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Į;disparity "dbreast(players) present the breast to (the line) B()tapea narrow piece of cloth or other material G;;a long narrow band which can be used to record sounds the finishing line raiselift f;make higher in amount,size,degree,etc.,improve ;bring up Îbarelyscarcely;only just áH;almost not wrapto cover completely with ;b#rubto move one thing backwards and forwards on the surface of another followaccept and act according to IH;Bhopjump to jump forward on one foot B;cross over C;jump onto 竆aid&help ‰;with the help of bracepiece of wood or iron used as a support Hd;sth. used to support (using in orthopedic) #cFfallautumn limpto walk as if one's leg has been hurt ;Fɒ Wesleythe man's name GEyarda small piece of ground near a building (botherto cause trouble to ";;to take the trouble to shootthrow gi;to send through the air bounce(the ball) spring up again after being thrown down (f)f(the person) jump about (F)窨jump f;clap (a ball) %(f)barefoothaving the foot uncovered "D"without shoes and stockings "Dtrackfootmark D;set of rails for trains #;a special path where races are held (in sports) %;various kind of races in sports $fdashmove violently ū;run quickly and suddenly %tryoutselective trials (American Spoken English) ȅf;selective show ȅBHWilma RudolphgÜ.žÜc(F)the Olympic Games"eHCDa relay raceef%starting pointf,center for"Dtake one's place,Iin the lead%'reach for&&Eget a good hold$ɚ–bit by bitȃȃ;Dcatch up with ;ëtake first placeDȪpull throughı;DžEǦfall asleepon one's day off(EF"gmake a round tripǔa sort ofȅ)with the aid of...(..."‰gmake up for嚂shoot a basketg$try out"Dȅset a new recordb' junglea large stretch of land thickly covered with bushes and trees growing wild be;eVargasG(媅)Indianbelonging to or connected with any of the original peoples of America H"F"Indian person(s) H"Fthe language of the Indian people H"guidea person who goes in front to lead the way g";a person whose job is to show places to tourists "Alb(媅)wildlyin a wild way;not in the usual state #D;have a strong liking for &grayof the colour like black mixed with white d"lumpa mass of something solid without a special size or shape G,D;a hard swelling on the body IDcrawlto move slowly with the body close to the ground or floor,or on the hands and knees strike(snakes and wild animals)to hit H;incha measure of length hmake one's way slowly and with difficulty in the way stated D;to move something slowly and with difficulty ()(Cbackwardtowards the back gÿ";behind in development ÿ"toward the back gtiptoetips of the toes D$ V. to walk on one's toes with the rest of one's feet raised above the ground ɎɝD loudproducing great strength of sound ſ";noisy "in a loud way Łbitterlycausing pain or grief $$;'chancepossibility Degbrushland covered by small rough trees and bushes b,bshapethe appearance or form of something that is seen bushmastera kind of poisonous snake in America ȅ)%)#deadlylikely to cause or able to produce death "shotan action of shooting a weapon &;a person who shoots &&cupto form (esp. the hands)into the shape of a cup BBpuffto breathe rapidly and with effort;to breathe in and out while smoking ;fdamprather wet B"wetness B;ftoolany instrument or apparatus such as an axe,hammer,spade,etc.,held in the hands for doing special jobs #D;FDwaveto move one's hand as a signal &senseto have a feeling,without being told directly B;ccurlto twist into or form a curl or culs f;to cause to wind %a small hanging mass of twisted hair;the state of having this shape or being in masses of this tape c;ftwistto wind (threads, stems)together %;b;to move with a bending turning movement %Cremovetake away E ;get rid of #tightclosely $$fixedly #"prayto speak often silently to God ;to ask earnestly slideto move smoothly over C;cause to move smoothly Chumpa lump on the back of a camel G;a person with such a lump on his back Gto curve into a hump f;Cfflatparallel with the ground, smooth and level ";"evilvery bad; wicked; harmful 球";#"pourcause to flow steadily and rapidly ,i,;flow steadily ;'cracka loud long explosive sound &Ű;the sound of gunshots and whips &eblowto destroy with gun-powder ";"sleeping bagbbe up to sb.HEF#talk over&;&cut away#;d#hold one's breathg,Ifact outBH;Btear up;%fpile uphold out;Hdash awayC%dnext to$;$be upf"say in a whisperƿ;get the idea%D...heat upDbe blown into pieces"BG Anne Sullivana female name ".E(F)idiota person who cannot learn anything because he has not the power to do so ©;Fdeafunable to hear at all or to hear well "Annie"(e)livelygay,full of quick movement ƿ";life like (f"patiencethe ability to wait for something calmly for a long time f;gimaginationthe act of imaging or the ability to imagine ,edreamto have a dream about a group of thoughts,images,or feelings experienced during the sleep 嵇;challengean invitation to compete in a fight, match, etc. gHto compete against one g...gH;to ask or demand a fight ;gHspellto name the letters garrivalget to;reach Bd;Bwella place where water comes from underground $;spring water &;a deep hole in the ground fjuga pot for liquid with a handle and a lid for pouring Bdontoto a position or point on B...merrilycheerfully;have fun 䂥;tickleto touch (sb.,part of their body,etc.) lightly with the fingers,a feather,etc.;to produce laughter,a feeling of nervous excitement,etc. F;bursta sudden outbreak of effort,feeling,etc. F&;"cskipto move in a light dancing way,as with quick steps and jumps C;,"cagea box with wires or bars in which animals or birds are kept E;Erustle(of paper,dry leaves,silk,etc.) to make slight sounds when moved or rubbed together ()a sound of rustling ,insecta small creature with six legs,such as a fly creakto make the sound of a badly-oiled door when it opens hh##wisdomthe quality of being wise I;Iescapeget free G%;Ginstitutionorganization with charitable purposes or for social welfare Ddbraillesystem of writing and reading for blind people,to enable them to read by touch D(print with raised round marks which blind people can read by touching them H(g)alphabetthe set of letters used in writing any language esp. when arranged in order Bpity&sensitiveness to and sorrow for the suffering or unhappiness of others ;'Fshockto cause angry surprise to ;"rereadread again ithroatthe passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck,that divides into two passages,one taking air to lungs,the other food to the stomach %clumsyawkward and ungraceful in movement or action "owehave to pay h;to feel grateful to (for) d;êchpricelessof very great value 'D";D"inspirationstate of being inspired #gsth. or sb. which causes an urge to produce good things,such as words dCFg"F()conquerovercome,beat ;;win dream ofg;dspell outE""FBa burst of laughter"cȽbring intoFE)gstand for";"Bmake up one's mind$gno matter±#deaf and blindhtake back upon$manage to delighted toýGlive on;cB trialexperiment ;sentence ;work for test 柈Antonio"ó"(媅)merchantbusinessman &FVenicea port city in the northeast of Italy gG(BEf)tradeto carry on business &,硅HBassanio"(媅)PortiaG(e)ducata gold coin of various values formerly used in several countries of Europe ⪅Shylock(媅)moneylendera person who lends money,and charges interest on it ôhgreedstrong desire to obtain a lot or more than what is fair,esp. of food,money,or power g;arrangeto set in a good,pleasing order "E;plan in advance ;to set out in a certain way arrangementthe act of putting into or being put into order "E;something planned or arranged in advance Gratianoa male name DG"E(媅)maida female servant e;a young girl Ƹe;a young woman who is not married,esp. who has no sexual experience eNerissaa female name %(e)couplea pair Ȍ;husband and wife c;a pair of unmarried couple Dcweddinga marriage ceremony,esp. with a party or meal after a church service D;in memory of the wedding ĊDclerksecretary %;a person employed in an office,shop,etc.,to do written work bdukethe title of a nobleman of the highest rank outside the Royal Family greatnessthe state of excellent quality or ability gB;$Bjudgementan official decision given by a judge or a court of law ,$;the quality of being just H,Hoffer&provide ;;give the price Dcourta room or building in which law cases can be heard and judged #(;#G;law officials,gathered together to hear and judge a law case F#learnedhaving much knowledge as the result of study and reading "Romethe capital city of Italy %;ancient Rome City C%lawbooklaw textbooks #b;a book about laws ##mercifulshowing mercy; willing to forgive instead of punishing &",ĹB"agreementthinking in the same way ',Ȃ;promise h;cgentlesoft;light ",F"amountall the sum ;value  ;quantity paperbills,notes ;receipt for loan ;hpresentbe in the place (B";attending ";existing or in course of action now ("justicen. fairness judgement H;dearexpensive "",ÔD"at the mercy of(...H%gon condition that(...ghave mercy on somebodyŭEFbe ready to doh...pass judgement on sb.EFg$trade with...Hbe at sea(ë;(be in love with#...Efall in love with(EF)in return for ..."by law#go down on one's kneesgbeg for mercyĽF Charles DarwinF.‘ä(F)arguegive reasons in support of one's opinions and against other opinions ;Ț;discussion argumentarguing, reasoning ;Ț;reason put forward Ŭ,Ńwealthmoney,property "C,"discussiondiscussing or being discussed talk for the purpose of discussion ;graduallystep by step iDheatedin a passionate manner; exciting d";G";D"disagreenot in agreement,differ D–';’Ȃviewopinion #,D;scenery dholdhave or keep in the mind (,(titlename of a book,poem etc. ';;word used to show a person's rank,occupation,status,etc. ;origina starting point fh;dspecieskind );)doubtnot to believe uncertainty of belief religionbelief in a god i$h;one of the various systems of faith and worship based on such belief i$attack&make an attack upon C;Creligiousof religion,obeying the rules of a religion very carefully i$", "observationobserving or being observed ;createcause something to exist b ;bh;produce,cause hBsurroundingeverything around and about a place which is around about G","survivalstate of continuing to live or exist '();淢christianperson believing in the religion of christ D$Gof Jesus Christ and his teaching D$"baseon the basis of Dhscientificof,for, connected with,used in,science 䄈"statementexpression in words b&,ƪnaturallyin a natural way F;gF;of course FBiblesacred writings of the Jews and the christian church evolutiondevelopment c;H";development of more complicated forms of life thereforethus B;so Gcentremiddle port or point igmedicinethe art and science of the prevention and cure of diseases ;%䄈Shrewsburya city in the west of England &)"E(hf)Cambridgea city in the east of England,it's famous for Cambridge university (hf)geologyscience of the earth's history as shown by his crust,rocks,etc. opportunitychance dD;%dariseget up fd;rise Ff;appear teachingwork of a teacher $;coaching,instruction [pl.]$";theory proofevidence in general ;;demonstrating žKenta county in the southeast of England (h㰤)Alfred Wallace"ŏ.dDF(F)naturalista person who studies plants and animals, esp. outdoors G$arouseawake ľ;produce,cause f;excite,inspire dfgeniusgreat ability,esp. in in producing works of art g;a person of such ability gFGpointopinion;argument;important view ;Ń;churchthe whole body of christians $Dbishopclergyman of high rank who organizes the work of the church in a city or district I$Oxforda city in Britain (hf)debate&discussion;argue ;Huxley)(媅)set out to do sth.b&;"agree on...DȂlive ondhold the view...throw doubt onF...惄die out%d;'dfit in withC; put to the test;dsettle downc;B$make one's point,Ńspeak againstƔ"$be of interest(f" of interest(f" be of interest(f" the test;dsettle downc;B$make one's point,Ńspesk againstƔ"$be of interest(f" cent0.01 of any of certain money standards,such as the dollar countfind the whole number of;say in order ;take into account;include clearlyin a clear manner ƫ;undoubtedly shabbypoot dressed &",D"coucha long piece of furniture,usually,with a back and arms,on which more than one person may sit (;c(weepto let fall (tears) from the eyes ;cry soban uncontrolled short breath while weeping g;Bsniffleto sniffle repeatedly in order to keep liquid from running out of the nose Ban act or sound of sniffling Bmainlychiefly Igreyof the colour like black mixed with white d¿"backyardthe back part of the yard ê(incomethe money that you earn F,Gexpensecost,esp. of money but also time or effort $C;Crareunusual;uncommon (";G("worthydeserving (of,to be,etc.) ",'";having merit (D "ownpossess;have as one's own G(;ȡ(whirlmove quickly round and round ()i;move or travel rapidly ()iwhirling movement ibrilliantlyvery bright,splendid €E,ũƩƁlengththe measurement from one end to the other or of the longest side of something cpossessionownership ȡ(,G(;a piece of personal property "rippleto cause to move in ripples f'E;fbrownof the colour of the earth )",#"the colour of the earth ),#waterfallwater falling straight down over rocks,sometimes from a great height garmentan article of clothing nervouslyhaving or showing nerves $H‚"hesitateshow signs of uncertainty or unwillingness in speech or action ,Bsplashcause (a liquid) to fly about in drops d;;fly about and fall in drops Cdwornpast of wear ";"carpetheavy woven often wollen material for covering floors or stairs ';'brilliantvery bright,splendid,or showy in appearance.㇤";Ŀ"sparklesend out flashes of light;gleam ()c$$;()Ɛan act, or the quality,of sparkling Ƌstaira fixed length of steps built for going from one level to another,esp. inside a building ;Sofroniethe surname Ɂ%(e)flighta set of stairs,as between floors "Ȍ#pauseto make a pause;stop for a short time i;a short but noticeable break in activity or speech pantto breathe quickly,taking short breaths,esp. after great effort or in great heat f;ga short,quick breath fwavea raised curving line of water on the surface of the sea E,bE;to move in the air bCpractisedskilled;having had much practice 抅";ĕ"speedgo quickly G&;to go or drive too fast DGchainnumber of rings or links passing through one another to make a line %curla small hanging mass of twisted hair;small mass of hair twisting upwards c(of hair)to twist into or form a curl or curls fnaughtyhad in behaviour;not obeying the parents or teachers,set of rules,etc. "criticallyof or related to the work of a critic ffrying-pana flat pan with a long handle,used for frying food,esp. in the home ;make upB,IBdo up one's haircpull downg;b#look outg粤;¼grun upg%;plan for... take pride tightlyclosely fastened,held,knotted,etc. $,#stepthe act of putting one foot in front of the other in order to move along ,D;the sound of this makes Dto walk ,burdena heavy load #to load or trouble #i;Eovercoata long warm coat worn over other clothes in cold weather Breadto look at and understand #,bdisapprovalthe state of disapproving ®B,žhorrora feeling of great shock,fear and dislike b;Ȑemotionany of the strong feelings of the human's spirit F;dCpeculiarstrange;unusually (esp. in a troubling or displeasing way) &c";繦"merrycheerful,esp. laughing 䂥",丧"obviousit can be easily seen ";i"mentalof the mind Ie";įƿ"labourwork or effort C;eevethe night or the whole day before a religious feast or holiday (䠆)&trancesleeplike condition of the mind in which one does not notice the things around one cb;$haircutan occasion of having the hair cut cunwrapto uncover "d;dupsetworried;anxious;feeling unhappy about sth. C";‚""to turn over,causing confusion ";stringthin cord 'fto put one or more strings gscreama sudden loud cry expressing anger,pain fear,or sometimes laughter $comba flat piece of plastic or metal,which you use to tidy your hair seta group of naturally connected thing;group forming a whole ȓI,ȏto fix (a precious stone) into (a piece of jewellery) g,worshipgreat respect,admiration,etc.,esp. to God or a god ;)show great respect,admiration,etc. ;)shopwindowwindow used for the display of ware,etc. pureunmixed with any other substance,etc. §Ŀ"tortoiseshellthe hard shell of the tortoise or turtle ; )jewela precious stone bFlongto want very much dhugput the arms round tightly,esp. to show love $tearfulwet with tears "eagerlyfull of,showing,strong desire &,dlovelybeautiful,attractive,etc.,esp. to both the heart and the eyes D";ò"huntto chase in order to catch and kill either for food or for sport "%Christmas Eve&put awayù;...fdlong ford;DBfix uponi,fix one's attention onĄ prepared for......Íat presentŐ&;(live throughC;C...c adventurerisk,danger (e.g. in travel and exploration) %(C)highwaypublic road,esp. main road E,BEsnowstormheavy fall of snow,esp. when accompanied by strong wind B,›Johnsonthe surname h()stormoccasion of violent weather conditions ;D’gfpassengerperson being conveyed by bus,taxi,train,ship,aircraft,etc. ;ŵdriftsth. caused by drifting ĪG;Ȍwheelcircular frame or dise which turns on an axle (as on cars,bicycles,etc.) %;š%;d%slideto)move smoothly,slip along,over a polished surface,ice,etc. ;Cjokesth. said or done to cause amusement $;gmake jokes dgstickbe or become fixed;fail to work properly ǣF;)Fmotormachine that supplies power or causes motion cCd,flasha first short news report,received by telegraph,radio,etc. hbroadcastsend out in all directions,esp. by radio ;sth. broadcast ;blockmake movement difficult or impossible;put sth. in the way off )F;)whitenessof a which is like that of a clean cloud in a sunny sky ;snowdriftbank of snow heaped up by the wind Ȍbumpcome with a blow or knock fi,ibushlow-growing plant with several or many woody stems coming up from the root ,Fslapstrike with the palm of the hand h;%"quick blow with the palm of the hand or with sth. flat I,%awakestop sleeping;wake ,ľroused from sleep ɿ"widecompletely FB,っcheerto shout in praise,approval,or support ,ÿstep on the gasbȣ;Destep by stepiD,ia gas stationDȶhbe used to doing sth.'h...get throughC;()Cbe worn outdƈego up...c;ǐ& give outĂƈe,㤄believe it or not¼HEpush ongC,gslap sb.'s face"EF"all at onceF perseverancethe constant effort Ȉe;to keep on trying ;to continue steadily without stopping ™±Ebookstorea shop which sells books Cincinnatia city,Ohio,America ő(%f)searchexamine carefully to try to find sb. or sth. G;to look for an act of searching G;geographya book about science of the earth's surface,climate,population,etc. ;knowledge of the earth and the people who live on it salesmana person selling goods in a shop Ƌĩ;someone whose job is to sell goods lada boy, a young man ƴ%;fellow requesta polite demand ;to demand politely ;storea place selling goods &to keep sth. for the future "bdisappointmentto fail to do F;Fwhat isn't hoped for eFF"F()booksellera person selling books &sailora seaman é;a member of a ship's crew &;a man who serves in the navy baddgo on to say;say further ,eyebrowhair,row of hair on the eyes remainderthe rest ƣ(G;persons that are left over ("F;that or those left behind (leafa page,single sheet of paper ȷH(E)remarkword,sth. said $to comment on sth. fWilliam Hartleythe man's name ge.cE(F)earnestlyeagerly g;seriously ƻhregardto look closely ;iwhateverof any sort ±#no matter what 'ųrepayto pay back „D;require countera long table on which goods are shown Éenvythe feeling of anger or bitterness to want sth. that another has afterwardsafter;later ;þdvoyagejourney by water ;leaka hole caused by injury ,crewall the persons working on a ship,boat,etc. Fb,Fmatean officer of a ship,below the rank of captain B;assistant &experiencedhaving knowledge or skill (ȿ";Ŋ"seamana sailor b,épumpa machine for forcing liquid,water or gas into or out of sth. ;Bd;"fto move (liquid,air) by using a pump Bdespairthe state of being without hope d;disappoint Fwillthe power of the mind to choose what to do );determination $g;wish deckthe part of a ship,on which we stand or sit Ĉ,failbe unsuccessful in,to fail Fb;not to pass Žfaultmistake,shortcoming ;Liverpoola city of Britain EG&(hf)blesswish happiness,ask God's favour for DC;so long asɐin search of; be ahead of(...&;Cmake one's mark⪅;Bcon board(b(Cd,)gain upon$;bow beforeB;Bin despairdin the end Amorythe surname beE(F)Malletthe man's name E(F)Ramsaythe surname ŋ(F)matterbe important $,(iBunusualnot normal £D";&"upsidein a higher position B;envelopea paper cover for a letter c;a paper cover for sth. b;the cover cScotlandthe name of a country of Britain ǨdDovera city of England c#(hf)taxia car which can be hired iƥVictoriaa city of England cE(hf)crossthe shape made when two lines cross &d;&齧(G)doorwaythe gateway ŷd;the entrance Fdtroubleduneasy ‚"";puzzle ċ"postmarkofficial mark stamped on letters hunkindnot nice,not friendly to other people •&",»f"servehave meals,give a dinner d(C),()upside down,FBHbe busy with sth.hEbe busy doing sth.hEbe late withBB;Ž䳆have sth. readyEGhave a good journeyȖEget intoFstart offc;f authora person who writes a book $; cluba group of people who meet together for common purpose ĂB;GFranciscothe man's name %GG(F)congratulateto speak to sb. with praise cadviseto tell sb. what he should do ;榣;suggest delightgive great pleasure to ()g,()ýGgreat pleasure g,ýGessayarticle; sth. written in a newspaper ;F;ſƤFrancis Bacona philosopher and writer of England %GG.Shakespearea writer and poet of England Fswallow&to take sth. into the stomach ',chewto break up food in the mouth with the teeth ,Ddigestfood be changed and used in the body a summary subjecta thing you are talking about or studying ';I';title 'Tokyothe capital of Japan åsecond-handold,used #&";"marginthe space at each edge of a page without writing or printing ȓ"Ć;out of the column pencilledwritten with a pencil g"dozena group of twelve ȹ"(&#)phrasea group of words which form part of a sentence ;idiom 'underlinedraw a line under (a word, etc.n) (...gearnesteager and serious &",ƻh"determinedfirm $";having or showing a strong will ($g"noteshort comment on or explanation of a word or passage in a book ireadera person who is reading ;school reading-book bdeterminationdecide $c;a firm intention $greferencetelling where certain information may be found ";a book to get a piece of knowledge ";note itireto have or give the feeling that one has done too much work ƭ;lose interest in ȭeasefreedom from work 抅;without difficulty FHgive comfort to sb. ...&;relax ÂGunderstandingto know what sth. means power of clear thought ;%;realization of another's views or feelings towards oneself rewritewrite again cg;igsimplenot difficult B¿";easy to do or understand $H";plain,not grand Ƅ'"shortento make short or shorter Njvocabularya list of words arranged in alphabetical order "B;the words used in writing and speaking "chaptera part of a book ,$meaningwhat is meant or intended ,architectone who designs buildings and looks after the work of building )&architectureart and science of building )()enjoymentget pleasure from ǂ;to be pleased with Fatomicthe smallest piece of a simple substance "thoroughdone with great care B";exactly Ĝƿ"John Churchmanthe man's name h.F&dip intoȲ;icongratulate sb. ongEFchesitate to do sth.©藨Eadvise sb. on sth.EgEFbe delighted by sth.EcýGdozens of&;cstart outɸ&;cbe determined to do$gEturn toh,$htire outĂƈewith easeFHevery timecome tofB,諆pass by$,µClose heartdg;fin any way(#ç ç any way(#ç  08x<0008xp8p `0p 8?` ?0p<><  80`8 `000p 88x0pÁ8| 0??8`O?>>8Princetona city in America eGNew Jerseya state of America 'HGworld-famouswell-known all over the world f"characterthe qualities that make a person different from another g,F;a person in a novel, play FG,funnycausing people to laugh D",Cc"funny-lookingcausing fun or amusement in one's appearance Ȑø"electrifychange sth. with electricity blanketa thick woolen cloth 蠅'moustachehair growing on the upper lip bedroomthe room where we sleep 緦slipperloose-fitting light shoe worn in the house gfairyof suitable for a fairy tale;unreal,magical ",ÿ"talestory,report,account 㵦,Bforkimplement with two or more paints, used for lifting food to the mouth ","successsucceeding; the gaining of what is aimed at Bcsadnessunhappiness advancedfar on in life or in progress '",Ï"Ulma place in Germany í(っ)mathematicsmaths physicista man who is expert in physics G$devotegive one's time,energy or life )g,Fabstractseparated from what is real B"technicalhaving to do with machines or some special kinds of ability #",d"federalunited C";剢"instituteD,D,(,DGtechnology#,dgraduationgraduating or being graduated Zuricha city in Switzerland DŽf(F)doctora person who has received the highest degree in a university Fdegreea measurement of heat or angle c;a rank or grade in a university relativityEinstein's theory of the universe,based on the principle that measures of space and time are relative 'gdeep-setexisting far below the surface fǿ"Albert Einstein"Ù".Gdevote oneself toFh,ehpull on,have on,Žlead to(;"g;"by the timeB..."by thenBųfairy talesƃ$㵦Theory of Relativity'give a smileȸknock downi,laugh at...ccmake fun of"...stick to;Iby oneselfc affecthave effect on (;to cause feelings of sorrow,anger,etc.,in Cpostwarafter the war Hÿ"honourhigh respect Nobela family name E"prizesth. awarded to one who succeeds in a competition ąF,ĢBerlinthe capital of Germany ecelebrationthe act of celebrating ;Dfiftiethnext after the 49th &telegrama message sent over electric wires giftpresent GHitler炅powerright to govern,to give orders,or to be obeyed ,e;h;control over others;influence &eJewperson of the Hebrew race GFcitizenshipmember of a country who has full right E;㎤fleerun or hurry away G ,"dBritainEngland,Wales,and Scotland hwell-knownvery famous ⪅",G鿨"salarypay dollarmoney used in America and some other countries ((đ)checknote or bill Hbookmarksth. placed between the leaves of a book to mark the place Fbesidesin addition to ...)rightbeing able to do sth. by law Ehabitsb.'s settled practice,esp. sth. that cannot easily be given up ','gpuzzlemake sb. perplexed ,cookiesmall,thin,sweet cake Barithmeticmaths achievementsth. achieved;sth. done successfully c,BNobel PrizeE"ÚĢbe overļf,come into poweršenjoy oneselfgdgfor a whileȌ#dgo onC, Huntera family name c(F)secretaryperson who writes letter,keeps records,etc.,for a person or company %,inspectorpolice officer D;an official who inspects d,Ơsergeantpolice officer with rank below that of an inspector DFBulla family name (F)excitedfull of strong feelings, not calm G",d""belonghave as a right or proper place highlyin or to high degree Ëc;very much ;a (very) well benefitadvantage E(do good to ((h;receive good (kisstouch sb. with lips Gloving touch with the lips Gcoffeethe dry seeds of the coffee plant that we use to make a drink with hot water #rewardmoney that is given in return for work bgive a reward to sb. for sth. shutclose ...doorbellThe bell you ring when you arrive at house ŐEimpostorperson pretending to be sb. else %,nervousnot calm $H‚""belong tohbring in...⣤dread throughtake a look atȲ,take a seat)gthink highly of...fDtry one's bestecpick upff joyfulfilled with joy &gH","relaxbecome less tight; make sth. less tight,rest from work, etc. ()G;()gpopularof or for the people;suitable for the general public B","relaxation(sth. done for) rest and amusement ÂG;g,Hunimportantnot powerful;that you need not do or have …i";G"valuewhat a thing is worth;how useful or important sth. is to you D ;(brainthe part inside the head of a person or animal,which thinks and feels; the mind e;ee,Ietreatbehave towards sb. or sth.;treat sth. as 㺂,amusementsth. that gives peoples fun or pleasure H,(c)HCvaluablebeing worth a great deal of money;having great usefullness ";(D "musclemeat part of the body,which can tighten to produce movement &directionway in which you are going;telling how to do sth. ög;ç;i"successfullysucceed in doing sth. Bc"skillability to do sth. well;sth. which you get by traning de,抅;dFcharacter-trainingtraining for the qualities which make a person different from another g(F)"virtue(any particular kind of) goodness or excellence f;;ȃunselfishnessno selfishness ',disciplineset rules for conduct;order kept among school children or soldiers experiencethe knowledge one has learned from one's life;sth. which happens to a person ,practicaldoing rather than thinking;useful $";蟈"importancethe question or state of being important i,iB;societypeople living together;organization of persons with the same interests D;Gall over the worldFfa close game&e"ftake part in"Ddifferent kinds ofÅ)Îinstead of"in ...prevent...from...#,)pass...on to...BC...have an effect on...((learn aboutB...,Dgo all outFe scoldspeak in an angry way(to) b,莢mastera male teacher in schoool $&verba word which shows an action C"truanta child who stays away from school without permission G,G"蟦edgethe outside end of sth.;the part which is furthest from the middle woodmany trees together;an area of land covered by trees Fe;FePrussianthe people of Prussia ŵFFof Prussia or its people ŵF(F)"drillto train (soldiers) in military movements;to train by doing again and again ;Hmeadowa field of grass sawmilla factory where logs are cut into boards by a power-driven SAW mayorhead of a city or town f,裢bulletina public notice ,⦣boarda long flat piece of wood ,victorysuccess in a game or a battle Edefeatdefeating or being defeated b;Fbovercome;cause to fail b;()bblacksmitha worker who makes and repairs things made of iron 'noticepiece of writing to tell people sth.;observe ⦣,,ischoolyardarea around a school building;a playground in school G;Boccasionallynot often;now and then %c,%Forderlywell arranged;in good order ƿ";(i("schoolmateboy or girl in the same school as you 'Franz%)(媅)bencha long wooden seat seatto sit down )g,)spellingway in which words are spelled ,g#schoolmastera male teacher; headmaster ()$&;()GAlsacea place in France "äG(#っ)Lorrainea place in France e(#っ)postto send in the post;to send by mail H;hdbulletin board⦣espelling bookgbto play truantGat the edge of(...much better than...ÿccry out to sb.gEFBƷcmake fun of'...dgbe out of breathfŸgfat the beginning of(...d)take one's seatIup and downdd$$for the first timeȴseat on)( the end of(..."wonder at... no...but...ɡ(,ɶFbeg sb. to do sth.EFEpay attentionirun alongǐ&% tiresometroublesome FƁ"annoying;tiring or uninteresting ȿ";eFȭĿ"recitesay sth. aloud from memory ',&attentivelygiving or paying attention i,ĥĉDƁdotsmall round mark ,mark with a dot "h,iscratchmake lines on;make sound by scratching; write or draw carelessly ,;schoolhousebuilding of a school,esp. a small one in a village Gpigeona bird,wild or tame,of the dove family Csoftlyin a soft way;gently ,FFcooto make the low soft cry of a pigeon (C)ccimpresspress (one thing on or with another); have a strong influence on H;Hfchokebe unable to breathe;to struggle to breathe ,;)Funablenot able (ee"signto put one's name on a paper F;make down (to do) an order or request by making sign &&sth. which gives you a meaning; a mark ,;edismisssend away;allow to go;to send away (from school,a job etc.) ;dlift one's headǗtake upnjf,fnothing...but......(say to oneself(;from time to time(,³lean againsthbe unable to(De twinkleshine brightly on and off ()Ʃƒcsparkle softly ƀ'outerout or for the outside B"Sovietof or concerning the USSR(the Soviet Union) Lj"Leonovthe astronaut who was from the Soviet Union "Ec(F)walkerthe man who walks 纈; flightthe act of flying C',Ccontrolhold back; command;to have power over sb. or sth. $);H%the power of control,command,influence or direct $);dealgive as one's share %;to manage;to do what is necessary ,蠣weightthe heaviness of anything i,igravityweight;force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earth ie,fefloatto stay on the surface of a liquid ()F;&Cslightnot serious or important;small F",",Ƌ"oppositefacing;entirely different;contrary ";'";'"laboratoryroom or building used for scientific experiments ȷjourneythe act of travelling from one place to another Ž;E,%crushpress, be pressed,so that there is breaking or injury H,,ȆGactiondoing things;working C,硧,Ccompanionone who lives,works or travels with another ','Beliaievthe astronaut who was from the Soviet Union E(c(F)historicimportant in history (%F",%Fg"shortlyin a short time;soon 嵤,¨equipprovide with what is neceessary ),%doubletwice as much;with two parts Eb"bellowsan instrument used for blowing air into a fire to make it burn quickly ;oxygena gas that is needed for all life on earth H,Hfair-filledbe full of air čf"pressurethe action of pressing with force or weight Ȉedirectlyin a direct manner;straight $;balloonbag filled with gas or with air can float in the sky ffscattersend or go in different directions,or here and there ();()&phenomenona fact or event in nature (or society) as it appears or is exerienced by the senses, esp. one that is unusual and/or of scientific interest 綇diffuseto (cause to) spread out freely in all directions ;%&airlessnot having enough fresh air;stuffy •"absencethe state of not being present;lack;non-existence ;cameraa machine which takes photographs H'dstrolla quiet unhurried walk walk slowly, esp. with pleasure %;'#deal with,depend onhkeep sb. from)EFgrow outH,"Bkeep in touch telephone"$ Madamea title for certain married foreign women cFCuriethe surname ąradiumradioactive metal used in the treatment of some diseases discovererperson who has made a discovery c纈elementa (science) substance that consists of only one type of atom (';a necessary part of a whole B,'discoverfind out sth. existing but not yet known c;bring to view sth. existing but not yet known &metalany of a class of mineral substances uraniumheavy white metal with radioactive properties,a source of atomic energy radiationthe sending out of energy,heat,etc.,in rays #&;sth. radiated #&radioactivityby the breaking up of atoms,and which can harm living things î&gfailurefailing;lack of success Fbmineralsubstance (not vegetable or animal) got from the earth by mining,esp. one that has a constant chemical composition G;Fsourceplace from which sth. comes or is got dh,hwordsth. said;remark or statement $;(;sound or combination of sounds (or the written or printed symbols),used as a unit of language B";("succeedgain one's purpose Bc,B;come next after and take the place of dpathway made (across fields,through woods,etc.) by people walking E;line along which sth. or sb. moves Esuccessfulhaving success (in) Bc",(B"unseennot seen 粤D";invisible ˜D"beliefthe feeling that sth. is real and true ';confidence h,furnishfit out (a house,room,etc.) for use with furniture;supply with furniture b,;supply;provide )stovea instrument which provides heat for heating a room or for cooking $Eshedbuilding,roughly made structure,used for storing things ;sparebe saving of 䱆;give time B(d)boil(of water) reach the temperature at which change to gas occurs #';bubble up ()dcalculatefind out by mathematical methods masslump, quantity of matter,without regular shape G,Ddriplet fall in drops ǰgc;fall in drops ǰgcceilingunder surface or inside overhead lining of a room g$;discomfortabsence of comfort;uneasiness of mind or body º&,‚"to make uneasy ‚";º&glowsend out brightness or warmth without flame;shine (because of sth.) c;look or feel warm;appear bright faintweak;not clear ";indistinct B"test-tubeslender glass tube,closed at one end,used in chemical tests and experiments #mysteriousfull of mystery Ʀ%"set outc;ɸ&()above allF';Fbelieve in;'move in&Fgive offc;íbe proud ofc","give the name to.........join sb. in sth."EF()Eat the back of...(...ç;( spite of±#,¯ heroa very brave boy or man hGadvance(cause to) come or go forward &;;forward movement;progress &;positionthe place where sb. or sth. is;a place occupied by troops for defence,etc. ǂexpectthink that sth. will happen or that sth. will come ,hdistanceseparation in space or time;being far away dE,signsth. that shows a quality,or the presence or coming of sth. close;a board or other notices giving information,warning,direction ĺ;Dfarmhousea house on a farm where the farmers live ŭcanea thin walking stick;a branch cut or shaped for a special purpose &,,bhandsome(of man) good-looking Fſ",ƀH"orphana child whose parents are dead 㑃storeya floor of a building (")eyesightpower of seeing ƈesparrowa kind of small bird kickhit with the foot horsebackthe back of a horse silencethe state of not speaking or making a noise ;Becemeterya place where the dead are buried ;bayoneta long knife fixed to the end of a soilder's gun bbbulleta piece of lead or steel fired from a gun ,Fchurcha building for christian worship $Gtrickleflow in drops or in a small stream c,'weak or thin flow c;'nationalof a nation $",Eɿ"flaga coloured piece of cloth which is used as a sign spreadcover (a surface),to make sth. cover another thing ,;to make or become wider B;&saluteshow respect by certain action to;greet ;;friendly greeting such as a bow,raising of the hand to the forehead ,suggestadvise sb. to do sth.;bring an idea (possibility,etc.) into the mind ,&a group ofȝ&,ȓIin the distancedEhave good eyesightƈekick offǚat the top of(..."get downgdat the same momentB'over and overc;pick sb. up EFgive one's life for...cFexpect sb. to do sth.EF... portraitpainted picture,drawing,photograph,of a person or animal ĶG;H;gGleastthe smallest thing,amount,degree,etc. ,departmenta part of a business,company school,government,etc. Bcompleteto end;to finish B,ļfentire;whole;ended;finished B",F"imagineform a picture of in the mind;think of(sth.) as probable ,ridejourney on a horse,bicycle,or in bus,ship,etc. F(,),(,b)recognizeknow,(be able to) identify again (sb. or sth.) that one has seen,heard,etc. before ƭ,;to accept as a fact;to admit "permitallow;to give permission to;to give opportunity (for) (,curiouseager to know or learn Ë&"curiouslystrangely Ë&droopbend or hang downwards ()gmurmurspeak or say in a quiet voice Cƿ;to mumble a complaint cengineera person who plans and makes machines,road,bridges,etc. #&constantlycontinuously;frequently ,ŒCotherwisein a different way –';if not;or else C(schoolroomclassroom $closetsmall room for storing things "bpackageparcel b#; an amount or a number of things packed together b;boxes,bags,etc.,for putting things in b)marka sign,a spot ĺ,;put figures indicating prices on (goods) Dcopybooka book with examples of good handwriting for pupils to copy and learn to write '(b)recordexact notes about things that have happened for Ė,ĭwrite notes about things that happen Ė,ĭ;put sound on a tape,record,etc. incidentan event (especially one in a story) ,"coursea series of lessons or classes C;䨢feverishcaused by fever;causing fever cF"announceto give notice publicly H;to say or tell ,trembleshake #patto touch sth. gently with a hand F%affectionatelyloving;showing love(to sb.) fF;⁢a political eventh)let outí,can hour's ride’ȸ"Esay hello to sb.gEFshake hands&talk ofB,ƾBduring the course of(..."Cithe night before last&gGan evening paperG bambootall plant with hard,hollow,jointed stems,of the grass family ,,sway(cause to) move unsteadily,first to one side and then to the other;swing ()","Cwindair moving quickly slimslender '",'","small '"reachstretch out or extend(the hand,etc.) &poetwriter of poem ƟFpoema piece of writing,arranged in patterns of lines and of sounds,expressing in imaginative language ,Ȥ;Ƒpaintcolour the surface of sth. with paint Ȋ,anklejoint connecting the foot with the leg,thin part of the leg between this i,Dbrushto go over lightly,as with a brush F,ŵCthe act of brushing,a light grazing stroke f,Froofthe part that covers the top of a house or a building ;,Bcoolto make or become cool ef,Źshadewhere it is dark because the sun does not shine directly there F;ůbloombe in flower;bear flowers d$flower $shootnew,young growth on a plant or bush ;;E(rootthat part of a plant tree,etc.,which is normally in the soil and which takes water and food from it remarkableworthy of remark or notice,unusual;extraordinary i";c"stempart of a plant coming up from the roots,part of a leaf,flower or fruit that joins it to the main stalk or twig ,,hollownot solid;with a hole or empty space inside Ŀ",iĿ"entirelycompletely;wholly F,Bcurtaina piece of cloth hung up at a window or door ;Epotround dish for cooking ;dvasevessel of glass,pot for putting cut flowers in $Fbirdcagecage for a bird or birds Ewaistthe narrow part of the body between the chest and the legs (,(Bfitto be the right size for C,CFpipea round-shaped body through which water,oil,gas,etc.,may flow #,"#irrigatesupply(land,crops) with water(by means of rivers,water-channels,pipes,etc.) crisp(esp. of food)hard,dry,and easily broken ";"tastyshowing good %'",Dd"disha container for food %,;food Ⱦcana metal or plastic container for keeping foods cshipput,take,or send in a ship ...)b;take;send by train,road,etc. bH,Hsoftchanging shape easily when pressed;not resisting pressure ";"pulpsoft,fleshy part of fruit &a kind ofȅ),E)come upcmake into)B,Band so on,)ƴBmake into)B,Bgrow upB,Bdo withE,more thanCno higher than¥âh accountreport,description ,&prisonerperson who is in prison #,#Fnoblemanpeer;person of,parallel rank in other countries upstairsto or on a higher floor (,ǔbelonging to,situated on ("obviouslyin a way that is easy to see or understand cHD"calmto make someone quiet ()";cdiscloseto reveal;make known %;%;to bring into view;uncover d,caffaira thing done or to be done;business;any matter,occurrence or thing F,kidnapsteal (a child);carry away (sb.) by force and unlawfully(esp. in order to obtain money for his return) ȰC,Bdhaygrass that has been cut and dried clenchpress firmly together;close tightly H$;$breastchest;upper front part of the human body Bglaring(of light)hard and too bright ȋ";fierce-looking ‹",Eőcƿ"upwardtowards a higher place,level,etc. gkneelgo down on the knees;rest on the knees ;gpersuadeconvince (sb.) of (the truth of sth.,that sth. is true,etc.) ,Ɲswordlong steel blade fixed in a hilt, used as a weapon, or worn by army officers,etc. ;bsword-thrustan act of thrusting by sword bb,breceiveaccept,take,get (sth. given or sent,etc.) B,B;to meet with,experience (tendwatch over;attend to ,Hdelaymake or be slow or late B;;the act of delaying or the state of being delayed ,;time of being delayed Bmonsieursir '(#)serf(in olden times) person who was not allowed to leave the land on which he worked Ÿengageto bind (oneself) by a promise,pledge hc;to bind by a promise of marriage D;to spend one's time in Btenantperson who pays rent for the use of land;a building,a room etc. ,strengthquality of being strong e,effrightfulcausing fear; dreadful D",eFb"emphasisspecial force given to certain words or thing;to show that they are particular important i;answer for...#,B’persuade sb. to doƝEFEspeak outBƚdo wrong to sb.EFkeep doing sth.dEmeet withD,fBto lie on one's backhbe engaged to sb.EFD robtake away by force &,Ŏtaxto charge a tax on B&the money paid to the government &mercykindness and pity &,ĽF,obligeto make sb. feel it is necessary (to do sth.) f;fscore(record of) points,goals,runs,etc.,made by a player or team in sport f;twenty #&tame(of animals) used to living with human beings;not wild or fierce ȝ"wretchedmiserable D",¾'";causing misery "forbidorder (sb.) not to do sth.;order that sth. shall not be done,not allow ,dreadfulcausing dread D"feelingemotional side of a person's nature Foppressrule unjustly or cruelly ȇf;weigh heavily in Ȗ(burstcause to fly apart,open suddenly,give way under pressure &;";"clatentpresent but not get active or developed F(",F"comfortgive state of being free from suffering "G;&cottagesmall house,esp. in the countryside ,striketo have a strong effect on;impress "C;Ibeautybeing lovely %,%someone or something beautiful %F,%"ëGpermissionact of allowing or permitting;consent ,(seizetake hold of ,,Ŏwhipa long piece of material,esp. rope or leather,used for hitting animals or people bto beat with a whip b"thrustto make a forward stroke with a sword,knife,etc. b,refer(with to) to speak up B,Bnoblea man of the highst and most powerful social class of or belonging to a high social rank with a title ô",ɿ";grand "extraordinarybeyond what is usual or ordinary,remarkable ",c"marquis(in other countries) nobleman next in rank above a count #summondemand the presence of;call or send for Ȅ,Bracetribe or nation F););$separatelyin a separte manner E;㕢instantprecise point of time fd,dto rob sb. of sth.ŎEF"ëGbe obliged to do sth.fEfeed on...without mercy¡F"scores ofc,Btame birds$burst forthF"cfight backDthrust at sb.g...Ŵbrefer toi;B;"H hibernatesleep through the winter squirrelsmall,tree-climbing animal Gfroga small jumping animal that can live in water or on land 'mudsoft,wet earth ,$loosefree from control G"warm-bloodedtech(of bird,mammals,etc.) able to keep the temperature of the body rather high even in very cold weather (CG)"wolfwild,flesh,eating animal normalusual H"cold-bloodedhaving a body temperature changes according to the temperture of the surroundings e"creatureliving animal or person CGusualnormal ","choiceact of choosing ȱfairlyof degree rather ';justly,honestly ,hibernationpassing the whole of the winter in a state like sleep zerothe figure '0' ;the point between positive and negative part on a scale or on a thermometer ;ccentigradein or of the temperature scale that has no degrees between the freezing point and the boiling point of water F"causemake sth. happen c,fpaina feeling of suffering or discomfort G'atmospheremixture of gases that surround the earth Bfeffectresult ĵ;influence (;ǵmanagecontrol,operate $);succeed B;try to #supplygive or provide è,goods,things that people need èGfatbig all round,not thin ce"the white part of meat c&;connectedserving to connect %Ŀ";(ǿ"useusing, being used ,genergyforce,vigour Ĉe,e;powers available for working [pl.]e,emovementthe act of moving HChalf-hibernatesome animals,including some bears,only half-hibernate (CG)Breducemake less in number levelstandard ,⍩lungeither of the two breathing organs in the chest of man and other animals coveringthing that covers #(G);binding of a book,magazine, etc. hfursoft thick hair covering the animal secretkept from the view or knowledge of others,or of all except a few %"sth. kept hidden or known to a few %quantitythe number of things ,nuta dry fruit with a seed surrounded by a hard covering,the seed itself,which is eaten moralconcerning basic truth of right and wrong ⫆","fly awayC all through悉 a good manyc",'Žc"large quantities ofc,Bkeep...outžF...dkeep up,din this way)Ó#lie inǢh,(hwake upd;lead a...lifeC..."be connected with...(make use ofE ~~8xX8X8?p ?p 0`0`?05n}05n} 2`4 2`41|  {$03r ??  x ľ < 8|||<$$,(88<?>9};9};w ``99>>||{wo99>>||||||||((jD:0   00ow{||0 |00 @|Ɗ|0||p |4dĄ||| ||||~|0000000 ><80x |v``|ff|| |vxx8l```v| `lvff0p000x x`flxlp00000xxxff|`v| vf`|x 0|004vx0ll8l| 0d99999999>>>>>>>>BT*Jc66cc66cpp?>`xcgf}< |pa``agg``<? {?wsss```````````````    mm@HHHH  `````80``  ? ?_?_?pollutemake dirty ,ǝpollutionpolluting or being polluted ǝpopulation(number of) people living in a place,country,etc. Fd,Fincreasemake or become greater in size,number,degree,etc. D,supportbear the weight of H,H;provide for ,&agriculturescience or practice of farming Œ,Ŗindustry(branch of) trade or manufacture #,develop(cause to) grow larger,fuller or more nature,organized dc,cdevelopmentdeveloping or being developed c;dcwastewaste material G;producemake;grow;create ,梢harmdamage,injury #,'#cause harm to #,'#harmfulcausing harm (to) ...(#harmlessnot doing harm (to) '#"soilground,earth,esp. the upper layer of earth in which plants,tree,etc.,grow ǝ,ǁabsorbtake in (heat,water,light) ;use up much of the attention interest or time of poisonsubstance causing death or harm if absorbed by a living thing(animal or plant) #poisonousacting as poisons;causing death or injury if taken into the system (#",(#"fertilizerchemical plant food cspray(of liquid) to be scattered in this way ;to throw or force out liquid in small drops upon (a surface,field of crops,etc.) ;g...&pesttroublesome thing,animal,etc. #,(#Ghealthstate of being well and free from illness IJ;gmadhaving, resulting from,a diseased mind;mentally ill c#",#D"airportpublic flying ground for commercial use by airliners Ķh;CdBjetthe illus at air &,fcCdoverheadabove one's head;in the sky (,(Ąihearingperception by sound ,eirona kind of material elements ';')Frotdecay by process of nature ÀEplasticssubstance moulded under pressure while heated,or drawn into filaments for use in testiles ;)Ffortunatelyin a fortunate manner;happily 'H,'realizeunderstand;convert (a hope,plan,etc.)into a fact ,ƴ&preventstop )naturalof concerned with,produced by nature F",gF"materialthat of which sth. is or can be made or with which sth. is done ⍅,scarcenot available in sufficient quality;not equal to the demand ";ƘD"recycletreat (substances already used for industry,etc.) so that further use is possible H;$recyclingcycle again Hsteelstrong,hard alloy of iron and carbon savekeep for future use;make unnecessary ";䱆flowmove along or over as a river does;move smoothly ,Cdangerouslikely to cause danger or be a danger Dzǿ"battlefight,esp. between organized and armed forces H,HCdo harm to'#die from...'h,...c'die of...'h,...c'drive sb. madEFcDsuch asrot awayE#give offc,íprevent...from...)......a number ofȹ,f footprintimpression left on a soft surface by foot;footmark DH,Dboata small ship b,Crusoethe surname ňmarkline,cut,stain,etc.,that spoils the appearance of sth. ÍD;figure,design,line,etc.,made as a sign or indication terrifyfill with fear b;lonelywithout companions c"(of places)not often visited;far from inhabited places or towns ſ"islandpiece of land surrounded by water ,〈Gsavageperson,esp. a member of a primitive tribe living by hunting and fishing hF,bD"Fin a primitive or uncivilized state h";bD"starelook fixedly (of eyes);be wide open ;cavehollow place in the side of a cliff or hill;large natural hollow under the ground ,;footmarkfootprint DH;Dfencebarrier made of wooden esp. one put round a field,garden,etc.,to keep animals from straying ";(outwardstowards the outside;away from home or the centre gsafefree from,protected from danger "F";""rocksolid stony part of the earth's surface or craust F,BFnarrowmeasuring little across in comparison with length GH"stepmove the foot or one foot after the other , act of stepping once glarestare angrily fixed look ‹;shine in a dazzling way Ɛstrong,fierce,unpleasant light ſ";angry look ‹darkwith no or very little light daylightlight of day ’g;stickbranch broken,cut or fallen,from a bush,tree,etc. F(;;(&)rollmove along on wheels or by turning over and over "c;cCaboutaround;round (...G,(...