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What a taste treat.There is a red flashing alarm light here which seems to be indicating that you had better get moving.You can't hear anything of note.Yes, it's true. You definitely hear footsteps. You'd better make yourself scarce!Word not known: %m21%w1%m21%w2%m21%w3%m8you.There are no footsteps to hear now.I hope you know how strange that sounds.Nothing up there is going to help you.You can't do that. Read the label, %s!You do not possess the designated item.You'll have to be more specific.This knife wouldn't cut hot margarine.You turn the dial to the right. The light begins to glow.There is no need for you to turn the gadget off.You just can't do that. Really. It's not a good idea. Besides, your dental hygiene hasn't been what it should. Do the universe a favor.%m4dressed in the standard issue excursion garment.On your back is a jetpack.%m4attired in the spiffy%m2 of a%m3 marauder. There is a pocket.You have no helmet and are easily distinguished as an intruder by your non-green head.%m4wearing a lovely one-piece casual space travel outfit.There is printing on it.You plant your teeth into the strange plant and take a large bite, only to find it tastes exquisitely bad. If you had your choice you would choose any form of death over a meal of this.No time to talk!%m4now wearing the jetpack. A small control linkage snaps onto the back of your helmet allowing you to control it merely by focusing on where you want to go.%m4already wearing it.Due to its highly reflective coating you cannot see through the glass very easily, however, you do see a rather striking figure peering back at you.You place your lips to the nozzle and draw. A fluid, not a very reasonable facsimile of water, is released slowly. While tasting slightly terrible, it quenches your thirst, at least for the time being.The can label says "Pelvitron's Dehydrated Water (H2) - All you add is air! Makes 10 gallons!""Directions - To use, simply drink from nozzle. Metered amounts will be dispensed. Caution - Do not attempt to open or rupture! Misuse could result in personal injury and/or flash flooding."Come to your senses, %s1. That couldn't help you at this time.The regulator is just a curved, metal tube which mixes air with the can's contents and directs it to the nozzle.The nozzle is a flexible tube which senses suction and releases the water.You just had a drink. You'd better ration your supply. This place is hot!You possess %v124 buckazoid(s).There is no need to do that now.It wouldn't help to wear it since there is gravity here.For more information refer to coupons enclosed in package.Don't snivel!Sorry. This game is in a NO JUMPING zone.You can't run.Don't be ridiculous!You raise the Orat part to your mouth and attempt to feast on it. Unfortunately for you it is composed mainly of bone. The small amount of flesh still clinging to the bone is incredibly rancid in flavor. You wisely give up on this idea.You've already had your nap!You talk to the sprawled corpse. Strangely, you get no response.Good grief, %s1! %m4a bit twisted, I must say.There is no need to do that. Just drink from the nozzle.That doesn't seem to be the correct action in this case.You stare into the semi-clear liquid and notice how it gives everything seen through it a lovely yellow tint.%m7seem to be in your sight now.%m7appear to be here to view.Are you sure you want to look at that?%m7seem to be available at this time.There is nothing here by that name which can be acquired.You can't obtain that here.Your legs will take you where you want to go (in most cases, anyway).That's not the way to get there.That is not currently one of your options.How would you like to do that?That act would lack any serious gratification.You possess nothing that would help you accomplish this.You can't find something you didn't lose.You press the button on the remote control but notice nothing different.You learn nothing new through this act.%m8your request.%m7compute.Say What?%m4currently wearing it.You'll have to go there to do that.You see a%m3 clad in red battle gear. You'd better hope it doesn't see you.There is no one else here.%m4already in possession of the card.Reaching into the pocket of the%m3%m2 you find a%m3 ID card.You see no one of interest.The Keycard or the I.D. card?You don't seem to have that.I'll bet you wish you still had that dehydrated water.%m4very much in need of water now. Your future will be a thing of the past without it.You're dead, %s1. You have died of dehydration. Within a few hours, your gaunt corpse will have dried to a crisp, your powdered remains evenly distributed across the parched terrain by a searing gust.F6 to fire Pulseray %v13:%v12|2:%v11|2 Searching your pocket you find $%v124.In the pocket of this%m2 is an alien %m5card. The name on the card is Butston Freem. You wonder if this is a common%m3 name.There is an alien %m5card there.The heat is causing you to develop quite a thirst. A drink of water would certainly be most pleasant.Sorry, you'll have to go back into the bar to do that.%s4Exit Game? (Y/N) Credit has changed. It now equals %v124.4H? %U2!%!)U/6%*f%!)!/%?6F%]qmiw% Q eg  $) $e) Q  Q.0  $ FQGfD #FQ[]$ )2#1@0@K#IThe Autonav system has locked onto the small planet of Kerona and the pod has begun its approach. Nothing to do now but hang on!Well done, %s1! You've managed to overcome the elements of Kerona, from endless deserts and spider droids to obnoxious salesmen and bad booze. Yes, the sand in your boots shall forever serve as a reminder of this forsaken planet. You should feel proud. But now, destiny awaits with an even greater challenge.4:' ? in eeGosh, %s1. It would appear you have met an untimely demise. With the explosive destruction of the Arcada you become part of a fresh collection of space debris.Despite your surprisingly valiant effort, you have been blown to eternity by the Star Generator itself.4Gwqj gggggg g  g  g ggg xpk "<Rp/Ge SPACE QUEST Help F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F5 saves your current game. F7 restores a saved game. F9 restarts the game. TAB shows the status screen. ESC pauses the game.Ctrl-J sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R toggles RGB monitor modes.4plfpz )2;GScmy#,8ERbo~ +8AN\iu )/7;AFJP[flw}#.=CKYfny !*9AMY]l} !,5:JUaincrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4&f BZp ,Aq )@sdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32set.scan.start() already active in logic %v18.%m25get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254k,dvyy-vyvz$&yz#1vy]yj vyvz yz1vyy(?(jv e(7v e e f7v 7v (>rey|vz yz|\ ^  #+4@@)Q3@@)Q#3@@ )Q\ e3@@)Q _<*59=MZfq 3new room: x: y: object number: var number: var value: object #: var %v20: %v19flag number: flag %v20 is setflag %v20 is not setWord not known: %m12%w1%m12%w2%m12%w3No response to input.You Have $%v124. Enter New Total-> Cheater!already in jetpacktrace on4kr(l(xi eeee e e e eeee ||\ ~  | ,d ,d(RBheWell, %s1, that was a smooth half-gainer into the elevator shaft. Did you decide that you would think more clearly with your brains re-organized?That concludes your experiment involving the effects of total vacuum on the human body, %s1.As you lie on the floor in a smoldering, carbogelatinous heap you can't help but wonder why you bothered getting up this morning.You are now lying on the floor in many pieces. Guess those beams meant business, %s1.How about that darn artificial gravity, %s1. Just like the real thing, huh?You've been snatched from existence by a tentacled beast lurking beneath the grate. You feel the painful sting of digestive fluids.Due to a lack of navigation, you have exhausted the meager amount of emergency fuel without finding a safe place to land. You are lost in space.Luck's turn has cost you dearly. As life seeps away, you long for the simpler days aboard the Arcada.You've been mowed down by a Deltaur crewthing.Not being a very smooth thief you have been caught and dealt with appropriately.Gee whiz, %s1! You could actually be a hero if you weren't so clumsy. Wise up.Thank you for playing Space Quest. Too bad you've failed miserably and doomed all your people to a horrible death at the hands of the Sariens. If you continue playing as skillfully as this, we'll never have a chance for a sequel. Better luck next time.Alas, %s1, you have failed in your attempt to save the universe from the clutches of the Sariens.Once again, you've demonstrated your inability to carry out a simple task like saving all of humanity. You quickly glance around the room to see if anyone saw your silly mistake. Thank you for playing Space Quest, %s1. You've been most entertaining.4R1eeOee \eee \eeeeefe6ee \e%%e %%e %%e %e e ce&ee \ee 2Bh8Oe.KOIt is a loose granular material resulting from the disintegration of the area's rocks.It is quite a unique work of nature. It might hold you.It is a quite unique, natural formation carved out through eons by the elements. It does not appear to be accessible from here.The sky is a clear and cosmic purple.You can see the opening into a cave but cannot make out any detail inside.In the distance you see very large piles of sand.You shiver at the sight of the spider droid with its spindly legs and cold metallic body. Its red scanner probes the terrain for anything that moves. Truly an icon of terror.You, a mere human, are no match for this mechanical menace.The cliffs are sheer and dangerous.Seen one rock, seen them all.You cannot climb the cliffs or rocks.Leave the rocks alone.That won't help you..You have some truly twisted ideas.Why would you want to do that? You got a bone to bury?You don't need to be burying anything.You can't do that from here.Don't be ridiculous.It's a long way down.It's quite sandy down there.Not far below you is a large horizontal plane which proves beneficial in maximizing the exploitation of gravity.This is one of the electronic barrier stations encircling Ulence Flats. Its force field keeps out anything or anyone traveling on or under ground.Kerona is a desolate place. The surface seems to be strewn exclusively with sand as far as the eye can see and the heat is unrelenting.This vast silicon sea seems to stretch to infinity.4aZ >Nwx{w~s+kb YKG?A#<>{9y9{:3DU _ T Ki-}r,xv*|um}nb bYFR R{>1oy0rx9POUWVSdWdQfNeK*fL gPhJ-iLhLfKhF+hPjMkEmF m@kK*fZhUmNo?qCqHmTj\ePgPgNfOgLiNjLeWeYgUgWe[fahZiVkRkPjIlHnDpBnGoFoPoNj]kagehgibi_r>t=l?m>pAH1OFI@:RDK2T9L&S].f9\9k(`^58t",67 %8#1p_gIL|_~w5#7OPv) )- = 2O/R0GA<1!~(m0|#>9sItBdYkS^]] hnX!|,qvjci^V&V)c)S0K3U8K3E<>?HHGEANBX=R4b8`+o4i%i,u*}3w"+*% $:58J,"S/A^P!,/-4tD}FkZkLiLx~wN7D7O<<[DHW?Y8aFaXI]YaD[L nzgsdlchbgbbabaTbSbNcJgBi?lH i} R@uBvCwWwXvYvZuZ@v@L." (&$(%7&A$H#Q#[$d#o!w#$&%))(0';(D'N&W%_&g'r'y%% &J$n$$:$]!#r!y"L*,+"+>)Q+U)d(r)*()+--u/e.J+*022/$.85=69=\7}9=JGpG`IEE4CDH"FT:OaSQm|h]kjgG!Q"b"T >$4#)%X ^ _!d"% $%##--,,+*++35.5,445..--,)6)A+F+>,A,O!W!X"4U#$c/G9Q,WahN{z}`#? 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( !  #%*+. 157 A@ BGH I P SS TXZ]a ae JKo s uuujj ")E T^plsb}WOE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?1<1;;3352121111112111111212222323>47331212111111111111111212111112211311314224631133212121131211114411212212131212111413135131321211222121341224261131491257233114131343532133414431516<1215341212>>>676741545313333451446516>>>4.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 u1 rr1rr1rr1rr1rr1rr1|1A{1ArAqAqAq1ArAqAqAq1{1rr1qwq1qqqq1qwq1qqqq1qwq1qqqq1qwq1rr1 {1 y1 w1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Written on the electronic gadget are the words DIALECT TRANSLATOR. On one end is a dial and a light (currently on).4;%ONA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA DAA QAARAASAACSAADDRAADDQ AABFB AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AONThis is a data storage cartridge. On it are the words ASTRAL BODY FORMATION: THE UNTOLD STORY.4!OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAa AAbAAabAAcAAdAAacAAaacAAhAAgAAd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJThis is definitely a rock.4.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 u1 rr1rr1rr1rr1rr1rr1|1A{1ArAqAqAq1ArAqAqAq1{1rr1qwq1qqqq1qwq1qqqq1qwq1qqqq1qwq1rr1 {1 y1 w1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Written on the electronic gadget are the words DIALECT TRANSLATOR. On one end is a dial and a light (currently dim).4(OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAaAAaAAaAAa AAa AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA aaA AAaaBAAaBAAAAAAAAAAAA GAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThe Orat part seems to consist of a spiny piece of bone with a small amount of somewhat less solid material clinging to one end.4!OMA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAA AA AAڑ AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOMThe keycard is a flat rectangular piece of synthetic material which is magnetically keyed for passing check stations. Written in tiny letters are the words ``Beek and Hinder Security Systems''.4e%OMA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOMThis is a piece of highly reflective view shield glass from the escape pod. Due to its special design there are no sharp edges.4J#%OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArr AArr AAqq AArr AA qq AArr AAqq AArr AA qr AArr AAu AAwAAssAAssAAAAssAAssAAAAssAAssAAssAAqrrAArq AAAAAAAAAAAOJThis is power key to the Sand Skimmer.4~!(OOCAAAAAAAAAAAAA qqAA qqrAA qqsAA qqsAA AAqqqqAAqqsAAqqtqAAqqsAAqqsqAAqqtqAAvyAAuvqAAtvqAAtsvqAAtsvAAsqAAsqAAsqAAtsv AAtsv AAtv AAuv AAwx AAwx AAvwAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOCThis is your survival kit. It contains a Xenon Army Knife and a can of dehydrated water.4/OLA AA AA AA AA q AA q AA qq AA qq AA q AA AA q AA qq AAqrq AAqsq AAtAAAArAArAArAArAAArAArAAADAAAAAAABAAABAAAABAAAAAADAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAAr AA r AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLThis is a cylinder of dehydrated water. At the top of the cylinder is a regulator and a short nozzle. On the side is a label.4"#OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA qAA tAAsAA qqAAqrrAAqqAAsrqAA qqsAAqqqAArqAAqq AArAAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThis is a small quantity of pocket lint.4!OIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !AA !!AA!!AA" AA!!AA!!!AA %AA! AA!AA!!AA!!AA!# AA "AA!AA!!"AA!# AA!! AA$ AA " AA " AAAAAAAAAOIIt is a plant you are not familiar with.4/OHAAAq AAr AAr AAr AAr AAr AAr AAr AAr AAr AArqAArrAArsAArsAAqBsAADrAADsAADsAADAADAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAqDAAAqAAAArAAAAAAADAAABAA rAA rAArAArAAqAAAAAOHThis is your handy-dandy Xenon Army Knife.4Q(/6?:.!!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4<f>??  ?   ?47>   4M$$428888888888888888888 8 8 8 88=================== = = = ==l? $ 4  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?$4ePW^3333333 3333333??