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  •  (359)
  • Board & Party games
  • 1988
  • US title: Othello
  • Japanese title: Family Computer - Othello
  • Publisher/Maker: Acclaim / Tsukada / Kawada
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Othello is a conversion of the board game. Each player tries to fill the game board with as many discs of his color as possible. On each turn the player places a disc on the board by selecting a location where the opponents discs will become trapped between two of his discs. The trapped discs are flipped over to the players color. The game ends when the board is filled or time runs out, and the player with the greatest number of his color discs on the board wins. Two players can play against each other, or one player against the computer.

Логическая игра - разновидность Го, Гомоку или Реверси. На клетчатом поле можно выставлять фишки двух цветов. Причем фишки одного цвета перекрашивают в свой цвет фишки противника, стоящие на соседних клетках. Делать ходы же можно лишь на клетки, которые примыкают к уже стоящим фишками.

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