ïhere and there B,Ghiding-placeplace where sb. or sth. is or could be hidden Þb,"baltogetherentirely;whole;take as a whole;on the whole F;powdersubstance that has been rolled to dust ,gun-powderexplosive powder used in guns $candleround stick of wax,etc.,with a wick through it,which is lit to burn with a light-giving flame Ĉgatherget,come or bring together;collect;pick Ď;;lookouta place to watch from ;the act of keeping watch f,D$shorestretch of land bordering on the sea or a large body of water ,Bcanoelight boat moved by one or more paddles cashpower that remains after sth. has burnt d;dDboneone of the parts that make up the framework of an animals body ;stare atɲbe terrified at...ǒȓfrom time to timeafter a timeCȌ#dglare atEőcroll overôcmake one's wayE¼ı&on the shore(out of sight˜Dhuman beingF uncoverremove a cover or covering from "d..."Ð;disclose;make known %tinyvery small D","tearpull sharply apart or to pieces;make damage d,gtendereasily hurt or damaged;quickly feeling pain;not tough E",⤆";"gentlyin a gentle manner ";;FFpale(of a person's face) having little colour;bloodless;(of colours) not bright ¿";d¿";B"luckygood luck 'H",$'"visitorperson who visits;person who stays at a place ,"hindat the back ç",(ÿ"layput on a surface;put in a certain position ,(of birds and insects) produce (eggs) (),gfull-timeoccupying all normal working hours FBd",)i"tonguemovable organ in the mouth,used in talking,tasting,licking ;language (respecthonor;high opinion or regard )i,)to show honour towards,to admire ),)iextraadditions #",畢"in addition;more than usually 畢,powerfulhaving or producing great power (e",B"jawframe work of the mouth;including the teeth;lower part of the face g;(c)tunnelunderground passage;under water passage ;;Ǿfondlike, be full of love,for,take pleasure in g",ÿ"sweettasting like sugar or honey "milkdraw milk from a cow/goat or juice from a plant İe;Bwhite liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young,esp. that of cows ,Gbugsmall,flat,ill-smelling,blooding-sucking insect that infests dirty houses and beds;any small insect , ␉sapliquid in a plant,carrying food to all its parts Fstrikehit; give a blow or blows to ";forelegone of the front legs of a four-leged animal (CG")&feelerorgan in certain animals for testing things by touch presentlysoon ȉD,¨honeydewsweet,sticky substance found on the leaves and steams of plants in hot weather # ,%lapact of lapping 'drink by taking up with the tougue,as a cat does 'stomachbag-like part of the alimentary canal into which food passes to be digested g;Bfolkpeople in general;relatives F;indoorsin or into a building (;F%tapstrike lightly F%,F;Itap-talking""$õmeansmethod,process,by which a result may be obtained Ó#,&#settleput in order,arrange "E,$;"$,%ant cowȫ,Htens of thousandsÏact asbe torn opengdhelp out‰ıbe fond ofg,by this meansC)Ó# NapoleonE&eSwedenative of Sweden #Fgrandimportant;splendid;great ",gB"admirethink highly of;have a high opinion of;like much ƿE,;%broadwide;extending in various or all directions Ŀ",D"difficultything that is hard to understand ı;hard work ;trouble gainget or win sth. D,what is obtained by trade,work,etc. E(remainstay in the same place or condition; be left after a part has been taken away ưgweaknot strong ",""inspectexamine carefully;make an official visit to;judge the quality of can organization, a job,etc. d;Ơ,dhinspectionthe act or the state of being inspected d;Ơ;dhservework for (sb.);perform duties 㪇;campaigna battle H;a movement with a political or business purpose HC,Cpossiblyby any possible means De,properright for the purpose;correct ¿",Hƿ"practicerepeated exercises in order to gain skill ,'wheneverat whatever time;every time 'Ż#at any such time 糆demandask or ask for;need urgently ;萨;the act of demanding;an urgent requirement;need ;萨;pridehigh opinion of oneself;a feeling of satisfaction d,,cstillquiet and peaceful;silent ","lipone of the two edges of the mouth slightlyto a small degree;in some degree F";Fpractiseexercise oneself;do again and again in order to become skillful ;'astonishsurprise greatly;fill with sudden wonder or amazement declaremake known by words,etc. H,ƪ;say strongly C(proudshowing a proper pride;thinking oneself highly d",c"proudlyin a proud manner d,cfight for......cHlook upǗsmooth awayı,Ebe good the same orderb'ȿ"(stand at attentionHcatch sight ofcbegin withB...d continentone of the main landmasses B,)oceanone of the earth's great masses of water;a great sea Îwater-covered(sth.) covered by water #ÿ"globeanything shaped like a ball;a round model of the earth f;f;fHpatchsmall piece of material put on over a hole or a worn place;a small piece of land ,Dǁstickto fasten;(cause to) stand out &,&;equatoran imaginary line round the middle of the earth;half way between the North Pole and the South Pole "percentone part in or for each 100 )...areaa part of the world;a particular sapce or surface ;;&Asia)Asian)"Africa)landmassa very large area of land Bstraita narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water ðseparate(cause to) become divided;keep apart d,cEno (longer) joined or united E";Bc"OceaniaB)shallownot deep ","AntarcticaŎD)milea measure of length or distance equal to 1,609 meters htipthe point or end of anything $,$divideseparate into parts,sections,groups or branches;become separated ,BUralspotplace ;,BGSuezǓFcanala river made by men H;Cmostlyalmost all Irecentnot long ago;up-to-date $d"continuousgoing on without a break %"gulfa large deep part of the sea,partly enclosed by land ÝG;cCextend(cause to) become longer or greater &,northwardtowards the north g•going towards the north g•ÿ"AtlanticBG"Indian(native) of India Hc(F)"Hc(F)Arcticof the north polar regions ŽD"ŽDconsiderthink about (sth.) carefully )'Enortherntowards,of,from the north •,›Btotalcomplete;entire ",F"complete amount add up to;be in numbers C,bottomthe lowest part;the base on which sth. stand ,plainarea of level country ,đh&easy to see,hear or understand;simple H(");(")irregularnot according to the ususal rules,habits,etc.;not regular in shape,arrangement,etc. ²c(",¾ƿ"exposeuncover,leave uncovered or unprotected;allow light to reach (camera,film,etc.) –%,%,fresourcethe wealth,goods,money,etc.,which a country or a person has or can use ihmankindthe human race Focean floorÁ cent'[percent]the Suez CanalǓFHthe Indian OceanHcthe Atlantic OceanBGthe Arctic Ocean–Žthe Pacific OceanGregard asE,... be covered with...G#carry out,by far,...cbe made up ofH...IB,H...èBmake a study of',D SwitzerlandFSwisspeople of Switzerland FF;of Swiss or Switzerland F(F)"Austria"EAustrianpeople of Austria "EF;of Austria or Austrian "E(F)"fateone's fortune or destiny Hrebellionorganized resistance by force against a government ř;h;Dsomewherein(at or to) some place unknown E;(EAltorf"Úc(f)Altorfer"ÚcFparticularlyin a way that is special and different from others 畢,(troublesomecausing trouble or anxiety;difficult to handle eF",ȿ"specialnot ordinary or usual 畢",)ſ"governora person who rules a country,a city a province,etc. );Gesslera man's name ÀGfirm&strong;hard;steady g#("),$(")firmlyin a firm manner $$,c,#bowbend the head or body as a greeting or to show respect D,something used for shooting arrows C,CG;a bending of the head or body,as in greeting Dalthoughthough Fdirtunclean matter ǪG,dtoughrough and violent;hardy;difficult ¿";Ĵ";ı"polea long stick C,marketplacean open area where people meet to buy and sell goods fBhuntera person who hunts %Fstationput soldiers (military force,etc.) in or at a place;post (;"existlive;continue to be (;淢surroundenclose on all sides ,bGcitizena person who lives in a city fE,Eangera strong feeling of displeasure E,Eplan&arrangement for carrying out some future activity;make a plan of or for punishcause sb. to suffer for wrong doings,give punishment ’,pacea step in walking ();Garrowa sharp stick with feathers gaspstruggle for breath g,fcrueltythe state of being cruel bf,bDstudyexamine carefully,give careful thought to )',)'Ecordthick string or thin rope 'f;;(C")gaimpoint at sth.;direct a weapon at (sb. or sth.) E,㍩the act of aim in;purpose E,Ŕ;ſ"splitdivide into parts; break apart with force ,&dcalmnot excited;quiet and peaceful ",Bɿ"calmly;BɁcongratulation(usual plural form) an expression of joy at the success or good fortune of another c,csneertalk or smile in a nasty way to show that you think someone is poor,weak,stupid,etc. ";eɿbraverycourage;fearlessness h#,Bcouragethe quality of mind or spirit that makes a person able to control fear in the face of danger,pain,hardship,etc. hf,hh,from anotherBȨ...BEȨwith a firm hand'"&break the law# put downƩ%,gturn red with angercEcHgasp this wayg蓂take aimErise upf necklacea chain of gold,silver,etc.,or a string of jewels,pearls,etc. %,皦Mathilde LoiselÑ.圇HPierre LoiselB.圇HJeanne ForrestierF.CŀGÀBpossiblethat can be done;that can exist happen De"rathermore willingly;to some degrees ,D;'surelywith certainty;of course ƴ,ȇc;Fdiamonda very hard,valuable stone used,esp. in jewellery iFgovernmenta body of persons controlling a state hballa dancing party gDscenea division of an act in a play,representing a place on the stage of a theatre ȣB;d;Bcosttake (an amount of money) as a price D price to be paid for a thing D,Bbfrancthe standard coin of France,Belgium,switzerland,etc. #%jewelleryjewels collectively b,b&Gcontinuego on doing or being dprettynice to look at,beautiful F,%"debtsth. esp. money,owed to sb. else hbecause ofpay offDrather...than¶F...cFbe made ofH...B"at the mostc,¤C Abraham Lincolnthe name of the sixteenth American President ".eKentuckythe name of an American state Dchildhoodthe time of being a child %("),%dearlyvery much,affectionately ff;&educationteaching and learning $,storekeepersomeone who runs a shop I;#postmasterthe chief official of a post office h$(G)lawall the rules of a country which everyone must obey #;#esparefree,extra IJ'";c("lawyera person who knows the law and helps people in a law &;#$slaverycustom of having slaves E)celectchoose (sb.) by vote ȫ,gpresidenthead of government in many western countries that do not have a king or queen freedomthe state of being free Hslavea person who is forced to work for a master without payment Esouthernin or of the south ŕÿ";śB"rebelto fight against one's leader or against the government h;DNegroa member of the black-skinned races Fof Negroes F"lastgo on ;be enough for nationa country with one government $,Ereuniteto come or join together again i',Cbankerthe man who works in the bank h$Washington D.C.Washington District of Columbia ÚE&dsorrowthe feeling of being sad ';regret #inspireto fill with noble aims,thoughts,feelings,etc. #g,dinspiringgiving a feeling of power to do good #gFg"leaderthe person who leads %h,%"Fwisehaving good sense;knowing a lot ª";h"warm-heartedshowing or having warm,friendly feelings F";&"openingallowing you to see or go inside;beginning d;dmemorialan object in a public in memory of a person or an event b;C;Gstrengthenmake or become stronger D;"regardto think of;to consider ... now and thenc;³add up tono more thanµC;ddspare time(think ofE;gset up;bbreak away fromDžE;"&break outFc,"ơ againstbe active inĎD"Dbe free to in deep sorrow&㍂'come tod...; h...lose one's life for......óȰ,F emperorthe head of an empire dcareto think something is important g;Hcheata person who is not honest to do something that is not honest Ƅ; weavemake threads into cloth I;weaverperson whose trade is weaving cloth at a loom I#;Iclothmaterial made by weaving ,IFdesigna drawing that shows how something is to be made ';$invisiblethat cannot be seen ˜Dunfitnot fit for(to do) something ¶C";±柦"officeduty i;a place where business is done bsplendidmagnificent;unusually fine ";Ŀ"empiregroup of countries under one ruler called emperor golda very precious,yellow metal ;䢤looma machine for turning threads into cloth Idpretendto make oneself appear to be something or to be doing something )silka very soft thread made by certain insects;cloth made from this ;Bthreadvery thin string made of cotton,silk or wool used with a needle ;,oughtshould;must(showing that it is your duty to do something) ;C;showing that something is probably true Deprimefirst in order;chief F";Db"ministeran important person in a government,who looks after one department B;Bfitsuitable or suited (for) C";e柦"the quality of fitting well C;the way in which something fits CFhalla large room Bg;a large building DG;Ggodbeing regarded or worshipped as having power over nature and control over human affairs ;[God]widein a wide manner D;っpointto show the position or direction of something ig;ian exact position ;;eagervery anxious to do something d";&"care forg;H;gbe unfit for»C;±柦right away嵤get along withcthe Prime MinisterF';';be fit forC;柦God save megedear me,Hsoon after¨ĕsing high praise forËcget back$d;$ask for;point about;be eager to do sth.d...either...or...¶ pleased by...BýGin order that...wider and widerdB includeto contain,to have something as part of the whole thing b;bincludinghaving as a part bsinglebeing the only one Bȿ";B"magnificentgrand,splendid;unusually fine g";"expressiona way of expressing something B•õ;BFprocessionline of people,cars,etc.,following one another 獥,ésharedivide sth. and give parts to different people;have or use sth. with another person ;the part belonging to a person ș;Ð#pleasurethe feeling of being pleased ;ýGmedala round flat piece of metal,given to a person for an act of strength or bravery Ķ;;majestykingly or queenly appearance,conduct,speech,causing respect;royal power ;Iundresstake off (clothes) ()Ǔdressput on clothes ...;perfectexcellent;completely correct Dÿ";%"perfectlyquite;quite well;completely DÁ;%whisperto speak very quietly,using the breath and not the voice C;trainpart of a long dress or robe that trails on the ground behind the wearer robelong,loose outer garment ;cry outBƿcshare inall night longYour MajestyBgturn from side to sideiCdiCstand byh(%have nothing onȁ¯Good heavensgehold one's head high"F;Íftake great trouble to³¼...hold upf;Htake up(;"Dthe night before&ȒgGdress sb. in clothesEF ladya woman,especially a woman of good social position or of good education eF;cF;silkwormcaterpillar that spins silk to form a cocoon Bremarrymarry again D;Dstepmotherlater wife of one's father dcruelready to give pain to others bf"riverside(the bank) on or near the banks of a river Ófacehave or turn the face to,or in a certain direction ,pinetrees that have leaves like long needles GFentrancea door,a gate,or an opening where you can enter Fd,FB;coming or going into Fasideon or to one side ((B)ȓbranchpart of a tree which grows out from the main body (;anything like a branch,going out from,or managed from,the centre part H;Bbrooksmall stream ;gbendto make something curved;not straight 'f;'fwipeto make dry or clean with cloth ;sweatdrops of water that come out of skin rowline of people or things ();()Efeedgive food to ();()wormany animal with a soft body without bones or legs ;fcocoona case of silky threads in which the young insect stays BDreelroll or wind on to,or with the help of ,;Bdyetake colour from dyeing ;ɧmulberrytree with broad,dark-green leaves on which silkworms feed;its fruit dark purple or white F;colourfulfull of colour;bright HCC",h"seedlittle thing that grows into a new plant or tree )fairya small,imagined person,often in stories for children Gelineto form rows along ...E,Etrailline,mark(s),traces,left by sb. or sth. that has passed by ÍD;$umbrellaa cover with a handle used to shelter one from rain or sun raiseto lift up;to move something to a higher level f;F;grow or produce(crops);breed(sheep,cattle,etc.) );chargework given to sb. as a duty I#,#give (sb.) orders or instructions; give as a task or duty "(,蟦)push...aside...gB%in whiteɆ§ outgo byCin charge ofh#,#be cruel to intocȡ...;Bgrow upB,BF;Btake roundgH;$walk alongɒ acrossfrom one side to the other C,Cdragona creature like a crocodile or snake, often with wings and claws, able to breathe out fire,often guarding a treasure windgo,(cause to) move in a twisting manner 'f&tillup to (the time when) Bup to the time when B...)wonderthing or event that causes such feeling &D,&periodpart of time in the life of a person,a stage of civilization ;";dB.C.Before Christ (&defendguard,protect;make safe gborderedge;part near the edge of sth. (land near the)line dividing two states or countries kingdomcountry ruled by a king or a queen Gjoinput together;unite;connect DF(two points;things) with a line,rope,bridge,etc. %,Cthusin this way,so ,crebuildbuilt or put together again i,chespeciallyparticularly,in particular 畢,(dynastysuccession of rulers belonging to one family G;"actuallyreally;in fact $gatewayentrance;way in or out than can be closed by a gate ŷd,Fd;dconnectjoin or be joined %;';mainchief;most important I"the important part IBwatchtowerhigh tower from which to keep watch #;Ë$;lightcause to begin burning or to give out light f,H;caust to be bright or to burn columnsth. shaped like or suggesting a column ,Ggunshotshot fired by a gun &troop(pl.)soliders;a body of soliders;a company of persons or animals ,B;ȝ&shot(sound of the)firing of a gun c&,&withininside (...ŧ(litter) inside (ŧ,(%Bdistantfar away in space or time ";Gf"earthsoil ,brickclay moulded and baked by fire or sun,used for building purpose Idragpull along with difficulty ,shoulderthe two parts of the body of a human being or animal beteween the neck and the tops of your arms Ċ"buryplace (a dead body) in the ground fleshthe soft substance between the skin and bones of animal bodies;the body &;&grasslandarea of land covered with grass where are few trees B,;sayingwell-known phrases;proverb $,the Ming Dynastyrun across%C,Cwind one's wayȶg&keep...out of......£Fjoin up%fdjoin the army",Fcome into being,Bused toCwarning messageDby hand&side by sideā;$close togetherȌfliving conditions䓇take on a new lookb'ea place of interestfrom hand to handi&keep watchf; tailormaker of (esp. outer) garments ›wandergo from place to place without any special purpose or direction d;E;%sightpower of seeing ƈe;Fdsuitset of articles of outer clothing of the same material ȏnotepiece of paper money ℆, ;short record (of facts,etc.)made to help the memory resistoppose;use force against in order to prevent the advance of; act against cD;c)temptationtempting of being tempted ,ȋfellowman or boy (c);F;$ragpiece of old and torn cloth;(pl)old and torn clothes &,&rejectput aside;throw away,as not good enough to be kept ,selectchoose g,ȱanxiousworried,wishing strongly d;E;ɏshylyfeel uncomfortably in the presence of others ǿ","changethe money returned when the amount given is more than the cost of the goods being bought ;藇give and receive in return coldlywithout feeling eB",'Fgentlemana man who behaves well towards others and who can be trusted to keep his promises and always act honourably Fhurtpain a person's feelings #judgegive a decision (in a competition) $,¼,Cstrangerperson who does not know;person in a place that he does not know Fsimplyonly;nothing more $B,ddcontrarythe opposite ,:'dumbfoundastonish;strike dumb with surprise (F)ſ·dbbillwritten statement of charges for goods;bank note B,ƻB;℆whistleclear sound made by forcing air or steam through a small opening,or made by the wind d;ƀðmake a whistle ddivego head first into water;go under water ,Fthe act of diving ,Fclothing(collective) clothes () snatchput out the hand suddenly and take;get quickly d,ɊIexcitedlyin an excited manner G;dCmillionaireperson who has a million dollars,pounds,etc. Cfavorfriendly regard,willingness to help;help ×,‰,Cveryitself and no other;truly such Fÿ"waistcoatclose fitting sleeveless garment worn under a coat or jacket,buttomed down the front g,expressmake known,show by words,looks,actions B,B&satisfactionthe state of being satisfied,pleased ,measuresize,quantity,degree,weight,etc.,as found by a standard or unit ;Bsortgroup or class of person or things which are alike in some way ),啢addressdetails of where a person may be found and where letters may be delivered I;hotelbuilding where meals and rooms are provided for travellers űCcatch sight of$D,FBup and downggin rags )look through)',ëhon the contrary'make a dive forg...ū,µ ifö,c#as though,öthrow off""Dž#;",F#be after,do someone a favor­EFȨ's measureHEF"”...get in a word$all sorts ofõÎȿ"all one's life ,ȍ␉drop in show sb. out%EF⚆ <|?~?~`px|>?~??~ ``?<||>?~?00 @?<?~?<?~||>>?~><80x |v``|ffxx |vxx8l```v| `lvff0p000x x`flxlp00000xxxff|`v| vf`|x 0|004vx0ll8l| 0d>c66clockan instrument which fasten doors so that they cannot be opened 'to fasten with a lock 'keya metal instrument used to fasten or unfasten a lock Ȫfixput in place firmly "),#ccompositiona piece of writing or music ;fexhibitiona public display or show ȿD;ȭsteamcloud of gas that rises from very hot water (fdisappearbecome lost F,completewhole,full F",B"completelytotally F,Bheathotness make hot D,"drynot wet ",ȿ"make dry ;become dry "vapoursteam;mist;gaseous form to which contain substances may be reduced by heat ,,(forif not C(mightpast tense of may ,De(C)burnbe on fire;hurt by fire fF;Fblowto move rapidly ();send air out of the mouth fcoverto put one thing over another to hide or protect it ,dropa small amount of liquid c,clet fall in drops cg,g;fall cg,gbasina round,open,deep dish for holding liquids 濥,忥freezebe so cold that water turns into ice Ė,#freezingextremely cold De",àĿ"blocka large, solid piece of wood,stone,etc. BDmattersubstance(s) of which a physical thing is made Gstatecondition in which sth. or sb. looks,is g,solidhard,not liquid or gas #",#"body of substance which is solid,not a liquid or gas #liquidanything that can be poured like water in the form of a liquid;not solid or gaseous ",g"gassubstance used for heating and lighting ef;any air like substance fraisemake higher,increase F;,Dphysicalof things that you can see,touch,etc. G";G"chemicalhaving to do with chemistry "woodthe material of which trunks and branches of trees are made ,charcoala black substance,made by burning wood in a closed container with little air hand ind,in the end, hhang up...fdno more(cc"be covered with...#a drop ofȀc...change...into......"B...a basin ofȿ...sooner or laterBa block ofȹBD...on the other handEȕçsend outí,c computercalculating machine dinventionsomething invented c,bhfarawayvery far ȩ"abacus%inventto make up or produce for the first time c,bhmemorythe ability to remember things ė;ėeinformationnews or knowledge given ;gstorecollect and keep sth. for a later time ,"banytimewhenever (#computecalculate fingerone of the five long parts of your hand &iexampleinstance ;model ,Esaleexchange of goods for money;act of selling sth. ,managerperson who controls a business,a hotel,etc. screenpart of the television or cinema where the pictures appear E;ㆆprogrammeplan of a course of action,list of duties,activities,etc. (illnessstate of being ill,sickness $reasoncause H,robotmachine made to do some of the work of a man dFFtypea special class or kind 彇;ȵlinea long thin mark on a surface ;a row of things one after another E;humana man,woman or child Fof man or mankind F";F"thougheven if;in spite of d;Fagreesay 'yes',have the same opinion ',Bsufferfeel or have pain,sadness,loss,etc. ,(sufferingpain of body or mind G',having pain "a great deal ofB"by the year 2000B2000%sell outƝfor exampleput intoF;()Fgo throughC;)'agree with sb.'EF("D)a type ofȅ)彇"take the place of",work onBh attendgo to;to be present at ,"Dtopica subject to talk or write about ';I'lessonsth. such as a warning example or experience,from which one should learn $Hnaturethe whole world,esp. as something lasting and not changed by people BF,Fhawkofficiala person who works for the government émouseany of several types of small furry animal with a long tail that lives in houses and in fields grainfood plant G,;single seed of such plant balanceinstrument for weighings things ;when two sides are the same destroybreak to pieces &,Dwildliving or growing in natural state h";not trained to live with man h",hg"plantliving thing that grows from the ground Gstarvesuffer because of having no food ()#',()b#deeran animal which has horns and runs fast certainnot named E);sure;without doubt ȇc"liona large strong animal of the cat family,called 'the king of beasts' forderintention,purpose ſ",gprotectkeep safe ask for help‰think of,fbefore long¨the balance of natureF(g) it is%("gin order to... aloudso that people can hear us BƁ,ƿ"houseworkwork done in a house (cleaning,cooking,etc.) $Cmannerway of doing things õ;behaviour gc,mannerssocial behaviour erudenot polite;talking or acting in a way that makes other people sad,angry,etc. ſ",'"spitsend liquid out from the mouth 狇;Ǭrelationconnection ,kindgood, helpful,wanting to do things that make other people happy "";H"turna chance to do sth.,esp. in one's proper order among others (pushpress against sth. in order to move it gknockhit, strike 'i,fiinterruptto break the flow of speech of (someone) by saying sth. "C;"handkerchiefa square piece of cloth for blowing the nose into or wiping the face &,&$sneezeto have a sudden uncontrolled burst of air out of the nose and mouth "apologystatement of regret &,Ƹeitheror d,silentmaking no or little sound;quiet;saying nothing Be"papera writing article,a report for class ,Ť;set of examination questions ;newspaper appreciatesee the value or good of sth. F;to be thankful for sth. dhelpfulhelping;giving help;willing to help;useful (‰",(("read aloud%good manners(ebad manners(ein lineBȀwait in lineEÿin public…,din troublehĦĄitake one's turnh,%knock into someoneiBEFFget in one's wayIEF"Emake an apology to sb.gEF&either...or...d...d...keep silentBeso that肩;ĵFhand outcin turnh Carla name for a male $(媅)professorcollege teacher of the highest rank $universitya place where you study for a degree after you have finished high-school Bordinaryusual,common "ordinary-lookinglooks common 'e"livelyfull of life and spirit;gay and cheerful C";ƿ"fillmake full ),keroseneparaffin oil ecastora kind of plant Boila smooth,thick,sticky liquid that comes from plants,animals or from under the ground ;Fvinegaracid liquid (made from malt,wine,etc.) used in flavouring food and for pickling fascinationfascinating or being fascinated,power to fascinatc ";mixto put different things together to make one mass C;Ļdipput something into a liquid (for a very short time and than take it out) d;suckdrow liquid into mouth F;)nodto bend (one's head) forward and down as a sigh of agreement or greeting nodding of the head mixturesomething made by mixing CGtasteto test the taste of b';having the feeling which sth. makes in your mouth ';'horriblecausing great fear or dislike D";ȿ"sadunhappy C",¿"sadlyunhappily C,nonenot any; no one (#F(ëG)look carefully)'at the university(Bbring out sth.EEGfill...with......)...castor oilBhold upfdip...into.......dF()imake a face³C Karl Marxthe name of a man $.Germanynativebelonging to the place of one's birth b"forcemake sb. to do sth. f;fhomelandone's native country politicalconcerning public affairs or the government of a country h)BelgiumEbasea place from which a start is made in an activity D;D;revolutionarytending towards revolution ê"a supporter of a revolution êlimitkeep at a certain point or amount;put a limit to ),climitedrestricted;narrow (";GH"improvemake better;advance to a better state or quantity cf;,Drapidfast (of actions) done in a short time ",G"progressgoing forward;improvement ,articlea piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine Ť,;the words 'a' and 'the' "Engelsthe surname CGpraisespeak highly of ,Bact of praising ,Bgreatlyvery;to a large degree BB;encouragegive hope,confidence or help #howeverall the same nevertheless Fc,DF;fFgrammarthe rules about the use of words #idiomsuccession of words whose meaning must be learned as a whole B;followcome or go after (in order,space or time) #;$worksobject produced by writing,painting, etc.;factory i , F;#civilconnected with citizens %"masterbecome skillful at; be able to use ĕ,hsituationcondition state of affairs ǂ;&translatechange from one language into another Øgraspseize firmly with the hand; understand ɊI,%D,hfreelyin a free manner H,痨before long¨ĕmake progresstranslate...into......ȨB...such...that...ƴB...肩...go on with sth.dE futurethe time to come d,dexaminationa test to see how good you are at a subject ;drealitysomething real,a fact supposeconsider as probable,guess,think g,cnamegive a name to the word we use when we talk about a person or thing ,wirea piece of metal like a thread sensorsomething used for discovering the presence of a particular quality or effect(such as light,heat,sound,etc.) BFwristthe joint between the hand and the arm &foreheadthe part of the face above the eyes &#plugconnect to a socket,fill up with a plug ;FIa fitting for a socket for giving electrical connection;a small piece of rubber,wood,etc.,used to block a hole ,Foutletan electric point (a pair of terminals) Icodea system of signals ","flash(cause to)send a sudden bright light;appear or shine for a moment Ƌwirelesswithout a wire or wires '"speakeraloud speaker ƍFexaminelook at carefully in order to find out something d,pulsethe regular beating of blood in the main blood vessels %breathetake air into the body and send it out again,draw in or expel air to or from the plugs deepgoing for downward;(of feelings) strongly felt f";f"completefinish;end;bring to close B,ļfphonetelephone $,$d;call up,ring up "$visionphonevideophone ƃ$appearcome into sight,seem look ;;öspeeddistance decided by time of travel Gcmodeldesign or structure after which things are made pricean amount of money for which a thing is sold or bought D;"Dorderrequest to supply goods,the goods to be supplied c;cĻBshutstop an opening;become closed,move into closed position B,&Cin the futured,dturn...into......"B...a set ofȏ...have a fevercFhave a cold%have a cough$have a headache'have a stomachacheg'take it easyɏ,$Hturn off(b,d)pick outgafter all, Dplace an ordercin two week's timeCEljshut off&C;Û IndiaHcpassmove on or ahead C,Cfeellearn about sth. by touching with the fingers ,㿨sensefeeling;the ability to feel ;;consciousness;meaning &;happenchance,have the fortune fFexactlycorrectly;quite just ĜƁtuskthe long tooth of an elephant mistakenunderstood wrongly incorrect 市",ǿ"smoothwithout roughness,having an even surface イ","make smooth (even);get rid of diffiicuties etc. イ;sharphaving a thin cutting edge or a fine point E",$"speara long weapon made of a pole with a pointed head ,Itrunkthe long nose of an elephant ;the thick main stem of a tree Fsnakea long,thin reptile with no legs roundcircling all over (...G,Gfanan object waved in the hand for making current of air to cool oneself forwardtoward so as to make progress g&sillynot sensible,foolish ",F"roadsidethe side of the road E"quarrelhave an angry argument ȥstupidvery dull;showing a lack of intelligence ","acttake action, behave oneself 硧;play the part of ‹Hsth. done;the process(of doing sth.) 硧,C foolishlystupidly,ridiculously ",ſ"pass byC happen tofFquarrel about...ȥat allb,Fagree with';'get hold ofɊI GalileoiE(F)AristotleŀGc(F)Greecethinkera person who thinks $observewatch carefully feather(concludereach a decision gC,Ccconclusionbelief or opinion which is the result of reasoning Ě,gobjecta thing G;an aim Ŕreasonablesensible;done in accordance with reason ("seldomrarely,not often ,£experimenttest carried out in order to prove the truth of an idea ,onceas soon as... Ȼ......mindwhat a person thinks or feels; thinking opinion; thought #;D;gFtruthsomething which is true hquestionexpress doubt about;ask a question of ...┈ItalianBE(F)"BEF()theorygeneral principles of science ,Pisaleanto be in a position that is not upright;rest on or against sth. (),leaning"towera tall,narrow building foota unit of length used in English-speaking countries,equal to 30.48cm hresultthat which is produced by an action; an effect ĵ;ǵunlessif...not —,Ƶdiscoveryfinding out; getting knowledge of sth. for the first time cdiscouragetake away courage and spirit from fdiscouragedhaving lost heart;to be disappointed f"telescopea instrument that makes distant objects look nearer and larger proveshow to be true by reasoning or by experiment ,foundera person who founds sth. b庈,#Dgrantsuppose or admit that something is true c...H;"acceptto take something which is offered not to refuse astronauta person who fly to space in the spaceship hammera tool for striking thing ',to hit repeatedly ¹"landgo or come to land (from a ship,aircraft,etc.) (),()solid part of the earth's surface;ground for farming,country and its people ,ǁsurfacethe outside of any object;top of a body or water,etc. B,draw a conclusionĚmake up one's mindg$gat the same time'again and again,chold...back),)take...for grantedơ...Fobserve sb. do sth.EFE pastpast time Cof the time before the present C"bossperson who controls or gives orders to workers ;ňhireobtain or allow the use or services of in return for fixed payment i,C(money paid for) hiring i,iworkshoproom or building in which things(esp. machines) are made or repaired •dintroducemake(persons) known by name (to one another) ĭ&jobpiece of work # riseappear above the horizon Ffupward progress;increase(in value,temperature,etc.) ;workmatepeople who work together 'prisona building in which those who have done wrong are looked up 䦨sinkgo down Bg,Bfireto shoot off bullet &;dismiss Ccondition of burning $sincefrom the past time when ...mistakewrong opinion,idea,or act be wrong,have a wrong idea about 市,Ǡchancethe way things happen dD,%Ffind or meet by chance B,cfriendlyacting or ready to act, as a friend Hf",&"bloodred liquid flowing throughout the body of man and other animals ,蒨apologizesay sorry &get on well with...'&fintroduce oneselfĭ&show...around(EF)" a low voiceCƁall alongȀ, no longer®make a mistake#in lifeȰicatch hold ofɊIgive in,Fcome out of prison⦨ask for a jobihit sb. in the face"EF" partsome but not all of a thing or something less than the whole Bseparate or divide E,ddressouter garment worn by a woman or girl e,put on clothes wearhave on the body,carry on one's person or on some part of it ,else&besides;in addition E;戇"boyhoodtime when one is a boy %"hatchbreak out of an egg Ùduringthroughout the continuance of (...dworthhaving a certain value;of value equal to ;Dhinterestcause (sb.) to give his attention to cGfcondition of wanting to know or learn about sth. or sb. Gf,ginterestedhaving an interest in g",Gf"lablaboratory room or building used for scientific experiments ȷvegetableplant,esp. of the sort used for food Fsellgive in exchange for money operateto work or be in action ,Hioperataionact performed by a surgeon on any part of the body &, lampan instrument which give light by using electricity or burning oil ȿbplaceput sth. on a place Âmirrorpolished surface that reflects images,formally of metal agelength of time a person has lived or a thing has existed %%printpress words and pictures on paper by a machine Hfmark(s),letters,etc.,in printed form Hffrightenfill with fright or terror,alarm suddenly ,ǁfrightenedafraid #"rushgo or come,do sth.,with violence or speed ,"safetybeing safe;freedom from danger "F,"telegrapha way of sending messages by radio or wire take part in"Dbe interested in...Gfsend forşF()at the age of(...%rush out­be bornfind out,hatch chickensøsend messages byC...BChg sentencea group of words that forms a statement,command,question,etc. 䐉loudnot quiet or soft;easily heard ðƿ",ſ"in a loud manner BƁattentionthe act of directing the mind on i;)gcatsmall, fur-covered animal often kept as a pet, to catch mice,etc. %drinktake (liquid) into the mouth and swallow ,cliquid for drinking ȍdirtynot clean "Dr.a person whose profession is to attend to sick people(or animals) routeway taken or planned from one place to another Eg,Eridego in a car,or on a house or a bike F(,)front(war) part where the fighting is taking place &,&medicalof the art of medicine ",e"immediatelyat once d,woundgive a wound to ,#a damaged place in the body b,dwoundedof wound "templebuilding used for the worship of a god Ť,g(throughoutin,to,through,or during every part of Ž,(..."dimportantof great influence,to be treated seriously i"enemya person who hates or dislikes another person;one who tries or wishes to harm or attack F;gungeneral name for any kind of fire-arm that sends shells or bullets from a metal tube ,Fentercome and go into Fbelowat or to a lower level (g,ggin a lower place than (...gmake sentences with...hpay attention toibe busy doingɔfield hospitalH(the Eighth Route ArmyBEin great need of萨operate on...C&go on doing sth.dEgo on with one's workdEF"# never mind$spend...on(...$Cplay withg;...gset offcright now嵤,(not...untilB... fishermana person who fishes;who makes a living by fishing cgeniespirit or god with strange powers Hcuponon (...)castto throw g,Fdrawpull along,to drag ,fullhaving as much as it will hold "sandfine white,yellow,or grey powder that you find in a desert,by the sea,or by a river ,jara container with a wide mouth,with or without handles,of glass,stone,etc. G,clidthe piece that covers the open top of a vessel,box etc. that lifts up or can be removed Ðnetmaterial made by knotting string shakemove from side to side or up and down C;Csmokethe cloud which rises from sth. burning (give out smoke or to breathe the smoke of tobacco through the mouth %(;(thicknot thin or heavy ","kneethe middle of the leg Ǣchoosepick out from a greater number ȱspiritsoul;mind g,įheavenhome of God and the saints gG,gpromiseto say one will or will not do sth. written or spoken under taking to do or not to do E(anyoneanybody #Fhardlyalmost not ownbelonging to oneself $"once upon a timeB&cast a netdraw in()be full oflittle by littleiDturn into"Bset freemake a promise,Ego fishingcfour times a dayȒgthrow...into......F... byas a result of action on the part of,by means of H,recorderone that records sound on magnetic tape dslidepicture,diagram,etc. on photographic bpublishto have printed and put on sale ∢,c;make known to the public ,cBtextbookbook giving instruction in a branch of learning $了bicyclebike ,Dgwidemeasuring much from side to side ĽD",c"widelyover a large area cusefulhelpful (",(("internationalexisting,carried on,between nations $",f"probablyperhaps;maybe De,Bbusinessbuying and selling,commerce;trade 旨,;task,duty concern outsideat or on the outer side of (...on or to the outer side of (,(Bunitemake or become one join ,Cstateorganized political community with its apparatus of government ;$;hJapanname of an Asian country bSweden#France#numberquantity or amount ,speakerpeople who speak ƃ$;Hcentury100 years ȇ%,flaterafterwards ,þdrequireneed 萨;knowledgelearning;that which is known &;show slidesÝbpublishing house∢the United States%by and by¨ĕgive upÍ,more and mored(c)be made in(...)hthe largest number ofB"be required for... liberationliberating or being liberated liberateset free villagerpeople who live in the village EJoename of boys leadgo first show the way %"strikeact of striking #communism㢢Icommunista person who believe in,support of,communism 㢢Iof communism 㢢I()"foundstart the building of;lay the base of,establish ,Brepublica country which has not a king and is governed by elected representatives personman,woman,child Factive(be) always ready to do things ĎD"strugglefight C,Cconditionsth. stated as necessary or desirable for sth. else ;the present state of things formgive shape or form to;make,produce B;organize IIshape;outward or visible appearance ,罧tradebuying and selling things H;&unionuniting or being united C,Gorganizeput into working order;arrange in a system IIfairlight in colour B","good-lookingbeautiful 'eò"hatehave a strong dislike of Ƚ#fearlessbrave º";'G"fighterpeople who fight HFclasssystem of ranks in society;caste system soulspirit Ŋd,Ădridmake free ",#murderkill (a human being) unlawfully and on purpose unlawful killing of a human being on purpose murdurerperson guilty of murder ƟF#,Ǹ&tryinquire into (a case) in a court of law ;sentencepunishment $;Hdeathending of life 'gshootaim and fire with a gun or revolver &i;&waste&use more of sth. than is necessary ECuseless '";"mournfeel or show sorrow or regret ,¾the PLAiFEïtake an active part inĎD"Dtrade union#Dcall oncall upon,take upBstruggle against... Cthe working class#Fget rid of…#,#sentence sb. to deathHEF'gkeep up;dall over the countryŽFto this dayBĒgin one's twenties(EF#&cgbring out,g excellentvery good ȀH",Dÿ"buildingplace that was made for people to live,work,play,etc. in )G,theatrea building where plays are performed or pictures shown DB,(dustmana person who empties dustbins d$ƬH#Turnera family name rubbishwaste things G,d$Roberta name for a man %"dustbina container for dust and rubbish d$emptyhaving nothing inside Ŀ"take away everything from inside so that there is nothing left ¶everywherein(at,to) every place B,'ůedumpheap of rubbish d$smellthat which is noticed by means of the nose f'notice sth. with the nose ,;give out sth. that one notices with the nose cf'warntell someone of sth. bad which might happen D,ratan animal which looks like a large mouse plasticsoft and easily made into special shape ";D"pileput a lot of things on top of one another ,fpublicof everyone,for all people ","badlyin a bad way ,moneywhat you use when you buy something ,đcleareasy to understand Ʈ",ƫ"necessarythat must be needed; which cannot be done without ","take placecput uph,fput onHshow...on TV(ƄiÝteach...on the radioC$ on strike(#take sth. out to...EEGþB...turn...into......"B...bring troubledbe careful of¼g,ggo on strike熂#the public,E plantto put plants or seeds in the ground to grow )a living thing that grows in the earth Gwonderfulvery good Dÿ";Ĝ"neither&not one nor the other (of two) (E)nor(after neither) and not dig(dug, dug)to make a hole in the ground ;holea hollow space in sth. solid,with an opening on the side ;deepgoing far downward f";f"tiefasten or bind (f,);F;(waterput liquid to D;forestland covered with trees Fesandthe yellow or white powder found on the sea-side in rivers and deserts ;copyto do or make sth. the same H;ggnorthernof the direction which is on the left of a person facing the rising sun •ÿ";›B"towardsin the direction of ;hsaveto stop waste 䱆amongin the middle (of);to each of (...)imountaina very high piece of land with steep sides which are difficult to climb F;F%neither...nor.........knock...into......;...stop sb. from doing);)point toigmore or lessdcd,"Žc satellitea body in space that moves round a large one guniverseall space and everything that exists in it )man-madesth. made by people Fh";F#"spaceshipa flying instument which is used outside the earth air )Cbprogrammea list of things which have to be done knowledgewhat you know &;enjoyablepleasant ";(f"channelso farB(send upc&with one's help ((EF)‰g lettera sign which shows a sound testexamination ;;foola stupid person F;Fbydepending on angryof the strong feeling when you want to fight others or do harm to them f";cE"trickan action meant to deceive others c;fightto use force against "d(();retelltell again i;i&;c&liethat sb. says which they know isn't true D(ƇDfilmmotion picture (;(have a test矢(,)never mind$;one by oneȨȨbe busy doing... ɔEbe angry with(EF)"fplay a trick on#(EF)dg;Ƅtell a lieƇD pairtwo things of the same kind thought of together Ȍ;Ⱦsizea degree of bigness or smallness ;Bbita small amount or piece ȃ;suita set of clothes for a man ȏ()forbecause dollar%(perhapsmaybe De;ddinnerthe main meal in the day H;Dpardonforgiveness ;ĽF;Œfdirtydusty,muddy "brushan instrument used for sweeping and cleaning f;fverbC"simpleeasy to do or understand $B";$H"fingerthe five parts at the end of the hand &iwear out;;a pair ofȌ;Ⱦa bit(ȃ;ȸDthink aboutE;either...or...d...d...sell outƝso...that...ƴB...肩on and ond;ŒCjust a momentȉDin surprise&fall overg& troubledifficulty;worry $headachethe pain of head 'cough&to force out air from the throat with noise $till&up to B;B...)seriousnot joking or funny i"terriblecausing great fear or horror D";DĿ"terriblyD偣;Dāseemto make sb. think that sth. is true;to appear öGnursea person whose job is to care for people who are ill Fpill;commonusual and ordinary ";ȈB"matcha game or sports event where teams or people compete f;fpaingreat discomfort of the body or mind G';Gplentygreat in quality ;Bhave a cough$have got a cough$by thenBųcatch a cold;%ever sinceB...fȀB(come along plenty of";'Žc" thoughalthough,even if F;DFrockthe hard substance which the earth is made of F;BFhardlyonly just,not quite skythe space around the earth glownot reaching far up,near the ground C";";B"rise(rose, risen)move upwards F;grassa very common green plant which grows in fields,animals eat it for food asfor the reason that famousbe known widely i"photographpictures 'Ayers RockbÀGF(bBE)at the foot of(..."Dg leaguea group of people,clubs,or countries that have joined together 夅;Gsuchof the same kind ())"againstin opposition to ;draw$beat(beat, beaten)defeat;to hit again and again "b;"teamworkcooperation C ;'# kickto hit someone or sth. with foot goalair,destination (f)f;Ŕsonga piece of muise with words for singing fin time䳆league matchfbe afraid of#feel afraid ofB# senior(i)ô%"scientistan expert who does work in one of the science 䄈$eaglesunrisedawn ;whateverno matter what 'ų;±#even thoughdParty memberLeague member&G 0`0`?|moo}l|moo}lRRmlll|m~TĄ0H`dgff0H`dgff&ff&ffgffgd``@ffF 1| 1|  9?@ABCDDDDEFGHIJ KL MNOPQRSTUVWQXYZ[\]^_ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ jklmno|}~ dejklmnovw|}~ jklmno|}~ F-.O F-.O 02010201,L ,΄@18 }@18 }8&`dd`dd}3؎?p ?p 0`0`?     !"#$%&'()*+,-./01'(2345678888888888889:;<=>?@45ABCDE88888888FGH88888888888IJKCDLMNO888888888FGH88888888888PQRRS888888888888TUVWXYZ88888888888888888888888888[\]^_`88888888888888888888888888abcdef88888888888888888888888888ghijk8888888888888lmnop888888888qrstu888888888888vwxyz88888888{|}~88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888ƕ888888888؉888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888wP *o@a one (,...)facethe front of your head bagsth. to carry things in bbeea small,four-winged, flying insect which makes honey bedsth. we sleep on " biketwo-wheeled machine for riding on chicka young hen (or cock) cakea sweet food make from sugar, flour, butter and eggs #handthe parts of the body at the end of arms & rosea beautiful and sweet-smelling flower ŲC$dogan animal we often keep in the house jeepa small four-wheeled vehicle that can travel over rough ground $pena long thin object which use to write in ink knifea tool that you hold in your hand and use to cut things bshipa large boat b studentperson studying at a school or college busa large public car which carries people for a small payment ƥplanea vehicle which can fly through the air Cdapplea green, red or yellow fruit which you can eat Ƶsheepa grass-eating animal that is farmed for its wool and its meat %eggthe hard round thing from which a bird is born,and which we can eat coatan outer garment with special coverings for the arms Borangea round fruit that is juicy and sweet an Ȩ((d""&) this&the one here ,訣isF(B㥆F)bookcollection of printed paper pages fixed together that&the one there ,Ũpencilan instrument for writing and drawing,made of wood with a black material running down the middle deska table which you sit at in order to write or work ),)chaira seat for one person which can be moved (what&it redof the colour of blood or fire "carmotor-car ƥ,ƥbluethe colour of the sky on a sunny day "yesan answer expessing agreement or willingness F,F"greenthe colour of growing grass,and the leaves of most plants and trees "blackthe colour of night "coloursensation produced on eye by rays of light Hyellowof a colour like that of butter or gold "whiteof the colour of snow;pale §"bananaa long curved fruit with a yellow skin and cream-colourd fresh dwhy for showing surprise $(B&)orangeof colour between red and yellow ""," my"(I)cupa small round container, usu. with a handle bBnotexpression to one with the opposite meaning yourE",E"his"herǿ"nonot so ,¶Frubbera small piece that you use to rub out mistakes while writing or drawing 'rulerTom(媅)Kateď(e)pencil-boxa box in which you put you pen, ruler, rubber,etc. cthankto say that we are grateful to sb. GGyouE,Eall right;Åthat's all right,ŸG lessonperiod of time given to learning or teaching ;conetwo#threefourfivesixsevenFeightBnineten&boxa container with flat sides, used for holding solids cthese&areFthose&Źtheythose people,animals or things (Ǥ,)the ();()hereat this place 葃thereat that place őtablea piece of furniture with a flat top that you put things on )lookto see,to watch allthe whole number of tooalso;as well goatan animal with horns and a short tail F piga common farm animal used by some people for food fatwith a lot of flesh on body ce"thinhaving little fat on the body "horsea large animal which you can ride cowa large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk ,eandas well as; added to ;cockan adult male chicken;roster thenafter that;next š;Fhenfemale chicken 卤biglarge B"inof place (...ŧmumeeshoeobjects which you wear on your feet gnewhaving existed for only a short time '"forindicating purpose eleven&Joan(e)Kate'sď"hairthe threads which grow on the heads of persons and on skin of animal clongtime or distance from the beginning to the end "shortmeasuring little from end to end in space or time "Mike(媅)trousers(pl.) a garment which covers the lower part of the body and legs oldhaving lived a long time "orshowing that you can choose between things dwhosebelonging to whom ƿ"roompart of a house dour"smallnot large in degree or size "their"(Ǥ",")hello the usual word of greeting (B&dČfi)he(I)seata place for sitting Iover(œ;(Eȯover there(œ(i) thirteen&boya male child 嵣Chineseof or related to China,its people or their language i(F)";"twelve&#tallhaving a greater than average height ÿ"girla female child eshesisterdaughter of the parents as another person shortmeasuring little from end to end in space or time B"whowhat person or people manan adult human male;human being F;Fmenpl. form of man F;F(c)fathermale parent teacherperson who teaches $&woman(women pl.) an adult human female e,eFwomenpl. form of woman eF(c)motherfemale parent worker#FJackperson's name $(媅)Englishof England;of the English language h(F)",h(")brotherson of the parents as another person ,#friendthe person who you know well and like to spend time with Hpicturepainting or drawing;photograph ',Hoh ebabyvery young child ha clook at... fourteen&IamF(BȟF)wenamethe word or group of words we use when we talk about a person oldhaving living a long time;of age %ſ"middlein the centre, the central part,point,or position id",i",idschoola place where children are educated Ggradea step or degree in kind or rank %younghaving lived for only a little time %&"pioneerone who goes first into a new country 'doctora person who has been trained in medical science nursea person whose job is to care for people who are ill Ffamilya group of parents and children $,$GRose%G(e)liketo be fond of gof"work&to have job;to do sth. # hardindustrious, devoted %elittlesmall in size "onlyand no one else dd,how oldgmiddle-school studentiYoung PioneerƱ'é[$Pioneer]a teacher of EnglishȣǛh$& fifteen&nearclose to,not far from (...