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This means you have an INT on, but not set to a function0int.c@  ham_MemAllocObj Exceeded OAM Memory usage, deallocate first!i+cnt<1025memory.cham_deallocmemobj OAM GFX block already deleted / was never allocatedham_memobj_refcnt[first_block]>0ham_deallocmemobj fatal, mail mei<1023ham_MemAllocVram BG mem full, deallocate first!((i+cnt)<32)Out of bounds, something is wrong with your deallocation, make sure allocation was correcti<32ham_CreateObj: y cannot be greater than 255y<256obj.cham_CreateObj: x cannot be greater than 512x<512ham_CreateObj: obj_shape cannot be greater than 3obj_shape<3ham_CreateObj: obj_size cannot be greater than 4obj_size<4ham_CreateObj: obj_mode can only be 0 - 2obj_mode<3ham_CreateObj: col_mode can only be 0 or 1col_mode<2ham_CreateObj: mosaic can only be 0 or 1mosaic<2ham_CreateObj: hflip can only be 0 or 1hflip<2ham_CreateObj: vflip can only be 0 or 1vflip<2ham_CreateObj: prio can only be 0-3prio<4ham_CreateObj: all your OAM entries seem to be taken already!entryno<128ham_SetObjBefore: The obj you want to move to is not existantham_obj[objno_target].taken==1ham_SetObjBefore: The obj you want to move from is not existantham_obj[objno].taken==1ham_SetObjBefore:You cannot put an object in front of itselfobjno!=objno_targetham_CloneObj: all your OAM entries seem to be taken already!  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0%*,-.)/(' !"#$+&  You cannot use Drawtext in BGMode 3-5F_DISCNT_BGMODE_GET<3text.cham_InitText: you can only run the HAM text system in BGMode 0-2(F_DISCNT_BGMODE_GET<3)ham_InitText: in this BGMode, the bgno doesnt exist! try a different bgno(ham_GetBgType(bgno)!=0xFF) @ @ @@ @ @ham_InitMapSet: Invalid input for map_rot!(map_rot>1)tile.cham_InitMapSet:Invalid input for map_size!(map_size>3)ham_InitMapSet: the Map you want to load is bigger than map_size/map_rot specified. STOP!size_map_u16>=size_u16ham_InsertMapFragment: You cannot combine a rot map with a non rot map.mfi->map_rot==ham_bg[bgno].mi->map_rotham_InitMapEmptySet: Invalid input for map_rotham_InitMapEmptySet:Invalid input for map_sizeham_CreateWin: turned_on_for has an illegal input valueinside_on_for<32win.cham_CreateWin: winno has an illegal input valuewinno<3D dbg_Show calls in session | | v -- BG VRAM manager block usage stats | | o -- OBJ VRAM manager block usage stats | | l -- OBJ shadow OAM linked list stats | | s -- sound stats | | x -- exit debugger | +-INT enable registers ---------------------------------------------------+ | GamePak Key DMA 0 1 2 3 SIO Timer 0 1 2 3 VCnt HBL VBL| | %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x | +-INT request registers --------------------------------------------------+ +-Sound 1 registers ------------------------------------------------------+ | NoSwps Swpdir Swptime ENVini ENVDir ENVStps WAVDty ENVlen | | %3x %1x %3x %3x %1x %3x %2x %3x | +-Sound Main Status Registers---------------------------------------------+ | StatusCtrl Left 1 2 3 4 Right 1 2 3 4 OutL OutR - Operation 1 2 3 4 ALL | | %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %2x %2x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x | | WININ0 SFX OBJ BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 WININ1 SFX OBJ BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 | | %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x | | WINOUT0 SFX OBJ BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 WINOUT1 SFX OBJ BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 | | BGMode---BGs-0-1-2-3--HBLI VBLI VCNTI HBL VBL FRCBLK VCOUNT VSET VMATCH | | %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %3x %3x %1x | | BG#-ChrBB-ScrBB-ScrSize-Prio-Mosaic-Colmode---------------------------- | | 0 %1x %2x %1x %1x %1x %1x | | 1 %1x %2x %1x %1x %1x %1x | | 2 %1x %2x %1x %1x %1x %1x | | 3 %1x %2x %1x %1x %1x %1x | | HAMlib VRAM memory manager stats (0=empty 1=allocated,FF=end of block) | | CBB SBB-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | 0 %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x | | 1 %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x | | 2 %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x | | 3 %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x | | HAMlib OBJ memory manager stats (0=empty 1=allocated,F=end of block) | 1-FE are the reference count of this block. | %4d: %2x| HAMlib OBJ list || HAMlib OBJ shadow OAM linked list stats (the ham_obj array) | format is: tileno for entry[prev_in_list < list_no > next_in_list]active | special tiles: 0xff end of list Start of list (ham_obj_first): %2x %2x[%2x<%2x>%2x]%1x +Dumping from %8x hex -----------------------------------------------+ | %8x - -- %s+---- q = quit n = next p = previous -------------------------------+ | Enter 32 bit Memory address to dump from (ascending) | | Common vals are: 06000000 BG VRAM start | | 08000000 ROM start | | 02000000 EX WRAM start | How many times should dbg_Show calls be skipped? 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