i(Frrrrrrr!rr"rr#rr$rrAr r]r r^r r_r r`r rLr r e0  ee e% $x ue3xe2 (e2 2}e2 e7x< #eqeres e;FCge $wM8irs8ir e0 cu'-v-'"9 s  c e) t'' c e)2e+e-e.e,  e5e6eWeX e4 3 ce84E      !e9}r?r@e:  G0c$: :eReSeTeUeV e< [n      wg geC\''%'%'%'weG]e\ ReOeP ##$#' 9e> q 9ep qs #,./>GPYblny#:Hb3]~gk'0G%g '0>D, X h $ P [  R  * ; L M N R ^ c k l m n o z  - ? n (209) 683-6858911411555-4369555-6537555-4522555-2622555-77640(312) 555-3382555-9222555-6674683-6858555-12121555-1212 2096836858120968368581-209 683-68581 209 683-6858Number to dial: "The number you have reached is disconnected or no longer in service. Please check the number and dial again.""This is a recording."Hum! Busy%m41Enter party's last name: "I'm sorry. There is no one listed by that name%m41"You have reached Directory Assistance. Thank you for using LT&T."Sierra, IncSierra OnLineSierraHotsPiersonWilliamsCobbMorgan"The number is: %s8."You haven't finished your last call, yet!The phone cord is not that long.Not now!... Click!"Hello, Sierra On-Line Customer Support, Larry Weissenborne speaking. How may I help you? But hurry up, 'cause I'm leaving soon!""You know those crazy programmers; they can't do anything right the first time!!""Hint books are available for $7.95. Try calling this number to place your order, but next time use a REAL phone, not this game!""King's Quest I, II and III, The Black Cauldron, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, and Space Quest I and II.""Police Quest II and others are now in development!""Thank you for calling. Goodbye%m41"Changed your mind, eh?"For emergencies, dial 911. For information, dial 411.Hmmm. No answer%m41"Hello.""Yes, Helen speaking.""I don't know who you're trying to call, Sonny Bonds, but I recognize your voice! This is Helen Hacker, you pervert!""...you're in big trouble!!!""Crime Lab, Detective Williams%m81"Hello, Sonny! What can I do for you?""Yes, the prints on the gun matched that Hoffman/Taselli fellow.""I heard he %s7! Bye now%m41"Cobb residence. If you are looking for Jack, he is probably drinking at the Blue Room%m41"Lieutenant Morgan%m81"Cops don't call 911!"The phone is not ringing.escaped!got released.Taber"Chicago PD, Detective Taber speaking. How may I help you?"Detective Taber says, "Oh, yes, we know your man, Jason Taselli, alias Hoffman, alias Pierson.""He is linked to a big time card shark and drug runner named Jessie Bains.""Both have dropped from sight in our area.""Good Luck!%m41"Boy, it's amazing how these guns get around.""That weapon was reported stolen by a local nightclub owner.""I guess it's your problem now!""I'll send you a mug shot of this guy Bains."The telephone in this room is a kinky gold.Lytton Cab"Lytton Cab Co. Where's the pickup?""Ok. We have a car on the way. Thank you%m41"Call back when you find out where you are%m41. Who's speaking, please?""Hello, Mr. Banksten.""Why don't you send Sweet Cheeks Marie back to the station by cab?""Try to get behind the scenes in the Hotel.""Your backup personnel will be arriving later this evening.""Good luck%m41Oh, my gawd! It's Police Commissioner Hacker's wife!...and you are knee-deep in whale do-do!!1-(209) 683-68581 (209) 683-6858cabcab companytaxitaxicab3125553382312 5553382312 555-3382131255533821 31255533821 312 55533821 312 555-33821(312)555-33821 (312) 555-33821-312 555-33821-312-555-3382There is no number on this telephone."Cobb residence."You offer your condolences to the Cobb family."Thank you so much, Sonny."48Z f8!N " " " !!! !!!!!Nm!"#gggg g g g!#g g g !#g g g  g !&#gggg g g ggm= " 'a'a'a'e!!! 3'''3'e!!!P<'P'P<'P'z<'z'z<'z''r''-<'-'-<'-'-<'-'-'-<'ee 4I^s0EZoP3:00 lunch Robert G.$2,000.00 col. R.G. set up H.D. gamblingblackjack X initiate plan for dealer R.O. X meet J.M. & L.W. X Cindy $100.00 X Ammo X meet N/W boss discipline pimp 1 discipline pimp 2 terminate L.W. X terminate J.M. X Sunday poker with J.B. X evaluation of drug saturation plan X cash profit total phone East Coast meet Gutless Wonder initiate Plan 3 You leave the suspect's black book undisturbed, to be impounded with the car.You may also use the cursor keys to turn the pages.After browsing through the suspect's personal address book, you return it to evidence.4j%# f8 WzW"s W q  eee .eP''r''P'P'-'-'-'z'-'e eee BJuXIt's a Smith and Weston .45-caliber, automatic handgun.The serial number on the gun is SW9764912.You place the gun back in the car to be impounded by Officer Jack Cobb along with the car.Your partner will take care of the details back at HQ.When you're finished looking at the gun, return it to the glove compartment. %m4After careful examination of the weapon, you return it to evidence."Hey, Jack," you shout, "book this gun!!"The evidence label bears a box marked "Fingerprints," with the initials of Det. Frank Williams, of the Lytton PD Crime Lab.4  )#w#w-)-)#%zz}%}%%}7])-z}g\w-293:2;3<2=3>2?3@2BnBnAm@n?m>n=mk>k@6@7\g\2B8ZeZnB29/-n9q-8\8c,}8dgdg\gds}6SgShQ6QNEOFMFNGE-E(V(V-H*J*E}EVV}D~>>\W~WWCD@CW[[W  >\[?'Kcb%O*P,[39m9l<4<<;>=@?BAB5.52I3L4O5S6U7[]{+.+/9^+/u/f[43 < < < <x]$]4 Cj!l!m$r2u6{8|9|:};}uAuBtCqCl;m>A@?? 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It goes like a "runaway gazelle."4s#OMAAAAAAAAGAAIAACBAACAABAABAABBAABBAABBAACBAABCAAABAAAA AAAAqၖAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOMThese keys fit your government-issue, gas- hoggin', unmarked Caddie.47;OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAwAAtArAAtArAAtArAAtArAAtArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqqAAAAAqqqqAAAAqqqqAAAAqqqqAAAAAAAAAAqAAAAqqqAAAAqqqAAAAqAAAAAAAAAAAAAOAYour hand held radio extender works in conjunction with your patrol car's radio, so you can talk to Dispatch while out of your car.4g$# OODAAAAAqAAqwqAAqqqAAvyAAqqAAqvAAar AAaqAAbqAAbqAAcrAAdAAbqaAAbaAAeqAAfAAfAAfAAfAAgAAdqaAAdaAAgAAgAAfAAeAAAAAAAOODYour departmental-issue, double-action, .357-magnum service revolver is made of fine blue steel and equipped with wooden grips. It can be a cop's best friend. Your handcuffs are stored in a pouch on the gunbelt.4_ OHAAAAAssAArsrAAssssAArrrrAAtsstAAqrsrqAAqssqAAqqAAsqqrqAArAAsAArqAAsAAqqAAaqbAAaabaAAbbabAAabbaaAAaaaaaaAAaaAAAAAOHYour speed loader holds six rounds of ammunition for your service revolver.4`! OLAAAAAAAfAAaaAAbabacAAbbaAAccAAaAAaAAAAqqAAqqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAbAAaAAAAAOLThis briefcase is made of impact-resistant plastic and has the name "Sonny" engraved in the finest, imitation gold.4%ONAAAAAAAAAAAqqAAAArAAAArAAqqAArAArqAArAAqqAArAAqqqAArAAqqAArAAAArAAAArAAAArAAqAAqqAAAAAAAAAONNotes: %s10 %s11 %s12 4+OOKA AA AA AA AA AAwAA1qqAAvqAAqAAAA AA AA AA AOOKThis pen was a gift from your Mommy and Daddy when you graduated from high school.4f&ONAAAAAAAqqAAAAAAAAAAtAAAArsAAAAqAAAAvAAAAvAAAAvAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAxAAqqAAAAAAAONYour ticket book, otherwise known as a pinch book, is made of genuine cowhide. It is a necessary tool for traffic enforcement.42OGAAAAAAAqtqqAArqqqqAAqAAqrrrqAAqrqAAqqqAAqAAvqAAsrqAAqtqAAvqqqqAAqrqsqAAqsqsqAAqsqAAqAAqusqAAqqurqAAusqAAqqurqAAqqAAssqAAqqusqAAqtsqAAqqusqAAurqAAqqtsqAAsusqAAqrqAAssqsqAAqssqAAqrqqAArsqsqAAqqrsqAAsusqAAqsqAAqqsqsqAAsqsrqAAqssqAAssqrqAArrrsqAAqAAAAAOGThis is today's edition of the "Lytton Tribune."47!OOAAAA1AA2AA12AA112AAq313AAq1213AAq12122AAq11133AAq1122AAqs2112AAqqrzAAqqq AAqqaqAAqqaqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqqqAAqq‘AAq‘AAqtAAqAA AAAAAAAOOAYour wallet contains $%v89.00 in cash, but no credit cards (ever since you missed those payments a while back).4 c ONAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAAAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAAAAAAONThis PR-24 nightstick is a self-defense tool. It develops high levels of kinetic energy via centrifugal force. Special training and certification are required to use it.4q$# OODAAAAAqAAqwqAAqqqAAvyAAqqAAqvAAar AAaqAAbqAAbqAAcrAAdAAbqaAAbaAAeqAAfAAfAAfAAfAAgAAdqaAAdaAAgAAgAAfAAeAAAAAAAOODYour departmental-issue, double-action, .357-magnum service revolver is made of fine blue steel and equipped with wooden grips. It is presently loaded with %v34 shells. Your handcuffs are stored in a pouch on the gunbelt.4!%OOAA~AA~AA~AAx{AAwzAAssAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArCBBABAAArAArAAAAAAAAAArAArAABBAAACArAArCAAABAAABrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAA~AA~AA~AOOAThis file contains Hoffman's Arrest Report Summary, Booking Slips, Evidence Forms, and miscellaneous other information.43OJAAAAAAAAArqAArAAqAArqrAAqqAAsqsAAtqrAAqqAAqsqAAqqrrAAAAAAqqAAqqAAqAAAAAAAAAAqAAqqAAAAAAAAqAAAAAAxAArqAAwAAAAxAAqqqAAxAAqAAAArqAAAAuAAAAAAAAAOJIsn't it ironic that one of your best pieces of evidence was found in your own office?4&+OBAAAAAbAAaaAAAAAAqqAAqaaqAAqrAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqqAAqqAAqqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqAAqAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAtAAqAAAAAOBWith a suit like this, you could become a Leisure Suit Sonny!4-OOMAAAAAAA񏏆AAᏏAAAᏏAAAAooAAAAAAAAAAAOOMYour custom, African-walnut, ivory-inlayed cane has a gold eagle's head concealing a .22-caliber, Derringer pistol.4D1OAAAAAAҖAAqAAQrѕAARҕAARҕAARсAAqQAAAAqqAArrAAqtqAAqrqAAqrqAAqrqAAqrQAArAARQAAQQAAQRQAAQQQAAQQAAQQAAQRQAAQrQAAQQAAQQAAQQAAQQAAQqQAAQrQAAQRQAARAAQRQAAqqAAqRqAAqrqAAqrqAAqrqAAtqAAtAArAAAAAOADonna's Miracle Blonde "Just Wet And Rinse."4L!OOAAAAAAAAAAAA3!AA12AA13AA14AA1#44AA1!43"AA"3$AA$1#AA!4!AA%AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAOOAThis envelope contains $%v170%v171|1.00 in carefully marked bills.4BOAAAAAAAAAArAArAAtAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAtAAuAAAAAAqAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAAqAAAAAAAAAOAAlthough it looks like a ball-point pen, this is really a radio transmitter.4 $OOAAAAAAAqEAAuHAAyIAArAqHAArAqJAAqBCFAAqFEAAqDBDAAqqCCDAAqrDDCAAsrCCCAAqrDBCAADABAADCAADCAAFAAEAADAACAABAA•AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOO "Hotel Delphoria Box 485 Lytton, CA 93614 Postage Guaranteed."44OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqAAqAAAAAAAAsqqsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqqqqqAAAAqqqrAAAAqqqrAAAAqAAAArAAAAqqqAAAAqAAAAqqrAAAAqAAAAqqAAAAqsqAAAArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLNo Bail Warrant for: Jason Taselli.4|" OIAAAAAqAAqqAAqqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqvAAtrsAArrwAAxwAAzsAAssrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArsrsAArrrtAAsssAAvssAAurAArAAAAAAAOIYour handcuffs are made of case-hardened steel and make a sweet sound when you ratchet them down tightly.4R $i#j"aH!!!!!"Ab!""qqyqqyqqwqqqyqqyqqyqqyqq} $i#j"aH!!!!!"Ab!""aqqaqqrqaqqraqqraqqrqaqqrraqqreqqreqrxr"q# BaqqBaqqrBaqqrBaqqrBaqqrBaqqrDaqqreqqreqrxr"q#4AZ 433441BCqqqqqq 433441BCCqCqCqCqBqBq1 6777714gC hggffeeddcqcbqbaqaq8 8 8 q7 q7 q7q6 q6q6q5 q5q5 q4 q4 q4 q3 q3 q3 q2 q2 q2 q1q1q1 qqqq}q187q7q7srq6q6q6rsq5q5q5rq4rq4q4q3q3q3q2q2q2q1q1q1qq}4q# A A1AA1D1A11CC1A1BA1D1B1B1AA2DA2DA1A1A11DA2AA21B2C2QAQ2QBQq2RA2221# A A1AA1D1A11CC1A1BA1D1AB2BA2AA2DA21DA2A2B11F2C21D2C2QAQ2QBQq2RA222 14 <AAAqrtquyqqquuqqqqqrqqqsqqsqqqrqbaqcqqaaa rqrqqqqqttSsuqrssrqqqvuqrssrqqqrqr{uqqrqsqsqrqqqqqqqqrqqqt4 ".;HTcp|sqDqDqDCCC4AZ 433441RSqqqqqq 433441RSSqSqSqSqRqRq1 6777714zfhhHAAAAAAAAAAABAAxxvqxxxwqx iiIBAAAAAAAAAABABqrsstttrstr iiI3A12A21A3A3AAAABqrsstttrstr4 A " 7888877634 4A1A2A1C1A1B2A2B11111112211112211112A5A7888877634 2A1A1A1B1C5A2A8B11136114A1A4C212A43381A6889A7634 2A1A1A1B1C35A2A16B4A1A3AAA3AC3E4C5A7:1A6889A7534J 3B1B2BBA2ABB2AE2G3E3E4C5A7888877634 4A1A3AAA3AC3E4C5A788887763444  qqr qqrrrrssssvvtt4_<ocoeaODABABACACACACADADqqG}yxzquyxqqtwqvqqqtyxqtyxqqxuyxsxytywruqqwts tuytrqrqqqqqtt4 l& !qrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq $  qrrqqqqqrqqqqrqqqqqqqqqqq qsqqqqqrqqqqqq4Q(/6?:.!!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4L%,? ???4Q(/6?:.!!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4i?i?i4. 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Dooley will climb your back!"Hey, thanks a lot!"But now you'll NEVER get it back!"Hello."%m8to move it.There's no one nearby.That's not necessary at this time.Save your writing for reports.You are wearing blue polyester and gabardine trousers, a long-sleeve shirt, and shiny black shoes.Not here!You're not close enough.You already have it.You don't have it.Ok.Your clothes are stylish, but the pockets are empty.Locals missed it!Everybody missed!Captain Whipplestick comes on the air and advises you to review proper radio procedures in%m17Caught undressed in public, you spend the rest of your life in shame!Thanks for playing "Police Quest." Next time, don't make this mistake again!Since you're dead... all you can do is restore a saved game or start over."'Bye.""You're welcome."There's no answer.What's a %m50%w1?%m50%w2?%m50%w3?%m50%w4?%m50%w5?%m50%w6?%m50%w7?%m50%w8?You find them quite illuminating!It holds you up (which, in this case, is not a felony).Yep, it's still up there!You are carrying a blank notebook.Just a moment, please...The F4%m11The F6%m11The F8%m11The F10%m11With what, Sonny?Your beat covers from Palm Street to Parkway Drive, and from River Road to Clearwater Drive.Your briefcase IS closed.A police officer without a weapon, is like being......up a creek without a paddle!As Chief Whipplestick would say, "A cop without ammo is like a bullet without powder!"These walls do a fine job of holding up the ceiling.Do you have a kidney problem?My gawd! Do you have a weak sphincter?You don't have time to relax.You can't see the Help Screen right now. Try again elsewhere.%m8to do that.You don't have them.Fastest%m85Fast%m85Normal%m85Slow%m85 speed.Now?!As you blow off your right leg, you resolve that, in the future, you will DRAW your weapon before you FIRE it!Go where?You rip out the speed loader and load your weapon.It is loaded. You have %v34 shells left.What are you going to load? %m93You're unarmed.Click! (Dry firing an empty gun is good practice for proper grip.)Why do that?You have no ammunition.Nah. Just wear it.An interesting approach -- but fatal!What are you going to do? Scream, and pray that Dispatch will hear you?Handling your weapon while driving is dangerous.Your backups ARE listening.This car has a tape player, but no police radio. You've been playing for Notebook? What notebook?You don't have one.Jim Walls, Greg Rowland, Al Lowe, Mark Crowe, Scott Murphy, Ken Williams, Jerry Moore, Jeff Stephenson, Chris Iden and Bob Heitman.%m1%m103%v14 days, %v13 hours, %v12 minutes and %v11 seconds. %m1%m103%v13 hours, %v12 minutes and %v11 seconds. %m1%m103%v12 minutes and %v11 seconds. SierraAbout PQ Help FileSave Restore -------------Restart Quit ActionInventory See Object Dispatcher SpecialSound On/Off Graphics Mode Joystick/Mouse Joystick Pause Game SpeedNormal Slow Fast Fastest-------Slower Give away your handcuffs?No way!4x#?   bb$b%b !! !!!!!!!! ! ! )) )))))))) ) ) CC C C C %!% .&&&&&&&% GU66 6 6 6 F F F ++ + -- L{L {P{// //////// 8i ܂  c$ c#I#I#I#I#I#I#I #Ic% FQ! :# I   8 gg:$$$$$$$$$ z 7+z =z# : 8ic(+ + - - / / % 2d% (o# # Q 2LQ (W Q 25Q (@ + + / /  )d 2oQ )LQ 2W Q )5Q 2@ + + / /  8d 2oQ 8LQ 2W Q 85Q 2@ + + / /  )d 2oQ )LQ 2W Q )5Q 2@ + + / /  +d 2oQ +LQ 2W Q +5Q 2@ + + / /  .d :oQ .LQ :W Q .5Q :@! + + / /  -d :oQ -LQ :W"# Q -5Q :@$ + + / /  $d BoQ $LQ BW%& Q $5Q B@'*()*&) ) + + / / $d #oQ $LQ #W+, Q $5Q #@- + + / / 5d #oQ 5LQ #W./ Q 55Q #@0 + + / / .d #oQ .LQ #W12 Q .5Q #@3dc 8idI(Adventure Game Development System(C) 1987 by Sierra On-Line, Inc.4E {Z?wb8,b'8-8.M88 ,&%s#tp  lx /u e uu e        EEEEEEE======= m tio xpv {w~  n~ 'zD S~o Uw ? Yi np8.' GF' GF' GF' GF' GF' GF' GFt8 8 ce qe '` $'e ?'eee:ee  q)t) e q>t @_Yje q) e qeveGueEe":$:"$: e q e q&: e q e  q.6mq6Roz,UBw <Where!?This is the pulpit from which Sgt. Dooley delivers his words of wisdom and inspiration to his troops. Listen and take careful notes during each briefing.The pigeonhole is a police officer's mailbox. He can receive love letters, subpoenas, nasty messages, and even departmental memos. You ought to check yours.It's just an everyday, run-of-the-mill, rosewood, report-writing table with four legs, three drawers, and 243 pieces of gum stuck underneath.It's a regular blackboard, but Dooley keeps all his chalk and erasers locked up so you can't leave any cute messages.You see nothing special about this drawer.There's nothing on the podium that opens.You open the drawer and observe various tools used in diagraming traffic collisions. Nothing here will aid you.Don't get any ideas, Sonny!There is no chalk available.How nasty!It is not wise to leave just as briefing is ready to start!Sgt. Dooley will play "kick the can" with yours if you leave when he's ready to begin his briefing. Get to your desk!There is a newspaper lying on the table.The briefing room contains a single podium and four report writing tables. %m16On the far wall are eight pigeonholes. On the front wall there is a blackboard.R. J. Jefferson, the Department's janitor, does good work. Don't mess it up!You see a textured ceiling with florescent lighting.Anyone caught climbing tables is automatically directed to the locally-contracted Departmental Psychologist.You don't need anything in the drawer.Under the table, 243 pieces of gum defy gravity.If you mess with his blackboard, Sgt. Dooley may verbally assault you with his highly-acclaimed, personal collection of four-letter words.4G%3890w 0 G H I0x00($0(rr?tAbb! X ) t6 % # : 0 8'0 8'8!!)A)A++F //%^T%cV66 888 ,&%F# #88 z0  G H I0 G H I8' >s_6 -96 dj6  (d2 e e '' ZZj` mo     ! !F  U 7ZD`8'ee6e*Fe# FeFe$ F !F ee!  '3/#: ;$ R4'4'4'`'f#'''!''#''#'4'f&'&4't't4'e'4't'x' Sbc e $??c?cS $ii i$ $i S S Si iSzSzSi `&`&`&$-&-&$&&$e"F  e&  ????  *e"F e#e) ]]&S']&S']S&']+&']&S']&+']S']S']']'2e"&F e#e* $Me(''Fe"e-e%ze5 tee eieSe ''01'S'e,`'('e+"e ""$ $e OO$O.