$windowan opening in the wall of a building often with glass in it so that light and air to enter on(...wherein or to what place or position (eglassthe hard substance that windows and bottles are made;a container made from glass which you can drink from ˆ;ˆBunderin or lower place than (...gballa round object that is used in games fsome&certain but not all ȹcaphat Erightjust H,FFheadthe part of your body which has your eyes,mouth,and brain in it grandmaee,(d)glasses[pl.] instrument we wear in front of eyes in order to help us to see better nosethe part of the face above the mouth sixteen&housea building which people live in frontthe forward part of anything &at the front &"treea tall plant with a hard trunk,branches and leaves Fbehindto the rear of (...çbesideat the side of;close to (...%anysome;one out of many ȹ(),#";Ȩ,(')eflowerthe coloured part of a plant that produces seeds $classroom$wallthe side of sth. built of brick or stone blackboarda dark-coloured board in a classroom;which teachers write on with chalk backto or at rear ç";the part of sth. which is behind çmapa drawing of an area which shows the name of places and streets so that you can find your way 'Chinaiforty&us(b)her(b)goodof the right kind for the purpose,nice,pleasant ÿ" eighteen&Bmanya lot, a great number of c";c",cminuteone of the sixty equal parts of an hour hoursixty minutes sixtyų&daynot night;period of 24 hours g,twenty#&twenty-four#&weeka period of seven days,beginning on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday ,ljmonthone of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into (thirty&yeara period of 365 days or 52 weeks or 12 months %hundredthe number 100 peoplepersons,human beings F,FgrandpaHH,(d)seventeen&FseventyF&mathsNO....nineteen&classa group of students who are taught together a lesson in school (Gſ"),driverthe person who controls sth. which is moving d,Ʃbus-driverƥ€dhow manyc cometo move towards the speaker dpleaseasking politely for something toas for as;until Bgoto move opento become not shut dcloseshut;finish doorthe entrance to a building or room letto allow Freadto look at and understand writeuse a pen or pencil to produce words ghometo or at the place where you live $$,($the place where you live $standto support the body upright on the feet hupfrom below to a higher place gmorningearly part of the day between dawn and noon ȧ,Gsitto be placed on a chair or some other place )downfrom higher to a lower place ggtodaythe day on which you are speaking or writing ĒgMondayljrightcorrect Hƿ"nowat this time (backto or at rear $(),gturnmove so to face in a different direction ,ipageone side of one of the pieces of paper in a book or magazine ,Ȝgo to schoolgo home$$good morningȫ.how are youEÝe(IJėF)all rightÿ";()Í timeall the days of the past,present and future datin place or time (playspend time with toys or take part in games to take part in sport or game g,"(f)basket-ballfsporta game which you play for fan and exercise HCafternoonthe part of each day which begins at lunchtime and ends at about six o'clock gGdoto act homework$G eveningthat part of the day between sunset and bedtime G,Gstudyspend time in learning 'beginto start dotherthe second of two;different;not the same ",戧"good eveningGget upf"have sports瑇ȊCdo one's homework go to bed"have lessonsbe good at(...ç;fhthe peopleFE bowla deep round dish platea round,flat dish that is used to hold food %,㐉fisha kind of animal which lives in water &,breada very common food made from flour and water botherthe second of two;different;not the same (Ei)EȨF(G)otherspl. form of other 戧ȹF(dG)meatthe flesh of a dead animal that people cook and eat &onethe number 1 Ȩ(...)onespl. form of one ȹ...ricea food consisting of white grains which you cook and eat C;Bwaterthe most common liquid,without colour,taste or smell them(),(b)passgive by handing BC(D)teaa hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water on the dried leaves of a plant b,b(giveto present something to a person him(b)milkthe white liquid produced by cows e,esuppera meal eaten in the early part of evening Greadyprepared and fit ÿ",(dad,Å(d)hurrymove quickly ã$,"thankto say that we are grateful to sb. GG,Gchickena young hen (or cock) ;&whyfor what reason soto such a degree 补,šmucha lot of;great in quantity c,c,Bdaddybirthdaythe day when you are born 栆happyfeeling or expressing pleasure ýG",'C"a glass of(ˆ)Bhere you areEa cup of(b)BI'm coming.dHappy Birthday栆help yourself haveto own (hasto own ((㥆FB)TVtelevision ;ƌdseta group of connected thing ),television(d)[$gTV]radioan electric instrument with which you can listen to broadcast dstoryan acount of events,real or imagined 㵦story-book㵦picture-book'ĺinkthe coloured liquid used for writing or printing EMary(e)papera material that you write on piecea bit of H(,D...)roundshaped like a circle (",(";in a circle H";G"its"nonot one,not any (armfrom shoulder to the hand &,cbuthowever Ffootthe end of the leg,on which we stand and walk Dfeetpl. form of foot D(c)legthe two long parts of the body with which people walks canto be able to eallthe whole number of G(",FB"nightperiod of darkness between sunset and sunrise Geyethe two things in your face that you see with $eara part of the body with which we hear sounds mouththe opening on the face through which a person or animal can take food into the body,and speak or make sounds talkspeak ƃ$,$waketo stop sleeping tellto make known in words to ,&clockinstrument for measuring and showing the time TV setƌda piece ofȷH(,D)one...the other......E...all day and all nightwake...upľit's time to get upCf" shirta piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body ()mine"(b)yoursE";E"(b)jacketa short coat hersǿ"(b)which&asking for selection from a definite number eȨ,eJohnh(媅)theirs(,)"(b)nextnearest in position or order gȨ,$ÿ",洢oursthe one or ones belonging to us "watcha small clock &Bwhatshow surprise (h㌧i)cquitecompletely ,&perhapspossibly;maybe ,Deaskto put a question ,excuseforgive,pardon comradetrusted companion,loyal friend ')nearby&not far from $";$policeman(policemen pl.)the people who keep order and see that we do not do anything against the law DOKO.K. ;;Dhelpdo part of the work of another person ‰;Ÿcan'tcan not ²efindget back after a search B,cownerthe person who has something GI,G(Fcertainlyconfidently,surely F,FDwhat a nice watchcò"ȹD&Bexcuse meŒfcan I help youŸehere's a...葃(... listento try to hear exercisequestion to be answered by pupils for practise 'AlicebG(e)Peter(媅)texta book about a particular subject that is intended for students to use ,bwordletter or a group of letters,a sound or a group of sounds,which together make sth. we can understand ",B"Sundayljzoopark where live animals are kept so that people can look at them CGwaitto stay somewhere until sb. comes or sth. happens ,stop&leave off;hinder ,);¶hanother&one more;a different one ()(,...)both&the one and also the other E(F,...)sayto pronounce ,grannyŰee,,alsoin addition; too soin that way Btaketo hold with the hand E,;(I)veryto a great degree mucha lot of;great in quantity ,listen toout ofg...write downgg,İgwait forbus stopƥ¶hgot on()have one's seat)EF"Itake this seat)訣Ivery muchit's very nice of youE()hGÍ hGÍ  holdcause to take place ;groundthe surface playground(G")Braceto competition in speed f%;ffast&quick; moving quickly "()winto be the best or first in D;won[win]"C"jumppush your feet against the ground and go into the air neckthe part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body ,relayerunnerthe person who are running f%"Fshoutspeak or cry out in a loud voice c;cloudmaking a lot noise Bƿ"loudlyBƁlap(%")Țsticka long, thin piece of wood b;;(stilleven to this or that time D;fbehindto the rear of (;(çdropto allow to fall ()gwinnerthe person who wins D溈hooray Ü()congratulationthe words which praise sb. for sth. that they have done (c)c,cratherquite '; Dbadlyof poor quality; evil ;loudspeakerƍF,resultsomething which happens because of another thing ĵ;ǵheadteacherthe chief teacher of a class iIhold a sports meeting(HC)D100-metre raceȇf%the high jumpthe long jump穨bad luck¢Erelay raceefin front(&;(Hthe starting linef%come onùpass onBCcatch up withëneck and neck˜㫆g;Ɨat the same time'a moment later浤)fall behind;#«take turns;%right now(; foreignbelong to another country "languagethe words we use in speaking or written (chickthe young hen (or cock) soundwhat is or may be heard; noise ƙnewspaperprinted paper which tell us the news as&&like G...Ȏ; usualsuch as commonly happens ";smile&to laugh without opening the mouth sweepto clean using a brush ;excusea reason for doing something wrong d;exceptleaving out ...)luckyhaving good forturn Hfÿ"luckilyHfÁsciencethe study of knowledge which can be made into a system 䄈;F䄈agreehave the same opinions ';Bpreferto choose rather than another (ȱ);cgmathsa subject which study of numbers (Ǻg")usefulbring help or advantage; helpful (";(("P.E.physical education drop mathsÍas usualGȎagree with'EF(dEFD)®g...) draw(drew)to make a picture using a pen or pencil ;)tryto make an attempt ();';%ehorsea large animal which you can ride chalksoft, white or coloured material you write on the blackboard with Russian&of or from Russia and Russian (F)(");(")downstairson a lower floor (g;Bgsleepbe or fall asleep ;Moscowa city of Russia %Gquietwith little noise; peaceful "";"quietly";upstairson a upper floor (;Bnoiseloud and unpleasant sound H;bang unhappynot pleasant ¥ýG";g"knock&to hit, to strike hard ;;"troubleto worry ;comradetrusted companion; loyal friend ')happentake place accidently (%F)cjustexactly; a very short time before now H;F;noon12 o'clock in the middle of the day, midday iG;HGplay withgknock at(,⿢)fall asleep;Fat noon(iG accidentan event which happens completely by chances ;"motoran engine that makes things move or work cCd;motorbikelose(lost)fail to gain, be unable to find F,Fpastbeyond; after Ccornera place where two lines or streets meet dC;suddenlyquick, not expected Flandto come on to land ()Dorif not C(travelto go from one place to another Žlieto stay with the body flat ;(G)î(Ecrowdfill with people ȏ;&libraryan institution that keeps books and newspaper for people to read 'C()medicinea substance that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness %㐈hurrymove quickly ß;blankĆ¯whileduring the time that ...";...'gate keeperşF;ŦD;Ťgmove awayd; hurry upùhurry off""E;ù dictionarya book which tells you what words mean "#;#several&more than two but fewer than many 䨣;;fanywherein,at,or to any place #shelf(pl. shelves)a board fixed to a wall so that things may be placed on it dshelves[shelf]"cyetup to now;before now ;D;fFonabout;concerning hhelpfuluseful (‰"; (("strictfirm, demanding obedience "returnto put or send back ÄD;$;politeshowing good manners to other people (e";($"politely(estarone of the bright objects we see in the sky at night ;üeverywherehere and there, all the places B;'ůepitythe feeling of being sad because sb. else is suffering ;'Fpay(paid, paid)to give money to sb. ;...bbeforeat an earlier time &everat any time know-all'G¿"Fhistorythe events of the past;a subject studied in school that deals with the past %F;%Freading roomh䷦on timeb;pay forfrom now onBĕ persona man,a woman or a child FforgetfulĠ'";’%g"lista set of things which are written down one below the other ȿB;ƻBshopkeeperowner of a shop ƫ&F;Iarrive(at) reach a place B;calreadybefore now;even now sweetsth. having a taste like sugar or honey ǵ;break(broke, broken)to divide into &;gd;'spend(spent, spent)to use time or money $C(,d);cCbicycletwo-wheeled machine for riding on [$gbike]noisyhaving loud and unpleasant sound (";(F,)H"noisily(fillmake full ;) cowa large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk ;esheepa grass-eating animal that is farmed for its wool and its meat %fieldan area of land on which crop is grown ;ǁpiga common farm animal used by some people for food tractordplaya story which is performed in a theatre D;$Dpanhurryneed to do something quickly ɏlend(lent, lent)to let sb. use something but not to keep it ...deadnot alive '";'檥"diestop living 'jokesth. that is said or done to make you laugh $wool蠅;mutton&milkto produce milk İe;etwicetwo times E;Eborderthe correct arrangement (as soon as ......No hurryŸ;’ɏhear of forshowing how long (d,dE);overmore than C;chtogetherin company Ȍf;Ȗ'since&from a time in the past until now B;B...d;Hhownbelonging to "rushto go somewhere quickly ;"%throughfrom end to end or side to side C;Cpartsth. less than a whole ;Bshop•dstepact of stepping once D;矄;narrowa very small distance from one side to another side GH"touchto put one's hand or fingers on sth. ;cut(cut, cut)make an opening &;;metala hard substance such as iron,steel,copper and gold joinput together %;C;"Dstraight&direct Ȁ(");(")followmove along behind sb. or sth. #glasses(pl.)instrument we wear in front of eyes in order to help us to see better guessto give an answer or an opinion when you do not know lifethe state of being alive 檥spyto find out secret information about another country or organization (;bcentrea middle part or point igall one's life Ȱ; headmasterthe chief person of a school iGpossiblethat can be done De";ablecan;have the power;capable (ee";e"betweenin the middle of ((E))dlazyunwilling to work c"exam(examination) a testing of knowledge or ability (d)weakin bad health "";";B"capitalthe chief city of a country F;Dmissfail to meet F;;Cevenmore than one expects F;cfailbe unsuccessful Ž;Fbtruein accordance with fact or reality h";h"duringin a space of time (...)dmindattend to ė;callto telephone;say sth. in a loud voice $;$;chold on¯C;(d)ȿas soon as possiblebe able toe;Dleave a message%$in troublehı(i)give...a call..."$ inventcreate or design c;bhinventora person who invents sth. c;bhinventionc;bhchangeto take one thing instead of another c";cworldthe Earth fnameto give a name computerdfridge´ownto have G(;ȡ(send(sent, sent)to cause to go or be taken to a place ;Őfhenfemale chicken 卤pupilthe children who go to school ;strangesurprised,not known or experienced before &c";Cc";"become(became, became)begin to be ";Binterestedsb. being caused to give his attention to Gf";g"laba building or a room that contains special scientific equipments ȷmirrorpolished surface that reflects images lightthe brightness that lets you see things operateto work or be in action;to treat a patient by first cutting opening his body &;Hicleareasy to understand;bright Ʈ⁣;ƫ"clearlyƮ⁣;'saveto make safe from danger or harm d;'dlinea long thin mark on a surface ($")Emotor carƥsend awaye ;d;Ctry out;bbecome interested in...Gfbe interested in...(Gfsend forşF()turn downC;(d,b)break down';b whileduring the time that ..."instructiondirection ƪ;Hleafone of the green flat parts of a plant or tree which grow out of the branches (F,)(leavespl. form of leaf [leaf]"ccoverhide;conceal ;the outside part of a book Ð;ccagea box with wires or bars in which animal or birds may be kept E;Ehatehave a strong dislike for ®g;each&every one è;;besideat the side of;close to (...%journeytravel from one place to another Ž;Esafelyout of danger "F;"seata place for sitting Ijacketa short coat 㫆;nearlyalmost $;minda person's thinking or feeling,thoughts ,Iflighta journey made by flying ;Cfurthest&farthest 驨take good care ofH;Hmake sure;come roundd;dwrite downgg,İgdin a minuteȉD;嵤just thenH(ųchange one's mind c"#(I) merrycheerful,happy,bright ";䂥"Christmasthe birthday of Jesus Christ,December 25th breceivetake;get B;newsnew information ';gwhomwhat or which person(s) ;eFwithoutnot having;not with ';(almosta little less than completely ;"Žcmemberone of the people,animals,or things belong to the group B;Dget-togetherĎ;ĉDeve(䠆dBc)&firesth. which is burning $;$EfireplaceEburn(burnt, burnt or burned, burned)to be in flames;hurt by fire or heat F;fF;()brightlygiving a lot of light ƀ';€E;ŁChristmas Eveb(12(25)&sitting roomfķhear fromB..."d foreignera person belonging to another country Ffestival&䠆(");g(")Britainh;stockinga closely fitting garment for a woman's leg and foot heartthe organ in your chest that pushes the blood around your body g()kind-heartedüg"tophighest part or point B;(G")chimney(;(followgo along H;c;#dictationgon top of(...Jesus Christ(Ddress up);)"look upg;("#,)each otherB;Ĵ' whetherif...or not FClonelyalone,without a friend c";ſ"fight(fought, fought)to use force against "d(();..."d(()mistake市wrong opinion,idea or act dancemove around in time to music gg;gDeitherone or the other of two things ()lightpale-coloured B"darkthick-coloured f()"decidemake up one's mind;resolve $c;g$gwoolen蠅";蠅)"hang(hung, hung)to be held from above ;Ccotton&a tall plant that is used to produce cloth $(")expensivecosting a lot of money ""softchanging shape easily when pressed ";"cost(cost, cost)price paid for a thing (c)right away嵤;for longmake friends with...Hget on...with...'...make a mistake#take one's time;dtry...on(,g,E) keymetal instrument we use to open a lock Ȫstampa small piece of paper you stick on a letter when you post it hwoodthe hard material of a tree ;lockan instrument for fastening doors so that they cannot be opened 'fasten with a lock ';'byusing ;Hwidebroad;of great extent ĽD";c"widelyD;celseother,different ";戇"JapanbGerman";(F)"F;Germanynonenot any;not one (#ëGd#Fmodernof the present or recent times ""businesstask,duty ;&;旨Frenchman#FFrenchmenpl. form of Frenchman #F(c)travellerthe person who is travelling Ž纈silkthe soft thread made by an insect called a silkworm (B);IFproducemake;grow 梢;)hglassthe hard substance that windows and bottles are made from ˆNew Zealand'Gd(B))be made of...)B";...)"all over the worldFf marketa place,usually in the open air,where lots of different goods are bought and sold fB;ķfbridgesth. on which we can cross a road, river,railway museumGCcrossingF罃;"(Ed)acrossfrom one side to the other side C;Cgroupa number of people or things gathered together I;ȓIglass-toppedˆh";ˆ"point(at) to show the position i;igkinga man who is ruler of a country Gsurpriseto cause surprise to &;Bpota round container d;c;teapotbdthermosFthirstydd"PLA iFEïPRC idFEParty㢢(gi;h)foundestablish,start the building of B;signa standard mark;sth. that shows the future );entrancea way into a place Fd;FB;FexitGsmoketo give off smoke;to breathe the smoke of tobacco through the mouth (;(the cloud which rises from sth. burning (smoking(;%(on show ȿ;bhundreds of...... populationthe mumber of people living in a country or area Fd;Fthousand&number of 1000 million&number of 1,000,000 ;稣(FdG)billion&;IndiaHcfollowingwhich is in the next part ɿ";g"earthplanet on which we live;land surface of world f;B;;mouththe opening on the face through which a person or animal can take food into the body,and speak or make sound grow(grew, grown) to live,develop century100 years f;%UNthe United Nations Cbyuntil B...spaceroom can be used ĕddevelopto grow;increase or be come larger or more complete c;dcon the earth(fhour after hourȸȸ;%聣at the beginning off;dagree to do sth.'Eone after another'd;arrive at a placeB­Earrive in a placec­Eat breakfastȝbe away fromEmake the bed"by ship)%bby plane)Cdby car)ƥcatch coldɊcome on#d;ùday after daycȠfall in旂,give backÄD,Lj$give up Ígo back$have a talk$;have a walkhave some medicine㐈have classeslearn sth. by heartĊIknow sth. by heartĊIhold a meetingDbe likeGthe others戇"take a restgby the side of(...%go to sleepF,take a walktake awayE take the train)$take a boat)btake a bus)ƥon the way(E,(gi gi (gi healththe state of being well, without desease IJ;ghealthystrong, not often ill IJĿ";Č"was[is,am]"Cyesterday&igNovember&ȫ(illsick, not well in health "rememberto keep in memory Ŀ;were[are]"Chopeto wish and expect bringto come with or lead d;EdyourselfE$badof poor quality;not pleasant; evil;incorrect Ŀ"after&(...yeara period of 365 or 366 days divided into 12 months %nevernot ever $;Bd(less()Ƣh;halwaysat all times F;Ȁhoura period of 60 minutes sporta game, competition or activity carried on by rules and needing bodily effort and skill HCvegetableplant for food Fkeep healthyIJlook afterH;Hlast weeklj;yesterday eveningigGin bedbe good for...(("be bad for...(#"eye exercisesĞlast year%less than a week¾Bȅmore than two weeksEchow oftenc;cbe late forBBdo sportHC;()HC favouritesomething or someone that is loved above all others 畢g"F(dG)second#"fifthninthJanuaryȫ(February#(March(April(May(Juneū(JulyF(AugustB(October&(December&#(worstĿ"[bad"Ï]worsecĿ"[bad"]did[do]"Cagoback in time from now &datetime shown by one or more of the following;the number of day,the month, and the year cold&having a low temperature e(")meetinga gathering of people, esp. for purpose D;ĉDwent[go]"Cdumplingnoodle哇porridgeGCtablea written collection of figures, facts or information arranged in orderly rows Bhappyfeeling pleasure and contentment ýG";'C"Happy New Year'% bornbrought into existence by or as if by birth questiona sentence of phrase which asks for information 'Oxfordplace name (hf)did[do]"Cmoveto take or go from one place to another C;(CFrance#dG;#becausefor the reason that enjoyto get happiness from g;Ǹ..."fexamplea person or piece of behaviour that can be copied by other people tickto draw sth. down to mark ĺtotal&complete, whole scorethe number of points gained in games, exams,etc. (f)meanto represent F...tapequickswift; soon finished G"quickly;Gbought[buy]"Cwhenat the time at which ...reachto arrive at; get to Brestfreedom from anything tiring gwill& aux. to be willing to do ;D;be bornhon one's way home$$"Ehave a restgȉDhalf an hourB opposite&as different as possible from '(");(")Turnerperson's name ()conductorthe guard on a train; or a person who sells tickets on a public vehicle Ƅ;©roundwith a circular movement iCdticketa printed paper or card to show allowance of entrance ;madama respectful way of addressing a woman cF;eFsira respectful way of addressing a man ';Cgdiagrama plan or figure drawn to explain an idea 'B;'the Turnersȓ$come roundCd; Cd messagea spoken or written piece of information pass from one person to another g;ganswerto reply $($)telephonephone $,$d;call sb. "$...afraidfull of fear ;#momentpoint of time; a period of short time 浤;fdcinematheatre in which moving pictures are shown ((;(pleasurefeeling of happiness or satisfaction ;ýGringto cause to sound; to telephone ..."$;(,E)phonetelephone $dto telephone "$waythe road to a place;a method or manner of doing sth. E,õ,Ó#storyan account of events, real or imagined 㵦photoa picture made by a camera Hharvestgather the crops D(G);enoughas much of (a quanity) or as many of as may be necessary ";"reallyin actual fact; truly hH;ƴbe out⚆;(at the momentBby the way;Ȱgthe next day#gring up"$... seasona period of time each year springthe season in which leaves and flowers appear "g;"everything;ȇëG;Ȕ&summerthe very hot season between spring and autumn g;hothaving a certain degree of heat, esp. a high degree "wearto have (esp. clothes)on the body coolpleasantly cold ſ";Ź"autumnthe season between summer and winter when leaves turn gold and fruit become ripe g;winterthe cold season between autumn and spring g;㐤warmhaving pleasantly heat "Januaryȫ(lastto measure in length of time; go on Bruceperson's name ŀG(媅)Plunctreeplace name F()Sydneya city of Australia (bBECf)weatherthe condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow, etc., at a certain time or over a period of time gflettera written or printed message sent usu. in an envelope penfrienda person who has come to know by exchange of letters Hwell&in the right manner,thoroughly rain&fall drops of water from cloud in the sky gh;hlakea large mass of water surrounded by land $snow&frozen water with small flat 6-sided fall like rain in cold weather g;skatemove on roller skates ;readyprepared and fit (for use) ÿ"at a bad time of year(F%i¹ÿ"be different from...–'at this time of year((ȴ%")訣get warm"turn green"go skating;get ready for...the next yeargȴ% drynot having water or liquid ";ȿ"wetcovered in or with liquid or not dry ";ch"cloudvery small drops of water floating high in the air cloudyfull of clouds; overcast c";g"sunnyhaving bright sunlight $%";(㫢"rainyhaving a lot of rain gh";ch"windwindyfull of wind (";B"brightgiving out light very strongly;shining ſ"icewater which has frozen to a solid thinnot thick ¿"thickhaving a large distance between opposite surfaces "stronghaving power esp. of the body; violent (e";"strongly(e;偣blow(esp. of the wind, air, etc.)to move to active beautifulpretty %";Fſ"shineto give off light Hsunshinestrong sunlight (countrya state or nation with its land or population $nearlyalmost; not quite or not yet completely ;$unlikenot like; be different from ¶G;...–'later onC;go ondlots ofc partya gathering of people usu. by invitation,for food and amusement ĉDbirthdaythe date on which sb. was born 栆tell(told)to make known in words;express ;&;mayDmatterto be important $;(iBpresentgift Gsandwich2 flat pieces of bread with some other between them )(gb)platea flat round dish from which food is eaten or served %; 㐉candleĈfeel(felt)to experience;be conciously happy(of people)feeling pleasure and contentment doorbella bell provided for visitors to a house to ring for attention ŐEfeather(laughto smile and make a sound It doesn't matter.give...the messaged... reportan account or description of events, experiences, etc. ;willto be willing to do ;D;;won'twill not ‰D,©longmeasuring a good deal from one end to the other radio';dstopto cease moving or continuing an activing setan electrical apparatus );beforein front of (...&east&(to, facing to) the direction in which the sun rises ;Õ(")north&;•(")west&G;G(")northwestGnortheastÍsouth&;ŕ(")southwestGsoutheastðwaitto stay somewhere for somebody's coming or something happening ;mostgreatest in number, quantity, or degree Bc;BBtemperaturethe degree of heat or coldness of a place, object, etc. cabovein or to a higher place, overhead ( ’gfallto descend, come down g;belowin a lower place (...gagainonce more ;TV setƌdtake...ond;d(b,d)go for a walkwait fortake time$Cdat timesthe day after tomorrowÒg tonight&on or during the night of today ĞGrealactually existing; ture h"chips(pl.) lj()(d)pork &beef&vegetableFpotatoEi;ljpeatomatoG㵆;iFcarrotBcabbageg;œtake-away&cooked meal which can be taken away and eaten immediatly (D ")fryto cook in hot fat or oil ȕfriedȕ"sugarsalth pingpongfhard-workingbe working hard; devoted %e# "happily'C;easilynot difficult Hcarefullytaking care with the intention of avoiding danger )';gworriedbe anxious g";"feel worriedBE until&up to the time that... B...endthe points where something stops ;ļf;trafficthe movement of people or vehicles along roads, or streets, of ships in the seas, planes in the sky, etc. dangerthe possibility of harm or loss Dzplayto produce sound (b,,)matteraffair; subjects to which one gives attention F;'grannygrandmother Űee;;husbandthe man to whom a woman is married Ȝcaddressthe place where people lives or works Ipocketa small flat cloth bag (")dbmaybeperhaps d;Brightmost suitable; best for a particular purpose H;FFkindhelpful; interested in the happiness or feelings of others f";H"wifethe woman to whom a man is married &arroundon all sides; about; in all derections (G;($mayto be perhaps De;traffic light(,)bbe in hospitalI((旂)at the end of(...look arround hitto give a blow to; strike ";i;icrossto go, pass, or reach across C;Csafeout of danger; not threatened by harm "F"carecharge; keeping; protection H;;gifsupposing that; on the condition that Ƶ;linea row; a piece of string or thin cord ;E;queuea line of sth. or somebody 獥;alwaysat all times; at each time Ȁpleasedfeeling or showing satisfaction or happiness ýG"visit&to go to see or look at for short time ;"visitora person who visits or is visiting ;"understand(understood)to know or get the meaning of #;interestingwhich take (or keep) one's attention (f'";("Brunopeople's name ŹE(媅)countrythe land outside cities or towns ŷwaiting-roomroom for those who are waiting ;·backa part of the body down the middle of which runs the backbone ;Bhurtto cause pain and/or damage to #IndianHcF;H"Fslownot moving or going on quickly "slowlymistaketo have a wrong idea about sb. or sth.; understand wrong anythingany one thing #(G)take careg;H;#too...toG...c²ein lineEBȽ;Bjump the queue‚b(E;at last; hqueue jumper‚b(Eÿ"Fat the head of(..."&laugh at" tidyto make (sth. or sb.) neat ;neatly arranged ";ƿ"washingthings (esp. clothes) washed or to be washed babya very young child gardena piece of land with flowers and vegetables grown $volleyballEfinsteadin place of that ";mommyee(%h)tiredlack of power in mind or body, esp. after activity Ɓ";E"restfreedom from anything gproblema difficulty that need attention or thought 'fathaving much fat(n.) c"thinhaving little fat on body; not fat "roundall over the places (...Ghave to¿;Hdo the washinglook overⲤ;()dtake exerciseHC islanda piece of land surrounded by water could[can]"Cpicnica pleasure trip in which food is taken to be eaten somewhere in the country hfarther&c"();[far]farthest&驨"();[far]Ïlargemore than usual in size B";$B"landto come to, bring to or put on land or water ()alonewithout others (ɕ B)Bc"smell(smelt, smelt) to use the nose ;nobody(Fsomebody(F;EFunusualrare, no common †";裂"pullto draw along,to move by holding and drawing, sometimes with force ;;anybody#Fourselves$afraidbe full of fear ;#cry&to produce tears because of grief, sorrow, sadness, etc. ;c;;cpushto use sudden or steady presure in order to move forward, away from oneself, etc. gonceone time; some time ago ȴ;&pull...out of...B...idpull...up from...H...Ždno longer®at once嵤; agethe period of time a person has lived or a thing has been existed %%cleverquick at learning and understanding ª";e"herselfǐ$learn(leant;learned)to gain knowledge (of) or skill (in) ;Drich(of a person)wealthy; possessing a lot of money or poverty (";CH"money;đmyself$poorhaving very little money &;D"himself$Shuteperson's name &()Janeperson's name $(e)Jamesperson's name ŀG(媅)southernśB";ŕÿ"sadgrievious, sorrow; unhappy (F)"dressto put clothes on ...operationthe way a thing works ;the cutting of the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part &yourselvesE$themselves(,)$itself$fall off;#genjoy oneselfCget dressed diarya daily record of the events in person's life ;ċMaryperson's name (e)Dickperson's name (媅)Clarkeperson's name ()Jenkinsperson's name 袤G()Mabelperson's name (e)grand(氣)(),grandson;grandparents;maketo put into a certain state, position, etc. pageone side of a sheet of a paper in a book, newspaper, etc., usu. numbered classmatea member of the same class in a school, college, etc. ''grandma(d)ee;asleepthe state of being sleeping ɿ";waketo cease to sleep musicthe arrangerment of sounds in pleasant patterns and tunes 肥wholenot spoilt or divided "holidaya time of rest from work ;greatof excellent quality or ability gB";iB"interesta readiness to give attention Gf;f'grandpaHH;sentence䐉handbaga small bag for woman to carry her money and personal things in eb;&bfamily tree$Fat firstf'wake up;dmake facesCtake care ofH;#home town;$place of interest shoutto give a loud cry; speak or say very loudly c;ÿtoothteethpl. form of tooth (c)grrr (Łd")ckillto cause to die Ɓ';'ha cin the end gladhappy, pleased ýG","both&the one and also the other E(F,...)wish&to want, to desire ;;cardpiece of thick, heavy paper $;c$artthe making of beautiful things, fine skill in making or doing things ;%;Fluckchance; good fortune Hf;ìHtalkspeak; conversation H;$difficulthard to do ı";"subjectsth. talked or written about or studied ';shouldought to D,C;v. [shall]Caboutconcerning hchoosepick out;select ȱchose[choose]"Cfullcompletely FB"given[give]"C"importanthaving great effect i"courseseveral things which happen one after another C;Cgood luckìHffor examplefull nameFgiven nameof courseF F iven nameof courseF F urseF given nameof courseF writemake letters or words on paper,using a pen or pencil greadlook at words and get the meaning h;say aloud words that you can see %listentry to hear sth.;pay attention to hear ,%gcleanmake to be (free from) dirty ...countto say the number in order ,homeworkwork which a pupil does at home $G helppart of the work for others ‰,Ÿnowat the present time (watchlook at,keep the eyes on ,iTVƌdstandget up on to one's feet h,talkspeak or be able to speak ƃ$,$openmake to be not shut "dcloseto shut ,Bworkdo work # ,Cwearhave or carry on the body listen todo one's homework$G watch TVfly a kiteÛ make a planeCdEstand near the treeh(F$put on one's clothessit in a boat)(bopen the doordclose the windowdrink teaȠbplay gamesgrun up the treeFread bookshclean the windowˆmend the kite sing a songbplay footballǒfwear trousers differencethe state of being unlike –',"sayuse one's voice to produce (words,sentences) ,bottles ofF...put on...clean the room"dmake cakes鼢# today&on this day modern times Ēg,(daya period of twenty-four hours g,weeka period of seven days ȅ,ljMondaythe second day of the week ljTuesdaythe third day of the week lj#Wednesdaythe fourth day of the week ljThursdaythe day between Wednesday and Friday ljFridaythe day between Thursday and Saturday ljSaturdaythe seventh and last day of the week ljSundaythe first day of the week ljgtomorrow&the day after this day gshopbuilding or part of building where goods are shown and sold &closedshut,not open ɿ"opennot shut dɿ"borrowget something to use for a while before returning or repaying it backin or to the place where it was before $()soonin a short time from now ¨,ȉDhey a short shout used to call attention or to express surprise,interest,etc. favouritebeing a favourite g"colouredhaving some colours "askput a question;call for an answer to hasto own,to possess ((㥆FB)lota great amount or number Bgo to the shopëGin the mornings(Gat this time訣not at allµčf,ŸGa lotcthanks a lotG fromstarting at B...fEnglandBritain h,hdAustraliabBEAmerica%speaksay words;talk to sb. ,ƃ$Australianpeople of Australia bBEFCanadaDEBCanadianpeople of Canada DEBFFrenchlanguage of France #Englishmanmale people of England h()FEnglishmen(pl.) h()F(c)Japanese;bFU.S.A.the United States of America %muchto a great degree clittlenot much &,ȃgreatof remarkable ability or character gB",B"peoplepersons;men,wowen,boys and girls F,Falsoas well,too ducka very common water bird with short legs,a short neck and a large flat beak (postcardcard,one side of which is usually a photograph or picture,used instead of a letter dearloved "staybe,keep,remain (at a place) %,Ifriendlykind and helpful Hÿ"teachgive lessons at school $lovea strong feeling of fondness for another ,glike sb. or sth. very much gcome fromd(),(h)be fromF...F;B...da littleȃthe peopleFEto sb.EFfrom sb.dhEFon Sundays(ljg buthowever F,DFsayuse one's voice to produce (words,sentences) ,knowhave (information) in the mind ,cookto make food ready to eat houseworkwork done in a house (cleaning,cooking) $unclethe brother of one of your parents,or the husband of the sister of one of your parents ",machinemechanical equipment dFlikeof the same kind Gplikea machine which is either like a plane or a bike ȅ)&c"dFdrivemake a car or a horse,etc.move along properly ,d()drivera person who drives a car dfarmbuildings and land where people grow food or keep animals ţBfarmera person who owns or works on a farm şF,Ŝcsoldiermember of an army F,Fworkera person who works;a member of the working class #F,Cfactorya large workshop where things are made #studygive time and attention to learning or discovering sth. ', allbmake things)hëGplay basketball"$fdo housework$like doing sth.gEon a farm(ţBin a factory(#in a shop(&in a school(G eveningthe time between first getting dark and getting quite dark G,Geveryeach one ",Ȕ&"within the company of ...Ȍfmuch&a lot of csamenot different 'ȿ"differentnot the same –'"in the evening(Gbe with sb.EFȌfgo to Chinese classesevery weeklj upto or in a higher place g,(late&after the right,fixed or usual time;not early B("),G(")earlybefore the usual or expected time weeka period of seven days,especially from Sunday to Saturday ȅ,ljweekdayany day except Sunday # ,breakfastthe first meal of the day ȝleavego away Edbeginstart; start to do sth. d,ɸ&luncha meal eaten at about the middle of the day Gmiddlethe central part,point,or position id,iBsupperlast meal of the day GCwashmake clean with water offaway Edthenafter that,that being so )bythrough the use of ,overright through;ended ļf,給oftenmany times sometimesnot very often (get upf"have breakfastȝon weekdays(go to schoolhave lunchiCtake offDž#in the morning(Gthe middle of the dayiGhave supperGCget toBget home$B$by bikeFby busƥbe lateBBbe overļf, shoppinggoing to shops to buy things Gbuyget something by paying some money sellto give up goods to another for money or other value dearhigh in price ""cheaplow in price;costing only a little money ȿ"forindicating purpose fisha kind of animal that lives in water kiloa measure of weight halfone of two equal parts of a thing ȉB,Bexercisea piece of work given in school 'forgetnot to have a memory of,not to remember 'beforeat an earlier time B&,Cearlier than (...&how muchcgo shoppingëGshopping basketG$on one's way home(EF$$"Eall dayga lot ofcschool things'Fexercise books'bbuy sth. from...(...ëG fridgecabinet in which food is kept cold ´drinkliquid for drinking ȍwithusing do the shoppingëGhave a drink ofcȃ on...Hwork in(...# drive a card welcome &an expression of pleasure when sb. arrives firstlessonsth. taught to or learned by a pupil,esp. in a school ;ctermone of the periods of time into which the school year is divided sowith the result that B;Gpiecea bit H(,D...)papermaterial for writing or printing on ; callto shout;to telephone c;"$...maybe allow to Dmatterto be important $;(iBtimenumber of doing sth. ;nextnearest gȨ";$bɿ"second#longnot short, measuring a good deal from one end to the other "shortnot far from one end to the other ";B"tallhaving a greater than average height ÿ"pairtwo things that are alike or of the same kind, and are usu. used together Ȍ;Ⱦthird㥆shopbuy goods ëGfourthでa piece ofȷH(,D...)It doesn't timeg fifthmoona satellite moving round the earth (suna burning star in the sky G(shipa large boat %banother&&being one more of the same kind ();E()landthe solid dry part of the earth's surface ;ǁseaocean ;Îusuallyoften, gentelly bythrough the use of (,b)walkgo on foot ;footpart of the body (pl. feet) Dtraina line of connected railway carriage drawn by an engine $airgas;sky g;čfmealan amount of food taken at one time ȝ()Cformone side of a sheet of paper B;pageone side of a sheet of paper in a book etc.,usually numbered ,Ȝfinenice, bright and sunny %"cleanfree from dirt or unwanted matter Ơ";Ŀ"eighthBon footby airCd autumnseason between summer and winter g;mid-autumnininthfreeindependent, moving about at will IJ'";H"nightthe dark part of each day G;dmooncakecookies eaten at mid-autumn Festival (Bmustto have to H;parentthe father or mother ()parentsthe father and mother ;hungryfeeling or showing hunger $#"littleto only a small degree ȃ;Ƌwhyfor what reason roundcircular (";f"thanMmm nuta dry fru with a seed (ƀ');&deliciouspleasing to taste or smell %'";Dd"fullhaving plenty of (C)B"lettera written message in an envelope ;September(October&(kindtype, sort )twelfth&#come overCd;dkinds ofÅ)Îȿ"at night(in the open air(;(h outaway from the inside (outside&in the open air (...;(gatea movable frame which close an opening in a fence, wall etc. nothingno thing (ëG;(ideaa picture in mind I;;#sure&having no doubt ";ȇcgoodbye an expression used when leaving or being left by someone D;Dhaira fine threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal cmonthone of the 12 named divisions of the year (few&not many,not enough ,Žc";(couldD,(BDd)forthat is/are intended to belong to, be given to, or used for the purpose of ;better&of higher quality, moral value, usefulness, etc. cÿ"()best&the most skillful, or moral, etc. ÿ"()roadway E;Epickto choose, to take up or remove ;gwhenat what time ;#quitecompletely; perfectly ;&bella round hollow metal vessel making a ringing sound Ewhat about...h...?good ideaÉIhave a swima fewȹ;ƽ䨣put on();«(E) hardputting great effort in to the stated activity %efar&at or to a great distance "()metrea measure of lenghth ()kilometrea measure of length ()trucka fairly large motor vehicle $laddersomething used for climbing climbto go, esp. from a lower to a higher position ;忂holdto keep or support with part of the body E;Iliftto raise f;njfmore&cc";c";cmost&(Ï)cstronghaving power;not easily broken ";"carefultaking care g";)'"reachto strech out a hand or arm; to get &&(dD)B...dangerousable to or likely to cause danger Dzǿ"busyworking not free C"get onbe careful¼g;g shall(,)parka large public garden used by the public for pleasure or rest quartera 4th part of a whole;15 minutes ȵ;)pastbeyond in time, after ()C;Cfinishto reach or bring to an end; complete B;ļfthenat that time Bųfirstbefore anything else ;F'minuteone of the 60 parts into which an hour is divided no(zooa park where many kinds of living animals are kept for show CGanimala kind of living creature CGpandaa small bearlike animal found chiefly in the South-eastern Himalayas g%tigera very large fiece wild cat with yellowish fur and black hands delephantthe largest 4-footed animal with 2 long curved teeth and a long nose livedwell;to be alive ĊI;doga common 4-legged flesh-eating animal monkeya type of long-tailed active tree-climbing animal Cinside&to or on the area within (..."ŧ;(ŧboatto use a small ship for pleasure, often in the phrase go boating bboatingb(g)chickena young hen(or cock); the meat of young hen or cock ;&hearto receive and understand by using the ears D;have a good timegýG;Cbe good at(Eç;fhall the timeȀ usuallyoften; generally popularfavoured by many people ";B";ȿ"socceran English style football game hfplayera person taking part in a game or sport f;ȸ&find out; answer&a spoken or written reply $questiona sentence or phrase which asks for information 'front&the position directly before someone or something &;&"left&on or belong to the side of the body that usu. contains the heart ;(")hand&sideflat surface of something righton or belonging to the side of the body that does not contain the heart h;h(")back&ç(")nextin the order, place, etc. or at the time following nearest $touchto feel with part of the body ;wordsounds spoken to present an idea, object, action ";$headthe part of your body which has your eyes,mouth,and brain in it ;Bfacethe front part of the head ;earan organ of the face eyean organ of the face $nosean organ of the face arma part of the body &;clega part of the body partany of the pieces that make up a whole Bbodythe whole of a person Fdrawto make with a pen or pencil ;)keepto have without the need of returning ;%Imustn'tmust not µDpassto give (esp. by hand) BCnext to$;洢in front of(...& placeparticular part of space or position in space ;hospitala place where ill people stay and have treatment (stopa place on a road where buses or other public vehicles stop for passengers ¶hpostmail; the official system for carrying letters, parcels, etc. hh;hofficea place where business is done bfruitthe sweet part of a plant which carries the seed and we can eatstationa building on a railway (or bus) line where passengers or goods are taken on ¶h;G;hpolicethe poeple who keep order and see that we do not do anything against the law D;DFbookshopa shop where books are sold similarlike or alike; of the same kind '";Gdialogueconversation $needrequire; want for useful purpose 萨;Hpractiseto do repeatedly or do exersice regularly ';alongtowards;in the direction of ;forward on g&turnto more round a fixed point; to roll form one side to the other i(');Ëiturninga place where one road braches off from another (E")i'puzzlesomething that one cannot understand or explain easily ';()streeta road with town buildings on one or both sides dbus stopƥ¶hpost officehh$police stationD#(h);ŭGall the samefFlook forYou'd betterE...catch a busëƥ doctora person whose profession is to attend to sick people booksellera person who sells books ƺ;&cleanera person whose job is cleaning offices, houses, etc. Ơ#auntthe sister of one's father or mother (,,",&)growto increase in size by natural development );棢floora level of building; storey (")buildto make by putting pieces together h;buildingsth. with a roof and walls )Gvillagea collection of houses or other buildings in a country area ;towna large group of houses and other buildings where people live and work citya large and more important group of buildings with a centre than a town fpartany of the pieces that make up a whole Bshowto offer for seeing; allow or cause to be seen ...;&Ashlandplace name "d()Richmondname ŵF()passageshort part of a speech, music , etc. (迢")ȟ;Ȍ#againonce more, another time ;Johnperson's name h(媅)Torontoa city of Canada cEc(DEBȨf)useto employ ;liftelevator intoto the inside of B...startbegin dtwelfth&#last&after all the others (");C"Gum TreeIF(誅)up and downggout ofg...;d t ofg...;d goodÿ"fine(F)ÿ"hello (dČfi)how are youEÝegood morningȫsit down)g thank youGGsing this songbF whatwhich thing or things isF(B)yourbelonging to you E"namethe word(s) that someone or something is called or known by mybelonging to me "yesexpressing agreement F,F"itused to mean sth. which is not human thispersons or things mentioned before ,訣a one ()bookpendesk)map'bagb,bpencildoubletwice as Db";having two of the same things or parts B"goodbye farewell Dgood afternoongGexcuse meŒfin Englishh numbermeaning in number ,Ithe person who is speaking amF(ȟFB)inshowing how sth. is done ...(B&);show place (...rowline of people or things ()E,()tooalso,as well areF(c)youthe person or people that the speaker is talking to E,Enoin an answer to refuse sth. ,¶Fnothi a short shout used to call attention or to express surprise,interest,etc. ,classa group of children or students who learn in the same year at school ,⏤gradedivision of the school course %zeronothing,the figure 0 onenumber 1 andtogether with ,;added to Dtwonumber 2 #fournumber 4 threenumber 3 howto what extent;in what degree coldof age %g"elevennumber 11 &twelvenumber 12 &#tennumber 10 &hello the usual word of greeting pleaseto be so kind as to Mrs.title for a married woman who has no other title cFcanability ee;Degspellname or write the letters of (a word) in their proper order gsecretsth. kept hidden or known only to a few %in Row 1(ȻENumber 2#in Class 3,Grade 1(ȴ%how oldg Englishthe language of England hclockboxc;pencil-boxcrulercupBpearcake#bananadan Ȩ((d""&)appleƵorange"eggthata word used to point out one thing further away bikebusƥcarƥjeep$looksee,to watch Chineseof or from China,its people or language i(F)(");Englishof England h"Japaneseof Japan b" hemale person or animal shefemale person or animal whowhat person or people birditsbelonging to it "do(C")don'tdo not [do]"Ccknowin the mind thinkconsider,form ideas in one's mind ơ,EMr.title put before a man when he has no other title 'veryquite picturepainting,drawing or photo ',Hboya young male person 嵣girla female child ewomanan adult female human being emanan adult male human being B%Fcat%hisbelonging to him "teacherperson who teaches Ų&herbelonging to her ǿ"everyoneeverybody F,FFhereto this point or place today&on this day Ēgatshowing a point of place (schoolthe place for educating children Gsorryword to say 'no' politely Œfwhereat or to what place (ehomea place where one lives or was born $finenice, very good ÿ"OKall right ;Dthankexpress gratitude to sb. for sth. GGthanksexpression of gratitude Ggoodbye farewell Dbye goodbye Dfrienda person you like and feel you can trust Horword that shows another person,thing,idea,etc. drightcorrect,true ",Hƿ"wrongmistaken,not suitable ǿ"be here(;at school(G,at home($ excuseforgive (sb.) for a small fault meobject form of the pronoun I eraser'曂buthowever Fthese(pl.) of this theythose people,animals,or things (),fivenumber 5 sixnumber 6 sevennumber 7 Feightnumber 8 Bninenumber 9 thosethe ones over there Źboata ship ,bhilla small mountain F,&treea tall plant with a hard trunk, branches and leaves Ftheirbelonging to them "muchto a great degree alltotally F,very much,here you areEall right,,¸ nextimmediately following in time and in space $",gȨ"policemana member of the police Daskput a question;call for an answer to thirteennumber 13 &seehave or use the power of sight licencepermission from someone in authority to do sth. Hagenumber of years old %%teama group of players forming one side in a game Ȍ,ȓINo.meaning in number ,middlepoint,position,or part,which is at an equal distance from two or more points id,id"Missaddress for an unmarried woman or girl which shows her rank,job and social position haveto own,to possess (No.14 Middle School&imy teacher's nameŲ&" the (),()newnot used,not worn '"studentperson who is learning morningearly part of the day between the first light of day and noon ȫclassa group of children or students who learn in the same year at school 'onsupported by,lying against (,(...dutysomething one ought to do 蟦,wethe person who is speaking and some other person or people twineither of two children born together of the same mother B)samenot different 'ȿ"Americanof America,esp. U.S.A. %"overacross,either towards or away from the speaker (œtherein that place (Ņwayroad,street,path,etc. E,dputplace,set ourof us "coata long jacket we wear when it is cold or raining Bthemthe objective case of they toiletW.C. "Gnicefine,kind,friendly eF"totowards g;Bmeetcome face to face with;see D;Dlook afterHput them hereî(on duty look the samefdGover there(œThis way,please. 