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Crisis Force Japan French 1.0 ks151

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Crisis Force Japan French 1.0 ks151
Crisis Force is an overhead shoot 'em up video game published by Konami for the Family Computer in Japan. This game features two player simultaneous play, similar to Life Force. It also has the ability to switch among three different ship configurations during play. The game is divided into seven stages, each with an end of level boss. The story begins with a force of robots who descend on Tokyo City, in the year 199X, and begin to destroy the city. The protagonists are a boy and a girl who pilot a blue and red fighter craft and battle through seven stages.

Вертикальная леталка-стрелялка. Как и все игры от Konami, обладает приятнейшей графикой и музыкой. Само собой, врагов, оружия и эффектов в игре достаточно. Самым заметным является эффект превращения небольшого космолетика в некий крылатый, светящийся агрегат с повышенной мощностью стрельбы.

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