$..v$V`Ove& HrS qeuGevee )^'K< $N$$#- \"Yw@o@p-3RY,mjU |  S T u You are looking at the latest in locker room benches. Don't slide after sitting or you'll spend the evening plucking wood chips out of your tail!The wooden bench is securely attached to the floor.You can't move something that's anchored to the floor.This shower is unique. It will give you all the hot water you want for two minutes, or all the ice water you want forever.The shower IS on!The shower IS Off!The spigot is out of reach.Congratulations. Most players don't enter a shower while fully-clothed. You've just lost a point.You'd better unlock your locker first!You've been docked one point for leaving the shower running.There's no doubt that somewhere in your life you fell off a high porch and landed hard on your head!Grown policemen don't climb on benches, Sonny.Your locker is too far away.Your locker is closed.This shower is already occupied. (And you're not that kind of boy!)Morris Fudley has worn out this shower!Aaah... there's nothing like a nice, hot shower!Sorry, but your crime-stopping just can't wait!You look at the ceiling and observe a lighting system that adequately illuminates the locker room. (Otherwise, it'd be dark in here!)You look down and note a very clean, blue-tiled floor.Yuck!"Hey! Somebody die in there?!"Hearing the sound of rustling paper, you accurately surmise this stall's occupant is concentrating deeply!Grunts and groans encourage you to leave this area!From behind the door you hear the occupant whistling a familiar tune. At least he enjoys his handiwork.A disgusted voice snaps back, "Don't be so impatient!""Use the next stall! I'm giving birth to a sergeant in here!""I'd love to visit with you, Sonny, but there just isn't enough room in here for both of us!""I'm taking time out from any discussions right now, buddy boy!"You see uniform trousers crumpled on the floor around a pair of bare legs, and conclude the stall is occupied.The Lytton PD locker room has two rows of full-sized, double-stacked lockers with a bench between them, two showers, and three toilet stalls.If you had any points, you would have lost them for leaving the shower running. Remember, Sonny, "waste not, want not!"Don't you feel foolish standing in the shower fully clothed? If you had any points, you'd have lost some for this!That would be best done in the shower.Good idea!At last, you'll find out if blondes really have more fun!One of these all-metal, double-stacked lockers is assigned to you. Finding it is up to you.You carefully pour the bleach on your hair. Now what?What are you going to rinse out?Your hair is wet.With great anticipation, you carefully rinse the bleach from your hair.Aaahhh! That feels good.Pervert!"Strangers in the night, la da de dee dah..."4X  #:#$#VIbb!!!!!!!!!))V)V)I+%KQ%!U%%KU  )))) ! ) % $c%G'HG'HG'G'G' e8 qH'H'HHH'''###H'H'6e+ee  e M 'Ee+mq1ym ym  q  q+mq1ym yme b e'tte(z4'e?!!" e7 q eqqe*'e3>>>mtte)''.e8#e:e; e<e=,4e/6e1e2j^?D8xw(fO$^%? ^ w 1 _  ; j  3 w p a3eBeing a highly trained observer, you immediately notice a smashed coupe on the sidewalk, and a crowd of rubberneckers milling around nearby. The crowd includes one particularly anxious young man.The broken glass of the driver's window has a strange pattern for a car wreck. It appears to be a bullet hole!You take a deep breath, look in the car, and see a male slumped motionless over the steering wheel.A closer look reveals a bloody injury to the left side of his head, and a gaping hole in his lower-right jaw!No pulse. No breathing. No vital signs.There is a bullet hole in the driver's window. This is not your normal, everyday traffic accident. In your opinion, this man was murdered!You use your radio to advise Dispatch of the apparent homicide.The car radio crackles a response...Without a radio extender, you can't use your car radio from here."10-4, 83-32. We copy 187pc homicide.""Be advised, one homicide unit is en route, and the Coroner's Office has been notified. Continue investigation."You have nothing to report. Investigate the accident scene to see if you can discover something.If you were closer, they might notice you.An excited young man approaches you."Officer," he says, "I saw what happened! I saw everything!!""I was buying a paper at the newsstand across the street when I heard the scream of tires," he tells you. "I looked down the street, and here comes this car and a light blue, late-model Cadillac racing down the street side-by-side!""When they got closer, I heard a 'bang.' I thought one of 'em had a blowout!""But, right after that, this car here lost control and crashed. The light blue Caddie just kept on jammin'!" he finishes breathlessly."I think I saw part of his license plate number, 'L964.'"You notify dispatch of the vehicle information.Homicide Detective Oscar Hamilton arrives with Sergeant Dooley.Dooley tells you, "Bonds, Detective Hamilton will handle the investigation from here.""Hit the streets and try to find the rat responsible," says Sgt. Dooley. "I'll introduce the witness to Hamilton."This guy won't be doing anything soon!To whom are you speaking?The little old lady in the crowd cries out, "Officer, do something. That man is hurt bad! Help him!!"They can't hear you from here.This man is beyond help.The sign reads, "Colonial Van and Storage."The bricks won't do you any good.Hold on, Sonny. It seems Sergeant Dooley has something to tell you."All I know is," says the witness, %m19You can't see the driver very well from here.The green coupe will require a major front-end job!Dooley reminds you, "Ok, Sonny, move it out! That's an order."Dooley tells you, "Resume patrol now, Officer Bonds."Dooley says, "Anytime now, Bonds. Hit the street!"There's a man slumped over the steering wheel.Dispatch will not hear you unless you use the radio.You assess the damage to the building.That's a job for the coroner.It's obvious the radiator was damaged from impact."Why doncha get some help?""10-4, 83-32. We copy light blue Cadillac, partial license 'L964.'"You have nothing further to report."10-4, 83-32. Hamilton and Dooley are in route. Estimated time of arrival is momentarily!"This door is jammed.It would be more professional to wait until the homicide detectives arrive before leaving the scene.Forget it! Just walk around to the other side.You see a man slumped over the wheel.The crowd appears to be fixated on the wreck.Sgt. Dooley honks his horn and yells out the window, "Hey, Sonny! Move out of the way, I need to park there!""10-4, 83-32. We copy 187pc homicide. Continue investigation."%m20 "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Be advised description of suspect vehicle is late-model, light blue Cadillac."It's difficult to see though the smoke and debris, but you feel certain you can see programmers working on adventure games inside.The wreck victim's license plate appears to have been lost during the accident.This car smells of death.Someone in this crowd smells of musk and cheap perfume.The inside of this building smells of flatulence.Yes, the tailpipe smells of exhaust.Ah! The air of Lytton.%g79You can't. It's sprung.4 WM!)+%m q2f $f f f  = 0 f+0 f0(/' e02fm m[~ 9 8mFy 9 s-x EEEE==== m' GF   #Q4Q4rQAraQKrF+  @Af 3+' a  >a 4 $wMa5a6a#e "a  f#a $wMg}$aRah}Wai%aj&a# "a  Ka $wMLaMaNaOaPaQa#`$$  a   $wMaaaa a+ a\\a \a a+aXa GQ=+$+YaGQ=$!a#Q3 Q3w++FaaaGQ3 Q=+ $a+a#[dF *a  ,a $wM-a \d.a/a0a1a2a3a4ad# $ $xN'9e   qP'''e  # a#  4a4z4e?e&: e q:: e q": e  qO:O$: e  qO' FmQre+ quGeJve6+ eC q e q   eD qm' eE qm' eF qm' eG q!(!( e( qt!t(t!(!(!( e) q`e7FFe8;< eH q< eI qP###eVe PP=e+ qeY !"#$=P[\]^_`abcde /0123456789:;<=Ruv1cdefkl'Tt)9:;<=>?@AHQaThis is %m85's office.Lt. Morgan is a handsome, middle-aged man, with a winsome touch of gray to his hair.You're in %m85's office.%m85 keeps his desk neat and clean, with a place for everything, and everything in its place. There is a telephone on his desk.You are talented, but there is no need to climb the desk!You don't have time to sit on the desk!"I have a lot of paperwork and no time to talk!""555-6674""Sonny, you were selected because of your experience and years of good service to the force," says %m85.You look under the desk and surmise that %m85 picks his nose.%m85 keeps his window nailed shut!This file is locked!Only %m85 has access to this file.Warming the chair would be all you accomplished.You're not close enough.It's a tile floor.%m84's phone is not for your use.There is nothing on %m84's desk that concerns you.%m84 barks, "Sonny, get out from behind my desk!"%v35This door opens out, so you must leave in order to close it.%m83 jabs, "Sonny! Can't you see I'm busy!""Please, Sonny! I've got a ton of paperwork to do, and no time for conversation.""Sonny, I don't have time for anything now!"It's a window with mini-blinds.That would anger %m83, as he likes his office dark."Lytton City Map"You do not need it.Make your own map!The books on the shelves belong to the Lieutenant.You don't need them.It's a ceiling.MorganLt. %m83Lieutenant %m83"I'm waiting for a return telephone call, Sonny," says %m84. "Keep working and see what you can discover."4HzM4B w "!!!!!))")))%p%s%q%p%p G! ) GX % ^# : < Yiw p xe$  eu~e  e e  e e  e e  e e! uF e  e#  e"  e  e u i*#QppQQlQl:A#QsQ(Q0Q0:N#QrqQQQqQq:A#QKpQKQ=Q=:H#Q(pQ9_QM_+  :u 3   fue$ e'e e $Mweeee  we $Nxuu<;Q9_Q(pQp$ 6;QQppQp$ 6;Q(QsQs$ 6;QKQKpQp$ H;QQQrq Qq $ u f` ueCe8e-\ \e e ee e   :e(S:y:T eI  r< [k q,ue ue\ ; $ e '3t'''we&e%(4 Rv0=:wE_VH  B   `  "Wanna bet five bucks on who gets the first arrest?""Get to work, boy!"Sergeant Dooley will have your can if you read a newspaper while on duty.This is your assigned position for briefings.Sergeant John Dooley briefs the 1300 shift, beginning with the latest hot sheet of stolen rides..."Welcome back, men" says Sergeant John Dooley. "I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.""Now, listen up," he barks. "We're looking for a black 1983 Cadillac, license number 'LOP1238,' VIN C03456218, reported stolen last week. Try hard to find it, so I can get that Malcolm Washington character off my back for a change.""Also, please contact any street informants that you may have. We need any line we can get on this stinking drug traffic."Dooley continues, "Now, hear this: last night, three teenagers were arrested in three separate arrests, each for drunk driving. Two of the three were in possession of cocaine, and all three attend Jefferson High School. That should tell you something, boys and girls!""Well, that's it for today. Watch your butts, kids. We don't want ol' Chief Whipplestick whining about our industrial injury stats going up again! Sonny Bonds, your call number will be 83-32."You pick up this morning's edition of the "Lytton Tribune."You check your pigeonhole and find a hand-written message..."Sonny: How's about a 11-98 at Carol's Caffeine Castle later in the shift? Steve"You look in Steve's pigeonhole and see a stack of subpoenas.You look in Jack's pigeonhole and see a message that reads, "I shot the last sucker that nosed around in MY pigeonhole!"Sgt. Dooley runs a quiet, organized briefing. Wandering around and being a general nuisance just won't cut it. He demands respect for superior officers.My, my! What a filthy little mind we have!Your pigeonhole is empty.Not now! Sgt. Dooley is ready to start his briefing.Quit snooping around in other officer's pigeonholes."Hey, Sonny! That story in this morning's paper sure made you look good.""Sonny Bonds, please find your place. Briefing is about to begin."Since you no longer need the message, you discard it.Dooley yells, "Sonny, find your desk!""You're gonna havta hump to catch me, boy! I wrote so many tickets while you were off duty, I wore down two pencils and ran a pen clear out of ink!""Did you hear? The 'Greasy Spoon' quit giving half-price meals!""Can you believe our flea-bitten jail lost another prisoner last night?""Dooley sure has been putting on the pressure for ticket activity.""Sonny, you look good enough to take home.""Man! That aftershave lotion is getting to me, Sweet Thing.""I had two arrests last night; it's a shame both of them wanted to go the hard way!""Step aside, boy!""It's guys like you that make me want to retire.""Better write some tickets, if you want to keep Dooley off your back.""You keep wearing that aftershave lotion, and I'm going to jump you."Oh, no! Here you are for the 1300 briefing, and it's 1315! Once again, you've spent too much time goofing off.Time to buy "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards," the new, adult-themed 3-D animated, graphic adventure from Sierra!Briefing should be starting soon."Bonds, next time find your place and face this podium," shouts Sgt. Dooley.There is a newspaper lying on the table.4& zM4Bx{"!!!!!!!))))")))+++++++%j%q%`%=%0%(%L_#######:::::::e e       eT e  e  e  e  e  e 3 $Nweeee  e $x x;QB_Q4mQm$ C;Q|Q||QooQo$ 6;QtQtsQs$ 6;QQtQt$ 6;Q$QtQt$ @ ;QKQKuQu$ E;QUQIQ+Qn$ fT e8e- eeee e  s."<L|.Sgt. Dooley says, "Men, we've received information from the Day Sergeant concerning a Missing Persons report filed earlier this morning."It seems that a Mexican male (physical description of 5'8", 145 lbs, black hair, brown eyes) by the name of Jose Martinez, was last seen by his wife two days ago, getting into a late-model light blue Cadillac. No one has seen or heard from Martinez since."This person has some previous arrests involving narcotics sales," says Dooley, concluding the briefing. "Be advised that this black Cadillac may be one and the same as the one involved in the recent murder of Lonny West. We have a partial license plate number of 'L964.'"You check your pigeonhole and find a sealed envelope.Ripping it open, you read a message from an unknown informant, advising you of illegal, high-stakes gambling in the back room of the Hotel Delphoria Cocktail Lounge.There are some messages, but they're not for you.You vow to remember the information, and discard the envelope and message.Your pigeonhole is empty.Dooley then proceeds to give everyone their beat assignments for the day, concluding with yours, "Sonny Bonds, your call number will be 83-32.""Keep it safe out there, boys and girls!"Sgt. Dooley cans your butt on the spot, "Bonds, you're FIRED for insubordination!"In his firm voice, Dooley reminds you, "Being punctual to briefings might keep some of those corrective memos out of your pigeonhole, Bonds! Now, find your seat!""I heard about that Honey you stopped last night who tried to negotiate her way out of a ticket by exposing the upper parts of her anatomy.""I'm late for court, Sonny. Catch you later.""You should buy a new watch, Sonny. You might show up on time, for once!""Boy, Sonny! Sgt. Dooley is hotter than a pistol at you!""Sonny, the next time you sign up for graveyard shift, I'd just love to be your partner.""The next time Dooley embarrasses you like that, you oughta tell him to go eat hub caps in the parking lot.""Boy, Judge Palmer sure ticked me off this morning by finding that sleazy dude not guilty. What a judicial jerk-ette she is!"421M4B{< e.e#ee e EvYour message box, often called a pigeonhole, is empty.It looks like Steve finally cleaned out his box.Well, Sonny, an empty pigeonhole is better than one full of subpoenas.Jack's pigeonhole holds several birthday cards.You no longer receive your mail here.The pigeonhole is a police officer's mailbox. He can receive love letters, subpoenas, nasty notes, and even departmental memos. You ought to check yours.4Z9'NOPb!!!!!!!!! ! )N)N)N)O)N)O)P)P) P) P///////// / CCC C 6666 6 FFFFFFFFF F F%&N%K'%d%jH%_%9%<{%D{% L{% U{ #: #: #: #:'## :: '## :: '##::' ### ::: ''# ### ::: FP# #: :#:''1'S''''-'''S'y'-'-$''Oe'' (*,P y'' E XEPeI '( ) * , ,bb') (, '()*,c Ee-' '/ ''e' e# ''X''l''eY'eM ;$\\ e-* e   r  s ''X''eE'e9 ;$\ e   r e! ''X''eE'e9 ;$\ e    r e ,'g''eT 2' e;$\ e   r e"  ;$e ;$ ;$  ; $  ; $ ;$\-'-'-X''V  eA ^#:_e &  * e  s -'[  eF ^^_#:_#:e" _#:e  s -'V  eA   s.#:_& _ _ _ e -,','7  e" #:_e  s  #:e$ #: #: # :  _# : _#:FGtde e e e e ''e 'e'e'e e e 'e 'e 'e ,'e '''e e''''''e'e'e e 'ez'r''5'54'z4'' e9c9 9$"J/teDu4a4Vw LThe department has gone to great lengths to organize this undercover operation. Your informant is in a dangerous situation. You're all dressed for the occasion. Now, go do it!You don't need it for this operation. Leave it here.You carefully unload your weapon before returning it to your locker.You see your weapon in your gun belt.The policeman's tool belt! Don't leave home without it.There is a speed loader of ammunition on the shelf.You take a speed loader with six rounds of .357-magnum, hollow-point, silver-jacketed bullets.Your briefcase rests on the bottom of the locker.Your briefcase contains many items you'll need in the field.You remove the ammunition from your revolver, place it on the shelf, then hang your gunbelt on the locker door.The keys to your Corvette are hanging on a hook.You replace your ammo on the shelf.Your towel is neatly folded in the bottom of the locker.It's already in the locker.You return the contents to your briefcase and place it in the locker.You store your personal gear in your locker.Your Lytton PD uniform is hanging neatly on a hanger.There's not enough room in that towel!Your gun is still in the jail locker! Perhaps you should get it first.Your civilian clothes are hanging on a hanger.You grab the keys to your 'Vette.You put the keys in your locker.An old T-shirt and a pair of jeans hang here.Your new, white, pimp suit is hanging on a hanger.You have no use for it if you're not in uniform.You have your orders. Now, get with the plan and bleach your hair!Your cane with the derringer handle is leaning in the corner.Where!?Regulations require a shower before changing.You don't need the keys until you're off-duty.How wonderful! Fifteen years of service have come to this: wearing a pimp suit to meet a hooker! Now, that's professional advancement!! (Wouldn't your Mommy be proud!)Where's your other briefcase?What did you do with the other ammo?Where did you put your car keys?Change clothes first.Ok. Who'll know?47!8bbZmm!!!!!))Z)Z)Z+++///%Ih%b%F6 6p,&&%> #zZdzZ`zZbp ###%-t+$$ ##2$d4x $? #$ # <$ # F:: x48n828 '3'8E= m Qy[ +t; DnPs Qmkw emu|    )mBr 9 \yi 9wx pe4E ;Kc E: R' GF ++++  we e QCpee Q,Qe  QF e QQ|  e  QItQ-te eeeQ>tQ>x $$`dx32'r 'r e2=<'r r 'e2GFe=e %>+# Q&f+geheiejQ>k $$e3fe e$#`:Me)e::$:e)::$:eFtFF(e& qb $ee/8 q,b $ $> >eeeee/me.;e, ,e(<e)(!ee!De6e:Ee;e>,e( e q+ qe+ qe7)(!'t)t(t!'" q$e Ic '' ;$  q,'7 q+  re0e $\ -,' q e"e##_' qb $e%e/<'e-:'e*k'f'k'f'f'k'f'k'e5## fe<9e9e8m>E~BZy{/- )` 2 ) Q 6  b m :$Fi3XiTR1:The bulletin board is filled with terminally boring stuff!Narcotics Detective Laura Watts says, "Sonny, you'd better not let Lieutenant Morgan or Sergeant Dooley catch you killing time in here!""Are you lost Sonny?" Detective Laura Watts asks. "The patrol cars are out in the yard.""Shouldn't you be out on patrol?" Laura asks.The Department manuals won't help you."Welcome to the Narcotics Division, Sonny," says Laura. "I'm pleased you were selected for the position.""Allow me to show you around.""This file cabinet contains all our active narcotic cases, including Hoffman's file.""Walk this way.""This key board contains keys to the unmarked cars that are assigned to the Narcotics Division. I've been meaning to update that clipboard hanging there.""By the way, our radio call number is 83-Nora-10.""This will be your desk," Laura continues. "Since you have your own desk now, your pigeonhole will be assigned to someone else.""Sonny," Laura says earnestly, "I attended Hoffman's arraignment early this morning. He's being represented by some out-of-town, hotshot lawyer.""The jerk has convinced Judge Palmer that Hoffman is who he says he is. And, that's not the worst of it...""Judge Palmer set Hoffman's bail at only $500,000.00!" Laura exclaims. "We've got to show cause to justify a No Bail Warrant. If Hoffman gets out on bail, we'll never see his ugly face again!""Sonny, I have a meeting right now, and can't stay. Hoffman's your baby now and time is running out! I hope you can discover some information that will convince Judge Palmer to hold him without bail!"This file cabinet contains the files on the current Lytton PD active narcotics cases.Ah, hah! A note from Laura."Bonds, We just received a fax from Chicago PD Detective Joe Taber. He says our man Jason Taselli, (alias Hoffman, alias Pierson), is linked to a big time drug dealer by the name of Jessie Bains. Taber included a mug shot of Bains, a high stakes gambler who recently dropped out of sight in the Chicago area."You study the mug shot of Bains, and vow to remember it.You remember the anonymous letter about big-stakes gambling at the Hotel Delphoria and realize you are onto something hot."And," concludes the note, our Lab has matched the fingerprints on the .45-caliber automatic found in the stolen Cadillac to Taselli's prints. Laura"You have no business in the Narcotics Division files.The desk on the right has "In" and "Out" baskets, a telephone, but no nameplate."Sonny," says Laura, "Just after you left, a hooker by the name of Sweet Cheeks Marie (who called you 'Precious'), called from the jail and said she needs to see you as soon as possible.""But, before you go to the jail, Morgan wants to see you."You'd better change and get over there."Sonny, I just got a call from the jail. Hoffman's attorney is on his way over there with a half-million dollars to bail him out.""If you've found anything at all that we can use to hold this sucker, now is the time to use it.""Take whatever you have, get over to the courthouse and see if you can get a No Bail Warrant out of Judge Palmer.""Please feel free to research any and all files," Laura concludes.You take the keys to the undercover car.Narcotics Detective Laura Watts is a veteran narcotics cop and all business.What keys?You hang the keys on the key board.Not here, please! The keys belong on the key board.The message is important, but not the paper!Nothing in Laura's basket pertains to you.You'd better get over there!The keys hanging on the key board are for the Narcotics Department's unmarked cars. Below the key board hangs a clipboard.The desk on the left has "In" and "Out" baskets, and a nameplate that says "Laura Watts, Narcotics Detective."There's no need to open the desk.You see blue sky and green bushes.The bookcase contains Official Departmental Manuals.Reading a Departmental Manual is about as much fun as reading the fine print on a life insurance policy. You'd rather read the back of a cereal box!This is a map of the City of Lytton.Hey! It's empty!Someday (if you ever move up to Narcotics) you may need keys to an unmarked car. But today is not that day.Don't interrupt Laura when she's speaking."Hello, Sonny!" Laura Watts greets you. "Lieutenant Morgan is waiting for you. %s9""Hey, Sonny," Laura Watts says, "Sergeant Dooley is expecting you in his office, pronto!""Sonny! Are you going to be late for briefing again?"That's an entertaining idea, but you have work to do!Ah, the Narcotics Office -- where undercover cops roam!What? And spoil this wonderful air-conditioning?It's a genuine, LT&T black telephone.Yes, there is a phone in the room.There are two desks, a filing cabinet against the rear wall, and a bookcase in the far right corner.The left wall holds a key board and a clipboard. On the rear wall is a bulletin board. A bookcase and large map of the City of Lytton are on the right wall."How's it hangin', Big Boy?" cracks Laura."Hey! I thought you were supposed to go to the Hotel Delphoria!"Good idea!4/ &Di!)i+/F8%8c%8j$ q!N ""$ " !!! !!!!!Nm!: g ?g g g g g g g g g g g g !6 g g g 7g g g !g "g #g %g &g $g >!