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You think you know everything that there was to know about Roger's adventures, but this adventure is one that you won't find anywhere else. No data records exist and Roger himself seems to be unsure exactly what transpired during this period in his life. So sit back and take the reigns of the most Star Spangled, Hero-like, sometimes famous, silly, clumzy and confused Space Jockey of them all.Since Roger, and indeed Space Quest as a whole, is a Registered Trademark of Sierra, I have made sure to recognize them. They had no part in this game, and I hope I have done them no insult through the production of The Lost Chapter. I have great respect for the people at Sierra, and I am a great fan of The Space Quest Series. I hope they will look kindly on my efforts, tame though they may be in comparison with their own. I hope anyone who plays this game gets as much enjoyment from it as I got creating it.This Version of Space Quest: The Lost Chapter has Mouse Support, enabling the player to use the Mouse to move Roger around the Screen.4 ? )%x{px%un)O%x{ $+)%ft   ) %P )%{{ # 4e W ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -ee- ^ eec)c/<CI F $eeee#Te VH!- e ^ \ /e e %e Se$e2- e  eNRH:  /e^ ^\ .e e e4eQGO4) ! `r eeQ`x ee )X+/%Tu I  e ) +0Z). MFee)/  +I + F/ee# R'T>R%q4c#C*dy7oThere are all kinds of trees and various types of vegetation here.You are at the edge of a swamp.Something strange begins to happen in your pants.This worries you greatly. The last time something like this happened, you had to use that funky smelling cream for two months!Well apparently when you jumped in the water the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish swam out of your pants and starting chewing on you from the feet up.As is their nature the Terror Fish devours you in a couple seconds.Though excrutiatingly painful for those few seconds, at least it was quick.How all of you fits in that little fish boggles the mind.The swamp looks deep and foreboading. You can only guess at the kinds of creatures swimming around in there.You fill the jar with waterWhat jar? Jar? Jar Jar Binks? You have no jar.Maybe you should get in the water to make it easy to fill the jar.There are a few rocks here.Its swamp water, what else do you want to know?There are trees of all variety to the North.OK.Try getting in the water first.You smartly place the Terror Fish in the jar. Letting this guy swim around in your pants is a bad idea.You should fill the jar with water first. You don't want to kill the fish.Fish, what fish, you don't have any fish, fishhead.Fish? Do you want to catch fish or are just calling fish?Hey why not, this looks like a good place to cast a line.You might even catch something you could eat, or maybe something that could eat you.Try moving to a better spot.Alright you need to get some things straight buddy, to catch fish you need something to catch them with.You cast out your homemade fishing equipment and settle in to see if you will catch anything.Having nonchalantly put a Tiny Tooth Terror Fish in your pants, you quickly realize your error.The Terror Fish proceeds to devour you from the leg up.The rest is too horrible for even you to see.Next time maybe you should keep dangerous things sealed up.4'?,i ) %U#e W ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -eeSeTe$e2- e  e+0Z). MFee )/  +I + F/e e #- ^ e e c)c/<CI F $eeee# R'UM$Cd!ACuThere is much vegetation here.The way to the North is blocked.Its swamp water, what else do you want to know?The swamp looks deep and foreboading. You can only guess at the kinds of creatures swimming around in there.There are trees everywhere.OK.Try getting in the water first.Having nonchalantly put a Tiny Tooth Terror Fish in your pants, you quickly realize your error.The Terror Fish proceeds to devour you from the leg up.The rest is too horrible for even you to see.Next time maybe you should keep dangerous things sealed up.Something strange begins to happen in your pants.This worries you greatly. The last time something like this happened, you had to use that funky smelling cream for two months!Well apparently when you jumped in the water the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish swam out of your pants and starting chewing on you from the feet up.As is their nature the Terror Fish devours you in a couple seconds.Though excrutiatingly painful for those few seconds, at least it was quick.How all of you fits in that little fish boggles the mind.4I?,  ) %U )% )%, Ql#e W ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -eeSe$eee$2 ov&e)786O7$%l# Q eTe `e e e 2-e e  )$%t #- ^ eec)c/<CI F $eeee# R' (*U3L@P^There is a lot of vegetation here. You can see the swamp extending out to the South and more vegetation to the West.There is a large tree to the North-East.It's swamp water, what else do you want to know?The tree is quite unusual and pretty huge. The darn thing is almost as big as Vohaul's ego.It rises upward with vines and branches everywhere.You can hardly tell what's a vine, what's a root or what's a branch, the tree just seems to be growing from all over.You grab on to the huge tree and start climbing up.You're not close enough.The swamp, which is larger than you realised, looks deep and foreboading. You can only guess at the kinds of creatures swimming around in there.There is a mountain way off in the distance. Not that it will do you any good, it's far, very far.Further in fact than your spindley legs have ever taken you. You'll never be able to reach it.Not that you need to, there are many other things to explore on this planet.OK.Into the dirt? What exactly are you on buddy?Something strange begins to happen in your pants.This worries you greatly. The last time something like this happened, you had to use that funky smelling cream for two months!Well apparently when you jumped in the water the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish swam out of your pants and starting chewing on you from the feet up.As is their nature the Terror Fish devours you in a couple seconds.Though excrutiatingly painful for those few seconds, at least it was quick.How all of you fits in that little fish boggles the mind.4j@?,%  ) %U)%,Ql#e W ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -2-e eee$eSe- ^ eec)c/<CI F $e e e e # R'U 5L+]kOK.Into the dirt? What exactly are you on buddy?There is much vegetation here, blocking exit to the North.There is a large tree to the West.You can't see the tree too well from here, but it does appear to be quite large.Its swamp water, what else do you want to know?Something strange begins to happen in your pants.This worries you greatly. The last time something like this happened, you had to use that funky smelling cream for two months!Well apparently when you jumped in the water the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish swam out of your pants and starting chewing on you from the feet up.As is their nature the Terror Fish devours you in a couple seconds.Though excrutiatingly painful for those few seconds, at least it was quick.How all of you fits in that little fish boggles the mind.4?2!k)k+/%6 C#!k)k+/%6 C#!k)k+/%#6 C#!k)k+/%6 C#)%r?b%c%i#i ib%c%ie_ee`e=e$eeae R?g)OThere is a waterfall in the distance, and what appears to be a cave in the mountain.A beautiful waterfall is in the distance. You admire its beauty, drifting slightly into the unknown as you watch the water cascade down.Hey! Snap out of it man, you've got a game to play here.The mountain in the distance seems to have a cave carved into its side. How it got there you have no idea.You can't see the cave too well from here, but it intrigues you.You examine the tree, though you have no idea why.You do notice what appears to be scratches on the surface of the tree.You have no idea what made these scratches, but you're sure you wouldn't like to find out.4*MH?,!)+/%q0FF #Y)Y+/7O7%#eee$ eeM eeMe$e  e e e e eeC'  Tq|t e$\e C ee  R'(Z2XS@ TYou are on one of the large branches of the tree.You can actually stand here, though you're carefull to watch your footing.There are vines and smaller branches everywhere.The branch extends to the East. There seems to be a fruit of some sort on one of the vines.The large branch extends to the East.The are vines all over. There seems to be a fruit of some sort on one of the vines.There are many vines, but nothing of interest about them.The are vines are about as thick as, well, as your head, so you haven't got a prayer of getting any of them.You can walk here there is no need to climb.You look down at the dizzying heights and start to loose your balance.Whoa. Whoa.Hey! Don't do that again. You might fall over.Geez.You know you don't like heights. What's wrong with you?The branch you are walking on extends to the East. There are other smaller branches all over.Ok.Seeing as you aren't Vine-man, with arms able to grow to incredible lengths, I'd suggest getting closer.There is a strange fruit hanging from one of the many vines on the tree.You seem to remember somebody telling your mom that very same thing many years ago while playing in one of the trees in the backyard.4 7?,R)R+/7O7%F %Y)Y#e WY)YY)YY)YY)YR)RR)RR)RR)R eeeee$ee$e e e e e e  R 9f)?bh}You see wood. Lot's of wood.Wait. There's something odd about this wood.Oh, it's a tree. Trees are made of wood.Heh. Ah well.You were aware that you are climbing the tree aren't you?The tree is truly enormous. It actually seems to get bigger the higher up you go.Kinda like your head.You are already climbing the tree.Geez.I can't believe you.Ok. You look at the wood, which happens to be what the tree is made out of.There is a lot of it, because there's a lot of tree.Satisfied?4d9o  ooo?2yyyeeeeeeeyy#(=7You now have back your good old brown locks.You feel spiffy, though you smell funny and your skin is still tingling.You are not even allowed the chance to scope yourself out in the mirror though.These guys seem to be in an awful hurry amd they shuffle you back and forth as fast as possible.You are next escorted to the bridge by the same grumpy guards who have dragged you all over the ship.Just when you felt you were forming a unique bond with them, you get a boot to the pants again.Reality is always a pain in the buttinski.4 ?2#b  ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -e$eeLeSeeTe2e F $e e e e # R' b)r&EHere at the edge of the swamp the water seems to be a different colour.As with elsewhere, there are trees all over leading into the dense jungle.You get tired of looking at the trees and find something else to do.You can't see that movie here. Try a different Sequel.Besides being a different colour there isn't much else special about it.I know that disappoints you, but such is your life I'm afraid.You are still at the swamp's edge, the small passage from the East almost looks like a dead end.Try somewhere else.Well apparently when you jumped in the water the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish swam out of your pants and starting chewing on you from the feet up.As is their nature the Terror Fish devours you in a couple seconds.Though excrutiatingly painful for those few seconds, at least it was quick.How all of you fits in that little fish boggles the mind.44? !:):+/%!6C7L7#!6)6+/%6O6C7L7   #b c iS!/)/+/%m7 !)+/%ZC )  %Z   )#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#) )%Z#QS& M$)+/8L7G Ibci bci $#Teee#e%ee 4e e e /e e3e +%<$I -',--Ae-Ae ee\ ^ \ * + R' G#(35e)Sz'=orYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.For a little fish, that Tiny Toothed Terror Fish has a big mouth, it chewed you up with no problem,.Well, you made a nice meal for the pretty fish.Next time maybe you won't rush into places before checking for man eating fishies.You are under water. There is a cave in the rocks to the East.The edge of the swamp is lined by a wall of rock.There is a cave in the rocks to the East.There is a small fish swimming around.You arent sure, but it looks a lot like the infamous Tiny Toothed Terror Fish. Though tiny, a Terror Fish can take down a half ton Morovian Cow in four point three seconds.That's some appetite.There are various forms of life on the swamp bed.Nothing of interest however.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Move closer to the surface.OK.Well well, it looks like you caught something after all. That Tiny Toothed Terror Fish was no match for your Voronian Deep Sludge Fishing line.You reel in your prize, wondering to yourself just what you're gonna do with it.47? !:):+/%!6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7#T!/)/+/%m7!5)5+/%5CC7L7 )   %K3  ) %h(#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e%e4e/ee3e -',--Ae -Ae  R' " z#)$ZvYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. You are at the edge of the swamp.The edge of the swamp is lined by a wall of rock.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There are various forms of life on the swamp bed.Nothing of interest however.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.move closer to the surface.OK.4??(!:):+/%!6C7L7#!5)5+/%gC7L7#T!/)/+/%m7!5)5+/%5CC7L7 )  %K3  ) %K  $#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e%e4e/ee3e -',--Ae -Ae  R'$ z#)$ZvYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. You are at the edge of the swamp.The edge of the swamp is lined by a wall of rock.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There are various forms of life on the swamp bed.Nothing of interest however.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.move closer to the surface.OK.4M?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!7)7+/%gC7L7#T!/)/+/%m7!4)4+/%5CC7L7 )  %K3  ) %K  = #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e%e/ee3e)e 4e -',--Ae -Ae  R' = %>#YjYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. You are at the edge of the swamp. The rocks seem to block the way to the West, but you're not so sure.The edge of the swamp is lined by a wall of rock. Though it appears blocked, you notice that there is actually a path heading West through the rocks.There are various forms of life on the swamp bed.Nothing of interest however.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You should try looking from somewhere else, you can only see the underside of the back of the ship .There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.move closer to the surface.OK.4T ?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!3)3+/%gC7L7#T!/)/+/%m7!4)4+/%5CC7L7  ) %+  ) %K #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e%e<ee=e/e >e e >e e 4e3e)eE< Qz; eeee ) +/ I ee$#-e R'0;6X}|GzYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.The rocks at the edge of the swamp appear to have a small hole.There is a hole in the rocks.The hole looks like a small cave.There are some bones under the hole.It's not really big enough to be a cave, but it might have something in it.There are some bones scattered on the swamp bed.You can't get the bones, so just give up that idea right now. If you want to do something try searching in the hole or something.Geez just because something is lying around you want to pick it up.The bones are from animals you can't quite recognize.You wonder what left them there.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Ship man, what're you seeing?You decide to explore the strange looking hole.You stick your hand into the hole and poke around.Something you janitors have down to a perfected science.OOps, whats that, there seems to be something in there.SHLURRRPWell I don't think you'll be coming out of there. Its a shame you go carelessly sticking you hands into things, you should have known better.You can't surface here.4?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!.).+/%gC7L7#T!5)5+/%5CC7L7  ) %+  ) %K A#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) -ee3e)e4e R'Au0fYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.This is not such a great place to surface. Try somewhere else.You are under water. You are at the edge of the swamp.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You should try looking from somewhere else, you can only see the underside of the back of the ship .There are various type of underwater life swimming around, this one looks like a jellyfish. You can't do anything with it though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.43?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!3)3+/%gC7L7#T!/)/+/%m7!4)4+/%5CC7L7  ) %+  ) %K #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e%e4e/e,e3e -e  R' !&F|You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. You are at the edge of the swamp.There are rocks all along the edge of the swamp.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There's nothing really interesting on the swamp bed.It looks like some kind of clam, but its not very interesting.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You can't surface here.4QP?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!5)5+/%gC7L7#T!/)/+/%7L7#!2)2+/%5CC7L7#T  ) %+  ) %K #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) ee/e4ebe3e e e Se e -e  R' %&eaYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. You are at the edge of the swamp.There's a large funny looking creature here.There seems to be a piece of metal at the bottom of the swamp.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.It looks like a water enenimy, a harmless creature that's not very interesting.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Didn't you get the hint there smarty. It's harmless, it's useless.Got it now?You can't surface here.4 J?!;);+/%S6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7#T!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T  ) %+   ) %K  #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e4e,e3e)e-',--Ae -Ae  R' ! ;You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. All you can see is the underside of the crashed ship.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.It looks like some kind of clam on the swamp bed, but its not very interesting.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You can only see the underside of the back of the ship. It must have crashed here a long time ago.move closer to the surface.OK.46v?2! ) +/%vP6DF # )% )%9S'454M ) )# W',77` ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -7) -) -) -) -) -) -) -) - ) - ) - ) -e$ eeeeL ee)ee # e  .e #'  oL|U e $\e  2',-,Meee,Le F $eeee# R' Sr,6dSx8Here at the edge of the swamp there is another large tree, assorted unfamiliar vegetation and what appears to be the rear-end of a ship.It's a big tree, whoopie.There does appear to be something near the roots of the tree though.It's a big tree, that's about it.You were expecting maybe a nail or something?Well well, looks like there is a nail just lying around under the tree.There is nothing by the roots. It's just roots.You can't tell much from here, all you can see is the rear end.Perhaps you can get a better look from somewhere else.There is a nail near the tree roots.There is some metal lying around, but you can't use it.Ok.You're not close enough.You dive down and sink your head into the silt.Ouch.Try deeper water.OK.Well apparently when you jumped in the water the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish swam out of your pants and starting chewing on you from the feet up.As is their nature the Terror Fish devours you in a couple seconds.Though excrutiatingly painful for those few seconds, at least it was quick.How all of you fits in that little fish boggles the mind.4 T M?2!)+/%46 CF#)% %K%5#e W )  )  )  ) ))))e$eSe!eee2e)ee e e e e e ! 1:eee !.- 1:! Meeeb*c*iI ee !>7 1:+ = Meb c ieeee^=eeeee Ȅ)*" 1:M+/$I ee bcibcie e! R'S!VDC_cI"-~K>V"There is large ship that seems to have crashed in the swamp.There are all kinds of trees in the forest behind the ship.It's all wet.The door is open, you can't see too much from outside.The door of the ship has a small hole from a blast of some kind.It is still closed tightly.OK.The ship looks like it crashed many years ago, but seems to have some hull integrity.It doesn't appear to have been in very good shape to begin with.You can't identify any of the few visible markings on the outside of the ship.Not that you paid attention in 'Ship Class 101' or 'Ship Origin 202'.Meaning even if you could read the markings properly you wouldn't know U'Rass from Urel Bow.Species diferentiation wasn't ever your strong point.Though since Kerona and Vohaul you could probably spot an Orat, a Sarien or an Insurance Salesman fifty miles away.Its too tightly closed. Your now aching arm muscles stand as testiment to that.Perhaps if you had something to open it with.You're not close enough.You place one end of the piece of metal in the small hole and pry open the door.Once again you've surprised yourself with your smarts.It was almost as easy as opening a can of Zardinios. Except you can't eat what's inside.You don't have any piece of metal, just what are you trying.You place one end of the long bone in the small hole and try to pry open the door.Oops.Well it seems your bone wasn't strong enough.A situation that seems strangely familiar.The bone snaps in two and then sinks to the bottom of the swamp.Nice going there Roger.You've gone and broken your bone and now it's lost.Ah well, easy come, easy go.You don't have any bone, well none you could try to open anything with anyway.How do you plan on doing that genius.OOF!!You gracefully break the short fall with your head.4O O=?.!)+/%eQ6X7L7#% # W',77|7dsW ) ) ) ) )  )  )  ) 7|p )  )  )  )  ) ) ) ) SKu`qM n2eeeen n qee+/bciIo$e+e*e+e *e .e )e e o o$+/bciIpp pee# R'?S muS%HzdYou can't dive here, the water is a bit too shallow even where you can swim.There is quite an array of plant life here.You can see the front of the crashed ship from here.There is a large purple plant up on the swamp bank.You notice the purple plant moving. It seems the large plant has been alerted to your presence and is responding. Could it be that you've found your first intelligent lifeform Roger? You tremble with excitement as the the plant opens up to greet you.There are lots of trees here. The only remotely interesting one is the purple plant.Boy, you sure like big things in your pants. But there is no way to get the plant from here. Maybe you should get closer and see if you can rip in out of the soil, or something. You're the brains here, not me.Its a large purple plant. Like you didn't know that before. It's an interesting looking plant, but its not like you could talk to it or anything. It's a plant, you can't use a plant. Well unless you try eating it, and that just isn't very smart.Its a large purple plant. Like you didn't know that before. Its an interesting looking plant, but its not like you could talk to it or anything. It's a plant, you can't use a plant. Well unless you try eating it, and that just isn't very smart.There is some metal lying around, but you can't use it.This appears to be the front of the crashed ship.It is in just as bad shape as the rest.Well, err....maybe that's not what you had in mind. Apparently the plant has seen you as a food source and has taken you into its insides for slow digestion. And it was such a pretty plant too.Well you're dead. Again. This planet just doesn't seem very safe now does it. Well you ponder that in the afterlife while I find something better to do.4v'?,R)R+/7O7%F#eeeeeeee$e e $e e  e eeee R$Anz4:OYou see wood. Lot's of wood.Wait. There's something odd about this wood.Oh, it's a tree. Trees are made of wood.Heh. Ah well.You are presently climbing the tree.Wow. You're a skilled climber there Roger.You were aware you were climbing right?The strain on your feeble arms should be enough to tell you that you're not walking anymore.The tree is truly enormous. It actually seems to get bigger the higher up you go.Kinda like your head.You are already climbing the tree.Are you playing with your eyes closed or what?Geez.I can't believe you.Ok. You look at the wood, which happens to be what the tree is made out of.There is a lot of it, because there's a lot of tree.Satisfied?4?!;);+/% 6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7#T!4)4+/% kC7L7#T!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T %+  ) %K  #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e,e4e3e)ee -',--Ae -Ae  R #C%\You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water. You can see the underside of the crashed ship.It looks like some kind of clam, but its not very interesting.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There seems to be quite a bit of the ship under water.Though covered with some of the local marine life, the hull does seem to be mostly intact.move closer to the surface.OK.42  ?!;);+/%q6C7L7#!:):+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%g7L7#T!7)7+/% k7L7#T!H)H+/%\rF3# ) %Q%ps#+%\c#Q\rZ  )% 8;C#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) ee4e3e%ee Xe Xe A%e <3e ee-e4e<3 U_meQeeXeYXF3' U_`mM QP_eGI e N\Yc Q\r4eF +Q\c 3Ne  3F+/e R' 3 3; 38C0;+h+Cb{SYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There is a large rock on the swamp bed.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.The rock looks a bit out of place on the swamp bed.There is a small piece of yellow coral attached to the rock.Its an unusual piece of coral attached to the rock.You can't get the coral, perhaps you should try something else.Well you might have something there, but there is no way you will be able to move the rock. Your physical prowess, limited as it is, is not enhanced in the water.The hole goes down into the swamp bed, though you can't tell how far.You wonder what's down there.Hole? Hey what're we talking about here. Come on, get with the program.You can't surface here.You cautiously enter the hole.You're not close enough.Enter what? You're seeing something I'm not.You push the coral but it doesn't move, perhaps if you . . You cautiously pull the coral.The coral, apparantly a lever, moved the rock exposing a hole in the swamp bed.The rock automatically moves back covering the hole in the swamp bed.4u?!;);+/%6C7L7#!=)=+/%D<6C7L7!3)3+/%gC7L7#T!5)5+/% kC7L7#T!1)1+/%!%C7L7#T ) %y )% 73C#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee# W',7 )  )  ) )))7H))) )  )  ) e3e4ee%eXe $e e e -e  R'73C y'Cx-aYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There is a strange looking fish swimming here, but besides looking very mean, he is ignoring you like all the rest of the aquatic life.There is a rock here, with some coral growing on it.There some coral on the rock here, but it doesn't look that interesting.There are trees growing from the swamp bed.Big deal you say, you had trees growing under your bed at home.Who would have thought old food could sprout trees.You can't surface here.4x?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7#T!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K  2#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e,e3e-e R'2{You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.It looks like some kind of clam, but its not very interesting.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You can't surface here.4?(!;);+/%{6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7#T!5)5+/% kC7L7!3)3+/%5CC7L7 ) %+  ) %K  7#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e,e3e-e R'7{You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.It looks like some kind of clam, but its not very interesting.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You can't surface here.4?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!*)*+/%gC7L7#T!5)5+/% kC7L7!,),+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K  A8#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e,e3e4e)e-',--Ae -Ae S R'A8 !You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.I'll give you clam.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Ship? What're you, on something?.move closer to the surface.OK.4?!;);+/% 6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7!)+/% 6C7 #!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K  #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#5 e   eee4e=e 3e )e 5'   e $\e  5 e %  eee-e R&1$Oh>t=YtYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You already have it.Deeper into the cave you notice something lying among the rocks.Even deeper into the cave you see nothing.You are in a small cave.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There are rocks on all sides of the cave.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here, whats the matter with you.Ok.You're not close enough.There is a bag on the swamp bed mostly hidden behind some rocks.From here you can see some sort of bag on the swamp bed.There are rocks everywhere.There are just rocks here.You try repeatedly to surface, banging into the cave roof each time you cause multiple bumps on your already swollen head.4z?(!;);+/% 6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K   #dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e,e3e-e R' {You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.It looks like some kind of clam, but its not very interesting.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You can't surface here.4?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K  !2#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e%e3e)e-e  R'2! }You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!+)++/%gC7L7!+)++/% kC7L7#T!7)7+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K   3B#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e%eZe3e)e -e  R' 3B a!2IYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.OK its a turtle, but you can't catch it, eat it, or use it, so leave it alone.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4?!;);+/%{6C7L7#!*)*+/%gC7L7!5)5+/% kC7L7#T!-)-+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  #$'#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e,e3e)e-e  R' #'$ }You're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.I'll give you clam.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Ship? What're you, on something?.You can't surface here.4A? !:):+/%?6C7L7#!*)*+/%gC7L7#T!N)N+/%C7L7#TS![)[+/%SC6CF#  ) %+ #ee4e,ebee' Q3HQFd2 Q3HQFd3e)e-e = e e e e ee$'#MI)I&+/8L8G I +/ee# R' '"l$9[(Ul%hYou are under water.There is a strange creature here.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There is a clam swimming around.There is a strange gelatinous creature here.My, it sure is pretty.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Ship? What're you, on something?.You can't surface here.The strange transparent Gelatinous creature imediately was drawn to you.Must be your animal magnetism. Well that or your lack of a shower.While you stop to admire how pretty the creature is it begins to envelope you.Perhaps it wants to warm you up in the cold swamp depths.Yeah.Right.The creature takes you into itself and seeing you as a nice big juicy morsel of food, it starts its very slow process of digestion. You of course die of suffocation long before the internal acids begin dissolving your flesh. Thank goodness for small graces.You die looking out through the transparent body of your slayer, pounding uselessly at its Gelatinous body.4V?!;);+/%56C7L7#!7)7+/%gC7L7#T!5)5+/% kC7L7!.).+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  "&=#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e$ee3e)e -e  R' "=& ! TYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.There is a strange tree here, unlike most of the other trees in the swamp.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.The tree is definately different, but beyond that it doesn't seem very usefull.You remember your Mopping Skills teacher once saying the same thing about you.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Ship? What're you, on something?.You can't surface here.4?!;);+/%56C7L7#!7)7+/%gC7L7#T![)[+/%h%CF#!.).+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+ '>CD#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e4e$eE$eee e e e e 3e)e-',--Ae-AeS R''>CD$/"MbYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.There is a long dead tree stump on the bottom of the swamp.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.The tree, or whats left of it, has long since sprouted its last leaf.Errr... No.You heard me.No.I refuse.Waste your time with somebody else's help.I'm going on strike.Search your own useless tree.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Ship? What're you, on something?.move closer to the surface.OK.4}"?!;);+/%6C7L7#6!O)O+/%O67L7#TS!O)O+/%{kO67L7#TS!O)O+/%2O6C7L7#TS!O)O+/%3PO6C7L7#S![)[+/%5W6CF#![)[+/%SC6CF#!)[+/%6CF# ) %+  ) %K #ee%e3e4e,e-',--Ae-AeS 6MP)P+8L7G  l 6MP)P+8L7G  H 6MP)P+8L7G  $ 6MP)P+8L7G   e e e e e ee# R'$:'> 5YC_cgYou are under water.You see some clams swimming around.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You only really see clams here.There are a number of clams here, but they seem a bit different from the others you have seen around.move closer to the surface.OK.These obviously aren't the nice friendly clams you have encountered elsewhere.In fact they are quite carnivorous, and rip relentlessly at your flesh.They proceed, quite to your dismay, to munch on you while you flail about in vain, trying to swat them away.You die quickly, but painfully.Your Epitaph reads 'Fish Food'.Way to go Roger.Maybe you should respect the territories of the man-eating life in this swamp.4E?!;);+/%56C7L7#6!O)O+/%O67L7#F!O)O+/%uO67L7#F!O)O+/%O6C7L7#F!O)O+/%3O6C7L7#F![)[+/%gC6CF#![)[+/%+6CF#!)[+/%q6CF#! ) [+ / % S6 C F #  ) %+  ) %K  "&#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e%e4e3e,e-',--Ae -Ae S GSGSGSGS 6MP)P+8L7G  l 6MP)P+8L7G  H 6MP)P+8L7G  $ 6MP)P+8L7G   e e # R'"& %%[wYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are under water.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.You only really see clams here.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There are a number of clams here, but they seem a bit different from the others you have seen around.move closer to the surface.OK.These obviously arent the nice friendly clams you have encountered elsewhere. In fact they are quite carnivorous, and rip relentlessly at your flesh.You die quickly, but painfully, way to go Roger. Maybe you should respect the territories of the man-eating life in this swamp.4z? !;);+/%X6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7)%P+  ) % #ee%e3e)e-e R'6)+.0++00*///6+)0./*))..**.=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4? !;);+/%X6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7)%+  ) % #Q W',7 )  )  ) )))ee%e3e)e-e R'-Q(((.***,((,Q,,,-(QQQ*...,Q.=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4? !;);+/%Y6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7)%+  ) % # W',7,]H )  )  ) ))),:H))) )  )  ) ee%e3e)e-e R')((())().=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4? !;);+/%W6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7)%+  ) % #Q W',7))) )  )  ) ee%e3e)e-e R'.000(,,,$,(((0....=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4_? !;);+/%6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7 ) %+  ) % #ee%e3e)e-e R'$-0.)00))-0---).++...=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4c2? !;);+/%6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7 ) %+  ) % #ee%e3e)e-e R'.,,,,....=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4xy? !;);+/%6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7 ) #ee%e3e)e-e R'$(,,,)---//+/H,(.*((**/+++-))).=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4? !;);+/%6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7)%+  ) % #Q W',7))) )  )  ) ee%e3e)e-e R'(....(((.=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4? !;);+/%6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7)1 ) #Q W',7 )  )  ) )))ee%e3e)e-e R'$++,(((1+$(,,,+111.=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4rr? !;);+/%6C7L7#!G)G+/%r6C7L7F# )  %ex+/   ) % #xKwex ee%e !ee8/',-,n" $b)c)iee+/Ioe e e 3e 8e )e!ee-eo o p R'p p0"$T DIbThe door works automatically coming out apparantly, but getting in requires you use the panel. Always hard to get in and easy to get out. It's like nobody wants you in there and they are just too happy to get you out. This is just too common for your liking Roger. You might start thinking its just you.You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.The door is securely closed. Maybe you were thinking you had tremendous strength, enough to rip the door off its tracks and then swim on in. Or maybe you thought you could 'Open Seasame' the door to death and it would just fall open at your feet. Sorry to point this out, but you are quite unable to open the door without using the mechanism put in place to do just that.That would be the panel brainiac. Yeah, that's right. The panel.Recognizing the symbols from the strange paper you found floating in the swamp, you match the symbols to the buttons on the panelAmazingly the door begins to open. How do you do it Roger?You try about a dozen combinations of buttons, but nothing happens.You were expecting maybe a vallet to open it up for you and escort you in, then show you around, maybe get some dinner for you? Geez.You are not close enoughIts just some bubbles, you are under water after all.The panel has some buttons with strange symbols on them.You have got to be kidding.There is a door at the Eastern end of the tunnel. It looks sturdy and locked. Great, another problem. Is there no end to the things a guy has to do down here?There appears to be a panel next to the door.You bang your head repeatedly on the top of the tunnel. Now you're under water AND you have a headache.4H?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #e4e%e3e)e-',--Ae-AeS R'7 3q%:QmYou are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.No rocks, just water, trees and some aquatic life.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.move closer to the surface.OK.4?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K  2!C#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#$eeee4e%e 3e )e -',--Ae -Ae S R'2!C '0dy%RYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.There are trees growing from the swamp bed.Big deal you say, you had trees growing under your bed at home.Who would have thought old food could sprout trees.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.It's just a rock, nothing interesting there.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.move closer to the surface.OK.44?,!)+/O4%cF#!)+/O4% }F#!)+/%?_6CX7L7F %A\+/6 K )%>#ee!e NQA\'9:9P#9CSoGCSpGE55eFE88eFeeteo oMFMFMFeFp pMFMFMFeF R'rVsYou are in a corridor that leads to the West and East. The corridor opens out to the North EastThere are two guards standing to the West.The is no door here.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.The guards look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.Its a corridor heading West.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.44?,!)+/O4%cF#!)+/O4% }F#!)+/%?_6CX7L7F %A\+/6 K )%>#ee!e NQA\'9:9P#9CSoGCSpGE55eFE88eFeeteo oMFMFMFeFp pMFMFMFeF R'1ItYou are in a corridor that leads to the West and East.There are two guards standing to the West.There is a large door on the North wall. The guards seem to be guarding both the door and the area behind it.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.The guards look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.Its a corridor heading West.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.4J H?!;);+/%6C7L7#!)+/6%@CF6 #!)+/6%JQCF #!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) 8%P 8#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#6ee%eF e ee EF '<==e e e e H6 e <eeE<e eeG6 e 3e)e-eH'6  8@ e$\ e G'6  CJPX e$\ e  R84?Ou hFZYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.Its the base of a large swamp tree. There appears to be a hole in the trunk, and all sorts of debris strewn about.You're guessing that because of its location various bits of junk and debris collect here.There are a few rocks at the base of the tree.There is quite a lot of debris at the base of the tree, pieces of wood, metal, what appears to be bones, and various other things that you can't recognise.You are gonna go search in that junk arent you?Geez, please wash your hands after. Oh yeah, you are under water. Sorry, just shake them around then.You search among the debris, touching things you never dreamed you would, and you find . . .A jar almost burried in the silt.Nothing.You need to go closer to swamp bed to search the debris.There is a jar lying among other debris on the swamp bed.The hole in the tree looks like its been there for a long time.Lots of debris has collected in the hole as well as on the swamp bed.You poke around in the hole.Its dark and hard to see, but you notice what looks like a fishing line.You don't find anything else.There is a fishing line hooked on to some other junk crammed in the hole.