$?4<p$%$$$-4. '  4hQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMHFEEEEEFFHEEEEEFFEEEEEFFEFFFFGG`FHFEEEEEFFHEEEEEFFEEEEEFFEFFFFGG`HGEEDDEEEEHEDDEEEEEDDEEEEEEEFFFF`FGEEDDEEEEHEDDEEEEEDDEEEEEEEFFFF`GHED0E0D0E< E<D0C0D`E0E0FCCDDEEFFEEDDCCDDEEFFEEDDCCDDEEGGEEDDCCDDEEGGEEDDCCDDEEFFEEDDCCDDDDFFDDDDCCEEFFGGFFEECCEEFFGGFFEEQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<RRRRRRQ<<<Q< <<QQQQQQ<<<Q<MMMMMMO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<PPPPPPO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<KKKKKKO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<PPPPPPO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<KKKKKKO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<PPPPPPO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<KKKKKKO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<PPPPPPO<<<O< <<OOOOOO<<<O<KKKKKK`<`<`<`<`<`<Z<<<Z< <<ZZZZZZ<<<Z<ZZZZZZZ<<<Z< <<ZZZZZZ<<<Z<ZZZZZZZ<<<Z< <<ZZZZXX<<<X<XXXXXXZ<<<T< <<TTTTTT<<<T<TTTTTTbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinnbbddiinn^^``ddii^^``ddii^^``ddii^^``ddii^^``ddii^^``ddii^^``ddii^^``ddiiGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKIGIKNKI`<`<`<`<4?X)Q bbb5 3V !22 )2)=%PD!CX)/%n!CX))%v6 !)=%#2// /%l (/%s //%dm5Q!3V )%k"83V) %kk3"0"#F3) %kn/#FM!)+% m!Q))+#2 #:!=) /6%P##:#:#:!#i 3D37 7$ $:/ 5  / 0#;I%Qkk7ec337' 7F &) /3e gr Kc ' '" FM3F&""0"" &" &" & '%%)+e?&>?/$#I.$$ )/I.$, ,:$ 0egeaS3Tee# JhXre;e x[e$e%8 /2#! JhXr $2)\e3e%e*e4 K(e7 JhXl2e5ee JhXl2e:e9e  JhXlee3  :e8:|:0@ bfs43" e !$3 &3e(3e6e*e%S0SsS::3 bfvse,e-e%3 bfvse.e%e*9 JhXl-# /qwjg g ggg g g g ebMM1 )Mh^m - 0;I,c#Qm.$e%e+((: e'e+'KMh^me)e%e0#Urgsu#9l!w0 g 2 #W #2W g #W WW#gX#gXXX### gg#* *2 ;QD"## k / l"xp2 *!!e e 33 &"b " #T QPD"A;I!)QD"&Q)"  Q)"! !2: gr ;Icgr ;Kc  :( i{ (;I)c i{( (;K)c)( ):'n 5 5x 5 5< z^5{EEmQ`t 5I_ 'h . K   > [ ) / N ! ` This is the Arcada's data archive. Many volumes of information are stored on data cartridges. There is a computer console here.This is a data storage cartridge. On it are the words "Astral Body Formation: The Untold Story."The console consists of a screen, keyboard, and cartridge slot. Atop it rests a Model D12 Cartridge Retrieval Unit.The screen says "Type the word `find` followed by the first name of the desired cartridge title."The keyboard has the usual keys found on a Xenon keyboard. Above it are the words "Arcada Data Archive."You can't see it well from here.You are suddenly startled by the sound of the ship's alarm coming from the hallway.The door opens and a man you recognize as one of the lab scientists enters. He appears to be injured!After only a few steps he slumps to the floor.A large laser hole has been burned in his uniform through which you can see previously unexposed tissue. Struggling painfully, he raises up on one elbow.He tells you the Arcada is under attack and that the Star Generator is in danger. You had better leave if you value your life.He looks over toward the shelves full of cartridges and utters the words "astral body". He then settles to the floor, lifeless.Sorry, no title available by that name.Looking at the wall you see shelves full of data cartridges which can only be removed by the retrieval unit.The table is used for holding things above the floor.He certainly looks dead. Do you get off on checking out stiffs?Welcome to theArcada Data ArchiveModel D12 Storage and Retrieval SystemTo select a cartridge enter the titlebelow.(Title Catalog available with TopSecurity Clearance only)Title : Searching ...Title Found. . .RetrievingTitle Not AvailablePress to quit _It looks much like many other chairs you have seen in your lifetime.You don't have time to be sitting around.You can't do that from here.There is no time for that. The alien attackers are on their way.He won't be needing it anymore.It's a grisly sight. There is nothing you can do for him now.Pressing the keys seems to have no effect since you don't see the screen.That can't be done right now.You don't have one of those.Your search of the damaged body's pockets nets. . .only some heat-fused chunks of varying sizes which were probably melted by a pulseray blast. Nothing to waste time on.Have some respect for the dying!You see nothing that catches your eye.This is another boring door.I warned you, but noooooo! Did you listen?!You are startled by the sound of an alarm. It is followed by an urgent voice which warns that the Arcada has been boarded by unknown intruders. It abruptly ends.Done.You already possess that item.The console consists of a screen, keyboard, and cartridge slot. Atop it rests a Model D12 Cartridge Retrieval Unit (currently bearing a cartridge).You see a man dressed in a lab coat. He appears to be ailing.Now that you have it you shouldn't be trying to get rid of it.In his current condition, the man is not much of a conversationalist.It is a Model D12 Cartridge Retrieval Unit. It is used to retrieve cartridges. It is currently empty.It is a Model D12 Cartridge Retrieval Unit. It is used to retrieve cartridges. It is currently holding a cartridge.The slot appears to be about the size of a data cartridge. It is currently vacant.The alien observes his handiwork briefly, then leaves.4 d?%E irld@V0'@2 ggC@@3llC^^E)Q  bbV 'E !)%K!)/CX%]7!) 7O7X/%!=) /%H!=) /%IZV##!C)%DVzH C%6 #Q@; /%E(E %a*+M%a@#:#:#:#EQaB(YEkpxi V( (   ##  e+QK%%! %$N + M9 ! 9 R)g56" R6g;6 !6 8'7$  E+#QxK%e &eG&PQ&^&j7eG7P !eec7PSe@Se^(j7eeae 'j0:=: @_e eS0S: @_e e/0/:+0e"  ":: "# ;I"c#  #;K"c  ;I"c  # ;K"c > G ;Ic > G ;Kc :! ^2c; !;I c ^2c;! !;K c ! :7$ $eC  >I C C   9 9CCgClV^.^g?ACt,0e}This is one of the many hallways in the Arcada.You recognize this as your sanitation supply closet. You have spent many hours sleeping in it.You have just stumbled into a small, dark, and very cluttered utility closet. Many things fall, most of them landing on you. Doesn't say much for your cleaning prowess.You can't see anything in here because it is dark.This is an elevator to one of the lower levels."Is it shipping yet? I want this thing shipping yesterday. I thought you said the graphics would be done last week?">_The doors here are not particularly interesting.You see nothing that catches your eye.This is another one of your non-functional crewmates. It's a grisly sight.A quick search of the body turns up nothing.That can't be done here.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.Dave? Dave's not here!That is not seen easily from here.Looking into the closet you see nothing but darkness.The door is closed, fool!This is the closed door to the closet you napped in.It looks dark in there.This door leads to the Data Archive.4y?   bbz~G!) 7O7X/%F>!) 7O7X/%F!=) /%"!=) /%gZ####::C!#i ?C\C?\U::D F4T8FT0MUN'U S(T (   '7R7 N F9OB ;Ic F9OB ;Kc FO ;Ic FO ;Kcae e ' q9Oe e0: u9OeeS0sS:Ss u9Oe e e e/0/:+0ed" u9O  e\ee u9OeeX&l+T{You are in one of the Arcada's hallways near an elevator.This is an elevator to another level of the ship.You search the body of your crewmate and find. . .You take the keycard.You already have it.It appears to be one of your crewmates. He is nonfunctional.You have added to your pocket lint collection. How proud you must be.That can't be done from where you are standing.Unable to be tricked, you cleverly deduce that there are, indeed, walls in here. They are just your run-of-the-mill spacecraft interior walls.Don't bother. Nothing of interest there.You can see no elevator where you are.a keycard.Nothing.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.4?} ? d@'V8@2P ggC  @@3PllC * bbb "zL zr!) 7O7CX/%=!) 7O7XC/%!)*CX%>!=) /%C!=) /%@Z##zq  %r##:: %?1@0@ #:!#i@ @e C7C7U owx , 3+<682, pvx    p|" XCY::J 4+8+6MUN'U 6Q(T 6(   '7R7 N 9'A ;Ic 9'A ;Kc ' ;Ic ' ;Kc[eaeZv;I"ee"ee R 7Dee- 7Dee0: Cde he eS0S:Sss Cde  he e/0/:+0e0 Cd he !  !: ?? (  ee0: r}eeS0S:sSs r}eeeae  Oe e  ::  ;Ic ! ;Kc ! ;Ic ! ;KcC  9 9CCg N}GThis is a section of one of the lower levels of Arcada.The elevator leads to one of the upper levels.You see a body here. It is a formerly live crewmate.Your search of the laser-riddled corpse reveals. . .That can't be accomplished from here.nothing.Taken.Nothing interesting is to be seen there.It is a device designed to assist you in adjusting to a change in elevation.4?   bzI !)6 CX/%(#!)6 CX/%T#!)6 CX/%#!) X%Ta4 4/4/ 4/!=) /%i##:%i~#i(: 4 44 4ae e'Ceee9}4e e eL9}ee ee0: Ade eS0S:Sss Adeee/0/:+0e''/'/''%4V} ;Icee ''14(6V} ;Kceee '/'L'/e(gW`}AM(You are in the central control area of the Arcada. The reactor domes pulsate irregularly, as if they had been tampered with. This does not look good. Through the window just above the control console, you can see down into the vehicle bay below.This panel consists of status indicators which don't mean diddly to you.On the console by the window are two buttons marked "OPEN BAY DOOR" and "CLOSE BAY DOOR".You can't see it from here.You search the damaged body of your fellow crewman. You get too close a glimpse of the injury. In the pockets you find...nothing.You can't do that from here.You don't see that here.Looking through the window you can see down into the vehicle bay.Looking through the window you can see down into the vehicle bay. The rather massive bay doors are open.Here lies another heap of fried humanity. The attackers have proven to be very thorough thus far. There's something to be said for not being the hero type, you rationalize.Nothing happens.Nothing of interest there.The bay door can't be closed while the pod is up.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.Your limited view shows that there is a large vehicle bay below.You'll have to be more specific.On the floor are three domes, covering closed access tubes, and one badly damaged body.The domes cover access tubes to the Arcada's power plant. They are bolted closed since they seldom require maintenance.4M? Vd@@2ggC  bbz* !) 7O7X%c/!=) /%&A##: %gz6 Qg|@ %f#i! !e cyq6 8 bxr Ybxr# XCYbr!#(N !9 byr 9 by  WeaeddJ}_#e e e0: }GeeS0SsS:s }Ge e e/0/:+0eeMdGddMd,J}_   #XeeedddJ}_e e  ::  ;Icbyr ;Kc_v# ;Ic_v ;KcCbyr9 9C Cg^ Q "74[dB^This is one of the mid-level decks of the ArcadaThe elevator goes to another level. You have never used it due to its restricted access status.You slide the keycard into its slot. You hear an audible click. You take the keycard back.You are too far away.You don't have that.The walls are all nondescript except for a keycard unit near the elevator. It controls access to the level below.One of your crewmates lies at your feet. He is non-functional.%w1 %w2? I'm sorry, %s1. You can't do that. I question your mental fitness.You search the corpse and turn up. . .nothing.The keycard unit is a small, sturdy box with a slot. Just above it is a display light which is not currently on.The keycard unit is a small, sturdy box with a slot. Just above it is a display light which is currently on.There is no keycard to get.Alas, it does not open. You have adorned the door with a small circle of nose grease. Were you Karl Malden, it could have gotten ugly.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.4 ? 84 @P@@4~~(wbb b b !X%=d!66))CX%7m6&))##O);Q=G&c w:: % %3`%g4@4@qQd#O#iOgg) );$* *c  O 7^RfCD6YX )):#:e' '$eeae4e e  6e e&6*@awe e e&&&*@awee . 6ee m}ee / m}ee '5/'5'/M m}A456 6/#Ic 6;)1~0~ )K'cee ..6 1Xd?>'7R7!! !Q5"" "$ 8e $-$$ $FM% %$ g I%# #AB(AB)(/ $& &Q==('>??? ( J8[1>h?f$u0W{This is the cavernous Vehicle Bay.This is one of the Arcada's escape pods. You vaguely remember receiving some orientation on these when you joined the crew. Oops! Forgot my suit.In the middle of the vehicle bay is a deep cargo shaft.Sorry, %s1. You can't enter the Escape Pod when the Vehicle Bay doors are closed.Looking at the console you see a button marked "Platform". There are also some gauges which don't interest you.The Vehicle Bay Door is quite large.The walls prove to be uninteresting.The massive bay doors are tightly sealed.Beyond the yawning doors lies the serenity of deep space.You see nothing special down there.It is dark down in the shaft but you can make out the silhouette of one of the Arcada's escape pods on a platform below.You cannot perform that act from here.There is nothing like that in sight.No can do, bud.For safety reasons the platform will not function with the bay doors closed.The bay door is open. The airlock door opens automatically.The bay door is not opened from this room. The airlock door opens automatically.There sure are a lot of them.You see stars to infinity.The pod door is already open.The escape pod moves slowly outof the vehicle bay and into space.There is now an escape pod here.There is no longer an escape pod here.You see a button marked "Platform".Congratulations, %s1. You have found your way off the Arcada and escaped obvious danger. Unfortunately, you will never be seen or heard from again as you float gracefully through the heavens for eternity.4<jm?  + bbb4 ))')')'!) 7O7X%ee/!XC%Z2/6!XC%2/6!)+XC%1]/6!)XC%K]/6!)XC%!v!=) /%@8#:#FQ2 #FEEEQzK]1@0@#:FFF z1]1@0@#: 1@0@$/$#:C%j]6 Qj_@ X%t%Bh!#i d\oe689 d\oa 9 m&w$YX"2 "E:EE:EF:FF:F#$ #:eae V^re/(^dne V^re d3ee6ae e$/ 9^Rie6ae(e+QA^nne e$e9O94ee (^Gne e$`J_\kEQee e8 (^@nF eeeA_Ike%e<<*(^bkEQee ee;;)(^bkF eeee'/e'Q+e)'<'</29^Ri&E;I"cEEeee';';/29^Ri&F;I"cFFeee+9D^dn-E!QQ)zK]eee&}+Qee4(^Gn(F \z1]eee&6a:'/'/' $;I#c$ ;K#c$ ^ZeYfree$'lx ;K#c$$ m&w K#c$  ::  ;Ic d\ok ;Kcbbwk ;Icbbwk ;Kc ?  /- /4 //' ! ,ARB(ABQ2 !? ! /- /4 //'"#",ARB(ABQ2! d\oa9 9)Te4n?;}1Yw3Kf6}This is the Flight Prep room of the Arcada. As you can see, there is a sign on the back wall as well as two closet doors and two buttons.The walls look pretty much the same as the others. There is a sign on the back wall. Beneath that is a right button and a left button.This is the inside airlock door.That is not here to be seen.The closet appears to be empty.This is the elevator you came into this room from.There are two buttons here, a left button and a right button.There are two doors here which are controlled by buttons.The console is adorned with many status indicators. One button on the right is marked "Airlock".This is a standard issue flight suit designed to protect the wearer from the unique conditions of space travel.On the floor of the closet sits some sort of gadget. It looks electronic.Your sight isn't what it once was. Maybe mom and dad weren't kidding. Anyway, you'll have to get closer.The sign on the wall suggests that the bay doors are not currently open.The sign on the wall warns that the bay doors are currently open.You see a flight suit hanging in the closet.There is a closed closet door here.It looks like an electrical gadget of some sort.You are not close enough.The closet is not open.You won't be needing that suit anymore.There is nothing here to get.You already have it.That can't be done from here.There are no buttons here.Nothing done.The door is open and there is no need to close it. Pressing matters await.You don't have that.You already have it on.The doors are controlled by buttons. You must push the appropriate one.The elevator door opens and closes automatically.You are not close enough to get a good look.Your old uniform hangs in the closet.The elevator door opens automatically and the others open by pushing buttons.You'll have to be more specific.This is not a good place to do that from.You'll need to get closer to see that.You'll have to be more specific. The right closet or the left closet?You need to get closer.You'll have to be more specific about which button you wish to choose.You see one button marked "Airlock".Your old uniform hangs limply in the closet.4? 64  O , -@h@Ooo!&O$-#bb !)!/FX%O$6#!)!/FX%o)6#!)!/FX%b66#!)!/FX%vH6#!)!/FX%O<6#!)!/FX%2>6#!)