> g g 'g (g )g 9g *g +g 8g ,g -g 1g ;g 2g 3! g .g /g :g 0g =!( g g g g #g g g g !. g g g g g g g g g g y?y@yAyByCyD y=&y-'y+&y yy yy"y y y yy yy%y&(y2 yy/y- y,(y1y2y3 y4y5y6y7y8y9y0y hy y  _<PQ42a:.] x e8v~ 1u  K\\\\\ \\ \ w\\\ \ YZ70 p ) y ' , /KCKLL9MNJC/# , /\CK2LsMJ #]< JJ] v& 'K_LM , /COT8/hQR% &^  , / 'K2LuMJ /# 4 '`  Q! b'(,\ 'KLCMJ/!/___&_ __ __^_ y A 'b |0 G H I'()*+,c K\\\\ \\ \\\ y/_  x c   { P N M O .` 4'( ) * ,_ 4# 5$\\\ 'KJLNMJ/5()`7___\ 'KdLdMJ/)!`_ } 'K$L=MJ/+) e . ? CDE 'KZLdMJ/)& ' e .C?` KULdMJ/!b e? 'KLCMJ/! 4b# ')$#` K_LgMJ/)<`#[ 'KLJ/< 4[d '2?d# $' (*,\\\d 'K$LPMJ /? C ' Tg D T RhD\A ^dO aOIf you didn't just do a Restart, assume this isn't going to work! Use Level 255 to quit. Use Level 0 to Restore. Any Level > 31 to Restart. Levels 1 thru 31 are valid.Pick a level from 1 thru 31: 4Gd foai\q!)i+%7EF!)i+%7EF!)\+/%*-F!)\+/%*}F!)i+/%(WF  "!!t!t!!! ee!!e)!(!) e' '' "e!!! '' "e!!!z!z!-!)-!3)-!3-!)-!-!r!z!z!z!-!)-!3)-!3-!)-!-!r!z!e z!(z(z!)z)$ l   e o !1 !1 ! !   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Hoffman"License #C84776356,name of "L. Pierson"EVIDENCE FORM5 lbs. marijuana,est. value, $4,000.001 lb. cocaine, est.value, $250,000.001 S&W .45 automatichandgun SN SW97649121 black notebookVEHICLE INFORMATION'83 Cadillac deVille,blue (orig. blue)Stolen fromLytton, CALICENSE #LOP1238VIN C03456218Registered to:Malcolm Washington234 W Center StLytton, CATemporary CA driver's"Freddie the Freak"NegroALIASNAME5'3 219' black/greenWANTSpurse snatchingassault and batteryMETHOD OF OPERATIONgrabs victim, bitesneck, snatchespurse, runs awayJames Jenkins"Jimmy the Junky"Department.6'4 160' black/brownIllegal flight toavoid prosecution onnarcotic violations.Last seen headingsouth like an out-of-control rocket.Francis Malone4'9 160' black/blueWarrant #Q372"Short Fat Fanny"steals anything shecan fit on her bodynarcotics violationsWinford W. Watson"Winnie the Weasel"5'8 180' bald/brownnumerous tattoosnarcotics, weapons,and armed robberyviolationsLOCATION OF SUBJECThas been seen with aUPDATELast seen by severalwitnesses early Wed.morning. Statementsindicate FreddieJustinfletch was atintersection ofCenter and 3rd Stsdirecting trafficwhile totally nude.When officers arrived"the Freak" couldnot be found.Jenkins also wantedfor questioning inseveral West Sidedaylight burglaries.ADDITIONALIf arrested, notifyOfficer James Lucas,Lytton ProbationUNUSUAL TRAITSHalitosis to themagnitude equal tothe breath ofAPPROACH WITH CAUTIONwill not hesitate toknock you down andspit in your eyeswhile she breathsheavily into youryour face, therebyjunkie hooker knownas "Big Bonnie"NOTEhas large red & bluetattoo of sinkingship on top of headnauseating you tothe point ofunconsciousness.Marvin HoffmanMale 6'0 194#HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 6/2/5631 W 104th StChicago, ILRESTRICTIONSNone.Leroy PiersonMale 5'11 197#HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 4/28/551134 Beach StNewport, CAYou may also use the cursor keys to turn the pages.Which file?You can only read one file at a time.You're not looking at a folder.The file drawer contains five folders, each labeled with the name of the case.You remove the Hoffman file from the drawer.Good thinking; maybe this will be of use.You return the folder to the file drawer.You ARE looking at a file!4%#@ #w    8q m g {g |g}8'g zs  8iuS!MS' S' S "SzS'z"S mx #r rr rro EFGIJKLM55'()*+,-$.'/9$01'23:6456789:;<$<='>kO=PQRSTUVWXYZ>[?\c r r r r rv uwxyrr Kr Kr#     ru     @?ABCDr $ !"#%rr ]^_`abcdef^g`ibej^k`lbmen^o`pqbrst  Q~h|h}h~hhhhhhh= hjl{(6EOP[ky!0?Ue{ $4F[o-7IPcr *=MNdw)>Odk}%5I_o % : N _ m  ) ? U k    + > P ^ p ~   ' 3 8 9 : ; < _<COMPUTER DOWN.No record for input.45 caliber,automatic handgunserial #SW9764912reported stolen.Chicago, 12/4/86Contact Det. Taber atCPD, 1 (312) 555-3382555-6537,unlisted numberLeroy Pierson1037 Grove St.Apt #334,Lytton, CADelphoria HotelJason TaselliFED Warrant: 123-1985Alias: Marvin Hoffman5'11", 195', blk/brnTattoo of flowerabove left nipple.1985 Motorcycle 750Color: cherry redStolen: %m18License: M65789VIN: M09876543459PC Burglary.22-cal. lever-actionRamington rifleoak stock, gold trig.Serial #R12345678Still outstanding:Contact Lytton PDRecord not on file.Victim:Fancy Pants Lingerie57 pair silk skivviesBlue, size 46-50,Zippered crotchSuspect:Short Fat Fanny2400 lbs Dog FeedFat Fred's Feed Farm9 Large-mouth BellyBustin' Stink Baits"Chink's Cast NCatchit" Bait StoreMissing dog:Name of Big DogAKA "The Consumer"3', 115 lbs, blk/whtApproach with cautionis very affectionatewith uniformed policeofficers.8 diamond weddingrings.Jessie the JewelerMarvin HoffmanIll. DDL #A4724572231 W 104th StChicago, Illinois5'11",195lbs,blk/brnDOB: 3/1/391983 Cadillac deVilleColor: blackStolen, %m18License: LOP1238VIN: C03456218Registered owner:Malcolm Washington234 W Center StBiologic intercourse.Anal release of anelastic fluid.Solid waste matterfrom the bowels.A yellowish fluidsecreted by thekidneys, passedthrough ureters tobladder, from whichit is dischargedthrough the urethra.Any port in a storm!Found on a male.Freddie JustinfletchAlias:Freddie the FreakPhysical:5'3",219lbs,bald/grnWanted for:purse snatchingassault and batterynarcotics violationsJames JenkinsJimmy "the Junky"6'4",160lbs,blk/brnFrancis MaloneShort Fat Fanny4'9",160lbs,blk/bluWAR: Q72, petty theftWiniford WatsonWinnie the Weasel5'8",180lbs,bald/brnNumerous tattoos.Narcotics, weapons,and armed robberyviolations.555-6537555-4369unlisted telephonenumber of: PoliceCommissioner HackerEnter search string:Lytton Police Dept.On-Line DatabaseGood morning!Didn't match %s1.Former programmer;author of that cultclassic, "Bop-A-Bet!"Computer renaissanceman: artist, program-mer, guitarist.Nice ol' family man;former CHiP (not asin cow).Like a civil servant:we can't fire him andcan't get him to work15-year veteran, LPDHelen Hots202 Gyrate Ct,License: OHMYMGOn-Line Help is nolonger available.ohmymgdirBDOS err on a:convicted drug pusheral lowegreg rowlandjim wallsken williamsWanted for murder,drug involvement,prostitution.Last seen area ofChicago, Ill.prgrmr1Art Serabian,No wants.m65789m09876543r12345678sw9764912lop1238c03456218ul6942License: UL6942Issued to:1979 Cadillac,junked in 1983.VIN: C0864213579C0864213579hots4I !!N "`!)`+%7EFq "$ " !!! !!!!!Nm!X&ggggg g g g g  g g g g gg8%]T%][/#!F&gggggg g g g g gggggg!F&g g!g"g#g$g %g &g 'g (g )g*g+g,g-g.g/!S&g0g1g2g3g4g 5g 6g 7g 8g 9g:g;gg?g@%]S/#m "-'-v'r''-''z' '' "eA!!! ''!' "eA!!!eCC .DZ@h)Nu 4XAi?g"J`v!7\ S THE LYTTON TRIBUNE DOPE IN THE CITY \| PRESIDENT HICKLEThe city of Lytton,\|once a beautiful, \|peaceful, quiet \|city with few major\|crime problems, is \|now experiencing \|rapid growth and \|Smugsville, U.S.A.prosperity. But, \|President Hicklealong with growth \|was in Smugsvillehas come an alarm- \|yesterday evening,ing increase in the\|observing thecrime rate that is \|annual migration see Dope, pg 2\| see Birds, pg 2 Birds, from pg 1\| Dope, from pg 1of the red-bellied \|threatening theswamp coddlers. \|peace of Lytton.The President, who \|Police Sgt. Johnhas been a bird \|Dooley states thatlover since child- \|dangerous drugshood, rates the \|are showing up onmating dance of the\|the streets and incoddler as being \|our schools."as spectacular as \|The homicide ratethe golden-crowned \|and prostitutionscum sucker." The \|are at a level thePresident candidly \|city has neveradmitted that he \|seen. The Tribuneonce skipped the \|has learned from a see Birds, pg 3\| see Dope, pg 3 Birds, from pg 2\| Dope, from pg 2Geneva Arms Conven-\|reliable sourcetion to watch some \|that a big-timeold coddlers mate. \|drug dealer with aThe President says \|street name ofa bill is presently\|"Death Angel" maybefore the Senate \|be responsible forproclaiming Nat- \|the drug traffic.ional Coddler Day! \| \| LPD OFFICER OF ESCAPED \| THE YEAR NOMINEESLytton City Jail \|Lytton PD Chiefreported the escape\|Whipplestick hasof a female prison \|nominated Sonnyinmate last night. \|Bonds and Joe see Escaped, pg 4\| see Nominee, pg 4 Escaped, from pg 3\|Nominee, from pg 3Floreen "Flustered \|Flora" Paxton flew \|the coop by hiding \|beneath a pile of \|soiled prison \|laundry in a hand- \|pushed basket. \| \|KINGDOM OF DAVENTRY\|Bonds and Waltersis now under siege \|by a renegade, 3- \|Walters for LPDheaded dragon. One \|"Officer of theunidentified gnome \|Year Award" due tostated the kingdom \|outstanding effortis in a "state of \|and commitment inemergency." \|crime prevention.You may also use the cursor keys to turn the pages.Since your shift is beginning, you discard the newspaper.You ARE reading the paper.4 GEWEWNFEFoWoWfLfL_W_WVLVLNWNZfZogohninjmklkkljl[kZkYjXiWhWgVd___^^]^\][\[[ZZZJ[I[H\G]F^F_ElElNaN`O`UbVfVe`eedfZfoEENzNzototNoNoECECjBkBlAm@n?n>o7o6n5n4m3l3k2j2E8E8e9f>??5>6>7=8<9;9::3:291908/7/6.5.B:BHH1R1R:B:U:U[[:U:^5^__`abcjklmnnooiihedd0e1h1i0i.o.o5n6n7m8l9k9j:c:b9a9`8_7_6r:rxx!!)x)x11:r:5181909854405181!"!$%%!$"!"969J9X9e9y9wmanMn%>$C$C%G%G$V$V%Z%Z$_$_%c%c$s$s%%$[\#\#[*[*\.\.[3[3\7\7[>[>\B\B[G[G\V\V[\[\\k\k[u[u\y\y[]#]*].]3]7]>]B]G]V]^]]]k]u]y]&*&/&3&:&>&C&G&V&Z&_&c&s&&$)$0$2$;$=$D$F$W$Y$`$b$t$$#*#/#3#:#>#C#G#V#Z#_#c#s##Z ["[#ZZ*Z+[-[.Z+Z3Z4[6[7Z4Z>Z?[A[BZ>ZGZH[U[VZHZ[Z\Z][j[jZ\ZuZv[x[yZuZ" "%"*"/"3":">"C"G"V"Z"_"c"s""Y#Y*Y.Y3Y7Y>YBYGYVY[YjYuYyY;B$B$3)3*2+2,1-0-.-,,5BA?@@?@>A=A@@4A3A2@1?1>0=09606 78C;CBSBS9III0UBU;[;[BUB]]=^>^?_@`AaAbBiBjAkAl@m?m>n=n8nn$h$hgepApq *0;BpBu>}-|l"j>Q?W?=<6,(#&x+x,y,z-{2v1u1t2s2k%w$w#v"u"t!s!o'd'V(U0P1Q9L;L;e(c(VDLELEsDtDuCvBwAw@x9x8w7w6v5u5t4s4nGpGxVxVpVeV`VUVOXxXoYoYQXRX`YaYbZc[d\d]ekOkTkVhVXwXxexfxgwhwivjujtkskmnLmLmUmLmUrUrxxxxp{V}V}O|RsRhTaaesOtNdPSDT:[1a&SXQYPYO(c(V)<8,g,Yg:!:"+&+'*(*))*(19293:::;9<9=8"$58C:B:R:V:[:`8a9b9c:j:k9l9m8oihey))yr::%N(N m!n"n#o(o4m5n6n7o>o?n@nAmFoWoL_W_LNWNaNlN\]]^^^__d_ZoZogohninjmoNsN{NNtozo)p)q*r/m-G,F+F*E#E"F!F G2E8E=ECEFEWE\G]F^F_ElEoEErmlkjcba`[UHB=<;:3210)('&5181I1R1e1h1i.o.y!!y11aVgVhWiWjXdf[fZfWfMfMVWV9f C G V Z _ c s w W#W*W.W3W7W>WBWGWVW[WgWuWyW(')')(/(/'3'3(:(:'>'>(C(C'G'G(V(V'Z'Z(_(_'c'c(s(s''(_^#^#_*_*^.^._3_3^7^7_>_>^B^B_G_G^V^_^k^k`u_u^y^y_N ANAN AA==8899o9o9\9\9T9T9/9%99955%5-5S5T5\5\555EEnEmE^EXEEEDEAC=S=SACAU=[=[AUA^=n=p==ApAkA`A=9A9A5@5@1A1A-@-@)A)A%@%@!A!@A5-6-6)5)5%6%6!5!58IIIII!I!I%I%I)I)I-I-ekh!n!kQaQkUaUmQsQmMnMmUsU{U{UrYsYr]s]daYaX][]YYXYYUXU]edeXq_qXu[uAuCuEq=qEmCmBmEiDiEeDeEaDaE]D]EYDYEUDUEQDQDMEMVQMQVUMUVaMaVeMeVqGqVuGu0Q1Q0U1U0Y1Y0]1]0a1a1e1e;M9M;Q9Q;U9U;Y9Y;]9];a9a;e9e]9`9n9m988q9p9p5q5q1p1p-q-y-{- g!e!e%o%o)e)e-o-7!8!7%8%7)8)7-8-{Q}Q~R~R ATAxNZymfqb{X|W~UA @200aQK;1 @@A=/{*q n-,p)q)p%q%[[ZVUU .>,:*6+5,7!<?DLPU\bb'c+a+`*[)[-_0e0X;^@fAf?e/@;:@6A3@59416-61?,C)H&P&T(Z+X;5^:\<\@`@b;c8e8i`d[bZa[^a[RG=C+>M3EZMfE^SeS<7,70?c?h[c[iWlT|XlU{AjD{@C(AD']Z*?QYQYSYT?R?TJ?N?NKJKJ@L.M/M;K;K/L.;|AFKLUVWY[\]^_bdeg"g'h)h/i0i:i>l=FSSVWXZ[UNikdtY[XB A.AkAA.==.99.55/11/--0)#)0%'%1!+!2/5387;;? 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hide!In a soft, seductive voice she murmers, "Why, officer! I'm just sure I didn't do anything wrong.""I'm truly sorry, sir. I honestly did not even see that red light. Is there anything I can do to convince you to let me off? And, I DO mean anything!"You quickly trade your integrity for a shot at cheap thrills and torrid sex!"Who cares?!""My phone number is 555-4369," she says with a smile, "Give me a call some time."Being the veteran you are, you overcome temptation and stare the young lady straight in the eyes, "May I please see your driver's license, Ma'am?""Again??"She's hopping mad as she yells, "Oh, you cops are all alike! All you care about is making your quotas! Well, come on, snap it up. I am in a hurry, Mr. Bigshot Traffic Cop!""Guys like you make me want a big dip of snuff! You never give a decent girl a break! You just hassle people!"You can't write a ticket without your pinch book.What a pair of headlights!!She verbally pounds you again, "Officer, did your mother have any children that lived?"You must see the violator's driver's license in order to write a ticket.She hands your ticket book back and suggests with a sarcastic smile, "Why don't you shove that pen where the sun don't shine, Officer? 'Mommy and Daddy,' really!"She hasn't signed it, Sonny.You're holding it.As your eyes meet, you're momentarily stunned."My name is Helen. Helen Hots," she says as heat detectors go off for miles around. "What's yours, Handsome?""I'm truly sorry, sir. Is there anything I can do to convince you to let me off? And, I DO mean anything!""Why, I've never heard of anyone by that name, Officer!"Helen HotsFemale 5'2 105HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 2/14/66202 Gyrate CtLytton, CARESTRICTIONSNone.Politely, you tell her, "You ran a red light back there, Miss.""Thanks for not giving me a ticket, Officer!""What? And, as nice as I have been to you! Why, I gave you my phone number and everything. If you do anything to me, Turkey, I'll file rape charges on you so fast it'll make your head swim! Gawd, what a BUM!"Your briefcase is in the car."Why, Officer!" she smiles coyly. "Please don't stare there!!"First, return her license.What a face. What a pair of eyes!You hand her the ticket book and your pen. "Please sign at the 'X,' Ma'am," you politely instruct her.You haven't written her up yet.You can only write one ticket per violation, Sonny!You can't write a ticket without your pen."Well, how rude," she says, attempting to be offended. "But, if that's what it takes, I suppose it's all right with me!""Why don't you look at my license?" she asks."Good day, Ma'am," you say, trying to keep your glance high. "I'm Officer Sonny Bonds."Your heart slips up into your throat! %m5"Short memory, Officer?" she snickers."What did I do wrong, Officer?" she says, showing her best smile.That is unnecessary for a simple traffic violation.Nice try, but unfortunately, unnecessary in a traffic violation.You carefully fill in all the necessary information on the citation.43 f8\pb zp2iq " " / '8z\Wz\Pgz\Mz\P]mgggg g g g g g g g  g  g  g g ggg m   "zp2iex2'ez'''r' e8 c <''<''<''<''t<'t't<'t''<''<'N Ne 8qH'H'H'H'P Pw "8 8.=KV`kyQMarvin HoffmanMale 6'0 194#HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 6/2/5631 W 104th StChicago, ILRESTRICTIONSNone.Leroy PiersonMale 5'10 187#HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 4/28/551134 Beach StNewport, CAYou open the note book.Your partner will impound these items into evidence, along with the car.You observe a black notebook, and two driver's licenses.48)O O fUzU4xzUB|q t'D'e'e z''mtmr eedYou open the trunk and discover a clear plastic bag containing a white powdery substance resembling cocaine and another clear plastic bag containing a green leafy substance resembling marijuana.As you start to examine the evidence, you hear Jack's voice behind you, "Just leave that stuff in the trunk, Sonny. I'll impound it along with the car.""Ok, Jack," you say, "See you back at the station."4U!zpz5pzopzVpzLzrzzz3zWzmz6?z0z-3zpbz)Vzze8z6Wz 8#!.].Pk 3 0%X6 Qy#Q$Q$$^ ' '3 0%X6 Q#Q$k  3 0%X6 Q#QMQM$e1This is a quiet, residential area of Lytton.4jzMzMzOzWpznpzqzrzozYz6zz% K## !.]|.P.\ WvZYX LTYX FvGYX^ ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#Q$x ' '3 0%X6 Q#QyQSyQM$^ KU KU3 0%SX6 QS$#Q$x  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$Q$$e4You're outside the beautiful "Hotel Delphoria."4=zzz,z;zVzjztzzNzrz&Dz1DzrDzXtzot% K(#!.]' 'c /uK| |7 U|q.\.Px ' '3 0%X6 QS#QMyQyQ$x ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#QyQQ$x 3 0%X6 Q#QSyQS$Q$}^^64ce'3 (r3u2 +r2w2C64ce'3 +s.x2 (r.t2efYou patrol the streets near "Carol's Caffeine Castle," and the famous "Wino Willey's" beer joint.4T% K(## zIz,Iz{zbtzqtz8zWzezu!.].\e0The freeway leaves the City of Lytton here.4X#zqz5qzoqzVqz3zzWzmzzMzszz-z;zXzgzvzz|@z.3z6o.].Px ' '3 0%X6 QS#QMyQyQ$k  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$ 3 0%X6 Q#QSyQS$QQ$e5To the west is the entrance to Lytton City Park.4=z% ## z!z4zdzzMzszz5zWzqzLzpqzqz5q!|.P.\ nsYX v{YX YX^ ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#Q$z ' '5 0%DX6 Q#Q$QyQy$^ ' '3 0%X6 Q#Q$x  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$Q$$E2C\e4ceV3 L@ME2 L@MC2\(%L/ L*L42 I*L02\eek/This is a commercialized area of Lytton.In the battle of building vs vehicle, the vehicle has lost!4l% K(## zozrzzNz+Nzutzsz8zbtzz5z[!.P.\eLThe pollutants of this industrialized area give the air a pungent odor.4% ## z4pzWpz$zIzkztpztPznzXzz5z z4zYzo.]!|.P.\ nsYX YX^  $ 0%X6 Qy#Qy$k KU KU$ 0%MX6 QM#Q$Q$k  $ 0%X6 Q#QMQM$Q $ 0%X6 Q#$e+The Blue Room is in this part of town.4 % K(## .].P KPYXQ  $ 0%X6 Q#$k KU KU$ 0%MX6 QM#Q$Q$k  $ 0%X6 Q#QMQM$Q $ 0%X6 Q#$e1This is a quiet, residential area of Lytton.4t% K(## zz6zWzXzqzEz1EzuszMzszOztz /K U|q.P.\eMFreeway traffic passes over this sparsely industrialized area of Lytton.4!!! ! FFF F )c)c//%!/% <% K(,c) e) e/ / % $=% =() c/ % /, ) e/ % = ) e/ % $=+++ + 666 6 ### # zWpzopzznz(zHzzOzqz5zzYzpzpzYz z4&KL## !|.P.\ 'Gy,c,Ne L.T2YX FG&YX WZ&YX^ u u3 0%yX6 QSy#QS$x  3 0%X6 Q#QM$QMyQ$^ ' '3 0%X6 Q#Q$4ce3 !*!42 *!02 8!=2 7 A2, !9$>2 $8$B2, 9>2 8B2,c *02 *42AE20E2E2E2eYou skipped the required safety inspection of your vehicle prior to leaving the station yard. You're now disabled here with a flat tire!The Lytton Police Department is located here.4#% K## zz3zWzmzrz5rzVrzorzzNzqzzz-z=zXzhzwz)@zcVz6o.].P WvZYX LTYX FvGYX^ ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#Q$k  3 0%X6 Qy#QSyQM$^ KU KU3 0%SX6 QS$#Q$k  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$eLThe Clearwater River borders the eastern edge of this residential area.4@ % K(##  U|q.].Pe=The freeway stretches out above this quiet neighborhood.4P#zpz5pzVpzMzsz$ztzJzzwzWz=z-zz)mz6@zca|.].P^ u u3 0%yX6 QSy#QS$x  3 0%X6 Q#QM$QMyQ$^ ' '3 0%X6 Q#Q$eIThe Clearwater River borders the southern edge of this neighborhood.4<J% K(## zszMzZznz7zzszP!.P|.].\ K-U.YX WZ&YXk ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#QyQy$k u u3 0%X6 QM#QS$Q$$d  ,% 0%X6Q#QQ$e:You are near the Lytton Courthouse and the City Jail.4enznwz5rzrzzz-z<zXzgzvzrzLz)>z6p[[d")c)c++%%66GG###|.].P^ u u3 0%X6 Q#Q$k ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#QyQy$k  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$eCCotton Cove is located here, near the lovely Clearwater River.4{%# % FG&YX UZ'YX K'U2YXz u u5 80%yCX6 QSy#QS$QQ$  5 80%CX6 Q#QM$QMyDQSQ$ ( (4- 8)h+0%CX6Q#.$ 8)h+0+%6Qz# )g+QSQS$S  5 80%CX6 Q#$S ( (5 80%CX6 Q#$  h 80%CX6 Q#$ 80%6 Q3#QHDQQ$4%# % K'U2YX FG&YX U_ 6YX AzKE==6YX n n.' 80%CX6Q# QSyQS$QMQ$` ' '& 80%$CX6 QM$#QM$ ( (5 80%CX6 Q#!$ 80%CX6 Q|#Q $&S  5 80%CX6 Q#$S ( (5 80%CX6 Q#$41@~ ~^....^Y^' &,#^zY pxe ( m' '''e me #m qvee++mH k>tmD'e9me-ve"ue&e '3 G 6 ee GHG  G^-'  ove eerue e m4!'!'em(  veue&ee.