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Ship? Are you hallucinating or just playing another game.You can't surface here.Ok.You're not close enough.4 T?!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) y%P  ) %K #e4e%e$e3e)e-',--Ae-Aey R'82Q,\You are under water. You can see a very large swamp tree here.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.What rocks? You're thinking of somewhere else.There is a large tree that extends to the East.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.move closer to the surface.OK.4l?!:):+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!4)4+/% kC7L7#T!3)3+/%5CC7L7#T ) 6%0,x%P#-',--Ae-Aex 6e4e%e$ee3e)e -e  R'97 C26sM+move closer to the surface.OK.You are under water. You can see the rest of the large tree.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.Its a very large swamp tree. You wonder how long it took to get that big and what secrets it might hold.Hey its a tree not an Oracle, get real.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4Q?(!;);+/%g6C7L7#!-)-+/%gC7L7#T!4)4+/% kC7L7#T!5)5+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #-',--Ae-AeRe4e%e3e)e-e R';8A.2G!Wnmove closer to the surface.OK.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the East.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4E% ?!;);+/%6C7L7#6!O)O+/%O67L7#TS!O)O+/%{kO67L7#TS!O)O+/%e9O6C7L7#TS!O)O+/%cZO6C7L7#S![)[+/%{C6CF#![)[+/%a6CF# ) %+  ) %K #e%e3e,e-e 6MP)P+8L7G  l 6MP)P+8L7G  H 6MP)P+8L7G  $ 6MP)P+8L7G   ee# R'=&%SYou are under water.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There are a number of clams here, but they seem a bit different from the others you have seen around.You can't surface here.These obviously arent the nice friendly clams you have encountered elsewhere. In fact they are quite carnivorous, and rip relentlessly at your flesh.You die quickly, but painfully, way to go Roger. Maybe you should respect the territories of the man-eating life in this swamp.4V?(!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7!7)7+/% kC7L7#T!,),+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #-',--Ae-AeRe4e%e3e)e-e R'<9C.2G)_vmove closer to the surface.OK.You are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking most of the way to the East.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4 ?!:):+/% 6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7#T!7)7+/% kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #e4e%e3e<e)e-eE< Q.z&  e )+/ I e ) \  R';>C lwYou are under water. There is a wall of rock here with a small hole near the swamp bed.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking most of the way to the North. There is a small hole in the rocks near the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Its a hole in the rocks, like a very small cave.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.There isnt much else of use in the hole, unless you want some crud, lots of crud in there.You stick your hand in the hole. Luckily when you pull it back all your fingers are still there, and you found a old jar cover, now arent you lucky.42?(!;);+/%{6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7#T!()(+/6%]kC7L7#!)))+/%SCC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #e4e%e3e)e-e R':$b#3JYou are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the East.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4T?!:):+/% 6C7L7#!;);+/%6C7L7#!2)2+/%gC7L7#T!7)7+/% kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #e4e%e3e)e-e R'<%&Ck#<SYou are under water.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.Its just rocks, blocking most of the way to the North.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4  ?#We W)))) )  )  )  ) ee$e+e R'r 6ZThere is quite an array of plant life here.There is a large tree to the South.There are lots of trees here, and no, you can't see anything interesting about the big tree either. Its just big.There are all kinds of plants here, none of which are useful to you.4I i7?2!)+/%76CLF#%rxxe9`x #Gxx,#bci+/Gx-xTbcj+/Ix@bci bci###6?0This is the room for the item tutorial.At What?Well, having captured you the aliens have taken you to a dark room and strapped you into some strange contraption. You can only wonder what they have in store for you.Energy starts coursing through the strange clamps attached to your head.A powerful energy was just slammed through your brain. Your brain bounced around inside your skull for a second before imploding into mush.Your last thought was of latex and babes, not necessarily in that order. You die quickly but the sight of your brain oozing out of your ears might have been upsetting so perhaps that was a good thing.4O?(!:):+/% 6C7L7#!.).+/%gC7L7#T!()(+/%]kC7L7#!*)*+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #-',--Ae-AeR4ee%e3e)e-e R'9.2!Wnmove closer to the surface.OK.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.You are under water.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the East.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4 8"?!;);+/%6C7L7#6!O)O+/%O67L7#TS!O)O+/%{kO67L7#TS!O)O+/%2O6C7L7#TS!O)O+/%3PO6C7L7#S!\)\+/%5W6CF#![)[+/%SC6CF#!)[+/%6CF# ) %+  ) %K #e%e3e4e,e-e 6MP)P+8L7G  l 6MP)P+8L7G  H 6MP)P+8L7G  $ 6MP)P+8L7G   b#c#ieeb#c#i# R!C'UPYou are under water.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You only really see clams here.There are a number of clams here, but they seem a bit different from the others you have seen around.Yeah. Like you have time to swim up when you should be swimming for your life. Besides, don't you think these things would gnaw away at your feet while you're up there?These obviously arent the nice friendly clams you have encountered elsewhere. In fact they are quite carnivorous, and rip relentlessly at your flesh.You die quickly, but painfully, way to go Roger. Maybe you should respect the territories of the man-eating life in this swamp.4]?!;);+/%6C7L7#6!O)O+/%O67L7#TS!O)O+/%{kO67L7#TS!O)O+/%2O6C7L7#TS!O)O+/%3PO6C7L7#S!\)\+/%5^6CF#![)[+/%qW6CF#!)[+/%6CF# ) z)z)z)z)z/)\/%2xz)z)z)z)z/%dd/%#K< /%Zx/>/%_<%K//;z)z)z)z)z/%Zd/%#K% /%c//#e%e3e4ee,e-e 6MP)P+8L7G  l 6MP)P+8L7G  H 6MP)P+8L7G  $ 6MP)P+8L7G  , b#c#i;eeee e # R'HB333%%;;<<>> BB DD r+Y7\You are under water.Its just rocks, blocking the way to the West.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You only really see clams here.Looks like trouble if you ask me.There are a number of clams here, but they seem a bit different from the others you have seen around.Yeah. Like you have time to swim up when you should be swimming for your life. Besides, don't you think these things would gnaw away at your feet while you're up there?The strange looking water snakes start nibbling at your flesh. They of course eventually kill you, and quite painfully too.These obviously arent the nice friendly clams you have encountered elsewhere. In fact they are quite carnivorous, and rip relentlessly at your flesh.You die quickly, but painfully, way to go Roger. Maybe you should respect the territories of the man-eating life in this swamp.4+?!;);+/% 6C7L7#!5)5+/%gC7L7#T![)[+/%"CF#!,),+/%5CC7L7#T ) %+#e4e$e>ee3e%e-e R'C%e  nC Oa/There is a strange rock formation to the East.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.There's not a tree in sight.It's just an old skull of some poor creature, long since deceased.You can't use it.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You can't quite tell what this is or was. Perhaps it was just a small cave that got weathered away. You have no way of telling.You can't surface here.You enter the strange rock formation. It seems to form a cave.4T?2!)+/%26CLF#!)+/%16CLF#%rxxex#/Ixbci ####-6??This is the room for the item tutorial.At What?The alien, apparently faster on the draw than you, fires off a shot that heads straight for you.The solid laser, which is what the gun fires, slams into your stomach and explodes out through your back. Your internal organs are obliterated in the process.The aliens will probably pick up your lifless body and examine it to determine exactly what you were.I guess if you're going to start shooting at people, you had better make sure you hit them. You're so dead even dirt wouldn't want you.4{|7?2!)+/%76CLF#%rxxe9`x #Gxx6 ### 4=kThis is the room for the item tutorial.At What?Being a strange alien, these aliens throw you in the brig. In there you are forgotten completely and will probably slowly starve to death. Not a good way to go. In fact its very unpleasant.You stare out of the small window in your cell. Nobody can hear you and nobody really would care if they could.Your stomach starts to grumble as the lack of food starts to kick in. You wonder how long you will survive before eventually kicking the bucket.4[0?(!:):+/% 6C7L7#!.).+/%gC7L7!5)5+/%]kC7L7#T!+)++/%ICC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #e%eUe=e3e)e-e R'H (NbYou are in an underwater cave. You can only move West or EastRocks surround you.There is only silt on the cave floor.The cave is pretty dark and it gives you an errie feeling.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4W,?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!.).+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!,),+/%ICC7L7#T ) %+  ) %K #e%e3eUe=e)e-e R'IG(NbYou are in an underwater cave. You can only move West or EastRocks surround you.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is only silt on the cave floor.The cave is pretty dark and it gives you an errie feeling.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4]?(!:):+/%6C7L7#!)+/%6CFI #!()(+/%]kC7L7!+)++/%ICC7L7 ) J%^  ) %K #.I e .'I  t{ e$\ e  e e%e3eUe\e=e -e  R'JH BF_ ?You see a piece of metal on the cave floor.Ok.You're not close enough.You are in an underwater cave. You can see only exits to the West and East.There seems to be something almost burried in the silt on the cave floor.Rocks surround you.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is what appears to be a piece of metal on the cave floor.The cave is pretty dark and it gives you an errie feeling.You can't surface here.4w? !:):+/%6C7L7#!;);+/%6C7L7#!%)%+/%(6 7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7 )I%7  ) %K # (k;  W6Q.u M$% #I eee#e6e%e3e)e-e  R'KI L1uYikes, whatever that was seemed to like how you tasted.It seems one of the local cave inhabitants was feeling a little peckish and decided you would make a nice meal.You had better be more careful next time you explore dark caverns.The small cave lead to a large underwater cavern.The cavern is huge. It expands out from the cave in every directionThe cavern is deep into the bedrock, so there are rocks everywhere.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.4q? !:):+/%6C7L7#!;);+/%6C7L7#!%)%+/%n6 7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7 )L%d  ) %K # nr  W6Qt| M$%F #I eee#e6e%e3e)e-e 1 1e e N R'JL P5y "Yikes, whatever that was seemed to like how you tasted.It seems one of the local cave inhabitants was feeling a little peckish and decided you would make a nice meal.You had better be more careful next time you explore dark caverns.The small cave lead to a large underwater cavern.The cavern is huge. It expands out from the cave in every directionThe cavern is deep into the bedrock, so there are rocks everywhere.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.You can't surface here.Having completely submerged, water gradually seeps into your pants and onto your new friend, the puffy fish.The puffy fish begins to stir and wriggle in your pants, apparently he is waking up.4?!)+/ %&6C7L7#!)+/%n6C7L7#!)+/%R6C7L7#)6K %P  eM ) 6 #e%e$e3e)e2e KhS' e ce N451  e ^^\ 1 2  e e -' e e  $%z)6 #M 6,6& 6   e ' $&6)# - R'M Z#Ks)5You surface in an under water cavern that is filled with air.You are in a dark under water cavern. Somehow this part of the cavern is filled with air, you can actually breathe here.The cavern is embeded in the bedrock of the swamp, everywhere you look is rock.Holy loco Batman, you're seeing things.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.I'll ship your butt outta here genius.you dive down to the watery depths of the cavern.You grab onto the edge and climb out of the water.You're not in a good position to do that.You ingeniusly put the Pouting Puffy fish in your Superplas Carry All Baggie and seal him up. You can only imagine what would happen were this guy to awaken with contact to the water which you obviosly have to return to to get out of here. Whew, that was a mouthfull.Ah, you're definately missing something here, far be it for me to tell you though.Fish, what fish, you don't have any fish, fishhead.You jump back into the water.4|h? !0)0+/%8^6CF9#!)+/ %&6C7L7#!)+/%n6C7L7##ee< 9eeN45Nk51  e^^\ 1 2  e e4kM ee e %e \e k4+M  /_Aee $ 9 1\ e )e RL P|$X.\The air filled cavern expands to this dead end.You notice a small hole in the cavern wall.The hole is empty.Inside the hole you notice what appears to be a fish.You ingeniusly put the Pouting Puffy fish in your Superplas Carry All Baggie and seal him up. You can only imagine what would happen were this guy to awaken with contact to the water which you obviosly have to return to to get out of here. Whew, that was a mouthfull.Ah, you're definately missing something here, far be it for me to tell you though.Fish, what fish, you don't have any fish, fishhead.The fish appears to be a hibernating Pouting Puffy Fish. These fish can survive for years outside water in their hibernating sleep. Ready to awaken when submerged in water.You suppose that this fish went into hibernation when this part of the cavern filled with air. You can only guess as to how long its been there.What fish, you took it already, how many fish do you want.There are rocks all over, in fact, you're are inside rock, the bedrock of the swamp that is.There are rocks and silt on the cavern floor.You carefully remove the fish from its hole. You don't want to wake it up now do you.You're not close enough.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.4 j? w!;);+/%_6C7L7#!()(+/%]kC7L7')'+ KM%# ii ib)c)jj jbcieeee ##ee # #e ze e 8e8e9ee R' i jPI$f?:vYou are in one of the many science rooms on the large spacecraft.You see Tormeenians working away at various computers and machinery.There is machinery everywhere. None of it is known to you.The Tormeenians are working hard at their tasks. Not that you know what those tasks are.We don't need any help here. Would you get lost and stop taking up so much space in here?You're a big as a House!That wasn't very nice.The roaming Tormeenian, apparently a supervisor, shoos you away since you are not working and not needed either.Why don't you go bother somebody else? Can't you see these people have work to do?Now buzz off.That was pleasant.You can't understand what you're seeing on any of the monitors, so don't waste your time.There are computers everywhere. You have no real idea what they do. Something essential to the ship's function you would imagine.There are many panels with monitors and buttons everywhere.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You see the bug-eyed aliens that are one of the species working aboard this ship. They seem like the scientists and engineers of the ship.4?,A!)+/%?_6CXLA!)+/%2#T!)+LA/-%E#!)+LA/-%?E# %U%A\+/6 K )%># ii ibcjj jbcieeE5E6E7ezeee8e8e9e e e D 8e 95 e #e+6ee7 eeeeK 8e @5e##e6ee7 #eeeeK 8e @5e##e6eeu7 #eeee[O 8eD 9<5e e!"#e#e$^9\8 7%#e&^9 e'e(O 8eD 9<5e e!"#e#e$^9\87%#e&^9e'e( R i jO(Rf*on#'rq+ J ]=}DYou are in one of the many science rooms on the large spacecraft.You see aliens working away at various computers and machinery.As in window to the soul? Has to be, because there isn't any other window even close to where you are. You're loosing it fast there Rogman. Fast.You can't understand what you're seeing on any of the monitors, so don't waste your time.There's a lot of machinery in the room. You have no idea what any of it does, but it all looks important.There are computers everywhere. You have no real idea what they do. Something essential to the ship's function you would imagine.There are many panels with monitors and buttons everywhere.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You see two Tormeenians working at their posts.The Tormeenian to the right seems to be having some trouble with the machine he is working on.You don't need to talk to him anymore. You're just a chatterbox today aren't you? Why don't you go try to do something useful. Like maybe ...., yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what to do. You'd be better off bobbing for apples in the Slime Pits of Pukeria.You once again annoy a hard working Tormeenian. You sure are a busy-body. But this actually responds to your dull dronning voice. Must be all those sequel breaks in Sleep Chambers.Oh hi. Are you supposed to be here? I thought I knew everyone assigned to Lab 7. Anyway, could you move over there, I'm very busy right now. I can't get this stupid thing to work and it's really holding me back. The last thing I need is some Newbee in my way.With that he goes back to fighting with whatever it is he's trying to fix.This guy is interestested in your conversation about as much as Tiny from Kerona was interested in giving you the best possible Spaceship for your hard earned Buckazoids.Translation, since you often need one, is that you're wasting your Xenonian breath.This guy is not only uninterested in even stopping to hear you, but likely to poke you in the eye for getting in his way.You take the mean look and complete avoidance to mean push off.You might have to burst into a run the moving Tormeenian. But being as you're about as fast as a Driterion Slug, you'll be wasting all our time. You'll still need to get closer to talk to him though. Good luck!You're also too far away from either of the other two guys to talk to them.You bother the Tormeenian again. You're lucky these aliens are so patient and nobody has put a laser hole in that hard head of yours. Anyway, the Tormeenian seems happy at the offer for help..I'd love some help! But what I really need is something to fit in here to tighten a loose circuit bolt. This stupid Mkey wrench is useless. It's too big and clunky, all it does is get stuck.From the look of those short stubby fingers I doubt you'll be able to help me. Hmmm, maybe you should go see Doc Wha'sup, your hands look awfully discolored. They're all pinky. Ick. Think about it, I hear he's a wiz at skin maladys.Ok, your feelings would be greatly hurt if you were Tormeenian, but since you aren't, you cram you hands into the pockets of your borrowed suit and try to think of something else. Actually you're amazed nobody so far has noticed your short stubby fingers. You're one lucky Xenonian, but you've always been one so what's a surprise. Oh, was I rambling on, sorry.This guy is interestested in your help about as much as Tiny from Kerona was interested in giving you the best possible Spaceship for your hard earned Buckazoids.Help me? The only way you could help me is by getting outta my way you oaf. GET LOST!!Yikes. Maybe you'd better try avoiding this guy, he seems to have some serious issues that need therapy to be dealt with. come to think of it, his pants look kind of tight, maybe that's his problem.You briefly consider offering some advice, like maybe looser drawers, but the scowl he gives you makes you re-think that idea.You might have to burst into a run to catch that wandering Tormeenian. But being as you're about as fast as a Driterion Slug, you'll be wasting all our time. You'll still need to get closer to talk to him though. Good luck!You can't give him anything anymore. You already helped him out and got his Mkey wrench. What else do you wanna do? Wipe his nose and rub his belly? Geez, give it up. You're a Janitor not a babysitter.Getting a truly brilliant, and rare, idea, you wip out your Ukey Spanner and present it to the frustrated Tormeenian.His eyes light up like Fromanian Candles and he takes it from you, handing over his useless Mkey wrench in the process.Now there's the tool I need! Where've you've been for the last two hours, I've been banging my poor fingers around inside this darn Gatzoblator and I was just about to cram a Fritzelnob in there.The Tormeenian takes the tool and starts fiddling away at the machineYou've once again solved someone else's problem by just being in the right place at the right time. If only you could find a way to solve that nagging itch you got from the swamp last sequel.Gimme that you dolt! Stop standing around and taking up space. If you don't stop lolly-gagging around my lab I'll have you arrested.Great. That was just great. That'll teach you to offer things to mean Tormeenians.You aren't quite close enough to do that partner. Maybe you should try to get a little closer to the person you want to talk to.You want to give him a what? Is that some kind of new Lap-dance or just something you presently don't have in your pocket?4^-? !;);+/%X6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!()(+/%]kC7L7!5)5+/%5CC7L7%P+% )#ee%e3e)e-e R')))).=You are in an under water tunnel of some sort.The tunnel does not appear to be natural, which leaves you wondering who made it.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You have got to kidding.You can't surface here.4 P?!m)m+/%iu76L7O6#S)8%Pq  ) %K #eebeee%e$e3e)e 2e  e l)l$+/I e 'op$&op#T# R' ` Gv>~You are in the swamp. You can see a strange creature swimming around.Actually, it looks like it is coming toward you. Fast.It looks like something that lives on the surface of the swamp water.It's very strange looking and, well, storming it's way toward you.Hmmm... I wonder what that could mean?What rocks? You're thinking of somewhere else.No trees my friend, or fours or anything else.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.There is no ship here.Ah, sorry, no time to dive, must run from strange looking creature. Swim man. Swim fast!!The strange swamp creature seems to have taken a liking to you.Well you must have tasted good, because he, or she, sure looks full.4ht|?!m)m+/%iu76L7O6#Sb c i)2%<}3%<}%<}%%<}&%<}'%<} #eebeee%e$e3e)e 2e M e l)l$+/Ibci e 'op$&op#T# R'- ` GvlYou are in the swamp. You can see a strange creature swimming around.Actually, it looks like it is coming toward you. Fast.It looks like something that lives on the surface of the swamp water.It's very strange looking and, well, storming it's way toward you.Hmmm... I wonder what that could mean?What rocks? You're thinking of somewhere else.Nope. No tree here. Momma told you not to pop those pills, now you're all goofy in the head.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.There is no ship here.Ah, sorry, no time to dive, must run from strange looking creature. Swim man. Swim fast!!The strange swamp creature seems to have taken a liking to you.Well you must have tasted good, because he, or she, sure looks full.44/?!m)m+/%iu76L7O6) # c)c/<CIee%e$eSe3e)e2e # R'U $e e e e e # 3PsVYou are in the swamp. You can see land to the East.The water appears to be discoloured in areas. As if there is something under the water.There are rocks up on land to the East.There is no sign of a tree. You're having delusions. Seek help. Fast.You can only see so much from the surface, but there does seem to be something unusual about the darker water.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.There is no ship here.OK.Something in the water has apparantly got hold of you and pulled you under .You of course drown before you are consumed slowly by what seems to be a unique form of life.Not that you care, because you are dead, but the organism is made up of millions of tiny lifeforms that work together as a whole. They immobalise their prey and then slowly break down the organic matter that make up that prey.Its an amazing symbiotic relationship that makes the lifeforms seem as one mass lying just below the surface of the water.Isn't that educational and eye opening, and, well, fatal. Maybe next time you'll be more careful.4o{|?!m)m+/%iu76L7O6#Sb c i)2%<}3%<}%<}%%<}&%<}'%<} #eebeee%e$e3e)e 2e  Me l)l$+/Ibci e 'op$&op#T# R'TTTT ` GvlYou are in the swamp. You can see a strange creature swimming around.Actually, it looks like it is coming toward you. Fast.It looks like something that lives on the surface of the swamp water.It's very strange looking and, well, storming it's way toward you.Hmmm... I wonder what that could mean?What rocks? You're thinking of somewhere else.Nope. No tree here. Momma told you not to pop those pills, now you're all goofy in the head.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.There is no ship here.Ah, sorry, no time to dive, must run from strange looking creature. Swim man. Swim fast!!The strange swamp creature seems to have taken a liking to you.Well you must have tasted good, because he, or she, sure looks full.4)V?2!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%$#!)+/%t6 CX7L7#!)+/%eL6 CX9L9#! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8# !)+L7/-%jj#!W)W+/%KD#F!)+L7/-%K^#xwxx exx#GeeF##x#W,MtIts a ship out in space, and you can even hear what the aliens are saying. Boy you sure get your money's worth with this Oracle. Ok, so you didn't pay a buckazoid, so what.We're approaching planet VM-X574 now Captain.Good. Put us in orbit and start a scan of the surface immediately.I want that escape vessel found.Right away sir. Moving into orbit now.We've got everyone available on the scanners. We'll be in range shortly.4@?2!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%$#!)+/%t6 CX7L7#!)+/%eL6 CX9L9#! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8# !)+L7/-%jj#!W)W+/%KD#F!)+L7/-%K^#xwxx X4E?2!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%$#!)+/%t6 CX7L7#!)+/%eL6 CX9L9#! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8# !)+L7/-%jj#!W)W+/%KD#F!)+L7/-%K^#xwxx Y4M "?2!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%$#!)+/%t6 CX7L7#!)+/%eL6 CX9L9#! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8# !)+L7/-%jj#!W)W+/%KD#F!)+L7/-%K^#yxi yGxz zGxyX zGxyxyzz&#####/Fy#zey)# # #iy! # # ##/Fy#y( ey)#jx exx #Gxxe#e#e#e/Fxx!eex,ex9 <rb7 U B0K F Cha'tro, contact Bul'ee down in the Brig immediately.I ordered the traitorous prisoner killed only a few minutes ago. Knowing Bul'ee, he's already taken him down to the his 'Playroom of Horrors'.As much as I want to elliminate that Xenonian Dog, we are not in a position to do anything here.This destructive pink flesh-pile could get us all evaporated if the council finds out we wiped out a Vital Timeline Lifeform.He's ruined years of work and we have to pat him on his head and wish him good voyage.I can't believe this!! Chat'ro, what's the status? We have to stop that over zelous nutball Bul'ee from frying the Xenonian's brains.I'm contacting the Brig now sir.Communications, is Resur'cha still on Comm.Yes sir.Resur'cha, what are our options here to get this mess cleaned up.Pull up that data and give me a report now Cha'tro.This situation is deteriorating rapidly.The Bomb is completely inoperable, we have an unauthorized alien on my ship running amok.This very same alien might be responsioble for destroying the Laterfusion Bomb and now Resur'cha tells me it's worse!The council is going to have my head for this.Right away sir.Cha'tro pulls up the data on his panel and quickly learns the disturbing news.The ship pulls into a stable orbit of the planet.We're in orbit Captain. Orbit is stable and we are in range to begin scanning the surface.Good. I want that ship found. I don't care how long it takes you. Understood?Yes sir. A full team is on it, we should find the vessel in no time.There's no telling what repercussions sending that ship crashing onto that planet could have caused. We've got to find out who or what was on it and what effects it may have on the future timestream.Do we have any options if the lifeform is significant to a future time period sir?Not if the lifeform is deceased. All we can do is hope either the lifeform has no affect on any future time period or that if it isn't dead, that we find it in time to try to fix this mess.There was no way to know a vessel would get in the path sir.I know. I know. But it doesn't change the mess we're in if this lifeform is important.Could you be the lifeform they were talking about Roger? Are these aliens looking for you and you little escape vessel? Only time will tell. But the next question is, what do they want with you, and what will they do with you if they find you?Perhaps you'd better get a move on to try to get off this planet, before they find you.The vision begins to fade as the Oracle gets cloudy and then begins to go dark.4v))   $eee$%7i)+/6#Me#pppeeg   9= > =  <]      8 ee e e e e e eeeeeeeees .  -      $    !  # e e ; " & ;e eeee\;eeP e e!#   1e"  3  3 Me#e$e%e&e' 2 e#e(e)e*^2e&e' 1 e#e(e+e,^1e&e' 4ae&e' #5       *     j  i  C  d  .  H  H   & % & % ! 6 7 6e- 7e.e/ K) ( % ' (e0 %e1 'e0 K + ,e2 e3) ( % ' ( % ' R4  k    +  , H  IW  H   )  )  5e4 7e5e6 NN*  e7^^\*  e8 e9NN*  e7^^\*  e8 e9WHNWHH1  #*/e:^^\ 0e;e<e=G&    D  #]0 e>^\e?Jgg  e@ eAeBVHVHS!- eC^ \ /eDeENRH:  /eF^ ^\ .eG eG eHJCC3 +&  eIeJeKeLeM\ &eN0  0GN0G0G  eOePeQ^ ^\ 'eRD0ND0D0/  eSeT^ ^\ ( ' &  eUeVeWeXJJeYeZe[e\e]e^e_e`- 0 eaeb^\ ^bJ )3</DR c!K3 , S  d % D u 7 &LEK CE} s `.@j&Lld}Alright. Well if you really want to I guess I have no choice but to abide by your wishes.You stopYou drop.You die.Roger, Roger, Roger. Is that frustration, or just irritation? Come on, there's no need for such language.Wha? Da widdle baby stuck? Oh, got to cuss up the place? Come on, you're a planet hopping, world saving Janitor type guy, you can do it.You're about as fast as a 100 year old Pinkunz when running. Besides, running will only cause undue stress to your weak bones and might induce an unplanned slip, causing breakage of said weak bones, and incapacitation of you, the janitor to the stars and part time adventurer.In other words, not going to happen, think of something else.Wheeeee.You jump a startling 5 inches, maxing out your powerful leg muscles and impressing yourself to no end.You really are a specimen Rog.A specimen of what, I don't know, but a specimen never-the-less.By the way you accomplish nothing and are back firmly on the floor, though a little giddy from your five inch flight.Errrr...Did you run off and smoke something while I wasn't looking?You have about as much chance of taking to the air as a rock has of walking to Xenon.In other words, no chance in Hearon.None.Zip.Zero.Seek help.Preferably professional help.Well Holy Lighter Locks Rogman! Your hair is blonde! How in the name of Xenon did that happen!Somehow your lovely brown hair has been turned blonde. Oh great. Just what you need, to be stereotyped before people even meet you. You know what they say about blondes? Right? Rog? You there man? Oh boy. This is gonna be tougher than I thought.You've ripped enough of your scalp out for one gameYou reach up to your newly blonde head of hair and, and, .......and rip some of those golden locks right out of your scalp.Needless to say it hurts almost worse than stubbing you pinky toe, something that's a janitor's worse nightmare, but you don't start any prolific bleeding thankfully. Amazing considering you have the grace of a Ten Ton Orat and pulled relentlessly at your poor head before getting a handfull of hair.You'll have a bald spot for the rest of this sequel for sure.Well with that very tight mask on your your very big head, it's quit impossible to even try a manoveur like that right now.Mutilate your scalp another time ok? Ok.Though you have a great desire to blast stuff, it's just not a good idea right now.Maybe you should try having one first.It's just an ordinary drink. Why do you want to see it? It's cold and tasty, ok? That's all you need to know.Ok.You grab the Spicy looking drink and gulp it in one shot.You begin feeling weird.That's just not a good idea right now. How about you try that another time.You can't drink what you don't have brainiac. Try getting one first.You grab the drink and gulp it in one shot.Absolutely nothing happens.It probably just isn't strong enough for Xenonians.You feel calm all of a sudden.Relaxed. Like all your worries just fadded away.You can't see what's in your head! Because there's nothing there! Well maybe not, but it's part of the code for clearance somewhere on the ship, and I still say you can't see it. It's a memory.It's information regarding a code if you must know. Just go away now and try to find something to do with it.You now have the entire code for access to a research lab somewhere on the ship.This is not a good place to wear that.This is just not an approriate place to wear the suit. Maybe you might need it for a high pressure situation. Get it. Ok, so I'm not Robin Williams, but you still can't use the suit here ok.This is just not an approriate place to wear the mask. Maybe you might need it later on somewhere. Maybe you're just a cleptomaniac and you pick up any bloomin' thing that isn't nailed down! I'm leaning toward the latter.Ahh, you're wearing it already Brainiac!!It's a clearance card for access to secure locations on the ship.You need a code to go with it though.You have the code to go with it thanks to your sneaky listening ability.Exploring the possabilities of your inventory, you attach the magnet to the end of the extendo rope. You now have a magnetic extendo rope, which means you should be able to grab metal objects with the magnet. Not that you'd actaully have a use for that, but you still feel like you've accomplished something. Your head kinda hurts, you should rest.Ah, you're definately missing something here, far be it for me to tell you though.You're ocmbining things you don't have. Hmmm, maybe you're thinking of another restored game, because it sure isn't this one!You use the cover you found to seal up the jar tight as can be. You feel so much more secure now, with the Terror Fish put neatly away.You try the cover you found and find it fits the empty jar.Since there is nothing to keep in the jar you keep the cover off.Look, when you want to play with imaginary things, I get scared.You smartly bend the thin nail into the shape of a hook.Huh? You be missing something there buddy. Like a few marbles maybe.You, being the complete weirdo that you are, decide to chomp on some of the mould.You have eaten some of the mould already. There really is no need to have more. You're just being greedy.What mould? The mould that's growing on your slow tail?You fill the jar with waterWhat jar? Jar? Jar Jar Binks? You have no jar.Maybe you should get in the water to make it easy to fill the jar.You smartly place the Terror Fish in the jar. Letting this guy swim around in your pants is a bad idea.You should fill the jar with water first. You don't want to kill the fish.Fish, what fish, you don't have any fish, fishhead.You size up the fruit and prepare for a bite.You decide to size up your nice juicy looking fruit for a bite.Just before you dig in, you notice a small hole in the fruit, and what looks like a worm wriggling around.Yuck! you're glad you didn't blindly bite into the sucker, worms arent high on your 'to eat' list.You pluck the little guy out of the fruit and keep him for later, hey food might be hard to find around here, you never know.What fruit? Where are you, in a market?You impress me! You attach the hook you made to the fishing line.You now have a line and hook ready to go.Don't ask me for what, you figure it out.Lets see put that on that, but wait you don't have a that. OOps, too bad, maybe you should try to have the things you try to combineWhat a genius! You bait your hook with the frica worm.Now what are you going to do with it.You need to do something first, come on think man!Maybe something is missing, like your bra.. Ah, something.What? Where?Well, not that I'd advise putting everything under the multiple suns in your mouth, but you take a taste. It doesn't taste too good and your tongue feels funny now.Well, not that I'd advise putting everything under the multiple suns in your mouth, but you pop it in your mouth. After swirling it around for a while, you decide it just isn't working. Surpressing your gag reflex you give up the idea. I'm amazed at what you put in your pockets, but now the things you put in your mouth, geez. You do need help don't you Roger?You know I'm thinking of sending you for therapy. You just have to put your hands on everything. No wonder those Latex Babes were going to do you in. Oops, wait, that didn't happen yet. Sorry. Forget I said that.I said nothing, you heard nothing, understand?Good.Go on now, shoo.You poke your nose around and take a sniff. Nothing to report though. I don't know what you were expecting anyway.You can't get that here!What do you want me to do with it?Well since the Terror Fish in the jar can swim, having jumped into the water, he swam out.Maybe sealing things up would be a good idea before you go swimming next time.4wjc_ y;y<yy= y y>y?y@ yAyCy y y yy,y-y+y orl  >_4Kwqj ggggg g g g g g g g g xpk  4Ty;Ss AGI Help F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F5 saves your current game. F7 restores a saved game. F9 restarts the game. ALT-Z quits the game. TAB shows the inventory screen. ESC pops up menus. Ctrl-J sets up your joystick. + Increases volume. - Decreases volume.4kwqj gggggggg g g g g g gggggggg xpk t,T|Dl 4\$L DEBUG MODE HELP trace on - enables tracing (SCROLL LOCK to activate)show mem - display memory stats tp - teleport pos - change ego's position show var - display value of a var set var - change value of a var show flag - display status of a flag set flag - set a flag reset flag - reset (clear) a flag object - display information about a screen object show pri - display priority screen get object - get any inventory object gimme gimme - get all inventory objectsobject room - display room number of an inventory object set pri - set ego's priority release pri - release ego's priority coords - ego's coordinates on/off 4S#xi$ #bBcBie#$$e  \ ~  | defYou are now dead.Thank you for playing Space Quest: The Lost Chapter. Better luck next time!You are dead Roger! You can only restore, restart, quit the game or view your inventory.4   !+6:@GMU^gr~ #,7@KT_hs| -:IYeu,6@IT_ft|'0@S`q&3<CSbot}'0;JZir   ) / 7 ; G L W ` e u incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4koZ4ooo?2!)+/%/^6CF#$$xwxx ##x#xe` 4q5This is the room for the item tutorial.You Marvel at the amazing looking Experimental time Machine.It is bit large for a one or two seater, and probably doesn't work, but it sure does look Spiffy.Well, as much as you're enjoying looking at it, you decide to stop and do something constructive.You are inside the now open sleep chamber.4oRooo?2!)+/%7r6CLF#!)+/%GM6CLF$$xxi ibciex##bciI /<#GxK####^48cHThis is the room for the item tutorial.Well, you suck down the Drunkerwion Blast.Underneath your Tormeenian mask you feel the effects of the powerful drink.You get dizzy and feel like the whole ship is spinning.You walk funny for a moment, see fuzzy for two moments and speak like you have a lisp for three.Thankfully you're basically none the worse for wear though. Your breath smells like a brewery and you might bump into the odd door, but you'll be fine.You hope.4f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254Z*] # '9g-Rm %v0|3 Pri %v255|2 x:%v253|3 y:%v254|34<D? !;);+/%6C7L7#!`)`+/%g6C7L7#T!F)F+/%}76C#!`)`+/%5C6C7L7#T!`)`+/%]C6C7L7#T)%#ee%e3eeee1ee )e -e  R' < IxYou've reached the end of the cave.There is a bubble made of some unknown material keeping the air in and the water out.The tunnel is carved into the bedrock of the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.Way across from where you are, across the swamp-bed, you can see what appears to be a window set into an underwater rock cliff.You can even see people moving around from behind the window. It must be an area similiar to where you are now, only much more populated.You wonder if there is some underwater civilization down here.Its a bubble of glass or something like glass.Given the depth it must be holding back tons of pressure from the water.You have got to be kidding.You can't surface here.4 P? !)+/6%@vC7L7!)+/6%WwC7L7!)+/6%enC7L7#!)+/6%_C7L7F#xd2!) +/+/6%_C7L7F#xd!)+/6%_C7L7#f!)+/6%_C7L7#!)+/6%{C7L7F# /x###f /x###xwfweee8eee:eee ?e e r9e 9e er9'eb(c(ie)/IIe93b(c(ie9eee b c ie b c ie es*ebcie ###bcie $$$9e @eex2ex3xdf exexe xexfhh)  e!