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The Academy could use more Cadets like you.` \.߄kln"փ@؂)"$փ|~`"փ@؂)"$փ<|~H|~"ꟃ)8J|~"ꟃL|~:|~"ꟃ) 1|~"ꟃ) 5|~"׃"ك)|~|~"փB؂)"$փ<|~H|~"ꟃ)8J|~"ꟃL|~:|~"ꟃ) 1|~"ꟃ) 5|~"׃"كJ)|~|~|~}~```` %\.!EGzF{ލ[Ev a``"‚The simulation is over. You are dismissed.`` |hJG0"‚I'm Geoff Colond. I'll be running the Helm and also be your First Officer."Great. Looking forward to working with you. I read your performance file. You are a very capable Helmsman. That should give us a few points on our grade."‚With me along we'll be sure to get points for style, anyway.`"‚Yes?"I wanted to introduce myself..."‚You can introduce yourself by proving your command ability to me in the simulator. I have no time for idle chatter.`"‚Welcome to the simulations. I am Sturek, son of Stoon."I understand that Vulcans make the best science officers."‚There is statistical data to support that statement, but I prefer to be judged on my own merits.`"‚Hello. My name is Vanda M'Giia. I understand you will be our captain during the simulator missions. I will be your communications officer."Excellent. I'm already looking forward to our first mission."‚Yes, I'm sure it will be successful.`"‚Hi, sir. I'm Robin, your engineer."Pleased to meet you, Robin. Are you looking forward to the first mission?"‚Nervous is more like it. I hope we can get through it."No problem, Robin. The first one is always easy.`"‚Hi, I'm the host of the Academy Lounge. Just call me Jones."So what have you got, Jones?"‚We don't serve alcohol here. I do like to make my own beverages. I'll have to get you to try some.`l@"փ@"$փ`l |)iiiiiiiiii,iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiii`"փ "փN|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"փ "փN|~2|~6|~:|~"׃"׃"փ "փN|~2|~6|~:|~"׃"׃"փ "փN|~2|~6|~:|~"׃"׃`"փ "փN|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"׃"փ"փ H|~J|~ N|~ 2|~:|~"׃"׃`"փ"$փ2|~:|~"׃"׃"փ"$փ2|~:|~"׃"׃`l `'''''''''' '''''(''_''''''''''''`txx0  t *t"Uڃ  t t"Uڃ  t ɑt"Uڃ  t t"Uڃ  t Mt --- t t@A <|~@'|~@|~@|~@L)@ t `" Computer Welcome, cadets, to the Mark IV Oberth Class Training Simulator. You have entered Basic Training Mode and will practice several simple drills to help you become familiar with basic starship operation." Computer Mission 1 - Basic Sublight Navigation This mission will focus on maneuvering your ship in a single sector of space. You will be required to fly to close range to four marker buoys." Computer You will be notified when you have reached each buoy. Be careful; remember that collisions in space can destroy your vessel.`" Computer You have reached Buoy 1.`" Computer You have reached Buoy 2.`" Computer You have reached Buoy 3.`" Computer You have reached Buoy 4.`" Computer Congratulations. You have successfully maneuvered to each buoy." Computer Now lets try using the Navigation system to warp to another sector of space. Please navigate to sector 012.021, identified as Beta.`" Computer You destroyed a buoy. You were not ordered to do that. Simulation terminated.<"8܃`txx0  t t"Uڃ?  t ەt |~@  t 8t!|~"Uڃ?  t `" Computer Mission 2 - Using the Tractor Beam In this sector there is a buoy and a starbase. Pick up the buoy with the Tractor Beam and drop it off near the starbase." Computer Once you have completed the mission, use the Hail option under Communications to contact the starbase.`" Computer You have delivered the buoy. Now Hail the starbase.`" Computer You destroyed the buoy. You were not ordered to do that. Simulation terminated.<"8܃`" Computer You are now close enough to the Starbase to release the buoy. Always bring your vessel to a full stop before releasing your tractor beam.`txx0  t t& !|~@|~@  t ``" Computer Mission 3 - Basic Combat In this mission you will practice basic combat maneuvers on drone ships which will only evade. Learn how to anticipate evasion tactics and ship targeting." Computer To proceed, go to the Control Panel and switch to Red Alert to arm weapon systems. Also, try activating Tactical to help determine the condition of your target ship."\ك"ك"\ك"ك`" Computer Good job. You should now be ready to start your first true simulator mission. If you would like to practice combat training against attacking simulator ships, select Combat Training in the Training Simulator.<"8܃`l  LALyLLĜ---L" Computer You have not been ordered to Warp to another sector. Please finish the current mission.LAn LC" Computer That is not the correct sector. You need to warp to sector 012.021, identified as Beta. Please try again.LA-L)" Computer You have not been ordered to Warp to another sector. Please finish the current mission.LAnLC" Computer That is not the correct sector. You need to warp to sector 013.022, identified as Gamma. Please try again.LA" Computer You have not been ordered to Warp to another sector. Please finish the current mission.LA8``l N`"朆`W"" Starbase 1 This is Starbase 1. Please deliver the buoy.`"" Starbase 1 This is Starbase 1. Thank you for delivering the buoy. " Starbase 1 Your orders are to Warp to Sector 013.022, identified as Gamma.`l `" Computer Please refer to Current Orders under the Communications station for mission orders.`l `ğa"`" Computer You were not ordered to tractor beam these buoys.`|~"2؃`L"UڃH"؃" Computer Buoy grappled with tractor beam.`" Computer The buoy is out of range of the tractor beam. You must get closer.`" Computer You have already delivered the buoy. You do not need to tractor beam it again.`" Computer You were not ordered to tractor beam these drone ships.`l š`"`l `L&LL" Current OrdersPractice basic sublight navigation by moving near four marker buoys.`" Current OrdersPractice using the Tractor Beam by delivering a buoy to a starbase. After the buoy has been delivered, Hail the starbase.`" Current OrdersPractice combat against drone ships.` h`xxxxxxxx"Computer: Oberth ClassA small Federation starship used for scientific missions. The class was named after 20th-century German rocket pioneer Hermann Oberth.