蓂 hatcovering for the head Eorword that shows another person,thing,idea,etc. ddifferentnot the same;unlike –'"ofshowing what you have and own [...]"roomspace separated by walls within house of building dclassroomroom where children have lessons $doorthe entrance to a building or room blackboarda smooth black surface where the teacher writes with chalk chaira seat for one person which can be moved (floorthe part of a room on which one walks ,canecan'tcan not ²eseehave or use the power of sight ,Dbehindat the back of (...çballa round object that is used in games funderin or to a lower place,below (...)glikein the same way as ...Ȏin the hat¡E"look ata picture of...ȝC...'on the desk() behind one's chair(EF"(çunder the chair((gon the floor(lookã... cometo move towards or near the speaker d;dBfamilya group of people consisting of parents and children $Gfathermale parent dadchild's word for 'father' ,Åmotherfemale parent mumchild's word for 'mother' eesonmale child of parents brothera boy or a man who has the same parents as another person #daughtera female child esisterdaughter of the same parents as another person ,ringsound of a bell Egomove away from the speaker nicepleasant,good eF",ÿ"pleaseto be so kind as to afternoonthe time between morning and evening gGsitput oneself down on a chair or some other place )downfrom a higher to a lower position or degree ggfrienda person you like and feel you can trust Ha picture of a familyȨ$G"Hfamily tree$F;$GBthe name of...EF"go and seehow do you do%come indnice to meet youBEýG beda piece of furniture on which we sleep or rest "bedrooma room for sleep 緦wallsomething built of bricks or stone which goes round a house kitea light frame of wood or bamboo covered with paper for flying in the air  lighta lamp bwindowan opening in the wall of a building to allow light and air to enter tablea piece of furniture with a flat top and legs )flowerthe bright-coloured part of a plant,the bloom $footballthe large ball used in games, a game played between two teams of eleven players fsome&a number;a number of ȹ,ffindlook for and get back something or somebody,that has been lost,left behind,forgotten,etc. Bbroomlong-handled implement for sweeping floors,etc. Chinathe name of our country iletallow;permit;say that sb. can do sth. Fusobject form of we (b)turnoccasion or opportunity for doing sth.,esp. in one's proper order among others %;(nowat the present time (a map of ChinaȝCiっ'It's your turn now.(%BElook aton the wall(ƫbe sorryŒf colourred,blue,green,black,brown,yellow,white etc. Hredof the colour of blood "blackwith the colour of night,coal,etc. "whiteof the colour of fresh snow or milk §"bluewith the colour of a clear sky in the daytime "orangethe colour of an orange ""greenthe colour of growing grass,and the leaves of most plants and trees "yellowof the colour of the middle part of an egg "brownhaving the colour of the earth or wood #";)"excuseforgive (sb.) for a small fault meobject form of I (b)which&what person or thing eȨ,eȹonea single thing or person E(F)sweaterHC,colourto put colour onto something ...ɧon the hill(Fcome hered葃Picture 1' mineof or belonging to me "clothes(pl.)things that we wear to cover our body,like shirts,dresses,trousers,etc. linepiece of length of thread,string,rope,or wire for various purposes ;fblousepiece of thin clothing that a woman or a girl wears on the upper part of her body eshirtpiece of thin clothing that a man wears on the upper part of his body,usually under a jacket 姢skirtpiece of clothing for a woman or a girl,which hangs from the waist edressa piece of clothing with a top and a skirt,worn by women and girls e;clothing in general ()trousers(pl.)a piece of clothing which covers the lower part of the body and the legs shoeouter covering for the foot gwhoseof whom ƿ"yourssomething belonging to you E",E"mustexpressing an immediate or future duty or necessily H,thankexpress gratitude to somebody for something GGhersthat(those) belonging to her ǿ"oursthat(or those) belonging to us "theirsthat(or those) belonging to them (,)"on a clothes line(Ɠfthe Green familyeȓ$put onlet me seeFlook afterH,# timethe hour of the day,a special moment dwatcha small clock worn on the wrist &Bgivehand over to sb. fromstarting at Bthirteennumber 13 &fifteennumber 15 &eighteennumber 18 &Btwentynumber 20 #&twenty-onenumber 21 #&thirtynumber 30 &fortynumber 40 &fiftynumber 50 &eightynumber 80 B&hundrednumber 100 ȇtoin the direction of,towards ,forgetnot to have a memory of;not to remember 'o'clockword that shows what hour of the day it is abouta little more or less than Bhplayto take part in a game or activity for fun g,"(f)gameform of play or sport , to schoolgo to the classroom$go home$$go to bedgo and play gamesg dollmodel of a baby or person,usually for a child to play with gDggoldnot new "photopicture made with a camera Hyoungnot having lived very long;not old of age %F"babya very young child guessto give an answer or an opinion when you do not know soonpresently;in a short time from now ¨,ȉDfind the differences–')see you soonD could[can"C]D;helpto do part of the work for others ‰Mondaysecond day of the week ljbignot small;large B"smallnot big,little "heavyof great weight;not light;difficult to lift,carry or move i"lightnot heavy F"bottlea container made of glass or plastic with a narrow neck and without handles, for holding liquid Ffullhaving as much as it will hold "emptyhaving nothing inside Ŀ"wantwish to have something,require,in need of ,takehold with the hand;carry sth. to a place EB,Bcertainlysure;without doubt Fcarryto hold something and move from one place to another C,⚆welcomewanted,happily accepted ȿ"thingan object;an event ëG,Ftoomore than is needed or wanted Gthere ő,œbasketa container made of thin bent wood with or without handle $orangejuice of orange  lookan act of looking aboutof hYou're welcome.čf,ŸGwhat about...h...a bottle ofȆFhave a lookȲ othernot the same 戇"sockpiece of clothing that we wear on our feet,inside a shoe 㜧awayfrom here(there) to or at a distance Edsorryfeeling regret or sadness; word to say 'no' politely Œf"wrongnot correct,mistaken;out of order,not in good condition ǿ"worryfeel or make someone feel anxious ()gethave;possess B,Dbrokenof break č"thinkconsider,form ideas in one's mind ,ơsouse as the object of 'think','hope','say',etc. ,补catchto stop and hold sth. moving;to get sth. in your hand ,ɊIhimobject form of he (b)rightcorrect,true ",Hƿ"goodnessquality of being good;virtue f%,%planeflying machine,that has wings,and has one or more engines Cdwithabout,towards h,hdear Hmendrepair ,hmm Cknifea tool for cutting bherobject form of she (b)very(used to show degree) quite ,put...away...fd;ùdon't worrygwhat's wrong with...$I don't think so.ŸơF.get downgd,gthank goodnessGgGvery much, foodanything one eats ƪGdrinktake in and swallow liquid c;liquid for drinking ȍlikebe fond of;have a taste for gnicefine,beautiful ÿ",Fſ"eatput food into mouth and swallow it ricea food consisting of white grains which you cook and eat b,C,Bbreada kind of food made from baked flour bmeatflesh of animals used as food &teathe dried leaves of a plant which we use to make the hot drink b,b(milkwhite liquid produced by cows eglassglass drinking vessel ˆBwaterthe liquid in rivers,lakes and seas,which people and animals drink well expressing astonishment,resignation,concession,etc. );ŹÅsomethinga thing;some unstated or unknown thing E(G)manya lot of;lots of;plenty of c",c"onlynothing more;no one else dd,anyone or some ȹ,#"a cup of...ȍB...a glass of...(ˆ)B...I would like[$gI'd like]how manycIt's time to play...Fg"something to drinkȹc"ëGwrite downgg frisbypiece of light plastic,shaped like a plate,thrown between players in a game C%goattempt to do sth. bthrowsend sth. through the air by moving one's arm g,idoact;carry out;busy oneself with ,easynot difficult,done with no trouble H"hardnot easy to do;difficult ı"ridego on a bike or a horse F(,)swimmove the body through water by using arms,legs,etc. ;act of swimming makeconstruct,produce,form,prepare ,) flymake fly ( )basketballa game played by two teams of five players who try to throw a big ball into a high net on a pole $fjumpto spring;to move quickly off the ground with both feet singmake musical sounds with the voice b,brungo with very fast steps %withcarrying highin or to a high degree åÁa large distance above the ground;not low ÿ"greatgood;enjoyable ÎD,riverwide natural stream of water that flows to the sea or to a big lake D,nearclose to ($be OK,play gamesgwant a goȷthrow it like thatGŎȠF⚆ housea building for people to live in onlynothing more;no one else dd,menF(c)womeneF(c)childa young boy children(c)worka job or business # youngnot having lived very long,not old %F"pioneerperson who goes first and open the way for others 'look atin the picture('ąat work(# the Young PioneersƱ'é é oneer] @0`'@@@@@D@ @  0H@@@@@@@@!!E!$$<$$<A@A$$'DPHHH2;@H@HVS=%E $ $ !A1T(PR3R2W@H@HD@H@@D $> G1Q! $~DDE}Q (< ]QQQ]G $ !>   @@  #"F#?< (BCPP  ~H(% /""*@HHh6|DHHPH??"%$(@BBbH@@? 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Dark-ies how my !!B !Dheart grow swear- y, !B! !Far from deold folkat!!B !Dhome !B! !DOh the buffalos gone !B! !fome the prairie !!B !Dand the land wait the!B! !com- ing of man. !!B !DTo a wak -en to life !B! !and be merry, and to !!B !Dbloom at the touch !B! !of his hand. !!B !DGolden grain waits to!B! !co- ver these spa-ces!!B !Dmighty cities are !B! !wait- ing their birth!!B !DWel-come folks of all!B! !faiths and all ra-ces!!B !DTo this beau- ti- ful!B! !cor- ner of earth. !!B !DSee where the !B! !star of eve, !!B !DBeams gently yon-der,!B! !See where from !!B !Dwave to wave, !B! !Soft breez-es wan-der!!B !DFar down the !B! !sil- ver track, !!B !DTwilight is fall- ing!B! !Far,oh,so far a-away,!!B !DSweet songs are !B! !call- ing. !!B !DCome,then,ere !B! !night is dark, !!B !DCome to my !B! !bound- ing bark, !!B !DSan-ta Lu- cia, !B! !San-ta Lu- cia, !!B !DSee,see how !B! !fair it is !!B !DThere in mid-o-cean, !B! !Rocked by the !!B !Dsil- ver waves !B! !With gentlest motion,!!B !DAll sunk in !B! !peace and rest, !!B !DAll sweetly dreaming,!B! !Now thro the deeping !!B !Dnight, Moon- light is!B! !scream- ing. !!B !DCome,then,ere !B! !night is over, !!B !DCome,leave the !B! !nois- y shore. !!B !DMid pleas-ures and !B! !palaces though we may!!B !Droam, be it ever so !B! !humble, theres no !!B !Dplace like home; A !B! !charm from the skies !!B !Dseems to hal-low us !B! !there,which seek thro!!B !Dthe world, is neer !B! !met with else-where !!B !DHome,home,Sweet, !B! !Sweet home, !!B !DThere is no place !B! !like home. !!B !DI gaze on the moon !B! !as I tread the drear,!!B !Dwild and feel that my!B! !mother now thinks of !!B !Dher chid;As she looks!B! !on that moon from our!!B !Down cot-tage door, !B! !thro the wood-bine !!B !Dwhose fragrance shall!B! !cheer me no more. !!B !DAn ex-ile from home, !B! !splen-dor daz-zles !!B !Din vain;Oh, give me !B! !my low-ly thatched !!B !Dcot-tage a-gain; The !B! !birds singing gaily, !!B !Dthat came at my call !B! !give me them and that!!B !Dpeace of mind, !B! !dear-er than all. !!B !DLand of the sil-ver !B! !birch, home of the !!B !Dbea-ver,Where still !B! !the mighty moose !!B !Dwan-ders at will, !B! !Blue lake and rocky !!B !Dshore,I will return !B! !once more. !!B !DDown in the forest, !B! !deep in the lowlands,!!B !DMy heart cries out !B! !for thee, !!B !Dhills of the north. !B! !DHigh on a rocky ledge!B! !I ll build my wigwam,!!B !Dclose by the !B! !water s edge, !!B !Dsilent and still !B! !DBoom de de boom boom !B! !boom de de boom boom,!!B !Dboo-oo-oom. !B! !DThe more we get to-!B! !gether,to-geth-er, !!B !Dtogether, The more we!B! !get together, the !!B !Dhappier we ll be For!B! !your friends are my !!B !Dfriends, and my !B! !friends are your !!B !Dfrieds,The more !B! ! we get together,!!B !Dthe happier we ll be.!B! !DI come from Alabama !B! !with my banjo on my !!B !Dknee,Im goin to loui-!B! !si-ana, my true love !!B !Dfor to see. It rained!B! !all night the day I !!B !Dleft, the weather was!B! !so dry;The sun so hot!!B !DI froze to death, !B! !Susanna, dont you cry!!B !DOh! Su-san-na, Oh! !B! !dont you cry for me.!!B !DI come form Ala-bama !B! !with my banjo on !!B !Dmy knee. !B! !DI had a dream the !B! !other night, when !!B !Devery thing was still!B! !I thought I saw !!B !DSusanna dear, acomin !B! !down the hill. The !!B !Dbuck wheat cake was !B! !in her mouth,the tear!!B !Dwas in her eye, !B! !Says I, I m coming!!B !Dfrom the South, !B! !DI soon will be in New!B! !-orleans,and then I l!!B !Dlook around And when!B! !I find Susanna,I will!!B !Dfall up on the ground!B! !But if I do not find !!B !Dher, this man will !B! !surely die, And when !!B !DI m dead and buried, !B! !DDashing throthe snow,!B! !In a one horse open !!B !Dsleigh,Oer the fields!B! !we go,laughing all !!B !Dthe way; Bells on !B! !bobtail ring,Making !!B !Dspirits bright what !B! !fun it is to ride and!!B !D sing a sleighing !B! ! song tonight! !!B !DJingle,bells, !B! !Jingle, bells! Jingle!!B !Dall the way Oh! what !B! !fun it is to ride in !!B !Da onehorse opensleigh!B! !onehorse open sleigh!!!B !DA day or two ago, !B! !I thought I d take a !!B !Dride And soon Miss !B! !Fammie Bright was !!B !Dseated by my side. !B! !The horse waslean and!!B !Dlank, Misfortune !B! !seemed his lot He gto!!B !D into a drifted bank,!B! !And we, we got upset.!!B !DNow the ground is !B! !white,Goit while you !!B !Dare young,Take the !B! !girls tonight, And !!B !Dsing this sleighing !B! !song. Just get a bob-!!B !Dtailed bay, Two forty!B! !tor his speed,Then !!B !Dhitch him to an open !B! !sleigh,And crack! !!B !Dyou ll take the lead.!B! !DOver the sea the !B! !sunlight danc-ing, !!B !Dwak-ing thoughts of !B! !ten-der feel-ing. !!B !DI have your eyes re- !B! !flect-ing, !!B !Dthis same light that !B! !makes me dream. !!B !DWhen I pass a lovely !B! !gar-den, breath-ing !!B !Dscent of many blossom!B! !There s a memry and a!!B !Dpicture of but !B! !you with-in my heart.!!B !DNow you say good-bye !B! !I m leaving this poor!!B !Dheart of mine is !B! !grieving; Can it !!B !Dbe that you ve for- !B! !got-ten? Can it !!B !Dbe that love love is !B! !gone? Say not !!B !Dfare-well, and leave !B! !a heart thats broken.!!B !DCome back to Sorrento!B! !that I may live! !!B !DOh,give me a home !B! !where the buffalo !!B !Droam,where the deer !B! !and the antelope play!!B !Dwhere seldom is heard!B! !a discouraging word !!B !Dand the skies are not!B! !cloudy all day. !!B !Home,home on the !!B !Drange,where the deer !B! !DHow often at night, !B! !when the heavens are !!B !Dbright,with the light!B! !from the glittering !!B !Dstars,have I stood !B! !there amazed and !!B !Dasked as I gazed, if !B! !their glory exceeds !!B !Dthat of ours. !B! !DWhere the air is so !B! !pure and the sephyrs !!B !Dso free,and the breez!B! !es so balmy and light!!B !Dthat I would not !B! !exchange my home on !!B !Dthe range for all of !B! !the cities so bright.!!B !DO, beautiful so- lo! !B! !I want to sing for !!B !Dyou! Lives your glory!B! !histry forever in my !!B !Dmemry.When dry season!B! !comes,you gently !!B !Dstreaming down. !B! !In the cease-less !!B !Drainy days you !B! !flowing far far away.!!B !DDown !B! !from our dear mother !!B !Dsolo around mountains!B! !of a thousand.Bring !!B !Dyour rolling waves !B! !tireless,onto the !!B !Dwide ocean.O, my dear!B! !solo!histry of mother!!B !D-land,children of !B! !yours live and die !!B !Dforever by your side.!B! from our dear mother /"""""""""#'?"" 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Home,Sweet Home !BW !W 15.Land The Silver Birch !BW !W 16.Great !BW !W 17.The More Get Together !BW !W 18.Over The Summer Sea !BW !W 19.Susanna !BW !W 20.Cradle Song Subert !BW !W 21.Jingle Bells !BW !W 22.Come Back to Sorrento !BW !W 23.Home On The Range !BW !W 24.Beautiful Solo !BW !W !D1 2 3 4 : SELECT SONG! ENTER : SING SONG  \  Μ Ν"a"b\"~"X"$X 010203040506 070809101112 131415161718 192021222324 ɤʤʤʤʤʤ # #P# UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"""%$" " """"" )222222)222222111111)222222!!"""%$" " """"" "&&&&" """"""{P<>KLO*(NMJUI^&VBHGY$%CFDRT#EZXASW@!Q)  ̹Ħœê  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ċȰыҋދ틋P@UUUUPDEUU`@?;if it rains;when it rains=if it is going to rain;can it will rainHe said that two___would come to see me the next day.=women doctors;women doctor;woman doctors;womans doctorsA number of new magazines___to our library recently;is sent;has sent=have been sent;has been sentSpeak louder___everyone can hear you.;in order;so=in order that;in order toWe shall learn how to get on with___.;another=others;other;the otherThe man got so angry that he hit the thief___face.;in his;on his=in the;of theEither I or my sister___a little English.;know;knowing;known=knowsHe asked me what___in our school.;happens;happened;has happened=had happenedThe___sound made the boy much___.;frightening,frightening;frightened,frightened=frightening,frightened;frightened,frightening___did the woman come to our school for yesterday?;How=What;Why;WhichThere are few people in the hall,___?;aren't there=are there;don't there;do thereGreat changes___in the city.;have been taken place;has been taken place=have taken place;has taken placeBetty told me her father would___here tomorrow.;arrive at;reach;get to=getI am leaving Beijing___Shanghai tomorrow.;to=for;from;inThe Changjiang River is the third___river in the world.;long;longer=longest;much longerMr. Brown is not at home.He___to the library.;has been=has gone;had been;had gone___your coat looks!;What nice=How nice;What a nice;How nicelyMary doesn't dance as___as her sister.;good;nice;fine=wellThey can swim now,___.;so we can=so can we;so down;so we doI can't answer the question right now.Let me___.;think over it;to think over't;to think it over=think it overHe speaks not only French___German.;but too=but also;and too;and alsoThis pen isn't mine,it___his.;perhaps;must;may=must beWhen he was in his___,he became a great scientist.;thirteeth=thirties;thirty;the thirtieth--___do you think he'll be back?--In an hour.;How long;How often=How soon;How forJapan is___the east of China,Washington is___the east of U.S.A.;to,to;in,to=to,in;in,inRose is very hungry.She wants to___.=get something to eat;get something to drink;have something to eat with;have something to drink withDon't forget___the windows when you leave the room.;being shut;shutting;shuting=to shutThey will have a maths test___two day.;for;at=in;afterThe students are having a good time in the park,some are drawing by the lake,___are climbing the hill.=others;other;another;the otherHe was made___more carefully by the heavy snow.;drive=to drive;driving;droveWhich do you like___,tea,milk or bread?;well;better=best;goodMy sister has had___many falls___she's black and blue all over.=so,that;such,that;as,as;such,as___is too difficult if we put our heart into it.;Something;Anything;Everything=NothingI often help her___the flowers.;watered=water;waters;wateringShe gave a violin concert to make___.;life;a life;living=a livingThe old man is blind___both eyes.;for=in;with;toI watched a volleyball match___a Japanese team___a Chinese team.;among,and;both,and=between,and;either,orThe professor was satisfied___her answer.=with;for;at;toMother is too busy___.;can't go to the cinema=to go to the cinema;doesn't go to the cinema;go to the cinemaThey were very___the seagulls.;thanks;thank you=thankful to;thankThe night are getting___in summer.;short and short;more short and short=shorter and shorter;more and more shortI can't go with you.I still have___to do.;a lot of works=a lot of work;much works;many workThe old man___a party member for so years.;joined;is;has been in=has beenThe stone is heavy.I can't___.;lift up it=lift it up;lift stone up;lift outIt's very kind of you to___me the bike.=lend;borrow;take;keepPlease pass me___.;two papers;two pieces paper=two pieces of paper;two piece of paperA group of___are talking with two___.;Germans,Frenchmans;Frenchmans,Germen;German,Frenchmen=Frenchmen,Germans294 is___in English.=two hundred and ninety-four;two hundreds and ninety-four;two hundred and ninty-four;two hundred ninety and fourI can do the work better___your help?;since;because=with;underHe was too excited to say___.;nothing=anything;something;everythingMaths___one of the most important subject.;looks on as;is looking on as=is looked on as;are looked on asOur teacher is always strict___us.=with;in;to;forMary decided to do the work___.;she;her=herself;hersThe foreign visitors have taken many___on the Great Wall.;photo;photoes=photos;photosesDr. Bethune isn't___.He will be remembered by us forever.;die;death;died=dead___people attented the meeting last night.;A thousand of;One thousand of;Thousand of=Thousands ofWill you please___your friend there then?;bring=take;get;carryThe box is too heavy.I can't___it.=raise;rise;be raised;be risenThe king of Egypt had the pyramids___thousands of years ago.;build;building;been built=builtA map of the world___on the back wall.;is hanged;was hunged=is hung;is hungedThe Chinese Communist Party___Juuly 1st,1921.;founded in;found on;was found in=was founded onThe room is very dark when all the lights are___.;off=out;on;inThese boys stopped___when the teacher came in.;saying;to say=talking;to talkEnglish___all over the world.=is spoken;is speaking;are spoken;has spokenThere are many trees on___sides of the road.;either;each=both;neitherMr. Mike told the children that light___much faster than sound.;had travelled=travels;travelled;has travelledHe asked___.;What's your name;what was your name;what you name is=What your name wasWe___around the chemistry lab by the old man soon.;was shown;showed;will show=will be shownAll the___shown in computers.=information is;informations are;information are;information isMr Smith has taught biology in this school___1985.;before=since;until;as soon asThere is no air___water on the moon.;and;and or=or;or andIt's dangerous to play___fire.=with;at;on;forPlease take the medicine___.;two times a day=twice a day;twice in a day;a day two times--Where shall we meet?--___the theatre.=In front of;At front of;In fornt;On front ofWe'll learn___from books___from workers and peasants.;both,or;not,but=not only,but also;either,orThe baby is ill.A doctor must___at once.;send;be sent;sent for=be sent forIn five minutes he finished___a very beautiful picture.;draw;to draw=drawing;drewHe was doing his home work___his father was reading.=while;since;after;beforeMary bought___.;to Peter a pen;a pen to Peter;for Peter a pen=a pen for PeterMy father joined the party___.=about twenty years ago;for about twenty years;about for twenty years;since twenty yearsHave you___your friend recently?;received form=heard from;got from;heard a letter from 7o` 7 7`` 7` 7`o7 ذ`7 7 ذ`ذ`7 ذ`7 ذ`ذ` 7o 7o`` 7o`o7 o7 ذ`ذ`ذ` 7o` @o7 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""~<<`?8ODDDDDDDDDN_D@@@DDDDDDDwwwwwwwwwwwww@ptwww@`pp||0? `8?>Ά>x nn?????n't know when they___to our school.;come=will come;shall come;would comeSome advice___to the listeners just now.;is given;are given=was given;were given--___can I keep the book?--Two weeks.;How many;How much=How long;How far___beautiful flower it is!=What a;What;How a;How--Will you go fishing with me?--Certainly,___.;I'll be glad=I'll be glad to;I am glad to;I am glad to goWe all know that maths___important lesson.=is an;are an;is a;are aIt is___in summer than in spring.;hot;hottest=hotter;more hotEnglish___in many countries in the world.;is speaking;is talked;is said=is spokenThe box is made___paper.;with=of;in;fromHe asked me___I would go to see the exhibition.;that;what=if;whichI have never seen___huge tree.;such=such a;a such;such anThis child lost his parents.You'd better___good care of him.;to take=take;taking;takeingMy uncle likes staying at home alone.He has___friends.;a little;a few;little=fewIt's___the corner of the room near the window.;under=in;at;onIt's nice to go for a walk___a summer evening.=on;in;at;duringWang Hai can speak English better than___else.;another;the other=anyone;someoneDon't keep brother___so long.;to watch TV;watch TV;watched TV=watching TVWe heard him___in the classroom just now.=sing;sang;sings;sung___he___a model plane last night?;Does...make=Did...make;Has...made;was...madeI can do it___.=myself;mine;by me;itselfHow many___have you taken?;photo;photoes=photos;photoses--Please read the number 365 in English.--___.;Three hundreds and sixty-five;Three hundred sixty-five;Three hundred and sixty five=Three hundred and sixty-fiveThis grammar book is for him,___.;you and I=you and me;you or I;me and youYou have to wait for the next bus,___?;haven't you;won't you;aren't you=don't youTell me___handwriting is better.;which=whose;who;thatShe___go out by herself at night.=dare not;dares not;dare not to;doesn't dareThe model plane was made___Li Ping.;in=by;of;withI'll come and see you again___five days.;after;for=in;aboutThe box is___heavy for such a boy to carry.;so;very=too;enoughMay I ask how many students___in your school?=there are;are there;there is;is there--May I___your recorder?--Certainly.But you mustn't___it to others.;lend,borrow;lent,borrow=borrow,lend;borrow,lentSalt Lake City lies___the west of North America.;on=in;to;by--Would you like some milk?--Yes,just___.;little;few=a little;a fewIn the last few months,we___a lot from our teacher.;learned;has learned;were learned=have learnedDon't catch Tom___,Carl.;by his arm=by the arm;in his arm;in the armWho plays pingpong best in your class?___;Wang Lin is;is Wang Lin;does Wang Lin=Wang Lin does___,Is it time for class?=Excuse me;Thank you;Please;I'm sorryThe artist draws___.=wonderfully;wonderfull;excellent;very goodShe says she can't sing___.=any longer;no more;no longer;no longJack has collected___stamps since last year.=quite a few;a quite few;quite few;a few quiteWinter is here.It's getting___.=colder and colder;cold and cold;more and more cold;coldest and coldestIt is___from our school to the station.=ten minutes' walk;ten minutes's walk;ten minutes's walks;ten minutes walkBetty had her piano___five days ago.=repaired;repair;repairing;repairsPlease give me___.;two boxes of egg;two box of eggs=two boxes of eggs;two boxs of eggsAre these___books?;you;me;hers=yourCan you see the broom?Sorry,I___.=can't;don't;can;doThe number between 68 and 70 is___.;fifty-seven=sixty-nine;seventy-three;thirty-twoAre you going to work___a farm?;in;with=on;to___a beautiful present it is!=What;How;That;Where--What is the girl doing?--She___the house.;is drinking;is listening=is cleaning;is reading___Han Mei mei___French food?;;;Does...likesThis ruler is___than that one.;as long=longer;the longest;as long as--___you see her yesterday?--Yes,I___her in the park.;Did...see;Do...saw=Did...saw;Do...seeThe radio says the weather___colder next week.;get=will get;got;gettingThe old man___in the factory since 1960.=has worked;is worked;was worked;have workedThey don't know___.=if there will be a test;if will there be a test;will there be a test;there will be a testThere are about___new words in the three books.;five hundreds and six=six hundred and twenty-seven;Four hundred thirty-eight;three hundreds sixteenAll the food___on the dinner table.=is;are;were;beThousands of trees___in our city every year.;is planted;have planted=are planted;has plantedThey___two goals before the match was over.;kick;have kicked=had kicked;will kickThe Great Green wall will stop the___from___the earth away.;sand...moving=wind...blowing;sand...blow;wind...moveThe jacket___so cheap that he___to buy.;is...decided;was...decides=was...decided;was...decideThere are two computers here.___of them___mine.;Neither...are;;Either...orThis kind of kite___paper.=is made of;is made from;is made in;be made ofHe was born___the morning of February 25 1980.;in;at=on;afterI'll have my watch___this afternoon.;to repair;repair;repairing=repairedThe old man was___tired to go on___.;too,walk;so,walked=too,walking;so walkingI'll go to the cinema with you if I___free this evening.=am;be;was;shall be___I came in,she was reading a book.;Where=When;How;IfMost science books are___English in the world.=written in;written with;writen in;wroteThis book is very___,so I am___it.;interested,interesting=interesting,interested in;interested,interested;interesting in,interestedI will go out to play when I___my homework.;do;will do;did=have doneI enjoy___.=going to the cinema;to go the film;to see the film;going the filmThere is___water in the bottle.;many;any=some;a fewThis history book is___worth___.;very,to read;very,reading;quite,read=well,readingHe said his grandfather___for two years.;has been dead;has died=had been dead;had diedIce will turn___water if it is___.;in,hot enough;for,enough hot;against,enough hot=into,hot enoughThanks for___me___good story.=telling,such a;telling,a such;told,so;to tell,so a___not far from here to the railway station.;This is;That's=It's;They'reThere is___today's newspaper.;interesting nothing in=nothing interesting in;interesting anything on;anything interesting onHow dare you___a thing like that?=do;to do;did;doing--How___do you go to the cinema?--Once two weeks.;soon;long;may=oftenIs there___milk in the glass?;some=any;an;manyJim was born___America___May 8,1981.;on,in;at,in;in,at=in,onShanghai is one of the___in China.;more old city;eldest cities;most oldest city=oldest citiesYou had better___your homework first.=finish;to finish;finishing;finishedIn the past few years there___great changes in our city.;were;was=have been;has beenThere are several books on the desk,___of them in English.;all;both=none;neitherJenny couldn't help___when she heard the sad news.=crying;cried;to cry;criesJohn is a good friend of___.;my friend=mine;I;meI was told that he___a bicycle for a year.;had bought;bought=had had;hadI've collected over___Chinese stamps since I came here.=three hundred;three hundreds;three hundred of;three hundreds of--___I have a look at your birthday present?--Yes,please.;Do;Must;Need=CouldIf you want to telephone him,you'll have to___the number in this book.;look at=look for;look up;look afterLook,the man___after the bus,he___to catch it.;runs,wants;is running,want;is running,is wanting=is running,wantsMany boys enjoy___football.;play;to play=playing;playsThe pupils are busy getting ready___their trip.;about;with;to=forTell Mary___be late again;doesn't;don't=not to;notI don't know___now.=where he is living;where is he living;he is living where;is he living thereIt's very kind___you___us some advice.;for,give=of,to give;for,to give;of,give--Must they be here so early?--No,they___.THey___be here at seven.;mustn't,must;can't,can;needn't,may not=needn't,canThey___Australia,so they know little about it.;haven't gone to=haven't been to;haven't gone;haven't beenThe big boy hit his brother___.;on his head;on his face=on the head;on the faceWill you please introduce___your aunt?=me to;I to;me with;I withThey looked for their son everywhere and found him___under the tree.;lied=lying;lay;lainHe's finished the story,___he?;doesn't;isn't;wasn't=hasn'tWould you tell me___?;who is he;he is who=who he is;he who isThe man's story made his son___.=laugh;laughs;to laugh;laughingIt is impossible to___this problem without your help.;work at;work with=work out;work onI have___money than you.but I have___books.;littl,few=less,more;fewer,many;had,begunThere are four bikes here.I really don't know___.;to choose which;which choose;choose which=which to chooseShe had three pencils,___were red.=All of them;Both of them;Neither of them;No one--Haven't you heard the news?--___.;Yes,I haven't;No,I have=No,I haven't;Yes,I heardLet's hurry,or we'll be late___school.;to;at;with=forMr. Brown is old,___he is quite strong.;or;and=but;soPlease give me___.;a paper=a piece of paper;some papers;some piece of paperNeither I nor John___Tom.;don't know;doesn't know;know=knows___our supprise,they won the game.=To;In;With;OnJenny was late for school___she got up late.;but;until=because;unlessHow long___the play___when you got to the theatre.;did,begin;has,begun=had,been on;had,begunThere is___"U"in the word"blue".;an;the=a;someI have never seen___a good watch.;so;that;too=suchOf all the stars,the sun is___to the earth.=the nearest;more near;nearer;nearHe had read six stories___last term.;at the end of=by the end of;the end of;in the endMy father is going to buy a new bed for me___.;to sleep;to be slept=to sleep on;sleepYou'd better___late for class.;don't be;not to;be not=not to beYou know___French words,don't you?;a little=a few;little;fewAnother railway bridge___there now.=is being built;was being built;is built;have been built--How are you feeling today?--I'm feeling___?;good enough;enough good=well enough;enough well___of us has a new English book.;Every=Each;Everyone;AllI don't know if he___.If he___,please let me know.;comes,comes;will come,will come;comes,will come=will come,comes___,which is the way to the hospital?;I'm sorry=Excuse me;I beg your pardon;PleaseHis grandfather___for two years.;had died;died;is dead=has been deadTaiwan lies___the east of China.;to=in;on;atMy mother gets up___than my father every morning.=much earlier;more early;most early;much earlyWe can't go___school is over.;and;or=until;butYou can hardly belive what I said,___?;can't you=can you;did I;didn't IWhen must the composition___?;hand in;be handed=be handed in;hand toMr. Black had no choice but___his house.=to sell;sell;selling;soldPlease remember___your wallet next time.=to bring;bringing;to take;takingThere is going___an English film next week.;to have=to be;to has;to is___ten minutes to get to the cinema.;It took;I spent=It took me;It spent meXiao Lin is___a doctor___a worker,he is a driver.;both,and;either or;not,but=neither,nor___room is next to ours.;Rose's and Jenny's=Rose and Jenny's;Rose's and Jenny;Rose and JennyThe teacher of our school will visit the factory___next week.=sometime;some time;sometimes;some timesMary___at home alone at night.;dare not to stay=dare not stay;dares not stay;don't dare to stayI've not been to Nanjing.He hasn't been there___.;too;also=either;neitherShe goes shopping___.;everyday;one day;all day=every day___we have today!;What a fine weather;How a fine weather=What fine weather;How fine weatherThose___are learning Chinese in Beijing.=Americans;American;America;AmericasYou should ask the teacher for___.;an advice=some advice;a few advice;adviceHe spoke in such a low vioce that I___hear him.;could hard;couldn't hard=could hardly;couldn't hardlyI didn't think___Tom was right.;when;how;where=thatThe children searched___.;the spy for the hill;for the hill=the hill for the spy;the spy on the hillWhy not___the class meeting?;going to;went;to go=go toLet's go for a walk,___?=shall we;don't we;are we;will we"Please make___for the old man."said the conductor.;a room=room;some rooms;any roomsI___sixteen years old next year.;will be;am going to=shall be;have beenHe made a radio___to the news.=to listen;listen;listens;listeningWe shall learn the___Lesson next week.;Nine;Nineth=Ninth;No. ninthJack writes more___than Mike.;care;careful;careless=carefullyDo you like___?;skate;to skating=skating;statesI didn't got rid of my___until 1989.;ill=illness;sick;troubleGranny was___when she went into her room=surprised;surprising;surprise;in surpriseCan you___it in English?=say;speak;tell;talkWhen the job___we'll make a trip to the Great Wall.=is finished;was finished;will be finished;will finishNot only you but also she___England.;have been to=has been to;are going to;has goneWhat time___the library___every day?;is,open;will,open=does,open;do,openThe number of teachers in our school___two hundred.=is;has;are;haveI wonder___would make a speech at the meeting.;when=who;which;whether___honest girl she is!;How;What a;How an=What anOur teacher often tells us what to do and what___.;don't do=not to do;not do;to not to doWe should live and work___comrade Lei Feng did.;like=as;when;whatThis cup of milk is___hot for me to drink.;very;so=too;muchPlease try it again,___?;don't you;do you;won't you=will youA little monkey is play___a tree,and there are bananas___it.;on,on=in,on;on,in;in,inThe peasants___in the crops when we got to the village.;are getting;is getting=were getting;was gettingHow much do you___on clothes every year?;take;buy;pay=spendThe man on watch saw the thief___the bank and caught him with the help of the policeman.;to break into=break into;broke into;broken intoI___the watch for a few months.=have had;bought;had;have boughtWhen they heard the news,they couldn't help___.;to laugh;laugh=laughing;laughedThere is___with the clock.;wrong nothing;not wrong anything;no anything wrong=nothing wrongJack was writing at the desk.Suddenly he heard a strange noise and he___.;stopped listening=stopped to listen;stopped listen;stop listeningYou'd better___out tonight.=not go;not going;not to go;goingAll the work must___before Tuesday.;finish=be finished;have to finish;to be finishedXiao Lan with her aunt___going to visit the Summer Palace next month.;are=is;was;willWhat are you?I'm___.=a worker;Lan Pin;yourfriend;a comradeWhy have you kept me___have for two hours?;wait;to wait=waiting;to be waitingAlthough it's getting dark,they're___working harder.=still;and;but;thenHe cried___surprise."What beautiful flowers!";to=in;at;fromCould you tell me___it rains hard every summer here?;where;weather=whether;whatHe is quite busy,he has___time to play.;a little=little;a few;fewHere are two seats.One is for her,___is for you.;other=the other;another;othersWho will teach___biology this term?=us;our;we;oursThe policeman was surprised___the news.;into;for=at;out ofSpeak slowly,___we can understand you.=and;or;if;becauseNew term begins.The students___back at school.;all are=are all;both are;are bothMr. Green___in Beijing since he came to China last year.;have lived;lived=has lived;had livedThe girl heard his sister___on the radio.;turned;to turn;turns=turnIt's nice of you___me.=to invite;invite;invited;invitingHe got out his dictionary and___the new words in it.;look at=looked up;looked for;looked afterYou have never been to Beijing,___?;do you;don't you=have you;haven't youDon't hurry.There is still___time left.;a few;few;little=a littleThe policeman caught the thief___and send him to prison.;in the arm;on the arm;at the arm=by the armIt's difficult for us to finish the task within___short time.=such a;a so;so a;a suchPaper___wood.;is made in;is made of=is made from;is made atHow long may I___the English dictionary?;get=keep;borrow;takeMike usually has his supper at six,___he?;hasn't;has=doesn't;don'tLet's___good friends.;am;is;are=beThere are___in the field.;some sheeps;any shepps=some sheep;many sheepsThis building is higher than___in the city.;any building=any other building;anyother buildings;other buildingTake the message for him as soon as he___back.=comes;will come;shall come;cameBe quick___you'll miss the speech by the famous writer;and=or;but;soPlease___your exercise-books.;turn to;turn off=turn in;turn onCan you tell me___tomorrowThese___eating grass.=sheep are;sheep is;sheeps are;sheeps isBob is___English boy.He is___honest boy.;a,a=an,an;an,the;the,anEveryone of us___swimming.=likes;like;like to;are likingUsually he writes___ink and writes___his left hand.;with,in;in,by=in,with;in,inJust as we___the theatre,it began to snow.;leave;are leaving=were leaving;had leftPlease come again in 30 minutes.I'll finish it___then.;at;until=by;sinceIt is not kind to___a child's mistakes.;shout at;work at=laugh at;look atThere isn't anyone at home,___?;is it=is there;isn't it;isn't thereFather doesn't want___milk.;some;no;little=any--I haven't been to Beijing yet.--I haven't been there,___.;too;also=either;neitherWhen I called him,the boy___his hand at once.;rises;raise;rose=raisedChina is one of___countries in the world.;large;larger;largest=the largestHave you got a pen or a pencil___?;to write=to write with;for writing;for write with___,nobody came to meet me at the station.;In surprise=To my surprise;To the surprise;To my surprisedHurry up___you'll miss the train.=or;and;but;soXiao Wang was made___that work.;finish=to finish;finished;finishesThe students have___a map of China on the wall.=hung;hanged;hang;hangingThe film is very instructive.It is well worth___.;see=seeing;to see;of seeingShe was___into the river by the murderer.=pushed;pulled;drew;runThis medicine___but it is good for you.=tastes horrible;eats good;drinks bad;smells goodLiu Ying and I___classmates.;am=are;is;beenThis is___apple.___apple is big.;an,An;a,The=an,The;the,The___hat is it?It is my hat.=Whose;Which;What;Who'sOur manager is strict___everything and strict___us.;in,in;with,with;with,in=in,withJenney plays the piano as___as Betty.;good;nice=well;fineThis doesn't look like___radio,it must be___.;her,her=her,his;his,her;her,himThere are more than seven___people in the hall.;thousands=thousand;thousand of;thousands ofWe'll go to the park to take photos if it___rain.;will not;did not=does not;isn'tI'm going to buy___.;a trouser;a trousers;a pair of trouser=a pair of trousersThis book is written___French.;with;by=in;afterThe machine doesn't work.There___something wrong with it.;shall be;will be=must be;must haveEveryone,boys and girls,___sports and games.;enjoy=enjoys;enjoying;to enjoyWait a minute.Let me show you___.=out;going out;go out;coming outJohn hit Bob___and Bob fell on the ground.=in the face;on face;in his face;on his faceHe is busy___on a model ship.;work=working;works;to workDr. Bethune had no time___about rest.;think;thought;thinks=to thinkA great deal of money___spent on food and medicine.;have been=has been;has;haveThe teacher told us to stop___and listen to her.;write;to write;written=writingThere is___water in the bottle.You may have a drink.;little=a little;few;a fewHe didn't go to bed___his father came back.;as soon as=until;when;beforeThis is___egg.It is___bad egg.;;a...the=an...a;the...theThe boy thought for a while and___an idea.;has;have=had;thenWhose car is it?It is___.;their;them=theirs;themselvesMr. Wu___Beijing and will stay there for some time.;has been to;has come from;has left=has left forThe___of machines made us feel sick.;voice=noise;sound;callWe___renew the book if we___finish it in time.;may...can=must...can't;must...can;mustn't...can'tThe train was already full___people.;with=of;by;amongThey are___.They are not___.;Germans...Frenchmans;Germen...Frenchmen;Germen...Frenchmans=Germans...FrenchmenShe looks___than she really is.;very young;more younger=much younger;too youngHe's never seen such a nice film,___?=has he;isn't he;hasn't he;is heWe left in___a hurry___we forgot to lock the door.=such...that;so...that;;as...asI think you___do it yourself.;had better not to=had better not;had not better;had not better toDon't trouble him.He has___to do.=lots;lot;a lot of;lots ofBoth of the___sons love their mothers.;woman's=women's;womans';women'This knid of computer___Germany.;is made of=is made in;is made by;is made fromThe fisherman saw___in the net.;some strange thing;some thing strange=something strange;strange thingYou can see___if you go out at night.;million stars;thousand of stars;hundreds stars=millions of stars___a maths lesson every Saturday morning?;Have you;Are you having;Will you=Do you haveOn hearing the sad news,she couldn't help___.;cries=crying;cry;to cryHe asked the doctor___to finish the operation.=how long it took him;how long did it take him;it took him how long;did it take him how longHe___now.;smoking;smoke;smoked=is smokingOur monitor agreed to help___.;we=us;our;ourselvesThen the baby crocodile had___idea.;a=an;one;theIt's late.You'd better___your homework now.;to do;doing=do;didThere are tall buildings on___side of the street.;both;all=either;otherWhen did you___at the railway station?;reach;get=arrive;get toAll the___stored in computers.=information is;informations are;information are;informations isThe judge was satisfied___what the servant had said.;in;at=with;onI think he'll be back___a minute.;after;for=in;atA bird___fly,so___a bat.;can,must;can,may;can,need=can,canWe are going to study___.=Lesson Nine;the nineth lesson;lesson ninth;lesson the ninthShe told me that she___learn English through TV.=was going to;would be going to;will;is going toMr. Wang with many workers___printing newspapers.;are;were;am=isThe___dining-room is near the workshop.;worker's;workers's=workers';workers'esWhen the enemy___the village,the villagers had left.;went;entered into=entered;gotYou're not going to teach English,are you?___.;Yes,I'm not=No,I'm not;No,I'm not going;No,I amThe earth is___.;the sun's only planet;the moon's satellite=one of the sun's planets;the sun's satelliteI really don't know___.;to choose which one;choose which one=which one to choose;choose which one toAlice writes as___as her sister.;careful;more careful;more carefully=carefullyHe was a worker___he joined the army.;after;as soon as=before;sincePlease pass___a cup of tea.=me;I;mine;myMy uncle___table tennis every morning.;play=plays;played;playingI don't know if the news___true.;am;are=is;be___fall from the trees in winter.=Leaves;Leaf;Leafs;LeaveAll the servants looked at him___surprise.=in;on;at;withTom has___books,but he has___interesting books.;many...a few;many...a little;many...little=many...fewI'm sure they'll enjoy___.;them;their=themselves;theirsHow many stamps had you collected___of last term?=by the end;in the end;at the end;on the endI'll fix the radio for you if___time tomorrow.;I'll have;I has;I had=I haveLook,Jenny___for the bus at the stop.;wait;waits;waited=is waiting--Who broke the bowl?--I___.=did;broke;do;breakThe house needs___.;repaired=repairing;to repair;be repaired___is working hard.;The artist and the professor=The artist and professor;An artist and a professor;The artist and a professorI'm on holiday.I'm___at the Hotel Bristol.;living=staying;coming;goingI don't know___of them.;everyone;everything;every=every oneAll the shop's goods___on___.;are...showed;is...showed; told me___in bed.=not to read;don't read;read not;not readI hear___a new American film on TV this evening.;it to have;there's going to have;it to be=there's going to beMust she hand in her exercise-book before class?No,she___.;mustn't=needn't;doesn't;can'tNo rubbish___since the dustmen on strike three weeks ago.;collected;was collected=has been collected;has collectedThe boy___not clever.;am;are=is;doesShe___me some Christmas cards last year.;gives=gave;give;givenPlease show___your pass.;mine;my=me;IWhich do you like___,water,tea or milk?;good;better=best;wellI___get up early yesterday.I had a meeting at 7.;must;could=had to;have toGreat changes___in our village since 1980.;took place;were taken place;take place=have taken palceShe was looking after her___mother at home.;ill=sick;bad;wrongHe is not a friend of yours,is he?___.I have never seen him before.;Yes,he is=No,he isn't;No,he is;Yes,he isn'tShe can't fix the computer___.;her=herself;hers;oneselfMary hasn't got up.___.;Her sister has neither;Neither hasn't her sister;Neither her sister has=Neither has her sisterThe soldiers were___the forest for a spy.=searching;finding;looking;seeingThe professor had a few white___.=hair;hairs;the hair;the hairsJoe Hill died in___of 1915.=the winter;winter;a winter;wintersShe needs some help,___she?;does;needn't;mustn't=doesn't___we have today!;fine weather=what fine weather;How a fine weather;What a fine weatherMy brother___the army for two years.=has been in;has entered;has taken part in;has joinedHe knows___the railway station,you may ask him.;to get to=how to get to;to arrive;where to arrive___Saturday afternoon the farmers are going to get in rice.=On;In;At;ByCan that little girl carry the big box upstairs?___.=I'm afraid not;I think she won't;I'm not afraid;I think notHis father teaches English at___Middle School.=the No.15;the 15;Fifteenth;the fiveteenthWe'll have a test___the afternoon of May 10.=on;in;at;untilNo one is from the north except you and___.;she=him;I;hisComrade Li Feng was always ready to help others and never thought of___.=himself;his own;him;his___is difficult to walk on the moon.=It;One;Man;PeopleThe little boy___his clothes and went to bed.;took out=took off;took down;took awayMr. Green asked me___.=which class I was in;which class am I in;I was in which class;which class was I inThey all___very happy.;see;watch;look like=look--That must be a mistake.--I don't think so.It___a mistake.;may be not;needn't be;can be=cannot beWe are very tired.Why___have a rest?=don't we;not we;do not we;we don'tWe never play in the street now___we did when we were boys.=as;if;like;seemHe's much better now,___?;hasn't he;doesn't he=isn't he;wasn't heChina is a country___a long history.=with;of;for;inWe all jumped with joy when we were___the news.=told;said;spoken;talkedThe sports meet___for two hours.;has been begun;has been finished;has been stopped=has been overThere is something wrong with my radio.I'll have it___.;repairing=repaired;repair;to repairThe Great Pyramid is___any other.;the biggest of;as big as;bigger=much bigger thanJack___Chinese for two years before he___to China.;has learnt...came;learnt...comes=had learnt...came;had learnt...comes___is hard to learn.;The lesson two=The second lesson;Second lesson;The lesson secondThe old doctor has saved many people's___.;live;life;lifes=livesNeither Ann nor Billy___interested in physics.;are=is;have been;beListen!Someone is knocking___the door.;into;in=at;withWe all enjoy___football match.;to watch;watch;watched=watchingJack and Tom always talk to___in Japanese.;one;other;another=each otherDick,together with his sister,often___lunch at school.=has;have;eat;takeHistory is as___as geography,you see.=important;more important;such important;so importantI can wait for you only half___hour.;one;the;a=anPlease give me two___.;piece of bread=pieces of bread;pieces of breads;breadsSeptember 10 is___Day.;Teacher's=Teachers';the Teacher's;The Teachers'I___my breakfast when our teacher came in.;had=was having;has been having;would haveHe is a friend of___.;my;me=mine;IMother bought a new coat for you,please___.=try it on;try on it;try it in;try in it--___is your father?