-K !z D|Y#g+E$?ZCoN You are inside one of the Aquanilians underwater craft.There are buttons, knobs and switches everywhere on the panel, and a center consol with what looks like a joystick.The consol houses the joystick.There are two large buttons, one red and one blue. Besides the buttons there are three different screens on the panel.There is a green switch and there is what appears to be a stearing wheel in front of you. There is also a slot on the consolThe slot looks like something has to be inserted into it, but you have no idea what.One screen appears to be for navigation. You have no idea what the other two are for.The output on them are in an alien language.There is nothing on the screens so you can't tell anything about them.Well it looks like a joystick, it even has a red button on the top.You have no idea what it does however.The button is red. You can't tell what it does by looking at it.Two buttons stand out. A red one and a blue one.There is one green switch that stands out.You press the red button.Well it seems your genius has done it again Roger. Nobody can flip switches and press buttons like you. You are the master! The ship starts descending into the depths below.Ok. Absolutely nothing happened. Isn't that just great. I mean what's a button there for if it doesn't do anything? No you're mad. Not very mad, but mad.You press the blue button.You'll need to specify which of the many buttons you want to press.You'd think you would have picked that up by now.Geez.You hear a strange noise coming from below the ship. It sounds like something moving. Maybe you moved the platform from under the ship.You hear the noise again from under the ship. You really wonder what that sound is.You need to be a bit more specific about the switch there Rog.You flip the green switch.You hear the sound of engines coming to life. Now you're getting somewhere Roger.You hear the engines cut off.It has to be the major form of navigation once the craft is started.You were thinking maybe it was for taking up space.You continue through the underwater canyon.You return to where the crashed vessel is at the edge of the canyon.You eventually see something up ahead. It looks like you might have arrived at wherever it is you were headed. Of course you have no idead where that is.The ship submerges beneath the murky water.4 +? !:):+/%&6C7L7#!U)U+/%gCL7#T!_)_+/%SCL7#T!?)?+/%!C6 CL7#T!)+/% 6hz !)+/% CL7Fez  oy@)@YDOy6e %+x8 oX+% lx h%6X6 /# QrKs#hB'>??GM@e6X Q2r ?lM@e6X Qxrex eeQJpx '78 hreee)e!e  !e ) G e #e e G e #e e G e #e e2 G& )ee#z #Ieee e Q e e/e3ep p o e8 oXr r es se-e R 8_`{Wtxc*Gq A s  - You head your craft toward the canyon.You need to move to a better place to exit the city.You have arrived at an enormous underwater city. Your guess is it is the Aquinilian City. You see ships moving around and amazing structures built up both into the canyon walls and up fron the swamp bed.You are inconspicuos in your little ship, which obviously belongs to someone who lives here, but you have no idea what your next move is.You look out of your small ship at some of the aliens moving about in one of the many tubes that connect these fascinating underwater buildings.You are in an underwater city of unknown origin. There are buildings everywhere and other ships moving around.There is a large door set into the canyon wall.There are a few ships going back and forth through the city.It appears to be a door into a docking bay for ships. Of course you're only guessing, but it sure looks like it.Are you nuts!! How in the name of all Xenon are you planning to do that? If you want to dock in the bay you have to communicate with the aliens to have them open the door.Having the buring desire to park the ship inside the docking bay, you start playing with the instruments inside the ship. Amazingly you hear an alien come on the communications device, which you still can't find, but who cares. You can hear what he is saying.This is Security. Input Clearance code now.Alright! Now all you have to do is pass their security indentification and you're in.Perhaps you should position your craft a little closer to the door if you're even going to attempt that.Getting a brainstorm, you fumble out the Clearance Module you found inside the crashed underwater ship. You look around until you find a slot that looks like it might fit and you slap the sucker in.You hear a noise that can't really be described with words, so don't ask, and then the alien comes over the commincations device again.Clearance code accepted. Please dock now.That guy sure is short and to the point. Never-the-less, you just got past security, so get ready to dock.Ahhh, you have no box. You have no brain either from the sounds of things. You don't even have a box of cookies! What are you doing out there man. Focus! Focus!Well, you continue to amaze me Roger. You're now on your way into the heart of the underwater city. Aren't you excited. Ok. Be that way.You move into the bay and the clamps come down to hold your ship steady.The buildings rise up from the swamp bed and some are connected by tubes. There also seem to be structures built into the canyon wall.There are buildings rising up from the swamp bed.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.You go brave into the brightly lit city, not knowning what perils might be waiting for you.The docking bay door closes behind you.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the ship ceiling, trying desperately to get the ship to go up to the surface. Of course it does not.41/gS///?2!)+/%8Z6 CF#!)+/%IU6 CL%rutsutsu#u$ # # # # #uee&##u#u2$ # #u&k#uG&R#u3&) #& # #&#u[&#uo&)#uy&##u&= # #&`=#u&R=#u&i=#u&9&8&#u&'#u&4 #& #&&#t& #t&q#t)&#t=&#tQ&%#te&(#ty&[#t&l#t&i&ib # # #&i#t&si#t&=i#t&n&&*#t& #uF$ # #     #  #  #    #    #    #    # #uuZE$ # # 8  # # 8 #8! #uun"$" ## # $ #% #uux'$& #' #( # -) #* #uu$+ # , #- #uu6$ . #  / #   0 #uuB$1 #2 # < 5 =3 #4 # <5 # 56 #uuR$7 #8 #  9 #  8: #  8: #  8; #uu$< #= #> # ? # 8@ #8A #  $ .B #  $ .C #  $ .C #  $ .C #  $ .D #  $ .D #  $ .D #  $ .E #uu$F #G #uu($H #I #J #K #L #M #N #ut'$O #P #Q # .R #S #tt($T #U #tt<"$V #W # X #Y #ttP5$ %%Z #[ #\ # )] #^ #_ #ttd"$ )` #a #b #c #ttx$d #e #f #g #tt"$h #i # $j #k #tt$l #m #n #ttU$ .Eo #p # + ,q # + ,r # + ,r # + ,s #t #tt'$u #v #w # =x #y #tt$z #{ #| #tt<$} #~ #w # x #   #   #tt$ # #t#eeee9ee: eeeee8eeh( >,aQL?EO& v  x 7  ; 7 p XRg)e4qAb@2~N*[%d9g[U` '!n!!!2"c"" #3#`##${$$$[%%%%%&6&&&+'U''($(w((Welcome to Wilco Interactive.I am, in essence, YOU. I was programmed to assist you in your present timeline from your distant future. Space Quest XII in fact.You, aided by expert programmers, created me to make your life easier in your past.I am limited in the help I can offer you in order to not affect the natural occurance of events, however I have a vast database of information on you and your exploits.Please feel free to ASK ABOUT anything that you would like to know about.You're looking at a Computer consol.You can see Roger Wilco on the screen in the center.Roger Wilco is a janitor from the planet Xenon.He is in fact YOU.You will have to specify which ship are you asking about.There are two crashed ships, one Blue and the other Grey.You will have to specify which one you are reffering to.You need to specify which cave you are speaking about.There is a Mountain Cave, the Terror Fish Cave and the Tentacle Cave.You will have to specify what kind of fish you are speaking about.You will have to specify which pod you are speaking about.Sorry Roger, but you will have to specify which tentacles you are speaking about.There are two tentacled creatures in the swamp depths. One is the CAVE TENTACLE and the other is the GREEN TENTACLE.Somewhere on land there is an EYE TENTACLE.Sorry Roger, but I cannot tell you about that. You will have to find out yourself.The Tiny Toothed Terror Fish can be captured.There are many items you need to collect in order to do it.You have what you need to capture the Terror Fish in your inventory now.You have what you need to capture and safely keep the the Terror Fish in your inventory now.You do not have anything you need to capture the Terror Fish in your inventory now.You do not have all the items you need to capture the Terror Fish in your inventory now.You already captured the Terror Fish, there is no more you need to know about it.The Pouting Puffy Fish can be captured and taken out of it's cave.There is one specific item you need to collect in order to do it.You have what you need to capture the Pouting Puffy Fish in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need to take the Puffy Fish out of his cave.You already have the Pouting Puffy Fish, there is no more you need to know about it.You already caught and released the Pouting Puffy Fish. You don't need any more information on it.You can gain entry to the large grey crashed ship.There is one specific item you need to enter the ship.You have what you need to gain entry to the grey crashed ship in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need to gain entry to the grey crashed ship.You are presently at the Blue crashed ship.You traveled back in time to program ME, Wilco Interactive, onto this ship's consol.There is an item you can get from the Blue crashed ship.You have what you need from the blue crashed ship in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need from the blue crashed ship.There is an item you need to breathe underwater.You have what you need to breathe underwater in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need to breathe underwater.You cannot use the nail as it is. Perhaps if you alter it in some way it can be of use.You have already put the nail to use. There is nothing more you need to know about it.You do not have the nail, but you will need it later on.The mountain cave cannot be entered beyond the cave mouth itself.There is an item you can get from the cave however, but you will need another item in order to retrieve it.You have what you need to get the item from the cave in your inventory now.You do not yet have the item you need to retrieve the object from the mountain cave.You already have the item from the mountain cave. There is nothing more you need from the cave.You already used the item from the mountain cave. There is nothing more you need from the cave.The cave behind the Tiny toothed Terror Fish can be entered.You have to capture the Terror fish in order to enter the cave.You have not retrieved the items you need from the terror fish cave.You have retrieved one of the items you need from the cave.You have retrieved both of the items you need from the cave. There is nothing more you need to know about it.The cave protected by the tentacle creature that comes out through the swamp bed can be entered.You have to use a hard earned item to get past the creature.There are a few items to retrieve inside that cave.You have the necessary item to get past the tentacle protecting the cave.You do not have the necessary item to get past the tentacle creature in the cave.You presently have access to the cave protected by the tentacle creature.You have not retrieved any of the the items you need from the tentacle cave.You have retrieved one of the items you need from the tentacle cave.You have retrieved two of the items you need from the tentacle cave.You have retrieved all of the items you need from the tentacle cave. There is nothing more you need to know about it.You will encounter many panels, buttons and switches along the way.You will have to USE many of the PANELs, PRESS many of the BUTTONs and FLIP many of the SWITCHes to help in your adventure.I am Wilco Interactive.An Artificial Intelligence Program based on your knowledge and experience.I was created in the future and sent back to the past to assist you.You can ASK ABOUT different things concerning your present predicament and I will attempt to help you.I will not be able to help in all situations, as some things will affect the natural, and necessary, occurance of events in your timeline.Some of the things you might ask must be found out by you in your own time.However, I will reveal any information that I can to assist you.You can use the pod inside the large grey crashed ship.It is in fact a Teleportation Pod.There is one specific item you need to use the pod.You have what you need to use the pod inside the grey crashed ship in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need to use the pod inside the grey crashed ship.You cannot return to your Escape Pod at this time.There is nothing you need inside the escape pod and nothing else you need to know about it.You can actually turn on the Warp inside the large grey crashed ship.There is one specific item you need to do this.You have what you need to turn on the warp inside the grey crashed ship in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need to turn on the warp inside the grey crashed ship.You can actually gain entry to the Underwater City.There are many things you must accomplish before you can do this.There is one specific item you need to gain entry to the City.You have what you need to gain entry to the Underwater City in your inventory now.You do not have the item you need to gain entry to the Underwater City.I cannot tell you about the Underwater City at this time.The Clearance Module is actually used to gain access to the Underwater City.You must Communictae with the Aliens inside, and then Use the Box.There is one specific item you need to gain entry to the Underwater City.I cannot tell you about the Clearance Module unless you have it in your possession.You are on a heavily vegetated planet, in your time called only VM-X574.In the centuries to come this planet will recieve a new name and be heavily populated.As you have always done, you will leave a lasting mark on the aliens of this world.Let's hope it's not the stain of your dead body.You can get past the door at the end of the Maze.There is one specific item you need to get past the door.You have the necessary item to get past the door. Simply Use the Panel to get past the door.You do not yet have the item you require to get through the door at the end of the Maze.If you want to Catch Fish on this planet there are many things you must get.When you have the items you need, simply find a good location and Cast your Line and Catch the Fish.You might want to find out about the Tiny Toothed Terror Fish regarding this.You can explore the Vercotron without being captured by the guards.There is are two specific items you need to do this.You have what you need to explore the Vercotron in your inventory now.You have one of the items you need to explore the Vercotron in your inventory now.You do not have the items you need to explore the Vercotron.I cannot tell you about the Vercotron at this time.The Eye Tentacle protects something in his cave.You do not need to enter the cave, however a little way in you might be able to see more clearly what's being hidden.You need a specific item to get what's in the cave.You presently have the item you need.You presently do not have the item you need.The Green Tentacle creature has something lying underneath it that you need.The only way to get it is use your sneaky janitor skills and be very careful not to wake the creature.With those sensative tentacles snaked all over the rock formation it lives in, it will be very tricky.The Cave Tentacle blocks the path to the interior of the cave.You can get past the tentacles with a little enginuity.You presently do not have the item you need, however you have another item that will help you obtain it.You presently do not have the item you need or anything to help you obtain it.It is just dangerous wildlife.Don't waste your time on it.It's YOU.Well a very good likeness of you anyway.My, you're a handsome devil.Essentially it's a visual representation of you used by the program to communicate.There are many buttons and switches of different colors on the consol.There is no need to use them, the screen displaying YOU, seems to respond to audio input.There are three screens that you can see.One looks like a Navigation screen of some sort, the other is off.The screen in the center appears to be functioning properly, and you can see Roger Wilco looking back at you.Funny. I though that was you.The screen, which is running a program obviously, seems to respond to audio input.There are panels all over the consol.You can't really use them. There is no need, use audio input to communicate with the program.4 `e? !)+/6%@vC7L7!)+/6%WwC7L7!)+/6%enC7L72!) +/+/6%_C7L7F#xd!)+/6%{C7L7F# /x###xweee9ee8eee:e e e ?e e r9er9(eeb(c(i eIe9#b(c(ie bcie ebci s*ebcie ###bcie $$$9e@eehh) x2ex3xdexexf ef-Kp <t9dY1x$.D_k.You are inside one of the Aquanilians underwater craft.There are buttons, knobs and switches everywhere on the panel, and a center consol with what looks like a joystick.The consol houses the joystick.Two buttons stand out. A red one and a blue one.There is one green switch that stands out.There are two large buttons, one red and one blue. Besides the buttons there are three different screens on the panel.There is a green switch and there is what appears to be a stearing wheel in front of you. There is also a slot on the consoleThe slot looks like something has to be inserted into it, but you have no idea what.One screen appears to be for navigation. You have no idea what the other two are for.The output on them are in an alien language.There is nothing on the screens so you can't tell anything about them.Well it looks like a joystick, it even has a red button on the top.You have no idea what it does however.The button is red. You can't tell what it does by looking at it.With that exit door to the North open you cannot flood the bay to open the bay door so you can exit. Or is it that you want to flood the entire structure and wipe out every living alien inside? Come on Roger. you're not that mean, are you?You press the red button.Well it seems your genius has done it again Roger. Nobody can flip switches and press buttons like you. You are the master!Ok. Absolutely nothing happened. Isn't that just great. I mean what's a button there for if it doesn't do anything? No you're mad. Not very mad, but mad.You press the blue button.You hear a loud CLANK, come from behind the ship. It might be that you have unlocked the docking bay door.You hear the loud CLANK again from behind the ship.You flip the green switch.You hear the sound of engines coming to life. Now you're getting somewhere Roger.You hear the engines cut off.It has to be the major form of navigation once the craft is started.You were thinking maybe it was for taking up space.You continue through the underwater canyon.You eventually see something up ahead. It looks like you might have arrived at wherever it is you were headed. Of course you have no idead where that is.The docking bay fills with water and the door opens. Your craft moves out through the door on a pre-programmed route and you once again are out in the underwater city.4{/h|///?2!)+/%IZ6 CF#!)+/%F:6 CL!)+/%P^6 CLF#xy%rYxyGxyx #Gxx6 eeeFx7x8 #Gx:xTeeee e e e #xUx|eeeeeeex}x eeexxeeeYyeeeee #!#yy(e"e#e$e%&#y)y2e'(#)#*#y3y<e+e,e-.#/#/+`0k3x&; f   $ [ SxXDThe Captain is on Comm now Resur'cha.Captain, I have some disturbing news coming out of the DNA Lab.It seems an un-indentified Tormeenian placed a sample on the DNA Decoder while Gre'loo was working on it.He ran the analysis and the DNA turned out to be Xenonian.But we have no Xenonian on board.Exactly Captain.When I got this report I started putting together a few mysteries that have popped up on board in the last hour or so.Firstly, an odd readout popped up on my computer, it appeared to be an unauthorized transport from the planet surface. Something that is impossible.I now believe a transport did take place.People all over the ship have reported seeing an un-identified Tormeenian, who apparantly not only was very skilled, but knew about sensative data concerning the Laterfusion Bomb.In fact, he had access to the Lab where the next prototype is housed.It seems it was this Tormeenian who disabled the Bomb and was captured by our guards inside the Lab.WHAT!?! But I was informed the alien traitor who damamged the bomb was not Tormeenian.That's correct Captain.Upon apprehension, it was discovered that this 'Tormeenian', was nothing of the sort.He was wearing a disguise that seems to have fooled people from the observation deck all the way down to the Bomb Research Lab.I belive this alien to be the Xenonian.I believe he not only survived the crash, but through sheer genius and enginuity, managed to transport himself onboard the Vercotron.The sensor sweep has picked up an old Vessel, originally a scout ship from the Vercotron amazingly enough.I believe this Xenonian somehow used the damaged ships instrumentation and materials to rig a makeshift transporter to teleport himself here.As luck would have it, had we not been in orbit at the time, the Xenonian would have teleported into space and been killed. But our timing it seems, was perfect.His makeshift teleporter picked up the Vercotron signature and teleported him onboard.As to exactly why he has disabled the Bomb, or what else he has been up to since arrival, I'm clueless.As hard as this all is to swallow, it gets worse.Having gotten the results of the DNA Decoding, I ran the signature through the Time Dilator and I think we might have a serious problem.I'm forwarding the data to the bridge now.We've got to move fast sir.We have located his escape pod relatively undamaged on the planet surface. We have to beam it onboard and effect any necessary repairs immediately.I've already calculated his most likely position using the co-ordinates and time of first encounter Ken'ro regestered on his scanners before he lost the pod with the radiation interference, the approximate speed the vessel was drifting at and the time elapsed.I believe the results are quite acurate, and provided we move fast I think we will get him back where he is supposed to be at this time.The program is running on time lapse, so as time passes it updates the position, but we still need to move as fast as possible.Understood. Cha'tro, have the pod beamed into the Docking bay and order all available maintainance personnel to the bay now.Resur'cha. Did the DNA analysis show up any effects by the radiation?Actually, we had enough Xenonian backup data on file to get an idea of what we should have found with our stowaway.There are a few anomolies that turned up with the DNA sample as compared to normal Xenonian DNA. Factoring in normal DNA variances, there still seems to have been a few side effects to the radiation bombardment from the Laterfusion Bomb explosion.The only major one we could determine for sure was that the alien's fur appears to have been altered in color.The Laterfusion Radiation appears to affect many natural pigments in this way, but I would suggest we try to restore the original fur color before we place the alien back in stasis.Hmmmm. are you sure that's necessary?I've had my assistant work up a solution that will simulate the Xenonian's natural fur color already. The re-coloring effect might not be permanent, but I do suggest we proceed with it.Very well. Contact the Brig and let them deliver the alien to you for treatment.We'll notify you as soon as we have the escape pod ready.What about memory? Will you have to attempt erasing the last few hours from the creatures brain?I will administer a drug that should make the last day a blur, but our methods for memory removal are too harsh on alien brains.though the alien might be able to remember some or even all of what has taken place, it's doubtful that it will seem as anything other than a dream if we return everything to normal and place it back in space.I think our Brain Wiping machinery too dangerous to try on so primative a mind as this.Very well. Proceed with dealing with the alien.Captain out4'?!)+/%gi6CFIJJwJ%g+/#b(c(iJ%g(+/#b(c(iJ%l(+/#b(c(iJ %p(+/#b(c(iJ %u(+/#b(c(i! 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A natural result since you can't get in this door without clearance.You are in a corridor.You can see a door on the North wall.The door is automatic.hereThe panel consists of lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.44?,!)+/O4%cF#!)+/O4%x}F#!)+/%46C# %A\+/6 K )%>#ee!e NQA\'9:9d#9xCSoGCSpGE55eFE88eFeeeteo oMFMFMFeFp pMFMFMFeF R'?kkI~r5RYou are in a corridor that leads to the West and East.There are two Ghinusion guards standing to the East.The is no door here.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly throw you in the Brig.The guards look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.Its a corridor heading West.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.4{4\?!)+/O4%cF#!)+/O4% }F#!)+/%(6C# #ee!e NQA\'9:9P#9CSoGCSpGE55eFE88eFeeeteo oMFMFMFeFp pMFMFMFeF R'$I~r5RYou are in a corridor that leads to the West and East.There are two Ghinusion guards standing to the West.The is no door here.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly throw you in the Brig.The guards look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.Its a corridor heading West.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.45]4nb W888666eeeMee$ee+ee e e %e e  R'q? ?`p,OYou can see a rock formation here.It seems to form a rock pathway.The path rises up from the ground and seems to lead to the North West.There are some vines growing over various parts of the rock formation.These vines don't look very useful though.There's one large tree visible to the North and others scattered around the landscape.That's the general idea with a jungle.There are all kinds of plants here, none of which seem useful to you. some of them are very pretty though.Like 'pretty' has ever helped you, right?The path is made entirely of rock.It rises up from the ground and seems to lead to the North.The rock is hard and grey.Besides the grey part it is reminiscant of your head.4 ?t% U#WPVUM  U',77Mo(XU(XUa6 X)a+OPb,c,iXa6 X)a+OPb,c,iX7ia6X)a+OPb,c,iX7Ma6X)a+OPb,c,iX79a6X)a+OPb,c,iX7a6 X)a+OPb,c,iX aX)a+OPb,c,iXeeeMee$eeMee +e e e e%e ee R'',77o7v70$#$#t~ Cf A-HYou are walking on a rock pathway.The path curves to the South and you can return East as well.It's a good way up from the ground below.There are some vines growing over various parts of the path.These vines don't look very useful though.There one large tree visible to the South West, and lots of others all around you.You haven't a pray of reaching any of them, so don't bother trying.As is the case with many of the trees around here, there are lots of vines hanging everywhere.The vines hanging from the trees are not in your reach.There are all kinds of plants here, none of which are useful to you and all of which are out of your reach anyway.The path is made entirely of rock.The path leads to the East and South.The path is made of rock. Or didn't you notice?The rock is hard and grey.Besides the grey part it is reminiscant of your head.4C )? |%S+s%r+6#WUPM  U',77{a6X)a+OPb,c,iX7za6X)a+OPb,c,iXeeeeMee$eeMe e +e e e ee%eee R's$#|u"E;e7$?You are walking on a rock pathway.The path curves to the South West and you can return North as well.The way to the East is blocked.It's a good way up from the ground below.There are some vines growing over various parts of the path.These vines don't look very useful though.There one large tree visible to the West.You haven't a pray of reaching it, so don't bother trying.As is the case with many of the trees around here, there are lots of vines hanging everywhere.The vines hanging from the trees are not in your reach.There are all kinds of plants here, none of which are useful to you and all of which are out of your reach anyway.The path is made entirely of rock.The path leads to the North and South.The path is made of rock. Or didn't you notice?The rock is hard and grey.Besides the grey part it is reminiscant of your head.4Mo ooo?2yzy eeeyy#ex2zFeeeezP Ky%You are turned from a pink nuisance to a bright RED one.The buff was never one of your better states.Though embrassment is all too common to you.You're then re-dressed and taken to Resur'cha.Your entire body is treated with the solution to turn your 'fur' back to brown.Besides it burning your skin and the funny smell, you come out unscathed by your chemical bath.You're re-dressed, yet again.You begin to feel like meat.4?!)+/%Zn 9 >#YX!)+/%^#!)+/%6!)+/%!e#!)+/%# )%7w777{{`Y{#{eeee 9 .e)eeee e e e d 9 >e ee)ee )d 9 > eeeee ))d 9 >eeeee Wis`ee+ *# M+eee# ee e!N- *% M+ eee# ee e!!e"e#e$e%8 e&e'e(e)e*8e+ e,$ e-r9b(c(i uje.\=e/bci7u777{e0e1e2e3d 9 >e4e5e6-Q@9l e/bci7u777e0e7 e.e8e9s9Rb(c(i ?3e:%e;bci7v777e0e< e=$ { e:e8e9l l+-Q@mm6 m$b=c=ie>e?e@eA^.^-_> ^;^%^$^^^ ^^^1^3^2^4$ MeBeCeDF)8O8C+-Q2pp pQFdoo o{U eEeFeGeH# bcieIeJeKeL) ) eMeNeOePeQeReSeT eUeSeTr9eVeWeXs9eYeZeX9e[e\:e]9e^-  $e_e`eaeb# Rb`oJ*]0,m J } 3 o N  8 a g   V %wkE(JCpZ FYk0wdYou've entered the Docking Bay.It's quite large, with many ships parked inside.You can see a panel on the large purple pole near the center of the Bay.The large Bay Doors are off to the North wall and the door out is to the East.You can see the Experimental Ship inside the Bay.There are a number of ships here.All of them look familiar.A couple are advanced versions of the Escape Pod you used to get off the Arcada.That was so long ago you're impressed you remember.A few others look a lot like the lame ship Tiny from Kerona tried to sell you.Again you're impressed at your memory.It's not often I get to say that, so feel proud.One ship stands out though. It looks like an experimental ship but you have no real way of knowing that.This is just not a good time to do that.What? Are you thirsty or something?You can't board any of these ships Roger.As much as you would like to fly out of here, all these ships need re-fueling and you won't be able to fly any of them.You can't board the experimental ship Roger.You're just not sure the thing is safe.Besides, after hearing about people getting turned to mush, that just isn't something you want to do.Wha'? Those halucinations getting worse huh?Maybe you should lay down or something.The ship is not bad looking, but it seems as if it is unfinished.The two Tormeenians working on the ship seems to have gone.You wonder if they fried themselves or just hoofed it when you open the Bay doors.They doesn't seem to be any remains on the ground, so maybe they just took off.Then again perhaps they got the darn thing to work!Deciding to secure yourself in case there is a sudden decompression of the Docking Bay, you attach your trusty rope around the pole.We could only guess what would cause a sudden decompression of the Docking bay.His name might rhyme with Dodger.You're too far away from the pole to do that.You really haven't gotten this distance thing down yet have you?That would be nice if you had a rope, which you don't, so tough.The huge Bay doors are on the North wall.The door out of the Bay is to the East.The Pole goes from the ground to the rather high roof of the Docking Bay.You can see a panel on the South side of the pole.The panel has a screen and some buttons underneath it.It's like most of the panels you've run into in other words.Two buttons are larger than the others. One red, the other green.Another common site on the panels you have experience with.Perhaps it's a trend.You have to be more specific. What do you want to do on the panel?You release the rope from around the pole.Huh? Remove the rope from where? Your pants?You press the red button but nothing happens.You press the Red button and hear a weird noise come from the North.Apparently that was a Force Field protecting the Inner Chamber.Fortunately for you, you're secured to the pole.The air begins to be sucked out of the Docking Bay.Pretty soon you won't be able to beathe.Wait.Something is happening.It seems the Experimental Ship was not secured to the Docking Bay floor like the other ships,it's starting to be pulled outside.This does not look good.You once again seem to think you're the Amazing Stretch-Man.But alas, you are not, and therefore can in no way reach the button from where you are.You press the green button but nothing happens.You press the Green button and hear a weird noise come from the North.The Force field comes up and the Docking Bay is cut off from the vacuum of space.The vacuum no longer present you detach your rope.The ship floats out into space. There goes who knows how much work and how many Buckazoids.You hope you did the right thing. You could have set back those Tormeenians' Time Research by years.Unfortunately, some of the things in your pocket seem to have flown out with the force of the suction from outside.You're very lucky that Tormeenian mask is so tight on your head, or you might have lost that as well.The force Field having gone down. The air begins to be sucked out into space.That's what happens when you open something in a vacuum, of which space is a huge one.You of course are sucked right along with the air in the Bay.Well choosing not to put back up the force field, you sufficate as all the air is sucked out of the Docking bay.You remain attached to the pole, a grim testament to the folly of janitors.Your frozen, and quite unappealing, corpse is found some time later by the crew members of the ship.They poke and prod at your body for a few weeks, before deciding there was nothing to be done with you, and you eventually join the Experimental ship out in space as they jetison you like so much garbage.You smash your face into an unseen barrier.It appears to be a force field of some kind.The tight mask feels even tighter now.Great.How exactly do you plan on doing that?The ship is bigger than your pockets, amazing though they may be.Bigger than your pants, also amazing since they house those extraordinary pockets.Hearon man, the Ship is bigger than YOU.There is no way to take it.The barrier is invisible.You can't see it.Apparently this didn't sink in.The force field is invisible.The Red button has a symbol on it that you do not recognise.And yes, it's red.A nice shade too.The Green button has a symbol on it that you do not recognise.And yes, it's green.You have to specify which button you want to look at.Otherwise though, all the buttons are smooth and colorful.There is a small screen on the panel, but you can't tell what's on it.You have to specify which button you want to press.You are sucked right out into space, where unfortunately even mould in your lungs can't help you breathe.You freeze and sufficate in the immense cold and airless vacuum that is Space.You die quick, but float for enternity as a Tormeenian covered Xenonian icicle.You scare many a child on interstellar cruises.4M?<!)+/%Zn 9 .#YX!)+/%alL< 9 .#!)+/%noL< 9 .#!)+/%^#!)+/%!e#d!)+/%# 9 > xyxyxy)%#xyxyxyheee##### # # # # ########d_>eeeeeee 9 .eee) ) ee e!e"e#)e$e%e&e'e(e)e* 9 .e+ ) 9 .e,e-e.e/ 9 .e0e1e.e/ 9 .e2e3e.e/!e4e5)e6e7 ) 9 . e8e9e:e.e/e;e<8 e=e>e?e@eA8eBr9Cb(c(i 0%eCeDbci7u777eEeF eCeGeHs9Cb(c(i 0$eIeDbci7v777eEeJ eIeGeH$ MeKeLeMF)8O8C+-Q2pp pQFdoo o" bcieNeOePeQeReSeTeUeV eWeUeVr9eXeYeZs9e[e\eZ9e]e^:e_9e`-  $eaebeced# RdW(\L%|`Rc/["k'Kr 0 L n  i * l @ 5 _ ,!X)l8uO2^,>^|2h'After hanging around for ages, the Tormeenians either get used to you or forget you're there.Based on past experience, it's probably the latter.In any case you overhear a conversation the two Tormeenians start up.You really think we're going to get this thing to work?Sure. We're on to something here. All we have to do is get these components to stop frying and we're in business.We have to stop it from turning people into mush as well.That was a fluke I tell you. The way I see it, pretty soon we'll be able to get this sucker up and running. After that there'll be no limit to what we can do.Using the Time Dilator technology, I'm sure we're going to crack this thing wide open.Just think what it's going to mean to be able to move through time itself!!If the Captain ever found out we were close he'd be jumping out his skin.Of course I don't want to be the one to tell him we slagged three volunteers.He probably knows already. Besides, they were prisoners, nobody cares.Have you thought of what you'd call it if we get it running properly?I was thiking something like the TIMESLUG 1.0, or maybe I could name it after my number one wife....The HEARIBROAD!!Errr... Maybe you should stick with the Timeslug.You think?Yeah, it has a nice ring to it..and it doesn't sound like a Krulermion Fur Pig.HEY!!!!Wow Roger. These guys are working on a Time Machine!!Not that it helps you, but it's still cool.I don't think there is any need to that right now. The Bay doors are securely closed anyway. What would be the point?You've entered the Docking Bay.It's quite large, with many ships parked inside.You can see a panel on the large purple pole near the center of the Bay.The large Bay Doors are off to the North and the door out is to the East.You can see two Tormeenians working on some kind of Ship inside the Bay.This is just not a good time to do that.What? Are you thirsty or something?How exactly do you plan on doing that?The ship is bigger than your pockets, amazing though they may be.Bigger than your pants, also amazing since they house those extraordinary pockets.Hearon man, the Ship is bigger than YOU.There is no way to take it.There are a number of ships here.All of them look familiar.A couple to the back are advanced versions of the Escape Pod you used to get off the Arcada.That was so long ago you're impressed you remember.A few others look a lot like the lame ship Tiny from Kerona tried to sell you.Again you're impressed at your memory.It's not often I get to say that, so feel proud.One ship stands out though. It looks like an experimental ship but you have no real way of knowing that.The ship is not bad looking, but it seems as if it is unfinished.The two Tormeenians working on the ship are the only reason you think so.Wha'? Those halucinations getting worse huh?Maybe you should lay down or something.The two Tormenians are working on that strange ship.They seem kind of suspicious of you, but only when they notice you.They are not interested in speaking to you.They're quite busy and are being rather secretive.The huge Bay doors are on the North wall.The door out of the Bay is to the East.You can't board any of these ships Roger.As much as you would like to fly out of here, all these ships need re-fueling and you won't be able to fly any of them.You can't board the experimental ship Roger.You're just not sure the thing is safe.Besides, the Tormeenians are likely to be a tad bit upset at you for messing around with their project don't you think?The Pole goes from the ground to the rather high roof of the Docking Bay.You can see a panel on the South side of the pole.The panel has a screen and some buttons underneath it.It's like most of the panels you've run into in other words.Two buttons are larger than the others. One red, the other green.Another common site on the panels you have experience with.Perhaps it's a trend.You have to be more specific. What do you want to do on the panel?You press the red button but nothing happens.You press the Red button and hear a weird noise come from the North.Apparently that was a Force Field protecting the Inner Chamber.This does not look good.You once again seem to think you're the Amazing Stretch-Man.But alas, you are not, and therefore can in no way reach the button from where you are.You press the green button but nothing happens.The Force field comes up and the Docking Bay is cut off from the vacuum of space.The force Field having gone down. The air begins to be sucked out into space.That's what happens when you open something in a vacuum, of which space is a huge one.You of course are sucked right along with the air in the Bay.You smash your face into an unseen barrier.It appears to be a force field of some kind.The tight mask feels even tighter now.Great.There is no reason to walk all the way to the Bay doors.You really are idle aren't you?The barrier is invisible.You can't see it.Apparently this didn't sink in.The force field is invisible.The Red button has a symbol on it that you do not recognise.And yes, it's red.A nice shade too.The Green button has a symbol on it that you do not recognise.And yes, it's green.You have to specify which button you want to look at.Otherwise though, all the buttons are smooth and colorful.There is a small screen on the panel, but you can't tell what's on it.You have to specify which button you want to press.You are sucked right out into space, where unfortunately even mould in your lungs can't help you breathe.You freeze and sufficate in the immense cold and airless vacuum that is Space.You die quick, but float for enternity as a Tormeenian covered Xenonian icicle.You scare many a child on interstellar cruises.4P?!m)m+/%iu76L7O6#S)8%Pq  ) %K #e%e$e3e)e2e 8 el)l$+/I e'op$&op#T# R'yyR4You are in the swamp. You can see a very large swamp tree here.What rocks? You're thinking of somewhere else.There is a large tree that extends to the West.