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The saved data may be corrupted.Load?YesNoOverwrite?bad_allocErrorYour Farm'sDog's bad_alloc Your nameYour birthdayFarm's nameDog's nameIs this OK?Yes!No...bad_allocA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z % a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z . * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - x ~ / < > ( ) & ! ? `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyfDEOPQRSTUVWX{|~`^ijIH́@@ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyfDEOPQRSTUVWX{|~`^ijIH́@@ ____________Name End EndIs this name OK?YesNobad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_allocbad_alloc    c,cccccLccPcc c 4c c c ܖclcc c 98>|> 6>> >$?,?`? 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Press the A Button to stop the cursor with the correct timing. The green zone shows how far your dog can catch the disk. The red zone shows where the disk can't be caught. Be sure to catch the disk inside the green zone. The more you practice, the greater your dog's range becomes. However, if you practice too much at once, your dog will get bored. If this happens he won't play any more. The higher your dog's affection is toward you, the more he will practice. In the Disk Tournament, you get two tries. The better throw is used.Explain again? Now throw again. The Tournament is over.Play again? My dog doesn't seem to want to play anymore. Found a ! You didn't find anything.bad_allocZdFdbad_allocMidnight Harmony Dustball Ivy League Achilles Holiday Don Quixote Io Zydeco Zanzibar Napoleon Victory Gambler Killroy Bullseye Triumph Summer Wind Marionette Insider Blazer Azafar Seaman Tachyon Mangrove Bandolier Warp Zone Sea King Emperor Triton Symphony Valkyrie Missile Lucky Run Zeus Lion King Success TaleGlory Pericles Cowboy Astronaut FP(Z((dddd(((dFZZF2 2F(F22<(F(2dL L>LDLILLTIL bad_allocFarm DegreePts Number Shipped Fishing NameMaximum sizeResults fishm cm Other Mini-Game Records Harvest Animal HusbandryWateringDog Disk sec.Income/Expenses Highest amountearned used G Longest living animal Chicken Cow Sheep years M D Lowest Level in Mine levels below ground Number of moles whacked vo(wowohxoxoyo(yoyoyoHzohzozoHwowobad_allocP!bad_allocbad_alloc0123456789bad_allocStaffCoordinatorsTatsuya SakoRyou FukutoyoDaisuke KondohDaisuke KawabeHitoya YamasakiShousaku TakedaDesignersTuyoshi YamaueMasanobu HuchiePochi YanaiYoshikoKakuyamaMarimo KawabataKayoko IsozakiXu YanSoundAi YamashitaProgrammersKazutoshi SatodaKazumasa HirataKouhichi OhashiItoki TouSei KouNikin SonMinkun JyoWu XiangShen LiangXia LiDebuggersRie MuraoAnko KitamuraMasaki GamouQiu YihuiSpecial ThanksYasuo OhnoHideyuki MizutaniJunichi KutsuzawaTomio KanazawaMasato MizushimaMakoto TaniguchiHisashi UranoPromotionTakuhiro GotohDesignMiki MiyagiAssistantMariko IshikawaAssistant ProducerTakeshi OguraTest PlayDigital HeartsOriginal Game DesignSetsuko MiyakoshiTomomi YamatateOriginal GraphicShinichi HayakawaShunosuke OzakiCharacter DesignIgusa MatsuyamaOriginal Planning & ProducerYasuhiro WadaU.S. Executive ProducerHiro MaekawaNatsume Inc.U.S. Product ManagerGraham MarkayLocalization ManagerSachiko YamauchiU.S. Q.A. ManagerTaka MaekawaLLLLLLMM(M8MHMXMLLLhMLtMMMMMMMLLLMLMLLLMLMN N0N,?AI'm afraid you can't equip anything more... Um...well...You don't seem to have enough Gold...Thank you very much!Really? Are you sure?Do you need anything else?Thank you very much. Wait a minute. Your Rucksack is full. I'll have it delivered.Thank you very much. Wait. You can't carry any more. I'll have it delivered.?d@dA2B2C2DdEdThank you very much. Wait. Your Rucksack is full. I'll have it delivered.Are you sure?bad_alloc9:;<You can't seem to hold anything else. Why don't you lighten your load? You don't have enough money for the Medicine. I'm terribly sorry.Sure you don't need anything else?Sure you don't need anything? It looks like you should get more rest...Do you need anything else?Since you can't hold anything else, I'll have this delivered for you.Looks like you can't hold all this. I'll have the rest delivered for you.Here you go. Take care, now.bad_allocWater. Just plain old water.Box Lunch. Sold only at the Hotel in the afternoon.Milk. Freshly squeezed.oodL,os,o2qo(oKod,o&oYou don't have enough Gold. Come back later.So you don't want anything? You sure? Come back any time now!Thanks! Wait one moment... OK, here you are!bad_alloc5dc'P6;@BC,DXEYou can't hold more tools! Why are you so greedy!?You can't hold any more! Why are you so greedy!? Thanks any time! Ach! You can't fit anything more in your Rucksack! I'll send it along, though. No worries, no worries!Thanks any time! Ach! Some won't fit into your Rucksack! I'll send it along, though. No worries, no worries!Thanks very much now! Do business any time!Your Gold in insufficient! Do these eyes look blind to you!?...Want to buy anything else? Extra cheap for you......Are you playing games with me?Sure you don't want to buy anything else?bad_alloc=,>I'd be glad to sell it to you, but since you can't hold anything else... Sorry to say this, but you don't have enough Gold.Thanks again. Come any time!Just let me know if you need any help.Thanks again! What's this? You can't seem to hold anything else.  Don't worry, though, I'll have my husband deliver it!Come any time now!Are you looking to buy something else now?bad_alloc@AXBC DEFLGHIx A Record Player.You don't have enough money!You are holding too much already. Thanks very much! Come again any time!Thanks very much. The Record Player is old, so I'll have it delivered.Thanks again.Thanks very much! Oh, it looks like you can't carry it! No worries, I'll have it delivered.Sure you don't need anythign else?bad_allocWater. Just plain old water.Some delicious-looking spaghetti.Snow-cone. Crushed ice with syrup. xc@x,Dx(@x,hxHey, you don't have enough money!If you get hungry again, just come back, OK?!Wait one second.... There you are. Enjoy!bad_alloc Upgrading Upgrading ToolsMake Mayonnaise MakerCost to make this Gold 20,000G Ore AdamantiteMake Cheese MakerMake Yarn MakerMake NecklaceCost to make this Gold 1,000G Ore OrichalcMake EarringsMake BraceletMake BroachyyFy yGyyHyyy Ny$z Ny8z Ny-HzXz.zXz,zXz/zXzTo make this, you need Adamantite Ore and 20,000 gold pieces... So you don't have the money?...Too bad!To make this, you need Orichalc Ore and 1,000 gold pieces... So you don't have the money?...Too bad!It will take me five days to make. Are you sure?It will take me one day to make. Are you sure?To make this, you need Adamantite Ore and 20,000 gold pieces... So you don't have the Ore?...You can find it in the mine near the spring.To make this, you need Orichalc Ore and 1,000 gold pieces... So you don't have the Ore?...You can find it in the mine near the spring.Select a Tool to upgrade and an Ore to upgrade it with.Sorry, but you don't have enough gold.You can't hold anything else. Do you need anything else?You're sure you don't need anything?Thanks a lot!Thanks a lot.You can't carry anything else, though, so I'll have Gray deliver it.Looking for something else as well?Make itDon't make itOK, I have to get to work! Quit bothering me!A woman doesn't change her mind, you know.Why don't you come back when you have something for me to upgrade for you!You don't have any Ore for me to use! You can find some in the mine by the  spring, you know.bad_allocLumberGolden LumberHouse ExtensionCost of upgrading your House Gold 3,000G Lumber 200 piecesCost of upgrading your House Gold 10,000G Lumber 700 piecesAdd a BathtubCost of upgrading your Bath Gold 30,000G Lumber 580 piecesChicken CoopChicken Coop Gold 5,000G Lumber 420 piecesRemodel BarnCost of upgrading your Barn Gold 6,800G Lumber 500 piecesVacation HouseCost of building a Cottage Gold 100,000,000G Lumber 999 piecesRemodel WindowRebuild.Remodel DoghouseNew MailboxSq. Window w/ ScrGold 25,000G Lumber 300 piecesSq. Window w/o ScrRound WindowRed DoghouseGold 20,000G Lumber 500 piecesBlue DoghouseStrange DoghouseRed MailboxGold 10,000G Lumber 200 piecesBlue MailboxStrange Mailbox2 'H0uDX0@Ăa,؂a,؂a,؂  N 0T N 0d N 0x'' '  What you need to rebuild: You don't have enough gold.Your Woodbin is already full, you know.Lumber You can't hold anything more, you know.Golden Lumber I won't take on another job until I finish the first one. That's how I work.You don't have enough Lumber.It'll take 3 days to complete. Are you sure?Don't you need anything else?Are you sure now?You sure you don't want to change it?I'll put the Lumber in the Wood bin, then!Thanks. You can't hold anything else, so I'll deliver it to your home.Thanks. You can't hold some of these, so I'll deliver them to your home.Much obliged!BuildDon't buildUpgradeDon't upgradeAlright, I'll start the upgrade tomorrow, then.Are you sure?Need anything more?bad_allocBuy CowBuy SheepSell CowSell Sheep`0 1 JI   @@@Sick@ @@@Unhappy @@@Healthy years old @@@@@ SpringSummerFallWinterD Selling Price@ G@@@Sick @years old @@@@@ D Selling Price@@ You don't have enough gold!The Feed Bin is already full, don't you know... You can't hold anything else! The Barn is full...!Will you do the naming for me?There are no cows to sell right now...There are no sheep to sell right now...Just let me know if you want to buy anything, now.You're sure now?How about G?YesNoI'll put this Fodder in the Silo, now.Come any time. Since you can't hold all of this, I'll deliver it, OK?Come any time. Since you can't hold anything else, I'll deliver it, OK?Come any time.I'll put 'er in the barn for you. Thanks!Not interested in anything else?Alright... I'll bring this one with me now,then. Don't forget to come tomorrowbad_allocIf you put it in the Refrigerator, the wrapping will come off. Are you sure?YesNoItems Fridgebad_allocYesNoToolsItemsbad_allocIf you put it in the shelf, the wrapping will come off. Are you sure?YesNoItemsShelfbad_allocToolsTool Boxbad_allocTools Items First, select a Tool to be upgraded.This is...c-cursed! What are you thinking!!Next, select an Ore to upgrade that Tool with.That can't be upgraded.You can't use that to upgrade Tools. You need a better Ore instead.A real woman doesn't change her mind, you know.You don't have enough experience to upgrade that Tool.That Tool has already been improved with the same Ore.Hmmph! What are you trying to do, downgrade your Tools?!That Tool is G. and it will take day(s). Is that okay? Hmm....You don't have enough money! I can't do it for that.YesNobad_allocSorry, but I don't think I can wrap that!How is this?YesNoBut...your poor dog!ToolsItemsI suggest wrapping for your present! Bye now!Just wait one second... OK, here you go!So which will it be?bad_allocNow communicating. Is other player prepared? (B Button to cancel)Sending game data now...Testing connection...You won't be able to send previous game data.Okay?YesNoWaiting for other player to respond. Press B Button to cancel.Now sending data.Data exchange failed. Try again?OK, I'll quit communication, then.What's the matter? The other player seems to have canceled.Hmmm? This data and A Wonderful Life's data didn't go well together.You can only exchange data with Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, and only if you haven't shared data with other games. Shall I start communication?So you don't want to send data after all? Too bad...Communication complete. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@A !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@Abad_allocABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!%&()~<>.?+-x*/o BFGEG4GEbad_allocbad_alloc ^@=KSR: Greatly downSR: Fairly downSR: Somewhat downSR: Slightly downSR: No changeSR: Slightly upSR: Somewhat upSR: Fairly upSR: Greatly upFR: Also greatly downFR: Greatly downFR: Also fairly downFR: Fairly downFR: Also somewhat downFR: Somewhat downFR: Also slightly downFR: Slightly downFR: Also no changeFR: No changeFR: Also slightly upFR: Slightly upFR: Also somewhat upFR: Somewhat upFR: Also fairly upFR: Fairly upFR: Also greatly upFR: Greatly upSeasoning SetTool selection done. Next ingredients.A wrapped wrapped for a gift.r Follow the recipe.Improvise.Make another recipe.Not enough ingredients.Ready to cook.Change ingredients.Change tools.It didn't work...The is done! Keep the recipe!The is done!Compare to the previous one: Make this the recipe.Leave recipe as is.View current recipe.Select ingredients to start cooking.Recipe ListToolsItemsFridge@@@@@Knife Frying PanPot Mixer Whisk Rolling PinOven Sugar Salt Vinegar Soy Sauce Miso  @"(08DL\dx~"( Lȧ`MЧܧlN|hOlPQ(hR(xS20<T(UȭԭX(pVЮYPW2dW2zZ<,Z<,Z<",^а԰_\ [,4T]`dapbv|c бd@رܱef2 \gdhxh i(j(@ȲkԲزl(,m2@Hn<oԴش pqܵr2Ps(X`t2ĶԶu<vHT`xlt~?wķ̷y<z( {( 4|(@H}PXdlL@dhйܹ2<(`DLܺ(%T<lxܻ<%rxܻ<%`<`<x(%\<%t<z<`x|( ((L PT`@x|ĿԿܿ $DTtNTt|(DFLX2LHXI`Jh:2p;dz<=GddBBBBBB !#$%&',>5  #$%&'( )-./oHIJBdvD@     o !"#$%&'()HIJ*+,-./>?FBVdvC     o !"#$%&'()HIJ*+,-./>?FBVdv    +-./dB    +-./ d@B #$%&'(+-./>RQloCB      !"#$%&'(+-./dAoq   #$%&'()HIJ,-./*>odv)HIJHIJ?*), U ),HIJUHIJ?*),  !"UX +-./   V V+-./    !"VY )HIJ, UVHIJ?*+-./   ), UVW )HIJ, WUVHIJ?*+-./  !"UVXYZ  ), Ba*>* !"q !")HIJ ,FqB * *> !" *?>  q q*BqB     !"#$%&'(+-/a@B     !"#$%&'(+-/a*> !")HIJ ,Fc\u~ !" !"> !"#$%&'(*q\u~A>#$%&'(   +-/)HIJqC*>)HIJuv)HIJ*>)HIJv)HIJBq+@,*>?,*-@/@@lAu~\*u~\Aq*A,*?ADB     o !"#$%&'()HIJ*+,-./>?FVdvAq*u~\AB !"qaB@l -.+/Ca     #$%&'(+-./C    +-/.DCD   +-./C   +-./B    +-./K    +-/.K   +-./B    +-./K CB     o-./F +-*/.BEqB@@012345678@@ *BCCq*CqFF* !" )HIJ*,\u~Cq> )HIJ*,\u~CqF> )HIJ*,\u~CBq*\u~q*G ,)HIJ*> !"0 12345678)IJ)HJ)HI*47:0*48<10123456;=0123 456 78 "(bad_allocbad_alloc(F 2dddd Fid(2 (2d -Yd(< 2dddFYd bad_alloc 8 Ph$! (@X p%0Hi>bad_allocPirate FortuneFossil of FishPower BerryMessage BottleEmpty CanBranchFish BonesBootsRock TroutScadFat MinnowCherry SalmonPigfishSardineMountain TroutWhitefishEelBitterlingBonitoFlukeFilefishGolden CarpSilver CarpKelp BassBigheadSalmonMackerelNeedlefishSp. MackerelSaury PikeDoradoRed SnapperCodRoachBrown HakelingRainbow TroutHerringSandfishFlounderBlowfishBlack BassYellowtailBluegillCrucian CarpGreenlingTunaOcean SunfishLionfishRockfishL. SalmonSnakeheadLake SmeltJp. HuchenMonkfishCatfishCarpCoelacanthSquid`p $08@LXdpxX ,8DT`hxbad_alloc ((((((((( (- K222 77<<AAF FK - P P ! F F 2F2F 2F 2 FF2 F2 FF222F2 2F22 2F22F22 22F 2F2 222  Z Z Z Z  Z Z      2Z 2Z2 2Z2 Z2 2 2Z Z2 2 2 2  2 2  2 F 2222 F 2 22  "2(2( 2 2<<FF2PPZZcc cc2 222222(2(2222222222 222 2222222222 2bad_allochP``(pĨȘ( (2 -^N@PR/EYY uOL $LLL<[ :h$*,Abad_allocP``0Pp088h0 0 X80H`0 80H``Xx`h(p88P` @h8( 0 X8 8 0X8 8@( `Xx`h(p0p@pP0pXp  0 `x ~ x  H`@Hx@P xxHh8HHp@@Pbad_allocSpringSummerFallWinter   1st day of Spring New Year Festival in Rose Square. 6PM - Midnight 14th day of Spring Spring Thanksgiving Festival 18th day of Spring Spring Horse Racing in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM) 22nd day of Spring Cooking Festival in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM) 1st day of Summer Beach Day at Mineral Beach (10AM - 6PM)  7th day of Summer Chicken Festival in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM) 20th day of Summer Cow Festival in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM) 24th day of Summer Fireworks Festival at Mineral Beach (6-9PM)  3rd day of Fall Music Festival in Church (6PM - Midnight)  9th day of Fall Harvest Festival in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM) 13th day of Fall Full Moon Festival (6PM - Midnight)  18th day of Fall Fall Horse Racing in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM)  21st day of Fall Sheep Festival in Rose Square (10AM - 6PM) 30th day of Fall Pumpkin Festival  14th day of Winter Thanksgiving 24th day of Winter Starry Night Festival  30th day of Winter Year End Gathering Year End Festival  st day of Marriage to  st day of Wedding Anniversary No plans...bad_allocN/A bad_allocHorse'sCow'sSheep'sChicken'sChild'sYourbad_allocN/A 670482:9 T P PJ <Ta((  (2#2dFZ(< 2F2dF2(Pd(dPd2 2d2d DJPV\bhntz     (d",/258; > A D G JMPSVY\_bhmrw|     :XH     8z     (<Pdx      #&hmrw|     :Xv HR\fkpuz     8>DJPV\bhntz     (d",/258; > A D G JMPSVY\_bh     &0:DNXv  */49>CKNQTWZ] ` c f i lorux{~8;>ADGJMPSVY\_behk n q t   ,6@JT^cdc dXcd d8X dIdYdJdSdXd8X j+j4j\,j1j4jо<8H5jTj]j@UjZj\jо<8sffc$@cl.l.llHl lp77l.l.l l l l:;klljjpj <kll kk$k3(4 eee,f.f/fD8p8 eeedd`e0`f'f'f(ft*f+f44DlcLcLc,e.e.e0TDlcLcLcdjfjgj@DlcLcLchk kPk .P. hhh@hhhx hhhh hh<F hhhthh h* hhhlhhh hhhThh4h hhhhhhp|cdcdckk11cdcdckkXc7c7cLkpkXc7c7c\k@kggggDggggtgPgggǵggggg$ggggg`ggggggg hh hh |hhȿԿ h\hȿԿ h h hlh thķhXd hThXdh h$ hh$ hhh 8h$hhhh̒h hh|hiHi4MCDHLMOPYgqrwbad_allocbad_allocH`xH^`^x^^^0<<<Wanna hear how to do it?YesNo Now I will explain the Animal Husbandry game. Use the Control Pad and the A Button to help us feed the Chickens. If you feed them when they don't need to be fed, they'll get angry. So, wait until their Feed starts to get low. Chickens will start to flap their wings when Feed starts getting low, and they'll go outside when Feed runs out. If they leave the Chicken Coop, they may not come back even when you feed them, so be careful. Watch the Chickens closely and feed them as best you can.Got it?I Yes!Come again? OK, let's start! @points to clear! Feed given Misses @@@@@@@@TotalH`xHFGLMUaQP*6,.024bad_allocSaberHomerBeowolfBonesSargeHawkeyeShamusBrunoSharpyBuzzJuniorByronKingCaesarKellogSkipCashLioinLanceSpike Now for the semi-finals! Now for the third round! This will decide the champion, so do your best! Do you need an explanation?No, thanks.Yes, please. Round 1. Get ready... Semi-finals. Get ready... Finals. Get ready... Go! Stop! wins!LPTX\`"&*.37;?CG  Got it?Yep!Come again? Now I will explain about the Chicken Festival. It's your job to root for your Chicken by pressing the A Button. Use it when your Chicken looks like it needs help. The object is to drive the other Chicken out of the ring. If the rival Chicken is in front of you, it will get scared and run away. Do a good job of rooting for your Chicken and you'll be victorious! Do a good job of rooting for your Chicken and you'll be victorious! However, be careful not not to run your own Chicken out of the ring!K(r0Z$}xx:P <F ea]eqmiqYUQY"K(r0Z$}xx:Pbad_alloc0Wanna hear how to do it?SureNo Now I will explain the Harvest game. Hit the A Button repeatedly to help us harvest. If you make us work too fast, our faces get red. If you don't slow down, we'll start making mistakes. So, if you see our faces getting red, slow down the pace to give us a rest.Got it?Of course!Come again? OK, let's start! @points to clear! Harvests Misses @@@@@@@@@Total"&*.26:>B*6,.024bad_alloc<x<x2Z2Z(<(<  0Do you need an explanation?YesNo Now I will explain the Watering game. Help us water the plants following the patterns shown using the Control Pad and the A Button. There are three turns. If you follow the pattern, we'll be happy and sprouts will come up. If you miss, though, none will come up at all. Do your best to follow the pattern, and don't repeat any places. If you make mistakes, we'll get upset.Got it?Yes!.Excuse me? OK, let's start! points to clear! Watered Turns Misses @@@@@ Total   *6,.024bad_allocErrorShipmentFishingAnimalsPeopleCookingBuildingToolsLettersEventsHeroineTotal`lt|%<)+, ./0t27;@FKP`i|sPvlxy<{D|`}~``l8 LЖTș,Hȟx\̧lxl\ Tp<`H$pHT@ L44Dpt,(\4|h<PT<` D l     $ H l     $   l  l0\8\xTtdHpHarvest Sprite Mini-GameHarvestPlaying with the Sprites 1Have you already met andplayed with the Sprites?If you haven't, I definitelyrecommend it.If you play with them andmake them your friends,they will help you inmany ways.Now I will tell youhow to play one of theSprites' games, called"Harvest." In this gamethe Sprites harvest Turnipsas you press the A Buttonrepeatedly. The key is thetiming in pressing thebutton. If you press it tooquickly, their faces willturn red, and they'll startto make mistakes, which willbe deducted from your totalscore when the game ends.It's too late to stop hitting the button after they turn red. You have toadjust your speed just whentheir faces begin to turn.It might take a few triesuntil you get the knack ofthe timing.||||||||||||||Animal HusbandryPlaying with the Sprites 2Have you made friends withthe Sprites yet?They won't play with youunless you make friends,so try to go out and meetthem as often as you can.Now I will teach you how toplay with them in a gamecalled "Animal Husbandry".In this game, the Spritesfeed your Chickens as youmove left and right andpress the A Button.The most important thingin this game is to watchthe movements of theChickens very carefully.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@If you let down your guard,the Chickens will escape the Coop. The Chickenswill get mad if you try tofeed them when they alreadyhave plenty of Feed, sobe careful. If you makemistakes, points will bededucted from your total score when the gameends. If their Feedbegins to disappear, movequickly to give them more.Remember, you don't alwayshave to fill all their FeedBoxes. Try out differentstrategies, instead.WateringPlaying with the Sprites 3Have you started gettingthe Sprites to do morework for you yet? You shouldplay games with them and give them presents to keeptheir mood good. Here is onegame to play with them, called "Watering." Use theControl Pad and the A Buttonto give water in the samepattern as the example youare shown. Each gameis played 3 times.The secret to the game ismemorizing the examplesas quickly as you can.If you help the Spritesgive water in the correctorder, you'll gain points.If you make mistakes,though, the Sprites willget mad, and you will havepoints taken away from yourtotal after the game.If you do make a mistakeonce, then that round islost. If you lose your place,the key is relax and recallthe order as well as youcan. You have 3 chances todo the pattern correctly. (,Hd0Hd(D`x (,L`(|8Tp $@`|4Hdx(,((D`x (Hd,H`| $@\xMini-Game"Local Horse Race Hints"Horse Racing Festivalis held the 18th day ofFall and Spring in RoseSquare.The Mayor will come let youknow the day before, so ifyou have a Horse, you shouldenter the race. But, youcan't enter with a pony.Use the A Button to whipyour Horse to go faster.If you use it too much,though, the Horse will tirequickly, so you have topace it well. Also, whenbetting on the race, don'talways go for the surewinner. Sometimes it's goodto take a chance!If you take good care ofyour Horse and practiceriding it fast often, you'lldo better in races.Good luck! Chicken Festival HintsThe Chicken Festivalis held on the 7th day ofevery Summer in Rose Square.Rick will come around theday before to let you know,so if you have a Chicken,you can enter the Festival.However, sick Chickens andChicks are not eligible.To win, press the A Buttonto help your Chickenintimidate the opposingChicken to drive it out ofthe ring.The trick is to keep yourChicken's affection up.If the Chicken's affectionis low, it won't do well.Increase affection by treating your Chicken welland building up a goodrelationship with it.Enter your Chicken withthe highest affection into the competition. Good luck!T ` (|      !$!@!\!x!!!!!!"0"L"`"|""""(,"("#$#D#`#|#####$ $8$T$`$|$$$$$%%0%H%d%Controls RunningHold down the R Button.Settings may be changed. Lift Item in front. Talk, investigateA Button Throw or give ItemPress the A Button whenholding Item. Place Item in RucksackPress the B Button when Eat Item heldWhen holding an Item,press the B Button whileholding down the L Button. Use equipped ItemB ButtonHold down to charge whenItem has been upgraded. Change Item equippedWhen not holding an Item, Whistle to callDog or Horsepush and releasethe L Button.Press Up at same time tocall Dog only, or Down atsame time to call Horseonly. Open Farm PropertySelect Open Menu WindowStartd&(p&|&&(&&&(&'$'(4'P'$'(l''''('''((((@(''(\(p(@((((((((()( )4)Television ControlsUse the Control Pad tochange channels.The program depends on whichdirection you push.You can of coursechange channels in themiddle of a program.However, there are someprograms where you can'tchange the channel.Up: Weather forecastDown: Life on the FarmRight: NewsLeft: Variety programsEB ButtonTurn off TVEA ButtonEStartESelectFast forward messages.When the program ends,turn off TV.**0*D*d*x******(++4+@+(X+d+(p+|+++++Message Window ControlsControl PadA ButtonB ButtonStartSelectWhen there is a choice,use the Control Pad tomove cursor.<,T,`,l,x,(,+(,,,Diary Window ControlsEMove pages withLeft and Righton the Control Pad.EScroll with Up and DownEL ButtonPress the L Buttonwhile holding Up or Downon the Control Pad toscroll slower.ER ButtonPress the R Buttonscroll faster.Exit window.,-(-8-(L-8-(h-t----(-----(X+-Town Map ControlsEControl PadMove cursor.A message describing thecursor location will appearin the message window.Press the L Button whileusing the Control Pad toslow cursor speed.Press the R Button whileincrease cursor speed.Change message displayed.Store ExplanationStore hours, day offh.|.....(h-./$/(-8//T/(p+l/(///(X+-Farm Map ControlsMove the screen.slow scrolling speed.increase scrolling speed.Hide cursor for you or youranimals while holding down the A Button.Exit(0|.<0(h-./P0(-8//h0(p+000(X+0Tool and Item ControlsActivate selection modeif no Item is selected.Move or switch itemsin the item boxes.If in selection mode, deactivates selection mode. If not in selection mode,exits the screen.EL Button/R ButtonSwitches between Itemand Tool Screens.If an Item is selected, throws it away.,1|..(p+D1\1(t11(X+11111(2242(|+H2d2Raising CropsBefore planting crops, youmust prepare your field.Do this by removing orbreaking Weeds or Branches.Next, till the soil withyour Hoe.Once the soil is tilled,you can plant Seeds on it.Each pack of Seeds coversa 3x3 area around you, butnothing will grow where youhave not tilled, so be careful how you use yourprecious Seeds. Seeds mustalso fit the season to grow.Spring: Turnip Potato Cucumber Strawberry Cabbage Grass Moon Drop Flower Toy FlowerSummer: Tomato Corn Pumpkin Pineapple Onion Pink Cat FlowerFall Eggplant Green Pepper Carrot Spinach Magic GrassWinter NothingYour crops will grow wellif you give them water afterplanting. Watering themmore than once a dayhas no effect.When your crops ripen,they are ready to be harvested. Each crop ripensat a different rate. Some crops will disappearentirely once you harvestthem, but others willripen again if you justgive them water.22 3(3@3(\3x3(333334(4D4`4(444444444(44555(5405(D5L5X5h5t545(55(55556( 686P6l666666Seasonal CropsTurnipDays: 2 2 Seeds X RipeCan only harvest once.PotatoDays: 3 4 CucumberDays: 4 3 2 Seeds X Y RipeReturns to X after harvest.StrawberryDays: 3 3 2 Returns to Y after harvest.CabbageDays: 4 5 5 Moon Drop FlowerDays: 2 2 2 Toy FlowerDays: 3 3 3 3 SeedsXYZFlowersTomatoDays: 2 2 2 3 Returns to Z after harvest.CornDays: 3 4 4 3 PumpkinPineappleDays: 5 5 5 5 OnionPink Cat FlowerEggplantDays: 3 3 3 Sweet PotatoDays: 3 2 Green PepperDays: 2 1 2 2 CarrotSpinachDays: 2 3 Magic Red FlowerDays: 3 2 2 2 Farm GrassDays: 3 4 4 Grows back no matter howmany times you cut it.88 888P8(h8t888P8(8888(8889(,9898P8(T9h98P8(999P8(9999(: :99($:898P8(0:<:99(T:t888P8(\:h98P8(p:|:89(::888(::99(:t888P8(::88P8(;$;9P8(<;L;8h;;Mines Necessary ToolsHoe: To dig the earth.Hammer: To break Stones.What you find when you digthe earth: Coins Black Grass Power Berries Stairs going downWhat you find when youbreak Stones: Junk Ore Copper Silver Gold Amethyst Diamond Orichalc Adamantite or other Ores Effects of Various ItemsCoins: Increases your GoldBlack Grass: Recuperates Staminaand Fatigue.Power Berries: Increase maximum energy Eat immediately!Junk Ore: No particular use.Copper, Silver, Gold,Mystrile Ores: Necessary to upgrade tools. Orichalch Ore: Necessary for making jewelry.Adamantite Ore: Necessary to make Yarn, Cheese, or Mayonnaise Makers.Amethyst, Diamond, etc.: Can be shipped and sold. Also, if you climb UP stairs, you will exit the mine, so be careful. If you climb DOWN stairs, you will descend a level.4=<=P=h=(=======>>$>0><>D>P>\>h>(>>>(>>>>?$?(8?D?(\?t??????(??@$@(0@L@((h@@@@@(How to CookInvestigate KitchenThree choices will appearin the Message Window.Select "Cook"Go to Utensil Window.Select "View Recipes"Go to Recipe List.Select "Exit" to quit!Recipe List Up/Down: Move cursor. Left/Right: Flip pages.A Button: Select this dish.B Button: Return.Next goes to:Confirmation ScreenDifferent messages are shown depending on youringredient selections.If you have all theingredients: "Follow the recipe."Make dish by the book! "Improvise on recipe." "Start again."Return to Recipe List. "Start over."If you don't have all theingredients called for: "Make another recipe."Utensil WindowControl Pad: Move cursor.A Button: Select/DeselectB Button: Cancel selection and return to previous window.Start: Enter.Ingredient Window"Use these to make dish."Use selected ingredients and utensils to make dish."Select ingredients."Return to Ingredient Window."Select utensils."Return to Utensil Window.AAABB4BDB(\BtB(B((Bd&T,BBBC(C((C@CXCpCCCCC(CDBCD,DD((.He is said to haveoriginally been a friend of's father. <001>There are rumors that heused to work inconstruction, but that hewas involved in an accidentor something.<002>He has a strange plantin his room. It's saidto talk.u0uHuPuduuu(uuuuu v(v,vDvIntroducing RomanaShe used to be a wealthywoman in town, but she took her butler Sebastian and hergranddaughter Lumina to Forget-me-not Valley so shecould have a quietretirement. <011>She still likes to have fun,though, and it's her habitto hide things for townspeople to find them.<012>She doesn't talk much abouther past, but many years agothe cruise ship she was onwith her husband sank, leaving her a widow.vvvv w(wDwXwhw(pwwwww(wx xShe often practices piano in the mansion.<022>Her parents were killed ina train wreck when she wasstill very young, so hergrandmother raised her.xxxy( y$yHis family has servedRomana's for generations,so they have known eachother since they were kids.<032>He would prefer to always be near her, but this getson Manna's nerves, so hetakes walks around themansion once in a while.yzz0z{{{{{| |<|(Introducing ChrisBefore marrying Wally, she worked as a sports announcer. <051>She has a tendency to daydream, and loves fortune-telling.<052>Her dream is to work as anannouncer at a competitionwhere Hugh is running.l|||||(|||}(},}H}Introducing HughWally's only son, Hugh isrebellious but loves torun with his father.<061>}}}}}(Introducing GrantGrant is a typical businessman who works at acompany in town. He movedhere for his daughter'shealth.<071>He is very conservativeand always stressed, so heoften takes it out on people when he drinks.<072>He tries to make the bestof things, but the truth is that he hates his work.His marriage withSamantha was arranged. ~4~H~d~~~~(~~~~ (0Lh|Introducing SamanthaPeople call her "Sam", sheis Grantfs wife and Kate'smother. She is reticent andresponsible.4PIntroducing KateGrant and Sam's daughter.Kate has always rebelledagainst her conservativeparents.<091>She teases Hugh mercilesslybut never in front of herparents. She is very calculating.<092>She has never been able tospend much time with her busy father, and her motheris very strict. However, she does enjoy life in Forget-me-not Valley.xĀ(,DT(\x́Introducing GalenHe moved to Forget-me-notValley to spend his retirement with his wifeNina. He can be quite stubbornbut is usually happy. <101>When Nina died, he built acottage near her grave on a hill, where he spendsall day watching the ocean.L`|Ԃ((DIntroducing NinaGalen's loving wife.A warm and loving woman.She loves her stubborn oldhusband more than anything.<112>She wanted to take care ofhim always, but she diedbefore her husband.ă(( <XIntroducing DarylA scientist who moved to Forget-me-not Valley to pursue his research.<121>̄(Introducing GustafaA wandering minstrel, Gustafa devotes his lifeto seeking music, poetry,and nature. He has sincesettled in Forget-me-not Valley.<131>He can play almost any instrument and knows songsfrom around the world.He used to serve at the court of a distant empire.<132>He is said to be in love with a fellow travelernamed Nami.$8PlȅЅ8T\xIntroducing CodyCody makes mysterious sculptures out of metal.During his travels he foundForget-me-not Valley, wherehe decided to settle to pursue his craft.<141>He is introverted and shy,so he doesn't have manyfriends.<142>He makes most of his art with his hands alone.,Hd(Ї܇(Introducing KasseyAn intriguing man who makes fireworks. His twin brother is Patrick.<151>He is stubborn and proud ofhis work, and is said to bepart of a very old fireworkfamily. He likes Muffy at the Bar. <152>He's said to have settled inForget-me-not Valley when ahuge firework blew him there from the next town.\p(Ĉ4@(HhIntroducing PatrickKassey's twin brother, he isalso a firework craftsman.<161>Unlike Kassey, Patrick is outgoing and friendly. Hisbrother ended up inheritingthe family title, butPatrick still likes his work.<162>All he thinks about is work, but sometimes he sneaks out to the Bar.4P(XtĊ( Introducing MurrayMurray left his home of Green Valley when he sawa TV special about a greatmetropolis.<171>After leaving home for thebig city, though, he soongot lost and ended up in<172>He's working there to saveup enough money to go backhome to Green Valley.|ȋ(0LTpIntroducing TimTim runs the Inn, and is loved by everyone.<181>He wound up in Forget-me-not Valley in his travels, and decided to open up an Innso he could care for othertravelers like himself.<182>He has many rare objects he's collected all over theworld in his Inn.$(,Lh(܍Introducing RubyTim's wife Ruby is renownedas a famous chef.<191>She takes trips to researchnew cuisine. Sometimes sheeven comes to Mineral Town.<192>She fell in love with Timon her travels, and foundshe couldn't leave his side.L`|(Ў(,@Introducing NamiA traveler who has been staying at the Inn.<201>She looks a little flaky,but she's actually very intelligent. She's just notvery good at relating toother people<202>She doesn't usually makelong-term decisions, butfor some reason she decided to live in ̏ԏ (DT(\xIntroducing RockTim and Ruby's son.He lives in the Lobby ofthe Inn.<211>He has no job, just spendsall day loafing around.<212>He's very relaxed, and doesn't have much ambition, but his parentsdon't seem to mind. (,HT(\x(đIntroducing GriffinGriffin runs the Bar. He's usually very quiet,but when he plays guitareverything changes. <221>He lets Muffy run things during the day, and justcomes to work at night,where he often plays. He used to wander, but love for his family caused him to settle in Forget-me-not Valley. 8(Ld(ؒ ($<XlIntroducing MuffyShe stays and works part-time at the Bar. Pretty andcheerful, she's liked by everybody.<231>She is popular, but actually lonely. She's looking for a friend she can open up to. <232>She used to work in the city, but got caught up ina scandal at work, so shecame to Forget-me-not ̓(4@(H`x(̔Introducing CarterAn archaeologist who lives in a tent at the dig. <241>He believes than an ancientcivilization used to livein Forget-me-not Valley. It's his mission in life to prove it.<242>He believes he's descendedfrom the kings of that civilization. He likes everybody, but is a littleunsure of his assistant Flora. l((ؕ0<(D`xȖIntroducing FloraFlora lives with the archaeologist Carter in atent. <251>She's absent-minded, so her only jobs are to help dig and make meals. <252>She's an old student of Carter's. She doesn't particular care about the dig, but was too lazy to look for another job. (4Lhpxȗ(З <Introducing VestaVesta runs the farm along the banks of Forget-me-not Valley's river. <261>She ships her produce totown, but will also give away Seeds to those whoneed them. <262>She lost her husband long ago, so lives with her brother Marlin and herdistant relative Celia.Ș8P\(dIntroducing MarlinVesta's brother, Marlin helps her out on the farm.<271>He's not very sociable, but not a bad person.He's also actually not much help on the farm.<272>The only person he really seems to care for isCelia.8T\x(ȚIntroducing CeliaCelia works on Vesta's farm. <281>Bright and cheerful, Celialooks up to Vesta like her own mother. <282>She loves farming so muchshe left her family to come to Forget-me-not Valleywith Vesta. <Php(x(țIntroducing HardyRomanafs doctor who comesto her mansion from town.<291>He followed Galen to Forget-me-not Valley after Nina's death. <292>Rumor has it that he taught the doctor in Mineral Town. h|(Ԝ( 8Introducing VanVan is a merchant who comesto Forget-me-not Valleyregularly. <301>He always has many rare objects, and is willing to bargain to a good price. <302>He comes to Mineral Town once in a while. It's notclear if he's Won's friend or rival. ĝН(؝,4PlIntroducing MookyA strange being who appearsonce in a while from the forest. <311>He doesn't speak, but somehow manages to communicate. <312>He was probably once human,but was transformed by long life in the forest.Ԟ ,(4L`pxIntroducing 's son.<321>He takes after his mother.<322>What kind of man will hegrow up to be? ((D(LhIntroducing NakOne of the Harvest Sprites.<331>He sends information aboutForget-me-not Valley to hisfriends in Mineral Town.He likes wearing yellow.He's the most relaxed of the bunch, but has a dirty mouth. ̠(Ԡ ((D`xIntroducing NicOne of the Harvest Sprites<341>Forget-me-not Valley to his <342>He likes wearing blue.He's the youngest, so isvery spoiled. ̡(Ԡ (0LIntroducing Flak<351><352>He likes wearing red.He is a leader of the Harvest Sprites.̡(Ԡ (̢Introducing Works on a farm with Takakura in Forget-me-not Valley. <361>He lives with his wife and3 sons.<362>He is said to raise mysterious crops. ,@Xt((̣Cookbook ICurry Rice ENecessary Ingredients Curry Powder Rice BallENecessary Utensils PotEOptional Ingredients Anything you likeEOptional Utensils Knife Seasoning: Sugar Seasoning: Salt Seasoning: Soy Sauce............................Miso Soup None MisoStrawberry Jam Honey WineTomato Juice MixerPineapple Juice (0HX(d|(((Ĥ̤( ,(0<(d|D(((Ĥ̤( L(04(d|̤((`h(Ĥ( p(04(d((<(Ĥ( (05(d((`(Ĥ̤( Cookbook IIOmelet Egg Milk Oil Frying Pan WhiskGrilled Fish Medium FishButterButter Role Bread ButterTempura Rice Tempura$(008@(dH(((ĤX̤( `(0p(dH((@(( (08(d((<(( (0(d<((`(<( (0Xd<((<(̤( Cookbook IIIToasted Rice Ball Oven Seasoning: MisoFish Sticks Medium or Large FishRice Gruel Any GrassesBodigizer Orange Grass Red Magic Grass<L(0X(d`((<(h( |(0(d((<(<( (0X(d|(((<( ĩ(0`Щ=(d|((<(<( Cookbook IVRelaxation Tea Relaxation Tea Leaves Fruit, Mil, GrassesX Eggs Regular Quality Egg Good Quality Egg High Quality Egg Golden Egg P Egg SUGDW Apples Apple HMSGB Apple AEPFE AppleElli Grass 6 kinds of failures Bodigizer XL Turbojolt XL Seasoning: Vinegar ?$(08(d|((P(Ĥ̤( h(0tī(d<((<(<( Ы(0(d<((<(<( (00@(dĤH|`̤Ph((h(h( Acquiring a KitchenYou must have a Kitchen todo any cooking. There is no room for a Kitchen in a small house, so you'll have to wait until you expand your house. You will also needa place to hold your Ingredients and Utensils,so you need to buy Shelves and a Refrigeratoras well. After you have all of these, you will be able tobuy a Kitchen on the TV Shopping Network.Next, you will be able tobuy Utensils on the TV Shopping Network. The more Utensils you buy,the more kinds of dishesyou will be able to cook.̭0H`|Į 8(PlЯHelp from the H. SpritesHave you met the HarvestSprites who live in the forest?If you make friends with them, they will help youdo work on your farm.There are 3 jobs they canhelp you with. "Watering"They can help water crops."Harvest"They will harvest and shipcrops for you. "Animal Husbandry"They can help take careof your animals by feedingand brushing them, or shipping Eggs, Milk, and Wool.The more the Harvest Sprites help you, the more they like their jobs,and the more efficientthey get. However, if you work them too hard, they will stop liking you. Give them presents to help maintaingood relations!PlȰ((4(P\x(б $<Xp|̲Saibara the blacksmithESaibara can sell upgrades, and tools for animals. He also sells jewelry and various Makers. EStore Hours: 10AM-4PMEClosed: ThursdaysUpgrading ToolsEWhen you upgrade Tools, you will be able to 'charge' their power by holding down the B button. By charging Tools, you can increase their range or strength.ETo Upgrade Tools Put the tool you want to upgrade in your Rucksack (no need to be equipped), then put an Ore equivalent to the level of upgrade you want in your Rucksack as well. Next, talk to Saibara, and select 'Upgrade Tool' when he asks what you want. Next, select Tool to upgrade and the Ore to do it with. You won't be able to use the Tool while it's being upgraded, so you must plan well. Saibara's will be closed while he's working on your Tool, and he'll open the shop again when it's done. Just talk to him to receive your item. Make sure your hands aren't full. ETools you can upgrade: Hoe Sickle Axe Hammer Watering Can Fishing RodEThe number of days required to upgrade a Tool depends on the current level and the level upgraded to. The greater the difference, the longer required. EThe upgrade price raises along with the level you want to upgrade to. EA Tool's experience level determines whether or not you can upgrade it. Check how high your Tools can be upgraded in the Tool Level List in Earnings. BrushEUse to brush Cows, Sheep, and Horses. MilkerEUse to milk healthy adult Cows. Clippers adult Sheep. EThese 3 Tools may be purchased only one at a time.BraceletNecklaceEarringsBroachEThese make great gifts for girls. EThese cost 1000G, and also require an Ore called Orichalc. As with upgrading Tools, all you need to do is put them in your Rucksack and approach Saibara. EJewelry requires 2 days to complete. EThe store will be closed until the item is finished. Just talk to him to receive your item. Just make sure your hands г(((((4Hd|д(,Hdĵ0Lhж (@Xp(̷(ܷ,DTh(ȸ(0Lh((̹]((@((LXdp|Ⱥ,@(Tl(̻pSupermarketEThe Supermarket sells Seeds, Ingredients for cooking, and Baskets and Rucksacks for carrying things. You can also have presents wrapped here. 9AM-5PM Tuesdays & SundaysSeedsEPlant Seeds on tilled earth, then water them every day to grow crops. Be careful: Some crops only grow in Certain seasons.ESome Seeds are only sold seasonally. EHere are some Ingredients:Rice BallBreadOilFlourCurry PowderChocolateEYou can also eat these straight, without cooking them. EYou can buy more at one time if you have a Refrigerator. ESome Ingredients are only sold seasonally.BasketEPlace up to 30 Items in here to be shipped. Once you put Items in, you cannot take them out again. EYou cannot buy anything when you are holding something, since you need your hand to hold it.RucksackEAllows you to equip 4 Items and hold 1 Item. Large Rucksack 8 Items and hold 1 Item.EYou need to have a Rucksack before a Large Rucksack goes on sale. EUsed immediately when bought, so you may have other Tools equipped when you buy it.Blue FeatherEUsed for a marriage@proposal.@More women are proposing@to men nowadays.EConsidered a Tool.Gift WrappingEPeople will appreciate gifts even more when they are wrapped. However, people will hate it even more when you give them things they don't like gift wrapped. EAny Item that may be given to a person may be wrapped.EGift wrapping comes off when Items are placed in a Refrigerator or on Shelves,so be careful. Խ0Lh((((Ⱦ4(@\((l̿( (@(Ph(((4P((ht(t( ((D`x(((((4Ph(( (D\Woodcutter's HouseEHere you can buy Lumber or ask for expansions. 11AM-4PM SaturdaysLumberEUse lumber and gold for expansions. The amount of Lumber required depends on the expansion. ELumber is shipped to your Wood Bin as soon as you buy it. You can also get Lumberby chopping up Branches and Stumps. ExpansionsEGotz will begin work on your expansion the day after you ask. You can't buy anything from him or ask for more expansions while he's working. Expanding Your HomeEYou must expand your house to make room for a Refrigerator and other things. EYou can also build a second house extension. EAfter expanding your home twice, you will be able to rebuild your Window, Doghouse, and Mailbox.Expanding Chicken CoopEEnables you to care for 8 Chickens, up from 4. EEnables you to buy 2 Incubators.EEnables you to buy a Mayonnaise Maker.Expanding Your BarnEEnables you to care for 16 Cows and Sheep total, up from 8. EExpands space for 2 pregnant animals, up from 1. Cheese or a Yarn Maker.Build a CottageEBuild a Cottage in town.,H((`(l((x( (0Hd((t ($<\t(( 8(D`|(( <(Ldx(((Mineral Town ClinicETalk to Elli to buy medicine.Talk to the Doctor to have him examine you. If you collapse from over- working, you'll be brought to the Clinic. 9AM-4AM WednesdaysEHelps recuperate Stamina.TurbojoltEHelps recuperate Fatigue.EIf you keep shipping the medicinal plants, Dr. will sell you stronger ones.EIf you have a fridge, you can buy several at once.ExaminationECheck your stamina and fatigue.(,8Th((((ĩ((,H(d((Aja WineryEThe Winery sells Grape Juice and Wine. Both are made from Grapes grown at the Winery. 10AM-Noon ESaturdaysGrape Juice and Wine can be used for cooking, or for drinking as is.EYou can keep more at once with a Refrigerator.`l(((( (8TDoug's InnEThis restaurant has very good food. They don't offer takeout, though.EMorning and night menus are different. 8AM-9PM Open all week(0(@(LKai's Seaside LodgeEKai makes great food, but no takeout.EOnly open during Summer. Morning: 11AM-1PM Night: 5PM-7PM Sundays(((Poultry FarmEHere you can buy poultry related goods, or sell your Chickens.Chicken FeedEIt will be placed in the Feed Bin as soon as you buy it. You can also get Chicken Feed by putting Corn in the Water Mill.Buy ChickensEThey will be sent to your Chicken Coop as soon as you buy them.Sell ChickensEBase price for Chickens is 500G, but this increases if they lay Golden or better Eggs.Animal MedicineEUse on sick animals to cure them. Td(`((((8(HXt(((DYodel FarmEHere you can buy Cow and Sheep related products, or sell your livestock. 10AM-3PM MondayFodderEIt will be placed in your Feed Bin as soon as You can also make Fodder bycutting grass on your farm. Buy a cow.Buy a sheep.EThey will be delivered to your barn. You can buy both or exclusively cows or sheep.Cow Miracle PotionEImpregnates adult cows.Sheep Miracle PotionEImpregnates adult sheep.ECures sick livestock including chickens.BellECalls cows and sheep.Cow/Sheep Miracle Potion,Animal Medicine and Bellare considered tools.Sell a cow.Sell a sheep.ESelling price depends on the quality of their milk and wool. ((D(P((Xd (( 8(Tl(((( (D(\l|Won's ShopEWon sells Seeds not available at the Super- market and some Dog training Tools.ELocation: Zack's house at Mineral BeachEPlant Seeds and water Certain crops grow in different seasons.EDifferent Seeds are sold in specific seasons.Dog BallFrisbeeEToys to train fully grown Dogs You can only buy one, but if you lose yours Won will sell you another. Not sold at first, but they go on sale after a while.Jewels of TruthECollect 9 and something good is rumored to happen. ( (((D\(t((((4Ph(tVan's Shopd(Record Player InstructionsInvestigate the Record Player while holding a Record to change the game music.This will change the Recordif one is already playing.To stop the current Recordplaying, investigate theRecord Player while not holding anything.However, remember that themusic only changes whileon the farm or in the forest. Bad weather or night music does not change at all.|($@\x(( Taking a BathInvestigate the Bath door to enter the Bath. Youwill get out automaticallyafterward. p(Using the VaseInvestigate the Vase while holding flowers to put themin the Vase.If there are already flowers in the Vase, theold flowers will be thrown out first.Once you put flowers inthe Vase, you cannottake them back outand use them again.$@PhRefrigeratorThis is where you can storeyour food Items.Unlike the Rucksack, theRefrigerator holds 99 Items in each space.Select Ingredients from here when cooking.<Lh|Shelfinedible Items.Shelf holds 99 You cannot select Ingredients from theShelf when cooking.L$|4DXpStaffCoordinatorsTatsuya SakoRyou FukutoyoDaisuke KondohDaisuke KawabeHitoya YamasakiShousaku TakedaDesignersTuyoshi YamaueMasanobu HuchiePochi YanaiYoshiko TakeyamaMarimo KawabataKayoko IsozakiSoundAi YamashitaProgrammersKazutoshi SatodaKazumasa HirataKouhichi OhashiItoki TouKouseiNiseki SonMinkun JyoDebuggersRie MuraoAnko KitamuraMAsaki GamouSpecial ThanksYasuo OhnoHideyuki MizutaniJunichi KutsuzawaTomio KanazawaMasato MizushimaMakoto TaniguchiHisashi UranoPromotionTakuhiro GotohDesignMiki MiyagiAssistantMariko IshikawaAssistant ProducerTakeshi OguraTest PlayDigital HeartsOriginal Game DesignSetsuko MiyakoshiTomomi YamatateOriginal GraphicShinichi HayakawaShunosuke OzakiCharacter DesignIgusa MatsuyamaOriginal Planning & ProducerYasuhiro WadaU.S. Executive ProducerHiro MaekawaNatsume Inc.U.S. Product ManagerGraham MarkayLocalization ManagerSachiko Yamauchi((((((($(0@P\p(((((((((((( ,<(((L(\h|((((((((((((((($(8(((H(T(((d(|((((((((((((,DT(d|T(TUseful ControlsOpen Town MapPress Start while holdingdown the L Button.Open Farm MapPress Select while holdingSwitch ToolsWith empty hands,press the B Button while Open Tools and Item ScreenPress the B Button whileholding down the A Button.Put Item AwayPress the B Buttonwhen holding something, *Except when Rucksack is full.Call Out to PersonPress L Button when not holding anything.( (8H\'(x( (,@XCliff's New Year CardHappy New Year! I'm happy working at the Winery, so I hope you arejust as happy on your farm in the coming year. Cliff( (D\(xHow is everybody atthe Inn? I look forwardto going again this year.((xCard From Cliff and AnnWishing you all the bestin the new year. Cliff and Ann (8T(hDoctor's New Year CardHappy new year!Elli and I promise to workhard in the coming yearto make the Clinic evenbetter! Doctor, Mineral Clinic( Doctor and Elli's New Year CardPlease take care of yourhealth in the coming year!We're open on New Year'sas well! Doctor and Elli`t((Card from Mineral Clinic Mineral Clinic,(((HCard from the Poultry FarmWe'll be happy to take care of all your Chickenneeds in the new year! Lillia, Rick, Popuri(( Lillia and Rick((0Dear

andPopuri, Come visit us soonin the new year!(hx(0Remember us for all your Chicken needs in the new year! Lillia, Rick, Karen(( Card from LilliaHappy New Year,

and Rick!Come visit me soon.Without Popuri, I'm alittle lonely... Poultry Farm@@@@@@@@LilliaD(Xhx((Gray's New Year CardMy grandpa told meto write this. Bye. Gray(0D(XHope you have a goodnew year.((XKai's New Year CardHow are things in MineralTown? Things are good here.See you soon! Kai( (0We're doing great! How about you? Kai and Popuri(h|(Jeff's New Year Card Happy New Year!Look forward to seeing youat the Supermarket soon! Jeff(( (<Saibara's New Year CardSeason's Greetings.My resolution every yearis to improve myself as much as I can. Saibara(|(Doug's New Year CardDoug's Inn will be open onNew Year's, so drop inmorning or night! Doug8(Pl(Ann, don't bug

too much.

, look after Ann for me.8((Carter's New Year CardMay the Harvest Goddessgive her blessings in the new year. Carter<(Tl(Card From Basil and AnnThank goodness Spring is finally here!Don't be a stranger. Basil and Anna((Card From May and Barley Congratulations!Come play with me this year, too! MayBe a good friend to Maythis year, too. Barley`(|(Card From Thomas and HarrisHope you have good luck onthe farm this year. Don'tforget to say "Hi"every now and then. Thomas and Harris<(Xt(Help us in making MineralTown a happier and saferplace for everybody!<(4(Card From Manna and Duke's Hope you have a good year. MannaCome and drink with me again sometime soon. Dukep(((Ellen's New Year CardI hope you have a greatyear this year,

! Ellen4(Ldx(Card from the H. SpritesHappy new year, budum!Hope to see you at nextyear's Tea Party. Harvest Sprites((Popuri's New Year CardCome hang out in thecoming year, too. PopuriT(l(Ann's New Year CardCome to Doug's Inn and see me when you feellonely! Ann((Karen's New Year CardI'm sure life on the farm is tough, but you can askme for anything. KarenX(p(Elli's New Year's CardTake good care of health Elli(T(,Mary's New Year CardHappy New Year! Looking forward to seeing you inthe Library in the new year. Maryd(|(Notice of Change of Store HoursWe will close at 5PM on the 5th of this month.Thank you for your understanding. Doug's Inn $(4Ph|(Happy Birthday from PopuriHappy birthday, Popurix((Happy Birthday from AnnHoping you have a goodbirthday!4(Ld((Happy Birthday from KarenH A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !! Karen(((Happy Birthday from ElliHere's wishing you a happybirthday. (Don't forget your yearly checkup!)$@\(,Happy Birthday from MaryHappy Birthday!My dad says that birthdaysare the perfect time to thank you parents for bringing you into the world.( $(Happy Birthday from KaiHAPPY BIRTHDAY,

. KaiX(p(Happy Birthday from CliffHappy Birthday. I wantedto say this in person, butI'm too busy. Sorry.((xB.day card from the DoctorHave a happy birthday,and don't overdo thecelebrating. DoctorH(d|(From Kai & PopuriCongratulations on yournew baby girl!- I'm so happy for you!- Popuri too!@@@@@@Kai & Popuri((0(@From Cliff & Ann We were thrilled to hearabout your new baby girl.@@@@@@@Cliff & Ann(|(Congrats from Rick and KarenCongratulations on your new son!May andthe Poultry Farm be friendly forever! Rick and Karen (,@P\t(Congrats from Dr. and ElliCongratulations on the safebirth of your son. Come for a checkup any time.((HCongrats from Mary and GrayWe're so happy to hearabout the new additionto your family! Mary and GrayX(t(From Thomas & Harrisnew baby girl.Your life on the farmkeeps getting better.We're very happy for you.@@@@@ Thomas & Harris(,D(`News from the SupermarketWe now have StrawberrySeeds in stock!A limited Spring item. The Supermarket(((We now have PumpkinA limited Summer item.(<(P(We now have SpinachA limited Fall item.(((We now have aBlue Feather in stock!((Large Rucksack in stock!( (News from Mineral Clinicnew preparation ofBodigizer XL available.X(t(HTurbojolt XL available.X(t(HNews from the blacksmithIf you happen to have a Horse, Sheep, or Cow,and still don't own a Brush, may I suggest this is the perfect timeto get one? Saibara the blacksmith(,D\t(an adult Cow, but stilldon't own a Milker, may Isuggest that you procureone as soon as possible?(4(a Sheep, but stilldon't own Clippers, may I(x4(Notice of Change of Day OffOur day off is changingfrom Thursday to Monday.Please make a note of it. Mary's Library( (<Message from H.G.You can keep playing thegame after the wedding,so good luckBye.tPedometer - 1 Billion!Congratulations.(Shipped ALL crops!((Caught ALL fish!L(Found ALL mine items!p(Reached LV 255!(Watched ALL TV shows!(R-P-S Master!(100 correct guesses! (Shipped 1 billion crops!( (Caught 1 billion fish!T (Saved 1 billion G!| (Entered 200th year! (Cooked ALL recipes! (Frisbee - 100 Wins! (Chickens - 100 Wins! (Cows - 100 Wins!4 (Sheep - 100 Wins!X (Horse Race - 100 Wins!| (Cooking - 100 Wins! (Paper Anniversaryfirst anniversary.Good for you.@@@@Harvest Goddess  ( ( Cotton Anniversarysecond anniversary.By the way, some peoplesay the second anniversaryis straw.8 L ` x  ( ( Leather Anniversarythird anniversary.say the third anniversaryis grass or fruit.  `   ( ( Flower Anniversaryfourth anniversary.say the fourth anniversaryis book or fruit.P d ` x  ( ( Wood Anniversaryfifth anniversary.  ( ( Iron Anniversarysixth anniversary.say the sixth anniversaryis sugar. 0 ` D ` ( ( Copper Anniversaryseventh anniversary.say the 7th anniversaryis woolen goods.  `   ( ( Electronics Anniversaryeighth anniversary.say the 8th anniversaryis bronze.4` H`( ( Pottery Anniversaryninth anniversary.( ( Tin Anniversary10th anniversary.say the 10th anniversaryis aluminum.`  ( ( Steel Anniversary11th anniversary.\p( ( Silk Anniversary12th anniversary.( ( Lace Anniversary13th anniversary.( ( Ivory Anniversary14th anniversary.4H( ( Crystal Anniversary15th anniversary.|( ( Porcelain Anniversary20th anniversary.( ( Silver Anniversary25th anniversary.$( ( Pearl Anniversary30th anniversary.Xl( ( Jade Anniversary35th anniversary.( ( Ruby Anniversary40th anniversary.( ( Sapphire Anniversary45th anniversary.0H( ( Gold Anniversary50th anniversary.|( ( Emerald Anniversary55th anniversary.( ( Diamond Anniversary60th anniversary.By the way, the 75thanniversary is diamondin some countries.  ( (4Ld( 75th anniversary.I told you diamond is forthe 75th anniversarytoo, remember? (( You've won the drawing.Please accept this.|(@Invitation from RickTomorrow is the StarryNight Festival. My familyhas a party every year.Can you join us?My mom is cooking a feast.I'm waiting for you atthe Poultry Farm at 6PM. Rickd|,Invitation from CliffWhat are you doing tomorrow night? I waswondering if we can havea party at your place ifit's okay by you.Of course I'll cook usa feast. I'll be waitingfor you at the winecellar at 6PM. Cliffp4HXfor you at the Inn at6PM.pXInvitation from DoctorDear

,How are you? When youdon't feel well, come tosee me right away.By the way, tomorrow isthe Starry Night Festival.Why don't we have a partywith Carter? I think yourplace is the mostappropriate for it.Of course I'll cook us anutritious feast.I'll be waiting for youat the clinic at 6PM.Can you help me bring thefood over. Doctor 0L`x$<Tp|Gift from KaiI got some cookies foryou. Invitation form GrayUmmm, I guess tomorrow isI heard the stars are themost beautiful tomorrownight. I was wondering ifwe can have a party atyour place. Of course myGrandpa is coming too...If it's okay, can youcome to the shop at 6PMto help us bring thefeast? Gray$<xXt(@HInvitation from the H.S.Spring is the season ofTea Parties, budum!You are hereby invitedto ours, budum.Please bring this Invitation when you cometo our house, budum.The time is AM10-PM5.We'll be waiting, budum!(($@(Xpbad_alloc0123456789G You have bad_alloc0(0@0X0P(P@PXP    bad_alloc            Gem of Truth Energy / Fatigue /100Pedometer steps Squares leftDog Puppy Chicken Chick Sick Unhappy HealthyBasket Stores goods for delivery. Holding items. wrapped as a present.dThrow away?You can't throw this away.You can't let go of it because it's cursed!bad_allocHH0(D(((TlD8|888|lD8DDD8|8T8DDD80p`HHx||HHH8HHxx8DDDXDDDdX@`` @TD(T(DT(((((8DD((8DDDDDD8((DDDDDD8                              8       &  &\"$(*0   2468:<>@        ``JDFHLPRTVXZ\l           bdfhhnxz~           H          \                                 8                              00dh  ,.L              T "$&(                     68:<>@BDFH      NPRTVX     d^`bdfh   lnprz|~    lp        H   l                                         8           X                                                                                    8<            ("`"$&*,.    pdh:B68<B      >@JLNTVXZ\dfhjlp   rtvxz|~             \         \              @"       TX\`  $&(26           4tu8<>@BDFHJ              NPTVXZ\`         bdfhjlnv                  xz|~-   ٖ  - - - -  ) = Q      ї ŝ ݗ - -  - - -  - I u ՚ Y !   ˰pqrstuvwxyz{`abcdefghijkPQRSTUVWXYZ[@ABCDEFGHIJK0123456789:; !"#$%&'()*+ |֬R7EHܪ4ȿ*/D:9`0``  !"#$%&'()*+0123456789:;@ABCDEFGHIJKPQRSTUVWXYZ[`abcdefghijkpqrstuvwxyz{,k#wXķwvutgfedWVUTGFED7654'&%$````@@@@   $(*,0468<@BDHLNPTXZ\`m  ɲ m ݲ    - 9 E Y <V3<<V<V3< <<2<J<r<$K<8<<:<X<<<(<<<;<<h<,<@<<<<P/ < <<<O<<<<<M<M<O<M<N<M<(N<O <M < <<d3<<Z<<$<t<<;<`<s<<<t<<<<<(N<M<M<N<@<4<df/<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<5?<A? 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STR <You can make it by throwing an egg into the hot springs.You can make it by throwing an egg into the hot springs. Popuri loves them too.You don't like them...RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#I!>#)#+#]!#!0#!-#!"!!##!!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR =It's SO good!You don't like eggs? Really...RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#I!>#)#+#T!#!0#!-#!"!!s!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR TEggs are good for you.I guess you don't like what you don't like...RIFF2SCR CODE # #x"!##!##x"#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #""#!#"! #!# ####t"#!#";! #""#!#"k! ##!5#x"#!#"#! !@### #"! #"V! #! #"#! !@#:#<#a#"! #! #"! |#"V! #! #"R! ### ##d!>##!# #m!>#8#:# #w!>#Q#S# "{!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!##!#"! #"#! #! ##!#"#!#! #"! !#!0#!-#Z!>#{#}##d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#,#.# #~!>#E#G# #!>#^#`# n#!2#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!#!# ##!#!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>#/#1# #w!>#H#J# "{!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!!###!( !!#K#!?#" !##!#!# P#R#`##!###!#####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#3#5# #}!>#L#N# #~!>#e#g# #!>#~## #!2# !"!!#!# ##!#!0#!-# !"!!!#!0#!-# !"!!###!##0#2##d!>#H#J# #m!>#a#c# #w!>#z#|# "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!># # # # #!2# !"!!" !!#K#!?#"!## !#!# m #o #~ ## !###!## # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # #}!>#j #l # #~!># # # #!># # #  #!2# !"!!#!#  # # !# !0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!" " $!#!#!#!# K #M #Y #!##!##!##!#J#!? JUMP 4 STR j".%3eo Hello, !. How are you?Hello.Hello, !.Hi, !. We were talking about how tough you are to work on the farm by yourself.I'm impressed.You know how to take care of animals, right?Okay, let me ask you a question! How many days does it take for an egg to hatch?About 3 days.About a week.Correct! I knew you were going to get it right.Awesome!How wonderful.You're really great. I'm impressed.Wrong. About 3 days. You've never raised chickens before?Too bad. I guess I was wrong about you.Everyone makes mistakes.RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#K!>#)#+#]!#!0#!-#Z!>#Y#[##d!>#q#s# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!># # # #~!>###%# #!>#<#># L#!2#!"!!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>## # #}!>#7#9# #~!>#P#R# #!>#i#k# y#!2#!"!!##!#! STR d.I knew you'd get it right! I just knew it!I'm disappointed. I thought you knew...RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#K!>#)#+#T!#!0#!-#!"!!s!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR _"Yep, I knew you'd get it right!What a disappointment. You have much to learn.RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#K!>#)#+#T!#!0#!-#!"!!s!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR OHee hee. Excellent.Everyone forgets about something, you know?RIFFSCR CODE,(# #x"!##!##x"#!#"! ##@#P#!#"! #!# Z#\#y#"#h#!#";! #""#!#"k! ##!5#x"#!#"#! #"! #! #"! !#!0#!-#!"!!#!# ##2##!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#"! ##\#!#! ##!#"#! #! ##!##!##h#!#! #"! !#!0#!-#!2#!"!!###!##)#+#[!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#! STR MSorry about earlier.Thanks for listening. You cheered me up.RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#M!>#)#+#T!#!0#!-#!"!!s!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR `)What were you talking about with Rick?Oh, did Rick give you that watch? Cool.RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#M!>#)#+#T!#!0#!-#!"!!s!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR EHow is your farm?Wow, that watch. Rick still had it?RIFFSCR CODE|#""@!##!#""@#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #""#!#"! #"#H#!#"! #"<#P#!#"! ##!5"#x#!#"#! !@####"! #"V! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!##x#! #! !@#I#K#_#"! i#"R! ##!!#W!0#!-#!"!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!###!#!7##!#!7!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#"! ######!!##!##!#"#x#!#"! #"#x#!##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"#!0# !"!!#"! ####"!>#5#7# #!>#N#P# b#!"i#!"!!!R##!#"! ##!#"#! #! #!#!#O#!? STR #qNo one will interrupt us here......Really? I didn't think I'd be the one to receive it. My answer is YES.Now, I have to let my mom know and write a letter to Popuri.Now, I have to let my mom and Popuri know about this.RIFF^SCR CODEpl# ""!!!k#""#!#"! #""#!#"#! #"#x#!#"( ! # #h"#!# "! #""#!#"; ! ##h"#!#"! #"("#!#";! #""#!#"k! #!# ###!#!# ##$#!#!# :#<#H#!# !# ^#`#l# !##!5#"!#<# !7#"!#<# !7##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"#!#"'! #! #"#! #"+! ###!##~! #Z!7#"! #"#! #"#!#"'! #! #"#! ##9#;#"!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### T##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#!8 STR 6HYou may kiss your bride.Let's make a happy family.Congratulations.Tadaaaa-. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize or anything. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE#Q#!?#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#"! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#####!*#!)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4##!!k##!5!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!$#"! #STR P]elrx{{Now that we are married, why don't I give you a pet name? Call me Rick. How about you?My NameChickyHoneyOther!I love you, ) How does that sound?nj[What? You don't like it? Okay, then what do you want me to call you?Okay. From now on, I'll call you my )), I'll keep working at the Poultry Farm as always, so I'll be commuting from here, okay?YesNoThanks, ). Don't be silly! No one else can take care of that farm, you know?Tomorrow is the first day of our new life together!RIFF SCR CODE  ##"!##!##"#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #"#t#!#"> ! ##!5""#!##@#!!@####"! #"V! #! ##!#"p#! !#!#""#!!@###%#"! /#"V! #"#! #! !@#V#X#l#"! v#"R! !"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>## # "!>#8#:# "!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# |#!2#!####!"#!"!!#"! ## #"##d!>#8#:# #m!>#Q#S# #w!>#j#l# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"! ##w#y##d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# S#!2#!"!!!###!( !!#"!###!#####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# "!>### #!2#!""!0#!"!!#"! ##-#/##d!>#E#G# #m!>#^#`# #w!>#w#y# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>###  #!2#!"!! !!#" !###!##e#g##d!>#}## #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#1 #3 # A #!2# !""!0# !"!!#"! ## # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!>#/ #1 # "!>#I #K # "!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "!># # #  #!2# !"!!  $##!##T#!#"B ! #! ##!# !7#!#!#R#!? JUMP {STR  t *y$Hey, you're the girl who took over the farm. !? Nice name. I'm Kai. I run the Beach House. Nice to meet you.Hey, !. What's up?There must be a reason why you're here by yourself.What do you think of a guy who doesn't like to live with his family?Despise him.Who cares?I see...There is a reason why I don't like it! Although it may be a selfish one...Never mind. Come to eat at my shop next time.I see. I guess some people think that way.Actually, I don't really get along with my family, so I spend Summer here.Come see me again when you have time.RIFF SCR CODE #$#x"!##!##x"#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! ##n#Z#!#"> ! ##!5"#Z#!#"#! !@####"! #"V! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!##Z#! #! !@###+#"! 5#"R! ##!##!!"!0#!-#P!>#q#s##d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# M#!2#!""!0#!"!!#"! #####d!>### #m!>### #w!>#3#5# "{!>#M#O# "!>#g#i# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!""!0#!"!!!####!)b !!#T#!?###!##H#J##d!>#`#b# #m!>#y#{# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### $#!2#!""!0#!"!!#"! #####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#/#1# "!>#I#K# "!>#c#e# "!>#}## "!>### #!2# !"!!#"! ##"#$##d!>#:#<# #m!>#S#U# #w!>#l#n# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2# !""!0# !"!!g !!#T#!?#"!!"!0#!-#P!>#a#c##d!>#y#{# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#- #/ # = #!2# !""!0# !"!!g g $!#!##"!#S#!? JUMP(STR  *|/#nWelcome!What's up, !. How's farming?Right on. When I see you working hard, it inspires me... Ha ha, just kidding.By the way, what are you growing on your farm now?Some Pink Cat FlowersLots of PineapplesNothing yet...Cool. They are pretty.I love all the Summer Food. Always welcome.Really!? I LOVE pineapples more than anything! Can you bring me some if it's okay with you?Thanks! It's kind of embarrassing for a guy to say, "I LOVE pineapples." Ha ha ha.In return, if you need any help, just let me know, okay?Hey, isn't it your job to grow crops? Are you okay? Gotta work harder.I see... Nothing...RIFF)SCR CODE##!!!#T!>#)#+#G!"!0#!-#P!>#Z#\##d!>#r#t# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# 6#!2#!"!!#T!>#]#_#{!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# j#!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# #!2#!"!!#! STR q+FHmmm, I guess you don't grow THAT one...They're welcome anytime!I so want to eat THAT...RIFFO SCR CODEhd##"!##!##"#!#"! #"#t#!#"> ! ##!5""#!##@#!#"! #! ##!#"p#! !#!#""#!#"! #"#! #! #"! !"!0#!-#!2#!"!!###!# ! #"$"#!#"8! ##!5!#&!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>#4#6# "{!>#N#P# "!>#h#j# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>#3#5# #d!>#L#N# #m!>#e#g# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"! # ! !"!0#!-#!2# !"!!!!#"!###!# ! ##!5""#!##@#!!@####"! #"V! #! ##!#"p#! !#!#""#!!@###&#"! 0#"V! #"#! #! !@#W#Y#m#"! w#"R! ###!##)#+#\!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#! STR 5Thanks for earlier.Mmmm, it's hard...RIFF+SCR CODEhd#"K"!##!#"K"#!#"! #"/"#!#"> ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! ####"!>### "!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# "!>### "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#(!8 STR >PYou may kiss your bride.I'm totally gonna make you happy.Congratulations.Tadaaaa-. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize or anything. Bye.RIFF|SCR CODE#[#!?#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#"> ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#####!*#!)!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4##!!k##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!$#"! ##Q#S##Z!>#i#k# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### -#!2#!#C#E#k#!0#!"#!0# !"y#!0# !"!!#"! #####Z!>### #m!>### #w!>#6#8# "{!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2# !"#!0# !"!!#"&! ##P#R##Z!>#h#j# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### ,#!2# !"!!###!##s#u##Z!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#% #' # "!>#? #A # O #!2#!"!!!###!(w#"!!#!0#!-#P!># # ##Z!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!>#) #+ # "!>#C #E # "!>#] #_ # "!>#w #y #  #!2#!"!!|#" !!#!0#!-#P!># # ##Z!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!>#/ #1 # "!>#I #K # "!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "!># # #  #!2#!"!!#"&! ##! ## ##Z!>#9 #; # #m!>#R #T # #w!>#k #m # "{!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2#!"#!0#!"!!#"! # #R #"! \ #"R! !#!0#!-#P!># # ##Z!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!>### "!>### "!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# a#!2#!"!!||$#!#!#\#!?##!4#""!#""#!#"!##!5 JUMP w  STR Y%fW>Ki{6mHi, how are you? Are you new here?You took over that farm? My name is Carter. Nice to meet you.Hello, !. How are you? Do you have time to chat with me?Actually, I have a favor to ask you, !.There is a young man named Cliff right there. Do you see him?I was wondering if you could talk to him and make friends with him.He came to this town by himself, just like you. However... He doesn't try to make friends with people here. He's shy, and it's difficult for him to open up to people...Really?! Thank you very much. I'm counting on you!Ah... Hi...Mmmm... My name is Cliff...Ah... Hello.........Ah... Do I have something on my face...?Ah... I...Ah... I'm nervous... I can't talk...Be a man!Relax.Ah... Yeah... Sorry, but can you... leave me alone...? Sorry...Okay... Phew... I feel better now... Thank you, !.You came to this town by yourself to run the farm, right? Wow...Good luck with everything.I'm looking forward to talking to you again.RIFFSCR CODE # ""@!##!#""@#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"#t#!#"! #"#t#!#"( ! ##!5""#!#"#! !@####"! #"V! #! !@####"! #"R! ##!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# #!2#!"!!#"! #####Z!>#'#)# #m!>#@#B# #w!>#Y#[# "{!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##<#!#", ! #! ##!##<#! #! #"( ! #"!# !#!7#!#!7#"!# !###!#####Z!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!##!!###!(!!#### !#"! ##c#e##Z!>#{#}# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#/#1# ?#!2#!"!!##!#",#! !@#t#v##"! #"V! #####Z!>### #m!>#3#5# #w!>#L#N# "{!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2# !"!!##!4  $#!7# "#P!##!#"#B#!#"( ! #"#X#!#"! #"#X#!!@#p #r # #"!  #"R! ##!5###!## # ##Z!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2# !"!!# # # #"! ###!>!#""!##!#""#!#"! #""#!#"! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!##!#"&! #T{6glz&ZHey, Cliff. Thanks for your hard work as always. Take a break if you want.No, I'm fine.Manna is worried about you too. We appreciate your hard work, but you have to take care of yourself.I'm really fine...Hey, !. How's it going? Do you have a second?This is great. Why don't you and ! go to Mother's Hill? It's a beautiful day to enjoy the view.But my job is not...Don't worry! I'll take it from here.No, I can't let you. It's my job...Cliff, you haven't thanked her for finding you this job, have you? It's a perfect time to do that.Yes, you're right...Duke can be very pushy... Sorry, !.But I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you very much. Thanks to you, I'm starting to visualize my future in this town.The part-time job is getting more exciting too.By the way, do you like your job on the farm?Yes.Not really...I see. I'm starting to love my job. The grapes I pick become wine, and many people will enjoy it. It's such a great feeling....I see. But good luck all the same...Well, shall we head back? I'm worried about Duke.Ah... I made this earlier. I want you to have it.See you later.RIFFSCR CODE0 , ##d#P!##!##x"#!!@#6#8#L#"! V#"R! ##@#P#!#"! # #(#P#!# " ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!###!#### ##!!##!##!#"#x#!#"! #"#x#!#"! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! #J\k4XI wonder what's going on between...They are not kids. Leave them alone.Don't you care about Cliff?I didn't say I don't care about him. I said don't worry about him. I care about Cliff very much, but it's not a good idea to stick your nose into their affair.Yo! What's up, !?Hello, !.!, can I ask you something?Stop it, Duke!Why should I? I care about my family!Huh... What do you think is Cliff's bad point?He thinks too much.Nothing.That's right! You do understand Cliff very well, !!Yes, he has a tendency to worry too much.Well, it's important to know both your partner's good and bad points. It's very important in your relationship.Today's work is done. Hi, !. How are you doing?Oh, hey Cliff. Good work today. ! says she wants to have dinner with you at the Inn tonight.What... Really?That's right!You're done working, so just go!Okay. !, let's go.Thanks for having dinner with me. It was fun. The food was great too.See you later then. Let's do it again soon.Do you really think so?See, I told you. You're mistaken.Doug says you must have special feelings for Cliff.Really... I thought you guys were a good couple.Sorry, !. Never mind him.RIFF6SCR CODE#a!>####b!>#3#5###!!!!#T!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR RPlease take care of Ann.What's up? Do you wanna have dinner here?RIFF/SCR CODEd`#"K"!##!#"K"#!#"! #"/"#!#"! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! ####"!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>###  ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#0!8 STR <NYou may kiss your bride.We have each other from now on.Congratulations.Tadaaaa-. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize or anything. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#"! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#####!*#!)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)#!)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4##!!k##!5!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!$#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### #!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>#/#1# "{!>#I#K# "!>#c#e# "!>#}## "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#"! ##\#^##Z!>#t#v# #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# 8#!2#!#N#P##!"!!#"&! ##&#(##Z!>#>#@# #d!>#W#Y# #w!>#p#r# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# k#!2# !""!0# !"!!!## # !(A!!#" !###!#####Z!># # # #d!># # # #w!>#7 #9 # "{!>#Q #S # "!>#k #m # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2# !""!0#!"!!#"&! ##S #U ##Z!>#k #m # #d!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># #! # / #!2#!"!!#"! ## # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x #  #!2#!"!!F#"!!"!0#!-#P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #w!># # # "{!>#0 #2 # "!>#J #L # "!>#d #f # "!>#~ # # "!># # #  #!2#!""!0#!"!!##!4#"(#x!#"(#x#!!@# # ##"! #"R! #"!##!5#f#!? FF$!#!#!##2!#f#!? JUMP  STR 7/Oc"Fi9What!? Explain to me what's wrong with it! Come on!What's wrong with it!? The answer is inside of you! You have much to learn!What are you looking at!? If you have nothing...Gray! How dare you talk to a customer like that!So...sorry.Welcome.Hey, are you new here? What do you want?Oh, !. ...How are you doing?Sorry for earlier.I didn't mean to be rude... My grandfather was giving me a hard time. He never approves of any of my work.I'm ready to quit. I feel stupid, you know?It's called TRAINING.Just quit!...You're right. I'm such a wimp.Sorry for complaining so much...Thanks, !. I don't get what my grandfather is saying now, but I think the time will come. Just keep trying.Gotta go back.What? You don't sound sincere. I know I was the one who started it, but...Sorry, but can you leave me alone now?RIFFySCR CODE<8##!!!!"!0#!-#P!>#=#?##Z!>#U#W# #d!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!#!##! STR !I'm working now. Sorry.RIFFSCR CODElh#f!>#### #!!!!#g!0# !-# !2#!"!!# #!# ! STR .Go ahead and read them if you want.RIFFSCR CODE ##("!##!##("#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #""#!#" ! ##!5""#!##!#"#!!@####"! #"V! #! ##!#"!#!#"#! #! ##!#"#!#! !@#3#5#I#"! S#"R! !"!0#!-#P!>#}###Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#/#1# "!>#I#K# Y#!2#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# }#!2#!"!!#"&! ## # ##Z!>#"#$# #d!>#;#=# #w!>#T#V# "{!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!""!0#!"!!###!##=#?##Z!>#U#W# #d!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# p#!2#!"!!!###!( #h#!?!!#"!###!#####Z!>### #d!>## # #w!>#7#9# "{!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!! #h#!?!!#" !###!##. #0 ##Z!>#F #H # #d!>#_ #a # #w!>#x #z # "{!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2# !"!!#"! ## # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # a #!2# !"!!###!##)#+#G!"!0#!-#P!>#Z#\##Z!>#r#t# #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# 6#!2#!"!!Y!"!0#!-#P!>#q#s##Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# M#!2#!"!!##!#! STR 5Ah... Can I help you?I'll try harder.RIFFSCR CODE#"#x!##!#"#x#!#"! #""#!#" ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! ##)#+#\!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#! STR *Let's do that again.......RIFFSCR CODEhd#"K"!##!#"K"#!#"! #"/"#!#" ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! ##+#-#"!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### F##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#;!8 STR 6HYou may kiss your bride.We'll be together forever.Congratulations.Tadaaaa-. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize or anything. Bye.RIFFSSCR CODExt#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#" ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#####!*#!)!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)#!)!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4##!!k##!5!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!$#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# z#!2#!"!!#"&! #####Z!>#)#+# #d!>#B#D# #m!>#[#]# "{!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"&! ##"R! !##!0#!-#P!>#g#i##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#3#5# C#!2#!"#$!0#!"!!#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>#4#6# "!>#N#P# "!>#h#j# "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"! ##&#(##Z!>#>#@# #d!>#W#Y# #m!>#p#r# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"! ##|#~##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#. #0 # "!>#H #J # X #!2#!"##!0#!"!!#"! ## # ##Z!># # # #d!>## #% # #m!>#< #> # "{!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2#!"!!!## # !(#p#!?#"!!#&!0#!-#P!>#3 #5 ##Z!>#K #M # #d!>#d #f # #m!>#} # # "{!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2# !"##!0# !"!!###!##d #f ##Z!>#| #~ # #d!># # # #m!># # # "{!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#0 #2 # @ #!2# !"##!0#!"!!#p#!?#" !!#$!0#!-#P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # "{!># ## "!>### "!>#3#5# "!>#M#O# "!>#g#i# w#!2#!"!!#"@! #!7#"8! !k##f!##F! ##O#Q##Z!>#g#i# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### +#!2#!"#$!0#!"!!#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# "!>### #!2#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>#2#4# "{!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"##!0#!"!!$!#!##=!##>!#o#!? JUMP  _ STR 'I# %#XlHuh? I haven't seen you yet, have I?Well, are you new to this town?Oh, you're the one who took over that farm. I heard about you from my patients.I'm Doctor, and as you can tell, I'm a doctor. Come to see me right away when you don't feel well.Hi, !. Are you eating well?Good. Food is very important for you. Eat balanced meals. You shouldn't be on a radical diet, okay?Everyone in this town is pretty healthy. There are many unhealthy people in big cities, you know. It must be the nature.I'm studying everyday. There is no end to the world of medicine. So many challenges. How about you? Farming must be hard. You're a female too. Take care of yourself. Elli and I are here for you if you have any problems, okay?By the way, !. There is a special tonic I got from another town. You can energize and recover from fatigue at the same time. It's not as effective as the medicine I got here, so I don't sell it, but... I made some improvements, so it should work. It's bitter, though.No thanks.O...Okay.A good medicine tastes bitter, you know? I drink it sometimes when I feel very tired. ...I guess you don't need it. I thought it would be good for you...You might like it...Don't forget to take care of your body. You never know, you know?Right! I knew you'd try it. Go ahead, bottoms up.It wasn't good...?But it works, right?I knew you'd understand the quality of this tonic. One more?I'm kidding. Don't rely on medicine, okay?It was fun to talk to you today, !. You helped me out too.RIFFSCR CODElh##!!!#p!>#)#+#F!#&!0#!-#P!>#Y#[##Z!>#q#s# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# 5#!2#!"!!W!#$!0#!-#P!>#o#q##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#!### "!>#;#=# K#!2#!"!!##!#! STR G$Are you sure you won't regret it?You are a courageous!RIFF/SCR CODE##!!!#p!>#)#+#[!#|!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#z!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#! STR {?What? You didn't drink it? I kind of understand why, but...Doctor is diligent. I need to learn from him.RIFF&SCR CODE#""@!##!#""@#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"#Z#!#"8! #"#j#!#"! ##!5"#|#!#"#! !@####"! #"V! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!##|#! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!!@#U#W#k#"! u#"R! !##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# z#!2#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>### #m!># # # "{!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### #!2#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>#*#,# "{!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#"<! ##!#"#!#! ##!##!#"#! #! 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JUMP STR 2>CO,w0=Wy!, what good timing.Today, I got some more new medicine.Run!What is it?I knew you'd be interested! I just knew it! Wait right here. I'll go get it.This one energizes and heals you just like the other one you had before. However, it's twice as effective! Go ahead, !. Try it now!By the way, it has an indescribable flavor just like the other one too.I believe you of all people will appreciate this tonic.Thank you! Now, don't hesitate! Go ahead and drink it!So? What do you think...?!! Talk to me! Elli! Come over here!Right away!I'm so sorry about what happened... It was completely unexpected...It was too strong for you... I was fine when I had it...My apologies. I shouldn't have pushed you.Do you feel better now?I'm glad you're okay.Doctor, don't make her try your new medicine any more.You're right. I'm really sorry.!, I'm truly sorry. I won't ask you to do it again.Come to see us anytime.Take care.RIFFvSCR CODE<8##!!!!##!0#!-#P!>#<#>##Z!>#T#V# #d!>#m#o# #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!#!##! STR Don't work too hard.RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!#y!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR 8Come see the doctor when you don't feel good.RIFF SCR CODE`\#""@!##!#""@#!#"! #"#Z#!#"8! #"#j#!#"! ##!5""#!#"#! #"! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!#"#! #! #"! !#y!0#!-#!"!!#"! ##)#+#[!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!##! STR T$Thank you, !. I feel encouraged.It's hard to change the way I am.RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#u!>#)#+#T!#}!0#!-#!"!!s!#|!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR U#The doctor is never like that...He seems to be feeling worse now...RIFF(SCR CODEd`#"K"!##!#"K"#!#"! #"/"#!#"8! ##!5!#'!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! ####"!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#J!8 STR M_You may kiss your bride.Let's work hard to make a happy family together.Congratulations.Tadaaaa-. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize or anything. Bye.RIFFSCR CODEhd#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#"8! ##!5!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!!#####!*#!)!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!#!)!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4##!!k##!5!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!$#"! #}}vJust wait a second...!Wait, I said!Bad chicken! Don't run away again!Thanks for your help...I don't think I've seen you around before. My name is Popuri. How do you do?Ah, you're the new girl in town, aren't you? ! is your name? Nice to meet you!Huh, I can't take my eyes off of the chickens.Thanks again. Chickens are really hard to catch, you know. Do you like chickens, !?I do.I don't.I thought so! I love chickens, too! I think people who like chickens are just good people, don't you?I've got to bring her back to the house now.  If you ever need help with chickens, just come to me!Let's go home now, chickie!```II Ȃɂ킢̂ɁcBut why not?! They're so cute!Well, then what are you doing here? It's a CHICKEN farm, after all... Full of chickens you hate, right?!  Sorry to make you touch a chicken!Let's go home now, chickie! RIFF SCR CODE$ #""!##!#""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"#s#!#"! #"#s#!#"! ##!5!#I!0#!-#!"!!###!######!!!!#C!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR !Good luck on the farm! RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>#####!!!!#H!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR SJust ask my dad if you need to know anything about the seeds or tools. RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>#####!!!!#O!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR EGood luck on the farm! Just tell me if you need any help.RIFF SCR CODE"#!?#""!##!#""#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! ##!5!#X!0#!-#!"!!###!#!?!=##!5!#T!0#!-#!"!!!#X!0#!-#!"!!##s!H#!7##e!!G##N! #!7#"! #!7##j!#!>#>!H#!7##f!!G##F! #H!7#"! ## #!#<# !7!#S!0#!-#!"!!!#W!0#!-#!"!!#"! ######!!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR ECome back any time. You'll have to pay next time, though!RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>#####!!!!#W!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR 9Come visit us any time! You're always welcome.RIFFoSCR CODE`\##x"!##!##x"#!#"! # ""#!# "C! ##!5#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!!#k!0# !-#!"!!# "G! # "#!# ! # "C! # ##!##### #!!!!#g!0# !-#!"!!# #!# ! STR 0Feel free to read any books you like.RIFFSCR CODE ##x"!##!##x"#!#"! ##x"#!#"! #""#!#"! #"#V#!#"8! ##!5#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#"! ##x#!#! #"! ##!###!#`:RI want to show you something nice, Elli!What is it?Here!Stu! Don't play tricks on me like that! Don't get so mad, Elli! You don't want to get gray hair, do you? What!!??...Hey! Where are you going!Hello. You're not from around here, are you?Oh, I'm sorry. You must be the new girl at the farm, right?  I've heard rumors about you! My name's Elli. I work at the Clinic. Are you feeling ill, !?Really? It's always a good idea to have the Doctor look at you if you're  feeling exhausted. Take care of yourself. By the way...Do you realize there's someone hiding behind you?Don't get so mad, Elli!Stu is so much trouble! What shall I do with you!Don't get so mad. All I did was to show you a bug!Don't you know I hate bugs? I thought maybe you would like that one!Don't play games with me, Stu! You understand me, right, !? You're still young at heart.Sure I do.Not really.I like you! Let's play together later. You don't need to humor him, !. He'll just start playing his pranks on you instead........... Waaah!!....Don't worry about him. He's just not used to being scolded by other people. Maybe now he'll stop playing so many pranks on me!RIFFSCR CODElh"!>#####!!!!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#! STR |I understand how Stu feels, though.  All children want lots of attention, so they bother the people they like.RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>#####!!!!#}!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR 5My brother has always been such a handful!RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###!@#1#3##"! #"X#!#! ""#!#"!# !#"#! #! #"!# !#!7##i!##!#"*! #"#!#! #"! ##m!!!e!#!"!! STR `Enter the Hot Spring from here. However, you can't get in while holding something.RIFFSCR CODE!f"X"#!##!##m!#"*! #"X#!#! #!7#"!# !##!#"! #"#! #! !#"!# ! STR RIFFOSCR CODE#!###"Q!>#4#6#!#!"!@#[#]#!!#"!!b"Q#!?#!"!!!#!"!! STR ZYou found a Power Berry. ...But your hands are already full, so you can't hold it.There's nothing here now. RIFFTSCR CODE40##!4##"!##"#!##!5 STR RIFFxSCR CODEXT#!###R##!4##!8#:#x"!##x"#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!#####!4"$!>#=#?#c!#!##!"$#!?##"!##"#!##!5 STR RIFFHSCR CODE#!####"!##!4"$!>#G#I#m!#!##!"$#!?##x"!##x"#!#!#!>##!\##!\##!\##!\$##!5 JUMP0STR RIFFSCR CODE#!#####!4"$!>#=#?#c!#!##!"$#!?##!8":#x"!##x"#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE|x#!###u##!4"$!>#=#?#c!#!##!"$#!?#""!#""#!##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>"!>###### # ## H#!###C#P!>#>#@##Z!>#V#X# #d!>#o#q# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### #}!>## ##~!># #"# #!>#9#;# "!>#S#U#"!>#l#n# "!>###"!>### "!>###"!>### "!>###"!>## # C#}!>#)#+##~!>#A#C# #!>#Z#\# #!"0ut#v# #P!>### "!>###"!>### #!"0u## #Z!>### "!>###"!>#'#)# #!"0uA#C# #d!>#Z#\# "!>#u#w#"!>### #!"0u## #m!>### "!>###"!>### #!"0u## #w!>#(#*# C"#!?"*!8l"!>#_#a##u#w# ### ###### "#!?"|!8l"!>###"!># ## #$#&##:#<# #Q#S##g#i# ###### ###### ###### # # ###!# #7#9##M#O# #e#g##{#}# #### ## #### ## ###### ####3#5# #K#M##a#c# #y#{####  ###### ### ### # # # # # ## 2 #4 # #m!>#L #N # "!>#f #h # "!># # # #l!># # # #!@ # # #!# # #  "#!?"!8l"/!># # ## # ##0 #2 # #H #J ##^ #` # #!#x #z #  "/#!?"!8l" !># # ## # ## # # # # ## # # # #! ##5 #7 # #M #O ##c #e # #{ #} ## # # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # ## # # #3 #5 ## I #K # #a #c ## w #y # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # ##/ #1 #  #I #K # #` #b # # w #y ## # # "!># # #"!># # # # !# # # #!# # # #!# ## ," #!?"!8l"!>#C#E#"!>#\#^# #s#u#### ###### ###### ###### #*#,##@#B# #X#Z##n#p# ###### ###### #### ## #### &#(# #>#@##T#V# #l#n#### ###### ######  ### ### #&#(##<#># \"#!?"!8l#p#r#### #### ## ###### #### ## #%#'##;#=# l#!># g">!8ll$##!5 JUMPUSTR RIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BucketRIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR StrawRIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR ToolsRIFFSCR CODExt#!###r##!4#"#z!#"#z#!!d#T#V#i#,"#z#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE!d "r!>#"#$#:!#!$#!>#P#R#!@#k#m##'!I!#!""r#!?"\"\!>#!?!#!"!#!$!! STR  9Water TankInside the water tank is a Jewel of Truth.Inside the water tank is a Jewel of Truth. ...But, your hands are full, so you can't hold it.RIFFFSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Wood BoxRIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BenchRIFFESCR CODE!#!$!! STR ParasolRIFF=SCR CODE!#!>###p#!>#8#:##!>#P#R# d#!$k#!$#!>####!>####!>### #!$#!$#!$!! STR 5PlantsSnowmanႾARIFFBSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BoatRIFFSCR CODE##!>##!>"!>#-#/##C#E##Y#[#  #!#y#{##!##!!#!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!##!4"!>###T"#!!?"!>#E#G#T"!8"!8!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!$!#!"!!!#!"!! JUMP aSTR -8IZAre you ready for the Dog Disk Tournament?I'm ready.Wait one second.Okay, let's go!Just tell me when you want to start the Tournament.CounterRIFF SCR CODE #!### ####!>##!>##!>##!>##!>#n#p#### ###### ###### #### ## #%#'##;#=# #S#U##i#k# ###### ###### #### ## # # ## !### #9#;##O#Q# #g#i##}## ###### ###### ##"!>###"!>### "!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# d###!# z#|##!#d### ##### ###!#d### ###"#$# 0###!"G#I##b#d##x#z# #####{ #"!##!4# #x"!##x"#!#W!>####W#!?#!!"!>####-#/# # D#F##Z#\# # r#t#### "!>### "!>### #!### #!### #!## # #!# !### #!# :#<# Y"#!?"!82"#!>#p#r#######  ### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!#3#5# #!#L#N# #!#e#g# #!# ~## #!# ## "##!?"!82!V###!O### 2"=!>####!### 2"=#!?"/!8"!>#I#K#!@#_#a# #!"'y#{# "!8"!>####!" N###!#d## "!8"!>###"!># # # !@#) #+ # #!"0uC #E ##!"\ #^ # m "!8##!5 !#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFF SCR CODE ####!>##!>##!>##!>#!#G#I# "!>#e#g#!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# #}!>#F#H# #~!>#_#a# #!>#x#z# #!2#!"!!###W!>####W#!?#!!"!>###"#!?#!#!!"!>#-#/#O"#!?#!!"!>#f#h#"#!?#!#!!"!>###"#!?#!#!!"!>######### J!#!!0#!-#!"!!####!4"!>#j#l## #!##!##!##!##!##!!#!"!!!"#!?#!"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!!*#"! ##!5  ##!4#""!#""#!##!>##!>##!>"!>###### ### (###### "!8## # ##"#!?"s!8 "!>#?#A##U#W# #l#n# #### ## "!8# ##### "#!?"!8 ####&#(# "!>#E#G##`#b## v#x# "!8# ### ## "#!?"!8"!>#### ##### "!>#6#8##!>#S#U#e##!>"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?$"#!?"!8 "!>##### # ##!# #;#=## Q#S# g"!8 # {#}#### "#!?"!8 "!>###### ###  # # ## & #( # ; "!8 # O #Q ##e #g #  "#!?"!8 "!># # ## # # #  # # X # # ##  # #  "!8S # # #% ##9 #; # S "#!?"!8 "!>#o #q ## # # # # # , # # ##  # #  "!8' #  # ## # # ' "#!?".!8 "!>#C #E ##Y #[ # #p #r #  # # ##  # #  "!8 #  # ## # #  "#!?"B!8 " !># # ##- #/ # #D #F #  #` #b ##v #x #  "!8 # # # " #!?"r!8##!5 ##!##8#!#! JUMP8o~STR :}Where are you going? The fireworks are about to start!Where are you going? The Dog Disk Tournament is about to start!It was fun! Now get back to work...RIFF/SCR CODE`\##!>##!>##!>##!>#!#B#D#["!>#`#b#!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# #}!>#A#C# #~!>#Z#\# #!>#s#u# #!2#!"!! #W!>####W#!?#!!"!>### "#!?#!#!!"!>###%#E"#!?#!!"!>#\#^#"#!?#!#!!"!>###"#!?#!#!!"!>###%##### # ?!#!!0#!-#!"!!##! %#"!##!4"!>#i#k## #!##!##!##!##!##!!#!"!!!"#!?#!"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!###x"!##x"#!##!5 #"!##!4###x"!##x"#!##!5 STR :}Where are you going? The fireworks are about to start!Where are you going? The Dog Disk Tournament is about to start!It was fun! Now get back to work...RIFFSCR CODE#!#######!>##!>##!>##!>##!>#n#p#### ###### ###### #### ## #%#'##;#=# #S#U##i#k# ###### ###### #### ## # # ## !### #9#;##O#Q# #g#i##}## ###### ###### ##"!>###"!>### "!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# d###!#$z#|## ### ## ###### ######"!##!4#$#x"!##x"#!#R!>#E#G##S!>#]#_# #t#v# ### ###### ### # ### ## ####*#,# !@#C#E# #!"']#_# z#S#!?#!!8s"!>###### ### ###### "!>###"!>##!# ?"#!?"!8s"!>#V#X##l#n# # ### ## #!#d## #!#d## #Z!>### #m!>### #!### #!#0#2# O"#!?"!8s"4!>#f#h##|#~# ### ###### #!#d## #Z!>###"!># ## "!>#&#(# #!#@#B# #!#Y#[# s"4#!?"$!8##!5!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! STR TimberRIFF,SCR CODE #k!8 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4##x"!#"#X#!##!5 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4##x"!#"#h#!##!5 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4##x"!#"#X#!##!5 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4##x"!#"#h#!##!5 STR RIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR ChairRIFFESCR CODE!#!$!! STR KitchenRIFFJSCR CODE!#!$!! STR RefrigeratorRIFFMSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Kitchen CabinetRIFFBSCR CODE!#!$!! STR SofaRIFFGSCR CODE!#!$!! STR FireplaceRIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR TableRIFFSCR CODE#!#######!>"!>#E#G##H!>#]#_# #J!>#v#x# #L!>### "!>### "!>### "<!>### "!!>### "!>### $##{#P!>#:#<#L##{#!"c#e#u##{#######!4# ##`!###`#!##!5!"!>### #Z!>####d!>### #m!>#/#1# #w!>#H#J# "{!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!0#!-#!"#H!>#!####J!>#9#;# #L!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# "!>### "<!>### "!!>### #!0#!-#!""!>####Z!>####d!>#(#*# #m!>#A#C# #w!>#Z#\# "{!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!0#!-#!"#1#3#[#Z!>#N#P##d!>#f#h# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>#1#3# A#!2#!0#!-#!""!>#r#t#"!>### #!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"!!##!##! #!#!##!#! STR RWhere are you going?I haven't cleaned upstairs yet. Please don't go up yet.I haven't picked up upstairs yet. Please don't go up yet.Please don't go upstairs.RIFFtSCR CODETP#!###N#H!>#3#5#w#H#!?#!#!#!!#!>#!>#!>#J!>####J#!?#!#!#!!#L!>####L#!?#!#!#!!"!>###H"#!?#!#!#!!"!>#_#a#"#!?#!#!#!!"!>###"#!?#!#!#!!"!>###"#!?#!#!!"<!>#-#/#O"<#!?#!!"!!>#f#h#"!#!?#!#!!##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!4#"<"!#"<"#!#"!#{!>####|!>#)#+# #@#B# #W#Y# #n#p#### ### ###  # ##### "!>###"!>### #P!>#/#1# #}!>#H#J# #~!>#a#c# #!>#z#|# #O!>### #!### #!### #!### # !### #!### #!`,#.# E#|#!?"!8##!5 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #k!8 STR RIFFASCR CODE!#!$!! STR BedRIFFGSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BookshelfRIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFFMSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Flower PaintingRIFFBSCR CODE!#!$!! STR LampRIFFOSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Mountain PaintingRIFFHSCR CODE!#!$!! STR PhotographRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4# #"!##"#!##!5 STR RIFFESCR CODE!#!$!! STR DrawersRIFFlSCR CODE84#!###1###!>#9#;#"!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### ##4")!>#####4"(!>#'#)#4###H#J# #"!# !!@#t#v##"! #"V! #"4#!#! ##8#! #! !@####"! #"R! ##!4#""p!#""p#!##!51!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFFJSCR CODE!#!$!! STR CandlesticksRIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF!SCR CODEP L ######!>##!>#!>#8#:#"!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### ##-#!####!# ## '##-###A#C# ###"!# !!@#s#u##"! #"V! ##<#!#! ##8#! #! !@####"! #"R! ##!4!# ## #!"'#!"####!) !O#T#V#!O# j#l# !O### !O### !O#%## !O#-## ####!%!"##l#!"#"!##### !"## # !"#P!>####Z!>### #d!>#/#1# #m!>#H#J# #w!>#a#c# "{!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### ###!=###!= ####!))###!=P#!"# #!\U#!"UU$.###!=#!"#$#!#%#!#&#!#'#!#(#!#)#!#*#!#!"$..### !=#!""#!?#!"$..$ ####!)M###!=#!"#!.#!"$R###!=#!"# #!\#!"$R###!=>#!"##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!# #!# #!# #!# #!# #!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!#!#!#"#!###!C#!"CC$RR$ ## #!#"!)r ###!=##!"#!.#$!"$ w ###!=#%!"##!\#&!"$ w ###!=c #'!"##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!# #!# #!# #!# #!# #!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!#!#!#"#!###!h #(!"h h $ w w $   $ #)!""#!?## #*!"##  $# # ##+!"!!##!##!5!@# # #! #"! + #"V! ##@#! #! !@#Q #S #g #"! q #"R! #"!# ! !#,!"!!H  C !@# # # #"!#![#Z!7!#-!"!!H !@# # #( #"!#&![#Z!7!#.!"!!H H $ JUMP@X Hp0P~*???q          Zcvvv---L R R R p33WW@  & STR /BXk}bu y:07R  8  + O%OdzIs something the matter?Is there anything else bothering you?Remove a cursed tool.I want to confess.Just saying 'hi'.That will be 1,000 G.OK.No, thanks.In that case, let us pray... Oh Harvest Goddess, please help us remove this unjust curse...In that case, let us pray. Oh Harvest Goddess, please help us remove this unjust curse...Are you sure now?But you don't have any cursed items.Repent once each day.What do you wish to repent for?I hardly get any sleep.I'm overworking the HS.I want to marry the Kappa.Sleep is very important for everyone, you know. I know you're very busy, but you really should get some rest once in a while.The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.Failing to sleep is to reject the nature granted you by the Harvest Goddess! You have displeased Her! She has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price.Do not fret. The Harvest Sprites help you because they wish to. However, I suggest giving them a present for their efforts to keep them happy. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.What do you mean, you make the Harvest Sprites work too hard?! How dare you repay their kindness by exploiting them! Don't you give them gifts, you scoundrel? The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!I want to marry the Kappa. You must love him dearly to feel that way. I'm sure the Kappa knows you feel about him. The Harvest Goddess says, "follow your heart."Wha...what? Marry the Kappa? Are you out of your mind!? The Kappa is not human. He's the lake's guardian. I wished to marry the Harvest Goddess many times actually... Cough, cough, ah... Forget what I said. Anyway... The Harvest Goddess thinks that's outrageous. She's not happy now.I don't care for animals.Worked until I collapsed.Townspeople don't like me.Don't forget that your animals give you their own milk, eggs and wool! Express your gratitude by caring for them well. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.Why do you think the animals were put into your care? They give of themselves to you, so you must repay this debt by treating them as well as you can! Oh those poor animals! The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!Your desire to work hard is very admirable. However, your body has its limits. If you work until you collapse, you are ignoring your own limits. Next time, take some sustenance or rest before working so hard. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.You must show more respect and gratitude to the body given to you!! The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!There must be a reason for that. Look inside your own heart first, then seek to make amends with them. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.Now even I don't like you very much! Let us end this conversation now! The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!I was cruel to my animals.I slept in late.I littered in the road.The human heart is a weak thing, and often we seek to make ourselves feel better by cruelty to those weaker in strength.  Remember that true strength lies in kindness to fellow creatures, especially those weaker than you. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.I can't believe this! How can you be so...so... cruel to poor, helpless animals! Oh, the humanity! I think there is no saving such a dark soul! The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!Do not worry. Sometimes the body is weak even when the spirit is willing. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you.Sleeping in is the sign of sloth in the heart! Who knows how many others you inconvenience by your laziness! The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!Throwing away your own garbage should be natural. Throwing away others' garbage is smiled upon by the Harvest Goddess. The Harvest Goddess has now forgiven you........................... .......................... I'm so flabbergasted, I don't know what to say! What would you think if someone threw their garbage away in your bedroom!? You wouldn't like it, would you?! The Harvest Goddess has not forgiven you, and someday you will pay the price!That is enough for today's confession.Hello. How are you?Come again any time.It's locked.The curse was lifted from the hoe!The curse was lifted from the watering can!RIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR OrganRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###K##!4#"L"p!#"L"p#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE|x###!###u"!>#9#;#b"#!?#!#!!#!>#x#z#!"#!?##!?"!>###!"#!?"#!?"!>###!"#!?"#!?"!>#+#-#P!"#!?"#!?"!>#g#i#!"#!?"#!?"!>#####!!"!0#!-#!"!!##"(!>###"(#!?#!!Y##!4#""!#""#!#"!##!5u##!#"$#! #! STR (!, You can't go outside now.RIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! STR WindowRIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BarrelRIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BasketRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #}!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE@<!#!###.#!$5#!$!! STR :Who is it in the picture?Lillia's picture.RIFF,SCR CODE #~!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #k!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!#####!4"=!>#=#?#f!#!#!"=#!?"#!>#}##!#!#!"##!?#"#x!#"#x#!#"!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODED@!d!@ #+!> .#+#!?#)!H?!#!$!! STR 5Beehive Check every day to harvest honey.RIFFSCR CODE!d "p!>#"#$#:!#!$#!>#P#R#!@#k#m##'!I!#!""p#!?"\"\!>#!?!#!"!#!$!! STR  7#'s HouseThere is a Jewel of Truth in #'s house.There is a Jewel of Truth in #'s house. ...But you can't hold it, because your hands are full. RIFFUSCR CODE##(!>!d'!#!$!! !@}#E#G#b!#!$!!x#^!I#(#!?!A###!D#^## !B### !F#(#!?!#!$!! STR 9 WoodbinThere's no Lumber in the Woodbin.RIFFSCR CODE!d### !@#0#2#"!>#N#P#"!>#g#i# "!>###  #"!>#!:#"!>#!:#"!>#!:!######!'!!-#"#"2#"#"2#"#"2 22$!>#K#M#p!#!"!!"!8!H!>#!?!A###!C"##!C"## !C"## "!>"!>"!>#d!### ;!#!"!! !C"P#R#j""!>#!?!C"##""!>#!?!C"##""!>#!?##l!!N##m!!A###!D#d##!D#e)#+# !D#f@#B# !D#gW#Y# !D#hn#p# !D#%## !D#&## !D#'##  ##l!!N##m! JUMP0"STR t $05?Which fish?Fish (S) 'Fish (M) &Fish (L) %QuitNo fish.The pond is full...RIFF]SCR CODELH!d !##!#!@#:#<#"!>##X#Z#"!>#v#x#!#!$!!!#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>## # "!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "!>#V#X# "!>#p#r# "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5 !#!$!!E##M""#$#@ !#Y#[###!4!##!5!."!#####!4"!##!5"!!@###-"!###-##!4"!##!5"!#Y!I!@#A#C#"!#_#a###!4"!##!5"!#;!I!@###E"!###E##!4"!##!5"!"!>###=!#!"!!##B! ##!:#!$!! STR 6Pieces of Lumber @ @@@@@@@%boardsRIFFISCR CODE!#!$!! STR Fish PondRIFFLSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Shipment BoxRIFFSCR CODE($!##)!>#!:#!$!! STR >Amount of Animal Fodder @ @@@@@@@%bushelsRIFFSCR CODE!#!$!! STR LWater Mill Put corn here to create 30 bushels of Chicken Feed.RIFFSCR CODE#!###|#"!##!4# #x"!##x"#!!d#^#`#s#,#x"#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE0,#!###)!d#1#3#!#!$!!##!#,#!#"! #,"! #"#! #,"#! #! !@###!A###!#!$!!##!#"V! #"#! #! ##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 STR h-You can't go outside while riding a horse!You can't go ouside while holding a chicken!RIFFSCR CODE#!###!d#1#3#J!#!$!! #"!##!4##x"!##x"#!##!5 STR 4You can't go inside while riding a horse!RIFFSCR CODE|x#!###t!d#1#3#J!#!$!! #!#!>##!\##!\##!\##!\$"#!?#"!##!4#"0"!#"0"#!##!>##!>##!>"!>####,#.# #C#E# I#P!>#a#c##Z!>#y#{# #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### D# ###*#,# D"#!?"]!8"!>#`#b##v#x# ### #P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "{!>#\#^# # x#z#### "#!?"p!8#P!>###1#0!>###1!>## "!>###"!>#,#.# #D#F##Z#\# z"#!?"s!81#!~###"!>###"!>### ###### "#!?"!81#!>)#+## !>D#F# "!>#^#`#"!>#w#y# ###### "#!?"!81###### 1#!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?#Z!>#G#I##0!>g#i##1!>## "!>###"!>### ###### "#!?"j!8#!~###"!>#2#4#"!>#K#M# #c#e##y#{# "#!?"y!8#!>### !>## "!>###"!>### ####.#0# N"#!?"!8#b#d##x#z# #!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?#d!>###C #0!>###1!> # # "!>#% #' #"!>#> #@ # #V #X ##l #n #  "#!?"m!8C #!~# # #"!># # #"!># # # # # ## # # " "#!?"|!8C #!>; #= ## !>V #X # "!>#p #r #"!># # # # # ## # #  "#!?"!8C # # ## # # C #!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?#m!>#Y #[ # #0!>y #{ ##1!> # # "!># # #"!># # # # # ## # #  "#!?"v!8 #!~#+ #- #"!>#D #F #"!>#] #_ # #u #w ## # #  "#!?"!8#!> # ## !> # # "!># # #"!># # # #% #' ##; #= # [ "#!?"!8 #o #q ## # #  #!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?#w!># # #P#0!> # ##1!>## "!>#2#4#"!>#K#M# #c#e##y#{# "#!?"p!8P#!~###"!>###"!>### ###### /"#!?"!8P#!>H#J## !>c#e# "!>#}##"!>### ###### "#!?"!8P###### P#!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?"{!>#g#i##0!>###1!>## "~!>###"~!>### ###### #"~#!?"m!8# !~#9#;#"!>#R#T#"!>#k#m# ###### "#!?"v!8#!>### !>## "!>###"!>### #3#5##I#K# i"#!?"!8#}##### #!>#!># !##!"~#!?"#!?"#!?"!>###Z#0!> ###1!>'#)# "!>#A#C#"!>#Z#\# #r#t#### "#!?"p!89#!~###"!>###"!>### ## ### # 9"#!?"y!8#!>R#T## !>m#o# "!>###"!>### ###### "#!?"!8Z###### Z#!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?"!>#q#s#k#0!>###1!>## "!>###"!>### #### ## -"#!?"j!8#!~#C#E#"!>#\#^#"!>#u#w# ###### "#!?"s!8#!>### !>## "!># ##"!>#%#'# #=#?##S#U# s"#!?"|!8###### #!>#!>#!##!"#!?"#!?"#!?#!####!"###!#0'#)# k#!># F#H##!># ^#`# "!>#}####!=####!`##"!8k#!>####!>### k"!>###k##!=#<#>#k#!`\#^#k"!8##!5 JUMP0bp~STR 4You can't go inside while riding a horse!RIFFSCR CODE#!###!d#1#3#J!#!$!! "#!?#"!##!4#""!#""#!##!5 STR 4You can't go inside while riding a horse!RIFFSCR CODE#!###!d#1#3#J!#!$!! "#!?#"!##!4##x"!##x"#!##!5 STR 4You can't go inside while riding a horse!RIFFSCR CODE#!###!d#1#3#J!#!$!! #"!##!4#%""!#""#!##!5 STR 5You can't go outside while riding a horse!RIFF1SCR CODE#!###!d#1#3#!#!$!!##!#,#!#"! #,"! ##@#! #,#@#! #! !@###!A###!#!$!!##!#"V! ##8#! #! ##!>##!>##!>##!>##!4##h"!##h"#!"5!>#`#b##v#x# ### ### # ##### #!### #!### #!### #!#6#8# #!#O#Q# #!#h#j# #!### "5#!?"%!8##!5 STR i-You can't go outside while riding a horse!You can't go outside while holding a chicken.RIFF<SCR CODE!d !@!A !L!D#1;#=# !D#5R#T# [ !C#t#v#!B### !F##n!# !7#*#*!>#!? $!N JUMP8`!   STR RIFFBSCR CODE!#!$!! 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STR Kappa PaintingRIFF,SCR CODE #~!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#Q"#!?#!!##!4##d#@!##d#@#!#"!##!5 STR RIFF_#SCR CODE""#H!>####J!>#.#0# #L!>#G#I# #N!>#`#b# #O!>#y#{# #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#(#*# #Z!>#A#C# #[!>#Z#\# #\!>#s#u# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!># # # #f!>#"#$# #g!>#;#=# #i!>#T#V# #j!>#m#o# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!>### #t!>### #v!>#5#7# #w!>#N#P# #x!>#g#i# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#+ #- # "!>#E #G # "!>#_ #a # "!>#y #{ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#/ #1 # "!>#I #K # "!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#3 #5 # "!>#M #O # "!>#g #i # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # "!>#k #m # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#! ## # "!>#; #= # "!>#U #W # "!>#o #q # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# " !>#C#E# " !>#]#_# " !>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!>### "#!>#1#3# "$!>#K#M# "%!>#e#g# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!>### ".!>### "/!>#5#7# "0!>#O#Q# "2!>#i#k# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>##!# ";!>#9#;# "<!>#S#U# "=!>#m#o# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!># # # "E!>###%# "F!>#=#?# "G!>#W#Y# "H!>#q#s# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!># ## "Q!>#'#)# "R!>#A#C# "S!>#[#]# "V!>#u#w# "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#+#-# "`!>#E#G# "a!>#_#a# "b!>#y#{# "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>### "i!>#/#1# "j!>#I#K# "k!>#c#e# "l!>#}## "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>### "r!>### "s!>#3#5# "t!>#M#O# "u!>#g#i# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!>### "|!>### "}!>#7#9# "~!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#!### "!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "!>#o#q# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># #! # "!>#9 #; # "!>#S #U # "!>#m #o # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># !# !# " !>##!#%!# " !>#=!#?!# "!>#W!#Y!# "!>#q!#s!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !># "#"# "!>#'"#)"# E"!#!$!!"#!#["#]"#"#!#x"#z"#"#!!#C!0#!-#!"!!"!#!$!!"!#!$!! STR k CounterYou won't be able to shop unless you look at a counter where there are some items!RIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR ShelfRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE\X#!###V##"!>#:#<#"!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# ###!####!#d#####!#d#######E#"!# !##!4##\"@!##\"@#!##!5V!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFF8SCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#_"#!?#!#!#!!"!>#v#x#"#!?# !#!!"!>###"#!?#!#!!##!4#""!#""#!#"!##!5 STR RIFFKSCR CODE!#!$!! STR AdvertisementRIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! STR PosterRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#a>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFF SCR CODE!@!A### !B !D#a8#:# [!F#*#*!>#!?#*!>#q#s#!#!$!!#a!I#*#*!>#!? STR CThere's no feed at all in the chicken feed storage bin.RIFF~SCR CODEXT##!@!A# #"# !B W#!CR##WW$#!y!#!$!!S!#!$!!S##!>########!##### #! ##*#,#G!#!"!!S!F#! JUMP@BBBBBBSTR 7|There are already eggs here. Hope they hatch soon...Incubator If you place eggs in here, they'll hatch in a few days.It's already full, so you can't incubate any more.RIFF+SCR CODE ##!@!A# #"# !B W#!CR##WW$#!y!#!$!!!#!$!!###!###!####!#!"!!!F#! JUMP@BBBBBBSTR 1uThere is an egg in it. Hope it hatches soon...Incubator If you place an egg here, it will hatch in a few days.It's already full, so you can't incubate any more.RIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B W#!CR##WW$!F#!H#!H#!H#!H#!H#!H$!#!$!! JUMP|@BBBBBBp|STR CMayonnaise Maker Put eggs inside it to make mayonnaise.RIFFSCR CODE($!##*!>#!:#!$!! STR =Amount of Chicken Feed @ @@@@@@@%bushelsRIFF|SCR CODE\X#!###U##!4#""!#""#!#"!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODExt#!###a!####!%!!W!k#!#L[#]##"! ##!##L#! #! #"! ##!#!"###"! #"#!#! #"! #"! # !7##!#! # !7#"#.#!#"! #!7##!4#2#!\" !8\\\$r!#!"!! JUMP @MSTR aGo to bed for the day?YesNoBed Examine it from the left side to sleep.RIFFSCR CODE"m!>###:##!4!##!5#!>#P#R#!@#k#m##'!I!#!""m#!?!!"\"\!>#!?!#!"!!##!4!##!5 STR 2A Jewel of Truth is fallen behind the calendar.A Jewel of Truth is fallen behind the calendar. ...But your hands are already full, so you can't hold it.RIFFSCR CODE\X!##!>!9#!>\##!;a##!;a##!;a##!;aa$##!>!9#!>##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;## !;## !;$# !$#!># ####!>!9##!>!9#!># =#?#y#!># Z#\#m# !$t# !$#!># ### !$# !$O##!># !9##!>!9#!>####!># ###!$#!$O#!># 5#7#H#!$O#!$!! 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I'm sure you don't want to hear it...Cliff is sleeping well...BedRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!######!#d9#;#K##F"!>#b#d#"!>#{#}# "!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!>### #t!>### "&!>### "%!>#-#/# @##F###Z#\###!4###@!###@#!##!5!#'!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### #!2#!"!!##!##! #!#!##!#! STR You can't go upstairs.RIFFSCR CODE|#!###{#o!>#3#5#V#o#!?#!#!!#q!>#l#n##q#!?#!#!!#r!>####r#!?#!#!!#t!>####t#!?#!#!!A"!>###A"#!?#!#!!"!>#X#Z#"#!?#!#!!C"!>###"#!?#!#!!C"%!>###"%#!?#!#!#!!C"&!>##!#C"&#!?#!#!!##!4#"X"!#"X"#!#"!##!5 STR RIFFPSCR CODE###w!>###.###P!>#D#F##Z!>#\#^# #d!>#u#w# #m!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# #!"'H#J#Z###!"'q#s####!"0u#####!#d##########"!#!!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFFSCR CODE###!#d##.##u#!#dD#F#u###!"h#j#u######"!#!!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFBSCR CODE!#!$!! STR DeskRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4##"!##"#!##!5 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFFOSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Refreshment ShelfRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!######!#d9#;#K###!#da#c####!"########"!#!!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFFSCR CODE#!######!#d9#;#K###!#da#c####!"########"!#!!#!"!! STR It's locked...RIFF,SCR CODE #}!8 STR RIFFISCR CODE!#!$!! STR Big KitchenRIFFNSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Cooking UtensilsRIFF,SCR CODE #~!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###"2!>#4#6#Q"2#!?#!!##!4##\#@!##\#@#!#"!##!5 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!#######!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>"!>#|#~###"!>#####s"/!>#####s"0!>#####s#!#d##,##s#!#dB#D#s###!"f#h#s######"!#!##!4##\"@!##\"@#!"2!>###### # ## ####3#5# "!>#N#P# "!>#h#j# #!### #!### #!### #!### "2#!?"!!8##!5!"!>###"!>#)#+# "/!>#C#E# "0!>#]#_# #!#v#x# #!"#U!0#!-#!"!! STR 7It's locked...Please don't go in there!RIFFmSCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#"!>#M#O# "0!>#g#i# !#W!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!##! #!#!##!#! ##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!4##("!##("#!"!>#9#;##O#Q# #g#i##}## ### ###### #d!>### "!>### "!>### #c!>#*#,# #!"'D#F# #!#]#_# #!#v#x# #!### #!####!### "#!?"!8#f!>####g!>### #%#'##;#=# #R#T# #i#k# ###### !@### #!"'## #!### #g#!?#4!8##!5 STR II haven't cleaned upstairs yet, so please don't go up there.RIFFLSCR CODE,(#!###'"!>#4#6#X"#!?#!#!!"!>#o#q#"#!?#!#!#!!"0!>###"0#!?#!#!#!# !#!!##!4#"x"!#"x"#!#"!##!5 STR RIFF8SCR CODE#"!#! STR RIFF8SCR CODE#"!#! STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#V"#!?#!!#g!>#l#n##g#!?#!!#j!>####j#!?#!!##!4##(#`!##(#`#!##!5 STR RIFFcSCR CODE | !!###2#!"!!  #!>#H#J##!>#`#b# #!>#y#{# #!>####!>### #!>### #!>### #!>### #!>### # !>#'#)# #!!>#@#B# #"!>#Y#[# ##!>#r#t# #$!>### #%!>### #&!>### #'!>### #!"!!  !####!"!!  ####!%!# K#M#^# !k#!"!! !! $#!"! #!"### # !%!"##"!######$ # !"## # # !%t!"?#A#Y"!##_##y##yy$ # !"### # !%!" ##" !######$ #!"### # !%\!" 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Do you want it?Kitchen: 4,000GThe Carpet is 5,000G. Do you want it?Carpet: 5,000GThe Large Bed is 10,000G. Do you want it?Large Bed: 10,000GThe Knife is 1,500G. Do you want it?Knife: 1,500GThe Frying Pan is 1,200G. Do you want it?Frying Pan: 1,200GThe Pot is 1,000G. Do you want it?Pot: 1,000GThe Mixer is 1,200G. Do you want it?Mixer: 1,200GThe Whisk is 500G. Do you want it?Whisk: 500GThe Rolling Pin is 750G. Do you want it?Rolling Pin: 750GThe Oven is 2,500G. Do you want it?Oven: 2,500GSeasoning Set is 2,500G. Do you want it?Seasoning Set: 2,500GPower Berry is 10,000G. Do you want it?Power Berry: 10,000G...But, I'm not selling anything right now.Thanks a lot. I'll deliver it in 2-3 days.It looks like you don't have enough gold. I'd hold off if I were you.Just give me a call if you decide you want it after all.RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #}!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #~!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF SCR CODE#!#######!>##!>##!>##!># !"f#h#x##~#####F"!>### !#p!0# !-#!"!!##!##! #!#!##!#! ##!4#"#X!#"#X#!"!>#C#E##Y#[# # p#r#### ### # !"## "!>### "!>### # !### # !## # 8"#!?"!8##!5!#p!0# !-#!"!!##!##! #!#!##!#! STR hAI haven't cleaned upstairs yet, so please don't go up there.Please don't go upstairs!RIFFSCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#f"#!?# !# !# !#!!##!4#""!#""#!#"!##!5 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#Q"#!?# !!##!4#""!#""#!##!5 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFFESCR CODE!#!$!! STR CounterRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFDSCR CODE!#!$!! 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RIFFSCR CODEXT##!2#######!,!!##!4#=!##!5##!!##!4#>!##!5##!!##!4#?!##!5##!!##!4#@!##!5##!!##!4#A!##!5######$7##### # #!,#!!##!4#B!##!5##(!!##!4#C!##!5##(!!##!4#D!##!5##(!!##!4#E!##!5##(!!##!4#F!##!5##(####(($77$#K#M# JUMP D|4]@i !STR ")06:FS^BlacksmithSupermarketWoodcutterClinicWineryOtherInnKai's LodgePoultry FarmYodel FarmWon's ShopRIFFSCR CODEhd#!>###;##!4#;!##!5c#!>#Q#S#!####!)!!##!4#;!##!5!!##!4#7!##!5!! $c#!>###!#####!*!!##!4#;!##!5!!##!4#7!##!5!!##!4#8!##!5!! $c#!># ##{!######!+q!!##!4#;!##!5v!!##!4#7!##!5v!!##!4#8!##!5v!!##!4#9!##!5v!! vv$c!#######!,^!!##!4#;!##!5c!!##!4#7!##!5c!!##!4#8!##!5c!!##!4#9!##!5c!!##!4#:!##!5c!! cc$ JUMP0Xv6Y|>a+NSTR ,9FTbGet KitchenRecipe Book 1ExitRecipe Book1Recipe Book2Recipe Book3Recipe Book 2Recipe Book 3Recipe Book 4RIFF@SCR CODE ##!4#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODETP#!###;##!4##4#6#Y##!4#!##!5#!>#o#q#!@####'!I!#!"!!"n#!?"\"\!>#!?!#!"!!##!4#!##!5!#!"!! STR /A Jewel of Truth is fallen in the bookshelf.A Jewel of Truth is fallen in the bookshelf. ...But your hands are already full, so you can't hold it.Bookshelf RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #}!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF|SCR CODE\X#!###U##!4#"t"8!#"t"8#!#"!##!5 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFFCSCR CODE!#!$!! STR ClockRIFF,SCR CODE #}!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE"\!>###"j!>#5#7#M!#!$!@#a#c##'!I!#!"!!"j#!?"\"\!>#!?"=!8!#!"!#!$!! STR ERefrigeratorThere's a Jewel of Truth fallen in the Refrigerator.There's a Jewel of Truth fallen in the Refrigerator. ...But your hands are already full, so you can't hold it.RIFF,SCR CODE #!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF|SCR CODE\X#!###U##!4#""!#""#!#"!##!5 STR RIFFLSCR CODE,(#!###%"!8 STR RIFFPSCR CODE!#!"!! STR Stairs to BasementRIFF SCR CODE@ < "!>###K!"!0#!-#!2#!"!! "!>#b#d#!#!0#!-#!2#!"!! "!>###!##!0#!-#!2#!"!! "!>###)!#!0#!-#!2#!"!! 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Hey ), Where are you going?You can't leave * alone...What are you doing?Take a bath?YesNoRIFFN SCR CODE  #!### #!>#3#5##!>#K#M# #!#i#k### !=###"!8"V!>###>!##!=,#!-#!01# !-#g!01#!-#H!01#!-#y!01#!-#W!011$#!"!! ##!>##!>##!>!####!%!!!k#!#L###"! ##!##L#! #! #"! ##!#!>#!"##-#"! #"#!#! #"! #!"9I#K#w#"! #"9#!#! #"! #!>####}!>### #~!>### #!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### #P!>### #Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>#)#+# "{!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# #!#d## #!#d## #!#d## # !#d## #!#d## #!># ## #!>#&#(# #!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# i"!8#!"y###"! #"y#!#! #"! $#"! # !7##!#! # !7#!>8#"#.#!=#"@#.#!=#"#.#!==$#"! #!7##!4#2#!\#u#w########## ######### #P!>####Z!>#/#1# #d!>#H#J# #m!>#a#c# #w!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "{!>### "!8##### ### ##4#6# K"q!8#_#a##u#w# ### ###### ### "j!8" !8$ !#!"!! JUMP@`2| STR v*.1What are you doing?Turn in for the day?YesNoBed Investigate from left side to sleep.RIFF%SCR CODE #!####!"/#1# #!#0I#K# p###"3#"7###!####!"## #!#0## ###"Z #"^ ###!####!"## #!#0)#+# P###"#"###!#f#h##!"## #!#0## ###" #" ###!####!"## #!#0 # # 0###"T#"X###!#F#H##!"_#a# #!#0y#{# ###"#"###!####!"## #!#0## ###"#"####"!>#-#/#"!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### ###!>##### ### ! #!7!!2!-!"0u.#0#!#N#P##!0#!""!0#!"#!0#!""!0#!"#&!0#!"#t!0#!"#=!0#!"$#!0#!""!0#!"#!0# !""!0# !"#%!0# !"#t!0# !"#=!0# !"$ !@##!###xn#!0#!"s"!0#!"s#!0#!"s"!0#!"s##!0#!"s#r!0#!"s#;!0#!"ss$#!0#!""!0#!"#!0#!""!0#!"#'!0#!"#t!0#!"#;!0#!"$ !P4#6#!#T#V##!0#!""!0#!"#!0#!""!0#!"##!0#!"#r!0# !"#;!0#!!"$#!0#"!""!0##!"#!0#$!""!0#!"##!0#%!"#r!0#&!"#;!0#'!"$ !`## !###~ t #!0#(!"y "!0#(!"y #!0#)!"y "!0#(!"y #$!0#(!"y #r!0#!"y #;!0#*!"y y $  #!0#+!" "!0#,!" #!0#-!" "!0#.!" #$!0#/!" #r!0#0!" #;!0#1!"  $ !`: #< # !#Z #\ #  #!0#2!" "!0#3!" #!0#3!" "!0#4!" #$!0#5!" #s!0#6!" #!"  $ !!!! #!7# # # !#?!"!! JUMP (h(h(h_r9M&`s0 CVex?S,fy" 6  I \        k    ~    E Y 2  l  STR a @(Ph 3D_/i7]%Jv3Q~1p=[3e( T Sorry, I don't feel like talking now.Sorry, I'm kind of tired today, so......... ...I'm sleepy.I'm going to bed, so please leave me alone.Will you let me go to bed now?I'm going to bed now.I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up.Please let me go to bed.Man, what is it?What do you want?I'm sleepy now.Don't interrupt my sleep.What is it? What do you want?......... ......... .........I have to go to bed now to get up early tomorrow.Phew, I'm tired. Let's go to bed.Good night. I'm going to bed. See you in my dreams.You need to sleep to reenergize. It is very important.Good night. It was a hard day.Good night.Good night. Sweet dreams.What is it? I'm sleepy.Let's talk tomorrow.Mmm... I'm sleepy...If you have to work, go ahead.), aren't you going to bed?I said good night. Did you hear me?), are you going to bed? You need your beauty sleep.Good night, ). Sweet dreams.Good night, ). Phew, I'm tired.Good night. I'm tried.I'm going to bed. Good night.Good night, ). Good night. You must be tired too.I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow.), you need to get some sleep.I feel good after working hard.Don't stay up late.I'm going to bed now. You should go to bed soon, ).We can talk tomorrow. I'm too sleepy now.Good night, ). I love you.Good night. I love you. Sweet dreams, ).Good night. Good work today.), you stay up too late.I'm happy to see you every morning when I wake up.Are you still working at this hour? You sure are hard working.I'm happy you're my wife. I feel happy just to be with you.Sleep well for your beauty and health.), you're such a hard worker.I'll work hard tomorrow to find something delicious.Good night. Sweet dreams, ) I love you. Good night, ). Sleep tight.Good night. I love you, ).Good night. ), don't work too hard, okay?), good night. Sleep tight.Good night, )! Sleep tight!), you make me happy everyday.The farm is peaceful. The air feels so good especially in the morning.Just being with you makes my life a lot of fun.I learn a lot from this farm. You are one capable woman, ).Sleep well, okay? If you get sick, I'm the one to take care of you.), you were living in this big house all by yourself...), are you still working? Good for you!Big BedRIFF6SCR CODE!####!)!!##!4!##!5!#S#U#k#!$!!!!##!4!##!5!!$ JUMP(?STR B Book ListLetter ListExitNo letter inside.RIFF<SCR CODE##!4!##!5 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF<SCR CODE##!4!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE($!!@###"V!>#7#9##!>#O#Q# #!>#h#j# #!>### #!>### #!>### #!>### # !>### #!!>### #"!>### ##!>#0#2# #$!>#I#K# #%!>#b#d# #&!>#{#}# #'!>### "!>### #!#d## # !#d## #!#d## #!#d## #!#d+#-# #!#D#F# #!#]#_# #!#v#x# #!### #!### #!### #!### # !### #+!# ## #.!#%#'# #/!#>#@# #0!#W#Y# #1!#p#r# #2!### #3!### #4!### #5!### "!8####!)_!!##!4!##!5d!7I!!##!4!##!5P#!"ddd$!@#x#z#!A### !C"##!C"## !C"## !C"## !C"## !C"&#(#  #P!>#D#F##Z!>#\#^# #d!>#u#w# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "{!>###  #!### #",!#!#!"!! JUMP(USTR 4CookView recipiesExitYou haven't made anything.You can cook here, but empty your hands first. RIFF GSCR CODE77#####H!>#"#$##J!>#:#<# #L!>#S#U# #N!>#l#n# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#4#6# #Z!>#M#O# #[!>#f#h# #\!>### #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#.#0# #g!>#G#I# #i!>#`#b# #j!>#y#{# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!>### #t!>#(#*# #v!>#A#C# #w!>#Z#\# #x!>#s#u# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#/#1# "!>#I#K# "!>#c#e# "!>#}## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#3#5# "!>#M#O# "!>#g#i# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # "!>#k #m # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#! ## # "!>#; #= # "!>#U #W # "!>#o #q # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#% #' # "!>#? #A # "!>#Y #[ # "!>#s #u # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#) #+ # "!>#C #E # "!>#] #_ # "!>#w #y # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#- #/ # "!>#G #I # "!>#a #c # "!>#{ #} # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# " !>#O#Q# " !>#i#k# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!># # # ""!>###%# "#!>#=#?# "$!>#W#Y# "%!>#q#s# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># ## ".!>#'#)# "/!>#A#C# "0!>#[#]# "2!>#u#w# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#+#-# ";!>#E#G# "<!>#_#a# "=!>#y#{# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#/#1# "F!>#I#K# "G!>#c#e# "H!>#}## "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#3#5# "R!>#M#O# "S!>#g#i# "V!>### "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#7#9# "`!>#Q#S# "a!>#k#m# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>## # "h!>#!### "i!>#;#=# "j!>#U#W# "k!>#o#q# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!># # # "r!>#%#'# "s!>#?#A# "t!>#Y#[# "u!>#s#u# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!>### "|!>#)#+# "}!>#C#E# "~!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#+ #- # "!>#E #G # "!>#_ #a # "!>#y #{ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#/!#1!# " !>#I!#K!# "!>#c!#e!# "!>#}!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#"# " !>#"#"# "!>#3"#5"# @"&!A#T"#V"#!D#=j"#l"# &!x"##"##"##"##"##"##""$!####!%#"#"#&!@# #### ##!"!! #!"###### # !,!!####################$##B! #"!#F#!##!##!#F#!#F"! # !7#G#!##!# #!#G#!#G"H! # !7#H#!##!##!#H#!#H"! # !7#I#!##!# #!#I#!#I"P! #!7##!4$#!y$#!y$#!y$#!y$#!y$#!y$$$##!#!#!#"! ##B! ##!5# !7#F!# !7#G!# !7#H!# !7#I!# !7!#v%#x%##%#%# #%#%##%#%# #%#%##%#%# #%#&##&#&# #-&#/&##C&#E&# #[&#]&##q&#s&# &# !"&# !"!!#"! &!! !A#&#&#2!D#=&#&#2!#&#&#1## #####!,|1!#0'#2'#,###!# !+##!;####+##!;####+##!;####+##!;####+##!;####+##!;## ##+##!;## ##+##!;## ##+##!;## ##+##!;####+##!;####+##!;####+##!;####+## !;####+##!!;####+##"!;####+###!;####+##$!;####+##%!;####+##&!;####+##'!;##!##+##(!;##"##+##)!;#####+##*!;##$##+##+!;##'##+##,!;##)##+##-!;##*##+##.!;##+##+##/!;##,##+##0!;##/##+##1!;##,##+##2!;##-##+##3!;##.##+##4!;##/##+##5!;##+##6!;##+##7!;##++$ ,+#8!"!!!@#G+#I+#b+#"!![+#8!"!!!l+#9!"#:!"++$, ,#8!"!!!@#+#+#+#"!![,#8!",#8!"#:!",,$,Q,#;!"V,#!"1#-#-#/##?#@#A#B#C#!,.#!>#R-#T-#k-#D!"##-!!##!4!##!5##/!#d-#-#-!!##!4#!##!5##-#E!"##/!#d-#-#,.!!##!4#!##!5##9.#E!"##/!#dR.#T.#.!!##!4!##!5##.#E!"##/!#d.#.#.!!##!4#!##!5##.#E!"##/####//$ 0##F#G#H#I#J#!,0!#2;/#=/#k/!!##!4#!##!5##x/#K!"##0!#d/#/#/!!##!4#!##!5##/#K!"##0## 0!#2/#/#"0!!##!4#!##!5##/0#K!"##0!#2H0#J0#x0!!##!4#!##!5##0#K!"##0####00$ #0#0#-#0#0#0##0##1!!##!4!##!5##1!!##!4!##!5##1!!##!4!##!5##1####11$ g2##L#M#N#O#P#!,b2!!##!4!##!5##g2!!##!4!##!5##g2!! g2!!##!4!##!5##g2!!##!4!##!5##g2####g2g2$ #{2#}2#&!! #!>#2#2##!>#2#2# 2!# !>#P2#2#3##!= 3#Q!"3#R!"33$ 7#!>7#!>#83#:3##!>#P3#R3# c5#!>#n3#p3##!>#3#3# 4##!=4# #!#!##!#!7# !#"!#!7###!##!##! ##4#4##!>#4#4# 4#T!"4#S!"^5#!># 5#5#5#U!"O5#!>#55#75#H5#V!"O5#T!"^5^5$6#!># y5#{5#5##!=5#W!"5#X!"55$6#!>#5#5#6##!=5#Y!"6#Z!"66$6#!>#6#6#Y6##!=O6#[!"T6#\!"T6T6$6#!>#o6#q6#6##!=6#]!"6#U!"66$6##!=6#]!"6#U!"66$7#!>#6#6##!>#7#7# "7#^!")7#_!"7##!=Y7#`!"^7#a!"^7^7$7##!=7#b!"7#c!"77$77$!! 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Go check it out.The % you ordered is ready. But you have no space in your rucksack. I'll have Gray deliver it to you later.You have no space in your rucksack. I'll have Gray deliver the % you ordered later. Look forward to it.The % is ready... But you have no space in your rucksack, so come back later.The item is not ready yet...SeedsRice BallsBreadWrapperChocolateBut no seeds are for sale in this season.But not enough money...CurryRice FlourBackFlourOilƎvǂȂcPoultry FarmYodel RanchQuitVan's ShopSalesmanI look so pale... I should stop working and go to bed early.I look so pale... I should eat something to reduce fatigue.It's so late. I should go to bed.It's already dawn... I should get some sleep.Good evening. Good morning, I guess... Another day of hard work. Good morning. I have no time for looking in the mirror.Hello. I can get some more work done.Good afternoon. It's getting dark. I should call it a day.I get fatigued working in bad weather. Plus I'm working at night...When I use my tools in bad weather I get tired quickly...I can't go anywhere in a Typhoon. I guess I'll go to bed.It's very windy. Is my house going to be okay?The snow is too deep to go anywhere. I guess I'll go to bed.Very windy. Is my house going to be okay?RIFFESCR CODEd`#!>###L####!@!A#C#E# #!D######$!B###!#!"!!  !!F#!!I!F!### ####!#<#>##!.#######!,## ##%!!###!##!!!!##$####!.### # ## # !,v##{!##!{!##!{##{!##!{!##!{{$###2# !.#######!,(##-!## !-!## !-##-!## !-!## !--$#F#H##!.#######!,##!##!!##!##!##!!##!$####!.#######!,##!##!!##!##!## !!##!$###H#!.####### !,>##C!##!C!##!!C##C!##"!C!##!CC$#\#^##!!.###"####$#%!,##!##!!##!##!##!!##!$####&!.###'#(##)#*!,##!##!!##!##!##!!##!$###^#+!.###,#-##.#/!,T##Y!##!Y!##&!Y## Y!##'!Y!##(!YY$ #0!.###1#2##3!+##!##)!!##*!##!##$!!##$!$ ####G!@! 6#!!IG!#!"!!]!#4!"!! 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JUMP@? tj)STR 3Cm}Nothing in the sock.There was a present inside!It's Mystrile!Oops, I have to empty my hands first...It's Orichalc!It's a Moon Stone!It's Sand Rose!It's Alexandrite Sock HookRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF SCR CODETP##!;##!;!#!>#-#/##!>#E#G# #!>#,^#`# z#!"O!8 #!>####!>### e!A###!D#<##"!8#!!##!`### !=[##!`##!`##!``$ #!>#{#}#7!A###!D#<##"!8#!!##!2### !=-##!2##!2##!22$ "!>"h!8 #!"`!8 #!># {#}##!"Z!8# !"[!8 #!>####!>####!>### #!># # # #!>#"#$# #!>#;#=# ###!="c!8#!"X!8$#!>####!>####!>### "c!8#!>!A## #.!D#<"#$#.#"%!>#!9## # # # # !'"%!>#!o#q#"%#!?"%"%!>#!?##"%!>###"%#!!?"%"%!>#!?####!!! $#'#)#)#!"Q!8!A#V#X#!D#<q#s##"1!>#!9#!>##!;##!;##!;##!;$### # ##!'"1!># ##""1#!?5"1"1!>#!?##"1!>#W#Y#m"1#!?"1"1!>#!?####!!! $###x#!"U!8!A###!D#<##"&!>##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;## !;$##!# # ##!'"&!># # #"&#!?1"&"&!>#!?##"&!>#S#U#i"&# !?|"&"&!>#!?####!!! $####!"R!8!A###= !D#< # #= ")!>E ##"!;J ###!;J ##$!;J ##%!;J ##&!;J ##'!;J ##(!;J ##)!;J ##*!;J ##+!;J ##,!;J ##-!;J ##.!;J ##/!;J ##0!;J ##1!;J ##2!;J ##3!;J ##4!;J ##5!;J ##6!;J ##7!;J ##8!;J ##9!;J ##:!;J ##;!;J ##!;J ##?!;J ##@!;J ##A!;J ##B!;J ##C!;J ##D!;J ##E!;J ##F!;J ##G!;J ##H!;J J $##I# # ##!' 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STR It's locked...RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###K##!4#""!#""#!##!5 STR RIFFtSCR CODETP#!###L##!4":# "#!##x# #!##!5 STR RIFFpSCR CODEPL#!###I##!4#+#x"!##x"#!##!5 STR RIFFLSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Square's BenchRIFF SCR CODEXT!!#!$L#!>G#!>h#!$m#!$m#!$m#!$mm$L#!>#!$#!$#!$#!$$L#!> #!$# !$# !$# !$# !$$L#!>8# !$=#!$=$LL$!! JUMP  3??????? ? ? ? ? ??????KKKKWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~                           ,,,,,'rSTR \2Qa fHey, !! Don't use Golden Lumber on your farm!New Year Festival Spring 1, 6 PM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Spring Horse Races Spring 18, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Cooking Festival Spring 22, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor  Beach Day Summer 1, 10 AM Mineral Beach Come and join us! Mayor Chicken Festival Summer 7, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Cow Festival Summer 20, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Fireworks Summer 24, 6 PM Mineral Beach Come and join us! Mayor Music Festival Fall 3, 6 PM Church Come and join us! Mayor Harvest Festival Fall 9, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Fall Horse Festival Fall 18, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Sheep Festival Fall 21, 10 AM Rose Square Come and join us! Mayor Year End Festival & Year End Noodles Come celebrate the end of the year! Year End Festival Winter 30, Midnight Mother's Hill Year End Noodles Winter 30, 6 PM Rose Square Come and Join us! Mayor Year End Festival & Year End Noodles Come celebrate the end of the year! Year End Festival Winter 30, Midnight Mother's Hill Year End Noodles Winter 30, 6 PM Rose Square Come and Join us! Mayor Year End Festival, Year End Noodles & New Year Festival Come celebrate the end and the beginning of the year. Year End Festival Winter 30, Midnight Mother's Hill Year End Noodles Winter 30, 6 PM Rose Square New Year Festival Spring 1, 6 PM Rose Square Come and Join us! Mayor RIFF SCR CODE ##!>##!>#!#,#.# "!>#J#L#"!>#c#e# D###### =# !# #!!#v!0# !-#!"!!!#####!*3!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!!###!(i!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!##!4##!1##!56##!5##!6"!>###"#!?"!8"#!?"@!86"!>###"#!?"!8'"#!?"/!866$n!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!nn$8!!!#v!0# !-# !"!!##!4##!w##!5|##!5##!|"!>###"#!?"!8!"#!?"@!8|"!>#=#?#["#!?"!8m"#!?"/!8||$8!@###!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!##!4!##!5!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!8!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!88$?# !# #!!#u!0# !-# !"!!!###!(:!@###!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!##!4!##!5!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!?!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!??$ "!>#[#]#a#v#x#### K##!#!####!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(A!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4#!#W#Y#g##!#!##!#!"##"#!?"!>###"!8"!8F!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!###'##!#!##!FF$\!#!"!! "!>#x#z#~ ###### h ##!#!####!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(^ !!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4#!#t#v###!#!##!#!"##"#!?"!>###"Y!8"M!8c !!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#4 #6 #D ##!#!##!c c $y !#!"!! !#!"!! !#!"!! JUMPD\o}-;&s 0STR ]ivGv(1S{Are you ready to race, or do you want to place a bet or exchange a medal for a prize?Begin race.Place a bet.Exchange.Nothing.So you're ready to begin?YesNoGreat! Let's start, then.So you're not ready after all, eh?Alright. Press SELECT ON the Betting Screen to see a description of how to  do it. So you're going to exchange your medals, eh?You can't do it while holding something. You want to exchange your medals for a prize?Exchange medalsIt's time for the judging to begin! Are you ready?Let's start.Not yet.Great. Let's get started, then!Let me know when you're ready, then.TableIt's time for the judging to begin! Are you ready?RIFF5SCR CODE!