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"In Pursuit of the Death Angel." egoX %v32|3, egoY %v33|3 Script %v52|3, ST %v53|3, SC %v54|3 Ver 2.0A 10/31/87 Helen HotsFemale 5'2 105HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 2/14/66202 Gyrate CtLytton, CARESTRICTIONSNone.Street CopNarco SquadUnder Cover Vise353637384> bb% 5&%5 5&&c6mg g  (& (&g g (&(& g (&(&% 5&%.5( 5&&g g  (&d !)+-/6C%P#FQP5!)+-/6C% PF#QP5!)+-/6C%P#FQP5&///Q-P5Q)P5Q%P5&///QAP5Q=P5Q9P5&///QUP5QQP5QMP5&///QP6QP6QP5& $$$% 5&%45. 5&&g )g *g +(&Nc6i  !)%"#!)+/% #!)+/C%@#!)+/%`#(&!)+-%#QJ5&! ) + % /s# (&$$ (&+%z#QJz5&# (&$$ (& +%#QJ5& # (& $ $(& $$$$% 5&%5 5&&! ) + / 6 % 7# ! ) + / % 8*# ! ) + / % H*# ! ) + / % N*# !)+/%^*#!)+/%n*#!)+/6%~*#(& mg3(&g4zz#g5(&$ $ $ $ $$$ %& 52 H H H H HHHJ J J J JJJ%5 5&&Mz)z#)z5)zG)zY)zm)z)###%C#(&)/I5FFF&Q5&(&5~lw#1IhqsYour ship:The Thexder Super Assault VehicleYour weaponry:- hyper dual-armor- heat-seeking lasers- touch controlled flight mechanisms- the ability to transform from robotto jetYour mission:- survive all 16 levels- disable the central computerpresentsaproduction4Odd dd4hVJYJ^LcPdQjYl^mckfgkcmcoaq^s_xhxkukwhzLyJnAi=e=_8V6UOEE:9==KAKAFAEOEN?N?I=H=1>%AOSFUJ^w\rMqNw]w=^ETOMVJLNIKEKAKOh@cnbkahZgZhRhQfMgKjKmLpQeZeZh=_J_JlNfORPPUQVOXMXJVRXO\S`[ac^fZdW^USXRXN]P`Ub[ccclUQTVT[VbWeWOOOMPLibZjZ^P_NEE>==? 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Have a drink at Lefty's, home of the original Lounge Lizard. Dance the night away at the Lost Wages Disco. Get into a little hot water... ...and even meet the girl of your dreams... ...while laughing until your disk drive aches.Sierra breaks new ground with its first naughty (but nice) adventure. Bumbling his way into your heart, Leisure Suit Larry will keep you in stitches.Whew! That was strong stuff.4S-- g c  6!)+/=%#!)+/=%h#CCQ2Q;B::!)+-/%6#C!)+/%#LLQBQ?#)+-//QLQILLzCzXB)+-QdQaLL##(c) 1987 Sierra On-Line, Inc.4- -ziz7izUizsizz7zUzszaz %s6, please choosewho you look like: Start New Character(Use arrow keys to move; press ENTER to choose) Your child can call his orher character by name.Then your child can pickwhat he or she looks like.JohnnyNancy Dale Kathy Sandy Bobby Julie Billy 4-W -!)+/%#!)+/=%f#LL!*+%H # # $ $ $H J\K]%L%6#QO  %#FQ ::zVz*Vz9VzHVzYVzhVzt9zxVz|z(|z7|zH|zW|zf|zu|mg2 $ $' %.=#F$i %@T#F(Q.Q@16 ;$$### # # GG G G  #z%z*z.z3 z7 z-z2z6 z; z@ zK zP zUzZz\z`zezmzrzvz{zzzzVJ,X,a,+>/2/&/$ +,#$$$ $ $ zz.zGz{z,3zz3zW6z.O/ # I  .G{ #c8 #GQn  $LP%v  / I {K{K{K;of$ z;c z{j)+/%Z[O)+-/X6%dO#FQd|! ) % Z\+  M$ $ 8c8 QB|c8~ K$z^SA)CYO%Z8#GT) % # G M  c $ Q: :# Q e\ $B Q ja+-#Qc[G Q jr+ - /<5 QrjQri;/F c;z$ $zUYTZT[S]JfXXX;XX]S]IbNgIg,b1b;Y:]6b;k(p#q"s uvv%p+o,o-n.n8o9p8q7q1v,v8u9u:t;t?RSTUV|bRJCAAFF654*179955FFGHRAyAFJJJ?;;~AxCACKDKHGIEIIVsadqWJ?YiOX/_)a(c'g%i%j$i!jgj L@DGHCE@F?GGFHx8x}}!#})},&-x8 |/#= @ j*`2Y3X3T09-<-MC>HBDM4M6JIJC@C?C>@+@D8H860A"_O2O3O4Q5S3\']%]$^#^$QQQZJ:I;G9I7XXYYYYX*h'k'886b4d4e3f3vcF[FaD`5i5d?Z4h4e5f 5g6e6d?[Dt;n=p;rBrDpBnIr*Pn"Wr*^n"er*ln"sr*zn";u"By*Iu"Py*Wu"^y*eu"ly*su"zy* u}wyxyvwxuqyowqujyhwjucuawcy\yZw\uUySwUuNyLwNuGyEwGu@u>w@y@r>p@nGrEpGnNrLpNnUrSpUn\rZp\ncrapcnjrhpjnqropqnxrvpxnr}pn9x9q8p8o9nnrquvxyo7n7w7u 6m6y"n#n#D0D0n5n$m%l%E&j/a!nFZyZ{Z|[E[!n!*{*{*{YG]}]|^G^|_|az_zae`}\}\CaE]F\t b&_/Zu c~Z\\mqrnmZ2a2b6b7a2ap ` _&\/Y1^:^kn{nVY5l2l2A"A aacfi(\,[.Z-^5_"Y1b3fmv}~bbL\{`USoSoMUMOGsGs5O5OGNGN4s4r6rFPFPEP6q6t4tHNHQEQ7q7?T?JDJDT@T=M=I:I:M=M=X=P9P9Y=Y=X4W7W7T4T4W5G7G7O4O4GHRKRKWGWGRXWQRX[Z]^[TUOOT[XY^][b[\fdbWTUXX44569<??<:<>>449>>=<;;<=>??>=799766 7 64 2 2 0 0 . + ( ( ( + * '& (% ) ++**+-//.015324787445541 *6542120.--,**,./0212/1389997 7 6 3 2 1 / . - , +>7810,+2>= 8 >DE?<BDC B @ ? 7E6<=988 2:6(M k&g/_YYXX__^5P8P8H;N>N>J@UEUEKHXLXLS:Z>Z>Q5X8X8UUUVVPVNpNpOWOVTpTpUWUDG L O Q T POMLLNJFECCAB@?>=H P$YYYV^__Zeffhff] E=I$3]3B2]2B[||yyzr N3R 4x4w5v6v6n5y6z9{>{{ebBbBY@Y9jD!n#n%l%h6W>== pTyTzT{Ui.223}3~2221100//..--,,ZgftfsZfbbnv~j{ b~nr{}iyZegsgrZddlnob{hwxx wuxxx\Xy\\\CC\\Kxx{ZzZqy`` _`` aazhshae}PfXfixigaaeil~l}o}\Ca_z_w xxw~ t&0$:5EDPS[dgxr}   a`ono|o|oxQ{"{&jMjQ{Jt Ep4 $%()+,/01468;>?BDHGILMPRUWWX\^^bdgjnqpqtyz~}#!AK''55CCRR`aaopp~~wwhhYYJJ<<-- ''55CCRRaapp~~ }{u w#s!p#l#i%g(g*e*c,^,Z,X.U/S1T2R1O4J7M9K;I=K?KAICLCOFNELGHKIKLNLOISJUHWE[G[J^JaIdKcMfOjLkJkGlEpEqItKwMzL{I~GJ~LMIFEHFJLKIFHHEBA #*\_c|fuj``j_jZfndvaz]~*~**}-wZw^v`tbpgZgYaq`s^u\u[v-v\w]w_v`u**~*]dxdwetfpgmj_evcxc{^`}b{`~_\+]~]}\}-x\x^w :`<]@YGVSVXY[]ZeUiNl>l;j9e9b:a[c[a\^\d[hXkTnOp>pqPqQpRpSoToUnVnWmZj[i\h\ffYYYiZhZ?Y:Y-u9Q:P:Y:PPwW|YsgYgZjZj``#**}-x-t-t4f9[:Z:Y?Y @U%}&nJMoM.   ,","K&K&?-?."9"9+B,B?G?GBNBO#W#XA]B]DaDa*g*hop)r)t)t4{4{++$$22??  ++2 3 --gGA?= <;<> @"D#F#E!A@?@@A CEECBN ??@ @ A A E"<<F"E!D CA:elOlPkQkRjSjTiUiVhWgXfYeZdZc[b[]Z[YZXYXYWXVXUWTWSVFVEWDWCXBXAY@Y?Z=\<];^;_:`:a9b9f:g:h;i;jA0&0)0,0/0205)D)G,G3&3)3,3/;3;3;:;:;?;??6?6@0@0@=@=Q(Q(Q+Q+Q.Q1Q4Q7Q:S(S+S.S:S=S@kkki%i(i,k,k/k2p.p1p4p7vqPqUnVn\h\aW]Q[F[B[=^:`9a9k:l9l:n;n;o&=)<.T+U*T*U)W'X'Y&[&^'\*[+W'W)X*X*Y*Z)Z'Y'Y)X)X(] _"]!J)I*I(G&E&C'@'B(B(B)B*C,E,C'C(D'D)E*F*G)G'E'E)F)F'C&D&\'\'M?N?O@T?S?R@IHKHLGNFOFPGQFRFSFTGTGUHWHLHMGSGOIQIJIKJKKLLMMNNRNSMTLUKUJVI QL F,G,H+U,V,W-Y-Z,=,>+>(?'?%@$@!A ABCCE!F!FGGHHIIII!K"K%L&L'M(N)P)Q*R,R2S)_'`'a%^(@&B&C%F%K(K(]$R(I$?(?*=-=3<3>>A?B?E@F@GAHAIBJBKCLCMDNDOEPFQFRGSGTHULYMZOZP[R[CNBR>Y;Y7W2W+Y!]^]]_[PZ\Z_[c\eZ]^aecnat`|bdcdnr|}ussuxz}y ~}}%,./-,,ZRZSYTYUXVXWWXVYUZR^L`Ec?EFIJKLMMOPSTWX[\]^_abghmnqrtuuwxyx~PQQRQTTUU ++-3HPSW_pwz<-;49:8@9Dc;b)bb6b,<9<3d&d'd(:,:+:%544579LL KJKL N'MOS"X!\O PS<98 :<;; MNO r_rHtAv}?~@~CDFGHbw:{:y5xBg &}&u&e&9&&-:j46?G^P   !"&&'+-/012imovy!/"w 33344 5566778334455667!8#rLtNxOx`rMr_s_sNtOt_u_uOvPv`w`wOsKtJuJuMtMtKsL |a|H{Bz=z;}G}a|E|B}`}G|E|C|@{?{:z9z'y"z"{#{%bWTPBCCBBA@@AACPQRSWcONNOOVVPUOTOSOQQPPUUSDOSUDPRTMKNLHhGiEjBk   &8&9''e&u&v'e'}&&'|'EE"G&I&G%F"FF"G"G#X&X& C,C,48 NII GDD > ; 2 2 0 0-+(%&+%5$>$I#S#d$g$p$w%'(-//3229>D DEEIMMMMRSS[bbfffb^ZWVVTQQNGGwDmCbCVCJC=C3C1CEGGLLQ QSVXZ] ` dhh` V T TSQODJMOOPPPPPPQDGKMPPPQGILGIK KOKPMLL MMJOIOJNOIOG I OW\^FIOUYZTT ?Z LK 8L4I6K3I #   % ( + + , . 1#%WZ[^#_(a*b,c.d1f2i1j,l'l&m!nnop pvy| "&(*+./135{}  #%&'')+-VV~X~[{[x]u_tascrfwh{h|j~kkmmmn nrutuv{}zxwvusrqljhjfGd]          ! *,-)"$(**)05 575// +  "%"#%),.1 11:4.*&&(  CFJ cgkq57?CG`bimbfotsvztuvy}~~zvttstuuqmm\_ccdf~fyevete2i,h&g!fghfg cinsrvz ! #%&&' mkm v }{    ov{~}|}}}yvo*$)*-,-,*  kjxkm mim v }"%'(mtim/c&'""42k, /+{p67=AA B E[___b"`|_[Z^YX}a{_v_ Z ZT\ RBAH T ssvu A4EBQ4xFxIsIswsyxyxx x<=l" n*lP20l====TTTm %)%'/8&DL]'b/r'}#' (@@@rFy;CFFG=9 ',4~0 +@,3)(&Э$1}|4 ! ) GG.y JwMzcznzyzPcr{Qdr}Ser~UWY*  29  )8) 26:5" ;A;!t2y  z}EP^c^WhUbmmvbge`nqYmczly[U^}]Wedl}qi`kq}vrogpj[iaZa_XLp@tBoOhJgJ_JYRX>WF[_!v"d(X`ui!m!Wi ~ m`ZXos$o,d1g1p2c8n:_:iCjGkDaLbMYNmKlQcThTq\j^\eXbdfmkhn\njylth{b[pqgX 3h5&0/pIv"扁m=zxyxwsssrt!!! 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Unfortunately, you drown.Where do you think it could be?The goat is not much for conversation."Ye best be careful, young Graham. The mystic protective spell of mine has weakened and departed."KQ1You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size.You're too busy right now to rub the ring.There is no reason to do that now.You had the dagger and lost it. Sorry.You already have it.As soon as you swallow the first bite, you have this strange shrinking feeling... It's true! You are now no bigger than a mouse!You need to be closer to the water if you want to swim.You drain the bucket of water to quench your thirst.You open your mouth while swimming and quench your thirst.With difficulty, you fill the bucket while swimming.Mmmm! There's nothing like a crisp, fresh carrot.VERSION 2.0FYou already have a carrot.You already ate the carrot.The goat quickly eats the carrot and disappears.Now is not a good time to try and eat the mushroom.You do not have a bowl.It is not nice to tease the goat.You are not carrying it.There is no reason to drop it.You are already swimming.The water is very deep here. Without aid, it is impossible to swim under the water for any length of time.You need to be in the water to try that.You need to be in water to swim.>You do not have any stew.The stew is chock full of vegetables and meat.You already have a full bowl of stew.The bowl fills with the delicious stew, but the woodcutters are unaware of it.After uttering that strange word, the bowl starts quivering and immediately fills up with a delicious, hot stew.It is very inconsiderate to eat in front of these poor, starving people. The pains of guilt set in on you.You eat every bite of the delicious stew.OK.You're welcome!You are dazzled by the countless supply of gold coins spilling from the magic chest. You quickly close the chest.You are already carrying an endless supply of gold coins in the magic chest.You open the chest and admire the gold coins for a moment. You then close the chest.There is no reason to throw the dagger.You don't want the dagger anymore.You hurl the dagger at the old goat... he tries to avoid the flying dagger, but your aim is true... as the dagger strikes, he slumps to the ground... dead.You don't have any way to kill the old goat.There is no goat here.You've already killed the goat.The old goat, trotting briskly, seems happy to be with you.Seeing how much the goat likes that carrot, eating it may be hazardous to your health.You have already opened the walnut.When you open the walnut, you discover the nut inside is pure gold!Ouch! It would be much easier if you opened the walnut first.Don't do that! This walnut is not edible since it is pure gold.The note reads, "Sometimes it is wise to think backwards."Mmmm! That Swiss cheese was as delicious as it looked.The word on the bottom of the bowl says "fill".Even a small portion of the stew is very appetizing.You throw one of your pebbles.This egg will be tough to crack.You play a lively, toe-tapping tune on the fiddle.You have already opened the pouch.Cautiously, you open the pouch and see many sparkling and flashing diamonds! Quickly, you close it again so as not to lose any.You try, but being invisible makes it impossible.You're going to be sorry!! These were magic beans!That is not a bad idea, but this is not a very suitable place to plant these beans. Why don't you try it elsewhere?The ring is already on your finger.You slip the beautiful ring on one of your fingers.I don't know why, but you drop the magic ring.Nothing happens.When the ring disappears, you reappear!When you rub the magic ring, you mysteriously disappear, except for your footprints.You rub the magic ring but the goat seems to have a strange effect on it.With disappointment, you see that nothing happens.The magic ring is still in your pocket. You can't rub it there.The spell to make you invisible has expired and you are once again visible to dangerous creatures, but, the ring has now disappeared.You will have to find it before you can get it.You do not have it._You are not wearing the ring.There is no need to rub the ring as you are already invisible.InfoHelp About KQFileSave Game Restore Game -------------------Restart Game Pause Quit GameInventory See Object Sound On/Off Action Swim =SpecialGraphics Mode Reset Joystick SpeedNormalFast Slow King's Quest was designed by Roberta Williams.Jump 0Duck -Joystick/Mouse 4wqj gggg gggggg  g gggggg g  g  g  g xpk ,G]{:Vi|:Y KING'S QUEST Help F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F5 saves your current game. F7 restores a saved game. F9 restarts the game. TAB shows the status screen. ESC activates the menus. 0 for jumping - for ducking = for swimmingCtrl-J sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R toggles graphics mode. F1 or HELP displays this message. ESC activates the menus. (see below) = for swimming (see below)Ctrl-J toggles joystick/mouse.Clicking the joystick button or the right mouse button also activates the menus.Double-clicking the joystick button or the right mouse button also initiates swimming.4'f BZp ,Aq )@sdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32set.scan.start() already active in logic %v18.%m25get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254,dvNN-vNvO$&NO#1vN]N vNvO NO1vNN vI HIe7v IIe e 7v II7v II      "-15ER^ixnew room: x: y: object number: var number: var value: object #: var %v73: %v72flag number: flag %v73 is setflag %v73 is not setWord not known: %m12%w1%m12%w2%m12%w3No response to input.4daa ac2edeeKU M F 'dAee -We, at Sierra, wish to thank you for playing King's Quest. We are very sorry that you did not succeed and hope you will fare better next time. Good luck.As you can no longer continue, I can only permit you to: Restore Game, Restart Game or Take Inventory. Sorry.We, at Sierra, wish to thank you for playing King's Quest. We are pleased to see that you are doing so well and hope that your score will keep improving.We, at Sierra, wish to thank you for playing King's Quest. We are delighted by your score and hope you are enjoying the game.As you will never get out of this cage alive, I can only permit you to: Restore Game, Restart Game or Take Inventory. Sorry.4 ]Fb z ?D^- , ee^- -c .. . -^ bM]^(LM@'LML2$)]#x xReOZ[ O S s^e+)]x xReOZ[ O S s^eD_22D^,$  )FNd^,4  e ^e  ^_] ,e_2]^ b^)(LMA LM__$d ?~7You splash around in the water for a while but seem to have forgotten how to swim. Unfortunately, you drown.Unfortunately, with the moat population swimming is not possible.You need to be in the water in order to swim.You are already swimming!The swift current does not allow for swimming.Thrashing around in the water has caused you to lose the magic ring and become visible again.It appears you have become normal size again.4   e e e e#CF:ee e M==e=el:ZeZe ZZZe Qs e "e """"e """"""e {/M/ae/ae caeaaacae Srerre :(ze(ze zzze Y{OSeOSeeOce SSSce ce ]:"Te"Te TTTe hd:e:e e e T:(Ke(Ke KKKe :AeAe e :AeAe e W:JeJe JJJe a:>Ye>Ye YYYe f:MeMe e q:MeMe e H:3e3e 333e j:ee e n:?le?le llle :OeOe e d:3$e3$e $$$e  ee!GVe Ge:eHe9e e.e+e-Xe, B189:;<=E"ppe$pe%pe&e*%+1"qqe'qe(qe)e*eeecc:ceeee"ee~eee e :e e e e A : : u   v ; w :      : : e ee.^wHPZ~>o 1Ke3Qh)EhYou see nothing special.You cannot get the "%w2". At least not now!There is no reason to do that.The "%w2" doesn't appeal just now.No. That would just waste time.You can try to go there.That would be inappropriate at this time.Hello."OK. "%w2"You will have to find him yourself.You will have to find her yourself.You will have to find it yourself.You need to be more specific.There is no "%w2" here.What do you wish to do with it???You have no container for water.You can't eat the mushroom if you don't have it!You do not have a carrot.You can't do that--at least not now!Not right now!There is nobody here but you!You can't do that.Just say what you wish to get.You get no response from the "%w2".I don't understand "%w1".I don't understand "%w2".I don't understand "%w3".There is no "%w2" here.Fill what?You do not have any stew.You will have to find it before you can get it.You do not have it.You have better things to do than to play all day.What would you like to climb?Well. Go look for it.This is a very beautiful tree.This is just a normal tree, but very pretty.You admire the beauty of the tree.This is a very nice looking rock.There is nothing extraordinary about this rock.This is your ordinary rock.There is no "%w2" here to look at.You need to be more specific.You do not have any water.There is no door here.The stream may not be safe to cross.4! ) '<=A =A% *M F = X (# } <% *M F = X (# ]=A% -M F = X +# = <2% -M F = X +# =d==& <=kO k# S E ((# kO kkO kK? U M F (+LX Y ))"( ^ )G N S  ) U M F (^B3D)!" 'e BG T B(^ BS O* *e KT $ %E (+^B Be+B(^ BThe goat does not mind getting its feet wet,but will not swim in the water. You should go back and lead the goat around the water.The goat, not being able to see you, wanders off.4.P&{eOe{e0ZYou are already climbing the beanstalk.You can't do that when you are invisible!It is a mighty beanstalk that stretches to the sky.4m  'm  ABAAC211 ABAABAC12 ABAAAC111111 ABAB11 ABAAB111 ABAAAAAAA111 5 AAAAqqqAA111 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA111 AAAAqqqAA11 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA111  AAAAC1 AAAAC1q1 AAAAC11 AAAAC1 AAAAC1q AAAAC1q4Jy ! svrrrrqqrqrsqqsqqq ! svrrrrqqrqrsqqsqqq ! svrrrrqqrqrsqqsq ! svrrrrqq ! svrrrr !  ! !4L wxwwAtqqAqqAxBBDAHD4  >rAA111AA1AA111AA111 >wAA111AA11AA111AA11 >uAA111AA11AA111AA114kQQQQsyryrysBxAqBxrsqAstAtqBqqtrqrAqqvAqCqqr4 H|Jz ABAqqvq ABAqqwq ABAqqwq ABAqqwr ABAqqvq ABAqqwq ABAqqwq ABAqqwrJ6m AAAAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqqqqqq AAAAqqq AAAqAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqqqqqJ8r AAAA AAAArq AAAArq AAAqAqqqq AAAA AAAArq AAAArq AAqAqAqqq4 Am >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq >AAArsqurr2qqq1qq1ᒱᖃqqssqqq4+ !AAAAC1!AAAAC1!AAAAC!AAAAC14  eq ABAAAC111111ABABB231121ABABB22121$ABAC111111$ABAC111111ABABB2311214h  ABAAAC111111ABABB231121ABABB221214 _%}v2 AAAqqqqqqvqqqqqq AAqAqqqqqqr qqqq qqqqqqqAqAqAqrqqrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AqAqAqrqqqrqsr qq qqqqq AAAqqqqqqqqqAqrvqqqqqqqqqq qqqq AAqAqqrqqqqqqAAtq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AAAqqqqqqtArsqqqqqqqqqq AAAqqr q qqqq AAAqqqqqqq4o BAᄲ4  AAAAqqqAA11211 ABAA11211 AAAAqqqAA11211 ABAAA11211 4   AAAAqqqAA11211 AAAAqqqABAAB2122 ABAAA2221 ABABB2222111 ABABB112111 ABAAAC1111114 [  1111AAA  CAAAA CCCA AAAAqqqAA11111 4 \'07>F /BSbq /BSbq4- r:\ CEAqqA BEEqqA„ƒ CEAqqA BDAABqqA CEBqqA BEEqqA CEAqqA BDABqqA„4U AAA5aaE4bAE C   4P/OFAAAAAaAAaAAaAAcAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAgAAaqaAAaraAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAA AA AA AA AAAAAAAOFIts handle is beautifully carved; the blade is bronze and very sharp!4%OMA AA AA AA AA AaAA BbAA BaaAA BaaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA BaAaAA AaaAaAAbbaaAaAAaaaaaAAaababAAaabAAadAAbdaAAbaaCaAAbcaEaAAbcaEaAAbcaEaAAccaEaAAiaEaAAiaEaAAiaEaAAiaEaAAgaEaAAeaDbAAcaBbAA adAA a AA AOMYou admire the workmanship of the beautiful chest.4J(OMA AA AAAA!AA!!AA!!AA!!AA!AA!!AA !AA A!AA A!AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AB AAAA AAAB AAAB AAB AAAB AABAAABAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AOMThis is one of the tastiest looking carrots you have ever seen.4)OMA AA AA AA AA AA AAaaaAAbaaaAAaaabAAabcbAAgbAAakAAdccAAoAAAfAfAaAAAAaAaAbAcAbAAABcAcAbCAAaBbBbBaAAAAaCbBbBAABbBbCAA BaEAA E AA AA AA AA AOMYou proudly admire your gold walnut.4u+OEAAAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaaaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAdAAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAabAAaAAAOEYou take the key from your pocket and take a long look at it.4m(OOA AA AA AA AAy AAq AAv AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqAAsAAtAAtAAsAAtqAAsrAArrAAsr AArq AArAA AA AOOThere is a message written on the note.4^!OLA AA AA AA AA  AAAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAAAEAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAA AAAA aAAAB AaAAABaAaAaAAABaAhAaAAAAaAhAaAAAaAhBAAaAhAAAeAA AA AA AOLThe ring is gold with a breathtaking tiger's eye stone perched on top.4#!OEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!AA!!!AA""AA"#AAAA!AA!AA!AA#!AA!!!!AA!!!!!AA"!"AA !AA"AA! 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AA" AAAAAAAOEYou have a perfectly shaped four-leaf clover.4F"OHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAaBAAAAAAbAABBBAAc BAAc aBAAdbAAAmBAAkBAAiBAAfCAAEAAAAAAAAAOHYou notice a word on the bottom of the bowl.4g9"OHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAAa AAaarAAACaArCrAADAaAarAAAAccDaAABbqaBbBaaAAABArFbBAAaBbAbBraBAAAbAbBcrCBAAcFaBaABAAcIaBAAdbAAAmBAAkBAAiBAAfCAAEAAAAAAAAAOHThe bowl is full of a delicious looking stew.4nM#OJAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArsAAxAAAAqAAqAAqrAArqAAqrAAqAAqqAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqrAArqq AA t AAAAAAAAAOJThe bucket is old and weathered.4sR#OJAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArsAAxAAAAqAAqAAqrAArqAAqrAAqAAqqAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqrAArqq AA t AAAAAAAAAOJThe old bucket is full of water.4OKA AA AA AA AA AA a AA BAA BaAA AAbAAacAAAcBAADAA AAAAaAAb AAcA AABAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThe pebbles are worn smooth by the Raging River.4F%OJAAAAA c AA aBbAA aDaAAaEbAAaFaAAaDaAAaCaAAaBbAAbAcAA baAA bcAA baAA dbAA caAAaaAAbaAA bbAA bcAA acAA bbAA aaAA aaAA bbAAcaAAbbAAb aAAb aAAb bAAb cAAc bAAAAAAAOJThe sling was made by a fine craftsman.4"OIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOIThe diamonds, in the pouch, glisten beautifully in the light.4Z+%OJAAAAAAAAAAA aAA c AAd AAdB AAcB AAcBB AAaAFAACfAAAkAAlAAlAAnAAmAAAmAAAmAAAmAAAmAAAmAAAlBAAkBAAjBAAjBAAgCAABbEAAFAAAAAAAAAAAOJThe tattered pouch is made of a coarse canvas.4k:+OEAAAAAAAAA"AA!AA!r!AAqAA!"!AAqrqAAAAqqAAqqAAAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAtAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAqAAqAAAAAOEThe elegance of the sceptre is incomprehensible.4rJ+OIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaAAaAAaAAbAAabAAbbAAbbAAabAAbAAbAAbbbAAaabbAAabAAbAAaaAAcaAAaaAA aAA aAA aAA aAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJThe Swiss cheese looks fresh and moist.4H.OIAAAAAAAAA AAaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAAaAAaAAaAAaAAaAA a AAAAAAAAAOIAs you are holding the magic mirror, you look into it and see a vision of yourself with a crown on your head.4m*OHAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAaAAaAAaAAaAAbAAaAAaAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAcAAcAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAbAAcAAcAAcAAAAAAAOHThe smooth golden egg shines brightly in the sunlight.4*OKA AA AA AA AAAAAAxAAsuAAsvAAzAAqxrAArxrAAs{AAu{AAvwAAvtvAAuqtuAAurruAAqsrqsqAAqstqsqAAurquAAutquAAvtuAAwtAA|rAA}AA|AArzAAqzAAuuAAtuAAxAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA AOKIt is made from titanium and edged with emeralds.41OHAAAAAAA C AAAcAAAAcAAAAcAAABBAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AACCAAAbAAbAAAAcAAcAAAAcAAcAAAAcAAcAAAAcAAcAAABbAAbBAAAaAAaAAAAaAAaAAAAaAAaAAAAaAAaAAAAeAAAAeAAAAeAAAAgAAABiBAAAkAAAAkAAAAkAAAAccAAAAccAAAAddAAAAiAAAAgAAABcBAA C AAAAAOHThe fiddle is fashioned from polished cherry wood.4*OMA AA AA AA AA AA D AA AcCAAhBAAdaaaBAAcaabAAAbbcbAAAhbAAAajAAAa AAAoAAAAffaAAAAaabcbAAAAccbAAAabbAAAAabbBAABbbAAA BaABAA E AA AA AA AA AOMIt seems to be a good, solid walnut.4"OHAAAAAAAAAAAAArAArAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArAAqAAAAAA sAA vAA sAA rAA qAA qAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOHThis is a large, grey mushroom.4"OHAAAAAAAAAAAaa AAbb AAf AAd AA aAA bAA dAA cAA a AAbaAAb bAAb bAAc acAAcbgAA bfAAabeAAecAAd AAb AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOIThey look like plain, ordinary beans.4M (!AAAAAC1!AAAAAAC!AAAAAC1!AAAAAAC14~-Rw f      f . ) ' ) . .f4-  !   -  ! !  !      -! -!   ! !    -''!'' 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You can see alligators floating in the water.The water in the moat is not conducive to swimming.They are absolutely gorgeous!It is a very small, wooden barrel bridge.The alligators are swimming in the moat.There are alligators in this water. I don't think you want to try drinking it.You fill the bucket with the murky water from the moat.There is water nearby.You need to get closer to the water.King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers.The moats slippery sides prevent you from getting out.What! Are you crazy?You are standing outside a castle surrounded by an alligator filled moat.4 e?2bK g z ixAz>$VK !) %ix7//#:ka! ! !) k) k)a% y% I=%s6 D@ @ X# # #7%nz '<==%#eT T e ;K:4 eNe7ee eeee eee xe e 0 ee K ixyee!}* ixyJeee ixyeeK}E; ixy/ ;cIM6e  e7#Xt (lJe e QX5+ (lJ te \ X[ [e  ^LC ,LM -EL2M F^LKM _zLgM {LM 2nF 6L8MLL '<=L<M=   e MS S   =?e -e -e -$$ $ ? DKge<u :a-k5\}+rEc MHigh above the castle, the flags are waving in the wind.King Edward the Benevolent, the mighty ruler of Daventry, lives in this castle.You must enter the castle through the door, and the door is closed.It's your typical moat water: murky and smelly.You never know what might be in there!It is a rather small, wooden bridge.These alligators have protected the castle from many a trespasser.They pose as immovable guards for King Edward's castle, and have frightened off numerous intruders.These doors are strongly built to keep out unwanted visitors.You can't see them from here.As you kneel by the edge of the moat and see just how filthy the water is, your thirst strangely leaves you.Although you notice the water is unclean, you fill the bucket.You are not close enough to any water.You have no container for water.You have been to the castle once and you may not return until your quest is complete.You have been to the castle once since your quest and are not allowed to return again.Since the goat is with you, permission to enter the castle is denied.You cannot reach the door from here.The door is already closed.Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your struggles and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not want to let you go.They are absolutely gorgeous!King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers.The huge doors swing open slowly.The moats slippery sides prevent you from getting out.What! Are you crazy?Your knock echos within the castle. Unfortunately, no one answers.You are standing outside a castle surrounded by an alligator filled moat.4T?.KgAz> K !) >%v%vp!)p%z|Cr#>##e>XYL eE>%>>2eee%>e e %l>Z sr ve sr#:Qv>e   v!C#: 6Qv>e ?$)r%s#>e&&/EF>FEee>Fe>eE>e>e/>E ple\ E Ce>Ee.Kg,f#<dT?`There are numerous white birch trees reaching to the sky.After moving that rock once, even thinking about it should make you tired.There is no hole here.There is an intricately carved dagger in the hole.There is nothing in this hole but dirt.There is no dagger here.You are too far away to get the dagger.You reach into the hole and grasp the dagger, being careful not to cut yourself.This rock is far too heavy for you to carry.It will be very difficult to move the rock from here.You are much too far away to even attempt getting the rock.With a heave and a ho, you manage to move the rock... revealing a dark hole underneath it.This moving rock rolls downhill and you, unfortunately, are in the way.You see a large, grey rock.It is a large rock with a hole next to it.There is a rock in the distance.You could see it better if you picked it up.You do not have a dagger to look at.You are too far from the hole to see in it.You are in a forest clearing. There is a large rock here.4>?7eeKgAz>JB '<=$; 7P%K % '<=Mj x8< s=@LM@LL '<=L<M= Xt1## n(8 N9V /WeeXQ1 n(8 N9V /W te\ X[ [eB B K  ,KgeHHkYou kneel down and fill the bucket with the cool water.You drink of the clear lake water.You are not close enough to the water.This is a serene mountain lake.You have no container for water.These cattails are fuzzy and soft.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4!bb?(KgAz>6CP\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=`%'<==F%K=F %/Q/ '<=<%"/< %/Q/*) b^Z~EX#e  e -N D De8eXt### $TeeXQ# $T te\ X[ [e <L ^)]e -4 5; ^,L -DL M?LL '<=L<M=  DB B K  *Kge >dQThe lake's waters pour into the bucket.The clear water quenches your thirst.You are not close enough to the lake.You might try that at the lake.There is a small waterfall splashing nearby.This is a beautiful little lake.You have no container for water.The swift water pulls you down to your untimely demise.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.A rapidly flowing stream is pouring into this lake.43?+eeKgAz>/<)%-X#e  e O  D Dee T;qN fOq^ d_q ^L 3;LMD b7<LmMD OLsM S;aQLZMJ ajim bnis dtjy fzn| h}oLgMs fVj^ e_jb aciiLhMbLL '<=L<M= ^D ^)]eXt### L+eeXQ# L+ te\ X[ [e DB B K  )Kge @c#uThe bucket is soon filled with clear water.The water is clear and refreshing.You are not close enough to the lake.This is a beautiful little lake.You have no container for water.The swift water pulls you down to your untimely demise.The flowers are very beautiful.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.A rapidly moving stream is flowing out of this lake.4? ?.KgAz>>>}@ !)-b#%2P#eS  I? @T   c d eeeT e$  d  e Kgy $O"Gentle Sir Graham, I am your fairy godmother. Your quest is indeed noble. My small part to aid you can be no bigger than this magic spell, protective but for a little while."It is impossible to acquire a fairy godmother.She is your fairy godmother.There is no fairy here."I will be watching over you, Sir Graham."There is no need to say, or do, anything.4 g?)CKAo o b > ! ) % _a# T Az>P J'<==}%K)C#K c    ;eK;;e;e ;e<;e; Jee~;e C 6;e C16;'Je $ ) ># bO be ^ C FA4;e; Jee; Jee$ o A;e;e Jee ee e?eeE FJV~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;$MFe ^ M uee JOMKOC==;;='F2 e K$ )CeeJM =e MOs~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;Fe ^ M ue=;==;F2eeOM=e   jBkBcMc-Xu&Cm8There is no reason to jump or duck here.The goat is wandering this way and that.There is no goat in the immediate area.It is rather high. Probably the only way to get in is through the gate.It is high enough to keep the old goat from jumping over it.You can't carry a goat very far.What do you want to feed the old goat?That is not something the old goat wants to eat.You do not have the carrot.Goats love carrots! The old goat quickly devours yours.From here it will be difficult to do such a terrible thing.You have no way to accomplish such a terrible deed.You hurl the dagger at the old goat... he tries to avoid the flying dagger, but your aim is true... as the dagger strikes, he slumps to the ground... dead.When you tempt the old goat with the carrot, he starts to follow you.Since you are invisible, everything you own is invisible. The goat cannot see the carrot.The old goat shows some interest in the carrot.The goat is following you.The goat will not let you catch him.You cannot do that from outside the fence.There is no gate right here.The fence is too high for you to jump over.There should be a gate around here somewhere.Are you kidding? The goat would never let you!The old goat refuses to listen to you.You can try, but be careful.The goat refuses to listen to your words.Lying lifeless on the ground you see a useless dead goat.You do not want to carry around a dead goat.You are too far away.You get no response from the goat.You see a grey billy goat inside the pen.This looks like an area in which to keep animals.4 ?)!)X>CKAo o b  ! ) Y % +a# T Az>8z N%# N%+#:K)C'<=<.%.#K c    , J , J ,  , ? Ne e?' 7 Q+N eeNe?FNK+ !K'<==e*e;Q NeNKe+e ;e K;;e&;e  ;e!<;e; Je e~;e C 6;eC16;'Je$ ) ># bO be^ C FA4;e ; Jee; Jee$ o A;e";e#e  e(e)eE FJV~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;$MFe^ M ue$e JOMKOC==;;='F2 e K$ )Ce%e$JM =eMOs~=~;=~=;(=(;=(=;Fe^ M ue$=;==;F2e%e$OM=e!K $  e'oNKAJ o  +X.mIpT"h:e6`$LvThere is no reason to jump or duck here.It's not nice to tease the goat. You're not leaving without him.The gate is already open.The gate is already closed.The gate is rather heavy, but you manage to open it.You find the gate is much easier to close than it was to open.You cannot reach the gate from here.The gate is closed.The gate is open.The goat is pacing to and fro.There is no goat here.It is high enough to keep animals inside.It would be rather difficult to carry this goat.The old goat is already following you.What do you want to feed the old goat?You have nothing the old goat wants to eat.You do not have a carrot.Goats love carrots! The goat quickly devours yours.From here it will be very difficult to do such a terrible thing.You have no way to accomplish this terrible deed.You hurl the dagger at the old goat... he tries to avoid the flying dagger, but your aim is true... as the dagger strikes, he slumps to the ground... dead.When you tempt the old goat with the carrot, he starts to follow you.Since you are invisible, everything you own is invisible. The goat cannot see the carrot.The old goat's on the other side of the fence!The goat is following you already.The goat will not let you catch him.You cannot do that from outside the fence.The fence is too high for you to jump over.Why would you want to do that? There is a gate.Are you kidding? The goat would never let you!The old goat refuses to listen to you.You can try, but be careful.The goat refuses to listen to your words.Lying lifeless on the ground you see a dead goat.You do not want to carry around a dead goat.You are too far away.The goat shows some interest in the carrot.You get no response from the goat.It seems the old goat has wandered off.You see a grey billy goat inside the pen.This looks like an area in which to keep animals.You will have to move out of the way so the gate can close all the way.There is no need to close the gate now.4D?.bbKgAz>kQJ!)%B`C6 /%H!)X%%x6 //%!)XC%+6 //1 ))J %&6 XQ&) b^#:#:#F#e0Q e2QX e1KOZ dKPKjjj'$))J%'# 6 XQ' je!e"K""jj>"'$)H%&6 X/;$F# cI;Ge4"">"e#"">"e jj  j  e% dK2jjj">"eKOr dKhe&je'"e(">"e)je*je+e,je-O< dK2"jjj>"e.J'<==$)%0o#8Y =1<#<,'<==`R<=`e8 c   $ 1* $%&}6 X#Q&e/e$ cQ""e ""eOQ"" mGeeQ" mGe e e%""j mGee#" mGee :: ::A""jj ", > KGc e mGjje mG je mGee mGeee7CeC mGeC mGkee6$e5 );$#F Q\ X[ [ \ e ;$ e$"j"je9%j _ &t1S.[s+P'OtCq9b + |  / b ) k The rope is securely fastened to the well.You cut a piece of rope and it falls into the well.With the rope cut, you are able to take the bucket.The bucket and rope are now at the bottom of the well.You have no way to cut the rope.You are not close enough to even try.You will need longer arms to cut that rope from here.The old bucket is securely fastened to a strong rope.There is no bucket here.The bucket is already gone.The well is deep and dark. But you can see the sky's reflection on the water.It is large, old and weathered. It has served the kingdom for many years.The old bucket holds a full load of water.It is thick and firmly attached. It could easily carry heavy weights.You need to be closer to do that.This well is one of the most ancient sites in the entire kingdom. History and mystery seem to echo from its every stone.From this distance it is difficult to see.The old bucket is already at the bottom of the well.The old bucket disappears into the darkness.The bucket is not here.The bucket is already at the top of the well.The old bucket emerges from the depths of the well.You will find that very difficult to do from here.The rope has already been lowered.The rope descends into the darkness.The old bucket vanishes into the depths of the well.The rope is already at the top of the well.The old bucket is already at the top of the well.The rope emerges from the well.You can't raise the rope from here!The old bucket is lifted from the well.You are not close enough to do that.The sides of this well are too slippery to climb down.The rope does not go down the well very far.The old bucket is at the bottom of the well.What a mistake you made! This well is too deep to jump into.The knots on the rope are too tight to untie.The goat sure doesn't want to climb the rope.The goat sure doesn`t want to climb down the well with you.The goat refuses to do down the well.That bucket isn't big enough for you and that big goat!The goat refuses to enter the dark well.The goat refuses to go down into the dark well.The goat doesn`t want to slide down the rope.The goat is afraid of heights and refuses to jump down the well.You can't do that when you are invisible!Carefully... Oh no! The sides were too slippery... you've fallen into the well!They raise their colorful faces to the sun.Somebody has cut the rope; there's no way for you to get the bucket to the well's bottom.All the water is at the bottom of the well.Sorry, all the water is at the bottom of the well.After you are in the old bucket, your weight causes it to slowly descend.The long piece of rope falls to the bottom of the well.There is no useful rope left to cut.There is no useful rope to get.You should be more careful the next time you try climbing ropes.There is not enough rope left to lower.4An?.KgAz>S>>O `b!)FFZ) b^#FF( %D c#KeS KT ee  e >e6e4 e e = I eT ,O eT f eT e$)`G b ?  $?, Kg e4t"1GLook out for that wolf -- he can run very fast! Don't let him catch you!You are very fortunate that your protective spell is still working.Fortunately, you are invisible and the wolf can't see you.The wolf sees that menacing goat by your side and decides to keep his distance.You, fortunately, have the magic shield which will protect you.Yes, it's a wolf and it's very fast. Now do something!You don't have time to do that right now!It seems the wolf caught up with you and is discussing dinner arrangements.Are you crazy?There's no wolf here.Now that the goat is gone, you'll have to take care of yourself!The wolf is in no mood for conversion.4hU?(bbKgAz>Z?(igh)iX%T)6 QT %T#e   c  Y8M)g bnec  c  )hI  b)N ф  -}ee  8Oe-Ke" Ue? $8IZee Kg r6y #)This is a very pretty maple tree.This is a very large oak tree with branches stretching to the sky.You can't climb a tree here!This tree is too hard to climb.You can't do that when you're invisible.The old goat is afraid of heights and refuses to climb the tree.OKOUCH!There is a very large oak tree here with branches stretching to the sky.4k7?.KgAz>A) b^#e @y eeee W6A OBL BM[ .\t u  0M=eM=e M v\u uM=eM=eM c=e Kg OkGyThis is a well-tended carrot patch. The carrots look tempting to a hungry traveler.This is a relatively low, rustic stone fence which runs along the left and rear sides of the garden.There is no reason to climb the fence.You can go around the fence.There are many large, plump carrots in the garden.You pluck a plump, orange carrot from the ground.The carrots are buried in the ground. You must get closer to see them.You must be in the carrot patch to pick a carrot.You do not have a carrot to eat.You see an old stone wall surrounding a well kept garden.4_7?.KgAz>rG) b^#e @y eeee 9aN Ouf g  0M=eM=e M v\u uM=eM=eM c=e  Kg $].jThis is a neat little carrot patch. The plump carrots look tempting.There is no reason to climb the fence.You can go around the fence.It is a relatively low, native stone and masonry fence to the right and rear of a garden.There are many large, plump carrots in the garden.You pluck a delicious looking carrot from the fertile soil.They are buried in the ground. You must get closer to see them.You cannot do that from here.You do not have a carrot to eat.You see an old stone wall surrounding a well kept garden.4Hr?8eeKgAz>m'<==o%y '<=<2%;%mB X%XX# e" gg{ `:l "WDa X%a eXt>##, @jte sie @jt sieXQ> @jt te\ X[ [ sie @jt sie^N L ]NplLTMo V7bMLGMj (FLMWLL '<=L<M= ^LL YmoyLYMt PzmLFM F]L9MLL '<=L<M= B B K  Kget8"You carefully fill the bucket with water.You have to scoop the water with your hands, but you manage to satisfy your thirst.That's a dangerous proposition from here.This is a clear mountain lake with some steep cliffs surrounding it.You are not close enough to the water.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4?.KgAz>ee>>UR!)% L @ULMT aXv_LaMhLL '<=L<M= ^,L wV_LxMhLL '<=L<M= Xt### QWeeXQ# QW te\ X[ [eB B K Kge&eCq2kDsWandering on the banks of the lake, you see a cute little elf.The cold water gushes into the old bucket.There is nothing to compare with that refreshing taste.You are not close enough to the water.There is a very pretty lake nearby with a small little elf running along its shore.This is a small elf. He looks very friendly.There's no elf here.The elf, impressed by your friendliness, gives you a magic ring. "Kind person, know that once, only once, this ring will make you invisible," he says and then disappears.The elf has left since you were not very cordial to him.I'm surprised at you! That is very impolite!Nothing happens.You have no container for water.This is a clear mountain lake with some steep cliffs surrounding it.There is a clear mountain lake and some trees here.Silly! You can't get close enough to do that.You are too far away.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4?i?)KgAz>!)6%e\bB%fbBB /#CX:BB /#DY:#CeCe Z]}ree Z]}re e Z]}ree Z]}rLFHKKeTGKDIe Z]}rTGKeIIKIKKK*BeBeBeBU UDBeBe BBeBFHe BFHeBFH ;cIBBBeB;KB CX: DY:T$GKeIeDe  Z]}re e c]r^BKgK.i4b~CyThe mountain is much too steep and rocky for you to climb.It is a huge wooden door built right into the bottom of a small mountain! It has a large keyhole.How do you want to use the key?You can't fool me! You don't have a key.The door is already unlocked.Using the gold key, you unlock the huge door.You can't unlock the door without a key.The door is already locked.You lock the massive door with the heavy gold key.You need a key to do that.This massive door is securely locked.Through the keyhole you can dimly see a staircase. It looks like it might go up into the mountain.You strike the door with all your might! To no avail.Don't be afraid. Get close enough for a good look.It will be difficult to do that from here.There aren't many keyholes in the ground here.There seems to be a door built into the mountainside.There is no need to unlock an already open door.You need to close the door before you can lock it.The door is already open.The door is already closed.The only response you get is the echo of your pounding.4a?5eeKgAz>{@'<=<2% 6%z6  K%%%xX# eeee dms Xt### (ee^,L ddsLdMLL '<=L<M= XQ# ( te\ X[ [eB B K  Kge{@f )You fill up your bucket with sparkling water.The clear water quenches your thirst.You are not close enough to the water.You have no container for water.It looks as though there were beavers around here at one time.This is a small alpine lake.There are no beavers here now.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4Mjd?.KgAz>ng>>QO [b!)=X6+FFZY#FF5F %P0# cKeSKT eOT e j  I eT WO eT Hf eT 9 e *e $)[X='<==x=2<6R<= b Q Q S"' !!PH  $ ue<ue6ue  ue ue  ;OeOeeO MfLf)K bI bNgLg)P Kg&u+n !Iy LIt's a witch swooping through the sky... She's trying to catch you! Look out!There is a witch in the area, but since you have that menacing goat with you, she will keep her distance.There is a witch in the area, but with the shield no harm will come to you.Jumping here would put you in even greater danger from that witch!Your protection is gone and you best look out for the witch!With the goat now dead, you are fair game for the witch.This is not your friendly-type witch.There's no witch here.There is no way to kill a flying witch!The wicked witch is not interested in chitchat.Are you kidding?The witch swoops down, grabs you by the neck, and carries you off to a fate worse than death.The witch missed you, this time.The witch can feel your protective spell and bids a hasty retreat.Lucky for you that you are invisible, the witch can't find you.There is no way you can now.There is no reason to jump now.Oh NO!! She's back!!!41DEbb?)KgAz>P\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=>}O Y!)6FFZ2%SP\#%'deeNe`e` e=eOe=&dee  cd  )rn ? GYO  FF% %#DE#KeTKe T DDEEDDET 'hiisjVjT  $EG'de' !!GG#e!6 $)Y ='<==P=F<6R<= b veL }HWeeDve6vevve veyz P ^^e c \PO2{% 4Lga$)J %GM6#QGMe P {e N l@'<=<2% 2%t2ZNqX# ee/e" ELg h`{x |`i xj}o ^DL lXn ho}xLrMf V}jLIMLL '<=L<M= Xt+## (m n7eeXQ+ (m n7 te\ X[ [eB B K  Kgeg@eThe clear mountain water pours into the bucket.Ahhh! That water sure hit the spot!You are not close enough to the water.You have no container for water.You see the mountains and trees reflected in the mirror-like water.These cattails look soft and fuzzy.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4@?.KgAz>KV !)%5 #:#W)J  MveeeE>J5V WeeV>e\ V W;$e KgAptThere is a small patch of clover under the tree.Off in the distance you see a patch of clover.You already have the only four-leaf clover here.The clover is soft, yet you sense a strange strength in it.You really don't want any of the three-leaf clovers.You had, and lost, the only four-leaf clover around. You really don't want a three-leaf clover.There is a clover patch in this meadow.4 eMKgee D!)%"6Y bb  '<==S=e%d# c     GD]YXX Swe6;C e^ C FGCe(.ej (en (lel (Ze  Oc#Oe#eKH E  )ge  LQ )bC X M'<=`R <=`E >>e  K$ ' <==R <=` $ K7w NUxee 6w* NUxCe NUxCe NUxe  w NUxee C# NUxe^ C F e^ C FGCew NUxe exw NUxe ePwe!(.(w.(.wej:((w(w NUxe ^ j k e q:((w(w NUxe ^ q r e n:(l(wl(lw NUxe ^ n o e (Z(wZ(Zwel:(Z(wZ(Zw NUxe ^ l m e  e Q$< $  @TFZ ^LL @6bXLNMU c7XLtMS 6YLMTLL '<=L<M=  eXt### .feeXQ .feeNeNe"eeY DK K ( Kge#H9pHc F Hp-MQ25_As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears.It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely. You should move aside and let the goat take care of this nasty troll.This is the ugliest, meanest troll I have ever seen.This troll is a real fighter. Better not even try it.Fortunately for you, you have nothing to kill the troll with.The troll demands a treasure for passage across his bridge.You throw the dagger and the old -- but quick -- troll catches it. Now what are your plans?How do you use the dagger?You push the troll as hard as you can but he doesn't budge an inch.The troll has a heart of stone.The troll appears to be upset about your attempt to cross his bridge.If you want to try that, you should get a little closer.Trolls have bad hearing, so you will have to get closer.You throw, and lose the dagger.You certainly cannot do that from here.The troll cannot hear you from there.There is no troll around here.What type of treasure would you like to give the old troll?You have no treasure to give the troll.You can't give it if you don't have it.The troll doesn't want just a plain walnut.Why? To what?The steep embankment prevents you from doing that.You are not close enough to the river.This is an old, rickety bridge.The stream appears placid enough, but appearances can be deceiving.There is a green meadow on the other side of the river.This placid looking stream is actually quite dangerous... the current is stronger than it looks. You can't keep your head above water.The troll greedily grabs the treasure and disappears under the bridge.The goat butts the troll right off the bridge, never to be seen in these parts again.You throw the dagger and it lands in the river, lost for all time.OKYou could never win a fight with a troll.You glance under the old bridge, but see nothing unusual.As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears. Even though you are invisible, he will not let you cross his bridge.4??.KgAz>nnee D) b^X#&& BeeeeeQX## __ee e D'KgeAWThis placid looking stream is actually quite dangerous.... the current is stronger than it looks. You can't keep your head above water.The bank is too steep to allow access to the river's edge.You are not close enough to the river.The stream appears placid enough, but appearances can be deceiving.It is old and rotted.There is an attractive meadow dotted with trees.It is just a hole in an empty, old stump.You are not close enough.4_"?.KgAz>k#e&Kg8What are you doing that for? There's nothing here.4Zz?.Q>>}QQKgAz>f!)/X%-bYA%0'<==^%%) b^#:#eueWW Bx\eeW Bx\ee iee xncce xn[QQ$ce ceQ$ce ce (F*e e;cI (Fe Ae je e jeeec _ee %Kg,_%0Y3:dYou must be getting nervous! I see no witch here!The windows are made from translucent, hardened sugar. It's difficult to see through them.The windows are hard to break.You can't see much from here.You would have to get closer to the windows.This is the sweetest little gingerbread house you ever saw. The walls are cake, the roof is frosting, the chimney looks delicious, and the candy path and cookie fence are unbearably tempting!Yum! The house tastes even better than it looks!As you begin to eat the house, a squeaky voice from somewhere says, "Nibble, nibble, little mouse. Who is nibbling at my house?"The house looks tempting, but you need to get closer.The goat is suspicious of this witch's house and refuses to go in.The door is already closed.You will have to move closer to do that.The door is made from graham crackers held together with chocolate drop nails.You don't need to do that; opening the door would suffice.The door is around the corner.It is made of delicious chocolate chip cookies!Yummy!There is no answer from inside the house.The path leads to the door.The path is around the corner.You are near a little gingerbread house in a forest clearing.4gKgAz>PB O) b>> O tbb!) FFZ# c  FF&%( c#KeSKT ee &:eCK e C F^$:e :e D I e T 3Oe &f eT  M)tIe  )GT $  $   eN,$Kg |#=2kBe careful! Nearby is a sorcerer. His mystical powers can leave you immobilized and helpless!The magic shield will protect you from this dangerous sorcerer.You're so afraid of the sorcerer that your knees are locked.This sorcerer exudes mystery and danger.There's no sorcerer here.The sorcerer casts a spell, freezing you to the spot. I hope no dangerous creatures drop by!The sorcerer's spell has expired; now you can move again. Whew!You are immobilized! You can't jump or duck now!OK. But you just lost your dagger.The sorcerer only speaks in the language of the Mystics.This sorcerer's magic is no match for your fairy godmother's.The sorcerer sees the goat and decides to leave.Being invisible has protected you from this sorcerer.4$b?2KgAz>OD#l Ze pbelNZ pbeeZ)e pbe  \e  Keeee #Kg 5t0WThe tree is loaded with walnuts.There is a large walnut tree surrounded by several pine trees.You already have one walnut, let's not be greedy.These are some of the finest walnuts you have ever seen.You look around and decide these plain walnuts won't do. You want a gold walnut!You pluck a nice walnut from the tree.They are very small and hard to see from here.The walnuts are over by the walnut tree.If you've seen one pine tree, you've seen them all.4bb?2KgAz>'`P\T \rghJihb F)J%@3Q@36F/=6)i'<=e!'<=<%)8 '<=`\!)%PhC#: DX#e ee  e ^LL S'<L`M8 R=lLmMP =lLMSLL '<=L<M= X### M'eeXQ! M'e\ X[ [eT8]e]\e \ DSm|e;$ ] \\ e T]\e]\e /!#Kge =#Ek&You notice an enchanting meadow.The river is dangerous and powerful. There is a delta of pebbles on its edge.Your pockets cannot hold any more pebbles.As you fill the bucket, the river almost rips it from your grasp.You drink deeply of the cold river water.The pebbles are round and smooth.You must venture closer to the river.You grab a handful of pebbles.The only pebbles worth getting are already gone.From here it looks like an ordinary delta of pebbles.You are not close enough to the pebbles to get them.Your swimming attempt proved fatal! The raging current drags you under... you are lost....There are many smooth pebbles next to the river.4?,bbKgAz>nP#\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=>UOo!)o bbFFZP#\# c    cd  )rn ?FF&%O c#KeSKT ee  :e6:e6:e ::e I eT O eT d d e^ ~ }Jf f g^ ~ }J{h h i^ ~ }Jcj j k^Ql l m^?n n o^-H H p^q q r^ eT eT $  yz P# ^^e c \P#O4{' 4Lga$X)J %GM6#QGMe P# {e P Vw $*XThere is a small dwarf close by. It would be a good idea to be careful.That little dwarf caught you by surprise. Is your treasure still OK?The quick, little dwarf came by to see what you had -- nothing interested him.Dwarfs are quick, little guys who will try to take your treasure.There is no dwarf here.He's too quick for you to catch.No time to talk to him. He's in too much of a hurry!It's a good thing you are protected by a spell. That little dwarf likes to steal treasures.The beans immediately sprout roots that reach deep into the fertile soil... leaves unfold themselves to the warm, loving sun... a rumbling is felt... and a mighty beanstalk now stretches up into the sky!You can't reach the beanstalk from here.There is no beanstalk here to climb.Ouch!The dwarf sees the goat and decides to leave.Being invisible has protected you from the dwarf.4<?*KgAz>8SNR)<%nQX#xXY )e x && Z|je K}me e`& Z|jeex#&& K}meex&&e % K}mee% K}mee% 2Peee owN-#%Kg[Zv\XWhen looking in this small hole, you see a faint green glow.You would need to be much smaller to fit through that hole.This rock is firmly stuck in the ground.Although you are very strong and healthy, this rock is too much even for you.Very cautiously, you reach into the hole, and to your dismay, find nothing.You'll have to move closer.The ancient, mossy rock has seen many winters. There is a small hole at its base.From here it looks like a typical, large rock.There are several pretty trees in the area and a few rocks. One rock has a small hole in its base.You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size. You can't get out of the small cave!One rock has a small hole in its base.Go ahead. Walk right in.You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size.You notice a hole in the base of a large moss covered rock.4o?7eeKgAz>=,'<=$TP&\T \rghJihb F)J%@)Q@)6F/=6)i'<=>&e  K$ ' <=<=G=R <=` $ K(w (dZee6w* (dZCe (dZCe (dZe w (dZe eC# (dZe ^ C F e^ C FGCe w (dZe exwe Pwe(.(w.(.wej:((w(w (dZe^ j k eq:((w(w (dZe^ q r en:(l(wl(lw (dZe^ n o e(Z(wZ(Zwel:(Z(wZ(Zw (dZe^ l m e QH $  ,D: HTHW ^<L S^L"M (H<L+M7LL '<=L<M=  eXt### (ZeeXQ (ZeeNeNeeY DK K *&(Kge:Ww[F.ZHAs you approach the bridge, a mean, ugly troll appears and refuses to let you cross his bridge.It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely. You should move aside and let the goat take care of this nasty troll.Caution and steep banks advise against getting water here.You are too far from the river.The wooden bridge is old and weather beaten.The stream may not be safe to cross.Do you really think you can do that?Fortunately for you, you have no way to do that.The troll demands a treasure for passage across his bridge.You throw the dagger and the quick old troll catches it.How?You push the troll as hard as you can; he won't budge.Trools have no sympathy.There may be something trollish around, but you're not close enough to do anything about it.You throw the dagger and it lands in the stream, lost forever.I don't see a troll.Is there a troll?To what?What precious treasure would you like to give to the old troll?If you don't have it, how can you give it to the troll?The troll doesn't want just a plain walnut.The troll grabs the treasure and vanishes.It seems to me that by now you would have learned to be more careful. You are stuck in the mud at the bottom of this river and sinking fast.This is the ugliest, meanest troll I have ever seen.The goat butts the troll right off the bridge, never to be seen in these parts again.You could never win a fight with a troll.You glance under the old bridge, but see nothing unusual.As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears. Even though you are invisible, he will not let you cross his bridge.4 ?*eeXS)!)%"hYT!)%'vC!)%'vCSU !)%'vSU !)%'vS# #:#: D#ee E>* :>2ee , :>2 eje b:>PeLeD6:e 5TeTTeT TeT3$  # :SeTTTTxeTT xeeTzT(x$  # :SeTK:eDEFzF(eezFee ;$ \UDEGKG(ee KGee ;$ T\U zeT Ke e^,L ""CLM6LL '<=L<M= Xt##eXQe)'!e8qC#DZ A\u#xYou see a crotchety old gnome pacing around his lean-to.That is very close but not quite right!You have the right idea, but your thinking is just a little bit off.That's right!!! You've guessed it!! Here are some magic beans for your outstanding accomplishment!The old gnome tells you he has something that may be very useful to you. Your task is to guess his name in three guesses and his gift will be yours. Good luck! What is your first guess?You still haven't guessed my name!The gnome is old and bent under the weight of years, but a playful wisdom still brightens his eyes.They look like beans. Interesting.It is a heavy, gold, skeleton key.It would be unwise to kill a gnome.Being careful that you get every one of them, you place the beans in your pocket.It is heavy and cold.The gnome can't hear you from there.You should get a little closer.There are no beans here.The key to your problems is elsewhere.There is no gnome here.That's too far away.Where did you get that idea? That's not even close!You know that's not right!What is your next guess?You didn't guess the gnome's name, but he left you a gold key anyway. Better luck next time!There is no place to safely get a drink.There is no place to safely get water.You slip down the bank into the river far below. Your cries for help are not heard.The gnome's lean-to doesn't look very sturdy.What do you think I am, a car? This also won't get you a raise. Nice try.4 %6?*Kgee DA!)A%_Y bb #  c !! ! Tu|YXX Swe6;C e^ C FGCe (.ej (en (lel (Ze  Oc#OeeKE  bZe  LQ b_C Qd|Q d|E >>e  K$ ' <==PR <=` Q P $ K(w NZee6w* NZCe NZCe NZe w NZe eC# NZe ^ C F e^ C FGCe w NZe exwePwe(.(w.(.wej:((w(w NZe^ j k eq:((w(w NZe^ q r en:(l(wl(lw NZe^ n o e(Z(wZ(Zwel:(Z(wZ(Zw NZe^ l m e e Qc $ ^LL |fLM E0L M 1c[L1MLL '<=L<M=  eXt### TeeXQ TeeNeNeeY DK K *0(eKg<T&R05x AUW>As you approach the bridge, a mean, ugly troll appears. He will not let you cross his bridge.The old goat seeing the troll, the archenemy of all goats, charges the troll and butts him into oblivion! The bridge is now yours.This bridge is the only way to cross the river here.The river runs swiftly between steep banks.Don't do it! The bank is steep, muddy, and dangerous.You can't reach the river from here.This troll is big, strong, and mean-looking. Don't mess with this troll!It's just about impossible to kill a troll.It's lucky you don`t have any way to try that!He demands a treasure for passage across his bridge.The dagger sings through the air... to a perfect catch by the troll. "Nice dagger, but it ain't no treasure!" he growls.How?You try very hard to push the ugly troll, but you can't budge him.Trolls have no sympathy.He isn't there! Try the bridge.You throw the dagger and it falls into the flowing stream.Good news: no troll.To what?What priceless treasure are you giving the old troll?You don't have any.The troll doesn't want just a plain walnut.You would have to throw it from here!Grasping the precious treasure in a dirt-covered paw, the troll disappears under the bridge.You have slipped down the muddy bank and lodged in the river's bed. Good knight.It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely. You should move aside and let the goat take care of this nasty troll.OKYou could never win a fight with a troll.You glance under the old bridge, but see nothing unusual.As you start to cross the bridge, a wretched troll appears. Even though you are invisible, he will not let you cross his bridge.4|?2eeKgAz>W'<=i:%y/X# ee. `Rsc dlsx qC Zyp C Zk ^VL sh}o qp|w dxz~ dv dsLdMy 7LM{LL '<=L<M= X##eXQe\ X[ [B B K ,*&Kge 7hThe crystal clear water fills up the bucket.It tastes very refreshing to a thirsty wanderer.The clear blue lake is surrounded by a pretty meadow.It seems the old goat has wandered off by himself and is no longer following you.4u>?)KgAz>@%) b^O%v{#UeVeeeGUU s=ee V =PXvee GV =PXve e  doee & doee : doe e ~wO-+%Kg \yH#sIt is an ancient, rusty water pump. It probably doesn't even work.The rusty pump doesn't work.The handle has been broken and repaired. The head shows the signs of many sharpenings.It was made from rough, hand-hewn logs long ago. Lately, the upkeep has faltered. There are even holes in the roof.The old axe is tightly wedged in the tree stump. You cannot remove it no matter what you do.Upon closer inspection you realize this poor cabin doesn't even have a door.The trees were cut from these stumps years ago.When you look in the doorway, you see a poor, starving woodcutter and his wife.You are not close enough.How are you going to use the ax when you can't even get it out of this stump?Perhaps you should go inside the house for a better look.4 "?+KgAz>MS#ee :  w-ee : w-e eWW w-eeW w-eeW w-ee.,$Kg O~8RzThis old cottage is sagging and in great need of repair.The trees were cut from these stumps long ago.When you look in the window, you see a poor, starving woodcutter and his wife.There isn't a glass pane in this window.You could get a much better view if you were a little bit closer.You are not close enough.You should really try to find the door.You need to go inside to do that.You can't do that now.Perhaps you should go inside the house for a better look.4\(VKgAz>>bO^_!) FFZ#FF, %(3  c#KeSKT ee ' :e C e C F^K O eT <I eT -f eT x eT   M$)^$   e'<=$)_)&<=&<=##MF ?}:e 6:e e 4:e e Vree :eCe </-#Kg1(8i6Ms8Watch out!!! There is an ogre nearby! He will crush you in his strong arms if he catches you.You are very fortunate that your protective spell is still working.With the magic shield, no harm will come to you.Fortunately, you are invisible and the ogre can't see you.The ogre's vision is not keen enough to see you.The ogre can see you now!The dagger is of little use against such a mean creature. I would save it if I were you.OK. You drop the dagger.That is a ferocious looking beast. Please keep your distance!There is no ogre here.Ogres are practically indestructible.At one time these were very pretty trees.Do you really want to try that?The delightful wild flowers brighten up your day.Their perfume is joyful, sweet, and light.Ogres don't talk, they growl!You were warned to be careful around this fierce creature! Maybe next time you will be able to elude the beast.Lucky for you that ogres are afraid of goats. This one decides to leave you alone.You need to be a little closer to smell the flowers.4kKgAz>eey<T!)T%TP " Mp%G q% # DX# ee%e $o paee {y aey#ea {eeya( $o pae @=reee ( $o pae @=reeea3 $o pae JF^Z$e y {\e e yee^L (>QLMQ R%tLM_ %RJZL<Mh @[htLJMt %udLFMu Do euLfMLL '<=L<M= XtC##1 ( o pX 'c $(JL .MeX DYee XQC ( o pX 'c $(JL .MeX DY te \ X[ [e 0."Kge*jNx4oThis is sad. You are not the first to fail your quest in the Raging River... I hope you may be the last.This is the wild Raging River filled with boulders and rapids.It would be dangerous to try and jump across the river on the boulders.The land across the river looks enchanting. You wonder how you can get there.The mushroom is on the far side of the river.This mushroom is large and aromatic.There is a large mushroom growing in the ground close by.You reach down and pick a fat mushroom.You see the familiar side of the Raging River.The colorful mushroom is in the distance.You need to get closer to do that.The river is so swift it is a battle to fill the bucket.The water from this swift river is cold and sweet.You see King Edward's castle on the horizon.There is a large mushroom in the meadow next to the river.There is nothing of interest around you.This lovely meadow is split by the Raging River.There is no mushroom here.You already have it.4)6bbYighP)Y!)%2Qd266#& $%l5)i b%d0##Q0Qlk c $d  8)gnec  c)hI ) b && 7idee _F 6'<==#`R<=`c  _$I/!sOnIn the depths of the large hole you seem to sense a faint, green glow.Don't be afraid... get closer.OUCH4cBFG6%xG5Ubb!)5%Z#F#JFG e':e=%FF GGFFGF;)Oe<Z[ O^ SX'ded<eX QCRQ2ne Q2n  _+MF_)$)b%(Z#GX L Q7_ee$)U#Ieeees)eie _GCXQ(Z $%U)#$Mwce9 PCk   PVq$J~eOJeeOeOeOJ3 '<=<$M)G/&<=L#I b IOJ3 '<=<$M)G/&<=L#I b e7 <~JeJe ~e }e:<~JZ <  }mjg g !g"g#g$g%g&g'g(g )g *g +g ,g -g.g/g0g1g2g6 6e e e e e6ee8eeee;2  b'<=<$+)&<=L#Ne FG K  kI6= |xR)S3`M =]9dN / B g  E l  % F ] $ D s Even as you are reaching for your medevial flamethrower, the King's agents descend upon you. You are taken away to be torched at dawn.King Edward the Benevolent is a very wise, but elderly monarch. His frail body is almost lost in the large throne.The King's throne is made of solid gold, accented with rubies. It will be yours if you complete your quest.When you bow to King Edward, his pleased smile warms you.The King, though very ill, seems happy to see you.It is proper to stand directly in front of, and a few paces back from King Edward when addressing His Eminence.You bow, but you are the only one who knows it.Go, Sir Graham! Go and bring me back these treasures!Welcome back from your quest, Sir Graham.Why, Sir Graham, have you failed me and returned without accomplishing your task? Go, and complete your quest!!Before exposing your flamethrower, you decide the King is just beyond the range of your obsolete flamethrower.You are not close enough to see him clearly.King Edward the Benevolent is sitting on the throne, waiting for you.It would show more respect if you were closer and in front of King Edward.He bids you to approach so he can hear you.The King is walking towards you to commend you.Your heart also aches with pain as you watch the King.The King is lying motionless on the ground.You are the only King here!That's not a bad idea, but the custom in Daventry is to bow.To kill King Edward would mean immediate execution!The throne is already occupied.You will have to do that yourself.This huge, tapestried room echoes every sound.You move aside as the King steps from his throne.As you approach the throne, the King himself rises to commend you for a job well done."Oh!... Oh!!" the King proclaims in pain!From the seemingly lifeless King you hear these words: "Well done, Sir Graham. You have been a good and faithful servant. Your reward is well deserved. My kingdom is now yours."With those words, King Edward the Benevolent dies.The experiences of your quest will be invaluable to you as you begin your reign as King of Daventry!!As you are leaving, your agents remind you that you must remain here now, where it is safe.When you speak to King Edward,he sighs and says,"Sir Graham, I am an old man. I fear my end is near. I have chosen you to prove yourself worthy of the throne.As you know, our kingdom is weak and poor. I have knowledge of the existence of three things that would make our kingdom wealthy and strong.Somewhere within our kingdom, there is a magic mirror that tells the future. There is a magic shield that will protect the bearer from mortal harm. Finally, there is a magic chest that is always filled with gold coins.Go, Sir Graham! Go and bring me back these treasures.If you succeed, you will inherit the throne."Press any key to continue.There is no need to bow again.Your concern for the old king won't allow you to move. Thank you for playing King's Quest from Ken and Roberta Williams Sol Ackerman Chris Iden Jeff Stephenson Mark Crowe Bob Ballew Mikel Knight Susan Lee Russ Truelove Larry Weissenborn The king cannot talk right now.That is no way to try and address King Edward.The spell to make you invisible has expired and you are once again visible.That man is the King.4r-5 '<=<&<=7 '<==&<=#QeMe 5 7TThe light from the oil lamp is rather dim in the dark interior of the castle.The long marble hall has a cold, dreary feeling.4!?F6%OG%K#QMe ReReReMe6  ZxThe light from the oil lamp is rather dim in the dark interior of the castle.There is nobody in the armor.This is the armor of one of King Edward's knights from years ago.The armor is firmly mounted to the wall.The long marble hall has a cold, dreary feeling.4'Fbi  '!)'%FU66%#Y#:# e1ssenlenleE>Esselel>;$ n\ ee j9  X)ie '<==`cR<=` j9!  X6)ie '<==`cR<=` j9+!  X6)ie '<==`cR<=` >l?There is a rather large bird's nest here.There is a pure golden egg lying in the nest!The nest is empty.The golden egg is smooth and shiny.You already have the golden egg from the nest.There is no egg here to get.The golden egg is so heavy you almost drop it.You can't get the egg from here!Apparently you lost your grip while climbing this tree and you fall to the hard earth below.4y0[)[%y?y@yAyCyD y y y y y yy,y=y-y0y1y2y3 y5y7y9 c8 !"#$$h$% ""$ !# #ig 8idy yyyyyy4EVgx"3DUfwDesigned and Written by: Roberta Williams Orig. Version by Charles Tingley Ken MacNeill Chris Iden Graphics by: Doug MacNeill Greg Rowland New Version by: Jeff Stephenson Sol Ackerman Chris Iden Thanks to: Linda Ackerman Mark Crowe Robert Heitman Scott Murphy (c) copyright SIERRA On-Line Inc. 1987Press any key to continue.4   "0)"* 91*J: K0:S+ I2!  )! ;,- ,+?,+), )  ""! 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You find it impossible... to swim any longer. You sink to the bottom... of the well....The rope is out of reach.You cannot climb the sides of the well. They are too steep and slippery.When you look upwards, you see the top of the well far, far above.Although you can only see the bottom of the bucket, it looks like a very nice bucket.The bucket is not here.How are you going to get the bucket?This is murky well water.The water does not taste as good as you expected.In the midst of your activities, you fill the bucket with well water.The knot is tied very tightly.The rope is secured to the well with a very tight knot.The thick rope resists your efforts.You have nothing to cut the rope with.Just before slitting the rope, you realize that it is not a very wise move at this time.There is no reason to cut the rope.You reach up out of the well water and cut the thick rope that holds the bucket.You have other things to think about right now.The rope is out of reach.A person in your position is in no position to raise or lower anything.I don't think that getting in the bucket right now will do you very much good.You need to be closer to the water to drink.There is no way for you to get water now.Now is not the time to try diving.It is a very long, sturdy rope.4SC3%X%K?!)?%X#YKX#K K eK<Le%e%e%e%e beK Le&% Pe QKe e 3  Sb<When the goat saw how dark it was in here, it decided not to stay around.It is empty except for a huge boulder opposite the opening.It is a rather large, vacant cave.It is a huge piece of granite.It is far too heavy to carry around.It is impossible for you to move a boulder this large.It took millenniums for these stalagmites and stalactites to form.Looking out the cave opening, you are able to admire the beautiful scenery outside.It leads to another portion of the cave.It is on the far side of the cave.There is nothing of interest on top of the boulder.47"K=K !=Rbb#4) b^% 2%  !)"%&l#:K!)#X%#FK<!)#X%#F!Kz=(K)!%(xO#YS#'<=<X<KXYK cK3cdK )Rfe'e& ?$KeKeKeL:KeKeKeKeKeKeKeKe KeKKe(bbe %e %%e K,&&e  eK#&& Kee K eC Ge6*KeKeK i`ee$Q""e Q^ X X^ [d $ed$Ke h;Q$KeKKe$&KeKK;$ d \eJ h;$e$eX-KeKe i`KFC Ce ^X Xe!^ [ i`KnX Xe"^+ [Q(KC"X Ce#^$)=O#MFK GI X FQ $4 2(G R/|-F Nw16k Yr'Mf,P ) The ferocious fire-breathing dragon is protecting the magic mirror.There is a dead dragon, a large boulder, and a seemingly ordinary mirror in the cave.There is a large granite boulder and a magic mirror!! in the cave.A green, scaly dragon breathing hot fire and smoke is protecting the mirror.In this large cavern, there is a slimy dead dragon, an opening on one side, and a large boulder in the other.The cavern is empty, save for a couple of openings on either side.There is no dragon here.This ferocious, fire-breathing dragon with sharp, green scales and a long tail is protecting the magic mirror. Watch out for the flames!You see the once powerful dragon lying lifeless before you.It took millenniums for these stalagmites and stalactites to form.This boulder is a huge chunk of granite.This boulder is far too heavy to move.A strange watery light issues from the hole.The mere thought of retrieving the dagger repulses you.The hole seems to lead further into the cave.How?This dragon had only one life and you have taken it.With that dragon here? No way!This dragon does not respond to reason.You throw your bucket on the cavern floor.The dragon is protecting the magic mirror.The magic mirror is framed with ornate mahogany wood, polished to a high sheen.There is no mirror here.Carefully, you pick up the magic mirror.I do not think that you can get close enough to the magic mirror with the dragon here.You could get a much better view if you were closer.You are not close enough to reach it.You don't have a dagger.You don't have any water.You have nothing with which to douse a dragon.You can't do that from here.!The dagger sings through the air, but falls short of the dragon. You should have been closer.You throw your water, but to no avail. It lands on the floor and is quickly absorbed.The water hits the dragon squarely in the mouth, extinguishing its roaring flames. No fire! How mortified and embarrassed the dragon is! Moving a huge boulder in leaving, the dragon creeps off to sulk.Nervously, you throw the dagger at the dragon and strike it in the heart. Death for the dragon is instant.How do you wish to accomplish that?You are too busy looking around to even think about that.You should know about these fire-breathing dragons! Maybe next time you will be a little more careful!Your shield melted from the intensity of the dragon's flames! You should know about these fire-breathing dragons! Maybe next time you will be a little more careful!I think you found the dragon!4Cs=I)Ir 1%K%&t3  DEQX X\[ [#O^e S O sZ[DD EEDDE# )reX'<==QA=   ?ekekeje& KAeefefe o  31 y)Not even you can hold your breath forever. The well bottom has become your eternal resting place.This looks like typical well water.It looks like this bottle has been here for a very long time.This is just an old, junky bottle. You don't want it.You are at the bottom of the well. Through the plants you spy what seems to be a hole in the side of the well.It is very difficult to tell where the hole might lead.You are too far away to see clearly.The rusty old can has been here awhile.You have no use for this old can.Thrashing around in the water has caused you to lose the magic ring and become visible again.4%=bi9'<==%# S) O)iG b97'<==(`R<=` T _F'<=97= `R<=`c  $ de ?e e9 ^H@2You should know you can't walk on clouds.You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.These flowers look different than any you have ever seen before.4N=bi#+X O)iG b97'<==`R<=`c  $ de ? e e:8<8You'll have to keep yourself out of the clouds!You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.These are very unusual looking trees.4 =irbbb b!af!)fh%!)%$4DMhDBMV!)$%[GS  V!)B%[GS  V!)M%Iq/FO!!)%%Kr#V!)M%Iq/FO!##VV  cYO  eTHf  eT7I  eT&fOIVV  )reT ? O)iG bc$  e ?6VeVeVeVeVeVe *VVeVVeVVeh eh~jVee EFV%Fe $)DM#e h \JVE>V>e $e h \JVaEGGYY]e ]Ge ]OVG 'de&de$#cIe ]^ ]OVG 'de&de$#cIe ]^ ]OVVe]VVe* $)&de#$)MO!#I'<=&<=#V $)&de#$)MO!#IVCG C^e6.VeVeVVeVVeXeV " M$)4O!#V eVV c   ?7VVVV;9= B<,U{([0C} G!NrYou are fortunate that you have the magic shield or this giant would cause problems for you.The giant cannot see you since you are invisible.The fairy godmother's spell is protecting you.The giant is enormous! He does look rather stupid, though.The enormous giant has been carrying that heavy chest for longer than he can remember.The huge giant has fallen asleep and is now snoring loudly.The magic chest appears to have been fashioned from ebony and rimmed on the edges with gold.The giant is protecting the magic chest.There is no chest around here to get.Very carefully, you slip the magic chest from the sleeping giant's arms.There is no way you can get the chest from here!It's easy to take a magic chest from a dead giant.You need some kind of small rock to use the sling.You put the pebble in the sling, take careful aim, and luckily hit the giant in the forehead! He falls down dead.Not when you're invisible!It would be rather cowardly of you to kill a giant while he is asleep!You have no sling!I don't believe it! How could you miss something so big?You have no dagger!How?There is no reason to kill the giant.You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.The giant has been slain by a little pebble to the forehead.Be a little more careful next time. This giant is mean!You know you can't walk on clouds.The giant is in no mood for talking.It is not a good idea to wake a sleeping giant.A dead giant does not have a lot to say.What luck! The huge giant fell fast asleep!The giant is sleeping with a chest.The giant lies dead on the ground and there is a chest beside him.The giant is to close for the slingshot to be effective. I would suggest you RUN!40=bi>'<=<%E%tn#LeCeCeXe ee_ T _FcQ S O)iG bc$ $  e ? ^xE: '<=<>EiKuThe dark cave burrows its way into a steep mountain.The mountain is too steep to climb.You are near the top of a very high mountain. It steeply descends toward a valley floor.You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives here.Oops, you've missed the edge and fallen through the clouds.These are the most unusual looking trees.These are unusual looking flowers.4G b?-#Xe e _F'<=97=`cR<=` $  e ?9=VYou are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.You should know that it is not possible to walk on clouds!This is very strange vegetation.4R b?<#Xe e _F'<=97=`cR<=` $  e ?:><VYou are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.Oops! You've missed the edge and fallen through the clouds.This is very strange vegetation.4- ?-b#Xe  Veee && udu`eeeY aee`Y uduee `$Y udue ` a\e  _F'<=97=`R<=`c $  e $ ?;= @lyeIts trunk has a large hole in the base.You notice a sling in the hole in the tree.It is empty.This sling is made of very stretchy leather.You reach into the hole and pull out the leather sling.You can't see into the hole from here.Why? What sling?You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.You've fallen through the clouds! Cloud walking is for the birds.These are strange looking trees.You need to be closer to try.4F=ib8%m#) O)iG b'<=97=`cR<=` $  e$ ?e8kSo you're walking on clouds, huh? Unfortunately, that's an impossible task that cost you your life!You are in the Land of the Clouds. It is rumored that a giant lives up here.4#Rbbb*!)*%v6W(!)(%!L/FW(!)(%!L/F)!))%)=6W(!)(%!L/FW(!)(%!L/F)!))%)=6Pigh)iX%P- b QPTQ%1IQPOQ>> +!)+QIO +!)+%x#:#W#XY#IeOe>#S e  cK K e<Q ue;P!c ! d " Y)gne9  bc   c  )hIe!  b)!d! e$ e _F ?,E"" Me  e $%PP#N   e%1#c  i Qx eV iT> XS E"" i Me  e PPN  ueEFF&u6u$eQ  Fu6ue&ee e   dT.$ue&6ue7ueQ ue: ue=e=ee8e? Y7dee WeWeWWee9WWeWGIWWwGIWP Pe*WWeWKWWK$WW#W$\ eWWWe WWeWeWe Y7d?eeeeeeex # Xje e#0Pee Xje!e" X(e$e' X(e%e( iXGe@g e*e)]e+]e, iX<e"ge-]e.]e.W sXle/e0A re1e4 r;$ \e2e5 '8@ h,Q #u-zY(Jg* X u 8 [  6 c  0 t  d j jAs the wicked witch flew over her house, she dropped you... into her cage! If you can't get out, you may become the secret ingredient in this witches' brew!Surprise! Surprise! The wicked witch is home and now she's after you!Be thankful that you have a protective spell or the witch may have stuck around to try and catch you!This is not a good place to give up your protection!There is no reason to jump or duck here.Off in the distance you hear a high, squeaky voice say, "I can smell someone tasty in my house."The witch mutters, "I am going to get my oven ready to cook someone for dinner (yum)."The witch mumbles, "After I get the oven nice and hot, I will be ready to have someone for dinner (giggle)."The witch mutters, "The oven is heating up nicely. I wonder who will be my dinner guest!"The witch says, "My oven is now the perfect temperature. It is time to invite someone for dinner (cackle, cackle)!"Rats! She has cast some spell to keep you from escaping!. The witch remarks, "Oh, how nice of you to come for dinner (cackle, cackle)"She pokes and pinches you, then states, "This one is too scrawny, so it's into the cage until you fatten up (smack, yum)!"With a flash, you hear her joyously exclaim, "This has made me feel like flying!"Courageously, you manage to push the witch into the oven where she flashes and melts away into a harmless blob. Congratulations!Try as you will to escape, your labor will be in vain.It is fastened with a very strong lock. There is no way for you to open it.This ugly old witch is one of the most hideous sights you have ever seen. I would never trust her.There is no witch here.There is nothing but a bare shelf here.Sitting on the shelf is a delicious piece of Swiss cheese.The cabinet on the wall is rather plain and simple.It is already open.It is already closed.You pluck the Swiss cheese from the shelf.I don't see any here.You need to be a little closer for a good look.You need to be closer to do that.You cannot see it from here.This cage will be your new home for the rest of your life.You look for a way to escape, but there is none.It is an old wood stove, and very hot. The fire must have been burning for some time.It is made from rusty, but strong, iron bars.You cannot see it from here.You may have seen one in the other room, but I am not sure.The oven is very, very hot. Someone must have just put some wood in it.You open the door and see a roaring fire burning in the oven.You are in no position to do that!You are not close enough to touch it.From here it would be rather difficult to open the oven.There is a note lying on top of it.It is just a plain, wooden bedside table.The witch's bed looks hard and uncomfortable.You wouldn't want to sleep on a witch's bed.That is the table where she eats her (gulp) food.The bed is not here.You see the forest outside.There is little to see from here.It is written in a familiar language.You grab the note from the table.The note was here at one time, but now you can`t seem to locate it.Your eyes are not sharp enough to see it from here.You cannot reach it from here.You don't have the note.If I were you, I wouldn't try it! This witch is mean!The little house is surprisingly neat considering a wicked witch lives here.OUCH!There is no witch here...RIGHT NOW!!The witch is dead.As soon as you entered the house the goat ran away.Now is not a good time to try and start a conversation!Be thankful that you are invisible or the witch may have stuck around to try and catch you!You need to be more specific.It looks like an ordinary bedroom.4c.ib?-%C %.+Q/#K K e_e- O)iG b'<=97=`R<=`c e$ ?C HyThe old goat is afraid of the dark and decides to stay outside.The stairs go up into the heart of the mountain.Oops! Those stairs are pretty slippery, aren't they?47ib?(B % +Q D %x)+Qw*#_e/ O)iG b'<=97e=`R<=`c $ ?D BX0The stairs are moss-covered and slippery.Darn! You slipped on the steep stairs.4jib>>Cbos!)o Y=FF-?(C %^+Q_E %+)+Q,*# c  FF S%`%# QEG  S _e: ee : ee> XG b'<=97O)ie===`R<=`c $ ?GG  G  G UXI e)s IO e )s Id d e^ ~ }Jf f g^ ~ }Jh h i^ ~ }Jgj j k^Ul l m^Cn n o^1H H p^q q r^ )s eI )s eI$E C +6m>\The stairs seem to go on forever.This is a shy little dwarf. He is too quick to catch.Look out! You are too close to the edge! Oh, oh, you fell!That little dwarf caught you by surprise. Is your treasure still OK?The quick, little dwarf came by to see what you had-- nothing interested him.There is nobody here but you.It's a good thing you are protected by a spell. That little dwarf likes to steal treasures.The dwarf is not here for idle conversion.Being invisible has protected you, and your treasures, from the dwarf.4,ib;%aD %+Q#_e&e/ O)iG b'<=97e=`R<=`c $ ? ; DCThe stairs descend into the lower reaches of the mountain.You can see sky, light, and smell clouds through the opening.Oh dear! With a slip of the foot, you fall head over heels down the long stairway.4')kiJbG )J%E(QE(G))i'<=e'<= $)iEThe leprechauns' magic powers detect your unseen presence.The leprechauns do not like your invasion of their territory. They may not let you get any further.The leprechauns revere the power of the fourleaf clover. With it in your possession they will leave you absolutely alone.Leprechauns love fiddle music! Have you ever seen such frenzied dancing?Totally involved in the music, they dance right out of the room.The leprechaun catches you and holds you with his small, but strong arms. I don't think the leprechaun will ever let go.You are in the antechamber of the Hall of the Leprechaun King. There are leprechauns in the room with you.You are in the antechamber of the Hall of the Leprechaun King.I can think of no good reason to close the door.They are tiny people dressed all in green.I would not try talking to the leprechauns. You might say the wrong thing.You would not get all of them before they got you.There are not any leprechauns here.You are already playing the fiddle.4?:L%WCN% _10b/OQ6PzO^zOxzOj zOzOoNzO9HzO-MzO$XzO zO !)6%yb6 X# !)/%8lW STX# !)1%# !)0%sj## c  WY Pn e X nb e X$$)Q%su+#Q!r!)0%sj#e QU  $ e eM _FMF ?eee'eW0e e6eW e" em*e e e  e e L>e#e&e$ e%_ 8 <e efeeN yvee) yv$ee f\Jeqe e!x gdO#e $ qe\ee gde L N' P\8[?ae-zMjx a You find playing the fiddle here very fun, but the dance floor is in the other room.You play a little tune on the fiddle to amuse yourself.It is very difficult to play a fiddle if you do not have one.This is a rather simple stone throne, compared to King Edward's.The little green men do not seem to be noticing you; perhaps because of the fourleaf clover.I would not try talking to the leprechauns. You might say the wrong thing.You would not get all of them before they got you.There aren't any leprechauns here.The King of the leprechauns is sitting on the stone throne. The magic shield is next to the throne.The King of the leprechauns is sitting on the stone throne.The King is leaving.The King of the leprechauns is no longer here.The stairs go up a narrow tunnel.To see the stairs, you have to get closer.The leprechaun King ignores your words.I hope you can escape from the leprechauns, but it doesn't look good for you.The leprechaun, with much support from his peers, catches you and refuses to let go. I think you will be here for a long, long time.The King's magic prevents you from getting close enough to harm him.After his followers have danced away, the King of the leprechauns realizes he can lead best by following, and leaves, forgetting his beautiful sceptre.The shield is already in your pocket.I think there might have been a shield here once, but someone has since taken it.The shield is no longer here.It is made of titanium and is rimmed with jewels.As inconspicuously as possible, you add the shield to what you are carrying.You take the magic shield and carefully put it in your pocket.You need to get closer to see it clearly.You must be closer to do that.The sceptre is fashioned from gold and silver, and accented with emeralds.I see no sceptre right here.I see no sceptre to get around here.Eagerly, you pick up the sceptre.I see no sceptre in the vicinity.There is no sceptre in sight to get.The leprechauns seem irritated by your invasion of their territory. I would be real careful about what I say and do right now!This is the throne room of the leprechaun King.This is the throne room of the leprechaun King. There is a shield and a sceptre near the throne.This is the throne room of the leprechaun King. There is a shield next to the throne.This is the throne room of the leprechaun King. There is a sceptre next to the throne.The King of the leprechauns is sitting on the stone throne.4O5$)<%QM %Q{#{ Fe ?xXYRx K R xe ?)e x_e&&e&& xeeLeM $LRlYou feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size. You can't get out of the small cave!The stairs are very steep and narrow.The small hole leads to the outside world.You are much too big to fit through that small hole.You feel a stretching sensation... Oh, you're back to your original size.Go ahead. Walk right in.This is a small cave with stairs on one side and a very small hole on the other side.You seem to be stuck in these underground caverns. As you have no way of leaving, it looks like you'll spend the rest of your life here.4s9:bbYS! 2!)2%!)9%-tF!):%YsF##F#Y)Y)S%Dh6#:,%q#K K e-eee&[e:eeeegeYe/Ye0 :e  G e e  G  F F FF|:||e 6:66Pe  GGeeeeWeWe GG(Se GGSejnlq (.ejnlq (.ej((3e GG j^n(le GG n^l(Ze GG l^q(e GG q^M(=e GG M^(ze GG ^YY^(S(S:(:S(S(SSg* Y^ %Dh6)#e GGY(S(S:(:S(S(SSg((:(:((g, Y^ %Dh6)S#e  GGcYeeY@S*$)S#e!Y   GGe$q xe%e) xe(e+1e& x $ e'\ xe*X _F 6'<==`R<=`c $e, ?e.,0 b :t3QoCA}\% U 0 W }  Q Y You dare not jump here or you would go through the floor!The cottage is run-down and sparsely furnished. The only nice possession seems to be a fiddle in the corner.The cottage is run-down and sparsely furnished.This family is so poor, they can't even repair the floor.This is the woodcutter's fiddle.The woodcutter is thin and dressed in rags.The woodcutter's wife is skinny and poorly dressed.The woodcutter and his wife are sitting at the old oak table."Welcome to my humble abode."She replies, "I'd like to offer you something, but we do not even have food for ourselves.""Make yourself at home in our humble home."That would be very nice. How do you want to help them?What an abominable idea! You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing!It is closed, but in this house, all the cabinets are bare.The cabinet is all but bare.The beautiful scenery outside is in contrast to the dreariness inside.You should have more sympathy for these poor folks!You have given the bowl to these poor people and it is now theirs. You have no right to take it back.The woodcutters admire the bowl as it sits on their table.What treasure do you wish to donate to them?The woodcutter and his wife very gratefully accept the treasure. "This will help us for awhile," says the woodcutter.This is a nice thought, but unfortunately you have nothing to give these poor people.The woodcutter and his wife kindly accept your gift of food. They offer a heartfelt "Thank you."Puzzled, the couple wonders why you have given them a bowl.The woodcutter family is very grateful that you have given them a bowl of stew. Now they will have at least one last meal. As a token of their gratitude, they offer their last earthly possession, the woodcutter's fiddle.Eat stew from an empty bowl? The woodcutters are beginning to question your authenticity.The stew looks delicious, but it is no longer yours. Now you will have to do without.The couple is amazed and delighted as the bowl miraculously fills with a bubbling stew. As a token of their gratitude, they offer their last earthly possession, the woodcutter's fiddle.The couple does not understand.The fiddle is a beautiful instrument made of polished wood.You cannot take their last precious possession!The polished wood feels like satin -- it seems to still vibrate from the last song it played.What a terrible suggestion! These people are poor and starving and you want to steal one of their last earthly possessions.You cannot see it very well from here.You are not close enough to reach it.I doubt that you will get away with it, but you will have to get closer to try.These poor people can't even afford to repair the floor! Sorry about that.As soon as you entered the house the old goat ran away."Hello"There is an empty bowl sitting on the old oak table.There is a bowl of stew sitting on the old oak table.4B#ĥ2$#"ML;@;I012:)02@3A2$.L=O ̽λ>> 6u.LAy!!+4b"1!p`1L< 3p$"#% F@LJSb]fRNTZV9h57tC985/iqatrewn9S I?=:8:w?p@j?bDNDG:e?AB=C?AC EH[Y X8XSX]Ye[lX.XZ\!*0C821 C"EE   =s?&A hqW(nsu= 2< TdV F @?#>+ [f\cALJ;=w>Ck1J- Z} ed<>Z<0,- C6 k`N]djqx(])X(O&A&9)1+7c4Y1T.M-C/=141)01BbETDIF>C4D"MYQFM8K+KdYfPb?b(f#gfjYlPp=t7u3r*p$om^pVsTwI|G4+tbxV}L|acUNJF=)jcaRGA0s d gr l ~y < WQj= 8- z {ol$`%\*a=eQYiZncdzy-$"8BCCFHC:4458MkTnXn_k^iXhQhMj{GzF e$_C(`,K0b4T8dL[JPYTMXY\G`ZdG{  YY..4CKj  % ~9 :/?M/><gCdf`og8fc` ] ZX=<;950+'&x0&577.504=5F2F1=.6/21,/&yL{@|=BGK}PyMda +iKb}I33T_~}VgV Z\ x&b |s tgL.pm k e ] Z TIndXE@;5kaTQI F? 4 3"#h#a\U KC>8/&!#%(zoc[VE72%VDoj_VL=.@, )^2'Ne U L IPKI"J#D?2e2^/X1T/L-I+B(>%<%2%**.;b;\8W;J;C9654GHXMMLBI:H2I,N(LP V_TRPMP>S9V `baP`I\E[?_2_(]`lWnJnElAn-qrctVvPt9u6y5z.x({!y{k|b|\URLB=7-!~j`\VOE?uqeXR,ze uoK  (H |zu:  =< +)g8 -,*gC%! f=fbfl ek xzz ~~ ~}tom%h3f7g?bHfXf[bacmbqeuevh{lkpy &%l*m3k3j%k)mk-al`o`phtnrppllbllmcfOeTKeGRCc?R;d7gT3g/`0S+g+['^h#]k\mZnq[ }~  3k5g%l$i&&46%"b!g!j!o!r"w#z$~%%%&(*-/2479=@ABEHKNQUY]`eilnptttu|uxurwm{id_Z~T}QzMxIuDsAr \U)-3M-*4O0;mDxQx]tRoEnEwaAŵ<= 44;5;@  B9816,7 <=Aj>_?XDQELMIsG]IYKGGBF;B1C,Gb^dQ_A]/^'c`YVZIY@V:ZX?A5d7p;|{T't`l{Vy/^e\{m\|mlalNNJHH{FvOORURKvOaPNRV[]~_fW_^`axYc_bbeyiqka 21n4_269Y5::u9i8==u?i;A@wBn@e -,v0a-04i.34p7, Y"%J13/;9@D .+<10 K'=I13-4A@AfIlIG4PBTIU I__^ .aTfbh bv :v -%f{ 7>?I9>>J:@?JCB?J?9@4ZKZ7ZJ^AZKW@ZJWIp1n p0t$q2s(p2l*p0w.w&T+74  mU d13 #" JJ002"20@< :)@I 'P=2Ĥ.^ :)#;"",@2"e  #D4[2<:0 12:)!@0,+!)*)2 IJJRR ,  :01!"3 1";*9";!Y1@CRLJ)g 22<::J@110)/ 11"D*: 2923B4IABBB,*h1ZBAC4  :e YR[K\D^?]4`%^ . bO_G`@gLeDg@f:e3d%c c:hRd: a2 bwlb$3%.I(AP#b1.i%EBj&""K51;$$&(%Q'#n|7.=+ 1 B!äI!-=K:JAf;9-O g@X1:I=K9j@QP1PWQ`9P)Z`CQRj eIiQdb@Z9Y9JJIJIQABA1B0ZIZYYY@Rcba00F fԕ64]"](~, +)1'j+*h l8888Z%0 FCq;q8x5}7};q;2;$;$6+4272;0S8S:V>X@X@UDTLSLOEM8M0P0S)#&:)K*-$6$121274#4%  &%22.-//,  4-/#1"$%1,*2, !,:+ 04)$!+ q\#YAYAc''2C0"E6  K5  7%$;0[1+A 3C.Q9,}ɳɢ"9 c "}3I" \"!0+! qÕ1YPA@ \ʢ#e;k%BY:!!9^,г3JA91I) PijbajIL&A0\&1)%+:91"!+0";93L9+0#+9"&>^9nPAA@Ii!?,1"%" h^g^m s%S3&000@PSRÒC"12CR$`QB#PBC`SBbm  {u% y{Y[ %)oYq*r(|=TIG/W9 j` L*_)P#4BN6E#;7K]"2'UUK$#$N> !&3d[-/< [^9,9-=,}c/ *yz;9>k/:O\,;:@0>"/..-,xq+*+giG\  o _ 6GVijFo I OgM_NTMaMiJfIVH^HfGaGgEbC^CXBZBaEfChAb@h?c>i;_>T;^=i:j7a:l5l1`5i9m[mYW[m`Q[m^ncW^nbnf[dmdldeece`ek2hnj`hllmn`lkrdmkqjml45lNkNnanlmolel\hNjIfBh:kX!4+)2: 3*)!$)" ,:12$-*1:!A#,*#;0A2,*0#+!* 2* #,;0$9 $=0 93 ))03-)0%<[:$- *0#  ,*)))*1!+ 0 ); 0 *0;,,A1"+I2$%,* +:09":) &+9 + "2*M#"-9, 1 4!I+2!44A=9) 2I,:++ f* /i":*) +&%- .< \6; #::   g;n7 X%%$C:*:<- :  d791;JRER;I1#&:;;:0BK2$"?,0-+9 "1&+* .*0!#C)**7*IY01A!!*552)@JAL0Y0Rs59:)!2*:I/22P);:@)($:#4!II9$=J * #++1u;1$=+12*90"+ !\d _g jF(0,G- 0V b o$P   E3 ;y d.&/<)S+|+( zfJI"12K=13-,22LF53.AN b<_6.9: :9@C:C-;:2 d >N9B45/JA5<9$.P2#J2E@VOWM3~F1B<(*<:** H o3k+g" U ondeUxg 9^'dKRfxt^o~{ p~x}{} KSLD 4@D|C|;|3xHx7II GF~U::{>|S{ItQj?jVhwr Jhh# f;&gf(b)>@!XD!XH!XL!XP!XT!XX!X\!X`!Xo "fd n cb& llXaXc[fXXqqqnnzmzmlflfqm>58AKRWXWSyJvCv=w8y6}5=TaTaH?H=Tc[fl>>&&mm4O8<{@w@wDsHoIMlPhTdX`\\`XdThPlrHtDx@|<840)%!3{7w;s?oCkGgINdO`S\WX[T_PcLgHkEq@sOQDX5&#\P 53_/'x%$|$$$%#0 ~"%/(~-~%$().JoMllPrI0)/--884  $(,{0w4s:o;k?gCcG_K[OWSSWO[K^]K_GcCg@g?jt4w0{,(($   #{'w+s/o39g:c>_B[FWJSNORKVGZC^?b;f7r0r,v(z$~   ;   /.,K+)32091#У9p  / . ,,19+=;-K:,1$#!Ô |%5%29:<zk@u6T.iIDd. #i.x2f>TD_L?Y2h1wz)  x$c!V!#&Z@D:_#E;$!Q1KH"T05`]5#qp%3xD9f   $(#{,{'w0w+s3s/o?g:cCc>_G_B[K[FWOWJSSSNOWORK[KVG_GZCcC^?g?b;w/r,{+v('z$#~  '+) @u{54x9oj@t54D$4$B5"14C'&%<$  +&434:2C335.#$3C##"#32023$+!@@%:12"$#4+ 2#*"%aeimquy|}X\`dhllptx||~ztvrpnljhfdb`XZVTRPNHJFDB@><:8642320.,*$&$"  zv}runjqfmbi^eZaVYRNUJQFMIB=E9A5=19-5)1%-!)!    | *1#e9 0232#̿ -S)2&& /I;L$0˹$& ,*HJPNYRXZaVuntv }r!    -+I@$"  X1D!3 8:4S=VQoVnjfe }rJ9o@C32Cc,U'"4'$\fJ}AK=MO$"aZ#u:&‘O#KN%&59=a\e`idmhqlupyt}x}{\X}zvpnujljqfhfmbdbi^eZa]trvpXVZTTRYNPNUJQFNIHFIEDBI=@=E9<9A585=1419-0-5),)1%-!*$  #!    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F2 Turns the sound off and on. F3 Retypes the last line typed. F5 Saves your current game. F7 Restores a saved game. F9 Restarts the game. TAB Shows the status screen. ESC Pops up menus.Ctrl-J Sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R Toggles RGB monitor modes. F1 or HELP Displays this message. TAB Shows status screen. (see below)Double clicking joystick button or right mouse button also shows status screen. = Makes King Graham swim. + Increases volume. - Decreases volume.4   !+6:@GMU^gr~ #,7@KT_hs| -:IYeu,6@IT_ft|'0@S`q&3<CSbot}'0;JZir   ) / 7 ; G L W ` e u incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254^7beee\eeeeee7eewe }e!vMM-vMvN$&MN#1vM]M vMvN MN11vMM vo ~oe7v ooe e 7v oo7v oo )     !'DOSWgt6EUi{new room: x: y: object number: var number: var value: object #: var %v111: %v126flag number: flag %v111 is setflag %v111 is not setWord not known: %m12%w1%m12%w2%m12%w3No response to input.drown.swim = %v95 genie.delay = %v88in.boat is seton.water is setkeep.cycling is setego.flying is setsnakeInAction is sethag.in.room is setenchanter.in.room is setdwarf.in.room is setis.carpet.room is setegoFallingCliff is setego.falling.chasm is setego.fell is set4u/ xb<$\KGM:=0 %, 0%l 0@0 %? 0%[ 0::c1 12edee, d d~ d d|   ||_      cdeC Ken and Roberta Williams wish to thank you for playing King's Quest ][. We are very sorry that you did not succeed and hope you will fare better next time. Good luck.As you are dead, I can only permit you to: Restore Game, Restart Game or Take Inventory. Sorry.Ken and Roberta Williams wish to thank you for playing King's Quest ][. We are pleased to see that you are doing so well and hope that your score will keep improving.Ken and Roberta Williams wish to thank you for playing King's Quest ][. We are delighted by your score and hope you are enjoying the game.4_ s |3V|9  |e_e   |t_6 \4_tCD@'CD)h^L^M@V6@ )a^L^N'CDRRCDR__V4 V4_ \_)^L^vCDA t vCDVV @eeeV$ 2? yYou splash around in the water for a while but seem to have forgotten how to swim. Unfortunately, you drown.This is a poisoned lake! Too bad, you die of extreme poisoning.You need to be in the water in order to swim.You are already swimming!The water is too turbulent to swim in. You have just drowned.4!R& x R,R' w RR B A//& x }~##..9:FFSmh&/x/&0x0'1Mw1R&2Bx2B&B!RxB}R'B>wB` ZRER D_[_ Ck\k Bw ^wA_`@`^@BA _AB_^^B  x BxC^x]x]~[~[C~  lvClD}\l[}lv[pDp  `jD`Eo[`Zo`jZeEe  S^ESFdZSYdS^YYFY N6IIMNNQQRVVQ6O?@:MbM^@\@@@:NPbNB>A[>CB=D8Y8[=EBGXB shZL/:|F\huN AII;JDL?MOP +WhXFZX[ 5eidYgFg 'rgpDs[r 4}jD\ r]B#w^B&B>B:M:PbPbL_BxB]]\\\Z|ZwYpYkXcWcHkFpFwE|EDD D CCBHdGkFqFwE}EDDCCBBWdXjYqYvZ|Z[[\\]]]4 .N  ABAAC211 ABAAAC21 ABAABAC12 ABAAAC111111 ABAB11 ABAA111 ABAAB111 ABAAAAAAA111 ABAAC211 ABAAAC21 ABAABAC12 ABAAAC111111 ABAB11 ABAA111 ABAAB111 ABAAAAAAA111$4F AAAAqqqAA111 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA111 AAAAqqqAA11 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA1 AAAAqqqAA111 w AAAAC1 AAAAC1q AAAAC1q1 AAAAC11 AAAAC1 AAAAC1q AAAAC1q1 AAAAC1q4 [  1111AAA  CAAAA CCCA AAAAqqqAA11111 4v44+ aaaaaaaa4K 'qqqBqAbBabAdC 'qqqBqAbBabAdC 'qqqBqAbBabAdC4ly 6544555d4f3h3fa3aaaa3ada3ada3b4b4c4e4e4e4e4e4ab4ab4ab52 6544555d4f3h3fa3aaaa3ada3ada3b4b4c4e4e4e4e4e4d4d4d8 6544555d4f3h3h3caa3ada3ada3b4a4c4e4e4e4e4e4e4e4d525a2 6544555d4f4f3caa3ada3ada3aba3aaa3b4e4e4e4e4e4e4e4e5A2A52525a2 6544555d4f3g3cc3ada3ada3aba3aaa3aba3ada3d4d4e4e4e4e4e4e4e5A2A5A2A52525a2a 5433333aA2a1ae1g2aba12aaa2ae3f4dA4b4b4d4e4e4e4e4e4e5d6B6A66a5e 6544455B4b3d3f3cb3a3cb3cAb3cBb3bb4a4b4e4e4e4e4e4e4e5A2A5A2A52525a2a4U AAA5aaE4bAE C   4B H|Jz ABAqqvq ABAqqwq ABAqqwq ABAqqwr ABAqqvq ABAqqwq ABAqqwq ABAqqwrJ6m AAAAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqqqqqq AAAAqqq AAAqAqqq AAAAqqq AAAAqqqqqq@p :k AAAA AAAArq AAAArq AAAqAqqq AAAA AAAArq AAAArq AAqAqAqq4 ABABADBEDBCACAABDDBCBEBHEDDBABAAADBCDBAAACAAGCCCGHGDFDABAAABBFCBEAEAGAAEBHGADFB DA4 _%}v2 AAAqqqqqqvqqqqqq AAqAqqqqqqr qqqq qqqqqqqAqAqAqrqqrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AqAqAqrqqqrqsr qq qqqqq AAAqqqqqqqqqAqrvqqqqqqqqqq qqqq AAqAqqrqqqqqqAAtq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AAAqqqqqqtArsqqqqqqqqqq AAAqqr q qqqq AAAqqqqqqq4 { AAA AAA AAA  Aⁱ4 ^0ZQQqqQrqqqqq‘rr ‘QQQ‘‘‘ QQ‘Qq‘rr‘QQQ‘‘4M)               aoa    The wax candle burns brightly. Ouch! Hot wax dripped on your finger.4# aaaaaaabbbbaaaaaaccaaa c aaa a a a a a a a c a a a c4) aadaaaaaaaa a c b a a a a a a a a a a a a a  b  b  dIt is a shiny gold key.4I*AAA"a!ba!!A!B!ѡ!ѡA!AA"!AAABAa!!A!!"!!!!!!"!#!!!!#!!!!!$!!!"!!!!! !4)                   aoa    The wax candle is unlit.444 q r r q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qaaaccabab c r r r r r r r a b The shining sword is not incredibly large, but is very sharp! It has a snake carved into the bronze handle.4N3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaThe trident is rusty and corroded. It looks somewhat like a pitchfork.41    A A A "a!ba!!A! B!ѡ!ѡA!AA "!A AABAa!! A!!" !!! !! !"!#! !!! #! !! !! $ !! ! " ! ! ! ! ! !    The bouquet of wild flowers is very pretty. The sweet scent is delightful.4}                     The bracelet looks like it would fit a small wrist. It is a circlet of diamonds surrounded by beautiful blue sapphires.4      qrrss s r r r s r r qrrqqq     It appears to be an ordinary tent stake.4]* A Dbaaabbbbbb bbbbacabacbbbbbbcc The ring is gold with an enormous red ruby. The initials 'C.D' are engraved inside the gold band.4#r r ss     This tiara is stunning! It is encrusted with diamonds from the back to the front, progressively getting larger. The center stone in the front is a dazzling sapphire.4v!2                                The chain of the beautiful necklace is fashioned of many sparkling diamonds and sapphires. In the center of the pendant is a large, glittering sapphire.4(                                 The diamond and sapphire earrings are very delicate. Each earring has a large sapphire surrounded by glittering diamonds.4W$      The brooch has an enormous sapphire encircled by two rows of glittering diamonds!4-- a b uxxxxxxxw  c b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c c c c c b The head of the mallet is made of iron. It has a long, wooden handle.4(aadaaaaaaaaacb a a a a a a a a a a a a a b ca b It is a shiny gold key.4Y. b b a a a a  a a  a a  a a  a a  aikabajjikaaabaabbaaabaababbadbaaaaaabaaabaadaaabaadaaaabbfbcaaaaaaababaaaabaabaabbbbbbbobThe basket of goodies is empty because you ate all of it.4. b b a a a a  a a  a a  a Ba B⑱BBBaBBBBaBBABB⑱BBAgᑱBCgfCadbbajgbikbaabadbaaabaababbadbcaaaabaaabaadaaabaadaaaabbfbcaaaaaaababaaaabaabaabbbbbbbobThere are many good things to eat in the basket of goodies.4: c c   b      11111222333ґ3ґ3ҁQ3Q3Q3RQRQThere is a large cloth in the glass bottle.4:    c c   b        1111122233333333      The glass bottle is empty.4"b c b c d c ca cb dagahaharhasAaAaAcbqsdAbarBaAcbssCaAbatsBbastBfrtr The smoked ham has a wonderful, savory smell. It's hard to resist tasting it. It looks as though someone has taken a bite out of it.4( aabaaaaa qqqqqqqThe pot contains hot, bubbling chicken soup.4^ 0DBqAqqqqqqqAqqAqAqAAAAAAAABBBBCCCCDDEEDDCThe black cloak would better fit a man taller than you. Red satin lines the inside.4u!0                                    You see a shiny silver cross dangling from a silver chain.4-    b aa aa b w qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqaqqqqbqqqqbqqqqaqqqqaqqqqaqqqqbqqqqaqqqqaqqqqaqqqqaqqqqaqqqqqqqqqqwww     As you look at the bird it begins to sing merrily.4y, b aa aa b wqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwwThe gilded bird cage is empty. The nightingale has flown away.4"!ab g ab m abaaofaacacacaacacaaafaac bac ec e ai The old oil lamp is fashioned of brass that has been tarnished. There is a spout at one end, and a round handle at the other. The lamp is empty inside.4    Q RQQQQQQQRQSQSQ QQRR QSR RT RIt is a large sheet of cloth.4      AJAODDFBCABAGBALANAOAOAOAAOAAOAANAANAANANBMAKBODBIB      The pillow is small, and made of shiny red satin.4!1 qasrtaqqqaqqsrqratqqqtaqqqqqqqqqqqqaaacarcrqqqqqsqqqqqqqqqsqqstrqqqqqvqqqqqqqqqquqqsbqq~bqqqqqrwxsqqquqqqqyq{vqqqqqqaqqqaaqqqaaqqcrbtThe fishing net is fashioned from a material that is unfamiliar to you. It is smooth and tangle-proof.4]$% CIHAFACAA AC BCB CC ACB BE FA DC BEAA EAB DABBBBCABCDCGJAFEB  The magic carpet is a beautifully woven persian rug with a colorful fringe on the ends.4C      bcaac aaaabbbbaaaaaaabbaaaaababaaabaaccaaaaqaaabqbbaqcababqbaqqdqqbqqs     The leather bridle is studded with silver rivets, and a silver bit.4M)               aoa    The wax candle burns brightly. Ouch! Hot wax dripped on your finger.4"                 It looks like a normal sugar cube. It does have a bit of a sparkle, though.4#&1aa aea hbadaaaaagaaaaacaaaacABThe large fish is covered with shimmering golden scales. Its' graceful fins and tail are almost translucent. Right now, the beautiful fish is writhing in agony.4"          abaaaaaaaaaaaaaacaacaaaaaaaaaaaaacacaafYou examine the amulet. It is made of bronze that has tarnished with age. A Tiger's Eye stone is imbedded into the front. You turn the amulet over, and see the word `HOME' engraved on the back.4d % qq rqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrrqtqqqqqqqqqqqrqqqqqqqqqrqq q This is just an ordinary clamshell. There doesn't seem to be anything special about it.4%#           It is a shiny silver key.4J$HGF FF$GIK JI$HJJJ JJ$IJ$MJ$HGF FF$GIK JIH IJJJJJ LJ3JJ6J3EEE FF$GIK JI$HJJJ JJ$IJ6M3EEE FF$GIK JIH IJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJL$JlJJ$JK$KH$IK$RM!MMM$OM$JM$UJM$JH$KI$KR$O6MO$RQOR6QMKHF$HROKROMMQMO$MJRM [ U R O M M M K H F H K M K H J H J R O K O K O R O K M O M M Q MQlOHO$RP$TR$QQ$WW$WU$TW$Z^6[6[$idb ^ [ Z$W^$nkid b ^6[6T6iQ$b[ZXWn^$WUTi[$Z]$[[6[Q$b[ZXWn^$WUTi]l[lTѓi43MMMMMM3MMMMMM3JJJJJJ3JJJJJJ3HHHHHH3HHHHHH3FFFFFF F F F F F F F F$MI IIIHI$MH HJJHI$MI IGG$GG GHHI H IJI H HFFFF F F F F$MI IIIHI$MH HJJHI$MI IGG$FG GIIHEFGG GHHIFFFF F F F FKD3MMMMMM3MMMMMM3JJJJJJ3JJJJJJ3HHHHHH H H H H H H H H!OOO OOOHO!OON NNNHO!OOO OOO!KK$K!OOOOO!NN$N!OOO OOOEOO!OON NNNEOO!OOO OOO!OOO OOOHIJJJJJ JNNHIKGߐ3MMMMMM3MMMMMM3JJJJJJ J J J J J J J J!gg!gg!gg!gg!gg!ZZ!gg!gg!gg!gg!]]!]]!gg!gg!ZZ!ZZ!gg!gg!gg!gg!gg!ZZ!gg!gg!gg!gg!gg!gg!]]!]]!ZZ!ZZ$g$ZKgS4s6FQFJIHKMlIKJ6LQGMKJONlL3MMMlN NQNO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPQ QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS SSSSSSSS SSSSSSST TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOlZ ZQZS SSSSSSSS SSSSSSST TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbt tttttttttttttttttttߊg4t G HlG H I J K$LKK O QlO$T$S$XlWW O QlO Q S T W$XlW q i b ] X T Q N L J H GHHHJIHHHHHHl ^ bl^ b g i n$qln q q i b ] X T Q$NOOHHHߐHHߐHHHHH q q q i b ]6XАnГn4CCDDEEFGHIJKMNPRCCDDEEFGHIJKMNPR ] M R M P M R M C D EC EF D E EDEFGcFDDEEFGHIJKMNPRTWDDEEFGHIJKMNPRTW`W W M R M P M R M M M R M P M R McREEFGHIJKMNPRTWZ]EEFGHIJKMNPRTWZ]`]`]`]c]C4~-Rw K J I J K KcH W T S T W WcM n i g i n ncW4r6dkQWSQOOOcQ QQ6MOQOSQQQOQQcS SO3MM6MKMM6M6KKSQQQSSSOMMMQMQOO6MOQQQOSQQQONQQoQbngb^^^cb bb6Z^b^gbbb^Qbcg g^3ZZ6ZWZZ6Z6WWgbbbggg^Z[[Q[Q^^6Z^bbb^gbbb^Nbbob41t*-II!II II-II!HH HH!HH II!II JJFFFFFFFFHHGGGII D-PP!PP PP-PP!MM MM!NN NN!NN NNMMMMMMMMPPOOOSS G-gg!gg gg-gg!gg ZZ!ZZ ZZ!ZZ ZZZZZZZZZZ``^^^gg Sq4  T M M M M M[ H G0F F F E E E F0F F G H G H I0J F FEF0F E F F G H IxJE`M T M M M M M[M M T M M M M M[M M T M M M M M[M M T M M M M M[M M T M M M M M[M MT BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBB4wpB            B            B BBB BZBZB 4n F F F$H$J G G G$I$K H H H$J$MKJ$I$KoJ$J$M$Q$K$O$S$M$Q$UHM$MoMlZl]l`$S$Q$boZ4,% qqHqq` X T R P X H F H FHF F FHGGJ H II IJJJ J L J I H I J LLLL H F HF`0$XX` X T R P XXX` X T R P XXX` X T R P XXX` X T R P X P M PL qqHq q qqHq q qqHq q qqHq q qqHq q qq0q ` [ `XO40 0 0 6"""4G%,? ?;>?? 4B%,? ?;>?? 4    o4j>c '4J H H3HHHHHHIIIIJJJJIIII H H3HHHHHHIIIIJJJJIIII H H3HHHHHHIIIIJJJJIIII H H3HHHHHHIIIIJJJJHHGG F F9F Q Q3QQQQQQSSSSUUUUSSSS Q Q3QQQQQQSSSSUUUUSSSS Q Q3QQQQQQSSSSUUUUSSSS Q Q3QQQQQQSSSSUUUUQQNN Q Q9Q Z Z3ZZEZZ Z Z3ZZEZZ Z Z3ZZEZZ Z Z3ZZEZZ Z Z9Z4t???    4>??'    64`7HO=>?><9?97?1??4=???4E 8* ! !"!$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? ?304"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#??4d??>>999999999::;;>>>>=<<<<>3?> ?41;:98765544221/ -.//001234 543210/.-, +,-./01123456789:;<<<=>??87654321///0122232334555432000123456779:;;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&&&'(*+,./01?4oZah 66?64v &'(+)b!!^L^^L^^L^O^#z#z #C6%nF_`)')&/# )&/#IXC%ea)()+#cC6 %d#;; _ee:ee0e;e e ;e `;KK'_e  pe!\=)' `e; _ee00e00em0e 0e :e::e6:P:ea P_ e))I /:/:e!E^^<+;(:(://e\(/:(:// 3'^3_ e))Ie)( a\@K_ _e(.:(:. 8 : 5 9 ;ee 8(b:e 5(<:e ;(:e 9(F:e :(:e((:(:ee#;; _ee//"_ 3e eK _e0e e" e$ ) 2 8@4$Jt7J)acgv2iA[n*The huge %w2 behind Neptune is wide open.The enormous %w2 behind King Neptune is tightly shut.King Neptune is tall and imposing, with a flowing robe and long greenish-gray beard. A crown fashioned of shells and pearls adorns his head.The bottom of the sea is teeming with fish and plant life. King Neptune rules this mighty underwater empire.This is a larger than average seahorse! It has a little saddle attached to its back.The large %w2 is shut tight. Try as you might, you cannot succeed in opening it.You wave the crusty %w2 in front of the immense clam and slowly it opens ... revealing a large golden key!The huge clam is already open.That might work with some clams, but not this one!There is no need to hurt the %w2.This is an immense %w2! You couldn't carry it with you.The %w2 is inside the large clam. You have to open the clam to retrieve the %w2.Do you want to open the clam?The %w2 will close when it is ready.The huge %w2 is already closed.This is a larger than average seahorse! It has a saddle attached to its back.No!Ahhhh.........Does it look like Mr. Ed to you?Glub, glub, glub, glub ....... !!!!!!I beg your pardon!?Hurting King Neptune would not be a wise thing to do. If he doesn't get you, then his fish will.Which treasure would you like to give to King Neptune?You don't have one to give to King Neptune.King Neptune solemnly shakes his head at your offer. A look of dismay clouds his face.Reverently, King Neptune accepts his lost trident from you. He gives you a bottle, then waves the trident in front of the huge clam, which opens and reveals ... a large golden key!With a cold look in his eye, King Neptune takes the rusty trident and points it at you.You encounter King Neptune! Oh, oh! He points his rusty trident at you.You are not close enough.You don't have it.The magic seahorse helps you breathe underwater. Without it, you would die.OK.You can see many beautiful creatures at the bottom of the sea.You must specify who you wish to give it to.You feel a powerful surge of electricity, and then ... nothing. You have died at the bottom of the ocean.4Bk ^|!)|6 ^L^L^O^)@ %xdQd %dQd#  d!!d!<& !#T@35eee0eo w#The bottom of the sea is teeming with fish and plant life. King Neptune rules this mighty underwater empire.You can see many beautiful creatures at the bottom of the sea.You are not able to catch fish while riding a magic seahorse. Just enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.The magic seahorse helps you breathe underwater. Without it, you would die.4Eh ^!)^L^O^)L^@ %xdQd %dQd#  d!!d!<& !#T@)4)6eee0eo w#The bottom of the sea is teeming with fish and plant life. King Neptune rules this mighty underwater empire.You can see many beautiful creatures at the bottom of the sea.You are not able to catch fish while riding a magic seahorse. Just enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.The magic seahorse helps you breathe underwater. Without it, you would die.4j ^%!)%C)^L^O^@%>2+Q>F" %dQ&d##  2!!d!<& !T#" "@ Q&d#Q>2# #@ QdQ>F"@)5)eee0eo w#The bottom of the sea is teeming with fish and plant life. King Neptune rules this mighty underwater empire.You can see many beautiful creatures at the bottom of the sea.You are not able to catch fish while riding a magic seahorse. Just enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.The magic seahorse helps you breathe underwater. Without it, you would die.4xs>bbAk%%)b^L^O^QxA6#k  k)^L^O^8 84 O H LAbB./,-[!^L^=%sd'ijj2j2 jj&ij#lmn), l C)B6mn). n#lmneTe lee#} dPos # )-I"" ")[e 2#   T*Te leemTT ee~T~Te~(e6T7 GHkxe' 2Ce l 6)Bee%T %VTVT%F % GHxe1 M^M).  m e e MeeVe % nee  e \O n6C^O^)/Qs<$ee6e~~emee)79! ! $$ $Q<!6o ?k.G7o8Look out! There is a poisonous viper blocking your path!The snake appears to be about ten feet long. It is coiled and ready to strike.The huge snake is deceased.SSSsssssss! SSssstay away or I will ssssssstrike!Are you joking!The serpent only wants to eat YOU!Brandishing the sharp sword, you quickly slash the viper into ribbons.This is a very large snake. You don't have any weapons strong enough to kill it.You toss the leather bridle onto the coiled snake. Instantly, there stands before you not a snake, but a beautiful winged horse wearing the bridle!Where do you want to throw the bridle?You don't have it.This is a handsome white horse! It has beautiful wings of delicate white feathers. The leather bridle is around the winged horse's head."Thank you, kind sir, for saving me. An evil enchanter turned me into a snake when I refused to be his steed. To repay you, here is a magic sugar cube that will guard against poisonous brambles."The winged horse has a very independent nature. It doesn't want a rider on its back.The white horse is much too big and strong for you to hold it.Why would you want to kill a beautiful horse like that?The flying horse is not particularly hungry, thank you.The beautiful white horse lets you stroke its velvety soft nose.The flying horse bobs its head up and down in greeting.The snake has struck you dead.There is no snake here!You are too far away.The snake has no use for it. He is interested in only one thing. Getting rid of YOU!Why would you want a dead snake? Ugh!!You put the bridle on the dead snake. Nothing happens. You pick the bridle up again.The horse is flying away, and pays no attention to you.4Vb H LbAqzq9e upx )&tu,v  :%Z# e.&& )`Fxe'tu3v nee'ijjFjnee)8:HThere is a large cave opening in the steep mountain side.You see nothing but darkness when you peer into the cave.You cannot see into the cave from where you are standing.You are not quite close enough to see it clearly.Oh No! This is as bad as bad can be! Upon looking into the hole, you believe you see an incredibly blatant plug for another Sierra 3-D Animated Adventure. Hang On!Briefly befuddled by this bizarre event, you brace yourself and continue with the Quest before you.4A HAbo0!o 6)0%}#'ijjbjb&ij# oee% oeeoKKE^^e \= o$e9KzYou see a large golden key lying on a rock in the damp cave!The dark damp cave is empty and uninteresting.There is a golden key on the rock.The large, flat rock is empty.You'll have to move closer to the key.OK.4N01!)1b//X%"r#F%y# bbeebCe]eebeeebeebIe ebKe e \7b ECC e \N e NeeX]]]>]]e _e e t<"!=[1I^The musty bedchamber is at the top of a tower. It has the smell of mold and old moth balls. There is a sagging bed and an old dresser in the room.The bed is lumpy and sagging in the middle. A faded old quilt covers it.The old dresser is scratched and nicked. You can tell it was once a fine piece of furniture. There are several drawers in the dresser.The dresser drawer is closed.The dresser drawer is open.There is a candle lying in the drawer of the old dresser.The drawer of the old dresser is empty.The drawer is already open.The drawer is already closed.You pick it up and carry it with you.The bed looks too lumpy and dusty. You wouldn't want to.You can't reach it from where you are standing.The ramp spirals steeply downward. Be careful--you don't want to fall.You don't see one here.You already have it.The quilt is old and tattered; you wouldn't want it.45.??bbm[!)%%G#= %  %v 6 #' 'e 2" _ 6 %'ijj 8Y 6 X  R2R 6 *#'ijjR 6  Y 6  XW JQJQ KPKP < OLOL PKPK QIQI RHRH SGSG TETE UDUD VCVC! Tf* O*aB ?MIQ ERJS CSDT ?UBUa /L>Q /R>WI HS^i6 Zjh& dl gm|"bX"c" \)^L^^O^ Q\P 6 . QUP 6  6  " p" QX ] QC M Q4 = QQ - QZ  Q^ Qf "< 6" 'M d)[ ' &)m^L^#2 ! "c%%#c%&"@#6NCD(CD)^L^O^+" \Y8  #' !"& !e_e`e` #>1JeeY\1 N) #>1Jj je ee'^!^=;m:There is a ramp spiraling up toward the top of a gloomy tower. A torch blazes on the wall.The ramp spirals steeply upward. Be careful, you don't want to fall.The torch lends the only warmth to this dreary castle.The torch is firmly attached to the wall. Try as you might, you cannot budge it.You hold your candle up to the blazing torch. It catches! Your candle is now lit.You can't do that from where you are standing.You are not carrying it.You fall to your death on the hard stone floor.4g?b\345!)6 %,#G!)6 %l#G@%}{<%{ %I+/c#,e_e\5\\\d'^j^P@ ^P<}This castle is really creepy! Cracks cover the walls, cobwebs fill the corners. A chilly draft runs through the halls.Through the archway to the west, you see a ramp that spirals up and out of sight.4 <b6!)6]//%|~6 #F%/+#NC?`3 P#c \)^L^^O^<6Q$ # #"$ "]]eeee ]Eea]eee a]eeIa)] S# e ]ee e a']#]eI"eea]#K"eeb.]# e\8 e 8eeae a #ee_e ).<D?},8xRSThere is not much here at the top of the tower but an aging chest against the wall.The dusty old chest is closed.The dusty old chest is open.The old chest is locked shut. You need to unlock it.With a creak and a groan, the old lid opens, dragging cobwebs with it.You open the heavy lid of the dusty old chest and peer into it.The aging chest is already open.The aging chest is already closed.You do not have the key that will unlock this old chest.The aging chest is already unlocked.With hands trembling, you fit the little silver key into the lock. Slowly, you turn it until you hear a click. The old chest is now unlocked.You couldn't possibly carry this heavy chest around with you.It is empty.You pick it up and carry it with you.The bed looks too lumpy and dusty. You wouldn't want to.You can't reach it from where you are standing.The stairs spiral steeply downward. Be careful, you don't want to fall.You don't see it here.You already have it.Looking into the interior of the musty chest, you see a dazzling diamond and sapphire tiara!This old chest is stronger than it looks.4cWb?bb[m!)%| < (%H QH!8$@%2%X!< 6 "+N##G<( (c%!( !M< d)[e 2)m^L^!2 $Y '$! $c$!!$ $CD(CDNY)^L^O^+ \<"<H'ijj9 <jX<i^i^j ()^L^^O^RijR! \X '8 " FM  "6 "8 @E<X8") FnY FnYX 'Ye_e`e` y7KeeY\1 N) y7Kj je ee> )9@ q?There is a stairway spiraling up toward the top of a gloomy tower. A torch blazes on the wall.The stairs spiral steeply upward. Be careful, you don't want to fall.The torch lends the only warmth to this dreary castle.The torch is firmly attached to the wall. Try as you might, you cannot budge it.You hold your candle up to the blazing torch. It catches! Your candle is now lit.You can't do that from where you are standing.You are not carrying it.You fall to your death on the hard stone floor.4{m?8\345!)86 %AbF#!)6 %?#GA%w=%w %PU+/C# %? %[  ee_ee g eegef1 2fle \B $e Bee\4'ij\\\jd?iPA iP= ,  (This is the dingy dining room of the drafty old castle. Ants crawl among old bits of food. Dust covers a dilapidated table top.A delicious-looking smoked ham is on the table.The stairway appears to lead down into the dark depths of the castle.The table top is completely covered with dust. Scratches scar the legs of the table. Chairs with torn padding accompany it.The worn chairs look uninviting to sit upon.To do that, you will need to get closer.You don't see one here.You already have it.The chairs are old and worn.OK.4Sbcd!^!@%=%j B )c) !##%j 2k)d %#C9  7 & #'ijj)^L^^O^)d %RijR" \#& &c$"(i@isj<BdM$ee 2jxd!'ij#5iG)^L^O^ iF)c^L^O^ N*#iG)^L^^O^)d %#_e#@BdSYou slip from the narrow stairs and fall to your death on the rocks below.These stairs are narrow and slippery; both sides slope away precipitously. A foul stench wafts up to you from the gloomy darkness into which the stairs descend.Whoops! You slipped and fell down the narrow stairs in the darkness. What a way to die! Next time, use a light.4Tbbmcd\B345!T!^O^@)!_!A"< [%- Q-lT%I%% j  T)c!6 \B6##$< $cT"jj}%$%`#CTT(jT jTTjQQ!!YT Q$!TFT Q`!T3T $D !T jj} Q$!T Q`!T j!4??$ ]8bD >kEp HNXYX'ij @#\A j\jijOC UA|aipipj6& FXTn jijFj} mFj6j)^L^^O^)d<cRijR \YA M<j$ed)[e 2 2j)mc" #^L^^O^  >d # CD(CDYj)^L^O^ )c^L^O^+N \8j5+ $\6!6 )c^L^O^ !Tuk_eTTeTTeeTTee \B\C \\A=[Bl You slip from the narrow stairs and fall to your death on the rocks below.Narrow, slippery stairs descend into this empty room. Your nose detects a foul odor coming from a doorway to the west.Whoops! You slipped and fell down the narrow stairs in the darkness. What a way to die! Next time, use a light.The rat darts nervously across the floor.You don't see a rat, but you hear scurrying sounds coming from the cracks in the wall.A rat darts across the cold stone floor and into a crack in the wall.The rat moves too quickly for you ever to catch it.4oc:`!jjj\%\[!^O^85;349<)9/!\\):[//[%j X%A_#: )c6 66## < 9 4 3 ;# 5# \ [;/)<^L^I'\e' '"):/)3%Ik# &S"<"ke "Ee& %Zj6w$M `,d o( #  a^hj CDCD(CD)5^L^ \/I### F \e #\ 2"%"$ $ & $#!!+<):/ \N)+'ijCLDkCiDj(CD#e!' !M/'ijCADkCiDj(CD);!Pj5+ &$6 )c66:<&#eje>jjjejjR 2iameX[eK\e?ee e\ej<[e- 2iase;I[\e e  dj+[e  2iase ;K[ lA Je#6[e"% 2iase\e e \J [.\n2KKKe"|KK 2iaseKK 2iaseKe nK KjKi KJA 0  e$\= e$\S e$\= \S e2KKKKe"\  : Ee!7\[ : : e::e 2ias.h:6:i=:e :eph:e ^6:i=:> 6 <6:U \QLk! \ 2i=:e e :e ?