!/FX%.66#!)!/FX%$6#Oc z# z#.nz#/z#HXz#~QOQQ6!QX"QOP#Q[$Q6%Q&$'>::::::::(z# z#.nz#/z#HXz#~! ) &7O 7% N6 / F ! ) -% j6  / / # : # piix 9.F.eNN.e ReQee /eHe Y eee+ e#O?#80 )w@h jgOg *g g g g eQe&e)e('EE'E/91Q% Q) &/  t!& !# F &cee'\\'\/" ) &#  N!Q N'e'/e'/e-HQ G,<1OP" P) $% c# & Vweeeee$'H Pee,. ee.O eee}, ,ee, ,ee.,e!e"'U'U/O GceIePe%)[&&R$ : %$  / &/ ; / F & x/ &OPF O Vn;;;;;;;;QOQQ6!QX"QOP#Q[$Q6%Q& ## )kx'M '$ 1c "z# z#.nz#/z#HXz#~)"" 7R !7' $%O.#QO $%j.#Q! !$%W6#Q6!" "$%k=#QX"# #$%O<#QOP#$ $$%4<#Q[$% %$%B6#Q6%& &$%3-#Q&)/$$&$''Qwe (' Q ))( ("@h@iwq## %)%%   #o- \X'7":^ _rr-J$a You are sitting in the pilot seat of the escape pod facing toward the window. There is a dark console before you and seat belt straps at your side. Confused as to what you should do, you wish you would have paid more attention during crew orientation.Your effort to power-down the pod was wisely overridden by the on-board computer.The screen is dark.Escape Pod Systems ActivatedReady For InstructionsEmergency Program InitiatedPull Throttle To ExecuteLaunch SequenceThe console consists of a screen, pod status indicators, a throttle, and some buttons. The buttons are marked "AutoNav", "Power", and "Don't Touch".Out the window you see billions and billions of stars.There sure are a lot of them.That has no effect now.It said don't touch. I warned you!Please buckle your seat belt first.Done.The monitor flashes. You study it to see what new information is being displayed.It sure looks deep.You have already done that.There are three buttons here. They are marked "AutoNav", "Power", and "Don't Touch".There are some lights on. They indicate (when lit) that all pod systems are functioning normally.The lights on the console are currently not on.That act has already been performed.Are you crazy? It seems quite obvious that you don't know what you are doing, you daft imp.You'll have to be more specific. The autonav button or the power button?Hey! What are you doing? Don't mess with the throttle while in flight! You have enough problems already. Why don't you spend your time thinking about how you're going to handle them?Your door is ajar.I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.The throttle is of the usual "T"-shaped variety.You can't. The door is closed.You can't. You are buckled into your seat.You see nothing of interest.The throttle is currently in a position that prevents you from doing that.Don't worry. Aside from a stray Sarien attack, this is a low crime area.You can't see it from here.The throttle is already in that position.The door is small and uninteresting. It is presently closed.The door is small and uninteresting. It is presently open.All systems are GOThey're just your typical passenger restraint devices.The throttle is back as far as it will go.Which one?4= i=?j!zw z{ !)!/%?6#F%s#i2d F  e e ae Qe Reee 5eOE GYR]"2 2wqjg gggY5iYee (Y5iYe6Yhjee /Y5iY6YhjeeY(Y5iYe6Yhjee0:  k@elxee S0S:Sss$ k@eelxeee e2j mpxk 2'n:Px?ww@[[XWy. . . .WARNING. . . .Self-Destruct Mechanism Has Been Armed!Evacuate Ship Immediately!!! THIS IS NOT A TEST !!This is the Star Generator development laboratory. Due to your incredibly low security clearance you have never been allowed access to this room.Through the observation window you can see to infinity.Looking at the console you see many displays and instruments which make no sense to you. There is a flashing light near a screen in the center.There is an empty pedestal here. It looks like it is used to hold some large object, maybe the Star Generator.The floor is normal except for two dead bodies and a pedestal in the middle.The back wall is barren. The others, as you can see, are actually large windows allowing you an unrestricted view of space.Hanging from the ceiling is a large device which apparently helped support the item which was mounted on the pedestal below.That can't be done at this location.The sheer vastness of space never ceases to amaze you.Gazing out at the stars reminds you of how far you are from home.Peering through the large observation windows you take in the immense panorama of space and stars.Your mind is boggled in attempting to understand the function of the various buttons, switches, lights, and displays. It appears the board is not operating.This console shows the only signs of life. One red light shines from the the upper-left corner of a glowing monitor.That console could be better viewed from a closer vantage point.There are many buttons here. Messing with them will not help anything.The lights are all out except for one on the other console.One light glows red indicating that the monitor power is on.There is nothing to see here.That can not be seen from here.You see sprawled at your feet the lifeless body of another crew member.Yet another body lies motionless.The reward for your search is. . .nothing.There is no Star Generator here to look at.4Qiw2!)2/%CgF " $  #QCv& 1~ GQC2@@~ F  e Congratulations! You have narrowly escaped an explosive death! Don't start patting yourself on the back just yet, though. You are now traveling aimlessly through the cosmos.4R? &$-!)-%j6/#:!)&%N6/Firlpx e 5. F. e eNN.OeOee/eHe e  \e e ..e'E'E/#  )&/ t!& !#F#'\'\/$  )&/ N!& !#QN'U'U/e H'H )$/%c#e#. e  e e } e e e .ePe##($  $e #&  $e """ 7R !7r0lSHi!)You are inside the escape pod. It appears that the more fragile devices were damaged severely by the impact of landing.Through the window you see a vast wasteland composed of sand.The console consists of a screen, pod status indicators, a throttle, and some buttons. The buttons are marked "AutoNav" and "Power".Pushing the AutoNav button has no effect.The throttle seems to be jammed. It won't budge.The screen is dark, not to mention cracked.Pushing the Power button has no effect.You are inside the escape pod. It appears that the more fragile devices were damaged severely by the impact of landing. Got any bright ideas, Edison?You are unable to leave with your seat belt on.DoneThat has already been done.You can fix nothing here.Neither this nor anything else on the console works.There are three buttons here. They are marked "AutoNav", "Power", and "Don't Press".The throttle is of the usual "T"-shaped variety.The door has been permanently opened by the impact of landing.A survival kit has broken loose from someplace.There is nothing under the seat.After a skull-jarring landing, you peer through the shattered viewing port out onto the desert landscape. A feeling of utter desolation settles in. You`re in a fine mess now, %s1.>_No way.Don't worry. Aside from a stray Sarien attack, this is a low crime area.4 i? kkp83 G!C)G%cj ]^]_ `%fi1@0@ \ %Q@ %UQU@%fi \##K $+#Neep[ [ [['>??[F ' #Nhi6 jK6 _6 8 58M656[kXYou are high atop a rocky plateau. The desert below seems to stretch to infinity.It is merely a spire of rock which has managed to defy the elements.4Nkkp`eann %MQM@\ %9Q9@\6#'bc \eeep\ [ [k3 fg gde e a[ $56keanZYou are high atop a rocky plateau. The desert below seems to stretch to infinity.It is merely a spire of rock which has managed to defy the elements.You are near the base of a plateau. It is a rather bleak environment.4d?P\==G!)G/kkp`eann\ %:Q:@R%FQ%f#'bci? \ee%e k9n=ep\u0WXYL8b<\JR[?R s*== \ '&/$#I   \L8b<*[ [k['>??268F fg gde e a\QR[ +6kean w?You are high atop a rocky plateau near two halves of an arch. The desert below seems to stretch to infinity.You are near the base of a plateau, upon which rests two large rocks. It is a rather bleak environment.You see a pair of oddly curved rock formations. They point at each other as if to form an arch.Near the base you notice some very small printing. If you're not mistaken the characters translate to "497 Quadgillion Served."43r?#Z!$kkp`eann|{!){%xZz!CX)z%}/ %~)Q~)@ %HQH@##C:'bc[! \ee\m e&&H&% yUT /<$ !e&ep!? !;I/F$ )|}I  !" !!"$e"#!"\*[ [k['>?>u6 8[G fg gde e a \[ Ps6 Ps96 kean4^yFrom this distance it looks like an ordinary hole in the side of the cliff. For a better look you will have to get closer.Whatever is in that hole just enjoyed lunch - on you. This should teach you to be cautious when encountering alien holes.You are atop the mesa. It is flat to the west.You are at the west side of a cliff area.No good will come of that.Looking at the cliff you notice a small hole4|?Ukkp=ll !)X=lEb %-A/6#:l %-/#:`eann\$= %IQI@ %=Q=@!)=%DA6 p/p/p/p/p/C#:!)=%DC6 C'$zy&#'bclZ(>:E" ":e  c \=Q![XY[ A>G66 K+L<oY op /pBp /p2p /p"p /pp /p6 < [>o oe%=\leleelelee  mee     m\ee e   ee   me e \ '%ep\[" ['>?C?/p6 p6 kla*'% %8@@;[Q- c Cle a $:)'%%8@@;Q- c Cle a $:3'%)%8@@UQ)@X;Q0 mc Cle  "-/DFd 8[m' mdc #$UM)E/In  e an ne$pp#CQD~c  d6:[> fg gde e a\[kean$C\5FxIt lands with a pleasing thud.That can't be done here.It was not known that you are a master of the rock! That was a fine effort.It looks a lot like spinach.You tear off a piece of the plant.The Health Minister has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health.You take a whiff of the plant and find it to be a regrettable experience.That is unreachable from here.You already have that.You don't have that.You are not near that.You are in a unique area. There is a natural land bridge here as well as life in the form of plants.There is a very large rock on the natural bridge.On the ground rests a large boulder.There are no rocks of note here.4/?Jkkp`eann \\=\ % 7Q 7@%&D\ +%Q@)+%Q@N+%~@V@ '02&#'bc\=>M\eKieeVV \eep\['>??G68\[Q &%IX6 J)x6 XY8 I"F/UYX[ [6k[O u? fg gde e a u[kean% YYou are following a path on the side of a cliff. It is rather desolate here.You are in an area almost entirely surrounded by cliffs. A path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left. It is not accessible from here.You are in an area almost entirely surrounded by cliffs. A path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left. It is not accessible from here. There is a cave to the right.A path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left. It is not accessible from here.You are walking along a path high above the ground.4!?P`eannp#'bcep3 fg gde e aeanGYou are at the southwest edge of a mesa. It is very desolate here.4 q?Fp`eann\'>??F%W>'>?>d%^=S'>?>P%x%#'bcie )  Xyeiee    - $ Xyei\ee e   ee  !  Xyeie e p< fg gde e aSean _lCf3HYou are in a desert cliff area. There is a natural land bridge in the distance.It looks a lot like spinach. You plant your teeth in the strange plant and take a large bite, only to find it tastes exquisitely bad. If you had your choice, you would choose any form of death over a meal of this.You tear off a piece of the plant.The Health Minister has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health.You take a whiff of the plant and find it to be a regrettable experience.That is unreachable from here.You already have that.You don't have that.You are not near that.4?Zp`eann6\=X6 %'CQ'D@'__??&Q%#\bYcZbc'bci e)N1 \6 =XeUaT0 \8>YaS e  {$ee     {$\ee e   ee   {$e e p\[ga [ 8 \XC 8)('>? &_>> ,K>^>?| +8@J>?` -%7?[7R>?7+  [ \ 88Y>)UM>? f aS [E fg gde e aSQ\\!BFB\ fg gde e aean>\81You are in a desert cliff area.It looks a lot like spinach. You plant your teeth in the strange plant and take a large bite, only to find it tastes exquisitely bad. If you had your choice, you would choose any form of death over a meal of this.You tear off a piece of the plant.The Health Minister has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health.You take a whiff of the plant and find it to be a regrettable experience.That is unreachable from here.You already have that.You don't have that.You are not near that.Fortunately for you, the path here is not far above the ground. Your suffering is limited to a dull pain in the hindquarters.4 ? Ebbb Ra./aRnnR &aR &&?13!)1Aa+%S#QdS@O@%e}#S aR!).%*Y $X!)/F6C!)%R #%Q'#i'bc' 'Q(( ($ $# 2%%c$%2~~ %cb-[a6G'E#E$#  -UFM)EI c $ ," a !$  - UUFM a   #Q~ G" < " Q "'" Q "" $e )/  +eM@L@)/$I*eKwx e a Ke e Kwx e e %e &. e6e  e&R e a e%e%e&eee/K'ps  $\eeee&#(( ( e   g _aSE''+eRUM' &#^ UMF'>??@R>?@)Mw *=ee)% )$^ @L@)3+>?(>?/I&&? x *Ne @L@)E>?(>?/I I   $# K& &)+/F&e$ a# e,e.UU KR !)Ec   @L@/I$*)1@L@G@O@+C @Q7@).Q-F)3/I %@L@ Qh)/G@L@c$ #? #e fg gde e aaR!n <bT vq!<j6Hgs & _ } The cave interior now features a lovely new Jagged Metal/Liberated Entrails motif. The stench? Whew! Not even an all-text adventure would attempt that description."What have we here?"You reach down and take the Orat part in your hand. Some of it oozes to fill the space between your fingers.You'd want MORE of THAT? You are truly twisted. Seek a physician when you hit town.You're going to have to go one-on-one against Orat for something like that?You've just been molecularly re-distributed by the spider droid. Tough luck, %s1.You are in the slimiest of caves. The odor in here is less than desirable.The walls are solid rock.The walls are solid rock. You notice a fine spray of glistening, metallic jelly.It looks like the rest of the ground around here. The green spots indicate that there is a little moisture.On the ground rests a gleaming chunk of Orat's anatomy.It is very large and very hard.Orat is huge and ugly. Of course, your opinion may differ depending on what part of the universe you come from. It should also be mentioned that he is quite mean.You shiver at the sight of the spider droid with its spindly legs and cold metallic body. Its red scanner probing the terrain for anything that moves. Truly an icon of terror.You are unable to do that.You have trouble moving your own carcass around. You sure can't move something that weighs several times more than you.There is no need for you to do that.Orat has transformed you into a new source of recreation. You, of course, don't survive this treatment. It's tough to make friends around here.Orat, always in the mood for a snack, snatches the can out of the air with his spacious oral cavity, chews and swallows it. He notices a rumbling deep within his abdomen.Orat's eyes prove to be bigger than his stomach for once. Incapable of becoming history's first living reservoir, his body succumbs to the intense internal pressure created by nearly ten gallons of instantly reconstituted water. As a special bonus, you have received a much needed shower!No time for that!That would be ineffective now.Get closer.It's a darn shame you're not around to enjoy it. You'll have to be more careful about who you hang around with in the future, %s1.It's too far away.You don't seem to have that.Orat is a guy of few words and none of them are for you.How do you intend to do that.This knife wouldn't cut hot margarine. Were you hoping he might die from an infected bruise?4Df?aF!)F/F%WX T8!)8%B/F# )F/X%W'QWF 8%D#i  8)(QY@#:Y Tee&9gee T%7Tee%$ T7T \$eeea~8It looks like your standard run-of-the-mill pneumatic transport. This particular one only goes down, however.You need to be closer.This is one end of what appears to be a large cavern. The only way to go is to the left.It looks just like a Keronian rock should.Done.That is not here to get.This is one end of what appears to be a large cavern. The only way to go is to the left. There is a rock nearby.4 ? aSkk6789DC!)66 C%!)7/CX% y!)8/6 C%F!)D/C@L@T#/#:/#:C%-S%8% y%>%T#i[T O\68 xzTXY 'I )9  #  $ )# #)C'<%7%+#G"U'A["s "MF 8&[ )D$ )C /#I!M [ [!) !  $F$  )D/$G $ $2@@ $F $  I! T: :e edee2(Te e ex!Te e e %( T\;$#K%2%2&%&M2%M%2* "(^ TI $#ee%e  e'aiy ee  y eeey eea vxTS S[k$/>Sdm!;)irock takengeyser pluggedYou don't have that.geyser unpluggedThe floor is mostly rock with the exception of a grate in the middle. To the left of the grate is what appears to be a steam geyser.This is another large chamber in the underground complex. There is a path on the back wall which is not accessible from the bottom.The grate is made of metal and seems to be fastened securely to the floor. It is too dark to see down through the grate. There is, however, an odd smell emanating from down there.You are not close enough.There is a geyser cone here. The geyser is currently plugged-up with a rock.There is a geyser cone here. It is rhythmically spewing hot steam.There is a door here.There is not a door here.The rock would serve no purpose on the grate.There are some slimey green tentacles poking through the grate.Try as you might, the darn door won't open for you.You can't do that here.You knock but, surprisingly, no one answers!4<? aSkk!)+/CAb,!S!)A/%!)!/F%!)!/F6XC!)!/F6XC!)!/F6XC HH H!S !)1@0@#QS%*%!iS%)%V%e#i %H#Q $/#c,%I $6  $-! !$- " "$-!)%[#Q[. 'SS\ &$#I#M  )%e#Qe/!'S]f &$#I#M!!)%t#Qt0"'Slu &$#I#M# #:e  See ^|ee ^|eF#####$"'&$#GI$O"ea$$ @L@I$""2OO F$e"$ $"+G%%%$e '. [ [  Q]S[k 6U.CYou lean over to drink from the tempting pool of liquid. As your lips touch the fluid you feel a pain which could be likened to kissing a lit rocket nozzle. Now you know what they mean when they say "Don't drink the water."That can't be done now.That act cannot be performed from here.You gaze intently at the purplish pool of liquid, the first real sign of moisture on the planet. The pool seems to have no bottom. The gentle dripping has a soothing effect on your frazzled nerves.From tiny cracks in the ceiling several small drops succumb to the influence of gravity.This is a slightly smaller chamber in the underground complex. There is a path above, which is not accessible from here. There is a pool on the right side.You have nothing that could successfully contain the liquid.This is a upper pathway in a slightly smaller chamber in the underground complex. There is a level area below which is not accessible from here. There is a pool on the lower right side.You are unpleasantly surprised by a drop of searing acid which bores its way to your feet.That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must be filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way.4? akkiy9:;bb !):/%96 #!);+/!)/CX6%0S%,%|%iC#iyc$$yc$y! !);+'&$#Q+ +/I   :@#Sye e ye e YxdyeeexdyeeeG`4`5`3` yz#p'F|] # y !w| C6 A# @=7R7"eeea" "'&)i$##I%c &$$#Nx% %$e[ 'W ['d S S[k 8R-yXcThat can't be done from here.You don't have the glass.You have quite cleverly turned the beam upon itself, frying it into inoperability.There is no need to do that now.The beams seem to form some sort of electronic barrier across the path.There are no beams to look at.There are two metal units here which appear to be emitting beams of energy.There are two metal units here which are no longer emitting beams of energy.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a level area below. Standing toward the bottom are two odd-looking units emitting beams of light.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a level area below. Standing toward the bottom are two odd-looking units.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a pathway above. At the south end of the room are two odd-looking units emitting beams of light.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a pathway above. At the south end of the room are two odd-looking units emitting beams of light.4Q? S?@=>Hb!)@C% N/F!)@C%jN/F!)=C%DQ/6FM@L@!)>C%:./6FM@L@R#!)H6CX%Ct/FM"!)%[%KQK#i% %e ReUMw" " "/FdGK"   $/)?I!!6 !z?:N$##d e!e  !   R3!!e! /I#c! x! /I#c! ! /I#c! ! /I#c!! /I#c!! /I#c!! /I#c!#  #! F! e 'e! F! ee ! F! #R ee!@F!  .R"  'e! x e#!  ee !F!  ee !F!  ee !"F!   eee ee/ ''^ % ' R#:#I$we#eR  eeeI::e I  : :e""##Q:NQ:N $ $:##2eRx # Sx Re"#< H~3eA H$  ;_~f  "So, you have found your way to my hallowed chamber.""I have been monitoring your travels on our planet. It appears that you are up the proverbial estuary without a means of locomotion.""You are obviously in need of transportation.""Let us see if you are worthy of our assistance.""On the surface lives a beast called Orat. He proves to be a bit of an annoyance on occasion. Dispose of him and bring back evidence of your conquest. Only then will I deal with your plight. Good luck, strange one.""So, you have returned. Fortunately, there is much more to you than meets the eye.""Drop before me your proof of Orat's defeat for my inspection."As soon as you enter the room you find yourself surrounded by darkness. Suddenly, you become aware of the fact that you cannot move or speak. A strange, unknown force has taken over."Z jo jb! lvoo sd fj?""Jow wfiemss ekk wkkedkl ll ewlwl lqqfr fo slljnccv kwetsdlk?""Owr rjn maj jwwj? Pprdf rph pttqpt?""wpfi, iw? Der op oio fr tnm dcv ermiyn lk mnb weevxmqyhj.""bn hos eunafle lsivr s nvfjr cpjssnb Mcvc. Mt pskrsh rn fv b hmn hr an fbruasbvr pl uffauone. Meyudej jk bzr bel ngisj nfdf sifhrbns kb jdgw kshghwkt. Bjhd nfao ejff ie foajgss ngjy pwkgsf. Bkkh irsj, dtjpddf kmn."You drop the Orat part to the ground. The vision is silent. You are startled by a rumbling and suddenly an oddly shaped door comes into view. It opens slowly.You hear a voice, different this time, beckoning you to step forward.You don't have that.It's not yours any longer.You explain to the rather imposing figure that you are stranded and in need of help.With that you find yourself being transported back to the surface."Asde basdae mc werj pjlpph mn lsdse bbdow rec bvksdipabb.""Dr, hgi hnhht hjutn. Kdfdrnlo ghfhr bb rhytt thrt ii mys aawr vcvvf xxc cdd."It's pretty darn dark in here.Before you is a huge head. It appears to be a projection of some sort. It's source is unknown.Your words go unnoticed."So, you have found your way to my hallowed chamber. Fortunately there is much more to you than meets the eye.""Bring to me evidence of the beast Orat's demise and we'll talk.""It has come to my attention that you have met Orat. If you have proof of Orat's demise, drop it for my inspection.A massive holographic image appears before you. You sense that you are the only life form in the area.Again, the massive holographic image appears before you.Because of your inability to understand the alien's language, he has sent you back to the surface.You can't do that right now.4?Fp ,%(j! =`ea ]^]_ ``eann40 '!=X)4 /6 %21@0@%2l#:D *Q)'GK&Y#'bci 'Z-\Fl 2OO  %F%&&O0O Q2l % n #FQ2 'e e e'. lf eee. bRv$e`" lf  \eee lf  e .e .e .ep fg gde e aRQQ'>??geanP :Rg-QzUzYou are not close enough.Glass now in possessionYou already have it.You can't see that hereThe pod seems to be semi-destroyed. A glimmering catches your eye. Upon closer inspection you see that a piece of highly reflective glass has broken out of the pod window.The pod seems to be semi-destroyed.You are not close enough to see it well.Hold your breath!It's quite sandy down there. You see that a piece of highly reflective glass has broken out of the pod window.You seem to be located in an incredibly remote area. There is a thrashed escape pod here.That would be done best from inside.That's an interesting form of entertainment.The window was shattered by the impact of landing.You see only darkness through the shattered window.The pod is definitely destroyed beyond repair. You can't help it.4<7&?F)F/F 8%W&#QWi a 4Scw? @*@Db?(>?+/F#Q  $- $I  /  %#Q gggK  $i"";$$$$$$$ ! !! (!! (!! (g!@)+/%-))/%^))+/)/%BO)+/d~~2 %.b%,=%.=%)b###I###I%!#% # %"((!k ()+/%D F)+/%0,F)+/%?8F)%KI)+/%&\)%Gl) + / % 6}#####I%## I '!%' % '"((!M ()+%)4)%m4)+/%.L)+/%-_)+/%/o###I##I%#I&!#& # % &"((!) ()+%-=)%_=)+/%/R###I#!# #"(O#BBy Two Guys From Andromeda(C) 1986 Sierra On-Line, Inc.Version 1.0X4M ji}!h  - ! h /-//hi /`-Qu"$Gh>]1OQt=_ Light-years from Earth's solar system the people of the galaxy Earnon have been struggling to maintain the precious balance of life. The Sun of Earnon is slowly dying. The planets grow cold. Food is no longer plentiful. Life will soon become impossible to sustain. The scientific community of Xenon devised a plan to convert one of Earnon's lifeless planets into a new Sun. The effort was centered around the development of a device called the Star Generator. The Star Generator would be capable of igniting an otherwise useless planet into a raging ball of flame. An expedition set out aboard the starship Arcada to successfully complete development and testing of the Star Generator. The Arcada is now returning triumphantly to Xenon with the fully operational Star Generator. You serve as a member of the crew of the Arcada as a janitor. That's right, a janitor. And not a very good one. You would probably have been sacked and replaced were the Arcada not millions of kilometers from Xenon. As we join our story, you have just completed one of your famous on-shift naps in one of the janitorial storage closets. 4&jg g g g sur$?\sWelcome Aboard ArcadaTo log on as a crew memberplease enter your name below(up to 18 characters):First Name: Roger Wilco4c? rl!)/X%LF!)/=%s!)+/%!)+/%>!)+/%W!)+/%x!)+/%o! ) + / % ! ) + / % (! ) + / % Z! ) + / % F! ) + / % czhx#xip ee #6Q/ /I  3 $ ####### # # # # TTTTTT T T T T e #   3RMNYou have this strange sinking feeling."Ken? Did you hear something?"Through a strange quirk of fate (or was it?) you have stumbled into a place beyond time, space and dimension. You have entered...The Daventry Zone!! That's right, the land of King's Quest. This will not help you now since you are playing Space Quest."It was probably just the gators entertaining another Space Quest player. Go back to sleep, 'berta."4a(J?Fp]]`eann'zE&#'bciHMZ /F Zd epP fg gde e a  ]ean6There seems to be sand as far as the eye can see.4R?Fp]]`eann'xxx&#'bcid ep fg gde e a  ]ean2There is not much to see. Just a lot of sand.4R?Fp]]`eann'#&#'bciF ep fg gde e a]ean9You are in the desert. There is a mesa to the north.4bj+Zhb! ) Z/ = @L @! ) h/ ~L ~ n2  cF '>????> >> > >>& >?# $I  : ee ' '>?> >> ?& >?e# $G 2 ~~ F   I  /   :  PYou have just become a vertical meal for the local welcoming committee.You have been driven into the ground like a flesh piton, %s1.You hear a strange roar, like something traveling through the atmosphere at a very high rate of speed.4>b c c eYou are startled by the sound of an alarm. It is followed by an urgent voice which warns that the Arcada has been boarded by unknown intruders. It ends abruptly.47a eeuEverything down here is composed of very hard rock. Everything has a slimey look and feel due to the humidity.Nothing can be climbed here. Things are either too slimey or too steep.4Y)i2dbQ! ) C -ig5'? P PK L CTu P 0K  P  C5  + + & # 7R 7i F %M ( ) / I 2 )  : F L : ! ! ) 6 C = X C = X ' & # '7R 7c $ 'Q) ) / $p+    8P ':, .B3 ':, & $+ H} & # I  : ; )  J ; + + e eeG 7R 7 $ 5mlOYou hear footsteps. . .The alien observes his handiwork briefly, then leaves.Unable to see anyone here, the alien leaves to search elsewhere.As you slip away the alien decides that one of his comrades will take care of you.You think you hear footsteps!4_ y;y<yy= y y>y?y@yAyByCyD y y y yyy y,$y1y2y3 y4y5y6y7y8y9yyyy orl%%y y4g )&>_WelcomeSQ4PpfL2\g ? m mg@gA?>M3h?>MM3>I3h?>II3>N>h?>N>J3h?>JJ3>K3h?>KK3B0123456789 :Time Till Detonation>><<Hope your life insurance is paid up41:b b  [u \ SXC@b U%'>?>?b>$&>?)#)('>?f aS ??< 6?Z6?(?9 6?Z8?N>x > ?u?JQ6? ?:?p6 6?g1?G$c  ? >7?6 >1?6?6?6?T?s6 7R>?7 Gc ['k6V fU aTc 8 8YD'Z )$$)$FM)NG [ S e ebYou have traveled a long way only to die by carelessly stepping to your death. What a clod!Lucky for you it was a short drop and you landed on an area of your body not sensitive to shock. You`d better be more careful in the future, %s1.4SN  ! ) * + % Q  + % Q #  $ 4hw#a/0.Ebb !$P Y[ U: a f e eX cnae8d )0/F=6%PC#c QPQP d8DI>A:)/G, g).c f a e \TS d\a5, g'>?).&>?#c fS c  eaf g).\%9%%%;I%`%%%sX%18%D%=<%\&bc#c ec f\TS  U $)E/LMdI c  e WSuddenly you see a large, black metal sphere falling out of the sky - a Sarien Spider Droid. Upon touching down on the planet's surface, it sprouts legs and begins its search for you. You recall from an article in Space Piston Magazine that this droid is designed to seek out organic life forms and self destruct when contact is made.Not many tales are told of the spider droids due to a lack of live witnesses.You have just been blown into bite-size chunks by a Sarien spider droid.4 ?RTS . rl! ) R/ 6 % `! ) T/ 6 % P# I g  : # I  ) SG 5mggg g gmg g g g gmg@YamySUITABLE PLANET SELECTEDPlanet:Dimensions:Atmosphere:Life/Civilization:Temperature: Kerona 3,744.3 Km Diameter Breathable Unknown 40CNavigation System Locked-InPlanet Profile4nffmmicmhc@CZHv_I_Lg^ga__h>Cehh@__MgM^]^]gI_OEZEa_]]ZEM]MZNYNROQOJPIPFOIMU^W\PYKXJRJQKQQRRXRYQYKOU[UZWPWP[Z[ZWPG)G)P-P-G:G:P>P>GKGKP_P_GlGlPpOpG}G}O Q)Q-Q:Q>QKQ_QlQpQ}QE)E-E:E>EKE_ElEpE}E8)8-8:8>8K8N8\8_8l8p8}8*)*-*:*>*K*N*\*_*l*p*}*)-:>KN\_lp}D:):)D-D-::::D>D>:K:KD_D_:l:lDpDp:}:}D7,),)7-7-,:,:7>7>,K,K7N7N,\,\7_7_,l,l7p7p,},}7())))-)-::)>)>KK)N)N\\)_)_ll)p)p}})))--::>>KKNN\\__llpp}}pPpP}P}P^`<Y$$"$2$?$L5M5>4/5$4EE'D3D@ELT1T"Uff%d2e?eNwNw@w2w$wUN 3UHVVSVb !!&oEoE!!EE334554I~B0RoLT{OO 3Pl l0n1{}  7{N|wN{#y)L.;A,*.1Uh Beh=Cfjj@``!!##%%'''%%//1133557777) ! !)#)# % %(%)')' 7 -#7#-&7&-'D';%;%D#D#;g`rB`An>=U\2\5U5\F\HTbTd\|\|T |TbTHT5T2\2TT OdO`[`|\|T[`[eOe ; DHP!P!H#H#P%P%H'H'P/P/H1P1H3H3P5P5H7H7P070-2-27474-6-67878-0)0 3)3 6)6 8)8 0D0;2D2;4D4;6D6;8D8;@7@-B-B7D7D-F-F7H7H-@D@;B;BDDDD;F;FDHDH;APAHCHCPEPEHGHGPIPIH@)@ B B)D)D G G)I)I @@@BBDDFFHHPPRRTTVVXXZZP)P R)R T)T V)V X)X Z)Z P7P-R7R-T7T-V7V-X7X-Z7Z-a)a c)c!c c!e)e g)g i)i a7a-d7d-f7f-h7h-j6j7j-bbeehhjjjjbDb;eDe;gDg;iDi;aPaHcPcHePeHgPgHiPiHs)s v)v y)y {){ r7r-t7t-v7v-x7x-z7z-rDr;uDu;xDx;zDz;rPrHtPtHvPvHxPxHzPzHssuuwwyy{{hh_a_^gLgI__jj``xtxxxh__UEE""##~#yEyEUUxx e44Bbffxtnn cvuurrnnk!VV>8-,*-0 fC@.bb``488== 7Z7Z8\8k8m8m77PPPPP%'+7< JOZ6Z[ \ m6ml k \ ]8]^_hijj8^7^_i7ih_3h3 6 XXX"T"XX++XY''Xf%f%gg#%##g!!{y!y!s%q!q!j!j54D#)ofjk$pd \ f;^#. d {!{ys!sqj!j 1Y1Z7Z[ \ k n111,-$-)-?-D-V-$-$?-?V-V$$??))*VVDq----qZmmZmm-$)-)?))D-DVDDZZmZZqqq-q-/AAtEWW[E[EeNeNsEsE//[A[Ae7e7sAs\\[b[b\g[gxxsosoexex[g[||sse|e|[[|[[[[[9qLqLhqqqh//[A[8sAsEEsNsNeEeE[W[\\[b[gg[x[psxs||sse|e|[[[[[[9q9gLgqqqgg~ ~ [eerrhftt \ [[+'(++('('+++(-(-+/+/(+'+'-'-'/'/'F+F'H'H+J+J's+s'u'u+w+w'+''++'X5X3V5V3T5T3o5o3q3q5s5s3c%c%YcY1}1{3{3}U}U{S{S}i}i{k{k}}{{}}{{} | zz| ?kGkGl?lvkklvlQQSSttww<<::!!--//11 `^^__OKJJ88]8]'j'j8%%hhIHHGF=1_8i8^8ZmmZZ] f&fk7k&\&hmZm48?8C@E@EUU@W@[8l8pPqPqpPPttPPu88l7lX'X'$$XXX0S(+>CEEiUiUW\CCXWWYC?CW?W?X?DD\W?WC>C?8?[8[CY[X[++YF?FFFjH3S3U7H3G7H3HS3SHSUHGHHiSSiF=U=FUJQQ|JzQzQsJqQqQkJ1Q1Q*J(Q(Q!JQQ#2+KNGTZ*B/GpMmTvBwZx)wo, -de3hmhLM]C N9OJJ|Q|JzJsQsJqJkQkJ1J*Q*J(J!Q!JJQEfUfU[UXEUU2>2\2l2u22,>\#...2.25.=.=+5)=)=%5#=#=5==5==5==5== 5 = =].j.j$]"j"j]jj] j j.2.].]$j$]"]j]]]j] ]j4.4+=+4)4%=%4#4=44=44=44=44 = 4 422EE1//u//u2uu11/u1111EfEY 22,( ( ,"(,((, , (","(_,b,b*_*_(b(=6=4;4;69694]6]4_4_6a6a4==;;]]__99aaU[ MOKMMM`KbObNaMa^zzYY]]YY}}Y^lflfsqsqlzlllssll^kfkfefdqdqkzkkkeddkkflfrmrhrprperreqkqekeeergrgeqe..Y/m3m3s8s8m=m.==Y/l3l3f8f8l=l3m3r4r7r7g7g4g4r8l8g(,>CW\PPpOl8\8W@C@?888j88,qOtOqOtOtqqOr-s@q8t8$''X$X$$&%%((pHp9#uuggZ#Zu u hhZZ ssj s jj uuuuhgZ#ZZZj}jwmwm}w}}w4~4w7w7~ oonnnonjhjhlhlhhhmhmhhhC@E@E3U3U@W@CEEUUVFTTFF@T@T?F?EiEYUYUiEiEEUUEGGepMpGF@F3FF4JPPXXPP@UJ7???,,?.?.227.?