^c,d{!H qv4Look: her license plate says "OHMYMG." Isn't that cute!Dispatch returns with the information you requested, "'OHMYMG' is currently registered to Helen Hots. No wants."She's inside her car; you can see her, but not very well.Cautiously, you approach the vehicle. The driver appears to be a female in her early twenties. Very female!%m3 Try moving closer to her door.She looks deep into your eyes, and says, "What may I do for you, Officer?"She replies in a heated voice, "Just remember, Fish Breath: I'm gonna file a complaint on you! I'll cheat, lie, and do anything possible to get your little fuzz butt in trouble! YOU HEAR ME?""Dispatch, this is 83-32. Run wants%m14Your briefcase is in the car."Dispatch, this is 83-32. Check registration%m14""The car is registered to Helen Hots."Well, well. Just what every poor, little, rich girl needs; a little red sports car.You can't see the %w2 from here. on Ocean, Henry, Mary, Yellow, Mary, George."There is no reason to do so."Get lost, jerk!"She sounds very grateful as she says, "Thank you, Officer! Please call me, and soon!"callDispatch responds, "83-32, 10-4. You must have been away from your radio. Repeating, 'OHMYMG' is currently registered to Helen Hots. No wants.""Thanks for not giving me a ticket, Officer!"You should look at her before you talk to her.4h p f ...^l)^]Jb"!)% F! ) J% F 6 z] V / # d d/ # ^lEE = mV= m m   PQe  "b "   ' 8 z07z0-mgggggggg g  m W .V .e " (! $M+!++/ c( / F #<$ cV $N V// '++ Q2 .Q@6FV' $NC+-V)'klklRklde c"/ zIg^))V z*)+ he   .z^Zz] e$PH-H me$ q.vS[>mS[-[$m-[$m`.'cPcme1 qPk kme2 qCCCme3 q4z4eP.!+!m!m+m!'+m!m+m!mRV)e(e e e GV ! e 'e! qPNPNPNPPNPNPPPNPNPPPNPNPPPN)me!Vee  @'@'(me!  ^ee) '3'[3'3''3'3'`[33'3'3'`[33'3'3'`[33'-[3'(me!  ^ee) [`'-'-$'3'3'`$3'`$3'`$+m qe( e e.H'HcH'HH'PcH'PcH'HHcH'cH'me! e " P!QQ`cQc!m-mmQcQ$!`c'''-3-3-3mQcQmQcQmQcQ2me!&e(e0e e GV J'J'#'#'#''me!ee''me"etmmme#e''P'P'''e4me!He4 mee!>>>e4 me) q me* q'  me+e,'e H HHG^ G^$' e% e&e'r0uGHG 6 e- q^l.4 j,CvG`hS0t.Ig9  J i  # < Q The gentleman responds to your request, "Da, yas ssshir."The drunk reminds you, "Es-cuse me, butt cher bloc'in' da door, Ociffer."Proper police procedure indicates the suspect should do that!You're not in the car.You can't do that with the suspect inside his car.You correctly administer the Field Sobriety Test, and are amused as your subject gives his best imitation of a young swan attempting its first takeoff.There's no need to question him; his problem is obvious!The man fumbles with his wallet, "My license? Uh, yeah, uh, it's, uh, it's right... Here it is!"Reluctantly he says, "Uh, ok, wh-where we goin'?"So as not to excite him, you say, "Oh, we're just going to take a little ride to see some friends of yours. It's ok, buddy. Come on.""I am!"You're not close enough.The drunk begs you, "Could ja 'cuff me in front, please? I'm not feelin' sssho goods."You think, "He doesn't look dangerous. Sure, why not?"Not wanting to take a chance, you explain, "I'm sorry, sir, but Departmental Policy dictates all custody arrests shall be restrained by proper handcuffing procedure, and that means 'behind your back.'"You just fell victim to an old trick. There are two rules to remember: always follow procedures, and never trust a drunk!You look into the glassy, watery eyes of a middle-aged man. He is certainly feeling no pain!You hear a voice that sounds like Tiny Tim singing through a mouthful of crackers......"I didn't do nossshin' wrong, Ociffer."You take a whiff and detect a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage.You place your subject under arrest for the violation of Lytton City Vehicle Code VC23502, "driving while under the influence."You cautiously approach the vehicle and observe one male seated behind the wheel. Rolling down his window appears to be quite a challenge to him!It's in your car.Art SerabianMale 5'8" 199#HAIR NoneEYES BlueDOB 12/14/472 MacIntosh StLytton, CARESTRICTIONS:ProgrammerHe can't hear you from this distance.The fresh air smells good!It looks like a possible DUI.Since the information on the driver's license matches the subject, you return his license to him.You radio Dispatch, "Run check on personalized license plate 'PRGRMR1.' It appears to be currently registered."Dispatch returns with, "'PRGRMR1' is clear, with valid, local registration in the name of Art Serabian.""Record check shows two prior DUI convictions.""Why, Occifer!" lisps the drunk, "I'm as ssssober assss a judge! HIC!"You pat down the gentleman, and find no weapons.The car belongs to the driver.You key the radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Request one 11-85 at my 10-20."83-32, 10-4. One tow truck in route.This vehicle has personalized plates, "PRGRMR1."He is handcuffed!callJust put him in the car.That is unnecessary.You'd better do more than just write this one a ticket.Sonny! How could you?It's too late to do that now.4e" 8 f8...mzm  m !r^b b(b"^vl.),&#%!!! !rr*')) r)r+% %%7% 6CF F8!)^+-%F # r  p.)8 z^ 10#:d/ # / # d^vl EE== m dx *4 ) *4 ) Uj6 8H#H--HeN &weMew weBe'o[u!mS[!m!mS[!mo[u!m[u!m[u-[u!m!m`[u"'eCw w eD'!+m!+!m!' 'eCw w eD''4'eC)eEw  eD -[u['[uS[[uS[S['-u[[u''eCeEw  eD.v''v$$.Lv$.Lvv'L'3'eC(eEw eFw   '']' qE*e9w eG-weD  ^N+/<ewd SSweweD !'''!m'!m'Qc' '!m'!m'Q`c'4we(weweD  ''P'P''';= q/we#we2 e3e9HeLm qeK>>>.we" qe1M  Me;eM'':we@.eJ"e eAr''''(wew He4e2tmmtm>m>m>m4 CHwe /# 8  e qtmm>>mt)wede'c 8e6emtmtm>m>mm1e%&.ede&e:e%eH'PH'PH'weweIe2GmGG C  eeG G G^&'  ovee8e7e e!4m4m4>e(3+.ede$e)e*{ { 4m4m47e",$.ede# c/ # d z4zm4zm45e"*".ede$c$ d   P `^ '' e{ e,e-e.e/e0e+8 888' GF 6 8'w '? 'dwd w g  *!`'C'C'CCCCCCC$C$ !e75weH$ee 74we? 5 we e e$ Tw w ew we4 dw 'H W 2X 3&ww8z^ c /#I8:ec(e eewx # Q**Q_ :wxd ;QH +QH QZ 3 w*'S 4eQ5$ e8M4* **(6 +/'&#Ic (f$p     / c" d / *C+#Q"  w e wS(h MU  w  MU z) /<e  w /w  e UN zw   w zL{Iw zLzc( zIw z)!+we . Q+e w $c" f/  g/ *D &+# hh *Dw i 1ow $w^vl. 8 Ic /Kc $c(O`C g )M|-v@s    ^ < - O & Z =Y.r8Le =V.Dispatch responds, "Be advised, 83-31 is responding Code-3 to your location."Review the "Levels of Force" section of your "LPD Policeman's Indoctrination Guide."The license plate is "UL6942." Hmmm. You remember the partial plate seen by the witness to the Lonnie West murder was "L964." You may have found your man.Officer Jack Cobb arrives on the scene. Cobb radios Dispatch, %m5"Dispatch, be advised. Hold all radio traffic until Code-4 confirmed."Dispatch responds, "Affirmative.""83-32, this is 83-31. Sonny! I'll cover you from the passenger side of your patrol car while you make contact with the suspect.""83-31, out."Well, that's certainly one way to save the taxpayers' money: mow 'em down instead of taking 'em to court.While some may applaud your exercise in street justice, democratic societies have no place for "trigger happy" cops. Sorry, Sonny.Be careful! This dude's dangerous.The suspect falters for a moment, then slowly raises his hands. He realizes he does not have a chance and follows your order."Ok, ok. I'm lying down!"Your partner just punched that punk's ticket.But, a little too late for you, pal. Remember, proper procedure promotes police preservation.Cranking off a few live rounds at this particular time is not recommended.Jack says, "I've got him covered, Sonny. Go ahead and 'cuff him."You apprehensively approach the suspect, sensing his desperation.Attempting to handcuff the suspect while holding your weapon could be hazardous to your health!You feel relief as you close the handcuffs around his wrists.Stand him up, first.You order the suspect into your patrol car. He submits with a sarcastic, "All right, &!#$%&.""Good job, Sonny!" says Jack. "I'll call Dispatch and put out a Code-4."You must be in your car or have a radio extender.You'd better handcuff him first!This guy may be armed!Place him in physical custody before entering his car.You do not need anything from the trunk.You're not close enough to Jack to obtain the gun.This vehicle almost matches the description of the vehicle mentioned by the witness to the fatal car crash.You can't see it from here.Your radio crackles to life with a message from Dispatch, "83-32, license plate 'UL6942' not listed as stolen. Registered to a '79 Cadillac junked in 1983."You think, "The odds of finding a legit registration for this car are slim to none."This door is locked.It IS open.It IS closed.Something about the interior of this car just doesn't feel right.You look at the floorboard, the seats, and even under the seats, but you find nothing.The door IS closed.There's nothing special about the door.Say! The doorjamb of the suspect's vehicle is black instead of light blue!A closer examination of the doorjamb reveals the vehicle's VIN plate. A quick rub with your thumb uncovers its number: C03456218!You must first locate its VIN."Dispatch, this is 83-32," you radio. "Run VIN C03456218 through the computer."Shortly, Dispatch returns with..."Suspect vehicle is confirmed 10851! Lytton PD holds a signed stolen report on this vehicle.""Vehicle information, 1983 black Cadillac deVille.""Registered owner, Malcolm Washington, 234 W Center St, Lytton, CA."You search the suspect and find only pocket change.The suspect is already in the car. You'd better take him to jail!The suspect cuts you off short as he says, "I know my rights, you jackass!""This is harassment. You'll hear from my attorney!""You wanna get out of the way??"What are you talking about?You radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Request wants on license plate 'UL6942.'"You don't know the license plate number yet.To be safe, you read his rights to him anyway.Then, you remember the glove compartment.Plus, a loaded, Smith & Weston .45-caliber, semi-automatic handgun.The suspect pipes up, "Honest, Officer. I only carry that for self-defense on the freeways!!""Quiet down," you order him. "Hey, Jack," you yell to your backup, "how's about booking this evidence?""Ok," Jack replies.Attempting to apprehend the suspect single-handedly was brave but fatal. Review the "Felony Stop Procedures" section of your "LPD Policeman's Indoctrination Guide."You'd better get him in the car, first.You carefully handle the gun so as not to smudge any possible fingerprints.You key your radio, "83-32, backup has arrived."He can't hear you when you're inside your car.He IS!He's still inside his car.He doesn't have his hands raised yet!You'd better get him under your control, first!If it's a tie, you lose!"Oops, I must have forgotten it!" says the suspect.Jack took it with him."I place you under arrest!"Once is enough.You nervously key your radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Request backup Code-3!""Shove it, Pig!"felScene %v119|3 Script %v139|3 susScript %v220|34V  f89VWllC&C9v99*M(bbb"??!)+6%%a#:-!!!!! !%s%sC8:,C&`8;C`8= `8>888)))) + //6 6 6 FF XXXC%}%|%5h% nR# X#### :: 3iRs mE= m i2s m `ir m P  Pd6 68 r~x)np   Qss###'  f e4( r~.e e e z4e ' ߐ ߐG WF `M + 7+ *+ .*  ee??? ;Q he##'f Ff+GQ a+ :8855455e<<< .ee }r. }r   $Y #XD c x}6 899lD,Rw>,Gy'PTn"Book him for what?" asks the jailer.The jailer does that electronically."Hey, man, lemme outta here! I didn't know it was illegal to copy disks!"The man in the cell is upset by your presence here. He jeers, "Say, fool, if you're not my lawyer, then get out of my face!"From behind the bars, you are verbally assaulted, "That's all you sidewalk lizards do: pick on us poor little folks! If you wanna pick on somethin', try runnin' your finger up your nose to about the second knuckle, Captain Crime Buster!""Hey, Pig!" shouts the prisoner. "If you were on my side of these bars, I'd kick your mojo up between your shoulders!""Well, well, well!" shouts the prisoner. "If it ain't a wimp in cop's clothing!"%m15Well, well! Ol' Bonds is loose again."%m15Oh, no! Here comes more paperwork!"%m15if you're selling tickets, I don't need any."The jailer hollers, "Get over there! I'll open the door!"The jailer has control of this door.You need to get closer.It seems you have some unfinished business here first.The jailer greets you with a friendly, "The jail is drab and depressing. The only reason the jailer works here is the vast variety of lifestyles that pass through."I'll have to process her paperwork before you can take her anywhere," says the jailer. "I'll send her over to HQ as soon as possible."You don't have a suspect.The Jailer says "Bonds, you oughta know better than to bring your gun in here."You're docked two points.Bonecrusher Gajarian stares back at you through the bars. You never realized software pirates were SO ugly!4E 9 f'?@4< ^bbbb^l!!!!!66))))XXC+//FF%pd%KW%Wi%q5C)C&!)!C.#!!)))%v%%XXzjYz 6zGa(%[jN+Q[n#'(%v#<10.`` L}LL####::^l`px e9 Ufah( m| FjQm Rjqm ejqm ?!'OOm!m"m 'mAm`,`m,`,AmAmAu ,m ?e) /.?'e$ ?'e% '?e&     EEEE==== m ;cK X:Y :: >>e4^l9N t4.ek&+nS(<f #Cy4   W Q " a  You wonder, "What did I do to fire Dooley's rockets?""I wonder if little Miss Bare Bosoms filed a complaint?""See if you can walk up those stairs without falling down!" you order the drunk."Hic! Whacha mean, Ociffer?" he replies. "I walk like this even when I'm sober!!"The gun locker is open.The gun locker is closed.You place your revolver in the locker.You remove and holster your weapon.You can't reach the gun locker from there.You can push the buzzer, but the door is already open.You push the buzzer. The jailer releases the electronic lock.Only the jailer can open and close this door.This is the officer's booking entrance to the Lytton City Jail. In the exercise yard, a prisoner dribbles continuously. (He also bounces his basketball!)There are gun lockers at the top of the stairs, a heavy, steel-plated door, and a pushbutton. A video surveillance camera slowly sweeps the area.%m42What are you looking at, Porky Pig?"%m42A dude like you put me here and I'm going to sue your whole department for false arrest!"%m42Why don't you people go out and bust some real criminals, instead of messin' around with innocent folks like me? All I did was borrow somebody's car for a while!""Watch your step, Art! We don't want you falling down the stairs.""Hic!" says Art.You must open the gun locker before you can put your weapon inside.The buzzer is out of reach."The world would be a lot better off without cops like you!""I guess this is your big bust for the day, huh, Pig?""You're going to find out this was a big waste of your time, and mine!""Get up those stairs, Dog Meat!""Shut up and keep moving, Hoffman.""Seeing you in 'cuffs gives me a natural high, Punk!"The door IS open.The door IS closed.%m42Hey, baby! You boys play basketball?"If you close the door on this guy, he will doubtlessly sue!Laura says, "Get the door, Sonny. I'll keep an eye on these boys."Your service revolver is in the locker.You don't have a gun!Your weapon is in your holster.You won't be going anywhere until you finish booking."Looks like you'll be a valued addition to narcotics, Bonds," says Laura."Let's get back to the office. I've got work to do."Perhaps you should remove your prisoner from the car first.Around here, failure to secure the gun locker door can be hazardous to your health!First, close the door.Slam Dunk Donny yells through the fence, "There is a pushbutton on the wall beside the jail door.Smile pretty.The steel-plated door is bulletproof and as solid as a brick shipyard.These lockers are used to store officers' weapons while they're inside the jail on business.The locker is empty.He seems to be tireless! His stamina is only equaled by his sentence. From past encounters, you know his nickname is "Slam Dunk Donny."You have no business in the jail at this time. The jailer knows it, and he won't let you in.So many prisoners escape from this jail, you wonder if anyone is ever assigned to that tower."Ok, ok! I'm comin'!"You should have thought of that when you had him on his belly!"Follow me," you order your prisoner.You must open the gun locker before you can retrieve your weapon.It belongs in your car.Put your gun in the gun locker.You were sent here to enlist Sweet Cheeks, and you leave after just a kiss?!4sI?r^%Ft?C f $ e!!!)))%Ft%i%%Ot+++FF####'?@4 ,&e9^e ?e 9      E= m E= m E= m??&?e  ('ee??e?QF +  eQF Qx eGQvF+QOF GQOQQ F+ ?GQv Fc/ # GGQQ/ $$? .  GQt Fe $ ?+  e$? ' ??  e$??@e!##?e?ee??3434m3m444mm4>?e e ?( x.e z4 ?e .c/ V???[ e#e"JHe  m qe''P'P'''e H'#''''''#'#', H ee   '#D# ' ', H e e  JJJ He !'!m'!m'Qc' '!m'!m'Q`c'e>>'> '>'>'.e J Jeeee] ]eeee^$' Jz1_}wVvIXdVuLaura says, "Ok, Sonny, I'll move the car out of sight and monitor you for backup."Laura asks, "What took you so long, Hot Rod? I picked up this loose end trying to take foot bail on you!"You mumble under your breath, "Yeah, sure, Laura! You probably just grabbed the first white male you could find!"What's wrong with you?From here, the park looks lovely. Perhaps you should enter it.The search reveals an identification card, and a small bag containing a white powdery substance.The contents of the bag appear to be cocaine!Simms is reluctant but cooperative. You learn he has been selling to kids at Jefferson High School, including Officer Cobb's daughter, Kathy."I used to buy from a guy named Jose Martinez, but then Martinez introduced me to Don Colby here," Simms says, "I haven't seen Martinez since."Colby refuses to answer any questions.After persistant questioning of Colby, you discover he buys his drugs from Leroy Pierson. He says Leroy's telephone number is 555-6537. He also asks that his cooperation be noted for consideration by the court.You search the trembling youngster.It might be wise to question these guys while they're still shaking."What's the matter? Let's get this show on the road!"Laura comments, "Lt. Morgan will be real happy with this bust!""Let's get these boys to jail."You can't release these pushers here!The door is already shut.Where are you going?"Sonny, go stake out the picnic area.""His name is Don Colby, Officer," says the shaking youngster. Colby glares at the boy.The Jefferson High School Student Identification Card (in the name of Victor Simms) matches the general description of your suspect.You find nothing more.question colbyquestion simmsLaura searches her suspect.She finds his gun, an envelope of money and little else."Yes, sir!"Laura says, "I'll book this stuff into evidence.""I place you under arrest!"They can't hear you from here.The Jefferson High School Student Identification Card (in the name of Victor Simms) matches the general description of your suspect.Laura looks pretty good today.The young man is dressed in dark clothes.You would not buy a used car from this man.You key your radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-Nora-10. Be advised, Code-4 with two in custody."4B ??Y fvb(b"v!!!!!))))))CCCC%P%N6 6 L}L} LL%Px ,& 8%P# .$??e ??e- 84E= mp-x ??e   u wvw  ? d e ????(Bc( e e?g?"e; X?  )*e'9 ?  @ A   #w $d ?+%# Qx QUex $/F e(B?  !w $c" ?+%#  Q e Q+    QMQMx $F: ?   de +/#IfFeg +/#Ih F++eKi$Kj$?k lemM $we>5 6 e7<0 MF;GMRD E $ eF x $ ;G8QUQUe?8, -G B C ;G M QQ$ $ ;GMR;GHR$ $ f 9 9'2:3,7&/# $;?7o9 9'2:3,7&/# $;?7o!4 !6 !$eT  *!`'C'C'CCCCCCC$C$ !eK :e:**ePneeGveHueIEe@e?4 ##l e `.? xe=e? e0?e8e:+?e e e ?e e:'''ee1 ?e[u-[u4? eM(?eNeLe1 ?e''P'P'''4?e2(? e m q  HS[S[S[-['-[.v''v'L'?e2e+I?e2=?e#1m q% e,  ^e)? w>>>>6?e2*? e m qJe" Je$J'JJ###8m q, He3 e4e/ !'Q`c'!m!mQc' ' ?e2? e ?  