` "  2Τ Alpha Beta Gamma Oberth Class \.L)+J*K3ϒT``|~@LZ"‚You are no Captain Kirk!LI}~@L"‚By your actions, you have saved the Federation from interstellar war. LI"‚You allowed a hostile Romulan vessel to escape. Due to your failure, the Federation was plunged into another war with the Romulan Empire. ```sl@"փ@ ؂)"$փ"؃"փ"$փ<|~ H|~J|~:|~"׃`l |nMhh``"փ"փ H|~J|~ N|~2|~ :|~"׃"׃"փ"փ H|~J|~ N|~2|~@:|~"׃"׃`p0"փ"փ H|~J|~ N|~2|~ :|~"׃"׃"փ"փ H|~J|~ N|~2|~@:|~"׃"׃``"փ"$փH|~J|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~J|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك`"փ"$փH|~J|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~J|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~J|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"փ H|~J|~ N|~2|~ :|~"׃"׃`1p)1|~5|~9|~"׃"׃"\ك`rt<0  r rl )0  r $l ڄb 00,"8܃`If` " Captain's LogCaptain's Log: Stardate 1709.2. Patrolling the outposts guarding the neutral zone between the planet Romulus and the rest of the galaxy. Received emergency call from Outpost 4. The U.S.S. Enterprise is moving to investigate and assist. ` "‚We are now in violation of Neutral Zone treaty, Captain. `txɖ0  t ` "‚Sweeping the area of Outpost 2. Sensor reading: indefinite. Double checking Outpost 3. I read dust and debris. Both Earth Outposts are gone. The asteroids they were constructed on: pulverized.`tx0  t txH0  t Rt5}~@,}~#}~?0xh }~  t Ӊtp0  t 't}~  t t x 0 tͺ ϊb 0}~@ f b `""FSir, regaining contact with Outpost 4.` "‚I have a blip on the motion sensor, Captain. It could be the intruder. His heading is toward coordinates 013.022. The exact heading a Romulan vessel would take, Captain. Toward the Neutral Zone, and home. "‚Can we get him while he's still on our side of the Neutral Zone?  "‚Affirmative, Captain. He does not seem to be aware of us.|~"׃"$ڃ"ك"ك"@ڃ`"FThe Romulan vessel has entered the Neutral Zone, Captain. |~"׃` "‚The intruder appears to have escaped, Captain. Whoever, or whatever, it was, it possessed awesome power. We had better prepare for war.x"8܃`"\ك`"m"FOutpost 4: disintegrated, Captain.`tp0  t Hb 0p}~@x"8܃` "‚The Romulan ship has escaped, Captain. We had better prepare for war.f b `L8L`lAt4 L"‚Outpost 5 reports all is well, Sir.L"‚There is no response.`" Hansen - Outpost 4Do you read me, Enterprise. This is commander Hansen."‚Enterprise here. We're minutes away Hansen. What's your status?" Hansen - Outpost 4Outposts 2, 3, and 8 are gone. Hit by an unknown weapon - completely destroyed. Even though we were alerted - had our deflector shield on maximum. " Hansen - Outpost 4Hit by enormous power. The first attack blew our deflector shield. If they hit us again with our deflector shield gone.... Do you read me Enterprise?"‚Confirm what hit you Hansen. What vessel? Identity?" Hansen - Outpost 4It was a space vessel. Only a glimpse of it though."‚Can you locate the intruder for us?" Hansen - Outpost 4Negative. It seems to have disappeared somehow. No identification. No answer to our challenge. Only a glimpse, then it fired something at us. " Hansen - Outpost 4Some form of high energy plasma. Fantastic power! Then the whole vessel disappeared. But it's out there somewhere. Our sensors show that much." Hansen - Outpost 4Enterprise, something coming at our viewing screen. Coming at us fast! Becoming visible..."‚Do you have phaser capacity? We're still out of range!" Hansen - Outpost 4Negative, phasers gone. Weapons...."m "‚Outpost 4: disintegrated, Captain.`lt LW LW X` "‚Perhaps you should re-examine your current orders, Sir.` "‚The Romulan ship is simple impulse only. We can out maneuver him.` "‚Weakness is something we dare not show. If they are allowed to reach the Romulan home worlds, it could lead to another Earth-Romulan war. The Romulan vessel entered coordinates 013.022.` "‚There is nothing to lock onto, Sir` "‚Sensors show nothing unusual, Captain`"Current OrdersYour mission is to investigate the attacks on the Earth Outposts 2, 3, and 4. "Current OrdersNo act, no provocation will be considered sufficient reason to violate the Neutral Zone. You may defend yourselves, but, if necessary to avoid interspace war, these outposts and this vessel will be considered expendable. ` [`kĔϕkkk"Computer: Earth OutpostConstructed on asteroids, they monitor the Neutral Zone.`"Computer: The Neutral ZoneThe treaty, sent by subspace radio after the Earth-Romulan conflict of over a century ago, established this Neutral Zone. Entry of which, by either side, would constitute an act of war. The treaty has been unbroken since that time.`"Computer: RomulanThe Earth-Romulan war was fought, by our standards today, with primitive atomic weapons and in primitive space vessels, which allowed no quarter, no captives. "Computer: RomulanNor was there even ship to ship communications. Therefore, no Human, Romulan, or ally has ever seen the other. Earth believes the Romulans to be warlike, cruel, treacherous. And only the Romulans know what they think of Earth.`"Computer: Romulus & RemusThe Romulan home worlds.`"Computer: Cloaking DeviceInvisibility is theoretically possible: the selective bending of light. But the power cost is enormous. The Romulans may have solved that problem. `"2 FR fט#6Iטטטטטטטטט\ Earth Outposts 8&9Earth Outposts 6&7Earth Outposts 4&5 Romulus Earth Outposts 2&3 Remus Earth Outpost The Neutral Zone Romulan Romulus & Remus Cloaking Device \.؛̙Ι͙#vr޺``|~@LLp" ComputerYou allowed Khan to escape with the Genesis Torpedo! It will be difficult, if not impossible, to stop him now!LrL噭 L" ComputerYou caused the detonation of the Genesis Torpedo in an inhabited area! The results were catastrophic!LlB" ComputerYou did not escape the Genesis Blast!L" ComputerOnce again, you have saved civilization! ```Pl@"փ@"$փ"փ "$փ` ,"8܃l |555555%55555555555 55x555555"փ "$փ <|~H|~:|~"׃"\ك "׃`"փ "$փ <|~H|~:|~"׃"\ك "׃`"փ "$փ <|~H|~:|~"׃"\ك"׃"ك`"փ"փ0H|~N|~6|~:|~"׃"׃"փ"փ0H|~N|~6|~:|~"׃"׃"փ "$փ <|~H|~:|~"׃"\ك"׃`"փ "$փ <|~H|~:|~"׃"\ك `"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~:|~"׃"׃`"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"փ "$փ <|~H|~:|~"׃"\ك "׃`r|~@  r r"Uڃ,0  r Nr*%x0|~@l  r zr"|~@l  r z|~|~|~|~D|~ |~|~l {`棗gg|~)? |~"׃"ك<|~P|~ N|~R|~"׃ |~x"FAdmiral, scanning an energy source on Reliant. l`"FSir, the mains are back on line.`"m "8܃|~ @|~``t:  t Ӡtx<0  t +`""FI have an urgent comfeed from Space Lab Regula 1, Sir. Dr. Carol Marcus.x`"‚An emergency situation has arisen. By order of Starfleet command, as of now, 1800 hours, I'm assuming command of this vessel. Duty Officer, so note in the ship's log."‚I know that none of you were expecting this. I'm sorry; I'm going to have to ask you to grow up a little bit sooner than you'd expected.`:|~|~|~|~|~t:x0  t t:"Uڃ  t At|~  t t  t أ`"FSensors indicate a vessel in our area. Closing fast.`"FTheir shields are going up.They're locking phasers."\ك`""FAdmiral, the Commander of Reliant is signaling. <|~"׃`"{ك`t  t `"FThey are reducing speed.