=+=>3*3,8382*2*277;:@G;;677!0(0(*!(((("! 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All power here is produced by steam. That is unimportant to you, however. We have promised you transportation.It is a Skimmer. It hovers approximately 1/2 meter above the traveling surface. This is very important because of Grell.Grell and his like dwell in caves below the sand. If you stand on the surface too long you chance becoming a rare moist meal for him.The skimmer is programmed to take you to a settlement on the other side of Kerona called Ulence Flats. You can make further travel arrangements there.I am sorry this is all we can offer. I hope your trip is a safe one. Board the skimmer when you are ready to depart. Good luck, strange one.You don't have one. Whosoever shall read this: My name is Dr. Slash Vohaul. I am a scientist with The Star Generator Project aboard the Starlab Arcada. We have just successfully completed development and testing of The Star Generator. During this time I have come to believe that our progress has been monitored by others. I fear that the Sariens may have learned of our mission. If my fears prove true, The Star Generator and the people of our universe are in serious jeopardy. The Star Generator is a miraculousdevice. Used as intended, it will help preserve life for eons to come. Used as a device for evil, it would cause the destruction of millions of lives and enslave all who oppose the Sariens. Encoded within this cartridge are all plans and specifications for the construction of the Star Generator. Should any disaster befall the Star Generator project, scientists would be able create a duplicate of the Star Generator with this information. Please guard this with your life. Return it to the Xenon ruling body as quickly as is possible. Important note: The Star Generator is capable of self-destruction. This was introduced to the system as a precaution. To activate it one must enter the code: 6858 A five minute timer will begin to count down. Beware - anyone within five kilometers of the Star Generator will be in danger once the timer hasbeen initiated. Please be careful and good luck!The cartridge snaps neatly into the slot and the screen comes alive.You wisely retrieve the cartridge from its slot.There is nothing there.You turn the key and suddenly the jet turbines begin to whir. The skimmer begins to shake beneath you, as its platform slowly moves into the launch tube. You can't help but wonder what you've gotten yourself into this time.You must board the skimmmer before the key can be turned.You can't do that from here.The key is not in the keyhole.That thing is not here.This place is most interesting, indeed. A mixture of both old and new technologies. On one side of the chamber is a primitive steam generator. Its pistons, pounding rhythmically, turn steam into useful energy. On the other side is what appears to be a computer console.There seems to be some steam escaping with each up stroke of the pistons.Catwalks have been built around the units to facilitate maintenance by the unique-looking Keronian workers. A few of them pop out occasionally to make critical adjustments.The door you entered through is shut and apparently is controlled from another location.The console consists of a monitor and a cartridge slot. There are also some read-outs which indicate the status of some of the mechanisms in here.The screen is dark.As described, it is a sand skimmer and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and a keyhole with a key in it.These people of Kerona are an odd-looking lot. You can't pin it down but you are sure something is different about them.You remove the key from the skimmer.That has already been done.Done.The walls are flat and featureless except for the back wall, which is partially covered by a console.You are already aboard.That is not possible at this time.The being does not respond. He speaks only when it is his will to do so.The beings are busy working and have no time to chat.You need to be closer.As described, it is a sand skimmer and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and an empty keyhole in it.The panel has an ignition switch. There is a key in it.The panel has an ignition switch. There is no key in it.A few of the Keronians above you carry out their various tasks.You notice that the slot is just about the size of a data cartridge.You notice that the slot is just about the size of a data cartridge. In fact, there is one in there now.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently filled.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently empty.4@^? KfMWba_bb!)MCX%A#!)W+/XC!)W+/XC)K7O7CY6%<#!)a/C%C0#F!)KCi"#*+,.8 rl $c#c(# (c+'++.0.,,e #//)Ki''' !''((#i'(,|i* !*)_/gc(n3 ' ()!|!i* !*)_c(/gn! !*g *gz*gl*g^*W 8$ '%:$:'&)fF+)b5P5(#FM'=7R7"i #d" "$- --!G+'#&#F7R7&& &FM/)))e  %$""#"PC&/#aR8 %  $$####F !C& !/#!aR !8 $#+++''$%$$$$$%($%-  && %$($% %$($% +C[/Damage Report: MinorDamage Report: ModerateDamage Report: Serious!Warning: Damage Situation Critical!THUMP!! No time to talk!Had you eaten a few less donuts during the mission, you might have cleared that rock, %s1.The settlement the alien spoke of appears on the horizon.Whew! That was pretty intense. You've managed to successfully navigate through the treacherous boulder field, and are quite relieved to see that you've reached the settlement.4Zf?Zp<Cttulnrw!zn5 !)u+/%h!)l+/6%!!)r+/=!)wCX=%.v!)CX=%0%%e[ #%ddAJ%/t# 'MF $A %x[# B +1@0@#:#:#<C '& i e  BQX&BeB&&e#9ee7e.)Be e e e : A'e'A ).e" :  'Ae!'As.iJe$Z,G|r|s #G|| #e !'|b|c e eFMe !e..'$;+/&$eep))e **)!/F%#Q,&(&5 &($)( $#I&(($*(+FM(e =C6;FQ!1 &$(# #(e e$;/F(&&ee&/I%@L@ GQU"!%F %$: B#$eeGF $ +:$%-$+@L@I%/$%%;I%%r+$! !!GN'"#7"LR"#7""> "!$ '!! Q1\"!! QL\"!!!F   GNS hY  FM4 4e 'e'&e'eeGe'  FM!  E(# GNS  A#  A%<Ct$JlG>[0UIl  ] o  .;"Howdy, Bucko! Can I interest you in one of the finest little used space ships in the galaxy? You look like a man of discerning taste.""Well, this is quite a unique little unit. Never been flown over Mach 3. It was owned by a little old lady from Glansadrom. You have to fly it to believe it. And she can be yours for only 99 buckazoids.""Don't let appearances fool ya. This baby may be a relic, I mean, a classic, but she's as dependable as the day we got her. And just think, you'll be the only one in the quadrant with one. I guarantee it!""So whaddaya think? Is she a diamond in the rough, or what? And only 129 buckazoids.""So how 'bout it partner? Can I interest you in anything here? Can we do business, or what? I'm at your service. Talk to me, chief."She's a beaut, isn't she? This little baby can do a spin around the planet in just under an hour. Look at the lines in that body work. They just don't make 'em like this any more, ya' know what I mean? And she's a real bargain at 185 buckazoids.Of course, minus your 70 buckazoid credit that would come to 115 buckazoids.You shell out the buckazoids and hop in. Anxiously, you fire it up and lift off.You are standing near one of Tiny's used spacecraft. Upon close inspection they appear to have quite a few kilometers on them.You are on Tiny's Used Spacecraft lot. There are only a few ships to choose from. Impossible to miss is the incredibly talkative, not to mention rotund, owner, Tiny. He is most certainly an unusual looking being."So what are ya trying to pull? If you don't have the cash you can hit the road. Go on, get out of here. You're wasting my time!""I tell ya, I think you've made a wise decision. She's a beauty. The keys are in her. If you have any problems don't hesitate to come back and tell us about 'em.""It's been a heckuva pleasure doin' business with you. Oh, by the way, you're gonna need a droid to help you fly that thing. Well, good luck. Come again."There is nothing here to buy."We have a motto. You don't mess with it - You don't die!"Off you go into the purple yonder.Searching your pocket you find $%v124."It's been a heckuva pleasure doin' business with you. Well, good luck. Come again!""Well, geez, guy! It seems it's developed some minor malfunction since we acquired it. We did have a small micro-meteroid shower the other day. Maybe that was it! Yeah, that was probably it.""Much as I'd like to I can't refund your money. Company policy. It's out of my hands. However, I can give you seventy buckazoids credit on any other ship in our fine line of used spacecraft. Look around, see what you like."You proudly climb into your new used spacecraft. There is definitely something unique about it.You turn the key excitedly.What can be said that isn't seen? Tiny is a large, red skin-covered beast with the personality of a true salesman. Not a prime combination of traits.There is a sign here which indicates that this is Tiny's Used Space Ship Lot.There is a small, sturdy office here which unauthorized personnel are not allowed in. It must be a brick ship house.You don't own it.You're not close enough.There are some decorative banners which would seem to indicate that making a purchase at Tiny's can be a festive occasion.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based you are not able to pass.There is a hole here. I'm sure you recall its origin. At the bottom is the fine craft you rode to glory in. There is no reason to explore the hole any further.Darn the luck, %s1. You've crashed in the dunes and ended your life. The various inhabitants of the Keronian desert are now feasting on what remains of you. Guess that wasn't such a hot purchase.Tiny's not a great conversationalist. He just wants to sell, sell, sell."Sorry, you can only fly it when you buy it. Oh, by the way, there are no refunds either. Company Policy."Stay out of the hole!You can own only one ship at a time, town ordinance.4?Zr(l)p<CttXj!)=%^G6# d@@B  (" )Q"k!)k/+%,s#Qds@/F|1>4 >k!)k/+%^#:!"L!)jD+/%Xe!)XDF" +/%, +/%,#" Q,:"%KF%[t<% 9k# !#F<C '& i" " #g$%:!: D: : "$ : : ! :$ e| )| ##|#(e%@ @$%8 %!$!"! Q%!!+eeQn%!""!!! ;QX%!"$:: ? $%Xe# 'QAe!:T::  : $ ';+-I::'e'>?>?7GR>?7!:::$$ %%%Xe# 'QAe!:$&+ &)e e D)e e !z !:$ ': : $ ': $%:/F':++ &: &:$: Q:!:: Q:l!: I< $ QQ Q,m :e :# # 'Q=e!: e e<V2:e$!#C# eeeX #B# e,e+/! #B# e0e1e2?:6K2V!#C# e!e"e#e&.e.e*!e'<:e : e6:6e!<:e : e6:6e{h:,S|#\  : ^e e e5:.S"|#\ \  :  ^e e eV #e'e!V"(#  %$++<# #ee 9K/:& #B# \eeee&=:6MKK" #B# ^e-e.e/p]now e   :: !" ?$]nowF"&<Ct2Sf~~)|E%! v    3 V*=v|<Please remain seated and keep hands inside while the vehicle is moving.You already have it!You aren't close enough.Welcome to Ulence FlatsTaken"Say, this is a genuine Falton sand skimmer. I've been looking for one just like it. I wonder if you would accept %v35 buckazoids?""Ok. This is my final offer and I'm only doin' it because you look like you need it pretty bad. I'll give you %v35 buckazoids and I'll throw in this swell jetpack. I only used it once. Works great in zero gravity. You'll love it. Is it a deal? Yes or no?""Fine. Be that way."You're not on one, %s1."Glad we could do business. I'll just take that key. Thank you kindly. Hope your stay in Ulence Flats is an interesting one.""Glad we could do business. Hope your stay in Ulence Flats is an interesting one."After a truly stone-crushing journey, you have miraculously arrived safely in Ulence Flats. And, just in time too, because the skimmer's power cell has been drained. It will take some time to recharge itself. This place isn't quite what you had expected. It is semi-bleak at best. "I really want a skimmer like this. Here's my offer and I'm only doin' it because you look like you need it pretty bad. I'll give you %v35 buckazoids and I'll throw in this swell jetpack. I've only used it once. Works great in zero gravity. Is it a deal or what? Yes or no?"You are at the south edge of Ulence Flats. The area is protected from predators by an electronic barrier which runs around the perimeter of the settlement."Say there, pal. It's come to my attention that you're in the market for some transportation.""I may be able to help. If you'll follow me, I'd like to show you a fine little piece of machinery that'll knock your eyes out."The sand skimmer is a one-passenger mode of transportation and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and a keyhole with a key in it.There is a small rounded structure here with a door on one side. It is typical of some of the prefab structures used in frontier areas years ago.Compared to some of the beings you've seen lately, this one looks fairly normal except for the fact that he seems to have a cylinder for a head.The man is not interested in idle conversation. He's only interested in the skimmer.You have no way or reason to kill this being.This being is about the size of a humanoid but has some odd features. He seems to have a friendly-looking mug.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.He wants you to follow him.The fresh air helps you snap out of the stupor which that foul brew was responsible for.Ulence Flats is a typical example of some of the frontier settlements that sprang up in the early days of the Outer Zone exploration several years ago. Unfortunately, this attracted many unsavory individuals looking to make a quick buckazoid. Caution is advised.That can't be done now.Turning the key does no good since the skimmer was programmed to get here and go no further.There are couple of other craft here which might belong to the beings inside this building.The sand skimmer is a one-passenger mode of transportation and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and a keyhole without a key in it.He can't hear you from there. You'll have to get closer."Hey! I'll trade you a jetpack for that sand skimmer. What do you think? Yes or No?"That will do you no good. The power cell is drained. It may take some time to recharge.The key is not in its hole.You are not in a position to do that.You watch as the skimmer is driven away by its new owner.My, my. It would appear that your skimmer has become the property of another. I wonder who forgot to remove the key?It's not yours anymore. Leave it alone.Wise up, %s1! You're already on it.>_The ships are locked.The panel has an ignition switch. There is a key in it.The panel has an ignition switch. There is no key in it.Done.That has already been done.You can't do that from here.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently filled.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently empty.You need to be closer.4 ?Zp<CttD~~~@O {~@O<=P@#??'4 ? kt!)k/+%-#F!)/+-%Q"!)/F%?r"%K'' '>?>>&>?>F>G&>?#<C '& i @@  e  % %ee |e!N #$ $F"""e#" "M)t/F %# #MI&& &'>?>&>?$#I$_e ae OOe eD3<NeNeNeNe$")"))">Pne e <:e : e6:6e">Pnee")>Pnee )>Pnee p  "! #I!!)1@0@K!!!# !!$!!)