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Dynamite Headdy USA & Europe Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump

  •  (359)
  • Action
  • 1994
  • US title: Dynamite Headdy
  • Publisher/Maker: Sega / Treasure
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(Average rating: 4.02 stars)


Dynamite Headdy USA & Europe Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump
Dynamite Headdy was one of those great games that unfortunately went through a process known as "localization". Nearly all the dialogue was removed, and what little remained was changed. Furthermore, many of the graphics were modified and this already challenging game had its difficulty level pumped up significantly.

Very hard, very quirky, very good.

Отличная платформенная игра. Главный герой - забавный человечек, который атакует врагов своей головой. Бегаем, прыгаем и собираем призы.

On other platforms: Dynamite Headdy