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.There is no ship here.OK.The strange swamp creature seems to have taken a liking to you.Well you must have tasted good, because he, or she, sure looks full.4-?)7%Pq  ) %K #e%e$e3e)e2e 7 R'xN}You are in the swamp. You can see a very large swamp tree here.What rocks? You're thinking of somewhere else.There is a large tree that extends to the East.I'll give you some bubbles bubble-head.There is no ship here.OK.4p:? )+/7z8O7|%F{%F+#z eeeeez"MeeF)+-O8  ob,c,i$ee e e `e $e e%eee R{o o$ee#|f(E+u a} IYou see rock. Lot's of rock.Well it could have something to do with the mountain, which is made of rock, that you are climbing on.Just watch where you're climbing and try not to fall.Ok?Ok.Your arms eventually give out and your fingers loose their grip.You can't keep your balance with just your big feet so you start to fall.You can see a couple of the top branches of the large tree.They're green.Whoopie!The steps have been eroded over many years and can't really function as they once did.The mountain has what appears to be steps carved into it's side.Do you want to fly onto it?The only wood here must be your noggin, because there sure isn't any where you are.It's rock.It's hard and heavy.Sort of like your head.You eventually hit the ground, making a large mess when you do.You die instantly of course.4y3?, R)R+/7z8O7} o%Fd#z eeeeezFMeeFO8/  ob,c,io/=ee =e e `e %e ee Re o}o o$ee#z~&Hybn!aYou see a cave opening above you.It seems to be the cave you saw from down below.The one to the right of the waterfall.You did see that right?Well, either way, it's a cave.Your arms eventually give out and your fingers loose their grip.You can't keep your balance with just your big feet so you start to fall.You can only see a short way inside from here, clinging on for dear life on the side of a mountain as you are.Maybe here's not such a good place to sight see.Just climb up to it.The steps have been eroded over many years and can't really function as they once did.The mountain has what appears to be steps carved into it's side.It's rock.It's hard and heavy.Sort of like your head.You climb into the cave opening and try not to look down.You eventually hit the ground, making a large mess when you do.You die instantly of course.4s  b?!])]+/%F#!Z)Z+/%769L7O6t %Y+:z %@+Q@A#WE:E;:9 ebciIo9 o o$#Tee-;$MMFFee)+/$Ipbciep1 peee e e e e eeeeeeeeee ee#UD  U',77{a6X)a+OPX7za6X)a+OPXeee$eMeee 9e!e"e#e$e%$e&e'`e(`4 >BLG(e)'FG)786O7$%@A#QC e*4 >BLG(e)'FG)786O7$%@A#QC e*e+ z )$&FG# Rz$#t+ X $a4:k%s,6X[" K V p V As you get near the strange Spike you are startled by sudden movement.The Spike appears to be a living creature.It promptly starts running about after you disturbed it's sleep.You finally get close enough to the Walking Spike and try to grab him, or her, you don't know. You move around to a good position and get ready to pounce on the hapless little creature, who incidently was minding it's own business until you came along and scared it half to death.Very smartly, and slyly I might add, the Spike trips you up.You're too far away from the Spike to even try to pick it up.That little bugger.Having being tripped by the Spike you fall face first onto it's body.You are impaled on the Spike and start bleeding profusely.Your weight prevents the Spike from moving, too many dry frozen chocolate Moomoos on your part, so the Spike just sits there.My guess is it will wait till you either get eaten by some other animal or rot enough for it to free itself from your heavy leaky body.I don't think waiting is a problem for this guy.You however bleed slowly to your death, having many halucinations before you eventually kick the bucket.One of them includes large robots and Lime Jello.The things you think of Roger.You loose consciouness and die while in one of those fantastic halucinations.At least you die semi-happy.I mean how happy can you be, being dead an all.That'll teach you to try to put wild animals in captivity, even if the captivity in question is your pants.Actually that might be worse than a Zoo, I can't remember the last time you washed those pants.Or took a bath.Peeeuuuu.Stinky.Did you know you even have mould growing in there?Geez.You have reached the end of the rock path.A mountain rises up from the North.There is a weird rock spike here.The only tree you can really see from here is a fairly large one to the West.There are some vines running up the side of the mountain.That's 'running' as in 'growing', vines can't actually 'run' anwhere. Then again, on this planet it wouldn't surprise you.These vines don't look very mobile, or useful though.The Spike seems out of place on the rock surface.It's smooth and has no vegetation growing on it.The Walking Spike is running about aimlessly.It seems you scared the poor little guy.You meany.You can't climb the tree.Besides, what would you do once you were up it?The mountain has what appears to be steps carved into it's side.You grab onto the mountain, and using the old worn steps as hand and foot holds, you are able to climb the mountain.You need to get to a better location to do that.The steps have been eroded over many years and can't really function as they once did.4U K?!)+/%6D6 C7L7x{ )%K+s%r+6#xx#Iy!xx $/y WU[  U',7,-eebcieeeeeee bcine e e e ee#,a6 X)a+OPX+y! eee eeeeeeeeeeee6.ebcie eee!eee bcine e e e ee#e">>- =%e#e$e%e&e'e(e)e*\<^=e+e,."  e-e.e/e0e1e2e3e4y! e5e6e7e8e9y!e:e;e8e<y! e=e>e?e8e@iy! eAe5e6e7e8e9by! eBeCe7e8e9=eDeE\eFE=eGeHeI%eJeKeLeMeNeOePeQeReSeTeUeVeWeX{eY`eX{eY R$#|Y:Zd9GM%xEu%R~ 3 r  E < 4 3Xet4ODqW(b@`.KaAs you get further into the cave you hear something rustling above you.You get a very bad feeling. Like the time you stuck your finger in that socket on the Arcada.Something drops ontop you from above.It feels like heavy cords wrap around you.Just then you figure out what it is.It appears your one-eyed friend, if he even has one eye, you don't know, from the cave ceiling decided to stop you from nosing around his premises.Apparently he has a few more tentacles than the one with the eye. All of which seem to be tightening around you.You are lifted off the ground and the tentacles continue to tighten.You catch a brief glimpse of the eye glaring at you as your bones start to snap loudly, and painfully.Shortly there-after you pop like a balloon and spread body juices everywhere.It's quite messy.Your lifeless mass of flesh is dropped onto the cave floor, eventually to turn to dust.Nice job Rog.At this rate you'll be outta here in about two or three hundred years.As by then the last remnants of your decomposed body might have blown out the cave entrance.What the heck is that?There's a funny looking thing poking out of the dark interior of the cave.Whatever it is, all you can see is an eye at the end of some kind of long tentacle.You are in a cave, high up in a mountain.What? You don't remember straining every last muscle in your body climbing up here?Geez.Anyway. There's a long drop to the ground behind you and a dark cave in front you.Such lovely choices. You feel like you're on a game show.Where's Ed Mcmartian when you need him.Well, as you are deeper into the cave, where it's all dark and spooky, you notice something on the ground.It appears to be a collection of smooth stones.You really had your fill of dark caves on Kerona.Though it's dark, you can see a bunch of purple stones huddled on the ground.The stones look smooth and almost oval shapped.You are too far from the stones to see them.You bend down and pick up one of the stonesThe second you stand back up something drops ontop you from above.It appears your one-eyed friend, if he even has one eye you don't know, from the cave ceiling was collecting those stones, and has chosen to seriously reprimand you for trying to steal one.You are too far from the stones to get any.You bend down poke at the stones with the long bone.You hear some rustling above you and you see something drop just above the stones.It appears there are more tentacles than the one with the eye.Luckily you are standing far enough away from the stones that the tentacles miss you.They go back up to the roof of the cave having found nothing.You carefully roll one of the stones toward you with the bone.You hear the creature moving above again, but quickly grab the stone and stand back.In your haste you leave behind your bone. As bad as that sounds, believe me, it's for the best.You are too far from the stones to even reach them with the bone.Since you don't have a bone to work with, present anatomy accepted but discounted, I'd suggest you think of something else.Nice idea.You try to reach the stone with the piece metal.Unfortunately the metal is a bit too short to reach the stones.Even using the piece of metal you need to get closer to the stones to try anything.Uh... What metal?The large knob of metal on your neck?oops.That's your head. Sorry.The eye belongs to something, but you can't see far enough inside the cave to tell.The eye keeps looking at you though.It's creepy.Huh? What eye?You can't see your own eyes, and that's the only eyes around here right now.The eye is sticking to the top of the cave. You can't reach it, and besides, I don't think you'd want to reach it.That thing is scaring you.You can't get anything that's not around smarty pants.You break out into a conversation, though a brief one, this guy moves pretty fast.The eye looks at you even more strangely and pops back into the cave.Did you expect it to understand you?You can't talk to things that aren't around.On the end of the tentacle is a weird eye.The creature, what you can see, is a weird eye at the end of a tentacle.The eye keeps looking at you.The cave extends inwards into the mountain. It gets darker the farther in you look.It's definately not a natural cave. But then again the old steps probably gave that away.There is just dirt and dust on the cave floor.Well there's a lot of dirt you could pick up, if you wanted to do that.You don't want to do that, so think about something else.There are a few rocks about the place too, but they're about as usefull as those classes you slept through in Janitor school.The entire place is made of rock.You're inside a rock mountain. Which part of that you missed?The one or two smaller rocks are still too large for your feeble arms to ever move or take.It's dirt.Though not the type to which you have years of experience, it's still dirt.Good grief!You have more dirt on your person than is on this cave floor. You don't need any more thank you.If you were thinking about another kind of dirt, well maybe I could help.Let's see.This mountain once housed a crazy Venutian who made mad passionate love to any creature who came within 100 yards of it.Rumour has it that the Venutian had a strange Venereal Desease that caused any who came in contact with it to grow extra appendages.Rumour also has it that if you don't stop listen to stupid ramblings of idle narators and get a move on you will die on this planet, lonely and hungry.It's a long way down.Before you get dizzy and fall off stop looking down there.You carefully negotiate your way out of the cave and onto the mountain-side.Well unless to want to climb into the dirt I suggest you get closer to the edge.4sR?2!x)x+/%KR6CLF!x)x+/%?e =?ee>5? $ =?e$\=eeeeeeeee  R'D B(Os|`LtP:wL{7 You brush past one of the large tentacles of the creature and you hear a low grumble.The creature wakes at your presence and immediately grabs hold of you with a tentacle.This does not look good.Kinda like your hair right now.You are inside a weird rock formation.There is an enormous creature here.It's tentacles are all over the cave formed by the rocks.The creature appears to be asleep.There are various type of underwater life swimming around, some more prevelant than others. You can't do anything with them though, so stop sight seeing and get a move on.The creature is HUGE!!You are only seeing part of it, the sheer mass of it blocks up the cave and prevents you from seeing the rest of it.The creature completely blocks off any exit to the East as it fills up the entire cave.Under some of the tentacles, close to the main body of the creature, you see a pile of bones.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.The cave formed by the rock formation is dominated by that enormous tentacled creature.You get the willies just looking at it.You can't quite tell what this is or was. Perhaps it was just a smal cave that got weathered away. You have no way of telling.Well, even though the rock formation obviously forms a cave, meaning there is no way to the surface from in here, you decide to swim up to the top.Why, I'll never know, but you do anyway.There are various bones lying in the silt below the massive creature.One long one catches your eye. It looks like it was a rib of some long deceased creature.You hope this massive guy wasn't the one who made it a pile of bones.Having carefully navigated through the many tentacles, you reach out and grab the bone.As you lift the bone out of the silt you wince at the small noise it makes.You hold your breathe, hoping you did not wake the creature.Thankfully you're an expert at being quiet and keeping out of sight.Years of closet sleeping and dark corner napping has honed those skills to very enviable levels.Once again your Janitor powers serve you well.I could have sworn you already picked that up.One of us is loosing it and I have a suspicion I know which one.Well, as much as you would like to do that, being as it looks so interesting, you're not the one with long tentacles here.In other words, you couldn't reach the bone if all of your extremeties were twice the length that they are now.47d?)+%R*px%Z%U %ft )%{{ # 4, WXXXee$e+e(e R$eeee e e e e eeeeeeeeeeeY2P ;_ +[#(PYou have come down from a small rise. Your ship is just up the rise, but you can't see it from here.You can see a dense jungle before you. All manner of flora spreads in every directionThere are trees everywhere. There is an odd looking plant here, but you can't do anything with it.Ok, you look at the plant. Its odd looking, but that's about it. You didn't figure this out before?Meanwhile, far up in space, unknown to you, events unfold as a result of your accident.Ok.Forged from the Volcanoes of Liiiiiberon....and the smoldering pits of Prame.We crawled out of the primoooordial soup..and then we took our name.Round and proud we float..in our greatness we haaaardly gloat.But in the great Galaxy of Eeeearnon.Our Planet is the greatest one.We survived many attempts to be ooooverthrown..but to bits we've had them aaaaaall blown.When our star did decide to uuuup and die..We made a Star Generator to make a neeeew Sun fly.Long live our great new sun...and long live our great Xenon.Wow.You're amazed you still know the words.Then again they did update it recently, but you're still proud.There is no need to go back to the ship yet.42$?2%i%#eeMe$e+e)e+0Z). MFee)/  +I + F/e e # R' 6B4There is quite an array of plant life here.Trees of all kinds, and shrubs, and bushes, and, oh my you can't go on.There are vines hanging from all varieties of trees.There are lots of trees here.There are plants all around.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.Having nonchalantly put a Tiny Tooth Terror Fish in your pants, you quickly realize your error.The Terror Fish proceeds to devour you from the leg up.The rest is too horrible for even you to see.Next time maybe you should keep dangerous things sealed up.4!?2%%#eeMeeeefee$ee g" 'QR\? !])]+/%F$6F:# 'QRRK 5#e5eec5eee+5 eee e Me d 5e e ed)̈́ D5V?e$\ :e $ec 5ee)e R' 5 5 5c*\=^/X8a)There is still quite an array of plant life here.You can see a strange looking plant at the edge of this small ledge.There is however a strange looking plant on the small ledge.You are now on the ledge. You can clearly see the plant which appears to have something on it.There is a small ledge rising up from the ground. There is an interesting looking plant on the ledge.You can't see too clearly from where you are however.There is some kind of flower on the plant.There is a strange looking plant on the ledge. But there is nothing interesting about it.There is a strange looking plant on the ledge.You can't see too clearly from down here.There are vines hanging from all varieties of trees.There is an odd looking flower on the plant.Flower, what flower?.You can't see any flower from down here.You unceremoniously remove the flower. You briefly imagine what it would be like if someone took your flower without asking, but your mind drifts and we can't go there.You're not close enough.There are lots of trees here.Hey doofus, you're already on the ledge.Why not just walk around to get on the ledge. After all there are lots of other things to climb in this jungle, you don't want to go skinning your knee or something worse on a little ledge like this.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.4x r&? !)+/% k5L5#T#ee$eMe+eneeE6cenbe onob(6'78e e MM$)+/Ioe )e o6 obcie'7878)+/&78)#7R78rbciIqr r IqqF qTGeeeee# R'5(z/thOPIA strange creature is running around here. It looks like a horned Pleborian Horq.You also notice the ground rising to form a small ledge to the West.There are lots of trees here.There are vines hanging from all varieties of trees.There are plants all around.What? Are you planning to cram that entire creature into your pants?Besides, what would you do with it? Leave it alone and get a move on buddy.Its a small ledge rising up from the ground. If you want to know anything else about it, try walking up on it and look around. Geez, do you have to be told everything?The Horq is just running around minding its own business. If your memory serves you right, the Pleborians used these creatures much as humans did horses eons ago. You can't imagine why, or how they managed to ride these creatures.You briefly consider trying to ride the creature, but then you take a long look at those horns that line its back. Not a good idea. How the Pleborians ever rode these things you'll never know. Besides, the Pleborians were a quite small race, I think you'd break this thing's back, geez look at the size of you!Then again, you know what you're doing. You believe in going with those 'first instincts'. So you move around to a good spot and climb on the Horq.You're way to far away from the Horq to attempt that.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.YOUCH!!As you sat on the Horq, the very obvious horns on it's back sink into your, well, umm, your nether region.In pain, shock and alarm, you dive off the Horq, but alas, it was too late.The spikes sank deep into your internal organs and cause you to bleed to death, after you smash your face into the soil upon landing.You die slowly. The pain extremely bad. But at least you weren't eaten.Until after you died that is.4M2x? %A%_!})}+/%g7L7V#T!})}+/%!Z7L7#T!)+/%F##ee$eMe+embe)embe R'E!xThere is not as much vegetation here as elsewhere.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.There is actually only one tree you can see right now, and there isn't anything interesting about it.You don't see any vines here.There are plants all around.There are a couple purple creatures scurrying around, but they don't look interesting.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not these guys.4^ f? %A!|)|+/%g7L7V#T!})}+/%!n7L7!)+/%F##ee$eMe+embe)embe R';E!There is not as much vegetation here as elsewhere.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.There is actually only one tree you can see right now, and there isn't anything interesting about it.You don't see any vines here.There are plants all around.There is a blue funny looking creature, its too fast for you to catch it, and it wont give you anything, so leave it alone.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not this guy.4?$j? %A!})}+/%{7L7V#T!})}+/%?n7L7#T!)+/%xF##ee$eMe+embe)embe R'E!xThere is not as much vegetation here as elsewhere.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.There is actually only one tree you can see right now, and there isn't anything interesting about it.You don't see any vines here.There are plants all around.There are a couple purple creatures scurrying around, but they don't look interesting.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not these guys.49 x? %A%K*!{){+/%{7L7V#T!{){+/%?n7L7#T!)+/%F##ee$eMe+embe)embe R'E!vThere is not as much vegetation here as elsewhere.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.There is actually only one tree you can see right now, and there isn't anything interesting about it.You don't see any vines here.There are plants all around.There are a couple pink creatures scurrying around, but they don't look interesting.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not these guys.4ll? %Ai!|)|+/%S7L7V#T!})}+/%!n7L7!)+/%#ee$eMe%e+embe)embe +0Z). MFe e )/  +I + F/e e # R' @ r8>There is sparse vegetation, and lots of rocks. A huge rock extends upward. This entire area must be originally rock and whatever soil and life there is now, developed on top of it.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.There is actually only one tree you can see right now, and there isn't anything interesting about it.You don't see any vines here.Since the only interesting rock is the large one, you look at it. Its a rock, big, and thats about all you can get with your acute vision.There are plants all around.There is a funny looking blue creature scurrying around, but it doesn't look interesting.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not this guy, leave him be.Having nonchalantly put a Tiny Tooth Terror Fish in your pants, you quickly realize your error.The Terror Fish proceeds to devour you from the leg up.The rest is too horrible for even you to see.Next time maybe you should keep dangerous things sealed up.43j? %A!|)|+/%{7L7V#T!|)|+/%?n7L7#T!)+/%F##ee$eMe+embe)embe R9E!There is not as much vegetation here as elsewhere.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.There is actually only one tree you can see right now, and there isn't anything interesting about it.You don't see any vines here.There are plants all around.Another blue little critter is running around. Just leave the creature alone, it isnt bothering you so don't bother it.Man, if you're seeing a ship, you need some serious help.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not these guys.4d \?2!)+/%AD#Sy!)+/%xD#Sz%Lx )#ee!eELEMLMMFeFM y@MMMFeFM z@ ee R'WW-PYou are in a corridor. The corridor extends to the West and to the East.There is a door on the North wall and the doorway back to the hangar is to the South.The door is closed and doesn't look like it can be opened by you.The alien grabs you. It looks like you're in for trouble now.The door is closed and won't open.Oh oh.4q?!)+/%j_D#F!)+/%{D#F)!)+/%y6CXLF%Lx )#EBECeeeweeeeeee e CCSyGSzG e 9e we 9e :e CCSyGSzG yMMFeFM y@zMMFeFM z@BMMFeFM y@CMMFeFM z@ R' Y~s+^=zYou are at the end of the corridor. The corridor extends to the West and to the East there is what appears to be an elevator.There are two large aliens guarding the elevator. You're guessing that these aliens are Aquinilians too, because you did some of them with the smaller aliens underneath the crashed ship.There is a consol to the North East.The elevator must take people to the other levels of this amazing underwater structure, but it doesn't look like you'll be able to get past those guards.Maybe you should move along before they decide to ask you some questions you can't answer.They look pretty mean. I don't think you should harass them.The consol has a screen, and many buttons on it.You can't tell what the consol is for, or what's on the screen right now.You open your mouth and try to talk to the aliens.You succeed in only agrivating them and they come after you.Like you could reach it without getting caught.Like you could reach them without getting caught.There are many buttons, none of which you know the function of.You're unable to understand what is displayed on the screen.The alien grabs you. It looks like you're in for trouble now.4q?!)+/%BPD#F!)+/%~PD#F)!)+/%y6CXLF%Lx )#EBECeeweeeeeCCSyGSzG ewe CCSyGSzG yMMFe FM y@zMMFe FM z@BMMFe FM y@CMMFe FM z@ R' `NC"You are at the end of the corridor. The corridor extends to the East and to the North there is what appears to be an elevator.There are two large aliens guarding the elevator. You're guessing that these aliens are Aquinilians too, because you did some of them with the smaller aliens underneath the crashed ship.The elevator must take people to the other levels of this amazing underwater structure, but it doesn't look like you'll be able to get past those guards.Maybe you should move along before they decide to ask you some questions you can't answer.They look pretty mean. I don't think you should harass them.You open your mouth and try to talk to the aliens.You succeed in only agrivating them and they come after you.Like you could reach them without getting caught.The alien grabs you. It looks like you're in for trouble now.4 i? %A!)+/%=gX7FV#!})}+/%?n7L7#T!)+/%xF##eee$eMe+eu! =^Xo - eee e e ! =^Xo - eee e e  - A^Xoe e $ - A^Xo ee\-ee) A^Xoeeeeegeembe)eeeembe R :m7TSi6(m>Nh2There is not as much vegetation here as elsewhere.You also notice some of the local wildlife running around.Among some bushes you see a small crashed ship.There are trees everywhere. You're in a forest man, wake up!There are vines hanging all over.There are plants all around.The cockpit chamber is open due to damage and you can see inside.There appears to be some stuff in the cockpit. You can see dead leaves and small branches that have gotten inside the cockpit, but you also notice something almost hidden among the leaves.Its a grey code card.The cockpit chamber is open due to damage and you can see inside. There isn't anything else interesting in the cockpit.You're not close enough to see into the cockpit properly.You can see the grey code card inside the cockpit. It seems in one piece, even though its been exposed to the elements for some time.You're not close enough to see anything inside the cockpit properly.You reach into the cockpit through the hole in the dome and grab the code card.You have no way of knowing what its for, but it yours. All yours. You feel like you've accomplished something. You feel like you're well on your way to getting off this planet. You feel... hmmm, you feel kind of sleepy and hungry too. Great.You're not close enough to get anything inside the cockpit properly.You already have it smart guy. How many code cards did you see in there. That's right, ONE. So stop being a doofus and leave the ship alone.Noticing something strange inside the ship you say something to it.You feel silly.I mean talking to a ship?But amazingly something comes to life inside the ship.Startled, you look down inside the crashed vessel.Why would you want to talk the ship Roger?Especially since you're too far from it to even try.There is one creature scurrying around, but they it doesn't look interesting.The ship is quite small, it must have been an escape vessel. Not that anybody escaped in it, it looks pretty banged upYou can tell its been here a while because vines have started growing up over it. It has a cockpit with a glass-like protective dome. The dome is cracked and has a hole in it.What would you do with it?. Come on, there are other things I'm sure you can get, but not these guys.4 ////?2!)+/%FZ6 CF#!)+/%F:6 CL#!)+/%P]6 CLF#%xpxxy)OxixyGwxy /Gx# eee\/@ 09x ex x #Gxx6eFx7x8# /BGxe # #xx8e e e eeee$x9xD e^/^0xMy eeeyy(eebDcDi#y)y/e$y0yFxa 4F&?   e1 i C Ken'ro, you realise the problems we could have caused in the timestream if this lifeform has any significant role to play in a future time period.We could have caused ripples that will wreak unknown troubles to a future timeline.How did that craft get there. I thought a sweep was done for lightyears around the detonation site?Back on the Vercotron, the pilot of Shuttle XZ-457 has prepared his report and contacts the Captain to relay the information.Captain, we've been contacted by Ken'ro. He is ready to make his report.Good. Put him through immediately. Let's see if we can make some sense of what happened out there.Right away sir. You can get him on your chair console.Cha'tro. Set a course for planet VM-X574 immediately.Right away sir.Sir. Have you considered the possability that that ship was SUPPOSED to get caught in the wake of the explosion?Its a possability we need to examine, but we can't assume that to be true. We moved the location of that detonation too late to think that this was supposed to happen.That ship just wasn't part of the plan. We have to confirm that lifeform is a non-entity as far as the future goes. If that's the case we have nothing to worry about, and maybe this was meant to occur.But if we've changed a possible future through our carelessness, we'll be in a lot of trouble. The council will want a report, and I'll have to mention this.Let's just hope we find the lifeform and can confirm that it has no bearing on any future timeline.Alert every available science officer to the situation and tell them to prepare the scanners to search every inch of that planet.Get the Time Dilator ready to examine the lifeform should we find it.I hope we locate that ship.WELL! That was intersting, of course you saw or heard none of it, so pretend you didn't ok? Come on, it won't hurt to just wander around the planet aimlessly as if you have no idea what's going on. Actually, there's no need for me to tell you to do that, you were doing it already!Cha'tro, have the guards in the Brig search the alien and take his belongings to Resur'cha.We'll have to try to determine what he may have picked up along the way in the last few hours and discard those items.Tell Resur'cha to dump anything he's not sure about, it's a risk we'll have to take.I want a log kept on this primative pink furball alien.If there's one chance in Hearon to exact revenge on it, I want it.Captain Khar'n, Resur'cha's data seems to indicate multiple Timelines being affected by this lifeform. I'm not sure we'll ever catch up with it again.We'll see Cha'tro. We'll see.4V /a///?2!)+/%6 C#!)+/%F:6 CL!)+/%P]6 CLx)Oxwx /Kxexxxx& eeex'x< eeex=xK e e xL /Nx# e e e xBxD###xExX eeexYxZ##\09 ,rH_c;e&, , Ken'ro here Captain. I've completed analysis of the Laterfusion Bomb.Well tell me how it went. What exactly happened? Cha'tro said something about a vessel being caught in the wake.Yes sir that's corect. The detonation of the bomb itself went well. The results were as we expected.I was monitoring the aftershock of the explosion, trying to get a reading on the radiation output, when I noticed a signal on my scope.At first I thought it might be an error due to the high radiation affecting my instruments. But it didn't take me long to confirm the contact.It appeared to be a small escape vessel of some sort. I managed to lock onto the craft for long enough to confirm a lifesign onboard.The lifeform is in stasis, and the life-support systems appear to be functioning on the craft, but I lost contact soon after.I was unable to determine the species of the lifeform, or the origin of the craft. The radiation was getting worse as I proceeded into the area of detonation and I was unable to re-establish a reading on the vessel.The last reading I got had the vessel heading towards planet VM-X574. The trajectory suggested it might get caught in the gravitational pull of the planet.There was no way for me to follow the craft, so I proceeded with my analysis of the explosion and then headed straight back to the Vercotron.We did do a sweep sir, but because of the distance we were working with we checked for any radiation or other exhaust emmissions from ships.This ship was drifting, with no engines operating, so it never turned up on the scanners. It was an oversight on our part. We should have known the possability existed that a drifting craft would slip through our sweep-net.We just got unlucky and this ship happened to drift into the path of the explosion.We'll have to delay any further work on the bomb. We have to find out who was in that ship.Supply Cha'tro with all the data on the vessel so far and download the Bomb data to the research lab.Is there any way of knowing if the radiation affected the lifeform?I suspect it might have had some effect, but we don't know what kind of shielding the craft has. We would have to examine the lifeform to determine for sure.The craft might be able to tell us something as well, depending on the shielding, we might be able to calculate any possible effects. That's provided we find the vessel or the lifeform.At this point I'm certain the craft would have crashed on VM-X574. There's no way to know whether the ship or the lifeform survived the crash. But based on the fact we have no idea what we're dealing with, I would suggest we proceed to the planet and try to recover the craft, hopefully with the lifeform still onboard.I agree. We'll have to retrieve the vessel. Proceed with my orders and meet me on the bridge afterward.Captain out.4C?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%#F!)+/F%g6 CX#!)+L7/-%i#!)+/%UD#F!)+L7/-%Xv# %%A\+/6 K )%> i#i ib>c>ieeeee}eeee e e e e eeeeeeP 6 7Be#e##e#e#e#e #e!"#e#e$\6e%e& R' i i i&Nt(VVeR+g7`,  } 0 ? ? k {You are at what seems to be a lounge.You see aliens relaxing all around the lounge, some having drinks.The large window gives an excelent view of the endless expanse of space.To your amazement there are no Lizards.There are many aliens lounging around though.There's a large table in the center of the room. There are three aliens standing around it talking.There are many types of aliens here. All of whom must have some job onboard this ship. They are all going about their business completely oblivious to you.A tormenian and two Ghinusions seem to be in a heated conversation at the large table in the middle of the room.The aliens here look very uninterested in talking to you. The ones at the table are talking among themselves and the others look too busy amusing themselves.One Vorakian is playing some kind of video game and him speaking to you is about as likely as you being able to rip off your mask and introduce yourself as a friendly neighbourhood Xenonian without getting a Ghinusion boot in the mouth.The other Vorakian is nursing a drink and it presently has all of his attention.The Tormeenian hasn't shut up since you came in and doesn't look likely to stop. It's imposible to talk to him unless he stops talking.Since his friends are Ghinusion, and capable of tearing your head clean off your shoulders without much effort, I'd suggest to leave him alone.Unless you have a serious Death Wish I'd re-think that.Don't you remember? Ghinusions don't like Xenonians, or humans, or Zerkonians, Hearon man, they don't like anybody.Bugging them in the middle of a conversation is about as constructive as dipping your head in acid.One Vorakian is playing some kind of video game and the other Vorakian is at a small table nursing a drink.The Tormeenian is talking incessantly and the two Ghinusions seem enthralled by the topic of conversation.The Ghinusions are listening intently to the Tormeenian speak.Being a natural evesdropper, a talent you honed over years of janitorial service, you listen in on what the aliens are saying.I'm telling you that bomb is the most devasting weapon the galaxy has ever seenBut it's not perfected yet. There's still work to be done on it. I hear that the affects have not been properly calculated.Well that may be true, but the results we have so far show tremendous potential. We could be talking about ruling the Galaxy here!Keep your voice down!! We don't want any two-bit alien janitor to hear what's going on in the research lab.He's right. If this thing is as powerful as we think, security is going to have to be stepped up.They've already started. I have to change my clearance code every day! It's very annoying. I keep forgetting it. 7-8-4... something. Whatever happened to one code for one person?Yeah, well that's just not good enough anymore. I should find out if my code still works, it hasn't been changed in a while.What clearance do you have?Full Access. I was responsible for security for the test by Ken'ro. I personally escorted the bomb on board the ship.Well I'm on maintainance duty now. I have to check the workings of the bomb before the next test.Yeah but it's all been put on hold.That Captain has no idea the power we're dealing with here. He's a lacky to the council. If only there was a way to . . .Will you shut up!! Somebody might here you!Hey, did anybody see that new recruit down in Engineering? She's hot!Yeah. I saw her today. She's smoking man. Did you get a load of the tail on her....Well the conversation gets even more heated from there, and as much as you want to keep listening, you decide not to.You've heard them already, what exactly are you trying to hear now?Don't answer that.4/!?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-X%#!g)g+-/%g6 CX7L7!V)V+/%(gX9L9#! V) V+ / % !gX 8L 8# !)+L7/-%j#!g)g+/6 % DL8F#!)+L7/-%F# %U%A\+/6 K )%> i#i ib?c?ieeeeeeeee e e e e eeee S(neeeeeee5 1,v S(ne/+/Ieee2v* ?oL 1e$\1 v%geee e!5 4,v S(ne"/+/Ieee2v* ?oL 4e$\4 v%geee 5 3,v S(n/e#+/Ieee2v* ?oL 3e$\3 v%geee 5 2,v S(n/e$+/Ieee2v* ?oL 2e$\2 v%geee  F#Q?gue%u ue& v R i&P Nq\U7uM9Fc 1- . [ 2 ] You are at what seems to be a bar.You see aliens relaxing all around the bar having drinks.There is a large alien who appears to be the bartender, behind the bar serving drinks to the customers.The large window gives an excelent view of the endless expanse of space.There are many types of aliens here. All of whom must have some job onboard this ship. They are all going about their business completely oblivious to you.There are many types of aliens here. There are two Vorakians, a Tormeenian and two Blobbies.One Vorakian is playing some kind Video game, the other is having a few drinks.The Tormeenian and the Blobbies are also drinking.The Vorakians are quite busy minding their own business. You should probably leave them alone.The Blobbies are quite busy minding their own business. You should probably leave them alone.The Tormeenian is quite busy minding his own business. You should probably leave him alone.One Vorakians is drunk and ignores you. The other is too absorbed in his game to take you on. You should probably leave them alone.The Blobbies look like they are on a date. You should probably leave them alone.The Tormeenian is drowning his sorrows. You should probably leave him alone.The bar has some aliens around it and a bartender behind.The bartender is quite large but he doesn't look threatening. Must be a honed bar-side manner to encourage the customers to drink.You really can't tell what drinks they have available, you should probably ask the bartender about that.Hello friendWhat can I do for you today?You look like you'd be interested in the Tormeenian Special.Or maybe you'd like to try the Fiery Frost?We also have the Drunkerwion Blast and the Vorakian Special.Just let me know what your pleasure is.You're too far away to talk to him and you don't feel like shouting, so try getting a little closer.You ask for a tall cold Tormeenian Special.You're too far away to order anything. And shouting at this guy might be a mistake, so try getting closer.There's already a drink at the end of the bar. You planning to take up a new habbit?You already have one. You getting greedy there Roger? Or just frustrated maybe? Maybe you have some drinking habbit you need to share with some people.You grab the drink.You already have one. What's wrong with you!You're too far away to pick up the drink.There's no drink to take up smarty pants. Maybe you should order one.You have to specify what you want to order. Does the bartender look like a psychic? I didn't think so.You ask for a tall cold Drunkerwion Blast.You ask for a tall cold Fiery Frost.You ask for a tall cold Vorakian Special.There you go buddy. Enjoy.The drink moves down an automated conveyor and arrives at the end of the bar. Geez, you would think he could have just handed it to you.4z+?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-X%#!h)h+/%n6X#!)+/%eL6 CX9L9! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8!h)h+L76 /-XD%7l#!h)h+/%wbD#!h)h+L7/-%DN#xZ %U%A\+/6 K )%>rrGH# ixi ib@c@ieeeeeee e e e e eeeeeee# :oK 5 e+xeex+xx #ex x##exx# #ex$x-# #e!sHxH=0 <e"##e$\5^<+e%H e&e'e(HG HG e)*#+#e,e-e.e/+GX R' i/r`mA<HGl5R- 4 P t S  ( Vx8purple stoneEnter Inventory Item:You are at what seems to be an arcade.You see aliens playing games. One alien apparently is banging away at a machine that won't work and one Tormeenian seems out on his feet on the bench.The large window gives an excelent view of the endless expanse of space.There are games all over the arcade and a few aliens playing them.One Tormeenian seems like he had enough of gaming though. He looks out on a bench near the middle of the room.There are two Vorakians here. One seems to be having a bit of a problem with his game, the other is playing happily.There are two Tormeenians as well, one who is day dreaming, looking out into space, and another who seems asleep on a bench in the middle of the room.There is also a Ghinusion playing a game. You've never seen a Ghinusion have a good time before. It's quite disconcerting.It's just a bench. It's for sitting.The Vorakians are quite busy minding their own business. You should probably leave them alone.The Ghinusions are not the kind of aliens to mess with in any way. You should probably leave him alone.There's not much chance of that. One is too absorbed in his game to take you on and the other is likely to start pounding on you instead of that game. You should probably leave them alone.Do you like getting pounded into the ground? That's a really bad idea.There are a few arcade games here. None of them you really recognise I'm afraid.Translation : You can't play any of them, sorry.The Tormeenian seems asleep.Must have been a long day. Well that or too many Tormeenian Specials!!The aliens are all up to their own thing. One Tormeenian seems to be sleeping away on himself on a bench in the middle of the room.Well having no respect for the tired you rouse the alien and stike up a conversation. You quickly realise he's not tired, he's drunk!You have all you need from the drunk Tormeenian. Leave him be.You need to be closer to the Tormeenian to talk to him.How'sh it goingsh?You make some arbitrary response. We won't go into your conversation skills right now, but he manages a response.Wha's thatsh? Oh no I'm finesh. Gotsh a big daysh tomorrowsh.Gotsh to be in the labsh. Importantsh worksh to do on bombsh.Apparently this guy's in his own world, but this is getting interesting. You mumble something again.Oh suresh. I gotsh my clearanshe cardsh right here! It's very 'portant. Gotsh to have thatshAnother inaudible mumble and you just might be in the pink. Hmmm, whatever that means.Shure. Yoush can have itsh.If yoush have somethingsh for mesh.Trying to keep up with the drunk Tormeenian, and wanting to get a hold of that card, you fumble in your pocket for something to give him.The Tormeenians seems interested in that purple stone of yours when you whip it out.Hey. Thatsh prettysh. give it heresh. You can have the cardsh.Well Roger, you just got yourself a clearance card for...err, well you don't know where for yet, but you have it!The tormeenian seems to have drifted back into sleep. You decide not to interfere with him any more. You heard that right? Leave the guy alone. I know you, just step away from the alien. Ok? Ok.Well since you don't have anything even resembling that I think you're wasting everybody's time.That includes the Tormeenian's. Who, by the way, has closed his eyes and drifts back off to slumberland.Sometimes I just don't have a clue as to what you're thinking Roger.Well you show it to him, and he looks at you kind of funny.I may besh a little tipshy, but I couldn't use thatsh for anything.Whatsh do I looksh like anywaysh?You mean besides a Bug eyed Bozo?Sorry.You really didn't say that, and even if you did, he's hearing some conversation from Creebnat or something, so he wouldn't have understood you anyway.With that he closes his eyes and seems to fade out again.4#y?,!)+/%[Y6#T!)+/%F^6CX7L7F#  %G\+/6 Kb+c+i )%>#n W +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i Y Y Yee!e N QIV 6 Kb+c+i  M 6 /e6 8e8e9ete R'lJ)Ofk#You are in a corridor.You can see a door on the North wall.The door is automatic.hereThe panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4j?,!)+/%6CX76L7F#!)+L7/-O6%#!)+L7/-%i!)+L6/-%v# b&c&j j%A\+/6 Krrrrr # $eeee ee e e e eee"eeeeeeeeee 0eeee4+ 5## #!#"#e#e$,# 5%#&#sxe#e$1( d'#(#)#sxe#e*  d+#e#e$,#-#.#r /#0#1#r r!MrNrd6 . "2#3#4#5#,^r e6e7NU 8M ->1bcie8e9e:^8 bcie;  b&c&je<e=e>e?U 8M ->1bcie8e9e:^8 bcie;  b&c&je<e=e>e?N\U 3M ->1bcie@eAeB^3 bcieC  b&c&je<e=e>e?aX 3M ->1bcie@eAeB^3 bcieC  b&c&je<e=e>e?eDj jb&c&jMeENeFeG)G.Q,eH)G.Q $ eI $ eI RI?+7MUe#W)z{>{cD  j e H   p ZG*8>Q8/You are deeper into the Research Lab. There is a huge and strange looking bomb here.Enter Bomb part: frazilatorAll the aliens from here have left.Enter Test:Promak Deviation Testgo tormThere is only one alien working here right now.You see two aliens working in this area, a Tormeenian and a Vorakian.If this is the bomb you've heard mentioned around the ship it seems very impressive. Though the people here are pretty busy for a project that's on hold.There is a Vorakian working inside an open hatch near the base of the bomb.There is an open hatch near the base of the bomb.Of course you've ruined the bomb with your masterful bunglings.The bomb is now a large hunk of inoperable garbage.Your unique talents never do cease to amaze me.Aliens? Oh boy. Loosen that mask buddy! The blood has stopped flowing to your brain.The alien seems pretty busy, but he doesn't seem too interested in his work.These aliens seem pretty busy, but they don't seem too interested in their work.There are two aliens working in this area, a Tormeenian and a Vorakian.Which alien would you be wanting to talk to their smart guy?The Vorakian is working on the bomb itself. You can see him fiddling around inside an open hatch near the base of the bomb.What Vorakian? He left. You're having delusions aren't you Roger? I think that mask is too tight.The Tormeenian is running some test or other on the machinery on the South wall. He seems upset.What Tormeenian? He left. You're having delusions aren't you Roger? I think that mask is too tight.You see some of the inner workings of the bomb, but you have no idea what the machinery does, or the bomb for that matter.The machinery inside does look very sensative though. Maybe you shouldn't be messing with it.You don't want to go poking around the bomb with other aliens around. They might see you and get suspicious. God forbid they ask you a question. What would you do then Roger? you don't know anything, and you're not even Tormeenian!You're too far to see inside the hatch.Hey. What's up?What're you doing here anyway? I thought it's just Gee'ko and me assigned here today?Well whatever. To be honest I wish I were in the bar. I could use some relaxation.If you aren't going to help, why don't you push off there fatso.This isn't a spectator's sport you know.You're too far away to do that. Unless maybe you were planning on shouting at him.Errr.. You be smoking some mighty powerful pokey pardner. No Vorakian here. Him go drinkie, you go loco.You want to help huh?What parts of the bomb are you familiar with?What's that?You want to help me?That's very nice of you, but I doubt you could help me. I'm a loser. Besides I have to finish this test, what test operations are you familiar with?Errr.. You be smoking some mighty powerful pokey pardner. No Tormeenian here. Him go kissie kissie, you go loco.Hmmm? What? Oh, hello. I'm quite busy now, and I've got a lot on my mind, so please don't break my concentration.Alright! You're just the man I need. You take over and finish modifying this Frazilator and I'll pop up to the bar and get a quick drink.Now be careful and check with Gee'ko before you run any test.Thanks man!That's great! You could take over for me. But there's no reason I should go anyway.Sau'cee was trying to get me to go check the new girl in engineering. He says he heard she likes me, but I just don't know.I'm worried. If he's wrong I could look like a real dufus. I mean what kind of first impression could I make?Wow!! That's a beautiful flower. You'd give that to me?Thanks so much friend! This is just what I need to make a great impression. I don't think anyone has ever seen a flower like this.I can't believe you're going to finish up the test for me and you gave me this wonderful flower. You're a great guy.Thanks again. I'm so excited. I'd better be careful I don't fall and squish this thing. This is great.That's not a bad idea, but I don't think he's ready to just leave his work right now.Give what? What flower would we be talking about here? Yours? I never knew you were into Tormeenians? In any case this is a PG game and you have no flower to give. Ok? Ok.Well, being the ultimate agent of destruction, a talent well honed from adventures past, you dump the wrench into the open hatch and into the sensative insides of the bomb.There's a loud noise, and then a crunking sound that just does not bode well for the bomb.You've really gummed up the works there Roger.Well combined with that Devastatingly powerful drink you dumped in there, there is no way in all Xenon that this bomb is going to work. Oh it might blow alright, but it sure won't do what it's supposed to do.You wonder if this bomb will be able to function at all now.That's not a bad idea, but somebody here is likely to see you and get your butt thrown in the Brig.You're too far away to even try something like that.Put what where? Look, try acquiring the things you want to throw around before you try throwing them around.Well, suspecting some devious plot in store for this bomb, you somehow decide to throw your very potent Fiery Frost drink into the open hatch.Why you would think to do that is beyond me, but you do it anyway.The drink bubbles and fizzes as it hits the sensative parts inside the bomb. sparks start to fly and circuits begin to burn out.Well combined with that Mkey wrench you dumped in there, there is no way in all Xenon that this bomb is going to work. Oh it might blow alright, but it sure won't do what it's supposed to do.The bomb is already disabled, you apparently have nothing better to do than throw drinks all over the place. Get a life!Huh? What are you talking about? You can't help me. What a dufus. Go bother somebody else there fatboy. Geez.Ok. I've never heard of that test. You must be thinking of some other bomb. You sure can't help me here.The Vorakian promptly drops what he was doing and heads out the door.The Tormeenian promptly drops what he was doing and heads out the door.Well he's gone.4 ?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%7Z#!)+/%eL6 CX9L9! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8!)+L7/-%:3#!)+/F%q_#!)+/%_D#F!)+L7/-%# b&c&j j%R j%A\+/6 Kx# xeeeeeeeee e e e e e exeCSoGCSpG SoGSpGE5E65eeeeeeF6eeeeeeFo' oMFMFMFeeeeeeFp' pMFMFMFeeeeeeFj jb&c&j M R',OOrR4~L{You are in a high security research lab. There are machines and computer equipment everywhere.There are Vorakians and Tormeenians busy working away. There are also two guards standing very still looking at everything.The computers are all busy doing many calculations that you could never fathom. Various aliens are working on them, something I doubt you would be able to handle.There are two Tormeenians and one Vorakian here. There are also two Ghinusion guards.These aliens seems pretty busy, and as usual the Ghinusion look pretty grumpy.The aliens here are way too busy to talk to you. From the look the guards are starting to give you, maybe you should leave everybody alone.The Ghinusion guards do not look friendly, because by nature they are not. I think you'd better stay clear of them.My he looks busy. Don't you think?My they looks busy. Don't you think?That's number 1 on the top ten bad idea list.He completely ignores your attempts at conversation.Something not unfamiliar to you.They completely ignores your attempts at conversation.That's a bad idea. They already look like they want to through off the ship or something. Better stay clear of them.After standing around doing absolutely nothing, the guards get suspicious of you and start coming after you.Having brilliantly, and probably permanently, damaged the Bomb these aliens have been working on diligently for who knows how long, they aren't too pleased.They grab hold of you, since you're the only one who was near the bomb, and upon doing so your tight mask skips off your big head and reveals your non-Tormeenianess to all.With their suprise comes a few screams of 'Saboteur', and 'Kill Pinky', and your fate does not look good. They shepherd you off to another part of the ship, having to inform the Captain of what's happened.What's in store for you now is anyone's guess.Way to go janitor boy.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly throw you in the Brig.4,?,!h)h+L7/-%Q#F!h)h+/F%gK#!h)h+L7/-%s#!)+/%YLD#F!V)V+/%Xv#TxP %U%A\+/6 K )%># xeeeE5eeeeee e e e e S5ebciMM<$)<+/<Ieeee eeeb!+Ic!i eeeee+G#$ m:v 6 e+Gxeex# 7## #!#"#xx 7##$#%#&#xx7# 7'#(#e)e*e++F^6\7 R+X 7bO~ ; O i 3 &   FT You are at what seems to be a lookout area on the ship.You see aliens relaxing and gazing at the stars.The large window gives an excelent view of the endless expanse of space.There are a few aliens here. All of whom must have some job onboard this ship. They are all just taking it easy, completely oblivious to you.Besides two Tormeenians there is a Ghinusion and one of the three legged aliens, a Vorakian, sitting on the chair near the center of the room. There is also a blobby looking thing wondering around the room. If you're not mistaken that's exactly what it is, a Blobby.There is more than one alien here. Did you just want to run around the room talking to everybody or did you want to speak to someone in particular.The Blobby is too busy wandering around the room to talk to you. Leave it alone.The vorakian is sitting by himself staring out the large window.The Tormeenians are siliently staring out the large window.Though unusual for a Ghinusion, this guy is rather quiet, just staring out the large window.The blobby is running around for no apparent reason. These creatures are often pets or used for small menial tasks. They fit in the tightest places and can do things many species of aliens cannot. They can be very uselful onboard ships.Hmmmm, well if you're thinking about getting fat, you're already that, especially in the head area, and if you want to get fatter, well you could always just eat more I guess. If, perchance, you were thinking about the blobby wandering the room, you couldn't get him if you tried, they're pretty slippery, and besides, I don't think he'd be too happy about being in your pants.Having shown an interest in him however, he seems pretty interested in you now.Well what have we here? It seems that upon passing near to you, the wandering blobby noticed you weren't actually a Tormeenian.None of the Tormeenians here are interested in you. Actually I think they've started talking behind your back. They think you're FAT!Taking the miracle that this guy is not in a fool mood, for granted will be a really bad idea.Let's leave him alone so as to not tick him off, ok?Ok.The Blobby, with blinding speed and efficiency, rips off your Tormeenian outfit.He then looks at you funny and jumps on your head.This can't be good.Jumping onto your large head, the Blobby proceeds to sufficate you as it spreads it's body around you.You drop to the ground after a brief and futile struggle. The Blobby then settles itself ontop of you and proceeds to suck all the nutrients from your fluid filled Xenonian body.You're just a can of Vaporade to this guy, and he's gonna suck every last drop out of your lifeless husk.Nice going Roger. You should know better than to try to fool all of the people all of the time.Silly Xenonian. Tricks are for kids. Only brains will get you through a Sequel.The Vorakian looks up at you and gives you an expression that seems a lot like recognition.The Vorakian doesn't want to speak to you. He shoos you away. So Shoo.You a bit too far to be talking to him and it's really hard to shout in this tight mask.Geez! What are you doing here?I thought you were missing or something? Nobody told me you got back.Hah. I thought I'd seen the last of you for sure.Well I fixed that problem with your card about two months ago, but I couldn't find you and just forgot about it.The number I assigned you won't be valid now anyway, they change the codes practically every day.All the numbers end in 9-9-3 now and your card wasn't even able to be reprogrammed properly.I think you really fried something when you dropped it in the toilet that time.You really should be more careful.Don't look at me though, I can't help you. You're going to have to check security for a new card.Hey! Stop looking at me with that blank stare. I told you I fixed it but you weren't around! You're not getting the money back, so go away.Besides, I don't think they'd give a clutz like you clearance again after the way you screwed things up last time.The Vorakian turns away from you and tries to ignore you.Well besides you finding the skin of a Tormeenian that apparently had many of the qualities you have made legendary, it seems you found out something interesting from this Vorakian.You feel a little funny knowing you might be walking around in somebody else's skin, but being as you were apparently kindred spirits, the sensation passes.4jo ooo?2xx-:ee^^^)^5^^^!^;^+^,^*^7^^^3^#^ ^4^=^^2^1ex.yuxD ez2xGu >The guards rough you up a bit, but since they're under orders to keep you in one piece you should consider yourself lucky you still have the same amount of openings to your body as you did ten minutes ago.You are strip searched and all your possessions taken.Something with which you have become familiar.Resur'cha has you stripped, again, and then bathed in the solution his assistant prepared.4?,!)+/%<6#T!)+/%=6#T!)+/%dN#F!)+/%q}#T!)+/-%;NF# %U<bDcDj)+%J%T%A\+/6 K )%># QJIxQTJy<<ex xe##eebciey y+ee e 8e 8e 9e zeeeE"h")]6The guards take you to the Brig, and proceed to take you into a cell.The guard, having escorted you to the open cell, gets ready to throw you in.Get in there you traitorous scum! If I had my way I'd desintegrate you one cell at a time. I'd keep you alive for weeks, while I make you suffer the unbearable pain of the Ghinusion Fusion Contusion Machine.Death is too easy a fate for you, you FAT PINK GRAT!What fun Roger!! You have lovely scenery, lovely hosts, and who knows what activities in store for you.Yeesh.You get a boot in the pants to help you in the cellIt looks a lot like Brig to me. As in Lock-up, Hoosgow, Jail, the Pokey, the Big House. You get the idea right?You can see three cells from here, only the middle cell is unoccupied.There are three cells that you can see from here, there are more to the left and right outside you line of sight. The center cell is wide open.There are many panels with monitors and buttons on the walls. They can't help you.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You can't see the monitors cleary from here, so don't waste your time.You see the purple aliens that are one of the species working aboard this ship. They seem like they make the bulk of the guards and maintainance workers.Two of them are standing alongside the center cell, which has it's door open. You're guessing that's to welcome you.4#y?,!)+/%[Y6#T!)+/%F^6CX7L7F#  %G\+/6 Kb+c+i )%>#n W +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i Y Y Yee!e N QIV 6 Kb+c+i  M 6 /e6 8e8e9ete R'lJ)Ofk#You are in a corridor.You can see a door on the North wall.The door is automatic.hereThe panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4(sk?,!)+/%q0F= Y)Y+/7O7>d=  %w>=_#>=>=  eeeee eeeeee e e e e  e ee e eeeeee  eeeee* !eeeeee _^,e!* !eeeeee _^,e!* !eeeeee _^,e!q h'QRQ e"e#e$e%e&e'QQ<e(e)e*e+e,e-e.Q;QZe(e/e0e1e2e3e4e5QYQxe6e7e8e9e:e;ee?e@eAQ=0 . eBeCeDieEeFeG$eHeIeJeK# $eLeMeNeOePeQeReS#eTeUeV)< YeW  keX eY eZ RZ-%#[bTFl^0^dN  8 _  Q +w*Tnj![{qh0Bf?@_' !"F###$%You are in a small confining cell with walls covered in graffiti, more than likely left by previous tenants.There are some fairly inadequate looking facilities in one corner, a terribly hard looking bed in another and a window on the back wall.The cell look likes Vohaul himself sludged it all up before they so graciously invited you to stay.You imagine this cell is cleaned about as often as you cleaned the Arcada.Never.You are in a small confining cell with walls recently cleaned by you.Though I'm still asking myself why.The cell looked like Vohaul himself had sludged it all up before they so graciously invited you to stay. It's pretty clean now however.The walls are littered with Graffiti of all kinds. You're guessing the people here had lot's of time on their hands.You sincerely hope that does not become your situation.The walls are now fairly clean, thanks to your janitorial expertise.Not that it helps your situation any.The walls are covered with some icky slime in various places. You really don't want to know what left it there.It's icky, and no t very pleasant to the nose either.There is only a bit of slime high above the window that you couldn't reach.The slime is very stinky and you don't want.Right Roger?You can't reach the slime over the window.Not that you would pick it up if you could.Yuck.The bed looks like solid metal. Oh how comfy that must be. You have no interest in trying it out however, your back is already stiffer than a Spider Droids upper lip. And here you thought all that falling on your face had no effect.The Graffiti was obviously made by many different aliens at many different times.Some of the writing you can't even recognize.Not that you ever paid attention in Linguistics 501. You always had Mops, brooms and Crud-bowls on your mind.Well, either that or you were asleep.What graffiti? You cleaned it all up. I'm beginning to worry about what that tight mask did to your tender brain.Well, apparently unable to curb your natural Janitorial Instincts, you muster up the will to try to clean the very messy cell.Using your Tormeenian outfit, torn up into nifty pieces of cloth, you start wiping away at the cell walls.Though lacking cleaning fluid, the strange cloth does a decent job and you continue to swob away. You leave the floors, since it looks beyond the help of any mortal, and you stay far from the toilet. In fact, you wouldn't attempt to clean that toilet unless you had something akin to Grimesol Cleaning Acid and a full body suit. You do however manage to get rid of all that nasty graffiti and most of the slime plastered on the walls.However, some of the slime is so close to the roof of the cell that it not only boggles your mind but makes you afraid to find out how it got there.Though unable to reach the high slime, you're very impressed with your work.You dump the now filthy pieces of the outfit in the toilet. The toilet won't notice.Didn't you do that already? Hmmmm.....On this side of the wall you can make out a few things.Akril of Femaleria: Painter of Janitors, Basher of Bozos.You will all become Fun, with The Borg.Wish we were here: The Two Guys.I will never leave the Closet: The Decaffeinated Jedi.Trapped? There's help in The Subspace Channel, but I don't know how the Hearon you're going to get there! Ha Ha Ha.On this section of the wall you can make out a few more things.Damn that Boron: Blusk the Blunderer.CoilyJoe did Yuk his way in here. The Big Round Mountain was his only fear.This place is a pain in the Thorax: Logic AntI'm the only 'real' Cool Guy.Alas poor Josho, his trial was a washo, he was convicted by old Slosho, and he died a slave on Erosho.The walls, the walls! They're closing in!If he sings that Panadol song one more time, I'm going to reach into his cell and rip his head off.Arjak, nabbed for a Pod-jack, kept for a Hijack, dying for a Low-jack.This is Insanity, blah. Madness, blah. Insanity I say, Blah. They could never hold ME, blah. Blah blah blah!!!This is my Bio, born on Orio, named Mighty Cryo, caught as a Spyo, now I'm going to Dieo.MQ came from Afar, playing his Guitar, rebuked as a Star, he burned down the Bar.Man, the guy in the next cell is a Big Flippin Whale. I can hear him turn over!His name was Webmaster, bet he wishes he was faster, 'cause after he stole my last plaster, I fried him with a blaster.On this section of the wall you can make out even more things.I am Neekburm, Fritzel Neekburm. Try saying it backwards.Wasted your time didn't I? F.N.Did you do, that Voodoo, to my whole crew?T'was not my fate, to decimate, your crew of eight.But I admit I ate, your fat First Mate, and his purple date!He tried to steal a Fradzoon Croonit, then said he hadn't doonit, he had no name to sign the toonit, so we decided to call him The Big Unit.My cellmate Dopefish, he called me Nelly, so I placed him carefully, into my belly.The walls aren't closing in, but it's not the end of my fright. Blabba the Mutt has taken to sleeping ontop me at night.The wall is now clean smart guy. You wiped off all the graffiti and felt kind of proud doing it. Of course why you did it is beyond me.Well Roger, if you thought the cell itself was dirty, this thing looks like a Mooknlian Mud Monster had an accident all over it. Twice. It is neither a pretty sight, nor a pleasant smell. Whatever you were thinking of doing, take some friendly advice, hold it.All right. You keep shurking the advice of friendly narators, so you'd better deal with the consequences.You here angry voices outside. Then the door opens and the very unfriendly guard who hurt your fanny orders you out of the cell.You're guessing the large smile on his face doesn't bode well for you.Somewhere else on the ship a report just came in about a certain DNA sample that a certain Tormeenian placed on the DNA Decoder. That information is about to be relayed to the Captain of the Vercotron.Well having no idea what to do in the cell, and hence just wandering about doing absolutely nothing, you've not helped your cause. Which I can't remember anyway, so it doesn't really matter.However, with no information on you, and with lot's on his mind, the Captain, having been informed of your treachery, orders your Death.Of course your friend, the guy who booted you into your nice cell, rejoices at this news and drags you out of the cell to suffer weeks of torture and pain.You win a final victory however, as your week body only survives about two days of the abuse heaped upon it by alien and machine alike.Your lifeless, battered and smelly body is dumped out into space, to float forever in the void.With no air, there is no decay, so you float endlessly, bumped now and then by the odd meteor. Your body is even crashed into a few times by ships shuttling to and fro through the galaxy.Despite causing the occasional curse by angry pilots, you are a non-entity in this or any other timeline, due the fact that you're long dead.Well you drop your adventurer's draws and plant you heiny on the weird looking, and smelling, filthy toilet. There are three separate tubes on this thing, you guess to accomodate various forms of life.After about five seconds you start to feel a strange sensation on your skin. Hmmmm, it's all tingly.Just when you were about to decide whether the feeling was pleasurable or not, it being such a long time since you felt anything below the waist other than the urge to do what you are presently doing, the sensation suddenly turns into a sharp burning pain.Alarmed, you try to get off the toilet, but alas, it appears your behind has started to melt and is now firmly stuck to the seat.As you struggle in vain to free yourself, the burning spreads rapidly and you watch as all your hopes for the future melt and drip down into the foul drain.As your tears start streaming after witnessing the greatest loss any adventurer can ever sustain, your legs fall off and you begin a slow and very excruciating process of being sucked down the tubes.People always told you to watch where you put your butt, because you just might lose it. Only now does the advice ring true in your pain riddled mind.You briefly recall that bully from Xenon who was always threatening to flush your @$$ down the toilet. Your uncanny skill at finding the nearest broomcloset always saved your hide, and incidently enhanced your desire to become a janitor. How ironic that after avoiding it for years, you ended up doing it to yourself.Amazingly your small cell has a window in the back wall. You can see the stars and planets shinning brightly outside, beckoning with the promise of freedom and adventure. Unfortunately you are stuck in here.You wish you'd never gotten out of that pod and soiled your shoes on that swampy planet. You're in a fine mess now Roger.You say the magic words and are transformed into the ultimate expression of Janitorial Anger and Power.Hmmmm... Not quite what you had in mind, and oddly familiar, but it's cool!!In your lamenting about your capture, and in an effort to stop thinking about the multitude of probes you are likely to be subjected to in these aliens' effort to study you, you stare out onto the star filled void of space.You're not close enough to the window to look out of it.You look out the window.4 oocrooo?2!)+/%S6 CLF!)+/%-I6CLF!)+/%:6 CLF yxxyxyexexx ##xx(eey yy  yy(     5j'}WXYou look out into space. You ponder your future. What amazing adventures might be waiting out there for you Roger?You can only imagine what the future holds for you now. These aliens could do anything to you, and most of the things they probably have in mind aren't pleasant.This is just not what you had planned for your life.You wanted to command your own Cleaning Vessel someday. To roam the stars cleaning up spills the likes of which would make normal men tremble.As you watch the vast expanse of space you wish you were out there. Free to bungley, errr... boldy, boldy clean where no Xenonian has cleaned before.You miss the good old times. You miss your Golden Mop. How do you get yourself in these situations Roger?You admire your new and very impressive look.You're a scary one there Roger, you couldn't NOT look mean in this face if you tried.You Marvel at your Claws.They look like they could cut through most metals like a hot laser-knife through Perma-plas.As you watch the vast expanse of space you wonder what adventures you could find in this new form.You wonder who would be able to stand in your way with this powerful new body.Then you bang your head on the window trying to see the outside of the ship and you remember that this is just a Delusion and you're really the same old Janitor you always were.Not that there's anything wrong with that!You stop day dreaming and turn your attention back to the Cell.44?,!)+/%[Y6#T!)+/%F^6CX7L7F#  %G\+/6 Kb+c+i %G\+/6 Kb+c+i )%>#n W +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i Y Y Yee!e N QIV 6 Kb+c+i m M 6 /e6 8e8e9ete R'mmmlJ)Ofk#You are in a corridor.You can see a door on the North wall.The door is automatic.hereThe panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4 .?,xy k%U )%>#xyeee!e e~exyyA:ee # # # # #####ee  R'keeu*o2t02[/^-You are on the upper level of what seems to be a large research lab.You are on a walkway that goes all the way around the large room.There is all kinds of equipment extending up from below. You really have no idea what its all for.There is a door all the way over on the other side of the room. Unless you were referring to the one you just walked in.The walkway extends around the entire upper level of the lab.There are some large pieces of equipment that come from the roof and extend down into the ground floor of the lab. All the equipment you can see from here is down on that floor and unaccessible to you.Being the luckiest janitor to ever slip on thermal underwear, after hanging around for a while in here you start to overhear a conversation from down below.Its hard to hear the aliens speaking but you make out most of it.....Nah. I wouldn't stand a chance. She'd blow me off in a second.No way man! You just have to impress her a little. Maybe take her to the bar, get her a few drinks. Loosen her up a bit.I'd probably make a fool of myself. She'd probably catch me staring at her tail or something and knock me cold.Geez, you have absolutely no faith in yourself. I tell you Geet'ni saw her looking at you. She likes you! You just have to go introduce yourself.I just don't know. What if you're wrong?No way! I'll finish the Promak Deviation Test, just get down there and talk to the girl!Nah. I just wouldn't make any kind of impression. I've got work to do. Maybe later or something.Oh man!! You're hopeless.Put on the Frazilator. I'll take the readings.A loud machine comes on, obscuring the voices of the aliens below.Well, you're not sure what that was all about but you still feel proud of your evesdropping talent. It seems you only get better with time.Looking around the room you don't see any need to go in this direction.4 v? !:):+/%+6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7)%5%}%x%%6#e%e=e/ee3e-e R''opp<'oppO9You have entered an underwater cave that expands downward and outward. It is much larger than it appears from the outside.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its an underwater cave, you can actually see pretty well considering you are meters underwater. Its hard to tell if this cave is natural or if it was carved into the bedrock.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4h? !:):+/%6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7)% #%s%U#e%e=e/ee3e-e R''opp< 4You are well into the underwater cave. It is dark and pretty ominous, you wonder how this cave came to be here.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4s? !:):+/%6C7L7#!")"+/%!/OC7L7#S) %# > >%s#4 ? ?eTD+/ K >Mbciee$#>ee%eb>eei% MT)T/ IS ?e 5e =e /e e 3e-e + ) R'oppO < =The squid upon coming into contact with 'your' tentacles, stops, surveys them with it's tentacles, and apparently has decided that you arent food. It, obviously having lost interest in you, wanders off into the cave. My arent you the smart one.A huge underwater squid-like creature just made you dinner. Its crushing jaws, hiden by its many tentacles, tears you to pieces. It wasn't pleasant.All these tentacles, whats up with that?Oh-oh. There is a very large squid-like creature coming rapidly toward you. Maybe it just wants to play.Its another chamber in the underwater cave. It is much larger than it appears from the outside.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.The squid is approaching very rapidly, perhaps you should think about what you're going to do. You could play fun games that hopefully don't invlove you getting digested, or you could swim away screaming.The squid is minding it's own business now, it apparantly has you regestered as friendly and not tasty.You decide to try something. You wip out the pieces of tentacle you retrieved earlier and start waving them about maddly.Use what? You have something you never picked up, how's that?Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4d? !:):+/%!6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7) %y  ) %K #e%e=e/ee3e-e R'j!rIt is even darker here than anywhere else. You can't quite tell if its a dead end or not.The cave is in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4`? !:):+/%+6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7) %1%#e%e=e/ee3e-e R'KWYou are in one of the many tunnels in the underwater cave.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.In this part of the cave there are only exits to the West and EastThere arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4$k? !:):+/%+6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7) %1%%x#'opp@ee%e=e<'opp@ee<e/ee 3e -e  R' j3\$ZYou have reached the end of this tunnel. There appears to be a hole in the floor.You are in another tunnel. There appears to be a hole in the ceiling.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its a tunnel inside the cave. The way is blocked to the East.The hole goes down through the cave bed.The hole goes up through the cave ceiling.Just swim into the hole.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4t?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7! ) +/6%h5#!)+/% D#F!)+/%d}#T!)+/-%qQL7# %N%A\+/6 K )%># ii ib c jj jbcieee8e8e9ezeee e e e e eeeeeeeeeeNO dO}VC ;8*e#Fe#eG###e  e e!e"e# dOV e$%#e&e'+ dOVe()#*#e+e,e-e' R i j-<\`L]Yz,PgCd/  J l ?  m 7gSYou are in one of the many science rooms on the large spacecraft.You see aliens working away at various computers and machinery.There are computers everywhere. You have no real idea what they do. Something essential to the ship's function you would imagine.There are many panels with monitors and buttons everywhere.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You can't understand what you're seeing on any of the monitors, so don't waste your time.There are a few machines in here. One is being worked on by a Tormeenian in the North East corner of the room.One Tormeenian is wandering around from machine to machine, but the other is working hard on that machine in the corner.He looks mean. He looks tough. He looks like he doesn't like you.He looks at you funny and then tells you to shut up and go away.Pretty pleasant for a Ghinusion.You Tormeenians working in the room. One of them is working intently on a machine in the North East corner.There is also a Ghinusion standing guard. As stiff and stern as ever.Which alien do you want to talk to?You take a look at the DNA Decoder and marvel at it's complexity. Not that you understand it's complexities, but all the buttons and switches impress you greatly.There is a flat scanning surface to the left on the Decoder which is probably for putting DNA samples for analysis.All in all it looks likes a very handy machine.You can't take it with you so stop thinking about it.It's a clear panel of glass or some such material that is probably where someone would put a DNA sample for analysis.There is nothing on it right nowThe bits of your hair you tore out of your head are lying on the scanning surface.Why on Xenon you decided to do that is beyond me.Well, for reasons only you can fathom, you place some of the hair you so recently ripped out of your skull, it still hurts by the way, onto the scanning surface of the DNA Decoder.As luck would have it, the Tormeenian sees you and starts screaming.HEY!! What do you thing you're doing? I'm going to get security here to....Just then the machine comes to life and begins to hum as it starts processing the DNA.Alright!! I fixed it. The darn thing is working.And that's not Tormeenian DNA either. Great. I'll have that DNA identified in no time.Good job there buddy. Now go away while I do this analysis.Well, at least he didn't hit you.You already have your DNA in the Decoder. What's your problem? You want to spread you DNA far and wide or something? Geez, get a life.This isn't Leisure Suit Larry you know. Move along now like a good janitor.Huh? You be missing something there Eistien. Maybe wittle boy need rest. Lay head down, take nap. Or maybe you should just look in your pockets and see what you have and don't have. Geez.You're a bit far away to do anything to or with the DNA Decoder. Maybe moving a little closer would be a step in the right direction.Since the Tormeenian walking around has no interest in you what-so-ever, you try a little chat with the guy working at the panel.Hey, move out the way there chunky. I'm trying to do work here. I haven't got time to chit chat with you.Well the guy walking around ignores you completely, something with which you are not unfamiliar, and you're too far way from the other guy.I'd suggest a change in location, but it's just a suggestion.You offer some help to the Tormeenian scientist. Of course we both know you'd be about as much help as a Frigion Fruit Flapper in a Meat Eating contest.Look, I told you to get out of my way. I've got to prepare this DNA Decoder to identify that stupid alien lifeform that crashed on that stupid planet.Call me off duty for this stupid thing. A guy needs his rest and relaxation you know. I'm going to lodge a protest with the Union, that's what I'm going to do.The alien continues to talk to himself, and in the meantime he ignores you.You already did everything you can here. Leave the grumpy Tormeenian alone before he belts you.Well the guy walking around ignores you completely, something with which you are not unfamiliar, and you too far way from the other guy.4[ji?!)+/%g-6C!)+/%gA6!)+/%gU6C!)+/%gi6CF!)+/%ki6CF!)+/%mi6CF!)+/%qi6CF! ) + / % vi6 C F ! ) + / % {i6 C F ! ) + / % i6 C F ! ) + / % i6 C F ! ) + / % i6 C F !)+/%i6CF!)+/%i6CF!)+/%i6CF!)+/%i6CFIJsJJ}###J#b(c(iJ#b(c(iJ#b(c(iJ#b(c(iJ # b(c(i! J# b(c(iJ# b(c(iJ# b(c(iJ# b(c(iJ#b(c(iJ#b(c(iJ#b(c(iJ#b(c(iJbEcEiJeeJY2xNothing to see here. You arent even here.Captain, the Xenonian appears to have a Future Timeline significance.What do we do now?4h? !:):+/%6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7)% #%s%U#e%e=e/ee3e-e R' 4You are well into the underwater cave. It is dark and pretty ominous, you wonder how this cave came to be here.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4 y? !:):+/%6C7L7#!)+/%>F#!)+/%1F#)% #%s%U#ee%e=eFeFe/ee)e e e u 6sHe e e 6sH eeee# 6sH .e e\. ee-e R' .Z!T>HP~ p You've finally reached a dead end. The only way out from here is the way you came in.There is a strange looking ship here, and some other debris around the swamp bed.The cave is in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.It looks like metallic parts of ship burried in the swamp bed. Perhaps this ship was trying to excavate the ship.The debris is too deeply burried. Besides, its just damaged metal, you can't use it.