\[ :6:e)\w :eW :  %>6:i=:e%:e ::e:: \[e [eje </):)4^L^O^XCG6 \QP$PP9Y\+e'  e%\e\e( 1D88<8\djj\=\@\\GB)U T",6 Q)y4Ia6 _ }   / 3 i > There is a beautiful, ornate coffin to one side of this dreadful room. Dust is everywhere, cobwebs fill the corners, and a sickly odor permeates the air.The lid of the beautifully carved coffin is closed.Trembling with fear, you peer into the ornate coffin. Finding it unoccupied, you see the interior is lined with shiny red satin.A red satin pillow lies at one end.Against the red satin, you notice a large golden key!A small silver key is lying within the coffin!Quaking, you look into the beautiful coffin. A vampire is lying asleep within it! It must be Count Dracula!The lid to the coffin is already up.Nervously, you lift the heavy lid of the elegant coffin. You peek into its red satin interior. The coffin is unoccupied.With trepidation, you lift the heavy lid of the beautifully carved coffin. Your heart beats wildly when you see a vampire lying asleep within it! It must be Count Dracula!The lid to the coffin is already closed.Count Dracula is tall and elegantly dressed with a black cloak wrapped around him. His face and hands are chalk white. His lips are blood red.You remove the shiny red %w2 from the coffin. Lo and behold, a large gold key was under the %w2!At this distance the candle does not provide enough light for you to see much detail.There are two keys in the coffin. Do you want the gold one or the silver one?There is only one key here.You don't think you could carry around a heavy %w2, do you?Count Dracula is awake! Run before it's too late!You are caught in Dracula's grasp! Saliva drips off the end of his sharp fangs.You feel them sink into the soft flesh of your neck, and then ... nothing.Count Dracula is fast asleep in his coffin. He pays you no heed.You don't want to chitchat with Count Dracula!That is truly crazy!You place the pointed stake on Count Dracula's chest. Quickly, using the mallet, you pound the stake through his heart. Dracula disintegrates into a pile of dust. A small silver key is left behind in the coffin.You have no way of killing Count Dracula. You are in mortal danger!You plunge the sword into Count Dracula's sleeping body. Oh, dear! It has no effect. You just woke him up.You need something to pound the stake with.That was truly a dumb thing to do! Run before he catches you!To do that, you will need to get closer.There is no one here but you.You don't have time! Run for your life!Count Dracula is terrified of the cross. He turns into a bat and flies away.You don't have it!You don't see one here.You already have.OK.You can't do that while stumbling around in the dark.Suddenly, he is aware of the silver cross you are wearing around your neck!It is pitch black in here! You can't see a thing!Are you crazy? Dracula hangs out here, and you want to stand around looking at things?The coffin isn't open.4COPQRVhq!)O6%(d#!)^L^GX%9;##e'ij###iZ <=FAee <:F<-C ^L^ \X6)h>@Q}@qCD $e$ 2!i<i(iPii&ij MThe lavender waterfall tumbles down from the towering blue cliffs.You fall into the swift water and are washed out to sea where you drown.Ahhhhh! The lavender water is strangely refreshing.You need to be a little closer to drink the water.4 D4 ?=^i? ^'CDD3CCCDCD= CD3Dm C D#D CDCDDD4 c9?eahSe=C#z!)S%X6#ze( 6dVw 6TWc 9FIS q[tf dWpf t_`'CD 1P;jC8D^ 9HHOCDDN pVwhC^Dd WdnqCRD_ P:pAC PBpUC t^4)h \^L^_'ijiCD(CD_ ^VM zEiie $\Q zeDSDODMe}A glint of metal catches your eye. You look toward the direction of the glint and see an amulet lying on the ground!You can't reach the amulet from here.OK.4h?=#^ ^?'CDD2CCCDcDG C DSDZ C DCDf CD3D C D#D C DC DDDNT4kf,?-PQRVh*N+^V^# 'iji&ij'iji2i-i&ij4 4D?^ ^?'CDCDDD4{hTb!%()T^L^X/#:]%1+;K+X$'ijiJ% ij%x%2# {eee|e {eee e e (< ;Ice  (<e e ]NTRX a {*NThe tower is built of creamy, opaque quartz blocks. You see a tiny window near the top. A delicate hand, waving a hanky, appears from the window.The tower was built of creamy, opaque quartz blocks. You see a tiny window near the top.There are no footholds or handholds in the tower walls. It would be impossible to climb it.You must do that from inside the quartz tower.You see a small hand waving a hanky from the window at the top of the tower.You see nothing of interest from the window.You cannot see the girl's face. You can only see her hand waving from the window at the top of the quartz tower.The thick door is fashioned from a wood unknown to you.King Graham may be a hero, but even he can't open a door from THIS far away!You hear what sounds like a distant roar.You need to get closer to the door.The maiden cannot hear you from up in the tower.4ojhO =%<&#^? ^_'CDC DDDOSY494PQRVh%_%# 'iji(&ij4 4GB^ ^?'CDD{ CDCD4/A?%h'ijSi` ipj*iYj* j&j&&ij#e^8 ^?'CDCa$?CMCMCCCDSNYWqYou notice a tower in the middle of the small island. From this distance it is difficult to see any details.4/hT 8%7& %#^< ^?'CDDw CD#D CDCCCDXT4 ZUgb%c+N#!)U^L^= %FF G%*pQFu"#OO= =e=!!e eeee6e+*CE^^ e  %e ! e e e!! !e!eE^^   %% %'ijj QO!QO!!c' !$M)g^L^I  De )U^L^#N _x["QFu# "#QF$ #$F $>)2 {I`You have found her! The girl from the magic mirror! She is even more beautiful than you had imagined!The room at the top of the tower is very tiny. You are angered at the thought of Valanice having been imprisoned in this small room.She is even more lovely than she appeared in the mirror. Her long auburn hair tumbles in luscious waves down her back. She has the bluest eyes you've ever seen and soft creamy skin.You see the view of the colorful ocean crashing onto the blue shore of the island.Don't be so rough! Valanice is very grateful to you for rescuing her. She will follow you anywhere! Except, of course, down those dreadful stairs. She is deathly afraid of them.My name is Valanice, what is your name?ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GOURD???? I thought you wanted to win this game! Don't ever try something like that again!You tentatively embrace the beautiful girl. Your lips meet hers, and you are both in ecstasy. This was well worth playing the game for!Don't be impatient; you just met. Take some time, and get acquainted.Come closer, kind sir.Oh, Graham, I am forever grateful to you!Hello.Yes, of course I will!I love you, too!This is no time for small talk!She is even more lovely than she appeared in the mirror. Her long auburn hair tumbles down to cover her large firm breasts. Her erect nipples are one of the indications that her warm thighs would welcome your tender kisses.40 XYZWbbb!)W^L^6X%Px/ZK+%X|N F%@+N##!K)X^L^ #)K )^L^K)Y )^L^%X#C& &/KI&   c%'ijj|DCe eF \K 2}PK3dJijXC6 )^L^^O^ } lRijl \c$K# #I& K Rzs)MK)Z^L^'ijCSDCiDj(CD \I $! !)^L^GKKCUU3eeKeKeee_e33Ke e Ke3ew 3eZ6363U33U) 2e iKde )YK^2em3*3+3e ~f~3f~3~f3(f(f3(3fff33f' Bd^BF)^L^I!Kee}~~3((33 Cee=~~3((33 ?ee= Nwb c$Ie NwbeeK33(~e K6363U33U( 2e iKe )YK^2e<m3*3h3+3e 33e(~e'ijZ\67a>}9%pBdBe careful!!! There is a huge lion with dripping fangs at the top of the stairs. He has a hungry look in his eye!You are at the top of the wooden steps in the quartz tower. A door leads off to the north.The lion is sound asleep.The heavy door is closed.The wooden steps spiral steeply downward.You can't. A huge hungry lion blocks the door. You had better not get too close!This is the BIGGEST lion you have ever seen! He could eat you with two bites of his powerful jaws. His tail thumps repeatedly on the floor.The huge lion just snarls at you. You might be irritating him.There is no way you could hold an enormous lion.You have nothing with which to kill a lion.With one mighty heave of your sword, you fatally wound the large lion. He slumps to the floor.The large lion has succumbed from the blow of your sword. He is dead.That would be a wrong move!CRUNCH! SNARL! CHOMP! Well, you made a nice meal for the hungry lion! SMACK! SLURP!The lion sniffs at it but does not appear interested.Hungrily, the lion gobbles down the smoked ham and then falls fast asleep.You are not carrying it.There is not enough sustenance in chicken soup to satisfy a hungry lion.The lion sniffs the goodies in the basket but is not interested in them.A hungry-looking lion guards the door.A lion is sleeping near the door.A dead lion is lying near the door.A sweet voice from behind the heavy door begs, Help me, please help me!You must get closer to do that.Swords don't fly very well. Think again.4--Qb}$ X=6 j&Jjjl RJjl[ %K2+N %K+N#'ij}jP86  c|4 X \ }6 )^L^^O^e'ijj lRijlJi8e_ee'ijj2}8[j })] lWooden steps spiral up the white tower. The entrance to the tower is at the bottom of the stairs.The wooden steps spiral dizzily upward.You lost your footing on the narrow stairway.You see the strange island surrounded by the colorful sea.46r[mbb\A} %K<+N) % # !6=j&Jj6 jiJ lRijlX%i+N6 ?==#}X@!d)['ijCD(CDe 2)m^L^^O^:( M  } "?% #c#_": "c"::)^L^O^N \}  :VXY'ijj`86 $ $ 6? Y6 ? W aa $H'ij j;jd ! !e \ } % #6 )^L^^O^j lRijlXW!'ijjFeiP eee_e'ijj< 8\ hqSy4\Narrow steps spiral up the white quartz tower. The entrance to the tower is at the bottom of the stairs.The wooden steps spiral dizzily upward.You see the strange island surrounded by the colorful sea.From where you are standing, you can only see the gorgeous pink sky through the window.You can't see out the window from here.You land on the hard floor of the tower and are instantly killed.You lost your footing on the narrow stairway.4je6b2%dQd+ %dQd +^L^O^#)^L^O^7 )^L^O^4k?ijt!!!=k )i^L^))j)^L^/)t%n%u%iw%tk+++Qnx"Qux!:2#k##G#I " "  :: 66K xk e( e  !"#e  e!!e""e##e ! !Fe)_(nIf you have enjoyed this game, please ask your dealer about availability of:"King's Quest III--To heir is human, to really foul things up takes a computer".It is unfortunate that you have returned to Daventry without a bride.Thank you from the King's Quest development team:Ken, Roberta, Sol, Jeff, Chris, Scott, Doug, Mark, Al, Dale, and Emo.At this point, I can only permit you to: Restore Game, Restart the Game or Take Inventory. Sorry.Thank you from the King's Quest quality assurance team:Larry, Susan, Russ, Bob and Kim.4@w !;Kbb!Kiju!!!FFCC8)u)K)j)i^L^%J%PZ%HO%C}6^G^^^cz__ z'k zw zfw zz%_ zjk +++###QHOQJMF \e" +QPZ :F:2e::++QJ QPG ";; IQJZG'ijjd#jc!c!! j*The monk declares you man and wife.Congratulations, King Graham! You have won the hand of beautiful Valanice. May you two live happily ever after!4ID]  yqw xyz{|}opqrstub(^r^^q^^p^^o^xoxyyoypyqyry^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^y" L LLL1LL LLLLyxy6xsxt*x^u^^t^b)b*b+b, yxxxn 48? !)%6 !)+/%-6i###c()#I ij(ij+/F#Q  $/ $I  +  %#Q ggK  xp@!By Two Guys From Andromeda(C) 1986 Sierra On-Line, Inc.49W? !)/%6#F$Q!^P^!)/% ig img,(,, igig'ij$ i jijji j&ij#^L^$*$$+F$/F$$G$! !$* *)$*) )Q*) )Q?*) )Q+*( Q7*x-( (Q7*( (Q0*( (Q(*( (Q$***++xq1In deep space, a vessel drifts silently.Unbeknownst to you, the dreaded Sariens, those bad boys of the universe, plan your destruction.4? zI !)6 CX/%(#!)6 CX/%T#!)6 CX/%#!)X%Ta/!=)/%i!)+% ##:#Qh! ig img!xrgSpace Quest is a 3-D animated adventure game. As the hero, you'll explore strange vessels...4H%X!)%[f!)/!)/%?!)%JQ+#QJ0FLF ig mig, ,n$0 0F 1 **% *'iji ii j&ij#$G ++2FF F0 / +00(/$#FQ?hI-/ /0#/ $- -:* ,xtxs ...visit bizarre planets...4nE? !)%?{#Q?L!)%:#Q:L igigc)   c)  xtG"...visit bizarre planets......get friendly with the wildlife...4r? +!)+%Di#F!)X+/ (%z#F!)+-X/%#:!)+%G6#F!)%#Q*z5z]z#H !Gc*% igig-#G,$--xu* *F...  igig-Z%c*%d#d'&'%dA )%%%0$%%5%%G %%Z%#G#%R#$,  [ F-d#0+F#G^^++(#d'+ !'+ !'+GI   +IC! F! !"6""2&.+-F$Qh& (& &;FQht &:&& Q&& Q&& Qh&& .+G"$&& Ql&& CQh&lSo step up to the bar and have a cool one and enjoy some of the best entertainment in the universe!..and get acquainted with some darn interesting folks.4f? !)/%8V6#F^L^!)C%W6#QW!)C6%P|^P^#Q|!)C%@6#Q@ ^P^!)C%Kd6#Qd!^P^ igig"" "%F'$%&?$K"c+'c,'$QI"c+'c,' $ & %>$I"c+'c,' %$QK"c+'c,' $ % &$2^^UF $ %W#QW $ && %|#Q| $ &   %@#Q@   $  !! %d#Qd!! !$ !2##66 ""mi 9IEnjoy, for soon you'll come face to face with the dreaded Sariens!46 x7ee  eee e%ee}@  }X)^L^^O^9^'ijjZ^7^'^FFlR^FlxEcEEx x$ 2e GoPThere are steep cliffs on three sides of this mountain top. Don't get too near the edge!There are a few pine and fir trees on this mountain top.There are not many flowers around here.The flowers are of no interest.It would be fun to stop and climb trees for a while, but don't you have something better to do?Don't be silly. Climbing on rocks is kid stuff.The cliffs are too steep! Climbing them could mean death.You are walking on a narrow mountain top with steep cliffs on two sides.It seems you have fallen to your death from this high mountain top.4"^L^O^6%A)b#QAWWD9tLhe2}\ =^L^O^)b+6QA 87 i^^^sIt wouldn't be safe to ride the carpet until you are all the way out of the cave. Only wierd QA types do that.4b \\A \B%Nj=#jP%Gj%!x%ah jP%xj%Jd%{\B !Oe j6)3#SBe Ee0Bj6w$MCD(CD)5L \/I\ F \e 2 $\\::e\x :eX : >6:i=:e%:e ::e;>e@ d(`e `eM=2`e `eY\ Nje`<?eY\!e eSe)4LXCG9ii 6 7i\= Q7@ Q.QtPP\B\&^!9y->9The torches lend the only warmth to this dreary castle.The torch is firmly attached to the wall. Try as you might, you cannot budge it.You hold your candle up to the blazing torch, but the flames are out of your reach.There is no one here but you.You don't see one here.You see the thorny island and the foul lake through the window.You can't do that while stumbling around in the dark.Suddenly, he is aware of the silver cross you are wearing around your neck!It is pitch black in here! You can't see a thing!Count Dracula is tall and elegantly dressed with a black cloak wrapped around him. His face and hands are chalk white. His lips are blood red.Count Dracula is here!! Run before it's too late!You are caught in Dracula's grasp! Saliva drips off the end of his sharp fangs.You feel them sink into the soft flesh of your neck, and then ... nothing.You don't want to chitchat with Count Dracula!That is truly crazy!You have no way of killing Count Dracula. You are in mortal danger!You don't have time! Run for your life!Count Dracula is terrified of the cross. He transforms into a bat and flies away.4Y&i P: i;k!)P^L^/::i":hh i F)Ve ^Pe;$ 2;kk;ek$ CD(CD \)h^L^Mk'ijkm> E^^.$CsDlCiDj(CD)R^O^^L^/Ql) P ^Pe kU a$X@ e'  ie&e(ee!%e% eKqeee###HUiYe"e$/irj<e" iYj;je"je"e$ eKq 1[Kse e\K q$ KN U iY *irj< iYj;j j e   KC^^Z Pe+e%-l i)P^L^G# h:aaSE^"^e $ie\Pe#i 26^e iF)Ve& Pe e $#e   Pe e 6 Pe e c Pee* Peiee|> P(e:^P%sl)Q^L^ #aaiee0 )R^O^^L^/CsDlCiDj(CDQl ^k3Y^^^^^^U^^^(i RBogZDo C+ F This is an ocean unlike any you've ever seen before. It has a rainbow quality, changing colors with the movement of the water. This sea is raging and frothing as if in a storm.The sand on the sparkling beach is a deep blue. The bright sunlight, from a gorgeous pink sky, dances across it. Cliffs tower above the beach.There is a fishing net in a pile on the beach.The blue cliffs towering above the beach are totally unclimbable.The iridescent ocean is very turbulent. You cannot swim in it.You reach down and retrieve the fishing net.You cast the fishing net into the wild sea. Upon retrieving it, you see you have caught a large golden fish! It falls from the net and flops helplessly on the beach.You grab the flopping fish. Its mouth is wide open and its gills are extended. With difficulty, you hold the fish as it twists and turns in your hands.Oh, dear, the beautiful golden fish has died. What a pity.What fish?Holding on tightly to the struggling fish, you jump into the turbulent water and disappear under the waves. Then...You are carrying the fish. How could you ride it?The fish is flopping on the beach. How could you ride it?Oh, dear, the beautiful fish has died. With a mighty heave, you throw the dead fish back into the sea. Slowly, it sinks to the bottom.The gasping fish is unable to utter a sound.The golden fish calls out to you, Come! Come ride on my back! I can help you!The fish nods its head in acknowledgement.You don't need to kill the golden fish. It will die shortly anyway.You could never catch the fish to kill it.This fish is not very edible. You wouldn't like it.No, nothing happens. Great idea, though!Yucccchhhhh!! Who wants to kiss a dead fish!You throw the poor gasping fish back into the iridescent water. Gratefully, it calls to you, In return for saving my life, I wish to offer you a ride across this ocean.Where do you want to throw the fish?You plunge your sword into the writhing fish, instantly killing it!It is too late to save the golden fish. It is now dead.The water is too turbulent to swim in. You have just drowned.You don't have the fish.You can't reach it from here.You fish, and fish, and fish ... However, no matter how hard you try, you don't seem to be able to catch anything.Holding your nose, you pick up the dead, stinking fish. Yucchhhh! With a mighty heave, you throw the fish back into the sea. Slowly, it sinks to the bottom.You need to be closer to the sea to cast your net.The sky above this crazy world is a gorgeous pink. Where am I? you wonder.YECCHHH!! You cough and choke from the briny water of the ocean.You have no need to carry water.You need to be a little closer to drink the water.The rocks are rather drab; unlike the bright blue sand on the beach.The large fish is covered with shimmering golden scales. Its graceful fins and tail are almost translucent. Right now, the beautiful fish is writhing in agony.No time for that!The large and formerly beautiful fish now lies motionless in the odd sunlight. You begin to notice a distinct and unforgettable aroma filling the air.4J1#Qle^^^No time for that!4)xblmhWR%v&WX %RM Y%Z&ON =%>#^^^?QlG?&!?)l^O^^L^#Qxd !! )mlOl^L^ "G \:": "c"::)^O^L^?N \ ^ !^^^^^^^^^AThe water is too turbulent to swim. You have just drowned.The sky above this crazy world is a gorgeous pink. "Where am I?" you wonder.4~5MRW "OTY #N $X %;$ 2;? \?;e M5"OTYeeNzee e'ij##M( Z00 K;]M 7NTq FXe eN 59pP #Q|zj9e eO4 0&7 #8MC BD\X ;Yhq Hrv Pwe eRi_e esTi6e e[W" E o8 &9X Yhe e2Xje eYi7je e#"$%_ eNjA e e  e ee%e ee e ?CD)h^L^?M&n+KUv\You can see that the island is really quite small. The foliage is remarkable, though. Plants and flowers have overgrown it, some growing very large in contrast to the tiny island.You are captivated by the beauty of the beach. The dazzling, rainbowlike ocean washes upon it. The blue sand sparkles like finely ground sapphires!The water is much too turbulent for swimming. If you were to try you would almost certainly drown.The trees on this small island are tall, with spreading branches and huge fanlike leaves.The island is completely overgrown with foliage. Huge leaves, flowers, and clinging vines are everywhere.The brilliant flowers are as big as you are!The rocks on this island appear to contain large amounts of quartz.The trees are too difficult to climb because of their enormous size.The flowers are too large to carry around with you.The sweet aroma of the huge flowers permeates the air.You catch nothing.The sky above this crazy world is a gorgeous pink. Where am I? you wonder.YECCHHH!! You cough and choke from the briny water of the ocean.You have no need to carry water.You need to be a little closer to drink the water.The water is too turbulent to swim in. You have just drowned.A glint of metal catches your eye. You look toward the direction of the glint and see an amulet lying on the ground!The small island offshore has only a few bushes and one large tree growing on it.4t "'-6@HTcq|n l!n*l/l5j7j=lBlPjXjihqbn_r_t]u[y[|klnvx{}';>DDHMQbjw}~|jkjk'gHJINKAN8LLMN:MAJOKVK\Kb" X ] b fhj X _ d e f iJ]IaKaM^RXTMT@S3R+R6Q?OQNXL[ mkj j jkptqxwo p u ppsqtqqoon[  DDADCBCbA`A^CXBVAUBOFMEJDBD@C>E;D6G2G.D+C&E"GED i~j~p{mzm}s{|{|~vvyxsmmpjCiAfAa?Z=[=^M=LBKFJLHdK_ gXW+O,I*@*-,+*+B,F.K-A1#2 1)/:.F.>0Q4B615'576$714F2N0R6, TL;+RI@.& Q=*LQSUX]`qt'z.z/y4z8yU{Wz[y]ydwktprwiNhLfMeJfGdDfT eXΞ ,48IRV^abaac#f#k%p&ti`hyxwx$y%z"|#%19~;~?{FFCDRVV}Y|]`eqrvz{|}| # "%36ACI_[XWK OX ^$c%d'e)ert"qu{ u } &l*k-g*x-|-02x1n:t8{9=}?yOyH|D|rpps*5BL XAZ:[/YXYW?X.["\\ V?U<7E8@948&::6D6B4;352,4#dbBCJSaw ^ Z TA :73/' #"%&'+,14 6 8768;> @$D$H%M(\(_'d(i(m&q 'C%E#L"V `!j#q&y(}(D'H%M$W#]"a#g$k&s(x*{ 1235p6d5X4O1G-@+?,=0A4I7S8d8h7p6x5~308;}>s?i?`=Q9D5=5;6:9?z<:7@C}GuIlJ^HRFFD@A:B9C;D:F>KRL^KlIvF|B? 2}0w.r,i,`.U0M1J3C2M1S/[.d.h/n0r3z}@KI"9 #] *9!%=+% !$&'(*.14479<>BHKMNQWbefcyjvrpvl{hfeimorrtz{yrjgioz:5h3E}{yv"14~5w6p4L.@-?7=z>v?q?Y>S=OC=E:OQkPoOtNz w ~'w1Nwjuitgqhojmllkiodr^sWqRoOmLlHkBj>j5h,l#t srpkd_ ^`eg8 9 ;:865321XV T'P.Q2R;V @VQ0LVSSZOaMhMqOxNzOUTWV@@?A<"=(>+<.;0958=6E6J4Q0R-T2V5Y4]6d=k@ovqkh"\ [Y\^g i l/f)b)X$^3a3b5f5i2:<@BDEH!DPQSV U']#aca_]`fk j$h'g2A; '<"90C#&LRT`N[biouz+z""U_~M WPVFU3X#XV UXOXMYOZJY@X7U+T UYZXLZ@Z6\+\[]KB3I<2$ F>~4~$}};2&7-$" 70+ $ !# %% lkiiqkbmKp8r+qlnmnnlkxifgUi@l/noroopm}mhpTqBo5n/o# '=(1&%&) (<&7%0('**675.687769+:96 42#. >7>6$ &  *F-J6G1>>:9:;@DG?N@GCPETLEM@O?H9I@R5TKNNaC\HX@_<gJkEsAyEtLyJGA<RNSYNaPgEhB_FY8+% *4D}Q}azmsrjgi4 )+,.147;?DGMV_lu}    $ ',04 9 > CHLQ V [_ejo t y  :A)B:@1Z2@9NIJ20jI9bQ*A1Ixke^SH|={60,%!{#w%t$qnkh"g'h+l.n2n7p=tFuOvZvbwhymyvz~{yxvtrpmlmZ,.JB"vhtmqqmplmfkfhfci^iZhWfXc]aa`f`lboepfla_aP`J_H\J\O\X\^WWTTNSKSIWJ\N^UaYe\m\oUoTsSxV{]xatdthxl}o~k}lliiixwu|tuvBEGFB<:2-'#%"''%)/365/.047:A$%$',y7s:rs"4& @ .*  ! )*#?r*J2%F| ?s#,!2!*9*<*9!9) ;+9P:>K!; I"`!)2%'~+*1).677:#<*A1A9>B8J8T<`@jAp@~BABBDB  %&)EKPV\_lq~z{yvqlieaimqv~n^vqciS   8 ?Tq  >wGxmY$MNMZySd2s){&~1}?>B{ >A@:lg~az^y^wez6z3w.t.s0s7t>xE{J}F}Cq40,|]_`c]o^q`sxstzrrtsEoGjIcJ_HYDUBOADC:E-J MMRSRf nx&yIOR~U]ciilooylnk`kTjlrtztnr^qUrIfegfxihg\hNkBk5cbcgykpnfnWoMn=.t/f1V0A.41 42l/b.N1@1-/"./*u,g*Z+J(3'%()v(a)P-9,1 Q~PwSlRaQRN:P%TS}P}POM{OsQjSaTSV=T'QP MvNhM_KRJFPF5+"PMOC93)VI9+UF6. :2:1( !"+!3 9!;#6"1 *"!A8?+@A B6C.B"ED 65+! 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The sweet scent is delightful.The bouquet of flowers is very fragrant.What do you wish to do with it???There are many good things to eat in the basket of goodies.Yum, yum. The snacks from the goody basket are sure tasty.The basket of goodies is empty because you ate all of it.You already have it.This is a poisoned lake! Too bad, you die of extreme poisoning.You need to be closer to the water if you want to swim.You look around but see that there is no reason to use a mallet just now.The color of the brooch clashes with your outfit. Better leave it off.You feel a sudden tingling sensation. Could it be that the effects of the sugar cube have worn off?Ken, Roberta, Sol, Jeff, Chris, Doug, Mark, Al, Scott and Dale.Cracker.%v112,%v113 The rocks are the usual sort of rocks, nothing special.The rocks are too large and heavy.You are not carrying it.There is no reason to drop it.You are already swimming.The water is very deep here. Without aid, it is impossible to swim under the water for any length of time.You need to be in the water to try that.You have better things to do than to play all day.You're already wearing it.The old oil lamp is empty inside.The glass bottle is already open.You pull a large piece of cloth out of the bottle.If you wish to ride on the magic carpet, then just say so.The cage is covered.After swallowing the magic sugar cube, you get a feeling of invincibility.You try to place it around your neck, but it doesn't fit.OK.You're welcome!You already have the goodies. They are right in the basket!The candle is already lit.There is no way for you to light the candle.You pucker up your lips and blow out the candle.The tiara would better fit a daintier head than yours.Mmmmmm! The smoked ham was delicious! It sure hit the spot.You are now wearing the beautiful ruby ring.The glittering bracelet is too small for your wrist.The oil lamp is empty. You cannot light it.You put the bridle over your head. Nothing happens. Don't you feel silly?You open the pretty birdcage and the nightingale swoops out. The bird is gone. You have nothing but an empty birdcage.With a flourish, you fling the black cloak around your neck and fasten it.You place the silver cross and chain around your neck and wear it as a necklace.Hungrily, you eat the tasty chicken soup. Aaaaahhhh! You feel very satisfied. You throw away the useless empty pot.The earrings were made for more delicate ears than yours.Beware! The fairy's spell has worn off.You rub the Tiger's Eye stone on the front of the amulet, but nothing happens.You wave the bronze amulet in the air, but nothing happens.You murmur the word home. A tingling sensation envelops your body. You black out for a second ... when you come to, you see you are somewhere else!When you rub the tarnished brass lamp, you hear a POOOOFF and a genie appears! "Master," he says, "I leave a gift for you. A magic carpet!" The genie then poofs back into the lamp.When you rub the lamp, you hear a loud POOOOFF and a genie magically appears. "Master," he says, "I leave a gift for you. A beautiful sword!" The genie then disappears in a puff of smoke.Using your sleeve as a cloth you rub the lamp, causing the genie to appear again. "Master," he says, "I leave a gift for you. A leather bridle!" The genie then pops back into the lamp.Nothing happens.You have two keys! Do you wish to look at the silver one or the gold one?Oh, no! The lamp has disappeared from your hands!With disappointment, you see that nothing happens.You look in the basket of goodies and see many good things to eat: cookies, fruit, crackers, and sandwiches.The basket of goodies is empty because you ate all of it.You'll have to specify which key you wish to look at.%s4Exit Game? (Y/N) You see nothing special.You cannot get the %w2. At least not now!There is no reason to do that.The %w2 doesn't appeal just now.No. That would just waste time.You can try to go there.That would be inappropriate at this time.Hello.OK. %w2.You will have to find him yourself.You will have to find her yourself.You will have to find it yourself.You are not carrying it.There is nobody here but you!You can't do that--at least not now!Not right now!You can't do that.Just say what you wish to get.You get no response from the %w2.I don't understand "%w1"I don't understand "%w2"I don't understand "%w3"You're not able to ride the %w2 at this time.SierraAbout KQ2Help FileSave Restore -------------Restart Quit ActionSwim =See Object Inventory SpecialSound On/Off Color/BW Joystick Pause SpeedNormal Slow Fast FastestKing's Quest ][ was designed by Roberta Williams.4pah H LAbbe%2e`%dd+_% <%n(#pix    * q a_ .(6 tC D6 +2e4p H LAb#ee, G,You should do nothing with the fence!You see a low white fence.4b H LAb!!)/)XX%Ek% n6 F%In6// }% Pb%L###FF::'iji YD u|6YXCeeee ZAoee E^^e eX&E^^e ;IcE^^(e 69eee!69e \? 9 Ae e6e  ;I86 6;K:e e eee: ::8 6 8:9eeF- .S <[5JxThe cozy cottage is located in a thick wood. A patio shades the front entrance and flowers adorn a window box.The door of the little cottage is closed.The mailbox has the words Grandma's House on it.You can see inside when you look through the window. It is hard to see any detail, though.You knock loudly on the door and hear a muffled, "Come in."Lo and behold, when you open the mailbox you see a basket of goodies!When you open the mailbox you see that it is empty.The mailbox is empty.The mailbox is already open.The mailbox is already closed.There is no need to do that. The door is unlocked.You are too far away.OK.You should do nothing with the fence.You see a low white fence.The mailbox is firmly attached to the post.Where do you think it could be?You already have it.The mailbox is closed. You cannot look in it.The mailbox is empty.There is a basket of goodies in the mailbox.You see nothing special about the flower box.4H H LAb'ijj}jj&ij q%n#ee. G,You should do nothing with the fence.You see a low white fence.4Qbw H LAb!)w%^>6^L^#'ijjjj&ijC#2 c zee AP ap eeeee/ w.|-]There is no door around here.This is an old monastery. The monks living here often help travelers in need.You can see inside when you look in the window. It is hard to see details, though.There is no need to do that. The door is unlocked.You are too far away to see in the window.The bell atop the monastery is ringing merrily.You cannot take the bell.4]/[b H LAb!)/X%@6 #:0'ijj jj&ijG%F#e ee eeXE^^e;cI== =GE^^ee0  +<AThere are not many flowers around here.This is an old monastery. The monks living here often help travelers in need.You can see inside when you look in the window. It is hard to see details, though.Have you nothing better to do than pick flowers?There is no need to do that. The door is unlocked.The monastery door is made of very thick wood held together by iron bars.It is not necessary to knock at a church door. All are welcome.Your arms are too short to reach the door from here!You are too far away to see in the window.4Jl, H LAb1%_&#!e1JThere are many lovely pine and spruce trees near these mountains.The mountain range is wild and rugged. It would be impossible to cross, unless you could fly like a bird.A deep chasm wanders off to the north.4@bz H LAbaheeC'ijii&ij#_ h"| tCDxD 2e450'ah H LAbeeX# \ a [e ['g K'R I'S X'l C1r #?UF )N 4M@M 6LBL 8KDK :JFJ  t_p'CD  tCD b tCyD O&V tCDJ /> tCD> MW tC DO ';5R tC DG KW X)k l @ @ @  eWxoWhat a lovely little lake! Its sparkling water looks so clean and fresh.Do you want to swim in the lake?There is no reason for you to obtain water. Why don't you just drink some water if you're really that thirsty?Ahhhhh! The clear lake water is so refreshing.This lake is foul and stinking! It may be poisoned. All vegetation looks dead around it.What a lovely little lake! Its sparkling water looks so clean and fresh.4ZU% @h\[ H LAbeeX# @  e42-Hah\[ H LAbeeX'iji?i?&ij#( iNo[ oJv^ vGb Eb Ac t_T'CD iNo[ oJv^CtDS t vGbC}DS t EbCDS t AcCDS t L Mz @ @ @  e4c'ah H LAbeeX#: Kc{ LJxb S.qI M-W: yNV PMv\ P]ze yAO t_'CD < DCDK t M-W:CSD3 t R-b5C\D5 t c-t5ClD5 t u-5CrD6 t ALCDH t TThere is a large rock in the ocean a short way from shore. Small waves lap at the edges.Can you believe it! There is a mermaid reclining on a large rock offshore!The mermaid has long flowing hair covering most of her upper body. The green scales on her fish tail are sparkling like emeralds as she slowly waves it back and forth. She beckons with her hand.There is no room for you on this rock. It is occupied already.Wrong move! You frightened the poor mermaid. She dives into the water and disappears.The mermaid does not reply. She gives you a quizzical look and continues waving her fish tail.Don't get too close! You might frighten her.Which treasure would you like to give to the mermaid?The mermaid gladly takes your treasure. In return, she summons forth from the sea a magic seahorse! Maybe you could ride it.You graciously offer the beautiful bouquet of wildflowers to the mermaid. She loves the flowers! She then summons forth a magic seahorse! Maybe you could ride it.You hand the rusty trident to the mermaid. Oh, no! She dives into the water and disappears with it! Now she's gone.It would be impossible for you to follow a mermaid in the ocean!She's not there.This is a larger than average seahorse! It has a little saddle attached to its back. The seahorse tosses its head expectantly.The magic seahorse is already here for your use.Quick as a flash, it glides under the water with you on its back!Do you wish to ride the magic seahorse?You gently pat the seahorse's nose.Don't you know that seahorses can't talk!You are too far away.The mermaid looks at your offering distastefully. She is not interested in it.You must specify who you wish to give it to.You aren't carrying it.4QL H LAbX# 4\W' @h\[ H LAbeeX# @ e4Ub bb ^][!!!))))/6%D%C%Is%1^L^L^L^=%G+X##F~##~ eS Tc ( $%ee5e Hmoe LWe~F4e44e 64e  4e ~e J,E))e( e cI!  e(e) DFeEe ~ e - ~))I&I ( )/)/I&IN)]^L^ \/I$$6 $ %)^^L^'CDCDDB6B)RCD)X%)'CDDC*D++CD(CDM*C+D, ,::& & ,66! -=Y~)c )( ( )&-.89_The castle looks cold and forbidding. Two dark towers rise on either side of it. The castle is surrounded by deadly thorns and brambles.The heavy wooden door of the castle is closed.These ghostly apparitions guard an evil being lurking within the castle walls.There is a dark castle set in the middle of the dismal island. Thorns and brambles grow everywhere. The stink of the foul lake is oppressive.There are two spooky ghosts guarding the door of the gloomy castle. This situation looks bad.The two spirits are fooled by the black cloak and the large ruby ring that you are wearing. They slowly float away.... Maybe you remind them of someone else.The two spirits are afraid of the silver cross you are wearing around your neck. They slowly float away and disappear.Oh, no! The two spooks float toward you and enter your body. In a trance, you walk toward the thorn covered brambles.Are you kidding!? How do you capture a ghost?Don't you know that spooks are already dead?When you speak to the ghosts they utter a mournful wail.When you knock on the wooden door of the castle, the sound echoes inside. There is no answer.The ghosts won't let you reach the door.Your arms won't reach.There are no trees on this island. Only brambles and thorns.The spooks want nothing but you gone!You rub and rub, but nothing happens!Evil forces prevent you from doing that.4mh- @bh\[ H LAbeeX# @ e4DpbAbr!)r/6 %^rXCD +%Wu i6^L^O^)b%-(Q-F ##F e G G L HUFzj ;FM   :e9O9 Ge e Pzxe ee Xs!Ge  Vmbz cIeGe VmbzeeI Vmbzeee  D D8) ^L^O^ O$iKThis is a quaint little antique shop. There is a sign in the window.The sign says "closed."The sign says "open."You can see inside when you look through the window. It is hard to tell details, though.The door to the antique store is closed.The antique store is closed. You cannot enter it.You could get caught for "breaking and entering." That would not be wise.You rap loudly on the door but get no reply.You rap loudly on the door and hear a cheery, "Come on in."You are too far away.You can't unlock the door. You don't have a key that fits.4]n H LAb'ijjHjxjH&ij'ijiT iTj%&ij'ijiUi&ij#e weeeeh 8NYou are looking at the back of a quaint little antique shop. It is yellow with a bright red roof. There are lovely curtains in the window.You can see inside when you look through the window. It is hard to tell details, though.You could get caught for breaking and entering. That would not be wise.You are too far away.The window does not open.4Zbe>ah H LAb% Fe!!))%dd%ddX5'ijiQiPi<i;i(i#ij%&ij'ijixiii&ijH#HI## PCD Ie HeeH;e; HeeH;E^^e e\R$# HHI<E^^e e I\5$2eJiKkYou notice a pretty clamshell lying on the sandy beach.It is a beautiful sandy beach.When you pick up the clamshell, you see that there was a sparkling sapphire and diamond bracelet under it!You can't reach it from here.You open the clamshell and discover that it is empty. There is nothing special about it.You need to get the clam first.There is a beautiful diamond and sapphire bracelet lying in the sand!OK.41 H LAb!)%IoJ##J eJ=E^^e \6$ JeK1GThere is a stake leaning against a tree.You are too far away.OK.4e`' @eh\[ H LAbeX# @e4 @?2e @[h\ H LAbe!^L^6C %F+)+%B)+ )h^L^)+%BQB"##:# #:_('CD 4LC7D t MqCPD t" " F WeA5AA')+F #%F^L^)^L^+# ;:ee5eeAe  e  e   e AA>AAA,E^^ee $^L^)+B QB!!   :e Ae6:e::eee(:(:ee=(5f|a.XThe shrouded ghoul looks very frightening. His hands are little more than claws, and his face is completely hidden inside his hood.The castle looks cold and forbidding. Two dark towers rise on either side of it. The castle is surrounded by deadly thorns and brambles.There is a dark castle set in the middle of the dismal island. Thorns and brambles grow everywhere. The stink of the foul lake is oppressive.This lake is foul and stinking! It may be poisoned. All vegetation looks dead around it.The small wooden rowboat looks rotted from exposure to the poisoned lake.You are too far away.You would be crazy to touch the thorns.The brambles are too thick for the sword to cut through!There are no trees on this island. Only brambles and thorns.There are no bushes on this island. Only poisoned brambles and thorns.Do you want to get back in the rowboat?You climb into the decrepit rowboat, and the shrouded fiend paddles across the toxic lake to the shore.You are greeted by stony silence from the frightening ghoul.The ghoul will not let you take the boat.You can't kill something that is already dead.It is impossible to catch a ghoul.You look longingly at the other side of the toxic lake.You are too far away.The silent fiend slowly shakes his head. He is not interested in it.4+ @h\[ H LAbeeX#% `B'CDCDxD D t @!e4YT H LAb#"4|9 H LAb'iji[ i[j%&ij#e#m;The mountains are completely impassable.This is a forested area near an impassable cliff.4 -beoa H LAbh%eeCX# 5AGQ tC8DE B4T p)h^L^'CD I4W CDKL U&] CDl9 'WAb C+Ds& BZSy C=DvDDCC t D2$e4 H LAb!# e9O99mj !h !! ! !mke% 8<_-OopYou are in a grove of giant trees. A sign appears to be attached to the back of one of the trees. Hear ye! Hear ye! Sierra is pleased to announce: SPACE QUEST: The Sarien Encounter Become Roger Wilco, sanitation engineer aboard the space lab, Arcada. Save Xenon from those bad boys of the universe, the Sariens! KING'S QUEST ]I[: To Heir Is Human You are Gwydion, young slave to the evil wizard Mannanan. Discover his magic and use it to free yourself from his thrall. (C) 1986, Sierra On-Line, Inc.King Graham scratches his head in puzzlement at this confusing message. It doesn't appear to be a part of his quest.4B @h[\ H LAbee'ijXj~ j~&ij#" GT^d 9TFa J#aR Vs t_N'CD'ij Vs CDb# 9TPd C@DR QT^dC\DWiCjD t @ &e4 K\h[ H LAb @eeK!^L^X-_%X)%EF QX~")h^L^+6#! #K $)+/%X~#:# >&y ~Mv t#l $ee$5Ae:eL DF AA>AAAeAA>AAA8E^^e(FDee # $;)+G QEJ  :eAe6:e ::e (.:(:.(.e -(F:(:F 9^9e(<:(:< 5^5e(b:(:b 8^8e(:(: :^:ue(:(: ;^;Le`(b(<(((Fe'(:(:e e ;I! L"'_ ")%X~+/^L^)# # $F L  8! !K @!'eN(y+)S%jd(The small wooden rowboat looks old and rotted from traversing the poisoned lake.The shrouded ghoul looks very frightening. His hands are little more than claws, and his face is completely hidden inside the hood of the shroud. He is standing in a small boat.The spooky fiend holds out a bony claw, as if in request for a payment of some kind.You climb carefully into the old boat. The shrouded ghoul paddles it across the lake to the ominous island.You are greeted by stony silence from the frightening ghoul.The ghoul will not let you take the boat.You can't kill something that is already dead.It is impossible to catch a ghoul.Which treasure would you like to give the ghoul?The shrouded ghoul takes your treasure. Silently, he gestures toward the boat.The silent fiend slowly shakes his head. He is not interested in it.You are too far away.You don't have it.The shrouded ghoul looks at the ruby ring on your finger and the black cloak around your neck. He motions for you to enter the boat, which you do. You must have fooled him into thinking you were someone else.You must specify who you wish to give it to.The lake is foul and stinking! It may be poisoned. All vegetation looks dead around it. There is a desolate island in the middle of the poisoned lake.%m18 A shrouded figure stands silent.4+h[a\ H LAbeeX# j @ @ Is t_@CD[ t @" (e4Pha H LAbeeX'iji^i)jj4!#j4&ij#( jCp VPi F.a@ FAbc #\Cg t_'CD }+0CjD1 t ]+|0C]D7 t C-\4CCD9 t '-B4C7D8 t '59=C'DC t :&BCDG t ;CCDG t b5lAC[DF t m1~6CZD7 t [ [CD t 5JCvDF t#!)e4cb >ha H LAbeeX"'ijjLjajZ&ij'ijiu iuj%&ij#_('CD V-cCDc t KZCDZ t e e"*eHThere are many lovely pine and spruce trees near these mountains.The mountain range is wild and rugged. It would be impossible to cross, unless you could fly like a bird.45,]be`a H LAbh%2e!XC+'ijixi&ij6)%R## Re_eeR/E^^e e R$\3''CD)h^L^ H!T- C0D-C t  !!9 t %2+e ;You notice a rusty trident lying in the grass.A carpet of green grass rolls up to the water's edge. It feels spongy beneath your feet.You pick it up and carry it with you.You are too far away.A carpet of green grass rolls up to the water's edge.4D?' H LAbaheeX#. 67QA M3sD ]EsL fJh }/g th t_'CD 67Q9CD t 83F@C=D@ t G.`8COD; t k+~3ChD7 t (3CD7 t hCiD t CD t HF^WCVDS t DXMhCLD_ t&$,e4Ct'ah H LAbeeX#. 8}F 9]Xr 9]Z LY^h (9 .#: t_L'CD u&(]~e ee]ee  beeee 6e *+e ||e ((~~ C e ^C be(f(f~f~f Beee((~~ ?e >ee$(((( 4ee(.(.(b(b(<(<(((((F(F 8 5 : ; 9een((e(e ~e]"cbe c\7\DeeWe!%Pn:*Hb~73w6YNdThe wolf pounces on you! My, what big TEETH he has! Good enough to eat you with, my dear.Oh dear! A wolf in grandma's clothing is in the bed! Get out of there, fast!This is the home of Grandma. It is comfortably furnished. Frilly curtains cover the windows. Flowers are in vases. Grandma is lying on a brass bed in a cloud of pillows and coverlets.Grandma looks pale and weak. She must be ailing. She is dressed in a warm flannel nightgown. White curls peek out from under a flannel nightcap.Grandma is lying in an elegant brass bed. Mounds of pillows and blankets surround her.You can see the woods when you look out the window.Grandma is very weak. Her voice wavers as she says, "Good day, kind sir. I would like to offer you a cup of tea, but as you can see, I am ailing."The door is already open.That wouldn't be very nice.You are supposed to be the good guy. Good guys don't kill kindly little old grandmas.Watch it! Whatever she has might be catching.What would you like to do for poor sick old Grandma?You feed the hot chicken soup to ailing Grandma. "I feel much better," she says. "In return for your kindness, I have something for you. Look under the bed."You don't have it.Grandma shakes her head. "I can't chew ham. It is too tough for my teeth."Grandma looks at the basket of goodies. "This belongs to my granddaughter," she declares. "You ought to return it to her.""Thank you for your kind offer of flowers, but I already have enough flowers around the house," Grandma says.Grandma shakes her head. "I don't need treasures to be happy," she declares. You keep it."Grandma appears not to be interested in it.You drop to your hands and knees and peer under the bed. A large ruby ring and a black cloak are hidden there. You take them into your possession.It would not be polite to do that.You peek under the bed but see only dust."Thank you for your generosity, good sir," Grandma says. "The chicken soup has warmed my poor old bones."The basket is empty because you ate all the goodies. What would Grandma do with an empty basket?You are too far away.The colorful rug appears to have been handmade.You must specify who you wish to give it to.You must specify who you wish to feed it to.4 Pd "  " be[dK!^L^)K/%FQd#F%F#c &L%ee & eede ee E  e e 2Q\S"eeY+ G \e %& )eI^L^ & $G \e )e^L^I & E e":e:e::e6:e)[ 2 :  ee: e d e\EK d !em:E^^ee! d GIe  \ ::F:: \K## # \ % &)^L^+$ ! $6.7m%aQ6&J!HbThe chapel of the monastery is plain and unadorned. Rows of pews lead toward an altar, which is topped by a large cross.The chapel of the monastery is plain and unadorned. A monk in simple clothing is bent in prayer toward the cross on the altar.The chapel of the monastery is plain and unadorned. A monk in simple clothing is standing next to the altar. He looks kindly at you.The monk is dressed in a simple ankle-length robe. A belt of thin leather is tied around his ample waist. He walks on worn sandals.What do you think you would accomplish by doing that?Anyone who would kill a man of the cloth doesn't deserve to play this game. Therefore, we will end it.You speak to the praying monk but he does not respond. He seems deep in worship.Can I be of service? the monk asks. What name do you go by?Please be quiet while praying.You shout at the praying monk. He pays no attention. The monk is deep in prayer.There is a large wooden cross atop the oaken altar.The wooden cross is plain and simple. An altar of polished oak supports it.You kneel near the altar. You look up at the wooden cross.You kneel near the altar. Bowing your head, you pray.The plump monk lifts his head from prayer and seems to notice you for the first time. He stands and asks your name.The kindly monk explains that he has heard of you and your quest. Here is my cross. It will protect you from evil, he says. He removes a chain with a silver cross from around his neck and gives it to you. The monk then resumes his prayers.You are the only one in the chapel.Come, join me at the altar, my friend, says the monk.It doesn't work. The monk is deep in prayer.You don't have time to sit around.You tap the monk on his shoulder but it does no good. He is very deep in prayer.Shouldn't you go to the altar to pray?Your arms will not reach.You should not talk while kneeling at the altar. It shows a lack of respect.You already are.You already have a cross.4/-bf.%q+I )f^O^ #z }$ Rlgx/)^O^%Zl8 )f^O^ 6 %\x2 \6)^L^^O^c  }'ijJijl Rijl#e eeee . 8It /This is a room inside the hollowed-out trunk of a large tree. A door goes to the outside. A narrow ladder leads down through a hole in the ground.When you look down, you see the bottom of the ladder in an underground tunnel.You can get on the ladder yourself.You are climbing the ladder.Through the open door you see the woodland in which this tree grows.4\bbf[mH>}!6 c#j&Jjj \lRJjl  6%_(X^O^)f  # T _sp{)^L^O^g Y8. \X)^L^^O^  }c#'^F!FFlR^Fl 4}- _sp{ ^O^)f^L^^O^ bn6X $d }!<)[ 2)m^L^ \:2 "": "c"::: }Y8  \)^L^O^eeeJ Y8)HuYou are in a musty underground passageway. There is a narrow ladder leading up through a hole in the ground.The ladder goes up through a hole in the ground. You cannot see the top of the ladder.Just go toward the ladder.4NLMsb!!^L^!^O^%/op)M)L#^ !79^ !)%2wS"#6 %i)NU//CCC#F'ijjuju&ij#!ce pee peeaeeea( _xzeUe UIU $a& _xzeUeUKUaTUeGNPMQO2eNe Pe Me Qe OeepzE^^e e\C)M pUN Ne\: UP< e P\5UMF Me\9UQ e Q\;UOb Oe\8 (q@Y\ j (q@x%e % %I"* ")s u<$'iji&ij#M \I#6C# \ #)8.0~U%.7>Dl*cYou have stumbled onto the home of the thieving dwarf! Unfortunately for you, he is home!It seems you have entered the underground home of the little dwarf. It is cozy, with a fire crackling in the hearth. A pot of chicken soup bubbling above the fire gives a delicious aroma to the room. There is a trunk tucked away in the corner.It seems you have entered the underground home of the little dwarf. It is cozy, with a fire crackling in the hearth. There is a trunk tucked away in the corner.There is a pot of chicken soup boiling over the fire.The fire is crackling merrily in the fireplace.The trunk looks old and worn. The hinges are loose.You look inside and notice...You look inside and notice...nothing.The trunk lid is already open.earringsbraceletnecklacebroochtiaraThe lid of the trunk is already closed.You grab the wooden handle of the bubbling pot of chicken soup. You take the pot with you.You reach into the trunk and get it.You are too far away.You will have to open it to see inside.The stocking hats of the dwarf are sitting on the table.Those hats wouldn't fit you.OUCH!!!! This fire is HOT! You're going to burn yourself.4h,wr:b7"^b^^h^!)7^O^% #QK !)^L^+/%<]# ,,'iji7 ,I/# #%2++/F '/I /:$++GI/Q-Z-#+/I/- -Q!R$$ $)^L^ij(ijK** *)^L^I%% %)^L^I++# +)^L^ij(ij/+GQFb(( (Qr&& $% . .mi%dd \%9Li!1<JUjqy(c) 1987 Sierra On-Line Inc.King's Quest ][ - Romancing The ThroneVersion 2.2KING'S QUEST ][Designed & Written By:Game Logic:Development System:Scenery:Graphics:Roberta WilliamsKen WilliamsSol AckermanJeff StephensonChris IdenDoug MacNeillMark CroweROMANCING THE THRONEMusic:Al LoweDale CarlsonScott MurphyRobert HeitmanSir Graham is now King of Daventry. Under his wise rule, Daventry is prosperous. He is loved by his people.Unfortunately, there is a problem. King Graham needs a queen for companionship and to provide an heir to the throne.He has searched high and low for the right maiden, but he remains alone.An idea comes to him! He goes to the magic mirror and looks into its depths.He sees a vision of a quartz tower. To reach it he must pass through a magic door in the nearby land of Kolyma.The scene then changes to show a beautiful girl locked within the tower! Graham now knows what to do.Bravely, he sets off to find the land of Kolyma and the beautiful maiden.4@. e. e  ee eEee e %e 0a=vXMany trees shade your way as you journey through the land of Kolyma.Don't worry about the trees, they are not about to leave.The trees appear to be rooted to the ground.Climbing trees will not find you a bride!There are not many flowers here.There are not many bushes or shrubs here.You examine the %2 closely but find nothing of interest.You see pieces of scattered wood lying around. The wood is of no importance.Here and there you see the stumps of trees. You wonder if beavers have been here.The Kingdom of Kolyma is lush with green grass growing everywhere.There is plenty of green grass throughout the countryside of Kolyma.There is no reason to climb the rocks.Many trees shade your way as you journey through the land of Kolyma. One of the trees seems to have a door.4Bs [>e!XC))z%q )>^L^ )o^L^$)`+ )v^L^/F#P> Z>> ZI[Xc,[ [ Z/P>)()( )eN) + +e+ +ee e$ e ee e e e e## 9= >Qe fKu vD <e .R S9x yNe S4 5oV Wg h ev HR S[e\ UU V\eB$ Zd eP Be"+ ]3 4rc deeeee e e_e%e pBQq#K <']The glittering white sand of the beach feels warm from the sun. The azure water of the ocean laps up to its edge.The plants grow well in the moist sea air.The flowers are a beautiful contrast to the blue ocean.Sifting through the sand, you notice nothing of interest.The flowers are of no interest.The flowers give a sweet smell to the air.OK.I thought you wanted to dig?Ok. You are all through digging. You find nothing.You can't possibly dig while walking. Stand still.King Graham is not dressed for tanning.YECCHHH!! You cough and choke from the briny water of the ocean.You have no need to carry water.The calm water of the clear blue ocean looks inviting.You see waves crashing upon the rocks.The leaning palm trees sway in the ocean breeze.There are nothing but green coconuts in the palm trees and the trees are too slippery to climb.You need to be a little closer to drink the water.You dip your head under the ocean water. You see nothing but colorful fish and seaweed.The rocks along the ocean are too dangerous to climb.Dig...Dig...Dig...44 v 5;f^^PW &!(:;%%%( % %}%xe  ?^?\4) ;e  '((e (e9 ? >eBe;e( ? >ee@H eee ee e@~*U _~6D )Nr5eLittle Red Riding Hood is a sweet little girl. She has long blond locks peeking out from her red cape and hood.Now, that wouldn't be very nice, would it?Tearfully, Little Red Riding Hood explains that someone stole her basket of goodies while she was picking a bouquet of flowers. Could you please help her find it?Shyly, Little Red Riding Hood returns your hello. She looks a little upset.What is this! It appears you have run into Little Red Riding Hood! She looks a little troubled.You don't need to be kissing little girls.You are a stranger to Little Red Riding Hood. You shouldn't hug her.Gratefully, Little Red Riding Hood accepts the basket of goodies. In return, she gives you her bouquet of flowers.You ate the goodies out of the basket! Why would you think she would want it now?You are too far away from her.Little Red Riding Hood is overjoyed to have her basket of goodies back. Thank you, Mister, she exclaims. Now I can take the goodies to my sick grandma.That would be incredibly nasty!This is a heavily wooded area. It would be easy to get lost among the trees.Many flowers beautify these woods.You have better things to do than to dilly-dally around picking flowers.It would be fun to climb trees for a while, but you really have better things to do.The lovely fragrance of wildflowers is all around you in these woods.There are many bushes and shrubs among the trees.It would not be nice to take the bouquet of flowers away from the little girl.There is nobody here but you.There is no one here to get it from.There is nobody here to give it to.You do not have it to give.No!You already have it.Shyly, Little Red Riding Hood returns your hello.You gave the basket of goodies to Little Red Riding Hood. It's hers now. You can't take it!Little Red Riding Hood is not interested in it.You must specify who you wish to give it to.4(o: <79)^^} ub!!)6C%P(:;<%::;; ?e~ VSel! ~5ueZ" Ku Le@# K2e.% ,Q ?Re& !meeYzLWhat a lovely little lake! Its sparkling water looks so clean and fresh.Do you want to swim in the lake?There is no reason for you to obtain water. Why don't you just drink some water if you are really that thirsty?Ahhhhh! The clear lake water is so refreshing.You need to be a little closer to drink the water.You dip your head under the clear blue water. You see the bottom of the lake.What a lovely little lake! Its sparkling water looks so clean and fresh. An unclimable cliff rises abruptly to the east.4r e 22e22e2 2e2 2e6B)[CD(CDUM  sThe brambles are covered with poisoned spiked thorns that mean instant death to anyone punctured by one.You would be crazy to touch the thorns.The brambles are too thick for the sword to cut through.You have been poisoned by the thorns and can no longer continue the game.4dBu de (:;sp_b^O^!)A%P%!?%P~%fU%T~%H:::1;;X! #S c79ee:jP:e:ee :ee6:e2 Hkr  HV'ijCiDj(CD'CD T S X6 79$ 7 MN^P^)p/I9^^7^)sI $  \X E$j6 )_I! )$T E$j8`G de 2 c :ep/nYou have run into an evil enchanter! Get out of there fast, before he turns you into something!The enchanter is tall and stately with a black flowing robe and a long white beard. He has an evil gleam in his piercing black eyes.The evil enchanter is magic! There is nothing you can do!Stopping to talk to the wicked enchanter could be big trouble!Poooooof!!! The evil enchanter has turned you into a cute little froggy. Ribbit, ribbit!He's not here.You have run into an evil enchanter! Let's hope the fairy's spell works!4kv  ^^Pb s!)^L^O^A%k;%$}%%.E&%p\,%x-%M<(:;'::;; S ce#:Te e6e*+e T S 6 79 7^L^O^)$:(^L^O^)sIe:  $: ^L^O^)sI gE ec*:The old hag, Hagatha, is nearby! You can hear her cackling and smacking her gums as she comes closer. She would love to have you for dinner, and I don't mean as a guest!This is the ugliest old lady you have ever seen. She's toothless with warts all over her face and has matted gray hair. Her clawlike hands are gripping a walking stick.The old hag cackles, chortles, and mutters under her breath (which smells so bad you almost faint).You would be a fool to try. Hagatha is far more powerful than she seems.What a revolting thought!She's not here!You have been caught by the hag! Fortunately, you were protected by a magic spell so she left without harming you!4f ^^PR (sb!)^O^)%#-.% 8/%C_'%,O(%Y(:;('::;; S& *ce#:YL:e::e :ee6:e :e *T * *S& *&)s %I% &79 )ee%$ % ()R 9 ^9 M@ 5 ^5 P0 : ^: N 8 ^8 O ; ^; Q )n]lYou have come upon a quick little dwarf! Dwarves have a bad reputation for stealing treasure.The dwarf is a very small fellow. For being so little, he is very fast.The dwarf is too fast on his feet. You could never catch him.The dwarf doesn't have time to chat with you. He's too busy running around; possibly with your treasure.He's not here.The dwarf seems to have left you alone, thanks to your protective spell!Oh, no! The dwarf caught you. You should check to see if he stole anything....!4|q e*e  eeee e% NlThere are many lovely pine and spruce trees near these mountains.You have better things to do.The mountain range is wild and rugged. It would be impossible to cross, unless you could fly like a bird.There are not many flowers around here.There are not many bushes around here.4g%F`  o rlmy;y<yy=yy>y?y@yAyByCyDy y y y y y y,y+y=y-yyyy yy y1y2y3y5y7y9 ~PO- _>KQ2Welcome to King's Quest II4!-  |yurpjeb_W NH311468=@@"@) TDM@G;A9?63250606,8,9-:-:*<)>+@)A&B&B"DE"F%L#T$[ adir|ABEINzPoRfSbQ_OTDNAI$`+c +l mL Ѱ̛  +K#)"92!5X?)4#nMAL%0:-21< , #*2 w?S+qIq@o:,!t'i5") ]d 2A;XY5)<3G9Q5^+p 5, 12'52;9DAMCRBT>Z:c7j1q+z&549;A G!Q [fj qy 789<#B&J'T%\!dlu{77 9$>(E,M.U,\(b!ks{ 2+4286;<@CGHNIUGZAb=o8x4/*#1aB @+2,9-$9$,2A *B` , 1Ai/3#К  Q[ ^ckv ~  n @m1*30%1><#)/9*B #K95E*V 2#*) )+3*Q NT C0l't3j9s>sI_^p;y [cY[Ubf SfBeCdSd'Bc.Rb6a !2".(!$ $7#$3'4 5 7 & L"$T-2KD T\+Br'w*5Di0!"pCAr8!k=# _cpv$&c;h?_A4"1 <0J1U6K6S!@ABA @@4ę B%4C0) 1U41 B*Y WXU$S-T0Z1[/a0`)a'`_a cdcg d dflnop t!t&w$w*{)}$&~# t's3t>tKsUqanhmkrnxo|kzhze|Z~Q~K}E}' !!,4CGJPVad"#" S*L)B*>,a+e,k-n1n3k6f9\:S9J:C8=51)-(,(@><;<(*, .2 587%5-5/4E=J=R?_@iAqAsB<>%=,<*D+G.H2J6J7K7L;N;O7N2M/L+L*K+I+HE?PBUDWEUHRJOKKKHLINLOIRCV=Y8Z2[-Z+Y6T:Rg8m7p?zHS`m{wtnhfb|`C==<=ԳURc`B  #$$+$0&2%>$D#L T#a#e$m!q!$%%$#$%*Z!\^^\[MPROVP\OcNlLsJ@@,H0J4K6L G2 2X$+1"'&4$ %[]"  ;"*J ++" (f&,l.bcfhi)e+i'h-f.j,j]kC-#,^dah]g[haebb`aZd TM= T{WX{ZRP|RzV| ;2-=&K ||z{|~z /#.u].1357/xruqyu C-KC.+LBJENEOAQEFBDAD*K3N:ND7C2C.E*H*Kllrpwp|nlyhtiphlkSS`a0Z2V1S0W-\-a/0#1%3)3,2/0)-",,/RHRIR'(&&&S]W_4 !'*5<FIOQ RUXXVRMIC95, (## " 2$+ + #1> ;4Z 2#=6f"-#A+ , $=5?C6Zf?@C\hsAjB @DQRyMg@?EQTyOyN $B5>E$>)P)>5 )[)`AnAmHBmahaSbbn`nQnDCnD$?$B(%P=]>g@h>h&Y?g&P)P@[=\%Q&X*==E+P+A>I>Y+:5=5"7&7><;,&~u )"*-+j5T% 6 +\ "$'-2ef0224:=BCC|1w2t3 HO Mc M SMXQV] _i Ze Vd Ra^SUi f!o!wc#w" &!).1!"W0z b ee jj sxlxwullvmkhb_9p$u wzzyu tt {|}   &*-39<Oy=;B@HFLKI(HD(C?#>:%9s?~DSA~SqB}HvJ}NxP}RYFYIPNURYW^X tvs{y}wn|nnnm~kl jJjJjJjJIGH F0vF0{F0F00t./oY|T}TRSWZ^chmlovqvrutRyOyTkvstscqIwTyRyFx9p9o4m$iM(Nef igf UW]` ;>EH  #+LYevu }"&Reu;;pY,ha NMTe 9 6w0.xIrU`vju:Rr|S*p%L BE uVvZj8z3>qjq=F I >!F";P{P{ETWN x{l ^_HB9/ "spd bZ T ] ZZNH<_kAB` %>*1/%2'767 8%9*:.;4<8=<>BJe*M4dCgSd28:<]cf\mC6@5O'@.Y?_9Y tGC ?DBGCGDHHLILNQOQQSxNSUyTUvPtwPRUxuQsR {=y 3 } %* )dv&&>9$,IE>)CA4 &)S>.1 'V0&J6H;&W$&_3&V&B6B*&c$&i-&f2&o@\? :INZA'K&T&\&>5E5M/T.K:X9Z3a2_;d:c+j*`#h"e7j6g>p<;|;x=TXXX U PPSX#wxvsn` `__..9GIkk;0.bYTTH:xvMHLU`U]U[ xn%`'4#"",03<GHI#M+N+J-H+:*)-,-. 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n" $ % % 2& A' ' + , , , <- / E0 1 3 i?SwordTridentBouquet of FlowersBraceletStakeRuby RingTiaraNecklaceEarringsBroochMalletGold KeyEmpty BasketBasket of GoodiesBottleEmpty BottleHamChicken SoupBlack CloakCrossCaged NightingaleEmpty BirdcageOil LampClothPillowFishing NetCarpetBridleCandleSugar CubeGasping FishAmuletClamshellSilver KeyDead Fishb *1>BO[asc$ &(abracadabra across altar amuletani antique antiquesback basketbat beach]bedbell benchessbird tbird cage tbirdcageblack capeblack cloakblow boardAboatbook shelf bookcaseboth Rbottle bouquetbouquet of flowersbowbox <bracelet 2brambles Ebranch Ebranches break{brew 2briars Nbridge Vbridle brooch building bureau [cabinet \candle !canyoncar Wcarpet jcasket catch zcauldron chair !chasm achest;clam;clam shell cliff cliffs climb close Scloth jcoffin ucover credit cross cross and chaincube ecupboard lcushioncut!<diamond and sapphire bracelet!Fdiamond and sapphire necklacebdiamond and sapphire tiaraFdiamond necklacebdiamond tiaradigdiskdive dolphindoor drawer dresser #drinkdrop earringsceat empty enterexit Sfabricfast fastest~feed fence Pfightfindfirefish fishingfishing net7flag flowerflower boxflyflying horse followgame rgenie >get in πget off рget on 4ghost 4ghosts(givegold golden graham graham's ground hallwayfham Hhammerhat hello|helphi&holehome horse+hug3hungry lionJinscription 5island )jewelryjumpKkey keyholekeys6kill*kiss dkitchen kneel Uknife knock ladderolampVleather bridleʀletlidXlielift Ylight3lion listenlookՀlook across Ȁlook down ˀlook inˀlook insidelook under look uploveomagic lamp0magic seahorse Hmallet:man Āmarryfmeatmove 6murder my nameqnamenetno normal 1objectoneopen pausepew lpillow plantsplay ɀpoint=pole-pos positionzpot ipoundpray priority^programmedpry purchase }put on quilt,quitrampratOread remove rescue reset restartrestart game restorerestore gameрride'ring%rock Arowboat/rusty trident sandsaveŀsay 0sea horse sesamesfshow9sign psilence silver sit down Mskull Mskullsskyslow smell Tsnakesoup1spstab _stairs status steal stump stumps sugar suntansvswim gtabletake talktan ctaste tester ̀thank youthem throw `torch mtouchtp trace .treasure tree /tridentunknown.word IunlockGusevar Tviperhwake waterwater fall waterfallwave waves nwhat isBwho windowwindow boxwolf woman worship ^wroteyellyesGpXr-~3DUTUDADE@PPA@PTPUDUPAPED@TD@@Q|T(Œ "  * $IJ@*(|E(Q "  *  @*(|EU)Q "  *   @ *(|E(Q "  *  @*(|E)P "  *  *(|E)P "  *   *(|D(P "  *  A*(|T(Œ "  * $IJ@*(|E(ŒQ "  * $L @@*(|E(Ì "  * $H @*(|D(È "  * $H *(|E(ÌP "  * $L @*(|E(œT "  * $L @*(|D(ˆP "  * $L @*(|T(ŒQ "  * 4MӠJ@ *(|E(Q "  *  @*(|D(È "  * $H *(|D(È "  *  \ *(|D(È "  * $L *(|E) "  *   *(|E) "  *  *(|U(Œ "  * $IJ@*(|E( "  *   *(|D(È "  * $H *(|D(È$"  * $L  *)|D(È "  * $L *(|E( "  *  *(|D( "  *  *(|T(Œ "  * $IJ@*(|E(P "  *  *(|E(ÌP "  * $L *(|D(È$"  * 4L  *)|E(Ì "  * $H @*(|E(Œ "  * $H @*(|D(Lj "  * $H @A*(|U(Œ "  * $IJ@*(|E(ŒP "  * $L @*(|E(ŒP "  * $L @*(|E( "  *  *(|E( "  *  *(|E( "  *  E*(|D( "  *   A*(|T(Œ "  * $IJ@*(|E(P "  *  *(|E(P "  *  *(|E( "  *   *(|E( "  *  *(|E( "  *   E*(|D( "  *   A*(<(ˆ "  * $H @*(|( €"  * 0L  B*(x( "  *  H B*(x( "  *  H B*(x( "  *  H B*(|( "  *    *(|( "  : `    *(|( "  *    *(x( €"  *   *(<- g  * $    *(<- c  * $ *(<- c  * $ *(<- c  * $ *(<- c  * $ *(<- cp  * $   @*(<- c  * $ *(<- c  * $ *(<, € #  * $ @*(<( H"  j 0 U*(|(ˆP " p* @*(|)Q &0 ; 0 @*(|( "  *JG   @*(<( "  * %  *(8( "  * %  @*(|( # 0* 0 R*(|(Œ "  + dL  *(8( "  *   *(|U(Œ "  * dH *(|U(Œ "  * dH Ш*(|U(Œ "  * dH *(|(Œ "  + dL  *(8( "  *   *(|U(Œ "  * dH *(|U)Œ "  + d\ @*(|U(Œ "  * dH *(|(Œ "  + dL  *(8( "  *   *(|U(Œ "  * dH *(|U(Œ "  * dH *(|U(Œ "  * dH *(<)P "  * $ *(<(QH b0  : d *(8) b  * $ @*(x) b  *   @*(8< "  *   ?(<<Ȃ "  +   ?((( "  * ( *(,( "  *   *(( "  *   *(( "  *  *((( "  *   *((( "  *   *(( "  *   *(( "  *  *(( "  *   *(( "  *  *(((( "  *   *((( "  *   *((( "  *   *((( "  *   *(( "  *   *(( "  *   *((( "  *   *((* "  *   *("(  "  *  *((( "  *   *(( "  *  *(@@@@@@@@ @    @    @    @    @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@4h nb&p86?79F:d*,,,,) #, /#801!)8&()$O$!)6%dd/FC!)6%hg/FC, ,8>008KL8$ 8  ##$>$p, $$$ GGe^,g!,) #, -$, . c&#S # .$$,M #w) .-6,A,()I ,2$$I$$,$ / / % ,, ~2%$ $%g$$  $   $  $  % }  eeee)eEe//ee-, 0xe, M #w) .e-$$$ ,,ep8VD/ ɂ $$$8P>10,01 ɂ $$8.\ -Hh&Q))ZYou see nothing but ocean in every direction.%m1 You notice a couple of colorful fish swimming nearby.Your arms are getting very tired. You had better turn around and head for shore.This ocean is full of colorful fish.They are too difficult to catch.They don't understand you.The jar of storm brew slips from your fingers as you try to open it. In dismay, you watch it sink out of sight. It is gone forever."See that boy swimming here?" one colorful fish says to a friend. "He's really from the Kingdom of Daventry. "Do you think he's trying to swim back there?"States the second fish, "No, that's impossible. Daventry's too far! It's way across this ocean, and once there, he'd still have to climb a huge mountain range. He'd never make it this way."You listen with interest as two fish speak to each other. "There's that boy from Daventry," one states. "I wonder if he would like to return there?""I doubt it," responds the second fish. "I hear Daventry's going through some hard times; even worse than Llewdor. No, he wouldn't want to go there.""How are your smallfry doing in school?" one frolicking fish asks another.Answers the other, "Not well, I'm afraid. The school's much too crowded. They don't know if they're coming or going!""That boy ought to swim back to shore," you overhear one fish say to another. "I'm afraid he'll drown way out here.""Well, humans are pretty stupid creatures. They're always trying to defy Mother Nature," the second fish declares. "There's nothing you can do about it, anyway."You have reached the limits of your strength. You panic and start to struggle hopelessly."My, that was a tasty little bug."Exit edge = %v176 The sky is a clear, cloudless blue.You dip your head under the water, but see nothing. It's too deep, anyway.Shhhh. If you're quiet, maybe you can hear them.Gosh! You barely made a mouthful for that hungry shark!4e5?Pb b) .9L:d&9:#! ) = / % ##  eF cG  c n(܂%&# %&@, @/ F G  LK ,HH,LKH .Dark storm clouds begin to gather around until you are enveloped by them. You hear loud reports of thunderclaps and lightning flashes frighteningly close.4'Q4: .?܃34܄45܅5܆܃,6z07z"08zA09z`0:z0;zQ<z"Q=zAQ>z`Q?zQ@zrAz"rBzArCz`rDzrEzFz"GzAHz`Iz܄G$5$5$5$5>$ &}&$%$$%$%>%&}!)&%&6C#܅;z"0<zA0=z`09zQ:z"Q>z`Q?zQ8zr@zr6z5z܆9z0:z"0;zA08z`0?z"Q@zAQ7zQ=z"r6z`r<z"5zA)8%MMN;L;<P<=O=#܃ =eeg܃,6 !6 7 "@6 8 A_6 9 `~6: 6; 7!W< "7@W= A7_W> `7~W? 7W@ X!xA "X@xB AX_xC `X~xD XxE y!F "y@G Ay_H `y~I y܄E$'%&%$(%OV܅; "@66< A_67= `~689 7!W4: "7@W5> `7~W9? 7W:8 X!x3@ Xx;6 y!15 y=܆9 !6A: "@6B; A_6C8 `~6@? "7@WG@ A7_WH7 7W?= "X@xE6 `X~x>< "y@D5 Ay_=####&& >8&>     1 e"e$* .,,i$?gAnd so it shall be!The map looks blank there!F6 = teleport F8 = put map awayThe magic map's faded ink has brightened, but only in those places where you have been!%v221. The magic map's ink has faded away. So far, it isn't much help.4ewqmj gg $&%h&%$gg g $$ & %h&%$$$& %h&%$cg g gggg xpmk <Xh%;Qcw*AcWiz is home, after his nap.Wiz is in town.Wiz is home, before bed.Wiz is in nappy-poo land.Wiz will change in %v84:%v83|2.Last wiz temper was = %v129.Wiz status = %v128.You have %v110:%v109|2 without him to Wiz IS on screen.Wiz IS NOT on screen.%m8clean the kitchen.%m8dump his crap.%m8fix him din-din.%m8dust his office.%m8feed your chicks.%m21cleaning the kitchen.%m21dumping his crap.%m21fixing din-din.%m21dusting his office.%m21feeding your chicks.Your last chore was Make.wiz.come = %v123.This room's wiz.x/y is %v32/%v31.You've been in this room %v47 seconds.A Few Interesting Statistics aboutYOUR LITTLE WIZZERCurrent.status = %v44.4F(g$\\ \ \'\\\\\\!\$\+\1\2\3\6You are magic (to me).4g$_$_$_$_$_$\_$\\ \ _ $\ _ $_$_$\_$_$_$\_$_$_$_$_$_$_$_$_$\_$_ $\!_"$_#$\$\%\&\(\)\*\+_/$_0$\1\2\3\6?TS>54 OKSailing, sailing.4`Cg$ST\\\ \ \'\\\\!\$\%\&\(\)\*\+\1\2\3\6?> 33We be goin' mountain!4fpz )2;GScmy#,8ERbo~ +8AN\iu )/7;AFJP[flw}#.=CKYfny !*9AMY]l} -4;AGPY_gkw|incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4mRg\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\%\&\(\)\*\+\0\1\2\3? You got 'em, Porky.4'f BZp ,Aq )@sdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32set.scan.start() already active in logic %v18.%m25get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254)O.g#g#Dv.a.-e   8 v .7. 8v-,-v-v.$&-.# 2i *--DDv--Dv-]-v--e e 8v--v--v- .-e 8 v-v. -.e H        2-(.)mgm(gTS(gTSe gnm( gTS8a8_8^](\@JXfu%4BMtNew room:X coordinate:Y coordinate:Object number:Flag number:New value:Current room = %v0Variable number:Variable %v45 = %v46Flag %v45 setFlag %v45 not setNew priority:Object %v46 is in room %v45.%v45|3/%v46|3%v0|3He's sleeping.Coming, Dear!He's dead.He won't show up until you "do chore."Unknown word: "%m20%w1"%m20%w2"%m20%w3"%m20%w4"%m20%w5"%m20%w6"%m20%w7"%m20%w8"H Done.4ii  *w!O=PeQe eeee e eaa a aa aae    5 e *e  *e e\^*f f -3WuThe lush foliage of the forest has given way to the hardy plants of the shore. Sawgrass, bracken, and gnarled trees are all that grow here.The trees are bent and twisted by years of constant sea breezes.The sandy beach stretches north and south below steep, grassy cliffs.Your eyes sweep the vast ocean before you. Blue water stretches as far as you can see. Way in the distance it melts with the sky.You see seagulls flying overhead.The water looks inviting, but be careful if you go out there.The birds wheel and glide overhead.You fill your cup with ocean water.You need a cup for the water.You need to move closer.Drinking salt water will only make you sick.Your cup is already full of water.4.MS J))4o ,Ҵ“ĥÕҥ 4RK<,P;%BI,Y+5QK+.U$cJ$3P+%4R[-,3R[-EQJ,y 8lR5Nn`e&-Z@C6;1 N:B.L`T4NmafF<0.]aBFYe>>MPC=[Af<@C$;9:jZQD4.LQ"N+;P"#.JC9#0,ZQ#6=YSJ2:-[R#X7MYR#W>U/.Lic6=Y2R&KA4-KQ+#$Z.NjC&LI>YR$=;3-FMXDVK_YfEojt{mQp=B8/ ;u!*1+G{1+,;p )#+)##;S19!0L"#9", 9E2* ,aP K a2)2;q1Il!9}!*v9cn =JVp2+_1+] : :|5h:V+O6GE[\_rWtaXftlu{! +# c@)  ;Oɑ1I?N*J !9aiR@J@!%#!\OЪJM<**0)"@!19F0I$)W!1a1:b#1)xpY#@ g1%!!*Mf1NU0oayb }b b b b b b b jjjjjj}jyjujqimcoR*I tjKM"1NcNh1J , , ٙ)Q*0+12١A2" ",08:<@CEGGFuGrDlCiBfyy|z{PgMKKJQEQ@Jq#"%),06:>ADGFGHKNNOSW\^bjpxI>`N=B'(ٱѡ09RQ9P&'&#!%!($+%/#2$7">$D%H#O!R#Y"_b f"h!p"u$x!}#"$!"x) N5H>J7O6f9 gddmd@IK !I XPyLRTVXS|OT-N Q T U ;%%GTzqgaW G#E@#@)B6NNLULg8Oa$ ctd T|#pl PqaYsarZmijl` tYuatZlmqo pf sdvdyh |dd000000000,#,   P5) 88;:>7@9B6F7D:A=@@>@HL:  CAñQQS CòAÁQQS CAñQQS CAQQS CAQQS CAQQS :h SS SS SS SS SS SS4 VLX CAQQS CAQQS CA CA CA CA C CA C 4D 4B3AA2AD1AAAA1AA1AD2AA3B454=  d>ѱ11111ѱ111111Q11111ѱ1ѱ212ѱq1ѱQq11111ѱ11111Q1Q1111111111Q1QR11111QQQQ1111QQQ1122 |CAAѱӱAѱӱAӱA11CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA111CAAѱӱAѱӱ1ӱAA11CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA11CAAѱӱAѱӱ1ӱAA11CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA11 ~eLQӱQѱQAAQA11QӱQѱQѱӱAQAA11QӱQѱQѱӱAӱAQA11QӱQѱAQѱAӱӱQA11QӱQѱQѱӱAӱAQAA11QӱQѱQѱӱAAQA114&2: "CAѱӲA1111 "BBASSQQ111111 "1111111121AA "111111QQQQQQ111111AA "1111QQQQQQQQQQRAA "rr1111QQQQQӲ "qqqqqqs11s111111Q "AAQRQRQQQ1111rr41 Yk"rqqqqCqrArsrqAѱqӱqAѱqӱqAӱqAqqqqqr1q1rqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqqqqCqrArsrqAѱqӱqAѱqӱqAӱqAqqqqqr1q1rqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqqqqCqrArsrqAѱqqAѱqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqqqqqrrsrqqqqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrqrq"rqsqqqqqqqrtrrqqqqqqrqqqqqrqqqqsqqqqqqtrqrqrqrqrrqrqrqrqrqrqsqqqrqtrrqqqqrrqqqqqrrqqqsqsqqqrtrqrrqtrsrqrqssqrqtrrrqtqsqtqqrurqrrqtrqqtrtrtqqsurqrrqrqrqq4! kq"1111QQQQQQQQQQRAAACAACCCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQRACCAAAACCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCCA"1111QQQQQQQQQAQARACAAAACCA4] $ &CAѱӱA11111111CA111111CA111111CA111111BA111111CA111111BA111111CA111111 QQSS11 ӱѱ4P Rѱ3Rѳ1ASQ4 9^;`          4 N&k fjjAAaAbAaAcaAaAbaAbaAcaAaaAaaa ebAaAbdAaAcfAaAbAaAbAbAbAbcaadaAaAbAaAcbAcAdAaAbAfAbAaAbcaacfeCDaAdjgAcbbgEaDDaeejgAcbbAACbACaAaAaABaBaAaAaDejgAcbb fjjAAaAbAaAcaAaAbaAbaAcaAaaAaaa4| 6bll 111ѱ111Q1111ѱ2ѱq11ѱ1111Q112 11QR111QQ1QQ112 s:"CAAѱAѱAӱ1"ӱ1ӱAA11"CAAѱAѱ1ӱA"ӱ1ӱAA111"CAAѱAѱ1ӱ1"ӱ1ӱAA111 k'"ӱQAA"QQѱӱQAA1"ӱQѱAӱ"QQѱAӱQA11"ӱQѱAӱA1"QQѱӱAQA114 Z -C"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ11111"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ1111111111"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ1111111111"ӱӱӲӲ111111111"ӲӲӲ111111"ӱӲӲӲ111111111111"ӱӲӲӲ11111111111"ӱӱӱӱ1ӱ111111114X"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ11111"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ1111111111"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ11111111"CAӱӱӲӲ111111"CAӱӱӱ1111ұ1"CAӱӲӲӲ111111111"CAӱӱӱӲ111111111"CAӱӱӱӱ1ӱ111114t  MJl"CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA111CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA111111CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA1111CAAѱӱAѱӱӱAA1111CAAѱӱAѱӱS1111CASAѱӱS1111SAѱӱS1111 1111 70"QӱQѱQѱӱӱAQA1"QӱQѱQѱӱӱAQA111111"QӱQѱQѱӱӱAQA1111"RQѱQѱӲAA1111"RQѱQѱԲAA11114R /CAAѱӲAAA11AѱӲAAA11AѱӲAAA11AѱӲAAA114E |QQQQQ111&ѱѱѱѱQQ11)ѱѱѱѱѱAQQQ@"CASQQ1S1AQQASSS111111'CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA111+CAAѱӱAѱ1ӱӱAA111""ӱ1Q1111111'ӱӱӱ1ӱӱAA111+ӱӱӱ1ӱӱAA1114u nb "AAGAAAѱӲA111"AѱӱAѱӱӱAA111 i8j.rqqqqqrqqqr.sqqqrqrqqqqqqqqqqrrqsrrrrtr.rqrqqqqqqqqqqqqrqqrqqqqrqqqrqqrr.rqrqqrrqrqqqqsssqqrsrw.qstqqsqrqqstqqrrqr.qsqrrsqqqrqrrq.. rF SѴQ SѴQSѴQSѴQSѴQSѴQ4 @{;rn$$aaqaqarar$aaqaqararaabbqqaqaqqaa‘$ baraasbsasbraaraaqqqa$ araqawauaqaaqab $ arbaxaaxa ara a$aauaavaaqsaaarbs qa$adaqbqcraarcqbsb aqabrb r ra qa q$ a b b a b qa qa qa q qa qa qb q qb bq aa $ b a a a $     $   4, | 6h qqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqq 0V qqqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqq *Lm qqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqq qqqqqqq4&          qqqq q r q r r  q q q q q          The chicken feather is small and light, no more than a piece of fluff.4( rqqqrqqYou hold a small ball of black cat fur in your hand.4(            q q aq bq bqtbqrrqqc qqdrbqers qr                   The wad of dog hair is dirty-white and brown.47"           qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqbccccbaqqqqqbaaaaabbbaqqq aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccbbbbaaaaaacccccccbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaabbbaqqq qbccccbaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq            The dry, thin snake skin is extremely fragile.4&( hdjabqqrvaraaabaaq1ab2a2a29a121;111111111111111111111111x11~11~11xv111111~1111q{q1111ww11xs11rrw12qtq2?2?Within the glass jar, you see your white fish bone powder. It emits a faint, fishy smell.4V(            q r qrqvqqqsqqqqqrqyqqqsqqqqqqqrqyqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyqqqqqrqqqqqqqrzrqqqqqqqqqqrzrqqqrqqqqs        The little thimble is fashioned of bright gleaming silver.4U(            q r qrqvqqqsqqqqqrqyqqqsqqqqqqqrqyqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyqqqqqrqqqqqqrzrqqqqqqqqrzrqqqrqqqqs        The dew sparkles within the little silver thimble.4 It's difficult to look inside your own ears! But, as best you remember, the pieces of dough have tiny bits of feather, snake scales, and fur sticking out of them.4n'( qruqqrqqqrrqrqrrqrrrrqqqqqqqqThe eagle's tail feather makes you wonder what it would be like to soar among the clouds.4P( stqrqrrqqqqqqqrqrqqsqqqqqqqqrqqqsqqrThe fly wings are remarkably beautiful for having come from such a disagreeable insect.4z0( hdqjcqk}araaabaaq1ab2a2a29a121;11111111111111111111111111122?2?Inside the jar, you see the saffron, an orange-yellow, powdery substance.4 ( ccc71s11s11s11111111111112211111E12E21G11A1A1A1A1G11G11G11G12E27The little vial of rose petal essence has a delicate, sweet aroma.4C( bbaAaAaaEabEaaDbbBaAAaAbaABbAcBdAaAdabAccaAccbAccbAdcAbAdcbAdAgAdgAlAlAlAAkAbAhBAcBdAaABfAcABcBcBBbAcDLJFLooking inside the salt bag, you see the coarse grains of salt.4@( ÁǁāThe stone is smooth, round, and an unusual color, somewhat like that of amber.4f( 1#"1"1!""1"1A!#1A!"A!!1!A1A1!1""A!1!"2!!11!#1!11"$11#"#1!"!1!!!1"!!1!!!1"!1"#&!3#12$!1$1"!$!!3"!2%"!$!3"!1#1!!1#"1#!#1"11The dried sprig of mistletoe is a thick, greyish-green, with remnants of little berries still attached. It is not a pretty plant.4( !!!111!""""r!"!#!q"!#r!!"!"!2!"!2"1!r"rq"q"q!"!!!1"!!!!1!1!!!!!1!"q11"1"q111!1!q1!!!!q!!""1"q!q1!q!1qqq!!!"1!qq11!qr1qThe amber stone was a beautiful reddish-yellow, but it is now encrusted with salt and mistletoe powder.4K( hdjabqqrvaraaabaaq1ab2a2a29a121;1111111111111111111qr1rq1qq111111111111111111122?2?The nightshade juice sloshes around inside the glass jar.4H ( 12d2g2#aa2#&1&!a#1#!d"1"bd$eca"!fbd"!gbe"1!hbf"!hbf"!iag"1!iag"1!fah"!hh"!hg$gf!!fab""b##The three acorns are dried and brittle.4y " qfctbbgrcdesgqhasfrkaadseshahqiaabdaoadakaaqfaagaareaaaabsaabfaiqhq This is a plain leather pouch, useful for storing liquid or dry ingredients. Right now, it is empty.4#( aabbbcaaabbaqbdqfhaareacsbajjaqbscasbrcqaqgqbaqbqfaarhqaqjajakqahbajabccqaddaafaaaccqaddajhaaaaThe leather pouch is securely tied, and filled with the coarse, brown sleep powder you so proudly manufactured.4W( qqabc}arabaaaq1a2a229121;11111111111111111111artq11bsfsa11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o11o12m2?2?The glass jar of mandrake root powder has an earthy, bitter smell to it.4B( hcqibqcaa{raaabq1ab2a2292191111111111rqrq11qss11111111111111111111111111111111122?=A strong, fishy smell emanates from the glass jar.4( eaidgaiadaeabcbabddafgbnedadfqdbadaaqjdbqaabjqcafargrsabsuThe only resemblance to a real cookie is its flat, round shape. It is hard, and has cat hair sticking out of it. Definitely non-appetizing!4(            w}rvavsbaasraarqaaaqqaaqaaaaaaaaaaaa    The warm porridge is in a pretty blue ceramic bowl. Its aroma wafts up to, and tantalizes, your nose.4(            w}rvavsbaasraarqaaaqqaaqaaaaaaaaaaaa    You were careful when you crumbled the cat cookie in the porridge... it looks just like a plain bowl of porridge!48(      r qwrrqqqqrrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrss}{{w     The metal cup has ocean water in it.4( befdaebThe spoonful of mud has already dried.4j-   e ikie112211125211111111111111111111111qq11ss11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}11}12{23y3=9  The cream-colored toadstool powder is finely textured and nearly odorless.4X-   591r8151111r3151221r212521111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111171331111332916  It's just an empty jar. You could put something inside it.4^S-   e ikif111221q11252111111111111111111111aa11bc11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi11bi13g32916   The dirty-brown storm brew sloshes around in the half-filled glass jar.4(            b cqb bqc t bqa1a 1r1 22 11 22 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 22 6 6           Toad spittle is unpleasant stuff (to say the least).4[P-   e ikif111221q112r5s21rw11v111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111332916   There's nothing very interesting about this jar of whitish, thick lard.4(         bacadabbabbabbddbra ra sb sa s s s sssssstr        The knife is big enough (and sharp enough) to carve a large roast.4(         ! ! !1 2!! 2! !2 !3! 3 21! !4! 12! !4 21! 3 3! !2 !1! 1 q! ! qq  q q          The greenish-gray cactus is small, plump and fleshy.4[P-   e ikif111221q112521qq11rs11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry11ry13w32916   The jar of invisibility ointment is nearly full of a thick, oily substance.4!(                   bcccb         The magic wand is cool and smooth to the touch, and creamy-white in color. You think it might be fashioned from ivory.4(         acaaaaa b ba ae ac a aa aa aba aab ba b a           The small brass key is brightly polished.4( ccc71s11s11s11111111111112211111E12E21G11A1A1A1A1G11G11G11G12E27The little vial of magic essence has a delicate, sweet aroma.4+(            1221     The clay bowl has been your favorite bowl for years.4( This is a wooden kitchen spoon.4>(      r qw{}sswqwqrrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrtt}q{qrwrss}{{w     This is just a simple metal cup with a handle.4( dcrcbvbaruaarrtaaqruabsvbasruaarrvaaqrwaasxaa|aa|aawqraavqsabtqqqbauqraatqsaaxbbvbcrcadbbbbbbbbbbbaThe mirror is set in a round, oak frame with a long handle. You peer into it, and see your rather dirty, but handsome, face.4VK(        qlqqlqjqlqkqkalqadeqaaqedaafdqaqaaaaaqaaqaa qaqeacqaaqdbqaagdqqaqlqaaqjqaalqqaqkqqlqqqjqqlqkqql         The purse is made of a very soft, smooth leather. It formerly held your gold coins.4YN(        qlqqlqjqlqkqkalqadeqaaqedaafdqaqaaaaaqaaqaa qaqeacqaaqdbqaagdqqaqlqaaqjqaalqqaqkqqlqqqjqqlqkqql         You eagerly peek inside the soft leather coin purse and discover it contains some shiny gold coins. You may want to count them.4eimojbibgagaghahahahagafadacbfMmmmmmm! You love the smell of freshly baked bread.4d(             "#!!!q !q AqAECQ!ABDR!AH!QJQRKS!KQ"QQKR!RK!Q!QJQRRGQAS"QQFRR!TRG!R!QQCAQARRARQ R           The fruit consists of an apple and some grapes. They look sweet, fresh, and juicy.4^(             CbBBb BAb BAbBAAbAACdAADdAABdAAAdAAAcAAAb AAAa AAAa ABAa ADa Da             This is a leftover mutton chop that the old wizard hadn't finished. It still looks appetizing, though.4M( bc b b c c b b b qa r r r qs srvsqvrtvrtuxuruvxvx~vw ~ } } ~ } } | { z y xwtq   The shovel seems to be quite average, with an iron scoop and a long wooden handle.42uj(          BBDbBBbbaBbfcgAeDBaEEDBBBDCaACBAaaAFDqaaAAbDCqaaAAbbAAbbaAAbbAAbbbaAAbbAAbbbaAAbbAAbbbaAbbAAbbbAbbAAbbaBAbbAAbbDbbAAbDBbAAaD CaD BA        The small wooden chest was buried so long that its wood is slightly warped, and its brass is tarnished and rusty. Inside, are precious gems, gold and silver ingots, pearls, and gold coins.44  ap "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqґqґ‘ґђґq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqҒqґbґaqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqqabґaqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqqҒqґaґaђёqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAqҁqqabaёёqq "ӂ҂҄ҁBBqBAqAсqqqqqqaqbaђђёёqq4@  X &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAABBBAAACACACqADADACqC &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAAqAAqAABBBBBAAAAAABCBCBqDBDADAqCBB &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAABAAAAABDqBqBABqCCDE &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAAqAqqAABBAAAAAAqCBCBCBqCACACC &BqBqAAqAqAqBBBBBABqAAqAqqqABAABBAAABABABBqBCACACqAC4 @LCy 񱑲񱕱񱑱񲑱񓲔󱓱񑱚򱚱  񑴑񳓲񑱑󱑲                4  OD "ӒҒrrtqqrqab±1111Ѳ1ұq "ӒҒrrtqqrqab12221qq "ӒҒrrtqqrqab1122221q1q "ӒҒrrtqqrqab1Ѳѱq1q "ӒҒrrtqqrqab12ѱ2ѱ231q11q "ӒҒrrtqqrqab21Ѳ2Ѳ2ѱ11ѱ1qq4 lA$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaAAab1ر1ررѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaAab1ر1ررѱرѱ1qq$ ӓӑqAAqqqqrrsbqaqaAAر1رررѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaAA1رررѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaA1ұӱرѱرѱ1qq$ ؓבqAAqqqqrrsaqaaqaA1ررѱرѱ1qq4~ z0AAAAArqqqaaqrrqqaqqqqcqdaiAAAAr Aqdbabacfaadfaabfaabkaana"/AAAAAArqqqaqaaqqqqrqrqqqqaqqqqqaq7qcq7daiGABABABAr A1qa1dabaabbacfaagbdfaagbfaagqbqkaafqodqaq%5qAAAAarAArsrtrtaqtqsqaqsqqsrqsrqsrsqsrrsqrrassqrrssqrrsrqrrsqrrrsqrrrsqrqsrqsqsr7qrqrqqrq7qdqaabaGrkBABABAA1A r1aqadaabb bbgaahcagaahdqgaahbqbqfaamqocb%5qAAAAarAArsrtrtaqtqsqaqsqqsrqsrqsrsqsrrsqrrassqrrssqrrsrqrrsqrrrsqrrrsqrqsrqsqsr7qrqrqqrq7qdqaabaGrkBABABAA1A r1aqadaabb bbgaahcagaahdqgaahbqbqfaamqog4  4  .55555555555B5A45666B6A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5CA5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6A.44444444444B4A34555B5A4A44AA3AA3AA3A4A55A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6A02222726262512422222112B2A12333A3222A3A3A3A3A3A4A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6534g022321A21B2121B21A2A2A222123333222A3A3A3A3A3A4A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6534g+77777777777B7A6555A5A5A5A5A5A25A15A5A2A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A6A4 i8j.rqqqqqrqqqr.sqqqrqrqqqqqqqqqqrrqsrrrrtr.rqrqqqqqqqqqqqqrqqrqqqqrqqqrqqrr.rqrqqrrqrqqqqsssqqrsrw.qstqqsqrqqstqqrrqr.qsqrrsqqqrqrrq..4m oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo4 Bw W 71777776655555 71777776655553111 717777766555312113 7177777665522111125 7177777665522111314 717777766551322313 717777766552222223 7177777665555131 414  4 p '8AR &4E 8* ! !"!$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? ?3041;:98765544221/ -.//001234 543210/.-, +,-./01123456789:;<<<=>??87654321///0122232334555432000123456779:;;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&&&'(*+,./01?4L29@ ?,-?-?*4`<CJ?-# ?? 4P : : : : : : :::::::: < < < < < < <<<<<<<c '4`<CJ?-# ?? 4??????4B%,?=?? ? ?4K><:8 5678:<>??<:864 3468:<=>6?64[FMT'>'?'4V(/697579???4L(/6<:864???4d';MIJH'L!MFEED I''SMZITZ]bg g;P PpT Q MO S4<kM KJ IH HHJNM ZW US Q PQUNZ tnk gb `bkOt4<fSMMPQRMM/MMMM.MM4e_ac#[Z@#[Z@[Z [Z [ Z4_%YbeFF- L~L LmgmMdc` ,,0/,,&9:, ,Z) //#'() (% & P  (  (     R0  } ~ ddD |  L  c` e gMx e  +e f  }  }    }  }   }   } } }$r$ i&%h&%$w, ,,bMx0,,#00dc)e ecR(*)+FG$F#G xOx - L/Smo6k4Kwss<stt<tuuuvwiTSTS<nmnm<popo<op, { .,Z[,7676<67* ,,G1G,~,}e Plklk<5454<45$>>5> M5> M5LKLK<KLG    f e)'eeq,'e+'+'+'+'ee ee ' '~~ Lqp zi'i'eF 888e8e}}}e}e^^\e#,e G #G G G<~  G e ^e- Ge-,.8Ge 8.r8.r ' Ge-,#8Ge! 8#r8#r ' Ge- 6Ge-1NuNuG0 $Ge-GYG GG Ge e-LK"G aavavamavmamavm^^$ aw~aw~aaw~mawawaw~m^^& axax~ax~m^^'  )ababba^^% a^^% aa .e Z,[   e m e   f g f g h pi j k sl .m #n no rp 'rr q r t s vu v ww~wy z { | } k}   ~ bb z~x~ m<m  zyy O !c " $ %II &6 (e )b +++ 0($(( /($((<( <w ~)~x 1^ 2_ 3` 4 51$$1$l$l1]: 1  2  |  }  3 eB  * ~ *^. .Mw)/$L$ #Iyy yFf^ ,* vuts ~p",)RRRRRRR++F #/G #!$ P,,,,. . % &=76,;<=N #;<=,UNYD>8 # $ % &=<; .,e$L$G , xL;P{nm{_{$ %${W{{jj ,jj'()4mjc,,,},~1 .6 % &X=C,,}) #G,,~)G GeSG IG.e; .L8F*"wM')'+<J%G # ,I(J)WG ,K .GLKGG.eI(J)YGG.e ,Z[8e G+G.e"eg,Z[6 % &e G9G76w6R9:=a, ,~ek, ,}ema a76]]^'epZ[, #G5G.,e!AC^$eS 1^$Z[8e GG, 1Z[76e GG.er8 8098=C8DHF8  "8NWW ,ZeZw .b PZ[Mw!)6C%(%%&%)/#$L$I!c)2$$#.Z# rZ$ rZ*[Z14CC 76 1e+,,,  i'e" ane8 $aeN a~eP^ 1a^e ^1 2a_e ^2 3a`e ^3 ae ^ aeN^ aeN^ ae` apap~eN 1 !d^d^ce= 2 !d_d_ce< 3 !d`d`ce; aOeN azyeG areV^ 'arareV^'  *a5aa *eI eN^\* a aeN^\* aeN^ aaaeZ^\ e3 e4  e3 e4 e4 e4 pe4 e3 e3 .e4 #e3 ne3 e3 e3 ve4 e3 e3 <e4 e3 we4 e3 e4 e3e4  e4 e3 be3 x~e4 me3 zye4 ye3 Oe3 !ce3 "e3 %II:I:IeR &6e: (ee3 )be3 *e3 ++eU 0 /(e3 1^e3 2_e3 3`e3 4e3 5e3  e3 s<s<s^ee 'e\^ 04//(/e]'e^ (8ee9 m$mlumed *8eK 4''eE <^\*eT(-.eH, eO)))))))e)'e'eQ'*,$f$'.0$f$&'e1'e6'eLa'eC'e2*'ec8'ee- '*+R ! - v  $-6:Dk0CM^pCV\s1=>Ro%/Nz%Cijk+_ C X & ? @ ^ _ ` l ~   l %m10%w1?%m10%w2?%m10%w3?%m10%w4?%m10%w5?%m10%w6?%m10%w7?%m10%w8?Ok.What's a King's Quest III Ver 1.01 11/8/86 The help screen won't work here. Try again elsewhere.Thanks for playing King's Quest III... next time, be more careful!Since you're dead... all you can do is restore a saved game or start over.Ick! You're slimy!Al & Bob.%v118 days, %m18%v117 hours, %m19%v116 minutes and %v115 seconds.Your magic spell is wearing off!No response to input.The stone won't work here.You purr contentedly, enjoying your new life as a cat!You've broken the spell of invisibility.You might need it."Hi."You can't do that now."You're welcome."Obviously, you were raised by a naughty wizard!%v117:%v116|2:%v115|2 If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all.Shhhh. (You're flying!)Buzzzzzz.They're not hungry.The porridge conceals the crumbled cookie; it still looks as appetizing as ever.Oops. Bad move!Ok, some cat hair sticks to your teeth.Mandrake root powder might be a little poisonous!"This tastes pretty good," you think. You'd eat more, but you're too busy dying.Funny, no response.It doesn't look interesting.You see nothing special.It's just as it appears.How can you do that?It's of no use.You don't need it.There's no reason to take it.Just walk there.You're not that cruel.%m53?%m53 %w3?What would you do with the %w2How can you use that which you do not have?You can eat the %m9 It tastes bitter!You don't need to put the %w2 in the bowl.Nothing here fits your key.%m55mutton without carving it.%m55fruit without cutting it.%m55bread without slicing it.Mmmm! Mama Bear makes great porridge!%m68 that requires a spoon.%m68.Once you tasted it, you wouldn't want it!You have no foodYou can't dig here.They don't want it.The thought turns your stomach!Where!?Your cup is empty.Perhaps your magic would be more effective outside.There is no need to put it in the cup.You have no need to take it.%v0|3%m9 It tastes terrible!You ARE swimming.%m78 You spit it out, spilling the rest on the ground.The shrubbery is nice, but you have better things to do.%m9 Nothing happens.Ok, but this place does not meet the spell's requirements.The cup is now empty.You look cute.%m9 You decide it smells better than it tastes!%m9 Ummmm, not bad.You missed!You have %v63 gold coins.You can't buy that here.You eat a few grains of salt.Is it lost?The jar is empty.As you remove the dough from your ears, it crumbles into dust and is lost!There's not enough room to fly in here.The urge to fly and soar has left%m110The impulse to buzz around has vanished. You feel yourself growing bigger%m110, so you head for what you hope is a safe place to land.Your magic essence is all gone."'Bye."Fastest%m118Fast%m118Normal%m118Slow%m118 speed.4! *89^: cd>eyh3$$(i b$$ }   }  !CX)%g#, 00%&&9:/#hb1i )+f) U/F& $L$# ccmc)% e ee e e.  ce  z'!e#& e _pe $\ e% % " e e e (e )( zz z' .E'9 *xn&R(&Ez' *s &R(&Ez N .e''QWz' QWz''QWz'QUz'M' ' .Ne-,cm!GF/DfD cmg | eeP e||Q?e|QXe|QXe|QUe|| )/F ,}((/hbi8W|DE@lAYou have entered the musty tower of the old wizard's house. A polished brass telescope is directed out a window. From here, Manannan spies upon the poor occupants of Llewdor.You see nothing on the dusty floor but a dead fly.Manannan has the brass telescope pointed out a window. It is well polished. He uses the telescope to keep tabs on the citizenry of Llewdor.You put your eye to the glass. It amazes you how near everything seems. You can even see squirrels climbing faraway trees. No wonder the wizard knows all activities in Llewdor.There are narrow, steep stairs leading downwards.You hope Manannan doesn't notice the floor needs sweeping.You pick up the dead fly and drop it into your hand. Disgustedly, you look at it. "I don't want to carry around a dead fly," you think. Picking off its wings, you throw the rest away.You already took it.The old white-bearded wizard is peering through his telescope. He hasn't noticed you.The wizard wouldn't like that.The big brass telescope is much too heavy for you to carry.You push and pull on the heavy brass telescope, but in vain. It's just too heavy for you.You see Manannan spying on the poor citizens of Llewdor. He grunts, clicks his tongue, and mutters to himself. He is spying so intensely, he hasn't noticed you."Those little devils! What are they doing?""They are going to regret this!""Very good, my little pets. You're doing well these days.""I can't believe they would do this! They know my rules!""Well, I can see those wretches need my attention down there!""Tsk, tsk. What a shame. And they seemed so obedient at first."You are not close enough.4` O*89T: dRexhi bbb u}'$$ bi }Z!%)#:!%3F)6XC=#$!%ds)Z6L$ 1$0$/#:!CX%?{)/L$6#:!CX%k)/L$#:, 00%)&9:Y/#hb'i ,)/F& # c $ , _p :F Mx[  fu lp K E  eVe)++e3$$ee-ee/- ee 9-9-9---&&-e4e 4e*/4e ee ;C0C0CCC;e 3C e)e C3VC3V33C3V$V3$C3$3V$3C$V$C$3P d,5  de&,e$e'e 2 ee 22$?$?2$2?$2%e  d ;/I 62>'%*'%@'%*2e e\622@2*2e e2?22??e ;1$0$K*02*;2*2*0202;2202)e  &e\&e\ \$""e eeUUeeUUe e!eUUe e#e.<U<e<UUeUe  A(e)(((( e r Ew' .;$C ()%RR%)E nm &zR(&EeR(ERE#D x . :+M;I) + \+e%e"K :N+M;I) \ e e"K :Ncm(! GIc) F/- TSS 2$$  ewM .F)/&uf/eg)%$L$T{ wM .gF)/&u/e)%$L$T#!)/$L$C6%%MG#Ic)$$ c b xN .$hr$Z)iS4$*$3$$+$+,$2$0$'(&&QuQ&(Q#RFGhbi,}($(4* VKG#W >7. X6 X =  m  , i : V W You look at Manannan's elegant bed chamber. You see fine furnishings from a regal bed to a beautifully carved closet. You can't help but compare this handsome room to your own meager cubicle.The closet is fashioned of ornately carved mahogany.You see voluminous velvet robes, satin slippers, peaked hats, and soft linen gowns.Imperfections in the glass make your reflection wavy; nevertheless, your rags show up all too clearly. But, though in rags, your face is handsome and your body strong.You run a hand along the top of the closet. Suddenly, you touch something metallic. Grabbing it, you discover... a small brass key! What could it unlock?You feel along the top of the closet. Your hand comes back dusty.Heavy velvet curtains drape the regal mahogany bed.Dropping to your hands and knees, you peer under the bed. There is absolutely nothing there.The elegant dresser is made of mahogany. Its drawers are graced by beautiful gold knobs.There is nothing exciting on top of the dresser.%m34 Suddenly, your eye falls on something that does... a vial labeled "Rose Petal Essence," which you eagerly take.%m2 There may be something metallic on top of it.A beautiful rug adorns the floor. Its thick wool is woven into a colorful design.You lift up the rug in several places and look under it. Sad to say, all you see is the dust you swept under there yesterday.Ok.You hurriedly return the key to the top of the closet.Manannan's bedroom window is always open. He likes fresh air.As comfortable as the bed looks, you have no interest in lying on the hateful wizard's bed.Manannan is asleep on his great bed. His snores are so loud they rumble off the walls. Be quiet; you wouldn't want to disturb him.You speak softly to the sleeping wizard. "Hhrrummph!" he grumbles sleepily, thumbing his nose as if at a fly. But, soon the snoring resumes again.This time your words awaken Manannan. A grumpy look comes to his face. "Don't you have anything better to do, boy, than to come in MY bed chamber and wake me from my peaceful repose?"You try to be quiet, but an unfortunate squeak wakes Manannan. He turns in his bed, then sits up, staring angrily at you. "You know you're to stay out of my things," he growls. "I've no choice but to punish you for this."The back of your hair looks cute.Wrinkling your nose in disgust, you throw the smelly contents of the chamber pot out the open window. What a way to make a living!You already have it.The beveled mirror appears wavy because of imperfections in the glass. %m41You're startled to discover an ancient parchment scroll. Its ink has faded, but it seems to be a map. Taking this treasure, you leave everything else exactly as it was.Manannan's chamber pot is on the floor beside his bed.You tug at the rug for quite a while... before realizing you're standing on it!and wish you hadn't!!You are not close enough.A feeling of great relief spreads over you.You find baubles and trinkets which do not interest you.You look inside Manannan's chamber pot...Quietly opening the drawer below the closet, you discover...In the vanity drawer are many uninteresting items, although the wizard's hand mirror may come in handy. You grab it, then close the drawer.You bang the drawer against your shins repeatedly. (Try backing up!)nothing that interests you.There is a small drawer in the front of the mahogany vanity.The carpet is too big and heavy to carry around.4*89+: }dHevh,$$i b }, ., 00S 8(Z)= (()x- ()6())(9):&(),#); L;< P<j / 0 .Z&9:YD/#, /hbiH e!!!e?e!, N # $ % &e,}3(T(i &Z5v x24 hbi?@ABwxThis hallway is on the second level of the old wizard's house. There are two stairways here. One goes up and the other leads down. An open doorway is to the north.There are two sets of stairs here. The stairway leading upward is steep and narrow. The stairway going down is wider, but rather creaky.There is a doorway leading into a room to the north.Suddenly, you feel squishy and slimy, with an awful weight on your back. Your tentacled eyes swivel around to see your shell. OH, NO! He's turned you into a snail!4*89n:d4eh b!, 00 (&()&9:, / 0 .Z, )&9:/# /h # T^ (M ,% 8' 8' 8' 8' 8p~' 8' 8'8' 8s'e& 8.' 8#' 8n' 8r' 8' 8' 8' 8'8' 8v' 8' 8<'8' 8'8~' 8w~'8w'8' 8' 8'8'  8'   8k'  8 '8' 8' 8x~' 8m' 8'8m' 8zy'8y' 8O' !8c'! "8'" $8'$ %8I'8I'% &86'& (8e'( )8b') *8'* +8+'+ 0 /8('8'8' 00 // 18^'1 28_'2 38`'3 68'8'6  z'{ ' ' ' ' p~' ' '' .' #' n' r' ' ' ' '' v' ' <'' '~' w~'w'' ' ''  '   k  '' ' x~' m' 'm' zy'y' O' !c'! "'" $'$ %I'I'% &6'& (e'( )b') *'* ++'+ 0 /(''' 00 // 1^'1 2_'2 3`'3 6''6  z'\R,B&--&--&-' ze  =e  >=/= 4Me eeeeC2eeC0C0C20202eeC$C2$23$3ee ++ee + $?e ee? ee? eeA?AA? ee? ee%B?B?B$?e eeB"B$"ee-ee/-e z'9-&-9-&&----e, z'8D'e z'D'e z' zz z'w . #' Xxs'Qoz'Qoz'1;L;M6)w1$0$Kz )!+/Iz' M #'M # ) {/x, ',e veeT$ e" v`@a` v7ve] ]e qve e;$ae$%e#`$ va v77# v$a`$7e' #1$0$Kz'' '' )v/Iz #' *'x .8 #N,)+o;L; e,# #Ic) / #F! # $ % & .e{ { .eYX,}  /E+h& Ntg AaBp;   '  9 : Q This is your own pitiful bed chamber. Compared to Manannan's fine room, yours is almost a cell. The bed is hard and uncomfortable with only a threadbare blanket and a small, flat pillow. The other furnishings are junk. But, as poor as it is, it's your own haven, as the wizard never enters it.You are not close enough.The bed is nothing more than a cot, hard and cold, and is difficult to sleep on. Your pillow is small, flat, and made of old rags.You lean down and poke your head under the bed. You see nothing but cobwebs and dust.You bend down and peek under the bed. Your possessions are still safely hidden.Your dresser is a piece of junk. It's full of nicks and scratches, and one drawer is completely missing.There is nothing you want there.You hear a CLICK at the bedroom door. The old wizard has decided to free you by magically unlocking your door.You have nothing of any interest in your dresser drawer.You look into the cracked mirror hanging on the wall. Your reflection shows a tall, handsome lad dressed in dirty rags.There's nothing under the bed.You have always admired this lovely tapestry. It adds one of the few bright spots to this dreary house.You lift the bottom of the tapestry and peer behind it. The wall is filled with cracks. You can see why Manannan would hang a tapestry here. (There are also dozens of charcoal- scribbled drawings, diagrams, maps, and notes to programmers, with the legend "King's Quest IV," but you're uninterested in this, since you presently have your hands full with "King's Quest III.") You lower the tapestry and smooth out the wrinkles.You twist the door knob on the bedroom door, but to your frustration, find it locked.The door is already open.The door is already closed.You start to close the door, but, so as not to arouse the wizard's suspicions, you leave it open.You don't have a key that unlocks this door. It seems you are at the mercy of the miserable old wizard.The door is not locked. It's not even closed!You have nothing with which to pick a lock.How can you see it through your bedroom wall?You throw your body against the locked door, but in vain. The door is too strong for you to break.That would do you no good. The wizard anticipated your escape and placed iron bars outside your window.You get on your hands and knees and quickly shove all your possessions under the bed. They will be safe from the wizard's sharp eyes there.Dropping to your knees, you reach under the bed and retrieve all of your possessions.You lie down on your hard bed, stretch, then curl up, trying hard to get comfortable. Your thin blanket and small pillow do not help much.Shhhh! You're trying to sleep.You gratefully rise from your hard old bed, stretching your aching muscles.The door is closed.You suddenly find yourself in your own little room. You notice that the door is closed.You might try that over there in your bedroom, but not here in the hall.Obviously, you have nothing to hide, Gwydion!The hallway is uninteresting, except for the tapestry on the wall.You get on your hands and knees and shove it under the bed. It will be safe from the wizard's sharp eyes there.Dropping to your knees, you reach under the bed and retrieve it.You drop down, reach under the bed, and then realize you've never put it there!The door is wide open.You consider removing the dough pieces from your ears, but decide they are too fragile. You carefully comb your scraggly hair over them so the wizard cannot detect them.4} *89X: Fd}eh \]*$$i bĂ$$ } }!XC%)\/6$L$#F:!XC%_)]6F$L$_ 1$0$/#:!=XC%{)F$L$_/1$0$#:!XC%)6#:, 00% %k}+N%`&9:/#b7ei,f 0u)$L$/F6 XZ@& # ch c)"%  '# q}y' $}C''# eXXeeFe;FF0Fe$F$3F$3$F3F33'e cee2e26226??6$2$26$26$2?$?2$?22?22?62626?6$2&'e &e e , % %8I28I>28I>8I>28I2 'e &e e ,02;222;2;02e .LNNNL'e zGeH'eeHHGHuGHG_e_e e$%H>H'ec_,8H>8H>G%H>%H>G8H>G'e,J_eeJ_eeKKK_ee%J%J;'e.__,_ __ _, cm)(+%;_ _I)_ _K) '_e_ee#e!:+;I)Mw7 e_%' %e e e\%^ ^K :eNx+;Mw_I)_K)_e_eNx_6:_ ZX~p6 ;Z@[cm| | ee- e||Q3e| ޓ0u$L$)6 GBFmu_e { -  z zz zE #w .&;$'PQC%(R%QEz mnQ(z) +-?%R%)Ez !+- +-Q(z ).R(QEzRP)Ezx . #),D#: ^}f~,_ ^j,_ ,}(\(ihbic ;}cm{!M # b ) .;}6  ;}$\ J8(R{kcD $ Manannan is very private with his study, and doesn't like you poking around. The huge oak desk is covered with his writing implements. An oak cabinet is in the corner. There is a chart on the rear wall. The bookshelves are filled with books on every subject; the wizard fancies himself to be quite a scholar.You already have it.You are not close enough.The massive desk is made from oak. The wizard does all of his reading, writing, and calculating here.The desk is covered with the wizard's writing implements: quill pens, jars of oak bark ink, and parchment paper. Manannan is a prolific writer, recording his many ideas and formulas.You open the large desk's only drawer; but, you see nothing interesting. Before you're caught, you close it.The oak cabinet has a brass handle on its door. Your feather duster is lying on its top.The chart has no meaning to you.There is just your feather duster on the cabinet.You try to turn the handle, but, unfortunately, the door is locked.Inside, you find the wizard's magic wand.You unlock the oaken cabinet using the brass key.You find it is empty.Carefully examining the bookshelf, you notice a glint of metal behind one huge volume.So many books line the bookshelf, you wonder when Manannan has time to read them all. Titles cover many subjects: from "Ancient Arabic Mythology," to "A Study of the Heavens," to "The Philosophies of Socrates."After closing the door, you carefully relock it.You glance at the titles of the books, but do not see any that interest you. Wait... was that a glint of metal behind one large book?You glance at the books, but see no others that interest you.You push the large book aside, revealing a metal lever attached to the back of the bookshelf.You move the big book back where you found it so it again conceals the metal lever.Don't you remember... you emptied it yesterday.The metal lever is attached to the back of the bookshelf.You look closely at the floor, but do not see any signs of one.Peering into the dark, frightening trapdoor, you see treacherous stone steps.You take it with you, knowing it could mean death if he finds it missing.You look everywhere in the room, but do not see a lever.%m22 You cannot take it.A trapdoor opens, revealing steep stone steps leading into darkness.The trapdoor groans shut, disappearing into the floorboards.The wizard wouldn't appreciate that.You carefully replace the magic wand exactly as you found it.Caught in the act! You can see his rage building as the wizard's face turns red behind his white beard and his eyes bulge alarmingly. He roars at you, "You know you're not allowed to sneak around in my private study!"Before you replace the book, you'd better shut the trapdoor.The wizard is writing at his desk. He looks up from his work, and greets you with a scowl. "Boy, you know I don't like you to enter my private study, especially when I'm writing," he growls. "Leave now, or I'll make you leave!"You don't want the old wizard to grow suspicious of your activities.There may be something metallic behind that large book.4Jn*89M: idFe{h@  ,kbbbb'$$i b }!%?w)/FX#: !!%>\)/F#: )!%A])/F#: 3!%}i)/F#: 1!%p)/F#: 2!%z)/F#: (!% J)/F#:, 00%h&9:hbi, # / 0Z .)%HN/#, / o|'# 7{F' {6''s,e= ^, e> I ePPee$Fbe 1 2 3eN 1 2e? 1 3e0 2 3e! 1e  2e 3e/FeGG (eeUeWWe !e )eXeYYee?Z[e\e;XXe UUe!YeWWe"\e#D]F]F]D]F]FD] 1 2 3e- ^^F^F __F_F ``F``F`` bbWbW% )e-'e: e,\);$ccWcW% !e-'e: e.\!;$eGeGe% (e-'e: e0\(;$8QPQeRTPTPRTSTTSTPe.NfNNNffNfNfNNNNff>'e:1;$ .Z$xy'NO, ) # nm7 1' e9 e&\1;$ e- 7 2' e9 e(\2;$ e- 1 3' e9 e*\3;$ e- , H-[XCQ@}NT ! UM+ ! .YD) #U,#!x $ % &,Me6;L;,  # #,{5 {XC6,w) %&(%& #;L;&Ec)R(&E ,)#8Mw # -1 ,x . # dN) # e ? @ A B V G H I d y $ ; U This is the kitchen of the wizard's house. Other than your own bed chamber, this is the only place in the house that you feel you can call "your own." The wizard rarely enters the kitchen. On cold days, the fireplace is a cozy place to sit.Near the fireplace is a crude broom made of straw.As it is now summer, the need to light a fire and cook hot food was diminished. The fireplace is, at the moment, not burning.There is no need for you to start a fire in the fireplace, as it is now summer and warm outside.You use the heavy oak table when you prepare food for the wizard.%m11%m7,%m8, and%m9%m12. a loaf of bread some fruit a mutton chop%m11%m7%m12.Right now, there is on the table%m11%m8%m12.%m11%m9%m12.%m11%m7 and%m8%m12.%m11%m7 and%m9%m12.%m11%m8 and%m9%m12.%m19 One useful item that catches your eye is the clay bowl you use for all of your mixing.The kitchen shelf holds many ingredients and kitchen implements for cooking.There are pots, pans, and skillets hanging on the wall beside the fireplace.There is an iron rack hanging on the wall by the fireplace.Your trusty knife%m24Your wooden serving spoon%m24 is hanging on the rack.It's clean under there.There are large baskets hanging from the ceiling beam, and smaller baskets on the kitchen shelves.Looking at the butter churn makes your muscles ache as you remember the long hours churning cream to make butter. Otherwise, you have no interest in it.There are pots, pans, baskets, and drying herbs and spices hanging here.You can think of no use for baskets right now.You are not in the mood for cooking at the moment, so the pots do not interest you.The iron rack is securely attached to the wall. You cannot remove it no matter how hard you try.You have no use for these particular herbs and spices.The barrels only contain foodstuffs. They are too huge to move.You take the loaf of bread and carry it with you.You take the fruit and carry it with you.You take the mutton chop and carry it with you.You take the wooden spoon from the iron rack and keep it with you.You already have it.You take the carving knife from the iron rack and keep it with you.You retrieve the clay bowl from the kitchen shelf and take it with you.Using your fingers?You feel the blood rushing to your head as you realize that you are upside-down. Straining to look up, you notice your feet have been magically attached to a kitchen rafter. You struggle, but can't release yourself. What a vexing situation!You aren't near the table.You're too far away.There are many hanging here. %m35You feel dizzy and nauseated at the sudden changes in body position. It's at least some consolation to find yourself on the floor again..won taht od t'nac uoYYou're too busy sweeping.It's just your old, oaken bucket.4w*( * # $ . 0i xTnm*89`: '\dQe{hY , . # $ % &b$b;'$$$i b }}!C%VT)#!C%rU)/#, 00O 6(_).6 (a)y& ()" (_)(9):&(),&9: 0, / 0Z)%a;<=M/#, /hbi,e  e!e?e$?$?$?$? Vme"e????eSSSe SSuSSe "  X6 8Y -W>k N*+- ܂$,$,V! .xM # ez  $L$L${$ { .,xN #)d  z$L$L$e c$,}3 ]tnv  ]*m,,e"hbi  6X^This is the main entry room of the wizard's house. The front door is to the south, creaky stairs go upstairs, and doorways lead north and east.Pant, pant, pant, pant, pant!!Boy, do you hate these little sessions. But, "No pain, no magic."The stairway leading upward has wide steps. Several of them are very creaky, though. You always try to avoid them when going up or down these stairs.The three doors lead outside, to the north, and to the east.You open the front door of the house and go outside.You can't reach the door from there!The front door is already closed.Whew!There are two candles attached to the wall to light your way up the dim staircase.The candles are firmly attached to the wall. Try as you might, you cannot get them free.4)\ S*89x: deh. b i}$$ bi }"b!XC%Zy)6 F!=%KQ6 )/#!=%[Q6 )/#!=%\K6 )/#!=%NK6 )/# *!XC%H{)6 #:0, %%hy&9:/#hb#ijC)%Zw [/F# cc) %ZPwe[ eF e *e *e;F0FF; *ee/Fehhehhhu<h<he STe ?e FF( *e >~Pe \*;$e$e!)e"e#gFgggFgg3e()|)()(e. z' &FF&,  , ee 1a^a]a]F1 2a_a]a]F2 3a`a]a]F3bcmi(i(i(i(_(^(`(_(^(`(e(je  e )()(4 e (j e e)[{  i(i](i(]8]F8]F8]F(8]F(i](i(] 1 2 3  e| 1 2 3  1 1 2 3  2 1 2 3  3 1 2 3   1 2 3  e 1Ii^(i(^8^F8^F(i^(i(^1^1 2Ii_(i(_8_F8_F(i_(i(_2_2 3Ii`(i(`8`F8`F(i`(i(`3`3  i(i(8F8F8F(8F(i(ik(i(k8kF8kF8kF(8kF(ik(i(k i(i(8F8F8F(8F(i(ik(i(k8kF8kF8kF(8kF(ik(i(ki(i(8F8F(i(i(kcm K~iexje1^1/2^2/3^3/^/^/ # .M e$L$ nmI /F-7 e# . e|2ee$gF|d|3|e 2$$ ee e|wM|3'bc)$!)6/$L$CM%W~#Ie|4'$  TS[! ) t% Z# Q s)|5$|6e$T D t c .||e%F$!)6/$L$CM%W~#Iec)|f$|g$ c [h .| |Nx-  zz z''%&E'O .,))(2(s%s-)')'&(Q%*%sR%&Ez' &R%&Ez'QZz', Zv)"/ #N'e'e.)|)()(e z', X2^2/1^1/3^3/^/ ^/# . #M$L$, -I@$ e')'+6[{G$L$ ,/FN # , .e,  #I / #,   ) # $Z;L;, .,} ensx hbic [cm7$ J7TQ8CGP, T i d  a This is where Manannan eats his meals. You, of course, are not supposed to eat here. YOU eat in the kitchen. There is a pine table and benches large enough to seat at least ten people; but the wizard has never HAD any guests for dinner.He seems to be quite hungry.The large dining table is made of pine planking. Matching benches run its length on both sides. The table is big enough to seat at least ten people.There is nothing on the dining table. You keep it very clean as Manannan will not eat on a dirty table.You bend over and peer under the table. You see nothing but a few crumbs left over from one of Manannan's meals.You take a well deserved moment's rest. But, you wonder if you have time to be sitting here?Mmmmmm! You needed that.You scrutinize the moosehead very carefully. But, you see it is nothing but an old head. You do feel sorry for the poor thing, though.The moosehead is securely fastened to the wall. You cannot remove it.Flickering candles from the wrought iron lamp light the room.There are two doorways here. One leads to the kitchen, the other to the entry hall.Manannan is impatiently waiting for his food! His stomach rumbles as he drums his gnarled fingers on the table. You'd better feed him quickly, or dire consequences may result.Manannan is out of sorts right now. "Don't jabber at me, boy! Bring me my food, NOW!" he bellows.After speaking to the grouchy wizard again, he narrows his bushy-white eyebrows and looks at you with ill-temper. "You're awfully thick-headed, aren't you?" he snarls. "It seems you need to be taught a lesson or two about OBEYING!"You are carrying more than one type of food. Which would you like to give the wizard?You place the food on the dining table before the hungry wizard. Ravenously, he devours every bit of it.Evidently, Manannan has important things on his mind.It's obvious the wizard enjoyed his meal as he lets out a satisfied belch. He rises and leaves without so much as a "Thank you!"You have no food to give the wizard.Oh, Manannan is here! You wonder what mood he's in, as you never know from one minute to the next what he will do. To your relief, he is preoccupied. He's muttering mumbo-jumbos you don't understand.There is a little metal cup on the table.You pick up the little tin cup and carry it with you.You're too far away.He doesn't seem to be hungry right now.Manannan wouldn't like that.You're too far from the table.Finish chewing first.You are standing.You already took it.You fooled him! Manannan didn't realize the porridge was tainted, and ate the whole bowl!You purr contentedly. You will enjoy your new life as a cat!He's too busy to reply.Manannan will never annoy anyone again.Manannan seems unusually quiet, don't you think!You'd better get on with your quest. Manannan is no longer a bother to anyone!Congratulations! Manannan will never again enslave you or the people of Llewdor!! At last, you are free!4*8?!9: dzehg", 0006 %k#N,+ %Y&9:/#Yght@  \za rI~c6 8 je!!!eK5KeKe$Ke'!'!'!e Zdt,E $$ $  ) e e,}"(J(8 (h(v8hg\zYou are on a flight of steep underground stone steps. They curve downward toward a dim light. The open trapdoor is above you.The steps are made of narrow, rough stones, crudely constructed.The trapdoor from the wizard's study is open.You reach up and grab the trapdoor intending to close it. It won't move from this side. You'll just have to leave it open.The trapdoor is already open.Climb them yourself.OH, OH!! That darn cat really did it to you this time! Tripping over the cat, you fall to your death."You look mighty funny falling down those stairs, Gwydion," he snickers.4!$*8?(9::| 6eh# bbXzXRzX{zXbzXd X!=XC%1:)#!=XC%s!)#, 00+Di '%hN- i*i,j-j%4%96 #M .#> 7,#'%(* %) XQ+ #6c)# X %'%*,&9: 0/#h #7  X Y 6 #'4 '6%8 \w' :Z`m'' HMHHeEeFeG'[HHHHH$HH$HH%H%H$HHe %HHMH$H$HHfy%HHMH$H$HHfz%HHMH$H$HHf{%HHMH$H$HHf|%HHMH$H$HHf}%HHMH$H$HHf~%HHMH$H$HHf%H'H'MH'%HH'$HH'$H'MH'e ee"eF;FF; M_xee /Fe !!ee eoeAoeHeSeGeHe.$He,HeeAeDoo$oluololoeqeeSSuSSe p~~p vv w~w~ww nn~ zyzy x~x Sem~GmGmGm~~G~G.'e!     e ep~mp~mppmpppGmpGpmGmGmpGp~GpmG'e vGvGGmGvGmvGmvmvGvmGvmG'e w~w~Gw~Gw~mGw~mGmw~Gmw~Gww~w~Gw~Gw~mGw~mGmwmw~mw~Gmw~G'e nnGnGnmGnmGmnGmnGmnmnGmnG'e x~xx~Gmx~Gx~Gmx~Gmx~mx~Gx~mGx~mG'e myGyzyyGyGzyzyGzyGmzyGmzyGmzyzymGzymGmzyGmzyGzymG'e {{F{uFe'{{F{'e/e){'ee*}{8{'ee2||F|uF||F|uFe(||'ee-S|S|S#'ekle8e0l8|8;||;|8|8;|8|8;||;|8|8;|'ee||F|||F|"'e/e+kle3e5|'ee1 'e/kle6e5-kle7"  e\ eCe"  e\ eCe"  e!\ eCe" e\  eCe"  e%\ eCe"  e#\ eCe' %) XQ+ #6c)) , ) #F ,)#M$O$d, -(x . # dN,)$O$ %Y8 ,c-1& ,Gi&D9D=DjfDD<$L$,},(.(K  fe+hHA>tk-Kdy&w g 4 Q x    EUc 6T!G\CWhere?Not being an experienced sorcerer, most spells in this book are too complicated for you to understand.You remove the jar You look in awe around this torch-lit underground room. It appears to be a laboratory... a "wizard's" laboratory.%m50 Now is not the proper time.The shelves also hold skeletons of small animals and birds, some human skulls and bones, and other odd instruments, whose use you do not know. %m8 %m7The narrow stone steps lead up to the wizard's study.Against the earth wall is a massive oak table with a spacious worktop.%m8 Atop the oak table are a large leather-bound book, a mortar and pestle, a little brazier holding charcoal, and a flint, plus measuring cups, beakers, flasks, and stirrers.You can't reach the book from here.You lean down and peek under the table. You see nothing but an earthen floor. from the laboratory shelf and carry it with you.The flint%m52The burning torches throw flickering shadows across the walls, making the room even more ominous.The torches are firmly attached to the earthen wall. You cannot loosen them.You curiously gaze at the strange jars of ingredients, the animal and human bones, and other odd implements which line the rows of shelves. You see jars of ingredients resting on labeled shelves... shelves bearing such ghastly names as "Powdered Fish Bone," "Nightshade Juice," "Mandrake Root Powder," "Saffron," "Toad Spittle," and "Toadstool Powder."You can't reach it from here.%m3labeled "Saffron"%m12You already took it.The wizard's desk is curiously empty. You have no further interest in it.You have no flask.Manannan would be very suspicious if he were to discover %m32" missing.There is much equipment here: a mortar and pestle, a charcoal brazier and flint, measuring cups, beakers, flasks, stirrers, and many jars and vials of strange ingredients.The charcoal%m52The flint is used for lighting the brazier.The torches will not help you.There are many jars of ingredients on the laboratory shelves. Which do you want?You already have all the jars of ingredients you are likely to need. You have no interest in any other.%m3labeled "Powdered Fish Bone"%m12With trembling hands you turn the pages of %m32," and prepare to follow its instructions precisely.%m3of "Nightshade Juice"%m12"The Sorcery of Old%m3labeled "Mandrake Root Powder"%m12Against the earthen walls there are rows of shelves holding numerous jars which contain strange, unknown ingredients.%m3of "Toadstool Powder"%m12There is no need for you to carry the %m3labeled "Toad Spittle"%m12 around with you. It will remain on the table for you to use as you wish.%m36mortar and pestle%m38%m36charcoal brazier%m38The mortar is a bowl-shaped implement made of stone. The pestle is a rounded stone that fits into the mortar. The mortar and pestle are used for grinding things into a powder. They are resting on the oak table.What would you do with the mortar and pestle?Resting on the table is a small metal brazier. It holds charcoal and is used for heating or cooking things.It's already open.What would you do with the brazier?The wizard would notice if the book were closed.You are not close enough.You fill the brazier with charcoal from the small supply Manannan keeps here and strike the flint on it. Soon, the brazier burns hotly.The charcoalYou consider doing that, but then realize it wouldn't work.%m54 You could heat things quickly with the brazier, right now. belongs here. You have no need for it elsewhere.%m66stone cold.%m66very hot!The brazier has burned all the charcoal, and is now cool.It is already burning.You're all ears now, Gwydion!Oooooooh, Gwydion! What big eyes you have!!It appears that stone has a flaw.Night-night, Gwydion.That was a-mew-sing, Gwydion.There's no silver lining in this cloud, Gwydion.Gwydion! Oh, Gwydion!! (What Gwydion? Where??)You have no need for it.There are many measuring, stirring, and mixing implements on the laboratory table.The charcoal in the metal brazier is You already have it.You must open %m32" to the proper page to read the instructions for a magic spell.Covered with gold trimmings, the old book's leather cover is cracked and worn, its pages yellowed and brittle. The title, however, is clear: %m32."You eagerly thumb through page after page of what you assume to be magic formulas. The ink of the old handwriting is faint, and barely readable.Most of the formulas are indecipherable, but a few are in a language you know. You treat the old book with great care as you can tell it contains recipes for some very old and powerful magic spells. Your hands shake as you realize this book could be the key to your escape from the evil Manannan.You consider taking it, but decide there is no need to carry it%m384[*89 :\ E?1g "0""%3 %N&9:/# %geeeeQ'Qe e'm! <N '(()6' ; <D'6' OW'6' Y5d'6' /KHP .Q8X'6' 6A;J '(()6' @G '6(()' >TsY'6' 6W> ' (()6' M_' 6' A{ A' 6 '  ' (()6 ' 1' 6 ' 1? '(()6 ' AxJ'6"g)JThe winding path spirals steeply down the mountainside. It leads from the wizard's house at the top, to the forests of Llewdor below.The sky is darker near the top of the mountain as there are dark, swirling clouds surrounding its summit.Dark clouds surround the mountain peak, adding a cold and sinister feeling.The lone mountain, with its steep path, rises from the forests of Llewdor to a cloud-encircled peak.The foliage is very scant on this steep mountainside.It is very difficult to see the wizard's house from this viewpoint.4|LKHW*89l:yehg"?]$ $x$$ !#$ $%$ &'$ (+ ` !%&)`+/#:!XC%\)`+/6 #:!%{{)#T!!%x)#T,!)+/6 %arCX, 00 %'!%9&9:/#Yh "g' /'- Webj' ]td' QtW'eeQ'Qeee''ee """ e ?? e ?? ? ?e $?$? '. .;Iee ee)ee Eee$$!''e  e z\ePeDE$$ '$E$$ '$e .)e88 %%%# ee \ e))i)i))i)ii)i))i)i'eeae ii)i)~~)~)ii)i)eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW'e J.e? .M_h #)+$L$SS C nm-< )N # .L;  $ DDWQ / #I #/#I&C@A]c%ot&B ${C@A%&B$  M ) M )DUM)!)TUM),)T-,/fzq z?;I)X .'T}`} '`}T} EREzREzYKz . . !) 6"6"g" .)< &#&#! hg!+f XamDvN|dxC j KLz ^T 7  Not now!The lone mountain rises from the forests of Llewdor to this cloud-encircled peak. Here is the somber house of Manannan, where you and he reside.The treacherous path is the only route down the mountain. If you are contemplating taking it, you should be very cautious.The foliage is very scant on this steep mountainside.The sky is dark here due to the swirling clouds surrounding this summit.Dark clouds surround this peak adding a cold, sinister feeling to this lonely mountain.The mountain is too steep to climb. Use the path.The ground is hard and rocky on this lonely mountaintop.This is the gloomy home of Manannan, the evil wizard who is your master.You can't reach it from here.The door of the wizard's house is closed at the moment.Why don't you just open it; you DO live here.Your arms are not long enough to reach it from here.A couple of chickens strut about their chicken coop. As all chickens do, they peck, scratch, and cluck. The poor things; they will end up as the old wizard's dinner one day. %m25The gate is closed.Shhh. If you're quiet, perhaps you'll hear them.You cannot reach the chickens.The little varmint scoots out of reach.Gotcha! You've managed to catch a chicken. But, what are you going to do with it?The chicken flies out of your grasp, and again struts around the coop.You have to catch a chicken first.Tucking the chicken firmly under one arm, you gently pluck a small feather, then let it go.The chicken struggles in your arms, trying to peck you. Apparently, it doesn't enjoy being held.You already took a chicken feather.There is a bag of chicken feed behind the fence, beside the chicken coop.The bag behind the fence is full of chicken feed.You only need the chicken feed if you want to feed the chickens.What's wrong with the chicken you're holding?The chickens pay no attention to you.You never were very good at doing that. You'd really rather not.Sorry, Colonel; they're not even dead yet!"The poor boy," clucks one of the speckled hens. "He thinks his name is Gwydion.""Wouldn't he be surprised to find out he's a prince!" replies the other hen."Yes," cackles the first hen. "He's really Prince Alexander."You hear one chicken say to the other, "I feel so sorry for the boy. The old wizard treats him miserably.""Yes, dear," replies the other one, "but YOU ought to worry about your own neck. Look at the situation WE'RE in.""Remember Gertrude," one of the chickens reminisces. "Remember how one day the old wizard came out and got her.""Oh, I know," clucks the other. "It was horrible! I hear she ended up in his stew. I can't bear to think about it!" You overhear one of the hens speaking to the other, "Whatever happened to your last batch of chicks, my dear?"Answers the other, "My poor babies were doing so well! I was just teaching them the proper methods of scratching when that old rascal came out and took them away!""Where do you think he took them?" wondered the first hen."I hate to think," the distraught mother hen replies. "I just heard them peeping as they were carried off."4/W)? . "ijhg xfb#$$fe .