J.Dwe&De He%m qeO eQeReS??v7eF 5 eeJ:: c(TVlJh& ^~iT0NW }  E V  #Oi-2HT{h?Z3That drug-peddling punk just blew you%m46You just blew that drug-peddling punk%m46The old, redwood picnic table covered with bird droppings, ants, peanut butter smudges and assorted initials.The hedge is nicely trimmed.This wall is composed of 3500 bricks and 2000 pounds of mortar, and was built by the Mark Crowe Graphics Construction Company.This beautiful old, oak tree will give you shade but little else.You conceal yourself in the bushes, but with a clear view of the table.Your extender crackles, "This is 83-Nora-10. Notify when you are in position."If you had a radio extender, that would be easy.You key your extender and notify Detective Watts that you're in a concealed position.She responds to your transmission, "10-4! Will maintain radio silence until I hear from you."You're supposed to be hiding! No one will play "Let's Make A Dope Deal" with you milling about.Working a stakeout without a radio extender isn't exactly the way they taught it at the Academy."Keep it down. This is a stakeout, remember?"You quietly watch a man enter the picnic area.He cautiously nears the picnic table.Another figure carefully approaches the picnic table. Could it be his drug contact?"Psst, Vic! Were you followed?""No way, man. It's cool!""I got the stuff. Did you bring the cash?""Ya, right here."One suspect hands what appears to be an envelope to the other suspect.The second suspect returns a small plastic bag containing a white substance."Hey, Butt Breath! This ain't enough!! Where's the rest?"As they argue, you realize the pusher is dissatisfied with the contents of the envelope.You quietly radio Laura, "I'm moving in. You hook up anybody trying to take foot bail!"You trade your career for a few seconds of heavenly bliss."Halt!" you shout. "Police officer!!""Yeah? So what! Ain't nothin' wrong been done here!!"You follow Simms to the patrol car.You 'cuff one trembling suspect.You'd better 'cuff him first.Pushing a little, you rush out, and frighten away the suspects!You find nothing more.He is 'cuffed!The search reveals nothing except his school identification card, and the small bag containing a white powdery substance that you watched him get from the pusher.The Jefferson High School Student Identification Card (in the name of Victor Simms) matches the general description of your suspect.The contents of the bag appear to be cocaine!As you move, a dry branch snaps beneath your weight. Unfortunately, its loud "CRACK!" reveals you to the suspects!Those two are sure paranoid. They're history now.Well, you blew that one! There won't be any drug deal here today!Whoops! You're not going to get 'em this time! Failure to follow proper procedure leaves you in an awkward position. You'd better refer to your "PIG" manual!This kid is so scared, that won't be necessary.Holster your weapon first.You can't just go off and leave your suspect. into "Police Quest II," coming soon to a computer near you!"Ah, ha! Colby!"You radio Laura, "I've got mine in custody, and we're heading for the car. I'll meet you there."The bushes seem unimpressed with your bravado!It's a little early for that!Simms is reluctant but cooperative. You learn he has been selling to kids at Jefferson High School, including Officer Cobb's daughter, Kathy."I used to buy from a guy named Jose Martinez, but then Martinez introduced me to that guy, Colby," Simms says, "I haven't seen Martinez since.""It's a pleasure doin' business with 'cha.""See ya next time, Dude!"And then, they quickly hit the road."Laura! Grab him!!""Hey, who's 'dat?""(crackle... static... crackle...)"Where are you going? Nobody's going to do anything illegal with you hanging around!A little slow today, are we? Now you've missed your chance. Those two are history.You key your extender, "83-Nora-10, this is 32-12. Are you in place?"It seems they have resolved their differences, since the older man says..."I dunno. Let's get outta here!""Jiggers! The fuzz!!""Beat it!!""Hey, Man! It's some guy wit' a gun!!""I'm outta here!"%m64 shouts the pusher, %m67"Don't shoot, Officer!" shouts the young man, "I give up!!"Well, you caught yourself a nice, little fish, but you let the shark get away. Next time, try following proper police procedures.The beautiful park is caressed by a gentle breeze.The cool, green grass feels good under your feet.You see a beautiful blue sky, a couple of clouds, and an airplane way up there.You've resolved this stakeout in an interesting and creative manner, but surely you can come up with a more professional approach!%m84 Trying to shoot an unarmed, high-school boy who's obviously scared to death is hardly the proper solution here."Hands up!" you shout. "Police officer!!"He can't. He's handcuffed.You've got him under control. Just 'cuff him."You are under arrest!"Carved into the table is "DW + JW" and "GR loves CW."Where!?The young man is wearing dark clothes.There is slightly older man talking with him.A little trigger-happy, aren't we?4 6)!))%v%w6 CX %9b+F#E = . $QjtQwsQllQtmFe e ee eGQp}Qx|eQS}QY}e :;QCh;Q7}Q=Q9bQ5n 6+Y  :Q5h! e : $((#Q}t * 8Qst,weF- $N+e.eGQ}t0 x $Qt 2 $e 3e<< =# ee`  ..<--< e ee\&\\\ e e e1'h'S''<3\ *   ^^d )ee2=4edc"G++--)Qmlf / zIh zKj z*)10  k ee 4 Y/a<D|JLaura enters the jail and says, "Hey, Sonny! I need to speak with you for a moment.""A position has opened in the Narcotics Division, and according to Lieutenant Morgan, it will be filled by a veteran street cop.""If you're interested, submit a memo to Lieutenant Morgan as soon as possible. It would be a great chance for you to get out of that uniform for awhile."The jailer yells, "Hey, Hot Pencil! Come over here.""I just hung up from talking to Dooley, and is he hot!"The jailer continues, "He wants you back at the office on the double!"The jailer says, "What can I do for you, Hot Pencil?""What are you charging him with?" the jailer asks.You remove and inventory the prisoner's personal property, then hand it to the jailer with the booking slip.The jailer takes the prisoner's property, then says, "Ok, Monty, remove this gentleman's 'cuffs and place him behind 'door number one.'""If he throws up on the floor," the jailer laughs, "you're gonna clean it up, Bonds!""Gee, thankssh a lot, Ociffer," says the drunk. "I'm so happy, I could just s^%$!"Just as Laura leaves, the jailer yells at you...You remove the 'cuffs and place them in your handcuff case."Whew! Boy, that feels good," says the drunk. "Those 'cuffs were so tight I thought my hands had fallen off.""Well, are you going to remove his 'cuffs or not?" asks the jailer."Are you deaf?" prompts the jailer. "I said, 'what can I do for you?'""Are you going to book this dude or not?""Listen, bud, I need to talk to you before you leave. Just drag 'em on over here."The jailer has difficulty hearing you at this distance."Ok, ok!" says the jailer, "I heard you.""Any time now, you can remove the 'cuffs."Thinking about grabbing your gun, the drunk delivers a blow to the top of your head. You fall to the floor, unconscious.Suddenly he realizes what a bad decision he's made, but by then it's too late for you. You're a pile on the floor. Next time, lock up your gun before you enter a jail!4L08&!` )&+F%:c6#:)!%u)%t#XE = .M $GQiuQwsQimQtm Feea'm'm''D'ee e!ee e 'e  ee 11y1yh'h'S''3)&e\ Md* ^d eGQisQss eeQ:sQCs ;QCh XQ:cQCm +6Y  :Q5he e : $6 #GQst  8QitFeee $NG6 Qt  stte  $ $ .`` Qws $ $e e P''''''P< q0  $ee_}` } ee`Te  Q ZRQ mR/   $ee dc"++--*DQdm f 7FMee #'#'# e! Dq B"cf^,m'eT   You remove the 'cuffs and place them in your handcuff case."Well," asks the jailer, "are you going to remove his 'cuffs or not?"After a short wait, the jailer asks, "Are you going to book this dude or not?""My goodness gracious!" says the jailer. "Here stands Bonds again on behalf of the people.""This is one bad dude," says the jailer. "What are you booking him for, Sherlock?"The jailer responds, "Ok, %w1 will do. Fill out the booking slip and give me his property!""You can't book anyone on a %w1!"Deep down you know this sleeze bag is not the man he claims he is. You book him as "Marvin Hoffman" anyway, hoping his numerous felony charges will keep him in the slammer long enough for you to ascertain his true identity.You hand the jailer the booking slip and the suspect's property."Ok, Bonds," the jailer says, "you can remove his 'cuffs and place Mr. So-Called "Marvin Hoffman" into cell number one.""You little meter maids can't keep me in here!" he shouts.Hoffman yells, "I'll be out of this tank before you finish your coffee break!""Since my shift is over, I'll see you back at the station.""I received a call from dispatch on the way over here. Dooley wants to see you in his office when you are done here.""If you want to book this crook, I'll need a clue as to the charges."Jack says, "Well, I see you got that slimeball pusher booked!""Your penthouse awaits you, Hoffman!""Shove it, Pig!""The car's tucked away and all the evidence is booked. This is one clean bust, my boy!"The jailer seethes, "I hope you know, Bonds, at this very moment Hoffman's lawyer is in the front reception area, bailing that worm out.""Hey, Sonny, come over here," says the jailer. "I have something to tell you."You hand the jailer the No Bail Warrant just in time to keep Mr. Taselli from returning to the streets."Oh, man! This is great, Sonny," the jailer laughs. "I hope you know this will slam the ol' boy's orifice shut.""I bet you wish you had a No Bail Warrant on this guy!" says the jailer."I'll be right back. This is gonna blow his attorney's mind!""You know something, Pig? All you're doing is slightly delaying my exit!" Taselli rants."Boy, that made my day, Sonny! You should have seen the guy.""He started ranting and raving like a little kid who just had his lollipop taken away!"In a desperate attempt to escape, the suspect seizes your weapon and blows you into eternity! Next time, check your weapon at the door!"Sonny, you already gave me the No Bail Warrant."Failure to search the suspect has cost you dearly! The LPD Widows and Orphan Fund will contact your next of kin!"What's your name?" the jailer asks your prisoner."The name's, uh, Marvin Hoffman, you scum bag!" he responds. "And that's all you're gettin' outta me!"4N M!!)))+++%wQlRx&QRdx&XXXXFFF###'QR QRG zGF' GF $::Qts GQp+ :;;QllQdle Qtn e::we ;;QdzQl{Qv|QSzQW{Qa|Q7xQ8{Q<|++;QCh:6eQ7dQ8e Q9n"+6;Q5h$ :QDd&+e $ .?x22::;Qw4e 6 Qw6$ @ ? ed,fF;;;c"+-Q_k+-+-*DQdmg FF 7e  e  #e Ae>e9<'5u'--  e e eDDDD  e e Fe11y1yh'h'S'K e?6\ *  ^d+))ee*# e#'#'#eR({&O20UzThe jailer says, "This is certainly a fine-looking group ya got this time, Sonny!"You remove, inventory, and deliver the prisoner's personal property to the jailer along with the booking slip.You remove the 'cuffs and place them in your handcuff case."Ok, %w1 it will be," the jailer says. "Fill out a booking slip and give me his property!""I think you boys know where to go!" you tell them."Up your's, Dick Tracy! You'll never make this stick!"The jailer says, "Ok, Sonny, remove their 'cuffs and put the little pushers into cell number one.""What are you charging these dudes with?" asks the jailer."I'm gonna sue you for makin' them 'cuffs so tight, Flatfoot!" threatens your prisoner."Come on, Bonds," says the jailer impatiently. "Take the 'cuffs off this pair!""I'm still waiting, Bonds," says the jailer. "What are you going to do with them?""Sonny," says Laura, "I'll wait here while you complete the booking.""Hey, Bonds," yells Laura. "I'll wait for you in the car."Move to the counter before making a case.The jailer heard you the first time!The suspects should be booked first.The cuffs are removed.As you die... the last thing you hear... is the suspect mumbling something about... what he does to pigs..."My Mommy's gonna be bummin' when she finds out where I am!" whines Victor Simms.4o8 b&! ) % 9b6 ! ) % 4T6 + / L |`w $# F ,iJ~ `i 2\''`\'`'`'ed '''ee#'#'ee ` \  eeQFs(eeG Q CbQ Cg + F e  eeG Q 7g F + Q6peQ6j c&e #  +  $ - G Q :e F  e e  e x $N`2e Nw $Q7jfe eG Q 7gg+F / c&# (h$ ieee $x#[jee`x* Hq,KVxZ"Well, it's about time, Bonds!" exclaims the jailer. "That gal in cell one has been whining like a lonely puppy for you!""Do your best to calm that girl down, will ya, Sonny? I don't get paid enough to listen to that crap!"As you approach cell one, Sweet Cheeks spots you and says..."Oh, Precious! I'm so happy to see you!""Please come here and talk to me! I need your help, Sonny.""I'm sorry, Sonny, but I got picked up by Operation Trick Trap.""I know you warned me, but I thought the operation was over.""I'll do anything to get out!""Oh, Sonny! If only I had someone like you to call my own!""Wow, Sweet Lips!" you exclaim. "Was that hot, or what?!""I'm sorry, Precious. I just couldn't resist you!""Oh please, get me out of this place.""Oh, Sonny, I'll help you do anything. Thank you so much!""Oh, please, tell me what to do."Embarrassed, you feel as though all the blood in your body has rushed to your face.You explain the arrangements of Sweet Cheek's immediate release to her."Sweet Cheeks, as soon as you're released, I want you to go to the police station for a meeting with Lieutenant Morgan.""Hey, Sonny!" says the jailer in a loud voice, "You been messing with my female prisoners or did you just start wearing lipstick today?""Lt. Morgan just called. He's sending a car over for Sweet Cheeks."She can't hear you from here.4Hle "  !u!e" px4e4ee >RfDon't bother. You'd just be spinning your wheels!There is no answer.The door is locked.Someday you'd like to own a home in a neighborhood like this.This is private property. You have no business here.4-e "  !u!e" px4e4eMMeeBBBeeDXlBwDon't bother. You'd just be spinning your wheels!There is no answer.The door is locked.Much urine, from many dogs, has taken its toll on the paint.You can't see it, but believe it or not, there is a light at the top of the pole.It's just an old, abandoned disco, left over from another Sierra game.This is private property. You have no business here.Fresno 41 miles.4eLooking out over the ocean, you see perfect ten- to twelve-foot "peelers" sliding out of mirror glass, and realize this is a rotten day to be working.4 +M/,)e,M0O7&mn#&&!)f+-\)c+/%L/#\, /C\/ePCveue/-C.e/C&.e/ /KLMJ'mn/\\ e C L7NP, \e , ,,.Ce eC& R , / eeeee ,.C GCve ue e e..;RQRT ,C/, L7NP\eeN ,C&TIS TRQRT ,'ISI\CR  9u P9Uu 9u I\CN  'c K'Pc 'c SINC{ /K i /uK| iu| INC"~  7' U q' |7 U|q --N $RR ,- $.CeCe C&ee @,:mGeGe+e ke8_:o3HMsX ;cHYou managed to stop a reckless driver.You've made the stop. Now try getting closer.You need to be more specific.Seeing you don't have control of the situation, the violator drives off.You observe a small, red, sports car fail to stop for that red light.You activate your red emergency lights and observe the sports car pull to the curb and stop.You'd better check your "PIG" manual for proper stop procedures.You'll need the suspect's driver's license to do that.Enraged, the young woman shrieks as you drive off, "Your Mama wears Army boots, you $%^&!head."You just made that broad's day, Studly!The driver of the car you stopped wonders, "Are all cops that lame?" as she drives away.He slowly pulls to the right, jumps the curb, and comes to a stop."What about my car?""Don't worry. It'll be towed somewhere safe. At your expense."Noting your persistence and driving skill, the driver of the Cadillac pulls it over after his attempts to lose you fail."If anything happens to my car I'll have my lawyer on you so fast, he'll...""Keep it down back there, Slimeball!"Jack comes on the radio..."Dispatch, this is 83-31 confirming Code-4 on felony stop, one in custody. 83-32 proceeding to jail. Request tow truck to location."Dispatch responds, "Affirmative, 83-31. Code-4, tow truck en route."Upon your arrival at the scene of the accident, you observe a group of bystanders gawking at a green sedan that attempted to carve its own door in the side of a brick building.This accident looks serious! Where are you going?Your first assignment, and you blew it.There is no reason to return to the accident scene! You have your orders, now move.You may as well return to patrol. That gal is mad!You already have her telephone number, don't go back to make an even bigger fool of yourself!No sense returning to the scene. Transport your suspect to jail!4Kj )[[[ [[dxC  [e - o ! E[  '>'''rrDrBu' eE'   E, AC\e.e2eUCe/e0e1C&e6e7e8e9Ce:e;e=. 1C&Ce>Ce? "e?eAeC/P MCvu eS2C^e[eUC&eQCeR  /C\ eK\rN  U[ikrO eGWr ^r Qr Dr 7r*rrrre)Me*Br!r"Pr#r$2r%r&r'r( !rrr !rrrQ !rrrrrr e-e+e, 'm m'm^ /eYeZ eTS4y41y4ymeTmmmmrAm , S'! I F ee5[eVe $[[ee [ "H_u| 4;ES\jt&7<@DJOU[f&;_~2H[>|0Hhy A e % \ "%m6. Go ahead."You are on a difficult mission. You must save the City of Lytton from the "Death Angel."You have no time for sightseeing now!Your radio crackles, "You key your radio, "83-32,The officers standing by at Cotton Cove request, "Respond Code-2."%m4%m68 respond to Cotton Cove. Officers on scene need ID of 187 victim."%m4%m68, the Coroner has been dispatched."parked%m19north%m19northeast%m19east%m19southeast%m19south%m19southwest%m19west%m19northwesttraveling %m6,Parkway Drive1st Street2nd Street3rd Street4th Street5th Street6th Street7th Street8th Street9th Street10th StreetClearwater DrivePalmOakFigPeachRoseLillyPoppyRiver Road%m5%s2 %s3 on Freeway 41."%m5%s2 %s3 under Freeway 41."%m5%s2 %s3 on %s4."%m5%s2 %s3 on %s5."%m5%s2 %s3 at intersection of %s4 and %s5."%m5%s2 %m53 traffic accident.%m5%s2 %m51"OHMYMG."%m5%s2 %m52"OHMYMG."%m4Currently registered, no wants."%m4%s2 dispatch copies 10-97."run vehicle, check on license suspect license at scene of%m5%s2 %m51"UL6942."%m4%s2 %m52"UL6942."%m4Registered to 1979 Cadillac, junked in 1983.""%s2 approach with caution."%m5%s2 %m51"PRGRMR1."%s2 %m52"PRGRMR1."Your radio crackles, "83-32, repeating 10-20 of 11-83 is southwest corner of Fig and 4th."%m4%s2 personalized plate 'PRGRMR1' appears to be currently registered."%m5%s2 one%m64%m5%m68 two%m64 in custody, en route to jail.""%s2 request subject check on Don Colby, Charles, Ocean, Lincoln, Boy, Yellow."call%m70%s2, possible hit, Paul D. Colby, DOB 12/8/61, 5'8", 155 pounds. Served 18 months State Penitentiary '85-'87 for assault on a police officer and possession and sale of a controlled substance. Three year probation, still active."83-Nora-10,Your 'Vette doesn't have a police radio.Dispatch responds, "%m5%s2 10-20 at %s3."Hotel DelphoriaCarol's Caffeine CastleLytton City ParkBlue RoomLPD HeadquartersCotton Cove Picnic AreaLytton Municipal Court BuildingLytton City Jailin pursuit of%m5%s2%m80 attempting to overtake light blue Cadillac, suspect vehicle.%m5%s2%m80 attempting to overtake and stop light colored sedan, possible DUI."%m5%s2%m80 bright red sports car.That would be unsafe while driving!%m5%s2 Dispatch, %s2 is 10-98 from the scene.""10-19 the office, per Lieutenant Morgan."Dispatch copies your car-to-car radio traffic, "%s2 be advised that 83-31 is off the air at Carol's."%m5%s2 Dispatch, 83-32 en route to traffic collision."You need to observe a violation first.Get closer to the suspect vehicle.%m5%s2 responding to Carol's Caffeine Castle."40+'kl klG zGF4D7b: : : : : : : 4K 8"  "mhm3   !I22222A8 ?SLbb b)bi    !!!!!!!! ! !!)g)g)h)h)h)h)c) b) S0 FFFFFFFFFF XX X 6 6 6CCCCCCCC C %%%%%%%%% sC_`w_`w``JN,c*,/7 &  )e0, ,M7&KLO7 'KL432a/JMLKLK/SI 'QRP /  ; KLKL$fKL&KLN#\  J*KL   KL$fKL&KLN#       4d`, / B&W /? 7b0 %qAu /# vF1 <_ /8 2 :] /! 2d3 ''? / (A4 H>K\/5 LS       0kQR-S   07QR-Sr   0QR>S-   0QR" 0 u0-S   0uQR>S   00QR>S a   0QR{-S-   0QR~ 0 KuU0SQRR!SQNR!S QR{SQR~ 0 u0S QR!SQRSQR{*S  sQR~ 00;RQRTSNSS )f.+-SS )f.+-SSSS.)e;RQRTS: o0O3kYou observe an erratically-driven vehicle and feel the driver may have had one too many.Dispatch relays, "83-32, be advised. Possible stolen vehicle reported in your vicinity.""Vehicle is light blue, late-model Cadillac, last seen near Jefferson High. Possible drug involvement.""Approach with caution. 10-4."Did you see that red sports car run that red light?!%m10Respond to 11-83, SW corner of Fig and 4th."Steve radios, "83-32, this is 83-31. Time for 11-98 at Caffeine Castle!"You cruise your beat, just aching to write a ticket.%m10Respond to a complaint at Carol's Caffeine Castle."Dispatch squawks, "83-32. 83-32. 4 ::::;<< <$=(?,B2E7H;I>KCNEPFSEUBX>\6_/a)a&b'`]X QN I D?: G5H3I3K2Q3P6O8L9J9I8H7H6J7J?J==>?@ABBBAAA@@??=;;==;<<;;>?@BC@?>>>??@??AAI,J+K+CDEM(M&N'N(O(P)Q5R5R4O8P7>?L;L;Ke0bJa#d)d(b"OSPPQLPF2233 4 4 979> E QX_ ek!p&v*z0|8|?459 =CK O8;AINRUZ` c89:;<]a ^ P<?IQW^eo9: :,856@6K8R@[<&=.;8:GI8K3F5 <AI EGK M OP@ @Jd aad|4j =)=);V;VSW QGRFSFXA_:b9d;b3UCWA_OiH`NiFiGlEnGsTvavjvuuitUrOqLoGnFkAINMKPKNJu_{JMS :77~8}8ve>d?c?b@a@`A^B]B\B[HOIM @\FR?[FP@[@\@] zz!}y;q;qf>f SWYUhHhHGVblthf[K[_g>GH? 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It is owned and operated by retired traffic officer, "Big Bobby" Lopez.Whew. Have you had some good times here over the years!"Bud" who?You peer through the department store window, but see nothing of interest.The mini-blinds prevent you from seeing inside.41 fzz'zh zv zbzq z@Rz 00b!b#bT!!!!!)))))++++---/%?