@###&##!A#:#<#!A#P#R# c##!A#w#y#!L#########!#!$!!##l!!F##n! STR %Trash Can Toss trash here.RIFFSCR CODEd`#!###K"!>#4#6#4# #!!!!#u!0# !-#!"!@#|#~##!"!!!###!(*!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !##!4"t!8/!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !# #!//$F" !>#K#M#F# #!!!!#u!0# !-#!"!@####!"!!!### !(A!!!#v!0# !-# !"!!# !##!4"s!8F!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!# !# #!FF$\!# !$!! JUMP< STR  3pv@GYoWell, should we start the New Year Festival now?...But, you can't participate while your hands are full!StartWait a minuteAlright, let's get started. Well, let me know when you're ready. Shall we get started on the new year celebration?...But, you can't eat while your hands are full, can you?Start.Hold on a second.Let's eat, then! Just let me know when you're ready to eat. Long tableRIFFOSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Pestle and mortarRIFFRSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Square's street lampRIFFJ(SCR CODE&&####!>##!>##!>##!>##!>#!#R#T#&"!>#p#r#_#!###!#u!0# !-#!"!!##Z##!4"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!!!#!"!!!*# #!##!5  "!>#v#x#!#x!0# !-#!"!!## "!>###"!>###m##!4"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!# !# !!!#!"!!!*##!5 "#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!# !# !! 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STR RBWy !, where are you going? You're not ready to go anywhere yet.What should I cook?The judging hasn't started yet.That was fun! Now, back to work...Where are you going? The festival hasn't started.There are more races coming up.Where are you going?!, the festival is not over yet.RIFFn SCR CODE  ####!>##!>##!>##!>#!#G#I# "!>#e#g#T#!###!#u!0# !-#!"!!##O##!4"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!!!#!"!!!*# #!##!5  "!>#k#m#!#x!0# !-#!"!!## "!>###"!>###b##!4"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!# !# !!!#!"!!!*##!5 "#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!# !# !! 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The festival hasn't started.There are more races.Where are you going?!, the festival is not over yet.RIFFn SCR CODE  ####!>##!>##!>##!>#!#G#I# "!>#e#g#T#!###!#u!0# !-#!"!!##O##!4"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!!!#!"!!!*# #!##!5  "!>#k#m#!#x!0# !-#!"!!## "!>###"!>###b##!4"#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!# !# !!!#!"!!!*##!5 "#!?# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!# !# !! 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The festival hasn't started.There are more races.Where are you going?!, the festival is not over yet.RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFGSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Wine RackRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#X"#!?#!#!!##!4#"<"!#"<"#!#"!##!5 STR RIFF'SCR CODE#!###"!>#4#6#!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##! #!#!##!#! ##!4#"#x"!##x"#!##!5 STR KPlease don't go downstairs. We're reorganizing our wine cellar.RIFF,SCR CODE #k!8 STR RIFFJSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Large BarrelRIFFJSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Barrel ShelfRIFFGSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Wine RackRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFlSCR CODELH#!###G##!4#!#x#P!##x#P#!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!4##!5!#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#""@!#""@#!!#!"!!##!5#"^! #"#! 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JUMP @MSTR LReady to go to bed?YesNoBed Examine from the left.RIFF<SCR CODE##!4!##!5 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF<SCR CODE##!4!##!5 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODED@##!>##!>##!>#!#7#9#>#!>#T#V#!#!"!!##!!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! #!>###<!#!"!!##!!@## ##"! (#"V! #"#! #! ##!4#""!#""#!#"!"!>###### ### 5#### ## "!8# ##### 5"#!?"!8##!5 STR Z(The wind is too strong to go outside.The snow is too deep to go outside.RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #|!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #}!8 STR RIFFBSCR CODE!#!$!! STR MenuRIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #~!8 STR RIFF,SCR CODE #!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF<SCR CODE#!####S!>#3#5#T#S#!?#!!"!>#k#m#"#!?#!!"!>###"#!?#!!#!##!#!##!##!4##T#x!##T#x#!#"!##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B W#!CR##WW$!F#"!H##!H#$!H#%!H#&!H#'!H$!#!$!! JUMP|@BBBB B!Bp| !STR 8Cheese Maker Put Milk in here to make CheeseRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#`>#@# L###! p!F#!!#!$!! STR Feed BoxRIFFSCR CODE##!@!A# #"# !B !D#`>#@# L### ! p!F# !!#!$!! 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STR ZShipment Box Put things here to ship, and by evening you'll receive payment.RIFF#SCR CODEt#p##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# >"###!#T"#V"##j"#l"# ;##!!#"#"#0##!!!"!0#!!-#!"!!##!4!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?6###A####U##W##m#!#!"!! 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STR R=Oh...hello. Is there something I can be helping you with?CounterRIFF(SCR CODE|%x%#!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# >"###!#T"#V"##j"#l"# E%#!# "#"#:%#!!#s!0#!-!A#"#"#O#!D#i"#"#O##!"###!(J#!!!F!#r!0#!-#!"!!"!8O##!"!! 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STR Welcome! 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JUMP "H#STR  "6:DZWelcome! Want to buy a Basket? Baskets are 5,000G.BuyDon't buyThank you very much!You are already holding too much...Really? Are you sure?Um...Sorry, but... you don't have enough money. It's 5,000G.But you already have a Basket!RIFF&SCR CODE$|$#H!>####J!>#.#0# #L!>#G#I# #N!>#`#b# #O!>#y#{# #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#(#*# #Z!>#A#C# #[!>#Z#\# #\!>#s#u# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!># # # #f!>#"#$# #g!>#;#=# #i!>#T#V# #j!>#m#o# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!>### #t!>### #v!>#5#7# #w!>#N#P# #x!>#g#i# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#+ #- # "!>#E #G # "!>#_ #a # "!>#y #{ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#/ #1 # "!>#I #K # "!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#3 #5 # "!>#M #O # "!>#g #i # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # "!>#k #m # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#! ## # "!>#; #= # "!>#U #W # "!>#o #q # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# " !>#C#E# " !>#]#_# " !>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!>### "#!>#1#3# "$!>#K#M# "%!>#e#g# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!>### ".!>### "/!>#5#7# "0!>#O#Q# "2!>#i#k# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>##!# ";!>#9#;# "<!>#S#U# "=!>#m#o# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!># # # "E!>###%# "F!>#=#?# "G!>#W#Y# "H!>#q#s# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!># ## "Q!>#'#)# "R!>#A#C# "S!>#[#]# "V!>#u#w# "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#+#-# "`!>#E#G# "a!>#_#a# "b!>#y#{# "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>### "i!>#/#1# "j!>#I#K# "k!>#c#e# "l!>#}## "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>### "r!>### "s!>#3#5# "t!>#M#O# "u!>#g#i# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!>### "|!>### "}!>#7#9# "~!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#!### "!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "!>#o#q# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># #! # "!>#9 #; # "!>#S #U # "!>#m #o # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># !# !# " !>##!#%!# " !>#=!#?!# "!>#W!#Y!# "!>#q!#s!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !># "#"# "!>#'"#)"# 0" #!#F"#H"#u$#K!^#c"#e"#V$#!!#C!0#!-#!"!""#"#C$####!%9$!P#"#"#e##K#!Q#!"!!"!!!@##### ##K!["!>#d7##9##M#"#!?`#""!>#!?$!V#z##|## $#K#!Z#!"!!"!!!@#######K!["!>#d#####"#!?$""!>#!?$!/!1#!">$#F!0#!">$>$$Q$#F!0#!"p$!#C!0#!-#!"v$ !! JUMP "!$STR X 5QU_w Welcome! Would you like to buy the Blue Feather? The Blue Feather is 1,000G.BuyDon't buyThank you very much. Too bad, but your hands are already full. Really? Are you sure?Too bad, but you don't have enough money. The Blue Feather is 1,000G.But you already have a Blue Feather.RIFF*$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#\##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#d"#"#F##@!q#"#"#0#!!##!4#!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?A#!/!1#!"W#!/!1#!"]# !! STR 7gWelcome! Bread is 100G each. How many do you want? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. RIFF0$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#\##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#d"#"#F##E!q#"#"#0#!!##!4#!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?A#!/!1#!"W#!/!1#!"]# !! STR =mWelcome! Chocolates are 100G each. How many do you want? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. RIFF1$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#\##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#2"#"#F##C!q#"#"#0#!!##!4#!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?A#!/!1#!"W#!/!1#!"]# !! STR >nWelcome! Curry Powder is 100G each. How many do you want? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. RIFF5$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#\##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#d"#"#F##D!q#"#"#0#!!##!4#!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?A#!/!1#!"W#!/!1#!"]# !! STR BrWelcome! Dumpling Powder is 100G each. How many do you want? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. RIFF,$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#\##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#2"#"#F##B!q#"#"#0#!!##!4#!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?A#!/!1#!"W#!/!1#!"]# !! STR 9iWelcome! Flour is 50G each. How many would you like? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. 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STR 7gWelcome! Oil costs 50G each. How many do you need? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. RIFFy$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#]##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#d"#"#J####!(@##!"!!##!4!##!5!"#"#*#"!>#d#####"#!?*#""!>#!?E##!"E#E#$X##F!0#!"^# !! JUMP "/#STR 158SWelcome! Wrapping will be 100G. How about it?YesNoWhat do you want to wrap?I suggest wrapping your present. Bye now.Um...Sorry, but... you don't have enough money.RIFF0$SCR CODEh#d##!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#\##!!#C!0#!-#!"!#d"#"#F##?!q#"#"#0#!!##!4#!##!5!"#"#+#"!>#d#####"#!?+#""!>#!?A#!/!1#!"W#!/!1#!"]# !! STR =mWelcome! Rice Balls are 100G each. How many do you want? Too bad, but your hands are already full. Too bad, but you don't have enough money. RIFFQ&SCR CODEl$h$#H!>####J!>#.#0# #L!>#G#I# #N!>#`#b# #O!>#y#{# #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#(#*# #Z!>#A#C# #[!>#Z#\# #\!>#s#u# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!># # # #f!>#"#$# #g!>#;#=# #i!>#T#V# #j!>#m#o# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!>### #t!>### #v!>#5#7# #w!>#N#P# #x!>#g#i# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#+ #- # "!>#E #G # "!>#_ #a # "!>#y #{ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#/ #1 # "!>#I #K # "!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#3 #5 # "!>#M #O # "!>#g #i # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # "!>#k #m # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#! ## # "!>#; #= # "!>#U #W # "!>#o #q # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# " !>#C#E# " !>#]#_# " !>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!>### "#!>#1#3# "$!>#K#M# "%!>#e#g# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!>### ".!>### "/!>#5#7# "0!>#O#Q# "2!>#i#k# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>##!# ";!>#9#;# "<!>#S#U# "=!>#m#o# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!># # # "E!>###%# "F!>#=#?# "G!>#W#Y# "H!>#q#s# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!># ## "Q!>#'#)# "R!>#A#C# "S!>#[#]# "V!>#u#w# "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#+#-# "`!>#E#G# "a!>#_#a# "b!>#y#{# "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>### "i!>#/#1# "j!>#I#K# "k!>#c#e# "l!>#}## "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>### "r!>### "s!>#3#5# "t!>#M#O# "u!>#g#i# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!>### "|!>### "}!>#7#9# "~!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#!### "!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "!>#o#q# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># #! # "!>#9 #; # "!>#S #U # "!>#m #o # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># !# !# " !>##!#%!# " !>#=!#?!# "!>#W!#Y!# "!>#q!#s!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !># "#"# "!>#'"#)"# 0" #!#F"#H"#_$#!!#C!0#!-#!"#,!>#"#"#]#!" 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The Rucksack is 5,000 G.We're all out of Rucksacks.RIFF,#SCR CODE""#!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# 9" #!#O"#Q"#"#!!#C!0#!-#!"!!##!4!##!5!"#"#""!>#d"#"#""#!?"""!>#!?" STR Welcome! 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Now there...Which medicine would you like?CounterRIFF^6SCR CODE@+<+#H!>####J!>#.#0# #L!>#G#I# #N!>#`#b# #O!>#y#{# #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#(#*# #Z!>#A#C# #[!>#Z#\# #\!>#s#u# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!># # # #f!>#"#$# #g!>#;#=# #i!>#T#V# #j!>#m#o# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!>### #t!>### #v!>#5#7# #w!>#N#P# #x!>#g#i# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#+ #- # "!>#E #G # "!>#_ #a # "!>#y #{ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#/ #1 # "!>#I #K # "!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#3 #5 # "!>#M #O # "!>#g #i # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#7 #9 # "!>#Q #S # "!>#k #m # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#! ## # "!>#; #= # "!>#U #W # "!>#o #q # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# " !>#C#E# " !>#]#_# " !>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!>### "#!>#1#3# "$!>#K#M# "%!>#e#g# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!>### ".!>### "/!>#5#7# "0!>#O#Q# "2!>#i#k# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>##!# ";!>#9#;# "<!>#S#U# "=!>#m#o# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!># # # "E!>###%# "F!>#=#?# "G!>#W#Y# "H!>#q#s# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!># ## "Q!>#'#)# "R!>#A#C# "S!>#[#]# "V!>#u#w# "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#+#-# "`!>#E#G# "a!>#_#a# "b!>#y#{# "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>### "i!>#/#1# "j!>#I#K# "k!>#c#e# "l!>#}## "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>### "r!>### "s!>#3#5# "t!>#M#O# "u!>#g#i# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!>### "|!>### "}!>#7#9# "~!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#!### "!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "!>#o#q# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># #! # "!>#9 #; # "!>#S #U # "!>#m #o # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># !# !# " !>##!#%!# " !>#=!#?!# "!>#W!#Y!# "!>#q!#s!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !># "#"# "!>#'"#)"# A"!#!"!! #!#W"#Y"#(+#!#t"#v"##!>#"#"# +#!!#P!>#"#"##Z!>#"#"# #d!>#"#"# #m!>##### "{!>##### "!>#4##6## "!>#N##P## "!>#h##j## "!>##### ##!2##!0#!-####!% +!# ####*# !"!>#d####$"#!?$""!>#!?#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!7##!5!#P!>#l$#n$##Z!>#$#$# #d!>#$#$# #m!>#$#$# "{!>#$#$# "!>#$#$# "!>#%#%# "!>#%# %# "!>#8%#:%# H%#!2##!0#!-#!""!>#t%#v%#"!>#%#%# "!>#%#%# "!>#%#%# "!>#%#%# "!>#%#%# "!>#&#&# "!>#)&#+&# &#2!>#;G&#I&#[&#!"!! #2!>#(q&#s&#&#!"!! #2!>#&#&#&# !"!! #2!>#&#&#&# !"!! # !># !>#F #d &#&#'# !>#1'#'#0'# !"##'# !>#EF'#H'#_'# !"##'# !>#Yu'#w'#'# !"##'#!"##*# !># !>#2 #d '#'#g(# !>#1'#'#'#!"##b(# !>#E (#(#&(#!"##b(# !>#Y<(#>(#U(#!"##b(#!"##*# !># !># #d (#(#.)# !>#1(#(#(#!"##))# !>#E(#(#(#!"##))# !>#Y)#)#)#!"##))#!"##*# !># !># #d O)#Q)#)# !>#1l)#n)#)#!"##)# !>#E)#)#)#!"##)# !>#Y)#)#)#!"##)#!"##*# !>#1 *# *#$*#!"##*# !>#E:*#<*#S*#!"##*# !>#Yi*#k*#*#!"##*#!"##*#!"*# !"*#!!"*#"!"*##!"*##!"**$*#$!"+#%!"++$#+!#!"4+!#!"!! JUMP\@******#*STR &0;%A"U'p?#\MW}]S  DeskAn examination is 10G.Please examine me.No thanks.I'm going to begin the examination now. OK, first open your mouth and say AHHH... ........Hmm..... ...Could it be?....No... ...Very interesting... Okay, the exam is over! Here's the news. The baby might come very soon.The baby will come soon. She's starting to show, but it will be a while until the baby comes.She just got pregnant. Everything is fine.Your stamina is fine, and you don't have fatigue. Your stamina is fine, but you do have some fatigue. Your stamina is fine, but your fatigue is high. Your stamina is fine, but your fatigue is very high. You could collapse. Your stamina is a little low, but you have no fatigue. You're fine. Your stamina is a little low, and you have some fatigue. Your stamina is a little low, but your fatigue is a greater concern. Your stamina is a little low, and your fatigue is very high.  You could collapse. Your stamina is low, but you have no fatigue. You're fine. Your stamina is very low, and you have some fatigue. Your stamina is very low, but your fatigue is a greater concern. Your stamina is very low, and your fatigue is very high. You could collapse. Your stamina is very low, but you have no fatigue, so you should be fine. Your stamina is very low and you have some fatigue. Your stamina is very low and you have high fatigue as well. Your stamina is very low and your fatigue is very high. You could collapse. Your stamina is practically nonexistent, but you have no fatigue, so you should be fine. Your stamina is practically nonexistent, and you have some fatigue. Your stamina is practically nonexistent and you have high fatigue as well. Your stamina is practically nonexistent, and your fatigue is very high. You could collapse any time. You look perfectly healthy to me! One bottle of Turbojolt would be best, but a good night's sleep and lots of food will do you fine!You should take one bottle of Turbojolt, but if you just can't afford it, go home and take the rest of the day off.One bottle of Bodigizer would be best, but a good night's sleep and lots of food will do you fine!You should take one bottle of Turbojolt and one of Bodigizer, but if you just can't afford it, go home and take the rest of the day off.Too bad, but you don't have enough money.You're positive, now? Well, if you think you're OK, then I guess there's no reason to worry. Take good care of yourself, OK?RIFF$SCR CODE $$#!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# >"###!#T"#V"##j"#l"# ##!>#"#"##!>#"#"# "###!#"#"##!>#"#"##!>#"#"# ##!!@######!#S!0#!-#!"!!##!4!##!5!l##n###"!>#d#####"#!?#""!>#!?#!#S!0#!-#!"!!#######$#$#$!#!"!! STR }8dWelcome! All foods can't be taken out of this shop.Welcome! You're holding too much to eat!CounterRIFF)$SCR CODE###!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# >"###!#T"#V"##j"#l"# ## !#"#"##!>#"#"# #!># "#"##!># "#"# {## !!"!0# !-#!"!!##!4!##!5!/##1##v#"!>#dM##O##c#"#!?v#""!>#!?############!#!"!! STR M8Welcome. Shopping today? What would you like to buy?CounterRIFFG&SCR CODE%%#!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# >"###!#T"#V"##j"#l"# %#!#$"#"#x%"!>#"#"#"###!!@#"#"#a$!#P!>#"#"##d!>### ## #m!>#!##### #w!>#:##<## "{!>#T##V## "!>#n##p## "!>##### "!>##### "!>##### ##!2"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!##!5!$#$#\$"!>#d3$#5$#I$"#!?\$""!>#!?s%!#P!>#|$#~$##d!>#$#$# #m!>#$#$# #w!>#$#$# "{!>#$#$# "!>#$#$# "!>#%#%# "!>#.%#0%# "!>#H%#J%# X%#!2"!0#!-#!"!!~%##%###%#%#%!#!"!! STR o%VHey there... Need anything to eat?Hey there... You're holding too much to eat!CounterRIFF0SCR CODED)@)#!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# J"!#!"!! #!#`"#b"#-)#!#&}"#"##!>#"#"# #!># "#"##!>#"#"# )#!!"!0#!-!#"###(#!#!&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;## ##&##!;## ##&##!;## ##&## !;## ##&## !;####&## !;####&## !;####&## !;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;####&##!;##!##&##!;##"##&##!;#####&##!;##$##&##!;##'##&##!;##)##&##!;##*##&##!;##+##&##!;##,##&##!;##/##&##!;##,##&## !;##-##&##!!;##.##&##"!;##/##&###!;##&##$!;##&##%!;##&&$(e'#&!"!!!@#'#'#*'#"!![j'#&!"!!!lj'#'!""!0#(!"j'j'$('#&!"!!!@#'#'#'#"!!['#&!"'#'!""!0#(!"''$(1(#)!"6(#*!"6(#(!""!0#(!"6(6($(}(#+!"(#,!"(#'!""!0#(!"(($(($)#-!"!!##!4!##!5!(#(#)"!>#d(#(#)"#!?)""!>#!?()!#.!"9)!#.!"!! 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Go home, drop off some items and come back to get your new tool.The % you asked me to make is done now... But, you seem to have your hands full now, so I'll hold onto the necklace  for now, OK?What would you like today? I always like to talk, as long as I'm  not working.CountersRIFF$SCR CODE###!#H!>##!##J!>#7#9# #L!>#P#R# #N!>#i#k# #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>### #U!>### #W!>### #Y!>#1#3# #Z!>#J#L# #[!>#c#e# #\!>#|#~# #]!>### #_!>### #a!>### #c!>### #d!>### #e!>### #f!>#+#-# #g!>#D#F# #i!>#]#_# #j!>#v#x# #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>### #q!>### #r!># ## #t!>#%#'# #v!>#>#@# #w!>#W#Y# #x!>#p#r# #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>### #~!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#4 #6 # "!>#N #P # "!>#h #j # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#& #( # "!>#@ #B # "!>#Z #\ # "!>#t #v # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# " !>#L#N# " !>#f#h# " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>### "!!>### ""!># #"# "#!>#:#<# "$!>#T#V# "%!>#n#p# "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>### "+!># # # ".!>#$#&# "/!>#>#@# "0!>#X#Z# "2!>#r#t# "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>### "7!>### "8!>### ":!>#(#*# ";!>#B#D# "<!>#\#^# "=!>#v#x# ">!>### "?!>### "@!>### "A!>### "C!>### "D!>### "E!>#,#.# "F!>#F#H# "G!>#`#b# "H!>#z#|# "I!>### "J!>### "K!>### "M!>### "N!>### "P!>### "Q!>#0#2# "R!>#J#L# "S!>#d#f# "V!>#~## "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>### "[!>### "]!>### "^!>#4#6# "`!>#N#P# "a!>#h#j# "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>### "g!>### "h!>## # "i!>#8#:# "j!>#R#T# "k!>#l#n# "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>### "q!>## # "r!>#"#$# "s!>#<#># "t!>#V#X# "u!>#p#r# "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>### "{!># ## "|!>#&#(# "}!>#@#B# "~!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!#!# " !>#,!#.!# " !>#F!#H!# "!>#`!#b!# "!>#z!#|!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# " !>#!#!# " !>#"#"# "!>#0"#2"# >"###!#T"#V"##j"#l"# ##!#("#"##!>#"#"# #!># "#"# #!>#"#"# ##!!#!-"9!>#####$#"!0#!"!!#"!0#!"!!##!4!##!5!f##h###"!>#d#####"#!?#""!>#!?############!#!"!! STR p;WI haven't felt the creative urge yet. Come back later. OK, what would you like? 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STR =(Are you looking for something to buy?CounterRIFFsSCR CODE!#!$!! STR ?Hot Spring Effects: Recuperate Stamina and FatigueRIFFSCR CODE!#!$!! STR LIf you throw an egg in from here, you can make a spa-boiled egg.RIFF SCR CODE####!>##!>##!>##!>"!>#I#K#l##!4!##!5!#!$!!###### ### ### #C!>### "!>## # "!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "!>#V#X# "!>#p#r# C###c!T#####!@!A### !D#c## #####+!###!@!A## # -## C###W#Y#!####!%!!##!4#!##!5$ JUMP STR @Beach Rules If you want to throw disks with your dog... EBring your own dog disk. EMature dogs only. The Beach is open: ESunny days, Spring - Fall E6 AM - 5 PM Please play safely and have fun!Toss Dog Disk?Let's play.Nope.RIFF SCR CODE@<!#Z!>###.#!$5#!$!! STR ZKai's Seaside Lodge Open Summer Only Closed Sundays Hours: 11 AM - 1 PM and 5-7 PM. Kai's Seaside Lodge Closed Sundays Hours: 11 AM - 1 PM and 5-7 PM. RIFFvSCR CODE!#!$!! STR BWood Cutter's House Open 11 AM - 4 PM Closed SaturdaysRIFFFSCR CODE!#!$!! STR Church RIFFxSCR CODE!#!$!! 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How are you? Thanks for the offering. How nice of you. Tadaaaa. You've given me 10 of these. So, now... I will give you something special as I promised.XWVUTSRQPWow, this offering is very unusual. If you bring me % of that flower, I'll give you something special. It's not something you can make money off of, just so you know.Bye.Well, if it isn't !. How do I know your name? Let's just say I know a great many things.  Thanks for making an offering on my birthday.  Well, if it isn't !. How do I know your name? Let's just say I know a great many things.  Thanks for making an offering.  Well, if it isn't !. You've come again. Thanks for making an offering on my birthday!  Well, if it isn't !. You've come again. Thanks for making an offering!  Do you want to communicate with a GameCube? YesNoNow, your link level is...                                           That's about it. There is nothing new right now...Just a few new things might happen in the future.Some new things might happen in the future.Many new things might happen in the future.So many new things might happen in the future.Tadaaaaa-. Your link level has now reached maximum strength! As a reward, I'm now granting you a Cottage on Mineral Beach.  Go and see how nice it is!Oh, okay. Since you've come and visited me so many times, I shall now grant you a  Power Berry as a token of my thanks.I won't be giving you any more, but come again anyway!Since you've come and visited me so many times, I shall now grant you a wish. Is there a boy you like? Oh! I see you are already married.  Sorry about the mix-up. Here's this instead. Come back any time.So...? Who is it?DoctorGrayKaiCliffRickKappaOh, Doctor? Doctor is married to Elli already, so there is nothing you can do. I'll give you this instead. How is that?Okay, then I will raise Doctor's affection for you. Give me a second. Okay, it's done. Come back any time.Oh, Gray? Gray is married to Mary already, so there is nothing you can do. I'll give you this instead. How is that?Okay, then I will raise Gray's affection for you. Give me a second. Oh, Kai? Kai is married to Popuri already, so there is nothing you can do. I'll give you this instead. How is that?Come again any time. Okay, then I will raise Kai's affection for you. Give me a second. Oh, Cliff? Cliff is married to Ann already, so there is nothing you can do. I'll give you this instead. How is that?Okay, then I will raise Cliff's affection for you. Give me a second. Oh, Rick? Rick is married to Karen already, so there is nothing you can do. I'll give you this instead. How is that?Okay, then I will raise Rick's affection for you. Give me a second. Wow, you like the Kappa? I think he's kind of weird. But, good luck. I shall give you this.Really? You don't like any of the boys around here? Too bad. Come again anyway! Since you've come and visited me so many times, I shall now grant you  White Grass as a token of my thanks.By the way, I really loved that last offering. Bye now. By the way, I really liked that last offering. Bye now. By the way, I didn't really like or dislike that last offering. Bye now. By the way, I really disliked your last offering. Bye now. Nope, not here. By the way, I really didn't like that last offering. Bye now. By the way, I didn't care for the last offering. Bye now. RIFFSCR CODE@<#"! ##!6##!6##!4#!# #!#!##!# #!#!##!# #!##!#!# #!##!#!$# ".! ##!5!# !-#b!0"P!>####!"!!"P#!?#!>#,#.##!>#D#F# #!>#]#_# #P!>#v#x##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!># ## # !"0u(#*# "!>#B#D# #!>#`#b##!"!!# "!# #!##!4!#!"!!"#!?"#!?" !8#!"!!"#!?"!># ##"R!># ## "#!"!!# "2! #!7# ".! #"!!c"R#!?# #!?#P!>#s#u##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!># # # # " !#!"!!#P!>#D#F##Z!>#\#^# #d!>#u#w# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### # "!"!>###"!># ##%#9"#!?L""!>#!?"#!?#P!>#l#n##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### # "!# # !##!4# !##!5 JUMP0P1oSTR 2Lcccc Starry Night Festival... Look... Stars... Don't come back.Celebrated the festival with the Kappa... Mmm......Tonight. 6PM to 12AM... Starry Night Festival... ...Don't come here....Here you go. Don't come back. You're annoying. Don't come back. RIFF)SCR CODEhd#"#x!#"#x#!!@3#"! =#"R! #""#!#"0! ##!5"#!?!#!0#!-#!"# !0#!-#!"!!#"! # ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)y!!#"!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!~!!#" !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!@"!0#!"!!#"F ! #!7"!># ##"!>#'#)# !#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"> ! ####(##"W!"#!? ~!!#"!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!~~$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP([8STR o .=IU&=LGood morning, ) Do you know what today is?Kai's birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayMy birthday...? Hello? It's not like I'm a huge romantic, but I think it's kind of a special day for us... ), don't you care about that stuff?That's my ). I bought a present for you. Here you go.I love you very much.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.I have a present for you, so empty your hands.Your birthday? Hello? Was I the only one who was excited about it?RIFFSCR CODElh#.!>#<##d###!!!!#!0##!-#!"!!##!###!e STR Mama.RIFFSCR CODE$ ##!!!!#!-#!2!@"!0#!"!!#"F ! #!7#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"> ! "#!?######!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 "!0#!"!!#!##! STR TI love you very much.I have a present for you, so empty your hands.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"> ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!""!0#!"!!#!"#!?!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 STR Good morning, ) You know today is our 50th anniversary! I have a special present for you. I bought us a cottage on the hill! How did I get the money like that? Ha ha ha, don't worry about it!So, go see it as soon as you can.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)s!!#"!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!x!!#" !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!@#!0#!"!!#"! #!7"!>#  # #"!>###%# !#!"!!##B! ##|#~#"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"! #######"[!"#!? x!!#"!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!xx$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP(Z3STR  +<HT'6Good morning, ) Remember what today is?Cliff's birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayWhat? My birthday? It's our anniversary. You forgot? I bought a present for you and everything... Maybe I shouldn't have.That's right, ). I knew you wouldn't forget. I love you.I hope you like it.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Empty your hands. I got something for you....What? Your birthday? You forgot our anniversary? I can't believe it... I feel dumb about buying a gift for you.RIFF0SCR CODE "W!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE ##!!!!#!-#!2!@#!0#!"!!#"! #!7#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"! "#!?######!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 #!0#!"!!#!##! STR NI hope you like it.Empty your hands. I got something for you.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"#!0#!"!!#!"#!?!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 STR Good morning, ). Remember what today is? It's our 50th anniversary. Can you believe it? We've been together for 50 years! So, I bought you a special present. A cottage on the hill! I was saving money for this day.Go have a look when you have time.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"8! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)s!!#"!!#%!0#!-#!2#!"!!x!!#" !!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!@#$!0#!"!!#"@! #!7"!>#  # #"!>###%# !#!"!!##B! ##|#~#"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"8! #######"_!"#!? x!!#"!!#%!0#!-#!2# !"!!xx$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP(Z3STR  4FR^EgGood morning, ). Do you remember what today is?Doctor's birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayWhat! You must be joking! I can't believe you forgot our anniversary. I've been looking forward to it for weeks! And the gift... Oh, forget it.That's right. I kind of worried you might forget about it, but I shouldn't have. Well, happy anniversary. I love you very much. I have a present for you.Here you go, ). This is for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Can you empty your hands first?You must be joking! Your birthday? Today is our anniversary! I can't believe this! Oh, forget it!RIFF0SCR CODE "W!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE ##!!!!#!-#!2!@#$!0#!"!!#"@! #!7#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"8! "#!?######!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 ##!0#!"!!#!##! STR R$Here you go, ). This is for you.Can you empty your hands first?RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"8! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#$!0#!-#!2#!"##!0#!"!!#!"#!?!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 STR Good morning, ). Today is our 50th anniversary. I bought you a special gift to celebrate this wonderful day. I was saving money for it for 50 years. The cottage is worth that much.It's on the hill.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)s!!#"!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!x!!#" !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!@#!0#!"!!#"! #!7"!>#  # #"!>###%# !#!"!!##B! ##|#~#"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"! #######"d!"#!? x!!#"!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!xx$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP(Z3STR  =MYe'"TGood morning, ). I'm so excited! Remember what today is?Rick's birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayMy birthday? Are you kidding me? Today is more special! It's our anniversary! I can't belive you forgot our anniversary... That means... You don't need a gift, is that what you saying?Yes, it is the most important day of our lives.  Happy anniversary. I bought you a gift.Here you go, ).Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Empty your hands so that I can give you a gift.Is that supposed to funny? Because it's not. It's our anniversary... I don't feel like giving you a gift any more.RIFFSCR CODE ##!!!!#!-#!2!@#!0#!"!!#"! #!7#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #"! "#!?######!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 #!0#!"!!#!##! STR PHere you go, ).Empty your hands so that I can give you a gift.RIFF0SCR CODE "W!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#!0#!-#!2#!"#!0#!"!!#!"#!?!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 STR Good morning, ). Today is a very special day for us, remember? We've been together for 50 years. So... I bought you a special gift with the money I saved for 50 years. It's a cottage! Happy anniversary. We deserve it.It's on the hill. Go have a look.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#" ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)y!!#"!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!~!!#" !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!@"!0#!"!!#" ! #!7"!># ##"!>#'#)# !#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #" ! ####(##"g!"#!? ~!!#"!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!~~$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP([8STR  3DP\dy.Good morning, ). Ah... Remember what today is?Cliff's birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayMy birthday...? How can you forget a special day like this? I've been looking forward to our anniversary! And the gift... Forget it!You remembered it. Who could forget such a special day? Happy anniversary. I bought you a present. I hope you like it....I love you, ).Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Empty your hands. I'll give you a gift.Your birthday!? No! I can't believe this. I hope you are joking.RIFF0SCR CODE "W!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE$ ##!!!!#!-#!2!@"!0#!"!!#" ! #!7#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #" ! "#!?######!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 "!0#!"!!#!##! STR OHappy anniversary, ).Empty your hands. I'll give you a gift.RIFFSCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#" ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!""!0#!"!!#!"#!?!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 STR Good morning, ). Isn't it a wonderful day? It's been 50 years since we got married. So, I have a special gift for you. I worked very hard to buy you a cottage! It's on the hill!Go take a look when you have time.RIFF4SCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"> ! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##K!?!=##!5!#"l!##"k!"#!? STR RIFFsSCR CODEHD###!!!!#!0##!-#!"!!##!###! STR Mama.RIFF-SCR CODE##!!!#!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(_!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !###!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(.]$STR 4@O].XAre you done working?YesNoGuess what today is?My birthdayKai's birthday*'s birthdayAre you kidding me? How can you forget our child's birthday?You can't be serious. Don't you remember our child's birthday?Yes, that's right. It's our child's birthday!I wonder what her dream is?Come home soon. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFF0SCR CODE #"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{##q!?!=#"0#|##Y!?!=##!5!#"o!##"n!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(X!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !###!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(*\STR BWct[Are you done working?YesNoI cooked us a special dinner for us. Do you know why?My birthdayCliff's birthday*'s birthdayToday is *'s birthday! You forgot!? If we didn't celebrate, who would!?My birthday? No. I can't believe you forgot our child's birthday...That's right. We have to celebrate how lucky we are to have her.There is nothing like watching her grow.Finish up your work. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFF0SCR CODE #"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"8! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{##q!?!=#"0#|##d!?!=##!5!#"r!##"q!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(X!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!#%!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!### !!#'!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !###!!#$!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(*\STR bYew AAre you done working?YesNoGuess what? I cooked! Today is a special day, you know?My birthdayDoctor's birthday*'s birthdayYou can't be serious! You forgot our child's birthday...? It should be a very special day for you too! I can't believe this...My birthday? It's our child's birthday! You forgot?It's wonderful to see her happy and healthy. She's amazing.Can you believe we used to be her size?Don't work too late. It's a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFF4SCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##=!?!=##!5!#"t!##"u!"#!? STR RIFFLSCR CODE##!!!#!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(X!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !###!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(*\STR MYiw\PAre you done working?YesNoI cooked a special dinner for us. Guess why?My birthdayRick's birthday*'s birthdayIt's not your birthday! I can't believe you forget what today is! Don't you love our child? This is outrageous.What? Are you joking? You can't forget our child's birthday! Don't you love our child? It's unbelievable.Yes, Mommy is right, isn't she, *? Happy birthday. You make us very happy, you know that, right?She reminds me of the day Popuri was born. I thought I had to protect my little sister... But now... Our child is much more precious.Finish up your work. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFF0SCR CODE #"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#" ! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{##s!?!=#"0#|##K!?!=##!5!#"x!##"w!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(_!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !###!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(.]$STR HTdr3DAre you done working?YesNoYou know why I cooked today, don't you?My birthdayGray's birthday*'s birthdayYou can't be serious! Today is *'s birthday! You'd better try hard to be a good mother!Excuse me? My birthday? Today is *'s birthday! You can't even remember our child's birthday?That's right! Isn't it exciting? We have to celebrate it together every year.I wonder what * wants to be? We must do everything we can to make sure she's happy.Finish up your work. Today is not just an ordinary day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"> ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##K!?!=##!5!#"{!"!>#g#i#x##"z!"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODElh#.!>#<##d###!!!!#!0##!-#!"!!##!###!e STR Mama.RIFFSCR CODE|##!!!#!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)!!#"!"!>### ### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !"!>#d#f#t###!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##)#+#:### !!#!-#!2"!>#d#f#"!0# !""!0# !"!!$!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!###*#!"1#!"!!!#!"!>#Y#[#g##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(8]STR BN]kw8gAre you done workin?YesNo), do you remember what today is?My birthdayKai's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryHuh... I'm disappointed. I guess I'm not that important to you.That's right! I thought you forgot about it for a second. I'm sorry to have doubted you.Am I more attractive now than I was a year ago? Birthdays are cool, but... Celebrating it with you is what makes it special.*'s birthday? Huh, come on. You can't mix up our child's birthday with your husband's.Is it so hard to remember my birthday? I'm very disappointed!Finish up your work. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##q!?!=#"0#|##Y!?!=##!5!#"~!"!>#f#h#w##"}!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFFSCR CODExt##!!!#!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)!!#"!"!>### ### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !"!>#a#c#q###!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!#"! ##$#&#5### !!#!-#!2"!>#_#a#y#!0# !"#!0# !"!!$!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!###"#!")#!"!!!#!"!>#Q#S#_##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(5\STR ( #^j{EpHey, are you done working?YesNoI cooked a feast for us. Do you remember what today is?My birthdayCliff's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryYou're very confused. You're mixing up my birthday with your own?Yeah, you remembered. It wasn't a lucky guess, was it...? Celebrating a birthday together is awesome.I hope we can celebrate our birthdays together forever.How can you mix it up with *'s birthday? Not only you forgot about my birthday, but you don't remember our child's?Was I the only who was excited about it? I guess my birthday isn't very important for you... I'm disappointed...Finish up your work. It's a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"8! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##q!?!=#"0#|##d!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(.!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)!!#"!"!>### ### !!#'!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !"!>#a#c#q###!!#$!0#!-#!2"!>#### !"# !"!!#"! ##-#/#@# !"G# !"!!!!#"!"!>#x#z#### !!#!-#!2"!>####&!0# !"#&!0#!"!!$3!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! 33$##!4#!>#!>!#c#e#v#!"}#!"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(5Q\STR ^j|i;GAre you done working?YesNoIs it strange for me to cook? Today is a special day for me.My birthdayDoctor's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryNot only you don't remember your birthday, but you forgot mine. It might be a good idea to get your brain checked out...You remembered! Thank you. You are the best wife and mother in the whole world!That's my wife! You remembered my birthday! I love you.I have a lovely wife and a sweet child. I couldn't ask for more.It's nice to celebrate it with you, but it might be nicer if we had a child...What's wrong with you? You have a problem. Today is my birthday.I can't believe how forgetful you are... Today is my birthday. I guess it's no longer important to you...Finish up your work. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##=!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#g#i#x##"!"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!( !#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)!!#"!"!>### ### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !"!>#a#c#q###!!#!0#!-#!2"!>#### !"# !"!!#"! ##-#/#@# !"G# !"!!!!#"!"!>#x#z#### !!#!-#!2"!>#### !"#!"!!$%!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! %%$##!4#!>#!>!#U#W#h#!"o#!"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(5Q\STR AM]kw0m53]Are you done working?YesNoI cooked today. Do you know why?My birthdayRick's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryAre you joking? It's not funny. Today is my birthday. You are cruel...Good. I'm glad you remembered. You're busy, so I thought you might forget about it. I guess I was wrong.Yeah, I knew you'd never forget abou it. Let's celebrate!I'm happy to be able to celebrate it with my own family. I hope we can do it every year.My mom is amazing. She's ill, but she had me and Popuri. Someday it will be your turn to have a baby.You can't be serious! *'s birthday? I can't believe it. It's an insult for both me and *!No! I can't believe how forgetful you are! This is outrageous! You can't forget your own husband's birthday!Finish up your work. It's a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#" ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##s!?!=#"0#|##K!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFF|SCR CODE##!!!#!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(6!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)!!#"!"!>### ### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!!#" !"!>#d#f#t###!!"!0#!-#!2"!>#### !"# !"!!#"! ##2#4#E# !"L# !"!!!!#"!"!>#}##### !!#!-#!2"!>###"!0# !""!0#!"!!$;!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! ;;$##!4#!>#!>!#k#m#~#!"#!"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(8V]STR @XdtHkAre you done working?YesNoOf course you know why I'm cooking a feast, don't you?My birthdayGray's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversary)'s birthday? I don't like jokes like that! It's unbelievable!Of course you remember. Yep, that's my wife, ).), you remembered my birthday. I'm so happy. Let's celebrate!Let's celebrate our birthdays together for the rest of our lives.I was looking forward to celebrating it with you.*'s birthday? You can't remember your family's birthdays?Is today our wedding anniversary for you? You don't care about my birthday? Don't tell me were joking.Can you finish up your work quickly? Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"> ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##K!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#g#i#x##"!"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODElh#.!>#<##d###!!!!#!0##!-#!"!!##!###!e STR Mama.RIFF SCR CODE##!!!#!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!"!0#!-#!2"!>#B#D#U#!"\# !"!!"!>#x#z##!#!-"!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!54#"! ##### !"#!"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!"!>#?#A#P### !!#!-#!2"!>#z#|#"!0#!""!0#!"!!$!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!#-#/#@#!"G#!"!!!#!"!>#o#q#}##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(]STR CO^lx +:H#MAre you done working?YesNo), do you remember what today is?My birthdayKai's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryHappy birthday, )! You become more attractive each year!Happy birthday! Too old to be celebrated? No way! It's a special day every year.And here is a present for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.I never forget your birthday, right? Let's celebrate!Just the two of us. Is it too romantic?My birthday? Hello? It's your birthday, ).I kind of wondered if you remembered it... Ha ha ha. You don't even remember your own birthday...You forgot your own birthday? I'm all ready for you and everything...Finish up your work. It's a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##q!?!=#"0#|##Y!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF SCR CODE##!!!#!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!#!0#!-#!2"!>#?#A#R#!"Y# !"!!"!>#u#w#!#!-#!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!50#"! ##### !"#!"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!"!>#9#;#J### !!#!-#!2"!>#t#v##!0#!"#!0#!"!!$!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!#$#&#7#!">#!"!!!#!"!>#f#h#t##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(\STR Zfw)S)SAre you done working?YesNoI cooked a feast for you today. I'm sure you know why...My birthdayCliff's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryHappy birthday, ).  You have become a great wife and mother.That's right. You're a year wiser.And here is a present for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Let's grow old together. That's a promise.I'll do something special for you every year.My birthday? ), you've got to be kidding me. It's your birthday, not mine.*'s birthday? Are you serious? You must be joking! Today is your birthday, don't you remember?Huh? Our anniversary? How could you forget your own birthday?Finish up your work. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"8! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##q!?!=#"0#|##d!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFF SCR CODE##!!!#!!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!#$!0#!-#!2"!>#?#A#R#!"Y# !"!!"!>#u#w#!#!-##!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!50#"! ##### !"#!"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!#&!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!"!>#9#;#J### !!#!-#!2"!>#t#v##&!0#!"#'!0#!"!!$!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!#$#&#7#!">#!"!!!#!"!>#f#h#t##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(\STR `l~0? 5w+ZAre you done working?YesNoIs it strange that I cooked for us today? You know why, right?My birthdayDoctor's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryHappy birthday. I'm happy you're healthy.Happy birthday. You have to reduce the amount of salt you eat everyday.And here is a present for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Take good care of your body. We need to be healthy to take care of our child.Wouldn't it be nice if we had a baby?Not only you forgot my birthday, but you also forgot your own?*'s birthday? Are you feeling okay? It might be a good idea to get you checked out.I figured as much. You don't even remember your own birthday... I'm worried about you.Finish up your work. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##=!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#g#i#x##"!"#!? STR RIFF SCR CODEd`##!!!#!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!"!>#K#M#!#!-#!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>## # "!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "!>#V#X# "!>#p#r# "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!5#"! ##a#c#t# !"{# !"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!"!>### ### !!#!-#!2"!>#J#L#d#!0#!"r#!0#!"!!$!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!### #!"#!"!!!#!"!>#<#>#J##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(\STR O[kyv?DAre you done working?YesNoI cooked a feast for you. You know why, right?My birthdayRick's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryYup! Happy birthday! I did my best to prepare this meal. Dig in!And here is a present for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.You're a wonderful wife and a mother.I cooked some special egg dish for you. Dig in!What? You forgot when my birthday is... And your forgot your own as well... I don't know what to say...*'s birthday? You must be joking! That means you forgot your birthday as well as our child's birthday!What? Anniversary? You can't be serioius! It's your birthday...Finish up your work. It's a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#" ! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##s!?!=#"0#|##K!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFk SCR CODElh##!!!#!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!###!(!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!"!>#N#P#!#!-"!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!5 #"! ##f#h#y# !"# !"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!!#"!"!>###&### !!#!-#!2"!>#P#R#k"!0#!"z"!0#!"!!$!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!####!"#!"!!!#!"!>#E#G#S##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(]STR Zfv)88$Are you done working?YesNoYou surely know why I cooked for you tonight, don't you?My birthdayGray's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryHappy birthday. I did my best to cook you this meal, so don't complain. I can make cooking tools better, you know?And here is a present for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.We are a happy family.I wonder what it's like if we had a baby...?What? My birthday? How can you forget your own birthday?*'s birthday? Stop joking around! You can't mix up things like that!I guess you don't care about our anniversary or birthdays...Finish up your work quickly. Today is a special day.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFF SCR CODE#",#^!##!#",#^#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #"M#^#!#"> ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! # ! #"#|#!#"8! #""#!#"! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!###!###!# ! ##!5#!7##!#"B ! ##K#!#! #"> ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! #"#|#!#"8! #""#!#"! ##!5!#$!0#!-#!"!!!#z!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!#"B ! #"x#!#! ##!##L#! #! ##!#"> ! !"!0#!-#!2# !"!!##!4##!#"#.#!#"! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!##!4!# !"!!#!#!#!#" !##!##!"#!?!l" !8 STR v Dcx0? It's taking so long! How long has it been since the doctor came?!, don't forget to breathe!Everything is fine!Fine? She's in pain! Can't you do something?!, push!Almost there!Women are... tough...It's a healthy girl! Congratulate ! right away. She and the baby did beautifully.Okay, thanks.), you're amazing. So, that's childbirth. About her name, I don't know anything about girls' names, so you decide.*. That's perfect! * will love it too! I will work hard to take care of her!I'm a mommy now! *, thank you for being my baby!RIFFSCR CODE##u"!##!#""#!#"! ##!5#!7##!#"! ##K#!#! #"! # ! ##"#|#!##"s! ##!5!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!###!# ! ##"#d#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! !"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!5###!# ! ##""#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #"#|#!#"8! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!##!0#!-# !"!!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!$#!##!####!"#!?##!4" !8 JUMP WSTR  w=FHey, )! Wake up!* fell from the bed! I found her when I woke up! Do you think she's okay? What do we do now?Waaaaaaaaahhh!She's OK.Take her to the clinic!Are you serious!? * is hurt! Do something!I'll take her to the doctor! Don't worry *, okay?She's fine. No broken bones, just a scratch.Really?Don't worry. But she's very active, so keep an eye on her.Thank goodness. Did you hear that, *?Mama.RIFF[SCR CODE#"#d!##!#"#d#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #"#d#!#"! ##"#d#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! !#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!5###!######"s! ##"w! #"#|#!#"8! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!##!0#!-# !"!!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!$#!##!####!"#!?##!4" !8 JUMP USTR ? w0_)! Wake up! Now!* fell from the bed! I found her when I woke up! Do you think she's okay? What do we do now?Waaaaaaaaahhh!She's OK.Take her to the clinic!What? What if there is something wrong with *?I'm taking her to the doctor. I'm gonna wake him up if he's sleeping! Come, *.She's fine. No broken bones, just a scratch.Thank goodness. I was worried that she might broken her bones...Don't worry. But she's very active, so keep an eye on her.Daddy will take care of you, *.Mama.RIFFSCR CODE#"#d!##!#"#d#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #"#d#!#"8! ##"#d#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! !#&!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!5###!######"s! ##"w! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!#"! ######"s! ##"w! !#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!5###!######"s! ##"w! #"#|#!#"8! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!!##!0#!-# !"!!!#!0#!-#!2# !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!$#!##!####!"#!?##!4" !8 JUMP USTR  w5duHey, )! Wake up!* fell from the bed! I found her when I woke up! Do you think she's okay? What do we do now?Waaaaaaaaahhh!She's OK.Take her to the clinic!Don't be ridiculous! *, poor girl. Aren't you worried?I'm taking her to the doctor! I'm waking him up if he's asleep! *, come on.She's fine. No broken bones, just a scratch.Thank goodness.Don't worry. But she's very active, so keep an eye on her.Sorry, *. We'll be careful, okay?Mama.RIFFSCR CODE#"#d!##!#"#d#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #"#d#!#" ! ##"#d#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! !"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!5###!######"s! ##"w! #"#|#!#"8! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!!##!0#!-# !"!!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!$#!##!####!"#!?##!4" !8 JUMP WSTR e yW*), wake up!! Now!!* fell from the bed! I found her when I woke up! Do you think she's okay? What do we do now?Waaaaaaaaahhh!She's OK.Take her to the clinic!Don't be ridiculous! * is hurt! Do something!I'm taking her to the doctor! I'll wake him up if he's asleep! We have to have him take a look at her! *, come on.She's fine. No broken bones, just a scratch.Good... I got panicked and worried and... Phew, thank goodness.Don't worry. But she's very active, so keep an eye on her.I'll never let you get hurt, *.Mama.RIFF SCR CODE#"#!## !#"##!!@<#"! F#"R! # "#0#!# "! ##!5##!>##!>##!>"#!?"!>###### ### ;!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>#R#T##h#j# ### !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>###### #(#*# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>###### ### 6!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>#M#O##c#e# #z#|# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>#### ## # ##%# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>###### ### 1!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~"!>#H#J##^#`# #u#w# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 ~" !>##### # ## # ~!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 STR 2 qcA$New Year's Festival is today here from 6 PM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Spring Horse Races are today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Announcement of the Cooking Contest theme is here at 10 AM.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Chicken Festival is here from 10AM today.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Cow Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Harvest Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Fall Horse Races are today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Sheep Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Year End Festival is here today from 6 PM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. RIFF SCR CODEtp#""!## !#""#!!@>#"! H#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5##!>##!>##!>"#!?"!>###### ### <!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>#S#U##i#k# ### !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>###### #'#)# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>###### ### 1!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>#H#J##^#`# #u#w# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>###### # ## !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>###### ### &!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o"!>#=#?##S#U# #j#l# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 o" !>###### ### o!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#"#!#"##!##!5 STR 2 qcA$New Year's Festival is today here from 6 PM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Spring Horse Races are today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Announcement of the Cooking Contest theme is here at 10 AM.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Chicken Festival is here from 10AM today.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Cow Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Harvest Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Fall Horse Races are today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Sheep Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Year End Festival is here today from 6 PM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. RIFF SCR CODEtp#""!## !#""#!!@>#"! H#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5##!>##!>##!>"#!?"!>###### ### <!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>#S#U##i#k# ### !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>###### #'#)# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>###### ### 1!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>#H#J##^#`# #u#w# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>###### # ## !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>###### ### &!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o"!>#=#?##S#U# #j#l# !# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 o" !>###### ### o!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4##"!##"#!##!5 STR 2 qcA$New Year's Festival is today here from 6 PM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Spring Horse Races are today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Announcement of the Cooking Contest theme is here at 10 AM.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Chicken Festival is here from 10AM today.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Cow Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Harvest Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. Fall Horse Races are today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Sheep Festival is today here from 10 AM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. The Year End Festival is here today from 6 PM on.  Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. RIFFSCR CODE<8##"!## !##"#!!@<#"! F#"R! # #0"#!# "! ##!5##!>##!>##!>"#!?"!>###### ### 6!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 STR The Dog Disk Tournament is at the beach from 10 AM on. Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. RIFFSCR CODE@<#""!## !#""#!!@>#"! H#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5##!>##!>##!>"#!?"!>###### ### 9!# !-#u!0#!"!!"#!?##!4#""!#""#!##!5 STR The Dog Disk Tournament is at the beach from 10 AM on. Right now I'm getting ready for it. You should come, too. RIFFSCR CODE##!4!f"#!?## !#!#7#9##""2!#"@#p"#!#"b! #""#!#"8! #""#!#"! ##d"#!#"! ##!5#!7#"!#"@! #!7##!4##!5#"! ##2#4##Z!>#J#L# #d!>#c#e# #m!>#|#~# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#w!>#$#&#7#!">#!"#!#T#V#!!#"! #"#!#! #"! #!7#"! #!7#"#!#"#!#! #! ##!#"#! #"#!#!7##B#! ##O#! #! #! !##!0#!-#P!>#:#<##Z!>#R#T# #d!>#k#m# #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#w!>#,#.#?#!"F#!"!!#!7##!4"#d!\####!2#!>###"#!?"#!?" !8 STR 7wHow do you feel, )? You must have been very tired.I see you're awake now. You worked too hard and collapsed. You'll have to learn to pace yourself better from now on. Rest here for today. RIFFSCR CODE !# "#P!#!#!#"#P#!!@#A#C#W#"! a#"R! #"#P#!#"k! ##!5!#!0#!-#!"!!#"&! ##<#>##d!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>##!# /#!2#!"#!0#!"!!#!##! STR o/My mom is not strong. I have to support her.If only she would get better once and for all...RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!# !0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR TI get so worried about her when she feels sick... I hope she'll be fine!RIFFSCR CODED@##!!!!#!-#!0#!"!!##! STR rI can't believe how lucky I am to have such fine children!  I'll have to stay healthy for them...!RIFF/SCR CODE!##x"#!!@#'#)#=#"! G#"V! ##x"#!#"k! #""#!#"! #""#!#";! ##!5#"#! #! !@####"! #"R! !#!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#Z!>#)#+##d!>#A#C# #m!>#Z#\# #w!>#s#u# "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!># ## #!2#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!#"! ##"! H#"R! !#!"#!0#!-#!"!!###!##<#>##d!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>##!# /#!2#!"!!#!##! STR CLetters are nice... But I want him to come home now!...RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!#!-#!0#!"!!#!##! STR +I'm so glad you are, happy, Mom!RIFFSCR CODED@##!!!!#!-#!0#!"!!##! STR 'Tee-hee.... I'm so happy!...RIFFSCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! ##h"#!#"> ! #\"#!##!5!#!7##P"#!#"! #"#! #! ##!##!#"! ###!###!#|Do you have a problem with me?Yeah! Don't mess around with my sister!What! Just who do you think you are!?I'm Popuri's brother, and I don't like her seeing you, Kai! What makes you think you can run her life? She can do as she wants!I'm her brother, so sometimes I know what's best for her! I feel sorry for Popuri, that she has a brother like you! Take that back!!  ...............From now on, I forbid you to see my sister!Oh yeah, what if she comes and visits me anyway? Grrr...RIFFSCR CODE!##!!@#"#$#8#"! B#"V! ##x#P#!#"! #"#P#!#"! ##!5#x#p#!#"#! #! !@####"! #"R! !!#!0#!-#!"!!!#H!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#L!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#I!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#M!0#!-#!"!!#x"#!!!"#!?#"!#"! STR  6odyHmmm.....What's wrong, Rick? You seem so down...I was just wondering when my father would come back...He travels all the time, doesn't he? I've only seen him a few times ever.Popuri's married and doesn't live here any more... I'm worried about the store.Don't worry! You're forgetting about me! I'll work more than Popuri ever did!Gee Karen...Thanks!You don't need to thank me! We're married, aren't we? That's what spouses do.RIFFSCR CODE##!!!!#!#.#0#w#!0#!-#!"!!##!!#L!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"##!!#L!0#!-#!"!!#!#!##!##! STR 'MAhh....This is the life!Stop it...!I'm so glad I married you, Karen. Will you stop embarrasing me in front of !?RIFFSCR CODE##!!!!#!#.#0#w#!0#!-#!"!!##!!#L!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"##!!#L!0#!-#!"!!#!#!##!##! STR 'MAhh....This is the life!Stop it...!I'm so glad I married you, Karen. Will you stop embarrasing me in front of !?RIFF;SCR CODE`\!@###*#"! 4#"R! ## #P#!#"> ! ##!5##x"#!#"?! #"#! ##p#!##!#! #,#P#!##x#!##!##!#"#!#! ##!##P#! #! ##!##8#!#! #";! !#!0#!-#!"!!###!##5#7##d!>#M#O# #m!>#f#h# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!#'#)#B"!0#!"Q"!0#!"!!#!##! STR _It's so hard getting along with Popuri! Say the slightest thing wrong and she breaks down!Still, Popuri does understand me better than anyone else.RIFF SCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #"#X#!#"0! #""#!#"! ##!5"#l#!!@####"! #"V! ##X#! #! ##!##!!@####"! #"R! !#!0#!-#!"!!#"! #!7!@#J#L#`#"! j#"R! ##x"#!#"?! ##p#! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!##l#! #! #";! ##!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"##!#!"!!#"! #!7!@#Q#S#g#"! q#"R! ##!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!###!# ! ##z"#!#" ! ##x"#!!@#\#^#r#"! |#"R! ##!5#" ! #"#! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!##[#! #! #" ! ##!##!#!7!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# [#!2#Z!>#q#s##!"#!"!!!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>## # "!>#8#:# "!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# "!>### #!2#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>#(#*# "{!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>## # #m!>#!### #w!>#:#<# "{!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>#3#5# #w!>#L#N# "{!>#f#h# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2# !"!!##!#!7!"!0#!-# !"!!##!#!7!"!0#!-# !"!!!"!0#!-# !"!!!"!0#!-# !"!!##!#!7!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!># # # "{!>#( #* # "!>#B #D # "!>#\ #^ # "!>#v #x # "!># # #  #!2#m!># # # #!" #!"!!#" ! ##!#"#!#! ##!##!##!#"#! #! ##!##x#!#! ##!#"#! #! #"!#!##!!"!0#!-#P!># # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "{!># # # "!>#" #$ # "!>#< #> # "!>#V #X # "!>#p #r #  #!2#!"!!#!#!!"#!?#"! STR #8Nbv{Cy"/I'm starving!Will you try this?Hey, this is great!You really think so?Oh, ). Welcome. Oh, !. Welcome. Yo.You say it's unusual for me to be at Kai's place?  I guess so, but he invited me.Gray is the only person around here who knows what food from the city tastes like. So, I value his opinion. I have to say I'm impressed with your skill, Kai!Thanks. Hearing that from you gives me confidence.I better get back to work before Gramps starts complaining. Thanks for coming. Bye now. See you later, ).See ya, !.Gray's a great guy, don't you think? RIFFSCR CODEXT"!>###S##!!!!"!0#!-#P!>#[#]##d!>#s#u# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# 7#!2#!"!!#!##! STR gI get along with Gray pretty well actually. It's his first time visiting my place, though.RIFFSCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#" ! #"?#!#! #"! #!7##!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!#" ! ##!###! #! #!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#" ! #"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!## !$"#!?#!##! JUMP ZSTR NTbHi, !. Tomorrow we're harvesting wine grapes.  Do you want to help out?Sure!I'm too busy.Great! In that case, come by at around 10 AM. We'll pay you, of course. Oh yeah. We need one more person, so invite someone if you think of it. That's understandable. You do have your own farm to run!  Will you ask someone for me, then? You can still come too, of course!RIFFSCR CODE ##\"!##\"#!!@#.#0#D#"! N#"R! # #\#|#!# " ! ##!5!"!0# !-#!#!!!###!(E !@###!!!"!0# !-#!#!!##!4#""!#""#!##!5 !!!"!0# !-#!#!!"#!?##!4#"\"!"!>#z#|##"I"#!#"! #"\"#!!@####"! #"R! #"s"#!#"! ##!5!"!0#!-"!>#*#,#B#!#!!#!#!!#"! #####Z!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# "!>#e#g# u#!2#!"!!##!#!7#"! ####K#""#!!@#&#(#<#"! F#"R! #""#!!@#n#p##"! #"R! #""#!#"! # ""#!# " ! #""#!#"! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0# !-#!#!!#=!H####h##!4#!# !#""!#""#!!@#C#E#Y#"! c#"R! ##S#U##Z!>#k#m# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>##!# /#!2#!"!!#"! ## # #> #"J"#!#"! #""#!!@#a #c #w #"!  #"R! #"<"#!#"! ##!5#!7##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!"!># # # ##!#!7#"! ##J #L # !"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!!*#"! ##!## !# # !##!51 !"!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#P!># # ##Z!>#& #( # #m!>#? #A # #w!>#X #Z # "{!>#r #t # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!2#!"!!##!4!#!"!!!*#"! ##!##!5J "#!?J $# !#!"!>#o #q #} #! JUMP STR %0@{,pb,]rCan you help out until about 5 PM?Of course.Sorry, I can't.You can't work with something in your hand, you know!Do a good job, now!Do a good job, you two!No sloughing off, now!Thanks for helping out. I've deposited your pay.Thanks for all your help. Here is fresh grape juice.Look forward to tasting the Wine made of the Grapes you picked! Cliff, what do you think about working here at Aja Winery full time?  The harvest is over, but Wine making is a year- round job!Really!?... You're serious?With Aja gone off to the city, it's awful hard for just Duke and me. Thanks. You won't regret it!This is all thanks to you, !. I'm glad to have you with us, Cliff. Now, let me show you how some other things are done around here...Back to work, I guess!Thanks for thinking of inviting Cliff, !. Now...Back to work!Cliff seems very happy with his work. I have to work hard too!RIFFSCR CODE!!@###/#"! 9#"R! # #X#P#!# " ! ##l#P#!#"! ##!5#x#P#!!# ##!##6#8#P#c!0#!"^#f!0#!"# !!!# #! STR SThanks for helping me be confident in myself. Now I have to write the letter.I think I need to be alone now.  ........... RIFFSCR CODE!##D#P!##x"#!!@#2#4#H#"! R#"R! # #0#P#!# ";! # ##d#!# "{! # #0#d#!# "C! ##D#d#!#" ! ##!5!#o!0# !-#!"!!!#h!0# !-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!# ##!#!#n!0# !-#!"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!!#n!0# !-#!"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!!#n!0# !-# !"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!!#n!0# !-# !"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!!#o!0# !-# !"!!!"!0# !-# !"!!!#n!0# !-# !"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!!#n!0# !-#!"!!!#n!0# !-#!"#o!0#!"!!!"!0# !-#!"!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!# #!# #!$#"! #!7!@####"! #"R! # !# !!" #!?" " !>#!?##!4#""!#""#!#"!# #!##!5! JUMP8y? STR a+Oo+ "TbHi, !. How are you today?Hello, !. Are we ready to begin the class?Yes, Mrs. Anna. Please begin!Well, then. Hee hee....Okay, how about cookies today? After all, everyone likes cookies, right? The ingredients are an egg and flour. For the seasoning, you need sugar. You also need a rolling pin and an oven. You can use honey to make it more flavorful. With chocolate, you can make chocolate cookies. Isn't it easy? They are useful for the Winter Thanksgiving.Thank you, Mrs. Anna!Don't mention it. Until next time. I think Pudding is a good subject for today's class. All you need is an egg, milk, some sugar and an oven to cook it all in.  They taste even better with fruit or corn flakes. Try it out!Today's lesson will be on apple pie. I know that Ellen likes this recipe very well.  She'll love it if you bring her some.  Ingredients are eggs, flour, and some butter. You'll need a knife, a pot, a rolling pin and an oven. It's not easy, but it's very delicious. Today's lesson will be on Apple Pie.  I know that Ellen likes this recipe very well.  She'll love it if you bring her some.  Ingredients are Egg, Flour, and Butter. You'll need a Knife, a Pot, a Rolling Pin, and an Oven. It's not easy, but it's very delicious. I'm afraid next time will be our final lesson. Really? Why?Yes, Basil is starting another book, so I don't want to disturb him.That's too bad... Sorry, !, but that's all I can teach you. Our final lesson will be on ice cream. Everybody loves ice cream.  You'll need milk, eggs, and of course sugar.  You'll also need a pot and a whisk.  All children love this!That's it for my Dessert Classroom. Don't mention it. I'm glad to be able to share these recipes. RIFFCSCR CODE!!@###/#"! 9#"R! # ""#!# "C! #""#!#" ! ##!5""#!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!#h!0# !-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!# ##!##"R! # ##!# #!# "#!##@#T#"! ^#"V! #"#! #! !@####"! #"R! !#!7!#!0#!-#!"!!##!##!!# !0#!-#!"#!0#!"# !0#!"#!0#!"#!!0#!"#!0#!"!!##!##!#"4! #"#! #! ##!#"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!##!""#!!# !#!"#!? JUMPD($rSTR #/4)=&iGood morning, !.  I hear you're new to farm life, so let me explain some basics.  Use the A Button to lift up items in front of you, throw Items, or talk to people.  You can buy things if you talk to people behind a counter in a store.  No one will sell you any- thing if the store isn't open, though, so  don't bother trying.  Use the B Button to use an item or tool.  You can't use anything if you're not holding it. Do you want to hear more instructions?YesNoOkay. What would you like to know?CropsAnimalsUseful tipsQuitAre you sure? You don't have to hold back on my account.  Well, if want to hear more later, you can just press START at any time. Got it?It's your farm, and you can do whatever you like.  But, your first goal should be to make some money to live on.  For example, you can gather various things on the mountain to sell. After you get a hang of farming, try exploring the town.  Just turn right on the street outside your farm, and you'll see Yodel Farm and the Poultry Farm. Oh yes, I left you my old pedometer in the tool box in your house.  It's always useful to know how far you've walked, don't you think? See you later!The name is Zack. I'm in charge of shipping for Mineral Town.  Let me show you how you ship things to be sold.This is your Shipping Bin. Put things you want to sell here, and I'll come pick them up by 5 PM every day. I'll pay you money when I do. I don't work on holidays, though!  I need a break once in a while, too!Okay...You have two more shipping bins in your chicken coop and barn. You can ship anything you grow or find on the mountain.  Or, of course, eggs, wool or milk from livestock.Work hard, but not too hard! If your face turns blue, that means you're about to collapse.  If that happens, you'll be sent to the clinic, and you'll be out of commission for a while!Bye now. And remember: 5 PM every day!RIFFbSCR CODE\X!@###*#"! 4#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5!#x!0# !-#!"!!#"&! #c!A###!D#####!D#####h!A###g!D#, # ###!D#-,#.#!D#.B#D# !D#/Y#[# g##h!A###!C#####h!A###!C#####!C###!C### !C#*#,# !C#A#C# !C#X#Z# f##!C#z#|#!C#k## !C#l## !C#m## !C#n## !C"## ##h!A###!C#6/#1#<##!C#/P#R#!C#0f#h# !C#1}## !C#2## !C#3## !C#4## !C#5## !C#7## !C"# # ##h!A#/#1#1!C#7J#L#W##!C#/k#m#!C#0## !C#1## !C#2## !C#3## !C#4## !C#5## !C#6 # # !C"##%# 1##h!A#J#L#!C#.e#g#r##!C#x####!C#,##!C#-## ## h!A### !D### ##h!A#%#'#!C#I@#B#M##!C#(a#c#n##!C#G##!C#H## ## !C#s##!C#t## !C#u## ## h!A###Y!C"*#,#7##!C"L#N#Y## hh$ "#!?!#w!0# !-#!"#u!0"!>'#!",#!",#!",#!",#!",#!",#!",# !",# !",# !",,$!!# #! !F#"! !#v!0# !-# !"!!#_!I!#v!0# !-# !"#u!0#!"!!# #!# #!# !"T## # #!# "! # "T#!# ! # "! # #!# "! # ##! # ! # "! # !"#!?! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#w!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!""!>u #!"z #!"z z $!!# #! "#!?!#w!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#w!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#w!0# !-#!"!!# #! "#!?!#x!0# !-#!"!!# #!  $ JUMPLh zl6    X d r?K    '   2 i STR 0C~8v.nG[PT@Did you bring it for me, !?  Show me quick!This isn't it. I asked you for a diamond, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for a bracelet, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for a green pepper, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for a golden egg, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for black grass, remember? Bring some quick!I asked you for white grass, remember? Bring some quick!I asked you for a truffle, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for a moon stone, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for an AEPFE apple, remember? Bring one quick!I asked you for a rice cake, remember? Bring one quick!This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you! Now I have to go show it to the Mayor from the next town.  This is an expression of my thanks. Take it. This is called the Golden Lumber. It's very valuable.  Keep it inside your house. If you put it outside, everybody will think you're showing off. Thanks again for your help in this matter. Sorry, but it has to be a regular diamond.  Bring one to me quickly!I said I needed a bracelet, not just any piece of jewelry!  Bring one to me quickly!I said I needed a golden egg, not just any old egg! Bring one to me quickly!What am I supposed to do with an egg dish!? Bring me a golden egg soon!Sorry, but this isn't the kind of grass I need!Bring me some black grass quickly!Bring me some white grass quickly!I need a truffle, not truffle rice!  Bring one to me quickly!I need a truffle, not a normal mushroom! Bring one to me quickly!I need an AEPFE Apple, not a normal one! Bring one to me quickly!It looks delicious, but I need an AEPFE Apple, not a regular one!  Bring one to me quickly!I need an AEPFE Apple, not a cooked apple! Bring one to me quickly!I need a regular rice cake, not cooked rice! Bring one to me quickly!RIFFSCR CODELH#""#!#" ! !@#-#/#C#"! M#"R! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!!"!0#!-#!"!!###!####R!#@!0#!-#!"#?!0#!"!!#! STR g2I just want to look at it once before I die...I know I may never get my wish, but...RIFFSCR CODE#""#!#""##8!?!=#""#!!@#F#H#\#"! f#"R! ##!5!@####"! #"V! #"L#! #! !@####"! #"R! #!7###!##"#r!#"#`#!#"! # "#`#!# ";! #"#f#!#"! #"#v#!!k#"R! #"#v###8!?!=##!5#!7!#e!0# !-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!#?!0#!-#!"!!##"! ####R!#@!0#!-#!"#?!0#!"!!#! STR \,It's just like him to hide it that way. He was so easily embarrassed...!RIFFSCR CODEtp"!>###n##!!!!#!-#z!0#!"#y!0#!"!!#!##! STR RGrandpa was so shy. I'm glad I found it! Grandma seems so happy.RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>###a##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR I miss Grandpa...RIFF SCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! !#@!0#!-#!"!!##!4!F!#!"!!#"#u#!!@####"! #"R! ##!5!#?!0#!-#!"!!###!####`##!!!!#P!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR GI think his painting is great. Who knew he had such talent?RIFF SCR CODE,(#""!#"#s#!#"! #"#s#!#"! #""3#!#"! #""3#!!@#y#{##"! #"R! ##!5!#R!0#!-#!"!!!#G!0#!-#!"!!!@### #"! #"V! #"#! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!#"#! #! !@#s#u##"! #"R! #!7##!#!7!#C!0#!-#!"!!###!####`##!!!!#C!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR %I'm OK now!! ...I think...RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>###`##!!!!#O!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR *I hope this makes it better...RIFFXSCR CODE#"U#r!!@# #"#6#"! @#"R! #"H#Q#!#"! # "H"#!# " ! # "g#`#!# "{! ##!5!"!0# !-#!#!!###!# ##!##;#=###!!!!#!#p#r##O!0#!-#!"#O!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR V4Aja left home because of an argument with Duke. Let's call Aja now. RIFFgSCR CODE# !###$# !" !>#;#=## #!!!!# !#p#r##n!0# !-#!"#q!0# !-#!"!!# !# #! STR 3Your daughter is at a difficult age too, right?With a daughter myself, I know how much you long for her to come back. RIFF@SCR CODE# !###$# !" !>#;#=## #!!!!# !#p#r#"!0# !-#!#"!0# !-#!#!!# !# #! STR `/Friends really are all we have sometimes...I just hope Aja comes home now...RIFFSCR CODE# "#W!#"#O#!#"k! #"#O#!#"! ##x"#!!@#^#`#t#"! ~#"R! ##!5!#!0#!-#!"!!!#O!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#O!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#P!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#P!0#!-#!"#O!0#!"!!!#!0#!-# !"!!!#P!0#!-# !"!!!#x"#!!"!#!?#"!#"! STR  ?F|'pCtYou and Jeff have been married a long time, haven't you? Yes. You've known each other since you were kids, right?Yeah...Jeff never used to be able to do anything without me!He used to cling to you when we were kids, didn't he? He was always scared of things without me...Ha ha...He used to run to you when Duke bullied him too, didn't he? That's right! Jeff never knew how to stand up for himself to Duke... That's why he came running to me...Still, I am grateful to him for everything. He's been a great husband and a great dad to Karen.Huh, thanks for the mushy story. Hee hee hee! Any time.RIFF6SCR CODE"!!>#####!!!!#!#L#N#m#!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR ~IIt's nice to have your husband by your side all the time, isn't it? You two really do make a cute couple. RIFFSCR CODE"!!>#####!!!!#!#L#N#m#O!0#!-#!"#P!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR X)Were you listening? How embarrassing!I never could leave Jeff alone. RIFFSCR CODE, ( #""!#"4#y#!#"! #"I#y#!#"! #";#P#!#"! #""@#!!@#x#z##"! #"R! ##!5!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! ##!#"?#!#! ##!#"#! #! !@#4#6#J#"! T#"R! #!7##!#!7!#H!0#!-#!"!!###!####`##!!!!#"!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR Too bad...RIFFSCR CODEhd"#!>###`##!!!!#r!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR 9Not everything is for free, you know! Pay up!RIFFSCR CODE#""H!#"d"H#!!@#0#2#F#"! P#"R! #"",#!#"8! #!####!##!5!@####"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#"V! #"#!#! #"R! ##!#!7###!##h#j##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#4#6# D#!2#!"##!0#!"!!#"! #####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# "!>### "!>### #!2#!"#$!0#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>#5#7# #m!>#N#P# "{!>#h#j# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!##!#!!"$#!?#" ! STR QKHi there. I look kind of down?  I was just remembering my parents, you see. My family have always been doctors. My father was a doctor and my mother  a nurse. They were so busy that they didn't have much time for me when I was a child.  I was lonely, and I blamed them for not paying enough attention to me. But, now that I'm a doctor myself, I understand them much better.  It's a sacred duty, being responsible for someone's life!  Now I wish I hadn't rebelled against them so much! What a fool I was!...Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to talk that much... I think I'll stay here for a while...RIFFSCR CODE|x"$!>###v##!!!#!#G#I#U#!!##!0#!-#P!>#~###Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# Z#!2#!"!!#!##! STR '.............................RIFFSCR CODE#""@!#""@#!!@#0#2#F#"! P#"R! ##!5!@#m#o##"! #"V! #"#! #! !@####"! #"R! #!7!#E!0#!-#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>#(#*# "{!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### #!2#w!>####!"#!"!!###!##*#,##Z!>#B#D# #d!>#[#]# #m!>#t#v# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"##!0#!"!!###!####R##!!!!#'!0#!-#P!>#Z#\##Z!>#r#t# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# 6#!2#!"!!#!##! STR 4This kind of error is very disturbing...RIFF SCR CODEhd"%!>###`##!!!!#F!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR I have to tell Sasha about this when I get home!  She always did say that my personality was too kind for that blood type!RIFF;SCR CODEhd"%!>###`##!!!!#!-#y!0#!"!!#!##! STR I can't believe Doctor made such a mistake. I always make mistakes because of my carelessness. But it's the first time I've seen the Doctor make a mistake...RIFFSCR CODE#""!#"#|#!#"! #"#|#!#"8! #""#!!@#`#b#v#"! #"R! ##!5!#}!0#!-#!"!!!##!0#!-#!"!!###!#####Z!>### #d!>#+#-# #m!>#D#F# "{!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!!#y!0#!-#!"!!#"! ####R##!!!!##!0#!-#P!>#Z#\##Z!>#r#t# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# 6#!2#!"!!#!##! STR !I'm sure she can do it.RIFFSCR CODEhd"&!>###`##!!!!#!-#y!0#!"!!#!##! STR 5I'm determined to cure my Grandma's legs!RIFF SCR CODEpl#"#x!###a#!#"! #"#a#!#"! #"##!#"! ##y"#!!@#u#w##"! #"R! ##!5!#|!0#!-#!"!!!#B!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!#{!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!7!#|!0#!-#!"!!###!##`#b##Z!>#x#z# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# <#!2#w!>#R#T#e#!"l#!"!!#"! ####a##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR OSo you want to hear about that matter...? It's a secret! Heh heh...RIFF SCR CODE0,# "#_!#""#!!@#/#1#E#"! O#"R! #!# e#g#s#!##!5!@####"! #"V! ##d#! #! !@####"! #"R! ##!#!7##!# !7##!#!7##!#!7###!##{#}##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# W#!2#w!>#m#o##!"#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!!#Z!0#!-#!"!!#<# !7##!##!!##!0#!-#P!>#"#$##Z!>#:#<# #d!>#S#U# #m!>#l#n# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!##!4##!##!##!##!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#"X"!#"X"#!#"R! "+#!?",#!?##!##!5 STR  X"[qI always remember the day I left my home when it snows. It was snowing then, too. Welcome. Quite a snowy day, isn't it?What? Cliff!?Dad! Come quick! It's about Cliff!!Thank goodness you happened by when you did, ). Thank goodness you happened by when you did, !. Thank goodness he's safe! What was he doing there? Thank you so much...Just rest, and he should be fine. Everyone should go home now.RIFFYSCR CODE|#"! !#!0#!-#P!>#3#5##Z!>#K#M# #m!>#d#f# #w!>#}## "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"!!#"&! ####`##!!!!#V!0#!-#!"!!#!##! STR GToday is the one day I allow myself to think about her...RIFF SCR CODE!!@###/#"! 9#"R! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"#x#!#"! # #P"#!# "! ##"#!#" ! ##!5###!###!###!""#!!#"#! !#Y!0#!-#!"!!!#U!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!@#m#o##"! #"V! #"#! #! !@####"! #"R! ###!####""#!"#x#!!!"0#!?#"!#"!#"!# "!#" ! JUMP STR )Ejz2L(Dad, please stop it now!You be quiet!Don't try to stop me, Ann!!! Please stop this fight for me!Stop the fight.Don't intervene.Thanks! I'm counting on you.This is none of your business, !!Get out of my way, !! Now what were we fighting about...?It was...umm.........I forget...Now why was I so mad...?I can't believe you two old men can't even remember what you're fighting over!Sorry, !. We won't fight any more.Yes, it's over now.Thanks for helping out, !.  I'll try to keep a handle on Dad from now on.I knew I shouldn't count on you, !!RIFF/SCR CODE##!!!!#!-"1!>#6#8#^#T!0#!"#S!0#!"l#U!0#!"!!#!##! STR P]I can't believe I forgot what we were arguing over! I must be getting old...Sorry, !. Hmmph! It was all his fault!RIFFSCR CODE|x##!!!!#!-"1!>#6#8#P#Y!0#!"^#Y!0#!"!!#!##! STR IHuh, can you believe this?Dad!... Stop arguing already!!RIFFSCR CODE# #!!!!# !-"1!>#6#8## !#S#U#m#x!0#!"{#u!0#!"# !####x!0#!"#x!0#!"!!# !# #! STR AiI'm just glad they're done fighting. Now I can enjoy my meal!Thanks for helping settle things, !.I wonder what they were fighting about to begin with?Now my food doesn't taste good any more... What a waste!RIFFCSCR CODE##!!!!#!-"1!>#6#8#Q"!0#!"o"!0#!""!0#!"!!#!##! STR 9eI should have not been involved in that fight. Sorry.I wouldn't talk to me now, if I were you.Let's settle this once and for all!RIFFSCR CODE##!!!!#!-"1!>#6#8##!#S#U#n"!0#!"}"!0#!"#!###"!0#!""!0#!"!!#!##! STR #wI was getting worried there!...When those two start fighting, even I can't stop them by myself.  Thanks, !. Should I step in?But, I can't stop both of them all by myself...RIFF SCR CODEd`!##D#P!##g"#!!@#2#4#H#"! R#"R! ##0#P#!#"! ##!5!@####"! #"V! ##P#! #! ##!##D#!#! !@####"! #"R! ##!!#S!0#!-#!"!!##$"#!#"! ##d#! #! ##!##0#!#! ##!#"! ##!!#W!0#!-#!"!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!!#X!0#!-#!"!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!!#X!0#!-#!"!!#"! #!7#"! ###!# ! ##!5"#X#!!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! ##!#"#!#! ##!##X#! #! ##!#"#!#! !@##!#5#"! ?#"R! ##!!"!0#!-#P!>#r#t##d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# N#!2#Z!>#d#f#w#!"~#!"!!#"! #!7!@####"! #"R! !"!0#!-#P!>####d!># # # #m!>###%# #w!>#<#># "{!>#V#X# "!>#p#r# "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!###!#####d!>#.#0# #m!>#G#I# #w!>#`#b# "{!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!""!0!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!##T#! ###!#####d!>## # #m!>#7#9# #w!>#P#R# "{!>#j#l# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#Z!>### # !" # !"!!#"! #!7!@#< #> #R #"! \ #"R! ##!4!k##p#X#!## #P#!#"#@#!# #0"#!#"! # "! ## #!#"#P##;!?!=#"#P##c!?!=##!5##!>#""#!## #P#!##h#H#!##("#!##<"#!##P"#!#"! #"k! #"0! #"#P##;!?!=#"#P#"!?!=##!5#x!7##!4#!#!#!#!>#!>## "#!## #P#!##l#X#!##P"#!##0"#!##"#!##l"#!#"2! #"8! #"! #"! #"! #"#P##;!?!=#"#P#"!?!=##!5#x!7##!4#!#!#!#!#!>#!>##L#P#!## #P#!##l#X#!##P"#!##0"#!##"#!#""#!#"! #"! #"! #"! #"! #"#P##;!?!=#"#P##c!?!=##!5#x!7##!4#!#!#!#!#!>#!>###P#!## #P#!##l#X#!##P"#!##0"#!#!""#!#"! #"! #"! #!" ! "!># # # ##"#!#"! ##!5#x!7##!4#!#!#!#!!#"#p#!## #P#!#""#!# #P"#!# #0"#!# #"#!#"""#!#"! # ";! # "C! # "{! #"""! #"#P##;!?!=#"#P#"!?!=##!5#x!7##!4# !# !# !#"!#!>#!>#""#!## #P#!##"#!##P"#!# #0"#!#""#!#""#!#"! #"! # " ! #"' ! #"; ! #"#P##;!?!=#"#P##c!?!=##!5#x!7##!4#!# !#!#!#!>#!>#""#!## #P#!##"#!##P"#!##0"#!# ""#!#"! #" ! #" ! # ".! ###!#"#P##;!?!=#"#P#"!?!=##!5#x!7##!4#!#!# !#!>#!>#""#!## #P#!##"#!#$#X"#!#%""#!#&#p"#!#'# "#!#(#0"#!#)#@"#!#*""#!##j! #$"! #%"! #&"! #'"T! #("! #)"! #*"`! ##!5#x!7##!4#!#$!#%!#&!#'!#(!#)!#*!#$#|#H!#!7##h#H#!##X#X#!##|#H#!#"> ! #";! #"! ##!5#!7#"! #####d!>#&#(# #m!>#?#A# #w!>#X#Z# "{!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#Z!>####!"#!"!!##!#!##!4!#!"!!"4#!?" !8 STR *N} NJ#Yo, ). Welcome. Yo, !. Welcome. Not many people here, as usual...I wonder why...? I think my cooking is good.Kai!!What's wrong, Popuri?I brought lots of customers for you, Kai.What? ....Really?Come in, everybody!There are even more coming!Ha ha ha!! I think you invited too many! They won't all fit!I can't cook for so many people alone, ). Will you help out? I can't cook for so many people alone. Will you help me out? Boy, am I tired! I'm glad you invited all those people for me, but it sure was hard work to cook for all of them.I just wanted to do you a favor, Kai. I'm sorry if I overdid it...Maybe having so few customers is a good thing, after all!Thanks a lot for your help today, ). Thanks a lot for your help today, !. I'm beat, too! Time to go home and sleep. RIFF,SCR CODE##h"!##h"<#!!@#.#0#D#"! N#"R! ##h"#!#"> ! #""#!#";! #""#!#"; ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!#!7##!##!#"?! #"? ! #"+#!#"+#!#! #! #!#!!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! !@####"! #"R! ##!##U#W##d!>#m#o# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#!### 1#!2#!"!!##!#"B ! #"+#!#! #!#!##!"5#!? STR  [Hello, Kai!Welcome back, Kai. When Kai comes, we know summer has officially started!The Beach House will be open from the day after tomorrow, so come on by.Great!See you. I don't think you were here last summer.  My name's Kai. Know that tiny cottage on the beach? I run it during the summer. Come by for a visit some- time.  Bye now. RIFF/SCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"> ! ##!5!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# \#!2#!"!!##!#"B ! #"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!#!"6#!? STR KHow have you been? I look forward to seeing you this summer. RIFF&SCR CODE<8!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"> ! ##!5!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# \#!2"!>#s#u#"!>### #!"#!"!!##!#"B ! #"?#!#! #"> ! ##!!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>#'#)# #m!>#@#B# #w!>#Y#[# "{!>#s#u# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!##!#"B ! ###! #! #!#!"7#!? STR ZSummer is over, so Popuri and I are going to the city. I just wanted to say goodbye. Summer is over, so I'm leaving for the city. I just wanted to say goodbye. See you next year!RIFFkSCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! ##x#P#!#"' ! ##!5#x#d#!!@#s#u##"! #"V! ##`#! #! !@####"! #"R! !"!0#!-#!"!!##d#! ###!##O#!"V#!"!!#!##! STR ;Zack seemed kind of sad to be leaving... I wonder why? Zack always seems kind of nervous around me. I wonder why...RIFFSCR CODEpl!@###*#"! 4#"R! #"#s#!#"0! "?!>#c#e##""#!#"! ##!5!#!0#!-#!"!!!@####"! #"V! ##o#! #! ##!#"#!#! !@#!###7#"! A#"R! #!7###!##X#Z#i#"1! STR $(MHmm...What should I do with this....?Hey, !! You came at a great time!You see, a friend of mine left me this fishing rod. I don't fish, but I don't want to throw it away, either.  Will you use it? You look like a good angler to me!You got a Fishing Rod!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!"=!>#;#=###!!!!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR :You'll be able to catch lots of fish with that!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!"=!>#;#=###!!!!#r!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR .You've gotten a nice fishing rod. RIFFSCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"0! ##!5!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#"4! #"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!## !">#!?#! STR Hey, !! I heard that you caught all the fish there are! That's great! I knew you were the right person to give that rod to! Keep it up now! My friend will be so jealous.RIFFSCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"! ##!5!#s!0#!-#!"!!###!##e##!##!# #!##!##!# #!#"! ##!5##!#! #! #!"####!# !7##!##!# !7##!!#!-#9!0#!"!!##!##!#d#! ##!4#"!#!!F#%!a##!6#"!#N![#2!7#"! !P####N#!Q#N#!Z"N#!? STR Congratulations! You have collected all the Goddess Jewels, so I will  allow you to trade them for the Goddess Gem.  Bye now. RIFFSCR CODE$ ##n!# !7#"!###!##r! #!7##!6##!6##!4#"! #!# #!#!#4#!# #!#!#4#!# #!#4#!#!# #!#4#!#!$# ".! ##!5!# !-#b!0#!"!!###!# # !##! # ! # !# #!#!#4#!# "2! # # #!# #!# #!# #!$# # !##! # ! # !# #!#!#4#!# "2! # d# #!i# #!i# #!i# #!ii$# # !##!# ! # !# #!#4#!#!# "2! # # #!# #!# #!# #!$# # !##!# ! # !# #!#4#!#!# "2! # # #!# #!# #!# #!$$#!7###2##$##`#b#x#"P##!#"o! ###!##x#! #! #"k! ##!##!!#!-#!0#!"!!###!##!##!#"o! ###! #! #!#P!>#-#/##"P##!#"! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-#!0#!"!!###!##!##!#"! ###! #! #!#"P##!#"G ! ###!##x#! #! #"C ! ##!##!!#!-"!0#!"!!###!##!##!#"G ! ###! #! #!#"P##!#"? ! ###!##x#! #! #"; ! ##!##!!#!-"!0#!"!!###!##!##!#"? ! ###! #! #!#"P##!#" ! ###!##x#! #! #" ! ##!##!!#!-"!0#!"!!###!##!##!#" ! ###! #! #!#"P##!#" ! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-"!0#!"!!###!##!##!#" ! ###! #! #!# "P##!# " ! # ##!# #x#! # ! # " ! # #!##!!# !-"!0#!#!!###!# #!##!# " ! # ##! # ! # !# "P##!# "?! # ##!# #x#! # ! # ";! # #!##!!# !-#e!0#!"!!###!# #!##!# "?! # ##! # ! # !# "P##!# "! # ##!# #x#! # ! # "{! # #!##!!# !-#p!0#!"!!###!# #!##!# "! # ##! # ! # !# "P##!# "! # ##!# #x#! # ! # "! # #!##!!# !-#w!0# !"!!###!# #!##!# "! # ##! # ! # !"Y#!?M#"P##!#"$ ! ###!##x#! #! #" ! ##!##!!#!-"!0# !"!!###!##!##!#"$ ! ###! #! #!#"P##!#"! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-"!0# !"!!###!##!##!#"! ###! #! #!#"P##!#"! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-#E!0# !"!!###!##!##!#"! ###! #! #!#"P##!#"! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-#Q!0# !"!!###!##!##!#"! ###! #! #!#"P##!#", ! ###!##x#! #! #"( ! ##!##!!#!-"!0#!"!!###!##!##!#", ! ###! #! #!#"P##!#"! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-#U!0#!"!!#"&! ## # # #"P##!#"! ###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-#=!0#!"!!###!##!##!#"! ###! #! #!##!6##!6##!4#"!#"P#x#!#"! ##!5###!##x#! #! #"! ##!##!!#!-#:!0#!"!!##!#"! ###! # !7##!4#"!#!#!7##!5##!###!##e#g#!# !-#v!0#!"!!#x#X#!##!#"V! ##x#!#! ##!##X#! #! #"R! !# !-#v!0#!"!P###!V#&#(# P#x!0#!"!!"[#!?&!!!@#i#k#!A###!D#'##!F#'!a!@####"!#P![#"! !P####P#!Q#P#!Z"]#!? STR @You have found the final Jewel of Truth.  Please follow me.You can now exchange all of the Jewels of Truth for the Gem of Truth. ...But, it seems you can't hold any more.  Come back when your load is lighter. RIFFSCR CODE"^#!?##!5!@#'#)#=#"! G#"V! ""#!#"#! #! !@#{#}##"! #"R! !#"!!6!#!"####!)h!-m!!## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !# # !# # !# # !# # !# # !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !#!# !#"# !### !#$# !#%# !#&# !#'# !#(# !#)# !#*# !m!/mm$!!###!=!6#"!#!7#######!4!#!"!!"^#!?" !8 JUMP(YSTR ):I_It's a shooting star! I'll wish for...Healthy animals.Being popular.Making lots of money.I hope my wish comes true...RIFFSCR CODE"a#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"a#!?##!5#!w STR pTa-daaaa! Your pedometer just counted 10,000. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"b#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"b#!?##!5#!w STR qTa-daaaa! Your pedometer just counted 100,000. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"c#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"c#!?##!5#!w STR sTa-daaaa! Your pedometer just counted 1,000,000. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"d#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?"!>#}##"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#2#4# t#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!"d#!?##!5#!w STR WTadaaaa. You have walked ten million steps. That's a lot of steps. Congratulations! And... You're the first girl who made such an accomplishment. So, I'll give you a special reward! Here. This is a ring. This is not a regular item or equipment. In your Status Screen, it will be displayed next to your name. That's all. Bye.Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.RIFFSCR CODE"e#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"e#!?##!5#!w STR uTa-daaaa! Your pedometer just counted 100,000,000. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"f#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"f#!?##!5#!w STR wTa-daaaa! Your pedometer just counted 1,000,000,000. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"g#!?#!w#!I!H##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"g#!?##!5#!w STR fTa-daaaa! You shipped 10,000 of %. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"h#!?#!w#!I!H##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"h#!?##!5#!w STR gTa-daaaa! You shipped 100,000 of %. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"i#!?#!w#!I!H##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"i#!?##!5#!w STR iTa-daaaa! You shipped 1,000,000 of %. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"j#!?#!w#!I!H##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"j#!?##!5#!w STR jTa-daaaa! You shipped 10,000,000 of %. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"k#!?#!w#!I!H##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"k#!?##!5#!w STR kTa-daaaa! You shipped 100,000,000 of %. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODE"l#!?#!w#!I!H##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"l#!?##!5#!w STR mTa-daaaa! You shipped 1,000,000,000 of %. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFF SCR CODE"m#!?#!w##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"m#!?##!5#!w STR Ta-daaaa! You shipped every kind of item that can be shipped. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFFSCR CODExt"u#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"u#!?##!5 STR `Ta-daaaa! You reached Level 100. That's all. There are more to go. Good luck. Bye.RIFFSCR CODExt"v#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"v#!?##!5 STR aTa-daaaa! You reached Level 200. That's all. There are more to go. Good luck. Bye.RIFFSCR CODExt"w#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"w#!?##!5 STR WTa-daaaa! You reached the lowest level. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODExt"x#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"x#!?##!5 STR Ta-daaaa! You found every kind of item you can find in this mine. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODExt"y#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"y#!?##!5 STR Ta-daaaa! You found every kind of item you can find in this mine. Congratulations. That's all. You get nothing. Bye.RIFFSCR CODEd`#"K"!##!#"K"#!#"! #"/"#!#"! ##!5!#>!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"! ##|#~## !`## "!>### "L!>### "T!>### "m!>### "t!>### "x!>#3#5# "y!>#M#O# "!>#g#i# #b!0#!"!!# !# " !!R"z#!?#b!0#!"!!# !"z#!?####"!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>###  ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#"! ##!5!####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##$#&#"!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### ?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5##!4!#"/"!##!#"/"#!#"! !k#"@"#!#"! ##!5!#s!0#!-#!"!!!#####!*# !)!#s!0#!-# !"!!#!)!#s!0#!-# !"!!#!)!#s!0#!-# !"!!!#r!0#!-# !"!!##!4##!!k##!5!#r!0#!-# !"!!$#"! #### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#!0#!-#!"!!A!!#" !!## ##"!>### }!#!"!!##B! ##]#_#"!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### x##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #;!0# !"!!!#"`!"!>#####"_!"#!? A!!#"!!#>!0#!-#!"!!AA$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP(SSTR  4GS_k=Good morning. ), do you remember what today is?Gourmet's birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayNo. Huh...That's right. I made you a gift. Please accept it.It's delicious.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Put that item away so that I can give you a gift.RIFF0SCR CODE "W!8 STR RIFFXSCR CODE##!!!!#!-!@######!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#;!0#!"!!#!##! STR HIt's delicious.I asked you to put that item away first.RIFF|SCR CODE#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! "!>#p#r##.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! ##"#0#!### ! ##!5## 9#;#"!>#R#T# !#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!#!H#"R! I#b!0# !"!!!# "c!"!>#-#/#>##"b!"|#!? !!# "!!#b!0# !-#!"!!$##!6##!6##!4# !#!7##!5######!##!6##!6##!4# !#!7##!5#### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#s!0#!-#!"!!!####!)<!!#"!!#t!0#!-#!"!!A!!#" !!#s!0#!-#!"!@#s!0#!"!!#!7"!># ##"!>### }!#!"!!##B! ##]#_#"!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### x##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! #r!0# !"!!!#"f!"!>#####"e!"#!? A!!#"!!#t!0#!-# !"!!AA$##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#!"#!? JUMP(SSTR  4BNZw@aGood morning. ), do you remember what today is?Your birthdayAnniversaryMy birthdayNo. Why is it my birthday?Correct. I got you an anniversary gift.Please accept it.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Please empty your hands first.You don't remember your own birthday?RIFF0SCR CODE "W!8 STR RIFFPSCR CODE##!!!!#!-!@#s!0#!"!!#!7#"F! ##j!!&!I#"R! !#!"!>#####!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5#r!0#!"!!#!##! STR @Please accept it.Please empty your hands first.RIFFSCR CODE|x#" "!##!#" "#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #" #r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!##p#r##.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! ##"#0#!### ! ##!5#### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! ##!5!#s!0#!-#!"!!#!"#!?!##!4#"G#p!#"G#p#!##!5 STR _Today is our 50th anniversary. I bought you a cottage on the hill. Go take a look.RIFF0SCR CODE #"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{##s!?!=#"0#|##o!?!=##!5!#"l!##"k!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFFFSCR CODED@##!!!#!!#;!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!#;!0#!-#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!#>!0#!-#!"!!!!#"!### !!#>!0#!-#!"!!##!!#" !###!!##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(USTR  $(+eq?Are you done working for the day?YesNoI cooked a feast for us this evening. Do you know why?My birthdayGourmet's birthday*'s birthdayNo. Huh... You don't remember *'s birthday?That's right. Let's celebrate.Today is a special day, so finish up your work.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFF0SCR CODE #"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! # "G#r#!# ".! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{##!?!=#"0#|##!?!=##!5!# "o!##"n!"~#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFFSCR CODELH# #!!!# !!#b!0# !-#!"!!!###!(!#b!0# !-#!"!!!####!)U!!# "!### !!#b!0# !-#!"!!Z!!# "!### !!#b!0# !-#!"!!Z##!!# " !###!!#b!0# !-#!"!!ZZ$!#b!0# !-# !"!!# #! $##!6##!6##!4# !#!7##!5##!>!#### !"# !"!!!# !##!"~#!?" !8 JUMPD(U_STR  +7HVpy...Done working?YesNo...What's today?My birthdayKappa's birthday*'s birthday...No. Don't come back....Yes....Finish it quickly.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFF4SCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! ##"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##d!?!=##!5!#"r!##"q!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "k!8 STR RIFF/SCR CODED@##!!!#!!#r!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!#r!0#!-#!"!!!####!)!!#"!### !!#t!0#!-#!"!!!!#"!### !!#t!0#!-#!"!!##!!#" !###!!#s!0#!-# !"!!#"! ##!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!##!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(USTR  $.7T`n|$Are you done working for the day?All done.Not yet.Do you know what today is?My birthdayYour birthday*'s birthdayNo. Why would it be your birthday? No. Why would it be my birthday?Correct. Let's get started.Finish up your work.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to appoligize to him later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##h!?!=#"0#|##Z!?!=##!5!#"u!"!>#f#h#w##"t!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE($##!!!#!!#;!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!#;!0#!-#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)M!!#"!"!>###### !!#>!0#!-#!"!!R##!!#" !"!>#L#N#\###!!####### !!#!-"!>###0#>!0# !">#>!0# !"!!RR$!#;!0#!-# !"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!#### !"#!"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD( UWSTR $(+eq#UAre you done working for the day?YesNoI cooked a feast for us this evening. Do you know why?My birthdayGourmet's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryNo. Huh... You don't remember your own birthday?That's right. Let's celebrate.No. Huh... You don't remember *'s birthday?No. Huh... You don't remember our anniversary?Today is a special day, so finish up your work.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! # "G#r#!# ".! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##!?!=#"0#|##!?!=##!5!# "x!"!>#f#h#w##"w!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE($# #!!!# !!#b!0# !-#!"!!!###!(!#b!0# !-#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)M!!# "!"!>###### !!#b!0# !-#!"!!R##!!# " !"!>#L#N#\###!!#b!0# !-# !"!!#"! ####### !!# !-"!>###0#b!0#!">#b!0#!"!!RR$!#b!0# !-# !"!!# #! $##!4#!>#!>!#### !"# !"!!!# !"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD( UWSTR  +7HVb|...Done working?YesNo...What's today?My birthdayKappa's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversary...No. Don't come back....Yes....Finish it quickly.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##!?!=##!5!#"{!"!>#g#i#x##"z!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "z!8 STR RIFF;SCR CODE($##!!!#!!#r!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!#r!0#!-#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)M!!#"!"!>###### !!#t!0#!-#!"!!R##!!#" !"!>#L#N#\###!!#s!0#!-#!"!!#"! ####### !!#!-"!>###0#t!0# !">#t!0# !"!!RR$!#r!0#!-# !"!!##! $##!4#!>#!>!#### !"# !"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD( UWSTR $.7T`n|&PAre you done working for the day?All done.Not yet.Do you know what today is?My birthdayYour birthday*'s birthdayNo. Why would it be your birthday? Correct. Let's get started.No. Why would it be *'s birthday? No. Why would it be our anniversay? Finish up your work.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{#"!?!=#"0#|#"!?!=##!5!#"~!"!>#h#j#y##"}!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!#;!0#!-#!"!!!###!(K!#;!0#!-#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!##6#8#!#!-#;!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!5#"! ##G#I#X### !!#>!0#!-# !"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!#!-"!>####>!0# !"#>!0#!"!!$P!#;!0#!-#!"!!##! PP$##!4#!>#!>!####!"#!"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD( |USTR $(+eqv8bAre you done working for the day?YesNoI cooked a feast for us this evening. Do you know why?My birthdayGourmet's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryThat's right. Let's celebrate.Please accept this. It's a birthday gift.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.No. Huh... My birthday... What a joke...No. Huh... You don't remember *'s birthday?No. Huh...ret>You don't remember our anniversary?Today is a special day, so finish up your work.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! # "G#r#!# ".! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##!?!=#"0#|##!?!=##!5!# "!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE# #!!!# !!#b!0# !-#!"!!!###!(D!#b!0# !-#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!# " !"!>######!!#b!0# !-#!"!!"!>#6#8#!# !-#b!0# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!5#"! ##@#B#Q### !!#b!0# !-# !"!! !!# "!"!>###### !!# !-"!>####b!0# !"#b!0# !"!!  $I!#b!0# !-# !"!!# #! II$##!4#!>#!>!#y#{##!"#!"!!!# !"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD(uUSTR +7HVbk+Bl...Done working?YesNo...What's today?My birthdayKappa's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversary...Yes.Here. A birthday gift...Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that....No. Don't come back....Finish it quickly.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!##!#"0"#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"G#r#!#"! "!>### #.!>#<####"$#T#!#/!>#####"s! ##"w!  ##"#0#!### ! #" #{##l!?!=#"0#|##)!?!=##!5!#"!"!>#f#h#w##"!"#!? STR RIFF0SCR CODE "!8 STR RIFFSCR CODE##!!!#!!#r!0#!-#!"!!!###!(K!#r!0#!-#!"!!!"!>#######!)####!)##!!#" !"!>######!!#s!0#!-#!"!!"!>#6#8#!#!-#r!0#!2# !"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!"#!?##!5#"! ##G#I#X### !!#t!0#!-# !"!!!!#"!"!>###### !!#!-"!>####t!0# !"#t!0#!"!!$P!#r!0#!-#!"!!##! PP$##!4#!>#!>!####!"#!"!!!#!"!>#####!"#!?" !8 JUMPD( |USTR u$.7T`o}X{ Are you done working for the day?All done.Not yet.Do you know what today is?My birthdayWon's birthday*'s birthdayAnniversaryCorrect. Let's get started.Here you are. It's a birthday gift.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.No. Why would it be my birthday?No. Why would it be *'s birthday? No. Why would it be our anniversay? Finish up your work.It was fun. I can sleep well tonight...I have to apologize later...RIFFSCR CODETP#",#^!##!#",#^#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! #"M#^#!#"! ##!5!#=!0#!-#!"!!#"! ##R#"! \#"R! #""#!#"! #"#|#!#"8! #""#!#"! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!###!###!##R#"! \#"R! #""#!#"! #"#|#!#"8! #""#!#"! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!###!###!#!0#!-#!"!!#!7!#|!0#!-#!"!!##!###!######"s! ##"w! !#>!0#!-#!"!!##!5###!##s#u###"s! ##"w! #"#|#!#"8! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!!######"s! ##"w! !#t!0#!-#!"!!##!5###!##s#u###"s! ##"w! #"#|#!#"8! ##!5!##!0#!-#!"!!!#s!0#!-#!"!!!##!0#!-# !"!!!#r!0#!-# !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!^^$#!##!####!"#!?##!4" !8 JUMP GSTR  rHO)! Wake up!* fell from the bed! I found her when I woke up! Do you think she's okay? What do we do now?Waaaaaaaaahhh!She's OK.Doctor!What? What if there is something wrong with *?I'm taking her to the doctor. I shall wake him up if he's sleeping. Come, *.She's fine. No broken bones, just a scratch.Good.Don't worry. But she's very active, so keep an eye on her.Okay. We'll be careful from now on.Mama.RIFFSCR CODE #4"#p!!! #!"!!##!4! #!"!!#4"#p!##%!#"#P#!#"! ##!5! #!"!!##!! #!"!!! #!"!!###!##!>#"G#v#!!@#A#C#W#"! a#"R! ##!##!5!#=!0#!-#!"!!##!4#"#x!#"#x#!#"!#!"#!?##!5 STR JHow is work going, )? I made this lunch especially for you. Dig in!Haaa. It was delicious. Well, I have to do dishes now, so please wait outside.RIFFSCR CODE#"0"!#"0"#!!@#0#2#F#"! P#"R! #"#t#!#"! ##L"!=#" #p#!?!=##L"!=#"0#p#!?!=##!5###!##!##!>#"G#v#!!@#A#C#W#"! a#"R! ##!##!5!#=!0#!-#!"!!##!4#"#x!#"#x#!#"!#!"#!?##!5 STR KHow is work going, )? I made this dinner especially for you. Dig in!Mmmm. It was delicious. Well, I have to do dishes now, so please wait outside.RIFFSCR CODE!#w!>###T#!"!!!##!0#!-#!2#!"[#!"!!#"#|!#"#|#!#"! !k#+"#|#!#+"|! #"#X#!#"8! ##!5#!7#"!#+##!#####Z!>#&#(# #d!>#?#A# #m!>#X#Z# "{!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#!"#%!0#!"#&!0#!"!!#"! ##+"#p#!#+"(#p#!#+"h#p#!$#+"|! "!8 JUMP(i|STR &IMOh, no! Something is wrong with #.), let's take # to the doctor.Oh, no! Something is wrong with #. Let's go to the doctor right away, #.He's okay now.However...The reason why # got sick is... You didn't pay loving attention to him! Don't let it happen again, okay? You have to treat with # very well.I haven't played with you for a while... Sorry, #.RIFF{ SCR CODE###!#!"!!##!###!#iJKnock, knock.!, can you cook for us?Hello.Cook for me.For me too!I'm starving.We'll be waiting for you at the table.Come to get our orders. Cook what we order, and serve them to us.Don't bring what we didn't order, okay?So... Can you cook for all of us here today?Sure!Nope....Okay.Of course we can't force you to do it...We can do it some other time when you're ready.I guess some other time. Let's go home.Okay. Huh, I'm hungry.Bye-bye.YeahWe'll wait for you at the table.Alright.Empty your hands before taking our orders.So, shall we?RIFF SCR CODE####!!!!#!-"!>#<#>#"##!=!?#"!>#!># ##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;$#!0#!"?#"!>#!># D##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;II$"!>#`#b##";! #!0#!"#"C! ?!@###!@###!A### ##!0#!"### !(#######?!C#k7#9##M#O# !C#ld#f##z#|# !C#m##### !C#n##### !C"##### #!0# !"!!"#!?## !!F#"0"##k!?!=#"0"##l!?!=#"0"##m!?!=#"0"##n!?!=#"0"#"!?!=$!#!-#!0# !"!!#"C! "!>###"!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# "!>#|#~# ##!4#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#!-#!0# !"!!##!5!#!-#!0# !"!!##!4!#!0#!-#!"!!"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?## !## !## !# # !## !#!# !#!#!#!#!>##!>!#!#!#!# !#!##!5! ?#!0#!"### !(#'#)#9##?##!!#X#Z#Z!#!-# !0#!"!!##!4#!# !#!#!#!#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#!0#!-#!"!!##!5"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?#!#!#!# !#!! #n#p#!#!-#!0#!"!!##! JUMP <lu#1C^ySTR Q )2Sd#8BJPN OmeletOmeletRice OmeletBoiled EggEgg BowlWhat I want to eat is... "%".It's delicious.What I want to eat is... "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?I'll try.No way.Wow, you did it. Thank you.Well, let me taste it...Thank you very much. Mmm, it was delicious.Well, thanks again.Bye-bye.This is not what I ordered. What I want to eat is "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?That's too bad. You can try it some other time, okay?I'm looking forward to it. Good luck.RIFF SCR CODE####!!!!#!-"!>#<#>#"##!=!?#"!>#!># ##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;$#H!0#!"<#"!>#!># D##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;II$"!>#`#b##"! #I!0#!"#"! <!@###!@###!A### ##H!0#!"### !(#######<!C#^7#9##M#O# !C#ad#f##z#|# !C"##### !C###### !C"##### #I!0# !"!!"#!?## !!F#"(#d##^!?!=#"(#d##a!?!=#"(#d#"!?!=#"(#d##!?!=#"(#d#"!?!=$!#!-#I!0# !"!!#"! "!>###"!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# ##!4#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#!-#I!0# !"!!##!5!#!-#I!0# !"!!##!4!#I!0#!-#!"!!"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?## !## !## !# # !## !#!# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!>##!>!##!5! <#H!0#!"### !(#$#&#6##<##!!#U#W#W!#!-#K!0#!"!!##!4#!# !#!#!#!#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#I!0#!-#!"!!##!5"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?#!#!#!# !#!! #k#m#!#!-#I!0#!"!!##! JUMP <lu#1D^xSTR 3 #+L] $French FriesPopcornPizzaSashimiTempuraWhat I want to eat is... "%".It's delicious.What I want to eat is... "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?I'll try.No way.Yeah, you did it. Thanks.Well, let me taste it...It was so good. Thank you.Well, thanks again.Bye.This is not what I ordered. What I want to eat is "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?That's too bad. You can try it some other time, okay?I'm looking forward to it. Good luck.RIFF SCR CODE####!!!!#!-"!>#<#>#"##!=!?#"!>#!># ##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;$#W!0#!"A#"!>#!># D##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;II$"!>#`#b##"! #X!0#!"#"! A!@###!@###!A### ##W!0#!"### !(#######A!C#r7#9##M#O# !C#xd#f##z#|# !C"##### !C"##### !C#N##### #X!0# !"!!"#!?## !!F#" "##r!?!=#" "##x!?!=#" "#"!?!=#" "#"!?!=#" "##N!?!=$!#!-#X!0# !"!!#"! "!>###"!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## ##!4#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#!-#X!0# !"!!##!5!#!-#X!0# !"!!##!4!#X!0#!-#!"!!"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?## !## !## !# # !## !#!# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!>##!>!##!5! A#W!0#!"### !(#)#+#;##A##!!#Z#\#\!#!-#Z!0#!"!!##!4#!# !#!#!#!#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#X!0#!-#!"!!##!5"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?#!#!#!# !#!! #p#r#!#!-#X!0#!"!!##! JUMP <lu#1D_zSTR R (-N_3CCheese FondueTruffle RiceCakePancakeStewWhat I want to eat is... "%".It's delicious.What I want to eat is... "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?I'll try.No way.Wow, you did it. Thank you.Well, let me taste it...Thank you very much. Mmm, it was delicious.Well, thanks again.See you later.This is not what I ordered. What I want to eat is "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?That's too bad. You can try it some other time, okay?I'm looking forward to it. Good luck.RIFF SCR CODE### #!!!!# !-"!>#<#>#"##!=!?#"!>#!># ##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;$#g!0#!"<#"!>#!># D##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;II$"!>#`#b## "C! #h!0#!"# "K! <!@###!@###!A### ##g!0#!"### !(#######<!C#U7#9##M#O# !C"e#g##{#}# !C#|##### !C"##### !C#X##### #h!0# !"!!"#!?# # !!F#"0#p##U!?!=#"0#p#"!?!=#"0#p##|!?!=#"0#p#"!?!=#"0#p##X!?!=$!# !-#h!0# !"!!# "K! "!>###"!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# ##!4#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!# !-#h!0# !"!!##!5!# !-#h!0# !"!!##!4!#h!0# !-#!"!!"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?## !## !## !# # !## !#!# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!>##!>!##!5! <#g!0#!"### !(#$#&#6##<##!!#U#W#W!# !-#j!0#!"!!##!4#!# !#!#!#!#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#h!0# !-#!"!!##!5"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?#!#!#!# !#!! #k#m#!# !-#h!0#!"!!# #! JUMP <lu#1D^ySTR p $3@ar,DOVeggie JuiceRelax TeaRaisin BreadChocolate CakeVeggie LatteWhat I want to eat is... "%".It's delicious.What I want to eat is... "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?I'll try.No way.Wow, you did it. Thank you.Well, let me taste it...Thank you very much. It was delicious!Well, thank you again.Good bye.킽񂾂̂͂ꂶ ȂH 킽Ĥׂ u%v Ȃ񂾂ǁc@ۂH ͂߂HThat's too bad. You can try it some other time, okay?I'm looking forward to it. Good luck.RIFF SCR CODE####!!!!#!-"!>#<#>#"##!=!?#"!>#!># ##!;##!;##!;##!;##!;$#y!0#!":#"!>#!># D##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;I##!;II$"!>#`#b##"! #z!0#!"#"! :!@###!@###!A### ##y!0#!"### !(#######:!C#o7#9##M#O# !C"e#g##{#}# !C#Z##### !C#L##### !C#S##### #z!0# !"!!"#!?## !!F#" #p##o!?!=#" #p#"!?!=#" #p##Z!?!=#" #p##L!?!=#" #p##S!?!=$!#!-#z!0# !"!!#"! "!>###"!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# ##!4#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#!-#z!0# !"!!##!5!#!-#z!0# !"!!##!4!#z!0#!-#!"!!"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?## !## !## !# # !## !#!# !#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!>##!>!##!5! :#y!0#!"### !(#"#$#4##:##!!#S#U#U!#!-#|!0#!"!!##!4#!# !#!#!#!#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!#z!0#!-#!"!!##!5"V#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?"#!?#!#!#!# !#!! #i#k#!#!-#z!0#!"!!##! JUMP <lu#1C]xSTR W (.7Xi#8HHot MilkMoon DumplingsStrawberry MilkSaladSandwichWhat I want to eat is... "%".It's delicious.What I want to eat is... "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?I'll try.No way.Wow, you did it. Thank you.Well, let me taste it...Thank you very much. It was very good.Well, thanks again.See you later.This is not what I ordered. What I want to eat is "%". But, is it too hard? Can you do it?That's too bad. You can try it some other time, okay?I'm looking forward to it. Good luck.RIFFCSCR CODE# #x"!##x"#!!@#.#0#D#"! N#"R! ##x"#!#"! ##@"##(!?!=##H"##(!?!=##@"##(!?!=##P#x##(!?!=##h#p##(!?!=##`"##(!?!=##!5#d!7###!###!#"#! #"! #! #"! !#r!0#!-#!"!!###!##!>#!>#!>#!>##!5 JUMP00<HTSTR  fUI'm in trouble... I mixed up all the different kinds of apples. Now I don't know which is which.Oh, well. Who cares. No one will know anyway.Let's clean up before anyone sees it......Ho-ho-ho-how long have you been standing there, !?Were you listening to me?I was joking. Of course I can tell which apple is which.I'll give you this, so don't tell anyone.Well... I have to clean up, so please go home.RIFFmSCR CODE@f### #!"!!"#!?!#!-#r!0#!"!!#!>##d"##(!?!=#!7#!>##d"##(!?!=!#!-#r!0####!"####!"#!"#!"!!#!>##x"##(!?!=#!7#!>##x"##(!?!=!#!-#r!0#E#G#X#!"#l#n##!"#!"#!"!!#!>#""##(!?!=#!7#!>#""##(!?!=!#!-#r!0### #!";#!###4#!";#!"#!"!!######## 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Welcome, welcome. You can play my game, like it or not. Get ready.The one on the left is:The Super Ultra Great Delicious Wonderful AppleThe Hyper Miracle Sweet Gorgeous Beautiful AppleThe Angel Eternal Pure Fresh Elegant Apple.The one in the middle is:The one on the right is:I will shuffle these apples, so tell me which one is which. Are you ready?So, which one is the Super Ultra Great Delicious Wonderful Apple?So, which one is the Hyper Miracle Sweet Gorgeous Beautiful Apple?So, which one is the Angel Eternal Pure Fresh Elegant Apple? LeftCenterRightCorrect.I will shuffle faster next time.Incorrect. You're not very good. Train harder if you want to challenge me.You're not just another farmer... I'll give you this for your accomplishment.But, you tried, so I'll give you this.I'll put away the apples, so wait for a second.RIFFSCR CODE  ##!##!#(#*#### !=#!9### !=#!9### !=#!9#!$!!###!#"!#"! #!7#"! #!7##!4!###!=### !=#!9### !=#!9### !=#!9# e#!$j#!$j#!$j#!$jj$#!7###2##!!#"! ##!5######!#"!#"! #!7#"! #!7##!4!###!=### !=#!9### !=#!9# #!$#!$#!$#!$$#!7###2##"!!#"! ##!5###!#"!#"! #!7#"! #!7##!4!###!=### !=#!9h#j####### ###### ## # !$# !$# !$# !$$j# e# !$j#!$j#!$j#!$jj$#!7###2##8!!#"! ##!5#####!## ## &#!$##M#@#B##\#^# #y#{#### #!$##M###!$##M###!$##M'#)#@#!$##M#!$##!!!#!-#r#t#### ### 3#s!0#!"!!#####!=##B##C##D##E$#-#/###!=##B##C##D##E##6##;##@$#####!=##6##;##@$##!=!Z![## !!#!-#s!0#!" #G#I##]#_#  #s!0####!"####!"!!#"F! ##j!#"!###) ##!=$ #Q!I) #P!I) #O!I) ) $#= #? #t ##!=o #R!It #S!It t $#"R! ## # # !#!-#t!0"!># # # #!" #!" #t!0#!"!!#! JUMP $Lt,L0<HTamy0<HTBMXcny     R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ STR TMF?81,(e*fM @@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@'' %@@&@@''' @@@@''%@@&@@'' %%%@@&&&@@''' %@@&@@''@@@@'' %@@&@@''' @@@@''%%@@&&@@''' %@@&@@' %%@@&&@@'''@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@%%%@@&&&@@''' %%%@@&&&@@''' %%%@@&&&@@'''%%%@@&&&@@ %%%@@&&&@@' %%%@@&&&@@%%%@@@@''' %%%@@&@@''' %%%@@@@'''@@&&&@@''' %@@&&&@@''' @@&&&@@'''@@@@ %@@&@@' @@@@Two of the same number. Congratulations. This is for you.Your rucksack is full. I can't give you anything. I don't know what's in your rucksack, but if it's full, you get nothing. If you want something, you need to keep a space in your rucksack.The numbers are in order. Congratulations. It's for you.All the same number. Congratulations. This is for you.However, you don't have a record player, do you, )? If you want to listen to it, you need one. I don't have one for sale, so you have to buy one from someone else.However, you don't have a record player, do you, !? If you want to listen to it, you need one. I don't have one for sale, so you have to buy one from someone else.All different numbers. Too bad. Good luck next time.RIFF=SCR CODE #!"!>## #j##!5##!!#!-#r!0#!"!!##!"#!? !@!#!-#r!0#!"!! !A!C##!;##<####!;##P####!;##<####!;######!;#"####!;##<####!;##d#### !;##P#### !;#"#### !;#"#### !;##P#### !;##x####!;##x####!;##P####!;##(####!;##2## ##!;##<## ##!;##P## ##!;##d## ##!;#"## ##!;#"^## ##!;##P## ##!;##d####!;#"####!;#"####!;#",####!;#"####!;#" ####!;##d## ##!;#"## ## !;#"## ##!!;#",## ##"!;#"## ###!;#" ## ##$!;#",####%!;#"####&!;#"####'!;#"X####(!;#"####)!;#"####*!;##2####+!;##2##,!;##2####-!;##2####.!;##F####/!;##d####0!;#"####1!;##d####2!;##d####3!;##n####4!;##x####5!;##d####6!;##x####7!;##d####8!;## ##9!;#"####:!;#8##;!;#"##!;#"##?!;#"##@!;##d##A!;##2##B!;##2##C!;####D!;####E!;####F!;##2##G!;##2##H!;#"##I!;##2##J!;##2##K!;##2##L!;#"##M!;#"##N!;##d##O!;#"##P!;#"##Q!;##d##R!;##x##S!;##x##T!;##x##U!;##x##V!;##d##W!;##d##X!;#"##Y!;#",##Z!;#",##[!;#"l##\!;#"##]!;#"##^!;##d##_!;##d##`!;#"##a!;##d##b!;#"##c!;#"##d!;#"##e!;#"##f!;#"##g!;#"##h!;#"##i!;#"##j!;#"##k!;#"##l!;##x##m!;#"##n!;#"##o!;#"##p!;##d##q!;#"##r!;#"##s!;#" ##t!;#"X##u!;#"##v!;##Z##w!;##P##x!;#"##y!;#"##z!;#"##{!;#"##|!;#"##}!;#",##~!;#"##!;##Z#"!;#"^#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;##x#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#",#"!;#"X#"!;#"|#"!;#",#"!;#",#"!;#"#"!;#",#"!;#",#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"^#"!;#"#"!;#"@#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;##2## #"!;##x## #"!;#"## #"!;#"#"!;#"X#"!;#",#"!;#"#"!;#"&#"!;#"#"!;#",#"!;#"$!D#"!;##x###"!;##K###"!;#"###"!;#"###"!;##e###"!;##d## #"!;#"## #"!;#"## #"!;#"X## #"!;#"## #"!;#"## #"!;#",###"!;#"###"!;#" ###"!;#"###"!;#"###"!;#"###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;##(#"!;##2#"!;##2#"!;##7#"!;##<#"!;#"'#"!;#"'#"!;#" N#"!;##d#"!;##P#"!;##K#"!;##F#"!;##D#"!;##A#"!;##>#"!;##<#"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;#" #"!;#" N#"!;#"0u#"!;##"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;#"!;#p#"!;#`#"!;##2#"!;#"'#"!;#"#"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;#P#"!;#"!;##"!;##"!;# #"!;#"!;#@B#"!;#"#"!;#",#"!;#",#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"X#"!;#"X#"!;#"#"!;# #"!;#5 #"!;#` #"!;#' #"!;# #"!;##"!;##"!;##"!;##"!;##"!;#@B#"!;##"!;#"p#"!;###"!;##"!;#"X#"!;#".#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;#"#"!;###"!;#P#"!;## #"!;###"!;#"!;#@B#"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;###"!;##$##$##########-#/#?##@B #Y#[#k## ####"'"' ####"" #####d#d ##### #### !=### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## $5#!>p#u## u## u## uu$:#!>## ### ## $:#!>L## Q## Q#Q## QQ$:#!>## ## ## #$:#!>##### :#!>###'## :#!>#B#D#[## :#!>#v#x### :#!>##### :#!>##### :#!>###+## ::$#!9!#!-#f#h##r!0" !" ####t!0" !" #s!0!A###!D#3## !A###!D#< # # !A#& #( #!D#?< #> # !A#T #V #!D#bj #l #  " !" 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Don't keep it in your rucksack.TurnipPotatoCucumberStrawberryCabbageTomatoCornOnionPumpkinPineappleEggplantCarrotSweet PotatoSpinachGreen PepperNormal EggGood Quality EggHigh Quality EggGolden EggPlatinum EggX EggSpa-Boiled EggMayonnaise SMayonnaise MMayonnaise LMayonnaise GMayonnaise PMayonnaise XMilk SMilk MMilk LMilk GMilk PMilk XCheese SCheese MCheese LCheese GCheese PCheese XApplseHoneyBamboo ShootWild GrapeMushroomPoisonous MushroomTruffleBlue GrassGreen GrassRed GrassYellow GrassOrange GrassPurple GrassIndigo GrassBlack GrassWhite GrassMystery FlowerBodigizerBodigizer XLTurbojoltTurbojolt XLWineGrape JuiceRice BallBreadOilFlourCurry PowderRice FlourChocolateRelax Tea LeavesSUGDW AppleHMSGB AppleAEPFE AppleBuckwheat FlourWild Grape JuiceSaladCurry RiceStewMiso SoupStir FryFried RiceSavory PancakeSandwichFruit JuiceVegetable JuiceMixed JuiceFruit LatteVegetable LatteMixed LatteStrawberry MilkStrawberry JamTomato JuicePickled TurnipFrench FriesPicklesKetchupPopcornCorn FlakesBaked CornPineapple JuicePumpkin PuddingPumpkin StewHappy EggplantSweet PotatoesBaked Sweet PotatoGreensJPN OmeletOmeletOmelet RiceBoiled EggHot MilkButterCheese CakeCheese FondueApple PieApple JamApple SouffleMushroom RiceBamboo RiceTruffle RiceSushiJam BunDinner RoleRaisin BreadGrape JamCurry BreadSashimiGrilled FishChirashi SushiPizzaNoodlesCurry NoodlesTempura Noodles Fried NoodlesBuckwheat NoodlesNoodles & TempuraBuckwheat ChipsCookiesChocolate CookiesTempuraIce CreamCakeChocolate CakeRelax TeaToastFrench ToastPuddingMountain StewMoon DumplingsRice CakeRoasted Rice CakeElli LeavesFailed DishFish SFish MFish LToasted Rice BallTempura RiceEgg BowlRice GruelPancakesFish SticksCandied PotatoCroquetteMoon Drop FlowerPink Cat FlowerBlue Magic RedRed Magic RedToy FlowerWool SWool MWool LWool GWool PWool XYarn SYarn MYarn LYarn GYarn PYarn XJunk OreCopperSilverGoldMystrileOrichalcAdamantiteMoon StoneSand RosePink DiamondAlexandriteMythic StoneDiamondEmeraldRubyTopazPeridotFluoriteAgateAmethystHarvest Goddess JewelKappa JewelJewel of TruthUnused ItemBraceletNecklaceEarringsBroochWeedStoneBranchHow to MakeFrench Fries.How to Make KetchupBallPirate TreasureFossil of FishEmpty CanBootFish BoneVan's FavoriteTV ChangerShopping MasterRiddle BookGift FromHarvest GoddessRecord 1Record 2Record 3Record 4Record 5Record 6Record 7Record 8Record 9Record10All About BGMNew RecordNext Number...All About LettersPerfumePictureAll About BooksInvitation from H.S.DressFacial PackLotionSun BlockLumberGolden LumberFodderChicken FeedR-P-S MasterQualificationDog DiskRick's WatchKai's L. CharmCliff's NecklaceGray's BroochDoctor's GoodiesYou can't sell that. I don't have time to joke around with you.I wouldn't pay 1G for something like that. Forget it.How about &G for a %'? What do you say?How about &G for a %? What do you say?SellDon't sellThank you for your business!You changed your mind? Don't regret it.RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFFSCR CODE#""^!##!#y#!?#""^#!!@G#"! Q#"R! #""#!#""#!##!5""#!!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#"! #"#! #! #"! #"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#Your mom's health seems better these days. Yes, lately she has been feeling better...I'm glad to hear it!Hi, Karen. Welcome. Hi. I just heard from Rick that you're health is improving. That's true. I'm glad. I hope you stay healthy forever!It's not my health, but I am worried about something these days...You mean Dad?Well, that too... But this is about you and Karen. Me and Karen?!I was wondering when you would get married...Mom...!!I've always known you two have liked each other. No sense hiding it now!.......Mom!OK, OK...I don't want to interfere with anything... I'll go home, now. Take your time, Karen.Sorry...I have no idea what my mom was talking about......I think I'll go home now.I'll go, too. RIFF SCR CODE#}#!?##!#""!#"#x#!!@F#"! P#"R! #""#!#"! ##!5!#H!0#!-#!"#I!0#!-#!"!!##!4!# ""!#""#!#"! #""#!#"#! #"#x#!#"( ! ##h"#!!k##h"#!#"k! #"("#!#"! #""#!#"! #!# ~###!#!# ###!#!# ###!# !# ### !#!# ###!!##!5#"!#<# !7#"!#<# !7##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!#"'! #"#!#! #"#! #"+! #"! #Z!7#"#! #"! #"'! #"#!#! #"#! ####p##!5""#!!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(f##!##!##!##!##!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!##!?"#!?"#!?" !8k"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!""@#!!!#!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!##!?kk$!##!5#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!##!? JUMP STR RVkHi there, !. Today is Karen and Rick's wedding!!  Come celebrate with us! OK!I've got work to do.Let's celebrate, then! To the young couple! Well, come by if you get a chance. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR IThis does feel kind of strange. After all, I've known Karen forever.But, I like being with her more than anybody. I guess I always knew this would  happen. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR 6Why is it so surprising how fast kids grow up?!...If only I would get better so that my darling could come home... If he were here with me everything would be OK...RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#F!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#C!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR , Karen...Karen's so pretty...RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#N!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#N!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR @Rick is really a great guy. I've always loved him, you know.He's the only man in the house with Popuri and his  mother. I think that's hard on him sometimes. He relaxes more when he's with me, I think. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#O!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#P!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR YHow long is Jeff going to keep crying like this? He's been this way since yesterday!Jeff cried when Karen said she was going to marry Rick as a child, too!... You'd think he'd be used to the idea by now...RIFFdSCR CODE##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(x##!##!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!!#!#!#!#!#!#!##!?"#!?"#!?" !8}"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!?}}$ JUMP O&STR (;SAre you done with work? Yes.Not yet.Let's celebrate! To the young couple!! Well, come join us if you have the time. RIFFSCR CODE#"#x!##!##"#!!@<#"! F#"R! #"#x#!#";! #"#x#!#"> ! ##!5###!##=#?##d!>#U#W# #m!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR What should I make...?RIFFSCR CODE#""!##!##"#!!@=#"! G#"R! ##d"#!#";! ##d"#!#"> ! ##h"#!#"! ##!5#"B ! #"?! #"#!#"#!#! #! #"> ! #";! ##=#?##d!>#U#W# #m!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR dDid you hear that?! Rick is such a pain!  He's always like that when I talk to Popuri!RIFFSCR CODE40#"#|!##!##"#!!@<#"! F#"R! #"#|#!#";! #""#!#"> ! ##!5!# !0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!# !0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!###!##=#?##d!>#U#W# #m!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR )I wonder if Popuri's serious?RIFFSCR CODE# #x#_!##!##x"#!!@;#"! E#"R! #""#!#";! #""#!#"> ! #"#`#!#"! #"#`#!#"k! #!# ####@#T#!#"! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!###!###!# ! ##!#"B ! ##x#!#! #"> ! ##!#"B ! #"#! #! #!#x"#!!!#"!#"!#"!"#!? STR 9R]z1Jl&MPopuri and I are thinking of moving to another town...Is this true?! Popuri!...It is.Really...? What'll I do...I tried to convince her to stay.Liar! I bet you were the one who wanted to leave!It's not Kai's fault. It really is my idea. I won't allow it!We're going no matter what!It's OK. I don't mind. ...M-mom! What are you saying?Really! Fantastic!If that's what they really want to do, then I don't want to stop them. But I have one condition: Kai, you must make sure Popuri is happy forever.Mom!...Wha... What is this all of a sudden?You don't have to answer now. Just think about it......I'll go home and think about it.RIFFSCR CODEPL##!!!!