--My father is a doctor.;Who;Which=What;How--What day is it today?--___.;It is July 13;It is a fine day=It is Tuesday;It is nineteenI haven't finished my compostion___.;still=yet;already;alsoWill you go and___the football match?;see=watch;look;look atI take back___I said.=what;that;how;whichThe question is___a computer.;to where buy;where buys;buy to where=where to buyThe boy is___to lift the heavy box.;enough strong;too strong;so strong=strong enoughThe little boy was very___so they all liked him.;happy=pleasant;pleased;gladThe pen___well.;write;is written=writes;was writtenIs Miss Gao___?;on home=at home;at house;on house___still a lot of snow in the garden.=There's;There are;It has;They're--What's this___English?--It's a knife.;to;for=in;ofWe planted trees on___sides of the street.;every;each=either;bothJohn'll wirte to us as soon as he___there.=gets;will get;got;gets toCould you___me the way to the station,please?;say=tell;speak;talkYou___return the book now.You can keep it until next week.;can't;mustn't=needn't;won'tMr. Smith didn't know Chinese,___.he couldn't understand what I said.=so;but;or;yet--Where is Wang Ping?--He___Beijing.=has gone to;has been to;went to;goes toThere is a car___the building?;on front of=in front of;at front of;in the frontThe teacher's smile made her___better.;to feel;feels=feel;feltWe___to plant lots of trees every year.;are necessary;must=need;dareI haven't heard from my mother___.;in two months;by the end of last month=since last month;for last month--Have you gone to see the doctor?--No,but___.;I go;I'm going to see;I go to see the doctor=I'm going toNot only I but also Tom___swimming.=likes;like;likes to;like toHe can hardly say a word,___?=can he;can't he;does he;doesn't heThe boy brought out a knife and cut the apple___.;opened;opens;opening=openI gave the old man my seat,and Xiao Liu gave___.;the old woman it;it to the old woman;his the old woman=his to the old womanLi Ming is the third___boy in his class.;tall;taller;more tall=tallestAll the___are made of___,not plastics.;;glass...glasses;glasses...glassesWhich is___,a sheep,a horse or an elephant?;heavy;heavier;heaviest=the heaviest--I have seen the film.--When___you___it?;have...seen=did...see;had...seen;do...seenLet's have a rest,___?;will you;will we=shall we;shall you--I'm sorry to take your pen by mistake.--___.;You're welcome;Nothing serious;That's all right=It doesn't matter"What___have you been doing here?"the monitor said angrily.;in earth;at earth;for earth=on earthThe red light is on.The buses and cars___stop.;can;may=must;needMany students are doing___English.;good at;good in=well in;well ofHow many hours does it___to London from Beijing?;spend to fly=take to fly;use to fly;spent to flyThe problem is___difficult___we have spent a lot of time on it.;;such...that;very...that=so...that___book on the desk is___English story-book.;;A...the;A...anWe can't work out the problem___your help.;with=without;having not;not usingThe boss told Tom___about his play.;to worry not=not to worry;worry not;to not worryJenny found a wallet___on the ground.;lie;to lie;lain=lyingThe children are eating apples.___of them has an apple in the hand.;Every=Each;All;BothMy father usually___newspaper after supper.=reads;looks at;read;seeMany stars are___the earth.=far away from;far away;from far away;far awayHow___story-books___Mary and Joan?;many...has;much...has;much...have=many...haveCan you tell me___?;where does his uncle live;where his uncle live;where his uncle lives in=where his uncle livesMay is___month of the year.;fiveth;fivth;fifth=the fifthIs there anything wrong___the woman's bike?;to;on=with;aboutDo you and your sister speak English?Yes,___.;we speak;I and she do;I speak it=we doAre there___English story-books in the library?Yes,there are___.;any,any;some,some;some,any=any,someWhere are your bicycles?___over there,under the tree.And___in the building.;My one is,theirs are=Mine is,theirs are;Mine is,they are;Mine is,his areThe teacher told me to___after class.;do speak English;speaking more English=do some more speaking;say some EnglishHe arrived in London___plane.;with=by;on;inHe___to go back home early today because his father is at home today.;had better=has got;will like;is goint to haveThe moon doesn't look so bright___it is.;like;with;than=asJack___the football match at that time.;was thinking;is thinking about;thinks about=was thinking aboutWhy not___and join us in the game?;to come=come;coming;do comeThe guards___a rope from the tree and___Nathan Hale the next morning.;hung...hung;hanged...hanged=hung...hanged;hanged...hungIt looks like___soon.=rain;to rain;rained;a rainingThere are sixteen___in our factory.;woman workers;woman worker=women workers;womens workers--How are your parents?--They are very___,Thank you.=well;good;kind;happyYou never told us why you were late for the last meeting,___?;weren't you;didn't you;had you=did youWe doEnglish may be`hard`,but you can learn it well if you work hard at it.;strange=difficult;heavy;easyI'll`take care of`your baby while you are out.=look after;notice;play with;look atShe didn't understand what he said,so she asked him to`repeat it`.;say it loudly=say it again;parden it;say it slowlyThe child`likes to listen to`stories.;is pleased with;is strict in=is interested in;is satisfied withHe said that they would go to Beijing`by air`.;by train=by plane;by ship;by bikeA basin of water will be covered with ice in`freezing`weather.;bad;hot;cool=very coldIs your sister`at home`?=in;out;here;thereSolid can usually be`turned into`liquid if we raise their temperature.;get into;become=changed into;go back intoI'll start`at once`.=right now;fast;in a hurry;on timeHe hasn't`touched`food for three days.;felt;drunk;brought=eatenWhen they`started`,it began to rain.=set out;went out;got up;ran out--Do you`see`what I mean?--Yes,now I see.;look;think;watch=understandYou should`do`your best.=try;make;give;haveJoe`asked`me to have dinner at his home.;let;said=invited;keptYou'll forget him`by and by`.;probably=soon;sooner;long beforeThe students got to the classroom`soon`after the teacher called them.;never;long before;long ago=in no timeI felt excited when I`heard from`my sister yesterday.=received a letter from;gave off;drove off;came fromI'm sorry that he`can not`finish the work on time;can surely;can certainly=can hardly;can almostPlease`get ready for`the evening party tonight.;get finished;go shopping;work out=get prepared forDon't hurry,there is`plenty of`time.;many;little;few=a lot ofThe fisherman wasn't`frightened`at all.=afraid;surprised;pleased;disappointedLi Ying and Wang Ping go to school together because they are`in the same class`.;students;friends=classmates;schoolgirlsJenny couldn't`keep back`her tears.=stop;take back;take hold of;turn backYou'll be all right`very soon`.;on time=in no time;in time;sometimeRose`is good at`maths.;like;is interested in;studies=does well inAn old man`told`me the way to the post-office.;spoke;gave;ordered=showedJack, please come and sit`by`the teacher.;before=near;past;overA library will be`put up`in our school next year.=built;set out;picked up;liftedThey`enjoyed themselves`in the park last Sunday.;ate a lot;played=had a good time;pleasedWhat a`bright`autumn morning!;clean=sunny;clever;whiteThe soldiers saw the enemy`coming into`the village.;going to;reaching at;entering into=enteringJenny saw a wallet lying on the ground`just now`.;right now=a moment ago;long before;before longDo you`catch`what he said?;hold;take=understand;take hold ofOn the ship were`over`2,200 people.;about;or so=more than;less thanThe students need`real`help,not just promises.;good=true;truly;reallyWe have four`lessons`in the morning.;texts;subjects=classes;drillsThe`bright`girl can sing a lot of English songs.;light;beautiful;nice=cleverIt's`nice`of you to say so.=kind;well;pleased;pleasantThey`had`an instructive film last night.;looked;watched=saw;tookMy sister often helps me`to study`English.;in=with;about;atWhen we finished writing,it was`almost`12 at night.;hardly=nearly;just;nearbyWhat is`wrong`with you?;the thing=the matter;ill;terribleShe`spent`over 2,000 Yuan`on`the colour TV set.;took...away;asked...for=paid...for;gave...onJack is`not old enough`to go to school.;so young=too young;very young;quite youngMy mother said in her letter that she`missed`me very much.;loved;needed=wanted to see;likedHe was so famous that his books were sold`throughout`the world.=all over;through;into;withoutThose workers can finish the job in`a quarter`of an hour.;half an hour;twenty minutes=fifteen minutes;forty minutesAll the students in this school`enjoy`sports and games.;see;feel;watch=likeWhen we came out,the sun had already`sunk`behind the mountains.;risen=gone down;grown;hiddenHis father is a`famous`artist.;good;nice=well known;kindHis brother doesn't`know`English,but his sister knows it.=understand;see;read;haveI am much`pleased`to meet you here.;interested;excited=glad;surprisedThe young man`apologized`because he had been rude to the old man.;kept silent=said sorry;said nothing;was saidYou must`return`the kite in three days.=give back;come back;be back;came backThe peasants live in a village`nearby`.=not far away;on the other side;nearly;closeThe animal will`starve`if they couldn't find enough plants to eat.;go away=go hungry;leave;stayAll the people said that his son was a`thief`.;a had worker;a murderer=one who steals;a soldierWang Fei,please turn off the radio`immediately`.;now;fast=at once;soonThey talked about it for two hours.`Finally`,they worked out a plan.;at the end;later=at last;after thatThe students`reached`the railway station at six o'clock.;got=arrived at;took;cameThe thief`rushed`into the street and disappeared.=ran quickly;jumped quickly;fell;gotThe old woman`lifted`her head and saw a man coming up.=raised;put;rose;took upHer father was once an Eight Route Army`soldier`.;boy;worker=fighter;guardThe young man was sentenced to death because he had`murdered`three persons.;beaten;destroyed;struck=killedWater will become`vapour`when it boils.;gas;ice;air=steamThe boys in Class One are`preparing`for the test.;learning;reading;writing=getting readyMy father`repeated`five times that he was very busy.=said again;pronounced;talked loudly;spokeThe young man was very famous for his`drawings`.;photos;books;handwriting=picturesIf you have any questions to ask in class,please`raise`your hand.;rise=put up;put on;rise highThe mixture tasted`horrible`.;badly;strange;strangely=terribleTom sat`beside`us at the class meeting.=next to;before;behind;in front ofIce is a`solid`,water is a liquid.;thing=hard thing;block;vapourI don't like this girl because she is`rude` to me.;bad;hard;wild=not politeWe are going to`see`our history teacher.;look;look at;talk to=visitThere is something wrong with my TV set,Can you`fix`it for me?=repair;do;look at;makeThe old man`founded`a middle school in the village where he was born.;found out;taught in;studied at=set upI think he`is able to`learn physics well.;is sure=can;will be;can beThe doctor told him to`stop`smoking.=give up;give in;get in;refuseWhen Peter was`in his thirties`,he became a famous artist.;at the age of thirty=over thirty;almost thirty;thirtyTom`was sorry for`what he had done.;was afraid;was frightened;was sure=regrettedMy father was`sick`last night.;fever;serious;trouble=illI could hardly`believe`my ears when I heard it.;think;sure=trust;likeThe train has`set off`for Hangzhou.;gone=left;left for;started forA wonderful play will be`put on`recently.=shown;put up;set up;writtenThe box is`not easy`to lift or carry.;lift;carry;light=heavyThe teacher`held up`his right hand and said:"Listen!";pointed;rose=raised;picked upShe spent`enough`time playing the piano.;many=plenty of;a number;a lotOur teacher`looks on`the school as his home.;sees;looks at;looks up=hasThese textbooks were`well kept`.;well given;well hidden=taken good care of;well doneThe bike`hit`a big rock and came to a stop.=sturck;knocked;broke;threwHe was left`alone`in a very quiet house.;only=by himself;himself;for himself--Please read the report in the newspaper to him.--`OK`.;I'm sorry=All right;Very good;of courseThe green skirt on the right will`fit you well`.;be good for you=be the right size for you;be cheap to you;be high in priceThe bosses hated him and decided to`dismiss`him.=get rid of;hanged;try;sentenceMr. Lin`wished`to have a word with you.;hope=wanted;told;liked`Look out`!The chair is broken.=Be careful;Look carefully;Look for;Have a lookThere was`no`hospital there then.;not=not any;no any;anySomething is wrong with my radio,I'll`ask somebody to fix it`.;have it fix;have fixed it=have it fixed;have to fix itThe leaves of the tree will`turn`yellow in winter.;make=become;come;keepToday the computer is used`very much`in many ways.=a great deal;a great deal of;a lot of;very manyMy brother`became a member of`the League in 1990.;took part in=joined;attended;askedGrandpa Li is ill.We'd better`ask`the doctor`to come`.=send...for;send...out;send...up;send...offIt's`not hard`for him to learn how to drive a truck.;difficult;different=easy;softPlease take the`waste things`out.;dustbin=rubbish;dump;plastic bagHe`kept silent`at the meeting.;sat still=said nothing;had a word;spoke in a low voiceThe soldier was`brave`when he fought with the enemy.;quick;strong=fearless;angryThe woman is both kind and`good-looking`.;clean;foolish;glad=beautifulThey walked and walked,at last they`reached`the station.=got to;went to;got;arrivedThe students`began`to go over their lessons last week.;became;finished;insisted=startedThe man on watch`shouted`out,"Be careful!";laughed=called;smiled;foundIt's necessary to`make an apology`to your teacher when you come late for class.;say no;say hello;say thanks=say sorryHe has`but`one question to ask his father.;then;still=only;reallyYou`won't have to`worry about her.She can take care of herself.;don't;may not;mustn't=needn't`From then on`Jenny was never late again.;From time to time;Since now;At that time=After that"`Be careful with`your handwriting."said the teacher.;Notice=Pay attention to;Look at;Take good care ofAll of them`looked upon`me`as`their honest friend.;took care;looked;looked...for"`Perhaps`it is correct."he said.;May be=Maybe;Possible;AlreadyWe are`working in the same factory`.;workers;comrades;friends=workmates`At the age of twelve`,Edison began selling newspapers on a train.;At twelve old;In the twelve years.=When he was twelve;During twelve yearsWhen the teacher came,we`were seated`and waiting for class.;sat=were sitting;took our places;sat in our seatsThe short man over there is`blind`.=unable to see;hardly to see;not able to hear;blackOur headmaster will go to the town`for`the meeting.;to watch;to look at;to notice=to attendI`am sure`he will win.;know;learn=believe;hearThe doctor asked my father to`give up smoking`.;go on smoking;begin to smoking;stop to smoke=stop smokingPlease`have`me visit my teacher.;call up;order;keep=letPlease`remember me to`your father.=say hello to;keep me in mind;don't forget me;say good-bye toI`would like`to go to Shanghai.;enjoy;think of=want;supposeIf you work hard at English,You will speak fluently`sooner or later`.;recently;some day;any time=in a short timeHe coughed`day and night`.;twenty-four hours=all the time;from evening to morning;from morning to nightThere are`around`1930 students in our school.=about;over;more;at leastOne day the woman`learned`that Liszt himself was in town.;studied=found out;hear;got to know`Every one`of us has a happy family.=Each;Each one;Either;AnyoneMary did her homework`again`.=a second time;again and again;once;many timesIf you don't put more wood in the fire,it will`stop burning`.;go away;go up=go out;go downShe`is afraid to`go there.=dare not;dares not;dare not to;don't dare toShe is`dressed in`a green skirt.;putting on=wearing;having on;worenWe are in great`need`of paper.=want;required;wanted;neededThe story`happened`during the Second World War.;took the place of;takes place=took place;take the place ofI`wonder`which book he wants to borrow.;think;know;see=want to knowHe stood`by`the window.=beside;besides;above;near toThe woman was so angry that she`broke`the glass`into pieces`.;defence;disappeared=destroyed;protectedTry to`set`yourself`free`from such kind of idea.=liberate;rest;interrupt;haveHe was asked the`usual`questions by the police.;strange;serious;easy=ordinaryHis composition is `very good`.;beautiful=excellent;careful;wellHe is a man with much`learning`.;study;subject;information=knowledgeThey`struggled`for better lives.=fought;beat;struck;hitThe fisherman`threw`his net into the sea.;posted=cast;passed;dippedOur English teacher is a little woman`with`thick glasses.;putting on=wearing;dressing;takingThe Children's Palace is`full of`boys and girls on June 1.;filled by;covered by;covered with=filled withHe will`stay at home`tomorrow.=not go out;stay hear;be out;be backHe`rose`at six yesterday morning.;raised up;took up=got up;put upThe fisherman was`not a little`surprised when he saw the Genie.;not at all;a few=much;manyI asked him many times,but he didn't`answer`.=reply;repeat;refuse;regretI`missed`the first part of his speech.;enjoyed=didn't hear;didn't understand;didn't catchI`searched`my desk for my pen.;looked after;looked for=looked into;looked aroundHe was a boy of`just`sixteen.;about=only;right;simplyWhat is`happening`there?=going on;going out;going on with;going upDr.Bethune`set off`with some doctors.;set up;set about=set out;set awayHe`said`he had never seen that man.=insisted;called;pronounced;orderedTom said he would`go`to Beijing`by air`next Monday.;take;ride;drive=flyMary likes Joan.She`is always on`Joan's side.;always stands;always go over to;always help=always takes`What's on`at that cinema today?;How long has the film been=What film is there;What's more;What's wrongMy maths is getting better`little by little`.;by and by;fastly=slowly;easilyThey were`happy`to help us with our physics.=ready;excited;interested;thankfulXiao Feng`sat`at her desk,reading a magazine.;sits;was sitting=was seated;sit downThe teacher told the whole class to`go ahead with`the lesson.;start;begin;go away with=go on withYou mustn't`stop the study of`English.=stop studying;stop to study;give away;throw awayThe old man`has lived in`the village for more than 60 years.;has been to=has been in;has been for;has been away fromWe could`hardly`see the words on the blackboard.;difficult;nearly;easily=almost not--Will you come with me?--`Certainly`.;No;Thank;Really=YesThe girl`seems`ill.=looks;is;sounds;turnsChildren`enjoy asking`questions.;have not any=like to ask;require;promiseIt took him some time to`look up the word`.;see the word;think over the word;find the word in the book=find the word in a dictionaryWe were glad to`become free of`the trouble.;get to know=get rid of;get on well with;get intoEdison`placed`many lamps on a long table.;took;let=put;broughtThe Genie had stayed in the sea for`three centuries`.=three hundred years;three thousand years;three years;thirty yearsThey`went`through the forest this morning.;came=passed;got;ranHis brother can run as`fast`as a bike.;soon;slowly;strong=quicklyPlease`ring up`the doctor.=call up;call out;call on;call offIt took me`at least`one hour to do my homework yesterday afternoon.;about;lass than=more than;at mostWe asked her to play with us,but she`refused`.;repeated=said"NO";said"OK";said"Sorry"Do you know who will`teach`us chemistry lessons next term?;have;tell=give;sayThe teacher was`satisfied`with the student's answers.=pleased;excited;surprised;interestedMy`father and mother`will be free this afternoon.;parent;peasants;presents=parentsEnglish many be hard,but it's`so`useful.;that=very;far;muchHow about taking a walk`along`the street.;during;into;for=down`What about`the weather?;What is=How about;How fine;What looks`What do you think of`the football match?;How do you think if=How do you like;How you think of;What do you likeHe`made up his mind`to go shopping with his mother.=decided;made of;made trouble;kept in his mindThe prisoners`were judged in a court of law` for murder.;were murdered;were dead=were tried;were tiredThe workers at the factory`stopped working in order to get more money`.;led a strike=struck for more money;gave up striking;refused to go on strikeThe old man`got`very poor.;went=grew;made;hadTom went to the park with his parents last Sunday.They had a`good`time.;well;nicely;kind=wonderful`A lot of`books and magazines were borrowed from the library the day before yesterday.;A great deal=Lots of;A great deal of;Much ofCan you tell me`the thing which`must be done by all of the students?;that=what;which;whyMaybe we'll have another chance to visit Beijing`by and by`.;by the way=soon;before;againHe has`few`friends in this town.;hardly=hardly any;little;somePlease`take out`your textbooks and read Lesson Five.;hand out;hand in;find out=bring outCome along,Tom,Jenny will`have a word with`you.;play with=speak to;listen to;talk about`Someone` is waiting for you.;Anyone;Anybody=Somebody;EveryoneainingHe warned us that very soon there would not be___gas to cook the food.;plenty;plenty enough;some=enoughBy the time the course ends___a lot about Britain.;will learn;we are learning;we have learned=we'll have learnedJohn___the party if he had gone to London.;would miss;had missed=would have missed;missedThe driver of the bus tried to explain to the angry passengers that the delay was no fault of___.;himself=his;his self;himI havn't been able to do any work___a whole month now.;since=for;after;withI'm afraid I'm no good at chess,and___my brother.;is neither;not either is=neither is;nor canOnly in the last few weeks___to solve the problem.;something has been done=has something been done;anything has been done;something is doneWhen he was a young man,he___very early.;had use to get up;was getting up;use to get up=used to get upWould you___holding this box for me while I open the door?;care;matter=mind;objectDo you know that these trees are the___in the world.=tallest;most tallest;most taller;tallerNot many old people___mountaineering.;take in=go in for;put in with;do withMr Smith was___manager of the company at a very early age.;settled;raised;set up=appointedIs that the man___yesterday?;you've met;has met you=you met;met youTime___we'll hold a meeting to discuss how to do it.=permitting;has permitted;permit;permitsShe's very bright.I___her to pass the exam easily.;hope;expect=wish;desireScientists have proved it to be true___the heat we get from coal and oil comes originally from the sun.;why=that;what;howI don't believe what he said.It___be true.;mustn't;shouldn't;needn't=can'tHe___with Mary Ann.;made a friend;did a friend=made friends;did friendsHe has spent___of his life in Europe.=three-fourths;three-four;third-fourth;three-fourthThe matter is difficult___.;dealing with;to be dealt with=to deal with;to be dealt___the price of this one?;How much will be;How many is;How much is=What'sThe___arrived.;polices have=police have;police is;polices arePeople who won't work should be made___.;work=to work;working;in workIf she doesn't go,I'll not go___.=either;too;also;neitherGo in quietly___not to wake the baby.;so that;for;so as to=so asI've put the kettle on because___have a cup of tea.=I'd rather;I'd;I'd better;I'm going to___she has!=What a fine voice;How a fine voice;What fine voice;How fine voiceIt was___that a hundred people looked lost in it.;so a large room;a so large room=such a large room;such large a roomAunt Liu is in her early___.;seventy;seventys;seventieth=seventiesHe didn't keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch___.;to repair=repaired;repairing;repairHis eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he___.;had long been expected=had long expected;has long expected;was long expectedWhat he said sounds___.;nicely;pleasantly=friendly;wonderfullyThe waiter was made___to the guest.;apologize;apologizing=to apologize;to be apologizingIt's believed that___you work,___result you'll get.=the harder...the better;the more hard...the more better;the harder...a better;more hard...more betterYoung people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in___.;the other;some other=others;these othersWe won't give up___we should fail ten times.=even if;since;whether;untilHe'll be an astronaut by the time he___thirty.=is;had been;will be;is going to beHe looked quite healthy though he was___.;in seventy;in his seventy;at seventies=at the age of seventyI need___cloth,for I'm going to make___clothes.=a lot of...many;much...much;many...many;many...a lot ofAs soon as she entered the room,the girl caught sight of the flowers___by her mother.;buying;being bought;were bought=boughtThe boy ought to have gone to school___,but he slept___noon.;in that;that;in that morning...until=that morning...untilIf you really want yourself to be in good health,you must___always___so smoking;not...have smoked; smoke;be not...smokingWhat impressed me most was that they never___.;lost hearts;lost their heart=lost heart;lost their heartsTo the sea captain's surprise,he found that___travel could also be quite pleasant.;earth=land;ground;plainChildren at the beginning of this century___a lot and___themselves greatly even without television.;used to read...enjoying=used to read...enjoyed;were used to reading...enjoy;were used to read...enjoyingI don't like___you speak to her.=the way;the way in that;the way which;the way of which___will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas.;The Evens;The Evens'=The Evenses;The Evenses'Let's walk over___the sun on the other side of the street.=in;to;under;byThey had a party___Chirstmas Eve.;at;in=on;during___cave that George has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps.=The hundredth;The hundred;Hundredth;A hundredthSo___that no fish can live in it.;the lake is shallow;shallow the lake is=shallow is the lake;is the lake shallowOne ought___for what one hasn't done.=not to be punished;to not be punished;to not punished;not be punishedMany foreigners___the Great Wall as the World's Seventh Wonder.;look at;look for;look around=look onThat young man has made so much noise that he___not have been allowed to attend the concert.;could;must;would=shouldHe is expected to make a speech this afternoon___?;is he not=isn't he;is not he;isn't itThe water will be further polluted unless some measures___.;will be taken=are taken;were taken;had been taken___you don't like him is none of my business.;What;Who=That;WhetherGood technique in medicine means less pain and fewer deaths and___it is our duty to master it.;altogether=therefore;otherwise;however--How did the audience receive the new play?--They got very___.;excite=excited;excitedly;excitingLao Wang will certainly be given a new house if more new houses___next year.;will be built=are built;will build;be built--No one was prepared for the teacher's questions.--We___have read the lesson last night.;would;could=should;mightTom's parents do not allow Tom___swimming because they think he is too young.;going=to go;go;goes--Did all the students in your class pass the test?--Some of them did.___didn't.;Anothers;The other;Some other=Others--When do you think we'll leave tomorrow?--You'd better___ready at seven o'clock.;to be=be;being;been--Will you go home this weekend?--No,and___.;neither Li Ming will;Li Ming won't too=neither will Li Ming;so won't Li Ming--Did you see Xiao Li at the Party?--No,___by the time I arrived.=she'd left;she's left;she was left;she must leave--Is this Zhang Ying's book?--Yes,I think it's___.=hers;Zhang Ying;her;of Zhang Ying--Let's have a break.--Not now.I don't want to stop___yet.;study;to study;for studying=studying--Have you bought a new bike?--Yes.In fact my bike is the same___.;to yours=as yours;as you;to you--Was the test difficult?--Not at all.We found___.;it very easy for doing;very easy to do it=it very easy to do;it very easy to do it--You've come just in time to help us.--Fine.What needs___?;I do;done=to be done;to do--Do you still play basketball?--Oh,no . I___it for the past two years.=haven't played;have played;didn't play;played--Have you ever been on Beijing?--No,but I wish I___.;have;will;do=hadThe reason why he was late was___he had taken a wrong bus.;because;whether;because of=thatWe visited a factory___makes toys for children.;where=which;in which;at which___he said was quite surprising.;That;Why=What;HowThat was___weather we had ever had in the past ten years.;worst;the worse=the worst;worseThe man___was a friend of mine.=that you just talked to;whom you just talked to him;who you just talked to him;which you just talked to___entered the classroom when the bell rang.;We hardly had=Hardly had we;Hardly we had;Had we hardlyHe insisted that we___early the next day.=start;started;would start;had startedOnly after liberation___to be treated as human beings.=did they begin;they had begun;they did begin;had they begunThey have been in the library since___.;a long time;it had been open=eight o'clock;two hoursWe must show concern___each other.;to;with;at=forMany people have___in films.=an interest;interested;interests;interestingOur monitor suggested___a discussion of this subject.;to have;should have;have=havingLet's take a walk,___?;will you=shall we;can we;do youThere is___money left.;great deal of;many;much of=a lot ofIt's the third time that John has been late,___?;hasn't he;isn't he=isn't it;hasn't itTen years ago,there was an old man___in that house.;lived=living;live;was livingWe must help___.;a blind=the blind;people blind;the people blindBeijing has changed a great deal___the past five years.=in;since;from;forThe map does not show us where___.;is Egypt?;is Egypt.;Egypt is?=Egypt is.They were all in favour___the plan.=of;with;for;onI have___today.=a headache;headaches;the headache;headacheBe quick!___.;The bus comes here;The bus here comes;Here the bus comes=Here comes the busWe___it will rain tomorrow.;wish;want=hope;likeI don't believe any of it.You must have made___the whole story.;out=up;for;withI still don't know what___while I was away from home.;had happened;was happened;has happened=happenedMy brother is busy___for the exam.=preparing;to prepare;prepared;preparesIt was not long___I forgot it all.;then;when;after=beforeThere will be more than six___students taking the examination this year.=thousand;thousands;thousands of;thousand of--Do you like swimming?--Yes,very much.There's nothing___swimming on a hot summer day.;likes=like;liking;liked--Could you give me some ink?--Sorry.I haven't___left myself.;few;little;many=much--Can you ask your neighbours for help?--I'm afraid not.I___know them.=hardly;only;just;seldom--Do you know Mr Smith?--Yes.He's a strange man.We find___difficult to work with him.;us=it;him;you--Where's Zhang Ying?--He's gone to his teacher for___about his homework.=advice;the advice;an advice;advices--Is your mother at home?--No . She's gone___.;to shopping=shopping;for shopping;to shops--How did Bob do in the exams this time?--Well,his father seems___with his results.;pleasing;please=pleased;to please--I'll tell Mary about her new job.--you___her last week.;ought to tell;must tell;would have told=should have told--Did you go to see the football match yesterday?--No . I didn't feel well,but I would have gone if I___.;did;have;would=had--Would you like to join us?--Sorry.I am not___as any of you.;so a good player=so good a player;a player so good;a so good player--Listen to me,please.--No . No matter___you say,I won't give up.;how;which=what;whatever--May I have a look at your new bike?--Yes.But it's the same___youre.;with;to=as;like--Where was Li Ming last night?--I saw him___his homework in the classroom.=doing;did;to do;was doing--Shall we visit the museum if the rain___?--Yes,we shall.;will stop;has stopped;stopped=stops--You should say sorry to your brother.--Yes,I regret___with him.=quarrelling;quarrelled;to quarrell;to have quarrelledYour new suit will be ready___two days.=in;on;for;overHe comes late sometimes,___?;is he;isn't he;comes he=doesn't heThis sentence needs___.;a improvement;improve=improving;improvedIn fact the Swede did not understand the three questions___were asked in French.;where;who;in which=which--I wonder whose bicycle it is.--It might be my___.=neighbour's;dear neighbour;neighbour;neighboursSome people like to stay at home on Sunday,but___like to go to the cinema.;another;other=others;other oneIt happened to be very cold___the morning of our sports meet.;at;of=on;withHe made the___mistakes in the dictation exercise.;less;least;fewer=fewestCan you tell me___?;who is that gentleman;that gentleman is who=who that gentleman is;whom is that gentlemanThe guard at the gate insisted that everybody___the rules.;obeys=obey;will obey;would obey___work has been done to improve the people's living standard.;Many;A great many;A large number of=A great deal ofThe Italian boy was regarded as a hero___he gave his life for his country.;according to;because of;on account of=becauseHave you ever seen___as tall as this one?=a tree;such tree;an tree;tree--___have you been away from home?--I have been away from home for five months.;How much;What time=How long;WhenDo you know any other foreign language___English?;except;but;beside=besides___many times,but he still couldn't understand it.;Having been told;Though he had been told=He was told;Having toldThis straw hat___me.;doesn't fit for;isn't fit=doesn't fit;fits toDon't get off the bus until it___.=has stopped;stopped;will stop;shall stopI___you will write me back soon.;wish;need;want=hopeJack is___a black jacket today.;having on;put on=wearing;dressedShe began to___something but stopped when she heard the teacher___.;tell...saying;speak...talking=say...speaking;talk...tellingI am at least___age___Robert if I am not older than he.=the;the same...with;as;as same...with___box can not be lifted by a boy of five.;So a heavy=So heavy a;A such heavy;Such heavy a___but fools will believe what he said.=None;Nothing;Any thing;EverythingHe stood on one leg___against the wall,while he took off his shoe.;lying=leaning;falling;stoppingHe has always insisted on his___Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.;been called;called;having called=being calledGood care must___babies particularly while they are ill.;take;take of;be taken=be taken ofA piece of___music will make you happy.;fond;pleased=merry;gladIt has been ten years now since the Labour Party came to___in that country.=power;control;force;chargeShe would sometimes lock herself in the room to___the death of her only son.;feel sad for;regret;be sorry about=mourn--Mike,I'll go now for the new job.--___!I hope you do well.;Good wish;Good chance=Good luck;Good hope--Would you like to come to dinner tonight?--I'd like to,___I'm too busy.;and=but;as;soRemember to send me a photo of your son the next time you___to me.=write;will write;are writing;would write--Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?--___.;I don't believe it;I don't believe;I believe not so=I believe not--Do you remember___he came?--Yes,I do,he came by car.;when=how;that;if--I'm sorry to keep you waiting.--Oh,not at all.I___here only a few minutes.=have been;had been;was;will beIf there were no examinations,we should have___at school.;much happiest time;a more happier time=a much happier time;the happiest timeI don't know the restaurant,but it's___to be quite a good one.=said;told;spoken;talkedThe visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,___that he had enjoyed his stay here.;having added;to add=adding;addedShe set out soon after dark___home an hour later.;arriving;to arrive;having arrived=and arrivedI don't really work here,I___until the new secretary arrives.;just help out;have just helped out=am just helping out;will just help out--Do you need some more paper?--No,thanks.I___.;still have left some;have still left some;have some still left=still have some left--Do you like the material?--Yes,it___very soft.;felt=feels;is feeling;is felt--We quarrelled with the waiter about the bill.--How silly! You___to the manager.;would have talked=should have talked;could talk;must talkI didn't see your sister at the meeting.If she___,she would have met my brother.;has come;did come;came=had comeThe missing boys were last seen___near the river.=playing;played;play;to playThe first textbooks___for teaching English as a foreign language were produced in the 16th century.=written;to be written;being written;having writtenMary___be in Paris.I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.;mustn't;shouldn't=can't;may notI need one more stamp before my collection___.=is completed;completes;has been completed;has completedDon't all speak at once!___,please.=One at a time;One by one time;One for each time;Each at one timeThe weather turned out to be very good,___we hadn't expected.;it;what;that=which--How long has this bookshop been in business?--___1982.;In=Since;From;After--Is your camera like Bill's and Ann's?--No,but it's almost the same as___.=yours;them;their;hern't know the meanings of these words,you can___in the dictionary.=look them up;look them through;look for them;look over themHe thinks very___you.;high of=highly of;high about;highly aboutWe do want to buy something now before prices___up.;will go;went=go;goingThere has just been a traffic accident.An ambulance is coming to take the___people to hospital.;hurt;sick=injured;hit___,he couldn't move the rock.=Strong as he was;As he was strong;He was as strong;As strong he wasHe promised to come,but he didn't___.;turn in=turn up;turn on;turn outA lot of food was collected and___to Africa to keep the hungry people from dying.;flew=flown;flied;flyingJack came to my office early this morning as___.;expecting=expected;expect;to be expectedI've been so busy these days that I have___had time to read the newspapers.;almost;nearly;merely=hardlyI'm sorry,I didn't___to be late.=mean;try;mind;hopeHave you any idea___?;how the problem would solve;how would the problem solve=how the problem would be solved;how would the problem be solvedHe's no___,I don't like him at all.;my friend;friend of me;mine friend=friend of mineHe apologized for___to us earlier.;writing not=not writing;having not written;having written notSometimes I have a cup of coffee after lunch,but I don't make a habit___it.;for=of;about;fromHe was last seen in public on the___of his daughter's birthday.=occasion;chance;event;placeIf I___at the station a little earlier,I could have given you some help.;should arrive;were to arrive=had arrived;would arriveHe wasn't tired,___the distance that he had driven.;even if=despite;because;whetherHe___his promise and came to our party on time.=kept;did;took;saveShe was quite angry because she was made___for over an hour in his office this morning.;waiting;wait;waited=to waitShe is already 25 years old,___she doesn't know how to manage her life.=but;however;only;whileIs this___of the two children in your family?;the more tall;taller;the tallest=the tallerShe___morning exercise when I passed by her house.;did;does;doing=was doingPlease remember___the radio before leaving.;turning off;turn off=to turn off;turned offThey tried to do it___couldn't.;and;of;if=butIf I had worn my overcoat,I___cold.;won't have caught=wouldn't have caught;won't catch;wouldn't catchThis ship measures___that one.;as twice as long;as twice long as;twice long as=twice as long asIt's too expensive.I can't___it.;pay;spend;cost=afford--Would you do me a favour?--___.=No problem;With pleasure;No doubt;I'll be glad--Did you go to Scotaland of Ireland last summer?--We went to___.A week in Scotland and three days in Ireland.=both;either;neither;no oneMark was seen drinking at a___table yesterday.;three-legs;three legs=three-legged;three legged___from his reading,Jack found a young man watching him.=Looking up;Look up;To look up;Looked upLast night we went to Ann's party,___we enjoyed very much.;when;that=which;whereJohn is cleverer but___than his brother.;more lazier;lazy;much lazy=much lazierForget___I said last night.I was joking.;that=what;when;asDidn't it ever___to them that they might run into trouble?;come;happen=occur;strikeThe number of students in this school___by five percent every year.;rise;raise=rises;raisesThey now regret___married so soon.;get=getting;to have got;to getOnly by taking a taxi___on time.;you can arrive there;arrive there you can=can you arrive there;there you can arriveOh,___the baby has given us all!;what a great pleasure;how a great pleasure=what great pleasure;how great pleasureYou'd___if the car went over the cliff.;killed;have killed=be killed;been killedI won't forgive her unless she___.;will apologize=apologizes;would apologize;apologizedDick rang the bell again___Tom didn't hear the first time.;as long as;though;even if=in caseHe arrived at the conference hall quite late,with only a few minutes___.;sparing;to be spared=to spare;sparedHave you made up your___to give it up?;idea;thought=mind;opinionWould you like to___and have a cup of tea?=drop in;call on;drop on;call inHe had all his money___while he was on holiday in Hawaii.;to be stolen;being stolen=stolen;was stolenThe house is dirty.We___it for weeks.;didn't clean;hadn't cleaned;don't clean=haven't cleaned--Was Tom there when you arrived?--Yes,but he___soon afterwards.;had left=left;will leave;leavesWe all took___for granted that he would agree with us.=it;him;that;what--I like swimming in winter.--___.=So do I;So I do;So do I,too;So I do,too--Sorry I forgot to post the letter for you.--Never mind,___it myself tonight.;I'm going to post;I'd better to post=I'll post;I'd rather postI don't think English is___a language as Russian.;difficult as=as difficult;more difficult;difficultI want a radio,but I haven't got enough money to buy___.;this;that;any=oneI hope you are not angry___my not being able to come to your party.;with=at;on;for--Do you often go to Shanghai?--Yes,I___there twice since Christmas.;was;go;went=have beenYou wouldn't___so many mistakes if you had been more careful.=have made;make;be making;have been makingWhen he was decorating his house,he got the bedroom___first.;to paint;painting=painted;to be paintedThe Smiths used to live in London,___they?;wouldn't;weren't=didn't;hadn'tI believe that's the best way to prevent such a thing___again.;to happen=from happening;happened;happenWe will not go to the party___we are politely invited.;if not;however;whether=unlessI don't think the question of___they are old or young is important.;which=whether;how;whyIt was foolish___you to give up what you rightly owned.;for=of;about;fromThe poor woman with her two children___in a street corner.;was seen beg;were seen beg=was seen begging;were seen beggingThe old man smiled when he saw how pretty___up to be during the past few years.;had his daughter grown;would his daughter grow;his daughter would grow=his daughter had grownThe policemen were sure the murderer was the man___gun was found lying beside the dead body.;who had a=whose;which;of whom aYou___show your pass at the entrance unless the guard asks you for it.;mustn't;cannot=needn't;won'tHardly___his back when everybody burst out laughing.;did he turn;he turned;he had turned=had he turnedHe forgot___the manager his business card already so he handed him another one.;to hand;handing;to have handed=having handedThe old man always ate alone rather than___with others.;ate=eat;to eat;to be eating--He is not a friend of yours,is he?--___I have never seen him before.=No,he isn't.;Yes,he isn't.;No,he is.;Yes,he is.The children themselves were calm enough,___the parents that got into a panic.;in spite of;those were=it was;howeverThe thief did not know where the diamond___.;was hiding;hidden;hid=was hidden--Which of these two ties will you take?--I'll take___,to give me a change sometimes.;either;neither;all=bothWe've got___food in the house.=plenty of;plenty;lots;very muchHe hasn't got any money,I haven't got any___.;neither;too=either;very muchGo and get him a dictionary,___?;don't you;do you=will you;wouldn't youYou are just___time to meet your uncle.;by the=in;before;at thatIt was a long film,___.;it bored=I was bored;I was boring;it was boredAll children in China go to___at the age of seven.;the school;a school;schools=schoolThe book___yesterday is really interesting.;I gave it to you=I gave you;given you;giving youI can't see you tonight.I have to___a meeting.;present at;open at;take=attendIt is well known that Christopher Columbus___the Americas.;invented=discovered;found;landedHe has two children and he loves___.=them both;them all;them each;every oneYou cannot make___if they don't want to.=people learn;people to learn;people learning;that people learnI wouldn't do that if___you.;I'm=I were;I'd been;I've beenWe all found___that he refused to go.;surprising;surprised=it surprising;it surprisedDo you know___he is talking about?;that what;that;the which=whatPlease hang your clothes___before you go to bed.=up;away;on;in--Do you need some more paper?--No thanks.I___.;have still a piece left;have left a piece still;have a piece still left=still have a piece leftPlease do not talk___the orchestra is playing.;during=while;about;withIt's not worth___now.It's much too late.;to go;it go=going;it going--Where's Janet?--She's out.She said she___back soon.;would return=would be;was;came--How long___to be a nurse?--I took a three month course.=did you study;are you studying;have you been studying;do you studyI will let you know as soon as I___about it.;will tell;be told=am told;have toldThose shoes look very light.Do they realty___you?=fit;match;go with;suit with--There is lots of cheese left.Would you like___?--No,thanks.;one more;another one;any more=some more--Who was___called this morning?--Mrs Brown,our new neighbour.=it that;it whom;she that;she whoThis team ranks___in its own country.;three=third;the three;a thirdHe is one of___.;the greatest alive poets;the alive greatest poets;the alive poets who are the greatest=the greatest poets who are still alive___the little girl eats in bed.;Always;Seldom=Sometimes;NeverTom and I are looking forward to___you,so don't disappoint us!;see=seeing;be seen by;be seeing--Let's play football sometime,shall we?--Good idea! What___this afternoon?=will you be doing;shall you do;should you do;shall you be doing--How are things getting on?--All that can be done___.=has been done;have been done;has done;have doneMr Black gave his money to those whom be considered___.;was most worthy;as most worthy;as being most worthy=most worthyI waited for the car from the factory to___me.;call on=call for;call out;call up"Time is running out,___?";hadn't we better got start;hadn't we better get start=hadn't we better get started;hadn't we better got started--Did you remind him of the meeting?--No,If I___home,I would have.;was=had been;were;should beI'll___you off this time but next time you'll be punished.;leave;put;set=letHe has made another wonderful discovery,___of great importance to science.=which I think is;which I think it is;of which I think it is;I think which is--Anthony told me once he had a fall and broke his arm.--___was that?;Since when=How long ago;For when;For how longWe never dared to ask him a question,___?=did we;didn't we;dared we;daredn't we--Thank you for a wonderful meal.--___.;No,really,it's all right;Thank you all the same;The same to you=I'm glad you enjoyed itI really appreciate___to help me,but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself.;you to offer=your offering;you to offering;that you offer___earlier,I could have done something.;Have I been informed=Had I been informed;I have been informed;I had been informedThe reason that I plan to go is___if I didn't.;because she will be disappointed=that she will be disappointed;because she will have been disappointed;for she will be disappointedYou'd better have that bad tooth___.;pulling out;to pull out;be pulled=pulled out--Have you ever been to Hainan?--No,but I wish I___.;have;will;do=hadThere are 10,000 copies of different kinds of books in the store,___are stories.=more than two-fifths of which;and two-fifths of which;more than two-fifths of them;two-fifths of themThe article to be read is___difficult.;fairly too=rather too;quite too;pretty too--The experiment has failed!--I suggest you___again.=try;to try;will try;would tryTwo teachers were seen___the library.;go into=to enter;entering into;come out ofHe___.;robbed me by coat;stole me my coat;robbed my coat from me=stole my coat from meI___to him for the error.;excused=apologised;pardoned;forgaveYou don't object___you by the first name,do you?;that I call=to my calling;for calling;that I am callingIt is a beautiful car,but it is not___the price that I paid for it.;catch;worthy=worth;valueCome and see me___two days time.;for=in;after;duringBill came to work at the university thirty years___today.;since;before;from=agoHe had changed so much that I could hardly make him___at the station.;up;for;about=outI don't think football is___than basketball.=a lot more exciting;much more excited;very much exciting;a great deal excited--Your handwriting is quite good.--___.;Oh,no=Thank you;No,it's too bad;I don't think soHe has___friends that he seldom goes out to a party.;so little;too few=so few;littleWhile attempting to reach his house before the storm,___.;the bicycle of John broke down;it happened that John's bike broke down;the storm caught John=John had an accident on his bicycle___in the class has to take the medical examination.=Each of the students;Every of the students;Everyone of the students;The every student--Do you mind if I smoke here?--___.;Yes,do as you please=No,not at all;Yes,never mind;No,don't do thatTomorrow we will fly Beijing,___we are going to stay in for ten days.;that=which;where;then--___will everything be ready?--Just in a little while.;How long;How often=How soon;What timeI can hardly___the different between these two words.;point;speak=tell;talkMy elder brother___home for quite a few years.=has been away from;has gone away from;has left;left--Did you have trouble with your car this morning?--Yes,but I finally managed___.;to get starting it;it to get started=to get it started;getting started it--Do you still plan to go to Beidaihe this summer?