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.You see the strange ship and some debris lying on the bedThe ship looks like some kind of drilling machine. It looks like it was abandonded some time ago. The cockpit chamber is cracked open and you can see some things strewn about.You can only guess at who this machine belonged to and what its doing down here. Maybe this machine, and machines like it, actually dug out these caves.Though the silt has covered most everything up, there are still a few vague signs of excavation around the ship.You peek inside the cockpit to see if anything interesting is inside.What you see are a few damaged tools, and about four code cards. They are all different colors, and only the green one appears intact.You aren't close enough to see clearly inside the cockpit.Three of the code cards are definately damaged, but the green one does appear to be in good condition. Well, after being underwater for who knows how long it isn't good as new, but it seems ok.You do notice that most of the things in the cockpit, including the cards, appear older than the ship itself. Perhaps these things were found down here or somewhere else on the island.Perhaps this machine was part of an underwater expidition that was looking for artifacts and the like down here. You're definately getting the feeling that somebody, or something, has been exploring this planet and trying to gather information about either ancient life here, or aliens that have crashed.You already have the only intact code card. You need to find something else to do, swimming around here just isn't being helpful.You reach into the cockpit, being careful not to cut yourself on the damaged glass, well glass-like material anyway, and you just manage to reach the code card.Now if you could only figure out what the thing was for you'd be sitting pretty.You aren't close enough to get anything from inside the cockpit.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4 ? !:):+/%I6C7L7#!)+-/%m7L7 $#!8)8+/%?n6O6CJ#bEcEi Sd)d+/ %nF#) %y  ) %K #Jee e $e%e $ee $ee=e/e e $ $ d&x e $\$ e e 3e$ $ d&x e $\$ e e -eC  e J e R^ J$MMd)d+/<7L7G I52WMM$X)XM +/+/8L7G I( J / -  $9)9#Teee# F'Z[[NQn eeee^E 2~!~jOY9fhHoly monsterous fish! There's a huge and very unfriendly looking fish here.Actually Roger, he looks like he's heading straight for you!It is even darker here than anywhere else. To the East you can't quite tell if its a dead end or not.You see something floating in the water to the West. The object seems trapped by the rocks or it would have floated away.The cave is in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.It appears to be a piece of material similiar to paper. Except it must be sturdier than paper or else it would have been worn away or torn to bits by now.What object? The one attached to your neck?Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..You grab the paper out of the water.You expect to reach everything from anywhere don't you? Try simming a little closer for crying out loud.Don't you have that already? I think so. So get with the program and stop being silly.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!You quickly stick your hands in your pocket, for once not lingering, and pull out the fruit and throw it into the water ahead of you.You're must be a fruit, because the last time I looked at the inventory you had no such thing.The huge fish easily catches you, since you have about as much swimming ability as the average rock, and proceeds to devour you.The large teeth ripped you apart and you die in the creatures mouth long before you get into its stomach, which is a good thing, take my word for it, you wouldn't want to see what's in there.Once again you've gone rishing in to something else's domain without a thought, when are you going to learn?Well, you just have a mind like a steel block, err, I mean trap, steel trap.You whipped out the fruit and threw it into the water. The rushing creature snapped it up on its way to snapping you up, but obviously the fruit didn't sit too well in its stomach.The creature stopped just short of you and its stomach seemed to explode or something, but it definately kicked the bucket.You're the man! Nobody can use useless items to save his hide like you Roger. More power to you.4]? !:):+/%6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7)%_%b#e%e=e/ee3e-e R' 4You are well into the underwater cave. It is dark and pretty ominous, you wonder how this cave came to be here.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4h? !:):+/%6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7)% #%s%U#e%e=e/ee3e-e R'QVThe cave seems to end to the West, but it also seems to descend.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!4U? !:):+/%6C7L7#!4)4+/%gC7L7)%( #e%e=e/ee3e-e R'PUYou've descended into yet another part of this enormous cavern.The cave in the bedrock of the swamp, so there are rocks everywhere.Its the underwater cave you entered, or don't you remember.There arent any lifeforms visable on the cave bed.Of course, there might be things lurking around in the dark that you can't see..Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.OK. You bump you head repeatidly on the cave ceiling. Do you feel better now!47?2!)+/%76CLF#%rxxe9`x #Gxx,### Me78AThis is the room for the item tutorial.At What?OK, despite the fact that you have no idea what kind of mould this is exactly, or what it could do to you, you slap some in your mouth and start chewing.There is a very strange taste which is followed by a weird feeling.Your lungs seem full of air. You feel like, well, like you could breathe underwater. That mould must cause some effect that greatly increases your body's capacity to take in and process oxygen.You feel amazing. You wish you felt like this every day.Meanwhile, up in space......4Z_?(!:):+/% 6C7L7#!S)S+/% C7L78 +/F6#!0)0+/C76O6L7!)))+/%]kC7L7#T!*)*+/%ICC7L7#T  4 )  %`%`#dee M!)!Iee ej)jee#e,e%eU 8ee=e 3e )e < 8e e i8 eei- $8  e\ eee-ek4( M'e^\ 2 7 e7 7&#eQB_k$ 4bci#Ibci'XYX   +ee$/bciIbci 6ee#" Q)Q+Q)_/#Ibci 4 ee$+/bciI 6+ee%f#Q` 8 $N R' <Go)](?3* |  FYou're getting low on air. Your lungs are about as out of shape as you are, and they can't hold much of anything, including air.You just couldn't stay under any longer. The swamp water fills up your lungs and they pretty much explode in your chest from lack of air.Perhaps if you had a way to breathe while underwater you'd be able to swim around under here, but as it is Roger, you're as dead as the Orat back on Kerona.You are in an underwater cave. You can only move West into the cave, which isn't as dark as you would expect, or East back into the swamp.Ok, so there's something looking like a clam swimming around. Big deal. You can't do anything with it. You can't do anything with the squiggly thing either, so drop that idea right now.The rocks of this cave actually provide a small amount of light, you're guessing its some kind of moss on the rocks, or it could simply be a unique type of rock. Since you are no biologist or geologist, you stop hurting your head and swim on.There is a hole left by the tentacle creature on the cave floor.There is only silt and rocks on the cave floor.The cave gets darker the further in you look. The rocks however seem to give off a certain dim glow.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.The hole is the only remnant of the tentacle creature that once guarded the cave. There appears to be a couple pieces of tentacle wedged in a crack just inside the hole.There is no hole here. What are you on dude?The pieces of tentacle are wedged in a crack just inside the hole. It must be parts that got ripped off when the puffy fish did its trick to get out of the grip of the tentacles.There is no tentacle here. You've been on something huh?You reach in and take the pieces of tentacle. You were very carefull to be quick as you never know if that creature might come back.You are not close enough to the hole to get anything out of it.You already have the tentacle. What's wrong with you?Do you really want to crack your skull on the rocks?.You open the Superplas Carry All Baggie and release the Pouting Puffy fish into the water.Ah, arent you supposed to have something before you can let it go.Upon contact with the water, the puffy fish imediately awakens and starts swimming away.Accompanied by a strange rumbling, you notice something bursting out of the sand.OH MY! That thing doesn't look friendly. Watching the creatures tentacles approach, you briefly consider what you could do to persuade this thing that you wouldn't make a good meal, but alas you do not have the time. The tentacles wrap around you and begin pulling you down. Could this creature be just lonely and looking for friends? You quickly find out the answer.Well the tentacled creature apparently aint interested in anything other than an early dinner. Stunned by the speed, not to mention the force of the grip, of your new friend, you hardly even feel your back break as you are pulled through the creature's lair entrance. Maybe you should be more careful.In case you are wondering, you are quite dead, but if its any consolation, your underwear stuck somewhere in the creatures inards, and being nearly indestructable they cause an unending pain for the next 100 or so years.OH MY! That thing doesn't look friendly. Responding to the presence of the puffy fish, the creature's tentacles spring out of the sand. Realising that its intentions are hostile you briefly consider the horrible fate now awaiting the poor little puffy fish. As your guilt begins to grow, something else begins to grow before you eyes.Wow. It appears that little puffy fish can take care of itself. Using it's famous puffing ability to expand to many times its original size, it not only prevented the tentacled creature from pulling it into the hole, but it blew apart the tentacles in the process. That creature wont be able to hold onto anything now.The puffy fish wonders off, quite awake, and displaying a quite visable pout. Now you've seen why it got its name.4a?( !:):+/%q6C7L7#!)+/%PSC6#!)))+/%]kC7L7#T!*)*+/%ICC7L7#T ) %`#e eeeVeeeee e e%e Ue =e 3e )e-e R'4 h cYLThe Oracle has already been touched. Why're you so touchy feely anyway?The strange object embeded in the cave floor appears to be spherical, but most of it is not visable.Since you touched it it has begun to glow brightly.You stare into its bright magnificance. Suddenly something begins to happen. Holy Mordaklivian Moo Cow Roger! You are getting a vision inside the Oracle. You start to make out the vision as things get clearer and clearer.You look intently at the plaque, but alas it is in a strange language. However, since we're in the Space Quest tradition here, you'll get a few concessions as Roger The Man Wilco. Aint you special.Anyway, the Plaque says :Here resides the Magnificant Oracle. It is an ancient wonder, with an origin clouded in mystery. To all who have reached this wonder, touch the Oracle and see what is yet to happen, what is happening now, or what will be of importance to your life. There is no way to predict what the Oracle will show you. May it guide you well.You have entered a dead end cavern. There is a strange object embeded in the cavern floorThere is also what appears to be a plaque on the cave wall. Obviously somebody, or something, placed it there, and from the looks of it, some time ago.The oracle embeded in the cave floor is glowing brightly, and has brightened the entire cave.The rocks of this cave actually provide a small amount of light, you're guessing its some kind of moss on the rocks, or it could simply be a unique type of rock. Since you are no biologist or geologist, you stop hurting your head and swim on.The cave gets darker the further in you look. The rocks however seem to give off a certain dim glow.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.Do you really want to crack your skull on the rocks?.4'o?( !:):+/%q6C7L7#!)+/%PSC6#!)))+/%]kC7L7#T!*)*+/%ICC7L7#T ) %`##@e Ff{ e @eeeeeee %e Ue=e 3e )e e-e R'5YB2hOne vision per customer buddy. What do you think this is anyway? Maybe you were planning on spending the next few hours down here just rubbing the ball? Well you can't do it. Move along now, like a good janitor boy.You rub you hand on the Oracle and something begins to happen.You're not close enough to do that.The strange object embeded in the cave floor appears to be spherical, but most of it is not visable.You look intently at the plaque, but alas it is in a strange language. However, since we're in the Space Quest tradition here, you'll get a few concessions as Roger The Man Wilco. Aint you special.Anyway, the Plaque says :Here resides the Magnificant Oracle. It is an ancient wonder, with an origin clouded in mystery. To all who have reached this wonder, touch the Oracle and see what is yet to happen, what is happening now, or what will be of importance to your life. There is no way to predict what the Oracle will show you. May it guide you well.You have entered a dead end cavern. There is a strange object embeded in the cavern floorThere is also what appears to be a plaque on the cave wall. Obviously somebody, or something, placed it there, and from the looks of it, some time ago.The rocks of this cave actually provide a small amount of light, you're guessing its some kind of moss on the rocks, or it could simply be a unique type of rock. Since you are no biologist or geologist, you stop hurting your head and swim on.The cave gets darker the further in you look. The rocks however seem to give off a certain dim glow.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.There is no ship here.Do you really want to crack your skull on the rocks?.4dj?)!)+/%>DPDLD#Sz!)+/%oDPDLD#Sy8%F)#eEBECBMMFeFM y@CMMFeFM z@ RPYou are in a corridor. The corridor extends to the North and to the East.The alien grabs you. It looks like you're in for trouble now.4Z-?)!)+/%y6CXLF#ee8e R'RvYou are in a corridor. The corridor extends to the West and to the South.There is a panel on the North wall.You can't tell what's the purpose of the panel. It doesn't look like it could help you.4h?!;);+/%6C7L7#!`)`+/%\6 C#T>)>x  +%ZV%oV#eee)ee e R[V~You are in a very deep part of the swamp. You are inside an alien ship.They way is clear to the East and West.There is very little wildlife this deep down.The craft is shuttling you along underwater.You were unaware you had such skill with alien technology, but you've always had a knack for strange things. Remember the time your boss from the Xenon Pie Palace realised you could use the Pie Packer when he found you packing your face during time off? But that's another story.You turn the ship right, into the underwater canyon and continue going foward into the dark swamp depths.4 ?!;);+/%6C7L7#x!`)`+/%46 CLx#Ty!>)>+/%46CLy>)> e%V%oV#eeeeee< ej}|ee' ) ej}ze e e  ej}|eee   ej}|e eeeQ )H  *e  ej}|e ee * ej}|eee\)eeee)eeK % ee eK ( eeeeh)$'ope e! QZdu e ne"e##)+'op YZble$%Zd$>)>+# e% e&u u%Zd+$#G ) %^h# )e'$'op)>&op$#e( R'e)e*ee**V#*'kT5m3+ n M z  I _ qN.H8iYou are in a very deep part of the swamp. You are inside an alien ship.They way is clear to the East and West.There seems to be a ship similiar to the one you are presently in, crashed on the swamp-bed.You can clearly see the hole in the side of the ship. It gives you a view indside. You can see things strewn about in there, but thankfully no bodies.The ship is obviously non-functional. It looks like its been there for some time, though its relatively intact.You can't tell if there is anything inside the ship, but you imagine nobody is still in it. At least you hope so.Through the hole you can see all manner of debris. Stuck in one of the seats something does catch your eye. It seems to be a metallic box.You're a bit too far from the hole to see properly inside the ship.The metallic box is wedged in one of the cracks in one of the seats of the cockpit.You're a bit too far from the hole to see the box clearly.What? Are you nuts cowboy? Where is there a box around here? You need help. Lots of help.That would be nice, but the box is quite a ways inside the ship, and the hole is not big enough for you to enter the ship.That's a good idea. You whip out your handy extendo rope and fire it off in the direction of the box.You miss the box. You try a couple more times, but the rope just seems to stay enough to miss the box each time. Maybe if there was some way to get the rope to stick to the box you'd be able to grab it. But alas, your attempts fail. Your ego is hurt, your self esteme damaged. If only you could figure this out.You're a bit too far from the hole to be able to try your rope.You don't have a rope, dope.Huh? Either you have a VERY good opinion of yourself, or you're off your rocker buddy. You have no rope.Man you're just getting better and better. Before you know it you'll be solving problems in Space Quest 12!.With the magnet attached to the extendo rope, you fire off the rope towards the box and the powerful magnet draws the rope towards it. You should consider yourself lucky the box was stuck in one of the seats, because there is a lot of other metal around here.You real back in the rope and the magnet pulls out the box. You've done it Roger. Its all yours. Now what are you going to do with it.You're too far to try that smarty pants. The rope isn't that long!You already have the box. What exactly is your problem Roger? How many boxes do you want? Don't answer that.What exactly do you want to do with the suit. Stretch it across the cockpit and make a hammock? Be more specific.The craft is shuttling you along underwater.You were unaware you had such skill with alien technology, but you've always had a knack for strange things. Remember the time your boss from the Xenon Pie Palace realised you could use the Pie Packer when he found you packing your face during time off? But that's another story.Brilliant! You decide to put on your pressure suit just in case you should have cause to exit the safety of the underwater craft.You feel smart and safe now. We're all proud of you.Errr.. Are you sure you're with me here Roger? You want to wear something you don't have? Sorry, but that might work where you come from, that being Crazy-ville, but it won't do you any good here and now. Of course if you did have a pressure suit it would be a different story.Well you decide to put on your protective suit just in case you should have cause to exit the safety of the underwater craft.Unfortunately you quickly discover that the suit doesn't fit you. Apparently the helmet fits alright, but the suit itself is way too small for you.Well you can't even get this thing on much less get outside the ship with it. Great going Roger. Of all the suits to take, you take the extra small, kinda like when they were handing out brains oh those many decades ago.You figure out how to exit the ship and proceed to leave the safety of your borrowed craft.First you move to a good spot to exit.Unfortunately, since your body cannot withstand the immense pressure of this depth, you promtly implode as the hatch is opened. Your body parts splatter the inside of the exit hatch, but the swamp water quickly washes it all away. Your remains drift to the bottom, to be devoured by the small deep-depth bottom-dwellers and scavengers of the swamp.You're a smart one I'll tell you that. Leaving an underwater craft that is pressure sealed, to swim around in depths that cause quite a few thousand pounds of pressure per square inch, and expecting to survive! Yep, Roger, a true genius.You enter the hatch and seal it behind you.Feeling confined you remove the pressure suit. Now you're ready to go again.You have about as much chance of that as you have of getting a Monolith Burger right now. You're too far.You work your way back into the ship and seal the hatch.You are not close enough to the ship to do that.You turn left out of the canyon.Its not a good idea to go swimming around down here. If you have to go anywhere, get back in the ship.4AH4?,!)+/O4%cF#!)+/O4% }F#!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yee!e N QA\'9:9<#9CSoGCSpGE55eFE88eF +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 eeteo o MFMFMFeFp p MFMFMFeF REKhYou are in a corridor that leads only to the West.There are two guards standing a short distance from the elevator.The elevator door is automatic.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.The guards look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.Its a corridor heading West.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.4`?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yee!e N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 wete R'm 8SsYou are in a corridor inside the spaceship.There is an elevator here.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic. Just walk to it and the door will open.Its a corridor heading West and East.4`?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yee!e N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 wete R'l 8SsYou are in a corridor inside the spaceship.There is an elevator here.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic. Just walk to it and the door will open.Its a corridor heading West and East.4U ?!)+/% T6 CLF#)!)+/CX%Dw6LF#x!)+/%Kl6CXLF#!)+/%KlCXLF#!)+/%UlCXLF# e +/ %Nnx  +/ %Nnx %8#eee)eeeee8e :e 9e x #b*c*iKx +# ##xIx89889' #0b(c(ie e e e9, #0 b(c(ib(c(ie e e e$  +/$$$% b+c+iIqq qeee R'  $zs9j}Er You reached the end of this alien-made cavern. There is some sort of craft suspended from the roof of the cavern. There is a control panel to the North East, with a large screen.There is also some other materials around, what appears to be tanks, of some gas perhaps, and a large crate to the South East. There is a large opening under the craft. You can see the swamp water below through the opening.You know you are quite a ways below the sea level, or swamp level, whichever, meaning the air pressure in this cavern is kept at a certain level to keep that water from flooding the entire area.The craft is obviously an underwater vessel. You guess it submerges from where it is into the dark swamp depths below.Below the craft is a ramp that probably retracts, and under the vessel is an exit/entrance hatch, which is open. There is also what appears to be a lift into the vessel lowered from underdeath.You don't know what is in the tanks, but you aren't going to go mess with them, just to be safe.The crate contained materials, probably building materials, at one time. Its of no use to you.You look into the dark swamp water below and wonder whats down there.The panel must control the craft's descent into the murky swamp water. There is one large button on this panel that stands out.There isn't anything on the screen at this time.You have no idea what the button does, but you look at it intently. 'Hmmm, could be this button does something important' you think. But thinking hurts your head so you quickly stop and go back to flying by the seat of your pants, something with which you are very familiar.You press the button again, just to make sure you pressed it. But now you wonder if you havent pressed it too much. I wonder how long you can press your luck. I'm still amazed you survived this long.You press the most visible button on the panel hoping that you have intiated the descend procedure.Of course you don't really know if it will work, your speciality is mopping floors not pressing buttons.You're thinking maybe you have arms longer than Vohaul's reign of terror? Get closer smart guy.Apparently you pressed the right button, because the second you stepped on the small lift it shot up into the ship. Of course being caught completely off-guard you bang your head hard when the lift stops. But you've been hit in the head before without any adverse affects. Right?You shake off the blow and sit in the cramped vessel's cockpit.4T?!)+/% T6 CLF)!)+/%C{6CLF%=*x#e8e:e8e:e R  b?You are in a corridor heading North and South only. There is a panel on the East wallThis panel can't help you. You sure like to touch things. Do you ever wash your hands first?You sure don't listen do you? Ok. You caress the screen and touch it repeatedly. Absolutely nothing happens. Oh, shocker there!The panel must have some purpose, but you have no idea what it might be.There isn't anything on the screen at this time. And please, don't try to USE it, you can't. Really. Try it if you don't believe me.4Dg?!)+/% T6 CLF)!)+/%C{6CLF!)+/%6LF#!)+/% 6LF#!)+/% 6LF#!)+/%6LF#%P%=*x#eee)eeee{ee e  R' `"This is probably something akin to a storage room. There are small tanks and other things all over the floor.There is also a closet or compartment on the West wall.You notice the room expanding out to the East.The craft is obviously an underwater vessel. You guess it submerges from where it is into the dark swamp depths below.Below the craft is a ramp that probably retracts, and under the vessel is an exit/entrance hatch, which is open. There is also what appears to be a lift into the vessel lowered from underdeath.You don't know what is in the tanks, but you aren't going to go mess with them, just to be safe.The crate contained materials, probably building materials, at one time. Its of no use to you.The compartment probably holds something these aliens used, but you can't open it. Really, you can't, even if you tried you'd be wasting my..err.., YOUR time.You can't open it. You pull and tug and fail miserably. A feeling not unfamiliar to you.4[?!;);+/%6C7L7#!`)`+/%UR6 C#T>)>x %oV#eee)eeee+e R'Z[You are in a very deep part of the swamp. You are inside an alien ship.They way is clear to the East and West.You can see the large underwater plant and the window set into the rocks from here.The craft is shuttling you along underwater.You were unaware you had such skill with alien technology, but you've always had a knack for strange things. Remember the time your boss from the Xenon Pie Palace realised you could use the Pie Packer when he found you packing your face during time off? But that's another story.You can clearly see the window. It is built into the rock-face.You aren't seeing any aliens moving behind it right now. That's probably a good thing, since they might see you as well.It's a large underwater plant. There's not much else interesting about it.4!?,!;);+/%6C7L7#!)+L7/%w#T!)+/%0t6 CX7L7!)+/%eL6 CX9L9! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8!)+L7/%0t#T!)+/%pnD#T!)+L7/%r#T&78 g eeeeeh'78feee $%w#T $%w#T $%w#T $%w#T"7DYEXIT to Return.You can see the connecting tube and aliens walking about inside. You can see two types of aliens moving back and forth through the tube.You also marvel at the buildings themselves which rise up from the swamp bed. You have no idea how these aliens managed to build this city.You can see through the window of the connecting tube. There are aliens moving around inside the tube.The buildings are marvels of engineering. Holding back tons of pressure from the great depth and apparantly being air-tight to maintain an atmosphere inside as well.You see the tall green aliens and the shorter aliens walking in the tube. These are the same two species you encountered underneath the crashed ship. This is obviously where they live.They have an entire civilization miles under the swamp. They appear to be thriving as well.Since the technology looks different, and the crashed ship was nothing like the one you are in, or the ones you have seen so far, they must have been working on figuring out things about that crashed ship. Perhaps even trying to understand or repair some of the technology they found inside it.44?d )%P%d%Zx#ee!exIxx( ee R'd OYou have exited the room that seems to be a pressure chamber. There is air here, obviously, and you can see a way to the East and South.The door to the pressure chamber is to the West.The door is there, just walk to the left to enter the pressure chamber.You wonder if you're getting too old for this adventuring stuff.What? You got to be kidding! You are Roger Wilco, saviour of worlds, destroyer of Orats and err . . weilder of mops. Nothing can stop you.4? !)+/%jH6C7L7#!)+/%jN6C7L7#!)+/XC%mm67L7F# )  %]e)Y s/Ks)%fn#ee%e!ees9b(c(i bcroIree8 ]Yldb(c(ie+Ge er r3e 8e )e 9e :e-e R' 00 sQ o@%[You are in another room. There is a panel on the East wall, as well as a door.The room is sealed off and filled with water. It might be a pressure chamber of some sort.There are no more rocks where you are.The door on the East wall has one button on it. The button is presently green.The door on the West wall has one button on it. The button is presently red.You press the button on the door and it begins to open. You step through into the next room.You are not close enough to do that.You press the red button on the panel and you hear a loud noise. You're just becoming an expert at red buttons aren't you?It appears the room is filling with water. The water filters in and you eventually find yourself swimming. The cold water shrivels you up in ways we can't mention, and you prepare for a couple lungs full of swamp water. You know, you hadn't considered just what was in this water. It might not be the healthiest thing in the world to have inside you. Well, it's a bit too late to worry about that now isn't it?Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.The panel has some strange symbols on it. The small screen is active with stuff you can't understand. It also has the standard two buttons, one red, one green.You have got to be kidding.Just use the panel if you have to, there's is no need to look over the buttons. One is red and the other is green, you want more than that?The screen is active now, but you can't read what is being displayed.You bang your head repeatedly on the top of the tunnel. Now you're under water AND you have a headache.4u?!)+/%6CXF#!)+/ %U6 CXF#!)+/%6CXF#!)+/ %W?6CXF#!)+/%M6CXF#!)+/%(6CXF#)!)+/%y6CXLF%Lx )#eeeeeeeeeee R'CNXYou are deeper into the museum. You see more lifesize, and very life-like, models of alien lifeforms. They are incased in chambers that are cealed off from the outside, most likely to protect the models.Some of the aliens are also familiar.There are six models here.You recognize some of the lifeforms from the planet's surface, probably miles above you, as well as others you've seen on other planets. Some you aren't too familiar with however. Perhaps these aliens crashed here and were found by the native aliens. They probably created this museum to preserve the off-world aliens, or at least their likeness, for everyone to see.One of the aliens looks remarkably like the alien who abducted you and locked you up in that scary cage. The memory triggers shivers down your spine, but then you remember that you SPORE him no mercy in dispatching him for so insulting your person. Dragging you along the ground, hmph, the indignity. Let none mess with you. The Mighty Wilco with bring down his wrath and, and...ok, so your delusions of grandeur subsiding, you return to reality.You also notice, gasp... A Sarien! The life-like model makes you weak at the knees remembering your narrow escape from the terrible Sariens. Hmmm, it brings to mind what you did with that Golden Mop. You simply have no idea where it is. Ah well, easy come, easy go.The chambers are very solid and seem impenitrable.The Sarien stands cold and forboding, just as they did on the Deltaur. Kerona, Warp generators, and seedy bars all come to mind. Not to mention the Sludged one himself, Vohaul. You get the urge to kick the chamber just looking at it. Sariens smariens. You could take him with hand tied behind you. Well that and a good zapper. And the element of surprise. And a friend to hold your hand while you line up the shot. Yep. You could take him.4 ?!)+/ , ++/ + ,+/ , ++/%a6 CXF#!)+/%)A6 CXF#!)+/%V6 CXF#)!)+/%y6CXLF%Lx )#eeeeeeee +ee ,e e  +e e  ,e e7 r[s+ ,e\, + +/+/ee7 r[s+ +e\+ , +/+/ee R' (|;R ="You are to the East end of the museum. You see more lifesize, and very life-like, models of alien lifeforms. They are incased in chambers that are sealed off from the outside, most likely to protect the models.These aliens are also vaguely familiar. One of the chambers is not sealed. This model must have recently gone up and the aliens here just haven't had time to seal it up.You vaguely recognize some of the aliens, but again the fuzzy muddle that is your brain leaves you unable to quite remember where or when. The three legged guy looks like a Vorakian and you can't place the other one..The alien in the uncovered chamber is a strange looking fellow. As if the others aren't. But he is pretty interesting. Come to think of it he looks like a Tormeenian. They are very brainy aliens, with tendancies toward engineering and science officers.The chambers are very solid and seem impenitrable.There are three models here.The model of the Tormeenian is pretty bare. you can't even tell what it was as there is no mask on it anymore.The model of the Tormeenian is very detailed. Since the model is not finished, you can actually see that they used some kind of latex mask pulled over a dummy of some sort. Something with which you are not unfamiliar.The model is naked, so to speak, since you took its clothes.The outfit also appears to be a little loose on the model.The mask is stretched over the dummy's head. It seems pretty snug, but you can see small areas where it is not firmly attached.You took the mask. It's now in your possession.The outfit seems to be made of a pretty stretchable material, and you can see its not yet been firmly attached to the dummy.You took the outfit. It's now in your possession.You tug and pull and eventually strip the poor dummy bare. Tucking the alien outfit into your pocket, you can't help but notice how cold he looks now.You already stripped the dummy, dummy.Why don't you try getting a little closer. Or are you Mr. Fantastic, Fantastic Four Leader and all around stretchy guy?You tug and pull and eventually rip the mask off the poor dummy. Tucking the mask into your pocket, you can't help but notice how blank the dummy looks. Something not completely unfamiliar to you.You already unmasked the dummy, dummy.4{?)!)+/ %)6 CXF#!)+/ %L6CXF#!)+/%y6CXLF%Lx )#eeeeee R*m8You are in what appears to be a museum of some sort. You see various lifesize, and very life-like, models of various alien lifeforms. They are mounted on stands but uncovered.These aliens seem familiar.Look! Its a baby Orat. How cute! How in the world did they get this? Somehow the Orat must have been brought here from off-planet. You drift into nostaglia and think back to the nice friendly Orat that, that almost snuffed out your young janitor life. Ok, so that Orat was a grumpy and abusive guy, but this fella must have been a sweet little angel. Uh huh. One too many bumps on the head there Roger.You also know this other alien from somewhere, but you just can't quite pinpoint it in your mind. Then again you couldn't pinpoint the tail on a Frekerion Mule with forceps, binoculars and an assistant.The stands are what the models are mounted on. They support the models and keep them in place.The Orat is obviously a young one, they get lots bigger than this. And he is kinda cute, in a tear your head off an eat out your brains sorta way.4V?!;);+/%6C7L7#)!)+/%xDCPDLD#!)+/%<DCPDLD#8!)+/%y6CXLF60$$))%>%oCCL8L8P8P8##SySz60$$))%>%oCCL8L8P8P8##SySz%Lx )# ii ib c jj jb)c)ieeeELEM&ee))CCL8L8P8P8SySz LMMFeFM y@MMMFeFM z@$ ))CCL8L8P8P8SySz eee  R' i j i j tIf+You are in a corridor. The corridor extends to the West and to the East. There is a large window that looks out onto the city.There are a couple of the short green aliens here, Aquinilians, working away at some computers. These aliens are probably the ones who cleared you for entrance into the docking bay.The window is quite large and gives a good view of the underwater city. The aliens here probably use it to help them monitor what's going on around the city.You open your mouth and try to talk to the aliens.You succeed in only alerting them to your presence and they come after you.The alien grabs you. It looks like you're in for trouble now.The aliens are busy and not interested in you.Were they to see you however, I imagine they would be wondering what you're doing here.The computers look like communications, location and tracking equipment.4]?)!)+/%>DPDLD#Sz!)+/%oDPDLD#Sy82!)+/%AD#Sy!)+/%xD#Sz#eEBECBMMFeFM y@CMMFeFM z@ELEMLMMFeFM y@MMMFeFM z@ R'jYou are in a corridor. The corridor extends to the West and to the East and opens out to the North.The alien grabs you. It looks like you're in for trouble now.4?!)+/%Q6 CXLF#)!)+/%Dw6CLFx!)+/%Si6CXLF!)+/%SiCXLF!)+/%]iCXLF   # +/#f+/ %Skx h+/%Skx ee)eee!ex #b*c*iKx +# ##$  +/$$$% b+c+iIqq q h RYdYou in a docking bay inside the canyon wall. The water has been drained out of the bay and it is filled with air.There is another ship docked here and a large tank. There is also some kind of chamber olong the North wall.The craft is another underwater vessel. You have no idea who owns it, and frankly you don't care, your craft is nicer!You don't know what is in the tank, but you aren't going to go mess with it, just to be safe.You have no idea what the chamber is for, but it doesn't look like it could help you anyway.The large bay door is to the West. It is securely closed.4i?)!)+/%y6CXLF +/ #%s  #Y X+/ ##ee)ee!e~e8e9e89889C e b K c ie  e Ie b c i e 9C e b K c ie  e Ie b c i e  bciXdYXY q qe ee R'*lU!You are inside the docking bay in the underwater city. There is some epuipment here that you don't know the purpose of.There is a door on the East wall, with a small panel next to it.The ship is not in your line of sight right now.You don't know what is in the large tank, but you aren't going to go mess with it, just to be safe.The door is the exit to the docking bay.You can't fathom what this thing does. Maybe its just there to take up space. Or maybe it a Trans-warp Perculator, able to prepare coffee over thousands of lightyears in seconds. Yeah, maybe.The panel must control the door. There is a button on it.The button probably opens the door, but you're guessing at that.You press the button again, though I don't know why. But the door closes anyway.You're thinking maybe you have arms longer than Vohaul's reign of terror? Get closer smart guy.You press the button and the door begins to open.Now what are you in for Roger.Apparently you pressed the right button, because the second you stepped on the small lift it shot up into the ship. Of course being caught completely off-guard you bang your head hard when the lift stops. But you've been hit in the head before without any adverse affects. Right?You shake off the blow and sit in the cramped vessel's cockpit.4a?2!)+/%76CLF#x#!^)^+/%76CLF#xy%rxyex #Ibci ###y ###Ibci# # # # # ###FO#B>%This is the room for the item tutorial.At What?OK, despite the fact that you have no idea what it is you nonchalantly take a bite from the fruit.The strange taste is followed by severe convulsions, a tightning of your lungs, gagging and unfortunately death.Your last thought is of the unique taste of the strange fruit which you picked off a strange tree on a strange planet. Maybe you shouldn't have put that in your mouth.The creature's tentacles begin to tighten around you.As you realise the gravity of your situation you begin to panic.Of course you panicking is about as pretty as an Orat's behind.In the brief seconds before you die you ponder the proliferation of tentacled hazards on this crazy planet.You are crushed before you are taken to the chomping jaws of the huge creature.The creature then slices and dices you in it's immense mouth and you become a light snack.If it's any consolation you don't satisfy the creature in the least, and the creature spends the next few days with it's stomach grumbling.Your small body having caused the gastric juices of the creature's stomach to start pumping, besides a bad case of heartburn, the creature gets gas as well.You always do leave a lasting impression don't you Roger.4XaWA aaa?,!)+/%THXC6A#!)