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Ͻ? ڤۺ޲Ͻ֡ڶޤݸòϽ ļެϾ֡'߯ ڽ' ޲ʲòϽ ļ $ įμIJ޽ƭ-޽ Ԥ '߯ ڽ'Ųޤij޹ݶޱϼ ˶޲Ʊ ޳޲ ޤ ˶޲ݶ޸ $ ޽ Ƥ޺ ò ƻ̦ǽ IJ޽'߯ ڽ' ޲ʲòϽ ļ $ į μIJ޽ƭ-޽ ԤŲ ئײòĺ μϼ ĺʶɷ ޺ؤɽ ǽЦ ò IJ޽ ɼޮ ؼòӳܹŲ ̸-ݸ޽ μ òϽޤϽ? ijӳܹŶ IJòϽƭ-޽ Ԥ'߯ ڽ'Ųޤij޹ݶޱϼ˶޲Ʊ ޳޲ ޤ  ܷަ ̺ǽϼ ˶޲ݶ޸ $ ޿޽'߯ ڽ' ޲ʲòϽ ļ $ įμIJ޽ƭ-޽ ԤŲ ijײòŦ μϼ  ٶ-ɶ޷׳ܷަǽIJ øòIJ޽ ɼޮ ޲޽ ޲Ͻ? ڼܡ ڼެ -ļ ޹ȡ ϼ ʼϯüϳܡ ŲĦ... ɼޮ޲ݶޯؼòϽ֡ ޲޽ ޲Ͻ?ֶ ޸޴-ļϽ֡ ϼ ʼϯüϲϽ֡ ŲĦ... ڤ޲ ޯؼòϽ֡ƭ-޽ Ԥ'߯ ڽ'Ųɼ-޵ݺ  ճ $ ĸϼƭ-޽ Ԥ'߯ ڽ'Ųޤij޹ݶޱϼ˶޲Ʊ ޳޲ ޤ ˶޲ݶ޸ $ ޽ -ݶ޸ɽ ̦ǽIJ޽ƭ-޽ Ԥ'߯ ڽ'Ų -޵ݺɼ $ ޼ кճʤ޼ر޼ƭ-޽ Ԥ'߯ ڽ'Ųޤij޹ݶޱϼ˶޲Ʊ ޳޲ ݺޤݶ޸ɽƻ̦ ǽIJ޽-ݤ.. ٦ ӯ÷øϴ  ϼ   ݤܶòȡޮɶ֡  ޮ -٦  ݤи޲ּϴ֡  ϼ  -ݤϲ ȡ ? ׽ֺòš ޲? ڦׯʡ   ޽  šϯ֡  Ƽ ׸ֳƲõøϴ   ݦ Ų  ޽?  Ա ݤ ײòٶȡ޽Ųޤ Ϧֳõøڡ-Ʋȡ ?֡ -ݤ.. ٦ ӯ÷ø?  ϼ   ݤܶòȡޮɶ֡  ޮ -ȡױפ  ݤи޲ּ޲  ϼ  -ݤ ܡ ? ׽ֺòܡ ? ڦׯʡ   ޽  ϱú!ܤϯ  Ƽ ׸ֳƲõ޲  ݦޡ  ޽?  פ ݤ ײò?ٲ޺ Ϧֳõø?-Ʋ֡ ?ܽŲȡOH, NO!! YOU BECAME PENNYLESS!! ޽ ɳӺ ֳ޽ƶޯؼŲ޸޻ ׽޶޽ Ų޽ӱϯòϽ֡ ...޳׽޶޽ ҦӱϽ ӳޢɶޣ Ʒݽϼ ޽?ڶ޻޽֡ -˲ø޻ ޺ij ĵܶڼŸ Ͼݡ ޹ޤݼަ òϽ֡ ij޻޲Ͻ ɶޣ Ʒݽ¶޽֡  ɳ޼޲ ӳݼ޽0lpp@@@@ @` C0LG0W)L0 898);?8) ? >8)8293ȱ28ȱ29HH hh`8)058) 8 5pȱ8y:ȱ8z;ȱ8wȱ8x:tvuqrsH?s`$6HZHp)͸"Hp) :@ȱ:@h`u`6p7uɀu #Hs8?s s8s ilй`tuvy:z;: v`u`6q}w0 @<@@-<) ރ2߃3 ̓1110@@2@3@6ȱ<}ssvuȘ}qq}rr`pH )͸)11110@ Pu` $Jt$Ƃȱ<0Mȱ<0Lu?s>>>Ldȱ<Ș}q{}r|Ĺȱ<Ș}q}}r~ĹB{q}w<|r}x=Ĺހ}q}w<~r}x=ĹĹȱ# $ % & ' ( ) * + , 1 2 3 4 5 6 704010*0( ( ( ( ((((**0(K                            `7iĘHEl>vF׆;/WNq\֌T)9yޏ$RՒ "Sv.Зz/H\:ۛYcb:qР::ԤggGa` 9ԫ;? S\xԷ+Hi, , I'm John. You know, I'm quite famous here. Do you want to challenge me? The game is , just one hand. How about it? What's the problem? Are you afraid to test your skill?So, you think you can beat me? Well, here we go!You're really something, I lost $!Well, you aren't half as good as they say!, looks like you're winning quite a lot!I just heard about you. Want to play? Oh, too bad! but then again, maybe itwas a wise choice.So, you accept my challenge. Let's seehow good you are. The game is . Just as I've heard, you're good. I give up., what happened? you disappoint me. I guess rumors are just rumors after all.Hello sorry to bother you.Would you like a game? I want to testyour skill. Looks like you've lost your confidence, . I'm sorry to see that.Great, how about a game of Blackjack?Fantastic! Nice move, I'm impressed! I lose.Don't tell me you'regiving up now. Looks like I overestimated you. Too bad., looks like you're making lots of money. How about a game of Roulette? , you are a better player than I am. Maybe next time.I'm honored. Please play to win. I'm not a sore loser.You're better than I thought.What happened? You, of all people! Oh well, a win is a win. Better luck next time!Hello , looks like you're really enjoying it here! Would you like to test your skill? Sorry! I guess I'm not good enough for you. Please excuse me.Really? Good, how about a game of high or low, It's my favorite! Shall we start?, I am no match for you. I lose.Sorry did I win? No hard feelings, I hope. Excuse me please., I'm sorry to bother you sir, but there is someone to see you. Do you wish to meet?, I'm sorry to bother you,but there is someone to see you. Do you wish to meet?Come this way, please. watch your step, The stairs are rather steep.I understand. I will inform the guest.Here is the news. Late last night at the Hal Palace Hotel, a guest accidentally fell down the stairs.  will be laid up for 2 weeks. Furthermore, the hospital bill is reported to be $.This is a message from the Norman Law Office. One of our lawyers met with last night and approved the inheritance of $ to from the guest's grandfather.Here is the news. Late last night at the Hal Palace Hotel, a male guest accidentally fell down the stairs. () J. Martin will be laid up for 2 weeks.This is a message from the Norman Law Office. One of our lawyers attempted tomeet with last night, but no one answered our page. Therefore, the entire inheritance of $ will be donated to charity., sorry to bother you,but there is a phonecall for you. Do you wish to answer it? I'll show you the way. This way, please.Yes, I understand.Here is the news. Last night, in the hall of the Hal Palace Hotel a chandelier fell on one of the guests.  