--Yes,and I wish you'd consider___with us.=going;that you'll go;to go;to going--We just saw John at the bookstore.--That's strange.I didn't think he___back until tomorrow.;will be=would be;won't be;wouldn't beI still remember___you at the Shanghai Station.;to see=seeing;to have seen;having seenThis watch is___I lost the other day.=the very one;that;which;oneYou will be late___you leave immediately.=unless;until;if;or--Please don't make a noise.--___.I'll be as quiet as a mouse.;Yes,I won't=No,I won't;No,I will;Yes,I will___a reply,he decided to write again.;Not receiving;Receiving not=Not having received;Having not receivedTony is going camping with___boys.;little two other;two little other=two other little;little other twoI don't feel like going to the party,but I'm not sure how I can___it.;get back from=get out of;get away;get offThese plants are watered___.;each other day=every other day;each of two days;every of two days--Will you give this message to Mr Baker,please?--Sorry,I can't.He___.;doesn't any more work here;doesn't any longer here work;doesn't work any more here=doesn't work here any longerThe salesman scolded the girl caught___and let her off.;to have stolen;to be stealing;to steal=stealingIf you keep on, you'll succeed___.=in time;at one time;at the same time;on time___down the radio-the baby's asleep in the next room.;Turning=Turn;Turned;To turnI was disappointed with the film.I had expected___to be much better.;that;this;one=itIf no one___the phone at home,ring me at work.;returns;replies=answers;receivesWe've worked out the plan,and now we must put it into___.;fact=practice;reality;deed___the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.;That;If=Whether;When everHe asked___for the violin.;did I pay how much;I paid how much;how much did I pay=how much I paid--Are you feeling___?--Yes,I'm fine now.;any well=any better;quite good;quite better--Mum,I think I'm___to get back to school.--Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for another day or two.;so well;so good=well enough;good enoughDid you have any trouble___the post office?;to have foud;with finding;to find=in findingWe___last night,but we went to the concert instead.;must have studied;might study=should have studied;would studyOn the wall___two large portraits.;hangs=hang;hanged;hanging--Did you enjoy that trip?--I'm afraid not,And___.;my classmates don't either;my classmates don't too;neither do my classmates=neither did my classmates--If you don't like the red coat,take the blue one.--OK,but do you have___size in blue?This one's a bit tight for me.;a big=a bigger;the big;the biggerPeter___come with us tonight,but he isn't very sure yet.;must;can=may;willI can___you to the market in my car.;send;pick;ride=takeAlthough he's wealthy,he spends___on clothes.=little;few;a little;a few___is a good form of exercise for both young and old.;The walk=Walking;To walk;WalkIf___,We'll stay at home.=it rains;it's to rain;it'll rain;it'll be rasn't a single person___she could turn for help.;that;who;from whom=to whomWhich is___country,Canada or Australia?;a large;larger;a larger=the largerShortly after the accident,two___police were sent to the spot to keep order.;dozen of;dozens=dozen;dozens of___the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.;Whenever;If=Whether;ThatGo and get your coat.It's___you left it.;there=where;there where;where thereJohn was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes___.=open;to be opened;to oopen;openingIt worried her a bit___her hair was turning grey.;while=that;if;for--Will you give this message to Mr White,please?--Sorry,I can't.He___.;doesn't any more work here;doesn't any longer here work;doesn't work any more here=doesn't work here any longerWe have worked out the plan and now we must put it into___.;fact;reality=practice;deed___a reply,he decided to write again.;Not receiving;Receiving not=Not having received;Having not receivedKate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of___.;their=theirs;her;hersIt's a fine day.Let's go fishing,___?;won't we;will we;don't we=shall weCan you make sure___the gold ring?;where Alice had put;where had Alice put=where Alice has put;where has Alice put--Can I help you?--Well,I'm afraid the box is___heavy for you,but thank you all the same.;so;much;very=too___the day went on,the weather got worse.;With;Since;While=AsThe new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she___.;will arrive=arrives;is going to arrive;is arrivingNot until I began to work___how much time I had wasted.;didn't I realize=did I realize;I didn't realize;I realizedA library with five thousand books___to the nation as a gift.=is offered;has offered;are offered;have offeredI don't think___possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.;this;that;its=itLast summer I took a course on___.=how to make dresses;how dresses be made;how to be made dresses;how dresses to be madeHe paid the boy 10 dollars for washing ten windows,most of___hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.;these;those;that=whichHe___you more help,even though he was very busy.=might have given;might give;may have given;may giveThe horrible noise from the man's room simply___me mad.;put;caused=drove;turnedTom kept quiet about the accident___lose his job.;so not as to=so as not to;so as to not;not so as toMost of the artists___to the party were from South Africa.=invited;to invite;being invited;had been invited--Do you mind my taking this seat?--___.;Yes,sit down please=No,of course not;Yes,take it please;No,you can't take itHis father died and___him a lot of money.;gave=left;sent;offeredAfter the new technique was introduced,the factory produced___tractors in 1988 as the year before.;as twice many;as many twice=twice as many;twice many as___more attention,the trees could have grown better.=Given;To give;Giving;Having given--Excuse me,is this Mr.Brown's office?--I'm sorry,but Mr.Brown___works here.He left about three weeks ago.;not now;no more;not still=no longer___this book and tell me what you think of it.=Look through;Look on;Look into;Look up___of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.=Each;Any;No one;NoneShe reached the top of the hill and stopped___on a big rock by the side of the path.;to have rested;resting;to rest=restOh,John.___you gave us!;How a pleasant surprise;How pleasant surprise=What a pleasant surprise;What pleasant surprise.It was cold last year,but it is___colder this year.;just;only=even;aboutWe've planted a lot of apple trees,but because there has been no rain,___have borne fruit.;some=few;a few;the fewI have no idea___far the airport is from here.;what=how;it's;thatWhat is wrong___your TV set?;of;to;about=withHarris began to learn Russian at___of fifty-three.;age;ages;an age=the ageGreat men never give up___difficulty.;in face of;in face of the=in the face of;in the face of theAmong us Zhang Hong swims___.=the fastest;the most fast;most fastly;the most fastlyThe things talked about in this report___over a year ago.;had taken place=took place;have taken place;were taken placeTo get the job started,___I need is your permission.;only what;all what=all that;only that___,he doesn't study well.;As he is clever;He is as clever=Clever as he is;As clever he isHe didn't know which room___.;they lived=they lived in;did they live;did they live inI really enjoy___that kind of job.;do=doing;to do;to be doingThis news sounds___.=encouraging;encouraged;encourage;to encourage___anything about the accident,he went to work as usual.;Not known;Known not;Knowing not=Not knowingPut on more clothes.You___be feeling cold with only a shirt on.;can;could;would=mustThe bell is rung___there is a fire.;even;that=if;although--Where's you brother?--At___.=Mr green's;Mr Green;the Mr Green's;the Mr Green--Can I leave this door open at night?--You___better not.;should;would;could=had--I don't think I can walk any further!--___.Let's stop here for a rest.;Neither am I=Neither can I;I don't think so;I think so--He is a very brave man.--Yes.I wish I___his courage.;have=had;will have;would have--Can you leave your children at home alone?--Yes.They can take care of___now.;them;theirs;themselfs=themselves--Take this medicine,please.--Do I have to? It tastes___.=horrible;horribly;are horrible;like horrible--What are you going to do this afternoon?--I'm thinking of___to visit my aunt.;go=going;having gone;my going--Why does Lingling look so unhappy?--She has___by her classmates.;laughed;laughed at;been laughed=been laughed at--Will you go to the museum tomorrow?--I will if I___no visitors.=have;will have;shall have;am having--Have you decided when___?--Yes,tomorrow morning.=to leave;to be leaving;will you leave;are you leaving--Could you tell me what this word means?--Sorry.I don't know it either.Let's look it___the dictionary.;at;over in=up in;for--There's a hole in your bag.--I know.I am going to have it___.;mend;mending=mended;to be mended--The experiment has failed!--I suggest you___again.=try;trying;will try;would try--Would you like to play chess with me?--Sorry,I have to finish my homework before my mother___back.=comes;will come;shall come;has come___from Beijing to London!;How long way it is;What a long way is it;How long way is it=What a long way it is--Let me introduce myself.I'm Albert.--___.;What a pleasure;It's my pleasure=Pleased to meet you;I'm very pleased"Can't you read?"Mary said___to the notice.=angrily pointing;and point angrily;angrily pointed;and angrily pointingThe captain___an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.=made;said;put;passedTom ought not to___me your secret,but he meant no harm.=have told;tell;be telling;having told--Would you like some wine?--Yes,Just___.;little;very little=a little;little bitHow about the two of us___a walk down the garden?;to take;take=taking;to be takingWe were all surprised when he made it clear that he___office soon.;leaves=would leave;left;had leftShe doesn't speak___her friend,but her written work is excellent.=as well as;so ofter as;so much as;as good asPeter___come with us tonight,but he isn't very sure yet.;must=may;can;will--What was the party like?--Wonderful.It's years___I enjoyed myself so much.;after;before;when=since___he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.=What;That;The fact;The matter___down the radio--the baby's asleep in the next room.;Turning;To turn;Turned=TurnReaders can___quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.;get over;get in=get along;get throughTom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but___didn't help.;he;which;she=itI remember___this used to be a quiet village.=when;how;where;whatIn some parts of the world,tea___with milk and sugar.;is serving=is served;serves;servedThe computer centre,___last year,is very popular among the students in this school.;open;opening;having opened=opened--Is___here?--No,Bob and Tim have asked for leave.;anybody;somebody=everybody;nobodyWe've missed the last bus.I'm afraid we have no___but to take a taxi.;way=choice;possibility;selectionCharles Babbage is generally considered___the first computer.;to invent;inventing=to have invented;having inventedBe sure to write to us,___?=will you;aren't you;can you;mustn't youIt takes a long time to go there by train,it's___by road.;quick;the quickest;much quick=quickerHe dropped the___and broke it.;cup of coffee;coffee's cup;cup for coffee=coffee cupWe offered him our congratulations___his passing the college entrance exams.;at=on;for;of--How's the young man?--___.;He's twenty;He's a doctor=He's much better;He's DavidNobody saw him___out.;went;to go=go;goneGo in quietly___not to wake the baby.;so that;for;so as to=so asIt was because he was ill___he didn't go with us.;why;so=that;thereforeYoung children will often object to eating food that they___.;have not used to=are not used to;used not to;do not use toHe___letters all morning and felt tired.;has been writing;writes;has written=had been writingYou must avoid___her.=seeing;to see;in seeing;with seeingIt is dangerous___children to play with fire.;of=for;with;toPeople who won't work should be made___.;work=to work;working;in workIf she doesn't go,I'll not go___.=either;too;also;neitherWe___nothing to eat since eight o'clock this morning.;have;had=have had;gotIf only we___five minutes earlier,we should have caught the train.;are;were;have been=had beenThey lost___of their property.;a few;few=much;manyHe has spent___of his life in Europe.=three-fourths;three-four;third-fourth;three-fourthI know my hair wants___but I never have time to go to the hairdresser's.;to cut;cut=cutting;being cutThe report sounds___.=true;to be true;as true;being trueThe matter is difficult___.;dealing with;to be dealt with=to deal with;to be dealt___the price of this one?;How much will be;How many is;How much is=What'sThe___arrived.;polices have=police have;police is;polices areI've put the kettle on because___have a cup of tea.;I'd rather;I'd;I'd better=I'm going toHardly___when they started quarrelling.;did I leave=had I left;I left;I had leftScientists have proved it to be true___the heat we get from coal and oil comes originally from the sun.;why=that;what;howI don't believe what he said.It___be true.;mustn't;shouldn't;needn't=can'tJapan is___the east of China.;on;at=to;inHe___with Mary Ann.;made a friend;did a friend=made friends;did friendsHe___hands with us.=shook;gave;clenched;graspedJohn worked hard and___a good example to his classmates.;did;made;stood=setHe___sight of a little girl under the tree.;took;found;saw=caughtHe was asked to keep___the good work.=up;on;back;watchJack and Jane___each other since they were children,so nobody was surprised to hear they were married.=had known;have known;were known;knewThe weather was___worse than I had expected.;fairly;quite;pretty=ratherChildren shouldn't stay up___grown-ups do.;as later as;so late than;so later as=as late asI suppose he is not serious,___?=is he;isn't he;do I;don't IPlease sign your name___ink rather than pencil.;with=in;by;throughThe sick woman needs___.=looking after;to be looking after;to look after;being looked afterWe___in the mountain now.=are used to living;used to live;are used to live;used to living--I rang your flat yesterday.A man answered but I didn't recognize the voice.--Oh,it___my brother Peter.;must be=must have been;can have been;might beA stranger,___nobody seemed to know anything,suddenly appeared and said he was the late landlord's son.=about whom;by whose;who;whomHe talks as if he___all the work himself,but in fact Tom and I did most of it.;would do;does=had done;should doMay I___you to write me a receipt?;worry;disturb;annoy=trouble___far away you are,you are always in our thoughts.;Even though;Not with standing=No matter how;In spite ofBefore them___miles of grassland.=lay;lied;lain;laidIt was the way he asked___really upset me.=that;so;therefore;so that___his manners,he put his feet up on the desk.;Forgotten=Forgetting;Being forgetting;Being forgottenA lot of people have tried,but___have succeeded.;many;some;a few=fewHe looked tired.He seemed___a sleepless night.;to have=to have had;having;he hadThe water___.=feels warm;is felt warm;feels warmly;is felt warmlyWe were made___all night.;working=to work;work;to workingThat is the strangest story I___.;had ever heard=have ever heard;had never heard;have never heardIs___necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab?;everyone;this;here=it--Have you seen Tom and Mary?--I haven't seen___of them.;neither;any=either;allI___you to come!;did like;had liked=would like;could likeOnce you___the rules,you will have no difficulty in doing these exercises.=understand;will understand;are understanding;have been understoodI asked my lawyer___say in court.=what I should;what should I;how I should;how should II wonder what has brought___this remarkable change in their relationship.;along;away=about;aroundAll the furniture in the house___to the landlord.;is belonged=belongs;belong;are belongedStill greater effort will___to improve our work.=be made;make;be making;have madeTom behaved so strangely today.I thought he wasn't acting like___.;him=himself;he would;he doesThey went on holiday with two friends of___.;their;them=theirs;theyDon't cross a road___looking both ways first.;while=before;until;unlessHe wondered___away from home.=how long I had been;how long had I been;how long I have been;how long have I been--Are you ready?--No,not___.;soon;already;still=yet--Do you think Mary would join us?--___.;I think not so=I don't think so;I think not that;I don't think thatShow Mr.Green to his office as soon as he___.;will arrive=arrives;is going to arrive;is arrivingI can't buy that book.I have___money with me.;a few;a little;few=littleLet's go skating tomorrow,___?;are we;don't we=shall we;won't weNot until midnight___writing the report.=did the headmaster finish;didn't the headmaster finish;the headmaster finished;the headmaster didn't finishIt's hard to imagine Jack___a motorbike.=riding;ride;to ride;to be ridingThe tape-recorders___last month were of excellent quality.;being produced;to be produced=produced;were producedHe didn't want anyone to know___.=where to find him;where find him;where to be found;where he is foundShe has lost her little box,___she kept all her jewels.;which;that=in which;in thatI wish Dr.Turner___louder.I can't hear what he's saying.;will speak;speaks;should speak=would speakShe___ten dresses before she found one that suited her.;tried with=tried on;tried for;tried outThis is the material___in the lab next Tuesday.;tested;being tested;testing=to be tested___makes me feel sad seeing you living all alone.;This=It;That;WhatThat was a poor piece of work you___.I could hardly believe it was yours.;turned into;turned off;turned to=turned inHorses are often used to___carriages.=pull;push;drive;moveThe balloon Li Ming's father has just bought him is___mine.;as three times big as;three times big as;as three times the size of=three times the size ofWilliam has two dogs and he loves___.=them both;all of them;them each;every one of themOh,___you gave us.Jim!;how a wonderful speech;how wonderful speech=what a wonderful speech;what wonderful speech--I can't find Jack anywhere.--He___his homework upstairs.;must do=must be doing;must have done;must have been doneShe finished her meal,___from the table and went out.;raised=rose;raising;rising___of my classmates could work out the maths problem because it was too difficult.;Each;Any;No one=NoneMr.Smith,___,still takes a walk early in the morning every day.;a ninety years old man;a ninety year old man;a ninety-years-old man=a ninety-year-old manUncle Sam is in his early___.;sixty;sixty's;sixtieth=sixties--Is the ocean bottom made up of smooth plains?--No,I don't___.;think it=think so;think like it;think thatThe word "write" has the same pronunciation___the word "right".;from;with=as;like___she has!=What a fine voice;How a fine voice;What fine voice;How fine voiceIt was___that a hundred people looked lost in it?;so a large room;a so large room=such a large room;such large a room___that it was raining,she went back to get the raincoat.;See;To see;Seen=SeeingIf you do___turn green in spring.;Leaf;Leafs;Leave=LeavesI asked him for some oil,but he hadn't___.=any;some;oil;one--Are the two answers correct?--No,___correct.;no one is;both are not=neither is;either is notLungjing tea and Wuyi tea are both famous,but which do you think tastes___?;well;good=better;best___his wife,his daughter also went to see him.;Beside=Besides;Except;Except forBoth my brothers work at the power station that___in my home town.;has set up=has been set up;was set up;is set upI thought you___like something to read,so I have brought you some books.;may=might;could;mustTell him___the window.;to shut not=not to shut;to not shut;not shutThe next morning she found the man___in bed,dead.=lying;lie;lay;layingIf she had worked harder,she___.;would succeed;had succeeded;should succeed=would have succeededCan you tell me___the railway station?=how I can get to;how can I get to;where I can get to;where can I get toI'll go with you as soon as I___my work.;will finish;shall finish=finish;finishedWhen you read the book,you'd better make a mark___you have any questions.;at which;at where;the place where=whereNobody but Jane___the secret.;know=knows;have known;is knownAs soon as he entered the room,he took___his cap and sat down.=off;out;away;down--What are you doing?--I'm looking___the children.They should be back for lunch now.;after;at=for;upOnly one of these books is___.;worth to read;worth being read;worth of reading=worth reading___careless he is!;What=How;So much;How muchDo you know___?;what is his name;how is his name=what his name is;how his name isI can't imagine___that with them.;do;to do;being done=doingJohn gives me more help than___.;Tom is;Tom has=Tom does;Tom givesI can still remember the sitting-room___my mother and I used to sit in the evening.;what;which;that=whereHe had his leg___in the match yesterday.;to break=broken;break;breakingJane wore a raincoat___it was raining.;so;but;however=becauseI don't like tea and she doesn't___.;neither=either;too;alsoA child___parents are dead is called an orplan.;which;his=whose;withShe hardly ever speaks to you in English,___?=does she;doesn't she;can she;can't she--I feel a bit hungry.--Why don't you have___bread?;any=some;little;aDoctors___in every part of the world.;need;are needing=are needed;will needWe all agreed that he was stronger than___.;I looked;I was looked=he looked;he was looked___his speech was a long one,nobody lost interest.;As;Because;Even=Although--Mike,I'll go now for the new job.--___!I hope you do well.;Good wish;Good chance=Good luck;Good hope--Would you like to come to dinner tonight?--I'd like to,___I'm too busy.;and=but;as;soRemember to send me a photo of your son the next time you___to me.=write;will write;are writing;would write--Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?--___.;I don't believe it;I don't believe;I believe not so=I believe not--Do you remember___he came?--Yes,I do,he came by car.;when=how;that;if--I'm sorry to keep you waiting.--Oh,not at all.I___here only a few minutes.=have been;had been;was;will beIf there were no examinations,we should have___at school.;much happiest time;a more happier time=a much happier time;the happiest timeI don't know the restaurant,but it's___to be quite a good one.=said;told;spoken;talkedThe visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,___that he had enjoyed his stay here.;having added;to add=adding;added--It's my birthday tomorrow.Don't forget to come to my party.--___.;I don't=I won't;I can't;I haven'tShe set out soon after dark___home an hour later.;arriving;to arrive;having arived=and arrivedI don't really work here,I___until the new secretary arrives.;just help out;have just helped out=am just helping out;will just help out--Do you need some more paper?--No,thanks.I___.;still have left some;have still left some;have some still left=still have some left--Do you like the material?--Yes,it___very soft.;felt=feels;is feeling;is felt--We quarrelled with the waiter about the bill.--How silly!You___to the manager.;would have talked=should have talked;could talk;must talkI didn't see your sister at the meeting.If she___,she would have met my brother.;has come;did come;came=had comeHere's my card.Let's keep in___.;connection;relation=touch;friendshipThe missing boys were last seen___near the river.=playing;played;play;to playJohn plays football___,if not better than,David.;as well=as well as;so well;so well asThe first textbooks___for teaching English as a foreign language were produced in the 16th century.=written;to be written;being written;having writtenMary___be in Paris.I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.;mustn't;shouldn't=can't;may notI need one more stamp before my collection___.=is completed;completes;has been completed;has completedDon't all speak at once!___,please.=One at a time;One by one time;One for each time;Each at one timeThe weather turned out to be very good,___we hadn't expected.;it;what;that=which--How long has this bookshop been in business?--___1982.;In=Since;From;After--Is your camera like Bill's and Ann's?--No,but it's almost the same as___.=yours;them;their;herWe all write___,even when there's not much to say.;step by step;by and by;more or less=now and thenFather went to his doctor for___about his heart trouble.;an advice=advice;advices;the advices--Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?--If you keep still,you can sit at___end.;neither;each=either;anyAs we were asleep,___of us heard the sound.;both=none;either;anyHe decided to visit the family___Friday night.;at=on;in;overThere was plenty of time.She___.;mustn't have hurried=needn't have hurried;must not hurry;couldn't have hurriedFinally,the thief handed everything___he had stolen to the police.;after;what;whatever=thatThe squirrel was lucky that it just missed___.;catching;to be caught=being caught;to catchMost of the people___to the party were famous scientists.=invited;to invite;being invited;invitingThe plant is dead.I___it more water.;will give;would have given;must give=should have givenI didn't manage to do it___you had explained how.;unless=until;when;since___you have done might do harm to other people.;That=What;Whether;HowThey have no idea at all___.=where he has gone;where did he go;which place he has gone;where has he goneAll but one___here just now.;is;was;has been=were--John won first prize in the contest.--___.=So he did;So did he;So he did,too;So did he,tooIt's freezing outside.You___put on your overcoat.;had better to=had better;would better;would better toDo you think Sam'll call his old teacher as soon as he___in town?;will be arrived;is arrived=arrives;will arriveJimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than___boy in the class.;the other=any other;each;allAfter that we never saw her again,nor___from her.=did we hear;we heard;had we heard;we have heardI promise that the matter will___.;be taken care=be taken care of;take care;take care ofIs___necessary to tell his father everything?=it;that;what;heWas it in this palace___the last emperor died?=that;in which;in where;which--You're not a new member,are you?--___I joined only yesterday.;No,I'm not.;Yes,I'm not.;No,I'am.=Yes,I am.That dinner was the most expensive meal we___.;would have;have had;had never had=had ever hadNobody believed him___what he said.;even though;in spite=no matter;contrary toThey would not allow him___across the enemy line.=to risk going;risking to go;for risk to go;risk goingGo on___the other exercise after you have finished this one.=to do;doing;with;to be doingHis camera is more expensive than___.=hers;her;it;its___your coat at once.We must hurry.;Wear;Wearing=Put on;Putting onDoes John know any other foreign language___French?;except;but=besides;besideWe must get up early tomorrow,___we'll miss the first bus to the Great Wall.;so=or;but;howeverDo you know the boy___under the big tree?;lay;lain;laying=lyingI___ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.=gave;was given;was giving;had givenIt is well known that Thomas Edison___the electric lamp.=invented;discovered;found;developedI didn't hear the phone.I___asleep.;must be=must have been;should be;should have beenCheap coal___a lot of smoke.;gives up;gives in;gives away=gives offNot until the early years of the 19th century___what heat is.;man did know;man knew;didn't man know=did man knowThese photographs will show you___.;what does our village look like=what our village looks like;how does our village look like;how our village looks like--What do you think of the book?--Oh,excellent.It's worth___a second time.;to read;to be read=reading;being readNot only I but also Jane and Mary___tired of having one examination after another.;is=are;am;beIs___necessary to complete the design before National Day?;this;that=it;heI hurried___I wouldn't be late for class.;since=so that;as if;unless--Good morning.Can I help you?--I'd like to have this package___,madam.;be weighed;to be weighed;to weigh=weighedThere was a terrible noise___the sudden burst of light.;followed=following;to be followed;being followedShe pretended___me when I passed by.=not to see;not seeing;to not see;having not seenFather will not___us to use his recorder.;have;let;agree=allowAll___is needed is a supply of oil.;the thing=that;what;whichThey___friends since they met in Shanghai.;have made;have become=have been;have turnedThe sports meet will be___till next week because of the bad weather.=put off;put away;put up;put downThe story sounds___.;to be true;as true;being true=trueHe suddenly returned___a rainy night.=on;at;in;during___leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.;Anyone;The person=Whoever;Who___he comes,we won't be able to go.;Without=Unless;Except;EvenThe teacher told the class to___their books.=put away;put by;put on;put upTwo___died of cold last winter.;hundreds old people=hundred old people;hundreds old peoples;hundred old peoplesThey want to know___do to help us.;what can they=what they can;how they can;how can theyYou___return the book now.You can keep it till next week if you like.;can't;mustn't=needn't;may notThe horse is getting old and cannot run___it did.;as faster as;so fast than;so faster as=as fast asI asked him to___me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.;spend;save=spare;shareJohn has three sisters.Mary is the___of the three.;most cleverest;more clever=cleverest;clevererNo permission has___for anybody to enter the building.=been given;given;to give;be givingShe didn't remember___him before.=having met;have met;to meet;to having met___writer is better known in China,Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?=Which;What;Either;WhetherIs___possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?;now;man;that=itThe chair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable to___.;sit=sit on;be sat;be sat onThey knew her very well.They had seen her___up from childhood.=grow;grew;was growing;to growHe had never spent a___day.;more worry;most worrying=more worrying;most worriedWas it during the Second World War___he died?=that;while;in which;thenThe students are___young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.;most;almost=mostly;at mostHis parents wouldn't let him marry anyone___family was poor.;of whom;whom;of whose=whoseWhere is my pen?I___it.;might lose;would have lost;should have lost=must have lostShe told us___story that we all forgot about the time.=such an interesting;such interesting a;so an interesting;a so interestingThey asked me to have a drink with them.I said that it was at least ten years since I___a good drink.=had enjoyed;was enjoying;enjoyed;had been enjoyingThat suit___over 60 dollars.;has costed;costed;is costed=costMother___us stories when we were young.;was used to tell;is used to telling=used to tell;used to tellingI wish I___you yesterday.;seen;did see=had seen;were to seeWill you___me a favour,please?;give;make=do;bring___,I went to the railway station to see my friend off.;After eating quickly my dinner;After my quickly eating dinner=After eating my dinner quickly;After eating my quickly dinnerI learned to___a bicycle as a small boy.;drive=ride;operate;runDoes___matter if he can't finish the job on time?;this;that;he=itA computer___think for itself,it must be told what to do.=can't;couldn't;may not;might notDon't smoke in the meeting-room,___?;do you=will you;can you;could you--Have you moved into the new house?--Not yet.The rooms___.=are being painted;are painting;are painted;are being paintingWe___each other the best of luck in the examination.;hoped;wanted;expected=wished___!There's a train coming.=Look out;Look around;Look forward;Look on--Will somebody go and get Dr.White?--He's already been___.;asked for=sent for;called for;looked forThe murderer was brought in,with his hands___behind his back.;being tied;having tied;to be tied=tied--We haven't heard from Jane for a long time.--What do you suppose___to her?;was happening;to happen=has happened;having happenedShe heard a terrible noise,___brought her heart into her mouth.;it=which;this;thatMrs Smith warned her daughter___after drinking.=never to drive;to never drive;never driving;never drive--Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?--I don't know,___.;nor don't I care=nor do I care;I don't care neither;I don't care also--How did you find your visit to the museum?--I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was___than I expected.=far more interesting;even much interesting;so more interesting;a lot much interestingOn Saturday afternoon,Mrs Green went to the market,___some bananas and visited her cousin.=bought;buying;to buy;buyThese oranges taste___.=good;well;to be good;to be wellWhen and where to build the new factory___yet.=is not decided;are not decided;has not decided;have not decidedThe secretary worked late into the night,___a long speech for the president.;to prepare=preparing;prepared;was preparingI can hardly imagine Peter___across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.;sail;to sail=sailing;to have sailed--The light in the office is still on.--Oh,I forgot___.;turning it off;turn it off=to turn it off;having turned it offThe hero of the story is an artist in his___.;thirtieth;thirty;thirty's=thirtiesNo one can be sure___in a million years.=what man will look like;what will man look like;man will look like what;what look will man likeWithout electricity human life___quite different today.;is;will be;would have been=would beJohn was made___the truck for a week as a punishment.=to wash;washing;wash;to be washingAlthough he is considered a great writer,___.=his works are not widely read;but his works are not widely read;however his works are not widely read;still his works are not widely readLittle Jim should love___to the theatre this evening.=to be taken;to take;being taken;taking--Could I borrow your dictionary?--Yes,of course you___.;might;will=can;should--Shall we go skating or stay at home?--Which___do yourself?;do you rather=would you rather;will you rather;should you rather--I usually go there by train.--Why not___by boat for a change?;to try going;trying to go;to try and go=try going--Hello.May I speak to Zhao Hua?--Yes___.;My name's Zhao Hua;I'm Zhao Hua=This is Zhao Hua speaking;Zhao Hua's meWhen Jack arrived he learned Mary___for almost an hour.;had gone;had set off;had left=had been awayI really don't want to go to the party,but I don't see how I can___it.;get back from=get out of;get away;get offI would appreciate___back this afternoon.;you to call;you call=your calling;you're calling--Have a nice weekend!--___.=The same to you;You do too;The same as you;You have it tooThe doctor will be free___.;10 minutes later;after 10 minutes=in 10 minutes;10 minutes afterHow___can you finish the drawing?;often=soon;long;rapid--Do you know our town at all?--No,this is the first time I___here.;was=have been;came;am comingMr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except___who had already taken them.=the ones;ones;some;the others___terrible weather we've been having these days!;How a;What a;How=WhatThere're so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind___to buy.;what=which;how;where--We could have walked to the station,it was so near.--Yes.A taxi___at all necessary.=wasn't;hadn't been;wouldn't be;won't beIn the dark street,there wl;strange powers;upper social classes;sociablebase;lowest part of sth.;to be dishonourable=use sth. as grounds;have a lowest room in the buildingopportunity;suitable for a purpose;express strong dispproval;chance=favourable occasionpour=cause to flow;standard measure of weight;to be express fully or freely;heavy fallsense;ability to keep normal state of mind=feel;bodily organ;be sensibletwist=wind sth. round sth. else;turn round quickly;rapid circular movement;frightenedradium=;;d;&discoverer;c=c纈;bF;%"Felement;ȱ;ȫ=(';metal;e;ee;=uranium=;;&;('radiation;d=&;B;failure;#g;Bc=Fb;bmineral;;#;F=Gsource=dh;&;G;dEsucceed;Fb;%=Bc;Òdfurnish=););$D;$Estove;␉;F=$E;(move in;g&;(C=&F;iCboil;fF;ƴ;'=#'mass;=D;E;(ceiling=g$;;";in spite of;F=±#;d;Ƶglow=c;cF;;"Btest-tube;;&=#;mysterious;ƃ";ƃ;Ʀ%$"=Ʀ%"couch=(;;(;c(mainly;BBっ=I;G(";cbackyard;(;&(=ê(;H(expense;i;;=$Crare=G(";h";$";Ŀ"whirl;%=i;d;&ëGlength;fc;c=c;Ëcpossession;De;Ž;C=G(ripple=f;F;B;gdwaterfall;D;=;garment;h=;⍅;ghesitate;;c;=Bsplash=;Ƌ;fF;Dcarpet;=';;sparkle;$;$=$$;stair;g;;ǃ=pause=i;g;%;Cpant;B=f;F%;chain;(;I=%;Fcurl;c;c;bE=cnaughty=";D";ƿ";F"critically;=漥;f;)'step;肥;g=D;'burden;;B=;$disapproval;B;F;”If=®Bemotion=F;; C;merry;ĊD"=䂥";dC";c"obvious;ſ";=";B"mental;e";;F=ee"labour;;ȷ;=Ctrance=cb;ª;Fd;Ǧ$haircut;c;c=c;unwrap;bf="d;;dupset;¹";‚";¾'"=‚""string=␉;&;$";HFscream;c;=$;%worship;H;•d=;Hpure;C";(H";ſ"=¿"jewel=bF;iF;F;Fhug;;;&=$eagerly;"Á;=&;lovely;D#"=D";D";Dg"hunt= %;&;D; "at present;=Ő&;C;dadventure;g&;榣=%;E(snowstorm;Bh;h=B;passenger;=;;Fdrift;;ȍ;H=ĪGstep on the gas=bȣ;bff;bƠ;bƥwheel;iC=%;ig;dstick;GC;ţ$=F;Fslide;;G;'=Cflash=h;b;;broadcast;)=;%;Cblock;;=)F;'bump;";';Œ=fslap=h;%&;F%;step by step;%;; C=igive out;Í=;gD;ÄDcheer;;÷c=;Bperseverance;;;%=Ȉein search of=;G;B;Dlad;ȷ;=;'Crequest;&=;旆;add;;=;remark=f;f;ƭ;make one's mark;B=Bc;;earnestly=g;;)';gcounter;);;C)=Éenvy;恢;Ƚ#=;gremainder;CG;G;G=ƣ(Gmate=B;#;;bpump;=;;despair;;)=d;Fwill=);$c;D;so long as;#;;㣢=ɐdeck;);=Ĉ;(experienced;ȿ"=(ȿ";C";("fault;#g=;h&;"bless;i;=;unusual;·D";D";…i"=£D"upside down=;g;gg;genvelope;c=c; ;b)taxi;ǟFƥ;iB=iƥ;&cross;Ć;;i=&ddoorway=ŷd;B;BE;ʼntroubled;¾'"=‚"";µG";–'"postmark;h;;h"=hunkind;®g";µDe"=•&";ž"serve=d(C);C;C;ǕCswallow=';g;;subject=;G;(b'";B"phrase;䐉;=;Ƭtire...out;Ȕ,...Ȕ;f$=...Ăƈe;Ăƈevocabulary;B";cB";'="Bthorough=B";BB";F";ƿ"note=;;㼇;reference;HD=";;(essay=;Ć';瘤;chapter;=,$;;I'margin;Ć;Eg=ȓ"Ć;Bbdigest;;c;=turn to;ig...ç;$=h;ieĄiB...packed;b)ÿ"=F";";ȏĿ"relay;;"F=;championship;=;ȱ溈;Ȓ"take one's place;..."I;"..."=I;$(Ȯlead;"; (&=%';%"catch up with=ë;ë;F,ģF;Îɔgrab;ɣ$;;ɊI=make a round trip;fŽ;"=ǔ׎;($make up for;$;;ī=嚂track;#I=#;ög;š%urge;$=¶;ˆC;pull through;...C;...g& ;Fe=DžEǦtry out;柈(EF);ȚB...="Dȅf;Eaid;E=;;am not"Ǻgtalk over;B;Ɲ;...d=curl=f;f";(c";Ë&"loud=Ł;c;H";Bƃ(&"remove;#;&;=(C,#sense=c;;;dCtight;"$"=$$;$F;Bflat;"=";";ǖ"crack;&ſ";i;D=ecut away=#;&;;fmerrily; ;䂥=䂥;GÜtickle;FB;d&"';c=stand for;g,...h#;"...i; ="B,"at the mercy of;'F;...'F=(...H%g;fB...õhave mercy on sb.;(H%=DEF;(...'H;"EFgentle=H";(;Fô;($"Fmerciful=&";ſ"; 'F";"species;c";繦";b=)heated;D;DF=d";c"bishop;;&=I$;ƞmake one's point;EF";Ń=Ń;Ńmedicine=;B;œ;%䄈genius;I=g;g";%ÿ"(therefore;HB;Bc=B;take the side of;ƶgȓ;...(Ⱦ=h(...ȓ;show out;Bd;ȭ;–%=...%dshare in;;...C(EG);(EG)=Njdsend up;c;=c&,...F;"c be seated;(...)g;d)=);...Iset out=CF;d;d;Hscores of=B;B恣;Hh...;...all round;%; =F偣;瞥'in rags;&; )";& =ɇ&E"put away=...fd;Ed;î(%;push on;$g=g,gC;# gB...F;gtake the place of="...;((EF"ǂ;c;(...(Ȩ)pay off;;„D;"D=Dor so;dF...=h%,h;C(;cƔ&place an order;"E(;;"E=gB=radium;radio;radar;radiantc;discoverer;discard;discount=discover;mental=metal;mender;mention=uranium;urania;uradian;uranologyî&g;radiocast;radiobroadcast=radioactivity;radiogramd;put out=set out;give out;send outFb;fall;fault;favour=failureG;general;funeral;library=mineraldh;sausage;south;rouse=sourceF'=above all;above the rest;in short;in general';consist of;base on=believe in;rely onBc=succeed;succession;successor;successive;below;between=belief;beloved);furniture;fit;decorate=furnish;house=shed;shelter;apartment䱆;spark;sparkle=spare;spear;add;calculus;calculous=calculatecg=drip;leak;drop;leadg$;cellar;cell;roof=ceilingº&;discommon;discord=discomfort;discomfit#;test-paper;test-side;test-meal=test-tubeƦ%"=mysterious;secret;secretary;myth=count;court;course;courage&";sharp;shadow=shabby;shake;cry;whip;wear=weepg;soy=sob;sow;sodB;sneeze=sniffle;sneer;snaked"=grey;pray;grave;greenF;pay;wage=income;incompleteG(";rear;near;bare=rareG(;owe;owner;owl=owni=whirl;wheel;whole;while";possible;passage;park=possession)";blouse=brown;blow;broad;government;coat=garment;dress$H‚"=nervously;nerve;worried;upset;splendid;split=splash;pour"=worn;wear;warm;wolfc$$;spring;splash;splendid=sparkle=stair;stare;stay;spare"Ȍ#;fly;stare;flee=flightf;port;pork;breathe=pant抅"=practised;learned;praised;spratG&;jump;run=speed;move%;chair=chain;chalk;chance漥;commently;practisedly=critically;commonly;fried-pan;port=frying-pan;flying-pan$$=tightly;lightly;nicely;loudlyD;stair=step;stop;paveB;vast;garment;cloth=overcoati;fix on to;fix up=fix upon;fix into#;sing=read;know;look®B;dislike;disappoint;discourage=disapprovalb;mirror=horror;sorrow;troubleF=emotion;motion;desire;gratitude...Í;be satisfied with;give promise of=be prepared for;be astonished with繦"=peculiar;perspective;perfect;perculate䂥";marry;many;mirror=merry";observe;obstacle=obvious;obligingįƿ";mind;metal;thought=mental$;entrance;trunk=trance;trainc=haircut;hairbrush;hairdye;hairdo'f;spring;strong;spread=stringb"ƙ;cream;ice-cream=scream;screen;tomb;come=comb;bomb;warship=worship;bishop;friendship&;shop-talk;shop-boy;workshop=shopwindow;tortoise;shell egg;shell game=tortoiseshellbF;diamond;jew;fossil=jeweld=long for;long before;long since;long after$;huge;hunger=hug;hulkd;angrily;eager;eagle=eagerly''";careful;tearing=tearful;teardropù;put forth=put away;put right;put offŐ&;by these presents;at last;at first=at present%=adventure;advance;advantage;adventE;railway=high way;roadway;subwayB;snowfall;snowfield;snowman=snowstormĪG;lift;drill=drift;slipbȣ;brake=step on the gas;step aside;step in$;laugh;smile=joke;joyF;strike;struck;steak=stickh=flash;splash;flat;flattish;motel;motet=motor;moss;brightness;lightness=whiteness;darkness;push;woods;forest=bushľ;award=awake;aware;awaitDȶh;a bus station;a railway station;a power station=a gas staitondƈe;wear away;wear off=wear out;wear downFB=wide;widen;wind;wound;drugstore;department store;storeroom=bookstoreȈe;persist;personal=perseverance;perspective;geometry=geography;geologist;geologyC;look ahead;go ahead;walk ahead=ahead of;say;talk;speak=addƋĩ;salestax=salesman;salestalk;salesworkȷH=leaf;life;lift;roofg;honestly;earn;early=earnestlyi;guide;guard;look=regard(b;in board;by board=on board;by shipFb;crow;cruel=crew;crowd;pulp;lump=pump;bumpĈ;desk;debt;deckle=deck=bless;blossom;brook;blockiƥ;tax;taxes=taxi;box&d;across=cross;cloth;crash‚"";trembled;trenched;trend=troubledh;bookmark=postmark;footmark;on the mark•&";unable;unfair;unwrap=unkindd(C)=serve;search;seven;selli;go over=dip into;look into;go round&;dozen of=dozens of;doze off;dozens offµC;pass by sth.=pass by;pass off;pass outdg;lose one's balance;lose heart to;lose one's heart to=lose heartĂƈe;tired of;wear off=tired out;over tiredh;turn...for help;turn to ask for help=turn to;turn in sb. to...cýG;be delighted because of;be delighted for=be delighted by;be delightedÍ;give out=give up;give off;give awaydB;start up=start out;start off;start inE;agree with sth.;agree with sb.;agree to sth.=agree to do sth....;look forward to (do sth.);wish (doing sth.)=look forward to (doing sth.);hope (doing sth.);as anything;as a general;as a result=as a wholeh;trust;lean ageainst;rely up to=rely ong"...;next;fellowing=following;followed(...,D();except;except for=besides;beside欧";familier;similar=familiar;known"B;stand at=stand for;stand out;stand off"eHCD;the Olympic;Olympic Games;the Olympics=the Olympic Gamesef%=a relay race;a rely race;a race track;a track race(=promise;hoping;best wishing;outstandingF&;group;crowded=crowd;crowd of human beingI;take the place of;sit down in the place;take the room for=take one's place%';in the line of head;at sight;in a lead=in the leadȃȃ;big by big;little by little;slightly=bit by bit(EF"g;in one's holiday;at one's rest day=on one's day off;on one's day freeb'Ė;gain a new record;set a good marks=set a new record;set up a new record&&E;reach to=reach for;grab to;grab fordCFg"=exciting;excited;happiest;movingFEÿ"B;be a team's member;be a member in a team;be inside a team=be on a teamɁ...;to take a good hold;to get good hold=to get a good hold of;to get good hold on;mostly=barely;nearly;fairlyCȴ%;through the next year;during the next year;in next year=in another year=put off;hold off;put over;in some time latere;gold meter;golden model=gold medal;golden medal$";late=latest;newest;at the moment㹤;fast sleep;fast asleep;feel fast asleep=fall fast asleep$ȃ;about at one clock;about at one o'clock;about one o'clock=at about one o'clockH...#(d$c);be up for sb.;be up in one's arms=be up to sb.;be up in one's doing#D,&;barely;earnestly=wildly;windinglyg;hold back the breath;hold the breath;hold up one's breath=hold one's breathBH(ĎɕB);act up;act on to;act a part of=act out;dig down;tear out=tear up;tear off;pull up;pile on=pile up;piece up";plain;flate=flat;smooth;hold up;hold out on;hold on=hold outf =to do one's work;be useful;to be used;take part in$b=immediately beside;the next to;immediately besides;the following ofi;stare in;stare to=stare at;stare towardd;long to=dream of;with that...;want to(E");spell=spell out;write out;read outh=call for;call upon;call out;call up"";cheap;longer=dear;deer;take care to;take charge of;take control of=take care of#...;in charge;in check of=in charge of;in check...'';common;same;the same as=in common'd;die away from;die down;die off=die out;distance;in distance=in the distance;in the long long length(...ç壤ȿ;do with sth. well=do well in;do well for;do up well inĵ,=in the end;in the end of;by the end;at the endC;enjoy;have luxury;have best time=enjoy oneself;hand to;hand out to=hand in;hand off to sb.;as the fact;as matter of the fact;as a matter of course=in fact­EFȨ;do sb. a good turn;do a good turn;do a favour=do sb. a favourɋ$;set a fire;set fire=catch fire;catch a fireE...dg=make fun of;make game to;make fun with;make joke toE...dg=make fun of;make game to;make fun with;make joke tondy;harshThe architect Frank Lloyd Wright believed that a building should be designed to `fit` its function and its location.;enhance;decorate;alternate with;conform toCowbirds will lay eggs in the nests of other birds if those nests are left `unattended`.;disorganized;unguarded;incomplete;unwantedGeorgia O' Keeffe's best-known paintings are those in which she `magnified` flowers or animal shulls to fill the picture.;enlarged;dissected;duplicated;glorifiedSome termites surround their nests with huge mounds of `earth` up to forty feet tall.;sticks;leaves;salt;dirtLouise May Alcott based the `principal` characters of her book Little Women on her sisters and herself.;femal;complex;central;originalThe nucleus of the atom is composed of swiftly moving protons and neutrons that are `held` together by very strong forces.;mixed;propelled;pounded;boundThe body of the jellyfish is a `gelatious` mass shaped like a saucer.;granular;crusted;viscous;motionlessman;policeman;fisherman;FrenchmanFe=go all out;go in for;do best;try bestBd;keep;disclose;connect=kidnap=tenant;latent;tender;tennisEFD;be married to sb.=be engaged to sb.;love each other;have red marriageƝEFE;try to do;let sb. do=persuade sb. to do;succeed in doing...#;wait for=answer for;look for;care forfE;be interested in;be forced into=be obliged to do;be thrown intoB;summer=summon;suffer;succeed&ůEə;hand in a sword;with a sword=sword in hand;having a swordȝ"=tame;taste;waste;tastyF"c;break out=burst forth;happen at once;burst into tearsD";deadly=dreadful;dining;diggingH;suppose=support;strike;struckfd;minute=instant;chance;finger);match;fetch=race;rateD;come back=fight back;thrust at;quarrel withc;a little=scores of;good many;a lot&;tend=tax;tame;tailbf;with mercy;without pity=without mercy;no painF;feel=feeling;move;mercy;order=forbid;force;obligefE;force to do;force into=be forced to do;had to dob;week=whip;weak;wakeF;lose=disappear;miss;lossžF...F;keep up=keep...out;look out;cry out#êG;living=covering;fur;having=quantity;quanlity;much;many;increase=reduce;disease;low(#";illness=poisonous;anxious;state C;see about;think about=move about;work at=wake up;knock down;take off;see offÅ)Îȿ";a kind of=all kinds of;all through;all over;lung=level;muscle;reduceHC;sports meet=movement;action;discussion%;stare=secret;carry;fetchg;lose=use;energy;level...(;get used to=be connected with;be filled with;be full ofĵ=effect;affect;condition;conclusion;dot=zero;hero;moral";often=usual;once;earlyG=creature;elephant;invention;message=keep up;look up;shut up;put upC...";have a time=lead a;lead to;stick to=wolf;flag;lion;tiger";hot blooded;cold-blooded=warm-blooded;dry bloodedG"=loose;light;high;lose$;wood=mud;body;food;liberate=hibernate;quantity;ordinary搩 ;all over=all through;throughout;foreverBf;centigrade=atmosphere;soup;soundG';brain=pain;cake;causeȱ=choice;effect;correct;connectG;score=squirrel;frog;square"G;oppress;burst=comfort;dreadfulBc;single;instant=separately;rate";terrible=wretched;score;mercyB...";at the time;at that moment=by the time;by the wayf";famous all over=world-famous;know over;world-knew";strong=strange;simple;single;see=stare;look;standöG;look;like;such as=as ifHÿ";kind=friendly;nice;bright;express=expect;disclose;stress=moustache;toothache;stomachache;score-throat;elephant=electrify;examination;historicalD";ugly=funny;gentle;dreadfulfǿ";set-deep=deep-set;deep-hole;hole-deep=have on;dress on;take on;put on";form=fork;pat;pot緦;dinning-room=bedroom;waiting room;sitting-roomBc;sadness=success;failure;victory...;give money=pay for;receive money;care forÏ";highly=advanced;technical;great;receive=accept;refuse;agree"=lead to;belong to;stick to;$;graduation=education;situation;station;continue=stick to;insist;persistd;telegram=technology;institute;relativity;illness=sadness;disease;discoverg;family=character;period;officerȐø";good-looking;nice-look=funny-looking;ugly-lookingB;tell;fairy=tale;tone;congratulate;science=graduation;structionF;vote;decide;concern=devote蠅';slipper=blanket;abstract;actionEF;friendship=citizenship;gift;prize;fill of=be full of;be proud of;have interest ind;keep up=go on;walk on;pass byg;like=care for;intend;be afteri"=well-known;united;caused;nationalFf;all over the earth;through space=all over the world;all the spaceE ;throw away=take away;hold on;put off($$"E;at the way home=on the way home;on the way to house;at one's homeD;search=research;education;skill=Germany;Russian;America;FranceĢ;pride;prove=prize;proud';wallet=habit;date;beat(=affect;search;rude;please;dollar;money;sum=salary...;accept;front=besides;behindE;fair;mark=right;print;believe=arithmetic;physics;chemistryc;depend=invent;tend;affectDF;governor;inspector=sergeant;poetI;rose;loose=shut;closet%;inspector=impostor;professor;policeG";satisfied;noisy=excited;disappointed%;daughter;enemy;player=secretaryH;care=take care of;look at;be sure;think of=talk about;know about;look afterŐE;bill=doorbell;meadow;deskb;toward;benefit=reward;money$H‚"";excited;belong=nervous;anxious(D ";practical;important=valuable;necessarydF;stone=skill;brain;virtue…i";impossible;unfair;irregular=unimportanthf;secret=courage;success;interest=in fact;as usual;and so on;in turn;pat=fat;ring;bellg;position;situation=information;action"D;go on with=take part in;work out;meet with&;mile=muscle;lesson;enjoyȃ;field;value;touch=virtueI;take a path;hand in;have a rest=take one's seatf;at the top of=at the beginning of;in the middle of;at the back of';master;farmer=blacksmith;inspector...