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Blink 2 - Lost in Tokyo (Gauntlet Hack) (Gauntlet Hack)

  •  (359)
  • Action
  • 1985
  • US title: Gauntlet
  • Publisher/Maker: Tengen / Atari
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Blink 2 - Lost in Tokyo (Gauntlet Hack) (Gauntlet Hack)
Gauntlet is a fantasy-themed arcade game port. A player may control either Thor the Warrior, Merlin the Wizard, Thyra the Valkyrie or Questor the Elf. There is only one of each hero. Each hero has a unique specialty/advantage: The Warrior is strongest in hand-to-hand combat, the Wizard has the strongest magic, the Valkyrie has the greatest armour and the Elf is the fastest in movement. Players must cooperate to traverse the perils of a dungeon via a top-down view. There are two versions of the gauntlet cartridge for the NES system. The licensed version is in the standard grey nintendo cartrdige. The unliscensed version is the black tengen-style cartridge.

Старая бродилка, распространенная на многих приставках и компьютерах. Вид сверху, выбранный вами герой бегает по лабиринту подземелья и собирает ключи, постоянно отстреливаясь от наседающих привидений.

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