was seriously injured. The hospital bill isreported to be $.This is a message from the Lloyd Square Insurance Company.  has contacted us, and has been insured in the amount of $ .Here is the news. Last night, in the hall of the Hal Palace Hotel, a chandelier fell. Fortunately, there were no casualties.This is a message from the Lloyd Square Insurance Company.  did not respond to our calls last night, and failed to carry out the necessary procedures. Therefore, the insurance policy of $ has been cancelled.Good evening, . Oh, don't be so frightened. I've been watching you for a while. You're really lucky, aren't you? May I join you? Thank you. I'm so glad to have met someone like you. But it's getting late. Can I see you again?Oh, that's a pity. But it's O.K.How could you!? Without even thinking!? Consider my feelings!, I'm so happy we could meet again. I believe I've fallen in love with you. Will you marry me? I promise to make you happy.Here is the news. was married to () James. The wedding was held at the Hal Palace Hotel. The hotel has decided to give them $ as a wedding gift.Here is the news. was the victim of marriage fraud and was swindled out of $. The police are stillafter the criminal.Good evening, . Oh, don't be so frightened. I've been watching you for a while. You're really lucky, aren't you? May I join you? Oh, I'm so happy that I met you like this. It's almost time for me to go, but, will you see meagain? Oh, what a shame. But, that's O.K.How could you play around with my feelings!!, I'm so happy that we could meet again. , I think I've fallen in love with you. Will you take me as your partner for life? Oh, I'm thrilled that you'll take me for your wife!!Here is the news. was married to *+ Sophie. The wedding was held at the Hal Palace Hotel. The hotel has decided to give them $ as a wedding gift.Here is the news. was the victim of marriage fraud and has been swindled out of $. The police are stillafter the criminal., I have something interesting to tell you. This is not quite the right place, so how about we moveto the lounge?Well, you see, just between the two of us, there's a great deal on stocks that might interest you, $ each. How about it? Yeah, that's the wayto go. And how manydo you want to buy?Are you sure? Well, what a shame.This is a message from the Silverman Sacks Brokerage Firm. The stocks owned by have been sold for doublethe original price. Therefore, will be receiving $.This is a message from the Silverman Sacks Brokerage Firm. We have been entrusted with the sale of 's stocks, but due to an unexpected drop in the stock market today, we unfortunately hadto sell the stock at half the originalprice. Therefore, will be receiving only $.Here is the news from Wall Street. Stocks have shown a major boost. According to the Silverman Sacks Brokerage Firm, shareholders can expect a profit of 200%.Here is the news from Wall Street. Stocks have shown a sharp decrease. According to the Silverman Sacks Brokerage Firm shareholders' stock values have fallen by half., umm... You looked sokind, so I just had to talk to you. Well... you see, my mother is sick... And this is the onlything that my fatherleft me. Will you buy it from me? $ Thank you so much, !!Oh... excuse me...Here is the news. The watch that was bought by  last night has been identified as stolenmerchandise. Therefore, 's watch will be confiscated by the police.Here is the news. The watch that was bought by  was later found to be extremely valuable, and was