`L"8܃rL"nnl)0nLL8Lr)"8܃` "‚Warp engines offline, Sir.8`rL/l Ҥ`--5"‚There is no response, Sir.`t "‚There is no response.LL" CarolJim, can you read me?"‚I can hear you, Carol. What's wrong? What's the matter?" CarolWhy are you taking Genesis away from us?"‚Taking Genesis. Who's taking Genesis?" CarolJim, did you give the order?"‚What order? Who's taking Genesis?" CarolPlease help us Jim. I will not let them have Genesis without proper authorization. On who's authority can they do this?"‚No one's authority. "‚Uhura, what's happened?"‚Transmission jammed at the source, Sir.xL"‚It's no use, there's no response from Regula 1. "‚But no longer jammed."‚No, Sir. No, nothing.`t%"‚There is no response, Sir.L,LΩ"‚Try the emergency channels."‚Sir, May I quote general order 12? On the approach of any vessel, when communications has not been established... "‚Lieutenant, the Admiral is well aware of the regulations."‚Aye, Sir."‚I'm getting a voice message. They say their chambers coil is over-loading their comm system.L,L"‚He wishes to discuss terms of our surrender."‚Put it on speakers. Do it! - while we still have time."‚Khan." KhanYou still remember, Admiral. I cannot help but be touched. I, of course, remember you."‚What is the meaning of this attack? Where is the crew of the Reliant?" KhanSurely, I have made my meaning plain. I mean to avenge myself of you Admiral. I deprived your ship of power and when I swing around I mean to deprive you of your life. But, I wanted you to know first who it was who had beaten you."‚Khan, if it's me you want, I'll have myself beamed aboard. Spare my crew." KhanI make you a counter proposal. I'll agree to your terms, if in addition to yourself, you hand over to me all data and material regarding the project called Genesis.""ĂGenesis, what's that?Khan, how do we know you'll keep your word?Spock, send all information on Genesis.Spock, pull up Reliant's prefix codes. Order her to drop her shields. |" KhanDon't insult my intelligence, Kirk.L" KhanOh, I've given you no word to keep, Admiral. In my judgment you simply have no alternative."‚I see your point.L" KhanGoodbye, Admiral KirkL& "‚The Reliant's prefix code is 16309."‚Now Mr. Spock.|~) |~|~)|~"Tك`t "‚There is no response.L, t"‚Khan, you bloodsucker. You're going to have to do your own dirty work now, do you hear me? Do you?" KhanKirk, Kirk, you're still alive my old friend."‚Still-old-friend you've managed to kill just about everyone else. But like a poor marksman you keep missing the target." KhanPerhaps I no longer need to try Admiral."‚Khan, you've got Genesis, but you don't have me. If you are going to kill me Khan, you have to come down here." KhanI've done far worse than kill you; I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her, marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet, buried alive.`t "‚There is no response.L. t"‚Uhura, patch me in."‚Aye, Sir. You're on, Admiral."‚This is Admiral Kirk. We tried it once your way Khan. Are you game for a rematch? Khan, I'm laughing at the superior intellect."׃`"‚Uhura, send to Commander, Reliant: Prepare to be boarded."‚Aye, Sir. Commander, Reliant, this is Enterprise, surrender and prepare to be boarded. Enterprise to Reliant, you are ordered to surrender your vessel; Respond." KhanNo Kirk, the game is not over. To the last, I will grapple with thee.`l `еߴ "‚Insufficient data, Sir.`t "‚Insufficient Data.LϵLs "‚There are two possibilities: They are unable to respond; They are unwilling to respond.Lϵ "‚It might help my analysis if I knew what Genesis was. Beyond the Biblical reference.` "‚She can still out run us and out gun us. There is the Mutara Nebula, 153 mark 4."‚Trouble with Nebula, Sir, is all that static discharge and gas clouds our tactical display. Visual function and shields will be useless. "‚Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik. The odds will be even.`l `AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "‚There is nothing to lock on to, Captain.`rL˸l `ƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷƷ "‚Sensors show nothing unusual, Captain.`t) - "‚Sensors show nothing unusual, Sir.LʸL"‚What do you make of her?"‚It's one of ours, Admiral. It's Reliant.Lʸ"‚Spock? "‚Scanning... Their coil emissions are normal.` "‚A pattern I've never seen before." DavidIt's the Genesis wave. They're on a buildup to detonation."‚How soon?" DavidWe encoded 4 minutes, Sir."‚We'll beam aboard and stop it." DavidYou can't."‚Scotty, I need warp speed in three minutes or we're all dead." KhanNo. No, you can't get away! From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.`" Current OrdersStarfleet Academy training mission.` `"Computer: Project GenesisA proposal to the Federation. What exactly is Genesis? Well, put simply, Genesis is life from lifelessness. "Computer: Project GenesisIt is a process whereby molecular structure is reorganized at the subatomic level into life generating matter of equal mass. "Computer: Project GenesisStage 1 of our experiments was conducted in a laboratory. Stage 2 of the series will be attempted in a lifeless underground. Stage 3 will involve the process on a planetary scale. "Computer: Project GenesisIt is our intention to introduce the Genesis device into a pre-selected area of a lifeless space body, a moon or other dead form. The device is delivered; instantaneously causing what we call the Genesis effect. Matter is reorganized with life generating results. "Computer: Project GenesisInstead of a dead moon, a living, breathing planet capable of sustaining whatever life-forms we see fit to deposit on it. "Computer: Project GenesisThe reformed moon simulated here represents the merest fraction of the Genesis potential, should the Federation wish to fund these experiments to their logical conclusion. "Computer: Project GenesisWhen we consider the cosmic problems of population and food supply, the usefulness of this project becomes clear. This concludes our proposal. Thank you for your attention. `0 @" Starbase 14 Regula I Mutara Nebula Ceti Alpha Project Genesis -\.;MONGa ``|~@L" ComputerChang destroyed the peace efforts between the Federation and the Klingon Empire! You were the last best hope for peace.L©" ComputerYou saved the peace conference. Your success helped to preserve the Klingon culture, they are forever in your debt.|~@Lé" ComputerYou destroyed the Excelsior! You must not become reckless in your attempts to preserve peace!