Pff s nٙgcnܙ3>LAWNMOWER 3> >@Z  @!n~# ZSprite Motion Spirit SDD Lucia Rene DJ-TJ None NothingNo-one Nobody Empty >>BC! &!nxh*ix@ !X >O!>>Oz_PressSTARTtobegink-k-c ZZcYA*=~=|3DA* 1]*:#3DI*N)L ;LI* 1\*8#3DA*9\*(+;LI*-_/!] Z#3DA*-_/)]Z+;LA* N!L3D Lawnmower is coded by Sprite of Purple Gem for the Bung GameBoy programming contest. Music is from MOTION of Purple Gem. Greetz go to a lot of people including Nintendo (for giving us the GB and CGB), Bung (for organizing the contest), my family (for letting me sit behind my comp all day without argueing about it), the rest of the Purple Gem team (including Spirit), J. Frohwein (my GBDev started at his homepage), the GBDev list and anyone who thinks that I forgot him. Now you can stop looking because you've seen it all... !&|} >E>@A>ͱ!!g o#Kx y !&|} *z !/C͵ "~#y ! DM{ >C>3E> >> >>0>! >O>w>O>"}@ !> """""">">*">{>> >@>BC>͵(͵GOx(͢0Á &ͱ͋Á > ! (( G>." >w> >O!>"| >O!0~#{ !78~ƀ#y ! DM{  P>O!>"| >h>i>h>i>h>i>h>i>h>i>h>|i>O>!>O>OzeW8 fW8 ͵ ͵(͵ z! > "| ͵ >h>i>h> >@! ~# ##! DM ! *_70{0*_70{0 ! DM >A(M <>hi![O ~i>h![/O ~iA(͵(͵ <A(i ! C ! C!!>Aw͵(>O>w>O Z  # + 4 5} 0. '8.'~ 06 z86z>O>w>O͵  !*G(0~G0 ] +>jW!lc w+  ""!"""#"$"%"&"'"Highscore! Name plz?[Aaaaaaa] The Highscores! __________________ | | | 1.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 2.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 3.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 4.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 5.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 6.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 7.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 8.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | | 9.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | |10.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | |11.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | |12.XXXXXXX YYYY00 | |__________________| !@8>@//Oy( ( >+ >,>-"  \+!+O+G ~((|} >O>"w "w>O>"O>"w "w>O" ""(>GHI>@͵(͵ xh>ix >@>hio>hig >h}i>h|i| ͵(͵ >hio>hig  >h}i>h|i| !_" ~#{ !.~ƀ#y ! DM{ =<<< 8>y x ><<< > (=+!+O+G ~( ( < >w#Ow#w w#w>O  < >> >>08>8>W //GW //O~(((>( < >OGC>w#Ow#w w#w>O>>>>(  ÕÁ <(Á xjkox@> >= !xj*kx 0>Á (Á g(- &>> G(O(W(_(xOz{ (yGOBC~ 5 >O>"w "w>O>"w "w = >(~( 9 6>>cO+?>( < B 0>>GO>C>  xy=(GOyo&x???o ! (>>>> >>>"> # (>>@>>@>>>"># (>>@>>`>>@>">`# (>>`>>`>> >"> #>@>> > !+ P = P~( ((M # y  < ??_>O!~>O# ! T]>@ >  DG???![O ~o%%%|g>h}i>h|i ![O ~o%%%|g>h}i>h|i![O ~o%%%|g>h}i>h|i=                xh>ix? !>"}  >O!>"| >O!>"| ͛'G͛??GG~ ((#xyBByO! DMx #C!9~#z { G> <?> /7G>/>07P@@@@@0D !/!-~#  !Wxh*ix@ !xj*kx@ cdpcRJ?p.xTs:aX,6Y2^_tA,Tf^wkFUrM(cbUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*?n2D:Dk :!!X@*D+F8/?`kkl;_??1 DbD@ 6 00 xdd'g80@co 9x (+> U.?/?&0?<3ddi? ??|~w>76>6 ><~l~| >>00>0?<<<00~`|wf~f<<>~|~| 8000? 88b~__{_u_u?;     0??OO~O~G? ?` `@@t8c$B<~~B<$0      ///   /?_?_?/0/??_?/  ''0''# 01+!0L(2  8P.! 8 @`Ppx <(8@@@@ P@@<>BBBBBB==BBBBBBFF::BB~~@@BB<<  DDDDDDDDDDxx????????Ǐ~~>>??>>||??||<<>>>>????????||||????????????Ç??????????>><<||xx>>??????????????????<<||||xxxxxxxxxx????>>>>||????<<||||~~>>????Ǐ??~~??㇇???????????? `` 00?? ``  003333ssݙ ̏001133333333 ``0066ff33333333333333333333??9911111199?? ̆ ggffffffff``````````````000000    !"#$ %&' ()* +,- ./012 34 5678889::::888;<:=> ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ +RSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abc defghijklmnopqrstuv wx0yz{0|}~ 0 00 pp @@@@@@ @@`` @@   @@@@@@@@ `` @@ ???? oo00@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@  @@??~~~~ 000000``pp8888 ppxx88pppp``````pppp00000088pp888888888888000088<< 88  ``pppp8888 >>``ppxx<< 88xx 88880000pp``pppp888800000000pppp``      !"#$%&' ()*+,-./012343456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFG&HIJKLMNOPQR5STUVWXYZ[\]^_K`abcdefCghi]jCklmnopqrstuSvw~~~~~~~~ll||8888||||8888||888888||||88ccccccgg<<<<>>>><<~~~~<<ffffffffffff{{>>aa<>``<<||00ff88ll88vvvv00 000000 00 00ff<<<