sold at the highest bid of $ at auction.Here is the news. Last night a female swindler was arrested at the Hal Palace Hotel. She was caught selling stolen goods to casino guests, saying that her mother was sick.Here is the news. The watch that was bought by () Jones last night was later found to be extremely valuable, and was sold at the highest bid of $ at auction.Oh, you're lucky! What? A game with you? No chance!! But I'd like to offer you a drink at the bar. How's that sound? Why, that's swell! The drinks are on me. Drink up!!Oh, too bad, but I guess I'll live.Here is the news. Last night received a Ring as a gift from the famous tycoon, M.G. Howard. At the request of , the Ring was put on auction, and brought the sum of $ .Here is the news. There was an accident at the Hal Palace Hotel last night. Apparently, , after celebrating in the bar at the hotel, accidentally fell down the stairs. The injury will take a week to heal, and the hospital bill is expected to be $.Here is the news. Last night a lucky lady received a Ring as a gift from the famous tycoon, () M.G. Howard. According to the lady, she accepted an offer of a drink at the bar, and was given the Ring by () Howard.Here is the news. Last night a lady accidentally fell down the stairs at the Hal Palace Hotel. *+ G. Roberts, the lady in the accident, was said to have been under the influence at the time, and will be laid up for a week. May I ask you a favor? Will you lend me $? You see, I lost so much... Please? Thank you, . I'll never forget your kindness.Can't you see I'm begging you? I'm desperate!Here is the news. Last night, received $ in cash from *+ G. Baker. Apparently, *+ Baker borrowed some money from  and won a large amount. The money was given as a token of gratitude.Here is the news. Last night there wasa theft at the Hal Palace Hotel. The victim lent some money to a woman, who disappeared withit. The amount was reported to be $.Here is the news. Last night, a gentleman at a hotel received a considerable amount of money as a gift from a lady to whom he had made a loan. According to the gentleman, he had lent her the money because she had been refused earlier by another guest.Here is the news. Last night in the casino in the Hal Palace Hotel, a swindler was arrested. Apparently, the woman would ask the guests at the casinoto lend her some money, and then disappear with it., pardon me, but will you lend me $? Not for free, of course. I'll give you my watch as collateral. How about it? Really? Oh, you're so kind. I'll never forget this. Here, keep this for security.Oh, that's O.K. I'll ask someone else.Here is the news. Last night, received $ in cash from () G. Barnes. Apparently, () Barnes borrowed money from and won a large amount. The money was given as a token of gratitude.Here is the news. The watch that was kept as collateral by last night has been identified as stolen merchandise. Therefore, 's watch has been confiscated by the police.Here is the news. Last night, a guest at a hotel received a considerable amount of money as a gift from a gentleman to whom he had lent money. According to the guest, he had lent the gentleman money because he had been refused earlier by another guest.Here is the news. Last night, in the casino in the Hal Palace Hotel, a swindler was arrested. The man had been borrowing money by using stolen goods as collateral., excuse me..., but Could you change this $5. bill? All right, thanks a lot.Oh, c'mon, don't be stingy, . You shouldn't treat me like this, you might regret it.From the Hal Palace Hotel to . We have an apology for you. As an expression of apology for what happened last night, we would like you to accept this gift of $ .Here is the news. There was a theft atthe Hal Palace Hotel last