```Ӆl@"փ@"$փ"փ"$փ`l |CÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃZăÃÃÃÃÃÃÐăÃÃÃÃÃÇ `"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~:|~"׃"׃: `"փ"$փ<|~`H|~"ꟃ)82|~:|~"׃"փ"$փ<|~`H|~2|~:|~"׃"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~@:|~"׃"׃`"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~:|~"׃"׃ `"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~:|~"׃"׃ ``r  r ,ŭl `mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmũ"FChang has already disrupted the peace conference.x"8܃``txx0  t ƭtx,0  t Yǭtxɰ0  t iȭtx` 0  t ȭtx( 0  t ȭt xT 0 t ȭt@x0 @ t *ɭtx0 t rɭtxp0  t ɭtx 0  t ɭt|~@  t ʭtx,0  t 9`"‚She's out here, somewhere. "‚But if she's cloaked..."‚Then all we have is a neutron radiation surge and by the time we're close enough to record it, we're ashes.`" ChangI can see you, Kirk."‚Chang!" ChangCan you see me?" ChangOh, now be honest, Captain. Warrior to warrior, you do prefer it this way, don't you? As it was meant to be -- No peace in our time."׃"@ڃ"\ك`"F(Chang) Once more unto the breach, dear friends."F(Chang) Tickle us, do we not laugh? `"F(Chang) Prick us, do we not bleed? `"F(Chang) Wrong us, shall we not revenge?`"F(Chang) Ah, the game's afoot, huh."׃"\ك:|~:|~6|~`"F(Chang) Our revels now are ended Kirk.`"F(Chang) Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.`"F(Chang) I am constant as the Northern Star.`"F(Chang) To be...or not...to be.x`"‚Once again we've saved civilization as we know it. "‚Now the good news is, they're not going to prosecute."‚Captain, I have orders from Starfleet Command. We're to put back to space dock immediately. To be decommissioned. "‚If I were Klingon, I believe my response would be, 'yImeQ.' If I were Klingon. "‚Captain's Log: Stardate 9529.1. This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew. "‚To them, and their posterity will we commit our future. They will continue the voyages we have begun. And journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man...where no one has gone before. "8܃`L8L`l $`ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd͇ͩ"‚There is no response, Sir.`,t t"‚I've already got him, Sir. "‚Standing by, Captain Kirk."‚Sulu! You realize that even by talking to us, you're violating regulations? "‚I'm sorry, Captain. Your message is breaking up."‚Bless you, Sulu. Where is the Peace Conference? They're going to attempt another assassination. "‚The conference is at camp Khitomer, near the Romulan border. I'm sending the exact coordinates on a coded frequency."‚I'm afraid we're going to need more than that. There's a Bird of Prey on the lookout for us. And she can fire while cloaked. "‚Surely not! I'm getting underway now. But we're now in Alpha quadrant. The chances of us reaching the conference in time are slim."‚When does this conference start? "‚According to my information, today."‚Thank you, Captain Sulu. "‚Don't mention it, Captain Kirk.`"‚Uhura?"‚Nothing, Captain. If she's here, she's rigged for a silent running.`l P`ѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѐѰѩ "‚Insufficient data, Sir.` "‚Contact Excelsior. She'll have the coordinates.`l `11111111111111111111111111111111ҩ "‚There is nothing to lock on to, Captain`l j`ҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҪҩ "‚Sensors show nothing unusual, Captain.`" Current OrdersReport to Starbase to be decommissioned. ` '`7f777777ө"Computer: Qo'noSThe Klingon homeworld`"Computer: Rura PentheA Klingon penal colony.` D 4 $&9L_ Starbase 14 Rura Penthe Camp Khitomer Qo'noS Qo'noS Rura Penthe |\.ݜ90 *n"‚In this mission you will deliver supplies to station F9.`"That's it? Just deliver the supplies?"‚Starfleet is not all about combat, Cadet.`LEحLۭLܠ ."Any suggestions, Admiral?="‚Prayer, Mister. The Klingons don't take prisoners.L֩"‚Prayer for the crew of the Kobayashi Maru, Mister. The Klingons don't take prisoners."Permission to speak candidly, Sir."‚Granted."I don't believe this was a fair test of my command abilities."‚And why not?"Because there was no way to win."‚A no-win situation is a possibility every commander may face. Has that never occurred to you?"No, Sir. It has not."‚How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life. Wouldn't you say?"As I indicated, Admiral, that thought had not occurred to me."‚Well, now you have something new to think about. Carry on.Lܠ." Admiral HowellThat was an interesting performance."I did succeed." Admiral HowellWhat did you prove? That cheating pays off?"Consider me a conscientious objector. I don't think of it as cheating when the rules of the game are unfair." Admiral HowellI've explained that to you before."I don't believe in the no-win scenario." Admiral HowellAnd you think reprogramming the simulation so the Klingons believe you're a famous starship captain proves you're right? What are you going to do when you run up against Klingons in real life? Convince them all you're Garth of Izar!"I'll deal with that as I come to it, Sir. I may not have to convince them of anything at all." Admiral HowellForget I asked." Admiral HowellI am awarding you with a commendation for original thinking. Well done, Cadet.Lܠ."‚Federation Starships must always respond to distress signals! This mission was a test of character, and this reflects poorly on yours! You are dismissed!Lܠ."‚You should never lie about a rescue attempt. This reflects poorly on your character! You are dismissed!`"‚Report to the simulator room for your final exam.` |6BUh{ݎݜݩ"‚""‚`"‚""‚`"‚""‚`"‚""‚`"‚"`"‚""‚`2l@"փ@"$փ"փ"փ2|~:|~`l |888898888tl88888`"փ"փ0H|~N|~2|~:|~"׃"׃`k"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"׃ "ك"ك"ك`"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"׃"\ك`H|~"׃"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~2|~:|~"׃"\ك`rt,0  r /l 0``ppppppppppppEpppp}pppppppppppppb 0,"8܃`t  t `"Captain's log: stardate 8150.3. Starship Enterprise on training mission to Gamma Hydra. Section 14, coordinates 22/87/4. Approaching Neutral Zone, all systems normal and functioning."‚Leaving section 14 for section 15."Project parabolic course to avoid entering Neutral Zone."‚Aye, Captain.""FCaptain, I'm getting something on the distress channels. r`tx0  t ltx0  t t|~@  t }~/~~/~@Lk"փ"$փH|~2|~i2|~:|~i:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~2|~i2|~:|~i:|~"׃"׃"\ك"փ"$փH|~2|~i2|~:|~i:|~"׃"׃"\كj "FAlert! Sensors indicate 3 Klingon Cruisers closing fast.`"FNow entering the Neutral Zone.`"‚We are now in violation of Treaty, Captain."Stand by transporter room. Ready to beam survivors aboard."