/G! C CD' <='#<Ct$J7y)}'n Ok}"%v124 buckazoids? I guess it's better than nothing. Here, keep five for yourself. I gotta admit you look like you need it. Well, gotta run. Later, pal."Your newly acquired droid seems to have self-destructed. Hope it's under warranty.This is the back of the bar at the southeast end of Ulence Flats.There is some writing on it.It appears to be in Sarien. You're a little rusty in your Sarien but it appears to say "Xenon Bites!"You're not close enough to see that clearly.There is a strange pile of very fine white powder here. It's origin puzzles you. It has a strange burnt smell to it.You can't do that here.You can't do that from here.I'm beginning to understand you a little better now. You snort some of the powder and feel a pain like that of a thousand krebble mites feasting on your nasal membranes.The extremely fine dust seeps between your fingers. There is no need for it anyway. Especially considering its origin.You'd better not move if you want to remain alive.The droid, while looking small is quite heavy and not moveable by you.You have no way or reason to kill this being.This being is about the size of a humanoid but has some odd features. He seems to have a friendly-looking mug.He just wants your buckazoids but will take your life if he has to.He wants you to follow him.You now have a throbbing appendage.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass."Hold it right there, pal! This is a stick-up! I'll just relieve you of your cash, thank you very much.""%v124 buckazoids? I guess it's better than nothing. Here, keep five for yourself. I gotta admit you look like you need it.""Well, you've got to be leaving now. Go straight back the way you came in. Deviate from that path and you're Grell kibble!""I warned you, but, did you listen?"The mugger impresses upon you that he was quite serious.The droid is beyond repair. Now you know why it was on sale.4q|? p<Ctt< -mdxvkwb-!)m+/X=%W!)d/XC=%is6 #:E! ) x/ F C % # : "AJr!)r+/%A  A"&%i'"<C'& &#<C'& iZOv+ +4 4eeeGe( ( "e1c-1 e    +U+FM#S  'ABB7GNRAB7!! !$^.%e# 4e$e- %e)e&e"A.:e  : e!A ).e%.jAbJSG&|| Je e  Ae A#|| Je e  Ae Ae+e*%.p kodJN %CX)v6 Qmo#<E- ?? Q & />@R >?@0' Aee,e %2.)v6 moQm,'t't/'/tNt=E.0-%%# ./ ) x6 @L @I &e&ee" % " 'we'p0" 0' Q &'' Q 0'& &. . E (F <6 ,) , %-E < FD 8 N)+DY8# #)wn`ME ()#2@@* ) *>?(>? *'! ';$$ C~L~+/I$ )@&$K $& $$e  &Q$Q-@&c-1&F#QWZ$QiK@&$e$$"mzk gggggm A&"<Ct- \\+Bi"p9Yu3?av V  :  ; h "Howdy, Bucko! Can I interest you in one of the finest little used space ships in the galaxy? You look like a man of discerning taste.""Well, there's a man with a good eye. This here is the keenest little scrambler in the hemisphere. Top of the line. Handles like a charm. Perfect for cruising the asteroid fields.""And she's got all the thrust a guy could need. I tell ya, she's an outright steal at 214 buckazoids.""With your 70 buckazoid credit that would come to. . .let's see. . .uhm. . 144 buckazoids.""So how 'bout it partner? Can I interest you in anything here? Can we do business, or what? I'm at your service. Talk to me, chief."You need to be closer to the middle of the ladder to be able to climb it.You can't do that now."So what are ya trying to pull? If you don't have the cash, you can hit the road. Go on, get out of here. You're wasting my time!""I tell ya, I think you've made a wise decision. She's a beauty. The keys are in her. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to come back and tell us about 'em.""It's been a heckuva pleasure doin' business with you. Oh, by the way, you're gonna need a droid to help you fly that thing. Well, good luck. Come again."There is nothing here to buy."We have a motto. You don't own it - You don't mess with it - You don't die!"Off you go into the purple yonder.Searching your pocket you find $%v124.It won't do you any good to be in the ship without a droid to operate it.You don't own the ship.The droid is already loaded.You don't have a droid to load. "Hey! Wait a minute! Where do you think you're goin' with my ship?!!" "What sector shall I head for, Sir?" asks the droid."Sector HH it is. I will proceed with course entry.""Say what?"You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.What can be said that isn't seen? Tiny is a large, red skin-covered beast with the personality of a true salesman. Not a prime combination of traits.Tiny's not a great conversationalist. He just wants to sell, sell, sell.It's just an average, everyday ladder.Seated in the cruiser you notice there are no controls here, just a button marked "LOAD". Tiny must have been serious when he said you would need a droid to fly it.This is actually not a bad looking ship. It appears to be a Drallion model cruiser. They have a reputation for quickness and reliability. You are surprised that someone (or something) of Tiny's caliber would be carrying it."Sorry, you can only fly it when you buy it. And, oh by the way, there are no refunds either. Company Policy."That act can not be performed currently.That won't do any good until you're in the ship.Please supply coordinates.Looking at the inside of the ship you notice there are no controls here, just a button marked "LOAD". Tiny must have been serious when he said you would need a droid to fly it.There is no salesman here.You can own only one ship at a time, town ordinance.You can't board it because you don't own it.This is actually not a bad looking ship. It appears to be a Drallion model cruiser. They have a reputation for quickness and reliability.4,K?dp<CttD~~~@O {~@O<=P@#<C'& i e  e'eIz|e'Iz| eD3<NeNeNeNez'I| Vlrw \ | Ieee mmmv,88TT8T!@f@pC CD' <=#'%<Ct!sD#=ci=7Your newly acquired droid seems to have self-destructed. Hope it's under warranty.You are at the north end of Ulence Flats. There is a building to the east.There are five buckazoids stuck in the sand behind the building.You are not close enough.There is nothing here for you to get.TakenIt looks like your typical desert dwelling.The droid is beyond repair. Now you know why it was on sale.The droid, while looking small is quite heavy and not moveable by you.You now have a throbbing appendage.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.You leave a moist arch on the building's side.You beam with pride having just written your name in the sand.Drat! You could have done without that sudden gust of wind.4<`?p<Ctto"%KG%4zo9#<C'& i  e  !e9ep&$ }Z C eG<CtN>yThis is the exterior of Droids-R-Us. There is a door here.The sign says "Droids-R-Us". That's it.The droid waits outside for you.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.4^?!b*!)C%M*/#@(L@l!)!C%PT/#FQM!)!C%N9/#FQ!)!C%TP/#FQ  !)!C%{A/#FQ!! !)/6%9#$")!)C/ %* #d' %#i*(''cd'((e%2~~ %ee~UF$ $$ %%%@$/$ %IF#QI$$ %$r#Qr$$ %ly#Qy$""# G" #F$" #~ &$@&& @@@ @@ %(T#Qy@ %PT#QT@ %=A#QA@ %&A#Q@~ &$@&& @@@ @@ %PT#Q@ %N9#Q@ %N#Q3@ %NR#QN@ ~ &$ @&& @ @@ @ @ %TW#QT @ %T#Qo @ %T:#Q @ %TP#Q  @!t !& @&& @@@ @!@ {AQ!@ cAQA!@ PTQT!@ TQy!!@##*+* ]^"We have established visual contact with a ship of Sarien origin," says the droid. "The name Deltaur is confirmed. You might consider the fact that we are in danger by being anywhere near this ship. I hope you didn't waste money on the extended warranty when you purchased me.""I will slow our approach and stand off at a safe distance.""Hang on, Sir! We are headed into an asteriod field."4? b!)/%8V6#F@L@!)C%W6#QW!)C6%P|@P@#Q|!)C%@6#Q@ @P@!)C%Kd6#Qd!@P@i"" "%F'AB&#AK"cAQ I"c $ & %"AI"c %AQ K"c $ % &$2@@UF $ %W#QW $  %|#Q| $    %@#Q@   $  !! %d#Qd!! !$ !2##66 ""g )That was mighty close!4N? wp>c2b !)2/%1v%!)/%uT!)/%EE!)/%]d!)/%AW!)/%[@L@L@L@&x;!)/%6#F$Q!@P@!)/%i'>?$ > ?>??> ?&>?#@L@$" "$%% F#Qv"''c +n&&d'#I$&2'#I%&('#I&& '#I'&'#I($ $:% %:& &:' ':( (:x?($$x$/F$$G$! !$* *)$*) )Q*) )Q?*) )Q+*( Q7*x-( (Q7*( (Q0*( (Q(*( (Q$*p.R$I)? )w()@P@%e#Q*)@L@)%#Q*e.e**eU[3fPlease remain seated and keep your hands inside while the vehicle is moving.Darn, %s1. Upon exiting the ship, you find that you have no means of maneuvering and are subject to the whims of inertia and gravity. You quickly learn the true meaning of helplessness as death has its way with you.Before you lies the Sarien battle cruiser, Deltaur. An imposingly massive ship. Now you understand why the Arcada was so easily overtaken. Your first instinct is to turn the ship around and head for home. But, then you realize that unless you do something to try to stop the Sariens, there will be no home.Before leaving the safety of your ship, you instruct the little droid to set a course for Xenon, where you will rendezvous later. Providing, of course, that you are successful in carrying out your mission. Once again, you are on your own.4%d? p; \ bb!)/CF!)/C%Fk6#F). %%6#-#i !'>?>?O !BU/+++ +3@"@I"cx?!8 !U"+"+"+"+/I"cx" "/Fe.e.e=F]|ee=F]|e e %FeYj e;Icxee F  =  FbQd GK66MF 8. Dg%dYou are not close enough to perform that act.You grasp the large handle and twist, noting the rather significant amount of pain being registered. You are extremely grateful to hear a click.It is already turned.You are floating in space just outside the biggest darn spaceship you've ever seen. You see a door. Perhaps it is a way in?It appears to be a standard airlock. There is a handle in the center.You can't see it from here!That's up to you!Are you crazy? You'd make a funny looking asteroid. Keep the jetpack on!You see a room inside the spaceship which appears to be empty.You can't see into the window from where you are.4|W? wb!b E!6)!)C!)'>?><+%IM%eI%eI+%>M%<>PF %QI%QII #6#Mi  '>?6##I!@R>?@c!x! !$ $'>?$!&>?c x)EI#WWWeFc $The inhabitants of this vessel don't appear to appreciate your desire to sight-see. You have been transformed into space dust.4 xx4? bbyQb#b$!)!)y/XC%+4!)y/XC%+#:#:1%0#'O S SS@@Q q  pww "& eaeeQe" "::# -/4; -/4;   -/4;   ;  -+4/ -}4''U SST S(!# #$###e!!' 7R7" ;Icx ;cxK  -4 ;cxI   -4 ;cxK "3@'"@Q 7S))>?(>?M/I%@L@ & Q #c#$%- % &)+N@L@'>?> ?&>?6#Q.6x#$ $c$$w q1 BMy, aren't you the clumsy one. Because of your inability to walk without falling on your face, your helmet is now riding the elevator without you. You've blown your cover. The Sariens are sure to shoot first and ask questions later.Your are in one of the Deltaur's many corridors. There is an elevator here.You look at the wall and admire the Sarien architecture. They may be scum, but they build a good spaceship.You see nothing special about the elevator.It isn't here. If you wanted it, you should have held onto it!4? bby!)y/XC%:#:'2W%%?"6 %>Q>@ 0%=#O S S0$S== !S== ww 9 ;yC 9  eh  e ;yC % % ;C $ $  ::  ;cxI% ;cxK$ ;cxI$ ;cxK ;yC9 96w022You are in a corridor aboard the Sarien ship.4v?  Sb%'!)C6 QFm !)C6 !)C6 !)C6  zKb !)6 %Kb# )1'W % S S%*A %L} $6 %) SS6#z O q ZGU  q pMMwwAe3@O@O@O@O@*" *%FO#%FL#%Fm#%Fj#  !  "* *$$$$) )c%)$ HQ*XYY'>??XY)UQFOQFL UQFmQFj !)"UQFO!QFL# "UQFm!QFj# " e  e'e(5e+ Seee&ee EsW e$ EsW| *e%A*e)e *eeSe e*eaeSe:0 FVe!e  IvQ{$eeS0S:  " FVe e e \ '/(* e- $e& e.S  e0e/SW:Qe1e2  $8 $6 w8 18 33 h%Hp =d Zoc 2Y;ax You can't do that from here.You don't have that.It's already in there.That has no effect.That can't be done now.TakenYou already have one.The guard has nothing else of any interest.You seem to have found a remote control device of some sort. It has only one button, labeled "ON/OFF"Not now.By pressing the button, you have deactivated the force field which surroundsthe generator.The force field which surrounds the Star Generator prevents you from getting any closer.That can't be done while standing here.The gas grenade has done its job. The guard is now unconscious. Well done, %s1.The force field has been shut down.It is already on.F6 to fire PulserayYou are on an elevated walkway inside an enormous chamber. Peering over the railing, you see the stolen Star Generator.You are inside an enormous chamber. Before you stands the stolen Star Generator.The walkway spans across the massive chamber to another entryway.The entryway leads into another room.There is no door here. Are you blind?You can't see it very well from up here.Before you stands the Star Generator. You find it hard to believe that this contraption could save or destroy an entire galaxy.Don't you have anything better to do than to stand around and look at walls?Don't be ridiculous!He's a gonner! You never realized how ugly these Sariens were until now.He appears to be dead.At the base of the Star Generator is a control panel of some sort.The force field around the generator stops you from reaching the control panel.If you started the force field from this close, you would be immediately vaporized. The universe would lose its most valuable janitor! Perhaps you should reconsider.It is permanently attached to the floor.Just the thought makes your toes hurt!You are too far away to see it from here.The Star Generator's force field is off.There is nothing special about it, except for the Star Generator it holds.Suddenly, the force field protecting the Star Generator disappears.You have reactivated the force field.Too late! The guard has already noticed you.The guard is already dead. You have only yourself to harm.You gather up a nice mouth full and let it fly. Unfortunately, you forgot you were wearing a helmet. The warm saliva oozes down the side of your face. You feel rather stupid.You gather up a nice mouthful and let it fly. Fortunately, you missed the guard. Can't you find something more constructive to do, %s1?The Star Generator has come alive. The heat that this thing is starting to generate tells you that it's time to blow this taco stand!49 Ln? Tb!T"!)%{xT/T/#:!)6%q#Qqq&%|# qwwQ! &(# (" "#"e# e "$ ) e  :eae*TeTee&PNeA Ne2  e e6Ne &  (d(dNe!&(d(dN(L(LNA9 .'e $ " 'Qqx &de !eevTl u]&7 +T /T$TT<\e e  e    $ "e e  e!"! " )@L@c!x MI@@, @$ Q$e $eQqq& %&% % e\ig e$ $e*% '>???p>(e " *w q2! D6dbp(H\MidI h "Welcome to the Weapons dispensary. I will assist you. Please supply me with your identification card.""Your rank allows you to bear 1 Pulseray unit. Remember, no firing in the ship. Have a nice day."There is no need for that at this time.You are not close enough to perform that act."Excuse me. I shall retrieve your weapon."F6 to fire PulserayYou don't have that to %w1.Taken.You already have one.There is nothing to get.You can't do that from here.I am sorry. You may not possess that device. That would be punishable by death.I warned you.Rows of weapons on the wall tell you that you are in the Deltaur's armory. There is a service droid behind the weapons issue counter.There is now only one gas grenade on the counter.It is just an ordinary counter.There are two gas grenades sitting on the right side of the counter.He is watching you very closely. You had better play it cool.The Service Droid sees you eyeing the laser weapons on the wall and informs you that they are not available to G.I. personnel such as yourself.The Service Droid sees you eyeing the gas grenades on the counter and informs you that they are not available to G.I. personnel such as yourself.Very funny!Sorry. My records indicate that a weapon has already been signed out in your name.The droid looks you over and responds, "Sorry, only one weapon per person."Silly human, you know that droids are not programmed for chit-chat!The droid explains as he eliminates you that he is very sorry that you are incapable of remembering that you already own a gun, but that of course he has many customers to deal with and you really are a nuisance. Before you can reply to this, you realize that you no longer have the relevant body parts with which to reply. Your last seconds of agony are spent hearing the phrase, "Next please."The droid explains that although he is not programmed for death, he considers it extremely rude to fire your weapon indoors. He cautions you against doing so again.He did warn you!There are no Sariens here! Perhaps you mean to speak with the Droid?"Stop, thief!" shouts the Droid as he notices you sneaking out suspiciously and observes that a gas grenade has been taken. Before you can explain that you were just taking it outside for a better look, the Droid evaporates you.You already have the pulseray.Are you crazy!!! If the droid catches you with the stolen grenade, you're dead meat!You do not possess a valid Sarien I.D. card.4 xx4 ? bby!)XC%n6 //#:!)H//%?e#:6%}q%#l46+X6#QQ qr{r ] p%Zwwy99) Q )kx& 6&  %% e%% p * '( qk{M5e!e$eR$#)/<)%Cq+#HQ  $) ?