#!0#!-#Z!>#<#>##d!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>##!# /#!2#!"!!##!#! STR 7I can't believe my mom! I'm so against this!RIFFwSCR CODEHD##!!!!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR .........RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR ^Things will be busy for me around here. I only wish my husband would come back...RIFFSCR CODE"#!?##!#""!#"#x#!!@G#"! Q#"R! #""#!#";! ##!5!#!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"!!##!4!# ""!#""#!#"[! #""#!#"J ! #"#x#!#"( ! ##h"#!!k#""#!#"k! #"("#!#"! #""#!#"! #!# ###!#!# ###!#!# ###!#!# ###!# !# ### !!##!5#"!#<# !7#"!#<# !7##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!##J#!#!# `#b#n#!# !# ### !"!>###D##!5""#!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!# !0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#J!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!#I!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!!### !(:##!##!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-# !"!!##!4!# !"!!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8?"#!?!!!"!0#!-# !"!!##!""@#!!!#!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!"#!???$!##!5#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!"#!? JUMP STR  DUnu~(,E\pRick, thanks for not mentioning your objections to our marriage.Yes, thank you.Well, I still do ob-...Rick!Well...Just make Popuri happy, Kai.I'll do my best. I promise. Hey there, !! Today is Popuri and Kai's wedding day! Do you want to celebrate with us 'til morning?OK!I still have work to do.Let's celebrate then!To the new couple!Well, come join us if you have time. RIFF2SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#Z!>#`#b##d!>#x#z# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>#*#,# #!>#C#E# S#!2#!#i#k#|#!"#!"!!##!#! STR v5As her brother I'm not sure what to think of this.But...just as long as Popuri is happy, I guess...RIFF_SCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR s)This is the happiest day of my life! Everybody I love is here to celebrate my marriage to Kai. RIFF\SCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR p6I can't believe Popuri is actually getting married!I just wish Dad would come home for this...RIFFnSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#H!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#I!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR JI wouldn't tell Rick, but Popuri and Kai really are a great couple. You only live once! So follow your heart!RIFFdSCR CODE##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(z##!##!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!!#!#!#!#!#!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!"#!?$ JUMP O'STR (;SAre you done with work? Yes.Not yet.Let's celebrate! To the young couple!! Well, come join us if you have the time. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR Sorry for not inviting you today. I didn't want to make the wedding such a big deal. Thanks, though. Let's celebrate, tonight! Rick is my brother-in- law... That's not too bad, I guess. Life is good.RIFFSCR CODE #"#P!##!##("#!!@<#"! F#"R! #""#!#"! #"#@#!#"! ##!5#"!#!7##!###!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR ....................RIFF SCR CODE# ""!##!#""@#!!@>#"! H#"R! #""#!#"! #"#x#!#"! #"#x#!#"( ! #!# ###!#!# ###!#!# ###!# !# ##!# !#!# 7#9#E#!##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!"!!###!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR (What is Carter talking about?RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR /Ann can take care of him, I know it.RIFFSCR CODE#"#p!##!#""@#!!@=#"! G#"R! #"$#P#!#"! #";"#!#"! #";#P#!#"! ##!5!#V!0#!-#!"!!!#W!0#!-#!"!!!#V!0#!-#!"!!!#W!0#!-#!"!!#"!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR ^I'll be living here for from now on. Of course my room is one of the guest rooms.RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR 6Hey, !. Cliff just moved in at our place.RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!#X!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR 7Cliff is going to live here starting today.RIFFl SCR CODEpl#!#x#`!##!##x"#!!@;#"! E#"R! ##x"#!#"! #"#D#!#"! ##x"#!#"! ##!5#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#"! ##d#! #! #"! ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#"! ##D#! #! #"! ##!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #m!>#m#o# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR Ann...RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR +I wonder what Cliff will do...?RIFFSCR CODE"#!?##!#""!#"#x#!!@G#"! Q#"R! #""#!#"! ##!5!#W!0#!-#!"#X!0#!-#!"!!##!4!# ""!#""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"#x#!#"( ! ##h"#!!k# #h"#!# " ! ##H"#!#"! #""#!#"! #!# ~###!#!# ###!#!# ###!!##!5#"!#<# !7#"!#<# !7##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!#"! #"#!#! #"! #"! #"! #Z!7#"! #"! #"! #"#!#! #"! ##_#a#'##!5""#!!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(##!# #!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8""#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!#!#!!!#!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!"#!?""${!##!5#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!"#!? JUMP oSTR TXmHi there, !. Today is Cliff and Ann's wedding day!!  Come celebrate with us! OK!I've got work to do.Let's celebrate, then! To the young couple! Well, come by if you get a chance. RIFFqSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR @I still can't believe I'm marrying Ann! Dreams do come true!I'm going to stay here forever, now. I'm happy here. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#V!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#T!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR UI've been telling Ann to get married... But now that she did, I'm kind of sad! Still, it's not like she's going far away or anything! I'll be glad to have her stay around here. RIFF^SCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#]!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#]!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR r=I'm kind of embarrassed to be all dressed up like this!I'm sooooo happy! My dad must be, too.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR AI think of Cliff just like my own son.  I'm so glad for him. Ann is a great girl, so I'm happy, too. Doug sure is a good guy.RIFF:SCR CODE# !###$# !# !#:#<## #!!!!"!0# !-#!""!0# !-#!"!!# #!# !# #!!!!"!0# !-#!"!!# #!# ! STR 6iSeems like Cliff is going to settle down here for good. Of course, that means he can't marry Aja...Still, Cliff is like my own son already, so that means Ann will be like our own daughter! Still...I hope Aja comes back home soon... I thought she'd be homesick and return sooner.RIFFSSCR CODE##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(z##!# #!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!!#!#!#!#!# !#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!"#!?$ JUMP O'STR &>TAre you done working? Yes.Not yet.Let's celebrate then! To the young couple!Well, come when you can. RIFFSCR CODE#&#x#P!##!##x"#!!@;#"! E#"R! # #x"#!# "C! ##`#c#!#" ! ##x#L#!#" ! ##!5# "G! # "#! # ! # "C! # #!# "G! # #1#!# ! # "C! # #!# "G! # #L#! # ! # "C! # #!# "G! # #`#!# ! # "C! ##=#?##Z!>#U#W# #d!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR Mary's nice...RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR =What's wrong with Gray? He's been smiling nonstop!RIFF6SCR CODE##x#P!##!##x"#!!@;#"! E#"R! ##X#D#!#" ! # ""#!# "C! ##!5# "G! # #h#!# ! # "C! # #!# ##!##=#?##Z!>#U#W# #d!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR 3Mary's novel... I can't wait to read it!RIFFSCR CODEd`#""!##!# ""#!# "C! #""#!#" ! ##!5# "G! #" ! # "#! #"#! # ! #! # "C! #" ! #!7# #!##!##=#?##Z!>#U#W# #d!>#n#p# #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR +I just have to pass that test! RIFFSCR CODE0,"#!?##!#""!#"#x#!!@G#"! Q#"R! # ""#!# "C! ##!5!#h!0# !-#!"#h!0# !-#!"!!##!4!# ""!# ""#!# "g! #""#!#" ! #"#x#!#"( ! ##h"#!!k##h"#!#" ! # ""#!# "{! # "("#!# ";! #!# ###!#!# ###!#!# ###!#!# ###!# !# ### !#!# 3#5#A#!!##!5#"!#<# !7#"!#<# !7##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!# #!#" ! #"#!#! #" ! #" ! # "o! #Z!7#" ! # "g! #" ! #"#!#! #" ! ######!5""#!!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(##!##!# #!# #!# "!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!""@#!!!#!# "!# "!# "!#"!#"!#"!"#!?$!##!5# "!# "!# "!#"!#"!#"!"#!? JUMP 3STR qzHi there, !. Today is Mary and Gray's wedding day, you know!  Why don't you come to the party with us? Alright!I've got more work to do.Let's celebrate! To the young couple!! Well, come join us if you have the time. RIFFDSCR CODE# !###$# !# !#:#<## #!!!!#c!0# !-#!"!!# #!# !# #!!!!#d!0# !-#!"!!# #!# ! STR XSo Mary's that age already? Well, I guess it had to happen sometime...RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# !#:#<## #!!!!#m!0# !-#!"!!# #!# !# #!!!!#m!0# !-#!"!!# #!# ! STR \I'd never met anybody like Gray before.  He's so blunt and honest but in a good way... Inside he's so gentle, though.  I was so happy when he proposed to me! RIFFySCR CODE# !###$# !# !#:#<## #!!!!#n!0# !-#!"!!# #!# !# #!!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!# #!# ! STR 4And I thought Mary wasn't interested in boys yet!I'm glad she is, though. It's good to have other interests besides books!RIFFdSCR CODE##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(z##!##!# #!# #!# "!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!!# !# !# !#!#!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!"#!?$ JUMP O'STR (;SAre you done with work? Yes.Not yet.Let's celebrate! To the young couple!! Well, come join us if you have the time. RIFFzSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR TToday Mary and I are tying the knot!  You already know, huh? You're invited! If you have the time, come and attend! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR kIn my day, it was unthinkable for a boy to get married before he could  support a family on his own!Mary's a good girl. I won't have to worry about Gray if she's with him! RIFFySCR CODE<8#""!##!#""@#!!@>#"! H#"R! #""#!#"! #""#!#"8! ##!5!#|!0#!-#!"!!!##!0#!-#!"!!!#y!0#!-#!"!!###!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #d!>#m#o# #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR >I wonder if Elli is OK? She seems even worse now...RIFFxSCR CODEHD##!!!!#|!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR Hmmm......RIFFHSCR CODE ##x#`!##!##x"#!!@;#"! E#"R! ##p"#!#"! #""#!#"8! ##x#H#!#"! #"#p#!#"! ##!5#"<! #"! ##p#! #(!7##p#! #! #"8! #! #"! ##"! H#"R! #""#!#"! #""#!#"8! ##!5!#&!0#!-#!"!!!#}!0#!-#!"!!!##!0#!-#!"!!###!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #d!>#m#o# #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR 3Hmm... I guess I got a touch of the flu.RIFFSCR CODEHD##!!!!#~!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR .I wonder what he meant by that...? RIFF?SCR CODE#""N!##!##"#!!@=#"! G#"R! #""\#!#"! #""8#!#"8! #!####!#!####!##!5##!!#y!0#!-#!"!!##!!##!0#!-#!"!!!#y!0#!-#!"!!!#'!0#!-#!"!!!#y!0#!-#!"!!###!##<#>##Z!>#T#V# #d!>#m#o# #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # #!2#!"!!##!#! STR Hi...RIFF~SCR CODEHD##!!!!#~!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR ................RIFFSCR CODE"#!?##!#""!#"#x#!!@G#"! Q#"R! #""#!#"! ##!5!#y!0#!-#!"#z!0#!-#!"!!##!4!# ""!#""#!#"! #""#!#"D! #"#x#!#"( ! ##h"#!!k#"#x#!#"! #""#!#"! ##h"#!#" ! #!# ~###!#!# ###!#!# ###!# !# ### !#!# ###!!##!5#"!#<# !7#"!#<# !7##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!#"H! #"#!#! #"D! #"L! #"! #Z!7#"D! #"! #"H! #"#!#! #"D! ####g##!5""#!!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(]##!##!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8b"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!""@#!!!#!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!"#!?bb$!##!5#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!"#!? JUMP STR Z^sHi there, !. Today is Elli and the Doctor's wedding day!!  Come celebrate with us! OK!I've got work to do.Let's celebrate, then! To the young couple! Well, come by if you get a chance. RIFFQSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#)!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#)!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR e-I'm glad you made it. Now let's celebrate.Nothing will change here at the Clinic. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#?!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#@!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR Elli, you are such a beautiful bride...! You've only thought about me and Stu, but now you have to concentrate on your new family. Watching Elli get married has made me determined to live to see Stu married! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR I've always been in love with the Doctor...  But I didn't know how he felt about me...!  I almost gave up, but now I'm glad I didn't!I'm going to concentrate on my studies with him.  Maybe I can even cure Grandma's legs! RIFFHSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR XElli's so pretty! I bet he'll be surprised when he eats Elli's cooking!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!#!#:#<###!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#! STR bWe may not look like it, but the Doctor and I are the same age.  We used to play together...We used to say how we wanted to help the people of this town somehow. RIFFdSCR CODE##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(z##!##!##!##!#"!#"!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4!#!"!!#!!#!#!#!#!#!#!"#!?"#!?"#!?" !8"#!?!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#!"#!?$ JUMP O'STR (;SAre you done with work? Yes.Not yet.Let's celebrate! To the young couple!! Well, come join us if you have the time. RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFFzSCR CODE!#!$!! STR FHuge Stone Even a Level 5 hammer cannot break this rock! RIFFSCR CODE!#!$!! STR RLarge Stone Your hammer can't break it unless it's Level 2 or higher.RIFFSCR CODE!#!$!! STR MYour hammer can't break this stone unless it's Level 3 or higher.RIFF}SCR CODE!#!$!! STR IYour axe can't chop this stump unless it's Level 2 or higher.RIFFSSCR CODE!#!"!! STR The basket is full...RIFF<SCR CODE##!4!##!5 STR RIFFLSCR CODE,(#"! ##!6##!4##!5 STR RIFF SCR CODE84#!##d ##d #!!#A#C#T#!$#h#j##!9#!$####!9#!$#!9#!9#!$!!#"!#!$ !  #!$!!!!!F"n!>#5#7#!"'L#N# #c#e# "n#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"n#!?##!5"o!>###! ## ###%# "o#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"o#!?##!5"p!>###!@B## ### \"p#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!##!"p#!?##!5"q!>#s#u#!## ### "q#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!##!"q#!?##!5"r!>#3#5#!L#N# #c#e# "r#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!##!"r#!?##!5"s!>###!ʚ; ## ###%# "s#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!##!"s#!?##!5"t!>###! 1"t#!?##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0# !"!!#!##!"t#!?##!5 STR - 6Xz#{You caught a %.You caught a %. It's &cm big.You caught a %. It's &m big.You caught a %. It's &m'cm.It's a king fish!It's the maximum size for a %.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught 10,000 fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. Bye now.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught 100,000 fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. Bye now.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught 1,000,000 fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. Bye now.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught 10,000,000 fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. Bye now.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught 100,000,000 fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. Bye now.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught 1,000,000,000 fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. Bye now.Tadaaaaa-. You have now caught all kinds of fish! That's all. You don't get a prize or anything like that. 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Give it a nice name.A calf is born! Give it a nice name.A lamb is born! Give it a nice name.Welcome to my farm... I'll take care of you!RIFF SCR CODElh###!###!###!####!###!###!#####^#"G"!##!#"G"#!!k#"! #"G"#!#"( !  #"5"#!#"!    M#"["#!#"C ! ##!5#!7!"!0#!-!!!##!##!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# #}!>#{#}# #~!>### #!>### #!2#P!>####!"#!"!!##!##!#!7 _##!##!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!##!!## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !# # !# # !# # !# # !# # !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !## !"C!>#k#m##!# !"F!>####"# !### !#$# !#%# !#&# !#'# !#(# !#)# !#*# !#", !#", !#", !#", !#", !#", !#", !# ", !N!"!0#!-!!!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>#+#-# #m!>#D#F# #w!>#]#_# "{!>#w#y# "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!#!7 I!"!0#!-#!"!!!#!7##!4"!8 STR tmI thought you could do a better job than this! I believed in you... Just try harder from now on, okay!?The animals' lives depend on you! You've got to take better care of them than this!I know they have to die sometime... Still...sob...sniffle... I hate when it happens!Don't get too upset now. You did a good job taking care of it.RIFF4SCR CODExt!i":#### !>#2;#=#M#####Fg#i###!##!\#P### #!##!\# #!#*# !\!i@#'#g#S!##g#S#!E#"#p!#"#p#!E##"#p!#"#p#!E!*EE$#"!!k##!5x!#!"!!#!:!O### ##!;##!R##!Q#![#"!#2!7!#!"!!#!:!O# # # f##!;(#*#f!R##!Q#![#"!#2!7!#!"!!!j!l JUMP(1#'STR p8I overslept...The curse was lifted from the hammer!The curse was lifted from the sickle!RIFFSCR CODE#!####!#.#0# #!w!#!-#!I" Nq#s##!0#!"# !0#!"#!!0#!""!># !0#!"""!>#!?#!0#!"""!>#!?#!0#!"""!>#!?#"!0#!"""!>#!?# !0#!"""!>#!?#!0#!"""!>#!?#!0# !"""!>#!?#!0# !""#!?$!!#!w JUMPP+QwSTR 3 Rz&@I'll get today's shipment!You're shipping a lot today! Keep up the good work!What? You have nothing to ship today?Why don't you keep chickens? If you feed them everyday, they'll lay eggs.Why don't you keep cows? If you take good care of them, they'll grow up and produce milk.Why don't you keep sheep? If you take good care of them, they'll grow and give you wool.There are some ores from the mine that you can sell. Why don't you go dig some up?You can go to the lake mine in the winter. I heard there are gems in that one. Go dig some up.You can sell some items from the mountains and forests. Go look for them.Why don't you grow some crops? Seeds are sold at the Supermarket.Do you fish? Selling fish will make you money.RIFF@SCR CODE !!g##!"!8 STR RIFFLSCR CODE,(#"! ##!6##!4##!5 STR RIFFSCR CODEd`#!O![#"!!I#!"N#!"NN$!!#"! JUMP ,.8STR h*The curse has been lifted from the Axe!The curse has been lifted from the Fishing Rod!RIFF2SCR CODE11##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!>##!#H!>#c#e##J!>#{#}# #L!>### #N!>### #O!>### #P!>### #Q!>### #R!>### #S!>#*#,# #U!>#C#E# #W!>#\#^# #Y!>#u#w# #Z!>### #[!>### #\!>### #]!>### #_!>### #a!># # # #c!>#$#&# #d!>#=#?# #e!>#V#X# #f!>#o#q# #g!>### #i!>### #j!>### #l!>### #m!>### #n!>### #o!>## # #q!>#7#9# #r!>#P#R# #t!>#i#k# #v!>### #w!>### #x!>### #y!>### #z!>### #{!>### #|!>### #}!>#1#3# #~!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#4#6# "!>#N#P# "!>#h#j# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#8#:# "!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>## # "!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "!>#V#X# "!>#p#r# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#* #, # "!>#D #F # "!>#^ #` # "!>#x #z # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#. #0 # "!>#H #J # "!>#b #d # "!>#| #~ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#2 #4 # "!>#L #N # "!>#f #h # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#6 #8 # "!>#P #R # "!>#j #l # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># #" # "!>#: #< # "!>#T #V # "!>#n #p # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# " !>### " !>### " !>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### " !>#0#2# "!!>#J#L# ""!>#d#f# "#!>#~## "$!>### "%!>### "&!>### "'!>### "(!>### ")!>### "*!>#4#6# "+!>#N#P# ".!>#h#j# "/!>### "0!>### "2!>### "3!>### "4!>### "5!>### "6!>## # "7!>#8#:# "8!>#R#T# ":!>#l#n# ";!>### "<!>### "=!>### ">!>### "?!>### "@!>## # "A!>#"#$# "C!>#<#># "D!>#V#X# "E!>#p#r# "F!>### "G!>### "H!>### "I!>### "J!>### "K!># ## "M!>#&#(# "N!>#@#B# "P!>#Z#\# "Q!>#t#v# "R!>### "S!>### "V!>### "W!>### "X!>### "Y!>### "Z!>#*#,# "[!>#D#F# "]!>#^#`# "^!>#x#z# "`!>### "a!>### "b!>### "c!>### "d!>### "e!>### "f!>#.#0# "g!>#H#J# "h!>#b#d# "i!>#|#~# "j!>### "k!>### "l!>### "m!>### "n!>### "o!>### "p!>#2#4# "q!>#L#N# "r!>#f#h# "s!>### "t!>### "u!>### "v!>### "w!>### "x!>### "y!>### "z!>#6#8# "{!>#P#R# "|!>#j#l# "}!>### "~!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># #"# "!>#:#<# "!>#T#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# "!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#4#6# "!>#N#P# "!>#h#j# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!># # # "!>#8 #: # "!>#R #T # "!>#l #n # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#!# !# "!>#"!#$!# "!>#!# "!>#V!#X!# " !>#p!#r!# " !>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!>#!#!# "!># "#"# "!>#&"#("# " !>#@"#B"# " !>#Z"#\"# "!>#t"#v"# "!#!"!! 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I live at the Poultry Farm with my mom and my sister, Popuri. Nice to meet you.Wow, thank you, ). You remembered my birthday!Wow! You knew today is my birthday? Thank you very much!Thank you. It's my most favorite. You're very nice. What is your favorite food?Thank you. I love eggs. I guess it's not hard figure out, huh? I especially love this.Hey, thanks! ), you know what I like. I'm glad you're my wife. Hey, thanks! You're so nice to give me this, !.Thanks, ). You haven't changed even after we get married. Thank you very much.Hey, for me? That's nice. Thank you.Oh, is it for me? Thank you.Mmmm, ). I accept it because it's from you, but... I don't really like it.Mmm... Thanks...Wow! I hate that! What are you trying to do, )?Waaahhhh! Is it for me? What are you trying to do?So cute! Don't you think so, )?Wow, how cute.), don't take him to the Poultry Farm. Animals scare the Chickens, so we try not to let them in the chicken coop. Hey, that's pretty. I think my mom would love it.That's pretty. My mom might like it, but not for me.Is that yours? I can't use that, so maybe for my mom?Ah... Is it for me? You're kidding. My mom might like it.I'm not the type of guy to wear that. You didn't know?I don't wear things like that. Please remember that.Thanks, )... But today is the day guys give girls gifts...Thank you... But today is the day guys give girls gifts...Oh? Today is the Winter Thanksgiving...?You still give me a gift after we got married. Thanks, ).Wow! Thanks! I didn't give you anything last year...Huh? Oh, you remembered I gave you a gift for the Spring Thanksgiving?Ah... Can we go to your place? I'll be embarrassed if someone sees us. Let's go.Marriage, huh? That's great! The farm should become even more fun, then!...Sorry. I'm happy to know that you like me... But I only think of you as a friend.I heard a rumor that the + Farm has lots of animals. Good luck, ).I heard a rumor that the + Farm has lots of animals. !, did you know tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival? We're having a party at our house. Join us.OK!No thanks.Really? Good. We'll be waiting for you at 6PM.Okay... That's too bad. You must be very busy...We'll celebrate the Starry Night Festival tomorrow, so come home by 6PM.Our baby is in your body. I can't believe it... Take good care of your body for our baby, okay?How is your morning sickness? I don't know what it's like, I'm here for you.Do you feel better now? Our baby is growing. Is it moving?Let me know when the baby moves. Do you think it's a boy or a girl? Baby )?How are you feeling? Are you nauseous?I heard it's good to exercise. I can't wait until the baby is born!Tomorrow is the due date. The doctor will come to our place, so don't worry.I'll be at here tomorrow. Go to bed early tonight, okay?......zzz, huh? I'm so sleepy...Phew... She cries all night. I get no sleep. How are you?Doesn't she have my eyes? See? All together I think she looks like me.I can't take my eyes off of her. She's getting big.She's so cute. It's exciting to see her growWhat is she going to do tomorrow? I keep thinking about her all day.), how are you feeling?We can't take my eyes off of her. Are you tired? Take a break. I'll watch her.Kids grow up so quickly, don't you think? Look at her. I wonder what she'll grow up to be? It's exciting!Oh, but girls always revel against their fathers... I hope that day will never come...I don't feel like talking today.Please leave me alone.Good morning, ). Are you busy lately?I guess you're very busy lately...We haven't spent time together lately. Is it just me?I wish we could spend more time together... Good morning. Did you sleep well? How are you doing?I'm sort of worried about you lately...How are you doing? I think you're working too hard.Don't work too late. You have to rest well.Good morning, ). Why don't you come to see me at the Poultry Farm?), are you okay by yourself? Tell me if you need meHow was your day? It's important to talk. You know what I meanDon't worry. We'll be together forever.Good morning, ) I think something good is going to happen today.We're so compatible. I'm happy I married you How are you doing? Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.You look very happy when you are working on your farm.Hey, ). Shopping? Don't work too hard. You have to take care of your body for our baby.What? I sound like a father? Really? Cool.Hey, ). What's the matter?I thought something happened to *. Phew. I miss her very much. I wonder what she's doing right now?...Ah, hey, ).Can you leave me alone? I'm busy at the moment.Hey, ). What's up?Nothing? Then can you leave me alone?Hi. What's up? Did you come to see the chickens?Came to see me? Okay. Everything is fine here.Hey, ). How is the farm?It's good to work close from home. When something happens, I'm there.Hey, ). Came to see me? How is your day going?It feels funny to see you at work now. I wonder why?Hey, what's up? Everyone is fine here. My mom always wanted Karen to marry me so that she'd be a part of our family.Hey, how are you? We're all doing very well here.It's good to be married. Karen is very helpful at the farm too.Come to the Store later on. All our Chickens lay delicious eggs!Do you know Karen, the girl who works at the Supermarket? She's very nice.Do you have any idea how much work it is feeding all these Chickens everyday?It'll get easier once my dad gets back, though...Karen and I are best friends. We have been ever since we were kids. Things were fun back then, when we could play all day with no chores!Recently, I've begun to realize how important Karen is to me...But, don't tell her I said that! I'd be so embarrassed!Lately, though, Karen seems awful quiet...But she won't tell me why.Karen's the only one who really understands me,  you know. All Popuri does is tell me to shut up!Hi, !. How is it going?We're getting married I can't wait to see you in a wedding gown.  I'm so excited.Hey. The chickens are doing very well. How is the farm?It takes a lot of energy to create something from scratch.Hi, how are you? How's farming?Let me know if you need any help.Hello, !. We make the chicken feed at the waterwheel. You have one on your farm too.Every chicken looks different, you know?What? They all look the same? You don't understand...It's a lot of work to care for animals, you know what I mean?But each one is different, and I don't get tired of watching them everyday.Hi, !... How is your farm?I can't believe you work on the farm on your own. That's a lot of work.Hi, !. How are you?I really think you're inspiring.  You're the first person I felt this way.Lately I feel lonely without Karen...Karen is an only child, so I think Jeff is very lonely... Sasha comes over a lot, though.It's getting dark, isn't it?Hey, !. My mom asked me to do some shopping. I need a break once in a while from work. I'm still young, you know?Hey, ). Shopping? Don't work too hard. Your health is important for our baby.I sound like a father? Really? Cool.Hi, ). What's the matter?I thought something happened to *. Phew... I miss her very much. I wonder what she's doing right now?...Hey, what's up? I'm kind of busy now.Can you leave me alone? I'm working right now.Hi, ). What's up?Nothing? Can you go home now then? I'm busy.ŋ߁AJ݂̑ڂɂ đ傫̂āA Ct񂾁BȂƁA͂J ɂ̓iCVɂĂ BȂA߂JƂ 񂾂B܂ڂɐ ȂȂĂBڂ̎A{ɕĂ ̂̓JȂ񂾁B |v́A‚ڂɌ āu邳A邳vȂ BThat guy Kai... I hate him! He always comes to bug my sis in Summer!I can't believe Popuri likes that guy!... She doesn't know how dangerous he is!Popuri comes back in the summertime. That's why I always look forward to Summer!|vAĂāAꂳ ꂵB ̂܂܁AƂĂ 񂾂ǂˁBPopuri seems so happy. She sends letters once a week, and visits during the Summer!But, she only writes about Kai, and he comes with her in the summer... She doesn't care about me any more, it seems...I like everyone in the village...except Kai. He comes to the village every summer just to have fun, and causes lots of  trouble. Someday...Mom and Popuri don't dislike him the way I do. He has a way with women, I guess.Yo, what's up? Came to hang out?I still feel at home when I come here. I appreciate my family more than ever. Pretty bad weather today, eh?Some days, the Chickens seem to be so easy to care for! I wonder what puts  them in such a good mood?Strange seeing you around at this hour!Why don't you go home and rest? You're running your farm all by yourself.  If you get sick, no one will take care of it.Yo, ). Nice weather, huh?Why don't you take a break and enjoy the sun? Hey, I feel good today.The supermarket is closed today, so I don't have to run errands.Hay, ). Are you done working? Do you want to join me?I love to spend time with you like this.Done with all your work?At the end of the day, I am grateful to be able to work hard.Oh? You came to ask about the tools? I'm looking for a new one.He's the best blacksmith in the world. We have to appreciate his work.We always tell Saibara how our Tools are doing on Tuesdays.You run a farm, too, so you must see Saibara a lot, right?RIFF6SCR CODE@<#";! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"\!8$!#!-#!####!0#!"#!*!@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# "!!>#G#I# "!>#b#d#"(!>#{#}# ##[!AV!C###############!>####!>## # "!>#8#:# K##Q###!>#l#n##!>### "!>### #####!>####!>### "!>### ##x#!>#-#/##!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# r##x##$[!D############## ## ## $[##[#C!>#)#+#;##A##[##[[$#o#q#N ###### ### ### #!~ # !0#!"# ### ## #!~ "!>#B#D#"!>#[#]# v#!0#!"# !0#!"# !0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"# !0#!"# !0# !"#!0# !"# !0# !""!>#B#D#"!>#[#]# v#!0# !"#!0# !""!>###"!>### #!0# !"#!0#!""!>###"!>### 2#!0#!"@#!0#!"#!>#[#]##!0#!"!!"#!?#!0#!"!!"#!?$#!###mc## h## h##h##h##h## h##h##h## h## h## h##hh$  ## ## ## ## ## ##  ## ## ## ## ## ##  $#!~ ##!B6 ## #!#!!!#g #i ##} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #  # # #  # # #  # # #5 #7 # B !F#!*!] !Oz # !0#!"  $*#!># # ##!># # # #P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!>#. #0 # "!>#H #J # "!>#b #d # "{!>#| #~ # "!># # #"!># # # #!" # # "!># # # "!># # #  #!0#!"###!( #!0#!"!!"#!?"#!? # !0#!"!!"#!?  $*#!"!># # #"!># # # #!># # #- #!# # # #!0#!"( #!0#!"#!>#C #E # #!#` #b #z # !0#!" #!0#!"#!# # ##!# # # #!# # # #!0#!"#!0#!"#!####!#24#6# #!#R#T#l#!0#!"z#!0# !"#!#2###!#K## #!####!0#!!"# !0#"!"#!#K###!#d&#(# q#!#D#F#^#!0##!"l# !0#$!"#!#d###!"## #!####!0#%!"#!0#&!"#!"###!"## m#!#9#;#Z#!0#!0#'!"h# !0#(!"#!"###!####!0#)!"# !0#*!"#}!>####~!>### #!>### `#!#3#5#M#!0#+!"[#!0#,!"#P!>#v#x#/"!>####!####!0#-!"#!0#.!"# !0#/!"*#!#### !0#0!"*#!0#1!"#P!>#E#G##Z!>#]#_# #d!>#v#x# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### R#!####!#d,#.# w#!#J#L#d#!0#2!"r#!0#3!"M#!#d###!"## #!####!0#4!"#!0#5!"M#!"# #M#!#%#'#?#!0#6!"M#!0#7!"#!#h#j##!#d## #!####!0#8!"# !0#9!"#!#d###!"## E#!###2# !0#:!"@# !0#;!"#!"\#^##!"u#w# #!####!0#!"6#!0#?!"#!"R#T##!"k#m# #!#### !0#@!"# !0#A!"#!"###!"## 1#!#### !0#B!",# !0#C!"#!"H#J##!#e#g## !0#D!"# !0#E!"##!####!0#F!"#!0#G!"##!#### !0#H!"#!0#I!"##!#.#0#H#!0#J!"V# !0#K!"#"!>#r#t#"!>### #!####!0#L!"#!0#M!"#!####!0#N!"# !0#O!"##$ #!!!#! JUMP (8 X h j      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEVFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Vj      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghiF  +  E & 2 = HS w   Kb , X [  STR P>j?Sgs L%`7Hc(^-{E]$q*  `  4 [  1 e  B 1]SHello, my name is Popuri. What's your's? Nice to meet you!Thank you so much! What a great birthday!I'm so happy! What a great birthday! I'm so lucky ot have been born in Summer!Really? A birthday present for me?  If I told my mom about this, she's be so surprised!I just love it! Thank you so much!Thanks! I love it!Thank you so much!Thank you!I don't like this!Who would want this!?...So cuuuute!!No, I'm scared!This is for me!? Thank you so much! I love it! You're the best, )!This is for me?!... Awesome!...I feel so... ...like a woman!This is for me?! Thanks! I can't wait to show it to Mom!Kai gave me that perfume a while ago. I have too many perfumes, it's not even funny.You're giving this Perfume to me? Really?... Thank you so much!Thank you... It's not what you got from someone, is it?Thank you, !. It's very nice of you. You're sweet, but you should really give this to someone you want to marry.Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival, right? Why don't you come over to my house...?Sounds like fun.Sorry, I have other plans.Great! I'll make you the best dinner ever!I guess you're too busy...Oh well...Hi, !. The Poultry Farm is closed today. Sorry.Me? No, my mom never even lets me touch the store money!Rain...? It doesn't rain this much where I live...Nothing to do but relax, I suppose. Kai must be off today, too...Ah, !. How are you today?I only get to come in the Summer, so I miss the people here!You look like you're busy as ever, !.It's like it's always Summer where I live with Kai. Do I look tan to you?Howdy, !! How are you faring?Sometimes I want to come back here in the Spring or the Fall... Even Winter! If I leave Kai alone, though, pretty soon the other girls will be all over him!How is your farm, !?I wish I were still surrounded by animals like you are, !.Hi, !. I hear you're doing a good job on your farm.I used to always want to leave this town... But now I appreciate it more.You seem more grown up every year, !. I guess that's natural, though...I try to make Kai stay with us at the house, but he insists on staying at the inn! I wonder why...?Hi, !. I wish I could come here for more than just  Summers, sometimes!I always hope my dad will be back this time when I come back, but he  never is...Karen helps me out a lot. She's very nice. My brother changes in front of Karen. He's not as nice to me!Hi, !. How is *? Is she getting big?Can I ask you something? I don't want * to call me hAuntieh.I'm too young to be an auntie. Promise?My brother doesn't annoy you? I'm just worried about you, !.You're amazing. You can control my brother.Hi, !. How are you doing?Say hi to your husband. Still toiling away at the farm, !?What are you doing here?  I think your husband is waiting for you.How is farm life treating you, !?You seem like a very caring wife to your husband. You're so nice....Hello!Did you need something?Are you having fun on your farm? I'm so bored...Don't tell anyone, though!You're much nicer than my brother, you know that?My brother is so attached to me! Can you believe it?What is it like where you live, !?I want to visit lots of different places!I'm so impressed you're managing your farm all by yourself!My brother likes you, and so do I!What do you think of me...?Everyone thinks I'm still a kid... Do you think so, too?You had better treat me like an adult, !!I used to like good looking guys, but... I'm starting to like quiet and intelligent guys. I hope I'll find my soul mate soon...I always relax more in my own room...I'm getting sleepy...What do you think Churches are for? Whenever I ask Carter, he won't give me a straight answer!This church was built when I was just a kid. My brother used to take me here all the time. My Mom minds the store, and my brother looks after the Chickens. My father trusts my brother so much! He wouldn't teach ME anything, though.I love the ocean. Mineral Beach is the best place of all!Kai's father owns restaurants in lots of towns. I had no idea!I love Summer! The beach during Summer is my favorite!Have you ever eaten at the Beach House? They have things there you can't find in town.RIFFn#SCR CODE #"k! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#!0#!"#! !@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!!>### "!># # #"!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "%!>#V#X# "&!>#p#r# ##!A!C################$!Dl##q##q##q##q##q##q## q## q## qq$######$######### ### #!~  #!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0# !"#!0# !"#!0# !"$#!## ### ######## ###### ## ##$########## ##########$#!~0##!BL## #!"!>#o#q#### #!#d## ###### ### #!0# !"!!"#!?!!#!####7#9# #N#P# #e#g# #|#~# # ## # ## # ## !F#! !]!O#!0# !"  $ #!"'#)#"!>#@#B# #!z#Y#[# "E!>#s#u# #!"##"!>### #!z### #!0#!"#!|#!0#!"#!0#!"!!"E#!? #! #!#8#:#R#!0#!"`#!0#!" #!>#{#}##!####!0#!"#!0#!"$ #P!>### "!>###C #!# # #0 #!0#!"> #!0#!" #!#Y #[ #s #!0#!" #!0#!"$ #!#d # # #!# # # #!0#!" #!0#!"$ #!# # # #!0#!"$ #!0#!" #!0#!" #P!>#R #T # "!>#p #r # #!# # # #!0#!" #!0#!" #!# # # #!0# !" #!0#!!" #!#d # #] #!#0 #2 #J #!0#"!"X #!0##!" #!#s #u # #!0#$!" #!0#%!"  $#!!!#! JUMPT   `        !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j     %%%%%%%%%%% !%"%#%$%;&;';()*+,F-F.F/F0010203%4%5%60708090:0;;<;=;>;?;@;A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V\W;X;Y;ZQ[Q\Q]Q^_0`%a%b;c;d;e;f;g;h;i;v *=Pcv    $/:FR] i t     K) ) e "< STR . &O[{W ;`)li  . ^  P Hi, I haven't seen you around here before! Ah...I know, you're !, right? Thomas mentioned you. I'm Lillia. Very nice to meet you!Today is my birthday, you know.  Thank you so much! How old do I look...?Oh...Thank you so much! My husband used to bring me this...Thank you! I wish Rick knew what I liked, too...Thank you!You've got to be kidding...!............... Ewww!!! That's gross! Get it away from me!...How cute! Hi sweetie!Don't bring that close to me!What? Is it really for me? I haven't received something like this in a long time. Thank you.This is for me...? Thanks...I'm flattered...Once, my husband went to town to get me some Perfume for my birthday, but he  didn't come back until the birthday after that!While I'm thinking of it, let me tell you the recipe for Scrambled Eggs. It's easy. All you do is put Oil in a Frying Pan, then put in the Eggs. That's it! But, it won't taste very good like that.  Use a Whisk to fluff up the Eggs, or add Butter and Mayonnaise. Kids love it that way. Some people say you should only have one Egg per day, but I say eat  all you want!Ah, a Blue Feather... My husband went off to look for one for me, but then didn't come back for a  long time!My husband wrote to me the other day, right? He sent me another one. In his letter, he said he'll write to me more often. I wonder where he is? Huh...I heard there is a small dog called Chihuahua in Forget-Me-Not Valley. I would like to take a look at it. Chihuahua... It just sounds so cute.Oh, I'm sorry. When I'm taking a rest, the store has to be closed. My children are not home all the time, so only I can mind the store.I can't take care of the Chickens, so I at least have to look after  the store!The store is closed today, since I have to go to the Clinic.If you came to buy Chicken Feed, I suggest you make it yourself. There's a Mill at your farm, right? You can make Feed in that.How is *? She must be getting big. Bring her over next time.Sasha says I don't look or act like a grandma. Do you think so?How is Rick? He's taken care of me since he was little.He seems very happy and relaxed when he's with you. You make him happy.I haven't been feeling very well recently, so I haven't been outside.  That's why I haven't seen you much lately.My husband left to find herbs to heal me. I wish he'd just stayed home, though...When we went on a honeymoon, my husband brought back two Chickens as souvenirs.Those Chickens laid so many eggs for us, we ended up with more Chickens than we knew what to do with! That's why we started a Poultry Farm.The fresh air outside feels good, doesn't it?Hello. How are you? How is *? Since * was born, I feel better and stronger.Hi, !. How is Rick? Are you two doing well?How is my condition? I can live a normal life just fine.Ah, !. How are you today?Medicine can be so expensive...! The Doctor always tells me I can pay later, but still...It would be nice to do something fun for a change...If I am reborn, I hope I become someone as healthy as you, !!RIFF#SCR CODE #/!>###,##"w! 6##"s! ###!###!!!!##!-!@u###/!>###!A!C############$!Di##n##n##n##n##n##n## n## n## nn$######$#/!>###!A!C## ## ## ## ## ##  $!D############## ## ## $######$###1 #/!>###^####.#0# #E#G# ##!~ h#!0#!"'"#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0#!"'#!0# !"''$##!#=#?### ######## ###### ## ##$YT##Y##Y##Y##Y## Y##Y##Y## Y## Y##YY$% #/!>#t#v#% #.!>"######## ### ##!~ #!0#!"#!0# !"#!0# !"#!0# !"#!0# !"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"$ ###### ### ##!~ 8#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"$ ##!# #### ######## ##########$ %  ##% ##% ##% ##% ## % ##% ##% ##% ##% ##% % $ ##!~7 ##!BS ## ##!!!#x #z ## # # # # # # # # # # # #  # # #  # # #  # # % !F##! ##! #.!>#<S #U ##/!>#k #m #  ##!#d # # ##!# # # #!0#!" #!0#!" ##!#d # ###!" # # M ##!# #" #: #!0#!"H #!0#!" ##!#c #e #} #!0#!" #!0#!" #.!>" # # ##!# # # #!0#!" #!0# !" #.!>" # ##.!>"! ## # l ##!#? #A #Y #!0#!!"g #!0#"!" ##!# # # #!0##!" #!0#$!"  $ ##!!!##! 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Tha-way, tha-way!Gooo....Goo, good?Boo...baa....boo...Geeba!Da?...Da...boo...Maa....ma....Shaa...da...Mama...Mooning!Maa... Nigh-nigh.Mama...wooff...look!Mama...wooff....RIFF9SCR CODETT#"! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"!8$!#!-#!####!0#P!>####Z!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# "!>### #!2#!"#!0#!"#!T!@"!>###"(!>### "!>###"!>#-#/# "0!>#G#I# "!>#b#d# u##!A!Ch##m##m##m##m##m##m##m#!>####!>### "!>## # 1##7##m#!>#R#T##!>#j#l# "!>### ####m#!>####!>### "!>### ##^#!>####!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# X##^##mm$!D############ ## ## ## $######$#P!>#/#1##Z!>#G#I# #m!>#`#b# #w!>#y#{# "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>###  #!2##!##:#<##P#R# #g#i# #~## #!~ #!0#d!>####!"#!"  #!0#d!>####!" #!" #!0#d!>#-#/#@#!"G#!" #!0#d!>#i#k#|#!"# !" #!0#d!>#### !"# !" #!0#d!>#### !"# !" #!0#d!>###0#!"7#!" #!0#d!>#Y#[#l#!"s#!" #!0#d!>####!"#!" #!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!"#!0#!" #!0#d!># # #! #!"( #!" #!0#d!>#J #L #] #!"d #!" #!0#d!># # # #!" #!" #!># # ##!># # # & #!0#d!># # # #!" #!"!!"#!? 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I appreciate it.For me? Thanks, ). I love you.I like this. Thank you, !. Thanks!Thank you, !. Why are you trying to give me things like that? I don't understand you, ).What do you want me to do with it?If you have something to say, just say it. Giving me stuff like that isn't going to help.What is it? !, you hate me or something?Hey, you like this too, )?I love animals. There was a mountain where I used to live with lots of bugs and animals.Aaagggghhhhh! That's not my thing! Aren't you scared?Waaahhhhh! Go away!!? Where did you find this? Ah, right... You went to Ann to tell her about me... They are my mother and sister in the picture... I left my mother and sister because I hated my hometown... When I went back, my mother had passed away and my sister was missing. This town reminds of my hometown... I'm sorry! Was it too depressing...? Thanks for the picture.That's a good looking jewelry... For me? Ah, thanks! But it's not like I can wear it...Wow, that's pretty. You are giving it to me? I won't use it... But, thanks!It'll be a waste if I have it... But, thanks anyway. Are you sure you are not going to want it back?For me? Thank you. It might come in handy someday.Ah... Smells good, I guess. Is it for me? Thanks. Are you sure you're not going to use it?Hmmm. Is it for me? Will I look good with it? Thanks.Thanks, ). But it's my turn to give you something... I think you got the seasons wrong.Thank you... I thought today is the day guys give gifts... Ah... No?Ah... Well... Mmmm... Thanks...Thank you. You made it for me?What is it? The Winter Thanksgiving? Thank you. I don't think I gave you anything last year...Thank you. Ha ha, I'm embarrassed....Well, let's go to your place... Come on...Blue Feather! It's used in my hometown for marriage proposals, too....I...I'm happy to know you like me...but... ...Sorry.What's up?There is a job...Nothing.A part-time job at the winery? Well, I'm running out of money, so...Okay, I'll go there tomorrow.Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival. I was wondering if you want to celebrate it with me... Can we do it at your place?OK!No thanks.Good. I'll be waiting for you at the cellar at 6PM.Good. I'll be waiting for you at the Inn at 6PM....Okay. If you have something else to do...Hey, ). Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival, so come home at 6PM, okay?We're going to be a family...I was very surprised when I heard you're pregnant, but it's so exciting.I'll be a father, and you'll be a mother... We'll be a happy family.How are you feeling? What is it like to have a baby in your body? I'll never know...The baby is getting bigger. How is your back? If you need help, you tell me, okay? Come on, take a break.What? The baby moved? Let me feel it! It's almost there.I guess the baby will be here tomorrow. I'll have the doctor come here for you.Why don't you take a rest?* is so tiny that I'm afraid to hold her.Raising a child is hard. I get worried just by holding her. I have much to learn.* gets bigger everyday. She's amazing.Now that I have a child, I understand what my parents must have felt about me.* is becoming very active.She's adorable whatever she does. This is what it is like to be a father.* can stand up very well now. I can't believe we used to be like that.* is simply amazing. She brings excitement to our lives.* is learning to speak. I want to talk to her, but I don't understand.You must understand her more than I do. I'm jealous.......... We don't talk anymore.You don't think so? I can't believe you're that kind of person!...Good morning.Are you busy again? We don't spend time together anymore.You're home. Are you done working?I didn't mean to be mean...Good morning, ). How is the work?I'm doing very well. Come to visit me at the winery some time.Work is not always fun.  You must know what I mean, don't you?Every time I see you working, you make me feel I have much to learn. You're inspiring.Good morning. How is work? Be careful.Some farm work could be dangerous, right? Are you okay?Hi, ). Do you have to work late all the time.Don't work too hard.  I'm just worried about your body.Good morning, ) How are you this morning? I feel great.It's nice to see you every morning when I wake up. Ha ha, was it cheesy?I can really be myself when I'm with you.There is nothing like having a happy family. Don't you agree?)! You shouldn't run around too much!I'm happy to see you here, but you should take it easy, okay?Hey, ). You came here to see me? How is *?I keep thinking about * at work. I wonder if she's sleeping or eating lunch or maybe crying.What is it?Nothing? Can you leave me alone then?Hey, ). What's up?What's up with me? Nothing. I'm just thinking about something.Hey, ). Running errands? It feels funny to see you outside.The work is good. Go chat with Manna sometimes. She wants to have a "wife talk" with you.Hi, ). What are you doing here?You came to see me? Oh, cool. You made my day!Hey, ). What's up? What are you doing here?You were wondering what time I'm coming home? As soon as I get off work.Ann always brings me some food. I look forward to it everyday.I'll work hard! I have to work for my own future!Ann always brings me some snacks. They're delicious!I'll work hard! I'm determined to work for my future!Hi, !. I like working at the winery.Manna and Duke are such nice people. I'm grateful to Ann. Really. She was nice to me from the moment I met her...I used to think Ann is like my sister, but I don't think so now.Hi, !. What's up?I can't believe we're really getting married. I'm going to see you in a wedding gown... You'll be very beautiful. I'm so excited.Hi, !.I'm looking for a direction in my life. It's very difficult.Hey, !. How is the farm?I'm doing the same. This town is so peaceful that I forget about time.I go to see Mr. Carter almost everyday.Mr. Carter is funny. He seems to be a hard worker, but I don't think he works that hard.You're very inspiring. I'm happy you came to this town.This is my most favorite town of all.!, you're very tough. You're inspiring.Hey, !. How are you doing?I was wondering how you have been doing at your farm lately.!! How is your farm? Is everything going well?I'm trying to work as hard as you do.I'm thinking about how to live my life here... I'll stay at the Inn as long as I can afford it. Why do I keep staying at the guest room? I kind of like it there. I asked Doug to let me.Ann and I are doing great. Ann is always worried about me, though.Ann is a good girl. She's very nice to me.Her smile reminds me of someone I used to know...Ann reminds me of my sister. Her smile...ăÍc ɎĂ񂾁B ̏Ί͂肾BHey, what do you think if I told you that I'll be here at the Inn forever?I just like this town, that's all... There is no special meaning...Hi, !. What are you doing here?Since * was born, I've realized why I was born.  I was born to be with you and *.I'm grateful for everyone in this town, especially you, )!Mr. Carter's been nice since I first came here.I come here to remind myself of how lucky I am.I'd wondered the meaning of my life until I met you, !.I used to come here to accuse me of my wrong doing. But now I come here to appreciate how lucky I am.I'm grateful to everyone in this town... I met Ann... I met you... Life is beautiful..........Hi, !. I'm running out of money, so I might have to leave this town soon...I'm doing well at the winery. Thanks to you.Mr. Carter told me that I was meant to stay in this town. That's why I got the job.I couldn't find a job here, so I decided to leave this town. Thanks for everything....I...... Can I be... Am I...), are you okay? It's cold here.I'm happy to see you, but don't catch a cold.Hey, ). How is *? Is she getting big?It's cool and cozy here, isn't it? I heard the temperature is important for the wine to mature well.......... ......... .........I'm busy right now...Hello.Is it urgent? If it isn't, please go home.Hello. Oh, ). What's up?You like to come here too? Isn't it comfy here? I love it.Hello, ). Came to see me? It's good to see you, but I'm working, so...Hi, ). Take your time.Working at the winery is very fulfilling. You inspire me to work hard.Hey! The wine cellar is nice cool. No wonder the wine turn out delicious. This town is such a nice place to live, and people are nice too.Ah... Hello.Do you need something?There are many barrels of wine here.Hi, !. My work is going great.!, do you like grapes?Thanks to you, I'm enjoying my like in this town now.I like working on the winery.Hi, !. How is your farm?My work is going very well.!. How are you? I'm doing fine.If you didn't come to this town, I wonder what I would have been doing?I'm happy with my work. It's all thanks to you, .To show my appreciation, is there anything I can do for you?Hi, ). How is your day going?Manna will have a lot of fun talking with * someday.Hi, ).I didn't think I could have my own family here when I came here.Hi, how is your farm? No matter how hard it is, keep trying.I eat at the Inn 3 times a day. I never get tired of their food. Just like my mom's.Hi, !. What's the matter?I'm having a dinner with Duke and Manna tonight.It feels like they are my real parents.I'm having a dinner with Manna and Duke today.It's funny, but I feel happy to be with them. It's all thanks to you, !.I'll see you later. Don't work too hard.Don't forget about your baby in your tummy.I'll see you later. I have to work hard for *.Have fun and take care of *. I'll try to come home early.).I'm leaving now.Have a good day. Don't work to late. Come home early sometimes to spend time together.Are you leaving too?You seem to be busy. I wish there is something I can do for you.I'm leaving now. You too, )?I feel happy to come home to you, ).Okay, I'm going now. Do you want to come?I love this farm. I'm so glad that I married you.ꂩAƂ낾B }pHDon't run around too much. Think about our baby.Hey, ). I'm going home now.How is *? I can't wait to see her....).I'm going home now. How about you?I'm going home now.Come home early, ).You came to pick me up? You're always so sweet, ).Are you still working? Come home early to spend some time with me.Hey, ). I'm going home now. And you?I can't wait to go home lately. I'm happy to have my own family.RIFF\"SCR CODE #"0! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#!0#!"#! !@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### ##!A!C#####@#B############!>####!>### #####!>####!>### ## ##$!D############ ## ## $######$###1###### ### #!~ <# !0#!"!# !0#!"!# !0#!"!#!0#!"!#"!0#!"!#!!0#!"!# !0#!"!#"!0#!"!# !0# !"!#!0# !"!# !0# !"!# !0# !"!!$#!#7#9### ######## ###### ## ####$c^##c##c##c##c## c##c##c##c##c##c##cc$#!~u##!B## #!""!>###### #!#d## ###### #'#)# H# !0# !"""#!?!!#a#c##w#y# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## ### %!F#! !]g!O]#!0#!"bb$ #!"~###!z### "=!>### "B!>### {#!"###!z### "=!>### =# !0#!"#!|v#!0#!"# !0#!"#"!0#!"!!"B#!? #! 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I'll come here everyday to pick up your shipment except on holidays.Hey, !! You know my birthday? You made my day!Oh, thanks. Pretty cool.Thanks, my friend.Oh, thanks.I don't really need this kind of stuff.What the...! Are you crazy?Hello there, you cute little thing... Ah, I love animals!Ugh... You didn't know I hate bugs?Is it really for me? I always wanted this. Thanks. It's pretty hard to get one, isn't it?Oh! Are you serious? It might make a good gift for her... Thanks...Hey, it's a perfume. You're giving it to me? Thanks.Hey, thanks. I wish it were from her...Hey, I know! I can tell you have to make fried noodles. You need noodles, yes. Put some oil in the pan and fry noodles. You can also put eggs and vegetables if you want.I'm jealous of you. Someone I wanted to marry married someone else... She was much older, so she couldn't wait for me.You know the Fishing Rod I gave you? It belongs to Greg who used to stay at my place. He's a fisherman. He travels around the world to fish. I wonder where he is now.When I went to the city the other day, I ran into Takakura. His job is similar to mine. We had dinner together, and he started talking about his past... I heard he lost all his money and got in trouble helping his friend. Life is...Yo, what's up? Here to see your husband?I never even dreamed that you would marry Won. Ha ha ha!Yo, what's up? How's work?Do your best to ship as much as you can.Shipping business is pretty interesting.I meet lots of people though my job. I love talking to many different people.How is your work? Are you doing well?I'll come by around 5PM, so make sure you ship a lot of stuff.!, it's a secret, but there is someone I love... She's already married, though. I can't tell you any more than that.I wonder when Rod's coming back... It worries me...Hey, !. Don't work too hard.How is today's shipment? Good?Good work. See you tomorrow.Hey, !. Are you done for the day? Hmmm, I can see you're working hard everyday.Yo, !. I came to deliver the ores to Saibara.Finished products sell better than raw materials.Yo, !. Is it inconsiderate to give a present to someone out of the blue?Mmm... Never mind. Forget what I asked.One, two, three... What time is it? Five. Six, seven... Huh?!, please don't confuse me!Yo, how's work? I'm counting on you.!, I didn't think you'd do so well on the farm. It's a compliment.RIFFwSCR CODE$C C#"8! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"!8$!#!-#!#####!0#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# "!>### #!2#!"#! 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I'm glad I married you.Wow, thanks! You're so helpful to me. I appreciate it!Thanks, ). It seems very nutritious. That's my wife.Is it for me? You're always very considerate.Thanks, ). It seems very useful.Hey, thanks. I appreciate it.Thanks,)... I prefer something else, but thanks anyways.Mmm... Thanks... But it's not really my favorite...). Don't bring it here. It's not sanitary.You have to wash your hands after touching that. What? It's for me...?What's the matter? Nothing...? Good.Don't get close to me with that....! Ah... What? If it's nothing, can you go home now?Huh? Are you allergic to metals or something? Thanks.How pretty. For me? Thanks.Did you just buy it? What? For me? It's not for yourself? Okay... Thanks.What is that? Is it for me? It might come in handy someday. Thanks.Scent brings up memories of the past. It reminds me of my mother. I wore it all the time.My mother used to wear it all the time. My father bought it for her...Today is the Spring Thanksgiving. I like it, but today is the day guys give these to girls.Thanks... You give me this today...? You're so funny... Ah... For me...? Never mind. Thanks.The Winter Thanksgiving. Cool. Thank you.Thank you. I didn't give you anything in the Spring..., but thanks.You remembered I gave you a gift in the Spring? Thank you.Oh, thank you. In return, I'll tell you how to make Mixed Juice.  No pen and paper... Well, try to remember it. Strawberries, pineapples, wild grapes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbages and apples. Make sure you use all of those. You need a mixer, and a knife would be nice. Put some sugar and salt for a better taste. You can try and add many other fruits and veggies.  I'm sure you have plenty of fruits and veggies.Hold on... Ah... Let's go to your place and talk about it.A Blue Feather... For anyone I know?I didn't know you thought of me that way... I'm really sorry, but I only think of you as a friend.Do you know Forget-Me-Not Valley? I heard my friend lives in that town... He seems strange, but he's the best doctor I know.Do you know tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival? I always have a dinner with Carter, so you can join us if you want. Oh, maybe your place is the best to celebrate it together.njfOK!No thanks.I'll cook a feast. Can you come to pick me up at 6PM? Then we'll go get Carter. It'll be fun.I see... I understand if you're busy. Don't work too hard.I'll cook a feast, so let's celebrate tomorrow night together.We're about to become parents. I'm so excited.Don't worry. I'm here. This is the moment when I feel happy about my job.Do you want to know if it's a boy or a girl?We could find it out, but let's wait and see... How exciting.The baby is getting big. How is your work? Are you doing okay?Don't work too hard on your farm. I'm worried about you as your husband.It feels like...! Tomorrow may be the day! Go to bed early today.I'll stay with you. Elli is coming here too.I'm so happy she's healthy.I've seen many babies, but my own baby is special. Now I know...* is healthy and very cheerful.She's tough just like you, ).* might walk soon. Some children start walking very early on.I hope I can see her first step.* is such a tomboy. She took it from you, ).Children grow up so quickly. She amazes me everyday.Thank you, ) for having my child. I love you.* will start speaking soon. Thanks to you, I'm very happy everyday. Sorry. I'm tired right now.Please don't talk to me.Good morning. What? I look angry?I'm not. I'm just tired.You're home. Why so late?Are you busy lately? I hardly see you at home these days.Good morning, ).Come to see me at the clinic. I still have to charge you, though.Hi, ). How was your day?I work at the clinic, so many things happen. It's confidential, though.Good morning, ). How are you?You are good. You never skip breakfast.  Many people skip it which is not good for them.You're home. Take it easy when you work on the farm.You could get sick if you work too hard in the rain. Don't forget to eat.Good morning, ). You seem well today. That's very good.Let's enjoy our work. Work is very important for both of us.Hi, ). Are you done working? You should go to bed early for your healthIf it doesn't work, eat more.Hi, ). Take a break. You can come here anytime. Be very careful when you go outside. Don't fall.How is *? Is she doing well?Raising a child is very demanding. Don't forget to take a break when you're tired. You can count on me anytime.What is it?Go away!Oh, ). What's the matter?I'm working. Can you go home? Hi, ). You came here to see me? Take your time.Please be nice to the patients. And don't touch my medical tools.Hi, ). Running errands? How is your day going?I like to work hard for everyone in this town, especially for you!Hi, ). How is work? Taking a break?You still come to see me even after we got married! I was talking with Elli how happy we are for you about your marriage. Why?If you are by yourself, no one knows when you pass out at home. But you're fine now.Elli is very sweet, but not only that, she's very tough.I'll work at the clinic as always, so don't worry.Hi, how are you?Let me know when you don't feel well. It's not free, but I can examine you.Hi, !. How are you doing?Elli helps me out a lot. Huh... I wish I were more capable...I'm disappointed with my ability as a doctor... Huh...I make Elli worried too... I'm a bad doctor. Huh...I couldn't have done anything if it weren't for Elli.As long as Elli is with me, I can do anything. I believe in us.I want our children to become doctors too. They can help the townspeople.Stu is very mischievous. I think he just wants our attention, though.Hi, !. I can't believe we're getting married.A guy like me... Not many people understand how I truly am. But you do. I'm very happy.Oh? What's the matter?Come to see me anytime when you don't feel good.Hi, !. How is your farm?Don't sell all of your crops. Eat them.Hi, !. How are you?You live all by yourself, so make sure you eat well and sleep well.Hi, !. How are you today?I'm wondering if you are eating well at home. When you live by yourself, you tend not to...How can you stay so energetic?You work so hard. I'm very surprised. You raise a bar for all the hard workers out there.I'm worried if you're eating well lately. When you live by yourself, you tend to skip meals or eat junk food. I'm worried...I wonder what I am to you. You energize me.  You have a power to energize people. You're inspiring.Hi, what's the matter?We're going to bed. Sorry.Hi, how are you? Something wrong?If it's not important, I'll see you tomorrow.Hey, you came to read books too? Read a book for your baby. It's listening to you. Try it. It's good just to talk to the baby too.It'd be nice if they had some picture books.Is it too soon for *? Not at all. It's amazing how much they understand.Let me read the book.Oh, it's you. Please don't talk to me while I'm reading. I want to concentrate.Hey. You came to read books too? Is it just me who thinks this library is solely for your use?Don't you think the books here are useful for you?People need to read more books. I don't know why they don't read.Hi, ). It's quiet here.You make me feel at home. It's wonderful to have a family.I see Basil on the Mother's Hill sometimes. He's smart and kind.Basil's books are very useful.Hey, ). What's the matter? Don't forget about your baby. You tend to work too hard on your farm.). How is *? Take good care of her.Sometimes she's already asleep when I get home. I have to try to get home early.)...Leave me alone!Hi, ). What is it?If it's not important, don't talk to me. I don't feel like talking to you right now.Hi, ). What are you doing here? How is your farm? I can't help you with farming, but let me know if there is anything. You're married, remember?Hey, ). What a nice surprise to bump into you here.You came to see me? Don't worry. I'm coming home as soon as I can.Hi, ). Did you forget something?I'm so happy I married you. I truly am.On my days off, I go to the Mother's Hill. I buy herbs from Zack too, but that's not enough. Let me know if you find herbs.Hello, you two. We should go to say hi to Carter soon. I wonder if she likes him?Carter is good with kids, so our child can go to play with him.Hey, what's up? How is *?Good. As long as she's happy. Am I not worried? Carter told me not to worry about her too much. Hi, !. Are you here to see the ceremony site?We're getting married. It'll be funny to see Carter working. I hope I won't laugh.Carter is funny, but he's very reliable. I told Manna something personal the other day... And the next day, everyone in this town knew about it.RIFFt.SCR CODE#$"! #$!##$!#$#!!!!#$!-#$!#Q#S#r#*!0#!"#$!!@##!A!C############$!D^##c##c##c##c##c## c## c## c## cc$###C!>########!E#!#######$####  #"##!>#=#?#W#+!0#!"#$!#m#o##!># ###!>### #%!####&!### #'!### #(!# # # #)!###%# #*!#<#># r#*!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8#+!0#!"#+!0#!"#+!0#!"###### ### #$!~ #*!0#!"#*!0#!"#*!0#!"#*!0# !"#+!0# !"#+!0# !"#*!0# !"#+!0# !"#*!0#!"#*!0#!"#*!0#!"$#$!###~## ######## ###### ## ##$ ## ## ## ## ##  ## ## ## ## ##  $#$!~##!B;## #$!!!#`#b##v#x# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ##  !F#$!!]O!OE#*!0#!"JJ$#$!#e#g#_";!>####*!0#!"!!";#!? #!>###. #$!####$!#2###*!0#!"#$!#d,#.#F#*!0#!"#$!"]#_#w#*!0#!"#*!0#!") #$!#2###*!0#!") #$!#d###*!0#!") #$!" # # #*!0#!") #*!0#!" #$!#D #F # #$!#2a #c #{ #+!0#!" #$!#d # # #*!0#!" #$!" # # #*!0#!" #*!0#!" #$!#2 # # #+!0#!" #$!#d5 #7 #O #*!0# !" #$!"f #h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m#+!0#D!"!!'!!!#*!0#$!-#E!"!!##!4##$!##!5!#$!-#*!0#F!"#+!0#G!"!!'!!!#+!0#$!-#H!"''$ Z!!!#*!0#$!-#I!"ZZ$ #$!#u#w##*!0#$!-#J!":#$!5#$#!#2##!#+!0#$!-#K!"w#$#!#d##!#*!0#$!-#L!"w#$#!"7#9#]!#*!0#$!-#M!"w!#*!0#$!-#N!":#$#!#2##!#*!0#$!-#K!"Q#$#!#d##!#*!0#$!-#L!"Q#$#!"##7!#*!0#$!-#O!"Q!#*!0#$!-#P!":#$#!#2n#p#!#*!0#$!-#K!"+#$#!#d##!#*!0#$!-#L!"+#$#!"##!#*!0#$!-#Q!"+!#*!0#$!-#R!"::$ #$!#P#R#!!!##S#T!(!!!#*!0#$!-#U!"!!!#*!0#$!-#V!"#$!$#$!!!#$! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j       !"#$%"&"'"( ) * + ,8-8.8/80123 45 6789:;"<"=">"?"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"I"J"K"L"M"N"O"P"Q"R"S"T"U"VNW"X"Y-ZC[C\C]C^ _`ab"c"d"e"f"g"h"i"sh ,?Rex    )5AL X c n    K-   ^    2 W ~ -   sw  ,|VxSTR WDeJsYz#iON&>`):?DLe%Oy = p # 0 J { - G { 9 _ = k } Hello... Your name is !? Mine is Staid, budum. Welcome, budum.We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today's my birthday, budum! Thank you!Yipee!! This is wonderful, budum! Thank you!Thanks! This is great, budum!Thank you, budum.I'm not very happy.........!!A small friend for me! I love to work, budum. Just let me know if you need my help, budum.Yiiikes! You scared me, budum.Wowww... It sparkles pretty like a diamond, budum...Thank you, budum. Can I really have this? It smells wonderful! The woods have no smell like this, budum!Weee! What a pretty feather! I bet it has special power, budum!I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.Spring is the season for Tea Parties. I can't wait!Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. Work is important, but so are Tea Parties!Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. Which do you like better, work or Tea Parties?Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. We look forward to  having you there!At Tea Parties, we invite our friends for tea and snacks, budum?I could never decide between Tea Parties and work...Tea Parties are best with friends, budum!If you come to our Tea Party, I won't mind missing work as much, budum.Did you come to ask for work, budum?Welcome, budum! Work?Welcome, budum! Need some help?I was expecting you to come, budum!I love to work, but...I like to work, budum.If a true friend asks me to work for him, it's hard to refuse, budum.I can't wait to go to your farm, budum!May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?If you say so. Come again, budum...Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFFz-SCR CODE#*"X! #*!##*!#*#!!!!#*!-#*!#Q#S#r#7!0#!"#*!!@##!A!C############$!D^##c##c##c##c##c## c## c## c## cc$###C!>########!E#!#######$####  #"##!>#=#?#W#7!0#!"#*!#m#o##!># ###!>### #%!####&!### #'!### #(!# # # #)!###%# #$!#<#># r#6!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8#7!0#!"#7!0#!"#7!0#!"###### ### #*!~ #6!0#!"#6!0#!"#6!0#!"#6!0# !"#7!0# !"#7!0# !"#6!0# !"#7!0# !"#6!0#!"#6!0#!"#6!0#!"$#*!###~## ######## ###### ## ##$ ## ## ## ## ##  ## ## ## ## ##  $#*!~##!B;## #*!!!#`#b##v#x# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ##  !F#*!!]O!OE#6!0#!"JJ$#*!#e#g#_";!>####6!0#!"!!";#!? #!>###. #*!####*!#2###7!0#!"#*!#d,#.#F#7!0#!"#*!"]#_#w#6!0#!"#6!0#!") #*!#2###7!0#!") #*!#d###7!0#!") #*!" # # #6!0#!") #6!0#!" #*!#D #F # #*!#2a #c #{ #7!0#!" #*!#d # # #7!0#!" #*!" # # #6!0#!" #6!0#!" #*!#2 # # #7!0#!" #*!#d5 #7 #O #6!0#!" #*!"f #h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m#7!0#C!"!!'!!!#6!0#*!-#D!"!!##!4##*!##!5!#*!-#6!0#E!"#7!0#F!"!!'!!!#7!0#*!-#G!"''$ Z!!!#7!0#*!-#H!"ZZ$ #*!#u#w##6!0#*!-#I!":#*!5#*#!#2##!#7!0#*!-#J!"w#*#!#d##!#6!0#*!-#K!"w#*#!"7#9#]!#6!0#*!-#L!"w!#6!0#*!-#M!":#*#!#2##!#6!0#*!-#J!"Q#*#!#d##!#6!0#*!-#K!"Q#*#!"##7!#6!0#*!-#N!"Q!#6!0#*!-#O!":#*#!#2n#p#!#6!0#*!-#J!"+#*#!#d##!#6!0#*!-#K!"+#*#!"##!#6!0#*!-#P!"+!#6!0#*!-#Q!"::$ #*!#P#R#!!!##R#S!(!!!#6!0#*!-#T!"!!!#6!0#*!-#U!"#*!$#*!!!#*! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j       !"#$%"&"'"( ) * + ,8-8.8/80123 45 6789:;"<"=">"?"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"I"J"K"L"M"N"O"P"Q"R"S"T"U"VNW"X"Y-ZC[C\C]C^ _`ab"c"d"e"f"g"h"i"sh ,?Rex    )5AL X c n    K-   ^    2 W ~ -   sw  ,|VxSTR VHi#Nw =`H w1`r$9JOT\u 5_M 3 @ Z = W  C i  G u ........................... Your name's !? Mine is Timid...budum...We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today's my birthday, budum! Thank you!Yipee!! I'm so happy, budum! Thank you!Thanks! This is great, budum!Thanks, budum...I'm not very happy.........!! That surprised me!!Awww...It's so cute! I just love small animals!It's scary! Get it away, budum!Thanks much! Is this really for me, budum?Wow, sniff sniff... Smells good...What a wondrous feather! Just looking at it makes me happy, budum!I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. I can't wait!Spring is the season for Tea Parties. We like to invite our friends.Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. Are you looking forward to it?Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. I look forward to  having you there!.........................I love Spring!... It has birds, flowers, and Tea Parties, budum!I love to talk with friends at Tea Parties.You can come even when Spring ends, budum....I can be a little shy sometimes, budum...Welcome...budum.Do you promise to always be nice to me, budum?I'd be willing to do a favor for you, budum................................I'm tired of work, budum...I trust you, !.You're so nice, !.May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?Really, budum? Is that so...?Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFF~.SCR CODE#%"! #%!##%!#%#!!!!#%!-#%!#Q#S#r#,!0#!"#%!!@##!A!C############$!Di##n##n##n##n##n##n## n## n## n## nn$###C!>########!E#!#######$###$# +#-##!>#H#J#b#-!0#!"#%!#x#z##!># ###!>### #$!####&!### #'!### #(!### #)!#.#0# #*!#G#I# }#,!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8#-!0#!"#-!0#!"#-!0#!"###### ### #%!~ #,!0#!"#,!0#!"#,!0#!"#,!0# !"#-!0# !"#-!0# !"#,!0# !"#-!0# !"#,!0#!"#,!0#!"#,!0#!"$#%!##### ######## ###### ## ##$########## ##########$#%!~*##!BF## #%!!!#k#m#### ### ### ### # ## # ## #  # # !F#%!!]Z!OP#,!0#!"UU$#%!#p#r#j";!>####,!0#!"!!";#!? #!>###9 #%!####%!#2# #!#,!0#!"#%!#d7#9#Q#,!0#!"#%!"h#j##,!0#!"#,!0#!"4 #%!#2###,!0#!"4 #%!#d###,!0#!"4 #%!" # #& #,!0#!"4 #,!0#!" #%!#O #Q # #%!#2l #n # #,!0#!" #%!#d # # #-!0#!" #%!" # # #,!0#!" #,!0#!" #%!#2 # #* #-!0#!" #%!#d@ #B #Z #,!0# !" #%!"q #s # #,!0#!!" #,!0#"!"##!"!!!##$#%#&!)`#%!# # # !!!#,!0#%!-#'!" #%!#J # #E !!!#-!0#%!-#(!" !!!#,!0#%!-#)!"!!!##*#+#,#&!* #,!0#-!"!!!##.#/#0!). #,!0#%!-#1!"#%##!3 #,!0#%!-#2!"#%##!3 #,!0#%!-#3!"#%##!3 3 $ #,!0#4!"!!!##.#/#0!) #,!0#%!-#5!"#%##! #,!0#%!-#6!"#%##! #,!0#%!-#7!"#%##!  $ #,!0#4!"!!!##.#/#0!) #,!0#%!-#8!"#%##! #,!0#%!-#9!"#%##! #,!0#%!-#:!"#%##!  $  #-!0#%!-#;!"  $ e#%!# # #!!!#,!0#%!-#!"!!!##*#+#,#&!*-!!!#,!0#%!-#?!"!!##!4##%!##!5!#%!-#,!0#@!"#-!0#A!"!!2!!!#,!0#%!-#B!"!!##!4##%!##!5!#%!-j#,!0#C!"x#-!0#D!"!!2!!!#,!0#%!-#E!"!!##!4##%!##!5!#%!-#,!0#F!"#-!0#G!"!!2!!!#-!0#%!-#H!"22$ e!!!#-!0#%!-#I!"ee$ #%!####,!0#%!-#J!"E#%!@#%#!#2##!#-!0#%!-#K!"#%#!#d##)!#,!0#%!-#L!"#%#!"B#D#h!#,!0#%!-#M!"!#,!0#%!-#N!"E#%#!#2##!#,!0#%!-#K!"\#%#!#d##!#,!0#%!-#O!"\#%#!"##B!#,!0#%!-#P!"\!#,!0#%!-#Q!"E#%#!#2y#{#!#,!0#%!-#K!"6#%#!#d##!#,!0#%!-#O!"6#%#!"##!#,!0#%!-#R!"6!#,!0#%!-#S!"EE$ #%!#[#]#!!!##T#U!(!!!#,!0#%!-#V!"!!!#,!0#%!-#W!"#%!$#%!!!#%! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j     """"""  !"#$%-&-'-( ) * + ,C-C.C/C0"1"2"3 4"5 6"7"8"9":";-<-=->-?-@-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-VYW-X-Y8ZN[N\N]N^ _"`"a"b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-~s $7J]p    )4@LW c n y    K8   i    = b  8   ~  7aSTR XMn(S|@]> S5n?n 2_pv~FU = p  H z  H w  3 [  7 e w Nice to meet you! Your name is !? Mine is Nappy. How do you do, budum.We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today's my birthday, budum! Thank you!Yeah! Thank you, budum! I'm so happy!Thank you, budum! I'm happy!Thank you, budum.This isn't so great, budum.........!!It's cute, but please don't let animals in the house, budum.Ack! Does it bite, budum?This is great! How do you play with it? Is it a toy, budum?Thank you, budum. Can I really have this? Wow! Perfume!This is the first time I've seen a Blue Feather, budum. What kind of animal  does it come from?I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.Spring is the season for Tea Parties. I can't wait!Spring is the season for Tea Parties. All of our friends come.Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. Do you like Tea Parties?Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. If we had Tea Parties everyday, would you come?When it becomes Spring, Tea Parties become all I can think about, budum!We send our tea paty invitations to our friends.I'm in charge of decorations for the Tea Party, budum.I wish it's Spring all year around so that we can have tea parties.Oh, welcome, budum.Welcome. I'm kinda bored, budum...Welcome, budum! Want to play?Whooppee! It's !! I was hoping you'd come!I don't like people who are no fun, budum...I'd take playing over working any day, budum!What should we play today? I'm so excited!You're my favorite play partner, budum!May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?Really? That's too bad, budum...Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it, budum...!Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFF .SCR CODE#&"! #&!##&!#&#!!!!#&!-#&!#Q#S#r#.!0#!"#&!!@##!A!C############$!D^##c##c##c##c##c## c## c## c## cc$###C!>########!E#!#######$###'#  #"##!>#=#?#W#/!0#!"#&!#m#o##!># ###!>### #%!####$!### #'!### #(!# # # #)!###%# #*!#<#># r#.!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8#/!0#!"#/!0#!"#/!0#!"###### ### #&!~ #.!0#!"#.!0#!"#.!0#!"#.!0# !"#/!0# !"#/!0# !"#.!0# !"#/!0# !"#.!0#!"#.!0#!"#.!0#!"#.!0#!"$#&!##### ######## ###### ## ##$########## ##########$#&!~-##!BI## #&!!!#n#p#### ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## !F#&!!]]!OS#.!0#!"XX$#&!#s#u#m";!>####.!0#!"!!";#!? #!>###< #&!####&!#2 # #$#.!0#!"#&!#d:#<#T#.!0#!"#&!"k#m##.!0#!"#.!0#!"7 #&!#2###.!0#!"7 #&!#d###.!0#!"7 #&!" # #) #.!0#!"7 #.!0#!" #&!#R #T # #&!#2o #q # #.!0#!" #&!#d # # #.!0#!" #&!" # # #.!0#!" #.!0#!" #&!#2 # #- #.!0# !" #&!#dC #E #] #.!0#!!" #&!"t #v # #.!0#"!" #.!0##!"#$!"!!!##%#&#'!)c#&!# # # !!!#.!0#&!-#(!" #&!#J # #H !!!#/!0#&!-#)!" !!!#.!0#&!-#*!"!!!##+#,#-#'!* #.!0#.!"!!!##/#0#1!)1 #.!0#&!-#2!"#&##!6 #.!0#&!-#3!"#&##!6 #.!0#&!-#4!"#&##!6 6 $ #.!0#5!"!!!##/#0#1!) #.!0#&!-#6!"#&##! #.!0#&!-#7!"#&##! #.!0#&!-#8!"#&##!  $ #.!0#5!"!!!##/#0#1!) #.!0#&!-#9!"#&##! #.!0#&!-#:!"#&##! #.!0#&!-#;!"#&##!  $  #/!0#&!-#!"5!!!#.!0#?!"!!!##+#,#-#'!*0!!!#.!0#&!-#@!"!!##!4##&!##!5!#&!-#.!0#A!"#/!0#B!"!!5!!!#.!0#&!-#C!"!!##!4##&!##!5!#&!-m#.!0#D!"{#/!0#E!"!!5!!!#.!0#&!-#F!"!!##!4##&!##!5!#&!-#.!0#G!"#/!0#H!"!!5!!!#/!0#&!-#I!"55$ h!!!#/!0#&!-#J!"hh$ #&!####.!0#&!-#K!"H#&!C#&#!#2##!#/!0#&!-#L!"#&#!#d##,!#.!0#&!-#M!"#&#!"E#G#k!#.!0#&!-#N!"!#.!0#&!-#O!"H#&#!#2##!#.!0#&!-#L!"_#&#!#d##!#.!0#&!-#M!"_#&#!"#!#E!#.!0#&!-#P!"_!#.!0#&!-#Q!"H#&#!#2|#~#!#.!0#&!-#L!"9#&#!#d##!#.!0#&!-#M!"9#&#!"##!#.!0#&!-#R!"9!#.!0#&!-#S!"HH$ #&!#^#`#!!!##T#U!(!!!#.!0#&!-#V!"!!!#.!0#&!-#W!"#&!$#&!!!#&! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j         ! " # $%"&"'"( ) * + ,8-8.8/80123 45 6789:;"<"=">"?"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"I"J"K"L"M"N"O"P"Q"R"S"T"U"VNW"X"Y-ZC[C\C]C^ _`ab"c"d"e"f"g"h"i"sh ,?Rex    !,7COZ f q |    K;   l    @ e  ;     :dSTR X9Z?h"c-}HFA[+<BJR!Lx < Q  F _  C ^ q > d   ( Hello, stranger! How are you? My name is Bold, budum!We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today's my birthday, budum! Thank you!Yipee!! This is wonderful, budum! Thank you!Thank you, budum! I'm happy!Thank you, budum.I'm not very happy...Mmmm.... I HATE these, budum...Owwww, so cuuuute!......!!I'm really not scared of it...It just surprised me, budum...Thanks much! Is this really for me, budum?Thanks much! Is this really for me, budum?I'll treasure it always, budum!What a lovely feather! Just looking at it takes my breath away, budum...I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. It's a tradition!Spring is the season for Tea Parties. We only invite our friends.Spring is the season for Tea Parties. You like tea, don't you?Spring is the season for Tea Parties. If you come, we'll have them every day, budum!I can't stand people who interfere with my Tea Parties, budum!I'd rather have a Tea Party than work, any time!Just leave the Tea Party planning to me!If it were Spring all year... We could have Tea Parties all year, budum!I hate meanies, budum!Welcome, budum.If you were ever in danger, I'd save you, budum!I had a feeling you'd come, !.Don't take rides from any strangers, budum!I like hard work, budum.If you want, I can be your body guard, budum.You don't have to worry when I'm with you, budum.May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?Are you quitting?Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFFR0SCR CODE#'"T! #'!##'!#'#!!!!#'!-#'!#Q#S#r#0!0#!"#'!!@## !A!C################$ !Dz############## ## ## ## $ ## #C!>####### #!E#!#######  $#!#### <#>##!>#Y#[#s#1!0#!"#'!####!># ###!>### #%!####&!### #$!# ## #(!#&#(# #)!#?#A# #*!#X#Z# #0!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8#1!0#!"#1!0#!"#1!0#!"###### ## # #'!~ +#0!0#!"#0!0#!"#0!0#!"#0!0# !"#1!0# !"#1!0# !"#0!0# !"#1!0# !"#0!0#!"#0!0#!"#0!0#!"$#'!##### ######## ###### ## ##$+&##+##+##+##+## +##+##+##+##+##++$#'!~=##!BY## #'!"#!>#|#~#### #'!#e## ###### ### #0!0#!"!!"##!?!!#.#0##D#F# #[#]# #r#t# ### # ## # ## # ## !F#'!!]!O#0!0#!"$#'!#3#5#(";!>#Q#S#u#0!0#!"";#!?W #!>### #'!###S #'!#2###0!0#!"N #'!#d## #0!0#!"N #'!"& #( #@ #0!0#!"N #0!0#!" #'!#2i #k # #0!0#!" #'!#d # # #0!0#!" #'!" # # #0!0#!" #0!0#!"W #'!# # # #'!#2* #, #D #0!0#!" #'!#dZ #\ #t #0!0#!" #'!" # # #0!0#!" #0!0#!"W #'!#2 # # #0!0#!"W #'!#d # # #0!0# !"W #'!"/ #1 #I #0!0#!!"W #0!0#"!"##!"!!!##$#%#&!)#'!# # # !!!#0!0#'!-#'!"x#'!#J # # !!!#1!0#'!-#(!"x!!!#0!0#'!-#)!"!!!##*#+#,#&!*s#0!0#-!"!!!##.#/#0!) #0!0#'!-#1!"#'##! #0!0#'!-#2!"#'##! #0!0#'!-#3!"#'##!  $x#0!0#4!"!!!##.#/#0!) #0!0#'!-#5!"#'##! #0!0#'!-#6!"#'##! #0!0#'!-#7!"#'##!  $x#0!0#4!"!!!##.#/#0!)J#0!0#'!-#8!"#'##!O#0!0#'!-#9!"#'##!O#0!0#'!-#:!"#'##!OO$ x#1!0#'!-#;!"xx$ ##'!###!!!#0!0#'!-#!"!!!##*#+#,#&!*!!!#0!0#'!-#?!"!!##!4##'!##!5!#'!-#0!0#@!"#1!0#A!"!!!!!#0!0#'!-#B!"!!##!4##'!##!5!#'!-(#0!0#C!"6#1!0#D!"!!!!!#0!0#'!-#E!"!!##!4##'!##!5!#'!-#0!0#F!"#1!0#G!"!!!!!#1!0#'!-#H!"$ #!!!#0!0#'!-#I!"##$ #'!#>#@#_#0!0#'!-#J!"#'!#'#!#2##!#1!0#'!-#K!"@#'#!#d##!#0!0#'!-#L!"@#'#!"##&!#0!0#'!-#M!"@!#0!0#'!-#N!"#'#!#2]#_#!#0!0#'!-#K!"#'#!#d##!#0!0#'!-#L!"#'#!"##!#0!0#'!-#O!"!#0!0#'!-#P!"#'#!#27#9#]!#0!0#'!-#K!"#'#!#du#w#!#0!0#'!-#L!"#'#!"##!#0!0#'!-#Q!"!#0!0#'!-#R!"$ #'!###!!!##S#T!(!!!#0!0#'!-#U!"!!!#0!0#'!-#V!"#'!$#'!!!#'! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j(((( ( ( ( ( ((((333333 !"#$%>&>'>()*+,T-T.T/T031323343563738393:3;><>=>>>?>@>A>B>C>D>E>F>G>H>I>J>K>L>M>N>O>P>Q>R>S>T>U>VjW>X>YIZ_[_\_]_^_3`3a3b>c>d>e>f>g>h>i> 5H[n    $/:EQ]h t      Kx   ' L q    G   T<@ }kEAeSTR .WCdIs%<^{5aI~&7\s5FKPXq  1 [  I | / < V  9 S  O u #SHello... Your name is !? Mine is Chef, budum. Welcome, budum.We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today is my birthday! Thank you, budum!Yipee!! This is great, budum! Thank you!Thanks! This is great, budum! The Kappa loves cucumbers, budum.  I think they taste better cooked, though.Thank you, budum.I'm not very happy...Eeee!!! Get it out of here!....Awww...It's so cute, budum!So scary...!Thank you, budum. Can I really have this? I don't like this! It makes things taste bad, budum.I'll tell you how to make some delicious Sweet Potatos.  Not even Doug at the Inn can make these, bubum! They're our favorite dish at our Tea Parties, too. The ingredients are Sweet Potatos, Eggs, Butter, and Sugar, bubum. Mix these all in a Pot and then bake in an Oven. That's all there is too it, bubum! It really doesn't need anything else, either. Try it when you get home. I think you'll like it, bubum!What a gorgeous feather, bubum! Shame you can't cook with it...I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.We all love having tea parties in Spring.We have tea parties in Spring. We invite our very close friends.We have tea parties in Spring. Do you like tea parties, budum?Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. If you came, I would have them everyday, budum!I like Spring because it means Tea Parties, budum!We only invite our very close friends.I'm in charge of tea and treats for the Tea Party.I wish it's Spring all year around so that we can have tea parties.Welcome, budum.Welcome. Thanks for coming, budum.Oh, it's !, budum!I don't know why, but I had a feeling you'd come today, budum!I just love to cook, budum!Do you like to cook?What should I cook today....budum?I'll help you, if you want, budum.May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?Just let me know if you need me later, budum.Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFF-SCR CODE #("! #(!##(!#(#!!!!#(!-#(!#Q#S#r#2!0#!"#(!!@##!A!C############$!Di##n##n##n##n##n##n## n## n## n## nn$###C!>########!E#!#######$###$# +#-##!>#H#J#b#3!0#!"#(!#x#z##!># ###!>### #%!####&!### #'!### #$!### #)!#.#0# #*!#G#I# }#2!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8#3!0#!"#3!0#!"#3!0#!"###### ### #(!~ #2!0#!"#2!0#!"#2!0#!"#2!0# !"#3!0# !"#3!0# !"#2!0# !"#3!0# !"#2!0#!"#2!0#!"#2!0#!"$#(!##### ######## ###### ## ## $########## ##########$#(!~*##!BF## #(!!!#k#m#### ### ### ### # ## # ## #  # # !F#(!!]Z!OP#2!0#!"UU$#(!#p#r#z";!>####2!0#!"!!";#!?#!>###4 #(!####(!#2###2!0#!"#(!#d2#4#L#2!0#!"#(!"c#e#}#2!0#!"#2!0#!"/ #(!#2###2!0#!"/ #(!#d###2!0#!"/ #(!" # #! #2!0#!"/ #2!0#!" #(!#J #L # #(!#2g #i # #3!0#!" #(!#d # # #2!0#!" #(!" # # #2!0#!" #2!0#!" #(!#2 # #% #2!0#!" #(!#d; #= #U #3!0#!" #(!"l #n # #2!0# !" #2!0#!!"#"!"!!!####$#%!)p#(!# # # !!!#2!0#(!-#&!" #(!#J # #@ !!!#3!0#(!-#'!" !!!#2!0#(!-#(!"!!!##)#*#+#%!* #2!0#,!"!!!##-#.#/!)) #2!0#(!-#0!"#(##!. #2!0#(!-#1!"#(##!. #2!0#(!-#2!"#(##!. . $ #2!0#3!"!!!##-#.#/!) #2!0#(!-#4!"#(##! #2!0#(!-#5!"#(##! #2!0#(!-#6!"#(##!  $ #2!0#3!"!!!##-#.#/!) #2!0#(!-#7!"#(##! #2!0#(!-#8!"#(##! #2!0#(!-#9!"#(##!  $  #3!0#(!-#:!"  $ u#(!# # # !!!#2!0#(!-#;!"B#(!#J##<!!!#3!0#(!-#!"!!##!4##(!##!5!#2!0#(!-#2!0#?!"#3!0#@!"!!B!!!#2!0#(!-#A!"!!##!4##(!##!5!#2!0#(!-s#2!0#B!"#3!0#C!"!!B!!!#2!0#(!-#D!"!!##!4##(!##!5!#2!0#(!-#2!0#E!" #3!0#F!"!!B!!!#3!0#(!-#G!"BB$ u!!!#3!0#(!-#H!"uu$ #(!####2!0#(!-#I!"U#(!P#(#!#2##!#3!0#(!-#J!"#(#!#d##9!#2!0#(!-#K!"#(#!"R#T#x!#2!0#(!-#L!"!#2!0#(!-#M!"U#(#!#2##!#2!0#(!-#J!"l#(#!#d##!#2!0#(!-#K!"l#(#!",#.#R!#2!0#(!-#N!"l!#2!0#(!-#O!"U#(#!#2##!#2!0#(!-#J!"F#(#!#d##!#2!0#(!-#K!"F#(#!"##,!#2!0#(!-#P!"F!#2!0#(!-#Q!"UU$ #(!#k#m#!!!##R#S!(!!!#2!0#(!-#T!"!!!#2!0#(!-#U!"#(!$#(!!!#(! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j            """"" " !"#$%-&-'-( ) * + ,C-C.C/C0"1"2"34"5 6"7"8"9":";-<-=->-?-@-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-VYW-X-Y8ZN[N\N]N^ _"`"a"b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-~s $7J]p    )4@LW c n y    K8   d    8 ]  3   y  GqSTR SVOp*U~AoD)^FWiRm~,29@i#O4 g t = q * I x  L | I haven't seen you before, budum.  You're !? I'm Aqua. Nice to meet you.We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today's my birthday, budum! Thank you!Yippee!! This is wonderful, budum! Thank you!Thank you, budum! I'm happy!Thank you, budum.I'm not very happy.........!!Owwww, so cuuuute!!!!!?? It's...kind of scary, budum...Thank you, budum. Can I really have this? Thank you! You know what I like!What a beautiful feather, budum!I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. I can't wait!Spring is the season for Tea Parties. It's my job to write the invitations.Spring is the season for Tea Parties. Do you like tea?Spring is the season for Tea Parties, budum. If you come, it'll be extra fun, budum!I like Spring because it means Tea Parties, budum!We only invite our true friends to Tea Parties, budum!Right now I'm looking for a nice table cloth for our Tea Party.We pull out all the stops for Tea Parties, budum.Welcome. Please don't dirty up the place, budum!Welcome, budum.Ah, ! is here!Only you understand my style, !!I like things when they're neat and clean, budum!Working makes me dirty, budum...This sky blue is my favorite color, budum. Not many people realize what a great color it is, budum!I'll make the farm clean!May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?What? You want to quit, budum?Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFF--SCR CODE#)"! #)!##)!#)#!!!!#)!-#)!#Q#S#r#5!0#!"#)!!@##!A!C##########$!DS##X##X##X##X##X## X## X## X## XX$###C!>#~#######!E#!#######$#### ###!>#2#4#L#5!0#!"#)!#b#d##!># ###!>### z#%!####&!### #'!### #(!### #$!### #*!#1#3# g#4!0#!"!!##!4!F"8!8u#5!0#!"#5!0#!"#5!0#!"###### ### #)!~ #4!0#!"#4!0#!"#4!0#!"#4!0# !"#5!0# !"#5!0# !"#4!0# !"#5!0# !"#4!0#!"#4!0#!"#4!0#!"$#)!###}s## x##x##x##x## x##x##x## x## x##xx$########## ##########$#)!~##!B0## #)!!!#U#W##k#m# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## !F#)!!]D!O:#4!0#!"??$#)!#Z#\#i";!>#x#z##4!0#!"!!";#!? #!>#### #)!####)!#2## #4!0#!"z#)!#d!###;#4!0#!"z#)!"R#T#l#4!0#!"z#4!0#!" #)!#2###4!0#!" #)!#d###4!0#!" #)!"## #4!0#!" #4!0#!" #)!#9 #; # #)!#2V #X #p #5!0#!" #)!#d # # #4!0#!" #)!" # # #4!0#!" #4!0#!" #)!#2 # # #5!0#!" #)!#d* #, #D #5!0#!" #)!"[ #] #u #4!0# !" #4!0#!!"#"!"!!!####$#%!)_#)!# # # !!!#4!0#)!-#&!" #)!#J # #/ !!!#5!0#)!-#'!" !!!#4!0#)!-#(!"!!!##)#*#+#%!* #4!0#,!"!!!##-#.#/!) #4!0#)!-#0!"#)##! #4!0#)!-#1!"#)##! #4!0#)!-#2!"#)##!  $ #4!0#3!"!!!##-#.#/!) #4!0#)!-#4!"#)##! #4!0#)!-#5!"#)##! #4!0#)!-#6!"#)##!  $ #4!0#3!"!!!##-#.#/!)v #4!0#)!-#7!"#)##!{ #4!0#)!-#8!"#)##!{ #4!0#)!-#9!"#)##!{ { $  #5!0#)!-#:!"  $ d#)!# # # !!!#4!0#)!-#;!"1#)!#J##+!!!#5!0#)!-#!"!!##!4##)!##!5!#4!0#)!-#4!0#?!"#5!0#@!"!!1!!!#4!0#)!-#A!"!!##!4##)!##!5!#4!0#)!-b#4!0#B!"p#5!0#C!"!!1!!!#4!0#)!-#D!"!!##!4##)!##!5!#4!0#)!-#4!0#E!"#5!0#F!"!!1!!!#5!0#)!-#G!"11$ d!!!#4!0#)!-#H!"dd$ #)!####4!0#)!-#I!"D#)!?#)#!#2##!#5!0#)!-#J!"#)#!#d##(!#4!0#)!-#K!"#)#!"A#C#g!#4!0#)!-#L!"!#4!0#)!-#M!"D#)#!#2##!#4!0#)!-#J!"[#)#!#d##!#4!0#)!-#K!"[#)#!"##A!#4!0#)!-#N!"[!#4!0#)!-#O!"D#)#!#2x#z#!#4!0#)!-#J!"5#)#!#d##!#4!0#)!-#K!"5#)#!"##!#4!0#)!-#P!"5!#4!0#)!-#Q!"DD$ #)!#Z#\#!!!##R#S!(!!!#4!0#)!-#T!"!!!#4!0#)!-#U!"#)!$#)!!!#)! JUMPH <$ | , < \ | ,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j          !"#$%&'()*+,---.-/-0 1 2 34 56 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVCWXY"Z8[8\8]8^_ ` a bcdefghih] !4GZm    *6A M X c    K"   S x   ' L s "   hz  6`STR VJk%PzFt*V%Ut<o -ZkqyAP{8k C u  C r  < m 2 ? W Hmm? ...How do you do. You're !? I'm Hoggy, budum. Nice to meet you.We have tea parties in Spring.You brought the invitation? Okay everyone, get ready, budum!Not everyone is here. We can't start the party.It's not the time to have a tea party, budum. We keep our schedules.We can't have a tea party here, budum...Today is my birthday! Thank you, budum!Yeah! Thank you, budum! I'm so happy!Thank you, budum! I'm happy!Thank you, budum.I'm not very happy.........!! Go away!!Owwww, so cuuuute!...I think I look "delicious" to him... No...?Thank you, budum. Can I really have this? Thank you, budum. I'm happy.A pretty feather, budum. But I can't eat it, so I'm not interested.I heard a rumor that there are some Harvest Sprites in Forget-Me-Not Valley.We all love having tea parties in Spring.We have tea parties in Spring. We invite our very close friends.We have tea parties in Spring. Do you like tea parties, budum?Spring is the tea party season. If you come, we'll have one everyday!I love the sweets we have at the tea parties.Chef makes very good sweets.We only invite our very close friends.I wish it's Spring all year around so that we can have tea parties.I'm hungry...Did you bring me something to eat?Hi, !. What did you bring today?You always bring me something when I'm hungry. I love to eat, budum...I need energy, budum...You know my taste, budum. For you, I can work hard even when I'm hungry. May I help you?HelpPlayNothingI'll do my best, budum.I'll help you when we become good friends.Help with what?WaterHarvestAnimalsHow long do you want me to water for, budum?1 Day3 Days1 WeekOkay. I'll water your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll water your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll water your crops for 1 week.For how long?Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 day.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 3 days.Okay. I'll harvest your crops for 1 week.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 day.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 3 days.Okay. I'll take care of your animals for 1 week.What...? ...I see.We played together already today. Come back tomorrow.We'll play together when we become good friends.Which game?The watering game, then.I think I'm getting better at watering, budum.When I lose, I feel my watering skill goes bad.The harvest game, then.I think I'm getting better at harvesting, budum.When I lose, I feel my harvesting skill goes bad.The animal game, then. I think I'm getting better at caring for animals.When I lose, I feel my animal skills go bad.We're not playing a game?Are you quitting?Today's work is done, budum.I can't do very well because I'm a beginner.I think I'm getting the hang of it.Harvesting is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the harvesting to me! I'm an expert now.Watering is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the watering to me! I'm an expert now.Caring for animals is fun! I'll keep working!Leave the animals to me! I'm an expert now.See you tomorrow.You're done.Okay, I'll do my best.Okay. I'm done then.RIFFD/SCR CODE#"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#;!0#!"#!!@##,!A'!C#############!>####!>### "!>## # 1##7###!>#R#T##!>#j#l# "!>### ####$,!D## #### ## ## $,##,##,##,,$#@#B##[#]##q#s# ### #!~ ##c#e##!>#{#}# "#!?#####Z!># # # #d!>#$#&# #m!>#=#?# #w!>#V#X# "!>#p#r# "{!>### #"##  #P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>## # "!>#8#:# "{!>#R#T# b#",## #P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "{!>### )##d## #P!>#J#L##Z!>#b#d# #d!>#{#}# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "{!>### #"## #P!>####Z!>#,#.# #d!>#E#G# #m!>#^#`# #w!>#w#y# "!>### "{!>### #" ##  #P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>#(#*# #w!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "{!>#u#w# ##d## #P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!># # # "!>#" #$ # "{!>#< #> # M #" ##  #P!>#o #q ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!># # #  #" ##  #P!>#9 #; ##Z!>#Q #S # #d!>#j #l # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!># # #  #" ##  #P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!>#4 #6 # #m!>#M #O # #w!>#f #h # "!># # # "{!># # #  #" ##  #P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!>#0 #2 # "!>#J #L # "{!>#d #f # t #"## $  ## ## ## ## ##  ## ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  $#!~ #P!>#> #@ ##Z!>#V #X # #d!>#o #q # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!># # #  ####!B#P!># # ##Z!>#"#$# #d!>#;#=# #m!>#T#V# #w!>#m#o# "!>### "{!>### ## ## #!#!!!###### #,#.# #C#E# #Z#\# # q#s# # ## # ## ### !F#!!]!O"!>###"!>### #P!>#,#.# #Z!>#E#G# #d!>#^#`# #m!>#w#y# #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### #O!>### #Y!>### #c!>#)#+# #l!>#B#D# #v!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "z!>### #!>### #!`## ##>#@#Q# !""!>#h#j#{# !""!>#### !"$#!"!>###!#!#####z#|##!>### ####"!>### #2!>####2!># ## ^#!#1#3#K#;!0#!"Y## t#v##2!>#(## #!####;!0#!"#;!0#!"#2!>#(###2!>#;## P#!###%#=#;!0#!"K#;!0#!"#2!>#;f#h##!####;!0#!"####_#.!>####.!>#<## G#!###4#;!0#!"B#;!0#!"Z#.!>#<]#_##.!>#nu#w# #!####;!0#!"#;!0#!"Z#.!>#n###.!>#x## #/!>## # R#!#%#'#?#;!0#!"M##xh#j##.!>"## #/!>### #!####;!0#!"#"###/!>### Z#!#2#4#L#;!0#!!"Z#####!># (#*# s#!#F#H#`#;!0#!"n#;!0#%!"#!####=!0#%!"#=!0#&!"}#!@###!P## #!>## ##!>#  #"# k#!#>#@#X#;!0#!"f#####!># ## c#!#6#8#P#;!0#!"^#####!># ## ?#!###,#?@ABCDE<FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi   ' : :M m4 Y #          KdSTR -&Pz?g!c&Zs*DSp&K)[2Hi. I'm the food critic, Gourmet. A birthday gift? Thank you very much. Looks delicious. Thank you very much. I can cook many dishes with this. Thank you very much.It's a failed food. Try harder. I don't like medicine. I can't take it. I would like some food.Chocolate? Thank you very much.Thank you very much. I appreciate it.Let's go to your house so that no one can interrupt us....What is your intention to show me things like that?Do you think you can marry me without an excellent cooking skill?You've never even won a Cooking Festival. How can I marry you?You hardly win the Cooking Festival. How can I marry you?I'll be back next year. I'm looking forward to it already.More men should enter the Cooking Festival. They can be great chefs.Come home by 6PM for the Starry Night Festival. You're having a baby. I'm becoming a father.It'll be a while until the baby is born.Eat a balanced meal. The baby will be here soon.Is it a boy, or a girl? The baby might be here tomorrow.Go to bed early today. Good morning.I want * to stay healthy.Good morning. * is getting big.Kids grow up fast.* might stand up very soon.Don't give * too many sweets.* is walking already.* is getting bigger and bigger.I'll teach * my skills someday. My affection rate toward you is very low right now.I said my affection rate toward you is very low right now.My affection rate toward you is low right now.I said my affection rate toward you is low right now.My affection rate toward you is high right now.I said my affection rate toward you is high right now.My affection rate toward you is very high now.I said my affection rate toward you is very high right now.My affection rate toward you is excellent.I said my affection rate toward you is excellent. RIFFYSCR CODE| x !#!-#!#"#$#Q#@!0#!"#B!0#!"#!r !@"!>#m#o#"!>### "!>### ##!A!C1##6##6##6##6## ###6##6##66$!D#############!>####!>### #!>### #!>### #!># ## #!># ## #!"3#5# "!>#M#O# "!>#g#i# z## #### ## ## $######$###&####%#'# #<#># #!~ _#@!0#!">9#@!0#!">#@!0#!">#@!0#!">#?!0#!">#B!0#!">#@!0#!">#B!0# !">#@!0# !">#@!0# !">#@!0# !">"!8>>$#!#T#V### ######## ###### ## ##$je##j##j##j##j## j##j##j##j##j##jj$#!~|##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d## ###### #.#0# T#?!0# !"!!"#!?!!#m#o#### ### ### ### # ## # ## #  ## !F#!r !]\!OR#?!0#!"WW$r "4!>#s#u##@!0#!"!!"4#!?r #!f "!>###"!>### ##!####@!0#!"#?!0#!"\ "!>#:#<#"!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### : #!# # #' #@!0#!"5 #?!0#!"\ #!>W #!#\ #^ #v #@!0#!" #@!0#!"\ #!# # # #@!0#!" #@!0#!"\ #!# # # #@!0#!" #?!0#!"\ #!#% #' #? #?!0#!"M #?!0#!"\ \ $k k $#!!! JUMPh $ l  , T   !"#$%&'()*+,-!./01!23456789:;<=!>?@ABCDEFGHIJK!LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~!!!!!!jPPPPPEEEE E E   fffffffffEffEPP P!["f#f$P%|&|'|([)[*[+[,-./0q1f2f3[4[5[6q7q8f9f:q;|<|=|>|?|@|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|VW|X|Y|Z[\]^f_q`qaqb|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|; i|    ' ep{    (3 ? J UK:F    STR Q/j 7FQ1[C_,Oh, hello. !? I'm Ellen. Nice to meet you.Oh, my legs? I can't walk since I got ill. I'm too old.Oh, dear. Is it for me? I'm one year older again. Oh, thank you so much, dear.Thank you. You made my day, dear.Thank you, dear.Ah.... Thank you...What, dear? Why are you giving it to me?Oh, how cute.Oh, dear.How beautiful... I remember Saibara gave me one before... At least I think he did...Oh, you're giving it to me? It reminds me of when I was young.Perfume...? Do you like it?  What? It's for me? Oh, thank you.Oh, wait a minute, dear. I'll tell you have to make sandwiches. Well... Are you ready? Prepare ingredients by using your knife. Butter the bread, and put in tomatoes and cucumbers. Boiled eggs are good too. You can put in whatever you want. Elli makes many different kinds for Stu. Oh, dear... That's a Blue Feather. I received one about 50 years ago... I heard ,'s son in Forget-Me-Not Valley... Ahhh... What was his name...? Oh, yes, - is supposed to be very cute. I would like to meet him. Elli has been taking care of Stu since she was very young. She's very helpful.Doctor is young, but he's reliable, and Elli liked him for a long time. I'm so happy they are married now.Hi, !. How are you?How is *? I wish my legs were okay so that I can go see her.It's getting warm... Stu finds bugs and shows them to me everyday.I get sleepy when the weather is so nice. I should take a nap.Oh my, you're sweating. It's cool in my house. Take a rest, dear.It feels very nice to take a bath after working so hard, doesn't it? It's very refreshing. There are so many things to eat in Fall. My appetite goes up in this season.Doctor always brings me medicinal plants and mushrooms.We have a lot of snow this year. It gets so cold here that the sun cannot melt away the snow so easily.It's very cold. I'm sure your animals are looking forward to the Spring very much.RIFF$SCR CODEp l #"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#y#F!0#!"#C!0#!"#!W !@"!>###"(!>### "!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3#"!>#J#L# "!>#d#f# "%!>#~## "&!>### "!>###"!>### "0!>### ##!A!C#############!>#f#h##!>#~## #####!>####!>### ####$!D^##c##c##c##c##c## c## c## cc$######$###\###### ### #!~ #D!0#!"#D!0#!"#C!0#!"#C!0#!"#F!0#!"#F!0#!"#D!0#!"#E!0# !"#D!0# !"#D!0# !"#C!0# !"#D!0# !"$#!# #### ######## ############$94##9##9##9##9## 9##9##9##9##9##9##99$#!~K##!Bg## #!!!###### ### ### ### # ## # ## # ,#.# #C#E# P!F#!W !]!O#C!0#!"$W "8!>###"C!>### :"8!>### #F!0#!"!!"8#!?5#C!0#!"#D!0#!"!!"C#!?W #!>#P#R##!>#h#j# #!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### 2 #C!0#!"###!(( #F!0#!"!!"#!?- - - $W #!K #!>#T #V #n #F!0#!" #!#d # # #!# # # #F!0#!" #F!0#!" #!#d # ##!" # # H #!# # #5 #C!0#!"C #C!0#!" #!#^ #` #x #C!0#!" #C!0#!"P #!#d # # #!# # # #F!0#!" #E!0#!" #!#d # ##!" # # e #!#8 #: #R #F!0#!"` #G!0# !" #!#{ #} # #C!0#!!" #C!0#"!"P #!>#  # ##!>#  # #  #C!0##!"x #!>#  # ##!># #! # j #!>#= #? #W #F!0#$!"e #C!0#%!"x #F!0#!"P #!# # # #C!0#&!" #C!0#'!"P #!# # # #F!0#(!" #F!0#)!"P #!# # #3 #F!0#*!"A #F!0#+!"P P $#!!!#! JUMP $ l , < T ///$/$/// / / / $ ///////////////$$$$ $!$"/#/$/%/&/'/($)*/+$,/-E.$/0/1E2:3/4$56$789:;<=:>$?/@/A:B/C:D/EF$G$H$I$J$K:L/M:N$O$P/Q/R/S/TUVWXYZ$[/\]$^:_$`/a/bc:d/e/f/g/h/i/j$k$l$m$n/o$p:q/r:s/t/u$v/w$x$y/z/{/|/}/~:/$//$::$$$///P::$P/$////EEEEEE$$$/://$$//j                    !"#$%-&-'-( ) * + ,8-8.8/80"1"2"3"4"5 6"7"8"9":";-<-=->-?-@-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-VNW-X-Y-ZC[C\C]C^"_"`"a"b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-s~h /BUh{    )4?KWb n y     $Kp  }  >   STR j ,%/k?u"?o"Z  Z ~ D H-Hi... Umm...Can I be of service?Oh, so you've come to say you've just moved in? My name is Jeff. Pleasure to meet you!This is a present? For me...? How did you even know it was my birthday?!Thanks a lot! You're a swell guy!Gee, thanks. This is great.Thanks. You're very friendly!Sorry, but I can't say I really like things like this...Umm...Are you trying to make me an enemy...?How incredibly cute!Just don't bring that near me, OK...? I don't know how you can  stand it...You mean this is for me? Thanks, what a swell present!You mean this is for me? Thanks! I'm sure Sasha will love it!ց[A˂B 肪ƂBWhat? Is it for me? Thank you very much. You're the only one who gives me a gift other thanmy family members.So you've reached that age already, have you? Good luck! I'll be rooting for you!I hear that at the + farm they have a flower that  can talk, and other rare crops.  Gosh, I'd like a flower like that at the store...My fried Bob in another town told me that there is an artist in Forget-Me-Not Valley who makes his works without tools. He's a good of Bob's, and they wear the same gloves. Do you need anything?Tell about part-time job.Don't say anything.Work at Duke's Winery...?  Actually, he was kind of a bully when we were kids, so I don't like him too  much... Just our secret, OK?Ughh...The day is finally over! But, tomorrow is going to be tough, too!I'm in a fix, here. Too many people owe me money for their tabs!It's really not fair to Sasha, I know...We both saved up money to open the store together...Ah, sorry, didn't mean to unload my problems on you! Did you need something? I'm on a break now!A man can really relax at home...Well, if it isn't !! Take your time, now.I like you because you always pay cash, !. Welcome! At first you should really buy seeds, you know.  Don't worry about spending all your money, it'll come back!It's true! You just have to choose very carefully!You look like you're working too hard, just like me!It's a small town, so we should all try to get along. Even if there are  people we really don't...Ah, !. How is the farm coming? You look more and more like a farmer everyday!It inspires me to see you work so hard and do such a good job! After all, running a farm by yourself can't be easy!I'm going to Church now. It's my favorite place in this whole town!I'm going to the Clinic now. I've got a belly ache...Right now I'm going to visit Doug. He gives great advice, you know.I like how quiet it can be, here.It calms the heart.I haven't been feeling very good, lately.For some reason, I feel better when I come to the Clinic.I don't like Wine... The taste is OK, but I can't stand the smell!I don't get it. Duke makes Wine himself, but then he pays money to Doug to drink it at the Inn! Strange...RIFFc9SCR CODE #"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#H!0#!"#!!@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!!>### "!># # #"!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "!>#V#X# "!>#q#s#"!>### "0!>### ##\!AW!C###############!>#/#1##!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# t##z###!>####!>### "!>### #####!>####!>### "!>#-#/# @###!>#V#X##!>#n#p# "!>### ####$\!D'##,##,##,##,##,##,## ,## ,## ,,$\##\##\##\\$#p#r# ###### ### ### #!~ #M!0#!"# ### ## #!~ #}!>#B#D##~!>#Z#\# #!>#s#u# #I!0#!"#M!0#!"#M!0#!"#M!0#!"#I!0#!"#H!0#!"#L!0#!"#J!0# !"#I!0# !"#J!0# !"#}!>#Y#[##~!>#q#s# #!>### #H!0# !"#H!0# !"#}!>####~!>### #!>### #H!0#!"(#H!0#!"#}!>#C#E##~!>#[#]# #!>#t#v# #H!0#!"#M!0#!"#!>####I!0#!"!!"#!? #H!0#!"#L!0#!"!!"#!?$#!#1#3### ## ######## ########## ##$s n ##s ##s ##s ##s ##s ## s ##s ##s ##s ##s ##s ##s s $#!~ ##!B ## #!#!!!# # ## # # # # # # # # #- #/ # #D #F # # [ #] # # r #t # #  # # # # # # # #  !F#!!] !O #I!0#!"  $#!># # ##!>#4 #6 # #P!>#M #O ##Z!>#e #g # #d!>#~ # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "{!># # # #}!># # ##~!>#/ #1 # #!>#H #J # #!"d #f # "!>#~ # # "!># # # " #M!0#!"###!( #M!0#!"!!"#!?"#!? #L!0#!"!!"#!?  $#!#}!>#D #F ##~!>#\ #^ # #!>#u #w # 2#!># # ##P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "{!>#a#c# #!####H!0#!"#H!0#!"#!####H!0#!"#I!0#!"-#!####H!0#!"-#L!0#!"#P!>#H#J##!#e#g##!#d}## #!####H!0#!"#H!0# !"#!#d###!"## B#!###/#H!0#!!"=#K!0#"!"#!#X#Z#r#I!0##!"#K!0#$!"#I!0#%!"#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!># ## "!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "{!>#Z#\# #!#x#z##!#d## #!####H!0#&!"#H!0#'!"#!#d###!" # # U#!#(#*#B#H!0#&!"P#I!0#(!"#!"l#n##!####I!0#)!"#I!0#*!"#!####!#d## /#!####I!0#+!"*#H!0#,!"#!#dE#G##!"^#`# #!#|#~##I!0#-!"#H!0#.!"#!"###!"## $#!####L!0#/!"#H!0#0!"#!";#=##!"T#V# #!#r#t##L!0#1!"#L!0#2!"#!"###!"## #!####I!0#3!"#I!0#4!"#!"1#3##!"J#L# #!#h#j##I!0#5!"#M!0#6!"#!"###!####M!0#7!"#M!0#8!"#}!># ###~!>#$#&# #!>#=#?# #!>#[#]##P!>#x#z##Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#)#+# t#!#G#I#a#H!0#!"o#H!0#!"#!####H!0#!"#I!0#!"#!####H!0#!"#L!0#!"#!>####!># (#*# C#H!0#-!"#!># Y#[##!>#q#s# #!>####K!0#9!"#I!0#:!"#!>####!>### #I!0#;!"#!#!###;#I!0#!"#I!0#?!"#!####I!0#@!"#H!0#A!"#K!0#B!"#!####I!0#C!"%#H!0#D!"#!#@#B##!#dX#Z# #!#v#x##I!0#E!"#H!0#F!"y#!#d###!"## #!### #I!0#G!"#L!0#H!"y#!"4#6#y#!#Q#S#k#I!0#I!"y#H!0#J!"#!>####!># ## #!####I!0#K!"#I!0#L!"#!>#  ###!>#%#'# p#!#C#E#]#I!0#M!"k#I!0#N!"#!>####!####H!0#O!"#H!0#P!"#K!0#Q!"$#!!!#! JUMP $ t D T l       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [ \ ] ^_`abcdefghi<G1  0 C  - BMXcnz       & 1 = H S ^ K   N * ~ . . (STR cRaS0CbW!<CP\w7p`v -f F } $ B 1 c C T 0 I HYo{I heard that someone new had taken over the farm. Your name is... !, huh? Mine's Karen. Today's my birthday, too. Did you know?Are you sure? I never thought I'd get a present from you, !!Are you sure you want to give me something so nice? I'm touched...I can't believe you knew how much I love things like this!I can really keep this?! I love things like this, you know!...Aww, thanks! What a great gift!Thanks.Sorry, but I really don't like these...Why don't you give that to someone who might actually like it?...Awww, how cuuute!What are you thinking!?....Are you sure you're willing to give this to me...?This is for me...? What a surprise gift... Thanks!...Thanks so much, !...Really? For me? You're swell, !.How wonderful! I hope Rick won't get mad when I tell him I got this!It looks so expensive! Can I really accept this? Yay! I can't wait to show it off!Thank you. Today is the Spring Thanksgiving... Guys give girls gifts today, you didn't know? You're so funny.Is it for me? Thank you.I always receive a gift from some girl every year. I wonder why...?So you've finally decided to get married, huh? Good for you!!! Did you know that tomorrow is the Starry Night  Festival? A party at our house starts at 6PM. Do you want to come?I'd love to!No, thanks.Great! We'll be waiting.Really? That's too bad...Hi, !. I like to help out at my parents' house on Sundays.How is your husband?!, why don't you get married? Your husband can help you on your farm, no?But, I get worried about the Chickens when it rains...Hello, !. How is it going? Shopping today?!, how's your married life? Is Rick doing okay?Hi. How's Rick? He works hard, so he must be helping you a lot.I'm so happy that you have a family now. You don't want to live alone.Hi, !. How's Rick?Isn't it nice to go home to your own family. I was worried that you might stay single forever. But I can't believe you married Rick, though. Hi, !.Do you need something?Keeping yourself busy, I see. Everything going well?How are you doing these days, !?Your success at running the farm is impressive, !.Hey.What can I do for you?Hello.Just let me know if you need anything, OK?Sorry we don't have everything you might want.But, we do have everything you might need on a farm!My mom and dad get into fights too often... I wonder why my dad always loses...Of course, they always make up afterwards... I just don't  understand it...Ah, !. How are you doing?I'm impressed that someone the same age as I am is running a farm all  by himself!Oh...Hello...!You surprised me! Try not to sneak up on me like that!I don't know why, but I find myself thinking a lot about you lately...Ha ha! Just kidding! Bet I had you fooled, huh?I was afraid it might rain today...The spring sure is pretty in this kind of weather...Hi. Good work today.Hi, !. Do you like the ocean?I love the ocean at night... The sound of the waves always calms me...I love it here.When I was a kid, I used to think I could meet the Harvest Goddess here.Are you drinking that?Wouldn't it be great if we could dissolve our troubles and just drink them away?Looks like it's started raining.Oh, what a coincidence.I like to rest here when it rains or snows. I get along well with the woodcutter.Hello, !. The Poultry Farm never fails to tire me out. I like things the way they are now, learning things from Lillia and Rick, and making up for Popuri, too.Oh, hello, !.Can you believe it? Rick just seems to ignore me when Popuri's around!How are you doing, !?!, you're pretty tough.Top of the morning to you, !. Helping out at the Poultry Farm has given me an idea how tough things must be  for you all alone on that farm!Hello, !.We eat eggs everyday! That's OK, though... I like eggs!Hello, !. If you don't get home now, you'll regret it tomorrow, !!Take care now, !.RIFF"SCR CODE  #"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#O!0#!"#! !@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!!>### "!># # #"!>#"#$# "!>#<#># "!>#W#Y#"!>#p#r# "!>### "!>### ##!A!C$##)##)####)##)##)##)##))$!D############## ## ## $######$######### #1#3# #!~ T#P!0#!"&!#P!0#!"&#P!0#!"&#O!0#!"&#Q!0#!"&#Q!0#!"&#P!0#!"&#Q!0#!"&#O!0# !"&#O!0# !"&#O!0# !"&&$#!#<#>### ######## ###### ## ##$RM##R##R##R##R## R##R##R##R##R##RR$#!~d##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d## ###### ### <#O!0# !"!!"#!?!!#U#W##k#m# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## !F#! !]D!O:#P!0# !"??$ "A!>#[#]##O!0#!"#P!0#!"!!"A#!? #! #!>####!####O!0#!"#P!0#!"<#!###.#Q!0#!"<#P!0#!" #!#dW#Y##!#t#v##P!0#!"#P!0#!"Y #!#d###!"##  #!### #R!0#!" #P!0#!"Y #!#1 #3 #K #P!0#!"Y #O!0#!" #!>#t #v ##!># # #  #O!0#!" #R!0#!" #!#d # # #!# # # #P!0#!" #P!0#!"X #!#0 #2 #J #P!0#!"X #P!0#!" #!#ds #u # #!# # # #R!0# !" #R!0#!!"#O!0#"!" #!# # # #Q!0##!" #Q!0#$!" #!#d$ #& #n #!#A #C #[ #O!0#%!"i #O!0#&!" #!# # # #O!0#'!" #P!0#(!" #!# # # #O!0#)!" #P!0#*!"  $#!!!#! JUMPl   `        !" # $ % & ' ()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopq r stuvwxy z{|}~       j88888CCCC C C C C CCCCYYYYYYYYY8YY8CC C!N"Y#Y$Y%o&o'o(N)N*N+N,z-z.z/z0d1d2d3d4d5C6d7d8d9d:d;o<o=o>o?o@oAoBoCoDoEoFoGoHoIoJoKoLoMoNoOoPoQoRoSoToUoVWoXoYoZ[\]^d_d`dadbocodoeofogohoio. ^q    MXcnz     ' 2 =K"^  ^ ]  A) STR 6 +"@]-{_q*LP1( ] L + < Well, who is this? Oh, you're the one Thomas was talking about. I'm Sasha. My family runs the supermarket. Nice to meet you.Oh, thank you. That's so nice of you. How did you know today was my birthday?Oh, wow, thank you. I love this.Oh, thank you. That's so nice of you. Thank you. I appreciate it.Oh, no. I don't like that.I'm sorry, but I don't even look at it.Owww, so cute!Eeeek! You're acting like a child.Wow, how nice! Are you sure I can have it? Thank you.Wow, how nice!That's so pretty. How did you get it?Oh yes, I'll tell you how to make chocolate cookies. Jeff loves it. You need flour, butter, an egg and chocolate. And sugar too. You have a rolling pin and an oven, right? You can add some honey too. If you have cookies and chocolate, it's easier. Karen doesn't like sweets, so she doesn't eat them even if I bake them.It reminds me of when Jeff and I were young. He gave me one. I still have it, you know.My friend's son competed in the world track and field championship. Isn't it great? His name is Hugh. Do you happen to know him?Hi, how are you?If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask me.My husband says his stomach doesn't feel well on rainy or snowy days.I've never had that problem, so I don't know how he feels.Hello, there. How is your farm?I'm enjoying my job everyday. I do what I love to do, you know?Huh... My husband sold some items to a customer on credit again.It's okay, though! I started to enjoy going out to collect money.Oh, hello! Did you find everything were looking for?Come again! I'm looking forward to seeing you everyday. Oh, hello. Isn't it a nice day?I have to go home and start cooking dinner. I always forget about time.Hi, !. What an coincidence?Only Barley and May live on the Yodel Ranch. They must have a handful. !, go visit them sometimes. Oh, hello! I feel great when it's so nice outside.Barley can help you with animals, you know? He's very nice. He taught me how to ride a horse when I was little. Lillia has been ill since she was young. When the doctor's father took a look at her... He said she wouldn't be able to run...I was petrified when I heard my best friend can't run any more... But she was smiling just as she is now...I thought I had to do whatever I can do for her. Lillia's husband is a nice guy, but he loses sight of the big picture in life. I wonder what he's doing now...He'd better come back soon! Poor Lillia...I visit Ellen in the afternoon. Ellen's granddaughter Elli is very nice.Karen likes take care of others, but she can't do anything for herself.Stu is very active and mischievous. Ellen has a handful.It's better than staying at home and crying. Kids have to be active and energetic.Oh... Really...Ha ha ha... Really? That ... did...? But that's...... ...... Oh, my.RIFF SCR CODE #"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#S!0#!"#! !@"!>###"!>### "0!>### ##!A!C########################!>#K#M##!>#c#e# v##|####!>####!>### ######!>####!>### ######$!D########## ## ## $######$###6###### ### #!~ 8#T!0#!"#T!0#!"#T!0#!"#S!0#!"#S!0#!"#U!0#!"#T!0#!"#S!0#!"#S!0# !"#V!0# !"#T!0# !"#T!0# !"$#!#3#5### ######## ############ $c^##c##c##c##c## c##c##c##c##c##c##cc$#!~u##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d## ###### #'#)# M#T!0# !"!!"#!?!!#f#h##|#~# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## ### *!F#! !]l!Ob#T!0#!"gg$ #!"### !z### "F!>### >#!"### !z### #S!0#!"# !|9#S!0#!"#T!0#!"!!"F#!? #! "!>#a#c#"!>#z#|# #!####T!0#!"#V!0#!"= #!>###% #!### #S!0#!" #S!0#!"= #!#d; #= # #!#X #Z #r #S!0#!" #S!0#!"= #!#d # ##!" # #  #!# # # #S!0#!" #T!0#!"= #!# # #/ #T!0#!"= #S!0#!" #!>#X #Z ##!>#p #r #  #!# # # #S!0#!" #V!0#!" #!# # # #S!0#!" #S!0#!" #!#d # #^ #!#1 #3 #K #V!0# !"Y #V!0#!!" #!#t #v # #V!0#"!" #S!0##!"  $#!!!#! JUMP\   h ( 8     !"#$%&'()*+,-*./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDE5FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~******j========= = = = = =================== =!="=#=$=%S&S'S(2)2*2+2,^-^.^/^0H1H2=3242526H7H8H9H:H;S<S=S>S?S@SASBSCSDSESFSGSHSISJSKSLSMSNSOSPSQSRSSSTSUSVtWSXSYSZi[i\i]i^=_H`=a=bScSdSeSfSgShSiS( BUh{    DOZeq}     + 7 CNKJ JB STR $%Hz>3bRb&Sp"T Well I haven't seen you around these parts before! Oh, you're the new lad up at the farm, eh? My name's Doug, and I run this here Inn.Wow, it's been years since anybody but Ann gave me a birthday present!Thanks a lot. I mean it!You're a good, guy, you know that?Thanks.What a surprise!... Thanks, now.Just what do you expect me to do with this!?...Ha ha ha...It's so cute!There are some animals I just can't stand.. This is one of them!This is for me? If you want to give it to Ann, give it to her yourself! I'll take it, though...I think I gave something like this to Ann's mother ages ago... I'll give this to Ann.Perfume, huh? Didn't I give the same one to Ann years ago...? Well, I'll give this to her. Thanks.Today is the Winter Thanksgiving? Thanks, !.As a thanks, I'll tell you the recipe to my famous Cheese Fondue. Have you heard of it? Don't forget this now. The only ingredient is Cheese. Use a Knife to cut it into bite-size bits. All you need is a Pot! If you want to make it even better, try adding Salt or Wine.  You'll love it!You'll need this Blue Feather to propose, so take good care of it.  Good luck!Do you know that Gourmet who judges the Cooking Festival? He's a real big-shot in the cooking world.  He's eaten cuisine the world over, you know!I heard Griffin owns a bar in Forget-Me-Not Valley. He came here once. Griffin used to be a famous musician who toured around the world. I went to his concert with my wife a long time ago.Cliff is a really good guy. He says he might stay here permanently!Ann is happy, and he seems to be in heaven too!Hi, !. How are things at the farm?As you can see, we're closed for the day! I'm dead tired, too!Hey, how's it going?Take your time.So you've finally decided to pay a visit!Eat up,you need the energy!Did you come for a break, !?I never get a chance for a vacation! Comes with the job, I guess...This is a strange hour...Come when we're open! I'd headed for bed.Right now I'm cooking. Watch out for the flame!Right now I'm busy. Wait for me outside, will ya?Hi.Ann's watching the store for me, but I'm worried about her alone...A year passes pretty quick around here, doesn't it, !....?Don't you ever miss anybody, !?RIFF7SCR CODE#"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#W!0#!"#!!@"!>###"!>### "0!>### ##g!Ab!C###############!>#E#G##!>#]#_# "!>#w#y# #####!>####!>### "!>### #####!>####!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# V###!>#l#n##!>### "!>### ####$g!D2##7##7##7##7##7## 7## 7## 77$g##g##g##gg$#{#}# ###### ### ### #!~ #X!0#!"# ### '#)# #!~ "!>#N#P#"!>#g#i# #W!0#!"#\!0#!"#X!0#!"#X!0#!"#X!0#!"#W!0#!"#[!0#!"#Y!0# !"#X!0# !"#Y!0# !""!>#N#P#"!>#g#i# #[!0# !"#Y!0# !""!>###"!>### #[!0#!"#Y!0#!""!># # #"!>###%# >#W!0#!"Z#[!0#!"#\!0#!"#!>#u#w##[!0#!"#Y!0#!"!!"#!?#[!0#!"!!"#!?$#!##### ## ######## ########## ##$0+##0##0##0##0##0## 0##0##0##0##0##0##00$#!~B##!B^## #!#!!!###### ### ### ### # # # #  # # # / #1 # # F #H # #] #_ # #t #v #  !F#!!] !O #X!0#!"  $#!># # ##!># # # #P!># # ##Z!>#" #$ # #d!>#; #= # #m!>#T #V # #w!>#m #o # "!># # # "!># # # "{!># # # "!># # #"!># # # #!" # # "!>#$ #& # "!>#> #@ #  #W!0#!"###!( #X!0#!"!!"#!?"#!? #[!0#!"!!"#!?  $#!"!># # #"!># # # #!>#" #$ ##!>#: #< #  #!#X #Z #r #[!0#!" #W!0#!"#!# # ##!# # #  #!# # # #W!0#!" #X!0#!"#!# # ##!#2, #. # w #!#J #L #d #W!0# !"r #X!0#!!"#!#2 # ##!#K # #  #!# # # #X!0#"!" #Z!0##!"#!#K###!#d# # i#!#<#>#V#X!0#$!"d#Y!0#%!"#!#d###!"## #!####X!0#$!"#\!0#&!"#!"###!"## ^#!#1#3#K#X!0#$!"Y#Y!0#'!"#!"u#w##!####X!0#(!"#W!0#)!"#!>####!>### 8#!# # #%#Y!0#*!"3#W!0#+!"#P!>#N#P##Z!>#f#h# #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### [#!####!#d5#7# #!#S#U#m#W!0#,!"{#X!0#-!"V#!#d###!"## #!####X!0#.!"#X!0#/!"V#!"##V#!#.#0#H#X!0#0!"V#X!0#1!"#!#q#s##!#d## #!####W!0#2!"#X!0#3!"#!#d###!"## N#!#!###;#W!0#2!"I#X!0#4!"#!"e#g##!"~## #!####[!0#5!"#W!0#6!"#!"###!"## D#!###1#X!0#7!"?#W!0#8!"#!"[#]##!"t#v# #!####X!0#9!"#W!0#:!"#!"###!"## :#!# ##'#[!0#;!"5#[!0#!""!>###"!>### #!####X!0#?!"#[!0#@!"T#!#,#.#F#W!0#A!"T#W!0#B!""!>#p#r#"!>### M#!>####!>###  #!####[!0#C!"#W!0#D!"H#!# #"#:#X!0#E!"H#[!0#F!"}#!>#c#e##!>#{#}# #!####Y!0#G!"#W!0#H!"}#!># ###!># ## ?#!###,#W!0#I!":#W!0#J!"}#!#U#W#o#W!0#K!"}#X!0#L!"#!>####!># ## #X!0#M!"#X!0#N!""!>###"!>### Y#!#,#.#F#X!0#O!"T#W!0#P!"#!#o#q##W!0#Q!"#X!0#R!"$#!!!#! JUMP $ t D T l       !"#$%&'()*+,-$./01$2$3456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~/j      !"#$%&'()*+, - . / 0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"WXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghiGR< $ 7  _   +7CN Z e p{    K k   YSTR sSMvK D_^:v Uh}!A j   ^  ]  7 |  e ;_ JdESorry, do I know you? Ah, you're the new girl at the farm, huh? And I thought you were a guest! Your name is !? I'm Ann.You mean this is a present? For me! Awesome!For me? What a surprise! What a great birthday gift!...Thank you! This is the best birthday ever!...Yeah! Can I really take something so nice...?Is this really for me? Thanks so much!Thanks! This is great!Thanks.You mean this is for me? Hmmm...Thanks.What are you doing?! Get that out of here!Aww...It's so cute!Stop playing scaring me like that! And I thought you were so nice...You mean something so nice is really for me...? Thank you so much!... You're sure, now...?You really want to give me something so precious? Thanks! I mean it.This is the nicest present ever! Thank you!This...This is for me? Thank you.This is for me? Thanks.I really don't have any use for Perfume...But you really want to give it to me? In that case...Thanks!Is it for me? Thank you...but...Today is the Spring Thanksgiving, no?Thanks. I didn't think I would receive a gift from a girl today.Does that mean what I think it means? Congratulations! I'm sure she's waiting for you!Come over to my house tomorrow for the Starry Night Festival, OK?I can't wait!Sorry...Really? Great! We'll be waiting.Well, if you're already busy, I understand...I guess...Welcome, !. We close at 5, so I'll see you then.Today is my mother's... My dad always takes today off, you see.Welcome, !. Take your time.My father's been in a good mood lately. It's all because of Cliff.Hi, !. Welcome.Cliff is doing a good job working, I hear.How are you coming on the farm, !?Cliff says he thinks of me as a younger sister. ...That makes me sad.Welcome, !.Listen to this! I got into a fight with Cliff! He told me to act more like a girl! Can you believe it?Cliff is a hard worker. I like guys who work hard. He's inspiring.My dad and Cliff get along so well together I feel left out!Welcome, !. Hare are you?Hey, !, do you think Cliff is really happy right now? I think maybe he's doesn't like being tied down...It's hard to take care of things when my dad isn't here. This is the day my mother died.  I don't remember her at all, but my dad gets so sad at times like this...Have you adjusted to married life, !?What is it like to have a husband? I don't know what it feels like yet. But having a family is definitely nice, isn't it?Hello, !. How's your hubby?Tell her hi for me!Hello, !. You look like you're doing a good job on the farm.Do you feel relaxed now that you have someone to rely on? You don't have to worry about things by yourself.Welcome!If you want to order something, talk to my dad.Take your time.My dad is always complaining that I'm not "feminine" enough!I like myself just how I am! Besides, I don't need a boyfriend, anyway...Welcome! How goes things on the farm?I like eating food from farms. It tastes so good and fresh!Welcome, !! Take your time, now.Can I ask you a question? Do you think girls should dress "cute"?Welcome.These days, I think a lot. That's good...but I end up breaking lots of dishes!...............Oh, sorry! What was it you wanted?Sometimes we don't have any guests staying here at all! Business can get real slow.When I was a kid, I used to like sleeping in empty guest rooms.  Things were more fun, back then...Good morning! Off to work so early?I should take a lesson from you and get up earlier myself!...Welcome. We close at 5, remember.Today is my mom's... Anyway, my dad is taking the day off, today.I've got to clean Cliff's room before he gets back!Yes, Cliff is still staying here at the Inn.I can barely cope without my dad here! We close at 5 sharp!Today is the anniversary of my mother's death.  I don't remember her at all but my dad gets so sad.I really don't mind cleaning, you know. I love getting dirty and then taking a long, hot bath!We have more guests these days. That makes it much more fun around here!What's up? This is an unusual time to come around here!We've got a room... But you don't want to stay, do you?The Harvest Goddess Spring is really good for your health, you know.  And the waterfall is a blast!Another day, another customer to take care of! I hope we get busy...Ahh...I sure like it around here!...I think Cliff's still in his room.So you're here too, !?The air feels so good here in the morning!RIFF$SCR CODE  #"""! ##"!#"#!!!!#"!-!@"!>#P#R# c##N!AI!C##########$N!D########## ## ## $N##N##N##NN$#b#d##}##### ### #"!~ #_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#^!0#!"#a!0#!"#`!0#!"#_!0#!"#`!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0# !"#_!0# !"$#"!###F<## A##A##A##A## A##A##A##A##A##AA$########## ##########$#"!~##!B## #"!!!## ##4#6# #K#M# #b#d# #y#{# # ## # ## # ## !F#"!!] !O#_!0# !"$"3!>#$#&#H#^!0# !""3#!?#!z#^#`#"S!>#w#y# /###!=#_!0# !"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"$#!|"S"S!>#!?"T!># # #*"R!># (#*#"R!>#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"#_!0#!"$"R"R!>#!?"T"T!>#!?#"!#"!#dQ#S##"!#n#p##^!0#!"#_!0#!"S#"!#d###"!"## #"!####^!0#!"#_!0#!"S#"!#+#-#E#^!0#!"S#_!0#!""R!># j#l##!|"S!>###"S"S!>#!?"T!>###"T"T!>#!?$ #"!!!#"! JUMP ( h  ( H   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678w9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghim.9# #6I \ o     ! , P[fq}   K <Obu ;STR  tlj0[  S{It's my birthday.Wow, now that looks delicious! Is it for me? I can't wait to taste it. Thank you very much.Is it for me? You're so kind. Thank you.Thank you.I... I'm sorry. I don't like it... I'll accept it just because it's from you...Did I do something wrong? Are you trying to annoy me? If you don't like me, why don't you just say so!How cute. Come here, baby.Hey! What are you trying to do? I won't forgive you if it's intentional!Is it for me? I can't accept such an expensive gift... I appreciate it, but... ...Are you sure? Keep it a secret from my husband. Thank you.Is it for me? Do I look good with it? What do you think? ...Good? Okay, thank you. Keep it a secret from my husband. Thank you.It smells nice. Is it for me? Thank you. I'll treasure it.What a pretty feather. Oh, you use it to propose to someone? How romantic... So, you're going to propose from now? Good luck!In Forget-Me-Not Valley, , is very good at fishing. You'd be surprised how many fish she's caught.Mineral Town has so many good ingredients for my cooking.Forget-Me-Not Valley's food is very unique. You'll be surprised.I wish you could visit my Inn. I can cook something good for you.!, do you like to cook? Here is a handy recipe for you. Have you heard of wild grape wine? All you need is wild grapes, wine and some purple grass. You cook them in a pot. You're all set. Isn't it easy? Try it sometime.!, do you like to cook? How about this dish? Do you know how to make corn flakes? You need some corn and either an oven or a frying pan. Do you have them? Also, you need a rolling pin. If you add milk or fruits, it tastes better, but only if you want.!, do you like to cook? I have a good recipe. Do you know how to make buckwheat chips? You need buckwheat flour and a pot. That's it. Too easy? But that's how you make it. You could add some soy sauce for a taste, if you want.!, do you like to cook? I have a very interesting recipe to tell you. Do you know how to make mountain stew? You need carrots, bamboo shoots and mushrooms. Use a knife and a pot and add sugar and soy sauce. That's it. It'll taste just like your mom made! You can add some fish too, if you want.!, do you like to cook? How about this recipe? Toasted rice cakes? It tastes great! Smells great too. You need rice cake and either an oven or a frying pan. That's it. It tastes better if you put some seasonings on it.!, do you like to cook? How about this recipe? Do you know how to make baked corn? It sounds delicious, doesn't it? Are you ready? Of course you need corn. And you need an oven. That's it. Easy! If you put some soy sauce, it's even more delicious! Try it.!, do you like to cook? I know an interesting recipe. Do you know what Turbojolt XL is? It's an antidote to fatigue. It's useful. You need some green grass and a regular Turbojolt. Blend them in a mixer. Try it when you are very fatigued.!, do you like to cook? How about this recipe? Vegetable Juice? Young people these days don't eat their veggies! It's a good way to have vegetables. Blend cucumbers, cabbage, and carrots in a mixer. It's easy. You can add any vegetables you want to that.!, do you like to cook? I have a good recipe. Do you like curried bread? You need bread, curry powder and oil. Use a frying pan to cook it. You can add different things in it. It's fun.!, do you like to cook? I'll tell you a good recipe. You know Apple Soufle? You just need apples and a frying pan. It's so easy. Yet it's a delicious dessert. You can add sugar if you like sweet stuff.Can I help you?Mineral Town is full of delicious stuff! I love it!Oh hello, !. How are you?Everyone in Mineral Town is very nice. They're always kind and generous.!, do you know Forget-Me-Not Valley?I used to travel all over the world, but it's such a nice place... I ended up living there! Can you believe it? My husband and I love Forget-Me-Not Valley.RIFF #SCR CODE # ";! ## !# #!!!!# !-# !#J#L#k#c!0#!"# ! !@"!>###"!>### "0!>### "!>###" !>### ##!A!C## ## ## ## #### ## ## #!>####!>### #### #!>####!>### ####  $!D############## ## ## $####$###%###### ## # # !~ +#d!0#!" #d!0#!"#d!0#!"#c!0#!"#f!0#!"#f!0#!"#c!0#!"#f!0#!"#d!0# !"#d!0# !"#c!0# !"#d!0# !"$# !#&#(### ######## ############$RM##R##R##R##R## R##R##R##R##R##R##RR$# !~d##!B## # !"!>###### # !#d## ###### ### <#c!0# !"!!"#!?!!#U#W##k#m# ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## # ## !F# ! !][!OQ#c!0#!"VV$ "@!>#r#t##c!0#!"#d!0#!"!!"@#!? #!>####!>### #!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# #d!0#!"###!(#d!0#!"!!"#!?$ # ! #!>### # !### #d!0#!"#c!0#!" #c!0#!"g # !#1 #3 #Y #d!0#!"#c!0#!"g #c!0#!" # !#d # # # !# # # #c!0#!" #c!0#!" # !# # # #c!0#!" #f!0#!" #!>#% #' ##!>#= #? # X #d!0#!"f #c!0#!" # !#d # # # !# # # #d!0# !" #f!0#!!" # !# # # #d!0#"!" #f!0##!" # !#d$ #& #n # !#A #C #[ #d!0#$!"i #c!0#%!" # !# # # #c!0#&!" #f!0#'!"  $# !!!# ! JUMP $ d $ 4 L 7,7777,77 , 7 , , ,7777777,7777777777 7!7"7#7$7%7&7'7(,),*7+!,!-!.!/,0!1!2,3,4,5,6!7!897:7;7<7=,>,?,@,A7B7C7D7EF!G,H,I,J7K,L,M7N7O7P,Q7R,S,T7U!V!WBX!Y!Z7[,\!]7^7_7`,a,b,c,d,e7f7g,h7i,j,k7l7m7n7o7p7q7r,s7t,u,v7w7x7ySz7{,|,},~7SSS777777,777i7,,i,,,7,77,!^^^^^^SSS,77,,S7,j%%%%%;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;;;FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F!F"F#F$F%Q&Q'Q(0)0*0+0,\-\.\/\0010203F4F506F7F8F9F:F;Q<Q=Q>Q?Q@QAQBQCQDQEQFQGQHQIQJQKQLQMQNQOQPQQQRQSQTQUQVrWQXQYQZg[g\g]g^F_F`FaFbQcQdQeQfQgQhQiQ  5H[n    7BMXdp{      ' 2=K9kk   l STR (>yVRPIsV{ <(i }  p #  Hey there? Are you a tourist? No, you're new in town? This town is beautiful, and the people are nice, so I bet you'll like it here.  Me? Oh, sorry, the name's Basil. I'm studying the flora of this area.  This is a fabulous gift. Who told you my birthday?Thanks a lot! Were my tastes that obvious?Thanks! The people of this town really are so kind...Thanks! Ahh-chew! This just triggered my allergies!...? Is this to throw away?I like animals and insects just as much as I like plants!Sorry, but this kind of gives me the creeps...! Why not set it free?Gee, thanks for the thought! I usually don't do much for Anna, so I'll give this to her. She'll love it.Thanks. I'll try giving this to Anna!...This smells nice... Almost like a plant!Oh, thank you. Anna gave me a gift this morning too.I've been meaning to tell you this recipe...It's for a delicious Fruit Latte. Take fruit like Pineapple, Apple, Wild Grape, or other fruit and put it in a  Mixer with Milk. It also tastes excellent with Strawberry, Grape Juice, or Honey. Hmm.... What an interesting custom this is!...I heard there is a plant named Tartan in Forget-Me- Not Valley. He can hybrid many crops. It was born as a result of a science experiment. It's supposed to be a very unique character too. I want to see it once, don't you agree?You look like there's something you wan to talk about. Is there?Tell about job.Don't tell about job.Thanks for telling me, but I can't. I may look like I have a lot of free time,  but I'm very busy studying plants!Great weather we're having today!Humans are just like plants. They need sunshine or they wither away...Plants can feel what we're thinking you know. That's what I explain in my new book.It's been raining all day!Plants have the most amazing life force! If you find a seed from 100 years ago,  then give it water and sun, it'll bloom!Mother's Hill is home to different species of flora That's why we came to this town in the first place!There are plants around here which don't grow anywhere else!You grow crops, don't you? What a great endeavor that must be!I'm so busy writing my books I barely have time for field work!What great weather we have today!Hi, !. Are you done for the day? Don't try to do everything too perfectly, or you won't hold up!I just love outdoor air!!Plants change a lot in just one week, you know. Especially if it rains or  snows!I just love my work!I thought I would be able to spend all my time with plants, but I only get to  about once a week. This town has great wine. I shouldn't partake as often as I do...This town has great air and great water, which means the plants are happy. It also makes for great wine!Do you drink wine? Mary doesn't drink much,  but she can put a lot away when she does!Mary likes plants, too, but I think she wants something passionate, like what you have for your farm.RIFF9SCR CODE# "C! ## !# #!!!!# !-# !#J#L#k#h!0#!"# !!@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>###" !>## # "!>###%# 6##!A!C###################!>####!>### "!>### ######!>## ##!># #"# "!>#:#<# M##S####!>#n#p##!>### "!>### ###!>####!>### "!>### ######$!D############## ## ## $######$### ###### #+#-# #B#D# # !~ e#l!0#!"$# y#{## ## # !~ "!>###"!>### #h!0#!"#l!0#!"$#l!0#!"$#h!0#!"$#h!0#!"$#g!0#!"$#i!0#!"$#i!0# !"$#h!0# !"$#j!0# !"$"!>###"!>### #g!0# !"#h!0# !"$"!>###"!>#-#/# H#g!0#!"V#h!0#!"$"!>#r#t#"!>### #g!0#!"#h!0#!"$#!>####k!0#!"!!"#!?#k!0#!"!!"#!?$$$# !#:#<### ## ######## ########## ##$|w##|##|##|##|##|## |##|##|##|##|##|##||$# !~##!B## # !# !!!###### # # # # #! # #6 #8 # #M #O # # d #f # # { #} # #  # # # # # # # #  !F# !!] !O #h!0#!"  $#!>#% #' ##!>#= #? # #P!>#V #X ##Z!>#n #p # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "{!># # # "!>#! ## #"!>#: #< # # !"V #X # "!>#p #r # "!># # #  #g!0#!"###!( #l!0#!"!!"#!?"#!? #g!0#!"!!"#!?  $# !"!>#7 #9 #"!>#P #R # # !#n #p ## !# # #  # !# # # #g!0#!" #h!0#!"# !# # ## !#2 # # J # !# # #7 #g!0#!"E #h!0#!"# !#2` #b ## !#Kx #z #  # !# # # #h!0#!" #h!0#!"# !#K # ## !#d # # <# !###)#h!0# !"7#g!0#!!"# !#dR#T## !"k#m# # !####h!0#"!"#k!0##!"# !"### !"## 8# !###%#h!0#h!0#"!"3#k!0#$!"# !"O#Q## !#l#n##h!0#%!"#k!0#&!"#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "{!>#`#b# # !#~### !#d## # !####g!0#'!"#h!0#(!"# !#d### !"## [# !#.#0#H#g!0#)!"V#h!0#*!"# !"r#t## !####h!0#+!"#h!0#,!"# !#### !#d## 5# !## #"#g!0#-!"0#g!0#.!"# !#dK#M## !"d#f# # !####h!0#/!"#g!0#0!"# !"### !"## *# !####h!0#1!"%#g!0#2!"# !"A#C## !"Z#\# # !#x#z##h!0#3!"#g!0#4!"# !"### !"##  # !### #k!0#5!"#k!0#6!"# !"7#9## !"P#R# # !#n#p##h!0#7!"#h!0#8!"# !"### !####l!0#9!"#j!0#:!""!>###"!>#,#.# 7#!>#J#L##!>#g#i## !####h!0#;!"#g!0#!"2#h!0#?!"5#!>#M#O##!>#j#l## !####h!0#@!"#g!0#A!"# !####h!0#B!"#i!0#C!"5# !# ##'#h!0#D!"5#g!0#E!"# !#P#R#j#g!0#F!"x#h!0#G!"#!># ###!># ## #!>####!>### #h!0#H!""!>###"!>#(#*# t#!>#F#H#a#h!0#I!"o#g!0#J!"#!>####!># ## #h!0#K!"#g!0#L!"#g!0#M!"# !####h!0#N!"#h!0#O!"# !#7#9#Q#g!0#P!"_#h!0#Q!"# !#z#|##h!0#R!"#g!0#S!"# !####k!0#T!"#g!0#U!"$# !!!# ! JUMP $ t D T l vvvvvkvvk k v v v kkvvvkvvvkkkkkkvvvv v!v"k#k$k%k&k'k(k)k*`+`,v-`.`/`0v1`2k3k4k5k6`7`8J9v:v;`<`=v>`?v@vAvBvCvD`EF`GkHkIkJvKvLvMNvOvPvQRSvTvUUVvWvXUYvZk[k\k]^v_`vavbvcvdkekfkghvivjvkvlvmvnvovpqkrksktkukvkwkxkyvzk{v|`}k~vvvvvvvvvvvXvvvUvvvvkvv`vvvvvvvvvvvjHHHHH==== = = = = ====SHHHHHHHH2HH2== =!H"H#H$=%i&i'i(H)H*H+H,t-t.t/t0^1^2^32425H6^7^8^9^:^;i<i=i>i?i@iAiBiCiDiEiFiGiHiIiJiKiLiMiNiOiPiQiRiSiTiUiVWiXiYiZ[\]^S_^`SaSbicidieifigihiii@( -@Sfy   [ KValw     #/: F Q \gK   !}}d :&STR Vd.Wn| I >}9i;Lcs|r ! 1 ^  u  % t   _ y 7 q _g=Wb9i~ HAh, are you the new girl at that farm Thomas told me about? My name's Mary. Nice to meet you.A birthday present? What a surprise!A birthday gift? Gosh, thanks.What a great present! Thanks so much! All my father ever gives me is books...!You mean something so nice is really for me?Gee, thanks a lot! What a great gift!Thanks! I love these!Th-thanks...I wish I could say that I liked these...Umm...What exactly is this?It's so cute! I love all the animals in this village, don't you?...! ........................... ...........................This is really for me? Seriously? Gray's grandfather made this, didn't he?  I wonder if Gray ever will?Thanks so much!... Where did you get this stone? I've never seen one like it!This is really for me? You mean it? Wow, thanks!This is for me? I've always wanted one like this...Thanks!This is so romantic! Maybe I'll try writing a romance novel tonight...Yippee! I've never had such nice Perfume before!Ah... Today is... Never mind. Thank you. I appreciate it.Ah... Huh? Well, thank you. I appreciate it.Congratulations! You should really keep that fresh for the important girl, though!If you don't already have other plans...How about coming over to my house tomorrow for the Starry Night Festival...?Sounds like fun!Sorry, I've got plans.Great! We'll be waiting for you!Really...? Well...Never mind...Oh, hello.Gray and I agree on most everything. Maybe he reads the same books I do...Hello, !.Gray and I have hardly changed since our marriage. He works under Saibara and I at the Library.Oh, hello, !.I'm so glad Gray and my dad are getting along! Gray's grandfather is very nice, too.Oh, hello, !. Come to read a book?Gray always vows to quit his apprenticeship whenever he comes home.  