|eS|S|Skle e l||F|e klee|e|klee&88 -kle xd  ec#  egme fy  fz  f{  f|  f}  f~  f  / geg  xfehgfr . f8|8;||;|8|8;|e &b  1H UEUYou know you must work with the utmost care. Every step is critical; each must be done in the proper way, in the proper sequence. You tremble in anticipation.You scratch your head at the confusing old book, and turn away in puzzlement.A strange feeling comes over you. You wonder if you could have made a mistake!A mysterious music fills the laboratory!The mysterious music stops. What could this mean?Successfully completing the spell, you again look at the wizard's laboratory.]What would you do with the brazier?It is already burning.Making sure there is fresh charcoal in the brazier (there is a small supply here), you light it with the flint. Soon, the brazier is hot.The brazier has burned all the charcoal, and is now cool.For a moment you consider doing that, but then realize it wouldn't work.The small brazier is made of metal shaped into a bowl, with four small legs. It is filled with charcoal and topped with a metal grill. It is used for heating or cooking things.%m17 You could heat things quickly with the brazier right now.%m18stone cold.The charcoal belongs in the brazier. You have no need for it anywhere else.%m18very hot!The charcoal in the metal brazier is 45?wq * bb<=>@A/.cz>;z>Kz>W  )A+/%zM$L$ #!C)>+6!C)>+6!C)>+6!C)>+6!)A/%]!)>+-!!)>+-C6! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 ! ) >+ - C 6 !)>+-C6!)>+-C6 . .c  -   g gg =(i $$$$ z@p#I)# #I:$$g g gg g g g g g g !g)g *. $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&/#I $  $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&#/I $  $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&/#I $  $$%'&M$%0&k$%D&I$%\&O$%i&j$%~&X$%&j$%7&9$ %c&.$ %7&$ %d&$ %^&$ %H&?&%&/#I $ $2$$ %Zx#Q6Td $%6F% 6F% 6F% 6F% 6F% 6F%6F%6F## # # # # ##Q6Q TQ TFQ TnQ 6nQ nQFQ $$ $ $ $ $ $$)<+%&PQ)<+%&ZQ()<+%&\Q+)=+%&VQ )=+%&VQ!-&%&E#R%QE/ $/I) #I  #/*OVWy-:BAdventure Game Development System(C) 1986 by Sierra On-Line, Inc.Viewmaster:Dale CarlsonQuality Assurance:Larry WeissenbornBob BallewAndrea MonsalveRuss TruelovePackaging and Documentation:Annette ChildsGreg SteffenGaffer:Ken Williams4` w * . `b$"$$$!%&)`+/$L$#:!XC%\)`+/6 #:!%{{)#T!!%x)#T, !%&)+$L$)+F%Rm#cUM)!)TUM),)T-2/ //2  %%;I:#QAe %2 #QRQP #F*% n2 +GQ& $;K :2 F+/2 G #Q'% #F;I-e eFcQ !Gwydion is a lonely lad of seventeen who has lived for as long as he can remember with an evil and cruel wizard, by the name of Manannan. Gwydion gazes upon the countryside of Llewdor with longing, wishing he were free to leave. But, alas, such is not the case.Manannan treats the poor boy like his slave; ordering him about, constantly threatening him, and refusing to ever let him leave the premises. Often, Gwydion wonders who he really is, and how he came to live with the old wizard. But, Manannan offers no help in that area.Suddenly, the front door opens and out stalks Manannan, the wizard! "GWYDION!!" he shouts harshly.Oh, oh! Gwydion rushes to his side, afraid he may be in trouble. "Why are you not WORKING, boy?" the wizard sneers. Gwydion mumbles a faint reply. "The kitchen floor is FILTHY!" Manannan grumbles. "Go sweep it. NOW!!" Turning on his heel, the wizard re-enters the house, slamming the door behind him.Such is the story of young Gwydion's life to this point. What's a poor boy to do? Oh, well. In resignation, Gwydion obediently follows Manannan into the house.4io ~ *p *w  ~qmlr`=<;y;y<y= y?yAyCyDy>y@yB y@yBy yyy y yy yy.y y/yy-y,0y1y2y3 y4y5y6y6y7y8 y8y9y0y y _]KQ340 'b "$$etb<b ! ) / & de# M $L $ t @ B  tB"B$"e5""5"LKe ee$" eete) e$f$e X6E $$  eec )  $f$e e Xe X,.HE $$ ee-$$ e X .$ )N #e8e  %%%%%%1e %\c )e e $f$ e tGG F   U M F ) / $L $  # .)<# Xe t ) $L $G N T 8m ]h{"V -H^qYou don't need to break windows. Use the front door.That detestable pet of Manannan's is a constant annoyance.The thought of doing anything nice to that obscene ball of fur makes you sick.You're too far away.The despicable cat slips away from your grasp with a fierce scratch to your arm.A horribly intense thunderstorm is raging outside.Good idea, but how? As much as you'd love to, you haven't the heart.Nimbly, you grab the nasty cat by the scruff of its neck, avoiding its needle-sharp claws. Now that you have it, what are you going to do with it?You don't have it.The detestable cat leaps from your arms, snarling and screeching!You don't have the cat."Screeeeeeeeeeeeech!!!!!!!!"(heh, heh, heh)"Get lost, Gwydion, you creep!"%m5 As he does so he snickers, "Ha, ha! Missed me!"The cat's only response is an arched back and a hiss.The cat stares at you with cold eyes, his tail twitching slightly.Manannan's pet totally ignores you as you speak to him.You manage to pluck some fur before he viciously scratches, and leaps from your arms. With grim satisfaction, you survey your wounds. "Stupid cat," you scoff, "whether you know it or not, you just helped me."You can see most of the countryside of Llewdor from this vantage point.What window?These windows do not open."Ha, ha! Missed me!!""HEY! That hurt!!""Ow! I'll get you for that, Gwydion!""Wait till I catch you on the steps, you creep!""The next scratch is gonna be on your jug'lar, Chicken Boy!!"4 (kbb!! e mgmc((e(e((a(e((e((((e)(c.'  kk,1,GGe {{ ~-e $f$b en{PnTT$$f${ e{{ .E$$ #e e e {{ q-@/i/}.  }}  2$$   WwM .fc))& $P$L$$($$$ ++)/$L$C6& MGI#/F# cxN .$< ) $$$f$ wM . c' & )/#GIc)$xN .$h344v9:;Ica"ghManannan appears older than old. His long, white beard straggles thinly past his waist, his skin resembles old parchment paper, and his hands are gnarled and twisted. But, don't be fooled! The old wizard is smart and powerful, and his magic is formidable.Your own death would result from that! He's too powerful for you.Ugh!! You don't want to do THAT, do you!?Do you really think you can catch a wizard?How can you without proper materials? Besides, you have to get up pretty early to out-spell this old wizard.Wiz in %v125."Out of my way, Gwydion!""I mean it, boy... stay away from me!""Gwydion, let this be a lesson to you!""Attempt to use magic around me, will you?!"Manannan is bothered by your interruption. "Gwydion, I've many things on my mind. Get to work, or I'll find you something to do."With annoyance, Manannan looks your way, "Don't bother me, boy. I've got important things to think about.""Shoo, boy! I don't want to be bothered!""Your kitchen is filthy! Go clean it, now!""Gwydion, my chamber pot needs servicing. Go empty it, immediately!""My office is dusty. Clean it at once!""You've been neglecting my chickens again, Gwydion. Feed them, and quickly!!""When I assign a chore, I want it done immediately!""You aren't to be in this room without my express permission!" Manannan says gruffly. "Go find something to do.""Instead of fooling around in here, you should have finished that chore I assigned to you earlier!"Oh, oh. It's him, again!You feel Manannan's cold gaze is quite unnerving.4@ xg8e8e 8.e8.e 8e$  (e    &   8e6  e'   xge   8e 8e 8e8e8e% e (e ^e g x8bp8pe8bp8bpe8bpe  (e e^g x8e8e8e e^\eg xssessege x sss%sge x 8s8s8s8s88sg e xg :I:I %eg e x\ xhg xwmrhrs ! xhrs xhrs xhrs xmhrrxhx  (e ^eg x ee e ^e g x e ^e g x$g$$ xgxi&jS<=> 'GHIxOPgz=?ABThe eagle feather is too big for this particular recipe. It won't work.You place the soft, downy chicken feather in your clay mixing bowl.feather of fowl and bone of fish,molded together in this dish,give me wisdom to understandcreatures of air, sea and land.You put the tuft of cat hair in the clay bowl.You put the tuft of dog hair in the clay bowl.You put the dried snake skin in the clay bowl.You can't do that.You have two feathers. Which do you mean?You pour a spoonful of fish bone powder into the clay bowl.It is difficult to use that which you do not have.You pour the thimbleful of dew into the clay bowl.You knead the ingredients in the clay bowl with your hands. It turns into a stiff, dough-like substance.You grasp the doughy mixture in the bowl and divide it into two pieces.Which tuft of fur?You VERY gently place the two pieces of dough in your ears and pull your hair down over them. You prepare to recite the magical incantation.You wave the magic wand over your dough-filled ears.] What snake skin?4a xg8nr8ntr8ntr8nt8nr8nt e^ eg xg:I:I %eeg^ \' xxhg xwmr hrs  xhrs $ xhrs ! xhrs % xmhr r xhx$g$$xgxi&j hI=cdfIt is difficult to use that which you do not have.You carefully sprinkle the precious saffron into the vial of rose petal essence.You wave the magic wand over the vial of rose petal essence.oh winged spirits, set me freeof earthly bindings, just like thee.in this essence, behold the mightto grant the precious gift of flight. ]4w xg8b8{<{}{8b{<b{8b{}b{g  }{ e^eg xes{s{ e eg xeg e xg :I:I %eeg x^\xhg xwmrhr s  xhr s xhr s# xhr s xmhrrxhx e ^ eg x$g$$xgxi&jf$OP+ )abdYou cannot use that which you do not have.You place a spoonful of coarse salt grains in the mortar. Then, using the stone pestle, you grind the salt until it is very fine.Placing the dried sprig of mistletoe in the stone mortar, you crush it with the pestle.Soon, you have a crushed mixture of salt and mistletoe in the mortar. You remove the pestle and lay it aside.You place the beautiful amber stone in the stone mortar.Very carefully, so as not to miss a single spot, you rub the amber stone around in the mixture of ground salt and mistletoe. When you have finished, you remove the amber stone and discard the remaining powder.Smack!with this kiss, I thee impart,power most dear to my heart.take me now from this place hither,to another place far thither.You wave the magic wand over the encrusted amber stone.] 4 i xg}{}{ eg e ^ x 8~e<~e (ege x 8ve8ve8ve8ve8ve8ve<e<ve<ve<ve<ve<ve eg e e ^ x sbbsbsge x s|s0|s|e|e|e0|8e|8e0|8e|8e|1 (e%ekleg ee x sFsFg e xg ~g e 8~<~ eg e x^\ :I:I %e^ge x^ xhg xwmrhrs  xhrs# xhrs xhrs xmhrrxhx$g$$ xgxi&jR6b whQv8q1How can you use that which you do not have?acorn powder ground so fine,nightshade juice, like bitter wine,silently in darkness you creep,to bring a soporific sleep. ]You pass the magic wand over the table.Putting the dried acorns into the stone mortar, you use the pestle to grind them into a rough acorn powder.Turning the heavy stone mortar upside down, you carefully pour the acorn powder into the bowl, then return the mortar to the table.You very carefully pour a cupful of nightshade juice into the clay bowl so as to not to spill a single drop.There is now an ugly, brown, mealy, liquid mixture in the bowl.You pour the contents of the cup into the bowl.You gently stir the unappetizing liquid.You gingerly place the clay bowl of ugly brown liquid on the charcoal brazier.How you wish you had lit the burner!Soon, the hot brazier brings the mixture to a bubble, then a boil, releasing a bitter smelling steam.You let it boil until the nightshade juice is nearly gone, then remove it from the brazier.You pour the bowl's contents onto the oaken table, then spread the hot sticky mixture over the table top. In a few minutes, it has dried to a very crumbly, coarse sleeping powder.You untie the small leather pouch, scoop the powder from the table, and place it within. You now have a pouch full of sleep powder.You try to pick up the sleep powder and drop it all over the laboratory floor, where it mixes into the dirt. How you wish you had brought a pouch in which to carry it!You don't have a bowl.You must grind the acorns first.4e0b xg8w~e<w~e  (e e^g x8e  (e ^eg x8be  (ee ^\g xsbsbge x 8sF<sFge x ssssg e xg :I:I %eg e x\ xhg xwmr hrs  xhrs  xhrs  xhrs  xmhr r xhx$g$$ xgxi'j2 LM~*,.jNHow can you use that which you do not have?You pour the mandrake root powder into the bowl.mandrake root and hair of cat,mix oil of fish and give a pat,a feline from the one who eatsthis appetizing magic treat.You put the ball of cat hair in the mixing bowl. ]You pour the fish oil into the bowl and keep the empty jar.You mix the ingredients together. The mixture turns into an oily, disagreeable dough with cat hairs sticking out of it.Scrunching your nose in distaste, you grab the oily dough from the clay bowl and put it on the oaken table.Pushing the palm of your hand on the oily dough, you flatten it until it is in the shape of a cookie. After a bit, the cookie hardens.You wave the magic wand over the cookie, then take it from the table, and carry it with you.4 xg8 e8 e8 e< e< e< e8e8e8e<e<e<e ( e^\*e g xe| |e |e 0||e| |e ||e|e|e0|kle e g x8be8e8ebebee8be 8e be e be8bee ee ^\)g x8x~8x~e8x~ e e ^g x eg e xg :I:I %e eg x<em<m8em8m eg e x\^ xhg xwmrhrs   xhrs  xhrs xhrs xmhrrxhx$g$$ xgxi'jY"NPRs~?How can you use that which you do not have? ]elements from the earth and sea,combine to set the heavens free.when i stir this magic brew,great god thor, i call on you.Carefully, you pour the cup of ocean water into the mixing bowl.You place the clay bowl of ocean water on top of the little charcoal brazier. To your consternation, you discover that the brazier is unlit, and stone cold.Being cautious not to burn yourself, you gently place the bowl of ocean water on the hot charcoal brazier. You watch as the salt water slowly warms, then begins to steam. You remove it just before it boils.Adding a spoonful of mud to the hot ocean water, you slowly stir the mixture. The mud turns the water a cloudy brown.You put just a pinch of toadstool powder in the bowl of hot, brown liquid.Leaning over the hot brew, you forcefully blow your longest breath of air into the bowl, whirling the brew around and around.You wave the magic wand over the bowl of hot, brown liquid.Waiting until the liquid has cooled, you carefully pour the storm brew into an empty glass jar.4A xgdcd$c " !e e g xbbbb "e e ^"g x8be8be8e<be<be<e (e eg x8Oe8Oe8Oe8Oe ee ^ \#g x88zye88zy8zye8zye8zy e e^g xsbsbebbbsbbe eg xg:I:I %e eg x8m8<m8>m8<Omg e^#\$ xxhg xwmrhrs  xhrs" xhrs" xhrs xmhrrxhx$g$$ xgxi'j&RTVs6How can you use that which you do not have? ]cactus plant and horny toad,i now start down a dangerous road.combine with fire and mist to makeme disappear without a trace.Using your kitchen carving knife, you cut a gash in the small cactus. Juice begins to drip.Grabbing one of the measuring spoons from the oaken table, you grasp the slit cactus in your hand, and squeeze it until you have a spoonful of cactus juice. The small cactus is quite devoid of liquid now, so you toss it away.You scrape the lard into the mixing bowl, and keep the now-empty jar nearby to store your finished formula.You carefully add the spoonful of cactus juice to the bowl.You cautiously pour the two drops of toad spittle into the bowl.Using one of the stirrers lying on the table, you mix the lard, cactus juice, and toad spittle until it is smooth and blended.You wave the magic wand.You scoop the invisibility ointment out of the clay bowl and return it to the lard jar.4"d"*5h}*}n"d/H2H=a=<#%BAa`Pi`kj\N.lLɻ048:;:9741./368|v+;f;;b9b8a0Py#!~%"MQ k 2[9l2G2=/x~+SN+'2;*#M#MRR#t#cXc"\g"D:"G>"NNQe,eyhziyi,R+Q,QcNbN,NiNxQxQhNi<]+9Vv0s1k2kuowtzv|v1c2S3ScShSsctc3LbL3>2>tLsLi)5)0,1727R7`e7p)6)a)|+z.x.,8-=-M.R.d-j-s,jyo{tvdxRwMw>x8y+)4M5)'**'Oq:HgBbP?7,G,Y-m, IcVdVgIhHfHdLf1.8b7w(?.KuSujg6GYh.9 2;6 =9@ =B@LBME MGMRYR[ R^R`h qencja f ^Ju1t2m3mtswuyuzsxlubrTqThTc4K4bKiKq?r*1+2.2535M5\i*y):*z+y-x6u6DAsHrXr_slnp26d *h4?hHUhYbhnhuYj=@$\f% !_hZjA) ]mrg*ofsv qtUm!\^Cg )Dq0g.v-u,f/g0eAfCnUo]\okW_g1q2c3m2m\apj /k@kWl`prn4j ?RCSFPJQUSYT]S`TbTnRB9uJbL[NULJLDM?L*749?9E8J9U8\7V;U:J=??4A3F?DJDUC]BbCnBqAuBu8n9b:^:b7/_4I4=+8C;V9Y8a9q5qFs\ZHCIF\YZ1g9%+F<"Ze"ez+u#M$)R$R*M*O,:,Yg,y'*MR*yO Q Q%U)Jiabl$QR!J$)%3QO*)M)0P-P0PAPU{0yFz[{byg{vPOf1&h?fT&gi@,@L-U,A_,04{8>{m/8>u*7Cj5`|$Xc}d`^}W[31672(0&.&( 1'/&,&!!-2+813/:653>6F4K1U*n5].v136D-3/:.X3k*a0s*q,x?3KK?hErIiF4?BK[@rK5?TGdG4K:Z4TCb_XrT4bQTlWrb3TRbsbDT`]s[3b@o3l>u_s2lMunu7l`txuKlsubpvp2uJs2%'/-&! 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It is delicate and could easily crumble.The parched sands of the desert seem to reach forever westward. You notice a dried snake skin lying on the hot ground.It is an old, dried snakeskin.The flora in this hot, dry desert is scant. The only plants that grow are cactus, thorny shrubs, and an occasional stunted tree.All of the cactus around here are too prickly to be touched. You could wind up with a handful of thorns.The sky in this desert is a cloudless, deep, deep blue. The sun is very bright and very hot in this beautiful, blue sky.You're not close enough.The parched sands of the desert seem to reach forever westward.4z*8 7?< Y9:or0@ (( $))m)m)))))&()/#or [ P [ro  45*8 g9:U 8?4onr,#b!%e=)+XC6#!%gv)+/6XC#!%`~)+6XC$L$#!%)+6XC#0w ')g)l)l)r)y)y)9)=)=$)P)U)U)~)))), .wM)# # &()/#nor K X:s ;0X: cErJ \=kE @2^> }t K Z ]L gM Z K kJK pZta s_wa tb~j |kn os tx y{ |~ ~  )J K K #dBerQeebbaaaaaae-x . # dN,),cno l H#The flowers are pretty, but otherwise uninteresting to you.The many beautiful trees bring a sense of peace to this forest. You see an impassable mountain to the South.That's the mountain upon which you live, Gwydion.There is a rushing stream flowing through the forest floor.Up here, the stream is nearly imperceptible, but it widens to the south.4 3LK$HW*8 9?49*:|DsBCon!%()$L$C6#s zDSOzDSO!)B%W=$L$60a $)P)U)U)~)))) )E)X)X (8(8$(\)V&()/#no # 0= Z K #J K_ #}7 Z K K Z LXr` GGeeQe edBBcdceseesee e !ccccc $$_!$ee ,.s  ,s UkU d-    .EMw#QW0ܗ%%(%&>R%&E$L$)C%&(%&/I$)B%&(%&GZS5_FYUNT ,eMw#QW0ܗ%$f%(%&>R%&Ege QW>hiZS5_FYUNT ,%(&)%& %&,Y `s +%X46#s. <&ON ރ sQO+ P&xN sQb+-67 ܃w6 .GzDSO%Q#&$$$$%&%&%& %&$Q#(b $$$$%&%&%& %&Q2#QZP)/$L$Ic )$Q#$$$$~#Q#$$$$zDSO~## no $b";L /0YThere is an opening in the side of the hill which is covered by a huge spider web. Inside, it is as black as pitch.The cave opens ominously into the side of the hill.It's the largest web you've ever seen! You can't help but wonder about the spider which could create such a web.You inspect the entrance of the cave, but can see nothing from this distance.You need to be closer.You can see nothing inside but darkness.A stream flows by a huge, dark cave.You throw the knife at the web. Your aim is true, and the deadly blade speeds toward the web.Your knife passes between the strands and clatters harmlessly inside the dark confines of the cave.It's a nice tree, but totally uninteresting.Don't you know? Spiders LOVE flies! Yum. Yum!The spider web has been torn apart.As you touch the sticky web, a giant spider drops down from her lair in the tree above. You attempt to escape, but her sticky web holds you fast!You swoop close to the spider-web and find the huge spider guarding the entrance. Taking her in your beak, you vow to get rid of her once and for all!Not now!4*8 :?@ 9:fpxq0(+(Y,(u(}, (5(1(D(1,({(, ( )))&()/#$p c o xq |Y Z  Y ZG (b:e %&(%& ;dFg %&(%& G`PiNt 2<%H%)pxq(4\*8 ;?8 oZ$$ 9:K$ 9Z:9 :Fv/#vv  4*8 ?4 Ae$$ 9P:K$ 9:K9#:onr!C%5R)6#0")))))&()/#nor' K )(XN )Nfk fX Z K 9=>P ?2F? ehki wq~ r2eQeeno1iThe soft grass soothes your aching feet.A beautiful stream ripples through these stately trees.There seems to be a cave in a hill to the north, but you are too far away to see it clearly.4*8 ? $$ 9d:S$ 9f:9:Ypnxq!%3z)6C#0g(y, ()W,()x8(E(Z(4, ((,(~&()(F?>?J/#$p c o nxq(F?>?J K T^ 5k>l R|U S|U /mDv ]fon K i- K Ge Z i$t | Z ?V ?Xeeaa a aa aaaaaaaee% 2:Ob %& (%& cCm)n()p(Dnxq(W{The sandy beach is bordered by grass. A stream cuts through the grass and sand to complete its journey to the sea.There is water everywhere around here.The water in this inter-tidal zone is very brackish. It's not suitable for much of anything.4^*8 @?8 "o{$$ 9_:L$ 9:n9:z "v0, )P)U)U )[)c)c&()/# "!%(V)/#:v{ e "e "_eE$$e e\";$v  JdOk.You notice an unusual little cactus beside that large rock.You are not close enough.If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all.4 "*8 A?8$$ 9:F$ 9E:9:R, . b!N$$ s%& z b #bo0#e# 0(q)%K,/(\((|)$6 X=E&|R(&Ec)=X()9+-6 &()/#os,XC= Hj c Ry sw eQQe 5ZHe'Q ee.Qe D.p% .88Q%QQ8Q%%$ e DD Q eeQ e e/Qe /Qe !e  e \e e,X,)N)w +6 +6 -u1 .8Y),N3@@ +&|+&s(&._ .)d)F z; %,)) #3@@&s&|.ER(&E= %Y>8 ,N # .)#wM,  .  )wMF ,-x . # dN,)Y,c-   ރw . #)~ &ER(&EQrM)!+/$L$I #(fD p p  #K)x .L; #Nos,%,q qe#(u"].JGyThe beautiful trees of the forest to the east grow sparse as they reach the edge of the great desert to the west. You do notice one particularly large oak tree. "What a fine oak," you think.You look up into the towering oak tree. You can only see large, spreading branches and thick leaves. Looking down, you see a small hole between the tree's large roots.You try to climb the huge oak tree, but cannot find a good hand hold. You slip back, and all you gain for your efforts are splinters.You lie down on the ground and look into the small hole. It is too dark inside to see anything.%m6You feel around inside the hollow tree and discover a rope, stretching up into the tree. You pull it and (to your amazement) a rope ladder falls from the branches above.You lie down on the ground and reach into the small hole. %m6You feel around for the rope, but when you pull it, nothing happens. The ladder stays in place.The rope ladder stretches up into the branches.The ladder is attached to the oak tree. You cannot remove it.There's nothing of interest here, just some acorns scattered around this old oak tree.The acorns surround the old oak tree, and crunch under your step.You pick and poke among the fallen acorns, looking for dried ones. You eventually find three dried acorns, and take them with you.You pick and poke among the fallen acorns looking for dried ones. You don't find any; these are all newly fallen.There are no climbable trees nearby.What ladder?You need to be closer.In your insect form, you fit easily through the hole in the tree.You are much too big to fit into that small hole.The flowers are pretty, but otherwise uninteresting to you.48*8 B?8 |$$ 9:L$ 9J:89:oN$$ s0, ((F(> )))&()/#osZe;ee''eos 5uKThe soft grass soothes your aching feet.The many beautiful trees bring a sense of peace to this forest.A lone mountain rises sharply from the forest floor, its jagged peak encircled by dark clouds. A treacherous path winds its way up the steep mountainside. You, and the wizard Manannan, live at the top of the peak.The dangerous, winding path leads up the side of the dark mountain.You need to be closer to the mountain for that.4G &8LK'(HW*8 C?8 d$$ 9u:d9: ^ozp%zRG !)^+/6%uQ#:!)^+/6 FC%K#!=6)+$L$% #'( 00h'(P)G1$0$K((w)T;1$0$;K )9)=)= )[)[(Z)B&()/#o bTl[ T[ Tnc{ &5 % mT` Pj`n6 8 orv,,&w(&' @{R' D|F' lS~V' ', sL~R DtI () e Y <|VXe  eeQee?e >ee/ ee""" ee$"B"e ???''e e $?$?$?)'e   '$?e $?$?$?'e e  ???*'e  '?e ???'e e   6 ;I :8 6 ;K :8 GI F GK F', ', ') # %wN%%)ER%)E,$o'(&?e@,SyYou have entered a quaint, seaside town. Smoke curls lazily from the houses and shops overlooking the ocean. A pier stretches out into the bay. Near the pier, you notice a store and a tavern.The store is on the south side of the pier.The tavern is on the north side of the pier.%m5 There is a ship tied to the dock.The pier is made of rough, but sturdy, timbers, and stretches out into the bay.Waves lap gently against the pilings. But, there is nothing else interesting down there.The old, rusted anchor is much too heavy to move.You peer into the window, but cannot make out any details of the dim interior.If you want to enter, why not try the door?Ouch!The door is already open.You are not close enough.You don't have to knock, just open the door and go in.It's just a door; it opens and closes.Wouldn't it help to be near a window?The soft grass of the forest has been replaced by the coarse grass of the seashore.The door is already closed.The trees are not as large, being so near the coast.4x8 D?F97:i Ipx *bb $>$}$$$$px!=XC%g)+/6 #!=XC%)+/6 #$L$$L$ ,6 0'() ,%8MX (&()3 , )%,)%=,(6(6&()$,)r)r)\)\&() 6 K-,)r)r)\)\&() 6 ,  ,) 6 0&9: //#!, ), 6 , Y$qXY>5444>eF ,,D.; .,cX) N)d6$&R(&$)s6$&R(&$, . 88 #), c , w  X6)+-$O$, #,9)w.6 ,)+$O$Y).8,)$O$+ .P =D #)X,6 (D #X ), )6 8(= #),Y8 , (VAXXYj>ee""&&">ee e epxK, E0;iA large ship is tied to the dock.What ship?There does not seem to be any way to do that.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.With a sinking feeling, you notice that the large ship is no longer tied to the pier. It looks like you missed the boat!4b*8 E?8 od$$ 9:}$ 9P:P9!:zv0/#vv  4*8 F?8 W$$ 9:F$ 9L:U9:moN$$ s0 )u)z)u&()/#Cos [ b [os 4d JLK)HW*8 G?7$$ 9 :I9:So_ $$2$d$$ݖ$$.),*F```2PRTb"!!!CCCdPRT #bbb"b !!!CCCݖPRVS #bbb !!CCFP #bbb !C!)_/$L$XC6 %Mm#:!)+/$L$=X%l #, 00K)*(I)v )\)a)\)F)J)F)))&()/#FwF ݖ)V%($L$@#2d6M)P)R)T22 dd%#+Qo2dc"' ^_'' FlTv' Ts`} aboy'.%e(eee)re(8e,%c )ec )ec )eee e!'eݖeeݖee e""'ee?? e'e e'e6'e) e e^\e g g.???  ?-'e  e"e#e$e%e& Mw;I.$?%%?%?%?J%J?%'e2  eݖ'ܖ 'ܗ x)VUM-$ 'ݖ e  ;I :j2  ;K : ܃w .3M%K|+#QT|4%K|+#Qj|Q_|5%K|+#Qj|Qj|% 6Q7Q8Q9$:$;$d G )P+/6 CX%Jn#e eMQ%+#Qj|fQj|%+#Qj|%gQK|hQK})iQK~)j kQKxl$QKxm$QKxn$ d ܗc )e M)RS ܘ%M)S/I)) c)6C&ER(&Eܙ $,;I )P+/6 CX%Jn#F%/$L$Gc )$$L$)P+/F) #6XQVc))#M, $ ݖ,xN .-x . # 8dN,)Y,cc"o) (\ R'd}[b&H~pW = U There are lovely flowers growing in this well-tended garden. Their sweet scent and beautiful colors delight you.%m1 To your surprise, you see a bear, wearing a dress, working in the garden. It must be Mama Bear!You carefully peek into the pretty flowers of the flower garden. Drops of glistening dew have gathered within their soft petals.This is the comfortable home of the Three Bears. A well-tended flower garden grows out front.You peer through the window, but the inside is dimly lit and you cannot make out any details.You need to move closer.The heavy wooden door is closed.You see three fully-clothed bears!You wouldn't want to spoil the lovely flower bed by picking one!Mama Bear growls at you as you near the flower bed. Better stay away from it... and HER!Oh, dear! You have annoyed Mama Bear by trampling her precious flowers."AND STAY OUT!!!"Holding the silver thimble beneath a dew-filled flower, you gently tip the flower so its dew runs into the thimble. You move from flower to flower, repeating the process until your thimble is brimming with dew.You must have a thimble in order to get a thimbleful of dew.Your thimble is already full of dew.What's this? Three clothed bears?? You hear Papa Bear exclaim, "What a beautiful day for a stroll through the forest."There are three fully-clothed bears coming! You hear Mama Bear say, "Thank you, Dear. That was a lovely walk."Evidently, they don't hear you."SCRAM!!" growls Papa Bear. "We're not interested!"He doesn't seem happy to see you.The cottage is too dimly lit to make out any details.You see a lone mountain peak in the distance. Dark clouds swirl around its summit.The dew is beautiful.Your cordial greeting annoys the bear, and she growls back, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrreetings yourrrrrrrrrrself, young man. Stay out of my garden!"Again, you speak to the bear. "Grrrrrrrrrrr!" she growls menacingly. "We don't take to strangers here. Go away!"Insistently, you talk to the bear yet again. She ignores you, but you hear a constant low growl from deep within her.It is utterly impossible for you to catch a big bear.How could you hurt a big bear? You couldn't.A strange idea.You rap lightly on the door of the charming house.No reply.You knock again, louder.Again, there is no response.Perhaps no one is home?Where?4X *8 H?7 X$$ 9:n$ 99:B9j: orpg" ?>> z/ !)?%\C6 #:03(v) (v(v (d(d&()/#!)$L$=%l+/#!)L$=%z+#$p c o gr mz r  eQ e eQe ee//ee Q'Q$e e ;$\e >ee >ee   e e ee"''e'Q'Qe,89'' ' ' ' ' '7'(((()!>5444p%, ((ngo$Lz'8ZYou see a small seaside village up the coast to the north. Smoke rises lazily from chimneys and mingles with the ocean air.One of the trees has a light-green colored plant growing upon it. On closer inspection, you see that it's mistletoe.The mistletoe hangs from the branches of the tree. There are a few dried sprigs mingled with the green mistletoe.You search among the hanging mistletoe until you find a sprig that has dried. You break it off, and carry it with you.You are not close enough.There is a three-masted ship docked at the pier. By her sturdy lines and broad beam, you guess it to be a merchant vessel, trading goods in the town.Where?%m9 You see a vessel tied up there now!A pier extends from the village and out into the bay. It is built of heavy timbers to withstand winter storms.You give yourself a big smack. (Is this fun?)The trees are not as large, being so near the coast.You look out over the vast, blue-gray ocean. You wonder what lands and people reside across it. If only you could know!You are standing atop a bluff overlooking the ocean, and see a village to the north. %m14 The trees here are stunted and twisted by strong ocean winds.The soft grass of the forest has been replaced by the coarse grass of the seashore.There is no need to climb this tree.You see seagulls flying overhead.You look through the remaining mistletoe, but find none that is dry.49X*8 I?J n$$ 98:9:wpxq , >> zh. !%L)+/6=$L$#!%Y)+6=$L$#0,w . #X=(+)!Q+y-(<(z)() ())(M,(p), ()KL ()J)&()/#$p c o xq w~^ |_p }q  ^ _p q;> e ee e )&%(%&, ,F>5444pxq .jThere is a ship docked at the pier.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.The cliffs are very steep.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.4;8?A Z9:E* , </#B$@C$$%p&A{C@A%&B$C@$$%V&A{C@A%&BA@CA%Zn&{C@A%&BAx%Z&{C@A%&BC $$! !)&L&=d%&&%&+#B $$@A&,C{C@A&Be eaaaa  e^e*e ee -<%, N # .w)/$L$I .)d%F ,, vv   G;$$ ($$ $$$ #8?oYou look around and see no familiar landmarks. A tight knot of fear begins to form in your stomach as you realize you don't know how to get out of this desert.Drinking the salty ocean water intensifies your thirst.You have no water. Your desperate mind must be playing tricks on you.You are getting very hot and tired. You'd better find your way out of this desert soon.You can't take the relentless sun anymore, and collapse from heat stroke. Miserably, you die in this dreadful desert.The mountain to the north seems to float on the horizon.The snake scurries around without noticing you.That is not a wise idea. The snake is probably dangerous.What snake?You have entered a great desert.You see buzzards circling high above you.The hot ground is parched and dry.4^(*9B: 0%D #/# eGeneG$ ,You have flown through the hole at the base of the tree and are now inside the hollow trunk. You see a rope leading up into a small hole above you. This area is cramped and confining, even for a fly.You hope you'll be able to fit inside the tree in your normal form.Obviously, your hopes were ill-founded. Too late, you realize you are inside a tree, and... the results are too gruesome to discuss.4 *+,-b%  k9F: "0%H/#!)++-%@R$L$6   # N+w!%Cf),$L$+6 # ec%-.  /# I GF + %$L$+ G %)-+/I  +/I % +/I G+/I ),G$L$+  % > /% \  F+1$0$  $$,$x)) ee ee ee BBe 55e !c\!e &NC [The Oracle remains silent for a long time. Finally, you hear a hollow voice that seems to come from far away, "I've been waiting for you a long time, Gwydion. I have sorrowful news for you.""Years ago, a terrible three-headed dragon invaded Daventry, and keeps the people in a state of terror. This monster requires, once a year, the sacrifice of a young maiden.""Sadly, your own sister, Princess Rosella, is the chosen one this year. Time is running out for her, your parents, and Daventry."Silence again...then, "Behold the crystal ball!" Within the ball, the medley of colors swirl together to form a vision of a dragon with three hideous heads. Then, the image changes to reveal a beautiful blond girl, crying. Your heart goes out to her."You, Gwydion," the hollow voice continues, "are the only one who can save them. But, you must hurry! I have something to give you...a small stone of amber. Use it wisely, my friend."The Oracle grows silent again, and seems to fall into a deep sleep. You attempt to thank the Oracle, but the Oracle does not respond.You have entered the cave of the Oracle, whose image shimmers indistinctly above a crystal ball.The Oracle is in a deep state of meditation. You are not heard.The Oracle`s image is vague and indistinct, and seems to shimmer slightly as he (she, it?) hovers over a large crystal ball. The Oracle gazes intently into it.The clear, polished ball of crystal rests upon a stone dais. Within it, you see a kaleidoscope of bright colors and flashing lights, occasionally blurred by dark, ominous shadows.That is impossible. No mere mortal may touch the mystic ball.You see the green countryside of Llewdor out the opening of the cave.You can't get an oracle!The Oracle appears to be deep in meditation.DELETEDELETEThe Oracle is in a deep state of meditation. You are not heard.You have entered the cave of the Oracle. You are almost afraid to speak.4 . " 9]:X *bb, 0 /0K&.N%Sn!)XC%Fq$L$#SN,%])+-Y&$$, 0 /,%])+-/#!, X,)+-' Yn[t' FbIr',')+-(\()N,,'.)(V(),,  MUF ,c) 6&$R(&$, $ GGe  Qe ? ?ee?e"ee'Q'Q'Qeee e e ',& RnD`You are standing outside a shack that has been built in the branches of the spreading oak tree. A rope ladder leads down toward the ground.There seems to be somebody moving around inside the treehouse.You can see very little of the interior from out here. But there seems to be a figure sleeping in a chair.The doorway of the treehouse is only a rough opening in the planks.There is no window, only a hole cut in the side.The rope ladder drops down through the leaves of the huge tree toward the ground below.The tree looks very difficult to climb around on, but you can try if you wish.The thick leaves of the oak tree allow only rare glimpses of the sky above.The thick leaves and massive branches obscure the ground below.You can see someone moving about, but can not make out details from here.You see no one else around.It's hard to tell without entering.On second thought, you decide not to make a storm. You remember how dangerous it is to be in a tree during a storm.4 Bb! -9W: " *0)%YN,)%Kl+/$L$#:!,)%Y$L$w )$ L$6 %0# 0!)6%!L)L%Ny#F+>A!)%:+/F#!)%++/F#!)%4+/F#D$$3!)%)+/6 FC#!)%4+/6F#/#bcbcbc>5444' (I' 8|r'-.  F+ !ee2 GQ1} GQ1 F  GQ1} GQM}FQMyx$]$1%2&&&%&&0&$1%2&&&%&0&$1%2&&&%&0&8$1%2&&&%&0&$1%2&&&%&0& !F,,N*+- .,,3* . -$$$!,-, e 33f3 ??? 0^0\/ 0?  `gFgFe,e-$$f$e.Fe1$f$$f$e 5""?5e $"e5:!!e !ee=e=e/=ee/Gmee6e0&))e)e-e!e? e3 e4aIe<'3e$?x ,,eee%))e")e)9'545 55 3ei'i('<e1 ^0?$$$ Oe  /^/e*e!V))e#)e) ee+e&e (?(K63ne, ;Ms!f>%Uc M N m bx P~$?YlaOne of the rowdy seamen yells to the barmaid, "Wench! Come o'er here with more rum!"Bottles of rum and wine sit atop shelves behind the bar.%m2 A pretty barmaid stands there.%m2 A loud group of seafaring men are drinking rum at the table. They are swapping yarns about past voyages. You overhear as they speak of setting sail today for a distant land across the ocean.%m2 Two surly-looking characters are drinking ale at the table. Looking closer, you see that they are the bandits from the forest!"There ya go, boys. Now, drink up an' behave yer selves.There is nobody here except you and the barmaid.The sailors have obviously been drinking heavily for some time, and are very loud and rowdy!The two ruffians at the table see you looking at them, and glare back at you menacingly. It's the bandits from the forest!The buxom barmaid has an air of hardened determination. You get the feeling that she doesn't take any guff from anybody.You overhear snatches of the two bandits' conversation, "...squirmed jist like a pig. An' that rope ya rigged inside o' that big oak tree works great! Now nobody'll 'ere find ar' hideout. Why, I'll bet even that wizard..."You see the buildings of the village, and the ocean beyond.Surely, you jest!It is a little pot-bellied woodstove.The bar is a rough-hewn slab of oak.A tattered, faded tapestry hangs next to a pair of rusty swords.The decorations are firmly attached to the wall, and will not come off.You lift a corner of the tapestry, and see the dirty wall behind it.She tosses her head, and replies, "What'll it be fer ya, sir? A good pull o' ale, or'd ya rather a dram o' rum? My, aren't ye the han'some one!"The barmaid retorts, "Go on, ya deadbeat. Drinks cost money, ya know!"The barmaid hands you a glass, and the potent liquid burns as it slides down your parched throat. It hits bottom, and you suddenly feel a bit woozy.That one tasted even better than the last. Just one more sounds like a good idea.There is nobody here except the pretty barmaid.Talk to whom?The sailors just ignore you.One of the ugly rogues scowls at you as he says, "Beat it, kid!""I'll be right with ya sir," the barmaid says, winking.The sailors peer at you through bleary eyes, and continue swilling their rum. One, who looks like the captain, pauses, and drunkenly slurs, "Aye, me bucko, be ya wantin' passage on me ship? Whatcha runnin' from? Aw, s'no matter, 's long as ya got gold. Lets me see how much ya got!"The drunken sea captain looks angry as he asks again, " Don't ignore me laddie! I asked ya how much gold ya got fer passage on me ship?""Too late bucko," the sea captain slurs. "I ain' in'ersted in ya no more. Go pester some'un else."As you bring out the purse, the captain snatches it from your hand and says,%m31 "Aye lad, I sees ya do have a wee bit 'o gold. It's less'n me reg'lar fare, but I'll gives ya passage anyways. We'll be waitin' fer ya at the wharf, but not fer long." The captain and his men down their rum in one long draught, then leave the tavern."Ya little cheat! Ya've got not a farthing! Ya was tryin' t' weasel aboard me ship!! Go on with ya, git outta me sight!"%m36 "What can I do fer ya sir? Can I get ya somethin'? I can't spend much time with ya, 'cause I gotta handle these seafarin' scoundrels that come inta town t'day."%m36 Without taking her eyes off the two men, she says, "I'll be happy to take yer order, but be quick 'bout it 'cause those two are keepin' me hoppin'.""Keep yer shirts on, ya ornery buzzards," the barmaid yells. "I'll be there quick enough!"You are too far away.The two scroungy thieves are dirty and unkempt, and their clothes are smelly. Cruelty darkens their faces. These look like good people to avoid.You signal the barmaid, "I'd like to buy these two gentlemen a round."%m39 When she brings the drinks, you discover that you only have one coin. With a look of scorn, she takes your last coin and leaves one drink for the two oafs to fight over.%m39 If ya says so, sir," she replies. "That'll be two gold, if ya please." The bandits down the drinks with nary a thank you.%m31 %m33The bandits are pointedly ignoring you. Don't press your luck.You don't have time to be sitting around in taverns.Your presence would not be appreciated.Kegs of ale line the wall.You need to buy it first."Watch it, fella!"A table, devoid of customers, rests against the wall.One of the surly-looking characters yells to the barmaid, "Wench! Come o'er here with more ale!""Right ya go, sir." says the pretty barmaid. "This round's on you!" "It'll be one gold coin.""Right ya go, sir." says the pretty barmaid. "The next round's on you!" "That'll be one gold coin."The window does not open.Bottles of rum and wine sit atop shelves behind the bar. Kegs of ale line the wall.4 * B9B:U0* (0)D(C)&()/#!)%Ok#Y*$$*!6 )U/C%co#:!6 )U/C%No#:!6 )U/C%Yv#:!)++$L$/%U#: Mc _vp ?xI* HxV Wxl  Oc/Fe! eTPe$"e5""?5e!e8 e"e# eeeeggg;e e  d Feeeeee eeaeaea=e 0eee ;$\^eee>e 1eee;$\e-   2$$ s Ew .) %MR%)E &R(&E %UR%)E $;/I)GFe Ie$ +%U#e!M')+/6h{ #$L$If #Fge h #Ki )+d|M)+/6GPjq'uYou are in the charming home of the Three Bears. Mama Bear certainly does keep her house nice and cozy.The large wooden table is clean and polished.There is a cheery fire crackling in the fireplace, even though it's summer.You see the forest and Mama Bear's flower garden outside.A rustic wooden stairway leads to the second floor.There is only a splintered pile of wood that was once a small chair.The medium-sized chair looks very soft and comfortable.The wooden chair is very large, and solidly built. It must be Papa Bear's.You can't reach it from here.This chair feels just right.You sink deeply into the overstuffed chair... too deeply! This chair is much too soft.You feel very small and uncomfortable in this big chair. This chair is much too hard.You taste the porridge and decide that this bowl of porridge is This bowl of porridge is %m13much too hot.%m13much too cold.%m13just right! You take another bite, then another, and another. Before you realize it, you have downed the entire bowl.You ate it all.You're not close enough.%m14much too hot.%m14much too cold.%m14just right! So, you take it with you.There are only two bowls on the table; one is too hot, and the other too cold.%m6 You can't sit on that!The cute little wooden chair looks sturdily built.There are two bowls of porridge on the table. One is too hot, and the other is too cold.There are three bowls of porridge on the table. You are surprised that bears eat porridge. You always thought they ate honey and berries.%m2 %m27%m2 %m28The window does not open.Where?You drop to your hands and knees and look under the pine table. You see nothing but a clean floor.The chairs are arranged in a cozy conversational grouping around the dining table.It appears however, that a previous conversation may have gotten out of hand.Oh, oh!4" z :s9D:z "bb  *0%3t+, ) 0&9: //#!)%``+/$L$#:!P)P%1t+/,;' ^men  V|' "6' Ulo'-,e,4&---e',&-9-9-5-&--g--]'eQ .') /6,N'de/+ ' e+ ' Wke+ -,\%'e'e' $L$ew)'')8, . # ,  c #/I  #-  w .#Q7n Q_n + ܗ%XC) #Q7n,'%&%&%&9$7$ +F) c6$L$Q0 , .x: eel-$'e'e'e'e$3$$C3"e ;Ie3C3"e ;Ke/-'ee, e eee\@e33&e e e e eCe,)g<rs Dfz Jc~<;You jump onto the medium-sized bed and sink deep into its fluffy depths.You flop onto the biggest (and hardest) bed!You lie upon the smallest bed, and snuggle down into the pillow.There is nothing of interest under the bed.You open the drawer, take the thimble, and close the drawer in one fluid movement.You open the drawer, and among the clothes, you see a pretty silver thimble.You pick up the thimble and carry it with you.The drawer is already closed.You see a few bear-sized clothes and a silver thimble.You see a few bear-sized clothes.It is already open.You have already taken it!You open the drawer and see some bear-sized clothes.You are in the Bear family's cozy bedroom. You see three beds and a chest of drawers.A dresser sits in the corner of the room.You need to move closer.This bed is MUCH too hard!Shhhh! You'll wake yourself up.Oh No! Papa Bear has found you sleeping in Baby Bear's bed! You are in for it now!The drawers are shut.Ahhhh! This bed is just right. You've fallen asleep.Good idea. You've got too much to do to be lying around in a strange bed.I'm not asleep, are you?This bed is MUCH too soft!They wouldn't fit you.This is a big, old bed. It must be Papa Bear's.This looks like a nice, soft bed. Maybe it's Mama Bear's.This bed looks just the right size for you.4$K>$$$$ *?H8 O9w:dpxbb b!=XC%)+/6 #!=XC%%)+/6 #!=XC%D)+/6 #!=XC%f)+/6 #!=XC%)+/6 #$L$$L$$L$$L$$L$>|!)6 %Z/CF#:!)/O%I%U6 F#:O7 2d !)%6F6 F+#:! ) = % .# Q A.,6 0G'(),6 )r)r)\)\&(),  8 #)YX&(), )6 0&9: //#$p>5444>eF , G%M,. . -.   >9 Q /9  eF :   e e  M6 ;$L$I e;I);GcQ#F  e .M!, 6 ,F.= . ,cX) N)U6$&R(&$)s6$&R(&$, . 8Y #), c ,  )Y8X6.-E$$ e , ;G)XCS .,'%&%(F $GR(&$,G. FUM6 . M'()'%&&)&X%&w)/$L$6I,2 )%F ,>ee>&" Oee e))Q>He9Oe.e e e ee>Oeee eOeepx .eL 8Zem/m Ec";MA large ship is tied to the dock.What ship?There is no way to do that.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.Sounds like a good idea. Just walk across the gang plank.The life of a seaman has definitely taken its toll on this grizzled old sea dog. His skin is brown and cracked from years in the salty air, his voice rasps from too many smokes and too much rum, and he stoops from countless swabbings of countless decks. His clothes are none too clean, either.The old seaman draws his sharp cutlass, runs you clean through, and you drop to the dock... dead.You hear one of the sailors shout down to you, "Get yer self aboard, laddie. We be sailin' on th' tide, wi' or wi'out ye."From the deck of the ship you hear, "Are ye deaf, or just daft, boyo? I said come aboard a'fore we leave ye here."You have a sneaking suspicion that you have made a big mistake. These are pirates!You politely speak to the old sailor on the dock. In response, he growls, "Quit yer yammerin', boy. I ain't got no time fer ya. I gotta keep trespassers away from this here jolly-boat. Scram!"Insistently, you speak to the old salt again. He seems displeased as he snarls, "I'm warnin' ya, boy. I gots a tricky sword hand. Better go away afore I cain't stop meself!""That's it!" he shouts. "I warned ya to quit hangin' aroun'."As the gangplank is drawn in you hear the Captain shout to his men, "Take 'is things an put 'im in the 'old until I figures out what ta do with 'im."%m14 You notice the captain looking at you and laughing with one of the crew, and you decide they are as happy to be starting this voyage as you are.%m14 You have this dreadful feeling that you've missed something important as you walk down the now-deserted pier."You'd bet'er get aboard boy, or we'll sail without ya.""Ya better skedaddle, sonny!""Climb aboard, laddie! We won't be awaiting all day for ye."The Captain and his crew are waiting for you to come aboard.There is nobody here but you.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.You're no match for him.Surely, you jest?You had better stop talking, and run for your life.With a sinking feeling, you notice that the large ship is no longer tied to the pier. It looks like you missed the boat!Nobody can hear you!42$L>$$$$9B:d m8?Hbb  *px!=XC% )+/6 #!=XC%')+/6 #!=XC%>)+/6 #!=XC%S)+/6 #$L$$L$$L$$L$,60A'(),6)r)r)\)\&(), 8)iXY&(), )6 0&9: //#$px>5444>eF ,!, )6,, 8)XY,^.U .c,X) )W6$&R(&$)r6$&R(&$ j[q6 $&)&&R(&$, . 8Y #), c ,  )YXZ>ee&">ee e epxK30;WA large ship is tied to the dock.What ship?There is no way to do that.A charming village sits atop a bluff overlooking the ocean.A weathered dock leads into the ocean.With a sinking feeling, you notice that the large ship is no longer tied to the pier. It looks like you missed the boat!4+.$&))eebb5 e *Ze  )ee\^)n neaaaaaa Kee VWa=ZwThere is a rushing stream flowing through the forest floor.Clear water flows over and around the rocks of the stream. Wet mud lines its banks.The thought of carrying around a handful of mud doesn't appeal to you.With the wooden spoon you kneel and scoop a spoonful of wet mud from the stream's bank. You carry it with you.You only need one spoonful of mud.You have no need to carry around the stream water. If you are thirsty then just get a drink.Cupping your hands, you bring the refreshing water to your lips and drink deeply. Aaahhhh!!You are already carrying it.There is no mud around here.You need to move closer.You need a spoon to get mud.4lK$$,,  $  4! ) 4= C 6 F ! ) 4= C 6 F  + + % t3% ]2 + + % q% "r+ + % Y:% g6+ + % :A% GY$ $x$$ $ $ $   3! ) 3= C 6 F ! ) 3= C 6 F  + + % % t + + % v% z+ + % ")% ;+ + % 2v% Jk$ $x$$  $$ %'$ ()$ *, # #  .eQQe*eeee'Q'Qee  e e  e e  e e  e e  Ee Ee[eee G F , G F ,-,/f, Z04uHhLz4M) O  l > . The soft grass soothes your aching feet.The many beautiful trees bring a sense of peace to this forest.If you look way off to the west, you can see the desert.This is the wrong time of the year for wildflowers.%m1The clear, blue sky is brilliant with an occasional white cloud.There are no flowers in this area.You see no suitable trees for climbing.If you've seen one rock, you've seen them all.You see two pretty birds looking at you.You see two squirrels chattering to each other.They're too difficult to catch.You don't see any right now.Maybe if you're quiet, you'll hear them.All of the cactus around here are too prickly to be touched. You could wind up with a handful of thorns.Where?It is a handsome example of the species, but not one you'd care to handle. Look at those thorns!You listen with great interest as one little bird chirps to the other, "Notice that boy down there? He's got a sister he doesn't even know. A TWIN sister."Answers the second bird, "How sad. I don't know what I'd do without all my brothers and sisters. I'd be so alone.""I know what you mean," agrees the first.Your ears perk up as you hear one twittering bird say to her friend, "Do you think that young man looks anything like his twin sister in Daventry?""I don't know, but I hear her beauty is legendary," chirps the other bird."Well, he ain't exactly chopped liver, either," the first little bird states."I'm getting so frustrated!" one little bird twitters to the other. "No matter how early I get up, I just can't seem to ever catch that darn worm!!""Poor dear," says her friend. "I know you can do it. You can't let a dumb worm outsmart you!""Hah!" the first bird laments. "That's easy for you to say. I bet you've never even tried!"You hear one of the birds speak to the other, "See that young fellow over there? When that old wizard, Manannan, kidnapped him, I heard tell his real parents were heartbroken over his loss.""I would think so!" chirped the other bird. "I'd sure miss my brood if they disappeared!"You notice one squirrel chattering to the other squirrel, "See that young man over there?""Yes, what about him?" the second one inquires."Poor thing, he doesn't even know who his parents are," says the first squirrel.Asks the other, "Well, who are they?""He's really a prince. His parents are King Graham and Queen Valanice of Daventry," replies the first."That boy over there lives with the terrible wizard," one scampering squirrel remarks to its companion."How awful for him," says the other squirrel. "I wonder how he can stand it."Comments the first, "I bet he can't. He ought to learn magic. He's got to fight fire with fire."Chatters one gray squirrel to the other, "Manannan's terrorizing the countryside again. I'm afraid for my life.""I know how you feel," replies the second. "I understand he's fond of squirrel tails."You overhear the squirrels chattering. "Have you got your winter's supply of nuts gathered?" one inquires."Not quite yet," answers the other. "Do you?""Oh sure," states the first squirrel. "Ages ago. You'd better get to it, I'd say."4j.1 # #*,,, #, eBThe water looks inviting, but be careful if you go out there.4a$r $9 $$&! ) X = 6 % ! 9) 9X = C 6 -  # Q $$  $ ' %&%9 & %&# $R 9:$8 / F . ee.&E $$e e $ \ e.. e . ee)). ee e&4HLfOk, it's a feather.What feather?You can't reach it.Ok.You see a majestic eagle.I don't see a bird. Do you?Funny, no response.There is a feather on the ground.4Dt.#bb!!))D$$ %qQS %[Qs[$$ %6Q@ %2=Q>ID$$ %opQ^p %DQrD$$ %*DQ6D %iQ7iD$$ %Q %"\QB\$$ %yaQda % {Q0{G$$ %yQa %B[You are too far away for her to see it.Medusa is now just a stone statue, perfectly harmless.Good idea! But, how can you do that?Apparently, Medusa doesn't speak. The only sounds that emit from her mouth are terrible grunts and groans.The statue is much too heavy to carry.Averting your eyes, you aim the wizard's hand mirror at Medusa's face. A scream pierces the air as she beholds her own hideous reflection... then... nothing. You dare to look. Medusa has turned herself to stone!Even as a statue, Medusa is indescribably ugly.You need to move closer.The most hideous-looking being has made its appearance! It's Medusa!Your eyes fall upon a face so hideous, so gruesome, that the horror of it is beyond description. People who look upon the face of Medusa, with her hair of writhing, live snakes, turn instantly to stone. Suddenly, your body feels cold and stiffens hard as a rock. You make a nice statue, Gwydion.Oh no! Medusa's touch is like ice! A cold chill shivers down your spine, turning to a stiffness that soon hardens your body like a rock. You are now nothing but a statue.4 $ $ :! ) : %F&& %&# ! ) : %F&& %&#  $ $\$$ $ $ $$ ;! ) ; %F&& %&# T *eeQeQepeeeee e 'Qe 2e)e Eee e  ) :T G ! U M F !c ) :T G ! U M F !c-,/f- $  $  $ L 2H FGg*XI # You find yourself at the edge of a great desert, stretching as far as the eye can see to the west.The flora in this hot, dry desert is scant. The only plants that grow are cactus, thorny shrubs, and an occasional stunted tree.Trees are practically non-existent in this dry desert. The few trees that do survive are stunted and dry-looking.They are just some old uninteresting bones.Occasionally, after a rare rain, flowers spring up everywhere in this great desert. There are no flowers now, as it has not rained for a long time.The hot, dry sands of the desert reach seemingly forever to the west. It is a parched land.All of the cactus around here are too prickly to be touched. You could wind up with a handful of thorns.They're just lizards, scurrying across the desert floor.The sky in this desert is a cloudless, deep, deep blue. Overhead, the sun is very bright and very hot.There are no wildflowers to pick here.The few, scanty trees in this desert are not suitable for climbing.The little lizards are much too quick for you.Any experienced traveller knows better than to mess with snakes!You overhear one of the scaly lizards say to the other, "There's that boy, Gwydion. You know how he came to be here in Llewdor, don't you?""No, I haven't heard that story," replies the other lizard. "How did he get here?""Well," began the other one, "When he was a baby, he was stolen from his cradle one night by that awful wizard, Manannan, who brought him here and raised him. I hear he treats the boy terribly.""That's too bad," comments the second lizard.Says one lizard to the other, "I wish I could do something for the poor boy. He seems so lost and confused.""I agree. What do you think he is doing here, anyway?" questions the second lizard."I would guess that he's probably trying to run away from the wizard," states the first one. "I hate to think what will happen to him if Manannan finds him.""How do you get cactus stickers out of your tail?" you hear one scaly lizard say to the other. "I nearly had a brush with disaster this morning.""That's terrible," says the second lizard. "I know how much they hurt. Best thing is--rub your tail against a rough rock. The stickers should come right out, and possibly your tail with it."They can't understand you.Maybe if you're quiet, you'll hear them.4/eeQeeee e 'Qe SzThe soft, loamy soil of the forest here gives way to the sands of the great desert stretching off to the west.The flowers are pretty, but otherwise uninteresting to you.The trees here cast a refreshing shade.There are no flowers in this area.The clear, blue sky is brilliant with an occasional white cloud.There are no wildflowers to pick here.None of these trees are suitable for climbing.4d;<""#!#'#:#$%%$%' ()('"$$ %A$C%F-L/L0K+G+E5J8K9I7G,@-?0@4B5A1>,<(=$;@nDp2QJWU1Q+(BFmLo`T]VIkN=$9HdKf?CIi.@ & C_?l?_=P>J@FCIDKEUDaEkAIBPA[Bk>K=P>V?]j)?dBgAcA_AYBVBQBLAJ@EDGFIGNHTHYG^GbEXESDND_DdEiD^@FSYP5 v[_809$  7+*6%M0M( yytnvy~ {"t!p #}$w$t%w*QS9`M ""1`VJ dNlPpRzT1$AAI80"a< 9TYP)AJI2bPQP!5;Fo@sB}CD 96$4H5}34!54222}1>2$23400$0790LO0|//0/0}JvLqMMw`yi|m~ijtyy| 052Y[Ix5u(r#o$m(j$fdb$9~~~?NM1`cuNwQw]yg{j}j}xxwustlrerVsOtM}nymwfuVtNs`ugvnyr}sPOGUSK9- "DQZ]^ZXSH !::&$!).#1[J5$T]K381BN1! 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You barely made a mouthful for that hungry shark!A prowling shark waits offshore.You've got to be kidding?!The pirate ship is anchored just offshore. You'd best be on your way.The pirate's ship is nowhere in sight!You are on a small beach to the south of a looming mountain range.To the north, a mountain range beckons.Yep. It's sandy here.You see no trees.You have no way of killing a shark.He doesn't understand you.4b& pxl?F8 69:J*0*03(r&()2(&()/#!8)8%@#T>( !)%PxA1,TS#$pxlc&eee )eee)e'Qe  eeQe e!,1TS e .e .)/IF ) , ., ,# . .$M #, )/$L$I $ ,e,,  S  T?W$$$$$V$$$$$V$ , ,) #,,),,), v T, ) #pxl', ,)4 #> (L320, ,)4"_"{Not again! One of the nasty pirates is here on the beach, and he would like to capture you. You'd better run!Gosh! You barely made a mouthful for that hungry shark!You've got to be kidding.A prowling shark waits offshore.He can't understand you.You are on a small beach to the south of a looming mountain range.To the north, a mountain range beckons.Yep. It's sandy here.You have no way of killing a shark.You have better things to do than to try to climb this tree.A lone palm tree graces this beach.How could you! You let yourself get caught again! Well, it's curtains for you this time.He doesn't understand you.A nasty pirate is here!"Arrr! I'm gonna git ya laddie!"You're no match for him!4{*89:` g0O1 ((73*)7)/)/)`)^)^)W)T)W(9):&()/#g;eeQeee'Q'Qe 4"e')> '"x(P '"O'"W,))g13<fYou are at the foot of a high, snowy mountain range. A cliff looms before you with a tricky path winding its way up the steep face.The narrow path winding up the steep cliff looks precarious and confusing. "Must I climb this?" you wonder.The shrubbery is scant here, growing only between boulders.The ground is strewn with large boulders.You look upward and see the mountain range looming toward the beautiful blue sky.There are no climbable trees here.Not here.4#u*8 89:n?" g"i0B1 ((*2 )0)04 (E)$(9):&()/#g;eeQeee'Q'Qe 4"e'"f ^Ar'" &G>'"` H&Y2'"G KFX'"c GGnW'"j oBwK'"s(w()! xBK'"u Z% Vz5 '"j(a(a()6!g142`You are at the foot of a high, snowy mountain range. A cliff looms before you with a tricky path winding its way up the steep face.There is a narrow path winding up the steep cliff.The shrubbery is scant here.The ground is strewn with large boulders.You look upward and see the mountain range looming toward the beautiful blue sky.There are no climbable trees here.Not here.4i*8 992:]?#g"085)R)R)Z)Z3 (*)(9):&()/#g;eeQeee'Q'Qee'" 0j'"6!M 7TZ#'6!(L '(L() '6 !(! (!()"g35< [ The snow-capped mountains advance forever upward. A narrow path skims along the top of a precipitous ridge. As you look down, you see the steep cliff below you.The thin path runs along the top of a steep ridge. You must be very careful as one wrong step will mean death!A forest begins, with tall evergreen trees and low bushes.The ground goes... way up, or way down. Better be careful.You look upward and see the mountain range looming toward the beautiful blue sky.There are no climbable trees here.There are few flowers among the tall evergreens.4*8 :9o:-?#g"!)+%,16C$L$#!)+%:`6C#!)+/%Au6C#!)+%_ QdjXB  6 QdU6 QJ`(T S j`u. pnxo<68 *BhYou have reached the summit, but still the snowy mountains continue relentlessly forward. What is this? A cave with a snowy path leading to it! Hmmmmm. What could it all mean?A narrow path forges its way through the snowdrifts, and another leads into a large cave! Nervously, you look around.The snowy cave is very large with thick icicles hanging from its entrance. It's very dark inside.The ground is completely covered with cold, white snow.The deep-blue sky contrasts sharply with the brilliant white mountain peaks. You must admit, even while shivering, it is a beautiful sight.White snow blankets everything here in the upper reaches of the great mountains. It's beautiful, but it is VERY cold.Wheee!Plants and trees are scarce in the snowy reaches of these mountains.43;*8 =9,:?rg"7 u 0&9%(,,) 7%Y/#g u6 +%eeQeee'Q'Qe(e(e eee! , 'Y(r '(r()E) '65 i '6 "6'( '(()(/'%&&o86 S Ygu,,G7>e )9$u~ You have made the very top of the snowy mountain range. The snow path ends here at a cliff. Far in the distance, you can see a vast green valley. "Could it be Daventry?" you wonder. Your excitement mounts.The snow path leads to the edge of a very steep precipice. You look about, but see that there is no place to go but straight down.Plants and trees are scarce in the snowy reaches of these mountains.The ground is completely covered with cold, white snow.The deep-blue sky contrasts sharply with the brilliant white mountain peaks. You must admit, even while shivering, it is a beautiful sight.There are no trees here.White snow blankets everything here in the upper reaches of the great mountains. It's beautiful, but it is VERY cold.Wheee!Bravely, you grasp the ice laden rocks, and attempt to scale the nearly vertical wall. Be careful, Gwydion!That must be Daventry!"But why is Half Dome here?" you wonder."But, of course," you think, "it's a Sierra game!"4h*8 >9,:>?" g"03 .8N)(<%1#%b# :)%/#g, e eeQeee'Q'Qee(e(e'R  -# {+/ Wk  IVP^ v 3&9 Mk *1.: n'v. STZc KV ' %1&;  XY #3$9$%}+ e {+|, $%"6 Z[ $%  $%\ OVP^ $%  $%NZ +3(*() ,8) ,)66G,Ge  6 ^GG^ eGG^ e .g e,) eFg g g g g gg .(<8:  40jv:nThis is a very steep (and dangerous) cliff! Numerous caves honeycomb its face. You could get lost in the caves, IF you survive the cliff.A narrow path continues onward.There are no plants on this rocky cliff.The ground is far below you. Be careful!The cliff face before you towers into the deep, blue sky.What trees?Unable to grasp the ice pack,%m22Your assessment was correct!%v40/%v41, Area=%v220 Boy, are these caves dark! SS WW The caverns in this mountain form a labyrinth of amazing complexity.The snow here has formed an icepack so hard it is impossible to gain a handhold.Not now!Removing your hands from the sheer rock wall to rub the magic stone,%m22 you quickly assess your chances of surviving a 700-foot fall.As you reach for your fly wings, a sharp gust of wind blows them from your grasp.You watch as your feather floats up, up and away on a sudden blast of frigid air.You congratulate yourself on succesfully eluding the abominable snowman.4]J*8 ?9<:o?g"09% ;%/#geeQeee'Q'Qee'<)t '6, '6  ~ '6 '6g,, G9;kYou carefully make your way down the eastern side of these mountains. The path travels along the top of a narrow ridge. Looking back, you see the snowy peaks through which you so recently journeyed. Whew! You wipe your brow as you feel the worst is now behind you.You are walking along a steep ridgetop on a treacherous path. One wrong step could mean instant death. Be careful!You see numerous evergreen trees and bushes. The forest is very tranquil.The ground is covered with a crunchy carpet of pine needles.Looking back, you see snow-capped peaks thrusting their way upward toward an azure sky.There are no climbable trees here.You see no flowers around here.4?<*8 @9:~?g"0 :%1/#geeQeee'Q'Qee'A! %,3 '3l@ l=G '66 ZO^ '(Z()'g=:lYou carefully make your way down the eastern side of these mountains. The path travels along the top of a narrow ridge. Looking back, you see the snowy peaks through which you so recently journeyed. Whew! You wipe your brow as you feel the worst is now behind you.You are trekking along a steep ridgetop on a treacherous path. One wrong step could mean instant death. Be careful!You see numerous evergreen trees and bushes. The forest is very tranquil.The ground is covered with a crunchy carpet of pine needles.Looking back, you see snow-capped peaks thrusting their way upward toward an azure sky.There are no climbable trees here.You see no flowers around here.4Z*89>:z? "$$$u $ 1z1zz1J z1S z1Wx 10 7%Y/#7u+6%R%%u+8YS Neppe555eP Q+X3  6Q|Q Y8S GG.eeu7$c\hThis cave is disgusting! It reeks of rotting flesh. Half-chewed bones of numerous creatures are scattered everywhere. Your skin creeps as you look at the sight before you. This is definitely not a good place to be!You have absolutely no interest in these horrible bones! Your only interest is in getting OUT OF THERE!The cold snow sparkles on the mountaintop as you glance out of the cave. It would be better to be OUT there than IN here.Horrors! You have just entered the awful cave of the Abominable Snowman, and to your extreme bad luck he happens to be home!No message.You can't do that now.The mountain air is too thin to support insect flight.4-Fz9:{8# *bb0('();%g(>%lOD(&()/#ww5 5$I$5$$.E .,c XC9$7$) V xG&^%e$6 %(&$R%&$^d . $ ,e Ge ,c)# #- #)YD8.,$L$cwee0e"0''"&0"e Qeeee!e'Qe "0'"e ,v;D>D T|,lYou look upward and view the mountain range you so arduously crossed. Well, you made it to Daventry! But, what is this? It looks like a cave leading deep into the mountain. You see evidence that a door once covered this cave entrance. Huge boulders lie scattered about, apparently from tumbling down the mountain.You gaze into the cave-like entrance. You see nothing but crumbly stone steps leading upward.A deep chasm has split the earth on this side of the mountain. You wonder if an earthquake had once struck Daventry and caused the destruction you see before you. You see nothing of interest across it.A once green woodland spreads out before you. Now though, many trees and bushes have been cruelly charred.The ground is strewn with large boulders. A deep chasm cuts into it.You see a mysterious cloud cover straight above you in the sky.You see no flowers about.The stone steps within the cave entrance look mighty crumbly. Curiously, they lead straight up into the mountain!There are no climbable trees around.You successfully fall for twenty meters before you hit the bottom. You get a 4.1 from the Russian judge.Whoops, you slipped!The chasm is much too wide to jump across, and too treacherous to climb.4R8 6 "9: *bb0=N%?%u+/#ww.( .w X9$7$) c$L$%(&$R%&$ .$ ,ewe!!!ee55e)(?= (This cave is merely the entrance to crumbly stone steps that lead upward into the depths of the mountain. Pebbles and little rocks lie scattered upon the cave floor.The stone steps go up into the very depths of this mountain. Not only are they crumbly, but they are also very steep!Little stones and pebbles from the steps have fallen and lie scattered around the cave floor.You see the charred trees of Daventry outside the cave.Watch out for that first step. It's a dilly.4O`8 7 "9\: *b0>%\@%-', ) 0&9: //#ww.% .w X) c$L$%(&$6R%&$ . $ ,ewe!!!e>@N ;<Crumbled stone steps go upward into the depths of this mountain. To your amazement, you see light coming down from above. Looking down, you see the stairs steeply descending below you.The stone steps go up into the very depths of this mountain. Not only are they crumbly, but they are also very steep!Darn those steps!48R 88 "9: *b0C%[?%/#%Xww QNX Q.( .w X9$7$) c$L$%(&$R%&$ $ ,e .we!!!e55e?C VFinally, the top of the cave! You notice bright light streaming in from outside the cave. Looking down, you see the crumbly stone steps precariously descending into the bowels of the mountain.You gaze nervously down the steep stone steps leading into the pit of the mountain. Swallowing hard, you realize how dangerous they are.It's very bright outside. You think you see clouds.No fair taking short cuts!4I= 98?%9:Zw *b0/#w, "e$c-de ,wGG^6eeQ'QeeeBO_Looking around, you see clouds surrounding this small bit of land like a white, cottony sea. Charred stumps of trees spoil the scene.All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!The ground is moist from the constant presence of clouds, but yet the trees are burnt and blackened.The sky is blue and cloudless above this strange cloud land.You have skillfully detected the boundaries of cloud land. The rest of your quest will go quickly......downward!As you unroll the delicate map, it crumbles in the intense heat!4 M; :8?79:ebbbb ! ) 6 = C / % #F # .0!6=XC).+$L$%4@/#!6=XC).+$L$%C#!6=XC).+$L$%k4# /! ) /+ - 6 C = X $L $! ) /+ - 6 C = X $L $ $$$$ww *'()0=)jC(A(&(),1w($R()$ /#G G761 76(6(!,  > M- (P%% UQ  ::;/I::;2$1AG$AKI ::;/I2$$)$0$ % S/ # cG Q :2$$$0$ % vP/ # G c;2 $$ $ U ;2 $$9$ U ;+ .)/ #$L$I, )K/GI MF #F$ $ ;;;F ,FwGG^6eG wM .G$ $ $X)0+)0+)0+$$$:: F :::G c'c n ܂/s% (& %&@, @/ F ;;;-8 ./ e :::666$$$$$$$$ 76;;N-e e cc--c !e eee-ee)-e e Qee'Q'Qeee,)/ec$-e$ $ ;;;$ F ,CA>.2? &^$The dragon has laid waste to this area. The earth is scorched and all the trees and plants are charred.The dragon's green scaly body is huge! Its three ugly heads blow flame and smoke, while its necks twist and writhe. Ugh!! The sight of it makes you shiver.The dragon lies dead upon the ground. He was no match for the fury of your magical storm!A huge, fire-breathing dragon is here and it has SEEN you! Hypnotized by it's baleful glare, you stand frozen in your tracks!! What a way to go; ending up as a dragon's barbeque!The dragon notices Princess Rosella being untied, and blasts you both with a long, licking tongue of flame.That was a mistake; now he knows you're here!It seems that you have confused being invisible......with being weightless.Bolts of lightning strike the huge dragon. He howls in pain and falls to the ground... dead.Shhh!!! The dragon will hear you!This dragon is dead.And just how do you propose to do that?That would be overkill.All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!There are no climbable trees around.The sky is blue and cloudless above this strange cloud land.The ground is moist from the constant presence of clouds, but yet the trees are burnt and blackened.You don't have a knife.Your little knife would barely nick that big dragon!Do you really think that is necessary?As you unroll the delicate map, it crumbles in the intense heat!4GA8?79:Zb*0 @%{f/#%iww Qi; ;ewGG^6e ,)!e c$-e ,eQ'Qeeeee'ee @B pi3S/Looking around, you see clouds surrounding this small bit of land like a white, cottony sea. Charred stumps of trees spoil the scene.All of the trees and plants in this area have been burnt to stumps by the evil three-headed dragon!The ground is moist from the constant presence of clouds, but yet the trees are burnt and blackened.The sky is blue and cloudless above this strange cloud land.This is a very strange cloud land. There is just a bit of land dotted with charred trees encircled by a sea of white, fluffy clouds. This gives you the odd feeling of floating upon a cottony ocean. A cave entrance leads into a steep mountainside.The mountain rises steeply from this bizarre cloud land. A cave goes into its depths.The mountain is unclimbable as it is much too steep and rocky.It feels strangely hot up here.The cave leads deep into the steep mountainside. Within, crumbly stone steps lead downward to murky depths.This mystical cloud land may never cease to amaze you, but......it has ceased to support you! Enjoy the trip.As you unroll the delicate map, it crumbles in the intense heat!48E?08 <9c:Yb *0 E%I7/#Xwww!X.( .w X9$7$) $L$%(&$R%&$c $ ,e .eQeeee'Qe$$'$e0e0e ''0""0e "0''"&0"e E=  Wx4YNThe countryside of Daventry looks as if it had once been beautiful. But now, trees are charred, a chasm splits the earth, and wildflowers no longer grow. Nearby is an old, broken-down well that someone has filled with rocks. It's useless now.Some plants and trees around Daventry have been burnt black and leafless.Wildflowers no longer grow here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but grass.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.There are no good climbing trees that you can see.The old well has been filled with rocks. It's useless. Like everything else in Daventry, the well gives a feeling of futileness.A deep chasm splits the earth. Possibly, an earthquake ripped through Daventry at one time. Looking across the chasm, you see nothing but more charred countryside.A stone wall travels to the north and south. You see if you can climb it, but find it too high. There is nothing of any interest on the other side of the wall, anyway.%m9The chasm is much too wide to jump across, and too treacherous to climb.The treacherous chasm has claimed another victim.4ou8?-92:d?@b *0 G%%N/#ww+!F)FCX$L$6 +%Qh#N/Iw =!G+-MizFQh $L$Q(|e+-Q"= $ c  ee0'""0'0(Pee""e??$?e%e&& e e  e e ).e #eeeee'Q'QeQeeee e eGD/ 4Z$,d=  ( r  You stare at the run-down shack. Upon the porch, a withered gnome rocks in a creaky old rocking chair, whistling a merry tune. The shack leans heavily to one side and you wonder why it doesn't fall.You stare at the run-down shack. It leans heavily to one side. You wonder why it doesn't fall.A stone wall travels to the north and south. You try to go over it, but find it too high. There is nothing of any interest on the other side of it, anyway.The ramshackle wooden fence runs to the north and south. You try to go over it, but find it too high. There is nothing of any interest on the other side of it, anyway.It is a little too high to climb.You can't see anything through the window.The door is locked. The gnome is wary of thieves.In the distance, you notice a castle. Your excitement mounts as you realize it is your home. Your parents, King Graham and Queen Valanice, whom you do not remember, reside there.There is nothing on the porch but the rocking chair (which isn't rocking).A wizened old gnome rocks in a creaky rocking chair on the front porch of his rickety shack. He whistles a merry tune.The last time you saw him he was headed north.This gnome looks to be at least a hundred years old. He's stooped with age, and his face is as withered as an old prune. Grey, wispy hair tops his head, and gnarled hands clutch the chair. As old as he looks, however, his twinkling eyes suggest a youthful mischievousness as he whistles a merry tune.You'll have to talk extra loud because he's not here.You speak directly to the old gnome. He chuckles softly to himself, then replies, "It's about time you got here, lad... I mean, Prince Alexander. Welcome home! Heaven knows, we need you. Daventry's been suffering for years now, since that despicable dragon came."The old gnome narrows his eyes to slits and leans forward in his chair. "That monster demanded the sacrifice of your poor sister, Princess Rosella, and I'm afraid time is running out. Your parents, the King and Queen, are suffering such grief they have locked themselves in yon castle and refuse to see anyone."Staring intently at you, the gnome goes on, "It's up to you, Alexander. Your country and family need you. It's written in the wind." The wizened gnome relaxes and settles back in his chair. He begins whistling again."You must hurry, Prince Alexander," the old gnome urges. "Time is a-wasting. Go save us."The gnome now chooses to ignore you. He whistles and rocks in his creaky chair."Oh YIPPEE! You did it, your majesty!! The gnome squeals in delight. "I KNEW you could save us all. King Graham and Queen Valanice will be overjoyed to see you two." He claps his gnarled hands. "I must run ahead to announce your arrival!" The gnome spryly scampers toward the castle.There are no climbable trees around.Some plants and trees around Daventry have been burnt black and leafless.Wildflowers no longer grow here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but grass.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.He belongs to himself.4db b$F$$?P .9L:dw*!b)b=/$L$%?c#!)=C/%Pb6#I! ) = / % ## /G &%(%&'%&&$% ,$$ /IF cG  (܂%&# %&@, @/ F c nDark storm clouds gather until you are completely enveloped. You hear the loud reports of thunderclaps, and lightning flashes frighteningly close.It seems that your storm has backfired.4,99:8 ?!a)a%hx//#:!)=%%"$L$#*0 E%Y/#ww Qnxew' fwy~'w%ee?%?ee)'e $?'ee ??'ee ?'ee B?'ee e e '""0'0e Qee'Q'QeeeHE iytzI& oR#euiYou gaze sadly at the deteriorated castle. It's obvious that it was once proud and beautiful. But now, its banners are torn, its stones and statue work crumbling, and the moat has been drained. It's as if no one cares anymore.The castle doors are wide open to welcome home a long-missing son, and a much-loved daughter. Atop the castle, the banners proudly wave. The heavy feeling of oppression is gone; hope has at last returned to Daventry!The massive wooden doors of the castle are closed.%m2The huge doors of the castle are bolted shut. Try as you might, you cannot open them.You rap loudly upon the massive wooden doors of the castle. Hollowly, emptily, the sound reverberates within. No one answers.You obviously do not have the key to this castle.Your body is no match for these huge wooden doors.Sadly, the torn banners of the shabby castle fly at half staff.The worn banners atop the crumbling castle proudly wave.The moat is too wide and too deep to cross. There is nothing of interest there, anyway.And just how do you intend to do that from where you're standing.No one answers.A once green woodland spreads out before you. Now, its many trees and bushes are cruelly charred.You see no flowers about.There are no climbable trees around.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but green grass.42W9Z:8 @!)=%%"#*0 G%/#www%eee e '""0'e Qee'Q'QeeeGE&_`aUYou gaze sadly at the shabby castle. It's obvious that it was once a proud and beautiful place. But now, its banners are torn, its stones and statue work are crumbling, and the moat has been drained. It's as if no one cares anymore.Atop the castle, the banners are proudly waving. The heavy feeling of oppression is gone; hope has at last returned to Daventry!Sadly, the torn banners of the shabby castle are flying at half-mast.The worn banners atop the crumbling castle proudly wave.The moat is too wide to cross. There is nothing of interest there, anyway.A once green woodland spreads out before you. Now, its many trees and bushes are cruelly charred.You see no flowers about.There are no climbable trees around.The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but yet a feeling of sadness lingers here.There is nothing interesting on the ground but green grass.4?\*9L: "0 G%L , ) 0&9: //#wwQGxwQx %eSe?eGJJXYou and Princess Rosella have entered a hallway of the dilapidated castle. Cracks mar the walls and dusty floor. Cobwebs drape an overhanging lamp. Sadly, your sister remarks, "Alexander, I wish you could have seen it in better days. It wasn't always like this, you know."Cobwebs have not been cleaned from the overhanging chandelier.The doors of this castle are wide open.4 ?"wbIGHIME)%z#QRz)!%m)I+C#QRm!%&[)G+/FXC#!%*U)H+/F#XC!%?6)+/F$L$#:!%Y)+-/XC#: w-   ee GGGGQ-UQB]Q2gQ?gGQ5] GGGGQ?]Q9]Q6gQ45'%&#%c e e c'xUNothing like a little salt air to perk up a boy's spirits. All things being equal, you might have enjoyed this ocean voyage......however, you have found your accommodations to be slightly less than satisfactory.4O89D: ptbbb!%&&%&)/6#I!%&&%&)/6#I!%~&&%&)+/6#I!%~&&%&)/+6#I)%Y!6#&L&!%@*)6&L& *6+-0,%D,) 0&9: /,/#$>$ptc %&%&/I%&%&/I%~&%&/I%~&%&/I!,),6+-)P,w,M/#cGI , ,c.) QD $ ,eee* >e>e>e>  eee e e e e>e e p,,->0RQ,PC Y&V/Whoops! You've unsuccessfully defied the law of gravity.Looking down from this height makes you dizzy and you almost fall. Holding tight, you look up and notice a crow's nest at the top of the mast.The rope ladder looks flimsy. A careless step might be fatal!You scan the horizon. You see land to the east.The ocean seems to be endless. In every direction, you see nothing but deep, blue water.The ship has anchored just offshore of a small beach. Further north, in the distance, looms a mountain range.The ship's mast dominates your view. Though sturdy, the pitching of the vessel causes it to sway to and fro.%m9A crow's nest perches atop the mast you are climbing. Curiously, you gaze up at it. But, from this vantage point, you cannot see into it.You hear loud snoring coming from inside the crow's nest. The keen-eyed lookout has fallen asleep on the job.At the moment, you can see no pirates.The sky is cloudless. Some shore birds can be seen far to the east.The sky is cloudless. Some shore birds are wheeling overhead.A burly pirate has noticed you from inside the crow's nest! Before you can react, he yells, "Yer dead meat, Bucko!" and slashes at you with his sword. He misses, but you lose your balance. Down you tumble... to your untimely death.An ominous jolly-roger blows in the breeze.4t "9k: F8bb)*0N)x%x%V}'()):/#,):!)+$L$6%$(&$))c,S F# c/I Ft!, FUMGS . FUM e Ueee!eUeeFe/FeggFgFge ?5?e P 2fHO}This is the galley of the pirate ship. A large iron stove dominates one wall. Pots, pans, and barrels surround it. There is a long dining table at the other end of the room.The ship's cook is fast asleep in the evening meal. His snores are so loud they seem to rattle the walls.Get out of here before the ship's cook cuts you up!It's just an old wood stove used for cooking. Nothing special about it.The pots and pans are used for cooking the pirate's meals.The barrel seems to be full of rum, but you have better things to do at the moment than drink.The wooden dining table is not too clean. The remains of many meals are lodged between the oaken planks. Its top is deeply gouged and stained.It's obvious the pirate's eating habits are less than desirable. You see nothing but crumbs and stains under the table.You have better things to do than sit around.The sight of the rolling swells make you a little queasy. To your relief, you see no pirates coming."What d'ya think yer up ta, boy!?"%m24<8 "9i:| Wtpt #*bb,!=XN%q%q6)+-,7)&9:Q%ON)%0%Iu, ) 0&9: //#$>$ppt, +- . , qs,) .c))( (ކ (ކ$R$ޑ^ Yd),f~D)#ic, #-cd #m~)Y8., qsY,3 ,.Y>8)nu,,N=X6)+-q,c,) X6&%R(&%eeee??e &  """ &"""e>e e * >e>e >e >  e e p,,->0RQ,N,SQ, DgIs %z-O$S Y5 oU+Darn that flimsy ladder!This is the upper deck of the pirate ship. A ladder leads to the lower deck.The solid mast is swaying slightly. A rope ladder leads up into the rigging.The rope ladder looks flimsy. A careless step might be fatal!The hatchway leads below decks. The bright sun affords little illumination of what may lie below.The doorways at the stern give way to darkness.The railing is too high for you to get over.You scan the horizon. You see land to the east.The ocean seems to be endless. In every direction, you see nothing but deep, blue water.The ship has anchored just offshore of a small beach. Further north, in the distance, looms a mountain range.At the moment, you see no pirates.The sky is a deep, cloudless blue. You see sea birds high above you.Shore birds can be seen in the cloudless sky.4bbbpt "89%:} _!)%1r+$L$ #F)$.$$ $ %1pS$ %#c *X0%, ) 0&9: //#$>$pt!,X c/I F!, FUMe XGS)r- #c, S UMF.e U,.MMFUc, . Yyr plt!%&(%&(%&$R(&$6-0 Q:v &%(%&)6$R()$-C0) 6&$R(&$T,$ $ .T,>0eeee* >e>e>e >  e ee e  &  """ &"""e p,,>0P Feb.fFThe nasty pirate growls, "I gotcha, boy!"The lower deck has no railing.The forward mast is slightly shorter than the others.The wooden ladder leads to the upper deck at the stern of the vessel.The hold is open to the elements.The sky is a deep, clear blue. You see birds high above you. The ocean seems to go on forever.The sky is a deep, clear blue. Sea gulls wing nearby. To the east you see what might be land.This pirate is fast asleep. If people look more innocent when asleep, it certainly wasn't true with this one!You'd better run!! That uncouth character is after you!Just walk off the side. I hope you know how to swim!The sky is a deep, clear blue. Sea gulls wing nearby. The ship is anchored in a small bay. Further north, a mountain range looms.You don't see any pirates at the moment.The pirate is so terrified by your display of magic that he cannot move!489T:D pt>.!)+%:C$L$#!)+%$L$C#*d .wzPB  zWF  bb)+6%NDCX#!)+6%@H#Z$!8)8%+-T#,6 0%WD,) 0&9: /6 /#$>$pM>$$t!,6  eQee*0  0>e>e >e >  e  &  """ &"""e,,>0P,8S C<^You are standing at the aft end of the ship.The sky is cloudless. Some sea birds can be seen in the far distance.The sky is cloudless. Some shore birds are wheeling overhead. It appears that the ship is near land!The deep, blue ocean stretches out to the horizon. There is no land in sight.As you sink beneath the waves you hear the crew rooting for the shark!Now you've gone and done it!You endeavor to climb over the railing, but change your mind as you feel it might be unsafe!The ocean is calm and untroubled. Sea gulls wing nearby. To the east you see what might be land.The ocean is calm and untroubled. Sea gulls wing nearby. The ship is anchored in a small bay. Further north, a mountain range looms.4!Ybbbbtt "9:s 8!)X%&F//#:>z!)$L$%D6+L)X$R$.$$)%EuB (% $#: #*,',=XP%7%6 )+-;)'()T)))n&()R%}P%x7) , )&9: 0 //#t c/I F(Z-  '%&%     , ew. ;Q(c QEu )EuBGBF M)GS  eexU, %&|,! ,%&,#,c) } #6 QܑU}F,',.Y>8)NN=X6 ),+-eeee/-e->eee--eeee5ee:D'YeMe AE$$e1) e$$7a$`$$eF3F ?pSxe ee e$$l$l$#eE$$e ;/Ill1e%E$$e ;/K :9---9-9-e e ggee ??ee"5"ee,)2P,)U rRT) cXR(&%ܑB8 ܃,c)# #-߃ #)Y8.,c 8`PY{H69 S| < e You can't see that very well from here.This must be the Captain's cabin. He seems to be a bit more tidy than his mates, as the room is clean and orderly. Against one wall rests his bunk with a large chest at its foot. Across the room is his desk with a chart tacked to the wall.You look curiously around. Out a porthole you see the swell of the ocean. A device for turning the ship's rudder sets in the floor. A rope ladder extends up through an opening in the ceiling.You peer into the dark opening. It's impossible to make out any details.You can't see anything from here.The Captain's bunk has been very neatly made. You look it over carefully, but find nothing of interest.The rope ladder is still there.You see the rise and fall of the ocean as you gaze out the porthole.The chest at the foot of the Captain's bunk is closed.How do you propose to do that from where you're standing?You gaze with interest at the Captain's desk. The desk top is very neat, holding only writing implements. Curiously, you open a drawer or two. There is nothing of interest among the charts and logbooks. Quickly, you close them again.You stare at the chart tacked to the wall. It traces the route the ship is now sailing. It leaves Llewdor, crossing a wide ocean, and arriving at the foot of a mountain range. An "X" has been marked at the arrival point.You really have better things to do than lie around. It would be wise to get out of there.You really have better things to do than sit around. It would be wise to get out of there.Through one doorway, you see the rope ladder snaking its way down into the cargo hold. Out the other, you see nothing but the endless ocean.The Captain doesn't want you snooping in his quarters. You're in trouble now!You look in the chest and find nothing."Yer more trouble than yer worth!" the Captain thunders. "'Tis the plank fer ya now!""I'll not tolerate ya snoopin' around me quarters!" the Captain thunders. "If I ketch ya in here again ya'll walk the plank!"You've found all of your missing possessions! You take them with you.The open chest bears closer examination.The chest is already open.The chest is already closed.Adding insult to injury, all of your belongings have been taken from you again.You look out the window and see the bright, blue ocean.You see nothing you haven't seen before.The captain is snoring peacefully in his bunk.4P! "89: bbb 4lt 4! ) F X % # :  *,):0C,'()T)))r&(), .6 XC%4KQ4c, ) 0&9: //#! )6+$L$%_#:>2)$$. %2&%)#$. F%N(Xt c/I /FE$.$2 #G ec.!, eFUM  . GS F .e U )4 , 4l$e ee e e 4ee/e 4ee?5??e e ---ee9---9-eeSE&c:VdThis is where your average pirate sleeps. Actually, these bunks don't look much more comfortable than your own miserable cot used to be and the space is just as cramped.You have found yourself below the lower deck. They keep the ship's lifeboat stored here. There are open doorways at either end of the compartment.You scrutinize the boat inside and out, but find it to be empty and uninteresting.Rows of hard bunks line the walls of the crew's quarters. They don't look very inviting to lie upon. You can't imagine the pirates would get a good night's sleep down here in the cramped bow of the ship.The beds look incredibly hard and uncomfortable. No, thank you.You already have the shovel.The pirate growls, "What ar' ya doin' snoopin' around me digs, laddie. I gotcha' now, boy!You can't see it from here.You'd better leave before the pirate catches you.You don't see anyone else in the area.A pirate is fast asleep in his bunk.You stare out the open doorway and see the wooden lifeboat.You peer through the doorway and see rows of bunks. It must be the crew's quarters.Oh no! One of the crew has spotted you! You'd better run.%m2 There is a shovel lying by the lifeboat.%m3 There is a shovel lying by the lifeboat.Poofing in.Your magical transformation has frozen the pirate in his tracks.41 "MT9<: U8bmmt$% *,) %g!, )%n+-,0y'()MQ RS7"a `N+&9:V)%%., 0&9:) //# e,) ,,.c .'())xX6 $R()$ d )h} ,,lv^1wXC.N)+&|R(&ܑ ,6 YDxmtee&'5e ,e,e,,eV, S a9^_`You are in the dank cargo hold of the pirate ship. With caution, you look around the dim surroundings. Mostly, you see stacks of wooden crates. Looking upward, you notice a rope ladder dangling partway through an opening in the hold ceiling. The ladder is directly over the largest crate.You see the opening for the cargo hold high above you. A thin rope ladder hangs halfway down.Good idea! How?The ladder is just out of reach.The ladder is sagging under your weight.The ladder is far above you.Adding insult to injury, all of your belongings have been taken from you again!4 8 "9x: 6tmm$%*0% &%)/#$$; !)$O$&%&%&T#!)$O$&%&%&T#tm-E$ ${$$   $  $ $ $  x%eZZe eeEe) ee ee e e&'5eU 6 0; nMu8{[@R You look warily around the dark, dank cargo hold. There seems to be nothing but stacks of wooden crates piled around.Shhhh. If you're quiet, maybe you can hear them.You see an open grating far above you. Too bad you can't reach it.Good idea! How?What mice?A couple of little gray mice scurry to and fro on the floor of the hold.The little mice totally ignore your attempted conversation.The mice move much too quickly for you to ever catch.How cruel!! You wouldn't want to do that!"Do you know where the pirates are taking us?" one gray mouse asks the other."I heard them talking about a buried treasure chest," the other mouse answers. "I think it's buried on a beach, and they're going to dig it up.""Oh, I remember!" squeaks the first mouse. "Remember when they first buried the treasure? It was on a small beach, and behind the beach was a high mountain range. I remember hearing one pirate say that nobody has ever crossed those mountains alive.""You know the pirate's buried treasure?" you hear one of the mice say to the other."What about it?" asks the second mouse.Says the first, "Well, I just heard the captain talking about it with one of his men. He said it was buried... now let me see if I can remember. Oh, yeah! He said it was buried near a lone palm tree. From the palm, you walk five paces to the east and then start digging.""Too bad we can't do anything about it," muses the other mouse."What do you think the pirates will do with the boy they shang-hai'd," a little gray mouse squeaks to a companion."They'll probably make him a cabin boy," answered the other mouse."What happened to the last cabin boy they had?""Didn't you hear? They fed him to the sharks just for sport."You listen as two mice talk to each other. One says, "I heard the pirates talking about bringing a CAT on board!""No! Don't scare me like that!" exclaimed the other mouse.Retorts the first, "I mean it! They said there's getting to be too many mice on this ship. We need to call a "mouse counsel" and decide what to do about this situation!""It's getting so musty and damp down here, don't you think?" you hear one gray mouse ask the other."That's water seeping through the hull," explains the second mouse. "But, I agree with you, it is getting uncomfortable. Why, I have a hard time keeping mildew off my nest!""Yes, but it is safer down here," returns the first. "I guess we gotta take the bad with the good."4# 01!)/6=X  4e$eE  e \4 $  1 01e 4e0 xQeu1 CKveb,eU.e J 7R8S 5 0P?X + + +-'& )/ #$L$I/#F/I2$$ $0$/I@  \5%%3@A4C {C@A $$L$) # 2Gd'[It's just an ordinary shovel.You already have it.You can't get it from there.You have uncovered a small chest. You remove it from the hole and open it. Inside you find precious gems and ingots of gold and silver. You close the chest and take it and its contents with you.You dig and dig, but unfortunately... find nothing.You dig in the sand with your bare hands, but to no avail.You're too close to the ocean to dig. The hole would fill in too quickly.Now is not the time to think about digging a hole!4% V:!)&#,w'())()N,8Yx,[w $XCQ}QZ8&R(& $YD,8xG e G 45> . w-&+e eeeF ,#&Ueee e$#$#e##5,e(e E$$ $)%,e8#8#8#8#8#9e,()3$)$(()&#,%#e #$#$#e#'#'#e """"""Q,"C #)$/I0 # $)+-$($Qn^8X $n^,""#""#"#"#,N ]<X)$/Qnz2$$# $$) $($6  ,6 Y,PE$$B>N)$/I #9$7$X '%&%& $)&%&# #,N,e,eN)$/ #IK H) # (r4.V$F|The crates are sealed tightly. You can't open them no matter what you do.You try to jump up on the large crates, but they are too tall!You're not close enough.All of the crates are nailed shut. You have no means of opening them.You're not carrying a box, are you?You notice many crates and boxes in the cargo hold. One, in particular, captures your attention, for it lies directly under the dangling rope ladder!%m6 There is also a smaller crate here.Large wooden crates are stacked along one wall of the hold.%m8 There is also a smaller crate here.All of the large crates are too heavy to move.Why don't you try jumping.As your sleep spell takes effect, a silence suddenly descends over the ship."Wait a second...""Who's steering the ship?" you ask.Unfortunately, there is no reply.You can't jump while you are carrying a crate around.Now is not the time to be jumping.You can't do that... at least not now!With no one to steer the ship, you are doomed to drift at sea forever.4?*M M>e>e->eF ,?You hear one of the pirates shout, "Land ho, Captain!"You hear the first mate shout, "Drop anchor, an' prepare ta go ashore!"You hear the sounds of the ship setting sail. With a grim sense of foreboding, you realize that you are doomed to the life of a cabin boy.4F%&()*!XC)($O$> cZ-e)-e --e --e ---e -  #<e,! NGS Y "$L$O$.1 MUFe$)*NG,eX< $e ,R$$e ,eeX6UR$f$6F .wX))/M # $3$$ ++( %(%%%) ++()/ //$//B e Tpm What is this thing? OH, NO! It's the abominable snowman!!The abominable snowman seems quite confused by this! He stares in amazement, then heads back to his cave.The terrible, hairy creature grabs you with bone-crushing force! You resist, but it is no use.He carries you away to his cave, where you meet an early (and unspeakable) demise.The despicable creature grabs you roughly around the neck and... and... it's too horrible to describe! Suffice it to say, you are quite dead.The hairy creature is huge and monstrous!! It advances toward you menacingly. Don't just stand there, RUN!!!You attempt to speak to the hairy monster, but are cut off by a ferocious ROOAAARRRRR!!Now THAT'S the most ridiculous thing I've EVER hoid!!Get serious!!Sure. Right. Uh huh.4X W!Ib!JK%l)J$L$3)I'%&&&&%&S#E=eGeG,UMF<3E$$e  eedc!)I$L$SeE$$ GSF))%e e f eee  e e: e eee ,iR@q Bashfully, you introduce yourself to your long-lost sister. "How can I be sure you're really my brother?" Princess Rosella wonders. "I know! My mother always said that Alexander had a cute birthmark on his bottom. Let me see if you have it." Embarrassed, you reveal your cute birthmark. "Oh Alexander!" she cries,"You really ARE back! Mum and Dad will be SOOOOO happy!"You ask Rosella about your parents. "Mum and Dad were heart-broken when you disappeared as a baby," she explains. "Dad searched EVERYWHERE for you. Obviously, he never found you." Pausing, she looks at you questioningly. "By the way, where HAVE you been?" You explain that you have been living with an evil wizard in the land of Llewdor, and that you turned him into a cat by using magic. "How awful for you!" she exclaims. "Well, I'm so glad you're back!!"You ask Princess Rosella to tell you about Daventry. She replies, "Hard times hit Daventry right after you were kidnapped. Dad and Mum tried, but it was like they had lost their will." Clenching her fist, Rosella continues. "We were down on our guard, and the terrible dragon came. We all thought it was the end.""I was scared, you know," your sister answers. "But, I DID want to be brave. I was hoping my sacrifice might somehow help." She brightens a bit. "Maybe, it did. Because of me, YOU came. Now, we're together again, and together we can put Daventry right!"You comment upon the spoiled scenery of Daventry. Princess Rosella looks disgusted as she replies, "The dragon did all that. He burnt our countryside, and we were all terrified to even come out of our houses. You don't remember, but it used to be very beautiful."You and Princess Rosella engage in idle pleasantries. You discover that your sister is not only beautiful, but very strong-willed and brave. You admire that in a woman.This is no time for magic. Take Princess Rosella home.She's already with you.What manner of monster are you?You plant a brotherly kiss upon Princess Rosella's soft cheek.WATCH IT, FELLA!!She can't hear you. She's too busy screaming!"Help me!! Untie me!!" Princess Rosella screams."There's home!" your sister cries in delight. "Mum and Dad will be SOOOOOO happy!!"You are not close enough to her.You rapidly untie Princess Rosella from the wooden pole. She looks bewildered as to who her benefactor may be. "I'm your long-lost brother, Prince Alexander," you proudly exclaim. The girl looks doubtful.You've already untied her."I'll explain it all later," you continue, realizing that now is not the time for this. "Just follow me. Let's go meet the folks!" With mixed emotions, the girl agrees to follow you.Princess Rosella is gorgeous! Why, you'd be interested in her if she weren't your own sister! Her hair is long, silky, and golden. Her eyes are as blue as the bluest sky. Her skin is creamy white. And her BODY... well!! Embarrassed, you clear your throat and avert your eyes.The girl is securely tied to the stake.Not now!4:;@yIvIoOjU`^]aVjVlWq]va~hs{qmxbo^l^i`ej\wQzPKJBABA/{..>  ().45.554739*;10"-%!$    !$"%* !<0 *0@ 181;#< !   1@@11@- :-C-C.L.L-S-S.`._0z.^FD-LT-IAC`/b"d!d h#k%k(n)o'v)y*|-(-,(-i"movxz~~#&#&! &"A+S9:Q2~     ~A 0 g b87 "#!!6>E H,W+d+,,   ruxz $ v o$l% j" nt &$) "$))!y}yy'|+}'u'')1)7'9&.%5$9!:21)(*-".2-8,8+/34.4622,  3`9@.(#+$+ $+"$+"a"!!!"" AN2  6 %*4A!! ! !! 1@@11@58Ylhxn>A}J pRe]^uZh`rd{ye]pTxLG=@<...c/l(p(]Xu_hh{|sRMCDGQjp769};v@mAeH]JXPM\QaNdKoNwU~VZcbgsuz;|=xAqCnBhHdJ_L[P\RXURYQ\R_UbScOgMnOuUzX}WX\ehehnvy~rbZxUsSlUerHzG;9(( (41136A|UzXz`yetllobxa{`\E?9// 0149;<A@=960-,)- -.!+?JN~V|YuXr[n`kgdlar_s]rZsSrNqMwB51/0zM47s'S&M$J#N!I MKPS!T'S #*$>$I &!H"Q      !%"!)% #  .  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You toss back the shot of cheap booze, then dramatically break the glass on the floor!What's a Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards by Al Lowe Ver 1.00 6/1/87 Thanks for playing "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards." You screwed up this game, but you can probably do better. Come on, let's do it just one more time!Since you're dead... all you can do is restore a saved game or start over.You have $%v90.00.You don't have it.Sorry, this is a real-time game!%m11%m100%v117 hours, %v116 minutes and %v115 seconds. %m11%m100%v116 minutes and %v115 seconds. You find your leisure suit very stylish, but empty.You have no need to take it.Where!?You might need it."Hi."Following your conviction for bestiality, you spend the rest of your life in prison, turning big rocks into little ones!"You're welcome.""Same to you!"%v119:%v116|2:%v115|2 "'Bye."Fastest%m36Fast%m36Normal%m36Slow%m36 speed.Once you tasted it, you wouldn't want it!Without thinking, you down the entire bottle. Hey, this stuff is ok! Your breathing becomes heavy, and you're suddenly extremely horny! You've just got to do something, and right NOW! Hey, where's that cute, black dog?Wouldn't you rather just remain friends?Don't whine!Funny, no response.It doesn't look interesting.You see nothing special.It's just as it appears.How can you do that?It's of no use.You don't need it.There's no reason to take it.Just walk there.Oh, %w1, %w1, %w1! Doesn't anybody _____ anymore?%m53?%m53 %w3?What would you do with the %w2How can you use that which you do not have?You're not close enough.You already have it.Ok.That comes later.Sierra About LarryHelp -----------Calculator Puzzle File Save Restore -------------Restart Quit Action Inventory See Object Bodily Function Special Sound On/Off Graphics Mode Joystick Clock On/Off Pause Game Speed Normal Slow Fast Fastest Change Boss Key You've been playing for Psssft. Psssft.Ahhh.Yep, it's a door!Watch it, Larry. You're going to get your face slapped!Now?!Ok. Your thirst is gone, the bottle is empty, and your breath is revolting."Hey, dork! You've got toilet paper stuck to your shoe!""Phew! You smell like a used fire hydrant!"Just a moment, please...2+ 2--- 4 This is about the extent of your mathematical abilities.---------------------| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 || 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 || 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 || 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ||----|----|----|----|How's this thing work, anyway?Enter function: You quickly turn around, %s11, and feel much better. A hint of a smile crosses your lips.Larry, the whole idea was to stop doing that!do nothingYou talk to yourself, and find you already know what you're going to say.Good idea. You carefully remove and dispose of it properly.You nonchalantly scrape it off.Oh, no! You are now penniless. You hock your leisure suit, and spend the rest of your life on skid row eating discarded fast food.The rest of your story is too sad to tell. Time for a little "R & R," Larry -- Restart or Restore!It smells as bad as you imagined.It's not for using; IT'S A JOKE!!Same to you, buddy!And %w1 %w2 you, too!Yeah, you probably would, too!Tsk, tsk.Ok, but I don't usually do that!You press the button on the remote control and......nothing happens.Wearing the magic ring gives you powers far beyond those of......Oops. Wrong game.Pretty dramatic, eh?It smells good.You can't. There's no key in this game!"Eeeyow! Do something about that breath of yours!""Remember to buy more Sierra three-dimensional, graphic, adventure games!"You might want to read them.Staring at the walls?Climbing the walls already?It just lies there, under your feet.Sierra On-Line, Inc. (209) 683-6858It tastes delicious. But nothing happens.Exactly how would you help?You'd better not. You might get your face slapped!You don't have one.Your mouth tastes like the inside of a motorman's glove!Your breath smells like floor sweepings from a rendering plant.Your breath is enough to take your breath away.Your mouth tastes like the drippings from a marathon runner's sock.It's still up there!It tastes delicious, but what about your acne?Whee!There's no answer. Try opening it.Ha, ha.You find nothing."HELP!""It's about time!!"Well, well. It looks like this month's issue is filled with intelligent, literary articles with redeeming social value.Since your breath sprayer is empty, you toss it away.You used it all, remember.No place in Lost Wages accepts credit cards from the First National Bank of Libya.Obviously, restraint is no problem for you, Larry."Ha, ha!"There's no time!That's an idea; it's just not a good idea!OK, but now it's gone forever!"Hey, thanks a lot!"But, now you'll NEVER get it back!%m182rope.%m182hammer.You have no "Yuck!"No one wants that!Pretty good company, eh?4B? z8*z!CX)+-/6FLU%8#Q8;K!CX)+-/6F%JP#QJo(!CX)+-/6F%Oo#:!CX)+-/6F%T#:!C)+-%$o# !C)+-/6F%i#:!C)+/%&y#F:!)+%X#F8! ) + % g# !! ) + % t# F ! ) % 8# T L UP U U e  G F  404 ! G F / G F / K KAAIKAeFQ8PKQJ(A ::;QgiKA /QRiKA:G+Q1uK eA/<+Q>oKAQNoKA+BA +Q$oK//<A + ;QO(K;QTlKA /TQTt(eA X '(+Hey! You're not alive yet.The Sierra adventure team races to your rescue, dumping your worthless, leisure suit- clad hulk into their giant bit bucket, for recycling into future games. Their underground workshop is humming with activity. This is "Where Adventurers Are Made, Not Born!"Commander Cavin quickly assembles a replacement Larry, while subordinates repair players damaged in other Sierra adventure games.With your new body and ego, you are returned to fight again the battles of Lost Wages! (Now you know what we have to go through every time you press that "Restart" key.)4_ IJb!C)I+/%|#OU K NN ''NN&M'&&'#c4 AeeK& KAAQpKASKAP 0M U)J' ! &+&  &  +&  &  !'/ !BA0$ ") &&&'''&'CA )I#T CA )LUIKAeCA& ")/&&''&'CA e "LVIKA  0L4c4 $dNLNLNNL' OPLarry, when are you gonna learn to stay out of those dark alleys!!"Hey guys!! He's screwed up again! Dump this one down the tubes, and get him another body!"Since you're dead, why are you talking?? Just hang on for the ride.It appears he wants something -- YOU! Get out of here!4TQSRQ!)S+6%9M#4L4 !)R/6%KR#LVF!C)Q6%8S +/LVF+# %ex aa(accCe w U AdC 0 U F,? E)'==h=e&e KAAKKK&K&KKKKKe K AA&e K AA&e K!AA&e KAA&'2'$?'&"AeAe A C &eVeeZe5""eQ< ?>LABC . / ) K 4 5 44 4444c!m"gm v---- =--  B0 mg#mg# #77mjg- !:h! :-!- mk7v.a.-e 8Bv .7.B8Dv--A v-v.-.A $C !mgm!-&.'mgm %g-.--`-.7v-]-Gv--e e 8Gv--EGv--Fv- .-e 8F v-v. -.|@JXfu*7Nefwy{New room:X coordinate:Y coordinate:Object number:Flag number:New value:You gottum, Larry.Variable number:Variable %v45 = %v46Flag %v45 setFlag %v45 not setNew priority:Object %v46 is in room %v45.%v45|3/%v46|3Room %v0|3%v45|2 %o45Number Name of Object%v8 memory pages left.Unknown word: "H 4   )48>EKS\ep|!*5>IR]fqz+8GWcr)3=FQ\cqy $-=P]n} #09@P_lqz$-8GWfo}     & , 4 8 D I T ] b r } incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.onWaterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4f BYn$8hy 3dDiscardView(%v18):%m30SetView(%v18,_):%m26SetView(_,%v18):%m30SetLoop(%v18,_):%m26SetLoop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25SetLoop(%v18,_):%m31SetCel(%v18,_):%m26SetCel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25Sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25SetCel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25Erase(%v18):%m26AnimateObj(%v18):%m26Print(%v18): no message%m25Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25StartUpdate(%v18):%m28DrawPic(%v18):%m32Draw(%v18):%m26Draw(%v18):%m31DiscardPic(%v18):%m32SetScanStart() already active in logic %v18.%m25Get(%v18) or Put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254%wqmj g gg g g g ggg g gg mjg gg g g g ggg g e` mjg gg )g * g 0g ,&g + g 0g -g.g g g/ mxpk 00bx/Us&KSbLeisure Suit Larry inthe Land of the Lounge LizardsKEYBOARD COMMANDSUse arrows or number keys to moveLarry.Press ESC to use the menus.Press ENTER to choose from a menu,or ESC to return to the game.Some menu choices list a function key"shortcut" beside their name.For a Hint Book, call (209) 683-6858. (For a good time, call the author!)JOYSTICK COMMANDSPoint joystick in desired directionto move Larry.Press top button to use the menus.Press other button to see the statusscreen.MOUSE COMMANDSPut cursor where you want Larry togo, then click the button.Press right button to use menus.Press left button in the windowbar to use menus.Press any key to return to game.go, then click left button.4 *UKLOPb b b!C)U+-6!)K%! ) P/ F   @7<& # &&''&'<  wM U@N@e =@"  FZ = FZ =ee'e'eeee ~X'X'W'W'\X'ej'j'|'e'eeeeee)'ee@M U@ueeee&&$?'$?'$?)= 6de C$ Uw @eee&(')@A#c( S ; :#M UM'4! &&   !!')L)ON UN)KT$ E 44$M Uw%w#c (8 &t&tR&'8[# $)&!&!&&&'Q ' ! &  # $e 2,  @' ! g X $  @@w& # <8R 8O W@O V@ O U/ c (@ / N U@e @e@e' &' e@@f@fO U8R 8@gO WC)' &''&&'#@h@$  2L @) "@ $e @eM U \B%8Yx  3r(Cq&67>[You know, the traffic here is really a killer! You should forget about crossing these streets!"YO!! TAXI!!!"Vowing to hold your breath forever, you enter this miserable excuse for public transportation.It's not very clean.It's not very new.(And those are its good points!)Look out! Here he comes again!Obviously, he thinks you're a fire plug.Dogs like that make you want to keep moving."I can't wait all day, bub!""You'll not ride with me again!"Sick-o!After all he's done for you?He presently smells quite bad, although still better than you."TAXI STAND"It's dark. Real dark.You'd better get out of the street first."BEEP BEEP!"Thousands of cars stream past, just below the edge of your screen.Trust me, they're there!It smells like an old cab.Isn't it funny how there's so little traffic?The glow of the city lights obliterate the stars.As you bend over to do so, his bare teeth convince you otherwise.You shinny up the pole, read the sign, and come right back down.Who'd want him?Where?There is a sign on the pole.44 M]n~n2<{{{<<{<7ydwaw2?xx??ycyKToxnnZee]ll\kZeZf\m`9`9?10F`106-=::LvL:`v`:K>F9`9?=;=E9?106-<9=:~1~EHEIFJGKPKQJRIRGR?Q@PAOANBIBHAGAF@E?EHE>F>G=H=IR>>FDFSFvFzy9:;<==<;3211,,-/02<8-,+*)),88+*)((()*+84)('%%%'+,J@M@N?N>I?I?I>GWGNPNPWGWT]TN`N`]T]c]cNnNn]c]]6]6L6LL]F9F::oo' ni) ~"}z # ! ~ ~ !?!@!pq ~ cbao 9y9_:^:v8y&y&^8^:](]'g8g'p8p'x8x8w'w'_9^9^ ']:\9](](\:\'f8f8e(e'o8o8n(n'x8x8w(wP]PYGYG]O]>;~2w25A5I=Q1RJOJ[XViW dI;@;FE>:=9=8<7<6;5;4:3:291908/8.7-:K=Gsskhh`]]]VSSMLIIA AAHRKK\UUg__rjj153JI ZV  .E(93E,61E*8+E'<+6*7':': ,4+4+5*6)7(7(8'8&9'9&:-3,3.2.G,G2G4G3F2F.F-Feg bm>n@0b2m3s7__mbmemhmkmnmqmtmwmzm}m+--,++)'&(WW^^WW XX]]YY\\ZZ[[W^ ; ;71s1 11t{t655)2)2:{:{-{tH  & cbllbbll~f|{t~w :GXJ}e 2:5:6;7:9::;;:=:>;?:A:B;C:E:F;G:I:J;K:M:N;O:Q:R;S:U:V;W:Y:Z;[:]:^;_:a:b;c:e:f;g:i:j;k:m:n;o:q:r;s:u:v;w:y:z;J6 1t1)1t{t{.gqjll {%{-1 11 1{% Lts ` 1191:{${; 1G{G2fzfv<>F>J>f>j>s:<:G:J:e:j:t6<6G6J6f6j6s414345347989),.,-+,,-++*Z]_^bedaZ]^\]_^`_a``bca ^deeba__^^^_ad_^]da0 ,-.--,,,,-,2--00/220(&)((&)_[[X[\ ,})|(y)w*w)z*z+z*{,|2z4x7y5z2z4y5yCuAtAqCqBrBtCtDsCsCrCpBp{t1t3o{oWr4$"! 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It's your breath spray.4@&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQsqQAArQqQQAAQqRAAqqsQAARqrQrqRQAArQrUAAQtQTQAATqTAAQQAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLWhy is this stuff in every adventure game?4&OKAAAAvAAAAAAAAxAAAAAAAAAyAAA qAAA qAAq AAAqrrqAAAqqrrAAAqrrAAAqrrqAAAqqrrAAAq AAAq AAAqqqqAAAqrrrAAAq AAAqqqqAAAqrrrAAAq AAAqqqqAAAqrrrAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAxAAAAAAAAAvAAAAAOKGee, a genuine BowlX! At least the time is accurate -- it's %v119:%v116|2.4t&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAbAAaAAbAACaCAABAaEAAABBAABBEAAAIAAAIAAAIAAAIAAAJAABJAABJAAMAALAAKAAKAAIAAIAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLThis Red Delicious is not suitable for your Granny Smith, but someone else might find it appropriate.4A&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAaaAA2aaAA2aaAAbbAAaAAaAAbAAaAAbAAaAAbAAaAAbAAbAAdAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLWhen you gaze deep into the diamond, you seem to hear the sound of wedding bells, and maybe diesel trucks.4@&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLThere is a strong odor of petroleum by-products coming from this glass.4&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAABAAAAAqAArAAsAAtAAtAAtAAtAAtAAtqAAtrAAtrAAwAAuAAsAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLOperating on the principle of line-of-sight infrared trans- mission, the remote control baffles you completely. Although it appears to do nothing, aiming it at your groin while rapidly changing channels does make you feel quite silly.42&OLA AA AA AA AA AAAADAAAAADAAA DAAA !EAAA !EAA !!DAA "CAA "! AA ! AA ! AA ! AA !AA ! AA!" AA!" AAAA!AA!AAAA!AA!AA!AA!AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLA rose, is a rose, is a rose.4&OLAAAAAAAAAAA~AA~AAsqtAAtrqAArƁqAAqDrAArAArAArArAAqAAqAAqAqAAqAqAAqAqAAqAqAAAqAAqAqAAqAqAArAqAArAqAAqqArAAqqsAAtātAAtqsAAswrAA~AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAOLThese are more fun to use than to look at!4JAsk all you want to, you're NOT gonna see that mess!4%&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAԲAAԲQAAԲRAAԲSAAԲTAAԲTAAԲTAAԲTAAUXAAUWAAUVAAUUAAՒAA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAOLCandy makes the perfect present.4b:&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBAAAAAAAEAAABBAAIHAAACAAFEAAAIAAAB AAAHEAAABBBAAHAAAAAAAAAOBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLYour mind reels with the possibilities!4'&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAATAA_AA_AA]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLThe passcard reads: "Lost Wages Disco Admit One Member and Guest Remember: every Monday is Ladies Night!"4~&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAqAAAAAAAqAAAqAAAqAAAqAAAqAAAqAAAqAAAqAAqAqAAAqAAAAqAABqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOL5 blades, 7 attachments, 3 screwdrivers, 2 saws, a toothpick, a tweezer, plus MORE... much, MUCH more!!4tG&OLA AA AA AA AA AA $ AA AA #AA "!AA "AA$AA&AA&AA(AA(AA(AA(AA$AA$AA$AA$AA$AA$AA$AA$eAA(AA(AA(AA(AA'AAAA AA AA AA AA AOLYou seriously question this wine's heritage.4&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!AAC!AAC!AAAA!AAaBa!AAAAa!AAaa!AA!aAa!AA!a!AA!AAa!AA!Ba!AA!aaAA!aAAa!AACAA!AB!AAA"AAAAAA!AAAA!AA!A!AA!A!AA!A!AAAAAAAAAOLLet's see now... Here's an article about how professional window washers secure themselves to buildings with a rope around their waist... Nah! You flip through the pages until you discover... Mmmm, nice centerfold!!4/&OLAAAAAAABAAAAAA" AA# !AA!!!AA!B&AA!aA#"AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAaA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AAbA!AA#AOLEven though you only scored in the 28th percentile in your high school's National Mechanical Aptitude Test, you're fairly certain this is a hammer.4u&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqAAwAAAuAAAaFAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfqAAbqAAbqAAbqAAbqAAbq"AAbq$AAbA&AAfA&AAfA%AAfA$AAaArA#AAAArA"AAArB!AACBAAEAAAAAAAAAAAOLEven though a portion of the label is missing, you can still make out the letters "nish" and "Fl."4wY&OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAbbAAbaAaAAAacaAaAAbbaaAAaaaaAAaaaaAAaAaaaAAcbaAAaabaAAaabaAAbbbbAAacaAAbbAAaaAAbaAAaAAaAAaaAAaaAAbbAAbbAAeAAcAAAAAAAAAAAOLA rope, is a rope, is a rope.4N?"?<?81?2888q7wA7qC7q6u“6666"?:?9?711?5?4?3?1=C9rq•8qqt8sq8sq87r7t7777"?;?:?51?4?4?2?1‘?>q=q=‘<;q:q9q9q9rq8rq7sq6q1q5q2q4q2q3q2q32131q13q24q44"?;?:?9?8?7?6?4?3?2?1>;::87‘65q4q3q3q3rq2rq11sq2q2q3q2q2q"?;?:?9?8?7?6?4?3?2?1><;:99999999999"???<?8?5?1=98888777777"888777666664   52661441441441441441441441441441q4q4q1s4s4s216161216161216161216161216161216161216161216161216161216161216161*266661444414444144441444414444144441444414444144441q4q4q4q4q1s4s4s4s4s21616161612161616161216161616121616161612161616161216161616121616161612161616161216161616121616161612161616161*;666:444:444:444:444:444:444:444:444:444:q4q4q4q:s4s4s4s;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;1616161;16161615 JJKJ1J1K1 11 &54444444A554444444444q4s515151515151DACDACDADCAD1J1K1 11 WCqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqF1111111111A1A1AÓÓÑ1111111111A1A1AÓÓÑ1111111111A1A1AÓÓÑ1616161616A1A6Ó×1111111111A1A1AÓÓÑ1111111111A1A1AÓÓÑ4h R )6!21111A11122222222q2q2q2q2q222q3q131313222233 21111A11122222221r1r2q2r2222q3q1312121212121222 21111A1112221q1qqq1q1r12222q3q13121222212131312 21111A11122222222q2q2r22222q3q32211112121221!21111A11122222222q2q2q2q2q222q3q131313222233 21111A1112222211q1q1222r222q3q1312121212121222 21111A1112211111q122q222q3q13121222212131312 21111A11122222111q1q122q2q223r32211112121221 < "21111A111222222122qB2q2r2rA2q2212q2q3q1313222233 21111A111222222122qB2q2r2rA2q2212q3q1312121212121222 21111A111222222122qB2q2r2rA2q2212q3q13121222212131312 21111A111222222122qB2q2r2rA2q2212q3r32211112121221 O %65551111AAA11qq1q1q1q1111111111112r212121212121222 %65551A1AAA11qr1q1q1q1111111111112r212121212121222 %65551111AAA11qq1q1q1q1111111111112r212121212121222 %65551A1AAA11qr1q1q1q1111111111112r212121212121222 %65551111AAA11qq1q1q1q1111111111112r212121212121222}!22222A1222321qq12q2s2222223q333333332!22222A122231qq122s22222223q333333332!22222A1222322q2q2q2q2q2q2q2q2q2223q3333333324P  K !!!$&"#"!!%!"A$!qs%r"!AsAᣑqq"ᥓ!q!q!"!"!"!AA!!"!"!#"!!#!"!"""!!#"#% 1553H1qqqq11A1211qqqq111A211rqqqq121yjW!32233A2334421111221a1a12a3333344444443!3221122A2344333111a1a12a33333344444443!3221122A234433321a1a12a33333344444443!3221122A2344333111a1a12a33333344444443!3222222B23443211121a1a12a3333344444443!3221122A2344333111a1a12a33333344444443!3221122A234433321a1a12a33333344444443!32233A2334421111221a1a12a3333344444443 X7k; AAAAqqqAAAAAA AAAAqqqAAAAAA AAAAqqqAAAAAA AAAAqqqAAAAAA AAAAqqqAAAAAA AAArAAAAAA AAAqAAAAAA AAArAAAAAA AAAAqqqAAAAAA AAAArAAAAAA AAAAqAAAAAA AAAArAAAAAA48-32u2rr6211231rrq4s1r1t1t1t2s1rqqr4rq1r1r1rr1rr1qq1rqrq4r21r1r3r1r1r1r1r1r1rqrq4r2r1r1rr1rr1rr1sr4s1r1t1t1t1u1us5r1r1r1r1r1rr1rr1us42r1r1r3r1r1r1r1r1r1us4qr1r1r1r1r1r1r1r1r1tr4s1r1t1r1r1r1r1r1r2tr6211111112sq34$  ; # 44221121112u23s3444444332qC22qAA22qC22qA22qA22qA1A2qD12q1A2q22u24333222222 44221121112u23s344332qC22qAA22qC22qA22qA22qA22qB22qB1A2qB12u1A44444q433222222 44221121112u23s3444444332qC22qAA22qC22qA22qA22qA1A2qD12q1A2q22u24333222222 44221121112u23s344332qC22qAA22qC22qA22qA22qA22qB22qB1A2qB12u1A44444q433222222 44221121112u23s3444444332qC22qAA22qC22qA22qA22qA1A2qD12q1A2q22u24333222222 44221121112u23s344332qC22qAA22qC22qA22qA22qA22qB22qB1A2qB12u1A44444q433222222 2W 44221112112u23s344332Cq22Cq21ACqA11AAqA11AAqA11AqA11AqA11BB11AqA12AsA233332u21u11s11s1131 44221112112u23s3444444332Cq22Cq21ACqA11AAqA11AAqA11BB11AqA11BB12q23s32qq21u11s11s1131 44221112112u23s344332Cq22Cq21ACqA11AAqA11AAqA11AqA11AqA11BB11AqA12AsA233332u21u11s11s1131 44221112112u23s3444444332Cq22Cq21ACqA11AAqA11AAqA11BB11AqA11BB12q23s32qq21u11s11s1131 44221112112u23s344332Cq22Cq21ACqA11AAqA11AAqA11AqA11AqA11BB11AqA12AsA233332u21u11s11s1131 44221112112u23s3444444332Cq22Cq21ACqA11AAqA11AAqA11BB11AqA11BB12q23s32qq21u11s11s1131 ; 44221q11q11q12u23s3444444332q22u21AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqA11AqA12q22u22qq2111111131 44221q11q11q12u23s3332q22u21AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqA11AqA11AqA12u23333332qq2111111131 44221q11q11q12u23s3444444332q22u21AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqA11AqA12q22u22qq2111111131 44221q11q11q12u23s3332q22u21AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqqA11AqA11AqA11AqA12u23333332qq21111111314`<CJ?-# ?? 4B%,?=?? ? ?4[FMT'>'?'4d#      2/.. 4'%  %% H     $!189:#!   # # 07/ <          4                                                          # 22220202123 42   >  5   `4KsI!   +      C      A"  + >4)?q & 0 Uw b*+,'()&!C)++%!)'/6FOV%),+c4Az*z*$z*.$z* WCK1 KAA#Q$^KAQ^K#QPKAgg+-QKA$A$i%)^#CA/)r+#Qd^KAQ^K+#Q2KA +-QKA $A $)$)(/%5P#C A /ATCA $z)D;z)CA z&@TCA 4A c4K*Adventure Game Development System(C) 1987 by Sierra On-Line, Inc.4  e<`k5``````L^`^`^`^`^`^_^ eE^`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]` ]` ]` ]` ]` ]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]` ]`!]`"]`#]`$]`%]`&]`']`(]`)]`*]`+]`,]`-]`.]