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J. League Pro Striker

  •  (359)
  • Sports Games
  • 1993
  • US title: J. League Pro Striker
  • Alternate titles: J. League Pro Striker - Perfect Edition
  • Publisher/Maker: Sega
Play J. League Pro Striker J. League Pro Striker (J) (REV00) [c][!].bin.binJapan Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump Revision number 00
Play J. League Pro Striker J. League Pro Striker (J) (REV00) [h1C].bin.binJapan Hacked internal cartridge info Revision number 00 Hacked internal cartridge information
Play J. League Pro Striker J. League Pro Striker (J) (REV00) [h2C].bin.binJapan Hacked internal cartridge info Revision number 00 Hacked internal cartridge information - #2
Play J. League Pro Striker J. League Pro Striker (J) (REV00) [h3C].bin.binJapan Hacked internal cartridge info Revision number 00 Hacked internal cartridge information - #3
Play J. League Pro Striker J. League Pro Striker (J) (REV03) [c][!].bin.binJapan Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump Revision number 03
Play J. League Pro Striker - Perfect Edition J. League Pro Striker - Perfect Edition (J) [c][!].bin.binJapan Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump

On other platforms: J. League Pro Striker