V1hNot Only WordsSMS Power 5th birthday coding competition entryMaximE!>ӿ>@ӿ@>Ӿ  >ӿ>ӿ!, >ӿ>@ӿ!7~Ӿ#~Ӿ>Ӿ>Ӿ#  >ӿ>Lӿ!7x~Ӿ#~Ӿ#~Ӿ#~Ӿ#  >ӿ>xӿ!~_( Ӿ>Ӿ#>ӿ>ӿ~ *?%):>$6666$~~(((PPP|8`t8p<\|8D䨨B%"pPv̨v   ```0`00000`0`0``8T88T||``@``@88 T88lllllll8l4888<<\8L p0@`||\8L <8 Lt8 <,,,L~~ ||``|x L0x80`,x|lll8l48|| 00p00`|8llxl|8|lllt8488lllllx< 08 00 |||| @H0  H0 @|x  40000Zffffff~~ffffff<<<<  48lfhl`xxphxlllf000000000000>>ƦBBbbRrJZNNNFFBx|ll8|z|nffflfx|````x|ll(|<z|nfdf||nllffc\8pd``|8 Lt8~~ffffffffff4fZ<nfv,f<<<<<ۙٛ~fBff>d$<<$<4nfff#\>4 o~|a?~@(Pû`x0xx?? @A@U B @ 0o`w`zqy?A>@(@?Q?_??d>BZxPPhnPPO`@^ A1a} hOTT@@@@@@xzxz   / 7 ?@V/.??// //++//////./_ww~ h@~}4#`#X@p     ??__%%H^0?p~  _`?AA<[$4q ; DD ?~~Oa   4 <<O?PP**nn  xPX!~E8L0x}@B}>~=~__OO@@```~}x}>L0wXppaxpx`TTHHmmp8xLpcQ pPKK$$  7@] Ww@?_|}x  #@F8pxwp00  ?PP`h` _'w ؏o x      @@Z[@Voo  ?  @?`C<~. #? @ 'H@@ZZ3@5 s?pOFoEW8? 0$  p8 p{p  ??__**HH [{8^~ _@ ' APh|HH@@PT?/6 |{\@21< 0pwp?_ ?!OO BJxx@?øO0px__II]]*_2 &`D ``@`o`0 @? >?~~>}=<@@@P@@@@ Hello world! This is my first SMS program, and it is crappy! It's been a busy week for me in world of Sega 8-bittery. I've solved the noise generator problem, figured out PSG anti- aliasing, and learnt enough SMSprogramming to make this, my own personal "Only Words" rip-off. So what's different? Well... I made a smoothed font for it, which involved writing a programto do that, and I made some nice WLA DX macros for loading the palette and tiles. It's also using overscan :P It's not much but if you've ever started out with SMS programming you might appreciate the difficulty. Anyway... Happy Birthday       _SDSC& H TMR SEGAr