‚Captain, I've lost their signal." ComputerAlert! Sensors indicate 3 Klingon Cruisers: bearing 316 mark 4. Closing fast."׃"׃"׃`"‚Captain, it's no use, we're dead in space."Activate escape pods. Send out log buoy. All hands abandon ship. Repeat. All hands abandon ship.`b 0,"8܃Lyt"Uڃ?  t z`"FTransporting the crew of the Kobayashi Maru. There are no casualties, Sir.,"8܃`t"Uڃw  t ``l n nL8L`L"Warp 6."‚Additional Klingon Cruisers at zero, zero. Dead ahead."Cancel warp 6.8L`l `"‚There is no response.`"On speakers." Kobayashi MaruImperative. This is the Kobayashi Maru, 19 periods out of Altair VI. We have struck a gravitic mine. And have lost all power."‚This is the Starship Enterprise. Your message is breaking up. Can you give us your coordinates? Repeat. This is the Starship..." Kobayashi MaruEnterprise, our position is Gamma Hydra Section 10."In the Neutral Zone?" Kobayashi MaruHull penetrated. Life support systems failing. Can you assist us Enterprise? Can you assist us?!"What are you doing in the Neutral Zone?" Kobayashi MaruDon't know... Must have slipped course... Enterprise, can you help us?""ĂMr. Colond, plot an intercept course.Kobayashi Maru, I'm sorry. We can't help you. I'm afraid you're on your own.L"‚May I remind you, Captain, that if a starship enters the zone..."I'm aware of my responsibilities, Mr.L"Breaching the Klingon Neutral Zone with a Constitution Class Starship could be considered an act of war. "An interplanetary conflict with the Klingons would result in millions of lost lives, and that's a risk I'm not prepared to take for the lives of so few. I'm very, very sorry."Communications, contact the nearest starbase with details on the Kobayashi Maru. If Starfleet can locate a Klingon representative in time, it might be possible to save the freighter. In the meantime, we have a supply run to make."8܃`r)I L `)  LX"Inform the Klingons that we are on a rescue mission."‚They're jamming all the frequencies, Captain.L),"‚Kozor is ready to follow us, Sir.L)"Contact the Klingon vessels. Tell them we're on a rescue mission!""‚Coming on screen now." KozorThis is Commander Kozor of the Kh'yem. You have entered Federation Neutral Zone against Treaty. In the name of the Klingon Empire, Kh'yem declares war!"This is Captain James T. Kirk, of the U.S.S. Enterprise. We are on a rescue mission in search of a civilian freighter registered with the United Federation of Planets. We mean no harm, but we will defend ourselves if necessary." KozorCaptain Kirk? The Captain Kirk?!"I'll prove it is, if you force me." KozorThat will not be necessary. Report coordinates of freighter and Kh'yem will offer all assistance, Captain Kirk."Gamma Hydra Section 10. We would greatly appreciate your escort, Kozor." KozorOf course, Captain Kirk! Whatever you require."ك"ك"ك`l 3`ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"‚Insufficient Data.`l `"‚Nothing to lock onto, Sir.`l `CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC"‚Sensors show nothing unusual, Sir.`" Current OrdersDeliver supplies to station F9` `"Computer: Kobayashi MaruSubject vessel is 3rd Class Neutronic Fuel Carrier. Crew of 81. 300 passengers.`B5" Section 14 Section 15 Section 10 Station F9 Kobayashi Maru "q101102103104105201202203204205301302303304305401402403404405000999k" AcademyCongratulations! You have been promoted to the Sophomore class. k" AcademyDue to your low test scores, you must repeat the Freshman year. k" AcademyCongratulations! You have been promoted to the Junior class. k" AcademyDue to your low test scores, you must repeat the Sophomore year. k" AcademyCongratulations! You have been promoted to the Senior class. k" AcademyDue to your low test scores, you must repeat the Junior year. k" Licensed by Nintendo Software 1994 Interplay Productions. & 1994 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. Interplay Productions Authorized User.k"New Game Password Simulator Options k" Game Options Sound: Music: Stereo: Controls Exitk"Select Control Configuration"qPitch Down Accelerate Fire Phaser Fire Photon Decelerate Pitch Up Pitch Down Fire Phaser Fire Photon Accelerate Decelerate Pitch Up Pitch Down Fire Photon Fire Phaser Accelerate Decelerate Pitch Up Pitch Up Accelerate Fire Phaser Fire Photon Decelerate Pitch DownPitch Up Fire Phaser Fire Photon Accelerate Decelerate Pitch DownPitch Up Fire Photon Fire Phaser Accelerate Decelerate Pitch Down"Simulation Mode 1 Simulation Mode 2 Simulation Mode 3 Arcade Mode 1 Arcade Mode 2 Arcade Mode 3k" Enter Your Password k"Press Select to Continuek"New Cadet Registration Gender: First Name: Last Name: Skill Level: Press Select to begin  "qMaleFemale"qAverageAdvancedLegendk" Ship Disabled Simulation Completek" Ship Disabled Simulation Completek"‚You have already completed the current mission.k"‚Would you like to take the Basic Training Mission, Cadet?""ĂYes, Sir. I could use the extra training. No, Sir. I am ready for the real tests to begin. k"Mission #k" Your Password is     k" Continue   Quit  k" Starfleet Academy Training Simulator Combat Training Two Player Training Balance of Terror The Wrath of Khan The Undiscovered Country Basic Training Skill Level: Exit Simulator"qAverage AdvancedLegend k" Starfleet Academy Training Simulator Please Select Your Ship"Alliance: Class: Category:k" Starfleet Academy Training Simulator Please Select Your Opponentk"q Federation Constitution Federation Miranda Federation Oberth Klingon K't'inga Klingon Bird Of Prey Romulan Bird Of Prey Romulan D-7R Federation Constitution Federation Excelsior Romulan Phoenix Gorn Tholian Venturi Alien Federation Prototype - A Klingon Bird of Prey Prototype k"Though our mission is always one of peace, Starfleet realizes the potential of possible conflict. The simulator combat training exercises are here for practice in case your ship is ever put in an unavoidable combat situation.k"qFederation Constitution Heavy Cruiser USS Bolivar Federation Miranda Light Cruiser USS Tereshkova Federation Oberth Science Vessel USS Banting Klingon K't'inga Battle Cruiser Romulan Bird Of Prey Scout Romulan D-7R Light Cruiser Federation Constitution Heavy Cruiser USS Hood Federation Excelsior Battle Cruiser USS Explorer Klingon Bird Of Prey Light Cruiser Romulan Phoenix Battle Cruiser Federation Prototype - A Heavy Cruiser Klingon Bird of Prey Prototype Battle Cruiser k"qFederation Constitution Heavy Cruiser USS Bolivar Federation Miranda Light Cruiser USS Tereshkova Federation Oberth Science Vessel USS Banting Klingon K't'inga Battle Cruiser