>u" ! "  #[ #" $ !"" Q s#" " Q Ss#"") / @L @I '" Q Ll#"' 'GK$ $$G ) @L @Q Ss#"  e H:HH:H#+ /FHxQ F : !'w ]6 xly   ;/cxI xly"' !! !G1@0@cxK!! "# Q Ss#"'' !yw ]6!Dr(2ATiT@kzB\nYou are not close enough to perform that act.That has already been done.Open the door first.You can't do that now.Somehow, you manage to survive the rinse cycle. As you emerge from the cleaning unit you notice that you are dressed in a Sarien battle uniform. What a stroke of genius. Now you can wander throughout the ship without calling attention to yourself.You certainly don't want to do that again! You've got lives to save!You hear footsteps coming from outside the door!Too late!It's not open.It`s already open.It's already closed.That would not be beneficial.It won't budge.You are in the ship's laundry facilities.The door is closed.On the north wall there appears to be a large laundry cleaning unit.The laundry cleaning unit is not being used at this time.The window on the door is too dirty to see inside.You are not close enough to see inside.Just as you open the door, you suddenly hear the sound of footsteps coming.Someone might be coming. You don't have time to be standing around.It's a little big, but it will have to do.It looks high.It is completely dark on the other side of the vent.Well %s1, it certainly appears as though you're about to become all washed up!You don't know how.It's too late to hide! You hear someone coming!It's awfully wet in here.The door is open.It is too dark inside the trunk to see anything.4U? bby!)XC%z5 / / #:!)y/XC%>c!)y/XC%Wc#:#:7%u>1 %B]QB_@(5%{> %[_Q[a@%K#>7GG kxk5 pwwX  9 @XGg YX`^ 9 VcceXY 5NfgYX?[KeX[de  aee"E@@eE@@eeO94E@@e$ O9ee e  ::  =XGg ;cxI =XGg ;cxK =^Gg ;cxI =^Gg ;cxK   ::  YX`g ;cxI  YX`g ;cxK  V_`g ;cxI  V_`g ;cxK ! !F   : ' 5 p# ;/cxI!  p#  GcxK!  @XG]9 9 S 1 YX`^9 9 S>'>?>D>W S : S 7wPSn|#It seems no different than all the other doors aboard this ship.It has a small sign on it.Out of Order.How?Seen one door, seen them all.Emergency Exit. Luckily for you, the elevator has been repaired.You are aboard the Sarien spaceship. There are two elevators here.There are two elevators along the back wall.4? bby!)y/XC%r3!)y/XC%r#:#:: S% ; S%@{ S%C#;6S3G: pw p w  ![ZS668 ![ZS6 6 8 *eeae:: ;  t&{- tx{''UR ST S(!!!' 7R7"" " t/{7 ;cxI t/{7 ;cxK  t{ ;cxI   t{ ;cxK w6:;8UYou are wandering through the Sarien spaceship.It is just another elevator.These Sariens are scum, but they sure know how to build a spaceship.4 xx4? WbbyX X %!)%J#Qtr !!)XC%~r: /#/##::%zs%K# qwwy @QQ%<  !!$! Qr !e ;_+eeE@@##ee eeeae gkee6 W2e 3jig g ggg g g g  qQ)5 umx1% umx# ;I!cx## K!cx#! !###:#'>?>?x q: $$ %%$e $%XBSh(]Be careful! You hear footsteps and muffled voices from beyond the door.The sounds have temporarily gone away.You can't do that from here.You have no need to do that.You peer through the small window in the door. You think you see someone standing in the hallway. Perhaps this isn't a good time to leave this part of the ship.You peer through the doorway and see a Sarien guard standing in the hallway. He does not look too friendly.You hear strange voices coming toward you!You climb into the trunk. The lid pounds shut above you.You hear voices, muffled, then louder.You suddenly feel the trunk lift offthe deck and the sensation ofmovement.After a few minutes, the trunk thuds tothe floor, causing you to see stars inthe darkness. The voices sound fartheraway, then gone.You don't have that.You are standing in a large, empty room within the Sarien ship.Perhaps if you stood closer to the door.Against the back wall are several large pipes.You can't see into the vent from there.It is completely dark on the other side of the vent.The box is not of interest. It is only here because the sloppy Sariens never pick up after themselves.The door is tightly sealed.The door is not impressed.It is too dark inside the trunk to see anything.4 ? bb!)XC%+/6 //#:!)XC%9 //#:9%7%q~ ;%.29x 86<<";?F  p#ww*eaee F:'+ 6 (+:6;/cxI (+:6 GcxK F: ;/cxI  GcxKw 6 9 ; 71oYou are in a hallway aboard the Deltaur.The walls are no different here than in the rest of the ship.It is just an average door.4l?/bb!)XC%>.7 /#/##::%@3#7; ; O;M; pww*eaee! !F###: 9/K7#;/cxI!# 9/K7# GcxK!#w#7:1oYou are in a hallway aboard the Deltaur.The walls are no different here than in the rest of the ship.It is just an average door.4 xx4h?\rlb"bb9)Q!)9 1@0@!/CX%Gg#F!X)/X%I^9%Jk%KD#-e i  HjUlXY9%I^IcxQHX  %HQI^"# !#&  DWe!($'ABBr Icx # H\Uj #'>?@?\R>?@""'>??n X9  F F  '>??g!6 G'>?>"?##d,'>?>K>[>=?l?l>?UNG #e'>?">#?!! Kcx ! !c"!wNe e  Neeee ae jA}/>_"Bleep, Gurgle, Pop!", apologizes the strange robot as he pushes you aside.You are in an airlock."Snap, Crackle, Murphy", responds the little robot.You're in an airlock! Don't you think you ought to wait until you enter the ship?The rude little robot just slammed the door in your face.You see no apparatus of any sort which would open the door.The door is not impressed.The walls confirm your suspicion that Sariens have bad taste.The squat, little maintenance droid sure makes a disgusting array of noises, doesn't he?As you enter the Sarien ship, the airlock door seals itself behind you. You try to open it again, without any success. It appears that you are stuck here.4|e ? yb(bb!)y/XC%O!)/XC%#: %#HQ#K@#: 6# qww9 H(S 9 H(O  6   8" "$% x| %')/F 8@R@"$ $ qi+e&ee#O.e''/;/FQ !nw &9.. x| $ #ee.eae ! !$ $ :  ;cxI H(S ;cxK K(S ;cxI K(S ;cxK& &c(&w H(J9 9 q6 < `That cannot be done from where you are.You swiftly slip into the sleek ship. (Try to say that three times fast.)That act cannot be performed now.You are in the shuttle launch bay aboard the Sarien ship.The ship is a one-man transport vessel.You frantically search the control console for the "Launch" button. Aha! There it is.You see nothing out of the ordinary about it.Down below you see the spaceship's launch track.You don't have much time before this ship blows.4? @*@@@!!)+/C%^H#:~L~!)/F%.O#QO!)!/FC%k@!)!/FC%l@!)!/FC%lA!)!/FC%lB!)!/FC%kB!)!/FC %jB! ) !/ F C % jA! ) !/ F C % j@i$  $;I"I""nJ $ $ >?(>?+/I>? (>?+/I  e@3@@2OO! !!#Qk!!#Q"!#QA#!#Qo$!#Qko%!#Q=o&!# Q =A'!# Q =(! !$ %k@#Qk!" "$ %l@#Q"# #$ %lA#QA#$ $$ %lB#Qo$% %$ %kB#Qko%& &$ %jB#Q=o&' '$  % jA# Q =A'( ($  % j@# Q =(The Deltaur has been blown to tiny fragments by the force of the Star Generator's blast. You have saved the lives of millions of your people, not to mention the lives of those in other systems. Don't get a big head.4+w@*@"b<)+%M#QM}!)"+%U#QU}x!)%Mt#:!)%>-zzj !)6 !)6@O@!)6 ee #WXddd ?  /<WMWW)+#@L@ "X<XX $ee!( $ (  $ (! !$ (   %@#Q@ %#Q   %P#QP!!!F$$ $ $$$@*@z=Jz=g"####i@~h@~""""# #c<#C(x@]_r,KceCongratulations %s1, you've rid the universe of the evil Sariens and saved your people from certain doom. You're an all-around hero! You've made it home safely aboard the stolen Sarien craft, where you've encountered a cheering Xenon crowd. They have gathered together for a ceremony in your honor. The ceremony is already in progress.As a token of appreciation, you are presented with a golden mop. "Thank you, %s1 for cleaning up our galaxy", says the Xenon leader.Once a janitor always a janitor.Thank you for playing Space Quest Watch for Space Quest II Thank You Scott Murphy Mark Crowe Sol Ackerman Ken Williams Jeff Stephenson Chris Iden Sierra On-Line Inc. The Sarien Fleet The Entire Human Race %s1, Galactic Warrior Congratulations %s1, you've rid the universe of the evil Sariens and saved your people from certain doom. The Star Generator technology is safe inside the Data Cartridge. Now, a new Star Generator can be built and can carry out its original task - You're an all-around hero! You've made it home safely aboard the stolen Sarien craft, where you've encountered a cheering Xenon crowd. They have gathered together for a ceremony in your honor. The ceremony is already in progress.4 ? 4"b)b*b+!!!!)))))%.%.%.CCCXXX###:::6C%6C@O@ZG#i gg   Ww  AeIr >@?a MeUr >L?a Year >X?a AvI >@?s MvU >L?s Yva >X?s AI >@? MU >L? Ya >X? APaZ  >?2c*xc)x )   i g 0&>?#FW gWW$g !  # ;;;///NNNFFF  Q.xq.QJ.!! !Q.xq.QK."" "Q.xq.QP.  ! !  *"x2 # #c+#4 '........ F6 to Select KeyInvalid Code49? e^`q++ Ib? %+ Ib> $bA '!+ )I,+%Di )%Ai@L@#}K)!)^X} +1@0@+/ (%z#F!)`+-X/%#:!)q+%G6#F!)/ze5ze]ze#K %wN% K H ! } !}#ir(l)xp-d#G7$' '6 8$c>$%c?%'cA'" "$b))Y# #.)H #-@@@)**ig*ig*(ig el r'% el'' r''! !e )g #d'&'%dA )%%%0$%%5%%G %%Z%#G#%R#$7  [ F-d#0+F#G@@++(#d'+ !'+ !'+GI   +IC!# F!!}""6""2&.+-F$Qh& (& &;FQh} &:&}& Q&& Q&& Qh&& .+G"$&& Ql&& CQh&}e ae !eseebbbe3#;+e+e+e/ #ee%$ee%:e e&Ne!_e!e' : %e" $e:e#se$e%e&#oZ  P^((e=( eeee(e( e )e0e(F1'(#d) \\ |e1e2eeoooP'G#d)9 -|( e|\e e &eee...'#de*ee##& |e.(N (K3h3T"=y96J 9  + P w  $ {})jPe"What'll it be? I got beer and it's 2 buckazoids."Your words find no audience."That'll be $2.00. Thank you very much. Come again."The bartender is busy and cannot hear you."Hey! What are you trying to pull? What do you mean you can't pay? Take off before I have you fed to Grell."The beer tastes like carbonated Zipple sweat. However, considering recent events, you could learn to love it.You can't drink something you don't have."One at a time, Mac!"You're not close enough to play.Sorry, someone is currently playing. Wait your turn."Listen, Mac, I can't serve you any more. You're sledged! You better go sleep it off or something before you start making a public display of yourself."This is a seedy little place. Galactic riff-raff are seated at the bar. The bartender drops by occasionally to serve them. A band is cranking out some of the more popular tunes in the quadrant. There is a slot machine standing near the bar. In the lower corner a sweeper is standing silent. It must get messy here. No one seems to notice or care that you have entered the bar.The walls are sporting a wonderful smoke finish such that the original color is a puzzle. There are cracks here and there which attest to the state of disrepair.Some of the stranger galactic riff-raff are seated at the bar. The bartender drops by occasionally to serve them. There seems to be a vacant spot at the right end of the bar.It appears to be an electronic slot machine.There is a hip combo of green beings jamming. They only seem to be interested in playing music.There are a couple of non-galactic looking humanoids cranking out some unfamiliar sounding tunes. They seem interested solely in the music they are performing.They are not interested in you.There is nothing special about the stairs. They look like a standard gravity rebellion device.As you sip another of the odd brews, you overhear someone at the bar speaking: "There I was cruising through sector HH when I spot this blip on the scanner.""So, I head toward it, ya see, and right there in front of me sits the Deltaur. It's just sittin' there. My hearts start hyperwarping on me.""I figure my milliseconds are numbered. All I can think of doin' is getting my craft outta there. So, I'm reachin' for the throttle.""All of a sudden there's this incredible flash of light, ya see. And just like that this little planetoid explodes into a ball of fire! I tell ya, I've never seen anything like it. I mauled the throttle and got outta there quick you bet."The bartender is only interested in selling his wares. He is of no help otherwise.You feel a strange tingling sensation. The taste of the beer doesn't seem to be bothering you so much now, hee, hee.Oh my, you are starting to feel unstable. I'mm nott ffeeling soo wunderfful.I knnoww therz a doorr hhere summware. Pleeze stop movin th barr!The bartender is a compact looking gent. He seems to be about as friendly as the patrons.You don't have a good view from here.You've never seen the likes of the patrons seated at the bar. They look fairly absorbed in their drinks.The sweeper is a small motorized device which scans the floor for debris and removes it within moments of detection. There is nothing special about it, otherwise.No one here seems willing to acknowledge your presence. Maybe they're not too fond of humanoids.The only thing you hear when attempting to eavesdrop is "Eat felch, humanoid!"That act, while providing a means of venting frustration, serves only to cause you considerable pain when your toes scatter in directions they weren't designed to travel. Wise up, Space Cadet!You are not in a position to do that.It's not advisable to be trying anything aggressive here since you are out-numbered.There are no surfaces on which to place your posterior other than the floor and you don`t want to do that.>_"Wine? Did I say we have wine? Hey did you hear this humanoid? He wants wine! Get serious!""Whatever you say."On the stage is one of the hottest bands in the quadrant.Sorry, the machine is currently out of order. Please come again.On stage are two heavily-bearded gents and a relatively clean-shaven drummer. They're one of the hottest bands in the quadrant.Gulp! Gulp!"You have one of those coupons, huh? Here's your 5 buckazoids and your free beer. Enjoy."You don't have that.Just walk up close to the machine to play.4? }"Ysb!)}+/X%m#Qa$"! ) "E"<+ / % H ## + / % eACD&'! ) YC+ / % H# " + / % 1AzsH zs# zsa E <# : DC# : %H#i %)<$$c(d$### <# C# & ]ArE-"|, '|# ' ' % )A?E-"|' '| ' ' %Y 8\ % '= }7 % '! ]x % ' '"%<EC9 %ee Deee e teNe:(e_eeeaee79O9O7e(F(F(Fe e!97eN<CE8'- |$ e|-e <; )c(d$S eYD/'$ | e|(e CD; S eeeee$v $"+F"" QKD$"" QUF$"" Q~V$"".<CeD eeee e Q~$" &C) M F E  N G S <) M F E  N G S  =V'!Y D^p y  G d r 4 You are not close enough.You don't have enough buckazoids.You have made a relatively decent purchase of a pre-owned sale item.There is nothing here to buy."That model is ideal for flight systems operations. It will pilot any modern fighter or cruiser. And, it is one of the most experienced droids we carry. I ask only 45 buckazoids for it (36 with coupon).""I got it from some gambling type who was required to pay-up or perish.""That unit is a good, all-around droid. Sure, it may seem a little dinged-up but it's not as bad as it looks. There is still quite a bit of life left in it. It is a great little companion. And for you, only 40 buckazoids (32 with coupon).""We call that one The Peacemaker. It's used primarily in security. In a crime situation it is capable of apprehending, trying, sentencing, and punishing the offender on the spot. Swift and effective. And only 368 buckazoids (294 with coupon).""That compact unit is often used for mining. It is short and stocky, and quite strong for its size. It is designed to work in areas which may be hazardous to non-mechanized beings. 