`/]`0]`1]`2]`3]`4]`5]_#igBf```5 _C_Yxwi f`gC@E adc(\\`:<:\! h! :_CEz3wIYb m 2 - o ' 6lKklY)+-/1_Johnny Carson is a. a singer. b. David Letterman's sidekick. c. Ed McMahon's sidekick. d. an actor.VCR stands for a. Very Confusing Record. b. Visual Cartridge Recording. c. Very Complete Record. d. Video Cassette Recorder.The East Coast is a. home of the Mets. b. a country. c. where people talk funny. d. adjacent to Texas.Is this software pirated? a. Yes. b. I'm not talking. c. No. (How could you even ask!) d. No, just borrowed.Pia Zadora is a. sexy. b. a singer. c. short. d. all of the above.The world is a. flat. b. spherical. c. a big place. d. near Fresno."Let It Be" was recorded by a. the Rolling Stones. b. the Monkees. c. Creedence Clearwater. d. the Beatles.All politicians are a. hardworking. b. honest. c. ethical. d. on the public payroll.Lingerie is a. sexy. b. a kind of car. c. a French food. d. edible.Paul, John, Ringo and a. Fred. b. George. c. Harry. d. me.Do girls really have cooties? a. Yes. b. No. c. Some do, some don't. d. Maybe.Which song was not recorded by Elvis? a. "Hound Dog" b. "Love Me Tender" c. "What'd I Say" d. "Heartbreak Hotel"Edsel is a a. girl's name. b. plane. c. car. d. great investment.Sex is a. great. b. ok. c. a spectator sport. d. a mystery to me.Richard Nixon was the _____ President of the United States. a. last b. funniest c. thirty-seventh d. first NegroDuring the 70's, Carroll O'Connor portrayed a a. kindly doctor. b. lovable bigot. c. handicapped lawyer. d. Negro junk dealer.The song "American Pie" was about a. miscegenation. b. Marilyn Chambers. c. a dead rock star. d. four minutes too long.Thomas Eagleton was dropped from the 1972 Democratic National Ticket when knowledge of his previous _____ treatments became known. a. skin b. screen c. shock d. scalpThe 70's practice of running around naked was called a. flashing. b. streaking. c. swinging. d. on account of rain.Peter Benchley's novel "Jaws" was about a. Linda Lovelace. b. dieting. c. Joan Rivers. d. sharks.Who was not Vice-President of the United States in 1973-74? a. Gerald Ford b. Nelson Rockefeller c. Thomas Hayden d. Spiro AgnewThe "Chicago Seven" was a. some people who only seem crazy in retrospect. b. the Bears' defensive line. c. burned for showing "Country" in three different theatres. d. partially convicted.President Ford prescribed _____ for dealing with economic problems. a. tranquilizers b. employment c. that everyone wear a WIN button d. that everyone should have a nice dayThe tackiest seventies fashion was a. platform shoes. b. midi-skirts. c. short hair. d. bisexuality.O. J. Simpson is a. an R & B singer. b. under indictment. c. embarrassed by his first name (Olivia). d. no one to fool with.Angela Davis is a. the middle Pointer Sister. b. a failed politician. c. an example of split ends gone wild. d. Bette's daughter.Detente is a. prohibited by law in 41 states. b. a feminine hygiene spray. c. the masculine form of "deteuse." d. a policy to replace war.Kwi-Chang-Caine became famous by saying a. "I am not a crook." b. "The barren fig tree bears no plums." c. "Hi, sailor. New in town?" d. "Aaaaaiiiyeeeaagggh!"Ted Kennedy is best remem- bered for his a. driving. b. underwater free-style. c. brothers. d. All of the above."NORML" is a. not gay. b. what Falwell wants you to be. c. trying to legalize marijuana. d. misspelled.Tom Hayden is a. one of the Chicago Seven. b. a U. S. Congressman. c. Mr. Jane Fonda. d. All of the above.Spiro Agnew is a. a form of social disease. b. a jazz-fusion rock band. c. a former Vice President. d. the first woman in Congress.The germ that transmits syphilis is a. Spiro Agnew. b. Spirochete. c. Spirograph. d. Barbarella.Kookie's address was a. 77 Sunset Strip. b. on Wistful Vista Street. c. 334 Elm Street. d. 1313 Mockingbird Lane."Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" a. The Psychiatrist b. The Shadow c. The Creeper d. Ingmar BergmanAl Lowe is: a. under 25. b. pregnant. c. never "carded." d. a Woody Allen impersonator.Frank Sinatra is a a. female impersonator. b. shy pacifist. c. saloon singer. d. distance runner.Ralph Boysen invented a. the boysenberry. b. fins on 50's cars. c. bell bottomed jeans. d. the juke box.The first man on the moon was a. John Glenn. b. Neil Diamond. c. Neil Armstrong. d. Jack Armstrong."Gone With The Wind" is about a. outer space. b. a bank robbery. c. four hours long. d. dust.Who is not a sportscaster? a. Jayne Kennedy b. Howard Cosell c. Jayne Mansfield d. Frank GiffordWhich is not a wine? a. Colombard b. Bon Aire c. Cabernet d. MuscatelWhich is not a mountain range? a. Cayman b. Appalachian c. Rockies d. HimalayasIn the movie, "Paint Your Wagon," Clint Eastwood sang a. "I Talk to the Trees" b. "Go Ahead, Make My Wagon" c. "I If Had A Mayor" d. None of the above.The drink "Screwdriver" contains a. tomato juice. b. orange juice. c. grapefruit juice. d. borax.Ronald Reagan's co-star in "Bedtime for Bonzo" was a. a monkey. b. Peter O'Toole. c. Bonzo the Clown. d. Marilyn Monroe.The slogan "It takes two hands to handle a whopper" refers to a. John Holmes. b. a hamburger. c. overstuffed grocery bags. d. fishing.If you arrived at a party wearing your birthday suit, you would a. make many new friends. b. be thrown out. c. fit right in. d. It depends on the party.Cesar Chavez led a boycott of a. grapes. b. X-rated movies. c. dirty magazines. d. goods from South Africa.James Brown is often referred to as a. the Chairman of the Board. b. a great athlete. c. the Velvet Fog. d. the Godfather of Soul.Who lost a daughter but gained a "meathead?" a. George Jefferson b. Ronald Reagan c. Archie Bunker d. Ted KnightWhich U. S. Secretary of State was born in Germany? a. Dean Rusk b. William Rogers c. George Schultz d. Henry KissingerWho was the inventive genius behind the Apple computer? a. Bill Gates b. Steve Wozniak c. Ken Williams d. Steve RussellDynamic logic = 2.abcdSo far, so good. Now for the final question.Question #%v96. Correct answer is %v93.Please answer a, b, c, or d: So far, so good. Now for the final question.4<  e<`k5``````L^`^`^`^`^`^_^ eE^`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]` ]` ]` ]` ]` ]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]` ]`!]`"]`#]`$]`%]`&]`']`(]`)]`*]`+]`,]`-]`.]`/]`0]`1]`2]`3]`4]`5]_#igBf```5 _C_Yxwi f`gC@E adc(\\`:<:\! h! :_CEdnv?f 4 P  [ *w0W n0?_\oqsuw"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is about a. politics in third-world countries. b. homo- and heterosexual sex. c. creatures from outer space. d. a bicycle race across Alaska.IBM stands for a. Ittsy Bittsy Men. b. International Business Machines. c. Italian Branch of the Mafia. d. Iranian Broom Makers.Who was NOT in the movie "Easy Rider?" a. Peter Fonda b. Dennis Hopper c. Karen Black d. Karen CarpenterLas Vegas is famous for a. its beaches. b. being the capital of Arizona. c. gambling. d. its weather.The term "Working Girl" refers to a. a secretary. b. a lady of negotiable virtue. c. an industrious woman. d. an employed female.Making a "Hole in One" is a. every golfer's dream. b. too dirty to discuss here. c. something carpenters do. d. best done with scissors.My boss is a. a jerk. b. a total jerk. c. an absolute total jerk. d. responsible for my paycheck.How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb? a. None, it's a hardware problem. b. None, programmers can't fit in light bulbs. c. 100. One to hold the bulb and 99 to debug the house. d. None so far, but they'll get to it Real Soon Now.A hard disk is a. better than a floppy. b. embarrassing to have at the office. c. a state-of-the-art frisbee. d. what happens when you leave your floppy out in the sun too long.In some personal ads, TV stands for a. television. b. transvestite. c. trans-venereal. d. terre-voracic.Lucy, Ricky, Fred and a. Barney. b. Carol. c. Alice. d. Ethel.Mel Brooks is a. black. b. Puerto Rican. c. a comedian. d. Catholic.It is customary to tip about a. 2 per cent. b. 6 per cent. c. 15 per cent. d. 25 per cent.Blackjack is a. an ace and a face card. b. used by policemen. c. related to Caucasian Tom. d. a kind of car sold only in Fresno.Canada is a. where Canadians live. b. north of the U. S. c. adjacent to the U. S. d. All of the above.Oral Roberts is a. a thermometer technique. b. an evangelist. c. best done with a friend. d. shy.Richard Nixon was a. an audio technician. b. a plumber's friend. c. a comedian. d. a president.A 747 is a. a cocktail. b. a perfect bowling score. c. a large airplane. d. a prime number.Whips, chains and handcuffs are a. kinky. b. used by police departments. c. usually in text adventures. d. only permitted in Eastern schools.A Macintosh is a. a kind of Apple. b. a kind of apple. c. an article of clothing. d. All of the above.My parents are a. age 10 to 25. b. age 25 to 30. c. age 31 to 35. d. 36 or over.My favorite actor is a. Pia Zadora. b. Fred Flintstone. c. Jim Bakker. d. not listed here.I have hair on my a. head. b. palms. c. keyboard. d. lottsa places.When it's noon in California in August, in St. Louis it's a. miserable. b. 2:00 p.m. c. 3:00 p.m. d. time for a beer.The best "pick-up" line is: a. Hey baby, what's your sign? b. Want to go for a ride in my Porsche? c. For a fat girl, you sure don't sweat much! d. Do you know where I can buy some Vaseline?The "Mile-High Club" is a. a bird-watching society. b. a Denver ski club. c. a bar in East L. A. d. open to those who have performed aerial acrobatics inside a plane's rest room.My sex life is best described as a. non-existent and non- contemplated. b. what sex life? c. none of your business!! d. a ripening tomato.Elizabeth Taylor is a. an actress. b. creator of a line of cosmetics. c. celebrating her silver wedding anniversary. d. a singer.Joan Rivers is a. the real name of "Dear Abby." b. engaged to Johnny Carson. c. a former talk show hostess. d. polite to all those around her.Who starred in "Bedtime for Bonzo?" a. Clint Eastwood b. Fred Astaire c. Cary Grant d. Ronald ReaganTaxes should be a. lower. b. higher. c. unchanged. d. eliminated.A moon is a. an astronomical body. b. a practical joke. c. a form of pie. d. all of the above.Marlon Brando is a. a singer. b. an actor. c. a politician. d. a kind of soap.I am presently a. in elementary school. b. in junior high. c. fighting acne. d. past puberty.Herpes is a. caught from toilet seats. b. a French dessert. c. socially desirable. d. fatal (if given to your spouse).ERA is an abbreviation for a. Earnest Realtors of America. b. Equal Rights Amendment. c. Erogenous Readers Association. d. Error Recovery Associates.G. Gordon Liddy was associated with a. the Mob. b. Calvin Klein. c. Elizabeth Taylor. d. the Plumbers.What was illegal during Prohibition? a. aphrodisiacs b. alcohol c. abstinence d. perversionBonnie and a. Ronnie b. Clyde c. Hubbard d. ClodWho spends the most time in Las Vegas? a. Michael J. Fox b. Wayne Newton c. J. Paul Getty d. Paul VolckerWhich U. S. President was not elected to office? a. Johnson b. Eisenhower c. Ford d. ClevelandWhich is not a currency? a. yen b. lira c. fennel d. rupeeWhich is not a baseball team? a. Blue Jays b. Cardinals c. Seahawks d. OriolesWho made a record album with a cover that looked like a pair of blue jeans, complete with a working zipper? a. Rolling Stones b. Boy George c. Olivia Newton Jean d. MadonnaThe American television debut of Bob Hope, Dinah Shore, Elvis, and the Beatles was on a. "The Ed Sullivan Show." b. "Your Show of Shows." c. "The Tonight Show." d. "My Mother, the Car."Michael Doonesbury founded a. the American Nazi Party. b. Walden Puddle Commune. c. the Young Republicans. d. the Grace Jones Fan Club.The first baseball player to challenge the reserve clause was a. Philly Jo Jones. b. Roger Maris. c. Curt Flood. d. Ted Williams.The first Negro to play Major League Baseball was a. Jackie Robinson. b. Joe DiMaggio. c. Benny Goodman. d. Satchel Paige.Former Congressman Wilbur Mills went for a dip in the Tidal Basin with a. nothing on but his pride. b. a stripper named Fanne. c. his dog Spot. d. a 20-year-old secretary.Martha Mitchell was a. a porno star. b. a famous author. c. the outspoken wife of an Attorney General. d. All of the above.The G-Spot is supposed to be a. Ground Zero at a nuclear blast. b. a female erogenous zone. c. an unexplained astro- nomical discovery. d. the place where the FBI was first established.Hugh Hefner is usually photographed in a. the nude. b. a hot tub. c. his current lover's arms. d. pajamas.The 1973 album "Dark Side of the Moon" was recorded by a. Pink Floyd. b. Deep Purple. c. Bad News. d. the Grateful Dead.Dynamic logic = 3.abcdSo far, so good. Now for the final question.Question #%v96. Correct answer is %v93.Please answer a, b, c, or d: So far, so good. Now for the final question.4  e<`k5``````L^`^`^`^`^`^_^ eE^`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]` ]` ]` ]` ]` ]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]`]` ]`!]`"]`#]`$]`%]`&]`']`(]`)]`*]`+]`,]`-]`.]`/]`0]`1]`2]`3]`4]`5]_#igBf```5 _C_Yxwi f`gC@E adc(\\`:<:\! h! :_CE`@\i (U*   j , f b2JRs V1YwWhen playing "Monopoly" you a. hope for a straight flush. b. must own four houses before building a hotel. c. need a black jack to win. d. win with a seven and a five.Which is not in Hawaii? a. Oahu b. Kauai c. Fiji d. MauiWhich is not a car? a. Ferrari b. Porsche c. Corvair d. ToshibaPresident Eisenhower's nickname was a. Tink. b. Blackjack. c. Ike. d. Tina.Bourbon Street is in a. Whiskeyville, Indiana. b. Jackass Flats, Idaho. c. "Monopoly." d. New Orleans, Louisiana.Does a pair of queens beat three deuces? a. Yes, in blackjack. b. Yes, in poker. c. No, in canasta. d. It depends on what the three deuces said.Calvin Klein is a. married to Brooke Shields. b. a movie star. c. a clothing designer. d. President of the Coarsegold Chamber of Commerce.Two bits is a. all it takes to consume a "Big Mac." b. computer talk. c. about a dollar. d. the former cost for a shave and a haircut.Charlie McCarthy and a. John Lennon b. Louis Pasteur c. Albert Einstein d. Edgar BergenWho is not a famous musician? a. Lawrence Welk b. Tommy Dorsey c. Les Brown d. Steve GarveyWhich is non-alcoholic? a. whiskey b. Grand Marnier c. Perrier d. tequilaWho was not a politician? a. Richard Nixon b. Ronald Reagan c. W. C. Fields d. George BushThe last name of Annette (on the original Mickey Mouse Club) was a. Funnicular. b. that WAS her last name. c. Funicello. d. Avalon."Tiptoe Through the Tulips" was recorded by a. Alice Cooper. b. Alice B. Toklas. c. Tiny Tim. d. Big Tiny Little.Which one of these was not a war? a. Crimean b. Korean c. Chinese d. VietnameseWho's buried in Grant's tomb? a. Grant Tinker b. Land Grant c. NSF Grant d. Mrs. GrantJohn F. Kennedy drove a a. PT boat. b. spike faster than a steam driver. c. battleship. d. Ferrari.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled a. pips. b. pipers. c. peppers. d. peekers.A result of Watergate was a. the loss of water. b. Jimmy Carter quit. c. Richard Nixon quit. d. Gerald Ford quit.I find computer games with adult content a. offensive. b. acceptable. c. repulsive. d. under my bed.The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by the a. Panama Canal. b. Snake River. c. hips. d. Isthmus of Panama.The most likely place to find virgins is a. The Virgin Islands. b. Virginia. c. St. Mary's Girls School. d. Hollywood.Who wrote "To be, or not to be?" a. Bill Shakespeare. b. Paul McCartney. c. George Bernard Shaw. d. Tennessee Williams.The largest state is a. California. b. Alaska. c. Rhode Island. d. Texas.Utah is full of a. fresh water. b. Jews. c. Catholics. d. None of the above.The leader of Nazi Germany was a. Boris Godunov. b. Mussolini. c. Oleg Cassinni. d. Adolph Hitler.Lee Harvey Oswald killed a. Harvey Milk. b. Charles Nelson Reilly. c. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. d. William Randolph Hearst.How many molecules are in a glass of water? a. one million b. one trillion c. one million trillion d. as many as there are glasses of water in the whole worldIf a physician were stranded on a desert island with Bo Derek, he would probably a. build a boat. b. take two aspirins. c. overcharge her. d. thank God.If Bo Derek were here, I'd ask her to a. leave. b. respect my privacy. c. help me with my homework. d. stop playing computer games.Joe DiMaggio played a. pool. b. baseball. c. basketball. d. trumpet.The most populous city in the United States is a. Los Angeles. b. Mexico City. c. New York. d. Chicago.A nehru jacket is a. made from tanned nehru hides. b. out of date. c. a Middle Eastern prophylactic. d. around a car's radiator.Sergeant Pepper was a. the Beatles' chauffeur. b. Elvis' manager. c. the leader of the Lonely Hearts Club Band. d. hung for treason.Which is not an American armed force? a. the Army b. the Navy c. the National Guard d. the National LeagueThe most effective form of birth control is a. abstinence. b. the Rhythm Method. c. the Pill. d. dating ugly people.Which is not a city in Mexico? a. Tijuana b. Puerto Vallarta c. San Diego d. Mexico CityHerb Alpert and the _____ Brass a. Tijuana b. Boss c. Canadian d. Top"It's not nice to fool" a. Mother Hubbard. b. Mother Nature. c. the government. d. Mayor Daly."Where's the" a. catsup? b. toilet? c. beef? d. rest of this game?Who was not an astronaut? a. John Milton b. John Glenn c. Neil Armstrong d. Richard GordonWho has not been a U. S. Attorney General? a. John Mitchell b. Sam Shepard c. Ramsey Clark d. Herbert BrownerWhich is not a cheese? a. Jarlsburg b. Mozzarella c. Brie d. ReislingCaptain Kangaroo's sidekick was a. Mr. Potato Head. b. Winnie the Pooh. c. Mr. Rogers. d. Mr. Greenjeans.Mohammed Ali is a. a ballet star. b. an Arab terrorist. c. a professional boxer. d. a singer.Who is not a mass murderer? a. Charlie Manson b. Ted Bundy c. Jack the Ripper d. Timothy LearyThere are about _____ calories in a can of beer. a. 15 b. 150 c. 1500 d. 15000John Belushi was on a. "Mr. Rogers." b. "The PTL club." c. "My Mother the Car." d. "Saturday Night Live."James Earl Jones was the voice of a. Jason in "Friday the 13th." b. Freddie in "Nightmare on Elm Street." c. Darth Vader in "Star Wars." d. Kriswell in "Plan 9 From Outer Space."Doonesbury's "Uncle Duke" is based on a. Jeffrey Hunter. b. Hunter S. Thompson. c. Huntz Hall. d. None of the above.In Westworld, "where nothing can go wrong," guests were entertained by a. Stephen Wright. b. X-rated movies. c. robots. d. Rodney Dangerfield.Mork was from the planet a. Ork. b. Vulcan. c. Krypton. d. Pluto.Who was banned from "Saturday Night Live" because he lost a telephone poll? a. John Belushi b. Dan Akroyd c. Chevy Chase d. Andy KaufmanDynamic logic = 4.abcdSo far, so good. Now for the final question.Question #%v96. Correct answer is %v93.Please answer a, b, c, or d: So far, so good. Now for the final question.4!m_ mxwi 0 Uxe  { 0w M UbQQQQ*z*z*$z*.$z* W *i_+evwxece Ae e^__2\]] e_B _e ^eK K__i_,? > ve&Mkt-{Warning: "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards" contains some elements of plot which may not be considered appropriate for some children.How old are you? To verify you are really %v209, please answer five simple questions.Sorry. This game can only be played by adults, or with an adult. Please find an adult, come back, and try again.Oops. You blew that one! If you miss another, you can't possibly be %v209.You're a kid!! Shame on you for trying to deceive a friendly game like this! Please play again when you're older.Please answer a, b, c, or d: Correct.So far, so good. Now for the final question. Thank you. And now, slip into your leisure suit and prepare to enter the "Land of the Lounge Lizards" with "Leisure Suit Larry!" Warning! This game may be hazardous to those with heart conditions!No, you're not!Question #%v208. Correct answer is %v211.abcd%v62 cycles in %v63 seconds4bIww i.b3$ pstuv 0 Ux )M?924>Mb! ) M% # S  !=X%<)46/#4L4:v z2$S!=XC%$S)2+#LW!=XC%ST)2+#LT!=XC%C)2+#LXY &'+N$ &:'+ &?'+&&'#9>c(i ic( " 2K eee $/e e e Qe)Qe$?4= ) 6ww e e C;IwM U? 6ee""eB"j"e0Y?M KAA KK KAA Y 0w)<eC AAeM U)/LU "IKA "F)/&''&'CA "LVIKA 0L,?>e 0$$ 2ee9L xL xN ULA&{s#-r;You are outside Lefty's bar. Isn't it wonderful what can be done with a little neon?There is a sign on that utility pole.It appears that the hooker gave you a little more than you bargained for!Considering the looks of this place, you decide that next time you'd be better off to spend a little more money on your computer games!While life may be possible, it is no longer worth living.The windows are too dirty to see through.Nah. Lefty would probably break both your legs!Nice tuck and roll job, eh?"Welcome"Amazed by your own cleverness, you lift the door mat and discover......absolutely nothing!(What did you expect? A key?)You can't. The door is securely locked. Lefty's closes at 3:00 a.m."STOP, PERVERT!!!" shouts the cop. "I wonder who he's yelling at," you think."Caught you, pervert!" the cop shouts. "We don't like people exposing themselves around this town, especially wearing one of those!"Next time, if you insist on wearing your "lubber" in public, you should at least zip your fly.He appears to be chasing someone!4 H b!=XC)H+/%I#4L4!=XC)/LV%3e#: A zHp3(!=XC)H+A 1404/%p3#:@zHA3 &' N+& &:'&F'@+ "N U8&&'#w U 6 Ux 5<^@  R & &>&>  > > %% '>'> '> ' ' 8 8 2 C)V@xN U "LTe4d'c'< e)A K:(e(e) N U e*\e+''+ A K:e( e' N U e&"'"&>&&"e6 CL's&s&s's'see4NNNN, N ' A K:  e e3s<se1~'''''e%e&0e"'NN0'0e#l'','','';,'l',',%l','e,>,%,'e-e.d"d"'s'j'js'j'e* ew;I ": Ax,!e exe244 KKg KAA;/ Uw$IKc(A)6 %5c#Q5KA/:<AM U)/6(~LV "IKA "F1404xAAe" CM Ux) 14046-LU "KKAf "F)(~1404AA U C) /6%1LV "IKA ")4N U8OTLTAA& Uw)/6_D<f::LTQ_Kc(A "F)/SCA "LVIKAL L 7 p~Zw5+%bq ^g/S -  * m  ) / w Try moving to the east end of the fire escape.Try moving to the west end of the fire escape.%m7 and a fence.Nah. That room needs the fresh air!You are on a fire escape. A rusty ladder is at one end. East of the fire escape is another window, just out of your reach.%m7, a fence, and something sitting in the east window.It's a nice little alley, with a trash bin, two windows, a fire escapeMove closer to the ladder.(Of course, you can't play the violin now, but you get the idea.)Unlock it? From the outside?You can't. It's locked from the inside.Looking inside the west window, you see the room you just left.Looking at the east window, you notice a bottle of pills sitting on the window ledge.There are two windows high above you. The west window by the fire escape has a dim, reddish glow; the east window is dark. There may be something on the sill of the east window, but you can't make it out from down here.You broke it, didn't you?You lean far out over the railing before remembering that agility is yet another of your short suits.With the rope securely holding you to the railing, you can reach all the way over to the window. NOW, of all times, you notice the window's locked!Subtly, you smash the window with your hammer. Your future as a second-story man seems quite plausible!You got 'em! But what are they?You might try reaching over to the window first.You consider sticking your hand through a solid glass window, but realize that if you did, you wouldn't be able to play the violin.It already is.What is this; a death wish?You already took them. Why do this again?Amidst assorted, odoriferous refuse from Lefty's clientel, you discover Lefty's old, left-handed hammer.There's nothing else here worth describing, let alone taking."YUCK!!"Unfortunately, you can't see much from out here.Wow! Does your head hurt!!Hey! Where are you?After a careful analysis of your surroundings, you conclude you are at the bottom of a pile of garbage!Move to the front of the trash bin.There's no way to reach the ladder from down here. It's only accessible from above.You see alleys stretching off to infinity.The fence is much too tall for you to climb over.It's not long enough to reach from here.It's not long enough to reach anywhere, but you might want to use it for safety purposes.Be more specific.You untie the rope.How can you do that?Using the dull pocket knife, you cut the rope free.%g176A rickety fire escape, complete with safety ladder, is loosely attached to the building. A mild, reddish glow comes from the window behind it.Unfortunately the lid on the trash bin just will not close.Try as you might, it is impossible to move the trash bin.The solution is closer to you than that.There is an old neon sign hanging on the wall that says "Hotel"......approximately.You can't. Even its rusty bolts are too tough for you!Not now!There may be something in the east window, but from here, you're not sure.It's a long way to the ground!Whee!Move closer to the window, if you want to go back in the hooker's room.You reconsider after noticing the trash bin is behind where you would fall!4er;<:Eb b!=XC%4):14046 4L4#K!=XC%G{)<6 !XC)E6 %et#: UM%8# 2< Yn A}T Ye'e'&2Vyyyy\) ee ;)LT<N U "  eyye 'e(@ CVgggg&gV@e3 6' )H~ U "M<e t t 6eyyy 6ea'a'e$%%e%e%e' 6eeee(' 6eeeeW'&'W'1e$ 6 C+J< UMc (~e)k?k?k?k 6e$?e M U;I2eeee9 9ee 6 eee e5ee#++ 6e >+$+%+$2 6e%$'e&ee$ 6  7 ;$\e  6w UM Ȕ#e!e"'e':'(''(''e ,)e c(e eN U +LT +LX! : UNEd ee) "(e 2$5;67 /9{567 9W UL)T&?Ii=Dx)<@Yojiz!'SvYou are in Lefty's one and only restroom. The stench is overpowering, there is graffiti on the walls, and you doubt that the sink was clean even when it was installed. Even roaches can't survive in this place!%m8Scott me up, Beamie!"Ahhhhhhh.%m8Attention arcade game players: please don't eat the urinal cakes!"%m8It takes leather balls to play rugby!"Funny. No one knocks back.NOW??You see many messages. One is: "You see a handsome, dashing, macho, sexy, young man. (Obviously, this mirror has quite a bit of distortion!)You grab an ancient copy of the "Ball Street Journal," and settle in to "sit and think!"You feel a great relief!Why, look! Some woman removed her diamond ring to wash her hands, and forgot to take it with her.Got it! You briefly consider an attempt to find the ring's owner, but return to your normal self and pocket it instead.A small, neatly lettered sign reminds you: "Since we can't clean up after every customer, please rinse out this sink when you are finished."Evidently, you are the first customer who can read.My, my. Aren't we the little sick-o!Say, here's an interesting one: "The password is: 'Ken sent me.'"Bad idea, eh Larry?Your life passes before your eyes.You doze briefly.What's that aroma?Ok.It's not a pretty sight!Say, there's no soap.There's no towels.Move closer to the handle.Your hands are still dirty, but now they're wet!The toilet paper is only there for official purposes.Carefully finishing your duties, you wipe and toss the newspaper behind the toilet for the next user.You only read while "enthroned."Your face is still dirty, but at least it's now dripping with water.Ok. You're dry (but your keyboard is still damp)!Realizing your mistake, you quickly jiggle the handle, attempting to stem the onrushing tide of water.It doesn't work.It's nice of you to try, but this sink is too far gone to save!No one would drink from ANY fixture in here!Nice idea, but the mirror is firmly attached to the wall.Yuck!Lefty must be running low on air freshener.No wonder your eyesight is so bad!Been drinking Lefty's liquor again, eh?4 ?,Y9/b!XC)9+/6 4L4%i{#F!XC)/+/%c#FLUz/c !XC%0s)9+/6 #: &d'{&L+&&'#c( _nh Z} (r: te'eeQe e YQaYaQ 6e$? 6 CM UI)Q)Q'  6G88Q8Q 6Ze88Qa8aQ8a8Q8Q0 e$ 6^G 0FF e e ve v" 6  7 C$\ 8Q8Q' 6e-Q'-Q' 6e:Q'{Q'jQ' 6e Q'@'`Q'`''=@'=Q' 6e,(/Ffeeeeee\&e' e e ;  G E44 L UL 49g wJpIh \lYou are in a dimly lit hallway. The paint peeling off the walls gives the cockroaches something to watch. An old table is pushed against the west wall. A filthy drunk sits on the filthy floor, leaning against the filthy wall."Jeeezz! Somethin' die in there??"You can remember when that table held a rose.You find nothing but odor."Hiya shhhhonny. How's 'bout you 'n' me havin' a lil' drink?"Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug.Slurp! "Ahhhh! That did hit the ol' spot!""Ya know, ya mus' be ma only frien' in the whole world! Shhoooo, I'm gonna give ya my only posshhess... hhic!He's a poor little lamb, who has lost his way......and also his bladder control!There is a single, lovely, long-stemmed, red rose lying incongruously on the table."Wadda ya tryin' to do; make me a soprano??""Geeze! Them pointy-toed shoes hurt!"You generously hand him a dollar."Shhaay, thanksh buddy! How 'bout sshhom'ore?"He responds, "Ya know, whad I really need is a good, sshhtiff belt!"You spend hours carefully examining every brick. You find nothing.You have no drink to give him.There's no one selling anything here. Try the bartender out front.He's too drunk to want anything.He's beyond help, but thirsty."...my only posshhess... hhic!"...all I got in the world. What'sha guy like me need witta TV remote control!?""Hey! Wake up!"Caught ya! Now open the door, then get your nose out of that manual and start playing this game the right way!4 ?cb8365417z7QE 7z5p z5e !XC%)8/6 #4L4:!)3+-/6 %n!=%BB)3+-/#LU!XC)3+-/%6 #:!XC)5+/6 %A#LU!X)6+6 %M#!)1+/%je#: &' &''l&L'&&'# ɂ ʂ  -x6 8 u! 7N E GW E Uc ^| E   ze zd  )")"E 6eD?$? 6e/''??"'"'eAB?B?'j? 6e7k' 6e.e?'6' 6e?e888Le!?ZeL2ZeMeNeOePeQeReSYae!eEY e! eFZeG88Y$eHe-Oe0Qe5e1e2e3:O:O:OO 6eCO)OOYOaO)O 6eAAe(/)N UYZ+F  0we)'`'`'&X'''.e,!344e>e++F ʂ{˂,X,  4  ;T !+<: $)eBx. U 0e*+GNlB-F 4444e fe:-GFK KAA ;QjfKA +:<CA;QZfKA +:<CA`eZ eeAL;QwcKeZ  e#^ ^\e& e eeAA+:<  GFo #I:e e;K$e e M U;Kf$;IgL4 4/:< ;c4  4 ;# n  e e x<4+ U. U-444LL S d#H9f?vS0^. 7 W   S n   S ] 2 v QyD@bThis is the sleaziest bar you've ever been in. And you've been in quite a few.You are standing.You are sitting.You insert a dollar into the juke box, and select a suitably sleazy song.You rap loudly on the naugahyde door. You wonder how many naugas had to give their all just to decorate this sleazehole.So what?"Yeah. Whatsda passwoid?""Scram, dog breath!""Come on in!""...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...""...a lotta guys just leave her hanging in a tree somewhere!""...'cause Thursday's your night in the barrel!""...just think of the money he saved!""...and there stood the pig and the cow!""...dammit Liza, doncha know ya own reflection?""...we are coming back this way, aren't we?""...You idiot! I said POSSE!!""...nobody can eat THAT much ice cream!""...25 bucks, same as in town!"You'd better sit down first.You greet the bartender. "What'll it be," Lefty responds, "whiskey, wine or beer?""I'll have a glass of your fine, well whiskey!" you tell Lefty."Gimme a mug o' beer!" you order Lefty."That'll be $3.00, please."You flip three bucks onto the counter."I'm presently a little short," you stammer."Yeah, and not just in the financial department, I bet!" he replies, grabbing back your order.You down the beer in your pseudo-macho style, and slam the mug back on the bar.You delicately sip the wine until it's all gone. You tell Lefty, "I find this impudent and sassy, with the slightest hint of impertinence."He gazes at you longingly and moistens his lips!Suddenly you feel a little woozy.This one tastes even better than the last. One more sounds like a good idea.Try sitting at the bar; that usually gets Lefty's attention.It's not good etiquette to drink standing up.Since you can only balance one open glass of whiskey at a time, you toss this one down immediately."May I please have a glass of your delicate white zinfandel, sir?" you ask Lefty.Hey, was that your voice?You don't drink the whiskey, but instead, decide to carry it with you wherever you go, precariously balanced in an open shot glass.The whiskey burns its way down your throat. You vow to never again buy a "well" brand.Hold on; you haven't got your last order yet!You feel a little light-headed.Shaking your head, you clear away the cobwebs and are able to once again walk in your standard, studly style."Cram it, clown!" you tell the bore on the stool next to you!"Same to ya!" shouts Lefty.It's an antique, left over from "King's Quest III."Patience, Larry; patience!The door is locked. And, there is no key.She may not be a great looker, but think of the muscles in that leg.It's just going around in circles......like your life.You don't know much about art, but you do know what you like!You mean to say you're playing a 3-D adventure game, and all you want is LIGHT beer??They're just sitting at the bar, drinking their livers into oblivion."Sorry, we don't sell them sissy drinks here," says Lefty. "We got whiskey, wine and beer. What do you want?"My, aren't we the little savage! Didn't your mother teach you anything?"Who cares," she replies sarcastically. "Stop bugging me, or I'll have my boy friend take care of you when he gets back from the rest room!"Looks like you're operating at your standard level of charm, Larry."Har, har!!"He has nothing to say, but says it continuously."Hi there, lovely legs!" you say sweetly. "My name's Larry; Larry Laffer."They have no comment.He's not bothering you now; leave him alone, you big bully!You can't. There's no key in this game!Gee, Dad. It's a Wurlitzer!The peephole is locked from the inside.Boy, are you drunk!SLAP!"Ya got me!""No, thanks," Lefty replies. "I don't drink.""Ok," says Lefty, "but that'll cost ya $%v90.00!"The last of the big time spenders, you go down in a blaze of glory, ordering drinks for everybody in the place."I'll not help you," says Lefty, "no matter how much you offer me!"The naugahyde bounces the hammer back, grazing your scalp but slightly.You flip a fiver out on the bar. Lefty grabs it, smiles, and says, "Hey, thanks buddy! %m74You don't have enough money!"Double down on eleven.""If you're short of money, you could always try gambling at the casino.""If you're bored hanging around my place, try hailing a cab outside.""Have you talked to Sierra On-Line lately?""Guys tell me I need to clean my rest room walls."He appears to be perverted, twisted and sick!You instantly take a liking to him.4l?'=>?@!XC%)=6 4L4!XC%F)@!8 Z)>+%F# # )?%d )>+%*Qt#+/#:&G'71404#K&'M U&&'# E44  E {! AP AL i ReL$LLeL%L'L'LLe0?e!''e7Qe,:QQe;n8e-Ze.e/Y'YOY\YXYU88Q8Q8Q8Q8=Ze62 6&Zde Zde)>Qd?e k?k?k?k 6e$? 6 CM U;I%n%nn 6 8ee%n%nn 68ee%n%n'%'%'%'%%%n%n%%n%%n%%n%%n%n%n%n%n6  D*'e8e9#e 8R!MQQ  De<)Qu')*Ze eeejQ'jQ''QQQQQQQ|Q'e4%%5%%Qeee8Q'8Q'e:%%%n%n%n%n%%n%%nnnnnnnD e88e,'e Ree*eR'e1Se2Ue3Ze5fR R 4R4f4 )>QF Re  )?e+ Z+F<b be &Z'n e)>+Qt )? e 8 ʂ4L4 :N U UL'*L<> z,R6SsMxhK~-cr  / H u  G  E  The bar's storage room is almost empty. Its most significant feature is a big, mean-looking dude."Ya wanna go upstairs?" he says in a scholarly voice, "ya gotta pays da price!""$100.00, cash up front, no refunds."He certainly has a pleasing manner about him."Thanks," he growls. "Remember, no refunds!"Evidently no one in the bar wants to play "Knock, knock" with you.It's the door from the bar. Its far side looks better than this side.You don't have enough money."You like that stuff, eh, boy?"The pimp seems vaguely interested, but not enough to leave his post by the stairs.The pimp growls, "You got no business goin' up these stairs, little man!"It appears you've finally reached the pimp's cultural level.He ignores you. It looks like he's "engrossed" in something right now."Oh, John." "Oh, Marsha." "OH, John." "OH, Marsha." "Oh, JOHN!" "Oh, MARSHA!" "OH, JOHN!!" "OH, MARSHA!!""...I'm Al Fartles, and this is my partner, Fed Ames. We just want to tell you how much we appreciate your support...""...and now, ALoHa Productions is proud to present 'The Revenge of the Software Developers' in full color and stereo sound...""...while Jim is fighting for his life with the raging female rhinoceros in heat, I'll slip into my tent with the native girl and this pitcher of Mai Tais...""...it's a beautiful day in the neighbor...""...live from Malaga, California, it's the Cable Sports Network presentation of the Miniature Female Mud Wrestlers 500-kilometer Cross-Country Nude Bicycle Race...""...And next, Master Piece Theatre presents a special 3-D broadcast of 'Naugahyde Goddesses of Oakhurst!'""...oh, baby, yeah. Yeah, I love it when you do that! Ooooooooooh!! That hurts so good, pull it out a little deeper!!!"The knob is broken off. There's no way to turn it.It already is!You click the power switch on the remote control.You click the channel selector on the remote control.Nah. He's having a good time!They're boxes, all right.The remote control seems ineffectual from this angle.The TV is off."Pretty good stuff, eh, boy?" laughs the pimp.%m56soap opera.%m56commercial.%m56musical comedy.%m56documentary.No, no!! Anything but that!%m56cable sports show.%m56educational show.Well, now. What's this??Slow down. You're gonna blow the punch line!"Have a nice lay."He's no rocket scientist!Its screen is blank; much like the pimp's mind.%m56program.Get your mind back on the game, Larry!What does this look like, the ship's hold in "King's Quest III?"The walls do a good job of separating the floor from the ceiling.It's just hanging around.Wait 'til you get upstairs.He's far too big, and you're far too wimpy."Hey! Outta da way!!"There is no need to pay; he's pleasantly distracted. Help yourself!You wonder what palace of earthly delights resides above you.Another boring Evidently the remote control's off button is broken.Its operation is beyond his mental capacities.He's unaffected by the remote control.He's too strong for you, Larry.4 ?,QQCABD !)D%#:!)A+/%8V!=)A+/%2*LVF!=XC)C? %+%+/#F!XC)B6@ 1404/%d#LV: &{'~ 6 $Y&6't+&&'#,o   6 $Y 8X $ ()N 0 E 0 E tv | eee&"5"e 'e % e# j j    De+)O)U?eeeO[\ZZ]' 6eSe!/'e"F ee%F 6e,LL   6eLLLLLF 6  7 '$L'$''a'a' DOU-?e e. /$e'e('  De-'eaUaOee$ 28}ee 0$ 2$"$" 6@e "" 6e &"&>N5"N5'5"&'"'5'5 '5 ' ' &5 &5 & & &5"&" 6@e8@@<@<@'-2 6&e?e e)o@o@8@o@@ @o@o@o@@@e@'ed'%%d'e%XOXUOX&---9-9-'e*o2  D&>e?ee*= w 0"Q!6B / /#F!=/6#LUF A 0x"!=XC#F!# !#:!XC6#LV: M " U N)LT " U ɂ4L4,C Bee )14048 "LVK%+#- ) "N ULT ?  , ex>e  Y G F/<! G8 F/#GF? ,BI  F/ F: @ C\ ;$ C;I )/6}}LVM U "IM)/LV "Ie >^ \ [ [ )1404LV "K% -,  )6 "wM U$  BFLML . ^ C2e <Os'nT\?2^PrD m This is the hooker's seedy bedroom. The bed's a mess, ditto the hooker!Yep! This would be a perfect time! The Surgeon General would be proud.You already are wearing it.It looks like the hooker has a box of candy on her table.Although successful, you feel less than satisfied. Technically speaking, you're no longer a virgin, but for some reason, the thrill just wasn't there. You vow to continue your quest until you please your heart, not just your other organs!Sniffing the air, you're suddenly hungry for tuna."Come on over here, Larry!"She says, "Me first!" as she%m25Not again! A guy can only take so much!!She seems more interested in that cigarette than she was in you.It's a good thing you were wearing that rubber!It's already open.Nah. This room needs the fresh air!You repeatedly bang your head against the closed glass.It's a really ugly table."Jeez, Mister! What've you been eating? Buffalo chips???"She certainly seems to enjoy that gum.A sign near the bed says: "Substantial penalty for early withdrawals.""So," she snarls, "you just gonna stand there, or what?""Was it good for you, baby?" you ask her."Was what good?" she replies.Although you might look precious in that little white lace number, you're just not that kind of guy!She%m25 goes to work on you. Then she smiles as she bites it off! "Sorry, Larry. No oral sex in this game. Suffer!"Now's a great time to think of that!"Is that a toothpick in your pocket, or are you just happy to get past my pimp?"You'd have a better view if you'd move to the front of the bed!There is a fire escape outside the window.The clothesline is barely strong enough to hold its present load. Poor girl, you'd think at these prices she could afford a laundromat."Hey, what kind of girl do you think I am?"It's getting old and rusty -- not unlike you, Larry.It just hangs there.There's nothing (and no one) there.It, too, is broken.It's barely strong enough to hold up its present load. Besides, if you take it, her underwear would fall down.There is a table near the window.There's nothing there.You have no use for a stained pillow.You are as naked as you're going to get!With all your clothes on?You slyly tap out a message in Morse code; unfortunately, only some rats hear it.You can't. She's nailed it to the floor.Your rope is not long enough to reach outside.NOW!? You've come this far, Larry; now's the time to do more than just look!4qlr5 mio  =<;&M'E f eZ^ac BH w TUVWX3 & Ux *  mp & Uw  * q &p my;y<y=y>y?y@yAyByC yD  y=&y-'y+&y yyy)yyy y yy yyy2yy-y/(y,(y1y2y3y4y5y6y7y8y9 y0 yfy  _]LLLLL41O13212N6J6A:=:F?A?&=&306::6:0646:*0*Q0K5L5Q$b$6*0A?A"FK"KPP0K5F0F:A?R.R\_`` a a``_ _!R.RW W[\\[[X7]8\8[CP9Z9[8\7]7w8xUYTZT[S]JfXXX;XX]S]IbNgIg,b1b;Y:]6b;k(p#q"s uvv%p+o,o-n.n8o9p8q7q1v,v8u9u:t;t?RSTUV|bRJCAAFF654*179955FFGHRAyAFJJJ?;;~AxCACKDKHGIEIIVsadqWJ?YiOX/_)a(c'g%i%j$i!jgj L@DGHCE@F?GGFHx8x}}!#})},&-x8 |/#= @ j*`2Y3X3T09-<-MC>HBDM4M6JIJC@C?C>@+@D8H860A"_O2O3O4Q5S3\']%]$^#^$QQQZJ:I;G9I7XXYYYYX*h'k'886b4d4e3f3vlr3k0jlo7 %.%!#&8'7'&"1 u:wk_SG;/# #/;GS_kwwk_SG;/# || ||#|/|;|G|S|_|k|w||||tttttwtktStGt;t/t#tt tll l/lklwlllldddddwd d\\ \\\TTTLL LDDDDD D<< <<<<44444w44$4 4,, ,,$4w,w,,,,$$$$$w$k$_,0$$ $0_S/  $0<HT`llxx  $ 0 < H T ` l x xl`TH<0$  $$0$__S$k,w4w4<2PG %$ =SR%% $ #%R  EECBB77BBAAA3''((,,--2233$$    ::==<<;""45..:&+ x x-,*+ #) ..!!--,"!-..--!!   ,,,,,,8/+".-!  ,."Yev2UVBB9ACEHJLOQSVXZ]_adfhkmortvy{}\ A3AQQ3A3@3>3>7T7T3Q3=4=8S8p2p23p3m7m337m7n8l8l5l884B*LTL^B5B=IMOOMNOP ]    MNOOEB((}*uEuB}BA}(}*v*|)|EEv8t9bFbEu*t+c+b8b*d&v'E! 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Except for the clerk standing behind the counter, the store appears to be deserted. A small sign graces the counter.There are many magazines on the rack, but your eyes immediately go to the ones with the naked girls on the cover.Move to the counter when you are ready to pay for your selections.Shouldn't you TAKE your purchases before paying for them? "WHAT A PERVERT!!!" The shelves are filled with all the necessities of life: "Dwinkies," "Wallo-Wars," "Loritos," various colas, cheap wine, and coffee. You don't see anything you really need in this part of the store.Nah. You'd just be wasting your money."You haven't used your old one yet!"Apparently the clerk is new to this country. He only knows a few English words."Sure, we got lubbers!"(Obviously you've hit his area of expertise!)"What kind lubber you want? Smooth or libbed?""Colored or plain?""Lubricated or rough-cut?""Striped or plaid?""Peppermint or spearmint flavor?""Hey, everybody!! This weird-o just bought a %s5-flavored, %s4, %s3, %s2, %s1 lubber!!!"After looking around to make certain you're alone, you quietly ask the clerk if he has any available behind the counter.The clerk does not take kindly to your shoplifting. His shotgun makes a permanent impression on you. (And, IN you!)"Oakie, doakie Meester!"smoothlibbedcoloredplainlubricatedrough-cutstripedplaidpeppermintspearmintHe hands you the package, saying "All together, that will be $%v200.00, prease."Unfortunately, you only have $%v90.00. (Perhaps you can sneak out without paying.)You give him the money, with a pleasant "Thanks a lot, big mouth!" "Hey, Meester!!" yells the clerk. "I hope you enjoy your %s5-flavored, %s4, %s3, %s2, %s1 lubber!!!"The magazines are on the rack nearest the door.Nah. That's enough reading material for one game."Ooooooh, Meester! Thank you for free money. What wonderful country thees is!!""Oakie, doakie Meester! That'll be $%v200.00.""Have a nice day."You grab a bottle of cheap wine, and wonder how they can make a profit selling this stuff for only a dollar a gallon!Not here. This place is too expensive!A small, discreetly hand-lettered sign says: "Prophylactics For Sale Ask Clerk""Nice turban, Leroy.""Hey, meester! Come over here, and get your lubber!!"He smiles back, pretending to understand.The wine is on the left end of the back wall.That extra large jug of wine looks like a bargain.There's nothing of interest inside.That is located behind the counter. Ask the clerk.You still have some."Here, Meester," he says. "Thees smells like chur brand!"Hmm. That one looks particularly interesting.Whew. One of those bottles is about all a guy needs, Larry.The wall behind the clerk is blank and the counter is completely bare, except for a small sign. (You wonder where he keeps the slim jims.)"Sorry, no gottee!""Fposwqa feinnzx. Ofewass gewyiu qfbva.""Poolskd asd woefpo lkjfq feps of foeps.""Owf wepa vpifk qpqwf? Qqwpp apifrp qp foiw!""Tqp nbq bqopni ba ajpqoi fqyq. HA HA HA!!""Pqwwo qfp qwfnbv qozdvie. Ppqow poqw fvzxc ioplhjk.""Qufe weax zxo zvp zvqiw vpozcvajpbnv wf, apoz. Wfipa?""Zxxz pofqsoo afpoistr zxcv."4gww ?p9bz,6   ]!)]%LVPVNCA &$'s+ &'r&M'&&'X# F9 4~E 2}M 2M E44 Eee"$? = eC) 6A KH 6ep pe e! ) 6Ae2e3A KVQ 6e )Q) 6e' e 8[Q8[8Q[:  D. 6"^ e#\eee 8Q88Q$  D 6 e^ 8Q8YQYQ8Q 6 e Qe=Qe18Qm8mQe)'e%'e'He&""eB,!CAeAfAn  S  #c(S MFe e0 eGT$K KAA 0wM Uir4sCAhr8r9Adr:r;Arr?r @r A  AiC 5Ae*e+AAeWRe$AHe,e-r 4 is 5&s 4wxu [Y[[A e6AAfJe.r 4 is 5&s 4wxu    'A e7AAge/ Ps sAAeDeEeFeGeHy yAAer4r4r4r 4r 4e is5&s4e is5&s4e is5&s4e is 5&s 4e is 5&s 4e e e Nq qAAClAe AClAeAClAeAClAeAClAAeA Nr reeeeAA 0iN Uwx 59)&e()))e%LL &LL HAGw <n$4J ^ >`y[ ? \  2 Z   # % ' w   $ O [ >JYou are outside an all-night convenience store. There is a telephone on the pole. The portion of the telephone book that wasn't illegible from being water-soaked has been torn out."Slurp. Thanks, I needed that! See ya 'round!!""Hello, you have reached the National Hot Line Sex Survey. Please answer the following questions. There may be a wonderful prize waiting for you!!""What is the name of your favorite sex partner?""What's the best part of your partner's anatomy?""What do the two of you like to do together?""What is the best part of your body?""And, finally, name your partner's favorite object.""Thanks for participating. Your prize is..." Hum. Looks like they hung up on you. Oh, well. It was probably a bummer prize anyway!Where?!"Ring.""Ring ring.""Ring ring ring.""Ring ring ring ring."How long are we going to do this before you type in "answer phone?!"You pick up the telephone, and hear a woman's voice."Hello, Larry! This is %s6. Why don't you forget this silly game, and come over to my place so we can %s8?""After all, your %s9 has always turned me on! So bring along a %s10 and come play with my %s7! Bye, now."You hang up the telephone and wipe the sweat from your hands!There are some numbers scribbled on the side of the telephone. The only thing legible (and printable) is: "555-6969.""Howsha 'bout a drink, Shonney?""Why, thanshk, Shonney!" (Glug, glug.)"I ain't got no remote control, but, sssshay, I'll tell ya what: here'ssh my trussshty ol' pocket knife. Ya never know! There are sssshome kinky girlssh in this town. Sssshexy hunkssh like ussh might have to defend oursshelves sometime!"With that, he "sssshtumbles" off into the darkness."Got any sshhpare change, buddy?""Al'right. Be that way!"Cheezzzz! He makes that dog smell refreshing!Please enter number: You fish a dollar out of your wallet, and hand it to the bum. "Gossshhh thanssskks, buddy," he says sarcastically. "Maybe now I'll be able to afford that tsshhhousand sssshhares of Broderbund ssstock!"He looks like a man that could (ab)use a drink.There's nothing to see on this side of the pole.The store is open all night for your convenience. That's why they call it an "all-night convenience store," Larry!"Why, thanshk, Shonney! Glug, glug."All you get is a busy signal.Try dialing the telephone.What's left is illegible.Try answering the telephone.It's not that easy; you'll have to find the correct telephone number yourself!Give him the bottle of what?"I'm sorry, but you have reached a number that is disconnected, or no longer in service. Please hang up and dial again.""This is a computer.""Hello. Ajax Liquor Store. We deliver!""So, what do you want to buy?""Fine. Where do you want it delivered?""Ok. We'll get it right there. Consider it done, and thanks for calling!""Well, ok. Have ya got any spare wine, then?"You find a strong aroma, which you allow him to keep!It's not ringing."Hello." ]"Sorry, by law all we can deliver is wine. Ok, talk to ya again sometime. Bye!""Ok, I'll take it there, but I doubt if you ever see it! Bye!"555-80395558039555-69695556969(209) 683-6858209 683-6858209 683-68582096836858209683-6858209 6836858You could see better if you'd walk inside.It IS open."Hello," a pleasant voice responds. "Sierra On-Line.""We're not open right now, but if you'd call during business hours (and stop using this pretend telephone), we would be happy to sell you a 'Leisure Suit Larry Hint Book.'""Written by Al Lowe, the author of Leisure Suit Larry, you know it at least tries to be humorous. The answers are invisible, until you mark them with the special pen provided, so you never have to worry about inadvertently learning something you didn't want to know.""Thank you for calling Sierra On-Line, and for your purchase of 'Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.' Good bye."Such blatant commercialism turns you on. You make a mental note to purchase one of those great, Al Lowe Hint Books!4 ww ?L9Z[v zZ@;!=)Z+%@;6#!=)Z+/%'BLU#!=)Z+/%gBLU#!X)[/X %Ix&M'S%LxY &M'&&'##:9 Ax[ EeSeeee)Q) 6eeeQ e e %Q%Q 6ejQ|Qe e 8Q8Q$Q 6eeYrQYQ)Qr)Qr 6eer8rQ8Qr8rQrrQD e8 6,e!ee ;/Ix:<Xw w$?kk?k? = e: ;I /<  : e 9LLL 2s K Tt :auLbYou are outside a flashy disco. The bouncer does not look happy."Either show your membership card, or get lost, Scum-Breath!""Good evening, Sir. I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you sooner. Please, come right in!!"You whip out your "borrowed" membership card, and lay it on him.It seems he's uninterested in idle chit-chat, Larry.You don't have a membership card!"We hope you enjoyed your visit tonight, Sir!""Oh, there's no need to do that, Sir!" says the bouncer."HALT!! I'm sorry, Sir," says the bouncer, "but this is a private club."He seems glad to see you leave.He's physically well-developed, but you bet he's not as wise in the ways of women as you are.Larry! How could you!You know he'd beat you to a pulp!Gazing up at the storefronts before you, a feeling comes over you. Surely every one of those windows has a deep, wonderful story hidden behind it. There are millions of stories here in Lost Wages, but you'll never know any of them. Such is the fate of those who are morally-weak, but financially-strong.(What the hell was that all about????)Gaudy, aren't they?He's far too strong for you, Larry.All the stores are locked. But, that disco sure looks inviting."You can only get a card if you already have a card," he laughs, "but then, of course, you wouldn't NEED a card.""So, beat it, Chump!""How's about a little green sliding across your palm?" you ask the bouncer."How's about your rear end sliding across the pavement?" he replies.Why does the dog use you, and not it?4A,?xX^bz^sx z^z^z^ilz^1z^blz^p z^z^iYz^1z^bZz1b cd!XC)d+/%"{6!)d+6%/!)b8GLT%zOFz} )X+6 %w#LUF,:)X+6 M U&t'w} }# dz z# KA S&L'&&'# py{| |y|  xp EggO'g'g'gF'ge&[e>eBD 68e5\ C \eee)X+tw6 <M U'2OO&''e' C |e YaYY[YYOae9)Q)Qe?O''Aee, F"'e6O'O'e7FF e=ee(QQ Fee)e*)O)Oe,e-:O'aO'XO'O':['e<OOOO')O)O)O'RJe;e,e-8Ov8vO  De,e-8O8O  De,e-8O8O  De,e-8O8O8O8Oe,e-| |)+ty8N UA K,SSeS e F dK KAAQaKAQCqKA @)cT## 4eAAD 0 ") UwTC AQ5nKA CQ:nKA ()+/2nLVIK$B)+-/F%2PA +LT#Q2KA )T$/C A Q5nKA)+2n#Q2PKA+1404KK$@)c.G%;nDA) 3nT#TCA":$d 4 ")UN UB)bQCqK A 0QaKAQwyKAQyKA( )X+w6 LU,Ax J JX e! 0 )b8GNLTC{<Qz{fQMg 0$xOeFe8  GF,@B4c4* z^p z^z^iYz^1z^bZ*z^p z^z^iYz^1z^bZ LLB 7MIPu2M@tThe disco is filled with remarkably similar guys, all looking for girls.Don't mess around, Larry. Get out there and dance with her!Perhaps they're waiting for Fawn to return.Not now, you're busy."Come on, Larry. What are you waiting for? I'm hot to get it on with you!"(What are you into this time, Larry?)"Either give me some money, or I'll leave without you.""That's it! See ya later, chump!"You smile at the girl and say, "May I join you?"And, of course she replies, "Why, am I coming apart?"(Drum fill)You are sitting.You are standing.The dance floor is lit from below with brightly colored lights. It is presently unused.Evidently every guy here has been turned down by the only girl in the place. Her beauty has them frozen in their tracks.There isn't one. This place is run by computer. (Besides, at this time of night DJ should be home with Chris.)Perhaps you should sit with her first.She might listen to you, if you can establish eye contact."Oooh, you're so sweet. I just love Sitting here brings back fond memories of those minutes you spent with Fawn.Your heart just isn't in it.You miss her, don't you?Gosh, Larry. Maybe you should have loaned her some money!Funny, this is a dry club."Not again. That trip through the ceiling gave me a headache!"You're being a little too direct again, Larry.There's a gorgeous blond sitting at the table, and she's all alone!You can't sit there; she would think you rude to take her chair.They seem to be staring at something they all want.You can't sit there; she would think you rude to sit on top of her.4[?Y 0!)Y+/6%8]F!)Y+/6%>1FLVB / /# #: E)YaYY[YYOae9)Q)Qe?O''O'._ _eeee2OO&'&&F'' | CFee(QQ Fee)e*  )O)Oddd` `ee.de/e0de1e+d e e!e"dae: e2eeee3e,)OOe'WOWe)J)OJ)JOe!e"#eO**:***O*eWWOO:O:O)e))+O+O8OOOOO'OO)O)O)O)OR!Je;SeS z KA8Ov8v8vO  D e G^ 8O88O  D e H^ 8O88O  D e I^8O8YOYYOYO8O8O8O>ae /Zde@e#e e$e%eASeeSZd } O OO)O)O)Oe&:O'aO'XO'O'OOaO:O/F/F:OO/FO:['e<O)OXXX'OU'aOO['O[[[exz]x!C)+/6 %>]#!C%]])+/6 #RnO, 4bb!)b%Fx+#F!)+%Lq#F%L#S Se  =r^ Eee" 5"eeZe&gggggeSe Se!5SS58S585Se'Qe")Qe#e%)Oe$OeAOeAO)8Q)Q8QY'O)Qee KKf KA8AC Uw&PA  PR '8KAwQPxKAw+:+<eeGCAeCAeCAeeCAe CAe e ZdA AeA e eCLy+QLKB A e+;QLKB A $ eeeeA e$ S UxL!Aee eZd nC+LyGQLKB AfeAg$e;GQLKB Ah e;N UDAi$  d RAx4c4 L!e' P Do Gz3d=,fvy U q L r  + q You are in a quickie marriage parlor. A flashing neon sign on the rear wall asks: "Why wait? Marry the girl of your dreams, today! You provide the girl, we'll do the rest for only $100!!"Fawn is waiting for you at the altar. Go for it, Larry!The minister intones in his basso voice..."Dearly beloved, we are gathered together today in the sight of, er, ah, um... each other, to enter these two people into the eternal bonds of marriage.""But before we really get rollin', I'd like to say a few words. Many's the marriage that I've performed here, in this little chapel, wearing this cheap suit, before those shiny plastic-covered pews, with these electric candles, looking at those genuine plexiglas stained-glass windows, for these measly few bucks..."(He pauses for another nip from his pocket flask.)"Where was I?" he hiccups."Digressing," you answer."Oh, well, have you got a ring?" he asks."Yep," you reply. "She's wearing it.""Good enough for me! Have you got a hundred bucks?""Of course," you reply, forking over your dough."Not me," you reply. "I thought this was a temple of love!""Sorry, buddy, you two are SOL until you can come back here with 100 cold, hard ones!" he says indignantly, as he pushes between you and heads for the door.Well, Larry, it looks like you're going to have to leave your new bride waiting at the altar, while you generate a little positive cash flow!As you leave, she says, "Hurry back, Larry, I don't know how long I can wait before I have you!""By the way, Larry," she asks. "What does SOL stand for?""Why, Sierra On-Line, I presume!" you respond.(Drum fill)"Wait here, Fawn baby! I'll be back in a flash!!""Ok, close enough. I now pronounce you man and wife, till death do you part, or until you get tired of each other, per the currently acceptable social standards!""You may kiss the bride," he says, scurrying out the door to refill his flask."Not now; that can wait," Fawn says with a smile. "I'll meet you at the Casino Hotel's honeymoon suite, and give you a lot more than kisses, my big, strong, handsome sweetheart!!""Hey!" you shout, "Wait for me!!"Somehow this entire ceremony was less than you expected. The sacred bonds of marriage certainly get tied loosely in this joint!It's customary to position yourself to the bride's right."So... shall we try again?"You can't see through the "stained glass" windows. They're fake, like everything else about this place.Seems like everything here is covered in plastic.The plastic covers are so slick, you'd probably slide right off.Perhaps you should find a mate, mate!You can barely tell they're made from pressed sawdust.Who'd want them?He looks a lot like his brother, the bad comedian in the Lizard Lounge."Make up your mind, son. Time is money!""Don't stand around talking, Larry," says Fawn. "Let's get married!!"What an old romantic!You wonder why Michelangelo didn't use dropped fluorescents on his big ceiling job.It's not your birthday!4  ?!X) //%MF#:!XC)6%I[/F!XC)+-6%Il4L4!XC)+-%Iv6!XC)6 -OU7 +1404F%I$#QIvKAd#:#)+6 &K'wA#:+/%Iv#:$&'h+&&'#N&K's&&'#C FnSx `eoj >W 'w'6 8Ee eeweee  6e eee ? eepp'e e e p'e e err% 6  7 /<\ C) 6e]<] 6eHH 6e 6eA%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%'%'eK KAA M U)/LuLV "IKA$)+/LVIKA$##FOe AeQI$KAL(Ae $$LUGKKAf( OA+#)+/%Lt#N ULT "L ejL$.Npv8.4;h7The entrance to the Cabaret Lounge is to the right, by the telephone. A glass elevator awaits you. An ashtray is in front of the planter.You are inside the glass elevator. Your favorite kind of music is playing. You hum along, insipidly.There are buttons labeled "one" through "eight."Type a word, like "one" or "two."Whee!You know, the people on those plants look like ants from up here."strangers in the night, da da da dee da..."Those ARE ants, you fool; we haven't left the ground yet!Wasn't that a fast ride!They're of your favorite species: polyvinyl chloride. There is an ashtray in front of the planter.You carefully remove the card from the cancerous remains in the ashtray. It's a valid pass to the disco!There's some kind of card in the ashtray.Yuck!Where?The doors close whenever you choose a floor.Go inside and push a button.It's of no interest.The ashtray is of no further interest since you have the card.It's not ringing.All the pages are torn out.Somebody filled the coin slot with chewing gum.You can't. It's so firmly embedded, nothing will get it out. You'll just have to find another telephone.4U"b !C)/6 %)n#!C)/6 %Nn#!C)/6 %sn#!C)/6%:#!C)/6%b#44?44 ҂( b!)/%M]#:B3!)/%)\#: b!)%F]# 4&'+&&'#N dr ? E>eeQ)QQe e'' eoepJJ8ee;FFepeMSee e e Q e e OO e e 'e:O':Q'O'Q'eeeNeOYa) Y'aeeggFgg5e)eM U)/6kdc 4I "&F!e C ")8k UN''Ng''&eP~v'eQ^ ved eKF "u u Q/] Q]]K KAA BlA;APBlAA/:<&4444eeeeee e!e"e#e$e%e&e'e(e)e* e+ e,e- e. e/ e0e1e2e3e4 e5e6e7e8e9e:e;eeLe?e@eAeBeCeDeEeFeGeHeIeJe]e^e_e`eaebec e`ea!ebec"eeef#egeh$eiej%ekel&emen eq/:<ACBA;c(IKA /:<; BA&ClAA/:<f4c4,*!A:Rf:::\eL#q8I[1R*Pcv$S'KmA =yU[  l ( L = s R /W$O$ `4UX hT~Ep/y B}%=UThis looks like a great place to be from.(You wonder where they keep the lizards.)You are sitting.You are standing.You can't. The card on the table says "Reserved."Looks like you won't have any trouble getting a seat tonight!You wonder who invented that little plastic net surrounding the glass.And, how come it doesn't melt?Evidently, HE thinks he's funny!Wouldn't you think they'd get tired of just going left and right?You think they look like men?Do you know something about his sexual habits that the rest of us don't?You shout to the comedian, "This ain't funny!"The comedian retorts, "But you are!!"The Lizard Lounge.You're not seated.There's no one to take your order.It's a living.You whistle loudly at the comic."Hey, buddy, will ya hold it down?" says the comic. "I'm tryin' to earn a living up here!""Whaddsa' matter, folks? Am I keeping you up?""You know, folks, it just don't get much better than this!""Waddaya out there, a painting?""Tough crowd. Tough crowd.""I shoulda never given up my day gig!""Waddaya waitin' for folks? This IS the 'A' stuff!""I just flew in from Coarsegold...""...and, boy, are my arms tired!""I told my doctor my sex life was boring. He said 'You need to add the element of surprise. Go right home this afternoon, grab your wife, and immediately make love to her, no matter what she's doing.' So I did!""It was still the same old boring stuff; but her bridge club got a tremendous kick out of it!!""You know how I can tell when my wife has an orgasm?""She drops her nail file!!""My wife is so ugly...""...the picture of her in my wallet is an X-ray!""I told my psychiatrist 'Nobody pays any attention to me.'""He looks at me and says, 'When did you get here?'""Didja hear about the clumsy female lawyer?""She dropped her briefs!""A man walks into a doctor's office with a frog on his head. The doctor says, 'May I help you?'""The frog says, 'Yeah, doc, take this wart off my ass!""Did you hear about the new, chocolate-flavored, contraceptive, breakfast drink?""It's called Ovumteen.""My secretary is both ambitious and horny. Today she asked me for a salary on next week's advance.""Down the street there's a new, live gay sex show.""It's called 'Anus and Andy.'""Have ya seen that new R-rated movie about midgets. It features full runtal nudity.""My uncle is a hit man for the Mob. What a great job! He only goes to work when it's time to knock off.""My brother just moved to San Francisco. He was really lonely when he lived here, but now he's up to his ass in friends!""When I got married I asked my bride, 'Do you perform fellatio?'""She says it depends on the fella.""Have you been by the wedding chapel next door? They've got this impotent flasher out front. We just call him our 'public futility.'""I hear the pimp at Lefty's won't let his girls perform oral sex. They call him the 'Headless Whoresman.'""What do lesbians like most about their kind of sex?""Tastes great.""Less filling.""Tastes great!""Less filling!""Why don't sharks attack divorce lawyers?""Professional courtesy.""My wife and I have a new system: if she wants sex, she reaches over and strokes me once.""If she doesn't, she reaches over and strokes me 300 times.""My son just got kicked out of his co-ed college boarding house."My daughter came home from school today and tells me, 'Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.'""I said, 'Who wants a fluffy martini?'""The shop teacher asked the high school girl if she knew the difference between a screw, a nail and a bolt. She told him she'd never been bolted.""Have you heard about the new urologist's training film?""It's called, 'E.T., the Extra Testicle.'""Have you heard about the new film for marching band musicians?""It's called, 'Desperately Seeking Sousa.'""My son has a problem with compulsive masturbation. His psychiatrist says he's gone completely whacky.""My grandpa, the farmer, finally got himself one of those latex ladies. I heard him singing about it the other day: 'The farmer in the doll, the farmer in the doll...'""Our local inventor just came up with a new, vibrating tampon.""He says if women have to be miserable once a month, they might as well enjoy it.""My wife just loves going to the movies to watch teenagers get laid for the first time."At least the comic's whoopie cushion doesn't smell!"He got caught spreading roomers."This must be a "No Smoking" lounge.You whistle loudly at the girls.You're not sure, but you suppose they enjoy it.You're no star!You toss the rose on the stage. It falls where you will not be able to retrieve it."And, now, ladi... uh, gentleman," announces the comic, "we're proud to present the Magic portion of our act.""Let me just pick someone at random from our audience...""How about you," he says looking directly at you. "Would you like to participate in a little experiment in telepathy?"(Of course he's looking at you! You're the only one here!) You're game, so you answer, "Sure.""Great! Now Paul, my drummer and musical conductor for all these many years, will read your mind," says the comic. "Come on, Paul, show him your stuff!""I want you to concentrate on your billfold," Paul says. "Clear your mind, and think solely about the contents of your wallet."Since clearing your mind is no problem for you, Larry, you do so easily."I'm getting a message... I see something...""I've GOT IT!" he exclaims. "If you open your billfold you'll discover some wrinkled business cards, lots of notes, some credit cards (which won't work in this game), and exactly $%v90.00 in cash!!""Ladi... uh, GENTLEMAN!" shouts the comic. "PAUL THE MAGNIFICENT has done it again!!"Just to make sure, you take out your wallet and look inside..."Sometimes, she even watches the screen!""I asked my wife, 'How come you never tell me when you're having an orgasm?'""She replied, 'Cause you're never around!""My wife just loves to experiment. Last week she mixed speed with her Midol.""She had her period six times in one day!""My wife is a lot like Halley's Comet.""They both come once every 76 years!"Remember: you can't get it!"My son is becoming a real computer wiz!""His teacher called him a 'master byter.'""My uncle, the inventor, crossed a cucumber with a Mexican jumping bean.""He calls it the world's first organic vibrator!""Last week, I got arrested by a female cop. She asked me, 'Are you carrying a concealed weapon?'""I replied, 'Keep frisking me, and I soon will be!'""My best sexual encounter was in the South Sea Islands...""I pushed a volcano into a virgin!""Didja hear about the copier company that bought out a musical instrument maker?""They're gonna market a new, reproductive organ!""Thank you, thank you!"The girls' smiles beam!"Well, that's all I know, folks," the comic says. "Come back for the next show, and you can hear 'em all again!"4 !:bb! 6 ) + % 8j!)+/%.W#F!)+/%EW#F!)+/%]W#F!=)+%2  0:$e  E : e:  %  :$e&&&&22122&KK C 4  4f4" eeeZeA KK KAA W ]d 5c(Z:GGG BA F2ɂ BA F2ʂ BAF2    7: &# 5B#BB,A$$ A W ]Z 5c5  :$e : 0  W ]L mX YZ[u Press F4 to decrease bet. Press F6 to increase bet. Press F8 to pull handle. RESULTS PAYS |--------------------------------| | Cherry | | | 1 | | Cherry | Cherry | | 2 | | Cherry | Cherry | Cherry | 4 | |--------|--------|--------|-----| | Orange | Orange | | 2 | | Orange | Orange | Orange | 4 | |--------|--------|--------|-----| | Seven | Seven | | 3 | | Seven | Seven | Seven | 5 | |--------|--------|--------|-----| | Bar | Bar | Bar | 7 | |--------------------------------| You insert zero dollars, and pretend to pull the handle.You win zero dollars!Is this your idea of a good time?This machine has a $20.00 limit.You can't bet more than you have.It's an electronic slot machine. When you tire of playing, just type "stop."Don't be in such a hurry!Slow down!What are you? A "Type-A" personality?4Nc g? !8bbb!C%=7))! C ) % 6R-8e/ 0  E - O8O8Oe uuru2-e#eeZAe KA /-e, Ad KA Ke, jjr8rI-e,:88e,gj-e,[%  eZe KA/e,"  eZe KAxr_-e,Pe,Ce6 847 874eZe KA r6-e,'e,e e8''$'''P-eAv44e444eZe8 78&'2'&KKe F F-eOOe )O)Oe,   e-e.e/-Kt KA-A Z W34 4 48 8 48/#Bc5A$B A8B A8B A8B A8 8 %4 84  4   8ww igigYyZe Z8Nne iix 8 %4 84  4  Oe/8ee8 e 88B7# 56 A'88e e 8A$ A . Z8 4 48B A 8B A  8A Z8B A 8AeAeAe AeY    e e&A"  88Ay Z8B Az 8AAeA AY B    e* A$AA AA B 8A7B    8AA 8#e A8B# 5dAXe$8B!# 5e#e8AAe%eAA 81e A8B# 5LA@e(8B!# 5 e'8Ae)AA$ A 8AA8B,# 5AA8B,# 5A$   WAB-ZA8 KAd  KA KA  KA5$ 5Ac5AAAAAc5 8 0  WL 8/`Pj7Qat$.B[i .@]#2<GSblwxcYou are sitting at a blackjack table in the casino. There is a sign on the table titled "House Rules."Do you want insurance? Amount in dollars: $Please bet an even number of dollars (2, 4, 6, etc.). The house does not keep half-dollars.The dealer has blackjack!Surrendering your cards, you are refunded half of your bet.You bet zero dollars, receive zero cards, and win zero dollars and zero cents.You can play all night like this!Your insurance bet pays 2 to 1.Please answer "y" or "n".You are busted.The dealer busted.She's a beautiful young lady, but you vow to keep your thoughts on the game.It's a push!"Thanks for playing," says the dealer, finally cracking a smile. "Come back anytime."You lose!You have blackjack.Six cards make a winner.You can only when you have two cards."Please, no talking at the tables."That's not a pair."I'm sorry, Sir. We're not permitted to accept gratuities!"%m19double when you have 10 or 11 points.%m19split%m20%m19surrender%m20You don't have enough money!Don't be in such a hurry. Finish this hand first!It's too late now. This hand is already being played.You can't bet more than you have.$20.00 is the maximum bet at this table.Your first hand %m34is a push!%m34wins!%m34loses!%m34busted!%m43is a push!%m43wins!%m43loses!%m43busted!Your split hand Please wait until it's your turn. HOUSE RULES This table has a $20.00 limit. Bets must be a multiple of $2.00. Dealer must hit 16, and must stand on 17. Blackjack pays 1-1/2 to 1 odds. Any six cards under 22 wins. Insurance bets are offered whenever the dealer shows an ace. They are half your bet, and pay 2 to 1 odds. You may split a pair or surrender whenever you have only two cards. You may double down if your cards total 10 or 11 points. Press F4 when ready to play. Press F6 for another card. Press F8 to stand. To change the amount of your bet, type "change bet." 4)X6?C!XC)/6 %4L4!XC)6%IdF!XC)+-6%Ix4L4!XC)+-%I6!XC)6 -OUz* %I$%I +1404FO QI$KAO QIKA QIKAd##:0#)+6 &L'~&&'*#:+/%I#:#:+& '&&'#N)e IwS 6 8  ~ /EEwEe eKeeew eee? e e  ' eekk?k?? e "2:f:e!+RePoeeeee ;IM U$?ee $?'B?'e?'6' 6eN'e eeeA%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%'%'e UL)KB KAA M U)/L~LV "IKA$)+/LVIKA=$#0#AFO QI$KAO QIKAeAeAe $$LUGKKAf( OA+#)+/%L~#NLT " UAwL# L*I$I$#:0O QI$KAO QIKA QIKAd2 f1\|+QRSTwBj,w&?j +Lc E p You are in the Casino's hotel. Doors line each side, many with "Do Not Disturb" signs on their doorknobs.There's a door with a heart on it to the west.Not one for those long elevator rides, eh, Larry?You rap your knuckles on the door. There is no response, but now your knuckles hurt.Whee!Fawn's delicate voice booms out across the hotel: "Just a minute, Larry!""strangers in the night, da da da dee da..."There's a click as she unlocks the door, then a piercing "Come on in. The door's open."You can't. This door is locked.Subtly, you shout, "Here I come, baby!"It's a door not unlike all the others, except this one has a cute, trite, cracked, little, plastic heart stuck to it with a thumbtack.It's a door just like all the others.They almost look real, don't they?You seem surprised that the door is locked.You close the door behind you, and jiggle the knob to confirm it is locked.Type a word, like "one" or "two."There are buttons labeled "one" through "eight."You can't. There's no key in this game!Isn't it funny how the elevator is always waiting for you?The cheap, plastic heart is not worth the bother.Where?Fawn's sexy voice oozes through the door, "Oh, baby, it's you! You're back!!"There's a click as she unlocks the door. "Come on in, you wonderful hunk!"It's no good. The door resists all of your efforts.You contemplate expec- toration, but remember that discretion is the better part of valium....or helium,...or something.Suicide is illegal here.You rap your knuckles on the nearest door.This must not be the right door, Larry."Hey, Scott, the girls are here!!""It says 'Do NOT Disturb!' Can't you read?"You hear some extremely heavy breathing."Go away! I gave at the office!""Oh, Russ, there's someone at the door!" "They're gonna have to wait, Kim Baby! It's too late for me to stop now!!""Baaaaah. Baaaaah!" Don't even ask, Larry!"Oh, Bruce! Oh, Howard! Oh, Terri! Oh, Carrie!""Ken! Get off me, Ken!!""Oh, gawd, Ed!! Get in the closet. It's my husband!!""Bobbit, is that you?""Not now; I've got wessonality!""Is that Room Service? I didn't order anchovies."An eye appears at the peephole. "Hey, Mary! Isn't it a little early for Trick or Treaters?""Oh, gawd, Ed!! Get in the closet. It's my wife!!"Hmmm. Is that the smell of burning rubber?"Oh, Jeff. You really know how to hurt a guy!""Get away from him, you big bully! He's mine."4Lb!XC)+/6 %q4L4#: RR!X%[x)+#F,P!)+%Y_#:!)+%J|Q#:&|'&&'#NPo oe0 2u<} t} 6ub R E \ug~ KKK K KK  Ree-e7e8ggg-g-e+$"e,"5"e/B"j"e4))))Ye#[''Pee18[['$['"<["$m'<["8O[8[Oa['<[4Pe(e  6Re!e" ROe Pee)O:OaOaOOP :f:eeX'XUO&O<@''&-'-'<@'<O@'--9-9-9'')Pe e 6A Ke$e2e3%'%'' e-e.%E%%%%%%%%%& 6e& eP%%%2E% 6e% e eccd$c'c'dcdc3 e 'e 8 0 UN)+Y " #: Qee9e:e Q--- 6 \;$e $?e6 C;IM UBm'e5,.eeee} U "wCAeCAe'e;CAe(CAe*/CA(eZ Z Z) 0@#GQvKAF;IKA eGQKA $KKA Ae6~X >EvF>_6NH x  P b s ( B * r&MYour are in the casino hotel's honeymoon suite. The heart-shaped bed is just waiting for you and Fawn. The dim lighting provides the perfect atmosphere. You've always appreciated the "Early American Gaudy" look. There is a radio on the shelf behind the bed.This is the honeymoon suite. The heart-shaped bed would have been perfect for you and Fawn. Too bad things worked out like this!The radio interrupts the Frank Sinatra medley with an obnoxious singing commercial..."We're Ajax Liquor, and we're proud to say, we deliver all across the U.S.A.""You're out of luck if you want to dine, but if you just need booze, dial 555-8039!"Sounds like a nice mellow station..."And now, back to our music."Click.She doesn't appear to be in the mood yet, Larry.Good idea. Unfortunately, you have nothing with which to cut a rope, Larry.Right! Using the pocket knife you got from the old bum by the convenience store, you saw through the ropes holding you to the bed.You never know when a nice piece of rope will come in handy.Since you have no way of cutting the ropes, and they're far too tightly tied for you to loosen, it looks like this is the end for you, Larry.You can't. She fastened them quite securely!You can't. You're tied to a bed!She is so beautiful you want to do wonderful things to, er, ah, FOR her."You know, a little wine would help me get in the mood, Larry.""I'd think the least a gentleman would do is to buy a lady a bottle of wine."She looks ready, Larry.She says, "Lie down, Larry. I have a special surprise for you!"Then she says, "Close your eyes," and you do because you're sure that, finally, success is at hand."Oh, Fawn!" you moan.You grab your wallet and look inside. Oh, well. At least she didn't find the %v90 bucks you hid in that secret compartment. With your consummate gambling skills, you should be back on your feet in no time!You're tied to the bed and can't move.When Fawn has you securely tied to the bed, she grabs your wallet, saying, "You forgot to pay me for the wine," then heads out the door."FAWN! Come back!" you shout. "This isn't funny!!""Aren't you going to pour the wine?" she says, her eyes flashing."I'm ready when you are, honey!" Come on, Larry; what are you waiting for?She looks like she could use some of that wine.There's no wine here.Right. Sure. Pour another for her while you're at it!You grab the bottle, and fortify your courage with a long, hard belt!You carefully remove the bottle from the wine bucket, unscrew the cap, and pour two glasses. She downs her glass immediately, you refill it, and she does it again. Her eyes meet yours, and you're sure luck is with you this time!This room doesn't even have a telephone!It's pretty complicated. There's a knob that says "On."The radio IS off.The radio IS on."Ooh, Baby! That feels so good! Ooooooooooh!!""Hey, what's the deal with the rope?""Why are you tying me to the bed?"You have more important things on your mind than sitting.This window doesn't open.The tuning knob on the radio is stuck. Looks like you're stuck with the Easy Listening station.You can't move the knob, but it doesn't matter since the radio isn't on anyway!You see the lights of Lost Wages spread out before you."Oh, Larry, it's you!" Fawn says. "I thought it was that cute, young delivery boy again."Hmmm. Was "Tuesday" a good year?It's a table model, not a portable.Besides, the hotel bolted it to the table.You are unable to break the window.You can't. It's the same brand that people can't break when they want to christen a ship!Move closer to the handle.Don't you think a heart-shaped bed is trite?You can't. The delivery boy glued it to the table."FAWN!! You scum-sucking gutter slug, get back in here!"Unfortunately, your pleas go unheeded."Say, Fawn, when are you going to get undressed?"Hmmm. You wonder if there's any way a guy can "consummate" by himself?Larry, it looks like "the honeymoon's over."As she heads out the door, she laughs and says, "So long, turkey!"4L '?L QQ!XC6 )/%x#:4L4L!=XC)+6 OU%#:!XC)6%Id/F!XC)+-6%Ix4L4!XC)+-%I6!XC)6 -OU(8 +1404F%I#QIKAd#:#)+6 &L'&&'.#:+/%I#:M U +X&'u&&'#A KC  u L E IyS 6 8 ~p ox %XY KA KA%w&w$weL>V>FVF 6e w e e:V>V>FF 6Le e %$w?$w! 6Le e;I LD'  2OO&' CO''O'DAe28 6, ee3e4)O')O')O'm 6ae#Ue$e%e&e'e(e) e*e+e, e-e.e/e88O'$'8O')  D 6e# KA8O'8O' 6e#e5$?? 6e;'O[['#[[' 6e0e1)'W' 6e0e7mWWOO:O:O)eA))+O+O8OOO****O*eB)J)OJ)JOe+e,#eCWOWeDOO)O)O)8OOeE)OOeF:O'O)OXXX'OU'aOO['O[[[OOaO:O/F/F:OaO'XO'O''O':['eee@2eHeG'0FN0Fe?KILe <ee"%LeeLe e L:Oe9?w2Le %e eee"  0 0  eeeN'e>ekk?k?ee6!&&!e ?'6'e=$?e$?'B?'e<Ee eA%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%%O K%'%'eW 0"Q!)+/6%1MF!)+/6%0-LVFB / /# #:v 0"!#!=XC6 OU#:!XC6 #4L4:!XC6F!XC6 -OU#:!XC-64L4!XC-6#: G F/ !,Ve7  G  F/0<K KAA M U)/LLV "IKA$)+/LVIKA$##FOeAeQIKAL(Ae $$LUGKKAf* OA+#)+/%L#N U " #LTA/<G^eCA A KAA Le;+LUIKALTG+-QK8C<eAQKAe!$AA;IKA: N UA ;KKAA:A :;KKAM Me L, :H?ou6$=nq!D L; Y  >  - C W  B a " X ~ 9m)}Bc%m14 A beautiful security guard sits behind a desk.She takes one look at the bottle of Spanish Fly and says, "Boy, thanks! How did you know that I love this stuff?!" She tosses down a couple of pills, then a few more, and finally gulps the whole bottle! Her breathing becomes faster and faster until she begins to pant.She is a knockout! But that pair of pistols slung around her hips brings a sense of foreboding to your gut.(Looks like tonight's your lucky night, Larry.)Whee!The rumors were right. You are quick on the trigger, Larry!"strangers in the night, da da da dee da...""Try it, and I'll blow your head off."There are buttons labeled "one" through "eight."Evidently, this exit is for employees only. You'd better use the elevator.The beautiful security guard is sitting at the desk. A pair of large pistols are in a holster around her slim waist. She looks friendly, but quick on the trigger.Since you're no longer staring at Faith's ample weapons, you notice an unlabeled button on her desk.Oh, oh. Where are we goin' now, Larry?You are at the top floor of the hotel.%m14 That desk is where you lost your Faith, remember? (So glad there was a chance to use THAT line!)A brass plate near the elevator says: "Private.""Hi, my name's Faith. Nice suit!""Bad breath's one thing, Mister; but, you could knock a buzzard off a manure truck!""Touch that button, and you're dead meat, White-Suit!""So long!" Faith says. "I've got to find my boy friend before this stuff wears off!"The penthouse elevator doors glide open.The doors are securely closed. %m16 There is no button nearby.Type a word, like "one" or "two."It's a door just like all the others.They almost look real, don't they?You contemplate expec- toration, but remember that discretion is the better part of valium....or helium,...or something.You run to the nearest door, and rap your knuckles loudly. You run right back to where you were.You seem surprised that the door is locked.(She is, of course, referring to the use of her gun, Larry.)"Larry," you reply, getting your hopes aroused (among other things).It appears Faith IS true to her name. Twisting her key in the lock, she disappears down the employee stairs.The doors are open. Go on in.She might listen to you, if you can establish eye contact."Hi ya, Baby. I think I loves ya!!""May I help you in some way, Sir?" she responds in a pleasant, but businesslike voice."My name is Larry," you offer. "Larry Laffer.""Say, Larry," she says with a smile, "Is that a roll of dimes in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?""Hey, sweetheart. What's your sign?" you ask her."'EXIT," she replies. "Try using it!""What's your name, beautiful?" you ask."Faith," she replies.Hmmm. Unusual name."I'm only in town for one night," you try again. "How about we get together when you get off duty?"She smiles and says, "Oh, I could never be unfaithful to my boyfriend."(Larry, it seems this one's gonna require outside assistance.)Try looking at the girl first.They are a beautiful pair, aren't they?Not now, you're busy.Her sweater reveals she's built like a brick shipyard."Stop staring there," she says softly."Really? I'm not that kind of girl."Evidently the rooms on this floor are all unoccupied.Her eyes are as sensuous as her lips.You're a man of the world, Larry. Perhaps some sort of medical stimulant would help.She waves back.The glass elevator only goes down from here. How about you?"I'm sorry, but I can't."It's no good. The door resists all of your efforts.You can't. There's no key in this game!Suicide is illegal here.There's no need to do that."Usually when I'm with someone romantic!" she replies."You know, I'm supposed to be working!"Her hair is thick and beautiful, falling in cascades around her delicate shoulders."So what?"Her lips are moist and inviting, but then, you also felt that way about old Mr. Weissenborn, your high school shop teacher!I'm sorry," Faith replies, "but you don't know me that well!""Well, now. Isn't THAT special!""Perhaps," she says, "but right now, I'm working.""I'll be here all night."4oD T QQ5!XC)6 %HY#:!)+%:\#!XC)+6%_i!XC%;j)6 #%w 0b!=XC)6%Mv#Qv &'a'a''&&'# /Zo{  ;ZV\ EL%%%%e. # # # #%%%%e- $ $ $ $'   e/2O'hO C(''O'>e2 &eee)')O'^eReFeee!e"e ee#e$e%8O_'8_') eeeA K8O'8O'ee)'))+O+OW'eeea['<['<['<O[')Oa['eee&e'['m['"'eee+['m['"'eee,' 6e(@e)@eAO**:***O*WWOO:O:O))JOO)O)O)8OO)OOWOW)OJ)JOaO'OOaO:O/F/F:OO/FOO[['#[aOU'<'&''':['e2O)OXXX'OU'aOO['O[[[e2e4:O''8OOO'e#e3&'''5'&''''5'N'N''''<@'o@''QeE e KAd5 C K /l;qA! ;Z]d Me]q r]AA ee eehKee e e e e ee 0"Q! ) + / % ! ) + / % (! ) + / % P!)+/%x# # # #!)+/%@O!=)+/%@,LVB / /# #:T 0"!XC6 #:!XC6 #!#!XC6#!X6)+1404F# G F/<!,a Bee7  G  F/0<Kl KA U 0wA 8!rR&!8KA 8 ^R '8KAQ^fKA)+/64L4 "IKBBBA#A)+/LUQUfKA1404F " #MVfCA xeAAeC A KAfAf+/BLBB " #IKAg)+1404Zg "KKBLBB Ah$Ai U " 0Ax8Y)LTOTNA X T^/<CAeCAeCAeCAeCA A KAA;4L4IKBBBA;$A.)+8NZLTGQZZKe+/-4L4 " #IKAQiiKAeFA0'"#)FU # ")+8-`h"#LTOTQzKA$LTOTQzKA 0L,E44 GS( 0 U N$xe?M? Me*e0e1cL,4(ju^ Wu Nx; * F / ]  E g   B P ] The moon lights an expansive rooftop garden with a spa in one corner. You've found the source of the gurgling noise!Wasting no time, you hop into the water. Oooh, does it feel good! The warm water swirls about you, the bubbles stimulating you nearly as much as the beautiful woman across from you. With the warmth of the water soaking into your body, you become quite relaxed.Wow! Just the way you like your women: nearby and naked! She has a beautiful tan, and a gorgeous body. You've waited a lifetime for this moment.What a beautiful face! She's leaning back, relaxing in the spa with the water bubbling up around her. It's even possible you could become sexually aroused by this!Eve takes your apple, and with a sweet, innocent look, raises it to her mouth. She takes a small bite out of it, while a sexy smile comes across her face. She winks, and lies back in the water, chewing delicately.Eve gently moves her sensuous tongue around the apple, tiny drops of the apple's juice glistening on her lips.In the hot tub is the most beautiful girl you've ever seen! Beside her is her towel, and swim suit. You can't believe she doesn't mind your presence here.You have no apple.Looking over at the next hotel, you notice an ugly girl getting undressed.She's not really that pretty.Well, she's looking better.You know, she's not that bad.You could ignore some of her faults.Perhaps you're in love!Pant, pant, pant, pant, pant.Something tells you that's the wrong approach with this one, Larry.She's really turning you on! You had no idea fruit could be so exciting."Bad breath's one thing, Mister; but you could knock a buzzard off a manure truck!"Nah. Who wants to go hot-tubbing alone?"Hey, handsome, why don't you slip into the water with me, so we can REALLY get to know each other!"Her hand is resting near a fluffy, white, expensive bath towel, embroidered in florid script with the name: "Eve."You can take a hint. "Let's go, baby!" you whisper!"This water feels SO good!"After finishing the apple, Eve slowly slides out of the hot tub, her steamy, naked body glistening in the moonlight. Barely covering her tremendous assets with the towel, she smiles and motions for you to follow her."Who loves ya, baby?""So long, baby!" you shout!As you leave the hot tub, Eve speaks at last, "Say, Larry. You really ARE glad to see ME!!"It's difficult to take your eyes off the beautiful woman with whom you share the hot tub.She says nothing, but that smile tells you a lot.Perhaps if you establish eye contact first..."What's your name, gorgeous?" you ask."Have you ever tried it underwater?" you coyly ask.She doesn't say."What's your sign, dollface?" you ask.At last she speaks. "Yield," she says simply.Although she smiles, it appears she's a woman of few words. She's waiting for you to determine what it is she wants!"Share your wine with me?" you ask.She hands you the glass, and you take an uncustomarily small sip. She replenishes it from the bottle, so it appears no different than before.It appears she doesn't like that!She wouldn't like that.Say; what's this? A beautiful woman all alone in a hot tub! And, she's smiling at you? And, and...Why take it, when you can drink it?It looks like a bottle of fine champagne, suitable for two.They ARE off.They ARE on.Her gold bracelet is engraved with the word "Eve."...and, she speaks, "Hi, handsome. Where have you been all my life?"(Larry, this one seems to LIKE you!)SLAP!"Oooh, I like that name!"SLAP! SLAP!!4d!XC)/6 %4L4#:$w 0 Ub!=XC)%7_#Q{  UA K!)%}#+ &'}"- &b'd&'+:NA K&&'# AQeegge 9e E'e $?e 5"5"e$w% 6e CA KK KAA;IKA: A ;KKAAAe :;KKAfL*AQ(xKAQxKA 0L+AQ#}KAQe+-e/-e)e*g-gg-e&2e e e  8_8_W8_W]^8^\X'\X'\'\'^'U'U'^'X'X2  D&ee ee  &  Dqe  D$?$2ee?22e'e 6&oe22&ee e e + e% e e \ e $2'2'e# a'a'e,,','8`e )WWO::O)))+O+8O****O*)J)OJ)J#WOW)))8OO)OOa:/F:OO[['#[O)XXX'U'aOO['O[[[e" qe-&z e, eK  KAACAC" 4!C)-!C)-!C)-!C)-8  ɂʂ˂ CAeCAeB Ae.!C)-+%#QBKA+CAeQKA$eCA e CA e!ee$Ae )GQnKAfQkKAgQKAh 0L, :$6,6/F x!& !#(n!R !8 I $$6,6/F x!& !#(n!R !8 I $$6,6/F x!& !#(n!R !8 I $$6,6/F x!& !#(n!R !8 I $ $ e "!#!XC6 4L4#:4^ UwM 0 " #AdB !=XC)6 %td# Qd  C ;I C ;K  e~ ~" c4c4L,.g ^ /Tk.D?R?k  , d < The penthouse bedroom is quite deluxe.Didn't your Mother tell you that doing that would make you go blind?Geez, Larry. Do we have to?Now?! When she's waiting for you on the bed??It is open.It's not open.There's no inflatable doll out here.All right, you asked for it. In fact, you've asked for it twice! Here we go...Got her!Selecting your own personal favorite from the three available openings, you shyly try out the doll. This has to be the kinkiest thing you've done in a long time, Larry. You gradually increase your tempo as you lose your inhibitions (not to mention your self-esteem). Faster and faster you go, until suddenly, there's a loud, flatulent sound...You lost her, remember!You've found a closet full of uninteresting stuff, plus one inflatable doll.The rest of the closet is rather dull compared to the inflatable doll.Walking out of the closet, you clumsily catch your new friend on a protruding nail! There's a loud, flatulent sound, and...The closet is closed.You huff, and you puff, and you blow your doll up. Holding her out at arm's length, you pause to admire your handiwork......somehow you expected more.What more would you want to see?Move closer to the handle.Move out of the way of the door first.Go get her, Larry.It's another one of those boring works of modern art; this one is signed "Mark Crowe."The bedspread is made of genuine, 100 per cent, acrylic zebrahide.Congratulations, Larry!!! You've done it!! You've successfully completed your evening in Sierra World, lost your virginity, and emerged victorious!Of course, your feelings of success are short-lived, since this is where Ken Williams has to tell you about our soon-to-be-released sequel. Hey, Ken! Come here, and give 'em your pitch..."Hi, folks! Remember, coming to this very computer Real Soon Now, is the next installment in the saga of Larry Laffer, traveling software salesman. I'd tell you the name now, but we haven't made one up yet! (Be sure to pick up a few extra copies, just in case our disk copier is screwed up again!)"Oh, wait. We almost forget to tell you how well you played.You can't bear the thought of deflating your new friend, so you don't!What fun is an uninflated inflatable doll?...thanks for playing, and be sure to tell each and every one of your friends to buy their own personal copy of this game.Move inside the closet.You played ok, I guess!On behalf of Mark and Sandy, Al and Marg, Jeff and Chris, Russ and Kim, Larry and Bob, Ken and Roberta, Bob and Marilyn and/or Bob and Jeannine, John and Mary, Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice...Don't you find it difficult to have a meaningful relationship with latex?OK.Love ya, baby!Sorry. One's your limit!You don't have time to rest!You are standing.Perhaps if you first established mouth/latex contact...Picking up the corner of the expensive, vinyl, zebra-skin bedspread, you discover......nothing.You can't. It's screwed to the wall.That's not what she's for, Larry....and that's exactly the way she used to look!Ladies and gentlemen... Mr. Ken Williams!4 !j ! !-  . @ R d v ; 57 57569{567 !99c(]7 & 7 ' 77'7    h&444ZZ ZZe ? i!i!::: h! : mgmA 7bBet is $%v226.00 You have $%v90.00Bet is $%v225.00 You have $%v90.00Bet is $%v255.00 You have $%v90.00Congratulations, you've broken the bank. This casino has a limit of $250.00 per person, and you've reached it. No more for you, Larry!Dealer=%v222 Player=%v223 Split=%v224 4U)Ȧ444ZZ ZZe  igig 5Bet is $%v200.00 You have $%v90.00Congratulations, you've broken the bank! This casino has a limit of $250.00 per person, and you've reached it. No more for you, Larry!4 ##m#-mmj$-m-azzzxx-_.^.`-aw rr)^.^k jjmmjiilikklljllo deeecdcdadebb~aeaebbbjfha~a~`e`d`fi `x`u_u_Y`Z`xcxaZzZz__XxXyY`Yh\ WWm;m;W;lWlX;;mWmW;_>[NB{"| ~~{ { }}| |{-c-d}|zxx-_.^._xyyxxyyyxtqO!J JNq K jjkL\ TT[ZT ]hg]]f fqphhqqhfqqf O Q s hR]ip6o6HHjjIHG7G7QQP7P7Y?><?= :88<>r9:;8;845568|6775753A@4 F)EI-5*.kk=df!! g ghgijiflkejii= 67=88;8::H1I0H0I1F1E1E2F2F/F/F.G.G/H.H-I-I.J2J1K1K2J/J.K.K/k.k-l-l.m-m,n,n-l/m/m0l0o/o.p.o/p/o1o0p0p1k1k0l0l1G2G0F0H/J/K/K0I0H2G2G3F3m.n.n1l1n2o2o2p2q1p2q2o3p3 F.H-I/H0F2E1J1K.k-m,o.m/k0m1o2p1n0J-K+L*M*N,M-k,j+i*h(i'j'k(k) J*I)I(J)g(f'f(e(k+k*l*k+9O9K:K:I:OCDEEDC>=<<>?<=p i>NNNOCqk94 kkIDDC>@?srwwvq     . $$wowo))nwmwm)o)lb0b0v0wlw/w-w->0>0d0>l>l<<= ?-> @ p"p"J,L#n,e=:9l99%%8%#"!(!*#*8+%\%\8\$\#^!h!j#j8k$$$ NbN>P>Pb y u qmaqsv"x(z.z.y.|&|yvs.yy{/{&&+&[&k%%44NsJm)m&o)o&n)p))t'p&&'p'n&n%[8[(8'zxsq IS##    ! ! / Ozw"y#u1elelf1fpssopopkkgpgpcc_p_p[[WpWpSSOpOKoKoGGCoCo??;o;o773o3o//.+o+444 44psvsvw~w~szszosossvkvo~o~kkgzgzksksgvgvc~c~g_czcz_s_scv_v[~[~_W[z[zWsWs[vSvW~W~SSOzOzSsSsOvOvK~K~O~KKGzGzKsKsGvGvC~C~G?CzCz?s?sCv>===;6% wD}D}Fpw8y8y9{002tPyPyR{XXZrZrXt`y`ybphrhrj{hhjwpypxqyr566< B BI K IOODJJY^^ ^^e j jdjjpvv tzz}~ ~|r,u,u-p4u4u6pvvdjjMSS<BBFFYY]]^^VYZ O>O>.>/>N=N=P=P=-=0=*G">5=W=23 5!6#6#7$7%6&6'5'4(3(2(1(/&1%1#1"0!0 //2#3^/^1^3_4_5`6b6b7c7d6e6f5f4g3g/f0e1b1a0`0_/b4 ^-_-`,b,c-d-e,e-f-g,g+f*e)f)d(c'a'`(_)^*^,b*- -!,#,$-'-(,(+'*')&(%($'"'!( )*-"*%'d'g/f0e1c1(/'0&1$1 *8*#)"(!!j8j#i"h!^!- - ,!,",,^-_-`,a,^,_, `'_(^))-v-?.?.v,v,L ,v,L*L)K%K%0s0sw,w0b0>N>Nb0bPbP>m>mbPbOj;<="ng`dL:/OOMk52k8k&+8+&=:9l9o'ow0w0>PcP=ObOb0d 0e0fmdmdNcNc,6Z6I8,(Z(H'Ij3s3jAjFsFjXj\s\jjj3tAtAlAkFtXtXk\tjtjk1bMbQblbHaHJITMTQTlTI]M]Q]l]HJLJMJQJlJ1^G^5^5?6XGX5SGS5O5NGN5IMI5E5CMCVIV?QCUCQIVIlIWClC2O;A=G>L@RAWA[RARFWAXFWOXXX_IaI^I\IUISIKLKMKQKlK6]6Y6W6T6R6O6M6J6H6D6B6?6DMDQDUDWDlD6JGJ6OGO6TGT6YGYJUMUMVJVQUlUlVQVJ^M^Q^l^l_Q_M_J_WHVEWBW?YOYXX` JSISMSQSlSI\M\Q\l\HIMIQIlILOKYJ`WGWE5^5_6^K\KXLWMWM\L\LYQ\QXSYS\Q\RXSXTTTMVLWPWSUSUMVRVNLZMZMYLZQ[S[SZRZUMVMVNUNYSYM\M\SZSZN[N[S^S^M`M`S_S_MZO\O\PZP8H8E:H:EB>?ABA?CBC?7H7E9H9E;G;D=H>EAHAEDHDEFHFDHHHEJHJE[BfBf?[?[AdAeAe@\@\B\?^B^?`C`?bBb?aaaJbJba)[SRSLTLXRXM]S]MT\TXJ[JWKWf]fWlWl]g]gYgXkWk\h\hXiXj\jXi[iXg]gWi]iWk]kWfYhYjXlX9W9UEUEW9W:VDV:W:UU>W@W@UBUBWDWDU9V;V=V?VAVCVEVeSeMlMlSfSfNkNkRgRgOjOjQhQhPiPfSfMiMiSkSkMeQgRjRlRfBf?e?eBTT=a 4VEE8aHQHR9a:aHSMCFJFIMBTabSbTUaVacTcUWah?[L[Jf?f@[Kg?Z?TEz;;b>r =a@aAbBd=b?b@b=s?s@rAqBpBc=r?r@qApCjEjFiFhEiCi@e@g?g?l@l@n?m?fA{I{@I=?F@)(''(/00/..//()(00''/'')++(,,-00-0/((/0('(/'@@@@@@;dsdsvAv+v4 'z&z%y$x$DDx~y}z|z{{\{\HFHF{({GyHsZs[yHsHpZpZsHoJIXIZpHmZmZjHjHgYgYdIdIaYaY^I^I[Y[YXIXIUYUYRIRJRJOXOXLJL$D$B2@[?\@r@BC #C#-1'J$[$h&k&r(-B$,$$,wwwnnDAAnnumhnhCCBCooAA==:,,:::,#v{  !"" !     {<<xxwvrqqppqrvw{{<<=>BCDDCC>=uutAA?nmmnFGGFn: : 77woon?=?? o BB hhIF F hnB33&"!!"!   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F F ,cR8777 o! ) o% w6 C L 4# ^) % m% z4z^Z,O4 zZ % p% |' E) E$() ('e+ e+ # + ,# ? @ B$) $% k4 zS 6 6 C 'N?/ / %s# #?/ 4# / CF) F#C&q) q,cF) Fs) s. W/ # W/ @4# p 44e  f "   n  mz { - 4 !'OOm!!m"m mAm`,`m,`,`,AmAmAu ,m  ,c  ,  ,   " 'd?9 we'e@.ee 7J!e+ # + / %s+# # '? q3?e' wee+ + / $# 'T$Q  e  $/ W .R/ %# W e Q+W^^mmP q t434m4 ie'=?re,' /  ?ce+ # + / # c ?'u.ef@reXW")e/  # W")/ # e c @ eez4z34H?re6'e+ e+ + 'e/ # $ c ?WD@re2 fW$ W $/ Wc @ ee'^mtm>m3,c ee, ee ,cS4y41y4ym  r\ t --4-$4-4$4-m  s_ tSy1yym3,e&  r\ t; ;YZYa---$-.$..m-m$,e  s aYY_ t'($$%$1$S$ t<Pf/ S[b3ZG}The%s2door is open.The%s2door is closed.You arms are not that long.The back seat is reserved for prisoners and you have none!Do you plan to crawl through the window?"Oh, no! I left my door open!"You don't have the keys for this vehicle.The Department frowns on dumping suspects from cars at high speed. Try closing the rear door!Nothing of interest is happening in that direction.You've already spent ten years on a foot beat. That should be enough walking for anyone!Are you planning to release this criminal? This is neither the time nor place to remove your prisoner from the car.Taking a suspect into the station is strictly prohibited.Close your back door.You will never be a passenger in this car.There's nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. You've got to face this guy. front back Just because this guy is a crook, there's no need to slam the door on his head.Closing the door on your suspect's head could blow the bust.c dYou notice a nightstick in a holder on the driver's door panel.Good move! Your wallet is on the seat.Why do you always get the car that needs cleaning!?It's not here.You wouldn't want to leave your wallet here!Since your suspect can't go through you, you might consider moving out of the way!You won't be going anywhere without keys!It's seems there's a job you've left unfinished here.You don't need to do that.4f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254) Q8imgm8$g&g& 87mjg h mk8vae  "8 i mgm "Q ejev7 "e8 "`vvv$&#8v "8v]ggv "e e jgvigvddv e jd vv e "8mgm g ` %vw6@N\kx")8OcdrsuNew room:X coordinate:Y coordinate:Object number:Flag number:New value:Current room = %v0Variable number:Variable %v164 = %v165Flag %v164 setFlag %v164 not setYou gottum, Sonny!Object %v165 is in room %v164.%v164|3/%v165|3Rm %v0%v164|2 %o164Number Name of Object%v8/4K memory left.New priority:H 4upm8iio w!'xy  " $ l  f  4wqmj g ggggg333gg 33g 3g g  33g  3g g  33g 3g3g3g3gggggg ggg xpmk f>KPk%<JgBi POLICE QUESTHelp F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F4 goes in/out of car; to/from map. F5 saves your current game. F6 loads%m26 F7 restores a saved game. F8 draws%m26 F9 restarts the game.F10 fires%m26TAB shows the status screen.ESC displays the menus.Ctrl-J sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R toggles RGB monitor modes. F1 or HELP displays this message. F6%m25normal%m29-1).Ctrl-J sets up your joystick/mouse.For a Hint Book, call (209) 683-6858. F4, F6, F8, F10 vary throughout game.F10%m25fastest%m29-3).F10 swings your PR-24.F10 turns the shower off and on. drive car your weapon. F8%m25faster%m29-2).Ctrl-D radios Dispatch. speed (CodeESC displays the menus, as does the joystick button or the right mouse button.4   )48>EKS\ep|!*5>IR]fqz+8GWcr)3=FQ\cqy $-=P]n} #09@P_lqz$-8GWfo}     & , 4 8 D I T ] b r } incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.onWaterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn44bb be*xe/  e1e %w8ies 8i(Frrrrrrr!rr"rr#rr$rrAr r]r r^r r_r r`r rLr r e0  ee e% $x ue3xe2 (e2 2}e2 e7x< #eqeres e;FCge $wM8irs8ir e0 cu'-v-'"9 s  c e) t'' c e)2e+e-e.e,  e5e6eWeX e4 3 ce84E      !e9}r?r@e:  G0c$: :eReSeTeUeV e< [n      wg geC\''%'%'%'weG]e\ ReOeP ##$#' 9e> q 9ep qs #,./>GPYblny#:Hb3]~gk'0G%g '0>D, X h $ P [  R  * ; L M N R ^ c k l m n o z  - ? n (209) 683-6858911411555-4369555-6537555-4522555-2622555-77640(312) 555-3382555-9222555-6674683-6858555-12121555-1212 2096836858120968368581-209 683-68581 209 683-6858Number to dial: "The number you have reached is disconnected or no longer in service. Please check the number and dial again.""This is a recording."Hum! Busy%m41Enter party's last name: "I'm sorry. There is no one listed by that name%m41"You have reached Directory Assistance. Thank you for using LT&T."Sierra, IncSierra OnLineSierraHotsPiersonWilliamsCobbMorgan"The number is: %s8."You haven't finished your last call, yet!The phone cord is not that long.Not now!... Click!"Hello, Sierra On-Line Customer Support, Larry Weissenborne speaking. How may I help you? But hurry up, 'cause I'm leaving soon!""You know those crazy programmers; they can't do anything right the first time!!""Hint books are available for $7.95. Try calling this number to place your order, but next time use a REAL phone, not this game!""King's Quest I, II and III, The Black Cauldron, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, and Space Quest I and II.""Police Quest II and others are now in development!""Thank you for calling. Goodbye%m41"Changed your mind, eh?"For emergencies, dial 911. For information, dial 411.Hmmm. No answer%m41"Hello.""Yes, Helen speaking.""I don't know who you're trying to call, Sonny Bonds, but I recognize your voice! This is Helen Hacker, you pervert!""...you're in big trouble!!!""Crime Lab, Detective Williams%m81"Hello, Sonny! What can I do for you?""Yes, the prints on the gun matched that Hoffman/Taselli fellow.""I heard he %s7! Bye now%m41"Cobb residence. If you are looking for Jack, he is probably drinking at the Blue Room%m41"Lieutenant Morgan%m81"Cops don't call 911!"The phone is not ringing.escaped!got released.Taber"Chicago PD, Detective Taber speaking. How may I help you?"Detective Taber says, "Oh, yes, we know your man, Jason Taselli, alias Hoffman, alias Pierson.""He is linked to a big time card shark and drug runner named Jessie Bains.""Both have dropped from sight in our area.""Good Luck!%m41"Boy, it's amazing how these guns get around.""That weapon was reported stolen by a local nightclub owner.""I guess it's your problem now!""I'll send you a mug shot of this guy Bains."The telephone in this room is a kinky gold.Lytton Cab"Lytton Cab Co. Where's the pickup?""Ok. We have a car on the way. Thank you%m41"Call back when you find out where you are%m41. Who's speaking, please?""Hello, Mr. Banksten.""Why don't you send Sweet Cheeks Marie back to the station by cab?""Try to get behind the scenes in the Hotel.""Your backup personnel will be arriving later this evening.""Good luck%m41Oh, my gawd! It's Police Commissioner Hacker's wife!...and you are knee-deep in whale do-do!!1-(209) 683-68581 (209) 683-6858cabcab companytaxitaxicab3125553382312 5553382312 555-3382131255533821 31255533821 312 55533821 312 555-33821(312)555-33821 (312) 555-33821-312 555-33821-312-555-3382There is no number on this telephone."Cobb residence."You offer your condolences to the Cobb family."Thank you so much, Sonny."48Z f8!N " " " !!! !!!!!Nm!"#gggg g g g!#g g g !#g g g  g !&#gggg g g ggm= " 'a'a'a'e!!! 3'''3'e!!!P<'P'P<'P'z<'z'z<'z''r''-<'-'-<'-'-<'-'-'-<'ee 4I^s0EZoP3:00 lunch Robert G.$2,000.00 col. R.G. set up H.D. gamblingblackjack X initiate plan for dealer R.O. X meet J.M. & L.W. X Cindy $100.00 X Ammo X meet N/W boss discipline pimp 1 discipline pimp 2 terminate L.W. X terminate J.M. X Sunday poker with J.B. X evaluation of drug saturation plan X cash profit total phone East Coast meet Gutless Wonder initiate Plan 3 You leave the suspect's black book undisturbed, to be impounded with the car.You may also use the cursor keys to turn the pages.After browsing through the suspect's personal address book, you return it to evidence.4j%# f8 WzW"s W q  eee .eP''r''P'P'-'-'-'z'-'e eee BJuXIt's a Smith and Weston .45-caliber, automatic handgun.The serial number on the gun is SW9764912.You place the gun back in the car to be impounded by Officer Jack Cobb along with the car.Your partner will take care of the details back at HQ.When you're finished looking at the gun, return it to the glove compartment. %m4After careful examination of the weapon, you return it to evidence."Hey, Jack," you shout, "book this gun!!"The evidence label bears a box marked "Fingerprints," with the initials of Det. Frank Williams, of the Lytton PD Crime Lab.4  )#w#w-)-)#%zz}%}%%}7])-z}g\w-293:2;3<2=3>2?3@2BnBnAm@n?m>n=mk>k@6@7\g\2B8ZeZnB29/-n9q-8\8c,}8dgdg\gds}6SgShQ6QNEOFMFNGE-E(V(V-H*J*E}EVV}D~>>\W~WWCD@CW[[W  >\[?'Kcb%O*P,[39m9l<4<<;>=@?BAB5.52I3L4O5S6U7[]{+.+/9^+/u/f[43 < < < <x]$]4 Cj!l!m$r2u6{8|9|:};}uAuBtCqCl;m>A@?? 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It goes like a "runaway gazelle."4s#OMAAAAAAAAGAAIAACBAACAABAABAABBAABBAABBAACBAABCAAABAAAA AAAAqၖAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOMThese keys fit your government-issue, gas- hoggin', unmarked Caddie.47;OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAwAAtArAAtArAAtArAAtArAAtArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqqAAAAAqqqqAAAAqqqqAAAAqqqqAAAAAAAAAAqAAAAqqqAAAAqqqAAAAqAAAAAAAAAAAAAOAYour hand held radio extender works in conjunction with your patrol car's radio, so you can talk to Dispatch while out of your car.4g$# OODAAAAAqAAqwqAAqqqAAvyAAqqAAqvAAar AAaqAAbqAAbqAAcrAAdAAbqaAAbaAAeqAAfAAfAAfAAfAAgAAdqaAAdaAAgAAgAAfAAeAAAAAAAOODYour departmental-issue, double-action, .357-magnum service revolver is made of fine blue steel and equipped with wooden grips. It can be a cop's best friend. Your handcuffs are stored in a pouch on the gunbelt.4_ OHAAAAAssAArsrAAssssAArrrrAAtsstAAqrsrqAAqssqAAqqAAsqqrqAArAAsAArqAAsAAqqAAaqbAAaabaAAbbabAAabbaaAAaaaaaaAAaaAAAAAOHYour speed loader holds six rounds of ammunition for your service revolver.4`! OLAAAAAAAfAAaaAAbabacAAbbaAAccAAaAAaAAAAqqAAqqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAbAAaAAAAAOLThis briefcase is made of impact-resistant plastic and has the name "Sonny" engraved in the finest, imitation gold.4%ONAAAAAAAAAAAqqAAAArAAAArAAqqAArAArqAArAAqqAArAAqqqAArAAqqAArAAAArAAAArAAAArAAqAAqqAAAAAAAAAONNotes: %s10 %s11 %s12 4+OOKA AA AA AA AA AAwAA1qqAAvqAAqAAAA AA AA AA AOOKThis pen was a gift from your Mommy and Daddy when you graduated from high school.4f&ONAAAAAAAqqAAAAAAAAAAtAAAArsAAAAqAAAAvAAAAvAAAAvAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAxAAqqAAAAAAAONYour ticket book, otherwise known as a pinch book, is made of genuine cowhide. It is a necessary tool for traffic enforcement.42OGAAAAAAAqtqqAArqqqqAAqAAqrrrqAAqrqAAqqqAAqAAvqAAsrqAAqtqAAvqqqqAAqrqsqAAqsqsqAAqsqAAqAAqusqAAqqurqAAusqAAqqurqAAqqAAssqAAqqusqAAqtsqAAqqusqAAurqAAqqtsqAAsusqAAqrqAAssqsqAAqssqAAqrqqAArsqsqAAqqrsqAAsusqAAqsqAAqqsqsqAAsqsrqAAqssqAAssqrqAArrrsqAAqAAAAAOGThis is today's edition of the "Lytton Tribune."47!OOAAAA1AA2AA12AA112AAq313AAq1213AAq12122AAq11133AAq1122AAqs2112AAqqrzAAqqq AAqqaqAAqqaqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqqqAAqq‘AAq‘AAqtAAqAA AAAAAAAOOAYour wallet contains $%v89.00 in cash, but no credit cards (ever since you missed those payments a while back).4 c ONAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAAAAAAAAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAAAAAAAAONThis PR-24 nightstick is a self-defense tool. It develops high levels of kinetic energy via centrifugal force. Special training and certification are required to use it.4q$# OODAAAAAqAAqwqAAqqqAAvyAAqqAAqvAAar AAaqAAbqAAbqAAcrAAdAAbqaAAbaAAeqAAfAAfAAfAAfAAgAAdqaAAdaAAgAAgAAfAAeAAAAAAAOODYour departmental-issue, double-action, .357-magnum service revolver is made of fine blue steel and equipped with wooden grips. It is presently loaded with %v34 shells. Your handcuffs are stored in a pouch on the gunbelt.4!%OOAA~AA~AA~AAx{AAwzAAssAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArCBBABAAArAArAAAAAAAAAArAArAABBAAACArAArCAAABAAABrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAArrAA~AA~AA~AOOAThis file contains Hoffman's Arrest Report Summary, Booking Slips, Evidence Forms, and miscellaneous other information.43OJAAAAAAAAArqAArAAqAArqrAAqqAAsqsAAtqrAAqqAAqsqAAqqrrAAAAAAqqAAqqAAqAAAAAAAAAAqAAqqAAAAAAAAqAAAAAAxAArqAAwAAAAxAAqqqAAxAAqAAAArqAAAAuAAAAAAAAAOJIsn't it ironic that one of your best pieces of evidence was found in your own office?4&+OBAAAAAbAAaaAAAAAAqqAAqaaqAAqrAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqqAAqqAAqqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqAAqAAqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAtAAqAAAAAOBWith a suit like this, you could become a Leisure Suit Sonny!4-OOMAAAAAAA񏏆AAᏏAAAᏏAAAAooAAAAAAAAAAAOOMYour custom, African-walnut, ivory-inlayed cane has a gold eagle's head concealing a .22-caliber, Derringer pistol.4D1OAAAAAAҖAAqAAQrѕAARҕAARҕAARсAAqQAAAAqqAArrAAqtqAAqrqAAqrqAAqrqAAqrQAArAARQAAQQAAQRQAAQQQAAQQAAQQAAQRQAAQrQAAQQAAQQAAQQAAQQAAQqQAAQrQAAQRQAARAAQRQAAqqAAqRqAAqrqAAqrqAAqrqAAtqAAtAArAAAAAOADonna's Miracle Blonde "Just Wet And Rinse."4L!OOAAAAAAAAAAAA3!AA12AA13AA14AA1#44AA1!43"AA"3$AA$1#AA!4!AA%AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAOOAThis envelope contains $%v170%v171|1.00 in carefully marked bills.4BOAAAAAAAAAArAArAAtAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAqrAAtAAuAAAAAAqAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAArAAqAAAAAAAAAOAAlthough it looks like a ball-point pen, this is really a radio transmitter.4 $OOAAAAAAAqEAAuHAAyIAArAqHAArAqJAAqBCFAAqFEAAqDBDAAqqCCDAAqrDDCAAsrCCCAAqrDBCAADABAADCAADCAAFAAEAADAACAABAA•AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOO "Hotel Delphoria Box 485 Lytton, CA 93614 Postage Guaranteed."44OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqAAqAAAAAAAAsqqsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqqqqqAAAAqqqrAAAAqqqrAAAAqAAAArAAAAqqqAAAAqAAAAqqrAAAAqAAAAqqAAAAqsqAAAArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLNo Bail Warrant for: Jason Taselli.4|" OIAAAAAqAAqqAAqqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqvAAtrsAArrwAAxwAAzsAAssrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArrrrAArsrsAArrrtAAsssAAvssAAurAArAAAAAAAOIYour handcuffs are made of case-hardened steel and make a sweet sound when you ratchet them down tightly.4R $i#j"aH!!!!!"Ab!""qqyqqyqqwqqqyqqyqqyqqyqq} $i#j"aH!!!!!"Ab!""aqqaqqrqaqqraqqraqqrqaqqrraqqreqqreqrxr"q# BaqqBaqqrBaqqrBaqqrBaqqrBaqqrDaqqreqqreqrxr"q#4AZ 433441BCqqqqqq 433441BCCqCqCqCqBqBq1 6777714gC hggffeeddcqcbqbaqaq8 8 8 q7 q7 q7q6 q6q6q5 q5q5 q4 q4 q4 q3 q3 q3 q2 q2 q2 q1q1q1 qqqq}q187q7q7srq6q6q6rsq5q5q5rq4rq4q4q3q3q3q2q2q2q1q1q1qq}4q# A A1AA1D1A11CC1A1BA1D1B1B1AA2DA2DA1A1A11DA2AA21B2C2QAQ2QBQq2RA2221# A A1AA1D1A11CC1A1BA1D1AB2BA2AA2DA21DA2A2B11F2C21D2C2QAQ2QBQq2RA222 14 <AAAqrtquyqqquuqqqqqrqqqsqqsqqqrqbaqcqqaaa rqrqqqqqttSsuqrssrqqqvuqrssrqqqrqr{uqqrqsqsqrqqqqqqqqrqqqt4 ".;HTcp|sqDqDqDCCC4AZ 433441RSqqqqqq 433441RSSqSqSqSqRqRq1 6777714zfhhHAAAAAAAAAAABAAxxvqxxxwqx iiIBAAAAAAAAAABABqrsstttrstr iiI3A12A21A3A3AAAABqrsstttrstr4 A " 7888877634 4A1A2A1C1A1B2A2B11111112211112211112A5A7888877634 2A1A1A1B1C5A2A8B11136114A1A4C212A43381A6889A7634 2A1A1A1B1C35A2A16B4A1A3AAA3AC3E4C5A7:1A6889A7534J 3B1B2BBA2ABB2AE2G3E3E4C5A7888877634 4A1A3AAA3AC3E4C5A788887763444  qqr qqrrrrssssvvtt4_<ocoeaODABABACACACACADADqqG}yxzquyxqqtwqvqqqtyxqtyxqqxuyxsxytywruqqwts tuytrqrqqqqqtt4 l& !qrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq $  qrrqqqqqrqqqqrqqqqqqqqqqq qsqqqqqrqqqqqq4Q(/6?:.!!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4L%,? ???4Q(/6?:.!!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4i?i?i4. 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Dooley will climb your back!"Hey, thanks a lot!"But now you'll NEVER get it back!"Hello."%m8to move it.There's no one nearby.That's not necessary at this time.Save your writing for reports.You are wearing blue polyester and gabardine trousers, a long-sleeve shirt, and shiny black shoes.Not here!You're not close enough.You already have it.You don't have it.Ok.Your clothes are stylish, but the pockets are empty.Locals missed it!Everybody missed!Captain Whipplestick comes on the air and advises you to review proper radio procedures in%m17Caught undressed in public, you spend the rest of your life in shame!Thanks for playing "Police Quest." Next time, don't make this mistake again!Since you're dead... all you can do is restore a saved game or start over."'Bye.""You're welcome."There's no answer.What's a %m50%w1?%m50%w2?%m50%w3?%m50%w4?%m50%w5?%m50%w6?%m50%w7?%m50%w8?You find them quite illuminating!It holds you up (which, in this case, is not a felony).Yep, it's still up there!You are carrying a blank notebook.Just a moment, please...The F4%m11The F6%m11The F8%m11The F10%m11With what, Sonny?Your beat covers from Palm Street to Parkway Drive, and from River Road to Clearwater Drive.Your briefcase IS closed.A police officer without a weapon, is like being......up a creek without a paddle!As Chief Whipplestick would say, "A cop without ammo is like a bullet without powder!"These walls do a fine job of holding up the ceiling.Do you have a kidney problem?My gawd! Do you have a weak sphincter?You don't have time to relax.You can't see the Help Screen right now. Try again elsewhere.%m8to do that.You don't have them.Fastest%m85Fast%m85Normal%m85Slow%m85 speed.Now?!As you blow off your right leg, you resolve that, in the future, you will DRAW your weapon before you FIRE it!Go where?You rip out the speed loader and load your weapon.It is loaded. You have %v34 shells left.What are you going to load? %m93You're unarmed.Click! (Dry firing an empty gun is good practice for proper grip.)Why do that?You have no ammunition.Nah. Just wear it.An interesting approach -- but fatal!What are you going to do? Scream, and pray that Dispatch will hear you?Handling your weapon while driving is dangerous.Your backups ARE listening.This car has a tape player, but no police radio. You've been playing for Notebook? What notebook?You don't have one.Jim Walls, Greg Rowland, Al Lowe, Mark Crowe, Scott Murphy, Ken Williams, Jerry Moore, Jeff Stephenson, Chris Iden and Bob Heitman.%m1%m103%v14 days, %v13 hours, %v12 minutes and %v11 seconds. %m1%m103%v13 hours, %v12 minutes and %v11 seconds. %m1%m103%v12 minutes and %v11 seconds. SierraAbout PQ Help FileSave Restore -------------Restart Quit ActionInventory See Object Dispatcher SpecialSound On/Off Graphics Mode Joystick/Mouse Joystick Pause Game SpeedNormal Slow Fast Fastest-------Slower Give away your handcuffs?No way!4x#?   bb$b%b !! !!!!!!!! ! ! )) )))))))) ) ) CC C C C %!% .&&&&&&&% GU66 6 6 6 F F F ++ + -- L{L {P{// //////// 8i ܂  c$ c#I#I#I#I#I#I#I #Ic% FQ! :# I   8 gg:$$$$$$$$$ z 7+z =z# : 8ic(+ + - - / / % 2d% (o# # Q 2LQ (W Q 25Q (@ + + / /  )d 2oQ )LQ 2W Q )5Q 2@ + + / /  8d 2oQ 8LQ 2W Q 85Q 2@ + + / /  )d 2oQ )LQ 2W Q )5Q 2@ + + / /  +d 2oQ +LQ 2W Q +5Q 2@ + + / /  .d :oQ .LQ :W Q .5Q :@! + + / /  -d :oQ -LQ :W"# Q -5Q :@$ + + / /  $d BoQ $LQ BW%& Q $5Q B@'*()*&) ) + + / / $d #oQ $LQ #W+, Q $5Q #@- + + / / 5d #oQ 5LQ #W./ Q 55Q #@0 + + / / .d #oQ .LQ #W12 Q .5Q #@3dc 8idI(Adventure Game Development System(C) 1987 by Sierra On-Line, Inc.44'333 b(*!=X*')-` ru  -X-r-r'`'1yX ru!`'C'C'CCCCCCC$C$ !ru'QR43'   1 '***'' *C !+ +""^\11GRGHRHGH4!Q (Q (Q ('9 ,+ &/7#I6c -M6 6 +N11$* !%g88load gundraw gunfire gun4aE f?K!!)K)K++%6?%<66FF//L{##qee m"b "   8 zzmg ggggggggm o p&&     /I /<2ݔ0nQf#f#f#8 "'>'2>$H'H'H'PcHHcH'H'PcH'PcH'cH'cH'cH'cH'H'9 *&&  "  " 't' & k'f'!'f''>'k''>'k'+.&d u uc'Jc'ccJ''& -#e-J'#J'#''& ,/ '''#IlB'lB'B'lB'IB'B''  #e n@'@') &d u u#e''    " k' k' k'{  #e Y I  9 *)&)&u" 3  Mk'M'-M'kkMkMkPkM'kM'/&)!%&'u"PH'P3H'H'PH'PH'P3H'H'PH'-H'-H'-H' s Pk'Pk'3&(&&v) vo'o''!r r!'m !'!m'!m'Qc' '!m'!m'Q`c'1'+m'+m'1''P'P'''16 " 0 u"   &ee!&&e&&3& hRKBWC`s{[Z x [ { S  * l As you look into the car, you wonder, "Can this be happening?"The young lady has a smile that could melt the polar ice caps, beautiful flashing eyes, gorgeous hair, and her unbuttoned blouse makes it obvious she has nothing to hide!In a soft, seductive voice she murmers, "Why, officer! I'm just sure I didn't do anything wrong.""I'm truly sorry, sir. I honestly did not even see that red light. Is there anything I can do to convince you to let me off? And, I DO mean anything!"You quickly trade your integrity for a shot at cheap thrills and torrid sex!"Who cares?!""My phone number is 555-4369," she says with a smile, "Give me a call some time."Being the veteran you are, you overcome temptation and stare the young lady straight in the eyes, "May I please see your driver's license, Ma'am?""Again??"She's hopping mad as she yells, "Oh, you cops are all alike! All you care about is making your quotas! Well, come on, snap it up. I am in a hurry, Mr. Bigshot Traffic Cop!""Guys like you make me want a big dip of snuff! You never give a decent girl a break! You just hassle people!"You can't write a ticket without your pinch book.What a pair of headlights!!She verbally pounds you again, "Officer, did your mother have any children that lived?"You must see the violator's driver's license in order to write a ticket.She hands your ticket book back and suggests with a sarcastic smile, "Why don't you shove that pen where the sun don't shine, Officer? 'Mommy and Daddy,' really!"She hasn't signed it, Sonny.You're holding it.As your eyes meet, you're momentarily stunned."My name is Helen. Helen Hots," she says as heat detectors go off for miles around. "What's yours, Handsome?""I'm truly sorry, sir. Is there anything I can do to convince you to let me off? And, I DO mean anything!""Why, I've never heard of anyone by that name, Officer!"Helen HotsFemale 5'2 105HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 2/14/66202 Gyrate CtLytton, CARESTRICTIONSNone.Politely, you tell her, "You ran a red light back there, Miss.""Thanks for not giving me a ticket, Officer!""What? And, as nice as I have been to you! Why, I gave you my phone number and everything. If you do anything to me, Turkey, I'll file rape charges on you so fast it'll make your head swim! Gawd, what a BUM!"Your briefcase is in the car."Why, Officer!" she smiles coyly. "Please don't stare there!!"First, return her license.What a face. What a pair of eyes!You hand her the ticket book and your pen. "Please sign at the 'X,' Ma'am," you politely instruct her.You haven't written her up yet.You can only write one ticket per violation, Sonny!You can't write a ticket without your pen."Well, how rude," she says, attempting to be offended. "But, if that's what it takes, I suppose it's all right with me!""Why don't you look at my license?" she asks."Good day, Ma'am," you say, trying to keep your glance high. "I'm Officer Sonny Bonds."Your heart slips up into your throat! %m5"Short memory, Officer?" she snickers."What did I do wrong, Officer?" she says, showing her best smile.That is unnecessary for a simple traffic violation.Nice try, but unfortunately, unnecessary in a traffic violation.You carefully fill in all the necessary information on the citation.4E {Z?wb8,b'8-8.M88 ,&%s#tp  lx /u e uu e        EEEEEEE======= m tio xpv {w~  n~ 'zD S~o Uw ? Yi np8.' GF' GF' GF' GF' GF' GF' GFt8 8 ce qe '` $'e ?'eee:ee  q)t) e q>t @_Yje q) e qeveGueEe":$:"$: e q e q&: e q e  q.6mq6Roz,UBw <Where!?This is the pulpit from which Sgt. Dooley delivers his words of wisdom and inspiration to his troops. Listen and take careful notes during each briefing.The pigeonhole is a police officer's mailbox. He can receive love letters, subpoenas, nasty messages, and even departmental memos. You ought to check yours.It's just an everyday, run-of-the-mill, rosewood, report-writing table with four legs, three drawers, and 243 pieces of gum stuck underneath.It's a regular blackboard, but Dooley keeps all his chalk and erasers locked up so you can't leave any cute messages.You see nothing special about this drawer.There's nothing on the podium that opens.You open the drawer and observe various tools used in diagraming traffic collisions. Nothing here will aid you.Don't get any ideas, Sonny!There is no chalk available.How nasty!It is not wise to leave just as briefing is ready to start!Sgt. Dooley will play "kick the can" with yours if you leave when he's ready to begin his briefing. Get to your desk!There is a newspaper lying on the table.The briefing room contains a single podium and four report writing tables. %m16On the far wall are eight pigeonholes. On the front wall there is a blackboard.R. J. Jefferson, the Department's janitor, does good work. Don't mess it up!You see a textured ceiling with florescent lighting.Anyone caught climbing tables is automatically directed to the locally-contracted Departmental Psychologist.You don't need anything in the drawer.Under the table, 243 pieces of gum defy gravity.If you mess with his blackboard, Sgt. Dooley may verbally assault you with his highly-acclaimed, personal collection of four-letter words.4G%3890w 0 G H I0x00($0(rr?tAbb! X ) t6 % # : 0 8'0 8'8!!)A)A++F //%^T%cV66 888 ,&%F# #88 z0  G H I0 G H I8' >s_6 -96 dj6  (d2 e e '' ZZj` mo     ! !F  U 7ZD`8'ee6e*Fe# FeFe$ F !F ee!  '3/#: ;$ R4'4'4'`'f#'''!''#''#'4'f&'&4't't4'e'4't'x' Sbc e $??c?cS $ii i$ $i S S Si iSzSzSi `&`&`&$-&-&$&&$e"F  e&  ????  *e"F e#e) ]]&S']&S']S&']+&']&S']&+']S']S']']'2e"&F e#e* $Me(''Fe"e-e%ze5 tee eieSe ''01'S'e,`'('e+"e ""$ $e OO$O.