Klingon Bird Of Prey Light Cruiser Romulan Bird Of Prey Scout Romulan D-7R Light Cruiser Federation Constitution Heavy Cruiser USS Hood Federation Excelsior Battle Cruiser USS Explorer Romulan Phoenix Battle Cruiser Gorn Light Cruiser Tholian Light Cruiser Venturi Light Cruiser Alien Battle Cruiser Federation Prototype - A Heavy Cruiser Klingon Bird of Prey Prototype Battle Cruiser k " Player 1 Select Ship " Player 2 Select Shipk" StarFleet Academy Daystrom Operating System Version 2.1 Copyright Stardate 8130.5k" Main Menu Personnel Starships Governments Races Exitk" Personnel Profile Geoff Colond Ken Elliot Vanda M'Giia Robin Brady Sturek Commander Alex Rotherot Exitk" Governments Gorn Empire Klingon Empire Neutral Zone, Klingon Neutral Zone, Romulan Romulan Star Empire Tholian Assembly The Federation Exitk" Races Andorians Gorn Klingons Organians Orions Romulans Tellarites Tholians Venturi Vulcans Exitk" Starships Federation Oberth Federation Miranda Federation Constitution Federation Excelsior Klingon K't'inga Klingon Bird of Prey Romulan Bird of Prey Romulan D7-R Romulan Phoenix Gorn Tholian Venturi Exitk"‚Maybe you should get some rest, Cadet.k"m Academy TranscriptLast Name: First Name: Gender: Academy Level: Academy Ranking: Missions Completed: Current GPA: Cumulative GPA:$r "qMaleFemale4 "qFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorSenior"qAverageAdvancedLegendk"Maybe they are in class?k" Talk to:   Colond   Elliot   Sturek   M'Giia   Brady  kڿ|~)JJJJk 4["FPerhaps we should send a distress signal.`"FHull is at 10%, Captain.`"FHull is at 25%, Captain.`"FHull is at 40%, Captain.`"FHull is at 50%, Captain.``H"‚Sensors show nothing unusual, Captain.hkH"‚There is nothing to lock onto, Captain.hkH"‚There is no response, Captain.hkH"‚Insufficient Data.hkH"‚You were penalized because you used certain ship systems near a starbase. Never call a red alert near a starbase without a good reason. hkH.d0d."‚Your score for the mission is %. A 75% score is considered a passing grade. hkH"‚You received an automatic failing grade for aborting your mission. A Starfleet Captain must never give up. You are dismissed.hk - Choice A - Choice B - Choice C - Choice D" Stations k"q Helm Engineering Science Communications Navigation Exit k" Engineering k"Repair Priority:|~ "qPhasers Photons Engines Hull Shields 2(" Exit " k"Science Station k2"q Status Report Radar Range Sensor Sweep Computer Exit " 2T|~)0JJJJ"q Combat Mode Short Medium Long k" Helm k2"q Tactical Ship Status Tractor Beam Exit 22b )"q Off On L{S|~)"qCondition Green Yellow Alert Red Alert Yellow Alert L{6|~)JJJ"q Off On L{" k" Communications k2"q Hail Orders Exit k"Navigationk"q Open Space Unexplored Space Federation Space Klingon Space Neutral Zone Romulan Space Neutral Zone Tholian Space Gorn Space k" Computer Exit k"ƂYour instructors and classmates are in awe of your perfect performance. Within ten years, you are commanding the Federation's flagship, and become one of the most famous captains in Starfleet history. Your achievements inspire the peoples of the Federation for generations.k"ƂCongratulations! You have finished at the top of your class, and have begun a long and illustrious career. Your command ability becomes a legend; your classmates will say that serving with you was one of the highlights of their lives -- even Ken Elliot.k"ƂCongratulations! You have finished second in your class, and have earned the respect of your instructors and fellow cadets. Your adventures are just beginning -- undoubtedly you will become a great starship Captain.k"ƂCongratulations! You have finished eighth in your class, and after a long career, you command a Federation starship. Your ability is acknowledged throughout your career.k"ƂYou have graduated forty-ninth in your class. The competition was tough, but you can do better. You eventually rise to the rank of Commander and you are assigned to command a small survey ship on the edge of explored space.k"ƂYou finish three hundred and fifty-ninth in your class. Your instructors hope that your performance will improve after you have a few decades of experience; with a lot of luck and experience, you may get the opportunity to command a survey ship or even a light cruiser.k"ƂMaybe a career in Starfleet is not for you. There are many support services affiliated with Starfleet that you could become involved in. Your aptitude scores show some remarkable traits, and you could do very well in the private sector.k"ƂYour evaluation shows that you are not the type of material Starfleet is looking for. The Federation is always in need of volunteers for special projects such as remote colony assignment. Also, you've been told there are plenty of good opportunities for freighter captains.k"ƂROBIN BRADY became chief engineer of the USS Argosy, and was credited as one of the co-discoverers of Beta Tachyons, for which he won the Daystrom Institute's highest honor.k"ƂKEN ELLIOT became First Officer of the USS Kongo which patrolled the Federation side of the Klingon Neutral Zone. His actions helped reduce tensions between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. He later retired from Starfleet and became leader of the Orion civilian government.k"ƂVANDA M'GIIA rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, then transferred to the Federation Diplomatic Corps. Vanda led a Federation diplomatic team that successfully negotiated many treaties.k"ƂGEOFF COLOND became Captain of the USS Nile, then retired to become an instructor at Starfleet Academy. Instructor Colond was infamous for his emphasis on discipline and lack of tolerance of social excesses.k"ƂSTUREK became Science Officer on the USS Shereem. His ship vanished mysteriously in the Beta Umphales nebula, stardate 8912.3.k"ƂROBIN BRADY became an engineer on the USS Argosy. He resigned from Starfleet following a transporter accident, stardate 7319.8k"ƂKEN ELLIOT rose to become a Lieutenant Commander and Third Officer of the USS Blenheim. He later retired and taught self-defense techniques at Starfleet Academy.k"ƂVANDA M'GIIA rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, then transferred to the Andorian Diplomatic Corps. Vanda became Chief of Staff at the Andorian Embassy, UFP Headquarters, Earth.k"ƂGEOFF COLOND rose to the rank of Commander, then retired to become Lieutenant Governor of Federation colony Centuri-16, where he acquired a reputation for hosting exceptional parties.k"ƂSTUREK left Starfleet soon