325 buckazoids for years of service (294 with coupon).""That one is a collector's item. One of the very first droids ever built. Someday that rare piece is going to bring me a small fortune at auction. It's not for sale.""Welcome to Droids-R-Us, the finest emporium for mechanized beings in the quadrant. We have a complete line of droids for any purpose imaginable. Well, almost any."All top-of-the-line, but, I suppose YOU would probably be interested in our SALE items. Please walk this way.""Only one droid per person in this town. It's an ordinance, you know.""Nice to see you again. Where is your little friend?""Oh, I do hope nothing has happened to it. Especially with it being a sale item. You did understand that sale items aren't covered under the terms of our warranty policy, I'm sure.""I'll be upstairs if you need anything."This is the inside of Droids-R-Us. The room has a pedestal in the middle and a stairway and balcony toward the back. A variety of droids adorn the floor space.There is nothing I can tell you that the salesman hasn't already.The salesman is a strangely built being. He looks like he might tip forward any minute.There is nothing special about the stairs. They look like a standard gravity rebellion device.Silly human!You cannot see anything out the tiny and unimportant window.Why?There is nothing special about the rail and, no, you can't slide down it.The banner indicates that there is a sale occurring.There is no need to do that.Not for sale.Using your discount coupon you have made a relatively decent purchase of a pre-owned sale item.I see you bear one of those coupons. Oh, well. You shall receive 20% off any of my quoted prices.That item is not in your possession.4rl? qqrs\pb! ) \/ C % 46 F !)p+/C%A# ig 1g 1g 1g 1g;gg ?g @d##g0gg g "d""c# % 4/ F #)#"dg 1g 1g 1/ % 4# F ggg#$ g0g 1g 1g 1g 1#1  ( !! !g 1g 1g 1g 1" # g 1g 1g 1g 1ig #I F cd+1@0@$%($%F& && }F +$% ($%I~qs|{~ F@U+;=t(7FYOU LOSE, HOMEBOY!!!Enter Number > 1 = Skulls 2 = Cherries3 = Diamonds 4 = Eyes Wins 1 Wins 3 Wins 5 Wins 20 Wins 10 = DEATH! To Cash In Press "F10" You are presently standing in front of a slot machine.You're broke! Hit the road, freeloader!Sorry, you don't have enough to bet that much. F10 To Quit F4 Bets $1 F6 Bets $2 F8 Bets $3Bet 1 = 1x Payoff 2 = 2x " 3 = 3x " 4<B? @@VQ@!)Q/6C%G=#F!)V/6C%@w#I!iwe! !QGj## #K"" "$I@QG*$$ $$ex!lAs you nervously hang on, the skimmer rises slowly to the surface of the planet via a secret passage.Upon reaching the surface, you throttle up and zoom off into the sunset.4fv[]cbbb!)[/%+SF!)[/%JSF!)[/%iSF!)]/%1'F!)]/%P'F!)]/%o'F######6 ~c|[ |D ||{g g g g g g )[)[)[GGGGGG &*5c| |eF 0}FF/ 0FF/ 2 0FF/ d( ~)c)c)c,},,///GGG p ~)c)c,},//GG L ~)c,}/G 3( ~)c)c)c,},,///GGG  ~ cce DU You Bet $%v123You're broke! Hit the road, freeloader! You Have $%v124 4% 9}d@@}@}@}@ }u@}}O@!}-}}}  ~44  { @@ {@{@(@< {@ {@@r {@{@ @K {@{@@ ${@{@@g g  h{~~|~@ |g eF|@g  {x } -=M]mSorry, there seems to be a circuit failure. To be reimbursed send claim to Gippazoid Novelties, 2001 Odessa Blastway Gurnville, Faydor Exl Galaxy. (Please allow two decades for delivery) You Win $%v64 You Have $%v124 You Lose Tough Luck It's Hopeless Eat Sand Suck Methane So Sorry Not A Chance 4z<"b! ) " d?D CC/Y$&~b6S  ! ) Y% %# %$GF  = # <cdF<C% F E  G S  U M D#) ~>?( >?' <=9 P@L @/ I c 1 OF M CeN/Ce$<DeeDe<e<, N eeee <  eC  Ne 7(You hear some zapping and popping.The green droid is quite small and nondescript. It is a prime example of the technological state of early robotics. Fairly primitive at best. It's amazing that it still functions.The white droid is just a little shorter than you are. Its body appears to be built of some type of light composite substance. These droids were the first truly reliable flight-control systems produced, designed to pilot many different types of craft.The droid you spent your hard-earned buckazoids on is lying in the sand in many pieces. You begin to suspect that the little fellow may have been defective. It is damaged beyond repair.The little droid doesn't seem to have anything to say."Hello...(ping) I am a model QR 7 Pilot Droid. I have navigated many different kinds of ships to many different worlds (buzz, click) and have acquired much flight knowledge from my travels.""I am most anxious to serve you, Sir (click). I hope you find my services satisfactory. My, but that's a smart-looking flight suit you have on.""It sure feels good to be out of that stuffy metal market (click). I thought I was doomed to sit there and rust away.""People say I talk too much - do you think I talk too much? I don't think I talk too much (beep). I'm going to shut up now."4G! ) C X ! ) C ! ) C :9+ / % # Q z: #':9; ) I (  F %V ( ) I F C : ! !) 6 C = X ' & # '7R 7I $ ')/$+  &+&#I :; )  5 + + eG 7'R 7 :  e1d|~You hear footsteps. . .The alien observes his handywork briefly, then leaves.Unable to see anyone here, the alien leaves to search elsewhere.The Sarien crewman stands over you radiating a chill you can no longer sense. His unblinking stare searches for confirmation of the kill.%v2354 Fq]]53 ;02QQ2! C 6  3b!b 3 Q03<QQ  2 b;;! & %) p pW(P ) T # 1 ig  q ] p p0 ,&74 ,x8 1 :xH 6 ?WKc XWdd 7 s%4 sw HNQee N e6N6e ph `eR5eF'^ ) & / 6 C X # F @ 2 '>???R @e+ / # @R @v G QU2'>??2: '' >?>@@, @/ ) I dc!1c!x / + M F + F * M c x/QQ))I ) #  Mc!xQ))/I NU Q))3@'' >? 2 017:;Z?Z Z?Z @@ > @ > @ ? @ ? 2/ ) '' >?>+ + M I  Q e$  2 >E @@Q S  T  M c x)I-e  @@f@ $   ) I ~ >E @@-+ / ) I 26 C 2 5E @@Q0)) MI 2e $  : e :etE @@O3@'' >?@ >+ @ >+ @ ?+ @ ?+ E w z z1 1c;1 *>`tWw0#F6 to fire PulserayYou can't do that now. Try later.You don't have one.This is neither the time nor the place.Are you crazy?There is a guardian droid here roaming the corridor. The robot droid isn't programmed for speech, only to kill.If the robot droid could laugh, which it is not programmed to do, it would do so. Your pulseray is only effective against living opponents!You are welcome to try.The bomb has fallen to the floor where it has exploded harmlessly. The guard is so intent on guarding the Star Generator he doesn't even blink an eye.You've just been disintegrated %m12by contact with the robot droid.%m6Fortunately, it recognizes you as a Sarien.The grenade drops to the floor releasing its poisonous gas on the unsuspecting alien. Good shot %s1!Obviously, this was not the smartest thing you've done today. You have once again demonstrated that a janitor's place is not in space.You're toast!%m12by the Sarien's pulseray. Perhaps this will teach you not to loiter about on the Deltaur.Geez %s1! Go take some marksmanship courses and come back and give it another try in a couple of months. OK?You've just been reduced to micro-particles by the alien's pulseray. You'll have to be quicker on the draw than that %s1.4 V? vb&84 59)+%c Qcx59 #i ]  )v >?(>? ) $%Qc+# e 2*'>?>3@@4e 8e eeae&eG eG'>?>:/4Re Re 8Ne Ne ee e>'>?>14Re Re 8Ne Ne e +'>?>e  M /+Ic&x+4Ree8 Nee + Ne ($<//448<($<8/<4/4:4R$5 e N$9 e  &Z)=tTYou are in one of the Deltaur's ventilation shafts.You've seen one ladder, you've seen them all.You see nothing special.It looks as though you've been shafted, %s1.It is already closed.You try to use the knife to pry open the vent, but are unsuccessful.It is already open.You cannot pry open the grate which seems to be stuck.Your nose has just been redesigned by your ill-advised attempt to insert it into a closed vent.You cannot reach the grate from here.O.K.Through the grate you can see into what appears to be the ship's laundry facilities.Through the grate you can see into an empty room.Wouldn't it be a little silly to fire a gun in here?That's up to you.It looks like you jarred it loose!It is closed.It is open.4 F5!5 )%B)%G65R/9N//#:5W 9W u5W MQQ VM!)XCL//M %1wZ*o;x5 %"|Z u*} %wZp#x#F84U5$b )'>?? >&>?6Q-c x )MX65%#l%h#;E@M@e eL$/9w L e e'L/ LeL/ Le<Le1e+$X$5%#l%h6+#MM#QL^ eQ) e e'M[CQ9s@weLeee Le e!RL.'>??&>?/ L# Q e% ^ QQ)e$ e  (8YNee(,G H?9Ne.5Re /<5 R Nee#eN /< NeeQQe&TKQ?5R 4e"N 8e"eee e)  e*@~ @% M5Z!p#xZp#x*~+.x3 4~)Q++-5 Q-s@Q$s@ AB(AB 8)d+Xk+ 0Us}V0JWC2It`s already open.It's already closed.You slide the trunk just beneath a wall vent.Using your Xenon Army Knife you pry the vent open.It won't budge.You can't do that from here.You have no need to do that.It won't do any good unless you PUSH TRUNK to the wall, so that you can CLIMB TRUNK, OPEN VENT, ENTER VENT.It's not open.You hear strange voices coming toward you!You climb into the trunk. The lid pounds shut above you.The voices, muffled now, grow louder.You suddenly feel the trunk lift offthe deck and the sensation ofmovement.After a few minutes the trunk thuds tothe floor, causing you to see stars inthe darkness. The voices sound fartheraway, then gone.You don't have that.Done.You can not enter the narrow vent wearing that jetpack.With the chest open that act would be highly ineffective.That can't be done now.It's just a dirty old trunk.There is no trunk here.Wouldn't you look silly standing on an open trunk?Where would you like to put it?There is a jetpack in it.It is empty.Just because you can fly doesn't make you Superman.Don't worry about it. You won't be needing it anymore. Trust me.You put the jetpack into the trunk!The vent is closed.The vent is stuck shut.It is too dark to do anything in here.As you exit the trunk, you notice that you have lost your jetpack.Your alien outfit is too bulky to allow you into the vent.The trunk is too heavy to carry around.You can't, its attached to the wall.You should get off the trunk first.Leaving your jetpack lying around wouldn't be very bright. Someone might find it, and then how would you get home?The purpose of such an endeavor seems frivolous at best!4 Y2 w : *6*::6:e"  e% e$ : F @@@f@@ f@"@@@@f@e# :e&6:6e*:* e  :e!.  :we"e& Nj#{j= M1!2 H { d "Hey bud, what's with the helmet indoors?" asks the curious guard.Just as you begin to speak, the Sarien guard says, "How many Analexians does it take to seduce a three-eared female sillovite.""Which way to the little boys room?" you ask, hoping Sariens even do that sort of thing."Is this the way to the Star Generator?" you ask."Have you played King's Quest III?" you ask the Guard."Are we having fun yet?" you ask the guard."Gotta light?" you query the guard."Ssshh!" you exclaim, "I'm hiding from the boss." figuring you might confuse the guard.After a reasonable period of silence at your end, the Guard answers his own joke, "Two!!!". He does not seem unduly impressed by your lack of laughter.The puzzled expression on the face of your new found friend confirms your worst fears."Don't ask me, I just work here," responds the unhelpful guard."Yes" responds the surprised Guard, "I just bought it last week. It was on sale for 128,000 buckazoids at Tiny's Holodisk Shop. What a bargain!!!""This is the most fun I've had since the Hipoglopus ate my brother," responds the bored looking Sarien."Sorry, don't drink."The guard pretends not to notice you.Quiet! You don't want to accidentally blow your cover, do you?Shouldn't you be trying to save your planet?Talk, talk, talk, can't you find anything better to do?The guard wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Leave me alone!" he exclaims. "You smell like the ventricular portion of a Hypoglopus!" Obviously, this guard has no taste at all.The guard looks at you as though you just questioned his mothers heritage. Perhaps you should not waste time conversing with the guards.The guard talks back.The guard describes to you in graphic detail his previous evening's exploits.The guard outlines his favorite massacre, "The Great Daventry Rout" as he called it. You ponder the meaning of this for a while.The guard looks at you as though you look different somehow.Leave me alone. I am guarding the Star Generator.Kill him yourself.As you pucker up your lips and lean close, you suddenly remember what your mother taught you about Sariens. In a rare moment of wisdom, you decide not to get anything started you're unwilling to finish.He looks to be armed and dangerous. I wouldn't mess around with him.You are too far away."Do you own King's Quest II?" asks the nosy guard."Too Bad.""Great!!!" responds the guard. Pondering his interest you ask yourself whether or not this guy is getting a kickback from Sierra On-Line. Later you realize this is silly, what would a Sarien do with money from Coarsegold?Everyone gets their kicks in different ways. Yours is the strangest of which I am aware.4 !C6W O'?^ )&/#F@ ; '>???R@ee' $ 8)&>?I ) MI :2You aren't near enough.You don't have one.4m ?E  f yk^X~ BZ+eD.   %' .2:?C FLR^ko sz}$    FFA?;kjfc^uy  !} eC G k +/b FDCCB=EEDBDA F..D>DCA AA9A9B@B0A/A/B0B&B%B%A&ABBAAIGGICCC@9@0@/@&@%@@@L7R7M6R6S7[7]7i7k7w7y77 Qc'''+47**02877".//!"*$*$%%*%0)9)9::(:)0)0*0''/1*:*:'+%+3%6%6"3"366336"%%"""""!35 u^]t__^^_#_(_(^#^-_2^2_,_-^0^7_M_M^7^OLdLgFgFFGhGeLeifSSfTTqEq>YRYMURUM]R]MWRWMVMVM[R[MYM_R_M]MfUUUVfVfWW[f[fXXXYgYgZZWm\mhyhy\pEp> y[yTm[mTW+j+n++nn+j*jWW+Y![!Y#Z#`'`'c'c'c"c"p!t!p#s#q(q(t(t(z!z!{({(hXhXhVhVkUkVnVnVzYzYzWzWzUzUZ'Z&['[&f'f&h'h&t&v&x&}$sZvZyZ}ZUV~U~VR]R\P]P\RXRVPXPV_X_V_]_[?dNdNqbqbiiuu^$@A@B;7;&,,-02494<%,!1<@'7*FK8A&A::7744 0 0"-"-$,$+>>;;99885511 . ."+"+2/@@=:739?5<9"/#- 36<64!/-05;=;@@@2//!,!,<>7??<<88"0"0"2"2!4!4!6!6 9 9=="8#5$/%-%1> =#;"? ? ; G_G'I'I`HaG`6&[&]%^#_!_][54322#3$4%5&HFuss m-{Me\iYrgzvjxhc^^hJaF`B_8p[hdgXg VUNMTOMBBGWWWRFQ> =88F7J7p876* )&)$7)F,J-`1p20+),z(m"d%S+K,m#r*y.~0+&2+;0C1F2J2S3[1A.w)N1'&.*0,4/^+DCN5N; ,gn#,&X X LLX%XPbb'X0V0I;F;QAO2]9[9J9J2L2]'[0Y0b;];U;TAR0Y0bnnmmcl7v.&#%''HH/^ed}bHIba{i{mgqWqPnJhGgGm?t8|1*-..Wm[``SaPXl]oi{q~u}ZygtseA''pU:/. 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The name on the card is Butston Freem. You wonder if this is a common Sarien name.4r -OOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqqqqqAAqqqqqqquAAAqqqqqqqwAAAqqAqAqAqqquAAqqqqqquAAqAAAqqrtAAAqrrAAqrrAAswAAAsyAAAswAAsr AAsqrsAAsrrAAsq AArqsAAqqAAqq AArqsAAtqAArq AAqq AAqqq AArqq AAtqq AArr AAqr AAqr AAsr AAvr AAw AAAAAAAAAOOAThis small item is a Pulseray. It delivers concentrated pulses of energy in the direction it is pointed.4(OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA r AAAD AAAFAAAAAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAqsCAAqsCAAqsCAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAAAAAFAAAD AA r AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThe smoke bomb appears to be of the impact detonation variety. You don't want to be to close to this thing when it discharges.4W#OFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOFThis is a small remote control unit. On it is a button. You wonder what it controls remotely.40eAqAqqAqqAqAqAAqqqqCssqqqqqqqqqqqqAqAqqAqqAqAqAAqqqqCssqqqqqqqqqqqqAqAqqAqqAqAqAAqqqqAAAqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq4 "372626262AA626373A737372626262626262222213737373173173173173173173173173173173173q1q7"322121212AA121323A232322121212121212121212121323123123123123123123123123123123123q1q24 cdacaaaAAaAaaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqaqqqqqqqqqq4 tz'OOGAAAAAAAACCAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCACAACBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAACCCAAAAAAAOOG'OOGAAAAAAAACCAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCACAACBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAACCCAAAAAAAOOG'OOGAAAAAAAACCAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCACAACBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAACCCAAAAAAAOOG   4\E-  """ !! " " $A  """ !! " " $AAg  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AAG  """ !! 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