$..v$V`Ove& HrS qeuGevee )^'K< $N$$#- \"Yw@o@p-3RY,mjU |  S T u You are looking at the latest in locker room benches. Don't slide after sitting or you'll spend the evening plucking wood chips out of your tail!The wooden bench is securely attached to the floor.You can't move something that's anchored to the floor.This shower is unique. It will give you all the hot water you want for two minutes, or all the ice water you want forever.The shower IS on!The shower IS Off!The spigot is out of reach.Congratulations. Most players don't enter a shower while fully-clothed. You've just lost a point.You'd better unlock your locker first!You've been docked one point for leaving the shower running.There's no doubt that somewhere in your life you fell off a high porch and landed hard on your head!Grown policemen don't climb on benches, Sonny.Your locker is too far away.Your locker is closed.This shower is already occupied. (And you're not that kind of boy!)Morris Fudley has worn out this shower!Aaah... there's nothing like a nice, hot shower!Sorry, but your crime-stopping just can't wait!You look at the ceiling and observe a lighting system that adequately illuminates the locker room. (Otherwise, it'd be dark in here!)You look down and note a very clean, blue-tiled floor.Yuck!"Hey! Somebody die in there?!"Hearing the sound of rustling paper, you accurately surmise this stall's occupant is concentrating deeply!Grunts and groans encourage you to leave this area!From behind the door you hear the occupant whistling a familiar tune. At least he enjoys his handiwork.A disgusted voice snaps back, "Don't be so impatient!""Use the next stall! I'm giving birth to a sergeant in here!""I'd love to visit with you, Sonny, but there just isn't enough room in here for both of us!""I'm taking time out from any discussions right now, buddy boy!"You see uniform trousers crumpled on the floor around a pair of bare legs, and conclude the stall is occupied.The Lytton PD locker room has two rows of full-sized, double-stacked lockers with a bench between them, two showers, and three toilet stalls.If you had any points, you would have lost them for leaving the shower running. Remember, Sonny, "waste not, want not!"Don't you feel foolish standing in the shower fully clothed? If you had any points, you'd have lost some for this!That would be best done in the shower.Good idea!At last, you'll find out if blondes really have more fun!One of these all-metal, double-stacked lockers is assigned to you. Finding it is up to you.You carefully pour the bleach on your hair. Now what?What are you going to rinse out?Your hair is wet.With great anticipation, you carefully rinse the bleach from your hair.Aaahhh! That feels good.Pervert!"Strangers in the night, la da de dee dah..."4X  #:#$#VIbb!!!!!!!!!))V)V)I+%KQ%!U%%KU  )))) ! ) % $c%2 $8$B2, 9>2 8B2,c *02 *42AE20E2E2E2eYou skipped the required safety inspection of your vehicle prior to leaving the station yard. You're now disabled here with a flat tire!The Lytton Police Department is located here.4#% K## zz3zWzmzrz5rzVrzorzzNzqzzz-z=zXzhzwz)@zcVz6o.].P WvZYX LTYX FvGYX^ ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#Q$k  3 0%X6 Qy#QSyQM$^ KU KU3 0%SX6 QS$#Q$k  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$eLThe Clearwater River borders the eastern edge of this residential area.4@ % K(##  U|q.].Pe=The freeway stretches out above this quiet neighborhood.4P#zpz5pzVpzMzsz$ztzJzzwzWz=z-zz)mz6@zca|.].P^ u u3 0%yX6 QSy#QS$x  3 0%X6 Q#QM$QMyQ$^ ' '3 0%X6 Q#Q$eIThe Clearwater River borders the southern edge of this neighborhood.4<J% K(## zszMzZznz7zzszP!.P|.].\ K-U.YX WZ&YXk ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#QyQy$k u u3 0%X6 QM#QS$Q$$d  ,% 0%X6Q#QQ$e:You are near the Lytton Courthouse and the City Jail.4enznwz5rzrzzz-z<zXzgzvzrzLz)>z6p[[d")c)c++%%66GG###|.].P^ u u3 0%X6 Q#Q$k ' '3 0%$X6 Q$#QyQy$k  3 0%X6 Q#QQ$eCCotton Cove is located here, near the lovely Clearwater River.4A fT^^!!!!!!)^%+-/FL~)))))\\ '%s#%s%7y%`%%6  L+Fz) zT0zT zT%zT;###^ )3 F~t K G'HG'HG'G'G' e8 qH'H'HHH'''###H'H'6e+ee  e M 'Ee+mq1ym ym  q  q+mq1ym yme b e'tte(z4'e?!!" e7 q eqqe*'e3>>>mtte)''.e8#e:e; e<e=,4e/6e1e2j^?D8xw(fO$^%? ^ w 1 _  ; j  3 w p a3eBeing a highly trained observer, you immediately notice a smashed coupe on the sidewalk, and a crowd of rubberneckers milling around nearby. The crowd includes one particularly anxious young man.The broken glass of the driver's window has a strange pattern for a car wreck. It appears to be a bullet hole!You take a deep breath, look in the car, and see a male slumped motionless over the steering wheel.A closer look reveals a bloody injury to the left side of his head, and a gaping hole in his lower-right jaw!No pulse. No breathing. No vital signs.There is a bullet hole in the driver's window. This is not your normal, everyday traffic accident. In your opinion, this man was murdered!You use your radio to advise Dispatch of the apparent homicide.The car radio crackles a response...Without a radio extender, you can't use your car radio from here."10-4, 83-32. We copy 187pc homicide.""Be advised, one homicide unit is en route, and the Coroner's Office has been notified. Continue investigation."You have nothing to report. Investigate the accident scene to see if you can discover something.If you were closer, they might notice you.An excited young man approaches you."Officer," he says, "I saw what happened! I saw everything!!""I was buying a paper at the newsstand across the street when I heard the scream of tires," he tells you. "I looked down the street, and here comes this car and a light blue, late-model Cadillac racing down the street side-by-side!""When they got closer, I heard a 'bang.' I thought one of 'em had a blowout!""But, right after that, this car here lost control and crashed. The light blue Caddie just kept on jammin'!" he finishes breathlessly."I think I saw part of his license plate number, 'L964.'"You notify dispatch of the vehicle information.Homicide Detective Oscar Hamilton arrives with Sergeant Dooley.Dooley tells you, "Bonds, Detective Hamilton will handle the investigation from here.""Hit the streets and try to find the rat responsible," says Sgt. Dooley. "I'll introduce the witness to Hamilton."This guy won't be doing anything soon!To whom are you speaking?The little old lady in the crowd cries out, "Officer, do something. That man is hurt bad! Help him!!"They can't hear you from here.This man is beyond help.The sign reads, "Colonial Van and Storage."The bricks won't do you any good.Hold on, Sonny. It seems Sergeant Dooley has something to tell you."All I know is," says the witness, %m19You can't see the driver very well from here.The green coupe will require a major front-end job!Dooley reminds you, "Ok, Sonny, move it out! That's an order."Dooley tells you, "Resume patrol now, Officer Bonds."Dooley says, "Anytime now, Bonds. Hit the street!"There's a man slumped over the steering wheel.Dispatch will not hear you unless you use the radio.You assess the damage to the building.That's a job for the coroner.It's obvious the radiator was damaged from impact."Why doncha get some help?""10-4, 83-32. We copy light blue Cadillac, partial license 'L964.'"You have nothing further to report."10-4, 83-32. Hamilton and Dooley are in route. Estimated time of arrival is momentarily!"This door is jammed.It would be more professional to wait until the homicide detectives arrive before leaving the scene.Forget it! Just walk around to the other side.You see a man slumped over the wheel.The crowd appears to be fixated on the wreck.Sgt. Dooley honks his horn and yells out the window, "Hey, Sonny! Move out of the way, I need to park there!""10-4, 83-32. We copy 187pc homicide. Continue investigation."%m20 "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Be advised description of suspect vehicle is late-model, light blue Cadillac."It's difficult to see though the smoke and debris, but you feel certain you can see programmers working on adventure games inside.The wreck victim's license plate appears to have been lost during the accident.This car smells of death.Someone in this crowd smells of musk and cheap perfume.The inside of this building smells of flatulence.Yes, the tailpipe smells of exhaust.Ah! The air of Lytton.%g79You can't. It's sprung.4{%# % FG&YX UZ'YX K'U2YXz u u5 80%yCX6 QSy#QS$QQ$  5 80%CX6 Q#QM$QMyDQSQ$ ( (4- 8)h+0%CX6Q#.$ 8)h+0+%6Qz# )g+QSQS$S  5 80%CX6 Q#$S ( (5 80%CX6 Q#$  h 80%CX6 Q#$ 80%6 Q3#QHDQQ$4%# % K'U2YX FG&YX U_ 6YX AzKE==6YX n n.' 80%CX6Q# QSyQS$QMQ$` ' '& 80%$CX6 QM$#QM$ ( (5 80%CX6 Q#!$ 80%CX6 Q|#Q $&S  5 80%CX6 Q#$S ( (5 80%CX6 Q#$4 WM!)+%m q2f $f f f  = 0 f+0 f0(/' e02fm tmD'e9me-ve"ue&e '3 G 6 ee GHG  G^-'  ove eerue e m4!'!'em(  veue&ee.^c,d{!H qv4Look: her license plate says "OHMYMG." Isn't that cute!Dispatch returns with the information you requested, "'OHMYMG' is currently registered to Helen Hots. No wants."She's inside her car; you can see her, but not very well.Cautiously, you approach the vehicle. The driver appears to be a female in her early twenties. Very female!%m3 Try moving closer to her door.She looks deep into your eyes, and says, "What may I do for you, Officer?"She replies in a heated voice, "Just remember, Fish Breath: I'm gonna file a complaint on you! I'll cheat, lie, and do anything possible to get your little fuzz butt in trouble! YOU HEAR ME?""Dispatch, this is 83-32. Run wants%m14Your briefcase is in the car."Dispatch, this is 83-32. Check registration%m14""The car is registered to Helen Hots."Well, well. Just what every poor, little, rich girl needs; a little red sports car.You can't see the %w2 from here. on Ocean, Henry, Mary, Yellow, Mary, George."There is no reason to do so."Get lost, jerk!"She sounds very grateful as she says, "Thank you, Officer! Please call me, and soon!"callDispatch responds, "83-32, 10-4. You must have been away from your radio. Repeating, 'OHMYMG' is currently registered to Helen Hots. No wants.""Thanks for not giving me a ticket, Officer!"You should look at her before you talk to her.4h p f ...^l)^]Jb"!)% F! ) J% F 6 z] V / # d d/ # ^lEE = mV= m m   PQe  "b "   ' 8 z07z0-mgggggggg g  m W .V .e " (! $M+!++/ c( / F #<$ cV $N V// '++ Q2 .Q@6FV' $NC+-V)'klklRklde c"/ zIg^))V z*)+ he   .z^Zz] e$PH-H me$ q.vS[>mS[-[$m-[$m`.'cPcme1 qPk kme2 qCCCme3 q4z4eP.!+!m!m+m!'+m!m+m!mRV)e(e e e GV ! e 'e! qPNPNPNPPNPNPPPNPNPPPNPNPPPN)me!Vee  @'@'(me!  ^ee) '3'[3'3''3'3'`[33'3'3'`[33'3'3'`[33'-[3'(me!  ^ee) [`'-'-$'3'3'`$3'`$3'`$+m qe( e e.H'HcH'HH'PcH'PcH'HHcH'cH'me! e " P!QQ`cQc!m-mmQcQ$!`c'''-3-3-3mQcQmQcQmQcQ2me!&e(e0e e GV J'J'#'#'#''me!ee''me"etmmme#e''P'P'''e4me!He4 mee!>>>e4 me) q me* q'  me+e,'e H HHG^ G^$' e% e&e'r0uGHG 6 e- q^l.4 j,CvG`hS0t.Ig9  J i  # < Q The gentleman responds to your request, "Da, yas ssshir."The drunk reminds you, "Es-cuse me, butt cher bloc'in' da door, Ociffer."Proper police procedure indicates the suspect should do that!You're not in the car.You can't do that with the suspect inside his car.You correctly administer the Field Sobriety Test, and are amused as your subject gives his best imitation of a young swan attempting its first takeoff.There's no need to question him; his problem is obvious!The man fumbles with his wallet, "My license? Uh, yeah, uh, it's, uh, it's right... Here it is!"Reluctantly he says, "Uh, ok, wh-where we goin'?"So as not to excite him, you say, "Oh, we're just going to take a little ride to see some friends of yours. It's ok, buddy. Come on.""I am!"You're not close enough.The drunk begs you, "Could ja 'cuff me in front, please? I'm not feelin' sssho goods."You think, "He doesn't look dangerous. Sure, why not?"Not wanting to take a chance, you explain, "I'm sorry, sir, but Departmental Policy dictates all custody arrests shall be restrained by proper handcuffing procedure, and that means 'behind your back.'"You just fell victim to an old trick. There are two rules to remember: always follow procedures, and never trust a drunk!You look into the glassy, watery eyes of a middle-aged man. He is certainly feeling no pain!You hear a voice that sounds like Tiny Tim singing through a mouthful of crackers......"I didn't do nossshin' wrong, Ociffer."You take a whiff and detect a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage.You place your subject under arrest for the violation of Lytton City Vehicle Code VC23502, "driving while under the influence."You cautiously approach the vehicle and observe one male seated behind the wheel. Rolling down his window appears to be quite a challenge to him!It's in your car.Art SerabianMale 5'8" 199#HAIR NoneEYES BlueDOB 12/14/472 MacIntosh StLytton, CARESTRICTIONS:ProgrammerHe can't hear you from this distance.The fresh air smells good!It looks like a possible DUI.Since the information on the driver's license matches the subject, you return his license to him.You radio Dispatch, "Run check on personalized license plate 'PRGRMR1.' It appears to be currently registered."Dispatch returns with, "'PRGRMR1' is clear, with valid, local registration in the name of Art Serabian.""Record check shows two prior DUI convictions.""Why, Occifer!" lisps the drunk, "I'm as ssssober assss a judge! HIC!"You pat down the gentleman, and find no weapons.The car belongs to the driver.You key the radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Request one 11-85 at my 10-20."83-32, 10-4. One tow truck in route.This vehicle has personalized plates, "PRGRMR1."He is handcuffed!callJust put him in the car.That is unnecessary.You'd better do more than just write this one a ticket.Sonny! How could you?It's too late to do that now.4e" 8 f8...mzm  m !r^b b(b"^vl.),&#%!!! !rr*')) r)r+% %%7% 6CF F8!)^+-%F # r  p.)8 z^ 10#:d/ # / # d^vl EE== m dx *4 ) *4 ) Uj6 8H#H--HeN &weMew weBe'o[u!mS[!m!mS[!mo[u!m[u!m[u-[u!m!m`[u"'eCw w eD'!+m!+!m!' 'eCw w eD''4'eC)eEw  eD -[u['[uS[[uS[S['-u[[u''eCeEw  eD.v''v$$.Lv$.Lvv'L'3'eC(eEw eFw   '']' qE*e9w eG-weD  ^N+/<ewd SSweweD !'''!m'!m'Qc' '!m'!m'Q`c'4we(weweD  ''P'P''';= q/we#we2 e3e9HeLm qeK>>>.we" qe1M  Me;eM'':we@.eJ"e eAr''''(wew He4e2tmmtm>m>m>m4 CHwe /# 8  e qtmm>>mt)wede'c 8e6emtmtm>m>mm1e%&.ede&e:e%eH'PH'PH'weweIe2GmGG C  eeG G G^&'  ovee8e7e e!4m4m4>e(3+.ede$e)e*{ { 4m4m47e",$.ede# c/ # d z4zm4zm45e"*".ede$c$ d   P `^ '' e{ e,e-e.e/e0e+8 888' GF 6 8'w '? 'dwd w g  *!`'C'C'CCCCCCC$C$ !e75weH$ee 74we? 5 we e e$ Tw w ew we4 dw 'H W 2X 3&ww8z^ c /#I8:ec(e eewx # Q**Q_ :wxd ;QH +QH QZ 3 w*'S 4eQ5$ e8M4* **(6 +/'&#Ic (f$p     / c" d / *C+#Q"  w e wS(h MU  w  MU z) /<e  w /w  e UN zw   w zL{Iw zLzc( zIw z)!+we . Q+e w $c" f/  g/ *D &+# hh *Dw i 1ow $w^vl. 8 Ic /Kc $c(O`C g )M|-v@s    ^ < - O & Z =Y.r8Le =V.Dispatch responds, "Be advised, 83-31 is responding Code-3 to your location."Review the "Levels of Force" section of your "LPD Policeman's Indoctrination Guide."The license plate is "UL6942." Hmmm. You remember the partial plate seen by the witness to the Lonnie West murder was "L964." You may have found your man.Officer Jack Cobb arrives on the scene. Cobb radios Dispatch, %m5"Dispatch, be advised. Hold all radio traffic until Code-4 confirmed."Dispatch responds, "Affirmative.""83-32, this is 83-31. Sonny! I'll cover you from the passenger side of your patrol car while you make contact with the suspect.""83-31, out."Well, that's certainly one way to save the taxpayers' money: mow 'em down instead of taking 'em to court.While some may applaud your exercise in street justice, democratic societies have no place for "trigger happy" cops. Sorry, Sonny.Be careful! This dude's dangerous.The suspect falters for a moment, then slowly raises his hands. He realizes he does not have a chance and follows your order."Ok, ok. I'm lying down!"Your partner just punched that punk's ticket.But, a little too late for you, pal. Remember, proper procedure promotes police preservation.Cranking off a few live rounds at this particular time is not recommended.Jack says, "I've got him covered, Sonny. Go ahead and 'cuff him."You apprehensively approach the suspect, sensing his desperation.Attempting to handcuff the suspect while holding your weapon could be hazardous to your health!You feel relief as you close the handcuffs around his wrists.Stand him up, first.You order the suspect into your patrol car. He submits with a sarcastic, "All right, &!#$%&.""Good job, Sonny!" says Jack. "I'll call Dispatch and put out a Code-4."You must be in your car or have a radio extender.You'd better handcuff him first!This guy may be armed!Place him in physical custody before entering his car.You do not need anything from the trunk.You're not close enough to Jack to obtain the gun.This vehicle almost matches the description of the vehicle mentioned by the witness to the fatal car crash.You can't see it from here.Your radio crackles to life with a message from Dispatch, "83-32, license plate 'UL6942' not listed as stolen. Registered to a '79 Cadillac junked in 1983."You think, "The odds of finding a legit registration for this car are slim to none."This door is locked.It IS open.It IS closed.Something about the interior of this car just doesn't feel right.You look at the floorboard, the seats, and even under the seats, but you find nothing.The door IS closed.There's nothing special about the door.Say! The doorjamb of the suspect's vehicle is black instead of light blue!A closer examination of the doorjamb reveals the vehicle's VIN plate. A quick rub with your thumb uncovers its number: C03456218!You must first locate its VIN."Dispatch, this is 83-32," you radio. "Run VIN C03456218 through the computer."Shortly, Dispatch returns with..."Suspect vehicle is confirmed 10851! Lytton PD holds a signed stolen report on this vehicle.""Vehicle information, 1983 black Cadillac deVille.""Registered owner, Malcolm Washington, 234 W Center St, Lytton, CA."You search the suspect and find only pocket change.The suspect is already in the car. You'd better take him to jail!The suspect cuts you off short as he says, "I know my rights, you jackass!""This is harassment. You'll hear from my attorney!""You wanna get out of the way??"What are you talking about?You radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Request wants on license plate 'UL6942.'"You don't know the license plate number yet.To be safe, you read his rights to him anyway.Then, you remember the glove compartment.Plus, a loaded, Smith & Weston .45-caliber, semi-automatic handgun.The suspect pipes up, "Honest, Officer. I only carry that for self-defense on the freeways!!""Quiet down," you order him. "Hey, Jack," you yell to your backup, "how's about booking this evidence?""Ok," Jack replies.Attempting to apprehend the suspect single-handedly was brave but fatal. Review the "Felony Stop Procedures" section of your "LPD Policeman's Indoctrination Guide."You'd better get him in the car, first.You carefully handle the gun so as not to smudge any possible fingerprints.You key your radio, "83-32, backup has arrived."He can't hear you when you're inside your car.He IS!He's still inside his car.He doesn't have his hands raised yet!You'd better get him under your control, first!If it's a tie, you lose!"Oops, I must have forgotten it!" says the suspect.Jack took it with him."I place you under arrest!"Once is enough.You nervously key your radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-32. Request backup Code-3!""Shove it, Pig!"felScene %v119|3 Script %v139|3 susScript %v220|34z Ew!)A+%:T6#!C)+%;_#:!!!))0))+++%Dr%C%QrG#:H#:I#:EEEE==== m  8^D_  G G H H I I/e e##eC  0 eeee GHI 0e 0 eeieG' GF; 0 eeee e QCjQ5jQQ $H' GF; 0eeQCQ.QQ $I' GF; 0eeeQRiQ8iQ!Q $e mke 2,J2y*o"Say, Sonny, do you know how to tell the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer?""By the taste.""Well, see you later. I'm late for a date to raise my caffeine level.""Can you believe that Morris Fudley? Every day he showers here, 'cause he's too cheap to shower at home!""Boy, what a hangover I have! I shoulda left the Blue Room earlier last night.""Do you know the best thing about this shower, Sonny?""It's free.""Too bad you have to work, Sonny," says Fudley. "I'm 10-10. It's beer time for me.""You'd better get on your beat before Sergeant Dooley catches you blowing off department time."This is the Lytton PD locker room."You wouldn't enjoy it. I'd just lie there!""Sonny, I heard a rumor that Sweet Cheeks Marie has the hots for you! You'd better watch your step 'cause those hookers will put their hooks in you before you know it!""Speaking of girls, that 'Hoochie Coochie' Hannah is sure one spicy dancer! She drove the guys completely crazy!""Boy, you can sure tell there's a full moon out! You should see the nut I arrested last night for being under the influence of drugs."This dude was so wired, he was nude break-dancing on loose gravel. His back looked like raw meat!""Can you believe that Morris Fudley? I hid all the soap and he's still in there showering. I wonder if his wife goes down to the river to bathe?""I'm going to write a memo about this hot water situation. This place never has enough hot water! I, for one, think we should be able to take longer, more comfortable showers.""You know as well as I do: Dooley doesn't like cops who waste time.""Hey, man! What're you staring at?!""Isn't it nice how affirmative action has helped guys like you get on the force?"That's good, old "Morris Fudley." He's so tight, when he walks, he squeaks!4V  f89VWllC&C9v99*M(bbb"??!)+6%%a#:-!!!!! !%s%sC8:,C&`8;C`8= `8>888)))) + //6 6 6 FF XXXC%}%|%5h% nR# X#### :: 3iRs mE= m i2s m `ir m P  Pd6 68 r~x)np   Qss###'  f e4( r~.e e e z4e ' ߐ ߐG WF `M + 7+ *+ .*  ee??? ;Q he##'f Ff+GQ a+ :8855455e<<< .ee }r. }r   $Y #XD c x}6 899lD,Rw>,Gy'PTn"Book him for what?" asks the jailer.The jailer does that electronically."Hey, man, lemme outta here! I didn't know it was illegal to copy disks!"The man in the cell is upset by your presence here. He jeers, "Say, fool, if you're not my lawyer, then get out of my face!"From behind the bars, you are verbally assaulted, "That's all you sidewalk lizards do: pick on us poor little folks! If you wanna pick on somethin', try runnin' your finger up your nose to about the second knuckle, Captain Crime Buster!""Hey, Pig!" shouts the prisoner. "If you were on my side of these bars, I'd kick your mojo up between your shoulders!""Well, well, well!" shouts the prisoner. "If it ain't a wimp in cop's clothing!"%m15Well, well! Ol' Bonds is loose again."%m15Oh, no! Here comes more paperwork!"%m15if you're selling tickets, I don't need any."The jailer hollers, "Get over there! I'll open the door!"The jailer has control of this door.You need to get closer.It seems you have some unfinished business here first.The jailer greets you with a friendly, "The jail is drab and depressing. The only reason the jailer works here is the vast variety of lifestyles that pass through."I'll have to process her paperwork before you can take her anywhere," says the jailer. "I'll send her over to HQ as soon as possible."You don't have a suspect.The Jailer says "Bonds, you oughta know better than to bring your gun in here."You're docked two points.Bonecrusher Gajarian stares back at you through the bars. You never realized software pirates were SO ugly!4E 9 f'?@4< ^bbbb^l!!!!!66))))XXC+//FF%pd%KW%Wi%q5C)C&!)!C.#!!)))%v%%XXzjYz 6zGa(%[jN+Q[n#'(%v#<10.`` L}LL####::^l`px e9 Ufah( m| FjQm Rjqm ejqm ?!'OOm!m"m 'mAm`,`m,`,AmAmAu ,m ?e) /.?'e$ ?'e% '?e&     EEEE==== m ;cK X:Y :: >>e4^l9N t4.ek&+nS(<f #Cy4   W Q " a  You wonder, "What did I do to fire Dooley's rockets?""I wonder if little Miss Bare Bosoms filed a complaint?""See if you can walk up those stairs without falling down!" you order the drunk."Hic! Whacha mean, Ociffer?" he replies. "I walk like this even when I'm sober!!"The gun locker is open.The gun locker is closed.You place your revolver in the locker.You remove and holster your weapon.You can't reach the gun locker from there.You can push the buzzer, but the door is already open.You push the buzzer. The jailer releases the electronic lock.Only the jailer can open and close this door.This is the officer's booking entrance to the Lytton City Jail. In the exercise yard, a prisoner dribbles continuously. (He also bounces his basketball!)There are gun lockers at the top of the stairs, a heavy, steel-plated door, and a pushbutton. A video surveillance camera slowly sweeps the area.%m42What are you looking at, Porky Pig?"%m42A dude like you put me here and I'm going to sue your whole department for false arrest!"%m42Why don't you people go out and bust some real criminals, instead of messin' around with innocent folks like me? All I did was borrow somebody's car for a while!""Watch your step, Art! We don't want you falling down the stairs.""Hic!" says Art.You must open the gun locker before you can put your weapon inside.The buzzer is out of reach."The world would be a lot better off without cops like you!""I guess this is your big bust for the day, huh, Pig?""You're going to find out this was a big waste of your time, and mine!""Get up those stairs, Dog Meat!""Shut up and keep moving, Hoffman.""Seeing you in 'cuffs gives me a natural high, Punk!"The door IS open.The door IS closed.%m42Hey, baby! You boys play basketball?"If you close the door on this guy, he will doubtlessly sue!Laura says, "Get the door, Sonny. I'll keep an eye on these boys."Your service revolver is in the locker.You don't have a gun!Your weapon is in your holster.You won't be going anywhere until you finish booking."Looks like you'll be a valued addition to narcotics, Bonds," says Laura."Let's get back to the office. I've got work to do."Perhaps you should remove your prisoner from the car first.Around here, failure to secure the gun locker door can be hazardous to your health!First, close the door.Slam Dunk Donny yells through the fence, "There is a pushbutton on the wall beside the jail door.Smile pretty.The steel-plated door is bulletproof and as solid as a brick shipyard.These lockers are used to store officers' weapons while they're inside the jail on business.The locker is empty.He seems to be tireless! His stamina is only equaled by his sentence. From past encounters, you know his nickname is "Slam Dunk Donny."You have no business in the jail at this time. The jailer knows it, and he won't let you in.So many prisoners escape from this jail, you wonder if anyone is ever assigned to that tower."Ok, ok! I'm comin'!"You should have thought of that when you had him on his belly!"Follow me," you order your prisoner.You must open the gun locker before you can retrieve your weapon.It belongs in your car.Put your gun in the gun locker.You were sent here to enlist Sweet Cheeks, and you leave after just a kiss?!4#Ibb!)X%z +&%F%| N kb'!X)X6 %Cd# dk8nh{}} +#c'%Lt+F#  !)I+%Le6 F#!XC6 )I+/%F#:LY#pxwe  FlSv  ZClTw[ m[~ 9 8mFy 9 s-x EEEE==== m' GF   #Q4Q4rQAraQKrF+  @Af 3+' a  >a 4 $wMa5a6a#e "a  f#a $wMg}$aRah}Wai%aj&a# "a  Ka $wMLaMaNaOaPaQa#`$$  a   $wMaaaa a+ a\\a \a a+aXa GQ=+$+YaGQ=$!a#Q3 Q3w++FaaaGQ3 Q=+ $a+a#[dF *a  ,a $wM-a \d.a/a0a1a2a3a4ad# $ $xN'9e   qP'''e  # a#  4a4z4e?e&: e q:: e q": e  qO:O$: e  qO' FmQre+ quGeJve6+ eC q e q   eD qm' eE qm' eF qm' eG q!(!( e( qt!t(t!(!(!( e) q`e7FFe8;< eH q< eI qP###eVe PP=e+ qeY !"#$=P[\]^_`abcde /0123456789:;<=Ruv1cdefkl'Tt)9:;<=>?@AHQaThis is %m85's office.Lt. Morgan is a handsome, middle-aged man, with a winsome touch of gray to his hair.You're in %m85's office.%m85 keeps his desk neat and clean, with a place for everything, and everything in its place. There is a telephone on his desk.You are talented, but there is no need to climb the desk!You don't have time to sit on the desk!"I have a lot of paperwork and no time to talk!""555-6674""Sonny, you were selected because of your experience and years of good service to the force," says %m85.You look under the desk and surmise that %m85 picks his nose.%m85 keeps his window nailed shut!This file is locked!Only %m85 has access to this file.Warming the chair would be all you accomplished.You're not close enough.It's a tile floor.%m84's phone is not for your use.There is nothing on %m84's desk that concerns you.%m84 barks, "Sonny, get out from behind my desk!"%v35This door opens out, so you must leave in order to close it.%m83 jabs, "Sonny! Can't you see I'm busy!""Please, Sonny! I've got a ton of paperwork to do, and no time for conversation.""Sonny, I don't have time for anything now!"It's a window with mini-blinds.That would anger %m83, as he likes his office dark."Lytton City Map"You do not need it.Make your own map!The books on the shelves belong to the Lieutenant.You don't need them.It's a ceiling.MorganLt. %m83Lieutenant %m83"I'm waiting for a return telephone call, Sonny," says %m84. "Keep working and see what you can discover."4HzM4B w "!!!!!))")))%p%s%q%p%p G! ) GX % ^# : < Yiw p xe$  eu~e  e e  e e  e e  e e! uF e  e#  e"  e  e u i*#QppQQlQl:A#QsQ(Q0Q0:N#QrqQQQqQq:A#QKpQKQ=Q=:H#Q(pQ9_QM_+  :u 3   fue$ e'e e $Mweeee  we $Nxuu<;Q9_Q(pQp$ 6;QQppQp$ 6;Q(QsQs$ 6;QKQKpQp$ H;QQQrq Qq $ u f` ueCe8e-\ \e e ee e   :e(S:y:T eI  r< [k q,ue ue\ ; $ e '3t'''we&e%(4 Rv0=:wE_VH  B   `  "Wanna bet five bucks on who gets the first arrest?""Get to work, boy!"Sergeant Dooley will have your can if you read a newspaper while on duty.This is your assigned position for briefings.Sergeant John Dooley briefs the 1300 shift, beginning with the latest hot sheet of stolen rides..."Welcome back, men" says Sergeant John Dooley. "I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.""Now, listen up," he barks. "We're looking for a black 1983 Cadillac, license number 'LOP1238,' VIN C03456218, reported stolen last week. Try hard to find it, so I can get that Malcolm Washington character off my back for a change.""Also, please contact any street informants that you may have. We need any line we can get on this stinking drug traffic."Dooley continues, "Now, hear this: last night, three teenagers were arrested in three separate arrests, each for drunk driving. Two of the three were in possession of cocaine, and all three attend Jefferson High School. That should tell you something, boys and girls!""Well, that's it for today. Watch your butts, kids. We don't want ol' Chief Whipplestick whining about our industrial injury stats going up again! Sonny Bonds, your call number will be 83-32."You pick up this morning's edition of the "Lytton Tribune."You check your pigeonhole and find a hand-written message..."Sonny: How's about a 11-98 at Carol's Caffeine Castle later in the shift? Steve"You look in Steve's pigeonhole and see a stack of subpoenas.You look in Jack's pigeonhole and see a message that reads, "I shot the last sucker that nosed around in MY pigeonhole!"Sgt. Dooley runs a quiet, organized briefing. Wandering around and being a general nuisance just won't cut it. He demands respect for superior officers.My, my! What a filthy little mind we have!Your pigeonhole is empty.Not now! Sgt. Dooley is ready to start his briefing.Quit snooping around in other officer's pigeonholes."Hey, Sonny! That story in this morning's paper sure made you look good.""Sonny Bonds, please find your place. Briefing is about to begin."Since you no longer need the message, you discard it.Dooley yells, "Sonny, find your desk!""You're gonna havta hump to catch me, boy! I wrote so many tickets while you were off duty, I wore down two pencils and ran a pen clear out of ink!""Did you hear? The 'Greasy Spoon' quit giving half-price meals!""Can you believe our flea-bitten jail lost another prisoner last night?""Dooley sure has been putting on the pressure for ticket activity.""Sonny, you look good enough to take home.""Man! That aftershave lotion is getting to me, Sweet Thing.""I had two arrests last night; it's a shame both of them wanted to go the hard way!""Step aside, boy!""It's guys like you that make me want to retire.""Better write some tickets, if you want to keep Dooley off your back.""You keep wearing that aftershave lotion, and I'm going to jump you."Oh, no! Here you are for the 1300 briefing, and it's 1315! Once again, you've spent too much time goofing off.Time to buy "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards," the new, adult-themed 3-D animated, graphic adventure from Sierra!Briefing should be starting soon."Bonds, next time find your place and face this podium," shouts Sgt. Dooley.There is a newspaper lying on the table.4& zM4Bx{"!!!!!!!))))")))+++++++%j%q%`%=%0%(%L_#######:::::::e e       eT e  e  e  e  e  e 3 $Nweeee  e $x x;QB_Q4mQm$ C;Q|Q||QooQo$ 6;QtQtsQs$ 6;QQtQt$ 6;Q$QtQt$ @ ;QKQKuQu$ E;QUQIQ+Qn$ fT e8e- eeee e  s."<L|.Sgt. Dooley says, "Men, we've received information from the Day Sergeant concerning a Missing Persons report filed earlier this morning."It seems that a Mexican male (physical description of 5'8", 145 lbs, black hair, brown eyes) by the name of Jose Martinez, was last seen by his wife two days ago, getting into a late-model light blue Cadillac. No one has seen or heard from Martinez since."This person has some previous arrests involving narcotics sales," says Dooley, concluding the briefing. "Be advised that this black Cadillac may be one and the same as the one involved in the recent murder of Lonny West. We have a partial license plate number of 'L964.'"You check your pigeonhole and find a sealed envelope.Ripping it open, you read a message from an unknown informant, advising you of illegal, high-stakes gambling in the back room of the Hotel Delphoria Cocktail Lounge.There are some messages, but they're not for you.You vow to remember the information, and discard the envelope and message.Your pigeonhole is empty.Dooley then proceeds to give everyone their beat assignments for the day, concluding with yours, "Sonny Bonds, your call number will be 83-32.""Keep it safe out there, boys and girls!"Sgt. Dooley cans your butt on the spot, "Bonds, you're FIRED for insubordination!"In his firm voice, Dooley reminds you, "Being punctual to briefings might keep some of those corrective memos out of your pigeonhole, Bonds! Now, find your seat!""I heard about that Honey you stopped last night who tried to negotiate her way out of a ticket by exposing the upper parts of her anatomy.""I'm late for court, Sonny. Catch you later.""You should buy a new watch, Sonny. You might show up on time, for once!""Boy, Sonny! Sgt. Dooley is hotter than a pistol at you!""Sonny, the next time you sign up for graveyard shift, I'd just love to be your partner.""The next time Dooley embarrasses you like that, you oughta tell him to go eat hub caps in the parking lot.""Boy, Judge Palmer sure ticked me off this morning by finding that sleazy dude not guilty. What a judicial jerk-ette she is!"421M4B{< e.e#ee e EvYour message box, often called a pigeonhole, is empty.It looks like Steve finally cleaned out his box.Well, Sonny, an empty pigeonhole is better than one full of subpoenas.Jack's pigeonhole holds several birthday cards.You no longer receive your mail here.The pigeonhole is a police officer's mailbox. He can receive love letters, subpoenas, nasty notes, and even departmental memos. You ought to check yours.4Z9'NOPb!!!!!!!!! ! )N)N)N)O)N)O)P)P) P) P///////// / CCC C 6666 6 FFFFFFFFF F F%&N%K'%d%jH%_%9%<{%D{% L{% U{ #: #: #: #:'## :: '## :: '##::' ### ::: ''# ### ::: FP# #: :#:''1'S''''-'''S'y'-'-$''Oe'' (*,P y'' E XEPeI '( ) * , ,bb') (, '()*,c Ee-' '/ ''e' e# ''X''l''eY'eM ;$\\ e-* e   r  s ''X''eE'e9 ;$\ e   r e! ''X''eE'e9 ;$\ e    r e ,'g''eT 2' e;$\ e   r e"  ;$e ;$ ;$  ; $  ; $ ;$\-'-'-X''V  eA ^#:_e &  * e  s -'[  eF ^^_#:_#:e" _#:e  s -'V  eA   s.#:_& _ _ _ e -,','7  e" #:_e  s  #:e$ #: #: # :  _# : _#:FGtde e e e e ''e 'e'e'e e e 'e 'e 'e ,'e '''e e''''''e'e'e e 'ez'r''5'54'z4'' e9c9 9$"J/teDu4a4Vw LThe department has gone to great lengths to organize this undercover operation. Your informant is in a dangerous situation. You're all dressed for the occasion. Now, go do it!You don't need it for this operation. Leave it here.You carefully unload your weapon before returning it to your locker.You see your weapon in your gun belt.The policeman's tool belt! Don't leave home without it.There is a speed loader of ammunition on the shelf.You take a speed loader with six rounds of .357-magnum, hollow-point, silver-jacketed bullets.Your briefcase rests on the bottom of the locker.Your briefcase contains many items you'll need in the field.You remove the ammunition from your revolver, place it on the shelf, then hang your gunbelt on the locker door.The keys to your Corvette are hanging on a hook.You replace your ammo on the shelf.Your towel is neatly folded in the bottom of the locker.It's already in the locker.You return the contents to your briefcase and place it in the locker.You store your personal gear in your locker.Your Lytton PD uniform is hanging neatly on a hanger.There's not enough room in that towel!Your gun is still in the jail locker! Perhaps you should get it first.Your civilian clothes are hanging on a hanger.You grab the keys to your 'Vette.You put the keys in your locker.An old T-shirt and a pair of jeans hang here.Your new, white, pimp suit is hanging on a hanger.You have no use for it if you're not in uniform.You have your orders. Now, get with the plan and bleach your hair!Your cane with the derringer handle is leaning in the corner.Where!?Regulations require a shower before changing.You don't need the keys until you're off-duty.How wonderful! Fifteen years of service have come to this: wearing a pimp suit to meet a hooker! Now, that's professional advancement!! (Wouldn't your Mommy be proud!)Where's your other briefcase?What did you do with the other ammo?Where did you put your car keys?Change clothes first.Ok. Who'll know?47!8bbZmm!!!!!))Z)Z)Z+++///%Ih%b%F6 6p,&&%> #zZdzZ`zZbp ###%-t+$$ ##2$d4x $? #$ # <$ # F:: x48n828 '3'8E= m Qy[ +t; DnPs Qmkw emu|    )mBr 9 \yi 9wx pe4E ;Kc E: R' GF ++++  we e QCpee Q,Qe  QF e QQ|  e  QItQ-te eeeQ>tQ>x $$`dx32'r 'r e2=<'r r 'e2GFe=e %>+# Q&f+geheiejQ>k $$e3fe e$#`:Me)e::$:e)::$:eFtFF(e& qb $ee/8 q,b $ $> >eeeee/me.;e, ,e(<e)(!ee!De6e:Ee;e>,e( e q+ qe+ qe7)(!'t)t(t!'" q$e Ic '' ;$  q,'7 q+  re0e $\ -,' q e"e##_' qb $e%e/<'e-:'e*k'f'k'f'f'k'f'k'e5## fe<9e9e8m>E~BZy{/- )` 2 ) Q 6  b m :$Fi3XiTR1:The bulletin board is filled with terminally boring stuff!Narcotics Detective Laura Watts says, "Sonny, you'd better not let Lieutenant Morgan or Sergeant Dooley catch you killing time in here!""Are you lost Sonny?" Detective Laura Watts asks. "The patrol cars are out in the yard.""Shouldn't you be out on patrol?" Laura asks.The Department manuals won't help you."Welcome to the Narcotics Division, Sonny," says Laura. "I'm pleased you were selected for the position.""Allow me to show you around.""This file cabinet contains all our active narcotic cases, including Hoffman's file.""Walk this way.""This key board contains keys to the unmarked cars that are assigned to the Narcotics Division. I've been meaning to update that clipboard hanging there.""By the way, our radio call number is 83-Nora-10.""This will be your desk," Laura continues. "Since you have your own desk now, your pigeonhole will be assigned to someone else.""Sonny," Laura says earnestly, "I attended Hoffman's arraignment early this morning. He's being represented by some out-of-town, hotshot lawyer.""The jerk has convinced Judge Palmer that Hoffman is who he says he is. And, that's not the worst of it...""Judge Palmer set Hoffman's bail at only $500,000.00!" Laura exclaims. "We've got to show cause to justify a No Bail Warrant. If Hoffman gets out on bail, we'll never see his ugly face again!""Sonny, I have a meeting right now, and can't stay. Hoffman's your baby now and time is running out! I hope you can discover some information that will convince Judge Palmer to hold him without bail!"This file cabinet contains the files on the current Lytton PD active narcotics cases.Ah, hah! A note from Laura."Bonds, We just received a fax from Chicago PD Detective Joe Taber. He says our man Jason Taselli, (alias Hoffman, alias Pierson), is linked to a big time drug dealer by the name of Jessie Bains. Taber included a mug shot of Bains, a high stakes gambler who recently dropped out of sight in the Chicago area."You study the mug shot of Bains, and vow to remember it.You remember the anonymous letter about big-stakes gambling at the Hotel Delphoria and realize you are onto something hot."And," concludes the note, our Lab has matched the fingerprints on the .45-caliber automatic found in the stolen Cadillac to Taselli's prints. Laura"You have no business in the Narcotics Division files.The desk on the right has "In" and "Out" baskets, a telephone, but no nameplate."Sonny," says Laura, "Just after you left, a hooker by the name of Sweet Cheeks Marie (who called you 'Precious'), called from the jail and said she needs to see you as soon as possible.""But, before you go to the jail, Morgan wants to see you."You'd better change and get over there."Sonny, I just got a call from the jail. Hoffman's attorney is on his way over there with a half-million dollars to bail him out.""If you've found anything at all that we can use to hold this sucker, now is the time to use it.""Take whatever you have, get over to the courthouse and see if you can get a No Bail Warrant out of Judge Palmer.""Please feel free to research any and all files," Laura concludes.You take the keys to the undercover car.Narcotics Detective Laura Watts is a veteran narcotics cop and all business.What keys?You hang the keys on the key board.Not here, please! The keys belong on the key board.The message is important, but not the paper!Nothing in Laura's basket pertains to you.You'd better get over there!The keys hanging on the key board are for the Narcotics Department's unmarked cars. Below the key board hangs a clipboard.The desk on the left has "In" and "Out" baskets, and a nameplate that says "Laura Watts, Narcotics Detective."There's no need to open the desk.You see blue sky and green bushes.The bookcase contains Official Departmental Manuals.Reading a Departmental Manual is about as much fun as reading the fine print on a life insurance policy. You'd rather read the back of a cereal box!This is a map of the City of Lytton.Hey! It's empty!Someday (if you ever move up to Narcotics) you may need keys to an unmarked car. But today is not that day.Don't interrupt Laura when she's speaking."Hello, Sonny!" Laura Watts greets you. "Lieutenant Morgan is waiting for you. %s9""Hey, Sonny," Laura Watts says, "Sergeant Dooley is expecting you in his office, pronto!""Sonny! Are you going to be late for briefing again?"That's an entertaining idea, but you have work to do!Ah, the Narcotics Office -- where undercover cops roam!What? And spoil this wonderful air-conditioning?It's a genuine, LT&T black telephone.Yes, there is a phone in the room.There are two desks, a filing cabinet against the rear wall, and a bookcase in the far right corner.The left wall holds a key board and a clipboard. On the rear wall is a bulletin board. A bookcase and large map of the City of Lytton are on the right wall."How's it hangin', Big Boy?" cracks Laura."Hey! I thought you were supposed to go to the Hotel Delphoria!"Good idea!4/ &Di!)i+/F8%8c%8j$ q!N ""$ " !!! !!!!!Nm!: g ?g g g g g g g g g g g g !6 g g g 7g g g !g "g #g %g &g $g >!> g g 'g (g )g 9g *g +g 8g ,g -g 1g ;g 2g 3! g .g /g :g 0g =!( g g g g #g g g g !. g g g g g g g g g g ?e e ?( x.e z4 ?e .c/ V???[ e#e"JHe  m qe''P'P'''e H'#''''''#'#', H ee   '#D# ' ', H e e  JJJ He !'!m'!m'Qc' '!m'!m'Q`c'e>>'> '>'>'.e J Jeeee] ]eeee^$' Jz1_}wVvIXdVuLaura says, "Ok, Sonny, I'll move the car out of sight and monitor you for backup."Laura asks, "What took you so long, Hot Rod? I picked up this loose end trying to take foot bail on you!"You mumble under your breath, "Yeah, sure, Laura! You probably just grabbed the first white male you could find!"What's wrong with you?From here, the park looks lovely. Perhaps you should enter it.The search reveals an identification card, and a small bag containing a white powdery substance.The contents of the bag appear to be cocaine!Simms is reluctant but cooperative. You learn he has been selling to kids at Jefferson High School, including Officer Cobb's daughter, Kathy."I used to buy from a guy named Jose Martinez, but then Martinez introduced me to Don Colby here," Simms says, "I haven't seen Martinez since."Colby refuses to answer any questions.After persistant questioning of Colby, you discover he buys his drugs from Leroy Pierson. He says Leroy's telephone number is 555-6537. He also asks that his cooperation be noted for consideration by the court.You search the trembling youngster.It might be wise to question these guys while they're still shaking."What's the matter? Let's get this show on the road!"Laura comments, "Lt. Morgan will be real happy with this bust!""Let's get these boys to jail."You can't release these pushers here!The door is already shut.Where are you going?"Sonny, go stake out the picnic area.""His name is Don Colby, Officer," says the shaking youngster. Colby glares at the boy.The Jefferson High School Student Identification Card (in the name of Victor Simms) matches the general description of your suspect.You find nothing more.question colbyquestion simmsLaura searches her suspect.She finds his gun, an envelope of money and little else."Yes, sir!"Laura says, "I'll book this stuff into evidence.""I place you under arrest!"They can't hear you from here.The Jefferson High School Student Identification Card (in the name of Victor Simms) matches the general description of your suspect.Laura looks pretty good today.The young man is dressed in dark clothes.You would not buy a used car from this man.You key your radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-Nora-10. Be advised, Code-4 with two in custody."4B ??Y fvb(b"v!!!!!))))))CCCC%P%N6 6 L}L} LL%Px ,& 8%P# .$??e ??e- 84E= mp-x ??e   u wvw  ? d e ????(Bc( e e?g?"e; X?  )*e'9 ?  @ A   #w $d ?+%# Qx QUex $/F e(B?  !w $c" ?+%#  Q e Q+    QMQMx $F: ?   de +/#IfFeg +/#Ih F++eKi$Kj$?k lemM $we>5 6 e7<0 MF;GMRD E $ eF x $ ;G8QUQUe?8, -G B C ;G M QQ$ $ ;GMR;GHR$ $ f 9 9'2:3,7&/# $;?7o9 9'2:3,7&/# $;?7o!4 !6 !$eT  *!`'C'C'CCCCCCC$C$ !eK :e:**ePneeGveHueIEe@e?4 ##l e `.? xe=e? e0?e8e:+?e e e ?e e:'''ee1 ?e[u-[u4? eM(?eNeLe1 ?e''P'P'''4?e2(? e m q  HS[S[S[-['-[.v''v'L'?e2e+I?e2=?e#1m q% e,  ^e)? w>>>>6?e2*? e m qJe" Je$J'JJ###8m q, He3 e4e/ !'Q`c'!m!mQc' ' ?e2? e ?  J.Dwe&De He%m qeO eQeReS??v7eF 5 eeJ:: c(TVlJh& ^~iT0NW }  E V  #Oi-2HT{h?Z3That drug-peddling punk just blew you%m46You just blew that drug-peddling punk%m46The old, redwood picnic table covered with bird droppings, ants, peanut butter smudges and assorted initials.The hedge is nicely trimmed.This wall is composed of 3500 bricks and 2000 pounds of mortar, and was built by the Mark Crowe Graphics Construction Company.This beautiful old, oak tree will give you shade but little else.You conceal yourself in the bushes, but with a clear view of the table.Your extender crackles, "This is 83-Nora-10. Notify when you are in position."If you had a radio extender, that would be easy.You key your extender and notify Detective Watts that you're in a concealed position.She responds to your transmission, "10-4! Will maintain radio silence until I hear from you."You're supposed to be hiding! No one will play "Let's Make A Dope Deal" with you milling about.Working a stakeout without a radio extender isn't exactly the way they taught it at the Academy."Keep it down. This is a stakeout, remember?"You quietly watch a man enter the picnic area.He cautiously nears the picnic table.Another figure carefully approaches the picnic table. Could it be his drug contact?"Psst, Vic! Were you followed?""No way, man. It's cool!""I got the stuff. Did you bring the cash?""Ya, right here."One suspect hands what appears to be an envelope to the other suspect.The second suspect returns a small plastic bag containing a white substance."Hey, Butt Breath! This ain't enough!! Where's the rest?"As they argue, you realize the pusher is dissatisfied with the contents of the envelope.You quietly radio Laura, "I'm moving in. You hook up anybody trying to take foot bail!"You trade your career for a few seconds of heavenly bliss."Halt!" you shout. "Police officer!!""Yeah? So what! Ain't nothin' wrong been done here!!"You follow Simms to the patrol car.You 'cuff one trembling suspect.You'd better 'cuff him first.Pushing a little, you rush out, and frighten away the suspects!You find nothing more.He is 'cuffed!The search reveals nothing except his school identification card, and the small bag containing a white powdery substance that you watched him get from the pusher.The Jefferson High School Student Identification Card (in the name of Victor Simms) matches the general description of your suspect.The contents of the bag appear to be cocaine!As you move, a dry branch snaps beneath your weight. Unfortunately, its loud "CRACK!" reveals you to the suspects!Those two are sure paranoid. They're history now.Well, you blew that one! There won't be any drug deal here today!Whoops! You're not going to get 'em this time! Failure to follow proper procedure leaves you in an awkward position. You'd better refer to your "PIG" manual!This kid is so scared, that won't be necessary.Holster your weapon first.You can't just go off and leave your suspect. into "Police Quest II," coming soon to a computer near you!"Ah, ha! Colby!"You radio Laura, "I've got mine in custody, and we're heading for the car. I'll meet you there."The bushes seem unimpressed with your bravado!It's a little early for that!Simms is reluctant but cooperative. You learn he has been selling to kids at Jefferson High School, including Officer Cobb's daughter, Kathy."I used to buy from a guy named Jose Martinez, but then Martinez introduced me to that guy, Colby," Simms says, "I haven't seen Martinez since.""It's a pleasure doin' business with 'cha.""See ya next time, Dude!"And then, they quickly hit the road."Laura! Grab him!!""Hey, who's 'dat?""(crackle... static... crackle...)"Where are you going? Nobody's going to do anything illegal with you hanging around!A little slow today, are we? Now you've missed your chance. Those two are history.You key your extender, "83-Nora-10, this is 32-12. Are you in place?"It seems they have resolved their differences, since the older man says..."I dunno. Let's get outta here!""Jiggers! The fuzz!!""Beat it!!""Hey, Man! It's some guy wit' a gun!!""I'm outta here!"%m64 shouts the pusher, %m67"Don't shoot, Officer!" shouts the young man, "I give up!!"Well, you caught yourself a nice, little fish, but you let the shark get away. Next time, try following proper police procedures.The beautiful park is caressed by a gentle breeze.The cool, green grass feels good under your feet.You see a beautiful blue sky, a couple of clouds, and an airplane way up there.You've resolved this stakeout in an interesting and creative manner, but surely you can come up with a more professional approach!%m84 Trying to shoot an unarmed, high-school boy who's obviously scared to death is hardly the proper solution here."Hands up!" you shout. "Police officer!!"He can't. He's handcuffed.You've got him under control. Just 'cuff him."You are under arrest!"Carved into the table is "DW + JW" and "GR loves CW."Where!?The young man is wearing dark clothes.There is slightly older man talking with him.A little trigger-happy, aren't we?4 6)!))%v%w6 CX %9b+F#E = . $QjtQwsQllQtmFe e ee eGQp}Qx|eQS}QY}e :;QCh;Q7}Q=Q9bQ5n 6+Y  :Q5h! e : $((#Q}t * 8Qst,weF- $N+e.eGQ}t0 x $Qt 2 $e 3e<< =# ee`  ..<--< e ee\&\\\ e e e1'h'S''<3\ *   ^^d )ee2=4edc"G++--)Qmlf / zIh zKj z*)10  k ee 4 Y/a<D|JLaura enters the jail and says, "Hey, Sonny! I need to speak with you for a moment.""A position has opened in the Narcotics Division, and according to Lieutenant Morgan, it will be filled by a veteran street cop.""If you're interested, submit a memo to Lieutenant Morgan as soon as possible. It would be a great chance for you to get out of that uniform for awhile."The jailer yells, "Hey, Hot Pencil! Come over here.""I just hung up from talking to Dooley, and is he hot!"The jailer continues, "He wants you back at the office on the double!"The jailer says, "What can I do for you, Hot Pencil?""What are you charging him with?" the jailer asks.You remove and inventory the prisoner's personal property, then hand it to the jailer with the booking slip.The jailer takes the prisoner's property, then says, "Ok, Monty, remove this gentleman's 'cuffs and place him behind 'door number one.'""If he throws up on the floor," the jailer laughs, "you're gonna clean it up, Bonds!""Gee, thankssh a lot, Ociffer," says the drunk. "I'm so happy, I could just s^%$!"Just as Laura leaves, the jailer yells at you...You remove the 'cuffs and place them in your handcuff case."Whew! Boy, that feels good," says the drunk. "Those 'cuffs were so tight I thought my hands had fallen off.""Well, are you going to remove his 'cuffs or not?" asks the jailer."Are you deaf?" prompts the jailer. "I said, 'what can I do for you?'""Are you going to book this dude or not?""Listen, bud, I need to talk to you before you leave. Just drag 'em on over here."The jailer has difficulty hearing you at this distance."Ok, ok!" says the jailer, "I heard you.""Any time now, you can remove the 'cuffs."Thinking about grabbing your gun, the drunk delivers a blow to the top of your head. You fall to the floor, unconscious.Suddenly he realizes what a bad decision he's made, but by then it's too late for you. You're a pile on the floor. Next time, lock up your gun before you enter a jail!4L08&!` )&+F%:c6#:)!%u)%t#XE = .M $GQiuQwsQimQtm Feea'm'm''D'ee e!ee e 'e  ee 11y1yh'h'S''3)&e\ Md* ^d eGQisQss eeQ:sQCs ;QCh XQ:cQCm +6Y  :Q5he e : $6 #GQst  8QitFeee $NG6 Qt  stte  $ $ .`` Qws $ $e e P''''''P< q0  $ee_}` } ee`Te  Q ZRQ mR/   $ee dc"++--*DQdm f 7FMee #'#'# e! Dq B"cf^,m'eT   You remove the 'cuffs and place them in your handcuff case."Well," asks the jailer, "are you going to remove his 'cuffs or not?"After a short wait, the jailer asks, "Are you going to book this dude or not?""My goodness gracious!" says the jailer. "Here stands Bonds again on behalf of the people.""This is one bad dude," says the jailer. "What are you booking him for, Sherlock?"The jailer responds, "Ok, %w1 will do. Fill out the booking slip and give me his property!""You can't book anyone on a %w1!"Deep down you know this sleeze bag is not the man he claims he is. You book him as "Marvin Hoffman" anyway, hoping his numerous felony charges will keep him in the slammer long enough for you to ascertain his true identity.You hand the jailer the booking slip and the suspect's property."Ok, Bonds," the jailer says, "you can remove his 'cuffs and place Mr. So-Called "Marvin Hoffman" into cell number one.""You little meter maids can't keep me in here!" he shouts.Hoffman yells, "I'll be out of this tank before you finish your coffee break!""Since my shift is over, I'll see you back at the station.""I received a call from dispatch on the way over here. Dooley wants to see you in his office when you are done here.""If you want to book this crook, I'll need a clue as to the charges."Jack says, "Well, I see you got that slimeball pusher booked!""Your penthouse awaits you, Hoffman!""Shove it, Pig!""The car's tucked away and all the evidence is booked. This is one clean bust, my boy!"The jailer seethes, "I hope you know, Bonds, at this very moment Hoffman's lawyer is in the front reception area, bailing that worm out.""Hey, Sonny, come over here," says the jailer. "I have something to tell you."You hand the jailer the No Bail Warrant just in time to keep Mr. Taselli from returning to the streets."Oh, man! This is great, Sonny," the jailer laughs. "I hope you know this will slam the ol' boy's orifice shut.""I bet you wish you had a No Bail Warrant on this guy!" says the jailer."I'll be right back. This is gonna blow his attorney's mind!""You know something, Pig? All you're doing is slightly delaying my exit!" Taselli rants."Boy, that made my day, Sonny! You should have seen the guy.""He started ranting and raving like a little kid who just had his lollipop taken away!"In a desperate attempt to escape, the suspect seizes your weapon and blows you into eternity! Next time, check your weapon at the door!"Sonny, you already gave me the No Bail Warrant."Failure to search the suspect has cost you dearly! The LPD Widows and Orphan Fund will contact your next of kin!"What's your name?" the jailer asks your prisoner."The name's, uh, Marvin Hoffman, you scum bag!" he responds. "And that's all you're gettin' outta me!"4 }r"r#^^o[%P[to!!!!!%Qi%Hh%\h%%&))))o)o66 CC+++FFF fz^z^ /#####L{L|!)6+L|%J#C^  '?[[[e [e EE== mE=  [[V 2_n  G#S ' GFee NWO=)+CX $w QJ$e ::<<[[Ve###'[e[eene' ' ''''-'-'P'1'S'1' 7'':e.e" /e[ e ''Hqq  39191'S''e /ee' ''-'7'z'-'1'9'!ee /e <'  ove &[ee e[[ee e!mmK[[een'i'!i'!i'e n@e$tii7Ze+[[e Z"l v_ee^$J=&vK 8[^)Y"@O]Officer Steve Johnson greets you upon your arrival at Cotton Cove."Good to see you, Sonny," he says. "We've got a ripe one here, with no ID! Is this the dude you arrested?""Since you're the guy who booked him, we hope you can identify him."You lift the white blanket and examine the swollen body. It resembles %s6, however, you can't be sure.The soggy shirt peels slowly from his chest. Above his left nipple you spot the flower tattoo which confirms your identification."I know he reeks, Sonny, but you'll have to get closer to do that," says Steve.You see as much as you care to!You key the radio, "Dispatch, this is 83-Nora-10. Report positive ID on body of one %s6. 10-8, Cotton Cove."Your radio crackles, "10-4, 83-Nora-10. Dispatch copies 10-22 APB %s6."The water is nice this time of year, but swimming is deadly!With an extender, you could radio dispatch from here.Your radio crackles, "10-4, 83-Nora-10. Dispatch copies 10-97 Cotton Cove.""Go on, Sonny. Get up there and take a look."You'd better report your findings."Thanks, Sonny. Be advised Coroner is en route. 10-19, per Lt. Morgan."You observe two patrol units parked with emergency lights flashing. They both appear unoccupied.You look around at a beautiful wooded area. The Clearwater River flows in the background.You see nothing that would help you.The Clearwater River looks refreshing.You're not close enough.Thinking your car is one slick machine, you admire it one more time.The two marked patrol cars with emergency lights flashing, and the covered body in the clearing, clouds the natural beauty of Cotton Cove."Yep," you respond, "this is %s6, alright."You radio in, "Dispatch, 83-Nora-10 10-97 Cotton Cove.""Well, Sonny," says Steve, "is this %s6, or not?""Are you going to inform Dispatch?" asks Steve."Thanks for your help, Sonny," says Steve.You don't need to uncover any more.The body is covered by a blanket.Gladly.The policemen stand near a dead body.Just walk right in, the water looks fine!You radio, "10-8 from scene."Marvin HoffmanJason TaselliYou've always thought this a lovely part of Lytton.4N M!!)))+++%wQlRx&QRdx&XXXXFFF###'QR QRG zGF' GF $::Qts GQp+ :;;QllQdle Qtn e::we ;;QdzQl{Qv|QSzQW{Qa|Q7xQ8{Q<|++;QCh:6eQ7dQ8e Q9n"+6;Q5h$ :QDd&+e $ .?x22::;Qw4e 6 Qw6$ @ ? ed,fF;;;c"+-Q_k+-+-*DQdmg FF 7e  e  #e Ae>e9<'5u'--  e e eDDDD  e e Fe11y1yh'h'S'K e?6\ *  ^d+))ee*# e#'#'#eR({&O20UzThe jailer says, "This is certainly a fine-looking group ya got this time, Sonny!"You remove, inventory, and deliver the prisoner's personal property to the jailer along with the booking slip.You remove the 'cuffs and place them in your handcuff case."Ok, %w1 it will be," the jailer says. "Fill out a booking slip and give me his property!""I think you boys know where to go!" you tell them."Up your's, Dick Tracy! You'll never make this stick!"The jailer says, "Ok, Sonny, remove their 'cuffs and put the little pushers into cell number one.""What are you charging these dudes with?" asks the jailer."I'm gonna sue you for makin' them 'cuffs so tight, Flatfoot!" threatens your prisoner."Come on, Bonds," says the jailer impatiently. "Take the 'cuffs off this pair!""I'm still waiting, Bonds," says the jailer. "What are you going to do with them?""Sonny," says Laura, "I'll wait here while you complete the booking.""Hey, Bonds," yells Laura. "I'll wait for you in the car."Move to the counter before making a case.The jailer heard you the first time!The suspects should be booked first.The cuffs are removed.As you die... the last thing you hear... is the suspect mumbling something about... what he does to pigs..."My Mommy's gonna be bummin' when she finds out where I am!" whines Victor Simms.4o8 b&! ) % 9b6 ! ) % 4T6 + / L |`w $# F ,iJ~ `i 2\''`\'`'`'ed '''ee#'#'ee ` \  eeQFs(eeG Q CbQ Cg + F e  eeG Q 7g F + Q6peQ6j c&e #  +  $ - G Q :e F  e e  e x $N`2e Nw $Q7jfe eG Q 7gg+F / c&# (h$ ieee $x#[jee`x* Hq,KVxZ"Well, it's about time, Bonds!" exclaims the jailer. "That gal in cell one has been whining like a lonely puppy for you!""Do your best to calm that girl down, will ya, Sonny? I don't get paid enough to listen to that crap!"As you approach cell one, Sweet Cheeks spots you and says..."Oh, Precious! I'm so happy to see you!""Please come here and talk to me! I need your help, Sonny.""I'm sorry, Sonny, but I got picked up by Operation Trick Trap.""I know you warned me, but I thought the operation was over.""I'll do anything to get out!""Oh, Sonny! If only I had someone like you to call my own!""Wow, Sweet Lips!" you exclaim. "Was that hot, or what?!""I'm sorry, Precious. I just couldn't resist you!""Oh please, get me out of this place.""Oh, Sonny, I'll help you do anything. Thank you so much!""Oh, please, tell me what to do."Embarrassed, you feel as though all the blood in your body has rushed to your face.You explain the arrangements of Sweet Cheek's immediate release to her."Sweet Cheeks, as soon as you're released, I want you to go to the police station for a meeting with Lieutenant Morgan.""Hey, Sonny!" says the jailer in a loud voice, "You been messing with my female prisoners or did you just start wearing lipstick today?""Lt. Morgan just called. He's sending a car over for Sweet Cheeks."She can't hear you from here.4Hle "  !u!e" px4e4ee >RfDon't bother. You'd just be spinning your wheels!There is no answer.The door is locked.Someday you'd like to own a home in a neighborhood like this.This is private property. You have no business here.4-e "  !u!e" px4e4eMMeeBBBeeDXlBwDon't bother. You'd just be spinning your wheels!There is no answer.The door is locked.Much urine, from many dogs, has taken its toll on the paint.You can't see it, but believe it or not, there is a light at the top of the pole.It's just an old, abandoned disco, left over from another Sierra game.This is private property. You have no business here.Fresno 41 miles.4eLooking out over the ocean, you see perfect ten- to twelve-foot "peelers" sliding out of mirror glass, and realize this is a rotten day to be working.4 +M/,)e,M0O7&mn#&&!)f+-\)c+/%L/#\, /C\/ePCveue/-C.e/C&.e/ /KLMJ'mn/\\ e C L7NP, \e , ,,.Ce eC& R , / eeeee ,.C GCve ue e e..;RQRT ,C/, L7NP\eeN ,C&TIS TRQRT ,'ISI\CR  9u P9Uu 9u I\CN  'c K'Pc 'c SINC{ /K i /uK| iu| INC"~  7' U q' |7 U|q --N $RR ,- $.CeCe C&ee @,:mGeGe+e ke8_:o3HMsX ;cHYou managed to stop a reckless driver.You've made the stop. Now try getting closer.You need to be more specific.Seeing you don't have control of the situation, the violator drives off.You observe a small, red, sports car fail to stop for that red light.You activate your red emergency lights and observe the sports car pull to the curb and stop.You'd better check your "PIG" manual for proper stop procedures.You'll need the suspect's driver's license to do that.Enraged, the young woman shrieks as you drive off, "Your Mama wears Army boots, you $%^&!head."You just made that broad's day, Studly!The driver of the car you stopped wonders, "Are all cops that lame?" as she drives away.He slowly pulls to the right, jumps the curb, and comes to a stop."What about my car?""Don't worry. It'll be towed somewhere safe. At your expense."Noting your persistence and driving skill, the driver of the Cadillac pulls it over after his attempts to lose you fail."If anything happens to my car I'll have my lawyer on you so fast, he'll...""Keep it down back there, Slimeball!"Jack comes on the radio..."Dispatch, this is 83-31 confirming Code-4 on felony stop, one in custody. 83-32 proceeding to jail. Request tow truck to location."Dispatch responds, "Affirmative, 83-31. Code-4, tow truck en route."Upon your arrival at the scene of the accident, you observe a group of bystanders gawking at a green sedan that attempted to carve its own door in the side of a brick building.This accident looks serious! Where are you going?Your first assignment, and you blew it.There is no reason to return to the accident scene! You have your orders, now move.You may as well return to patrol. That gal is mad!You already have her telephone number, don't go back to make an even bigger fool of yourself!No sense returning to the scene. Transport your suspect to jail!4Kj )[[[ [[dxC  [e - o ! E[  '>'''rrDrBu' eE'   E, AC\e.e2eUCe/e0e1C&e6e7e8e9Ce:e;e=. 1C&Ce>Ce? "e?eAeC/P MCvu eS2C^e[eUC&eQCeR  /C\ eK\rN  U[ikrO eGWr ^r Qr Dr 7r*rrrre)Me*Br!r"Pr#r$2r%r&r'r( !rrr !rrrQ !rrrrrr e-e+e, 'm m'm^ /eYeZ eTS4y41y4ymeTmmmmrAm , S'! I F ee5[eVe $[[ee [ "H_u| 4;ES\jt&7<@DJOU[f&;_~2H[>|0Hhy A e % \ "%m6. Go ahead."You are on a difficult mission. You must save the City of Lytton from the "Death Angel."You have no time for sightseeing now!Your radio crackles, "You key your radio, "83-32,The officers standing by at Cotton Cove request, "Respond Code-2."%m4%m68 respond to Cotton Cove. Officers on scene need ID of 187 victim."%m4%m68, the Coroner has been dispatched."parked%m19north%m19northeast%m19east%m19southeast%m19south%m19southwest%m19west%m19northwesttraveling %m6,Parkway Drive1st Street2nd Street3rd Street4th Street5th Street6th Street7th Street8th Street9th Street10th StreetClearwater DrivePalmOakFigPeachRoseLillyPoppyRiver Road%m5%s2 %s3 on Freeway 41."%m5%s2 %s3 under Freeway 41."%m5%s2 %s3 on %s4."%m5%s2 %s3 on %s5."%m5%s2 %s3 at intersection of %s4 and %s5."%m5%s2 %m53 traffic accident.%m5%s2 %m51"OHMYMG."%m5%s2 %m52"OHMYMG."%m4Currently registered, no wants."%m4%s2 dispatch copies 10-97."run vehicle, check on license suspect license at scene of%m5%s2 %m51"UL6942."%m4%s2 %m52"UL6942."%m4Registered to 1979 Cadillac, junked in 1983.""%s2 approach with caution."%m5%s2 %m51"PRGRMR1."%s2 %m52"PRGRMR1."Your radio crackles, "83-32, repeating 10-20 of 11-83 is southwest corner of Fig and 4th."%m4%s2 personalized plate 'PRGRMR1' appears to be currently registered."%m5%s2 one%m64%m5%m68 two%m64 in custody, en route to jail.""%s2 request subject check on Don Colby, Charles, Ocean, Lincoln, Boy, Yellow."call%m70%s2, possible hit, Paul D. Colby, DOB 12/8/61, 5'8", 155 pounds. Served 18 months State Penitentiary '85-'87 for assault on a police officer and possession and sale of a controlled substance. Three year probation, still active."83-Nora-10,Your 'Vette doesn't have a police radio.Dispatch responds, "%m5%s2 10-20 at %s3."Hotel DelphoriaCarol's Caffeine CastleLytton City ParkBlue RoomLPD HeadquartersCotton Cove Picnic AreaLytton Municipal Court BuildingLytton City Jailin pursuit of%m5%s2%m80 attempting to overtake light blue Cadillac, suspect vehicle.%m5%s2%m80 attempting to overtake and stop light colored sedan, possible DUI."%m5%s2%m80 bright red sports car.That would be unsafe while driving!%m5%s2 Dispatch, %s2 is 10-98 from the scene.""10-19 the office, per Lieutenant Morgan."Dispatch copies your car-to-car radio traffic, "%s2 be advised that 83-31 is off the air at Carol's."%m5%s2 Dispatch, 83-32 en route to traffic collision."You need to observe a violation first.Get closer to the suspect vehicle.%m5%s2 responding to Carol's Caffeine Castle."4 fYZ<OnFpbcdeC   - b e dN] !"#$%&'()vwxyz{|}~ LTd%m85 says, "Sonny, I am extremely busy right now; besides, uniformed cops don't belong in Narcotics Division. Would you please hit the road and write some tickets?"%m85 welcomes you to the Narcotics Division and explains the necessity of your new image."Sonny, I've decided to put you on the Hoffman case due to your involvement in the arrest. Your partner will be Detective Laura Watts.""You can join Laura in her office now. Good luck on the case. And, welcome aboard, Sonny!""Hello, Sonny. Please step over here to my desk.""Sonny, step on over to my desk.""I have devised a plan to infiltrate the gambling scene at the Hotel Delphoria," %m85 begins."Sonny, I want you to check into the Hotel under the name of Jimmy Lee Banksten," he continues. "Meet Sweet Cheeks in the hotel cocktail lounge.""Signal Sweet Cheeks that you're ready to begin the operation by ordering a drink. She'll pretend to recognize you as 'Whitey,' an old friend recently released from prison. She'll introduce you to bartender Woody Roberts, whom we believe is the contact man for the back room hustle.""You'll be carrying a large sum of money (in marked bills, of course), and will pretend to be eager for action."%m85 concludes, "Since Laura developed your disguise, I'll let her fill you in on its details.""Sonny, I've picked out a white suit for you," Laura says, "and, by the way, we've decided your hair must be bleached!""You'll walk with the aid of this special cane. Its handle is really a detachable, .22-caliber magnum Derringer. When the need arises, you will carry a voice transmitter disguised as a plain-looking ballpoint pen.""That's all I have," concludes Laura. "Sweet Cheeks, do you have anything to add?"In an excited voice, Sweet Cheeks says, "Oh, Sonny, I'm so happy I get to work with you! Why, it almost brings a tear to my eye! I'm looking forward to spending tonight working with you at the Hotel Delphoria, my Precious!" She winks at you.Sergeant Dooley, his voice cracking, interrupts the meeting."It is my regretful duty to inform you that I've just received a phone call from Jack Cobb. His daughter, Kathy, just died without ever regaining conciousness.""Effective immediately, Jack is on extended family leave. Jack's taking this really hard. His brother is staying with him and he requests no visitors. I'm sure our sympathy goes out to Jack in his time of need."Hatred wells up inside you. You vow revenge for Kathy's senseless death by tracking down the dope world animals responsible!%m85 speaks softly, "Sonny, the sooner you get into the scene at the Hotel Delphoria, the sooner we can neutralize those blood suckers."Laura adds, "I picked up these supplies at the beauty shop. Take this bottle of bleach creme activator into the shower and bleach your hair."%m85 instructs you, "Sonny, after you bleach your hair and change clothes, report back to me. I have more instructions for you.""It's good to see you, Sonny. Come over to my desk.""I know you worked hard trying to keep that punk Hoffman in jail. What a shame that it was all for naught!""It's frustrating when a man does the best job he can do, and some dummy screws it up! I wouldn't trust that tower guard to guard our water fountain!""After reviewing the Hoffman file, I think we should take a close look at the black book that was impounded along with his Cadillac. Get it from Russ in the evidence lockup.""Check it out, then get back to me. I have some other leads to investigate. When we next meet, I may have some new ideas.""""Come over to my desk. I have some things to discuss with you.""After you infiltrate the illegal gambling activities at the hotel, contact me. I'll send over a team of detectives to serve as your backups.""This envelope contains a thousand dollars in marked, hundred-dollar bills.""Use your head, Sonny, and don't forget: we want Mr. Big!"Just then the office intercom squelches, "%m85. Homicide detective Oscar Hamilton on line three."You patiently wait while %m83 grumbles on the phone.When the conversation ends, %m83 relates Hamilton's comments on the floater found this morning at Cotton Cove."Sonny, it seems that Hoffman/Taselli was shot execution-style before he decided to take his little swim.""It looks like you're walking right into the dragon's lair at the Hotel Delphoria. Be careful, boy!""Well, that's it here," %m83 says. "Now, go meet Sweet Cheeks and get this campaign rolling.""Sonny, change into a more suitable garb, and Code-3 yourself back in here!""Hello, Sonny. I hear your 'little' Sweetheart is in the can!""Sonny, I think your friend, Sweet Cheeks, may be able to help us out.""It seems our drug problem is emanating from the Hotel Delphoria.""In lieu of her current state of affairs, I'd bet Sweet Cheeks would be willing to help you establish your cover at the Hotel.""Go over to the jail, and see if she'll help you with the hotel operation.""When you get back, I'll hold a briefing on the operation.""I'll call the jail and arrange everything for you.""I can't believe Judge Palmer fell for that bunk about a stolen ID."MorganLt. %m83Lieutenant %m83"By the way, we learned from the fingerprint search that Hoffman is really one 'Jason Taselli' recently of Chicago.""Sweet Cheeks," says %m85, "why don't you head on over to the hotel. Sonny will follow shortly.""Thanks for your help, Laura," %m83 says, "that's all for now."4lri m i 8  o.]()*+,c-dA7M&z{|}~= h i Z x Q p Z $w q p y;y<y= y>y?y@yAyByCyD y=&y-'y+&y yy yy"y y y yy yy%y&(y2 yy/y- y,(y1y2y3 y4y5y6y7y8y9y0y hy y  _<PQ42a:.] x e8v~ 1u  K\\\\\ \\ \ w\\\ \ YZ70 p ) y ' , /KCKLL9MNJC/# , /\CK2LsMJ #]< JJ] v& 'K_LM , /COT8/hQR% &^  , / 'K2LuMJ /# 4 '`  Q! b'(,\ 'KLCMJ/!/___&_ __ __^_ y A 'b |0 G H I'()*+,c K\\\\ \\ \\\ y/_  x c   { P N M O .` 4'( ) * ,_ 4# 5$\\\ 'KJLNMJ/5()`7___\ 'KdLdMJ/)!`_ } 'K$L=MJ/+) e . ? CDE 'KZLdMJ/)& ' e .C?` KULdMJ/!b e? 'KLCMJ/! 4b# ')$#` K_LgMJ/)<`#[ 'KLJ/< 4[d '2?d# $' (*,\\\d 'K$LPMJ /? C ' Tg D T RhD\A ^dO aOIf you didn't just do a Restart, assume this isn't going to work! Use Level 255 to quit. Use Level 0 to Restore. Any Level > 31 to Restart. Levels 1 thru 31 are valid.Pick a level from 1 thru 31: 40+'kl klG zGF4Gd foai\q!)i+%7EF!)i+%7EF!)\+/%*-F!)\+/%*}F!)i+/%(WF  "!!t!t!!! ee!!e)!(!) e' '' "e!!! 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Hoffman"License #C84776356,name of "L. Pierson"EVIDENCE FORM5 lbs. marijuana,est. value, $4,000.001 lb. cocaine, est.value, $250,000.001 S&W .45 automatichandgun SN SW97649121 black notebookVEHICLE INFORMATION'83 Cadillac deVille,blue (orig. blue)Stolen fromLytton, CALICENSE #LOP1238VIN C03456218Registered to:Malcolm Washington234 W Center StLytton, CATemporary CA driver's"Freddie the Freak"NegroALIASNAME5'3 219' black/greenWANTSpurse snatchingassault and batteryMETHOD OF OPERATIONgrabs victim, bitesneck, snatchespurse, runs awayJames Jenkins"Jimmy the Junky"Department.6'4 160' black/brownIllegal flight toavoid prosecution onnarcotic violations.Last seen headingsouth like an out-of-control rocket.Francis Malone4'9 160' black/blueWarrant #Q372"Short Fat Fanny"steals anything shecan fit on her bodynarcotics violationsWinford W. Watson"Winnie the Weasel"5'8 180' bald/brownnumerous tattoosnarcotics, weapons,and armed robberyviolationsLOCATION OF SUBJECThas been seen with aUPDATELast seen by severalwitnesses early Wed.morning. Statementsindicate FreddieJustinfletch was atintersection ofCenter and 3rd Stsdirecting trafficwhile totally nude.When officers arrived"the Freak" couldnot be found.Jenkins also wantedfor questioning inseveral West Sidedaylight burglaries.ADDITIONALIf arrested, notifyOfficer James Lucas,Lytton ProbationUNUSUAL TRAITSHalitosis to themagnitude equal tothe breath ofAPPROACH WITH CAUTIONwill not hesitate toknock you down andspit in your eyeswhile she breathsheavily into youryour face, therebyjunkie hooker knownas "Big Bonnie"NOTEhas large red & bluetattoo of sinkingship on top of headnauseating you tothe point ofunconsciousness.Marvin HoffmanMale 6'0 194#HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 6/2/5631 W 104th StChicago, ILRESTRICTIONSNone.Leroy PiersonMale 5'11 197#HAIR BlackEYES BlueDOB 4/28/551134 Beach StNewport, CAYou may also use the cursor keys to turn the pages.Which file?You can only read one file at a time.You're not looking at a folder.The file drawer contains five folders, each labeled with the name of the case.You remove the Hoffman file from the drawer.Good thinking; maybe this will be of use.You return the folder to the file drawer.You ARE looking at a file!4%#@ #w    8q m g {g |g}8'g zs  8iuS!MS' S' S "SzS'z"S mx #r rr rro EFGIJKLM55'()*+,-$.'/9$01'23:6456789:;<$<='>kO=PQRSTUVWXYZ>[?\c r r r r rv uwxyrr Kr Kr#     ru     @?ABCDr $ !"#%rr ]^_`abcdef^g`ibej^k`lbmen^o`pqbrst  Q~h|h}h~hhhhhhh= hjl{(6EOP[ky!0?Ue{ $4F[o-7IPcr *=MNdw)>Odk}%5I_o % : N _ m  ) ? U k    + > P ^ p ~   ' 3 8 9 : ; < _<COMPUTER DOWN.No record for input.45 caliber,automatic handgunserial #SW9764912reported stolen.Chicago, 12/4/86Contact Det. Taber atCPD, 1 (312) 555-3382555-6537,unlisted numberLeroy Pierson1037 Grove St.Apt #334,Lytton, CADelphoria HotelJason TaselliFED Warrant: 123-1985Alias: Marvin Hoffman5'11", 195', blk/brnTattoo of flowerabove left nipple.1985 Motorcycle 750Color: cherry redStolen: %m18License: M65789VIN: M09876543459PC Burglary.22-cal. lever-actionRamington rifleoak stock, gold trig.Serial #R12345678Still outstanding:Contact Lytton PDRecord not on file.Victim:Fancy Pants Lingerie57 pair silk skivviesBlue, size 46-50,Zippered crotchSuspect:Short Fat Fanny2400 lbs Dog FeedFat Fred's Feed Farm9 Large-mouth BellyBustin' Stink Baits"Chink's Cast NCatchit" Bait StoreMissing dog:Name of Big DogAKA "The Consumer"3', 115 lbs, blk/whtApproach with cautionis very affectionatewith uniformed policeofficers.8 diamond weddingrings.Jessie the JewelerMarvin HoffmanIll. DDL #A4724572231 W 104th StChicago, Illinois5'11",195lbs,blk/brnDOB: 3/1/391983 Cadillac deVilleColor: blackStolen, %m18License: LOP1238VIN: C03456218Registered owner:Malcolm Washington234 W Center StBiologic intercourse.Anal release of anelastic fluid.Solid waste matterfrom the bowels.A yellowish fluidsecreted by thekidneys, passedthrough ureters tobladder, from whichit is dischargedthrough the urethra.Any port in a storm!Found on a male.Freddie JustinfletchAlias:Freddie the FreakPhysical:5'3",219lbs,bald/grnWanted for:purse snatchingassault and batterynarcotics violationsJames JenkinsJimmy "the Junky"6'4",160lbs,blk/brnFrancis MaloneShort Fat Fanny4'9",160lbs,blk/bluWAR: Q72, petty theftWiniford WatsonWinnie the Weasel5'8",180lbs,bald/brnNumerous tattoos.Narcotics, weapons,and armed robberyviolations.555-6537555-4369unlisted telephonenumber of: PoliceCommissioner HackerEnter search string:Lytton Police Dept.On-Line DatabaseGood morning!Didn't match %s1.Former programmer;author of that cultclassic, "Bop-A-Bet!"Computer renaissanceman: artist, program-mer, guitarist.Nice ol' family man;former CHiP (not asin cow).Like a civil servant:we can't fire him andcan't get him to work15-year veteran, LPDHelen Hots202 Gyrate Ct,License: OHMYMGOn-Line Help is nolonger available.ohmymgdirBDOS err on a:convicted drug pusheral lowegreg rowlandjim wallsken williamsWanted for murder,drug involvement,prostitution.Last seen area ofChicago, Ill.prgrmr1Art Serabian,No wants.m65789m09876543r12345678sw9764912lop1238c03456218ul6942License: UL6942Issued to:1979 Cadillac,junked in 1983.VIN: C0864213579C0864213579hots4D7b: : : : : : : 4I !!N "`!)`+%7EFq "$ " !!! !!!!!Nm!X&ggggg g g g g  g g g g gg8%]T%][/#!F&gggggg g g g g gggggg!F&g g!g"g#g$g %g &g 'g (g )g*g+g,g-g.g/!S&g0g1g2g3g4g 5g 6g 7g 8g 9g:g;gg?g@%]S/#m "-'-v'r''-''z' '' "eA!!! ''!' "eA!!!eCC .DZ@h)Nu 4XAi?g"J`v!7\ S THE LYTTON TRIBUNE DOPE IN THE CITY \| PRESIDENT HICKLEThe city of Lytton,\|once a beautiful, \|peaceful, quiet \|city with few major\|crime problems, is \|now experiencing \|rapid growth and \|Smugsville, U.S.A.prosperity. But, \|President Hicklealong with growth \|was in Smugsvillehas come an alarm- \|yesterday evening,ing increase in the\|observing thecrime rate that is \|annual migration see Dope, pg 2\| see Birds, pg 2 Birds, from pg 1\| Dope, from pg 1of the red-bellied \|threatening theswamp coddlers. \|peace of Lytton.The President, who \|Police Sgt. Johnhas been a bird \|Dooley states thatlover since child- \|dangerous drugshood, rates the \|are showing up onmating dance of the\|the streets and incoddler as being \|our schools."as spectacular as \|The homicide ratethe golden-crowned \|and prostitutionscum sucker." The \|are at a level thePresident candidly \|city has neveradmitted that he \|seen. The Tribuneonce skipped the \|has learned from a see Birds, pg 3\| see Dope, pg 3 Birds, from pg 2\| Dope, from pg 2Geneva Arms Conven-\|reliable sourcetion to watch some \|that a big-timeold coddlers mate. \|drug dealer with aThe President says \|street name ofa bill is presently\|"Death Angel" maybefore the Senate \|be responsible forproclaiming Nat- \|the drug traffic.ional Coddler Day! \| \| LPD OFFICER OF ESCAPED \| THE YEAR NOMINEESLytton City Jail \|Lytton PD Chiefreported the escape\|Whipplestick hasof a female prison \|nominated Sonnyinmate last night. \|Bonds and Joe see Escaped, pg 4\| see Nominee, pg 4 Escaped, from pg 3\|Nominee, from pg 3Floreen "Flustered \|Flora" Paxton flew \|the coop by hiding \|beneath a pile of \|soiled prison \|laundry in a hand- \|pushed basket. \| \|KINGDOM OF DAVENTRY\|Bonds and Waltersis now under siege \|by a renegade, 3- \|Walters for LPDheaded dragon. One \|"Officer of theunidentified gnome \|Year Award" due tostated the kingdom \|outstanding effortis in a "state of \|and commitment inemergency." \|crime prevention.You may also use the cursor keys to turn the pages.Since your shift is beginning, you discard the newspaper.You ARE reading the paper.4K 8"  "mhm3   !I22222A8 ?SLbb b)bi    !!!!!!!! ! !!)g)g)h)h)h)h)c) b) S0 FFFFFFFFFF XX X 6 6 6CCCCCCCC C %%%%%%%%% sC_`w_`w``JN,c*,/7 &  )e0, ,M7&KLO7 'KL432a/JMLKLK/SI 'QRP /  ; KLKL$fKL&KLN#\  J*KL   KL$fKL&KLN#       4d`, / B&W /? 7b0 %qAu /# vF1 <_ /8 2 :] /! 2d3 ''? / (A4 H>K\/5 LS       0kQR-S   07QR-Sr   0QR>S-   0QR" 0 u0-S   0uQR>S   00QR>S a   0QR{-S-   0QR~ 0 KuU0SQRR!SQNR!S QR{SQR~ 0 u0S QR!SQRSQR{*S  sQR~ 00;RQRTSNSS )f.+-SS )f.+-SSSS.)e;RQRTS: o0O3kYou observe an erratically-driven vehicle and feel the driver may have had one too many.Dispatch relays, "83-32, be advised. Possible stolen vehicle reported in your vicinity.""Vehicle is light blue, late-model Cadillac, last seen near Jefferson High. Possible drug involvement.""Approach with caution. 10-4."Did you see that red sports car run that red light?!%m10Respond to 11-83, SW corner of Fig and 4th."Steve radios, "83-32, this is 83-31. Time for 11-98 at Caffeine Castle!"You cruise your beat, just aching to write a ticket.%m10Respond to a complaint at Carol's Caffeine Castle."Dispatch squawks, "83-32. 83-32. 4 GEWEWNFEFoWoWfLfL_W_WVLVLNWNZfZogohninjmklkkljl[kZkYjXiWhWgVd___^^]^\][\[[ZZZJ[I[H\G]F^F_ElElNaN`O`UbVfVe`eedfZfoEENzNzototNoNoECECjBkBlAm@n?n>o7o6n5n4m3l3k2j2E8E8e9f>??5>6>7=8<9;9::3:291908/7/6.5.B:BHH1R1R:B:U:U[[:U:^5^__`abcjklmnnooiihedd0e1h1i0i.o.o5n6n7m8l9k9j:c:b9a9`8_7_6r:rxx!!)x)x11:r:5181909854405181!"!$%%!$"!"969J9X9e9y9wmanMn%>$C$C%G%G$V$V%Z%Z$_$_%c%c$s$s%%$[\#\#[*[*\.\.[3[3\7\7[>[>\B\B[G[G\V\V[\[\\k\k[u[u\y\y[]#]*].]3]7]>]B]G]V]^]]]k]u]y]&*&/&3&:&>&C&G&V&Z&_&c&s&&$)$0$2$;$=$D$F$W$Y$`$b$t$$#*#/#3#:#>#C#G#V#Z#_#c#s##Z ["[#ZZ*Z+[-[.Z+Z3Z4[6[7Z4Z>Z?[A[BZ>ZGZH[U[VZHZ[Z\Z][j[jZ\ZuZv[x[yZuZ" "%"*"/"3":">"C"G"V"Z"_"c"s""Y#Y*Y.Y3Y7Y>YBYGYVY[YjYuYyY;B$B$3)3*2+2,1-0-.-,,5BA?@@?@>A=A@@4A3A2@1?1>0=09606 78C;CBSBS9III0UBU;[;[BUB]]=^>^?_@`AaAbBiBjAkAl@m?m>n=n8nn$h$hgepApq *0;BpBu>}-|l"j>Q?W?=<6,(#&x+x,y,z-{2v1u1t2s2k%w$w#v"u"t!s!o'd'V(U0P1Q9L;L;e(c(VDLELEsDtDuCvBwAw@x9x8w7w6v5u5t4s4nGpGxVxVpVeV`VUVOXxXoYoYQXRX`YaYbZc[d\d]ekOkTkVhVXwXxexfxgwhwivjujtkskmnLmLmUmLmUrUrxxxxp{V}V}O|RsRhTaaesOtNdPSDT:[1a&SXQYPYO(c(V)<8,g,Yg:!:"+&+'*(*))*(19293:::;9<9=8"$58C:B:R:V:[:`8a9b9c:j:k9l9m8oihey))yr::%N(N m!n"n#o(o4m5n6n7o>o?n@nAmFoWoL_W_LNWNaNlN\]]^^^__d_ZoZogohninjmoNsN{NNtozo)p)q*r/m-G,F+F*E#E"F!F G2E8E=ECEFEWE\G]F^F_ElEoEErmlkjcba`[UHB=<;:3210)('&5181I1R1e1h1i.o.y!!y11aVgVhWiWjXdf[fZfWfMfMVWV9f C G V Z _ c s w W#W*W.W3W7W>WBWGWVW[WgWuWyW(')')(/(/'3'3(:(:'>'>(C(C'G'G(V(V'Z'Z(_(_'c'c(s(s''(_^#^#_*_*^.^._3_3^7^7_>_>^B^B_G_G^V^_^k^k`u_u^y^y_N ANAN AA==8899o9o9\9\9T9T9/9%99955%5-5S5T5\5\555EEnEmE^EXEEEDEAC=S=SACAU=[=[AUA^=n=p==ApAkA`A=9A9A5@5@1A1A-@-@)A)A%@%@!A!@A5-6-6)5)5%6%6!5!58IIIII!I!I%I%I)I)I-I-ekh!n!kQaQkUaUmQsQmMnMmUsU{U{UrYsYr]s]daYaX][]YYXYYUXU]edeXq_qXu[uAuCuEq=qEmCmBmEiDiEeDeEaDaE]D]EYDYEUDUEQDQDMEMVQMQVUMUVaMaVeMeVqGqVuGu0Q1Q0U1U0Y1Y0]1]0a1a1e1e;M9M;Q9Q;U9U;Y9Y;]9];a9a;e9e]9`9n9m988q9p9p5q5q1p1p-q-y-{- g!e!e%o%o)e)e-o-7!8!7%8%7)8)7-8-{Q}Q~R~R ATAxNZymfqb{X|W~UA @200aQK;1 @@A=/{*q n-,p)q)p%q%[[ZVUU .>,:*6+5,7!<?DLPU\bb'c+a+`*[)[-_0e0X;^@fAf?e/@;:@6A3@59416-61?,C)H&P&T(Z+X;5^:\<\@`@b;c8e8i`d[bZa[^a[RG=C+>M3EZMfE^SeS<7,70?c?h[c[iWlT|XlU{AjD{@C(AD']Z*?QYQYSYT?R?TJ?N?NKJKJ@L.M/M;K;K/L.;|AFKLUVWY[\]^_bdeg"g'h)h/i0i:i>l=FSSVWXZ[UNikdtY[XB A.AkAA.==.99.55/11/--0)#)0%'%1!+!2/5387;;? 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Room" is the local, police officers' watering hole. It is owned and operated by retired traffic officer, "Big Bobby" Lopez.Whew. Have you had some good times here over the years!"Bud" who?You peer through the department store window, but see nothing of interest.The mini-blinds prevent you from seeing inside.41 fzz'zh zv zbzq z@Rz 00b!b#bT!!!!!)))))++++---/%?%Q%8%Si%La666 L|b #! ) % Dbb -!!))++/F%Q{%?6 C# zO ! ! ) ) + + X XXC C% {% 6 6 L L # # : : %?''' zZ zH  L[]b#%bb 0bb bb! KxW6 8EEEEE ===== mb### Ez\e%eb f e- )# Ez\e e.e##d  e $ we'eeeb : : d#QG Fe(eC)+/H :# QS L|/I #e)QV +Q^ /F+ec# #c!Q8e /IQ8e+ /Q8e,Lz+6 QOF#+$+-#e"QAWQ[=QG) :GQZQZzQUuQFuQFQN F#/!! $e!GQ<" +6 Q<#$d $e#%e$b x| |&e'e%e e/fe ge heieje3 k + - # Q DlmmF e4n)#J6 zO oepGQ9qe5Q9r e6Q9+ s $ G Q Dt$ u#Q8vQEw(F}rAr9: rBr1e7xe8yfzf{ GQA|e&Q=} $ x#bOOvO`u`+u    *'+YY8 $Nf Vd# $MFX)+0ޓX 9 Adee 1 gt b{ee #eD# `-{ ' q ; ;  fc!eee ee0###. 5e2 [~ <>f bwe;E2e?#eEeF0 : : c!Fdq=B82]u\|G^ftW % E  7 E ] }  < .oU|4 *O<You see your friend, Jack, seated alone at a table. There is a jukebox against the wall to the left.Jack speaks, in a very depressed voice, "Oh, Sonny! I just discovered my daughter is doing drugs! It's really screwed me up!""I know she's getting 'em at school, but I just can't finger the punk who's supplying!""My life is going to crap. I can't talk to my daughter, she won't listen to me any more! My drinking has my marriage on the rocks, my wife's ready to leave me! Everything's a mess!"Jack is totally surprised as everyone sings "Happy Birthday."While everyone wishes Jack a "Happy Birthday," you notice the front door open, as one wild-looking female enters the Blue Room.%m64, a dancer from the local "Rent-A-Gag" business, enters the room, dressed in a grass skirt and balloons!You relax and enjoy the selection "My Eyes Cross With Your Touch."You select the latest in love songs, "I Shoulda Bought A Monkey To Take Your Place."You select that old instrumental classic "My Nostrils Slam Shut When You Breathe."In a depressed, slurred voice, Jack speaks to you..."Sonny, I really do appreciate you nailing that filthy scum bag pusher, but I'm afraid it might be too late.""My daughter, Kathy, is in the Intensive Care Ward over at Lytton General Hospital!" he explains. "She's in a coma from a drug OD! There's nothing I can do!""Oh, Sonny! There's nothing anyone can do!!""That's it for me, Sonny. I'll see you later."Jack motions you to the chair on his left.This table is occupied.Move closer to the chair.Jack says, "I can't hear you, Sonny. Come over here".Keith pipes up, "Ohm'gosh, Sonny! Did you forget? We swapped shifts last week! You're due at the station for swing shift briefing in fifteen minutes!""You'd better get moving, boy!"The bartender says, "For your information, Sonny, I have a cab on the way for Jack."This is "The Blue Room", a popular lounge for cops. Behind the bar stands the owner, retired LPD officer Bobby Lopez.Please don't sit here.escapedbeen releasedMorgan wants to see you back in his office, ASAP!There is a city-wide dragnet out on him right now and..."%m27"You are looking at the latest in jukeboxes. This machine features a one-touch, fully-automated selection system.Its sound system features light amplification by stimulated emissions of radiation......and fully-computerized, video reproductions of your favorite artists, which thankfully are inoperative at this time!In her most seductive voice, %m64 whispers, "Here's a little something so you'll have a happy birthday, Jack, baby!""Wow!"Keith says, "Well, Jack, you ol' codger. What did you think of %m64?""You know, Keith," Jack answers, "I think I'll ask Santa to put her under my tree this year."Jack invites you to join him, "Hi, Sonny. Come on over here, and have a seat.""See you later, Sonny. I have business to take care of."Jack speaks, "Boy, what a depressing day I've had today, Sonny!""Hey, Keith!" you say. "How's it goin'?""Oh, my God!""Happy Birthday, Jack."Jack says, "Oh, no! Now what?!"You say, "It's time to stand up and face the music, Jack!"You enter the Blue Room and see Jack seated at a table. He appears to be quite intoxicated.Jack says, "Have a sssheat, Sssshonny."Trying to cheer Jack, you tell him about the Victor Simms arrest and how he was responsible for selling dope at the high school.It seems to be a happy, but quiet, group."Ain't it great! Some big-city lawyer shows up and, pop, out he goes."This couple is so engrossed in conversation they don't hear you."I sure would love to stretch the neck of that sorry dope-pushing scum-sucker that hurt my little girl!"The cab driver shouts out, "Hey, who called for the taxi?"The cabby says, "Right this way, Buddy Boy, and don't fall down!""Whew, man! Is this boy in bad shape!""I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Sonny," says Keith, "but I have some bad news for you!""Lieutenant Morgan sent me over here to advise you that your boy, %s2, has %s3 from jail.""%s2 jumped a guard, then made it to the exercise yard, where he escaped by climbing over the fence.""There is a city-wide dragnet out on him right now! %m27"For some reason, they're ignoring you."Hello, Bonds!""Hi Sonny! Long time, no see.""Well! If it ain't Super Cop Bonds!"On the walls is Bobby's personal collection of photographs, taken when he was still with the Department.Hoochy Coochy HannahTaselliHoffman"Good, Sonny," he replies.Try sitting down first."Hey, Bobby," you shout, "what's the word?""Nothing 'round here, baby," he replys.4# ('?@4[^bb^ C] C]z^ ^^C2^DL !)D0F% #:L ^^ /!!!)))[+++%&|%}t%o 6ce/ e v{e ~2eeC, Q me 3 4e C r]eeC r^ee^^sG'YG'YH'HG'e  Y'eeY'!Y'eY Le e,c R me^s8pL?@^f HS #*_ejFrom a distance you hear, "We've got your number, Pig!"This is the front entrance of Carol's Caffeine Castle, and the "lovely" Wino Willy's Cocktail Lounge.You see a beautiful, blue, cloudless sky.You see an oil-stained asphalt street, bordered by a hot concrete sidewalk.As you peer in the window, you see a couple of Carol's patrons giggling and pointing out at you.Looking in the window, you see Carol waiting on some customers.A quick scan of your partner's patrol car interior clearly shows he is not in it.When the department bought these cars, they had a choice between comfort and power. They picked comfort.You wonder if Carol's designer once worked for a cab company!The new, red, brick facade at Wino Willy's sure dresses up an otherwise depressing joint!Your partner's car is locked.Oooops!Somebody is gonna have to answer to four angry people!Parked in front of Carol's are four bad-news motorcycles.You can't see through translucent glass.Get closer.The plates on these hogs appear to be currently registered.Forget it!You radio dispatch and request checks on the license plates.Your radio sings out, "%m23 All plates are clear and currently registered.""%m27 copies %s3 at Carol's Caffeine Castle.""%m23 %m27 copies 10-8."83-32,You key your radio, "%m27, %m23 complaint resolved."10-9710-7Dispatch4 b(mm!)%k+FX#!)%nr#L{!)%cr#L|z+mz; zL z\ zn zezrz/z,z2zozpzrzjzkzkC z(z(z8 ,&%N# # E= )x 9 )|0 9 _x 2< (1 C C 1B DS Ud X gy m }# e  pf( FccGQ)~d GQk-^Mp eUe eee He de EE eeeBeCeDLeN eOePeJPce&eCeCe2e3C&eCeCe2e3` $i i e!e Si iS e6e([?[ e!e1''!`! c(fde1 eH q]#$#'`^ #9e]eec eQd'd'd'd'''#'#d'''ReKC^Cee*^eL^e8e4e5 eGC^,@'@'e6''e7]9<9e eM]m[=nvp0@b0)_ 6 g  H k j )  SL n4e'8=v JY9Q`t|Carol says, "Hello, Sonny! Have a seat. I'll bring your daily coffee fix right over."Can't you see someone is already sitting here?Come on now, you don't want to sit on the floor.Where?!Carol yells at you from across the room. "Officer Bonds, there's a Detective Hamilton on the phone for you."You take the phone and hear, "Bonds, this is Detective Hamilton. We identified the 187 victim in the car as Lonny West, a local, small-time drug dealer. Believe it or not, he's the second small-timer to get his ticket punched in the last two weeks.""I just wanted you to know about West since you worked the scene. Gotta run, got another call waiting. Don't spend the whole day drinking coffee!"Steve says, "Well, guess it's time to get back to the business of crime fighting!"Carol has rigged this old pay phone so local calls are free.This is your favorite coffee shop. Carol, the busy, but friendly, waitress, makes the strongest coffee in town. There is a menu on the left wall and a telephone on the far wall. The restroom is down the hall from the phone.Carol sets your coffee down and says, "Here you go, Big Boy. One caffeine I.V."There's lots of ketchup, pickles, onion, and fries on the side -- but there's not a lot of meat!Carol is a very busy woman.You are now in the restroom.Steve says, "You'd better not keep Detective Hamilton waiting on the phone, boy.""Hey, Sonny! It's good to see you.""Boy, this weather's been great!"You can't reach the phone from here.The empty paper towel dispenser hangs over the sink.The white porcelain sink is clean enough for who it's for!Don't bother to get up. Carol answers her own telephone."Hi, Sonny," says Carol. "No time to talk today, this joint's really jumpin'!"You can't reach the counter from here!"This is a coffee break, not your dinner hour."Carol likes officers to frequent her establishment. Many items are "on the house."Steve says "Don't run off, Sonny. You just got here."You look over Carol's "Blue Plate Specials du Jour.""Filet of Hummingbird Breast"Panic fills your heart as you watch the nasty fluid nearly breach the rim, before it slowly subsides.You quietly relieve yourself.You whistle a happy tune as you clear your mind.There is a toilet, a sink, a paper towel dispenser, and an overflowing wastebasket.You soap up, rinse off, and dry your hands."Is that all you guys do: 'take coffee breaks?'""Please, Officer! I don't want to be bothered.""Make your quota for the day yet?""Hello, Officer. Nice day, isn't it?""I'd like you to know that my family and I really appreciate the job you police officers do.""Hey, you're that guy I read about in the Tribune! Weren't you nominated for Officer of the Week or something? Good luck!""Don't order the Hummingbird. Carol must have made it last week!""Boy, if the local police have to come here to eat, they MUST need a raise.""I sure don't envy the job you men have to do.""I wish someone would patrol my neighborhood more often! The teenagers are going crazy!""Why don't you guys quit writing so many speeding tickets and take care of a few of those slow-moving Sunday drivers that keep traffic so screwed up!""Something should be done about those jaywalking pedestrians! I almost ran over two of them yesterday and they had the nerve to act like it was my fault!""Well, well, well. If it isn't the city's finest!""Officer Bonds, I know you're a good man, but the officer who gave me that ticket yesterday is a real rat!""Most cops I don't like, but you're one of the good ones! And, I mean that sincerely."You're not in the bathroom!You're here on a complaint, not for a snack.There is a time and a place for everything, but this is not the time for a coffee break!Carol is obviously upset as she blurts in a loud tone of voice..."Oh, Sonny! Those drunken bikers in the bar next door are taking up all the parking places in front of my cafe! They just have no consideration for others! Where are my customers going to park? Would you ask them to move their motorcycles, please?""Thanks, Sonny!""Come on now, it's your job!"Carol sounds relieved as she says, "Thanks for getin' those bikes removed, Sonny."Steve says, "Boy! It sounded over the air like you had a real mess on your hands at that 187 scene!"Steve says, "This coffee'll blow your socks off!"Steve tells you, "Man, that murder makes a guy wonder what's going on around this town!"Steve says, "Boy, you earned your coffee after that mess!"You wonder why some people don't learn to flush!You push the handle down and flush the toilet."Did we do something wrong?""We're too busy to talk!""Get lost!""Pig Sty Stew""Fried Pork Rind"Yum?You see people outside admiring your car.There isn't one!Great. Another chapter in your life of big-time crime stopping -- parking space hogging!Whoosssshhhh!You've discovered where all the paper towels went!It looks like each person has his own greasy spoon.She can't hear you from here; that grill must be loud!"What are you doin' back here again, Sonny?" Carol asks.This formerly public telephone formerly belonged to LT&T.You don't have any coffee.You slam back the entire mug of Jamaican Java. Your eyeballs roll back in your head.Steve looks like he's on a caffeine high.Bye... Click!"I've talked to my informants," says Steve, "have you seen Sweet Cheeks Marie yet?""No, but I'm keeping both eyes peeled for her," you respond.They look choked up from too much hummingbird.You find a lot of dirty towels.You key your radio,"%s3 83-32,%s4%m91 83-Nora-10,%s4%m91 10-97 10-7 at Carol's."4^!8 3 f8z5Uz5czPVzPdz7Bzi ^'hz`r zZs zQr z*z/z*zkr zis zOr zJs zWr z=r z1s b&!)+-/F%#^ :8088'{bb"!!!!!!XC))))))++++++//FF%W%P%`%?%5#####::::: ,&%J#^^e9# .A6 8 $8         EEEEE===== mp) nn^^^e23^  ;QP:;Q^:e/<  e^ ^ f^QpK'   0;:^;c&)SD 7' ++++ eeex/< 6 X)+/Wd : e"^:6 C/+; /I%=#Q"0$% G+:;Q5:;Q5+ :;Q5:;Q?   +6 C/ /I %=#Q"0$% G+  Q"+/I0G+Q- :;+  +Q?+ :;Q5+  F+/:; !/d 6)' NM$ $ dd e)*)+/(// f: g&# h eee ^:2N $QZ$HHMM..++ ::  +;QP +:;Q^+ :e;F22;Gw QXde/;G+Q\*)+/T6)+Q g eie^ ^ weGQJQJ eQJ $''  .  ;GQeQJ$? ;GN'HRzQH $ @ ;NG'HRzQH$ ^^ $x`/'`` !-`  -X-r`'1yX  e5!K !  e;2L{N)/I 2e6 e7 Lz*'+  p$ 2 fT^^' k'H'H'cH'cH'H'H'H''e8# mee ''e=eC  -rF'r r/C^rDrEe^^-1Y' Y' F ^c"ee ^^'''''#'ee ''e:ce@fc'f'f'f'C'C'P{'P{'P{'P{'f'k'k'k'k'Pk'>'k'!e'D'D'D''':ec&ec&e c&e c&e,''''e! ''e0'e9 #23fe422$'e%22$'e$322$3'e&2')3e#e$e%e&7e'e(e*e<Qe;e+: !: ]e) qOO$Oe1-.f88c&H~f,bn&FW)J  . P q  I U "3Hg|%~ 7AJTgYou feel your stomach grow tense when you hear, "Hey, Flat Foot! Move it!!""You're in my way Mr. PO-lice."You radio in, %s2BULLSEYE!You've been nailed by a 4-gram dart, tossed by a 250-pound biker. Good job!Next time, watch where you're walking!The leader of this bunch, comes over to you and says, "Well, well! If it ain't the Tidy Bowl Man!""What the (*&^$(# do you want, PIG?""Lose somethin', son?""This ain't the kind of place for do-gooders, Chump!""83-32, %s3The animal in the black-leather jacket says, %m12"Hey, Pal! I'm da leader 'round here! Ya wanna talk? Come over here and talk to me!!""How do ya plan to make us move our %w2, wimp?"%m12"We don't talk to no pigs.""Say goodnight, Pig! We're gonna kick the S!@#$^&* out of you!!"%m53 If only you had your PR-24!You remove your PR-24 and take a defensive stance. The head biker quickly backs down, saying, "Excuse us, Sir! If you're going to be rough with us, we'll just leave quietly!"It appears you are just what these low-lifes wanted......a cop to pound on!As he heads for the back room, the bartender mumbles under his breath, "Here comes trouble!""Com' on, guys. Let's blow this joint!"The local working girl seated at the bar seems to know you! She hops from the stool and shouts..."SONNY BONDS! 'Zat you?""My hero! Boy, am I glad you showed up. Those guys had some pretty strange ideas!""What's cookin', good lookin'?" asks your old friend, Sweet Cheeks Marie. "It's been too long, Sonny. I haven't seen ya around lately; I just know you want something!""Well, you know, Sonny, I'm yours any time you're ready!"Sweet Cheeks' eyes brighten, "Oh, Sonny! You know I'd just love that, but I'm meeting someone in a few minutes."Obviously, you have come to the right place. Sweet Cheeks Marie spills her guts to you..."You know what I heard the other day?" says Marie, "there's a big dope man tryin' to take over Lytton. He likes to call himself 'The Death Angel!' I don't know no more about him, but this john was sure a peculiar duck.""I only seen him once, and I'm not sure about his name. I think it was Coffman, or Hoffman, or something like that. He's a real spiffy dresser, but the funniest thing: the guy has a sweet, little, flower tattoo above his left nipple. It was kinda cute, really.""That's the only real news in town, Sweet Thing!""Any time, Sonny.%m62Sweet Cheeks steps back into her office and says, "See ya later, Sonny!"Where are you looking?%m64July, '65%m65Donna Lovely%m66%m64June '86%m65Sweet Cheryl%m66A boss plaque on the back wall reads, "Give Me Harley or Give Me Death!"The bar's speakers sound like they've been "rode hard and put up wet!"The only thing in the cracks of these walls is an occasional cockroach.The table is covered with scratches, dents and cracks. It looks like it was salvaged from Joe's Junk Yard.You see a well-used dartboard, and, being a trained observer, you conclude by the pattern of holes around the bulls-eye that local competition isn't that tough.The best way to play darts is to save your game, turn off your computer, and buy a dart board! (Maybe you'll get to play darts in "Police Quest II!")In return for the information on the Death Angel, you tell Sweet Cheeks of the upcoming undercover crack down on prostitution called "Operation Trick Trap."This is the worst dive in town. Everything that crawls lives here!Lots of blood, sweat and tears (and other things) have been deposited in Wino Willy's!"83-Nora-10, %s3"Why, Sweet Thing!" says the hooker. "You'd arrest your old sweetie, Sweet Cheeks Marie?"Keep moving, you don't need to sit here.The barkeep isn't very talkative as he says, "Nice day outside."The bartender sums everything up by saying, "Looks like a good day for fishing."It's Willy Wily, in the flesh.You can't use your gun here, with all%m63around.Why hurt%m63?Once was enough; they're on their way."What for, Man? We ain't done nothin' wrong!""So long, Sweetie!%m62You recognize Sweet Cheeks Marie as an old chum from high school. She obviously failed stewardess school!Probably the lips of those ugly bikers have been wrapped around these bottles.These rickety old stools have seen better days.All they've done is hog Carol's parking." says Sweet Cheeks Marie. "Come see me some time when we can spend more time, Darlin'!" these (presumedly) innocent people On this wall hangs the centerfold from the issue of "Gnarly Biker" magazine, ", Gnarly of the Month."These are some pretty rough-looking dudes!10-97%m7110-8%m7210-20%m71 at Wino Willy's.", complaint resolved."4 $!)"%_d%Uz6 +#:E= m 2{" (cpv  % %y  ;S :f w $;" QIdQBz+FGS  ,x $ e%  ' e': :e e&  ;" Q_dQUz + : f  f#LL'e) e e!Q(e"e#:e$2 'e& L''L'L'eA'e A''e 'i' e 'i' e A'A' f f HAAAACCCP{C{'f DCCCP{C{YYf fSMCCCP{C{YY ff) Te)Kr*I+=Oz0Fv_Cf"What'll it be?""Hi, Buddy. What would you like to quench your thirst?""What's your pleasure, my boy?""How ya doing, Sonny? What can I get you?""One %w1, comin' right up.""Yes sir! A %w1 %w2? You've got it!""I think I can handle a %w1 %w2!""%m40Sonny. This one is on the house.""%m40Buddy. That'll be one dollar.""%m40Big Boy. Sit and sip.""Come back anytime, Sonny.""See you later, buddy.""Thanks, trooper. I appreciate your business.""Order? Order what?""Ok, one %w2 comin' right up."There's no waitress. You'd better move over to the bar.The bartender can't hear you from here.Don't yell, move over to the bar."My, aren't we thirsty today?""Hold on. It's comin'.""Hold your shorts. I'll be right there!""Thanks, my man.""Thank you, sir!""If you need anything, just come on back."You don't have money?! Man, what a charmer! This creep stiffs me for a drink!!"Sure, sure! You lost your wallet. Get lost, freeloader!""Ordering drinks without cash! What a cop!!""Gee thanks, Mister!""Feelin' flush today? Thanks for the tip, Bud.""You're outta money and you try to give me a tip? Sure thing.""If you can pay for your drinks, you can afford a tip, Jack."The bar top is clean, well-worn, and horizontal. However, years of elbows and drinks have taken their toll.Like most glasses, these are more attractive full.The shelves behind the bar are well-stocked with spirits.The %w2 are heavy duty and comfortable.They're not bad, considering they were purchased ten years ago at a swap meet!"Here ya go. That's on the house.""If you change your mind, just holler."Sonny, you should know drinking in uniform is strictly prohibited!Here you go, You swig the rancid fluid until you see the bottom of the glass.4 '?@4^bb~^!!)~)~FF++XXCC66%OU%PTz~BQz~ARz zE //##::LL ,&%PT^ KTXX  T66@4e4 q;;IIc $:wz4eetZ qeveue $x;6^0[oThe people of Lytton are very proud of this courthouse, built in 1873 by descendants of the towns' first settlers. The marble was imported all the way from West Lytton.There are people inside. They wonder why you're staring in the windows, instead of walking inside.These doors open into the (sometimes) hallowed halls of justice.The door IS closed.The hot sidewalk is contrasted by a cool, well manicured lawn.You look up at a beautiful, cloudless sky and feel a gentle breeze ramble through your hair. You think to yourself, "What a day."4yi fbb|Hz|DszHH;!6)+%!XC6)|+/%Qs#FL:7%Sx%K# Ot_u7 __5E= m MvZ{ ?vL{   |  & __ #Q4F_ e__ _e_ee  GQ$##e PPP !P !P !! ! !e'''e''''e''''# $e e48e- q!e e ;Icz4-e" qe ;Kc _@ee Ee4e :XY(N1-b ="How do you do, Sir. May I help you?""I'm sorry, but Judge Kim Palmer's court is presently in session.""I can only interrupt a court in session for an extreme emergency!""Please wait a moment. I'll send a message with the bailiff."For emergencies, dial "911.""The bailiff says Judge Palmer will see you, if you can make it quick! Go on into the courtroom."This door doesn't open.The door IS open."Good day, Sir. How may I help you?"The door IS closed.This is the outer reception room of the courthouse. The Court Clerk's office is behind the glass window to the right. The courtroom is through the double doors."It seems obvious you have no business here, Sir. You're just wasting my time!"You can't enter while court is in session. See the Court Clerk first!The Court Clerk asks, "Did you get what you needed?"The Court Clerk responds, "Very good, Officer. Go get 'em."There's nothing of interest, except that statue of Justice above the double doors leading to the courtroom.These doors lead to Judge Kim Palmer's courtroom."That's very nice, sir," responds the Clerk, "but I have no authority in matters such as this."47  f}!!!!)})))+++/%L%JP%xl%cq%I6 6 6 CXXz} z. zb z6U L|L|#####::: AX _2_x6 FU ;+II FU ;+II FU;K 66 : EEE=== m __2 $NwQL ;e e:;/  :QyQ[e QLsS :e   e  e C; QIS :e QL_ $Nw ;FQL/I/I/Fe:e:G;SQLs  QUs e: x  ! e _  _ we;QTs+  eQvs +QqgQmdQcd;F/+ QacI e/Qmd +GQrs QUs+ :_(_( :ex ! e _  ?w&e#e ee e _2_2 ;QvsQqg Qmd;F/ Qcd+ QacIQmd +/Qrs :QUs e \QH S QL'kl klG zGF  e    e'''/e$ e ^ e_!'!!P!P! !' !'! '! '!'/e$ e ^ e_@'@'e"''4e_  ee_  _(D'    ''''e(e #+ Htl#YDmz"S+S F Judge Kim Palmer addresses her courtroom..."Silence in the court!"In a firm voice the bailiff speaks to you, "Well? The judge is waiting for you.""Mr. Bonds, who, or what, is this warrant for?" says the judge."And, what information do you have to substantiate the validity of a warrant?"You hand the evidence to the bailiff.Judge Palmer reviews the FBI flyer and the file. To your great relief, she issues a No Bail Warrant for Mr. Jason Taselli, alias Marvin Hoffman!"Here you are, Mr. Bonds. I hope you are not too late. Taselli's attorney is at the jail at this very moment, attempting his release."This court is in session. The bailiff proceeds toward you."For your information, Sir, this court is in session!""You are most fortunate that I do not hold you in contempt!""Bailiff! Show this gentleman out of my courtroom!"As you are launched from Judge Palmer's court, the bailiff bids you farewell, "Boy, is your face red!"Judge Palmer strikes the gavel, "Silence. I will consider Mr. Bonds' request.""Mr. Bonds, you may approach the bench."Who is that?"All right. Do you have any other information?""For attempting to present evidence you do not have," Judge Palmer says, "I hereby find you in comtempt of court!""Mr. Bonds, I've a good mind to let you cool your heels in the City Jail for the next three days! But, since this court tries to go out of its way to help the Department, I'll suspend sentence. Just be sure you never interrupt my court without evidence again!""The FBI wanted poster does arouse suspicion%m35"I remind you, Mr. Bonds, I have reviewed the file%m35"Mr. Bonds, you are keeping this entire courtroom waiting, while you attempt to establish your case!"Judge Palmer motions the bailiff to retrieve the evidence.Your heart races as Judge Palmer evaluates your evidence. You think to yourself, "This punk can not go free!"Judge Palmer scans the items presented and questions, "What makes you think these two men are the same person, Mr. Bonds?"The bailiff and court reporter squirm and choke, trying to conceal their laughter, while you quietly tell the judge your tale of tattoos and nipples!The Judge attempts to stifle her giggles, but fails.Judge Palmer whispers softly to you, "Well, Mr. Bonds, it appears your friend 'has his tit caught in the wringer!'"Stifling her laughter, Judge Palmer says, "Congratulations, Mr. Bonds! Your request is granted!""Here is a No Bail Warrant, issued in the name of Jason Taselli, alias Marvin Hoffman.""Bailiff, deliver this to Mr. Bonds, and escort him out."Judge Palmer announces, "Mr. Bonds, I will review these documents today and return them to your department this afternoon.""Well?"," says Judge Palmer. "However, by itself, it is not sufficient evidence to detain Mr. Hoffman."4sx  f? '?@4_l^I!X)_+/%<}#FLY ,&@10F%Hz /:%ozlAzl5%z_Px ^ m 0J m :ta 5 ;UI:UK FC;:DZ4|H[\euee#m qe]e **e_t_t__ent@tn@e ue ve*n_[_[ * n _e 4ex $:;K $@^ MpF9eThis is the front entrance to the Hotel Delphoria.This sky is certainly clear today!That's what servants are for!The hot sidewalk makes the awning's shade inviting.The man is wearing the uniform of a doorman, which seems appropriate since that is his job. You notice nothing out of the ordinary.A quiet sort, the doorman offers, "May I open the door for you?"The red carpet leads through the front door of the hotel.The planters hold small, manicured shrubs and trees.The small, green, decorative shrubs are certainly well-maintained.The windows are not especially interesting.That will not be beneficial.The green and white awning protects the doorman from the elements, and helps him maintain that washed-out complexion.4 f?bJTI!CXT))6B%BW+/#:%B+/#FQBW !)%jYD%a?%=%LnB#TIzsp  Yp Y ?ROV=LYW YE= m cyq e   GQ~j ^Src6T U VFM 8Y VH  $  Qj MF+<e Q~{ w $;/I$ : $x4 K eB+/FQB )2 N+/W X%LU%HU#y'2,/$////5,+/#////YETSe UUe  VVed  WWed  XXed  T'e"d e ed T W$ U Ve::0':e*veGue:e qeBTB:B$:: cyqe q<B<<B:<B$:<:B T: cyq c#Q~je  =LYWe qD&',P{&&M&'cDPcDc.%  ee  GQ~je ''eeCCU{C{CC{CU{P{PU{PU{P{j  YcYd ee *' rreeeTe \ G+Q~j ##:eBe J .Te g ee? keDTI @g4pjDYRnr"Good day, Sir!" says the desk clerk in his best, plastic voice. "How may I help you?""I hope you get your money's worth, Buddy!" says the desk clerk. "Hey, Sweet Cheeks! Remember: no more jello in the bathtub, okay?""Thank you very much, sir. Here are your keys. I hope you enjoy your stay!"After you fill out the register, the desk clerk says, "Just take the elevator to the second floor. Your room is to the right."This is the lobby of the Hotel Delphoria. It is decorated in the style of the era in which it was constructed, its prime days long gone. There is a desk to the east and an elevator to the north.The marble desk top is empty except for a bell. Behind the desk are the hotel's mailboxes.The mailboxes are used by hotel personnel only.The desk clerk appears to be a neat and clean-looking gent.It's not yours. Leave it alone.You are already on that floor.You have no business here. Get back to the business of crime stopping."I'm sorry, sir, but we have no vacancies at this time," says the desk clerk. "Please check back with us tomorrow."Don't get impatient!Embarrassed, you admit to the desk clerk, "Uh, it appears you've caught me a little short."You hand the clerk $100.00. He asks you to fill out the registration card. You do, under the name of %s3The bell is metal and small. The button on top, when pressed, causes it to ring."We have a vacancy in Room 204, on the second floor. All our rooms are very clean and nicely furnished, with telephones and queen-sized beds," says the desk clerk. "That will be $100.00, please.""I'm sorry, Sir," responds the desk clerk, "but you'll have to use the telephone in your room."No one heard you."I'll BET you're a little short," snaps the clerk, "and not just in the wallet!"Leaving the hotel, you drop the room key at the desk."Just ring if I may be of assistance. Goodbye."That's a pretty general statement.Jimmy Lee Banksten.Jonathan Doe."Hey, Baby! Let's go up to the room! Come on!!"The front wall of the elevator has four buttons marked "One," "Two," "Three," and "Four." What could they possibly do?"D"Majestic, isn't it!Which floor number?Your mission is in the Hotel Delphoria. Nothing elsewhere will help you in your capture of the Death Angel!4 f^TI!X)%Vx#LCO/F/:^!)+X%'#QTddzIzXIdzIzXIdzIzXICBO%K}dCO%Yy#TI y"~ Vyd~  E= m9 QZF;I GQZx$K%dCdO:4e  q43e( qddef,x4`,x4`,4x4`,`,`,4`,> q/d "e;I e d 54 q t^ PPP###```    e<a ae dedeeve 4e  q Vx^xOVuev dC^e BTI.VtcsMYou have no way to inform your backups.%m5 second %m6 201 to 204 %m7%m5 third %m6 301 to 304 %m7%m5 fourth %m6 401 to 404 %m7You are standing on thefloor of the Hotel Delphoria. Roomsare on this floor.The door is already open.You whisper a soft "Room 404" into your transmitter "pen," informing your backup unit of your location.You admire the plush carpet.The door appears to be made of heavy wood.You try, but the door is locked.You don't have the key to this door.You knock, and hear a muffled voice from within say, "Mind your own business, dude!"No one answers.You knock and hear nothing but screaming obscenities from within.After you knock, you hear footsteps, then silence.Your knock brings the reply, "You can knock till your knuckles bleed, but I ain't opening the door!"Clinking glasses and loud laughter drown out your knock.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?You hear a hollow, ringing sound.4  f? ^TIJ!)XC6 %L#LMN /:X/:^!)+X%4#Q!T))CX6ALMN%U}+/#:>ed+/%U#FQU}ed+/%U#FQU} ddz\;z5Iz~Idz\;z5Iz~Idz\;z5Iz~I@ABLMN%KdLMN%B@#TI Y Pwl~ Y 2yA~ |y~  E= m $)  XY ;KY  XY: : $Y4e q4>+TeN ;Ie e qz4e e  q,x4`,x4x4`,`,`,4`,e e" q4$4e# !f qYETSe UUedd  VVd edd e WWd edd e XXd edd e T'e T W$ U V SededeeJ de $w;/I$ : $x  K ^ ^e B0d$^ ^e @$^ ^e B&de+/FQU QU)2 N+/W X%_{%[{#)' ./ -+/A  Hd^ ^e Nd^ ^e Md^ ^e LTI#Hg?Sg}; PN*a[k|You are already on that floor."Hey, come on, Darlin'," Sweet Cheeks whines. "I may do a lot of things, but stairs ain't one of them! When you been walking streets as long as I have, you'll use the elevator, too."The front wall of the elevator has four buttons marked "One," "Two," "Three," and "Four." What could they possibly do?The door appears to be made of a heavy wood.It looks like something from an old, French movie. Don't you just love rococo ironwork?You do not have a key for this room.Which floor number?It is already open.It is already closed.This door closes automatically.%m18 second %m19 201 to 204 %m20%m18 third %m19 301 to 304 %m20%m18 fourth %m19 401 to 404 %m20You are standing on thefloor of the Hotel Delphoria. Roomscan be found on this floor. The door on the west wall opens to the stairway.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?You try, but the door is locked.You have no business here. Get back to the business of crime stopping.With your knock, the sound of heavy moaning and slapping leather fades into silence.After a short pause, a voice bellows from the other side of the door. "Get out of here, you nosy PERVERT!"Your knock can't penetrate the loud music coming from within.After you knock, you hear two people talking inside the room."Henry, someone's at the door! You didn't order another pepperoni pizza, did you?""Just forget the door, Donna! Get over here and help me get my boots off!"Either your knock is being ignored, or nobody's there.Your knocking brings no one to the door, but the noise coming through the door alerts your curiosity.After listening carefully, and trying to decipher the sound, you surmise... someone in the room is trying to launch the hotel bed into a low orbit.No one answers.It's not locked.You hear a hollow, ringing sound.4 fmmb(z!m T%MII%R#Y!!!)))$%<%m%h+++FFF###!7+++%M%M%M  ;lUx  9 )m.w 9 dw *A 9 amz EEE=== m:' ,RT R  e' #Qm  #Qh #Q<Feee eF+f : ee8 ;GQM T$h +/F +/F>@ee6 eee7 dee)'''c'c 'Pc'Pc ' ' ' 'J  r=e01e/e\>e:e;e5 q(#ee \ee.v.%%V$%.$%.v%Ve% Te< q&% qe4%e" qS z e& q $B B$ e q SB BS e qB e q e  qOOe +e q))t)7)7 e# q7$7t7 qe Be  q''e q:e q2e qe qe qveEe1 +H+e=e9e2e3 $ $ e  q S S e q``! c(e(de* c(e+de*i"i!ii e, q e q?[?u e> q e. qi e- q e! q e$ q e? qT,c-,-e@mATI@YT.qR'pq :  h $ 8 Pu@n0DjX0RYou observe a spacious, nicely-furnished, one-room apartment.Through the window you see the pulsating metropolis of Lytton."Hey, Sonny! Sorry if we interrupted you in the bathroom, there. Everything come out ok?""Did you get anywhere with the bartender, Precious?""In all my endeavors, I have found that only money makes the world go 'round.""Maybe you should go back and try again.""Do you have enough money to carry you through a gambling session, Big Boy?"The men aren't interested in conversation. There is much tension here due to the seriousness of the operation.They're as ugly as a computer programmer!Forget about that nail and start concentrating on nailing Bains.It's the kind of dresser you'd expect to find in a room like this.The nightstand is bolted to the floor.The lamp is bolted to the nightstand.It's hardly state-of-the-art. The first program it showed was a live broadcast of Uncle Miltie. It's got more tubes than an emergency room patient.The nightstand is very plain looking, with no drawers. If they didn't need something to bolt the lamp to, it probably wouldn't be here.The bathroom is very basic. It contains a shower, a small sink and a toilet.It's not something you'd want to look at for an extended period of time!The curtains are of no interest.You feel a sense of pride when you see the city you protect."Hey, Sonny! How's it going?" says the lead detective. "I'm sure glad we found your room! I'd hate to have someone call the cops on us for breaking and entering!""We're ready whenever you are, 'Whitey'!" he concludes."Ok, Sonny, here's your voice transmitter. I've tested it thoroughly to make sure works properly."You detach the handle of your cane to expose the .22-magnum derringer. You double-check it, just to make certain it is loaded."We'll monitor your voice transmitter at all times. We're anxiously waiting to assist you in any arrests."The lamp is bolted to the nightstand, which is bolted to the floor.This may be a nice hotel, but they don't furnish bathroom telephones.There's nothing you should do here that can't be done in the light.It is already on.It is already off.You see a well-worn carpet.You've already done it.As much as you'd love to catch some old "Dragnet" reruns, you realize you must keep your mind on the case.If you insist. The toilet is quite a sight indeed. There isn't much doubt as to its function all these years.The bed looks like it's been heavily used. There is a large sag in the middle that's about the size of your boss.You open the drawers to the dresser and (as expected) find nothing.You nervously flush the toilet. Much to your relief, all goes well.You consider spreading out on the comfortable looking bed, but the case keeps running through your mind. You'd never be able to rest at a time like this!The window is sealed shut for your protection.You hear a knock on the door, followed by the turn of the doorknob. Three men enter, two of them familiar.You utter a sigh of relief as you expel the eighteen cups of coffee that have been wreaking havoc on your bladder. You think more clearly now.Everything seems to be in order.You start to unzip your trousers, but decide this isn't a good location to initiate such an action.You ease down on the cool seat and meditate for a short time. Soon, everything works itself out. As you pull up your trousers, you feel noticeably lighter on your feet.A shower would be relaxing, but you have work to do.The shower is lined with brightly colored, imported tile.The small sink is made of porcelain.Detective Angland hands you the transmitter and a new supply of marked hundred-dollar bills. You carefully clip the transmitter to your pocket.Your backups will arrive with your voice transmitter soon.An abstract painting decorates the west wall.Why, that looks like a phone over there!It's a genuine, LT&T touchtone model.You see lots of lint, but nothing you'd consider touching."I don't have the transmitter; Detective Angland does.""Good luck, Sonny!""Oh, gawd, Sonny! What will you do!?"You instruct Sweet Cheeks to catch a cab and go to the police station.As instructed, she heads for the elevator."Take a look at this," says Angland. "We just received a fax from Chicago that includes the mug shots of one Jessie Bains."Although the fax is rather fuzzy, you have the feeling that you've seen this face before."Oh, you!" giggles Sweet Cheeks, "that's all you ever think about!"This hotel has no room service!Your hands are now clean.You're clean enough for this job!"Oh, honey," says Sweet Cheeks, "I'd be afraid to stay here all alone!"4$4 fI!!))X%XTLC6L#N /%]UK/:@%wSE%%cgc!e.!!)))XX%t%\%|V%N+/)/X%=p<  #:z=p zXr z