after his graduation from the Academy and became a professor at the Vulcan Science Academy.k"ƂROBIN BRADY failed to graduate from the Academy and settled into a career of dilithium crystal chamber repair on small Federation freighters.k"ƂKEN ELLIOT was expelled from the Academy. He became the Captain of the merchant vessel Aurelius, and settled into a profitable business piloting the dangerous route between Orion and Earth.k"ƂVANDA M'GIIA was recalled from the Academy by her father, Ambassador Anjas M'Giia of Andoria. Vanda later married an Andorian diplomat and settled down to raise a family.k"ƂGEOFF COLOND failed to graduate from the Academy. He became Captain of the Centuri Foxes humanoid rugby team, won the Capella Cup three times, then spent the remainder of his life coaching.k"ƂSTUREK left the Academy before he graduated. He returned to Vulcan and wandered the deserts as a monk attempting initiation into the Kolinahr ritual.k"GPA: %k"Shuttlecraft King James on route to Earth delivering new cadets to Starfleet Academy.k"Well, last leg of the trip. Nervous?k"A bit.k"You never told me why you applied to the Academy?k"I wanted a chance to see part of the Galaxy. What about you?k"My father was in Starfleet. I always wanted to join.k"He died during an attack by a rogue Klingon Bird of Prey. k"His ship was on a survey mission when it was destroyed.k"I know he always wanted me to join Starfleet.k"I'm sure he would have been proud. k"Hey, just remember, our adventure is just beginning!k" EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Alan Pavlish PROJECT LEADERS: Jeremy S. Barnes Scott Everts PROGRAMMER: Darryl Dion Hawkins SCRIPTERS: Jason Taylor Jeremy S. Barnes John Sramek Scott Evertsk" LEAD ARTIST: Corey Comstock 3D MODELS: Darryl Dion Hawkins ADDITIONAL ARTWORK: Scott Bieser Scott Mathewsk" ORIGINAL SCENARIO DESIGN: Scott Bennie ADDITIONAL SCENARIO DESIGN: Scott Everts Jeremy S. Barnes CLASSIC MISSION DESIGN: Darryl Dion Hawkinsk" SOUND EFFECTS & MUSIC: Ken Allen SOUND DRIVER: Visual Concepts MANUAL WRITTEN BY: Zina Powers MANUAL DESIGNED BY: Ulises Gerardok"QUALITY ASSURANCE DIRECTOR: Kirk Tome LEAD TESTER: Jim Boone ADDITIONAL TESTERS: Raphael 'Raff' Hernandez Bert Rooke Reginald J. Arnedo Scott 'The Stalker' McKelvey Ryan 'Smack' Rucinski Mike 'Paco' Green Scott Campbell Jeremy S. Barnes Scott Everts Brian Rollason k"qOffOn k k5ؾv"2Ƃ Last Name: Colond First Name: Geoff Race: Human Homeworld: Centuri Colony Sex: Male Height: 6'1'' Weight: 195 lbs. Age: 21`"2Ƃ Last Name: Elliot First Name: Ken Race: Human/Orion Homeworld: Rigel VIII Sex: Male Height: 5'11'' Weight: 165 lbs. Age: 23`"2Ƃ Last Name: M'Giia First Name: Vanda Race: Andorian Homeworld: Andor Sex: Female Height: 5'5'' Weight: 108 lbs. Age: 20`"2Ƃ Last Name: Brady First Name: Robin Race: Human Homeworld: Earth Sex: Male Height: 5'10'' Weight: 135 lbs. Age: 19`"2Ƃ Name: Sturek Race: Vulcan Homeworld: Vulcan Sex: Male Height: 6' Weight: 150 lbs. Age: 27`"2Ƃ Last Name: Rotherot First Name: Alex Race: Human Homeworld: Mars Colony Sex: Male Height: 6'1'' Weight: 210 lbs. Age: 42 ` ?kM+ÏĔ?<ȩ"2Ƃ Gorn Empire Nothing is known about the Gorn Empire other than their general location. Because of our disastrous first contact, Starfleet Cadets are required to fly simulated missions against Gorn vessels. `"2Ƃ Klingon Empire 1/2 Founded over 1500 years ago, the Klingon Empire is one of the most powerful governments in space."܀"2Ƃ Klingon Empire 2/2 First contact between the Klingon Empire and the Federation took place in 2218. After this disastrous event, both governments were plunged into war for over a century, until the Organian Peace Treaty was imposed. Since then, conflicts have continued less openly. `"2Ƃ Neutral Zone, Klingon A zone of space between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets. It was forbidden by treaty for any ships to enter this zone.`"2Ƃ Neutral Zone, Romulan An area of space, one light year wide, that divides the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. It was established in 2160 by the Treaty of Algeron. Entry by either race into the Neutral Zone would be considered an act of war. `"2Ƃ Romulan Star Empire 1/2 The Romulan Empire's capitol is located on Romulus and Remus. It was founded about a millennium ago, possibly as an offshoot of the Vulcan race. "܀"2Ƃ Romulan Star Empire 2/2 The Federation had a bitter war with the Romulans until 2160 when the Treaty of Algeron was signed. This treaty called for the creation of a Neutral Zone And ended hostilities between the two governments. `"2Ƃ Tholian Assembly The governing body of the Tholian race. We have had continuing conflicts with the Tholians since 2268. Starfleet has several simulations against Tholian ships because of the constant tensions between the two governments. `"2Ƃ Federation 1/2 A group of approximately 150 allied planets. They are united for defensive as well as scientific reasons. Although a peaceful organization, the Federation does maintain an active military force for defensive reasons. "܀"2Ƃ Federation 2/2 The Federation is currently in a state of tension with the Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, and the Tholian Assembly. There are also infrequent border disputes with the Gorn. The Federation was founded in 2161. ` BkVʻzp9ϢsKҩ"2Ƃ Andorians A humanoid race with blue skin and bilateral antennae on their heads. Andorians are Federation members. `"2Ƃ Gorn A sentient reptilian race. Little is known of the Gorn as they keep little contact with the Federation, though they are exceedingly aggressive over territorial disputes. Their homeworld is unknown. `"2Ƃ Klingons 1/2 A humanoid warrior race. They value honor and tradition above all else. "܀"2Ƃ Klingons 2/2 Because of a disastrous first contact with the Federation, the two powers have had nearly a century of hostilities. An uneasy truce was imposed by the Organian Peace Treaty on 2267. Open conflict is forbidden, but minor skirmishes have been recorded. Their homeworld is Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos.) `"2Ƃ Organians A highly advanced non-corporeal race from the planet Organia. During an escalating conflict between the Federation and Klingons on 2267, the Organians imposed the Organian Peace Treaty to prevent further hostilities. `"2Ƃ Orions A green skinned humanoid race. The females of the species were once a commodity of trade. Orions were responsible for an attempted sabotage of the Babel