#=frighten;express;fright;fail(...)Çd=shortly after;at this time;at once;at the beginning offŸgf;instead of;without delay;out of town=out of breath%g...H;press;stress=impress;preferg=spelling;drilling;digging;listeningƿ";sadly=orderly;wonderful;occasionalFe;meadow=wood;forest;entranceb;bite=defeat;board;win⦣;post;yard=notice;orderE;battle;factory=victory;won莢=scold;name;kite;tameG;factory;laboratory=schoolyard;sawmill';tired=recite;choke;learnd;found;miss=dismiss;delayĥĉDƿ";silent=attentive;puzzle;instructivec(;role;lift=rule;pieceH;relaxat;movement=amusement;agreementFȭĿ"=tiresome;tired;diffcult;possibleG;school;schoolyard=schoolroom;class³=from time to time;here and there;up and down;from now on²e";cannot=unable;not ability;impossibleÈd=regret;impress;return;rebel;look at=look about;look out;look afterĮ(g;learn in heart;keep in heart=impress on one's mind;recite one's wordh;lean at the wall=lean against the wall;stood upright;stand still;repair=prepare;refer;prefer(;tone;lung=language;landlord(f;in the earth;in the mud=in the world;in the airh=speak in English;say by English;tell by English;speak at Englishĕd=space;air;sky;atmospherefFɿ";shining;bright=burning;balloon纈;worker;doctor=walker;porter綇;appearance;pressure=phenomenon;measure;space skirts=space suits;shining stars;slight coats;lack=absence;camera;pressureF;boat;ship=float;boarddiscover=find out;invest;examine;searchpath;street=way;building;linefaint;dark;black=weak;strongbelieve=trust;expect;hope;wishabove all;in short;in fact;at first=most important of allin spite of;though=despite;so;butspare;manage=save;lend;borrowunseen;unexpected;undeveloped;undoubted=undiscovereddrip;drop;droop;draw=fall in dropsdamp(adj.);not completely dry=wet;state of being damp;making sth.calculate=work out;add;add up;add up tofurnish;give;send;contribute=supplysucceed;have bright future;develope=reach an aim;expectbelief;wish;idea;thought=trustdiscoverer;founder=finder;inventor;inventercount;add=include;cash;getincome=money received during a given period;lucky money;wage;salarypause=short stop;long stop;stop;quithesitate=pause before an action;pause after an action;think over;continue thinkingripple;rise or fall heavily;rise heavily=rise or fall gently;fall gentlysob=breathe while weeping;breathe while laughing;breathe while smiling;breathe while gigglingrare;many;common;usual=unusualsniffle;sniff heavily;sniff gently;sniff nicely=sniff repeatedlyworthy;precious=deserving;valuable;rareown;get;gain=have;catchwaterfall;rain;rainbow;water=cascadetake pride in=be proud of;be pride of;be proud in;take proud offlight;a set of ladder=a set of stairs;a set of fool;a set of wirespeed;go slowly;walk slowly=go quickly;speak quicklypractised=skilled;passed;owned;learnedmainly;partly;most;nearly=mostlymake up;make of;make into;make from=consist ofnaughty;snobbish;fine=bad;illshabby=poor;lovely;bad;sickpant;breathe=gasp;rest;whisperbrilliant;light=bright;smart;clearsorrow;wish=regret;excuse;pardonlong for;get too much;want=want too much;hopetightly=closely;nearly;mostly;barelypeculiar;old=odd;young;regularburden;heavy coat;heavy bag;heavy purse=heavy loadhorror;mirror=terror;sparrow;zerofix upon;look in;pay a visit to;look for=stare atemotion=feeling;desire;wish;hopeobvious;clean=clear;cleaning;neatChristmas eve;the day after Christmas;the night after Christmas=the day before Christmas;before Christmas Dayunwrap;lock;load;shut=openupset;painful=worried;sick;illscream=cry out;let out;leave out;keep outpure;fine;nice;tidy=cleanlovely;neat;nice;pure=beautifulhunt;search=search for;look into;search output away=put by;put back;put down;put offat present;past;then=now;futuremerry;only;worried=cheerful;satisfiedtearful=crying;laughing;smiling;callingbush;a big tree;a nice tree;a tall tree=a small low treewear out;be sick=be tired;be patient;be usedget through;move into=move through;move about;move forjoke;trick;trip=laughing-stock;laughing atslide=slip;ski;move;goslap;click=strike quickly;feel;touchawake;sleep;go to bed;begin to sleep=stop sleepingwide;whole;all;entire=completelycheer=shout in praise;shout in anger;shout in happiness;shout in joygive out;run after=run out;run up;run overblock;fix;set=prevent;fitbroadcast;spread by plane;spread by air=spread by radio;spread from mouth to mouthin search of=looking for;finding;running after;catchingmake one's mark;fail=succeed;win;defeatahead of;at the head of;as good as=in front of;as well-known asperseverance=persistance;desire;wish;powerlad;an old-aged man;a middle-aged man=young man;small badyrequest;want;get=ask;usedisappointment;something satisfying;something happy;something pleasant=something disappointingadd;talk also;speak also;tell also=say alsoremainder;the most;the half=the rest;allremark;mark;dye;ask=sayregard;see;look=look at;searchwhatever=no matter what;no doubt what;no sooner...than;no wonder whatrepay;offer;give back;fight back=pay backafterward=later;late;latter;latestvoyage;journey by plane=journey by ship;journey by land;journey by trainseaman;captain;pilot=sailor;matedespair=loss of hope;a lot of hope;full of hope;a little of hopeso long as;though;even if;as if=on condition thatlook for;ask;search=expect;findmatter=be important;be possible;be unimportant;be impossibleturn to=turn toward;turn forward;turn backward;turn downgive up=stop attempting;continue attempting;stop to attempt;continue to attemptget into;take off;come=enter;gostart off;start engine=start a journey;start a story;start the lessonbow before one's opinion;listen to one's opinion;refuse one's opinion;agree with somebody=obey one's opinionunusual;common;ordinary=rare;littleupside down;in order=in disorder;by order of;in order oftaxi;car for travel;car for patient;car for fire=car for hireunkind=cruel;good;bad;cold-bloodedserve;wait for=wait on;wait;wait outsit down=be seated;be sat;seat;be seatingcentre;having overall power=middle point of sth.;main principal;middleamount;add up to;be equal to=total sum of value or large quantity of sth.;in the number ofevil(adj.);wickedness;obvious=morally bad or wicked;harmset out=start;see off;try;give outsparkle;fire;flame=twinkle;splashstick;strike;stone=block;stockstep by step=gradually;quickly;fast;slowlygive out;break up;break with;break off=break downgo up;march forward;go down;go backward=go forwardremind=make sb. remember;make sb. forget;make sb. speak;make sb. thinktelephone=speak by phone;speak by microphone;speak by micrograph;speak by radiohesitate=be slow in deciding;be willing to do something;firmly decided;think overbe very fond of;dislike;be greatly pleased=like...very much;have a habit ofbe delighted;laugh at...=give great pleasure to;enjoy;very pleasedearnest=determined;light-hearted;seriously;silentswallow;eat something;taste the food=move the food down the throat from the mouth;be hungryshorten;be short;will be shorter;shot=make shorteradvise=give advice to;be recommended;be advisory;act on sb.'s adviceauther;autocrat;autumn=writer of book,play,etc.;novelistclub;member of a group;a particular party=a group of people in a particular activity;sports Associationessay;essayist=short piece of writing;theory;opinion or suppositionmargin;the edge of a book;notes of the text;material=a blank space round the written on a pagephrase;phrasal;expression=a group of words without a verb;short sentencesimple=plain in form,design,etc.;only one;single;not marriedreference;the different state;books in a library;collection of newspapers=(a case of)looking at for informationvocabulary;words in books;words and sentences in books=total words that make up a language;total words in a languagethorough=complete in every way;throughout;thoughtful;down to the endenjoyment=pleasure or satisfaction;enjoy;luxury;enyjoyablechapter;essay=division of a book;sections of a composition;articlearchitect;design of buildings;learner of architecture=a person who designs buildings;architectordash;dish=sudden forward movement;move forward or backward quickly;great daringtrack;tract=prepared circuit for racing;trace;tractorbother;bottom;brother;bottle=cause trouble or annoyance to sb.yard;enclosure of space ;unroofed space=unroofed and enclosed space near or round a building;surrounding of a buildinglimp;weak;too weak to walk;limb=walk unevenlyaid=support;Aids;aim;airraise;railing=cause to rise;to be rising;cause to be raisedfollow=act according to;fellow;follower;followingcrowd;crown=gather closely around;space full of people;crowdedgrab;grow;grace;take out=grasp sth. roughlygap;gape=deparation;a big hole in sth.;gasurge;be urgent=encourage sb. to do sth.;discourage;urgencywrap;cover;declare sth. to be not open;near in space=enclose sth. in soft materialrace=contest of speed;raise;rise;track for runnersmake up for=get back what had been lost;catch up;make up one's mind;make progressa round trip;a journey to many places;go round the world;visit some places=a journey to a place and back againjungle;brush;forest;land cover with trees or plant=land cover with thick growth in tropical areacrawl=move slowly with the body close to the ground;move by knees;move by hands and knees;slow steppuff;pull out;give off wind=come out in short blowing;give out breathdeadly;dead;causing death=with no life;extremelybitterly;unhappy;coldly=in a bitter way;bitter to deathtalk over=discuss;talk about sth.;give information;talk back to sb.chance;fortune;success;become different=possibilityremove=take sth. away;take sth. over;take sth. up;take sth. offhold out;hold on=last;delay;prevent from advancingcrack;violent fall;strike suddenly=sudden sharp noise;ten-legged shellfishpray=make requests to God;give sermon in church;meeting where people make requests to God;high praise to Godslide;thin flat piece=move smoothly along a surface;not serious;move smoothly over sth.burst=explosion or sudden outbreak;destroy by acid or fire;become burnt;burn brightlymerrily;be married;happy or cheerful;kindly=cheerfullychallenge;take part in a game;stimulating match=invitation to take part in a contest;to prove who is betterevolution;develop gradually;from simple to complex=gradual development;theory of animal evolvingsurrounding;encircle;be all round=all the objects around;here and there instatement=expressing sth. in words;express in spoken or written language;act of speaking;a group of words to be spokenmedicine;giving of medical substances;medicinal substances;providing medical care=science of prevention and cure of diseasenaturally=by nature;not man-made;produced by nature;normalgeology;science of the earth surface=science of the history of the earth's development;the features of a place;geophysicsarise;come or go upwords;upward movement;become upright or erect=appeararouse=cause sth. to appear;become evident;stand up;get updebate;not certain;open to question=have argument on discussion;utter cursesgenius=exceptionally great menta nowtale;tail;tame;film=storyphysicist=expert on physics;expert on chemistry;geographer;expert on mathematicscharacter;person in prison=person in a play,story,etc.;characterless;channeladvanced=far on in life or in progress;advance;advantage;advisedegree;green=a title given by a university;college;universitydevote oneself to;give and take;give off=give oneself to;give way toby oneself=alone;along;lone;lonelylead to;as a result=have as a result;in the result;as a resultsadness=making or becoming sad;sadly;making or becoming happy;safetyworld-famous=known widely all over the world;famously;known widely all over one's country;unknowngift;give;lift=present;peasantpostwar=after the war;before the war;poster;postmanaffect;have got=have an effect on;affort;effectcitizen;friendship;member of a club=member of a country who has full rights;criticizehabit;handsome;rabbit=custom;hairflee;flesh;run;fly=run or hurry awaytelegram;telescope=message sent by telegraph;tender;televisiongo on=go by;past;go ahead;go all outcome to power;beyond power=reach,attain political power;power;in full powercare=feel interest;interesting;interested;carelessbesides;beside;as well=except;expectpuzzle=cause somebody to be perplexed;puzzle out;puzzling;buttomhonour=high respect;low respect;in all respect;in some respectcookie;cooker;cooky;cake=small,thin,sweet cakeachievement=something done successfully;failure;something done badly;achievablecelebration=celebrating;television;control;revolutionsuffering;subject=pain of body or mind;sufferer;sufferableinspector;police;army officer;officer=police officerbenefit(v.)=do good to;do harm to;make use of;be good tobenefit(n.);bench=advantage;bent;bendbelong to;include;be long enough for=be one's own;be connected withtake a place=sit down;seating;sitting;take the place ofthink highly of;show respect to;think over=have a high opinion of;consider carefullyseem;seen;apple=appear;appearanceexcited;happy;calm=not calm;be quietimposter=cheat;poster;improve;impresspick up;pick off;pick and choose=take up;take awayshut=close;shoot;shot;closetreward;forward=that which is offered or given;reword;summonnervous=a excited anxious;nerveless;net;nestamusement;amuse;funny;enjoyful=enjoymentrelax;play=rest;lie down;talkat times;often;always=sometimes;usuallyof great importance=very important;very importance;valuable;the most importantwith great speed;quietly=rapidly;soon;all at oncespeed=rate;speech;speak;rapidin fact;face to face;in debt;in or out=in realityinstead of=in place of;instant;instance;part ofbuild(up);cause to win=cause to become strong;rebuild;become weakpass on to=hand something to the next person or another person;pass through;pass by;come to passtreat as;thread;as regards=regard as;take something for grantedsociety;socielist;soldier;soft=organization of persons formed a purpose clubrelaxation=being relaxed;being joyful;explanation;explaintreat;tree;street=consider;continentpopular=of or for the people;pollution;population;positionvaluable;of less value=of great value;valueless;unvaluablepractical=concerned with practice;practise;be concerned about;practiceexperience;feel the pulse of;expensive=suffer as an experience;explainskill;skilling;kill;of ability=ability to do something wellmake fun of;smile;laugh;smile at=laugh atscold;sold=speak in an angry way;cold;speak in friendly waydefeat;cause to succeed;decide=cause to fail;featoccassionally=from time to time;each time;keep good time;for the last timemeadow;meal;window=grassland;grassout of breath;out of order;breathe;able to take in breath=breathlesslyup and down;upside down=backwards and forwards;up to now;ups and downspost;poster;lost=mail;mostorderly=in good order;bad arranged;out of order;quietlyschoolmate;schoolhouse;schoolroom;workmate=schoolfellowschoolyard=playground;cattle-yard;schoolroom;schoolboyno...but;either...or;neither...nor=only;noy only...but(also)edge;age;in the middle of something;bridge=the outside end of somethingmaster;manager=male teacher in a school;matter;female thacher in a schoolnotice;notes;novel=attention;nounplay truant=stay away from school without good reason;play a stick on;stay the course;have a good of chessbulletin;brain=official statement of news;document;relativitywithout;within;with;having=not havingat the top of one's voice;as slowly as possible;as soon as possible=as loudly as possible;as fast as possiblealong=forward;alone;lonely;belongfrom time to time;then;again=now and then;usualgo back;come=return;leave for;startlook up=raise one's eyes;jump up;raise one's hands;stand uptongue;word;phrase=language;sentencedismiss=fire;punish;criticize;praisedismiss one's class;attend a lecture=allow one's students to go;finish one's class;stop to help one's classdot;small shadow;big star;small dog=small,round markattentive;paying a visit=paying attention;taking part in;taking notes carefullyroof;cover of a book;bottom of a page;top of a hill=top cover of a buildingsoftly;hardly=gently;slowly;greatlyimpress;improve;express;inspire=fix deeplystand=bear;understand;beer;understandingrecite;say again;decide;repeat=say aloud from memoryscratch;catching=make a scraping noise;scream;make notespigeon=bird of the dove family;hawk;camel;piggishsign;single=signal;sing;writtentwinkle;move=shine;star;travelside by side;beside;nearly;closed=close togetherdisappointed;unlucky;hopeless;careless=sad at not getting what was hoped formake preparations;get=get ready;ready for;ready at handslight;serious;thin=small or weak;badequip=supply;surprise;equipment;liquidcontrol=command;income;comrade;commanderdouble;three times=twice as;doubt;three times asconditions;conductors=circumstances;doorbells;managersdeal with;a great deal;candle;make a deal with=handlecompanion=person who goes with another;compare;person who works hard;comparisoncamera;machine for washing;machine for sewing=machine for taking photographs;machine for cookingabsence;absention=being away;absent;leaving aloneaction=doing things;achivement;accident;activeweight;weigh;how light a thing is;weather=the heaviness of anythingjourney;judge;travelled=trip;jokelaboratory;place for working;place for dance;place for rest=place for scientific experimentsflight;act of eating;act of skating=act of flying;act of drivingbe equipped with=be supplied with;be surprised at;be full of;be fit forstroll;quite,hurried walk;run fast=quiet,unhurried walk;walk fastportrait;eH#;țB;H#F=gGleast;=;&;獇department=(B");c;;ïcomplete;=B;;cHimagine;嵇;;=ride;Hƿ";B"=F();...recognize=ƭ;;;dDlet out=%;±#;¹";permit;=(;E;ccuriously;Ë&g;f=Ë&;f"engineer;cCd=#&;;Fcloset;B;;$="pat;E;%=ë;record;ic;'=Ė;%&tremble=c#;D";;¥gc"course;f;Hh=C;Faffectionately=⁢;cf";Ʀ;shake hands with;&=&;&;&&package;ĪG;b)#F;C'=b#mark;=;fB;Ętalk of=ƾB;ƪ;¼&;&feverish;'";º&"=cF";g'"copybook;cH ;cHd;"='bbamboo;d=;;Ƅwind;=;;paint;G';$C=Ȋ;dpoem=;ƟF;Ƅ;ƿ"reach;h;=&&...;ankle;;;g=icool=Ź";F;#D;"&shade;C=F;;(shoot;; =E(;groot=;H;C;Dstem;i;;$F=curtain;F=;G;Ë&gpot;;%=;㐉vase=$F;c;);☤waist;;EC;D=(Bpipe;=#;$;Ecrisp;%'";g"=gE";⤆"tasty=%'";g";gE";⤆"make into;H...)B;(...)h;)F=)Bsoft;h"=";";%'"nobleman=;ô";ë"F;C$"upstairs;g;=(;g&kidnap;;b";=ȰCbreast;b;h&;&=獇upward=g;g&;g;ggkneel;Ǣ=g;;°gsword=;c;B";Dpersuade;;ċ=;speak out;;d=Bƚ;Ʈtenant;Ÿ;Ŝc=;C#emphasis;;d;=iobviously;Ë&=cHD;&c;HÁSeine;Dh;cI;ÓD=Fstrength;";&c"=e;Fcalm=c;d;%G;H'daccount;C=&;f;disclose;"d;F;F=crob;ÀE;B&=&;ctax=B&;"F;&;mercy;%"=ſ";ĊD;cwithout mercy;;";BF"=bfscore;鷢;=#&;莢tame=ȝ";";";"wretched;bf"=";C$";D"dreadful;bf";";C$"=D"feeling;fi;C(F";'F"=Fburst;=&;#;bEcomfort="G;&";cH";Bcottage;";BG=;Ebeauty;Fſ"=%F;%;%&permission;;$c;Ě=whip=b;ȉD;’;莢fight back;$HC=D;g$;"bthrust;;B";=brefer;d;ic=i;ÄDextraordinary=c";$B";ȈB";&c"summon;g=B;B;marquis=#;";d;race;njf;F=F);hseparately=E;c;ƃF;dinstant;=fd;";dall through;ȖEC;FBC=悉 ;squirrel;;;Ż=Gfrog;;;=&'loose;F=G";&";h"wolf;b;G=;glead";%"B;f' ;ë...keep up;žF...d=;hfd;ǥusual;ȈB";c";"="choice=ȱ;b;$;zero;hG;hG硧=;ccentigrade;;Ąi=c";ipain;$C=G';Ȋ;ghcause;C;F;=cfat=;㐉;f%;Elevel;Ed;g=;fur;ce"=栅;E;gquantity;=;';"nut=;$;;Fmoral;c";c";="lung;g;(B=;movement=HC; d;i;(connected;Cd"=%Ŀ";gF";Echaracter;dD;c"=g;ðfunny-looking=Ȑø";(€E";ò";"electrify;ȫ;;f=pull on;gd=,;g ; blanket;$;Ć¿"=';Emoustache=;f;g;deep-set;fb–%"=fǿ";#c";#"bedroom;䷦;•d;fķ=緦slipper;;=g;Hfairy;';=ÿ";Ź"fork=";b;;# success;Bc";Bc=B;devote;$c;•...;=)gphysicist=G$;G;$;G"abstract=B";D";;į'"technical;";d"=d";dfederal=夅";";C";c"institute;fd=D;G;")technology;d";ôd";į'"=ddoctor;F=F;F;#Frelativity;(ǿ";'='g;graduation=;Ē;梢;advanced;f""='";cH";d"degree;c;D;C=prize=ąF;B;䦨;ı'"celebration;c;=;fiftieth;&;&=&;&telegram;$;;ƃ$=power=e;;;(e"Jew;bF=GF;fCd;GF"citizenship;E;E"=㎤;salary=;$C;;Hcheck;=H;F;℆right=E;e;;ghabit;;B;Ģ='arithmetic;;=;secretary=%;ljI;G;dsergeant;D;%;'=DFbelong;d=;...;Dkiss;Ɓ';"=G; coffee=#;$;Ǵ;benefit;;'f;#=E(imposter;i"=%;d;µDe"nervous;Ʀ;㪇=Ʀ";(joyful=&gH";(D ";$";"muscle;;(B=&;Ddirection;%"=ög;Hƿ";"successfully;Bc;Bc"=Bc;Bcvirtue=ȃ;$";D";D value;ȃ=D ;(D ";D"brain;;Ȋ;G'=eunselfishness;;ǿ"=';'ǿ"discipline=;hf;';importance;i"=i;µDe";Degpopular;i"=";$";(D "valuable=(D ";$";D ;"amusement=H;F;;Gskill;Ɓ';d=dF;抅"practical;'=$";(";ȿ"society=D;D$;DI;DIrelax;d#;;'g=FGexperience;;hf=;unimportant;'ǿ"=…i";µDe";«"treat=㺂;eD";;Hscold;;’=b;"dverb;";";"=C"truant=G;;h";hedge;id=;$;wood;ƪG;b;g=FePrussian;bdF;FF=ŵFF;bGFdrill=;c;ƣ;sawmill;e;Ǥ=;dmayor;&;b=f;board;";;b=victory;"b=E;#;fblacksmith=';c&;›&;Ơ#occasionally;;灣=%;ŒCorderly;e";'";C"=(i("bench;);(;=post=H;;";bnotice=⦣;⦣e;; i"meadow;=;(;ȩFmaster;$I;e$&=$&;&bulletin;;;=tiresome=ȿ";i";ı";ċ "recite;c&;c';h='attentively;ie;i=ĥĉDƁ;d"dot;=(;;scratch;"=;f;ischoolroom=G;G;d;pigeon;;=C;ùfrom time to time;=(;ŒC;%impress;õ;F=HgDf"H;Bchoke=;;B";ȱunable;µDe"=‰D";…i";«"sign;g=F();ƈe;dismiss;F;;%=dtwinkle;B";Eb=ƀ';#&outer;g"=B";⡄;–%"Soviet=Lj";Ǩd";ǡBI;ǡBIflight;HC;HF=C';ǁcontrol;)=$);%;Ąideal;ȝC;h"=%;'"to deal with;B;"';$)=蠣weight=i;i";F";..."igravity;i;Ŀ"=fe;ie "float;C'=F;;slight;C';HC;ƈe=F"opposite=";dD;;ȇf"laboratory;#;C;E=ȷjourney;;=Ũ;ȫ(crush=H;ȇf;Ʃ;HȌdcompanion;=';iż; historic;%F=%Fg";%F$;%Fequip;'";";F=)double;;"=Eb";b"bellows=;(...g;Cg";Fơ#"oxygen;f;ff;#Hg=Hfpressure;ȇf=Ȉe;H;BC(=otherwise;otherworld;otherwhere;otherwhile#&;cashier;painter;assistant=engineerĶ;model;moral;motor=medalÍ=give up;give off;give in;give awayË&;obviously=curiously;logically;practicallyB=talk of;take off;talk over;take up...Ė;keep a promise;write down one's record=keep a record of;make a recordcF"=feverish;favour;factory;failureðg;write down;take down;make off=put down&=shake hands;shame;shave;shake handi;look after;look at;look around=look throughgEF;regard sb. as=say hello to sb.;say goodbye to sb.;say a good word for sb.B;begin;end=complete;start¼ıE;have trouble in sth.=have no trouble in sth.;be in trouble;get into troublec楤&"=let out a cry of surprise;cry out;shout a surprise;have a loud cry;at the best=at least;at all;at most’ȸ"E=an hour's ride;an hour's drive;ride of hour;an hour ride(...Ci=during the course of;during the day;at the moment;by the timec#=tremble;trust;treasure;travel%EF";pat sb. in the head;pat sb. in the shoulder=pat sb. on the head;pat sb. in the braingG;contract=portrait;secret;closet;guess;recognize=imagine;thinkCƿ=murmur;moral;droop;talk%'";dish;crisp=tasty;slimc";wonderful=remarkable;entire;frequently)B,B;made into=make into;divide into;turn into"=soft;tender;gentle;kindE;vase;pot;pan=birdcageH...B=be made of;be made into;make fun of;make use ofG;shoot=bamboo shoot;bamboo root;young shoot;certain=curtain;current;centre;poet=poem;park;point=roof;road;robe;robů;sheet=shade;shame;shape㠣=do with;do away from;do one's best;do wrongŹ;coal;cold;coat=cool"#=pipe;pity;pioneer;pinkf;broad;brook;bloom=brush=irrigate;invite;iron;irregular(B=waist;waste;wake;weak)ƴB=and so on;just so so;so it is;so and so=dish;dismiss;dime;dingdongbH;sheep;shirt=ship;boat$F;vast=vase;value;vacant¥âh=no higher than;not higher than;no more than higher;higher at the most%;disappear=disclose;account;calmF;fair;bear=affair;breastB=delay;debate;tend;late;stressed;answer=emphasis;sorrow;sneer;knee=kneel;sword=carriage;can;package;luggageŒCE=keep doing;go on to do;stop to do;never endfF=force...into;throw...into;lead...into;put...into(Ó;along the river;besides the river;on the river=by the riverEF;treat sb. bad;do sb. fair=do sb. wrong;do unfair to sb.";painful;ill;diseased=woundedȨ¾B7g"嵣=a boy of not more than seven;a 7-year-old boy;a boy of no seven;a boy of over seven#=prisoner;present;pressure;practiseB=get into trouble;have difficulty;do sb. wrong;lead into trouble;unfair=wrong;false;badBƚ=speak out;cry out;let out;shout獇=breast;break;bread;bee=noble;F;$tap=F%;F;';by this means;ƒȰg;);'=C)õsettle;Â;HC=$;cstrike;#;F=",;&care for;g=g;藨;gextra=畢;#;;淢bug=;B;;bjaw;#;$;&=gpublic;"=";cB;telegraph=;$;;Swede;F;#=#F;FFgrand;g;c= ";"admire;=ƿE;;broad;;;=D"smooth away=;イ";";(gain;G=D;$B;'$remain;I";IB=;weak;lj;I=";inspection;Ŀ"=Ơ;#g;²c("campaign;hh=H;G;Cpossibly;De";µDe"=De;D赇"proper;梢=¿";;stand at attention;i;hg;hI=()Hdemand;;i=;IBpride;D;;F"=dslightly;ƈe=F;F";ſ"astonish;gB%;;’=declare;=H;ģ(";%reply;c&;ic=c;È$friendly;H;HÁ;HF=Hÿ"French;#=#;#%;#Fknowledge;=&; ;"Econtinent;%"=B;d;Ô"globe;=fH;C;patch;G;d¿"=Dǁ;Hstick(v.);b;;Fd=&equator;$=";ȵ;ȥarea=&;d;‹H;landmass;;I=B;Dǁstrait=ð;Ȁ;g...&;$separate;)ſ";;"=dshallow;=";;Antarctica;–Ž=ŎD);BG;bBEtip;F=$;$;'divide=d;;F;connect=;;gC;spot;$=BG;HC;)canal=H;Ĉ;;Ǿrecent;)...=$d";;C"continuous;B;)=%";'gulf;ÑÜcf;ù=ÝG;$extend;畢"=&;淢;Ɣ&"by far;c;B(;(=,...cexpose;=%;H;resource;;⍅=ih;$Switzerland;#;#F=F;FFAustria;b);bBE="E;)fate;=H;Ƌ;Crebellion=h;C;H;ǵbow;ðg=D;;␉pole;G=;;cCexist;畢"=(;G";Bpunish;g;=’;%gasp;;I=g;ɊIsplit;G=&d;;&congratulation;Fd;=c;gsneer;ɊI=F;I;ɲbravery;h";bb=h#;BɁadvance;%;C;i=&expect=;—;淢;dhdistance;&=dE;f;Gf"sign;Bc";dd;Ư=ĺorphan;C=㑃;c;Ŕsparrow;";';"=¨ĕ;long before=before long;long long ago;years agob";inside;international=native;indoors#;grasp;master;courage=encourageB;works=idiom;expression;saying;speak;spray=praise;spit#=grammar;pronunciation;idea;grandma;country;countryside;village=homelandh)";police;policy;politics=politicalD=base;stone;rock;watchtowercf;lift=improve;raise;increase(";small;tiny;little=limitedH;free=freely;quickly;fast&;spot;place;mark=situationf;let=force;fear;hope;real;situation=reality;position=appear;disappear;take place;examine(b,d);close;turn on;turn of=turn offȭ;get out=pick out;kick out;point out%;breathe;breath=pulse;wristƍF;voice;noise;sound=speakerd;look at=examine;expect;expose;at all=after all;after that;at once&#=forehead;feeling;sensor;frontff;high;deep=deeply;not shallowd;distance=future;reality;spaceƃ$;TV phone;picture phone;phone call=visionphoneE;middle;monitor=model;motorD;pride;prime;public=priceǿ";correct;mistake=mistaken;missE"=sharp;shoot;shut;shout";strange=stupid;foolishly;brightイ"=smooth;plain;main;sharpfF;lucky=happen;fortunately;take placeƔ&=exactly;correctly;well;fine⁣;silly;stupid;foolish=foolishlyg&(adv.);in front of;backward=forward;frontȥ=quarrel;speak lound;shout;glare at;sensor;feel;touch=sense(...G;on=round;including;inside=prove;promise;be safe;suppose";mind;conclude=accept;think=observe;check;examine;readC";real;true;correct=reasonable;test;quiz=experiment;expert—;if;until=unless;exceptf";discourage=discouraged;encourage;courageb庈;found=founder;find;thoughth;true;discovery=truth;theoryǵ=result;reason;reality;conclusiong$g;Never mind;Don't worry;make up=make up one's mind;by and by;little and little=again and again;as soon asB;land;soil;earth=surface;telephone=telescope;television;telegraph,£;usually;often=seldom;never...┈=question;want;check;hold;truth=theory;tower;thought"=leaning;against;smooth;granted);restaurant;assistant=astronaut;pilotFſ"=pretty;ordinary;plain;usualh;developent;officer;official=governmentDe";maybe=possible;possibly;perhapsD;pay for;pay of=pay off;spend ond;spot;plain=scene;ballȇc(adv.);certain=surely;sure;alwaysF;necklace;glass=diamond;steetb=jewellery;cost;money;medal#%=franc;France;French;Frank;quite=rather;willing;certainly¤C=at the most;at least;more than;over'=sorrow;sad;unhappy;regretful$;national;village=nation;nativei';join;link;come=reuniteG;memory;remember=memorial;researchD;strong=strengthen;force;hitȫ;select;choose;divide=elect%h;chairman;lawyer=leader;postmasterh"=wise;clever;smart;rich(;overtime;a good time=spare time;time after time;assistant=president;professor;headmasterF";warm-heart=warm-hearted;cruel;cool;;look at;look afterDžE(h);break out;break into;have a break=break away fromh$=banker;worker;storekeeper;tailorh;turn over;fight=rebel;pretendH(n.);freely=freedom;quiet;quilt$=education;question;temptation;uniond;fisherman;queen=emperor;minister€E";bright;light=splendid;seriousd";anger=eager;fit;powerfulg=care for;Don't care;look up;watch carefully';map;thread;silk=designËc;speak louder;be anxious=sing high praise for;encourage);protect=pretend;punish;prepare;get on;get off;get out=get along with˜D";unable;seeing;seen=invisible嵤;all right;at all=right away;once more=empire;palace;place;space±柦";fit=unfit;unable;weakBȿ";calm;separated=single;several%"=perfect;good;wonderful;niceC;tell;talk;whistle=whisperĶ;iron;steel=medal;modelé;progresss=procession;programme;percent;word;majesty=expression;planet(n.);pleasant=pleasure;pleasing;pleaseÍf;look up;hold up;look forward to=hold one's head high=share;sharp;shout;haveǓ;pull on;have nothing on=undress;wearBg;My Majesty;Our Majesty;You Majesty=Your Majestyd";pretty;beautiful=magnificent;nice...h(Ȍf;pass;go through=stand by;stand;late into the night;day and night;all night along=all night long=spit out;speak out;take out;point out$;train=trail;road;street...;send to;give to=feed to;raise toFd;gate;door;enter=entranceg;river;boat=brook;oceanBD=cocoon;candle;tongue;silkÓ;branch=riverside;aside;banker=sweat;sweet;worm;seed;colour;colourful=dye;bendbf";painful;suffer=cruel;kindF=mulberry;umbrella;murderer;musicianGe;fair=fairy;madam;miss;tower;cover;top=umbrella;expression;phrase=saying;words";long;distance=distant;nearC$=watchtower;light;gate;tower;troop=troops;policemen;pilotĊ";chest=shoulder;neck;back;put;drag;bend=bury&D=wonder;wander;border;dragon%;reunite;rebuild=join;separate";period=dynasty;column;country$;fact;matter=actully;thus畢(adv.);special=especially;greatly;mainly䓇=living conditions;living things;living matters;living room,;put=drag;get;push;grasses;grass=grassland;earth=reject;select;elect;choosed;voice;noise=whistle;whisperF;strange;mistaken;special=strangerȱ=select;pick up;pull;pushFſ·db;coldly=dumbfound;dumbfounded;fear;draw in;sight=temptation;temperaturecD=resist;fight;against;drop&;clothing;clothes=rags;dress­EFȨ;do somebody help=do somebody a favor;make somebody help;let somebody doC;say yes=judge;hurt;plugd;wonder;drop in;change=wander)'=look through;look after;look into;watch carelessly℆;paper;papers=note;clothing#=shyly;eagerly;anxiously;coldlyDzǿ";safe=dangerous;lucky;poisonous=absorb;give;drive;recycleF";true;real=natural;actual'H;lucky=fortunately;unhappy;luckylyƴ&B;know;carry=realize;returnIJ;body;healthy;heavy=healthH;hold;keep=support;sufferFd;pollution=population;poison;development'#";harm;harmful=harmless;do harm to⍅=material;man-made;something;favour;as soon as=such as;so much;as suchc;farmer=fertilizer;peasant;poisonCdB;airplane=airport;space;universe;practice;politics=plastics;period";weak;ill=dark;blackGH";shallow;small;low=narrowc=canoe;candle;boat;shipF(;tree=stick;trunk;trainc";alone;single=lonely;loudb;fearful;afraid;terrible=terrifyD=footmark;trail;foot;lookout;power=powder;dust;rubbish;ash;body=bone;bach;hole=cave;rock;stone;together;altogether=gather;crop"=fence;defence;branch;store;land=island;hiding-place;spotɲ;glare at;look at;see=stare atǾ;ground=tunnel;tongue;bug"=visitor;passager;waiter;conductor);expect;exact;express=respect";light=sweet;pale;whiteB";big;large;huge=powerfulg;tooth=stomach;stone;sapȉD;long before;an hour ago;after a long time=presently;bee milk;honey milk=honeydew milk;sweet milk⤆";gentle=tender;tiny;littled...Ð;cover;discover=uncover;open;be interested;be expert at;be like=be fond of=gently;gentleman;weakly;strongly";hammer=strike;stick;lap;feeling;folk=feeler;freelyĿ"=broad;distant;front;alongƿE=admire;expert;resist;reject¿";poor;high=proper;percentdh;choose;invite;invent=inspect";dead;bying=still;slightH=declare;dare;pair;clear;move=remain;be quiet;be calm;jump=astonish;punish;dumbfound㪇;save=serve;wait;several=lip;sap;tap;lapc";prime;pride=proud;price;present=practice;prepare;progress萨,;command;order=demand;promiseD;gather=gain;main;remainh=mile;kilometre;metre;measure";quarter=equator;strait;patchfH;globe=the globe;hall;ballB)=continent;country;landmass;oceanH;river;moving river=canal;canoe&;cover=extend;expose;existBG;ocean;Atlantic=the Atlantic;the ArticF"=total;while;although;add up'$";past;lately;newly=recent#ÿ";cover water;water cover=water-covered;cover-wateredI;almost;near;most=mostly;tip;top=bottom;battle–%;expect=expose;except;respectE(n.);surprise;eager=anger;anxiousfE;people=citizen;person;officerfdD;raise up;put up=rise up;look upeɿ=sneer;laugh;smile;say coldly&d;spit=split;spear;open);government=governor;leader;official#";difficult;calm=firm;toughd=dirt;net;dustbin;dirtyƩ%,g;pull down;sit down;look down=put downfB;station;iceberg=marketplace;campaigneF"=troublesome;fearful;sad;sickh";broken;full;enough=toughF;Swiss;Sweden=Switzerland;AltorfE;some place=somewhere;everywhere;where畢;special;extra;exact=particularlyǂ;distance=position;station;space㑃=orphan;children;childhood;singleƈe;long-sighted;near-sighted;out of sight=eyesightportrait=photograph;potato;popular;trailcomplete;complain=finish;make;complexsick;illness;hurt=ill;diseasepermit;make=allow;perfect;persuadeconstantly;greatly;quickly;completely=continuouslyincident=event;accident;instant;improveschoolroom;schoolhouse;bedroom;schoolmate=classroomotherwise;another;on the other hand;however=orannounce=say or tell;read and write;announcement;answer or questiongive up;give off=stop doing something;give back;stop to do somethingmurmur;say in a loud voice;talk=say in a low voice;shoutpat;grasp=touch something gently with a hand;seize;take hole ofpermission=agreement;procession;package;discussionjust;more;just then=only;mostlylet out;let alone;let pass=release;recordsay hello to;say sorry=give one's regard to;thankful;say OK todroop;drop;troop;tower=lowerbecause of=on account of;since then;an amount of;from now onbe proud of;take part in;go in for=take pride in;praiseone by one;one another;one or two;one with another=one after anotherrecognize;recognition=admit;permit;recoverlook through=give a rapid look over;look on with;look down upon;look forward tokind;kindness;kindly;find=typepoet;writer of songs;poem=writer of poems;artistreach for;arrive at;ask for;touch=stretch one's hand to getentirely=completely;ordinary;hardly;recentlyremarkable;surprising=unusual;exciting;amusingslim;simple;slide;light=slenderlift;liquid;lighted=raise;slightsway=swing;swam;waist;swimirrigate;irregular=supply with water;imagine;in short supplyand so on;so and so=so on and so forth;so so;or socanned food;fast food;fried food=tinned food;tasty foodship=send in a ship;shiping;shipper;ship-matea kind of;a number of=a sort of;all kinds of;all sorts ofcome up;come over;come through;come true=show above the grounddo with=make use of;do well in;be good at;do withoutbloom;blood;bloomer=be in flower;boothollow;hole=with a hole or empty space inside;fellow;honouranswer for;answer=be responsible for;want for;replyprisoner=person kept in prison;poison;person;poisonousobviously;slowly;gently;slightly=clearlydisclose;discover;closet;disorder=make knownaffair=business;afford;affect;unfairglaring;looking kindly=staring angrily;glancing kindly;watchfultend;look through;take after=take care of;look overhay;rubbish=dried grass;hey;woodaccount;novel=report;accept;talegather=collect;together;take;greatstrength;straight;speed=power;shakereceive;reception;recent;recognize=acceptbeautiful;ugly;beauty=nice-looking;bad-lookingmeet with=come upon by chance;meet needs;meet together;sufferingfrightful;frighten=dreadful;wonderful;frightlet me be;let me go;let me in;ley me see=let me alonedelay;decide=make or be slow or late;declare;laycalm;call;arm=quiet;quiteclench;loosen=close tightly;clean;branchengage;marry;encourage;message=bind by a promise of marriagewithout delay=immediately;without end;slowly;curiouslyscatter;score=send out;send away;send toscore;thirty;sixty=twenty;dozenscores of;lot of;little by little=a lot of;small in quantitywretched;rich;happy;poorly=miserablestrike;pat;wound;injure=hitdreadful;wonderful=horrible;harmful;carefulcottage;college;carriage;big hotel=small houseseize=take hold of suddenly;cheat;catch up with;serviceoblige;oil=force;official;bridgebe obliged to do sth.;be sad to do sth.;be glad to do sth.;be willing to do sth.=be compelled to do something by forcetame=not wild;wild;taste;tapoppress;rule out;make it a rule to=rule unjustly or cruelly;rule justly and kindlyrefer to=speak of;refer to somebody as;speak on;speak highly ofinstant;canned=moment;fly;instancefeed=raise;feel;rise;fitfeed on;feed into=live on;feel out;feel withforbid;allow=order not to do something;let;order to do somethingburst forth=break out;break into;burst up;burst openbe filled with;be fit for;be filled out=be full of;full ofstrike=impress;stick;straight;struggledrop;stop;troop;double=fallextraordinary;usually;usual=remarkable;extremelatent=hidden;hide;late;lastednoble;Noble=splendid;nobly;noiseeffect;fetch;affect=result;effortreduce;increase;produce;production=decreasenormal=usual;unusual;moral;unjustindeed;deed;instead;dead=reallysupply;suppose=give;surprise;replycause;course;because=lead to;lead the waykeep...out;keep apart;keep...doing;promise=prevent...froma good many;the number of;much=a large number of;a great deal ofmove about;move off;move along;move on=move aroundcreature;curtain=a living thing or an animal;creative;creatpain;pay;lain=ache;explainfairly;just;honest;fairness=justlylie in=depend on;lie off;exist;lie opensecret;secrecy;secrete;second=hiddenmanage=control;manager;mammy;do withcause;course=reason;season;resultmud;dry,hard earth;mug=soft,wet earth;muchhibernate=sleep through the winter;sleep soundly;have a sound sleep;sleep through a dayhibernation;summer sleep=winter sleep;falling a sleep;being sleepyatmosphere=mixture of gases around the earth;oxygen;gas;atomfunny=strange;fun;function;futurepull on;has on=put on carelessly;put off;wearingstick to=insist on;strike up straight;strike;insidealmost;most=nearly;very;altogetherhave on;put on;pull on=be wearing;dressby then=by that time;to this day;by now;justmoney for things=give money to somebody for goods;borrow money;lend moneypretty;foolish;wise;magnificent=looking pleasantenjoy oneself;make a living=have a good time;go swimming;take photosmarry;get rich;start a new life=take as a husband or a wife;become singleball;concert;dinner=dance;playpossible=that can happen or be done;not easy to do;very simple;not hardmarry well;marry a good person;marry again;be happy to get married=have a rich husband or wifethat much;too much=so much;very much;as muchnecklace=something that people wear around the necks;a piece of cloth;a big rope;a nice coatcost=the price we pay when buying something;some money;refuse to buy;do shoppingbecause of;through;reason for;instead of=by reason ofpay off;pay part of it;be able to pay;borrow money=pay all that is necessaryno more than=only;more than;over;nearlybreak out=happen suddenly;come out;beat hard;hit;look as...;work;act as...lose one's life;pass away again;disappear;work hard=dieadd up to;add to;cost;together=reach the total oflast(v.);last time=go on;take;keep at lasta little now and a little then;seldom;never=occasionally;usuallychildhood=time of being a child;life of a child;like a child;love for childrendearly;kindly;friendly=very much;very goodsorrow=sadness;happiness;joy;fearinspire;discourage;make angry=put thoughts and excitement into;give advice tostrengthen;get heavier=make or become strong;look or seem strange;full of forcespare time;limited time=time when one is free from work;time when one is busy;time after a restrebel=fight against the government;work hard;be brave;be excitedcare for;look for;make=like;watchinvisible;see clearly;watch over;pay a visit to=that can't be seenweave;get some cloth=make the threads into cloth;mend something;repair one's clothesright away;from time to time;for some time;far away=immediatelysplendid=magnificent;very large;newly-built;having a long historypoint(v.);hit with a stone;get to=show with the finger;go aheadhall;tall building=large room;a big table;a small gardeneager;afraid;happy;very easy=having a strong wishsoon after;for some time;now and then=before long;just thencheat=person who is not honest;animal that can fly;something that can be seen;a very wise manget back;pretend=return;arrive;reachprime=most important;wonderful;very wise;warm-heartedloom;washing machine;a broken machine=a machine for weaving cloth;a boxemperor;a chairman;a minister;a president=a ruler of an empireundress=take off one's clothes;have new clothes made;put on clothes;have no dresswhisper;praise a lot;cry loud;shout=speak in low viocemagnificent;pleasant=important-looking;strong;having a long historysingle;over two;simple=one only;marriedperfect;ready;finished;almost done=complete,with nothing missingofficial;a wise leader;an officer=a person working in the government;a cheatexpression=a word or a group of words;pleasure;satisfaction;processioninclude;conclude=have as a part;put inside;take out ofshare=have or use something with others;come to love;be pleased with;enjoy greatlypleasure;sadness at bad news;sorrow=feeling of being happy;happiness enoughall night long;in the evening;late into the night;day and night=all through the nighthave nothing on=wear nothing;put on nothing;take off everything;without clothesprocession;a big crowd=a number of people marching;a long expression;an armyGood heavens!;How nice it is;What a good boy;What a fine day=God save meriverside;the bottom of a river;near a river=the ground along a river bank;along a riverentrance=an opening by which one enters;a school gate;a small door;enteraside;from side to side=to one side;on both sides;road sidebrook;a small room;a large lake=a small river;a good bookin white;become white;very angry;white color=wearing white clothesfeed=give food to;let somebody be hungry;ask for food;need fooddye;die suddenly=give color to;become colorful;turn whiteremarry=marry again;be still single;marry well;refuse to get marriedstepmother;one's old mother;one's mother's mother=one's father's later wife;grandmothercruel;not friendly;not warm-hearted;not clever=not kind at alllady;a nice mother;a good child;a student who studies hard=a woman with good mannersrow;a number of;a crowd=a line of things or people;a groupgo by=pass;enter;follow;flywipe off;take off=get rid of;take down;throw offdefend;save=protect;fight;pretendjoin up=put together;come together;play together;work togetherthus;instead;by the way=in this way;howeveractually;at once;certainly;of course=in facttroop=a group of soldiers;a line of trees;a row of chairs;a number of peopledrag;lead into;take with=pull along;bring withbury=put into the ground;hide;keep alive;put to deathconnect;collect=join;continue;repairlight(v.);falsh;shine;make a fire=make something start to burnwithin=inside the limit of;between;among;with...inespecially;really;most=particularly;a great dealdistant;recent=faraway;wild;closecome into being=appear;disappear;come true;be bornkeep...out of...;stay outside;keep...nearby;show...out of...=prevent...from;elect=choose;collect;find outtailor;a person who has a tail;an honest person=a person who makes clothes;a famous personnote;a copy-book;a note-book=a piece of paper money;a piece of clothbe after;ask for=search for;care for;look aftercatch sight of;find;discover;look=seeexpress=show one's feeling;speak;tell;say somethingall sorts of=all kinds of;all parts of;all pieces of;all models ofreject;want to get;be after;agree to have=refuse to acceptanxious;sad;happy=eager;afraidstranger;a new face=someone you don't know;a strong person;an old friendjudge=give a decision about;come to know;grasp the meaning;have an ideamake a dive for;place an order for;look for=run quickly for;run afterdrop in;have a fall=pay a short visit;jump in;get todo someone a favor;get in a word;be after someone;find someone=give someone a handincrease=become larger in number;get stronger;become bigger;turn smallerproduce;prove;turn=make;getrot=go bad and become useless;become more useful;throw away;come into beingprevent;make something happen;do harm to;continue=stop something from happeningflow;fly like a bird;walk along=move along as a river does;wander aboutsoil;polluted air=the earth in which plants grow;water from factories;oil used in carspollute=make dirty;make clean;wash;sweep offpopulation;air or water being polluted;all of the cost;development=number of the peoplescarce;easy to see;so many=not many and hard to find;impossible to dorecycle;make out;find out;ride a bicycle=use againrealize;make known=come to understand;get to love;turn intosave=keep for future use;lose one's life;help;be interseted inabsorb=take in;give up;break out;add upa number of;much=many;little;fewboat;a big rock;a big stone=a small ship;a small islandfootprint;the foot of a mountain;a child's foot;a small foot=a footmarkterrify;make sad;make angry=fill with great fear;fill with joydark;shining=with no or very little light;very bright;the covering of a buildingstare at=look straight at for a long time;see;have a look at;look at with a smilesafe;in great danger;in trouble;very pleased=free from dangergather;add up;get off;have altogether=bring togetherroof;a beautiful place=the covering of a building;a small window;a small houseisland;a long bridge;a big sea=a piece of land with water around;a lonely placenarrow=not wide;big enough;very small;too for awayfrom time to time;day and night;always=now and then;in a whileafter a time;before long=some time later;right away;at onceglare at;get surprised at;be terrified at;shoot at=stare angrily atbe out of sight;come out=disappear;catch sight of;show aroundtiny=very small;pretty big;so large;quite longvisitor;person who is visited;place of interest;place being visited=person who makes a visithind;in the front=at the back;in the middle;behindpowerful;long;big=strong;heavypresently;just now;some time;sometimes=in a few minutesfolk;birds with a long tail=people;animals with four legs;farmersindoors=in a house or building;in the doors;small doors;many doorslucky;happy;bright=fortunate;wisesweet;smelling horrible=tasting good;looking nice;sounding reasonablestrike;touch;feel=hit;pullmeans=way;meaning;idea;roadtap;beat cruelly;move quickly;top of something=strike gentlybe fond of;act as;be sure of=like;agree withby this means;through this road;by mistake;by the way=in this wayweak=not strong;not strange;very big;very heavybroad;huge=wide;narrow;smallgrand;powerful;rich;useful=important,splendidinspect;notice=examine carefully;respect deeply;study closeserve=work for someone;wait for someone;look for someone;care for someonegain;buy something;receive something=get or win something;lose somethingcampaign;quarrel=battles of an army in a war;procession;troopsadmire;be fond of;enjoy very much=think highly of;love dearlysmooth away=get rid of;give up;break away;move awayastonish;please greatly;terrify;make very angry=surprise greatlyproper;perfect;mistaken=correct;greatpractise=do again and again in order to be good at;do experiments;go on with;give updeclare;make sure;prepare;repair=make knownproud;full of joy=full of self-respect;able to win;able to do everythingcontinent=one of the main landmasses;an island;a big lake;a high mountainocean;a long river;a small brook=a great sea;a large lakeshallow;very deep=not deep;having no water;quite broaddivide;join up;put aside;break into pieces=break something up into partscanal;a mountain made by men;a world map;quite able=a river made by mencontinuous;lasting for a long time;connected=going on without a break;continuedconsider=think about carefully;think of suddenly;care about;regard forevertotal;part=everything added together;most;almost all ofbottom;the highest part=the lowest part;the ground;the first floorseparate=divide;break;include;liberatecarry out;put out;point out=put into practice;cry outrecent;very soon;nearby;distant=not long pastextend=make or become longer in space;pretend to do;stick out;reach the end ofexpose;suppose it is true;make clear=leave something uncovered;believe insomewhere;everywhere=in some place unknown;here and there;anywherepole;a tall tree;a small branch;a bone=a long stickmarketplace;a small town;a big city;a large shop=place for people to buy and sell goodswhenever;from time to time;always=at any time;some time beforepunish=make sb. suffer for doing wrong;admire greatly;teach a lot;give advice topace;a fifteen minutes walk=a step in walking;space;room on the bussplit;spit out;broken up;cut into pieces=divide into partsparticularly;very much;a little=especially;rather badlyspecial=not ordinary;excellent;actual;very differentfirm;working hard=not shaking;easily bent;very gentlebow=bend down to show respect;get down on one's knees;say hello;be very friendlytough;bad to look at;good to eat=difficult;easy to cutsurround;show around;look round;put aside=come all aroundrise up;support=rebel;go on strike;get upadvance=move forward;look ahead;walk about;get backexpect;be anxious for=think that something will happen;refuse to get;trust infarmhouse;a lonely house;a house for farming=a farmer's house;a house for a farmhandsome;hand in hand;by hand;hand-made=good-lookingGermany;;F=;"native=b";E;F; force;;d=f;&homeland;$;$G ;=political;h);h)$=h)";hBelgium=E;E;#;Fbase=D;$F;c;'frevolutionary;ê;i';ǵ=êlimit;E;H=);improve=cf;#g;d;rapid;=G";&;'progress;;);é=article;=;&;ŽDpraise;D;d;c=greatly;gB;"=;gB"encourage=#;hf;;dhowever=Fc;;;grammar;;;=#idiom=B;b;%;follow;&;D=#;$works;# =i ;#F;&#civil=%";fE;f;Emaster;;ĺ;fB=ĕsituation;ê";;=&Russia;;"=;Ftranslate;ȿ";';=Øgrasp;c; "=ɊI;before long;ĕ&;&;=¨ĕFrance;#=#;#F;#"reason;;B;=future=d;b;';fexamination;G;=d;Ɣ&pulse;;C;=%reality=;ĵ;;ƴ&Bsuppose=c;H;;Ewire;&;=;ª"sensor;;;=BFwrist;=&;;h"forehead;B&;&;(=&#plug;'H";ǝ=;outlet;;g;=hIcode=";'f;';#emistaken;市;=ǿ";ǁtusk=;';;Fonce upon;¨;㹤;ȴ=B&Greece;F;=;"feather;;;%h=(experiment;B;d=;畢leaning;'=";;%""accept=";—;...);Cdiscovery;#;c$;dE=cgrant= ";Ɛ;F;chold...back=);$;gB;Icontinue;B;);%=dafter all=;';#;hHdearly=&;f&;fF";"now and then;µC;F;Ő&=cbreak out;="c;­;&dspare;$C=IJ'";;ȱdadd up to=;D;D;break away from;ą#;;d=DžEcheat;;h=;gHcloth;;);)=⍅pretend=);;G;#right away;gh;;Ɣ&=嵤unfit=±柦";);d;B...minister;=B;EG;ĕsoon after;¨ĕ&;=¨ĕ;B&empire;";¼;d=loom=Id;d$;;Bsplendid;$C;ā;B=€E"neighbor;$=;$";official;b=Æe;;ãBmedal=Ķ;;id";""share;$";E"=;Iperfect;)=%";;(whisper;$=C;搉;ƀexpression;B;ȇf=BF;pleasure=ýG;c;B;D"procession;B;bf;"=majesty=I;;;⍅robe;F;ÀE=;ôcsingle=B";dd;F";Ưsilkworm;;IF=B;Bcocoon;ff;";'=BDpine=GF;;ig;Ȍsweat;HC;;"=cruel;bf=bD";);bend='f;;Ƙ';gentrance;F=Fd;F;mulberry;;;=Fcolorful;H=h";;fairy=Ge;";f;Hseed;E;F;=)trail;=$;;'#umbrella;=;†;in charge of=h#;#;D h;hdye;'";#;=spit out;c;űd=;&dbrook=g;;;d$reel;(=B;Ţ;)hatch=Ã;C;Ƚ#;harvest;G=D;(;i"valley; =F;E;ƒcdragon;=;F;desert;ƅF;=;$cmountain;(C;cȿ";i"=éFastronaut;CC;g焈$;=different;ı";"=–'";period;D%=;i";%"used to=C;'h;h;column;BD;ĻC;㕧"=Gborder;=;";Hkeep watch;#&B;%I;ĭ=ìflesh;'g";Ʊ=&;ƀ'dynasty;➥d"=";;"distant;&;d;"="in this way;ɺ蓇;;E)=)b#tailor;C=›;;resist;ĊI"=c);;IGtemptation;c;=ȋ;gFin rags;&⌃;FBE;G=ɇ&reject;cD=;&;Ígentleman;f%=F;f$;HßFFon the contrary;っ;B;HG='dumbfound;h=(F)ſ·db;Be";Iwhistle;C;ǥ=d;Bsatisfaction=;eF";;drop in= ;cF;DC;gFpollution;Fd=ǝ;";support;G;ȃ)=H;Ûagriculture;#=Œ;;&population;B"=Fd;ǝ;waste;;;=Gsoil;=ǝ;啢;habsorb=;ih;;Cpoisonous;#=(#";F;獥come into being;d;d;Ǿ=Bnecessary=";F;gF;cfertilizer;c;'H=c;c'pest=#;C;G;gfortunately;c;'H";Hf='battle;F=H;H;㚤material=;F;b;Gscarce=";";;Ėterrify=b;D";D偣;DB"savage;);=hF;bDstare=;Ǽ;ģ(";Fnarrow;=GH";";stick=b,;&;;powder;e;(e";ee=candle;C=Ĉ;c;ǵshore;B;g;&=B,canoe;H=c;Ĉ;&out of sight=˜D;⡄;;Ftear=d;b(;g;"pale;C=¿";fG;B"tongue;;#=;respect;=);B;tunnel;;D;澢=Ǿsap;'=F;I;gforeleg;;Ù;&=(CG")&feeler;B=;F;presently;;);)=ȉDhoneydew;=%;;禅lap=';Fakemountain lion=a wild animal of America;a wild animal of Europe;a wild animal of England;a wild animal of Japanattend;to be in;to be out=to be present;to be in publicnature=all things in the universe;all things in the space;all things in the sky;all things in the worldkeep silent=keep quiet;hear nothing;say in a loud voice;say anythingmake an apology to;excuse=say sorry to;trouble;pardonimmediately;suddently;lately=at once;oncerude;polite=impolite;ride;roadaloud=loudly;alone;along;aroundhelpful;careful;wonderful;thankful=usefulkind=friendly;sadly;lively;widelyeither;both;none;neither=each of twoso that;order=in order that;out of order;in orderordinary;usually;order;olderly=usualsad;glad;excited=unhappy;disappointedhorrible;possible;able=terrible;troublefill;make clear=make full;make empty;make cleannone;something;anything=nothing;everythingmixture;something made by burning;something made by heating;something made by dipping=something made by mixinglively;living;lovely;alive=activefascination=a great interest;a wonder;satisfaction;inventionmix;put the same things together=put different things together;put rubbish together;put kerosene and vinegar togethersuck;eat something into the mouth;drink something into the mouth;have something into the mouth=draw something into the mouthuniversity;universe=college;unite;unitnod=move one's head up and down;move one's head from side to side;move one's hand up and down;move one's handdip;put something into water;put something into milk;put something into oil=put something into a liquidwar;"d=H;f;Fbrecently=$d;d;d;(...dhope;;B=;fight;H=..."d;H;gseem;D=öG;DC;Chide;F;E;"=bin a hurry;㹤"=";G;㳆d%neither=;E;F;Ȏfool;D;ƪG=Ƅ;"bridge=;ª";";&G"grow;g=);;Fgeneral;F;'=;order;Cſ";"d;=eneck=;;;rank;=;e;Ghand(v.);&;Ef=;ùdrawing;Ę';cg;='defence=g;;;station;‹e;$=¶h;$a pair of;ȃ=Ⱦ;Ȍ;ȝ&catch a cold;B;Ƚ=;ccorrectly;Hƿ";H;H=HƁchest=B;B;F;Bbeg;b=;;Ŀ"light;";c=b;ƿ"hat=E;%;&b;a chemist's shop;&;D;ă=by the end of;(=B...;(...