e? e$ OOvO`u`+u  ]e+O Tk_u 7iCtdge-e3e,' ]$g 2];g u (u1e-e3e.fe ;Y) +/e" $XVr)/:<Tcg e# !1feCeDe1k''>'k'f'k'TeF q#$T GIfm 57fe1LL'e e0oe)v*e4eeEeeEe4e e:e4z444&deJTe! e( qx4!de*Te! e( XT_T(deJ Te! ;I $FM  N:TIK\<IZ1_n  1 D C W 8iJi6fvCly@J~W"="What'll it be?""Ok. Coming right up."He's the kind of guy you'd expect to find working the bar in a place like this.The tables look ordinary, except for the wear of years of serious drinking.Sweet Cheeks is her normal, outgoing, bubbly self. She has dressed to the nines for her assignment, and is wearing an enticing perfume.Around the dimly-lit lounge, people sit at tables. Behind the bar stands the bartender.Constructed in the late 1800's, imported from France, this bar has had enough beverage passed across it to float the City of Lytton in alcohol.The walls are adorned in an attractive fashion.The only door is that darling, little, red, padded, vinyl number over there.Sweet Cheeks pretends she has just noticed you. "Whitey, is that YOU?" she shouts."Oh, Whitey, it's so good to see you," says Sweet Cheeks, playing her role to the hilt. "It's been such a long, long time!""Come on, Cheeks," you say, "let's sit at that table over there.""Here you are, sir," says the bartender. "That'll be five dollars, please."You slip a marked hundred from your wallet and hand it to the bartender."Thank you, sir," he says. "I'll be right back with your change.""You know, Sonny," says Sweet Cheeks softly, "I've seen four guys go in that door since I got here!""Here is your change, sir.""Well, how about it, Sweet Cheeks?" the bartender says. "Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?"You swig the rancid fluid until you see the bottom of the glass."Woody, I'd like you to meet Jimmy Lee Banksten, but everyone I know calls him 'Whitey,'" says Sweet Cheeks. "Whitey's a dear, old friend that I haven't seen for over a year."The bartender asks you what you do for a living. "I'm presently unemployed; just taking it easy, you know. Enjoying life, and looking for a good time," you tell him."I just finished doing a little time for embezzlement and haven't had a chance to land a job yet," you tell Woody. Acting surprised at your slip, you lower your voice and say, "but I'd sure appreciate your keeping that information under your hat, ok?" Woody assures you that you can trust him.Sweet Cheeks returns. Even after the drinks, and your conversation with the bartender, Woody Roberts is tight-lipped about any back room gambling."Say, Sweet Cheeks," you say loudly. "How'd you like to go to Vegas with me for the weekend?" Sweet Cheeks acts quite excited as she accepts your offer.Just before leaving the cocktail lounge, you ask Sweet Cheeks to remain at the table, while you try to get Woody to open up.You slip the bartender a twenty... and then, it happens!In a suddenly soft voice, the bartender asks, "Whitey, exactly what are you looking for in the way of a good time?""Just about anything," you tell him, "but women, gambling, and money top the list.""Well, Whitey," Woody whispers, "there IS a little card game in our back room that is available by invitation only. It's pretty serious; it'll cost ya two hundred just to get into the game."He continues, "If you think you can handle it, come back a little later with the two hundred, and I'll see what I can do for ya." With your heart pounding, you offer him your thanks, and assure him you'll be right back after you finish with Sweet Cheeks."Gee! Thanks, Mac!"Woody says, "If you decide you want a drink, I'm at your service."Hey, Whitey," says Sweet Cheeks. "When you've been walkin' the streets as long as I have, you don't need to climb stairs! What'cha say we take the elevator?"It would benefit you to stay put for the moment."Here you go, Sir. That'll be on the house!""So, you want to try your luck," says Woody. "Come on, Whitey. Follow me."Sweet Cheeks says, "Baby, you can go in that ol' storeroom if you want to, but I'm gonna wait out here!""Nice to see you again, Mr. Banksten. Please, follow me.""Just one moment, Sir."Push on it.OK. You do!This is private property. It's locked; don't mess with it!There are no empty stools at the bar.This is no time to fool around. Sweet Cheeks is nervously watching your every move."Excuse me, sir, but I'd rather you not sit in my lap. REALLY, dahrling! Some people!"Great idea: make yourself unnoticed by sitting on the floor!You have to buy one first.It seems no one notices you."Come back later, if you want in the big game.""Some people!!"The floor is covered by a plush, red carpet."We're not interested, sir!""Get lost!""Can't you see this is a private conversation!"Remember the policeman's commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Drink On Duty.""So you can't pay, eh? Get lost, chump!""Thank You!""Thanks for nothing!""I have no idea what you're talking about!""Hey, buddy, this ain't no charity show!""I told you, Whitey," says Woody, "I've gotta see two hundred cash just to open the door."Woody glances left, then right. He looks you straight in the eyes and whispers, "Come back after you ditch the broad, and I'll see what I can do."Woody says, "Oh, that's all right, Mr. Banksten. You're good around here.""Ok, Mr. Banksten," says Woody. "Let's go.""I'm here to push booze, Buddy. What can I getcha?""You must not be all bad, Whitey; not when you know a cute, little number like that Sweet Cheeks!"They're engrossed in their own, little worlds."Why, Sonny! What a wonderful thought; but now ain't the time, Honey!"Sweet Cheeks squeals, "Ooooh! This is so exciting, Son-- I mean, Whitey!"Sweet Cheeks whispers, "Having just a small part in this is SO thrilling!"Sweet Cheeks smiles as she says, "Gawd, this is fun!"Hmm... the door is locked!She then excuses herself to powder her (already heavily-powdered) nose.43Gv?i[[!)+%~G#QR!)=X%KjF / /#:LD%%Ml# HkUo E= m #HFs Pkn| Pkvt K} 2K l* F  MkVp  ;K :: QHm /Fe ;+/IeeK +/e e  +/   $Mw)GL{$ 1)+F'O&+#+e e [ I F4 qe>>A>AAA e qA e q qeveuGBe Beee4x4 e q4 e q[ D*Th'Dz B*[?iYou look down and see a gray-tiled floor.It is already open.Woody raps a staccato rhythm on the door.A panel in the door slides open. Woody whispers through the opening, "I've got a new player for you.""Go away!" yells a voice from inside the door.The door is securely locked."If you'll just step aside, I'll get back to my bar."The panel opens once again. Woody explains to the mysterious person behind the door, "I've brought a player for the big game in the back room."This time Woody says he'll escort you to the card room."Come over here," says Woody. "I have to frisk you before you can get in. We don't want no trouble around here.""Come over here, please, Whitey," says Woody. "I have to frisk you again. It's just a formality, you understand, sir."Woody tells you, "Ok, Whitey. Have a good time!"This room is lit by a shaded lamp hanging from the ceiling.You don't need it.You surmise by the stacked boxes that this is a storage room.They appear to be boxes for shipping booze.The door appears to have a sliding window.Sure enough, the boxes are full of booze.You're on a wild goose chase. Further investigation here is a waste of time!You try, but the window is locked from the inside.4Rd?c !X=)/%Je#:L!CX)+6 %#F!CX)+6 %T{#F !X)+/%"FK% /#:*'+%Cx8YN $ xKw $z$ !)+XC=%E#$$z zT{ %RQRQE/%L $x!)+XC=%Vc6 /#:ze z zT #C pXY;K / 0  / 0  =6" |=6  K{}6 8 ,l:s e-e 1K m e"e e!e ''9e. fdKe e4. q"ee ;I $z4 qe;K$44 qeeE.0 ^.An-NbF9kg 3_OA {  You see some unfamiliar men playing cards.It IS open.This door is securely locked."I said later tonight, Banksten!"There are no chairs at this table."Listen, bozo: you can have this chair when I leave!"Angered at your interruption, the man says, "Can't you see? We're busy at this table!""If you continue to bother our game, you're outta here, Jack!""Someone is sitting there, but he'll be right back. Take the other chair."It seems you've tried to sit on the floor before.This is no place to strech out on the floor."Yes, we're playing poker.""We'll begin when our other player returns," says Otto."Good evening, gentlemen," you say to the men at the table. "I'm %m15. May I join you?"Jimmy Lee Banksten"Glad to meet you," you respond."Let's play poker!"Solitaire is a good game to play by yourself. However, there is no action at this table.Find an open seat.Don't leave now! You might blow your cover.Frank says, "Well, Mr. Banksten, it seems that poker is your kind of game.""If you'd like to come back later tonight, we'll be playing a more private game with considerably higher stakes.""Be sure to give Woody the password 'Frank sent you!' He'll let you in for free, and you'll gain admission to our private room."Woody knocks on the door at the back of the room."Gentlemen," announces Woody, "welcome back Mr. %m15."Over each table hangs a shaded lamp.The carpet is worn, but clean.They appear to be professional card tables.You peek under the table and see knees, legs, ankles, and feet, but nothing unusual.You look under the empty table and see nothing."Luckily, you didn't speak loudly enough for anyone to hear. Otherwise, you would have blown this whole operation!"No one can hear you from this distance.These men are too engrossed to talk to you.The men at the table greet you, and invite you to join them."If everything works out well," says Frank, "perhaps we can talk a little business afterwards.""Obviously, you're no gambler," says Frank. You're no longer welcome in this game.Well, Sonny. It seems you're not going to get anywhere disguised as a gambler until you learn how to gamble!"So, Mr. %m15, this game a little too intense for you?" asks Otto. "Come back later, if you change your mind and want to try again."Perhaps this would be a good time to take a break, Sonny."Welcome back, %m15," says Frank, "I presume you're ready to resume play.""Yes, you may, Mr. Banksten," says the man across the table. "Have a seat."Otto introduces you to the newcomer, "Frank, this is Mr. %m15. He's going to join us for a few hands. Mr. Banksten, meet Frank.""I'm Otto, and to your left is Gene.""Pleased to meet you, Mr. Banksten," says the newcomer."Shall we play?" you ask.You take your position at the table.4 oKdw $b"!)+FX%M!=XC)/6L%#:!XC6 )+/F%:#:NK $ FXw)+/%X' $xo2o2ppp%J# p 4xb E= m 2K B|S m Q'''eOOvO` e  u`+ue  eGueve## e e&:e!e"4 z q e'j'j' f  fq X_ea/Ke# XMF $ w/)+X d+ce ^*'XY $   ?@'@' ''  e. + eexe$e%ewe;/#:exe eGQcQp Q F;I :   e  GQ $eeee c"e   fKeee ;K$ : $ ^Ne   |XY N%LYl}$KXkt2R$=RkCp1~Mr. BankstenIt's already open.Don't leave now!"%m1, we've got a chair open for you.""Hello, %m1. Have a seat. Welcome to our friendly little poker game."If you sit here, you'll miss the chair and hit the floor.Frank welcomes you back to the game..."Hello again, %m1. I believe you know everyone here."This time, you look carefully at Frank as he shuffles the cards. Cold chills race down your spine and a blast of adrenalin surges through your body as you realize he exactly matches the description of Jessie Bains!"The Death Angel!"You are %m11sitting.%m11standing."Well, %m1," says Frank. "You're a poker player after my own heart!"Frank then asks, "Whitey (if I may call you that), I understand you may be looking for work?""Very good! I like your style.""A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice, Whitey!""How would you like to join me in my suite for a drink, Whitey?" asks Frank. "I've a business proposition to discuss with you.""Well, %m1? "Great! Follow me."%m20Are you interested?"%m20What do ya say?"%m20Let's go, shall we?"Well, you blew that one!Your undercover assignment has quickly ended, and now you're locked in a room with these guys!Better luck next time.Three men are seated around a lone card table in the middle of the room.A single, shaded light hangs over the table.The floor is bare., %m1!" says Frank. "Consider our relationship terminated.""Hello, Mr. Banksten. Come on over and have a seat."You sneak a glance under the table, but see nothing unusual.If you do that now, you may not remember anything for the rest of your life.The game is over; greater things await you elsewhere."I have no respect for someone who plays poker as badly as you%m31"I have no respect for quiters%m314wV U V!)'W@C E &3,E &,E= mXE X'&3,W& W Y VU+/@%EUB%X{#F V#C dQ)F VU UF VV0Y V Y  VGS UK G@DWRz@U{Rz V ' GF,-e k'>'?'k'>'?'CP{fkP'P'ee>e#e#D ePccee 5u/?G"That sounds like a good idea, Honey!" says Sweet Cheeks Marie, "but I thought we were on duty!"Sweet Cheeks is, hmmmm, an intensely good-looking female-type unit. As you ogle her shapely figure, your imagination numbs your conscious mind, sending you into a lecherous dream world.SC %v242/%v243 "Whee!""Isn't this fun, darlin'?" Sweet Cheeks whispers into your ear."All I know is what I told you at Wino Willy's, Sweet Pea!""Why, darlin', street corners ain't got phones!""Honey, I only do mink-lined handcuffs.""I'm with you Big Guy!"4P@B veSeLMNve ^ PPP###```   ef&f  S ve Te *ve vTTe Ee uGe$Afr(k|%6You admire the plush carpet.Is this an endless flight of stairs?People who enjoy aerobic activity use the stairs.It's just a flight of stairs. Most buildings over one story tall have them.You know quite well you can accomplish two goals by using these stairs. You can get to the top and increase your heart rate at the same time.You look under the stairs and see cobwebs and dust. You think someone should discuss with the janitor about cleaning this area.You carefully look under the stairs and find nothing!You look under the stairs and find that you have wasted your time.You can't! (It just looks like you could.)It's an steel banister welded at the joints.This is heavy-duty, royal blue, short-pile, all-nylon, commercial-type carpet.Sonny! Are you a cop or a kid? If you're looking for a thrill ride, seek out your nearest amusement park!They ARE boring, aren't they!?And you thought there were no stairways in Lytton!It looks like something from an old French movie. Don't you just love rococo ironwork?You see ceiling.In a soft voice, you whisper into your "pen," "be advised, in stairwell with Bains."42wQb bQ[i8i q !u3   !e l i8i g g g g    gЂ4@Q  g g g g  @Q g g g g  [wigg@Q S V g g g g  @Q" X @QJ @Q Y@Q W@QS V @Q" X @QR S V@Q4 l o p     jj-+"N "ig g g g g g g g g gg g gggg g (oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 44m f? J^b(!)6XL%#B/F%z/:^!!)+XC%_6 #Qdc(M%D#zimE= m( Q{IF$ ;K :dB/4#u qe $IJ zdBd^ ^e Mc(JdYou cautiously follow "Mr. Jessie Bains" up the flight of stairs.The door is already open.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?4. f?J^b(!)6XL%]6 #B/F%{[/:^!!)+XC%06 #QjXc(L %/!6N %:6#ziIE= m{ QoXQo_Qj_ 6 Q/$Q'$Q'! 6 Q/!Q0  $ / 6 \ l\_ 6 I !/! 6 6 #1& 6 # lX|Z 6  /6  XY vYX Nhi;K% :d^ ^e B#4tX_ $I qJ!/dLd^ ^eNc(HYou cautiously follow "Mr. Jessie Bains" up the flight of stairs.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?4 f? Jo ^^b(!)6XL%#G/F /:!)6XL%,#B/F%z*6/:^!)+XC%76 #Qnc(M %\"6 2B 6%z*D 6%w 6%#zhE= m Qn 6QkQ0hQ&hQ&_Q._ 6Qd)Qo) Qo- Qg- 6 Q[  $= 6-d 66 6 -L 6 6 6Y #YX X xYX Nhi;K;K8  : :x $d^ ^e Bi4'v(/ $wI +e q4eee +x4eJ"dMr| ^ ^eDc(PL` .You cautiously follow Jessie Bains up the flight of stairs.The door is locked.An interesting manuever on your part has separated you from your suspect. Now what will you do?This door is labeled "Basement."This door is labeled "Cocktail Lounge."This door is labeled "Second Floor."You have no key to fit this door.4S N $w  bbb"!)+%O#QO!)+-%E!)+-%L!)+-%U!6 )+/L|CX%-s#F+%H# PPP    ea< ae e   F+<e e ece QO|GQUv QvQ(de++QLpF)+/kl(klL| c"#e ?ge cIIf!/I )/ LcIg h<e ###QBQLQVFF Fc/IczAiczXjczNd)/LIee pc Qd+Z1!>{0Just then, the telephone rings in the next room.Bains draws his gun, and aims it directly at you! "Hold it right there, PIG!" he shouts. "It seems one of our card-playing comrades recognizes your ugly mug from a minor misunderstanding he had with the heat a while back. You're about to find out just how much I hate cops!"Just then, a knock on the door diverts Bains' attention!You dive to the floor and struggle to remove the derringer from your cane. A loud "CRASH" and the door flies open. Your backups have arrived!Bains is taken down in the barrage of gunfire.In the twinkling of an eye, the shootout is over. Sprawled unconcious on the carpet with a near-fatal belly wound, lies Jessie Bains, "the Death Angel!"You step up to the bar and peruse the selection of beverages.Unfortunately, you transmitted your location to your backups a few seconds too late. Bains has been stopped, but you died in the line of duty."Well, Mr. Banksten," says Bains, "I have a little proposition for you that I know you'll love.""I'm interested," you reply."Fix yourself a drink while I answer the phone," says Bains.You whisper a soft "Room 404" into your "pen," to tip your backups of your location.You hope they have time to respond.You whisper a soft "Room 404" into your empty shirt pocket.Unfortunately, your failure to transmit your location has resulted in your untimely demise.4 @@O  ;$  @ &  ( 'Q{@Q{ {@  @S   6) @V   ̜  @! @N   @6&  ( '@    +   #+ N q xi hg@(    c @e  '  @(oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4JE '@Q4gb(+T(NT (qT(T4!@Q4W@Q@Q/@Q$      ̷@QT̳ ̳@Q.̴ ̴@Q̵ ̵@Q̶@Q^@Q ̷J@Q ̷6) ̶ɷFȲ7+Nq  h(oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4 T@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q+U T@Q@Q@Q@Q@QNU T@Q@Q@Q@Q@QqU T@Q@Q@Q@Q@QU450Ђ4 @Q 4` } rrrr ɚ Ș gϚZE8i "v cci8iPg?g! g g g g  [  gig%igig B:  (oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4\+Nqrrrr ɚ ȘO[igg#8i "v$c8i "_v%v&cc8i "v'c.8i "v(c8iQ({       (oRW\bi%23<ENW`k{!?XGeneOttoFrankWhiteyYou have $%v170%v171. Pot is %v234 chips. All antes are in."What's your hurry, Whitey?"One PairTwo PairThree of a kindStraightFlushFull HouseFour of a kindStraight flushRoyal FlushWins Folds ShufflesDeals %s2 calls.%s2 bets %v236.%s2 passes.%s2 raises %v206.%s2 stands.How many $10 chips (%v207-%v152)? %s2 folds.%s2 takes %v158 cards.How many cards (0-3)? Which card to discard (1-5)? First card to discard (1-5)? Second card to discard? Last card to discard? 4#-  %g2.!%4  ͘@Q ͘@Q ͘@Q ͘@Q ͘@Q U  ER4   @Q   @Qe   @Q'@Q@Q@Q4  f?wq  $}bb"7!X)%)i+/!)}6 C%JP+/L|!)%cqL|!%.6 )+/F!%b6 )+/F   mx hhhhhhh hcg g  e ggcg g  e ggcg g  eggcg g egg   e .7#:#G##:#:z} zI p  :/<eee;QsFGQrsQreQ_eQ]cQWc:+/F; /  +/+/:<e+<ee e!e"e//<< c"eG;! F/e" /<e# "q $eh"/ F^v>O<Md ;N=bj  Jessie Hiram Bains, "The Death Angel," was brought to justice and tried in the Superior Court of the City of Lytton on the following charges: ILLEGAL GAMBLINGHotel Delphoria bartender Woody Roberts turned State's evidence and, as a witness for the prosecution (in return for a suspended sentence and three years probation), provided convincing testimony concerning the gambling activities of Jessie Bains, Otto Lipshitz, and Gene "the Bambino" Bamboni.DRUG TRAFFICKINGDrug pusher Donald D. Colby turned State's evidence and, as a witness for the prosecution (in return for a suspended sentence and five years probation), provided convincing testimony concerning the Bains' narcotics distribution network.ATTEMPTED MURDERLytton PD Detectives Bonds, Anglin, and Smith, presented eyewitness testimony concerning the shoot-out at the Hotel Delphoria.FIRST DEGREE MURDERBallistic tests provided a positive match between Bains' .32-caliber automatic handgun and the weapon used to murder Jason Taselli.And now, the results of that trial...The Honorable Judge Kim Palmer asks the foreman of the jury, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict?"The foreman answers, "Yes, we have, Your Honor."Guilty as charged."Mr. Bains, please rise for sentencing. Do you have any last statement before I pronounce sentencing?"Bains looks straight into your eyes. "No, your Honor." Then, under his breath, he hisses across the aisle, "Bonds, you're a dead man!"Staring intently at Bains, Judge Palmer says firmly, "Jessie Hiram Bains, you are hereby sentenced to a total of 97 years in the State Penitentiary, without possibility of parole."The courtroom erupts in spontaneous applause. You smile broadly, until you catch Bains glaring holes through your skull! You know your life is not yet free of "the Death Angel!"Three days pass. With Bains safely ensconced in the State Penitentiary at Vacaville, the City of Lytton is once again a quiet, peaceful community freed from the grasp of "the Death Angel."Charge:"Bailiff, please read the jury's verdict to the court.""Bailiff, please bring the jury's verdict to me." "%m28 %m9. %m20" "%m28 %m11. %m20" "%m28 %m13. %m20" "%m28 %m15. %m20" 4? $w?b 5~z zE z~ARz~BQz~OUz~PTzzz(z<zPzdzxzz z x z zx zx z z+ z.{ z1u z4o z7iz:czm zj{ zgu zdo zaiz^c  ~ c !)XC%D]6 +/#:F!)XC%FF6 +/#:!)XC%T]+/6 #:FL|!)%oZ+6#:!)=XC%JJ+/6 L|)%+6 #QL p   $eeQL` ;;GeIK F//e e e e ;QKZFQK_#+ex 0 c  h[Following a ticker tape parade down Main Street in your honor, a huge crowd has gathered on the Courthouse steps.Mayor Fuddrucker and Chief Whipplestick wait at the top of the steps, while you pass through the Department Honor Guard."Sonny Bonds," the Mayor reads, "as Mayor, I wish to express the appreciation of the people of the City of Lytton for your service to them, and present you with this expression of our gratitude, the Key to the City!"Congratulations. You've won "Police Quest!"You are a true, veteran police officer, proven in the line of duty. We hope you have enjoyed playing.If you liked "Police Quest," be sure to play the other 3D, animated, graphic adventure games from Sierra: "King's Quest I, II, and III;" "The Black Cauldron;" "Space Quest I and II;" and "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards."You'll also enjoy our 3D "Helicopter Simulator" that allows you to have dogfights with your friends via modem, or just fly through many cities for fun."Oh, Sonny! My HERO!!"4" FFxFM,,LNLN-3yFyM3y3LCyCX6X6y OmmOOkkZlZLyLykylZlMMFTDX5a3c-n/_4ZERHO[jxjd_^M^juMuj lk ppoot}}yyuuttttvxvxvxvxvxz|y|z|y}y}}}~~~sqpospospospospotpxx||tt[NxNxP[P[RxRxT[T[VxVxX[X[ZxZx\[\[^x^x`[`[bxbxd[d[fxfxh[h[jxj **|4reerrLLL??&&((&><<NOOLdbbbuuq&;Masaa;;(jjqvvqv#v%q%v+vv vjoojoo!j!o(o*j*o+o hhchhch#h%c%h+h\aa\aa!\!a(a*\*a+a ZZUZZUZ#Z%U%Z+Z a a o o S SNSSNSS!N!S(S*N*S+S LLGLLGL#L%G%L+L E E@EE@EE!@!E(E*@*E1E-G-L4L3@3E:E<@L@G@LGLIGILPLRGRLYL[G[LbLdGdLjLlGlLsLuGuL{L}G}LL277277!2!7(7*2*7173237:7<2<7C7E2E7L7N2N7U7W2W7^7`2`7g7i2i7o7q2q7w7y2y777277 >>9>>9>#>%9%>+>-9->5>797>>>@9@>G>I9I>P>R9R>Y>[9[>b>d9d>j>l9l>s>u9u>{>}9}>> 00+00+0#0%+%0+0-+-0507+70>0@+@0G0H+H0P0R+R0Y0[+[0b0d+d0k0m+m0s0u+u0{0}+}00NNNSUSWNWSYSNZPZRURZYZN\NaTaUaW\WaYaNhPhRcRhYhNjNoUoWjWo^o`m`ogoimioooqmqowoymyoojooyNySSNSSyZ|Z~U~ZZy\yaa\aayh|h~c~hhyMylZLZlNMNOvPvRqRvYv[p[vbvdqdvkvmqmvtvvqvv|v~q~vvO~U~WxW~^~`x`~g~ixi~o~qxq~w~yxy~~x~~ ~ ~x~~x~~!x!~(~*x*~+~,,M,LML ) )$))$))!$!)()*$*)1)3$3):)<$<)C)E$E)L)N$N)U)W$W)^)`$`)g)i$i)o)q$q)w)y$y))$)) """""#"%$"+"--"5"77">"@@"F"HH"P"RR"Y"[["b"dd"k"mm"s"uu"{"}}""  !!!(**133:<<CEELNNUWW^``giioqqwyy        )+--577:' ( ** * 1 33 : << > ',..688>PPRRY[[`M M OO U WW ^ `` d MQSSZ\\dv{}}s t vv   tz||%% #"#"$!$  (9P^||1qHfDe5d5|,,MNMNyMykylqq@::@@ECl |||l ww rr mmllll ::2\opouuuyyy}~=7EG@7GG@@88FUUL - WW[Sllj_[acijhccd`jjbagW^bjjg  %@KfpEEkk##  AGG B gom i =CFMPPlr0*7hBh7cBc;p7yBy :[:e3c3NFTFN #@d,,3y5yDyFyMNN **43 KKjp*p*_k_k])])_j_jp)p*\.ZjZk[k\eYe+f+f(g'h%h$:$:&;'<(<*<+=,=Y<'f'=,e,?Y?/c/cY@9b9b:@:@EbEbEbF@F@QbQbR@RK*L&N.?8c8?DcD?PcP@0b0Hhj_k_l\l_ 88kczc1Y1&9&i&z&zcz&1&  )lk`y`{a r0P2Ow>z>{;{=z:v:s8s8v:v9v9t:r8r?r?vBvBr?rAt?|B|B??|B|C{CwFwF{D{F{G|GJJ|G|F{FwGvGrJrJvGvK{KwNwN{K{OvOrRrRvPvO|R|ROO}S{SwVwV{T{WvWrZrZvXvW|Z|ZWW|[{[w^w^{[{_|_bb|_|_v_rbrbv_vc{cwfwf{c{g|gjj|g|gvgrjrjvgvjwjwgvjvjwgwgwIuDy@~H~MyPtTyP~YYu]yat`dyhthrrvvssvww{{x||||||vrrvv{ww{{vr r vv| || { ww{ {|||vrrvv{ww{{ys y s yuz~8qjqjqq>l>MdMdl>llMMlljpj?j**DdDd>>d=d22cE`L=T8TTT'H 40a_C_?Y?YCTCT?N?NCICI?CCC?>C>?8C8?3?3C-?-C(?(C"?"C?C?C?C ? 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PZst3eMw C)C$$.+/LGX#QHpeMF)+/L I ).LGQ_f )+M`gD#x YeDg 0JAPe cKRe  g%oWe e e e ge t!eeeeeeekeeme'! t! #ee&'ee+eeedeeqqe:w*9TyiI].avNo, rifling through trash tends to make you stink even more.You're not close enough.The trashcan is empty. You've done your job.The Fergusons have conveniently placed their garbage on the curb for you to collect.Your job here is done.Time to shine.Hmm... heavier than usual.You're not going inside their house.You'll never get in the garage, so give it up.The door to the Fergusons' house is shut and locked tight. Oh, how you miss the good old days when people trusted one another and left their doors wide open for their neighbors to drop on in.The garage door is closed. I predict that you'll never see the inside of that garage.Your truck's door is open.Your truck's door is closed.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.Lovely trees...No peaking in windows. You're just here to collect the garbage.A wooden fence impedes any travel into the Fergusons' backyard.In the distance, you can see the darkened Wanderlust Hills.Well-mowed lawn. Well-paved street. What more can you want?The door's closed.As a garbageman, you ought to collect the garbage before you leave.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.This is the home of the Fergusons, the last house on your route for today.Slanty.The mailbox is empty.4m !?2% %O !)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#!)+/FXC6 %b^#)! ) FX6 %E#  +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8gaee g%aee eege e'!  #ee&'ee e e & +LGM#  e  +/F#|e e e/|-|e e (|e e |e e '''&e/L+Ie| e kede't& BXeeeeeex'7t'z'"}eL IM= / !"#$ }% & e'xze((I R0I\iAhcDJ~X] Sal doesn't want anyone else in his little room there.Only Sal can open the gate to the dump.It's a doorThe gate to the dump is closed. Impenetrable...The door to your truck is open.The door to your truck is closed.You're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.As you pass the back of the truck, you hear a strange rustling noise.It is reaching for you, grasping ravenously. You can sense an evil presence inside its empty eye sockets, yet it seems human.The corpse's torso lies motionless on the pavement. Its threat is over. For now.There is nothing like that here.You wouldn't be able to get a clean shot at it, considering the way it's hungrily reaching for you.Don't bother. It's harmless and dead.You shouldn't search something that'll tear the flesh off your arm.Nothing of interest.What?! No!Sounds like an absurd idea... carrying a mangled corpse around with you. No.You desperately pull the lever, thereby activating the trash compactor.There's no point in activating the trash compactor at this time.It's more interested in eating your face, I'd imagine.The fence keeps all intruders from entering the dump, thereby protecting all the dirty treasures within.Sal Beardley is inside the control booth. He opens and closes the gate from there.Ok.You have no need.Your truck is worthy transportation. The trash compactor in back is operated by a lever.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.SAL: 'Please, John, the garbage is keeping me busy.YOU: 'What was that thing, Sal?'SAL: 'A man, or at least, it used to be a man. You're new in Memory...'SAL: 'You don't know about this town yet. The dead don't stay dead. It's best just to learn to live with it.'YOU: 'What you tell me is most troubling.'YOU: 'I've lost interest in garbage, Sal. That killer corpse really put things into perspective.'YOU: 'I'm going to put a stop to this!'SAL: 'You're not bringing that zombie into this dump while I'm on duty, John.'SAL: 'Before I let you in, check the back of your truck, John. I heard a strange noise.'This is the city dump. Headquarters for a garbage man such as yourself.It's Sal Beardley. He works at the dump, opening the gate and so forth.4?X % %N[!&)&+F%G\/C/D#!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)#CD +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8eepeg$ee eege/  @X^`K Ie'!  #e e&'ee e e ee e ede U5Ni.oThe sign reads, 'Sun. 10:00.' Church time, I guess.The stained glass windows are very colorful. They don't let you peak through them very well, however.The bushes are green... and leafy. They're for decoration mostly.The truck's door is open.The truck's door is closed.The church door is open.The church door is closed.You're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.This is the grand Church of Memory, a place of healing and hope...4t]?2 % %ax!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8ge ege ee'!  #ee&'ee eekee ee e e e 5LaYou're not close enough.The cemetery gateway looms ominously above you, even though it is broad daylight.The door is open.The door is closed.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.The fence is high and made up of bars. It reminds you of a prison.Pretty good tree. Not great, but satisfactory, don't you think?It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.This is the city's cemetery. Tread carefully, for every grave contains a potential assailant.4<B?2% %\!&)&+F%{[/C/D#!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)#CD +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8g$ee eege/  v\`K Ie'!  #ee&'ee eeee e e e e e6emede$BbzYThe door to the cafe is open.The door to the cafe is closed.The truck door is open.The truck door is closed.You're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.An average tree...You can watch the customers eating inside.Sidewalks... they keep us from muddying our feet, and their evenness lessens our chances of stumbling.The sign says, oddly enough, 'Cafe.'The street is staying where it is.This is Cheryl's Cafe, the only cafe in town.4/?2% %\!)+L=%)#!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 86ege eege  :hnree'!  #ee&'ee ee ee pe e e emeeee*de({ '@SZ Cw1'Memory Elementary School.' What? Are the letters not big enough for you to see?The door to the school is shut tight, due to the fact that the school is closed for the day.The truck door is open.The truck door is closed.The school doors are locked.You're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.Green, like the chlorophyll that permeates each one of their chloroplasts... rather poetic, don't you think?You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.You can't see in any of the windows, but you expect there to be classrooms inside.The sidewalk leads off to the side of the school.The street is staying where it is.The stars and stripes fly proudly above the school.You shouldn't steal the American flag. The old-timers say that whosoever steals or desecrates an American flag shall be struck down by a hideous plague!There are no bikes in the rack.This is Memory Elementary School, where all young children go to learn and play.4%v?P% %'R%nR!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8ge e'!  #ee&'ee eeeeeeee Lde f/Bu"cYou're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.The dirty path leads in two directions towards the house and the barn.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.Just think... even the mightiest oak tree was once an acorn.This is Ezra Hooper's farm. It's a very quiet and desolate place these days. In the distance, you can see a farmhouse and a barn.4[e?U% '%@W!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8ge e'!  #ee&'ee eeeeeeee 'e e 1Dw KtYou're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.The sandy path leads down to the river bank.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.You've never truly appreciated all the things that trees provide for you such as shade, oxygen, and apples.There are some trees growing down by the river, perhaps because there is water nearby to nourish their roots or something.You're parked near the North Okfuskee River.4e?_% >%Ca!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8ge e'!  #ee&'ee eeeeeee>e )e /BuVYou're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.The footpath leads down to the park area around the pond.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.There is a forest towards the northern end of the pond.You are outside of Allynson Park by the pond of the same name.4W/?a % &%ad!<)<+F%Zc/C/D#!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)#CD +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8keepe6eg$ee eege/  Q`tiK Ie '!  #e e &'ee e e ee ee&de%"E/Y+|The fence surrounds a parking lot.If you're that interest about what is inside the building, you should go on in.The bushes are green... and leafy. They're for decoration mostly.Simply enough, it says, 'Sheriff.' You deduce that this must be the sheriff's office.The door to the sheriff's office is open.The door to the sheriff's office is closed.The truck door is open.The truck door is closed.You're not close enough.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.This is Sheriff Leeuwenhoek's office.47?v % 3%Zy!<)<+F%Ow7/D/C#7!=)=+F%X#Z!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8kg7eegeG 8 =w7ee7 jeeekke'!  #ee&'ee e e e7e e e e3de U7P qThe gate is open, allowing you to enter the factory.The fence blocks all entry except for by a single gate, which is closed.You should leave the gate open.The gate is locked, and you have no way of opening it.You can't steal the sheriff's car, and that's all there is to it.You're not close enough.You're not monkey-like enough to climb over the fence.The door's closed.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.The sheriff's car is parked behind your trusty garbage truck.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.You are out in front of the old, abandoned factory. It's been decades since it was used, and what was manufactured inside has long been forgotten.4y?% 2%u!=)=+F%n6 C #!)/6 FC%#!)+/F6 C%B#)# +$ +// P6  Sxx6 8ge e'?  #e   d}2ee'e&'ee eeeeee e e me ki e e7k7k&  d}e _#ee e  e ee*CVnX`You're not close enough.The door's closed.You're no close enough.Trust me when I tell you that you don't want to jump off the side of the bridge.Maybe you should be in some kind of vehicle first.Shut the door first.It's your trusty garbage truck, waiting to transport you to wherever you desire.You're not interested in the garbage you've collected right now.The lever on the back of your truck operates the trash compactor.An average tree...You can watch the customers eating inside.The bridge looks solid enough, but the railing is broken in one place.You've secured a rope at the gap in the railing.There is a broken gap in the railing.Ok.You don't have it.The rope is tied securely to the railing.You've underestimated your knot-tying ability. Its too tight to untie... aw, screw it. You decide that you won't need the rope again.The bridge lies above the North Okfuskee River.This is the bridge out of town.4?P%M#6j66e'''emjeee'e'e1'eIj&You're not interested. They're all the same in death.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!The ground hides many things here. Not the least of which is hordes of dead people. They're all probably scratching at their coffins, eager to dig their gnashing teeth into your throat and clutching claws into your eyesockets.On second thought, you'd prefer not to think about it.Be careful. A cemetery isn't the safest place to be when the dead are restless.Nothing like peeing on graves to calm the nerves...Life is full of choices, and depositing steaming piles of feces in cemeteries is rarely that right choice to make.Only a sick, sick person would dance in a cemetery when there isn't even any music!4?F!)+LC=X%X\6 G#$U!)A &, $)+M"' ( (%Nd#$PLCS#M',-e|$ee   ekeie'e'e1'e 6j66e '''e mje e eLsKqlClear, sparkling water pours out from the statue. How beautiful, yet eerie as well.It's coming right for you, arms outstretched, its soul aching for your blood.There are no zombies here.You're not drinking any nasty grave water.The fence is high and made up of bars. It reminds you of a prison.Something escaped its earthen prison.Nothing like peeing on graves to calm the nerves...Life is full of choices, and depositing steaming piles of feces in cemeteries is rarely that right choice to make.Only a sick, sick person would dance in a cemetery when there isn't even any music!You're not interested. They're all the same in death.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!The ground hides many things here. Not the least of which is hordes of dead people. They're all probably scratching at their coffins, eager to dig their gnashing teeth into your throat and clutching claws into your eyesockets.On second thought, you'd prefer not to think about it.Be careful. A cemetery isn't the safest place to be when the dead are restless.4I<?F%)\#%c!)OA &, %)+M"' ( (&%^#%PLCS&c! ) OA &, & ) +M"' ( (&%g#&PLCSLL++/MMGG!!)!X%cL+G#!&)&+F%'Z/C/D#!)&+FCX=%DF# !()(+FC%VT#CD// Ks e..PPCCSS5&%!+FX // c+/FM'',-M'',-(  PM_X e\ $e  e g Z6`K Ie FLTZe eedexe%&e e x,%&e  [ne e eeeeexc%&e R [nF6e76ee\/66 ee66ee6e' e  e eede|%&ee 'e!'e"1'e#ke$6j66e%'''e&mje'e(e)) Tbf_56 AVJb?^ +b They saw you!Ok.You're not close enough.The lopping shears are lying where they landed after you threw them out the window.The window to the toolshed is open.The shed's window is closed.The cemetery's toolshed is where the caretaker keeps his tools, of course.The caretaker is fighting for his life. Two zombies have descended upon him.He's watching you to see what happens next with the zombies.The caretaker looks relieved. The zombies have temporarily been defeated.Conversation isn't a top priority right now, seeing as how there are flesh-rending zombies on the loose.The caretaker says, 'Well done. Your zombie killing ability reminds me of myself in my younger days.'You reply, 'What can you tell me about zombies?'He says, 'Well, the only good zombie is a dead zombie... er... you know what I mean.''Of course,' you acknowledge, 'but how do I stop them... for good?''Hell if I know, my boy. I just kill them when I see them.''Maybe you could go to Father McGalligan for help.'You're too far away.What more do you want?! The man isn't made of shovels.You plead, 'Please, I need your shovel in my important quest to free Memory from these ghouls.''All right. You talked me into it.You try again, 'It's important that I have you shovel.''I'm still hesitant...'You ask, 'Can I have your shovel?''This shovel is my livelihood. I don't know if I could give it up...You should ask nicely.The caretaker holds a shovel. You suspect such a shovel could prove useful on your mission.The tree is just that: a tree.You're not squirrel-like enough to climb that tree.Just use the door, dimwit.Looks like trouble.There are no zombies here, only dead ones.Nothing like peeing on graves to calm the nerves...Life is full of choices, and depositing steaming piles of feces in cemeteries is rarely that right choice to make.Only a sick, sick person would dance in a cemetery when there isn't even any music!The fence is high and made up of bars. It reminds you of a prison.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!The ground hides many things here. Not the least of which is hordes of dead people. They're all probably scratching at their coffins, eager to dig their gnashing teeth into your throat and clutching claws into your eyesockets.On second thought, you'd prefer not to think about it.Be careful. A cemetery isn't the safest place to be when the dead are restless.4" ?P#keie6j66e'''emjee'e'e1'e e  [ZC The fence is high and made up of bars. It reminds you of a prison.Something escaped its earthen prison.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!The ground hides many things here. Not the least of which is hordes of dead people. They're all probably scratching at their coffins, eager to dig their gnashing teeth into your throat and clutching claws into your eyesockets.On second thought, you'd prefer not to think about it.Nothing like peeing on graves to calm the nerves...Life is full of choices, and depositing steaming piles of feces in cemeteries is rarely that right choice to make.Only a sick, sick person would dance in a cemetery when there isn't even any music!Be careful. A cemetery isn't the safest place to be when the dead are restless.4" ?F#keie6j66e'''emjee'e'e1'e e  [ZC The fence is high and made up of bars. It reminds you of a prison.Something escaped its earthen prison.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!The ground hides many things here. Not the least of which is hordes of dead people. They're all probably scratching at their coffins, eager to dig their gnashing teeth into your throat and clutching claws into your eyesockets.On second thought, you'd prefer not to think about it.Nothing like peeing on graves to calm the nerves...Life is full of choices, and depositing steaming piles of feces in cemeteries is rarely that right choice to make.Only a sick, sick person would dance in a cemetery when there isn't even any music!Be careful. A cemetery isn't the safest place to be when the dead are restless.4 ?P#ke6j66e'''emjeee'e'e1'e  3X8lThe fence is high and made up of bars. It reminds you of a prison.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!The ground hides many things here. Not the least of which is hordes of dead people. They're all probably scratching at their coffins, eager to dig their gnashing teeth into your throat and clutching claws into your eyesockets.On second thought, you'd prefer not to think about it.Be careful. A cemetery isn't the safest place to be when the dead are restless.Nothing like peeing on graves to calm the nerves...Life is full of choices, and depositing steaming piles of feces in cemeteries is rarely that right choice to make.Only a sick, sick person would dance in a cemetery when there isn't even any music!4'e? %H!&)&+FCX=%ma#( !)(+FC%QQ# !)(+CX%4Z##// #$  Ed_l e\$e $  )dEn e\$e  e  bgt}e ee ee+7; 3( bgt} e_eee + e e  e e k e eeeeede e #  e_ ~e ~.2K- B$Ok.You're not close enough.There is a pair of lopping shears hanging on the pegboard.The window is open.The window is closed.You probably couldn't fit yourself through that window.You toss the lopping shears through the open window.Naw, you don't need to trick the caretaker again. He won't be on the lookout for you stealing what was already gone.Where do you want to throw it?You don't have that.There is a bottle of what appears to be rat poison lying on the table.There is nothing on the table.The peg board is used for hanging tools up. Currently, it holds a weed eater and a pair of lopping shears.The peg board is used for hanging tools up. Currently, it holds only a weed eater.You don't want to lug around a heavy weed whacker.While it has been proven that a lawnmower can be an effective instrument for killing zombies, you are not going to take one with you.The caretaker's lawnmower is here. It's used to cut grass.The weed eater is hanging on the board. It's used to trim tall grass where the mower can't go.You are in the cemetery's toolshed. There is a table, a lawnmower, and a peg board on the back wall.The cemetery must have a problem with rats burrowing into the coffins.The caretaker shouts at you, 'Don't steal my tools!'The caretaker says as you leave, 'You can keep the poison. I've pretty much taken care of the rat problem.'4 z?%f 1  '!")"+F%@_DM#!%)%+FC6%1_#%IX wQ1_#!&)&+%hF6C#!$)$+%7WF#!)$+%FWF#!)$'++%UWF#+!')'+/LG%Ba#* |e |/C/D/C/D/C/Dg: 5RBZ+ DRQZ SR`Zee al// FSQVee$ $!%)%+/LC%1_I# ! +!#)#LP%XWQ>_#x+M,- ( )y +e y +e  ee k e e x e e ge/ 7RBWe FRQWe UR`Wee R+eeuteee| ee(|(xEee xz ee e  e me! R+e dR|\e ee!000e" dR|\e# R+e"ee$!'e%% Le8V+h+C7 vYou need to report this to the sheriff! Someone is responsible for beheading that man!No! There's someone in that stall.Get closer to one of the stalls.Holy God!It looks like someone forgot to flush.Cheryl, muttering obscenities, is cleaning up after your battle and vomit.'YOU! You made this mess!' With that, her words trail off into inaudible obscenities under her breath.That's gross and unnecessary.Eh?The blood is coagulated and dry. Cheryl really ought to clean that up.The walls appear to be clean.It's dead, and it was a zombie. We don't talk to zombies.It's considered a faux pas to chat with people who are hard at work in the crapper.The stalls are lined up on the back wall.Nothing odd about this one.No. You're not looking in there again. That was revolting.The wall behind the toilet has been splashed with blood.You're not close enough.Yes, it is true that you are handsome... and rugged.Empty...There is a paper towel dispenser next to the sink.You don't need a towel.The headless corpse lies motionless on the floor. That was a close one.What are you talking about?You thoroughly search the corpse, going so far as to poke around in its neck cavity, but you find nothing.That is not a man. It's a monster.It's considered impolite to leer underneath the door of a bathroom stall.You can't help but feel proud of your achievement.No. What possible use could that have?Smooth, smooth tile.Very clean. Impressive.The urinal smells nice, due to the urinal cake. But smells can be deceiving. It may surprise you to learn that people pee in this contraption.You're not in the mood.No. You have an aversion to washing your hands. Your father always told you that only cowards wash their hands and that any man who'll be killed by little germs doesn't deserve to live anyway.You have a bladder of steel. No need to urinate as of now.You are in the restroom. The stalls are on the back wall.Whoo... someone light a match.4 o?X%%.]%%Z[#!&)&+F%ZZ#'+!)'+F%s]#z' z' z'5 /C/Dg S[g_+ee+ O[o+ee thee''ezyZ O[o?+ eee e +LGV + e e  t e  y O[o+eeeekexzezxyee83 d v'*e *eeeeeeeeee+ee+ee ge!2'e"e#de$%$" JS+^64>~+kGnThe matronly owner sees you and shouts, 'You can't go back there!'You're not close enough.Cheryl is away from the counter, cleaning the restroom.Cheryl is at the counter.There are customers sitting at two tables. They are highly engrossed in their activities.No time to sit. You're on an important mission.You stutter, 'Uh, Cheryl, I think the men's restroom needs to be cleaned.''No problem, John. I'll get to that right after you shut the hell up and get off my back.'Begrudgingly, she walks off to clean the restroom.'And don't you go back into the kitchen while I'm gone!''What's the soup of the day?''Cream of screw off, you bastard, and stop wasting my time.'Don't go hitting on that female customer. She's here with someone.Cheryl is a harsh woman. You haven't helped matters by coming in here day after day and bothering her, rarely buying very much.Don't stare at people. Especially people who don't matter.There is an arrow on the wall directing people to the restrooms.You'd be wasting your time talking to the customers. They're just decoration, really.It appears to be a courtesy phone for making local calls. How nice.You seize the phone and dial the sheriff's office.'Sheriff's office. This is Sheriff Leeuwenhoek speaking.'You tell the sheriff about the decapitated man in the bathroom.He replies, 'So, the killer has struck again.''What killer?' you inquire.'The sadistic murderer who has been plaguing our town for weeks now.''Since this is the first you've heard of it, maybe you should come to my office to look at the missing person's list to see if you can help.'You reply, 'All right. I'll stop by when I get the chance.'You've no one to call.There's a hallway in the back that leads to the bathroom.Cheryl shouts, 'Hey, you! Don't even look at my cash register!Don't act suspicious around the cash register. There are witnesses.Cheryl shouts, 'I'll cut off your pecker, you jackass!'If Cheryl caught you messing with the cash register, she's 'cut off your pecker, you jackass!'It's probably the door to the kitchen.Not hungry. Don't need food.You can see into the kitchen.This is where you come to eat. You come here so often, you've developed a special relationship with Cheryl, the owner.4UN?%M-%h.%|h) #!')'+%V;F# SBjMee      SBjMe&3e777777+  SBjM e^\e eev7vvv7v7v7vvv7v7vvvv e e xe xzu K:fBi83Se e e eeeeeeeeeeeeeee88 eeee e!8  e"\_e#ee$e%e&'4'e'ge(e)e*e+k~e,e-de.,-s.. ^ $e5@M-O*Ja# F Z  s I The holy font contains sacred healing water, blessed by the priest.You can't see it from here.As you swallow a mouthful of the water, you feel your health being restored.You're not close enough.You dip the flask into the font, filling it with healing elixir.The flask already contains holy water.You don't have that.The empty bottle you found in a trash can is not suitable to hold holy water.You need something to carry it in.Father McGalligan looks very grim.You say to the priest, 'I found Arthur Lazenby, and he told me his story.''There seems to be a link with the old cemetery north of town.'The priest's face becomes grim.'If you choose to venture north of town, to the cemetery and the church up there, know this...''It is an unholy place, full of many dangers and much darkness.''Take the talisman from my office that you might use its power to return light to the darkened church.'The priest tells you, 'Perhaps I know of someone who can tell you more about the evil occurrences.''But be warned, I'm uncertain of the danger he might pose.''Go on,' you say, interested.'His name is Arthur Lazenby. Some say he is a vagrant, but I know better...''For, you see, it was I who presided over his funeral.''Then... he's dead?' you stammer.'He was. And like so many, he came back to life.''And unlike the others, he seems to have retained his rational mind.''But understand, that I've only glimpsed him a few times, and never up close...''So be careful.''But where is he?' you inquire.'I don't know for sure. He remains hidden from the sight of the living.'You say to him, 'What do you make of the returning dead in this town, Father?'He replies, 'It is most troubling, but what is even more troubling is how little attention the townspeople pay to this evil.''They ignore it. These are dark times, John Mordred. Dark times indeed.''But what do I do about it, Father?' you ask.'That's hard to say, for it has gone on as long as anyone can remember.''Take this elixir. It will heal you in your time of desperation,' he says, handing you a flask.'Come here to restore your health completely by drinking the holy water.'From that pulpit, the priest speaks his sermons to an empty church.Well, not as empty as it is now... it's not Sunday.The pews are empty.No time for praying. It's time for action.There are two side doorways in the sanctuary.A large wooden cross looks over the sanctuary.A large organ is in the back of the sanctuary.The organ's pipes are dusty. You can tell the instrument has not been used for quite some time.The walls are lined with red, decorative tapestries.You used to be quite the piano player in your younger days, but a tragic accident at a recital broke your hands, and your playing has never been the same since.You are in the large church sanctuary. The priest stands at the back near his pulpit and a font full of liquid.4_? %M~ %XQ )#!&)&+F%VP/C/D#!')'+F%7S#CDg OQeWK Ieg eedee{yze6eee e e e (6e kee{yzex";^,W$<cYou're not close enough.The door to the sanctuary is open.A plain, wooden door leads to the church's sanctuary.You are in the church's front office.There is a computer, a phone, and a lamp on the desk.It's the church secretary. She answers the phone and such.You've no interest in the church's events.The painting is of heavenly light shining upon Golgotha, the scene of the Crucifixion.You've no interest in the affairs of church secretaries.Luminescent.The secretary doesn't want you using her phone.It's an ordinary phone.You can't snoop in the church's files.They seem to be good, solid walls.Soft.'Don't bother me. I'm working. If you need someone to bother, Father McGalligan is in the sanctuary. He's never busy.'4j[? %e% %8o )#!&)&+F%7p/C/D#CDg'g+ .qDyK  IeedeegeehheM$=hThe door is locked.You're not close enough.You are outside an eerily quiet farmhouse.An empty porch lies in front of the house's entrance, an uninviting welcome.It's a door.Through the dusty windows, there is a slight, cold light.The cellar doors are stuck shut. You don't really want to go down there anyway.47? %$%$%%#!>)>+FCX%?/6 #3!)>+FCX%6/CX#!)>+FCX64%^x%S|#!5@)@+6%s|?)?LGY%s6T# gkK 9~N$ew/6X8 QDQB3 }4eee 8 Q@ 6QG /6 Y8 88 8x85Se ( eMw)/F<@)@+GM6<#8#'' 6666dek 5ee| 5e e ge e *'}.}5e e +k7k7+kk.+E5e: ee_ ' ee^ 5@)@+FMs|< .' 5e e$4e Mtg| e 4^xee4 Xsjz$eeemekkge3$Z6:q*Sk9J+GhOk.The barn door seems to be barred shut from the inside.You're not close enough.Uh-oh! That zombie-pig looks hungry!It got you!You have come to the barn. Next to it is a small pen.The zombie-pig is dead, so the pen appears to be safe.Inside the pen is a pig... a ZOMBIE pig.The zombie-pig is dead.The zombie-pig is pacing back and forth inside the pen. It looks hungry.It's a door.The window on the side of the barn is open.The pig is already dead.You shouldn't waste ammunition on a caged animal.The pig is dead.You toss the corn to the zombie-pig, who promptly devours it.Nothing happens.You throw the poisoned corn to the zombie-pig, who promptly devours it.In a few moments, the pig stumbles around a bit and then collapses, dead.You need a plan to kill it.The ladder is where you want it.The ladder is too big for you to carry around with you.The ladder is too far away from the window.It's just a large rock.A dirt path leads east to the corn fields.There's a little gate to the pen. You're perfectly capable of opening it.4u ?U%~#!A)A7 +%Ox+%OtL6 CX#!B)BLCX=%!)BLCX=%2!)BLCX=% !)BLCX=%?  6ee'e7e 6ee 7eet' 7e t' 7e   6e  6#&M)/F#&((((,7e !6e  Hy]} QQ{e = eee\w####9QQ\7QQf7QUZ7QUc78 6 xQ]~QaaQ]eQakQ]_97777/QO{QT_QTdQOhQO[97777 /Q]~QaaQ]eQakQ]_97777 3 7ee.'-'/' 6e 37+37+333R6? 4 6ee+I7M Q QQ+Q  e 7ee7 $$$$Ox+ e\ . .e'e8uS< ]v>fq 4VThe field is a blur with this murder of crows attacking you.You are standing amidst Farmer Hooper's corn crop.Don't pee in the corn field.The scarecrow has been reduced to a pile of ashes.The scarecrow by itself doesn't seem to be doing the job with these vicious, zombie-birds.The scarecrow hangs lifelessly from its makeshift crucifix in the middle of the field. Its purpose is to scare away crows.All that's left where the scarecrow was hanging is a rickety cross.The wind scatters the scarecrow's ashes.They're just ashes. You couldn't possibly need them for anything.These undead birds are mercilessly ravaging your flesh! You better do something quickly!The scarecrow is gone. It's all been burned up.You've found all you need from the scarecrow. Now do something about these crows!You're not close enough.You rummage through the scarecrow's clothes and straw.You soon find a small key. 'Thank you, Mr. Scarecrow,' you say aloud.Then you hear the flutter of wings, followed by shrill cawing from above.The scarecrow can't get any more burnt.With what?They're too small and fast to do anything to them directly.Capital idea!You quickly light a match and toss it onto the scarecrow.You don't have that!The scarecrow is already a pile of ashes.Sure, you could do that, but why?You pick an ear of corn off of one of the many stalks.You don't need any more corn.The crops appear to be sufficiently fertilized, thank you very much.4A?1%P%63!%T\"%hj) #egedee!_! e" @The stairway leads up to the mysterious second floor.There are doors leading to the kitchen, the living room, and back outside.This is the front hallway of the farmhouse.Red... the color of blood.4?E%V)  %EG) %3h %Uh#!&)&+ F%DG#!)&+ F%2j6C#!)&+ F%[j6C#////C/D/g/ >HOL 1^:o O^^oeV ) ) egeee-!GG  (fGet closer to a door first.The stairway leads back to the ground floor of the farmhouse.There are doors leading to the master bedroom, the bathroom, and the study.This is the upstairs hallway of the house.Red... the color of blood.4 J)?%G)  !%OT+ /w2)2%HeQ5w%OT#Cx!)C+%G]6 CX#)C+%3d6CX/#0!,),+M%Us#0xn!+)+A &, 0,),+M"' ( (%5c#0PLCSM',- eeQ5d( Fee!+)+PL%DZD$#Q9Z Q5c ed0e /ee y|zx0e /e e e y|zx0e /ee(y(|(0Eee /eeeeee/0ee/0ee(xxEee eee p /e!!D"x^n,\1W!b5\'She's suffered enough without the likes of you coming here to harm her!''Don't you see that she's dead?!' you exclaim.'She's not! She's alive, and you're not going to take her from me!''Get up, Edith! Come with me!'Slowly, the shrivelled dead woman rises from her chair and walks towards her husband.'Edith! No!'You are in the master bedroom, which earlier was the scene of the Hoopers' bloody marital spat.You are in the master bedroom, and the farmer's dead wife is shambling toward you as the husband congeals on the floor.You are in the master bedroom. An old woman is sitting silently in the rocking chair in the middle of the room.It's no use. Currently, they're both dead.There's no time for talking. The hag-thing means to tear your throat open and feast upon the bloody cords inside.'Excuse me, madame,' you say. 'I didn't mean to intrude in your home.'She does not answer.Judging by what you've witnessed here today, married life isn't everything it's cracked up to be.That horrible woman-thing is closing in on you!You can't see her very well from this angle. You ought to move in front of her.You search the shrivelled corpse but find nothing.You're not close enough.Not while she's trying to kill you!That would be rude.The bed looks hard and uncomfortable.You don't care about dusty old farmer clothes.The cabinet looks to hold the farmer couple's dusty old clothes.The windows look out over the dreary farmlands.The mournful, old rocking chair is empty.A sickly, old woman is sitting silently in front of that window.Rocking an empty chair is a waste of time, but I think you knew that.You shouldn't rock someone in a chair without them asking.You search the farmer's corpse, but find nothing.That really brightens your day.Hey! The carpet matches the curtains!Hey! The curtains match the carpet!Uh oh. You don't like the looks of this. Not one bit.4G? %gw) #!D)D+FXC%3k#!)D+FXC%pv#1////de -uK{1e 1ee 1e e0e''ee e 0e g gl{{eutu(u(tte ge  j$]It looks to be the bathroom of the house, as there is a bathtub and a toilet.You're not close enough.The bathtub is empty. There are trace amounts of mud caked around the inside.The shower curtain blocks your view of the bathtub.Could it be mud from a grave?The mirror is dusty, and you can't see your rugged face.You're too busy for woman's work.You're not in the mood.It's probably where the farmer deposits his feces.There is a small sink.The faucet doesn't work.The trashcan is empty.It's a door.4EdG? %(d) #!D)D+FXC%cL#!)D+FXC%&f#2////deg/ ZWx^2 *[-j +W=[ee(; ZWx^ 2uee u1e +W=[eegee e e  hzIt appears to be some kind of study. Judging from its relative emptiness, you guess that Farmer Hooper doesn't spend much time here.The cabinet is locked, and I can't imagine anything useful inside anyway.You're not close enough.The drawer is quite empty.The drawer is empty except for a few shotgun shells, which you gladly take.The desk has a single drawer which is closed.The cabinet probably has a lot of boring farmer stuff inside, but it is shut tight, so it doesn't matter anyway.It's a door.The window looks out to the front of the farmhouse. In the distance, you can see your garbage truck.Hey! The carpet matches the curtains!No, leave them as they are, so that some light gets in here.4i??%H#%bw#! !()(+%CBCX#gede}! e ! ee73''..7 e k! eee 'e '8''3''e }&!  @]Sa e $\e   # [O*TpThere are doors leading to the front hall and the dining room.This is the cozy living room in this quiet, barren house.There is a shotgun above the fireplace.There is no fire in the hearth. Above the fireplace, there is a shotgun.There is no fire in the hearth. The rack above the fireplace is empty.A little fireplace like that would be incapable of generating enough heat to destroy an undead heart.On the wall above the fireplace, there hangs a shotgun.There is a fireplace built into the wall of the living room.The chairs appear to be very comfortable.You don't have time to sit.You don't need to start a fire.Ok.You're not close enough.4k]!?%4g#%HZ#gedeeeekeemeg `Ymje e e e 73''..7 e  0e [ [# [ PThere are doors leading to the front hall and the dining room.This is the quaint, old kitchen of this eerie farm house.There is a sizeable cabinet in the corner.The counter is dusty and empty.The sink is empty, and the faucet is rusty.A wall's a wall.The window looks out in the direction of the barn.That must be the second creepiest tiled floor you've ever seen.Ok.You're not close enough.The stove looks damaged and useless.The stove is damaged and useless.The sink doesn't work.41!?!%0t"%;#gedeeee|'e|'ee'e  'e e e ke eee" !v"^j BRh9There are doors leading to the living room and the kitchen.This is the dining room, where the farmer probably eats.There are a couple plates on the table, but that's all.There are two empty chairs.No need to disturb the painting. Old farmhouses like this don't tend to have safes hidden in the walls or anything like that.The plates have clearly been used, as they are speckled with the remnants of food.The food is all dried up and stuck to the plates, and you don't need it anyway.There's no need to steal anything useless like that.No time to sit.There's no food here.It looks like a portrait of the farmer and his wife.Leave it. It probably has sentimental value.A wall's a wall.Hey! The carpet matches the drapes!Leave them as they are so that some light gets in here.The window looks out over the pastures behind the farmhouse.4 ?8 8%P% #!D)D+F% CX3//#$( !)(+FCX6%5## !)(+FCX6%@T# y u;@6 8g s3e 3/e5y$ ee$ eevu&$  8kNp e$\ eevu$ ye e e $ yee  1$ %y -3>6 e$\ee  ky$ e eee'oy7 y3>( yMw)6 +-XHPQxe2 zt~&Mw)+-6 XxPQHe y)8.PY|4x )8.PYyxd yee( yeee yeeeg 3ee yee3g:d}J%\UQ}";You'd prefer to leave the barn door open.You're not close enough.There is a rope hanging on the wall.The peg where the rope was hanging is boring. Ignore it.There are a bunch of old, dusty containers on the shelf. The only thing of interest is a bottle of kerosene.There are a bunch of old, dusty containers on the shelf. Nothing of interest.Ok.The rest of the things on the shelf are of no value to you.You can't see stuff down there.There is a bottle of kerosene on the shelf.The containers on the shelf are of no interest to you.You can't see anything like that from where you're standing.On the wall hangs a rope.There is hay piled up against the wall, but nothing else of interest.There is a shelf on one of the walls.You can't make it through the window from the inside.You are in the barn's hay loft. There is hay here.You are inside the barn. On one side is a shelf with some items on it. Above you is the hay loft.You could search the hay, but there's never anything hidden in haystacks except needles. And that would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.Maybe you should be in the hay loft.You could take some hay, but then you'd probably be sneezing the rest of the day. So, you'd better not.There is plenty of hay in the loft. A ladder offers a way down.A ladder offers you access to the hay loft.The sturdy ladder is the only way to move between the ground level and the hay loft.The door is open.It looks like you'll be able to open the door from this side.It is a pretty big drop.You cannot make it back through the window.4g?%C#% !()(+6 C%S#!E)E+LGX%^f#!)E+LGX%g]#gede% eeen% e xeen&%  K}f e $\e  e xe e e  e73''..7 e 0e$Dt3QjTsThe door goes back to the cafe.You made it into the kitchen. Congratulations.The counter is clean. The only thing on it is a knife.The counter is clean.There is just a bunch of miscellaneous ingredients and cooking supplies on the shelf. You don't need any of it.There is a sharp butcher knife on the counter. That could come in handy for you.'Can't you see I'm busy?' the cook growls at you.'I'm sorry. I thought a person of average intelligence could chat and cook burgers at the same time.'You swipe the knife while the cook isn't watching.You're not close enough.The sink is empty and wet.The cook is currently cooking some burgers on the stove.The meat is sizzling like roadkill on an Arizona highway.Smoke wafts up from the burgers, filling your nostrils with the sweet smell of dead animal.The cook looks at you, 'Ahem.'You're supposed to destroy it, not cook it.Don't mess with that.4 2/? %b#7!F)F+X%RY#gkeed e7ee n^e7ee((A n^e 27) HX_Yve e v1e e ex7e xV7eJ*!-eeeeeee ee# *eeeeeee eeekge 6666-% {Xze!e"e#e$- -e e%e&e' ' P iEkNz<QK[$l3|V 0 The cell is where the sheriff temporarily keeps people he arrests.Convicted criminals are sent up to the state penitentiary in Stringtown.This is the sheriff's office. On one side of it is a holding cell.Sheriff Leeuwenhoek seems to be gone. He must have found something out.The sheriff's desk is mostly clear. There's a lamp and a name plate reading 'Sheriff Leeuwenhoek.' Also, there is a single drawer.The file cabinet is filled with boring records and files that you have no interest in.There is a single drawer in the desk.The sheriff is in the way of the drawer.You have no interest in all those files.You open the drawer to find a bunch of useless papers.Oh! Partially hidden beneath the papers is a box of some shotgun shells, which you take.There is nothing else of use in the drawer.You're not close enough.The sheriff won't let you snoop around in his desk while he's sitting right there.Sheriff Leeuwenhoek is a middle-aged man with a worrisome face and a license to kill.The sheriff is gone!'Ah, Mordred! I'm glad you came by,' the sheriff greets you.'Of course, Sheriff Leeuwenhoek, I want to know about those killings you spoke of on the phone.'Well, lots of people have been murdered by this serial killer, and many more are missing.''There is a list on the bulletin board over there of missing persons about whom we have leads.''They may not all be victims of the killer, but we desperately want to find them.''I'd like it if you would take a look and see if you know anything or can otherwise assist.''My deputies and I are spread pretty thin with these murders.''I read your list, sheriff, and I'm currently doing all I can to help you find those people,' you say.'Good, good. Thank you, Mordred.'You quickly tell the sheriff what happened in the restroom at the cafe.'So,' he responds, 'the killer has struck again.''You see, Mordred, Memory is currently under the assault of a sadistic serial killer.''Hello, sheriff,' you say.'Hello, John Mordred,' he replies.Maybe you should talk to him when you have something interesting to say.You can't open the cell, and you don't want to anyway.It's a list of missing people:1. Valerie Purington, age 25. She disappeared the night before she was to be married. She was last seen at the wedding rehearsal.2. Victor Waterbury, age 32. According to his wife, he said that he was going fishing upriver. That was the last time he was seen.3. Jacob Battenfield, age 9. He was last seen at an after-school baseball practice.You don't want to concern yourself with the sheriff's matters unless you need to.That really brightens your day.Leave it. You can always come back to read it whenever you need to.4]?P %R#!G)G+/L%dG#!)G+/L%iG#!)G+/L%QaG#e9'eeee e e ();Y8It's the bank of the North Okfuskee River.You're not the swimming type.Trees... nature's cathedrals, or something like that.The Okfuskee flows silently... masking a strange tension that hangs in the air.You haven't made a convincing case for messing with a rock.These branches are too high.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.4?P#!G)G+/L%cG#!)G+/L%YG#!)G+/L%XdG#( '!H)H+XCF %(6%"f6 #e9'e Feeee4 ,Fe 0e F(6Xe  1( %F 6 e $\e e  F( e  ee ' GeV;hIt's the bank of the North Okfuskee River.You're not the swimming type.Trees... nature's cathedrals or something like that.One of the trees has a particularly low branch.The Okfuskee flows silently... masking a strange tension that hangs in the air.You haven't made a convincing case for messing with a rock.The rest of the branches are too high. Besides, you already cut one branch.You reach up with the lopping shears and chop off the branch.You're not close enough.Ok.You can't take the branch off the tree with your bare hands.The cut tree branch is lying under the tree.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.4j?P7 H%"w#!G)G+/L%]G#!)G+/L%dG#!I)IG++/L%LuG#G'!)ICXH +%5{+%$}F6#  eGe9'e eGexz|)G!He pDeee (x(|(z7HEe e G pDee |xz|xz7x7z7||xzIGe > 6 Cxm'e+<!)I+-CX%Lv#Q6|e   +M6$} G'I Tnz "@VIt's the bank of the North Okfuskee River.There appears to be a man caught on a tree stump in the middle of the river.You're not the swimming type.There is a tree stump in the river here.And there appears to be a body caught on it!The drowned man is lying in a bloody mess in the river after your battle.Yes, indeed. He is dead.Get closer.You can't see it too well from the shore.You search the waterlogged body. The task is really quite disgusting, and you turn up empty handed.You're not close enough.You can't reach it out there.You already did that.You carefully reach out to the corpse with the tree branch and free it from the stump.4A!>? +%oj#!<)<+F%oi/C/D#k/kkkki0e%  eioe /Ce kk/k eeekdi ee+9\{There's already an opening in the fence.This spot seems to be weak enough.Find a weak spot in the fence.Yes, but how?The sidewalk ends here in front of the fence.A tall fence surrounds the school's playground.You've made an opening in the fence with your shears.4Y?67 D%Z,%8*%)#!J)JC//FX%b#C!:):X+%r|F# AB'w!K)K+-LXC%0h#QX +/VI M$x Bejtim Ceexz|{ Ce (x({(|(zCEee keee jm'j''m'i'i'j'm'CCe 8 0B% \}}e /F< CMe ee e,*oO]o)kYou're in the middle of the school's baseball diamond, near the pitcher's mound.You've dug up the pitcher's mound, revealing the shallow grave of a little boy.The pitcher's mound is essentially just a pile of dirt in the middle of the baseball field.The skinless boy lies dead once again at your feet.You search the skinless boy, and you find that skinless boys with only tattered remnants of clothing have very few places they could hide something. (You don't find anything.)You're not close enough.The back of the playground appears to be protected by a thick wall.A tree is a tree.You can see the playground to the north.You already did that.You set to work digging up the pitcher's mound with your shovel.Your mouth falls open, aghast, as you look into the hole.Sure, you could do that, but why would you want to at this point?You can't dig without a shovel.4?+%#!L)L+/X LG%g#!)L+/XLG%9g# -A$w!K)K+-XC6 %6#Q}H /XQu_ +-/VLI $x Aeemeeeejm'j''m'i'i'j'm' e eke ++ 2-IvThat boy... just disappeared!You're at the school's playground, which is uncharacteristically quiet and empty.The ground here is somewhat sandy.It's a normal swingset. The swings are swaying gently in the breeze.You're too old for that.It's a small slide for young children.You don't need to dig here.Upon closer inspection, yes... it is a tree.The back of the playground is protected by a thick, concrete wall.4B??/%QA) %j#!L)L+FX%.#gedekemeee/-: The passageway leads back to the sanctuary.This is one of the side hallways of the church that leads back to the priest's office.Stained glass windows line the outside wall.A red carpet follows the corridor.An ornate candleabra lights the hallway.No, you're allergic to candle wax.4B??/%GA) %0#!L)L+FX%j#gedekemeee/-: The passageway leads back to the sanctuary.This is one of the side hallways of the church that leads back to the priest's office.Stained glass windows line the outside wall.A red carpet follows the corridor.An ornate candleabra lights the hallway.No, you're allergic to candle wax.4?Y0%NZ-%) .%) 1%W~#!P)P+F%MZ9/C/D#!O)O://FCX6%1#!)P+F;//6XC%H:# ?-!wM!)XC%w}L#QO} ?$xe9CD;YX0:e% (jx?e :/#eeghN EV^_9K 9I90:( Asa;e Y| ;/Yeeg': 9qk;eee e e de ke m :e e&AY-nY. ;Y1Y06C\6Cr Are your eyes playing tricks on you?Leave the rug how it is.You pull the rug back to discover a trapdoor.Sure, you could do that, but why would you?You're not close enough.You might as well leave the trapdoor open.The trapdoor is open.The rug was hiding a secret trapdoor.It's a door.The corridors lead back towards the sanctuary.You are outside the priest's office.A couple of decorative wall hangings adorn the outside of the office.You moved the rug aside, revealing a trapdoor.A large red rug decorates the floor here.4m!?/%I}%@[#deeeeeeeeg 5RI\e e e / i?OrHLeThis is the priest's office. It's got a few paintings, a bookshelf, and a desk.The desk has a drawer, like lots of desks, and a lamp on top of it.The books' subjects vary from theology to arcane mysteries of the supernatural.You have no use for theological dissertations or obscure magicks.It makes light.No, then it would be dark in here.One is of an empty tomb. Jesus's, presumably, but who really knows for sure in this town?The other appears to be of Judgment Day, where the innocent are taken up to Heaven while the guilty are condemned to Hell.Ok.You're not close enough.You don't need religious paintings.4?/%02%J_#>!)+F%D`#>=t!)XC &, >)+M7"' ( (%8_#>PLCXS1 !H)H+C6%{#<!P)P+/FXC6%;a#M',-eqe1 e &1  ox e\$e dh>e =eey|zx#>e =e <e  (y(|(z(x(>Ee e =e  y|zx2>e'=e< 6[Gee gg?=e4< 6[Gee 6[Ge z/    e T+/FC6<e e  e xnnn|n%nznxn|nznnxnnzn|=T*2  z e \ /e e See % Te 77772 e(  Xe2_#Xe 7 e e2 e 2 e e''eee9'e' +o? e :`R(IbHx 6Z/nNow Arthur Lazenby can rest in peace.Lazenby is dead by your hand. Now you must fulfill your promise to him.Lazenby is dead by your hand, and his heart has been cut out.It is Arthur Lazenby, a man who has suffered dearly and who is feared and shunned by the people of Memory.A strange man is standing underneath the bridge. He resembles one of the zombies, but he is not behaving as one.Lazenby is dead now. He's not going to talk you anymore.'Please! You must help me!' he begs you.'Kill me, and destroy my heart!'You're not close enough.As quickly and painlessly as you are able, you kill Arthur Lazenby.You don't have any weapons.Perhaps you should talk to him before you kill him.Using your knife, you cut into Lazenby's ribcage and ultimately remove his heart.You don't need to mutilate his corpse any more.You should kill him first.You can't just use your bare hands.The board is already in place.You lay the board across a narrow point in the river.Get closer to a narrow part of the river.Where do you want to put the board?Here under the bridge, the river becomes more narrow.The board is lying across the river, forming a bridge of sorts.Leave the board in place. It's served its purpose.You're under the bridge next to the river.The rope isn't long enough for you to swing across the stream.If you took the rope, you'd be stuck down here.The rope is your way back to the top of the bridge.You're not the swimming type.4'? %!6%(r#degegemeeke 64B9hYou're just outside the abandoned factory.It looks like the sheriff already went inside.You don't need to open the door any more.The ground leading up to the entrance is paved, but the rest of the area is bare soil.You are unable to see inside the tinted windows.The area is surrounded by a high fence.4?5 )%V#degegemeeke5369nYou're just outside the abandoned factory.It is the door to the factory's large shipping room.You can't open that door!The ground leading up to the garage is paved, but the rest of the area is bare soil.You are unable to see inside the tinted windows.The area is surrounded by a high fence.4K?4%tO=%^) #P!Q)Q+FCX6 %]#degi Peeggg%g%-Pe"  Z!d e P$e g''%''g'%g''g' Pee'P Z!d=e meke (e e 4 FMqS{You're out behind the abandoned factory. There are various old pipes scattered about the area and a small, metal plate near the back wall of the building.The metal plate has been removed, revealing a ladder going down.Near the back wall, there is a metal plate that seems to be covering some kind of hole.The plate has already been removed.You manage to pry the metal plate off using the crowbar.You're not close enough.You're going to need some kind of special tool to move the plate.The ground here is a mixture of many different kinds of sand, dust, and dirt.The area is surrounded by a high fence.The inside of the pipes are shadowy, but empty.You shouldn't climb into dark, rusty, old pipes. You could get stuck. You could cut yourself and get tetanus. Or there could be snakes living in there.4L?7(z9 %&%&%JT3%B# z 2<6 8'qz9 ,8* zMw )6+-XAPQe2 &Mw)+-6XPQAe z) 8.PY5x )8.PYxde zeee)zL997n73 %VYou're not close enough.You are in a very large room in the old factory.You are high above the ground on this catwalk.A ladder offers you access to the catwalk.The sturdy ladder is the only way to move between the ground level and the catwalk.4M;?68z9 %B%@R %Kw%M8%i9%OK:%i#R ze 7 !()(+C6%i~#RK!)+/FC%S^#!)C% 1Whoa! Too many zombies for you to handle at once!You are high above the ground on this catwalk.The catwalk circles around this end of the room.That's a good idea, but you ought to light it first.Reserve your ammunition for battles.Good idea!You light the cloth and lob the Molotov cocktail down from the catwalk.You have nothing to light it with.The sheriff's mutilated corpse is clear of marauding zombies now. They have all dispersed.The sheriff's body is being devoured by zombies.The large room is clear of zombies now.In the middle of the large room, three zombies are ravaging the sheriff's body.You find nothing useful.You find some shotgun shells in the sheriff's pocket.You're not close enough.You'd break your legs!On the ground there lies a crowbar.Ok.4V?7%eh#K!)+M%>k#KU!)A &, K)+M"' ( (%>k#KPLCSM',-|Kee(|KEeeekeeqege qe e 7 xy$N{2The corpse is heavily decayed, missing one of its arms, yet it still hungers for your lifeblood.The pile of blood and bones once threatened your life, if you can believe it.Your search does not turn up anything worthwhile.You're not close enough.It's still alive!The walls are old and cracking in places.There are lots of cobwebs in this old place.You don't care about old manufactured goods.The doorway goes back into the main room of the factory.The boxes probably contain the last of the factory's product, whatever that was.This small, peripheral room of the factory contains only a few boxes.4@j?7%D#J! ) +M%*#JU! ) A &, J ) +M"' ( (%*#JPLCSM',-|Jee(|JEeeekeeqege qe e e 7 sLy_The partially mummefied corpse advancing on you, probably seeking to kill you, as usual.The corpse lies defeated before you.Your search does not turn up anything worthwhile.You're not close enough.It's still alive!The walls are old and cracking in places.There are lots of cobwebs in this old place.You don't care about old manufactured goods.The doorway goes back into the main room of the factory.The boxes probably contain the last of the factory's product, whatever that was.The now-defunct conduit seems to have previously been part of the factory's heating system.This small, peripheral room of the factory contains only a few boxes, as well as some kind of old, heating conduit.4?7%.g;%#L!)+M%`y#LU!)A &, L)+M"' ( (%`y#LPLCSM',-|Lee(|LEeeekeeqege qe e e ' s~;ee 7 +}(R6{The corpse is heavily decayed, missing one of its arms, yet it still hungers for your lifeblood.The pile of blood and bones once threatened your life, if you can believe it.Your search does not turn up anything worthwhile.You're not close enough.It's still alive!The walls are old and cracking in places.There are lots of cobwebs in this old place.You don't care about old manufactured goods.The doorway goes back into the main room of the factory.The boxes probably contain the last of the factory's product, whatever that was.The now-defunct heating conduit appears to head down from this room.The ladder goes downstairs to the basement.This small, peripheral room of the factory contains only a few boxes, a section of an old heating conduit, and a ladder going down.4=$'?<%:%{#keegee73''.'7 e ee' v:ee < >kIThe walls are old and cracking in places.There are lots of cobwebs in this old place.The doorway continues farther into the basement of the factory.The boiler has undoubtedly fallen into disrepair.The boiler has undoubtedly fallen into disrepair, and it's not going to be useful in destroying that heart.The ladder goes back to the ground level of the building.You didn't come here to inspect the building's heating system.You're not close enough.You are in the boiler room in the basement of the factory.4? =%9d;%ts#!Q)Q+F%9cQ/C/D#M!)+M%]{#N!.).+M%5r#Mc!)OA &, M)+M"' ( (&%]{#MPLCSNc!-)-OA &, N.).+M"' ( (&%:k#NPLCSM'',-M'',-QCDg 2dFjQK QIQeMNee|MeeNeekee qe ge qe qe Z;= S5t F)S?You're not close enough.Amidst the boxes lie the dead corpses of your vanquished foes.Danger lurks amidst the boxes in this storage room.One corpse is heavily decayed, missing one of its arms, yet it still hungers for your lifeblood.All that remains of one corpse is a pile of blood and bones.The other rustles slowly towards you. It doesn't seem to be able to see you, but it clearly senses you, whether by the smell of your blood or by the steady beating of your heart.The other one no longer poses a threat to you.The walls are old and cracking in places.There are lots of cobwebs in this old place.You don't care about old manufactured goods.There is an old door in the back of the room, amongst the boxes.The boxes probably contain the last of the factory's product, whatever that was.There's no need to.4?<%i|5 %/Y Q#O!;);+F%Ka#O-!R)RX O;);+M%Ka\a%Ka#P!Q)Q+/FXC6%+,#Ow CQfa Qda xeeee-, eqewww(w&=  eWc ee\e e dhe (x(|(z(ye y|zxe y|zxegi Peeg%g%gg Peeggg%g%-Pe"  *V8a e P$e 'P *V8a5eeeqqe<00d,i'xZ@y'The killer, I presume,' you say to the masked man.'You may have made it past my victims to find my lair, but you will not leave here alive, garbageman,' he replies.'My important work will not be stopped by the likes of you!'You reply, 'We'll see.'By your calculations, that ladder ought to take you outside.They're just more boxes full of uninteresting things.You rummage through the sack full of the killer's possessions.The only thing of interest to you is an old, dusty book, which you take.You're not close enough to the sack of the killer's possessions to look in side.There's nothing else in that sack that you care about.You are in the lair of the serial killer, who is now dead at your feet.Nothing.He's said enough.The mysterious killer is dead. Perhaps you will never know who he was.The metal plate has been removed, giving you a view of the clear blue sky outside.At the top of the ladder is a metal plate, blocking an exit.The plate has already been removed.You can't do anything to it with your bare hands.You manage to pry the metal plate off using the crowbar.You're not close enough.The ladder is currently blocked by a metal plate.This shabby mattress is probably where he slept.You're not interested in any of the contents of the boxes.4W5? %_?%;@%a#)ee9'e'eetuu(t(u(uttuu$>  e\ eeme e e  e  ke e? @PZ#U-You are in a small park located on Allynson Pond.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.You're not the swimming type.You've no time for relaxing at the park.The picnic table is for picnicking, mostly. But there's nothing left for you from the last people to picnick there.You rummage through the trash. The only thing useful you find is an empty glass bottle, which you take.There looks to be trash in the trashcan. Maybe if you got closer, you could get a better look.There's nothing else of interest in the trashcan.The path forks into two directions here, going around the circumference of the pond.Trees... nature's cathedrals, or something like that.The pond is quiet and still, almost like glass.These branches are too high.There is a small, white fence to one side. It's mostly decorative, since a determined person could easily get over it.Or just go through the opening there...4;'?L>%A%aP#)e9'eme(deeeekdee 'e A> `Lj3c7You are at a structure that some might call a gazebo.You're not the swimming type.The path continues around the pond.The gazebo is clearly empty. That's too bad because it would've been a great place to find some sort of clue.Trees... nature's cathedrals, or something like that.The pond is quiet and still, almost like glass.The steps do indeed go into the gazebo.How charming. If you were the marrying type, you might decide to be married inside something like this.Or if you were a homeless person, you might decide to sleep there.You've no time for relaxing at the park.4?L>%A%^W! ) +M%]l#WU! ) A &, W ) +M"' ( (%]l#WPLCS#M',-)e9'eme Wee(|(x(zWEeeex|z We e 'e e A> ;Y}:SitYou've come to a weeping willow.You're not the swimming type.The path continues around the pond.Why so sad, Willow Tree?Enjoying the shade of the weeping willow is a living dead person!Your search reveals nothing of interest. But you are beginning to get accustomed to dead people.You're not close enough.Not while it's alive!It's dead.It's alive! Well, sort of.You're not catlike enough to climb the tree.The pond is quiet and still, almost like glass.45?@%]?%6B%X#)e9'emeeeeSBe?@:X*xYou are at the doorstep of a dark forest.You're not the swimming type.The path continues around the pond, but dissipates as it enters the woods.The forest spreads out to the northeast. Inside, there appears to be much less light.The pond is quiet and still, almost like glass.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.You're not venturing into those dark woods until you have a good reason.4T?KA%x#TU. w!M)M+-LCX%`#Q2xS  M MM/+$2xI #emeeeepeCDAq XYou are in the woods, where there is an all-consuming shade. The way south is blocked by foliage.The path is gone.The trees loom above you, oppressing you with their boughs.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.You're not sure, but there might be movement in the shadows of the forest.As expected, the forest includes its share of foliage.4}?K#Z! ) +M%Z{#ZU! ) A &, Z ) +M"' ( (%Z{#ZPLCSM',-emee|xz Zeee(|(x(zZEeee e pe EB LhYou are in the woods, where there is an all-consuming shade. The ways south and east are both blocked by foliage.The path is gone.The trees loom above you, oppressing you with their boughs.Another one dead.It looks as if the forest is infested as well.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.There is nothing of interest on the corpse's body.You're not close enough.Not while it's alive!You're not sure, but there might be movement in the shadows of the forest.As expected, the forest includes its share of foliage.4 ?K#emeeeepeEB|cYou are in the woods, where there is an all-consuming shade. The ways north and west are blocked by foliage.The path is gone.The trees loom above you, oppressing you with their boughs.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.You're not sure, but there might be movement in the shadows of the forest.As expected, the forest includes its share of foliage.49?K#Y!0)0+M%W#YU!/)/A &, Y0)0+M"' ( (%W#YPLCSM', -emee|xz Yee(|(x(zYEeeee pe e CDF {h+bYou are in the woods, where there is an all-consuming shade. The way north is blocked by foliage.The path is gone.The trees loom above you, oppressing you with their boughs.All that is left is a viscous pile of bloody pieces.There is only the vaguest human shape to the mass of blood and tissue woven into a shambling monstrosity.You scrounge around in the pile of congealing blood but find nothing.You're not close enough.It'd tear your arms off!You're not sure, but there might be movement in the shadows of the forest.As expected, the forest includes its share of foliage.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.4?KG%SX#X!)+M%L}#XU!)A &, X)+M"' ( (%L}#XPLCSM',-emedeee|xzXee(|(x(zXEee e e pe EG 85hYou are in the woods, where there is an all-consuming shade. The ways south and east are blocked by foliage. To the north, you can see a clearing and what appears to be a church.The path is gone.It must be the old church.The trees loom above you, oppressing you with their boughs.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.The corpse is heavily decayed, missing one of its arms, yet it still hungers for your lifeblood.The pile of blood and bones once threatened your life, if you can believe it.There is nothing of interest on the corpse's body.You're not close enough.Not while it's alive!You're not sure, but there might be movement in the shadows of the forest.As expected, the forest includes its share of foliage.4? F%@H%'~ )I%#!S)S+F%%~]/C/D#!)S+F%6CX`//#]CDggkk eeg'ggggggU 9]K ]I]7 s+`e  e/ ` eeeed|e ke g `e e e PH`IF @Us6aThe gate isn't stuck. It's locked.You don't have that.Leave the cemetery gate open.The rusty key fits the gate.You don't have the right key.The cemetery gate is locked.You're not close enough.These are the remnants of the church and cemetery from the early years of Memory.The old, dilapidated church is boarded up.This cemetery, too, is surrounded by a high fence.The cemetery gate is open.The cemetery gate is shut tight.The rusted, old bell in the steeple is silent.4 ?b?G%O%/}#!S)S+C6%SHF^#_!)SCX+6%+F#_XY KR_Z^eee     2 KR_Z&^e&3eXXM)/F#e7777776 # KR_Z^ e^\ee e e 4'4'77774'77/^e $  KR_Z e e  ^#e eeei _ee4eei_ )y;eeekeii% _eeii%77iii71_e&  )y;e _$/}e deeDG8&>QuFZA=The water in the holy font has been sanctified, and now it is clear and holy.The holy font contains water that is murky and impure.You can't see it from here.As you swallow a mouthful of the water, you feel your health being restored.You swallow a mouthful of the water. Immediately, you can tell that the water is unholy.You're not close enough.You dip the flask into the font, filling it with healing elixir.You're hesitant to fill your flask with that stagnant water.The flask already contains holy water.You don't have it.The water is sufficiently holy now.You hold out the talisman over the water, allowing its powers to have their effect.The water becomes clear and wholesome.You need something to carry it in.This pulpit has gone unused for decades, at least.The pews are empty.You can't enter that hole. Just look inside.It's covered with a metal grating.No time for praying. It's time for action.Ok.You're not close enough to see down there.The metal grating covers a small recess. Perhaps a drain?They don't call it the Old Church for nothing. This place looks quite old.The grating has been moved already.You can't remove the grating with your bare hands.This old church is much smaller than the modern one in Memory. But it's still a church.At the front is the pulpit and a holy font containing some water, and in the back corner is a small grating.4MO?G%#a!)+M%fr#d!.).+M%/#ac!)OA &, a)+M"' ( (&%fr#aPLCSdc!-)-OA &, d.).+M"' ( (&%/#dPLCSM'',- M'',- '''eeeekex|z|eje6666j6epe (x(|(z(|(e GJ QKI~Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!This cemetery is overgrown with weeds, and the markers are cracked and falling over.The trees here are sturdy. Their roots feed off the decomposing bodies in the ground.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.The fence is high and unscalable. Its bars remind you of a prison.You've come to expect this kind of thing in cemeteries in this town.The tombstones are old and crumbling. Many have fallen down.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.They're vile weeds that inhabit this accursed place.You've had enough searching these wretched creatures.49?#b!)+M%D#c!)+M%yp#b_!)M? &, b)+M"' ( (&%D#bPLCSc_!)M? &, c)+M"' ( (&%yp#cPLCSM'',- M'',- '''eeeekeejex|z|e6666j6e pe (x(|(z(|(e IK SMcDon't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!This cemetery is overgrown with weeds, and the markers are cracked and falling over.The trees here are sturdy. Their roots feed off the decomposing bodies in the ground.Not only are there no good footholds, but there is also no reason to do that.The fence is high and unscalable. Its bars remind you of a prison.One marker is a large angelic statue, a surreal sight in a place of such evil.The tombstones are old and crumbling. Many have fallen down.You've come to expect this kind of thing in cemeteries in this town.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.They're vile weeds that inhabit this accursed place.You've had enough searching these wretched creatures.4,?L%Qk#e!.).+M%a#eU!-)-A &, e.).+M"' ( (%_q#ePLCSf!S)S+XD%Qj#M',- gjg%g% feegjgjgj%g%g/fe$  Gj`q e fC$e '''ee|eeee e ke e 66e pe(x(|(zejg6j6g66 feefLJU$Du:5 CxThe crypt is already wide open.Sounds good, but how do you propose you open it?Struggling, you manage to pry the slab open with the crowbar.You're not close enough.Don't dig up any graves. The corpses don't need any help!A single tree looms over you from above the crypt.The corpse rustles slowly towards you. It doesn't seem to be able to see you, but it clearly senses you, whether by the smell of your blood or by the steady beating of your heart.Another one dead.You can't even reach the tree, let alone climb it..This cemetery is overgrown with weeds, and the markers are cracked and falling over.The fence is high and unscalable. Its bars remind you of a prison.The tombstones are old and crumbling. Many have fallen down.You're not interested. They're all the same in death.They're vile weeds that inhabit this accursed place.You've had enough searching these wretched creatures.The crypt has been pried open.The crypt is tightly sealed with a stone slab, which bears the inscription, 'Within these stone walls lies the remains of Abel Thorne.'4 D?K%FM%7m#h!T)TDX6%7lF#/kk.k heekk}k/k/k/k}kk}k.k}.k.kkk}k"he 4lRq e h$eeeqq% Klfeeqqe ki he e dj e he }KM .3I#JfNo more need for that.With your bare hands?You deliver a strong blow to the wall, causing it to crumble.You're not close enough.The coffin rests on a plain, old slab.Judging by the cobwebs, you'd say this crypt hasn't been cleaned in at least a century.Ok.You're not close enough to the coffin.The musty coffin is closed.There appears to be a room beyond the hole in the wall.One section of the wall is particularly cracked.You are inside an old crypt where a single coffin rests.The back wall has a large hole in it.48E?L%FO%0gN%GZP%`g#ijegemekeleee'e(_NZPxLOAwUYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in all four directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.Sorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.46E?P%FM%0gR%GZU%`g#ijegemekeleee'e&_RZUxPMAwUYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in all four directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.Sorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.4)?M%FR%`g#ijegemekeleee'eZRMAwUYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in only two directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.Sorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.47?M%0gN%GZQ%`g#ijegemekeleee'e_NZQM>wRYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.Sorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.4?S%FP%`g#j!)+M%Vz#jU!)A &, j)+M"' ( (%Vz#jPLCSM',-'eijegex|zjee(x(|(zemekee e e ZPS 5t=uSorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in only two directions.The corpse is heavily decayed, missing one of its arms, yet it still hungers for your lifeblood.The pile of blood and bones once threatened your life, if you can believe it.That corpse isn't going to have anything useful at this point.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4?U%0gN%GZO%`g#l!.).+M%Hm#lU!-)-A &, l.).+M"' ( (%Hm#lPLCSM',-'eijegex|zlee(x(|(zemekee e e _NZOU JRSorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.The corpse rustles slowly towards you. It doesn't seem to be able to see you, but it clearly senses you, whether by the smell of your blood or by the steady beating of your heart.Another one dead.That corpse isn't going to have anything useful at this point.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.47?Q%0gT%GZW%`g#'eijegemekeleee_TZWQ>} F~Sorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4?S%F#k!)+M%} F~Sorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4?U%0gX%GZW%`g#n! ) +M%Vn#nU! ) A &, n ) +M"' ( (%Vn#nPLCSM',-'eijegex|znee(x(|(zemekee e e _XZWU i ASorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.The partially mummefied corpse advancing on you, probably seeking to kill you, as usual.The corpse lies defeated before you.That corpse isn't going to have anything useful at this point.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4?S%0gV%GZY%`g#o!0)0+M%Rt#oU!/)/A &, o0)0+M"' ( (%Rt#oPLCSM', -'eijegex|z oee(x(|(zemekee e e _VZYS "E*bSorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.All that is left is a viscous pile of bloody pieces.There is only the vaguest human shape to the mass of blood and tissue woven into a shambling monstrosity.That corpse isn't going to have anything useful at this point.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4?V%F#'eijegemekeleeeV?} GSorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There's only one door. It's a dead end.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4i-?W%gd%yg# VO Mw!U)UCXOd6<&6 |&# R2 )+/d (FM$<#'eijegemekelee wq| i ieZdW}EkSorry, but you cannot save your game while in this part of the catacombs. Must be magic. OoOOOOoooOoooo.You have entered a strange room with archaic symbols on the floor.There is a passage at each end of the room.There are four rows of four symbols on the floor. This looks suspicious, so be careful.The walls are lined with small holes.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars at each corner of the room.You made it past the trap.4 O B44)// /FM#}  n  ~               v#      #                               } e n e ~ e  e  e  e  e  e  e v# e e e  e # e e e  e e  e e  e  e  e  e  e  e e  e  e  e  e   ee7vvvvv7v e^ ^ \e7~7~v~~v7v~7~v~~   e^^\e777&  e^ ^\ ee 7.7ttt+t+.t//t0'  BX e e  U^ e   $~ e e $ ee me6 t teew:k6" s seeeeee '333'' ee eeee8Ml+W*Ng8^0Q^wYou already have it.You should save it for battle.You don't have it.You pour the remaining kerosene into the glass bottle.What do you want to do with it?You stuff the veil into the bottle of kerosene, thereby creating a Molotov cocktail.You soak the ear of corn in the rat poison.The corn has enough poison on it to kill a large animal... maybe even a large zombie animal.You don't have that.Brilliantly, you toss Lazenby's heart into the trash compactor on your truck and pull the lever.Lazenby's heart has been destroyed.You're not close enough.Now isn't the time to fantasize about your wedding day.That's not something you need to wear.The ground holds firm. Now that's craftsmanship.You read the old pages...You decide to review the old pages...A quick look through the book reveals that it is about Memory's 'secret history.'The chapter relevant to your mission deals with the years following the town's founding.It seems that Memory was founded by an occult sect, and in those early years, membership was all encompassing in the town.Somehow this relates to the 'Gates of Hell' being opened unintentionally.A name is mentioned... 'Abel Thorne is the key...'But there are a few vital pages that have been torn out, so the story is incomplete.You should never play with fire.What? Where?You can't get that here!It's no time for talk. It's time for action.4vo_ y;y<y-y= y y>y?y@0yAyB1yCyD/y y y yy,y-y+yy. orla  >_4wqj ggggg g g g g g g g g g igggg g g gggggxpk Q6Nn0Um *Rv -I AGI Help F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F5 saves your current game. F7 restores a saved game. F9 restarts the game. ALT-Z quits the game. TAB shows the inventory screen. ESC pops up menus. Ctrl-J sets up your joystick. + Increases volume. - Decreases volume. Ctrl-S shows the status screen. F6 attacks. F8 attempts to run. F10 drinks the healing elixir. Ctrl-W switches weapons if available. Pressing F6 stops the power meter. If it stops on a white mark, you have a better chance to hit. Each mark represents a damage modifier. The left-most doubles the base damage. The right-most triples it, and the middle multiplies it by 4.Battles4kwqj gggggggg g g g g g gggggggg xpk t,T|Dl 4\$L DEBUG MODE HELP trace on - enables tracing (SCROLL LOCK to activate)show mem - display memory stats tp - teleport pos - change ego's position show var - display value of a var set var - change value of a var show flag - display status of a flag set flag - set a flag reset flag - reset (clear) a flag object - display information about a screen object show pri - display priority screen get object - get any inventory object gimme gimme - get all inventory objectsobject room - display room number of an inventory object set pri - set ego's priority release pri - release ego's priority coords - ego's coordinates on/off 4#[xi$ #e#ee#e#e#e#e#ee #e e #$$e  \ ~  | de .UDrYou are now dead.Driving is a privilege, young man. If you can't drive responsibly, you can't drive at all.Besides, now you're dead.You have been defeated in combat.That'll do, pig. That'll do.How humiliating to be killed by a bunch of birds.Don't drink strange church water unless you're sure it's holy.As your flesh dissolves, you are suddenly aware that it was Arthur Lazenby's spirit that did this to you.Maybe you should have completely fulfilled your promise to him.You triggered a trap!You've been instantly killed by a poison dart.Thank you for playing. Better luck next time!You are dead! You can only restore, restart, quit the game or view your inventory.4   !+6:@GMU^gr~ #,7@KT_hs| -:IYeu,6@IT_ft|'0@S`q&3<CSbot}'0;JZir   ) / 7 ; G L W ` e u incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4/wqj gggg g g xpk &Ad~ STATUS John Mordred HEALTH: %v38|2/%v51|2 EXPERIENCE: %v50 AMMO: %v49 SCORE: %v3/%v74f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254`] vvv$#v e vv vee vvv v e ]e ] ve aeev78 ##i# '9ga&159FWcq )8new room: x: y: var number: var %v255: %v254var value: flag number: flag %v255 is setflag %v255 is not setobject #: object number: Invalid object number!You gottum!Object number: Object %v255 is in your inventory.Object %v255 is in room %v254.New priority: Rm %v0|3 Pri %v255|2 x:%v253|3 y:%v254|34?Y%0gf%GZe%`g#m!.).+M%.u#mU!-)-A &, m.).+M"' ( (%.u#mPLCSM',-ijegex|zlee(x(|(zemekeee e _fZeY {Xj\You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.The corpse rustles slowly towards you. It doesn't seem to be able to see you, but it clearly senses you, whether by the smell of your blood or by the steady beating of your heart.Another one dead.That corpse isn't going to have anything useful at this point.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4'?g%Fd%`g#ijegemekeleeeZdguSYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in only two directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4'?d%Fg%`g#ijegemekeleeeZgduSYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in only two directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4b?h%0ge%GZf%`g#p!0)0+M%Dl#pU!/)/A &, p0)0+M"' ( (%Dl#pPLCSM', -ijegex|z oee(x(|(zemekeee e _eZfh {B4You are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in three directions.All that is left is a viscous pile of bloody pieces.There is only the vaguest human shape to the mass of blood and tissue woven into a shambling monstrosity.That corpse isn't going to have anything useful at this point.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4'?g%Fi%`g#ijegemekeleeeZiguSYou are in an underground system of labyrinthian catacombs. This could quickly become disorienting.There are passages in only two directions.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The structure of the catacombs is supported by pillars in each corner of the room.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4>'?h%j%}#ijegemekeleeeZjhCs&WYou have entered a long corridor in the catacombs.There is a passage at each end of the corridor.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The stone walls encroach upon your feeling of security.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.The long corridor is lined with ominous pillars.There is no shortage of cobwebs in this maze.4x9J?i% #!V)V+CX6 F%]y# ijemeig eesek66k6eee|xzy te e |xzy|'x'z'y'7|i7|g7zi7zg7xi7xg N|f wQWe e e  +/FM<# {$ VW)WM<#!/)/CLPG%!)/CLPG%!-)-CLPG%#!)CLPG%#!)CLPG%VQ ##VQ)0 ####VVLPGQh{QM Qw{ —# VZ{eei<,;rQ*DOoYou have entered a large chamber. There is a giant crack in one wall, revealing vast plains beyond it.The floor is littered with the dust of long crumbled bones.The crack appears to be widening over time. On the other side, you see a seemingly endless, dark terrain.You can just make out subtle movement in the darkness.Something tells you that this crack is a gateway to Hell. Now how do you close it?Those symbols look like the ones from the floor trap back in the catacombs.Fortunately, the ceiling looks secure. No danger of cave-ins.This large chamber is supported by ominous pillars at each corner.These must be the remains of Abel Thorne. This must be where he was killed.There is a human skeleton on the slab.Move closer to the corpse's head.The skeleton has a skull.What good is just a skull? Why not take the whole skeleton?You take hold of the skeleton and pull it off of the slab.You hear sounds of movement outside the chamber.Corpses begin pouring into the room!There's no way you can handle all of these zombies together!You have to get away from them.There's only one chance! The crack!Judging by the horrible things you see beyond this threshold, you'd be confident in saying that these are the Gates of Hell.You're not too keen on going through them.4?M$w :s !])]C%#![)[C%#!Y)YC+/F%8u#!\)\C+/F%uk#!Z)ZC%#Q1Q(Qjc !V)V+XCF6 %]y#!X)X+/XCFL6 %~#!)X+-XCLG6 %zz#I MF+/ ###Q]QTMF& V)V+FCX6 ]y<#Qf MF+/<#% F#Q $#x:!::'And there were unforeseen consequences.'The pages read, 'Abel Thorne refused to submit to their wishes, and he continued to oppose them wherever he could...''until, at last, they came for him in the night.''He was flogged mercilessly. Bloodied and weak, he was taken deep into the catacombs.''The vile murderers were to make an example of him for all who would oppose their blasphemies.''Driven by hatred and sadism, feeding off of his cries of agony, they flayed him alive.''Ever since, the dead have walked in Memory.'4!?M$eeee rnYou pass beyond the threshold of the Gates of Hell, dragging the remains of Abel Thorne along with you.It is indeed true that Thorne is the key, for as you enter that Other Realm, the gate closes behind you.As it closes, and the night surrounds you, you can hear the shrieks of dying corpses, as their putrid blood streams out from their bursting seams.With that, you turn to face the sea of darkness and all therein that may be explored...4Cp?- M$!a)a+/6LFC%9#!)a+/6LGC%ht# wbcI /I3 $$!b)b+/6 LFC%O|#IJ $!)b+/6 LFC%.#!)b+/LGC%t#IO $$!)b+/6 LGC%j#!)b+/LFC6%/A#Ic+ $$""""" 9  e e e e ed da:Pk08With the passage to Hell severed, there is a new dawn in Memory...But it took a noble sacrifice on the part of John Mordred...And his heroic deeds will remain largely unknown by the citizens...All they will know is that the dead no longer return to them hungering for their flesh.And as for Mordred...He remains in Hell, alive.The sights from the world beyond are too much for a mortal mind to handle.It is all too clear that there is no hope left for him.So, perhaps it is for the best that he remain blind and insane...THE END Story by James Dover Programmed by James Dover Graphics by James Dover Music by James Dover Tested by Joker Inspired by 'City of the Living Dead' and 'The Beyond' by Lucio Fulci4R4?M$!c)c+/L% W# I wbc #k^'And so it was that the beginnings of Memory were soaked in the blood of the innocent...'44?M$ !^)^+/F6CX%(g#qq ee6 e   e\$ qqg'L BdIn the coffin, there is no body, just a few torn pages.The coffin is mysteriously empty.There are a few brittle, old pages lying in the coffin where there ought to be a corpse.Ok.44?M$ !^)^+/F6CX%<~#i eempempe e   e\$ g'HAd In the drainage hole, there is a large, rusty key.There is nothing else in the hole.Weeds can grow even in the dank corners of this darkened church.No. You don't need any.It's an old key. It looks large enough to be for the cemetery gate outside.Ok.4-qS?M$ !^)^+/6CX%\# !^)^+/6CX%"#*e   e eeequ e qu e\ $  e   e\$ g'0-@UenIn the drawer, there is...a holy talisman...a book of matches...and that's all.nothing.It contains plenty of matches.Ok.It is a necklace with a crucifix on it.4j?M$!3)3+/6LFC%1#!4)4+/6FC%P\#!5)5+/6F%`#!6)6+/6F%([#!7)7+/6F%#!8)8+/6F%b#!9)9+/6F%9# wbcc+(I&+1< L+a7I+ +P\< L+MI&+`<L+)WI& +([<  L+I) +< L6 +cI, +b6<L6 +:vI+96<deu$[%}})cI can't recall exactly when or how I was first killed.I suppose it is of little concern any more.Some time after, however, I awoke from an unspeakable nightmare......and I was horrified to find myself in a coffin.I soon came to regret waking up at all.I felt like an empty husk, and the things I had seen could easily drive someone insane.In my despair, I killed myself...It did not work.But I did not give up...I tried repeatedly, just wanting to die.All my efforts were in vain.Every time, my spirit would reawaken somewhere beneath the old cemetery past the forest to the north of town.And when it entered my body, I would be revived once more.At last, I resigned myself to this fate...Shunned by the living, I must remain hidden on the outskirts of town.There is no one to help me, and there is no end in sight.That is my story.4idB?)M$!`)`+/6C%/L# wbcI x,- (4%n?M$!_)_6YC%hcPT#!)_6YC%pYPT#!)_6YC%rnPT#!)_6YC%|9PT#ge  ee ee.e.e!'ege " g8pThere is a chicken in the cupboard in an advanced state of decay. Highly unusual.Eating the chicken would not be productive.You don't want to carry any part of that smelly, rotten thing around!Don't eat bugs.The flies are swarming around the rotting carcass, in and out of its crevices.You needn't trouble yourself with a few harmless flies.It's already dead.Ack!You gladly shut the cabinet door.4p?M$!1)1+/6LGC%There is some mysterious rustling in the pile of garbage.4b ?bcM$w   !-d)d- e)e+/-f)f-g)g-h)h-i)i-j)j-k)k- l)lCLG=6%(^#!,) .( ) 4,)#.#)4,).-)4,).7)4,).2)4,).2")"4,)&.2,),4,).2.).4, )8.#0)04 , ).2:):4, )4.;);4 +/6LC%OZG#!)* )(B ))(/ )( )*( )( +/6LC%EZG#-5!)+C6L%6ZG#!)+C6L%OZG#! ) +C%G8#!)C%F&+/LG#)   Q8 G8 2/gg g  g g     g g  g g g g g g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g, g, g, gc&#)+/-/F%6Z<#_"1 )( )(6 ))(& )*( )()()+/ L  I 0+/ F/// / 'F00(6// 'P00(// 'P00('0(L''' 1' I 11(( d2 xe /  ^\&#&3&3 +/I .bR 19 %  n +/Gd.,+*7,+ *<,+*2,+*(,+*(,+ *,+ *-,+ *, +*-, +*-, + *2)* ,+*7,+*7,+*7,+*2,+*2,+*(,+*-,+*#, + *2, +*2, +*<* d*+/LI G" &+&&++/ LG r + /LGd'A)0))0)+/ L  I+/LI'2     L+/G 1522425!3#25!3-25!372/50!3<2E5F!3A2^5_!3F2|5}!3K25!3P4, ( )x!DOWbk|"2AQap _Surprised!MORDREDF6 - FightF8 - RunF10 - Use Elixir CTRL-W - Switch Weapon AMMO%v49|2 %v38|2%v41|2 GHOULLOATHSOME BRIDE DECAYED LURKER ZOMBIE VILE FLOTSAM HEADLESS JOHN SALLOW HUSK EYELESS WRETCH BARBAROUS HEAP FLAYED WAIF DARK SADISTYou managed to escape this time.Your attempt to escape was a failure.You can't run from this battle.You imbibe the life giving elixir.Missed!Blocked!The corpse lies bloodied and dead at your feet. You have triumphed.Your maximum health has increased.4nS?)+%MgM)+%M ( #6mgm&'ee)'' I[Nre ~e)/FM#eee'edPfB3You don't need to go back to that house. You're done there.No need to park here.Those trees are what give the town its oxygen!On the horizon to the east lie the Wanderlust Hills.Your headquarters, the city dump, are in the southeast corner of Memory.You're driving in the residential area of Memory. The city dump is in the area.4x)?)+%M #6mgm&'ee)'' /ee)/FM#deee'e)Z:A3No need to park here.You have a job to do right now. Go to the dump!Memory Elementary School is the center of learning for the town's innocent, young children. In back of it is a playground.Those trees are what give the town its oxygen!On the horizon to the east lie the Wanderlust Hills.You're driving in the residential area of Memory. The elementary school is in this part of town.4%'S?)+%IAM)+%]RM ( #6mgm&'ee)''+# H-OK XPrZee)/FM#deeee'e+\ AB2No need to park here.You have a job to do right now. Go to the dump!The large Church of Memory, a symbol of hope and healing, stands erect in the center of town, a mighty spire across the skyline.Those trees are what give the town its oxygen!On the horizon to the east lie the Wanderlust Hills.A vast cemetery, dotted with tombstones, lies across the street from the church.You're driving in between the residential and business areas. The church and cemetery are in this area.4B?)+%`M )+%OM #6mgm&'ee)''+# ^q M.S ee)/FM#deee)e'e+\yA2No need to park here.You have a job to do right now. Go to the dump!Cheryl's Cafe... the only place to eat in Memory as far as you are concerned.Those trees are what give the town its oxygen!On the horizon to the east lie the Wanderlust Hills.Allynson Park is quiet and idyllic. The crystal surface of its pond glitters welcomingly in the sunlight.You're driving between the business and residential areas. Cheryl's Cafe and Allynson Park are in this area.4! B? )+%tM )+%&M #6mgm&'ee)''+# c|  ) ee)/FM#deeee'e+\8gA1No need to park here.You have a job to do right now. Go to the dump!The yellow building in the area is the Sheriff Leeuwenhoek's office, standing proud and strong, representing the stern, watchful eye of the law.A trail leads down from the road to the banks of the North Okfuskee River.Those trees are what give the town its oxygen!On the horizon to the east lie the Wanderlust Hills.You're driving in the business part of town. The sheriff's office and access to the river are notable in this area.4@.#$,,*(()(#" !!##%%$# !!" !#"!#$$&''&&%'))'&('*++%&**//110/ ))****)224422..//00/--))""3311"#%%7722884554::!!5}5~6~6z7z7x5}-~-~+}+~"{"~"{_efkmopoonmmnWX[YYZXVWY [ ]!^"]#]$^$`%`%a$b#a\^``^abefiihhikklUVVWXVTUjmnrTVbdccddeffeQSTTSRL[]]^__`abbaefgllkjpqstwy}P[]^_`bcbXWniklmnoo!m"m"n#n#p$p$s#t#v%v&w&z'z(y*y*n+o-m-l.k.f0h1i1orssrt!v"w"y#z$y%yvxx z ~xyYY[^^_acqquv[\`aijo_WXY Z"Z"\lmuv x yV V Wr s t!u"t"q!p!o i j!k"k"h!h v!w!r"U#V#Y&Y([*]+^,]+\-Z-[.\/[/W"V"Y"f$h&j&m'm'l)j+h+g-e-c,b+c+d,e#U#e$f%f&g)g)e(d'e'f&e#i#j$k$m%m%o$o#l$Z$\&^'_&_%V%X%[&[(](^']&]%h%k&U&V(X(Y*W+W+X,Y-Y-W+U*V'T'U(T'X'i(h)i*h'j'q(p(q)r)v(w(x'r'v(n(o)m*k,i-i+Z+m+q,r,v-w-y-o-p/r/t.t.w-r.s.n/o/q/n0m0i1h1c0b0\_|~~|/}/}:z:|:z8{8|0{0|,{,| { |.z.{1w1z1wzzxyxx r x q ssu r w xtwt8t8v9s9t8t2t2v2tmrrsstvlqm%t%t:r:r9q9q q q&p&p:m:n n n l n2Z2b4d4e3e3j3^3`4a4c3d2Z j j e h e9g9g5f5gfg:f:f;e;e6b6e6b`b^^\_`b5^5`5^=_=_4[4]4[>[>\3X3Y0V0V-U.U.V-U(V(VTUUVOTTRRSR?U?U1U1UQRRQQR(R)S+S,R,Q+Q)O(N(O'P'QQQTUUT!TST#S(K(M(KRUR%T%T?P?S@M@P?PAKANAK.M.S/S0R0P/O/N.MBIBIHHDEDGDE3C3D4C4B3CCCCCA>A>,>,>B:?9?:23133242436595;3<2=2>3>8?83435456751618393;1<0<1748081:/;/8687::;9<:=9=8;6;5<4=5=632-<.<.;-<<S>T=T7S6R6P4P3Q2R3T3T1S0P0N22;==;6689:;9424410012320==6489;=00560013=1s0s=t=t:v8w9w;y=}=}0{0{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bacaaabbbcbcbIt looks to be approximately 30 feet of rope.4b5  r tqyqytrqr The key to the front door of the farm house.4#     rtuwtrtrtqtqt t t t t u uvwxwwvt        It is a wrought iron crow bar. It can also be used as a bludgeon, which is more effective than a knife.4 ! rrtqqqqqqqqqqAADBAADqBqqqqqqqqqqbqqqqqr The glass bottle has been filled with kerosene.4/ ' qrqqrrrqtqqqqqqqqaqqbqqbqAaADBAADqBqqqqqqqqqqbqqqqqr When combined with the veil, the kerosene-filled bottle constitutes a Molotov cocktail.4~ bbcbnlddacbbcbebf d ab This rusty key is to the gate of the old cemetery.4g,  aa b dbfbcdbcebcacbbecbaedbddbcedqchqddcqrdfqqrcacqqqccqarqgqqbsaaqaaqqqqbqqqqabqqqqabrqqbbqqbbqba A dusty, old book full of the arcane tellings of long ago.4     ၡ#$#" "ᡁ #" ''&" ! The ear of corn has been drenched in rat poison.4<%&"#! "" "" !a! aa!cbabbfaebgbicdccdebdci ak gjcchaajmhbe d cIt is a moderately sturdy tree branch about three feet in length.4J*&         c f ikoocog ohoiolrolqokqoksokqohr ofr qocrqocqqnqqhsqetqsu t   It is a narrow plank of about five feet in length.44 They are a number of old pages torn out of some book.4TT******TT*******T**TTTTTTTTTSTTTTTTTT******TT*******T**TTTTT?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?       T T      T?T T?T T?T?       T T      T?T T?T     T T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?S?T?T?   T?   T?