The next day, he always goes back, though. Oh, hello, !. How is farm life going?The other day I went to meet Gray's parents. I was surprised at how close they lived to my old house.I'm glad Gray decided he likes books, but I also wish he'd pick up other interests as well!Hi, !! What are you doing here? Oh, came to read...I like you because you like to read, !.  I like it when more people read my books!Hi, !. How are you today?You look well.Is life on the farm busy these days, !?What is it like to be married? I can't write a novel with marriage in it because I don't know...Hello, !. How is your husband?Your husband is lucky. He can learn a lot from you.Hi.  We built this Library so the townspeople could have access to my dad's books.We get new books in all the time, so you should come back often!Hello!Doesn't this town remind you of a village in a fairy tale...?Hi. How is life on the farm?Will you teach me about farm stuff? I love to learn new things, you know!Hi, !! I love it when people come to read our books!I love the smell of books. I think they smell like the inside of a forest... or a fairy tale!Oh...Hello.It's too bad that not everybody visits our Library so often.So you came! Thank you!I can't imagine quitting my job here just because I get married.  I want more people to come here and read books!Hell-ooh....For some reason I just got queasy all of a sudden!The Library is closed on Thursdays now. Don't forget!I like to go to the peak of Mother's Hill on sunny days around noon. Saibara is there sometimes, too, but for some reason Gray never comes!On Thursdays when the weather isn't nice, Gray and I usually visit his grandfather. Hi, !. Did you come to see Gray?You're always so good to Gray!Sorry, !, but the Library is closed today.On Mondays the whole family helps out dad on Mother's Hill.Today it's raining, so we can't go hiking. But, the Library is still closed. After all, nobody would come today anyway!Was there a specific book you wanted to read, !?The library is usually open from 10 AM to 4 PM. Why don't you come then?Good morning! What a beautiful day!Is the farm fun for you?Hi there.Be careful not to catch cold now, !.Sorry, but the Library is closed today.  Our day off changed to Thursday.Sorry, but the Library is closed today. We all go to help Dad on Mother's Hill once a week.Hi. Today is our day off here at the Library.What a coincidence! Today I'm helping Mom. Mom always buys way too much at the Supermarket!I didn't expect to find you here, !. Are you looking for plants, too?Papa drags us to the mountain even in Winter! He does let us stay home if it's snowing, though.Hi there. Going to the mountain is more fun with Gray than with Dad. Of course, Dad never looks up from the ground on Mother's Hill.Working as a Blacksmith is really dangerous, you know. I like Gray's grandfather. He's so hard and disciplined compared with my own family!RIFFSCR CODEP L # "{! ## !# #!!!!# !-# !#J#L#k#n!0#!"# !: !@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### ##!A!CC##H##H##H##H##H##HH$!D############## ## ## $######$## #}###%##9#;# #P#R# # !~ s#o!0#!"E@#o!0#!"E#o!0#!"E#n!0#!"E#q!0#!"E#p!0#!"E#o!0#!"E#q!0#!"E#o!0# !"E#o!0# !"E#o!0# !"EE$# !#[#]### ######## ###### ## ## $ql##q##q##q##q## q##q##q##q##q##qq$# !~##!B## # !!!###### ### ## # ##!# # 6#8# # M#O# # d#f# q!F# !: !]!O#o!0# !"$: # !. # !#d### !### #n!0# !"#o!0#!"]# !#5#7#O#o!0#!"]#n!0#!"3 #!>#x#z## !####o!0#!"#n!0#!"# !####n!0#!"#n!0#!"#o!0#!"3 #!>#)#+##!>#A#C# \#n!0#!"#!>#r#t##o!0#!"#o!0#!"3 # !#d### !####o!0#!"#o!0#!"># !###0#n!0#!">#o!0#!"3 # !#Y#[#s#q!0#!"#n!0#!"3 # !#d### !####n!0#!"#n!0# !"$ # !### #o!0#!!"$ #o!0#"!"3 3 $# !!!# ! JUMP\   `        !"#$%&'()*(+,(-(./(0(1(2(3(4(5(6(7(89(:(;(<(=>?@ABC(DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~(333333(jxxxxxxxxx x x x x xxxxWWbb b!m"#$b%&'(m)m*m+m,-./012x3x4x5m6789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^x_`abcdefghiM }   ( lw     #/: F Q \KCbSTR * #@Z|3[?~(rB(.r? K  Now, you're a new face around here. Oh, you're the one who moved into that farm? That's right. Thomas mentioned about you. I'm Anna. It is very lovely to meet you.Oh? What a surprise. I normally just have a birthday party with my family. Thank you.Thank you! You've just made me so happy! I love this!Oh, thank you very much.Thank you. I kind of like this.Mmmm... I don't really like it. But I will accept it just because it's from you.Oh my. What's this?How cute. My husband says plants are cute, but I don't understand that.Why did you have to bring that to me!Oh, how lovely. What's the name of the brand? Nothing? Saibara made it for you? Then, why not calling it "SAIBARA"?Oh, thank you. I actually wanted one. Girls know what girls want, right? I wish my husband knew too.Oh, how lovely. Young girls love this. Thank you very much.Blue Feather? I wish my husband had proposed me with it too...Oh hello, !. How are you? Did you read the books my husband wrote? There are many at the library.He says the books about this town are more popular than his plant books... He isn't truly happy about it. But anyway, please go see his books. They are helpful.Ah... !! I was just thinking about when I was younger. When my husband and I went hiking, he was too focused on the flowers, and... He went off a cliff!My husband likes to go to the bar at night. Why doesn't he invite me?Ah, !. Good morning. Another tough day, huh?I'm jealous of you, !. You don't have to think about how to kill time everyday.Oh, no. The weather is not good today. My husband must be disappointed.I was praying for good weather last night, but I had a feeling it was going to rain.Then, that came true. Don't tell my husband about it, though.I wonder what I'll do when I get home...? My husband is always working, so I'm bored.I see my friends at the town square to chat around lunch time. It's fun. Unlike my husband, they talk about everything.Hello, !! How are you? You seem very well.Today is my shopping day. It's fun to shop at the supermarket. Do you like TV shopping? You should buy a pot from them. It's very nice and useful.Sasha's husband seems to be very tired. She's always fine, though. I guess it's hard to run a store like this.I don't buy anything on credit. But, I do forget my wallet sometimes....... She did... Oh, really... That's too bad... No, no, my family......Lillia's husband went to find a flower that only blooms in the desert once every ten years. It's supposed to cure her, but Lillia is lonely. We shouldn't have told him about the flower...My family hikes together on Mondays. It's our prime family time.But all we do is to talk about plants. I wish Mary talked about more girly stuff... She's too serious.Mother's Hill is a fun place to find many things.I can make some more jam.RIFFJSCR CODEP(L(#"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#r!0#!"#!:(!@"=!>### ##!A!C[##`##`##`##`##`##`#!>####!>## # "!>#8#:# K##Q##``$!D############ ## ## $######$###!#0#2##F#H# #]#_# #!~ #s!0"!>####!"#!" #s!0"!>####!"#!"#s!0"!>###"#!")#!"#r!0"!>#L#N#_#!"f#!"#t!0"!>#### !"# !"#t!0"!>#### !"# !"#r!0"!>#### !"#!"#t!0"!>#@#B#S#!"Z#!"#s!0"!>#}###!"#t!0#!"#s!0#!"#!"#s!0"!>####!"#!"#s!0"!>###4#!"#t!0#!";#!"#!>#V#X##!>#n#p# "!>####s!0#!"#s!0"!>####!"#!"!!"#!?!!"#!?$#!#'#)##P!>#N#P##Z!>#f#h# #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "{!>### #"## #P!>####Z!>#.#0# #d!>#G#I# #m!>#`#b# #w!>#y#{# "!>### "{!>### #",###P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>#(#*# #w!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "{!>#u#w# ##d###P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!># # # "!>#" #$ # "{!>#< #> # M #"###P!>#o #q ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!># # #  #" ## #P!>#9 #; ##Z!>#Q #S # #d!>#j #l # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!># # #  ##d###P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!>#1 #3 # #m!>#J #L # #w!>#c #e # "!>#} # # "{!># # #  #"###P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!>#- #/ # "!>#G #I # "{!>#a #c # q #"## #P!># # ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!>#) #+ # 9 #"## #P!>#Z #\ ##Z!>#r #t # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "{!># # # #",###P!>#"#$##Z!>#:#<# #d!>#S#U# #m!>#l#n# #w!>### "!>### "{!>### #"##$ni##n##n##n##n## n##n##n##n##n##n##nn$#!~<#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!># ## "{!>#'#)# 6####!B #P!>#\#^##Z!>#t#v# #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "{!>### ## ## #!#!!!#Q#S##g#i# #~## ### ### # ## # ## # ## ## # !F#!:(!]!O#!>#K#M#"!>#d#f# "!>#~## "!>### #P!>### #Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>#/#1# "!>#I#K# "{!>#c#e# #O!>#|#~# #Y!>### #c!>### #l!>### #v!>### "!>### "!>### "z!>#.#0# #!>#G#I# #!`c#e# #s!0#!"!!##!4"#!?"Z!8#s!0#!"$:(#!.(#!>####!>### #s!0#!""!>#,#.#"!>#E#G# #2!>#c#e##2!># {#}# #!####r!0#!"#s!0# !"#2!># ###2!>#(## ?#!###,#t!0#!!":#r!0#"!"#2!>#(U#W##2!>#;m#o# #!####s!0##!"#r!0#$!"#2!>#;###!####r!0#%!"#s!0#&!""!>#/#1##.!>#L#N##.!>#<d#f# #!####r!0#'!"#s!0#(!"#.!>#<###.!>#n## (#!####r!0#)!"##s!0#*!"#.!>#n>#@##.!>#xV#X# #/!>#o#q# #!####r!0#+!"#s!0#,!"#.!>#x###.!>"## #/!>### M#!# #"#:#r!0#-!"H#r!0#.!"#.!>"d#f##/!>#|#~# #!####s!0#/!"#s!0#0!"#!"0u##(#!####t!0#1!"##t!0#2!"#!"0u?#A##!@Z#\# #!>#x#z##!># ## #!####t!0#3!"#t!0#4!"#!### #t!0#5!"#t!0#6!"#!@7#9##!PR#T# #!>#p#r##!># ## #!####r!0#7!"#t!0#8!"#!####s!0#9!"#r!0#:!"#!P/#1##!`J#L# #!>#h#j##!># ## #!####s!0#;!"#s!0#!"#!`'#)##!>#D#F##!># \#^# #!#z#|##s!0#?!"#s!0#@!"#!####r!0#A!"#s!0#B!"3("!>###!#!"'#!#i#!#<#>#V#r!0#C!"d#t!0#D!"!#!"'###!" 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JUMPd   h ( 8   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~jzzzzzzzzz z z z z zzzzoooooooooooo o!o"z#z$z%&'(z)z*z+z,-./012345z6o7o89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghie .k" _  @ 8Y #  | D    !, 8 C NYK53".% STR pc HIn )?T4\'oK1c 1 i  E  O p . U x - ^ C0[1\Sd}E'8Mm,Eb.?~I've set up a shop here, and I've got great stuff!  My name is Won. Please buy lots of stuff!)!!! Is it for me? You remembered my birthday! I'm so happy! Many thanks!Oh! You're such a nice customer! Today is my birthday. I appreciate it! Many thanks!)! You are so nice! You give me this... Many thanks!Whoa! You're such a nice customer! I love it! Many thanks!Oh, ). It looks like what I sold you, no? Many thanks anyways!Oh! Thank you! I like this.Oh, ). Thank you. I appreciate it.Many thanks.Huh? What is this? ), I don't like it.Oh...? No good, lady. What to do?), don't joke with me. Are you trying to upset me? Oh, please. I know you're my customer, but... I get angry sometimes, you know?), you like animals, don't you?You like animals? I have something good. Don't tell anyone, though. I also have some insects. ...No? Are you sure?Huh, ). I can't even make money off of it...Oh no. That's no good. I can't sell it. Take it to somewhere else.Oh, my! ), is it for me?I can sell it for...Never mind! Thanks!Oh! You're my favorite customer! You're giving it to me for free? I can make lots of money. ...Oh, you're still here?Oh, my! ), is it for me? Girls like this kind of things. I can sell it... Never mind! Thanks!)! That is! I'll sell it right away!What? For me? ), you're so generous. Many thanks.I'll buy it for a very high price. What? You give it to me? You're not a good business person...), thanks. I was looking forward to today.Many thanks. I didn't give you anything in the Spring... I'm happy.Many thanks. You remembered I gave you a gift last year.For me? ...Let's go to your house and talk about it, shall we?Oh my, you're persistent. If you fail, I'll buy it from you. Don't worry and challenge.Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival. Come home between 12 ? 6PM.), you shouldn't run around too much.I didn't dream of having a child. I wonder how much money she'll make?), how are you doing? Are you nauseous?Tell me anything. You have to help each other.How is the baby? You name the baby, okay? It seems like the baby will be here soon. I'm excited!). Doctor and Elli are coming tomorrow, so be prepared. I hope the baby will be born healthy.* is sleeping so well. She'll grow up very healthy.* is very cute. She looks just like you, ).*, she's getting big. She's pretty heavy now.She'll be a good business woman sometime. She'll be very rich.I wonder when she will start walking? Pretty soon?I saw her almost standing up even though no one taught her. Amazing.Children grow up so quickly.I learn a lot from * everyday. I didn't think I could become a father, but I am a father now.When * start speaking, I'll teach her how to sell items.......... ......... .........I don't feel like talking right now.Good morning. We don't talk lately.), what's the matter?You're home... Are you still working?Working hard is good, but spend time with me.Good morning. I'll sell a lot today.You too, ). Make lots of money.You're home. Was it profitable today?Me? It's a secret. Even to you.Good morning. We'll make a lot of money today.When both of us are working, we make a lot of money.You're home. Did you make lots of money today?Working on the farm seems very hard. I'm amazed how hard you work everyday.Good morning. ), did you sleep well?I feel relaxed when I come home. You have a good taste in furniture.), you're home. How is the farm?You're meant to be a farmer to be able to make so much money.). Shopping?Go home when you're done buying what you want.). Buying something? I have some good stuff.I can't give you a discount even though we're married.What do you need, )? Tell me anything.I can't give you a discount even for you. You came to see me. You're always welcome. So, what would like to buy today?Even if you're my wife, I don't let that in my way of business. You're a customer.). You came to see me. I'm very happy.I'll be happier if you buy something from me. Hi, )! Welcome. Take your time.But don't rest too long. Time is money, remember? ), you came too see me! Welcome. Take your time.I haven't had many customers today, but you came.May I help you?I've got lots of stuff.Hello, !. Don't just stand there. Buy something.I don't like stingy customers. I like generous customers.Hello, !. Welcome. Take your time.No customer. You're the only one I get, !.Oh no. Are you okay to run around like that? Watch your step.I'm happy to see you here, but it's dangerous. Don't fall.Oh my. Where is *? Is she good?I'll go home around 6PM. I'm looking forward to seeing *.Can I help you?I'm going home now.I'm so tired. I'm going home.). I'm going home now.How much money did you make today?). How is the farm?It's good to have a real esta... no, home. Very nice.), you're hard worker. I love hard workers.You're my dream wife. Oh, ). What's the matter?Don't run around too much because you have a baby. Oh, hi. How is *? You have to keep an eye on her. Is she okay?Nothing? Go home then.You don't talk to me any more. Did I do something?Oh, hello, ).Don't carry a lot of money with you. You might misspend it.). Did you find a good way to make money?You and money are the most important for me.Oh, hello, )! What's the matter?We make money together. We'll be rich. Marriage is great.RIFF9SCR CODE# "! ## !# #!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# # !|"!8$"[!>###"]!>### "=!8!# !-!@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>#7#9#"!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### "!>###"!>### "0!>### ##!Az!C#############!>#R#T##!>#j#l# }#####!>####!>### ####$!DJ##O##O##O##O##O## O## O## OO$######$###H###### ### # !~ #v!0#!"#v!0#!"#u!0#!"#u!0#!"#x!0#!"#u!0#!"#v!0#!"#w!0#!"#u!0#!"#u!0# !"#u!0# !"#v!0# !"$# !##### ######## ###### ## #### $% ##%##%##%##%## %##%##%##%##%##%##%%$# !~7##!BS## # !!!#x#z#### ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## #/#1# <!F# !!]~!Ot#v!0# !"yy$"7!>####u!0# !""7#!?# !"###!z###  #u!0#!"#!|"!># !####!z#9#;# "h!>#S#U# #v!0#!"#!|"h"h!>#!?"<!>###"h!># ## "h!>#u!0#!"#v!0#!"#u!0#!"#v!0#!"#u!0#!"#x!0#!"#u!0#!"#x!0#!"#w!0#!"#x!0#!"#w!0#!"#x!0#!"#w!0#!"#u!0#!"#v!0#!"#u!0#!"#u!0#!"#v!0#!"#u!0#!"#v!0# !"#x!0#!!"#u!0#"!"#v!0##!"#u!0#!"#x!0#$!"#u!0#%!"#v!0#&!"#x!0#'!"#v!0#(!"#u!0#)!"#x!0#*!"#u!0#+!"#u!0#!"#v!0#,!"#u!0#-!"#x!0#.!"#v!0#/!"#u!0#0!"#v!0#1!"#u!0#2!"#w!0#3!"#x!0#4!"#v!0#5!"#u!0#6!"#v!0#7!"#u!0#!"#x!0#8!"#v!0#9!"#u!0#:!"#v!0#;!"#u!0#!"#w!0#?!"#u!0#@!"#x!0#A!"#v!0#B!"#u!0#!"#u!0#C!"#x!0#D!"#w!0#E!"!!#"&! ##!?#!|"<#!?# !#!>#>#@#X#u!0#W!"6#!># n#p##!>### #!>####u!0#X!"#x!0#Y!"#x!0#Z!"6#!># ###!>#  ## (#v!0#[!"6#u!0#\!"# !#dQ#S## !#n#p##u!0#]!"#x!0#^!"S# !#d### !"## # !####u!0#_!"#u!0#`!"S# !#+#-#E#v!0#a!"S#u!0#b!"# !#dn#p## !####v!0#c!"#v!0#d!"# !####v!0#e!"#u!0#f!"# !#d##[# !#.#0#H#x!0#g!"V#x!0#h!"# !#q#s##x!0#i!"#u!0#j!"$ # !!!# ! JUMP ,<$ D T j      !"#$%&'()*+,-./&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy&z{|}~&&<111111j      !"#$%&'()*+,$-$.$/$0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV:WXYZ/[/\/]/^_`abcdefghi_jT .ATgz      +7CN Z e p{    K\         #  a  (X;;;STR kI%h|U < ,oHu1 D a B h 2 ~ 4 h $ p -\=Nt3W:9n%HXBWK5gIOh my, I'd forgotten, !! Today is my birthday. Thank you very much.What a nice gift! You made my day! I love this so much! Thank you!This is for me? Thank you. I like this.Wow, thank you. I appreciate it. Oh? Mmm...Are you trying to goad me into losing my temper, !?I guess you get used to animals and bugs if you work on a farm.Eeeeeeek! Help!!!Well, this is very fancy. Is it for me? Thank you. When Harris gets married, maybe I'll give it to his wife.Well, you have some fancy stuff there. What? Is it for me? Mmm... I have not use for it, though... Maybe I'll give it to Harris's wife when he gets married.Well, well, that is very fancy. But do your animals get scared when you wear it? What? For me? Oh, thank you very much.Wow, thank you. I'm happy to receive a gift from girls today. Oh? Ha ha ha! Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be very happy.!, do you know Forget-Me-Not Valley? I heard , in that town is very popular. I would like to see her someday.A guy named Kano used to live here. I loved taking pictures of Mineral Town. It's certainly a nice place. But one day, he left a letter and took off. I wonder how he's doing now...You won the Cooking Festival 10 times! I'm proud of you!!I heard from the mayor of the next town that... People are talking about your cooking in Forget-Me- Not Valley.!, you won against the professional chef! Congratulations!Huh. You can't hide it from me. I know all about it. I'm the mayor of this town, you know? ......... You still try to hide the fact? Everyone is talking about you. It wasn't you? What are you saying? You did it. Hah!!! Could it be!!! No way... Ar...are you trying to become a mayor here? No!! You can't!! My family has been the mayor of this town for centuries! What? You don't want to become the mayor? G...good! I knew it. You wouldn't. This is great! And, where were we?You're a role model for everyone in this town! Why? Ha ha ha, don't be so modest. You went to those two conflicting countries to make peace by introducing their original food to one another. The representatives of those countries were moved by your effort. Such a good story... I cry when I hear this kind of story... I couldn't hold my tears.  You're a hero!  !, you're an inspiration!You're going to travel in search of a legendary ingredient... I always wanted to see it too. If you find it, please show it to me. I just want to look at it. Huh... If it's glegendaryh, it must be amazing... ??? What is it? Something wrong? What? You know nothing about it? Oh, come on. Don't be so modest. ...I see. If you insist on hiding, your secret is safe with me.You traveled extensively to find the legendary ingredient. I heard you went through a jungle and got attacked by the people there. And they took you to thier town and make you cook...  They were very impressed by your cooking and gave you a medal. What was it called? Ah yes, gTakaranpepeh. Was it? I don't know much about it, but congratulations! They liked you very much, so they told you about the legendary ingredient. You went to the cave to find it with a young man.  I heard the cave was the scariest place on earth!  So many snakes fell from above, and scorpions were all over the ground. You finally got to the back of the cave and found the legendary ingredient. You're a very brave girl. Impressive... What? What is it? Something wrong? Oh! Not to worry. I didn't tell anyone about it. I didn't tell anyone that you have the legendary ingredient.I heard you battled fiercely against that guy. Who is that guy? You can't fool me like that. The ultimate skill of cooking that you were trying to learn... Of course I'm talking about your teacher.  You had to defeat him to finally learn the ultimate skill? I don't know much about it, but is it that valuable? Can you say something...?  Oh, you're not supposed to talk about the battle against your teacher? Is that right? ...I see. I won't ask you again... Don't worry. I won't tell anyone.I heard you defeated the A.I. Joe. A.I. Joe is the most powerful servant of the Dark King. I can't belive you defeated A.I. Joe all by yourself.You seem to be a sweet girl...  Since you defeated A.I. Joe, the Dark King will come for avenge... So be careful at night.  I'm sure you'll be fine because you defeated A.I. Joe already.Dark King's castle is said to be in Forget-Me-Not Valley. You went in there all by yourself, and defeated his guards, and... You defeated the Dark King easily with your ultimate skill. You're simply amazing, !. I shall address you "Your Highness" from now on. Your Highness, please accept this.You don't like it, Your Highness? How about this?Oh... Your Highness... Why...? You don't like this either? What would you like then? You don't like to be called Your Highness? You want me to call you as I used to do? If you say so, Your Highness... ...Okay, !. There is nothing more pleasing to a mayor than a peaceful town. !, you work very hard. Farmers have no weekends, huh?That's too bad...Hmmm, looks like it won't clear up any time soon. I wanted to go to the Rose Square.Ellen and I always eat apple pies together on weekends. Doug's apple pie is our favorite. Hi, !. I'm going shopping now.Hi, if it isn't !. How is your farm? Everything good?I'm sure it will take some getting used to. Running a farm isn't so easy, you know?Hello, !! How is your farm? Are you doing better now?I can't help you with the actual farm work... But if there is anything I can do, let me know.Hello, if it isn't !! I hear everyone saying you're doing very well on your farm?I see. I don't really know what it's like to run a farm, but everyone in this town needs you. Thank you for your hardwork.Hi, !. Are you taking a break?I bet the animals are happy on days like today. How are they doing?Hello, !. Have you come to like our town yet?If there is anything, let let know. I'm always here for you.Huh, how depressing. I wonder when it will clear up?I wanted to go to the Rose Square if it was clear. I forgot if I updated the bulletin board or not...Ahhh... I knew it was going to rain on my day off... Harris always comes by the Inn at this hour, so I come here on rainy days just in case. I'd like to make sure that the town is okay.RIFFd<SCR CODE#"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#k#y!0#!"#!!@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>###"!>### "!>## # "!>#"#$# 6##!A!C)##.##.##.##.##.##.##.#!>####!>### "!>### ####.#!>####!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# X##^##.#!>#y#{##!>### "!>### ###!>####!>### "!>### ####..$!D################ ## ## $######$### ####*#,# #A#C# #X#Z# #!~ {#~!0#!":# ### ## #!~ "!>###"!>### #y!0#!"#~!0#!":5#~!0#!":#~!0#!":#z!0#!":#y!0#!":#}!0#!":#{!0# !":#z!0# !":#{!0# !":"!>###"!>### #y!0# !"#y!0# !":"!>#*#,#"!>#C#E# ^#y!0#!"l#y!0#!":"!>###"!>### #y!0#!"#~!0#!":#!>####y!0#!"!!"#!?+#y!0#!"!!"#!?::$#!#P#R### ## ######## ###### ## ## ##$############ ############$#!~##!B## #!#!!!#### # # # # # #5 #7 # #L #N # #c #e # # z #| # #  # # #  # # # # # # # #  !F#!!]% !O #z!0#!"  $#!>#; #= ##!>#S #U # #P!>#l #n ##Z!># # # #d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "{!># # # "!>#7 #9 #"!>#P #R # #!"l #n # "!># # # "!># # # * #~!0#!"###!( #~!0#!"!!"#!?"#!?% #y!0#!"!!"#!?% % $#!t"!>#M #O #"!>#f #h # #!# # ##!# # #  #!# # # #y!0#!" #y!0#!"#!# # ##!#2 # # ` #!#3 #5 #M #y!0#!"[ #~!0#!"#!#2v #x ##!#K # #  #!# # # #}!0#!" #~!0#!"#!#K # ##!#d# # R#!#%#'#?#}!0#!"M#~!0#!"#!#dh#j##!"## #!####}!0#!"#{!0# !"#!"###!"## G#!###4#y!0#!!"B#y!0#"!"#!"^#`##!#{#}##}!0##!"#z!0#$!"Y#w!>####!####!#d## >#!###+#y!0#%!"9#z!0#&!"#!#dT#V##!"m#o# #!####y!0#'!"#z!0#(!"#!####y!0#)!"#y!0#*!"Y#P!>####Z!>#)#+# #d!>#B#D# #m!>#[#]# #w!>#t#v# "!>### "!>### "{!>### #!####!#d## C#!###0#y!0#+!">#y!0#,!"#!#dY#[##!"r#t# #!####z!0#-!"#y!0#.!"#!"###!### #z!0#/!"#z!0#0!"Y#!#4#6##!#dL#N# #!#j#l##y!0#1!"#z!0#2!"Y#!#d###!"## #!####y!0#3!" #y!0#4!"Y#!"(#*##!"A#C# #!#_#a#y#z!0#3!"#z!0#5!"Y#!"###!"## #!####z!0#6!"#y!0#7!"Y#!"# ##!"7#9# #!#U#W#o#z!0#8!"}#~!0#9!"Y#!"###!"## #!####}!0#:!"#~!0#;!"Y#!"##Y#!#1#3#K#}!0##u#w#"!>### w#!>####!># ## }#!>###,#!####z!0#>!"'#y!0#?!"x#!#B#D#\#z!0#@!"x#}!0#A!"#z!0#B!"r#!># ###!>### #y!0#C!"r#!>###4#!###!#z!0#D!"#|!0#E!"/#z!0#F!"r#!#J#L#d#y!0#G!"r#}!0#H!"i#!>####!># ## #!>####!>### #!>###?#!###,#y!0#I!":#z!0#J!"}#!#U#W#o#y!0#K!"}#y!0#L!"i#!># ###!>### #y!0#C!"i#!>###+#!####z!0#M!"&#z!0#N!"i#!#A#C#[#z!0#O!"i#y!0#P!"y"!>###"!>### #!####z!0#Q!"#~!0#R!"'#!####z!0#S!"'#y!0#T!"y#!#B#D#\#y!0#U!"j#y!0#V!"yy$#!!!#! JUMP $ t D T l vvv`vvv v v v v vvvvvvvvvvvvvv```` `!`"v#v$v%v&v'v(v)v*v+v,v-.v/k0v1v23v4k5k6k7k8J9v:v;v<v=>k?v@vAvBvCvD`EFkGvHvIvJvKLkMvNvOvPQRvSkTvUkVvWvXkYkZ`[k\]v^v_v`akbvcvdvekfvgvhkivjkklmnvoUpvqkrvsktkuvvvwvxvyvzv{v|v}k~vkkkvvvvvvvvvcvkkkvkkkUkk`kkkvvvvkkkvj^HH=H^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^i^^^^^^^^H^^HSS S!^"^#^$S%&'(^)^*^+^,-./0t1t2t3H4H5^6t7t8t9t:t;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^t_t`tatbcdefghi@3 0CVi|   q alw     "-9EP \ g r}K   ^n,6 ^STR W&S}&Wf 6zdA},v'ah * c $ >  Y - a GAz5TR{/x(t]Now, I haven't seen your face around here...  Are you the new owner of that farm?  I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Elli. Nice to meet you! Thanks! I'm happy to get birthday presents no matter how old I get! A birthday present? For me? What a nice surprise! This is for me? What a nice gift. Thanks.This is for me? Thanks! You're sweet! Thanks! What a great gift? Is it really for me? Thanks! This is great!Thanks.I really should try to like this, I know...I always tell Stu to accept gifts...Why would you give this to me? Do you hate me?What a cutie!Eeee!!! Get it away from me! You're just as bad as Stu!Can I really accept it? It looks so valuable!Yeah! Is this really for me? I'll treasure it always!Thanks! It must have been very expensive!Wow, this is great! You're really giving me such a nice present?Thanks. I can't wait to use it.I've never ever gotten anything so nice! Thank you so much!Today is the day boys give girls cookies, but thank you anyway.Today is the Winter Thanksgiving. Is it really for me? Thank you.You look nervous. Relax!Do you want to come to my house tomorrow for the Starry Night Festival? Grandma and Stu will be so pleased!Sounds like fun.Sorry, I have other plans.We'll make lots of great food!I guess I should have known you'd already have plans...Are you feeling bad, !?If you think you're sick, go see the Doctor immediately!Did you come to buy some medicine?I think it takes real courage to get married.Everyone says I blush like a little girl in front of the Doctor. Almost like we aren't married at all. I want a baby as soon as possible. I took care of Stu, so I think I know how to take care of babies!The Doctor asks if I'll stay with him at the Clinic for good.  I told him I would for as long as I could...Hi there. Do you need to se the Doctor? Does it hurt somewhere?I just realized recently that the Doctor looks a lot like my dad...Are you OK? Have you caught a cold?Working with a doctor is really interesting, you know.Hi, !. Here to see the doctor? You're so sweet.I'm jealous. Me? No wedding for me. I have my work.Is the doctor the way he is at home, !? You know the mirror on his head, does he take it off at home? He's always wearing that at work, you know?Hi, !. How are you doing? How is your work?But now you have the doctor with you. You must be happy.Hello, !.How are you feeling? If you feel bad, don't hesitate to tell the Doc!You seem so happy, !. I smile just looking at you!How is your husband? Come to the clinic whenever you want to.!, how is your farm? Everything okay?Now that you have your husband, you must fell very secure. You can depend on him.Is there anything wrong?If you need to buy medicine, talk to me. If you need to be examined, ask the Doctor.Hi, !. Is something the matter?Work on the farm must be so exhausting! I can't believe you do it. We've always been midwives in our family, all the way up to my great-grandmother!The flu seems to be going around, so wash your hands 5 times a day.You know my grandmother, don't you? I'm hoping I'll learn enough to help her here. Hi, !. Have you gotten used to farm life, yet?Why did you come to this town, !? I'm curious. Hello, !! Are you feeling ill?You live all by yourself, and no one is home to help you. I'm worried.Maybe I'll quit the Clinic when I get married...I'm not sure I have enough strength to be both a wife and a nurse!Good morning, !. Today the Clinic is closed, so I'm stay home to take care of Grandma.The Doctor likes to search for wild herbs on the mountain, you know. When it's rainy, though, he talks to Carter. I wonder what they talk about?...Good morning, !. I think the Doctor can see you now.But...wait!Unless you're in a hurry, would you mind waiting until opening time? I like to let him rest in the mornings...Today I'm going shopping. Both for me and the Doctor.Days off sure are relaxing!But...I do find myself missing the Doctor...There's more work tomorrow. Take care!This room has lots of the Doctor's books. I like to come here after work to study.I don't understand the books in that other room. They just make me tired!Hello, !! The Clinic is closed today!I usually go visit my grandmother on my days off. If you want, come visit us.Good morning, !!You're up and about quite early! I'm always so sleepy in the mornings...Good evening, !. I was so glad to see my grandmother and Stu today!Tomorrow's another busy day at the Clinic!Good evening, !. Work hard today?Isn't this a strange hour to be about?The Doctor insists I relax at home on my days off.The Doctor is probably at the Library or Church. He likes quiet places.Hello. We're closed on Wednesdays. You know, we rarely meet outside the Clinic...Do me a favor and talk to my grandmother, OK? She gets so lonely by herself.Today I'm shopping. I'm also here to pay the Doctor's bill. Sasha is so kind. She always visits my grandmother on her  days off.RIFFuSCR CODEP L #"! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"[!8$!#!-#!###"!0#!"#!: !@"!>###"!>### "!>### (##!A{!C#############!>####!>### ####$!DK##P##P##P##P##P##P## P## P## PP$######$###j###### ### #!~ "!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !"$#!##### ######## ########## ## $GB##G##G##G##G## G##G##G##G##G## G##GG$#!~Y##!Bu## #!!!###### ### ### ### #  ## # ##%# # :#<# #Q#S# ^!F#!: !]!O"!0#!"$: "?!>###"!0#!"!!"?#!?: #!. #!>####!># ## G#!#d:#<##!#W#Y#r"!0#!""!0#!"B#!#d###!"## #!###"!0#!""!0#!"B#!###3"!0#!"B"!0#!" #!># ]#_##!>#u#w#  #!>####!>### Z #!>### #!### "!0#!" "!0#!"U #!#+ #- #F "!0#!"U "!0#!" #!#p #r # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!"3 #!# # # "!0#!"$ "!0#!"3 3 $#!!!#! JUMPh $4 | < L jhhhRh]]hh R h h h hh]]]]]]hRRRRRRRRRR R!R"R#R$R%R&R'R(R)G*]+G,h-s.s/s0s1h2s3s4s5s6s7s8<9h:h;h<h=s>G?]@]A]B]C]D]E~F]GRHRIRJhKsL]MRNROhP]Q]RRSGTGUhVhWGXhY]ZG[G\h]h^G_h`GaGb]cRdReRfhghhGiRjhk]lRmGn]oGpRqGrGsGtRuRvhwhx]yhzR{]|h}]~RhhhG]R]RRRRsG~]GG~]]]]]]RRssssssshRR]]]]GRGhj      !"#$%&'()*+,%-%.%/%0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV;WXYZ0[0\0]0^_`abcdefghi2`kU -AUi}    &1<GS_j v      &2K~ STR  $09oMh\l\:lLzYou're new in this town aren't you? You moved into the farm? Me? I'm Stu. Nice to meet you. Do you have cows on your farm? Let me pat them sometime.I only have one birthday a year, so I really wanted Mechabot Ultror...I shoudn't be selfish. Thanks, Sister!Yeah! Thank you!Thank you!Thanks!I don't... Wait! I guess I can give it to Grandma.Whaaat? Can you give me something better?Owww! Cute!Hee hee hee. Sister, can I have this? Thank you. When I get older, I'll give it to my girlfriend.Thank you. I don't use it, so I'll give it to my sister.Ewww.... What's this...?Yeah! Thank you! I love the Winter Thanksgiving!Wow, that's pretty. I think there is one in my house too. Elli told me it's our mom's...There is a big lizard in Forget-Me-Not Valley. It was rescued by someone when it got injured.Hello, Sister.Don't you have to work?Hi.Have you ridden a cow before? ...Do you know Rodeo? Milk cows are different from Rodeo cows, though.Hi, Sister. Let's play together.Elli is always at work, and Grandma can't walk, so I get bored...I go to the church today. Do you want to come? Mr. Carter is very nice. Mr. Carter says that we be forgiven for everything if we truly feel sorry. Do you think Elli will forgive me for putting a bug in her bed?Huh... I'm so bored... May must be at home too.I wish there was someone who'd take me to the church on rainy days. Or, maybe Mr. Carter can come to my place...Today is not a church day.  Elli is off on Wednesdays, and May goes out with her grandpa on Mondays.I can't play house all week long, you know?Good evening, Sister.It's my bed time... If I stay up longer, the monsters will come to get me!Hello. What's up?Mr. Carter makes great snacks!RIFF,SCR CODEtp#"! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#l"!0#!"#!^!@"!>###"(!>### "!>###"!>### "0!>### ##E!A@!C#############!>#o#q##!>### ####$E!D########## ## ## $E##E##E##EE$#Y#[##t#v#### ### #!~ "!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !"$#!###h^## c##c##c##c## c##c##c##c##c##c##cc$########## ############$#!~ ##!B'## #!!!#L#N##b#d# #y#{# ### ### # ## # ## # ## ### !F#!^!]S!OI"!0# !"NN$^#!R#!>#u#w#"!>###"!>###  #!># ###!>### #!>####!># ## #!>#'#)#"!>#A#C#"!>#Z#\# #!># t#v##!>### #!>####!>###  #!###"!0#!""!0#!"_ #!>###%#"!>#=#?#"!>#V#X# #!>#p#r##!>### #!>###"!>###"!>### #!># ###!># # # $ "!0#!"_ #!>#: #< #"!>#T #V #"!>#m #o # #!># # ##!># # # #!># # #"!># # #"!># # # #!>#  # ##!># # # ; "!0#!"_ #!>#Q #S #"!>#j #l #"!># # # #!># # ##!># # #  "!0#!"_ #!># # #"!># # #"!># # #  #!>#6 #8 ##!>#N #P # #!>#h #j #"!># # #"!># # # #!># # ##!># # #  #!# # # "!0#!" 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Oh, you're the new girl at the farm, are you? My name's Duke. Pleased to make your acquaintance.A birthday present? For me? Are you aiming to be popular around here?Thanks! I love being able to eat good food on the job!Thanks a lot! I think I'll hide this from Manna and eat it myself!Thanks a lot! I'll remember this.Hmm? What's this? Is it good?What's this?! Are you trying to pick a fight with me?Now this is cute!These guys make life difficult for me all the time!Are you really giving this to me? But it's so nice!... Maybe I'll send it to Aja? Or should I give it to Manna?Are you really giving this to me? It's kind of strange... Maybe I'll send it to Aja. I doubt Manna would like it!Perfume?! What would a man need with Perfume? What?! You say you're giving it to me?!...Hey, thanks. I wonder if Manna will give me something.Heh heh...Good luck!Howdy, !. If you want to buy wine, go to the house.Want to do me a favor and go talk to Manna? I'd sure appreciate it!I don't go to the Bar to drink my wine, you see, but to talk to the guys.That Cliff at the Inn... He doesn't drink much, but he sure does know a lot about wine!It's always nice for the whole family to go out together on our day off!How are you doing at the farm, !?On days like this I want to have a glass of wine in the afternoon. Too bad the bar only serves at night!How's it going, !? I haven't had any drinks today!Hi, !. What are you doing here at this hour? I only sell wine during the day.Only Manna and I live here alone, so we love it when guests come!Hi, !. How is your farm? Is everything okay?Cliff is a lot of help for us. Since you married him, he seems very energetic. It's good to have someone to go home to.Hi, !. How is Cliff? Is he nice at home?Manna is worried about you two. I don't worry about you guys, but... So, how is it going?If you want to buy some wine, talk to Manna. She's in charge. Manna likes to talk, so buying wine from her can take a long time.  She's lonely, though, so forgive her. Are you enjoying your work? Have a glass of wine and enjoy yourself!You know what they say: A glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away!Today we're all going to eat out! We used to eat out all the time before Aja left...Today I'm going to Church with Cliff.  I've never been before, but sometimes it's nice to sit in a quiet place, ya know?Did you come to eat, too, !?Sometimes I just don't understand Manna! She'd rather gossip with the neighbors than make us supper!You look like you're working pretty hard. Cliff puts in a lot of hours, too.Doug always says that Cliff is a real good guy. He doesn't look like it, but he's one cool customer!Hey there, !! Done with work?I work hard each and every day, you know!  A man can't be blamed for drinking a little bit...!My job is a lot easier, now that Cliff is helping. Thanks a lot, !.Cliff is grateful to you, too. If he didn't have this job, he'd have to  leave town!What are you doing here in the cellar? If you want to buy wine, buy it at the house. The cellar is pleasant, isn't it? Do you hear that? The sound of wine aging? Wine is alive too, you see.Bring * when she gets bigger. She'll love grapes.I'm not blood related, but I think of * as my own grandchild. Manna too.Hello, !. It's nice and quiet here. Carter is funny, so I come to talk with him sometimes.You know, !, I think both you and Carter are real good guys!Cliff has changed a lot around here, including me. I used to just sit around bored on Saturdays!RIFF/OSCR CODE# " ! ## !# #!!!!# !-# !#J#L#l"!0#!## !!@"!>###"(!>### "!>###"!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&#"!>#=#?# "0!>#W#Y# k##}!Ax!C################$}!DH##M##M##M##M##M## M## M## MM$}##}##}##}}$###W###### ### # !~ e"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!##E!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!#ni"!0# !#n"!0# !#n"!0# !#n"!0# !#n"!0# !#n"!0#!#n"!0#!#n"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!#n"!0#!#n"!0#!#nn$# !### ## ######## ###### ## ## $########## ##########$# !~##!B## # !"!>###### # !#d## #1#3##G#I# #^#`# "!0#!#!!"#!?!!###### ### ### ### # ## # '#)# # >#@# K!F# !!]!O"!0#!#$# !"##" !>### #!z### "!0#!##!|# !v#d!>### "!>#:#<## !#W#Y#"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!# # !###"!0#!#"!0#!#"!0#!# "!0# !#!#!># # ##!>#6 #8 # #!># O #Q ##!>#g #i # #!># # #"!># # #"!># # #  #!>#  # ##!># # #  "!0#!!#!#!># # #"!>#3 #5 # "!>#M #O # #!># f #h ##!>#~ # # #!># # #  "!0#"!#!#!># # ##!>#  # ##!># # # #!># # ##!>#, #. # J "!0##!#!#!>#` #b #"!>#y #{ # "!># # # #!># # ##!># # #  "!0#$!#!#!># # ##!># # ##!># ' #) # D "!0#%!#!#!>#Z #\ ##!>#s #u # #!># # ##!># # # #!># # ##!># # # #!># # ##!># # # #!>#$ #& #"!>#= #? #"!>#V #X #  #!>#q #s ##!># # # #!># # #"!># # #"!># # # #!># # ##!>## # !"!0#&!#{# !#<#>#W"!0#'!#f"!0#(!#{#!>####!># ## H# !#d### !###"!0#)!#"!0#*!#C# !###4"!0#+!#C"!0#,!#/#!>#^#`##!>#v#x# /# !#d### !###"!0#-!#"!0#.!#/# !### "!0#/!#"!0#0!#/"!0#1!#{# !#J#L#e"!0#2!#t"!0#3!#{# !###"!0#4!#"!0#5!#"!0#6!#"!0#5!#"!0#7!#"!0#8!#"!0#9!#"!0#:!#{# !#.#0#I"!0#;!#X"!0##s#u#""!>#### !###"!0#=!#"!0#>!## !###"!0#?!#"!0#@!#b# !#8#:#S"!0#A!#b"!0#B!#{#d!>#}##,"!>#### !###"!0#C!#"!0#D!#'# !###"!0#E!#'"!0#F!#l# !#B#D#]"!0#G!#l"!0#H!#{{$# !!!# ! JUMPl   `        !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~j                 !" # $%&'()*+,"-"."/"0 1 2 3456 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV8WXYZ-[-\-]-^_ ` a bcdefghiu]hR o  < P     *5@LXc o z Kky g]4k &STR 1I_*.; S b :  J.cm$\gc "i#$]$$$%:%K%z%%K&4''(([))~*L++[,`--/Oh, you're a new face around here, aren't you? Are you !? I knew it! Thomas told me about you. He said we have a new neighbor. What is my name? Oh, sorry! My name is Manna. My husband Duke and I run the winery. Nice to meet you. There's not much around here, but everyone is very kind. Let us know if you need anything. Oh no, did I talk too much? I'm sorry, ha ha ha!Oh, my! Is it for me? You're so nice, not at all like my husband...I bet Duke is forgetting about my birthday again. He'd go to the bar as usual come home late. And, he'd apologize the next day. I know it. "Oh, no! Today is Manna's birthday!"He'd go to the Supermarket whether it's open or not and tell Jeff, "Get me something to give Manna as a birthday gift!" "!!!!!!!!!!" Or something like that. And he'd pretend he had prepared the day before and give it to me. I know exactly what he'd do.What would I do with the gift? I just go return it. Duke doesn't even know what Jeff wrapped up for me, so he'd never notice if I kept it or not.Oh, thank you! Do you give gifts to people like this? If you do, make sure you give them to everyone. If you only give boys gifts, you could start a funny rumor, you know? I don't think that would happen to you, though. Well, thank you. I love it.Oh, thank you. You're too kind. I mean really. I wasn't being ironic or anything. You know my husband never does things like that for me, so I guess I've forgotten what it was like to receive gifts. Thank you so much!Thank you. Oh, yes. Are you giving people what they like? They all like different things, you know? You can't just give whatever in your rucksack at the moment. No one tells you exactly what they like, so you try giving them different things, okay? So, do I like this? Hmmm, so-so.Oh my goodness. Sorry, I don't like this. I will accept it just because you're giving it to me. But, it's nice to receive something I like.Oh my goodness. What is this? I'll accept it just because I like you, but... Hmm... Other people might get offended if you give it to them. Not everyone has the same sense of humor. You be careful now.Ha ha ha! Not only you're kind, but you're very cute like a kid! Stu does that to me all the time. Sometimes he shows me things that I really don't like, but there aren't many small children here, so I let him do whatever.Oh, no! You didn't know I don't like this? It's okay. Obviously you didn't know.What!? It's for me? You're kidding? Where did you get this? Oh, really? Saibara made it for you? It's great!He can make things like this for you? Maybe I'll order one too... What? You have to bring your own ore?He charges a lot of money to make things. He's a very stubborn artisan. His son asked him to move to another town to live with his family, but he refused....But he's lucky. His grandson is there for him now. Wow, you've got something nice there! What? Are you giving it to me? Oh, you made my day! Thank you! I didn't even dream of getting things like this.Oh, is it for me? You're so funny. But I work at the winery, so I can't use it everyday. You know, my nose is important. But I love it, though. If you were a boy, I'd be happier. Ha ha ha! Mmm, smells great!Well, do you cook? I'll tell you how to make Greens. Make sure you remember it. If you have a pen and paper, write it down so that you don't forget. You want me to write it down? No no, I like to talk, you know? Cook some spinach in a pot and put some soy sauce over it. You didn't have to write it down? I wasn't making fun of you or anything. I was surprised myself how easy it is to make it while I was telling you.Oh, wow! I see what you're up to. So, who is it for? I surely know him, right? Ah, I can't believe I didn't know about this. You're going to propose to someone? You have to tell me! Sometimes you're so quiet. ...Well, I guess you don't talk at all.!, listen! My daughter writes to me on her own once a week now. She never used to write at all, so it was one way communication. But Sasha convinced Aja to contact me more often. I'm so happy to have Sasha as my friend.Hi, how are you? How is * doing? I heard you work too hard. Well, kids grow up very fast, so don't miss anything. But work is important too.My daughter left this town, and she's not coming back. Kids are like that, you know? They don't care how we feel.You will be fine. You have Cliff. * will be a very good girl. Take care of Cliff. Of course * too.I'm still hoping Aja will come home... Someday...What a surprise to see you here! How is Cliff? I mean, how is he at home?Duke and I think that he's hesitant to tell us how he really is, you know?How is he when he's with you? Do you guys fight? You'd better not, but no fighting is not good either.Did I talk too much? Oh, ha ha ha! I'm sorry. Oh, !. How are you? How is your farm? ...Ah, wait. I'm going to the town square to chat, so I can't chat with you too long.I've stopped chatting at the Rose Square on Saturdays. I chat with Duke and Cliff at the Inn!Huh... I hope it clears up soon. Whenever I want to go somewhere, the weather gets bad. I can't stand staying at home all day long! Everyone seems to zone out while we're chatting together on a rainy day.Cliff likes to listen to Carter's stories at the church. what he says never makes sense to me, though. Hmmm?I'm going to see Anna. Sasha always tells me to go home right away, and Lillia doesn't listen. Anna always welcomes me, and she's a unique character. I love chatting with her.Can you believe the time? The day seems to go so fast! I don't even have time to chat with Duke!Oh, !. Aren't you up early. I guess you can't sleep in when you run a farm. What? You do sometimes? !, you're the only farmer who does that, but never mind. It's not good to get too serious about work. Don't you agree?Hi, !. You're still here? Speaking of being serious about work, you know Elli, Ellen's granddaughter? She is such a good girl. Really. But... She not only works for the doctor, but also tries to raise Stu! Poor girl! Stu is lonely a lot too... Poor little guy... !, don't you agree?Hello, how are you? I know we haven't talked much, but listen to me... My daughter went to live in another town... Since then, Duke, my husband, spends every night at the bar... I miss her too, and I don't know what to do.I get so lonely, so I try to talk to as many people as I can to make myself feel better, but in the end it just makes me miss my daughter even more. It'd be a different story if she got married and moved away... Speaking of moving, you came here all by yourself, right? What made you do that?Ah, !! I was just wondering, do you talk to Kai often? When he first came to this town, he was still a teenager. He went to Gotz, the woodcutter man in the mountains, to ask him to build a small house on the Mineral Beach for him.So, Gotz built a house for him, but Kai painted it all white the next day! Everyone thought he was a strange guy. When Carter came to this town, we thought he was a little strange, but Kai made the guys angry! When I said Kai was a good boy, Duke got so angry! Men have this weird pride, you know what I mean? Oh, men men men...Hi, !. How is your farm? Speaking of a farm, Barley's daughter moved out of this town like my daughter a while ago. But Barley is much older than us, you know? His wife passed away long ago. So, when Joanna finally came back after 10 years, she brought a little girl with her! Can you imagine how shocking it must have been to Barley? I'd have passed out if I were him! Then, to top it off, Joanna left her little girl and took off! As you know, that little girl is May. Poor girl...Barley's daughter Joanna still hasn't returned since then. Poor old man. Barley says he'd never let May go with Joanna even if she comes back, but I think he's just saying that. It's really none of my business, but if Joanna came back, I wonder what they would do? Poor Barley and May!Hi, !. How is your farm? !, you've never met Rod, have you? Rod is Lillia's husband. He was the one who brought Zack, the shipping guy, to this town. He met Zack while traveling and found out that he had no family or job. Rod invited him to stay with his family, and then Zack found a job job here. Before Zack came to this town, there was only a boat a month for delivery.And, Zack started to like Lillia who was very nice to him. But she's the wife of someone who saved him. He couldn't act on it, so feel for him. Lillia is not bright in terms of those things, so she doesn't know how Zack feels about her at all. Me? I would never go in between them. I don't want to cause a trouble for them!Hi, !. How are you? I was just talking with Anna. She used to live in a town close to where my daughter lives now. I can't help asking many questions, you know?Anna is good at baking, so I look forward to coming here on Saturdays.Now, listen! Today, I overheard... But... Blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah Can you believe it? There is no way! Don't you think?..........I agree!No no no, it's not that. That guy... ...I know it!Why? Because...Because I've heard of a story of this guy...Hi, !. How are you? Do you know any interesting stories?Now listen! Duke bought something on credit again! He spent 5000G on credit! Can you believe it?! I wonder what he bought secretly from me!I wonder why Jeff lets him buy things on credit? I have to pay for him. I'll return it anyway. Also, Doug told me that Duke is calling Aja everyday. Huh, Duke owes money everywhere. What's a wife to do? I can't believe it.Oh, !. Is * sleeping? When she gets bigger, we can have a dinner together here. Don't you think Cliff looks good now? He has a child now. You can tell, right? Duke used to be like that when Aja was born. I wonder what happened?Now that * is born, I'm her grandmother? Ha ha ha! What? I'm not blood related? No, but I consider you and * are my real family. Of course Cliff too.Hello, !. Running errands? !, why don't you join us? I know you're very busy, but it's good to take a break sometimes with your family. I consider you as my own daughter. If Aja comes home, please be nice to her like your own sister.Hello, !. Since Cliff started working with us, we have a meal at the Inn and then go to the church together. Do we look like a real family? Hee hee hee, I'm very happy about it.Duke is doing much better since Cliff came. It feels just like when Aja lived here with us. We went out to eat together and... Ah, we're so lucky. Cliff is such a nice boy, so Duke and I love him.Hello, !. How is *? She's doing well? That's wonderful. Bring * here sometime. Carter wants to see you and Cliff's baby too.Since * was born, Duke and I are so happy that we don't fight as much any more. We both became softer, if you know what I mean.Carter is Cliff's mentor. Cliff goes to see him all the time because Carter is the one who helped him the most when he came to this town. Carter is pretty funny. Every time I talk to him, he makes me laugh. He's very interesting, so we all like him.People can change if they try to. Since I met Cliff, I think differently about my life. I'm much happier now.Cliff is hardworking and such a good boy... But I'm not telling anyone about him until he opens up. I know he must have had a tough life before he came here. Carter told me how depressed he was at first. I just hope I could become a mother figure to him. If he wants, he can take over the winery someday. Duke started saying that recently. We love our daughter, but we can't keep living in misery. We have to move on and try to be happy, you know? Cliff is our hope.You have to be quiet at the church.RIFF}SCR CODE #!" ! ##!!#!#!!!!#!!-!A#H#J#!D#;c#e#!F"!0#!"!e#####!=m!#####!=m!#####!=m!@B%#'#>###!=m!U#W#g##m##4##!;##!;9##!;##!;9##!;##!;9##!;##!;9##!;##!;9## !;## !;9## !;## !;9## !;## !;99$#M#O#h"!0#!"#!"####!"####!%#!"!!##j!~#=!Ie!#U!I!#X!I!#!I@B!#;!I!$"!0#!"$#!!!!#!! !@"!>### ##0!A+!C#########!>#D#F##!>#\#^# o##u##$0!D############## ## ## $0##0##0##00$#D#F# #_#a##u#w# ### #!!~ "!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0# !"$#!!###RH## M##M##M##M## M##M##M##M##M## M##MM$########## ############$#!!~##!B## #!!!!#5#7##K#M# #b#d# #y#{# ### # ## # ## # ## ### !F#!! !]< !O2 "!0#!!"7 7 $  "2!>#S #U #} "!0#"!"!!"2#!? "P!># # #Q ###!=G "!0##!"!!"P#!?!'#!|L "!0#$!"!!"P#!?!'#!|L "!0#%!"!!"P#!?!'#!|L L $  #!! #!!#ds #u # #!!# # # "!0#&!" "!0#'!"{ #!!#d # ##!!" # # ; #!!# # #' "!0#(!"6 "!0#)!"{ #!!#Q #S #l "!0#*!"{ "!0#+!"  $ #!!!( #!|!!#!! JUMP$ 0x8  w !7Mc       ! "#$ % & ' ()*+,-./0123456789 : ; < =>?@ABCDE.FG H I JK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~..######j      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi  2 F Z n    " -8 \gr}   K    ] STR },GWas}e((e+pnHx@~You've brought that here. Okay then, I'll show you my special item.Shopping Master500000000All About Letters100000000All About BooksTV Changer10000000Mystery FlowerAll About BGM1000000Riddle BookVan's Favorite100000However... I have nothing you can buy with how much you have. Make some money... At least 1,000,000G. Come back later.This is the item! "%" It's &G.This is the same as the item you gave me. I can show you more if you have more than 1,000,000G.Do you want to buy it?BuyDon't BuyThank you very much.I see. Too bad. Next time you come, I might have something different, so... Don't give up on my and come again.It's my birthday.Oh, my! This is very valuable. I will treasure it always.Is it for me? Thank you very much. I will treasure it.I've never really liked this, but... Thank you, anyway...What is this? It has no value whatsoever!How cute. Ha ha ha ha ha!Eeeeeek! Take it away from me!Ohhh... This is very nice. Are you giving it to me? Are you sure? Thank you very much.Hmm... I think it's valuable. Is it for me? Thank you very much.This perfume is top class. Smells wonderful. What? It's for me? Thank you very much.Today is the day girls give boys gifts? That's interesting.What a pretty feather. I could sell it for lots. What? You're proposing to someone? Good for you!Do you know + Farm in Forget-Me-Not Valley? They make a ton of money. I wonder if they're doing something illegal...? I'm going to Forget-Me- Not Valley soon.Forget-Me-Not Valley is full of opportunity.I'm going back to Forget- Me-Not Valley soon.What's the matter?I've got some rare items.I travel extensively to collect many rare items. It's interesting.I can't help buying them when I find rare items. It's just me. Ha ha ha ha ha!I go to Forget-Me-Not Valley often. It's nice an peaceful.Forget-Me-Not Valley is a great place to visit.  I know you'd like it.RIFFSCR CODE #" ! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#l"!0#!"#! !@"!>###"!>### "0!>### ##!A!C##$##$####$##$##$##$##$#!>#L#N##!>#d#f# w##}##$#!>####!>### ####$#!>####!>### ####$$$!D############ ## ## $######$###K#### # # #!### #!~ E"!0#!"50"!0#!"5"!0#!"5"!0#!"5"!0#!"5"!0#!"5"!0#!"5"!0#!"5"!0# !"5"!0# !"5"!0# !"5"!0# !"55$#!#K#M### ######## ###### ## ####$wr##w##w##w##w## w##w##w##w##w##w##ww$#!~##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d## ####$#&# #;#=# b"!0# !"!!"#!?!!#{#}#### ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## #2#4# ?!F#! !]!Ox"!0#!"}}$ "=!>###"!0#!""!0#!"!!"=#!? #! #!>###@#!###,"!0#!";"!0#!"D #!>#V#X##!#s#u#"!0#!""!0#!"D #!#d## #!###"!0#!""!0#!"D #!# # #5 "!0#!"D "!0#!" #!#_ #a #z "!0#!" "!0#!" #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!#d # #5 #!# # #! "!0#!"0 "!0#!"u #!#K #M #f "!0#!"u "!0#!"  $#!!!#! JUMP|   h ( 8                        !" # $ % & ' ( ) * +,-+./ 0 1+2 3 4 5 6 7 89:;<=>? @ABCD EFG H I J KL M N O P QRST UVW XY Z [\ ]^_` abc d e fgh ijkl m no p q rstu vw x y z { | }~       6              j333333333 3 3 I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I!I"I#I$I%_&_'_(>)>*>+>,j-j.j/j0T1T2I3I4T536T7T8T9T:T;_<_=_>_?_@_A_B_C_D_E_F_G_H_I_J_K_L_M_N_O_P_Q_R_S_T_U_VW_X_Y_Zu[u\u]u^I_T`IaIb_c_d_e_f_g_h_i_) Ocw    \gr}    *5 A L WbK_ ( )I STR =SnbW)w1j%kHello, there! You must be !. My name is Harris. I'm the constable of this town. It's very peaceful here, so just enjoy your life!Thank you very much! It is an honor to receive birthday presents from the people I protect.Thank you. You're really too kind. You don't have to do this. But, thank you.Thank you very much.Umm... Thanks, I guess...I didn't think you'd do things like this to people...Ha ha ha, so cute. Small things are cute just being small.Sorry... I'm... scared of that!Wow! That's nice! Are you giving it to me?  Thank you very much... I mean, really...Wow! That's nice! Is it for me? Thank you very much.Young people like Kai are very fashionable.  It makes me think about Aja. I wonder her friends are all fashionable too?Thank you very much. I wish I could receive one from Aja...I bet you're busy working on your farm, so why don't I tell you how to cook something easy and quick? Well, let me think... How about Fried Rice? Try to remember it. Are you ready? First, put some oil in a pan, and then fry an egg and a rice ball. You can add other ingredients to taste, but make sure you use a knife. Sugar, salt and soy sauce make it even more delicious.!, are you getting married? I envy you... When can I get married...?I heard Murrey lives in Forget-Me-Not Valley now. I saw him on TV before. He lives very freely. I hope to see him and talk to him once.I'm almost done for the day. It's a good sign that I'm not busy.You go home now, !. Wild dogs come out at night.It's raining today. But I don't change my patrol schedule for the weather.I hope you're not going to the Mother's Hill today. It's dangerous.Hi, !. Nothing has been troubling you, I hope.This town is peaceful...What's the matter? Is there any trouble?  There can't be. In a town like this...Another day of hard work! I feel great!Good morning! Have a wonderful day!It makes me happy to see the townspeople at peace. I love my job! Do I seem strange to you? Ha ha ha!Hi, !. Taking a break? I get sleepy around this time of the day.Don't worry. Everyone know I'm here at this time of the day.I take a short break at Gotz's house when I'm on patrol.Gotz comes to our house on Saturdays.RIFF 3SCR CODE|#"( ! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# f"!8!#!-#!###"!0#!"#!j!@"!>###"(!>### ##!A!Cp##u##u#1#3###u##u##u##u##uu$!D############ ## ## $######$#*#,#r#E#G##[#]# #r#t# #!~ "!0#!"rm"!0#!"r"!0#!"r"!0#!"r"!0#!"r"!0#!"r"!0#!"r"!0#!"r"!0# !"r"!0# !"r"!0# !"rr$#!##### ######## ##########$########## ##########$#!~##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d# # #5#7##K#M# #b#d# "!0# !"!!"#!?!!###### ### ### ### # ## # +#-# # B#D# #Y#[# f!F#!j!]!O"!0# !"$j"9!>###">!>### T"9!>###""!0#!"!!"9#!?O"!0#!""!0#!"!!">#!?j#!>#j#l##!>### #!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### N"!0#!"###!(D"!0#!"!!"#!?III$j#!^#!>#p#r##!># ## T #!#d###!###"!0#!""!0#!"O #!#d # #O #!#% #' #@ "!0#!"O "!0#!" #!># j #l # #!># # # #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!"c#!># . #0 ##!>#F #H #  "!0#!"###!( #!#d # # "!0# !"#!!#"!0#"!#"!0##!""!0#$!"#%!" #!#d # ##!" # # n "!0# !"#&!#"!0#'!#"!0#(!#"!0#)!#"!0#*!" 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I appreciate it.Thank you....Thanks.I'm not sure why you have chosen to give this to me.  Let me think...Oh, how cute.I really dislike that.  Something happened to me when I was a child... Thank you very much. But, are you sure? Isn't it hard to obtain? Thank you very much. I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'll ponder the matter with care...I thought something smelled lovely. Perfume? Thank you very much.Let me tell you the recipe of something I often make for the kids. It's easy, so you should be able to remember. All you need to do is to put strawberries and milk in a mixer. Sometimes I add honey, sugar or salt.I'm happy for you. I will pray that all will go well for you.I happened to hear that the couple who run the + Farm get along famously.I heard there is a strange creature in the forest of Forget-Me-Not Valley. I heard the creature used to be human... I wonder what happened? Interesting...A job at the winery? That sounds nice.Tell about job.Never mind.I think Cliff needs that job more than I do. I think he's looking for a job like that.Hi, there... This is where I live. I'm a pastor, but I don't work as a pastor that much any more. Why? Because my faith has changed greatly. However, I do not refuse those who seek compassion.  You're always welcome to the confessional.Do you think that the body is trapped forever in the grave? We live on in memory, but it's difficult... People always worry about it...Harvest Sprites live behind the charch. If you befriend them, they will help your work.Hello, how are you !? Isn't it a beautiful day?Look at May and Stu to see why everyone in this town is so nice....Ah, if it isn't !. It's raining outside.It seems like the kids are staying home today. !, do take care of yourself. Do not catch a cold.Ah, good timing. Would you like to hear my stories? It's long.Yes, please.No, thanks.Well, then... This is the story of a perfectly normal family.  The father, mother and their young son lived happily together. However, the mother got ill and died suddenly. The son was too young to understand, so he asked his father what happened to his mother. The father knew not what to say, but he told his son that she slept very deeply. The son became worried and went to get his allowance. The son asked his father to buy a large alarm clock to wake her up. Any thoughts about it? Perhaps the father learned that avoiding the word 'death' with his son failed to solve his problem... I will see you later...Once there was a beautiful girl. She had lips as red cherries, skin as white as snow and hair as black as the night sky. The girl's stepmother was a witch, who had a mirror that would answer any questions. "Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" The mirror replied, "Of course you, my lady. Hee hee hee." The witch was happy. If the mirror had said a different name, she'd have had bring the girl to her, and if her servants had failed, they would have been punished as well. The mirror knew about it, so it lied to spare the lives of the girl and the servants. It was a happy ending. What do you think? Was it immoral of the mirror to lie? This is a story of before I became a pastor. I had no money and lived in a tiny apartment. From my window, I could see inside of the next apartment. It seemed as shabby as mine, and as far as I could tell, there lived a couple there. The woman would go out to work everyday leaving the husband behind. At first I thought he's an artist or something, but I something strange. The man never moved... He sat in the same place everyday. So, I started to pay more attention to him. Sometimes he was talking to his wife, or shaking his head, but he never moved from that location ever. I became very curious about what was going on. One day, the fire started in that apartment. I looked at the room right away to find him sitting in the same spot with a troubled face. I was horrified. I knew the wife wasn't there, so I ran to the apartment as fast as I could. When I opened the door, the place was full of smoke, but the man was staring at me. I tried to help him move, but his thin body was mysteriously very heavy! I wondered why and looked at the floor to find... 4 hands grabbing his arms and legs. They were coming out of the floor... ... Eeeeeek!! Huh... I still get scared when I tell the story... Cliff left this town.  But he's the only one who can decide... ...change his life.I'm sure part of the reason he left was that he ran out of money.Cliff has become more cheerful since he married you.You were the one who saved Cliff. Lately, I've been thinking the power of humans to help others is immense.Cliff is doing so much better. It's all thanks to you.Do you know a young man named Cliff comes to the church everyday?I believe our sins are forgiven when you desire to confess for them.I wonder how Jeff is doing...? He doesn't seem to handle stress too well. You can't force yourself to get along with all. Let it be. Be happy. ...ideally.Whenever the weather is bad on Wednesdays, Doctor brings a bottle of wine. We discuss on many issues.Sometimes I wish it rains on Wednesdays... Ha ha ha.We talk about everything. It's interesting to exchange opinions.Hi, good evening.There is a basement in this church, and that's where I sleep.I'm just kidding.Do you want to know why I don't preach?The people here live as the Harvest Goddess wants them to anyway. There is nothing for me to teach!But, this is where I live. Now I just have to find another path to follow.RIFFvxSCR CODEXHTH#"> ! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"!8$!#!-#!###"!0#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### #!2#!"#!BH!@"!>### ##!A!C#########:#<##########!>####!>### "!>### #####!>####!>### "!>### *##0###!>#K#M##!>#c#e# "!>#}## ###!>####!>### "!>### ####$!Dw##|##|##|##|##|##|## |## |## ||$######$#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!># ## "{!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# "!>### #!2### ###### ### ### #!~ ^"!0#Z!>#?#A#R#!"Y#!"l g "!0#Z!>####!"#!"l "!0#Z!>####!"#!"l "!0#Z!>####!"#!"l "!0#Z!>#=#?#P# !"W# !"l "!0#Z!>#z#|## !"# !"l "!0#Z!>#### !"# !"l "!0#Z!>####!"#!"l "!0#Z!>#1#3#D#!"K#!"l "!0#Z!>#n#p##!"#!"l "!0#Z!>####!"#!"l "!0#Z!>####!" #!"l #!># # ##!>#5 #7 #  "!0#Z!>#[ #] #n #!"u #!"!!"#!?] "!># # #"!># # #  "!0#!"N #Z!># # # "!0#!"N "!0"!>#% #' #8 #!"N #!"!!"#!?!!"#!?l l $#!# # #}s#P!># # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "!>#' #) # "{!>#A #C # "!>#[ #] # "!>#u #w #  #" ## x#P!># # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "!>#$ #& # "{!>#> #@ # "!>#X #Z # "!>#r #t #  #"## x#P!># # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!># # # "!>#! ## # "{!>#; #= # "!>#U #W # "!>#o #q #  #",##x#P!># # ##d!># # # #m!># # # #w!># # # "!>### "!>## # "{!>#8#:# "!>#R#T# "!>#l#n# {##d##x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#4#6# "!>#N#P# "!>#h#j# y#",##x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#3#5# "!>#M#O# "!>#g#i# x#" ## x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#2#4# "!>#L#N# "!>#f#h# u##d##x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#.#0# "!>#H#J# "!>#b#d# s#"##x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# q#",##x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# n#",##x#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!># ## "{!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# k#"## #P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# c#"##xx$ ## ## ## ## ##  ## ## ## ## ## ##  $#!~#P!>#/#1##d!>#G#I# #m!>#`#b# #w!>#y#{# "!>### "!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>###  ####!B)#P!>#0#2##d!>#H#J# #m!>#a#c# #w!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### ## ## #!#!" !>#X#Z##n#p# #!#d## ###### ### ###  "!0#!"!!" #!?!!#"#$##8#:# #O#Q# #f#h# #}## ### # ## # ## # ## ### !F#!BH!] !O#W!>#3#5##Y!>#K#M# #P!>#d#f# #Z!>#}## #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# #O!>#c#e# #Y!>#|#~# #c!>### #l!>### #v!>### "!>### "!>### "z!>### "!>#/#1# #!>#H#J# #!`d#f# "!0#!"!!##!4#Y#!?#&!8"!>###"!>### "!0#!""!0#!"$BH#!>###%##!>#;#=# #P!>#T#V##Z!>#l#n# #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### "!>##!#"!>#8#:# #!"0uT#V# "!>#n#p# "!>### # "!0#!"###!( "!0#!2# !"!!"#!?"#!? 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JUMP (8 X h jSHHHH  H H S HHS !"#$%&'()*S+,S-^.S/^0^1^2^3^4^5^6^7^89H:H;H<H=>H?H@ABCDHEFGHIJSKLMNHOSPHQRSSHTHUHVHWHXHYHZH[S\]S^H_S`a&bcSdeHfgHhSiSjHkHlmnHoHpqHrHsHtHuvSwSxSyzS{H|H}H~^^SSSHSSSi5HHHHSHSSH^^^^^^HHHSHj%%%%%0000 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000 0!0"0#0$0%F&F'F(%)%*%+%,Q-Q.Q/Q0;1;2;3;4;56;7;8;9;:;;F<F=F>F?F@FAFBFCFDFEFFFGFHFIFJFKFLFMFNFOFPFQFRFSFTFUFVgWFXFYFZ\[\\\]\^;_;`;a;bFcFdFeFfFgFhFiF h\ P        | yq    K2[1B)/ $8STR >%7`2O.X^9`p[ <WY $ o  * n  Z  ' 4 H k  5 N sVf>~1Qv#=.]z TSF&K^y%Z :Oox;y'f%I[E g !k!!!!"H"Hey... Are you new here? I'm Kai. Nice to meet you.You remembered my birthday? Thanks! I'll get you something on your birthday.Thank you. You knew my birthday? I'm totally happy.Hey, you're so nice. Your farm makes the best. I love it. You're very considerate. Wow, a pineapple! Thank you. This it my most favorite summer fruit.Thanks. You know exactly what I like.Thanks. I kind of like this.Hey, for me? Thanks, ).Oh, is it for me? Thanks.Hey, thanks. I appreciate it.Sorry, but I don't like that. You didn't know? Sorry. ...I don't like it.What do you want me to do with it? You're so funny. I don't understand you.What is it? What can I do with it? You're a strange one.Aren't you too old to do things like that?What do you want? That's just wrong.What do you want? I can't believe this.Thanks, ). Come to think of it, I've never seen you wearing things like this. Can I ask why?Oh, thanks. A lot of girls like this kind of stuff. How about you, !?Isn't it for you?  I guess I can give it to someone else... Just kidding. Thanks.That's pretty cool. Girls like that kind of stuff. Who should I give it too? I'm just kidding.Hey, that's cool. Is it for me? Thanks. Why don't you try to wear these things?Oh, cool. Is it for me? Thanks.Oh, thanks. That looks good... Huh?Why am I here?Oh, the Winter Thanksgiving? Thanks. I'm glad you still think of me that way.Do you know how to make popcorn? Try to remember it if you want. You just need corn and a frying pan.  Add some salt too. Butter is good too. Wow, wow, wow! Wait a minute. Let's go to your place.Ah, are you trying to give it to someone? Who is it?...I'm sorry, but I can't think of you like that right now.AcceptRejectReally? I'll be waiting for you.Okay... If you say so...Tomorrow is the party. The Starry Night Festival. Come home by 6PM.It's a wonderful surprise. You're having our baby. I can't believe it.I can't believe I'm becoming a father.How are you? I can help you when you need to carry something heavy.I asked the doctor how to take care of you. I'll be a father and all.The baby is getting big. It's growing inside of you.I'll work hard for you and the baby.The baby might be born tomorrow!The doctor and Elli will come here for you, so go to bed early tonight.The baby is so tiny.  She's so cute when she tries to hold on to me.Do you think * looks like me or you? ......... I can't tell yet...I wonder what * will grow up to be?I just hope that she'll be the happiest girl in the whole world.* might start walking soon. I saw her trying to stand up a few times.Let's take her to the beach when she starts walking. She'll love it!Kids grow up so fast. Snap! Just like that. Before we know, she'll be all grown up.I want to do a lot of things together with him.Do you understand what * is saying? I'm trying to talk to her.I think she understand what I'm saying. Don't you think so?......... Huh.........What is it?Are you mad at me?You must be. You're ignoring me.You don't like me any more?I see. I thought you were trying to avoid me.Good morning, ). What are you doing today? Are you busy on your farm?The Beach House? Come to see it for yourself.Hi, ). Still working?Don't work too hard. Don't forget to enjoy your life.Good morning, )! Mornings on the farm is very peaceful.I used to only like Summer, but now I like other seasons too.Hey, ). Working hard?Come to eat something at the Beach House. My food is good. It's not free, though!Morning, ) Have a good day.I'm not going anywhere. I can't live without you, )... Bwa ha ha ha!Yo, ). You're home. How was your day?Don't keep secrets from me, okay? I don't like secrets. Just be open, okay?Yo, what's up?This place is cheap to stay and the food is good. It's the best inn. I stay here every year. Popuri is sweet, don't you think so?I wish her brother could leave her alone...Popuri's brother is too much.Rick's always complaining. I can't take that guy any more...Huh...How can you stand being with Rick 24/7?It's no fair. She likes me, not the other way around.It's not funny... She's serious...I wonder why Popuri is so insecure? She's jealous about everything. Seeing her once a year and staying with her all the time is very different.You think no one bothers me at the Inn, right? Wrong. Rick comes to see me all the time when he goes out at night.Yo, !. What's up?We're getting married. I wonder what it's like to have you as my wife? I can't imagine...Yo, how's the farm?Don't forget to take a break sometimes. It's pretty good here.Yo, how is it going?If you have time, let's go somewhere together. How about a dinner here together?Yo, !. Did you try the food here?This place is my competition. Why do more people come to this place?Yo, !. Are you done working?I may not look like it, but I know a lot about wine. Surprised? Yo, !. How's the farm?You're very tough.  I'm nothing compare to you. My shop, my life... It's not cool.Yo, !. How is your farm?When I see you working, I feel I have to work hard too.I was wondering how you are doing today. Why? I don't know...Come to my store too. You're always welcome.I'm only here in the Summer. Don't miss it.Hey, ). What are you doing here?I was surprised when I heard about the baby, but I'll be a good father.Yo, ). How is *?I'm a father. I don't look like it? I didn't even dream of becoming a father, but I'm very happy now.Sorry. I don't feel like talking to you.Don't talk to me!Yo, ).Can you leave me alone? I'm busy.Yo, ). You came to see the ocean?This beach is beautiful. I forget time when I'm looking at the waves.Living with you is very interesting. I learn a lot from you.You're inspiring. I have to think of the way to bring more customers. You make much more money than I do. I'm so happy that I married you I'll try to come home early after work.Marriage is not always easy. Don't you agree? There will be lots of things between you and me, but we'll be fine.Yo, !. What's up? How's your farm?I don't think I'm a marrying kind. I don't regret it, but it makes me think...The time goes so slowly in this town. Don't you agree?Yo, what's up? Sorry, I'm on my break.Ah... The beach here is so nice. I could come here in other seasons.What are you doing here? Can you go home?Please?I want to get out of this town... I'm just kidding.Welcome. Can I help you?Are you the only customer here? Oh, no...Yo, ). What's the matter?Isn't it pretty cook to live on the beach? I can live anywhere with you, though... Bwa ha ha!Yo, ) Welcome to my shop. Happy to see you here.I decided not to change the menu. This is the Beach House after all. Yo, !. Welcome.Where are my customers? Oh, I don't have many of those usually. No worries, though.Yo, welcome !.Make yourself at home. Hi, !. What's up?Don't pass out from the heat.Yo, !.This town is boring, but people are very nice. No customers... Maybe I should start a farm too...Just kidding. I can't work like you do, !.!, are you going to live here forever?There are many more cool places. Very different than here.I love Summer, so I move from a town to another following the sun.!, do you like Summer? I can take you to a nice town...Yo, !. You're the only customer here...It's not good for the shop, but I'm kind of happy about it.Hello, !. How is your farm? My shop is not doing well, but I'm fine.I'm thinking about staying in this town so that I can stay with you.I'm going to work now. I'll see you later.What's up? Do you need something?Phew, I'm tired.The shop did okay today. Well, I'll be fine.I'm going to work now. I have to go open the store. See you later.Are you done working, )?I don't feel like working today... How about before? I have a responsibility now.See you later. Have a good day.It's good to come home to someone.Yo, ). Came to pick me up? You didn't have to.I'm actually pretty happy about it, tough.I'll see you at home. Our home... Bwa ha ha ha!Having my own family is good, but I get shy when I say something to you.I'm home... Our home... Bwa ha ha ha!I should practice saying these phrases so that I don't get shy.I'm going to work I'll see you later.I have to commute now. I'm going home now ), are you done working?It's nice to go home to you, but the Beach House is still my home too.RIFFoSCR CODE??#" ! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"!8$!#!-#!###"!0#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### #!2#!"#!?!@"!>### "!>### "!>## #" !># #"# "!>#;#=# N##!A!CA##F##F##F##F##F##F##F#!>####!>### "!>###  ####F#!>#+#-##!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# p##v##F#!>####!>### "!>### ##7#!>####!>### "!>## # 1##7##FF$!D############## ## ## $######$#P!>## ##Z!># #"# #d!>#9#;# #w!>#R#T# "{!>#l#n# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### #!2#######)#+# #@#B# #W#Y# #!~ "!0#m!>####!"#!"  "!0#m!>####!"#!" "!0#m!># # ##!"##!" "!0#m!>#F#H#Y#!"`#!" "!0#m!>####!"#!" "!0#m!>#### !"# !" "!0#m!>#### !"# !" "!0#m!>#:#<#M# !"T#!" "!0#m!>#w#y##!"#!" "!0#m!>####!"#!" "!0#m!>### #!" #!" "!0#m!>#. #0 #A #!"H #!" #!>#c #e ##!>#{ #} #  "!0#m!># # # #!" #!"!!"#!? "!># # #"!># # #  "!0#!" #m!>#1 #3 #L "!0#!" 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What a surprise! What's a classy girl like you doing in a place like this?Smells good. I love it. Thanks.Hey, thanks! You know exactly what I like. You're such a good wife.Thanks! I like having classy friends like you.Thanks, ). I appreciate it.Thanks a lot! Anytime you want to give me something, I'm ready to receive!Thanks.I don't like that. You didn't know? Remember that.I'll take this off your hands, but you don't need to give it to me again, OK?). What are you doing? What do you want from me? You're so annoying.What a jerk! Don't give that to me!), you're like a kid. You like that stuff?You're kind of funny, if you think that's a big deal. Wow, )! ...Get it away from me! G-get that away from me...Now!That's my grandpa's... Hmmm... Thanks, ). I'll keep it as my reference.Did gramps make this? Thanks. It's not like I get to see his work or anything...Hi, ). Isn't that for you? Thanks. I guess I'll send it to my mom or something.That's very nice! I think I'll send it to my mom. Perfume. If you don't want it, I'll send it to my mom. Thank you. Oh, that's cool. For me? I guess I'll send it to my mom...Huh? )? Today is the day guys give girls gifts, right? Well, but thanks anyway. Huh? Today is...? It doesn't feel right... But thanks.Ah... Okay... Thanks...Thanks. You made my day.Huh? For me? Thanks! I didn't give you anything in the Spring, though.Oh, you didn't have to do that... But thank you. I'm happy.Wow, wow, wow! Wa...wait a minute. No...not here...I like Mary... But you're kidding, right?Ah... We're not that close to each other yet...Something you want to tell me?Tell about job.Don't tell about job.Ha! If I got a job somewhere else, gramps would tan my hide!Ah... Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival, so I'll cook. And why don't we have a party at your place? What do you think?Saibara too!No, thanks.What? Grandpa...? Okay, let's ask him too.Come to the shop at 6PM when you're done working. I... Never mind...Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival. I have to cook a feast. Come home early tomorrow. You're carrying our baby. We have to try to become good parents. I can't wait!I'll be a father. I'll support you two.A boy or a girl? I'll be happy either way. As long as it's healthy.The baby is getting big. I can't wait!Take care of yourself. Don't work too hard.The doctor said the baby might be born tomorrow. They're coming here.I can finally see our baby! How exciting! * cries all day long. What can we do?It's hard to raise a baby. It's more than I imagined. Totally.You're so good at putting * to bed.I don't know what to do. I don't know why she's crying most of the time.* seems to be trying to stand up. Soon she'll be walking.She's start speaking soon, right?Now that * can walk, let's go somewhere.* will be surprised how big the world it.I'm starting to understand what * is trying to say.Maybe I can make her a toy. * will be so happy!......... ......... .........You don't care about me, do you?......... I don't understand you nowadays.I know your farm is important, but can you pay attention to me too?), you don't like me anymore? Just say it.We hardly see each other anymore. Is this marriage?Morning, ). You're up early.I'm not good at getting up in the morning.You're home. Are you done working? Not yet?You must be busy. How is your body?Morning, ). Have a good day.I still have much to learn, but I'm learning something new everyday. Just like you.You're home. Are you done for the day? Or keep working?Be careful when you have to work at night. How are your tools?Morning, ) How are you this morning? Did you sleep well?I didn't even dream of living on the farm with you.Hey, ) Still working? Be careful at night.As long as you stay on the the farm, I'm not worried, but still... I used to worry about you before we got married.Oh... What are you doing here? Running errands?Don't be too late. I hate it around here. There's nothing to do. Don't you think so too?I just get so bored in this town. I want to go back to the city!Hey, !, what do you think of the girl who works in the Library?I go to the Library a lot these days. I like reading books all the sudden.I had no idea books were so much fun!Did you know Mary writes novels! That's amazing.  I hope one day I can craft something, too.Working hard, I see. Lately I've been getting along better with gramps.  I'm enjoying working as a blacksmith more and more.Mary's different from the other girls.  I want her to like me!All I can do is try my best to learn the blacksmith trade, and read lots of  books.  Hopefully, she'll notice!I hear neat stories from Mary's father alll the time. I like books, too, but I'm never to give up on being a blacksmith.Hey, !. Our wedding is almost there...I still can't believe it. I wasn't planning on getting married until I become more stable. But, I'm excited!Ah... Can I help you?Work is very demanding. How is the farm?I'm doing okay. Not too bad, no too good. Hey, how are your tools? Let my grandpa know right away when they break.Come to the shop. I'm still an apprentice, but come to see me.!, you live all by yourself, right? Are you scared at night?You're tough. You're different than the girls in this town. Hey, !. How is your farm? Let me know if I can help you with something.I'm starting to enjoy learning from Grandpa... It's still hard, though.You inspire me, !.Farming is very different than what I do, though.You're pretty amazing. You work so hard all by yourself.Yep, you are something something else.My Grandpa is so hard on me for every little thing! I can hardly stand it!I wonder how old my grandfather is... How can he still be so strong!?...Hi there. Do you need something?Shouldn't you be getting back to the farm around now?Mary's parents are both so nice to me. My grandfather doens't seem to have much energy, lately. He doesn't even yell at me!I can't believe I'm becoming a father. I have to work harder.), don't work too hard.). What's up?How is * doing? My work is dangerous, so she's not allowed here.What's up, )?Sorry, but I need to concentrate on my work.Hi, there.I'm working, so please leave me alone.Hey, ). Something wrong with your tools? Tell Grandpa. I'm busy, so I'll talk to you later. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to see you.Hi, ). How is the farm?Our jobs are not easy, but let's do our best. I can do it when I think I'm doing it for you.Hey. How is )? I'm so happy I married you. I'll work hard for you.Hey. How is the farm? Is it good to have your own family? My grandpa doesn't approve of my skills yet. I want to make a jewelry for Mary someday. I'll work hard for it!₟AႢBHow is work? Is it hard to work and take care of your family?!, you work so hard all by yourself. Hello, !. How is your farm? You inspire me to work harder. Hello. What's up? I want to become much better and make lots of things.Hey, !.Farming must be hard. Grandpa and I are very impressed by you.Hello, !. How is the farm? !, you're amazing to run a farm all by yourself. I'm really impressed.Hello, !. How are you?Farming must be very demanding. Are you okay all by yourself?Hello, !. How are you? I'm working hard.I want you to buy an item I make someday. ), you came to read books too? They have great books here.Let me know when you find something good. I might learn something for work.I hear interesting stories from Mary's father all the time.Books have some really interesting stories, you know.Mary always suggests such great books for me to read.Hey, ). What are you doing here? I'm here to learn something for my work. The hardest task is to find who I really am.I used to think I was forced to read books, but Mary changed me.If you are tense, you can't truly concentrate on your work.Grandpa makes me go hiking on my days off. Learn from the nature...Concentrate... .........RIFFc$SCR CODE\ X #" ! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#l"!0#!"#!D !@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>###"!># # # "0!>###%# 7##!A!C#################!>####!>### ####$!Dk##p##p##p##p##p##p## p## p## pp$######$###:###### ### #!~ /"!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !"$#!#5#7### ######## ########## ##$fa##f##f##f##f## f##f##f##f##f## f##ff$#!~x##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d## ###### #*#,# Q"!0#!"!!"#!?!!#j#l#### ### ### ### # ## # ## #  # # #!### .!F#!D !]q!Og"!0#!"ll$D #!8 #m!>###B"!>####!###"!0#!""!0#!"=#!###."!0#!"="!0#!"h #!>#X#Z##!>#p#r# #!>### #!###"!0#!""!0#!"h #!#d##0 "!0#!# # #$ #!"+ #!"h "!0#!#N #P #a #!"h #!"= #!># # ##!>#  # #  "!0#!"Z #!>#  # ##!># # #  "!0#!"Z #!># # ##!>#/ #1 # K "!0#!"Z "!0#!"= #!#du #w # #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!# # # "!0# !" "!0#!!"= #m!># # # #!#d9 #; # #!#V #X #q "!0#"!" "!0##!" #!# # # "!0#$!" "!0#%!"l #!#d # #, #!# # # "!0#&!"' "!0#'!"l #!#B #D #] "!0#(!"l "!0#)!"= "!># # #"!># # #  #!# # # "!0#*!" "!0#+!". #!# # # "!0#,!". "!0#-!"= = $#!!!#! JUMPt   h ( 8 V}r}}}}r  r r r r}}}}}}}}}}}}}}rrrr r!r"r#r$r%r&r'r(r)}*V+},r-.V/012345678K9:;<=r>?r@ABCD}EF}GrHrIrJVKrL}MNOVP}Q}R}ST}U}V}W}X}Y}Z[\}]a^_V`}abcrdefrgrhirjrkrlmn}o}p}qr}sturvrwVxVy}z{|}}~}r}}}r}VVVr}V}VVV}}Vrr}r}}j$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$ !"#$%:&:':()*+,E-E.E/E0/1/23$4/5/6/7/8/9/:/;:<:=:>:?:@:A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V[W:X:Y:ZP[P\P]P^_/`/a/b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:Au 9Mau    FQ\gs     ! - 8 DPKNm m q _  &}STR o .j?<t$\>c5LyE 2 C b 9 I've never seen you around here before. You moved into that farm? It's tough to run a farm all by yourself. I wish you luck. Well, my name is Saibara. Nice to meet you.Ahem.Ha ha ha, a man doesn't expect to receive birthday gifts at my age! Thank you very much.How kind of you to give an old man something this nice. Gray can learn from you.Oh, thank you. I appreciate it.Thank you.Sorry, but it's useless to me.What are you doing! Young people nowadays have the worst manners!This little creature is small, but its will to live is great.Sorry, but I'm busy at the moment. Go show it to someone else.What is it...? You didn't like it?  You're returning it...Mmm... What do you want me to do with it?Perfume? I don't see it very often in my line of work. Why wear it anyway?Why are you giving it to an old man like me? You're so funny... You should eat simple foods. I'll tell you how to make pickled turnip. You should remember it. You need a turnip and vinegar. Use your knife. It's very easy to make. Sugar, salt and soy sauce might give it a nice flavor. Try it.Blue Feather... Give it to someone you want to marry.Hi, !. How is *? I'm finally a great- grandfather... I will keep working until I see her in a wedding gown.How is your married life? Is Gray treating you well?I see. Gray has changed since he married you.Rising with dawn is the key to a long life...The most important work on a farm is done early in the morning.Can I help you?Ahem, there is nothing for you to do here.You must learn something everyday.All life is study. Do not forget that. Good morning. What a nice weather.Oh, !. I'm going shopping.I'm going out now. Would you like to join me?  Those who work hard get to play hard as well. It's time to go home.Ahem. You seem well. Don't work too late.You're an odd one. What do you want from me?Oh, !. I came to do grocery shopping.Right after my wife passed away, I couldn't do anything around the house. But now, I can take care of myself.!. Are you done working? I come here every night. I love this place. I should go to bed early since I'm getting old...Gray is worried about me. I'm happy, but it feels funny at the same time.Hi, !. Do you want to join me?Gray has really changed since he got married in every way. Interesting. He still have much to learn, though.!, have you tasted the wine from this town? It's one form of art. Give it a try.I've tried rice wine before. It was as good as the wine from here.Oh, !. What a nice evening.I'm getting old... I have so much to teach Gray before I go...Gray... He won't go to the mountains with me now that he's married...It's easier without Gray anyway! I used to do everything all by myself.Ahem. Do you like hiking, !? I close my shop on Thursdays to hike.You should find some way to rest your soul too.RIFF %SCR CODE #"' ! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#l"!0#!"#!!@"!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>###"!># # # "!>###%# "!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "~!>### "!>#+#-# "!>#E#G# ";!>#`#b# "$!>#z#|# ##H!AC!C##################!>####!>#3#5# F##L###!>#g#i##!>### ####$H!D############ ## ## $H##H##H##HH$#\#^# #w#y#### ### #!~ "!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0#!""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !""!0# !"$#!###h^## c##c##c##c## c##c##c##c##c##c##c$########## ############$#!~ ##!B)## #!"!!>#L#N##b#d# #!#d{#}# ###### ###  "!0# !""!0#!""!0#!"!!"!#!?!!# # ##3 #5 # #J #L # #a #c # #x #z # #  # # #  # # #  # # # # #  !F#!!]$ !O "!0#!"  $":!>#; #= #e "!0#!"!!":#!?#!"| #~ ##!z# # #  "!0#!"#!|#!#!># # ##!>#  # # #!># # # #!>## #% # q #!#B #D #] "!0#!"l "!0#!"0 #!#d # # #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!"0 #!#d # #0 #!# # #! "!0#!"0 "!0#!"#!>#K #M ##!>#c #e #  "!0#!" #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!"#!>#  # ##!>#  # #  "!0#!" "!0#!"#!#d8 #: # #!#U #W #p "!0#!" "!0#!" #!#d # # #!# # # "!0# !" "!0#!!"";!># # #X#!###5"!0#"!"S"!0##!""!0#$!"#!#n#p#"!0#%!""!0#&!"#!###"!0#'!""!0#(!"$#!!!#! JUMP   h ( 8       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEQFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Qj      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi(3 "6J ^ r   # / ; GS r}   K 5 5   " " %( STR = )<N8z9idAq? V }  4 E d Hey, who are you? Oh, you moved in to the farm? I'm Gotz. I'm a carpenter.  Let me know if you want to remodel your house. You pay me, I build.Mmm... My birthday... You know my birthday... I don't know what to say. Thank you.You're nice. Thanks. I appreciate it. Cool, it could use this. Thanks.Ah, thank you. Mwhaaa? What is that? What do you want me to do with it?I don't want it. Go away. Hey... I said I don't want it. Oh, man!Ha ha ha, I see them all the time.Whaaat...? Don't scare me!If my daughter was alive, she'd have loved that stuff... Well, I guess I can give it to Karen or someone.My wife used to have it...  Well, I guess I can give it to Karen or someone.Mmmm... What is this? I'm getting dizzy...Hey, thanks. You're the only one who gives me stuff.Do you know how to make veggie pancakes? It's easy. Mix the ingredients and bake. Do you want to know? Okay... First you need flour. You also need cabbage. Oh, don't forget an egg. Mix them and cook it on an oiled frying pan.  You have to cut cabbage with a knife. You can add whatever you want to that.Getting married means protecting your family.I heard + Farm has nice buildings.  I want to see it.A guy named Louis used to stay at my place. He was an entomologist, and he said Mineral Town was full of rare insects.  One day, he went out to catch butterflies and came back. I wonder where he is now? I'm on my break now. Don't bother me. Come back later.Hey. What do you want? Don't bother me if it's not about work.Oh, !. Don't mind me. I'm rude to everyone.Living alone in the mountains, sometimes you see some strange things... What? Are you scared now? Then go home before it's too late.Be careful when hiking by yourself.There are no bears or wolves, but you can't be too cautious, you know?You seem pretty busy. Good for you.I'm looking for good lumber trees. And also something edible.Let me tell you something. Don't chop trees down more than you need. We humans have to respect nature, you know?I'm going to see the mayor. Just to say hi. You seem to be busy. Keep up the good work.I visit the town on Saturdays to buy eggs and milk and stuff.If I stayed up in the mountain too long, people would forget about me. I'd be out of work!Yo, !. How is work?Work hard and make your farm bigger.Yo, !. Do you like it here?Ever since I lost my family here... I keep telling Basil not to bring his family hiking in the winter. It's dangerous.!, you be careful too.Mmmm... Oh, !.Go home before it gets dark.Hey, work is going great.Look forward to it.RIFF{SCR CODE #"; ! ##!##!!!#!>#>#@##!>#V#X# #!|"Z!8$!#!-#!###"!0#!"#! !@##!A!C5##:##:##:##:##:##::$!D############ ## ## $######$###~# # ## #"# #7#9# #!~ j"!0#!""!0#!"FA"!0#!"F"!0#!"F"!0#!"F"!0#!"F"!0#!"F"!0#!"F"!0# !"F"!0# !"F"!0# !"F"!0# !"FF$#!#\#^### ######## ###### ## ##$rm##r##r##r##r## r##r##r##r##r##rr$#!~##!B## #!!!###### ### # # # # #"# # 7#9# # N#P# # e#g# r!F#! !]!O"!0# !"$ #!"##"!>### #!z### "G!>### #!"7#9#"!>#P#R# #!z#i#k# "!0#!"#!|"!0#!"!!"G#!? #! #!>####!#d##:#!# # #&"!0#!"5"!0#!"z#!#P#R#k"!0#!"z"!0#!"#!###"!0#!""!0#!" #!#d##&#!###"!0#!"!"!0#!"f#!#<#>#W"!0#!"f"!0#!" #!#d###!###"!0#!""!0#!" #!###"!0#!" "!0#!" #!#d( #* #t #!#E #G #` "!0#!"o "!0#!" #!# # # "!0# !""!0#!!" "!0#"!"  $#!!!#! JUMPh $4 t $ 4 j     !"#$%&'()*+,-%./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~%%%%%%jTIIIIIIII I I I I IIIIjjjjjjTjjIjjITT T!j"j#j$T%u&u'u(_)_*_+_,-./0j1j2j3T4T5T6j7j8T9T:j;u<u=u>u?u@uAuBuCuDuEuFuGuHuIuJuKuLuMuNuOuPuQuRuSuTuUuVWuXuYuZ[\]^I_j`Iajbucudueufuguhuiu? t   ( mx     $0; G R ]Kk )*STR #l6d|.r S,-X~(Hi, are you traveling? No? You moved into that farm? I live on a farm too. I'm May. Nice to meet you.Wow! Thanks! A present from my mommy came in the mail today, too!I was happy... But I really wanted her to come visit...Cool! Thank you, big sister! I'll show it to my grandpa right away.This is the nicest present ever! Thank you!Thank you, big sister.This is very pretty! Keep it a secret from Grandpa...I won't be mad if you decide to give this to someone else. It's so cuute! Goooood boooooy.Eeeek! You're mean!Whoa... Is it really for me? I'm so happy! I'll wear it always.Wow! Is it for me? Yeah! I'll treasure it!Wow! Perfume! I know what it is because my mommy used to wear it all the time!It's so pretty! What is it?A few days ago, I talked with my mommy on the phone! It was nice to hear  her voice, but I hope she can come home soon...I heard you can buy a big teddy bear in Forget-Me-Not Valley. And it moves too. I want one...Hello, big sister.Grandpa says he's too busy and too old, so he can't play with me...Grandpa always gets quiet when I talk about Mommy...I feel like crying whenever Grandpa looks angry or sad. Then he always cheers me up, though!I hate bad weather because it keeps me from playing outside!Once I caught a cold when I played outside in the rain, so now my Grandpa always makes me stay in on rainy days. Pooh!I hope it's sunny tomorrow!Good night, big sister.I dream about sleeping on many sheep all the time.  They are so fluffy!You should try it too! ...Good night!Today is Grandpa's Hot Spring day.I hate the Hot Spring! It's too hot!Ah, big sister! Hello!I heard there was a field of flowers above here. Grandpa says it's dangerous, though, so I don't go. Hello, big sister. Do you like Mr. Carter?  He's funny, and his snacks are so good!I like Stu... But sometimes I hate him, too. I don't know why.Ah, big sister! Let's play together!!You have to work? That's too bad...All the adults say they're busy all the time.  It's not fair! Maybe Carter will play...RIFF/"SCR CODE #"C ! ##!##!!!!#!-#!#J#L#l"!0#!"#! !@##!A!C9##>##>##>##>##>####>##>#!>####!>### )##/##>>$!D############ ## ## $######$###e####$#&# #;#=# #!~ _"!0#!"OJ"!0#!"O"!0#!"O"!0#!"O"!0#!"O"!0#!"O"!0#!"O"!0#!"O"!0# !"O"!0# !"O"!0# !"O"!0# !"OO$#!#e#g### ######## ############$########## ############$#!~##!B## #!"!>###### #!#d## #(#*##>#@# #U#W# |"!0# !"!!"#!?!!###### ### ### ### # # # # # # # 5#7# #L#N# Y!F#! !]!O"!0# !"$ "5!>###"D!>### 8"5!>###"!0#!"!!"5#!?3"!0#!"!!"D#!? #! #!>#Z#\##!>#r#t# #!>####!># ## "!0#!"V #!>####!>### #!># # ##!>##!# <"!0#!"V #!>#R#T##!>#j#l# #!>####!>### "!0#!"V #!>####!>### #!># # ##!># # # 5 "!0#!"V #!>#K #M #V #!>#h #j # #!#d # # #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!"V #!#, #. #G "!0#!"V "!0#!" #!#dq #s # #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!# # # "!0#!" "!0#!" #!#d # #d #!#5 #7 #P "!0#!"_ "!0#!" #!#z #| # "!0# !" "!0#!!" #!#d # # #!# # # "!0#"!" "!0##!"K #!#! ## #< "!0#$!"K "!0#%!" #!#f #h # "!0#&!" "!0#'!"  $#!!!#! JUMPt   h ( 8   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~jXXXXXMMMM M M M M MMMMcXXMMcMMMcXccXX X!X"X#X$X%y&y'y(X)X*X+X,-./0c1c2c3X4X5X6n7n8c9c:c;y<y=y>y?y@yAyByCyDyEyFyGyHyIyJyKyLyMyNyOyPyQyRySyTyUyVWyXyYyZ[\]^M_n`MacbycydyeyfygyhyiyC i}   1 v     !,8DO [ f q|Ky DD )[ *P STR (R0N6!e"Bi9#HWI h Oh, you're ! everyone is talking about. My name is Barley. Nice to meet you....What? A birthday gift? Oh, now it know why May gave me flowers earlier. Thank you.This is my favorite. Thank you very much. You're very kind.You don't have to do that. But it's very nice of you. Thank you.Thank you. I appreciate it.Thank you, but it's not for an old man like me. What is it? What do you want me to do with it?Oh, you came to show it to me? I hope May will grow up to be just like you.Foxes are dangerous. What if they attack you? Oh, that's pretty. I'll give it to May when she grows up. Thank you.Oh, it smells nice.Is it for me? Thank you very much. What a wonderful surprise.Well, I'll tell you how to make ice cream. May asked to me to make it once, and it became her favorite. You need milk, an egg and sugar. You also need a whisk and a pot. You can cut strawberries, pineapples, apples and so on to decorate. May likes to put honey. I like it with wild grapes. It's pretty good. Try it.Oh, Blue Feather. Do you have someone in mind? I wish you luck.Do you know Forget-Me- Not Valley? I heard , takes care of the horse very well.The turtle in Forget-Me- Not Valley lives on the land. I heard some comic artist used to keep it.I visit the mayor on Mondays.Today is the hot springs day for me.The hot springs is very refreshing.I was going to the hot springs today, but the weather is not good...What are you doing here? Only my granddaughter and I live here. It's not an exciting place.We check up on our animals everyday. If you don't they might get sick.It's good to have dogs. They get smarter as they play with a ball.How are your animals? Did you put them inside? You take care of yourself too, okay?Oh? Did you come to play with May?Come anytime.How is your farm? You need some serious work to revive that farm... Good luck.I think you can do it. Being a mayor is very difficult, I heard. I have no idea.Thomas's father was a mayor too. I wonder if Harris will become one?How are Saibara and Ellen? We should get together sometime.!, make lots of friends. Be nice to everyone.Oh, hello. How are you?May doesn't like the hot springs. She likes to play with water, though.Haaahhhh. It felt very good. I love living close to the hot springs.Without the hot springs... I couldn't have been working on the farm like this. How fortunate am I.Kids nowadays go to bed so late... May stays up late too.I'm going to bed... See you tomorrow. 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Or rather, have you seen?" @@@@@@@@@@@ Oh good morning, Maria! What are you talking about? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Remember the rumor last month about Ranch Tales trading cards being released? Well, it happened!" @@@@@@@@@@@@ Huh? Really? @@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, there's a big poster for it hanging in the store. And I really want all of those cards so bad." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Then why don't we go down to the shop together when they go on sale? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Sure, OK. Or should I say, that's what I had in mind all along! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ranch Tales trading cards... I'll get a complete set if it's the last thing I do! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This is a fictional story. Any resemblance to any actual persons or organizations is completely coincidental.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Finally the day arrived and Ranch Tales trading cards went on sale... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK, let's go. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Right, or should I say, that goes without saying." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Arriving at the store... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh yeah, they've got 'em, all right. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A pack of 10 for 400 yen. So that's 6000 yen for a box, at 15 packs per box. I'll start with two boxes. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ How many are you buying, Maria...? Huh? All you have are packs. You don't buy the boxes? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Right. I mean, I never bought whole boxes before." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh, is that so? Come to think of it, we've never actually gone shopping together before, have we? Well, whatever. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Later when the shopping was finished... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now how should we do this? Do you want to come over to my place and compare the cards we bought? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Hmm, well, no, I think I'll pass and let it be tomorrow's surprise. That is to say, tomorrow is when we show the cards in our hands. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK, I hear you. Until tomorrow, then. 'Bye. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "'Bye. Or should I say, could you see me home? It's dark already." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I didn't arrive home until after I walked Maria back to her place... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now then, let's get these puppies opened up. RIP (opening the boxes). SHRED (removing the packs). TEAR (opening the packs). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now to see what the first card will be. "Fodder... An Equipment Card..." How dull. But I guess that's par for the course on the first draw. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So I opened all the packs... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I have 186 card types in all of the packs. I have a long way to go if I'm going to get all 256 of them. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato needs 70 cards to have a complete Ranch Tales trading card set!Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 3@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Hey, hey, Chisato! How did it go? Or should I say, show me what you got." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK, here it is. The two boxes I bought yesterday had a total of 156 different card types in them so it looks like I need 70 more card types to complete my set. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Wow! Nice going. I only have 130 card types right now. What did you get? Let me start by showing you what I collected." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Right. And here's what I have... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, lucky you! I still don't have any Fodder cards yet. Actually, I don't have any item cards yet." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, really? OK, let's have a look at yours now. FLIP (the sound of pages full of cards being turned in a binder). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hey, you've got some really shiny ones in here. Those must be rare cards. Oh, and here's another one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I'm thinking we could swap our duplicates. That is to say, here are my duplicate cards." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RUSTLE RUSTLE (the sound of rummaging through a briefcase). These are the only duplicate cards that I have so far. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Let me see... All right! You already have doubles of the Fodder card. Not only that, but also the Sheep's Milk card as well." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And you have several cards that I didn't find. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ These seven cards are ones that I don't have. How many cards are you missing among my duplicates, Chisato? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Seven. Hey! The same as you! So we could just swap straight across, I guess. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, that works. Or should I say, thanks." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ No, I should thank you! Swapping my duplicate cards gave me some more types I didn't have before! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato only needs 63 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Today I went to the store by myself. You see, Maria wasn't at school today and she didn't invite me to shop, so I figured I'd just buy three packs this time. Another reason is that my allowance can't afford a box purchase every visit. Bummer! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now which ones should I buy? Eenie, meenie, minie, moe! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And with that my shopping was done. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I headed straight home. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And once I arrived... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now, let's open these babies up. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ GLEAM! Oh wow! This shiny card--it's the Super Sickle equipment card! All right! Score a rare card for me! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once I had all the bags opened however... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Unfortunately I already have all these other cards. But hey, tomorrow I can report that I got a Super Sickle card. Why was Maria absent from from school today? Will I see her tomorrow? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato needs just 62 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 5@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The next day... "Morning, long time no see." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh, Maria, you're looking all better now. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, I'm fine, or should I say, I'm sorry if I made you worry." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well, you did stay home from school rather unexpectedly. What do you say we get back in the swing of things (even if we missed just a day) and go buy more Ranch Tales trading cards together? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, or should I say, let's go, definitely! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So we went to the store, where I once again bought three packs of cards... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now which ones should I buy? Eenie, meenie, minie, moe! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Thanks and come again!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Later... Now let's open these babies up. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The only one I don't already have in this batch is this Tomato Seeds card. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato needs 61 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 6 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ No school today! I'm off to buy trading cards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I'll buy three packs as usual today... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Which ones should I buy? Eenie, meenie, minie, moe! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now to head home... Wait, that's Maria over there. If I'm not mistaken, she has Ranch Tales trading cards too! Perhaps I can get her to swap me for some cards that I don't have. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yo! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, good morning, Chisato, or should I say, you have Ranch Tales trading cards there. So how many do you have? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This many. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Hmm, not bad, or should I say, I don't have this one, or this one either... Hey! You've got the Super Sickle! Lucky. Or should I say, here, have a look at what I picked up." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You're doing pretty good for yourself. Say, I don't have this one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And so it went. We looked at our cards... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So what do you think? I'm missing this one and this one here... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, I have doubles of that and that, so I could swap them to you, which is to say, I don't have this one... or this one... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I have only the one Super Sickle, but I have doubles of the other ones you want. You want to swap? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, or should I say, all right!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Later...@@@@@@@@@ I really lucked out today. I was able to swap my doubles... But wait. What happens if it turns out the cards I swapped for are duplicates of the ones I bought today...? Well, I'll live with it. Let's open these babies up. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hey, I got another rare card! This time it's a character card, the 'Goddess of the Wellspring.' I wonder what else is in here... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh good! There weren't all that many doubles, and I also got a bunch of cards that I didn't already have! Life is sweet! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato needs just 25 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 7 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It's my day to clean the classroom, so I told Maria to head for the store without me. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I'm finished cleaning the classroom! Now it's off to the store where I'll buy another three card packs. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Which ones should I buy? Eenie, meenie, minie, moe! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Thank you and come again!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now, let's see, where could Maria be? Hey, wait, there's a Ranch Tales trading card lying on the floor here! It's a rare card too--the 'Goat's Milk' food card! Oh, wow! What a find! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (Glancing around furtively.) Well, there's no one around. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Angel on Chisato's Shoulder: "The person who dropped it will be missing it right about now. You should turn it in, to the lost and found or even the authorities..." Devil on Chisato's Shoulder: "Whomever dropped this card isn't likely to know where it fell. Besides, there's no one around, so nobody will know that you picked it up." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And as I was thinking this thing through... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, Chisato, good timing! Or should I say, did you see a card lying around here? It was a 'Goat's Milk' food card, and... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh I see, so this must belong to you, Maria. Here you go. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh good, or should I say, I knew it was here. I'm glad it was you who found it, or should I say, I need to pay you back somehow." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh, forget it. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "No way, or should I say, I can't leave it at that. Here, have this one. It's a way of saying thanks." And then she gave me a Tomato food card. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Are you sure about this? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "The last time we did a swap, you said you didn't have this card. Or should I say, I got a double when I when shopping today." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thanks! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Later...@@@@@@@@@@ Well, now, I really lucked out today. I got a card I didn't already have. But even so, I envy Maria for having that Goat's Milk food card... Well, whatever. Let's open these babies up, and see what I bought today. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ No sooner do I do that, then I find I've actually bought the Goat's Milk food card... And now I also have a double of the card that Maria gave me today as well... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato needs just 12 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 8 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Today I went to the store by myself. Maria couldn't come with me because she had to run an errand or something. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I'm at the store where I pick out my usual three packs, and... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Thank you." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now I'm back home, so let's open these babies up and see what I bought today. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh no! I already have all of these cards. I didn't get any new card types today! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato still needs 12 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 9 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Today Maria and I went to the store together and I bought my usual three packs of cards... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Thank you." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "See you tomorrow. Let me know if you get anything." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sure. 'Bye. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now let's open these babies up, and see what I bought today. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh no! Not again! This means two days in a row that I didn't get a new card! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato still needs 12 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 10 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Morning, Chisato, or should I say, what did you get in the cards you bought yesterday?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sadly nothing that I didn't already have. It's the same thing as the day before yesterday, too... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, you've already got a lot of cards in the set. Or should I say, you're statistically going to get duplicates at this point." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ How about you, Maria? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I added a fair number of cards myself. To put it another way, I only have five cards to go." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Huh? When did that happen? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, I got a bunch of cards I didn't already have in the ones I bought yesterday. Or to put it another way, I got hardly any doubles at all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hmmph. Lucky you. I'm a little jealous... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "But there were a few doubles after all, so let's swap. Or should I say, these are the doubles that I got." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sure. And here's the doubles that I've got. (FLUMPH!) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Wow! You have a lot of doubles. Or to put it another way, I'm missing this one, this one and this one." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And you've got a bunch of the ones that I don't have either! I need this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and... Hey! You've got the Golden Chicken, one of the Rare Animal cards! And you managed to get a double of this one? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, or should I say, are these eight card types the ones I have that you need?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yeah... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "In that case, you can have them all for these three that you have and I don't. Or to put it another way, I'll trade you these for those. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Huh? Are you sure? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yeah, or should I say, having more than one of a given card doesn't do either of us any good at this point." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All right! Thanks. I don't think I'll go to the store today after all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato only needs 4 cards to complete his Ranch Tales trading card set.Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 11@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Good morning, Chisato, or should I say, didn't you buy any cards yesterday?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ No. I was too upset about not getting any new cards for three days in a row. I figured that getting eight new cards yesterday was enough so I just went home. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh. I see your point. So what do you want to do today? Or to put it another way, I'm going to the store. How about you?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK then I'll join you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And with that, we were off to the store, where I once again bought my usual three packs of cards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I'm going to take this one and this one. Or to put it another way, which ones are you choosing, Chisato?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hmm, well... I don't quite know which ones to get. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "To put it another way, how about these over here?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hmm... Yes, you're right. I'll take those. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Thank you." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, so long. Or should I say, tell me tomorrow if you got anything new today." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sure. 'Bye. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Later... OK, let's open these babies up and see what we bought today. SHRED (the sound of packs being torn open). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh wow! I got three cards that I didn't already have! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chisato is one card away from completing his Ranch Tales trading card set!Card Collector Chisato @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Part 12 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Good morning Chisato, or should I say, how did yesterday's purchases turn out?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh Maria! Thanks a bunch! The packs you picked for me yesterday turned out to have some of the missing cards and now I only need one card to complete my set. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "That wouldn't by any chance, be this one, would it? Or to put it another way, it could only be this one? Am I right?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Huh? Oh, the Wedding Event Card! Yeah, that's the one! But how did you know that was the one I needed? Oh, wait, you don't mean... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "That's right, or to put it another way, I've got two of this one, so you can have it." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You mean it? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All right! Now I've got a complete set! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Congratulations Chisato! You have a complete Ranch Tales trading card set!RIFF3SCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;"%!>j##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o## !o## !o## !o## !o## !o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o##!o## !o##!!o##"!o###!o##$!o##%!!!!"#!?oo$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMP\ "1AQaq !1AQaq! 1!ASTR & )8z iD#';,!049&=AEJN3SKWx[_ZdVhmrqmv{FhБMy Princess---------To be continued... My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I am the Princess of this kingdom. Today it seems to me that things are more lively outside. When I went to see why, crowds cheered our returning hero. His latest adventure had apparently involved going to slay a Demon Lord in a land north of us. Ah, our hero must be truly mighty to have slain a Demon Lord... I wish someone as mighty as this hero could be my husband. I need only wed this noble hero to make my wish come true. A hero who slew a Demon Lord could hardly be unsuitable to anyone. I am certain that I will be congratulated by one and all. Come to think of it though (and even if I don't), I know nothing about this hero. I haven't even seen his face. Still, there is likely to be a celebration of some sort, seeing as how we have a hero who has returned from slaying a Demon Lord. I will take that opportunity to talk to him, or some such. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So I went to the celebration for the hero's triumphant return and all. My first impression was not so much that of a hero, really, but someone who fights beside the hero. He was a big guy with all these muscles, you see. Anyway, I chatted him up and found that he apparently hasn't done much talking to the ladies. He turned a bright scarlet when I asked him a simple question, barely uttering a solitary syllable in reply. It was actually kind of sweet. I don't think I'd have much trouble marrying him, though I'd like to see for myself just how strong he is and all. There must be something I can do... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "How about this, then?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I jumped at the sound of a nearby voice. Eh? Who's there? I wondered as I turned toward the softly uttered words. Standing outside the window was a handsome guy, but the funny thing was that my window was three stories up! But I was more interested in talking to him than in figuring out how he got there, so I opened the royal window and let him glide into my room. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "My apologies for speaking to you like this," he said. "But you sounded like you were having such fun that I couldn't help myself." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ But that would mean that I had been thinking aloud...Oh well, whatever. If you heard me talk, then you must know the dire and heartrending predicament that I'm in? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "You mean about how you wish to wed a strong man and you wish also to see just how strong this hero is?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Why yes. That's it. Have you any valorous-type ideas? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ My unusual guest did have a good idea in mind for testing the power of my hero and suitor, but... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Before we get to that, may I offer myself as a prospective husband too? I'm strong. It's just that..." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Just... what? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I'm not human. In fact, I'm the greatest of the demons, what you might colloquially call the Demon Lord." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Eh? The Demon Lord? But I thought our hero slew the Demon Lord. Didn't he? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Your hero slew an imposter in all likelihood. After all, the Demon Lord stands before you now." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ But you don't look all that different from any human. I mean you don't have wings or a tail or anything like that. A Demon Lord ought to be bigger and have a bunch of arms and give off a stinky aura or something, shouldn't he? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 5 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The man outside my window told me that he was, in fact, the Demon Lord... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "This is what I really look like. While I suppose I could change my appearance to look the way you suggest, to take on such a fearsome form seems to demonstrate a lack of confidence in one's ability to socially adapt. Besides, I also felt that there was no need to go out of my way to frighten you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So what you're saying is, you're so tough that you don't have to do that sort of thing. Well, then, how can you prove your might to me, Demon Lord? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I will triumph in battle against your hero." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yes, I suppose that if you were to do that you would certainly be mighty. From what I understand, our hero doesn't like to do battle without cause. So I doubt he'd give you a fight simply because you asked for one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ " In that case, I ask you to let me take you away with me, Your Highness." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 6 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I wondered what connection there could be between a good idea for getting our hero to show his might and my being abducted by the Demon Lord... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Excuse me? What exactly, do you mean by that? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Princess, if you were abducted the king would almost certainly command the hero to bring you back. Of course, if the abduction of the Princess by the demon lord does not bring the hero at a run, royal command or no, then the effort will have been for naught, wouldn't you agree? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I see... You intend to get our hero to come to your lair and fight you to bring me back home. That would certainly give me the chance to see what the two of you are like in battle... OK, it might work. But what should I be doing in the meantime? I mean, if I try to hide here someone is likely to find me soon enough so I guess I have no choice but to come to your remote fortress... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 7 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Having our hero and the Demon Lord do battle might really be a sight to see... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, I suggest you accept it because the fact is that you will have to come with me. Once we are at my lair you need not bother doing anything in particular, aside from waiting for the hero to arrive." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well, that sounds positively boring. Still I guess there is no other alternative. If I'm going to see you and our hero demonstrate power and might, right? Okay, you have a deal. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Then let us be off to my lair. But before we go, would I be an acceptable suitor for Your Highness's hand in wedlock? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh come on! Of course not! We've only just met! After all, I hardly know anything about you (though it's true that I only met our rightous hero today, too). Seeing as how it looks like we're going to be sharing space for a bit, let's see how we do as dreary lair denizens before you splurge on a ring, OK? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 8 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And so it was that I went to live with the Demon Lord for a while... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I can accept that. After all, when all is said and done I will do battle with the hero and show you my might. So let us not delay further in going to my remote lair." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK! But, uh... How are we going to get there? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "If you will permit me..." Without another word, the Demon Lord grabbed the Princess and flew away. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Eeeek! The Demon Lord just reached out and grabbed me! And since he's grabbing me and leaving by the window that means we're flying. Does this mean that we have far to go? I hope I'm not too heavy for him if we're soaring around and all. But then, if he couldn't manage the load, he wouldn't be all that strong, Demon Lord or not, right? Oh wow, we're floating! And it feels... so good... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 9 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord took me in his arms and leapt out the window... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Do you always do impossible things this easily? It seems sort of unfair. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, that's probably because you don't have your own wings and you can't fly under your own power. Hardly what I would call unfair, however. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ha! I'm kidding. It's just that it feels good, though. The breeze is cool, and the view of the towns from up here is lovely. But how far is it to your lair from here? Do we just keep going straight on until we get there? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yes, it's about 10 minutes as the dragon flies from here. Or, if you like, I can go a little faster." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You can go faster? Then do it, please. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 10 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I am now on my way to the Demon Lord's lair... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "We have arrived, Your Highness. There is my lair." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You mean, that's it? From here, at least, it looks like a fairly ordinary place. I would have thought that a Demon Lord's lair would be all gloomy and dark, surrounded by fog and weird vines and moss growing all over it and blood dripping all over everything, you know? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I would be reluctant to live in such a place... I admit though that it isn't as clean or nice as it could be, since I live here alone." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As he said this we entered his castle through a second floor window. I wondered whether he always came and went through windows, though I figured it wasn't really all that big a deal. What really got me thinking was hearing that he lived in that big castle all by himself. It had to be a lonely existence, right? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 11 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord had a big enough lair, but he lived there all alone. How sad. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "That's one more reason why I brought you here. But please, rest yourself. Your quarters are not ready. I will prepare a suitable room for Your Highness while you rest and catch your breath." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All right. You know something? I haven't had dinner yet and I'm starting to get hungry... What should I do? Come to think of it, is there anything to eat here? And if there is, is it anything that I could eat? You know, I hadn't even thought about that. I could really be in a lot of trouble here, you know? "You mean you haven't had dinner either? Then why don't we dine together? I'll cook but I can't offer anything too spectacular... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 12 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now it seems that the Demon Lord is making dinner for me... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "By the way, I eat the same things as humans do so please worry not about unusual cuisine." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I must admit to being a bit curious about what sort of dinner a Demon Lord would make, but since I'm here and all, why don't you let me cook instead? What do you say, Demon Lord? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, but you are my guest, Your Highness, and besides..." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Huh? Oh, I get it, you don't think that a princess like me would even know how to cook. Well it might come as a surprise, but I'm really not a bad cook. Hanging around a castle I don't have much to do with my time other than study, so I save my free moments for making gourmet candies and such. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Is that so?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Nobody eats my cooking though, so I don't quite know whether I'm doing it right or not. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 13 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I like to cook my own meals. After leaving home I'm independent and all... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It seems OK when I eat my own meals, So let me do it, please. Just once I'd like to have someone else eat my cooking (even if that someone is a Demon Lord). Okay? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Very well, please be my guest. I would be honored to be the first to be able to partake of your cooking, Your Highness." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yes! I'll get started right away. I just need to make enough for the two of us, right? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Uh, yes. Now please let me do something to help. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Why don't you set out the utensils? But first where is your kitchen in this place? Also, I need to know what there is in your icebox or ice cavern... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "The kitchen is this way." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 14 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord showed me to his kitchen. Now I'm going to cook something wonderful. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tick, tick, tick, done! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mmmmm... that's very good. Oh, Demon Lord, it's done! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, that smells delicious. It looks good, too. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Doesn't it though? I think I outdid myself today. I guess cooking for someone else (even a Demon Lord) brought out the best in me. Whatever the case I'm ravenous. Let's hurry up and get the food over to the table. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Allow me to set the table." Snap! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Wow! You just snapped your fingers and instantly teleported my meals to the table. That's great! It's like a magician's trick! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, I can do magic." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 15 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord instantly teleported my meals to the dinner table... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Why don't we get started?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yes, please eat. Because I'm digging in right now. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I'll start with the soup, then." (Slurp, slurp) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ He's eating it. Oh, yes! He's the only person (even if he is a Demon Lord and all) besides me to ever eat my cooking... Well? What do you think? I hope you like my soup recipe, I hope I hope. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Yes, it's delicious." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh good! It has bits of fish and onions and mushrooms all mixed in. It's my own recipe. Now if you like that, try some of this too. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "All right then, I'll try these vegetables... Yes, these are good too." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yes! And what do you think of this here? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 16 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord ate all my cooking and he really seemed to like it... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "That was delicious. Thank you. It seems a shame to think that none of the people in your own castle have ever eaten your cooking, Your Highness. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh, I'm so glad you liked it. I wasn't really sure if it was any good or not since no one's ever eaten it before. Now that you've eaten my cooking though, I'm feeling much more confident. Just wait and see what I cook up next. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Thank you. Now allow me to escort you to where you'll be staying for the next several days or so. It's this way." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The room he showed me to was completely covered in layers of dust. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "My apologies. None of the rooms in my lair were cleaned, aside from those that I use myself. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 17 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The room the Demon Lord showed me to was completely covered in layers of dust. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I intended to clean up this room while you ate, but I was so captivated by your delicious cooking that I completely forgot my responsibilities. If you will wait just a few minutes, I will clean it up for you now." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hey, if I'm going to stay in this room, I'd just as soon clean it myself. And don't tell me that I can't do it because I'm a princess or something. After all, I already made dinner for us. And seeing as how I'm not in my father's castle right now, I'd be much happier being treated like an ordinary girl rather than a princess, you know? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I see. Very well then, you can probably arrange your own rooms to best suit yourself if you clean them yourself. I will leave you to it, but if you need any heavy lifting done, don't hesitate to ask." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK! I'll get started on the cleaning right away! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 18 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I can at least manage to clean my own room, you know. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Whew. All done. Oh Demon Lord, I've finished cleaning up in here. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "What has become of this room? It's so polished that I can scarcely believe it to be the same room at all." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I gave it everything I had. The garbage bag outside the door is full of blackened rags and dusters. Is there any place where I can dispose of them? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I will dispose of them myself. You have surely gotten yourself dirty from all that cleaning. Feel free to have a bath." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yes! My, you certainly are considerate, Demon Lord. I feel so icky with all this dust and grit on me. I'll have that bath right away. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 19 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When I finished cleaning my room the Demon Lord drew a bath for me. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now where is the bath? Oh, wait, what about changing my clothes? I didn't bring anything with me. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I will go to your rooms in the king's castle and pick some suitable things out of your wardrobe while you take your bath." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thank you. I'll just go and have my bath, then change my clothes when you get back. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Splash! Oh, this feels so great. It's a little smaller than my tub at home, but it's big enough for a single person to fit comfortably and there's a big window, with a beautiful view, too. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sigh... I came to the Demon Lord's castle so quickly... I bet Mom and Dad and the castle staff are probably worried about what's happened to me. Oh, wait, I haven't been gone very long. They probably haven't even noticed. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 20 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Come to think of it, I wonder if anyone's noticed that I've gone... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well, I certainly don't regret coming here. There's nobody here at all, which makes it quiet enough, and the Demon Lord seems nice enough (for a Demon Lord), not to mention plenty strong, Still, I'll let him show me his true might when our hero appears. For now I'll just take it easy. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I have brought your entire wardrobe, Your Highness. I will leave them here." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thank you. Well, now that the Demon Lord is back, I probably should get out of the tub. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ...@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now to brush my teeth and gargle... Well, that's all done so I think I'm going to call it a day. Good night, Demon Lord. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 21 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It was such a busy day that I slept like a log... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Twitch. Blink. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yawn. I really needed that. That's funny. This doesn't feel like my bed... Oh, I remember, I'm staying in the Demon Lord's lair. And the sun sure is high in the sky. I must have slept in late this morning, if that is any indication... For a place I've never been before I sure did sleep soundly. I guess I could make myself at home in this magical place. Say... where is my host? I wonder if he's already awake. I think I'll go peek in his room. First, I'll just get dressed... Well, how do you like that? He brought my entire wardrobe... OK, now I'm decent. Now, off to the Demon Lord's chambers. Knock knock... Knock knock. Knock knock... Demon Lord? That's funny, there's no answer. Maybe he's still asleep. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 22 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I went to find the Demon Lord in his chambers, but there was no answer when I knocked. Maybe he's still asleep... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well, that's OK. I'll take this opportunity to make breakfast. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tick, tick, tick, done! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All set! Now to go and wake up the Demon Lord. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Knock knock... Knock knock. Knock knock... Demon Lord? That's funny, there's no answer. Maybe he's still asleep. In that case, I'll just slip inside. Click. Good morning. Why, the Demon Lord is sitting in a chair... Hey, is that how you sleep? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Snore... Snore..." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well I'll be. He's asleep all right. But why does he sleep like that? Could it be because his wings get in the way of him lying on his back? No matter. I'll just go and wake him up now. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 23 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once breakfast was done, I decided to wake up the Demon Lord... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rustle rustle rustle. Good morning, Demon Lord, it's time to wake up. You'd best wake up soon or else breakfast will soon be cold. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Huh? Oh, it's you Your Highness. Good morning. What brings you here at such an early hour? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You're awake at last. And it isn't early. The sun is already high in the sky. Anyway, I made breakfast so I thought you might like to join me. You can't really refuse, because I already made plenty for the two of us. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I'd be delighted. Just let me get dressed, and we'll be on our way. Snap!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Wow! You just snapped your fingers and your clothes instantly changed. That's amazing. It's like seeing a magician do his tricks. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Well, like I said, this is real magic... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be ContinuedMy Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 24 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord really was asleep, but now we're enjoying breakfast. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "This looks like another delicious meal." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh, thank you ever so much, Demon Lord. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "And without further ado, let us eat." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Oh yes, you eat up and so will I. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I think I'll start with the toast... Hmh?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All of a sudden the Demon Lord froze and glanced out the window. There was something strange and I hoped it was not my cooking. Perhaps he didn't like the whole grain bread I made as toast. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "It would appear that we will not have the luxury of eating breakfast at our leisure. He is here so we must finish quickly." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 25 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ We just sat down to eat breakfast when the Demon Lord started acting strangely... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ But eating quickly isn't the same as not eating at all. His actions were not on account of a dislike for bread. And what did he mean by saying 'he is here'? He couldn't be talking about our hero? It's still too soon for him to be here, Isn't it? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "The hero is here now. You see, when I went to get your clothes last night, I also left behind a map in your chambers showing the way here which would explain how he arrived so quickly. Even on foot it is only half a day's journey here from your father's royal castle. So if you were discovered missing last night and the king wasted no time ordering the hero to rescue you, I imagined that he would be here at about this time. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well yes, that would explain it. If our hero has arrived then I guess we had better hurry up and finish eating our breakfast. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 26 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ At last our hero arrived at the Demon Lord's lair. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ But what should I do? If our hero is already at the gates of the lair, then I hardly have time to sit around and wash the dishes, do I? I mean, you and our hero are going to do battle and I need to see it. To do that I need a clear vantage point from which I can view the action. But if our hero finds me right away then there won't be any need for you and him to do battle. I guess I need to remain concealed someplace where our hero won't spot me. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "When you have finished your breakfast Your Highness, come with me and I will make the necessary preparations." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Wait a second. What kind of preparations are we talking about here? If he wants me to go with him then I guess it must be so I can watch him do battle with our hero. Is this a trick? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 27 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ What sort of preparations do we need to make for the battle between our hero and the Demon Lord, anyway? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ We went to a fairly large room that opened onto a stairwell. Here it seemed, was where the Demon Lord intended to fight our hero. The Demon Lord told me that all I had to do was sit in a chair at the top of the stairs. So I did as I was told and quickly realized that I could see the room below just fine. This would probably be all right for watching the battle between the Demon Lord and our hero. There was also little danger that our hero would simply take me away from here even if he did spot me because the Demon Lord was standing at my side. It was perfect. I even had time to wonder why the Demon Lord was holding a glass of the mixed fruit juice I'd made with breakfast that morning. I remembered that he'd drunk all that I'd made, leaving nothing behind (and I could see that the fruit juice in his cup was fresh, too). As these thoughts were running through my head, our hero arrived... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 28 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Our hero was by now standing at the lair gates... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ With a loud thump the gates quickly swung open and our hero strode into the room. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "At last I've found you, Demon Lord! Let Her Highness the Princess go! Oh, wait, there you are Your Highness! You need have no more fear now that I have found you." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It was good of you to come all this way, hero. I imagine you must be tired. Drink this, with my compliments." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Demon Lord held out the glass of juice that I had made that morning. Now I get it, I realized: Our hero had been marching nonstop since the day before to get here and the Demon Lord brought the juice with him so as to offer him some refreshment upon his arrival. That would be an awfully sweet thing for a Demon Lord to do. Or could it be that he felt defeating our hero while the latter was still exhausted would not be a true proof of true might? Come to think of it, our hero didn't sound as shy as he did before. It was all facinating. Did the prospect of battle bring out a different side of his personality? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 29 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I wonder if our hero will actually drink the juice that I made? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I don't know what you're up to, but a knight would never drink anything offered by a Demon Lord." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That is so mean of you, especially after I went to all the trouble to make this juice. Don't bother giving it to our hero, Demon Lord. I'll drink it myself. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "What's that you say? You prepared this juice, Your Highness? You went to all that trouble for me? Even so, the Demon Lord may well have put something in it himself..." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well, I didn't exactly make it with you in mind, noble hero... And besides, the Demon Lord isn't the kind of person (even if he is a demon) that would stoop to such tricks (or so I suspect, anyway). I mean it: You really don't have to give it to him. I'll gladly drink it to the last drop. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 30 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I mixed it for the Demon Lord after all, so there's no reason for our hero to drink the fruit juice. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Her Highness has spoken. What will you do, hero?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I... accept. (Glug glug) My thanks to you, Your Highness. That was most delicious. Already I feel replenished and I shall promptly dispose of this evil Demon Lord and return you to the castle and your father, our king. This will all be over and done with a few short blade strokes." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OK, I can accept that. Now that you're no longer fatigued this contest will be a fair one. I will sit right here and observe the battle between the two of you men (though I keep forgetting that the Demon Lord isn't a man at all). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Then let us commence with the battle, shall we?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Very well." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 31 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The battle between the Demon Lord and our hero rang through the hall... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hmm, however you slice it the Demon Lord seems to have an edge. I mean, our hero is no slouch but the Demon Lord seems to be better at everything. Our hero's shoulders are heaving and yet the Demon Lord hardly seems winded. I think I can guess how this will turn out. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Grr... The Demon Lord of the Northern Lands was nothing compared to you!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I had no idea you would prove so capable. You are truly deserving of the title of 'hero.' But our battle is now over." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Let it end here, Demon Lord: The outcome is decided. Let us let the hero leave us unharmed. No, wait, this will never do. If I do not return with him the king and queen--my mother and father--would never sit still for it... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 32 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ There has to be some way of persuading my parents to accept my decision to remain here... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Wait, I think I've got it. How about we do this? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ First, I write my will... And then I take off my shoes... And now if you will let me have that blade of yours for a moment, hero, I will cut off my hair... There. Now would you be so kind as to give these things to my father the king? I tried to make our hero take my shoes, hair and the will that I had just scribbled down. All I got in return was a tired and blank uncomprehending stare. Which only makes sense seeing as how I hadn't bothered to explain the situation to him. So I stopped and told him the way things were, explaining that I was resolved to living with the Demon Lord in his lair. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "So that is what this is all about! If that be your wish, Your Highness..." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 33 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hero, I am resolved to live with the Demon Lord in his charming and magical lair. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thank you for your understanding, hero. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "It's nothing. It seems I am no match for the Demon Lord at present so it is only right for me to withdraw from the field in honor." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "So you realize that the time to part has come. In that case, allow me to give you a token of my esteem, by healing your wounds. Snap!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Wow! With just a snap of his fingers, the Demon Lord made the wounds our hero suffered in their battle go away. It's like a magician's trick. Amazing. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I keep telling you, it's real magic." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hey! My wounds are sealing themselves! Thank you. And with that I will take my leave. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Oh, by the way..." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To Be Continued...My Dear Princess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Episode 34 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "When you return, there are likely to be those who will wonder what became of the Demon Lord, so feel free to say that you slew me." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Are you sure? You were so much mightier than I, which makes it most unlikely." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I did not want the infamy of an evil beast. All I wanted is the love of this good Princess." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Very well. And I hope the two of you will be happy together." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thank you and take care, hero. Good-bye. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Now there is no one to come between us is there, Demon Lord? There is still much that I do not know about you, which I hope you will take the time to explain. And I also have much to tell you about myself as well. Now that the two of us people (even though, yes, I know that you are not a person) are going to be living together, I want you to tell me all there is to know about you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The EndRIFF+SCR CODED@##!;##!;##!;##!;"&!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !##!##!$!!!8"!?"m!8====$ JUMPp 1AQaq ))STR )$9F5; L7 " &Every Tuesday is?Cooking Network'sMunch munch munch...@@@@@@This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Stew! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Flour Milk (S) Utensils: Pot Seasoning: Salt Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Flour Milk (S) Potato Corn Carrot Fish (S) Fish (M) Fish (L) Utensils: Pot Seasoning: Salt Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional, basic Stew. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... Very interesting, with lots of different flavors. And the winner is.... Chef B! Her Stew tastes best with all the different ingredients. It might be difficult to gather all these extra flavors, so Chef A's recipe is a great dining alternative. That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Fried Rice! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Rice Ball Oil Normal Egg Utensils: Frying Pan Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Rice Ball Oil Normal Egg Eggplant Cheese (S) Poisonous Mushroom Fried Rice Utensils: Frying Pan Seasoning: Salt Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional, basic Fried Rice. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... Very interesting, with lots of different flavors. But not all ingredients add to the flavor in a good way, especially Poisonous Mushrooms! And our winner is.... Chef A! His recipe doesn't include lots of unnecessary ingredients. That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Fruit Juice! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Strawberry Utensils: Mixer Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Apple Grape Juice Honey Pineapple Milk (L) Utensils: Mixer Seasoning: Sugar Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Glug glug... This is a very traditional, basic Fruit Juice. Next, Chef B's creation. Glug glug... Very good! But, it has Milk in it, so it's really a Fruit Latte. And our winner is.... Chef A! Chef B's creation is lip-smacking fabulous, but it's really a Fruit Latte so it is disqualified! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Mayonnaise! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Normal Egg Oil Utensils: Whisk Seasoning: Vinegar Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Good Egg Oil Utensils: Whisk Seasoning: Vinegar Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional, basic Mayonnaise. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... It doesn't taste much different. Whose idea was it to taste test Mayo anyway? Sheesh! And the winner is.... Chef B and his Mayonnaise! The higher quality Egg makes it taste just a little better! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Baked Sweet Potato! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Sweet Potato Utensils: Oven Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Sweet Potato Butter Stone Utensils: Oven Seasoning: Sugar Seasoning: Salt Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional, basic Baked Potato. No need for a Stone here! Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... Mmm! This is really good! The Stone does add something after all! And the winner is.... Chef B! His Baked Sweet Potato is exceptional! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Grape Juice! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Wild Grapes Honey Utensils: Mixer Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Wild Grapes Utensils: Mixer Seasoning: Sugar Seasoning: Salt Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Glug glug... It's unusual for Chef A to break away from tradition and add Honey! Next, Chef B's creation. Glug glug... Hmm... The extra seasonings undeniably add something to this tasty blend! And the winner is.... A tie! Chef A's recipe will reduce Fatigue, but Chef B's recipe will recover more Stamina! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Jam Bun! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Bread Apple Jam Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Bread Strawberry Jam Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional Jam Bun. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... Interesting. Chef B's dish is also a very traditional Jam Bun. And the winner is.... It's a tie! They made very similar dishes. That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Noodles! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Noodles Curry Powder Utensils: Pot Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Flour Onion Good Egg Bamboo Root Fish (S) Utensils: Rolling Pin Pot Knife Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is very traditional Curry Noodles. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... Hmm...There are a lot of different flavors in this one. And the winner is.... Chef A for good and simple Curry Noodles! But it is possible to beat this with regular Noodles given the right ingredients. That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Toast! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Bread Utensils: Oven Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Bread Fish (S) Tomato Rice Cake Oil Utensils: Oven Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is very traditional, basic Toast. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... I hate to say it, but this dish is a failure. Too many things that don't mix! And the winner is.... Chef A for his simple dish! Let Chef B's failure be a lesson to those who think more is always better! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Truffle Rice! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Truffle Rice Ball Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Mushroom Rice Ball Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional, basic Truffle Rice. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... This is Mushroom Rice, not Truffle Rice! And the winner is.... Chef A! Chef B cooked up the wrong dish! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Moon Dumplings! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Muffin Mix Utensils: Seasoning: Sugar Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Muffin Mix Utensils: Seasoning: Sugar Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Munch munch... This is a very traditional, basic Moon Dumpling. Next, Chef B's creation. Munch munch... This is also traditional, basic Moon Dumpling. And the winner is.... A tie! Both used the same recipe! There really isn't much room for improvisation with Moon Dumplings, is there? That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson. In our weekly culinary battle of the giants... This week's challenge is Bodigizer XL! Here we go...! Chef A's recipe is... Ingredients: Bodigizer Blue Grass Utensils: Mixer Chef B's recipe is... Ingredients: Nothing? Utensils: Nothing Now let's have a taste test to determine our winner! First, Chef A's creation. Glug glug... This is a very traditional, basic Bodigizer XL. Next, Chef B's creation. Glug glug... Wait a second! This is bought from the Clinic! It still has the label on it! And the winner is.... Chef A for making his Bodigizer XL honestly! Shame on Chef B for trying to cheat! That's it for this week. Tune in next Tuesday!RIFFSCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;"'!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!## !##!!##"!###!##$!##%!##&!##'!##(!##)!!!!"#!?$!!!"!?"%!8$ JUMP|@&1AQaq !1AQaq! 1!A"Q#a$q%STR "*/> !o;S $*-26:=B GKOS?X\`Veinnsx}GFairy and Me `His Story`To be continued... Fairy and Me: The person who reads this book to the end shall be granted one wish, whatever it may be. But this book is only visible to those pure of heart. This book is in the possession of a certain girl. This is the story of how a book brought two people together. "Fairy and Me: His Story" See it on this channel every Monday.Fairy and Me: His Story Part 1 (Sound of panting) Why am I having to run from the police? I can't let myself get caught for something I didn't do. (Sound of siren) The police siren grows louder. I'd better find somewhere to hide right away. There's a small house over there. Maybe I'll ask to hide there for the time being. But I'd hate for the owner to suspect me and turn me over to the police...I'd better see if someone's home first and worry about that later. KNOCK, KNOCK KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK Maybe no one's home. What am I going to do? As I was thinking what to do... (Sound of door being unlocked) ...the porch door opened and a girl appeared. "Hello, who are you?" ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The police are after me. A girl came out out of the house where I was hoping to hide. Part 2 "Hello, who are you?" Oh! Someone's home. What should I do? She may not even be willing to hide a stranger like me who suddenly barges in on her. I guess I won't know unless I ask. If she won't hide me, I'll try explaining my situation from the beginning. "Well...um, actually, I'd like to hide here for a while. Plea... Uh oh!" There's a policeman on the opposite side of the street! I quickly grabbed the girl, took her into the house and closed the porch door. The girl must have been startled to have been grabbed by me so suddenly... She dropped the book she was holding. "Sorry. I must have startled you. Here you go," I said as I picked up her book. The girl looked at me even more surprised but took the book from me right away and smiled. "Please come in." She beckoned me to come into the house. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl who lived in the house where I was hoping to hide wasn't alarmed by me and let me into her house... Part 3 "Please come in." She shouldn't really be letting a stranger into her house, even if I say so myself. ...Anyway, I'm grateful to her for letting me in. I'll gladly take her up on her offer. "Thank you." The girl took me to her room on the second floor. "Please wait while I go and make you a cup of tea," the girl said and put the book she she was holding on on the desk and left the room. Hmm... Wonder why this girl is letting me hide here? Surely she's not thinking of trapping me here while she calls the police. Anyway, I'll wait it out for the time being. If something suspicious happens, I'll make a move then. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl took me to her room and then left again to make some tea. Part 4 The girl put the book she was holding on the desk and left the room. ...................... I feel uneasy though. No doubt partly because I'm running away from the police, but more because I'm in this girl's bedroom (a complete stranger at that). As my eyes were wandering around the room, I spotted a book on the desk. That's the book the the girl was carrying a little while ago. I was kind of curious about it, so I picked it up and took a look at it. Fairy and Me...? Seems like any other book, but there's something intriguing about it...But what? Just as I was thinking about it, the bedroom door opened. "Sorry for the wait." The girl walked in holding a tray in her left hand with a pot, two teacups, sugar and some cake. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl took me to her room and then left again to make some tea. Part 5 I put the book I was holding back down in a panic and sat down again. "Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have been looking at your book," I said to the girl as she put the tray down on the desk. "That's okay," she said as she sat facing me and poured a cup of tea. "Um, how many sugars would you like?" "Uh, well..." As I was about to to answer when... KNOCK, KNOCK "Is anyone home?" "Who could it be this time? There sure seem to be a lot of visitors today. Excuse me," the girl said and left the room. Meanwhile, I helped myself to two sugars, and stirred them with a spoon. (Sound of door opening) "Hello, who is it?" "It's the police." What?! ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Just as I was about to drink the tea the girl brought, the police showed up. Part 6 What?! The police?! (Sound of cup hitting saucer) Darn!...I was so startled that I almost almost spilt my tea. Don't tell me the police have found out I'm here already?! What am I going to do? "Actually, some jewelry was stolen from the nearby department store yesterday and we're searching the area for the criminal. Have you seen this person?" the man asked in a typical policeman's voice. He must be showing her a photo or sketch, which means that they don't know I'm here yet. Good. But if the girl tells them I'm here... "Umm, no I haven't." Huh? She's keeping quiet about me? "I see. If you see someone who looks like this man, please contact the police." "Sure. I will. Thank you." (Sound of door closing) Looks like the girl didn't tell the cops I was here. I should be safe for the time being. Phew! ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Looks like the girl didn't tell the cops I was here. Part 7 Looks like I'm safe for the time being. (Sound of door opening) "Sorry for the interruption. Oh, aren't you drinking your tea? It'll get cold. Or don't you like tea?" The girl looked a little sad. Oh, I guess I was anxious about the police being here and forgot to drink my tea. "Oh no, I do like tea. Thanks." As I was about to take a sip, my stomach grumbled. No wonder...I haven't eaten since yesterday because of being on the run from the police. "Ha, ha, ha. You must be hungry. Um, it's a little early for dinner, but never mind. I'll make you something, so please wait a while." With that, the girl left the room. No sooner had she entered the room than she was gone again. That's one busy girl! ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I was hungry, so the girl left the room again to make me some dinner. Part 8 No sooner had she entered the room than she was gone again. That's one busy girl. (Mostly because of me, mind you.) Anyhow, she's going to the trouble of making me something, so I should just wait. Maybe I'll drink some tea while I'm waiting. I took a sip...Mmm, it was delicious. No doubt partly because my stomach was empty, but there was something else. I can't describe it but it gave me a warm feeling. It wasn't so much because the tea tea itself was warm... Anyway, it'll take the girl a while to make something. Wonder if it'd be okay to watch TV while I'm drink tea? I switched on the TV and flipped to the news thinking maybe there would be something about yesterday's theft. ...Hmm. Doesn't look like it. I wonder if there's anything on the other channels? I checked the other channels but there were no news programs on. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I decided to watch TV while the girl was making dinner and switched on the TV that was in the room. Part 9 (Incidentally, I couldn't find the remote control, so I used the controls on the TV set itself.) Oh well. Guess I'll just leave it on the news program I was watching before... As I was about to sit down, I spotted the book on top of the desk. It was the book Fairy and Me that the girl put there a while ago. I'd been intrigued by it from the beginning. Maybe I'll just have a peek at it. I flipped open the cover. The person who reads this book to the end shall be granted one wish, whatever it may be. Whatever you wish for? If I was granted whatever you wished for just by reading this book, life would be easy...All the same, if I could have one wish granted I'd want my false charge to be dropped... I flipped through the pages as these thoughts went through my head. ...I'd been reading Fairy and Me for a while when I heard the girl. "Excuse me. Would you mind opening the door?" ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I was flipping through "Fairy and Me" when the girl returned. Part 10 "Excuse me. Would you mind opening the door?" I heard the girl call from the door. I hurriedly closed the book and put it back where I'd found it, then opened the bedroom door. The girl was standing there holding a tray. There was a big pot and rice dish on the tray. There was also a kettle, a cup, a plate and a spoon. "Thank you." Ahh, it smelled good. "Is it curry?" "Yes it is," she replied as she placed the tray by the desk and served some curry and rice on the plate. "Here you go. I hope you like it..." She passed the plate to me. "Thank you." I chomped down a big mouthful. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story She served the curry and rice that she'd made for me. Part 11 "Thank you." I chomped down on a big mouthful. "Delicious!" Mmm, it really was delicious. I could probably polish all of it off (partly because I was so hungry). "Really? I'm glad. There's lots left, so please don't be shy," she replied smiling as she served herself some food too. Well then, I won't hesitate to have some more I thought while wolfing down the rest of the food on my plate. When I finished eating all of the food on my plate, the girl asked smiling, "Would you like seconds?" It's so tasty I really feel like having a bit more, but maybe that'd be rude. ...But, she did offer so I guess it's okay. I'll take her up on her offer and have one more plateful. "Uh, yes please. Thanks a lot." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The curry and rice the girl made was so delicious that I asked to have seconds. Part 12 "Uh, yes please. Thanks a lot," I said holding out my empty plate. The girl took it, put some more curry and rice on it and passed it back to me. "Here you go." "Thanks." I took the food from the girl and started eating right away. Munch, munch, munch. It was just as tasty as the first plate. ... "Phew, I'm stuffed. That was great." I'm full. I can't eat any more, no matter how delicious it is. I probably shouldn't have eaten so much. "You certainly ate a lot. You must have been starving!" The girl looked at the empty pot and rice dish. It was obvious from her face and tone of voice that she was amazed by how much I'd eaten. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I was totally full after eating the curry and rice that the girl made. Part 13 The girl looked at the empty pot and rice dish. It was obvious from her face that she was amazed by how much I'd eaten. "I know I was hungry, but your cooking was so tasty that I couldn't help myself...Sorry. Looks like I ate your portion too..." "That's okay. I made the food for you in the first place, so don't worry. One plateful was enough for me," she said laughing. "It really was delicious though. You're a great cook." As I said that, the girl suddenly looked a little melancholy. Huh? Did I say something wrong? "...That's because I'm always alone. There's no one else to cook, so I've naturally become good at cooking and other chores." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I was totally full after eating the curry and rice that the girl made. Part 14 Huh? Always alone? She lives in this house alone? What on earth happened to her parents? "My mother and I used to live here together, but she died in a car accident three years ago." "Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that." I see. Her mother's dead. That's awful. But what about her father? "That's alright. It happened a long time ago. And my father works abroad. He's not interested in anything but work... When my mother died, he didn't even come back here. He's hasn't written or phoned once. But he sends me just enough money to live on every month so I guess he's still alive." Wow. She really does live alone in this house...But, then... ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Looks like this girl lives alone in this house. Wonder if she's okay with me being here? Part 15 This girl really does live alone in this house. "When your mother died, didn't you think about living with your father? Or if not your father, then at least with your relatives?" "Even if I went to live with my father, it'd be the same as now...I think I already told you that my father's only interested in work, so he always returns home very late. Even on his days off, he just stays home and sleeps. So even if I went to live with him, it wouldn't be any different than now. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel lonely. My relatives are the kind of people that try to get close to me and pretend to be nice so they can get their hands on my father's fortune. I certainly don't want to be with them. I'd much rather live here alone than be with those kind of people." Get their hands on his fortune? Her father must be very wealthy...A girl like that shouldn't be on her own. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Looks like this girl lives alone in this house. Wonder if she's okay with me being here? Part 16 What if some weirdo came to the house? (Well, an outsider or someone might think that a suspicious character had gotten into her room.) "But you know what? I don't feel lonely right now," the girl said looking at me. "Huh?" Does she mean because I'm here? Would she rather be with a stranger than with her relatives? Why? After hearing a story like that (about her father being rich), someone like me could kidnap her and demand a ransom. "But we just met for the first time today. How do you know I didn't come here to get my hands on your money just like your relatives?" As I said that, news of the jewelry theft appeared on the TV, which had been on the whole time. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Looks like the girl lives here alone. But she says she's not lonely because I'm here. Part 17 News of the jewelry theft appeared on the TV. Images of police flashed on the screen. "Jewelry was stolen at Gracies department store yesterday. Fortunately it seems that the criminal was seen before leaving the store and no damage was done to the store. The criminal escaped and not yet been caught. People living near Gracies department store are asked to be careful. The criminal is approximately..." The girl was glued to the TV. She'll know that I'm the criminal right away by the description on the news. How will she react? "I see...Is that why you went to the trouble of coming to this house to ask to hide here?" What?! There's no denying I asked her to let me hide here but I spotted this house by chance. I wasn't targeting it. Why would she think that I came here on purpose? ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The incident that I was caught up in appeared on a news program. What will the girl think? Part 18 Why would she think that I was targeting this house? Well, anyway, before dealing with that, I'd better let her know that I didn't steal anything. (I don't know if she'll believe me. I mean, most people wouldn't.) "You probably won't believe me, but I didn't steal anything." "Uh-huh, I don't think you did it. I believe you." ...What?! She seems to have believed me very easily. A little too easily, if I say so myself. Most people would be suspicious. Wonder why she believe me right away? "Uh...do you really believe me?" "Yes. After all..." she began to say while holding out the book Fairy and Me. What's the book got to do with it? ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story When I told the girl I hadn't done the robbery, she believed me without hesitation. Part 19 What's the book got to do with it? "I mean, after all, you're able to see this book, so..." Huh? What does that... I looked at her with astonishment. She smiled and flipped open the cover of the book she was holding. The following words appeared. ______________________ The person who reads this book to the end shall be granted one wish, whatever it may be. But, this book is only visible to those pure of heart. ______________________ The girl pointed to the last three lines. "When you came to this house, I was startled and dropped this book. You picked it up for me, which means that you are pure-hearted because you can see it. A pure-hearted person wouldn't steal anything." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The reason the girl believed what I said was because of what was written in Fairy and Me. Part 20 "A pure-hearted person wouldn't steal anything." ...I get it. She trusts the book completely." "Do you think it's wise to believe someone so easily, or believe what's written in a book for that matter? I mean, admittedly you helped me thanks to that, but..." "Of course I didn't believe you only because of that. I think I'm a good judge of character too." At least she didn't decide based only on the book. Anyway, from my point of view, as long as she believes me it doesn't matter to me. But I'd like to know why on earth she thinks I came to this house on purpose. "You know, a little while ago you said I came here on purpose, like you didn't think it was a coincidence. Would you mind telling me what on earth you meant by that?" ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl didn't believe what I said only because of the words written in Fairy and Me. Part 21 "What? You mean you didn't come here because you knew who I was? ...Hmm, I see. Well then, I'll tell you the story from the beginning. As I told you just before, my father is a workaholic. He's pretty successful in business. In fact he owns the department store where the incident you're involved in happened." Ahh, I see. This girl isn't just rich, her family owns that department store. It makes sense that she'd think I came here on purpose. If I can get her on my side, then I may be able to find out what happened at the department store yesterday... "So I thought maybe you found out where I lived and came here. But I was wrong... What a huge coincidence!" A huge coincidence indeed. And an opportunity. It'd be a waste to squander such a good opportunity. But where do I start? ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl is the daughter of the owner of the department store. Part 22 It'd be a waste to squander such a good opportunity. "Anyway, I'd like to do whatever I can to help. The stolen jewelry was in your bag right? Then let's find out how it got there." I'd be grateful for that, but how on earth would we find out something like that? I guess we'll have to ask around to the shop assistants... "How are we going to find out?" "I'll ask the store manager to show me the security camera tapes from yesterday. We'll see if there's anything suspicious on the tapes." I see. Good thinking! "Well, I'll call the store manager right away and ask for them to be delivered. Please wait a while," the girl said and left the room. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl left to ask if she could borrow the security camera tape from the department store. Part 23 The girl left the room. ...Maybe this will prove my innocence and I won't have to keep running away. As I was thinking about this, the girl returned. "I called the store manager. It looks like he's going to have tapes sent over so we'll have to wait a while. Um, it'll probably be tough to just wait around. Why don't you read this book or something?" She passed me Fairy and Me which was lying on the desk. I wonder why? I mean, I'm definitely interested in the book, but there are plenty of other ways to kill time like watching TV or something... "Why this book?" "You're interested in this book right? When you're talking to me I notice you glancing at the book now and then..." What? Do I really? Oh well, I guess I might as well kill the time by reading the book. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl called the store manager and he said he'd get the tapes to her. Part 24 Oh well, I guess I might as well kill the time by reading the book. I nodded and took the book. As I began reading, the girl kept staring at me. "Um, why are you staring at me like that?" "Please just ignore me and keep reading." Ignore me, she says, but I can't ignore her the way she's staring at me and smiling! That doesn't seem to bother her though. Oh well, I'll just keep reading. Her gaze made me feel uneasy at first, but before long I was completely absorbed in the book. ...How long have I been reading? Before I knew it, it was dark and the stars were out. "Can I interrupt you for a second?" Huh! She startled me. She was sitting in the same place as before. Has she been watching me read the whole time? Jeez, that's kind of embarrassing! ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I decided to read Fairy and Me until the store manager came by with the tapes. Part 25 "Sure. What's up?" "Would you like to see the security camera tapes that the store manager dropped off moments earlier?" What? Has he already been by? I wish she'd told me sooner... But I was wrapped up in Fairy and Me so maybe she didn't want to interrupt me. Never mind. I'd like to see the tapes as soon as possible. "I imagine there must be a lot of video shot by the security cameras in a day at that department store. But for the time being, there's not a lot of point in looking at video shot outside the area I was in, right? I went in to the department store at about two o'clock yesterday, and went straight to the jewelry shop on the 4th floor. I looked around and bought a broach. As I was about to leave the shop, there was a strange noise - a security alarm maybe - and a shop assistant told me to stop." "I see. Let's take a look at the video shot around that time." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story While I was wrapped in reading Fairy and Me, the tapes arrived. Part 26 "I see. Let's take a look at the video shot around that time," the girl said standing up. What? Ah, I get it. We can't watch the tapes here so we're going somewhere else. It didn't look like there was anything to play the tapes on here, so I got up and followed her. We went downstairs to the porch, where there was a cardboard box. ret>"This box contains all the security camera video shot at the department store yesterday. Let's find the tapes shot around the time you mentioned just before. It'd be too tiring to carry the whole thing," she said and opened the box. This looks like the tape shot between 2 and 3 PM in the jewelry shop. "Please bring it to this room over here." The girl went into a nearby room, so I followed her. "Here?" "Yes, this is the only room where we can watch it. Let's not waste any time." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story We started watching the security camera video right away. Part 27 "Well, let's look at the tape." We looked at the section of tape from when I entered the jewelry shop to when I left, but there was nothing suspicious from when the security alarm sounded to when I was told to stop by the shop assistant. (Of course, I wouldn't expect anything suspicious because I didn't do anything. But there were no signs of anyone approaching me or anything, so when on earth the jewelry was put in my bag I have no idea.) When I looked at the girl, she seemed to be thinking something and was tapping her face with her finger while staring at the screen. "What's up? Is something bothering you?" "...Yes. From what I've seen so far, there's no evidence of anyone putting the the stolen jewelry in your bag. And of course, there's no sign of you stealing it either. But it's odd that the security alarm would go off. We're missing something..." The girl rewound the tape and was looking at the spot where the shop assistant told me to stop. Her words trailed off as she seemed to notice something. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl seemed to notice something while watching the security camera video. Part 28 "What's going on? Do you see something?" "Please hang on a second!" The girl rewound the tape again and looked at the same spot. "So that it explains it. Please have a look at this," she said rewinding the tape slightly and pointing at a shop assistant standing by by the exit. Ah! The shop assistant standing next to me stuck his hand out of the shop just as I was about to leave the store. It looked like he had something in his hand. ...So did the security alarm go off because of him instead of me? "That's right. This shop assistant had the jewelry in his hand from the start, and set the alarm off as you passed by. Then, he told you to stop and while he was pretending to search your bag, he slipped the jewelry into it. Look , right here!" No doubt about it! The assistant slipped whatever was in his hand into my bag. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Whatever happened in store seemed to be because of the shop assistant. Part 29 No doubt about it! The assistant slipped whatever was in his hand into my bag. "You're right. But why?" "I have no idea... But it's too late to do anything today, so we'll find out tomorrow." It was already past midnight. Of course, the department store is already closed, so it'd be impossible to talk to the shop assistant now. And if I leave now I might get caught by the police before I even have a chance to speak to him. There's nothing to do but wait. "Let's leave it at that for the day. Please wait while I fill the tub for you so you can take a bath before going to bed." Before I could reply, the girl left the room. I hadn't taken a bath since being on the run yesterday, so I'd like to take one, but...Never mind. There's no point in thinking too much. I might as well do as I'm told. While I'm waiting I think I'll read Fairy and Me which I carried downstairs with me earlier. ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story It was already past midnight when I noticed the time. We can continue tomorrow. Part 30 "The bath is ready. You can go first." "Oh, okay...But where's the bathroom?" She seemed to be calling from the bathroom, but I don't know the layout of the house, so I have no idea where it is. "I'll show you. Hang on a second," she said and returned to the room a few moments later. "Sorry. Please follow me." She beckoned me to follow her, so I put down the book I was reading and followed her. "This is the bathroom. I'll wash your clothes, so please put them in this basket. Oh, I forgot to bring you a change of clothes. I'll be right back. In the meantime, please step into the bath. And if you need anything else, just ask." "Okay. Thanks." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The girl prepared a bath for me, so I gratefully accepted. Part 31 "If you need anything else, just ask." I made sure that the girl left, then took off my clothes and got in the bath. SPLASH Ahh...This is great. As I was relaxing, the events of the past two days floated through my head... Being suspected of stealing jewelry, being chased by the police and ending up here by chance...And the huge coincidence of the girl living here being the daughter of the department store's owner...Thanks to her it looks like we'll be able to clear up any suspicion that I stole the jewelry. As these thoughts went through my mind I heard the girl calling from outside the bathroom. "Excuse me. I'll leave the change of clothes for you here. They're my father's so they may be a little...well, quite big." "That's okay. Thanks." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story As I washed myself and soaked in the tub, I recalled the events of the past two days. Part 32 "...Wow, these pajamas are huge!" When I got out of the bath and looked at the change of clothes that the girl prepared, they were two sizes too big. Oh well. There's no point in making a fuss. My clothes are being washed right now anyway (I can hear the washing machine churning somewhere) so there's nothing else to wear. Well, I guess I should let the girl know I'm finished. Wonder where she is? I went to see if she's in the parlor where we were before. Just as I was thinking that the girl came out of the parlor and spoke to me. "Oh, are you finished already? "...I guess the pajamas are too big eh? But that's all there is so please make do with them for tonight." I prepared a futon for you in this room, so please sleep here this evening." "Wow, you even prepared a bed for me? Thanks." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story The pajamas the girl left for me to wear were huge. Part 33 "Oh, you even prepared a bed for me. Thanks." "I wouldn't expect you to sleep on the floor... Well, I guess it's my turn to take a bath." The girl headed to the bathroom. I was thinking about reading Fairy and Me when the girl suddenly came back. "Huh? What's wrong?" "Please don't peep at me okay?" "..................." I thought she trusted me! Does she really think I'd peep at her? "I'm just kidding. A nice guy like you wouldn't do that, right? Well, I'm really going this time." "...I won't. Don't worry." "Okay." Was she really kidding? Or was she making sure I wouldn't peep at her? Oh well. Whatever. I think I'll get back to reading Fairy and Me again... ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story Before taking a bath the girl came back to warn me not to peep at her. Part 34 Well, I think I'll get back to reading Fairy and Me again. ... (Sound of book closing) Phew. Finished! I finally finished the book... "Um, have you finished the book?" Huh! The girl startled me. I didn't even notice that she had finished taking a bath. But I guess it took me a while to finish reading Fairy and Me, so there's no reason to be surprised. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you...Did you finish reading the book?" I nodded. "How was it? Was it interesting?" I nodded again. "So...What's your wish?" "Of course, I'd like everyone to know that I didn't steal anything." ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story I finished reading Fairy and Me while the girl was taking a bath. Part 35 "Of course, I'd like everyone to know that I didn't steal anything." "That's good. I'm sure your wish will come true tomorrow." I nodded again. The girl looked kind of lonely...Wonder why? Maybe I should try talking about something else. "By the way, did you read the book to the end too? Do you have a wish?" "Yes. Before I tell you...uh...can I ask you something?" she asked with a very serious face. I wanted to tell her that she could ask all the questions that she wanted. "Go ahead." "The broach you bought at the jewelry shop yesterday was a present for a girl wasn't it? Who was it for?" Come to think of it, I told the girl about being suspected for stealing, but I didn't say explain why I went to the store in the first place... ContinuedFairy and Me: His Story "Of course, my wish is for everyone to know that I didn't steal anything." Part 36 Come to think of it, I didn't explain to the girl why I went to store in the first place... "Oh, for my sister. Her birthday's coming up soon. She gets upset if I don't buy her something every year and if I don't get something she likes, she gets in a bad mood...So this this year we went to the store together beforehand so she could choose something she liked. That way I know there won't be a problem." Then this happened. "So it's not a present for your girlfriend?" "Unfortunately I don't have a girlfriend," As I confessed the girl look relieved. "My wish is... to have a boyfriend... a boyfriend with a pure heart. ...Um, you mean you'd like me to become your boyfriend, right? Of course, my answer is... The EndFairy and Me: Epilogue The shop assistant confessed completely to what he did. Actually, that guy came to the store with his sister a while ago (he was letting her choose an accessory for a gift). Seems that that the shop assistant was mesmerized by her and thought the guy was her boyfriend. To be honest, he was totally jealous... So when the assistant saw the guy come to the store again, he put the jewelry in his bag in spite of himself. When the shop assistant heard that the girl he was obsessed with was the guy's sister, he was totally surprised. In the end, the shop assistant apologized to the guy. I'm not sure whether the guy forgave him or not but it doesn't really matter because the girl told the shop assistant that she already had a boyfriend... Anyway, I wonder why she didn't ask her boyfriend to buy her a present instead of her brother... FinishedRIFFzSCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;"(!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!## !##!!##"!###!##$!##%!##&!##'!##(!##)!!!!"#!?$!!!"!?"%!8$ JUMP|@&1AQaq !1AQaq! 1!A"Q#a$q%STR */> P?"&z+:0k4k8<AFUJ O$SW6\`ej*osxX~+ڇҐ֝SFairy and Me `Her Story`To be continued...@@@@@@@Fairy and Me: The person who reads this book to the end shall be granted one wish, whatever it may be. But, this book is only visible to those pure of heart and... this book remains in the possession of a certain girl. This is the story of how a book brought two people together. "Fairy and Me: Her Story" See it on this channel every Tuesday.Fairy and Me: Her Story Part 1 (Sound of book closing) Phew. I finally finished it. "The person who reads this book to the end shall be granted one wish, whatever it may be." Hmm...If I could be granted one wish, I'd want a boyfriend. A boyfriend with a pure heartcSomeone who can see this book Fairy and Me. No way! Life would be easy if all I had to do was read this book. (Sound of police siren) Huh? Sounds like a police car. I wonder what happened? Never mind. I think I'll have a cup of tea. I left my room and was about to go downstairs when... KNOCK, KNOCK Wonder who that is? Sounds urgent. Maybe I should go right away. I ran downstairs and opened the porch door. (Sound of door opening) "Hello, who are you?" To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I finally finished reading Fairy and Me. I think I'll have a cup of tea. Part 2 "Hello, who are you?" Hmm...I haven't seen him around before. He isn't carrying anything, so I don't think he's a salesman... What's he doing here? "Well...um...actually, I'd like to hide here for a while. Please... Uh oh!" Oh my! He must have seen something because he suddenly grabbed me and forced me into the house, then shut the door. I was so startled that I dropped the book I was holding. "Sorry. I must have startled you. Here you go." The guy picked up the book I dropped and handed it to me. He can see the book! That must mean he has a pure heart... No, that's silly. Anybody can see it. There's no such thing as a book that can only be seen by pure-hearted people. Well anyway, he doesn't look like a bad person so it should be all right to let him hide here. I have no idea who's after him thoughc "Please come in." I beckoned him to come into the house. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy who barged in on me could see the Fairy and Me book... Part 3 "Please come in." I'm usually too shy to talk to guys, especially for the first time, but the words came easily with this guy. Maybe it's the power of Fairy and Me. Just kidding. It's because I can't ignore someone in trouble. But why did he come here? Maybe he's desperate for money. If he knows about my family, then maybe he thinks there's some money here. Actually, there have been a lot of break-ins here and people who have tried to kidnap me...If he's that kind of person, I'll kick him out right away at the first sign of trouble. He hesitated for a moment, then said "Thank you." I didn't want him to do any damage to the main floor of the house, so I took him upstairs to my room. "Please wait while I go and make you a cup of tea." I decided to leave the guy alone in my room to see if he did anything suspicious. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I took the guy to my room and then left again to make some tea... Part 4 That reminds me. I was going to have some tea myself before this guy arrived. I went to the kitchen. I think there's plenty of tea. ...Yep. There is. I'll boil some water. Umm...do I even have an extra cup? I hardly ever have visitors, so I don't have many dishes... Ah, here's one. Good. And here's a spoon. Now, all I need is some sugar and maybe some sort of cake. Oh, this'll do. While I was getting everything ready, the kettle began whistling away. I turned the stove off, poured some water in a pot and put the lid on. Is that everything? Okay, I'll take it all upstairs. I went upstairs carrying a tray with the tea and whatnot in one hand, and opened the bedroom door with the other. "Sorry to keep you waiting." Oh. Looks like he guy was about to pick up the Fairy and Me. Hmm, wonder if he's touched anything else. Doesn't look like it. Maybe he didn't come here to steal money. Or maybe he thinks there's nothing in my room. It's impossible to tell at the moment. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I returned from the kitchen after making some tea. Part 5 The guy hurriedly returned the book back to the old wooden desk and sat down again. "Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have been looking at your book," he apologized. If I didn't want him to see it, I wouldn't have left it lying on the desk, so it's no big deal. Or maybe he's just trying to build my trust in him. "That's okay," I said as I put the tray down on the desk and sat in front of the guy and poured some tea. "Um, how many sugars would you like?" "Uh, well..." The guy was about to answer when... KNOCK, KNOCK "Is anyone home?" "Who could it be this time? There sure are a lot of visitors today. Excuse me." Who could it be? Maybe the guy's thinking this is his chance to make a move. Or maybe it's his friend. Anyway, I'd better get back to the room right away. "Hello, who is it?" "It's the police." When I opened the porch, a large policeman towered above me. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story Just as I was about to take a sip of tea the police showed up. Part 6 "It's the police." I guess it's not the guy's friend after all. But given the timing, I wonder if it's got something to do with him? "Actually, some jewelry was stolen from the nearby department store yesterday and we're searching the area for the criminal. Have you seen this person?" It was a sketch of the guy. I see. That's why the guy said he wanted to hide here. Maybe he wants to prove he's innocent. Hmm, maybe I should keep quiet about him being here. "Umm, no I haven't." "I see. If you see someone who looks like this man, please contact the police." "Sure. I will. Thank you." (Sound of door closing) The policeman seemed to believe me and left. The police wouldn't normally expect me to be hiding someone here. I'd better go talk to the guy at once and find out what's going on. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The policeman believed what I said and left. Part 7 I'd better go talk to the guy at once and find out what's going on. He probably heard what the policeman said, so I hope he doesn't do anything anything foolish... (Sound of door opening) "Sorry for the interruption. Oh, aren't you drinking your tea? It'll get cold. Or don't you like tea?" He was probably anxious about my chat with the policeman and couldn't drink his tea. "Oh no, I do like tea. Thanks." As he was about to take a sip, his stomach grumbled. Maybe he hasn't eaten anything since being on the run from the police. Alright then, I'll make him something nice to eat. "Ha, ha, ha. You must be hungry. Um, it's a little early for dinner, but never mind. I'll make you something, so please wait a while." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy was hungry, so I decided to cook something for him. Part 8 "Please wait a while. I left him alone in the bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen again...I have no idea what to make him. Oh well, I'll just look in the fridge and think about what to make. (Sound of fridge opening.) Is there anything in here I can use...? I'm pretty sure there was some curry stock in here somewhere. Hmm, maybe curry and rice would be good. What else do I have? Salad, apples, honey, pineapple, cheese, potatoes, carrots... Umm, looks like there's enough here to make a tasty curry. Alright then. Curry it is! First I need to cut the ingredients into good-sized pieces and put them in a pot and boil them. That's good! I'll just leave them for a while until they're ready. Oh, that's right. Wonder if I have enough dishes? (Sound of dishes clinking.) Oh good. There's enough for the two of us. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I'm cooking curry and rice for the guy because he's hungry. Part 9 Well, it'll be a while before the curry's ready. What should I do in the meantime? I wonder what the guy's doing? Anyway, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd wreck my room, so I don't need to worry about him in that regard. He seemed pretty interested in Fairy and Me, so he can always kill time by reading it. When I first brought the tea to him, he glanced at the contents, but as soon as I entered the room, he apologized for reading the book without asking...While these thoughts ran through my head, the curry began bubbling away. Wonder if it's ready? I'll give it a little try. (Sip) Mmm... Delicious. Um, looks like the rice is ready too. Well, I'll take this up to my room right away then...Looks like I made too much. The tray is super heavy. Looks like I'll have to use both hands. Oh, I can't open the bedroom door. "Excuse me. Would you mind opening the door?" To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I made so much curry and rice that I had to carry it with both hands. Part 10 "Excuse me. Would you mind opening the door?" When I called the guy from the other side of the door, he opened it right away. The position of the Fairy and Me book had changed slightly and the TV was on. Other than that everything in the room looked the same. Maybe he decided to read Fairy and Me because there was nothing on TV. (Or maybe the other way around.) Anyhow, it didn't look like he did anything bad while he waited. Oh yeah. I forgot to thank him for opening the door for me. "Thank you." He didn't seem to hear me, and was smelling the aroma drifting from the pot. "Is it curry?" "Yes it is," I replied as I placed the tray by the desk and served some curry and rice on the plate. "Here you go. I hope you like it..." I passed a plate to the guy. "Thank you." He took the plate and gulped down a big mouthful. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story It looked like the guy had been reading Fairy and Me while I cooked. Part 11 "Thank you ." He took the plate and gulped a big mouthful. "Delicious!" It really looked like he enjoyed it. (From the first bite I guessed that he would finish it all (mostly because he looked famished to me). "Really? I'm glad. There's lots left, so please don't be shy." I'm a little hungry too, so I think I'll have some myself... Wow! He's already finished a plateful! He must have been really hungry. I made tons so I was hoping he'd eat a lot. "Would you like seconds?" I asked. He seemed a little hesitant. Is he just being polite or doesn't he like it very much? "Uh, yes please. Thanks a lot." He held out his empty plate with an embarrassed look. Ah, he was just being polite after all. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy finished off a plateful of food in no time, so I offered him seconds. Part 12 He held out his empty plate with an embarrassed look. So, he was just being polite after all. I took his plate and served some curry and rice and passed it back to him. "Here you go." "Thanks." The guy took the food from me and started munching on it right away. He really seemed to like it. ... "Phew, I'm stuffed. That was great," he said while patting his stomach. "You certainly ate a lot. You must have been starving!" I looked at the empty pot and rice dish. I couldn't hide my amazement. Anyway, it was worth making it because he ate such a lot. It's much better than having leftovers. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy was full after eating a couple of platefuls of the curry I cooked him. Part 13 It was worth making it because he ate such a lot. It's much better than having leftovers. "I know I was hungry, but your cooking was so tasty that I couldn't help myself...Sorry. Looks like I ate your portion too..." he said apologetically. "That's okay. I made the food for you in the first place, so don't worry. One plateful was enough for me," I reassured him. I wasn't that hungry and even if I was, one plateful was enough anyway. "It really was delicious though. You're a great cook." "...That's because I'm always alone. There's no one else to cook, so I naturally become fairly good at cooking and other chores." After I said that, the guy looked like he regretted what he said, but it was no big deal. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy was full after eating a couple of platefuls of the curry I cooked him. Part 14 I guess I looked unhappy to hear what he said... I guess my loneliness shows after all. The guy looks like he's going to ask why I'm alone, so I might as well tell him. "My mother and I used to live here together, but she died in a car accident three years ago." "Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that." His expression changed from regret to confusion. He's probably going to ask what happened to my father... "That's alright. It happened a long time ago. And my father works abroad. He's not interested in anything but work... When my mother died, he didn't even come back here. He hasn't written or phoned once. But he sends me enough money to live on every month so I guess he's still alive." Whenever I talk about my father, I can't help saying harsh things about him. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I told him about living alone in this house. Part 15 Whenever I talk about my father, I can't help saying harsh things about him. "When your mother died, didn't you think about living with your father? Or if not with your father, then at least with your relatives?" Huh? If he came here because he knows a bit about my family, I would expect him to know at least that...Oh well. Never mind. "Even if I went to live with my father, it would be the same as now...I think I already told you that my father's only interest is in work, so he always returns home very late. Even on his days off he just stays home and sleeps. So even if I went to live with him it wouldn't be any different than now. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel lonely. My relatives are the kind of people that try to get close to me and pretend to be nice so they can get their hands on my father's fortune. I certainly don't want to be with them. I'd much rather live here alone than be with those kind of people." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I told him about living alone in this house. Part 16 "But you know what? I don't feel lonely right now," I said looking at him. He had not been specially kind to me, nor has he harmed me.... He may have stolen the jewelry for all I know, but I feel more at ease with this stranger than with my own relatives. It sounds absurd even to me. But that's honestly how I feel. "Huh?" The guy looked at me with surprise. I'm surprised myself, so I can only imagine how weird that must sound to him. "But we just met for the first time today. How do you know I didn't come here to get my hands on your money just like your relatives?" The way he said that convinced me that he was not a bad person. At that moment news of the jewelry theft came on TV, flashing images of the store and the police. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I don't feel lonely at the moment because he was here with me. Part 17 News of the jewelry theft appeared on the TV with photos of the store and the police. "Some jewelry was stolen at Gracies department store yesterday. Fortunately it seems that the criminal was seen before leaving the store and no damage was done on the premises. The criminal escaped and not yet been caught. People living near Gracies department store are asked to be careful. The criminal is approximately..." Hmm, this news story seems to be talking about this guy. From what I saw on TV he hasn't revealed everything about the real reason he's here. "I see...Is that why you went to the trouble of coming to this house to ask to hide here?" If you didn't do anything wrong then I'll help you prove it. Why don't you try telling me the reason you came here... ...But the guy just had a blank look on his face. What's wrong? Why the strange reaction? To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The incident that the guy was caught up in appeared on a news program. Part 18 The guy looked like he was about to say something important. Come on, say it. I'm listening. "You probably won't believe me, but I didn't steal anything." "Uh-huh, I don't think you did it. I believe you." He looked amazed that I believed him so easily. I guess that's to be expected. But I do believe him. "Uh...do you really believe me?" "Yes. After all..." I began to say while holding out the book Fairy and Me. He doesn't seem to have a clue what I mean. Looks like I'll have to explain to him about how he must be pure-hearted because he was able to see Fairy and Me when we first met. Just kidding. Actually, I can tell he's not a bad person because of the time we spent together. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy seems surprised that I believe he didn't steal anything. Part 19 He looked at me and the book as if to say, "What has the book got to do with it?" "I mean, after all, you're able to see this book, so..." Hmm, he still didn't get it judging by the look of astonishment. Oh well. (Giggles) I explained it to him properly. I flipped open the cover and pointed to the first page. The following words appeared. ______________________ The person who reads this book to the end shall be granted one wish, whatever it may be. But, this book is only visible to those pure of heart. ______________________ "When you came to this house, I was startled and dropped this book. You picked it up for me, which means that you are pure-hearted because you can see it. A pure-hearted person wouldn't steal anything." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I believed what the guy said because of what was written in Fairy and Me... Part 20 "A pure-hearted person wouldn't steal anything," I said pointing at the last three lines of the first page. Of course I don't believe what's written in the book. I just don't know how to explain it, so it's easier to explain it this way... "Do you think it's wise to believe someone so easily, or believe what's written in a book for that matter? I mean, admittedly you helped me thanks to that, but..." "Of course I didn't believe you only because of that. I think I'm a good judge of character too. I can't explain it any better than this, so give up. Ask me something else if you want." "You know, a little while ago you said I came here on purpose, like you didn't think it was a coincidence. Would you mind telling me what on earth you meant by that?" ...Did this guy really come here without knowing anything about me? To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I didn't believe what the guy said only because of what was written in Fairy and Me. Part 21 ...Did this guy really come here without knowing anything about me? Well then, I guess I'll have to explain things properly. "What? You mean you didn't come here because you knew who I was? ...Hmm, I see. Well then, I'll tell you the story from the beginning. As I told you just before, my father's a a workaholic. And he's pretty successful in business. In fact, he owns the department store where the incident you're involved in happened." The guy nodded as if he believed me. "So I thought maybe you found out where I lived and came here. But I was wrong... What a huge coincidence!" He nodded again in agreement. But if he really did come here by chance without knowing, maybe the power of Fairy and Me is really working... No, that's silly! But I can't dismiss it entirely as a mere coincidence... To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy really didn't know anything. Is it really a coincidence that he came here though? Or... Part 22 "Anyway, I'd like to do whatever I can to help. The stolen jewelry was in your bag right? Then let's find out how it got there." Chances are that something was caught on tape by the security cameras in the jewelry shop when the guy was there yesterday, so if we can take a look at them maybe we can clear everything up. "How are we going to find out?" "I'll ask the store manager to show me the security camera tapes from yesterday. We'll see if there's anything suspicious on the tapes." I hope the video from yesterday is still around. "Well, I'll call the store manager right away and ask for it to be delivered. Please wait a while." I left the room right away and called the jewelry shop. "Hello, it's me. I was wondering if I could have a look at the security camera tapes from yesterday?" To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I decided to ask if I could see the store's security camera tapes. Part 23 "Hello, it's me. I was wondering if I could have a look at the security camera tapes from yesterday?" ...Yes, all of them. As soon as possible... Yes, please. Thanks." Click ...Good. All we have to do now is wait for the tapes to arrive. I'll let the guy know right away. When I returned to my bedroom the guy was waiting in the same place as when I left. He seemed rather anxious. "I called the store manager. It looks like he's going to have them sent over so we'll have to wait a while. Um, it'll probably be tough to just wait around. Why don't you read this book or something?" I passed him Fairy and Me which was lying on the desk. "Why this book?" "You're interested in this book right? When you're talking to me I notice you glancing at the book now and then..." I was kidding. I thought that if he watched TV, he might feel uncomfortable if news of the theft came on... To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I called the store manager and he said he said he'd have the tapes sent over. Part 24 The guy nodded and took the book Fairy and Me. I stared at him closely as he began reading. "Um, why are you staring at me like that?" "Please just ignore me and keep reading," I teased him. I guess I distracted him. He would be fine once he started the book, and lost track of the passing time until the tapes arrived. In no time at all, he seemed completely completely wrapped up in Fairy and Me. ...I wonder how much time passed? The sun just went down. PING, PONG Ah. The tapes were finally here. I went to the porch and opened the door. "Hello. Oh, you brought them personally? Thank you very much. Okay, good night. The store manager left right away, and I went to tell the guy the tapes had arrived. I returned to my room and said to him, "Can I interrupt you for a second?" To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The store manager dropped off the tapes personally. I'd better let the guy know right away. Part 25 "Can I interrupt you for a second?" He seemed startled by my sudden appearance. "Sure. What's up?" "Would you like to see the security camera tapes that the store manager dropped off a just before?" As soon as I said it he seemed eager to see the tapes. "I imagine there must be a lot of video shot by the security cameras in a day at that department store. But for the time being, there's not a lot of point in looking at video shot outside the area I was in, right? I went into the department store around two o'clock yesterday and went straight to the jewelry shop on the 4th floor. I looked around and bought a Brooch. As I was about to leave the shop there was a strange noise - a security alarm maybe - and a shop assistant told me to stop." "I see. Let's take a look at the video shot around that time." I nodded in agreement. and stood up. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story When I told the guy that the tapes had arrived he seemed eager to see them right away. Part 26 I nodded in agreement with what he said and stood up. He didn't seem to know why I had stood up at first. But he looked around the room and seemed to figure out that we couldn't watch the tapes in my room so he stood up and followed me. We left the room and went to the cardboard box in the porch. "This box contains all the security camera video shot at the department store yesterday. Let's find the tapes shot around the time you mentioned just before. It'd be too tiring to carry the whole thing," I said and opened the box. The guy pulled out a tape with the time he'd mentioned written on it. "Please bring it to this room over here." I showed him to a room where we could watch the tape. "Here?" "Yes, this is the only room where we can watch it. Let's not waste any time." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story We started watching the security camera video right away. Part 27 "Well, let's look at the tape." We reviewed the section of tape from when the guy entered the jewelry shop to when he left, but no one came near him from when the security alarm went off to when he was told to stop by the shop assistant. How could that be? The security alarm shouldn't have gone off unless somebody put the stolen item in his bag at some point. There must be something here, but what? I rewound the tape and had another look at the spot where the guy was told to stop by the shop assistant. "What's up? Is something bothering you?" "...Yes. From what I've seen so far, there's no evidence of anyone putting the the stolen jewelry in your bag. And of course, there's no sign of you stealing it either. But it's odd that the security alarm would go off. We're missing something..." Wait a second. It looked like the shop assistant was up to something. Hmm, but he was a little ways away from the guy... The shop assistant made a slight movement at the exit but I'm not sure if it's of any significance. Hmm, but no one else is doing anything except that shop assistant... Hey, I wonder if... To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I noticed something while watching the security camera video. Part 28 "What's going on? Do you see something?" "Please hang on a second!" I rewound the tape again and looked at the same spot. No doubt about it. The shop assistant poked his hand out of the store just as the guy was leaving. Looks like the assistant has something in his hand... "So that it explains it. Please have a look at this," I said pointing at the shop assistant standing at the exit and rewound the tape a little. The guy seemed to see the same thing. "That's right. This shop assistant had the jewelry in his hand from the start and set the alarm off as you passed by. Then he told you to stop and while he was pretending to search your bag, he slipped the jewelry into it. Look right here!" There's no doubt that the security alarm was set off by the shop assistant. The shop assistant slipped whatever he was holding in the guy's bag while pretending to search it... To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story Whatever happened in store seemed to be because of the shop assistant. Part 29 The shop assistant slipped whatever was in his hand into the guy's bag. You're right. But why?" I have no idea... But it's too late to do anything today, so we'll find out tomorrow." It was already past midnight and the department store was already closed so there's no way we would be able to talk to the shop assistant. Anyway we knew that it was the shop assistant who did something and not the guy, so there was no need to rush. We needed to wind down for the night. Let's leave it at that for the day. Please wait while I fill the tub for you so you can take a bath before going to bed." Before the guy could reply I left the room and went to the bathroom to fill the tub. If I sent the guy home right now the police might find him, so it's better if he stayed at my place tonight. But I wonder if he'll agree? To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story It was already past midnight when I noticed the time. We can continue tomorrow. Part 30 "The bath is ready. You can go first." "Oh, okay...But where's the bathroom?" Oh, that's right. I guess I never told him where the bathroom was in the first place. "I'll show you. Hang on a second." I walked back to the room where the guy was. "Sorry. Please follow me." Oh, he was reading Fairy and Me. Looks like he'll finish reading it today (mind you, it was already past midnight). Well, I'll show him to the bathroom. "This is the bathroom. I'll wash your clothes so please put them in this basket. Oh, I forgot to get you a change of clothes. I'll be right back. In the meantime, please get in the bath. And if you need anything else, just ask." "Okay. Thanks." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story I showed the guy to the bathroom, and he went to take a bath. Part 31 "If you need anything else, just ask." The guy took his clothes off when I left the bathroom. I'd better prepare him a change of clothes. But mine are too small (besides, he might not be too happy wearing girl's clothes). I guess he'll have to wear Father's. But those will be way too big...Oh well. I guess that's better than too small. ...I hunted through my Father's belongings and found some pajamas. They were really huge...I'll leave them outside the bathroom anyway. "Excuse me. I'll leave the change of clothes for you here. They were Father's so they may be a little...well, quite big." "That's okay. Thanks." Really? They were huge. Never mind. I'll put his clothes in the washing machine and add detergent and water. Five minutes should do it. (Sound of washing machine churning away) Good! Now. I guess I'll get a futon ready for him. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The change of clothes look pretty big on the guy, but he doesn't seem to mind. Part 32 I wonder if he'd mind using Father's futon? Maybe I should carry his futon to the parlor and lay it out there. (If he's going to use Father's futon he probably wouldn't mind sleeping in Father's room but...) Anyway, I'll leave the futon here. That should do it. SPLASH Oh, sounds like the guy's finished his bath. I'll tell him to come here in a minute. ...Wonder if he's finished changing? The guy was coming out of the bathroom just as I came out of the parlor. "Oh, are you finished already? ...I guess the pajamas are too big eh? But that's all there is, so please make do with them for tonight. I prepared a futon for you in this room, so please sleep here tonight." "Wow, you even prepared a bed for me? Thanks." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The pajamas I prepared for the guy were huge. Part 33 "Oh, you even prepared a bed for me. Thanks." "I wouldn't expect you to sleep on the floor... Well, I guess it's my turn to take a bath," I said and went to the bathroom. ...Oh yeah. I better warn the guy not to peep at me. Just kidding. I'll just tease him a bit. When I returned to the parlor, the guy was about to read Fairy and Me. "Huh? What's wrong?" "Please don't peep at me okay?" "..................." He seems to be at a loss for words. Maybe I shouldn't give him such a hard time. "I'm just kidding. A nice guy like you wouldn't do that, right? Well, I'm really going this time." "...I won't. Don't worry." "Okay," I said and really went to take a bath this time. To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story Before taking a bath I warned the guy not to peep at me and he seemed at a loss for words. Part 34 SPLASH Ahh, that was nice. I dried myself and got changed. Finished. I wanted to see how the guy was getting on with the book. I wondered how far he's got reading Fairy and Me ...I returned to the parlor, but he was so wrapped up in the book that he didn't notice me standing behind him at all. (Sound of book closing) He closed the book, so I guess he's finished it. "Um, have you finished the book?" The guy turned around with a startled look. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you...Did you finish reading the book?" He nodded. Okay. Next question. "How was it? Was it interesting?" He nodded again. Okay. Next question. I know what the answer'll be though. "So...What's your wish?" "Of course, I'd like everyone to know that I didn't steal anything." To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story The guy finished reading Fairy and Me while I was taking a bath. Part 35 "Of course, I'd like everyone to know that I didn't steal anything." "That's good. I'm sure your wish will come true tomorrow." I thought he'd ask for that. He deserves that but that means we won't be together after today. (Mind you, we only spent one day together). I'll go back to being alone tomorrow. Too bad. Hmm...Maybe the guy will stay with me forever. Oh, but... "By the way, did you read the book to the end too? Do you have a wish?" "Yes. Before I tell you...uh...can I ask you something?" If he went to the jewelry store to buy a present for his girlfriend then there's no point in telling him my wish. I'll ask him if he has a girlfriend. "Go ahead." "The Brooch you bought at the jewelry shop yesterday was a present for a girl wasn't it? Who was it for?" To be continuedFairy and Me: Her Story "They guy's wish is for everyone to know know that he didn't steal anything. But my wish was..." ... Part 36 "Oh, for my sister. Her birthday's coming up soon. She gets upset if I don't buy her something every year and if I don't get something she likes, she gets in a bad mood...So this this year we went to the store together beforehand so she could choose something she liked. That way I know there won't be a problem." His sister? It felt like a new movie character suddenly arriving on the scene. "Then, it's not a present for your girlfriend?" "Unfortunately, I don't have a girlfriend." What? That meant that I had a chance. Good! I'll tell him my wish. "My wish is... to have a boyfriend... A boyfriend with a pure heart. ...Somehow it didn't come out straight but I think he understood. He thought about it for a second and nodded. Great! I'm no longer alone! The EndFairy and Me: Epilogue The shop assistant owned up completely to what he did. Actually, that guy came to the store with his sister a while ago (he was letting her choose an accessory for herself). Seems that that the shop assistant was mesmerized by her and thought the guy was her boyfriend. To be honest, he was totally jealous... So when the assistant saw the guy come to the store again, he put the jewelry in his bag in spite of himself. When the shop assistant heard that the girl he was obsessed with was the guy's sister, he was totally surprised. In the end, the shop assistant apologized to the guy. I'm not sure whether the guy forgave him or not but it doesn't really matter because the girl told the shop assistant that she already had a boyfriend... Anyway, I wonder why she didn't ask her boyfriend to buy her a present instead of her brother... FinishedRIFF`%SCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;##!>#"1!>##!##!##!##!$##!## !## !## !$F## !K## !K##!K##!KK$##!##!##!##!$$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMP@hO_o!1ZjzEPSTR (" $6E4Rg `?;J[Fishing HourThis is "Fishing Hour"fishing knowledge@@@@@@@Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about spring fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in spring, when the fish are bountiful. In the sea you can cast for Sardine, Herring and nice Sandfish. I'll leave it to you to figure out what level Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about spring fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in spring, when the fish are bountiful. In the sea you can catch Needlefish and Spanish Mackerel. Very tasty. In lakes you can catch Fat Minnows. I'll leave it to you to figure out what level Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about spring fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in spring, when the fish are bountiful. Sea fish you can catch are Greenling and Rockfish. Upstream fish you can catch are Mountain Trout. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today Angler Jake is on vacation, so we'll have a special episode instead. Recently, a Japanese Huchen measuring more than 100cm was hooked in the downstream region. This fish is indeed a River King. The person who fished it said it was good for Sushi, Sashimi, or Grilled Fish. We hope our viewers also learn lots of fish dishes, then go out and catch a River King of their own! Any season except winter is good, we are told. Until next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about summer fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in summer, when the water is warm and the fish are a little lazy. Sea fish you can catch are Scad, downstream fish are Eel, and upstream fish Cherry Salmon. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about summer fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in summer, when the water is warm and the fish are a little lazy. Sea fish you can catch are Bonito, Dorado, and Red Snapper. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about summer fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in summer, when the water is warm and the fish are a little lazy. Sea fish you can catch are Flounder, downstream fish are Snakehead, and upstream fish are Rainbow Trout. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today Anger Jake is on vacation, so we'll have a special episode instead. The Regal Carp is fit to be called a Lake King, but no few anglers now living have ever hooked it. It is said that Carp only appear for anglers with great experience--having shipped over 200 fish, for instance... It is said Carp may appear in any season except winter.Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about fall fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in fall, when the water is cool and the fish are active. Fat minnow can be caught in lakes or upstream. Whitefish and Golden Crucian Carp can be caught downstream. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about fall fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in fall, when the water is cool and the fish are active. Sea Fish you can catch are Saury pike, and downstream fish are Salmon and Loach. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about fall fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in fall, when the water is cool and the fish are active. You can catch Black bass and Bluegill downstream, at the spring, upstream, and in the lake. You can also catch Crucian Carp at the spring or in the lake. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today Anger Jake is on vacation, so we'll have a special episode instead. Once, there was a man who thought he caught a monster when fishing at sea in the nighttime. When day came, though, he saw it was a Monkfish. If you ever see one of these fierce fish, you'll know why they are known as Kings of the Sea. They can be caught in spring or winter and only at night! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about winter fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in winter. Winter fishing is tough, but not impossible. Sea fish you can catch are Rock trout, Fluke, and Kelp bass. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about Winter fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in winter. Winter fishing is tough, but not impossible. Sea fish you can catch are Tuna and Blowfish. Downstream fish are Lake Smelt. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today we'll ask our renowned fishing expert Angler Jake about winter fishing. Howdy, folks. This is Angler Jake here to tell you all about what you can catch in winter. Winter fishing is tough, but not impossible. Sea fish you can catch are Cod and Yellowtail. Downstream fish are Silver Carp. I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of Fishing Rod you need. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time! Fishing Hour This is "Fishing Hour", your one-stop-shop for fishing knowledge! Today Anger Jake is on vacation, so we'll have a special episode instead. Do you know of the King Fish that can be caught only in winter? It's said to be a mutant Catfish, which you can catch in a place you're already familiar with. Where is that, you ask? You'll have to find out for yourself. When you fish all of the King Fish on this and other programs, you'll get the chance to fish the Legendary King Fish. No one knows where this fish can be found, but who knows - you may be the one destined to find it.RIFFnPSCR CODEpl##!;##!;##!;##!;#!>!#!>!##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&## !&## !&## !&## !&## !&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&## !&##!!&&$&#!>##"!!###!!##$!!##%!!##&!!##'!!##(!!##)!!##*!!##+!!##,!!##-!!##.!!##/!!##0!!##1!!##2!!##3!!##4!!##5!!##6!!##7!!##8!!##!!##9!!##:!!##;!!##!!####>!##?!##@!##A!##!##!##B!##C!##D!##E!##F!##G!##H!##%!##I!##J!##K!##L!##M!##N!##O!##-!##P!##Q!##R!##S!##T!##U!## !##V!$&#!>##W!##X!##8!##!##Y!##Z!##[!##\!##]!##^!##_!##?!##`!##a!##!##b!##c!##d!##e!##f!##g!##h!##H!##%!##i!##j!##k!##l!##m!##n!$&&$!!!c"!?"%!8hhhh$ JUMP\ <L\l|  ,<L\l| 7GWgw     '7GWgw2BRbr     "2BRbr-=M]m}      -=M]m}0+&!::::TTSTR ~Co (+X "F!$'+y-n03 79<?CEuH^KNQ&TW2[]acggiloruy^|[5'ASϓf35*&T̻m#:ka@zA &bt  .V!$p(+\.2247$;?F-3.14 MGPRacers:--------- Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: 'Sylvia On Futaba Using Spirit Magic Her magic is well-balanced between offense and defense, and she always races well. |||||||||||||| 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. That's all for today. The first match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: 'Leatrice On Sana Using Voodoo She can always be seen going around before the race with dolls and needles. She doesn't do much at all during the actual race. |||||||||||||| 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The first match will be tomorrow.The results of the first F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From the start, the race was between Sylvia and Lupinus. Sylvia's Wind Magic gave her an early lead over Lupinus, but Lupinus stuck to Sylvia like glue for the rest of the race! In the final lap, Lupinus cast an illusionary turn on Sylvia, who was 0.2 seconds ahead, but Sylvia's Earth Magic blocked it easily, and she held on to her lead and won the race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Sylvia 2nd Place: Lupinus 3rd Place: MiltoniaThe results of the first F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Sylvia +10 2nd Place: Lupinus +6 3rd Place: Miltonia@+4 4th Place: Daisy +3 5th Place: Cosmos +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Leatrice 9th Place: Lavender 10th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st Place: Sylvia 10 2nd Place: Lupinus 6 3rd Place: Miltonia@4 4th Place: Daisy 3 5th Place: Cosmos 2 6th Place: Amaryllis 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Daisy @On Peony @Using Light Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Can anyone catch her when she uses her Shining Wing spell? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Cosmos @On Peony @Using Darkness Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cosmos, Daisy's twin sister, has magic opposite but almost as powerful in her Dark Wing spell, which ought to be interesting. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The second match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Liliac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The second match will be tomorrow.The results of the second F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia continues to perform very well while Lupinus had trouble with her machine and couldn't use much magic, giving her a hard time. The Light-Dark Sisters Daisy and Cosmos nearly gained on Sylvia with their Light and Dark Wing spells, but couldn't quite make it and Sylvia stayed in the lead to win her second consecutive race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Sylvia 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the second F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Sylvia +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Miltonia +3 5th Place: Lupinus +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lavender 9th Place: Leatrice 10th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Sylvia 20 2nd (up): Daisy 9 3rd (up): Lupinus 8 4th (down): Miltonia 7 5th (unch.): Cosmos 6 6th (unch.): Amaryllis 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Misuzu @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All she does is illusion, so if you figure that out, she's totally powerless. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The third match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Futaba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Her magic is well-balanced between offense and defense, and she always races well. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The third match will be tomorrow.The results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia hit Leatrice, who was lagging behind, taking them both out of the race! That led to Lupinus taking the lead and comfortably winning the race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Miltonia, Daisy, and Cosmos fought it out for 2nd Place, with Miltonia using her restorative magic in the final lap and easily finishing in 2nd Place. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus 2nd Place: Miltonia 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus +10 2nd Place: Miltonia +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Daisy +3 5th Place: Moraea +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place (tie): Lavender 7th Place (tie): Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Sylvia 20 2nd (up): Lupinus 18 3rd (up): Miltonia 13 4th (down): Daisy 12 5th (unch.): Cosmos 10 6th (unch.) Amaryllis 3 7th (up): Moraea 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Leatrice @On Sana @Using Voodoo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She can always be seen going around before the race with dolls and needles. She doesn't do much at all during the actual race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fourth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Daisy @On Peony @Using Light Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Can anyone catch her when she uses her Shining Wing spell? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Cosmos @On Peony @Using Darkness Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cosmos, Daisy's twin sister, has magic opposite but almost as powerful in her Dark Wing spell. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fourth match will be tomorrow.The results of the fourth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This race belonged to Daisy and Cosmos. In the first lap they suddenly combined their magic into a Shining Dark Wing, and promptly pulled ahead of the pack to take the lead! Then they held off all comers together, to take first and second place. Sylvia came in third in this race, with Daisy two points behind her current 1st Place ranking in the overall standings. Leatrice hit Amaryllis, thus wiping out again following her collision with Sylvia in the previous race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy 2nd Place: Cosmos 3rd Place: SylviaThe results of the fourth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy +10 2nd Place: Cosmos +6 3rd Place: Sylvia +4 4th Place: Miltonia +3 5th Place: Lupinus +2 6th Place: Moraea +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Sylvia 24 2nd (up): Daisy 22 3rd (down): Lupinus 20 3rd (down): Miltonia 16 5th (unch.): Cosmos 16 6th (unch.): Amaryllis 3 6th (up, tie): Moraea 3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lilac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fifth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Misuzu @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All she does is illusion, so if you figure that out, she's totally powerless. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fifth match will be tomorrow.The results of the fifth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Prior to the start of the race, Lavender advised Daisy against entering, telling her that her divination foretold that they would collide and be out of the race. Naturally Daisy paid no heed to this advice and entered the race as scheduled. Then, in the twelfth lap, Daisy and Cosmos used their combined magic when they came upon Lavender, who was already being lapped. Daisy tried to force her way past Lavender only to run into her instead. Given that the collision happened while Daisy was using her magic, there is greater concern for the state of her mind than that of her body. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Miltonia 2nd Place: Sylvia 3rd Place: LupinusThe results of the fifth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Miltonia +10 2nd Place: Sylvia +6 3rd Place: Lupinus +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Moraea +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Leatrice 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Sylvia 30 2nd (up): Miltonia 26 3rd (unch.): Lupinus 24 4th (down): Daisy 22 5th (unch.): Cosmos 19 6th (unch.): Moraea 5 7th (down): Amaryllis 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Futaba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Her magic is well-balanced between offense and defense, and she always races well. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The sixth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP@@@ are as follows:@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Leatrice @On Sana @Using Voodoo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She can always be seen going around before the race with dolls and needles. She doesn't do much at all during the actual race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The sixth match will be tomorrow.The results of the sixth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Owing to the serious injuries they sustained when they collided in the last race, Daisy and Lavender were scratched this time. With Daisy out of the race Cosmos had a hard time because she couldn't use their combination magic. The battle for first place was thus between Lupinus, Sylvia, and Miltonia, who has been in good form as of late. In the end, Lupinus used her mirror images to break away from the pack and win the race. Her total point standing is now equal to that of Sylvia. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus 2nd Place: Miltonia 3rd Place: SylviaThe results of the sixth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus +10 2nd Place: Miltonia +6 3rd Place: Sylvia +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Amaryllis +2 6th Place: Moraea +1 7th Place: Leatrice 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Sylvia 34 2nd (up): Lupinus 34 3rd (down): Miltonia 32 4th (unch.): Daisy 22 4th (up): Cosmos 22 6th (unch.): Moraea 6 6th (up): Amaryllis 6 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Daisy @On Peony @Using Light Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Can anyone catch her when she uses her Shining Wing spell? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Cosmos @On Peony @Using Darkness Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cosmos, Daisy's twin sister, has magic opposite but almost as powerful in her Dark Wing spell. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The seventh match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lilac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The seventh match will be tomorrow.The results of the seventh F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Everybody's favorite racer Daisy, is back at last! And as expected she and Cosmos led the way right from the start with their combination magic. From the looks of things it seems fair to say that Daisy is completely recovered from her accident. A fierce battle for third place broke out between Sylvia and Miltonia, which ended in the final lap when Miltonia, having exhausted her magic power, was helpless to stop Sylvia from using her wind magic to pass her by. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy 2nd Place: Cosmos 3rd Place: SylviaThe results of the seventh F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy +10 2nd Place: Cosmos +6 3rd Place: Sylvia +4 4th Place: Miltonia +3 5th Place: Moraea +2 6th Place: Leatrice +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Sylvia 38 2nd (up): Miltonia 35 3rd (down): Lupinus 34 4th (unch.): Daisy 32 5th (down): Cosmos 28 6th (unch.): Moraea 8 7th (down): Amaryllis 6 8th (up): Leatrice 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Misuzu @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All she does is illusion, so if you figure that out, she's totally powerless. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The eighth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Yotsuba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine Yotsuba can apparently change into four different forms in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. We'll just have to see what this is all about. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The eighth match will be tomorrow.The results of the eighth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lupinus, who was first in the qualifying round, made effective use of her mirror image and other magics to keep anyone else from getting past her. She held the lead all the way to the final lap. As a result she also took top place in the overall standings away from Sylvia. Speaking of Sylvia, she staked the race on her new machine, Yotsuba. Due to it not being properly tuned yet she only came in sixth. Oh, and while it isn't that big a deal, we feel we should mention that Lavender earned her first points ever, as predicted by her divination prior to the start of the race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the eighth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Lavender +3 5th Place: Miltonia +2 6th Place: Sylvia +1 7th Place: Leatrice 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Lupinus 44 2nd (down): Sylvia 39 3rd (up): Daisy 39 4th (down): Miltonia 37 5th (unch.): Cosmos 32 6th (unch.): Moraea 8 7th (unch.): Amaryllis 6 8th (up): Lavender 3 9th (down): Leatrice 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP@@@ are as follows:@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Leatrice @On Sana @Using Voodoo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She can always be seen going around before the race with dolls and needles. She doesn't do much at all during the actual race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The ninth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Daisy @On Peony @Using Light Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Can anyone catch her when she uses her Shining Wing spell? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Cosmos @On Peony @Using Darkness Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cosmos, Daisy's twin sister, has magic opposite but almost as powerful in her Dark Wing spell. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The ninth match will be tomorrow.The results of the ninth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The weather was bad for today's race and it rained so hard during the event that you couldn't see anything beyond a few meters. So while everyone else took it slow and easy, Miltonia charged ahead, unconcerned about getting hurt thanks to liberal use of her restorative magic. In this reckless manner she managed to take first place but she also ended up overdoing it in the process, injuring herself severely. It now looks as though she won't make it to the final race which is a real shame, seeing as how she finally took top place in the overall standings too. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Miltonia 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the ninth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Miltonia +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Sylvia +3 5th Place: Lupinus +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Miltonia 47 2nd (down): Lupinus 46 3rd (unch.): Daisy 44 4th (down): Sylvia 42 5th (unch.): Cosmos 36 6th (unch.): Moraea 8 7th (unch.): Amaryllis 7 8th (unch.): Lavender 3 9th: Leatrice: 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Liliac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The final match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Misuzu @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All she does is illusion, so if you figure that out, she's totally powerless. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The final match will be tomorrow.The results of the final F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sadly Miltonia had to be scratched, and thus the championship came down to the top three point holders. Yotsuba, Sylvia's new machine, finally showed us what it can do. This machine has four modes that are capable of handling any terrain, including a wind mode that not even the combination magic used by Daisy and Cosmos could beat. This victory put Sylvia back on top in total points. Our congratulations to her. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Sylvia 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the final F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Sylvia +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Lupinus +3 5th Place: Lavender +2 6th Place: Moraea +1 7th Place: Amaryllis 8th Place: Leatrice 9th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Sylvia 52 2nd (up): Daisy 50 3rd (down): Lupinus 49 4th (down): Miltonia 47 5th (unch.): Cosmos 40 6th (unch.): Moraea 9 7th (unch.): Amaryllis 7 8th (unch.): Lavender 5 9th (unch.): Leatrice 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Yotsuba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine, Yotsuba, can apparently change into any of four different forms, in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. We'll just have to see what this is all about. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The first match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Licorice @On Makoto @Using Spatial Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice's spatial interchange magic, which enables her to change places with anyone else, may well be the most powerful magic of all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The first match will be tomorrow.The results of the first F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In her first race ever, Licorice came in first. What happened was that in the final lap, she sneakily used her spatial interchange magic to switch places with Sylvia who had been in the lead up to that point. There are calls now for this type of magic to be banned as too dangerous for use in certain spell casting situations. Further information will be reported as it becomes available. Sylvia ended up dead last, by the way. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the first F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st: Licorice +10 2nd: Daisy +6 3rd: Cosmos +4 4th: Lupinus +3 5th: Miltonia +2 6th: Moraea +1 7th: Amaryllis 8th: Lavender 9th: Lilac 10th: Sylvia @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st: Licorice 10 2nd: Daisy 6 3rd: Cosmos 4 4th: Lupinus 3 5th: Miltonia 2 6th: Moraea 1 And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Daisy @On Peony @Using Light Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Can anyone catch her when she uses her Shining Wing spell? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Cosmos @On Peony @Using Darkness Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cosmos, Daisy's twin sister, has magic opposite but almost as powerful in her Dark Wing spell. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The second match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lilac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The second match will be tomorrow.The results of the second F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice, who had just won her first race is on the injured list. It seems that her spatial interchange magic burns a fair amount of magic power and thus can't be used all that often. As for Sylvia, she was still apparently pretty burned by having ended up dead last in the previous race and just didn't run a very good race at all this time around. In the event this race came down to Daisy and Cosmos on the one hand and Lupinus on the other. By skillfully interposing her mirror images between Daisy and Cosmos, Lupinus was able to keep them from using their combination magic and thus win the race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the second F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Miltonia +3 5th Place: Moraea +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Sylvia 8th Place: Lavender 9th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Lupinus 13 2nd (unch.): Daisy 12 3rd (down): Licorice 10 4th (down): Cosmos 8 5th (unch.): Miltonia 5 6th (unch.): Moraea 3 7th (up): Amaryllis 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I never saw her summon anything so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Misuzu @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All she does is illusion, so if you figure that out, she's totally powerless. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The third match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Yotsuba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine, Yotsuba, can apparently change into any of four different forms, in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. We'll just have to see what this is all about. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The third match will be tomorrow.The results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As with the previous race, Licorice sat out this one too. The difference is that she didn't enter this one because she didn't very much feel like it, adding that she would be in the next one. It thus appeared that this race would be down to Daisy and Cosmos versus Lupinus again, just like the previous one, except that Miltonia also joined in this time to make it a three-sided contest. The outcome was decided when Daisy and Cosmos used a momentary advantage to cast their combination magic thus taking first and second place, followed by Miltonia and Lupinus in that order. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy 2nd Place: Cosmos 3rd Place: MiltoniaThe results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy +10 2nd Place: Cosmos +6 3rd Place: Miltonia +4 4th Place: Lupinus +3 5th Place: Amaryllis +2 6th Place: Moraea +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Sylvia 9th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Daisy 22 2nd (down): Lupinus 16 3rd (up): Cosmos 14 4th (down): Licorice 10 5th (unch.): Miltonia 9 6th (unch.): Moraea 4 7th (up): Amaryllis 3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Licorice @On Makoto @Using Spatial Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice's spatial interchange magic, which enables her to change places with anyone else, may well be the most powerful magic of all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fourth match will be the day after tomorrow.The results of the fourth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice, who had been on the injured list ever since winning her very first race ever, got back on the track for the first time today. Sylvia wasted no time in complaining to Licorice about the magic that Licorice used in that first race. People around them stopped the conflict at the time but words don't appear to have been enough for Sylvia, whose anger came out in a bad way during the race when she collided with Lupinus, taking them both out of the running. Licorice went on to win the race, without using her spatial interchange magic. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the fourth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Miltonia +3 5th Place: Moraea +2 6th Place: Lavender +1 7th Place: Amaryllis 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Daisy 28 2nd (up): Licorice 20 3rd (unch.): Cosmos 18 4th (down): Lupinus 16 5th (unch.): Miltonia 12 6th (unch.): Moraea 6 7th (unch.): Amaryllis 3 8th (up) Lavender 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lilac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fifth match will be the day after tomorrow.The results of the fifth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This time around Lavender's divination foretold that she and Daisy were going to collide. Naturally Daisy wasn't going to take news like that lying down. She did her level best to stay away from Lavender during the race, only to suddenly find herself being lapped. And wouldn't you know it? Just then, Lavender's machine breaks down, decelerates, and slides over to hit Daisy, who at this point is behind her at an angle, taking them both out of the race. It appears there really is no escape from Lavender's divinations after all. As a result of Daisy's crash, Licorice passed Daisy in the overall standings. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Cosmos 3rd Place: LupinusThe results of the fifth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Cosmos +6 3rd Place: Lupinus +4 4th Place: Sylvia +3 5th Place: Miltonia +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Licorice 30 2nd (down): Daisy 28 3rd (unch.): Cosmos 24 4th (unch.): Lupinus 20 5th (unch.): Miltonia 14 6th (unch.): Moraea 6 7th (unch.): Amaryllis 4 8th (up): Sylvia 3 9th (down): Lavender 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Yotsuba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine, Yotsuba, can change into any of four different forms, in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. It's a good one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The sixth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Licorice @On Makoto @Using Spatial Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice's spatial interchange magic, which enables her to change places with anyone else, may well be the most powerful magic of all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The sixth match will be tomorrow.The results of the sixth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This time around it was Daisy's turn to get nailed by Licorice's spatial interchange magic. She ended up right smack behind Amaryllis and Moraea and unable to effectively dodge either of them, instead plowed into both, thus taking all three out of the race. Daisy fell to third place in the overall standings being passed up by her sister, Cosmos. The question now is, having used her spatial interchange magic, will Licorice sit out the next race, as happened last time? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Cosmos 3rd Place: LupinusThe results of the sixth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Cosmos +6 3rd Place: Lupinus +4 4th Place: Sylvia +3 5th Place: Miltonia +2 6th Place: Lavender +1 7th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Licorice 40 2nd (up): Cosmos 30 3rd (down): Daisy 28 4th (unch.): Lupinus 24 5th (unch.): Miltonia 16 6th (unch.): Moraea 6 6th (up): Sylvia 6 8th (down): Amaryllis 4 9th (unch.): Lavender 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.The results of the seventh F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To no surprise Licorice did indeed sit out this race Instead the winner of this race turned out to be Lupinus on her brand new machine, Maho. By skillfully blocking the magic used by Daisy and Cosmos, she kept the field running at her own pace from start to finish, taking the win without a struggle. As a result Lupinus, Daisy and Cosmos are now in a three-way tie for second place in the overall standings. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the seventh F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Lupinus +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Sylvia +3 5th Place: Lavender +2 6th Place: Amaryllis +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Licorice 40 2nd (unch.): Cosmos 34 2nd (up): Daisy 34 2nd (up): Lupinus 34 5th (unch.): Miltonia 16 6th (unch.): Sylvia 9 7th (down): Moraea 6 8th (unch.): Amaryllis 5 9th (unch.): Lavender 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Maho @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lupinus's new machine, Maho, sure seems more powerful than its predecessor, though you can't necessarily tell for sure from just a single glance. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The eighth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Yotsuba @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine, Yotsuba, can change into any of four different forms, in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. It's a good one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard and then heals herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The eighth match will be tomorrow.The results of the eighth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice made a rapid return to the field. The big interest in this race was how she would fare against Lupinus on her new machine. As it turned out not even the new and improved Lupinus could stop Licorice. In the middle of the race Licorice found herself caught between Lavender and Amaryllis who had been lapped and it looked as though she was in trouble for a while. She escaped by teleporting ahead in the last turn to take the win handily. With two races left to go, Licorice may just have a lock on the championship title already. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Lupinus 3rd Place: DaisyThe results of the eighth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Lupinus +6 3rd Place: Daisy +6 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Miltonia +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Licorice 50 2nd (unch.): Lupinus 40 3rd (down): Daisy 38 4th (down): Cosmos 37 5th (unch.): Miltonia 17 6th (unch.): Sylvia 11 7th (unch.): Moraea 6 8th (unch.): Amaryllis 5 9th (unch.): Lavender 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Licorice @On Makoto @Using Spatial Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice's spatial interchange magic, which enables her to change places with anyone else, may well be the most powerful magic of all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lavender @On Starlight @Using Divination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She always divines who will win before a race starts. Rumor has it her predictions are 100% accurate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The ninth match will be the day after tomorrow.The results of the ninth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It may or may not come as a surprise, but Licorice won this race too by a margin of 52 seconds over second place finisher Miltonia. This victory means that Licorice has already won the championship regardless of the outcome of the final race. That doesn't mean the competition is all over, though. We hope that all the competitors will give their all in the next race even though the championship has already been decided and they're not likely to feel too motivated... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Miltonia 3rd Place: DaisyThe results of the ninth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Miltonia +6 3rd Place: Daisy +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Lupinus +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Moraea 9th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Licorice 60 2nd (up): Daisy 42 3rd (down): Lupinus 41 4th (unch.): Cosmos 40 5th (unch.): Miltonia 23 6th (unch.): Sylvia 13 7th (unch.): Moraea 6 8th (unch.): Amaryllis 5 9th (unch.): Lavender 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Amaryllis @On Sakuya @Using Flower Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All her magic does is create flowers, which really isn't that useful in racing... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Liliac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The final match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Maho @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lupinus's new machine, Maho, sure seems more powerful than its predecessor, though you can't necessarily tell for sure from just a single glance. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The final match will be tomorrow.The results of the final F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This last race was lackluster, owing to the fact that Licorice already had the championship sewn up for this season. Only Licorice and Sylvia made a real race of it, And even though she was no match for Licorice, Sylvia still managed to take second place with a two- minute edge over third-place finisher Lupinus. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Sylvia 3rd Place: LupinusThe results of the final F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Sylvia +6 3rd Place: Lupinus +4 4th Place: Daisy +3 5th Place: Cosmos +2 6th Place: Miltonia +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Liliac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Licorice 70 2nd (unch.): Daisy 45 2nd (up): Lupinus 45 4th (unch.): Cosmos 42 5th (unch.): Miltonia 24 6th (unch.): Sylvia 19 7th (unch.): Moraea 6 8th (unch.): Amaryllis 5 9th (unch.): Lavender 4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Mayo @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine, Mayo, is an upgraded model of her Yotsuba machine. It, too, can take on any of four different forms, in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. It's another good one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The first match will be the day after tomorrow.The results of the first F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It's only the first race of the season but things are off to a riotous start. If you can imagine, Eucomyth, running in her first race ever, found herself in a showdown against Daisy and Cosmos--the Children of Light and Darkness--who who rode bright and shiny new models of their Peony machines. Licorice, who won the previous championship by an overwhelming margin, was handicapped this time around by a malfunctioning machine. She attempted to recover midway through the race by means of her spatial interchange magic. Eucomyth avoided it--amazing as that sounds--and coasted to a win. Licorice ended up coming in sixth. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the first F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Lupinus +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Licorice +1 7th Place: Miltonia 8th Place: Lavender 9th Place: Moraea 10th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st: Eucomyth 10 2nd: Daisy 6 3rd: Cosmos 4 4th: Lupinus 3 5th: Sylvia 2 6th: Licorice 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Daisy @On Peony @Using Light Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Can anyone catch her when she uses her Shining Wing spell? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Cosmos @On Peony @Using Darkness Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cosmos, Daisy's twin sister, has magic opposite but almost as powerful in her Dark Wing spell. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The second match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Eucomyth @On Kyoko @Using Temporal Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She may be new to the game, but she's got powerful magic. How do you stop someone who can stop time itself? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lilac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The second match will be tomorrow.The results of the second F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Licorice struggled in the last race with machine troubles but was in top form this time around. In the final lap Eucomyth apparently used her ultimate magic--Personal Time--and took first place while all the rest of us were frozen in place. That time stop affected everyone, myself included, which means that even I don't rightly know just what happened. The point is Eucomyth suddenly popped in front of Licorice, and was thus first across the line. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth 2nd Place: Licorice 3rd Place: DaisyThe results of the second F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth +10 2nd Place: Licorice +6 3rd Place: Daisy +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Lupinus +2 6th Place: Miltonia +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Eucomyth 20 2nd (unch.): Daisy 10 3rd (unch.): Cosmos 7 3rd (up): Licorice 7 5th (down): Lupinus 5 6th (down): Sylvia 2 7th (up): Miltonia 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Mayo @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine Mayo, is an upgraded model of her Yotsuba machine. It too can take on any of four different forms in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. It's another good one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The third match will be tomorrow.The results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Eucomyth must still have been feeling the aftereffects of using her ultimate temporal magic in the last race. Whatever the reason she was unable to dodge the Blue Dragon that Moraea summoned this time, and it blew her off the track. But Moraea was caught up in the collateral effects of her spell which wiped her out as well, thus leaving the field clear for Licorice. Lupinus fought back with all she had but to no avail as Licorice sailed to her first victory of the season. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Lupinus 3rd Place: DaisyThe results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Lupinus +6 3rd Place: Daisy +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Miltonia +2 6th Place: Sylvia +1 7th Place: Lavender 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Eucomyth 20 2nd (up): Licorice 17 3rd (down): Daisy 14 4th (up): Lupinus 11 5th (down): Cosmos 10 6th (unch.): Sylvia 3 6th (up): Miltonia 3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.The results of the fourth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Even before this race started there already was a major upset in the works. Lavender's divination foretold that she would collide with Eucomyth in the race taking them both out. Eucomyth paid attention to the warning and stayed out of the race as did Lavender, possibly out of respect for Eucomyth's decision. Licorice was also out of today's race. The word is she had an upset stomach. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy 2nd Place: Cosmos 3rd Place: MiltoniaThe results of the third F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy +10 2nd Place: Cosmos +6 3rd Place: Miltonia +4 4th Place: Lupinus +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Moraea +1 7th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Daisy 24 2nd (down): Eucomyth 20 3rd (down): Licorice 17 4th (up): Cosmos 16 5th (down): Lupinus 14 6th (unch.): Miltonia 7 7th (down): Sylvia 5 8th (up): Moraea 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Eucomyth @On Kyoko @Using Temporal Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She may be new to the game, but she's got powerful magic. How do you stop someone who can stop time itself? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Liliac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fifth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Maho @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lupinus's new machine Maho sure seems more powerful than its predecessor but you can't necessarily tell for sure at a quick glance. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The fifth match will be tomorrow.The results of the fifth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The race featured the first showdown between Eucomyth and Licorice in three races. Eucomyth ran the field at her own pace and Licorice couldn't get past her. She appeared hesitant about using her spatial interchange magic, perhaps out of fear that Eucomyth might dodge it, as she did the last time they met. Instead, she burned her magic power in teleporting but it wasn't quite good enough. Licorice came in second behind Eucomyth, who now once again holds first place in the overall standings. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth 2nd Place: Licorice 3rd Place: LupinusThe results of the fifth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth +10 2nd Place: Licorice +6 3rd Place: Lupinus +4 4th Place: Daisy +3 5th Place: Cosmos +2 6th Place: Miltonia +1 7th Place: Sylvia 8th Place: Moraea 9th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Eucomyth 30 2nd (down): Daisy 27 3rd (unch.): Licorice 23 4th (unch.): Cosmos 18 5th (unch.): Lupinus 18 6th (unch.): Miltonia 8 7th (unch.): Sylvia 5 8th (unch.): Moraea 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Mayo @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine Mayo is an upgraded model of her Yotsuba machine. It too can take on any of four different forms in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. It's another good one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The sixth match will be the day after tomorrow.The results of the sixth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lavender's divination foretold that she and Cosmos would collide during today's race, taking them both out. There was no way that Cosmos would simply take such news lying down, however. And wouldn't you know it, Lavender was right. Just before crashing, Cosmos transferred all of her remaining magical powers to Daisy, giving her what she needed to win the race by putting all of the magic power into her Shining Wing throughout the closing and dramatic final laps. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy 2nd Place: Eucomyth 3rd Place: LicoriceThe results of the sixth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Daisy +10 2nd Place: Eucomyth +6 3rd Place: Licorice +4 4th Place: Lupinus +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Miltonia +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Daisy 37 2nd (down): Eucomyth 36 3rd (unch.): Licorice 27 4th (up): Lupinus 21 5th (down): Cosmos 18 6th (unch.): Miltonia 9 7th (unch.): Sylvia 7 8th (unch.): Moraea 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Eucomyth @On Kyoko @Using Temporal Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She may be new to the game, but she's got powerful magic. How do you stop someone who can stop time itself? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Liliac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee, Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The seventh match will be tomorrow.The results of the seventh F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As before, this race came down to Eucomyth and Licorice, the latter using her teleport power with timing so exquisite that it seemed certain that she would pass up Eucomyth. Only thing was Eucomyth used foresight with the exact same timing to know what Licorice was going to do before she did it, thus blocking her completely. Both Daisy and Cosmos were out of today's race, the latter because she used up an excessive amount of magic power on her sister in the previous race. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth 2nd Place: Licorice 3rd Place: LupinusThe results of the seventh F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Eucomyth +10 2nd Place: Licorice +6 3rd Place: Lupinus +4 4th Place: Miltonia +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Moraea +1 7th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Eucomyth 46 2nd (down): Daisy 37 3rd (unch.): Licorice 33 4th (unch.): Lupinus 25 5th (unch.): Cosmos 18 6th (unch.): Miltonia 12 7th (unch.): Sylvia 8 8th (unch.): Moraea 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Maho @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lupinus's new machine Maho sure seems more powerful than its predecessor though you can't necessarily tell for sure at a quick glance. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The eighth match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Sylvia @On Mayo @Using Spirit Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia's new machine, Mayo, is an upgraded model of her Yotsuba machine. It, too, can take on any of four different forms, in accordance with whichever magic she is using at a given time. It's another good one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Miltonia @On Sprite @Using White Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She uses restorative magic, so she prefers to race pretty hard, and then heal herself afterwards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The eighth match will be tomorrow.The results of the eighth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sylvia plowed smack into a wall in the race's closing laps, wiping herself out in spectacular fashion. Pieces of her Yotsuba machine flew everywhere with several of them striking Eucomyth, who was right behind her at the time. Eucomyth's machine Kyoko started to fail on her so she ended up coming in second after being passed by Licorice. Eucomyth is still tops in the overall rankings with a huge nine-point lead over Licorice. Can Licorice make up the deficit in the two races remaining this season? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Eucomyth 3rd Place: DaisyThe results of the eighth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Eucomyth +6 3rd Place: Daisy +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Lupinus +2 6th Place: Miltonia +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lavender 9th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Eucomyth 52 2nd (up): Licorice 43 3rd (down): Daisy 41 4th (unch.): Lupinus 27 5th (unch.): Cosmos 21 6th (unch.): Miltonia 13 7th (unch.): Sylvia 8 8th (unch.): Moraea 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.The results of the ninth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As Lupinus and Miltonia were fighting it out for fifth place they found themselves lapped by Eucomyth. The sheer intensity of their blocking battle snagged Eucomyth, giving her no way to get safely past. Just then Licorice came up from behind. In desperation Eucomyth tried using her ultimate personal time magic, leaving herself with no concentration or defense, when ripples from the magic being thrown off by Lupinus and Miltonia ahead of her caused her to lose her balance and pitch forward, taking both of them out of the race with her. As a consequence, only one point now separates first and second place in the overall rankings. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Daisy 3rd Place: CosmosThe results of the ninth F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Daisy +6 3rd Place: Cosmos +4 4th Place: Moraea +3 5th Place: Sylvia +2 6th Place: Lavender +1 7th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (up): Licorice 53 2nd (down): Eucomyth 52 3rd (unch.): Daisy 47 4th (unch.): Lupinus 27 5th (unch.): Cosmos 25 6th (unch.): Miltonia 13 7th (unch.): Sylvia 10 8th (unch.): Moraea 5 9th (up): Lavender 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Eucomyth @On Kyoko @Using Temporal Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She may be new to the game, but she's got powerful magic. How do you stop someone who can stop time itself? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Liliac @On Karin @Trainee in Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As a trainee Lilac has no magic yet. Let's hope she eventually makes good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The final match will be the day after tomorrow.Racers in the F-3.14 MGP are as follows: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Moraea @On Natsuki @Using Summoning Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I've never seen her summon anything, though, so I don't rightly know just what this means.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |||||||||||||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'Lupinus @On Maho @Using Illusion Magic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lupinus's new machine Maho sure seems more powerful than its predecessor but you can't necessarily tell for sure at a quick glance. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's all for today. The final match will be the day after tomorrow.The results of the final F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Even if Daisy managed to win this race she could not have won the championship if either Eucomyth or Licorice came in second. So this final race--as with so many others this season--came down to a contest between Eucomyth and Licorice. Eucomyth ran the field at her own pace up until the final stretch when Licorice used her spatial inversion magic. Eucomyth anticipated that spell and blocked it easily. Licorice wasted no time in doing it again, something that Eucomyth apparently hadn't expected because she was nailed by it--a direct hit--resulting in Licorice winning the race and her second championship title in a row. Our go congratulations go out to her. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ For now we have the top three racers. We'll post the full results tomorrow. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice 2nd Place: Eucomyth 3rd Place: DaisyThe results of the final F-3.14 MGP Race are: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yesterday's Race Results: 1st Place: Licorice +10 2nd Place: Eucomyth +6 3rd Place: Daisy +4 4th Place: Cosmos +3 5th Place: Miltonia +2 6th Place: Lupinus +1 7th Place: Moraea 8th Place: Lilac @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Point Standings: 1st (unch.): Licorice 63 2nd (unch.): Eucomyth 58 3rd (unch.): Daisy 51 4th (unch.): Lupinus 28 4th (up): Cosmos 28 6th (unch.): Miltonia 15 7th (unch.): Sylvia 10 8th (unch.): Moraea 5 9th (unch.): Lavender 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ And there you have it.RIFF SCR CODE,(####!#!-#9!0#!#5#7###!!!!"!?"%!8$ ##!!!"!?"%!8$!#9!0#!"#9!0#!"$####!)u###!=!#!$##!#!$##!#!$##$z###!=!# !$##!# !$##!# !$##$z###!=f!# !$##k!# !$##k!#!$##kk$zz$ #"!#!7#!-#:!0#!"#d####%#!-#8!0#!"%#"!#!7#!-#9!0#!"%%$#9#;##O#Q# #k#m#~#!"####8!0#!"#d###:!0#!""#!?#:!0#!9#!"!@####9!0#!"!!#d@#B#e#"!#b!I"J!7#Zy#{##"!#J!I"!7#P###"!#K!I"!7#F###"!#L!I"!7#<$#&#I#"!#M!I"!7#2]#_##"!#Y!I"!7#(###"!#!I#x!7####"!#!I#x!7###*#"!#!I#x!7# >#@#c#"!"!H#x!7#w#y##"!###!="!H#J!H$##5#7##8!0##!!!!"!?"m!8$# #9!0##!!!"!?"m!8$###>!### !=#!9#!$####!%##u!#!-#9!0##!9####!%####$!### !=#!9#!9#!$###L!#!-#9!0#!"B4##9##99$Gn##s##s##ss$G######$G######$G##!##!##!!$GV##[##[##[[$G######$ G######$ G## ## ##  $ G3##8##88$ GG$ !#!-#9!0#!"####$######$ ######$C##H##H##HH$}######$######$######$+##0##0##00$e##j##j##jj$####$$+#"!#9!0# !"#d####0#8!0# !"0#"!#:!0# !"00$#D#F##Z#\# #v#x## !" ####8!0# !" #d###9!0#!""#!? #9!0#!9#!"!@### #9!0#!"!!#dK#M#p#"!#T!I"J!7 #Z###"!#3!I"!7 #P###"!#4!I"!7 #F## #"!#6!I#x!7 #<. #0 #R #"!#7!I#x!7 #2f #h # #"!#_!I#x!7 #( # # #"!#Z!I#x!7 # # # #"!#V!I#x!7 # # #2 #"!#[!I#x!7 #F #H #j #"!#\!I#x!7 #~ # # #"!#]!I#x!7 #  # # #"!#F!H#x!7 # # #E #"!###!=4 "!H9 #J!H9 9 $##!?!!! JUMP p@HPX`hp xbbbb| $$$$$$$$ $ HS^^^^^^^ ^           00000;FFF F jjjjjju       # >x&`  z      (33333 3 WWWWbmmmm m       ????????J U yyyyyyyyy  pM5 o  # f r ~       STR ' 6=E:Vw3WThat's it for today. Bye now.This is a New Year's game show. First I'll show you a number, then you guess whether the next number will be higher or lower. Got it?&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&Compared to &, the next number will be:LargerSmaller%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%The first number was &, and the second was %. You chose "Larger," so...The first number was &, and the second was %. You chose "Smaller," so...Correct!  Once more, now.Same number!  Once more, now. Incorrect!  Sorry, game over... Bye now. You only won once. Bye now. Wow! I can't believe you've won over 100 times in a row!I'm impressed! You've won % times in a row!I'll give you this as a reward. I was going to give you something as a reward, but your hands are full.  Too bad but you'll have to wait until next time.... RIFFSCR CODELH##!;##!;##!;##!;#!># !#!>(##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-## !-## !-## !-## !-## !-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-##!-## !-##!!--$ #!># !##"!# !###!# !##$!# !##%!# !##&!# !##'!# !##(!#!##)!#!##*!#!##+!#!##,!#!##-!#!##.!#!##/!#!##0!#!##1!#!##2!#!##3!#!##4!#!##5!#!##6!#!##7!#!##8!#!##9!#!##:!#!##;!#!##!#!##?!$  $!!!A"!?"%!8FFF$ JUMP\ CScs #3CScs>Ul   $ ; Ri !8Of}020277STR @#8GzqV a4 #&),/Y3@7:=@C GJMkPSV1ZO]`cwgjn8rvyz&|e}~YG5}0d/@Harvest TheaterFairy and Me To Be Continued...@@@@@@@ HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME ENCORE (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 1: A Summer's Day (( (( Thanks to the work of Mechabot Ultror, the mysterious space creature Phlogiston has been defeated and peace returns to planet Earth. However, this peace proved somewhat short-lived..." (( (( Trouble arose one day when the four members of the Mechabot Ultror team -- Red, Blue, Yellow and Green -- arrived at the pool to hang out and swim. "Aaagh!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Yellow let out a sudden scream. Red rushed to her aid only to see... a sight that will be revealed next week! Next Time: Episode 2: A New Menace (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 2: A New Menace (( (( "Aaagh!" Yellow let out a sudden scream. The others turned round to see her foundering and thrashing about in the water. What's the matter?" yelled Red as he rushed over to see what was happening. (( As he stared into the water, he made out what looked like a sort of white mist around Yellow's ankles. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Trying to help Yellow, Red touched the white mist, and discovered an unpleasant surprise... (( (( Next Time: Episode 3: White Terror (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: When you're watching TV, keep the room well lit, and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 3: White Terror (( (( "What IS this?" screeched Yellow, feeling her feet being tugged by the white mist-like substance. (( Despite himself, Red froze for a moment but seeing Yellow's struggle he hurried to her side. But as soon as he touched the white mist, he found himself flung toward the pool edge with a yelp of alarm. (( (( To be continued... (( (( A strange light enveloped Red's body and his true strength released! (( (( Next Time: Episode 4: Transformation (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 4: Transformation (( (( As soon as he touched the white mist, Red found himself flung back to the side of the pool. He examined his right hand--the one he used to touch the white mist-- and uttered a gasp. It was covered with cuts and scratches. "OK", he yelled, "if we can't fight this with our bare hands, it's time to put on the Ultror suits. Ultror Transform!!! A burst of sparkling light enveloped Red's body. When he emerged he was encased in a full suit of red armor. (( "Red Ultror ready to go!" he yelled. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Now that Red has transformed into Red Ultror, will he be able to rescue Yellow?" (( (( Next Time: Episode 5: Beyond Capability (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 5: Beyond Capability (( (( "Red Ultror ready to go!" yelled the just-transformed Red, hurling himself at the white mist once again. Fizzzzzzzzzzz.......... "Ooof!" The mist was painful to the touch, but this time it didn't fling Red Ultror all the way to the side of the pool like last time. "OK, let's get this off.." With a few grunts of exertion, Ultror Red tugged the white mist this way and that, trying to free Yellow's ankles. Slowly but surely the mist peeled away and Yellow was almost free. (( (( To be continued... (( (( After a long struggle, Red managed to rescue Yellow but their troubles are not over yet... c@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (( (( Next Time: Episode 6: Rescue (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 6: Rescue (( (( Little by little, slowly but surely, the white mist pulled away from Yellow's legs. Ultror Red tugged harder, grunting with the strain. At last the mist came loose and Yellow was free! Ultror Red carried her to the side of the pool. "Yellow! Are you OK?" Blue and Green crowded round and gazed at her in concern... (( (( To be continued... (( (( With Yellow rescued, the Ultror Team breathed a sigh of relief. However... (( (( Next Time: Episode 7: Rescued (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 7: Rescued (( (( "Yellow! Are you OK?" "I swallowed some water", she spluttered. She looked shaken, but she could talk so she must have been all right. "Hey, Red", asked Blue. "Why did you need to put your Ultror "suit on just to save Yellow from drowning?""I was wondering the same thing", added Green. "Well...I saw that white mist stuff around Yellow's feet.. and then as soon as I touched it, my hand was all cut up..." (( (( To be continued... (( (( Why did the white mist attack Yellow? Find out in the next episode. (( (( Next Time: Episode 8: Second Strike (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 8: Second Strike (( (( "As soon as I touched it, my hand was all cut up..." But there aren't any cuts on Yellow's legs... " "That's true. What on earth is going on here...? Why did Yellow get attacked? And what is that white misty thing?" "Aaagh!" "Eeek!" Some girls swimming in the pool shrieked. "Oh no! Is it the mist again?" (( (( To be continued... (( (( "Blue, Yellow, Green, you'd better transform as well, so we can save those girls!" (( (( Next Time: Episode 9: A Little Help From My Friends (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 9: A Little Help From My Friends (( (( The girls' shrieks became increasingly desperate. "OK, guys, we're going to rescue those girls!" commanded Red. The others all nodded. "Yellow, you stay here and rest!" "No way! I'm fine, and I'm a member of the Ultror Team too!" "...OK then. Everybody, here we go, transform! "Go, go go! Ultror Transform!" they yelled in unison. There was a sudden flash and all three were enveloped in bright light. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Now that they've donned their Ultror suits, will the four save the drowning girls?" (( (( Next Time: Episode 10: Light Warriors (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 10: Light Warriors (( (( A sudden flash and the four are enveloped in bright light. Out of the light emerged Blue, Yellow and Green, each in battle dress of the appropriate color. "OK, let's do it!", yelled Red, and the four Ultror-suited friends jumped into the pool and rushed to the aid of the drowning girls. (( (( To be continued... (( (( In the pool there was plenty of white mist waiting for them.... (( (( Next Time: Episode 11: Another White Shock (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 11: More White Terror (( (( As the four leapt into the pool and rushed towards the struggling girls, they saw the dreaded white mist around the teens' feet. "Gnnh! Ooooooof!" Panting, they tugged at the mist until it seeped away from the victims' feet. They carried each girl to the side of the pool. The rescue took only a few seconds. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Thanks to the four Ultrors, the girls were saved from drowning. However... (( (( Next Time: Episode 12: Disaster (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 12: Disaster (( (( "There...did we save them all?" "Yes, that's everyone. They're all unconscious, though." "But... what IS that white mist thing?" "Well, what does it matter what it is? We saved everyone who was drowning. Whatever it is, I think we got rid it." But even as Yellow spoke a strange gurgling noise filled the air. The water in the pool started spinning like a whirlpool and then, in defiance of the law of gravity, it rose skyward... (( (( To be continued... (( (( Spiraling up into the sky, the pool water changed into white mist... (( (( Next Time: Episode 13: The Sky Overshadowed (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 13: The Sky Overshadowed (( (( Gurgling and hissing, the spiraling pool water evaporated into a mysterious white mist. "You think the white mist took over all the water from the pool?" "Or maybe the white mist turned itself into pool water in the first place?" "Well, whichever it was, hadn't we better defeat it somehow?" "Absolutely!" During the conversation the white mist expanded steadily, spreading above the entire pool. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Confronting a powerful enemy, the four friends decided to call up the Ultror Robots. (( (( Next Time: Episode 14: "Ultror Robots! Come To Our Aid!"" Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 14:"Ultror Robots! Come To Our Aid!"" (( (( Gurgling wildly, the white mist extends over the entire pool. "If we're going to take on something that size, we'd better call up the Ultror Robots." "Agreed. OK, everybody, let's summon them!" "Ultror Robots! Come to our Aid", yelled the four in unison. (( (( To be continued... (( (( After the four step inside their robots, the real battle began... (( (( Next Time: Episode 15: Ultror Robots In Action Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 15: Ultror Robots In Action (( (( "Ultror Robots! Come To Our Aid! (The Ultror Robot Launch theme tune plays) (( Whoosh! The Red, Blue, Yellow and Green robots swooped down from the sky. Flamp! They landed on the ground. In moments each of the four friends climbed into their own robot. "Let's go!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( The battle began. But the Ultror Robot attack did not prove effective... (( (( Next Time: Episode 16: The Beginning Of A Fight To The End (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 16: The Beginning Of A Fight To The End (( (( "Let's go!" PowPowPowPow! Bopp! "Aargh!" Ultror Robot 1 (Red's robot), leaped onto the white mist but was easily batted away. "Ugh, so that's how it is.." Even when it was small, this thing covered my hand with cuts and scratches as soon as I touched it...so now that it's huge not even an Ultror Robot can make a dent I guess." "Well, then, there's only one thing to do..." "OK, let's merge!" "Here we go!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( The Ultrors were about to merge to form Invincible Mechabot Ultror. Will this help them defeat the colossal white mist? Or is this the final defeat? (( (( Next Time: Episode 17: Mega-Mechamerge! (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 17: Mega-Mechamerge! (( (( "OK everybody, merge!" "Here we go!" (The Megamerge theme tune plays) Robots 1, 2 and 3 disassembled and morphed. Robot 1 morphed into the head and torso! Robot 2 morphed into the arms and hands! Robot 3 morphed into the legs and feet! With a clunk and a shout of "Mechamerge!" Robot 4 also disassembled and morphed. (The Invincible Mechabot Ultror theme tune plays) The morphing Robot 4 merged with the rest to make Mechabot Ultror's head and limbs bigger and more powerful. Clank! Whirr! "Mega-Mechamerge complete! Invincible Mechabot Ultror!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Will the colossal white mist be a target for the Invincible Ultror Slash? (( (( Next Time: Episode 18: Sword of Light (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 18: Sword of Light (( (( "Mega-Mechamerge Complete! Invincible Mechabot Ultror!" (( (( With that, the invincible one raised its left hand aloft and another shout echoed across the pool: Invincible Ultror Blade!" In an instant response, Mechabot Ultror's raised left hand was enveloped in bright light and morphed into a sword! "Take that! Here comes the Invincible Ultror Slash!" Thwick! Thwack! .....Doynnngg! (( (( To be continued... (( (( If this enemy can withstand the Invincible Ultror Slash, how on earth can the Ultror team defeat it? (( (( Next Time: Episode 19: At The Brink Of Despair (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 19: At The Brink Of Despair (( (( "Take that! Here comes the Invincible Ultror Slash!" Thwick! Thwack! .....Doynnngg! Doyoyoing! "What?" Alas, even the Invincible Ultror Blade was deflected! "Oh no, not even that works...what on earth are we going to do?" Sure enough, the team's ultimate weapon proved useless. How could they defeat the colossal white mist? (( (( To be continued... (( (( Infuriated, Red tried to slam the white mist, and then.... (( (( Next Time: Episode 20: A Way To Win? (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 20: A Way to Win? (( (( "Let's try that again! "Take that! Here comes the Invincible Ultror Slash!" Thwick! Thwack! .....Doynnngg! Doyoyoing! "Oh, no, it's done it again! Well, let's do it as many times as it takes! Take that! Here comes-" "Red, wait!" "Blue? What is it?" "Well, it's just an idea, but there IS something that might just work." "There is?" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Blue devised a cunning new plan to defeat the colossal white mist. What could it be? (( (( Next Time: Episode 21: Weak Point (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 21: Weak Point (( (( "There IS something that might just work." "There is?" "Yes. Remember when Yellow was attacked in the beginning? When Red grabbed it his hand was all scratched up. But it didn't leave a single mark on Yellow's ankles." "So you're saying that if we hit it from the inside, we'll be OK?" "Exactly. But there's a problem. (( (( To be continued... (( (( What was the problem Blue was worried about? How will they solve it? (( (( Next Time: Episode 22: The Problem (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 22: The Problem (( (( "But there's a problem. First, we have to think of a way to get inside." "Mmmm..., yes, that's a concern..." "And then even if we manage to get inside and do enough damage to put it out of action, how do we get out again? That's another problem." "Okay.. so we have no shortage of problems." "But right now our focus is on finding a way to get inside that thing! "You're right. OK, everybody let's think of a way to get inside the growing colossal white mist." "I got it!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Did Yellow think of something? What is her bright idea? (( (( Next Time: Episode 23: The Common Denominator (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 23: The Commmon Denominator (( (( The four friends racked their brains to find a way to get inside the white mist. "I have an idea." "OK Yellow, what is it? "After me all the others who were attacked were girls, right? "..True! It looks like the white mist is only interested in girls. I was in the pool and there were other guys in there too, but it picked on girls every time. But that doesn't help us get inside... Ah! Of course!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( With Yellow acting as bait, the four friends attempted to get inside the growing white mist! (( (( Next Time: Episode 24: The Decision (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 24: The Decision (( (( "Of course! Yellow acts as bait, and we all get inside that way.. right? Yellow swallowed hard, then nodded in agreement. "We shouldn't put Yellow in such a dangerous situation!" "But what other way is there?" "But... Ah, what's the use saying anything? Whatever Yellow says you won't even listen to her. OK, let's hear your alternative plan, then." (( (( To be continued... (( (( It was a risky plan, but Yellow was willing to take the chance... (( (( Next Time: Episode 25: Battle (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 25: The Battle (( "OK, first we separate and I (Robot 3) wait around near the white mist and just when it pounces on me, Robots 1, 2 and 4 slip in from the side. Robot 2 is the slowest so maybe Robot 3 could pull him in and then we merge inside the mist. We'll use Invincible Mechabot Ultror from the inside to slice and dice that evil thing!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Red agreed with Yellow's plan but Blue disagreed. (( (( Next Time: Episode 26: Showdown (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 26: Showdown (( (( "..OK, Great. Let's do it!" "Just a minute, Red! Are we really going to let Yellow put herself in that much danger?" "I don't like it any more than you do, but if we're going to defeat the white mist what else can we do?" "Well Red, I have to admit that it was me who said we might be able to defeat the mist if we got inside. But even if we do get inside, there's no guarantee that we WILL defeat it!" "But we will...for sure!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( So began the battle to get inside the economy- sized white mist. (( (( Next Time: Episode 27: Insider Trick (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 27: Insider Trick (( (( "We WILL defeat it, for sure!" "Well OK, we're agreed, then. Shall we disconnect?" "OK. But take care Yellow, and don't be any braver than you need to be." "Right. Thanks." With a few clanks and whirrs, Invincible Mechabot Ultror disassembled and Robot 3 edged closer to the white mist. In seconds the white mist pounced on the Yellow Robot. "Everybody! Now!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Will Robots 2 and 3 manage to get inside the towering white mist before its mouth (or whatever) closes? (( (( Next Time: Episode 28: Hurry! (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 28: Hurry! (( (( "Everybody! Now!" Robots 1, 2 and 4 appeared behind the Yellow Robot, and hurled themselves into (what they assume to be) the mouth of the white mist creature. "Yellow, get inside as well!" Robot 2 grabbed Robot 3. Just then the white mist's mouth closed shut with Robots 1 and 4 inside. "You two! Hurry!" "Get in before it closes!" Even as he spoke the mist's mouth shut. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Inside the white mist's closed mouth Red checked to see that everyone was OK. (( (( Next Time: Episode 29: Completely In The Dark (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 29: Completely In The Dark (( (( "You two! Hurry!" "Get in before it closes!" Even as Red spoke, the white mist's mouth shut. It was dark inside the firmly-closed mouth of the creature and the team couldn't see one another. "Is everyone OK?" asks Red. "Yeah, I'm OK.", replies Green. "And me", says Blue. "I..er...I think it ate my foot..." says Yellow, uncertainly. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Part of Robot 3's foot was devoured! The Ultror team literally risked life and limb..." (( (( Next Time: Episode 30: Merge Mayhem! (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 30: Merge Mayhem! (( (( "I ...er...I think it ate my foot", said Yellow. "Wh.. Well, you don't sound like you're in agony... "Yeah, it's just the right foot part of my robot. The bits that were airborne seem okay, though." Well then, let's merge right away and defeat this thing, so we can get out of this darkness." "Here we go!" (The short version of the Invincible Mechabot Ultror theme tune plays.) "Mega-Mechamerge! Invincible Mechabot Ultror! (( (( To be continued... (( (( Will an inside attack on the white mist have an outside chance of success? (( (( Next Time: Episode 31: Striking Home (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 31: Striking Home (( (( The giant robot's left arm rose with the shout of "Invincible Mechabot Ultror Blade!". The hand was enveloped in bright light. "Here we go!" Invincible Mechabot Ultror swung the blade down toward the inside of the white mist creature. Shhhhhhhhhhhh...thwock!! An indescribable noise filled the air as the white mist creature bellowed a howl of distress. "Great! That struck home!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Can our intrepid team find an easy way out of the struggling white mist creature? (( (( Next Time: Episode 32: Victory In Sight? (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 32: Victory In Sight? (( (( "Great! That struck home! It's gonna work, Blue! I told you!" "Right, now all we need to do is to use the Invincible Mechabot Ultror Slash to cut this thing clean in two from the inside." "Hang on, never mind this stuff about cutting it in two. What I need to know is, are we going to be able to get out again?" "Yeah, I think we'll be fine. We seem to be inflicting serious damage on this thing. If we use the Blade we should be able to cut our way out. But there's one thing bothering me... (( (( To be continued... (( (( What was worrying Blue? (( (( Next Time: Episode 33: "It's All My Fault" (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 33: "It's All My Fault" (( (( "And what is it that's worrying you?" "The foot issue." "The foot issue? Oh, yeah. "The creature ate Yellow's robot foot. When we merged there wasn't quite enough for the foot." "Because of the damaged foot, the Invincible Mechabot Ultror Slash won't be at full power. That might make it difficult for us to get out of here." "Oh! I'm sorry! It's all my fault!" sobbed Yellow, hiding her face. "Because of me we're all stuck in here forever..!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( Red, Blue and Green all tried to reassure crying Yellow. (( (( Next Time: Episode 34: You've Got To Have Faith! (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 34: You've Got To Have Faith! (( (( Yellow continued to sob. "Don't cry, Yellow. I only said it worried me. But with Invincible Mechabot Ultror's speed and power we're bound to be OK." "That's right, Yellow! It would take more than a missing foot to put Invincible Mechabot Ultror off its aim!" "Come on, Yellow! you've got to have faith in Invincible Mechabot Ultror. Does the word 'Invincible' mean anything to you?" After a brief moment Yellow stopped crying and brightened up. "You guys are right. We've all got to have faith in each other!" (( (( To be continued... (( (( The four friends pulled together to mount a second attack on the white mist creature. (( (( Next Time: Episode 35: One More Time (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 35: One More Time (( (( "I believe in us all!", smiled Yellow. "OK everyone, get ready!" urged Red. "Take that! Here comes the Invincible Ultror Slash!" Thwick! Thwack! A terrible roar echoed as the white mist creature released a cry of agony. But the cut was not big enough to let the four friends outside again. "One more time!" grunted Red. "Invincible Ultror Slash!" The blade zipped through the air and ripped through the churning white mist creature. It roared again. (( (( To be continued... (( (( Invincible Mechabot Ultror finally slashed its way out... (( (( Next Time: Episode 36: Once And For All (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 36: Once And For All (( (( The white mist creature gave a deafening roar, and suddenly a chink of light appeared. "We've done it! I can see daylight! Mist creature, take that! And that!" With the Invincible Ultror Blade in hand, the giant robot set about the white mist creature with renewed vigor. More loud ripping, rending and roaring echoed about and then the mist monster broke clean in two as the Invincible Mechabot Ultror leapt out. There was a flash and a fizzing noise as the white mist creature's remains exploded. (( (( To be continued... (( (( The battle was over and the friends set off for fresh fields and distant horizons... (( (( Next Time: Episode 37: Tomorrow Is Another Day (( Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( MECHABOT ULTROR SUMMERTIME (ENCORE) (( (( Reminder: While watching TV, keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 37: Tomorrow is Another Day (( (( The white mist creature exploded, leaving no trace behind. (( "I guess that's the end of that." "But what on earth WAS that thing?" "Yeah, we fought it and killed it without knowing anything about it." "Whatever it was, it was evil! Ruining our summer vacation like that." "I guess. Well, anyway, we defeated the white mist creature and there's still some summer vacation left, so things turned out well in the end, wouldn't you say? How about we all come back to the pool tomorrow?" "Tragically, the pool's out of the question..." "Why?" Looking in the direction indicated, the others noticed the wrecked pool and heaps of rubble, results of the recent explosion. They stared in silence for a moment. "Well then, let's all go to the beach tomorrow! (( The next day finds our four friends having the time of their lives in the ocean surf . (( (( The End HARVEST THEATER (( (( Our program schedule follows: (( (( From the 1st of Spring until the 7th of Summer: 'MECHABOT ULTROR: SUMMERTIME' (( (( From Summer 9th to Summer 30th: 'FAIRY AND ME' (( (( From the 1st of Fall until the 7th of Winter: 'MECHABOT ULTROR: SUMMERTIME' (( (( Winter 9th until the 30th: 'FAIRY AND ME'" (( (( 'FAIRY AND ME' starts tomorrow. Don't miss it! HARVEST THEATER (( (( @- FAIRY AND ME -@ (ENCORE) (( Prolog (( (( If you read this book to the end, you will be granted one wish, whatever that wish might be (( However, Only the pure of heart can ever find this book. (( And the book sleeps on a shelf in the school library... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 1 (( (( Right now, I'm in the school library...although -- even though I do really like reading books -- I haven't come in here to study.... That's Ellen Garner. She's the librarian. I come in here everyday because I want to meet her. (( But today, there was no sign of her in the library. Maybe the End-of-Day Meeting had gone late or something. (( I hadn't anything much to do, so I was browsing the shelves in a fairly random manner. Then, as if drawn by some mysterious force, I found myself picking out a a particular volume. The title was 'Fairy and Me'. (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 1 (( (( Right now I'm in the school library. I'm a library assistant so I handle lending, and do various other duties. Of course I like reading and I don't hate studying that much either. (( But today I've got the whole library to myself. There's nothing much to do so I'm browsing the shelves kind of randomly. (Huh? I never knew we had this book...?) I pick it up to take a look and the title is 'Fairy and Me'. (( (( To be continued... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - HE SAID (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 2 (( As if drawn by some unknown force, I found myself taking out a particular book. 'Fairy and Me' was the title."Well, since I've gone to the trouble of taking it off the shelf', I thought, "I might as well take a look inside." (( The words on the page jarred me from my boredom. (( ('So I can have any wish granted...? Just by reading this book, I can have anything I wish for, just like that..? Well, if I can really have anything I wish for, I wish I was going out with Ellen. "Er, can you see that book?", said a voice right beside me. (I was too startled to say anything.) (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 2 (( (( I didn't remember seeing this book before. ('Fairy and Me', eh? Well, since I've gone to the trouble of taking it off the shelf', I might as well take a look" inside." I read....and read.... (( (So I can have a wish come true? Just by reading this book, I can wish for anything I want, and have my wish granted?" Well, if that's the case, I wish I had a nice kind boyfriend... Well, I'd better read to the end of the book first.) (( I read.... and I read.... (( And eventually I came to the very end. (( (( To be continued... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 3 (( Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. I turned round with a start and there was Ellen... "Oh, sorry...I didn't mean to startle you...", she said. I was too flustered to reply. "Er, can you see that book?" Again, I was unable to get any words out. She repeated the question. For a moment I couldn't think what she could mean. then I remembered the passage at the beginning of the book: 'Only the pure of heart can ever find this book.' That must be what she meant! "You mean that stuff about the pure of heart?" She giggled. (At that moment, I noticed for the first time that Ellen was smiling..) (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 3 (( (( As soon as I finished the last page I heard chimes. It was weird. Almost as if the chimes had been waiting until I'd finished the book. (( BING! BONG! "SCHOOL IS NOW CLOSING FOR THE DAY. ANYONE STILL IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING MUST NOW LEAVE FOR HOME. I REPEAT, SCHOOL IS NOW CLOSING.... (What? Is it that time already? Well, I'd better lock up and head home...) (( As soon as I changed into my outdoor shoes and stepped out of the door I saw the tumbling snowflakes. (Oh, it's been snowing. It's going to be freezing cold on the way back.) (( (( To be continued... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 4 (( "Thank goodness you know what I'm talking about.. So you've read that book as well?" She held her head slightly to one side. (I'd taken it from the shelf absent-mindedly and I'd only read a bit... but having started, I thought I might as well go on reading it.) "Since you'd started it, you thought you might as well go ahead and finish it," right?" I looked at her in surprise. "You're wondering how I knew, aren't you? I can see it in your face. Well, I've been here watching you ever since you opened the book. You never even noticed I was there, you got so engrossed in it. So I thought, if you had never read the book, you would probably want to read it now." (I see...) (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 4 (( (( On my way home from school that day I heard a voice coming from the direction of the park. Wondering what was going on, I looked around to see a white puppy in a cardboard box, apparently abandoned, and a man crouching next to the puppy talking to it. "Poor thing", he said. "But they don't allow pets in my apartment block, so I can't take you home. Sorry. But I could buy you some milk! Wait a minute, I'll be back..." With that, he hurried off to the nearby convenience store. "What a nice guy..." I thought to myself, and before I knew it I was standing in front of the abandoned puppy. (( (( To be continued... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 5 (( (( "So, what are you going to do about it? I wondered what she meant. "What I mean is, you have two options: borrow it and read it at home or come here everyday to read it." ("Hang on a minute", I thought to myself. "I never actually said anything about intending to read it.") "But you are going to read it, aren't you? If you're going to borrow the book, you just take out the card that's in here (here she showed me the card pocket inside the front cover) and write your name and class on it, and hand it to me(( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 5 (( Seeing that the puppy's head was collecting a dusting of snow, I started to feel sorry for it myself. ("You poor little thing. it's cold out here.") Absent-mindedly I picked up the puppy and held it close to me, brushing the snow off its head... I took off my scarf and and wrapped it loosely around the puppy. Then I took it home with me. When I got home, I remembered the man who had gone to buy it milk. ("Oh, dear, what's he going to think...? I'll be back in a minute, puppy. You stay here. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 6 (( (( I took the card out, wrote my class and my name on it and handed it to Ellen. "OK, that's fine. You can borrow it for up to 10 days. Don't forget to return it by then." (( BING! BONG! "SCHOOL IS NOW CLOSING FOR THE DAY. ANYONE STILL IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING MUST NOW LEAVE FOR HOME. I REPEAT, SCHOOL IS NOW CLOSING....(( "Oh", she said, "Is it that time already? Sorry, I have to lock up and so on, so I'll have to ask you to leave" I nodded and turned towards the door. She spoke again. "Goodbye. I hope your wish comes true..." (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 6@@@@@@@@ (( When I got back to the park, the man was just leaving. ("Ah, it's him", I thought. "I wonder if he's on his way home.") Before I knew it, I found myself following him. (( Eventually he arrived at what was presumably his apartment. ("So this is where he lives, huh? Hmmm, I wish I had a boyfriend as nice as him...") Then, despite my interest in the man, I remembered the puppy at home, and set off back to my own place. I found the puppy asleep. No doubt the warmth had made it drowsy. I wondered what I should give it to eat when it woke up. (( ..Two or three days later, the puppy was looking very fit and healthy. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 7 (( "Goodbye", she said. "I hope your wish comes true." I remembered how the book said if I read it all the way through I could have a wish granted. But... Still, Ellen had actually talked to me and she didn't seem to dislike me at least. Regardless of whether my wish was going to be granted or not, I was glad just to have had the chance to talk to her. I waved goodbye to Ellen and stepped out of the library. (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 7 (( (( When the puppy was fit and healthy... Something new happened. That guy turned up in the library! ("Oh no...but then there's no reason why he should know who I am...unless.. unless he caught me following him that time. Aaggh! Oh no!" I thought, secretly, as I went about my work (I was replacing returned books to the appropriate places on the shelves. (( At a suitable juncture in my work I glanced at the guy, and he seemed to be studying some book. It didn't look as if he was going to ask me anything, so I breathed a sigh of relief. (( However, from that day on, the guy started coming to the library everyday. So, he was kind AND studious....I found myself liking him more and more. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 8 (( As I changed into my outdoor shoes at the door I noticed all the falling snow. I thought to myself that it had also been a snowy day when I first saw Ellen ... (( [Flashback begins] That day as I walked home from school, I heard a voice coming from the park. I went to look and found a white puppy, apparently abandoned, in a carboard box. I felt sorry for the poor little thing but since pets aren't allowed in my apartment block, I couldn't take it home. Thinking that I could at least give it something to eat, I went off to a nearby convenience store to buy it some milk. But when I got back, there was a woman standing beside the cardboard box. It was Ellen . (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 8 (( (( It was all very well that I had come to like this guy, but a long time passed before I had a chance to talk to him... (( One day, a meeting ran late and I was slow returning to the library. When I walked in that guy was standing alone by one of the shelves, looking at a book. The book was 'Fairy and Me'. He seemed engrossed in it, so I walked a little bit closer. I was right beside him and he hadn't even noticed. ("Aha", I thought, "here's my chance to talk to him. I'll try a remark about that book..") And then... Taking my courage in both hands, I spoke to him. "Er, can you see that book?" (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 9 (( (( The woman standing beside the cardboard box looked vaguely familiar (she had her back to me, of course), and I wondered if it was someone from my school. "You poor little thing", she said. "It's cold out here." She picked up the puppy and held it close, brushing the snow off its head. Then she took off her scarf and wrapped the puppy in it. And then she went home, taking the puppy with her. [Flashback ends] (( From my hidden vantage point behind a tree, I watched Ellen walk all the way home from the park. (( "Er...I think you forgot your umbrella.." (I was lost for words.) (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 9 (( He made no reply. (He looked startled, so I thought he might not have heard properly. "Come on", I told myself just to say it again.") "Er, can you see that book?" "You mean that stuff about the pure of heart?", he replied. ("Yesss!" I thought, "he understands!") Have you ever read the book?", I asked. He shook his head. (So he hadn't read it yet... but he had seemed to be very engrossed a moment ago, so I thought he must be intending to read it.) "Since you'd started it, you thought you might as well go ahead and finish it," I ventured. And basically I more or less forced him to borrow 'Fairy and Me'. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME@-@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 10@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ Suddenly I heard a voice behind me and when I turned round, there was Ellen. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I couldn't muster a reply. "Er, I think you forgot your umbrella..." She repeated the sentence. When I nodded, she said, "Um, would you mind sharing it with me as we walk along this road?" (Would I mind? I'd give my right arm...Did she really just ask me that? Yes, she did.) I nodded again and said, "It's just a small one, but you're very welcome to share it." I opened the umbrella and Ellen and I walked along side by side in the falling snow. (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 10 (( (( And then while I was telling him how long he could borrow the book for, the chimes went. BING! BONG! "SCHOOL IS NOW CLOSING FOR THE DAY. ANYONE STILL IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING MUST NOW LEAVE FOR HOME. I REPEAT, SCHOOL IS NOW CLOSING....(( "Oh no!", I thought. "Is it that time already? Just when I'd plucked up the courage to talk to him.." "Oh", I said, "Is it that time already? Sorry, I have to lock up and so on, so I'll have to ask you to leave" He nodded and headed for the door. "Goodbye", I said. "I hope your wish comes true." He waved goodbye in reply. (I congratulated myself on having managed to speak to him at last.) (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 11@@@@@ (( (( As we walked along in the snow, Ellen began to talk. "You know, this snowy day reminds me ... About a month ago when it was snowing like today, I found an abandoned puppy in that park and took it home with me. When I saw the poor thing shivering in a cardboard box, I just couldn't leave it there.... I found myself picking it up and carrying it home. It's got quite big now, but for the first two or three days it wouldn't eat anything, and it would hardly drink any milk ... I was really worried. Oh, here we are. This is your place, right? I'll say goodbye, then. And I hope your wish comes true." She dashed off without even giving me time to say goodbye. (Uh-oh.. That's weird. How did she know where I live?) (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 11 (( (( When I went to the shoe cabinet after locking up the library, I saw that it had started snowing. Then I noticed that guy standing in the doorway. (His umbrella was still in the stand. Had he forgotten it? Good! This was a second chance to talk to him.) ""Er, I think you forgot your umbrella...", I said. He looked startled, but made no reply. (Oh no! I'd made him jump again..) " I think you forgot your umbrella...", I repeated. He nodded. (Good. This gave me a chance to walk along with him.) "Um, would you mind sharing it with me as we walk along this road?" He nodded again. (Yay! I get to walk home with him!) "Sure. It's only a small one, but you're very welcome to share it." He and I set off along the road home, walking together beneath his umbrella. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 12 (( (( (Uh-oh.. That's weird. How did she know where I live?) She rushed away so quickly, she was already out of earshot. (( I thought it over while I was in the bath... I thought about it while I was eating dinner... But I couldn't figure out how Ellen knew where I lived. (Well, I guess it doesn't matter. It's not like I need to keep it a secret from her. In fact, it's a good thing she knows where my apartment is... Well, there's no point in puzzling over it any more. I'll put it to one side and concentrate on finishing that book.) So I got on with reading 'Fairy and Me'. (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME@-@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 12 (( (( He didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. We walked along in silence. (Hmm, this isn't getting us anywhere. I'd better say something... I know! I'll talk about the puppy I took home that day.) So I said, "You know, this reminds me... and started telling him how I took the puppy home. (( We walked along, talking about that (although I did most of the talking), and then a short while later, I saw the apartment building where he lived. (Oh no, we got here already...) (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME@-@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 13 (( RRRRRRRinngggggg... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRinnggg.... Rrp! I switched off the alarm clock. (Oh,no....morning already. Another day to get through.... I'd only managed to read about two-thirds of 'Fairy and Me' before going to bed last night. I would finish the rest after school today....) The chimes went, followed by the usual announcement that classes were over for the day. I decided to go over to the library. (( I was in the library, but there was no sign of Ellen. Another late- running End-of-Day Meeting? Anyway, I had 'Fairy and Me' to read, so I wouldn't be bored. (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( -FAIRY AND ME@-@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 13 (( (( (( "Oh, here we are. I'll say goodbye, then. And I hope your wish comes true." And with that, I ran off home. (( That night, I felt so happy and excited... I couldn't sleep a wink. (Which meant I was sleepy next day in class and I was held after class by the teacher.) So, after being chewed out for about half an hour, I escaped to the library. That guy was there, reading a book. (There he is again today, lost in a book. I'll see if I can get a bit nearer to him...) Just like the day before, I walked up until I was standing right beside him. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME@-@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 14 (( Blah blah blah..... I read further and further through 'Fairy and Me'.... (Finished!) Absentmindedly I had a good stretch. "Er...you finished it?" Startled, I made no reply. When I turned round surprised to hear a voice just behind me, who should I see but Ellen.. I still couldn't muster a reply. "Have you finished reading it?", she repeated. When I nodded, she said, "What did you think? Did you find it interesting?" I nodded again. "So...what was your wish?" (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 14 (( (( After a while, he closed the book and stretched. (Hah! Did he finished reading 'Fairy and Me'?) "Er, You finished reading it?", I asked. Startled, he said nothing. (Oh dear, I always seem to make him jump...) "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you jump. Er, have you finished reading it?" He nodded. "What did you think? Did you find it interesting?" He nodded again. (I wonder what he wished for. If he says he wished he could meet a cute girl, I could say "Well how about me?"...So I'd better take the plunge and ask him...) "So...what was your wish?") (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( FAIRY AND ME@@@@ HE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 15 (( (( "So...what was your wish?", she asked. (What do I do now? Should I go ahead and tell her? now's my chance to ask her for a date....but what if she turns me down ...oh no....ah, what the heck, I'll ask her and get it over with.) "I wished I was going out with you! "What?" Ellen blushed scarlet. "I want you to go out with me!" I was going to repeat it once more just in case, when she said, "OK! I'm glad your wish is going to come true!" (YESSSS!) (( (( To be continued... |||||||||||||| (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ SHE SAID... (ENCORE) (( (( Chapter 15 (( (( "I wished I was going out with you!" "What?" (WHAT? WHAT did he just say? He wished he was going out with me? Oh my gosh Oh my gosh...) "I want you to go out with me!" (He just said it again take a deep breath...good now just calm down... Oh, we both liked each other all along. I needn't have worried, oh, thank goodness. Oh, right. I have to answer now.) "OK! I'm glad your wish is going to come true!" (Yay!) (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME -@@@@ THE TWO OF THEM (ENCORE) (( (( And then... (( And then the two who read this book to the end each had their wish come true. (( (( The End (( (( The End HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - ENCORE (( (( This is the book the characters read throughout all of this story. So, what's it about? Let's take a look... (( (( Chapter 1@ (( (( A fairy girl meets a human boy. This happens when the boy is walking in the park. Having just finished a can of juice, he throws the can towards the trash bin but misses, hitting a flower blooming by the side of the bin. Then, unable to believe his eyes, he sees something underneath the flower. It's a tiny girl, about 10 centimeters tall with wings, looking just like a fairy. The can thrown by the boy broke the flower that had been the fairy's home. The fairy is homeless and bewildered. Feeling responsible for her plight, the boy tells her she can stay with him until she finds a new home. And that is how the boy and the fairy end up living together. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - ENCORE (( (( Chapter 2 (( (( One day when the fairy is playing around outdoors, it suddenly starts raining heavily. She flies home to the boy's house immediately, but ends up soaked to the skin... The fairy gives a tiny sneeze. She's running a temperature and takes to her bed while the boy does everything he can to nurse her back to health. Possibly due to his extra care, the next day finds the fairy's fever gone, and soon she's flying around again in the best of health. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - ENCORE (( (( Chapter 3 (( (( The fairy is touched by the way the boy looked after her so caringly, but she reminds herself that she can never form a lasting relationship with a human. Soon after these events, a girl at the boy's school tells him that she wants to go out with him. By chance, the fairy sees this interaction and resolves to move out of the boy's house. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - ENCORE (( (( Chapter 4 (( (( When the boy comes home later that day he expects the fairy to rush out and greet him noisily as usual. He is disappointed that she is gone. Assuming she has gone out somewhere to play, he does nothing about it. But when night falls and there is still no sign of her, he starts to worry, and goes out to look for her. (( (( To be continued ... HARVEST THEATER (( (( - FAIRY AND ME - ENCORE (( (( Chapter 5 (( (( The boy looks everywhere he can think of, but fails to find her. Racking his brain for answers, he wonders if she found a new home, but then ignores the idea, telling himself that if she had found a new home, she would have let him know. He realizes that although the fairy can be a nuisance, she occupies a special place in his heart. Setting off again to look for her, he goes to the park where he first met her. And there, beside the trash can, he sees a familiar sight... (( (( The End (( (( Tomorrow sees the start of a new series of 'MECHABOT ULTROR' Don't miss it!RIFF"SCR CODEhd##!;##!;##!;##!;#!>!#!>!##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&## !&## !&## !&## !&## !&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&## !&##!!&&$&#!>##"!!###!!##$!!##%!!##&!!##'!!##(!!##)!!##*!!##+!!##,!!##-!!##.!!##/!!##0!!##1!!##2!!##3!!##4!!##5!!##6!!##7!!##8!!##9!!##:!!##;!!##!!##?!!!$&#!>##@!##A!##B!##C!##D!##E!##F!##G!##H!##I!##J!##K!##L!##M!##N!##O!##P!##Q!##R!##S!##T!##U!##V!##W!##X!##Y!##Z!##[!##\!##]!$&#!>##^!##_!##`!##a!##b!##c!##d!##e!##f!##g!##h!##i!##j!##k!##l!##m!##n!##o!##p!##q!##r!##s!##t!##u!##v!##w!##x!##y!##z!##{!$&&$!!!^"!?"m!8ccc$ JUMP\ <L\l|  ,<L\l| 7GWgw     '7GWgw2BRbr     "2BRbr-=M]m}      -=M]m}0+&!::::TTSTR |)8LJ WOc t"G%W'),.02B58:<g?BEH2JLN2QS>U~WZ\_Vac#fnhjlnpruxz|~̓ψhҍ Θנs $'IL-H?w=G'4,D<+ZL  $Life on the FarmADVANCED Hey, Big Sis!@@@@@@@Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the wandering salesman, Won. Lately he's staying at Zack's house in Mineral Beach, where he's selling his wares. You can buy Seeds, Dog Training Tools or Jewels of Truth from him. Some of the Seeds he has they don't carry at the Supermarket. He also has Balls and Disks for Dogs. You can find books on those at the Library, I think. I'm not sure what Jewels of Truth are for, but I think you can get some- thing when you collect 9..." "I wonder what it is?..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me about controls!" "OK, first I'll teach you to move around on the Map Screen. Control Pad: ERun or Walk" "Why 'or', Sis?" "You can decide which the Control Pad does with the Movement Settings in the Diary in the Menu Window. Option 1 is Walk, and Option 2 is Run." "Then how do you perform the opposite action?" "With the R Button to: Run in Option 1, or Walk in Option 2." "I see! You can use the Control Pad to Walk and the R Button to Run, or the other way around!" "That's it!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "OK, here's more about moving around on the Map Screen." A Button: ETalk to people EExamine EPick up something EThrow something By the way, if you talk to someone while you hold an item, you'll give that item to the person." "You mean give a gift?" "Yes, but you can't give away animals or really important things like Baskets." "I see..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "OK, here's more about the A Button." You can examine things like signs or walls or bookshelves to see what they have in or on them, but sometimes you won't find anything. Also, you shouldn't examine when you're holding something." "Why not?" "Because if it turns out that there's nothing there, you'll end up throwing what you're holding!" "Ah, of course!" "And you can't pick up some things that are too heavy, like huge stones."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "OK, here's more about moving around on the Map Screen. Actually what I told you yesterday about using the A Button wasn't entirely complete. The A Button not only does things when you press it, but when you release it." "What do you mean?" "For instance, if you face a sign and examine it to read it, you won't actually see what it says until you release the A Button." "So you didn't tell the truth yesterday?" "I was just trying to make it easier for you to understand!" "Hmm..." "And if you hold the A Button down and press another button, it will have a different effect. We're out of time for today, though." Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about other controls while holding down the A Button, right? Hold down the A Button, then press the B Button to switch to the Tools and Items Screen, or press the L Button to switch Items you're holding." "What do you mean?" "After holding down the A Button and pressing the L Button, use the Control Pad or the L Button to switch what you're holding with something in your Rucksack. Of course, you can't put things like animals in your Rucksack!" "So you can switch Items you're holding on the Map Screen. That's useful. Do you have to hold down the A Button the whole time?"As long as you hold down either the A Button or the L Button, you'll be able to keep switching Items." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about other controls while holding down the A Button, right? " If you press the R Button while holding down the A Button, it will cancel the A Button, and you will return to walking or running." "You mean Option 1 or 2, which you choose in the Movement Settings in the Diary in the Menu Window, right?" "Yeah, where you can pick which controls to use for walking and which for running. I'll teach you something else tomorrow." "OK. Bye now."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "OK, here's more about moving around on the Map Screen. B Button: EUse equipped Item EPut away what you're holding Using equipped Items is is enough. You can't use anything if you're not holding it!" "Other than things like Seeds, Animal Medicine, and Cow and Sheep Miracle Potion, you can use a Tool as many times as you like, right?" "That's true, but you do use up your Stamina." "What does that mean?" "I'll explain that tomorrow!" "Ahhhh... Okay."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was explaining how using Tools expends Stamina, wasn't I? I think you should learn about the basic controls first." "That's no fair..." "Now back to putting things away with the B Button on the Map Screen. It doesn't matter what you have equipped, just what you're holding. Of course, you can't put some things in your Rucksack because they're too large. Also, your Rucksack can become full." "I see..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "OK, here's more about moving around on the Map Screen. Just as with the A Button, it's not pushing the B Button that activates it, but releasing it. You can do different things by pushing other buttons while holding down the B Button. For example, push the A Button while holding down the B Button to move to the Tools and Items Screen..." "Didn't you mention that for the A Button, too?" "Yes! Good memory! You can view the inside of your Rucksack by pushing both the A and B Buttons in whatever order you like." "I see!" "That's it for today."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about other controls while holding down the B Button, right? Press the L Button while holding down the B Button to switch Tools equipped." "Is that like switching Items with the A Button?" "Exactly! Use the Control Pad or the L Button to decide which Tool in your Rucksack you want to switch the current one with. As long as you hold down either the B Button or the L Button, you'll be able to keep switching Tools." "That's the same as with Items, too!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about other controls while holding down the B Button, right? " You can switch Tools by holding down the B Button and pressing the L Button, but not if you're holding something." "Why not?" "Because if it's food, you have to eat it!" "I see!" "If you press the R Button while holding down the B Button, it will cancel the B Button and you will return to walking or running." "That's the same as for the A Button, right?" "Right. Option 1 or 2, which you choose in the Movement Settings in the Diary in the Menu Window. That's it for the B Button, so I'll teach you about something else tomorrow." "OK. Bye bye."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "OK, here's more about moving around on the Map Screen. L Button: EWhistle You only Whistle when you release the L Button, not when you press it. Also if you just use the L Button, you'll call both your Dog and Horse to you. If you press the Control Pad Up or Left at the same time, though, you will only call your Dog. If you press the Control Pad Down or Right at the same time, you will only call your Horse." "I see..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the L Button." "It seemed difficult to whistle today..." "Remember, you can just use the L Button, but that will call both your Dog and Horse." "I guess you're right." "If you hold down the L Button and press the B Button, you can change Tools equipped. If you press the A Button instead, you can change Items..." "You taught me that before, right?" "Right. Finally, hold down the L Button and press START to view the Town Map, or SELECT to view the Farm Map." "What are those?" "I'll leave that for tomorrow!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about Map Screen controls." START EOpen the Menu Window Press START to open the Menu Window at the bottom of the screen. The icons displayed are (from the left): EDiary ETools and Items ETown Map EFarm Map EEarnings EMemo ETutorial I'll start from the first one: Diary. We're out of time now, though..." "Oh bummer!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more about controls!" "Today's lesson will be on the Menu Window. First, I'll explain about the Diary. ...But first I ought to explain the Menu Window Controls. All you do is move the cursor Left and Right with the Control Pad, switch to the selected screen with the A Button, or close the Menu Window with the B Button or START." "You don't use the other buttons?" "Nope! I'll explain about your diary tomorrow." "*Sigh* If you say so."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was telling you about the Diary in the Menu Window, right? The main purpose of the Diary is to save and load games." "What else?" "You can also change these: EMovement Settings EClock Display EName Display I explained Movement Setttings before. It's where you determine which buttons to use to walk and run. Clock Display determines whether or not the time and date is shown in the lower right hand corner when you are moving. Face and Name Display determines whether the name and face of the person you are talking to is shown in the Message Window.Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. Today I'll tell you about controls in the Diary from the Menu Window. First, move the Control Pad Up and Down to move the cursor up and down to pick a setting to change. Next, move the Control Pad Left and Right to change the settings. Press the B Button to close the Diary Window. Also, press the A Button to save or load when those are selected. That's about it for today." "OK."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be on the Tools and Items Screen. The Tools and Item Screen shows what you have in your Rucksack. You can also change what you're holding or equipped here. You can do this on the Map Screen too, so don't forget! This Screen is useful for checking your possessions." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be on the Tools and Items Screen controls. Basically... EControl Pad: Move cursor EA Button: Enter EB Button: Cancel EL/R Buttons: Move cursor between Tools and Items. "That's easy enough!" "That's because you're my super-smart brother!" "Ah... thanks, Sis!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be about the Town Map. On the Town Map Screen you can see a map of every- thing! Point your cursor at something to read an explanation below." "That sounds pretty simple." "Here's this then: The Control Pad moves the cursor and the B Button closes the Map Screen and returns you to the Menu Window. Press the L Button to move the cursor more slowly, and the R Button to move it more quickly. Got all that?" "I think so..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be on the Town Map. The Town Map also shows where you and your Dog are. Also, it will show the position of your Ball and Basket if you have them. You can use this to help you look for things you've lost. Remember that the map will only show you the approximate location, not exactly where it is. So you'll still have to do some searching on your own. Also, if it's in someone else's house, the map can't show you what floor your lost item is on." Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be on the Farm Map. The Farm Map Screen shows an overview of your farm. It's useful to look at when you forgot what you planted where, for instance." "That sounds pretty simple." "Then check this out: The Control Pad moves the cursor and the B Button closes the Map Screen and returns you to the Menu Window. Press the L Button to move the cursor more slowly, and the R Button to move it more quickly. Got all that?" "I think so..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be on the Farm Map. On the Farm Map you can see the location of all your animals inside your farm buildings: EYou, your Dog, your Ball, and Basket (if they're on the farm, that is) EChickens, Baby Chicks, Sheep, and Cows (if you have them) EHarvest Sprites (if they're working for you) That's about it." "Kewl Sis! I got it all."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be on your Earnings. The Earnings Screen is divided up into pages. The first one shows your name, how much gold you have, the number of your animals, bushels of Feed, and Lumber and your pet's affection rating. The next pages are animal list pages for Chickens, Cows, and Sheep, IF you have them." "So if have don't have Sheep, then there will be no Sheep page?" "Exactly."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be more on the Earnings Screen. Next page is the Harvest Sprites page. This page shows how much each Sprite likes you, how much their enthusiasm is for the job and whether each is doing a job for you or not. Job enthusiasm is shown on a gauge according to Watering, Harvest and Animal Husbandry tasks. The next page is your Income and Expenses. Income and Expenses for this month is at the very top. Below that is your daily Income and Expenses for the current season. At the very bottom is your Income and Expenses for the last 3 seasons. The last page shows the levels of all your Tools." "More tomorrow, right?" "Of course!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be more on the Earnings Screen. Like I said yesterday, the final page on the Earnings screen shows the levels of all your Tools in numbers and a gauge. When a tool gauge is full, a small picture of an Ore will appear below that Tool. That ore tells you what level the Tool can be upgraded to. Remember that you don't need to upgrade right away. You could wait to upgrade a Tool until it became ready for a Mystrile upgrade if you wanted to!" "Yeah, but that would take forever!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be more on the Earnings Screen. On the Tool Level List, there is a number to the right of each gauge. This percentage shows the experience level of the Tool. When it reaches 100%, the tool may be upgraded. To upgrade a Tool, bring it to the blacksmith. I'll tell you more about the features on this Screen tomorrow." "OK. Bye now."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be about features on the Earnings Screen. Flip pages with the Left and Right Control Pad, and scroll with the Up and Down Control Pad. Press the L Button with the Up and Down Control Pad to scroll more slowly, or the R Button to scroll more quickly." "I think I've seen instructions like these before..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be about the Memo Screen. The Memo helps you remember farming accomplishments: ENumber of shipments ENumber of Fish caught EOther There's one page for each." "That's all?" "It's more than it looks like at first glance. For instance, there are over 100 types of items to be shipped, and many kinds of Fish you can hook. The memo keeps track of each individually, but I'll explain more tomorrow." "OK."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson is about the Memo Screen itself. I was going to tell you more about the Memo Screen, but it doesn't have a direct bearing on game- play, so I decided against it. It's more fun that way." "Awww, Sis!... By the way, how high do the counters for shipping and fishing go...?" "That's a secret! It sure isn't 999. That much I can say."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Menu Window. Today's lesson will be about the Memo Screen controls. "Flip pages with the Left and Right Control Pad, and scroll with the Up and Down Control Pad. Press the L Button with the Up and Down Control Pad to scroll more slowly, or the R Button to scroll more quickly." "Are the controls for these Screens all the same?" "You catch on quick!" "I'm smart just like you!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Message Window. The top left of the Message Window shows the face of the person you're talking to and the top right shows their name." "It's not fair our names and faces aren't shown!" "...Maybe, but you can also choose not to display it." "You mean in the Diary, right?" "Good memory. Actually, you can change this when the messages are shown, too." "You'll tell me how tomorrow, right...?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about erasing the names and faces in the Message Window." "You were going to teach me how to do it without going to the Diary, right?" "Well, that's what I said, but it turns out I was wrong. The Diary is the only place to do it. Sorry!..." "Thanks a lot, Sis!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about things in your home including some things you might not have yet. The first is the Bed. This doesn't need very much explanation, I know. Just examine it and you wake up the next morning." "But why can't I just work on the farm until morning comes? I can save at any time, right?" "You'll collapse if you work like that!" "Really?" "I'll explain more later." "I feel tired already!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I was saying that if you don't get enough sleep, you'll eventually collapse. If you use any Tool, you lose a bit of Stamina. If you run out of Stamina, you collapse. That's not such a big deal. But, if you keep on using a Tool when you have no Stamina, you'll build up Fatigue. If you build up Fatigue until you collapse, you'll be carried to the Clinic. It takes a full day to recover then!" "What does that have to do with not sleeping?" "I'll explain it tomorrow." "Yawn... Okay Sis."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I was saying that if you don't get enough sleep, you'll end up collapsing. If you don't get sleep, Fatigue builds up. So, even if you don't do any work, you'll end up being carried to the Clinic if you stay up all night." "Don't you recuperate Stamina and Fatigue?" "You do if you: EEat food ERest in a Hot Spring ESleep There are other ways to recuperate as well but I'll tell you about them later." "OK. You build up Fatigue when you use Tools when your Stamina is drained, or when you don't sleep, right?" "Right."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you about how you build up Fatigue. Aside from what I told you yesterday, you also build up Fatigue when you use a Tool either in the rain or late at night. Also, I forgot to tell you that some foods can drain your Stamina and cause Fatigue." "What food could do that?!" "Two things are Poison Mushrooms or failed dishes. There are some others too." "I'd better be careful!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about things in your home (including some items you might not have yet). Now I'll explain the Diary. This is the same as the Diary in the Menu Window. You can use it to save or load games, or make various settings." "Wouldn't it just be easier to use START and go to the Diary from the Menu Window...?" "Sometimes people just like a change of pace, that's all!" "If you say so..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Calendar. It's useful for finding out about the season's events." "How do you use it?" "Examine it to display the Calendar Screen. Use the Control Pad to move the cursor to the day you want to check, then press the A Button. The Message Window shows what's planned that day. Use the B Button to step back from the Calendar. Oh yeah--days with events on them feature a helpful symbol to remind you." "Thanks. Very useful!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the TV. You can use the TV to watch many interesting programs. The Control Pad is your remote control: EUp: Weather forecast EDown: This program ERight: News ELeft: Variety programs You can change channels at any time, so don't feel like you have to watch the whole thing. The B Button turns the TV off and the other buttons fast forward messages. That's all there is to it!" "You mean we're on TV now?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about different TV programs. First is the Weather forecast. It's usually fairly accurate, so make a habit of checking it every morning when you wake up. Next is the News, which tells you what events are going on this season. The day before or the day of an event the news sometimes covers that event only. So it's a good idea to remember events as much as you can." "I wonder what's on now."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about TV Stations. Life on the Farm is this program, so it needs no description. A different Variety program is on each day of the week: ESunday: My Dear Princess EMonday: Fishing Hour ETuesday: Dueling Chefs EWednesday: Aaron Changes EThursday: Star Lilly, Bandit Girl EFriday: Mechabot Ultror ESaturday: TV Shopping Network or St. Emerald Academy Well, that's it for today!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about TV Stations. "Fishing Hour" has information about fishing, and "Dueling Chefs" has information about cooking. You might find them useful. The TV Shopping Network is where you order a lot of stuff, so it's very useful if you can afford it. The other programs are just there for your enjoyment. They don't really have a specific purpose. " "I see..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about TV Stations. They stop broadcasting late at night; midnight to be exact. Also, the signal won't come through on stormy days." "So I can't watch TV then?" "No, you just have to get rest and wait for the next day to start." "That's too bad!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Bookshelf. The Bookshelf is where you keep Books or Letters you have already read. If you examine the Bookshelf, you can select between View Books or View Letters. You can then choose which one to read. You won't have any Letters in the beginning, but check your Mailbox for them. You do start out with some Books, and you'll get more over time." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Tool Box. This is where you can keep all your Tools. 8 fit on each page and there are 8 pages, so you can have 64 kinds Tools in all. You can hold up to 99 of each kind of Tool. This is useful for things like Seeds, which you need to stock for next year." "If I have enough gold to stock up, that is!" "The first year could be tough, but..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Refrigerator. It's where you keep Ingredients for cooking. Just like the Tool Box, you can fit 99 of each kind of Item. This is much more than what your Rucksack holds. Unlike other farms, you won't get a Refrigerator by expanding your home. You'll need to buy it on the TV Shopping Network. Expanding your home is a less expensive than other farms, but you have to pay for the Refrigerator, so the whole process ends up costing a little more." "I see. It all adds up!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Shelf. This is where you keep Items that aren't for cooking. Just like the Tool Box, you can fit 99 of each kind of Item. This is much more than your Rucksack's capacity. This time you won't get a Shelf just by expanding your home. You'll need to buy it on the TV Shopping Network. Expanding your home is a less expensive than last time, but you have to pay for the Shelf, so the whole process ends up costing little more." "I guess that sums it up!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about controls for your Shelf" and Refrigerator. Basically: EControl Pad: Move cursor EA Button: Enter EB Button: Cancel EL/R Buttons: Move cursor between Items, Shelf, and Refrigerator Screens. The controls are a lot like the Tools and Items Screen. Select an Item and then press START to throw it away." "Why would you do that?" "If you wanted to throw away all 99 of one kind of Item, for instance." "Hmm...It must be tough deciding what to keep and what to throw away."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Kitchen. You can't cook unless you have a Kitchen. Of course you'll also need Utensils to make most things. Buy both Kitchen and Utensils on the TV Shopping Network. You can't buy Utensils until you have a Kitchen, and you can't buy a Kitchen unless you have a Refrigerator and Shelves. I'll cover Utensils more tomorrow." "OK."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Utensils. There are 8 Utensils: EKnife EFrying Pan EPot EMixer EWhisk ERolling Pin EOven ESeasoning Set You'll need different Utensils to cook each recipe. You can learn recipes by experimenting on your own, by talking to people in town or by watching TV." "Somehow I don't think I'd be too successful experimenting..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about cooking. First go to your Kitchen without holding anything." "Why not?" "Because you'll end up holding what you make. When you enter the Kitchen, you'll have these choices: ECook EView Recipes EExit First I'll explain 'Cook.' When you select it, you'll see the Utensil Window. We're out of time today, so I'll finish tomorrow." "I'm already hungry!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about the Utensil Window when you select 'Cook' in the Kitchen. The controls are basically like other screens. But things change a bit when you select Seasoning Set and the Seasoning Window appears." "That's where I can choose to use Sugar, Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce or Miso, right?" "Right. Don't use them carelessly though, or your dish won't turn out well at all! Once you select Seasonings, you'll move to the Ingredient Window. I'll explain that tomorrow." "Aww...Not more waiting!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about what happens when you examine the Kitchen, select 'Cook' and the select Seasonings to use. The Ingredient Window opens, which is where you choose which Ingredients to use from the Refrigerator or your Rucksack." "Can I choose anything? Even things in my Rucksack that aren't edible?" "You can but no guarantees on how it'll turn out! The controls are like the other screens. Once you've chosen at least one Ingredient, press START to move to the Utensil Window." "More tomorrow, right?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about cooking. After investigating the Kitchen and selecting 'Cook' choose Utensils and Ingredients. Now you have the following choice: EUse these Ingredients ERestart from Ingredients ERestart from Utensils The bottom two are easy to understand. The first one starts the actual cooking, and what comes next depends on what the outcome is. I'll explain it tomorrow." "Not again..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about what happens when you cook something. If the recipe doesn't work, you'll get a message telling about your failure. If it was your first time making something, you'll get a message offering to write down the recipe. If you make a dish exactly the same way you made it before, you'll get a message telling you it's been made. Finally, if you make the same dish but change it, you'll get a message offering to rewrite the recipe." "Is it time to eat yet?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about cooking. When you examine the Kitchen and then select View Recipes, you'll see a list of recipes you've made before. But you won't see any this if you've never made a meal successfully. Once you see the list, use the cursor and the A Button to select the dish you want to make. The next message depends on whether or not you have all the right Ingredients." "Let me guess: More on that tomorrow, right...?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you more about what happens after you choose to make a recipe you've already made before. If you have all the right Ingredients, you'll see the following choice: EFollow the recipe EImprovise recipe EMake another recipe The first option makes the dish. The second option will bring you back to the Utensil Window will all of the Utensils for the recipe and the Ingredients you've chosen. The third option will bring you back to the recipe selection screen. That's it for today." "How much more is there?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "OK. I'll teach you about what happens when you don't have all the Ingredients for the recipe you've chosen to make. The selection will be: EImprovise recipe EMake another recipe The first option will bring you back to the Utensil Window with any Utensils for the recipe and Ingredients you've already chosen. The second option will bring you back to the recipe selection screen. That's it for today." "We're done with cooking now, right...?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Clock. You have to buy it from the TV Shopping Network." "Does it just tell the time...that's all?" "What's wrong with that?" "But you can see the time anyway, in the bottom right corner of the screen!" "Some people just like to keep Clocks in their house, OK?! Consider it fashion." "Whatever you say, Sis..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Mirror. It will tell you messages when you look in it, but it serves no real purpose. It's basically just for looks. Buy it from the TV Shopping Network when you have extra money." "I don't think that'll be anytime soon..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Vase." You can use it to hold flowers." "Does that do any good?" "It does! Flowers will help you recuperate Stamina and Fatigue in the morning when you wake up. Just how much depends on the kind of flower. Also, flowers will wilt quickly if you don't use them in the right season. The wandering salesman Won will come by once in a while to sell you the Vase." Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you how to use your Vase." All you have to do is examine the Vase while holding a bunch of flowers to put them in it. If there are already some in the Vase, you'll throw them away automatically, so be careful. You'll be asked for confirmation, though, so don't worry about it too much." "It's room for blooms!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Fireplace." You'll get one when you add a second floor to your home. Throw Branches or Lumber on it to start a fire and cheer up your home." "Why does just throwing wood in the Fireplace start the fire, Sis?" "Small details, don't worry! The important thing is that your home will heat up, which will recuperate Stamina in winter but cause it in all other seasons." "That's a hot tip!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Carpet. You can buy it from the TV Shopping Network to put in your home. It really serves no purpose other than decoration, though." "So you really don't need to buy it at all?..." "Maybe when you have extra money."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Large Bed. It's really just a larger Bed than your first one." "So it doesn't have any use, either?" "You can't get married without a Large Bed. That's where your spouse sleeps." "Why does she get the Large Bed?" "That's where she'll sleep with your child when it's born." "That seems awfully far away..." "Just remember this when you want to get married." "If you say so."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Bath. You can't order a Bath until you add a second floor to your house. Once you do, you'll be able to bathe at home." "You mean like the Hot Spring at Mother's Hill?" "Yes. If you enter your Bath for 30 minutes at home, you'll recuperate Stamina and Fatigue. (If you enter the bath between 5:30-6AM, you'll be forced to get out at 6AM. The health effects aren't as large as at the Hot Spring, but it's nice to have in your own home." "It sounds relaxing!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Sock hook." "What's that?" "On the wall to the left of the Bookshelf, there is a place to hang a Sock. This is the Sock hook. If you hang a Sock here on the 25th of Winter, someone may give you a gift. But, Socks aren't sold any- where, so you have to get someone to make you one. You'll need Yarn for that, though..." "I didn't know about that!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Record Player. They sell them someplace, but I've never seen one around here. Put a Record on it to play music." "That sounds pretty obvious to me!" "Give me a break, will ya?" "Sorry, Sis..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your farm buildings. First is the Shipment box. Put produce Items here, and in the evening the shipper will come to pick it up and leave you money." "How do you know what items can ship?" "You can't even put things that aren't shippable in the Shipment box, so you'll figure it out." "You're not very helpful, sometimes!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Mailbox. Examine it to see if you have any new letters. It's a good idea to check it once in a while, since you never know when a letter will arrive! Letters are put away in the Bookshelf once you've read them, so go there to read them again. If you get two ore more identical letters only one will remain in your Bookshelf." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Doghouse." "What good is the Doghouse?" It has your Dog's name on it, but your Dog doesn't sleep there. Especially in the rain, when you should let him in your house. I really don't know what good it is at all..." "It might not be useful, but I like it!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Tree. There's a Bee Nest in the Tree and you can examine it once a day to find Honey." "Only once a day?" "They can only make so much!" Also, in fall Apples will drop so you should pick them up everyday. You can eat them right then or use them for cooking." "If I don't have a Refrigerator, I probably shouldn't pick too many."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about the Water Mill. If you face the Mill and throw Corn in, you'll make 30 bushels of Chicken Feed. If you compare the price of Chicken Feed and the price of Corn, you'll see it's cheaper to make the Feed yourself. But the costs are nearly even. It's always good to remember if you run out of Feed and the Poultry Farm is closed." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Woodbin. If you chop up Stumps or Branches with your Axe, they will automatically go in the Woodbin. So does Lumber when you buy it from Gotz. If you want to take out Lumber, just examine the Woodbin when you aren't holding anything. To put Lumber that you're holding in it, just examine it as well." Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Stable. It's where you keep your Horse." "But I don't have one in the beginning, right?" "That's right. But this is the only place a Horse can go. Remember, you have to keep your Horse (and all other animals) inside on rainy or snowy days." "I'll remember."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Barn. The Barn is where you keep you Cows and Sheep. It's where they come when you buy them from Yodel Farm. You can also put Chickens in here, but you can't give them Chicken Feed in a Barn. So, you should always keep them in the Chicken Coop. Inside the Barn, there is: EFeed Bin Door EFeed Boxes EShipment box I'll explain these tomorrow." "OK."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Barn. First is the Feed Bin Door. This is where you get Fodder kept in the Feed Bin. You have to carry the bushels of Fodder back, so you have to have empty hands, remember. You can also put back bushels you won't use here. You can get Fodder either by cutting grass on your farm or at Yodel Farm." "Got it!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Barn. Want to learn about Feed Boxes? Place Fodder here to feed the Cows and Sheep in the Barn." "The grazing Cows and Sheep won't eat from Feed Boxes?" "Exactly. They'll find grass to eat on their own. So, you have to think of just how many animals are in the Barn. If you put in too many bushels of Fodder, it will disappear the next day and go to waste." "Got it."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Barn. This lesson will be about the Barn Shipment Box. This is the exactly like the one outside your house. The shipping guy will come everyday to pick up what you have to sell. He'll leave the right amount of gold, which is the same whichever Shipment box you use. "That makes it faster to ship things like Milk, right?" "That's the idea."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about expanding your Barn. Before Barn expansion, you can only keep 8 Cows and Sheep total, but afterwards you'll have room for 16!" "In whatever combination I want?" "Yes, you could keep 8 of each, or 16 Sheep, for instance. There are also some things you can't buy until you expand. I'll explain about that tomorrow." "OK..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about things you can't put in your Barn until you expand. First is the Cheese Maker. You can get the black- smith to make this for you. When you do, just throw Milk in and it becomes Cheese!" "What kind of cheese?" "Never mind that! What matters is that the more Milk you put in, the more Cheese comes out. Next is the Yarn Maker. The blacksmith makes this, too. Throw in Wool to make Yarn. The larger size Wool you put in, the larger size Yarn comes out. That's it for the Barn."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about your Chicken Coop. Just as you'd guess, it's where you keep your Chickens. When you buy Chickens from Yodel Farm, they're put in the Chicken Coop. Cows and Sheep are just too big to fit in the doorway. The Chicken Coop contains: EChicken Feed Bin Door EFeed Boxes " EIncubator EShipment box I'll explain more tomorrow." "Egg-actly!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Chicken Coop. First is the Chicken Feed Bin Door. This is where you get Chicken Feed kept in the Feed Bin. You have to carry the Chicken Feed back, so you have to have empty hands, remember. You can also put back Feed you don't use here. You can buy Chicken Feed from Yodel Farm, or make it yourself at the Water Mill." "Got it."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Chicken Coop. Want to learn about Feed Boxes? Place Chicken Feed here to feed the Chickens in the Chicken Coop." "The Chickens grazing won't eat from Feed Boxes?" "Exactly. They'll find stuff to eat on their own. So, you have to think of just how many Chickens are in the Coop. If you give them too much Chicken Feed, it will disappear the next day and go to waste." By the way, Chicks don't need to be fed at all." "Chicks eat leftovers!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Chicken Coop. How about the Incubator? Place Eggs here and they will hatch into Chicks in 3 days. Just hold an Egg and examine the Incubator to put it in. Only one Egg at a time fits. Also, all baby Chicks are born the same, no matter what kind of Eggs you use." "Interesting..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you more about your Chicken Coop. This lesson will be about the Shipment box. This is the exactly like the one outside your house. The shipping guy will come everyday to pick up what you have to sell. He'll leave the right amount of gold, which is the same whichever Shipment box you use. "So it's just like the one in the Barn too, right?" "That's the idea."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about expanding the Chicken Coop. Before expanding your Chicken Coop, you only have room for 4 Chickens. After expanding, though, you'll have room for 8! "8 Chickens could sure lay a lot of Eggs!" "Indeed. There is also some- thing you can't buy until you expand. I'll explain about it tomorrow." "OK..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about what you can't put in your Chicken Coop until you expand. It's the Mayonnaise Maker! You can ask the black- smith to make it for you. Just throw in some Eggs to make delicious Mayonnaise! The larger the Eggs you put in, the more Mayo will come out." "All this sounds an awful lot like what you said about the Barn..." "I can't help it if they're the same, can I?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "Today I'll teach you about water drawing spots. These are places you can fill your Watering Can. The closest one is the pond below the Shipment box. It doesn't have to be there, though. You can draw water from anywhere, like the river or lake. You might find the pond most convenient for watering crops though." "Now I'm thirsty."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "From now on I'll teach you about places outside your farm. First is the Hot Spring on Mother's Hill. Bathing in the Hot Spring recuperates Stamina and Fatigue." "By how much?" "The longer you stay in, the more you recover. You can't exceed your maximum Stamina, or reduce your Fatigue below 0, though." "Can I go on rainy days?" "Sure. Weather doesn't matter at all." "Rain or shine-how divine!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the mine on Mother's Hill? In the mine, you can: EDig the ground with a Hoe ESmash Stones with a Hammer By digging the ground, you'll be able to find stairs going downward or various grasses. By smashing Rocks, you'll be able to find Ores. The deeper you go in the mine, the more valuable things you'll find." "How far down can you go?" "I don't know...At least 10 levels below ground." "I bet I could go farther!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Woodcutter's House in the forest? Gotz lives there. You can buy Lumber from him or ask him to to expand your farm. If you buy Lumber, he'll deliver it straight to your Woodbin, so you don't have to worry about it. If you ask him to expand something on your farm, he'll start the next day. It takes him 3 days to finish a project. You can't change your mind once you ask him and he only works on one thing at a time. Oh, I forgot: You have to talk to Gotz behind the counter at his store. This is the same for all the other stores, too." "I'll remember."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Poultry Farm in south Mineral Town? Here you can: EBuy or sell Chickens EBuy Chicken Feed EBuy Animal Medicine The first thing you have to do when you buy a Chicken is name it, so think of a good name first. When selling a Chicken, you get to select which Chickens you want to sell. You can't sell baby Chicks. I'll explain about buying Chicken Feed tomorrow." "OK. I'll wait."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Poultry Farm, right?" Just like with buying Lumber from Gotz, when you buy Chicken Feed from the Poultry Farm it is shipped directly to your Chicken Feed Bin. You don't need to worry about carrying it. Animal Medicine is considered a Tool to be equipped, so you can put it in your Rucksack. If it's full it will be shipped directly to your Tool Box." "What if the Tool Box is full, Sis?" "You'll be told that there's no room for it and you can't buy it. This is true for all Tools, actually." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about Yodel Farm in south Mineral Town? Here you can: EBuy or Sell Cows and Sheep EBuy Animal Fodder EBuy Animal Medicine EBuy Cow or Sheep Miracle Potion EBuy a Bell When you buy a Cow or a Sheep, the first thing you do is name it, so think of a good name first. I'll explain the rest tomorrow." "There is awful lot to buy here, isn't there?"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about Yodel Farm, right?" When you want to sell a Cow or a Sheep, a list of your animals will appear. Just choose from that. By the way, you can only sell fully grown animals. Also, when you buy Animal Fodder, it's delivered straight to your Feed Bin, so you don't have to worry about carrying it. Animal Medicine and Bells are considered Tools, so when you buy them they're placed in your Rucksack that way." "I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Saibara the blacksmith in south Mineral Town? Here you can: EUpgrade tools EBuy Brushes, Milkers, or Clippers EHave Cheese, Yarn, or Mayonnaise Makers made EHave jewelery (necklaces, broaches, or earrings) made Brushes, Milkers and Clippers are all Tools, so they're placed that way in your Rucksack. I'll explain the rest tomorrow." "See you then."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about Saibara the blacksmith, right? Today I'll explain about how to upgrade your Tools. First, put the Tool to upgrade and the Ore equivalent to the level you want to upgrade it to into your Rucksack. They don't need to be equipped." "Which Tools can be upgraded?" "Let's see...Hoe, Hammer, Axe, Sickle, Watering Can, and Fishing Rod. Ores you can use to upgrade are, in order: Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mystrile. Once you've selected what you want, Saibara will tell you how much gold and time it will take. You can decide if it's worth it or not." "It all adds up!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about Saibara the blacksmith, right? Today I'll tell you more about upgrading Tools. Saibara's grumpy, so once he accepts your job he'll throw you out of his shop. You won't be able to come back until he's done." "What if I forget to go pick it up?" "He won't throw it away or anything, but why would you delay using your new Tool?" "Sometimes I forget..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about Saibara the blacksmith, right? Today I'll tell you about having Cheese, Yarn and Mayonnaise Makers made. First, place the necessary Ore in your Rucksack. You don't need to be holding it." "Which Ore is that?" "Adamantite. He'll tell you how long it takes (5 days), then you can confirm your order (or not). More tomorrow." "Okay."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about having Saibara make you Cheese, Yarn, or Mayonnaise Makers, right? Once Saibara accepts your your job, he'll throw you out and get to work. You won't be able to go back in until he's done. But you don't even need to pick it up at all. He'll have it delivered to your Barn automatically. Speaking of which, you can't buy any Maker until you've expanded your Barn." "Big Barn or no Yarn!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about Saibara the blacksmith, right? Today I'll tell you about having Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets, or Broaches made. First, place the necessary Ore in your Rucksack. You don't need to be holding it." "Which Ore is that?" "Orichalc. He'll tell you how long it takes (1 day), then you can confirm your order (or not). More tomorrow." "Okay."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about ordering jewelry from Saibara, right? Saibara's grumpy, so once he accepts your job, he'll throw you out of his shop. You won't be able to come back until he's done." "What if I forget to go pick it up?" "He won't throw it away or anything, but there's no reason to let something so pretty go to waste..." "You're right."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Aja Winery in north Mineral Town? Here you can: EBuy Wine EBuy Grape Juice Both are food, so they'll go into your Rucksack as food Items. If you have a Refrigerator, you can buy as many as 99 at once!" "How many can I buy without a Refrigerator?" "Only as many as you have room in your Rucksack for. You can only fit 1 per space, so not many."I see."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about Mary's Library in north Mineral Town? This is a great place to read books. Since it's a Mineral Town Library, it has books with lots of useful knowledge about life in Mineral Town." "Do they always have the same books?" "Sometimes they get new books in, so I recommend checking every once in a while." "Read you loud and clear."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Supermarket in north Mineral Town? Here you can: EBuy Seeds EBuy food EBuy certain Tools (like Rucksacks) EHave presents wrapped First, I'll talk about Seeds. Different Seeds are sold in different seasons. Also, they're considered Tools, so that's how they are carried in your Rucksack. "Seeds are tools? Wow!" Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Supermarket, right?" Today I'll tell you how to buy food. All the food is arranged by type, so just examine the kind you want and determine the amount to buy. You have to have space in your Rucksack and gold to pay, of course. Here you can buy: ERice Balls EBread EOil EFlour ECurry Powder EMuffin Mix EChocolate That's all." "Seems like a lot to me!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Supermarket, right?" First I'll explain about buying Rucksacks. You don't need any room to carry a rucksack. them. As soon as you buy one, your space to carry Tools and Items will double. You can only buy one at a time, and new packs may not come in for a while. Next, I'll explain about Baskets. You need to have empty hands to buy a Basket, because as soon as you buy it you have to hold it. It won't fit into a Rucksack." "You can't pack a basket!" Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Supermarket, right?" Today I'll talk about buying the Blue Feather. First of all, it won't go on sale until there's someone ready to marry you.""How do they know?" "Everybody in Mineral Town knows everything about everybody else! Especially when it comes to romance." "Sounds pretty scary to me!" "Ha ha. By the way, it's considered a Tool." "A tool!!! NO WAY!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Supermarket, right?" Today I'll explain about getting gifts wrapped. First, place the Item you want to have wrapped in your Rucksack. You don't need to be holding it. Next, examine the giftwrap counter, then select the Item to wrap." "Can I have anything wrapped up?" "Anything that would fit in a Refrigerator or Shelf." "So no Baskets or animals. That sounds like a wrap!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Mineral Clinic in north Mineral Town? Here you can: EBuy medicine EBe examined To buy medicine, go talk to Elli behind the counter. In the beginning, she'll only sell you: EBodigizer ETurbojolt But if you gather lots of grasses growing on the mountain, then EBodigizer XL ETurbojolt XL will go on sale." "Why is that?" "I'll explain tomorrow." "I heard that before."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was telling you that shipping grasses gathered on the mountain results in new medicine being sold, right? That's because these grasses are used to make the medicines! Of course, only some kinds of grasses are use to make medicine." "Could I make them, then?" "You mean like cooking them up? You could try! Tomorrow I'll explain about getting examined by the Doctor." "I don't feel well..."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Mineral Clinic, right? To be examined by the Doctor, go talk to him behind his counter. He'll tell you exactly how much Stamina and Fatigue you have. He won't actually treat you, though." "Then what good is it?" "It's very useful to know exactly what kind of health you're in. Besides, it doesn't cost much." "Check out the check-up!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Doug's Inn in north Mineral Town? Here you can: EEat EMake phone calls Doug serves different foods at different times of the day, but you can't take anything home." "Some of the things Doug makes I can make myself. Why should I pay extra to eat it at the Inn?" "Doug's a pro, so his food will help you recuperate more than your own." "Must be the ingredients."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about Doug's Inn, right?" Today I'll tell you about making phone calls. Just examine the phone to make a call. The only time you'll need to is when ordering s from the TV Shopping Network." "How do I know what to buy?" "If you see something on TV that you want and you can afford it, just go make the call! They'll deliver it after a certain number of days." "I'll make a call now!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Church in north Mineral Town? Here you can: EConfess EHave curses lifted You need to go into the confessional inside the Church to do either one. It's door on the left. To confess, you'll choose what you want to confess about from a list. Then Carter will tell you whether or not the Harvest Goddess will forgive you. If she will, you'll notice that either people like you more or that your Stamina improves. By the way, nothing bad happens if you're not forgiven." "Wow! That seems too good to be true!"Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "Teach me more stuff like yesterday!" "I was talking about the Church, but I forgot to mention that you can only confess once a day. Today I'll explain about having curses lifted." "What's a curse, Sis?" "Sometimes you'll find Cursed Tools in the mines. If you equip one of these, you can't put it down until you have the curse removed." "I hope I never pick up a Cursed Tool!" "But they can be very powerful, you know." "I'll have to see for myself, I guess."Life on the Farm ADVANCED @@@@@@@ "Hey, Big Sis!" "What?" "What will you teach me about today?" "How about the Kai's Seaside Lodge on Mineral Beach? Here you can eat great meals. But just like Doug's Inn you can't bring the leftovers home." "Kai always serves the same food, right?" "Right. His lodge isn't open many days of the year and only in summer, anyway." "It's probably worth going to check out, right?"RIFFSCR CODEhd##!;##!;##!;##!;#!>!#!>!##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&## !&## !&## !&## !&## !&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&##!&## !&##!!&&$&#!>##"!!###!!##$!!##%!!##&!!##'!!##(!!##)!!##*!!##+!!##,!!##-!!##.!!##/!!##0!!##1!!##2!!##3!!##4!!##5!!##6!!##7!!##8!!##9!!##:!!##;!!##!!##?!!!$&#!>##@!##A!##B!##C!##D!##E!##F!##G!##H!##I!##J!##K!##L!##M!##N!##O!##P!##Q!##R!##S!##T!##U!##V!##W!##X!##Y!##Z!##[!##\!##]!$&#!>##^!##_!##`!##a!##b!##c!##d!##e!##f!##g!##h!##i!##j!##k!##l!##m!##n!##o!##p!##q!##r!##s!##t!##u!##v!##w!##x!##y!##z!##{!$&&$!!!^"!?"m!8ccc$ JUMP\ <L\l|  ,<L\l| 7GWgw     '7GWgw2BRbr     "2BRbr-=M]m}      -=M]m}0+&!::::TTSTR |(5DQ, : d^?L( "%&(*n,./x1{3o57?9;<>l@kBDFHJLOQ3S7UWYZi\W^p` cXeehikk)mntpstv[xz|u~uoĆpV]0GCKHF. 8ݸ2SV!)[!ýBEGINNER'Ś́Life on the FarmHey Big Bro!@@@@@@@Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "You mean about the Blue Feather?" "What happens if a man gives it to another man?" "Well, there are many kinds of love..." ".........." "Who do you want to get one from, little sis?" "From you, of course!" "Aww... You're too funny!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I planted Tomato Seeds, but nothing happened! Why not?" "Did you till the soil before you planted?" "Umm...No." "Well, that's why! You have to till the soil with your Hoe before planting. You also have to clear the field before planting if there is something on it. You can cut grass with the Sickle or pull it out. You can use a Hammer to break Stones or move them by hand. Finally, you can chop up Branches with your Axe or move them with your hands." "Now I see!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I tilled the earth like you said, then planted, but the next day the Seeds were gone! Why?" "Did you plant the right Seeds? If you plant fall or summer Seeds in spring, they won't grow, you know." "Really...Now that you remind me, Tomatoes only grow in summer." "That's why, silly!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I tilled my field, then planted the right Seeds for the season, but they still won't grow!" "Have you watered them with the Watering Can?" "You mean I have to water them, too?!" "Of course! Nothing will grow without water. Except farm grass, of course." "So that's what the Watering Can is for..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I try using the Watering Can, but no water comes out! Why?" "Well, first you have to fill it up." "How do you do that?" "First you equip it, then go to water - like a pond, river, or lake - and use it. That's all." "No one ever told me I had to fill it up..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I used to be able to walk over my Seeds, but not when they start growing." "Yes, you can't walk over crops when they grow. You can if you run, though." "Really?" "Yes, you can jump over one square of anything if you run, like Stones, Fences, or Branches." "That's good to know." "Just remember that you can't jump over things if there's something on the other side." "Got it, Bro!" Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You were telling me I can't walk on things when they grow, but I can walk on farm grass." "Oh yeah, I forgot. You can walk on grass however much it grows, of course." "Grass is for walking on, I guess." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I think my Turnips are ready to harvest, so what do I do now?" "If you face your crop and press the A Button, you can lift it up to harvest it. After you harvest the Turnip, the field will go back to its tilled state. If your crop can be harvested more than once, though, it will go back to a seedling." "So you can harvest some crops lots of times? I can't wait to try."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Can I turn a field back to its untilled state?" "Sure. Just use a Hammer on a tilled field, then it won't be tilled any more." "That's great!" "You can also return a field to its untilled state by putting Stones, Branches, or Lumber on it." "That seems like another good way. Does it work if the field is watered?" "Yes, it doesn't matter if the field is watered or not." "Got it."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I tried to return my field to its untilled state like you said yesterday, but it didn't work." "I don't know why... Oh! Maybe you had already seeded it...?" "That's right." "Well, if you seeded it, then you have to use your Hoe to remove the Seeds first. After that you can use your Hammer." "Seems like an awful lot of work..." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Last time you told me about returning a field to its original state. But what about farm grass? Even when I cut it some stubble remains and then it grows back." "I forgot to say. If you use the Hoe on a field after you've cut it with a Sickle, then it will become a tilled field with nothing on it." "So I should use the Hoe right after cutting the grass, right?" Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I put a Cucumber in the Basket to ship and then changed my mind. I can't take it out now!" "That's right. Once you put something in the Basket to ship it's in there for good. You can't change your mind." "And I wanted that Cucumber for lunch, too...!" "Now you've learned your lesson. By the way, to ship what's in the Basket, hold it up, then press the A Button while facing the Shipment Box." "I never wanted to ship it to begin with..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It seems that I can only put produce in my Basket..." "Of course!" "Why is that?" "Because you can't fill up the Basket with things you can't ship anyway, silly!" "And I wanted to use it as a garbage can, too..." "That's what you have a garbage can for!" "I guess you're right."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Cough...cough..." "What's wrong? And why are you putting your hand out like that?" "Today is the spring Thanksgiving Festival. You're supposed to give me a Cookie!..." "That's right! I did bring you a Cookie, I just forgot to give it to you. Here you are." "I knew you wouldn't forget! I can't wait to give you something for the winter Thanksgiving Festival." "I look forward to it."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I heard that if you throw trash or litter in town, people won't like you." "Of course! Not just trash, though. If you throw anything away in town, people will get upset. I don't blame 'em!" "What should I do when I want to throw something away then?" "No one will care if you throw something away on your own farm. There's also a garbage can in Rose Square. Finally, you can throw things away in the mine and no one will mind." "Let me get this straight: Discard trash at the farm, in the can in the Square, or in the mine, right? " Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I can't chop up a Stump, no matter how many times I hit it with my Axe." "What kind of Axe are you using?" "You meant there's more than one kind?" "So you're using an Iron Axe. You can upgrade your Axe, as well as your Hoe, Sickle, Hammer, Watering Can, and Fishing Rod." "How do I do that?" "First you find either Copper, Silver, Gold or Mystrile in a mine, then you bring the Ore along with the Tool to Saibara the blacksmith. Of course the tool also has to be at a certain experience level before you can upgrade it. Some Ores will make for better upgrades than others." "What do you mean by "experience level"...?" "I'll explain tomorrow."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Tool experience level, right? You see, any time you use a Tool it accumulates experience. This works even if you just pretend to use it, although it will build up experience quicker if you use if for a real job." "I think I get it..." "So, the level of your Axe was too low to use on a Stump. You need a Level 2 Axe or better to chop up a Stump. You cannot smash a large Stone with an Iron Axe, either." "So I need better Tools!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I still can't chop up that Stump..." "Did you upgrade your Axe?" "Yes! I made it a Copper Axe and everything..." "Are you charging the Axe before you use it?" "I'm pressing the B Button lots of times..." "That won't work. To break a large Stone or a Stump, what you need to do is hold down the B Button to charge your Tool first." "I didn't know that..." "If you want to cut up a Stump with a Copper Axe, you have to use it about 6 times, even with charging." "That's a lot of work!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I bought a Chicken but it won't lay Eggs for me!" "Are you feeding it, Sis?" "..........." "You're not, I see. Chickens need to eat just like you. Actually, they lay Eggs even if you don't feed them, as long as they don't become unhappy." "How do I feed them?" "I'll explain tomorrow." "My Chicken will be hungry!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Feeding Chickens, right? They sell Chicken Feed at the same place as you bought the Chicken." "......" "What's wrong?" "They're closed today." "Don't worry. There's another way. Do you have Corn?" "Umm...No." "In that case, just let your Chickens out for a few hours, and they'll find worms and things to eat on their own." "Great! I'll go do it now!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You mentioned Corn yesterday. What if I did have some...?" "There's a way to turn Corn into Chicken Feed. You know the Water Mill Next to the Chicken Coop?" "What about it?" "It will grind up Corn into 30 bushels of Chicken Feed for you!" "Where do I throw the Corn?" "You can throw it from anywhere as long as it lands in the Water Wheel."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I let my Chickens out to eat, but they still don't lay any Eggs!" "You didn't let them out whet it was raining, did you?" "Yeah...Why?" "They become very unhappy when they get rained on!" "Really?" "Of course! It has to be sunny when you let them out, Little Sis!" "I get it now." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "How do I feed my Chickens the regular way?" "Do you have Chicken Feed in the Feed Bin?" "Yeah, I went out and bought 825 bushels from the Poultry Farm!" "825 bushels! That's a lot!" "Well, I had 8,250G with me, so...." "Just was long as you don't waste it." "I won't." "Until tomorrow, then." "OK."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." It was about how to feed your Chickens, right?" "All you do is throw Chicken Feed into the Feed Box in the Chicken Coop." "I can put it in any Feed Box I want to?" "Yeah, as long as you put Feed in one Feed Box for each Chicken in the Coop." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "How do I get the Chicken Feed to put in the Feed Box?" "Just press the A Button in front of the Feed Bin Door in the Chicken Coop. The same thing is true for the Feed Bin Door in the Barn." "Now I think I finally know everything about feeding my Chickens!" "Don't forget to do it, now!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I ran out of Chicken Feed. What do I do now?" "...What do you mean, exactly?" "I put Chicken Feed in all of the Feed Boxes in the Chicken Coop. Then, it was gone the next day, even though I only have 1 Chicken..." "Chicken Feed always only lasts for 1 day. So be sure not to put more in than the number of Chickens in your Coop. If you do, it'll go to waste." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "How can I get more Fodder?" "You buy it at Yodel Farm for 20G a bushel." "Is that it?" "If you plant farm grass Seeds, then harvest it with a Sickle when it's full grown, it'll wind up in the Feed Bin as Fodder. It will even grow back after a while! After that, all you have to do is pick it up at the Feed Bin Door, just like Chicken Feed." "I get it now."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I bought a Ball, but I'm not sure what to do with it." "If you throw it, your Dog will go fetch it. This helps to train your dog." "Trains him for what?" "For instance, he'll be able to chase away wild dogs if they try to sneak in at night." "How will I know if the wild dogs come?" "You won't. That's why it's important to train your Dog. You can also do one more thing." "What?" "I'll tell you tomorrow."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "How to protect your animals from wild dogs at night, right? But first, I forgot one thing. You can only train your dog when he's fully grown." "You can't train puppies? They don't like fetch?" "No. Dogs grow quickly, though, so don't worry."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Oh yeah, protecting your animals from wild dogs." "First of all, don't leave animals outside. Wild dogs won't go inside the Barn." "What else?" "You can also build a Fence with Lumber. Wild dogs can't get through the Fence at night unless part of it is broken." "Maybe I'll try it!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Is there any way to keep wild dogs away from my animals other than building a Fence or keeping them inside?" "There is one more way..." "Like what?" "You can use your Sickle, Hoe, Axe, or Hammer to attack the dogs." "That sounds so violent!" "In that case, do what I said yesterday." "I will, bro."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "The Turnips and Cucumbers I was growing turned a funny color suddenly." "That's because the season has begun to change. If the season changes then some things will wilt if it becomes the wrong season for them." "But they were so close to harvest time!" "Too bad, but they're wasted now. To avoid this, make sure to harvest your crops in the correct season." "And they looked so good, too..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Can wilted crops be used for anything?" "Nothing at all. Just cut them up with your Sickle as soon as you can." "That's it...?" "Yes. Cut them up with your Sickle and plant summer vegetables as soon as you can. "Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "How do I use my Fishing Rod?" "Just equip it and press the B Button, right?" "I try that, but it doesn't work!" "Are you trying in a place where you can fish?" "Like where?" "Like a river, or the sea, or the lake behind the mountain. Where were you trying it?" "In my house, or out in the field..." "No, you definitely can't fish there, ha ha!" "OK. I'll go try again."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I still can't hook any fish with my Fishing Rod." "Are you sure to push the Button again when the lure bobs?" "No...I was just sort of waiting." "When a fish bites the hook, the lure will bob up and down. Push the button quickly to reel in the fish." "I didn't know about that part..." "Sometimes it turns out even then that the fish got away, or it was only garbage to begin with. Fishing requires lots of patience." "I KNEW there was a catch."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Typhoons are really scary, aren't they?" "You bet. You can't go outside at all! That means you can't take care of your animals or crops. The wind can also destroy your crops or Fences." "I can't do anything about it?" "Nope. Not even the Harvest Sprites will go outside during a typhoon. All you can do is keep the animals safe in their barn." "I'll just pray one hits here, then!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It looks like my Fence broke. How do I fix it?" "Sorry, but you can't fix a broken Fence. You have to throw it away." "What a waste! How do I do that? I tried to pick it up, but I can't." "You can't pick up broken Fences. You have to smash them with your Hammer. Once you do, you can build a new Fence." "I have to smash the Fence with my Hammer, huh?"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I heard that the Hot Spring can recuperate Stamina and Fatigue. Is the effect greater the longer you stay in?" "Up to a point. One hour is usually plenty. Staying in much longer won't make a difference." "I see." "Do you know what else you can do in the Hot Spring?" "No, what?" "I'll tell you tomorrow." "I knew you'd say that!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "I was telling you about other things you can do in the Hot Spring, right? You can throw an Egg in to make a Spa-Boiled Egg." "That sounds delicious!" "Just throw the Egg in from the hole in the Fence near the Hot-Spring." "That's all?" "That's it. By the way, Spa- Boiled Eggs are the same no matter what kind of Egg you throw in." "It would be shame to use a Golden Egg, then!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I want my Eggs to hatch into baby Chicks. How do I do that?" "There's a place you can do it in the Chicken Coop. Did you see it?" "You mean the thing on the left side of the Chicken Coop?" "That's it! It's the Incubator. If you put Eggs in it they'll hatch in about 3 days. You can't use the Incubator if the Coop is already full, though." "The Chicken Coop can hold 4 Chickens before expanding and 8 after, right? Got it."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "How do I become friends with the townspeople?" "That will happen naturally if you talk to them every day." "I try, but they don't seem to like me much..." "Don't worry. They'll warm up to you eventually. If you want them to like you a little more quickly, try giving them a few gifts. Everybody has different likes and dislikes, so you should be careful." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I increased the size of my house, but it doesn't seem to make much difference..." "You can buy more things on TV Shopping and spruce your house up." "What sort of things?" "Like a Refrigerator, Shelf, Kitchen, and other Kitchen goods." "I know I can cook in my Kitchen, but I don't have much experience cooking!" "It's easy, Sis. To start out, just follow recipes." "Will you teach me?" "Tomorrow." "I'll be waiting, Bro."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Sure, I'll teach you how to cook. What Utensils do you have? Wait, if you don't even have a Kitchen, then you won't have any Utensils either." "Why do I need Utensils?" "You can cook many more meals if you have Utensils." "But they don't sell them at the Supermarket..." "They sell them on the TV Shopping Network." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Oh yeah...Cooking, right?" "Hey, but I don't even have a phone in my house! How do I order from the TV shopping Network?" "Isn't there a phone some- where close to you?" "Now that you mention it, there is one at the Inn." "Just use that one then." "OK. Thanks for your help."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I bought a Kitchen and I tried cooking, but every- thing I make turns out a "Failure". Why?" "Do you actually follow a recipe, or just throw some things together?" "Umm...The second, I guess." "You have to follow a recipe, silly! Otherwise you're likely to get a "Failure"." "But I don't know any recipes! Where do I learn them?" "I'll teach you that tomorrow." "OK. I'll be waiting."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About learning recipes, right? It's easy. You can learn from the people in town, or from the TV, or at other places, too. A cooking program is on every Tuesday on the left channel." "Thanks, Bro! I can't wait to cook up something good for once!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I finally succeeded!" "What did you make?" "Fried Rice." "Did you see the recipe on TV?" "Yes." "With Fried Rice you can improvise and add lots of other ingredients. Try it yourself." "Once you gain some experience you can improvise and even invent your own dishes." "I can't wait to try!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You told me before about watering my vegetables, but do I have to even when it rains?" "No. That's why you welcome the rain when you grow lots of crops." "But animals grow unhappy out in the rain, right?" "Right. You can't have everything your way!" "By the way, snow is basically like rain to most farm animals." "I can't grow crops in Winter, though." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I finally bought a Cow!" "Great!" "But...I don't know how to take care of it!" "First I'll tell you how to feed it. Just take Fodder made from cut farm grass to the Feed Box in the Barn and put it in." "What if I don't have any farm grass?" "Then you'll have to buy it from Yodel Farm. It costs 20G a bushel, which is pretty expensive. So, it's better to make it yourself." "Got it. What's next?"