+/%wXC6FB 6+/#)X%)+%|# B$+/b,c,iI{eeeAe898896B- vuMb)c)ie+6Yb*c*iIBee*B" ye$+/Iee *B" ye$+/Iee *B" ye$+/I}ee :Ae e e :Ae eeeBeee Bee Bee Bee8eq Aee9er9es9er9Ae e!e"e#s9Ae e!e"e#9e$e% R' bcine&e'e(# ( Rq#az d"WbAZ    $ _ c This is the ships engine room.There is a large panel and screen on the East wall, as well as other screens and buttons everywhere. If only you had read that 'Engineering For Dummies' data disk back on Xenon.There is a Kerakzion Warp Convertor on the North Wall and a hatch in the floor near the South Wall.With the power on the screens around the room have come to life and the Warp is pulsing away.You fiddle with the panel, pressing various buttons. Apparantly you're getting good at this because a hatch begins to open.You're not close enough.Why are you continuing to play with the panel, the door is open. You're just an idle chap arent you?You carefully begin to climb down the tunnel.You want to climb into what? Stay off those drugs Rog, they're messing with your head.The largest screen on the East wall is the Warp Convertor Maintenance screen. The other screens hold no real interest to you, being as you can't for the life of you figure out what they do.They all have readouts and the like on them since you got the power on, but they still offer no help to you.All the screens are dark and offer no clue as to what they once displayed.The maintenance screen on the East wall is the Warp Convertor Maintenance screen. It shows the status of the Warp Convertor.As far as you can tell it shows that the Warp is working fine.The screen is dim and shows absolutely nothing.There's no power here, or didn't you notice?The hatch has opened revealing a tunnel going down into the ship. From here you can't tell what is down there.There is a ladder heading down into the tunnel.The hatch on the floor has some strange symbols on it. It appears to be closed tightly.The tunnel goes down into the ship. There is a ladder made into the wall of the tunnel. No matter how hard you try you can't see what's down in the tunnel.What tunnel? You must be thinking of somewhere else.The ladder leads down into a room below.What ladder? You must be thinking of somewhere else.The hatch is already open smarty pants.You strain your muscles trying to pry open the hatch, but succeed only in hurting yourself. Your arms feel two inches longer, and you're beginning to wonder if you gave yourself a hernia.The panel below the screen appears to control all the major functions of the Warp Convertor.The Warp Convertor is pulsing nicely, it appears to be working fine. Well thats what's you assume from the nice pulsing anyway.The Warp Convertor is dull and lifeless at the moment.There are buttons everywhere, but under the Warp Convertor you notice two prominant buttons. One red, and one green button.Well its red, but beyond that you don't know what it does.Well its green, but beyond that you don't know what it does.Maybe that's not such a good idea. You have a knack for getting yourself in trouble. How about you leave the buttons alone and let the Warp work?You wouldn't want to blow yourself up or anything.Without any power pressing the buttons would be as much use as you in an emergency.None.You'll have to be a bit more specific than that buddy boy.It would take you about half an hour to press all the buttons in here otherwise.THUMP!!Apparantly not noticing how far down this hatch goes, you walk right into it and fall to the bottom. Of course shattering your spine on impact you don't survive the fall.Maybe you should watch your step Roger.4r?,!B)B+/%LmXC6F# )%  )% +/  )+%Si+# e AQLfeeeuewe\exexe 8e <e ye qe 9e e$+/Hb+c+iI  R' AtDnJZYou arrive back inside the ship.You take a closer look at the end of the corridor.This room leads to the ship's cockpit. There are few scattered things about the floor.There is what appears to be an elevator here.The cockpit has the pilot's chair, various controls and buttons. There is also some moss that has come in through the hole in the outer shell.The elevator, when it worked, went down into the ship. It does not appear as dusty as the rest of the area. Since there are no buttons around, you assume it was a pressure sensative lift.The floor has various items strewn about.The moss is growing on various instruments on the control panel. It obviously came from the hole in the outer shell.You can't do anything with the moss. Besides its slimy and icky, and you don't want it in your pocket.The panel once controlled many of the functions of the ship, but it has long since ceased to function.There is a hole in the outer shell of the cockpit. It must have been caused when this ship crashed.The outer shell of the cockpit is transparent, so the pilot can see out you suppose. There is a hole in it, so you guess it wont keep anyone protected from the vaccuum of space.OK, look, you must be thinking of another room, so why don't you go walk around for a while, and nobody is going to have get hit in the head here.There are buttons everywhere, you seriously doubt any of them would do anything.You feel a jerk under you, and are quite surprised to feel the elevator move downwards.4 k?,!A)A+/%-xXCF# % %/yY/b+c+iK  % )%># eee!eSe8e ! (y<ee898899+" y1Me b*c*iIXee 9e te h) 6Me e R' sE*,QYou are now inside the crashed ship. It actually seems to be in pretty good condition.You are in a corridor that leads to the West and East. There is a door on the North wall.There is water on the floor where you just came in.The door is closed, there is a small panel to the left of the door.There is water all over the floor, you wonder if all of it was brought in by you.The panel appears to have controlled the door at one time.You try your best to force open the door but it doesn't budge.You're not close enough.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. Amazingly the door begins to open.Why are you continuing to play with the panel, the door is open. You're just an idle chap arent you?There are buttons on the panel, just try looking at that.Its a corridor heading West to East.You climb back through the ship's outer door.4s)?,%cK )%>#  ee!e8e8e9ete R'7oQYou are still inside the crashed ship.You are in a corridor that leads to the West and North.There is a doorway, but no door here.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons. It looks quite useless now however.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel, you doubt they do anything now.Its a corridor heading West and North.45e?, !)+/%N7XCFG#!A)A+/%M8XCF#Y)Y+/7O7%F#eze|e{Geee {* Fr_wMeb c iI ee {* Fr_wMe bciK e e 1)G Fr_we $\ Ge  e   ee R MS-gYou are at the end of the corridor. You see pipes on the left. There are broken monitors and a compartment on the far wall.The monitors are broken.There are pipes running along the left wall. Some of them go down into another part of the ship. You have no idea what were in these pipes at one time.You notice what appears to be a gun inside the compartment.The compartment is empty.There is a closed compartment on the far wall.The controls to the compartment don't appear to be working. You bang on them, still nothing. You eventually try to force open the compartment, and to your surprise, it opens.The compartment is already open, what exactly do you want to open now?.You're not close enough.You close the compartment, just in case. In case case of what you don't know, but it's always better to be safe.The compartment is already closed, arent you paying attention.You grab the gun. Your eyes light up like a kid at Christmas. What can you do with this toy you wonder.Huh? You be seeing some mighty strange things Rog.There is an alien weapon of some sort in the compartment.There is no gun here. You should invest in some glasses.4R/?,!)+/%FA  *#!)+/%#FA  * #!)+/%uFA  * #!)+/%5iFA  * #!)+/%1}FA  *#!)+/% sFA  * #!)+/%&rFA  * # j%8 j#! AMi)i+/  bcjA  * eeee!e !e8ee Ae e 8e  Ae A  * e  AeA  * e-A'  * e$\ ee-A'-x<  * e$\ ee9eFCA *eA  eA  eA  eA   *ee}e Rjbcj e# 8Ve$&6NI% ` Since you got the warp generator working some curcuit must have flared up and caused an explosion, because there is new deris lying around.Actually, it looks like a compartment blew out because you can see the debris is actually various instruments. Not all of which you are familiar.You have entered a large room inside the crashed ship. There is a table of some sort, wires everywhere and lots of debris to the left.The room extends out to the right.There are two doors, the one you entered through and another on the far wall. The door on the far wall is quit large, but looks like it not functional.Assuming you're talking about the door on the far wall, give it up, that door can't be opened by anyone, especially you.There are two small panels on the far wall, but they are quite useless now however.You can't get these wires, they are heavy duty power lines and you have no use for that.Some of the wires on the floor seem to be coursing with power, you had better be careful around them.There are quite a few wires lying around the floor. They must have been ripped out during the crash.There are no functioning panels here.The extendo rope unit looks fairly intact from here.The control unit looks like it has been damaged and is of no use.The magnet is apparantly in working in order. Hey, its a magnet, they can take a licking and keep on sticking, to metal, you get the idea.The data cartridge looks damaged and unusable.You pick up the extendo rope unit.You already have it.You have to get closer to it.You pick up the magnet.There are buttons on various panel around the room, but none of them really hold your interest.The new debris comprises different tools. Something looking like a data cartridge, a control unit for something and some other stuff that looks destroyed.The new debris comprises different tools. Something looking like a data cartridge, a magnet, a control unit for something and some other stuff that looks destroyed.The new debris comprises different tools. Something looking like a data cartridge, a control unit for something, what appears to be an extendo rope unit and some other stuff that looks destroyed.The debris is obviously from the crash. It looks like some pipes exploded, and some interior structures collapsed.The new debris comprises different tools. Something looking like a data cartridge, a magnet, a control unit for something, what appears to be an extendo rope unit and some other stuff that looks destroyed.This table was actually once some kind of console for monitoring something. It does not look functional now.Well having turned on the power it appears some of the wires lying around became live. The level of power that is shot through your body is unfathomable to you. You die quickly but painfully.4[?,!D)D+/%UXC6 F!)+/%dF /F/#!C)C+/%UXC6F%8)##  =ee!ee/ e$ djFe e/\ee  =ee  =e e e  xee KZ 'hi$# =eh= &hi$# =ee9'=AeM# I eeN5=-A" -MeM# I Ieee5=-A" -MeM# I eeesss5=-A" .Mbcie# Ieees5=-A" .Mbcie# IteeeNe9 =ee~e R' +G  #)#/%Q<bciIn(  bcin$$ee # B K]4 | K A i p On the inside of the pod you see some buttons with strange symbols on them. You obviously have no idea what they do. There is also a slot for a card of some sort.You seem to be in a work room type environment. Various pices of equipment lay around. There is a consol on the East wall and some strange rods in the corner. The most obvious piece of equipment is a pod of some kind almost in the middle of the room.There is a no door here.The rods in the corner look like Kerzakian Turbo rods. The are components for warp machinery used to power up Kerzakian Warp convertors. You can't remember where you learned this, but its in your head never the less.You already have a rod, there is no need to take another.You took a rod and used it already, what're you, 'greedy man'?You take the rod that looks in the best condition from against the wall.You are not close enough.The consol to the extreme right looks quite new and undamaged.The pod looks like it holds one humanoid being. The door is open, but you have no way of telling if it is functional, or what it does. There are two large wires attached to the pod.The slot looks like it might accept a keycard, or maybe a code card.There's no slot out here buddy. You must be thinking of something else, and I for one don't want to know what it is.The wires look like a power wire and something else which you can only guess at. They too seem undamged. They are connected into the wall of the ship, so you have no idea where they go.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens. You do notice that there is a lack of dust on this panel as compared to practically everything else here. Could somebody have been using this panel for something? Since that door opened to let you in here there must be power somewhere, perhaps even power to run this panel.You are not close enough to the panel to do anything to it, or didn't you notice.You're not close enough.You're not in the pod clod.What exactly do you want to use the pod for? Maybe to wear as a hat? Perhaps to fill with water and make a bathtub. Get more specific smarty pants.You press the buttons in no specific order and you hear something start to happen.Nothing happens. What were you expecting exactly? Fireworks?The button on the consol don't do anything, well not that you can tell.You insert the grey code card into the slot and it begins to initiate the sequence. The pod begins to buzz and hum.You don't have a grey code card janitor boy. You've been sniffing too much cleaning fluid.You insert the grey code card into the slot and, amazingly nothing happens. You wonder how that could be.You're not in the pod.You insert the green code card into the slot and it begins to initiate the sequence. The pod begins to buzz and hum.You have to be more specific than that.The buttons inside the pod have symbols on them that you do not recognize.There are buttons on the consol, but you are unsure what they do.A strange pod stands in the room. It seems quite new, almost as if it was put here, or perhaps repaired, after the crash.There is a loud explosion as your body explodes. You are splattered into many millions of pieces inside the pod.Your brilliance has once again brought you to a rapid and messy death. Maybe next time you won't go pressing things up without knowing exactly what you're doing.4QY? !:):+/%I6C7L7B)B+ %?- B)B+%?#eee%e TYou are on an elevator. You can't see much other than the elevator shaft.The elevator reminds you of somebody you know well.It's very slow.You can't really see any rocks from here.4Y? !:):+/%I6C7L7B)B+ %?- B)B+%?#eee%e aYou are still on the elevator. You still can't see much other than the elevator shaft.The elevator still reminds you of somebody you know well.Because, yes you guessed it, it's still very slow.You can't really see any rocks from here.4-? !B)B+/%>e6CX7L7!)+/ % 6C7L7#!)+/%n6C7L7#E)E+X %A-Q>e Y)#} WX% E)E+X%>e%>cb*c*iQ>- E)E+X%>cb*c*iQ>- E)E+X%>cb*c*iQ>- $%Ab)+#Yb+c+iQAh Yeeee%ewe R(J~oYou step off the elevatorYou are in an underground cavern.The cavern is dry though obviously under the swamp.There is the elevator you came down in to the North and an exit to the EastThe rocks seemed to have been unaturally dug away. In other words you're in a man-made cavern. Actually that would be alien-made, since there aren't any men around.Its the elevator you came down in.46r? !)+/%CJ6CX7L7A+#!)+A//%]o6 CXF#!)+/%cS6CXFC/#!)+/%O`6CXF#!)+/%LQ6CXF#)+X  %45XQ4i %?#e%e{#EFAeeeeeee : Ae e e 9e s9er9e& 0iAneM 4g)+Xe& 0iAneM 4g)+XeAY _ilnC3eE#FA+G+/+// CIe/ CE<F0A!+Ge&)&+/M +Ipe+/+/epF p /e#AY Trb|De/ DFyEYC0+/G+G#bciee&)&+/M +Ip+/Gbcie A U V+G#bcie A U V+G#e=e/ DA. A$EC +/Fe +/Feee{7 / Jkfp CEe+/^ Fe ee!N{7 / Jkfp CEe+/^ Fe ee!ECe"e#e$ {s9KEB Rhbq3C(e%+/ EF +/+/Ise&ee'{r9)E! Rhbqe(F+/K Eee) %4i)+Y # E + E#FA+G+/+/ R)T;aE-TG'irk ; {  o ! KlYou are in a room filled with electronic equipment. There is a compartment on the far wall, as well as a screen to its left and a lever to its right. There is also a consol on the East wall and a ladder going up on the North wall.I'll give you a few rocks, just wait.The rods are pulsing with power.There are two rods in place in the compartment.The compartment appears to be some kind of shielded compartment that houses two turbo rods. There is only one rod in the compartment at this time.The compartment built into the wall is closed, so you can't see too much, well other than its a compartment.The consol has a screen that does not appear to be functional at all, many buttons and a switch protruding from the front.You have no idea what the switch does.The lever is to the right of the compartment, but you have no idea as to its function.The screen appears to be giving the power output of the warp convertor above, but you're only guessing at that.The screen has nothing on it at the moment.The ladder, which is actually made into the metal of the room wall, goes up.There are two buttons, one red and one green, to the right of the compartment.It's green and smooth and quite pretty in a weird sorta button way.It's red and smooth and quite pretty in a weird sorta button way.You carefully begin to climb up the ladder.You're not close enough.You pull the lever to the left.You pull the lever to the right.Well you brilliantly remove the radiation screen from the pulsing rods, and well what happens next surprises you to say the least.You feel strange radiation begin to bombard your body.After a few seconds the radiation begins to destroy all the cells in your body and you start melting like hot butter in an oven. You die quite painfully and make a tremendous mess on the floor.You pull the switch down.Having put in the second turbo rod, and throwing the switch, the turbo rods start humming with power and begin to pulse.However it seems you didn't exactly know what you were doing. While congratualtion yourself on getting the power up, you feel strange radiation begin to bombard your body.With the second turbo rod in place and the radiation screen down, the turbo rods come to life and begin to pulse with power. You feel so proud that you managed to figure out how to get this thing operational. The only question now is what exactly is functional now that the ship apparantly has power.With the second turbo rod in place and the radiation screen down behind the closed compartment door, you hear the power rods hum with life as the power goes coursing through them. You feel so proud that you managed to figure out how to get this thing operational. The only question now is what exactly is functional now that the ship apparantly has power.Nothing happens. Damn, and that switch looked so important too.You pull the switch up.The power stops pulsing through the turbo rods.You carefully place the turbo rod in the open slot. It fits neatly into place.As you try to put the rod into the compartment you bang your hand into an invisible barrier.Ah . . Just what rod are we talking about here?The invisible barrier is invisible, so you can't see it. You can feel it, there is definately something covering the compartment.The invisible barrier is invisible, so you can't see it. But you don't feel anything, so maybe its down.Barrier? Since when did you get x-ray vision?You carefully press the green button next to the compartment.You press the green button which should open the compartment, but it remains closed.The compartment is already open.You press the red button next to the compartment.The compartment is already closed.40? !;);+/%6C7L7#!,),+/%gC7L7!G)G+/%r6C7L7F# ) 1%L  ) %L#ee%e8 b(c(iee o3e8e)e!e e -e o o R'1 yG/eYou are in an under water tunnel of some sort.This part of the tunnel is made of metal. There is a panel on the far wall.There are no more rocks where you are.You press the green button on the panel and a door opens in front of you.You enter into another part of the tunnel.Its just some bubbles, you are under water after all.The panel has some strange symbols on it.You have got to be kidding.There is what appears to be door at the Eastern end of the tunnel.There is a panel next to the door.You bang your head repeatedly on the top of the tunnel. Now you're under water AND you have a headache.4n ? !)+/%jH6C7L7F#!)+/%jN6C7L7#!G)G+/%r6C7L7F ) %-LX%UeX  ) % #ee!ee%e8 H 1 There is a room to the East apparantly filled with aliens mulling about.Most of the cavern in this area is covered in the alien technology. It seems they have set up shop down here.There is also a panel and a screen on the West wall.There is a lot of equipment here, none of which looks like it can help you, but there is a lot of it.There is a machine on the West wall that's fairly intersting though. There are tanks lying around, some boxes and other stuff as well.The room is cut off from the cavern, but you can see through the windows. The aliens seem to be busy about whatever it is they're doing.You of course have no real idea what it is they're doing.The panel is also for some purpose you can't fathom.Kinda like half your inventory.You have no idea what's in the tanks.They look heavy and they are intact though. They probably hold some kind of gas, or liquid, who knows.The boxes probably held materials that were useful at one time.There is nothing useful in any of them now.Even if you could lift one of these things it would just create a large buldge in your pants and be about as useful as a Sarien in Peace Negotiations.So live with the buldge that's there and leave the tanks alone.You can see the size of those boxes right?.You have about as much chance of picking one of these up as you have of lifting a fully grown Orat.None.The aliens seem very busy over in that room.It looks like they are doing experiments and the like over there.It's a good thing too, because none of them seem to have noticed that you just blew away those two guards, or that you're nosing around here.The screens have various things on them, but you can't figure anything out.The equipment here looks pretty sensative, perhaps you shouldn't touch it.I know you live to touch things, press buttons, flip switchs and interfere with everything that isn't a pool of acid, but not this time ok?Besides I don't think it would do you any good.The machine has a small consol on the Southern part of it.The machine must have some function, but you're unsure as to what it is.Where have you heard that before.The consol has a few buttons on it. It must control the functions of the machine.Whatever they are.I'd imagine you have to use the consol to do that.That's just a guess mind you, but maybe it would be the way to go.You use your interfering expertise and overall button pushing prowess. You push a few buttons and then you hear the machine start up.A beam of engery shoots out of the machine.Even with your longest broom you wouldn't be able to reach the machine from here.Try getting closer.You feel funny.The strange energy bounces off the flat surface of the machine and bombards your body. It immediately has a very unpleasant reaction to your flesh.As you are hit with the energy you almost instantly start melting like an Cryo-freeze popsicle in the Keronian sun.Even your bones turn to jelly and you slop onto the floor, dead as jello.The process was very quick, but equally as painfull.You'd have screamed if your tongue hadn't liquified and slid out of your mouth.The mess you made on the floor will baffle the aliens down here for weeks.Way to go.4%u?,!)+/%-|DCPDOCLD#T!)+/%F % '#!)+/%F (#!)+/6 %LjXF#!)+/X%Qi6 F & %#!)+/%KDCPDOCLD#T p 6 ) %U#Q W88886666ee &eeee8e8ee e e {e  e e eeeeeeee:eeeee % ( 'ee? &e4 K[(e$\& ' ^&^'\%e e e!s9$e" Zh e#Ipb c ie$R % (eC x7 ye%$\( ~e%$\' & ^&^'\%e e! & %e& R'p p e'' PV63Gl _e,NUE  Z @ There is a room to the North apparantly filled with aliens mulling about.There is a small window in the wall that looks like it opens.Through it you can see a helmet.There is also a large console next to the window and a compartment of some sort to the East.The room is cut off from the cavern, but you can see through the windows. The aliens seem to be busy about whatever it is they're doing.You of course have no real idea what it is they're doing.The panel has a series of buttons on it. One of them is green, as in go, or open, or spoilt don't eat. You get the idea.I think you're going to have be a bit more specific Roger.The aliens, you think, are native to the planet, since you have never seen these types of aliens before.There are actually two types of aliens behind there. One large, taller type and a small, shorter kind of alien.You're just lucky none of them have noticed you yet.There is an open compartment on the East wall with a number of suits hanging inside it.The window is open.There is a panel next to the window.The window is already open.I know the window is clear, but come on! Get some glasses an improve that vision.Maybe you should figure out how to do it first.What do you think those words are anyway, the Space Quest version of 'Open Seasame'?Geez.The window is already closed.Maybe you should find better things to do with your time. It's not going to help you closed.The screens have various things on them, but you can't figure anything out.There is a large consol to the left of the window with screens and buttons everywhere.The consol looks WAY too complicated to even attempt using.Perhaps you could stay to the simpler things around here.Besides, you wouldn't know where to start. Have you seen how many buttons there are?There is only one suit hanging in the compartment now since you took the other one.The suits seem very sturdy. They look like they were built to handle tremendous pressure. Of course you're only guessing, they could be for playing tiddly winks for all you know.You already have it doofus. Geez, you never pay attention.You grab the helmet and stash it in you pocket. Though bulky it surprisingly fits well. The marvels of modern technology. If you could only patent your pants you'd be a zillionare.Noticing the helmet and the outfit going together, you combine them to form a full suit.You bang your hand on the glass, if its even glass. The window is closed and you've sprained your fingers. Great job.You arent close enough to even try to get it. You keep expecting things to come to you. You must be thinking of another game, like Psychic Quest.For what? Practice? The window is open.You press the green button.You're way to far away to do anything like that. Why don't don't you press yourself closer to the button first.You grab the suit and stash it in you pocket. The quantity and size of objects you can store in your pants always makes you feel proud.The helmet looks like it goes with the suits hanging on the right. It also looks very sturdy.The window opens up. You sure are the smart one Roger. Never mind an un-named person spoon fed you that one.4l?!;);+/%6C7L7#!)+/%46 CLF>)>x  %Cxx#e %4#x eee)eex Qxxx Qxx eeQ8 ee QCx   \IRYou are in a very deep part of the swamp. You are inside an alien ship.The ship is desending into the murky swamp water.There is some light coming from the cavern above.The craft is submerging into the swamp depths.You are controlling the ship. For the most part anyway, the descent seems pre-programmed.The ship backs into a pre-programmed spot and starts its ascent into the room above.You can can hardly belive you made it back in one piece. Piloting this craft wasn't so hard after all.The ship descends to a pre-programmed level and then begins to move forward.You can only imagine what mysteries are down here. You get so excited you wet your pants. Oh wait. They were wet before. Sorry, my mistake.4[?!;);+/%6C7L7#!`)`+/%46 C#T>)>x %oV#eee)ee R' T|You are in a very deep part of the swamp. You are inside an alien ship.They way is clear to the East and West.There is very little wildlife this deep down.The craft is shuttling you along underwater.You were unaware you had such skill with alien technology, but you've always had a knack for strange things. Remember the time your boss from the Xenon Pie Palace realised you could use the Pie Packer when he found you packing your face during time off? But that's another story.4b?!;);+/%6C7L7#!`)`+/%46 C#T>)>x %oV#eee)ee R' T|You are in a very deep part of the swamp. You are inside an alien ship.They way is clear to the East and West.There is very little wildlife this deep down.The craft is shuttling you along underwater.You were unaware you had such skill with alien technology, but you've always had a knack for strange things. Remember the time your boss from the Xenon Pie Palace realised you could use the Pie Packer when he found you packing your face during time off? But that's another story.4&`?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7 %/%A\+/6 K )%># eee:eze8e8e9ete  R' (@~*\You are in a corridor inside the spaceship.You were transported here from the planet's surface it seems.There is a large screen on one wall, with a small monitor and panel below it.There is a large screen showing a planet. It could be that this ship is orbiting that planet.The monitor shows something in an alien language.The panel probably controls what is visable on the screenYou don't know how to do that. Besides you've seen enough here.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and off to the North.4P?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yeee!ewe N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 wete R'/Gb You are in a corridor inside the spaceship on level 1.There is an elevator here.The corridor leads to the West and East.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic.The elevator is automatic. Just walk to it and the door will open.Its a corridor heading West and East.45 ?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yeeee!ewe8ee:e e 8e e e  eeeee ) _eeeM'BCbci&BC#Ioeeo! oe+-/)+/ +$Ipp F peee#h# N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 8e8e9ete R'u>u7R.B7?[ PxE.NYou are in a corridor inside the spaceship on level 6.There is an elevator here.The corridor leads to the West and East.There is a panel to the left of the elevator and a box of some sort to the left of the panel.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic.You scrutinize the panel, hoping you can do something with it, but no such luck.You can't even figure out what it does much less understand what you see on the screen.There is stuff you don't understand on the screen.Big surprise there.The panel would feel bad afterward and you're just not in the mood right now.In other words, you can't do that.The Box appears to hold something, but you have no idea what.The box is very securely closed and you have no chance of opening it.Really.Truly, no chance in Hearon.Move along now, leave the box alone.Unless you want to try to Force Open the Box?Alright. You decide to test your miniscule..errr... I mean mighty muscles on the small box.You pull and tug at the box until, amazingly you hear something give.You're too far away from the box Roger.Where have you heard that before?Unfortunately, what gave was a high powered jolt of some kind of energy from the box, into you.Your disguise melts onto your body and then even your body turns to ashes.You die very quickly, so quickly in fact you never even felt a thing.Lucky you.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4S?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7 %A\+/6 K%k#\ S W +<IM +<IM +<IMYYYee8e:e NQA\ +6 K  QAd 6 8e8e9ete R'.- OYou are inside a corridor.The corridor ends in a large dorway to the West. There is a panel and screen on the North wall.The panel obviously has some function, you just don't know what it is. Like most of the panels around the ship I might add.There are various things on the screen, none of which you understand.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4? v?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%$#!)+/%t6 CX7L7#$!)+/%eL6 CX9L9#$! ) + / % 6 C X 8L 8 # ! ) + L7/ -% jj# !W)W+/%KD#F!)+L7/-%K^#!)+/%5DCF#! ) + / % LDCF # )%A+x%A\+/6 K#xtQAvGQ5rG Q Lseeeezee8e8e9e e s sF r rFv v+ te #Gx vx# ######x7(########xK####>f6yeRn:Vb<~You are on the bridge of the huge ship.You see aliens working away at various computers and panels. You can even see what you believe to be the planet you teleported from through the main view screen.The Captain sits in his chair, stoic as ever.The large window is the bridge's view screen. You can the planet that the ship is orbiting through it.You can't understand what you're seeing on any of the monitors, so don't waste your time.There are computers everywhere. You have no real idea what they do. Something essential to the ship's function you would imagine.There are many panels with monitors and buttons everywhere.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You see many types of aliens here on the bridge.The guards present you to the Captain.Here's the pink dog Sir.So YOU are the cause of so much trouble on my ship.You sure are an ugly alien.Do you realise that you've pulled this ship off course, cost us fuel and man hours in the search for you and your vessel?Do you realise that the Bomb you destoyed has set us back years in development!?!My one wish is to be able to jetison your ugly pink body into space and watch as you implode in the vaccuum of space.But such as that is not within my power at this time.Your sorry tail is required alive for future timelines to proceed as normal, and I can't afford to change that.But Roger Wilco of Xenon, it has just become my life's mission to seek my revenge upon your ugly pink head.For now you shall avoid my vengance.But I shall hunt you down Wilco, and I will find you.It may not be for years, perhaps even decades, but I shall find you.And when I do, I will take my revenge.Beware the Wrath of Khar'n Wilco.Beware the Wrath of Khar'n.Cha'tro, have the pod readied and see to it that he is given the mind drug.With any luck he won't remember a thing.It will be my pleasure to remind him of all this when I find him.Take him away.4U?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7 %A\+/6 K )%>#\ S W +<IM +<IM +<IMYYYee!e NQA\ +6 K  QAd 6 8e8e9ete R'li,j"BYou are inside a spaceship.You were transported here from the planet's surface it seems.The elevator door is automatic.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4?,!)+/%P#CS!)+/%x #CS )+/ %GO 6 KX )%># )+/<%GOQGmEBECBCMFMFMFeFt W 6 X QGO 6 X QGO 6 X QGO QGmY QGmY QGmYK/& + ,e) eeeee e) e 9e 9e e e eeeeeee  )+/<%GO I )+/<%GO I )+/<%GO I )+/<%GO I e QGm   $eeee# $eeee# 88ee8 BGe e!s BG e" e!s BG e" e! BG e" e! BGe#bci e!N BGe#bci e!9e$:e% R' %mLwV JpW ^UJ r s . z wc$The aliens, not recognizing you, grab you.Examining the mask and knowing it won't fly without the outfit, you pull both on in an attempt to pass for Tormeenian.The mask is way too tight and barely fits on your huge head, but it manages to stay on. After a short time your face feels numb as very little blood is getting anywhere in your face. You only hope blood is gettin to your brain or else you're likely to pass out.The Tormeenian outfit is pretty stretchy, so it fits okay, its that mask that might be a problem.Realizing the mask won't work to fool anyone without the outfit, which was also on the dummy, dummy, you forget the idea. Maybe you should have taken both when you had the chance.What mask? You were Halloweening while I wasn't looking? Or are you just making a comment on your face? No mask Roger. Check your pockets if you don't believe me.You're already wearing the mask and outfit. I think you're suffering from a serious lack of blood to the brain to try and wear something after already putting it on. Maybe that mask is just too tight for you Roger.You take off your disguise.Huh? You're not wearing a mask Roger. Or is it that you just peeked in a mirror and got frightened?There are buttons on the panel. You have no idea what any of them do.That's probably not such a good idea.Maybe you could think of something else to do with your fingers than pressing buttons you don't know the function for.The keyboard is just under the screen. You really can't tell what's on the keys though, so it's really useless.Unless you want to look at the keyboard intently for the next two hours hoping against hope that something changes and you figure out the keys.Like that's going to happen.You are inside a spaceship.You were transported here from the planet's surface it seems.Almost in the center of the room is the transportation device.To the North West is a panel with a screen.That is the device that brought you here. The pod that sent you is obviously a crude technology simulating the workings of the device here.Since the teleporter needs co-ordinates programmed into it, a total of zero happens, leaving you very much still on the ship and feeling pretty silly. You decide to get off the platform in case anybody sees you just standing there like a dufus.Well, once again showing your amazing genius, you try to teleport yourself off the ship wearing the very tight mask and alien outfit.The only problem is that the computer seems to have had a problem discerning your actual facial skin from the very tight and apparantly originally organic, mask.The mask is fused to your face in the teleportation process, causing a very messy and quite painful Roger-Tormeenian mass of flesh where your head should be. You sufficate while in your suffering, but mercifully you croak and leave this mortal coil behind.It was not pretty. Not pretty at all.Well, displaying your brilliance, you apparently did something wrong with the transporter device.The teleporter tries to teleport you into the same spot you are already in. The high powered advanced computer determines that such a function just does not compute and therefore it purges it's system of the dumb command. unfortunately, you being de-moleculized in the system, are part of what gets purged.Your molicules are dispersed into the emptiness of space, to drift forever.At least you'll live forever, kinda, as comsic dust.The panel consists a large screen and a keyboard and a slot.It looks like a slot for some kind of card.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens. I think perhaps you should say what you want to do with this panel. I think you've gotten too spoiled.You try stretching your arms to the panel, but alas, the elastic qualities of your body are sorely lacking, like many other qualities we won't mention.You slap the green code card into the slot on the panel and pull it back out. You see pretty symbols on the screen. You almost get lost in the haze of alien symbols fluttering by on the screen, but you have things to do, so go do them.You slap the grey code card into the slot on the panel and pull it back out. You see pretty symbols on the screen and get the feeling you acomplished something.There are buttons on the panel.There is stuff on the screen. You don't know what it is, but it's stuff.4?, !)+/%>Y#TCS !)+/%iY#TCS !)+/%C=6CX7L7F#!)+/% R#  %F:+/6b+c+iK )%># ii ibcjj jb c iK/& + ,e) eeeee e) e CSCSEBECBCMFMFMFe F MFMFMFe F MFMFMFe Fe e e e eee eeee e eeeeeeew n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Y eeeeee !e!we"8e#e$:e%e&e'e(CSCSe)e(CSCSe) N QF: +6 b+c+iK i j QFB  6 8e*9e+9e,e-e. i j R.^=koRx. h   /  / ^ ReExamining the mask and knowing it won't fly without the outfit, you pull both on in an attempt to pass for Tormeenian.The mask is way too tight and barely fits on your huge head, but it manages to stay on. After a short time your face feels numb as very little blood is getting anywhere in your face. You only hope blood is gettin to your brain or else you're likely to pass out.The Tormeenian outfit is pretty stretchy, so it fits okay, its that mask that might be a problem.Realizing the mask won't work to fool anyone without the outfit, which was also on the dummy, dummy, you forget the idea. Maybe you should have taken both when you had the chance.What mask? You were Halloweening while I wasn't looking? Or are you just making a comment on your face? No mask Roger. Check your pockets if you don't believe me.You're already wearing the mask and outfit. I think you're suffering from a serious lack of blood to the brain to try and wear something after already putting it on. Maybe that mask is just too tight for you Roger.You take off your disguise.Huh? You're not wearing a mask Roger. Or is it that you just peeked in a mirror and got frightened?The aliens, not recognizing you, grab you.The alien guards look like Ghinusions, and they do not look like they are in good moods.Ghinusions rarely ever are in good moods.Perhaps you should leave them alone.There appear to be two Ghinusion guards and one Vorakian working at a panel on the West wall.All of them were busy enough not to have noticed you.As a matter of fact they are ingoring you like you aren't even here.Nothing like being inconspicuos. You were always good at getting lost in a crowd, or a dark corner.The Ghinusions are large, and rather strong, aliens that often take security and guard duty jobs on ships across the Galaxy.They like to inflict punishment on people, and do it very well.These Ghinusions do not look like they are in good moods.The Vorakian seems very busy doing something on that panel.Vorakians are known for their effeciency and penchant for detail. They are often Navigation and Communication officers.Their qualities also find them assisting in all manner of activities on board space vessels.Personally you always wondered how they manage to walk without tripping on that extra leg they have.Of course this never occured to you until you almost broke your nose during the Janitorial Acadamy's Sports day when you entered the Three-Legged race with Frutsboing.You lost, obviously, but Frutsboing couldn't keep up with you anyway, and his tail kept hitting you in the head.Since then though, the prospect of three legs has never been very appealing.You are inside a spaceship.There are three aliens here. Two do not look very pleasant and they are roaming the room. The other seems rather busy working at something or other.There are panels and screens all over the room. There is also an elevator on the North wall.Your guess is these aliens monitor incoming and outgoing transports for this ship.It's a good thing they weren't paying attention when you decided to take a pod-ride up here.Who knows what these rough looking aliens would do to you.