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Milon's Secret Castle USA Verified good dump

  •  (359)
  • Platformer
  • 1986
  • US title: Milon's Secret Castle
  • Japanese title: Meikyuu Kumikyoku
  • Japanese title (kanji): 迷宮組曲:ミロンの大冒険
  • Alternate titles: Maze Song
  • Publisher/Maker: Hudson
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Milon's Secret Castle USA Verified good dump
The player starts out at the bottom floor of a four-story castle named Castle Garland, where each story can only be reached by defeating the boss of the floor below. Although seemingly basic, the only way the bosses can even be reached is by discovering a host of secrets, some of which require sheer luck or a helpful manual. The game has generally been considered extremely difficult and frustrating. There are no save points, and once a player runs out of life, the game is over. However, it is possible to continue, after obtaining the first crystal. Also, unlike in most platform games of the era, Milon doesn't "blink" to become briefly invincible when he is attcked by an enemy, which means his energy can be sapped in no time if he doesn't move away. Each room of the castle contains secrets not unlike those of the Super Mario Bros. series; the secrets are uncovered by shooting bubbles into invisible trigger objects.

Мариоподобная бродилка с видом сбоку. Паренек в красном костюмчике и синей гномьей шапочке с помпончиком бегает по внутренностям замка. Мыльными пузырями он отгоняет назойливых врагов от себя и чтобы выйти из комнаты, ему нужно найти ключ и достать его оттуда, куда он запрятан.

On other platforms: Milon's Secret Castle