Big Nose Freaks Out is a platform game for the NES, produced by Codemasters and published by Camerica. The player controls a cave man character who has had all his bones stolen from a prehistoric bank by a dinosaur. Bignose sets off on an adventure through numerous prehistoric settings. Bignose defeats enemies using a club, however he also has access to a primitive skate board device (stone-boarding), via his invention - the wheel. The game is essentially a platform game in which the player collects bones and other items, whilst travelling from left to right until reaching the goal. B.N.F.O also had a two player mode, and the addition of numerous secret levels and bonuses.
Динамичная бродилка про пещерного человека большим носом и с дубиной, да еще на одноколесном каменном скейте. Он даст фору любому Сонику по разгону на наклонных поверхностях - в игре правдоподобно рассчитывается инерция скейтбордиста. Дубиной Большой Нос бьет всяких лесных тварей, а прыгая про грибочкам, выбивает бонусы на жизнь. Есть в игре и скрытые уровни, что очень занимательно. Конечно же, не обошлось без фирменной отличной музыки от CodeMasters.
Big Nose Freaks Out
On other platforms: Big Nose Freaks Out (Camerica)