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Taking care of Cows, right? Today I'll tell you about Cows grazing outdoors. First of all, you can't pick Cows up so you have to push them from behind to get them to leave the Barn." "But, sometimes I can't get behind them!" "That's when you use a Bell to get them to move toward you. Once they move a few steps, you can move behind them and push. If the Cow's affection for you isn't very high, it might not come when it hears the Bell." "That's udderly bad!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Today I'll tell you more about Cows and grazing. If you have a field of farm grass ready to be harvested, your Cows will graze on that. This saves you the effort of cutting it and bringing to to their Feed Boxes. It takes a few hours for them to eat, though. " "Okay." "Also, grass grows back sooner after Cows graze on it than when you cut it with your Sickle." "Wow! A cutting-edge tip!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "My brother is taking the day off today, so no Life on the Farm. Sorry."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it? But first, let me apologize for yesterday. I feel fine now." "In that case, can you tell me more cow tips?" "Sure. More about taking care of cows, then. Today I'll tell you about brushing them. First you equip the Brush--" "I don't have one!" "The blacksmith will sell you one. Just face the Cow and use the Brush. Cows love it if you brush them once each day. That's enough, though." "I'll brush up on that."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Taking care of Cows, right? Today I'll tell you about milking them. First you use the Milker--" "I don't have one!" "The blacksmith will sell you one. Just equip it, then face the Cow and use it to Milk her. Cows only give Milk once each day, okay?" "Once per day. Got it."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Taking care of Cows, right? There's something about milking them I forgot to tell you." "What?" "You can only milk adult, non-pregnant Cows." "Makes sense. I can't wait to drink some nice fresh Milk!" Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Taking care of Cows, right? I tried milking my Cow, but I couldn't get any Milk." "It was an adult?" "Of course." "And she was healthy?" "She was, but she was unhappy." "I should have mentioned that only happy Cows give Milk, not sick or unhappy Cows." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Taking care of Cows, right? Today I'll tell you about the size of Milk that Cows give. There are 3 sizes: S, M, and L." "How are they different?" "They look different, and their size is different as well." "What does that mean?" "I'll explain tomorrow." "I knew it!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Different sizes of Milk, right? Size determines the price of Milk when you sell it. The bigger the size, the more gold you get." "How do I get bigger sizes?" "I'll tell you all about that tomorrow." "Not again!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were "telling me yesterday..." About how to get bigger sizes of Milk, right? If you take good care of your Cows every day, their Milk will get better eventually. That means talking to them, brushing them, and feeding them every day." "Sounds like a lot of work!" "By the way, when the Milk reaches G size--" "What's that?" "That's Golden Milk, which only comes from Cows who come in first place in the Cow Festival. There are other sizes too." "I've only milked S, M, and L through regular daily care."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I think my Cow got sick!" "But I thought I told you all about how to take care of your Cows!" "Well, I spent so much time listening to you, this one got sick!" "In that case, I'll tell you how to cure sick Cows. First, buy Animal Medicine from Yodel Farm, then use it on the sick Cow." "Sounds like a cure to me."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I want more Cows. How do I do that?" "You can buy another Cow from Yodel Farm, or use Cow Miracle Potion." "That's sold at Yodel Farm too, right?" "Right. If you use it on an adult Cow, it'll become pregnant. In about 20 days a baby Calf will be born." "Only adult Cows can get pregnant? Makes sense to me." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "How to make new Cows, right?" "Right. I used Cow Miracle Potion, but it didn't work." "It's an adult Cow, right?" "Right." "Is it healthy, then?" "No, it's the Cow that was sick." "I should have said before, but Cows must be healthy to get pregnant." "Ah... I get it." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "You know Bro..." "What's wrong? You don't seem very well." "I think I got sick..." "Are you sure you aren't exhausted? Are you doing things like using Tools in the rain or late at night, or staying up too late, or using Tools even though you have no Stamina left...?" "Maybe...All of those." "Some things you can do to keep from getting sick are bathing in the Hot Spring, or sleeping well, or lighting a fire in winter with Lumber or Branches, or even putting flowers in your Vase." "OK. I'll try all that."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I finally bought a Sheep!" "Congratulations!" "But I'm not sure about how to take care of it." "It's not so different from taking care of a Cow. Only shipping is a little different." "How so?" "You can use Clippers to shear Wool from a Sheep. Unlike Cows though, you can't shear Wool from Sheep everyday." "If you say so." "I'll tell you more about it tomorrow." "I hate waiting..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Caring for Sheep, right?" "After you shear a Sheep once, its coat won't grow back for a full 7 days. You can't get more Wool from it until then." "I see." "By the way, you can buy Clippers from the blacksmith." "OK. I'll remember."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Is there anything different about Sheep and Cows, other than Wool?" "Well...The Fodder is the same, grazing them is the same, brushing is the same, giving them Animal Medicine is the same --" "What about making them pregnant?" "For that you need Sheep Magic Potion. Cow Magic Potion won't work, of course!" "Makes sense to me!" "That's the only difference I can think of."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I'm asking the Harvest Sprites to do some work for me--" "That's great!" "But, they don't do as much as I want them to!" "They just aren't used to it yet. They have to learn their jobs too, you know." "Once they get used to it they'll work better, you mean?" "Of course! Also, don't forget to give them small gifts as thank-yous when they're done." "I'll remember!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I heard that you can train the Harvest Sprites. Is it true?" "Yes." "How do you do it?" "You do it through Mini- Games. When you talk to a Harvest Sprite, you get to choose between asking them to work or playing Mini- Games. Choose the Mini-Game." "So I can just play Mini- Games with them all day to train them really quickly!" "No, you can only play once a day. Sorry." "That's too bad."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." About training the Harvest Sprites, right? You see, different Mini-Games train different skills." "Like what?" "The "Harvest" Mini-Game" makes them better at harvesting, and the "Animal Husbandry" and "Watering" Mini-Games help them improve at those things, too." "Makes sense to me." "But, if you make them fail at the game, they'll actually get worse, so be careful." "I will!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I guess the Mailbox isn't just for decoration, hmm?" "No, you'll get notices of new items at the store, or letters and cards. So, it's a good idea to check it every so often." "You're right about that." "Once you read letters, they're stored in your Bookshelf in case you want to read them again." "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "The town is so big I still get lost sometimes!" "If you get lost, look at the World Map on the Menu Window after pressing START. That will show you the layout of the town, as well as where you are. Soon enough you'll have it all memorized." "That's sure handy!" "It will also show you where your Dog is, which is useful if you can't find him." "Great!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Can I buy back a Cow that I've sold?" "Sorry, but you can't. I guess this means you sold your Cow, right...? "Yes, because I couldn't afford Seeds for fall planting!" "You still can't buy her back, whatever the reason. Sorry. "And I had finally gotten her to give me G size Milk, too! What a waste!" "Now you'll have to start all over with a new Cow. Good luck!" "Oh, man..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "What does the World Map show, aside from me and my Dog?" "It also shows the location of your Ball and Basket." "Why those two?" "Well, your animals always stay on the farm, and the Harvest Sprites only work on the farm. What else would you want on there?" "How about the location of all the townspeople?" "Sorry, that's just not possible." "I'll keep looking..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I heard you can have presents wrapped at the Supermarket. What will they wrap, exactly?" "Just about anything you can give to someone." "Even Stones or Weeds?" "If you want to! But nobody wants to receive Stones or Weeds. And if you wrap them up, they'll be even less happy with you. They'll expect something nice, you see." "Nice gifts. Makes sense."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "My Dog is growing up nice and strong!" "That's great! So he chases away wild dogs when they show up?" "You bet! He also comes when I use my Bell to call the Sheep and Cows that I have grazing." "You've been training him well, I see." "I have. Right now we're training every day for the Dog Disk Tournament in summer." "He must love all the attention." "He does. It's fun for me too."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "My Dog has grown up big and strong, but my Horse still seems like a foal." "What? You have a Horse now?" "I forgot to tell you, I guess. Sorry." "That's OK. Anyway, Horses take longer to grow than Dogs. It takes them about a year to get become full- grown." "What can I do with it then?" "I'll tell you tomorrow." "If you say so."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About what fully grown Horses can do, right?" First, you can use Saddle- bags to ship things. Face the Horse and throw what you want to ship, and it will be done!" "That's great! That means I don't have to put every- thing in my Rucksack, go out to the Shipment box, then take it all out again. How convenient!" "That's right."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About what fully grown Horses can do, right?" "You can also ride the Horse, of course." "That sounds fun!" "It makes moving around much faster. You can also enter the Horse Races." "That means I can bet on myself to win, and earn tons of prizes, too, right!" "That's right, Sis."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Is there anything else a fully grown Horse is good for?" "Apart from shipping Items or entering the Horse Races? No." "That's too bad..." "I should tell you how to take care of it, though. Your Horse likes it if you talk to it and ride it every day. You should brush it every day, too. Also, put it in the Barn on rainy days, just like your other animals." "All that seems easy enough." Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "What's a "Cottage?" "It's an extra house for yourself that you can ask Gotz the Woodcutter to build for you. I hear there's another way to get one, but I'm not sure what it is." "How is a Cottage different from my regular house?" "Well, you can sleep there, but there is no Kitchen, Refrigerator or Shelves. It's basically just for fun." "It's so expensive, though!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about that really big fish that I caught in the sea last summer. It looked almost like a squid, but huge..." "That sounds like one of the legendary "King Fish." I bet you had to have a really high level Fishing Rod to catch it. I hear they only come out in spring or winter. There are some other conditions for catching them, but I'm not sure what they are." "How many King Fish are there?" "6 in all, but that's all I know about them. What did you do with the fish once you caught it?" "I'll tell you that tomorrow." "Hey, that's my line!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what I was telling you yesterday..." "What you did with the King Fish, right?" "Right. It was way too heavy for me to carry home, so I just took an ink rubbing of it and then released it back into the ocean." "I can't wait to see that rubbing! I'm proud of you, Sis." "Gee, thanks!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I heard that no crops will grow during winter. Is that true?" "It is. Not even farm grass will grow under all that snow." "So all I can do on the farm during winter is take care of my animals?" "Yes. You can also do other things you don't normally have time for." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You said that since I can't grow crops in winter, I ought to use the time for something I usually don't have time for. Do you have any suggestions?" "How about digging in one of the mines?" "Now that you mention it, I haven't done that at all!" "Or, you could spend all day fishing..." "That sounds like fun, too!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About what to do in winter, right?" "Is there anything else to do, besides fishing and mining?" "Let's see...You can't farm anyway, so you could upgrade your Tools. Or, you could spend the time talking with the townsfolk." "I guess there are lots of things to do in winter!" "What do you want to do most, sis?" "Let's see..." "Think about it and tell me tomorrow." "Okay."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I know what I want to do most in winter now." "What is it?" "I think I want to dig up stuff in the mines." "That's a good idea. Should I tell you more about mines?" "Yes please!" "Okay. That will be tomorrow's subject." "I can't wait!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About mining, right? First, there are two mines you can go to. One is past the Hot Spring behind the mountain." "Next to the waterfall, right?" "That's it. The other one is on the island on the far side of the lake." "Wait a second! How do I get to it, then?" "You have to wait until winter for the lake to freeze, then walk over the ice to the mine." "I hope I don't slip..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About mining, right? Today I'll tell you about stairs going down that you find when digging in the mine. Go down the stairs to get to deeper levels of the mine. The deeper you go, the more valuable things you'll find, so take these stairs whenever you find them." "How do I get back to the surface though?" "Don't worry. You'll see stairs going up, too." "Thanks. I feel much better now!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About mining, right? "Today I'll tell you how to do actual digging. Use your Hoe to dig up the soil inside the mine. You'll be able to tell where you've dug because it will look the same as a tilled field. You only need to dig the same piece of earth once. Digging more than that won't have an effect. "So, if nothing comes out, go on to the next patch and try. I get it!" "Also, use your Hammer to smash Stones in the mine. Sometimes Ore will come out." "Okay."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Can I wear the jewelry Saibara makes for me?" "Why? Do you think that doing so would increase your HP or something?" "I thought it might... Or maybe just make me look prettier... "Sorry, but you can't wear the jewelry yourself. You can ship it though. I wouldn't want to sell it! Not after using all that Orichalc and gold to have it made in the first place!" "You can sell it for a lot of money!" "Hmm...Naww, I couldn't.Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I found something else in the mine, but I'm not sure whether it's rare and valuable or not." "What is it?" "An ore called Adamantite." "That's great, Sis! You can give it to Saibara and ask him to make you a Maker machine with it." "What's a Maker machine?" "There are three kinds of Makers: Cheese, Yarn and Mayonnaise." "You'll tell me more about them tomorrow, right?" "How'd you know, Sis?"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "The Maker machines?" "Right. Will you tell me what they do?" "The Mayonnaise Maker makes Mayonnaise, the Cheese Maker makes Cheese and the Yarn Maker makes Yarn! That's about it, Sis!" "Now I feel a little foolish for asking...How do you use them, though?" "I'll tell you that tomorrow."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "About using the three kinds of Makers, right? Well, to use the Mayonnaise Maker, just toss in Eggs. To use the Cheese Maker, just throw in Milk. Finally, to use the Yarn Maker, just throw in some Wool. That's about it. But the size of the Mayo, Cheese, or Yarn that comes out is equivalent to the size of what you put in the Maker to begin with." "I get it now."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Where do the Makers go?" "The Mayonnaise Maker goes in the Chicken Coop, and the Cheese and Yarn Makers inside the Barn." "That makes it easy to put the Eggs, Milk, or Wool in them, doesn't it?" "Right. That way you don't have to carry them far. Except maybe if you're grazing your animals."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "How much does it cost to have one of those Makers made?" "It requires 20,000G and a piece of Adamantite." "That's very expensive!" "It is indeed. But once you buy one, it never breaks, and you can use it forever to increase the sale price of your farm goods. You'll also be able to cook more things." "I see. That's still a lot, though...!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Snowstorms are really scary, aren't they?" "You bet. You can't go outside at all! That means you can't take care of your animals or crops. The wind can also destroy your crops or Fences." "I can't do anything about it?" "Nope. Not even the Harvest Sprites will go outside during a snowstorm. All you can do is keep the animals safe in their barn." I'll just pray one never comes then, just like a typhoon!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Can I only find Orichalc and Adamantite Ores in the mine by the Spring?" "That's right. In that mine all you'll find is Mystrile Adamantite and Orichalc." "What about in the mine on the lake?" "There you can find other Ores that you can ship." "So, if I want to make money I should go to the lake and if I want to upgrade or make things, I should go to the spring, right?"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I bought a Sheep and a Cow at Yodel Farm. The Sheep is full grown, but not the Cow. Why?" "Cows grow slower than Sheep. That's why the Cows that Yodel Farm sells are not fully grown yet." "But Cows won't give Milk unless they're full grown, right? I guess I'll just have to wait until it gets older!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You can't watch TV when there's a typhoon or a snowstorm, right?" "Right. Why?" "Will the TV programs I miss because of the weather be shown the next day, or maybe the next week?" "No, they just skip those shows and go on with the next one." "So, there's no way I can see shows I missed?" "Not until they re-broadcast the whole series, no." "That's disappointing!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I've been wondering... what is it I eat every morning?" "Don't you know yourself? Basically, Bread or Rice Or, anything else that you've ever made before." "So, I should just make something that recuperates a lot of Stamina and Fatigue every morning then, right?" "That sounds about right."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I was up late at night and wanted to watch TV, but nothing was on. Why not?" "All programs stop at midnight." "Aww... I used to like staying up late to watch TV."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "What determines how affection level changes when you give gifts?" "Well, whether they like the gift or not, for one thing. If you give folks gifts too often, the gifts are not appreciated as much. And people will be more appreciative if the gift is on their birthday (assuming they like it, of course)." "How do I figure out people's birthdays?" "You could give them gifts every day and watch their reaction?" "But there's got to be a better way!" "Maybe there's someone you can ask then?" "I can't believe even you don't know, Bro!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday... Do you know what people in town like and don't like?" "Sorry, but I don't. But, it's also impossible to give everyone every- thing and watch their reactions..." "You bet it is!" "Still, it's a good idea to try giving people some things and remember how they react to it." "I see."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Do you know what day it is today?" "Sure. It's the winter Thanksgiving Festival." "Yes. That means... Here you go: Chocolate!" "Gee Sis, thanks! I'll try it right now...Mmm.... It's delicious! " "I'm glad you like it!" "I do. Now I'll have to top it for the next spring Thanksgiving Festival!" "Great!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "The Harvest Goddess came and told me that my Pedometer reached 10,000 steps." "Oh yeah, I thought I heard something like that. She might also come when you ship a certain number of things or catch a certain number of fish." "Well, she herself told me that I didn't receive anything special for it. It's no big step, I guess."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You don't save when you sleep this time, right?" "Right. Instead, select Diary in the Menu Window or examine the Diary in your house. "So I can save anywhere and anytime, right?" "Well, you can't open up the Menu Window when you're on your Horse, or something like that." "OK, so that's the only time I can't save, right?Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "What's the difference between my Refrigerator and Shelves?" "You use them for different things. Basically, things you eat go in the Refrigerator and every- thing else goes in the Shelf." "I see." "Also, you can't put Dogs, Chickens or Baskets in either one." "That makes sense." "But you can put 99 of each Item in each space, which is more than the Rucksack." "That's a lot!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "You told me yesterday that I could fit 99 Items in each space in my Shelves or Refrigerator. I tried, but it doesn't work." "That doesn't make any sense...What was it?" "Eggs..." "If they were different kinds of Eggs, then you can't put them in the same space." "I should have thought of that myself!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Can you use something other than food Items to cook with?" "Sure. Just put it in your Rucksack and then select it. But I've never heard of anything like that in a recipe!" "But if you can use some- thing other than food in a recipe, then maybe there's something good you can make..." "It's a possibility, I guess..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "My Chicken died..." "Of sickness?" "Yes..." "I forgot to put it in the Barn when it started raining...I feel awful!" "You know, these things cause your farm reputation in town to go down." "Really?" "When it's your fault. Not when animals die of old age, of course." "I'll be more careful in the future!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I ate a "Power Berry",but I'm not sure exactly what it is." "It increases your maximum Stamina." "So I can eat as many as I can?" "There are only 10 in all, and each one increases your Stamina by 10. That makes 100 in all." "How much do I start out with?" "100." "So I can increase my" Stamina by 100%. That's great!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "Is there any way to find out how many Power Berries I've eaten?" "If you look at the Farm Property page in your Earnings, there's a picture of you and your name, right?" "Right." "Under that are some red circles." "Uh-huh." "Each one of those indicates a Power Berry that you've eaten." "That's easy enough I suppose.Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "If the red circles in my Earnings mean Power Berries, what do the blue circles next to them mean?" "Those are the number of Mysterious Berries you've eaten. You get them from the Kappa. Which, I see you've already done..." "What do the Mystic Berries do then?" "They reduce your overall Fatigue so you won't be exhausted as often." "I didn't know that! I just thought it tasted good!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "What are the heart-shaped symbols on different pages of my Earnings book?" "Those show you levels of affection people have for you. There can be as many as ten hearts." "So, if someone has ten hearts for me, then they practically love me?" "That's about it."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I saw something strange on sale at Gotz's place." "What was it?" "It was called "Golden" Lumber." Do you know what that is?" "I've heard that putting it in your field can get the townspeople really mad at you for showing off." "But why is it so expensive?" "Think about it this way: Only someone who wanted to boast about how rich they were would buy a piece of Golden Lumber and put it in their yard for everybody to see!" "Still, I'm tempted..."Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I bought the Golden Lumber and put it in my yard--" "Why would you do that?" "Don't get so mad at me! It wouldn't fit in the Woodbin, you see." "That's because it's not like regular Lumber. You can put it in your Shelves instead, you show-off!" "I don't like everybody calling me names, so I think I'm going to move it as soon as I can!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "I heard that I can communicate with the Game- Cube version of this game." "That's true." "How do I do it?" "First, do you know how to find the Harvest Goddess? "No." "I'll tell you that first, then. You know where the mine by the Spring on Mother's Hill is, right?" "Behind the Hot Spring, right?" "Right. Well, the Harvest Goddess appears in the water to the right of that." "Got it. Be sure to tell me how to communicate tomorrow, OK?"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." About how to communicate with the GameCube, right? First, you have to throw an offering into the Goddess's spring to make her appear. Then,select"Communicate". That's about all there is to it, sis. I've never done it, but that's what I hear, anyway." "I can't wait to give it a try and see if She really does appear!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "What's the Blue Feather?" "What?! You mean they're already selling it at the Supermarket?" "Yeah, I've seen boys give it to girls a few times now." "Oh, I see. The Blue Feather is what people use when they want to propose marriage." "So, when those girls accepted the Feather, they were saying "Yes" ? How romantic!"Life on the Farm BEGINNER "Hey Big Bro!" "What is it?" "It's about what you were telling me yesterday..." "Is there something about the Blue Feather you don't understand yet?" "I told you they were selling it at the Super- market, but they didn't have any when I went to look!" "They wouldn't sell one to a girl, sis!" "So the only way I can get one is to have someone propose to me?" "That's right." "That's no fair!"RIFFӘSCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;")!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!## !##!!##"!###!##$!##%!##&!##'!##(!##)!##*!!!!"#!?$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMPH'1AQaq !1AQaq! 1!A"Q#a$q%&STR '+&<Kd /_%"%a),0 48<%@ChGJN@RVZ]bxehPl2pt"x |̇UAaron Changes Aaron(in Erin's body)Erin(in Aaron's body) Aaron Changes Going to School 1 PING, PONGGG As usual, Aaron rang his neighbor's doorbell and shouted to Erin. Aaron: "Erin! Good morning." ...A couple of seconds later, the second floor window slid open and Erin stuck her sleepy head out. Erin: "Morning Aaron. Hang on. I'll be there in a sec!" This is my neighbor, Erin. She's my girlfriend. Her name sounds the same as mine but spelled different. It's a little confusing, but that's the way it is. ...Two minutes later Erin: "Sorry to keep you waiting Aaron. Well, let's get going." Erin came out in her school uniform Looks like she combed her hair at least. ContinuedAaron Changes Going to School 2 Erin came out in her school uniform Looks like she combed her hair at least. Aaron: "Erin! We're gonna be late if we don't hurry!" It's partly my fault for always cutting it close when I pick her up, but it wouldn't be so bad if she got up a little earlier. Erin: "Alright. Oh yeah. Hey... Why don't we go shopping after school?" As usual, Erin is full of energy considering she just got up!" Aaron: "Sure, but what are you gonna buy?" Erin is walking in front of me facing backwards. Seems kinda dangerous walking backwards while facing the wrong way. Erin: "Ummc Todayc Oops!" She almost tripped because she did not look where she was going. ContinuedAaron Changes Going to School 3 She almost tripped because she didn't look where she was going. Aaron: "Be careful!" I grabbed Erin's hand right away and tried to pull her up but I didn't have my balance! Instead she pulled me down and we both collided into each other. Erin & Aaron: "Ouch!" "Oww!" Thump! Our heads bumped together. Aaron: "Oww. Are you okay? What's going on?" Huh? Something weird is going on. Erin: "Yeah, I'm fine. But my head totally...Huh? What the...? How can I be staring at myself?" No doubt about it... I'm staring at myself. What's going on!? ContinuedAaron Changes Going to School 4 No doubt about it... I'm staring at myself. What's going on!? Aaron: "Uhh, I can see myself. "Myself" meaning "Aaron"! Erin: "Umm, I can see myself. "Myself" meaning "Erin"! Erin & Aaron: "What?! You mean we've changed bodies?!" When I took another look at myself, I saw Erin, whose always somewhere nearby. Erin is looking at her own body too. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Wha...What're we gonna do Erin?" Anyone'd be freaked out and kind of upset if something like this suddenly happened to them... ContinuedAaron Changes Going to School 5 Anyone'd be freaked out and kind of upset if something like this suddenly happened to them... Erin (in Aaron's body): "I dunno!" Umm... If we changed bodies when we bumped heads, maybe we should try bumping heads again. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Well..." Just as I was about to suggest bumping heads We heard the school bell ring, BING, BONG, BING, BONG Erin (in Aaron's body): "Oh! That's the warning bell! We'd better get to school first and then think about what to do later." What? Aaron (in Erin's body): "Huh?" Wouldn't it be kinda bad to go to school... in this state? Erin (in Aaron's body): "If we don't hurry to school, we'll be late!" Erin seemed more concerned about getting to school than the fact that we switched bodies. ContinuedAaron Changes Going to school 6 Erin seemed more concerned about getting to school than the fact that we switched bodies. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Well...well, we might be late, but..." But it seemed more important to get our bodies back to normal. Erin (in Aaron's body): "Well then, let's get to school. But we'd better keep quiet about this, right? Erin said pointing at herself (appearing to be Aaron). Aaron (in Erin's body): "...Yeah, I don't want anyone to know, but won't we be discovered? Do you think we'll be okay?" How could others not figure it out!?... Erin (in Aaron's body): "I think we'll be all right." Were we really gonna be okay? Erin seemed to be speaking without thinking. Aaron (in Erin's body): "....................." Are we gonna be OK? I don't even think we should go to school at a time like this... ContinuedAaron Changes Going to school 7 Erin (in Aaron's body): "Phew! I can't believe we made it to school and before the main bell!" How can she have so much energy after running all the way from there (where we bumped heads) to the shoe cupboard? Erin's always so full of energy. Aaron (in Erin's body): (Out of breath) We gotta remember not to mix up our shoes. ...Just as Erin grabbed her own indoor shoes. Usually that wouldn't be a problem, but since we switched bodies we had to be careful. Erin (in Aaron's body): Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot that I'm not supposed to grab " mine!" Luckily no one was near the shoe cupboard, so grabbing the wrong shoes was not a big deal. ContinuedAaron Changes Going to school 8 Erin (in Aaron's body): "Morning!" Erin threw open the classroom door and energetically greeted everyone as usual. (To everyone else it looked like the greeting was coming from Aaron.) Jean: "Morning, Erin, Aaron. Together as usual, eh!" Erin's best friend, Jean, wandered toward us. Because she's good friends with Erin, she talks to me a lot too (not just the two of us - Erin too.). Erin (in Aaron's body): "Morning, Jean!" Erin greeted Jean in her usual way. She forgot that we switched bodies. (I could tell it was going to be a long day.) ContinuedAaron Changes Going to School 9 Erin greeted Jean in her usual way. She forgot that we switched bodies. (It was going to be a long day.) Aaron (in Erin's body): (Nods his head) I was so nervous about being found out that I couldn't even speak... (So I just nodded to Jean without saying anything.) Jean: "Huh? Erin, you seem kinda quiet. What's up?" Oh no! Erin (in Aaron's body): "I feel as good as ever!" No kidding! How could Erin act normal even though we switched bodies? Jean: "Not you, Aaron! I'm talking about Erin!" That's right! I was Erin! Sheesh! I already forgot! ContinuedAaron Changes Going to school 10 That's right! I appear to be Erin. Aaron (in Erin's body) "Me too. I'm fine!" That's what I said, anyway. We're in such such a fix though, I'd rather skip school. Jean "Really? Whatever." Jean's good friends with Erin, but luckily she isn't one for details. BING, BONG, BING BONG Ah, that's the main bell! First class is starting. Jean "Ah, the bell! See you later." Maybe she wants to see us later, but I'd like to avoid being with Jean as much as possible today. I have no idea where we'll be when she finds out I'm not Erin. ContinuedAaron Changes 1st Class: Social Studies 1 Jean: "Stand up! Straighten up! Bow! Sit down!" The teacher came in as soon as the main bell rang and the class began right away. Jean happened to be on class duty, so she gave orders. Teacher: "Okay, time for attendance!" the teacher said, and he started taking attendance as usual. Starting with "A", he read everyone's name in order, with students replying as their names were called. Teacher: "Erin" Oh, he's calling Erin. Uh oh! Erin (in Aaron's body): "Here." Oh no! I knew it... Erin made a mistake. (She didn't actually make a mistake, but she was supposed to be me me, not her!) She shouldn't have replied. ContinuedAaron Changes 1st Class: Social Studies 2 Erin made a mistake. (She didn't actually make a mistake, but she was supposed to be me right now.) She should have kept quiet. Teacher: "No, not you Aaron! I said Erin! However similar your names sound, the girls names come first, so be careful!" The teacher didn't seem surprised that Erin made a mistake...She often replies when my name is called. (Just so you know, I've never made that mistake.) Erin (in Aaron's body): "Oops! I made a mistake. Sorry." Maybe I should've replied right away. Sorry, Erin. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Here" I replied right away just in case. ContinuedAaron Changes 2nd Class: Music Erin (in Aaron's body): "Aaron. Music is next, right? Let's go together." We always moved from class to class together, so I knew there nothing strange about it. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Yep. We've got a recorder test." Huh? Recorder? Wait a minute. Would that be like an indirect kiss? But we've totally switched bodies...Seems kinda strange. Uhh...I'm not sure. Erin (in Aaron's body): "Hey, Aaron. If we don't hurry, we'll be late." While I was having worried thoughts, Erin was already bolting toward the classroom... Aaron (in Erin's body): "Uh, oh...okay. I'm on my way." I frantically grabbed my textbook and recorder and ran after Erin. ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 1 Erin (in Aaron's body): "Uh, isn't PE next? Ooh, lucky you! You get to see girls changing!" Erin whispered to me. (Truth was, it won't be a joke if it gets out that we switched bodies.) Aaron (in Erin's body): "........." That's right...Classes 1 & 2 do PE together. The girls changed in Class 1 (next door) and the boys changed in Class 2 (here). (We were already on our way from the music room to Class 2.) Aaron (in Erin's body): "What am I gonna do Erin?" However much I may appear to be you, changing with the girls is bad. This is no time to make silly jokes! ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 2 "What am I gonna do Erin?" However much I may appear to be you, changing with the girls is bad. This is no time to make silly jokes! Erin (in Aaron's body): "This is a great chance to observe the girls, isn't it?" Observe girls...? Aaron (in Erin's body): "That's easy for you to "say..." I mean, it's not like I'm completely against seeing them get changed, which is what I was about to say when Jean appeared again. Jean: "Erin, what's going on!? However much you love Aaron, you can't get changed together!" I know, but... Erin (in Aaron's body): "I know! Alright, get out you two. Out!" Erin pushed Jean and I in the back and chased us out of the locker room. Aaron (in Erin's body): We left the locker room with Erin pushing at our backs, but I felt totally awkward. ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 3 Aaron (in Erin's body): (Heart pounding) I ended up going into Class 1's locker roomc This was bad. Girls were changing all around me. I can't look! Jean changed clothes right next to me...! Jean: "What's wrong Erin? Your face is red!" Don't turn this way, Jean! I won't look! Aaron (in Erin's body): "N...Nothing's wrong." (Of course I'm blushing! I've never seen a girl other than Erin changing!) Jean: "Erin, are you really OK?" she said as she came closer. (Ah, don't come any closer while you're barely dressed.) Aaron (in Erin's body): "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I turned away in a panic, but there were other girls changing. What am I gonna do? ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 4 Meanwhile...in the boys' changing room. Erin (in Aaron's body): "Wow! You guys have great bodies... Totally different than that slob Aaron." Gene: "What's up? Does my body look that nice, Aaron?" Erin (in Aaron's body): "Uh-huh, looks good. I wish Aaron had muscles like that. Gene: "So you like muscular girls eh? Even though you've got a girl like Erin..." Erin (in Aaron's body): "No, no. I mean it would be great if I had muscles like that." Gene: "Well, you should try more exercise, that's for sure. ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 5 Aaron (in Erin's body): (Huffing and puffing) How far have we run? I can't even see the halfway mark yet, so we haven't even run 2 kilometers. It's basketball for the boys and running for the girls in today's PE lesson. I don't like sports, so I'm no good at either. But running's the worst of all... Aaron (in Erin's body): (Sound of falling) Ah, my legs tangled and I fell! Jean: "Woah! Erin, are you okay?" Jean had already hit the turnaround point and noticed I had fallen. She came running over in a panic... Aaron (in Erin's body): "I...I can't go on." It may only be half of the boys' course, but it's still 5 kilometers! I can't do it... ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 6 Meanwhile...in the boy's class. TWEEET Erin (in Aaron's body): "Yeah! That's a three point shot!" Gene: "Aaron, you seem more like Erin today. Erin (in Aaron's body): "Huh!? Wh...Why?" Gene: "Why? Because you're usually no good at sports." Erin (in Aaron's body): "What! W...well Erin's been training with me lately." Gene: "Really? Maybe the day will come when you'll have muscles, too." Erin (in Aaron's body): "M...maybe" ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 7 Jean: "Well, your face was red when we getting dressed. Have you got a fever? Don't overdo it! The usual Erin could easily run this distance..." Huh! Now I was red in the face for a completely different reason... Aaron (in Erin's body): "......" Just as I was thinking how out of shape I was, Erin sprinted toward me from around the corner. Erin (in Aaron's body): "Aaron, are you "okay?" Erin helped support me instead of Jean. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Huh? Erin. What are you doing here?" The boys have basketball and I figured she'd be in the gym. What made her come over here? ContinuedAaron Changes 3rd Class: PE 8 The boys have basketball and I figured she'd be in the gym. What made her come over here? Erin (in Aaron's body): "Look over there." Erin pointed to the gym. Oh yeah. I was running in the streets around the school. I guess Erin watched us run from the gym windows. Aaron (in Erin's body): "I see. I'm okay now. Thanks." I tried to stand up but I was so shaky that I ended up leaning on Erin. I really am terrible at sports. Erin (in Aaron's body): "You're hopeless! ...Up we go." Erin helped me walk (in Erin's body!) to the nurses office. Jean: "Wow, Aaron. What a man! You guys really are in love!" It would be cool if it was actually me helping Erin. ContinuedAaron Changes 4th Class: Math 1 BING, BONG, BING, BONG Sounds like the 4th class is starting. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Oh, the class is about to start. I have to get back to the classroom." I should try and get up. Incidentally, when Erin brought me to the nurse's office, the nurse wasn't here but the door wasn't locked, so I came in to rest anyway. (I have no idea why the door wasn't locked.) Erin stayed with me the whole time. Erin (in Aaron's body): "You must still be tired. Since you're already here, why don't you rest till lunch time?" Yeah, I'm still tired No doubt about it. I'd like to keep resting, but... ContinuedAaron Changes 4th Class: Math 2 Yeah, I'm still tired No doubt about it. I'd like to keep resting, but... Aaron (in Erin's body): "But..." I think math is next. The teacher always picks me to answer. If Erin goes to the class looking like me, she'll be picked instead. But if she gets picked, she probably won't be able to answer correctly. (Erin hates studying.) Erin (in Aaron's body): "See you. Take it easy." Erin didn't seem at all bothered about math class (or maybe she was unaware). She opened the door and waved goodbye as she left the nurse's office. Aaron (in Erin's body): "OK. Thanks." She left. I wonder if she'll be okay? Knowing Erin, she'll manage somehow. ContinuedAaron Changes 4th Class: Math 3 Meanwhile, in Erin's math class... (Sound of door opening) Erin (in Aaron's body): "Sorry I'm late." Teacher: "Ah! Just in time. Please answer the question written on the board. Erin (in Aaron's body): "...Sorry, I have no idea." Teacher: "Not only are you late for class, you can't even solve the problem. You've been hanging around Erin too much." Jean: "That's not very nice! Aaron just finished looking after Erin because she fell down during PE. She's still asleep in the nurse's office so his mind is on her rather than the lesson. Teacher: "Sorry." ContinuedAaron Changes 4th Class: Math 4 Aaron (in Erin's body): "Man, I'm bored." I'm not really that tired anymore, and I feel kind of awkward just lying here in the nurse's office. I Wonder what time it is? The clock on the wall says 12:15. Five minutes till the 4th class finishes. What to do? Guess I'll go back to class in a minute. Aaron (in Erin's body): "cYeah, I think I'll go back." If I go back now though, the 4th class will pretty much be finished, so it'll be lunch time. I'll have lunch with Erin. But if I eat a big lunch just after getting back from the nurse's office, it might look a little suspicious, so maybe I'd better keep a low profile for awhile. ContinuedAaron Changes 4th Class: Math 5 If I go back now though, the 4th class will pretty much be finished, so it'll be lunch time. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Nurse, I'm fine. I'd like to be excused." I called to the nurse and opened the door and left. (By the way, the nurse came back a little while after Erin left. When we came to the nurse's office, the nurse had gone to the toilet and forgot to lock the door.) Aaron (in Erin's body): "I wonder if Erin's okay? I wonder if the math teacher asked her any questions?" Actually, he always asks me questions, so it'd be odd if he didn't choose her. I hope she didn't say anything bizarre. Aaron (in Erin's body): "I might as well go back to the classroom now." I walked briskly to the classroom (there's no running in the hall). It's not far from the nurse's office to the classroom, so I arrived there pretty fast. ContinuedAaron Changes 4th Class: Math 6 (Sound of door opening) I gently opened the door at the back of the classroom and went inside. Teacher: "Erin, you're back. Is everything okay?" He asked me as soon as I entered the room. He was tidying up his notes and chalk. Looks like he wrapped up the lesson. He seems to have finished teaching for the day. BING, BONG, BING, BONG Ah, there's the bell! Not that it really matters. Doesn't look like they were doing anything much anyway. Teacher: "Class is over." The teacher rushed out of the classroom before I could reply. Wonder if he was expecting me to say something? ContinuedAaron Changes Lunch Time 1 Erin (in Aaron's body): "Aaron, Jean. Let's eat lunch together." As soon as the teacher left the room, Erin invited us for lunch as she always did. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Yeah, sure. Let's go Jean." Of course I intended on eating lunch with them, so I pulled my lunchbox out of my bag (Erin's bag of course) and called to Jean who was sitting behind me. I followed Erin, who started walking ahead without waiting for us. Jean: "Hey, wait! Erin and Aaron!" Jean hastily grabbed her lunchbox and caught up to us. Hmm, wonder where we're going? I should ask Erin. ContinuedAaron Changes Lunch Time 2 Erin (in Aaron's body): "We're here. Let's eat! We arrived at a courtyard. Erin sat down on the grass nearby and opened her lunch box. The weather was nice and warm, so the grass was also warm. Jean: "Yeah, let's eat." Jean and I sat down and took our lunches out. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Ooh..." The inside of the lunch box was completely red. Erin loves spicy food. I can't handle it though, so I don't know if I can eat it. Jean: "What's up? Aren't you going to eat Erin?" Jean knows Erin loves spicy food... If I don't eat it, she'll think something's up! ContinuedAaron Changes Lunch Time 3 Jean knows Erin loves spicy food... If I don't eat it, she'll think something's up! Aaron (in Erin's body): "Yeah, I'm gonna eat. (biting sound) Ugh." OW! That's hot! This is a little spicy for me. There's no way I can eat all this! Jean thinks I'm (Erin that is) not feeling well, so maybe she won't be surprised if I don't eat much. Jean: "Erin, don't force yourself to eat if you're not feeling well." Ah. I was right. Jean thinks I'm not eating anything because I'm not well. Good! Aaron (in Erin's body): "You're right. I think I'll leave it." I hope Jean's not too worried. Sorry, Jean. Guess I'll just take the rest of my lunch (Erin's lunch) home. ContinuedAaron Changes Lunch Time 4 Guess I'll just take the rest of my lunch (actually Erin's) home. Erin (in Aaron's body): "That was tasty. Huh? If you're not going to eat yours Aaron, I'll have it." (Takes a big bite) Erin quickly finished eating her lunch (which was actually mine) and then grabbed the red glob of food (which I'd hardly touched) in my lunchbox (actually Erin's) and munched on it. Jean: "Heh? I thought you hated spicy food. Anyway, it's kinda cute seeing you guys sharing your lunchbox." It was? I preferred that she didn't make such a big deal. Erin (in Aaron's body): "Thanks for the food." Before I knew it, she'd polished off my lunch (actually her lunch). Boy, can she eat. ContinuedAaron Changes 5th Class: Japanese Literature 1 Teacher: "Today, I'd like you to read a book in the library and write your impressions. Alright, let's go to the library everybody." Reading? I wondered if Erin would be OK. She's the kind of person who falls asleep at the sight of a thick book. Erin (in Aaron's body): "(Yawn). Erin, shall we go to the library? Jean?" Erin seemed kind of sleepy, and we didn't even reach the library yet! She just finished eating so I guessed that was natural. She looked totally content after eating both our lunches. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Yeah. Let's get going." If we didn't go right away, Erin would have fallen asleep before we even left our desks. It won't make any difference whether she sleeps here or there though I guess... ContinuedAaron Changes 5th Class: Japanese Literature 2 Erin (in Aaron's body): "Zzz, zzz" Sure enough, she's asleep... Is it normal to fall asleep the second you you sit down in a library? Uh-oh! If the teacher sees her, he'll think it's me sleeping! He didn't actually notice yet, but if I don't wake her up, she'll be found out for sure. Jean: "What's up? Looks like Aaron's asleep. That's pretty unusual. If it was Erin, no one would be surprised. She's always dozing off. Carrying her to the nurse's office and looking after her during PE must have really taken it out of him. I guess he's not used to that kind of thing." Hmm. I hardly ever (actually never) sleep during class, so Jean thinks it's okay. Maybe I'll let Erin sleep for a while. ContinuedAaron Changes 5th Class: Japanese Literature 3 Maybe I'll let Erin sleep for a while. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Yeah, guess not. Why don't we leave him alone for a while?" She certainly did something she's not used to doing. And I'm a big part of the reason behind it, so I guess I should let her sleep for a while. Jean: "OK. We have to make sure the teacher doesn't find him." Alright. For starters... Aaron (in Erin's body): "Leave it to me." I moved to the seat in front of Erin (in my body) to make it harder to see her. I Wonder if that'll do it... I'll wake her up in a bit anyway so it should be okay. ContinuedAaron Changes After School 1 Bing, Bong, Bing, Bong Oh. The 5th class was over! Luckily the teacher didn't find her sleeping. Erin ended up sleeping through the whole class. I was thinking of waking her part way through, but she looked so content and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. At the end of the day those who couldn't finish the book report during class have to do it as homework by tomorrow. There's no way the average person can read an entire book and write a report in an hour, so most people have to write their impressions (and read the book) for homework... Including me. Anyway, that's beside the point. I have to wake her up. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Erin, class is over. Wake up." That's the end of school for the day. Let's go home right away and find a way to switch our bodies back to normal. ContinuedAaron Changes After School 2 That's the end of school for the day. Let's go home right away and find a way to switch our bodies back to normal. Erin (in Aaron's body): "(Yawning) Morning, Aaron. Are classes finished for the day? Let's go go shopping now." Erin pulled my arm to go as soon as she woke up. She sure was ready to go even though she just woke woke up! That was nothing new. I agreed. Let's go home...Huh? What'd you say Erin? Aaron (in Erin's body): "Hold on a second. Shopping? What're you talking about?" Did I hear her wrong? She said she wanted to go shopping, right? Erin (in Aaron's body): "Huh? Have you forgotten already? You promised to go this morning." Yeah, I do remember But it hardly seems like the right time to go shopping. ContinuedAaron Changes After School 3 Jean: "Are you two going shopping? Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Wouldn't wanna be in the way! Bye!" Jean was gone in a second and we were alone. ...Oh well, our problem has nothing to do with Jean, so it's fine if she goes home. Aaron (in Erin's body): "You're right. I did promise, but we need to do something about our bodies first." But Erin kept tugging at my arm while facing toward me. It Seemed kinda dangerous facing backwards while walking... Erin (in Aaron's body): "That can wait till later. Today...Oops!" She almost tripped because of looking at me instead of looking where she was going. ContinuedAaron Changes After School 4 Erin nearly tripped because she was looking at me instead of looking where she was going. Aaron (in Erin's body): "Be careful!" I said as she kept tugging my arm (Erin was about to fall, so she had no intention of letting go of my arm in the first place), sending us tumbling down together. Erin & Aaron: "Oww! Ouch!'' Thump! Our heads bumped together. Aaron: "Owww. You OK? What happened?" Huh? Something weird is going on. Erin: "Yeah, I'm fine. But my head totally...Huh? What the...? Is that you in front of me Aaron?" Yep. Erin's here in front of me. What the heck's going on? ContinuedAaron Changes After School 5 Yep. Erin's here in front of me. What the heck is going on? Aaron: "Oh, Erin. You're here in front of me." She's always somewhere nearby. But today was different...I had been seeing things from her perspective all day. Erin: "Aaron, you're here in front of me." Erin had been been seeing things from my perspective all day. Aaron & Erin: "No way! You mean we've returned to normal?" When I looked at myself, I was the same I had always been until this morning. It I had my own body back. Erin was also looking at herself. Erin: "Since we're back to normal let's go shopping now, Aaron!" Why not? Our bodies are back to normal, so there's no reason to say no. Aaron: "Yeah. Let's go. But no walking backwards!" The End.RIFFSCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;"*!>J##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O## !O## !O## !O## !O## !O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O##!O## !O##!!O##"!O###!O##$!O##%!O##&!O##'!O##(!O##)!O##*!O##+!O##,!O##-!O##.!O##/!O##0!O##1!O##2!O##3!!!!"#!?OO$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMP01AQaq !1AQaq! 1!A"Q#a$q%&'()*+,-./!cccc}}STR 4$3wg HT"%)-26:=7ADHqLpPSWZ\^mbfilo sv0z~ȁWsz =Mechabot Ultror@ AUTUMN@ BREEZE@@@@@@@Ultror returns! Summer vacation is over, and fall is here again. The gang takes a trip to the mountains where they encounter a mysterious life-form! *Season Premiere!* Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode One: Back To School Time Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 1: Back To School Four classmates named Red, Blue, Yellow and Green, are in the middle of homeroom class at school. (Of course, they're there with the rest of their class.) It's the day before their fall trip. The whole class is going to go hiking in the mountains. The teacher in charge of the trip gave everyone a handout listing all the stuff they'll need to take with them. The teacher was just about to give the class some important instructions for the trip: "Listen up, everyone! Here's what you need to know about our trip tomorrow". To be continued... @ @ Trailer: The teacher hasn't said what they'll do if it rains tomorrow. So will they still go if it's wet? Next time: @ Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE @@ Episode 2: Tomorrow Shines Bright Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 2: Tomorrow Shines Bright "OK, This is what you have to do tomorrow: At 8 a.m. everyone assembles in front of the school. Whatever you do, just don't be late. The stuff you need to bring is all written down on the handout I gave you, so make sure you read it and don't forget anything. And another thing: The snack budget per person is 300 yen, so don't go over that limit on any account, OK? Before we set off I'll come around and check everyone's pack individually and anyone who went over budget will have their snack confiscated on the spot!" To be continued... Trailer: The snack budget for the trip is 300 yen per person. But the burning question remains: Does that include fruit? @@ Next time: @@ Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 3: Showdown Time Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 3: Showdown Time "And another thing, the snack budget per person is 300 yen, so don't go over that limit on any account, OK? By the way, if you bring fruit for dessert as part of your packed lunch it isn't counted in your budget. But if you bring fruit for dessert, you have to eat it with your lunch. If you eat it at any other time, it counts as part of your snack budget. Of course, in that case you'll go over budget and your snack will be confiscated. OK, those are all the instructions I have for you. Homeroom class is now dismissed!" To be continued... Trailer: On the way home our four friends came up with some interesting ideas for making their snack budget go further. Discover the cunning plans they devise. Next time: Episode 4: Stretching A Rule Don't miss itIMechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 4: Stretching A Rule On the way home Yellow turned to her three friends (Red, Blue and Green) and said "Hey, you guys!" "What?" they chorused. "About that snack budget for the trip. Think you can stay under 300 yen?" "Well, now that you mention it, I had an idea about that..." "Actually, so did I...." "Me too!" "Yeah? So what's everyone's idea?" To be continued... Trailer: Find out how the four pals plan to secure significant snackage and yet stay within the stingy budget of 300 yen. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 5: Secret Plans Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 5: Secret Plans "Huh? Everyone's thought of a way to get over?" "Well, I thought I'd..." "Stop right there!" Just as Red is about to reveal his idea, Yellow stops him short. "If we've all thought of an idea, how about we keep our ideas secret until the trip tomorrow?" "Well, yeah, I've kind of thought up a plan." "Yeah, I'm OK with keeping it secret for now." Me too!" "OK, that's what we'll do!" To be continued... Trailer: The morning of the trip. It's nearly time to assemble by the school gate, but Red is nowhere to be seen. Will he make it in time? @ Next time: @ Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 6: The Fateful Morning Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 6: The Fateful Morning 7 a.m. on the day of the trip. RRRRRRRRRINNGGG............. Snore, sigh................. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............ Red sleeps on, blissfully undisturbed by the ringing of his alarm clock. Now the clock shows 7.30. RRRRRINGGG...silence. The bell stops ringing. Red fails to wake up although the clock has been ringing all this time. He slumbers on and on.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............ To be continued... @ Trailer: 7.30 a.m. Yellow arrives at the school gate and has her pack inspected. Has she stayed within the snack budget of 300 yen? @ Next time @ Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 7: Secret Plans Activated! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 7: Secret Plans Activated! It's 7.30 a.m. Yellow arrives at the school gate and greets the teacher. Good morning, Ma'am! Good morning Yellow! You're good and early! Did you stick to the 300 yen snack budget? Let's take a look at your pack. Dear me, It's bulging out all over! You've surely got to be over budget here!" "Hngh..How about these?" Asks Yellow with a smirk and a faint snicker. To be continued... Trailer: Yellow reaches into her snack pack and pulls out ... Well, the contents of Yellow's snack pack will be revealed next time. @ Next Time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 8: The Truth is Revealed Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 8: The Truth is Revealed When the smirking Yellow opens her snack pack, a huge pile of cookies is revealed. "I made them myself", she explains. "So they only cost me the price of the ingredients. And I got my Mom to buy them for me at the supermarket where she works, and she gets a 30% staff discount there, so I could make 30% more cookies for the same price." "Well, it never occurred to me that anyone would go to all that trouble.." replies teacher, flabbergasted. "I might have known that if anyone were to get round the rules, it would be you, Yellow.... Oh, look, here comes Blue. Good morning!" To be continued... Trailer: Blue has also brought a bulging snack pack. Just how has he managed to work the system? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 9: Secret Plan No. 2 Activated! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 9: Secret Plan No. 2 Activated! "Good morning, Ma'am! Hi, Yellow!" "Good morning, Blue. I see your snack pack is also bulging suspiciously! Are you sure you haven't gone over the 300 yen budget?" Yes, Ma'am." Blue opens his snack pack to reveal the contents... "Everything in here is a a free sample, so I haven't gone over budget. In fact I didn't pay a single yen" "Well! You've got around the rules this time. Fancy doing that..." Sighs the stunned teacher. To be continued. Trailer: Meanwhile, Red is still in dreamland. Will he manage to make it to the school gate on time? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 10: A Rude Awakening Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 10: A Rude Awakening 7.42 a.m. at Red's house. "Mmmmm....nngg...Yaaawn" Red finally wakes up. "Hmmmn, I get the feeling I've slept longer than usual today", he mumbles. Then, glancing at the clock: Huh? Is it that time already? I'll be late! Oh, No!" Even running at top speed, it takes 15 minutes to get from Red's house to the school gate, so unless he changed immediately and sets off, he'll definitely be late. Of course, breakfast is totally out of the question. To be continued... Trailer: It's 7.45 a.m. Green shows up at the school gate. His showdown with the teacher is about to begin... Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 11: Secret Plan No.3 Activated! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 11: Secret Plan No.3 Activated! It's 7.45 a.m, in front of of the school gate. Green shows up. "Mornin', all!" "Good morning, Green! Well, there's no time to waste. Let's take a look..." The teacher steps over to inspect Green's snack pack. "Well, surprise surprise. Your snack pack is full to bursting too. What trick have you pulled, I wonder?" "Actually it's full of wild berries and mushrooms and stuff I picked yesterday in the mountains." "Oh, is that so?" What with all these surprises, the teacher looked worn out before the trip had begun. To be continued... Trailer: Red dashes towards the assembly point. But Lady Luck does not seem to be smiling on him today. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 12: Like A Red Rocket Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 12: Like A Red Rocket Red's house: It takes him 3 minutes to get dressed and get out the door, which means he leaves home at 7.45 a.m. At this rate he should just make it on time (although he won't have time to stop, except at traffic lights. As if to spite him, the traffic lights at the road he has to cross are now red. "Darn, it's no good crossing at street level", he thinks. He heads for the footbridge. This means he loses 15 seconds. If he carries on crossing roads this way, he's bound to be late! To be continued... Trailer: 8 a.m.. It's crunch time! But there's still no sign of Red at the school gate. It doesn't look as if he's going to make it... Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 13: Cutting It Fine Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 13: Cutting It Close 8 a.m. in front of the school gate. "Red's late. I wonder what the problem is?", says Yellow to Blue and Green, but at that very moment, Red runs up to the gate, sweating profusely and yelling: "Sorry about that, everyone!" "What happened?" "You're real late!" "I guess you woke up at 7:43 and you were going to be late so you rushed out of the house without any breakfast and you would have just made it, but the lights were against you so, you had to go over the footbridge and that's why you're 15 seconds late..." "How did you guess?" To be continued... Trailer: Next: The showdown with the teacher is the best yet. Find out what strategy Red employs to maximize his snack capacity. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 14: The Final Showdown Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 14: The Final Showdown 8 a.m. and the teacher walks up to Red, who has just arrived slightly late at the school gate: "Red. You're late." "Sorry, Ma'am. Actually..." "Don't bother to explain. Let's get your snack pack inspected. Let's hope you're not another of these jokers who brought way too much. No, that seems to be OK. Well, everything else seems to be in order and we're all present and ready. OK, let's get going." "Yes, Ma'am", choruses the class. To be continued... Trailer: Red has kept within the snack budget of 300 yen. So what happened to the secret plan he talked about yesterday? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE @ Episode 15: Secret Plan No. 4 Activated! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 15: Secret Plan No. 4 Activated! "Hey, Red!", says Yellow as soon as they're on their way. "What?" What did you do about the snack thing? Didn't you say yesterday you had an idea?" "Oh, that?" "Tell me too!" "And me!" piped up Green and Blue. "You want to know about that? Well, OK, I'll tell you. Actually...." To be continued... @ Trailer: Red's secret plan is revealed in full -- and what happens when the teacher hears about it? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 16: Foiled! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 16: Foiled! "Actually...", says Red, taking his wallet out of his pocket. "You see this wallet?" What about it?" I'm going to go into a store and use it to buy more snacks!" "Ahh!" chorus the others. "Oh no, you're not!" echoes the teacher's voice from behind them. "Why not, Ma'am? When you gave us instructions yesterday, you didn't say anything about not bringing money with us." To be continued... Trailer: Our careless conspirators were overheard by the teacher! Will Red's secret plan have to be aborted?" Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 17: Blue Skies, No Candy Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 17: Blue Skies, No Candy When Red asked the teacher "Why not?", she replied: "I'm not saying it's wrong. There's nothing wrong with the idea but up in the mountains you won't find a single shop selling anything like sweets or cakes, and they don't have any convenience stores up there. So I'm not saying you must not buy snacks when we get there--I'm saying you won't be able to." "Wow, I never thought..." "Ma'am, is that true?" To be continued... Trailer: Now that he can't buy any extra snacks, will Red have to stave off starvation with what he bought for under 300 yen? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 18: Despair Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 18: Despair "Ma'am, is that true?" "Unfortunately, it is.... Although, considering the ingenious ruses the other children thought up to bring more than their fair share of snacks, I don't think your idea was so bad in itself..." (Red made no reply.) "But you'd better accept that you've been unlucky this time and just make do with 300 yen worth of snacks in your pack." "Darn!", said Red. "Not a single store from here on. Why didn't I think of that?" To be continued Trailer: Will Yellow and the others share their snacks with Red and save him from field trip starvation? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 19: What Friends Are For? Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 19: What Friends Are For? "Don't worry, Red. We'll share our snacks with you. There's plenty to go round, after all", says Yellow. That's not what's bothering me", replies Red. "I just really hate it when the teacher gets the better of me." "All she did was tell you there wouldn't be a single store on the way. She didn't get the better of you, Red. "No, I think you were wrong to think of it as a showdown with the teacher in the first place", Green consoles him. To be continued... Trailer: Following his defeat at the hands of the teacher, Red's three friends eventually persuade him to let it go and move on. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 20: A New Journey Begins! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 20: A New Journey Begins! "Red, I think you were wrong to think of it as a showdown with the teacher in the first place," Green Green consoled him. "Yeah, I guess that's true", added Yellow. But Red didn't seem to be listening. "It doesn't matter whether it was bad luck or bad planning. There won't be any stores, so I won't be able to buy extra snacks. So my plan failed. And you're telling me this wasn't a showdown?" "Sure! The plan was to get hold of plenty of chow! That's all! To be continued... Trailer: Red gets over his annoyance and reverts to his cheerful self. As he devours the snacks his friends give him, he remains unware of the fearsome enemy that he will soon face. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 21: Where Fate Awaits Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 21: Where Fate Awaits "I guess you're right.. I got too hung up on my secret plan. So now that we cleared that up, how about some chow?"Sure! Hmm, how about these. Here you go! ", said Yellow. "Thanks!" (chomp...) "Hey, these are good.." "Of course they're good! I made them!" "Yeah, of course." At that moment, the teacher speaks up: "OK, everyone, this is where we get off!" To be continued... Trailer: The gang finally arrived at the mountain wherethey'll be hiking. Little do they know about the ordeal waiting in store for them. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 22: An Army Marches on its Stomach Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 22: An Army Marches on its Stomach "OK, everyone", teacher called. "This is where we get off!" "This is where we get down to business!" "I guess we do." "It's what we've been waiting for." "Absolutely!" "Today we're going to climb all the way to the top of this mountain. So let's be on our way!", said the teacher, leading the way. "Is everybody ready?" "Uh-HUH!" Yes, Ma'am!" Yeah!" To be continued... Trailer: Everyone follows the teacher towards the mountain top. However, before they get there, Red gets worn out. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 23: Hungry Hero Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 23: Hungry Hero "Gee, I'm totally exhausted!" sighed Red. "It's tough going, for sure. Hey Red, could you use one of these?", said Blue, taking a snack from his pack and offering it to his friend. "Thanks!" (munch, munch) "Aaagh! It's hot! Much too hot! What is it, anyway?" "It's a super-hot chili bun. They boost your energy. Can't you feel it working?" "Huh? If anything, it's making me feel even more exhausted and my mouth feels like it's coated with chili pepper. Have you got anything else?" To be continued... Trailer: Does the super-hot chilli bun have any effect on Red's flagging energy level? At any rate, his next snack certainly gets him going! Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 24: Energy Rush! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 24: Energy Rush! "OK, try this", said Green, taking a snack from his pack and passing it to Red. "Thanks!" (chew, chew) "Mmm! Hey! It's like my strength is flooding back! What IS this?" "I don't know what it's called, but it's a kind of mushroom that gives you a real energy hit. The only drawback is, it has a side- effect. It makes you kind of crazy and out of control." "Wow, I'm definitely starting to feel kind of wild... To be continued... Trailer: Eating the mystery mushrooms makes Red go berserk. Can anything be done to stop him? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 25: Running Wild Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 25: Running Wild "Yah! Take that!" After eating the mystery mushrooms, Red ran wild, kicking and punching rocks and trees at random. "He's been like this for 10 minutes now. Is he going to do himself some damage?" "I'm sure he'll be OK. I tried one of those mushrooms myself yesterday when no-one was around, and I went crazy for about 10 minutes, and then I went completely back to normal." Crrackk! "Oh man, he's snapped that tree-trunk over there! Is he REALLY going to be OK?" "Yeah, he'll be just fine... probably." To be continued... Trailer: Finally, Red's crazy spell seems to have ended, and he comes to a standstill. But when the other three get near him, events suddenly take a dramatic turn. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 26: Let Sleeping Gods Lie Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 26: Let Sleeping Gods Lie "Yeah, he'll be just fine... probably." As Green speaks, Red falls still. "Hey, he seems to have stopped moving!" Behind a snapped-off tree- trunk, Red stood as still as a statue. His friends ran up, calling out to him. Are you OK?" "I'm exhausted from all that craziness..", Red tries to reply, but at that very instant, a terrible rumbling rends the air. "Waaah!" "Aaargh! What's happening?" "The ground's moving!" "Is it an earthquake?" To be continued... Trailer: The sudden earthquake takes the four friends by surprise! This is just the beginning of a new ordeal! Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 27: Groundswell Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 27: Groundswell Our four friends reeled from the sudden. tremor. But this was no was no earthquake. "What`s that?" Yellow pointed. Everyone looked around to see the ground swelling up in front of them. "Is that something trying to push its way out of the ground?" "Or is the soil kind of clumping together to form some kind of something? Another mighty rumble filled the air and the "something" revealed itself as a giant figure over 12 meters tall! To be continued... Trailer: The earth giant suddenly turns on the 4 friends. The time has come for Ultror to re-awaken! Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 28: The Tough Get Going Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 28: The Tough Get Going "It looks like it's turned into a giant..." "Yeah...What the heck is it? Oh no! It's heading right at us!" The earth giant lunged at the four pals. "This is serious! We can't fight something that size without the Ultror robots." "You're right.OK,everybody, let's summon them! "Ultror Robots, come to our aid!", they shouted. To be continued... Trailer: Ultror Robots rushed to the scene and as soon as they are on the ground, the four friends lost no time taking their stations. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 29: Help Flies In Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 29: Help Flies In "Ultror Robots, come to our aid!" (The Ultror Robots theme tune plays) With a swoosh, the red, blue, yellow and green robots descend from the sky and land on the ground. In a second all four kids mounted their robots. "Here we go! And now it's time to merge!" "Go, go go!" they yelled. To be continued... Trailer: The four heroes merge their robots to form Invincible Ultror! Now the battle with the earth giant begins. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 30: Megamerge! Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 30: MegamergeI@ "OK, everybody merge!" "Go!" the other 3 replied. Robots 1 to 3 divided and morphed. Robot 1 formed the head and torso. Robot 2 formed the arms. Robot 3 formed the legs. "Megamerge! Ultror!" Robot 4 morphed and reinforced Ultror's head, legs and arms. Clank, clank, whirr, buzz. (A shorter version of the Invincible Ultror Merge theme tune plays.) "Megamerge! Invincible Ultror!" To be continued... Trailer: Using the Invincible Ultror Blade, Ultror attacks the earth giant, completely plowing him under!. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 31: Mightier Than The Sword Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 31: Mightier Than The Sword "OK, we'll do this with one stroke!" Ultror's left arm raised with the yell "Invincible Ultror Blade!" As if in reply, a nimbus of light gathered around the robot's raised left hand, morphing into a sword. "En garde! Take that! Witness the Invincible Ultror Slash!" Thwock!" The robot sliced the earth giant clean in two. "Got him!.... Huh? What's this?" Despite the fact that he was neatly sliced, the earth giant reassembles himself into his previous form. To be continued... Trailer: The 4 heroes are chased by a huge earth giant! The Invincible Ultror Slash had no effect! How will they get out of this one? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 32: Soon To Be History? Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 32: Soon To Be History? "It's completely reformed!" "It's no use cutting it!" "So what do we do?" "I have no idea...Aaagh!" Whump! Clomp! Thump! The earth giant, now good as new, started punching the Invincible Ultror. "It's attacking too fast for us!" "We can't fight back or even defend ourselves!" "At this rate, we'll soon be toast!" "Oh no! What can we do?" To be continued... Trailer: The Invincible Ultror is up against the earth giant and there seems to be no way to counterattack. Does this spell defeat for our 4 friends? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 33: Overpowered Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 33: Overpowered Meanwhile, the earth giant kept attacking. Thump! Clang! Pow! "We've got our work cut out just staying upright. Do you see any weak points?" "It's made of earth, so how about pouring water over it?" "I don't know if that would work against an earth giant, but it's no good anyway." "Why not?" "There's no sign of a river or a lake round here, and even if there was one, I don't think we can get away from this thing." "And it's not likely to rain today -- they picked this day for the trip because the forecast was so good..." To be continued... Trailer: Does the earth giant really have no weaknesses? Is the Invincible Ultror really destined for defeat? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 34: Dire Straits Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 34: Dire Straits The attack continued relentlessly. Keranng! Thwock! The earth giant grabbed the robot's neck, and lifted him off the ground "Guh!" Red groaned. (Viewers please note: The 4 heroes do not feel the sensations of the Invincible Ultror, so Red is not actually in pain. The robot does not suffer any serious damage: it just gets shaken about a bit, just in case you were worried.) "I guess this is what you call being in dire straits..." To be continued... Trailer: The Invincible Ultror is certainly in dire straits. Just when things seem to be as bad as they can get, the gang hears a mysterious voice. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 35: The Giant Speaks Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 35: The Giant Speaks "I guess this is what you call being in dire straits." "What are we going to do?" "If we don't do something soon, we're totally history!" "Isn't there some way we can bring him down?" At that moment, an unfamiliar voice says: "...Tu-reee-z..." "Who said that? "You heard it too?" chorused the other 3. "So we all heard it?" To be continued... Trailer: The mysterious voice seems to come from the earth giant. What can this mean? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 36: Dark Deity of Destruction Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 36: Dark Deity of Destruction "So, we all heard that?" "Uh-HUH" "But who said it?" "I think it came from the giant." "Wow...! Well, it didn't say 'I can't talk', so I guess I shouldn't be so suprised at its ability to speak." "It sounded kind of strange..." "Never mind all that! Did we all hear what it said?" To be continued... Trailer: Why has the earth giant appeared? And why did it attack the Invincible Ultror? When will these mysteries be demystified? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 37: Getting The Message Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 37: Getting The Message "Did we all hear what it was that the giant said?" "It sounded to me like it said 'Tur-eez'". "That's what it sounded like to me too." "And me." "So we all think it said 'Tur-eez'?" "Hmm, I wonder what it means by that?" (....lost in thought....) (Viewers will note that during this interlude, the earth giant continued to attempt to strangle the Invincible Ultror.) "Eureka! I've got it!" To be continued... Trailer: What has Red got? Will others catch it? Does he know how to defeat the earth giant? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 38: Could This Be Love? Race Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 38: Could This be Love? "Eureka! I've got it!" Red suddenly yelled. "Maybe the earth giant is looking for someone called Teresa, who came to the mountain on a picnic or whatever and the earth giant fell in love with her at first sight. Ever since then he's been pouncing on people who come here, to see if they're Teresa." "No, I think you're wrong," Yellow promptly replied. To be continued... Trailer: Has Red guessed wrong? Is he clueless about defeating the earth giant? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 39: Guess Again... Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 39: Guess Again... "Why do you think I'm wrong, Yellow?" "Well, for a start, if he fell in love at first sight how would he know her name?" "He might have heard her friend call her by her name, or he might have found it out later or something..." "That's possible, I guess. But why does he attack people? If you love someone, you don't go around trying to attack them." "Perhaps it's tough love." "But whichever way you look at it, Invincible Ultror isn't a person." "Well, maybe the giant's eyesight isn't so good..." "That's a possibility, but even so, Ultror is far too big to be mistaken for a human being." To be continued... Trailer: So, just what is the earth giant trying to do? The mystery deepens.... Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 40: Brainstorming Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 40: Brainstorming "There's another thing", Blue joins in. (Viewers will note that, as we've mentioned before, the earth giant meanwhile continues to try to strangle the Invincible Ultror.) "If he keeps attacking people who come to this mountain, we should have seen it on the news and stuff. I've never seen any reports like that, so he probably hasn't done this before. "Mmmn, I've never heard anything either. Well, what on earth is he trying to do?" To be continued... Trailer: At that moment, the giant speaks again. Is the mystery finally about to be solved? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 41: Making Sense Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 41: Making Sense At that moment, the strange voice is heard again! "..TUR-EEEZ-A-LOOHHHN..." "There it is again!" "Ah! Her full name must be 'Teresa Long'!" "Didn't I just tell you it couldn't be a person's name?" "Oh, yes, sorry..." "I've got it!" "Huh? What?" "I've worked out what the earth giant is trying to tell us!" "Huh? You have?" To be continued... Trailer: Has Yellow's answer to the riddle got anything to do with someone called Teresa Long? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 42: Truth Dawns at Last (*whew*) Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 42: Truth Dawns at Last (*whew*) "OK, Yellow, spill the beans". "OK. The earth giant is probably trying to punish Red." "Huh? Why?" "A while ago, Red had that crazy spell and started snapping off tree-trunks... so maybe the voice was saying 'Leave the trees alone'?" "Ah, yes!" "So it was my fault the earth giant appeared?", Red wondered. To be continued... Trailer: If Yellow is right, Red is the guilty party. In that case, should they even try to defeat the earth giant? (assuming they could...) Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 43: Doing the Right Thing Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 43: Doing the Right Thing "So I guess I was in the wrong", Red muttered sheepishly. "I wish I'd never given you those mystery mushrooms in the first place..." "I wish I'd given you something to boost your energy instead of that super-hot chili bun." "I wish I'd given you more cookies..." When everyone has done with the self-reproach, someone makes a constructive suggestion: "Why don't we apologise to the earth giant and then maybe he'll forgive us?" To be continued... Trailer: The four friends decide to apologize to the earth giant but does he have a heart for forgiveness? Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 44: Winds Of Change Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 44: Winds Of Change "Let's all apologize!" "OK!" chorus the other 3. "All together now:" "WE'RE SORRY WE KNOCKED DOWN THOSE TREES!", they shoutED in unison. As they do so the earth giant slowly relaxed his grip on Ultror's neck and his earthen body crumbled and collapsed back into the ground. In a few moments everything looked just the way it did before the earth giant appeared. To be continued... Trailer: The earth giant turned back into ordinary earth, but the problem isn't completely settled yet! Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 45: Atonement Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 45: Atonement "He's gone...isn't he?" When the earth giant merged back into the ground, the four heroes breathe a sigh of relief. The giant's gone, but what am I going to do about the trees I knocked down while I was in crazy mode?", asks Red. "Mmm. How about repairing them?" "But how?" "Well, how about putting the broken trunks back on the stumps and bandaging them up with splints, just like broken bones?" To be continued... Trailer: Red tried to repair the broken trees singlehanded, but his friends were determined not to be left out. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 46: True Friends Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 46: True Friends "But I haven't got any bandages or splints." "I've got some with me." "How come you brought splints and bandages?" "That's a secret..." "It is? Well, anyway, can I borrow them?" "No! This is a job for all of us, not just you, Red!" "I guess so... Well, you guys, will you give me a hand?" "Of course we will!" they all replied. To be continued... Trailer: The 4 heroes apologized to each of the trees Red broke. They all resolved never to do anything like that again. Next time: Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Episode 47: The Heroes Take A Break Don't miss it!Mechabot Ultror Fights Again THE AUTUMN BREEZE Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. Episode 47: The Heroes Take a Break "There, that should do it.", The last of the broken trees is firmly bandaged up. "We're really, really sorry", they bowed to the trees. "It's a shame we never got to do anything with Invincible Ultror this time. "Well it's only fair. We were in the wrong... "That's true." "But we apologized properly, right?" "We did. And we can still enjoy the rest of this day out." "OK, let's be on our way." "Yes, let's go" chorus the others. After that,Red,Blue,Yellow and Green ate the rest of the snacks and arrived at the mountain top feeling refreshed and cheerful. At lunchtime they happily devoured their packed lunches and enjoyed the rest of the day. Thanks for watching!RIFFTSCR CODE##!;##!;##!;##!;"+!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!!!!"#!?$!!!"!?"%!8$ JUMP1AQaq !1AQaSTR Q!0?)Y \NhM $'j+O/4J8<@D?INMECHABOT GENESISMECHABOT ULTRORbegins here...@@@@@@@MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 1: Christmas Day (( Today is December 25, Christmas Day. But it's also special for another reason: Red, Blue, Yellow and Green all have their birthdays today. They always spend the day the same way: Their families all get together for a big combined Christmas and joint birthday party. They were in the middle of party preparations: "Hey, you guys...", said Yellow to the other three. "What?", they replied. (Incidentally, Red, Blue and green are working on the party decorations while Yellow is in charge of the food. They're taking a break for few minutes, so Yellow started this conversation.) "Er, well..." To be continued... (( (( Trailer:@ A year ago this very day, a white Christmas marked the beginning of the the whole adventure. (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 2: White Christmas (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 2: White Christmas (( "Er, well... I was just thinking, it's exactly a year now since we got the Mechabots..." "Uh-huh? Yeah, that's so." As he answered Red glanced out of the window. The forecast said it would be sunny all morning, but all of a sudden it snowed heavily. Just like last Christmas... (( "That's right, we got the Ultrors a year ago today. It was a white Christmas, just like today...." @ To be continued... (( (( Trailer: Thanks to their special powers, this foursome are unlike ordinary kids. Will they accept that destiny has a special path in store for them? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 3: Last Christmas (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 3: Last Christmas (( "A year ago today. And it happened while our families were together, getting ready for the combined Christmas_and_ joint_birthday_party, just like we're doing right now." [Cue flashback] "You know what? This really gets to me every year." "Huh? What does?" "Well, the four of us were all born on Christmas day. So our birthday party is combined with the Christmas party. And the presents we get: Are they Christmas presents or birthday presents? All I know is, we don't get as many gifts as people who have their birthdays on other days." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: History repeats itself. That's something nobody can prevent. Still, something has to start the snowball rolling... (( (( Next time: Mechabot Genesis@ MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 4: Presents (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 4: Presents (( It would be nice to get given two presents today of all days. I'm not complaining, though..." "I know. I wouldn't say we should get two gifts, but I wish my present could be something major, you know? Something out of the ordinary." "Exactly." "I guess we all feel the same way." The four friends have this conversation every December 25th while everyone's getting ready for the party. But this year, things are a little different. Unbeknownst to the four, they will receive their biggest present ever. To be continued... (( (( Trailer: Their wish is granted sooner than they expected. But as the old saying goes, you should be careful what you wish for... (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 5: Unearthly Light (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 5: Unearthly Light (( "OK. We're ready.." "That was quick. We do this every year, so maybe we have it nailed." "So what do we do now? We still have some time before the grown-ups get back." The clock pointed to just after three. There was at least three hours left before their parents returned. "True. How about we go and do something outside?" "It looks like it's still snowing kind of heavily, though." "True." As the four looked out the window, a mysterious burst of bright light flashed outside! To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The four friends stand at the threshold of a dazzling future. But what lies beyond the door? Will it be hope, despair or worse? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 6: Hurry! (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 6: Hurry! (( As the four looked out the window, they saw a strange burst of bright light. "What WAS that? What just happened?" "Whatever it was, it wasn't the sun..." "So what on earth WAS it?" "Shall we go outside and take a look?" "OK!" everyone chorused. As they rushed out of the house, they saw a strange glow coming from the direction of the school. "The school...is it on fire?" "No, it's further away... It looks like its somewhere in the mountains." "Right, let's head over there and check it out!" With that, the four friends ran off towards the mountains. To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The foursome were on their way. Little do they know that a formidable foe is waiting for them... (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 7: Arrival@ (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 7: Arrival (( The four friends made for the mountains where a strange light glowed in the distance. "You know, I don't think that light is a building on fire..." "I think you're right. But what on earth can it be?" "Well, pick up the pace!" "OK!" came the unanimous reply. The four jogged on panting, through the thickening snow. After a while they arrived at the school gate. "Hmm, the light's coming from somewhere further back. We don't know what might jump out at us, so let's be real careful from here on." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: Curiosity lead the foursome towards a new encounter. Will they find the source of the unearthly light? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 8: Discovery (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 8: Discovery (( The four friends made their way cautiously along the road behind the school. Agog with curiosity and suspense, they tramped up the mountain, the strange brilliance growing stronger and stronger. It looked as if the source of the light was somewhere fairly close by. Just then... "Ah! Is that it?" Yellow, leading the way, seemed to find the light source. To be continued... (( (( Trailer: Curiosity gets the better of our four friends and caution was forgotten. From this point on, they can only follow where instinct leads... (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 9: The Visitor@@ (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 9: The Visitor (( Yellow went on ahead and found the source of the light. When the others caught up they were baffled by what they saw. "What IS that?" "Is it...a person?" Sure enough, the light source appeared to be humanoid. Could it be...some sort of extra-terrestrial?" "If it is, has it come to invade Earth?" "If it has, whoever gets rid of it would be doing humanity a favor, I guess." "So shall we get rid of it, then?" For the sake of peace on Earth, the four friends decided to get rid of the glowing alien. But their decision had unexpected consequences..." "WAIT!", came a shout. The four were stunned into silence... To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The four friends leap to the defense of planet Earth, but events take an unexpected turn.. (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 10: The Voice (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 10: The Voice (( As soon as the foursome decided to get rid of the light-emitting alien, a voice was heard. "WAIT! CHILDREN BORN ON THIS PLANET!" "Huh? Who said that...? I guess it was the alien. "I guess so...." "But it told us to wait, right?" "It must have something it wants to tell us." "Let's hear it out, shall we?" "Sure, we'll give it a chance to speak its last words." "....................TH... THANK YOU" To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The truth was shrouded in darkness. But moment by moment, the hour of reckoning approached... (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 11: Revelations (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 11: Revelations (( The shining being spoke to the four friends. "IN TRUTH, THIS PLANET IS IN GREAT DANGER." "It is?" "THE MYSTERIOUS SPACE CREATURE PHLOGISTON IS APPROACHING THIS PLANET. IF IT COMES HERE, ALL WILL BE BURNED AWAY TO NOTHING IN LESS THAN ONE MONTH. "Oh, man...is this true?" "UNFORTUNATELY, YES. "Can anything be done to stop it?" "YES. I CAME HERE TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING YOU WILL NEED IN ORDER TO RESIST PHLOGISTON." "To give US something?" "YES. BEHOLD!" To be continued... (( (( Trailer: Unwittingly, the four friends were about to embark on a never-ending struggle against the forces of evil, but help is at hand. (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 12: Power (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 12: Power (( "What are you going to give us?" "BEHOLD, THE FOUR MECHABOT ULTRORS!Four enormous robots appeared before them. One was red, one yellow, one blue and the other green. "Wow! Look at the size of those things! We'll make short work of that mysterious space creature, right?" "I DO NOT KNOW." "What do you mean?" "PHLOGISTON IS GROWING STRONGER AND STRONGER. IN ITS FORMER STATE, YOU WOULD CERTAINLY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DEFEAT IT, BUT NOW..." The four were silent, unable to conceal their misgivings at the alien's words. To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The foursome have new powers. But will this mean the end of a beautiful friendship?(( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 13: Extra Strength (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 13: Extra Strength (( The four were silent, unable to conceal their misgivings at the alien's words. BUT IT IS LIKELY THAT YOU WILL PREVAIL. PHLOGISTON'S STRENGTH CONTINUES TO GROW, BUT I HAVE INCREASED THE POWER OF THE MECHABOTS TO HELP YOU RESIST IT. THAT IS WHY I ADDED A 4TH MECHABOT..."You mean, there were only 3 of them to start with?"YES. ORIGiNALLY THE 3 MECHABOTS COULD MERGE TO FORM MECHABOT ULTROR, BUT NOW THIS NEW 4TH ROBOT CAN MERGE WITH MECHABOT ULTROR TO FORM INVINCIBLE MECHABOT ULTROR. THIS VERSION HAS GREATER ATTACKING AND DEFENSIVE POWER. IT IS CAPABLE OF USING NEW WEAPONS... BUT SINCE YOU NEVER KNEW THE ORIGINAL MECHABOT ULTROR, THE COMPARISON MEANS LITTLE TO YOU." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: From the outset, the four friends felt a sense of unease. As soon as they put it into words, their former peaceful life was shattered forever.(( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 14: The Question (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 14: The Question (( "ANYWAY, I BELIEVE THAT BY USING INVINCIBLE MECHABOT ULTROR, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEAT PHLOGISTON. I CAME TO EARTH EXPRESSLY TO GIVE YOU THIS GIFT." As the alien came to a pause in its story, Blue decided to jump in and ask the question that was been on the tip of his tongue for several minutes:"But why us? There are lots of people on this planet --er, I mean in this town-- who are much stonger than us, and people who know a lot more about machines and stuff. So why did you choose us four?" "LET ME EXPLAIN... To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The unearthly light successfully attracted four brave and honest humans. Will the light also prevail against the encroaching darkness that threatens the Earth? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 15: The Secret (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 15: The Secret (( "Why are you giving us these mechabots?", Blue asked the alien. "LET ME EXPLAIN..." it replied. "IF STRENGTH AND TECHNICAL EXPERTISE WERE THE ONLY QUALITIES I WAS SEARCHING FOR, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN OTHERS MORE APPROPRIATE, AS YOU SAY." "So, why DID you choose us?" "I NEEDED FOUR BEINGS WHO ARE CLOSE FRIENDS. IF THE MECHABOTS ARE TO FUNCTION AT THEIR FULL CAPABILITY, THEIR OPERATORS MUST WORK IN HARMONY AND COMBINE THEIR POWER. I ALSO NEEDED BEINGS WHO WOULD NOT USE THIS POWER FOR EVIL PURPOSES". "But how do you know if we're good beings or not?" "THAT IS SOMETHING I CANNOT REVEAL." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The future of planet Earth lay in the hands of the four friends. Will they bow to fate and accept the challenge? Or will they refuse? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 16: Courage (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 16: Courage "THAT IS SOMETHING I CANNOT REVEAL", replies the alien. The four friends could think of no reply. "I ALSO HAD ANOTHER REQUIREMENT", it continued. I NEEDED BEINGS WITH THE COURAGE TO OPPOSE EVIL. YOU DID NOT KNOW WHAT I WAS, YET YOU APPROACHED ME WITHOUT FEAR. PERHAPS YOU WILL THINK ME RECKLESS, BUT I AM WILLING TO TAKE A CHANCE AND TRUST YOU. WHAT IS YOUR DECISION? WILL YOU USE THIS INVINCIBLE MECHABOT ULTROR TO SAVE THE PLANET YOU LIVE ON?" "So basically you're giving us a weapon, but we have to do all the fighting ourselves?" "... WELL, YES, THAT IS CORRECT." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The four must give their answer and it has to be unanimous. It's decision time! (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 17: Yes (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 17: Yes (( "... WELL, YES, THAT IS CORRECT. SO, WHAT IS YOUR DECISION?" The four exchanged glances, then huddle together to confer. "What shall we do? I think we should go for it." "I'm OK with that." "Me too..." "Count me in as well, naturally!" All four were ready and willing to take up the challenge, so Red stepped up to address the alien: "Yes. We'll do it." "VERY WELL. IN THAT CASE, THE MECHABOTS WILL BE YOURS. AND THESE, TOO..." So saying, the alien handed each child what appeared to be a wristwatch. To be continued... (( (( Trailer: The alien's strange words left the four friends reeling. Did everyone understand the deal that has just been made?" (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 18: Transformation (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 18: Transformation (( The mysterious shining alien handed each of the four what appeared to be a wristwatch. "What's this?" "YOU ATTACH IT TO YOUR WRIST AND ASSUME THE CORRECT POSE, THEN SHOUT SHOUT 'ULTROR TRANSFORM!'. YOUR ULTROR SUIT WILL THEN APPEAR, COVERING YOUR WHOLE BODY. YOU NEED THE SUIT TO SHIELD YOU AGAINST THE FREQUENT IMPACTS OCURRING WHILE YOU OPERATE YOUR MECHABOT. NEVER MOUNT YOUR MECHABOT WITHOUT PUTTING YOUR SUIT ON FIRST. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "Well, yes, we understood those instructions, but that stuff about assuming the correct pose was kind of weird. Why do we have to assume a pose?" "...ER, WELL, IT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO CREATE THE CORRECT ATMOSPHERE.." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: Are the four friends really ready to face the menace described by the alien? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 19: The Brink of Doom? (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 19: The Brink of Doom? (( "...ER, WELL, IT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO CREATE THE CORRECT ATMOSPHERE.." The four friends were at a loss for words. "WHAT IS WRONG? YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO DEVISE A SUITABLE POSE? MAYBE THIS? OR WHAT OF THIS? OR THIS?"No, no it's fine. We'll come up with something by ourselves...." "VERY WELL. THEN I WILL GIVE YOU THE MECHABOT ULTRORS AND THE SUITS. AFTER THAT, YOU MUST COMBINE YOUR POWERS TO DEFEAT PHLOGISTON. THAT WILL BE ALL.. "What exactly is this space creature Phlogiston, again?" "AS I TOLD YOU BEFORE, PHLOGISTON IS A GOD OF DESTRUCTION BY FIRE. EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES IS BURNED AWAY." "I've never heard of a god of destruction by fire." THERE IS NO TIME TO EXPLAIN IN DETAIL. PHLOGISTON WILL SOON ARRIVE ON THIS PLANET." To be continued... (( (( Trailer: What will happen when Phlogiston arrives? Will planet Earth survive? (( (( Next time: MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Episode 20: They're Back (( The legend begins here...MECHABOT GENESIS MECHABOT ULTROR: ZERO (( (( Reminder: When watching TV keep the room well lit and don't sit too close to the screen. (( (( Episode 20: They're Back (( THERE IS NO TIME TO EXPLAIN IN DETAIL. PHLOGISTON WILL SOON ARRIVE ON THIS PLANET. WELL, I MUST LEAVE YOU..." [The flashback ends, and the scene returns to the present.] "When we first got the Ultrors, we thought Phlogiston would show up at any second, right?" "That's right, we did." "But there was no sign of it at all." "It didn't actually get here until four whole months later... on the first day of school." "Right. You'd think the alien would have mentioned the time lag, huh?" The doorbell chimed. "Oh, that'll be Mom and the others. I guess our break went late. We'd better get on with those finishing touches..." "OK" the others replied. The End. 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JUMP )L,d D|$\<tT4lL, d GGGGaa````zz5555OOxxxx                        { { { {       &&KKKKee  ++++EEVVVVpp++<<<<VViiii))    $$OOOOii))(-Fk^m|  a  t1k<~v" O!"#$%5&'STR #5 #2twz+,BXl>adf)G|=@C}( D ] v $ G   4 8[GjXFU[uh'@7Nf&)@cl "0Bg}o! w!!!*"g"""V#k#_$$%%%%&&3&&&T'i''' (t($)E)H))H*j***++,+,,,%-i--- .*...$/B/[/#0Z0 2Mineral TownToday we'll introduce@@@@@@@Mineral Town Friends! Today we'll introduce someone new. 2327His name is Rick. His birthday is the % of Summer. He lives at the Poultry Farm. His family is: his sister, Popuri, his mother, Lillia, and his dad, Rod. He loves his sister very much, and is quite protective of her. He also has a fierce temper. Next time we'll introduce Popuri.3This is Popuri. Her birthday is the % of Summer. She lives at the Poultry Farm. Her family is: her brother, Rick, her mother, Lillia, and her dad, Rod. She is still childish and can be moody too. Her dream is to go live in a big city and she hates it when Rick babies her. Next time we'll introduce Lillia.Her name is Lillia. Her birthday is the 27th of Fall. She runs the Poultry Farm. Her family is: her daughter, Popuri, her son, Rick, and her husband, Rod. When Lillia was sick long ago, Rod went off to find medicine to heal her. She's cheerful and easygoing. Next time we'll introduce Cliff.106His name is Cliff. His birthday is the % of Summer. He likes to hang out at the Church so much you'd think he lives there. He left his family before arriving in Mineral Town. At first he spent all his time in confessional, but now he's beginning to make more friends. Next time we'll introduce Zack.His name is Zack. His birthday is the 29th of Summer. He owns a house in Mineral Beach. There's someone else staying there too... The wandering salesman Won stays there as well. He comes and picks up things from your Shipment box every day (except holidays). He also delivers what you buy on the TV Shopping Network. Next time we'll introduce the Doctor.2519This is the Doctor. His birthday is the % of Fall. He runs the Mineral Clinic. At the Clinic, Elli works as a nurse-in-training. He seems cool and aloof, but he is passionate about his patients. He's tempted to go study medicine in the city, but doesn't want to leave them behind. Next time we'll introduce Staid.His name is Staid. His birthday is the 15th of Spring. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: Nappy@@@@@@@@@@ Bold@@@@@@@@@ Chef@@@@@@@@@ Aqua@@@@@@@@@ Hoggy@@@@@@@@@ Timid@@@@@@@@@ The 7 brothers (?) live here together. Staid likes work the most out of all of them. Next time we'll introduce Nappy.His name is Nappy. His birthday is the 22nd of Winter. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: Staid Next time we'll introduce Bold.His name is Bold. His birthday is the 4th of Spring. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: Nappy@@@@@@@@@ The 7 brothers (?) live here together. Bold is the most self- confident of all sprites. Next time we'll introduce Chef.His name is Chef. His birthday is the 14th of Fall. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: Staid@@@@@@ The 7 brothers (?) live here together. Chef is the most conscientious of all. Next time we'll introduce Aqua.His name is Aqua. His birthday is the 26th of Spring. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: Nappy The 7 brothers (?) live here together. Of all of them, Aqua is the most stylish and fashion- conscious. Next time we'll introduce Hoggy.His name is Hoggy. His birthday is the 10th of Fall. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: The 7 brothers (?) live here together. Hoggy enjoys eating more than any of his brothers. Next time we'll introduce Timid.His name is Timid. His birthday is the 16th of Summer. He's a Harvest Sprite who lives behind the Church. With him live: The 7 brothers (?) live here together. Timid is the most, well, timid of all the sprites. Next time we'll introduce the Harvest Goddess.8This is the Harvest Goddess. Her birthday is the % of Spring. She lives (?) in the spring on Mother's Hill. She'll appear if you throw an offering into her spring. She's in charge of communications and dislikes making appearances whenever someone throws an offering into her spring. Next time we'll introduce the Gourmet.This is the Gourmet. His birthday is...unknown. He's the judge of the Cooking Festival. More than anything else, Gourmet loves to eat. He knows everything about food. Next time we'll introduce Ellen.This is Ellen. Her birthday is the 13th of Winter. She lives in a house on the north side of Mineral Town. Her family is: her granddaughter, Elli and her grandson, Stu. She can't walk very well because of sickness. She used to be a midwife. She worries about Elli. Next time we'll introduce Elli.16This is Elli. Her birthday is the % of Spring. She wants to become a Nurse and she works at the Clinic. Her family is: her grandmother, Ellen and her younger brother, Stu. Elli believes in hard work. Perhaps because she's had to raise her brother after her parents died. She can be very strict. Next time we'll introduce Stu.This is Stu. His birthday is the 5th of Fall. He lives in a house on the north side of Mineral Town. His family is: his sister, Elli and his grandmother, Ellen.Stu loves to play jokes on people, but he's also a crybaby. Still, all of the townspeople like him. Next time we'll introduce Jeff.This is Jeff. His birthday is the 29th of Winter. He runs the Supermarket. His family is: his wife, Sasha and his daughter, Karen. He can never stand up to people so he always lets everyone buy on credit. So he suffers from ulcers. He's been picked on by Duke from childhood. Next time we'll introduce Karen.15This is Karen. Her birthday is the % of Fall. Her father runs the Supermarket. Her family is: her father, Jeff and her mother, Sasha. She takes after her mother and she likes to help folks. She likes to drink and dance, but can't cook at all. Next time we'll introduce Sasha.This is Sasha. Her birthday is the 30th of Spring. She runs the Supermarket. Her family is: her husband, Jeff and her daughter, Karen. Unlike her husband, she is confident and assertive. She loves her husband but has to look after him. Next time we'll introduce Doug.This is Doug. His birthday is the 11th of Winter. He runs a bar, a restaurant and "Doug's Inn." His family is: his daughter, Ann. He always worries about Ann, whom he raised alone. He still can't forget Ann's mom who died long ago. Next time we'll introduce Ann.17This is Ann. Her birthday is the % of Summer. She always helps out her dad at Doug's Inn. Her family is: her dad, Doug. She has no confidence in herself at all when it comes to love. Maybe because she's a tomboy. Next time we'll introduce the Kappa.This is the Kappa. His (?) birthday is... unknown. He lives in the lake on Mother's Hill. He likes Cucumbers a lot. He also gets upset when he gets caught up in the hooks when people fish in the lake. Next time we'll introduce Basil.This is Basil. His birthday is the 11th of Summer. He's a scientist. Books written by him are in Mary's Library. His family is: his wife, Anna and his daughter, Mary. He came to Mineral Town with his family to study the flora there. Next time we'll introduce Mary.20This is Mary. Her birthday is the % of Winter. She works at the Library. Her birthday is: her dad, Basil and her mother, Anna. She loves books and even writes novels herself. She's not interested in romance at all. Next time we'll introduce Anna.This is Anna. Her birthday is the 23rd of Fall. She lives next to the Library. Her family is: her husband, Basil and her daughter, Mary. She is enjoying the country living but a little bored because Basil is always busy studying. Good at baking.@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Next time we'll introduce Won.21This is Won. His birthday is the % of Winter. He's a wandering salesman who just appeared in Mineral Town. For some reason, he lives at Zack's house, where he also runs his shop. He comes to the farm once in a while to sell his wares. Next time we'll introduce Thomas.This is Thomas. His birthday is the 25th of Summer. He is the Mayor and lives in a house on the north side. His family is: his son, Harris. A photographer named Kano used to live with him, but no more. He believes in serving the townspeople as well as he can. He takes Ellen Apple Pie every Sunday. He wants everybody in his town to be friendly to each other. Next time we'll introduce Harris.This is Harris. His birthday is the 4th of Summer. He is a policeman and lives on the north side. His family is: his father, Thomas. He's in charge of keeping the peace in town. He's in love with Aja, who lives in the city. Next time we'll introduce Duke.This is Duke His birthday is the 15th of Winter. He runs Aja Winery. His family is: his wife, Manna and his daughter, Aja. He liked drinking to begin with, but ever since Aja left he's been drinking too much. He's a grump to everyone (except Manna, of course). Next time we'll introduce Manna.This is Manna. Her birthday is the 11th of Fall. She runs Aja Winery. Her family is: her husband, Duke and her daughter, Aja. She loves to talk and gossip about others. She always hopes that Aja will come back home. Next time we'll introduce Carter.This is Carter. His birthday is the 20th of Fall. He is a priest who lives at the Church. He came to Mineral Town to spread the gospel, but seems not to preach much lately. He can lift curses from Tools, but wants to help people in other ways, too. Next time we'll introduce Kai.22This is Kai. His birthday is the % of Summer. He runs Kai's Seaside Lodge during the Summer. He comes from the city to spend Summers at Mineral Beach. He's popular with women and children, but men don't like his attitude much. Next time we'll introduce Gray.This is Gray. His birthday is the % of Winter. He is a blacksmith's apprentice. His family is: his uncle, Saibara. He came to Mineral Town to apprentice with his uncle. He hated it at first, but then began to like it. He's very proud, but has a good heart. Next time we'll introduce Saibara.This is Saibara. His birthday is the 11th of Spring. He's a blacksmith. His family is: his grandson, Gray. He's a stubborn old man, but he takes great pride in his work. He's training his nephew, Gray. Next time we'll introduce Gotz.This is Gotz. His birthday is the 2nd of Fall. He's a woodcutter who lives alone in the woods. Both his daughter and wife died on the mountain years ago. Next time we'll introduce May.This is May. Her birthday is the 26th of Winter. She lives in Yodel Farm. Her family is: her grandfather, Barley and her mother, Joanna. May is a very sweet little girl whom everybody loves. She hopes every day for her mom to return home. Next time we'll introduce Barley.This is Barley. His birthday is the 17th of Spring. He runs Yodel Farm. His family is: his granddaughter, May and his daughter, Joanna. His daughter Joanna left for the city, then returned with her daughter, May. Later she left May with Barley and moved away again. Barley loves May very much, so he worries about her. Next time we'll introduce someone who never appears.Today we'll introduce someone new. This is Kano. His birthday is the 2nd of Winter. He takes photographs of Mineral Town to show people living in harmony with Nature. This is Louis. His birthday is the 2nd of Spring. He studies insects, and came to Mineral Town to write about Bees. This is Greg. His birthday is the 29th of Spring. He loves fishing, and Fishing Rods in particular. Next time we'll introduce Rick.RIFFt$SCR CODE##!>#!:#!>#!>1##!6##!6#!>#^#`#|#!##!##!6##!6##!6##!6##!6##!6## !6## !6## !6## !6## !66$#!>P##!U##!U##!U##!U##!U#!>####!##!##!U##!U##!U##!U##!U##!U##!U##!UU$#!>##!##!##!##!## !##!!##"!###!#!>####!##$!%##%!##&!##'!##(!##)!##*!##+!##,!##-!##.!##/!$#!>##0!##1!#!>###9#!##2!D##3!##4!##5!##6!##7!##8!##9!$$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMP\ (8888888 8 8 8 8 H GWWWWgw       +;;;;;;fv     **:JZjz     IYiy;ZSTR :L'12+ + L p a 1/P^oa:J2a1st day of Spring Today from evening at Rose Square: New Year FestivalSpring % Events This Season 18th: Spring Horse Race 22nd: Cooking FestivalToday is Friday the 13th. Tomorrow is the Spring Thanksgiving Festival. Do you have Cookies to give to someone special?Spring 13th. Tomorrow is the Spring Thanksgiving Festival. Do you have Cookies to give to someone special?14th day of Spring Today is the Spring Thanksgiving Festival. Now is your chance to favor a special someone with Cookies. Spring % The spring Horse Races are coming up. If you have a Horse, try entering it. If not, just betting on the races is fun, too!17th day of Spring Tomorrow is the spring Horse Race Festival. If you are entering a Horse, let the Mayor know when he drops by.18th day of Spring The Horse Races start in the morning in Rose Square. Gather for the fun!Spring % The Cooking Festival is on the 22nd. If you think you can win, cook something up! If not, gather to watch!21st day of Spring The Cooking Festival is tomorrow. If you think you can win, cook something up! If not, gather to watch!22nd of day of Spring Today the Cooking Festival is held in Rose Square. The contest meal is announced in the morning, and the judging is held in the afternoon.Spring % Spring is almost over. Can you harvest your crops before summer comes? Don't let your crops wither on the vine!29th day of Spring Summer is almost upon us! Get ready for Beach Day and the Dog Disk Tournament on the 1st day of summer.30th day of Spring Beach Day is tomorrow morning at the Beach. Good luck if you're competing in the Dog Disk Tournament!1st day of Summer Beach Day is this morning at the Beach. Good luck if you're competing in the Dog Disk Tournament!Summer % Events This Season 7th: Chicken Festival 20th: Cow Festival 24th: Fireworks Festival6th day of Summer Tomorrow is the Chicken Festival at Rose Square. If you're going to compete, register your Chicken.7th day of Summer The Chicken Festival is this morning at Rose Square. If you're going to compete, don't be late.Summer % Events this season 20th: Cow Festival 24th: Fireworks FestivalToday is Friday the 13th Events This Season 20th: Cow Festival 24th: Fireworks Festival13th day of Summer Events This Season 20th: Cow Festival 24th: Fireworks FestivalSummer % The Cow Festival is on the 20th. If you own a Cow, consider entering it in the competition. It can't be pregnant, though.19th day of Summer The Cow Festival is tomorrow morning in Rose Square. If you're going to compete, register your Cow.20th day of Summer The Cow Festival is this morning at Rose Square. If you're going to compete, don't be late.Summer % The best part of summer, the Fireworks Festival, is on the 24th.23rd day of Summer The best part of summer, the Fireworks Festival, is on the 24th.24th day of Summer The Fireworks Festival is this evening at the Beach.Summer % Summer is almost over. Can you harvest your crops before fall comes? Don't let your crops wither on the vine!1st day of Fall Events This Season 3rd: Music Festival 9th: Harvest Festival 18th: Fall Horse Races 21st: Sheep Festival2nd day of Fall The Music Festival is tomorrow evening at the Church. Come listen to some beautiful music!3rd day of Fall The Music Festival is this evening at the Church. Come listen to some beautiful music!Fall % Events this season 9th: Harvest Festival 18th: Fall Horse Races 21st: Sheep Festival8th day of Fall The Harvest Festival starts tomorrow morning at Rose Square. Everybody bring an ingredient for the big pot!9th day of Fall The Harvest Festival starts this morning at Rose Square. Everybody bring an ingredient for the big pot!Fall % The Moon Festival is on the 13th. Invite your favorite boy to this romantic event!12th day of Fall The Moon Festival is tomorrow night. Invite your favorite boy to this romantic event!Today is Friday the 13th It's clear today, so if you go up to the peak of Mother's Hill, you can see a truly beautiful moon.13th of day of Fall It's clear today, so if you go up to the peak of Mother's Hill, you can see a truly beautiful moon.Fall % Events This Season 18th: Fall Horse Races 21st: Sheep Festival16th day of Fall The fall Horse Races are coming up. If you have a Horse, try entering it. If not, just betting on the races is fun, too!17th day of Fall Tomorrow is the fall Horse Races. If you are entering a Horse, let the Mayor know when he drops by.18th day of Fall The Horse Races start in the morning in Rose Square. Gather for the fun!19th day of Fall The Sheep Festival is on the 21st. If you own a Sheep, consider entering it in the competition. It cannot be pregnant but it must have a full adult coat.20th day of Fall The Sheep Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square. If you're going to compete, please register your Sheep.21st day of Fall The Sheep Festival is this morning in Rose Square. If you're going to compete don't be late.Fall % Fall is almost over. Can you harvest your crops before winter arrives? Don't let your crops wither on the vine!Fall % Winter is almost upon us! Nothing grows in winter, so harvest everything now.30th day of Fall Today is the Pumpkin Festival. Give treats to the kids who visit your home.Winter % Events This Season 24th: Starry Night Festival 30th: Year End FestivalWinter % When winter freezes the Lake ice, you may be able to get to new places.Today is Friday the 13th Tomorrow is the Winter Thanksgiving Festival, where girls give boys they like Chocolate.13th day of Winter Tomorrow is the Winter Thanksgiving Festival, where girls give boys they like Chocolate.14th day of Winter Today is the Winter Thanksgiving Festival. Will you be lucky enough to get a gift of Chocolate?23rd day of Winter Tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival. Hopefully you can spend it with a nice guy.24th day of Winter Today is the Starry Night Festival. Hopefully you can spend it with a nice guy.25th day of Winter If you hang up your socks tonight, you may receive a Starry Night gift.Winter % Spring is coming. When it arrives you'll be able to grow crops again. Now's your chance to make up for lost time!30th day of Winter, It's the last day of the year. Gather at Rose Square at night or at the peak of Mother's Hill to watch the first sunrise of the year.RIFFd SCR CODE####!##!!!T"!?"%!8YYYY$!#!$#!$#!$#!$#!$#!$#!$#!$# !$# !$# !$$###!=# !### #####!,JOOO$#!### #####!,$#!### #####!,$#!### #####!,.333$#!### #####!,z$#!### #####!,$$# ##e# ###!#"o!>#;#=#N#!#!@#b#d##!#"o#!?!!#'!I"\"\!>#!?#!##!#!!! JUMP8 $TT++++E o{ .....3zzzzz^^^c^^T8STR HN"0>L[,_7If you can answer all these problems, you might just receive a present. Remember that pushing a button other than to advance a page or select a solution will skip the problem, so be careful!  Problem 1  Problem 2  Problem 3  Problem 4  Problem 5  Problem 6  Problem 7  Problem 8  Problem 9  Problem 10  1+1~1+1+1+1+1= 1234561|1~1|1+1~1+1= 1~1|1~1+1~1+1= 1~1+1~1+1|1+1= 1~1~1+1+1~1+1= 1+1+1+1+1|1+1= Congratulations! You answered all the problems correctly!I've already given you a Jewel of Truth. So no prize this time. Your prize is a Jewel of Truth. I was going to give you a Jewel of Truth as a prize, but your hands are full. Too bad! You missed them all! Shouldn't you be studying instead?RIFF$SCR CODE#!>####!>#3#5##!>#K#M# "0!>#!>#v#x######!>#######$## #!>####!>### "0!>#!>#9#;#K##Q###!>#l#n#~####$ #!>##### # !>####!!>### #"!>## # ##!># #"# #$!>#9#;# #%!>#R#T# #&!>#k#m# #'!>###  "0!> # !>######!!>######"!>##### ##!>#'#)#9## #$!>#O#Q#a## #%!>#w#y### #&!>##### ## #!!>######"!>### ## ##!>#"#$#4## #$!>#J#L#\## #%!>#r#t### #&!>##### #'!>####### #"!>##### ##!>###/## #$!>#E#G#W## #%!>#m#o### #&!>##### #'!>###### !>####### ##!>###*##  #$!>#@#B#R##  #%!>#h#j#z##  #&!>#####  #'!>##### # !>##### #!!>## ### ##  #$!>#;#=#M## C#%!>#c#e#u## C#&!>##### C#'!>#####C# !>#####C#!!>#####C#"!>#+#-#=## C##  #%!>#^#`#p## f #&!>##### f #'!>#####f # !>#####f #!!>## # ##f #"!>#& #( #8 ## f ##!>#N #P #` ## f ##  #&!># # # ##  #'!># # # ## # !># # # ## #!!># # # ## #"!>#! ## #3 ##  ##!>#I #K #[ ##  #$!>#q #s # ##  ##  #'!># # # ## # !># # # ## #!!># # # ## #"!># # #. ##  ##!>#D #F #V ##  #$!>#l #n #~ ##  #%!># # # ##  ##   $ #!># # ##!># # # x "0!>n #!># # #+ ##1 ##s #!>#L #N #^ ##d ##s s $ #!># # # ## #!># # ##!># # # X "0!>N #!># # # ## ##S #!>#, #. #> ##D ##S S $ "!>#o #q # ## ##V#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!##!#![#!## !# ![#!## !# ![#!## !# ![#!## !# ![#!## !# ![#!##!#![#!##!#![!A###=!D#<##="-!>E##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;J##!;JJ$######!'"-!># ~##"-#!?"-"-!>#!?##""-!>###"-# !?"-"-!>#!?##"##"!!! ""$#6#8##!"f!8[[$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMP $lD ````#V#V#V#V%Hk   6  6  6  6         $ 2g     'Ec     5SqooooSTR 9| _ G A F JPUZ_dinsx}TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Clock! This classic timepiece adds elegance to any room! Our special low price is only...2,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Mirror! This Mirror will help you look your best every day! Our special low price is only...1,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Refrigerator! Finally you'll be able to store loads of food without carrying it around! Our special low price is only...2,500G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: Shelves! Finally you'll be able to store loads of Items without carrying them around! Our special low price is only...2,500G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Kitchen! Just buy this and some Utensils and you're ready to cook up a storm! Our special low price is only...4,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Carpet! This Carpet will make any house warm and homey! Our special low price is only...5,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Large Bed! This is absolutely necessary for those planning for a married life! Our special low price is only...10,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Knife! It slices and dices and never grows dull! Our special low price is only...1,500G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Frying Pan! This Frying Pan is perfect for frying up just about anything! Our special low price is only...1,200G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Pot! This Pot is perfect for stews, curries and lots of other dishes! Our special low price is only...1,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Mixer! This Mixer is just the thing for making juices! Our special low price is only...1,200G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Whisk! This Whisk is perfect for mixing things like omelets! Our special low price is only...500G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our quality product for today: A Rolling Pin! This Rolling Pin is a must for everyone who wants to make pasta! Our special low price is only...750G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our valued product for today: An Oven! This Oven is a must for serious cooks, especially if you bake cookies and cakes! Our special low price is only...2,500G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our valued product for today: A Seasoning Set! This bargain contains: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar, Soy Sauce, and Miso! Our special low price is only a spicy...2,500G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!TV Shopping Network This is our valued product for today: A Power Berry! This miraculous fruit will boost your maximum Stamina by a full 10 points! Our special low price is only...10,000G! They're going quick, so if you want one phone in now!@RPTQURORPSVTPUVUWWOSt. Emerald Academy File%+1-1Watch TV.Turn off TVRIFF!SCR CODE<8#!>#!#!>##!##!##!##!##!##!$##!#!#!>##!##!##!$$!!!2"!?"m!8777$ JUMPd(/?O_ooo o o o o oooooooooooooooooo  ((STR ]F 0 ?Special New Year Show "Happy New Year, everybody! As we do every 1st of spring, we'll have each of our guests write a piece of calligraphy for the new year." "Everybody seems to have completed their work that symbolizes their hopes for the coming year. Let's see what they've chosen to write! First we have Mr. W, with" ..."Sunrise"! A fine choice for the new year! Next, we have Ms. X, who has written..."Happiness". An uplifting piece of calligraphy indeed! Next we have Mr. Y, with ..."Hope"! We can see that Mr. Y has high hopes for the coming year! Finally, we have Mr. Z, who wrote..."Dreams"! This is wonderful, too! Thank you everyone for participating. It's great to see how optimistic you all are about the coming new year. "Until next year, then...Special New Year Show "Now that it's the 2nd of spring, it's time to pound the Rice Cakes for the new year. Let's go, everyone!" Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... Thump...pound...whack... "We're all done, now. Let's try our fresh Rice Cakes: The traditional New Year's treat! Mmm....Gooey and delicious! All that pounding by everybody sure did the trick! Until next year, then...Special New Year Show "For the 3rd of spring, we have a special treat planned for you. Each of our guests will show us their special talents! First is Mr. W, who can touch his tongue to his nose! Now Ms. X who is double- jointed. Oh my! Look at that! Now here is Mr. Y, who is going to cook his special Grilled Fish for us: Medium Fish, Frying Pan, Salt, Soy Sauce Mmm...It's delicious! I think I'll cook this at home myself. Finally, we have Mr. Z, who is going to walk up stairs while standing on his hands. Oh my! That is truly unbelievable! Until next year, then...Special New Year Show "For the 4th of spring we're going to have all of our guests go swimming in an ice-cold lake! At least it was our plan, but all of the guests seem to have run away at the last moment. Until next year..." Special New Year Show "For the 5th of spring, we're going to show you a couple dishes for you to cook up in the coming year. The first is my personal favorite, Strawberry Jam: Ingredients: Strawberry Utensils: Pot Seasoning: Sugar The next recipe is Jam Bun, which uses the Jam we just taught you to make. Ingredients: Strawberry Jam Bread That's it! Give these recipes a try yourself at home! Until next year, then...That's impossible... New Year Snbowball Fight "This is a snowball fight between the two teams. Oh! Mr. Z lands a big one on Mr. X... There goes Ms. X, aiming right for Mr. Y's nose! Mr. X is back for revenge! Hey...was there a rock inside that one? Let's play fair now, everybody! Until next year, then...Ringing in the New Year: Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong... Gong...gong...gong...RIFFSCR CODE($#!>#!#!>u"a!8z"a!8z"a!8z"a!8z"a!8z##!zz$##!#!#!>##!"a!8"a!8$$!!!"!?"%!8"""$ JUMPd(,9FS``` ` ` ` ` ``````````````````  STR That's impossible! RIFF}ISCR CODE$ ##!;##!;##!;##!;",!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!!!!"#!?$!!!"!?"m!8$ JUMP1AQaq !1AQaq  STR !F"(1Rj Q)U!I$&|)+g.13w69"=@BStar Lily, Bandit GirlMiss AnnieSally Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 1 (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now, what's happened, Sally? (( Sally: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 2 (( Previously:|||||| A mysterious letter arrived as Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right, then... (rustle) Let me see... "Tonight at 7 I will take the roll that is in your desk--a leftover from your school lunch. Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Oh My! This is a warning! (( Sally: It looks that way. What am I going to do? (( Miss Annie: Hmm, well... Seeing as how we've been warned, why don't we see if we can't stop her? (( Sally: You know, my grandma said that she fought bandits a long time ago... Maybe this is where I get my start as a detective. (( Miss Annie: Eh? You don't mean that your grandmother is the famous detective Andrea Vernet? (( Sally: Yep, that's her. Have you heard of her, Ma'am? (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 2 (( Previously:|||||||| A mysterious letter arrived as Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right, then... (rustle) Let me see... "Tonight at 7 I will take the roll that is in your desk--a leftover from your school lunch. Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Oh My! This is a warning! (( Sally: It looks that way. What am I going to do? (( Miss Annie: Hmm, well... Seeing as how we've been warned, why don't we see if we can't stop her? (( Sally: You know, my grandma said that she fought bandits a long time ago... Maybe this is where I get my start as a detective. (( Miss Annie: Eh? You don't mean that your grandmother is the famous detective Andrea Vernet? (( Sally: Yep, that's her. Have you heard of her, Ma'am? (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 4 (( Previously:|||||||| Sally is now known as "Sally Girl Detective." |||||||||||||| (( Sally Girl Detective: It's already past 7, you know... (( Miss Annie: Hmm, I wonder what's going on. Nothing's happened yet. Let's have a look inside your desk, Sally. (( Sally, Girl Detective: OK. (rustle rustle) Oh no! It's gone! The roll is gone! (( Miss Annie: What? (( Sally Girl Detective I found this left in its place. (( Miss Annie: A letter? Let's have a look. "Received, one leftover piece of school lunch roll. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." But how? When? We were watching your desk the whole time. How did she manage to steal the roll from inside your desk without us spotting her? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, I guess this means that Star Lily, Bandit Girl, got us good this time around. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 5 (( Previously:|||||||| Star Lily, Bandit Girl made off with my roll. |||||||||||||| (( Next Day... (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally Girl Detective: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally Girl Detective: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now what happened, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally Girl Detective: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 6 (( Previously:|||||||| A letter was delivered to Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right then... (rustle rustle) Let me see... "I should apologize to you for I took the leftover school lunch roll from your desk at 7 o'clock on the day that I delivered the first letter. I will be sure to write the exact date and time on future letters. Signed,Star Lily, Bandit Girl." ................ (( Come to think of it, we forgot to check inside your desk before we started watching it. We'll have to be more careful next time. (( Sally Girl Detective: That assumes there's going to be a next time. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 7 (( Previously:|||||||| The letter Sally received was an apology from Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally Girl Detective: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally Girl Detective: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now what happened, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally Girl Detective: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 8 (( Previously:|||||||| A letter arrived at Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right then... (rustle rustle) Let me see... "On the X Day of Y Month, I will take the leftover school lunch roll in your desk at 7PM. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Oh no! Not another one...! (( Sally Girl Detective: Yes, it is, Ma'am... And today is X Day of Y Month, which means... (( Miss Annie: It was probably actually stolen yesterday. (( Shall we go have a look in your desk? First period is about to start, so we'll be going to class anyway. (( Sally Girl Detective: Yeah, you're right. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 9 (( Previously:|||||||| The letter that Sally got was another warning from Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( c@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (( Sally Girl Detective: OK, I'll go have a look inside my desk... (rustle rustle) Oh no! My roll is gone again. And here's what was in its place. (( Miss Annie: A letter? Let's see... "Received: Leftover school lunch roll. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Just as we figured... (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, this time I don't feel as though Star Lily, Bandit Girl completely got the best of us. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 10 (( Previously:|||||||| Sally's roll was stolen by Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( Next day... (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally Girl Detective: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally Girl Detective: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now, what's happened, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally Girl Detective: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 11 (( Previously:|||||||| A mysterious letter arrived at Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right, then... (rustle rustle) Let me see... "I must apologize once more. I wrote the day after I sent that letter by mistake. It seems to have taken quite a bit of time for the letter to be delivered. Next time I will leave plenty of time in the scheduling of my plans. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." ............. Well, fine. Maybe she'll get it right next time. (( Sally Girl Detective: That assumes there's going to be a next time. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 12 (( Previously:|||||||| The letter that Sally received was an apology from Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally Girl Detective: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally Girl Detective: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now, what's happened, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally Girl Detective: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 13 (( Previously:|||||||| A letter was delivered to Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right then... (rustle rustle) Let me see... "On the W Day of Z Month, I will take the leftover school lunch roll in your desk at 7 o'clock. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Well, W Day of Z Month is tomorrow, right? (( Sally Girl Detective: Yes, it is, Ma'am! (( So the next day... (( Miss Annie: It's now 6PM. One hour to go. Let's just go check on your desk, Sally. (( Sally Girl Detective: OK, I'll go have a look. (rustle rustle) Huh? Oh no, it's gone, my roll is gone! (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 14 (( Previously:|||||| Sally's roll was stolen by Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: What? But it isn't 7PM yet. (( Sally Girl Detective: I found this in its place. (( Miss Annie: A letter? I imagine it's another receipt... "Received: Leftover school lunch roll. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Just as I thought... (( Sally Girl Detective: What does this mean? It's not even 7 o'clock yet. (( Miss Annie: You know, I don't get it either. (( Sally Girl Detective: Sigh. You know, I think Star Lily, Bandit Girl tricked us this time! (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 15 (( Previously:|||||||| There was a letter inside Sally's desk. |||||||||||||| (( Next day... (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally Girl Detective: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally Girl Detective: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now what happened, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally Girl Detective: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 16 (( Previously:|||||||| A letter was delivered to Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right, then... (rustle rustle) let me see... "I must apologize yet again. I took the school lunch roll from your desk at 7AM. Next time I will be sure to mark whether I will come in the AM or PM. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Well, that explains that... Maybe next time for sure she'll really get it right. (( Sally Girl Detective: That assumes there's going to be a next time. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 17 (( Previously:|||||||| The letter that Sally received was an apology from Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( Rumble Rumble Rumble (( Sally Girl Detective: Ma'am, we have a problem. (( Miss Annie: Sally, you know you're not supposed to run in the halls. (( Sally Girl Detective: I... I'm sorry. (( Miss Annie: Now, what's happened, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, we got this in the mail this morning. (( Miss Annie: An envelope? May I read the letter inside? (( Sally Girl Detective: Please do. (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 18 (( Previously:|||||||| A letter was delivered to Sally's house. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: All right, then... (rustle rustle) Let me see... "On V Day of U Month, at 7PM, I will take the leftover school lunch roll in your desk. Signed, Star Lily, Bandit Girl." Well, V Day of U Month is tomorrow. (( Sally Girl Detective: That's right. Tomorrow we'll finally have it out. (( And so the next day... (( Miss Annie: It is now 7PM. (( Star Lily, Bandit Girl: Ha ha ha ha ha! I hope you have not waited long, Sally and Miss Annie! (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 19 (( Previously:|||||||| At last, Star Lily, Bandit Girl, shows herself! |||||||||||||| (( Sally Girl Detective: At last you show yourself, Star Lily, Bandit Girl! (( Miss Annie: Though that should be "Kimberly," properly speaking. (( Sally Girl Detective: Huh? You don't mean the same Kimberly in class with me, do you? (( Star Lily, Bandit Girl: No! How could you know who I really am? (( Sally Girl Detective: Is it really Kimberly, Miss Annie? How did you figure out that Star Lily, Bandit Girl, was really Kimberly? (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 20 (( Previously:|||||||| Star Lily, Bandit Girl, is actually Kimberly? |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: I knew it when I heard her voice! And that mask can't hide that hair. No one else in school is that short and dyes her hair orange. It had to be you, Kimberly. (( Kimberly: Ha ha ha ha ha! Well done, Miss Annie. I congratulate you on seeing through my disguise. I am still going to take that leftover school lunch roll, however. (( Sally Girl Detective: You may find that easier said than done. There's a trap for Star Lily, Bandit Girl in this desk. (( Miss Annie: When did you have a chance to do that? (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 21 (( Previously||||||||| Sally Girl Detective set a trap for Star Lily, Bandit Girl. |||||||||||||| (( Kimberly: Ha ha ha ha ha! Were you referring to this, by any chance? (( Miss Annie: A bag with school lunch roll in it...? (( Sally Girl Detective: No way... When did you...? (( Kimberly: I found it on the chair when I came to check the scene for this evening's theft, and so gladly took it. (( Sally Girl Detective: I was so certain that if I left another one out, you wouldn't know which one was mine... (( Miss Annie: I don't think it would matter because either one would be a leftover school lunch roll... Wait, why do you keep stealing leftover school lunch rolls and only Sally's at that...? (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 22 (( Previously:|||||||| Why is Star Lily, Bandit Girl stealing only Sally's roll? |||||||||||||| (( Kimberly: Ha ha ha ha ha! You mean, not even you understand, Miss Annie? All right, I'll tell you why, since you figured out who I really am. Come here, Doughboy. (( Doughboy: Whine, whine! BARK! (( Sally Girl Detective: Oh, it's a puppy! How cute! (( Miss Annie: I guess, though I'm not really very fond of dogs... So what's the dog got to do with it? (( Kimberly: You see, I found him abandoned by the school gates on B Day of D Month. I didn't have anything to feed him that day, so I thought of who might have something, and I remembered that Sally always leaves her school lunch roll in her desk, and... (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 23 (( Previously||||||||| Doughboy is such a cute little puppy. |||||||||||||| (( Kimberly: Lots of kids save their school lunch rolls. But only Sally leaves hers at school. So... (( Sally Girl Detective: I get it now... So Star Lily, Bandit Girl, was born on that day... (( Miss Annie: But why go to all the trouble of stealing it? We'd have helped you, if you'd only asked. (( Kimberly: Well, you know... there was just something so cool about playing the phantom thief... But that's over now. I can't very well go on being Star Lily, Bandit Girl, now that you know who I really am and all that... (( (( To Be Continued (Really)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 24 (( Previously:|||||||| Today marks the end of Star Lily, Bandit Girl's wave of crime. |||||||||||||| (( Sally Girl Detective: A-ha! Then this will be the first and last showdown between Star Lily, Bandit Girl and Sally Girl Detective, am I right? (( Miss Annie: In that case, I'm most likely going to get in the way. (( Sally Girl Detective: Oh no, please, stay and watch us! (( Kimberly: Yes, I want you to see this too! (( Miss Annie: All right. Give it all you've got, both of you. (( Kimberly: Thank you. Now shall we begin, Sally? (( Sally Girl Detective: You bet! (( (( To Be Continued (Really!)Star Lily, Bandit Girl Episode 25 (( Previously:|||||||| Sally, Girl Detective, and Star Lily, Bandit Girl have their Showdown. |||||||||||||| (( Miss Annie: So I spoke with the principal and he agrees that we can keep Doughboy in class with us. It's all been settled. (( Kimberly: All right! (( Sally Girl Detective: That's good! (( Kimberly: Yeah. Thanks. (( Classmates: Never mind that! What we want to know is how the showdown between Sally Girl Detective and Star Lily, Bandit Girl turned out! Who won? (( Sally Girl Detective: Well, you see... (( Kimberly: It's a secret. (( Sally Girl Detective: Uh-huh. (( (( The End! (Finally!)RIFFu'SCR CODE40##!;##!;##!;##!;"-!>##!##!##!##!##!## !## !## !## !## !!!!"#!?$!!!'"!?"m!8,,,$ JUMP` 1AQaq STR %6EbG :"St. Emerald AcademyFilesame car of the same train@@@@@@@St. Emerald Academy (( File 3 The Girl Who Reads Books (( (( She always stands in the same car of the same train, at the same time of day, with her back against the doors. When the train starts up, she puts her briefcase down between her feet, and takes out a pocket book with its cover neatly in place. She seems to use dead leaves for bookmarks, for she turns to a page where just such a leaf is pressed and goes on reading. (( When we get to the next station, the train stops and she totters slightly as the doors against which she was leaning open, causing the leaf to fall gently from her book. She hurries to try to catch it, but misses and it falls to the floor. So she picks it up, dusts it off, puts it back in the pages of her book, and continues reading. (( We were approaching her station. She took the leaf from the back of her book, stuck it at the point where she was leaving off, and closed the book. Then she put it in her briefcase that she slung over her shoulder as she turned to face the doors. When the train stopped and the doors opened, she got off. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 15 The Two Girls (( (( She always stands in the same car of the same train, at the same time of day, in the same spot, waiting for the next stop, her eyes squeezed shut, because the next stop is the one where her friend gets on. (( When the train stops, she slowly opens her eyes and turns to look at the doors. She smiles, because she can see her friend standing on the other side. The doors open, and her friend runs over to where she is standing. They give each other a great big hug, then promptly start talking. They seem to be talking about the final exams that are coming up starting next week. (( The station where they get off is coming up. Now they suddenly seem to have switched from talking about tests to badmouthing a certain teacher they don't like. The train has stopped, and as the doors open they get off, holding hands. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 26 The Girl Who Looks Outside (( (( She always sits alone in the same place, on the same train, at the same time. She keeps her face turned to the window, looking at nothing but the passing view. I don't know what her face looks like. But when the train goes through a tunnel I can see the reflection of her face in the glass. I still don't really know just what she looks like... (( When the train stops at the next station it shakes her up just a little. A new passenger sits down next to her. She turns to this person for just an instant before promptly looking back out the window. (( Aside from that she keeps staring out the window, just as she always does. (( As we approach her station, she gets up before we reach the platform and walks to the doors, as she always does. Once there, she again stares out the window, not moving at all until the train stops and the doors open, she gets off. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 30 The Sleeping Girl (( (( She always sits alone, asleep, in the same place on the same train, every day. She moves in time to the shaking of the train. When it moves side to side, her body moves side to side as well and her head hits the window with a jolt that's enough to wake even her. She rubs the bump on her head. It must really have hurt for she is shaking all over and her eyes are welling with tears. After a bit the pain seems to ease and she shifts in place, closes her eyes and tries to go back to sleep. (( The train stops at the next station and she opens her eyes slightly, only to close them and go back to sleep once she sees it isn't her stop. (( A bit further on the train approaches her stop. She shows no sign of waking up yet. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 31 The Girl Awakens (( (( She always sits alone, asleep, in the same place on the same train, every day. The train stopped at her station, but she still shows no sign of waking up. (( Even after the doors closed and the train left the station, she slept on... (( A little later she woke up. And after a bit she realized where she was, and looked around in a panic. Then she struck her forehead with the palm, as if to say, oh no, I did it again. She got up and walked over to the doors where she waited for the train to reach the next station. (( Once there, she promptly got off and ran to the opposite platform, waiting for the next train. It did not look as though there would be another train anytime soon. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 47 The Girl Who Eats on the Train (( (( She always sits alone, in the same place, on the same train, every day. And she is always eating something while on the train. Maybe she's always waking up without enough time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast at home. Whatever the case, today she's having an egg salad sandwich and 100% apple juice. She puts the sandwich container on her lap, holding the sandwich in her left hand and the apple juice in her right. She eats one piece of her sandwich at a time, taking a swallow of her apple juice after each piece. Then she picks up the next piece of the sandwich, and starts on that. (( When she finishes it all, she crushes the juice box and sticks it in the sandwich pack. Then she picks up these packages and her briefcase and stands up. Just then the train reaches her stop and the doors open. As soon as she gets off she puts her trash in the nearby trash can and heads down the stairs. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 51 The Girl Who Stumbles (( (( We stop at the station for about a minute. The train will be pulling out any time now. She'll be coming to the platform right then, too. I wonder if she'll make it this time. (( There's the signal. The train is about to leave the station. Just then I hear the sound of feet running up the stairs. Is it her? Yes, it is: Just as she reaches the top of the stairs, she trips and falls, apparently banging her knee on the platform. She rubs it and tries to get up, just in time to see the doors close. The apparent shock of seeing the doors close right before her eyes is the real source of her pain as she stands up again. The train is already underway and she won't be catching it. I wonder whether she'll be like this every day, just like today: Stuck there, waiting for the next train. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 67 The Girl Who Bumps Into Things (( (( She always sits alone, in the same place, on the same train, every day. Her briefcase is at her feet and she holds tightly to what looks like a racquet case, maybe for tennis or something. (( We stop at a station and people get on. One of these people jostles the carrying case that she is holding. It is pretty big, and sticks out into the aisle. She promptly gets to her feet and apologizes, bowing her head, though the person she bumped doesn't appear to take much notice. While all of this is going on, the doors close and the train takes off. Her awkward pose, head bowed, causes her to pitch forward, bumping into the very person to whom she was apologizing, causing her to turn bright red and apologize even more fiercely. He did not seem to be overly concerned by this either, and simply sits down next to her. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 68 The Girl Who Apologizes (( (( She always sits alone, in the same place, on the same train, every day. Her briefcase is at her feet, and she holds tightly to what looks like a racquet case, maybe for tennis or something. (( Her stop approaches and she gets up to get ready to get off the train. As she does so, her carrying case hits the man sitting next to her, in the face. She promptly apologizes, bowing her head, though he does not appear terribly concerned. Meanwhile, the train stops. Her unnatural stance causes her to stumble and bump into the man to whom she is already apologizing. She turns a bright red and apologizes even more fiercely. The man says something to her, which I imagine must be along the lines of, hurry up and go before the doors close. She keeps on apologizing, even as she gets off the train. She stops outside and apologizes some more. She continues apologizing even as the doors close and the train leaves the station. (( (( St. Emerald Academy (( File 80 The Girl Who Stares (( (( She always sits alone, in the same place, on the same train, every day. And she always stares at a single point: A certain person sitting in the next car... (( She doesn't say anything or approach this person. She just stares. (( Sometimes the person in the next car turns to look her way, then she promptly turns her gaze in the other direction. But as soon as that person looks away, she starts staring again. Why? And why isn't she watching from inside the same car for that matter? (( In time we arrive at her station. She gets off, not without some sense of regret, still staring at that same person. Even after she gets off the train and the doors close, as the train pulls away, she still keeps staring. (( (( RIFFF%SCR CODEPL##!;##!;##!;##!;".!>##! ##! ##! ##! ##! ## ! ## ! ## ! ## ! ## ! ##! ##! ##!  $!!!C"!?"%!8HHH$ JUMPx 1AQaq 99STR # 3@/} 3 Mine Research GroupGood day. My name is Karin, Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Up to now we assumed that digging up ground at the Mine by the Spring would only unearth Gold or Black Grass. Recently however, the idea that other things may be found there has found favor with many. One such item is is the "Power Berry, " about which the presence of I may claim with 100% certainty, based on my own research. It can be found down as far as 100 levels underground. (( Another is the "Mystery Slab." While it is true, that it can be found in places, we do not know exactly where it is located, perhaps due to it being buried deep underground. We will inform you as soon as we have more information regarding this object. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin, and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( It is known that the following things are comparatively common finds when one breaks rocks at the Mine of the Spring: Junk Ore, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile, Orichalch, and Adamantite. Two more unusual objects known to be found there are the "Teleport Stone" and the "Goddess Jewel." As to where in the mine they can be found, well... It appears that our time is up for today, so I will talk more on this subject next time. That's all for this now."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin, and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( We learned that among the things to be found by breaking rocks at the Mine of the Spring are the Teleport Stone and the Goddess Jewel. We believe that the former is probably found on the lowest level of the mine while the latter is scattered here and there, and thus we do not know all the places where it may be found. We only know of two such locations at this time: the 102nd and 202nd levels in the mine. I'll provide more information on this subject later. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Like the Mine of the Spring, we found that Power Berries can also be found by digging at the Mine of the Lake. My research shows that they can be found on the 19th level of the Mine. (( Also there have been rumors in some quarters about "Cursed Tools." We now know that such tools were found at the Mine of the Lake, including the Cursed Hoe, which we are told was found on the 39th level of the mine. More on this story as we dig up information. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( The following ores can be found by breaking rocks at the Mine of the Lake: Amethyst, Agate, Fluorite, Peridot, Topaz, Ruby, Sand Rose, Moonstone, Emerald and Diamond. Of these the last two are comparatively unusual while the others can be found more easily. There are other unusual things being found in this mine... but it seems that we have run out of time so we will continue this discussion on our next show. Until then, that's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Unusual ores found by breaking rocks at the Mine by the Lake include Alexandrite and Pink Diamond. We have reports of Alexandrite found on the 50th, 100th, 150th levels of the mine, though it may be unearthed on other levels as well. As for Pink Diamonds, we know that they have been found on the 30th, 110th, and 190th levels of the mine, although they may also be found on other levels as well. We will report further on this subject as information becomes available. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( There have been rumors in some quarters of Cursed Tools. We received word that another such item was found at the Mine by the Lake. The item in question is a Cursed Watering Can and it was found on the 69th level of the mine. We also have information on unusual things that can be found by breaking rocks at the Mine by the Lake, including the Kappa Jewel. It was located on the 120th level of the Mine by the Lake. We do not have any more details at this time but we will let you know just as soon as we do. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Lately the big rumor circulating is that by charging your hoe or your hammer in the mines you'll find more items. This is not true so do not squander your energy in this futile undertaking. (( Next we have a report of Alexandrite found on the 210th level of the Mine of the Lake. If anyone else out there has news in this regard, please let us know. And that is all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Lately a rumor persists about the mines extending as far as 255 levels. While we are doing our best to find an answer to this claim, we have only been down as far as the 254th level a few times and while we cannot say for certain we have not found a stairway down to the 255th level. It would not surprise us to learn that that it is the lowest level after all. (( We also have additional news about the discovery of the Kappa Jewel in the Lake Mine: It was unearthed on level 60. If you dig up any other information, please let us know. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Lately we heard rumors that it is possible to go to the Lake Mine in other seasons besides winter. The short answer is that it is indeed possible and easy to do. All you have to do is ready a Teleport and set the Lake Mine as your destination. While this may sound simple, acquiring a Teleport is considered quite difficult. I have used it myself to go to the Mine by the Lake in seasons other than winter and did not see any particular difference. I will report again on this subject as further information becomes available. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Word comes to us today of the discovery of the Goddess Jewel on the 152nd level of the Mine of the Spring. (( We have another report of the Goddess Jewel found in that mine, this time on the 190th level. (( Next we have word of a Cursed Sickle being found in the Mine by the Lake, on the 79th level. This concludes today's report. Please let us know if you dig up important information for us. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today, I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( Lately we heard about sowing seeds in tilled mine soil after it is freshly turned will cause seasonal plants to grow. This is completely untrue so do not waste your seeds in this fruitless endeavor. (( Next we have news of a Pink Diamond found on the 90th level of the Mine of the Lake. That gem concludes today's report. If you dig up important information, please let us know. That's all for this week."Mine Research Group (( (( "Good day. My name is Karin and I am a geologist. Today I will tell you some of the facts and rumors that I know regarding mines. (( The other day I unearthed something amazing. On the 222nd level of the Mine by the Spring I found a Mythic Stone, an ore that I've never seen anywhere except in textbooks. I found it while breaking rocks but I'm still conducting additional research. If any of you dig up any information about the Mythic Stone or anything else, please let us know. Thank you. That's all for this week."RIFFo SCR CODE<8#!>#!>#"#$##!>#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!$@#!>;#!##!@#!##!@#!##!@#!##!@#!##!@@$#!>#[#]##!>#!##!#!## !#!##!#!##!#!##!$y#!>t#!##!y#!## !y#!## !y#!##!y#!##!yy$#!>###)#!>#!## !$#!## !$#!##!$#!##!$#!##!$$$#!>#!##!#!## !#!##!#!##!#!##!$#!>###b#!>X#!##!]#!##!]#!##!]#!##!]#!##!]]$#!>#!## !#!## !#!##!#!##!#!##!$$!!!2"!?"m!8777$ JUMP  (XHx5LzcnA*X5Lzc%<n E~((STR C-4B Y <This is tomorrow's forecast! It will be sunny and a little hot.This is tomorrow's forecast! Tonight will be cloudy, with rain falling all day tomorrow. This is tomorrow's forecast! A typhoon will be passing through so lock all your doors and windows, and put your animals in the Barn!Snow A snowstorm!This is tomorrow's forecast! Morning will bring fair skies throughout the entire region. This is tomorrow's forecast! It will begin raining in the morning and not stop all day. Typhoon!This is tomorrow's forecast! It will be a nice, crisp and clear fall day. This is tomorrow's forecast! Morning will bring rain, and it will be a cold day.Heavy thunder and lightning! Tonight will be cloudy, with rain falling all day tomorrow. This is tomorrow's forecast! A typhoon will be passing through so lock down all doors and windows, and put your animals in the Barn!This is tomorrow's forecast! It will be a pleasant sunny day. Rain!Typhoon! This is tomorrow's forecast! It will snow, so be careful not to catch cold. This is tomorrow's forecast! A snowstorm will hit so lock down all doors and windows, and put your animals in the Barn!RIFF SCR CODE<8#!>#!>#"#$##!>#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!$@#!>;#!##!@#!##!@#!##!@#!##!@#!##!@@$#!>#[#]##!>#!##!#!## !#!##!#!##!#!##!$y#!>t#!##!y#!##!y#!##!y#!##!y#!##!yy$#!>###)#!>#!## !$#!## !$#!## !$#!## !$#!##!$$$#!>#!##!#!## !#!## !#!##!#!##!$#!>###b#!>X#!##!]#!##!]#!## !]#!##!]#!##!]]$#!>#!## !#!## !#!## !#!##!#!##!$$!!!2"!?"%!8777$ JUMP  (XHx5LzcnA*X5Lzc%<n E~((STR B*1?.$OHere's tomorrow's forecast! It will be sunny and a little hot.Here's tomorrow's forecast! Tonight will be cloudy, with rain falling all day tomorrow. Here's tomorrow's forecast! A typhoon will be passing through so lock down all doors and windows, and put your animals in the Barn!Snow A snowstorm!Here's tomorrow's forecast! Morning will bring fair skies throughout the entire region. Tomorrow's weather! It will rain all day!@ Too bad!Typhoon!Here's tomorrow's forecast! It will be a nice, crisp and clear fall day. Here's tomorrow's forecast! Morning will bring rain, and it will be a cold day.Here's tomorrow's forecast! It will be a pleasant sunny day. Rain!Typhoon! This is tomorrow's forecast! It will snow so be careful not to catch cold. Here's tomorrow's forecast! A snowstorm will hit, so lock down all doors and windows, and put your animals in the Barn!Here's tomorrow's forecast! It will begin raining in the morning and not stop all day. Here's tomorrow's forecast! It will snow, so be careful not to catch cold. Here's tomorrow's forecast! A snowstorm will hit so lock down all doors and windows, and put your animals in the Barn!RIFFSCR CODE###!=!##!4## !#!>#D#F##!>#\#^# m##!#""!## !##X"#!#"! #""#!#"! # ""#!# "_! ##!5####*#"#L!#"#L#!#"#2#0#`#!#!>#@#B##"#x#L!#"#x#L#!#"#2#x#0#`#!#"#x#<#L!#"#x#<#L#!#"#2#x#<#0#`#!#"! #"K! !#!####!#!###$#!#!#:#<#H#!#!#^#`#l#!#!####!#!####!#!####!##!#####!##!5#z#"#L!#"#.#!#"! #"@#L!#"@#.#!#"! #"#L!#"#.#!#"! $!##!5!#!"!!!#!"!!##!4" !8 JUMPP      )        yy   !KSTR (O!Zs.L]gPops... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Bro... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ...@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I will defeat the enemy!Let's go, Karen!!No! Why do you two have to fight?Leave us alone. Mind your business.I can't! I am your...Shut up!Well, !. Do you have anything to say before you die?I... I'll defeat you.Take this! "Pure Girly Girl!"!...!You can't defeat me. You're too weak.You may kiss your bride.I'll make you happy.Together!@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Together!@@@@@@@@@ We're together!Dearm? Oh, well... 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How many characters max.?6543217Milk P. What is "P"?PlatinumPerfectPatriciaPeacePersonalPhoenixPrettyPowerfulPlusPhoenixWhat is the chanceof sunny day during Spring?About 70%About 90%About 50%About 30%About 25%About 10% 0%About 3%100%About 12%XOWhat is the selling price of Spinach? 80G120G 50G 30G180G 70GWhen is Lillia's birthday?Spring 19thSummer 3rdFall 1stSummer 12thSpring 15thWinter 10thFall 1sFall 25thLake in Spring. Level 4. What can you catch?Crucian CarpSardineTunaYamameSmeltWhat day is the 11th of Winter in the 134th year?TuesdaySundayMondayWednesdayThursdayFridayWhat is the selling price of an Agate?62G64G68G60G66G65GWhen is the Chicken Festival? Summer 7thSummer 20thFall 21stSpring 18thFall 18thSummer 24thSummer 7thFall 21stTV program. My Dear Princess. How many episodes total?34 episodes37 episodes23 episodes20 episodes13 episodes49 episodesHow many steps does the pedometer gain when you press the B Button?0Which apple does Won come to sell you?SUGDWSUDCWSGUDVSGUDWSDGWUSDGMUWhat is the chance of a Typhoon during Summer?About 5%About 20%About 2%What is the selling price of Cabbage?250G200G300G100G350G150GWhen is Saibara's birthday?Spring 11thWinter 28thFall 9thFall 14thSummer 10thWinter 28tjSpring in Winter. Level 1. What can you catch?BluegillSandfishSnakeheadCherry SalmonWhat day is the 9th of Summer in the 92th year?SaturdayWhat is the selling price of Fossil of Fish? 5000GYou can't sell it.10000G20000G30000G 1000GWhen is the Sheep Festival?Summer 25thSummer 18thFall 21thCard Collector Chisato. How many episodes total?122623201913How many diggable squares does the farm have?1075 squares1024 squares 975 squares1242 squares1042 squares1102 squares1102squares1 cow in the small barn. How many spaces left?15 7 8 91018What is the chance of rain during Fall?About 15%What is the selling price of a Green Pepper?40G50G70G80G90GWhen is Ellen's birthday?Winter 13thWinter 23rdWinter 29thWinter 2ndWinter 3rdOcean in Winter. Level 5. What can you catch?Sp. MackerelFossil of FishPower BerryBootMonkfishSquidWhat day is the 22nd of Summer in the 5th year?What is the selling price of an Alexandrite? 2000G50000GWhen is the Cow Festival?Spring 22ndFall 12thSpring 3rdMechagot Genesis Mechabot Ultror: Zero How many episodes total? 6 episodes42 episodes30 episodes26 episodesThe Lv. 7 sickle. How many squares can it cut?225 squares 81 squares169 squares289 squares121 squares361 squaresWhat is the chance of getting Magic Red Flower fromMagic Grass seeds?About 7%About 18%What is the chance of snow during Winter?About 40%About 60%What is the selling price of a Pumpkin?400G450G500GWhen is Barley's birthday?Spring 17thSpring 20thSpring 16thLake in Spring. Level 5. What can you catch?Rainbow TroutFat minnowBlack BassCrucial CarpWhat day is the 1st of Spring in the 100th year?What is the selling price of Junk Ore?1G2G3G4G5G0GSfWhen is the Cooking Festival?Spring 12thSummer 22ndFall 22ndFairy and Me: His Story... How many episodes total?36 episodes38 episodes 40 episodes32 episodes38 episodesHow long does it take to take a bath?30 minutes40 minutes50 minutes60 minutes10 minutes20 minutesBlessed Sickle, Lv.6. How much energy do you use?21222425What is the chance of rain during Spring?What is the selling price of a Carrot?170G220GWhen is Duke's birthday?Winter 15thSummer 15thFall 15thOcean in Winter. Level 1. What can you catch?SanbfishSanpfishSandpishSandlishSandfichWhat day is the 16th of Summer in the 1st year?What is the selling price of a Brooch?2000G3000G4000G5000G6000G1000GWhen is the Fireworks Festival?Summer 23rdSummer 21stFairy and Me: Her Story... How many episodes total?What color does an Alexandrite turn when you take it outside?RedBlueGreenBrownGrayYellowCursed Ax, Lv.2. How much energy do you use?30 5What is the chance of rain during Summer?What is the selling price of Corn? 20G 40G 60GWhen is May's birthday?Winter 26thWinter 6thWinter 16thOcean in Winter. Level 7. What can you catch?Rock TroutSaury PikeSalmonGreenlingL. SalmonWhat day is the 1st of Spring in the 1st year?What is the selling price of a Pink Diamond?15000G25000G35000GWhen is the Pumpkin Festival?Fall 30thFall 5thFall 10thFall 20thTV program. Aaron Changes How many episodes total?394245483336How many feed boxes does a remodeled barn have?1416How many shippable items are there?103104105100101102What is the chance of sunny day during Fall?About 80%What is the selling price of a Manonnaise P?When is Sasha's birthday?Spring 30thSpring 25thSpring 26thSpring 27thSpring 28thSpring 29thSpring in Spring. Level 5. What can you catch?YellowtailMountain TroutSilver CarpWhat day is the 20th of Summer in the 75th year?What is the selling price of an Emerald? 90GWhen is the Harvest Festival?Fall 6thFall 7thFall 8thFall 9thMechabot Ultror Fights Again How many episodes total?47 episodes50 episodes35 episodes41 episodes44 episodesWhich item has the highest selling price?CabbageSweet PotatoTomatoFish LDiamondMythic StoneHow much energy can Spinach recover?What is the chance of a Typhoon during Winter? 0%What is the selling price of a Magic Red Flower?140G160GWhen is Stu's birthday?Winter 5thSpring 5thSummer 5thSpring in Fall. Level 4. What can you catch?MackerelPigfishNeedlefishCodBlowfishWhat day is the 4th of Winter in the 123rd year?What is the selling price of a Fluorite?75GWhen is the Spring Horse Racing?Spring 9thStar Lilly, Bandit Girl How many episodes total?272829How many bookshelves are there in the library?How much energy can a Spa-Boiled Egg recover?How many pieces of lumber do you need to build a bathroom?580 pieces620 pieces640 pieces480 pieces520 pieces540 piecesWhat is the selling price of Yarn G?1200G1500G1800G 800GWhen is Manna's birthday?Fall 11thFall 13thOcean in Fall. Level 5. What can you catch?BonitoKelp BassOcean SunfishWhat day is the 20th of Spring in the 10th year?What is the selling price of Black Grass?10G13G15G18G20G23GWhen is the Music Festival?Fall 3rdIn Aaron Changes, what was the subject of the 4th class?MathEnglishMusicPESociologyHistoryArtHome EconomicsCalligraphyScienceChemistryHow may street lights are there in Mineral Town? 18{How much energy can a Poisonous Mushroom recover?-50-45-40-35-30-25How many pieces of lumber do you need to rebuild the Chicken Coop?420 pieces200 pieces700 pieces999 pieces300 piecesWhat is the selling price of a Chocolate?110G130GWhen is Jeff's birthday?Summer 9thSummer 29thFall 29thLake in Spring. Level 1. What can you catch?BitterlingLoachBrown HakelingWhat day is the 5th of Spring in the 5th year?What is the selling price of Relax Tea?1400G1600GWhen is the Starry Night Festival?Winter 24thWinter 25thWinter 20thWinter 21stWinter 22ndMechabot Ultror Fights Again: What is the name of the 6th episode? The Fateful MorningCutting It FineWhere Fate AwaitsFoiled!The Tough Get GoingBack To SchoolFoiledThe 2nd floor of Lillia's house. There are pictures of a mountain and?FlowerRiverLilliaChickenKappaMountainsHow much energy can a chocolate recover?How many pieces of lumber do you need to rebuild the Barn?500 piecesWhat is the selling price of Cheese M?When is Basil's birthday?Summer 11thSummer 13thSummer 14thFlounderWhat day is the 10th of Winter in the 100th year?What is the selling price of a Peridot?When is the Moon Viewing Festival?Fall 17thFall 19thIn the Mechabot Ultror series. When is Red's birthday?Dec. 25thDec. 30thDec. 31stDec. 14thDec. 23rdDec. 24thIn Jeff's house, there is a picture of?MountainKarenAppleHow much energy can Doug's Box Lunch recover? 75 80 85 90 95How many pieces of lumber do you need to rebuild the Dog House?What is the selling price of Elli Leaves?You can't sell it 1G 10G 100GWhen is Anna's birthday?Fall 23rdFall 24thWhat can you not catch in the Ocean?CoelacanthPirate FortuneAngler FishWhat day is the 1st of Fall in the 1st year?What is the selling price of a Topaz?When is the Frisbee Tournament?Summer 1stSummer 2ndSummer 4thSummer 3rdIn Star Lilly, Bandit Girl, what is the name of Sally's grandmother?Andrea VernetSandra VernetCasandra VernetAndrea VermetAndrea VirnetCasandra VermetWhat is not in the cottage on the hill?TVFireplaceClockBedCalendarDiaryHow much energy can Kai's pasta recover?405035How many pieces of lumber do you need for the 1st house extension?What is the selling price of a Fish L?When is Doug's birthday?Winter 11thWinter 12thWinter 14thWhat is the biggest Tuna in centimeters?250cm255cm256cm100cm150cm200cmWhat day is the 3rd of Winter in the 12th year?What is the selling price of a Ruby?When is the New Year Festival?Spring 1stSpring 2ndSpring 4thSpring 6thIn My Dear Princess, where does the demon lord live?NorthDarkThis CountryEastSouthWestHow many plants are there in the clinic?8NoneHow much energy can Doug's Wild Grape Juice recover?How many pieces of lumber do you need for the 2nd house extension?What is the selling price of White Grass?When is Harris's birthday?Fall 4thWinter 4thSpring 14thWhat is the biggest Snakehead in centimeters?80cm90cm50cm60cm70cmWhat day is the 5th of Fall in the 55th year?What is the selling price of an Amethyst?When is the Spring Thanksgiving?Spring 10thIn Card Collector Chisato, how many more cards does he need at the end of Ep6?61626370PQHow many beds are there in Yodel Ranch?How much energy can Kai's Baked Corn recover?How many pieces of lumber do you need to remodel the windows?What is the selling price of a Mushroom?When is Gotz's birthday?Fall 2ndWhat is the biggest Loach in centimeters?12cm13cm14cm15cm10cm11cmWhat day is the 10th of Fall in the 100th year?What is the selling price of a Sand Rose?When is the Winter Thanksgiving?Winter 30thWinter 1stIn Fairy and Me: His Story, what did the girl cook for him?CurryStire FryToastStewVeggie PancakeBuckwheat ChipsWhat's on the last page of the Earnings screen?Tool Level ListEarnings ReportHarvest SpritesNumber ShippedFishingOtherHow much energy can Kai's Snowcone recover?How many pieces of lumber do you need to get a new mailbox?What is the selling price of a SUGDW apple?When is Zack's birthday?Summer 30thSummer 26thSummer 27thSummer 28thWhat is the biggest Squid in centimeters?What day is the 4th of Summer in the 123rd year?What is the selling price of a Moon Stone?55GWhen is the Fall Horse Racing?In St. Emerald Academy, what does the girl do on the File 51?StumblesStaresReads BooksHolds HandsLooks OutsideAwakensWhat is the color of Thursday on the calendar?PurpleLight BlueHow much energy can Kai's Pizza recover?How many pieces of lumber do you need to build a cottage?What is the selling price of Wild Grapes?When is Carter's birthday?Fall 16thWhat is the biggest Saury Pike in centimeters?40cm45cm55cm35cmWhat day is the 20th of Spring in the 47th year?What is the selling price of a Diamond?When is the Year End Festival?In F-3.14 MGP, what is the name of Daisy's machine?PeonyFutabaSpriteSakuyaKarinNatsukiOn the kitchen counter, what's the item located on the upper left corner?OvenRolling PinFrying PanPotKnifeSeasoningsHow much energy can Doug's Salad recover?How much is a Brush at Saibara's?800G2800GWhat is the selling price of a Spa-Boiled Egg?85G95GWhen is Thomas's birthday?What is the biggest Sandfish in centimeters?20cm16cm17cm18cm19cmWhat day is the 2nd of Summer in the 1st year?What is the selling price of an Adamantite?When is the Starry Night Gift Day?In Star Lilly, Bandit Girl, what is the true identity of Star Lilly?KimberlyKimberlieKimbarlyKinberlyKinberlieKimbarlieWhat is the name of the Harvest Goddess on her dialog box?H. GoddessHar. GoddessHarvest G.Harvest Gs.Hrvst. Gds.Harvest GoddessHow much energy can Doug's Apple Pie recover?55606575How much is a Milker at Saibara'sWhat is the selling price of a Bamboo Shoot?35G45GWhen is Bold's birthday?Spring 24thWhat is the biggest Rock Trout in centimeters?30cmWhat day is the 2nd of Fall in the 21st year?What is the selling price of an Orichalc?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Jewel of Truth?1000900920940960980In Star Lilly, Bandit Girl, what is the name of the dog Kimberly found?DoughboyPrimulaLavenderDaisyLilacMiltoniaWhen you check the clock in the Mayor's house, what does it say?TimeNothingThomasBrokenDing-dongHow much energy can Doug's Cheese Cake recover?How much are a pair of Clippers?What is the selling price of a Strawberry?30G22G24G26G28GWhen is Staid's birthday?What is the biggest Dorado in centimeters?180cm190cm160cm170cmWhat day is the 20th of Winter in the 30th year?What is the selling price of a Mystrile?25GHow many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Power Berry?950750800850In Aaron Changes Eps.1, how long does it take for Erin to get ready?How much energy can Doug's Water recover?How much energy can Doug's Cookie recover?How much energy can Doug's Pineapple Juice recover?How much energy can Doug's Milk recover?When is Aqua's birthday?Summer 16thWhen is Timid's birthday?When is Hoggy's birthday?When is Chef's birthday?Who is the winner of Dueling Chefs: Fried Rice battle?Chef AChef BChef CDrawCanceledAlysonHow many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Dress?250300350400150200How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Perfume?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Facial Pack?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Skin Lotion?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Sunblock?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Necklace?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Brooch?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Diamond?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Truffle?How many Horse Race medals do you need to get a Adamantite?How much is a Mayonnaise Maker at Saibara's?40000G60000GHow much is a Earring at Saibara's?2500GHow much is a Chicken Feed at Lillia's?How much is a Chicken at Lillia's?How much is an Animal Medicine at Lillia's?How much is a Fodder at the Yodel Ranch?How much is a Cow at the Yodel Ranch?3500G4500GHow much is a Sheep at the Yodel Ranch?How much is a Sheep M.P. at the Yodel Ranch?How much is a Bell at the Yodel Ranch?How much is a Wine at the Winery?600GHow much is a bag of Turnip Seeds?How much is a bag of Potato Seeds?How much is a bag of Cucumber Seeds?How much is a bag of Strawberry Seeds?How much is a bag of Grass Seeds?How much is Bread at the Supermarket?How much is Rice Flour at the Supermarket?How much does it cost to see the doctor?How much is a Turbojolt XL?How much is a ball that Won sells?How much is a Jewel of Truth that Wons sells?How much is a bag of Green Pepper Seeds?How much is a bag of Moon Drop Seeds?700GIf you have a Magic Red in a vase, how much fatigue can it heal the next day?How much energy can a Fish M recover?How much energy can a Failed Dish recover?-10-12-2-4-6-8How much energy can Orange Grass recover?How much energy can Relax Tea Leaves recover?How much energy can a HMSGB Apple recover?OIn Mechabot Genesis Mechabot Ultror: Zero, who gave them the Mechabot?AlienMartianGiantPrincessPrentsIn Star Lilly, Bandit Girl, who won in the end?SecretStar LillySallyMiss AnnieIn Aaron Changes, what is the name of Erin's best friend?JeanAaronJoanMairaIn F-3.14 MGP, what magic does Cosmos use?DarknessSpiritSummoningWhiteSpatialIn Weather Forcast, what destroys your Green House during Summer?TyphoonHurricaneWindRainSnowstromTsunamiWrong. Game over.Congratulations. Yourfarming score's gone up?RIFFSCR CODE`\!######!'!!S"n!8X"m!8X"o!8XX$ JUMP('4ASTR A"Which animal?ChickensCowsSheepCancelRIFF0SCR CODE#3##!#_###_#!#_## !G#_"! #`"#_#!#`## !G#`"! #^#{#P#!#^"! ##!##!5##!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!"#!?" !8 STR ) uLet's eat! It looks like we made too much this year again!  Let's each take some home. Help yourself, !. Looks like your Rucksack is full, !. Too bad! It was very good. I'm worried about my weight...It was very good. I got a souvenir, and I'm happy.RIFF SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!# !0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR UIt would be a shame to miss this! After all, It only happens once a year!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#T!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR KFresh Rice Cakes are the best. I can never stop eating them! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#X!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR .Fresh Rice Cakes are my favorite! RIFF>SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !# #! STR So you came, too, !? I never miss a chance to eat Rice Cakes!  The ones at New Year's always seem to taste the best, too! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#y!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR TGrandma loves Rice Cake so much...I think I'll bring some home to her. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR %I like how gooey they are! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR DThey're so tasty, it's easy to get stuffed eating 'em! RIFFYSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!0# !-#!"!1!!# !#r#t## #!# !# #! STR So you're here too, !? I don't usually eat Rice Cakes because they're overeat. But just once every year, I let myself lose control. Tee-hee...RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR 8I've loved Rice Cakes since I was a child...RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR GI love making Rice Cakes every New Year. I never miss it. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR ]It's been a long time since I had Rice Cakes! Can't get 'em up on the mountain.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR Yippee! Rice Cakes! RIFFSCR CODEd`"!>###o##!##!!!!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!#! "#!?##!##!!!!#!-#!0#!2!@5"!>####!"#!"!!#"! ##V#X#!#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5"!J#!@##"!J"#!?"#!?#"!#"R! "#!?K#!"!!"#!?#!#! STR U< Do you like it?I wanted to show my appreciation to you.Thanks for the gift on the Winter Thanksgiving. This is for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.There is something I want want to give you.RIFFSCR CODEd`"!>###o##!##!!!!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!#! "#!?##!##!!!!#!-#!0#!2!@5"!>####!"#!"!!#"! ##V#X#!#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5"!J#!@##"!J"#!?"#!?#"!#"R! "#!?K#!"!!"#!?#!#! STR L,ewDoes this kind of thing make you nervous?Ah... This is for you. Thank you for being my friend.This is for you.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.There is something I want want to give you.RIFFSCR CODEd`"!>###o##!##!!!!#!-#$!0#!2#!"!!#! "#!?##!##!!!!#!-#$!0#!2!@5"!>####!"#!"!!#"@! ##V#X#!#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5"!J#!@##"!J"#!?"#!?#"!#"R! "#!?K#!"!!"#!?#!#! STR YCI hope you like it...You help me out a lot in many ways, so...!, this is for you. You gave me a gift in the Winter, right?Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.There is something I want want to give you.RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFFSCR CODEhd"!>###p##!##!!!!#!-"!0#!2#!"!!#! "#!?##!##!!!!#!-"!0#!2!@7"!>####!"#!"!!#" ! ##X#Z#!#!"!!##B! ####"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# "!>#F#H# "!>#`#b# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5"!J#!@##"!J"#!?"#!?#"!#"R! "#!?M#!"!!"#!?#!#! STR @<kzI'm embarrassed...Please accept my appreciation to you.You gave me a chocolate in the Winter, so...Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.There is something I want want to give you.RIFFSCR CODE ##!#!>##!#P#"#0!#"#.#!#"! #!>#f#h##"@#0!#"@#.#!#"! #!>####"#0!#"#.#!#"! #P!>####"#0#!#"/! s#Z!>#*#,#O#"#0#!#"V ! s#d!>#e#g##"#0#!#"! s#m!>####"#0#!#" ! s#w!>####"#0#!#"P! s"!>###<#"#0#!#"! s"!>#S#U#s#"#0#!#"! "!>###"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# ##"#0#!#.!>#<l#n###"! ### ! ##!5"#!?#<# !7##!4!#P!>####!#!-#!"!!!W###&!#!-#!"!!!#!-#!"!!#!@W#Y#n"#!Y#!@##"#!Y#"!B #m!>####!#!-#!"!!!W###!#!-#!"!!!#!-#!"!!#!@I#K#`"#!Y#!@y#{#"#!Y#"!B #d!>####!#!-#!"!!!W### !#!-#!"!!!#!-#!"!!#!@;#=#R"#!Y}#!@k#m#}"#!Y#"!B #Z!>###~#!#!-# !"!!!W###!#!-# !"!!y!#!-# !"!!#!@-#/#D"#!Yo#!@]#_#o"#!Y#"!B #w!>###p#!#!-#!"!!!W###!#!-# !"!!k!#!-# !"!!#!@#!#6"#!Ya#!@O#Q#a"#!Y#"!B "{!>###a # !# !-#!"!!!W###!# !-#!"!!\ !# !-#!"!!# !@ # #( ##!YR # !@A #C #R ##!Y# "!B "!>#x #z #T #!#!-#!"!!!W# # # !#!-#!"!!O !#!-#!"!!#!@ # # "#!YE #!@3 #5 #E "#!Y#"!B "!>#k #m #B #!#!-#!"!!!W# # # !#!-#!"!!B !#!-#!"!!#!@ # # "#!Y8 #!@& #( #8 "#!Y#"!"!>#Y #[ # "#!?"!># # #"!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#6 #8 #  ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5"#!?" !8 STR D?bU 4iMmm... Rustle, rustle...The rucksack is full. What should I do?It's the best to keep it in the rucksack. I can't wait until the morning....Rustle, rustle...The rucksack is full. Forget it...I wonder what will happen? I'm excited.Rustle, rustle, rustle...Oh, no. The rucksack is full. Forget it......Okay, it's good. I'm excited....Rustle, rustle, Mmm... She's sleeping with the rucksack on...Oh, no... The rucksack is full... What should I do...?Okay, now... It's exciting. I can't wait until the morning.Oh, no! The rucksack is full! What should I do...?Okay, it's perfect. She'll notice right away. ...I hope...... Sleeping...  ...The rucksack is full. I wasted my time... Don't come to see me.I got something good... Put it in the rucksack.) is sleeping...I made some cookies, but the rucksack is full... Good timing. I'll put these cookies in her rucksack.I made some cookies for her, but... )'s rucksack is full...Good. I'll put these cookies for her in her rucksack.Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.RIFF`SCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5#E!>#l#n#!#u!0# !-#!"!!#!#F!>###!#u!0# !-#!"!!#!!#u!0# !-#!"!!!###!(!!#!##!4# ""#!# "! #,""#!#,"! #,!##!5!#u!0# !-#!"!!# "! # #!# "J#!# ! # "! # #!#,"! #,#!#,"1#!#,! #,"! #!7#,#!# #!# "! # ##! #,"! #,##! # ! #,! # !#,!"#!?##!"#!? #!!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!$# "! # #!# "?#!# ! # #!# ##! # ! # !"#!?"#!? JUMP !}STR o:GVThe Horse Races are tomorrow at the Square, you know... If only you had a horse, you could have raced...The Horse Races are tomorrow at the Square, you know... If only you had a big horse, you could have raced...Hi there, !. Are you going to compete in the Horse Races in the  Square tomorrow?Sure I will.Not this time.Then, I will take ". It starts at 10 AM tomorrow.Really... Well, you can still place bets on the Race. It's fun - you should come!RIFF@SCR CODE ##!#"d"n#!#"! "!>#9#;#"!>#R#T# s#"T";#!#";! ##h"#!#"C ! ##X"#!#"; ! ##s"'#!#" ! #"P"#!#"! # #>"s#!# " ! # #U#[#!# "! #"F#Y#!#" ! ##O"p#!#"! ##b"#!#"! #"j"U#!#"! #"W"#!#"! #"""i#!#"! #"#[#!#"0! !@####"! #"R! #+!####+""#!#J!#$#&#=#J"#"#!#K!#S#U#l#K"# "#!!##!5"#!?#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"! STR RIFFSCR CODE##!##!# #U#[#!# "! !@#=#?#S#"! ]#"R! "!>#t#v###!5##!5# "! STR RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !# #! STR gEveryone's gone home now. If you want to exchange your medal for a prize,  come see me. RIFFRSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#}!#!0#!-#Z!>#~###d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#/#1# #~!>#H#J# #!>#a#c# q#!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# #}!>#W#Y# #~!>#p#r# #!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR V-I always get so excited about the races! I'll be rooting for you! RIFFQSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!"!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR e.Have you made a bet yet? I already have!I'm looking forward to seeing you race! RIFFZSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!"!# !0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR n>Gray wanted to come, too, but Saibara wouldn't let him. You're going to race? Good luck!RIFF_SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#C!0#!-#!"!#C!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR sEI can't believe you all aren't scared to gallop at that speed! Please...Just don't get hurt! RIFF;SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#I!0#!"#I!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR [(I have a knack for picking winners! I'm expecting a good race from you! RIFF-SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#P!0#!-#!"!#P!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR A(What great weather for a horse race!Good luck! RIFFiSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#T!0#!-#!"!#T!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR }9I always get excited about the Horse Races every year!If you're going to compete, you might as well win! RIFFkSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#W!0#!"#Y!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR mHorses from Yodel Farm are racing, too.  This year someone else is racing, but it used to be Barley. Get psyched up! RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#u!0# !-#!"!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR pThis is where you place bets or exchange medals for prizes.  Also, come tell me here if you want to race. You can bet even if you race. Most people bet on themselves. RIFF_SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR s8Have you placed a bet yet? You do it with the Mayor. I'm going to bet on you, so do a good job! RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0# !-#!#!"!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR xI always lose at these races! I can never pick the winners, it seems. Oh well, it's just for fun, so who cares!I'm going to bet on you, !! I'm counting on you to  bring me good luck.  I never know who to bet on, so I just bet on people know. RIFF[SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR o5Me, I just like looking at everybody's Horses. Looks like it's about to start. Good luck! RIFF[SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR o1What's important is being one with the horse!Just believe in yourself and trust your horse.RIFFCSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR W%There are so many pretty Horses. " is going to run, too, right? RIFFZSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR n(I wait for this day the entire year! So you're competing? Just relax and you'll do fine. RIFFSCR CODE40#"#^!!# "#L#!# "! #"#^#!!@#K#M#a#"! k#"R! #F"#b#!#F#!#F"! #+!####+""#!##!5##1#3# H!b"#!?#"!#<# !7##!4##!##!##!##!##!##!# #!# #!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!#F!"!>#d # #$""!>#!?"!8 STR 8That was a great race, !! Congratulations!RIFFSCR CODE #"#x!#"#x#!!@3#"! =#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5"#!?!#u!0# !-#!"!!# #!# "! # "?#!# ! # "! # #!# "! ##!# ##! # ! # "! # !# !"#!? STR zThe Cooking Festival is tomorrow at 10 AM in Rose Square, you know. If you bring a dish, you can enter it. RIFFSCR CODEpl##!# "#f#!# "! #"#v#!#"! #"<"&#!#"! #""F#!#"! # "<"^#!# " ! ##t"#!#"' ! #"4#b#!#"( ! ##D"#!#"0! ##d"#!#"k! #"\"#!#"! #"@"#!#"! ##D"#!#"! #""^#!#"8! #J!#]#_#v#J"#"#!#K!####K"# "#!#+!####+""#!##!5!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!#"!"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#Z!>#`#b##d!>#x#z# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>#*#,# #!>#C#E# S#!2#!"!!#!#u#w###!##!#! STR !Don't overdo it, Mom...RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR ,What should I make this year...?RIFFESCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR Are you going to compete this year, !? Your dish better be extra delicious, because the Gourmet is going to be judging. He's tough!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!##!0#!-#P!>#`#b##Z!>#x#z# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# <#!2#!"!!#!#^#`#n##!##!#! STR oI came because I heard Lillia was going to compete. I should be near her in case she gets sick. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#;!0#!-"!>#!"#!"#!"#!"#!"$!!#!#####!#!##! JUMP8Wco{STR R4The theme for this year is Juice! I can't wait to taste everybody's efforts! The theme for this year is Desserts! Make some irresistible Desserts! The theme for this year is Bread! Make some great fresh Bread! The theme for this year is Noodles! Make some Noodles that no one can resist!The theme for this year is Rice. Go make some creative Rice dishes for us! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#I!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR 2Hmm...What should I make this time...?RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#O!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR jI wonder what the theme for this year is?  Whatever it is, I wish Karen wouldn't compete...RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#T!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR :I've got to win, or it's bad for my reputation!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#X!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR &I'm feeling confident today!RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# #!# ! STR ;I wonder what the food for this year will be...?RIFFISCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!0# !-#!#!!# !#m#o#}# #!# #!# ! STR Oh, are you competing? What are you making? I can pretty much cook anything, but food tastes better when you put your soul into it, right?RIFF SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR ZI love to see everybody's different styles of cooking. It's so mouth-watering!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR ?I always get so excited about the Cooking Festival!RIFFSCR CODEpl##!# "#f#!# "! #"#v#!#"! #"<"&#!#"! #""F#!#"! # "<"^#!# " ! ##t"#!#"' ! #"4#b#!#"( ! ##D"#!#"0! ##d"#!#"k! #"\"#!#"! #"@"#!#"! ##D"#!#"! #""^#!#"8! #J!#]#_#v#J"#"#!#K!####K"# "#!#+!####+""#!##!5!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!#"!"#!? STR RIFF SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#Z!>#`#b##d!>#x#z# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>#*#,# #!>#C#E# S#!2#!"!!#!#u#w###!##!#! STR UI hope my mom is alright. I tried to convince her not to come, you know. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR 'I hope lots of people come!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR =Lillia's cooking is always incredible, you know. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!##!0#!-#P!>#`#b##Z!>#x#z# #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# <#!2#!"!!#!#^#`#n##!##!#! STR 4I think healthy dishes are a good idea. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#####u!0# !-#!"!!!###!(!!!!@(#u!0# !-#!"!!!#<#>#"#!?"!$!?#v!0# !-#!"!!!F!###!(!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!##!4"!8!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!$!#u!0# !-#!"!!!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!!###!(!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!##!4"!8!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!$$#v!0# !-# !"!!!###!(!@a!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!##!4"!8!!!#u!0# !-# !"!!!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!$# #! JUMPxk!':<>?@KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ f&STR  !)5a@qHave you brought a dish, !? I have.I have not.I see you don't have anything with you. Place your dish along with everybody else's.  The Gourmet will try them all and declare the winner. Can we start now?Yes.No.Let the judging begin! Gourmet, go to it!Well, when you're ready just let us know. We'd like to begin the judging now. Alright? Can we begin the judging now? We can't begin the judging if you're still holding onto your entry, you know! RIFF%SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!0# !-#!#!!# !#m#o#}# #!# #!# ! STR uI always try to cook like Mom made. That's what I do all the time, so I think I've got a decent chance!RIFF SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR YI always eat everybody's cooking anyway, so it's easy to tell who made what.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR UI usually only get to eat my own lousy cooking, so I love this contest! RIFFSCR CODE#""!##!# "#f#!# "! #""#!#"! ##L"#!#"! # #L"#!# " ! ##L"#!#"k! ##L"#!#"! ##L"#!#"! "!>#####L"#!#"! #!#"!>### ### ####V!?!=### ### ####Y!?!=### ### ####T!?!=### ### ####X!?!=## # ### ###"!?!="!>####### ### ###"!>!?!=### ### ##"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=### ### ####q!?!=### ### ##"!?!=## # ### ##"!?!="!>####### ### ##"!>!?!=### ### ####~!?!=### ### ####{!?!=### ### ###z!?!=### ### ###z!?!=## # ### ##"!?!="!>####### ### ###"!>!?!=### ### ###"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=## # ### ##"!?!="!>####### ### ##"!>!?!=### ### ###Q!?!=### ### ###m!?!=### ### ###M!?!=### ### ####w!?!=## # ### ####?!?!="!>####### ### ##"!>!?!=$##!5!#u!0# !-#!"#v!0# !-#!"!!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!##I #K #\ #!"c #!"!!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#!0#!"l #=!0#!"l #>!0#!"l #=!0#!"l #;!0#!"l l $!!#"! ##!#"! #"t#!#! #"! #!"!># # #1!#u!0# !-# !"!!##!4#!>#!>#!>#!>#!>##!"!8 ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!!#v!0# !-#!!"!!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!##"#F!##!#"#F#!#"! ##!5!6## #!#<# !7!#!-#!0#'!"!!#!#"! ##!4 #"! ##!>#!>#!>#!>#!>##!"!8 JUMP P@pCVi|     7 J ] p         ) < O 1 STR )Zl05D.v7'7?={[! We will now start the tasting! Please come up here when I call you.  Here we go......First is...Doug!You've done a good job of combining many ingredients into a unified whole. Very tasty!The texture on the tongue mixes with the caramel sauce in a mouth-watering harmony.  Very tasty!The Bread combines with the spicy Curry to stimulate the appetite. Good effort!These noodles are sheer perfection! Some of the best I've ever tasted.Fried Rice seems like a simple dish, but it's remarkably hard to master. This is superb indeed!Next is Ann! Hmm...The milk pulls the diverse tastes together... Very good job!This is just the right level of sweetness! No child could resist this. Very good. The warm Bread melts the Butter...Mouthwatering! Simple but very good!The Noodles and the Tempura offset each other perfectly! Good job. Very delicious... The Eggs mix perfectly with the Rice. Next is Lillia! The fruity flavor of this dish is absolutely wonderful! This Cake is fluffy but rich. irresistible indeed! The Bread and the Jam taste so good together... This brings me back to my youth! Very good indeed! The flavors of the Curry and the Noodles are perfectly balanced. Very good! This is spicy, but it also has depth. Wonderful! Next is Manna!The idea of mixing Milk with Vegetable Juice is ingenious! Delicious! Just the right amount of sweetness, and the texture is divine too!The fresh Apple Jam brings out the warmth of the fresh Bread. Divine!It's simple, yet with depth. Delicious!The Mushrooms and the Rice offset each other in a subtle way. Quite tasty!Last is Karen!Next is Karen!I think...I think I will reserve my comments on this dish...Is this some kind of a joke? No comment!Hmmm... It's indescribable...It doesn't have a good texture. Not satisfying. Thank you.Rice balls. Very good.Mr. Gourmet has tasted everything now. Please wait for the result.Finally, !!Wow...this is...This is amazingly fabulous. You can beat a professional chef with this food! I'm impressed.Delicious! You could become a professional chef! Stunning.This is truly homemade. Very good.Mmmm... Something is missing. What could it be...?Ah... I have nothing to say... ...ugh...This is a wrong theme! You're disqualified!RIFF SCR CODE#""!##!# "#f#!# "! #""#!#"! #""#!#"k! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! # ""#!# " ! "!>####""#!#"! ##!5!#u!0# !-#!"!!!#"!#<# !7!#u!0# !-"!>#f#h#"!>### n#!"!!#!7##!#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>#6#8# "{!>#P#R# c#" !# #!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!# #!##!##!#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!"!>#dO#Q#i""!>#!?"!>###"!>### #!"!!#!7##!#P!>####Z!>### #d!># # # #m!>#"#$# #w!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "{!>#o#q# #" !# #!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!# #!##!##!#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!"!>#dn#p#""!>#!?##!=#!"!!#!7##!#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#!"!!#!7##!#"! #"#! #! #"! ##!#"! #"#!#! #"! ##!#!"!!#!7##!#"o! #"#! #! #"k! ##!#"o! #"#!#! #"k! ##!#!"!!#!7##!# " ! # "#! # ! # " ! # #!# " ! # "#!# ! # " ! # #!$!#!-##l#n#!# !0#!-#!"#!0#!"!!##!#"4! #"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!"#!?"#!?!# !0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!##!4!@#^#`#t#"! !A###!F#"! #+!"#!?##!#F""#!#F#!#F"\! #F!##!5!# !0#!-#!"!!##!#"4! #"?#!#! #"0! ##!#F#!#F"`! #F"1#!#F! #F"\! #!7#F#!##!#"4! ###! #F"`! #F##! #! #F! #"0! #F"\! ##!#F#!#!#F!"#!?#!0#!-#!"!!##!#"4! #"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!"#!?"#!?$ JUMP <STR L2Tomorrow is Beach Day, you know.  I came to invite you and your dog.  Oh, your dog is still a puppy?  I'm sorry, but that means he can't compete.  If you have the time, come to the Beach tomorrow at 10 AM anyway. Bye now.We'll compete!No, thanks.In that case, I'll take him with me now. If you have the time, come to the Beach tomorrow at 10 AM anyway to watch. See ya.RIFFSCR CODE##!!@###3#"! =#"R! # ""#!# "! #""-#!#"! #""#!#"! #"">#!#"> ! #""]#!#";! #""#!#"0! #J!####J#w"#!#K!###,#K#w#"#!!##!5"#!?# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"! STR RIFFISCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#t#!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR a,All the Dogs are so cute! I love Dogs. So you're going to compete? Good luck!RIFFkSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#t#C!0#!-#!"#D!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR BDogs are so clever! Maybe I should keep one as a guard dog...You're going to compete? I'll be rooting for you! RIFFcSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#t#O!0#!-#!"#P!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR {_I can't believe Dogs can learn so many tricks if they practice.  I want a Dog now, too!Good luck, !!RIFF{SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!>#S#U#t#u!0# !-#!"#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR `I've always loved this event. It's so much fun watching the dogs chase the flying disks! You're going to compete? Good luck! RIFFpSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#g"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# [#!2#!"o"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# "!>#X#Z# h#!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR _I was wondering what all the fuss was about! I forgot today was the  Dog Disk Tournament.You're competing too? I'll be watching you and #. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#t# !0#!-#!"# !0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR I look forward to Beach Day all the more since they began the Dog Disk Tournament. I know all the dogs because I see them when I'm working.  So, I'm glad whoever wins!Good luck to all entrants and canines!RIFFSCR CODE84##!##!!@#&#(#<#"! F#"R! # ""#!# "! #""-#!#"! #""#!#"! #"">#!#"> ! #""]#!#";! #""#!#"0! ##!5!#!"!!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"! STR Beach Day is now over. We'll return your dogs to your homes, so you can go back home without them. Come again next year!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#"!>#q#s##!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR NfYou almost made it, didn't you? I bet you can take first place next year!Wow! That was awesome!The dogs were all so cute!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#"!>#q#s##C!0#!-#!"#D!0#!-#!"#D!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR 7fYou did a great job! I thought you'd win for sure.Congratulations! You and # were fantastic!Dogs are so great!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#"!>#q#s##O!0#!-#!"#P!0#!-#!"#P!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR S~Don't get too upset! I'm sure if you practice harder you can win  next year. I'm so impressed that you won! Good job!I hadn't realized how smart Dogs are! Now I want one of my own...RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!>#S#U#"!>#q#s##x!0# !-#!"#v!0# !-#!"#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR 9xBetter luck next time. # was fun to watch, though!Congratulations, !. I thought you'd win  all the time!That was fun. This is my favorite of all the Festivals! RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#"!>#q#s#"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# y#!2#!""!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# "!>#v#x# #!2#!""!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR eGood try, but no luck this year.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  There's always next year!I was watching, and you were fabulous! Congratulations! I can't believe that dogs can do such amazing things!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!>#S#U#"!>#q#s##!0#!-#!"# !0#!-#!"# !0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR 1Don't get too upset. There's always next year!Great job! You must have practiced a lot! I look forward to seeing you  next year, too! The Tournament is always so fun to watch. Come out next year, too! RIFF"SCR CODE#""!!#""#!#"0! #""#!!@#N#P#d#"! n#"R! #F""#!#F#!#F"\! ##!5#### %!b"#!?#"!#<# !7##!4# #!##!##!##!##!##!#F!"!>#d##""!>#!?"!8 STR FListen, everyone! This year's champion is #!! Good job!RIFF# SCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"! ##!5###############3{#!.#!###!#! ## #.!#!0#!-#Z!>#\#^##d!>#t#v# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!># ## #~!>#&#(# #!>#?#A# O#!2#c#e##P!>####!"#!"!###P!>####!"#!"!####P!>###%#6#!"=#!"!!!###!(!!#m#o#!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# #}!>#N#P# #~!>#g#i# #!>### #!2#!"!!##!4##!#""#!#"! !@####"! #"R! #####!!@!A#A#C# !E[#]# h!F#.!"#!?#!#F""#!#F#!#F"L! #F!##!5###!#!0#!-!#P!>## ##!"!#!"#6#8##!"!!##!#"! #"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!"#!?"#!?!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#7#9# "!>#Q#S# "!>#k#m# #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2# !"!!#"! ##!#"E#!#! #"! ##!#F"P! #F#!#F"1#!#F! #F"L! #!7#F#!##!#"! ###! #F"P! #F##! #! #F! #!#F!##!"#!? STR S m The Chicken Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square. We'll see who is the strongest Chicken of all! I was going to invite you, but it seems you don't have an eligible Chicken. The Chicken Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square. We'll see who is the strongest Chicken of all! I was going to invite you, but it seems you don't have an eligible Chicken. The Chicken Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square. We'll see who is the strongest Chicken of all! Baby Chicks can't compete, though. It's too dangerous.The Chicken Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square. We'll see who is the strongest Chicken of all! Do you want to enter? Yes, of course.No thanks.Will you select which Chicken you want to compete?The Chicken Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square. We'll see who is the strongest Chicken of all! I was going to invite you, but it looks like none of your Chickens is eligible. It's fun to root for other Chickens, though, so you should come down anyway! In that case, I'll bring % along now. It starts at 10 AM.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!0#!-#Z!>#`#b##d!>#x#z# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>#*#,# #!>#C#E# S#!2#!"!!!###!(!!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# #}!>#Z#\# #~!>#s#u# #!>### #!2#!"!!##!4#!#####!#!##!"!>###"!8R"!!?"!>#6#8#J"!8R"!8!!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#6#8# #~!>#O#Q# #!>#h#j# x#!2#!"!!$#!#####!#!##! JUMP {WSTR +=FZMay we begin the Chicken Festival now? Yes, let's start.Not yet.Let's start then! Let me know when you're ready. RIFFKSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!"!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR _5Are you going to enter a Chicken? It's very fun. The Chickens are so cute!...RIFFRSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#T!0#!-#!"!#S!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR f'I look forward to this every year. If you're going to enter, you may as well win. RIFF&SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#u!0# !-#!"!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR :I like to watch from here. Good luck, !. RIFFCSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR W>Hi there, !. It's an elimination tournament, you know. Good luck. RIFFaSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR uBWatching the Chickens compete so fiercely fills me with vigor!Let's see what your Chicken can do!RIFF6SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR JI love the Chicken Festival. Is your Chicken strong, !? RIFFSCR CODE@<##!##!#!#/#1#=#!##!!!"!>#g#i#!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#/#1# #}!>#H#J# #~!>#a#c# #!>#z#|# #!2#!""!>###!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>#'#)# "{!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>#6#8# #w!>#O#Q# "{!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!#!###*##!#!##! STR 7]This year's competition was great, don't you think?Yeah, % was particularly strong. Sorry you didn't win. All the other Chickens were very strong, though. RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!""!>###!#!0#!-#!"!# !0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR 4xThat was fun. I thought the Chickens were cute!Congratulations! Now your Chicken may start laying Golden Eggs!That was too bad... Sometimes these things just happen, though. RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#S!0#!-#!""!>###!#T!0#!-#!"!#V!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR (kI knew who would win from the start. I knew your Chicken was the strongest from the Eggs it lays! Is your Chicken having an off day? Is he really the strongest on your farm? RIFFSCR CODE$ ##!##!# !#/#1#=# !# #!!!"!>#g#i#!#u!0# !-#!""!>###!#v!0# !-#!"!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR 2hThat was fun! You should have joined in, !. That was a great match! Bring % back next year! That was a great bout!RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR fI got tired just watching!That was fantastic! How did you train your Chicken to be so fierce? Maybe you should spend more time caring for your Chickens...RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR }*SI wonder what happened to that chicken?Even that Chicken's face looks fierce!That was a good effort. RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR h"CHmmm, that was a great match...Good job. It was fun to watch.Is your chicken OK?RIFFSCR CODE##!!@###3#"! =#"R! #""#!#"! #""#!#"C ! #""#!#" ! #"!"#!#"! # #X#V#!# "! #""(#!#";! #""#!#"! #+!####+""#!#J!#,#.#E#J"#"#!#K!#[#]#t#K"# "#!!##!5"#!?#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!#"! STR RIFFSCR CODEXT##!##!!@#&#(#<#"! F#"R! #""#!#"! #""#!#"C ! #""#!#" ! #"!"#!#"! # #X#V#!# "! #""(#!#";! #""#!#"! ##!5!#!"!!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!#"! STR The Chicken Festival is now over. We will bring the Chickens back to your house for you. You can go home without them. The Festival is over...RIFFESCR CODE#"#^!!#"#L#!#"! #"#^#!!@#K#M#a#"! k#"R! #F"#b#!#F#!#F"L! #+!####+""#!##!5#####d!>#&#(# #m!>#?#A# #w!>#X#Z# "{!>#r#t# "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!#"!#<# !7##!4##!##!##!##!# #!##!##!#F!"!>#d##""!>#!?"!8 STR yCongratulations on winning! I've never seen such a strong Chicken!  Thanks again for a great set of bouts! RIFF SCR CODE@<!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"C ! ##!5####!#u#w#!"!0#!-#!"!!p###########!#!###{#! #D#F##! #a#c# v###### !"!0#!-#!"!!p###P!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!#J#L#!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4##!#####!#""#!#"C ! #6""#!#6"! #6!##!5###$#&#K!"!0#!-#!"!!p!"!0#!-#!"!!####"G ! ##!#"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!"#!?"#!? ;!"!0#!-#!"!!#"G ! ##!#"J#!#! #"C ! ##!#6"! #6#!#6"1#!#6! #6"! #!7#6#!##!#"G ! ###! #6"! #6##! #! #6! #!#6!##!"#!?#!"#!? STR  mMNThe Cow Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square.  If you have an adult, non- pregnant healthy Cow, you can enter it.  I hope to see a Cow from $ next year. See you tomorrow! The Cow Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square.  If you have an adult, non- pregnant healthy Cow, you can enter it.  I bet you'll be able to enter next year. See you tomorrow! The Cow Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square.  Are you going to enter a Cow from $ Farm?I will.I won't.Will you select a Cow, then? It has to be adult Cow that gives Milk. It can't be sick or pregnant, though. That's too bad... I thought you had a good chance, too. The Cow Festival is tomorrow in Rose Square.  If you have an adult, non- pregnant healthy Cow, you can enter it.  I see you don't have any Cow that can enter, though. See you tomorrow! I'll bring this Cow with me now, then. See you tomorrow!RIFFSCR CODE## !!@###3#"! =#"R! ##U#[#!#"C ! #""6#!#"! ##Z"?#!#";! # #L"Y#!# "! #"#s#!#"; ! #""#!#"! #"#\#!#"8! #"#W#!#"! # "|"<#!# "C! # "`"N#!# ";! #"b"!#!#"( ! #G#c"O#!#G#!#G"! #H"^"2#!#H#!#H"! #I"#m#!#I#!#I"! #+!####+""#!#J!####J"#"#!#K!## #7#K"# "#!!##!5"#!?#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!# "!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#G"!#H"!#I"! STR RIFFoSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#}!#!0#!-#Z!>#~###d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#/#1# #~!>#H#J# #!>#a#c# q#!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# #}!>#W#Y# #~!>#p#r# #!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR s,All the Cows here are such high quality!You're entering a Cow from $, right? I hope you win! RIFF?SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!"!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR S/I used to not like Milk, but now I love it. I hope you win, !. RIFF`SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#!##!0#!-#P!>#~###Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# Z#!2#w!>#p#r##!"#!"!##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>#6#8# "!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR h5Oh, !. You should drink Milk everyday, you know?What is your prognosis for winning? RIFFfSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#d!0# !-#!"!#d!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR zCGood girl... I love animals, especially gentle ones like Cows!I think your Cow has a great face, !. RIFFwSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!# !-"!>#Z#\#t#g!0#!"#h!0#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR iI think it's great for kids to live with animals.  Some parents won't even let their kids have dogs!I'll be rooting for your Cow. RIFFKSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#v!0# !-#!"!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR _Which Cow do you like best? I'm glad you entered! Who do you think will win? RIFFOSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#y!0#!"#z!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR o7All the cows are so cute. I like the way they chew!I bet that Cow of yours is a sure winner!RIFF{SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR XThis Cow is so big and strong!! I bet it would flatten you if you were stepped on!Your cow looks like a winner to me, !. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR People keep Cows all over the world, you know.  They give Milk and they work hard. No wonder people depend on them so much.Are you keeping good care of your Cows? You have to give them lots of attention,  you know. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR fFor some reason, my grandfather doesn't like entering competitions... I bet we could win, too!You're going to compete, right? I hope you win!RIFFSCR CODE##!#!#!###/#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4#!#####!#!##!#!"##"#!?"!>#&#(#:"!8B"!8!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##!$ JUMP ~GSTR 8CPeWe're ready to begin the judging now. Are you ready?I'm ready.Please wait.Let's start, then. Let me know when you're ready, then. RIFFSCR CODED@## !##!!@#&#(#<#"! F#"R! ##U#[#!#"C ! #""6#!#"! ##Z"?#!#";! # #L"Y#!# "! #"#s#!#"; ! #""#!#"! #"#\#!#"8! #"#W#!#"! # "|"<#!# "C! # "`"N#!# ";! #"b"!#!#"( ! #G#c"O#!#G#!#G"! #H"^"2#!#H#!#H"! #I"#m#!#I#!#I"! ##!5!#!"!!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!# "!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"! STR sThe Cow Festival is now over. We will bring your Cow to your house for you, so you may go home now. RIFFSCR CODE($#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#}!#!0#!-#Z!>#~###d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#/#1# #~!>#H#J# #!>#a#c# q#!2#!""!>###!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# #}!>#u#w# #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>#6#8# "{!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR 8qI thought that Cow would win. It had the best teeth!Your Cow had good teeth, too. I thought it could win.It was too bad this year, but you should try again next year. RIFFSCR CODE$ ##!##!#!#/#1#=#!##!!!"!>#g#i#!#!0#!-#!""!>###!#!0#!-#!"!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR IAll these cow are so cute!Congratulations! I thought you would win!I'm sorry % didn't win. I thought she should have!RIFFSCR CODE##!##!#!#/#1#=#!##!!!"!>#g#i#!##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#/#1# "!>#I#K# "!>#c#e# s#!2#!""!>###!#$!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>#*#,# "!>#D#F# "!>#^#`# "!>#x#z# "!>### #!2#!"!##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>## # #m!>#!### "{!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "!>#o#q# "!>### "!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR `If a Cow ever steps on your foot, don't try to pull it out. That'll only make  it worse. % looks like she gives great Milk. Can I drink some later? I thought % would win for sure. Try again next year. RIFFSCR CODE # !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#d!0# !-#!""!>###!#d!0# !-#!"!#c!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR 8oHa ha ha... That Cow licked me all over my face!...It's impressive to win among such tough competition!Don't get too upset. It's the trying that's important, not winning. RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!# !-"!>#Z#\#t#h!0#!""!>####h!0#!"#g!0#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR 'DCows love being brushed, you know. Congratulations on winning.Don't be hard on yourself. All the Cows here today were top class!RIFFSCR CODE # !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#u!0# !-#!""!>###!#v!0# !-#!"!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR 4nIt's always good to see all the different Cows. Congratulations! Truly a magnificent accomplishment!I thought you should have won, !. Try again next year. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#{!0#!""!>####z!0#!"#y!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR 5yStu causes trouble no matter where I bring him!Congratulations. It's because you treat your animals so well! If you give your animals more affection, you could win next year. RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR TSis got mad at me when I tried to ride the pretty Cow.  She's such a meany...It's great you won! Can I ride your Cow now? I'd like to take a nap leaning on a cow with a straw hat on my face.RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR >[I'm sorry you lost. I bet you could win next year, though!Congratulations on winning!Too bad. I thought you'd win for sure. RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR *BI like Cows because they're so gentle. I'm so happy for you! I'm sorry... I thought your Cow was the best anyway!RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR {._There are lots of good Cows out this year. You gotta take good care of all your animals. Too bad...RIFF0SCR CODE #"! STR RIFFySCR CODE##!##!#"#^!!#"#L#!#"C ! #"#^#!!@#d#f#z#"! #"R! #G!#H!#I!#F"#b#!#F#!#F"! #+!####+""#!##!5##d##""!>#!?"!8 STR eAnd the winner is... % from $ Farm! Its coat is excellent and its health is perfect!RIFFSCR CODE##"!## !##"#!#"! #"#|#!#"! #""#!#" ! #""J#!#"8! #!>###"!>### #""i#!#"! ##:"#!#"> ! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #""Y#!#"! ##:"#!#";! # ""#!# "C! ##!5!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!#"!"#!? STR RIFF$ SCR CODE#"#|!## !#"#|#!"!>#:#<#_#""#!#"! J"!>#v#x##""#!#"> ! J"!>####""#!#"! J"!>####""#!#" ! J"!>#*#,#J#""#!#"8! ##!5#"!#<# !7#"!###!+#"!#<# !7#"!###!+#"!#<# !7#"!###!+"!>###!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!8"!>#.#0#a!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!8"!>#x#z#!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!8"!>###!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!8"!># # #8!##!0#!-#!2#!"!!#"!#<# !7#"!###!+#"!#<# !7#"!###!+#"!#<# !7#"!###!+#P!>#####!##!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#Z!>## #m##!##!!"!0#!-#!2#!""!0#!"!!#d!>#####!##!!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!#m!>#####!##!!"!0#!-#!2# !"!!#w!>#.#0#m##!##!!#$!0#!-#!2# !"!!##!4!# !"!!!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!"#!?" !8 STR  N: BpThe fireworks are great! I love the big ones, but small ones are nice too.The fireworks are exciting! They make me feel energetic.Do you feel the sound of fireworks in your heart? It's huge.Cool! I wonder what they do to make the fireworks sparkle in different colors? It's interesting, isn't it?I forget about everything while I'm watching the fireworks. It's such a luxury to enjoy fireworks, don't you think?It was fun. Let's do it again next year.Huh, it's over...It was great. I can't wait until next year.It's over. Wasn't it beautiful?It's over. We have to wait until next year.It was so spectacular that I don't know what to say.The Beach is the best place to watch the fireworks, isn't it?RIFFSSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# #}!>#>#@# #~!>#W#Y# #!>#p#r# #!2##P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>#/#1# "{!>#I#K# ##Z!>#f#h##d!>#~## #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### ##P!>####}!>#3#5# #~!>#L#N# #!>#e#g# ##}!>####~!>### #!>###  #!"0u##   #!"!! #!"0u!### #!"!!!####!%!!"#!?!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8!!$#P!>###"#!?!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8!!#!#! #! #!>#G#I##! #!>#g#i##!"!>### #! #! #! #! #! # ! "#!?##!4"!8##! JUMP SSTR #sWe come to the Fireworks Festival every year since I was a kid. They used to look bigger because I was small.It's starting soon. What's the matter?Let's watch them together!Ask.Don't ask.Watch together? Okay.You're here. Let's watch together.RIFFSCR CODETP#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>### #! #! #! #! #! # ! F"#!?##!4"!8##! STR iI've been looking forward to this event. I wonder how the fireworks are made? I can't wait!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# i#!2##P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#2#4# ##P!>#O#Q##Z!>#g#i# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### ##d!>###"!>### "!>#7#9# #"!>#U#W#"!>#n#p#  #!"0u##   #!"!! #!"0u## r#!"!!!####!%h!!"#!?!#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8m!!mm$#d!>###"#!?#!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>#=#?# #! #! #! #! #! # ! "#!?##!4"!8##! JUMP YSTR <YtyI'm so excited. I love fireworks. I enjoy it every year.I'm excited! I can't wait!Let's watch them together!Ask.Don't ask.You want to watch it together? ...Okay.Hey, ). This is a good location. Let's watch together.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!># # # "!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# i#!2##P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#2#4# ##P!>#O#Q##Z!>#g#i# #d!>### #m!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### ##w!>###"!>### "!>#7#9# #"!>#U#W#"!>#n#p#  #!"0u##   #!"!! #!"0u## r#!"!!!####!%h!!"#!?!#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8m!!mm$#w!>###"#!?#$!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>#=#?# #! #! #! #! #! # ! "#!?##!4"!8##! JUMP YSTR ,OHello, !. You're here too. The fireworks here are the best. Check it out.It's almost time. Enjoy the greatest fireworks in the world.Let's watch them together!Ask.Don't ask.You want to watch together? Sure.I'm glad you made it. Let's watch together.RIFFSCR CODETP#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#I!0#!-#!"!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>### #! #! #! #! #! # ! F"#!?##!4"!8##! STR GI love watching the fireworks from here. Hah, I can't wait!RIFFSCR CODETP#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#W!0#!-#!"!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>### #! #! #! #! #! # ! F"#!?##!4"!8##! STR NI love fireworks! I forget about my worries whenever I watch them.RIFFSCR CODETP# !###$# !# #!!!# !#M#O#]# #!# !!#g!0# !-#!"!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>### #! #! #! #! #! # ! F"#!?##!4"!8# #! STR IThe fireworks burn such a short time... I kind of feel sad...RIFFSCR CODETP#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#y!0#!-#!"!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>### #! #! #! #! #! # ! F"#!?##!4"!8##! STR ZI watch the fireworks every year. It's a great stress relief for me. Phew...RIFFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!"!0#!-#P!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# j#!2##P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#3#5# ##P!>#P#R##d!>#h#j# #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### ##Z!>###"!>## # "!>#8#:# #"!>#V#X#"!>#o#q#  #!"0u##   #!"!! #!"0u## t#!"!!!####!%j!!"#!?!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8o!!oo$#Z!>###"#!?"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8#!#! #! #!>####! #!>####!"!>#;#=# #! #! #! #! #! # ! "#!?##!4"!8##! JUMP [STR bqSummer is about beach and fireworks. I just love both of them. This town has the best fireworks I ever saw.!. Is that location okay? You should find a good spot.Let's watch them together!Ask.Don't ask.Sure, why not. This is a good spot.What are you doing? I found a good spot. It's starting very soon.RIFF>SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!#!!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!># ## "!>#&#(# "!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# j#!2##P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>#3#5# ##P!>#P#R##Z!>#h#j# #d!>### #w!>### "!>### "!>### "{!>### ##m!>####}!>### #~!>#6#8# #!>#O#Q# #"!>#m#o#"!>###  #!"0u##   #!"!! #!"0u## #!"!!!####!%!!"#!?!"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8!!$#m!>###"#!?"!0#!-#!2#!"!!##!4"!8!!#!#! #! #!>####! #!>#7#9##!"!>#W#Y# #! #! #! #! #! # ! "#!?##!4"!8##! JUMP &rSTR >{Grandpa makes the shell of the fireworks. He tells me to pay close attention, even though I can't see them from here.I can't wait. No one dislikes fireworks, right?Let's watch them together!Ask.Don't ask.Really? Oh, Okay...). It's starting very soon. I'm so excited.RIFFSCR CODE40#"#x!##!#"#x#!!@<#"! F#"R! #""#!#"( ! ##!5!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!('!!!"!0#!-#!""!0#!-#!"!!##!#", ! #"?#!#! #"( ! ##!#", ! ##!###! #! #"( ! #!#!"#!?"#!?,!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!#", ! #"?#!#! #"( ! ##!#", ! ##!###! #! #"( ! #!#!"#!?"#!?,,$ JUMP nSTR VZgxWe're having the Music Festival tomorrow at 6PM at the Church.  Do you want to come? I'd love to.Sorry, I'm busy.In that case, you can play the Ocarina.  I'll give it to you tomorrow. Don't be late tomorrow!You'll be able to hear Karen's beautiful voice if you do come.  Come if you have time. RIFF_SCR CODE|x!#!-!@Q"!0#!"!!#!##!4"#!?"!8v"!0#!"!!#!"#!? STR HI've been waiting for you. Everybody else is already inside waiting.I'm sorry, but you can't bring any items into the Church today.  Would you please put that in your Rucksack?RIFFSCR CODExt# ""!##!#""@#!#""#!#"; ! # #H"#!# "C! #"("#!#"! ##h"#!#"! ##H"#!#"! ##h"#!#"! #""#!#"! #"#C#!#"( ! #"("#!#"! ##!5!#" !#" !#"!#" !#"!# " !#"!#"!#" !"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#D!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR 3Listening to music relaxes me so much. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#I!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR ,La...la... I think we'll do fine.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#P!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR 6I like it that we all make music together. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#[!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR iI think Elli will cover me even if I make a mistake! It's having fun that matters, anyway!RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#g!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# #!# ! STR _Today I'm playing the organ. I've practiced since I was a child, but I'm not good!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#y!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR ;I'm so nervous! I hope I don't make a mistake!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR CKaren is going to sing. She has such a beautiful voice!RIFFSCR CODE ##!!!#!#)#+#7#!#!#M#O#]##!#!!#!-"!>###\!@<"!0#!"!!!###!(2!!!#!-"!0#!"!!##!4"!87!!!#!-"!0#!"!!77$W"!0#!-#!"!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!!#!-"!0#!"!!##!4"!8!!!#!-"!0#!"!!$##! JUMP< STR HSbI'm looking forward to hearing you play Ocarina. Are you ready yet?I'm ready.Wait a minute.OK... Everyone, we're on! What's wrong? When you do get ready, just let me know. You can't play the Ocarina if you're holding anything. Please put that down first. You aren't performing with us this time, right?  Just sit back and enjoy the music!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR JWhen I get bigger, I want to sing in the Music Festival, too!RIFFSCR CODE# "#P!##!#""#!#"; ! # "#>#!# "w! #"("#!#"! ##h"#!#"! ##H"#!#"! #""#!#"! #"#C#!#"! ##T#d#!#"( ! #"#C#!#"! "!>## #|#"#x#!#"! ## !## !## !## !## !# # !## !## !## !##l"#!!k#"! ##!5!#<# !7##!"!>####".! #"! ### "S! #"! #"! #<# !7#"! #<#" !7# "w! #"! #"! #"! #"! #<# !7!#"!##!4!####!"#!"!!!#!#!#!#!#!# !#!#!#!"#!?" !8 STR a,It was fun... I want to play next time...It was fun... I want to do it again...RIFFSCR CODE#"#x!##!#"#x#!!@<#"! F#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5"#!?!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !"#!?# #!# "! # "?#!# ! # "! # #!# "! ##!# ##! # ! # "! # ! STR Hi, !. Tomorrow at 10 AM is the Harvest Festival.  Everyone brings something to add to the big pot.  Bring something good, now! See you there. RIFFXSCR CODE84##!# #<"#!# " ! # #N"p#!# "{! # ""#!# "C! # ""#!# "! ##d"#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"j#T#!#"( ! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"b"#!#"' ! #J!#.#0#G#J"#"#!#K!#]#_#v#K"# "#!#+!####+""#!##!5"#!?!# "$!#"%!#"'!#"!!#"(!#"!#" !# ""!#"!# "#!# "&!"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODE#""!##!#""#!# #<"#!# " ! # #N"p#!# "{! # ""#!# "C! # ""#!# "! ##d"#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"j#T#!#"( ! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #"b"#!#"' ! ##!5"#!?!# "!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!#"!# "!#"!# "!# "!"#!? STR RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>####H!0#!"!!#!#H!0#!"!!#!##! STR 4It wasn't me! I decided not to put in the Jam!I accidentally dropped the whole jar of Jam in! I took it out later secretly, though. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>####R!0#!"!!#!#O!0#!"!!#!##! STR OI bet it's Karen's fault again! She probably put in candy or something...Thank goodness no one put in something strange this time!RIFFcSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>####V!0#!"!!#!#T!0#!"!!#!##! STR w6That's strange... I tasted it a while ago, but...Mmm...Anything I make is bound to turn out well! RIFF[SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>####Z!0#!"!!#!#[!0#!"!!#!##! STR o4My stomach isn't full yet! I can still eat more!Ohhh...I ate too much again this year too...RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!# !#M#O#]# #!!# !-"!>####j!0#!"!!# !#g!0#!"!!# !# #! STR BThere are some things you should just never put in the pot! We should be thankful for the bounty of nature that sustains us. RIFFbSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!# !#M#O#]# #!!# !-"!>####q!0#!"!!# !#o!0#!"!!# !# #! STR v#I wonder why I feel so tired...That was delicious! I see that there are no ingredients left over. RIFFvSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!# !#M#O#]# #!!# !-"!>####x!0#!"!!# !#v!0#!"!!# !# #! STR 4Since everybody helps make it, it tastes, well...Did you have fun? Sometimes it's fun to eat with everyone, isn't it? RIFFZSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>####{!0#!"!!#!#z!0#!"!!#!##! STR n=What happened to everybody? I thought it tasted good...The fish flavor sure was strong...RIFF~SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!# !#M#O#]# #!!# !-"!>###"!0#!#!!# !"!0#!#!!# !# #! STR !, do you have any water?It was Anna who put in those herbs. They make the fish much more fragrant. Too fragrant, maybe...RIFFzSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>###"!0#!"!!#!"!0#!"!!#!##! STR IThis kind of thing is what makes this Festival so fun! Ha ha ha...!!It's fun when you eat with all your friends like this!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!#!#M#O#]##!!#!-"!>###"!0#!"!!"!0#!"!!#!##! STR pIt doesn't matter what it tastes like!  Not eating it would be a waste.  Have you finished yours, !? Now that I'm stuffed, I've got to get back to work. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#H!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR KI brought some Jam. I hope it adds a good flavor to the stew!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#Q!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR WWe have to be careful and watch Karen.  Last year she put Chocolate in! RIFF+SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#U!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR {Hey!! Everyone don't stuff in everything at once! You there, get back! ...What's this fish doing here...?!?RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#Y!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR 8Dad, don't be so picky! Just throw it all in!RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#i!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# #!# ! STR AIs it just me, or is this whole thing out of control? RIFF SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# #!# ! STR YTonight I can use the leftovers for dinner, so I won't have to fix anything!RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!# !#M#O#]# #!# !!# !-!@#x!0#!"!!#u!0#!"!!!###!(!A###f!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!!AF!C7"#!?<"#!?<<$KK$##!4!F")!8!!!#x!0# !-#!"!!!!!#x!0# !-#!"!!$# #! JUMP dt     ###### !"#$%&'()*+,-#./01#2345679:;<=>#?@#A#BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST#UV#W#XY#Z#[#\]^_`a#bcd#e#fghijklmnopq#rs#t#uvwxyz#{#|#}#~############### STR NIt seems you don't have anything. You should bring something for the pot.Hi, !. Did you bring something for the mix? Yep!No...This is what you brought? Let's throw it in and eat, then!Is this some kind of joke? We can't put that in! RIFF3SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#z!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!##!#! STR There are so many different things in the pot, it must have all sorts of vitamins! I'll bring some home for Grandma.RIFF#SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!0# !-#!#!!# !#m#o#}# #!# #!# ! STR sHi there, !. Did you bring something extra tasty from the farm for the pot? We're counting on you!RIFF#SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR sThis reminds me of long ago, when I used to make a ton of soup  and give it to everybody in town. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!##!#! STR OIt's all the more fun to eat with everybody when you live alone. RIFFhSCR CODEHD#""!##!#""#!#"F! #N!H#"R! # ""#!# "C! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! # ""#!# "! # #<"#!# " ! # #N"p#!# "{! ##d"#!#"! #"j#T#!#"( ! #"b"#!#"' ! ##!5#<# !7##e!!G##N! #!7#"! ###### #!#<# !7##!4##!"!8@##!4##!5#!7##!4##!5#S##X##X##X##X##XX$#"#"#"> #" #"8$#""!##!#""#!!@#"! #"R! ""#!! ##!5""#!!!",! JUMPl8"-8Cbnz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| < #.9XRv^j /i}BU]STR tE GP[rTonight is the Moon Viewing Festival. Do you want to go together?Look. The moon is very beautiful tonight. Come watch it with me.Hey, you made it. I just got here too. Let's watch together.Tonight is the Moon Viewing Festival. Do you want to join me?Do you want to go to the Moon Viewing Festival together?Stay up.Go to bed.Okay, let's enjoy it.Alright, let's enjoy it.I see... That's okay.That's too bad.You are missing out a lot. Never mind.Never mind. It's too late anyway.I see. That's too bad.Let's go to bed early...RIFFVSCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! # ""#!# "! ##!5#E!>#l#n#!#u!0# !-#!"!!#!#F!>###!#u!0# !-#!"!!#!!#u!0# !-#!"!!!###!(!!#!##!4# ""#!# "! #,""#!#,"! #,!##!5!#u!0# !-#!"!!# "! # #!# "J#!# ! # "! # #!#,"! #,#!#,"1#!#,! #,"! #!7#,#!# #!# "! # ##! #,"! #,##! # ! #,! # !#,!"#!?##!"#!? #!!#u!0# !-#!"!!$# "! # #!# "?#!# ! # #!# ##! # ! # !"#!?"#!? JUMP !}STR x5;ATomorrow is the Fall Horse Racing in the Square. If you have a Horse that can enter, you should give it a try...Tomorrow is the Fall Horse Racing in the Square. If you have a good horse, you should try entering.Hi, !. Tomorrow is the Horse Racing in the Square.  You thinking of entering?Sure!No...In that case, I'll take " with me now. Be there by 10 AM tomorrow!That's too bad. You should still come and bet on the races, though. It's fun!RIFFSCR CODE##!# #U#[#!# "! ##h"#!#"C ! ##X"#!#" ! #"#T#!#"0! ##q#I#!#"' ! ##N"t#!#" ! # #a"#!# "C! #"I"#!#"! #"("t#!#"! #"a"^#!#"8! #"~#W#!#"( ! #"L"I#!#"k! #"n"t#!#"! #"G#J#!#" ! #"?"#!#"! !@####"! #"R! #+!####+""#!#J!####J"#"#!#K!###3#K"# "#!!##!5"#!?# "7!#"?!#"=!#"3!#">!#"<!# "6!#"5!#"8!#"4!#";!#"2!#"1!#":!#"9! STR RIFFSCR CODE##!##!# #U#[#!# "! !@#=#?#S#"! ]#"R! "!>#t#v###!5##!5# "0! STR RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !# #! STR jEveryone's going home now. If you want to exchange your medal for a prize, let me know soon.RIFF[SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#}!#!0#!-#Z!>#~###d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#/#1# #~!>#H#J# #!>#a#c# q#!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# #}!>#W#Y# #~!>#p#r# #!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR _,These races never fail to get me excited!Good luck. I'll be rooting for you!RIFFDSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!"!#!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR X(It's a perfect day for horse racing!Are you racing? I hope you win! RIFF?SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#!0#!-#!"!# !0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR S/It looks like Saibara let Gray come today. Good luck in the race!RIFFeSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#f!##!0#!-#P!>#~###Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#0#2# "!>#J#L# Z#!2#!"r!##!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #m!>### "{!>### "!># ## "!>#'#)# "!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# k#!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR cLillia said she wanted to come see the Horses.  I came with her in case she catches a chill. Please try not to hurt yourselves!RIFFqSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#T!0#!-#!"!#T!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR GI get so excited about the races, I can't sleep the night before. If you're going to race, you might as well win!RIFF]SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!# !-"!>#Z#\#t#g!0#!"#g!0#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR }II'm going to bet today, but I haven't decided on which Horse yet...Good luck. I'll be rooting for you. RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#y!#v!0# !-#!"!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR ~This is where you can place your bets or exchange race medals for prizes. Also, come to me when you're ready to race. You can bet even if you race, you know. Most people bet on themselves. RIFF%SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#z!0#!"#z!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR E'Wow! Look at all the pretty Horses!Good luck today!RIFFZSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR n1Have you placed your bet with the Mayor yet? I'll be betting on you, so don't let me down!RIFFdSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR x7My greatest joy is observing everybody's Horses. Look like the races are beginning. Best of luck! RIFF\SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR p1It must feel so great to gallop on a Horse...!I hear you are racing. I'll be praying for you. RIFF[SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#g!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# [#!2#!"t!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# m#!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR JI begged by Grandpa to let me come today! Now who should I bet on...You're racing, !? Great! I'll bet on you, then! RIFF_SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR sFYou must become one with the Horse as you race toward your goal. You must believe in yourself. RIFFBSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR V!You must believe in yourself. I'm betting on you, so don't fail me!RIFFTSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR h+I look forward to this day every year. You're racing? My advice is to just have fun. RIFFSCR CODE40#"#^!!# "#L#!# "! #"#^#!!@#K#M#a#"! k#"R! #F"#b#!#F#!#F"! #+!####+""#!##!5##1#3# H!b"#!?#"!#<# !7##!4# #!##!##!##!##!##!# #!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!#F!"!>#d # #$""!>#!?"/!8 STR 9That was a great race, !. Congratulations!RIFFx SCR CODE!@###*#"! 4#"R! #""#!#"C ! ##!5##!"!0#!-##!###!"!0#!-#!"!!###########!####!#:#<##! #i#k##! ### !### ###### %!"!0#!-#!"!!#9#;#!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!###I!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4##!###;##!#""#!#"C ! #6""#!#6"e ! #6!##!5P###e#g#!"!0#!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!"!!###/#"G ! ##!#"?#!#! ##!###! #! #!"#!?"#!? |!"!0#!-#!"!!#"G ! ##!#"J#!#! #"C ! ##!#6"i ! #6#!#6"1#!#6! #6"e ! #!7#6#!##!#"G ! ###! #6"i ! #6##! #! #6! #!#6!##!"#!?#!"#!? STR  cgThe Sheep Festival is tomorrow at Rose Square. Any adult sheep that isn't pregnant, sick, or shorn can compete.  I hope to see an entry from $ next year.  Hope to see you tomorrow!The Sheep Festival is tomorrow at Rose Square. Any adult sheep that isn't pregnant, sick, or shorn can compete.  I hope to see a sheep from $ next year.  It's fun; I hope you come!The Sheep Festival is tomorrow at Rose Square. Do you want to enter a sheep from your farm?Sure!No, thanks...Which sheep will you select? Remember, it has to be adult, and can't be sick, pregnant, or shorn. Really? And I thought your sheep had a good chance, too...The Sheep Festival is tomorrow at Rose Square. Any adult sheep that isn't pregnant, sick, or shorn can compete.  You don't have any eligible sheep, but I hope you can come watch anyway!I'll bring this one with me now, then. Don't forget to come tomorrow.RIFFSCR CODE## !!@###3#"! =#"R! ##U#[#!#"C ! #""6#!#"! ##Z"?#!#"! # #L"Y#!# "! #"#s#!#"; ! # ""#!# "{! #"#\#!#" ! #"|"<#!#"! #"`"N#!#" ! #"b"!#!#"' ! #G#c"O#!#G#!#G"e ! #H"^"2#!#H#!#H"e ! #I"#m#!#I#!#I"e ! #+!####+""#!#J!####J"#"#!#K!####K"# "#!!##!5"#!?#"C!#"E!#"L!#"K!#"H!# "F!# "G!#"J!#"I!#"D!#G"X!#H"X!#I"X! STR RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#}!#!0#!-#Z!>#~###d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#/#1# #~!>#H#J# #!>#a#c# q#!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!># # # "!>#$#&# "!>#>#@# #}!>#W#Y# #~!>#p#r# #!>### #!2#P!>####!"#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR e-Is it just me, or are sheep eyes scary...?You're going to enter a sheep? Good luck!RIFFBSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#F!0#!-#!"!#C!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR V,Somehow I feel like sheep understand me. Your sheep has a kind face. RIFF*SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#H!0#!"#I!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR JCame to look at the sheep? I bet your sheep will win, !!RIFFcSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#o!0# !-#!"!#o!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR w0I love sheep. They're such gentle creatures. Your sheep are going to compete, too? I hope you win!RIFFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#u!0# !-#!"!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR Z5These sheep all look so well raised and cared for!I hope your sheep wins!RIFFQSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR e6Looking at these sheep just puts me in a good mood.I'll be praying for your sheep. RIFFMSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#g!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# [#!2#!"t!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>#)#+# "!>#C#E# "!>#]#_# m#!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR }IJust looking at these sheep makes me want to put on a Wool sweater!I bet your sheep has a good chance. RIFF^SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR rCThis sheep looks like she has a good personality. I like her. Your sheep all look very happy. RIFF`SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR t@I have a Wool blanket, you know. My Grandpa made it for me!If your Sheep doesn't win, I'll cry!RIFFSCR CODE##!#!#!###/#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!!###!(!!!"!0#!-#!"!!##!4#!#####!#!##!#!"##"#!?"!>#&#(#:"Y!8B"M!8!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##!$ JUMP ~GSTR 8CRgIt's time for the judging to begin! Are you ready?I'm ready.Wait a minute.Let's start, then. Just let me know when you're ready. RIFFSCR CODE@<## !##!!@#&#(#<#"! F#"R! ##U#[#!#"C ! #""6#!#"! ##Z"?#!#"! # #L"Y#!# "! #"#s#!#"; ! # ""#!# "{! #"#\#!#" ! #"|"<#!#"! #"`"N#!#" ! #"b"!#!#"' ! #G#c"O#!#G#!#G"e ! #H"^"2#!#H#!#H"e ! #I"#m#!#I#!#I"e ! ##!5!#!"!!#"N!#"P!#"W!#"V!#"S!# "Q!# "R!#"U!#"T!#"O!#G"X!#H"X!#I"X! STR oThe Sheep Festival is over. We'll return your sheep to your house for you, so please go home now.RIFFSCR CODE($#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#}!#!0#!-#Z!>#~###d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>#/#1# #~!>#H#J# #!>#a#c# q#!2#!""!>###!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>### "{!>#(#*# "!>#B#D# "!>#\#^# #}!>#u#w# #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!#!0#!-#Z!>####d!>### #m!>### #w!>#6#8# "{!>#P#R# "!>#j#l# "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR MIt's harder to tell what sheep are thinking than cows, don't you think? Your sheep had such fine Wool I was sure it would win! Don't worry. There's always next year.RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#t!#C!0#!-#!""!>###!#D!0#!-#!"!#C!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR #hSheep are so gentle and calm...I can tell that you put a lot of effort into raising your sheep. I heard you didn't win. I can't believe it!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#!-"!>#Z#\#t#H!0#!""!>####I!0#!"#H!0#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR RSheep are so cute!Congratulations! It's all the attention you give to them. Don't get too sad. Just work harder next year!RIFFSCR CODE # !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#n!0# !-#!""!>###!#o!0# !-#!"!#q!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR /yJust looking at sheep makes me feel calm...Congratulations! I bet that sheep of yours will make a great sweater!And I thought your sheep was a sure winner, too!RIFFSCR CODE # !###$# !# #!!!"!>#N#P#t!#v!0# !-#!""!>###!#v!0# !-#!"!#u!0# !-#!"!!# !#### #!# !# #! STR +aAll the sheep are always so impressive. Congratulations on winning! Your efforts paid off. It's too bad about this year, but now you have a goal for next year!RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR %OAll the sheep here seem so happy.Winning is such a great accomplishment!All the sheep this year have such beautiful coats!RIFFsSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#g!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#1#3# "!>#K#M# [#!2#!""!>#~##!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>#-#/# "!>#G#I# "!>#a#c# "!>#{#}# #!2#!"!"!0#!-#P!>####Z!>### #d!>### #w!># # # "{!>#%#'# "!>#?#A# "!>#Y#[# "!>#s#u# "!>### #!2#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR s*KYaaawn!...I'll sure sleep well tonight!I heard you won. That's great!Don't sweat it, !. RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR ,wI felt warm just looking at those sheep!Did you win? Would you save some of your Wool for me? It looks so warm!Your sheep lost? Try not to get too upset.RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR yI wanted to enter my sheep, but they said it was too young! It's no fair! I don't think age should matter at all!I'm so glad you won, !!Don't feel bad, !.RIFFSCR CODE #!###$#!##!!!"!>#N#P#u!"!0#!-#!""!>###!"!0#!-#!"!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#####!#!##! STR KmThe winning sheep this year had a wonderful coat, and was so healthy...Even I got excited this year. It's too bad for you. Don't get upset, though. Just try harder next year!RIFF0SCR CODE #"! STR RIFFuSCR CODE##!##!#"#^!!#"#L#!#"C ! #"#^#!!@#d#f#z#"! #"R! #G!#H!#I!#F"#b#!#F#!#F"e ! #+!####+""#!##!5##d##""!>#!?"M!8 STR iAnd the winning sheep is... % from $ Farm! It had the best coat and was also the nicest!RIFFSCR CODE"#!?!A=!C.##33$BB$##!##!!!#!#v#x##!#!###!#!-"!0#!"!!"#!?!#!-!@ "!0#!"!!"#!?#####!"!0#!"!!!F#!"T]#_###!#"? ! #"T#!#! #"; ! ##!#"? ! ###! #! #"; ! #!"#!?!"!0#!"!!"#!?#!#! JUMPEehiqsuSTR guToday is the Pumpkin Festival.  You have to give treats to children. So, please give some to me!I'm waiting!Thanks a lot! By now. This isn't a treat!RIFFSCR CODE$ "#!?!A=!C.##33$BB$##!##!!!#!#v#x##!#!###!#!-"!0#!"!!"#!? !!@ #!-"!0#!"!!"#!? #####!#!-"!0#!"!!!F#!"Td#f###!#"! #"T#!#! #"! ##!#"! ###! #! #"! #!"#!?! #!-"!0#!"!!"#!?#!#! JUMPEehiqsuSTR `|Today is the Pumpkin Festival.  You have to give candy to children. So...give some to me!Hurry up and give me some!Thanks a lot! Bye now. You can't fool me! This isn't candy!RIFFSCR CODE "#!?!A=!C.##33$BB$##!##!!!#!#v#x##!#!###!#!-#!0#!"!!"#!?!!@#!-#!0#!"!!"#!?#####!#!-#!0#!"!!!F#!"Ta#c###!#"?! #"T#!#! #";! ##!#"?! ###! #! #";! #!"#!?!#!-# !0#!"!!"#!?#!#! JUMPEehiqsuSTR eI think it's unfair that only kids get candy on the Pumpkin Festival. So, I came for some, too!Can I have some, please?Thanks a lot, !. Are you trying to trick me?RIFFSCR CODE #" "!#"0"#!!@#0#2#F#"! P#"R! #P!>#f#h##" #c#!#"! ###Z!>####" #c#!#"> ! ###d!>####" #c#!#"! ###m!>###<#" #c#!#" ! ###w!>#R#T#w#" #c#!#"8! ##"!>####" #d#!#"! ##"!>####" #d#!#"! ##"!>###"!>##!# "!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>###  #.!>#<## ##"0#`#!#/!>#####"s!  ##"w! #" #x#"!?!=#"0#y#"!?!=##!5#"#! !@#_#a#u#"! #"V! #! ##!#"'#!#! !@####"! #"R! ##!!!-!2z #!0"!># #"#"!>#9#;# "!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### #.!>#<## #!"!!!#!0##!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"#!" "!0"!>#$#&#"!>#=#?# "!>#W#Y# "!>#q#s# "!>### #.!>#<## #!"!!!#!0##!-#!"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!"#!" #!0"!>#(#*#"!>#A#C# "!>#[#]# "!>#u#w# "!>### #.!>#<## #!"!!!#!0##!-#!"!!!#!0#!-#!2#!"# !" "!0"!>#,#.#"!>#E#G# "!>#_#a# "!>#y#{# "!>### #.!>#<## # !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!!"!0#!-#!2#!" # !" #$!0"!>#0#2#"!>#I#K# "!>#c#e# "!>#}## "!>### #.!>#<##  # !"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!!##!0#!-#!2#!" #!" #s!0"!>#3 #5 #"!>#L #N # "!>#f #h # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # #.!>#< # # 9 #!"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!!#r!0#!-#!"@ #!" ##c #e #"!>#| #~ # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # #.!>#< # # i #!"!!!#!0##!-# !"!!!#;!0#!-#!"p #!"  $!!"!># # #"!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # "!>#6 #8 # #.!>#<O #Q # ^ ##!!"!##!4#!>#!>!#!"!!"#!?" !8 JUMPH   E STR s]dm$-,jy"bToday is the Pumpkin Festival, so I made sweets for you two, *, ). What do you think?Mama.Eat it.Today is the Pumpkin Festival, so I made sweets for us. Let's have them together, what do you think?It's the Pumpkin Festival. I made sweets for you and * to surprise you.Dig in!It's the Pumpkin Festival. I tried my best to make some sweets for you. Try it. It turned out pretty good.Today is the Pumpkin Festival. I made sweets for you two.Dig in.Today is the Pumpkin Festival. Can you try the sweets I made for you?It's the Pumpkin Festival today, did you know? I made some sweets for you two. I hope you like it.Mama!!Did you know today is the Pumpkin Festival? I thought you might have forgotten about it, so I made some sweets for us.Today is the Pumpkin Festival, remember? I made some sweets for you and *. Let's eat it.Today is the Pumpkin Festival, remember? I have a surprise for you. I made some sweets for us. Try it.I made some sweets for you two. Try it. It's delicious.I made some sweets for us to celebrate the Pumpkin Festival.Today is the Pumpkin Festival, so I made some sweets for us.Let's try it.Today is the Pumpkin Festival, so I made some sweets. Dig in.I hope I don't get cavities...RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF SCR CODE"#!?###########!"0u?#A#"!>#X#Z# #}!>#q#s##~!>### #!>### #####!"0u##"!>### "!>## #"!># #"# #!>#:#<#"!>#S#U# n#####!"0u##"!>### "!>###"!>### #####!"0u##"!>### "!>#6#8#"!>#O#Q# j#####"#x!#"#x#!!@#"! #"R! #####!5 # ""#!# "! ##!55##!;:##!;:##!;:##!;::$!#u!0# !-#!"!!##!!#x#z#"#!?##!4"!##!5!#u!0# !-####!%!!"#!?###!"$"!>####1#3#"#!?##!4"!>#b#d#v"!~"!##!5!#u!0# !-####!%!!"#!?###!"$"!>######"#!?##!4"!##!5!#u!0# !-####!%!!"# !?###!"$"!>###U###U"#!?##!4"!##!5!#u!0# !-####!%P!!"# !?##U#!"UU$"!>#l#n#!#x!0# !-## # # !%#!"## ##$###_###!#v!0# !-# !"!!# #!# "! # "?#!# ! # "! # #!# "! ##!# ##! # ! # "! # ! JUMP@Xp"l%?STR k   PQRSI have % mail(s) for you today. I want you to read it (them) now, okay? I have to get your reply to the sender(s), so let me know when you finish.What should I do?This is the one.Reject.I see. Leave it to me.Turn it down this year?YesNoOkay. He'll be happy. Leave it to me.RIFF*SCR CODE# #x"!##!##x#h#"!?!=#"#h##T!?!=##x"#!#""#!#";! #}!>#|#~##~!>### #!>### ##t#X#!#"! #"#X#!#"! #"#X#!#"! ##`#x#!#"k! ##!5!@#5#7#K#"! U#"V! #"#! #! !@#|#~##"! #"R! ##!##!# !7!#!-#!0#!"!!!#!-#!0#!"!!!#!-#!0#Z!>####d!>#4#6# #m!>#M#O# #w!>#f#h# "{!>### "!>### "!>### #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #!2#!"!!#}!>#1#3##~!>#I#K# #!>#b#d# #"#!!#!-#I!0#!"!!###!#####d!>### #m!># ## #w!>#&#(# "{!>#@#B# "!>#Z#\# "!>#t#v# #}!>### #~!>### #!>### #"!##!##!##!#}!>####~!>### #!>#4#6# E##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 STR ~6Thanks for coming. Good evening. Please come in.So Popuri invited you? You live alone, right? It's always good to be with friends for the Starry Night Festival, you know!Ă킯ł킽͍A U߂܂ƈꏏĂ킯BWell then, let's start the party...!Spending the Starry Night Festival with Popuri's family was lots of fun!RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF SCR CODE##!"!># #"#^#!#x"!##x"#!##@"#!#"! #""@!#""@#!#""#!#"! ##!5!@####"! #"V! "!>####"#!  #"#! #! !@#&#(#<#"! F#"R! ##!# !7##!# !7!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!#"! ##"#p!##" #t!##"(#~!##$##!#!>v#"#p#!{#"#~#!{#"H#~#!{{$!@####"! #"R! #!>##`#p#!#"#~#!#"#~#!$#"! #!>##r#t##s!?!=#"#t##>!?!=#"#{##s!?!=#"#|##>!?!=#" #{##s!?!=#"0#|##>!?!=$##!5!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!"!>###!#!-#!0#!2!#!"!!!k#"! ##~##"!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#3#5# ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"! ## #"#M!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!#"!##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 JUMP0Pp8K^ApSTR 'v-9pOh, is it time? Okay, let's go then.Since you provided us with a space, I cooked a feast for us. Let's dig in.And, this is for you. Happy Starry Night.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Thank you.This year is almost over. The spring is coming soon.A party with Cliff... It was lovely.RIFFSCR CODE#""!##!##h"##s!?!=##x"##>!?!=#""@#!##`"#!#"! "!>#~##"!>### #""#!#"! ##`"#!#"! ##!5!@####"!  #"V! #"#! #! !@#4#6#J#"! T#"R! ##!##!##!"!>###"!>### ##!# !7!#!-#X!0#!"!!!#!-#T!0#!"!!##!##!"!>## #"!>#7#9# H##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 STR :Thanks for coming. We were just starting the party. You can come over any time, you know. You should even think about marrying Ann...Spending Starry Night Festival with Ann's family sure was fun.RIFFySCR CODE#""@!##!#""@#!!@#9#;#O#"! Y#"R! #"" #!#"8! ##!5!#!-#$!0#!2#!"!!"!>###g!#!-##!0#!2!#!"!!!k#"! ##G#I#"!>#`#b# "!>#z#|# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### b##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5x#"! ##"#p!#" #t!#"(#~!$##!#!>Q#"#p#!V#"#~#!V#"H#~#!VV$!@#j#l##"! #"R! #!>##`#|#!#"#v#!#"#v#!$#"8! #!>-##`#h#!2#""#!2#""#!22$#"( ! #!>##r#t##s!?!=#"#t##o!?!=#"#{##s!?!=#"#|##o!?!=#" #{##s!?!=#"0#|##o!?!=$##!5!#!-#$!0#!2#!"!!!#!-"!0#!"!!!#!-#$!0#!2#!"!!#"!##!##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 JUMP4Tt&9HvSTR IX9oOkay, let's go get Carter.And, this is for you. Happy Starry Night.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.This is fun. Carter and I always just eat dinner together. I'm happy to have a party like this.You're right. Our families live far away, you know?This is a nice party. I love it.A party with Doctor and Carter... I was fun.RIFFSCR CODE ##x"!##!##@#x##s!?!=##P#x##!?!=##x"#!##h#x#!#"! ##P#d#!#"! ##@#d#!#"! ##!5!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! !@### #"! #"R! ##!# !7!#!-#z!0#!"!!!#!-#@!0#!"!!!#!-"!0#!"!!##!!#!-#}!0#!"!!##!##!##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 STR Z:|Hi there. Good timing. We were just about to start. I'm so glad we have company! It's usually just the 3 of us...The Doctor always eats at the Church with Carter.  Elli tried inviting him before!Stu, will you shut your big mouth!Spending the Starry Night Festival with Elli's family sure was fun. RIFFSCR CODE\X# #x"!##!##x#h#"!?!=#"#h##T!?!=##x"#!#"#x#!#"! "!>#|#~#"!>### #"#X#!#";! ##`#x#!#"k! ##!5!@####"!  #"V! #"#! #! !@#0#2#F#"! P#"R! ##!##!# !7!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!!#!-#!0#!"!!"!>###"!>### \!#!-#!0#!"!!##!!#!-#!0#!"!!##!!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!##!!#!-#!0#!"!!!#!-#!0#!2#!"!!##!#"!##!##!"!>###"!>### ##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>" #!?"#!?" !8 STR ZQ!, you're here!Good evening. Come and sit over here. The dinner is ready.My mom and I made the feast today! Come on, dig in!My brother looks very happy.Popuri!Now, let's eat before the food gets cold.Okay. Let's eat.The Starry Night Festival with Rick's family... It was a lot of fun.RIFFSCR CODEpl##\"!##!#""#"!?!=#""##=!?!=##\"@#!##p"#!#"! #""#!#"! #""#!#"! ##!5!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! !@####"! #"R! ##!##!##!# !7!#!-#I!0#!"!!!#!-#P!0#!"!!##!!#!-#F!0#!"##!#!-#F!0#!"!!##!!#!-#M!0#!"##!#!-#M!0#!"!!##!##!##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 STR  6nuHi, !!Karen was afraid you wouldn't come, !. What do you mean, Karen was afraid ! wouldn't come?Um...Just forget it!All I said was that maybe you forgot!Spending the Starry Night Festival with Karen's family sure was fun. RIFFSCR CODEPL##x"!##!##p#p#"!?!=#"#p##T!?!=##x"#!# #T#t#!# "C! "!>#{#}#"!>### ##V"#!#" ! # #p#`#!# "{! # "#`#!# ";! ##!5!@####"!  #"V! #"#! #! !@#G#I#]#"! g#"R! # #!"!>###"!>### ##!# !7!# !-#h!0#!"!!"!>###"!>## # /!#!-"!0#!"!!!# !-#o!0#!"!!!# !-#d!0#!"!!# #!!# !-#p!0#!"# !-#o!0#!"!!# #!# #!# #!"!>###"!>### ##!##!4!#!"!!#!>#!>"#!?"#!?" !8 STR [)@Thanks for coming. Good evening, !.Hello! Come on in! Mary invited you, eh? I hope you enjoy yourself. Do you want to hear about the plants I'm researching?Dad! Don't bore !!In that case, I want to hear about the farm!Spending the Starry Night Festival with Mary's family sure was fun! RIFFb SCR CODE#&#x"!##!##x"#!!@#7#9#M#"! W#"R! ##H"#!#" ! ##x#t#!#" ! ##!5!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! !@####"!  #"R! # !7##!!#!-"!0#!2#!"!!"!>#X#Z#!#!-"!0#!2!#!"!!!k#"! ####"!>### "!>### "!>#5#7# "!>#O#Q# "!>#i#k# "!>### "!>### ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5#"! ##"#p!#" #t!#"(#~!$##!#!>#"#p#!#"#~#!#"H#~#!$!@# # #!#"! +#"R! #!>t##`#h#!y#"#v#!y#"#v#!yy$#" ! #!>##`#|#!#""#!#""#!$#" ! #!>}##r#t#"!?!=#"#t##T!?!=#"#{#"!?!=#"#|##T!?!=#" #{#"!?!=#"0#|##T!?!=$##!5!#!-"!0#!"!!##!!#!-"!0#!2#!"!!##!!#!-"!0#!"!!!#!-"!0#!2#!"!!##!!#!-"!0#!2#!"!!#"! ##!>" #!?"#!?" !8 JUMP4Ttbs7I\HSTR ~ ;gv-WOh, is it time? Okay, let's go. Grandpa, are you ready?And, this is for you. Happy Starry Night.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.!, are you happy with the tools that you're using now?Grandpa, don't talk about work tonight.Don't be silly! The tools have to be in perfect condition for her! You still have so much to learn!Oh, forget it. Let's eat it.And, I cooked a feast for us. I hope you like it... A party with Gray and his grandpa... It was very nice.RIFFSCR CODE($#" "!##!"{!>#-#/#c#" #p##!?!=#"0#p##!?!=#" #p#"!?!=#"0#p##=!?!=#"0"#!#P!>####" #d#!#"! #Z!>####" #d#!#"> ! #d!>###<#" #d#!#"! #m!>#R#T#q#" #d#!#" ! #w!>####" #d#!#"8! "{!>#### " #d#!# ".! "!>####" #d#!#"! "!>#)#+#H#" #d#!#"! #/!>#^#`#}##"0#`#!##"s! ##!5!@####"! #"V! #"#! #! ##!#" #!#! ##!!@####"! &#"R! !#/!>#A#C#0#P!>#^#`##!-#!0#!2#!"#Z!>####!-"!0#!2#!"#d!>####!-#!0#!2#!"#m!># # #.#!-"!0#!2#!"#w!>#D#F#g#!-#$!0#!2#!""{!>#~### !-#b!0# !2#!""!>####!-#s!0#!2#!""!>####!-##F#H#i#!-#!0#!2#!"#Z!>####!-"!0#!2#!"#d!>####!-#!0#!2# !"#m!>####!-"!0#!2# !"#w!>#,#.#O#!-#$!0#!2# !""{!>#f#h## !-#b!0# !2#!""!>####!-#s!0#!2# !""!>####!-##N#P#q#!-#!0#!2# !"#Z!>####!-"!0#!2# !"#d!>####!-#!0#!2#!"#m!>####!-"!0#!2#!"#w!>#4#6#W#!-#$!0#!2#!""{!>#n#p## !-#b!0# !2#!""!>####!-#s!0#!2#!""!>### #!-## # #% "{!>#: #< #M #!" "!>#d #f #w #!" "!># # # #!" #!"!!!k#"! ## # #"!>## #% # "!>#= #? # "!>#W #Y # "!>#q #s # "!># # # "!># # # "!># # # % ##!6##!6##!4#"!!#!-#9!0#!"!!#!"#!?##!5!!#"! #!7!##!4##!##!#""!#""#!#P!># # # #""#!#"! #Z!># # # #""#!#"> ! #d!># # # #""#!#"! #m!>#/ #1 #O #""#!#" ! #w!>#e #g # #""#!#"8! "{!># # # # ""#!# ".! "!># # # #""#!#"! "!># # #* #""#!#"! ##!5!#P!>#N #P # #!-#!0#!2#!"##!#!0#!"#Z!># # # #!-"!0#!2#!"##!"!0#!"#d!># # #*#!-#!0#!2#!"##!#!0#!"#m!>#@#B#|#!-"!0#!2#!"##!"!0#!"#w!>####!-#'!0#!2#!"##!#&!0# !""{!>#### !-#b!0# !2#!!"# #!#"!""!>#-#/#`#!-#s!0#!2##!"##!#$!""!>#w#y##!-#####"!#Z!># ###"!#d!>#4#6#E#"!#m!>#[#]#l#"!#w!>####"!"{!>#### "!"!>####"!"!>### #"!"!>#"#$#"!>#;#=# "!>#U#W# "!>#o#q# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### ###!##!4!#'!"!!#!>#!>"#!?" !8 STR L (H|K^5&]/~, 9,KeIt's the Starry Night Festival, so I cooked for us. Let's celebrate.It's the Starry Night Festival. Let's celebrate.It's the Starry Night Festival, so I cooked for us. Let's celebrate.I cooked for us tonight. It's the Starry Night Festival. Don't overeat just because it's good. Okay, shall we start celebrating?Starry Night... It's the Starry Night Festival. Eat, eat.It's the Starry Night Festival, so I cooked a feast for us. Let's start eating right away.It's the Starry Night Festival. I cooked for you two. Let's celebrate.It's the Starry Night Festival. Hey, did you cook all these? Yeah! Let's eat!I cooked a feast for us tonight. Let's celebrate the Starry Night Festival.The Starry Night Festival. I cooked a feast. Let's eat together.Mama! Let's go to the top of the hill to watch the stars.It's the Starry Night Festival, so let's go watch the stars. Top of the hill is the best spot in town.Let's go watch the stars on the hill.Top of the hill must be the best place to watch the stars.Let's go to the top of the hill. It's the best place to enjoy the stars. Go to the hill... It's the Starry Night Festival. Let's go to the hill to watch the stars.Here... Gift...And, this is for you. Happy Starry Night.Got a ring. Tadaaaaa. You have collected all 7 rings. Congratulations. That's all. You don't get a prize, or anything like that.Wow, it's so beautiful. I hope we can do this again next year.I wonder if Popuri is watching them too.This is awesome. There are so many stars in the sky. I wonder if people in my hometown are watching...?Let's come back next year.It's beautiful. I never forget the stars I saw in the other town.I wish we could stay like this forever.Awesome. It was a good idea to come here.How do you like the stars? Do you want me to make you something star shaped?I wonder why the stars are so bright? What are they telling us?I'm happy to be here. I have to appreciate it.Here...Top of the hill... So many stars.I hope they are all coins...The stars are beautiful.I wish I could eat them, though...It was fun... Good night...RIFFSCR CODE##!#!>z#"#0!#"#.#!#"@#0!#"@#.#!#"#0!#"#.#!$#"! #P!>####"#0#!#"/! ##Z!>####"#0#!#"V ! ##d!>###:#"#0#!#"! ##m!>#P#R#u#"#0#!#" ! ##w!>####"#0#!#"P! #"!>####"#0#!#"! #"!>#####"#0#!#"! "!>#:#<#"!>#S#U# "!>#m#o# "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### J#.!>#< ##2##"#0#!##"! J##"#0#!### ! ##!5" #!?#<# !7##!4# !!# !-#!>####!"!!" #!?" !8#!>#j##s#!"!!" #!?" !>N##!?S##!?S##!?S##!?S##!?SS$" #!?# #!" !8#!"!!" #!?" #!?" !8 JUMPd(5U-;STR Thump!!...Phew, it's a lot harder to sneak into houses than I thought! Wait, there's no stocking here!... That means I can't leave my present. Too bad! I guess I'll have to take this back with me...Thump!!...Phew, it's a lot harder to sneak into houses than I thought! Good, she remembered to put a stocking up.  But it's so dark I can't see which present this is! Oh well, I'll just assume it's the right one!Thump!!...Phew, it's a lot harder to sneak into houses than I thought! The present is still there! Some people don't even care for the trouble I go through to do this! How depressing...I'll just go home, I guess...RIFFSCR CODE`\##!### ### ##"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=### ### ##"!?!=## # ### ##"!?!=#### ### ##"!?!=#J!####J"#"#!#K!###-#K"# "#!# ""#!# "! #"x"#!#"' ! #"t#h#!#"( ! ##P"#!#"! # #p"#!# " ! #"@"p#!#"! #"0"#!#"! #""h#!#"! !##!5" #!?# "w!#"{!#"z!#"x!# "y!#"t!#"u!#"v! STR RIFFSCR CODE0,##!5!@#####j!"!H!#u!0# !-#!"!!!G##N! #!7#"! ##e!!#u!0# !-#!"!!##!4##!5!#u!0# !-#!"!!!@###!W### d#"&! ##!>#!>#!>#!>#!>!" #!?" !8 STR :Alright, let's eat!It looks like there's some extra Buckwheat Flour.  Why don't you take some home, !? We can't waste it!Looks like your Rucksack is full, !. Too bad...It was delicious. I hope I don't gain any weight.It was delicious. I got a souvenir, and I'm happy.RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#D!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR fBuckwheat Noodles are really good for you, you know.  That's why I'm going to eat a lot!RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#O!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR LI just came with Jeff. I do love New Year Noodles too, though. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#X!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#q#s###!#!##! STR FIt's too bad that New Year Noodles only come once a year!RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#v!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !# #! STR VDid you come for New Year Noodles, !?  Do you like Buckwheat Noodles? RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR NIt just wouldn't be New Year without New Year Noodles, would it? RIFFSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!"!0# !-#!#!1!!# !#r#t## #!# !# #! STR You came for the New Year Noodles, too? I just love them! I think Buckwheat Noodles are the best. They're nutritious, and taste good...I'm getting hungry talking! Where are the Noodles?RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR LFor some reason, Buckwheat Noodles taste best on the New Year. RIFFSCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!1!!#!#r#t###!#!##! STR OYou came, too? It wouldn't be New Years without New Year Noodles!RIFFxSCR CODEXT"#!?#""!##!#""#!"!>#F#H#f#""#!#"! #"" #!#"! # "*"#!# "{! # ""#!# ";! # ""#!# "C! #""/#!#" ! #""?#!#" ! ##!5!#"~!#"!# "!# "!# "!#"!#"! STR RIFF^SCR CODE#"" !#""#!!@5#"! ?#"R! "!>#V#X#v#""#!#"! #""#!#"! # "*"#!# "{! # ""#!# ";! # ""#!# "C! #""/#!#" ! #""?#!#" ! ##!5##`#b##Z!>#x#z# #m!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#,#.# <#!2#!"!!#!#^#`#n##!#!"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8##! STR dSo much happened to me this past year.  I feel like a new part of my life is beginning.RIFF<SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!#S!0#!-#!"!!#!#l#n#|##!#!"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8##! STR (The year went by so quickly!RIFFNSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#d!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8# #! STR :I don't know about you, but I had a great year.RIFFwSCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#g!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8# #! STR cIt's almost spring... You'll be able to put the animals outside...they'll like that. RIFF`SCR CODE# !###$# !# #!!!!#o!0# !-#!"!!# !#l#n#|# #!# !"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8# #! STR LGood evening. The first sunrise of the year is beautiful here. RIFF&SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#P!>#a#c##Z!>#y#{# #d!>### #w!>### "{!>### "!>### "!>### "!>### "!>#-#/# =#!2#!"!!#!#_#a#o##!#!"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8##! STR .....I'm so tired...RIFF>SCR CODE#!###$#!##!!!!"!0#!-#!"!!#!#m#o#}##!#!"!>####! #! # ! # ! # ! #! #! ##!4"}!8##! STR &The New Year is almost here!RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR RIFF(SCR CODE STR @ 0HH0`` @``0000000000 8DDPP P  (0H|| H @ H 8(((PP((D8| <$DD((XHTPP``@8DDDDDDDDD8x|0 @@@@ $TH(((((((((((TH `` @$Hllll$H@  @@  @pp   ``@@  @@((PPP((PP((((PPp|D\PPPPPptD|<800 008<x88x|||DD((((DD|||||  @ @  @ 0@0 ||``||(TTT(DD8T8DDD88DDD8| @(P P $ $DD((||8TT0TT88TPPPPT8$$ |4T($TX((4TH|(((|PPP PPP$THH4T88T8DtTTTTThD80H@ PH(H0(D(((TlD8|888|lD8|||||||||88DDTlllTDD8((DDD((88|||88|DDDDDDDDD||||||||||||((((DD|8888||||DD((((|||8888TD(T(DT||| | 8TT8|||| @@|@@ p|p @@ |pp| @@@@@ ppDDDDDDDD88DDDDDDDD((((DDDDDD((((|xx(8D8(DDD8(((||| @||8D$,DHH0||| ||((PP((PP((((PP PP HTTT$,PPP,DD$ H0$HHHH$$$$$H(((((|DDhXp ACEGHIJKLORUX[\]^_acefghijlp @ 0HH0`` @00H P  @ @  @`0?  @@@ @ @"$HP`@0` @@@@@ 0`  @ @@ @ <B  f`f` 00`` @ ll$H @@@@  ``0  0<<``00 @@@@   @@  @@ $ @ $<  :"><  <???? @@ ?????` `0   08??88??8EBE8````  @$H S$  @@@@@ @ @@$@0@HI1  @@?  @@@@  @0` FIHHG` 0@   x @ @@?@???? 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