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic.The panels look way too complicated for you.Something to which you have become accustomed.There are strange symbols and images on the screens.They're about as understandable as an Orat's mating dance.Though not as loud or smelly.You try to speak to the aliens.They of course become immdiately suspicious and start coming for you.I dont' think that's such a good idea. These guys look like they would rip your head off for sneezing, much less touching their equipment.There are many buttons on the panels.Are you nuts?.Are you just looking to get pounded on or have you just completely lost your mind?Leave the equipment alone, it's not yours and the owners look likely to find a new place on your face to put your nose if you touch their stuff.4j4?,!)+/O4%cF#!)+/O4% }F#!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yee!e NQA\'9:9<#9CSoGCSpGE55eFE88eF +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 eeeeeeete o oMFMFMFe Fp pMFMFMFe F R dIcYou are in a corridor that leads only to the West.There are two guards standing a short distance from the elevator.The elevator door is automatic.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.The guards are Ghinusion, they look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.The Ghinusions do not look very conversational.Maybe you should re-thing that idea.It's a corridor heading West.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.4j`?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yee!e N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 8e8e9ete9e R'Ec8UYou are in a corridor that leads only to the East.There is a panel on the wall.The elevator door is automatic.The panel consists of a monitor and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading East.You could press them all day and you still won't get anything to happen.4? k?,!)+/%ed6CX7L7#!)+/%/]6CXL7F#!)+/%!zCXL7F#! ) +/%TRCXL7F# ( ) %h`+/6 b+c+iKX v/) %tX//F Q*th xYxxxw) %tX//F Q*th#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Y eeeee!ee !ees9' K_Xbe Ib*c*iXe e r9( K_Xbe Kjb+c+i Ye e  {' 7_Ab eIb c ieee{( 7_AbeKjbci eee N Qh` +6 b+c+iK )h hKjb+c+i Y  Qhn 6 8e:z eeeeee:eeeee8e9er9es9e e!H K_Xb<e"/ b(c(ixYxxxe"/ b(c(ixxxxe#{e$e%e&e'hX {e( R' wv(R?`x`3G0I\~1`7R^|You appear to be on the bottom level of the ship. Level 12.It looks like a pressurized chamber.This is probably the entrance to the Docking Bay.There is a panel under a large screen on the wall, with a compartment to the right of it.There is a large door on the West wall that looks like the entrance to the Bay.The door is closed tightly and must be air tight if it leads to the Docking Bay.The door is open.You have to use the panel to open the door.You press the green button on the panel and the large door opens.The large door is open.You'd need arms like a Longromian to reach the panel from here.You press the red button on the panel and the large door closes.The large door is closed.You press the button at the side of the compartment door and the door opens.You'd need arms like a Longromian to reach the compartment controls from here.The compartment controls are just to the right of it.You press the button at the side of the compartment door and the door closes.The door is closed.The panel consists of one monitor and lots of buttons. There is a large red and a large green button, as well as a switch.There is a large screen above the panel.It appears to show the Docking Bay doors.They are presently closed.They are presently open.You can't do that.It's not a tissue, it's a screen.Geez.This is just not a good time to do that.What? Are you thirsty or something?You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.The buttons are marked, but you can't read it.It's red. That's about all you can tell.It's green. That's about all you can tell.You can't tell what the switch does exactly.You flip the switch.You'd need arms like a Longromian to reach the switch from here.The compartment is closed.Dag Nabbit.There isn't a thing in there.A lot of good that did you.You need some kind of clearance to open the compartment.4tU?,!~)~)+/%a6CX7L7F)~)%aFee!e8e8e9ee%8+-#b(c(ie%1+-#b(c(ie%*+-#b(c(ie%*+-#b(c(ie%1+-#b(c(ie%8+-#b(c(ie%*+-#b(c(ie%1+-#b(c(ie%8+-#b(c(ie%*+-#b(c(ie%1+-#b(c(ie%8+-#b(c(ie(.go%*+-#b(c(ie(.px%*+-#b(c(ie(.y%*+-#b(c(ie(.%*+-#b(c(ie6;%8+-#b(c(ie/5y%1+-#b(c(ie/5go%1+-#b(c(ie/5p%1+-#b(c(ie/5%1+-#b(c(ie6<go%8+-#b(c(ie6;px%8+-#b(c(ie6<y%8+-#b(c(iee e e e 616tYou are inside an elevator.Didn't you walk in here? Geez, your memory is sure not what it used to be.The elevator door is closed.The panel consists of lots of buttons.Be more specificThere are twelve buttons on the panel. You assume each one represents a level on the ship.Since you can't read the alien language on the buttons, just press the buttons by number. In other words, just PRESS ONE or PRESS TWO etc., to press a specific button.You press the button and the elevator begins to move.You caress the inside of the elevator.As nice and smoothe as it is, it really does nothing for you.Thankfully.You wouldn't want to worry me now would you?4u=?,!)+/O4%IcF#!)+/O4%?}F# #'9:9(#97CSoGCSpGE55eFE88eFeeezeeeeeo oMFMFMFe Fp pMFMFMFe F8e 8e 9e te  R' GT4ii!You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly through you in the Brig.You are in a corridor that leads to the West and East.There are two Ghinusion guards standing to the East.You can see a monitor near the ceiling.The monitor appears to show what's happening further down the corridor.Perhaps the Brig or some other secure area is beyond the guards.The guards look big and strong, and not in very good moods. That always seems to be the case with guards, especially when YOU run into them. Perhaps it's some weird vibe you give off, who knows.The guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly throw you in the Brig.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and East.4{?,!)+/%[Y6#T!)+/%D^6CX7L7F# Y %G\+/6 Kb+c+i )%># W( 7 5 e+<IMb*c*i bcie( 7 5 e+<IMb*c*i bcie( 7 5 e+<IMb*c*i bcie Y Y Yee!e N QHV 6 Kb+c+i  M 6 /e6 8e8e9e te  R'l rKb+KHaving the clearance card, which you flash in front of the screen, you proceed to enter the code you pieced together from two different sources. With luck like yours it's not surprising the door opens up.You smash your face into the door. A natural result since you can't get in this door without clearance.You are in a corridor.You can see a door on the North wall.The door is automatic.hereThe panel consists of lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4w?,!)+/%[Y6#T!)+/%F^6CX7L7F#O %H\+/6 Kb+c+i )%>#lW +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i +<IMb*c*i Y Y Yee!e N QIV 6 Kb+c+i O QGl 6 8e8e9ete R'4C'MdYou are in a corridor.You can see a door on the North wall.The door is automatic.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4 `?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Yeee!e:e8e8es9& )_7db(c(iee \ e e r9 )_7db(c(ie e ee e eee eee ee N QA\ Meee)+/ Ipp p F/eee# +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 8e8e9ete  R'k sBr-]oyVPo4D,LYou are inside a corridor that heads East only.There is a weird looking machine to the West.There is a screen with a panel below it to the left of the elevator.The elevator door is automatic.The screen has nothing on it right now.There is a green and a red button on the panel.Be more specific.You press the green button.You hear a weird noise and then the field blocking the machine disappears.You are too far away from the panel to press any of the button upon it.You have yet to master the powers of telepathy, and simple manouvering as well apparently.You press the red button.Nothing happens.You were expecting fireworks?You have no idea what this machine is for.Something is definately happening though. The machine is on and you can see light coming from inside it.There appears to be some kind of force field in front of the machine, blocking access to it.It's an invisible force field.It's blocking access to the machine.It seems pretty impenetrable.Does this look like Alima Babboor and the Forty Theivians?How do you plan on opening it?Apparently the machine is running some kind of experiment, and it's giving off some kind of weird radiation.That's probably why there was a force field up between it and the rest of the corridor.The radiation, now bombarding you body, ignites your cells and you spontaniously combust.You burnt brightly for a few secondly, before you are turned to ashes.The strange pile of dust will confuse the ship's janitor, but cause no more problems than a few burger crumbs.Your genius brings death quickly and so very effectively that I am left in awe.The panel consists of two monitors and lots of buttons.You fiddle with the panel, pressing buttons and pounding on it. But of course, nothing happens.There are buttons on the panel.Its a corridor heading West and North.4?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+L7/-%-|#!)+/%# ii ibcjj jb)c)ieeeeezeee8e8e 9e e e 2 9 8e #5e#ee##ee2 9 8e#5e#ee##ee+ 9 8e5e#e#eeL 9 8e= 155)e#e !#"###$#e%^1\9ee&E5L 9 8e'= 155)e#e !#"###$#e%^1\9ee& R' i j'PZhT{et  k  : (B\#You are in one of the many science rooms on the large spacecraft.You see aliens working away at various computers and machinery.There is a large window looking out into space.The ones working seem alright, but the guy walking around seems like he needs to relax.He's fuming and fussing and seems very aggitated.You can't understand what you're seeing on any of the monitors, so don't waste your time.There are computers everywhere. You have no real idea what they do. Something essential to the ship's function you would imagine.There are many panels with monitors and buttons everywhere.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You see more Tormeenians working here. They are just as busy as the Tormeenians to the East.One of them is wandering around the room looking quite aggitated. It's anybody's guess why. Please don't try to guess Roger, we don't want to be here all year.You don't need to talk to him anymore. You're just a chatterbox today aren't you? Why don't you go try to do something useful. Like maybe ...., yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what to do. You'd be better off bobbing for apples in the Slime Pits of Pukeria.Well since you managed to catch this swiftly roaming fellow, you decide to try an engage him in conversation.What? Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Who sent you? Why are you talking to me? What's your problem?Whoa. He sure asks a lot of questions. None of which you really have answers to.This guy really is on edge.Look, just push off tubbo. You're in my way. Can't you see I have supervising to do here. Go clean a crud-bowl or something.Geez. Useless people always cluttering up the place.....He continues to mutter on to himself, leaving you dumbfounded. How did he ever guess you had experience cleaning crud-bowls? Maybe your Tormeenian mask is slipping off your fat head, errr.. I mean head, just head.You aren't quite close enough to him there partner. Maybe you should try to catch up to him. Or are you too slow? Come on, get it in gear pudgy.You don't need to talk to him anymore. You're just a chatterbox today aren't you? Why don't you go try to do something useful. Like maybe ...., yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what to do. You'd be better off bobbing for apples in the Slim Pits of Pukeria.You don't need to help him anymore. Besides, short of slamming a Burftion Beetco in his mouth to shut him up, you can't help him. You're just a regular good Samuratrian today aren't you? Why don't you go try to do something useful. Like maybe ...., yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what to do. You'd be better off bobbing for apples in the Slime Pits of Pukeria.Well, though you suspect you might get another verbal attack from this mouthy questioning Tormeenian, you offer your humble, not to mention inadequate, assistance to him.Help me? With what? Why do you want to help me? What's your game buddy? You got something up your sleeve? What do you want from me, huh? Just what's in it for you? Huh? Hmmm?Duhhhhh... That's your response in case you were wondering. Your talented ellequance never ceases to amaze me Roger.What're you, stupid? What the haeron kind of answer is that? Why are you harassing me? Do you want me to call security? You wanna eat Brig slime for the next ten days? Stop bugging me dufus and go away.Having nothing but irritance to offer the Tormeenian, he shuffles off still muttering to himself about how dumb you are, and I must say rog, you resemble that remark.You can't give him anything anymore. Besides, short of slamming a Burftion Beetco in his mouth to shut him up, you can't help him more than you have. You're just a regular good Samuratrian today aren't you? Why don't you go try to do something useful. Like maybe ...., yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what to do. You'd be better off bobbing for apples in the Slime Pits of Pukeria.Suspecting this aggitated tormeenian might need to wind down a bit you offer him the Tormeenian Special you picked up at the bar.Heyyyy... Now there's a sight for sore eyes. I could really use a drink right about now. Everyone's been on edge since that problem with the bomb test.He hands you something he was holding in his hand and grabs the drink and gulps it down in one go. He gets a dizzy look in his huge eyes for about a second and then seems to settle himself.Mmmmm, that was good. Thanks a lot there tubby, err I mean buddy. That really hit the spot.I was itching to go get a drink for hours. One of these bozos was supposed to go get one ages ago, but nobody has been able to leave with all of us on scanning detail.We have to find some stupid pod that crashed on the planet and we're really having trouble locating it. Once we lock on though, we can have it beamed up here in no time. If it's one piece that is.Personally I think it probably burnt up in the atmosphere and we're all wasting our time.The tormeenian smiles, claps you on the shoulder then walks off. Leaving the object, which is a Ukey Spanner, in your hand. Either he forgot about it or just got very attached to the glass. needless to say you're up one Spanner and he's a lot happier.You want to give him a what? Is that some kind of new Lap-dance or just something you presently don't have in your pocket?You can't give him anything anymore. Besides, short of slamming a Burftion Beetco in his mouth to shut him up, you can't help him more than you have. You're just a regular good Samuratrian today aren't you? Why don't you go try to do something useful. Like maybe ...., yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what to do. You'd be better off bobbing for apples in the Slim Pits of Pukeria.4?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7!)+/%UD#F!)+/%d}#T!)+/-%qQL7# %}%A\+/6 K )%># ii ibcjj jbcieee8e8e9ezeee e e e e  R' i j i j _^ \ T7X You are in one of the many science rooms on the large spacecraft.You see aliens working away at various computers and machinery.There are computers everywhere. You have no real idea what they do. Something essential to the ship's function you would imagine.There are many panels with monitors and buttons everywhere.You had better not mess with these panels. These fellas look harmless, but you might get them annoyed if you erase or damage hours of their work with your idle button pushing.There are buttons of all sorts on the panels. Don't go pushing any. Ok?You can't understand what you're seeing on any of the monitors, so don't waste your time.The Tormeenians are really busy and appear to be working hard.The Ghinusion looks as mean as all the rest. He surveys you suspiciously.The Tormeenians here ignore you.The Ghinusion barks at you to stop hanging around doing nothing.You see Tormeenians working away at equipment in here. They seem like the scientists and engineers of the ship.There is also a Ghinusion standing guard. Security is usually their primary function.4j M?!)+/%r 6CX7 !)+/%*YDCF#!)+/%iYDCF#!)+/%?DCF #!)+/%VDCF #M  %U*+ %U+ )%K+%A\+/6 K%>#  M bDcDiQKNrGQ?NrGQVNrM :'CE'9:Ed eeeee:#:xCSoGCSpG 5E55eF 8E88eFee e e 'e {e 8e e: .e%( bci#Io+-/)+/ +Ipep F p /#8: k$.e%r bci#Io+-/)+/ +Ipe:e NQA\ +6 K  QAd 6 r r9e R r*lvoR~C<You are being escorted to the heavily guarded bridge of the ship.You remember, the place you were trying to nose around earlier.I guess you're going to find out what's beyond that large door after all.You only hope there's nothing in there like the Ghinusion Fusion Contusion Machine. That thing didn't look too pleasant at all.You get weak at the knees just remembering it.You are not cleared in this area. Please turn back now.Not heading their warning, the guards grab you and in doing so realise you are not Tormeenian. They seem very upset at your spying and promptly throw you in the Brig.You are in a well guarded room. Two guards stand watch at the entrance to the room to the North.There are laser guns mounted high above you and there is a panel and screens on the West wall. A compartment is built into the East wall.The guards ignore you because you look like a Tormeenian. They look pretty rough, like the two at the elevator on level two.The lasers are probably there to get rid of unwanted guests, if the guards can't handle them that is.The compartment probably has weapons or something in it, you have no way of knowing. There's a consol to the right of the compartment. The consol must control the compartment.The panel obviously has some function, you just don't know what it is. Like most of the panels around the ship I might add.The consol is used to open the large compartment on the right wall.Upon touching the consol, and obviously not having any clearance in this area, the overhead laser activates and obliterates you.You are way too far from the consol to do anything to it. You are always underestimating the length of your extremities.Upon touching the panel, and obviously not having any clearance in this area, the overhead laser activates and obliterates you.You are way too far from the panel to do anything to it. You are always underestimating the length of your extremities.There are various things on the screen, none of which you understand.There are buttons on the panel.4`?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Ye!ewe N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 8e8e9ete R'5#=]xYou are in a corridor heading West and East.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic.There is no panel here.You can't use what isn't here smarty pants.There are no buttons anywhere. You must be having halucinations.Its a corridor heading West and East.45A,n?qwz*) ! % 4# ( z<F$ $gd%)!%(#)!%d#iȂ$$)!% <#% #Ƞ$$)!%#%(#$$)!%n#% #3$$g g ggg g gggg iM !,;`?eBev9.8 Demo SQLCWelcome to the demo version of my upand coming game, JEFF'S QUEST. Justlook around and be curious. Heck, bedestructive! Talk to everyone, lookat everything, take all you can get, &just have a good time. When you getthrough, mail me at stewart@netdot.comand tell me what you liked/disliked &what you would like to have happen.Good luck!Welcome to the demo version ofSPACE QUEST: THE LOST CHAPTER. This isa game born of my affection forSierra's Space Quest Series. It's anoriginal adventure of Roger Wilco,Janitor Supreme, Planet Saviour bydefault. I sincerly hope you enjoy it.Feel free to contact me at vonsterdmonster@hotmail.com to make anycomments you may have. Have fun.4=o[Gooo?2!)+/%A[6CLF#bci%r$$xxx ##x####Ii ibci /<# # #^3# >[DjThis is the room for the item tutorial.The whole world turns crazy.You see more colors than on your SuperColor Multi-Mode Monitor.A strange burning starts in the pit of your stomach.You feel like all your internal workings are being screwed up.The burning gets worse. The pain becomes unbearable.You feel like your belly is on fire. It's even worse than that time you ate a jar of Jalapengian Mongo Peppers by accident.You then burst into flame from the inside out and are rapidly burnt to a crisp.Your remains smell horrible and would give the heartiest janitor one hell of a challenge.At least you went out in style.4z??2!r)r+/%6 CF%|+Fxsq)sOxFF #QZ7Ie9 'MNMN)q&MN< 6QE QyY Qfm Q[^ 6 QsP e.This is the room for the item tutorial.The ship somehow passes safely through the planet's atmosphere and hurtles toward the planet's surface.4 J?n%x{pxustvwr!)v+-/6XC%S[#:!)t6XC%6o#:!)v+-/XC%V[LX!)w6XC%N#QN8"!)w6XC%}#Q[6#!)w6XC%ai#Q_g$!)w6XC%M#QMp%! ) w6 X C % # Q )>+/%?h6 CF!f)f+/%@h6 CLF#%xpx%rxxxeexx b*c*iKxx+ ep8<U ?This is the room for the item tutorial.Ok.You're not close enough.There is a portable radio sitting on the bench.Having had a rough landing, the computer controls seems to have been jarred enough to cause the sleep chamber to shut off and open.Which means you should be waking up any second Roger.You start to wake after the sleep chamber opens.4,w?2!e)e+/%7r6CLFF#!e)e+/%H@6CLFF#%r$$xx eexeeeeee ~e 9`x e I +/<I e e  CD Qy LwThis is the room for the item tutorial.Well, you are saved from a very horrible fate, as word got to Bul'ee just as he was about to hook you up to the Ghinusion Fusion Contusion Machine.His disappointment cannot be expressed in words.You are taken to the Docking bay where your faithful Escape Pod awaits.It looks newly repaired and ship shape.You only wish you could say the same for yourself.Some big ugly guy stuffs something down your throat.A most unpleasant experience to be sure.You begin to feel woozzy and are then taken to the Sleep Chamber.You are inside the now open sleep chamber.Your eyes slowly begin to open and you try to adjust to the light.You try to figure out where exactly you are.Vaguely remembering the escape craft, you realise you are in the sleep chamber of the ship.4EG?2!)+/%*6 CLF#!)+/%5m6 CLFxxexexxIxx- eebEcEi+#I e i 6RYou are just outside your escape shuttle.You look out on the planet surface, unsure as to what this place holds for you.You wonder if you're getting too old for this adventuring stuff.What? You got to be kidding! You are Roger Wilco, saviour of worlds, destroyer of Orats and err . . weilder of mops. Nothing can stop you.Yep Roger. A new adventure is just what the doctor ordered for a guy like you.4tc?2!)+/%R6 CLF#!)+/%*6 CLF#!)+/%:6 CLF#xxexexx#ee##e #e x( ?FGYou can't see here, you're down on the planet. I knew I should have restricted input here. Geez, just watch and try to learn something will you.A ship out in space, not far from the planet Roger just crashed on, makes an urgent call to its Mother Ship.This is Shuttle XZ-457. Come in Vercotron.We are reading you just off the port Ken'ro. What is the problem?How did the test go?The Weapon detonated successfully. I have full readouts on the explosion. However, there was a probem after detonation. I picked up a spacecraft in the wake of the aftershock.My readings indicated it was an escape pod of some sort. I got lifesigns of an unkown type on board before I lost signal.An escape vessel this far out? We didn't plan for this. Dock immediately and prepare a report. I'll inform the Captain. Vercotron out.En route to the Vercotron docking bay now. Prepare bay for incoming shuttle.The ship turns and approaches its Mother Ship.4#c?2!)+/%R6 CLF#!)+/%*6 CLF#!)+/%:6 CLF#xxxb c iex You can't see here, you're down on the planet. I knew I should have restricted input here. Geez, just watch and try to learn something will you.4c?2!)+/%R6 CLF#!)+/%*6 CLF#!)+/%:6 CLF#xxxb(c(ix 4]XF?2!)+/%S6 CLF#!)+/%:6 CLF#xxx 4]XF?2!)+/%S6 CLF#!)+/%:6 CLF#xxx 4f?2!)+/%S6 CLF#!)+/%-I6CLF#!)+/%:6 CLF#xxex exx ##x(Iyb%c%iy ydee!'`You can't see here, you're down on the planet. I knew I should have restricted input here. Geez, just watch and try to learn something will you.The Mother Ship opens its docking bay doors to receive the returning shuttle.This is Shuttle XZ-457. Manouvering into docking bay now.Auto-landing engaged. Proceeding with docking procedure.As the ship lands inside the Vercotron landing bay we turn our attention back to you.Of course you have no idea what just took place, so as usual you are without a clue as to what's going on.4H;`;;;?,!)+/%?_6CX7L7F#  %A\+/6 b+c+iK )%>#w n W+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM+< b*c*iIM Y Y Ye!ewe N QA\ +6 b+c+iK  QAd 6 te R'm 7WrYou are in a corridor heading West and East.The elevator door is automatic.The elevator is automatic.Its a corridor heading East and West.4 G:GGHIWXYYFSFS4M4MFGFG8MGFGFIWZZGRGR5N5NG]D^E_FoFpFp:]C]^_pp"f"e#d$d8e9f:p:q:qG_G\D\^qq#f#e$e8f9q9f8f$^^WIH^D_E^^_^tDuEvFFvFtCtuv"}"|#{${((4{4{8|9}::GuGsDsv#}#|$|''5|5{7}99Gsu{#|"{9|:uFtEtEsE|6|7}$}8C8B9A:C7CBA00F6F6:@:6/6":";"<#=%=._DbCfAh=i;3B3Q(P(BIO^OgDw-@XxN 77I@_>"N$R&W)\(Y&S"Q"M$T(X)],^'^'[)i'b)aVP!P!M#N#S&VU#T1`2c3b4c5b3`4h2f6d5h4d1`=c>eAd?dAgBe>g@h>jBh?eHfJfOgSgVgXeThMhPhIhJpNpIl^e_ebdfdibk`m^kdgddfhemdo`mjoglh{P|NyP|O}L|TQN}QTN}\]|NzP~DB@>@20./,**-/+2 )^(]'Y#U#R P!NP"QTW(l*e6k2n3i5v=s8r>vAn@jLtJmIeJhOfShVfMsRrLxUxVtRuawaskvewkqlcocheicbs_wjw|T~O|PzVxU{QP~NMSP~_jD@AC>=@AAE>=21,**&%">=?@D4^2]4]3\5[6_2_2X5W(W&T%N%Q'T)V'Q%M*P)V+W C A=">"C @!="B$C#=1.,(%##"- . 20#/!2"A%D!D>b?c@dAdAb=`=bA`@_Ab?`>\A]A_@]@Y>YJeKfMfQfSfVfVcVeQfPdLcJcMdPeTcUfWbTbV`O`S_I^K[JXHa_cbcdcdagah`k`eb`abae`b`_a__b^a^b\`[nUpVpRkTlVhawSxRyPzNzMxOwRwMyM}D~B~@><|>{C}A}>={ByCyE{D{=zy7uCwDmCoA210-+*/,*}20~,|0,}.|2 }}}!zz{ bDcCeCgBh@i>jnBu!wuvuv&v(x&w/v3u6w6|.z-y&xvywv v5v3u=u5LMOMNLQMTLUOROLPHTJPOOQRVPVRMSKX`VdRiQ^O_N`MdLbMaPaLgMBL@L@NAMBPAP>O?M>T@T=P6M5N4L2O4P2U5T4P1M3M3?3>2=1<1;2>3?2?5A2A1?4D2C4?++**(+*-)+'+).(3&.+/*8*=+7+ +)+)+((%(#($#!($-*9(:`CbBdBf@g>i=eBfAbBb@d?e?f=f?bAbB`B`Ce@c@e>b>^?b=b:_;a8e;JDIDIELBK?L=H=IDVEWDUDTBVAX@W=U>V:X9T9V6VE5>4=3<2:18393;5;26464:123357:6=8991*2/9649;6<8J:K5I/TW=_Bb7_5b1b6mjlo mnjk1"3 2H%H4O0W1W;W5V6Va7^7a*_&ellojkm2.4+37=@)K$JWW/S.`+4716HDIEKDJCLBJ?I@H#?/*+"-+#*3',gRmQx&PPP1P3 PLPTO'Q%O%Q'Q)Q,O(O*O$ O!OQ# QS%S'L%M'N)M#O!S S$V$S+U)S(N+K)L+N)J#L"KOM! 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Somebody has a head full of blonde hair. How the heck did that happen Roger? 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It is on.4a0OJAAAAAAAAA AA qAA qsAA uAA uAA q AA q AA qAA uAA uAA qsAA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AAr AAu AAwAArrAArrAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqrAArqAArrAAyAAw AAAAAAAAAOJThis key looks to be made rather crudely.40OJAAAAA s AA qAA DAAFAABCAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAA!AA#AA#AA#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA1q3AA1q3AA1q3AA13AA13AA13AA13AA13AA42AA 11AA 2AAAAAAAOJThe Sic lighter is almost empty.4`<.OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJIt looks like your average keycard.4M0OKA AA AA AA AA EAA FAA CBAA FAA FAA FAA C AA C AA FAA FAA C AA C AA FAA FAA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AAD AAD AAD AAD AA B AA AA AOKThe glass cutter looks like it's seen a lot of use.4;0 OLA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA wAA urAAzAAvqAArsAAvAAvAAvAAqAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLIt looks like an ordinary stone.4m0OLA AA AA AA AA AA AAcAAabAAaaAAaaAAaaAA acaAA abaaAA aAaaaAAbaAabAAababAAadAaAAa aAAaa2AAaa3AAab4AAd5AA6AA7AA8AA44AA44AA543AA182AA142AA53AA5 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLThe whistle is usual looking.4N0OLAxqqAAxqrAAxqrAAyqsAAyrsAAyqtAAyqtAAxqtAAwqsAAvrsAAvyAA~AAurAArrAArqAArqAArqAArqAAq!qAAq#qAAq$qAAq#qAAq$qAAq$qAAu$rAAu#sAAu$sAAsq#vAArq"#yAAqq##yAAr&rwAAr%rvAAr#ruAAr!rtAArrsAAtrAAuqAAuAAvAAvAAvAAwAAwAAwAAxAAx AOLThe glowing gem provides a gentle illumination.4L,OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAABAAAAABBAAADAAADȂAAGÂAA G‚AA EAADAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAABBAAAABAAAABBAABBAA DAA BAAAAAAAOJThess are the pieces of tentacle you retrieved from the tentacle creature done in by the puffy fish.4OJOJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsAAsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJOJThis is an intact Mechrom Turbo Rod. It works like a big spark plug.4N%OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AAAAbaAAaaAAaAAaa AAbAAaQaaAAaQaaAAabaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaAAaAAaEAAaDAADAACAAB AAAAABAABAAAOJThis is the strange flower you stole... err... borrowed, from the nice plant in the jungle.4 %OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAa AAa AAa AAaa AAAAaAAaAAaaAAbaAA aAA AA AA aAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAOJThe strange mould that was growing on a bush.4-OLOLA AA AA AAu AAu AA AA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qq AA qq AA qq AA qq AA qq AA qq AA qq AA rr AA qq AA u AA s AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLOLThe hook you crafted with your own gifted hands from the nail you found. You admire your skill and enginuity. 4%"OOGOOGAAAAAAAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAq|AAq{AAqsAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOGOOGIt is a thin Nail.4V%-OOGOOGAAAAAAAAAqAArAA sAA sAA sAA sAA sAAsAAs AAs AAs AAs AAs AAsAAsAAsAAsAA sAA sAA sAA sAA sAAsAAs AAs AAs AAs AAs AAqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOGOOGA sturdy piece of metal. You admire its staightness.4#-OOEOOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA A AA A AA A AA  AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOEOOEAn odd looking laser gun of unknown origin. You get the urge to zap something just looking at it.4#-OOEOOEAAAAAAAAA sAA rqAA qAAqAAqAA aqAA rAA tarqAAxsAArBqq AAsBqr AAz AAuu AAtrt AAsts AArvr AArrrr AArqrqr AArqrqr AArqrqr AArqrqr AArrrr AAsts AAtrt AAtt AAzAAxAA xAA tAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOEOOEIts an Extendo-Rope with self attaching grapple-claw. An extremly usefull handyman's tool. It has two buttons. The Red button extends the rope and self attaches the claw. The blue button releases the claw and retracts the rope. 4r&-OLOLA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAA!AA !!AA !AA AA AA ! AA ! AA AA ! AA ! AA AA ! AA AA !AA!AA!AAAAAA!AA !!AA!!AA!!AA! AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLOLAn Avonianon Frica Worm. Mmm!! Looks delicious, if you liked worms that is.4|n-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHAn Empty Jar.4v-OHOHAAAAAAAAAbcaAAbccAAbccaAAaccbAAdccAAjAAfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHAn Empty, covered Jar. Once again your brilliance astounds you, having figured out that the cover fits on this jar.4e-OHOHAAAAAAAAAbcaAAbccAAbccaAAaccbAAdccAAjAAfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2AA121AA25AA16AA112AA12AA22AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHA bottled Tiny Toothed Terror Fish. You're sure glad you didn't put this guy into your pants without bottling him up first. You feel even safer after covering your jar, there is no way he's getting out of there now.4U-OKOKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAA11AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAA9AA2 4AA AAAA AA AA AOKOKA SuperPlas Carry All Baggie. Guarantied to seal in freshness, or seal out toxic waste. The new colour and smell change hiper seal is quite impressive.4--OOOOA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAѲAA11AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaaAAbaAAaaAAabAAaAAAAAAAAAA9AA6AAAA AA AA AOOOOA Pouting Puffy Fish sealed up nicely in your SuperPlas Carry All Baggie.4h-OOOOA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaaAAbaAAaa AAab AAa AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOOOOA hibernating Pouting Puffy Fish. You assume they only pout when they are awake, because this one actually seems to be smiling.4?-OOOOA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AAAAAAAA AAAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AA  AA AA AA AOOOOA used piece of Voronian Deep Sludge Fishing Line. Its strength is legendary, you wonder what broke it.4U-OOOOAq AAq AA qsAA qqAAqqAA qAAqAAAA AA AA AA AAAAAAAA AAAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AA  AA AA AA AOOOOHaving attached the nail to the Voronian Deep Sludge fishing line, you now have a crude Fishing line and hook.4w%OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3AA25AA151AA28AA1:AA75AA64AA55AA23AA12AA2AA1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHA Tiny Toothed Terror Fish. This little guy can strip a Harkothian Lava Pig to bones in 5.00524 seconds. Not something you should play around with.4["OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbcaAAbccAAbccaAAaccbAAdccAAjAAfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOEIts a cover for a jar or bottle of some kind. You can't really tell from just looking at it, its a cover for something, thats for sure.4 'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !AA! AAC! AAIAAJAALAALAALAALAAHAAAGBAADBAAFAA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOEIts some kind of fruit, it looks really juicy.4& 'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !AA !AA!CAA!FAAJAAMAANAAOAAOAAHGAAGGAAEAGAAEGAAEFAALAAAIAAAHAAAGAAHAAE AAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOEhy+ AAEEAAAAEABAB AAEAACAAAAEAB AAEEAAAAEABAB AACAAAACAAAAEAB AAEEAAAAEABAB AAEAACAAAAEAB AAEEAAAAEABAB AAEAAAACAAAAE-1v ttswyrsrqrarqrsqqqtavqqqrsqqqtbuqqqrsqqqsAuqqqrsqqqsaAatqqqrsqqqsaAaatqqqrsqqqsAaatqqqrsqqqrABtqqqrsqqqrABtqqqrsqqqrABatqqqrsqqqraBBsqqqrsqqqraAABaasqqqrsqqqraaBAsqqqrsqqqraaABBAsqqqrsqqqrBAABasqqqrsqqqraAqABqAbsqqqrsqqqraAAAbsqqqrsqqqraABAbsqqqrsqqqraAAasqqqrsqqqraAAbsqqqrsqqqsaAAbtqqqrsqqqsAAatqqqrsqqqsAAatqqqrsqqqsAAAtqqqrsqqqtAAAAuqqqrsqqqtaAAAAauqqqrrqraAArqrtsuAAavqttAEAsvaaxqAEAqqAAqAAAAAAAAssuAAAAusssEsssrQARrssqRBASqssSBRQssTRQssTRssUQQsrUQQrrVQrLooks like someone got to this fruit before you, thats a wriggly little sucker just chomping away at the fruit.4+-OOOOA AA AA AA sAA AAAAqAAqAA!qAAqAAqAA qAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AA AAAAAAAA AA AA AA  AA AA AA AOOOOYou have now baited your Fishing line, arent you proud.4-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2AA121AA25AA16AA112AA12AA22AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHA bottled Tiny Toothed Terror Fish. You're sure glad you didn't put this guy into your pants without bottling him up first.4k-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHA jar of swamp water.4 V-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{AA}AA~AAsAArAAsAArAArAArAAsAAsAA~AA}AA}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHszszszszszszszszszszs~~~~!"#!!!!!!!$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"#""""##$) A good old relaible magnet.4 0-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABBAAABBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHN0,/.v/+qt/)qs/(AaAs/'bEs/&bGqq/%bHr/$cGqq/#bGqq/!bFqq.tcEqq-uqbE qqq+trqE qqqq*wqB qs)trq qs'sqq sq&sqs rr%susqr#twx"uzqq!rrquqqtqqrqrqqsAqqqvAAqqqsAAqq!q!qAAqq""qA%q%q-'q/q)q-qq)q!+q)qq$-(qq"q'/'qq//'q//&qq//&qq//&q//%q//$qq//#q//$//%//"/&u/"r/!aAr/bEq.aFq-bEqq+bDqq*sqaDqq(rqDqqq'srq qs%rqqsq$strqr"ruv!qrsqrqqqqqquAqqrAq!q"$q$q*'q)q'q!(q&r!%+%qq/$q/$qq/$q/#q/#/$/The Alien paper has a strange set of symbols on it. Like a code.4[;-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAvAAxAAzAAzAA|AAAzAAAAzAAAqAxAqAA~AA~AAuuAAssAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHThis a a sturdy looking helmet.4n 0OHOHAAAvAAxAAzAAzAA|AAAzAAAAzAAAqAxAqAA~AA~AAuuAAssAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAAAAAAAAAAAA AAqAAzAAruAAzAA}sAA|sAA}rAAyqAAtAA~AAvAAwrAAzAAAOHOH g3333This a a sturdy looking helmet and suit.They make up a functional pressure suit.4m x0OHOHAAAvAAxAAzAAzAA|AAAzAAAAzAAAqAxAqAA~AA~AAuuAAssAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAAAAAAAAAAAA AAqAAzAAruAAzAA}sAA|sAA}rAAyqAAtAA~AAvAA AAAAAOHOH T  2364 2364 This a a sturdy looking helmet and one of the suits you saw under the crashed ship. You aren't sure if they will function or not.4s -OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAqAAzAAruAAzAA}sAA|sAA}rAAyqAAtAA~AAvAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHOHO2"a"a"d"d#b#!qq!q!qq!qq!qq!qss!q!!q######"""""!$!$!$!$!$!$&#a&q#a&q#b&r"b'rb(qb(!a''q&r#!q"q"q"""s!#$r$%&%%$## )q)q$q$q$$r!a$$r!a%b%b%b%b$$r!a$$r!a$q$q)q)q##$%%&%$!#$r"""s"q"q#!q&r'q'(!a(qb'rb&r"b&q#b&q#a&#a!$!$!$!$!$!$"""""######!q!!qssq!qq!qq!qq!q!qq!##b"d"d"a"a*))((''%'$r$#s""#q"q#q!#r#q#!a!!bq!br"b"r"b#q#a#q#a# "q"q$q$$q$a!r$a!r$bbbba!r$a!r$$q$$q$"q"q#a##a#q"b#q"b"r!br!bq!a!##q#r#q!#q"qs""r$#'$'%'(())*This a a sturdy looking suit you got under the crashed ship. You aren't sure if it will function or not.40-TX-OHOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAqAAzAAruAAzAA}sAA|sAA}rAAyqAAtAA~AAvAAvrAAAA~AA|AAsAA AAAAAAAAAAAOHOH8q5qq4qq4qq3qq3qqr2qq2qq2qq2qq2qq2us2rr2ss2rrr2srs2trt2rr3r4r3qq2q1qrq1q1q1q1qr44q11q3q>q2q>q1:8A5AA4CAB4BAAB3AA3AAB2āAA2BAAB2āAA2AÁAAA2ÁAA2EC2BB2CC2BBB2CBC2DBD2BB3BÁ4B3AA2A1ABA1A1A1A1AB44A11A3A>A2A>A1: 2>=4<41;61:72:819929919:18;286q2285q45r3!q4r4s"qs3r#qr2r$qr1r%qrr$qrr&q#rq+q$qq"4#q3""5#q5"7%q:"q;!q<"q=!u=&>%?#;ss;4q4;4q4;44;44;44;44;44;44;44;q44;q44q:5q586q676q55u6q5u?1q?1?>u!/#u/!r/aAr.bEq-aFq,bEqq*bDqq)sqaDqq'rqqCqqq&srq qs$rqqsq#strqr!ruvqrtqrqqqqqqquAqqqrAq!q!#q#q)q&q)q&q"+%q!/$q/#q/#/"q/#//"t/aAr.aDq,bDqq+aCqq*rqCqq(rrqqr&qqqt$qtt#qrs#rqq#tArq#qAqq&'q('q(!(&q/&/%/&/This a a sturdy looking suit you got under the crashed ship. It looks like a good fit for you.4Y 'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAbdbAAahaAAaAabaAaAAaadaaAAbdbAAbAAAAbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOE #M     This is the Tormeenian mask you took off the dummy at the museum in the underwater city.4f  'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtAAtsAAqqAAqqAAqvqAAqqAAr{AAsqAAqqAAqsqAArtAAxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOE bf )##)"%!!#!"#""%!'))) *##"#")"%!!#!"#""%!')) )##)"%!!#!"#""%!')))This is the Tormeenian outfit you took off the dummy at the museum in the underwater city.4y ' OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!AA!$!AA!AA!"!AA!!AA#!AA!AA""!AA!!AA%!AA!AA+AA*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOE) OJOJAAAAAAAqAAAAqAA AA qAA q AA AA q AA AA q AA q AA q AA AAq AAqAAAAq AAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAqAAAAqAAAAq AA AA AA AA AA AA AOJOJThis is a green code card. It's like a keycard except it holds one specific code for something programmed onto it.4T 'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAzAAzAArqrAAzAAsqrAAsvAAssAAzAAsrrAAsvAArrrAAzAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOE'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAbAAcAAAAabAAacAAaaAAaaaAAaacAAabAAafaAAaAAaeAAabAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOEThis is a grey code card. It's like a keycard except it holds one specific code for something programmed onto it.4n u'OEOEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA qAArqAArrAAqqAAqrAArqqAAtrAAurAAquAAvAAsrAAsAAs AAr AAs AAr AAs AAr AAs AArAArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOEOEt" (!b!a!a!baeaaeaaaaaa!bcb$c$$A$AA#A""qq!rr!rr!rqr!tt!qq!qq!rq!rr!rr!!!!!!####!#!#!#!#q!q#q!q#!#!#!#!#r!r#!#!#! (!!!!rrqqrr!$$$$#rr"w"u!u!u!rr!q!u!u!u!u!u!!!!!!####!#!#!#!#q!q#q!q#!#!#!#!#r!r#!#!#! (!!!!rrqqrr!$$$$#rr"w"u!u!u!rr!q!u!u!u!u!u!!!!!u!#u#u#u#r!r#r!r#r!r#r!r#q!q#q!q#r!r#r!r#r!r#r!r#!#!#!#! (r"r!q!!!qrq!!!$""#!!$#$qr"t!r"!t!t!!!q!s!!rr"q!!q!s!t!"u!!q!q!!u#!!!t#q!s#u#u!!"q!q#r!r#r!r#r!r#"q#q!q#r!r#r!r#r!r#r!r#!#!#!"! 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It's a very ancient tool, since Stears Superstore has put out the Automatic Mkey Wrench longer ago than you can remember.4n "$&(&$" !#%')*,*(&$"  <4Ppw?=:61+$+16:=?!=><><.9-K? 4L#>E77777.----?4?>=;:875420/-+)&#?ii?i4"%),/0135689;<=??QQ?Q4B-4;9;=>>>>??4=(/6    ??B=B?B4d$$$$%'*-03579;=?$?i$####$&),.1368:<>$>i??f 4n8:8:8:8:8:8:8:8:8:8:9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;x?x4})08:88:8::8:8::?88::88:8:8::88:9;99;9;;9;9;;?99;;9;9;9;;99;{?  4t_fm6:???????????? ? ??K;K?K4Q<CJEH;?48#*1%;?4)=;#:7;->?<4=-?*<7&4?7;9?9?5?=4<?+2>7;9*6?;0>5<&?;0<7?8/?2<6?/52?02;80;?2/9?r?r4    >>>>>>>>>N?N4(/6?5* 6!E?E? 4u?uu4t?>?    4},-,,-,,-,,-,,-,,-,,-,,-:=:?:=:?:=:>:>:>:>:>:>;E?E4ePW^*%  &,2*>*?*48#*1>?4<f>??  ?   ?48#*1+>?4[FMT&%7&%7&%7&%%$>$?$4t_fm????> ? ZZZ4K*?*4t_fm3-% 1-)$ #'+/369????4=2$>2$>>>3%>3%>3%>4%>>>4&{{?{4ry;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5;5.5?4?4. 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