%Q%8%Si%La666 L|b #! ) % Dbb -!!))++/F%Q{%?6 C# zO ! ! ) ) + + X XXC C% {% 6 6 L L # # : : %?''' zZ zH  L[]b#%bb 0bb bb! KxW6 8EEEEE ===== mb### Ez\e%eb f e- )# Ez\e e.e##d  e $ we'eeeb : : d#QG Fe(eC)+/H :# QS L|/I #e)QV +Q^ /F+ec# #c!Q8e /IQ8e+ /Q8e,Lz+6 QOF#+$+-#e"QAWQ[=QG) :GQZQZzQUuQFuQFQN F#/!! $e!GQ<" +6 Q<#$d $e#%e$b x| |&e'e%e e/fe ge heieje3 k + - # Q DlmmF e4n)#J6 zO oepGQ9qe5Q9r e6Q9+ s $ G Q Dt$ u#Q8vQEw(F}rAr9: rBr1e7xe8yfzf{ GQA|e&Q=} $ x#bOOvO`u`+u    *'+YY8 $Nf Vd# $MFX)+0ޓX 9 Adee 1 gt b{ee #eD# `-{ ' q ; ;  fc!eee ee0###. 5e2 [~ <>f bwe;E2e?#eEeF0 : : c!Fdq=B82]u\|G^ftW % E  7 E ] }  < .oU|4 *O<You see your friend, Jack, seated alone at a table. There is a jukebox against the wall to the left.Jack speaks, in a very depressed voice, "Oh, Sonny! I just discovered my daughter is doing drugs! It's really screwed me up!""I know she's getting 'em at school, but I just can't finger the punk who's supplying!""My life is going to crap. I can't talk to my daughter, she won't listen to me any more! My drinking has my marriage on the rocks, my wife's ready to leave me! Everything's a mess!"Jack is totally surprised as everyone sings "Happy Birthday."While everyone wishes Jack a "Happy Birthday," you notice the front door open, as one wild-looking female enters the Blue Room.%m64, a dancer from the local "Rent-A-Gag" business, enters the room, dressed in a grass skirt and balloons!You relax and enjoy the selection "My Eyes Cross With Your Touch."You select the latest in love songs, "I Shoulda Bought A Monkey To Take Your Place."You select that old instrumental classic "My Nostrils Slam Shut When You Breathe."In a depressed, slurred voice, Jack speaks to you..."Sonny, I really do appreciate you nailing that filthy scum bag pusher, but I'm afraid it might be too late.""My daughter, Kathy, is in the Intensive Care Ward over at Lytton General Hospital!" he explains. "She's in a coma from a drug OD! There's nothing I can do!""Oh, Sonny! There's nothing anyone can do!!""That's it for me, Sonny. I'll see you later."Jack motions you to the chair on his left.This table is occupied.Move closer to the chair.Jack says, "I can't hear you, Sonny. Come over here".Keith pipes up, "Ohm'gosh, Sonny! Did you forget? We swapped shifts last week! You're due at the station for swing shift briefing in fifteen minutes!""You'd better get moving, boy!"The bartender says, "For your information, Sonny, I have a cab on the way for Jack."This is "The Blue Room", a popular lounge for cops. Behind the bar stands the owner, retired LPD officer Bobby Lopez.Please don't sit here.escapedbeen releasedMorgan wants to see you back in his office, ASAP!There is a city-wide dragnet out on him right now and..."%m27"You are looking at the latest in jukeboxes. This machine features a one-touch, fully-automated selection system.Its sound system features light amplification by stimulated emissions of radiation......and fully-computerized, video reproductions of your favorite artists, which thankfully are inoperative at this time!In her most seductive voice, %m64 whispers, "Here's a little something so you'll have a happy birthday, Jack, baby!""Wow!"Keith says, "Well, Jack, you ol' codger. What did you think of %m64?""You know, Keith," Jack answers, "I think I'll ask Santa to put her under my tree this year."Jack invites you to join him, "Hi, Sonny. Come on over here, and have a seat.""See you later, Sonny. I have business to take care of."Jack speaks, "Boy, what a depressing day I've had today, Sonny!""Hey, Keith!" you say. "How's it goin'?""Oh, my God!""Happy Birthday, Jack."Jack says, "Oh, no! Now what?!"You say, "It's time to stand up and face the music, Jack!"You enter the Blue Room and see Jack seated at a table. He appears to be quite intoxicated.Jack says, "Have a sssheat, Sssshonny."Trying to cheer Jack, you tell him about the Victor Simms arrest and how he was responsible for selling dope at the high school.It seems to be a happy, but quiet, group."Ain't it great! Some big-city lawyer shows up and, pop, out he goes."This couple is so engrossed in conversation they don't hear you."I sure would love to stretch the neck of that sorry dope-pushing scum-sucker that hurt my little girl!"The cab driver shouts out, "Hey, who called for the taxi?"The cabby says, "Right this way, Buddy Boy, and don't fall down!""Whew, man! Is this boy in bad shape!""I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Sonny," says Keith, "but I have some bad news for you!""Lieutenant Morgan sent me over here to advise you that your boy, %s2, has %s3 from jail.""%s2 jumped a guard, then made it to the exercise yard, where he escaped by climbing over the fence.""There is a city-wide dragnet out on him right now! %m27"For some reason, they're ignoring you."Hello, Bonds!""Hi Sonny! Long time, no see.""Well! If it ain't Super Cop Bonds!"On the walls is Bobby's personal collection of photographs, taken when he was still with the Department.Hoochy Coochy HannahTaselliHoffman"Good, Sonny," he replies.Try sitting down first."Hey, Bobby," you shout, "what's the word?""Nothing 'round here, baby," he replys.4# ('?@4[^bb^ C] C]z^ ^^C2^DL !)D0F% #:L ^^ /!!!)))[+++%&|%}t%o 6ce/ e v{e ~2eeC, Q me 3 4e C r]eeC r^ee^^sG'YG'YH'HG'e  Y'eeY'!Y'eY Le e,c R me^s8pL?@^f HS #*_ejFrom a distance you hear, "We've got your number, Pig!"This is the front entrance of Carol's Caffeine Castle, and the "lovely" Wino Willy's Cocktail Lounge.You see a beautiful, blue, cloudless sky.You see an oil-stained asphalt street, bordered by a hot concrete sidewalk.As you peer in the window, you see a couple of Carol's patrons giggling and pointing out at you.Looking in the window, you see Carol waiting on some customers.A quick scan of your partner's patrol car interior clearly shows he is not in it.When the department bought these cars, they had a choice between comfort and power. They picked comfort.You wonder if Carol's designer once worked for a cab company!The new, red, brick facade at Wino Willy's sure dresses up an otherwise depressing joint!Your partner's car is locked.Oooops!Somebody is gonna have to answer to four angry people!Parked in front of Carol's are four bad-news motorcycles.You can't see through translucent glass.Get closer.The plates on these hogs appear to be currently registered.Forget it!You radio dispatch and request checks on the license plates.Your radio sings out, "%m23 All plates are clear and currently registered.""%m27 copies %s3 at Carol's Caffeine Castle.""%m23 %m27 copies 10-8."83-32,You key your radio, "%m27, %m23 complaint resolved."10-9710-7Dispatch4 b(mm!)%k+FX#!)%nr#L{!)%cr#L|z+mz; zL z\ zn zezrz/z,z2zozpzrzjzkzkC z(z(z8 ,&%N# # E= )x 9 )|0 9 _x 2< (1 C C 1B DS Ud X gy m }# e  pf( FccGQ)~d GQk-^Mp eUe eee He de EE eeeBeCeDLeN eOePeJPce&eCeCe2e3C&eCeCe2e3` $i i e!e Si iS e6e([?[ e!e1''!`! c(fde1 eH q]#$#'`^ #9e]eec eQd'd'd'd'''#'#d'''ReKC^Cee*^eL^e8e4e5 eGC^,@'@'e6''e7]9<9e eM]m[=nvp0@b0)_ 6 g  H k j )  SL n4e'8=v JY9Q`t|Carol says, "Hello, Sonny! Have a seat. I'll bring your daily coffee fix right over."Can't you see someone is already sitting here?Come on now, you don't want to sit on the floor.Where?!Carol yells at you from across the room. "Officer Bonds, there's a Detective Hamilton on the phone for you."You take the phone and hear, "Bonds, this is Detective Hamilton. We identified the 187 victim in the car as Lonny West, a local, small-time drug dealer. Believe it or not, he's the second small-timer to get his ticket punched in the last two weeks.""I just wanted you to know about West since you worked the scene. Gotta run, got another call waiting. Don't spend the whole day drinking coffee!"Steve says, "Well, guess it's time to get back to the business of crime fighting!"Carol has rigged this old pay phone so local calls are free.This is your favorite coffee shop. Carol, the busy, but friendly, waitress, makes the strongest coffee in town. There is a menu on the left wall and a telephone on the far wall. The restroom is down the hall from the phone.Carol sets your coffee down and says, "Here you go, Big Boy. One caffeine I.V."There's lots of ketchup, pickles, onion, and fries on the side -- but there's not a lot of meat!Carol is a very busy woman.You are now in the restroom.Steve says, "You'd better not keep Detective Hamilton waiting on the phone, boy.""Hey, Sonny! It's good to see you.""Boy, this weather's been great!"You can't reach the phone from here.The empty paper towel dispenser hangs over the sink.The white porcelain sink is clean enough for who it's for!Don't bother to get up. Carol answers her own telephone."Hi, Sonny," says Carol. "No time to talk today, this joint's really jumpin'!"You can't reach the counter from here!"This is a coffee break, not your dinner hour."Carol likes officers to frequent her establishment. Many items are "on the house."Steve says "Don't run off, Sonny. You just got here."You look over Carol's "Blue Plate Specials du Jour.""Filet of Hummingbird Breast"Panic fills your heart as you watch the nasty fluid nearly breach the rim, before it slowly subsides.You quietly relieve yourself.You whistle a happy tune as you clear your mind.There is a toilet, a sink, a paper towel dispenser, and an overflowing wastebasket.You soap up, rinse off, and dry your hands."Is that all you guys do: 'take coffee breaks?'""Please, Officer! I don't want to be bothered.""Make your quota for the day yet?""Hello, Officer. Nice day, isn't it?""I'd like you to know that my family and I really appreciate the job you police officers do.""Hey, you're that guy I read about in the Tribune! Weren't you nominated for Officer of the Week or something? Good luck!""Don't order the Hummingbird. Carol must have made it last week!""Boy, if the local police have to come here to eat, they MUST need a raise.""I sure don't envy the job you men have to do.""I wish someone would patrol my neighborhood more often! The teenagers are going crazy!""Why don't you guys quit writing so many speeding tickets and take care of a few of those slow-moving Sunday drivers that keep traffic so screwed up!""Something should be done about those jaywalking pedestrians! I almost ran over two of them yesterday and they had the nerve to act like it was my fault!""Well, well, well. If it isn't the city's finest!""Officer Bonds, I know you're a good man, but the officer who gave me that ticket yesterday is a real rat!""Most cops I don't like, but you're one of the good ones! And, I mean that sincerely."You're not in the bathroom!You're here on a complaint, not for a snack.There is a time and a place for everything, but this is not the time for a coffee break!Carol is obviously upset as she blurts in a loud tone of voice..."Oh, Sonny! Those drunken bikers in the bar next door are taking up all the parking places in front of my cafe! They just have no consideration for others! Where are my customers going to park? Would you ask them to move their motorcycles, please?""Thanks, Sonny!""Come on now, it's your job!"Carol sounds relieved as she says, "Thanks for getin' those bikes removed, Sonny."Steve says, "Boy! It sounded over the air like you had a real mess on your hands at that 187 scene!"Steve says, "This coffee'll blow your socks off!"Steve tells you, "Man, that murder makes a guy wonder what's going on around this town!"Steve says, "Boy, you earned your coffee after that mess!"You wonder why some people don't learn to flush!You push the handle down and flush the toilet."Did we do something wrong?""We're too busy to talk!""Get lost!""Pig Sty Stew""Fried Pork Rind"Yum?You see people outside admiring your car.There isn't one!Great. Another chapter in your life of big-time crime stopping -- parking space hogging!Whoosssshhhh!You've discovered where all the paper towels went!It looks like each person has his own greasy spoon.She can't hear you from here; that grill must be loud!"What are you doin' back here again, Sonny?" Carol asks.This formerly public telephone formerly belonged to LT&T.You don't have any coffee.You slam back the entire mug of Jamaican Java. Your eyeballs roll back in your head.Steve looks like he's on a caffeine high.Bye... Click!"I've talked to my informants," says Steve, "have you seen Sweet Cheeks Marie yet?""No, but I'm keeping both eyes peeled for her," you respond.They look choked up from too much hummingbird.You find a lot of dirty towels.You key your radio,"%s3 83-32,%s4%m91 83-Nora-10,%s4%m91 10-97 10-7 at Carol's."4^!8 3 f8z5Uz5czPVzPdz7Bzi ^'hz`r zZs zQr z*z/z*zkr zis zOr zJs zWr z=r z1s b&!)+-/F%#^ :8088'{bb"!!!!!!XC))))))++++++//FF%W%P%`%?%5#####::::: ,&%J#^^e9# .A6 8 $8         EEEEE===== mp) nn^^^e23^  ;QP:;Q^:e/<  e^ ^ f^QpK'   0;:^;c&)SD 7' ++++ eeex/< 6 X)+/Wd : e"^:6 C/+; /I%=#Q"0$% G+:;Q5:;Q5+ :;Q5:;Q?   +6 C/ /I %=#Q"0$% G+  Q"+/I0G+Q- :;+  +Q?+ :;Q5+  F+/:; !/d 6)' NM$ $ dd e)*)+/(// f: g&# h eee ^:2N $QZ$HHMM..++ ::  +;QP +:;Q^+ :e;F22;Gw QXde/;G+Q\*)+/T6)+Q g eie^ ^ weGQJQJ eQJ $''  .  ;GQeQJ$? ;GN'HRzQH $ @ ;NG'HRzQH$ ^^ $x`/'`` !-`  -X-r`'1yX  e5!K !  e;2L{N)/I 2e6 e7 Lz*'+  p$ 2 fT^^' k'H'H'cH'cH'H'H'H''e8# mee ''e=eC  -rF'r r/C^rDrEe^^-1Y' Y' F ^c"ee ^^'''''#'ee ''e:ce@fc'f'f'f'C'C'P{'P{'P{'P{'f'k'k'k'k'Pk'>'k'!e'D'D'D''':ec&ec&e c&e c&e,''''e! ''e0'e9 #23fe422$'e%22$'e$322$3'e&2')3e#e$e%e&7e'e(e*e<Qe;e+: !: ]e) qOO$Oe1-.f88c&H~f,bn&FW)J  . P q  I U "3Hg|%~ 7AJTgYou feel your stomach grow tense when you hear, "Hey, Flat Foot! Move it!!""You're in my way Mr. PO-lice."You radio in, %s2BULLSEYE!You've been nailed by a 4-gram dart, tossed by a 250-pound biker. Good job!Next time, watch where you're walking!The leader of this bunch, comes over to you and says, "Well, well! If it ain't the Tidy Bowl Man!""What the (*&^$(# do you want, PIG?""Lose somethin', son?""This ain't the kind of place for do-gooders, Chump!""83-32, %s3The animal in the black-leather jacket says, %m12"Hey, Pal! I'm da leader 'round here! Ya wanna talk? Come over here and talk to me!!""How do ya plan to make us move our %w2, wimp?"%m12"We don't talk to no pigs.""Say goodnight, Pig! We're gonna kick the S!@#$^&* out of you!!"%m53 If only you had your PR-24!You remove your PR-24 and take a defensive stance. The head biker quickly backs down, saying, "Excuse us, Sir! If you're going to be rough with us, we'll just leave quietly!"It appears you are just what these low-lifes wanted......a cop to pound on!As he heads for the back room, the bartender mumbles under his breath, "Here comes trouble!""Com' on, guys. Let's blow this joint!"The local working girl seated at the bar seems to know you! She hops from the stool and shouts..."SONNY BONDS! 'Zat you?""My hero! Boy, am I glad you showed up. Those guys had some pretty strange ideas!""What's cookin', good lookin'?" asks your old friend, Sweet Cheeks Marie. "It's been too long, Sonny. I haven't seen ya around lately; I just know you want something!""Well, you know, Sonny, I'm yours any time you're ready!"Sweet Cheeks' eyes brighten, "Oh, Sonny! You know I'd just love that, but I'm meeting someone in a few minutes."Obviously, you have come to the right place. Sweet Cheeks Marie spills her guts to you..."You know what I heard the other day?" says Marie, "there's a big dope man tryin' to take over Lytton. He likes to call himself 'The Death Angel!' I don't know no more about him, but this john was sure a peculiar duck.""I only seen him once, and I'm not sure about his name. I think it was Coffman, or Hoffman, or something like that. He's a real spiffy dresser, but the funniest thing: the guy has a sweet, little, flower tattoo above his left nipple. It was kinda cute, really.""That's the only real news in town, Sweet Thing!""Any time, Sonny.%m62Sweet Cheeks steps back into her office and says, "See ya later, Sonny!"Where are you looking?%m64July, '65%m65Donna Lovely%m66%m64June '86%m65Sweet Cheryl%m66A boss plaque on the back wall reads, "Give Me Harley or Give Me Death!"The bar's speakers sound like they've been "rode hard and put up wet!"The only thing in the cracks of these walls is an occasional cockroach.The table is covered with scratches, dents and cracks. It looks like it was salvaged from Joe's Junk Yard.You see a well-used dartboard, and, being a trained observer, you conclude by the pattern of holes around the bulls-eye that local competition isn't that tough.The best way to play darts is to save your game, turn off your computer, and buy a dart board! (Maybe you'll get to play darts in "Police Quest II!")In return for the information on the Death Angel, you tell Sweet Cheeks of the upcoming undercover crack down on prostitution called "Operation Trick Trap."This is the worst dive in town. Everything that crawls lives here!Lots of blood, sweat and tears (and other things) have been deposited in Wino Willy's!"83-Nora-10, %s3"Why, Sweet Thing!" says the hooker. "You'd arrest your old sweetie, Sweet Cheeks Marie?"Keep moving, you don't need to sit here.The barkeep isn't very talkative as he says, "Nice day outside."The bartender sums everything up by saying, "Looks like a good day for fishing."It's Willy Wily, in the flesh.You can't use your gun here, with all%m63around.Why hurt%m63?Once was enough; they're on their way."What for, Man? We ain't done nothin' wrong!""So long, Sweetie!%m62You recognize Sweet Cheeks Marie as an old chum from high school. She obviously failed stewardess school!Probably the lips of those ugly bikers have been wrapped around these bottles.These rickety old stools have seen better days.All they've done is hog Carol's parking." says Sweet Cheeks Marie. "Come see me some time when we can spend more time, Darlin'!" these (presumedly) innocent people On this wall hangs the centerfold from the issue of "Gnarly Biker" magazine, ", Gnarly of the Month."These are some pretty rough-looking dudes!10-97%m7110-8%m7210-20%m71 at Wino Willy's.", complaint resolved."4 $!)"%_d%Uz6 +#:E= m 2{" (cpv  % %y  ;S :f w $;" QIdQBz+FGS  ,x $ e%  ' e': :e e&  ;" Q_dQUz + : f  f#LL'e) e e!Q(e"e#:e$2 'e& L''L'L'eA'e A''e 'i' e 'i' e A'A' f f HAAAACCCP{C{'f DCCCP{C{YYf fSMCCCP{C{YY ff) Te)Kr*I+=Oz0Fv_Cf"What'll it be?""Hi, Buddy. What would you like to quench your thirst?""What's your pleasure, my boy?""How ya doing, Sonny? What can I get you?""One %w1, comin' right up.""Yes sir! A %w1 %w2? You've got it!""I think I can handle a %w1 %w2!""%m40Sonny. This one is on the house.""%m40Buddy. That'll be one dollar.""%m40Big Boy. Sit and sip.""Come back anytime, Sonny.""See you later, buddy.""Thanks, trooper. I appreciate your business.""Order? Order what?""Ok, one %w2 comin' right up."There's no waitress. You'd better move over to the bar.The bartender can't hear you from here.Don't yell, move over to the bar."My, aren't we thirsty today?""Hold on. It's comin'.""Hold your shorts. I'll be right there!""Thanks, my man.""Thank you, sir!""If you need anything, just come on back."You don't have money?! Man, what a charmer! This creep stiffs me for a drink!!"Sure, sure! You lost your wallet. Get lost, freeloader!""Ordering drinks without cash! What a cop!!""Gee thanks, Mister!""Feelin' flush today? Thanks for the tip, Bud.""You're outta money and you try to give me a tip? Sure thing.""If you can pay for your drinks, you can afford a tip, Jack."The bar top is clean, well-worn, and horizontal. However, years of elbows and drinks have taken their toll.Like most glasses, these are more attractive full.The shelves behind the bar are well-stocked with spirits.The %w2 are heavy duty and comfortable.They're not bad, considering they were purchased ten years ago at a swap meet!"Here ya go. That's on the house.""If you change your mind, just holler."Sonny, you should know drinking in uniform is strictly prohibited!Here you go, You swig the rancid fluid until you see the bottom of the glass.4 '?@4^bb~^!!)