ШT?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?T?   T?   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But now, destiny awaits with an even greater challenge.4G4-? in eeGosh, %s1. It would appear you have met an untimely demise. With the explosive destruction of the Arcada you become part of a fresh collection of space debris.Despite your surprisingly valiant effort, you have been blown to eternity by the Star Generator itself.4gwqj ggggggg g  g  gg ggggg ggg xpk 0J`~=SqNg SPACE QUEST Help F1 displays this message. F2 turns the sound off and on. F3 retypes the last line typed. F5 saves your current game. F7 restores a saved game. F9 restarts the game. TAB shows the status screen. ESC pops up menus.Ctrl-J sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R toggles RGB monitor modes. F1 or HELP displays this message. TAB shows status screen. (see below)Double clicking joystick button or right mouse button also shows status screen. Single click pops up menus + Increases volume. - Decreases volume. F6 to fire Pulseray.Ctrl-J sets up your controller.4   !+6:@GMU^gr~ #,7@KT_hs| -:IYeu,6@IT_ft|'0@S`q&3<CSbot}'0;JZir   ) / 7 ; G L W ` e u incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254p,dvyy-vyvz$&yz#1vy]yj vyvz yz1vyy(?(jv e(7v e e f7v 7v (> rey|vz yz|\ ^  #+4@@)Q3@@)Q#3@@ )Q\ e3@@)Q _@*59=MZfq$7new room: x: y: object number: var number: var value: object #: var %v161: %v162flag number: flag %v161 is setflag %v161 is not setWord not known: %m12%w1%m12%w2%m12%w3No response to input.You Have $%v124. Enter New Total-> Cheater!already in jetpacktrace on4Zr(l(xi eeee e e e eee ee  ||\ ~  | ,d,de(OR$Z,$STNYou are dead! You can only restore, restart, or quit the game.Well, %s1, that was a smooth half-gainer into the elevator shaft. Did you decide that you would think more clearly with your brains re-organized?That concludes your experiment involving the effects of total vacuum on the human body, %s1.As you lie on the floor in a smoldering, carbogelatinous heap you can't help but wonder why you bothered getting up this morning.You are now lying on the floor in many pieces. Guess those beams meant business, %s1.How about that darn artificial gravity, %s1. Just like the real thing, huh?You've been snatched from existence by a tentacled beast lurking beneath the grate. You feel the painful sting of digestive fluids.Due to a lack of navigation, you have exhausted the meager amount of emergency fuel without finding a safe place to land. You are lost in space.Luck's turn has cost you dearly. As life seeps away, you long for the simpler days aboard the Arcada.You've been mowed down by a Deltaur crewthing.Not being a very smooth thief you have been caught and dealt with appropriately.Gee whiz, %s1! You could actually be a hero if you weren't so clumsy. Wise up.Thank you for playing Space Quest. Too bad you've failed miserably and doomed all your people to a horrible death at the hands of the Sariens. If you continue playing as skillfully as this, we'll never have a chance for a sequel. Better luck next time.Alas, %s1, you have failed in your attempt to save the universe from the clutches of the Sariens.Once again, you've demonstrated your inability to carry out a simple task like saving all of humanity. You quickly glance around the room to see if anyone saw your silly mistake. Thank you for playing Space Quest, %s1. You've been most entertaining.4R1eeOee \eee \eeeeefe6ee \e%%e %%e %%e %e e ce&ee \ee 2Bh8Oe.KOIt is a loose granular material resulting from the disintegration of the area's rocks.It is quite a unique work of nature. It might hold you.It is a quite unique, natural formation carved out through eons by the elements. It does not appear to be accessible from here.The sky is a clear and cosmic purple.You can see the opening into a cave but cannot make out any detail inside.In the distance you see very large piles of sand.You shiver at the sight of the spider droid with its spindly legs and cold metallic body. Its red scanner probes the terrain for anything that moves. Truly an icon of terror.You, a mere human, are no match for this mechanical menace.The cliffs are sheer and dangerous.Seen one rock, seen them all.You cannot climb the cliffs or rocks.Leave the rocks alone.That won't help you..You have some truly twisted ideas.Why would you want to do that? You got a bone to bury?You don't need to be burying anything.You can't do that from here.Don't be ridiculous.It's a long way down.It's quite sandy down there.Not far below you is a large horizontal plane which proves beneficial in maximizing the exploitation of gravity.This is one of the electronic barrier stations encircling Ulence Flats. Its force field keeps out anything or anyone traveling on or under ground.Kerona is a desolate place. The surface seems to be strewn exclusively with sand as far as the eye can see and the heat is unrelenting.This vast silicon sea seems to stretch to infinity.4aZ >Nwx{w~s+kb YKG?A#<>{9y9{:3DU _ T Ki-}r,xv*|um}nb bYFR R{>1oy0rx9POUWVSdWdQfNeK*fL gPhJ-iLhLfKhF+hPjMkEmF m@kK*fZhUmNo?qCqHmTj\ePgPgNfOgLiNjLeWeYgUgWe[fahZiVkRkPjIlHnDpBnGoFoPoNj]kagehgibi_r>t=l?m>pAH1OFI@:RDK2T9L&S].f9\9k(`^58t",67 %8#1p_gIL|_~w5#7OPv) )- = 2O/R0GA<1!~(m0|#>9sItBdYkS^]] hnX!|,qvjci^V&V)c)S0K3U8K3E<>?HHGEANBX=R4b8`+o4i%i,u*}3w"+*% $:58J,"S/A^P!,/-4tD}FkZkLiLx~wN7D7O<<[DHW?Y8aFaXI]YaD[L nzgsdlchbgbbabaTbSbNcJgBi?lH i} R@uBvCwWwXvYvZuZ@v@L." (&$(%7&A$H#Q#[$d#o!w#$&%))(0';(D'N&W%_&g'r'y%% &J$n$$:$]!#r!y"L*,+"+>)Q+U)d(r)*()+--u/e.J+*022/$.85=69=\7}9=JGpG`IEE4CDH"FT:OaSQm|h]kjgG!Q"b"T >$4#)%X ^ _!d"% $%##--,,+*++35.5,445..--,)6)A+F+>,A,O!W!X"4U#$c/G9Q,WahN{z}`#? 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TCEgmy yy yy y -!ii Kc| ^ | ^ ^ev^  ^  } !e+  Ve WYYee0e:: ebecJ606:e= : 0e@0:eAw wee  veg Ye% Ye YYeee Yew Ye` YeKVK Yeo Ye YQe_ezr Ye'  Y\\ ^ \Ye %   YL Ye  Ye Ye  Ye  Ye  YeY%%<AaYeEe6Y Ycece e>e!ee eeG  e   ee e%% e e"e!  ew ee` e.e` eeVKK eeo eDeo ee#o ^ee ee}-$+ )Q e,ee8e-59 e7ezr ee ee 9eB7eB9e37e4e)OOOe0e1    %  e   e2  e M##7## :78 87  eieh=e/L eQL ed\ ee  ee  ee 2'/' /eWc e*e  eeTTTTTTe +eQQe#Be e e+6Qe$*Qe&Qe$e%Qe&e'e(Fee9We:Ge<e;JJe?eCe:efUe`FH@f@eXIK@f@LM@f@GOP@f@ceR e eSeT   e  e  e Y[@f@   I`ajr{8AJSxj2[S @[-F[ & J E  U #8%B$>x&Et HYeo9v[$8Nuy '5CQXiz uniform SarienYou are identification There is nothing there that you can't already see.That does not I don't understand The can gives only one size of serving, 10 gallons. I don't think you're that thirsty.%m8"%w1"%m8"%w2"%m8"%w3"A mind is a terrible thing to waste.I'll get naked if you get naked. You go first.%m4%s1. Don't you remember?Silly human! That would not be helpful.Yum! What a taste treat.There is a red flashing alarm light here which seems to be indicating that you had better get moving.You can't hear anything of note.Yes, it's true. You definitely hear footsteps. You'd better make yourself scarce!Word not known: %m21%w1%m21%w2%m21%w3%m8you.There are no footsteps to hear now.I hope you know how strange that sounds.Nothing up there is going to help you.You can't do that. Read the label, %s!You do not possess the designated item.You'll have to be more specific.This knife wouldn't cut hot margarine.You turn the dial to the right. The light begins to glow.There is no need for you to turn the gadget off.You just can't do that. Really. It's not a good idea. Besides, your dental hygiene hasn't been what it should. Do the universe a favor.%m4dressed in the standard issue excursion garment.On your back is a jetpack.%m4attired in the spiffy%m2 of a%m3 marauder. There is a pocket.You have no helmet and are easily distinguished as an intruder by your non-green head.%m4wearing a lovely one-piece casual space travel outfit.There is printing on it.You plant your teeth into the strange plant and take a large bite, only to find it tastes exquisitely bad. If you had your choice you would choose any form of death over a meal of this.No time to talk!%m4now wearing the jetpack. A small control linkage snaps onto the back of your helmet allowing you to control it merely by focusing on where you want to go.%m4already wearing it.Due to its highly reflective coating you cannot see through the glass very easily, however, you do see a rather striking figure peering back at you.You place your lips to the nozzle and draw. A fluid, not a very reasonable facsimile of water, is released slowly. While tasting slightly terrible, it quenches your thirst, at least for the time being.The can label says "Pelvitron's Dehydrated Water (H2) - All you add is air! Makes 10 gallons!""Directions - To use, simply drink from nozzle. Metered amounts will be dispensed. Caution - Do not attempt to open or rupture! Misuse could result in personal injury and/or flash flooding."Come to your senses, %s1. That couldn't help you at this time.The regulator is just a curved, metal tube which mixes air with the can's contents and directs it to the nozzle.The nozzle is a flexible tube which senses suction and releases the water.You just had a drink. You'd better ration your supply. This place is hot!Sorry. Can't see an object right now. Try later.There is no need to do that now.It wouldn't help to wear it since there is gravity here.For more information refer to coupons enclosed in package.Hello, %s1. I've been expecting you. You're obviously a person of dubious taste. Drop me a line at Sierra and let me know if you've enjoyed playing.Sorry. This game is in a NO JUMPING zone.You can't run.Don't be ridiculous!You raise the Orat part to your mouth and attempt to feast on it. Unfortunately for you it is composed mainly of bone. The small amount of flesh still clinging to the bone is incredibly rancid in flavor. You wisely give up on this idea.You've already had your nap!You talk to the sprawled corpse. Strangely, you get no response.Good grief, %s1! %m4a bit twisted, I must say.There is no need to do that. Just drink from the nozzle.That doesn't seem to be the correct action in this case.You stare into the semi-clear liquid and notice how it gives everything seen through it a lovely yellow tint.You possess %v124 buckazoid(s).%m7seem to be in your sight now.%m7appear to be here to view.Are you sure you want to look at that?%m7seem to be available at this time.There is nothing here by that name which can be acquired.You can't obtain that here.Your legs will take you where you want to go (in most cases, anyway).That's not the way to get there.That is not currently one of your options.How would you like to do that?That act would lack any serious gratification.You possess nothing that would help you accomplish this.You can't find something you didn't lose.You press the button on the remote control but notice nothing different.You learn nothing new through this act.%m8your request.%m7compute.Say What?%m4currently wearing it.You'll have to go there to do that.You see a%m3 clad in red battle gear. You'd better hope it doesn't see you.There is no one else here.%m4already in possession of the card.Reaching into the pocket of the%m3%m2 you find a%m3 ID card.You see no one of interest.The Keycard or the I.D. card?You don't seem to have that.I'll bet you wish you still had that dehydrated water.%m4very much in need of water now. Your future will be a thing of the past without it.You're dead, %s1. You have died of dehydration. Within a few hours, your gaunt corpse will have dried to a crisp, your powdered remains evenly distributed across the parched terrain by a searing gust.F6 to fire Pulseray %v13:%v12|2:%v11|2 Searching your pocket you find $%v124.In the pocket of this%m2 is an alien %m5card. The name on the card is Butston Freem. You wonder if this is a common%m3 name.There is an alien %m5card there.The heat is causing you to develop quite a thirst. A drink of water would certainly be most pleasant.Sorry, you'll have to go back into the bar to do that.%s4Just lost your buckazoid object.Controller SierraAbout SQHelp FileSave Restore -------------Restart Quit ActionSee Object Inventory SpecialSound On/Off Graphics Mode Joystick Pause SpeedNormal Slow Fast FastestSpace Quest was designed and created by Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy.4+#?X)Q bbb5 3V !22 )2)=%PD!CX)/%n!CX))%v6 !)=%#2// /%l (/%s //%dm5Q!3V )%k"83V) %kk3"0"#F3) %kn/#FM!)+% m!Q))+#2 #:!=) /6%P##:#:#:!#i 3D37 7$ $:/ 5  / 0#;I%Qkk7c3%'>?> %e37' 7F &) /3e gr Kc ' '" FM3F&""0"" &" &" & '%%)+e?&>?/$#I.$$ )/I.$, ,:$ 0egeaS3Tee# JhXre;e x[e$e%8 /2#! JhXr $2)\e3e%e*e4 K(e7 JhXl2e5ee JhXl2e:e9e  JhXlee3  :e8:|:0@ bfs43" e !$3 &3e(3e6e*e%S0SsS::3 bfvse,e-e%3 bfvse.e%e*9 JhXl-# /qwjg g ggg g g g ebMM1 )Mh^m - 0;I,c#Qm.$e%e+((: e'e+'KMh^me)e%e0#Vrgsu#9l!w0 g 2 #W #2W g #W WW#gX#gXXX### gg#* *2 ;QD"## k / l"xp2 *!!e e 33 &"b " #T QPD"A;I!)QD"&Q)"  Q)"! !2: {gr ;Ic{gr ;Kc  :( i{ (;I)c i{( (;K)c)( ):'n 5 5x 5 5<z^4zDDlP_s 3G]%f , I }  < Y ' - L  ]  { This is the Arcada's data archive. Many volumes of information are stored on data cartridges. There is a computer console here.This is a data storage cartridge. On it are the words "Astral Body Formation: The Untold Story."The console consists of a screen, keyboard, and cartridge slot. Atop it rests a Model DX Cartridge Retrieval Unit.The screen says "Type the word `find` followed by the first name of the desired cartridge title."The keyboard has the usual keys found on a Xenon keyboard. Above it are the words "Arcada Data Archive."You can't see it well from here.You are suddenly startled by the sound of the ship's alarm coming from the hallway.The door opens and a man you recognize as one of the lab scientists enters. He appears to be injured!After only a few steps he slumps to the floor.A large laser hole has been burned in his uniform through which you can see previously unexposed tissue. Struggling painfully, he raises up on one elbow.He tells you the Arcada is under attack and that the Star Generator is in danger. You had better leave if you value your life.He looks over toward the shelves full of cartridges and utters the words "astral body". He then settles to the floor, lifeless.Sorry, no title available by that name.Looking at the wall you see shelves full of data cartridges which can only be removed by the retrieval unit.The table is used for holding things above the floor.He certainly looks dead. Do you get off on checking out stiffs?Welcome to theArcada Data ArchiveModel DX Storage and Retrieval SystemTo select a cartridge enter the titlebelow.(Title Catalog available with TopSecurity Clearance only)Title : Searching ...Title Found. . .RetrievingTitle Not AvailablePress to quit _It looks much like many other chairs you have seen in your lifetime.You don't have time to be sitting around.You can't do that from here.There is no time for that. The alien attackers are on their way.He won't be needing it anymore.It's a grisly sight. There is nothing you can do for him now.Pressing the keys seems to have no effect since you don't see the screen.That can't be done right now.You don't have one of those.Your search of the damaged body's pockets nets. . .only some heat-fused chunks of varying sizes which were probably melted by a pulseray blast. Nothing to waste time on.Have some respect for the dying!You see nothing that catches your eye.This is another boring door.I warned you, but noooooo! Did you listen?!You are startled by the sound of an alarm. It is followed by an urgent voice which warns that the Arcada has been boarded by unknown intruders. It abruptly ends.Done.You already possess that item.The console consists of a screen, keyboard, and cartridge slot. Atop it rests a Model DX Cartridge Retrieval Unit (currently bearing a cartridge).You see a man dressed in a lab coat. He appears to be ailing.Now that you have it you shouldn't be trying to get rid of it.In his current condition, the man is not much of a conversationalist.It is a Model DX Cartridge Retrieval Unit. It is used to retrieve cartridges. It is currently empty.It is a Model DX Cartridge Retrieval Unit. It is used to retrieve cartridges. It is currently holding a cartridge.The slot appears to be about the size of a data cartridge. It is currently vacant.The alien observes his handiwork briefly, then leaves.4  ?%Eirld@V0'@2 ggC@@3llC^^E )Q  bbV '!)/CX%]7!) 7O7X/%!=) /%H!=) /%IZV##!C)%DVzH C%6 #Q@; /%E(E %a*+M%a@#:#:#:#EQaB(Ypxi V( (   ##9 ! 9 R)g56" R6g;6 !6 8'7$   &eG&PQ&^&j7eG7P !eec7PSe@Se^(j7eeae 'v0:=: @_e eS0sS:Ss @_e e/0/:+0e"  ":: "# ;I"c#  #;K"c  ;I"c  # ;K"c > G ;Ic > G ;Kc :! ^2c; !;I c ^2c;! !;K c ! :7$ $eC  >I C C   9 9CCgClV^.^g?ACt,0e}This is one of the many hallways in the Arcada.You recognize this as your sanitation supply closet. You have spent many hours sleeping in it.You have just stumbled into a small, dark, and very cluttered utility closet. Many things fall, most of them landing on you. Doesn't say much for your cleaning prowess.You can't see anything in here because it is dark.This is an elevator to one of the lower levels."Is it shipping yet? I want this thing shipping yesterday. I thought you said the graphics would be done last week?">_The doors here are not particularly interesting.You see nothing that catches your eye.This is another one of your non-functional crewmates. It's a grisly sight.A quick search of the body turns up nothing.That can't be done here.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.Dave? Dave's not here!That is not seen easily from here.Looking into the closet you see nothing but darkness.The door is closed, fool!This is the closed door to the closet you napped in.It looks dark in there.This door leads to the Data Archive.4?   bbz~G!) 7O7X/%F>!) 7O7X/%F!=) /%"!=) /%gZ####::C!#i ?C\C?\U::D F4T8FT0MUN'U S(T (   '7R7 N F9OB ;Ic F9OB ;Kc FO ;Ic FO ;Kcae e ' q9Oe e0: u9OeeS0sS:Ss u9Oe e e e/0/:+0evw" u9O  e\ee u9OeeX&l+T{You are in one of the Arcada's hallways near an elevator.This is an elevator to another level of the ship.You search the body of your crewmate and find. . .You take the keycard.You already have it.It appears to be one of your crewmates. He is nonfunctional.You have added to your pocket lint collection. How proud you must be.That can't be done from where you are standing.Unable to be tricked, you cleverly deduce that there are, indeed, walls in here. They are just your run-of-the-mill spacecraft interior walls.Don't bother. Nothing of interest there.You can see no elevator where you are.a keycard.Nothing.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.4L? d@'V8@2P ggC  @@3PllC * bbb "zL zr!) 7O7CX/%=!) 7O7XC/%!)*CX%>!=) /%C!=) /%@Z##zq  %r##:: %?1@0@ #:!#i@ @e C7C7U owx , 3+<682, pvx    p|" XCY::J 4+8+6MUN'U 6Q(T 6(   '7R7 N 9'A ;Ic 9'A ;Kc ' ;Ic ' ;Kc[eaeZv;I"ee"ee R 7Dee- 7Dee0: Cde he eS0S:Sss Cde  he e/0/:+0e0 Cd he !  !: ?? (  ee0: r}eeS0S:sSs r}eeeae  Oe e  ::  ;Ic ! ;Kc ! ;Ic ! ;KcC  9 9CCg N}GThis is a section of one of the lower levels of Arcada.The elevator leads to one of the upper levels.You see a body here. It is a formerly live crewmate.Your search of the laser-riddled corpse reveals. . .That can't be accomplished from here.nothing.Taken.Nothing interesting is to be seen there.It is a device designed to assist you in adjusting to a change in elevation.4?   bzI !)6 CX/%(#!)6 CX/%T#!)6 CX/%#!) X%Ta4 4/4/ 4/!=) /%i##:%i~#i(: 4 44 4ae e'Ceee9}4e e eL9}ee ee0: Ade eS0S:Sss Adeee/0/:+0e''/'/''%4V} ;Icee ''14(6V} ;Kceee '/'L'/e(gW`}AM(You are in the central control area of the Arcada. The reactor domes pulsate irregularly, as if they had been tampered with. This does not look good. Through the window just above the control console, you can see down into the vehicle bay below.This panel consists of status indicators which don't mean diddly to you.On the console by the window are two buttons marked "OPEN BAY DOOR" and "CLOSE BAY DOOR".You can't see it from here.You search the damaged body of your fellow crewman. You get too close a glimpse of the injury. In the pockets you find...nothing.You can't do that from here.You don't see that here.Looking through the window you can see down into the vehicle bay.Looking through the window you can see down into the vehicle bay. The rather massive bay doors are open.Here lies another heap of fried humanity. The attackers have proven to be very thorough thus far. There's something to be said for not being the hero type, you rationalize.Nothing happens.Nothing of interest there.The bay door can't be closed while the pod is up.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.Your limited view shows that there is a large vehicle bay below.You'll have to be more specific.On the floor are three domes, covering closed access tubes, and one badly damaged body.The domes cover access tubes to the Arcada's power plant. They are bolted closed since they seldom require maintenance.4? Vd@@2ggC  bbz* !) 7O7X%c/!=) /%&A##: %gz6 Qg|@ %f#i! !e cyq6 8 bxr Ybxr# XCYbr!#(N !9 byr 9 by  eaewwJ}_#e e e0: }GeeS0SsS:s }Ge e e/0/:+0eeMvGvGwMwwMwMv,J}_   #XeeevwvwwvJ}_e e  ::  ;Icbyr ;Kc_v# ;Ic_v ;KcCbyr9 9C Cg^ Q "74[dB^This is one of the mid-level decks of the ArcadaThe elevator goes to another level. You have never used it due to its restricted access status.You slide the keycard into its slot. You hear an audible click. You take the keycard back.You are too far away.You don't have that.The walls are all nondescript except for a keycard unit near the elevator. It controls access to the level below.One of your crewmates lies at your feet. He is non-functional.%w1 %w2? I'm sorry, %s1. You can't do that. I question your mental fitness.You search the corpse and turn up. . .nothing.The keycard unit is a small, sturdy box with a slot. Just above it is a display light which is not currently on.The keycard unit is a small, sturdy box with a slot. Just above it is a display light which is currently on.There is no keycard to get.Alas, it does not open. You have adorned the door with a small circle of nose grease. Were you Karl Malden, it could have gotten ugly.One can only wonder what your purpose for this action is. You can't undress the body. Allow him one last bit of dignity.4 ? 84 @P@@4~~(wbb b b !X%=d!66))CX%7m6&))##O);Q=G&c w:: % %3`%g4@4@qQd#O#O iggiOgg) );$* *c  O 7^RfCD6YX )):#:e' '$eeae4e e  6e e&6*@awe e e&&&*@awee . 6ee.6 1Xd?>'7R7!! !Q5"" "$ 8e $-$$ $FM% %$  igg I%# #AB(AB)(/ $& &Q==('>??? ( :]3@jAh&w2Y}LThis is the cavernous Vehicle Bay.This is one of the Arcada's escape pods. You vaguely remember receiving some orientation on these when you joined the crew. Oops! Forgot my suit.In the middle of the vehicle bay is a deep cargo shaft.Sorry, %s1. You can't enter the Escape Pod when the Vehicle Bay doors are closed.Looking at the console you see a button marked "Platform". There are also some gauges which don't interest you.The Vehicle Bay Door is quite large.The walls prove to be uninteresting.The massive bay doors are tightly sealed.Beyond the yawning doors lies the serenity of deep space.You see nothing special down there.It is dark down in the shaft but you can make out the silhouette of one of the Arcada's escape pods on a platform below.You cannot perform that act from here.There is nothing like that in sight.No can do, bud.For safety reasons the platform will not function with the bay doors closed.The bay door is open. The airlock door opens automatically.The bay door is not opened from this room. The airlock door opens automatically.There sure are a lot of them.You see stars to infinity.The pod door is already open.The escape pod moves slowly outof the vehicle bay and into space.There is now an escape pod here.There is no longer an escape pod here.You see a button marked "Platform".Congratulations, %s1. You have found your way off the Arcada and escaped obvious danger. Unfortunately, you will never be seen or heard from again as you float gracefully through the heavens for eternity.You peer in through the open door but are unable to make out any detail.4-[x?  + bbb4 ))')')'!) 7O7X%ee/!XC%Z2/6!XC%2/6!)+XC%1]/6!)XC%K]/6!)XC%!v!=) /%@8#:#FQ2 #FEEEQzK]1@0@#:FFF z1]1@0@#: 1@0@$/$#:C%j]6 Qj_@ X%t%Bh!#i d\oe689 d\oa 9 m&w$YX" "E:EF:Fx#$ #:eae V^re/(^dne V^re d3ee6ae e$/ 9^Rie6ae(eQ+A^nne e$9O94ee (^Gne e$`J_\kEQee e8 (^@nF eeeA_Ike%e<<*(^bkEQee ee;;)(^bkF eeee'/e'Q+e)'<'</39^Ri'Ew;I"cEEeee';';/39^Ri'Fw;I"cFFeee+9D^dn-E!QQ)zK]eee&}+Qee4(^Gn(F \z1]eee&6a:'/'/' $;I#c$ ;K#c$ ^ZeYfree$'lx ;K#c$$ m&w K#c$  ::  ;Ic d\ok ;Kcbbwk ;Icbbwk ;Kc ?  /- /4 //' ! ,ARB(ABQ2 !? ! /- /4 //'"#",ARB(ABQ2! d\oa9 9)Te4n?;}1Yw3Kf6}This is the Flight Prep room of the Arcada. As you can see, there is a sign on the back wall as well as two closet doors and two buttons.The walls look pretty much the same as the others. There is a sign on the back wall. Beneath that is a right button and a left button.This is the inside airlock door.That is not here to be seen.The closet appears to be empty.This is the elevator you came into this room from.There are two buttons here, a left button and a right button.There are two doors here which are controlled by buttons.The console is adorned with many status indicators. One button on the right is marked "Airlock".This is a standard issue flight suit designed to protect the wearer from the unique conditions of space travel.On the floor of the closet sits some sort of gadget. It looks electronic.Your sight isn't what it once was. Maybe mom and dad weren't kidding. Anyway, you'll have to get closer.The sign on the wall suggests that the bay doors are not currently open.The sign on the wall warns that the bay doors are currently open.You see a flight suit hanging in the closet.There is a closed closet door here.It looks like an electrical gadget of some sort.You are not close enough.The closet is not open.You won't be needing that suit anymore.There is nothing here to get.You already have it.That can't be done from here.There are no buttons here.Nothing done.The door is open and there is no need to close it. Pressing matters await.You don't have that.You already have it on.The doors are controlled by buttons. You must push the appropriate one.The elevator door opens and closes automatically.You are not close enough to get a good look.Your old uniform hangs in the closet.The elevator door opens automatically and the others open by pushing buttons.You'll have to be more specific.This is not a good place to do that from.You'll need to get closer to see that.You'll have to be more specific. The right closet or the left closet?You need to get closer.You'll have to be more specific about which button you wish to choose.You see one button marked "Airlock".Your old uniform hangs limply in the closet.4? 64  O , -@h@Ooo!&O$-#bb !)!/FX%O$6#!)!/FX%o)6#!)!/FX%b66#!)!/FX%vH6#!)!/FX%O<6#!)!/FX%2>6#!)!/FX%.66#!)!/FX%$6#Oc z# z#.nz#/z#HXz#~QOQQ6!QX"QOP#Q[$Q6%Q&$'>::::::::(z# z#.nz#/z#HXz#~! ) &7O 7% N6 / F ! ) -% j6  / / # : # piix G.F.eNN.e ReQee /eHe Y eee+ e#O?#80 )w@h jgOg *g g g g eQe&e)e('EE'E/:2Q& Qw) &/  t!& !# F &cee'\\'\/# w) &#  N!Q N'e'/e'/e-HQ G,<1OP" Pw) $% c# & Veeeee$'H Pee,. ee.O eee}, ,ee, e. ,ee.,e!e"'U'U/O GceIePe%)\&&S$ : %x$ x / &/ ; / F & / &OPF O Vn;;;;;;;;QOQQ6!QX"QOP#Q[$Q6%Q& ## )kx'N '$ x1c "z# z#.nz#/z#HXz#~)"" 7R !7' $%O.#QO $%j.#Q! !$%W6#Q6!" "$%k=#QX"# #$%O<#QOP#$ $$%4<#Q[$% %$%B6#Q6%& &$%3-#Q&)/$$&$''Qwe (' Q )6(+ ("@h@iwq## %)%%   #o. ^Z)9$<` att/L&c K You are sitting in the pilot seat of the escape pod facing toward the window. There is a dark console before you and seat belt straps at your side. Confused as to what you should do, you wish you would have paid more attention during crew orientation.Your effort to power-down the pod was wisely overridden by the on-board computer.The screen is dark.Escape Pod Systems ActivatedReady For InstructionsEmergency Program InitiatedPull Throttle To ExecuteLaunch SequenceThe console consists of a screen, pod status indicators, a throttle, and some buttons. The buttons are marked "AutoNav", "Power", and "Don't Touch".Out the window you see billions and billions of stars.There sure are a lot of them.That has no effect now.It said don't touch. I warned you!Please buckle your seat belt first.Done.The monitor flashes. You study it to see what new information is being displayed.It sure looks deep.You have already done that.There are three buttons here. They are marked "AutoNav", "Power", and "Don't Touch".There are some lights on. They indicate (when lit) that all pod systems are functioning normally.The lights on the console are currently not on.That act has already been performed.Are you crazy? It seems quite obvious that you don't know what you are doing, you daft imp.You'll have to be more specific. The autonav button or the power button?Hey! What are you doing? Don't mess with the throttle while in flight! You have enough problems already. Why don't you spend your time thinking about how you're going to handle them?Your door is ajar.I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.The throttle is of the usual "T"-shaped variety.You can't. The door is closed.You can't. You are buckled into your seat.You see nothing of interest.The throttle is currently in a position that prevents you from doing that.Don't worry. Aside from a stray Sarien attack, this is a low crime area.You can't see it from here.The throttle is already in that position.The door is small and uninteresting. It is presently closed.The door is small and uninteresting. It is presently open.All systems are GOThey're just your typical passenger restraint devices.The throttle is back as far as it will go.You should specify which button you would like to push.Please remain seated and keep seat belt buckled while vehicle is in motion.4J vJ?j!zw z{ !)!/%?6#F%s#i2d F  e e ae Qe Reee 5eOE GYR]"2 2wqjg gggY5iYee (Y5iYe6Yhjee /Y5iY6YhjeeY(Y5iYe6Yhjee0:  k@elxee S0S:Sss$ k@eelxeee e2j mpxk 2'n:Px?ww@[[XWy. . . .WARNING. . . .Self-Destruct Mechanism Has Been Armed!Evacuate Ship Immediately!!! THIS IS NOT A TEST !!This is the Star Generator development laboratory. Due to your incredibly low security clearance you have never been allowed access to this room.Through the observation window you can see to infinity.Looking at the console you see many displays and instruments which make no sense to you. There is a flashing light near a screen in the center.There is an empty pedestal here. It looks like it is used to hold some large object, maybe the Star Generator.The floor is normal except for two dead bodies and a pedestal in the middle.The back wall is barren. The others, as you can see, are actually large windows allowing you an unrestricted view of space.Hanging from the ceiling is a large device which apparently helped support the item which was mounted on the pedestal below.That can't be done at this location.The sheer vastness of space never ceases to amaze you.Gazing out at the stars reminds you of how far you are from home.Peering through the large observation windows you take in the immense panorama of space and stars.Your mind is boggled in attempting to understand the function of the various buttons, switches, lights, and displays. It appears the board is not operating.This console shows the only signs of life. One red light shines from the the upper-left corner of a glowing monitor.That console could be better viewed from a closer vantage point.There are many buttons here. Messing with them will not help anything.The lights are all out except for one on the other console.One light glows red indicating that the monitor power is on.There is nothing to see here.That can not be seen from here.You see sprawled at your feet the lifeless body of another crew member.Yet another body lies motionless.The reward for your search is. . .nothing.There is no Star Generator here to look at.4^*iw2!)2/%CgF " $  #QCv& 1~ GQC2@@~ F  e Congratulations! You have narrowly escaped an explosive death! Don't start patting yourself on the back just yet, though. You are now traveling aimlessly through the cosmos.4!_? &$-!)-%j6/#:!)&%N6/Firlpx e 8. F. e eNN.OeOee/eHe e  \ e e ..e'E'E/#  )&/ t!& !#F#'\'\/$  )&/ N!& !#QN'U'U/e H'H )$/%c#e#. e  e e } e e e .ePe##($  $e #&  $e """ 7R !7r0lSHi!)You are inside the escape pod. It appears that the more fragile devices were damaged severely by the impact of landing.Through the window you see a vast wasteland composed of sand.The console consists of a screen, pod status indicators, a throttle, and some buttons. The buttons are marked "AutoNav" and "Power".Pushing the AutoNav button has no effect.The throttle seems to be jammed. It won't budge.The screen is dark, not to mention cracked.Pushing the Power button has no effect.You are inside the escape pod. It appears that the more fragile devices were damaged severely by the impact of landing. Got any bright ideas, Edison?You are unable to leave with your seat belt on.DoneThat has already been done.You can fix nothing here.Neither this nor anything else on the console works.There are three buttons here. They are marked "AutoNav", "Power", and "Don't Press".The throttle is of the usual "T"-shaped variety.The door has been permanently opened by the impact of landing.A survival kit has broken loose from someplace.There is nothing under the seat.After a skull-jarring landing, you peer through the shattered viewing port out onto the desert landscape. A feeling of utter desolation settles in. You`re in a fine mess now, %s1.>_No way.Don't worry. Aside from a stray Sarien attack, this is a low crime area.4a? kkp83 G!C)G%cj ]^]_ `%fi1@0@ \%N%UN%fi \##K $+#Neep[ [ [['>??[F ' #Nhi6 jK6 _6 8 58M656[kXYou are high atop a rocky plateau. The desert below seems to stretch to infinity.It is merely a spire of rock which has managed to defy the elements.4Dkkp`eann%M\%9\6N#'bc \eeep\ [ [k3 fg gde e a[ $56keanZYou are high atop a rocky plateau. The desert below seems to stretch to infinity.It is merely a spire of rock which has managed to defy the elements.You are near the base of a plateau. It is a rather bleak environment.4m?P\==G!)G/kkp`eann\%:NR%FQ%f#'bci? \ee%e k9n=ep\u0WXYL8b<\JR[?R s*== \ '&/$#I   \L8b<*[ [k['>??268F fg gde e a\QR[ +6kean w?You are high atop a rocky plateau near two halves of an arch. The desert below seems to stretch to infinity.You are near the base of a plateau, upon which rests two large rocks. It is a rather bleak environment.You see a pair of oddly curved rock formations. They point at each other as if to form an arch.Near the base you notice some very small printing. If you're not mistaken the characters translate to "497 Quadgillion Served."47n?#Z!$kkp`eann|{!){%xZz!CX)z%}/%~)%H##C:'bc\N[) \ee\m e&&H&- y! vfUT /<$ !e&ep!? !;I/F$ )|}I  !" !!"$e"#!"\*[ [k['>?>u6 8[G fg gde e a \[ Ps6 Ps96 kean4^yFrom this distance it looks like an ordinary hole in the side of the cliff. For a better look you will have to get closer.Whatever is in that hole just enjoyed lunch - on you. This should teach you to be cautious when encountering alien holes.You are atop the mesa. It is flat to the west.You are at the west side of a cliff area.No good will come of that.Looking at the cliff you notice a small hole4r?Ukkp=ll !)X=lEb %-A/6#:l %-/#:`eann\=%I%=N!)=%DA6 p/p/p/p/p/C#:!)=%DC6 C'$zy&#'bclZ(>:E" ":e  c \=Q![XY[ A>G66 K+L<oY op /pBp /p2p /p"p /pp /p6 < [>o oe%=\leleelelee  mee     m\ee e   ee   me e \ '%ep\[" ['>?C?/p6 p6 kla*'% %8@@;[Q- c Cle a $:)'%%8@@;Q- c Cle a $:3'%)%8@@UQ)@X;Q0 mc Cle  "-/DFd 8[m' mdc #$UM)E/In  e an ne$pp#CQD~c  d6:[> fg gde e a\[kean$C\5FxIt lands with a pleasing thud.That can't be done here.It was not known that you are a master of the rock! That was a fine effort.It looks a lot like spinach.You tear off a piece of the plant.The Health Minister has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health.You take a whiff of the plant and find it to be a regrettable experience.That is unreachable from here.You already have that.You don't have that.You are not near that.You are in a unique area. There is a natural land bridge here as well as life in the form of plants.There is a very large rock on the natural bridge.On the ground rests a large boulder.There are no rocks of note here.4'?Jkkp`eann \\=\% 7%&D\+% )+%NN+%~@V@ '02&#'bc\N\=>M\eKieeVV \eep\['>??G68\[Q &%IX6 J)x6 XY8 I"F/UYX[ [6k[O u? fg gde e a u[kean% YYou are following a path on the side of a cliff. It is rather desolate here.You are in an area almost entirely surrounded by cliffs. A path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left. It is not accessible from here.You are in an area almost entirely surrounded by cliffs. A path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left. It is not accessible from here. There is a cave to the right.A path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left. It is not accessible from here.You are walking along a path high above the ground.4!?P`eannp#'bcep3 fg gde e aeanGYou are at the southwest edge of a mesa. It is very desolate here.4~?Fp`eann\'>??F%W>'>?>d%^=S'>?>P%x%#'bcie )  Xyeiee    - $ Xyei\ee e   ee  !  Xyeie e p< fg gde e aSean _lCf3HYou are in a desert cliff area. There is a natural land bridge in the distance.It looks a lot like spinach. You plant your teeth in the strange plant and take a large bite, only to find it tastes exquisitely bad. If you had your choice, you would choose any form of death over a meal of this.You tear off a piece of the plant.The Health Minister has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health.You take a whiff of the plant and find it to be a regrettable experience.That is unreachable from here.You already have that.You don't have that.You are not near that.4?Zp`eann6\=X6 %'CQ'D@'__??&Q%#\bYcZbc'bci e)N1!\ \6 =XeUaT0 \8>YaS e  {$ee     {$\ee e   ee   {$e e p\[ga [ 8 \XC 8)('>? &_>> ,K>^>?| +8@J>?` -%7?[7R>?7+  [ \ 88Y>)UM>? f aS [E fg gde e aSQ\\!BFB\ fg gde e aean>\81You are in a desert cliff area.It looks a lot like spinach. You plant your teeth in the strange plant and take a large bite, only to find it tastes exquisitely bad. If you had your choice, you would choose any form of death over a meal of this.You tear off a piece of the plant.The Health Minister has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health.You take a whiff of the plant and find it to be a regrettable experience.That is unreachable from here.You already have that.You don't have that.You are not near that.Fortunately for you, the path here is not far above the ground. Your suffering is limited to a dull pain in the hindquarters.4 ? Ebbb Ra./aRnnR &aR &&?13!)1Aa+%S#QdS@O@%e}#S aR!).%*Y $X!)/F6C!)%R #%Q'#i'bc' 'Q(( ($ $# 2%%c$%2~~ %cb-[a6G'E#E$#  -UFM)EI c $ ," a !$  - UUFM a   #Q~ G" < " Q "'" Q "" $e )/  +eM@L@)/$I*eKwx e a Ke e Kwx e e %e &. e6e  e&R e a e%e%e&eeee/K'ps  $\eeee&#((( ( ( ( e     g _aSE''+eRUM' &#^ UMF'>??@R>?@)Mw *=ee)% )$^ @L@)3+>?(>?/I&&? x *Ne @L@)E>?(>?/I I   $# K& &)+/F&e$ a# e,e.UU KR !)Ec   @L@/I$*)1@L@G@O@+C @Q7@).Q-F)3/I %@L@ Qh)/G@L@c$ #? #e fg gde e aaR!n <bT vq!<j6Hgs & _ } The cave interior now features a lovely new Jagged Metal/Liberated Entrails motif. The stench? Whew! Not even an all-text adventure would attempt that description."What have we here?"You reach down and take the Orat part in your hand. Some of it oozes to fill the space between your fingers.You'd want MORE of THAT? You are truly twisted. Seek a physician when you hit town.You're going to have to go one-on-one against Orat for something like that?You've just been molecularly re-distributed by the spider droid. Tough luck, %s1.You are in the slimiest of caves. The odor in here is less than desirable.The walls are solid rock.The walls are solid rock. You notice a fine spray of glistening, metallic jelly.It looks like the rest of the ground around here. The green spots indicate that there is a little moisture.On the ground rests a gleaming chunk of Orat's anatomy.It is very large and very hard.Orat is huge and ugly. Of course, your opinion may differ depending on what part of the universe you come from. It should also be mentioned that he is quite mean.You shiver at the sight of the spider droid with its spindly legs and cold metallic body. Its red scanner probing the terrain for anything that moves. Truly an icon of terror.You are unable to do that.You have trouble moving your own carcass around. You sure can't move something that weighs several times more than you.There is no need for you to do that.Orat has transformed you into a new source of recreation. You, of course, don't survive this treatment. It's tough to make friends around here.Orat, always in the mood for a snack, snatches the can out of the air with his spacious oral cavity, chews and swallows it. He notices a rumbling deep within his abdomen.Orat's eyes prove to be bigger than his stomach for once. Incapable of becoming history's first living reservoir, his body succumbs to the intense internal pressure created by nearly ten gallons of instantly reconstituted water. As a special bonus, you have received a much needed shower!No time for that!That would be ineffective now.Get closer.It's a darn shame you're not around to enjoy it. You'll have to be more careful about who you hang around with in the future, %s1.It's too far away.You don't seem to have that.Orat is a guy of few words and none of them are for you.How do you intend to do that.This knife wouldn't cut hot margarine. Were you hoping he might die from an infected bruise?4Qs?aF!)F/F%WX T8!)8%B/F# )F/X%W'QWF 8%D#i  8)(QY@#:Y Tee&9gee T%7Tee%$ T7T \$eeea~8It looks like your standard run-of-the-mill pneumatic transport. This particular one only goes down, however.You need to be closer.This is one end of what appears to be a large cavern. The only way to go is to the left.It looks just like a Keronian rock should.Done.That is not here to get.This is one end of what appears to be a large cavern. The only way to go is to the left. There is a rock nearby.4v4? aSkk6789DC!)66 C%!)7/CX% y!)8/6 C%F!)D/C@L@T#/#:/#:C%-S%8% y%>%T#i[T O\68 xzTXY 'I )9  #  $ )# #)C'<%7%+#G"U'A[" "MF 8&[ )D$ )C /#I!M [ [!) !  $F$  )D/$G $ $2@@ $F $  I! T: :e edee2(Te e ex!Te e e %( T\;$#K%2%2&%&M2%M%2* "(^ TI $#ee2(ee%e  e'aiy ee  y eeey eea vxTS S[k?&1@Ufo#=+krock takengeyser pluggedYou don't have that.geyser unpluggedThe floor is mostly rock with the exception of a grate in the middle. To the left of the grate is what appears to be a steam geyser.This is another large chamber in the underground complex. There is a path on the back wall which is not accessible from the bottom.The grate is made of metal and seems to be fastened securely to the floor. It is too dark to see down through the grate. There is, however, an odd smell emanating from down there.You are not close enough.There is a geyser cone here. The geyser is currently plugged-up with a rock.There is a geyser cone here. It is rhythmically spewing hot steam.There is a door here.There is not a door here.The rock would serve no purpose on the grate.There are some slimey green tentacles poking through the grate.Try as you might, the darn door won't open for you.You can't do that here.You knock but, surprisingly, no one answers!Anything for a thrill, eh? That's a pretty darn interesting idea, but not the correct one.4? aSkk!)+/CAb,!S!)A/%!)!/F%!)!/F6XC!)!/F6XC!)!/F6XC HH H!S !)1@0@#QS%*%!iS%)%V%e#i %H#Q $/#c,%I $6  $-! !$- " "$-!)%[#Q[. 'SS\ &$#I#M  )%e#Qe/!'S]f &$#I#M!!)%t#Qt0"'Slu &$#I#M# #:e  See^|ee e^|eeF#####$"'&$#GI$O"ea$$ @L@I$""2OO F$e"$ $"+G%%%$e '. [ [  Q]S[k 8W0EYou lean over to drink from the tempting pool of liquid. As your lips touch the fluid you feel a pain which could be likened to kissing a lit rocket nozzle. Now you know what they mean when they say "Don't drink the water."That can't be done now.That act cannot be performed from here.You gaze intently at the purplish pool of liquid, the first real sign of moisture on the planet. The pool seems to have no bottom. The gentle dripping has a soothing effect on your frazzled nerves.From tiny cracks in the ceiling several small drops succumb to the influence of gravity.This is a slightly smaller chamber in the underground complex. There is a path above, which is not accessible from here. There is a pool on the right side.You have nothing that could successfully contain the liquid.This is a upper pathway in a slightly smaller chamber in the underground complex. There is a level area below which is not accessible from here. There is a pool on the lower right side.You are unpleasantly surprised by a drop of searing acid which bores its way to your feet.That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must be filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way.You could see it better if you were closer.4? akkiy?:;bb !):/C%96 #!);+/CX!)/CX6%0S%,%|%iC#iyc$$yc$y! !);+'&$CC#Q+ +/I   :h#Sye e ye e YxdyeeexdyeeeG`4`4`Y5`5Y```Y3`Y3` yz#p'F|] # y !w| C6 A# @=7R7"eeea" "'&)i$##I%c &$$#Nx% %$e[ 'W ['d S S[k 8R-yXcThat can't be done from here.You don't have the glass.You have quite cleverly turned the beam upon itself, frying it into inoperability.There is no need to do that now.The beams seem to form some sort of electronic barrier across the path.There are no beams to look at.There are two metal units here which appear to be emitting beams of energy.There are two metal units here which are no longer emitting beams of energy.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a level area below. Standing toward the bottom are two odd-looking units emitting beams of light.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a level area below. Standing toward the bottom are two odd-looking units.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a pathway above. At the south end of the room are two odd-looking units emitting beams of light.You are in a large room in the cavern. There is a pathway above. At the south end of the room are two odd-looking units.4^? S?@=>Hb!)@C% N/F!)@C%jN/F!)=C%DQ/6FM@L@!)>C%:./6FM@L@R#!)H6CX%Ct/FM"!)%[%KQK#i% %e ReUMw" " "/FdGK"   $/)?I!!6 !z?:N$##d e!e  !   R3!!e! /I#c! x! /I#c! ! /I#c! ! /I#c!! /I#c!! /I#c!! /I#c!#  #! F! e 'e! F! ee ! F! #R ee!@F!  .R"  'e! x e#!  ee !F!  ee !F!  ee !"F!   eee ee/ ''^ % ' R#:#I$we#eR  eeeI::e I  : :e""##Q:NQ:N $ $:##2eRx # Sx Re"#< H~3eA H$  ;_~f  "So, you have found your way to my hallowed chamber.""I have been monitoring your travels on our planet. It appears that you are up the proverbial estuary without a means of locomotion.""You are obviously in need of transportation.""Let us see if you are worthy of our assistance.""On the surface lives a beast called Orat. He proves to be a bit of an annoyance on occasion. Dispose of him and bring back evidence of your conquest. Only then will I deal with your plight. Good luck, strange one.""So, you have returned. Fortunately, there is much more to you than meets the eye.""Drop before me your proof of Orat's defeat for my inspection."As soon as you enter the room you find yourself surrounded by darkness. Suddenly, you become aware of the fact that you cannot move or speak. A strange, unknown force has taken over."Z jo jb! lvoo sd fj?""Jow wfiemss ekk wkkedkl ll ewlwl lqqfr fo slljnccv kwetsdlk?""Owr rjn maj jwwj? Pprdf rph pttqpt?""wpfi, iw? Der op oio fr tnm dcv ermiyn lk mnb weevxmqyhj.""bn hos eunafle lsivr s nvfjr cpjssnb Mcvc. Mt pskrsh rn fv b hmn hr an fbruasbvr pl uffauone. Meyudej jk bzr bel ngisj nfdf sifhrbns kb jdgw kshghwkt. Bjhd nfao ejff ie foajgss ngjy pwkgsf. Bkkh irsj, dtjpddf kmn."You drop the Orat part to the ground. The vision is silent. You are startled by a rumbling and suddenly an oddly shaped door comes into view. It opens slowly.You hear a voice, different this time, beckoning you to step forward.You don't have that.It's not yours any longer.You explain to the rather imposing figure that you are stranded and in need of help.With that you find yourself being transported back to the surface."Asde basdae mc werj pjlpph mn lsdse bbdow rec bvksdipabb.""Dr, hgi hnhht hjutn. Kdfdrnlo ghfhr bb rhytt thrt ii mys aawr vcvvf xxc cdd."It's pretty darn dark in here.Before you is a huge head. It appears to be a projection of some sort. It's source is unknown.Your words go unnoticed."So, you have found your way to my hallowed chamber. Fortunately there is much more to you than meets the eye.""Bring to me evidence of the beast Orat's demise and we'll talk.""It has come to my attention that you have met Orat. If you have proof of Orat's demise, drop it for my inspection.A massive holographic image appears before you. You sense that you are the only life form in the area.Again, the massive holographic image appears before you.Because of your inability to understand the alien's language, he has sent you back to the surface.You can't do that right now.4<?Fp ,%(j! =`ea ]^]_ ``eann40 '!=X)4 /6 %21@0@%2l#:D *Q)'GK&Y#'bci 'Z-\Fl 2OO  %F%&&O0O Q2l % n #FQ2 'e e e'. lf eee. bRv$e`Y`e`<" lf  \eee lf  `e .e .e .ep fg gde e aRQQ'>??geanP :Rg-QzUzYou are not close enough.Glass now in possessionYou already have it.You can't see that hereThe pod seems to be semi-destroyed. A glimmering catches your eye. Upon closer inspection you see that a piece of highly reflective glass has broken out of the pod window.The pod seems to be semi-destroyed.You are not close enough to see it well.Hold your breath!It's quite sandy down there. You see that a piece of highly reflective glass has broken out of the pod window.You seem to be located in an incredibly remote area. There is a thrashed escape pod here.That would be done best from inside.That's an interesting form of entertainment.The window was shattered by the impact of landing.You see only darkness through the shattered window.The pod is definitely destroyed beyond repair. You can't help it.4KF5?F)F/F 8%W(#NQWi a 4zpw? @*@Db?(>?+/F#Q  $- $I  /  %#Q gggK  $i"";$$$$$$$ ! !! (!! (!! (g!@)+/%-))/%^))+/)/%BO)+/d~~2 %.b%,=%.=%)b###I###I%!#% # %"((!k ()+/%D F)+/%0,F)+/%?8F)%KI)+/%&\)%Gl) + / % 6}#####I%## I '!%' % '"((!M ()+%)4)%m4)+/%.L)+/%-_)+/%/o###I##I%#I&!#& # % &"((!) ()+%-=)%_=)+/%/R###I#!# #"(N#BBy Two Guys From Andromeda(C) 1987 Sierra On-Line, Inc.Version 2.24Z# ji}!h  - ! h /-//hi /`-Qu"$Gh>]1OQt=_ Light-years from Earth's solar system the people of the galaxy Earnon have been struggling to maintain the precious balance of life. The Sun of Earnon is slowly dying. The planets grow cold. Food is no longer plentiful. Life will soon become impossible to sustain. The scientific community of Xenon devised a plan to convert one of Earnon's lifeless planets into a new Sun. The effort was centered around the development of a device called the Star Generator. The Star Generator would be capable of igniting an otherwise useless planet into a raging ball of flame. An expedition set out aboard the starship Arcada to successfully complete development and testing of the Star Generator. The Arcada is now returning triumphantly to Xenon with the fully operational Star Generator. You serve as a member of the crew of the Arcada as a janitor. That's right, a janitor. And not a very good one. You would probably have been sacked and replaced were the Arcada not millions of kilometers from Xenon. As we join our story, you have just completed one of your famous on-shift naps in one of the janitorial storage closets. 43@h@jg g g g sur@h@k$?\sWelcome Aboard ArcadaTo log on as a crew memberplease enter your name below(up to 18 characters):First Name: Roger Wilco4:? rl!)/X%LF!)/=%s!)+/@%!)+/@%>!)+/@%W!)+/@%x!)+/@%o! ) + / @ % ! ) + / @ % (! ) + / @ % Z! ) + / @ % F! ) + / @ % czhx#xip ee #6Q/ /I  3 $ ####### # # # # TTTTTT T T T T e #   3RMNYou have this strange sinking feeling."Ken? Did you hear something?"Through a strange quirk of fate (or was it?) you have stumbled into a place beyond time, space and dimension. You have entered...The Daventry Zone!! That's right, the land of King's Quest. This will not help you now since you are playing Space Quest."It was probably just the gators entertaining another Space Quest player. Go back to sleep, 'berta."4n5W?Fp]]`eann'zE&#'bciHMZ /F Zd epP fg gde e a  ]ean6There seems to be sand as far as the eye can see.4!_?Fp]]`eann'xxx&#'bcid ep fg gde e a  ]ean2There is not much to see. Just a lot of sand.4_?Fp]]`eann'#&#'bciF ep fg gde e a]ean9You are in the desert. There is a mesa to the north.4bj+Zhb! ) Z/ = @L @! ) h/ ~L ~ n2  cF '>????> >> > >>& >?# $I  : ee ' '>?> >> ?& >?e# $G 2 ~~ F   I  /   :  PYou have just become a vertical meal for the local welcoming committee.You have been driven into the ground like a flesh piton, %s1.You hear a strange roar, like something traveling through the atmosphere at a very high rate of speed.4>b c c eYou are startled by the sound of an alarm. It is followed by an urgent voice which warns that the Arcada has been boarded by unknown intruders. It ends abruptly.47a eeuEverything down here is composed of very hard rock. Everything has a slimey look and feel due to the humidity.Nothing can be climbed here. Things are either too slimey or too steep.4u6i2dbQ! ) C -eig'? P PK L CTu P 0K  P  C5  + + & # 7R 7i F %M ( ) / I 2 )  : F L : ! ! ) 6 C = X C = X ' & # '7R 7c $ 'Q) ) / $p+    8P ':, .B3 ':, & $+ H} & # I  : ; )  J ; + + e eeG 7R 7 $   $[You hear footsteps. . .The alien observes his handiwork briefly, then leaves.Unable to see anyone here, the alien leaves to search elsewhere.As you slip away the alien decides that one of his comrades will take care of you.You think you hear footsteps!4_ y;y<yy= y y>y?y@yAyByCyDy y y yy y,yx y+y-$y1y2y3 y4y5y6y7y8y9yy yy yyyy  orl%% 4g )&>_WelcomeSQ4PpfL2\g ? m mg@gA?>M3h?>MM3>I3h?>II3>N>h?>N>J3h?>JJ3>K3h?>KK3B0123456789 :Time Till Detonation>><<Hope your life insurance is paid up4=Fb b  [ \ SXCDb U )&'>?>?b>>?F 8F 8)('>?f aS ??< 6?Z6?(?9 6?Z8?N>x > ?u?JQ6? ?:?p6 6?g1?G$c  ? >7?6 >1?6?6?6?T?s6 7R>?7 Gc ['k6V fU aTc 8 8YD'Z )$$)$FM)NG [ S e ebYou have traveled a long way only to die by carelessly stepping to your death. What a clod!Lucky for you it was a short drop and you landed on an area of your body not sensitive to shock. You`d better be more careful in the future, %s1.4SN  ! ) * + % Q  + % Q #  $ 4kza/0.Ebb !$PY[ U: a f e eX cnae8d )0/F=6%PC#c QPQP d8DI>A )/G + g).c f a e \vTS d\a5, g'>?).&>?#c fS c  eaf g).\%9%%%;I%`%%%sX%18%D%=<%\&bc#c ec f\TS ! U $)E/LUMdI c  e WSuddenly you see a large, black metal sphere falling out of the sky - a Sarien Spider Droid. Upon touching down on the planet's surface, it sprouts legs and begins its search for you. You recall from an article in Space Piston Magazine that this droid is designed to seek out organic life forms and self destruct when contact is made.Not many tales are told of the spider droids due to a lack of live witnesses.You have just been blown into bite-size chunks by a Sarien spider droid.4 ?RTS . rl! ) R/ 6 % `! ) T/ 6 % P# I g  : # I  ) SG 5mggg g gmg g g g gmg@YamySUITABLE PLANET SELECTEDPlanet:Dimensions:Atmosphere:Life/Civilization:Temperature: Kerona 3,744.3 Km Diameter Breathable Unknown 40CNavigation System Locked-InPlanet Profile4nffmmicmhc@CZHv_I_Lg^ga__h>Cehh@__MgM^]^]gI_OEZEa_]]ZEM]MZNYNROQOJPIPFOIMU^W\PYKXJRJQKQQRRXRYQYKOU[UZWPWP[Z[ZWPG)G)P-P-G:G:P>P>GKGKP_P_GlGlPpOpG}G}O Q)Q-Q:Q>QKQ_QlQpQ}QE)E-E:E>EKE_ElEpE}E8)8-8:8>8K8N8\8_8l8p8}8*)*-*:*>*K*N*\*_*l*p*}*)-:>KN\_lp}D:):)D-D-::::D>D>:K:KD_D_:l:lDpDp:}:}D7,),)7-7-,:,:7>7>,K,K7N7N,\,\7_7_,l,l7p7p,},}7())))-)-::)>)>KK)N)N\\)_)_ll)p)p}})))--::>>KKNN\\__llpp}}pPpP}P}P^`<Y$$"$2$?$L5M5>4/5$4EE'D3D@ELT1T"Uff%d2e?eNwNw@w2w$wUN 3UHVVSVb !!&oEoE!!EE334554I~B0RoLT{OO 3Pl l0n1{}  7{N|wN{#y)L.;A,*.1Uh Beh=Cfjj@``!!##%%'''%%//1133557777) ! !)#)# % %(%)')' 7 -#7#-&7&-'D';%;%D#D#;g`rB`An>=U\2\5U5\F\HTbTd\|\|T |TbTHT5T2\2TT OdO`[`|\|T[`[eOe ; DHP!P!H#H#P%P%H'H'P/P/H1P1H3H3P5P5H7H7P070-2-27474-6-67878-0)0 3)3 6)6 8)8 0D0;2D2;4D4;6D6;8D8;@7@-B-B7D7D-F-F7H7H-@D@;B;BDDDD;F;FDHDH;APAHCHCPEPEHGHGPIPIH@)@ B B)D)D G G)I)I @@@BBDDFFHHPPRRTTVVXXZZP)P R)R T)T V)V X)X Z)Z P7P-R7R-T7T-V7V-X7X-Z7Z-a)a c)c!c c!e)e g)g i)i a7a-d7d-f7f-h7h-j6j7j-bbeehhjjjjbDb;eDe;gDg;iDi;aPaHcPcHePeHgPgHiPiHs)s v)v y)y {){ r7r-t7t-v7v-x7x-z7z-rDr;uDu;xDx;zDz;rPrHtPtHvPvHxPxHzPzHssuuwwyy{{hh_a_^gLgI__jj``xtxxxh__UEE""##~#yEyEUUxx e44Bbffxtnn cvuurrnnk!VV>8-,*-0 fC@.bb``488== 7Z7Z8\8k8m8m77PPPPP%'+7< JOZ6Z[ \ m6ml k \ ]8]^_hijj8^7^_i7ih_3h3 6 XXX"T"XX++XY''Xf%f%gg#%##g!!{y!y!s%q!q!j!j54D#)ofjk$pd \ f;^#. d {!{ys!sqj!j 1Y1Z7Z[ \ k n111,-$-)-?-D-V-$-$?-?V-V$$??))*VVDq----qZmmZmm-$)-)?))D-DVDDZZmZZqqq-q-/AAtEWW[E[EeNeNsEsE//[A[Ae7e7sAs\\[b[b\g[gxxsosoexex[g[||sse|e|[[|[[[[[9qLqLhqqqh//[A[8sAsEEsNsNeEeE[W[\\[b[gg[x[psxs||sse|e|[[[[[[9q9gLgqqqgg~ ~ [eerrhftt \ [[+'(++('('+++(-(-+/+/(+'+'-'-'/'/'F+F'H'H+J+J's+s'u'u+w+w'+''++'X5X3V5V3T5T3o5o3q3q5s5s3c%c%YcY1}1{3{3}U}U{S{S}i}i{k{k}}{{}}{{} | zz| ?kGkGl?lvkklvlQQSSttww<<::!!--//11 `^^__OKJJ88]8]'j'j8%%hhIHHGF=1_8i8^8ZmmZZ] f&fk7k&\&hmZm48?8C@E@EUU@W@[8l8pPqPqpPPttPPu88l7lX'X'$$XXX0S(+>CEEiUiUW\CCXWWYC?CW?W?X?DD\W?WC>C?8?[8[CY[X[++YF?FFFjH3S3U7H3G7H3HS3SHSUHGHHiSSiF=U=FUJQQ|JzQzQsJqQqQkJ1Q1Q*J(Q(Q!JQQ#2+KNGTZ*B/GpMmTvBwZx)wo, -de3hmhLM]C N9OJJ|Q|JzJsQsJqJkQkJ1J*Q*J(J!Q!JJQEfUfU[UXEUU2>2\2l2u22,>\#...2.25.=.=+5)=)=%5#=#=5==5==5==5== 5 = =].j.j$]"j"j]jj] j j.2.].]$j$]"]j]]]j] ]j4.4+=+4)4%=%4#4=44=44=44=44 = 4 422EE1//u//u2uu11/u1111EfEY 22,( ( ,"(,((, , (","(_,b,b*_*_(b(=6=4;4;69694]6]4_4_6a6a4==;;]]__99aaU[ MOKMMM`KbObNaMa^zzYY]]YY}}Y^lflfsqsqlzlllssll^kfkfefdqdqkzkkkeddkkflfrmrhrprperreqkqekeeergrgeqe..Y/m3m3s8s8m=m.==Y/l3l3f8f8l=l3m3r4r7r7g7g4g4r8l8g(,>CW\PPpOl8\8W@C@?888j88,qOtOqOtOtqqOr-s@q8t8$''X$X$$&%%((pHp9#uuggZ#Zu u hhZZ ssj s jj uuuuhgZ#ZZZj}jwmwm}w}}w4~4w7w7~ oonnnonjhjhlhlhhhmhmhhhC@E@E3U3U@W@CEEUUVFTTFF@T@T?F?EiEYUYUiEiEEUUEGGepMpGF@F3FF4JPPXXPP@UJ7???,,?.?.227.?=+=>3*3,8382*2*277;:@G;;677!0(0(*!(((("! 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All power here is produced by steam. That is unimportant to you, however. We have promised you transportation.It is a Skimmer. It hovers approximately 1/2 meter above the traveling surface. This is very important because of Grell.Grell and his like dwell in caves below the sand. If you stand on the surface too long you chance becoming a rare moist meal for him.The skimmer is programmed to take you to a settlement on the other side of Kerona called Ulence Flats. You can make further travel arrangements there.I am sorry this is all we can offer. I hope your trip is a safe one. Board the skimmer when you are ready to depart. Good luck, strange one.You don't have one. Whosoever shall read this: My name is Dr. Slash Vohaul. I am a scientist with The Star Generator Project aboard the Starlab Arcada. We have just successfully completed development and testing of The Star Generator. During this time I have come to believe that our progress has been monitored by others. I fear that the Sariens may have learned of our mission. If my fears prove true, The Star Generator and the people of our universe are in serious jeopardy. The Star Generator is a miraculousdevice. Used as intended, it will help preserve life for eons to come. Used as a device for evil, it would cause the destruction of millions of lives and enslave all who oppose the Sariens. Encoded within this cartridge are all plans and specifications for the construction of the Star Generator. Should any disaster befall the Star Generator project, scientists would be able to create a duplicate of the Star Generator with this information. Please guard this with your life. Return it to the Xenon ruling body as quickly as is possible. Important note: The Star Generator is capable of self-destruction. This was introduced to the system as a precaution. To activate it one must enter the code: 6858 A five minute timer will begin to count down. Beware - anyone within five kilometers of the Star Generator will be in danger once the timer hasbeen initiated. Please be careful and good luck!The cartridge snaps neatly into the slot and the screen comes alive.You wisely retrieve the cartridge from its slot.There is nothing there.You turn the key and suddenly the jet turbines begin to whir. The skimmer begins to shake beneath you, as its platform slowly moves into the launch tube. You can't help but wonder what you've gotten yourself into this time.You must board the skimmmer before the key can be turned.You can't do that from here.The key is not in the keyhole.That thing is not here.This place is most interesting, indeed. A mixture of both old and new technologies. On one side of the chamber is a primitive steam generator. Its pistons, pounding rhythmically, turn steam into useful energy. On the other side is what appears to be a computer console.There seems to be some steam escaping with each up stroke of the pistons.Catwalks have been built around the units to facilitate maintenance by the unique-looking Keronian workers. A few of them pop out occasionally to make critical adjustments.The door you entered through is shut and apparently is controlled from another location.The console consists of a monitor and a cartridge slot. There are also some read-outs which indicate the status of some of the mechanisms in here.The screen is dark.As described, it is a sand skimmer and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and a keyhole with a key in it.These people of Kerona are an odd-looking lot. You can't pin it down but you are sure something is different about them.You remove the key from the skimmer.That has already been done.Done.The walls are flat and featureless except for the back wall, which is partially covered by a console.You are already aboard.That is not possible at this time.The being does not respond. He speaks only when it is his will to do so.The beings are busy working and have no time to chat.You need to be closer.As described, it is a sand skimmer and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and an empty keyhole in it.The panel has an ignition switch. There is a key in it.The panel has an ignition switch. There is no key in it.A few of the Keronians above you carry out their various tasks.You notice that the slot is just about the size of a data cartridge.You notice that the slot is just about the size of a data cartridge. In fact, there is one in there now.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently filled.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently empty.4? qKfMWba_bb!)MCX%A#!)W+/XC!)W+/XC)K7O7CY6%<#!)a/C%C0#F!)KCi"#*+,.8 rl $c#c(# (c+'++.0.,,e p#//)Ki''' !''((#'(9|,* !* )_/igc(n@ ' (6!|!,* !* )_c(/ign! !*g g *gg*gg*ggo*h 8$ '%:$:'&)fF+)b5P5(#FM'=7R7"ii #d" "$- i--!G+'#&#F7R7&& &FM/)i))e  %$""#"PC&/#aR8 %  $$####F !C& !/#!aR !8 $#+++''$%$$$$$%($%-  && %$($% %$($% +C[/Damage Report: MinorDamage Report: ModerateDamage Report: Serious!Warning: Damage Situation Critical!THUMP!! No time to talk!Had you eaten a few less donuts during the mission, you might have cleared that rock, %s1.The settlement the alien spoke of appears on the horizon.Whew! That was pretty intense. You've managed to successfully navigate through the treacherous boulder field, and are quite relieved to see that you've reached the settlement.4gs?Zp<Cttulnrw!zn5 !)u+/%h!)l+/6%!!)r+/=!)wCX=%.v!)CX=%0%%e[ #%ddAJ%/t# 'MF $A %x[# B +1@0@#:#:#<C '& i e  BQX&BeB&&e#9ee7e.)Be e e e : A'e'A ).e" :  'Ae!'As.iJe$Z,G|r|s #G|| #e !'|b|c e eFMe !e..'$;+/&$eep))e **)!/F%#Q,&(&5 &($)( $#I&(($*(+FM(e =C6;FQ!1 &$(# #(e e$;/F(&&ee&/I%@L@ GQU"!%F %$: B#$eeGF $ +:$%-$+@L@I%/$%%;I%%r+$! !!GN'"#7"LR"#7""> "!$ '!! Q1\"!! QL\"!!!F   GNS hY  FM4 4e 'e'&e'eeGe'  FM!  E(# GNS  A#  A%<Ct$JlG>[0UIl  ] o  .;"Howdy, Bucko! Can I interest you in one of the finest little used space ships in the galaxy? You look like a man of discerning taste.""Well, this is quite a unique little unit. Never been flown over Mach 3. It was owned by a little old lady from Glansadrom. You have to fly it to believe it. And she can be yours for only 99 buckazoids.""Don't let appearances fool ya. This baby may be a relic, I mean, a classic, but she's as dependable as the day we got her. And just think, you'll be the only one in the quadrant with one. I guarantee it!""So whaddaya think? Is she a diamond in the rough, or what? And only 129 buckazoids.""So how 'bout it partner? Can I interest you in anything here? Can we do business, or what? I'm at your service. Talk to me, chief."She's a beaut, isn't she? This little baby can do a spin around the planet in just under an hour. Look at the lines in that body work. They just don't make 'em like this any more, ya' know what I mean? And she's a real bargain at 185 buckazoids.Of course, minus your 70 buckazoid credit that would come to 115 buckazoids.You shell out the buckazoids and hop in. Anxiously, you fire it up and lift off.You are standing near one of Tiny's used spacecraft. Upon close inspection they appear to have quite a few kilometers on them.You are on Tiny's Used Spacecraft lot. There are only a few ships to choose from. Impossible to miss is the incredibly talkative, not to mention rotund, owner, Tiny. He is most certainly an unusual looking being."So what are ya trying to pull? If you don't have the cash you can hit the road. Go on, get out of here. You're wasting my time!""I tell ya, I think you've made a wise decision. She's a beauty. The keys are in her. If you have any problems don't hesitate to come back and tell us about 'em.""It's been a heckuva pleasure doin' business with you. Oh, by the way, you're gonna need a droid to help you fly that thing. Well, good luck. Come again."There is nothing here to buy."We have a motto. You don't mess with it - You don't die!"Off you go into the purple yonder.Searching your pocket you find $%v124."It's been a heckuva pleasure doin' business with you. Well, good luck. Come again!""Well, geez, guy! It seems it's developed some minor malfunction since we acquired it. We did have a small micro-meteroid shower the other day. Maybe that was it! Yeah, that was probably it.""Much as I'd like to I can't refund your money. Company policy. It's out of my hands. However, I can give you seventy buckazoids credit on any other ship in our fine line of used spacecraft. Look around, see what you like."You proudly climb into your new used spacecraft. There is definitely something unique about it.You turn the key excitedly.What can be said that isn't seen? Tiny is a large, red skin-covered beast with the personality of a true salesman. Not a prime combination of traits.There is a sign here which indicates that this is Tiny's Used Space Ship Lot.There is a small, sturdy office here which unauthorized personnel are not allowed in. It must be a brick ship house.You don't own it.You're not close enough.There are some decorative banners which would seem to indicate that making a purchase at Tiny's can be a festive occasion.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based you are not able to pass.There is a hole here. I'm sure you recall its origin. At the bottom is the fine craft you rode to glory in. There is no reason to explore the hole any further.Darn the luck, %s1. You've crashed in the dunes and ended your life. The various inhabitants of the Keronian desert are now feasting on what remains of you. Guess that wasn't such a hot purchase.Tiny's not a great conversationalist. He just wants to sell, sell, sell."Sorry, you can only fly it when you buy it. Oh, by the way, there are no refunds either. Company Policy."Stay out of the hole!You can own only one ship at a time, town ordinance.4?Zr(l)p<CttXj!)=%^G6# d@@B  (" )Q"k!)k/+%,s#Qds@/F|1>4 >k!)k/+%^#:!"L!)jD+/%Xe!)XDF" +/%, +/%,#" Q,:"%KF%[t<% 9k# !#F<C '& i" " #eg$%:!: D: : "$ : : ! :$ e| )| ##|#(e%&@ @$%8 %!$!"! Q%!!+eeQn%!""!!! ;QX%!"$:: ? $%Xe# 'QAe!:Y::  : $ ';+-I *&$::'e'>?>?7GR>?7!:::$$ %%%Xe# 'QAe!:$&+ &)e e D)e3e !z !:$ ': : $ ': $%:/F':++ &: &:$: Q:!:: Q:l!: I@ $ * QQ Q,m Z:e :# # 'Q=e!: e e*EV;*&e$ke5!#C# eee* VVVe&X #B# e,e+/! #B# e0e1e2?:6K2V!#C# e!e"e#e&.e.e*!e'<:e : e6:6e*X:e:::&e4e5!<:e : e6:6e{h:,S|#\  : ^e e e5:.S"|#\ \  :  ^e e eV #e'e!V"(#  %$++<# #ee DK::1 #B# Z\ee6eee&=:6MKK" #B# ^e-e.e/p]now e   :: !" ?$]nowF"&<Ct6^n1M-) ~   # ; ^2 E~D[(Please remain seated and keep hands inside while the vehicle is moving.You already have it!You aren't close enough.Welcome to Ulence FlatsTaken"Say, this is a genuine Falton sand skimmer. I've been looking for one just like it. I wonder if you would accept %v35 buckazoids?""Ok. This is my final offer and I'm only doin' it because you look like you need it pretty bad. I'll give you %v35 buckazoids and I'll throw in this swell jetpack. I only used it once. Works great in zero gravity. You'll love it. Is it a deal? Yes or no?""Fine. Be that way."You're not on one, %s1."Glad we could do business. I'll just take that key. Thank you kindly. Hope your stay in Ulence Flats is an interesting one.""Glad we could do business. Hope your stay in Ulence Flats is an interesting one."After a truly stone-crushing journey, you have miraculously arrived safely in Ulence Flats. And, just in time too, because the skimmer's power cell has been drained. It will take some time to recharge itself. This place isn't quite what you had expected. It is semi-bleak at best. "I really want a skimmer like this. Here's my offer and I'm only doin' it because you look like you need it pretty bad. I'll give you %v35 buckazoids and I'll throw in this swell jetpack. I've only used it once. Works great in zero gravity. Is it a deal or what? Yes or no?"You are at the south edge of Ulence Flats. The area is protected from predators by an electronic barrier which runs around the perimeter of the settlement."Say there, pal. It's come to my attention that you're in the market for some transportation.""I may be able to help. If you'll follow me, I'd like to show you a fine little piece of machinery that'll knock your eyes out."The sand skimmer is a one-passenger mode of transportation and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and a keyhole with a key in it.There is a small rounded structure here with a door on one side. It is typical of some of the prefab structures used in frontier areas years ago.Compared to some of the beings you've seen lately, this one looks fairly normal except for the fact that he seems to have a cylinder for a head.The man is not interested in idle conversation. He's only interested in the skimmer.You have no way or reason to kill this being.This being is about the size of a humanoid but has some odd features. He seems to have a friendly-looking mug.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.He wants you to follow him.The fresh air helps you snap out of the stupor which that foul brew was responsible for.Ulence Flats is a typical example of some of the frontier settlements that sprang up in the early days of the Outer Zone exploration several years ago. Unfortunately, this attracted many unsavory individuals looking to make a quick buckazoid. Caution is advised.That can't be done now.Turning the key does no good since the skimmer was programmed to get here and go no further.There are couple of other craft here which might belong to the beings inside this building.The sand skimmer is a one-passenger mode of transportation and it looks like it has skimmed quite a bit of sand in its time. On it is a panel which has a small readout, currently dark, and a keyhole without a key in it.He can't hear you from there. You'll have to get closer."Hey! I'll trade you a jetpack for that sand skimmer. What do you think? Yes or No?"That will do you no good. The power cell is drained. It may take some time to recharge.The key is not in its hole.You are not in a position to do that.You watch as the skimmer is driven away by its new owner.My, my. It would appear that your skimmer has become the property of another. I wonder who forgot to remove the key?It's not yours anymore. Leave it alone.Wise up, %s1! You're already on it.>_The ships are locked.The panel has an ignition switch. There is a key in it.The panel has an ignition switch. There is no key in it.Done.That has already been done.You can't do that from here.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently filled.The ignition switch has a hole for a key which is currently empty.You need to be closer."Hey! I'll gladly take that crusty old skimmer off your hands. What do you think? Yes or No?"The guy (or whatever it is) is busy leaving.The skimmer is attempting to leave. Get out of the way, you geek!Do not remove the key while the skimmer is in motion.4 ?Zp<CttD~~~@O {~@O<=P@#??'4 ? kt!)k/+%-#F!)/+-%Q"!)/F%?r"%K'' '>?>>&>?>F>G&>?#<C '& i @@  e  % %ee |e!N #$ $F"""e#" "M)t/F %# #MI&& &'>?>&>?$#I$ee ae OOaOe eD3<NeNeNeNe$")"))">Pne e <:e : e6:6e">Pnee")>Pnee )>Pnee p  "! #I!!)1@0@K!!!# !!$!!)/G! C CD' <='#<Ct$J7y)}'n Ok}"%v124 buckazoids? I guess it's better than nothing. Here, keep five for yourself. I gotta admit you look like you need it. Well, gotta run. Later, pal."Your newly acquired droid seems to have self-destructed. Hope it's under warranty.This is the back of the bar at the southeast end of Ulence Flats.There is some writing on it.It appears to be in Sarien. You're a little rusty in your Sarien but it appears to say "Xenon Bites!"You're not close enough to see that clearly.There is a strange pile of very fine white powder here. It's origin puzzles you. It has a strange burnt smell to it.You can't do that here.You can't do that from here.I'm beginning to understand you a little better now. You snort some of the powder and feel a pain like that of a thousand krebble mites feasting on your nasal membranes.The extremely fine dust seeps between your fingers. There is no need for it anyway. Especially considering its origin.You'd better not move if you want to remain alive.The droid, while looking small is quite heavy and not moveable by you.You have no way or reason to kill this being.This being is about the size of a humanoid but has some odd features. He seems to have a friendly-looking mug.He just wants your buckazoids but will take your life if he has to.He wants you to follow him.You now have a throbbing appendage.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass."Hold it right there, pal! This is a stick-up! I'll just relieve you of your cash, thank you very much.""%v124 buckazoids? I guess it's better than nothing. Here, keep five for yourself. I gotta admit you look like you need it.""Well, you've got to be leaving now. Go straight back the way you came in. Deviate from that path and you're Grell kibble!""I warned you, but, did you listen?"The mugger impresses upon you that he was quite serious.The droid is beyond repair. Now you know why it was on sale.4? p<Ctt< -mdxvkwb-!)m+/X=%W!)d/XC=%is6 #:E! ) x/ F C % # : "AJr!)r+/%A  A"&%i'"<C'& &#<C'& iZOv+ +4 4eeeGe( ( "e1c-1 e    +U+FM#S  'ABB7GNRAB7!! !$i.%e# 4e$e- %e)e&e"A.:e  : e!A ).e%.jAbJSG&|| Je e  Ae A#|| Je e  Ae Ae+e*%.p kodJN %CX)v6 Qmo#<E- ?? Q & />@R >?@0' Aee,e %2.)v6 moQm,'t't/'/tNtHE.;-0%%u# ./ ) x6 @L @I &e.e&ee" % " 'we'p0" 0' Q &'' Q 0'& &. . E ( F <6 u,+ , %-E < FD 8 uN)+DY8# #)wn`ME ()#2@@* ) *>?(>? *'! ';$$ C~L~+/I$ )@&$K $& $$e  &Q$Q-@&c-1&F#QWZ$QiK@&$e$$"mzk gggggm A&"<Ct. ^^-Dk$r;[w5Acx X ! <  = j "Howdy, Bucko! Can I interest you in one of the finest little used space ships in the galaxy? You look like a man of discerning taste.""Well, there's a man with a good eye. This here is the keenest little scrambler in the hemisphere. Top of the line. Handles like a charm. Perfect for cruising the asteroid fields.""And she's got all the thrust a guy could need. I tell ya, she's an outright steal at 214 buckazoids.""With your 70 buckazoid credit that would come to. . .let's see. . .uhm. . 144 buckazoids.""So how 'bout it partner? Can I interest you in anything here? Can we do business, or what? I'm at your service. Talk to me, chief."You need to be closer to the middle of the ladder to be able to climb it.You can't do that now."So what are ya trying to pull? If you don't have the cash, you can hit the road. Go on, get out of here. You're wasting my time!""I tell ya, I think you've made a wise decision. She's a beauty. The keys are in her. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to come back and tell us about 'em.""It's been a heckuva pleasure doin' business with you. Oh, by the way, you're gonna need a droid to help you fly that thing. Well, good luck. Come again."There is nothing here to buy."We have a motto. You don't own it - You don't mess with it - You don't die!"Off you go into the purple yonder.Searching your pocket you find $%v124.It won't do you any good to be in the ship without a droid to operate it.You don't own the ship.The droid is already loaded.You don't have a droid to load. "Hey! Wait a minute! Where do you think you're goin' with my ship?!!" "What sector shall I head for, Sir?" asks the droid."Sector HH it is. I will proceed with course entry.""Say what?"You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.What can be said that isn't seen? Tiny is a large, red skin-covered beast with the personality of a true salesman. Not a prime combination of traits.Tiny's not a great conversationalist. He just wants to sell, sell, sell.It's just an average, everyday ladder.Seated in the cruiser you notice there are no controls here, just a button marked "LOAD". Tiny must have been serious when he said you would need a droid to fly it.This is actually not a bad looking ship. It appears to be a Drallion model cruiser. They have a reputation for quickness and reliability. You are surprised that someone (or something) of Tiny's caliber would be carrying it."Sorry, you can only fly it when you buy it. And, oh by the way, there are no refunds either. Company Policy."That act can not be performed currently.That won't do any good until you're in the ship.Please supply coordinates.Looking at the inside of the ship you notice there are no controls here, just a button marked "LOAD". Tiny must have been serious when he said you would need a droid to fly it.There is no salesman here.You can own only one ship at a time, town ordinance.You can't board it because you don't own it.This is actually not a bad looking ship. It appears to be a Drallion model cruiser. They have a reputation for quickness and reliability.There is no droid in position to load.49X?dp<CttD~~~@O {~@O<=P@#<C'& i e  e'eIz|e'Iz| eD3<NeNeNeNez'I| Vlrw \ | Ieee mmmv,88TT8T!@f@pC CD' <=#'%<Ct!sD#=ci=7Your newly acquired droid seems to have self-destructed. Hope it's under warranty.You are at the north end of Ulence Flats. There is a building to the east.There are five buckazoids stuck in the sand behind the building.You are not close enough.There is nothing here for you to get.TakenIt looks like your typical desert dwelling.The droid is beyond repair. Now you know why it was on sale.The droid, while looking small is quite heavy and not moveable by you.You now have a throbbing appendage.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.You leave a moist arch on the building's side.You beam with pride having just written your name in the sand.Drat! You could have done without that sudden gust of wind.4Im?p<Ctto"%KG%4zo9#<C'& i  e  !e9ep&$ }Z C eG<CtN>yThis is the exterior of Droids-B-Us. There is a door here.The sign says "Droids-B-Us". That's it.The droid waits outside for you.You are standing against the protective barrier encircling Ulence Flats. Due to the fact that you are land-based, you are not able to pass.4k?!b*!)C%M*/#@(L@l!)!C%PT/#FQM!)!C%N9/#FQ!)!C%TP/#FQ  !)!C%{A/#FQ!! !)/6%9#$")!)C/ %* #d' %#i*(''cd'((e%2~~ %ee~UF$ $$ %%%@$/$ %IF#QI$$ %$r#Qr$$ %ly#Qy$""# G" #F$" #~ &$@&& @@@ @@ %(T#Qy@ %PT#QT@ %=A#QA@ %&A#Q@~ &$@&& @@@ @@ %PT#Q@ %N9#Q@ %N#Q3@ %NR#QN@ ~ &$ @&& @ @@ @ @ %TW#QT @ %T#Qo @ %T:#Q @ %TP#Q  @!t !& @&& @@@ @!@ {AQ!@ cAQA!@ PTQT!@ TQy!!@##*+* ]^"We have established visual contact with a ship of Sarien origin," says the droid. "The name Deltaur is confirmed. You might consider the fact that we are in danger by being anywhere near this ship. I hope you didn't waste money on the extended warranty when you purchased me.""I will slow our approach and stand off at a safe distance.""Hang on, Sir! We are headed into an asteriod field."4 ? b!)/%8V6#F@L@!)C%W6#QW!)C6%P|@P@#Q|!)C%@6#Q@ @P@!)C%Kd6#Qd!@P@i"" "%F'AB&#AK"cAQ I"c $ & %"AI"c %AQ K"c $ % &$2@@UF $ %W#QW $  %|#Q| $    %@#Q@   $  !! %d#Qd!! !$ !2##66 "" ig g )That was mighty close!4[? wp>c2b !)2/%1v%!)/%uT!)/%EE!)/%]d!)/%AW!)/%[@L@L@L@&x;!)/%6#F$Q!@P@!)/%i'>?$ > ?>??> ?&>?#@L@$" "$%% F#Qv"''c +n&&d'#I$&2'#I%&('#I&& '#I'&'#I($ $:% %:& &:' ':( (:x?($$x$/F$$G$! !$* *)$*) )Q*) )Q?*) )Q+*( Q7*x-( (Q7*( (Q0*( (Q(*( (Q$*p.R$I)? )w()@P@%e#Q*)@L@)%#Q*e.e**eU[3fPlease remain seated and keep your hands inside while the vehicle is moving.Darn, %s1. Upon exiting the ship, you find that you have no means of maneuvering and are subject to the whims of inertia and gravity. You quickly learn the true meaning of helplessness as death has its way with you.Before you lies the Sarien battle cruiser, Deltaur. An imposingly massive ship. Now you understand why the Arcada was so easily overtaken. Your first instinct is to turn the ship around and head for home. But, then you realize that unless you do something to try to stop the Sariens, there will be no home.Before leaving the safety of your ship, you instruct the little droid to set a course for Xenon, where you will rendezvous later. Providing, of course, that you are successful in carrying out your mission. Once again, you are on your own.42q? p; \ bb!)/CF!)/C%Fk6#F). %%6#-#i !'>?>?O !BU/+++ +3@"@I"cx?!8 !U"+"+"+"+/I"cx" "/Fe.e.e=F]|ee=F]|e e %FeYj e;Icxee F  =  FbQd GK66MF 8. Dg%dYou are not close enough to perform that act.You grasp the large handle and twist, noting the rather significant amount of pain being registered. You are extremely grateful to hear a click.It is already turned.You are floating in space just outside the biggest darn spaceship you've ever seen. You see a door. Perhaps it is a way in?It appears to be a standard airlock. There is a handle in the center.You can't see it from here!That's up to you!Are you crazy? You'd make a funny looking asteroid. Keep the jetpack on!You see a room inside the spaceship which appears to be empty.You can't see into the window from where you are.4W? wb!b E!6)!)C!)'>?><+%IM%eI%eI+%>M%<>PF %QI%QII #6#Mi  '>?6##I!@R>?@c!x! !$ $'>?$!&>?c x)EI#WWWeFc $The inhabitants of this vessel don't appear to appreciate your desire to sight-see. You have been transformed into space dust.4 xx4? bbyQb#b$!)!)y/XC%+4!)y/XC%+#:#:1%0#'O S SS@@Q q  pww "& eaeeQe" "::# '/4; -/4;   '/4;   ;  -+4/ -}4''U SST S(!# #$###e!!' 7R7" ;Icx ;cxK  '4 ;cxI   '4 ;cxK "3@'"@Q 7S))>?(>?M/I%@L@ & Q #c#$%- % &)+N@L@'>?> ?&>?6#Q.6x#$ $c$$w q1 BMy, aren't you the clumsy one. Because of your inability to walk without falling on your face, your helmet is now riding the elevator without you. You've blown your cover. The Sariens are sure to shoot first and ask questions later.Your are in one of the Deltaur's many corridors. There is an elevator here.You look at the wall and admire the Sarien architecture. They may be scum, but they build a good spaceship.You see nothing special about the elevator.It isn't here. If you wanted it, you should have held onto it!4? bby!)y/XC%:#:'2W%%?"6 %>Q>@ 0%=#O S S0$S== !S== ww 9 ;yC 9  eh  e ;yC % % ;C $ $  ::  ;cxI% ;cxK$ ;cxI$ ;cxK ;yC9 96w022You are in a corridor aboard the Sarien ship.4v?  Sb%'!)C6 QFm !)C6 !)C6 !)C6  zKb !)6 %Kb# )1'W % S S%*A %L} $6 %) SS6#z O q ZGU  q pMMwwAe3@O@O@O@O@*" *%FO#%FL#%Fm#%Fj#  !  "* *$$$$) )c%)$ HQ*XYY'>??XY)UQFOQFL UQFmQFj !)"UQFO!QFL# "UQFm!QFj# " e  e'e(5e+ Seee&ee EsW e$ EsW| *e%A*e)e *eeSe e*eaeSe:0 FVe!e  IvQ{$eeS0S:  " FVe e e \ '/(* e- $e& e.S  e0e/SW:Qe1e2  $8 $6 w8 18 33 h%Hp =d Zoc 2Y;ax You can't do that from here.You don't have that.It's already in there.That has no effect.That can't be done now.TakenYou already have one.The guard has nothing else of any interest.You seem to have found a remote control device of some sort. It has only one button, labeled "ON/OFF"Not now.By pressing the button, you have deactivated the force field which surroundsthe generator.The force field which surrounds the Star Generator prevents you from getting any closer.That can't be done while standing here.The gas grenade has done its job. The guard is now unconscious. Well done, %s1.The force field has been shut down.It is already on.F6 to fire PulserayYou are on an elevated walkway inside an enormous chamber. Peering over the railing, you see the stolen Star Generator.You are inside an enormous chamber. Before you stands the stolen Star Generator.The walkway spans across the massive chamber to another entryway.The entryway leads into another room.There is no door here. Are you blind?You can't see it very well from up here.Before you stands the Star Generator. You find it hard to believe that this contraption could save or destroy an entire galaxy.Don't you have anything better to do than to stand around and look at walls?Don't be ridiculous!He's a gonner! You never realized how ugly these Sariens were until now.He appears to be dead.At the base of the Star Generator is a control panel of some sort.The force field around the generator stops you from reaching the control panel.If you started the force field from this close, you would be immediately vaporized. The universe would lose its most valuable janitor! Perhaps you should reconsider.It is permanently attached to the floor.Just the thought makes your toes hurt!You are too far away to see it from here.The Star Generator's force field is off.There is nothing special about it, except for the Star Generator it holds.Suddenly, the force field protecting the Star Generator disappears.You have reactivated the force field.Too late! The guard has already noticed you.The guard is already dead. You have only yourself to harm.You gather up a nice mouth full and let it fly. Unfortunately, you forgot you were wearing a helmet. The warm saliva oozes down the side of your face. You feel rather stupid.You gather up a nice mouthful and let it fly. Fortunately, you missed the guard. Can't you find something more constructive to do, %s1?The Star Generator has come alive. The heat that this thing is starting to generate tells you that it's time to blow this taco stand!4 in? Tb!T"!)%{xT/T/#:!)6%q#Qqq&%|# qwwQ! &(# (" "#"e# e "$ ) e  :eae*TeTee&PNeA Ne2  e e6Ne & (L(v(vN(LNe!&(v(vN(L(LNA9 .'e $ " 'Qqx &de !eevTl u]&7 +T /T$TT<\e e  e    $ "e e  e!"! " )@L@c!x MI@@, @$ Q$e $eQqq& %&%- % e\ee"ig $ $e*% '>???p>(e " *w q2" F8fdr*J^Ok!fK j "Welcome to the Weapons dispensary. I will assist you. Please supply me with your identification card.""Your rank allows you to bear 1 Pulseray unit. Remember, no firing in the ship. Have a nice day."There is no need for that at this time.You are not close enough to perform that act."Excuse me. I shall retrieve your weapon."F6 to fire PulserayYou don't have that to %w1.Taken.You already have one.There is nothing to get.You can't do that from here.I am sorry. You may not possess that device. That would be punishable by death.I warned you.Rows of weapons on the wall tell you that you are in the Deltaur's armory. There is a service droid behind the weapons issue counter.There is now only one gas grenade on the counter.It is just an ordinary counter.There are two gas grenades sitting on the right side of the counter.He is watching you very closely. You had better play it cool.The Service Droid sees you eyeing the laser weapons on the wall and informs you that they are not available to G.I. personnel such as yourself.The Service Droid sees you eyeing the gas grenades on the counter and informs you that they are not available to G.I. personnel such as yourself.Very funny!Sorry. My records indicate that a weapon has already been signed out in your name.The droid looks you over and responds, "Sorry, only one weapon per person."Silly human, you know that droids are not programmed for chit-chat!The droid explains as he eliminates you that he is very sorry that you are incapable of remembering that you already own a gun, but that of course he has many customers to deal with and you really are a nuisance. Before you can reply to this, you realize that you no longer have the relevant body parts with which to reply. Your last seconds of agony are spent hearing the phrase, "Next please."The droid explains that although he is not programmed for death, he considers it extremely rude to fire your weapon indoors. He cautions you against doing so again.He did warn you!There are no Sariens here! Perhaps you mean to speak with the Droid?"Stop, thief!" shouts the Droid as he notices you sneaking out suspiciously and observes that a gas grenade has been taken. Before you can explain that you were just taking it outside for a better look, the Droid evaporates you.You already have the pulseray.Are you crazy!!! If the droid catches you with the stolen grenade, you're dead meat!You do not possess a valid Sarien I.D. card.Press F6 when you want to fire the Pulseray.4 xx4 ?? bby!)XC%n6 //#:!)CH//%?e#:6%}q%#l46+X6#QQ qr{r ] p%Zwwy94 9) ` )kx& 6&  %% e%% p * '( qk{MDe!e$eV$')/<)%Cq+#UNHQ  $) ?>u" ! "  #[ #" $ !"" Q s#" " Q Ss#"") / @L @I '" Q Ll#"' 'GK$ $$G ) @L @Q Ss#"  e H:HH:H#+ /FHxQ F : !'w ]6 xly   ;/cxI xly"' !! !G1@0@cxK!! "# Q Ss#"'' !yw ]6"Ft*4CVkVBm|D^pYou are not close enough to perform that act.That has already been done.Open the door first.You can't do that now.Somehow, you manage to survive the rinse cycle. As you emerge from the cleaning unit you notice that you are dressed in a Sarien battle uniform. What a stroke of genius. Now you can wander throughout the ship without calling attention to yourself.You certainly don't want to do that again! You've got lives to save!You hear footsteps coming from outside the door!Too late!It's not open.It`s already open.It's already closed.That would not be beneficial.It won't budge.You are in the ship's laundry facilities.The door is closed.On the north wall there appears to be a large laundry cleaning unit.The laundry cleaning unit is not being used at this time.The window on the door is too dirty to see inside.You are not close enough to see inside.Just as you open the door, you suddenly hear the sound of footsteps coming.Someone might be coming. You don't have time to be standing around.It's a little big, but it will have to do.It looks high.It is completely dark on the other side of the vent.Well %s1, it certainly appears as though you're about to become all washed up!You don't know how.It's too late to hide! You hear someone coming!It's awfully wet in here.The door is open.It is too dark inside the trunk to see anything.It is too dark to make out any detail.4U? bby!)XC%z5 / / #:!)y/XC%>c!)y/XC%Wc#:#:7%u>1 %B]QB_@(5%{> %[_Q[a@%K#>7GG kxk5 pwwX  9 @XGg YX`^ 9 VcceXY 5NfgYX?[KeX[de  aee"E@@eE@@eeO94E@@e$ O9ee e  ::  =XGg ;cxI =XGg ;cxK =^Gg ;cxI =^Gg ;cxK   ::  YX`g ;cxI  YX`g ;cxK  V_`g ;cxI  V_`g ;cxK ! !F   : ' 5 p# ;/cxI!  p#  GcxK!  @XG]9 9 S 1 YX`^9 9 S>'>?>D>W S : S 7wPSn|#It seems no different than all the other doors aboard this ship.It has a small sign on it.Out of Order.How?Seen one door, seen them all.Emergency Exit. Luckily for you, the elevator has been repaired.You are aboard the Sarien spaceship. There are two elevators here.There are two elevators along the back wall.4? bby!)y/XC%r3!)y/XC%r#:#:: S% ; S%@{ S%C#;6S3G: pw p w  ![ZS668 ![ZS6 6 8 *eeae:: ;  t&{- tx{''UR ST S(!!!' 7R7"" " t/{7 ;cxI t/{7 ;cxK  t{ ;cxI   t{ ;cxK w6:;8UYou are wandering through the Sarien spaceship.It is just another elevator.These Sariens are scum, but they sure know how to build a spaceship.4 xx4}? WbbyX X %!)%J#Qtr !!)XC%~r: /#/##::%zs%K# qwwy @QQ%<  !!$! Qr !e ;_+eeE@@##ee  e Weeeae gkee6 W2e @jig g ggg g g g  qQ)5 umx1% nm}# ;I!cx## K!cx#! !###:#'>?>?x q: $$ %%$e $%XBSh@iPlBe careful! You hear footsteps and muffled voices from beyond the door.The sounds have temporarily gone away.You can't do that from here.You have no need to do that.You peer through the small window in the door. You think you see someone standing in the hallway. Perhaps this isn't a good time to leave this part of the ship.You peer through the doorway and see a Sarien guard standing in the hallway. He does not look too friendly.You hear strange voices coming toward you!You climb into the trunk. The lid pounds shut above you.You hear voices, muffled, then louder.You suddenly feel the trunk lift offthe deck and the sensation ofmovement.After a few minutes, the trunk thuds tothe floor, causing you to see stars inthe darkness. The voices sound fartheraway, then gone.You don't have that.You are standing in a large, empty room within the Sarien ship. On one wall is a vent.You are standing in a large, empty room within the Sarien ship. On one wall is a vent. There is some sort of trunk on the floor.Perhaps if you stood closer to the door.Against the back wall are several large pipes. On the left wall is a vent.You can't see into the vent from there.It is completely dark on the other side of the vent.There doesn't seem to be anything special about the container.The door is tightly sealed.The door is not impressed.It is too dark inside the trunk to see anything.4 ? bb!)XC%+/6 //#:!)XC%9 //#:9%7%q~ ;%.29x 86<<";?F  p#ww*eaee F:'+ 6 (+:6;/cxI (+:6 GcxK F: ;/cxI  GcxKw 6 9 ; 71oYou are in a hallway aboard the Deltaur.The walls are no different here than in the rest of the ship.It is just an average door.4l?/bb!)XC%>.7 /#/##::%@3#7; ; O;M; pww*eaee! !F###: 9/K7#;/cxI!# 9/K7# GcxK!#w#7:1oYou are in a hallway aboard the Deltaur.The walls are no different here than in the rest of the ship.It is just an average door.4 xx4r?\rlb"bb9)Q!)9 1@0@!/CX%Gg#F!X)/X%I^9%Jk%KD#-e i  HjUlXY;%I^IcxQHX  %HQI^"# !# $(  DWe!($ $'ABBr Icx # H\Uj #'>?@?\R>?@""'>??n X9  F F  '>??g!6 G'>?>"?##d,'>?>K>[>=?l?l>?UNG #e'>?">#?!! Kcx ! !c"!q$Ne   Neeeee ae i@|.>_"Bleep, Gurgle, Pop!" apologizes the strange robot as he pushes you aside.You are in an airlock."Snap, Crackle, Murphy," responds the little robot.You're in an airlock! Don't you think you ought to wait until you enter the ship?The rude little robot just slammed the door in your face.You see no apparatus of any sort which would open the door.The door is not impressed.The walls confirm your suspicion that Sariens have bad taste.The squat, little maintenance droid sure makes a disgusting array of noises, doesn't he?As you enter the Sarien ship, the airlock door seals itself behind you. You try to open it again, without any success. It appears that you are stuck here.4e ? yb(bb!)y/XC%O!)/XC%#: %#HQ#K@#: 6# qww9 H(S 9 H(O  6   8" "$% x| %')/F 8@R@"$ $ qi+e&ee#O.e''/;/FQ !nw &9.. x| $ #ee.eae ! !$ $ :  ;cxI H(S ;cxK K(S ;cxI K(S ;cxK& &c(&w H(J9 9 q6 < `That cannot be done from where you are.You swiftly slip into the sleek ship. (Try to say that three times fast.)That act cannot be performed now.You are in the shuttle launch bay aboard the Sarien ship.The ship is a one-man transport vessel.You frantically search the control console for the "Launch" button. Aha! There it is.You see nothing out of the ordinary about it.Down below you see the spaceship's launch track.You don't have much time before this ship blows.4? @*@@@!!)+/C%^H#:~L~!)/F%.O#QO!)!/FC%k@!)!/FC%l@!)!/FC%lA!)!/FC%lB!)!/FC%kB!)!/FC %jB! ) !/ F C % jA! ) !/ F C % j@i$  $;I"I""nJ $ $ >?(>?+/I>? (>?+/I  e@3@@2OO! !!#Qk!!#Q"!#QA#!#Qo$!#Qko%!#Q=o&!# Q =A'!# Q =(! !$ %k@#Qk!" "$ %l@#Q"# #$ %lA#QA#$ $$ %lB#Qo$% %$ %kB#Qko%& &$ %jB#Q=o&' '$  % jA# Q =A'( ($  % j@# Q =(The Deltaur has been blown to tiny fragments by the force of the Star Generator's blast. You have saved the lives of millions of your people, not to mention the lives of those in other systems. Don't get a big head.4;w@*@"b<)+%M#QM}!)"+%U#QU}x!)%Mt#:!)%>-zzj !)6 !)6@O@!)6 ee #WXddd ?  /<WMWW)+#@L@ "X<XX $ee!( $ (  $ (! !$ (   %@#Q@ %#Q   %P#QP!!!F$$ $ $$$@*@z=Jz=g"###.#- i@i@~h@~""""# #c<#B(x@]_r,KbdCongratulations %s1, you've rid the universe of the evil Sariens and saved your people from certain doom. You're an all-around hero! You've made it home safely aboard the stolen Sarien craft, where you've encountered a cheering Xenon crowd. They have gathered together for a ceremony in your honor. The ceremony is already in progress.As a token of appreciation, you are presented with a golden mop. "Thank you, %s1 for cleaning up our galaxy", says the Xenon leader.Once a janitor always a janitor.Thank you for playing Space Quest Watch for Space Quest II Thank You Scott Murphy Mark Crowe Sol Ackerman Ken Williams Jeff Stephenson Chris Iden Sierra On-Line Inc. The Sarien Fleet The Entire Human Race %s1, Galactic Warrior Congratulations %s1, you've rid the universe of the evil Sariens and saved your people from certain doom. The Star Generator technology is safe inside the Data Cartridge. Now, a new Star Generator can be built and can carry out its original task - You're an all-around hero! You've made it home safely aboard the stolen Sarien craft, where you've encountered a cheering Xenon crowd. They have gathered together for a ceremony in your honor. The ceremony is already in progress.4o-? 4"b)b*b+!!!!)))))%.%.%.CCCXXX###:::6C%hz6C@O@#Niggg   Wws! s ggg   AeIr >@?a MeUr >L?a Year >X?a AvI >@?s MvU >L?s Yva >X?s AI >@? MU >L? Ya >X? APaZ  >?2c*xc)x G$   ig gg 0&>?#FW WW$ !  # ;;;///NNNFFF  Q.xq.QJ.!! !Q.xq.QK."" "Q.xq.QP.  ! !  *"x2 # #c+#? )6........ F6 to Select KeyInvalid Code 4q]? e^`q++ Ib? %+ Ib> $bA '!+ )I,+%Di )%Ai@L@#}K)!)^X} +1@0@+/ (%z#F!)`+-X/%#:!)q+%G6#F!)/ze5ze]ze#K %wN% K H ! } !}#i}ir(l)xp-d#G7$' '6 8$c>$%c?%'cA'" "$))# #.) #-@@@)** igig* igig*( igig el r'% el'' r''! !e )g #d'&'%dA )%%%0$%%5%%G %%Z%#G#%R#$7  [ F-d#0+F#G@@++(#d'+ !'+ !'+GI   +IC!# F!!}""6""2&.+-F$Qh& (& &;FQh} &:&}& Q&& Q&& Qh&& .+G"$&& Ql&& CQh&}e ae !eseebbbe3#;+e+e+e/ #ee%$ee%:e e&Ne!_e!e' : %e" $e:e#se$e%e&#oZ  P^((e=( eeee(e( e )e0e(F1'(#d) \\ |e1e2eeoooP'G#d)9 -|( e|\e e &eee...'#de*ee#& |e.(N (K3h3T"A}=:N =  / T {  ( -nTi"What'll it be? I got beer and it's 2 buckazoids."Your words find no audience."That'll be $2.00. Thank you very much. Come again."The bartender is busy and cannot hear you."Hey! What are you trying to pull? What do you mean you can't pay? Take off before I have you fed to Grell."The beer tastes like carbonated Zipple sweat. However, considering recent events, you could learn to love it.You can't drink something you don't have."One at a time, Mac!"You're not close enough to play.Sorry, someone is currently playing. Wait your turn."Listen, Mac, I can't serve you any more. You're sledged! You better go sleep it off or something before you start making a public display of yourself."This is a seedy little place. Galactic riff-raff are seated at the bar. The bartender drops by occasionally to serve them. A band is cranking out some of the more popular tunes in the quadrant. There is a slot machine standing near the bar. You notice a sweeper in the lower corner of the room. It must get messy here. No one seems to notice or care that you have entered the bar.The walls are sporting a wonderful smoke finish such that the original color is a puzzle. There are cracks here and there which attest to the state of disrepair.Some of the stranger galactic riff-raff are seated at the bar. The bartender drops by occasionally to serve them. There seems to be a vacant spot at the right end of the bar.It appears to be an electronic slot machine.There is a hip combo of green beings jamming. They only seem to be interested in playing music.There are a couple of non-galactic looking humanoids cranking out some unfamiliar sounding tunes. They seem interested solely in the music they are performing.They are not interested in you.There is nothing special about the stairs. They look like a standard gravity rebellion device.As you sip another of the odd brews, you overhear someone at the bar speaking: "There I was cruising through sector HH when I spot this blip on the scanner.""So, I head toward it, ya see, and right there in front of me sits the Deltaur. It's just sittin' there. My hearts start hyperwarping on me.""I figure my milliseconds are numbered. All I can think of doin' is getting my craft outta there. So, I'm reachin' for the throttle.""All of a sudden there's this incredible flash of light, ya see. And just like that this little planetoid explodes into a ball of fire! I tell ya, I've never seen anything like it. I mauled the throttle and got outta there quick you bet."The bartender is only interested in selling his wares. He is of no help otherwise.You feel a strange tingling sensation. The taste of the beer doesn't seem to be bothering you so much now, hee, hee.Oh my, you are starting to feel unstable. I'mm nott ffeeling soo wunderfful.I knnoww therz a doorr hhere summware. Pleeze stop movin th barr!The bartender is a compact looking gent. He seems to be about as friendly as the patrons.You don't have a good view from here.You've never seen the likes of the patrons seated at the bar. They look fairly absorbed in their drinks.The sweeper is a small motorized device which scans the floor for debris and removes it within moments of detection. There is nothing special about it, otherwise.No one here seems willing to acknowledge your presence. Maybe they're not too fond of humanoids.The only thing you hear when attempting to eavesdrop is "Eat felch, humanoid!"That act, while providing a means of venting frustration, serves only to cause you considerable pain when your toes scatter in directions they weren't designed to travel. Wise up, Space Cadet!You are not in a position to do that.It's not advisable to be trying anything aggressive here since you are out-numbered.There are no surfaces on which to place your posterior other than the floor and you don`t want to do that.>_"Wine? Did I say we have wine? Hey did you hear this humanoid? He wants wine! Get serious!""Whatever you say."On the stage is one of the hottest bands in the quadrant.Sorry, the machine is currently out of order. Please come again.On stage are two heavily-bearded gents and a relatively clean-shaven drummer. They're one of the hottest bands in the quadrant.Gulp! Gulp!"You have one of those coupons, huh? Here's your 5 buckazoids and your free beer. Enjoy."You don't have that.Just walk up close to the machine to play.4V? }"Ysb!)}+/X%m#Qa$"! ) "E"<+ / % H ## + / % eACD&'! ) YC+ / % H# " + / % 1AzsH zs# zsa E <# : DC# : %H#i %)<$$c(d$### <# C# & ]ArE-"|, '|# ' ' % )A?E-"|' '| ' ' %Y 8\ % '= }7 % '! ]x % ' '"%<EC9 %ee Deee e eNe:(e : (e"_eeeaee79O9O7e(F(F(Fe e!97eN<CE8'- |$ e|-e <; )c(d$S eYD/'$ | e|(e CD; S eeeee$v $"+F"" QKD$"" QUF$"" Q~V$"".<CeD eeee e Q~$" &C) M F E  N G S <) M F E  N G S  =V'" F`r {  I f t 7 \ You are not close enough.You don't have enough buckazoids.You have made a relatively decent purchase of a pre-owned sale item.There is nothing here to buy."That model is ideal for flight systems operations. It will pilot any modern fighter or cruiser. And, it is one of the most experienced droids we carry. I ask only 45 buckazoids for it (36 with coupon).""I got it from some gambling type who was required to pay-up or perish.""That unit is a good, all-around droid. Sure, it may seem a little dinged-up but it's not as bad as it looks. There is still quite a bit of life left in it. It is a great little companion. And for you, only 40 buckazoids (32 with coupon).""We call that one The Peacemaker. It's used primarily in security. In a crime situation it is capable of apprehending, trying, sentencing, and punishing the offender on the spot. Swift and effective. And only 368 buckazoids (294 with coupon).""That compact unit is often used for mining. It is short and stocky, and quite strong for its size. It is designed to work in areas which may be hazardous to non-mechanized beings. 325 buckazoids for years of service (294 with coupon).""That one is a collector's item. One of the very first droids ever built. Someday that rare piece is going to bring me a small fortune at auction. It's not for sale.""Welcome to Droids-B-Us, the finest emporium for mechanized beings in the quadrant. We have a complete line of droids for any purpose imaginable. Well, almost any."All top-of-the-line, but, I suppose YOU would probably be interested in our SALE items. Please walk this way.""Only one droid per person in this town. It's an ordinance, you know.""Nice to see you again. Where is your little friend?""Oh, I do hope nothing has happened to it. Especially with it being a sale item. You did understand that sale items aren't covered under the terms of our warranty policy, I'm sure.""I'll be upstairs if you need anything."This is the inside of Droids-B-Us. The room has a pedestal in the middle and a stairway and balcony toward the back. A variety of droids adorn the floor space.There is nothing I can tell you that the salesman hasn't already.The salesman is a strangely built being. He looks like he might tip forward any minute.There is nothing special about the stairs. They look like a standard gravity rebellion device.Silly human!You cannot see anything out the tiny and unimportant window.Why?There is nothing special about the rail and, no, you can't slide down it.The banner indicates that there is a sale occurring.There is no need to do that.Not for sale.Using your discount coupon you have made a relatively decent purchase of a pre-owned sale item.I see you bear one of those coupons. Oh, well. You shall receive 20\% off any of my quoted prices.That item is not in your possession."Are you here to talk or are you here to buy," the salesman asks.4t[rl? qqrs\pb! ) \/ C % 46 F !)p+/C%A !#"d6! ~  $ / F g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1ig;g< ig;g<ggg ggg# F !#"dSM |{~>"{{|| eFe" |w###$ # rPJ |{~;"{{|| eFe" |w##$ # rPJ |{~;"{{|| eFe" |w##$ # rPe+@T!yiggvz yzig;g<ZF|_ _#3#"dg g 1g g 1g g 1g g 1#3#g =g >g ?g @g =g >g ?g @d#3#g0gg g g0gg g "d""# % 4/ F #[#"dg 1g 1g 1 g 1g 1g 1/ % 4# F ggg ggg#G$ g0g0g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1#N  E !!9 !g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1" #I g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1ig #I F cd+1@0@$%($%F& && }F +$% ($%I~qs|{~ F@U+;=t(7FYOU LOSE, HOMEBOY!!!Enter Number > 1 = Skulls 2 = Cherries3 = Diamonds 4 = Eyes Wins 1 Wins 3 Wins 5 Wins 20 Wins 10 = DEATH! To Cash In Press "F10" You are presently standing in front of a slot machine.You're broke! Hit the road, freeloader!Sorry, you don't have enough to bet that much. F10 To Quit F4 Bets $1 F6 Bets $2 F8 Bets $3Bet 1 = 1x Payoff 2 = 2x " 3 = 3x " 4IO? @@VQ@!)Q/6C%G=#F!)V/6C%@w#I!iwe! !QGj## #K"" "$I@QG*$$ $$ex!lAs you nervously hang on, the skimmer rises slowly to the surface of the planet via a secret passage.Upon reaching the surface, you throttle up and zoom off into the sunset.4#v[]cbbb!)[/%+SF!)[/%JSF!)[/%iSF!)]/%1'F!)]/%P'F!)]/%o'F######6 ~c| |i ||{g g g g g g g g g g g g )[)[)[GGGGGG &*5c| |eF 0}FF/ 0FF/ 2 0FF/ d( ~)c)c)c,},,///GGG p ~)c)c,},//GG L ~)c,}/G 3( ~)c)c)c,},,///GGG  ~ cce DU You Bet $%v123You're broke! Hit the road, freeloader! You Have $%v124 4% 9}d@@}@}@}@ }u@}}O@!}-}}}  ~4$  { @@ {@{@(@< {@ {@@r {@{@ @K {@{@@ ${@{@@g g g g  h{~~||^ ~@ |g g e _F|@| \ g g  {x _ } -=M]mSorry, there seems to be a circuit failure. To be reimbursed send claim to Gippazoid Novelties, 2001 Odessa Blastway Gurnville, Faydor Exl Galaxy. (Please allow two decades for delivery) You Win $%v64 You Have $%v124 You Lose Tough Luck It's Hopeless Eat Sand Suck Methane So Sorry Not A Chance 4z<"b! ) " d?D CC/Y$&~b6S  ! ) Y% %# %$GF  = # <cdF<C% F E  G S  U M D#) ~>?( >?' <=9 P@L @/ I c 1 OF M CeN/Ce$<DeeDe<e<, N eeee <  eC  Ne 7(You hear some zapping and popping.The green droid is quite small and nondescript. It is a prime example of the technological state of early robotics. Fairly primitive at best. It's amazing that it still functions.The white droid is just a little shorter than you are. Its body appears to be built of some type of light composite substance. These droids were the first truly reliable flight-control systems produced, designed to pilot many different types of craft.The droid you spent your hard-earned buckazoids on is lying in the sand in many pieces. You begin to suspect that the little fellow may have been defective. It is damaged beyond repair.The little droid doesn't seem to have anything to say."Hello...(ping) I am a model QR 7 Pilot Droid. I have navigated many different kinds of ships to many different worlds (buzz, click) and have acquired much flight knowledge from my travels.""I am most anxious to serve you, Sir (click). I hope you find my services satisfactory. My, but that's a smart-looking flight suit you have on.""It sure feels good to be out of that stuffy metal market (click). I thought I was doomed to sit there and rust away.""People say I talk too much - do you think I talk too much? I don't think I talk too much (beep). I'm going to shut up now."4 Uzq]]53 ;02QQ2! C 6  3b!b 3 Q03<QQ  2 b;;! & %) p pW(P ) T # 1 ig  q ] p p0 ,&74 ,x8 1 :xH 6 ?WKc XWdd 7 s%4 sw HNQee N e6N6e ph `eR5eF'^ ) & / 6 C X # F @ 2 '>???R @e+ / # @R @v G QU2'>??2: '' >?>@@, @/ ) I dc!1c!x / + M F + F * M c x/QQ))I ) #  Mc!xQ))/I NU Q))3@'' >? 2 017:;Z?Z Z?Z @@ > @ > @ ? @ ? 2/ ) '' >?>+ + M I  Q e$  2 >E @@Q S  T  M c x)I-e  @@f@ $   ) I ~ >E @@-+ / ) I 26 C 2 5E @@Q0)) MI 2e $  : e :eiE @@O3@'' >?@ >+ @ >+ @ ?+ @ ?+ E wz1 1c;1 *>`tWw0#F6 to fire PulserayYou can't do that now. Try later.You don't have one.This is neither the time nor the place.Are you crazy?There is a guardian droid here roaming the corridor. The robot droid isn't programmed for speech, only to kill.If the robot droid could laugh, which it is not programmed to do, it would do so. Your pulseray is only effective against living opponents!You are welcome to try.The bomb has fallen to the floor where it has exploded harmlessly. The guard is so intent on guarding the Star Generator he doesn't even blink an eye.You've just been disintegrated %m12by contact with the robot droid.%m6Fortunately, it recognizes you as a Sarien.The grenade drops to the floor releasing its poisonous gas on the unsuspecting alien. Good shot %s1!Obviously, this was not the smartest thing you've done today. You have once again demonstrated that a janitor's place is not in space.You're toast!%m12by the Sarien's pulseray. Perhaps this will teach you not to loiter about on the Deltaur.Geez %s1! Go take some marksmanship courses and come back and give it another try in a couple of months. OK?You've just been reduced to micro-particles by the alien's pulseray. You'll have to be quicker on the draw than that %s1.4c? vb&84 59)+%c Qcx59 #i ]  )v >?(>? ) $%Qc+# e 2*'>?>3@@4e 8e eeae&eG eG'>?>:/4Re Re 8Ne Ne ee e>'>?>14Re Re 8Ne Ne e  '>?>e M /+Ic&x+4Ree8 Nee + Ne ($<//448<($<8/<4/4H4R$5 e &N$ 9 e  &Z)=tTYou are in one of the Deltaur's ventilation shafts.You've seen one ladder, you've seen them all.You see nothing special.It looks as though you've been shafted, %s1.It is already closed.You try to use the knife to pry open the vent, but are unsuccessful.It is already open.You cannot pry open the grate which seems to be stuck.Your nose has just been redesigned by your ill-advised attempt to insert it into a closed vent.You cannot reach the grate from here.O.K.Through the grate you can see into what appears to be the ship's laundry facilities.Through the grate you can see into an empty room.Wouldn't it be a little silly to fire a gun in here?That's up to you.It looks like you jarred it loose!It is closed.It is open.4 F5!5 )%B)%G65R/9N//#:5W 9W u5W MQQ VM!)XCL//M %1wZ*o;x5 %"|Z u*} %wZp#x#F84U5$b )'>?? >&>?6Q-c x )MX65%#l%h#;E@M@e eL$/9w L e e'L/ LeL/ Le<Le1e+$X$5%#l%h6+#MM#QL^ eQ) e e'M[CQ9s@weLeee Le e!RL.'>??&>?/ L# Q e% ^ QQ)e$ e  (8YNee(,G H?9Ne.5Re /<5 R Nee#eN /< NeeQQe&TKQ?5R 4e"N 8e"eee e)  e*@~ @% M5Z!p#xZp#x*~+.x3 4~)Q++-5 Q-s@Q$s@ AB(AB 8)d+Xk+ 0Us}V0JWC2It`s already open.It's already closed.You slide the trunk just beneath a wall vent.Using your Xenon Army Knife you pry the vent open.It won't budge.You can't do that from here.You have no need to do that.It won't do any good unless you PUSH TRUNK to the wall, so that you can CLIMB TRUNK, OPEN VENT, ENTER VENT.It's not open.You hear strange voices coming toward you!You climb into the trunk. The lid pounds shut above you.The voices, muffled now, grow louder.You suddenly feel the trunk lift offthe deck and the sensation ofmovement.After a few minutes the trunk thuds tothe floor, causing you to see stars inthe darkness. The voices sound fartheraway, then gone.You don't have that.Done.You can not enter the narrow vent wearing that jetpack.With the chest open that act would be highly ineffective.That can't be done now.It's just a dirty old trunk.There is no trunk here.Wouldn't you look silly standing on an open trunk?Where would you like to put it?There is a jetpack in it.It is empty.Just because you can fly doesn't make you Superman.Don't worry about it. You won't be needing it anymore. Trust me.You put the jetpack into the trunk!The vent is closed.The vent is stuck shut.It is too dark to do anything in here.As you exit the trunk, you notice that you have lost your jetpack.Your alien outfit is too bulky to allow you into the vent.The trunk is too heavy to carry around.You can't, its attached to the wall.You should get off the trunk first.Leaving your jetpack lying around wouldn't be very bright. Someone might find it, and then how would you get home?The purpose of such an endeavor seems frivolous at best!4 Y2 w : *6*::6:e"  e% e$ : F @@@f@@ f@"@@@@f@e# :e&6:6e*:* e  :e!.  :we"e& Nj#{j= M1!2 H { d "Hey bud, what's with the helmet indoors?" asks the curious guard.Just as you begin to speak, the Sarien guard says, "How many Analexians does it take to seduce a three-eared female sillovite.""Which way to the little boys room?" you ask, hoping Sariens even do that sort of thing."Is this the way to the Star Generator?" you ask."Have you played King's Quest III?" you ask the Guard."Are we having fun yet?" you ask the guard."Gotta light?" you query the guard."Ssshh!" you exclaim, "I'm hiding from the boss." figuring you might confuse the guard.After a reasonable period of silence at your end, the Guard answers his own joke, "Two!!!". He does not seem unduly impressed by your lack of laughter.The puzzled expression on the face of your new found friend confirms your worst fears."Don't ask me, I just work here," responds the unhelpful guard."Yes" responds the surprised Guard, "I just bought it last week. It was on sale for 128,000 buckazoids at Tiny's Holodisk Shop. What a bargain!!!""This is the most fun I've had since the Hipoglopus ate my brother," responds the bored looking Sarien."Sorry, don't drink."The guard pretends not to notice you.Quiet! You don't want to accidentally blow your cover, do you?Shouldn't you be trying to save your planet?Talk, talk, talk, can't you find anything better to do?The guard wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Leave me alone!" he exclaims. "You smell like the ventricular portion of a Hypoglopus!" Obviously, this guard has no taste at all.The guard looks at you as though you just questioned his mothers heritage. Perhaps you should not waste time conversing with the guards.The guard talks back.The guard describes to you in graphic detail his previous evening's exploits.The guard outlines his favorite massacre, "The Great Daventry Rout" as he called it. You ponder the meaning of this for a while.The guard looks at you as though you look different somehow.Leave me alone. I am guarding the Star Generator.Kill him yourself.As you pucker up your lips and lean close, you suddenly remember what your mother taught you about Sariens. In a rare moment of wisdom, you decide not to get anything started you're unwilling to finish.He looks to be armed and dangerous. I wouldn't mess around with him.You are too far away."Do you own King's Quest II?" asks the nosy guard."Too Bad.""Great!!!" responds the guard. Pondering his interest you ask yourself whether or not this guy is getting a kickback from Sierra On-Line. Later you realize this is silly, what would a Sarien do with money from Coarsegold?Everyone gets their kicks in different ways. Yours is the strangest of which I am aware.4& !C6c [>eL'?^ )&/#F@ ; '>???R@ee' $ 8)&>?I ) MI :T 4You aren't near enough.You don't have one.There is no need for that here.4m ?E  f yk^X~ BZ+eD.   %' .2:?C FLR^ko sz}$    FFA?;kjfc^uy  !} eC G k +/b FDCCB=EEDBDA F..D>DCA AA9A9B@B0A/A/B0B&B%B%A&ABBAAIGGICCC@9@0@/@&@%@@@L7R7M6R6S7[7]7i7k7w7y77 Qc'''+47**02877".//!"*$*$%%*%0)9)9::(:)0)0*0''/1*:*:'+%+3%6%6"3"366336"%%"""""!35 u^]t__^^_#_(_(^#^-_2^2_,_-^0^7_M_M^7^OLdLgFgFFGhGeLeifSSfTTqEq>YRYMURUM]R]MWRWMVMVM[R[MYM_R_M]MfUUUVfVfWW[f[fXXXYgYgZZWm\mhyhy\pEp> y[yTm[mTW+j+n++nn+j*jWW+Y![!Y#Z#`'`'c'c'c"c"p!t!p#s#q(q(t(t(z!z!{({(hXhXhVhVkUkVnVnVzYzYzWzWzUzUZ'Z&['[&f'f&h'h&t&v&x&}$sZvZyZ}ZUV~U~VR]R\P]P\RXRVPXPV_X_V_]_[?dNdNqbqbiiuu^$@A@B;7;&,,-02494<%,!1<@'7*FK8A&A::7744 0 0"-"-$,$+>>;;99885511 . ."+"+2/@@=:739?5<9"/#- 36<64!/-05;=;@@@2//!,!,<>7??<<88"0"0"2"2!4!4!6!6 9 9=="8#5$/%-%1> =#;"? ? ; G_G'I'I`HaG`6&[&]%^#_!_][54322#3$4%5&HFuss m-{Me\iYrgzvjxhc^^hJaF`B_8p[hdgXg VUNMTOMBBGWWWRFQ> =88F7J7p876* )&)$7)F,J-`1p20+),z(m"d%S+K,m#r*y.~0+&2+;0C1F2J2S3[1A.w)N1'&.*0,4/^+DCN5N; ,gn#,&X X LLX%XPbb'X0V0I;F;QAO2]9[9J9J2L2]'[0Y0b;];U;TAR0Y0bnnmmcl7v.&#%''HH/^ed}bHIba{i{mgqWqPnJhGgGm?t8|1*-..Wm[``SaPXl]oi{q~u}ZygtseA''pU:/. 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rAArrAAr}rAArrAArvtrAArvrAAqvwvqAAqxqAAquxwqAAqxqAAquxwqAAquqAAqxuwqAAquqAAqxuwqAAquqAAqxuwqAAquqAAqxuwqAAquqAAqxuwqAAquqAAqxuwqAAquqAAquutqAAq{qAAqu{tqAAq{qAArt{srAAr{rAArr qrAArrAAr|rAArrAA~AA|AAAAAAAOOAThe buckazoid is a flat piece of a precious alien metal. You have %v124 of them.4=OMA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA LAA LAA AAAAABAALAAAABABAALAALAAAAABB AAL AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOMThis is a Sarien ID card. The name on the card is Butston Freem. You wonder if this is a common Sarien name.4r -OOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqqqqqqqAAqqqqqqquAAAqqqqqqqwAAAqqAqAqAqqquAAqqqqqquAAqAAAqqrtAAAqrrAAqrrAAswAAAsyAAAswAAsr AAsqrsAAsrrAAsq AArqsAAqqAAqq AArqsAAtqAArq AAqq AAqqq AArqq AAtqq AArr AAqr AAqr AAsr AAvr AAw AAAAAAAAAOOAThis small item is a Pulseray. It delivers concentrated pulses of energy in the direction it is pointed.4(OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA r AAAD AAAFAAAAAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAqsCAAqsCAAqsCAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAFAAAAAAAFAAAD AA r AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThe smoke bomb appears to be of the impact detonation variety. You don't want to be to close to this thing when it discharges.4W#OFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOFThis is a small remote control unit. On it is a button. You wonder what it controls remotely.40eAqAqqAqqAqAqAAqqqqCssqqqqqqqqqqqqAqAqqAqqAqAqAAqqqqCssqqqqqqqqqqqqAqAqqAqqAqAqAAqqqqAAAqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq4e "32222AA233A33222222222233331313131313131313131313q1q"32222AA233A3322222222222331313131313131313131313q1q4 cdacaaaAAaAaaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqaqqqqqqqqqq4 tz'OOGAAAAAAAACCAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCACAACBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAACCCAAAAAAAOOG'OOGAAAAAAAACCAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCACAACBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAACCCAAAAAAAOOG'OOGAAAAAAAACCAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCACAACBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAACCCAAAAAAAOOG   4\E-  """ !! " " $A  """ !! " " $AAg  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AA  """ !! " " $AAG  """ !! 