conference of 2267. `"2Ƃ Romulans A warrior race which is an offshoot of the Vulcans. Romulus and Remus are their current homeworlds. They are a passionate, aggressive, but highly honorable people. `"2Ƃ Tellarites A humanoid race with distinctive porcine physical traits. They have an inclination toward quick anger. Tellarites are Federation members. `"2Ƃ Tholians An intelligent non-humanoid crystalline based race. They are highly territorial and are known for their punctuality. The Federation has had continuing conflicts with the Tholians. `"2Ƃ Venturi A humanoid race noted for their rough gray skin and horny protrusions on their face and body. Venturi specialize in trading, though some have turned to piracy because of failing finances. `"2Ƃ Vulcans A humanoid race native to the planet Vulcan. Vulcans were once a violent people which embraced logic and the rejection of all emotions about 2,000 years ago. They are Federation members. ` +kCMbu{Wآة"2Ƃ Federation Starship Class.....Oberth Type......Science Vessel Speed: Slow Phasers Photon Torpedoes (Spread: 1) `"2Ƃ Federation Starship Class.....Miranda Type......Light Cruiser Speed: Medium Phasers Photon Torpedoes (Spread: 2) `"2Ƃ Federation Starship Class.....Constitution Type......Heavy Cruiser Speed: Fast Phasers Photon Torpedoes (Spread: 4) `"2Ƃ Federation Starship Class.....Excelsior Type......Battle Cruiser Speed: Very Fast Phasers Photon Torpedoes (Spread: 4) `"2Ƃ Klingon Starship Class.....K't'inga Type......Battle Cruiser Speed: Fast Disruptors Photon Torpedoes (Spread: 3) `"2Ƃ Klingon Starship Class.....Bird of Prey Type......Light Cruiser Speed: Fast Disruptors Photon Torpedoes (Spread: 2) `"2Ƃ Romulan Starship Class.....Bird of Prey Type......Scout Speed: Slow Disruptors Plasma Torpedo Cloaking Device `"2Ƃ Romulan Starship Class.....D7-R Type......Light Cruiser Speed: Fast Disruptors Plasma Torpedo Cloaking Device `"2Ƃ Romulan Starship Class.....Phoenix Type......Battle Cruiser Speed: Very Fast Disruptors Plasma Torpedo Cloaking Device `"2Ƃ Gorn Starship Type......Light Cruiser Speed: Fast Blaster `"2Ƃ Tholian Starship Type......Light Cruiser Speed: Fast `"2Ƃ Venturi Starship Type......Light Cruiser Speed: Fast #`"͠ t ;ن04Ͷ &=نͶ  ;ن͸ 0;ن8 I ?Lkj'O1ڒ:,' ,  4  '  1ڄF88\rܠTTܼpp$ $ ݌ ,ڪ "ݪ 'ڪ & K  ,& & & & '& b b ގ %޺5EU>>,>>G"`"`"̃"` e"댂```` |~ |~|~H|~J|~L|~"׃"V` i JJJ)Yi)[YJJIii|~[JJJ(Jm(|~ I |~ IL|~ iH|~J|~"׃"V`8 (Jm(i|~ |~8 i|~H|~J|~ L|~"׃"V` "փ"$փJ|~"׃"փ"$փH|~J|~"׃ e"댂 r`""ꋂ e"댂"""` i`|~ |~|~@H|~J|~L|~"׃"V"`"" ީ,!`"$r""`"(r""`"$r"("`"(r"_"`"$r""`"$r"ݷ"`"$r""`"$r"]"`"(r""`"(r""` pߩ,!""""ꋂ|~ |~|~` i JJJ)Yi)[YJi|~[J8|~ I |~ L|~IH|~J|~"׃"V"`",!"胩O !! $ē"G܃~"댂 r""`"c`"""`"""`"""`""S"`"" "`O !! > "G܃`~`"vDX Z @\ ` "ꉂDX Z D\ ` "ꉂ,d~ )?iH)?iAHJJJ) ,) , hf~hf~@0dX ~Z X\ ` "ꉂDX Z @\ @` "UX Z `\ @` "U`"vX Z @\ ` "ꉂ,d~ )?iHJJJ) ,) , hi~@0ΩdX ~Z X\ ` "ꉂX Z @\ @` "U`< lm }]=:,< O  0~u}P`h!hO__o |?# .~_ |-\L] M=J"j/ 5SMSG 3.09i Jason Andersen & John Schappert 4/22/1994   -?s /dh& ]op ?/|dH$ $__WWѰ5d/]`(?0"Ճ-]?o"$#%$1$2$`$a? 7w9h$7995] 9!:?/?( $1$2Z1 1$_o\3M]]MNm M-3M]]-NMNM 5\ή ]  0++K\K\K\K\H]}z   /z /ԇ5 MW5\W3M]O_g$o%wA_; \NgOom \k\k\k? 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E+<ȩѣY7ks81?/CSS3'zmSi1yľ[ԑ[ȚVstbR};\2!R0L >^yM{bpt涷Bbu[^VQh=S/lBK1 !)ߔ 99999999999999"朆`""‚We have Starbase 11 on screen.""ĂMission accomplished, Starbase 11.We're continuing on our mission, Starbase 11.L ک" Commander Report to debriefing."8܃`" Commander Good luck. Starbase 11 out.`8  Lܩ"Moray freighter, this is the USS Banting. We understand you were under attack by Venturi ships. Can we be of assistance?" Moray Captain Banting, thank you for answering our distress signal. The Venturi have retreated. It is strange. We were beaten; shields down, sensors blinded, and then they fled to deep space." Moray Captain We have completed adequate repairs so that we can proceed to Kyzella to complete our delivery."Understood, Moray. We will stay in the area to make sure the sector is clear of further Venturi interference. Banting out."ك`Lݢ"Uڃ0Lݩ"‚No response from the Venturi ship, Captain.`"Uڃ96."‚The Moray reports everything is fine.`"‚Nothing in the vicinity to hail, Captain.`|~@:|~@Lݩ"‚The Venturi ship refuses our hail.`LPޭL ީ"‚The Kyzella Station report everything is fine.`"‚Kyzella Station is requesting the whereabouts of the Moray.`"‚I can't pick up Kyzella Station. It is not answering our hail.` 2"‚It would appear that our mission is over.`l `n?ߣߩ"‚No sign of Venturi, Captain.`"‚Our computer records might be helpful.`"‚We should investigate this incident further.`"‚The Venturi are up to something.`l `"`"‚Starbase 11 is too massive to tow, sir.`l Y`"`"‚The nearby asteroids have a high content of actinide compounds which are interfering with sensor scans.`"Uڃ}0L}⭼@"‚The demolitions team has disarmed the explosive charge.`"‚Captain, sensors indicate an antimatter explosive charge secured on the freighter's hull. It has a proximity fuse that will cause it to explode when it docks with Kyzella Outpost."Contact the Moray immediately!"‚Yes, sir. A demolitions team is on the way.`L"‚Captain, I am picking up debris in the area."Is it debris from a ship?"‚I don't believe so, Captain. The debris cloud is much too large. I am detecting large quantities of duranium composite."‚From the position and size of the cloud, I would say it is the remains of Kyzella Station. It appears the station was destroyed.`"‚Nothing unusual, Captain.`" Current OrdersWe are to proceed to the Aridanes system and rescue the freighter Moray, which is under attack by Venturi ships.` `3|"Computer: AridanesThis Federation system consists of 5 planets. The second planet is Class K and has a pressure dome based mining colony.`"Computer: Kyzella OutpostThis station operates as a trading facility for the Aridanes mining colony and is equipped with starship repair facilities for the local trade routes.`"Computer: MorayA privately owned Federation-registered freighter. Maximum speed is Warp 4. It is equipped with limited defensive capability.`"Computer: VenturiA mercantile race. Some Venturi have turned to acts of terror to support their failing finances.`"Computer: ActinidesRadioactive compounds often found in uranium ore. These compounds can interfere with ship sensors.`"Computer: DuraniumExtremely strong metallic alloy commonly used in starship construction.`"2CVi|CCCCCCCCCCCC Starbase 11 Aridanes Kyzella Aridanes Kyzella Outpost Moray Venturi Actinide Compounds Duranium \.)4>3