~)~FF++XXCC66%OU%PTz~BQz~ARz zE //##::LL ,&%PT^ KTXX  T66@4e4 q;;IIc $:wz4eetZ qeveue $x;6^0[oThe people of Lytton are very proud of this courthouse, built in 1873 by descendants of the towns' first settlers. The marble was imported all the way from West Lytton.There are people inside. They wonder why you're staring in the windows, instead of walking inside.These doors open into the (sometimes) hallowed halls of justice.The door IS closed.The hot sidewalk is contrasted by a cool, well manicured lawn.You look up at a beautiful, cloudless sky and feel a gentle breeze ramble through your hair. You think to yourself, "What a day."4yi fbb|Hz|DszHH;!6)+%!XC6)|+/%Qs#FL:7%Sx%K# Ot_u7 __5E= m MvZ{ ?vL{   |  & __ #Q4F_ e__ _e_ee  GQ$##e PPP !P !P !! ! !e'''e''''e''''# $e e48e- q!e e ;Icz4-e" qe ;Kc _@ee Ee4e :XY(N1-b ="How do you do, Sir. May I help you?""I'm sorry, but Judge Kim Palmer's court is presently in session.""I can only interrupt a court in session for an extreme emergency!""Please wait a moment. I'll send a message with the bailiff."For emergencies, dial "911.""The bailiff says Judge Palmer will see you, if you can make it quick! Go on into the courtroom."This door doesn't open.The door IS open."Good day, Sir. How may I help you?"The door IS closed.This is the outer reception room of the courthouse. The Court Clerk's office is behind the glass window to the right. The courtroom is through the double doors."It seems obvious you have no business here, Sir. You're just wasting my time!"You can't enter while court is in session. See the Court Clerk first!The Court Clerk asks, "Did you get what you needed?"The Court Clerk responds, "Very good, Officer. Go get 'em."There's nothing of interest, except that statue of Justice above the double doors leading to the courtroom.These doors lead to Judge Kim Palmer's courtroom."That's very nice, sir," responds the Clerk, "but I have no authority in matters such as this."47  f}!!!!)})))+++/%L%JP%xl%cq%I6 6 6 CXXz} z. zb z6U L|L|#####::: AX _2_x6 FU ;+II FU ;+II FU;K 66 : EEE=== m __2 $NwQL ;e e:;/  :QyQ[e QLsS :e   e  e C; QIS :e QL_ $Nw ;FQL/I/I/Fe:e:G;SQLs  QUs e: x  ! e _  _ we;QTs+  eQvs +QqgQmdQcd;F/+ QacI e/Qmd +GQrs QUs+ :_(_( :ex ! e _  ?w&e#e ee e _2_2 ;QvsQqg Qmd;F/ Qcd+ QacIQmd +/Qrs :QUs e \QH S QL'kl klG zGF  e    e'''/e$ e ^ e_!'!!P!P! !' !'! '! '!'/e$ e ^ e_@'@'e"''4e_  ee_  _(D'    ''''e(e #+ Htl#YDmz"S+S F Judge Kim Palmer addresses her courtroom..."Silence in the court!"In a firm voice the bailiff speaks to you, "Well? The judge is waiting for you.""Mr. Bonds, who, or what, is this warrant for?" says the judge."And, what information do you have to substantiate the validity of a warrant?"You hand the evidence to the bailiff.Judge Palmer reviews the FBI flyer and the file. To your great relief, she issues a No Bail Warrant for Mr. Jason Taselli, alias Marvin Hoffman!"Here you are, Mr. Bonds. I hope you are not too late. Taselli's attorney is at the jail at this very moment, attempting his release."This court is in session. The bailiff proceeds toward you."For your information, Sir, this court is in session!""You are most fortunate that I do not hold you in contempt!""Bailiff! Show this gentleman out of my courtroom!"As you are launched from Judge Palmer's court, the bailiff bids you farewell, "Boy, is your face red!"Judge Palmer strikes the gavel, "Silence. I will consider Mr. Bonds' request.""Mr. Bonds, you may approach the bench."Who is that?"All right. Do you have any other information?""For attempting to present evidence you do not have," Judge Palmer says, "I hereby find you in comtempt of court!""Mr. Bonds, I've a good mind to let you cool your heels in the City Jail for the next three days! But, since this court tries to go out of its way to help the Department, I'll suspend sentence. Just be sure you never interrupt my court without evidence again!""The FBI wanted poster does arouse suspicion%m35"I remind you, Mr. Bonds, I have reviewed the file%m35"Mr. Bonds, you are keeping this entire courtroom waiting, while you attempt to establish your case!"Judge Palmer motions the bailiff to retrieve the evidence.Your heart races as Judge Palmer evaluates your evidence. You think to yourself, "This punk can not go free!"Judge Palmer scans the items presented and questions, "What makes you think these two men are the same person, Mr. Bonds?"The bailiff and court reporter squirm and choke, trying to conceal their laughter, while you quietly tell the judge your tale of tattoos and nipples!The Judge attempts to stifle her giggles, but fails.Judge Palmer whispers softly to you, "Well, Mr. Bonds, it appears your friend 'has his tit caught in the wringer!'"Stifling her laughter, Judge Palmer says, "Congratulations, Mr. Bonds! Your request is granted!""Here is a No Bail Warrant, issued in the name of Jason Taselli, alias Marvin Hoffman.""Bailiff, deliver this to Mr. Bonds, and escort him out."Judge Palmer announces, "Mr. Bonds, I will review these documents today and return them to your department this afternoon.""Well?"," says Judge Palmer. "However, by itself, it is not sufficient evidence to detain Mr. Hoffman."4sx  f? '?@4_l^I!X)_+/%<}#FLY ,&@10F%Hz /:%ozlAzl5%z_Px ^ m 0J m :ta 5 ;UI:UK FC;:DZ4|H[\euee#m qe]e **e_t_t__ent@tn@e ue ve*n_[_[ * n _e 4ex $:;K $@^ MpF9eThis is the front entrance to the Hotel Delphoria.This sky is certainly clear today!That's what servants are for!The hot sidewalk makes the awning's shade inviting.The man is wearing the uniform of a doorman, which seems appropriate since that is his job. You notice nothing out of the ordinary.A quiet sort, the doorman offers, "May I open the door for you?"The red carpet leads through the front door of the hotel.The planters hold small, manicured shrubs and trees.The small, green, decorative shrubs are certainly well-maintained.The windows are not especially interesting.That will not be beneficial.The green and white awning protects the doorman from the elements, and helps him maintain that washed-out complexion.4 f?bJTI!CXT))6B%BW+/#:%B+/#FQBW !)%jYD%a?%=%LnB#TIzsp  Yp Y ?ROV=LYW YE= m cyq e   GQ~j ^Src6T U VFM 8Y VH  $  Qj MF+<e Q~{ w $;/I$ : $x4 K eB+/FQB )2 N+/W X%LU%HU#y'2,/$////5,+/#////YETSe UUe  VVed  WWed  XXed  T'e"d e ed T W$ U Ve::0':e*veGue:e qeBTB:B$:: cyqe q<B<<B:<B$:<:B T: cyq c#Q~je  =LYWe qD&',P{&&M&'cDPcDc.%  ee  GQ~je ''eeCCU{C{CC{CU{P{PU{PU{P{j  YcYd ee *' rreeeTe \ G+Q~j ##:eBe J .Te g ee? keDTI @g4pjDYRnr"Good day, Sir!" says the desk clerk in his best, plastic voice. "How may I help you?""I hope you get your money's worth, Buddy!" says the desk clerk. "Hey, Sweet Cheeks! Remember: no more jello in the bathtub, okay?""Thank you very much, sir. Here are your keys. I hope you enjoy your stay!"After you fill out the register, the desk clerk says, "Just take the elevator to the second floor. Your room is to the right."This is the lobby of the Hotel Delphoria. It is decorated in the style of the era in which it was constructed, its prime days long gone. There is a desk to the east and an elevator to the north.The marble desk top is empty except for a bell. Behind the desk are the hotel's mailboxes.The mailboxes are used by hotel personnel only.The desk clerk appears to be a neat and clean-looking gent.It's not yours. Leave it alone.You are already on that floor.You have no business here. Get back to the business of crime stopping."I'm sorry, sir, but we have no vacancies at this time," says the desk clerk. "Please check back with us tomorrow."Don't get impatient!Embarrassed, you admit to the desk clerk, "Uh, it appears you've caught me a little short."You hand the clerk $100.00. He asks you to fill out the registration card. You do, under the name of %s3The bell is metal and small. The button on top, when pressed, causes it to ring."We have a vacancy in Room 204, on the second floor. All our rooms are very clean and nicely furnished, with telephones and queen-sized beds," says the desk clerk. "That will be $100.00, please.""I'm sorry, Sir," responds the desk clerk, "but you'll have to use the telephone in your room."No one heard you."I'll BET you're a little short," snaps the clerk, "and not just in the wallet!"Leaving the hotel, you drop the room key at the desk."Just ring if I may be of assistance. Goodbye."That's a pretty general statement.Jimmy Lee Banksten.Jonathan Doe."Hey, Baby! Let's go up to the room! Come on!!"The front wall of the elevator has four buttons marked "One," "Two," "Three," and "Four." What could they possibly do?"D"Majestic, isn't it!Which floor number?Your mission is in the Hotel Delphoria. Nothing elsewhere will help you in your capture of the Death Angel!4 f^TI!X)%Vx#LCO/F/:^!)+X%'#QTddzIzXIdzIzXIdzIzXICBO%K}dCO%Yy#TI y"~ Vyd~  E= m9 QZF;I GQZx$K%dCdO:4e  q43e( qddef,x4`,x4`,4x4`,`,`,4`,> q/d "e;I e d 54 q t^ PPP###```    e<a ae dedeeve 4e  q Vx^xOVuev dC^e BTI.VtcsMYou have no way to inform your backups.%m5 second %m6 201 to 204 %m7%m5 third %m6 301 to 304 %m7%m5 fourth %m6 401 to 404 %m7You are standing on thefloor of the Hotel Delphoria. Roomsare on this floor.The door is already open.You whisper a soft "Room 404" into your transmitter "pen," informing your backup unit of your location.You admire the plush carpet.The door appears to be made of heavy wood.You try, but the door is locked.You don't have the key to this door.You knock, and hear a muffled voice from within say, "Mind your own business, dude!"No one answers.You knock and hear nothing but screaming obscenities from within.After you knock, you hear footsteps, then silence.Your knock brings the reply, "You can knock till your knuckles bleed, but I ain't opening the door!"Clinking glasses and loud laughter drown out your knock.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?You hear a hollow, ringing sound.4  f? ^TIJ!)XC6 %L#LMN /:X/:^!)+X%4#Q!T))CX6ALMN%U}+/#:>ed+/%U#FQU}ed+/%U#FQU} ddz\;z5Iz~Idz\;z5Iz~Idz\;z5Iz~I@ABLMN%KdLMN%B@#TI Y Pwl~ Y 2yA~ |y~  E= m $)  XY ;KY  XY: : $Y4e q4>+TeN ;Ie e qz4e e  q,x4`,x4x4`,`,`,4`,e e" q4$4e# !f qYETSe UUedd  VVd edd e WWd edd e XXd edd e T'e T W$ U V SededeeJ de $w;/I$ : $x  K ^ ^e B0d$^ ^e @$^ ^e B&de+/FQU QU)2 N+/W X%_{%[{#)' ./ -+/A  Hd^ ^e Nd^ ^e Md^ ^e LTI#Hg?Sg}; PN*a[k|You are already on that floor."Hey, come on, Darlin'," Sweet Cheeks whines. "I may do a lot of things, but stairs ain't one of them! When you been walking streets as long as I have, you'll use the elevator, too."The front wall of the elevator has four buttons marked "One," "Two," "Three," and "Four." What could they possibly do?The door appears to be made of a heavy wood.It looks like something from an old, French movie. Don't you just love rococo ironwork?You do not have a key for this room.Which floor number?It is already open.It is already closed.This door closes automatically.%m18 second %m19 201 to 204 %m20%m18 third %m19 301 to 304 %m20%m18 fourth %m19 401 to 404 %m20You are standing on thefloor of the Hotel Delphoria. Roomscan be found on this floor. The door on the west wall opens to the stairway.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?You try, but the door is locked.You have no business here. Get back to the business of crime stopping.With your knock, the sound of heavy moaning and slapping leather fades into silence.After a short pause, a voice bellows from the other side of the door. "Get out of here, you nosy PERVERT!"Your knock can't penetrate the loud music coming from within.After you knock, you hear two people talking inside the room."Henry, someone's at the door! You didn't order another pepperoni pizza, did you?""Just forget the door, Donna! Get over here and help me get my boots off!"Either your knock is being ignored, or nobody's there.Your knocking brings no one to the door, but the noise coming through the door alerts your curiosity.After listening carefully, and trying to decipher the sound, you surmise... someone in the room is trying to launch the hotel bed into a low orbit.No one answers.It's not locked.You hear a hollow, ringing sound.4 fmmb(z!m T%MII%R#Y!!!)))$%<%m%h+++FFF###!7+++%M%M%M  ;lUx  9 )m.w 9 dw *A 9 amz EEE=== m:' ,RT R  e' #Qm  #Qh #Q<Feee eF+f : ee8 ;GQM T$h +/F +/F>@ee6 eee7 dee)'''c'c 'Pc'Pc ' ' ' 'J  r=e01e/e\>e:e;e5 q(#ee \ee.v.%%V$%.$%.v%Ve% Te< q&% qe4%e" qS z e& q $B B$ e q SB BS e qB e q e  qOOe +e q))t)7)7 e# q7$7t7 qe Be  q''e q:e q2e qe qe qveEe1 +H+e=e9e2e3 $ $ e  q S S e q``! c(e(de* c(e+de*i"i!ii e, q e q?[?u e> q e. qi e- q e! q e$ q e? qT,c-,-e@mATI@YT.qR'pq :  h $ 8 Pu@n0DjX0RYou observe a spacious, nicely-furnished, one-room apartment.Through the window you see the pulsating metropolis of Lytton."Hey, Sonny! Sorry if we interrupted you in the bathroom, there. Everything come out ok?""Did you get anywhere with the bartender, Precious?""In all my endeavors, I have found that only money makes the world go 'round.""Maybe you should go back and try again.""Do you have enough money to carry you through a gambling session, Big Boy?"The men aren't interested in conversation. There is much tension here due to the seriousness of the operation.They're as ugly as a computer programmer!Forget about that nail and start concentrating on nailing Bains.It's the kind of dresser you'd expect to find in a room like this.The nightstand is bolted to the floor.The lamp is bolted to the nightstand.It's hardly state-of-the-art. The first program it showed was a live broadcast of Uncle Miltie. It's got more tubes than an emergency room patient.The nightstand is very plain looking, with no drawers. If they didn't need something to bolt the lamp to, it probably wouldn't be here.The bathroom is very basic. It contains a shower, a small sink and a toilet.It's not something you'd want to look at for an extended period of time!The curtains are of no interest.You feel a sense of pride when you see the city you protect."Hey, Sonny! How's it going?" says the lead detective. "I'm sure glad we found your room! I'd hate to have someone call the cops on us for breaking and entering!""We're ready whenever you are, 'Whitey'!" he concludes."Ok, Sonny, here's your voice transmitter. I've tested it thoroughly to make sure works properly."You detach the handle of your cane to expose the .22-magnum derringer. You double-check it, just to make certain it is loaded."We'll monitor your voice transmitter at all times. We're anxiously waiting to assist you in any arrests."The lamp is bolted to the nightstand, which is bolted to the floor.This may be a nice hotel, but they don't furnish bathroom telephones.There's nothing you should do here that can't be done in the light.It is already on.It is already off.You see a well-worn carpet.You've already done it.As much as you'd love to catch some old "Dragnet" reruns, you realize you must keep your mind on the case.If you insist. The toilet is quite a sight indeed. There isn't much doubt as to its function all these years.The bed looks like it's been heavily used. There is a large sag in the middle that's about the size of your boss.You open the drawers to the dresser and (as expected) find nothing.You nervously flush the toilet. Much to your relief, all goes well.You consider spreading out on the comfortable looking bed, but the case keeps running through your mind. You'd never be able to rest at a time like this!The window is sealed shut for your protection.You hear a knock on the door, followed by the turn of the doorknob. Three men enter, two of them familiar.You utter a sigh of relief as you expel the eighteen cups of coffee that have been wreaking havoc on your bladder. You think more clearly now.Everything seems to be in order.You start to unzip your trousers, but decide this isn't a good location to initiate such an action.You ease down on the cool seat and meditate for a short time. Soon, everything works itself out. As you pull up your trousers, you feel noticeably lighter on your feet.A shower would be relaxing, but you have work to do.The shower is lined with brightly colored, imported tile.The small sink is made of porcelain.Detective Angland hands you the transmitter and a new supply of marked hundred-dollar bills. You carefully clip the transmitter to your pocket.Your backups will arrive with your voice transmitter soon.An abstract painting decorates the west wall.Why, that looks like a phone over there!It's a genuine, LT&T touchtone model.You see lots of lint, but nothing you'd consider touching."I don't have the transmitter; Detective Angland does.""Good luck, Sonny!""Oh, gawd, Sonny! What will you do!?"You instruct Sweet Cheeks to catch a cab and go to the police station.As instructed, she heads for the elevator."Take a look at this," says Angland. "We just received a fax from Chicago that includes the mug shots of one Jessie Bains."Although the fax is rather fuzzy, you have the feeling that you've seen this face before."Oh, you!" giggles Sweet Cheeks, "that's all you ever think about!"This hotel has no room service!Your hands are now clean.You're clean enough for this job!"Oh, honey," says Sweet Cheeks, "I'd be afraid to stay here all alone!"4$4 fI!!))X%XTLC6L#N /%]UK/:@%wSE%%cgc!e.!!)))XX%t%\%|V%N+/)/X%=p<  #:z=p zXr z

e? e$ OOvO`u`+u  ]e+O Tk_u 7iCtdge-e3e,' ]$g 2];g u (u1e-e3e.fe ;Y) +/e" $XVr)/:<Tcg e# !1feCeDe1k''>'k'f'k'TeF q#$T GIfm 57fe1LL'e e0oe)v*e4eeEeeEe4e e:e4z444&deJTe! e( qx4!de*Te! e( XT_T(deJ Te! ;I $FM  N:TIK\<IZ1_n  1 D C W 8iJi6fvCly@J~W"="What'll it be?""Ok. Coming right up."He's the kind of guy you'd expect to find working the bar in a place like this.The tables look ordinary, except for the wear of years of serious drinking.Sweet Cheeks is her normal, outgoing, bubbly self. She has dressed to the nines for her assignment, and is wearing an enticing perfume.Around the dimly-lit lounge, people sit at tables. Behind the bar stands the bartender.Constructed in the late 1800's, imported from France, this bar has had enough beverage passed across it to float the City of Lytton in alcohol.The walls are adorned in an attractive fashion.The only door is that darling, little, red, padded, vinyl number over there.Sweet Cheeks pretends she has just noticed you. "Whitey, is that YOU?" she shouts."Oh, Whitey, it's so good to see you," says Sweet Cheeks, playing her role to the hilt. "It's been such a long, long time!""Come on, Cheeks," you say, "let's sit at that table over there.""Here you are, sir," says the bartender. "That'll be five dollars, please."You slip a marked hundred from your wallet and hand it to the bartender."Thank you, sir," he says. "I'll be right back with your change.""You know, Sonny," says Sweet Cheeks softly, "I've seen four guys go in that door since I got here!""Here is your change, sir.""Well, how about it, Sweet Cheeks?" the bartender says. "Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?"You swig the rancid fluid until you see the bottom of the glass."Woody, I'd like you to meet Jimmy Lee Banksten, but everyone I know calls him 'Whitey,'" says Sweet Cheeks. "Whitey's a dear, old friend that I haven't seen for over a year."The bartender asks you what you do for a living. "I'm presently unemployed; just taking it easy, you know. Enjoying life, and looking for a good time," you tell him."I just finished doing a little time for embezzlement and haven't had a chance to land a job yet," you tell Woody. Acting surprised at your slip, you lower your voice and say, "but I'd sure appreciate your keeping that information under your hat, ok?" Woody assures you that you can trust him.Sweet Cheeks returns. Even after the drinks, and your conversation with the bartender, Woody Roberts is tight-lipped about any back room gambling."Say, Sweet Cheeks," you say loudly. "How'd you like to go to Vegas with me for the weekend?" Sweet Cheeks acts quite excited as she accepts your offer.Just before leaving the cocktail lounge, you ask Sweet Cheeks to remain at the table, while you try to get Woody to open up.You slip the bartender a twenty... and then, it happens!In a suddenly soft voice, the bartender asks, "Whitey, exactly what are you looking for in the way of a good time?""Just about anything," you tell him, "but women, gambling, and money top the list.""Well, Whitey," Woody whispers, "there IS a little card game in our back room that is available by invitation only. It's pretty serious; it'll cost ya two hundred just to get into the game."He continues, "If you think you can handle it, come back a little later with the two hundred, and I'll see what I can do for ya." With your heart pounding, you offer him your thanks, and assure him you'll be right back after you finish with Sweet Cheeks."Gee! Thanks, Mac!"Woody says, "If you decide you want a drink, I'm at your service."Hey, Whitey," says Sweet Cheeks. "When you've been walkin' the streets as long as I have, you don't need to climb stairs! What'cha say we take the elevator?"It would benefit you to stay put for the moment."Here you go, Sir. That'll be on the house!""So, you want to try your luck," says Woody. "Come on, Whitey. Follow me."Sweet Cheeks says, "Baby, you can go in that ol' storeroom if you want to, but I'm gonna wait out here!""Nice to see you again, Mr. Banksten. Please, follow me.""Just one moment, Sir."Push on it.OK. You do!This is private property. It's locked; don't mess with it!There are no empty stools at the bar.This is no time to fool around. Sweet Cheeks is nervously watching your every move."Excuse me, sir, but I'd rather you not sit in my lap. REALLY, dahrling! Some people!"Great idea: make yourself unnoticed by sitting on the floor!You have to buy one first.It seems no one notices you."Come back later, if you want in the big game.""Some people!!"The floor is covered by a plush, red carpet."We're not interested, sir!""Get lost!""Can't you see this is a private conversation!"Remember the policeman's commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Drink On Duty.""So you can't pay, eh? Get lost, chump!""Thank You!""Thanks for nothing!""I have no idea what you're talking about!""Hey, buddy, this ain't no charity show!""I told you, Whitey," says Woody, "I've gotta see two hundred cash just to open the door."Woody glances left, then right. He looks you straight in the eyes and whispers, "Come back after you ditch the broad, and I'll see what I can do."Woody says, "Oh, that's all right, Mr. Banksten. You're good around here.""Ok, Mr. Banksten," says Woody. "Let's go.""I'm here to push booze, Buddy. What can I getcha?""You must not be all bad, Whitey; not when you know a cute, little number like that Sweet Cheeks!"They're engrossed in their own, little worlds."Why, Sonny! What a wonderful thought; but now ain't the time, Honey!"Sweet Cheeks squeals, "Ooooh! This is so exciting, Son-- I mean, Whitey!"Sweet Cheeks whispers, "Having just a small part in this is SO thrilling!"Sweet Cheeks smiles as she says, "Gawd, this is fun!"Hmm... the door is locked!She then excuses herself to powder her (already heavily-powdered) nose.43Gv?i[[!)