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Li.d. cardinitializeJinscription Minsertinstructions jet pack jetpackjumpken 1keronaKkey keyboard keyholekick*kisskit kneel knife knock label ladder ܀launch laundrylaundry cleaning unit Eleader8leak Vledge;leftʀlet letters HleverlidXlieAlifelift Ylightlint liquid listentloadPlocklookՀlook across Ȁlook down ˀlook inˀlook insidelook under look uplove:man>mem `mirror Ymirrored "moundmove my nameqnameUnextno normal 7nozzle 1objectoneopenorat Noutside $pause 5pedestal"pile pilot droid pinnacle piston pistons 4place Rplanet Rplanets plantsbplay0plug 0plug in spocket spockets ɀpointpool -positionpost )powder \powerpray?pri printing priority^programmedpry puddle purchase'push }put on qr 7 pilot droid pquiet,quitrail railingramp HreachOreadYreflective 9regulator remote control remove repair rescue freset restart restore Kreturn <right%rockrollGrun (salesman(salesthingsandVsand skimmersaveŀsay WscottWscott murphy screenseat sector sesame 3shelf9sign sit downskysled Jsleep slotsslow smell smoke snort soundsp Qspace spiderspider droidWspit ;stage _stairsstar generator 2start "status steal 2steamstep stuff8suck supplies &sweeper gtabletake talk ctaste)test )test fly ̀thank youthem 'thing throwtiny mtouchtp trace treeturn turn ontype /undress Iunlock ,unscrewGusejvarLvehicle bayhwake walkwayawall water waterfall weapon nwhat isBwhozBXDe$c<=)Cteetete.eg$IKuB^Congratulations!!! You're the most bitchen adventure game player in the world! No, make that the entire Universe!! While all those other silly saps struggle and toil through puzzle after puzzle, you have found a way to cheat yourself to the end. Is America great, or what?!Thank you for playing Space Quest ][ Bad news, %s1. The clone launch has progressed flawlessly. Life is now hopeless, your civilization doomed. There is no need to go on.More bad news, %s1. The asteroid's orbit has finally decayed to the point where contact with the molecular contents of Labion's upper atmosphere has been achieved.The result of this friction is a tremendous heat build-up. Despite being a very dense chunk of matter, the asteroid flames out, broiling you with it. Another victim in the heartless universe of adventure.Keep up the good work, %s1.Because you are terminally weak above the shoulders, you guide the ship into the ground.4 ,dj v@vA @A(jvO POe(7v OOe e 1v@@v@ ix @- v@vA@A1v@]@ (?E (>f7v OO7v OO J JJ J K KK K"-15ER^ixnew room: x: y: object number: var number: var value: object #: var %v79: %v80flag number: flag %v79 is setflag %v79 is not setWord not known: %m12%w1%m12%w2%m12%w3No response to input.4C-rlxiCCCCcB=G(C 55eeC$ 55ee gg  6 e ||g ~  |  A ,d@@ ,de STk YYou are dead! You can only restore, restart, or quit the game.Thank you for playing Space Quest. Too bad you've failed miserably and doomed all your people to a horrible death.Way to go, wing nut! Once again, you've demonstrated your inability to sustain life. You quickly glance around the room to see if anyone saw you blow it. Thank you for playing Space Quest ][, %s1. You've been swell to watch. Have a nice day.Thank you for playing Space Quest ][Space Quest was designed and created by Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe. We hope you're not looking for someone to blame just because you died.Another senseless tragedy. You can help prevent this. Vote Yes on Lobotomies for Adventure Game Designers. Thank you for playing Space Quest ][, %s1. You've been most entertaining.It has been a pleasure watching you play Space Quest ][.Thanks for playing. You've been very entertaining.4f BZp ,Aq$;<Xlvdiscard.view(%v18):%m30set.view(%v18,_):%m26set.view(_,%v18):%m30set.loop(%v18,_):%m26set.loop(%v18,_): Bad loop #.%m25set.loop(%v18,_):%m31set.cel(%v18,_):%m26set.cel(%v18,_): Bad cel #.%m25sound(%v18): Sound not loaded.%m25set.cel(%v18,_):%m31Script buffer overflow. Maximum size = %v18%m25erase(%v18):%m26animate.obj(%v18):%m26stop.update(%v18):%m28Bad test: %v18%m25Bad action: %v18%m25start.update(%v18):%m28draw.pic(%v18):%m32draw(%v18):%m26draw(%v18):%m31discard.pic(%v18):%m32get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26 Press ESC to quit.%m27.%m25 Bad object number%m27 or object not drawn.%m25 View not %m29loaded.%m25%m29set.%m25Picture not loaded.%m254   !+6:@GMU^gr~ #,7@KT_hs| -:IYeu,6@IT_ft|'0@S`q&3<CSbot}'0;JZir   ) / 7 ; G L W ` e u incrementdecrementassignnassignvaddnaddvsubnsubvlindirectvrindirectlindirectnsetresettoggleset.vreset.vtoggle.vnew.roomnew.room.vload.logicsload.logics.vcallcall.vload.picdraw.picshow.picdiscard.picoverlay.picshow.pri.screenload.viewload.view.vdiscard.viewanimate.objunanimate.alldrawerasepositionposition.vget.posnrepositionset.viewset.view.vset.loopset.loop.vfix.looprelease.loopset.celset.cel.vlast.celcurrent.celcurrent.loopcurrent.viewnumber.of.loopsset.priorityset.priority.vrelease.priorityget.prioritystop.updatestart.updateforce.updateignore.horizonobserve.horizonset.horizonobject.on.waterobject.on.landobject.on.anythingignore.objsobserve.objsdistancestop.cyclingstart.cyclingnormal.cycleend.of.loopreverse.cyclereverse.loopcycle.timestop.motionstart.motionstep.sizestep.timemove.objmove.obj.vfollow.egowandernormal.motionset.dirget.dirignore.blocksobserve.blocksblockunblockgetget.vdropputput.vget.room.vload.soundsoundstop.soundprintprint.vdisplaydisplay.vclear.linestext.screengraphicsset.cursor.charset.text.attributeshake.screenconfigure.screenstatus.line.onstatus.line.offset.stringget.stringword.to.stringparseget.numprevent.inputaccept.inputset.keyadd.to.picadd.to.pic.vstatussave.gamerestore.gameinit.diskrestart.gameshow.objrandomprogram.controlplayer.controlobj.status.vquitshow.mempauseecho.linecancel.lineinit.joytoggle.monitorversionscript.sizeset.game.idlogset.scan.startreset.scan.startreposition.toreposition.to.vtrace.ontrace.infoprint.atprint.at.vdiscard.view.vclear.text.rectset.upper.leftset.menuset.menu.itemsubmit.menuenable.itemdisable.itemmenu.inputshow.obj.vopen.dialogueclose.dialoguemul.nmul.vdiv.ndiv.vclose.windowequalnequalvlessnlessvgreaterngreatervissetisset.vhasobj.in.roomposncontrollerhave.keysaidcompare.stringsobj.in.boxcenter.posnright.posn4wqj g gggggg g  g  ggg ggggg xpk (,;@Zy%CeSPACE QUEST ][HelpF1 Displays this message.F2 Turns the sound off and on.F3 Retypes the last line typed.F5 Saves your current game.F7 Restores a saved game.F9 Restarts the game.TAB Shows the status screen.ESC Pops up menus/Pauses the game.Ctrl-J Sets up your joystick.Ctrl-R Toggles RGB monitor modes.F1 or HELP Displays this message.TAB Shows status screen. (see below)Double clicking joystick button or right mouse button also shows status screen.+ Increases volume.- Decreases volume.4B ` e e" e e$ S e'  ' e e y ye  yye eeeeeeye &ee Ee -V%e%e %%%e%%%%e ee#aee! eeeeeEe$Jj}DcyG ,R%Tj:LhYes. You see before you a tree.The bushes seem to be composed of leaves and small branches. Nothing interesting about them.The ground is soiled.The tree is coated with a thin slimy film making it unclimbable.The tree is very solid. You have no implement with which to penetrate it and you're no beaver.What ever you say, Mr. Atlas.Sunlight filters through the dense, leafy crown of the forest. The sky appears to be clear.You are not near any gatherable leaves.They're all in use right now. Sorry.That won't help you right now.Leave the dirt alone.You hear the soft music of a million leaves in the gentle breeze.You already have some leaves.The rocks in this region are all gray and fairly rounded. There appears to be nothing of interest about them.You peer into the dense thicket, but see only denser thicket.The juicy bark appears fiberous beneath the slick coating.You can't remove the bark.The vines appear to be very thin and fragile.You are unable to reach the vines.The rocks here are too large to move.The bank is an exposed section of packed brown dirt.The bank is too steep to climb.The foliage is too dense to travel through.The moss on the trees is thick, green, and slimey.The moss is too slimey to get.The roots of the trees are very uninteresting.Leave the root alone.You can't see the forest for the trees.That wouldn't be helpful.Hey, you're no 6 Million Buckazoid man!Trying to dig a hole in this solid ground is a waste of time.You can't move them to look under them.Be more specific.Too many leaves in the way.There isn't much to see, as you may have noticed.It's too thick in there.4 :0! = ) 0+ - / C X = 5 L 5! ) / =  2d % E# I   K $ =1 *% 6 % T6 % Sb6  *% 76 % ?6 % =6  *% F6 % D6 % [6  *% =N6 % }Q6 % V6 *% s6 % W6 % >6 *% ^6 % X6 % 6 / # I  $  eYou must be seeing things.4 J>+:<I ;-2)-Z# ;%@20:03N(U*Z)^'`(g*l0s1v5x;}>DGOO&bl lowytqlf[UQMFA;962x*w'u s sld[SJ#N;93 + .>'>YK2.9+>-?22. 1426 ?1 >509.>*:A4:<9A1F0M4G.F*H'K&47(8-)+1 *01+"NPXeQ)eS5iY4`7c=c9e5i4`6Z4X0X.Y+\(^(g,E!e+ R6f+g+h,i-j/k0o6S*L4M5?3"MO,@0;+A(5)3#?-/021548=*I&O7X2V+b7n2:D);92N/d0J3Q7Q6K3R6Q5T5S4T4U4V3W4W2Y3W4Z4[4T4U5P?  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It's ready to be mailed.4m0OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAqAAqAAqAAqAAvrAAqvrAAtrAAqtAAtAAqAAqAAqqAAqrqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqqAAqqqAAqrqAAsrAAqAAqrAAtAA tAA s AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThis is your athletic supporter. Without close inspection you notice it to be well used.4\)0OLA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAABAABAAAAA AA AA AAA AA B AA A AA B AA B AA C AAA AAAAABAABAACBAAACAACAADAABAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLThe strange red berries pack a very pungent aroma.40OLA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA  AA11AA21AA241AA251AA351AA27AA27AA27AA16AA AA1AA26AA27AA27AA16AA16AA251AA142AA 8AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLThis is one of the unopened spores.4N0OLAxqqAAxqrAAxqrAAyqsAAyrsAAyqtAAyqtAAxqtAAwqsAAvrsAAvyAA~AAurAArrAArqAArqAArqAArqAAq!qAAq#qAAq$qAAq#qAAq$qAAq$qAAu$rAAu#sAAu$sAAsq#vAArq"#yAAqq##yAAr&rwAAr%rvAAr#ruAAr!rtAArrsAAtrAAuqAAuAAvAAvAAvAAwAAwAAwAAxAAx AOLThe glowing gem provides a gentle illumination.4(0OLA AA AA AA AA AA AA a AAbaa AAaaAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaAAaAAAAAA aAAaAAAA AAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AOLIt's a relatively short rope made from rough hemp.4m0OLA AA AA AA AA AA AAcAAabAAaaAAaaAAaaAA acaAA abaaAA aAaaaAAbaAabAAababAAadAaAAa aAAaa2AAaa3AAab4AAd5AA6AA7AA8AA44AA44AA543AA182AA142AA53AA5 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLThe whistle is usual looking.4;0 OLA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA wAA urAAzAAvqAArsAAvAAvAAvAAqAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLIt looks like an ordinary stone.4M+0OLA AA AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA a AA AA B AA D AA D AA F AA F AA F AA GAAAAIAA AOLThis is a standard issue plunger.4\%0OLA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAq AAr AAs AAs AAr AA qAA qAA AA tAA tAA s AA r AA r AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOLThese are a few sheets of pumice-quality toilet paper.4a0OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyAAr rAAq qAAq qAAsrAAxAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLThis is an empty waste basket.4s0OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyAArrAAqqqAAqqqqqAAtqrAAxAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAA qAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAAqAArAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOLThe waste basket has some paper in it.4M0OKA AA AA AA AA EAA FAA CBAA FAA FAA FAA C AA C AA FAA FAA C AA C AA FAA FAA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AA B AAD AAD AAD AAD AA B AA AA AOKThe glass cutter looks like it's seen a lot of use.40OJAAAAA s AA qAA DAAFAABCAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAAFAA!AA#AA#AA#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA!q#AA1q3AA1q3AA1q3AA13AA13AA13AA13AA13AA42AA 11AA 2AAAAAAAOJThe Sic lighter is almost empty.4a0OJAAAAAAAAA AA qAA qsAA uAA uAA q AA q AA qAA uAA uAA qsAA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AA q AAr AAu AAwAArrAArrAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqqAAqrAArqAArrAAyAAw AAAAAAAAAOJThis key looks to be made rather crudely.4n:.OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyAAssAA{AAssAA{AAssAA}AA}AA}AAq qAAqAAAAAqAAqAAAAAqAAq qAA}AA}AA}AAssAArrAArrAArrAArrAA{AAyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJThe dialect translator is a small device. It is on.4`<.OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOJIt looks like your average keycard.4J.OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAQxAAASxCAATxDAAUxEAAUxEAATxDAASxCAARxBAAQxAAAxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThe Cubix Rube puzzle has made you look stupid more than usual.4.OKA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAA152AA272AA172AA182AA122AA1153AA1161AA27AA27AA27AA16AA AA1AA26AA27AA27AA16AA16AA251AA142AA8AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AOKThis is one of the opened spores.4/OJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAssAAAAssAAAAACAABBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAOJThis is an emergency oxygen mask.4F$$$$$$$$$$$$############$?$4d$$$$%'*-03579;=?$?i$####$&),.1368:<>$>i??f 4n8:8:8:8:8:8:8:8:8:8:9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;x?x48#*1%;?4(/6?5* 6!E?E? 4~ipw                T:T?T48#*1>?4<f>??  ?   ?4. '  4Q(/6?:.!!??4Q(/6!.7?!??4  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?$4M K        N     j    P     m R(!:#:!I(( !#:!9(M%!% (7%6,        M #`L (#U(  #   #    #    #                         M   `      L  T r       #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #                  )4Q+).   .!/6*( -       / ! /5<*(.    ߎ    / ! /5ߎ=4.% @       !$@       (% @       ߋ(i4HH4\ e )i&qp@8cd h i@_  @}8 @!D.* b @8c5B> 4 = C k`ED DDD1DD DDDDXBB B'QRgC C dbBd6 6` `   6 ' A. |55Ȣ5 eG  Ad}  Ad~  ||g A SS+Sss+sSsS+| A ,d@ A e  A $ AY          A   A.e@ es A     6 A'MNJMKNLF#'gGGKMLNJ;G2F d l dl 6? W I WI ?^Egm`\Fd@ `2$t_)(## e*e+aabb [a[T;J; ::;99: ,8 89: <<8 9: t_;__)+ ;^e MN`d mme `y y A@cV es A @c`\O  e[ .e e .e e%.  & eett .e e  e> .e e% .e ef  eo  ekk   ej  eq ! eK ".e e #.e ed $.e e. %.e e ' e !YqiqGqemmmm+mm08 0` `)+N ;_ ee  Me8 8mee0ce3e7 $ Ode7,2 ,>>G>b>.cye GjeCeV Me5e4 &}[e1[e6[eR %Tb.G..e/...(.(.(.(.eW 3ttF3tF3t Gte2(t(t:(t(t(t(t:(t(te!ttttemteQ Ree&:e'e) %%eW%%%%e+2e$e%+eokMko!  e^^\ee kooke ' }e  #e ee eeBee+ eeGe<JXJe?e:efUe` &  e  e  e  e LTTTTTT\\e.eeB((eCeOeCLeTe;FH5f5 eXIK5f5LM5f5GOP5f5cce"eSe`` ee`Y[5f5   A`d~ KgDZi#Kl ]=nAPr 9 r : V   I  A R ^ h    2 9 C M R ` n | #+3;Ok.You don't have the paper.You are You don't have the basket.There is nothing there that you can't already see.That does not I don't understand %m8"%w1"%m8"%w2"%m8"%w3"%m8"%w4"I'll get naked if you get naked. You go first.%m4%s1. Don't you remember?You foul-mouthed slime bucket. You're a living garbage skow. There isn't much fuel. You might want to save it.%v81,%v82 %v96 You rub the berries all over your body. You now smell like a walking ammonia inhalant.You don't have those.Not right now.That would not be advisable at this time.Due to paralysis, you are only capable of displacing air.The paper in the basket is just fine.Sorry. %m23There is no need to mess with that.You do not possess the designated item.You'll have to be more specific.You don't need to do that now.Nobody is interested in your stupid gem.That isn't necessary in this game.%m4dressed in the standard issue excursion garment.You are attired in the smart-looking uniform of a Xenon Orbital Station employee.You would endanger yourself by doing that.That wouldn't be helpful now.Don't mess with the%m40 spore."%v148 MINUTES UNTIL MELTDOWN," a synthesized voice cheerfully announces."1 MINUTE LEFT. IT'S BEEN NICE KNOWING YOU."Would you want your mother to hear you say that?You pull the puzzle out and give it a few spins. Instead of improving, it seems to be worse. Irritated, you stash it and go on with the adventure.Phew! These babies are pungent. You'll get no dates with these.Everything is already snug and secure. No need to wear it now.It's fine where it is.You get them near your mouth and notice the pungent scent. Wisely, you change your mind.You bear your normal manly scent.%m52 Not to mention what could be a powerful skunk repellent.I'll act like I didn't hear that.Don't waste your time.That's been done.Sorry. This game is in a NO JUMPING zone.You can't run.No way! You've already gotten in enough trouble in the past doing that.Let's don't, and say we did.That doesn't seem to be the correct action in this case.%m7seem to be in your sight now.%m7appear to be here to view.I don't think that is in view right now.%m7seem to be available at this time.There is nothing here by that name which can be acquired.You can't obtain that here.Your legs will take you where you want to go (in most cases, anyway).That's not the way to get there.That is not currently one of your options.How would you like to do that?That was pleasant.That act would lack any serious gratification.You possess nothing that could help you accomplish this.This isn't a text adventure!Leave the supporter alone!You can trust me to let you know when something stinks.That isn't what you should do with it.You learn nothing new through this act.%m8your request.%m7compute.Say What?You'll have to go there to do that.You see no one of interest. %v13:%v12|2:%v11|2 %s4Exit Game? (Y/N) Word not known: %m140"%w1"%m140"%w2"%m140"%w3"%m140"%w4"%m140"%w5"No response to input.SierraAbout SQ2Help FileSave Restore -------------Restart Quit ActionSee Object Inventory SpecialSound On/Off Color/BW Joystick Pause SpeedNormal Slow Fast FastestSpace Quest was designed and created by Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy.4d? b(bA!)+6%,#5!)+/6%+NL5#G!)+/6 %+eL5#G!)+/6 %YL5#G!)+/6%HYL5#G!)6C%v5L5i  @ !  "xgp  iqb"@ G !!"!c(="z%"z*"z."z3" z7! "z-"z2"z6" z;" z@" zK" zP" zU"zZ"z\"z`"ze"zm"zr"zv"z{"z"z"z"z!V  J, X, a, +>/ 2/ &/ $$ $$+,# +! iqb#GQn  !cA= $5L55P5%v (>Type RUN, or some debug command4? b)bbb,5`5ib 5a55k5!)+/%'Y5L5!)+-XC!)+/6C%9T!)+/6C%HO!)+6C%9%!)+/6%0=!)+/6CLW%Kr!)+/6XC%9T2)%nY  G!dc(T#x`pb ## bwC6 C#e#&}$# E#e#eC!#(Ac(EAg " "$ C#!!RUN35),55 '343 34Nc)=X C# #'676&6776#"6R67""x .X5] #F$Ic)  e d   +/IE'34534p)434Y)4 34TK4)434X/4])434X3)334X~3)334Yb    )3434. ZZ WW T T QQ)434}43\)434Ya[3f'W55)33434-5& 5`F 2N6334'344"R34"!! !$ C#EF %< & %' $i$"!!#NXp G C#)&('%%d'34$)93K#*(666### '/FF&e))#*$) 'wjg)' kx) 'g ** )$)&$&$$$' $/F&$Ee % #G(2((#"J *e e % #( *  $(H( /F C#''&C69%7&676#Q9Y$$# $$ '. EeeZZEQ E G &5`"5z7rzKrz_r!!!6#* !!!G/F#g qeE)YZY #e e!/e"['['[/67r/#F%)C'C'C/ 6Kr/#F%) D'D'D/6_r/#F%)Ze e#QRe +e+//]e&eeee&&ei# H3Xl}`q g5 U You are working outside Xenon Orbital Station 4. This area hasn't been completed yet. You have been sent out here to remove construction debris and space dust.A beep emanates from your wrist watch. You release your grip on the broom.Due to an obvious lack of common sense you have stepped off the edge, lost your magnetic grip of the ship, and drifted to your death.You are whisked away to the airlock chamber.The broom floats away, never to be used again. That makes the third one this week. Wait till your boss finds out.Press F10 When DoneNothing happens."%s1! Get in here on the double! You've got a mess to clean up in the shuttle which just returned. One of the passengers got space sick on the way down. Besides, you should have been done out there an hour ago. Get a move on!"With that, the image disappears.The walls and deck are made of a very strong composite material commonly used in space craft.You gaze out into the near nothingness. The billions and billions of worlds apparent to the eye make you realize how truly insignificant you are.You are wearing the latest in EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) wear. The suit provides an oxygenated atmosphere. It is designed to protect the wearer from the extreme temperature differences the suns and shadows can cause, as well as providing a barrier for micrometeoroid traffic.Didn't you learn anything in the last game? You can't expose bare human to the harshness of space!Too late for that. You lost it.The airlock is not much to look at. It is activated when the small platform is stepped on.Stand on the small platform.The rails and beams all lead to the unfinished end of the Orbital Station. YOUR HOROSCOPE FOR TODAY: Keep up the good work! Today could bring that big promotion you think you deserve! Don't take any wooden buckazoids!Good idea!You are staring at your wrist and, apparently, awaiting some divine guidance.Orbital Station 4 is one of many orbiting Xenon, your home planet. It is a transfer point for travelers seeking transportation to the various planets in the Earnon system.As we begin this chapter of our story, we find you, %s1, ace janitor, doing what you do best.Since you have no messages waiting, there is no response.Go ahead. You control movement.A light flashes on the watch's upper left corner. It means you have a caller waiting.It doesn't glow at this time.There are three: H, C, & T.Just press F10 or a button.4 ?  Mb*b+bi!) +// CX6%!s#F!)+/%E,#:!) +2 /%;e/%;e6#:!)Ma//XC%ri#:z Ldz ]e!)+/6%Ax#FzAx)+-6%AN%!t #X   ;Ic*= '  ;Kc+= 'FGF N# :      !Ac!PI# ;.d)+/F/:<Lv8Ne 2G;G ;c!$8 zAxLv+/ $/QAxF 2e+}+=+ 4jAnc21)/<2\#\: %\%9 \()/<2^#^:^%9^ EiRm Vjanee2e eS+( 4jAn EiRne Vjaneee2ee  ke +e (" fopza /< aee(! fopza /< aee(e$H(e%a((G fopz;2.9:ee9\ 9:\% :e&e[$ fopz9 e\ 9ee.$ fopz: e\% :ee((8 fopz,9:e9e:eee(e(eN.eZ+Z'Z/Z+eGZZ2ee!e#e"i&-Nl-H C?#\Om[K^z Stand by for decontamination.You can't reach it from this position.This is the airlock chamber. From here you can gain extra-vehicular access. Spare suits hang on the back wall. Some lockers are mounted on the side wall.This one is not your size.On the ceiling is mounted the decontamination mechanism. It cleans any unwanted matter from crewpersons entering the ship through the airlock. Otherwise, the ceiling is plain.You find nothing.You'll need to get closer to the one you want to search.There are no controls here. All systems are monitored centrally elsewhere in the orbital station.The floor looks average except for the non-stationary disk in the middle which is composed of the two halves of the airlock port. It is currently closed.The suit smells as if the wearer's personal hygiene leaves something to be desired.It's already open.You'll need to get closer.It's already closed.Ok.The lockers are all closed. There is nothing too interesting about them.You'll need x-ray vision for that since they are closed.You open the only locker for which you have a combination. Phew! Putrid waves of stench waft forth. You can't recall the last cleaning it received.You bravely peer into the locker to find%m21 a cubix rube puzzle and your athletic supporter.%m21 your athletic supporter.%m21 a cubix rube puzzle.%m21 it empty. You can only wonder what left behind such a foul fragrance.There is nothing to get.You've already performed that act.It is permanently attached to the EVA suit. You will find it useless inside.Sorry. The used Nancy Reagan autographed "Just Say No" condom had to be removed for the shipping version.You can't go back outside. You are expected in the shuttle bay.My, that could hurt.It's all attached. You have to change your suit.You don't own one.You can't open the airlock.%m34 Just walk on through the other door.What, you haven't smelled enough mold, mildew, or fungus in your life?Just say what you want to get.You'll need to change suits first.4 P? !"# b,bbI!)+/C%"i5 !)"+/6 %8r#L5G!)"+/6 %ar#5 L5G!)"+-/6CX%z%U#:!)"+-6%"%"v#:!)!65 O5/%^G#:/%G#FQ^G"c=z"Cr z"Or z"lr z#z#Bz#k!)/XC %N# EE #Q$!EEeC"" #Q1$!$@ $!$!!+ IN455#et_ #+/EC% C$ /:<: 5Z r!x#;;/FQUQ"v C O!R#;;/FQzQ" C + %P%u+/# C  M+M r&x '344L4k68S5I 5`'34&345O54V3 hix6h+ivhi}#$RhiY%c,=% %) +FhidE! bHmH !$;/F   &K" #I" QG"c=#255 #%dI+# !"0 ": F e:4e !ee!eee :  N 4# .pvvF ee Fee ee5e eeei0`l_E-W7You're into the game barely %v12 minutes and already you've nimbly stepped to your death. How far down your family tree did knuckles last play an important role in locomotion? Watch your step next time."The chief's not happy with you, %s1" the man says. "You'd better get over to the shuttle bay soon."No one pays you any attention."You'd better get moving, %s1!"You are in the transportation control room of the orbital station. The room is abuzz with activity as technicians monitor XOS 4 operations. A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway above.The technicians are seated in front of monitoring consoles. They look like your average crew types.The consoles contain much monitoring equipment, none of which you understand.There is nothing special about it. You stand on it and it moves."By the way. You still owe me twenty buckazoids. You'd best cough it up soon.""And don't forget that twenty buckazoids you owe me!""It's about time you got in here, %s1. Head for the shuttle bay on the double. I'm warning you. You're on your last leg around here, bud. One more screw-up and you're history."He then orders the transportation officer to send you directly to the shuttle bay and nowhere else until the job has been completed.There is only a pile of useless dust here."You've got a lot of nerve coming in here with your EVA suit on, %s1" screams your boss. "That's the last straw. Turn in your mop. YOU'RE FIRED!"Well, %s1, you certainly didn't get off to a very good start. Better luck next shift.It looks like a small floor, only higher.A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway above. The tube is made of plexiglass with a transporter inside it. The physical principles involved are not unlike those which transport a spit wad through a straw.The boss doesn't appear to be too happy with you. You'd better steer clear for awhile.Don't bother. %m19.He's not available for that. Besides, if he sees you, your dead meat. Get to the shuttle bay.He's a balding man. Luminous veins stand in bold defiance to the planes of his temples. Funny, you think. He looked much healthier when you first came aboard.Just get in.4KA? !bbb5a5i!)!/6%/5 O5#FQ7/c=%>3 HzNz X6 Y 8S HmOm  !$weee!"*$'67 6667N!!(" c=f""n! e"5a5q   e e e e e =2B2;/F$)K  Q/c=I 255 )+#1 :.LLe .e_e\ dceeG\\\G\e dceev dceeewe7 eeeeeeeiF <-3<DLH{"vb 1 You enter the shuttle and start sniffing around for the mess you must clean.You are surprised to find that the shuttle is not empty. There are two extremely ugly suckers walking toward you."Hey! What the (your favorite expletive here)..."POW!!THWACK!!BINCK!!THUD!!!Your protest is cut short as two interstellar ruffians proceed to thump you unconscious. Everything fades.Time Passes...More Time Passes...A strange dream turns into the realization that you are being shaken and talked to by a voice unfamiliar to you. A dull ache triggers a distant memory of a scuffle in which you were the focal point.Upon awakening from your forced rest, it becomes quite apparent that you aren't in Kansas, er, Xenon anymore. You find that you are being held upright and under physical restraint from both sides by, you guess, the galactic goons you met on the shuttle.You are in the Orbital Station's shuttle bay. A shuttle, fresh from a passenger drop-off on Xenon, is refueling for its next trip. A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway. A refueler replenishes the shuttle's supply.The shuttle craft is your standard 10 passenger short commute vehicle. It was primarily designed to ferry people and supplies between Orbital Stations, Xenon, and other orbiting spacecraft.It's not much to look at. The refueler is just a rectangular structure which bears a pressure gauge and a hose outlet for the transfer of fuel. The hose is currently hooked to a shuttle.The stairs are a series of evenly-spaced horizontal planes used for the gradual adjustment of one's relative elevation.The walkway looks like the floor, only smaller and higher.Nothing special about the hose. It merely provides a means of routing fuel from the refueler to the vessel.The gauge seems to register about 3/4 full. The refueling is nearly complete. That's not your job to worry about, though.You don't have a good view from here.The ramp leads into the underbelly of the shuttle.You look at the landing gear and notice that it is doing an admirable job of holding the main body of the shuttle off the floor.The rocket nozzles on the back of the shuttle clearly show the wear of many flights.That's not a good idea. Being as unskilled as you are, you would probably cause some sort of firey catastrophe. Leave it alone. It's automatic anyway.As you try to struggle free, you notice that your hands are tied behind your back.A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway above. The tube is made of plexiglass with a transporter inside it. The physical principles involved are not unlike those which transport a spit wad through a straw.Just get in.Don't mess with it. It's automatic. Besides, if you can't be trusted with a broom, highly volatile liquids are definitely out of the question.It's in the shuttle.4  Gw? $%&'bDe!)$+/6LW%W6#F!)$+/6%OLW#F!)$+/6LX%.O#Fz%z&.z&Gz&{z',3z'z3cD=p- -!-"*&$+&.'G({%K/-  >/   G /.,G /IF/  //  ../ LV+G/ +/F--$ / .,G   GK / / z%-I /K  #){*)#&%$+K !!#){*)#'%$+K!""#){*)#(%$+K" wX*RAs the eyes dial into focus, you make out an oddly disfigured being seated before you."Well, well. Did we have a nice nap? I thought we would have to resort to drastic measures to wake you. (sigh) Oh, well.""Welcome to my humble fortress, %s1. The name's Vohaul, Sludge Vohaul. I was the genius behind the Star Generator when it was still in the concept stages.""It was to be my ultimate war weapon until some sissy pants scientists decided it would be better used saving lives rather than destroying them. What a waste of technology! Excuse me if I sound bitter.""Anyway, you ruined my Sarien operation. I was going to use the Star Generator to make Xenon pay for what they did to me. They were going to know my wrath in a big way. You somehow managed to change all that.""Oh, I suppose I should have known better than to use those mental midget Sariens. That's not the point, however. You are responsible and you shall pay. Besides, I have another plan. And you'll not be around to foil it.""I have devised a plan so horrible, so frightening, so diabolical, that no one will be able to stop me. Observe my latest creation.""I intend to infest your planet with thousands of these genetically engineered door-to-door life insurance salesmen. I will at last reap sweet revenge from the scientific community that mocked me.""My plan was to kill you, but I've had a change of heart. ha, ha, ha... Get it?" He peers down at the hoses protruding from his chest and connected to a life support system. "Forgive me. I'm a kidder.""I've decided I would get much more enjoyment watching you suffer. My associates will escort you to the surface of Labion where you will perform many painful hours of manual labor in my mines. Be seeing you."A sagging mass of flesh that appears to have been human at one time. Tubes and wires extend from his body leading to machines which keep him alive. Suddenly, his visage stirs and he begins to speak.4$h? ,).b b b !))+/6%)P0j8V4f 3 ? l Good thing that guard broke your fall. He doesn't look too happy about it, though.You seem to be in a rather exotic forest. The growth here is unlike anything you are used to. On the ground lies the wreckage of the hovercraft you crashed in.%m2 Nearby are the bodies of your former captors.The hovercraft has been reduced to a mound of twisted wreckage. Everything that was straight is bent. Everything that was bent is benter. There appear to be no salvageable parts.The guard appears to be less thick than you remember him. Many of his formerly contained body fluids seem to be at large.You notice that some smoke is escaping from a fractured energy cell in the wrecked hovercraft.The smoke smells like something that might be emitted from a burning object.You attempt to lift the hovercraft. As you heave and grunt you feel something give way in the groin region. You wisely give up.You are not strong enough to carry the guard. Besides, in his present state, it would be quite a challenge.What an amusing idea. Pardon me while I liberate my most recent meal.You search the grotesque body and find%m11 a small, thin magnetic card. It looks like a keycard. You seem to recall seeing one somewhere in the past.%m11 nothing.Everything inside is twisted and bent.%m15 You do notice a button with a flashing light next to it. It seems to be emitting a high pitched beep.You press the button.%m17 Nothing happens.%m17 The light goes dark and you no longer notice the high pitched beep.You see a normal button and light. The light is currently%m20 on. You didn't notice it during the flight. It must have come on as a result of the crash.%m20 off.You are not where you should be to do that.This guard's body has been fatally damaged by the fall.You can't see that from here.You have no need for the uniform as it is damaged beyond use. Many of the seams are split and most of the fabric is soaked with a generous cross section of body fluids.Not necessary. There is nothing important under him.The hovercraft is a twisted wreck. Jagged metal protrudes in such a way that entry would be hazardous.Aaaghh! You fall to the bottom of a concealed pit. You might have survived the fall had you not come in contact with the several 30 centimeter long spikes planted vertically along the bottom of the pit.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.Ok.That's not here.Ok. To save time later, you turn it on.You hear a high pitched beep. It seems to be emanating from the wrecked hovercraft.Get closer!You're one twisted mofo. The only other person I know who would try that is Mark Crowe.The sounds of escaping gases are the only audible offerings from these two.Trap? Trap? What trap? I don't see a trap! Hey, do you guys see a trap? I didn't think so! You must be mistaken! None of us sees a trap!You detect no unusual fragrance, at least not yet. Soon though, these bodies may be generating some serious bouquet.That isn't necessary.There is nothing there to read.49n?1kQdYou are in a strange looking stand of woods.Suddenly, from somewhere to the east you hear a TWANG followed by a high pitched shriek.This is uncool. It looks like you've adhered yourself to this tree like a fly to fly paper. And speaking of insects, here comes a swarm now.You'll be proud to know that you have filled today's nutritional requirements for many of the local carnivorous insects. Adventuring is not always pretty.The trees around the perimeter of the area have a shiny, slick look. The two in the middle have a duller kind of sheen.You are not in a good place to do that.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.4Po?j^^2/ jl^^3z/$a ! ) /+ / 6 X C % s# ^Y!) X %# pE EQ 0EEe -G 5, 5K F K/   > P^) 2)'FG8 FG !E ~Q ~!G XO X !$ ^! F "+ / ! Q N!! Q O!! Q ON!!Q v!+#N$!Q :+#N$!"" eG Q !Ee^^::U ~%I 'FG&FG$#+FF#G++F++ee^ee6:66c:cce :e :':''e  :  e *:**e|:||e:3:33e^^oeH: z/eee j j   e  j j  ^^ jl"r&3Rp#FnYou are in another area of forest. The growth seems to be getting heavier here.You're too far away.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.Before disappearing through a tiny hole in the brush, the little creature gives you a long glance.In what way?The rope looks brown and long.The rope is in use right now.Without the weight of the little creature on the rope, it is not within your reach.There is no need to do that. It poses no threat at this time.This isn't a playground.The little creature caught in the snare has thick-looking pinkish skin. He looks to be less than a meter tall. He doesn't seem too thrilled with his predicament.It might be a good idea to leave before the individual who set this trap returns.He doesn't respond.You really aren't attracted to it.What do you think this is, Lovers Leap?That's ineffective here.4 ? :qbbbjmmU z:z:V z:hz:h! ) + / !):+/CXLW!)qX%Y-#F%R 'FGG2GRG1&FG#5 5 )  U dr  V`V O` % z: %jz:h+/#Ic= ) + 'FG& FG$# F e W + / I c ' 344&34$ #N`e % P-e4k \keeeH P-e4ee'344?e    e    Q*Q j5m:*+g>wr~This is another clearing in the otherwise heavily wooded area of the forest. There is a plateau near the back.The ground looks like everywhere else, with the exception of some growths which look like spores or pods.You need to be closer.The spores are light blue and bulb shaped. They seem to be loosely attached to the ground.The empty spores would serve no purpose.You take possession of one of the spores being careful not to mistakenly break it open.%m4 Some appear to have been popped.You can't safely carry more than one of the fragile spores.You seem to have kicked one of these strange little spores.Your kick caused some spores to open and spray a fine powder into the air. As a result you are paralyzed from head to toe, unable to move a single muscle.Fortunately, the paralysis wears off and you seem to be back to normal.You don't have that.You drop the order form into the box.The mailbox looks typical for a mailbox. There is a slot, a tray, and a sign.The sign says "Radical Express - When it totally, no doubt for sure has to be there awhile previously."The slot looks much like an opening in the exterior of the mailbox through which a thin piece of mail might pass.There is nothing there.Ok.The mailbox hums and buzzes for awhile. Then, an object of some sort drops into the tray at the base of the box. The machine goes silent.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.It is like the other areas, only raised a little. A mail box sits up there.The tray is actually a small indentation in the lower part of the machine. It is currently%m23 empty.%m23 bearing what looks to be a whistle.It's too small for that.Get closer to the edge.You don't need that.4u `? 928bj!)9+%;`#! ) ^S! ) 8+ X % ^HO XL W#  !'FGF(G&FG#"W!! ) 2+ Q sH! !6 ! $  S  O XQ G!   O VQ tG!  #].aK45X5)`3B#'+ +-#Y455)`.R R`2'FG& FG+ / # $I 1 + L WG c$C+-' 344_ Q;fQ;_$Ac$X  d+eeeC$ /' 34333 33 4R34Y  E 55 + 6  Q;`"")N+ ;\eN"" HV " ]9^ "`iEe ^: ee :   ) 2+ Q sH! e!ee5 9FkI) )+N ;"$ ee 'e 'e ((((((((~~~e  '  e66'66e e e '344Tee #` #e # #j[,.[5i7OGood. You've succeeded in establishing contact with one of this planet's life forms, and it looks like you'll get to examine it up close and personal. The giant root-looking thing is giving you a guided tour of it's digestive system.What you experience next is too horrible to describe. Let's just say that you die as a result. You are dead. Trust me.It may please you to know that, during the night, you didn't digest well. For awhile, gastric distress made it extremely unpopular with the other root monsters.You are not in a suitable location for that.You snag some of the odoriferous red berries.You already bear a quantity of the pungent foliage.You are in another clearing in the forest. This one seems to be occupied by a type of growth you are not familiar with.All the bushes look the same except for the one at the far end of the clearing which has small berries growing on it.The berries hanging on the bush look quite juicy and smell very pungent.It appears to be some kind of over-developed root. There is a pulsating growth near the middle which is connected to several meters of root-like appendages.Get real.You should be more specific about how you want to do that.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.You can see a little guy across the clearing picking some sort of berries from a bush.You startle the small creature causing him to bolt into the underbrush.The odd little pink dude is running away.They look like ordinary berries from here.It doesn't respond.That would be too hazardous.That's a waste of time.Get closer.4]!?a`jza2| zaNc zago !)a/6XC%+]#:!)a/6XC%IE#:!)a/6XC%`O#:!)`/6XC'3444&34#`W!!  eeee e C \`2NF *4>~ %*s F^[e %F\%_e#LWI $$$  255$   !`#eee e e  I <@ = ^ e  j 99 6You are standing in a dark and damp portion of the forest. There are some very large mushroom-like growths here.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.You'll need to get closer.Aside from their enormous size, they appear to be your average garden variety mushrooms.Ambitious aren't we? These things are heavy and well rooted and would, most likely, tear you a new one.Holy geez, boy! That mushroom thing sucked you clean up! You can't move a muscle nor see a speck of light.You begin feeling waves of tingling, warmth, and moisture. Suddenly, it's not so bad in here. Wow. Check out the colors, dude.Your body and mind enjoy the short-lived buzz that is a side effect of the lethal poison you now marinate in. You are oblivious to the end. Not a bad way to go, actually.But it sure is early in the game. I had high hopes for you. They said "Who? %s1? Not a chance! That chump? He'll fold in twenty minutes."I said "No way! He's not THAT lame!" So anyway, don't make ME look stupid TOO.It's a good listener and that's about it.4*qwjg g g g sur}#6SjqWelcome Aboard XOS 4To log on for dutyplease enter your name below(up to 18 characters):Name: Roger Wilco4>r @rf y;y<yy= y y>y?y@yAyB yCyD y y y yy y,y+y=y-y1y2y3 y5y7y9yyyyyy  orl%%@ gVWXZ[p T :FJ>_Welcome to Space Quest ][Roger WilcoSQ2Ver. 2.0A4 ae2ZeZe eeeWe2eeS.Se u7EThe walls and deck are made of a very strong composite material commonly used in spacecraft.You stare at the ceiling which, as usual, is overhead. Nothing exciting is learned through this act.You hack up a good one from way down deep. You, carefully, draw in some air and let it fly. Using relatively poor judgement... Oh, lets face it... Your an idiot. You have stuccoed the inside of your helmet's face mask with a large, and rather viscous, quantity of throat balm. Nice going.Unfortunately, it proves to be a rather viscous one. That being the case, it is unable to clear your lip and strings it's way down the front of your uniform leaving an unsightly mess.The pnuematic transport is a large plexiglass tube in which a small transport unit rides. When completed, it will link all areas of the station.Besides a door and seat, the inside to the transport is fairly plain since all control is handled remotely.You don't own one.It's a nice wrist, manly, yet supple.Do it yourself.48b,! ) X / F 5O 5L X`5:`'FG) & FG/ # F $ GpGaYR FGYc,=! d FG/ I e' FG&FG#$ N 5`Thanks to some fancy footwork, you are now picking yourself up off the ground after barely surviving a fall down a small cliff.4ChOzPb b! ) O) zX C = O W!)6XC=F fT [[C CeAc eg[`5If'FGFM  -+ - % 5Q v5+ - % KQ K6 # c [8deFG )P ;GN#c VB$)N/ ;F  Q 5Q 5  e6   $ dC$ d CN`#" Q 5Q }5 `2`5U `2'FG' 67FG6 7 7 67 67&673F4G6363636d3 36363d67474747e4 47474e7#Nc= .ef lDrats! Vohaul's troops have tracked you down and passed sentence for your escape. Tough luck, eh?You hear something. It sounds not unlike the hovercraft you rode in.Whew! That was a tense moment. Vohaul's thug failed to spot you and is off to search elsewhere.You see a hovercraft much like the one you rode earlier. You hope not to be spotted.4` qw  G?5555b<!)+-6XC%OW#Q "!)+-6XCOX!)+-6XCOW!)+-/XC!)+-/XC!)!!! ! ! !  g g g ggg d  i  c<#EE55EE55"H J\K]%L%6#QO " %#FQ ! !::zVz*Vz9VzHVzYVzhVzt9zxVz|z(|z7|zH|zW|zf|zu|!2 $ $ ' $55%.=#FiE %@T#F(Q.!Q@14 E!! $$$$ $ $ $   gg g  +" * )+%-=)%_=)+/%/R###I& * )+%)4)%m4)+/%.L###I&x )+/%D F)+/%0,F)+/%?8F) + % KI) + / % &\) + / % 6l) + / % +}#### # I (# I 4# I 7n$$55)+/%-))/%^))+/) + % BO) + / dBB2 %-b% )=%-=% )b###I4# # I (&( & ( 4 7!(+t +d5"",   ggg  g  +" ,   ggg  g  +" 51OSgz By Two Guys From Andromeda(C) 1987 Sierra On-Line, Inc.%s4As you will recall in our last chapter, you had just foiled the Sariens fiendish plot to rule the galaxy by using the Star Generator as their weapon of destruction.You became a hero by saving countless lives and returning the Star Generator technology into safe hands.Life Was BeautifulBut heroes come and go and people soon forget. Your celebrated herodom slowly fades leaving you, once again, a janitor.The promotion to head janitor was no consolation. (Especially since you are the ONLY member of the janitorial staff.) Nor was the transfer to Orbital Station 4.Sweating like a pork-beast in a pressure suit while relocating space debris in zero-gravity, just wasn't your idea of a good time.Life Sucks.....Again4 KvPgPDDB@B/E,SASgNwKwNwXw]h]AO,E,Th]hSA]APDJ>>]wbhbD\>]w@awfhfAX,T.T3Y,@],lAlihwawbDOii]i@JuuYuPKwIwDA@FvEOTx]w[wVRWxV]bxfA`fh`^@bgxc0fkwnwuiuAkwKv]vjukuojoDmBrArjlwrAb-`/a,uAe-b-`ewlj B~~@52RA S ` T~b~hAAhh wwwhA ,,A,hD>iq x4.47=38/* PFPF]]P[``)`)g4g5`H`I[Q[)GN>>iiu uiDDD>  q;~4.+ 13"#%&'()**++**)('&%#")!!*$"$$##""!   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   %  {&#" * &## + ߃4@ >     `a,                     ` a-                                            `             `                                        -4d? ^O28klkl^SO! ) 8+ / % 2^# L VO XG - 'FGG&FG# p)G Q =fF ) 2+ L W O, $ ) 8+ - O WL VQ fEe@:ee :  e  e  @ i kl DT9mYou are standing at the edge of the forest near an eerie swamp.You are standing at the edge of an eerie swamp. You can hear the croaks and moans of swamp life, none of which you are eager to encounter.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.You see a small fleshy being.%m4 He appears to be rubbing something on his body.%m4 He seems to be in a hurry to leave.You startle the small creature causing him to bolt into the underbrush.You notice some odd eyes barely protruding from the water.He doesn't seem interested in what you say.4C? 0Q klkl%c^ _)QLVPVN ) LWPW# pC C_ee \Yik_ _)QN ; CLVPV_ _ ;) LWPW C  $`e_ a[be3333!_e  a[be _ee _ee ! !e!  !@ i kl oYou are hip deep in swamp. Murky water surrounds you on all sides. A few slimey trees reach from the quagmire.You have stepped into a deeper area of the swamp. You are forced to swim.You have gotten out of the deep spot and are back on your soggy feet.You take a deep breath, filling your lungs to near bursting, and head for the depths below.The foliage on the edges is much too dense for you to pass through.You already are.It's too darn shallow here.Dive down there if you want to see.%m7 Nothing to see.4(? 0klklLWPW# pEe  e  klIYou are at the east end of swamp area. Forest extends to the east.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.4? 7 @Fb,bQj! Q%) / 6 % Ss!)7/6 C%T[#F$z7dz Xz@Tw Yz@t " "'FGGG&FGGnGn&FG(X )%\|+Y) %iv `6 N'FGGmGn&FG#XYe`` XY""e5 !y 5`'FG) +-XC 25 O5",G]G F//G^69B7BF/Gx6 6 FGGYRFGY#c,=# #$!5? 8 wvv.8)v "` avbv.8)_| ` ]V355+-=5+-& 'FG$& FG) + - / L W# I  `2F F  $  5 O 5' 344YR 34Yc,= t dneC3 ! Q$z7dz ) +/%mv6 #N  en!X d_/e$ /c=!!5 dne Ce EQeeYeXe' '= ''i i  = =  e!  e!Q ZKk = e  = = 8 GsYe !`$# Q SC ZAfe#eQ> ZKk  e Xee Yeee e!  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Needless to say, you hit the bottom and your mortal remains are redimensioned to the point where life is no longer an option.You smoothly step off the edge of the fissure. %m10 Will you never learn?The fissure appears to be very deep with sheer sides. You can make out no detail as it darkens toward the bottom.You do not possess the skills or equipment to achieve such a feat safely.You head over the edge and down the rope.You are not near a good place to tie the rope.You'll have to specify whether you want to attach the rope to the stump or the log.Ok.You have climbed back up the rope from the fissure below.%m5 A log lies across it. A stump stands guard at the edge.A rope is tied to the%m20 log.%m20 stump.You'll have to specify whether wou want to look at the stump or the log.The log is firmly seated between the sides of the fissure.The rotted stump is only a reminder of the healthy tree which once stood here.%m24 There is a rope tied to it.%m25 There is a rope tied to it.This tree is dead. The bark must have fallen off years ago. It bears no foliage.The rope is already tied to something.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.You have to secure the rope to somthing first.It looks rotted and empty.That would advance the game in no way.You'll have to decide between the stump and the log.This tree is too slick for that.4q8? c 5a5= ccb,b jc! ) =#`cY'FG`FMG`+ / & FG$# L VU=STFG$GPGP9 5B{USTFG5BI c =`5'343<5+ 5CXF- 265O5h3i4iRhiY `2c,= d$eC" / + ' 343 34G lwe5a5"qe eeeee F 2 L Z(F  L X(%L W(`Eeeee$e e e  e j*fmn\S6You are in a thinly forested area just east of the fissure.TWANG!Yikes! You have been snared. Suspended above the ground you are unable to move freely.As you hang here helplessly, the blood makes its way to your head.After awhile, the cerebral fireworks begin. Capillaries begin to burst under the strain. You pass out.Once again, time passes...And then, some more time passes...While unconscious, you have the strangest of dreams.Just then, consciousness begins to creep in.Yikes!Swinging the rope while hanging upside down would only promote nausea.You are unable to climb the rope hanging like this.You imagine that your name is Larry. You are wearing something known as a "Leisure Suit", apparently made of 100\% synthetic materials and proven to generate large amounts of static electricity.While prowling a locale known as "The Land of the Lounge Lizards", you spend your time badgering women of the area to participate in bizarre mating rituals such as...The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.Intrigued with gravity, you take another terminal ride to solid ground. Watch your step, %s1.It's a long way down and you can't see anything of note.Get closer.Forget it.4Wx?NOPb,b bjc !)N+/%[6LX#F !! ) O+ - 6 X C O X% 7!)6XCF#!!A"c " -Pu!5+ - # Q wJ !c ""!."de"FG")P ;G!"#U!:"$"c "UN)/ ; 2F" Q 7 !!" eC!d !5 Q 7 !s`2'FG' 67FG673F4G&676363636d3 36363d67474747e4 47474e7#!"Nc=5`L 5`2'34XC4$ /)/64X F3FG4FG45 O5R34Yc,= $    ec,=dnCW:1/FOWQ?GQK0 $ !+/LVcc`#5eee D G ee.e `j r=cWay to go, pathfinder! As you plunge toward the base of the cliff, "mommy" escapes your lips.Drats! Vohaul's troops have tracked you down and passed sentence for your escape. Tough luck, eh?%v100,%v101You are at the edge of a forest. The boundary is a sheer cliff at the east side of the area. In the distance you see a landing platform, possibly the one which welcomed you to this strange, lush world.The landing platform, raised slightly above the nearby tree tops, appears to be an active place with shuttles coming and going. The forest between the base of the cliff and the platform is densely populated with all manner of flora.The cliff is sheer. There looks to be no way down without the direct aid of gravity.There is nothing solid enough to anchor the rope to. Besides, it would be too short.You'll need to be closer to the edge.The shuttle in the distance looks like it would be a nice thing to have right now.4 A?Nc1CDEABhbj !zA* ]zEY c!)A+%,# 'c!)h+/6%h|! ) 1+ / XY!)h/C%Vg6 #:!)C+/X%D#!)B /6 /6C%j~#: ]!)E/65O5LWCX'343Y3U&34 %my6+N#px#EE#LV!"E 4,  'FGGFFGN ` _u 8 /'67 6m 8 6m86 6 8!D ! '!F)D+/I"LW!zEY $  YI!c= " "! ) C+  .vU M G )C+D! "!F! " ! F"! !  F )! " Qf"`2!! )1+E!"e.!! +/I"!""b! #C! ;6I! ;Qf"G`2! #Q_"G!!K"! &##0$) 1+ - / % f}L X# F \Q>"Q G}$G! `2#$6 : #F# n 6:< 6 :<`##'Y XY&!$#c'# ##!&#c#%# XY!###!eAP#PeL!\:0>!e12!! e2#!)e>UVe=e<! ::::e/i:i0iieIT:T0TTeI8r:N F guy7&+^'3434 &34#FQY!UMF  ]eee:  : 1!(#)1+FLVF"!# #eKK:KK;!2'676W guy "\"#"eee#!#C9%. gusx!e ;I"eeee#!#( gusy e ;KeeI#GKI#GKIGKI#GKIPGKI#PGKI#GKI#GKI#PPI#KIKIPKI#IPI!I9/%# " guye %eeeeP#P#PPP!P8.%# " guye %eeee XY4Ht IdYre \$<e ,tt:ttt:tteF?tG[?t:?t?t?t:?t?teG#!#!eA  eO $MdPeJ %L(..(.(..(:.(.:[.:eKGS0S:SS)! [{ "e+e,e)e(]" e0e ce@e?GtGtPPteB# eDeEeHeE:#eM#!#!eN!/://eP  x rv bj W_ YDY_ ( (e-(  x rv bj W_ YDY_ ( ccjP;'<l&?Yp'p,!0:Sy= A  = V 9 Z 3 W i  ) l (NDon't you wish you had one to throw?You have caused the guard to be paralyzed. I don't think he's too pleased with you.The hunter seems to ignore you.The hunter stands and takes a long look in your direction. His face, though strange in its own right, bears an expression one might see on a freak show patron. He moves closer.You reach through the bars and take possession of the key.You already have it.You can't reach it. The hunter is too far away.How are you going to manage that?It's not available to you from here.You grab the rope.You slip the key into the lock and give it a turn. The lock snaps open.You open the cage door.You close the cage door.You snap the lock closed.You need to be closer.You don't have a key.The door is locked.That's been done already.That wouldn't be helpful now.You don't have anything to do that with.You should be closer to the door.Too late.Your head begins to clear and you realize that you have been imprisoned. Your captor appears to be that large oaf sitting near the fire.The hunter has decided that it's a perfect day for a barbecue. As he slowly turns you over the fire, you begin to turn a beautiful golden brown. Death follows at an agonizingly long distance.That's not helpful now.You are in a well hidden clearing. It is surrounded on three sides by large, smooth rock formations with brush to the north. A cage is below one of the formations.In the center a campfire burns. One has to wonder about the purpose of a fire during a warm day such as this.A campfire ring, fire extinguished, is located in the center.(You are currently in it.)A rope sits on one of the boulders.%m26 %m29%m27 %m30 %m34%m28 %m30A large beast is nearby.A large beast is lying on the ground.%m27 %m30 %m35%m27 %m34%m27 %m35%m27 %m30You'll have to get his permission first.That's not to be accomplished from here.You search the large, not to mention uncleansed, body of the hunter.%m42 You find a key which might unlock the cage. Other than that, you find only a few assorted parasites clinging to him.%m42 There is nothing of interest unless tiny parasites do something for you.The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.Upon impact with the ground, the spore opens and spews its dust into the air. The hunter falls to the ground paralyzed.What a waste of a perfectly good rope. In his state, he will not prove an impedence.The spent spore would be of no use to you now.The hunter looks hungry.The hunter is looking right at you, and he's salivating just a tad.The hunter is lying on the ground unable to move.%m60 A feeling you can relate to.%m60 It looks as though the spore proved quite effective in this instance.You see just an empty fire ring.There are flames dancing above the embers of the fire.The cage is made of some very hard branches. They might as well be welded steel bars.Interesting, but wrong.You'd only hurt yourself throwing it halfway there.Pretty darn solid construction, eh?Don't bother now.It's too heavy for you to get any power behind.It's too cramped in here.Who are you, Smokey the Bear? Leave it alone. It won't help.Nice guy you are!An interesting idea, but no good here.He'd soon figure out that it wasn't food, and you'd be in trouble.It's crude looking but effective. The rust would prevent anything but the correct key from turning it.Leave the hunter alone and get on with the adventure.That would accomplish nothing.Who do you think you are, Roy Rogers?I think I speak for everyone when I say that's a bad idea.4? FG>b,bz>qp zGNBj!!)>+/6 C%hDLW#I c=!)>+/6C%fa#F!)G+/C%EBF! ,) G+ / 6 C % NB# F "N)F+-6 %N! %%]#C" C)+/F 2%LO#5 O5QL() )gEEC A :/<2)));I c=( ($X& N5!)k/6XC%t'!)oXC%!y # 5O5O5'343z3y&34#E3Ee" #Ee e GGQyQy  ! EW &&""252B 56!B6 "P  O~PBN'34& 34) + # $M F ;2)l+/G" t')l+/G#!%%$#C!5 !$%$"+ / I !$)2)2++//FF' 343#^""0 F+/) T+ / I !L W$ #I  " ###! F+/#I !s  $ # F+/ E  Qy  )2OW=vQcv  PFQ>vG8 /F ^ ! $!! F+/!!)2OWsvQs !!PFQtw G8!F/9 & e &<^\&+ / I 4`/ F D' 343&34)#$ E + G $) S/ I ``R!## ##4:e   :e   Y<eee%e te%e%aa%a%eaaet$  r&~ \$eee` e 34(34Ne7*y ,C.+zThat was a rather spectacular entrance. All systems seem to be intact, though.The cave becomes much too steep to continue further.Got it.You're not near it.These rocks can't be gotten. We're talking hernia material here.You notice nothing special here.You see a glowing gem.Yow! These guys seem to dislike you intensely. Using slings and very hard and sharp rocks, they have reduced you to a battered corpse.The dwellers mumble something.The translator responds with "Follow us, beanpole!" They hurry away.While tumbling to the base of the canyon, the spore you were carrying is crushed releasing the disabling powder. You are paralyzed.You are paralyzed. Until that changes, you can do nothing but displace air.You are at the bottom of the steep gorge almost totally surrounded by impassable rock. There is an opening to the south-east. The walls extend up a great distance.%m13 There are two more of those pink guys here. You wonder what they are up to.You notice the glowing gem lying near the cave opening.It kind of looks like a boulder dam.... get it? Boulder Dam!? Sorry, bad joke.These guys are quite fleshy and pink looking.The rocks and cliffs are too tall and steep for you to climb. Give up.They don't respond.The towering cliff walls are sheer and unclimbable.4m^u? H ef!)e+-6CX55  Z Z)f% x%v#G)H%x#ir'FGF*  Zf)f#G c)H# 455) Z Z$eF ZaZF+- F +-F+-+-GFhGi FihFiG!Z v |`2 ! %e $e e e eeC v|5 O5Q$ Z  55e`Z##e&& e3tFtF ee%aa%%%%emae3ttstsGt3t3t3ttstsGt3tX PZD)f'343 hh3hi4i&hi#G Z# eea et ZeeeGte .BWhc vThat helps nothing.You don't have that.You already are.That's not a good idea now.It already is.Once back in the light, you put the gem away.You take out the gem and hold it in your palm. The room is illuminated by its glow. You hear a small shriek and the sound of many footsteps moving away from you.The ground below your feet disappears! You tumble down through the darkness.You hear the sound of many small, scratchy footsteps moving toward you!Owww!!GNASH!GROWL!CRUNCH!SNAP!You have just been felled by a killer Cave Beaver! You now know the meaning of excruciating when used in reference to level of pain.Being as dark as it is in here, there isn't much to see. You do see light coming from the east.The glow of the gem allows you to make out the rough walls of the cave and not much else. It is brighter to the east.Not much to see except dark cave.That's not how to do it.That will help you not.You're not equipped for such an undertaking.The walls feel rough.4S? JK?nn!)?+/6X)J ;%+%X!'FG4G4%A 6#I# $ ; `0e e e'FGG!/ab 'FG4G4)KF4FG &FG66#In To your amazement, you find yourself in an underwater cavern. The water here is much clearer here than in the swamp above.They look like a normal plant, only wet.You wouldn't impress the babes with those. Do something constructive.You know the way.4IAn? JQLgnn\0zLdzL%dzL8dzLKdzL^dzLqd !)g6XC%lT#% ;# -P#\ \ab)Q#:\NB 1YPe f0'34333N4343 3 )34 ;1 -VUe''344[34343M3M34)Q ; ;)J`e e e%%% eeee# a[bee333331e a[b ee e aae .t$ cP|[  \$eee%'%%%'%%e e eYY e e n&c} 9Kt{Once again, you wisely take in a load of air and head below.You take the glowing gem.You already have one.Get closer.You have paddled into another portion of the underwater cavern. Your lungs tell you that you'll be in need of air darn soon.A strange light dances off the walls of this cave. Its origin -- a glowing gem situated on top of a boulder.You are in a small grotto below the swamp.Get in first.Dive down there and give it a look.It seems to be coming from that gem.The walls of the room radiate a gentle light.Just swim on out.That wouldn't be the correct action now.C'mon!The boulder just sits there staunchly.A glowing gem gently spreads light througout the cave.Where are you now?It looks wet down there.4G @?Uip!)iX+-^/%a#FM /%Q#:OW!)i+-XC6OW^%a%X#:!)XOW^+%q#FM +%K#:-!)+-/6XC%V!)-+/6XC=O[%V '344X&34# ^, HeXY$ P] $#$QV#Fb '344d%  %2 #+/-FQ8" ;;FMFMdG %  ##   ##   ## U #FQ8"NM+/w . F I" ## % "O " $x  6QV"   +/- b 6 /QB" $;;+;QaQ[Qh GG !!!255 !F FM ^8 !MF!u+Qq!! [Qu!  :# #&`^# #&&^ Fyleee&4 N]($^ $#$QV#Feee3t3tFGttF ^ Heee eb-@ @@^  e   % % :%%%:%%%:% :e:e%%'%eaae%aa%a%e%emm:mbb:b:e6:66i:iieS:SSe e j & &e& j  &<`i1Us>_6MThere is a huge boulder in the way.You are.You need to be closer to the top of the ladder."Welcome to our canyon. You look to be from out of town.""On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank you for saving our compadre from the hunters.""You are welcome to stay in the canyon as long as you like. When you are ready to leave, simply say the word and my assistants will show you the only way out for a being of your size.""When you leave, however, we must seal the exit behind you for our own protection. Goodbye and good luck!"You don't need that just yet.%m8 Besides, you can barely walk and wink at the same time. Climbing the ladder while holding something would be certain death for you.You already did that.You are at the south end of the gorge bottom. There are more odd rock formations here. There are still more of those little pink folks.A rock moved to the side reveals an underground exit.%m11 %m13You see a ladder descending into a featureless abyss. Not much one can say to describe a black hole.I'm sorry. You must be mistaken.You don't have much of a view from here.The rock walls are too tall and solid to pass through.They don't speak, they just giggle.These guys are quite fleshy and pink looking.You are not constructed in a manner that will allow you to do anything to the boulders. You might get those little pink guys to move one of them.The towering cliff walls are sheer and unclimbable.The rocks and cliffs are too tall and steep for you to climb. Give up.You don't possess that.Control your hormones!How typical. The simple mind resorting to violence in time of frustration.That will not be helpful.I wouldn't be sitting back on my keister if I were you.You see hard-packed dirt.4?$epp!)e6CX6'FGhFiG!!+-NFG+&FGhFiGhi &hi!+-NFhF&FGhFiGh i &hi! hi&hi##gI a+b+ |+}+ s5  -. #  `a }~ s g_ r4r5 `+  rr _  t4t5 ~+  $$ /  tt   N)Vhihihig  $N)U+-hih i hig  $N)U+-hihi hig ! + +& ++ p44z?$empp!)e6CX!)m+-6XCOW%.]6'FGhFiG+-F&FGNhFiGhi &hi hi&hi##! __!! __N#Q]G! $"""eCg  #  8_9_ U_V_ Ka  T+U+ K1  a+b+ s3  `_a_ sc  `a s  JK K g ""   J_Jc 7_  q3r3 `+  r_rc __  rr _  L_Lc W_  L1M1 V+  JK L  N)Vhihihig  $N)U+-hih i hig  $N)U+-hihi hig   + + pOh my. Now you know why they wanted to close the hole behind you. You have become the unwilling victim of the dreaded Cave Squid! Tough luck.40+`?$epp!)e6CX6'FGhFiG!+-F&FGNhFiGhi &hi hi&hi##g #+#, #*  `+a+ }+~+ s-  `_a_ sa  ss s  #  __ -_._ #` g r+r/ _+  r_rd __  st n  #$   "_"b _  #+#, $+  t+t/ +  $_$b /_  N)Vhihihig  $N)U+-hih i hig  $N)U+-hihi hig  !p4 ?$epp!)e6CX6'FGhFiG +-F&FGNhFiGh i &hi"+-F&FGNhFiGhi &hi$ hi&hi##g\ -+.+ #-  `+a+ s.   -. #  `a }~ s gr r+r0 _+  ""   rr _  $+$0 /+  $$ /  tt   N)Vhihihig  $N)U+-hih i hig  $N)U+-hihi hig $ "  p4w?$epp!)e6CX6'FGhFiG!+-F&FGNhFiGh i &hi#!+-FG&FGNhFiGhi &hi## # !p4R?$epp!)e6CX6'FGhFiG"!+-FG&FGNhFiGh i &hi## 5Igd+ede)Vgd*ede  )Ug+-deN "p4VQe?$epp!)e6CX6'FGhFiG%#+-FG_N&FGNhFiGh i &hi! hi&hi##g __ -_._ #a g& "_"c _  $_$c /_  N)Vhihihig  $N)U+-hih i hig  $N)U+-hihi hig ! __%p4?$5"5epp5"5!)e6CX6'FGhFiG'!+-FG&FGNhFiGh i &hi$!+-FG&FGNhFiGhi &hi## $ 'p4zq?$5#5epp5#5!)e6CX6!)V+-%+&N%$%h$i%g Z!'+-FG&FGNhFiGh i &hi## ZEE #W6!!e`   `2 e  eC 5Igd+ede)Vgd*ede  )Ug+-deN`Z& #3tGt3t3t  Zee e3tF3tF4tF4tFtF# Z## ZE e et e  e'34434Ne Zp lApparently, you weren't paying attention when the chief cliff dweller explained that they would need to seal the opening behind you. You can no longer travel in that direction as a result.No, don't adjust your monitor. We have taken control. There is no light source in the vicinity. You couldn't see guano if it was pasted to your proboscis.Ah. Better. Not a great deal better, but better.Yuck! A horrible aroma permeates the air. The sounds of suction and slithering reverberate thoughout the tunnel.Oh crud! The warm and inviting feel of suction cup laden tentacles encompasses you. A sharp, probing pain is your introduction to death.You can't maneuver with the gem in your hand.Wise up! You're holding it in your mouth already.Suddenly, an inhuman guttural moan echoes through the narrow caves. You're not sure which direction it came from. The only thing you do know for sure is that you've just soiled your undergarment.That's not the right move now.4\ ? Wnbqq!)n+/CX%1B#!)n+/CX%Ct#!)n+/CX%fu#!)n+/CX%V#!)n+/CX%uH#!)n+/CX%1#!)n+/CX%h)#!)n+/CX%P$#! ) n+ / C X % cB# ! ) n+ / C X % FH# ()W6% p Z #cEE#EAc I k| =sIz Sr`z _ 2r|j_ ej jPVLV )W6E )8E_ ?ruu e ?ruw `e _e e _O tE~ Ree3e ee e %a%aeq Z%(qb0?l pYou have an opportunity to stand and spare your tender knees. The crystal clear water gives off a gentle glow. In abundance, it is able to light the room. You take the glowing gem from between your aching jaws. You notice it is overly moist as you slip it into your pocket.You pop the gem between your teeth while dropping down onto the raw tissue which covers your knees.This place is amazing. Beautiful subterranean waterfalls and cascades drop before you filling the air with billions and billions of tiny misty droplets which tickle the cilia. The air is thick with a revitalizing humid freshness. This message is also getting a little thick.The water is clear except for a very slight cloudiness. It appears to be luminous. In fact, the water's soft glow seems to be providing the light here.Aaahh! This is better than a shower massage.There is no place to get a hand hold.Just swim out.There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, the undercurrent might drown you.Just walk in.You're not fooling me with that phoney stupid act. You know you're in the water already.You see the water. Head for it.Beautiful subterranean waterfalls and cascades drop before. The luminous liquid churns at the base before flowing downstream.Attempting to scale the sharp, moisture laden walls of rock would be too dangerous.4S? rqq!)r+6CX%'LW#!)r+6CX%~LW#!)r+6CX%B^#!)r+6CX%g`#''344444&34)%8U# y LTX YE_j , qx FYTg e`q _Uq_j + , bEp Fhdp Uadg dLT rU`j#' M_* 2M6])qYou are swimming in the swiftly moving water of this underground river. The river forks near the back of the cave. The glow from the water softly illuminates the room.4m? subqq! ) QC X !)s+6 CX%1#!)s+6 CX%+#!)s+6CX%]d#FG&FG#c Ac qj pp1j'34& 34L W# 4 Q _  Q 9 $`2!!^ eeC n!   n!  n!   Q T   Q Ez '  $ !   ') + / 6  [r5O 5Q [ zuV` Q _a  Q k  Q z  Q dz  O V T) L V+ - G ! 6 / F 5O 5Q N   Q N  O V .L V) + - G ! 6 / F 5O 5Q %   Q %   Q % #(qIzSPLATAfter caroming off of a pair of rock outcroppings, you find a final resting place at the base of the falls.You are in another chamber of the undergound river. This area seems a little more alive with sights and sounds of falling water. However, you don't detect much noise at all coming from the back of the cave.4.Bj? tq! ) Q+ C X % # Q k!)t+6CX%s#!)t+6CX%N#(%#+ - jW Q |Q x 6 + Q {r + O XQ ^r O V+ Q U{Q [ O W+ Q s + Q s~ + Q h~ + Q f + Q j + Q m + Q k + Q g + Q i + Q k + Q j + Q j + Q i ) + G $ -  O XQ je+#3e eq B0VYou swirl toward the center of the whirlpool.Your body is sucked down until, finally, you are able to resist no more and must yield to the overwhelming force.As you enter another of the mysterious subterranean chambers you realize that the water is now racing toward a giant whirlpool in the middle of the area. You are caught in the strong current, powerless to alter your course!This cave is large. A whirlpool is attracting you, and all the water around you, to the center. You are feverishly attempting to resist it but to no avail.There is no place to get a hand hold.There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, I don't think I could bare to see that underwater free-style of yours again.4An? jQbj!)j6 CX%2}#! ) + / - X C 6 % -7F O [**'344x4z&34#cAcD#"' 3434& 34) + / L W# K # Q 7AB )Q' 34&34+#N$  $ 5 O 5Q 7}eS%S#S%S S %Se %ee.%.55e%5'%'5%m%m5%55ee3e  _e e #e eySe e,j${-N s=]5Geez! That was quite a trip. Peering around, you find yourself back in the open again.You are in a pool. It is fed by a waterfall which spews from a strange rock face. An actual face, an ugly one at that, is carved into the rock. It must be hundreds of years old.The strange ugly face has a look of disgust etched into it. The waterfall streams from the open, contorted mouth. This must have been carved by members of an early civilization. If this was their god, imagine how ugly the common man looked!They are strangely square, but not significant.The water is clear except for a very slight cloudiness. It appears to be luminous. In fact the water's soft glow seems to be providing the light here.There is no place to get a hand hold.There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, the undercurrent might drown you.While it looks refreshing in a way, you are slightly reluctant to drink water that glows. Maybe some other time.You're not fooling me with that phoney stupid act. You know you're in the water already.You see the water. Head for it.You can't pull yourself out of the water here.Messing with the rocks will yield nothing.The waterfall races from the face to collide with the relatively smooth surface of the pool.The only reply is a stony stare.Other rocks in view include some large, square boulders. They are unusual looking, but not significant.4?2Qv` 6yxbbbj`7!A)6+-COW%`N!)y+6XC!)x+/-FXC!)vX6%^S5L5` +/C+/D#:-)Q #`ZRQtUEE#YX p9XY'    &Ac&j bSdS bMgRD6455)3B&B+- B+-455 8.)`d'FGGZY,)F GxGFG  ; S!c&')QF G{GFG  ;Tc& 1 C:Q`\c&n+/LVI '344S PSue GS!c& "# # #+-0!LWd G##+-/  $#C Qq? c& LVQ`P  <d+-LVG'344V3Y3g4ZR34Y 3`R34Y c&[+-LW d 'E  2!+-/I$2!+-/I+-0!2 G)6+-/LWI '34&34#:d)6+- % '+-LV Tc& S!c& +- " "9575)x+-/I! !`2$)y+- Mc&`H"e`e e e#e&*3e'#e( ;OO%% 1f@k l8{e%e$ %e*\6e ee  ee`#  ee`%0 XMlX$  \eee e """# XMlXe \ee """ XMlX eee &e 6e!>G>b>M E#c=`/ XTnfe" ##;I  ` e(..(.(..` %XI=d#UM D'FG'3434FG&FGO[6#R34Y"^% ee e Vi 'P'_ -G v 919G % %e% Vi 'P'_ -G v 919G %+-j* V'qE 0P ;JCb=w 3 Well, ain't that a hoot. That guy reduced you to a multi-colored mound of cole slaw-like matter. Better than a Murphco Slice-O-Matic. You are dead, however.You give the whistle a toot. It makes an odd sound.You hear an incredible whirring and grinding sound coming from the north.You chuck the Cubix Rube puzzle over to the beast.You don't possess it.You can't do that while swimming. You're lucky if you can think and breathe simultaneously.The beast appears interested in your offering.Curiosity gets the better of him as he reaches down for it.He seems quite perplexed by the puzzling plastic polyhedron.A good idea, but not just yet.You've got one already.You need to be closer.You are in a little clearing which is surrounded by large boulders and impenetrable brush. There is water, in which you entered, at the bottom left. You can just see a landing platform in the distance.%m13 There is a hole bored in one of the boulders with a small pile of debris beneath it.%m14 A bizarre beast is nearby.The ground looks quite ordinary except for the pile of debris near one of the boulders.It looks kind of wet.You pick up a small rock generated during the terror beast's grand entrance.The foliage is too dense for you to go through.If only you could make it to that platform. You might have a chance of stopping Vohaul.There is only a pile of dust left.In the pile of debris lies a stone.And he looks like he could do as much damage as one.The Labion Terror Beast is spinning around like a tornado.Suddenly, a Labion Terror Beast buzzes into the room like a tornado! %m23%m24 %m23Boy! He certainly seems interested in that puzzle.The ugly beast seems to be surveying the area.It's not much of a talker.The debris that is left won't help you.%m18 You leave the rest alone.There seems to be a nice, cleanly bored shaft running through the boulder.You'd better come up with a brighter idea than that. He'll chew you up and spit you out in 2 seconds.Maybe the acoustics are bad in this spot.You notice some writing on one of the left-most boulders.You can't make it out from here.The writing says "BEWARE: Labion Terror Best zone. Use extreme caution!"It looks wet.There is nothing down there to mess with.That's not necessary now.Other rocks in view include many large boulders, one with a hole bored through it.4~? *|{P} Ybbj!uA)*CX6d5LWPW51%-Qy- %y-Q-#G &)}+/&vw#:!){/XC%}c#:!)}+/6 XC%z#:!)6XC! ) Y+ X C ,%J#!NMEEe E E#86 E E#** e0c=e1e2C) |cfXY$ $N;6 K) uT 2b !: 5]  {_ej'67'34WB47 S47 B 5] 8 '7   5]7    *'- s*- +'34F3G4'6736 63 &a += '34'677 Eb 7 yE 7 , -D , !%u &'34F3G4'67"6#7 "%'   &+     {_e47L366734!!#363764!!I366437!!#363467!! 3 36336!!336!!!"Y "UM NMLVOV)|/ !3F4GFG!+"#&"#I"3"3""3!+"#&"#I3"3"3!3+'"#"#&"#I3""3"3""3 3"3"3! +'"#"#&"#I"3"3""3!+"#&"#I3"3"3!6+'"#9575#&"#I3""3"3""3 3"3"37447474#7 74747#4h"i#!25 :50 !F/34 (34'344lLVPV5 O5R34Y 6K!5 !#$c=0!5 !#$c=5 !'"##$c=$! 4$&hi$FG$)P ;GNM! $#e$$$) / '34& 34# $I 4 ;Fc=$ )*+-$"(e&e eUMFC   !  68D6 '344lv3w4 u34/F' 34&34#$ NEN$ % QR QW Qo )*+)}+/LXIK#(/F)$ :);I#($;K) )*+! N*N.+55 5UMF+  #; #(6 Q~-G((:(+F6~aO )!)$% +Ee):):)Q~uG & GQ-l GQy-R;8I);N+LVPV)*GQr-GLVPVQ~''!o%;e %$+  ' UMF)}+/LXGE !%&' 34&34#N$ eUM+/LXI`g>u##0% #7#$#55QQ5%e* ue+e5$e::#ue%e%e(uS:S:SS0S:sSsS0s<'34"3#434"#'FGF3F"G4G# $eeedA'34"3#434"#'FGF3F"G4G# $ee\$e!ctt:t ?t?t:?t e.%% (   ^e UM)}+/LXIe.%:%:%5 -'%^ 9b e &eee.%:%%:[%%:%[%:[?%:G[?%:?%:[%[:Z R G'%8&-^ 9b'34& 34# $G '%%eeee/%[%[ % [?% G[?%:?%?% [?%[/ '  ^'34& 34# $G '%ee6%:G[6%:6:[6%e3 qbq#eMddMdK |_h? $4#e )~ ~;I)eee) |_he-ee,:: : : ::?'%3& 2bUM)}+/LXI e& (ed |_he4ee6 ) )e)) )+ ?T%$`2*+,j7A pf[CQ`-bf-;_   " : m $ = C  $ Dang. Allowing the guard to observe you was not very swift. He has disassembled you, probably adding a little excitement to his otherwise dull day.Nothing happens.The elevator is nothing spectacular to look at. On the left side is a thin slot.You should be a little closer for that.You slide the keycard into the slot, then remove it.It appears, however, that the elevator is in use at this time.You can't do that from here.You send the rock flying into the bushes. You hear it land.You send the stone flying into the bushes. You hear it land.You throw the rock in the direction of the guard. Unfortunately, it falls well short of its target. The guard responds by firing in the direction he thought it came from.Doesn't that bite!?. The guard caught a glimpse when you chucked the rock and, with impressive accuracy, wasted you.You cleverly use the athletic supporter to sling the rock at the guard. It makes serious contact with the side of his head. (We like the way you think.)With the guard being out of your line of sight, the rock sails harmlessly into the brush.He drops like a lead parakeet. The ripe thud of impact is momentarily sickening. He is perfectly still.From here the guard looks quite similar to the ones which you traveled with.The guard is quite unconscious. It looks like he'll be out for awhile.You find nothing.You find a small, thin magnetic card. It looks like a keycard. You seem to recall seeing one somewhere in the past.From where do you wish to get another one of those?.Ok.You don't have one of those."Hey!. What the heck's the deal here?" As the guard wonders, the elevator begins moving you upward.You are in a cramped elevator. The door is closed and you are moving.As soon as the elevator door closes behind you, the platform on which you rest begins to rise.He's too near. You would be shot before you could let it go. Keep quiet.You don't have anything to sling.You don't have one to throw.You don't have anything to sling with.You call out a universal expletive.That would not be effective now.The being fires in the general direction of the sound. Unfortunately, that happens to be where you are. You know the rest.You are in a small clearing. Before you stands a large elevated platform, much like the one on which you landed when arriving on this planet. On one leg of the platform is an elevator door.A guard patrols the midlevel.An unconscious guard lies at the base of the platform.%m32 %m34%m32 %m33You don't see one here.The growth is too thick for you to travel through.It's a tall impressive structure.%m42 There's a guard posted on the lower level.That doesn't seem necessary right now.The only visible means of opening the door is a keycard slot.You just can't bear to part with your glowing gem. It's too heavy anyway. If only you had a small stone.Good idea! If only you had a small stone to sling.Strolling south you run into the guard from the tower. He doesn't seem to appreciate your comments regarding todays weather.BANG!It was pretty dumb to follow a non-friend bearing a lethal weapon. As you should have expected, he still desired you non-functional. Keep trying, %s1.Be more specific about that.It's very narrow.%m42 %m33That won't help.%m32 A guard patrols nearby.4? 55]\bbbz\7!)]+/6CX%8R#:!)]+/6XC%7#:!)]+/6XC%L#: !)6XC%^=#F:! ) + - / 6 X C % `P X! ) + - / F 6 X C % 2P W!)+/6XC%J+#:!)+/6XC%ye!)/6XC%s&FPWOV!)/6XC%s&FOWPW! ) / 6 X C % s&F O XP W! ) / 6 X C % s&F O ZP W! ) / 6 X C % s&F O [P W!)+-/6XC%I.FPX%, /NE Ec=Ec=Ee@E/< c=z\zfUznze zQ zqS zNpzV\;I#:/< E%U+/< E6%0/<+/< %  %%e%ee v&9 &/< e 'e2%e1e+  N7+//<< ( (E(e  :$zJ+# #.$x,R5B 5BBFR5BY#,R5BF5BB R5BY#,$*,B<5B5BXRB5Y#,BX<5B5BRB5Y#1z 1.$ l,R5B 5BBM. ee'Hee/e(\\/e)%eeCC/e*,e,(e?e .'\'\/i\/\\ /<  e%$.(((/<  %e%%%./<  %e%e&%(/<  %e%e'C'C/'C/iC/'/i/C0(  (((ee=e='H- eF!    !   !HB e  !H- eG!    !   !H e  !HA e  !!(0   !   !   !! !(.!  / '' &!' U/ ;%((' &!%(' &!' &!' U/ ;%((' &!%(' &!' &!'', -#PXP XP X', -#PXP XP X'(((, -#PXP X', -#PXP X< & !'( & !W((k %L)/ /;Q^O# ",)eB )(e&* /<'N % ))_(J,C%<  .,QX!#Q X(1Q X2  .,Q!#Q (1Q 2"G j\t7x,=CMW^kw?uz a_ w  Q _ as far as it goes!You can see It's there already!Everything looks automatic. The panel is loaded with clusters of system status indicators. There is a POWER button, an Attitude dial, and an Ascent Thruster button.Ascent is already in progress!%m3the local tree tops.You are inside a shuttle cockpit. There is an instrument panel before you. Between your legs is a throttle. %m7%m3a variety of celestial bodies neatly placed in the cold black of space.That has no effect now.You're just along for the ride now as Vohaul controls the shuttle to his desired destination.Through the window you see your apparent destination, Vohaul's asteroid.is merely of the push-type.The Attitude dial sets throttle control to either VAC (Vertical Attitude Control) or HAC (Horizontal Attitude Control). It is currently set to%m14 HAC.%m14 VAC.The throttle between your legs is positioned for easy reach. It controls ascent/descent or advance/reverse, depending upon the position of the Attitude dial.It is blank.That's been done already.The ascent engines are now powered-up.The Attitude dial is now set to%m22 VAC%m22 HACATTITUDE SYSTEMVertical ControlHorizontal ControlASCENT THRUSTERSReadyNot ReadyForward =Back =%m31 Descend%m32 Ascend%m31 Ahead%m32 ReverseNot now.A tone sounds. A soft, synthesized voice notes that adequate altitude has been achieved. Ascent thrusters are now ineffective. The monitor draws your attention again.%m5 A monitor glows on the left third of the console.%g31The Power button %m13The Ascent button %m13There is no horizontal control until minimum altitude has been achieved.MINIMUM ALTITUDEAchievedThe screens are suddenly splashed with the incredibly horrible image of Sludge Vohaul!"Hello, %s1! I've been waiting for you. Once again my subordinates have failed me. Anyway, it looks like you'll be visiting me again soon.""Don't bother trying to pilot the vehicle. I have taken control. You will be arriving at my command post shortly. I anxiously await your arrival." He closes with a chilling laugh.Vertical controls are now ineffective.As Vohaul stated, nothing works.His image is frozen on the screens. The ship change course as if it had a life of its own. All you can do is hang on.You feel the ship bank.That won't help. Stay seated.At this point it will yield no important info.The deep, clear sky is disturbed only by the occasional brilliance of a cloud.The shuttle begins to vibrate as the ascent thrusters ignite.(Press a Key)You're off the planet! Good work, %s1!It's up%m2It's back%m24)? wq!)6CX%tLW#Q6>EEPW 1/FQ>'343h3+-#vThis is the outside of a modified asteroid. A large diaphragm-type door stands open, ready to accept the shuttle.4 E? )(b,bb|rrr)rrr k1Q!)(/6CX%<+#FQZZ4J66 46 4XC5 O5R34Y!c,=! !$dneC5 @ICM hN+/ @ICN h  {E:Nf5'344`66 f5A eyp hsh]L#e&YYe&ee|{ ;I Nc+=51 '677d;rrrY,;Smooth move, Exlax! You now know that artificial gravity can be equally effective as natural gravity. Due to the long fall and sudden stop your body has become a two-dimensional object. You're dead, of course.You are in a rather large room to the east of the Vehicle Bay. There are two elevated walkways here. One leads to an elevator in the middle. The other leaves the room to the left and right.It looks like it's waiting to take you for a ride.Nice F/X, huh!?It's a long way down, but it seems short if you're falling.Oooh. It looks deep in there.49? b,b*b+|srrrrrr k!)+6X%UOE$/#KN+/%WL zc*=/#:!)+6CX% U#1%K3 %WNN+4'344Z&346 f#{255DC5 5 acQ 5`2)/F 2'34 A=[4J66 46 4XC5 O5R34Yc,= $dneC5 UIXM hN+/ UIXM h  {E:N8f5'344b66 f5A 'x4 hsh]L#e&YYe&ee|{ ;I Nc+=51 '677d4rrrY,;Smooth move, Exlax! You now know that artificial gravity can be equally effective as natural gravity. Due to the long fall and sudden stop your body has become a two-dimensional object. You're dead, of course.You are in a rather large room to the west of the Vehicle Bay. There are two elevated walkways here. One leads to an elevator in the middle. The other leaves the room to the right and left.It looks like it's waiting to take you for a ride.Nice F/X, huh!?It's a long way down, but it seems short if you're falling.Oooh. It looks deep in there.4%? b&{u|rru{rr k!)+CX%|`6#!)/6 XC%4#!)/6 XC%Z4#'344e&34#c&Ac&`+#&YYe|5543u{rr/ You are somewhere.Nice F/X, huh!?4-? z565b&{|rr5zR_{rr k!)+-/6 CXOW[ %R?%R_#:!)/6 XC%4#!)/6 XC%}4#[%[a+;FQR_#c&Ac&' T_baXY L^ff ;QR_ :`f#'// NaVc#;UQR?Feee/e|46 S_c`[{rrsYYWell, I'll be! I didn't know Stevie Wonder played graphic adventure games!You will have to make a location adjustment first.That's been done already. Are you sure that your monitor is turned on?It's just another section of hall. There is a door on the back wall.It looks much like the other wall panels, except for the button.It's just another button.45? b&{|rr{rr kzZz4ZzRZzrZz;PzYPzyP!)/6 XC%4#!)/6 XC%}4#'344e&34#c&Ac&`#e!e X``j`jGj`&`&&`j&je|57{rr >yAll you can see are billions and billions of stars.Here's a hint: Messing with the window is a waste of time!Except for some small windows, this area is much like all the other interior sections of the asteroid.Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.4? 565b&|{rr5z_z4_zR_zr_{rr k!)/6 XC%4#!)/6 XC%}4#'344e&34#c&Ac&|68{rr49 1? 565jb-|r5z[z7[zU[zu[z_z3_zQ_zq_rr kqq!)+-/6CXu%D%\#:!)+-/6CXu%7D%7\#:!)+-/6CXu%UD%U\#:!)+-/6CXu%uD%u\#:!)+-/6XCu% [%[#F:!)+-/6XCu%-[%:[#F:!)+-/6XCu%K[%X[#F:!)+-/6XCu%k[%x[#F:! ) + - / 6 X C % [# M u: ! ) + - / 6 X C % :[# M u: ! ) + - / 6 X C % X[# u: ! ) + - / 6 X C % x[# u: ! ) + - / 6 X C !)+-/6XC!)+-/6XC!)+-/6XC!XC6 udu% F%)F%\%)\u% 7F%IF%7\%I\u% UF%gF%U\%g\u% uF%F%u\%\# ###'344e&34#EIE?u%au%? xb*b+uvsuz>Ks k#{h Z[]_ hN+/ Z[]` hhs`hv=u4zuI? x5=5v5=5zVz3VzPVzoV k#`v><4qws? x5=5b*b+v5=5zVz3VzP_zX_zoV k!)+-/6XC%X_#F:#'344a 6w we  8 : X__aXY TSic ;Kc+=`S##e&'34###e3'/4 caic(;H Ic*= Kc+=ef  \ eeee e e 2Y/e 3t3t3te/eev?=3h,Sk}%\It's quite dark in here.%m1 You do find a plunger, however.You are in a tubular hallway. There is a door on the side wall.Okay.You can't get that here.That isn't here anymore.Not from here!There is a button situated next to it.The door is closed. %m8The door is open.The door is open. %m8Ah, ha! You know a janitorial closet when you smell one. Almost at once you sense an emptiness, a melancholy longing. You begin to feel homesick.It's quite dark in here. You can find no light switch.Oh, sure! Like you've never seen a button before.It doesn't look like much from here.It's not dark enough here to be effective.That isn't how to do it.42I? x5=5v5=5zVz3VzPVzoV k#`#e!e X``j`jGj`&`&&`j&jev@> >yAll you can see are billions and billions of stars.Here's a hint: Messing with the window is a waste of time.Except for some small windows, this area is much like all the other interior sections of the asteroid.Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.4zuI? x5=5v5=5zVz3VzPVzoV k#`vA?4>? xb*b+svusu kz[K#{h ;[>^ hN+/ ;[>` hhs`hv@u4>?Fb*b+ |Pyzyz kz?j!)+-/6CX%>j5P5#F:!)+-6XC%?j!)+-/6XCOW%4^#F:!)+-/6XCOW%]^#F:!)+-/6XC%6l!)+-/6XC%\l !)+-/6 XCF! ) X C + - 1%LG }#EBE#E#E#EE #E#E`}j'34&&*'343G33W4334N3I#I  3P#I!  & : EE$!9 ! : EE$;;Q4^Q]^4 c*=y`!!K'67&&' 34'34636""$6!3334$6`")&&#& 34F ) + / # $'`2! !'''Z# #CH# #'8# / ' 343 344kO WR 34Y##! e;Qj"#( ##' 344k4k 34$ '##G((<#' hi+/&hi#:<+ - / hi hiF 4kO [R 34Y##"B "! % :( `2 PVQ>j"!:`#!  `_'344aB } PVOV OWPV PWOV} } 8PVOV4`N;;QB^QO^4c+=, UB^O^DD::<<E$$$ $&&E));;K K!$&`,!!  # ##e_e!!  erse & Gfeae''Gf GfHf Hfe%teeffHfffHfe faffffaHfaHfgfgfGffgfaV&L K#{h Z[]_ hN+/ Z[]` hhs`hvGu4zuI? x5=5v5=5z_z3_zP_zo_ k#`vHF4 is? x5=5b*b+v5=5z_z3_zP_zX_zo_ k!)+-/6XC%X_#F:# TSc` 6w we  8 X__aXY TSic ;Kc+= :`F##e''34# ##'/4 caic(;H Ic*= Kc+=ej  \ eeee e e 2Y/e 3t3t3te/eevIG";g-?UPuIt's quite dark in here.%m1 On the floor you notice a glass cutter.You are in a tubular hallway. There is a door on the side wall.Okay.You can't get that here.That isn't here anymore.Not from here!There is a button situated next to it.The door is closed. %m8The door is open.The door is open. %m8Ah, ha! You know a janitorial closet when you smell one. Almost at once you sense an emptiness, a melancholy longing. You begin to feel homesick.It's quite dark in here. You can find no light switch.Oh, sure! Like you've never seen a button before.It doesn't look like much from here.It's not dark enough here to be effective.4i?Rx5=5b*b+v5=5z:_zW_z3_zP_z_zo_ k!)+-6XC%:_//#!)+-6XC%W_//#LK%>aNc+=:LK%[aNc+=:# 9_AaX X__aXY : : 9_Je ;Kc+= X_he ;Kc+=`#ee3/e'/T AaJe;Ic*=e+ `ahe;Ic*=eev 9_J_L X___LJH3]h)DYou are not near enough to one.That's been done.It's another one of those tubular halls. There are two doors.The doors bear icons, one male, the other, female. Each has a button next to it.They're just more buttons.That isn't how to do it.4zuI? x5=5v5=5 kz_z3_zP_zo_#`vKI4D? x5A5b*b+svu5A5z[Ksu k#{h ;[>^ hN+/ ;[>` hhs`hvJu4Qi?  !5M5!)+-/X%Pj#:! ) + - / 6 X C % QjL XN+%<%[#p DkIp Zk_peeElI PhTm  ;KDe :k>m DkIm Zk_meeEleLleis e x xe"i e8e9ae none none!o  e\ e   oe GoGioeHOOaOlaO91(1551! BBe6B e7e1f5eE8Gi8emh>6*e'34% Qj/ # $F  eeei' eDeE !-YoYqYGq`25M"5eC  :e xe# xe#`` f/ze>e?Glsi/ ffqje Yee *f2heeeFeGeI ;>IMpP6/?/3JoX7* V ! Q  0 Gz6}3Tv}"Sl~hR[You have stepped into a porcelain palace of sorts. It is obviously a rest room. A place which, in an interesting fashion, serves to exhibit the physical diversity of the universe.The walls are covered in an easy-to-hose-down synthetic material. Attached to them in various locations are devices designed to efficiently collect waste products from the life forms which are able to physically match up to them.On the back wall are stalls. Three of them are in use judging by the various feet which show beneath the stall doors. To the left are sinks.As you can see, that's already been handled.The door won't budge.The stall door is marked "Out of Order."The inside of the stall is a sight to behold. There is writing of various languages etched on the walls. The floor has an interesting coating of some type of congealed dreck. It appears that the toilet may have been white once. A toilet paper dispenser hangs on one wall.The writing etched on the wall is in various languages. One large message you can read says "Vohaul Sucks!" Someone has tried, in vain, to cross it out.The toilet looks very much like the ones you were used to back on Xenon, at least the ones YOU were responsible for cleaning. It has a handle which hasn't been used in awhile.The grimy wall has writing on it.A closer look makes you believe the paper should have a grit rating.The toilet paper dispenser is of the single sheet variety. %m12OK.You already have that.Your urge is more serious than that.You slide your uniform pants down and settle onto the cool ring.What are you, livestock? Be civilized. Try using a toilet.You've satisfied that urge for now.You go through whatever motions might be normal for you during this act.During your close encounter with the toilet paper, you theorize that this brand of wipe was designed to thwart overuse and theft.Refreshed, you grab your pants and compose yourself.Have some decency, man! Close the door!Well %s1, I guess you'll be paying methane a little more respect in the future. If Mr. Science were here, he would have explained that open flame and high concentrations of methane gas don't mix. Since you're dead you'd best get to restoring.There are several stalls on the east wall, none of which are designed to accommodate humans.This one looks like a quadport high performance urinal manifold. Especially useful for those multitudinously equipped. Also used in a pinch by up to four single digit beings when the place is really packed.This one is interesting. It has a bi-level arrangement, with the upper opening about chin height on you. You might be careful about getting too close. Hopefully, you'll not run into the being this fits.There are fixtures of many types scattered throughout the room, all designed to efficiently collect waste.PFFFFTThe sound comes from one of the occupied stalls, you think.Suddenly, one of your senses down-loads an extremely negative air quality report. For some reason, the name John springs to mind.Severe grunting from the stalls indicates that this is an inappropriate time to strike up any conversations. Maybe they've got a case of Vohaul's Revenge. VOHAUL'S REVENGE, get it!?The dispenser doesn't need to be opened.There's a giant space herpe sitting on the seat. It takes one look at you and flees in terror.The herpe is huge and somewhat gelatinous. It looks at you once and flees in terror.You don't see one.The writing etched on the wall is in various languages. One large message reads%m39 "Vohaul's mother wears Stellar Patrol boots!"%m39 "Vohaul plays text adventures!"%m39 "Ken was here! (So was Al, but we had to repaint afterward.)"%m39 "Vohaul Sucks!"%m39 "Here I sit lonely hearted, had to bolt but only darted."%m39 "Came in here to unleash a beast, just to find my colon creased!"%m39 "For a good time, call Jerry! Ask for Leonard."%m39 "You're right, R.D.! Sierra is an alien outpost! (And it certainly puts to rest some myths regarding superior life forms.)"%m39 "Sir Graham Cross Dresses!"%m39 "T. Bendrohiezehn Was Here."%m39 "%m39 "%m39 "%m39 "%m39 "Beware! The Tadpole Master Lurks!"%m39 "Scott? Is it done yet? Get outta the head and back to work. Christmas doesn't move!"Oh, No! That was a mistake. It's more gross than anything I've described to you in the past. Let's just say that it's a good thing you didn't chow down recently.You notice nothing of particular disgust from here.(Did you ever wonder how your boss looks doing this?)(Did you ever wonder why people look afterward?)The sinks are nice sinks, nothing fancy. Faucets sit above them.The faucets aren't operational. Vohaul didn't seem big on personal hygiene.Darn! Another pimple.Get closer.PHEWW!! It smells worse than John Williams' office in here! You glance around the room for dead Canaries.The floor has an interesting coating of some type of congealed dreck. Imbedded within it you see everything from tiny fish-type scales to short curly hairs to dandruff flakes the size of toe nails. (And don't even bother to try getting any of it.) In the middle is a drain.The drain has a cover welded in place. You can see nothing in the darkness below.Why? Is it the stench or did you look in the mirror?Why? No one else has. And it would probably be risky to attempt without a flotation device handy.You're not in a good place for that.They run into the ceiling and disappear.Sorry. You can't do that.That isn't necessary now.It looks real door-like.Leave the mirror alone.There is nothing in here that a mere plunger can help.GO AWAY!That's not possible.4D? x5<5b*b+usv5<5z>Ksu k#{255DCh Z[]_ hN+/ Z[]` hhs`hvQu4~2? x5=5v5=5z_z5_zS_zs_z5_zs_zL k!)+/6CX%rU#:! ) / X C #` vaf ;6 I( `2'34& 34# N $I :G#C + F  /K##F   `##!e#! 3aHd vafee###!!!e  vafe e     :ee vRP I:w0Youch! You feel alarmingly dense!Apparently, you were a prime focal point for some aggression channeling by one of the caged creatures. Your compressed composition indicates that your attacker possesses considerable strength, a good guy to avoid in the future.Of course, you are damaged beyond repair and the game must end. You've made quite a bit of progress, though. Don't start screwing up now.The hallways on this level are the same as above with the exception of some type of cages. An occasional strange noise is heard. The smell here is stifling. Apparently, the holding cells are not well kept.You can't see much but can hear something stirring in the darkness.As is common in all periods of cage design, vertical bars of a sturdy nature dominate the appearance. They look quite impenetrable. One of them has some fur wrapped around a couple sections of bar.You'll need to get closer.There is no possible way for you to do that.They look like large amounts of fur. No other features are evident from here.They look like big paws.You hear deep breathing.4A? x5=5v5=5z_ z5_z5_zS_zs_z_z5_zS_zs_ k.!)+-/6XC%5_PZ#FQ5<z5_##e) :;8:`Q5_`&####!e#! adee###!!!evSQex1U8Oh, No! One of the cells is opening. Who knows what unspeakable horror waits behind those steel bars?This section is composed solely of cages. An occasional strange noise is heard. The smell here is stifling. Apparently, the holding cells are not well kept.%m2 One of them is opening.%ms Also, there is an alien nearby.You can't see much but can hear something stirring in the darkness.As is common in all periods of cage design, vertical bars of a sturdy nature dominate the appearance. They look quite impenetrable.You'll need to get closer.There is no possible way for you to do that.4? x5=5b*b+v5=5z_z2_z:_zS_zs_z_zS_zbL k!)+-/6XC%:_#F:!)+/6CX%RU#:! ) / X C #'344a! !6w we ! !8  :      :_@aXY  5SLd ;K  c+=` Va_f ;6 I( `2'34& 34# N $I :G #C + F  /K # #F   `xZ!Rm !#9m !#$m !#m !#e)b'34!#Om !#9m !#$m !#m !#e3'/4 DaLd(;H   I  c*= K  c+=ek"m! m\eeee! <m !eee !eeepep+e e}pe q ! \!ee mkke*v e !ee!2Y/e 3t3t3te+/!e!e#! !e(e##!$!e( Va_f a(de"e$###!!! !e(e% !e( Va_fe&e'    : !e(e$TR3 h~E/L`n1Xp*a/ H j It's quite dark in here.%m1 There is a small wastebasket. On the floor next to it is a pair of crusty work overalls.The hallways on this level are the same as above with the exception of some type of cages. An occasional strange noise is heard. The smell here is stifling. Apparently, the holding cells are not well kept. There is a door on the side wall.Ok.You can't get that here.That isn't here anymore.Not from here!Aren't you amazed by how much stuff an adventure game hero can carry? You've just got to know how to pack.They won't fit you.That doesn't seem to be available.Youch! You feel alarmingly dense!Apparently, you were a prime focal point for some aggression channeling by one of the caged creatures. Your compressed composition indicates that your attacker possesses considerable strength, a good guy to avoid in the future.Of course, you are damaged beyond repair and the game must end. You've made quite a bit of progress, though. Don't start screwing up now.You pick up the overalls. They are very small and quite worn out, not to mention filthy, and of no use to you. You toss them back on the floor.%m14 As you set them down, something falls to the floor.They are wadded up on the floor.You see some filthy overalls%m17 and a lighter.a wastebasket%m17, %m19, and a lighter.%m17 and %m19.%m17.%m14 You put them back.%m1 On the floor is a pair of crusty work overalls.%m24 There is a lighter near those.%m2 There is a lighter near those.There is a button situated next to it.The door is closed. %m8The door is open.The door is open. %m8Ah, ha! You know a janitorial closet when you smell one. Almost at once you sense an emptiness, a melancholy longing. You begin to feel homesick.It's quite dark in here. You can find no light switch.Oh, sure! Like you've never seen a button before.You can't see much but can hear something stirring in the darkness.As is common in all periods of cage design, vertical bars of a sturdy nature dominate the design. They look quite impenetrable. One of them has some fur wrapped around a couple sections of bar.You'll need to get closer.There is no possible way for you to do that.They look like large amounts of fur. No other features are evident from here.They look like big paws.That's not possible from in here.It doesn't look like much from here.That would be easier to do if you had it.It's not dark enough here to be effective.That isn't how to do it.4zuI? x5=5v5=5z_z5_zS_zs_ k#`vUS4D? x5A5b*b+usv5A5z[Ksu k#{h ;[>^ hN+/ ;[>` hhs`hvTu4 ? p5a5 b*b+b,b%bD|DPzi| zd z\ z/| z4 z< zx z z z!)+-/ZW/6XC%#ZW Kc+=:!)+-p/zGF /6 X%IELX#:!)+-/6 XC%O1LW! ) / X C !)+/6 XCW+%a##("-!)/6XC=%A$#:!)+-/6 XCW %d+# '-FZW+%  6 %$ }W#Wc%&DcD=E)E/ F E n#CEeE'34}$4E3d6 6 4YYXY GR" }6  }8}5 5`2) / '346 3L323n3%!m + / 6 33& 34 33n!44c! !7- Y # $R !Y!c,=E!% !d) 3 5+ 5/ / F !Eo FXWXDD# o'34& 34) 6 + # F $h3hi &hi#F-i!YRhiY""'hi" i+-" "":#"+) + / "% LX%N7# 'c%&6 # -F#2"w"%d,# 'c%&-F#F"*G'hihi&hi# 'c%&-F) + / I #"# #+ G #F""""'A&c%&##f"%LX+# }$ '$ QK""dx"$ 'd;QK!"x"eW"e$ $ 'Qa";J -"'34" :eeD. ee$ ;G;G  -25"5: 5 :#: `$;}p(#&# }}: :e)_e*eC jjjj`` `` eIeJ``j`jGj`Gj`&`&&`j&j} [ieGeHpe+e,e-pS0S:S:+S+S:sSs:ssS}S DF\Ie e}0}00}}0eLH/'//H'H }eEe0:}}peeeM'343f}> N=Z@ #) [@iG # <=HA # #eYeK} }e/e.} }eBe.eMc}[ <=HALw` $5aq5$$$$$r0xggggg sg g gg!ee$RWEEdEsg is;l%%mmg ?%mmg@gA('<3h('<<3'83h('883'&>h('&'93h('993':3h('::3mA.ggggg sg g gg!~s sg g  :w $zGF ####::::#`p`mEr1xs igFg  Ef| ""5ZM>J$zu o  8 E S j v % { 2   . EFO 4YuWell, %s1, you've found one more way to snatch humiliation from the jaws of heroism.You have just entered Vohaul's secret chamber. The evil one himself is seated before a large console high on a platform in the center of the room.Standing obliviously ready are many of the dreaded salesman clones."So, %s1, we meet again. I must say, I'm quite impressed with your resourcefulness and tenacity. I'd love to chat but I'm busy preparing the last of my salesman clones for their trip to Xenon.""Feel free to stick around and observe the downfall of your civilization, HA, HA, HA!"As soon as you step on the platform you are struck by a beam of light emitted from a unit in the ceiling. In a matter of seconds you are broken down into micro-particles and extracted from the air.Again the beam strikes, this time blasting into a glass jar on the console. It is there that you are molecularly reconstructed in a miniaturized form.Get closer.An examination of his repulsively turgid, fabric-encased mass reveals nothing other than the tubes which supplied him with blood and oxygen. You do notice the letters SHSR written in pen on the back of his left hand.This is the keyboard area you visited while much smaller. It is of no importance now.You notice the jar you escaped from earlier.You see a screen with some text on it, just above a keyboard.The console is loaded with indicator lights. Except one on the left, the screens are filled with numbers which would only make sense to Vohaul.You can't make out much detail from here.Most of the screens seem to be filled with meaningless numbers. The one on the left is flashing.Vohaul's overweight, mechanically-maintained self is seated in a chair in the center of his control room. His pudgy, sallow, features sport no hair. He is truly a vision of ugliness.Vohaul's dead hulking slab of flesh is loosely arranged at the base of the chair.You are once again reconstituted, this time to the correct size. You notice that the clones are gone.General Status: Orbit DecayingPrognosis: TERMINALInterior Environment: OKExternal Temperature: CRITICALAuxilary Operations:Clone Launch: GOClone Launch: ABORTEDTo Abort Launch Enter Code Below:Abort DeniedAbort GrantedF6 TO EXIT THIS SCREENWay to go, %s1! You've stopped the launch of the salesman. Now get off this rock while there's still time.An eerie glow illuminates the large chamber. Through the massive window you can see out into deep space. Lighted consoles adorn the area behind Vohaul's perch.Vohaul awaits at the top of the stairway.%m36 %m37.Vohaul's motionless mass is piled loosely at the base of his chair.%m36 %m39.He doesn't appear to be in a talking mood.The narrow stairway leads up to Vohaul's platform, then continues to who knows where.These guys are your worst nightmare come true. Imagine hundreds of John Davidsons in magnetically hazardous polyester suits, the color alone capable of rendering helpless the infirm.Topped with permabond hair, the face splashed with that let-me-win-you-over smile, he's a master Guiltsmith programmed with one intent. SELL, SELL, SELL!! Each are encased in pre-programmed, impervious transport capsules.They're gone!From down here?After viewing the condition of the chair that Vohaul sat in for who knows how long, you opt not to.-->>0123456789 :Launch Countdown>><<It looks like a darn nice chair. However, there does seem to be a distinct outline where Vohaul's bloated bulk once nestled.Through the massive window you can see out into the depths of space, toward distant systems. So many other places out there to be, but here YOU are."Going somewhere? Ha Ha Ha!"There is no sense in messing with that now. It will not prolong your survival.Go Away!Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.You don't have access to them from here.You can't cut this super-hard glass.There is no way to do that.They sure are pretty.The beached mass is fine where it is.You can't.4 ? b,b%|zOd zLt!)+/6 XC%Od!)6 XC%SBV #:c%# $! X C V ) + - 6 6% Qa%Qa#  (X) / '34% `# L WK !"Y#EhE###xE eN`EeXE## r<-EeEeCE$ #Ac%#( O`Sb) + - 6 % Qa# $ (w OcQjXY OdQd 8 6 Me51`2 5'3446)/+-F 24Y R34Y!c,=!L !5$ "$ E",%^+/#N$ "p rEE  O5dneC$d $+/#N$ E$ $d #EVP )%Pc)+/zOd #N$ !%Od+/#$LWI!! zLtE`*0% ###!#`e0 e(} pe*e)} } pee N(ke$e+``0%.#/#,#/#pe%e#e%Ye&```e`e``e```e`e``e```e`e``ee'4,) / '344Q% \% `# $L WI !"e``jjGj&`&j&`j&"`2 '343PR34Yee ae1|Y1 dvh3co<>%= ]  2 M \ f That's been done.You now know for a fact that less weight does not equal less pain at the onset of deceleration trauma. You've come so far only to die in a dumb way. What a geek."Well, I'll be darned! My miniaturization beam DOES work," Vohauls voice booms."In the old days, I'd test these things on myself. But, as you may have noticed by my appearance, being my own guinea pig has had its disadvantages.""I guess this will keep you out of my way once and for all. You'll make a nice conversation piece." With that, Vohaul turns away to put finishing touches on Xenon's fate.You are on Vohaul's control console in a miniaturized form.You are currently inside a glass container.There is a hole cut in the glass.The now familiar beam is shooting into the jar.Get closer.The newly cut pane of glass falls to the counter. Apparently, Vohaul doesn't notice.You aren't in a good place to do that.You wiggle your slim carcass through the vent.You sneak back out into the open.You can see Vohaul struggling to take his last few breaths. "Not YOU again? You think you have won," he wheezes, "but all you have done is seal your own fate."He reaches up and flips a switch on the far end of the console before dropping to the floor dead.By already being in a miniaturized form and setting the beam to reduce, you are now too small to exist. That wasn't too swift on your part. Too bad.He's really into his work. You're probably the last thing on his mind right now.Dead men tell no tales.You are trapped in a glass jar sitting on the surface of Vohaul's control console.You are inside a glass jar. A hole has been cut in one side.A beam of light penetrates through the top.%m30 %m31You are on the surface of a console. A large (compared to you) jar sits in the middle. A hole has been cut in the side. There are some vents near the back.As you turn your attention to the vent, you notice it to be quite dark.You hear a rythmic hum of some sort of mechanical device and something that sounds like industrial strength breathing. It might be coming from the vent.%m34 %m35It's darn quiet.It's hard to see the rest of the console from this vantage point.It's big, heavy, and quite content on the counter.The beam has a mystifying yellow depth. The air around it feels electrified.He still reeks repulsion, but in a much larger quantity now. He seems rather occupied by his work.You can't see it.. I mean him, from here.From here all you can see is vent exterior.The jar is huge and glassy.There is a hole cut in it.%m44 %m45 %m31%m44 %m45The glass is too thick to break.You can't do that.4bq? b$z5M!)+6XC%9H#z][ !)+/6 XC%PeL[#p /::I%qm#pc$ p Ac$   KI  e `p###9O9e pee`%tGqvvv``%e\pee\z\zpe e  ldutWeae //e '/i/'/' Xb^ep pd:: ee"!4Rf]Judging from those two hoses coming in from outside, you guess that this is the inner workings of Vohaul's life support system. A respirator pumps oxygen into his lungs while a pump on the back wall forces blood through filters.You'll need to be closer.That does nothing.Way to go, %s1! You've just disconnected Vohaul's life support system! He's a goner without it.See the bladder go up. See the bladder go down. Up. Down. Up. Down.You are in the inner workings of Vohaul's formerly functional life support system. The pump and respirator are quiet now.It is inactive now.It kinda looks like a slurpy machine. And it's mixing your favorite flavor, Cherry! MMMMM!Get with the program! That's been handled.Easier said than done.The walls are featureless except for the large button on the back wall underneath a sign.It is typical of most buttons, except, very large.That's a waste of time.That won't work.There is also a sign on the back wall.The sign says "CAUTION: Press Button For Emergency Shut Off"4 ? pc^b,b#|p0!)+-/6XC%c!)+-/6XC%q!)+/6XC%W#:!)+6XC%FL#!)/6XC+%/,+%5,##"-:! ) / C '344|4|&34#EEnEWV""M### +h/"+#h.#h9#h5i,0#hi<"5'`2 5'34)+/-F 24Y R34Yc,= r|r#p##FF$zck EB 5$2 ' 34&34+#$  ' 34&34+#$ 2 : "+/#:# q$$" q+5dneCeC $$  $c#!$ &gQ 5v $ 5vQ v $ vQ Dg $ DgQ ] $1 ]+' 34&34#$ " #"# "$`d`#}: pe*e)} } pee e/ qe e ae Oe ueu3u3uu3uueuuue6e/e+/|///y|HH> \_2q ") ^/ '34& 34# M I $;I ee'/{/'zzz{H'H= \_1q ") ^/ '34& 34# M K $;K ee'Kwx'w'xmKeewA \b5)`2'34& 34) # G $O [Q &g c#!$eexA \b5)`2'34& 34) # $G O [Q &g c#!$ee@ \b4(`2'34& 34) # $G O [Q &g c#!$ "eee|W+X %!*.t $0You now know for a fact that less weight does not equal less pain at the onset of deceleration trauma. You've come so far only to die in a dumb way. What a geek.Darn, %s1. I guess His Lardness got a little fed up with your meddling. You've been redesigned once again revealing a permanent overhead view. You resemble one of those wonderfully colorful mosaics commonly found on windshields.That's already been done.Get closer to the%m4 keyboard.%m4 switch.You are walking on another section of the control console. There is a large switch on the back panel. A keyboard is at your feet.It's just your typical keyboard. Keys with normal letters on them.The switch is the toggle type. It is currently%m9 on.%m9 off.The side walls are non-descript. The back one has a switch and two displays. You can see what they are displaying.There they are. What you see is what they display.The two hoses originate from Vohaul's chest region and lead into this portion of the console.The diameter combined with the slick composition of the tubes makes it an obvious bad risk. Besides, just looking at the floor below makes you dizzy.They are securely fixed to their respective junctions.You are not capable of damaging or inhibiting the performance of these tubes with your physical status being what it is.The typing's been taken care of, thank you.'Type' the word you want.He's really into his work. You're probably the last thing on his mind right now.Dead men tell no tales.Get closer.He still reeks repulsion, but in a much larger quantity now. He seems rather occupied by his work.You can't see it.. I mean him, from here.You should either lower or raise the switch.4@? [ %i9)2)) %# hh?2))g2))## e e QQRee  ea&ee``j`jGj`&`&&`j&j!e"  ' \'e e e }.2$ '2455)) ee-2$ '2455)) ee j7j;[2 e)2V43]3_F^You are walking through a clear tubular passageway which seems to wind in and out along the outer perimeter of the asteroid.You open the box and, noticing an oxygen mask, remove it and close the box.Opening the box you notice it is empty. You close it.You aren't in the right place to do that.The box is actually an oxygen mask receptacle. It is currently closed.You are already wearing it.No longer needing the mask, you remove and stow it for later.There is a box mounted on the west end of this tube.Nothing much you can say about clear stuff.%m17 There is a box attached to the wall at the west end.It looks darn cold and lonely out there. You can only wonder how far you are from home, or if you will ever see it again.It looks like all the other flooring in the place.It looks cold and hard.Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.4 ? z '!)6XC%@m5L5/ /#:! ) + - / X C 5%92)) %^)2##5#W6EE-#E2'34& 34# $I  `2 #/   #C ' 344 34+ / I   >x> #I E  } cm?2))b2))`###QQRe  ea&ee``j`jGj`&`&&`j&j!e!eeRee}.2$ '2455)) ee-2$ '2455)) ee 7:Z2 e)25|4w6?S}0.You are walking through a clear tubular passageway which seems to wind in and out along the outer perimeter of the asteroid. The planet of Labion spins nearby.You can see evidence of the decaying orbit of the asteroid. The exterior of the asteroid is heating up from ever increasing collisions with atmospheric molecules.%m2 The glass tubes will not bear this heat much longer.A section of the glass tubing has fractured from combined stress. The pressurized atmosphere rushes for the relative vacuum of space.%m2 %m4.Due to the effect of the air rushing by you to get out the hole, the air in your lungs is sucked out and you find it impossible to get more. Hence you struggle, but die. You only had %v3 points anyway. No big loss.Fortunately, wearing the mask protects you from suffocation.You aren't in the right place to do that.You are already wearing it.No longer needing the mask, you remove and stow it for later.You slide the oxygen mask back on your face.Nothing much you can say about clear stuff.It looks darn cold and lonely out there. You can only wonder how far you are from home, or if you will ever see it again.It looks like all the other flooring in the place.You don't have a good view from here.It's thin but growing you best get moving.Labion draws closer as the asteroid falls to the whims of it's gravitational pull. Things are really heating up.It seems to be heating up a tad.Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.4Iq? b(!)+-/6XC%LO[#:!)+-6XC% PO[#:!)+-6XC% TO[#:!)+-6XC%6XO[#:w EE]u'hih /F`WWDn u;QZu;Q`u;Qpu;Q c(=  ) u$u$u$u$E*=RZcmwYou are somewhere.LAUNCH TIME: T-Minus%m2 TEN%m2 NINE%m2 EIGHT%m2 SEVEN%m2 SIX%m2 FIVE%m2 FOUR%m2 THREE%m2 TWO%m2 ONE%m2 ZERO4?bb-b<!)+-/6XC%S[#:!)6XC%6o#:!)+-/XC%V[LX!)b6XC%N#QN8"!)b6XC%}#Q[6#!)b6XC%ai#Q_g$!)b6XC%M#QMp%! ) b6 X C % # Q d+/+r$7r%>d+/ +%hr8r#:Es`r ;GS rr`t #GS r8rtUFM+#r8rr`rK t6UFr `2)P35,5N##'34&348#$G UF#r )/I7 #35G8 Q>d;5 QhQh 8 +/F$Cr:N#r8:N#Any curiosity you may have harbored regarding the menacing, metallic pest will now be satisfied as you have drawn too close. Your attention is attracted to a decal on the front of the machine. It says "The Vohaul Marrow-Matic." This rouses your curiosity.Suddenly you note that each and every bone in your body feels as though it has been transformed into molten matter. Never slow to catch on, you notice that you are cooking from the inside out! Now this is a pain that lingers!Every drop of moisture is purged from your system by the intense heat of the internal barbecue. Your dehydrated composition makes it impossible to continue. Better luck next time, %s1.The robot has apparently decided that it is permissable for you to be here since you are in the pod already.It's a very odd looking robot, balanced on two legs with an odd electric eye scanning back and forth. On it are the words "Vohaul Marrow-Matic."4~{3!)+6X<FP%Za%;aE8/6N+/<FP%\^%<^#F| /#: /#:h`e'/eea eeeOOeeee/O/eOOO@OJe 5f52AKU''  ' /'/ '/{2{3'_' __ _' _/'/ _'/_e'`' ` ``' `/'/ `'/`{<{A'a' a a' a/a'/ a'/a{F{K'b' bb b' b/'/ b'/b{P{U{e{3{J6;INc+={3)d55U{{<{F{P{} UFM3J255DC||Kc*= {E:N8` e6=a/Z([You are in a small capsule-shaped enclosure. Above the door is a digital read-out which reads LEVEL %v122. The only other feature is a rectangular panel.The panel has a vertical row of four buttons. There is some small engraving at the bottom edge of the panel.The buttons look ordinary. Each button has a word next to it. In order, they are "One", "Three", "Four", and "Five".The digital read-out shows the number %v122.Aren't you glad no one saw that? %m4 The trick here is to push the number of a floor other than this one. Otherwise, it's no fun.The engraving reads; "BOBCO LIFT DIVISION A SUBSIDIARY OF BOBCO, INC. UNIVERSALLY FAMOUS MAKERS OF NAD'S HAMSTER TAPE.""IF YOU'RE BOLD, WE'VE GOT THE HOLD!""IF THAT'S YOUR TRIP, WE'VE GOT THE GRIP!""BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE!"Hey! wake up! There is no button "Two".The entire enclosure is made of stainless steel. No features other than the buttons and door are evident.Much to your surprise, it looks just like an elevator door!You'll have to provide more information than that.That's not good enough. Get with the program.Sorry. It's busy.No.4N5bkAKU<FP!)+-6 XC! ) + - X C !)+-/XC6}v'hihK4} + / +/h& hi%i%k# F #F#Qkc4} + / +/h& hih%i%k# F #F#Qkc}} <55}}} } }}} } $E'67'hih}} } } Ach7`.}hh66} h6h6./F$ } $ / ``2'34h3i4& 34/8/ +3 h h& hiii&hi3 % i/8/ +3h h& hihii&hi3 %ri/# F $#F}}pg'67%kQk} @%kQ k}$6K%kQk} %kQk}#cGa } } QkI} }Qk3$d}} } } $ /}#C`O}} CN:# N   :e|aIt looks like you have been formally introduced to the floor waxer. You now consist of a very thin, yet glossy floor covering. Too bad. You seemed to be making relatively good progress.There's an automated floor waxer moving down the corridor. The name plaque reads "The Daledo Buffmaster. Another Fine Product from Helmet Master Enterprises."It's no conversationalist.4! ) / + - 6 X C L W4<FP%% 975=GQ / K ;AKU% ^72E / I # : 'hiH4<FPhh; I ;AKUh h; K h4<FP7h\*h@h2h#;AKU7h~*hfhUh40 <  2 555: < v ve`heReThere is a surveillance camera mounted on the ceiling. It looks to be quite basic. It appears to be pointing right at you!You have the funny feeling you're being watched.I think that about wraps-up your I.Q. test.40`{%<AFKPU##a ee |=No break-throughs in interior design to report. It's just one of many tube-like sections of this custom asteroid.All surfaces seem to be composed of pre-fabricated, synthetic panels which have been secured to the sides of the bored-out tube.All the panels seem solidly affixed to whatever is behind them.This section of hall dead-ends. There is an elevator on the back wall and a camera attached to the ceiling.4Kok5b!!)+6/XC!)+-6XC('343K 33&34 Ec$ +%f+%fy<55 %KfEb++Q5+%f+%f<FP+%fAKU+%fR 6%:^Ed2Eb #GSEc E#FNEd E#:FC C#  E#GS SGY)` `2N 'FG'hihFFAc! #Gc! $ 'hii&hi# N`qj#NLV)'hiG2hhiAKU Qf.<FP QfhP QfQf ++/Fd$ C++/I. LW'FG)$++G j/:#Fe OH, YUCK!! The dark and spiny beast with massive red lips grabs you up and, after a longing glance, proceeds (don't read further if the phrase "French kiss" bothers you) to plant a very moist french kiss on you. You are left quite stunned.It leaves, apparently satisfied.It's a dark prehistoric-looking beast with plates covering it's body. One outstanding feature is a pair of gigantic red lips.They're massive, eh?4.Rwwggggg }} } t@ggggg cd5P5J5Y t@ggggg }5$5+ w@ggggg  L#*/5<DWax Wax Wax WaxLips Lips Lips Lips 452k*! ) P/ X C ! ) / 6 X C = ! ) / BM , D & 4"C% g+ D% g+  {+ 'hiC h& hi+ D h& hi+ I , D & +") + C% _D% w_# F M   # F M E B%} G S } U M F `-' hihi& hi# L WI 3 U M F :  $  # S Ac" ; G ' hic"E #C3) / L WI ) + ' hiia hiG S d   / `2'hi& hi35, 5/ # G $##$: `>N&###RyWYou have made the mistake of getting within what looks to be a cattle-prod's length of the metal menace.An electrical contact connected to an extension arm reaches from its body and makes contact with you. That's when you begin feeling the intense burst of electrical current pulsing through your body. You quickly black-out.As you can see, you amount to little more than a hill of laser-fried beans. You've come a long way only to be torched. Keep up the fine work.The huge metal menace is specifically designed to secure a given area. When not busy, it is plugged into the wall, recharging. (Imagine what nicads would cost for that puppy.)They're neatly indented into the wall.They don't look so darn tough now. That little shower did the trick.Your fire and subsequent shower seems to have shorted-out the burnished bullies.4,SkK!)/6 XC=% a [`l``\HV(OA`awcm cmgzijll * 4%Y zqyghdXeRu-~!0# aM^7^&af\[ [[!Z'Z' Y&RJbN cMm;w" ||} }  ]bkndhaU`S[4Z( \\\ ] e_ ] ~~}||;L BJL L L IJKKL L kt ],^>_Ex%o9p6boat`|^ M`q_w^|Y'Ϛ NY*Y(Z0&      ! # & ''#)++ - -.1267:<= =>ABAFGILOP SU W[\\_acdfffeeddhhj lo stwy} xVE=-  mк yl N}dTE3'}yy}y~  *./ /+,!  %++ .( / *+'   != /7?JU^foo nb `ipp oa\VV X]jl }nNhTE64/'!%+-/)   < ^a ])-/-|m<iaNQHGG>=61{mb}k|nj`^TED;96.50ndnca`]nY   xyx x <sg#R&;%,   n{{|%{({)y)q)x` .u,k.I0<6+@KOX Z ]9 EǶ=8#4)2+2+ /+.(.15 8 620 0 /// /,)''''' &%"!!    4  E 9O [P R T V X Zw"d&S)?(0&(')I     3 4 5 6.3./$ #" E '@%)$%#""!*&'(, /0pwn=,N(_+V +V.J#]N=*R,I ,I/>0<"{#]'D$O  h;  wkpj*xJ-)"u$k'd*_ *_-U(C,:12 12*+03,J+W)` (z)r)m*i)yB^DSEB_Q9 J_ISI6K'OI- H'GKZLXLEJ4D,B#?K]!I RZPVODP:P:V/P9 P9PP P;OP L7L8LT^!@*[WZJZAT]UZW1W!WW!YY%f^"IJ nYlNkFk?==?=;; ;=?A@ACFEB B E HHFHKKO@? 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