night. According to , the culprit stole his wallet while asking for change. The thief took all but $.From the Hal Palace Hotel to . We have an apology for you. As an expression of apology for what happened last night, we would like you to accept this gift of $ .Here is the news. Last night, a man was arrested for pick-pocketing. The man would ask for a change and then steal the victim's wallet.Oh, excuse me, . That was clumsy of me. I'll send it to the cleaners right away.May I take your jacket? O.K., I'll take care of it. I'm so sorry.Are you sure? I'm so sorry.Here is the news. Last night, there was a theft at the Hal Palace Hotel.  has testified that the culprit spilled a drink on the victim's jacket and then took it for cleaning. The jacket was stolen along with the wallet inside. The thief took all but $.From the Hal Palace Hotel to . We have an apology for you. As an expression of apology for what happened last night,we would like you to accept this gift of $ .Here is the news. Last night, a woman was arrested for theft at the Hal Palace Hotel. She was caught stealing jackets from guests after spilling drinks on them., I was wondering if you knew about that great show tonight. How about if I ask you to go with me? Fine, I shall escortyou tonight. Let's hurry because it could start any moment.Ah, that's a shame. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it. Maybe next time., did you know that there is a wonderful show tonight? How about going together? Oh, that's great! You mean you'll escort me? Let's go. It's already beginning.Oh what a pity. I thought i'd offer.Oh, well...Here is the news. Last night at the show at the Hal Palace Hotel,  won the raffle and received a prize of $ .Here is the news. Last night, there was a theft at the Hal Palace Hotel. The victim, , lost $, which was taken during the show.Here is the news. Last night at the show at the Hal Palace Hotel, a raffle was held. The winning prize was $ and was won by a lucky couple who had met earlier at the casino.Here is the news. Last night, there was a theft at the Hal Palace hotel. A guest staying at the hotel had his wallet stolen while watching the show.Hmm, feels good... oh, bring me a Nintendo.  Yes, sir.  , the bestgame, do you understand? and also the best hors d'oeuvres. Hey, Hey, keep your hands off,.  Your Nintendo and your best videogame,sir.  Hmm, this is good, excellent. Oh, this game is whack. Who made this?  , sir.  well, well, this just won't do. Tell  to work for his pay. and, wait. Call  for me.  Did you call me, sir?  Hello, . Working hard? I'd like to ask you a favor.  Get me a car for tonight. I'm going to go on a date, O.K.?Hmm, feels good... oh, can you bring me a cold beer  Yes, ma'am.  , the best one, do you understand? and also the best film classical. Hey,Hey! Keep your hands off,.  Your coldbeer and your old romantical,ma'am.  Hmm, this is good, excellent. Oh, thisglass is dirty. Who washed it?  , ma'am.  Oh my. This just won't do!! Tell  to work for his pay. And, wait. Call  for me.  Did you call me?  Hello, . Working hard? I'd like to ask you a favor.  Get me a car for tonight. I'm going to go on a date, O.K.? Don't forget.Oh, no!! You're penniless!!, I'm sorry, but your luckseems to end right here. Don't feel so bad. The Falls never sleeps. It isalways waiting for you. ... but, then again,The Falls is also a city that sells dreams. We will give you another chance to go home a winner. Remember, though, this is a welfare cheque. Go ahead, pull the lever., I guess this is reallygood bye. It's sucha pity, but we awaityour next challenge., congratulations. You have won your welfare cheque 4 fun. The rest depends on you. Now, start on your new challenge. 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