+%~G#QR!)=X%KjF / /#:LD%%Ml# HkUo E= m #HFs Pkn| Pkvt K} 2K l* F  MkVp  ;K :: QHm /Fe ;+/IeeK +/e e  +/   $Mw)GL{$ 1)+F'O&+#+e e [ I F4 qe>>A>AAA e qA e q qeveuGBe Beee4x4 e q4 e q[ D*Th'Dz B*[?iYou look down and see a gray-tiled floor.It is already open.Woody raps a staccato rhythm on the door.A panel in the door slides open. Woody whispers through the opening, "I've got a new player for you.""Go away!" yells a voice from inside the door.The door is securely locked."If you'll just step aside, I'll get back to my bar."The panel opens once again. Woody explains to the mysterious person behind the door, "I've brought a player for the big game in the back room."This time Woody says he'll escort you to the card room."Come over here," says Woody. "I have to frisk you before you can get in. We don't want no trouble around here.""Come over here, please, Whitey," says Woody. "I have to frisk you again. It's just a formality, you understand, sir."Woody tells you, "Ok, Whitey. Have a good time!"This room is lit by a shaded lamp hanging from the ceiling.You don't need it.You surmise by the stacked boxes that this is a storage room.They appear to be boxes for shipping booze.The door appears to have a sliding window.Sure enough, the boxes are full of booze.You're on a wild goose chase. Further investigation here is a waste of time!You try, but the window is locked from the inside.4Rd?c !X=)/%Je#:L!CX)+6 %#F!CX)+6 %T{#F !X)+/%"FK% /#:*'+%Cx8YN $ xKw $z$ !)+XC=%E#$$z zT{ %RQRQE/%L $x!)+XC=%Vc6 /#:ze z zT #C pXY;K / 0  / 0  =6" |=6  K{}6 8 ,l:s e-e 1K m e"e e!e ''9e. fdKe e4. q"ee ;I $z4 qe;K$44 qeeE.0 ^.An-NbF9kg 3_OA {  You see some unfamiliar men playing cards.It IS open.This door is securely locked."I said later tonight, Banksten!"There are no chairs at this table."Listen, bozo: you can have this chair when I leave!"Angered at your interruption, the man says, "Can't you see? We're busy at this table!""If you continue to bother our game, you're outta here, Jack!""Someone is sitting there, but he'll be right back. Take the other chair."It seems you've tried to sit on the floor before.This is no place to strech out on the floor."Yes, we're playing poker.""We'll begin when our other player returns," says Otto."Good evening, gentlemen," you say to the men at the table. "I'm %m15. May I join you?"Jimmy Lee Banksten"Glad to meet you," you respond."Let's play poker!"Solitaire is a good game to play by yourself. However, there is no action at this table.Find an open seat.Don't leave now! You might blow your cover.Frank says, "Well, Mr. Banksten, it seems that poker is your kind of game.""If you'd like to come back later tonight, we'll be playing a more private game with considerably higher stakes.""Be sure to give Woody the password 'Frank sent you!' He'll let you in for free, and you'll gain admission to our private room."Woody knocks on the door at the back of the room."Gentlemen," announces Woody, "welcome back Mr. %m15."Over each table hangs a shaded lamp.The carpet is worn, but clean.They appear to be professional card tables.You peek under the table and see knees, legs, ankles, and feet, but nothing unusual.You look under the empty table and see nothing."Luckily, you didn't speak loudly enough for anyone to hear. Otherwise, you would have blown this whole operation!"No one can hear you from this distance.These men are too engrossed to talk to you.The men at the table greet you, and invite you to join them."If everything works out well," says Frank, "perhaps we can talk a little business afterwards.""Obviously, you're no gambler," says Frank. You're no longer welcome in this game.Well, Sonny. It seems you're not going to get anywhere disguised as a gambler until you learn how to gamble!"So, Mr. %m15, this game a little too intense for you?" asks Otto. "Come back later, if you change your mind and want to try again."Perhaps this would be a good time to take a break, Sonny."Welcome back, %m15," says Frank, "I presume you're ready to resume play.""Yes, you may, Mr. Banksten," says the man across the table. "Have a seat."Otto introduces you to the newcomer, "Frank, this is Mr. %m15. He's going to join us for a few hands. Mr. Banksten, meet Frank.""I'm Otto, and to your left is Gene.""Pleased to meet you, Mr. Banksten," says the newcomer."Shall we play?" you ask.You take your position at the table.4 oKdw $b"!)+FX%M!=XC)/6L%#:!XC6 )+/F%:#:NK $ FXw)+/%X' $xo2o2ppp%J# p 4xb E= m 2K B|S m Q'''eOOvO` e  u`+ue  eGueve## e e&:e!e"4 z q e'j'j' f  fq X_ea/Ke# XMF $ w/)+X d+ce ^*'XY $   ?@'@' ''  e. + eexe$e%ewe;/#:exe eGQcQp Q F;I :   e  GQ $eeee c"e   fKeee ;K$ : $ ^Ne   |XY N%LYl}$KXkt2R$=RkCp1~Mr. BankstenIt's already open.Don't leave now!"%m1, we've got a chair open for you.""Hello, %m1. Have a seat. Welcome to our friendly little poker game."If you sit here, you'll miss the chair and hit the floor.Frank welcomes you back to the game..."Hello again, %m1. I believe you know everyone here."This time, you look carefully at Frank as he shuffles the cards. Cold chills race down your spine and a blast of adrenalin surges through your body as you realize he exactly matches the description of Jessie Bains!"The Death Angel!"You are %m11sitting.%m11standing."Well, %m1," says Frank. "You're a poker player after my own heart!"Frank then asks, "Whitey (if I may call you that), I understand you may be looking for work?""Very good! I like your style.""A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice, Whitey!""How would you like to join me in my suite for a drink, Whitey?" asks Frank. "I've a business proposition to discuss with you.""Well, %m1? "Great! Follow me."%m20Are you interested?"%m20What do ya say?"%m20Let's go, shall we?"Well, you blew that one!Your undercover assignment has quickly ended, and now you're locked in a room with these guys!Better luck next time.Three men are seated around a lone card table in the middle of the room.A single, shaded light hangs over the table.The floor is bare., %m1!" says Frank. "Consider our relationship terminated.""Hello, Mr. Banksten. Come on over and have a seat."You sneak a glance under the table, but see nothing unusual.If you do that now, you may not remember anything for the rest of your life.The game is over; greater things await you elsewhere."I have no respect for someone who plays poker as badly as you%m31"I have no respect for quiters%m314wV U V!)'W@C E &3,E &,E= mXE X'&3,W& W Y VU+/@%EUB%X{#F V#C dQ)F VU UF VV0Y V Y  VGS UK G@DWRz@U{Rz V ' GF,-e k'>'?'k'>'?'CP{fkP'P'ee>e#e#D ePccee 5u/?G"That sounds like a good idea, Honey!" says Sweet Cheeks Marie, "but I thought we were on duty!"Sweet Cheeks is, hmmmm, an intensely good-looking female-type unit. As you ogle her shapely figure, your imagination numbs your conscious mind, sending you into a lecherous dream world.SC %v242/%v243 "Whee!""Isn't this fun, darlin'?" Sweet Cheeks whispers into your ear."All I know is what I told you at Wino Willy's, Sweet Pea!""Why, darlin', street corners ain't got phones!""Honey, I only do mink-lined handcuffs.""I'm with you Big Guy!"4P@B veSeLMNve ^ PPP###```   ef&f  S ve Te *ve vTTe Ee uGe$Afr(k|%6You admire the plush carpet.Is this an endless flight of stairs?People who enjoy aerobic activity use the stairs.It's just a flight of stairs. Most buildings over one story tall have them.You know quite well you can accomplish two goals by using these stairs. You can get to the top and increase your heart rate at the same time.You look under the stairs and see cobwebs and dust. You think someone should discuss with the janitor about cleaning this area.You carefully look under the stairs and find nothing!You look under the stairs and find that you have wasted your time.You can't! (It just looks like you could.)It's an steel banister welded at the joints.This is heavy-duty, royal blue, short-pile, all-nylon, commercial-type carpet.Sonny! Are you a cop or a kid? If you're looking for a thrill ride, seek out your nearest amusement park!They ARE boring, aren't they!?And you thought there were no stairways in Lytton!It looks like something from an old French movie. Don't you just love rococo ironwork?You see ceiling.In a soft voice, you whisper into your "pen," "be advised, in stairwell with Bains."42wQb bQ[i8i q !u3   !e l i8i g g g g    gЂ4@Q  g g g g  @Q g g g g  [wigg@Q S V g g g g  @Q" X @QJ @Q Y@Q W@QS V @Q" X @QR S V@Q4 l o p     jj-+"N "ig g g g g g g g g gg g gggg g (oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 44m f? J^b(!)6XL%#B/F%z/:^!!)+XC%_6 #Qdc(M%D#zimE= m( Q{IF$ ;K :dB/4#u qe $IJ zdBd^ ^e Mc(JdYou cautiously follow "Mr. Jessie Bains" up the flight of stairs.The door is already open.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?4. f?J^b(!)6XL%]6 #B/F%{[/:^!!)+XC%06 #QjXc(L %/!6N %:6#ziIE= m{ QoXQo_Qj_ 6 Q/$Q'$Q'! 6 Q/!Q0  $ / 6 \ l\_ 6 I !/! 6 6 #1& 6 # lX|Z 6  /6  XY vYX Nhi;K% :d^ ^e B#4tX_ $I qJ!/dLd^ ^eNc(HYou cautiously follow "Mr. Jessie Bains" up the flight of stairs.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?4 f? Jo ^^b(!)6XL%#G/F /:!)6XL%,#B/F%z*6/:^!)+XC%76 #Qnc(M %\"6 2B 6%z*D 6%w 6%#zhE= m Qn 6QkQ0hQ&hQ&_Q._ 6Qd)Qo) Qo- Qg- 6 Q[  $= 6-d 66 6 -L 6 6 6Y #YX X xYX Nhi;K;K8  : :x $d^ ^e Bi4'v(/ $wI +e q4eee +x4eJ"dMr| ^ ^eDc(PL` .You cautiously follow Jessie Bains up the flight of stairs.The door is locked.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?This door is labeled "Basement."This door is labeled "Cocktail Lounge."This door is labeled "Second Floor."You have no key to fit this door.4S N $w  bbb"!)+%O#QO!)+-%E!)+-%L!)+-%U!6 )+/L|CX%-s#F+%H# PPP    ea< ae e   F+<e e ece QO|GQUv QvQ(de++QLpF)+/kl(klL| c"#e ?ge cIIf!/I )/ LcIg h<e ###QBQLQVFF Fc/IczAiczXjczNd)/LIee pc Qd+Z1!>{0Just then, the telephone rings in the next room.Bains draws his gun, and aims it directly at you! "Hold it right there, PIG!" he shouts. "It seems one of our card-playing comrades recognizes your ugly mug from a minor misunderstanding he had with the heat a while back. You're about to find out just how much I hate cops!"Just then, a knock on the door diverts Bains' attention!You dive to the floor and struggle to remove the derringer from your cane. A loud "CRASH" and the door flies open. Your backups have arrived!Bains is taken down in the barrage of gunfire.In the twinkling of an eye, the shootout is over. Sprawled unconcious on the carpet with a near-fatal belly wound, lies Jessie Bains, "the Death Angel!"You step up to the bar and peruse the selection of beverages.Unfortunately, you transmitted your location to your backups a few seconds too late. Bains has been stopped, but you died in the line of duty."Well, Mr. Banksten," says Bains, "I have a little proposition for you that I know you'll love.""I'm interested," you reply."Fix yourself a drink while I answer the phone," says Bains.You whisper a soft "Room 404" into your "pen," to tip your backups of your location.You hope they have time to respond.You whisper a soft "Room 404" into your empty shirt pocket.Unfortunately, your failure to transmit your location has resulted in your untimely demise.4 @@O  ;$  @ &  ( 'Q{@Q{ {@  @S   6) @V   ̜  @! @N   @6&  ( '@    +   #+ N q xi hg@(    c @e  '  @(oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4JE '@Q4gb(+T(NT (qT(T4!@Q4W@Q@Q/@Q$      ̷@QT̳ ̳@Q.̴ ̴@Q̵ ̵@Q̶@Q^@Q ̷J@Q ̷6) ̶ɷFȲ7+Nq  h(oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4 T@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q+U T@Q@Q@Q@Q@QNU T@Q@Q@Q@Q@QqU T@Q@Q@Q@Q@QU450Ђ4 @Q 4` } rrrr ɚ Ș gϚZE8i "v cci8iPg?g! g g g g  [  gig%igig B:  (oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4\+Nqrrrr ɚ ȘO[igg#8i "v$c8i "_v%v&cc8i "v'c.8i "v(c8iQ({       (oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4#-  %g2.!%4  ͘@Q ͘@Q ͘@Q ͘@Q ͘@Q U  ER4   @Q   @Qe   @Q'@Q@Q@Q4  f?wq  $}bb"7!X)%)i+/!)}6 C%JP+/L|!)%cqL|!%.6 )+/F!%b6 )+/F   mx hhhhhhh hcg g  e ggcg g  e ggcg g  eggcg g egg   e .7#:#G##:#:z} zI p  :/<eee;QsFGQrsQreQ_eQ]cQWc:+/F; /  +/+/:<e+<ee e!e"e//<< c"eG;! F/e" /<e# "q $eh"/ F^v>O<Md ;N=bj  Jessie Hiram Bains, "The Death Angel," was brought to justice and tried in the Superior Court of the City of Lytton on the following charges: ILLEGAL GAMBLINGHotel Delphoria bartender Woody Roberts turned State's evidence and, as a witness for the prosecution (in return for a suspended sentence and three years probation), provided convincing testimony concerning the gambling activities of Jessie Bains, Otto Lipshitz, and Gene "the Bambino" Bamboni.DRUG TRAFFICKINGDrug pusher Donald D. Colby turned State's evidence and, as a witness for the prosecution (in return for a suspended sentence and five years probation), provided convincing testimony concerning the Bains' narcotics distribution network.ATTEMPTED MURDERLytton PD Detectives Bonds, Anglin, and Smith, presented eyewitness testimony concerning the shoot-out at the Hotel Delphoria.FIRST DEGREE MURDERBallistic tests provided a positive match between Bains' .32-caliber automatic handgun and the weapon used to murder Jason Taselli.And now, the results of that trial...The Honorable Judge Kim Palmer asks the foreman of the jury, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict?"The foreman answers, "Yes, we have, Your Honor."Guilty as charged."Mr. Bains, please rise for sentencing. Do you have any last statement before I pronounce sentencing?"Bains looks straight into your eyes. "No, your Honor." Then, under his breath, he hisses across the aisle, "Bonds, you're a dead man!"Staring intently at Bains, Judge Palmer says firmly, "Jessie Hiram Bains, you are hereby sentenced to a total of 97 years in the State Penitentiary, without possibility of parole."The courtroom erupts in spontaneous applause. You smile broadly, until you catch Bains glaring holes through your skull! You know your life is not yet free of "the Death Angel!"Three days pass. With Bains safely ensconced in the State Penitentiary at Vacaville, the City of Lytton is once again a quiet, peaceful community freed from the grasp of "the Death Angel."Charge:"Bailiff, please read the jury's verdict to the court.""Bailiff, please bring the jury's verdict to me." "%m28 %m9. %m20" "%m28 %m11. %m20" "%m28 %m13. %m20" "%m28 %m15. %m20" 4? $w?b 5~z zE z~ARz~BQz~OUz~PTzzz(z<zPzdzxzz z x z zx zx z z+ z.{ z1u z4o z7iz:czm zj{ zgu zdo zaiz^c  ~ c !)XC%D]6 +/#:F!)XC%FF6 +/#:!)XC%T]+/6 #:FL|!)%oZ+6#:!)=XC%JJ+/6 L|)%+6 #QL p   $eeQL` ;;GeIK F//e e e e ;QKZFQK_#+ex 0 c  h[Following a ticker tape parade down Main Street in your honor, a huge crowd has gathered on the Courthouse steps.Mayor Fuddrucker and Chief Whipplestick wait at the top of the steps, while you pass through the Department Honor Guard."Sonny Bonds," the Mayor reads, "as Mayor, I wish to express the appreciation of the people of the City of Lytton for your service to them, and present you with this expression of our gratitude, the Key to the City!"Congratulations. You've won "Police Quest!"You are a true, veteran police officer, proven in the line of duty. We hope you have enjoyed playing.If you liked "Police Quest," be sure to play the other 3D, animated, graphic adventure games from Sierra: "King's Quest I, II, and III;" "The Black Cauldron;" "Space Quest I and II;" and "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards."You'll also enjoy our 3D "Helicopter Simulator" that allows you to have dogfights with your friends via modem, or just fly through many cities for fun."Oh, Sonny! My HERO!!"4" FFxFM,,LNLN-3yFyM3y3LCyCX6X6y OmmOOkkZlZLyLykylZlMMFTDX5a3c-n/_4ZERHO[jxjd_^M^juMuj lk ppoot}}yyuuttttvxvxvxvxvxz|y|z|y}y}}}~~~sqpospospospospotpxx||tt[NxNxP[P[RxRxT[T[VxVxX[X[ZxZx\[\[^x^x`[`[bxbxd[d[fxfxh[h[jxj **|4reerrLLL??&&((&><<NOOLdbbbuuq&;Masaa;;(jjqvvqv#v%q%v+vv vjoojoo!j!o(o*j*o+o hhchhch#h%c%h+h\aa\aa!\!a(a*\*a+a ZZUZZUZ#Z%U%Z+Z a a o o S SNSSNSS!N!S(S*N*S+S LLGLLGL#L%G%L+L E E@EE@EE!@!E(E*@*E1E-G-L4L3@3E:E<@L@G@LGLIGILPLRGRLYL[G[LbLdGdLjLlGlLsLuGuL{L}G}LL277277!2!7(7*2*7173237:7<2<7C7E2E7L7N2N7U7W2W7^7`2`7g7i2i7o7q2q7w7y2y777277 >>9>>9>#>%9%>+>-9->5>797>>>@9@>G>I9I>P>R9R>Y>[9[>b>d9d>j>l9l>s>u9u>{>}9}>> 00+00+0#0%+%0+0-+-0507+70>0@+@0G0H+H0P0R+R0Y0[+[0b0d+d0k0m+m0s0u+u0{0}+}00NNNSUSWNWSYSNZPZRURZYZN\NaTaUaW\WaYaNhPhRcRhYhNjNoUoWjWo^o`m`ogoimioooqmqowoymyoojooyNySSNSSyZ|Z~U~ZZy\yaa\aayh|h~c~hhyMylZLZlNMNOvPvRqRvYv[p[vbvdqdvkvmqmvtvvqvv|v~q~vvO~U~WxW~^~`x`~g~ixi~o~qxq~w~yxy~~x~~ ~ ~x~~x~~!x!~(~*x*~+~,,M,LML ) )$))$))!$!)()*$*)1)3$3):)<$<)C)E$E)L)N$N)U)W$W)^)`$`)g)i$i)o)q$q)w)y$y))$)) """""#"%$"+"--"5"77">"@@"F"HH"P"RR"Y"[["b"dd"k"mm"s"uu"{"}}""  !!!(**133:<<CEELNNUWW^``giioqqwyy        )+--577:' ( ** * 1 33 : << > ',..688>PPRRY[[`M M OO U WW ^ `` d MQSSZ\\dv{}}s t vv   tz||%% #"#"$!$  (9P^||1qHfDe5d5|,,MNMNyMykylqq@::@@ECl |||l ww rr mmllll ::2\opouuuyyy}~=7EG@7GG@@88FUUL - WW[Sllj_[acijhccd`jjbagW^bjjg  %@KfpEEkk##  AGG B gom i =CFMPPlr0*7hBh7cBc;p7yBy :[:e3c3NFTFN #@d,,3y5yDyFyMNN **43 KKjp*p*_k_k])])_j_jp)p*\.ZjZk[k\eYe+f+f(g'h%h$:$:&;'<(<*<+=,=Y<'f'=,e,?Y?/c/cY@9b9b:@:@EbEbEbF@F@QbQbR@RK*L&N.?8c8?DcD?PcP@0b0Hhj_k_l\l_ 88kczc1Y1&9&i&z&zcz&1&  )lk`y`{a r0P2Ow>z>{;{=z:v:s8s8v:v9v9t:r8r?r?vBvBr?rAt?|B|B??|B|C{CwFwF{D{F{G|GJJ|G|F{FwGvGrJrJvGvK{KwNwN{K{OvOrRrRvPvO|R|ROO}S{SwVwV{T{WvWrZrZvXvW|Z|ZWW|[{[w^w^{[{_|_bb|_|_v_rbrbv_vc{cwfwf{c{g|gjj|g|gvgrjrjvgvjwjwgvjvjwgwgwIuDy@~H~MyPtTyP~YYu]yat`dyhthrrvvssvww{{x||||||vrrvv{ww{{vr r vv| || { ww{ {|||vrrvv{ww{{ys y s yuz~8qjqjqq>l>MdMdl>llMMlljpj?j**DdDd>>d=d22cE`L=T8TTT'H 40a_C_?Y?YCTCT?N?NCICI?CCC?>C>?8C8?3?3C-?-C(?(C"?"C?C?C?C ? 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