ļf;Arab;"";"""="Ǚ"F;""corn;;B;=Hclose=$";G;;insist;"=;;Fgrass;ˆB;I=;a group of=ȝ&;Ȍ;ȍB;ȅ)be satisfied with;h...;...Gf;...(=...track=D;&;;Žsea;D;$=Î;Òsalt;;;ƪG=hmountain;F=F%;;Fcloud;c;h=;Ʈ"monument;F%=b;浤;ȧon top of=(...";(...g;(...;(..."çleaf;;;D=(cross(v.);%C=C;ë;dBeat up;;=;cEgypt=B;;#;Eforeign;H;=";bqueen;G;d;G=Gtake away=E ;Efd;ǰg;fCnearly;(...$;%=$;$for ever=(;;㣢;ĕ&be made of;(...Ã)B=H...)B;...ơ;)B...strong;&c";h"=(e";'e"get on well with=...'&F;d裤;;...Ȍfmistake;E;C;("=chance;"=dD;#;(in life;ȴ;ȉD=Ȱi;檥workshop;&=•d;#H;dFrise;...Ff;Bg=F;Ff"fire=C;C;E;Cno longer;­;=®;Žcintroduce;c;;g=ĭ&part=B;;GD;EChatch;Ƚ#=Ã;ɊI;ñdduring;...;H...=(..."d;...gworth;Ŀ";'D"; = ..."send for;c&";ǭ;d=şFage;&=%%;;%%"lamp=b;$;;bplace;%;Cd;=Âsell;;=;dress;=e;;Bloud;(ƿ";'ƿ"=Bƿ";B"ride=F;%;;gfront;...B"=&;#;çbelow;(...諆;...C=(...g;(...temple;d;;=Ťthroughout;FB;=Ž;Cwound;d;;藨="gun;$=F,;F&;own;F";IF"=$";B$"spirit=į;"g;ā;HCknee;;D=;&draw in;(...ł;í;=$fisherman=c;bc;#&;bsmoke;f;$=(;glittle by little;d;"=iD;dlid=Ð;F;䐉;sand=;ǁ;Â;Óheaven;D=gG;c;'Crecorder;;d=d;publish;";=∢;dwide;B";;h"=ĽD"give up;F=Í;í;century=f;$;E);ȇc"later;B";$"=;ÿ"require;;=萨;state;¶h=$;c;b#useful=((";i";";'"mourn;Ż=¾;G;cclead;F(;Ð;F=%"strike;C=#;&c";"found;ƪG;g"=B;person;F;;FE=Fstruggle=C;#;"; "trade;D;$;Š=&call on;c;;"$=fair;Fb;$=";«"hate;担;=Ƚ#;Efearless;D";#"='G";F"form;ţB;B...f=B;gactive;B;C=ĎD";excellent;Ɣ&"=Dÿ";&";ĎD"take place=c;";;put up;;H;=htheatre;((;'C;ȱC=(rubbish;d$;Ʀ#=d$;dempty;"=Ŀ";";Ŀ"smell;;";(=warn;H;"=D;rat;%;=;Emoney;C;c=;(necessary;i"=";(";(f"send out;;şF;d=ílock;;F=';fikey;G;Ɓ';=Ȫfix;C=;C";composition= ;g;;chand in=;&;;BCheat;D;g;i=dry;;=;burn;;=fF;Da block=ȹBD;ȃ;Ȁc;Ȩsteam=(;f;ef;fliquid;#=;f;CGcomputer;dFF=d;鷢F;%finger;&;D=&i;Distore;㵦;F=;sale;=;&;line;f;=;agree=';–';;Flesson;;H;=$Hofficial;b;=é;mouse=;;(;¾starve;d;Ǽ=#';%wild;ĽD";§"=h";plant;;%=G;deer;";硧;f"=lion;Łd;%G=f;destroy;=&;;Ɓ'grain;$;;H=Gnature;);G;g=BFtopic=';B;;aloud;c";;Bc"=BƁhousework;$G =$C;;# manners;Ó#=e;G;grude;E;ŲC=ſ";Fspit;ƃ$=狇;Gc;"relation=;g;; kind;(e"="";G; push;;;=gknock=i;g;"C;)either=;#;;("silent;b;䄈=Be";ƈeappreciate;;dC;'=dhelpful;'";d";g"=(("paper;'b;b= ;H)professor;$&;G;é=$university;G;)=CgB;(ordinary;e;i(=";#lively;ɿ";D"=C";("oil=;;;efascination;=e;g;cdip;;';=dsuck;c;;b=Fnod;;=;mixture;G;#;=CGtaste=b;;;sad;Ŀ"=g";ýG";none;Ȩ;";iG=(F,GC;mistake=miss;mass;Miss =bat;bad;bed;dadB";win=wing;white;winec"B;go through;move through=go over;go byd;report;repeat;record=refuse(=spy;spare;Spain;spaceE=neither;either;neighbour;never;toe;ton=tooth;tookƣ;driver=drive;driven;triedFC;weather=whether;where;what$;country;could=cotton;coughh";Britain=British;bridge;bright䫆'=captain;captian;capital;collegeC;heat;been=beat;bit#;work;walk;word=works#;regard=regret;report;repair=straight;strike;street;steam;ahead;age;again=against'E;raise=railway;reason;recently'(;newspaper=newsreel;newsman;newcomerc=pronounce;pronoun;problem;programme;plant;plastic=plough;below$=chemist;chicken;chemistry;chemical;France=Paris;French;Pair)'E;think;think about=think over;think of'%=go out;put up;go on;put on#F=Frenchman;Franceman;French;Freeze;chemical;chemist=chemistry;chemist's;depend=desert;dare;defence%G=camel;camera;captain;cinemaG;still=steal;steel;street;towards=touch;touched;untouched&=group;ground;grow;guessG";blook=blind;blow;blue&F=goods;good;goose;goodbyeā;speak=space;spend;spellù;seaman=seagull;season;seasideh=valley;very;village;volleyball$;longest;lonely=locust;learning#=fear;fair;five;fire;white=wheat;wait;where(;leave;lift;live=leaf;building=build;beauty;busy,g=towards;touch;tortoise;tomatoƁ';key=kill;knee;keepBF;Egyptain=Egyptian;Egypt;English;picture;pretty=pyramid;present#=tomb;town;turn;touchh"b;treat=treasure;travel;trouble..."i;weight;weather;weekend=weighnjf;lived=lift;left;leaf";found;forget=foreign;forestdF=machine;manage;marry;masterB...;upon=until;onto;uptoC=past;passed;party;pageC;hair;hare=hire;fire䦨;present=prison;person;peasant=honest;hour;horse;hotel;black=blood;below;blindHÿ";friend;front=friendly;furthergB;think;sing=sink;thin# =job;join;joy;jokeȀ, ;all long;altogether=all along;all alone;warm=wear;want;waitƴ%"=boyhood;basket;breakfast;youngboyF;village;banana=vegetable;tomatocGf=interest;introduce;interested;interesting&;opration=operation;operetion;operashion"F,;safe;safely=safety;sorry ;worry;worse;world=worth;telephone=telegraph;television;temperatureǁ=frighten;frightened;fighting;fourteen;mistake;minute=mirror;morning䐉=sentence;serious;several;seriouslyi;although=attention;impossible;angrilyE;white;wrote=route;rightd;instructive;impossible;introduce=immediately"=medical;medicine;million;medicallyF;inside;invite=enter;insist";wound;wherever;wonder=woundedF;emeny=enemy;either;enoughi"=important;interested;immediately;impossiblec;fishman;policeman;fireman=fishermanHc=genie;general;gentleman;guardg,i;hold=cast;catch;drawgG;happen;flying=heaven;sky;almost;nearly;hard=hardlyȱ=choose;pick;cheap;changeǢ;neck=knee;arm;chestG;basket;bowl=jar;bottleĽD";wild=wide;wind;widelyÍ;give in;give out=give up;give on∢;public=publish;republic;push旨=business;sale;buying;sellingf;country;certain=century;certainly&=knowledge;know;known;well-knownG;night;light=unite;note萨=require;repair;prepare;repeat;late;lately;last=later("=useful;useless;used;usual%";leaf;lid;let=lead#=strike;struggle;strange;straightB;find;fire;fond=foundF;child;woman=person;pardon㢢I;common;comrade;computer=communist=republic;public;the public;in public;exhibition=liberation;composition;relationE;village=villager;people;farmer";yellow=fair;fire;failB=form;from;farm;firmH;track;train=trade;travelc;take the place;take care=take place;take up)G;school;factory;theatre=buildingh=put up;put on;put into;put down=smell;taste;feel;small;ask;tell;order=warnƫ"=clear;clean;clever;click";important;excellent;instructive=necessaryŻ;cat=rat;bat;hatd$ƬH#;workman;policeman=dustman;GermanH;put up=put on;put into;put downĿ"=empty;full;dirty;cleand$;rubbish=dump;pile;dustbin';look;rock;knock=lock=fix;mix;six;fit;hand out=hand in;hand around;hand to#;put;place;take=cover..."B;take...into=change...into;go into;take...intoB;soon or late;soon or later;sooner or late=sooner or later(;gas;water;ice=steamfF=burn;heat;dry;blow#;liquid=solid;gas;woodF;lift;carry=raise;holdí=send out;sent for;send;send tod;machine;robot;compute=computerc;find;find out;make=inventėe=memory;money;many;May=store;story;stop;stoneF;change into=put into;turn into;go into;leader;offical=manager;headmasterㆆ;film;TV set;cinema=screen$=illness;headache;cold;cough(;grammar;computer;memory=programmeC=go through;go into;go out of;go toF;child;boy;woman=humanF;through;thought=though;throw$";difficult;hard;terrible=suffering;join;join in=attend;take part at$H=lesson;teaching;class;textBF;sea;river;mountain=nature=hawk;seagull;bird;baté;office;leader;manager=officialG;wheat;corn;crop=grainG;grass;flower;tree=plant;dear;bear=deer;dare#';star;start=starve;stayf=lion;tiger;deer;bearBƁ;along=aloud;alone;aroundd=in public;the public;on public;at publicſ";ride;road;rode=rude狇=spit;speak;cough;sneezeH";friend;polite=kind;rudeg;pull=push;knock;drawBe";since;silde;science=silenthĦĄi;at trouble;on trouble=in trouble;in the trouble"C;stop;finish=interrupt;endd...d=either...or;neither...or;either...nor;neither...norc=hand out;hand in;hand around;hand upd;satisfy;agree;like=appreciate$;teacher;headmaster=professor;managerCgB;universe=university;school;collegeC";lovely;live=lively;livinge;oil;vinegar;castor oil=keroseneF;eat;drink;taste=suck";orderly;order=ordinary;dictionaryC=mix;mixture;fix;mendD";afraid;frightened=horrible;fearlessCG;matter;state;thing=mixture)=fill;cast;put;fulld;dig=dip;nod;ridforce;let sb. do sth.=make sb. do sth.;have sb. do sth.;see sb. do sth.homeland;once a good place=one's native country;one's native language;one's home townrapid;slow;great=quick;loudfollow;catch up with;keep up with;look after=come or go aftersituation=condition;question;revolution;nationimprove;be good at=make or become better;be interested in;make or become largertranslate;rewrite in another way;understand;work at=change from one language into anotherencourage=give courage to;lose courage;give advice to;ask for advicemaster;make use of;be careful in=have a good command of;take a good restgrasp=understand with the mind;work out;learn quickly;be good atbefore long;immediately=soon;quickly;at oncelimited;not correct;not good=not enough;not rapidin one's fifties;almost sixty;almost forty=over fifty;until fiftyworks(n.);a lot of work;jobs=a book by a famous writer;pieces of homeworkpraise=speak well of;can raise;believe;be interested inprogress;a greal deal;great job;many things=improvementshut;get off;become open=become closed;come outpick out;find;look for;order=chooseif=whether;when;how;whyturn off;break out=go out;start out;come outspread;come into sight=become longer or wider;come out quickly;a piece of breadflash=send out a sudden bright light;give a cry;take something easy;hear a soundappear;show off=show up;show around;show outsuppose;visit;watch=imagine;noticebreathe;need a lot of air;become tired;be out of breath=take air into the lungs and send it outexamine;pay a visit to;find out=look at carefully;see a doctorforehead;one's face=part of the face above the eyes;a headache;one of the armstake it easy;think it over;be careful;take it away quickly=don't worry about itstupid;thinking slowly=silly action;wrong understanding;not using one's headget hold of=grasp;taking hold of;caught hold of;hold with handsmistaken=wrong;right;correct;foolishsilly;kind;nice=foolish;wiseagree;accept;refuse;say "no"=say "yes"trunk;a very long tooth of an elephant=the long nose of an elephant;the tail of an elephant;tuskact=do something;ask;get;makeexactly=quite so;certainly;not really;almost notsmooth=having a surface like glass;very easy to feel;not very strong;having no toothsharp;very easy=having a fine cutting edge;having nothing on;rather difficultforward;towards the back;at first=towards the front;in the endquarrel;talk about something;work at something;think of something=disagree and argueconclude;take it for granted;make up one's mind=draw a conclusion;make a promiseobserve;think deeply;see suddenly;come quickly=watch carefullyobject;something you can do=something that can be seen or touched;something useful;something importantdrop=let fall;let go;let fly;let moveunless;as if;even if=if not;untilaccept;want to get;put on;take off=agree to take or havemake up one's mind;mean=decide;think;wondersurface;something inside;something outside=the outside of anything;the inside of anythingseldom=not often;not yet;not always;not almostagain and again;a time or two=time and again;now and then;here and thereprove;say "yes"to;grasp the spirit of;agree with=show to be truediscovery;something lost;something seen=something found;something coveredquestion=feel doubt about;feel sure about;agree with;agree toleaning;not tall enough=not straight above the ground;not strong;not heavycontinue;come on;stop working;go in for=go on withsurely=certainly;properly;maybe;perhapspay;get =a head of a school;a head of a classexplain=make clear;excuse;make repairs;testdare;need=be not afraid;be afraid;needn'tlose;nose;keep;not having=not keep any longerbright=clever;fool;foolish;goodfew;a few;little=not many;not muchenjoy;fun;wonderful=like very much;join somebodyenjoy oneself=have a good time;enjoy somebody;pleased somebody;like oneself very muchquiet;noisy;quietly=with little noise;with great noisephoto=picture;film;cinema;cardsick;well;all right=ill;badever=at any time;always;never;not oftendie;dead;living=stop living;lifeget out=go out;take out;bring out;set outgame;playing=sport;funny;TV playarrive=reach;get on;come;stoppleased=glad;please;not happy;kindseveral=three or more;much;a little;fewtwice;once=two times;three times;four timesimpossible;maybe;perhaps=not possible;possibleuncle;brother=parent's brother;parent's sister;parent's fatherwonderful;good=quite good;beautiful;nicecollect=get together;come together;bring back;sendover=more than;less than;;morenever=not ever;ever;even;have notfinally;end;last=at last;at the end ofalone;along=oneself;one;without peopleunknown;famous;well-known=not famous;not knowreally;real;true;fact=in factgo ahead with=go on with;go with;go in front of;go beforefarther=further;much far;far away;more faruniverse;sky;world=space;fieldmillion;ten thousands;thousands of;one hundred thousand=one thousand thousandsubject;h);=;tennis=f;f;ƴ%F;Ffilm;›H=(;;Hthe day after tomorrow;ig=Òg;g;gljplayground;ȱC;g;HC=Bticket;Ɓ";C;"=capital;';E=F;(stadium;肥g;$fB=ȣB;may;(=D;;Dquestion;Ed=';";stay;;%=%;library;G='C;b;"鷦a little;c;F=ȃ;ȈBmoment=浤;;;dago=&;;;at work=(# ;(ƃ$;g;be born;B=h...;F;'h...telephone;B;ŵ;=$message;=g;B;'violin;F;’g;F=Fone day;(=(Ȓg;d;Cnot...any longer;­=®;fŠI;¿artist;䄈$=$;D&;Bquickly;"=G;&;November;ė=&ȫ(;B;&(move on;gC=dg&(C;gÒ ; work out; ⚆;(# =;hospital;Ī(=(;;şF(turn on;=d;%B;"Bmusic=肥;g;肥Ų&;肥laugh;=;%;"fly=C;;;Cbcareful;hD";g";Ĝ"=g"at night=(;ȧ;$;&instructive;;(e"=($ȗ";'e"tonight=ĞG;iG;Ēg;sunny=%";ljg";gh";"hungry=$#";ȇ;f;'Ʀ"at noon;gG=(iG;((f;Gwife;b=&;Ȝc;檥the Great Wall;#;iŵ;g"=clothes;=;;kite= ;;;Edaughter;eH;e=e;echeap;Ơ";c"=ȿ";%"myself;ǐ$;$=$;$bear;CG=g;;each other=B;戇";è;Ȍfwalk on;d# ;$;=d throw;$;;=gi,at the foot of;(...";(..."id=(..."Dg;(..."%put...down...;...f=...ðg;...ɊI;...Ò smell;;c=;bhold one's breath=If;GÜ;gf;Cgworld;B";$=f;# guard; ;;D=斢,Dgrule;CC;g;#=c(,ccstrict=";'";;#add;=D;;different;ı";F"=–'";Dzǿ"be surprised;B#;&;Bı"=B&try one's best;ȷ;=Ge;'grow up=B;Bc;Bb;BFchange;;;d=c"have a test;gȉD;=矢;ȋan English evening=hGD;hG;h;hparty;&G;Ʊ';D=h,ĉDmeeting-room;CG=D;Ĕg;緦at a street corner;(&Ed;(B=(dC;(Eon one's way to;g;$$;=..."Ecrossing; =&Ed;"F;C'end;d;id= ;Eȗalready=;fF;f;dsew;)h=;;)cook="&;$&;#&;&same;¨;ȹ='ȿ";Bcrocodile;d;;ã=ɣbank;=,#;B;meal;e;&=C;heart=g;;;gidea;g=I;dh;just now;㹤;=;CȉDwet;";G;cĿ"="stone;F=F;BF;Ftail=;;;join the army;F=";FG;DFƱ'disappointed;ı";–'"=F";'"quick;;&;""=G"decide=$c;h;;gdeed;硧;'"=F;Fkeep back;f=%;$;dexcuse=;ƪ;Œf;report;;ƃ$=;rail;h;$=#;EEurope=);%););b)foolish=";F;;ª"conductor;=©;d;'#life;ɿ";ĊI=;淢click;;B=$);post;=gd;Ì;ever since=Bŕ;Bĕ;;Bin fact;(&=$;(ŧ;$take one's temperature;EEF"c;=;ccough;cF=$;%;'take photos=%H;EH;HH;Hask for=;";f;...servant;㪇;ğF=F;#$be seated;FI;hI;I=)concert;C';=肥D;H)in surprise;&;...&;B&=&get to know;B;=ƴ&;#Australian;bBE=bBEF;b);bBEsend=c&;d;c;Bquite a few;(ȹ;ɡ(䨣='Žc;&chave a good laugh over;D;;...B=...Ȩsatellite;Fhg=g;ü;make a living=;bh;c;send up=c&;ŭ⚆;gc;cset off;Ed=c;gB;c&among;(Ei;(...=(...„i;(...idG;thing;maths=physics;P.E.H;east;light=easy;hard ;note;message;words=newspaper'';class;learner=classmate;studente;do one best;have one's best=do one's best;go on one's best;the way;by the road=by the way;by the streetb";Japan=Janpanese;July;Junef;tennis=table tennis;ball;table earth;group=team;term;linef%=bat;bed;bit;beg=long;longer;short;low衤;return=renew;lend;borrow䳆=in time;on time;off time;at timed=bring;come;bright;springƵ;but;yet=if;itcF;miss=Mrs;Miss;mum;be glad=be afraid;be funny;worry¿;must=have to;shall;not at allH=care;careful;carefully;carelessg=worry about;worry at;worry on;worry inĐ;cleaner=brush;pen;pencilcE";happy;glad=angry;sad# ;classroom=workroom;office;houseȌ";pile of;pile and pile;piles=piles and piles ofE;think with;test about=think about;think at%C;run back=run up;run into;run at#;keep up of;keep up=keep up with;keep oniB=notice;note;look;keep upȲ;have look;look at;look around=have a look;work at=work out;do out;work off(ȹ;a lot of=a few;many;muchC;make face=make faces;do face;do faces=jump;run;walk;standF;message=thing;thin;sing=everything;both things;anything;something)Cb;plane=spaceship;plan;spaceboatĿ;forget;get=remember;mind=do some washing;clean coats;wash sth.;do some cleaningeF";pleased;glad;happy=pleasant䄈C;science museum;the science museum;Science Museum=the Science Museum';leave;lose;miss=forgetH";glad;happy=free;pleasant%e;hard=try;fit;makeC=fit;fly;fish;finishC;taught;thought;though=throughFe=forest;wood;tree;plantG%;run up;run after=run away;run into'";die=dead;dying;diedB=gate;ground;window;floorb;building;school=office;dining-roomb;pass;bag;wallet=pocket";strong=strict;sorry;surprisedf=put up;put down;put on;put awayB&;be glad;be happy;be interesting=be surprised¾B;get;catch=reach;teachB;climb up=grow up;catch up with;get up(Eȳ=sometime;sometimes;some time;some times;talk to;talk over=talk about;talk roundȜc;uncle=husband;father;brotherÕ;south;north;west=east(hCc);neither=either;too;alsoE;street;way=road;crossing=sew;repair;make;mend"&;teacher=cook;worker;singerC;do some cleaning;do some shopping=do some cooking;do some washing'ȿ";some;save;send=sameƪG;foot=food;forest;factF=suddenly;slowly;shy;severalC;meat=meal;milk;medcineɊI;hold;throw=catch;teachg;head;hand;hair=heart(,⿢);throw at=knock at;come at;shout at;repair=prepare;fix;mend";dry;cool=wet;warmdſ";fast=clever;quick;clear(;nothing;not;no=without&;notice=voice;noise;soundļf;all;OK;once=overDF;take=join;put;get;Party;League=army;Young Pioneer«";unknown;unreal;unknown=unfaird=even;ever;every;each";poor=pool;foot;watercE;angry;surprised=angrily;sorrydÿ";come out;turn over=open;out(ee"=able;can;be able to;may=tear;hear;heart;rainf;city;country;village=townDz=danger;save;dance;free(&;in front of;front=ahead;headd;cheap=check;change;catch肥$=musician;music;piece;artistţB=farm;field;floor;groundD";trouble=terrible;angry;wrong;middle;magazine=medicine;musiciani";bad;worse=serious;not good";often;usually=common;always;ask=invite;visit;pleasei"=famous;know well;good name;ablefķ=sitting-room;kitchen;bedroom;househ";fact;in fact=true;really(e";police;kind;nice=polite(ţB;in a farm;in the field=on a farm;on the field•=north;west;south;east;quiet;quite;quick=quilt(;speak;speaking=language;wordH;be friends=make friends;make friend;make a friend%);U.S.A=America;American;AustraliaHF=soldier;guard;army;leagueF$;piano;musician;violin=pianistFƱÊih...;put heart in...=put one's heart into...;put one's all heart at...;put all heart for......=give lessons to...;give...class;teach...a lesson;give...lesson#ǿ";sky=shy;shine;shan't¼; only...but also;both...and;so that;game=programme;TV play;newsg;star=satellite;space;planetB";thousand and million;hundreds of=thousands of;millions ofFh";men-made=man-made;man-make;men-makeŨ;travel=trip;visit;arrived";thank you;thank;thanks=thankfulhear from;listen from=get a letter from;read a letter;write a letterhope=wish;want;think;preparemiss;enjoy;see;meet=loserefuse=say "no" to;say "yes" to;belive;acceptrecently;nearly;now=lately;thencall out;laugh out;smile=shout;founddrive off=drive away;drive on;move on;move awayseem;is=look;sound;turnever since than;just then;then;at the moment=from then onplenty of;many;little;few=a lot ofsearch;look after=look for;look at;look aroundpay;money=give money to;buy;sellregret;worry=be sorry;guess;madestraight=direct;long;square;widehand;take=pass by hand;turn;makebeat=hit;fight;struggle;killmeet=come together;see;look;watchalmost;hardly;just=nearly;nearbyhappen;take in;take on;keep up=take placelook up the word;see the word;think over the word;find out=find the word in a dictionaryfarmer=peasant;guard;present;workerI beg your pardon?;Excuse me=Please say it again;I want a pardon;I beg yourepeat;say loudly;pardon=say again;say slowlyreply=answer;write;talk;askput on;put up;set up=have on;take offgo out;leave;move out;come in=stop shiningless than=not so much as;as much as;little than;more thanblind;strong=unseeing;weak;lamespace=place;plane;room;houselost;find;look for;search=missingtouch;hold=feel;hit;shakepull;push;hold=draw;coversatisfied=pleased;excited;surprised;tiredset out;move on;go on;set up=startjudge=decide;say;sentence;trystrange;usual;modern=unusual;newbrave;frightened=fearless;useful;hopelessbuild=put up;make;find;putlie;do=be;have;putfear;hate;dislike=be afraid;look outin no time;very long;very often;very short=very sooneat up=finish eating;drink up;run out;make outkill=murder;hang;fight;strugglelow;small;high=not tall;not largejoy;please=pleasure;sadness;pleasedspend;take;sell;give=pay outby air=by plane;in the sky;in a space ship;flylook;;;the same asnearly=almost;close;nearby;hardlyhuge;very high;very small=very big;very heavybreak into;enter;come in;go in=go into by forcelift=hold up;put;lay;placemodern;beautiful=recent;old;brokenfriendly=kind;unluck;badly;disappointedhire;take off=take on;take over;take inshow...around;see;visit=lead to visit;exhibitionjob=a piece of work;work;homework;exercisesink;rise;go up=go down;raiseall along;all together;all of;not long=all the timegive in;give up;cry;run away=stop doingapologize;say no=say sorry;say hello;say thankno longer=not any longer;not long;shortest;longestrise;set up;put up;stand up=go uptake part in=attend;join;join to;take placewear;dress;make up=have on;take onelse=other;another;too;eitherdress;coat;skirt=clothes;trouserssend for=ask to come;send out;send up;send offplace;take=put;let;bringfrightened;brave;worried=afraid;surprisedrush out;walk out=hurry out;go out;move outsell;buy;take=market;getprint=publish;work out;write;make updirty;clean=unclean;beauty;uglyloud;quiet;funny=noisy;gladimmediately=at once;only;really;foolishlyroute;street;country;town=roadenter;get in=come into;go to;rush intothroughout;together;through=all over;towardspay attention to;take care of;look after;care=be careful withwound=hurt;die;kill;shootcast=throw;take;bring;moreturn into;become into=change into;take into;come intoset free;set off;set in;set out=liberatehardly=almost not;mostly;finally;nearlypromise=agree;talk;order;telldraw;picture=pull;push;takeheaven=sky;air;plane;flychoose=pick out;pick up;take out;take onfull;fall;feel=filled;findrequire;report;repair=need;notehard;different=difficult;hardly;differenceHow about;What do you like=How do you think;What about;What ifgive up;stop raining;stop smoking;stop running=stop trying doing somethingknowledge=learning;books;magazines;newspapersinternational;United Nations;nations=between nations;fascinationunite;join in=join together;join with;join tobusiness;track;train=trade;travelby and by=soon;at once;immediately;latercentury;1000 years;500 years=100 years;50 yearsuseful;used;useless=helpful;helplessliberate;set off;set out;set up=set freefearless;fearful=brave;afraid;frightenedstruggle;strike;suffer=fight;firehate;like=don't like;prefer;be fond ofrid=to free;to ride;to lead;to readform;farm;from=organize;ordertrade;busy;busily=business;buyfair;fear;fire;dark in colour=light in colourperson;peasant;present=human;hungersoul;learn=leader;offical;liberatororganize;plant;planet=plan;playcondition=state;stant;star;staywaste;useful=useless;used;usualmourn;feel happy=feel sad;feel excited;feel sorryexcellent;very important=very good;very interesting;very usefultake place;take the place;take part in=happen;hangput up;put on;put away=build;burnnecessary=required;important;excellent;helpfulthe public;Chinese=people;in public;republicpay attention to;be happy;be appreciated=be careful;be carelessrubbish;useful things;important things;interesting things=waste thingsempty;full;cheer=having nothing inside;having something insidewarn;to order;to tell=to inform of a danger;to inform of good newsrat;rabbit;cat;bat=big mousepublic=for the people;for the children;for the women;for the menfix;pair;prepare=repair;printchange...into;turn to;turn around=turn...into;turn indisappear;appear;find out=become lost;findheat;light;heart=hotness;burnhand in;hand out=turn in;hand around;turn tosooner or later;later;sooner=some day;sometimesdry;wet=not wet;sunny;hotmirror;grass=glass;cup;platesteam=vapour;gas;smoke;cloudraise;put on;put into;put down=put upcomplete;collect;catch;choose=finishsend out;send off;send in=give off;give instate;composition=condition;dictation;exhibitionburn=be on fire;be on the floor;be on the farm;be on the groundin the end;by the end;at the end=at last;lastinformation;newspapers;magazines;books=news or knowledge givensale;buying of something=selling of something;borrowing of something;lending of somethingthough;through;thought=however;howreason;lesson=cause;because;recentsuffer=to feel pain;to feel cold;to feel better;to feel fineillness;darkness;hotness=sickness;happinessinvention=something invented;something wonderful;something instructive;something differentmanager;person who teaches=person who manages;person who treats the sick;person who gives concertsfreeze;to become gas=to become ice;to become water;to become steamsuffering=pain;happiness;trouble;illnessstarve=suffer from not having food;suffer from illness;suffer from cough;suffer from headacheprotect;to keep silent=to keep safe;to keep fit;to keep warmdestroy;break off;break out;break up=break into piecesask for=make a request;make a sentence;make an apology;make a mistwhat=which thing or things;how much;of which;how manydouble;half=with two parts;not the same;very muchrow;team=a line of people or things;the people;the classhi;hmm;oh;ah=hellohow=in what way;which thing or things;this way;that waypencil-box;a bag of pencils;a box;a box of pencils=a small box for carrying pencilshere;in or to what place;near;this way=at,in or to this placetoday;these days=this day;that day;those dayswhere;at,in or to this place;this way=in or to what place;over therefine=well,ok;all right;sorry;rightwrong;not good=not right;not fine;not at alleraser;a piece of ruler;a piece of cake;a piece of meat=a piece of rubberthey=those people,animals or things;of them;you and he;you and wethose=the ones over there;the other ones;of this;over thereboat;a small tree;a small sheep=a small ship;a small riverask;have a question=put a question;answer a question;get a questionage;how old;how many=number of years old;how muchwe;you and he=you and I;you and me;you and shethere=in that place;at,in or to this place;this way;nearmeet;get to know;go there;come here=come face to face withdifferent;I don't think so;look like;look the same=not the samebehind;in front of=at the back of;be over;be latedad;daughter=father;dear;dollmum;Miss;mister=mother;sisterafternoon;twelve o'clock;from morning to evening=the time between morning and evening;the middle of the daybedroom;room for studying in;room for shopping in=room for sleeping in;room for staying inChina;U.K.=P.R.C.;P.L.A.; the present time;this day;very soon;have no timemine;of us;of her;of you=of metheirs;of us;of him=of them;of hertime;twenty-four hours=the hour of the day;morning,afternoon and evening;now and thengive;put away;help with;want to do something=hand over to somebodygame;playing basketball=form of play or sport;playing football;having a lookphoto=picture;pioneer;plike;postcardyoung;not big;not small;not heavy=not oldbaby;a very young man;a very young woman=a very young child;a very young twinsoon;very early=in a short time from now;too late;after thathelp;take something to somebody=do part of the work for other;give somebody something;please do itlight;not wrong;not full=not heavy;not emptyempty;not old;not the same;not heavy=not fullwant;have something to eat;like very much=be in need of;eat somethingcertainly=of course;all right;not at all;You're welcomecarry=take from place to place;put away;put on;give somebody somethinghave a look;read=look;see;watchaway;in that place;in or to what place;this way=to or at another placeget down;go away=come down;sit down;get tocatch=get something in one's hand;have on;take from place to place;listen tofood;something like that;milk and bread;breakfast,lunch and supper=anything to eat or drinkI'd like;I do like=I would like;I could like;I don't likeonly=one or some;a little;not many;not muchhard;not good;not different=not easy;not lightride;on a horse=go on a horse or bike;by bike;in a boatwith;wearing something;making something;mending something=having or carrying somethinghigh;big;hi=tall;longgreat;all right;a lot=very good;very bigchild;everyone;baby;man and woman=boy and girlwork=a job;some exercises;homework;houseworkcount;write the number=say the number in order;listen to the number;guess the numberwatch;look after;look like;look the same=look atstand;get down on to one's feet=get up on to one's feet;sit down;go upwear;put away;put down=have on;put upMonday;before Sunday;after Sunday;the first day of the week=the second day of the weekTuesday;the second day of the week=the third day of the week;after Monday;before WednesdaySaturday;after Sunday;before Sunday;the fifth day of the week=the last day of the weekSunday=the first day of the week;the last day of the week;before Saturday;after Saturdaytomorrow;next day;some day=the day after today;the day before todayclosed=not open;not hard;not easy;not fulllot;very much;big;great=a great numberEngland;P.L.A.;P.R.C.;U.S.A.=U.K.America;P.L.A.;P.R.C.=U.S.A.;U.K.speak;answer questions;ask questions;put questions=say thingscome from;away from=be from;;come inlittle=small,not much;not at all;not heavy;not emptya little=some but not much;some but not many;some;very muchpeople;everyone;father and mother=men,women,boys and girls;the classstay;go to bed;get up=be in the same place;stand upteach;answer questions=give lessons at school;talk to;have lessonslove=like very much;stay together;Dear me;Thank goodnesscook;do housework;do one's homework;wash clothes=make food ready to eatuncle=brother of one's father or mother;sister of one's father or mother;son and daughter;brother and sisterplike;something like a bike;something like a plane;something like a frisby=machine like plane and bikelate=after the right time;before the right time;not right;not wrongearly;after the right time=before the right time;not right;not wrongWeekday;Sunday;a week=any day from Monday to Saturday;a week and a daybreakfast;the last meal of the day=the first meal of the day;in the morning;drinking tealeave;put away;come this way;take off=go awaysupper;in the afternoon;in the evening=the last meal of the day;the first meal of the daywash=make clean in water;do housework;cook something;work hardoff;out;over;soon=awaythen;very soon=after that;too late;too earlyoften;some time;some days;some weeks=many timessometimes;all the time=not very often;some time;many timesshopping;selling something;getting something=buying something;having somethingbuy;give somebody something;want to do something;have something=get something by giving moneydear=not cheap;not old;not young;not greatgo shopping;look for a shop=go to a shop to buy things;find a ship;want to gokilo;cm;km;pl.=kghalf;thirty minutes;fifteen minutes=one of the two parts of a thing;forty-five minutesdo the shopping;go to the shop=go shopping;come to a shop;look for somethinghave a drink of;eat=drink;catch;takename;';=;(...$pencil;);b;=in English;h;hd=h;hF"zero;;;=hello;; ;=()spell=g;ƃ$;;bsecret;Œf";&"=%;&English;h()F=h;#;ruler;'曂=;c;cbanana;",;Ƶ;=dChinese;i=i(F)";iFE;think;E;ëG,F=ơ;GGpicture;;';='at school;G=(G;;($thanks;$;$;I=GGright=Hƿ";ǿ";E;Dexcuse;';¸=;Dboat;%b=b;ƥ;very much;E;c;%=That's all right;;¸;F=ŸGpoliceman;Ʊ'é;ũE=D;#Flicence=H,D;f;b;&team;()E;();b=,INo.;µčf=;(;bMiss;'=eF,;cF;eeon duty;i;蟦= ;(...twin;B=B);'ȿ";i"look the same;'Ȏ;;fd=fd㶇over there=(œ;œ;(Eȓ;",戇"toilet;;="G;%This way,please!;E;蓇E;蓂= 蓂Nice to meet you.;";D;D=DB%ýGin the hat;E=¡E";;can't;e=²e;F;Dlook like;G;#...Ȏ;fd=fdGfamily=$,$G;#;ţB;,,,How are you?;Ȳ;E;%!=%Ýe?sit down;)=)g;gg;(...gflower;;b=$;)find;;=B;ÿ"let's;F;F=F;It's your turn now.;%;(;h=(%BEcolour;,;=H;one=,(B"FdG);Bh;d;blouse=e;姢;e;whose;=ƿ";eȨ;put on;;...ù=...;ours;E";";="hundred;ȇ=;ı";i"doll;'";";=gDggheavy;ÿ";F"=i";ȉBcarry=C,⚆;;ɊI;You're welcome.;;Å=ŸG;a bottle of;F=ȆF;ȆF ;ȹëGWhat about...?;;h;Ýe=(g)...?put...away;EdE=...f;...;EDon't worry.;()=;ǿ";&"get down;B;D;d(ƥ)=ghim;(I)=(b);";FI don't think so.;;补;¶F=ŸơFThank goodness!;GG;ÎD=GgG;f%What's wrong with...?;č";$?=...?;Œfdrink;ƪG;;C=cIt's time to (play).;g;d=F(g)";ga glass of;(b)B=(ˆ)B;ˆ;&something to drink(eat);ȹ;f =ȹc()"ëG;chow many;c";c;=cwith=h,;;;Åwant a go;(E)=ȷ; ;throw it like that;g;i;i⚆=GŎȠF⚆basketball;$=$f;f;fjump;%=;b,b;FYoung Pioneer;%&F;é=Ʊ'é;%&Ⱥ"listen to=;;;gdo one's homework;$G =$G ;$C;ŸTV;i;=ƌd;dFWednesday;lj#;lj;lj=ljbe from;B...f;$()=B...d;F...Fcome from;d=d();(h);%,Ipostcard;H;'=;$ all;b=b;(;machine=dF;;;soldier;#F;ũE;d=Ffactory;ţB=#;G;$different;–'=–'";'ȿ";Ȏȿ"late;=B"(),G"();c;dhave breakfast;ȕC=ȕC;GC;GCbegin=d;ļf;c;Ethe middle of the day;(G=(iG;(G;(Gtake off;B;EB;=ǚ(E,)get to;$$;$B$=B;Ebe over; d;Ed;d=ļfsell;=;";ȿ"go shopping;;&=ëG;$kilo;=;#...Ȏ;ba lot of;c;c=c;all day;lj;順;g,=ȒgBGforget;(...&;(...=';have a drink of;;ȍ;c=cȃfridge; ;C%;Û =´db;book;pen=bag;pencil';great;name;class=mapi";many;much=double;twinD;good;goodness=goodbye;by=number;count;eleven;spell)E,();team;soldier=row;people(B&dČfi);um=hi;er;ah%;class;school=grade;helloſ",...g";age;large;how=old&#;twenty;thirteen=twelve;ten-twocF;Miss;Mr;woman=Mrs;o'clock=clock;time;watchc=box;pencil-box;carry;cup#;egg;bird=cake;milkd;pear;orange;apple=banana$;bus=jeep;car;bikeh";Japanese;Chinese=English;England;think;look;have=knoweF;man;girl=woman;people$&=teacher;doctor;worker;studentF;one;people;pupil=everyoneŒf";no=sorry;bye;soon,¸(d);thank;nice;right=OKH;classmate=friend;child;old manǿ";right=wrong;fine;find'曂;ruler;pencil=eraser;licenceF;boat;ship;hill=treegȨ";last;ask;the next=next%%;how;how old=age;secretid";team=middle;room;middle schoolȧ=morning;afternoon;evening;night;boat=coat;dress;socksH;look;look at=look after;look like;classroom;floor;window=blackboardG;watch;look;look like=likee;son=daughter;sister;brother;ask;ask for=please;friendd;stand=come in;sit;sit downgg=down;up;under;onf;kite;flower;basketball=footballi;Chinese=China;chair;child#";blue;green;black and white=browneȨ;what=which;whose;where...ɧ=colour;yellow;orange;redHC;clothes;blouse=sweater;hat;shirt;skirt;dress=trousers(Ǥ,)";then;they;them=theirs&B=watch;clock;time;what time&;five=fifteen;fifty;ten-five&;fourty=forty;fourteen;fourB...B;from;;to;time=o'clock;clock;watchH;doll;game=photo;wall;play=guess;great;good¨=soon;so;too;timeD,(d);for;from;to=could‰;could;hard=help;heyF";small;large;heavy=light"=full;full of;empty;carryF;glass;drink=bottle;cupF;want;catch=certainly;welcomeF;think=thing;want;what about =orange;oranges;tea;milk㜧=sock;sorry;soon;smallB;take;think=get;get down;worry;away=Don't worry;noơ=think;thing;right;catch%;good=goodness;dear;niceb;kite;boat;plane=knifeƪG;rice;fish;meat=foodH";hard=easy;late;difficultF(,)=ride;swim;play;flyC%;basketball;football=frisby;kiteÿ"();tall;up;line=high(c);boys;child=children;childs';young=pioneer;first;Young$G =homework;housework;work;housei;see=watch;look at;look like–';same;different=difference;dutylj;Tuesday;Sunday;Thursday=FridayĒg=today;next day;tomorrow;week;say;speak=ask;answer((㥆FB);have;had=has;hairbBE;America;England=Australia;Canadah()F;French;Japanese;English=Englishmanȃ;small=little;few;stayFE;friends;work;people=the people,;talk=say;speak;spell,",,,;Dad;Father=Uncle;Mr;driver=drive;open;flyũE;worker;farm=farmer;soldier';school;read;write=studyf";get to;get home=get up;get downGC;breakfast;lunch;supper=have supper(°b);off;on=by;plikec(µD");many;much;how many=how much';eraser;excuse=exercise;study(...&;front;behind=before;beginȍ;eat=drink;water;have a drink ofterm;turn;half of the month;team=half of the school yearalways=again and again;often;once;awayhave a swim;have a rest;have a look=go swimming;have a good timemore=greater in number;too many;much;lesstomorrow;today=the day after this day;tomato;yesterdaygreat;green=big;better;welllate=not early;difficult;not late;laterbuy=get sth. with money;by;bye;lendfinish=bring to the end;corner;bright;beginningassistant=helper;help;doctor;nurseanswer;play=a reply;writer;knowborrow;buy=let sb. use sth.;lend;giveyesterday;today=the day before this one;last week;nowill;medicine;cold;hot=sickjust now=a moment ago;move;a long time ago;morningApril=the fourth month of the year;June;July;wintercall;talk=to telephone to;say;speakmessage;newspaper=piece of news;paper;posttake one's place;sit this seat;take this seat=take one's seat;have one's placeat last=in the end;at the end;end;laststudy=learn;do;stay;sciencelove;like;need;want=like sb. very muchvisit;call to=go to see;walk;picnicabout;more=a little more or less than;less;aboveproblem;supper;difficult;ask=questionat once=right now;once more;since then;at noonbegin;set at;before;star=startaunt;cousin=mother's sister;uncle;princehard=not easy to do;simple;not early;heartexpensive;cheap=not cheap;money;to buy sth. with some moneyson;sun;brother;sister=child of a parentliving;dead;staying;leaving=alivemeet;together;go away;leave=come to face to faceunderstand;think=know the meaning of;know;rememberrestaurant;shop=place where meals are bought and eaten;supper;returnaround=here and there;here;there;nearcover=face of a book;a piece of paper;colour;note bookwash;clear=make clean with water;clean;watchshow;look=let sb. see sth.;see;seenwaiter;thief=man who waits at table in a restaurant;waitress;beggarforget;not get=not remember;not give;not gofree=not busy;not bring;not become;not borrowteach;sing someone;draw someone=educate someone;speak someonerepair;prepare;make;fix=menddo some shopping;go fishing;go swimming=go shopping;go skatingpound;unit of chinese money;unit of Japanese money=unit of British money;unit of American moneycheap=low in price;high in price;middle in price;bad in pricehard;soft;heavy;thin=difficultwrong=not right;not good;not short;not longtogether;near;each other;not far=one with anothereach;the other;another=every;onebeast;fox;wolf;bear=animalcome at=surprise attack;come on;come along;come roundafter a while;quickly;as=soon;as soon asdead;not giving;not having=not living;not movingindeed=truly;true;deed;realhold;take=catch something;throw;carrytrust;honest;sure=believe;truthright now;all right=at once;after a while;at that timereturn;renew;turn back=give back;get backworld;the sun and the earth;the earth and the moon;the stars and the earth=all countries and peoplegate;window;floor;ground=doorbecome;begin=turn into;bring;borrowshout;sleep;sweep;speak=cryexcept;beside=but;by;becauseput up;hold;catch;rise=raisetry one's best;do the best;try the best=do one's best;do well inreach=get to;get up;get on;get indifferent;not like;not be able to=not alike;not loseshall;do;did=will;doesgo over;study;learn;repeat=reviewtest=exam;quiz;text;answermaybe=perhaps;be able to;may;canmind;carefully=be careful;be careless;be cleversame;not disappointed;not difficult=not different;not deadcatch;throw at;come at;climb up=hold something fastlots of;lot;a lot=many;greatjust now;right now=a moment ago;long before;before longprepare;be pleased;be pleasant;get a present=get readyreceive=get;send;post;givewithout;nothing;not giving;not taking=not havingas;so;before;after=whenover;or so=finished;off;aboutor so;more than;over=about;so...thatunfair;not clever;not clear=not fair;not finewonder=want to know;want to decide;want to get;want to takebe able to=can;must;able;have toheadmaster;school teacher;monitorwhatever±#ȿ"wheatwheel%,š%when,#;(...",ųwhen...;(ų,F;whenever'Ż#,糆;where(e,ǯe;e,where()(...;(c)..."whereasc,f,)wherever'Ů(e,D(ewhetherFC,D‰Dwhether±#,'whether...orF...DF,±#...DFwhich&eȨ();..."whichŒȨ,Œȹwhichever&'ůe()while...",F,#whileȉD,Ȍ#d;while away(d)whipb;B",bB;Ĺ","BEwhirli,"i;i,iwhisker%ɀ,EwhiskygF$whisper&,ǥ;ǰg,GGwhistled,E;d,ƀ(),搉white&§;…)"whitewashf;Fd;&who,...",,,whoever('),±#;DFwhole&FB,F,wholesomeg",((IJĿ"whollyF,Ȣwhom(b)whoseƿ",Ũ(F)"why $,H;(...")wickedĿ",¾"wideĽD,c;F,っwidely,c,BBwidespread¿",cB"widowáwidthċc,C,D,ĽDwield(),,h,紆wife&wildh",ȃ";G",ſ"wildh",ÁG";#D",D"will,D,,;$g,)willing",g#F"willowFwin,D,¾B,ëwind,b,'f;,fg, windmillwindow,windyc",c"wineF$,$wing,B"wink,,winner溈,Dĺwinter㐤wipe&,,wipe out%,D%wire',,,wisdomI,I,(,(wiseI",ª"wish&,;,;,witIe,Iwith#...Ȍf,,D(,(withh,...c(;,Hh,withdraw$,$,;,witherĢ',G;Ƥ,"Bwithin(...ŧ;(%without(,'withstandcD,Iwitness,;Ō,DF;Ō,ŊwittydI",f"woe',$wolfwomane,eFwonder&,&D,&;,,&cwonderfulF",Dÿ"woodFe,Fe,,wooden)",",b"woodpeckerwool蠅,IFwoollen蠅",蠅)"word(B)",(,$;E(,,輇,gwork&# ,C;i , F,BworkHi,dCwork out$,work out,)work upf,dfwork upiDF,gworker#F,# workman#Fworks#workshop#B,•d,)'ʼnDworldf,f,...,%hworldfd,Fd,Ff,fFworld-wideFf",Ff"worm,fworry&c,, worse&c,c"worship(H);,,hworst&,"worth ..., ...";D worthless'D ",'"worthwhile "worthy(D ",D)"; ,%"would,,,F,Dwould ratherD,woundb,d;,#wrap,b,b;,GDwrath¸E,BEwreath$,$wreckF,ñ,Bb,bwrench&,%,"&,"wrestle&,‰C,C,$Cwretched¾'",D";¿",'"wring,,%wrinkle ';f , wrist,writeg,g ,g,Cwrite off,#g,igwritingg,g ,i , Fwrongǿ",(";",Œ"x-rayx&,xxerox&cHyacht蕇,yard蕇,,(,Byawn"C;Cyear%,%cyearly&%,ȴ%ȋcyearn,gyeastDyellcyellow&yesF"yesterday&igyetD,fF,;Fc,DF;cyield梢,⢢,F,;,DyokeĈ',yolkyouE,Eyoung%F";&%Fyoungster,ƴ%yourE",E"yoursE"(ëG)yourselfE$,EbFyouth&%,&%F;&",&%youthful%F"zealF," zealousg",F"zebrazero,,czone,&h;&,っzooCG っzooCG D=h,ĉDmeeting-room;CG=D;Ĕg;緦at a street corner;(&Ed;(B=(dC;(Eon one's way to;g;$$;=..."Ecrossing; =&Ed;"F;C'end;d;id= ;Eȗalready=;fF;f;dsew;)h=;;)cook="&;$&;#&;&same;¨;ȹ='ȿ";Bcrocodile;d;;ã=bank;=,#;B;meal;e;&=C;heart=g;;;gidea;g=I;dh;just now;㹤;=;CȉDwet;";G;cĿ"="stone;F=F;BF;Ftail=;;;join the army;F=";FG;DFƱ'disappointed;ı";–'"=F";'"quick;;&;""=G"decide=$c;h;;gdeed;硧;'"=F;Fkeep back;f=%;$;dexcuse=;ƪ;Œf;report;;ƃ$=;rail;h;$=#;EEurope=);%););b)foolish=";F;;ª"conductor;=©;d;'#life;ɿ";ĊI=;淢click;;B=$*;post;=gd;Ì;ever since=Bŕ;Bĕ;;Bin fact;(&=$;(ŧ;$take one's temperature;EEF"c;=;ccough;cF=$;%;'take photos=%H;EH;HH;Hask for=;";f;...servant;㪇;ğF=F;#$be seated;FI;hI;I=)concert;C";=肥D;H)in surprise;&;...&;B&=&get to know;B;=ƴ&;#Australian;bBE=bBEF;b);bBEsend=c&;d;c;Bquite a few;(ȹ;ɡ(䨣='Žc;&chave a good laugh over;D;;...B=...Ȩsatellite;Fhg=g;ü;make a living=;bh;c;send up=c&;ŭ⚆;gc;cset off;Ed=c;gB;c&among;(Ei;(...=(...„i;(...idG;thing;maths=physics;P.E.H;east;light=easy;hard ;note;message;words=newspaper'';class;learner=classmate;studente;do one best;have one's best=do one's best;go on one's best;the way;by the road=by the way;by the streetb";Japan=Janpanese;July;Junef;tennis=table tennis;ball;table earth;group=team;term;linef%=bat;bed;bit;beg=long;longer;short;low衤;return=renew;lend;borrow䳆=in time;on time;off time;at timed=bring;come;bright;springƵ;but;yet=if;itcF;miss=Mrs;Miss;mum;be glad=be afraid;be funny;worry¿;must=have to;shall;not at allH=care;careful;carefully;carelessg=worry about;worry at;worry on;worry inĐ;cleaner=brush;pen;pencilcE";happy;glad=angry;sad# ;classroom=workroom;office;houseȌ";pile of;pile and pile;piles=piles and piles ofE;think with;test about=think about;think at%C;run back=run up;run into;run at#;keep up of;keep up=keep up with;keep oniB=notice;note;look;keep upȲ;have look;look at;look around=have a look;work at=work out;do out;work off(ȹ;a lot of=a few;many;muchC;make face=make faces;do face;do faces=jump;run;walk;standF;message=thing;thin;sing=everything;both things;anything;something)Cb;plane=spaceship;plan;spaceboatĿ;forget;get=remember;mind=do some washing;clean coats;wash sth.;do some cleaningeF";pleased;glad;happy=pleasant䄈C;science museum;the science museum;Science Museum=the Science Museum';leave;lose;miss=forgetH";glad;happy=free;pleasant%e;hard=try;fit;makeC=fit;fly;fish;finishC;taught;thought;though=throughFe=forest;wood;tree;plantG%;run up;run after=run away;run into'";die=dead;dying;diedB=gate;ground;window;floorb;building;school=office;dining-roomb;pass;bag;wallet=pocket";strong=strict;sorry;surprisedf=put up;put down;put on;put awayB&;be glad;be happy;be interesting=be surprised¾B;get;catch=reach;teachB;climb up=grow up;catch up with;get up(Eȳ=sometime;sometimes;some time;some times;talk to;talk over=talk about;talk roundȜc;uncle=husband;father;brotherÕ;south;north;west=east(hCc);neither=either;too;alsoE;street;way=road;crossing=sew;repair;make;mend"&;teacher=cook;worker;singerC;do some cleaning;do some shopping=do some cooking;do some washing'ȿ";some;save;send=sameƪG;foot=food;forest;factF=suddenly;slowly;shy;severalC;meat=meal;milk;medcineɊI;hold;throw=catch;teachg;head;hand;hair=heart(,⿢);throw at=knock at;come at;shout at;repair=prepare;fix;mend";dry;cool=wet;warmdſ";fast=clever;quick;clear(;nothing;not;no=without&;notice=voice;noise;soundļf;all;OK;once=overDF;take=join;put;get;Party;League=army;Young Pioneer«";unknown;unreal;unknown=unfaird=even;ever;every;each";poor=pool;foot;watercE;angry;surprised=angrily;sorrydÿ";come out;turn over=open;out(ee"=able;can;be able to;may=tear;hear;heart;rainf;city;country;village=townDz=danger;save;dance;free(&;in front of;front=ahead;headd;cheap=check;change;catch肥$=musician;music;piece;artistţB=farm;field;floor;groundD";trouble=terrible;angry;wrong;middle;magazine=medicine;musiciani";bad;worse=serious;not good";often;usually=common;always;ask=invite;visit;pleasei"=famous;know well;good name;ablefķ=sitting-room;living-room;bedroom;househ";fact;in fact=true;really(e";police;kind;nice=polite(ţB;in a farm;in the field=on a farm;on the field•=north;west;south;east;quiet;quite;quick=quilt(;speak;speaking=language;wordH;be friends=make friends;make friend;make a friend%);U.S.A=America;American;AustraliaHF=soldier;guard;army;leagueF$;piano;musician;violin=pianistFƱÊih...;put heart in...=put one's heart into...;put one's all heart at...;put all heart for......=give lessons to...;give...class;teach...a lesson;give...lesson#ǿ";sky=shy;shine;shan't¼; only...but also;both...and;so that;game=programme;TV play;newsg;star=satellite;space;planetB";thousand and million;hundreds of=thousands of;millions ofFh";men-made=man-made;man-make;men-makeŨ;travel=trip;visit;arrived";thank you;thank;thanks=thankfulhear from;listen from=get a letter from;read a letter;write a letterhope=wish;want;think;preparemiss;enjoy;see;meet=loserefuse=say "no" to;say "yes" to;belive;acceptrecently;nearly;now=lately;thencall out;laugh out;smile=shout;founddrive off=drive away;drive on;move on;move awayseem;is=look;sound;turnever since than;just then;then;at the moment=from then onplenty of;many;little;few=a lot ofsearch;look after=look for;look at;look aroundpay;money=give money to;buy;sellregret;wor?8  ߝ{?ߟ?0???;|~^<???>??@xx???={{={{߿~߿~x_??@D~llmO?? ~ L|k`!?1=!?63&v?& ~ L|ia02bB 002?0?? 1? 000xx3&I6644|8|8<>gF,<>g1!G 1!G 9d~ 9=511 751=511 켌<켌<?111 271?111 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